Tuner sayings

Are all 5000 series X3D chips "officially" locked down?

2024.05.18 18:41 jalapenoi Are all 5000 series X3D chips "officially" locked down?

According to some forum posts of people having issues with tuning a 5800X3D CPU through the UEFI, and this Github guide on "How to undervolt AMD RYZEN 5800X3D with PBO2-Tuner" (out of date?), it seems that the 5800X3D cannot "officially" be tuned?
(Some posts say that this was changed with an AGESA update?)
submitted by jalapenoi to overclocking [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 12:30 Taniwha-blehh Freshly diagnosed at 31yo - feeling emo

Feeling an array of emotions on my diagnosis of ADHD - combined type today, though it hasn’t come as a shock, at all. Lol.
First suspish memory I have is being 4yo and saying to my mum “my brain feels like it’s an antenna picking up on all the radio stations at the same time, I can’t turn it off or turn it down and it’s SO. LOUD.”.
Unfortunately, I went through a significant amount of trauma as a child just prior to puberty, which continued for years, so ADHD was overlooked as I was diagnosed with a variety of behavioural conditions, such as PTSD, BPD, Manic Depressive disorder blah blah dadidi fucking blah…. A common issue apparently, particularly in women.
I’d been wondering lately why I still hadn’t managed to get on top of my mind, after over a decade of psychotherapy, yoga, meditation, clean eating (ofcourse all which fluctuated, because ADHD lol), and self enquiry (except this one was consistent because the inner critic never rests am I right?), like why the heck do I feel like there is something literally happening in my neural pathways of my brain that is outside of my control??? Ohhhh wait, because that’s genuinely the case.
So I’m processing all of this, all of the lost time, the regrets, which could’ve been avoided had I the right support systems in place, the little girl who was brimming with creativity, life, and magic that couldn’t fully realise her potential due to her brains genetic inability to channel all of her gifts in an efficient and empowering way… really grieving her, and all of the times I was led to believe I was intentionally being a “bad” person and choosing to make dumb mistakes, despite having a high IQ, pure intentions, and trying.so.damn.hard. To just get the basics done. Internalising all the criticism of my elders, teachers, peers and that becoming the over arching inner voice I’ve harboured the majority of my life.
I am exauhsted. I am angry. I am so so sad, and I am relieved, and grateful, to finally have clear answers and options, a chance to finally put my finger on the tuner of my brain and quieter all that noise.
Jeez. How’s everyone else’s diagnostic journey been?
How have you managed the grieving process if you had this experience too?
Did you release your regrets, your shame, and make peace with your past? How?
What happened to your inner critic and all the noise after your diagnosis and treatment?
I have so many questions and feel no long so alone after having felt isolated most of my life by this condition….
Any advice, sharing of experiences etc is deeply appreciated x
submitted by Taniwha-blehh to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 02:07 nikovsevolodovich What would you pay for a Harmony H-51 husk?

At least I am fairly confident it's an h51. Seller says it's a 40s harmony.
It has no electronics, no bridge, no tuners, no pickguard, and is missing half of its fretboard. Has some serious wear and heavy washboarding.
There's not a lot for me to go off of and I am considering this as a project. I've seen a few for sale and sold in the range of 1.2 - 2k in pristine condition. This guitar will absolutely never get there, obviously. I would do my best but acquiring original parts is likely out of the question.
Given that it's going to require at least 1k of work, what is reasonable for something this old and this state? I've tried looking for old sales and can't really find anything..
I kind of want it. I'm not looking to make any money or anything, just use it to learn and make a cool jazz guitar in as best a way as I can to stay true to the original.
submitted by nikovsevolodovich to Luthier [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 00:40 Radiant-Dentist-4220 2.2 Analysis, explanations, and philosophy.

This won't be perfectly formatted as I'm copying this from my Discord posts onto reddit on mobile at 9% charge. So apologies.
Sunday is an idealist in the sense of the theory of idealism. He believes in a perfect paradise for Mankind without involvement of Aeons or Gods or factions or etc. Equally, Sunday cherishes life. But he does not cherish the will that comes with life.
Sunday believes that in Order, comes salvation. In control, comes salvation. If there is a perfect world where all are equal and none suffer, then why does it matter if it's a cage and that Sunday is the one maintaining Order? They'll be alive and "happy" after all. Their "happiness" is determined by the "self value" that he sets for them. At the same time, he believes in fair warfare. If people are to fight over ideology, they do it without cheating the fight. This is why Sunday chose to keep us alive within the Dream of Ena that grasps the entirety of the Asdana system.
Robin is the opposite. She is a sort of mix of idealism and realism. She loves and cares for the will of person along with their life. Living in a dream and cage is no life. It is an escape that you never grow or move from. Even if a bird is at risk of losing its life, one should not trap it eternally within a cage, but allow it to fly free within the skies where it belongs. But equally, whose to say it belongs in the skies? If it will fall and die from its inability to fly, then whose to say it doesn't belong on the ground? This is the difference between Sunday and Robin. Sunday obsessively seeks to maintain life through Order, and Robin wishes to maintain freedom through Harmony.
This is also why Gopher Wood mislead Sunday about his plan. While both were children of Order, only one was destined to follow that path to the end willingly. Gopher Wood always knew Sunday was the one to be centre stage in his plan, never Robin. He just presented it that way.
We never experienced the real story of Penacony. What we were experiencing is a fake replay. However most of what we did experience inside was true. The only flaw and incorrect ending was as follows. Misha should not exist in reality. And we should not have won through Jing Yuan. Everything else presented within the Dream, from information to actions are true (As in they happened, are correct information, and or could've happened). This means information such as Jing Yuan being an Emanator is not a case of unreliable narration.
What is the Dream of Order? It is a dream founded on the wishes of the People. The Harmonious Choir is one who grants wishes. By entrapping them all in a joyful Dream, their wishes connect and power that Dream also. As time goes on, their wishes will solidify and the strength of the Dream will become impenetrable. However, adding disorder to their wishes by including the free will of many or just having them all change their wishes in a disorderly fashion, will result in the beginning of the collapse of the Dream of the Order.
Within the Dream of the Order, the Harmonious Choir is omnipotent as hes effectively connected to all of us. He could've killed us all without a single movement if he so wished had it not been for his own ideals.
But The Harmonious Choir is not an Aeon. He is not some all powerful higher dimensional being. Thus they can never truly create a perfect world. There will always be flaws.
And notably, "Real Death" can still occur. And this is one of the many ways one can escape the Dream of the Order.
Another "flaw" so to speak is that those striding the path of Nihility will be unaffected by it. They will not be under the tune of the Harmonious Choir. And a more subjective flaw is that it is quite literally too perfect. This is why Robin awakes of her own free will, and why MC + Welt begin doubting their victory and if it was truly real.
First Death is to SuD. Second death is a real "Death", which is what let's Firefly awaken from the Dream of Order. And third death is a possibility that did not come to pass, which is being eternally trapped within the Dream of Order. Not much to say.
That is her true name. Her end goal is pure nihility. To reach Device IX, which is the death of Nihility itself. This does not mean she is the same Raiden Mei of Honkai Impact 3rd, just an alternate world Raiden Mei as devs explain. Very simple one but eh.
Frebass is also confirmed dead but I didn't take a screenshot.
Gallagher, the History Fictionlogist, created Gallagher (Penacony) as an amalgamation of the wishes, dreams, traits, etc of the people of Penacony. Penacony/Gallagher is a lie, a fiction, representing the people and guiding the people or Penacony within the World of Penacony made by Mikhail. It is also extremely similar to the real history fictionologist in personality, while also having traits based on Mikhail. After all who better to represent Penacony's people than Mikhail himself? Equally it being so similar to the real history fictionologist is why Gallagher is his most genuine lie yet.
Gallagher on it's own is a reward and reminder for the dedication and unwavering trailblaze spirit of Mikhail. But once a Fiction is understood, it ceases to be. All the Hounds of Penacony...and Gallagher himself. It is unknown whether this rule applies to the original history fictionologist themselves.
Sunday and FGO Goetia are pretty similar. They're both naive powerful rational figures who are disgusted at the pain that mankind suffers, and wish to remove pain from the equation entirely by removing free will and death from it. While also creating a World for Man by Man. Rather than a World by God for Man. They believe that by creating the ideal world, where no pain happens...where no loss happens...where no hunger or war happens. Where all scenery and shit is perfect. Then everyone will eternally be happy, grateful, and "alive".
“How can novelty of surroundings abroad and becoming acquainted with foreign scenes or cities be of any help? All that dashing about turns out to be quite futile. And if you want to know why all this running away cannot help you, the answer is simply this: you are running away in your own company. You have to lay aside the load on your spirit. Until you do that, nowhere will satisfy you.”
But it's a delusion. It's a dream that runs away from reality. You aren't living. You're escaping from living. It ignores why pain happens. Pain is the result of caring. It ignores why life is so beautiful. Because it is short. With what little time one has, it is given importance. And it ignores why that importance can even be possible--because humans retain agency. This was also why Socrates disliked the idea of removing human agency.
If you remove the free will of Mankind, you remove their ability too choose. Resulting in a artificial happiness that's in of itself flawed. Because there's nothing to be happy for. There's nothing to care about. You live your life eternally under the illusion of bliss. But either it has no meaning as you never suffer or die or even make a choice. Or it is merely a dream with all the aforementioned traits. What Goetia and Sunday believe in, is locking mankind in a cage under the ideal of maintaining their "life without suffering".
But even if the Bird will fly and fall to its death by being released, or it may fly too close to the sun and burn as a result--it would still be happier than under the illusion of a cage as it had the agency to live its own life. Rather than have its life lived out for it.
And the only way to truly live, is to face reality rather than escape it.
“Once you have rid yourself of the affliction there, though, every change of scenery will become a pleasure. You may be banished to the ends of the earth, and yet in whatever outlandish corner of the world you may find yourself stationed, you will find that place, whatever it may be like, a hospitable home.”
Sure. You may suffer. But that's living. And suffering is merely a sign that you are living. And the key to life isn't to pretend that change never happens or pain doesn't happen and to hide in a dream. It's to face that pain, make the most of the beauty that remains in the world, and move on. Through your own agency. This is why Firefly is pissed when Sunday considers her weak and in need of a illusionary paradise. She may be suffering, but she faces it anyway and lives out what remains of her life by her own choice.
Anyway here's a few more quotes to emphasize the idea of 2.2 from fiction and philosophy.
If you don't get what you want, you suffer; if you get what you don't want, you suffer; even when you get exactly what you want, you still suffer because you can't hold on to it forever. Your mind is your predicament. It wants to be free of change. Free of pain, free of the obligations of life and death. But change is law and no amount of pretending will alter that reality.
The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.
Both from Socrates.
Dr. Ratio: The Path of Erudition has neither reason nor logic. While geniuses wander among the stars, the ordinary can't even trace their footsteps. Those less gifted have no choice but to walk alone, enduring a lifetime of tumbles and triumphs... Dr. Ratio: ...but even a life marked by failure is a life worth living — it is only in moments of solitude and despair, when help is absent, that fools grasp how to pick themselves up. Dr. Ratio: I have a fastidious nature — I cannot stand fools, idiots, or imbeciles. Seeing them fills me with dread. Regrettably, this space station is just like the Intelligentsia Guild — devoid of geniuses and filled with mediocrity. Screwllum: You wish to uproot the researchers' blind worship of geniuses. Dr. Ratio: I am only laying out my questions. As for the answers... They'll find them themselves. Dr. Ratio: Pursuit tinged with negativity is still pursuit, and it is capable of leading us to the right conclusion. For the masses of the mediocre to reach a level of awareness — this is a necessary rite of passage.
```Dr. Roman: ...Goetia.
Dr. Roman: You said you had no need of the name “King of Mages” anymore. I'll take it back, then.
Solomon: I am Solomon, King of Mages. Goetia, it is I who shall read you your last rites.
Solomon: ...Life always comes to an end. Life is a pilgrimage of suffering.
Solomon: But it is not a story of death and separation.```
``` Goetia: I'm sick of it! No matter what happens, they just disappear, and only fear remains!
Goetia: Every human's life is a story of hate and despair! It is a terrible thing to watch!
C:Romani Archaman: That's what you fail to understand, Goetia.
C:Romani Archaman: Of course nothing is eternal, and pain awaits us all in the end.
C:Romani Archaman: But that doesn't make life a story of despair. Not at all.
C:Romani Archaman: It's a fight against death and separation in what precious little time one is given. It's a repetition of meeting and parting, despite knowing there's an end.
C:Romani Archaman: ...Humans' stories are dazzling, brief journeys, like the twinkling of the stars. They are stories of love and hope.```
And in reply to somebody who asked what I believe the answer to "why does life slumber? - so that we can wake up from the dream" means and how it relates to Ritsuka's own answer to Goetia whose quite similar to Sunday.
Both are the same in a way.
Ironically this can be answered perfectly by a superman quote of all things.
Dreams aren't meant to be an escape from reality. We dream so that we can wake up, with hopes to move forward in reality. To face reality and fight for our wishes. To live for our values. To struggle and fight to make our dreams and reality the same. Rather than use dreams as an escape from reality.
This is how we live. Through hopes and dreams born from struggling for our ideals.
To people saying Black Swan was a case of unreliable narration, I already explained it. In previous patches, Jing Yuan frequently implies he's an Emanator. Such as when he claimed that only another's aeons emanator can escape his sight on the Luofu. Or the fact that he is able to strike down Phantilya's body fully powered by the Destruction, once it loses its connection to the Arbor--an Abundance Artifact made by an Aeon that grants absurd amounts of immortality and abundance power. Equally Welt's statement about the Generals confirms they are all comparable to a Lord Ravager.
If one might ask how Jing Yuan can be an Emanator even though it's passed down or its not free-form power. I direct you to the Hoyolab post explaining Emanators. To specifically quote.
"The method through which THEY grant power and the extent of the power also varies significantly"
That is to say, it's all up to the Aeon. Including the process through which an Emanator gains power. And by definition, being granted the blessing to access an Aeon's path is what an Emanator is. It is different to being blessed with an item. As for why it matters narratively? Because the Hunt and Destruction, and the Lord Ravagers and Generals are narrative mirrors. There are Seven Generals and Seven Lord Ravagers, each representing concepts of their respective path. Phantilya and Jing Yuan are mirrors of eachother. The deceptive strategists of their paths. Both the Hunt and Destruction are paths which lead to finality (An end in CN context). Both are led by young Aeons that hold a greater connection to their faction than other Aeons, and bring great destruction in their wars. Etc. Narratively speaking, the Destruction and Hunt are intentionally designed to hold major resemblances. So it especially matters that the Generals, and their stands (Spirits - As confirmed by the Guidebook that they all have their own special LL type spirit), are Emanators narratively.
As for why Jing Yuan isn't blowing up planets or galaxies? Two simple answers. Emanators have no set power scale. It is up to the Aeon. But thanks to Sunday and Phantilya (As well as Welt giving us a basic standard for the Generals), we do know Lightning Lord is absurdly powerful. Just that it is concentrated raw power unlike Lord Ravagers destructive power or Acheron and her Nihility hax. If Lord Ravagers hit you with a nuke enveloping cities, LL hits you with that same power concentrated to your face. This is likely why everytime JY uses Lightning Lord, if the enemy isn't immortal or dissapearing off screen, it ends in one blow. But this comes with its own flaws of JY needing to plan ahead for an opening for LL to strike or just take the enemy off guard.
Sorry for the lengthy explanations. Hope it was a good read and or helped people understand 2.2 better.
submitted by Radiant-Dentist-4220 to HonkaiStarRail [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 22:09 CorpseFinder Modding a 3/4 Guitar

Hi everyone! Recently got my hands on a 3/4 kids electric guitar and I want to mod it to a degree so it can be somewhat playable.
First of all is it even possible? While researching I mostly seen negative comments. Combined with my lack of experience with modding, should I lower my expectations?
I tried tuning and playing it, the tone was not that bad, but It does not hold the tune at all. I plan on adding locking tuners, maybe changing the nut and bridge. What else I can do to make it hold the tune better?
I wont be changing the pickups, since I couldnt find a good deal but I will definitly shiled it with some copper tape. And how much does pots effect the tone? Should I go for it?
I also want to add some extra frets to make it microtonal. I bought a 0.60mm hand saw, hope it can work. Ive seen a video saying that I need 0.57mm, but couldnt find one.
Any tips, opinions on the project? I am going overkill for first time modding?
submitted by CorpseFinder to Luthier [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:35 Gamingwiththereaper The Curse of Queen Marika

The Curse of Queen Marika
I always thought about this image and what it could may imply.
Here's my two cents on it:
Marika, the Lands Between and her offspring were all destined to suffer after they received the blessing from the Erdtree and the Greater Will abandoned them and Marika couldn't accept that.
So she started killing every single crone who ever read her palm/movement of her fingers.
How could she, a literal god, be crucified by the one who gave her this power? And her children, literal spawns of the Golden Order suffer aswell? She couldn't accept that and used the Black Knife Assassin to conduct her mass murderer of Finger Readers.
Every other crone managed to escape Leyndell and are now wandering the Lands Between.
This theory all started with a simple phrase from a crone near the Forest-spanning Greatbridge:
She says: "Wherever the path leads, so shall you follow. Wherever the path leads, only more sorrow. T'is a curse! A curse! The curse of Queen Marika."
Let the suffering begin:

The Demigods

Every single one of them suffer one way or the other
Morgott: Gets shunned by the Golden order because of his appearance, removes his horns, tries to become Elden Lord regardless, and the impenetrable thorns shuns him again.
Mohg: Gets banished to the Shunning grounds, because of his appearance and his connections to Blood magic, later tries to become an Elden Lord by forcing Miquella to become his consort, fails, because Miquella doesn't answer him regardless of what he does.
Godwyn: Dies because of the Rune of Death, transforming into an abomination.
Godrick: Gets shunned by the Golden Order because he's unworthy, goes on to graft every one he comes across, to bathe in the rays of gold again, or so he believes.
Radahn: Gets infected by the Scarlet rot and goes into a cannibalistic rampage.
Ranni: Everyone near and dear to her dies, regardless if she has an empyrean body or not.
Rykard: Gets eaten by a serpent God to avoid his fate, becoming a traitor in the eyes of the Golden Order.
Miquella: Is cursed on his birth with eternal youth, tries to create a safe haven for everybody that was shunned by the Golden Order, fails because Mohg removes him from his tree.
Malenia: Is cursed on her birth by the Rot Goddess, waits an eternity for a brother who presumably will never return.
Messmer: Gets banished to the Lands of Shadow and brandished a traitor.

The Lands Between NPCs

Gideon: Even though he's all-knowing, he knows he'll never become an Elden Lord.
Corhyn: Goes insane because the only guy he trusted, and the one he'll probably ever trust, stops believing in the Golden Order.
Hewg: Loses his memory, meaning he'll never get free of his shackle.
Roderika: We'll get to her...
D: Dies because of the thorns.
Rogier: Dies because of the thorns.
Fia: Dies because of D's brother.
Dungeater: Dies because of his own rune, everything that he did to others, came back to him twicefold.
Goldmask: Dies after he made an amazing discovery, he wasn't able to see his Magnum Opus come to fruition.
Tanith: Can't accept that Rykard lost to a mere tarnished, forces herself to eat his corpse.
Rya: Either loses all her memory or dies, refuses to accept that she was created by a fearsome rite and not born of a great king.
Patches: Suffers because he was enamoured by Tanith, who's a shell of herself now.
Diallos: Suffers because he can't do anything right, wants to be as strong as his older brother, dies to poachers in a village.
Bernahl: The very mirror of a Recusant, still dies to a mere tarnished after he (presumably) went after Maliketh.
Alexander: Tries to become the strongest warrior in the Lands Between, dies to a tarnished.
Melina: Either gets burned or suffer all the same, dissapointed in the one she and the Greater Will trusted the most.
Maliketh: Gets banished to Farum Azula, while keeping the Rune of Death safe, still gets killed by a mere tarnished.
Blaidd: Goes insane because of the Two Fingers, dies to a tarnished.
Iji: Dies to a Black Knife Assassin.
Seluvis: Same as Iji.
Selen: Either dies or becomes a Graven Mass.
Enia: Dies
Pidia: Gets betrayed by his own creations and dies.
Irina: Dies.
Hyetta: Burns by the Frenzied Flame.
Yura: Tries to save his maiden (Eleonora), dies and gets possessed by Shabriri.
Edgar: Goes insane after he sees Irina dead, dies to a tarnished.
Milicent: Dies after she removes the needle, or gets killed by a tarnished.
Gowry: Unnexplicably dies?
Boggart: Gets cursed by the Dungeater and dies.
D's brother: Goes on a pointless revenge, because Fia is already dead, gets rid of his armor and sword, presumably regretting his actions or dies.
Vyke: Goes to pursue the Frenzied Flame, regrets it afterwards, locks himself up in an Evergaol.

The people of the Lands Between

The Eternal city's denisens get banished underground
The people of Caelid suffer because of Scarlet Rot.
The omens are banished underground.
The Haligtree people are praying to something that will never realise.
The Albinaurics get shunned by the Golden Order.

Gideon Ofnir, the all knowing

He always stops himself after revealing his predictions to you, he knew about it all because Marika told him what the Finger Readers told her.

Radagon of the Golden Order

Marika tried to avoid her fate by creating another being in her image, yet Radagon only brought more suffering and the Readers kept telling her about her fate regardless.
She then tries to destroy the Elden Ring, the only thing keeping the Greater Will's grasp on the Lands Between and hides Destined Death, without death nobody could die or suffer, right???
Still gets crucified by the Greater Will, only confirming what the Readers told her.

The tarnished, those without a fate

Roderika, Nephelli and the player character are the only characters that can choose their fate, because they don't have one.
Like the fingerslayer blade explains: "Cannot be wielded by one without a fate", in other words the tarnished.
Roderika becomes a spirit tuner.
Nephelli becomes the Lord of Stormveil (or dies).
And you:
Melina wasn't worried about you because she knew you would brandish the Elden Ring again, regardless if your consort was going to do it (Ranni) or you would become Elden Lord yourself.
Unless you take the Frenzied Flame, which was very unexpected, that's why she shuns you when you do so, you get rid of the cycle of suffering, the flame subsides afterwards so you don't burn the whole world, only get rid of the Erdtree and Marika and you get a fate, Destined Death.
Thank you for reading.
submitted by Gamingwiththereaper to EldenRingLoreTalk [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:48 Bits_Everywhere RTL-SDR — Unlock Radio Waves!

RTL-SDR — Unlock Radio Waves!
RTL-SDR is a low-cost software-defined radio (SDR) that allows anyone to receive radio signals from a wide range of frequencies. Originally designed as a USB TV tuner dongle, RTL-SDR has been repurposed by the tech community to serve as a versatile and powerful SDR. With RTL-SDR, you can listen to FM radio, track aircraft with ADS-B, decode digital voice communications, monitor weather satellites, and much more. It's a fantastic entry point for anyone interested in radio frequency (RF) exploration and experimentation.
You can find a list of local resellers here:
Specifically: Go to RTL-SDR Store > Scroll down to the Local Resellers section
Also go say hi to all the cool people at /RTLSDR they got showcases of all sorts of uses you can have with this thing!
Have fun!
submitted by Bits_Everywhere to TechToys [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 05:11 Master-Plant-5792 The old man

This is gonna sound insane and it is. But here it is.
So for some reason. When I was a child. I accidentally cut my finger and looked at the blood and just pressed my finger into the window sill and just thought to myself "I am now bonded with this place"
Ever since then, I keep having dreams of looking through that big window and looking into my backyard. Except it is now some kind of portal. I can see things that you normally couldn't. Things on the spiritual or Astral plane. It's both terrifying and beyond amazing. But mostly scary ah lol. Sometimes when I focus I say out loud "I want to see other dimensions" and it's like a tuner. I can "scroll" and the view out of my window changes. From concrete buildings with futuristic fixtures to a desert with oasis communities with wierd looking biological/mechanical airplanes.
I see humanoids and cryptids that roam in front of me. It's so weird. Terrifyingly cool. I don't know why this happens but I've used this technique in other lucid dreams. I just focus and whatever door or place I'm at can be changed. Like once I was stuck in a tiny capsule home that I had locked. And I was looking through the sliding window. I focus and everything changes. Different landscapes and different times fly by. From deserted woods, to a frozen landscape and lastly a beach with an amazing view of the mountains and the sea. This weird dog like creature is outside. I stay inside outnof safety and I focus harder. Its now years later in the same place. But now there's people. My capsule home now had a porch and there were people sitting on beach chairs laughing in front of fire. They appeared to.drinking. Out in the water were people and what looked like dinosaur like creatures. Oddly coexisting. They all seemed weirdly content. One was even.being pulled by some Nessy looking dinosaur on a waveboard.
I step outside and am greeted by the people. "Ah! You're finally here! We were wondering when you were gonna join us finally!"
I look at him.confused and timidly reply "What do you mean? I just got here. What is this place?"
They all look amused
"Ah yes. We get visitors like you from time to time. This is a place that everyone ends up eventually. It's like a meeting spot for travelers like you. A place where we all.can co-exist peacefully. We're happy your here finally!!"
And he hands me.a drink and take it still shocked.
Apart of me still was so shocked. I could feel how real everything felt. But the peace didn't last long. As I was shot into the unknown again. Before my dream ends. I remember walking with an old man. He was dressed very posh. All black.and a really nice black hat. White beard and a very blank expression on his face.
I told him about all my journeys and the abilities it.grants me whenever I dream walk. This doesn't phase him even a little. Like he's been told this a million times.
I thank him for listening and tell him that I.was lost and needed help getting home. That I'm not in the right universe. That I'm in some place where magic exists.
He just looks at me and simply goes "You are home"
The moment he says this I am flooded with images of everything. How it was all.conmected. Einstein was right. Time and space wasnt linear. It was happening all simultaneously. Like the past present and future were simply places you could visit as if you were walking to your neighbors. Imsaw dragons, monsters, magic.and even places where our favorite TV shows were real. It was all there.
And he puts his hand on my shoulder and I wake up. Fulfilling my request to go home.
submitted by Master-Plant-5792 to AstralProjection [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:27 Reddit-is-trash-lol Need advice for upgrading my Gibson SG

I’ve had my ‘05 faded brown SG for almost 20 years now and it’s the only high end 6-string guitar I own. I absolutely love it, I’ve already added strap locks and locking tuners and have thought about either upgrading the pick ups or getting coil splitters for a long time.
I have an 8-string Ibanez that has Dimarzio Ionizer 8’s and a 5-way toggle switch that works as a coil splitter, that’s my second love. I can get so many tones out of this guitar and it plays and sounds amazing. Having the single coil option was such a game changer for me having only played humbuckers only for my whole life.
I’d say I know more that the average person about electronics and guitar work, but for either of these options I’d feel more comfortable with paying a professional to do the work properly.
My hang up is that I keep this guitar tuned to C# standard and don’t know if I should prioritize new pickups or the coil splitters. I plan on getting both done eventually but I’m also overwhelmed by pickup options. The default pickups already sound pretty good, I don’t play live anymore but want my guitar to sound its best. I really want my guitar to feel like it’s custom built to my tastes and don’t know where to upgrade it next.
If anyone has any pickup recommendations I think I want a set of Dimarzio’s, I play mainly metal but hop around to all sorts of styles and genres
submitted by Reddit-is-trash-lol to Guitar [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:08 penguincliffhanger Thought on Starcaster value

So I’ve had my pink Starcaster for a few weeks now. Let me start out by saying I love the guitar. It plays and sounds amazing, super resonant. Also really love the finish on mine (super dark neck and all).
I saw online today the specs for the new EVH SA126 and have to say I’m feeling like I got taken for a bit of a ride by Fender.
The new EVH is made in Mexico, has an ebony fretboard/satin maple (sort of roasted looking) neck, mahogany body, similar satin finish, and comes with a hard case. It retails for 1,359€ here in Germany.
However the Starcaster has the Seymour Duncan pickup versus the Fender made EVH pickups (even though I’d argue could be comparable) and locking tuners. The other difference being a “carved” top and back on the Starcaster (apparently why it had to be made in Indonesia due to the tooling for the top and back) versus the EVH having a carved top but not back.
Now MSRP is 1,349€ for the Starcaster. Luckily like most here in Europe I only paid 1,060€ at launch. I feel like if I would’ve paid full retail for the Starcaster I’d feel a bit taken advantage of. I feel like they could have at least tossed us a case. Didn’t even have to be a hard case I would have been ok with something like the FE1225 gig bag I bought. Hell even the cheaper FEJ610 bag would’ve been cool.
I get that we’re paying fanboy tax, but I still feel like we got a bit hosed. All that said I’ll hands down be keeping mine.
What’s everyone else’s take?
submitted by penguincliffhanger to TomDelongeGuitars [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:07 Dave-037 First time Gretsch owner, and I have many questions about this guitar

I’ll start by saying that I started out playing a Fender Telecaster, which I have played for a long time. Recently, I bought a Gretsch 5422T and it is my second guitar.
  1. Starting with strings, I use 9s on my Tele and I want something that will feel similar on my Gretsch. I am told that 9s on my Gretsch will not feel the same because the scale length is shorter. If I want bends on my Gretsch to feel the same as they do on my Tele, what string gauge should I use?
  2. Are locking tuners worth it with a Bigsby tremolo and should I have them installed before taking my guitar to a shop for a setup? If I get locking tuners after getting it set up, will it need to be set up again?
  3. I am looking for a hard shell case and I am willing to spend whatever is necessary to give my guitar the best protection, what do you recommend for a Gretsch 5422T?
I might add more questions to this post later.
submitted by Dave-037 to Guitar [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:11 mr_bombon 992.1 Carrera T (manual) w/ M-Engineering Tune - experiences

I've been running the M-Engineering/M-Tuner tune off/on with the 24 manual Carrera T for about a month now. I first had them add all the features, but turning off auto start/stop also kills the very convenient auto-start after you stall. The full open PSE is also VERY deep/bass-y at low RPMs, kind of on the edge of obnoxious for the street imo (or over it really, it gets looks).
I asked if they could keep the exhaust closed down at lower RPMs similar to stock PSE, and they customized my tune to "double" how open the exhaust is at various RPMs which made it sound REALLLY awesome. Not too much like it's straight exhaust, just more of what you get with stock PSE in sport mode.
I also got really paranoid after applying the tune, it might have been me but the PADM engine mounts felt like they were all the way loose or tight for a day after tuning, the whole car shook when you put it in normal mode at idle, and really almost violently shook when you feathered the gas at idle. That and right after you apply the tune (which takes 6 minutes for me), the dash throws errors like "pull handle again to open door" and WBA restricted. While the tune is being applied it's pretty scary, throwing errors like spoiler failed/lower speed. Side-note, I had just gotten the dash cam installed and the battery was pretty drained from me setting it up, I had to wait a day or 2 to tune because I kept getting low battery errors…And they say to be very careful with this since you can brick your ECU if it dies while flashing…So this amplified my paranoia quite a bit.
I was convinced the engine mount issue wasn't temporary, and I thought the auto start/stop defeat was permanently stuck on (car was warming up and gave the auto stop/start off icon), so I sent an alarmed email or 2 to the M-Engineering team, who I must say are really impressive. They are very responsive and surprisingly helpful/patient.
For the tune itself, the added performance with stage 1 is very linear and very noticeable especially in 1st/2nd gears, I imagine it's what the S feels like stock. The turbos are noticeably louder and blow off more pressure more often from the different boost calibration.
I almost get why Porsche doesn't normally sell a stick shift on base engine after running the tune for a while then going back to stock for a couple weeks. With more boost the engine gets through gears and revs faster, at stock 2nd gear is almost too long and disappointing without it. You ring out 1st gear which is amazing stock, then when you shift to 2nd gear, there's a serious dip before you get to max power around 6k RPM that just doesn't feel right and goes away with the tune.
I applied with an older intel-based macbook pro I had that I installed boot camp/Windows 10 on. It's also a USB-C only laptop so need to use a USB-C -> USB-A dongle. Despite all this the M-Tuner software works great and had only experienced an issue with needing to wait until the laptop was booted up/logged into Windows before plugging in the dongle, or it's not recognized.
If anyone has any questions I'm happy to answer them! Another thanks to M-Engineering for catering to my request and not telling me to f' off!
submitted by mr_bombon to porsche911 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:53 Much_Intern400 XMP nonexistent!

I have the ASUS PRIME z370-a II. The Asus manual for this motherboard says that it supports XMP. When I am in EZ mode, the XMP option is disabled and "disabled" is the only option. When I go to advanced mode and go to aiTweaker, under Ai Overclock Tuner I only have the options "auto" and "manual."
The bottom of the screen says: "[Manual]: when the manual mode is selected, the bclk (base clock) frequency can be assigned manually."
"[XMP]: when the XMP (extreme memory profile) mode is selected, the bclk frequency and the memory parameters will be optimized automatically."
I have no clue how to enable XMP.
Also, ai have two identical ram sticks, slots A2 and B2. One is running at the intended 2666MHz, the other at 2400MHz.
submitted by Much_Intern400 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:52 Much_Intern400 XMP nonexistent!

I have the ASUS PRIME z370-a II. The Asus manual for this motherboard says that it supports XMP. When I am in EZ mode, the XMP option is disabled and "disabled" is the only option. When I go to advanced mode and go to aiTweaker, under Ai Overclock Tuner I only have the options "auto" and "manual."
The bottom of the screen says: "[Manual]: when the manual mode is selected, the bclk (base clock) frequency can be assigned manually."
"[XMP]: when the XMP (extreme memory profile) mode is selected, the bclk frequency and the memory parameters will be optimized automatically."
I have no clue how to enable XMP.
Also, ai have two identical ram sticks, slots A2 and B2. One is running at the intended 2666MHz, the other at 2400MHz.
submitted by Much_Intern400 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:30 Caw-zrs6 Came up with a potential support card for Salamangreats. (Don't really know how to make the cards in posts on this subreddit, so sorry for no picture)

So, this just came to me recently regarding the Salamangreat ED (plus main deck), and that's the fact that a large majority of them are mostly comprised of the Links, Miragestallio, along with some generic cards, like almost none of them are using Violet Chimera, Emerald Eagle, Burst Gryphon, or Blaze Dragon.
Now, I get it, of these four monsters, the latter three are a bit slow to get their effects to go off properly. However, I believe I may have come up with a card that can boost their usage, even if by just a little bit.
Now although I don't yet have a name for this card, what I do know is that it's either a Continuous Spell or Trap that says the following:
Once per Chain, you can target 1 "Salamangreat" monster you control: Immediately after this effect resolves, apply 1 of these effects based on the targeted monster's card type. * Ritual: Tribute the targeted monster, and if you do, special summon 1 "Salamangreat" Ritual Monster from your hand with the same name as the tributed monster (this is treated as a Ritual Summon). * Fusion: Fusion Summon 1 "Salamangreat" Fusion Monster with the same name as the targeted monster, using monsters from your hand and/or either field as material, including the targeted monster. * Synchro: Synchro Summon 1 "Salamangreat" Synchro Monster with the same name as the targeted monster. For this Synchro Summon, you must use the targeted monster as Synchro material, also you can treat it as a Tuner. * Xyz: Special summon 1 "Salamangreat" Xyz Monster with the same name as the targeted monster, using it as material. (This is treated as an Xyz Summon. Transfer its materials to the Summoned monster.) * Other: Add 1 "Salamangreat" monster with the same name as the targeted monster from your GY to your hand. If this card is removed from the field by your opponent's card, you can target up to three FIRE Cyberse and/or "Salamangreat" cards that are banished and/or in your GY except this card; shuffle into the deck, then draw 1 card. You can only use each effect of insert Salamangreat card name here once per turn.
So, what do you guys think? I'll be honest here, I wasn't really sure if I should include an effect involving the Link monsters since Salamangreat already has quite a few effects that either support them or are related to them in some capacity. Also that last effect I put in because to my knowledge, there's no in-archetype means of getting their banished cards back.
Anyways, again, let me know what you guys thought of it, and if there's anything that you would add or change regarding this card, please let me know.
submitted by Caw-zrs6 to customyugioh [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:55 zlashtek My bends are in tune but still sound bad

I have Yamaha Pacifica 510V. I can’t say I’m very experienced guitar player but I used a tuner and practiced bending strings at the right notes and I still didn’t like how it sounds. I guess it’s something to do wit my technique because some of the bends sound pretty good and some bad. For example I tried playing sultans of swing solo and whenever I try doing the first four bends they sound awful even tho I’m look at the tuner and it’s saying I’m bending to the right note. I bending less or more and still sounds bad. While 80% of the other bends in that solo sound much better. Is it me or it has sometingg to do with my guitar?
submitted by zlashtek to Guitar [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:18 Eams_Rs Subie gurus, I am stumpted.

Okay, 2015 wrx, and I live in WA state so no emission regs. Short story: Modded and protuned pre greenspeed act, fast forward to now new motor post greenspeed act (IAG LB600) and re-tuned last year.
Now the dilemma, I'm having trouble with the exhaust. I have a rev2 MAP J-pipe, so the cat is downstream from both the A/F and the O2 so catless in this sense. First it started with the P0420, tuner said it's fine, but if I want to stump the code, there's ways around it. They can't tell me straight up what to do for legal reasons, but to do some "research". Deal with it for about a year, fast forward to now, I'm getting annoyed because the car is basically in constant learning mode. So, do some "research" and yes the spacer trick, but oh! Now it's the P0137 and P2270.
To get all "well it could be..." out of the way, A/F reads fine, wires look good, connection is good, tried with and without stainless steel wool in the spacer. One thing I thought of is re-attaching the ground strap but, (and correct me if I'm wrong) I kept telling myself the exhaust is grounded already with contact to the block.
Anyway, tuner shop is closed, going to give them a ring tomorrow and say what gives (maybe I didn't do enough research). Or fork the money over for a J-pipe with a GESI cat which my local shop said solves the problem straight up.
TL;DR I'm bad at summarizations, exhaust bad what do.
submitted by Eams_Rs to WRX [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:04 jeepersnanners Help Identifying these Epi SGs, and specs? Both are 2008.

One says Epiphone custom shop with a hard case, other the gentleman posted as a Standard 61. I'm familiar with the more recent standard 61s they did with the probuckers and old Style (looking) tuners but seeing the Grover tuners on these confused me. Ones dark wine ish color, other seems cherry ish red.
Any idea what model/specs each of these is? Both serials say China, 2008.
Can't tell if these are g-400, plain standards, 61s, what they are from search results.
submitted by jeepersnanners to Guitar [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:01 epileptick Credit for wins in OWC

I'm sorry this is a lot of words. The simple version is: I wasn't getting credit for wins. I fixed it. Now I know the problem is a servebug issue. I want help from the players to get microsoft/EA to fix it.
The long story is this:
For the last year I haven't been credited for my wins more than approx 30% of the time. Originally i thought it was people glitching the system to leave early and rob me of the win. But soon i realized that it happened even fighting people i knew were honest. The only way I could get a win was to not skip end game cutscene, then in the score screen I had to wait about 2 mins before pressing A or it would say something like "the server could not be reached" or something like that and I got no win. But losses happened EVERY TIME. Weird eh?
Long story short i found some posts talking about making a new xbox account with a yahoo email. This worked. I do get credited for my wins now. There is clearly no one responsible for this other than Microsoft and EA. The players are just victims of server issues and bad porting to xboxone.
Before this started- I was one of the people being called a hacker - i was the one always getting wins - rarely losses. And I couldn't lose a fight if I tried. I had records of like 30-0 before I would lose a fight.
Well now I lose more than I win. And I'm no noob. I'm really good. I have been #1 on Canadian leaderboards and won belts more times than I can remember. I even proved my skill to a friend once by getting #1 on ps3 as well.
Fast forward to now. I see the issue. It still needs to be fixed. I shouldn't have had to buy all the XP packs and add-ons again just to play the game and get credited for wins online. We pay $20 monthly sub to play this game online. You can't play online without that sub. And they let the game get THIS messed up. It's criminal.
Anyway I just wanted to share my experience so people stop making nonstop posts saying "hackers" are responsible for this. It's annoying. Please stop. Make a yahoo account and try for yourself.
There is one very weird problem now.... I can't delete my character and start over. My record stays even if I make a new fighter. If this was the case for everyone I would have no problem with it. But clearly there are bugs making some people more fortunate than others.
My BEST GUESS at what's happening, is the old tuner sets are staying active for old accounts and new accounts have the newest. Or something like this. Because I'm not flash KOing people ever anymore. And before it was almost every figut in the first 3 rounds. I remember the early days of FNC they tried updating tuner sets to allow less flash KOs.
I used to be the one flashing everyone and now very often I get flashed by a bum in the first round. This is why I have so many losses. I'll usually be winning then get flashed.
How do we fix this? How do we make EA and Microsoft listen? A petition? I'm not a fan of making posts just to complain. I want everyone to put their heads together so we can fix this once and for all. It's illegal what they are doing. We bought this game. They have no right to do this. In Canada very soon there will be strict laws preventing developers from abandoning games like this. But I fear Microsoft knows this and that's why the Xbox store is going offline for FNC in a couple months. I hope it's the opposite and they are making it work better. But I fear we will get abandoned before the laws pass.
Help me people. What do we do?
submitted by epileptick to FIghtNight [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:22 lykwydchykyn WTT/WTS: A Pedal-licious Pile of Hoopy Homestyle! Drives, Filters, Amps, and Fuzz, plug'em in and feel the love.

Spring is winding down, summer's on it's way; would love to get a little cash to fund the summer fun (and the next parts order). Still, trades are always on the table. Don't be shy with the cheapies.
I got:
I want:
(If you are NOT into handmade stuff, scroll down because I have some other items at the end.)
This is hand-built stuff that I made, mostly relatively unique or heavily tweaked designs built on vero or point to point. Many are housed in upcycled tins, a few in Hammond boxes. They all run on standard 9v pedal power. These aren't clones for the most part, unless they are; but normally I actually monkey about with the circuits quite a bit or just test out wacky ideas. If you want something nobody else has, you're in the right place…
I have the handmades valued in 4 tiers:
MOBILE USERS: There are 4 columns in the tables below: Name, Tier, Links, and Notes. If you don't see all 4, scroll over or ask for more info.
Name Tier Links Notes
Bazz Me Fuss You #1 A PIC DEMO A bazz-fussified perversion of the Escobedo push-me-pull-you, featuring controls for octave and volume. This is the first unit I've built using my own custom PCB. Housed in a painted 125B with top jacks.
Space Fuzz B+ PIC DEMO This is a Hollis crash sync fuzz that I souped up with an LFO to modulate the filtesync frequency. Really wild flangery/phasey type gated fuzz sound. At the right settings you can get some octave-down effects as well. Housed in a ~3.5 inch square game tin reinforced with recycled plastic. Pretty pleased with this build.
SwirlFuzz B+ PIC DEMO Modulated octave fuzz prototype. It's an octave fuzz, but you can switch on an LFO to modulate the octave amount. Controls for Rate, Depth, Gain, and Volume, plus switches for waveshape and mode (Normal/Octave/Modulated). In a circular tin reinforced with recycled plastic.
Baller Fuzz B PIC DEMO Another Bazz-Me-Fuss-You build with an added BMP-style tone control. In a slightly beaten-up heart-shaped basketball tin. Y'all ready for this?
Big Green Fuzz for Attractive Bass Players B PIC Demo Like my bazz-me-fuss-you circuit, but with a big muff tone stack, a clean blend, and optional clippers for more compression. Housed in a big round tin reinforced with recycled plastic and designed specifically for attractive bass players. Unattractive ones may not really gel with this.
Creature from the planet Chyowngg B PIC Demo Prototype of a unique fuzz I've been developing that I call the Chyowngg fuzz. It's a 2-stage octaver that gives a bright synthy tone with a distinctive envelope (hence the name). You can toggle each stage from octave to non-octave mode for a variety of interesting timbres. Also has a tone control, but the tone control is before the octave stages so it results in interesting behaviors depending on the switch settings. It's in a tin meant to be painted like an alien, though some say it looks more like a triceratops.
Dumbo's Bazzrite Fussrite C PIC Demo A bazz-fussified mosrite fuzzrite circuit I cobbled together in point-to-point wiring style. Housed in a little Dumbo puzzle tin with GLITTER! Controls are for balance (kind of tone-cum-gain) and volume.
Wiff Spwinkles on Top C PIC Demo This point-to-point fuzz lives in the same neighborhood as the Harmonic Percolator, but has a few differences. I altered the way the gain knob works, and added a switch to toggle bass cut. It's housed in an ice-creamity welly tin.
Drives, Distortions, and Boosts
Name Tier Links Notes
Bronze Drive A PIC Demo This is a point-to-point, transistor based overdrive I designed based loosely on the Davisson Easy Drive. Good for low-gain crunchy tones and plenty of output volume on tap if you want it for a boost. Tone circuit is like a BMP stack but with a mid hump instead of a mid cut. Housed in a painted 125B.
Copper ZenerMorph Drive B PIC Demo This is an experiment in zener diode clipping. Nice crispy drive that gets beefier as you turn up the gain, lots of good edge-of-breakup tones to be had. Housed in a decorated tin reinforced with some recycled plastic.
Shining Hope Drive B PIC Demo Differential mirroring drive, gives a kind of overdriven-mixer-channel distortion. Controls for gain, tone, and volume. Housed in a star-shaped Christmas tin.
B is for Beast C PIC DEMO This fun little drive/boost consists of two cascading MOSFET gain stages with optional clipping in between. It goes from clean and loud to massive wall-of-gain distortion nicely. Controls for gain, clipping, and volume. In a small heart-shaped tin about 4in by 4in.
Green Sparkler Boost D PIC Just an Escobedo Duende JFET boost built point-to-point in a sparkly little round tin. Gives a little gain and a bit of warmth to the tone.
Name Tier Links Notes
Quack like a penguin B+ PIC DEMO Third build of the Chykka Wakka, a WIP all-transistor envelope filter. This one is built on vero, and features controls for Q, Range, and Attack, as well as toggles for Voicing and envelope smoothing. Housed in a smallish penguin tin reinforced with recycled plastic.
Gift of Chykka Wakka B PIC DEMO First build of an all-transistor envelope filter I designed. Built point-to-point style and housed in a little giftbox tin reinforced with recycled plastic. Controls for Q and Sweep, switch toggles envelope smoothing.
Vortex of Funk B PIC DEMO Second build of the Chykka-Wakka circuit, this one features attack, Q, and range controls. Built point-to-point and housed in a painted tin.
BZZZ BOOP BEEP B PIC DEMO A basic square wave oscillator on a momentary switch. Can go from bzzz to boop to beep with a sweep of the big knob. Also has tone and volume controls, and a 3-way switch for different decay amounts. Use it to simulate a spring door stopper or dying cow. Or bleep your foul-mouthed frontman. Or mess with the sound guy. Or send Morse code to the bar. I dunno. Housed in a painted tin reinforced with recycled plastic.
Little Amps
Name Price/Trades Links Description
Ample iMank $65 PICS DEMO This is a Runoffgroove Ruby Amplifier built into this old multimedia speaker enclosure designed to look like an old iMac. Glows blue when you turn it on. It runs from a standard 9v pedal power. It's not terribly loud, nor terribly clean, but if you dig the classic mac vibe it might be fun. Controls for gain and volume, and a power switch on the back.
Nosy Amp $75 PICS DEMO Another solid-state amp based on the Ruby amplifier, housed in a repurposed bookshelf speaker. This one actually has pretty decent volume, even on 9V (can run on 12V as well for more), and can stay clean while getting loud enough for a quiet jam with friends.
Fleur-de-Lis Amp $90 PICS DEMO A tiny bookshelf speaker turned into a practice amp. This one features a class D power amp for lovely cleans, and a custom designed discrete preamp that gets punchy & crunchy when cranked. Runs on 9V but pretty loud nonetheless.
Non-DIY Stuff
Make an offer. I respect Reverb Price Guide values, though I may lean high if it's a feeler.
Brand Name Condition Notes
Danelectro Fab Chorus Excellent Cheap plastic chorus, but sounds great. Probably just a make-weight, too cheap to trade on its own.
Caline 10-band EQ Good Works fine, I just don't really need 10 bands of EQ. Has velcro on the back, and sometimes makes a weird noise when you turn on the pedalboard. Another make-weight.
Ibanez PH7 Good Tonelok phaser. Great pedal, has some glue on the bottom I couldn't get off, but works fine.
BOSS TU-12H Good Crusty vintage tuner from Boss. Still works great, but it's missing the outer case (still has the inner part). If you had one in the day and want to relive the magic, feel free to make an offer.
Digitech RP360 Very Good Great multifx, I've gotten some fun sounds out of it, but it isn't seeing much use. I'm just more of a discrete FX guy I guess.
MOTU MIDI express Good This is an antique MIDI patchbay and interface. It's pre-USB and uses the parallel cable (PC) or some kind of Apple-specific DIN cable (Mac). Could be used standalone, or maybe you're into retro MIDI setups? Comes with box and cables anyway.
unknown builder PedalPCB Cataclysm Very Good This is a really solid build of a PedalPCB cataclysm (Disaster Transport Jr clone) built by someone other than me. Pics here. Not sure what to value it, but make an offer.
Local (Nashville TN area) ONLY
Brand Name Condition Notes
TEAC A3340S 4-Track Reel-to-Reel Good Cleaned up, oiled up, and in good working order last time I tried it out. Meant to do some analog recording, but just haven't gotten the time or space. Would trade for a decent instrument of some kind. Might even throw in a copy of Craig Anderton's "Home Recording for Musicians", which uses the same unit.
Altec-Lansing Power amp (9442A) Fair 300 W, 2 rack-unit power amp, can work in stereo or bridged mode. Last time I used it one of the channels was a little flaky. Couldn't be bothered to fix it myself. Heavy as all get out, I'll sell for cheap if you're local.
What would I trade for??
I'm wide open to trades for music gear of all kinds and other items of value.
Some Priority Wants:
Other things I'd likely trade for:
Probably not wants (doesn't apply to C or D-tier builds, offer anything for those):
A Note about mods/repairs/custom jobs: Feel free to shoot me your ideas, but probably I'm leaning toward not doing these. Expect to pay/trade way more for something custom than what I ask for the pedals I've already built.
submitted by lykwydchykyn to letstradepedals [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:24 ZeldaTheOuchMouse My idea for an open world crime based action adventure game:

Heres my idea for an open world crime based action adventure game:
I want a modern open world game with modern graphics, modern physics, driving and combat mechanics, the whole 9 yards, but it takes place in New Orleans LA in the Early 2000’s, the game would have hundreds and hundreds of licensed cars, licensed songs ALL period correct and as many licensed brands as i can get in the game to make the setting more resemble real life, we’ve seen so many fantasy brands and fake cities and companies based off real life companies and i want to change that, i want all electronics of the era to be 100% accessible and usable in the game, everything from Motorola Razr’s, PDA’s, Laptops and The Internet in FULL early 2000’s style, Alpine and Sony X-Plod Car Headunits etc
Im going to say this now: there would be ZERO references or mentions of Hurricane Katrina in this game, the timeline would be 2002 to Summer 2005 before Katrina, Katrina wouldn’t be mentioned as it wouldn’t exist
The story is about a young transgender woman in her 20’s who lives in the Lower 9th Ward of New Orleans, she drives a beat up 80’s-Early 90’s Pontiac at the start of the game and lives with her sister, at the beginning of the game nobody respects her, misgenders her and deadnames her, the idea is to hit the nail on the head with how trans people are treated on a daily basis, she progresses through the underground hustling ranks of New Orleans after being offered a job and proves to be someone who will go to great lengths to get the job done, everything from street racing in a scene that fully captures Early 2000’s tuner culture, winning cars in pinkslip races, shootouts from deals gone bad in nightclubs, encounters with corrupt police officers etc, at the end of the game shes a wealthy kingpin in the city and has earned the respect of mostly everyone and everyone speaks highly of her, i also want to slip in alot of little references to games and franchises i love like Earthbound, Clock Tower, Tony Hawk’s Underground 2, 2 Fast 2 Furious, Bad Boys, Need For Speed etc and make the user interface and menus feel like its from the Early 2000’s but also pay homage and respect to New Orleans Mardi Gras and jazz culture and for the world to be crammed full of life with NPC’s, animals, weather, random events, random encounters and interactions and basically how it would be in real life
The map i want to be the most accurate virtual recreation of New Orleans ever done just circa 2002-2005, i want as many enterable interiors in the game as possible, i want to include everything from Jazzland Theme Park, the Bayou areas, Lake Pontchatrain, East New Orleans, The SuperDome, the then New Orleans Arena next door, Shopping Malls, Car Dealerships for each brand in the game, Upper class Neighborhoods, Trailer Parks, Nightclubs, bars and of course the French quarter and Canal Street
I also want to take customization to a whole new level, give a Sims like ability to customize, furnish and build your home and character however you like, and of course the Early 2000’s fashion will be in full swing here, i want the most in-depth car customization of any game ever, its the early 2000’s after all, i want body kits, bumpers, hoods, wings, headlights and tail lights, the ability to customize the headunit in your car, put subwoofers in the trunk, rims, spinners, donks, lambo doors, underglow and of course in depth performance upgrades ALL parts be name brand, like Bomex body kits, TYC tail lights, JL Audio Amps, Subwoofers, Lowenhart, Lexani, Asanti, DUB and TIS rims, APR aluminum wings etc, i basically want to make the customization in Need For Speed Underground 2 look like a mobile game
And the car list, i want to have over 600 fully licensed cars in the game minimum and be fully customizable down to every single part, since the plot of the game starts in 2002 and ends in 2005, i want NOTHING newer than 2006 in the game
Cadillac Escalade, Hummer H2 and Chrysler 300C are a must, but i also want to have the 99-04 Mustang, both V6 and GT, Ferrari 360 Modena, Spider and Challenge Stradale, Ferrari 550, Lamborghini Murcièlago and Gallardo, but also include more common lesser loved cars like the Chevy Cavalier, Pontiac Sunfire, Pontiac Grand Am, Geo Metro, Dodge Neon, Chrysler Concorde, Chevy Celebrity, Ford Taurus etc, and of course i’ll have bikes, boats, planes, helicopters and all other types of vehicles
Yeah its a GTA/Saints Row type game, but i want to raise the bar, push boundaries and do something different thats never been done before
submitted by ZeldaTheOuchMouse to gameideas [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:11 GeorgeBuford Sumo Status

Sumo Status
First let me say I am impressed by the quality of the live stream. I seem to be getting 4K, and the colors are vibrant on my Samsung TV.
I am hoping those of you with Apple TV have been acknowledged by JME support staff if they haven't fixed the issues with your device by now. I for one would be outraged as we enter day 3 of the tournament with no way to view what I had missed. 😡
Nerd notes. By using OBS on Windows 10 with their Advanced Scene Selector plugin, I have been able to stay logged into JME and record each airing. I still have to edit the 5pm or 8pm airing to strip out the half hour of highlights from the broadcast, but it is trivial if not time consuming due to compression during the video processing. Each full broadcast is ~25gb for an MP4 file, so yeah. It takes a while. 😊
I definitely prefer the Japanese announcer. The English guy is very descriptive and I learn a lot, but I find there is just too much information that I don't necessarily need. But since I have the choice I can skip it.
Hope everyone and their parents get to watch on the big screen rather than being scrunched around a cell phone! I for one am pretty happy with my DIY Android TV. Especially with being able to find ALL of my nightly comedy shows on YouTube! Totally did not need the TV Tuner, so yay!
Top Regards, George
submitted by GeorgeBuford to jme_tv [link] [comments]
