Gropping video

My chaotic nursing school digital planner

2024.04.18 16:10 bass_kritter My chaotic nursing school digital planner

My chaotic nursing school digital planner submitted by bass_kritter to PlannerAddicts [link] [comments]

2024.03.29 21:32 RoiReiMoon My friends V(21F), D(21M), DE(20F) and E(24), they all made a group with other friends and left me out of it. They act like I did the wrong so I'm not sure about how to feel and I don't know what I did wrong either. I also don't know if my mom was right and it was bullying. What do y'all think?

Hi, I (25F) became friends with a couple of girls N (22F) and V(21F) on the first year of college. We worked together on every project and talked about life, mostly me about my abusive ex bf. But I ended up loving our friendship because they were pretty intelligent, chill and good people in general. Now, the past semester we chose the same schedule (morning classes) and shared almost the same classmates, so everything was the same, the only difference is that I had started to clash with N and talked it out and decided that we won't spend so much time together because we didn't want to annoy the other. I still considered her my friend and felt grateful for her presence in my life and felt lots of admiration and respect. That semester however I felt pretty pretty happy because two other friends signed up for this schedule, so I got along with pretty much everyone there. The final month of that semester (forgive me, please English is not my first language so I can express myself that well) N's and V's old group started to play games when we had free time during classes and well, I was like cool for them, they laugh a lot and seem happy. I went to see if I can be with that group some times, but they were very physically close to each other and when I stayed I was a bit far away or just stayed there without anyone interacting with me. I was okay with that, but I'm a talkative person so eventually stopped going to their seats because I felt I had nothing to do there. Now, in that last month of said semester the group became complete (?). My bff D(22M), and other two friends DE(21F) and E(24M) entered that group, games, group chats and hang outs, and then I really started to feel excluded. They were all polite with me, I had had no incident with anyone really, except for the class president A (23F), who in my opinion, cared more about what the teachers may think about our class than about her classmates opinions/interests. One day I called her out when a teacher gave us assignments at 9pm going back and forth till 11pm. I started saying that I know she (this girl) didn't like me, but to please think about what I was goin to tell her: to stop giving the teacher excuses and to tell that teacher that it was disrespectful to do that at that hour. The next day this girl started crying before one class saying that she had so much in her plate and that if we didn't like her as class president we could vote and choose someone else. She said this in the middle of her group, legit they were always in a circle, and talked loudly enough for me to hear it. Her grop told her that no she was the best at her duty, that they all were all thankful for her, etc, etc. I know I didn't word my annoyance with the situation well, but I didn't either felt bad for telling her to stop listening and giving her nightime to the teacher. I thought whatever I said to her she would take it professionally, but I was mistaken. Just to clarify I didn't insult her, or tell her that she should step down and let other person be class president, or anything of that kind. So, back to the period I was talking about. That month the groups was completed and I started to feel pretty excluded, now, for real. Why? Because I used to do all classes assignments with V because we complemented each other very well, worked fast and got great grades. Then, suddenly she rejected me when I asked her if she wanted to do xyz assignment telling me that she had already decided to do it with someone from her friends group. I felt sad, but more than anything worried because all the people in that group were people I liked to work with and now I had no one. Other classmates also had already their groups so I had to ask person by person if they were in need of someone to work with. N started to ignore my greetings and say no to anything I asked for her, stupid little things like blush or toilet paper (yeah stupid, but she gave it to another friend that asked after me with no problem at all). So, ok, I got the memo. If I asked any of them to hang out with me or to do or go some place, they told me that they had already made plans with the group to do that exact same thing. If they HAD to do something with me I had to sit or wait on the sidelines for the group to finish whatever they were doing for that friend to go with me. About the chats: Well, I got to know about it because their voices were pretty freaking loud! And they talked about this or that thing mentioning what was said on the chat group. Sometimes they even went to the friends I sat with and started talking with them and of course I had absolutely no idea what they were talking about, so I couldn't like to try to be part of the conversation (for anyone who might tell that I didn't even try to be part of that group). Once or twice I said something, because again, they don't talk, they scream, and they were like oh yeah and kept talking to each other. Lol I felt and feel still really stupid and lame. They did fun things like matching their outfits with the same colour every day, making memes about each other, going to watch movies, going to their houses to make homeworks or spend time together, etc. A couple of times they made plans to celebrate someone's birthday and I, of course, didn't get included so the birthday person started to act cold towards me because I basically hadn't be there with them in their day, which again, how could I be when nobody invited me! Nor even told me that moment to go with them, with me putting anything to set up the party?! And it wasn't about gifts or verbal congratulations, they thought I didn't want to spend time with them so I didn't bother to go to their party.
I want to clarify that no one from that group was ever verbally rude or disrespectful to me. Like we all acted cordially.
I've had problems in my house for a couple of years because I couldn't find a job and at my mom's job they basically exploit workers, therefore I didn't have money to eat or sbuy anything at campus, nor even at home sometimes. I had had also a fling with a guy I really liked and he ended up treating me like shit, I felt down a couple of stairs and kept limping and complaining about my knee, my phone screen broke twice in the same semester and in general I struggle with depression and anxiety so I hurt my face a lot. This time so so much that I wore a face mask every single day because my face looked awful, so bad that my friends couldn't tell me anything to make feel good denying it or something like that. I felt awful every day and cried absolutely every single day. So when all my friends were together and didn't include me I lost it. I started crying at home with my mom every day, apart from the time I was in college. I was a complete mess. I started to stay in the classroom after the classes ended to not see them on my way home. I just didn't want to go to college anymore because I didn't want to see anyone and in general my health went to the ground. I just wanted to finish the semester, and consider what to do.
My mom listening to me told me that I didn't have to feel like that because I didn't need them, etc. You know, mom words to cheer her daughter up, but later told me that everything I told her about was basically bullying. And I think that's a pretty strong, serious word to use it lightly. I told her that no, that it was somethin that just didn't happen (me not being included). However I couldn't help feeling bad and cried all the time wherever I was, despite my mom telling me to stop doing that in public, in front of these people.
Whatever, I had a fight with DE because she was mad that I didn't want to date her bf's friend, and I told her that I appreciated the intention, but that that was not was I was looking for. She stopped me one day to talk and asked me to apologise to her. I was speechless and told her that I wasn't going to do what she considered I had to do and that she should understand and acknowledge that and that brat left the room saying out loud how I didn't appreciate her, etc. A couple of days later I told her that I felt she was disrespectful and also that I felt hurt because she being my friend never tried to include me in that group. She told me that I never asked her what they were talking about (when they clearly told me that it was private matters between the group only), that I never went to them and asked to be with them, that nobody told me because I didn't get along with the class president (thing that in my opinion wasn't the case... because I never attacked her as a person or anything, I called her out about her actions as the class president and thought that she wouldn't take it as something personal). Well, DE told me that she has distanced herself from me because I always had something bad going on in my life and that I thought she didn't have problems too. and that so much toxicity affected her (FAIR). That I didn't even remember what she had confided me (for real not even now remember to be completely honest, so this was really bad on my part). She told me that I had been ungrateful, something my bff (D) denied saying that I'm not like that, and well finished it up saying that I think I'm the center of the world. That I was self-centered thinking she and well all of them had to think how I felt when everyone I knew was invited to that group, but me. That she hadn't been in that group for that long, that it wasn't even up for her to tell me anything or to include me and... that I was the disrespectful one and that she was the one who had been waiting for and deserved an apology. My bff tried to make us agree to accept our faults and try to get along again, but DE said that she had nothing to recognize and left. At that point I had started bawling.
So, after we passed the semester V started to not reply to anything I sent her, stopped sending me vids or posts on ig and tt and well basically we didn't talk again. I made a video for her bday and also for christmas and new year telling her how much I appreciated her and wishing her well. But I had already decided to accept the situation of our friendship and leave it along with all the experiences I had that year. So 31st was the last time I exchanged text with her.
Now, I changed my schedule to the afternoon classes because I didn't want to be with that group again and feel lonely. I've liked it so far and feel better. I thought it would be the best for everyone, However, I feel bad that it's like basically I died for them.
One thing about me is that I get really upset with ill-mannered people... I say this because N and V have seen me a couple of times around at our campus and just elbowed each other, but didn't say hi or anything, ok. A couple of days back I went to the World March of Women and saw a dear friend of mine and rushed to hug her and well, they were in the way, I didn't want to confirm it so I didn't watch and bolted towards my friend, but decided to not act childish and turned to greet N and V but they completely ignored my presence. It stang particularly in V's case, because I loved our friendship of the past two years.
Now I'm mad because they all act like I did something wrong, bad towards them and acted without manners. I feel that I'm wrong thinking like that tho. Also, I can't get out of my head what my mom said about their actions being actually bullying because to me it doesn't seem like it, and I feel I would be playing the victim if I said they did bully me.
Am I being childish and playing the victim? and why?
P.S I mentioned E(24M) just to show that I had 4 close friends in that group of 10 people.
submitted by RoiReiMoon to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.02.28 20:21 Gamesmarts194 Lengthy videos giving error messages

I've been trying to download some videos, and I've noticed a few of them give me the [Errno 28] No space left on device . This seems to happen primarily with videos that approach/go over 4 hours. I've tried two different things so far:
  1. yt-dlp was in a folder on my computer at C:\ytdl , ran the command menu from my flash drive at D:\Yozora Mel , and files were sent to D:\Yozora Mel as well. Computer had 18 GB free space and flash drive had 163 GB free space.
  2. Copy-pasted the whole ytdl folder to my flash drive (so now it's in D:\ytdl), and moved the flash drive to a different computer. Ran the command menu from my flash drive again, this time also at D:\ytdl, and files were sent to the same place. Second computer had 72 GB free space, flash drive still had 163 GB free space.
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19045.4046]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
E:\Yozora Mel>yt-dlp -S res,ext:mp4:m4a --recode mp4 --verbose ""
[debug] Command-line config: ['-S', 'res,ext:mp4:m4a', '--recode', 'mp4', '--verbose', '']
[debug] Encodings: locale cp932, fs utf-8, pref cp932, out utf-8, error utf-8, screen utf-8
[debug] yt-dlp version stable@2023.12.30 from yt-dlp/yt-dlp [f10589e34] (win_exe)
[debug] Python 3.8.10 (CPython AMD64 64bit) - Windows-10-10.0.19045-SP0 (OpenSSL 1.1.1k 25 Mar 2021)
[debug] exe versions: ffmpeg N-112103-gb5c07a368b-20230916 (setts)
[debug] Optional libraries: Cryptodome-3.19.1, brotli-1.1.0, certifi-2023.11.17, mutagen-1.47.0, requests-2.31.0, sqlite3-3.35.5, urllib3-2.1.0, websockets-12.0
[debug] Proxy map: {}
[debug] Request Handlers: urllib, requests, websockets
[debug] Loaded 1798 extractors
[youtube] Extracting URL:
[youtube] mWNokGROpTU: Downloading webpage
[youtube] mWNokGROpTU: Downloading ios player API JSON
[youtube] mWNokGROpTU: Downloading android player API JSON
[debug] Loading youtube-nsig.95cde7ed from cache
[debug] [youtube] Decrypted nsig mMDBPYZq3xfK1BTu => ED3qchGA8oA8lA
[youtube] mWNokGROpTU: Downloading m3u8 information
[debug] Sort order given by user: res, ext:mp4:m4a
[debug] Sort order given by extractor: quality, res, fps, hdr:12, source, vcodec:vp9.2, channels, acodec, lang, proto
[debug] Formats sorted by: hasvid, ie_pref, res, vext:mp4(6), aext:m4a(8), quality, fps, hdr:12(7), source, vcodec:vp9.2(10), channels, acodec, lang, proto, size, br, asr, hasaud, id
[debug] Default format spec: bestvideo*+bestaudio/best
[info] mWNokGROpTU: Downloading 1 format(s): 617+140
[hlsnative] Downloading m3u8 manifest
[hlsnative] Total fragments: 2862
[download] Destination: 【ASMR⧸黒3dio】あなたの好きなセリフいっぱい囁きます♡Whispering talk【ホロライブ⧸夜空メル】 [mWNokGROpTU].f617.mp4
[debug] File locking is not supported. Proceeding without locking
[download] 95.8% of ~ 4.17GiB at 3.67MiB/s ETA 00:48 (frag 2744/2862)ERROR: Unable to download video: [Errno 28] No space left on device
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "yt_dlp\", line 3400, in process_info
File "yt_dlp\", line 3139, in dl
File "yt_dlp\downloader\", line 455, in download
File "yt_dlp\downloader\", line 375, in real_download
File "yt_dlp\downloader\", line 515, in download_and_append_fragments
File "yt_dlp\downloader\", line 475, in append_fragment
File "yt_dlp\downloader\", line 149, in _append_fragment
OSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "yt_dlp\", line 1587, in wrapper
File "yt_dlp\", line 1743, in __extract_info
File "yt_dlp\", line 1802, in process_ie_result
File "yt_dlp\", line 2952, in process_video_result
File "yt_dlp\", line 3430, in process_info
yt_dlp.utils.UnavailableVideoError: Unable to download video: [Errno 28] No space left on device
E:\Yozora Mel>
submitted by Gamesmarts194 to youtubedl [link] [comments]

2024.02.27 20:30 Gamesmarts194 Errno 28: What is it and how do I fix it?

I've been downloading videos and I've gotten an error that there's "No more space on drive". I've tried looking it up to see if anyone else had this issue, and supposedly this has happened before but either the OPs for the other posts haven't responded back or they didn't understand what the solutions entailed. (I
And I'll add this right here; I'm probably going to need this explained like I'm 12-years-old. I'm not (super) tech savvy, I'm not knowledgeable on any coding, I don't know what kind of knowledge people would expect me to have using this program; I just wanted a thing that's a consistent method to download YT videos and I have exactly that.
yt-dlp -S res,ext:mp4:m4a --recode mp4 --verbose ""(Thank you for telling me to post this modemman11)
Things I've tried:
  1. All the stuff I use for ytdl is in C:\ytdl . Ran the command menu (I think that's what it was called) from my flash drive. Computer had 19 GB free space, flash drive had 163 GB free space. All videos I downloaded went to F:\Yozora Mel
  2. Moved everything related to the program to the flash drive (so now it's in F:\ytdl, downloaded videos will also go to this folder), and used a different computer to see if it'd be different. Second computer has 45GB free space. Flash drive still had pretty much the exact same amount of free space. Ran the command menu from F:\ytdl . Other videos downloaded fine, this one video had the exact same problems.
  3. Tried clearing up space on both computers. No meaningful changes happened.
Something interesting I noticed is that it gives me the error around 95% completion every time. (Though dunno if that's because the place the video is being downloaded to was the same in both instances.) Also something I didn't try was download a video that was longer than this one. (The other video with the closest time was the video below, which is a little under 3 hours (compared to the video above which is a little over 4 hours):
Thank you in advance for the help.
Edit: Okay here's the whole thing (thank you modemman11 for helping me out! Also edited the directory that I'm downloading to because idk might've seemed weird or something)

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19045.4046]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
E:\Yozora Mel>yt-dlp -S res,ext:mp4:m4a --recode mp4 --verbose ""
[debug] Command-line config: ['-S', 'res,ext:mp4:m4a', '--recode', 'mp4', '--verbose', '']
[debug] Encodings: locale cp932, fs utf-8, pref cp932, out utf-8, error utf-8, screen utf-8
[debug] yt-dlp version stable@2023.12.30 from yt-dlp/yt-dlp [f10589e34] (win_exe)
[debug] Python 3.8.10 (CPython AMD64 64bit) - Windows-10-10.0.19045-SP0 (OpenSSL 1.1.1k 25 Mar 2021)
[debug] exe versions: ffmpeg N-112103-gb5c07a368b-20230916 (setts)
[debug] Optional libraries: Cryptodome-3.19.1, brotli-1.1.0, certifi-2023.11.17, mutagen-1.47.0, requests-2.31.0, sqlite3-3.35.5, urllib3-2.1.0, websockets-12.0
[debug] Proxy map: {}
[debug] Request Handlers: urllib, requests, websockets
[debug] Loaded 1798 extractors
[youtube] Extracting URL:
[youtube] mWNokGROpTU: Downloading webpage
[youtube] mWNokGROpTU: Downloading ios player API JSON
[youtube] mWNokGROpTU: Downloading android player API JSON
[debug] Loading youtube-nsig.95cde7ed from cache
[debug] [youtube] Decrypted nsig mMDBPYZq3xfK1BTu => ED3qchGA8oA8lA
[youtube] mWNokGROpTU: Downloading m3u8 information
[debug] Sort order given by user: res, ext:mp4:m4a
[debug] Sort order given by extractor: quality, res, fps, hdr:12, source, vcodec:vp9.2, channels, acodec, lang, proto
[debug] Formats sorted by: hasvid, ie_pref, res, vext:mp4(6), aext:m4a(8), quality, fps, hdr:12(7), source, vcodec:vp9.2(10), channels, acodec, lang, proto, size, br, asr, hasaud, id
[debug] Default format spec: bestvideo*+bestaudio/best
[info] mWNokGROpTU: Downloading 1 format(s): 617+140
[hlsnative] Downloading m3u8 manifest
[hlsnative] Total fragments: 2862
[download] Destination: 【ASMR⧸黒3dio】あなたの好きなセリフいっぱい囁きます♡Whispering talk【ホロライブ⧸夜空メル】 [mWNokGROpTU].f617.mp4
[debug] File locking is not supported. Proceeding without locking
[download] 95.8% of ~ 4.17GiB at 3.67MiB/s ETA 00:48 (frag 2744/2862)ERROR: Unable to download video: [Errno 28] No space left on device
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "yt_dlp\", line 3400, in process_info
File "yt_dlp\", line 3139, in dl
File "yt_dlp\downloader\", line 455, in download
File "yt_dlp\downloader\", line 375, in real_download
File "yt_dlp\downloader\", line 515, in download_and_append_fragments
File "yt_dlp\downloader\", line 475, in append_fragment
File "yt_dlp\downloader\", line 149, in _append_fragment
OSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "yt_dlp\", line 1587, in wrapper
File "yt_dlp\", line 1743, in __extract_info
File "yt_dlp\", line 1802, in process_ie_result
File "yt_dlp\", line 2952, in process_video_result
File "yt_dlp\", line 3430, in process_info
yt_dlp.utils.UnavailableVideoError: Unable to download video: [Errno 28] No space left on device
E:\Yozora Mel>
submitted by Gamesmarts194 to youtubedl [link] [comments]

2024.02.02 23:25 UFOFINDER1947 FOIA regarding grusch IG interview

FOIA regarding grusch IG interview
Hey guys I submitted a FOIA request to the IG regarding David grusch and they sent me back some documents. I don't know if they will be useful to anyone or if they've already been published if so my bad. But I hope someone can use them for more disclosure!
submitted by UFOFINDER1947 to oregonUFO [link] [comments]

2024.02.02 20:17 UFOFINDER1947 FOIA regarding grusch IG interview

FOIA regarding grusch IG interview
Hey guys I submitted a FOIA request to the IG regarding David grusch and they sent me back some documents. I don’t know if they will be useful to anyone or if they’ve already been published if so my bad. But I hope someone can use them for more disclosure!
submitted by UFOFINDER1947 to aliens [link] [comments]

2024.01.25 01:34 crumsocksinflipflops This is still top 10 episodes.

This is still top 10 episodes.
Watch the video if you can. Luis doing coke magic, the gravatron bit and Luis getting visually upset multiple times need to be seen. "Gropping a stripper is like feeding a beach dog"- L.J.G
submitted by crumsocksinflipflops to MSsEcReTPoDcAsT [link] [comments]

2024.01.23 07:42 dunktheball The Order

People have always said that the order of performances may not be the same on tv. Well, obviously that's true... In Sofie's latest video, she's told that the next 3 acts are Fritzy, Genevieve, and then Sofie. But when televised, it was Fritzy, 2 other acts, Sofie, then Genevieve.
I don't believe the theory that they'd show a contestant on a whole different EPISODE, though, and then fake it by having contestants next to each other who weren't really from the same grop. lol.
submitted by dunktheball to agt [link] [comments]

2023.11.14 04:35 Raradra November 13, 2023 The Late Show with Stephen Colbert Episode Discussion Thread

LSSC November 13, 2023 @ 11:35/10:35c on CBS (CLICK HERE TO CHECK YOUR LOCAL LISTINGS)
Previous Episode Discussion Thread
Youtube Videos A Relationship for the Ages: Barbra Streisand and Stephen Colbert Taylor Makes “Karma” All About Travis GOP Voters Say “Not Now, Tim” Trump’s Dark Plans Shopping at the Tiny Mall in Barbra’s Basement - Barbra Streisand Talks to Stephen Colbert (Part … “My Name Is Barbra” Was Ten Years in the Making - Barbra Streisand Talks to Stephen Colbert (Part… On Female Directors, Joe Biden, and Trump - Barbra Streisand Talks to Stephen Colbert (Part 3) Barbra’s Greatest On-Screen Romances - Barbra Streisand Talks to Stephen Colbert (Part 4) James Brolin, Rose Petals, and Cloning the Dog - Barbra Streisand Talks to Stephen Colbert (Part …
Singer Barbra Streisand
submitted by Raradra to LateShow [link] [comments]

2023.11.11 18:50 StephenIDK Can anyone explain this?

This post was originaly made on paranormal encounters, i was never able to get real answers so im trying here.
For context, I'm not a paranormal expert, I beleave ghosts and demons exist however I do not beleave in medium's and all that stuff. However I moved in with my dad in August of 2022 shortly followed by my little brother. My brother and I have witnessed things an example being, before moving, we heard his computer power on when coming home, he goes up the stairs to check it out and infront of me and out mother, the door slams in his face followed by his computer going dead. However the main reason I'm posting here if the things we have seen/heard here at our dad's house, il list them, so be warned this post will be a bit long,
  1. I'm on my pc and here a wind up music box (play the first few seconds of when I grop up by nf, that chime) I take my headphones off to listen and its gone, followed by a shadow flying past me, I brushed it off as my own shadow untill I was editing the footage I had recorded, before my head turned a figure is seen darting across the frame. That same night my little brother saw a figure running up the stairs.
  2. My dad was hoovering/vacuuming the stairs and he saw the same sort of darting I saw, he was more annoyed as he's always wanted something to show its self, he put the hoover down and watched TV,
  3. For context on this one my dad had a chest infection, in the past few weeks, it has been very active. I was in bed, I could here my little brother talking to his gf on the phone in his room, I here someone coming up the stairs followed by my dad's room door open and shut, then I here my dad cough downstairs. I asked my brother about it and he heard it too.
  4. Finally the one that freaked me out the most, my dad has issues with his chest and the infection got so bad one night we called an ambulance for him, I was in the living room till he was away, I stood at the window watching the ambulance pull away, I sit on the couch and before the ambulance was fully out of sight my living room lights start flickering and I started to feel realy uneasy, the feeling you get when your being recorded, or someone is staring at you. I try to link my phone up to the TV to watch videos as I didn't feel comfortable wandering in the dark back up to my room, as I do this the Internet cuts out, (that could have just been the WiFi though just good timing) the next morning my dad was back and I was telling him, my little brother heard a whisper he described like someone going "SH" in his ear, later that night I was in my room and had the exact same thing happen to me.
That's the main things that have happend, I would appreciate any info/advice anyone could give as me and my dad arnt scared of it but are realy curious and want to know what it is and what to do should it show signs of aggression,
My dad's ex claimed she woke up being chocked in that house, although she had a habit of lying.
Again thanks for any advice I receive.
thanks to everyone giving me advice on what to do/what it is. Although I do not think it's aggressive of feeding off fear as some people have suggested, we've been living here over a year and nothing dangerous has happend, and we are very aware and have tried to reach out to it on numerous occasions, although we don't know how and have had no success. However I was talking to my dad and he told me he was lying in bed a couple weeks ago and saw a figure over him, although it was not clear enough to see detail he swears up and down it looked like his nono (Italian grandfather) he was very close to him as a child, my dad had a rough childhood and his nono always said my dad would turn out fine, he died when my dad was yung, but has appeared to his before, not long after he died my dad, his brother, and mother were all trying to help his gran cope and were staying at her house, my dad and uncle were up late playing as kids do, and his nono walked into the room, clear as day, and just like he used to started swearing at them in Italian before walking out. My dad wonders if he knew his wife and daughter were stressed and tried to help with the kids, as this year has been incredibly stressful for my dad, me and my brother, he wonders if that was him trying to show my dad comfort. I could be wrong but as someone who is freaked out by the paranormal my dad dosent feel afraid when he he's his grandad. I just though this added information in finding out what we have, I don't want to say mimic as it hasent done anything to hurt any of us, and as a kid I was obsessed with shadow people, this fits the bill for them besides the lights and the appearance of my great grandfather. If anyone else knows what this is please let me know what it is, how we can find out for sure, and what to do should my fear of a mimic be true and u need to get rid of It.
Thanks for the advice so far and thanks in advance for anymore people can give. Il probably update again if anything else happens.
Ps I've had people ask, I am not a member of any faith, I beleave in the paranormal however once things lead towards religious entities I don't buy it, I beleave in what I see, now what I beleave. However the Italian side of my family was strictly Christian, my great grandfathers body was kept in the house till the funeral as tradition, as was my great grans when she died in 2009.
submitted by StephenIDK to Paranormal [link] [comments]

2023.11.11 17:49 StephenIDK Can anyone explain this? With update

I posted this a couple days ago but the update got no response, moderators please let me know if I'm top quick to re post.
For context, I'm not a paranormal expert, I beleave ghosts and demons exist however I do not beleave in medium's and all that stuff. However I moved in with my dad in August of 2022 shortly followed by my little brother. My brother and I have witnessed things an example being, before moving, we heard his computer power on when coming home, he goes up the stairs to check it out and infront of me and out mother, the door slams in his face followed by his computer going dead. However the main reason I'm posting here if the things we have seen/heard here at our dad's house, il list them, so be warned this post will be a bit long,
  1. I'm on my pc and here a wind up music box (play the first few seconds of when I grop up by nf, that chime) I take my headphones off to listen and its gone, followed by a shadow flying past me, I brushed it off as my own shadow untill I was editing the footage I had recorded, before my head turned a figure is seen darting across the frame. That same night my little brother saw a figure running up the stairs.
  2. My dad was hoovering/vacuuming the stairs and he saw the same sort of darting I saw, he was more annoyed as he's always wanted something to show its self, he put the hoover down and watched TV,
  3. For context on this one my dad had a chest infection, in the past few weeks, it has been very active. I was in bed, I could here my little brother talking to his gf on the phone in his room, I here someone coming up the stairs followed by my dad's room door open and shut, then I here my dad cough downstairs. I asked my brother about it and he heard it too.
  4. Finally the one that freaked me out the most, my dad has issues with his chest and the infection got so bad one night we called an ambulance for him, I was in the living room till he was away, I stood at the window watching the ambulance pull away, I sit on the couch and before the ambulance was fully out of sight my living room lights start flickering and I started to feel realy uneasy, the feeling you get when your being recorded, or someone is staring at you. I try to link my phone up to the TV to watch videos as I didn't feel comfortable wandering in the dark back up to my room, as I do this the Internet cuts out, (that could have just been the WiFi though just good timing) the next morning my dad was back and I was telling him, my little brother heard a whisper he described like someone going "SH" in his ear, later that night I was in my room and had the exact same thing happen to me.
That's the main things that have happend, I would appreciate any info/advice anyone could give as me and my dad arnt scared of it but are realy curious and want to know what it is and what to do should it show signs of aggression,
My dad's ex claimed she woke up being chocked in that house, although she had a habit of lying.
Again thanks for any advice I receive.
thanks to everyone giving me advice on what to do/what it is. Although I do not think it's aggressive of feeding off fear as some people have suggested, we've been living here over a year and nothing dangerous has happend, and we are very aware and have tried to reach out to it on numerous occasions, although we don't know how and have had no success. However I was talking to my dad and he told me he was lying in bed a couple weeks ago and saw a figure over him, although it was not clear enough to see detail he swears up and down it looked like his nono (Italian grandfather) he was very close to him as a child, my dad had a rough childhood and his nono always said my dad would turn out fine, he died when my dad was yung, but has appeared to his before, not long after he died my dad, his brother, and mother were all trying to help his gran cope and were staying at her house, my dad and uncle were up late playing as kids do, and his nono walked into the room, clear as day, and just like he used to started swearing at them in Italian before walking out. My dad wonders if he knew his wife and daughter were stressed and tried to help with the kids, as this year has been incredibly stressful for my dad, me and my brother, he wonders if that was him trying to show my dad comfort. I could be wrong but as someone who is freaked out by the paranormal my dad dosent feel afraid when he he's his grandad. I just though this added information in finding out what we have, I don't want to say mimic as it hasent done anything to hurt any of us, and as a kid I was obsessed with shadow people, this fits the bill for them besides the lights and the appearance of my great grandfather. If anyone else knows what this is please let me know what it is, how we can find out for sure, and what to do should my fear of a mimic be true and u need to get rid of It.
Thanks for the advice so far and thanks in advance for anymore people can give. Il probably update again if anything else happens.
Ps I've had people ask, I am not a member of any faith, I beleave in the paranormal however once things lead towards religious entities I don't buy it, I beleave in what I see, now what I beleave. However the Italian side of my family was strictly Christian, my great grandfathers body was kept in the house till the funeral as tradition, as was my great grans when she died in 2009.
submitted by StephenIDK to ParanormalEncounters [link] [comments]

2023.11.11 00:27 StephenIDK Can anyone explain this?

For context, I'm not a paranormal expert, I beleave ghosts and demons exist however I do not beleave in medium's and all that stuff. However I moved in with my dad in August of 2022 shortly followed by my little brother. My brother and I have witnessed things an example being, before moving, we heard his computer power on when coming home, he goes up the stairs to check it out and infront of me and out mother, the door slams in his face followed by his computer going dead. However the main reason I'm posting here if the things we have seen/heard here at our dad's house, il list them, so be warned this post will be a bit long,
  1. I'm on my pc and here a wind up music box (play the first few seconds of when I grop up by nf, that chime) I take my headphones off to listen and its gone, followed by a shadow flying past me, I brushed it off as my own shadow untill I was editing the footage I had recorded, before my head turned a figure is seen darting across the frame. That same night my little brother saw a figure running up the stairs.
  2. My dad was hoovering/vacuuming the stairs and he saw the same sort of darting I saw, he was more annoyed as he's always wanted something to show its self, he put the hoover down and watched TV,
  3. For context on this one my dad had a chest infection, in the past few weeks, it has been very active. I was in bed, I could here my little brother talking to his gf on the phone in his room, I here someone coming up the stairs followed by my dad's room door open and shut, then I here my dad cough downstairs. I asked my brother about it and he heard it too.
  4. Finally the one that freaked me out the most, my dad has issues with his chest and the infection got so bad one night we called an ambulance for him, I was in the living room till he was away, I stood at the window watching the ambulance pull away, I sit on the couch and before the ambulance was fully out of sight my living room lights start flickering and I started to feel realy uneasy, the feeling you get when your being recorded, or someone is staring at you. I try to link my phone up to the TV to watch videos as I didn't feel comfortable wandering in the dark back up to my room, as I do this the Internet cuts out, (that could have just been the WiFi though just good timing) the next morning my dad was back and I was telling him, my little brother heard a whisper he described like someone going "SH" in his ear, later that night I was in my room and had the exact same thing happen to me.
That's the main things that have happend, I would appreciate any info/advice anyone could give as me and my dad arnt scared of it but are realy curious and want to know what it is and what to do should it show signs of aggression,
My dad's ex claimed she woke up being chocked in that house, although she had a habit of lying.
Again thanks for any advice I receive.
thanks to everyone giving me advice on what to do/what it is. Although I do not think it's aggressive of feeding off fear as some people have suggested, we've been living here over a year and nothing dangerous has happend, and we are very aware and have tried to reach out to it on numerous occasions, although we don't know how and have had no success. However I was talking to my dad and he told me he was lying in bed a couple weeks ago and saw a figure over him, although it was not clear enough to see detail he swears up and down it looked like his nono (Italian grandfather) he was very close to him as a child, my dad had a rough childhood and his nono always said my dad would turn out fine, he died when my dad was yung, but has appeared to his before, not long after he died my dad, his brother, and mother were all trying to help his gran cope and were staying at her house, my dad and uncle were up late playing as kids do, and his nono walked into the room, clear as day, and just like he used to started swearing at them in Italian before walking out. My dad wonders if he knew his wife and daughter were stressed and tried to help with the kids, as this year has been incredibly stressful for my dad, me and my brother, he wonders if that was him trying to show my dad comfort. I could be wrong but as someone who is freaked out by the paranormal my dad dosent feel afraid when he he's his grandad. I just though this added information in finding out what we have, I don't want to say mimic as it hasent done anything to hurt any of us, and as a kid I was obsessed with shadow people, this fits the bill for them besides the lights and the appearance of my great grandfather. If anyone else knows what this is please let me know what it is, how we can find out for sure, and what to do should my fear of a mimic be true and u need to get rid of It.
Thanks for the advice so far and thanks in advance for anymore people can give. Il probably update again if anything else happens.
Ps I've had people ask, I am not a member of any faith, I beleave in the paranormal however once things lead towards religious entities I don't buy it, I beleave in what I see, now what I beleave. However the Italian side of my family was strictly Christian, my great grandfathers body was kept in the house till the funeral as tradition, as was my great grans when she died in 2009.
submitted by StephenIDK to ParanormalEncounters [link] [comments]

2023.08.29 17:18 SimWim00 [Discussion] What do you think about the new Digital PRX?

Tissot are about to release a new Digital PRX model. I personally think this wasn't the right move by Tissot. The watch looks very clunky iho. The squared display in the round case
does not fit imho.
What are your thoughts on this new release an will you be
getting the watch?
Information from the new Teddy Baldassarre video:
submitted by SimWim00 to Watches [link] [comments]

2023.08.13 01:06 zzcool säkerhet gällande elscooter (elsparkcyckel)

Jag tänkte skapa denna tråd för att dela min egen erfarenhet angående dessa fordon. Denna tråd kommer inte att handla om lagar jag vill endast försöka öppna mångas ögon angående osäkerheten angående scooters, no pun intended. Detta beror på att det finns mycket osäkerhet kring ämnet – detta för att många vill ha lagar angående saker som kan lösas med dyrare modeller. Det handlar helt enkelt om kunskapen om dessa fordon och varför många ser dem som osäkra i Sverige. Till och med lagen förstår inte dessa fordon. Detta handlar som sagt inte om lagar, även om jag nämner detta som kontext för varför jag tycker att fler behöver ha mer information. Detta är något jag tycker att alla borde förstå och se.
Så först börjar vi med att prata om bromsarna och därmed även att flyga framåt och i värsta fall skada sig allvarligt
händer i denna videon som inspirerade denna texten

Detta har hänt med hyrscooters men också lagliga egna. En laglig scooter har endast en handbroms. Detta kräver att när det behövs så behöver man greppa om styret, Detta kan ta 2 sekunder och då är det redan försent. Bromsen sitter oftast framtill, vilket resulterar i att fordonet ställer sig på ett däck, och i värsta fall resulterar i ett fall. Eftersom motorn går konstant, det finns inte tillräckligt med tid att greppa handbromsen enligt mig.

Nu till en olaglig modell, där jag rekommenderar Ninebot G30D, som är limiterad till 20 km/h, dock för stark för att vara "laglig", men i en bra gråzon eftersom den är begränsad från fabrik till 20 kmh och följer tysklands riktlinjer för lagar
Först och främst kan du köpa en modell med motorbroms, som enligt mig är en av de säkraste du kan ha på en elscooter. Apollo Pro har detta till exempel, samt nämnda G30D. Tyvärr har inte GT2 det, dock har den ett snurrreglage, vilket kan fungera som ett dedikerat reglage genom att snurra åt det andra hållet den har också dubbla bromsar. Som nämnt så skapar handbromsen balansproblem. Detta är en stor anledning till att folk ramlar när de tar i bromsen i nödfall. Eftersom det bara finns en frambroms, motorbroms däremot bromsar med motorn på ett mjukare sätt, som en Tesla, men också väldigt effektivt. Dyrare modeller har ABS, såsom GT2.
En scooter du köper med ett dedikerat motorbromsreglage låter dig använda ett finger för att bromsa, och vid behov räcker det med att röra fingret 1 cm åt sidan för att vara redo att bromsa, Detta gör jag konstant och det blir en naturlig reflex. Detta resulterar i att du kan bromsa på mindre än en sekund, eftersom reaktionstiden blir betydligt kortare. Motorn sitter också baktill, vilket innebär att du kan tvärnita och stanna inom 1 meter utan balansproblem. Så om en hund skulle hoppa framför dig, så bromsar du naturligt. Även om jag rekommenderar att köra långsamt nära djur, sen så orsakar en motorbroms inte heller något eller minimalt slirande eftersom den inte låser sig som en handbroms. Jag har några gånger fått dra i bromsen till max. Den slirar runt 5 cm framåt och stannar direkt. Den har räddat mig mer än en gång. Den är starkare än man tror, så stark att en handbroms inte behövs. Jag har inte använt handbromsen på över 3 år, aldrig under skoterns liv.
En laglig scooter har motorbroms om detta väljs i inställningarna, men detta är automatiskt. När man släpper på accelerationen så bromsar den antingen hårt eller mjukt, beroende på inställning. Detta är det bästa alternativet, men ryckigt. Det ser jag inte som lika säkert som att ha ett dedikerat reglage, men jag har ingen erfarenhet av detta. Det är samma princip, men blir mer ryckigt eftersom den automatiskt kommer att bromsa när du släpper på accelerationen.

Nu till hål i vägen.

Om du kör över en grop på vägen kommer du att ramla om du inte är riktigt skicklig. Jag har gjort det och har haft nära stunder. En laglig scooter har ingen stötdämpning. Den är extremt vinglig, till och med modeller i den övre gråzonen. Byggnaden är likadan, speciellt G30, men dessa brukar oftast modifieras med säkerhetsfunktioner som jag nämnt, såsom styrdämpare eller stötdämpning.
Nu till olagliga scooters. En scooter som klassas som motorcykel och är fruktansvärt olaglig har stötdämpare både fram och bak. Många har också en så kallad styrdämpare. Denna trycker styret mot mitten om man förlorar balansen här är en video som jag tycker alla som inte förstår säkerheten med dessa borde se eftersom det visar skillnaden mellan laglig och olaglig
Segway safety is on top level🚀 #segway #superscooter #gt2 #segwaygt2 #ninebot - YouTube
I den här videon syns hur säkerheten fungerar på olagliga scooters. Vid det värsta hålet, som ni ser är det väldigt våldsamt trotts det Så rättar den till sig och räddar föraren.
Jag ser så mycket felaktig information angående scooters. Alla tror att alla modeller är livsfarliga baserat på hyrmodeller sen döms alla efter den billigaste sorten, Saken är den att lagliga scooters är livsfarliga om man inte är van eller skicklig, speciellt i snabbare hastigheter. Eftersom dessa kostar under 5000 kr så kommer säkerheten vara mindre av en prioritet, dyrare modeller är säkrare med bättre bromsar och stabilitet. 40 km/h på en dyr scooter är lika säkert som 20 km/h på en laglig. Det är som att jämföra en bil från 60-talet med en bil idag som har mer säkerhetsutrustning gt2 som jag nämnt många gånger har ABS, Självklart händer olyckor på så billiga produkter, om man tvingas köpa farligare fordon för att inte riskera straff så blir resultatet fler olyckor, Därför tycker jag att dyrare modeller ska vara lagliga, utan att det blir dyrare eller svårare, krav som många vill ha när det gäller lagen kommer resultera i att många köper billigare modeller och riskerar sina liv istället för att köpa säkrare modeller som anses olagliga, lagliga modeller är cyklar småfordon leksaker därför kommer dom aldrig vara säkrare eftersom det går inte för det priset, om jag skulle välja att köra olagligt så kör jag också säkrare.
submitted by zzcool to Sverige [link] [comments]

2023.07.19 19:03 MnniI What's wrong with our media

Seriously, where is the news about atrocities happening in Manipur. Recently watched a video on Twitter about two women being made to walk naked and gropped by hooligans. But where the fuck is the news.
What's the infatuation of these retards with Pakistan, everywhere there's stuff about Seema, mfs even making puns along the lines of 'Seema paar".Heck even Ukraine war is getting more screentime.
Spirit of Democracy is such a rudimentary term in our nation. Media is supposed to be checking on the government or at least just point out what's happening in our nation.
What's even the point of media if I am getting more relevant news from Twitter and reddit.
submitted by MnniI to india [link] [comments]

2023.07.11 20:41 eyt527 the tierlist this subreddit wants to see

the tierlist this subreddit wants to see submitted by eyt527 to systemofadown [link] [comments]

2023.05.06 23:24 ZetoKaiser Cropping rounded corners on image

Hello, still learning about davinci fusion in depth. I found out adding rectangle1 and sliding the corner radius on tools gets the effect im looking for, but it doesn't translate to my edit section. How to I apply this effect to the actual image on the edit tab?
Notice the image still has sharp corners on the edit tab. How to I make the rounded corner change carry over
submitted by ZetoKaiser to davinciresolve [link] [comments]

2023.04.24 12:14 MrPoopybutthole4711 Some of my game settings keep resetting

Some of my game settings keep resetting
Hello everyone,
since the latest update I have the problem that some of my settings reset every time the game is restarted. It does not affect all settings, only the sound quality, the crosshairs and some of the settings below the mouse sensitivity, i.e. alternative battle interface, potential damage etc. (see pic, red boxes)
Graphics settings and key bindings are not affected. It seems like only very specific settings are resetted to default.
What I've tried so far:
  • Completely uninstalled Aslain Mods
  • Started WoWs as admin
  • Deleted the preferences file and let the game create a new one
  • Checked the game files for errors
  • Granted full access to the game files for each user-account on my pc
The only thing i didn't do is to reinstall the whole game, but i think it won't help, since even a new preferences file is not working correctly.
Any idea what can solve my problem?
submitted by MrPoopybutthole4711 to WorldOfWarships [link] [comments]

2023.02.24 16:48 No_Deal8609 keeps ungripping and gripping if trigger is being hold down

so basically my grop keeps resetting/cancelling

me holding down the trigger
this prevents me from either casting spells, opening my spell wheel or two handing weapons
I play on a quest 2 via link cable
submitted by No_Deal8609 to skyrimvr [link] [comments]

2023.01.26 14:43 Ch1mpy Att kompostera med bokashimetoden

Om man är sugen på att kompostera sitt matavfall men inte har plats för eller lust att skaffa sig en varmkompost så kan jag rekommendera att man börjar med bokashi.
Bokashi är en kompostmetod som man man kör i två steg. Först i en hink i köket där du blandar matavfall med mikroorganismer och därefter i en så kallad jordfabrik. På relativt kort tid omvandlar det i princip allt matavfall (utom exempelvis stora ben), till jord.
Steg 1, komposteringen
Om man vill snåla lite så är det fullt möjligt att köra bokashi med hjälp vanliga plasthinkar. Men enklast är att köpa två stycken dedikerade bokashikärl. Dessa kommer nämligen med en tappkran för att kunna tappa ut vätska ur komposthinken och även med ett extra lock för att kunna komprimera innehållet och hålla det så lufttätt som möjligt.
En gång per dygn fyller man på sin bokashihink med allt matavfall som genererats under dagen och därefter toppar man det med någon matsked bokashiströ. Sen komprimerar man ihop innehållet i sin hink och försöker hålla det så lufttätt som möjligt för att ge mikroorganismerna i ströet möjlighet att sätta i sig matavfallet utan konkurrens med mögelsvampar och liknande.
Beroende på vad man slänger i sin hink blir innehållet olika blött. Innehållet i hinken behöver inte vara snustorrt men är det för mycket vätska i den vill man definitivt tappa ut det ur hinken på ett eller annat sätt. Denna vätska kan spädas med vatten och användas som gödning till växterna.
När hinken är full ska den förvaras i inomhustemperatur i två veckor. Håller man bara hinken relativt torr och har ett tättslutande lock på så luktar det inte illa. Jag komposterar ex. räkskal utan problem.
Steg 2, jordfabriken
Under sommarhalvåret kör man sin jordfabrik enklast och bäst utomhus. När hinken stått sina två veckor tömmer jag den i en liten grop bakom den vanliga trädgårdskomposten, rör runt lite i gropen och täcker över med lite uttjänt jord från någon gammal kruka eller rabatt.
Oroa dig inte när du kikar på innehållet när du tömmer hinken och ser att den där brysselkålen du gömde under servetten ser exakt likadan ut som när du stoppade ner den i hinken. När komposten väl kommit ner i jorden blir den snabbt jord. Hur varmt det är ute har dock stor betydelse, här i Skåne så tar det i juli kanske tre veckor från det att du grävt ner din hink tills att den blivit jord. I april eller oktober tar det kanske dubbelt så lång tid. En del personer gör det ännu enklare för sig, de gräver ner innehållet rakt i sina pallkragar för ex. grönsaksodling.
Förra vintern gjorde jag lite försök att gräva ner hinkarna utomhus även under vintern. Jag stoppade ner dem i min trädgårdskompost och täckte över så gott det gick. Det är inget jag kan rekommendera, dels avstannar processen närmast helt under vintern och dessutom märkte jag att det kom lite möss och annat och kalasade på innehållet jag grävt ner.
Den här vintern har jag istället hällt över hinkarnas innehåll i vanliga plasthinkar och toppat med lite gammal jord från sommarens tomatodling. Därefter har de fått stå i kallgaraget.
Detta har funkat mycket bättre. De första hinkarna jag ställde ut i oktober och november har redan blivit jord och de jag ställer ut nu i januari och februari kommer garanterat att vara redo när det är dags att plantera ut tomater och gurka i växthuset senare i vår.
Om man är nyfiken och vill läsa mer har Sara Bäckmo gjort lite videos, finns även en hel del info på ex.
submitted by Ch1mpy to blommor [link] [comments]

2022.12.30 00:38 23_29_chemisemarron I feel like I've been raped but can't remember it.

I don't know how to start explaining this, so I'm just going to list a few things :
- sex makes me really uncomfortable. I don't like it, at all, I don't feel sexual attraction to anyone.
- I get these dreams where I'm sexually assaulted. I've had very few dreams about sex that were actually dreams and not nightmares, and I can't remember the last time I've had one.
- I hate people touching me even if it's innocent, like a tap on the shoulder. That wasn't the case when I was younger. Hugs and spooning (expecially with men) makes me feel really uncomfortable, like I'm in danger. I've had a few boyfriends and I sort of forced myself to have sex with them, even if I really didn't feel comfortable with it, because I thought that's what I was supposed to do. It wasn't too bad but I think it made the matter worse because my problem just amplified after that.
- This is what actually motivated me to make this post : a few days ago, I saw a porn video of some very violent sex. It was like watching a memory with actors instead of me. It hit me like a physical sentation, I felt lightheaded, nauseous, the video felt so, so familiar, like I was watching a memory I'd forgotten. Everything felt wrong. I couldn't stop feeling that I knew this, my body knew this, I was so sure that I'd lived this. I was waiting for my brain to match the sentation in my body and to remember. But nothing came up.
It happened a few times before to get these weird flashback that are more of a feeling, but this one with the video hit especially hard. I still feel weird and can't stop thinking about it.
I've got no memory of being raped. I don't even know who would have done it or when. Maybe I'm just imagining things. But I don't understand why my body reacts so badly to sex if nothing happened. I've been sexually assaulted a few times, gropped and stuff. But I really don't think that's what caused it, because while it sure didn't make things any better, my problem started way before that.
I'm just wondering why this is happening and if anyone went through the same thing ? Or has any advice. Obvioulsy I don't actually hope to have been raped. But at least it would make things make sense, it would give some sort of explanation.
I'm apologize for any weird sentences, english isn't my first language.
submitted by 23_29_chemisemarron to rapecounseling [link] [comments]

2022.09.28 19:05 Altawi Following up on my post 6 months ago, I managed to find War Thunder's oldest website, which was known as World of Planes at the time. Link in the comments.

Following up on my post 6 months ago, I managed to find War Thunder's oldest website, which was known as World of Planes at the time. Link in the comments. submitted by Altawi to Warthunder [link] [comments]