Nims is 208.a answers

Sugimoto sf-4030 Chinese Cleaver: take a good thing make it better?

2024.05.19 00:35 drrayeye Sugimoto sf-4030 Chinese Cleaver: take a good thing make it better?

Sugimoto sf-4030 Chinese Cleaver: take a good thing make it better?
I received my birthday present early. I've already been admiring it for a week. The carbon version of the "little" Sugimoto for home use is not so well known--it's really a slightly smaller version of the #6 that is so commonly used and loved.
Here's a write-up to help me understand my "birthday" Sugimoto sv 4030: feel free to comment.
I believe that "make it better" is what Sugimoto has tried to do with their Chinese cleaver family of knives--and it shows. They've built all of their cleavers with a practical mind set--like in China--but in a Japanese way. The starting point for designers is the meat cleaver intended for the butcher world--and Sugimoto has one--it's a point of departure. Another point of departure is the Sugimoto full line of forged mostly carbon steel Japanese knives with traditional profiles--both Western and wa handles.
It is this second point of departure--Japanese knife traditions--that may lead Sugimoto to rethink the Chinese rectangle as more knife--and less cleaver. Given the adoption of the cleaver concept has already made it to millions of Chinese homes and restaurants, the basic elements of blade design transformation had already matured in China--thinner and lighter--within a 100mm X 200 rectangle. As long as bone splitting is not a requirement, cleavers can benefit greatly from a thin profile, while preserving sufficient weight to maintain the "cleaver effect": substituting cleaver weight for muscle effort.
Shibazi f/208-2
The Shibazi f/208-2 represents a current version of the Chinese home cook cleaver: thin, but not delicate; light enough, but within a "sweet spot" of 300-400 gm. This Shibazi profile only has a hint of distal tapering and a similar hint of curvature near the tip. There is regular thinning from spine to bevel, with an edge angle intended to be between 20 and 25 degrees on each side. This design lends itself to mass production and low costs.
The Shibazi f/208-2 has refinements in it's blade that are unusual for Chinese vegetable cleavers: a sandwiching of a harder steel core between softer surrounding strips, a nonstick coating, and a roughened edge near the heel to tolerate denser materials. This is all intended to make the f/208-2 sufficiently versatile to become an "all in one" solution to food preparation in the kitchen. Less advanced Chinese cleavers-even made by Shibazi--are mono-steel in construction without a roughened area near the heel. Shibazi has a slightly longer f/208-1 version for chefs.
Sugimoto SF 4030
The Sugimoto "make things better" alternative handle to the Shibazi f/208-2 has already gone through 2 versions--a round solid wooden handle without any gripping ridges replaced to a rectangular handle with rounded contours and two gripping ridges at the front, connected to the blade through a broader bolster, with a metal insert protruding and folded over at the end of the handle--a little bit more comfortable, a little bit more sturdy.
Even though the profile of the Sugimoto and Shibazi seem very close, the core metal itself and the entire forging and hand finishing process that "makes things better." The Sugimoto core metal is mysteriously described as "native ore" compared to white steel #2, surrounded by soft iron: Carbon steel that is hard and highly reactive to moisture. The profile is shorter by 5 mm, and wider by about the same overall--with a bit of a belly sticking out in the center. The profile has a substantial distal taper along the spine, and a vertical taper that leads to a very thin bevel with a convex grind. Such a grind requires extensive shaping by hand. The Sugimoto has harder steel with an edge somewhat protected with a convex grind.
Is the Sugimoto SF 4030 better?
Here's how I'll compare. I will first sharpen both to twenty degree angles. Then I will use them interchangeably on a range of home cooking tasks. I've already tried them on some fruit and done the usual paper cutting tests. I already know that my Shibazi performs all these tasks well, so performance alone will not be enough to answer the question. By using them comparatively, I can "learn" what the Sugimoto does especially well, and see if or when I develop a preference. I already know the hard way how sharp the Sugimoto is: I cut myself three times! I'm still wearing a band aid on one of my fingers.
Maybe "better" is the wrong word.
Sugimoto sv-40320 + Shibazi f/208-2
What I expect to find is that I will soon be using them with different techniques. With the Sugimoto, I will be less of a chopper and have more control.
submitted by drrayeye to TrueChefKnives [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 08:37 clcoding Python Coding challenge - Day 208 What is the output of the following Python Code?

Python Coding challenge - Day 208 What is the output of the following Python Code? submitted by clcoding to pythonclcod [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 17:51 Trust-Master PMT and FV not matching up

I'm trying to use the PMT and FV function and can't figure out what I'm doing wrong here. When I work out the PMT and try to use that answer to verify FV, I can't get the results to verify one another.
I think my issue is with FV, because when I multiply the payment by 12, I get 88,058.04; but, when I use the FV function, I get 92,208.22
Rate: 0.10
NPER: 12 (1 year, with a payment each month)
PV: 50,000
PMT: 7338.17
What am I doing wrong here?
FV=(.1/12, 12, -7338.17)
Thank you!
submitted by Trust-Master to excel [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:09 Regular-Atmosphere11 Seeking advice on my impostor syndrome

I hope someone knowledgeable will be able to guide/help me.
I am 22 years old - my problem is that I have been experiencing a strong impostor syndrome from the beginning. I have done the DIVA test three times with different psychologists. Each time I scored high, and basically, everything fits together rationally. I do indeed recognize the impostor symptom in myself. I discussed this with a friend who is finishing psychology studies and also has ADHD, and he supports my perspective.
Additionally, my father, who committed suicide, most likely also struggled with ADHD (based on the DIVA methodology, I asked the family and matched it to events that complicated his life further, plus, of course, chronic depression).Everything was rather stable until 3 days ago when I had bad lack for a psychiatrist (where I did the last DIVA and a specialist was recommended) - an online visit. I don't want to sound conceited (also, I'm not a doctor), but I had the impression that the psychiatrist I consulted often didn't know the answers to my questions and was evasive. He seemed more interested in my money than in helping and understanding me (I have seen 2 psychologists, 2 therapists, and 3 psychiatrists, so I have a comparison whether someone cares or is genuinely interested). I have scheduled my next appointment with a doctor that is leading ADHD treatment here in Poland
Returning to the point, my impostor syndrome flared up additionally when the psychiatrist stated during the interview that "the symptoms I experience are rather mild, or I somehow manage them, otherwise I would have problems with studying and working" (my professional life is okay, but about 4 times below my potential because I have issues with fluctuations in activity - I work intensely for several days, and then have a few days of a depressive period - it's not like manic-depression, it's rather about activity and the ability to motivate myself to do things, not finding less painful activities, etc.). This surprised me because I perceive them differently (and they seem more concrete than just excusing my inefficiencies). So, of course, I continued the previously started research to feel more at ease.
I was prescribed a dosage that seems non-standard: Medikinet 10mg CR daily, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, and I can double it and then report back after finishing.All this has led to many questions and overthinking. The first day, 10mg didn't make much of an impression on me; it settled me a bit, I felt some interest, took the second dose in the afternoon as recommended, and, of course, couldn't sleep (despite 6mg of melatonin).
Yesterday, I took 20mg in the morning and felt the need to organize everything, and I cleaned the whole apartment, including scrubbing under the closet.Despite this, the impostor syndrome is so insidious that I keep wondering if I'm imagining things, over-researched, and adjusted the answers or interpretations of my life and events to fit the thesis.It's generally a terrible issue because I hope that after years of struggling with "depression," it will finally be addressed, and I can stop dealing with such matters and just focus on work - I am 22 years old, and my first visit to a psychiatrist for depression was around 15-16 years old.
Currently, I have the biggest dilemmas in the following areas, and I really hope someone could shed some light or guide me:
  1. **Methylphenidate in a person without ADHD** - I couldn't find anything concrete on whether I can verify this - if, for example, I don't have ADHD, how should it affect me vs. someone with ADHD. It's so vaguely described on the internet that it's not clear if there's a concrete way to verify this to avoid questioning my own observations. Obviously, a solid diagnosis like a blood test or MRI for other diseases won't be available, but by nature, I'm a skeptic and need it grounded to sleep peacefully and not get into unnecessary discussions with people who barely understand the subject.
  2. **Effectiveness of diagnostics** - I haven't encountered any data on how often diagnoses are invalidated. I read on Reddit (unfortunately, there are few better discussion places with a lot of content) that one girl had an ADHD diagnosis, took Adderall, and after about 2 years, it turned out it wasn't ADHD but some compulsive disorder. Is there any information on how many people with an ADHD diagnosis and prescribed treatment are misdiagnosed? It's known that in the USA, people sometimes stretch the truth to get Adderall, but I'm sure you understand my point and the essence of the matter.
  3. **Dosage** - I have a bit of time left before my next appointment and wonder what I can do (but nothing stupid). My friend, for example, has 30mg CR in the morning and then has those on-demand Medikinet, which keeps him okay later in the day and doesn't cause sleep problems; he's considering switching to Concerta. From my psychiatrist, I basically got the information I already mentioned plus to avoid abusing alcohol. Is there anything I can change in these recommendations to not waste time? If I just take 30mg or 40mg in the morning (of course, gradually and checking the response weekly), am I exposing myself to any problems? I found out on my own that I won't die, but I'm interested in the effectiveness of this treatment, not messing around.
  4. **A question completely omitted by the psychiatrist, and I didn't get any specific information, which is quite important to me**. In all the DIVA tests, I scored higher in adulthood than in childhood. In the last one, it came out as follows: Summary of symptoms according to DSM-5: I. Attention Deficit: Adulthood: 8/9, Childhood: 7/9 II. Hyperactivity and impulsivity: Adulthood: 9/9, Childhood: 8/9 III. Experienced symptoms are a source of significant problems, manifesting in at least 2 areas of life in both childhood and adulthood. After my own analysis, talking to my mom and sister, it's hard to deny that I had serious problems in areas affected by ADHD plus many “less obvious” symptoms that I learned about from PsychiatraPlus from Mr. Jóźwiak (thanks God he records because books and articles in Poland on the internet are often a disaster) in quite significant intensity. I'm still afraid of cognitive bias and fitting the situation to the thesis.
I noticed an increase in many symptoms attributed to ADHD after 2022 (when my father committed suicide, which involved PTSD therapy because I saw a lot, plus a depressive episode). Before, I might have had 2-3 such severe depressive episodes. I skimmed through (I emphasize because I might have missed something that would answer my question, and I don't want to appear lazy coming for a free ready-made solution) meta-analyses (The World Federation of ADHD International Consensus Statement: 208 Evidence-based Conclusions about the Disorder). This fragment intrigued me: "ADHD is rarely caused by a single genetic or environmental risk factor, but most cases of ADHD are caused by the combined effects of many genetic and environmental risks, each having a very small effect."
This, of course, suggested a possible scenario - a father with ADHD + trauma could have exacerbated my symptoms, hence now they are more noticeable to me than before, although it resonates more with me that conditions, tasks, and challenges I face have changed. I didn't observe myself in this regard before; I didn't have the knowledge; I attributed my failures to a different “legend” (I wasn't taught consequences, laziness, lack of discipline, if I tried harder, etc.) than ADHD. Obviously, I'm not so infantile as to expect someone to try to resolve this issue, but based on the current conclusive knowledge, how do you assess my line of thinking, does it hold together? Could I check anything else additionally?
To conclude, I know I need to find a good psychiatrist; I have one in mind, but it's pointless at this moment when I have prescriptions and "recommendations" to schedule and pay for a visit since I'll probably get not very in-depth answers (I also understand doctors don't have 2 hours to give a lecture on how and why things work), rather reassuring and "we'll observe." Whenever something stresses or confuses me, I just try to understand it, and when it turns out that my inherent skepticism activated unnecessarily, the problem disappears from the radar.
I hope someone will guide me to the right materials that will tell me a bit more about these issues. Once again, thank you in advance for any response and time spent just reading this post. If additional questions arise to provide a better answer, I am happy to respond.
submitted by Regular-Atmosphere11 to adhd_college [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:09 Regular-Atmosphere11 Seeking advice on my impostor syndrom

I hope someone knowledgeable will be able to guide/help me.
I am 22 years old - my problem is that I have been experiencing a strong impostor syndrome from the beginning. I have done the DIVA test three times with different psychologists. Each time I scored high, and basically, everything fits together rationally. I do indeed recognize the impostor symptom in myself. I discussed this with a friend who is finishing psychology studies and also has ADHD, and he supports my perspective.
Additionally, my father, who committed suicide, most likely also struggled with ADHD (based on the DIVA methodology, I asked the family and matched it to events that complicated his life further, plus, of course, chronic depression).Everything was rather stable until 3 days ago when I had bad lack for a psychiatrist (where I did the last DIVA and a specialist was recommended) - an online visit. I don't want to sound conceited (also, I'm not a doctor), but I had the impression that the psychiatrist I consulted often didn't know the answers to my questions and was evasive. He seemed more interested in my money than in helping and understanding me (I have seen 2 psychologists, 2 therapists, and 3 psychiatrists, so I have a comparison whether someone cares or is genuinely interested). I have scheduled my next appointment with a doctor that is leading ADHD treatment here in Poland
Returning to the point, my impostor syndrome flared up additionally when the psychiatrist stated during the interview that "the symptoms I experience are rather mild, or I somehow manage them, otherwise I would have problems with studying and working" (my professional life is okay, but about 4 times below my potential because I have issues with fluctuations in activity - I work intensely for several days, and then have a few days of a depressive period - it's not like manic-depression, it's rather about activity and the ability to motivate myself to do things, not finding less painful activities, etc.). This surprised me because I perceive them differently (and they seem more concrete than just excusing my inefficiencies). So, of course, I continued the previously started research to feel more at ease.
I was prescribed a dosage that seems non-standard: Medikinet 10mg CR daily, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, and I can double it and then report back after finishing.All this has led to many questions and overthinking. The first day, 10mg didn't make much of an impression on me; it settled me a bit, I felt some interest, took the second dose in the afternoon as recommended, and, of course, couldn't sleep (despite 6mg of melatonin).
Yesterday, I took 20mg in the morning and felt the need to organize everything, and I cleaned the whole apartment, including scrubbing under the closet.Despite this, the impostor syndrome is so insidious that I keep wondering if I'm imagining things, over-researched, and adjusted the answers or interpretations of my life and events to fit the thesis.It's generally a terrible issue because I hope that after years of struggling with "depression," it will finally be addressed, and I can stop dealing with such matters and just focus on work - I am 22 years old, and my first visit to a psychiatrist for depression was around 15-16 years old.
Currently, I have the biggest dilemmas in the following areas, and I really hope someone could shed some light or guide me:
  1. **Methylphenidate in a person without ADHD** - I couldn't find anything concrete on whether I can verify this - if, for example, I don't have ADHD, how should it affect me vs. someone with ADHD. It's so vaguely described on the internet that it's not clear if there's a concrete way to verify this to avoid questioning my own observations. Obviously, a solid diagnosis like a blood test or MRI for other diseases won't be available, but by nature, I'm a skeptic and need it grounded to sleep peacefully and not get into unnecessary discussions with people who barely understand the subject.
  2. **Effectiveness of diagnostics** - I haven't encountered any data on how often diagnoses are invalidated. I read on Reddit (unfortunately, there are few better discussion places with a lot of content) that one girl had an ADHD diagnosis, took Adderall, and after about 2 years, it turned out it wasn't ADHD but some compulsive disorder. Is there any information on how many people with an ADHD diagnosis and prescribed treatment are misdiagnosed? It's known that in the USA, people sometimes stretch the truth to get Adderall, but I'm sure you understand my point and the essence of the matter.
  3. **Dosage** - I have a bit of time left before my next appointment and wonder what I can do (but nothing stupid). My friend, for example, has 30mg CR in the morning and then has those on-demand Medikinet, which keeps him okay later in the day and doesn't cause sleep problems; he's considering switching to Concerta. From my psychiatrist, I basically got the information I already mentioned plus to avoid abusing alcohol. Is there anything I can change in these recommendations to not waste time? If I just take 30mg or 40mg in the morning (of course, gradually and checking the response weekly), am I exposing myself to any problems? I found out on my own that I won't die, but I'm interested in the effectiveness of this treatment, not messing around.
  4. **A question completely omitted by the psychiatrist, and I didn't get any specific information, which is quite important to me**. In all the DIVA tests, I scored higher in adulthood than in childhood. In the last one, it came out as follows: Summary of symptoms according to DSM-5: I. Attention Deficit: Adulthood: 8/9, Childhood: 7/9 II. Hyperactivity and impulsivity: Adulthood: 9/9, Childhood: 8/9 III. Experienced symptoms are a source of significant problems, manifesting in at least 2 areas of life in both childhood and adulthood. After my own analysis, talking to my mom and sister, it's hard to deny that I had serious problems in areas affected by ADHD plus many “less obvious” symptoms that I learned about from PsychiatraPlus from Mr. Jóźwiak (thanks God he records because books and articles in Poland on the internet are often a disaster) in quite significant intensity. I'm still afraid of cognitive bias and fitting the situation to the thesis.
I noticed an increase in many symptoms attributed to ADHD after 2022 (when my father committed suicide, which involved PTSD therapy because I saw a lot, plus a depressive episode). Before, I might have had 2-3 such severe depressive episodes. I skimmed through (I emphasize because I might have missed something that would answer my question, and I don't want to appear lazy coming for a free ready-made solution) meta-analyses (The World Federation of ADHD International Consensus Statement: 208 Evidence-based Conclusions about the Disorder). This fragment intrigued me: "ADHD is rarely caused by a single genetic or environmental risk factor, but most cases of ADHD are caused by the combined effects of many genetic and environmental risks, each having a very small effect."
This, of course, suggested a possible scenario - a father with ADHD + trauma could have exacerbated my symptoms, hence now they are more noticeable to me than before, although it resonates more with me that conditions, tasks, and challenges I face have changed. I didn't observe myself in this regard before; I didn't have the knowledge; I attributed my failures to a different “legend” (I wasn't taught consequences, laziness, lack of discipline, if I tried harder, etc.) than ADHD. Obviously, I'm not so infantile as to expect someone to try to resolve this issue, but based on the current conclusive knowledge, how do you assess my line of thinking, does it hold together? Could I check anything else additionally?
To conclude, I know I need to find a good psychiatrist; I have one in mind, but it's pointless at this moment when I have prescriptions and "recommendations" to schedule and pay for a visit since I'll probably get not very in-depth answers (I also understand doctors don't have 2 hours to give a lecture on how and why things work), rather reassuring and "we'll observe." Whenever something stresses or confuses me, I just try to understand it, and when it turns out that my inherent skepticism activated unnecessarily, the problem disappears from the radar.
I hope someone will guide me to the right materials that will tell me a bit more about these issues. Once again, thank you in advance for any response and time spent just reading this post. If additional questions arise to provide a better answer, I am happy to respond.
submitted by Regular-Atmosphere11 to irlADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:07 Regular-Atmosphere11 Seeking advice on my impostor syndrome

I hope someone knowledgeable will be able to guide/help me.
I am 22 years old - my problem is that I have been experiencing a strong impostor syndrome from the beginning. I have done the DIVA test three times with different psychologists. Each time I scored high, and basically, everything fits together rationally. I do indeed recognize the impostor symptom in myself. I discussed this with a friend who is finishing psychology studies and also has ADHD, and he supports my perspective.
Additionally, my father, who committed suicide, most likely also struggled with ADHD (based on the DIVA methodology, I asked the family and matched it to events that complicated his life further, plus, of course, chronic depression).Everything was rather stable until 3 days ago when I had bad lack for a psychiatrist (where I did the last DIVA and a specialist was recommended) - an online visit. I don't want to sound conceited (also, I'm not a doctor), but I had the impression that the psychiatrist I consulted often didn't know the answers to my questions and was evasive. He seemed more interested in my money than in helping and understanding me (I have seen 2 psychologists, 2 therapists, and 3 psychiatrists, so I have a comparison whether someone cares or is genuinely interested). I have scheduled my next appointment with a doctor that is leading ADHD treatment here in Poland
Returning to the point, my impostor syndrome flared up additionally when the psychiatrist stated during the interview that "the symptoms I experience are rather mild, or I somehow manage them, otherwise I would have problems with studying and working" (my professional life is okay, but about 4 times below my potential because I have issues with fluctuations in activity - I work intensely for several days, and then have a few days of a depressive period - it's not like manic-depression, it's rather about activity and the ability to motivate myself to do things, not finding less painful activities, etc.). This surprised me because I perceive them differently (and they seem more concrete than just excusing my inefficiencies). So, of course, I continued the previously started research to feel more at ease.
I was prescribed a dosage that seems non-standard: Medikinet 10mg CR daily, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, and I can double it and then report back after finishing.All this has led to many questions and overthinking. The first day, 10mg didn't make much of an impression on me; it settled me a bit, I felt some interest, took the second dose in the afternoon as recommended, and, of course, couldn't sleep (despite 6mg of melatonin).
Yesterday, I took 20mg in the morning and felt the need to organize everything, and I cleaned the whole apartment, including scrubbing under the closet.Despite this, the impostor syndrome is so insidious that I keep wondering if I'm imagining things, over-researched, and adjusted the answers or interpretations of my life and events to fit the thesis.It's generally a terrible issue because I hope that after years of struggling with "depression," it will finally be addressed, and I can stop dealing with such matters and just focus on work - I am 22 years old, and my first visit to a psychiatrist for depression was around 15-16 years old.
Currently, I have the biggest dilemmas in the following areas, and I really hope someone could shed some light or guide me:
  1. **Methylphenidate in a person without ADHD** - I couldn't find anything concrete on whether I can verify this - if, for example, I don't have ADHD, how should it affect me vs. someone with ADHD. It's so vaguely described on the internet that it's not clear if there's a concrete way to verify this to avoid questioning my own observations. Obviously, a solid diagnosis like a blood test or MRI for other diseases won't be available, but by nature, I'm a skeptic and need it grounded to sleep peacefully and not get into unnecessary discussions with people who barely understand the subject.
  2. **Effectiveness of diagnostics** - I haven't encountered any data on how often diagnoses are invalidated. I read on Reddit (unfortunately, there are few better discussion places with a lot of content) that one girl had an ADHD diagnosis, took Adderall, and after about 2 years, it turned out it wasn't ADHD but some compulsive disorder. Is there any information on how many people with an ADHD diagnosis and prescribed treatment are misdiagnosed? It's known that in the USA, people sometimes stretch the truth to get Adderall, but I'm sure you understand my point and the essence of the matter.
  3. **Dosage** - I have a bit of time left before my next appointment and wonder what I can do (but nothing stupid). My friend, for example, has 30mg CR in the morning and then has those on-demand Medikinet, which keeps him okay later in the day and doesn't cause sleep problems; he's considering switching to Concerta. From my psychiatrist, I basically got the information I already mentioned plus to avoid abusing alcohol. Is there anything I can change in these recommendations to not waste time? If I just take 30mg or 40mg in the morning (of course, gradually and checking the response weekly), am I exposing myself to any problems? I found out on my own that I won't die, but I'm interested in the effectiveness of this treatment, not messing around.
  4. **A question completely omitted by the psychiatrist, and I didn't get any specific information, which is quite important to me**. In all the DIVA tests, I scored higher in adulthood than in childhood. In the last one, it came out as follows: Summary of symptoms according to DSM-5: I. Attention Deficit: Adulthood: 8/9, Childhood: 7/9 II. Hyperactivity and impulsivity: Adulthood: 9/9, Childhood: 8/9 III. Experienced symptoms are a source of significant problems, manifesting in at least 2 areas of life in both childhood and adulthood. After my own analysis, talking to my mom and sister, it's hard to deny that I had serious problems in areas affected by ADHD plus many “less obvious” symptoms that I learned about from PsychiatraPlus from Mr. Jóźwiak (thanks God he records because books and articles in Poland on the internet are often a disaster) in quite significant intensity. I'm still afraid of cognitive bias and fitting the situation to the thesis.
I noticed an increase in many symptoms attributed to ADHD after 2022 (when my father committed suicide, which involved PTSD therapy because I saw a lot, plus a depressive episode). Before, I might have had 2-3 such severe depressive episodes. I skimmed through (I emphasize because I might have missed something that would answer my question, and I don't want to appear lazy coming for a free ready-made solution) meta-analyses (The World Federation of ADHD International Consensus Statement: 208 Evidence-based Conclusions about the Disorder). This fragment intrigued me: "ADHD is rarely caused by a single genetic or environmental risk factor, but most cases of ADHD are caused by the combined effects of many genetic and environmental risks, each having a very small effect."
This, of course, suggested a possible scenario - a father with ADHD + trauma could have exacerbated my symptoms, hence now they are more noticeable to me than before, although it resonates more with me that conditions, tasks, and challenges I face have changed. I didn't observe myself in this regard before; I didn't have the knowledge; I attributed my failures to a different “legend” (I wasn't taught consequences, laziness, lack of discipline, if I tried harder, etc.) than ADHD. Obviously, I'm not so infantile as to expect someone to try to resolve this issue, but based on the current conclusive knowledge, how do you assess my line of thinking, does it hold together? Could I check anything else additionally?
To conclude, I know I need to find a good psychiatrist; I have one in mind, but it's pointless at this moment when I have prescriptions and "recommendations" to schedule and pay for a visit since I'll probably get not very in-depth answers (I also understand doctors don't have 2 hours to give a lecture on how and why things work), rather reassuring and "we'll observe." Whenever something stresses or confuses me, I just try to understand it, and when it turns out that my inherent skepticism activated unnecessarily, the problem disappears from the radar.
I hope someone will guide me to the right materials that will tell me a bit more about these issues. Once again, thank you in advance for any response and time spent just reading this post. If additional questions arise to provide a better answer, I am happy to respond.
submitted by Regular-Atmosphere11 to ADHDUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:07 Regular-Atmosphere11 Seeking advice on my impostor syndrome

I hope someone knowledgeable will be able to guide/help me.
I am 22 years old - my problem is that I have been experiencing a strong impostor syndrome from the beginning. I have done the DIVA test three times with different psychologists. Each time I scored high, and basically, everything fits together rationally. I do indeed recognize the impostor symptom in myself. I discussed this with a friend who is finishing psychology studies and also has ADHD, and he supports my perspective.
Additionally, my father, who committed suicide, most likely also struggled with ADHD (based on the DIVA methodology, I asked the family and matched it to events that complicated his life further, plus, of course, chronic depression).Everything was rather stable until 3 days ago when I had bad lack for a psychiatrist (where I did the last DIVA and a specialist was recommended) - an online visit. I don't want to sound conceited (also, I'm not a doctor), but I had the impression that the psychiatrist I consulted often didn't know the answers to my questions and was evasive. He seemed more interested in my money than in helping and understanding me (I have seen 2 psychologists, 2 therapists, and 3 psychiatrists, so I have a comparison whether someone cares or is genuinely interested). I have scheduled my next appointment with a doctor that is leading ADHD treatment here in Poland
Returning to the point, my impostor syndrome flared up additionally when the psychiatrist stated during the interview that "the symptoms I experience are rather mild, or I somehow manage them, otherwise I would have problems with studying and working" (my professional life is okay, but about 4 times below my potential because I have issues with fluctuations in activity - I work intensely for several days, and then have a few days of a depressive period - it's not like manic-depression, it's rather about activity and the ability to motivate myself to do things, not finding less painful activities, etc.). This surprised me because I perceive them differently (and they seem more concrete than just excusing my inefficiencies). So, of course, I continued the previously started research to feel more at ease.
I was prescribed a dosage that seems non-standard: Medikinet 10mg CR daily, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, and I can double it and then report back after finishing.All this has led to many questions and overthinking. The first day, 10mg didn't make much of an impression on me; it settled me a bit, I felt some interest, took the second dose in the afternoon as recommended, and, of course, couldn't sleep (despite 6mg of melatonin).
Yesterday, I took 20mg in the morning and felt the need to organize everything, and I cleaned the whole apartment, including scrubbing under the closet.Despite this, the impostor syndrome is so insidious that I keep wondering if I'm imagining things, over-researched, and adjusted the answers or interpretations of my life and events to fit the thesis.It's generally a terrible issue because I hope that after years of struggling with "depression," it will finally be addressed, and I can stop dealing with such matters and just focus on work - I am 22 years old, and my first visit to a psychiatrist for depression was around 15-16 years old.
Currently, I have the biggest dilemmas in the following areas, and I really hope someone could shed some light or guide me:
  1. **Methylphenidate in a person without ADHD** - I couldn't find anything concrete on whether I can verify this - if, for example, I don't have ADHD, how should it affect me vs. someone with ADHD. It's so vaguely described on the internet that it's not clear if there's a concrete way to verify this to avoid questioning my own observations. Obviously, a solid diagnosis like a blood test or MRI for other diseases won't be available, but by nature, I'm a skeptic and need it grounded to sleep peacefully and not get into unnecessary discussions with people who barely understand the subject.
  2. **Effectiveness of diagnostics** - I haven't encountered any data on how often diagnoses are invalidated. I read on Reddit (unfortunately, there are few better discussion places with a lot of content) that one girl had an ADHD diagnosis, took Adderall, and after about 2 years, it turned out it wasn't ADHD but some compulsive disorder. Is there any information on how many people with an ADHD diagnosis and prescribed treatment are misdiagnosed? It's known that in the USA, people sometimes stretch the truth to get Adderall, but I'm sure you understand my point and the essence of the matter.
  3. **Dosage** - I have a bit of time left before my next appointment and wonder what I can do (but nothing stupid). My friend, for example, has 30mg CR in the morning and then has those on-demand Medikinet, which keeps him okay later in the day and doesn't cause sleep problems; he's considering switching to Concerta. From my psychiatrist, I basically got the information I already mentioned plus to avoid abusing alcohol. Is there anything I can change in these recommendations to not waste time? If I just take 30mg or 40mg in the morning (of course, gradually and checking the response weekly), am I exposing myself to any problems? I found out on my own that I won't die, but I'm interested in the effectiveness of this treatment, not messing around.
  4. **A question completely omitted by the psychiatrist, and I didn't get any specific information, which is quite important to me**. In all the DIVA tests, I scored higher in adulthood than in childhood. In the last one, it came out as follows: Summary of symptoms according to DSM-5: I. Attention Deficit: Adulthood: 8/9, Childhood: 7/9 II. Hyperactivity and impulsivity: Adulthood: 9/9, Childhood: 8/9 III. Experienced symptoms are a source of significant problems, manifesting in at least 2 areas of life in both childhood and adulthood. After my own analysis, talking to my mom and sister, it's hard to deny that I had serious problems in areas affected by ADHD plus many “less obvious” symptoms that I learned about from PsychiatraPlus from Mr. Jóźwiak (thanks God he records because books and articles in Poland on the internet are often a disaster) in quite significant intensity. I'm still afraid of cognitive bias and fitting the situation to the thesis.
I noticed an increase in many symptoms attributed to ADHD after 2022 (when my father committed suicide, which involved PTSD therapy because I saw a lot, plus a depressive episode). Before, I might have had 2-3 such severe depressive episodes. I skimmed through (I emphasize because I might have missed something that would answer my question, and I don't want to appear lazy coming for a free ready-made solution) meta-analyses (The World Federation of ADHD International Consensus Statement: 208 Evidence-based Conclusions about the Disorder). This fragment intrigued me: "ADHD is rarely caused by a single genetic or environmental risk factor, but most cases of ADHD are caused by the combined effects of many genetic and environmental risks, each having a very small effect."
This, of course, suggested a possible scenario - a father with ADHD + trauma could have exacerbated my symptoms, hence now they are more noticeable to me than before, although it resonates more with me that conditions, tasks, and challenges I face have changed. I didn't observe myself in this regard before; I didn't have the knowledge; I attributed my failures to a different “legend” (I wasn't taught consequences, laziness, lack of discipline, if I tried harder, etc.) than ADHD. Obviously, I'm not so infantile as to expect someone to try to resolve this issue, but based on the current conclusive knowledge, how do you assess my line of thinking, does it hold together? Could I check anything else additionally?
To conclude, I know I need to find a good psychiatrist; I have one in mind, but it's pointless at this moment when I have prescriptions and "recommendations" to schedule and pay for a visit since I'll probably get not very in-depth answers (I also understand doctors don't have 2 hours to give a lecture on how and why things work), rather reassuring and "we'll observe." Whenever something stresses or confuses me, I just try to understand it, and when it turns out that my inherent skepticism activated unnecessarily, the problem disappears from the radar.
I hope someone will guide me to the right materials that will tell me a bit more about these issues. Once again, thank you in advance for any response and time spent just reading this post. If additional questions arise to provide a better answer, I am happy to respond.
submitted by Regular-Atmosphere11 to AutisticWithADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:16 -CrawlingInYourSkin- What should I work on while I'm waiting for her banner?

What should I work on while I'm waiting for her banner?
Unfortunately, during her debut banner I didn't manage to get Furina after losing 50/50, but at this moment I can guarantee her and who knows, maybe my luck will let me to get some constellations (C2)
Furina is one of my favorite characters but also a great addition to the two teams I have: C0 Neuvillette with one Favonius user; C6 Wanderer with two Favonius users.
I know that these weapons reduce the energy needs of the team, hence the mention of them.
Based on this information, I have prepared two potential builds and I would like to know in which direction to build her.
I also have a few other weapons like: The Dockhand's Assistant and Wolf-Fang (but it's hard not to have too much Crit Rate with this one)
The end result should also be different since Lynette has less base HP and Furina's Special Stat is +19% Crit Rate
In the case of the first build, it should have 69.7 Crit Rate + 16 Elemental Skill CRIT Rate = 85.7%
The second one is 91,6% Crit Rate
So what stats should I prioritize when upgrading? Thank you for your answer <3
85,7% Crit Rate + 208% (240%) ER
91,6% Crit Rate + 147% ER + higher Crit Damage and HP
submitted by -CrawlingInYourSkin- to furinamains [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:06 sk716theFirst Updated Case Long Timeline

Updated with autopsy results.
Morphew Case Map - Google My Maps - Barry's iPhone Data - Google My Maps - Barry's Truck Events - Google My Maps
August 5, 1994 – Suzanne Moorman marries Barry Morphew The Alexandria Times-Tribune Alexandria, Indiana 05 Jan 1994, Wed • Page 4
December 1999 – Barry and Suzanne Purchase 26040 Cal Carson Rd, Arcadia, IN This is the house where he dug a hole in the yard and buried everything he didn't want to move to Colorado. (AA ft 55 page 53)
November 2013 – Suzanne Inherits $208,000 upon the Passing of her Mother. MB provided documents that Suzanne inherited approximately $208,000 in 2013 at the passing of her mother.
August 2016 – Suzanne inherits $217,000 upon the death of a grandmother. Suzanne’s grievance list included multiple references to Barry controlling the finances.
April 12, 2018 – The Morphew’s Purchase 19057 Puma Path Barry and Suzanne Morphew purchase 19057 Puma Path for $1,575,000.
June 1, 2018 – The Morphews move to Colorado. (PH – Harris) SA Harris: Yeah, they moved in 2018. I believe they left around June 1st, 2018. to move to Colorado. So roughly a year and a half of the time is what Sheila originally said in that.
September 2018 – Suzanne sends “Howdy stranger” message to JL First contact since high school.
Fall 2018 – Libler’s daughter sees messages from Suzanne on his phone. Libler breaks it off.
Thanksgiving 2018 – Barry obsessive/possessive. While Suzanne was at the Oliver’s house, she had stepped away from her cell phone to use the restroom, and Barry tried calling her several times within a few minutes, then tried calling Sheila, then tried calling Darin.
Holidays 2018 – Suzanne finds Libler’s LinkedIn Page. Relationship Rekindled
January 2019 – The Mexico trip where Barry took Suzanne’s phone Mexico trip mentioned in the grievances list where Barry took Suzanne's phone.
February 11 – 14, 2019 – Suzanne in New Orleans with Libler Barry admitted to questioning Suzanne about the New Orleans trip, further evidence he suspected the affair.
April 2019 – Suzanne meets up with Libler in Indiana She does not see SO on this trip.
July 2019 – Suzanne and Libler meet up in Michigan Barry called SO while Suzanne was in MI visiting her fatheJL, wanting to know why Suzanne wasn't returning his calls.
September 2019 – Barry stalks Suzanne and Shelia Oliver, creeping through woods. Barry stalked Suzanne and Sheila at the Puma Path house in September 2019. This is upon his early return from a trip to Arizona.
October 2019 – Libler and Suzanne in Dallas Suzanne and Libler spend two nights at the Galleria.
September – November 2019 – Barry aggressively pursues KW around Salida. From the first time KW met Barry, she said it felt like "he was putting his tentacles out."
Holidays 2019 – Suzanne and Libler stop talking on the phone because she is afraid Barry will find out. They shift to more covert ways to communicate. Barry's second device makes its first appearance.
January/February 2020 – Suzanne in Florida, gets spy pen, sees Libler Suzanne in Florida, SO gives her the spy pen during this trip. Suzanne records a conversation with Libler on this trip.
Late February 2020 – Suzanne in Florida, sees father and Libler. Suzanne skips out on time with her father to see Libler. Barry goes to Florida.
March 2020 – Spy pen records argument between Suzanne and Barry. “It’s money. It’s about money.” “… I have lived for years being told how I should feel, how I should act, how I should look, what I should drink, what I shouldn’t drink, what I should put in my body, what I shouldn’t put in my body … ”
March 20, 2020 – Jekyll and Hyde text exchange between Suzanne and SO, MM2 suggests restraining order. "It’s Jekyl and Hyde again … Pretty much told him I can’t be healthy and stay in this."
March 22, 2020 – Spy pen records Barry listening to Forensic Files episodes, call with Suzanne on drive to Pueblo Coincidentally one of the episodes involved a woman "disappearing" after a bike ride.
April 21, 2020 – Messages between Suzanne and Libler “I want to be with you,” “I can only be me with you,” I love you,” “I need you.” “You know I was born to love you.”
May 4, 2020 16:05 – Barry makes 3 second outgoing call to Suzanne This was the first logged call in Barry’s phone to or from Suzanne since February 7, 2020.
May 5, 2020 – Suzanne drives MM2 to Gunnison Suzanne drives Macy to Gunnison, CO to meet MM1 for a road/camping trip through Utah and Idaho with MM1's best friend.
May 6, 08:44 – Suzanne sends MM2 a text “Good morning! I miss you already!”
May 6, 10:13 – Suzanne: “I’m done. I could care less what you’re up to and have been for years.” From 14:43 to 17:00 Barry replied, “When I’m dead,” “Going to see my savior,” and “This life on earth is a mear (sic) grain of sand compared to eternity.”
May 6, 2020 – 14:43 – From Barry to Suzanne: “I’m sorry if things went the way they did. I have a problem dealing with the way you accused me of hiding checks. If you think I’m as terrible of a person to hide our accounts and have ones you don’t know about you don’t know me. All I do is for you and the girls. All. When I'm dead, which won't be long, you guys will be taken care of. Please stop being angry. If I can control my hurt heart I think I can overcome your distant unlovingness toward me. Honey, I swear it's the hardest thing I've had to do. I love you I always will.”
May 6, 2020 – 15:51 – Barry to Suzanne: “I promise you were wrong about all the crazy thoughts about me. I have always been faithful. Always. Why would I ever want another when I'm married to the most beautiful, sweet, kind, loving, woman as you? Only a fool would stray from an angel like you.”
May 07, 2020 – Suzanne messages Libler about how magical past days had been. Barry wants a new truck. 16:43 - “Been studying all afternoon. I’m gonna bike now. I’ve got veggie soup on for supper.”
May 7, 2020 – SB puts new tires on Suzanne’s bike Bike mechanic was interviewed by law enforcement.
May 7, 17:13:52 – Barry Works Out at GD’s House Truck log files place Barry at GD's home at 5:13 pm.
May 7, 2020 23:00 – “I finally got the job” text from MM1 goes unanswered. Q (Lindsey): Anything on May 6th that didn’t seem normal? Was there a text from Mallory to Mr. Morphew? A (Grusing): I believe that’s the night of May 7th. Mallory, Macy, and their friend Holly are out on a trip towards Utah and Mallory is sending pictures to both Suzanne and Barry but I was ... Read more
May 08, 07:03 – The Grievance List: Suzanne’s phone backs up a list of 50 reasons why she wanted to leave marriage on “Notes” Not safe alone with you. Can’t be trusted - Oppressive - Slam on brakes when angry - Threaten to jump out of car - Gun ...
May 08, 08:43 – “I will continue to do your invoicing when you need to.” "When FBI Agents showed Barry these texts during interviews in 2021, he said he did not think Suzanne was serious."
May 08, 09:28 – Suzanne texts sister about Barry’s abuse. “It’s hard dealing with the harsh abrasiveness and having to show respect. He’s also been abusive, emotionally and physically. There’s so much … I went thru a period of acceptance and I feel more angry now. Anger at what I’ve allowed.”
May 08, 10:55 Barry: “I Love You, Suzanne.” “But, in the afternoon, it (the text fight) was like it never happened. She texted me back and it was just like, ‘Hey, what time are you coming home? Hey, this or that. Just pick this up or pick that up.'”
May 08, 13:18 – Barry texts Salida Stove and Spa about getting the hot tub fixed. "Asking when he could come out to the home."
May 08, 15:43 – Barry’s iPhone receives an SMS message associated with the unknown device This second device was first used on November 30,2019 and was associated with Barry’s iPhone 91 times since then, compared to 1,701 associations with the primary User ID since November 2019.
May 8, 19:06 – Moonlight Pizza and Phone Calls Barry convinces Suzanne to meet him at the Tailwinds site before going to pick up Moonlight Pizza together.
May 08, 21:04 – 20 Facebook friend requests, 3 men named “Jeff.” Barry’s lurking at the River. Barry was asked about his phone pinging down by the river during the Facebook posts on Friday night and asked if he was outside. Barry said, “I could have been. I don’t remember. I chase critters around the house all the time.”
May 09, 00:02 – Incoming call on Suzanne’s phone (PH CAST) Incoming call on Suzanne’s phone (PH CAST)
May 09, 02:07 – Outgoing call on Suzanne’s phone (PH CAST) 02:07 am outgoing call on SM’s phone (PH CAST)
May 09, 06:00 – Barry’s phone received call (PH CAST) 06:00 am BM’s phone received call (PH CAST)
May 09, 06:46 – Barry’s phone registered “Power On” Comes out of Airplane mode.
May 09, 07:19 – Barry’s cell received signal (PH) Barry’s cell received signal (PH)
May 09, 07:22 – 07:39 – Barry at “Tailwinds” worksite Barry’s phone registered locations at his “Tailwinds” work site near Poncha Springs.
May 09, 07:35 – Suzanne texting SO Discussing Sheila's daughters wedding on Sunday.
May 09, 08:00 – MG was with Barry working on the rock beach site until 10am(?). Gentile: “He said that he had to go make the wife happy – do some hiking or biking.”
May 9 – Morning – Suzanne messaging Jeff “He’s still wanting Arizona.”
May 09, 09:50 – Barry to Suzanne: Want to go on hike? *Text Exchange\* Barry to Suzanne: Want to go on hike?
May 9, 2020 – 11:14 – Suzanne received a second password reset message from Facebook Previous reset was while Barry was down by the river on the evening of the 8th.
May 09, 11:15 est. – Barry tells Morgan Gentile he could “bury a body” and it “would never be found.” Gentile: “He seemed stressed. He definitely seemed weird on Saturday.”
May 09, 11:55 – Dead Turkey Hunt or Barry Takes Down His Trail Cameras Barry said he was looking for a turkey that Mallory had shot previously with a bow, but they had never found.
May 09, 13:35 – Barry leaves home again. Checked on job at Kim Gyms
May 9, 13:40(?) – Suzanne texts Libler Guess who is alone again?
May 09, 13:46 – Barry and the backhoe After texting, Barry drove by TK's house to see the backhoe, but did not get back in touch to buy it. In 2018, Barry used a backhoe to dig a large hole in his front yard, fill it with items to include furniture, and cover it over, planting alfalfa on top.
May 09, 13:51 – 14:13 – Barry at DSI, replacing Bobcat blade He was wearing a blue t-shirt and khaki shorts.
May 09, 14:03 – Suzanne sends sunbathing pic to Libler, last proof of life. “Well, look at her. She’s obviously drunk. Look at her eyes. Do you know what drunk eyes look like?
May 09, 14:11 – Suzanne sends last LinkedIn message to Libler: “I’m on wa.” Libler sent response messages at 2:39PM, 2:46PM and 2:47PM that Suzanne did not answer.
May 09, 14:26 – Barry texts Suzanne, “Done headed back.” He texted Suzanne that he was done and was headed home.
May 09, 14:31 – Barry texted Suzanne, “Did you leave.” At 2:31 PM, Barry texted Suzanne, “Did you leave.”
May 09, 14:39 – Libler messages Suzanne, she does not respond. First unread. Messages from LinkedIn show they were talking about how Suzanne is in love with Jeff before she went missing.
May 09, 14:43 – Barry’s phone and F-350, per telematics, arrive at the Morphew residence. "The photo is shown in the courtroom, Suzanne smiling. Truck GPS coordinates show Barry’s truck goes into park at 2:43:59. Phone coordinates show he walks around the house. You can hear a pin drop in the courtroom as tension is high." - Carol McKinley, PH Tweet
May 09, 14:44 – Shooting Chipmunks? Barry had a .22 in the moments when Suzanne ceased the communicate with everyone she loved in the world. Shooting Chipmunks? Barry had a .22 in the moments when Suzanne ceased the communicate with everyone she loved in the world. (See: )
May 09, 14:46 – Libler messages: “Hey … your weather looks great” Second unread. No response from Suzanne.
May 09, 14:47 – Jeff sends another messages to Suzanne with no response. Third unread. Jeff sends last message if the day to Suzanne with no response.
May 09, 16:00 – 17:30 – Defense says Barry was at Salida Stove and Spa Salida Stove and Spa's posted hours have the store closing at 2pm on Saturday. Telematics show Barry's truck in his garage during the time he was supposedly at Salida Stove and Spa.
May 09, 16:44 – Barry parks his truck in the garage. Barry claims to have been loading his truck and cleaning off his workbench. (See:
May 09, 17:33 – Barry’s truck system manually rebooted Barry attempted to disable the trucks GPS and SYNC features.
May 09, 18:40, 18:46 – SO sends two Snapchats to Suzanne that were never opened SO sends two Snapchats to Suzanne that were never opened
May 09, 21:25 – Barry’s truck goes into reverse, backs 96.8 feet down driveway Barry backs 96 feet out of the garage.
May 09, 22:17 – Barry’s Phone Exits out of Airplane Mode Barry's phone comes out of airplane mode at the Morphew residence.
May 10, 02:53 – Outgoing call on Suzanne’s phone Possible glitch.
May 10, 03:25 – 03:48 – Barry’s truck door opened and closed "SA Hoyland noted over eighty events involving the F350 during this timeframe."
May 10, 03:58 – Barry’s phone moves from home to near where Suzanne’s bike found 3:58 am BM cell moves from home to near 225/50 where bike found Carol McKinley PH Tweets (read from bottom tweet up): 431 am 5/10 Barry’s phone goes back into airplane mode at the his home. 5:37 am – morphew turns into buena vista & heads towards broomfield. 538 he texts his mom “happy ... Read more
May 10, 04:10 – 04:23 – Last Activity from Suzanne’s iPhone Sergeant Mullenax asked dispatch to ping the number given for Suzanne’s cell phone. Dispatch informed Mullenax that the cell phone appeared to be off and last known activity was at 4:23AM on the present date, with a general location about 11.5 miles west of a cell tower in Poncha Springs, CO.
May 10, 04:32 – Barry’s Phone Goes Back into Airplane Mode Barry's Phone Goes Back into Airplane Mode
May 10, 04:32 – 05:14 – Chasing Elk, or Staging Evidence? Barry's trip to Garfield adds an approximate five miles each way to his morning trip, and places Barry and his vehicle in the direction the helmet was discarded - west from the bicycle.
May 10, 05:00 – Morgan Gentile Hears Barry’s Truck on Hwy 50 Gentile stated she did not see the truck but that his truck has a very distinctive exhaust.
May 10, 05:14 – 06:56 – Barry on the road to Broomfield. Barry phone exits airplane mode while heading towards Buena Vista, CO.
May 10, 08:10 – Trash Dump #1 – RTD Bus Stop Hwy 36 Agent Grusing: "Yes. He would have time -- with the passenger door opening and closing -- like it would say passenger door opened at 8:10:36 am and then passenger door closed at 8:12:13 am. So it took about a minute and a half and that trash can is only 10 to 15 steps away from where the truck was parked."
May 10, 08:14 – 08:20 Holiday Inn Express, Broomfield. Trash Dump #2 Grusing: "He said he parked there because he hoped someone would come out and he could go in the hotel before checking in and get a free breakfast." (Note: It was mid-COVID lockdown, building capacities were down to single digits.)
May 10, 08:41 – 08:46 – “I made it to Broomfield call me when you get a chance” Barry texts Suzanne.
May 10, 08:46 – Barry carries items into the Holiday Inn Express “If there’s clothes in my truck, there was probably old clothes I threw away.”
May 10, 10:06 – Barry exits hotel room. He's carrying a charcoal long-sleeved shirt, two white bags, and a pair of boots.
May 10, 10:20 – 10:41 – McDonald’s – Trash Dump #3 SA Grusing said Barry had a small item in his hand and used one arm to push it down, then both to push it further down as Barry was shown the photos.
May 10, 10:47 – 11:18 – Men’s Wearhouse Trash Dump #4 Barry was told he was there for about 40 minutes and asked if he remembered what he was doing there. Barry said, “I think I was still cleaning my truck, umm, yeah, yeah I mean, like I said, I just uh, I would, I was probably getting crap out of my truck like I said, which I’ve done my whole entire life.”
May 10, 11:18 – Barry calls MG "Barry called he was out of breathe (sic) panting but fatigue, kind a like hungover but he doesn’t drink, honestly when I hung up I thought to myself he sounded like he had the worst night of his life.” - MG
May 10, 11:23 – 11:36 – Barry back at the HIE Barry carries in disorganized papers in a binder. Carries out an organized binder.
May 10, 11:57 – 12:25 – Barry at the worksite Barry spent 28 minutes removing a few blocks from the wall.
May 10, 12:28 – 12:41 – HIE Trash Dump #5 A camera recorded Barry throwing away: a small item, one white trash bag, larger in size than the previous bags in one hand, a black container, along with a piece of clothing, possibly a camouflage coat.
May 10, 12:42 – 18:03 – Barry remains in his HIE room. ”At 3:30PM, Barry sent an outgoing message to Suzanne 'Call me'"
May 10, 2020 (Time Unknown) – Libler wishes Suzanne a Happy Mother’s Day Commented that it would be a hard day because she missed her own mother.
May 10, 2020 – 15:30 – Barry texts Suzanne from his hotel room. At 3:30PM, Barry sent an outgoing message to Suzanne “Call me”
May 10, 15:50 – 17:45 – Suzanne is discovered “missing” “I’m just so sad and REDCATED and I texted mom for Mother’s Day and she still hasn’t answered and I’m scared her and dad probably got in a big fight and I don’t even know it just made me want to be gone even more because I don’t want to be around them it hurts me and I know if REDACTED is working I might have to be home a lot more and it’ll probably be the worst summer of my life.”- MM2 text.
May 10, 17:55 – 19:10 – Barry leaving Broomfield 6:10 pm - Barry entered the lobby carrying two shovels and placed them beside the front desk. He made subsequent trips, placing more tools in the same spot.
May 10, 19:31 – Chaffee County finds the bike “Something is up with the front tire,” Deputy Brown
May 10, 20:42 – Barry arrives at CR 255 & US 50 "Barry is heard asking if deputies saw any “cats” on the road and a deputy says not recently."
May 10, 21:37 – CCSO Commander Avila brings Barry into the house for scent items. Barry does not call out or look for his wife in the home.
May 10, After 21:47 – Barefoot prints in the Bobcat Bucket Deputy Brown was walking in the driveway when Deputy Defurio told him that there were barefoot marks inside of the bucket on the Bobcat. Deputy Brown went with him to examine and found that the cutting blade on the bucket of the Bobcat appeared to be newly replaced, along with the nuts and bolts.
May 10, 22:00 – MG and JP smell chlorine and have the wrong tools in Broomfield. “It looked like Barry had removed top caps that was it. We also did not have the tools we need like a packer or gravel.”
May 11, 2020 – First Interviews, Puma Path Searched "On May 11, 2020, at about 7:00AM, Barry called Morgan and said that Suzanne was missing and he thought a mountain lion may have attacked her. Morgan explained that Barry was initially crying but then abruptly shifted to the specifics about the Broomfield job."
May 11, 2020 – 14:47 – Libler sends last message to Suzanne. Wishing her well for her scheduled final cancer treatment that day.
May 12, 2020 – 20:00 – Barry found digging in the trash at Poncha Market “He went to write down a description of maybe what she was wearing,” Butala said. “I just thought it was weird because he didn’t explain what the color of her eyes were or her hair or anything about her, like how tall she was or anything.”
May 13, 2020 – Deputy Carricato took photos of scratches on Barry’s left arm and hands. These injuries appeared to be healing, several days old scratches.
May 13, 2020 – Fundraiser created $33,552 raised
May 17, 2020 – 11:13 – Barry’s “plea” video is released on Facebook. “Oh Suzanne, if anyone is out there and can hear this, that has you, please, we’ll do whatever it takes to bring you back. We love you, we miss you, your girls need you. No questions asked, however much they want – I will do whatever it takes to get you back. Honey, I love you, I want you back so bad.”
May 19, 2020 – Interviews, Pneu-Darts, Range Rovers "CCSO Deputy Scott Himschoot was present during the search at 19057 Puma Path, in the laundry room, and was asked to collect a “pneu-dart box, empty,” one plastic hypodermic cover, one Pneu-dart book from safe in garage, one dart from box under bench in garage, among other items. The plastic cover was located by evidence search teams in the dryer, inside of the sheets belonging to REDACTED bed." (At some point we had confirmation of a to-do list Suzanne left including MM1s bedding in hopes that the older girls would spend the night. Cannot remember the source.)
May 20, 2020 – Spy Pen found. "The pen was located in a cloth bin amongst women’s bras. The cloth bin and pen were inside the walk-in closet in the master bedroom, located on the ground level of the residence. Detective Hysjulien located, with the pen, the controller and headphones for playback and a USB cable."
June 1, 2020 – Barry files for guardianship. Within a month of Suzanne’s disappearance, Barry began to liquidate assets.
June 1, 2020 – TD interviews Barry on camera. "So, uh -- we uh --. We had two daughters that were coming home from a trip. And I got a job in Denver that I wanted to get started on on Sunday. Set it up for my work because my rookies are coming in Sunday night. (Unintelligible) Monday but I, being the owner, I wanted to get everything lined up so that (Unintelligible).
June 6, 2020 – Barry closes on IN home. Pockets $750,000
June 25, 2020 – Barry purchases the Longhorn Ranch property for $165,000 Property Address 8366 LONGHORN DR
July 13, 2020 – Barry sells Suzanne’s Range Rover. Leaves Suzanne's sunglasses in the car.
Aug 20, 2020 – Lauren Scharf Interviews Barry “People don’t know the truth, so they’re gonna think what they’re gonna think.”
October 05, 2020 – Barry lists Puma Path home for sale. Originally listed for $1,759,000.
November 2020 – Barry Commits Voter Fraud Barry filled out Suzanne's ballot and mailed it in.
February 17, 2021 – Barry Sells Longhorn Ranch property for $150,000 A $15,000 loss. Same property sold on 04/21/2021 for $175,000, indicating Barry needed the money fast.
March 3, 2021 – 19057 Puma Path sells for $1,625,000. Barry and Suzanne Morphew purchased the home on April 12, 2018 for $1,575,000.
May 4, 2021 – Warrant Issued for the Arrest of Barry Lee Morphew CRS/CHARGE: 18-3-102 (1), (a) Murder in the First Degree, a class 1 Felony, 18-8-610. Tampering with Physical Evidence, a class 6 felony, 18-8-306, Attempt to Influence a Public Servant, a class 4 Felony.
May 5, 2021 – 09:15 – Barry Lee Morphew Arrested for the murder of Suzanne Renee Moorman Morphew "Morphew was arrested around 9:15 a.m. on Wednesday, May 5 near his home in Poncha Springs. FOX31 News has obtained video of the arrest, which shows his truck stopped on the side of the road near several police vehicles. He can be seen standing just off the road with an officer." AA:
August 9-12, 2021 – Preliminary Hearing. Day One:
Day Two:
Day Three got corrupted so it's gone.
People's exhibit images: Defense exhibit images:
April 19, 2022 - Case against Barry Morphew Dismissed Without Prejudice. Prosecution asked for the case to be dismissed.
May 2, 2023 – Barry files $15,000,000 lawsuit against Chaffee County,
May 8, 2023 – Fraud Lawsuit filed against Barry in Indiana. Property dispute.
September 22, 2023 – Suzanne's Remains Found Near Moffat in Saguache County While SCSO was searching for another (unrelated) missing woman.
Sept. 27, 2023 – Autopsy Completed. Awaiting Toxicology.
April 29, 2024 – Toxicology finds BAM in Suzanne's bone marrow. “Homicide by undetermined means in the setting of butorphanol, azaperone, and medetomidine intoxication.”
Complete Case Overview (Official News Reports and Documents)
What Suzanne Left Behind (PH Exhibits)
Suzanne's Texts with SO Sept 2019
Barry's Unstableness: Suzanne's Text Conversion with SO September 1 (PH Exhibits)
Where was Barry on the 9th - Preliminary Hearing Exhibits
Barry and the Chipmunks (AA Excerpts)
Barry's dirty truck and poorly maintained rifle. PH Exhibits
Suzanne's Last Days - Timeline - May 4th - May 9th, 2020
Barry Buries a Body - May 10th, 2020 - Timeline
Barry Busy in Broomfield Part One (Preliminary Hearing Exhibits)
Barry Busy in Broomfield Part Two (PH Exhibits)
submitted by sk716theFirst to SuzanneMorphew [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:55 PentaCrit We have achieved 400 Legendary Armors through no-requirements Raid Training.

Hey everyone, Gixx back again with an update about my quest to get everyone Legendary armor. XL has now gotten 400 people Legendary armor purely through no-requirement training raids. (For context, when we started, a full carry was about $520 in gems -> gold, so thats about $208,000 USD in armors, although current exchange rates are a bit lower )
For those new to this post series, no requirement simply means that you can play whatever build on whatever class you want, as long as it is in good faith. There are no dps requirements and no boon requirements (Although I explain healthy dps and boons whenever needed to encourage self-correction).
Now in most communities that would be an awful idea, unproductive and generally frustrating, but Guild Wars 2 is a bit different. In my time running XL we have had barely any issues with trolls, leeches, or any kind of situation where someone was holding back the team. In basically every case someone needed help (mostly with gear stats), they were open to feedback and willing to improve for the next raid. This has created a wonderful set of circumstances where people that joined XL wearing celestial gear and doing 1k dps are now:
I'm rambling a bit but this is all to show that encouraging people matters, improvement matters, and most importantly, making people feel like they are allowed to make mistakes matters. There are so many players that would at one time consider themselves 'bad' that are now some of the most skilled players I know, and I am proud XL was part of their journey in self-improvement.
Keep in mind if you want to get into raiding, XL is just one option, there are a ton of wonderful guilds that can help you find your footing and we're all just one big community focused on helping people get their legendary armor and into endgame content. Here are some other servers if you are interested:
[NA] XL: The Gamer Haven: Raid Academy: Hardstuck: Skein Gang (Great for joining a Static!):
[EU] Unskilled and Afraid [BAD]: Hardstuck: Skein Gang (Great for joining a Static!):
If you want to get your raiding legendary armor, I look forward to seeing you ingame! If you have any questions about raiding, gearing, or even GW2 endgame in general I will be happy to answer any questions in the comments.
Until the next update, keep on gaming gamers :)
submitted by PentaCrit to Guildwars2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:22 _G_a_a_n_g_ JMSB transfer question

Hope someone can answer,
So I got A- in math 208, exempted in math 209, B in Econ 201 and c- in Econ 203. And my gpa is 2.6. But the required gpa is 2.7. Do I still have a chance to get in JMSB? And all other prerequisites are completed.
submitted by _G_a_a_n_g_ to Concordia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:42 dwredbaker Jesus before the Sanhedrin

J. C. Ryle
MATTHEW 26: 57-68~And they that had laid hold on Jesus led him away to Caiaphas the high priest, where the scribes and the elders were assembled. But Peter followed him afar off unto the high priest's palace, and went in, and sat with the servants, to see the end. Now the chief priests, and elders, and all the council, sought false witness against Jesus, to put him to death; But found none: yea, though many false witnesses came, yet found they none. At the last came two false witnesses, And said, This fellow said, I am able to destroy the temple of God, and to build it in three days. And the high priest arose, and said unto him, Answerest thou nothing? what is it which these witness against thee? But Jesus held his peace. And the high priest answered and said unto him, I adjure thee by the living God, that thou tell us whether thou be the Christ, the Son of God. Jesus saith unto him, Thou hast said: nevertheless I say unto you, Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven. Then the high priest rent his clothes, saying, He hath spoken blasphemy; what further need have we of witnesses? behold, now ye have heard his blasphemy. What think ye? They answered and said, He is guilty of death. Then did they spit in his face, and buffeted him; and others smote him with the palms of their hands, Saying, Prophesy unto us, thou Christ, Who is he that smote thee?"
We read in these verses how our Lord Jesus Christ was brought before Caiaphas the high priest, and solemnly pronounced guilty. It was fitting that it should be so. The great day of atonement was come. The wondrous type of the scapegoat was about to be completely fulfilled. It was only suitable that the Jewish high priest should do his part, and declare sin to be upon the head of the victim, before he was led forth to be crucified. May we ponder these things and understand them. There was a deep meaning in every step of our Lord's passion.
Let us observe in these verses, that the chief priests were the principal agents in bringing about our Lord's death. It was not so much the Jewish people, we must remember, who pushed forward this wicked deed, as Caiaphas and his companions, the chief priests.
This is an instructive fact, and deserves notice. It is a clear proof that high ecclesiastical office exempts no man from gross errors in doctrine, and tremendous sins in practice. The Jewish priests could trace up their pedigree to Aaron, and were his lineal successors. Their office was one of peculiar sanctity, and entailed peculiar responsibilities. And yet these very men were the murderers of Christ!
Let us beware of regarding any minister of religion as infallible. His orders, however regularly conferred, are no guarantee that he may not lead us astray, and even ruin our souls. The teaching and conduct of all ministers must be tried by the Word of God. They are to be followed so long as they follow the Bible, but no longer. The maxim laid down in Isaiah must be our guide "To the law and the testimony — if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them." (Isaiah. 8:20.)
Let us observe, in the second place, how fully our Lord declared to the Jewish council His own Messiahship, and His future coming in glory.
The unconverted Jew can never tell us at the present day, that his forefathers were left in ignorance that Jesus was the Messiah. Our Lord's answer to the solemn adjuration of the high priest is a sufficient reply. He tells the council plainly that He is "the Christ, the Son of God." He goes on to warn them that though He had not yet appeared in glory, as they expected Messiah would have done, a day would come when he would do so. "Hereafter you shall see the Son of Man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven." They would yet see that very Jesus of Nazareth, whom they had arraigned at their bar, appear in all majesty as King of kings. (Rev. 1:7.)
It is a striking fact which we should not fail to notice, that almost the last word spoken by our Lord to the Jews, was a warning prediction about His own second advent. He tells them plainly that they would yet see Him in glory. No doubt he referred to the seventh chapter of Daniel, in the language that he used. But He spoke to deaf ears. Unbelief, prejudice, self-righteousness covered them like a thick cloud. Never was there such an instance of spiritual blindness. Well may the Church of England litany contain the prayer, "From all blindness — and from hardness of heart, good Lord deliver us."
Let us observe, in the last place, how much our Lord endured before the council, from false witness and mockery.
Falsehood and ridicule are old and favorite weapons of the devil. "He is a liar, and the father of it." (John 8:44.) All through our Lord's earthly ministry we see these weapons continually employed against Him. He was called a glutton, a wine-bibber, and a friend of publicans and sinners. He was held up to contempt as a Samaritan. The closing scene of His life was only in keeping with all the past tenor of it. Satan stirred up his enemies to add insult to injury. No sooner was He pronounced guilty, than every sort of mean indignity was heaped upon Him. "They spit in his face, and buffeted him." "They smote him with the palms of their hands." They said, mockingly, "Prophesy unto us, you Christ, who is he that smote you?"
How astonishing and strange it all sounds! How astonishing that the Holy Son of God should have voluntarily submitted to such indignities, to redeem such miserable sinners as we are! How wonderful, not least, that every tittle of these insults was foretold seven hundred years before they were inflicted! Seven hundred years before, Isaiah had written down the words, "I hid not my face from shame and spitting." (Isaiah. 50:6.)
Let us draw from the passage one practical conclusion. Let it never surprise us, if we have to endure mockery, and ridicule, and false reports, because we belong to Christ. The disciple is not greater than His Master, nor the servant than His Lord. If lies and insults were heaped upon our Savior, we need not wonder if the same weapons are constantly used against His people. It is one of Satan's great devices to blacken the characters of godly men, and bring them into contempt. The lives of Luther, Cranmer, Calvin, and Wesley supply abundant examples of this. If we are ever called upon to suffer in this way, let us bear it patiently. We drink the same cup that was drunk by our beloved Lord. But there is one great difference. At the worst, we only drink a few bitter drops. He drank the cup to the very dregs.

submitted by dwredbaker to OldPaths [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:04 DoGsPaWsLoVe Monday 05/13/24: 14 Posts

Here is the recap of the 14 monetized posts from Kylea and Joseph "Joe" Gomez of Kylea G Weight loss Journey on 05/13/24.
Disclaimer: I am not a physician, influencer, or paid content creator. I am not affiliated with WW. I am semi-retired from healthcare with multiple college degrees. These opinions are my own based on social media content. I wish no harm to Kylea or Joe Gomez.
☎️ If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, please call or text 988 for assistance.
The tagline of Kylea G Weight loss Journey is, "I changed my life with prayer and a playlist of songs. No surgery, no meds. Just Jesus."
DAILY STATS 05/13/24:
0/14 posts discussed prayer
2/14 contained vague references to music
0/14 discussed exercise
0/14 shared a recipe
4/14 were about something Kylea ate or drank
1/14 contained a side by side photo comparison
2/14 were about her current/future pet (one of these was from "Joe" about Amazon pet items)
1/14 "Joe" posted about getting Whataburger
2/14 were about donut holes & a clapback
2/14 were a trip update
📢 For our friends at Meta, that means at least 50% of Kylea's monetized content had nothing to do with weight loss, which is the tagline and purpose of her page.
⚠️ Disordered Eating- Daily Food Consumption (Data compiled from monetized content):
5 WW Points: Barebell Cookies & Cream Protein Bar
0 WW Points: Alani Nu Energy Drink (🚨 These contain 200mg of caffeine)
9 WW Points: TWO In-N-Out "Protein style" hamburgers wrapped in lettuce.
0 WW Points: Bahama Buck's Sugar-free Birthday Cake & Sugar-free Strawberry Cheesecake flavored shaved ice.
📢 For our friends at Meta, that means Kylea consumed 14 out of (up to) 30 daily WW points in maintenance mode= Disordered Eating. This is dangerous messaging for her 138k+ followers on a weight loss journey.
Recipes Shared:
🚨 Please speak with a medical professional about any questions or concerns you have about your health.
Comments: Kylea CHOSE to continue posting triggering food content, and clapped back at followers for questioning it.
⚠️ Binge Eating, Compulsive Buying Disorder (CBD), aka shopping addiction, Disordered Eating, Food Addiction, Gaslighting, and Religion will be discussed.
Post 1. Donut Hole Controversy: Kylea posted an empty donut hole bag and claimed her sister ate all of them at 3 WW points each. When called out by a follower, Kylea responded with this, "I don't eat donuts. I support other people eating whatever they'd like to eat. What's unhealthy is commenting on other people's food choices.💖💖💖"
Post 2. Using the Pet Cat for Content: This nontent was her male cat's reaction to being told his puppy sister arrives on Sunday.
Post 3. Protein Bar Slip Up: Kylea recycled an old photo of her holding a Barebell protein bar and tried to act like the photo was taken today. 👀
Post 4. Trip Update: Kylea is shopping for puppy bandanas online because Birdie "only" has 6, while her sister drives. She is listening to 🎶 in the car. 💤 This is nontent.
Post 5. "Unhealthy" Food Clapback: Narcissistic, defiant Kylea had to get the last word in.
"I had someone comment that I post a lot of "unhealthy" food for a weight loss page. The point of my page is to show others that all foods are healthy in moderation. What is not healthy, is commenting on other people's food choices. Mind your own plate. 💖 I personally eat very healthy myself but I support all of the people around me in whatever food choices they want to make for their own lives. I will never and have never commented on someone else's food choice for their own lives."
⏸️ This is gaslighting. Here we go...
  1. Kylea is triggered by words like treat, craving, and indulge but was not at the beginning of her weight loss journey.
  2. Kylea is afraid to own a microwave because it could jeopardize her recovery with food addiction and give her quick access to convenient foods. (Please ignore the air fryer and cabinets full of snacks.)
  3. If Kylea does not like what Joe is eating at a restaurant, she has placed the menu between them so she does not have to see it.
  4. Joe is not allowed to have regular condiments in the fridge.
  5. Joe is to "support" her by eating foods he does not prefer at home (most of the time).
  6. Kylea controls what Joe eats when she is away from home.
  7. Please ignore all comments Kylea makes on the Basham and Lee families' social media accounts about food.
  8. Kylea does not eat clean.
  9. She triggers her followers with calorie-dense items on purpose for monetary gain.
  10. Kylea has disordered eating.
If that list isn't enough to question her speech, a follower requested a 24-hour food log and the # of daily WW points Kylea uses. Kylea replied, "after months of bullying over that because of how healthy I do eat, I won't ever do that again. It's for my peace that I no longer do."
📢 To our friends at Meta, why is a "weight loss influencer" allowed to refuse to answer follower questions about WW (her chosen tool) and refuse to provide an example of what she eats in a day? This is the job YOU pay her to do.
Post 6. Alani Nu: Avoid this beverage (200mg caffeine) if you are unsure about your recommended caffeine intake.
Post 7. Trip Update: Her sister drove 6 hours. They have to be at the airport tomorrow at 4 am.
Post 8. Fort Worth Stockyards: This photo editing fail made Kylea appear 8 feet tall with a shrunken head and long extremities. Upon follower questions, she blamed her sister for how she held the phone. 🤔
Post 9. IN-N-Out Burger: Kylea's sister ate a cheeseburger & fries, and Kylea had 2 "protein style" hamburgers she claimed were called "protein burgers." Umm, nope.
Post 10. Shaved Ice: Kylea's sister got the baby size shaved ice, and Kylea got a significantly larger-sized cup.
⏸️ I smirked as Kylea claimed the protein bar was "yummy," the In-N-Out was "really good," and the sugar-free shaved ice, "It is SO good!!," but the giant iced cookie cake slice yesterday was "fine." She loves to gaslight and act holier-than-thou. 😇
Post 11. Whataburger: "Joe" posted his bag of Whataburger after waiting 1.5 hours in the drive-thru on opening day.
⏸️ How are the donut holes, energy drink, cheeseburger and fries, and regular shaved ice Kylea's sister consumed, and Whataburger her husband consumed healthy weight loss content? Why is Meta paying her for this nonsense?
Post 12. Amazon Purchases: "Joe" posted a picture of more puppy items and said, "Can you tell my wife is excited about her new role as dog mom 😂 😂" This is nontent.
Post 13. May 2021 vs Today: Kylea is "forever proud of the girl who changed her entire life -208 lbs."
⏸️ Kylea, you traded addictions. That is not something to be proud of. You are terrified of the scale and heavily modify your photos. That is not something to be proud of, either. You can spend all the money and travel the world but you are not happy. Quite the opposite. Seek medical care. ☮️
Post 14. Final Update: Kylea feels "uplifted" from window shopping at the Stockyards and local Target with her sister, listening to country music.
Takeout Purchases: Donut Holes= $3.50 est; In-N-Out Burger: Cheeseburger & Fries with 2 "Protein-style" Hamburgers (online prices)= $11.75 est; Bahama Buck's Baby & Regular Sized Shaved Ice= $9.18 + tip; Whataburger (unknown food)= $8 est;
Shopping/Travel Expenses: Barebell Protein Bar= $2.45 est; Alani Nu Freezeberry Energy= $2.48 est; Alani Nu Juicy Peach Energy= $2.48 est; Gas Joplin, MO to Fort Worth, TX: (373mi/33mpg) x $3.85 est= $43.52 est; Gas Fort Worth, TX to Dallas, TX: (32mi/33mpg) x $3.85 est= $3.73 est; Hotel (prices by airport used)= $75 est + fees; Bocce's Coconut Macaroon Crunchy Biscuits 5oz bag Qty 2= $12.98 est; Bocce's Sauvignon Bark Soft & Chewy 6oz bag Qty 2= $13.58 est; Bocce's Burger & Fries All-Natural Dog Treats Qty 2= $9.08 est; PetStages Grow-with-Me Ring Dog Chew Toy= $5.24 est; Pet Botanics Training Rewards Soft & Chewy Bacon Flavor 20oz bag Qty 2= $27.98 est; Undercoat Rake Grooming Tool= $10.25 est; Paw Print Cube Fabric Storage Bin= $12.99 est; Baghler Airline Approved Dog Travel Bag Light Pink- A Backpack with Silicone Bowls & Food Baskets= $34.99 est; Fabric Strawberry Harness & Leash= $17.99 est; Black Nylon Training Leash= $8.95 est;
All info from Reddit. ✌️
submitted by DoGsPaWsLoVe to KyleaGomezsnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:30 delibirdguy Top 500 Songs Ever (Subjective)

Over the course of the past few months I have been working on compiling a list of my 500 favorite songs. It was sort of challenge that I gave myself and I'm super pumped with how it turned out. There were a few rules (only 5 songs per artist being the big rule, among a few others), and here's the list I came up with. Thought it was fun, so wanted to share here and see if it might spark any discussion about song placement, lack of songs/artists, or see if anyone had any similar lists. All thoughts are welcome! (and if you don't care to comb through all 500 songs for your favorite song or artist I'm more than happy to help you track 'em down)

  1. Trash Panda - Aging out of the 20th Century
  2. Djo - Roddy
  3. The Beatles - Don't Let Me Down
  4. Snail Mail - Heat Wave
  5. Phoebe Bridgers - Savior Complex
  7. The Shins - The Fear
  8. Talking Heads - This Must Be the Place (Naive Melody)
  9. The Cranberries - Linger
  10. Post Animal - Ralphie
  11. Hop Along - Not Abel
  12. The Beach Boys - Heroes And Villains
  13. Electric Light Orchestra - Livin' Thing
  14. The Monkees - As We Go Along
  15. Blondie - Heart Of Glass
  16. The Strokes - Oblivius
  17. Chet Baker - It's Always You
  18. The Beatles - Rain
  19. Electric Light Orchestra - Telephone Line
  20. Husbands - Must Be a Cop
  21. Faces - Ooh La La
  22. The Flaming Lips - Do You Realize??
  23. Frank Ocean - Nights
  24. Harry James - It's Been a Long, Long Time
  25. The Turtles - Happy Together
  26. Etta James - At Last
  27. The Zombies - The Way I Feel Inside
  28. The Beatles - Here, There And Everywhere
  29. The Beach Boys - God Only Knows
  30. Kanye West - Father Stretch My Hands Pt. 1
  31. Briston Maroney - Sinkin'
  32. John Lennon - Oh My Love
  33. Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass - Ladyfingers
  34. Squirrel Flower - Headlights
  35. The Backseat Lovers - Maple Syrup
  36. The B-52's - Rock Lobster
  37. George Harrison - All Things Must Pass
  38. Snail Mail - Ben Franklin
  39. Laura Elliott - Grass Stains
  40. Djo - Chateau (Feel Alright)
  41. Tame Impala - Eventually
  42. The Backseat Lovers - Snowbank Blues
  43. Claude Debussy - Clair de Lune
  44. The Weeknd - Save Your Tears
  45. Talking Heads - Thank You for Sending Me an Angel
  46. The Zombies - Time of the Season
  47. The War On Drugs - Nothing to Find
  48. Queen - Brighton Rock
  49. The Dream Academy - Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want
  50. The B-52's - Strobe Light
  51. The Cranberries - Dreams
  52. Fugees - Killing Me Softly With His Song
  53. Molchat Doma - Тоска
  54. Tyler, The Creator - ARE WE STILL FRIENDS?
  55. The Mamas & The Papas - Dream A Little Dream Of Me
  56. The Chords - Sh-Boom
  57. The Beatles - The Abbey Road Medley
  58. The Ronettes - Be My Baby
  59. The Who - Baba O'Riley
  60. Dr. Dog - Where'd All the Time Go?
  61. M83 - My Tears Are Becoming A Sea
  62. Billie Eilish - everything i wanted
  63. Outkast - Hey Ya!
  64. Nat King Cole - Orange Colored Sky
  65. The Notorious B.I.G. - Hypnotize
  66. Four Tops - Reach Out I'll Be There
  67. Foreign Air - Shut Up and Show Me
  68. Leonard Cohen - So Long, Marianne
  69. dodie - If I'm Being Honest
  70. Briston Maroney - June
  71. Post Malone - Sunflower
  72. John Lennon - Isolation
  73. Buddy Holly & The Crickets - Not Fade Away
  74. Phoebe Bridgers - I Know The End
  75. Kanye West - All Falls Down
  76. Alvvays - Adult Diversion
  77. John Lennon - Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy)
  78. Clairo - Amoeba
  79. The Beach Boys - I Know There's An Answer
  80. Paul McCartney - Let Me Roll It
  81. Frank Ocean - Ivy
  82. Radiohead - Motion Picture Soundtrack
  83. Djo - Mutual Future (Repeat)
  84. Phoebe Bridgers - Scott Street
  85. Childish Gambino - Me and Your Mama
  86. Pink Floyd - Astronomy Domine
  87. The Pied Pipers - Dream
  88. The Beach Boys - All I Wanna Do
  89. Djo - Change
  90. Второй этаж поражает - Крайности
  91. Little Richard - Lucille
  92. King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Shanghai
  93. Chet Baker - Deep In A Dream
  94. The Beatles - It's All Too Much
  95. Post Animal - Dirtpicker
  96. The B-52's - Love Shack
  97. EDEN - foreve/over
  98. Kanye West - Ultralight Beam
  99. The Zombies - Going Out Of My Head
  100. Talking Heads - Found a Job
  101. Snail Mail - Pristine
  102. Tom Tom Club - Genius of Love
  103. Tears For Fears - Everybody Wants To Rule The World
  104. WILLIS - I Think I Like When It Rains
  105. Chet Baker - But Not For Me
  106. Naked Eyes - Always Something There to Remind Me
  107. Tyler, The Creator - GONE, GONE / THANK YOU
  108. Djo - Half Life
  109. Trash Panda - Check Please
  110. Briston Maroney - Deep Sea Diver
  111. Beach Fossils - This Year
  112. Momma - Medicine
  113. Hop Along - Prior Things
  114. Talking Heads - Road to Nowhere
  115. Electric Light Orchestra - Turn to Stone
  116. Briston Maroney - It's Not My Fault
  117. Tyler, The Creator - NEW MAGIC WAND
  118. Snail Mail - Headlock
  119. Phil Collins - Take Me Home
  120. Gotye - Somebody That I Used To Know
  121. The Beach Boys - Do It Again
  122. Tame Impala - Breathe Deeper
  123. Ella Fitzgerald - Misty
  124. Phoebe Bridgers - Waiting Room
  125. Kanye West - Runaway
  126. Daft Punk - Get Lucky (feat. Pharrell Williams and Nile Rodgers)
  127. Dire Straits - Money for Nothing
  128. Kendrick Lamar - Alright
  129. Black Country, New Road - Concorde
  130. George Harrison - If Not for You
  131. Harry Styles - Cherry
  132. Ms. Lauryn Hill - Doo Wop (That Thing)
  133. Paul McCartney - Junk
  134. Wings - Maybe I'm Amazed [Live]
  135. Talking Heads - Houses in Motion
  136. Del Water Gap - Ode to a Conversation Stuck in Your Throat
  137. Pixies - Where Is My Mind?
  138. Queen - Seven Seas Of Rhye
  139. Paul McCartney - Jet
  140. Sufjan Stevens - Death with Dignity
  141. A Flock Of Seagulls - I Ran (So Far Away)
  142. Tame Impala - Let It Happen
  143. Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love
  144. Clairo - Management
  145. Tommy James & The Shondells - I Think We're Alone Now
  146. Fergie - Clumsy
  147. Childish Gambino - This Is America
  148. Prefab Sprout - The King of Rock 'N' Roll
  149. Joy Again - Looking Out for You
  150. Beach House - Space Song
  151. John Lennon - Mind Games
  152. The Weeknd - Gasoline
  153. Weezer - Buddy Holly
  154. Phoebe Bridgers - Sidelines
  155. Tame Impala - New Person, Same Old Mistakes
  156. Lana Del Rey - A&W
  157. The Dillards - I've Just Seen a Face
  158. The Doors - Break on Through (To the Other Side)
  159. Julie London - I'm Glad There Is You
  160. 2Pac - California Love
  161. Dean Martin - Everybody Loves Somebody
  162. Snail Mail - Anytime
  163. The Strokes - The Adults Are Talking
  164. Jordana, TV Girl - Better in the Dark
  165. Juice WRLD - Hide (feat. Seezyn)
  166. The Wild Reeds - Get Better
  167. Finom - Mine
  168. Hop Along - One That Suits Me
  169. The Killers - Mr. Brightside
  170. Michael Cera - Clay Pigeons
  171. Clairo - Bags
  172. Prince - Let's Go Crazy
  173. The Zombies - She's Not There
  174. Blackstreet - No Diggity
  175. Frank Sinatra - I've Got You Under My Skin
  176. John Denver - Take Me Home, Country Roads
  177. Harry James - I'm Beginning to See The Light
  178. The Clash - London Calling
  179. Charles Bradley - Changes
  180. Buddy Holly - (Ummmm, Oh Yeah) Dearest
  181. Eagles - Seven Bridges Road [Live]
  182. Moxie - Honey
  183. Faces - Stay with Me
  184. Post Animal - How Do You Feel
  185. New Order - Age of Consent
  186. Natalie Imbruglia - Torn
  187. Lana Del Rey - Doin' Time
  188. Twin Peaks - Blue Coupe
  189. Kanye West - Gold Digger
  190. Fruit Bats - The Bottom of It
  191. Frank Sinatra - Somethin' Stupid
  192. Lorde - Perfect Places
  193. Martha Tilton - Exactly Like You
  194. King Crimson - 21st Century Schizoid Man
  195. Glen Campbell - Southern Nights
  196. Claire Rosinkranz - Frankenstein
  197. Guillemots - Made-Up Lovesong #43
  198. Fleetwood Mac - Say You Love Me
  199. Frankie Valli - Can't Take My Eyes off You
  200. The Crickets - Don't Ever Change
  201. Paul Anka - Put Your Head On My Shoulder
  202. George Harrison - Isn't It a Pity
  203. Trash Panda - Off
  204. Super Besse - Holod
  205. Beyoncé - Hold Up
  206. Charlie Burg - I Don't Wanna Be Okay Without You
  207. Eagles - Peaceful Easy Feeling
  208. Ella Fitzgerald - It's A Lovely Day Today
  209. PERMSKY KRAY - Дорогой Человек
  210. The Little Dippers - Forever
  211. The B-52's - There's a Moon in the Sky (Called the Moon)
  212. Patti Page - Old Cape Cod
  213. Daft Punk - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger
  214. The Soggy Bottom Boys - I Am A Man Of Constant Sorrow
  215. Trash Panda - Things Will Never Change
  216. Hop Along - Well-dressed
  217. Sixpence None The Richer - Kiss Me
  218. TV Girl - Daughter of a Cop
  219. LAUNDRY DAY - Jane
  220. Tyler, The Creator - EARFQUAKE
  221. Sigue Sigue Sputnik - Love Missile F1-11
  222. Joji - Gimme Love
  223. The Backseat Lovers - Pool House
  224. The Weeknd - Take My Breath
  225. Mild High Club - Homage
  226. Doc Watson - Am I Born to Die?
  227. Daniel Caesar - Streetcar
  228. The Kinks - Sunny Afternoon
  229. John Lennon - #9 Dream
  230. Tame Impala - Elephant
  231. Chuck Berry - You Never Can Tell
  232. Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here
  233. KIDS SEE GHOSTS - 4th Dimension
  234. Soft Cell - Tainted Love
  235. The B-52's - Song for a Future Generation
  236. Gnarls Barkley - Crazy
  237. Lana Del Rey - Blue Jeans
  238. Billie Eilish - Halley's Comet
  239. Glenn Miller - In the Mood
  240. Kid Bloom - Control
  241. The Cinematic Orchestra - To Build A Home
  242. Marvin Gaye - I Heard It Through The Grapevine
  243. Brenda Lee - If You Love Me (Really Love Me)
  244. TV Girl - Lovers Rock
  245. Art Lown - Knew You Well
  246. Dean Martin - Ain't That A Kick In The Head
  247. Miniature Tigers - Like or Like Like
  248. Electric Light Orchestra - Sweet Talkin' Woman
  249. The Hunts - Ages
  250. The Cars - Good Times Roll
  251. Bill Withers - Lovely Day
  252. Drake - God's Plan
  253. Kansas - Point of Know Return
  254. The Neighbourhood - Stargazing
  255. The Clash - Rock the Casbah
  256. Hop Along - What the Writer Meant
  257. Briston Maroney - Under My Skin
  258. Jack Stauber - Buttercup
  259. King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Ya Love
  260. Ginger Root - Loretta
  261. Thompson Twins - Hold Me Now
  262. Frank Ocean - Pyramids
  263. Kate Bush - Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God)
  264. Destroy Boys - I Threw Glass at My Friend's Eyes and Now I'm on Probation
  265. Mild High Club - Dionysian State
  266. Franz Ferdinand - Take Me Out
  267. Kevin Abstract - Empty
  268. The Frights - Crust Bucket
  269. Stealers Wheel - Stuck In The Middle With You
  270. The Shins - Fighting in a Sack
  271. fun. - We Are Young (feat. Janelle Monáe)
  272. Lil Uzi Vert - Money Longer
  273. Miniature Tigers - Cannibal Queen
  274. The Doors - Touch Me
  275. Jean Dawson - Clear Bones
  276. King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Catching Smoke
  277. Molchat Doma - Люди Надоели
  278. The Go-Go's - Our Lips Are Sealed
  279. Billie Eilish - ocean eyes
  280. BOYO - Crown
  281. The 1975 - Somebody Else
  282. Husbands - She's a Betty
  283. Syd Barrett - If It's In You
  284. Trash Panda - Atlanta Girls
  285. Frank Ocean - Godspeed
  286. Alice Phoebe Lou - Glow
  287. Childish Gambino - Redbone
  288. New Order - Blue Monday
  289. Post Animal - Schedule
  290. Harry Styles - Fine Line
  291. Harry James - I'll Get By (As Long As I Have You)
  292. Depeche Mode - Never Let Me Down Again
  293. Chet Baker - I Fall In Love Too Easily
  294. The Cranberries - Put Me Down
  295. John Mayer - Edge of Desire
  296. George Harrison - All Those Years Ago
  297. Electric Light Orchestra - The Diary of Horace Wimp
  298. Alex Clare - Too Close
  299. Eric B. & Rakim - Know The Ledge
  300. Peter Frampton - Show Me The Way [Live]
  301. Simon & Garfunkel - Mrs. Robinson
  302. Black Eyes - Deformative
  303. The Righteous Brothers - Unchained Melody
  304. Bonny Light Horseman - Deep In Love
  305. The Walker Brothers - The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore
  306. Cage The Elephant - Cigarette Daydreams
  307. Hot Flash Heat Wave - Raindrop
  308. Clairo - Sofia
  309. Kendrick Lamar - PRIDE.
  310. Camille Saint-Saëns - The Swan
  311. Weezer - Say It Ain't So
  312. C418 - Sweden
  313. Lana Del Rey - Let The Light In (feat. Father John Misty)
  314. The Postal Service - Such Great Heights
  315. Pickin' On Series - Those to Come
  316. Lana Del Rey - Grandfather please stand on the shoulders of my father while he's deep-sea fishing (feat. RIOPY)
  317. John Mayer - Moving On and Getting Over
  318. Field Medic - POWERFUL LOVE
  319. Cage The Elephant - Flow
  320. Joji - Run
  321. The Who - Won't Get Fooled Again
  322. Boston - Peace of Mind
  323. Ben E. King - This Magic Moment
  324. David Bowie - Starman
  325. Beastie Boys - Sabotage
  326. Harry Belafonte - Banana Boat (Day-O)
  327. Gene Krupa & His Orchestra - Rhumboogie
  328. The Cardigans - Lovefool
  329. The Kinks - You Really Got Me
  330. The Zombies - She's Coming Home
  331. Michael Jackson - Thriller
  332. Moxie - Blue Skies
  333. The Mamas & The Papas - Straight Shooter
  334. Peter, Paul and Mary - Don't Think Twice, It's All Right
  335. Green Day - Brain Stew
  336. Dua Lipa - Levitating (feat. DaBaby)
  337. The Police - Roxanne
  338. Britney Spears - Toxic
  339. Tears For Fears - Head Over Heels
  340. Rex Orange County - Pluto Projector
  341. The Strokes - Call It Fate, Call It Karma
  342. Portugal. The Man - Feel It Still
  343. The Black Crowes - Twice As Hard
  344. Ted Nugent - Stranglehold
  345. fun. - Some Nights
  346. Wings - Silly Love Songs
  347. Paramore - Still into You
  348. Peter Frampton - Baby, I Love Your Way [Live]
  349. The Monkees - Last Train to Clarksville
  350. Royel Otis - Oysters In My Pocket
  351. The Backseat Lovers - Growing/Dying
  352. Nelly Furtado - Say It Right
  353. Post Animal - Goggles
  354. Erik Satie - Gymnopédie No. 1
  355. Childish Gambino - IV. Sweatpants
  356. Steely Dan - Dirty Work
  357. ABBA - Lay All Your Love On Me
  358. Still Woozy - Goodie Bag
  359. Arlo Parks - Black Dog
  360. Goth Babe - Weekend Friend
  361. George & the Handsomes - Sleepy Beats
  362. boygenius - 20
  363. The Mills Brothers - You Always Hurt The One You Love
  364. Travis Scott - SICKO MODE
  365. Pinegrove - Need 2
  366. The Backseat Lovers - Sinking Ship
  367. Franz Schubert - Ave Maria
  368. Zac Brown Band - Knee Deep (feat. Jimmy Buffett)
  369. Justin Timberlake - Mirrors
  370. Simon & Garfunkel - Cecilia
  371. The Cranberries - Zombie
  372. Daniel Caesar - Japanese Denim
  373. Billie Holiday - Easy Living
  374. ISLAND - By Your Side
  375. Phil Collins - Tomorrow Never Knows
  376. Bob Dylan - The Times They Are A-Changin'
  377. The Four Freshmen - Day By Day
  378. Fleetwood Mac - The Chain
  379. Billy Joel - Big Shot
  380. Billie Eilish - Happier Than Ever
  381. Yot Club - down bad
  382. Rihanna - Stay
  383. Fleetwood Mac - Landslide
  384. Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky - Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act 2: No. 10, Scene. Moderato
  385. The White Stripes - Fell In Love With a Girl
  386. Alvvays - Easy On Your Own?
  387. Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit - If We Were Vampires
  388. Blackway - What's Up Danger (with Black Caviar)
  389. Albert Hammond - It Never Rains in Southern California
  390. Matt Maltese - Jupiter
  391. John Denver - Mother Nature's Son
  392. Childish Gambino - Sober
  393. Claire Rosinkranz - Pools and Palm Trees
  394. The Cars - Just What I Needed
  395. The Doors - Light My Fire
  396. Blondie - Tomorrow Never Knows
  397. King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Hell's Itch
  398. The Japanese House - Saw You In A Dream
  399. Franz Schubert - String Quartet No. 13 in A Minor, Op. 29 No. 1, D. 804
  400. The Drifters - White Christmas
  401. The 1975 - Robbers
  402. George Harrison - Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea
  403. The Frights - Tongues
  404. Paramore - Ain't It Fun
  405. Billy Joel - Pressure
  406. Frank Sinatra - My Way
  407. Art Lown - Going Back to Carolina
  408. Bruno Mars - Just the Way You Are
  409. Under The Rug - Lonesome & Mad
  410. The Mamas & The Papas - Dedicated To The One I Love
  411. Foster The People - Sit Next to Me
  412. Weezer - Undone - The Sweater Song
  413. Michael Jackson - Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
  414. Tia Blake - Plastic Jesus
  415. Los Bravos - Bring a Little Lovin'
  416. Lady Gaga - Bad Romance
  417. Minnie Riperton - Les Fleurs
  418. Billy Idol - Dancing with Myself
  419. Cody Fry - I Hear a Symphony
  420. Gringo Sapiens - Driver's Licence
  421. Vacations - Relax
  422. Glitter Party - time waits
  423. Steve Lacy - Bad Habit
  424. The Crystals - Then He Kissed Me
  425. The Pied Pipers - Mairzy Doats
  426. Mitski - Bug Like an Angel
  427. James Ray - I've Got My Mind Set On You
  428. Clairo - Bubble Gum
  429. Masayoshi Takanaka - SEXY DANCE
  430. Nat King Cole - (I Love You) For Sentimental Reasons
  431. Sleigh Bells - Crown On the Ground
  432. Olivia Rodrigo - favorite crime
  433. No Doubt - Just A Girl
  434. Foreigner - Long, Long Way from Home
  435. Heart - Crazy On You
  436. The Hunts - Darlin'
  437. David Bowie - Heroes
  438. Alice Phoebe Lou - Hammer
  439. Thee Oh Sees - Toe Cutter - Thumb Buster
  440. Roar - I Can't Handle Change
  441. TV Girl - Birds Dont Sing
  442. Laufey - From The Start
  443. Chas McDevitt Skiffle Group - Freight Train (feat. Nancy Whiskey)
  444. Metro Boomin - Am I Dreaming
  445. Liana Flores - rises the moon
  446. POP ETC - Speak Up
  447. Jean Knight - Mr. Big Stuff
  448. The Platters - Twilight Time
  449. Derek & The Dominos - Layla
  450. King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Homeless Man in Adidas
  451. Charlie Burg - Lovesong (The Way)
  452. Hot Flash Heat Wave - Gutter Girl
  453. ABBA - Fernando
  454. Mitski - My Love Mine All Mine
  455. Savannah Conley - More Than Fine
  456. Young the Giant - Mind Over Matter
  457. Future Crib - Yer Movin'
  458. Bob Dylan - Like a Rolling Stone
  459. benches - Violent
  460. Musical Youth - Pass The Dutchie
  461. Olivia Rodrigo - vampire
  462. Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone - City Of Stars
  463. Maya Hawke - Thérèse
  464. Current Joys - A Different Age
  465. Wayne Newton - Danke Schoen
  466. La Roux - Bulletproof
  467. Jason Segel, Walter - Man Or Muppet
  468. U2 - I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
  469. The Raconteurs - Steady, As She Goes
  470. The Ink Spots - Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall
  471. Ace of Base - The Sign
  472. Vulfpeck - 1612
  473. Nordista Freeze - Hey GiGi
  474. The Chainsmokers - New York City
  475. Suki Waterhouse - Johanna
  476. Pete Rodriguez - I Like It Like That
  477. Calvin Harris - Summer
  478. The Rare Occasions - Notion
  479. a-ha - Take on Me
  480. Rush - Working Man
  481. Traffic - Dear Mr. Fantasy
  482. Starbuck - Moonlight Feels Right
  483. Van Halen - Drop Dead Legs
  484. The Troggs - Wild Thing
  485. Led Zeppelin - Good Times Bad Times
  486. The Byrds - Turn! Turn! Turn! (To Everything There Is a Season)
  487. Cream - Sunshine Of Your Love
  488. Justin Timberlake - SexyBack (feat. Timbaland)
  489. David Bowie - Suffragette City
  490. Ludwig van Beethoven - Sonata No. 14 in C-Sharp Minor, Op. 27, No. 2 "Moonlight"
  491. Avicii - Wake Me Up
  492. The Who - La-La-La-Lies
  493. The Spinners - The Rubberband Man
  494. MGMT - Time to Pretend
  495. Hootie & The Blowfish - Only Wanna Be With You
  496. Sheck Wes - Mo Bamba
  497. Claire Rosinkranz - 123
  498. Ringo Starr - Photograph
  499. The Proclaimers - I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)
  500. Duran Duran - Rio
submitted by delibirdguy to Music [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:13 Tree_Of_Palm A (admittedly flawed) theory about the identity of Madame X, as well as an additional crack theory that I made while sleep deprived. (Spoilers for the entire game)

Ok this is gonna be a very long, rambling, and probably somewhat disorganized post, so please bear with me.
I'm sure other people have had this same idea as well, but I'm not subscribed to the rebornevo forums and I'm not very active on this subreddit either, so I don't know how frequently it's been discussed outside of the small number of times I've seen it on Twitter, which still was after I had the thought when I first played V12 years ago. Even if it is I still wanted to try and organize my thoughts about it and present all of the evidence that brought me to think this even without engaging much with the larger community.
To jump right into it, the theory that I've been subscribing to for a pretty long time and was very confident in (until realizing some flaws with it) is that Madame X is the incarnation of Nymiera from Maria(nette)'s now dead universe, which is likely the same universe that Clear, Kieran, and potentially the Thunder Warrior Tapu Koko are from. She was defeated by her universe's Indriad but somehow managed to escape with her life, albeit badly injured, and was effectively out of commission, which led to Indriad eventually being able to bring about Storm 9 which would eventually lead to the end the world. Nymiera then likely got help from either her world's Xara and Jean, or Clear and Kieran themselves to construct her suit and escape to the next universe.
There's quite a few reasons I have to think this. I feel like a ton of evidence from throughout the game supports the idea, and I've been making note of them for years at this point. This is gonna be a bit meandering, but it's really difficult to organize thoughts about a plot as complicated as Rejuv's even if you're focusing on only one character, so again please bear with me:
Essentially, the image I see with this is a Nymiera who became so disgusted at her own failures that she threw everything away, including her old identity, and and decided the best way to create a good world was to tear everything down and rebuild it herself, taking her belief in "The good of the many" to its furthest extreme and becoming a vengeful and bitter person in the process. She keeps "protecting" the Interceptor in hopes that their own quest will eventually guide them to resetting everything and destroying Karma for good.
However... in the process of thinking through this all over the last couple days, I realized several holes in this theory that I have to acknowledge, and keep it from really being an effective one.
First, if Nymiera is the avatar of Xerneas, then why is Madame X only ever seen using a Yveltal?
Second, the one aspect of Madame X's backstory story that she elected to reveal to us is about her mother. In her own words, "My "mother" was a weak individual who gave her life to protect me". Not only does Nymiera never hint at anything remotely similar this, but none of Adrest, Variya, or any of the files Adrest sends to Erin hint at anything even remotely close to this for Nymiera.
Third, which I think is the biggest issue: when we see Madame X's mask get broken by Sakitron at the pyramid, what little we see of her appearance doesn't exactly match up with Nymiera. What appears to be black hair could also just be a broken piece of her mask, her eyes are a bright red, and even though we barely see any skin, it visibly is not as dark as Nymiera's.
The first point is actually pretty easy to explain: the Yveltal is Indriad. Obviously we don't know how Indriad became a Yveltal, but there is precedent for shit like this happening and there's multiple hints towards it:
The other two though... I think more or less disprove the theory. Family-related trauma is already one of the game's biggest theme; if Nymiera had something related to her mother, it would have been made clear by this point. And there's just no way that I can think of to really justify the drastic difference in appearance between the two. I could simply handwave it and say "The differences in appearance are either a spriting error or a lighting thing with her helmet" and "We just haven't learned about Nymiera's mother yet", but both of those would just be copout answers to ignore.
I'm still confident that I'm onto something here and there is a connection between these two characters, but can't confidently say that I think I'm 100% correct. instead I came up with a crackpot theory that nonetheless I think has a nonzero chance of being true, although its much less likely .
Madame X isn't an alternate universe Nymiera. She's an alternate universe Nim.
Is it a stupid assertion? Yes. But hear me out, starting with some of the more minor points:
There's three main reasons I think there actually is something here though: Nim's physical appearance, Madame X's "mother", and the reason Madame X needs her suit despite it making her weaker.
First: Nim's physical appearance is extremely similar to Madame X's under her mask. As Lorna, we can see that her pupils have a red hue very similar to Madame X's. Looking at both Nim's sprites and her official art, her skin tone is lighter than Nymiera's but still darker then most of the rest of the cast, which also lines up with the broken mask. Finally, assuming Madame X actually has black hair and that's not just a broken part of her mask in the sprite, Nim's hair is the same color.
Second: When Madame X mentions her "Mother", its quoted, presumably for air quotes. While it could just be her disrespecting her "Mother", it feels far more significant than that, like its moreso implying that whoever she's talking about wasn't her mother in the traditional sense. Madame X also states that the difference between her "Mother"'s sacrifice and the player's mom's sacrifice is that the player's mom's didn't matter; thus indirectly implying that Madame X's mom's sacrifice was important even if she looks down upon her mom for it. Assuming that Nymiera shares some connection to Nim- be it that Nymiera created her, Nim is her reincarnation, or something else- it's not unreasonable to think that Nim, after overcoming her memory issues, could view Nymiera as something of a mother figure, especially considering that Nim took her name Nymiera's because she felt a connection.
Third: The suit. There's a very obvious reason that Nim would need a suit to suppress her own power: to keep herself from draining the life force of her subordinates and stop her own Storm from getting out of control. It's a leap, sure, but it would explain why she needs a suit that actively inhibits her.
Why would Nim be doing all of this, and how would she become such a cruel and vengeful person? We see something similar happen to our own Nim through Clear's manipulation through preying on her fears and insecurities. Assuming bad enough shit happened to her, I could absolutely see an alternate universe Nim who lacked the support of characters like Aelita, Melia, and the Player going down this path.
Is this theory accurate? Probably not, but it was really fun to think about. I never fucking know what's gonna happen with this game which is why it's so fun to speculate about the absolute mess of lore that it has.
Thank you to anyone who took the time to read this massive ramble, it was fun to write and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!
submitted by Tree_Of_Palm to PokemonRejuvenation [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 08:35 EJC28 Steelers 2024 Draft Analysis Compilation

Round 1, Pick 20 - Troy Fautanu, OT, Washington:
NFL: Fautanu is an ultra-versatile, plug-and-play option at multiple spots along the Steelers front. With new offensive coordinator Arthur Smith committed to running the ball, Fautanu fits right in as an imposing blocker who can help pave the way for Najee Harris.
CBS Sports: B. The Steelers needed another tackle to go with Broderick Jones, but Fautanu can also play inside. He is a physical player who fits what they want to do. This is a nice, solid Steelers pick.
ESPN: The board fell in such a way that the Steelers had their pick of the draft's top centers and cornerbacks, but they opted instead to select an offensive tackle with their first-round pick for the second year in a row. Though his frame suggests he's capable of moving inside, Fautanu is a ready-made starter at left tackle. Coach Mike Tomlin said they "legitimately see" Fautanu as a tackle and he figures to displace current starter Dan Moore Jr., who's started nearly every game at the position since he was drafted in 2021. That would pair him with Broderick Jones at right tackle, last year's first-round pick, who started 11 games a rookie.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Eats his ice dish of cream with a fork and knife.
Round 2, Pick 51 - Zach Frazier, C, West Virginia:
NFL: Following the first-round selection of Troy Fautanu, Frazier makes for another commendable OL addition. He's not a top-tier athlete, but with 46 college starts, strong football intelligence and a gnarly demeanor, Frazier is a typecast Steelers center.
CBS Sports: A-. Ultra-experienced battler at center. Mobility and leverage are fantastic. Awareness is arguably the best in the class. Low center of gravity helps him anchor like a champ. Doesn’t have freaky burst but flexible. Wrestling background. Exactly the type the Steelers need up front.
ESPN: The Steelers answered perhaps their most pressing need entering the draft by selecting Frazier, a local product who impressed the Steelers with his consistency and work ethic as a four-year starter at West Virginia. Frazier figures to slot in right away as the Steelers' starting center after the team released two-year starter Mason Cole prior to free agency. Frazier, a two-time All-American, is the second offensive lineman drafted by the Steelers this year and third taken by the team in the first two rounds of the past two drafts, showing the Steelers' commitment to building their offense from the trenches.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Is known to eat pureed pumpkin straight out of the can.
Round 3, Pick 84 - Roman Wilson, WR, Michigan:
NFL: With Diontae Johnson traded to Carolina, there was a vacancy for a quick slot receiver. Consider that filled now. Wilson can win with toughness and competitiveness and has the route-running savvy to separate without ideal measurables and strength. The Steelers scout wide receivers well.
CBS Sports: B-. Slot wideout who doesn’t quite play to his timed speed but has nice burst/lean early in route. Super-reliable hands and has great feel for soft spot in zone. Not going to be much of a YAC type in NFL. Not noticeably quick. Should be decent separator. Adequate Diontae Johnson replacement.
ESPN: After trading away Diontae Johnson, the Steelers needed to replenish the wide receiver room, and they did just that by selecting Wilson -- a versatile threat they hope will extend their streak of drafting solid receivers on Day 2 of the NFL draft. In addition to his speed and ability as a vertical threat, perhaps the most enticing thing about Wilson is his willingness to block, something he showed in Michigan's run-heavy scheme -- and something he'll likely be asked to do frequently in an Arthur Smith offense rooted in a strong run game.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: He’s pretty sure he’s gonna get to live on Mars one day.
Round 3, Pick 98 - Payton Wilson, LB, NC State:
NFL: Wilson's health concerns were the biggest reason why he fell this far. A top-40 football talent (even with short arms), Wilson has three-down ability and might be a spectacular steal here -- or the type of player who struggles to stay healthy. He might not have a long career, but Wilson is one of the better all-around linebackers in this class.
CBS Sports: A-. First-round film. Do-it-all LB. Coverage skills are awesome. Elite athlete. Ball production was there in college. Range, block-sifting skill. Blitzing. Fine tackler too. Just older, incredibly short arms and vast injury history. Very Steelers pick.
ESPN: The Steelers turned the pick acquired from the Eagles for QB Kenny Pickett into Wilson, adding a speedy defender to a position group Pittsburgh already addressed in free agency by signing Patrick Queen. Though he was healthy and wildly productive the past two seasons with four interceptions, a pick-six and 221 total tackles, Wilson has an extensive injury history that makes him a high-risk, high-reward type of pick. He has torn two ACLs and had a shoulder injury that kept him out of all but two games in 2021. Still, his speed and productivity in coverage figure to make him a great partner to Queen -- and a solid addition with Cole Holcomb still recovering from last year's significant, season-ending knee injury.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: He’s gonna buy a mini cow and name it Fredrick with his first check.
Round 4, Pick 119 - Mason McCormick, OG, South Dakota State:
NFL: The hits keep coming for the Steelers. It's their third OL pick of the weekend, but McCormick is a strong value here after earning Day 2 grades from some teams. He's an athletic worker with strong experience at the FCS level, and though he's a guard-only projection, McCormick has the makeup of an eight-year pro.
CBS Sports: A. Six-year player at FCS with four full years of starting experience and it shows. Elite-level athlete with low pad level. Grip strength is tremendous. Balance could use some work. Anchor is solid but overall has to get stronger. But this is an assignment sound blocker with ideal frame and experience to thrive instantly. Love how Pittsburgh has rebuilt its OL.
ESPN: Offensive line coach Pat Meyer said it best: Christmas came early. It's hard for him to feel any other way with the Steelers using three of their first five picks on the offensive line. McCormick isn't necessarily a starter from day one, but he's a versatile interior lineman who spent most of his time lining up at left guard for SDSU. He's now part of a young nucleus of offensive linemen tasked with moving the team into the next era of Steelers football along with 2023 first-round pick Broderick Jones and 2024 picks Troy Fautanu and Zach Frazier.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Listens to the oldies likes System of a Down.
Round 6, Pick 178 - Logan Lee, DT, Iowa:
NFL: Lee is a gifted athlete with a workmanlike, drama-free attitude. But what's his best position? Lee might be best used as a 5-technique where he can occupy tackles and open up playmaking opportunities for others as long as his so-so arm length doesn't hinder him.
CBS Sports: B-. Vintage Steelers pick here. High-caliber athlete who can win at any alignment up front although his productivity in college didn’t match how good of an athlete he is. Could stand to add some weight at next level. Has to get stronger but can win with slippery rushes between gaps.
ESPN: Lee is the Steelers' first pick on the defensive line this year. Though he was versatile in college, he projects as a defensive end in the Steelers system, giving the team depth behind Cameron Heyward and Larry Ogunjobi. Lee also took an official visit to the Steelers during the pre-draft process, further underscoring the significance of those visits. So far, five of the six Steelers 2024 draft picks took official visits to Pittsburgh.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: This guy at pick 178 no matter what. The sticky note said so.
Round 6, Pick 195 - Ryan Watts, CB, Texas:
NFL: Watts has the length to be tried as a zone corner for the Steelers, or he could be tried at safety, where Watts took reps at the East-West Shrine Bowl. He's a height-weight-speed prospect whose future home isn't clear.
CBS Sports: B+. Huge, sensationally long outside CB. Not crazy fast nor a freaky athlete but can get to the football because of his length. Explosive from his backpedal and active against the run. Wants to blow up outside screens and does so often. Ball skills aren’t stellar right now. Fascinating project.
ESPN: The Steelers finally address their need at cornerback with their final scheduled pick in the 2024 draft by selecting Watts, who spent two years at Ohio State before transferring to Texas. The Steelers released Patrick Peterson this offseason but added Panthers cornerback Donte Jackson in the trade for receiver Diontae Johnson. Still, the team lacked depth at the position, and Watts, a versatile 6-3, 208-pound defensive back, helps fill that void as a developmental prospect.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: He is also known for his dominance in extreme ironing competitions.
submitted by EJC28 to steelers [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 05:45 Gemman_Aster Atomic Shop items you can request through Bethesda Support

As always I shall try to keep this list updated at least once every four weeks until the post is again automatically locked after six months, preventing further edits.
In order to request any of these items you must go to the appropriate link for the Xbox Series X/S, Windows, PS5 or Steam. If you are playing on an older system it is simple to reach its page from one of these direct links. I am sure it goes without saying your player account must have sufficient Atoms available to pay for the item/s you choose. As part of the process Bethesda Support will respond to your request by ticket and email with the total cost of whatever you order.
This page from the Wikia entry for Fallout76 may help with working out some of the bundles' contents. I cannot swear for the accuracy of the data however as with all wikis it is community-created support material.
I have had quite a few comments asking how long you can expect to wait. The answer is that it varies. In my own experience I have had items redeemed for my character within two hours. I have also had to wait for more than a month. Much of the process seems to be automated now and I would say the average time these days seems between two to four days.
This list is up-to-date as of 12.05.2024:
  1. Ace Full Assault Power Armor Paint
  2. Alien Plushie
  3. Alien Technology Bundle
  4. Aluminum Trees
  5. Amateur Inventor's Laser Gun Paint
  6. American Flag Set
  7. Angry Fist Shake
  8. Animatronic Cat
  9. Appalachian Thunder Pipe Gatling Gun Paint
  10. Armored Raider Skull Gas Mask
  11. Armory Weapon Paint Bundle
  12. Army Issue Plasma Caster Paint
  13. Astroturf
  14. Atomic Blast Lamp
  15. Barbed Chained Tire Set
  16. Beer Barrel Fridge
  17. Big Game Hunter
  18. Big Red Button Icon
  19. Black Bear Mascot
  20. Black Cat Bundle
  21. Black Knight Paint
  22. Black Pip-Boy Paint
  23. Black Rider Power Armor
  24. Blood Eagle Bow Skin
  25. Blood Eagle Bundle
  26. Blood Eagle Power Armor Paint
  27. Blood Eagle Totem
  28. Bloody Arktos Refrigerator
  29. Bombs Away Mobile
  30. Bone and Felt Antler Headband Set
  31. Bone Gas Mask
  32. Bonnet
  33. BOS Backpack
  34. BOS Scouting Tower
  35. Bottle Icon
  36. Boxing Ring
  37. Brambles
  38. Brew-haha Bundle
  39. Brotherhood Armory
  40. Brotherhood Bundle
  41. Brotherhood High Tech Stash
  42. Brotherhood of Steel Digital Deluxe Bundle
  43. Bubble Blower Machine
  44. Bucking Brahmin Bundle
  45. Bucking Brahmin Mask
  46. Bucking Brahmin Ride
  47. Bunker Bundle
  48. Burgundy Modular Sofa Set
  49. C.A.M.P. Structure Starter Bundle
  50. Cactus Set
  51. Camden Park Mega Bundle
  52. Camo Secret Service Armor Paint
  53. Camo Secret Service Underarmor
  54. Camo Utility Cap
  55. Cappy's Nuka-Cola Train Bundle
  56. Captain Cosmos Outfit
  57. Captain Cosmos Power Armor
  58. Captain Cosmos Power Armor Bundle
  59. Caravan Trader Outfit
  60. Carnivorous Plant
  61. Cash Register Vending Machine
  62. Castle Bed
  63. Cat Topiary
  64. Cement Tire Set
  65. Chalk Letter Kit
  66. Charleston Fire Station
  67. Charleston Fire Station Bundle
  68. Christmas Sitting Room Bundle
  69. Cinder Blocks Wallpaper
  70. Clandestine Gauss Weapons Bundle
  71. Clandestine Service Gauss Shotgun Paint
  72. Clandestine Service Minigun Paint
  73. Classic Jukebox
  74. Classic Performance Stage
  75. Classic Western Bundle
  76. Classical Column
  77. Classy Girl Player Icon
  78. Clean Bathroom Bundle
  79. Clean Billboard
  80. Clean Boxing Ring
  81. Clean Chally Outfit
  82. Clean Mannequin Set
  83. Clean Shower
  84. Clean Sink
  85. Clean Small Generator
  86. Clean Toilet
  87. Clean Water Purifier
  88. Clean White Picket Fences
  89. Coal Duster Excavator Power Armor Paint
  90. Coffin Backpack
  91. Coffin Decoration
  92. Coffin Stash Box
  93. Collectron Bundle
  94. Colored Oval Lights
  95. Comforts of Home Bundle
  96. Comin' to Town Bundle
  97. Communal Firepit
  98. Communist Bunker
  99. Communist Collectron Station
  100. Communist Fence
  101. Communist Handmade Gun Skin
  102. Communist Militant Outfit
  103. Communist Military Safe Stash Box
  104. Communist Officer's Gas Mask
  105. Communist Salute Emote
  106. Communist Spy Bundle
  107. Communist Spy Outfit
  108. Contemporary C.A.M.P. Bundle
  109. Cowboy Hat
  110. Cowhide Outfit
  111. Creepy Mothman Player Icon
  112. Crypt Crook Backpack
  113. Cuddles Outfit
  114. Cultist Dungeon Bundle
  115. Dark Harlequin Face Paint
  116. Dark Matter Combat Rifle Paint
  117. Dark Wood Laminate
  118. Dart Board
  119. Dead Man's Hand Posters
  120. Death Awaits Skull Totem
  121. Death Ray Bug Zapper
  122. Decorative Room Divider
  123. Deep Cave Bundle
  124. Deep Cave Hunter Outfit
  125. Diamond Eyes Face Paint
  126. Down Home Comfort Bundle
  127. Down Home Dweller Bundle
  128. Down Home Wallpaper Set
  129. Duster
  130. Easter Bundle
  131. Easter Rabbit Plushie
  132. Electro 2000 Fireplace
  133. Elm Tree Set
  134. Encampment Bridge
  135. Encampment Fences
  136. Encampment Fortress Bundle
  137. Enclave Backpack
  138. Enclave Bundle
  139. Enclave C.A.M.P. Bundle
  140. Enclave Power Armor Paint
  141. Enclave Turret Set
  142. Equalizer Power Armor Paint
  143. Eye Patch Bundle
  144. F.E.T.C.H. Collectron Station
  145. Fancy Thanksgiving Display Case
  146. Farm Life C.A.M.P. Bundle
  147. Fasnacht Bundle
  148. Fasnacht C.A.M.P. Bundle
  149. Fasnacht Collectron Station
  150. Fasnacht Mask Bundle
  151. Fasnacht Mask Display
  152. Fasnacht Mystical Mask Bundle
  153. Fat Man Aviator Paint
  154. Feral Ghoul Bundle
  155. Feral Ghoul Costume
  156. Fez
  157. Fire Chief Bundle
  158. Fire Hazard Backpack
  159. Firewatch Tower
  160. Firing Range Posters
  161. Fish Lamp
  162. Floor Walker Outfit
  163. Flower Cart
  164. Fluorescent Light Set
  165. Flyboy Bundle
  166. Flyboy Icon
  167. Flyboy Outfit
  168. Four Poster Bed
  169. Free States Scout Armor Paint
  170. Freedom Stars Neon Sign
  171. Freight Wagon
  172. Fringed Dress
  173. Future-Tec Bundle
  174. Gag Glasses Bundle
  175. Gala Dress
  176. Gala Tuxedo
  177. Gatling Plasma Copperhead Paint
  178. Ghillie Netting Bundle
  179. Ghoul Icon
  180. Giant Neon Letters
  181. Gladiator Outfit
  182. Glow-in-the-Dark Map
  183. Gold 50 Cal Machine Gun Paint
  184. Gold Mr. Fuzzy Kiddie Ride
  185. Gold Mr. Rocket Kiddie Ride
  186. Golden Years Set
  187. Good Fortunes Bundle
  188. Grafton Monster Mascot Outfit
  189. Grahm Plushie
  190. Grahm's Green Bundle
  191. Green Thumb Bundle
  192. Greenhouse Kit
  193. Greenhouse Kit Bundle
  194. Grognak Battlecry
  195. Grognak Hero Bundle
  196. Grognak Plushie
  197. Gurney Bed Set
  198. H.A.R.E. Power Armor Skin
  199. Halberd
  200. Halloween C.A.M.P. Bundle
  201. Halo and Horns Set
  202. Hammock
  203. Hanging Planters
  204. Haunted House C.A.M.P. Bundle
  205. Haunted House Floor
  206. Haunted House Porch Set
  207. Haunted House Staircase
  208. Hay Bales
  209. Heart Balloons
  210. Hellcat Outfit Bundle
  211. Hellfire Regulator Power Armor Paint
  212. Hero Statue Set
  213. High-Powered Weapon Racks
  214. High-Tech Stash
  215. Holiday Nuclear Tree
  216. Holiday Tree
  217. Holidays Emote Bundle
  218. Hot Tub
  219. Hubris Comics Magazine Rack
  220. Hubris Comics Wallpaper
  221. Hunting Lodge Bundle
  222. I Survived!
  223. Imposter Assaultron Head
  224. Inflatable Snowman
  225. Inner Tube Deck Chair
  226. Jail Walls
  227. Junk Fences
  228. Junkyard C.A.M.P. Bundle
  229. Junkyard Dog Collectron Station
  230. Junkyard Power Armor Paint
  231. Kill, Laugh, Love Neon Sign
  232. Landscape Painting
  233. Large Nuka-Cola Bottle
  234. Large Succulent Set
  235. Laser Grid Door
  236. Laundered Blue Dress
  237. Laundered Cream Dress
  238. Laundered Rose Dress
  239. Leper'chaun Outfit
  240. Leprechaun Bundle
  241. Leprechaun Outfit
  242. Liberator Bot Lamp
  243. Liberty Prime Power Armor Skin Set
  244. Light Bulb Letters Set
  245. Light Wood Laminate
  246. Lion Dancer Outfit
  247. Log Cabin Kit
  248. Log Cabin Porch Set
  249. Lover Girl Icon
  250. Lucille's Lullaby
  251. Lumberjack Bundle
  252. Lumberjack Outfit
  253. Makeshift Mega Mansion
  254. Mascot Head
  255. Matte Black Equalizer Power Armor Paint
  256. Matte Black Handmade Paint
  257. Mausoleum Bundle
  258. Meat Cooler Backpack
  259. Medical Scrubs
  260. Medical Smile Mask
  261. Medieval C.A.M.P. Bundle
  262. Megaton Hairstyle
  263. Military Beret Bundle
  264. Mini Deathclaw Statue
  265. Mini Nuke Planter
  266. Mini Power Armor Statue
  267. Minigun Chrome Paint
  268. Missile Silo Shelter
  269. Missile Silo Shelter Bundle
  270. Mob Boss Bundle
  271. Modern Ceiling Fan
  272. Modern Fireplace
  273. Modular Mainframe Set
  274. Mole Rat Generator Suite
  275. Mole Rat Icon
  276. Mole Rats Painting
  277. Monocle
  278. Montani Semper Liberi
  279. Moonshine Mama Mask
  280. Mosaic Tiles
  281. Mothman Bed
  282. Mothman Cultist C.A.M.P. Bundle
  283. Mothman Cultist Goat Totem
  284. Mothman Cultist Icon
  285. Mothman Cultist Torches
  286. Mothman Curtain Door
  287. Mothman Frame
  288. Mothman Furniture Set
  289. Mothman Gas Mask
  290. Mothman Hunter Bundle
  291. Mothman Hunter Outfit
  292. Mothman Jetpack
  293. Mothman Neon Billboards
  294. Mothman Outfit Bundle
  295. Mothman Pip-Boy Paint
  296. Mothman Plushie Backpack
  297. Mothman Poster
  298. Mothman Power Armor Paints and Lamp
  299. Mothman Sleeping Bag
  300. Mothman Statue
  301. Mothman Traveler Bundle
  302. Mothman Wallpaper Bundle
  303. Mothman Worship Emote
  304. Mountaineer Outfit
  305. Mounted Fish Set
  306. Mounted Radhog Head
  307. Movie Poster Set
  308. Mr. Claus Player Icon
  309. Mr. Claus' Suit
  310. Mr. Fuzzy Backpack
  311. Mr. Fuzzy Balloon Animal
  312. Mr. Fuzzy Cowboy Plushie
  313. Mr. Fuzzy Halloween Plushie
  314. Mr. Fuzzy Kiddie Ride
  315. Mr. Fuzzy New Year's Plushie
  316. Mr. Fuzzy Player Icon
  317. Mr. Fuzzy Power Armor Helmet
  318. Mr. Fuzzy Tinker's Workbench
  319. Mr. Fuzzy Valentine's Day Plushie
  320. Mr. Pebbles Lamp
  321. Mr. Pebbles Plushie
  322. Mr. Pebbles Space Explorer Backpack
  323. Mr. Rocket Kiddie Ride
  324. Mrs. Claus' Dress
  325. Mrs. Claus Player Icon
  326. Mudflap Hat Set
  327. Mummy Dearest Icon
  328. Mushroom Lamp
  329. Mutant Dummy
  330. Nautical Anchor Tattoo
  331. Neighborhood Square Shelter
  332. Neon Palm Reader Sign
  333. Neon Sign Set
  334. New Year's Banner
  335. New Year's Eve Bundle
  336. New Year's Icon
  337. New Year's Tuxedos Bundle
  338. Night Eyes Icon
  339. Night Terror Gauss Rifle Paint
  340. No Thank You Emote
  341. No Way Emote
  342. Northern Lights Paint T-51 Power Armor Paint
  343. Nuclear Winter Poster Set
  344. Nuka-Cola Bottle Display Rack
  345. Nuka-Cola Bundle
  346. Nuka-Cola Cask Stool
  347. Nuka-Cola Cooler
  348. Nuka-Cola Cooler Backpack
  349. Nuka-Cola Curtain Door
  350. Nuka-Cola Dark Power Armor Paints
  351. Nuka-Cola Delivery Bundle
  352. Nuka-Cola Jumpsuit Set
  353. Nuka-Cola Neon Sign
  354. Nuka-Cola Projection Lamp
  355. Nuka-Cola Quantum Bottle Lamp
  356. Nuka-Cola Quantum Bundle
  357. Nuka-Cola Quantum Sign
  358. Nuka-Cola Secret Door Bundle
  359. Nuka-Cola Stained Glass Lamps
  360. Nuka-Cola Vending Machine
  361. Nuka-Cola Wallpaper Set
  362. Nuka-Girl Rocketsuit
  363. Old Man Summer Mask
  364. Old Possum Bar Sign
  365. Old West Bar Set
  366. Ole Timey Diner Bundle
  367. Outhouse
  368. Pack Rat Backpack
  369. Pajamas
  370. Pale Rider Photoframe
  371. Pale Rider Power Armor
  372. Pallet Wood Floor
  373. Pallet Wood Wallpaper
  374. Parachute Backpack
  375. Park Ranger Bundle
  376. Park Ranger Power Armor Skin
  377. Patriotic The Fixer Paint
  378. Pickaxe Pilsner Bar Sign
  379. Pink Neon Heart Sign
  380. Pipe Organ
  381. Pitt Scaffold Kit
  382. Plague Doctor Mask
  383. Plain Curtain Door
  384. Plasma Ball Set
  385. Plotting Table
  386. Plushie C.A.M.P. Bundle
  387. Poodle Skirt
  388. Portrait Secret Door
  389. Potted Succulents
  390. Pristine Moe the Mole Outfit
  391. Pumpkin Vault Girl Head
  392. Raider Collectron Station
  393. Raider Culinarian Outfit
  394. Raider Pathfinder Outfit
  395. Raider Salute
  396. Raider Skinner Outfit
  397. Raider Skull Gas Mask
  398. Raider Vending Machine
  399. Raider Warlord Outfit
  400. Raider Waster Bundle
  401. Rain Water Collector
  402. Raven Perch
  403. Red Enamel Stove
  404. Red Menace Backpack
  405. Red Menace Bundle
  406. Red Modular Mainframe
  407. Red Rocket Diner Set
  408. Red Rocket Door
  409. Red Rocket Garage
  410. Red Rocket Mega Furniture Bundle
  411. Red Rocket Power Connectors
  412. Red Rocket Ranger Power Armor Bundle
  413. Red Rocket Stash Box
  414. Red Scare Power Armor Skin
  415. Red Shift Backpack
  416. Red Shift Floor
  417. Red Shift Power Armor Skin
  418. Responder Power Armor Paint
  419. Responders Bundle
  420. Rest in Pieces C.A.M.P. Bundle
  421. Revolutionary Bundle
  422. Revolutionary Outfit
  423. Roadtripper Outfit
  424. Robber Halloween Bundle
  425. RobCo Snow Machine
  426. Robot Steins Display Case
  427. Rocket Ceiling Fan
  428. Round Deck Table
  429. RR Ranger Power Armor Paint
  430. Rusted Chain link Fence
  431. Rusted Junkyard Power Armor Paint
  432. Rustic Fountain
  433. Rustic Greenhouse Bundle
  434. Rustic Greenhouse Kit
  435. Rustic Room Divider
  436. Rustic Sink
  437. Rusty Raider Skull Gas Mask
  438. Samurai Outfit
  439. Santa Bag Backpack
  440. Santa Statue
  441. Santa's Slay Power Armor Bundle
  442. Santatron Collectron Station
  443. Satellite Dish
  444. Scavenger Collectron Station
  445. Screaming Eagle Handmade Gun Skin
  446. Screaming Eagle Wood Skin
  447. Secret Service Backpack
  448. Secret Service Bobblehead Stand
  449. Secret Service Camo Bundle
  450. Secret Stash Bookcase
  451. Seedy Shed
  452. Sequin Dress
  453. Shadow Prime Power Armor Skin
  454. Share the Love Bundle
  455. Sheepsquatch Plushie
  456. Shelter Catwalk Bundle
  457. Shelters Mainframe Bundle
  458. Shogatsu Bundle
  459. Silver Shroud Costume
  460. Silver Shroud Plushie
  461. Six Pack Loot Bag
  462. Skull Lord War Suit
  463. Skull Mask
  464. Skull Totem Set
  465. Slocum's Joe C.A.M.P. Bundle
  466. Slocum's Joe Coffee Machine
  467. Snow Globe Lamp
  468. Snowglobe
  469. Solid Color Wallpaper Set
  470. Space Suit
  471. Spiked Barricade
  472. Spikehawk Hairstyle
  473. Spring Bundle
  474. Square Rug Bundle
  475. Stainless Steel Refrigerator
  476. Stalker Outfit
  477. Standing Lamp
  478. Stanley
  479. Stocking Set
  480. Street Lamps
  481. Stuffed Radstag
  482. Summer Shorts
  483. Sun Hat
  484. Super Angry
  485. Survivalist Outfit
  486. Thanksgiving Bundle
  487. Thanksgiving Kitchen Bundle
  488. The Nighthawk Skin
  489. The Quack Outfit
  490. Theremin
  491. Top Secret Door
  492. Trailblazer Bundle
  493. Turkey Mascot Outfit
  494. Untarnished Alien Blaster Paint
  495. Valentine's Backpack
  496. Vampire Costume
  497. Vault Boy/Girl Power Armor Helmet Set
  498. Vault Girl Mascot Head
  499. Vault Girl Scribble Head
  500. Vault-Tec Grandfather Clock
  501. Vault-Tec Laser Gun Paint
  502. Vault-Tec Locker Bay
  503. Vault-Tec Refrigerator
  504. Vault-Tec Spa
  505. Vault-Tec Starter Bundle
  506. Vendor Sign Set
  507. Vintage Linen Coat
  508. Wall Weapon Racks
  509. War Rider Power Armor
  510. Warband Face Paint
  511. Waste Barrel Planter
  512. Wasteland Trapper Outfit
  513. Wasteland Werewolf Outfit
  514. Watchpost
  515. Waterbed
  516. Wavy Willard's Letters
  517. Wavy Willard's Park Bundle
  518. Wavy Willard's Swimsuit Bundle
  519. Wavy Willard's Wipeout Slide Bundle
  520. Welcome Friends Sign
  521. Welcome Home Neon Sign
  522. Welcome to Helvetia Bundle
  523. West Virginia Table Set
  524. Western Bar Bundle
  525. White Wallpaper
  526. Whitesprings C.A.M.P. Bundle
  527. Whitesprings Wallpaper Set
  528. Wildman Rags
  529. Wildwood Den Bundle
  530. Wildwood Tavern
  531. Wildwood Tavern Bundle
  532. Willard Plushie
  533. Wolf Howl Emote
  534. Worm Farm
  535. Wrought Iron Fence
  536. Zoltan Fortune Teller
submitted by Gemman_Aster to fo76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 19:41 HopefulAccount5210 The Idea that the IB can’t stop time zone cheating is a myth.

Okay so let me preface this with a little background. People seem to think that the IB can’t do anything about the, frankly ridiculous quantity of cheating that has happened this year. For a few reasons, the main one being that the IB can’t create and ship such a significant quantity of exam papers to so many different time zones. This is false. The driving factor behind this is money, and people seem to think that the IB doesn’t have the money to
A: Hire enough people needed to make the papers and answers and grade them.
B. Ship them in a timely manner and also be able to afford shipping
This idea is a myth. Let’s break it down shall we? The International baccalaureate Organisation has an annual profit margin of 70-73% of its annual revenue which sits as of 2023 at 208 million US dollars. Do I really need to elaborate further? Realistically the cost of hiring another hundred staff along with the logistics of that including equipment, space, IT (in terms of getting access to serves), and general miscellaneous costs will not cost more than 10million more dollars a year. Clearly the IB would never make a change that loses them 10million a year however we need to stop perpetuating the idea that the IB is somehow “financially Incapable” of fixing the biggest issue the program has at this time. We need to start holding them accountable for the fact that they are screwing us over to maintain their bottom line.
Do what this information what you will:
Sources Cited:(remove the spaces reddits weird about links)
http s://w w
htt ps:// w w
submitted by HopefulAccount5210 to ibPhysics [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 16:50 -ofcitsme- How should I Optimize my Itinerary? Which cities to skip on my round the "world" trip?

I can promise to read & reply to each single comment here!
I worked out with my workplace a ‘deal’ allowing me to take 80/90 days off. I can’t realistically push it longer. I was always fascinated by the concept of literally going around the world, so my idea was to do that (the connection with the novel is not lost on me).
As it's impossible to see everything in such a limited time i'll focus on highlights and big cities (which I love). I'll try to squeeze nature, hikes and sea in day-trips while I'm travelling. I'm fine with getting a taste and coming back in the future for a deeper dive in the countries I liked! I'm also fine with this many planes potentially being budget-unwise.
I'd appreciate any feedback from people that visited these places / have experience with longish-term travel planning. (who might know that cramming this much could be tricky).
The biggest question I have, and was not able to find a conclusive answer while looking at other threads:
Q: I’m sure I could spend months in a single city and not be able to see it all (Tokyo comes to my mind), at the same time since my limited time I will focus on making the most in a more limited times, is there any stop you feel I vastly overestimated / underestimate the days I would need to stay? Some places I’m leaving a few extra days to take small-breaks from the hectic plans, to account for potential change of plans.
Q: Looking at other experience posts it seems Vietnam in August is at best being super-hot, at worst quite rainy. Any experience on this front? Would it make sense to skip Vietnam and instead “spread” the 10 days I was planning on spending there to make the rest of the trip less packed? I can consider going back to Vietnam at a different time in the future.
Q: Anyone done anything similar? I tried to search for similar routes but was not lucky, if so please share your itineraries / posts and I’d be happy to read through it! :) (I saw some similar ideas, but nothing quite like this)
submitted by -ofcitsme- to travel [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 22:33 Bombe18 Those players make me sick. They never touched navy and say thing to say that navy is bad and WOWS better. I hate those detractor

Those players make me sick. They never touched navy and say thing to say that navy is bad and WOWS better. I hate those detractor submitted by Bombe18 to WarThunderNaval [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 19:40 Philothea0821 Prayer, efficiency, and the authority of God

I came across some thoughts regarding prayer to the saints that I found incredibly fascinating. I hope you do too.
Often times in objecting to prayer to the saints, Protestants will say "Why pray to the saints when you can go directly to God?" Jesus split the veil. We have direct access to the Father through Jesus. We do not need to go through intermediaries!
And they would be correct. One of the things that I LOVE about Protestants is their dedication to the sovereignty of God (not that Catholics are not). So I really do understand where Protestants come from when they say "Doesn't this detract from the authority of Jesus?" This is what I want to address.
First of all, I think one of the biggest problems with Protestantism is the individuality of it. Christianity is not an individualistic religion. Its not meant to be. In Genesis 2, we read this:
Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.”
Man should not be alone. Furthermore, and this verse comes up a lot on this topic, James 5:16 -
Therefore confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man has great power in its effects.
So, we are all in the journey to Heaven together!
But why go through intermediaries? Again, we have direct access to the Father. Well for starters, God does not listen to sinners (See John 9:31) and there are no sinners in Heaven (because they have been purified from all sin prior to going into Heaven). So God listens to the saints. God listens to those who obey Him.
Secondly, I want to share a passage that many might not be familiar with (part of this should sound familiar to Catholics):
As he entered Caper′na-um, a centurion came forward to him, beseeching him 6 and saying, “Lord, my servant is lying paralyzed at home, in terrible distress.” 7 And he said to him, “I will come and heal him.” 8 But the centurion answered him, “Lord, I am not worthy to have you come under my roof; but only say the word, and my servant will be healed. 9 For I am a man under authority, with soldiers under me; and I say to one, ‘Go,’ and he goes, and to another, ‘Come,’ and he comes, and to my slave, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.” 10 When Jesus heard him, he marveled, and said to those who followed him, “Truly, I say to you, not even\)a\) in Israel have I found such faith. 11 I tell you, many will come from east and west and sit at table with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven, 12 while the sons of the kingdom will be thrown into the outer darkness; there men will weep and gnash their teeth.” 13 And to the centurion Jesus said, “Go; be it done for you as you have believed.” And the servant was healed at that very moment.
The part just before the bolded, should be familiar to Catholics as we say these exact words (except "my soul" in place of "my servant") at Mass. But what is interesting is the Roman Centurion notes that as a person in authority, he acts through servants. He tells people what to do and they do it. So, it is with God. We see Jesus say "I could ask my Father to send 12 legions of angels down to my rescue." The Father could also just handle it himself, but that is not what God does. God does not take the path with the least number of steps. He takes the one that will produce the best result.
2 other examples of this:
1) The Wedding Feast at Cana - Jesus said to them, “Fill the jars with water.” And they filled them up to the brim. 8 He said to them, “Now draw some out, and take it to the steward of the feast.” So they took it. 9 When the steward of the feast tasted the water now become wine, and did not know where it came from (though the servants who had drawn the water knew), the steward of the feast called the bridegroom 10 and said to him, “Every man serves the good wine first; and when men have drunk freely, then the poor wine; but you have kept the good wine until now.” 11 This, the first of his signs, Jesus did at Cana in Galilee, and manifested his glory; and his disciples believed in him.
2) Jesus and the Woman of Samaria - Now when the Lord knew that the Pharisees had heard that Jesus was making and baptizing more disciples than John 2 (although Jesus himself did not baptize, but only his disciples), 3 he left Judea and departed again to Galilee.
Who is acting in each of these passages? Jesus? Or somebody else? In the wedding feast, Jesus never even touches the jars. He does not do anything, yet John says "This is the first of Jesus' signs."
In the second passage, it says "Jesus is doing the baptizing" but who actually does the baptizing? The disciples.
Jesus works through intermediaries. The saints do not detract from God's authority, but rather are an extension of it. The authority of Jesus acts through the saints and angels in Heaven.
So, to summarize:
1) We pray to saints, not because we cannot go to God directly, but because they have been perfected by the will of God and thus, their prayers are more efficacious than if we did it our selves.
2) We are all one body in Christ, Heaven or Earth. I like to imagine that as we sing our hymns down here on Earth, we are simultaneously joining in song with all of the angels and saints in Heaven as mentioned by the hymn "Holy God, We Praise Thy Name!" We do not journey to Heaven by ourselves. We have God and everyone else in Heaven above and the Earth below to help us!
3) God rarely chooses to act Himself. Jesus could very well have continued to live on even until today. He could have stayed behind to continue to teach. But he didn't. He passed that torch on to St. Peter and the apostles. Christ acts in the world today through His Church! He does not have to, but He chooses to. Not to take away from His sovereignty but to share it with us and make us an extension of that authority. We recognize that miracles that result from the intercession of saints are not the saints doing, but God's working through the saint!
Let us pray:
In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.
Lord, Heavenly Father, we join together with all Your saints in angels in Heaven in thanking Thee for the divine gift of Your Most Holy Church that has the apostles and all their successors throughout the ages as her foundation, all other believers as her bricks, and You as her Cornerstone! We thank you for the gift of your saints and that You may show Yourself to us today through them and that others may be shown You through us.
We humbly recognize that You have chosen each and every one of us for a specific purpose, even if unknown to us. We ask You today for the grace to be made aware of that purpose, so that we may faithfully and humbly build your Kingdom here on Earth. As without end we acclaim: Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of hosts! Heaven and Earth are filled with Thy Glory! Hosanna in the Highest!
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be. World without end. Amen.
In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.
submitted by Philothea0821 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 19:13 Legental E-208 (2022) film over entertainment screen

G'day Peugeot drivers!
I've recently acquired the E-208 2022 model ''used'' with 1,5k kilometers on it. I noticed there's a film/protector on the entertainment unit which is harder to pull off the screen than a protective film which usually is on new screens to take off. As searching Google and Reddit hasn't answered my question yet, I was wondering if it's standard on this casafe to remove as it's noticable there's a film on the screen on any app that's not using a dark theme. Thank you!
submitted by Legental to peugeot [link] [comments]