Cute texts to send your friend


2011.08.03 22:24 Leotards

Girls in leotards and other spandex/lycra tight outfits. One-piece swimsuits, unitards, biketards, and others are welcome.

2013.11.12 15:45 USS_Haberdasher A place for cuddly inanimate objects

Have a favorite stuffed animal that you've had since you were a kid? You a college kid who has a plush rabbit or corgi to hold you over until you can afford to care for a real one? Maybe you just got a cute/funny plushie as gift or are planning on giving one. Then post that cute stuff here.

2015.08.25 17:28 LegitInkling The Hero of Time is the OG thot

Nintendo's most popular bishounen, on reddit! Whether your knight wears a green getup, blue pajamas, or even just trousers (I won't judge) Link is, without a doubt, cute enough to warrant his own subreddit for appreciation.

2024.06.02 10:38 Correct_Leave9503 Need some inputs regarding marrying a Muslim girl as a closeted ex-muslim

Hey everyone,
A bit of an introduction: I left my religion four years ago during the Covid lockdown. With a lot of free time on my hands, I researched the Quran and its interpretations. Even before that, I was never very religious, but reading inaccurate scientific verses and encountering barbaric practices was the final nail in the coffin. After struggling to find meaning in life, I embraced deism and chose to live peacefully, without worrying too much about social or religious issues in my country. I essentially live in a bubble.
My family is less religious than moderate Muslims, except for my eldest sibling, whom I rarely see. We don't pray, believe that hijab should not be forced upon anyone, and support secularism. Despite this, they still consider themselves Muslims, which is fine by me.
I’m quite comfortable in my social circle. My friends range from moderate to religious, which is understandable in a Muslim-majority country. I'm content with my current situation. I live in a very urbanized area, essentially the capital of the capital, where Muslims are a minority. Even when I encounter Muslims here, they tend to be non-religious based on their attire and lifestyle.
I've been dating a girl from a semi-rural area. We met online, and initially, I was skeptical because she wears a hijab. However, I decided to give it a shot because she is very much my type: cute, petite, and intelligent. Early in our relationship, I subtly indicated that I'm not very religious, by going to the gym when most Muslims would be preparing for Maghrib, not talking about Islamic stuff. She even joked during Ramadan, asking what I was having for lunch in a funny manner . Once we got closer, we had discussed how the government uses religion to win votes, and talked about LGBTQ rights. We were very much on the same page. When we hang out, she doesn'tt pray like she did on our first date. We'd go out from 9 AM to 10 PM without stopping to pray. She's comfortable with physical contact like holding hands, hugging, and even kissing (cheeks and forehead), all consensual.
Things have been going well for almost a year and a half until she started hinting that she wants me to be more religious. She began with comments like "You're not perfect, but I accept you as you are," progressing to "You're not perfect, but I can teach you things and we can improve together." I know she's referring to my irreligiousness. Once, while discussing meditation and Buddhism, she seemed annoyed and said, "We're Muslim, right? We follow Islamic values." That was the first time I saw her not being herself. I kept a straight face and laughed it off. Last night, we were talking about our goals and marriage plans for the end of this year. She mentioned wanting to do everything together—grocery shopping, movies, raising kids, growing old, and praying together. I just replied with a "yeah," and I think she knows I wasn't on board with the last one.
I feel like I'm at fault here. I didn't give her enough hints, and I didn't tell her the truth that I'm not a Muslim. She might only continuing dating me because she thinks she can fix me. I'm fine living with a moderate Muslim; I can always hold my tongue and nod when I don't agree with someone's opinion. I've never cared about other people's religion and never tried to convert people to atheism, deism or wahtever. I've been doing that for over 20 years in this country. I don't mind not outing myself or having as many freedoms as a non-Muslim. I thought we could find a middle ground in our relationship, where I dont talk about her faith and she doesnt talk about mine.
I've been thinking a lot lately about whether to marry her. I can always find a new girlfriend, but it hurts to leave someone who truly loves you. Finding a new girlfriend in this country might not fix anything. At worst, I'll find someone more religious. At best, I'll find someone with the same level of tolerance as her. Filtering for less religious girls almost always shows party girls who drink and smoke. While that's not necessarily bad, I just don't think a girl that is closing to 30, still focusing with party and not being financially stable is a good wife material.
Dating a non-Muslim isn't an option for me. I once dated a Chinese girl who liked me for thinking differently compared to other Muslims and having a very rare attraction towards my light brown skin. We broke it off because we couldn't see a future together; her family wouldn't agree to her marrying outside her race, let alone converting just to marry me. Unless the country changes the law on interfaith marriage, there's no hope for that.
Right now, I'm just not sure if she's the best I can get.
submitted by Correct_Leave9503 to exmuslim [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:38 Sorry-Ad9577 Hey Nepali Community!!!!!

Since some politicians and Nepalese doubt the Late King (Crown Prince) Dipendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev, I wanted to say something on my behalf. Firstly do you guys think he’d be so enraged and blinded by love to kill his god-like parents and his siblings who he loved even more than himself? I do not think someone who’d be so drunk not even to be able to stand up properly would be so focused to aim at 9 people. It’s like so dumb of people to think someone would be so heartless as to kill his parents and siblings. The other thing, is RAW and CIA had opened their offices right near Former King Gyanendra Shah’s house right before 1 week, this was said by Wayne Madsen, an American. I am not blaming Former King Gyanendra but I am saying that it must be RAW and CIA’s plan to ruin the whole of Nepal. We all know King Mahendra was strictly against making Nepal a part of India and how much India resented Late King Mahendra for doing so. We also have been hearing that the reason King Mahendra died could be the brutal nature of India since they declared one part of Pakistan as Bangladesh. So King Mahendra thought if India didn’t leave such big countries like China and Pakistan, why would they leave a smaller country like Nepal was his thoughts and therefore he died. And if you all think I’m stating false things you can read a book named “RAKTAKUNDA”. Moreover, Bangladesh was formed on March 26, 1971, and King Mahendra passed away on January 31, 1972. You can see that King died right one year after Bangladesh’s formation. We’ve heard many theories in the last two decades, but are we still going to believe the lies fed by MR RAJIV SHAHI? The thing is three investigators had to look through the whole case but suddenly one of them backed out, not only that, but the fact that the investigators:- a two-man committee comprising Chief Justice Keshav Prasad Upadhaya and Speaker of the House Taranath Ranabhat investigated just for a week for a tragic incident that ruined the whole Nepal was so unacceptable. They could increase the time limit but they did not. Isn’t it evident that the Nepali politicians, investigators, and guards everyone took the massacre too lightly?? And why weren’t the royal guards questioned, why weren’t the royal family members who survived questioned? People say the guards weren’t allowed to enter the Tribhuvan Sadan(the place where the massacre took place) but the ADCs were present in a nearby office which wasn’t that far from the Sadan. You can watch:- Royal Massacre - Part 1 (3D Animation) and Durbar Hatyakanda - 3D Animation (Part 2) to understand my statements better. CP( Crown Prince) Dipendra’s ADC Gajendra Bohara stated that CP was already shot when the firings were still being shot and the other members. CP’s body did not have any guns beside him so how can one say he committed suicide? He was shot from behind. So, it makes no sense to blame CP Dipendra for the massacre. I’ll tell you guys one thing I read from Raktakunda:- CP Dipendra liked Devyani as per what we know, but King Birendra and Queen Aishwarya had already decided the date for CP Dipendra’s marriage with Supriya Shah. The worker who was appointed for the queen herself was told that Dipendra had agreed to marry Supriya Shah after much insistence since Nepalis consider it an omen to break off a marriage tie after looking for a suitable date. The marriage was supposed to take place after 1.5 years of deciding the date because the Panditji (the priest) said it would be better for CP to marry after he turned 31 in June 2003. Some rumors say:- Devyani and her parents performed tantric rituals on Dipendra, so he’d be totally over Devyani. Moreover, Devyani’s dad would send her abroad wherever CP Dipendra went so they’d initially develop a relationship. The fact that Devyani ran away to India right after the day the royal massacre took place is so suspicious. According to Lala Bd. Lamteri, a guard in the palace, Paras Shah( Gyanendra’s son ) went out and brought a few men dressed in black, what was the exact need of those men? Well, as per a few informers, Prince Nirajan Shah( Dipendra’s younger sibling) was in Pokhara with his friends a few days before the massacre, but Paras Shah insisted or let’s say forced him to go back to Kathmandu. In contrast, Prince Nirajan planned to visit Chitwan with his friends. Here comes another question:- Why did Paras insist Prince Nirajan to go back to the palace?? A worker named Shanta was also an eye witness who stated that she saw two CP Dipendra in the location. But how is it possible for one man to be in two places at the same time? The statement takes us back to the movie ‘The Matrix Reloaded’ which depicts the use of masks to look like the same man. So it could be two different people wearing masks to look like CP Dipendra and blame him for the tragic incident. This conspiracy theory has been all over Nepal, not just one person but more than two people have said that they saw two CP Dipendra whereas he was shot before anyone. Talking about the weapons not being beside his body, a guard threw a gun from his pocket saying:- Why’d a gun be needed in hospital? However, according to the ADC and the investigators, there was no gun found beside him, so the guard that placed the gun could be a part of the plan. Queen Ratna(Mother of King Birendra and Grandmother of CP Dipendra) was in a separate room chitchatting with Helen Shah. Well, she was the one who did not want the post-mortem of the Late King Birendra and other royal family members. If Dipendra had the motive to kill everyone against the marriage, he should’ve firstly killed Ratna since she was the first person to go against the marriage of CP Dipendra and Devyani Shah and provoke others to disapprove of their marriage. So why was she spared? And the fact that Gyanendra was absent during the party and his family did not even get injured so brutally, makes us question Gyanendra. Some people have confirmed he wasn’t in Pokhara either, so where was he? Paras even said in an interview, “When brother Dipendra was shooting everyone, we had eye contact, I begged him to let me go and he did.” Someone should ask him to stop using such lame excuses. According to another book namely “KAHALILAGDO RAAT”, Paras also immediately went to England after the massacre, and some staff in the hospital their Majesties were taken to say that Paras broke CP Dipendra’s ventilator when he was in a coma. And you guys reading this post, if you hear Dr. Rajiv Shahi’s lies that changed the whole perspective of the massacre, you can tell he’s lying seeing his body language and his tone. Even Ketaki Chester( King Birendra’s cousin) said that Rajiv had run away from the window so how can he even state such lies in front of the whole world?Dipendra was wearing the national costume when he was taken to the hospital, so it was not true that he had worn a combat dress. Films were removed from 'automatic movie cameras’ at the scene of the massacre and destroyed. This is all written in the book ‘Kahalilagdo Raat’. Late Princess Prekshya Shah who was a survivor of the massacre, decided to open all the secrets of the massacre, but unfortunately, she died in a helicopter accident. But few people like Krishna Abiral believe that was conspired by the murderers. I hope everyone reading this now understands that it was not Crown Prince Dipendra who prepared this tragic massacre. I’d also like to say that, People if we do not speak about the massacre now, if we do not demand justice for our late royal family then they’d never be able to get freedom from this world. We’ve cried for them but it’s not enough, let’s all speak up again even after 20 decades, our respect for the royals is still alive!!!
submitted by Sorry-Ad9577 to u/Sorry-Ad9577 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:36 Formal_Tie9541 My boyfriend (18M) barley texts me (18F) when we aren’t hanging out in person. what can i do to help our communication?

Hi there! So, my boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years now. We've had our fair share of ups and downs, but things have been better in our relationship over the past year. However, one of our biggest issues has always been communication.
It feels like the only time we talk is when we're hanging out. On the days I'm not at his house or he's not at mine, I barely ever hear from him. He talks to his friends all day, every day, even when we're hanging out, but I have to wait hours for a text back. He has sworn he doesn’t get my texts or see them. But if that’s true, does he just never think to check and see if I’ve texted or ever want to talk to me during his day?
He's not a fan of calling, so we only call right before bed every night to talk a little about our day. But he often forgets to call and ends up falling asleep, which is disappointing because our call at night is one of the only times I hear from him the whole day. Some days we text for hours and have great conversations, but most of the time, it’ll be 4-to 5 short texts a day.
Today was one of those days. He went to a friend's house, and I texted him at 5:00 pm saying I loved him and to drive safe. He didn’t text anything back until midnight, 7 hours later, just to say he was going to spend the night. I understand him being busy, but I wish he’d just send a quick text to let me know what’s going on or if he is not going to be able to talk.
I’ve told him I’d like him to text more, and I feel like we never talk when we aren’t together. He always says, “I’ll text more, you’re right, I need to do better,” but after a couple of days, it goes right back to the way it was. I can’t tell if I’m being too clingy and asking for too much or if I should really be upset over this. It’s been like this since about a year into our relationship, and I don’t know what to do because I’ve tried communicating with him about it many times. Even just a “Hey, I won’t be able to text much, just wanted to let you know, but I’ll text you when I can” text would make me feel better because at least I would know he’s not ignoring me and will text when he has the time to. But he never does it. Does anyone know a possible solution to this? I don’t want to break up, but the poor communication from him makes me feel less connected to him.
submitted by Formal_Tie9541 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:32 the-goofiest_goober i’m reposting this here bc i still need help and i accidentally posted it in the wrong subreddit.

i just need someone to pls tell me what moves to make.
okay maybe i’m overreacting, but i live in a really small town. About 45 minutes ago (somewhere around 2:20 AM) some random number with no caller id called me and it was some guy named ‘Damien’ who had apparently saw me around town and thought i was cute. now i didn’t think much of this, he asked for my snap and i gave it to him. this is where it gets strange
I check his snap and his name is just a bunch of D’s and J’s, and his actual user is the name ‘joe’ with a bunch of numbers after it, he also only has a snap score of like 800, which isn’t really a big deal but it feels pretty low for a teenage boy (i’m 14, idk how old u gotta be for reddit but i literally don’t know where else to get help)
Now i’m feeling sketched out so i text a couple friends asking if they know a Damien and again, I live in a REALLY small town, so everyone knows everyone and all of them say they’ve never heard of this dude. And this ‘Damien’ guy keeps calling me ‘my love’.
So i text this guy back and he says he’s ’only seen me from a distance’ and he also sent a couple pics of himself, (he looks and sounds my age) but idk. i don’t know how he got my number, how he’s seen me, how he KNOWS me and im actually scared and i don’t know what to do. He said my ex gave him my number but he can’t even tell me my ex’s last name so im just kind of freaked out pls give me advice or something
submitted by the-goofiest_goober to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:32 AcceptLesbians My boyfriend is man in a child’s body.

My boyfriend is man in a child’s body.
TDLR; my boyfriend is trying to manipulate me into forgiving him for being secretive about an ex lover he calls his best friend.
My bf (M22) and me (F23) are having another tiff. We’ve been together for a year and moved in together October 2023.
It started when I was in the kitchen. I marinated chicken for supper then I set the dough for some donuts and started deep cleaning. When I was finished I walked into the bedroom where he had been all morning and afternoon. When I walked in he started whispering to someone on the phone then got up and left and I began to put some things in their rightful place.
I told myself to let it go and I'll check his phone later because what the actual eff! I checked his phone before I left for work and after I had gotten out of the shower he was awake. — I found a 20minute phone call so I went to check texts in WhatsApp. He was talking to a girl and I recognized the name. I saw texts from them from before we started dating and he was calling her sexy, beautiful etc. I brought it up to him asking who it was he said "it was a friend" I asked why he was whispering and he left he said "I didn't realize I was doing that" so I pressed further and asked who it was specifically, he said "it was my best friend" but I had never heard of this woman, I have never heard of this woman. He says "well I don't tell you about all my friends" and I said if this was your best friend I would definitely know them" and he started to name friends that I don't know about. Anyway he tried to show me the texts and I shrugged him off and he went to tl V shower as I was about to leave for work.
As I am leaving he comes up to me and tries to show the texts again and says something I cannot recall atm. He holds the door to our apartment open so l couldn't lock it while I left but I just walked down the stairs to go. As I am leaving he starts banging the door and smashes something, then he starts screaming, and I hear this all the way till I walked out of the door of our 3 floor walk up.
As I walk to the bus I text his saying to check on the bunny and make sure he feels safe and isn't scared. (Bunny's are prey animals and they get scared easily.) mind you during this entire conversation I was calm and only asking questions because I wanted to see what was going on before I jump to conclusions (I only checked his phone so I could know the facts w/o being blindly lied too and forgiving him) his exact texts were and I am going to copy and paste: (Screenshot above)
Him: picture of texts between them two
"Okay You are the prefect girlfriend You should know that love how you treat me I'm probably gonna be out when you get back so"
I said: "If I was you wouldn't be chatting with your rich mama privately" (he called her “rich mama” in the text a day before the call)
Him: "You make me wish I never met you I swear I'm blocking you cause I don't want to keep hearing hurtful things"
And then he blocked me. When I had gotten home from work my vape was missing and he took it, so I texted him and he ignored me for hours then said it was basically his cause he bought it and I was trying to quit so it didn't matter (bought it with my money) so I said but I was still mine and I wanted to use it tonight cause l'm stressing out and he didn't use it cause he didn't like the flavour. He ignored me for 3 more hours and then came back to the apartment. He came home talking about stuff that didn't relate to our argument, saying I never do anything for him, l'm never there for him, I don't take care of him. As he is pointing at the unfolded laundry. The one thing I didn't do this week.
I honestly don't know how I feel. I give my all for him and do my best for him. And it feels like he only sees what I don't do. He doesn't have a job right now because he booked of too much time between his all year job and his summer job (he leaves for moths to make 20k) so I don't understand why he couldn't folded the laundry or fixed supper when I have been working. I honestly have nothing to say to him after he said those things. I am so tired. So exhausted. He ignores me every time we have an argument and leaves for hours while blocking me. I'm tired of the psychological abuse. But I have no where to go. What should I do? How should I bring this conversation up to squash what happened? Or should I just leave him?
submitted by AcceptLesbians to u/AcceptLesbians [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:26 Worth-Ad-7490 Use my referral code and donate 5 times, I'll give you $75

Use my referral code and donate 5 times, I'll give you $75
Make sure to activate irewards!
submitted by Worth-Ad-7490 to CSLPlasmaReferrals [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:25 Happy-Painting-1043 24 M4F #United Kingdom– Seeking Adventure Partner and Serious Relationship

Hey there! 👋 I'm Daniel, a 24-year-old adventure enthusiast originally from India, now exploring the breathtaking landscapes of Scotland. I'm looking for someone special who shares my zest for life, excitement, and deep conversations.

About Me:

Faith: My Christian faith is central to who I am, guiding my values and aspirations. I'm looking to build a relationship rooted in mutual respect, shared values, and spiritual growth.
Interests: - Adventure Junkie: Whether it's hiking scenic trails, exploring hidden gems, or hitting the road in my dream car (BMW 🚗), I'm always up for an adventure. - Music Lover: My playlist is constantly evolving with new beats and classics. - Culinary Explorer: Cooking is my passion, and I'm always trying out new recipes and cuisines. - Movie and Anime Buff: Big fan of movies and anime, especially K-dramas! 🙈 - Tech Enthusiast: As a full-stack developer, I love creating with Python, especially art with turtle graphics. - Gamer: Obsessed with Genshin Impact, but also love GTA 5, Valorant, PUBG Mobile, COD Warzone, AAA games, Fall Guys, and Red Dead Redemption 2.
Personality: Friendly, funny, and caring. I'm a non-smoker and non-drinker who believes in living life to the fullest. I'm all about open, honest communication and quick responses.

What I'm Looking For:

Age Range: Ideally, someone between 20-28 years old.
Faith: A committed Christian who shares my values and wants to build a faith-centered relationship.
Interests: Someone who loves adventures, engaging in deep conversations, and shares some of my interests in movies, anime, and gaming.
Openness to Relocation: While I'm based in Scotland, I'm open to long-distance relationships and potential relocation for the right person.

Why You Should Message Me:

I’m excited to meet someone who shares my enthusiasm for life and adventure. Let’s connect, make unforgettable memories, and embark on this journey together. Ready for an adventure? 🌟
Send me a message and let’s start our story!
submitted by Happy-Painting-1043 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:23 Familyinalicante Platform for landlord

Hey Reddit!
I'm working on creating a web platform called Realtor Autopilot, designed to help landlords manage their properties more efficiently. It's aimed at those who own a few to several properties and want to simplify the many tasks involved in property management. I’d love to get your feedback on this idea and find out if there's interest in using such a platform, or even collaborating on its development.
Here are some features I’m planning to implement: 1. Property Management: Add multiple properties along with associated costs (e.g., insurance, property taxes, community fees). 2. Tenant Management: Add tenants and their rental agreements, track overdue payments, and send notifications. 3. Automatic Reminders: Reminders for overdue payments for both landlords and tenants. 4. Emergency Contacts: Quick access to contacts for plumbers, gas services, police, etc.
This platform is intended for those who manage their properties themselves without using external management companies. Instead of using Excel or paper notes, the goal is to create something more user-friendly and automated.
I have a few questions for you: - Does this platform make sense to you? - Would it help you with managing rentals and finances? - What are your biggest pain points in property management?
Additionally, if anyone is interested in collaborating on this project, especially in terms of marketing or customer acquisition, please reach out. I’m keen to partner with individuals who have experience in this field and would like to be involved in developing this product.
Thanks for any feedback and suggestions!
submitted by Familyinalicante to RealEstate [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:22 Equal-Quiet7714 Replacement for my Patagonia Atom Sling 8L ? (+ Review of a 4y use)

Hi 👋🏼 Looking to replace my 4years old Patagonia Atom Sling 8L (this version) This bag has been my absolute best friend for a girl living 4 years in Barcelona (I walk in the city A LOT) :
🩷 Would love your recommendations for any alternative !
So far I found those, if any of you have feedbacks on them : - Pacsafe® ECO 12L anti-theft Sling backpack - Ramverk Pro Sling Bag 20L but wish it wasn’t black
I could really do with a small rest on the “watching my bag at all time” to be honest so I thought Pacsafe would give me a (little) well deserved peace of mind for when I’m not in busy areas to don’t look at my zips getting open all the time.
Thanks ! ⭐️🙂
submitted by Equal-Quiet7714 to onebag [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:21 code-star-along I'm dating my first highschool 31F date. I 33M. But there's a catch. What should I do?

I 33M, I am dating my first highschool date 31F, after 20 years since our first "date". We were kids and things didn't worked out but we randomly met at a bar and started talking again. She confessed to me that she always loved me, that I broke her heart (that actually tore me apart) and she missed me all this time. So, since then, we spend lots of hours on the phone, daily. She texts me how much she misses me when she's with her friends. She does everything for me. Yes, she may be stubborn as a mule but her sweet side overall is much bigger than her stubborn side. I miss her too and I try to tell her every chance I get. We occasionally make love and other stuff and it's wonderful. I never want her to leave my house. She is a positive influence and energy even though sometimes she drives me crazy with her aforementioned stubborness.
Now for the catch. She's supposed to get married in a month. Now, I don't want to find excuses for myself, I know I'm guilty as much as she is. But I really don't know the guy. Never saw him. I think I'd have an hard time to recognize him even if I met him in person. She talks so freely about her wedding and how things are going to be. She also mentioned that she doesn't want to change things between us even after marriage. From what I understand her fiancee is a great guy but she owns the house and the car and everything else. He doesn't have a nice family background and leaving him would be a disaster for her. Friends in common, her family loves him, he'd have to move somewhere else and start all over. I don't want that to happen. I really wish things would work out for them, and I know I sound very hypocritical, I'm making no bones about what ginormous asshole I am. On the other hand, how can the nice sweet and caring person I love can also be this double faced, lying and cunning girl? I've had my relationships and I never cheated. I'm not judging who did it in the past, I know this kind of things happen on a daily basis, a million times a day. However, doesn't she see that her marriage is doomed from the beginning? When I say she loves me I think she is sincere. She really does everything for me. When I was sick in bed with a bad flu she never left my side. She surprises me with little things. She cherishes me. She always tells me how beautiful I am. She spends every second of her free time, and she doesn't have much, she works three jobs, with me. She calls me every chance she has, she really does the unthinkable for me. That's to say that it would be physically impossible for her to have another lover besides me.
Still tho, am I being cunned as well? Should I cancel her number and block her? I've tried in the past to "break up" but she broke in tears and begged me not to. That she loves me so much that losing me twice would kill her. I really don't know what to do. I love her. I find her very attractive. Funny. Beautiful. But this can't go on.
I'm not expecting sympathy, but I'd like to know your take on this experience I'm living.
What should I do?
submitted by code-star-along to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:17 sexual_gourds bpd astrology hoes be crazy

Went out last night for my friend's birthday. She hosted an event at a bar and most of the attendees were her friends that she met through raving. I meet one of her acquaintances/casual friends outside and start chatting with her. She was really nice and sweet initially and my regarded ass tried my best to mirror her vibes. Self-preservation instinct. With these rave girls who are super nice when you meet them, it's a coin flip as to whether they are genuinely nice and PLUR and shit (love those girlies) or putting on an act.
After just a bit of talking she tells me how ~sweet~ she thinks I am and that I give off ~good vibes~ so I kinda just did the same to her. You know how it is. Then she asks me what sign I am. First red flag. I answer truthfully, but also remark that I don't know much about astrology but I've seen a lot of slander about my sign online. She says "omg no don't worry, male suck though" to which I agreed because I didn't know or want to talk about it any further. Shifting the conversation, I notice she's there with her boyfriend and ask how long they've been together. She says they've known each other for 11 years, were on and off, but "definitely back on this time". Second red flag.
I get whisked away inside by my friend to help her with something. Maybe she got offended because I did leave without saying anything. Eventually I come back out and find myself in conversation with crazy again. Her boyfriend pops out and we introduce ourselves to each other. I tell them how cute they are together. He offers to bring us some water from inside, and I smiled and thanked him when he handed it to me which I eventually realize is what triggered her.
Then I introduce her to my friend who recently arrived because he was on the sidelines as we were talking, saying we went to college together. She asks where we went, I said "oh we went to together". She asks what we studied, he answers, I say I double majored in English and . She then goes on a spiel about how she went to community college and would love to go back to get her degree but haven't because of the pandemic, and she took "advanced classes" while she was in CC, she'd love to go into STEM because she "wants a real challenge". She goes on to say how she's interested in both computer science and environmental sciences but she just can't pick because it's such a hard decision. She's just soo passionate about both. The fact that she was trying to one-up was not lost on me, but I was so stunned that a woman this dumb would be so bold to spew shit like this. I should've asked her her favorite pieces or authors or even the course titles of classes she took because she was clearly bullshitting and insecure, but I just said "oh cool I went to CC too then I transferred". The conversation winds down and she goes home.
As she walks away my friend and I talk about how crazy she is. Even my normally oblivious guy friend noticed she was being weird and chalked it up to being insecure about her education. He's not wrong but there's more to it than that. These types of weird interactions only seem to ever happen when I put in the effort to look good, you know, makeup and a cute outfit. Definitely hard to be pretty as an autist because people will expect you to act like how a normie should (which I'm incapable of) and other women will try to put you down because they're able to sniff out that you're different and think you're oblivious to their blows. I can identify when women sneak diss me but I've never been able to respond to them in the same sly manner they do.
We exchanged Instagrams earlier in the night, I go look and yep, she has 'empath' and some astrology shit in her bio and 95% of her pics are selfies with the snapchat devil filter. She doesn't even need them because she was actually a pretty cute mousey short white girl. I feel bad for her BF because he actually seemed quite kind, as those prone to fall victim usually are. How do people live like this? I mean I have BPD too but at least I'm hot and smart and try to hide it.
submitted by sexual_gourds to rspod [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:16 cjchwu Trade, 1:1

Trade, 1:1 submitted by cjchwu to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:15 cjchwu Trade, 1:1

Trade, 1:1 submitted by cjchwu to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:13 ticaaaa she asked me the name of a guy from my workplace , it feels like sh*t

Two months ago a cute girl arrived at our workplace , i wanted to ask her out but as always the mental blockage kicks in "what if she rejects me , what if she says yes , we get into a relationship and then she cheats on me because im boring " , the usual stuff
Yesterday we were hanging out in the break area and a guy from another department comes to say hello , hes not a friend but we know eachother pretty well , hes the type that likes to fuck around , good at flirting , he starts talking to the girl and after he leaves the girl asks for his name because she recieved a instagram follow request and thinks its from him
If she did recieve a follow request she could have just looked at the profile that sent the request , but most likely she just wanted his name so that she could send him a request , even when she was talking to him her eyes were sparkling
It feels like shit to see some men doing nothing and women just come towards them even if they are scumbags
submitted by ticaaaa to FA30plus [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:12 Embarrassed_Editor43 Should I give up ? Need advices (24M, 24F)

Should I give up ? Need advices
I’ve lived in Paris for 7 years. Back in December 2022, I met this cute Italian girl, she was in an Erasmus exchange here. It was very intense, but also very brief, and in January 2023 she went back to Italy. We were both 23 when we met.
We weren’t officially in a relationship, so we didn’t promise anything.
In February, to move on, I started going out again with friends. I met another girl, she was even more beautiful than her, but she wasn’t her. Every party I went to was super boring. I realized I had very strong feelings for the Italian girl, and nothing else would fulfill me. So I explained the situation to the new girl (we barely saw each other 2 times, just for drinks. No kisses or sex) and I went to Italy.
During the next 6 months, I would visit her 2 times and we would text regularly (although not daily). I never talked to another girl in this period. Until September 2023, where she found an internship in Paris.
Between September and December were the best months of my life. Way better than the first time. We were spending almost everyday together. My birthday was in this period. Since I don’t have family in Paris, it’s the first time in 7 years that someone celebrated my birthday.
But in December, her internship ended and she went back to Italy. Saying goodbye here was a lot harder than the first time, because we have known each other for one year at this point. We both cried (I didn’t even cry when my dad died, so it shows that I was really in pain)
In the first month, we would text each other all the time, very nostalgic about our time together. In the second month, a little bit less, but on a daily basis. But from the third month on, she would take more and more time to answer. Sometimes taking 4-5 days. It’s hard to plan a visit if we barely talk.
I’m starting to feel depressed. Sometimes I think about moving on, but it disgusts me to think about me even flirting with someone else. I love her. What should I do ?
It’s not my first long distance relationship. I had another one 8 years ago, but we were teenagers so we had no money to visit each other, so it ended very quickly. I though regular visits would help this one work.
submitted by Embarrassed_Editor43 to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:11 EmmyEnby AITAH for getting upset with my partner after they demanded 200$ from the man who SA-ed me

This is from my last relationship from three years ago, but I still think about it and feel gross so I just wanted some insight from others on the situation.
I (24 nonbinary) had a good friend, let’s call him James (28 male).. at the time 21 and 25 who would hang out with me alot after we met when he came into my job. I had sensed his interest in me but I told him I did have a partner (24 nonbinary), let’s call them Jay. I was polyamorous at the time but genuinely was just not interested. Everything was fine until one day he just took his little flirt remarks a little too far and put his hand in my pants. I did end up getting the courage to tell James to leave and I rushed to text Jay for comfort. Instead of comforting me while I cried like I thought they would, they instead asked things like “why was he in your house?” “Why did you let him in?” “Why’d you let him that close?” For obvious reasons, I was upset. I told Jay I was upset and we argued. Eventually we moved on from the convo but I don’t remember how it ended.
Life continued.
James did end up coming into my work a couple days later and apologized. I told Jay he apologized and Jay went on a rant and ended up texting him, demanding that James give Jay 200$ for sexually assaulting me. James did agree to pay the 200$
Like I was just something that could be bought or something I don’t know…
I was baffled and went off on Jay. There is no reason that my partner should FINANCIALLY BENEFIT from my trauma.
For obvious reasons, Jay and I did end up splitting. Not for this specific reason but things that just kept adding up. I’m aware mine and Jays 2 year relationship was toxic, I’m glad it ended. I’m thankfully not on speaking terms with either of them AND I’m newly engaged to my current partner of nearly 3 years. I just unfortunately end up always thinking about this situation and how confusing it was, so Reddit, am I the asshole?
submitted by EmmyEnby to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]


It is beyond doubt that there are more of us around lately. Since the year 2014, when Caitlyn Jenner announced her tragic loss against transgenderism, cases of the disorder have skyrocketed. It is such that nowadays, ONE IN FIVE Americans report having knowledge of an androgyne, and over three million Americans report needing medical alteration to appease their transgenderism-induced suffering.
These figures are stunning. Never before in American history have we seen such an epidemic. But it must be asked— HOW?
For the uninitiated, the answer might seem elusive. One might even be forgiven for considering this drastic paradigm shift to be the culmination of heightened awareness and acceptance regarding the spectrum of sexual and gender identity.
This is precisely what you’ve been taught to think, but for those of us who have read into the situation at hand, we know better. Nobody knows better than one of us. The CCP is not at all unfamiliar with the incubation of pandemic disease. Some may take this as an allusion to COVID-19, but do not be fooled. That was simply a red herring. The true disease was Red-40.
Thats right. During the month of March 2020, purchases of candy, juices, and other foodstuffs which were contaminated with this pathogen increased multifold. We had been exposed for years, by our parents, teachers, friends. Smiling assassins, unaware of the fact that they were planting the seeds for future transgenderization. How convenient it was, that our choices for healthy food were all but eradicated.
The truth is, the insidious nature of this “harmless dye” are hidden in the name. RED. The chosen color of Communist Socio-Imperialism, and 40: the year of this century by which all Americans will be transgenderized.
But I digress. Stuck inside, we incubated. With our Red-40, and our CCP-Subsidized TikTok, the seeds sprouted. We thought that we held our screens, commandeering our online social lives. We had no choice; all other options had been rendered illegal.
But this was a ploy, to push us further into their grasp. And by the time they began to loosen their grip, we stayed comfortably in their cupped hand. Now, they send us the poison in boxed vials, which we stick ourselves with, with all inhibition gone.
And now, as our generation estrogenizes itself, the enemies of America bolster themselves to sheer redundancy. This was their plan all along. They knew they couldn’t conquer a nation of hardened, fighting men with the ideals of liberty and sovereignty burning in their hearts. But a country— if it can even be called that— of soft, scrawny, caffeine-addicted shut-ins? Who can barely hold a conversation, let alone a rifle? It will be elementary.
Once the jackboot is on our necks, those among us who fell for their treachery will only have been a precursor of what was to come. No would-be man will escape the fate that has befallen all of us. We’ve all been played for fools.
If you’re reading this, it’s probably too late for you. don’t forget to take your shot.
Edit: whats a “trans man”?
submitted by Irreversiblyagirl to 4tran4 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:04 jumbosunflowerseeds2 [Online][PF2e][EST] I want to run the Pathfinder 2e Beginner Box for 3 new Pathfinder players.

When: This Thursday, from 10AM EST (date and time negotiable, of course) to however long everyone wants to play. If we don't finish the adventure, I'd like to meet up multiple times until we do.
Where: Discord and FoundryVTT. No camera required, and as long as everyone can understand you, I'm not too concerned about your microphone quality. You can also play over text if you prefer or don't own a microphone.
How: I'll teach you the rules and help you make a character (if you don't feel like using the pregens.)
What: I'd like to take 3 players, preferably with little to no Pathfinder experience, though the Beginner's Box adventure. I'll likely also be playing a character, but only to round out the party and fill in for the 4th character the adventure is balanced around.
If you're interested, send me a Reddit chat with some basic information about yourself and I'll get back with you with the Discord information if I think you'd be a good fit!
submitted by jumbosunflowerseeds2 to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:01 ThrowRA_bpdmessy I [F19] did things with my best friend's boyfriend [M25] behind her back and don't know how to fix it?

Throwaway for obvious reasons...
Trigger warnings (SA, self harm)
So a bit of a backstory is that I have BPD and had an unusual childhood. I was adopted due to abuse from bio parents and have dealt with depression and anxiety my whole life. I'm very gullible and very easy manipulated - not that it justifies my actions at all.
I met my best friend around the start of covid and developed a great friendship with her. She means the world to me and I look up to her more than anyone else in my life. I don't have a good relationship with my mother and I've been very lonely because friendships rarely last long due to my borderline.
My best friend and I have always had a close friendship and she saved me from the 'void' in the past. I was groomed by one of our mutual friends when we had just met and it messed me up. I was very vulnerable and still am, but she has done nothing but show me love and care.
Her boyfriend used to dislike me and think I was dramatic and sort of pathetic because of my anxiety and my episodes where I'd get very depressed and self harm.
About three years ago I started receiving therapy and it made me stop self harming and become a better person. I started using techniques and ways to handle my emotions and not take everything personal. I wasn't fixed from day 1 but I became a lot better than I had ever been. I stopped using BPD as an excuse to blame or hurt myself and found peace with having these cards dealt at an early age and just having to recover and work on myself.
Now to the problem...
My best friend and her boyfriend has had a rocky relationship for the past year or so. Things has become a lot worse and my best friend isn't happy. She was burned out and he didn't put any effort into the relationship.
She wanted to give him another chance and I supported her through her decisions. I started becoming better friends with her boyfriend and would encourage him on a daily basis to make contact to her by calling, texting etc... I suggested date nights and was giving him ideas to surprise her and give her the attention she deserved.
We'd talk daily and we started building a friendship despite his early 'dislike' to me.
Now earlier this year I had some financial problems due to uni and my current living conditions and I told my best friend about looking for a job and how I wasn't able to pay my rent so I would have to move back to my mother. And her boyfriend heard this and decided to send me money, telling me it was for food and rent.
I declined and sent it back since I wasn't interested in having money between friends (from experience cause that can ruin friendships) but he kept insisting. So we spent a couple of hours where I'd send the money back and he would just do another transaction and tell me to keep it.
I gave in eventually and told him I'd pay him back, which he said was fine. About a week or two after that, he would start ranting about intimacy with my best friend and how he wasn't valued and I tried my best to suggest ways he could do it... but he started getting flirty with me.
He would ask what I was wearing and hint about being horny and needing to get off. I'd laugh it off and change subject by saying like "Yeah, that sounds bad. Should hit up 'best friend' and ask her out then."
Over the next few weeks he would try and flirt with me and ask for suggestive pictures which I declined and said it was inappropriate - which he would agree on and say he was sorry... only for him to do it the next day.
The next month comes and he sends me money again which I decline yet again, saying I don't want him to send me money and that I'd like to deal with my problems on my own. He again refused and we had the same situation where when I sent the money back, he'd return it to me again...
I argued a bit with him and said I was grateful but that I can't accept that much money. (It was like $1,000). And he said it was nothing to him because of his job and that he just didn't want to see me struggle.
I decided to just put it in a savings account and pay him back over time so he wouldn't get "upset" about me refusing it. I lied to him the next day and told him that I had gotten a job just for him to stop sending me money... which he seemed to accept at first... But now he started asking me for pictures of myself and would say my best friend would be fine with it. I wanted to tell her but he assured me it was fine and that I shouldn't worry.
I then told him I didn't want to but he kept being persistent and said I wouldn't have to worry about the money if I did it, so I was stupid and sent him snaps of myself... And then it just became even worse. He would ask me multiple times a day and at the same time I was trying to fix their relationship.
Every time he would ask me to send something, I'd try suggesting to see my best friend, which he would disagree on and say he'd rather want me and such... And it became too much for me.
I told him I didn't want to do it and that I'd rather tell my best friend about this because it was so wrong in my head. I started getting depressed and I was anxious all the time... and he didn't want me to. He told me I would ruin everything... I got drunk that night and blacked out just to sleep because I couldn't find peace.
Now 3 weeks ago he was heading home from working abroad and then wanted to spend a night in a hotel with me... So he booked a hotel and had reservations for a spa and then told me to come. I told him no a countless of times and he wouldn't listen... It ended up with me ignoring him and turning my phone off for a whole day.
When he hadn't been able to contact me, he decided to just go home to my best friend and I somehow dodged him.
Then two weeks ago he decided he wanted more videos and pictures so he sent me more money (Like $2,000) and told me he wanted a lot more... And I just broke down. I sent the money back and locked my account and told him I couldn't do this anymore. I had begged him over 10 times to come clean to my best friend and he would turn it around saying I would ruin everything and that I shouldn't feel guilty unless I told her...
This resulted in me not going to uni and missing my exams. I relapsed and self harmed and I called psych and had a voluntary admission to a ward because I was feeling very destructive.
I ended up staying there for a few days and when I got back out, I called up a mutual friend and just broke down and told him everything. I wanted to come clean and accept that I'd lose my best friend... And he said I had to do it because it was so wrong.
I've never felt worse in my life and have to take benzos to sleep because I'm a mental wreck. I indulged in this and have as much responsibility in it as her boyfriend.
I can't look myself in the mirror anymore. I can't eat and I can't even study. My group from uni haven't seen me for a week now and I can barely read a page before breaking down.
But what scares me the most is that I'm afraid I'll lose my best friend... I love her more than anything in this world and she's the only one I've ever had a connection to. I would die for her...
I have to tell her but I don't know how to do it. Our mutual friend suggested I told her before her boyfriend did because he would twist it around... But my head is a mess and I don't know what to do?
I don't know if I can make a TL;DR but basically my best friend's boyfriend forced me to take his money, would flirt with me and try to get nudes and sex from me. I ended up sending him pictures and videos because I couldn't pay him back and he wouldn't let me tell my best friend even though I'm feeling so guilty about it.
submitted by ThrowRA_bpdmessy to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:58 feather-64 feather64 [Semi-Anarchy] {Raiding} {No Claims} {256k Border} {1.20.2}

About feather64
feather64 has been operating since 2011.
F64 is a Raiding-Survival server with very little moderation. Raiding and griefing are allowed. On feather64 you cannot protect/claim land. Lapis is used as a currency. Players can sethome and tpa. Play your way on feather64. Grief & raid, hide & collect, travel & explore, automate & farm, enchant & pvp, design & construct, it's up to you.
  1. Do not use hacks, macros, or mods beyond the Permitted Modifications Guide.
  2. Do not use duplication exploits except TNT, rail, carpet, string, and tripwire hooks.
  3. Follow the directions of administrators and moderators.
Rule details available on our website:
Most of our active players are located in North America however all are welcome. Many of our players are friendly and supportive however because we provide very limited moderation, you may find some toxic players. You are able to use type "/ignore " for anyone that bothers you.
We have an active Discord server for feather64. Discord is where we give out important information about the server. You'll find voice channels with active players and text channels with memes etc. If you join the Minecraft server and decide to stick around, please join the discord. INVITE LINK You will not be able to send messages or join voice channels on the discord server until you link your Minecraft account to your Discord account.
No Staff Nonsense Environment
Version: 1.20.2
Difficulty: Hard
Jar: purpur
Server Features
  • Teleportation - You are able to teleport to a few warps /warp, /warp , spawn /spawn, a private home location set by you /sethome, /home, and other players if they accept /tpa .
  • World - The world generation is default vanilla.
  • The End - The End resets on the 1st of every month. The reset occurs at 6"00 PM ET. This makes The End a very poor choice for a base location.
  • Spawners - All players are able to collect spawners by mining them with a silk touch enchanted pickaxe.
  • Discord - As mentioned above, discord is the main source of server information and keeps our players connected. Please link your Discord by typing "/discord link" on the Minecraft server.
If you have any questions please comment below or contact Zerek through Discord INVITE LINK.
submitted by feather-64 to mcservers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:50 jinx_x27 tell me…

an email i considered sending to my therapist, but never sent. share any thoughts as you would like :) thank you to anyone who takes the time to read. let me know if you relate if you’d like.
little jacked up, admittedly probably shouldn’t have done the block or two home from the bar if i’m being honest. it’s kind of wild the way things change and stay the same. the level of disconnect and the lack of discernment between what is okay and what is not. knowing and not knowing… rationalizing? what is okay
and the sadness as you watch people succumb, over and over, more and more. and you stand back and watch as people simply take watch, observe the decline, yourself included. and you think, well, they don’t know any different. but if you’re asking yourself the question, if you all make the jokes that indicate the awareness with things left unsaid… i don’t know. it’s an incredibly sad world we live in some days
and there’s people that greet me upon entering, and these people say they adore me, their words. and i’m here wondering why they ask me these questions, truthfully why can’t you just recognize that i need more than 6 ft of distance for me to be okay with you talking this intensely. no ill intent, warmth, encouragement. and i want nothing more than to not be seen. it’s amazing, truly.
there are so many missed communications. and people just carry on, they just continue to whatever beat their drum drums. they continue to color inside the lines, they don’t dare to shake their status quo. not recognizing that their status quo is what keeps things where they are. not recognizing that if they see something , say something. and i think it’s even more sad if they do see it. i’m one of those people, and i can empathize because i feel powerless too.
it’s a wild wild world all the time
and yet, my aunt texts me just now, she says “ Thanks for listening to me all the time. You’re one of the very few people that I can talk to and know that you totally understand what I’m jabbering about. ” so i have meaning, i made impact. right?
we’re all witnesses to this shit. it’s wild
i must be more jacked up than i thought, to be shamelessly sharing.
i think too many people are in pain, with no means to get out. except they have the means, they have the help, they just can’t see it. it’s a profoundly sad world. and nonetheless, a good night . a night of sharing, of exchanges, of authentic conversation.
i don’t know. i don’t quite have the words
i know that im deeply grateful to have the space to express. and i know that i wouldn’t be here if not for you
how many people don’t have a version of you? how many people stumble blindly through whatever their shit is, unknowingly colluding
i don’t know
and what is there to do? the spouse of the alcoholic takes him in the car home, he’ll sleep in the car or on the couch. the father who texts his son thanking him for his honesty about having been drinking, and therefore isn’t going to pick up his dad. i tell him, that’s a great text from your dad. good on you. (he’ll appreciate that someday if he doesn’t already). did he hear me? was he more upset that i shouldn’t be looking over his shoulder? it wasn’t my business in the first place? he wouldn’t be wrong.. but i read it and wished id have heard it, so i said something. he thanked me, so maybe. but maybe not, maybe he thought fuck you. the brother that storms out on his sister over who knows what, what i hear as a “years long conflict, this happens at least every other time they get together.” and it’s normal, so let’s move on, let’s have fun. forget about it. under the rug it goes.
how are people not profoundly disturbed by this? how do they actively participate?
and how can i say that as i stand by and watch these things pass by because these people are 20-30 years older than me, i dont have the connection necessary to plant any seeds of change. and yet i have 5 minute conversations with people only to hear that they call me extraordinary, they say im destined for great things, always have been.
i don’t know. i don’t know what i feel
i just know that it’s difficult for me to interact with so many people that have no idea what to do. and i have the empathy. i didn’t, i don’t know what to do either. you just keep trying anyway, but they don’t seem to. they brush it off, they act like it’s nothing so as to minimize the discomfort, in an effort to save somebody’s feelings.
i don’t know. it’s a wild thing
nobody i know is ever malicious. i know malicious people exist, they are not the ones i know.
it’s insane to me the level of harm that can be done despite good intentions. and how disturbingly normal it is to watch and do nothing. nothing. sit back. they’ll figure it out. maybe. someday. maybe. hopefully.
it’s fucked up. what if they don’t? what if they need you to say something? what if they need to know that it’s seen, even if it’s uncomfortable, even if it hurts?
i don’t know. i’m not pointing the finger, im no different, im a participant as well
but im 24, i say, im only a kid compared to these people. cant be much different than the things they all tell themselves.
i don’t know.
it’s a weird thing.
and today was my dad’s 50th birthday . and i hugged him multiple times, trying to tell him i love him. trying to tell him to stay close. take care of yourself, i need you around. and yet im fuming over the treatment of my step-sister who still lives in his house. the lack of accountability taken. and how could you carry on this way. how could you not see what you’re doing. how could you continue to oppress, restrict another human being, another child of yours. i told you what it did to me, didn’t i? didn’t you listen? i thought you did.
but i love this man more than i give a fuck whether the sun rises the next day, and so i will give him grace. i will hug him tight because i don’t want him going anywhere. i see him laugh it up, i see him brush things off, i see him swallow, and make light. and i watch his body decay as the stress compounds. why? how? but i get it, too. i haven’t said anything either. that’s all we know
i care that he knows how much i love him, how much i need him, how much i yearn for closeness, for him to understand. i see the weight that you’re carrying that you tirelessly try to dismiss
i don’t know what to do with all of this sometimes there’s too much to be seen that isn’t said.
i’m highly analytical, im logical, im rational, im disconnected. and honestly i don’t know how else to exist, because feeling it all, watching it all
i don’t know sometimes. i don’t know
and it was a great night. it was a great night
too many paradoxes.
and i’ll wake up tomorrow, i’ll forget about this. i’ll be caught up in my own world. it will be out of sight out of mind
what can you do? are the messages i receive from people like my aunt enough? do i need to think better? it’s not like im not already cracking under my own weight. but would more mean more? do more? how do we all sit back like that. how do we all do that
blows my mind, and i understand it all the same.
crazy. crazy. crazy.
i hope you’ve been able to get some rest. it makes me wonder sometimes… did you abuse your body too like i have? is it a case of poor genetics? is it to be expected with aging? do you have regrets that you’re now paying the price for? or have you made your peace and you roll with the punches? what are the things you tell no one about? what are the things you try to forget? what are the things you deny but secretly know, the things that only you could possibly know? and am i projecting? is there a level of healing where that’s not what you think anymore? but at the end of the day, i think everybody has those, no matter how healed you think you are. is that reality or just mine?
do you have somebody too?
maybe it’s arrogant of me, but i don’t think i would sense, i don’t think i would suspect if there was nothing to know.
that pains me some days.
but maybe that’s the human part of this work. maybe i’m human, and you’re human, and we all have things left unseen and untouched, unsaid.
do i think that because im wounded? or is that how this thing we call life is? i don’t know.
submitted by jinx_x27 to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:49 antonl99 [Store] TOP TIER SHOP / CRAFTS / GEMS - 0.00 BFK Emerald/Ruby/BP/Sapp , 2x FN Dlore (one w Titan Holo on scope), MW T2 Kimonos, FN Gungnir, M9 BP/Ruby, Kara Ruby/Emerald FLAWLESS, Kara BP, MW Spearmints, Talon BP/Ruby/Sapp, 100% BFK Fade, 4x IBP AK Redline ST MW, BFK P2, FN/FT howl, HR Holo D Blaze

Hi dear friends, everything in my inventory is up for trade and up for sale.
I also buy/sell skins via Crypto/CSGOFloat.
Check out my CSGOFloat stall here, almost every high tier item is listed here:
(This List only contain items above $100 I have a lot more items in my inventory, check that out on my profile)
This list is not always up to date there is more unlisted items in my inventory! feel free to add me to discuss offers. The fastest way to get a response is to send me a direct trade offer through my trade link.
Tips to communicate with me: be informative on what you're interested in and if you wish to buy with cash/crypto or trade.
My discord: antonbeastskins
Links to my profile / trade offer
Steam Profile:
Trade offer:
Every item is up for trade, don't be afraid to send an offer! Buyout
★ Butterfly Knife Emerald - FN - 0.008
★ Butterfly Knife Sapphire - FN - 0.008
AWP Gungnir - FN - 0.06127217784523964
AWP Dragon Lore - FN - 0.03 Titan Holo Scope
AWP Dragon Lore - FN - 0.06
★ Butterfly Knife Ruby - FN - 0.006
★ Karambit Emerald - FN - 0.010
★ M9 Bayonet Black Pearl - FN - 0.022
★ StatTrak™ M9 Bayonet Ruby - FN - 0.015
★ Butterfly Knife Black Pearl - FN - 0.009
★ Karambit Ruby - FN - 0.015
★ Karambit Black Pearl - FN - 0.007
M4A4 Howl - FN - 0.007
★ Moto Gloves Spearmint - MW - 0.14
★ Sport Gloves Pandora's Box - FT - 0.32
★ Butterfly Knife P2 - FN - 0.01
★ Butterfly Knife P2 - FN - 0.02
★ Butterfly Knife P2 - FN - 0.02
★ Talon Knife Ruby - FN - 0.03
★ Talon Knife Sapphire - FN - 0.009
★ Sport Gloves Vice - MW - 0.12
★ Sport Gloves Hedge Maze - FT - 0.356
★ Sport Gloves Hedge Maze - FT - 0.323
★ Specialist Gloves Crimson Kimono - MW - 0.14 T2 Max Red
★ Specialist Gloves Crimson Kimono - MW - 0.12
M4A4 Howl - FT - 0.328
★ Talon Knife Black Pearl - FN - 0.029
★ Butterfly Knife Fade - FN - 0.032
★ Butterfly Knife Fade - FN - 0.009
★ Butterfly Knife Fade - FN - 0.064
★ Bayonet Sapphire - FN - 0.035
★ Flip Knife Emerald - FN - 0.068
M4A1-S Knight - FN - 0.026
★ M9 Bayonet Lore - FN - 0.004
★ Karambit Fade - FN - 0.009
★ Sport Gloves Slingshot - MW - 0.126
★ Sport Gloves Superconductor - FT - 0.257
★ StatTrak™ Karambit Fade - FN - 0.012
AWP The Prince - FT - 0.189
★ Flip Knife Black Pearl - FN - 0.025
★ Flip Knife Black Pearl - FN - 0.018
AWP Desert Hydra - MW - 0.08
Souvenir AWP Desert Hydra - MW - 0.07
★ Ursus Knife Ruby - FN - 0.006
★ M9 Bayonet Fade - FN - 0.007
AWP Desert Hydra - FT - 0.15
★ Skeleton Knife Fade - FN - 0.009
★ Butterfly Knife Tiger Tooth - FN - 0.010
Glock-18 Fade - FN - 0.010
Glock-18 Fade - FN - 0.001
★ Huntsman Knife Emerald - FN - 0.007
★ Karambit Marble Fade - FN - 0.018
★ Sport Gloves Scarlet Shamagh - FN - 0.061
★ Driver Gloves King Snake - MW - 0.14
★ Talon Knife Fade - FN - 0.019
★ Talon Knife Fade - FN - 0.008
M4A4 Poseidon - FN - 0.0138
M4A4 Poseidon - FN - 0.0299
★ Karambit Tiger Tooth - FN - 0.031
★ Sport Gloves Vice - FT - 0.194
★ Bayonet Gamma P2 - FN - 0.032
AWP Fade - FN - 0.014
★ Butterfly Knife Bright Water - FN - 0.054
M4A1-S Hot Rod - FN - 0.019
★ Specialist Gloves Mogul - FN - 0.06
★ Butterfly Knife Case Hardened - FT - 0.16
★ StatTrak™ Skeleton Knife Slaughter - FN - 0.01
★ Sport Gloves Slingshot - FT - 0.24
★ Skeleton Knife - - 0.38
AK-47 Jet Set - FN - 0.064
StatTrak™ AWP Containment Breach - FN - 0.036
★ Sport Gloves Nocts - MW - 0.13
M4A1-S Blue Phosphor - FN - 0.007
M4A1-S Blue Phosphor - FN - 0.006
M4A1-S Blue Phosphor - FN - 0.009
Desert Eagle Blaze - FN - 0.03
★ StatTrak™ Classic Knife Fade - FN - 0.05
Sticker Crown (Foil)
submitted by antonl99 to GlobalOffensiveTrade [link] [comments]