Descriptivepositive words that start with y

Words that start with t

2016.12.16 02:25 Lil_Bits Words that start with t

Words that begin with the letter t.

2011.06.03 22:55 Howlinghound What's The Word: For when you can't think of the word you need

Welcome to whatstheword, a community where users help each other to come up with the [perfect, best, ideal, most suitable] word or phrase. Earn community karma by submitting a comment that OP indicates solves their post.

2011.04.06 23:30 Gaming Circlejerk - Don Cheadle Appreciation Society

Come visit us on Discord! Due to Reddit's decisions related to third party platforms and content management, this sub will only allow posts about Don Cheadle. See for more info: We recommend considering non-corporate fediverse alternatives to reddit. We recommend for general-purpose use.

2024.06.02 10:20 ProfessionalCow2069 (21F) So like, let's talk to each other about our mundane lives šŸ„ŗ

Like please, I'm such a yapper, I need an outlet for all the words before I explode. You wouldn't wanna be the reason I explode right? That would be kind of mean, not gonna lie. If you're even a halfway decent person that's the sort of thing that would eat you alive, knowing you caused someone to blow up šŸ˜”
So here's the deal I don't have cool and interesting hobbies like skydiving or ventriloquism, nor do I jetset around the globe several times a year and have a multitude of stories describing my wordly adventures. I have like a ton of interests but I'm not confident enough in my knowledge to feel like I have enough knowledge to talk about them if that makes sense? And I feel like a lot of us can feel that way, at least now when we have social media and we constantly scroll looking at how interesting everyone else's lives are. And this is not a pity party okay, I'm plenty confident in my ability to hold a conversation about the most mundane shit. Hell, one of my favourite topics is actually the weather, what do you mean it's boring? It's so interesting! And we all have an opinion on it! What I'm trying to say is let down your shoulders, it's okay to just be normal, to not have all that much going on right now, and that's plenty enough to still be interesting and make friends šŸ’•
So like let's be friends and we can talk about how we slept last night, what you're debating eating for breakfast, whether I should order takeout or make something myself for dinner, which stupid Adam Sandler movie to watch tonight, that odd interaction with that guy on the bus, how annoying your coworkers are, how we both wish we could just run away and live in a cabin in the woods... Things like that. And sprinkled in there I'll ask you why you never seem to get any good sleep, whether you like cooking or not, if you're a good cook or not, where you learnt how to cook, if you enjoy the cinema, what your go-to comfort movie is and so on and so forth. And I'll comment on how much I hate people who can't display proper public tranait etiquette and how terrible your coworkers sound before I'll tell you to quit and run away to the woods with me šŸŽ€
As for me, I'll keep it brief cause I actually want you to message me y'know, don't wanna give away all the mystery āœØ (there is no mystery, I'm an open book, I yap to anyone that'll listen šŸ˜­). I like video games, happy things, that includes feelgood movies, series, anything as long as it has like a nice happy ending. I can watch a lot of different things though, the only thing I shy away from is horror (I'm sorry, I know there's a lot of horror fans here šŸ˜”), music wise I like Hozier and Noah Kahan, and Novo Amor for when I'm feeling a bit down. One of my favourite things in the world is probably potatoes, they're so versatile šŸ„ŗ
So like message me, I'm super duper nice šŸ˜ˆ
Toodles šŸ«°
submitted by ProfessionalCow2069 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:19 xd-throwaway My dorm room was broken into.

I came from from classes today (I go to university), sort of panicked because I noticed my door was completely unlocked. Nothing seemed to be stolen, at first, but the intruder was still inside, which I didn't know at the time. I searched around, but when I got to my bedroom, there he was, sleeping in my bed. A full fledged, anime style, but fully real catboy. In my bed. just sleeping. Purring. So, I'm in awe, trying to figure out if he's a cosplayer, or there's actually a super fucking cute catboy sleeping in my bed nuzzling into my pillow. In his sleep, his ear twitched a little, which affirmed that he was actually not human. then, I noticed something moving under the blanket, and realize he's got a tail as well. It poked out from the blanket next to him sometimes. So, at this point, I tried gently waking him up. and when he opened his eyes, he startled, since I think he didn't know he had managed to trespass Into my apartment. He spoke Japanese. I ended up using a combination of google translate, a whiteboard and marker to draw stuff, and terrible sign language to communicate with him. I calmed him down after scrambling to communicate that I didn't mean any harm. He claimed he didn't know who he was. He eventually started crying after calming down a little. I don't think he knows where he is entirely, or how he got there. He doesn't remember who he is. That was really scary for him, I think. I ended up comforting him, first with words, but then with more intimacy when I offered to hug him. We ended up in bed together, cuddling, and I let him cry while he snuggled on my chest. After a while, I touched his ears for the first time, super gently just to see what they'd feel like. They were so soft- like heaven between your fingers. His reaction was SO fucking cute as well; he shivered and hugged me closer while I started to pet them. He is so fucking cute, it's irresistible. He's currently snuggled up next to me asleep while I write this.
submitted by xd-throwaway to lies [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:17 VaksAntivaxxer Japanese MP Ken Akamatsu on credit card companies pressuring manga publishers to censor.

Japanese MP Ken Akamatsu on credit card companies pressuring manga publishers to censor. submitted by VaksAntivaxxer to kotakuinaction2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:14 kingofthedark000 Mother's Revenge On My Behalf

So this is a story requiring some context, but my mum retold it to me recently and I had completely forgotten.
My time in Primary School was not great for me, I lived in a very rural area and year groups were small, probably less than 25 kids per year.
I was a smart kid, but admittedly a bit odd. For this reason it seems I was bullied for pretty much the entire time (7yrs) I was there. Now main bully (MB)'s mum was on the school board or something equivalent so this kid never got in serious trouble.
It was the beginning of a new year, and my mum had bought me a new bag and a new waterbottle.
I was apparently naively thinking my new bag would help my situation, but of course when I returned home later my bag had been ripped and my plastic water bottle smashed.
To say my mum was livid was an understatement. She and I drove over to MB1's house and she marched up to the front door with bag and water bottle in tow.
MB's mum opened the door and my mum proceeded to detail everything MB had done to me over the last few years and threatened to cause an absolute shitshow for the school board if nothing changed. My mum also demanded recompense for the damaged water bottle and bag.
Now MB's mum knew what was going on and of course didn't really care. But my mother was/is a respected youth community member and powerful in other ways. So MB's mum gave the usual spiel of blah blah we'll talk to him etc etc.
My mum still insisted on recompense for the breaking of the water bottle, which she'd never done before as MB's family weren't well off. Now we weren't well off at the time, but my parents both worked in a well paying sector and we definitely didn't need this money. To put it this way MB's family needed that money a lot more than we did.
My mum asked because (in her words) its the principle of the matter.
We came home and around 2 weeks later a check arrived in the post for the cost of the water bottle and bag.
Now here is my mum's petty revenge and it made her smile so much retelling it.
She never cashed it, she just loves the idea of of MB's mum writing this check even though they needed the money. And the fact the MB's mum knows we have this check that we've never cashed because it was never about the money.
Unfortunately the bullying never really died down until I got out of primary, my last few weeks were interesting as I started (finally) sticking up for myself I got in quite the bit of trouble. If you want to hear more let me know.
TLDR: My mum got Bully's mum to write a check that she never cashed (could I have made my story shorter? Oops)
submitted by kingofthedark000 to pettyrevenge [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:14 foreversunshine0 Love at First Sight or Red Flags?

I (21F) met a guy (28M) through my parents. He saw me at a social gathering and claimed it was love at first sight for him. Ever since that encounter, he had been trying to reach out to me. Through a mutual connection, he approached my parents, and we eventually met. Initially, nothing about his personality stood out to me, and he seemed rather aloof. We met again, and I shared some of the things I was looking for in a relationship. He acted like he wanted the same things.
We started seeing each other often, and he would text me constantly, telling me what he was doing, what he was eating, and professing his love daily. He confessed his love so early in the relationship that I found it a bit unsettling. He would tell me he loved me and missed me multiple times a day. I thought this was normal and that he was truly committed to the relationship. Eventually, he formally asked me out, and we got engaged.
Here comes the climax: he had to move to another country for his job, and we began a long-distance relationship. Within just two weeks of his move, his behavior changed drastically. He stopped talking about our future, started seeing different girls, and even met one of the girls' parents. He told me not to post any of our pictures together. When I asked him about the reason for his changed behavior, he said I was being too controlling and that I wasn't understanding. I tried to be as empathetic as I could, considering he had just moved, but he wouldn't budge. He even started badmouthing me and my family to a mutual friend.
All of this made me doubt if any of his words were true to begin with. In the end, he didn't directly break up with me. Instead, he told a mutual friend that it wasn't working out. It really shattered me because this was my first real relationship, and to this day, I don't know what really happened or why he did this to me. Is it really that easy for people to commit and then leave everything behind? How do I seek closure?
submitted by foreversunshine0 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:14 Strict-Plantain-895 Ah shit here we go againā€¦.. (Log 0)

Ah shit here we go againā€¦.. (Log 0)
Day 1 of beginner me. Iā€™m a player with 3 max level accounts and over 1 year experience with the game(I started when barrier was just released) Iā€™m on a journey to experience blox fruits again. Along the way I will give tips and choices on how I grind and fruits and fighting styles I use. I will only post milestones of major decisions I did along the way. This series of posts will is done so as a means to teach new players what to do ingame and the best ways to grind(without spending money). And enjoying the game is possible without robux.
Any beginners that have any questions about first sea feel free to ask. Also many people might just call me as someone with a lot of free time but just so yā€™all know Iā€™m just doing this for fun lol your choice on whether yā€™all want to join in the discussion or just ignore the post entirely.
submitted by Strict-Plantain-895 to bloxfruits [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:13 foreversunshine0 Love at First Sight or Red Flags?

I (21F) met a guy (28M) through my parents. He saw me at a social gathering and claimed it was love at first sight for him. Ever since that encounter, he had been trying to reach out to me. Through a mutual connection, he approached my parents, and we eventually met. Initially, nothing about his personality stood out to me, and he seemed rather aloof. We met again, and I shared some of the things I was looking for in a relationship. He acted like he wanted the same things.
We started seeing each other often, and he would text me constantly, telling me what he was doing, what he was eating, and professing his love daily. He confessed his love so early in the relationship that I found it a bit unsettling. He would tell me he loved me and missed me multiple times a day. I thought this was normal and that he was truly committed to the relationship. Eventually, he formally asked me out, and we got engaged.
Here comes the climax: he had to move to another country for his job, and we began a long-distance relationship. Within just two weeks of his move, his behavior changed drastically. He stopped talking about our future, started seeing different girls, and even met one of the girls' parents. He told me not to post any of our pictures together. When I asked him about the reason for his changed behavior, he said I was being too controlling and that I wasn't understanding. I tried to be as empathetic as I could, considering he had just moved, but he wouldn't budge. He even started badmouthing me and my family to a mutual friend.
All of this made me doubt if any of his words were true to begin with. In the end, he didn't directly break up with me. Instead, he told a mutual friend that it wasn't working out. It really shattered me because this was my first real relationship, and to this day, I don't know what really happened or why he did this to me. Is it really that easy for people to commit and then leave everything behind? How do I seek closure?
submitted by foreversunshine0 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:11 A_raven72 Self generating drones/ambient on Digitone possible?

Around half a year ago I felt the urge to finally start getting into making drones or general ambient myself, I've always been interested in them and I love listening to them on these videos (which are almost all modular, which should've given me a big clue that I missed). I bought a Digitone after thinking about it and a Neutron for a long time, but now I feel like I should've gone with the Neutron.
I thought I had seen tutorials on how to do the self generating stuff with the Digitone but now I can't find them or they aren't really as self generating as I thought. So I tried and tried but eventually kinda gave up, lately I've been loading up Mirack on my iPad and I fell in love with the template Krell patch it has and I've been looking around some more to figure out if I could do that or something similar on that Digitone. Or I might just need to sell it and buy something else?
I'm pretty sure I just jumped into this without any experience and let the buzz words guide me into buying something that's just too complex for me right now. But I love exploring sounds, so I don't want to give up now. I'm not looking to make music to sell or post online, I just want to make something and let it play and relax while I do other stuff or make tiny adjustments.
submitted by A_raven72 to synthesizers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:08 Boss452 A case for Fast & the Furious 6 being the best of the franchise.

I think F6 is clearly in the top half of the franchise ranking. Critical and audience scores have it in the top 3. Here are 5 reasons imho why I think F6 is the best:
1) The teamwork dynamic works brilliantly here which continues from F5 basically. F6 and F5 nail the teamwork where every character gets the spotlight rather than just being about Dom or Brian. But F6 wins because it brings Hobbs into the scene as a team member and of course later on letty as well. And as opposed to F5 where the finale mainly show Dom and Brian, F6's finale brings in each team member to the picture.
2) All action scenes are awesome. Fast 5 has the safe heist but the rest are kinda low key. Furious 7 is where things start relying a lot on CGI such as the car jump sequence and F8 onwards things get tooo ridiculous. Furious 6 has a nice balance and each scene is cool. The starting London chase of Shaw's team is badass. It was cool to see the villains get the win early on. It ends with Letty shooting Dom which is dramatically a shocking moment. The Spain highway sequence with the tank is pretty amazing. And the plane runaway scene has sooo many moving parts and is very creative.
3) Owen Shaw (and his team) is one of the best villains of the franchise. Luke Evans is so good in that role. very charismatic. His code is precision and using all means to execute his mission with no room for emotion. He is the perfect foil to Dom and his gang who put family and friends into the mix. I think before that Fast and Furious franchise have always had mid villains. And while Statham is almost as good in F7, I dislike how he accomplishes so much all alone. Shaw has a team which makes things a bit more believable. Dante and Cena were cool too, but Shaw is clear.
4) It has a solid plot. Now stories are never the strong point of these movies. i think F1 had the best story (although a point break copy). F4 is decent. Fast 5 had the best story where the characters are poor and need money to start a new life. Furious 6 is a natural continuation where the characters have the good life but do not feel at home or too happy. So they are given a choice by Hobbs to redeem themselves and get pardons if they work for him. Throwing Letty into the mix (though unnatural and a bit soap opera-ish) worked well. i thought letty was unceremoniously killed off in F4. She deserved better so it was nice to see her back. And at this point this was the only case of a resurrection. After this it went overboard.
5) Best race of the series. This is the race This might be controversial as there are soo many good races to pick from. But I love it because it is shot so well. The cars are cool. The location of the race, the streets of London, is a great choice. But the best thing is the tension between the characters. Dom and Letty are one of the 4 OG characters going head to head. i really enjoy the pre race banter between them. The race then leads to a romantic meeting between the two. Which then immediately leads to Shaw and Dom facing off, another great scene here.
I think the popular consensus is either the OG movie or Fast 5 being the best of the series. I like them both and F7 too. But F6 just edges out for me. Your thoughts?
submitted by Boss452 to fastandfurious [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:07 fph03n1x Need to find anime from screenshot!

Need to find anime from screenshot!
So, I also share this habit of taking screenshots from scenes that with quotes, or ones that make me laugh my head off! However, this time I do not remember which anime i took this ss from! I only remember that I laughed so much that when I saw the picture, I started laughing again! And I do not even remember what she did...
Could you guys give me the anime name and her accomplishments prior to these golden words?
submitted by fph03n1x to anime [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:05 Eastern_Yellow_1407 Important! How do changes to settlement apply to upcoming test takers

Important! How do changes to settlement apply to upcoming test takers
Hello everyone! March 28th seems to have sooner than I thought as FINRA has proposed these changes for quite awhile For example, I am a full time series 7 study taker and taking my exam this summer which makes the changes perplexing. I have an interest in reading almost every regulatory notice that FINRA or a regulator throws on the industry and proposed to change settlement cycles to simply a day from two days (which only typically applies to stocks and related securities, but even in the SEC report has stated the word ā€œmostā€ securities are settlement in two days). A pet peeve of studying the industry may be the ongoing vagueness in rules. Regardless these can be found in finra ruling coincidentally around a year ago approving the change to change settlement to simply one day.
The finra ruling i posted as the first picture and the second is the sec recently finally saying that what used old is out and now officially one day settlement applies. The second source showing also how it was in their eyes perhaps open ended since the start of the article says the now traditional settlement that effected ā€œmostā€ broker dealer transactions. And as I edit this (sorry new to Reddit) I can only post one link but the article is found on the investor alert dated march 23 this year which starts with the sec adopting rule as proposed February 13 2023 and the compliance date (whatever that means) to shorten cycle as of march 18 2024)
How does this affect people like me now when you think this further. As my exam is this summer am I to assume the traditional settlement or not. There are areas where us test takers have to probably worry more about if finra will go as far as to make questions regarding concepts such a computing municipal bonds sold between interest payments or perhaps option exercise) Also I do feel as a common mis conception that Itā€™s overall a small test point and that the change is effecting I believe just settlement as in securities being settled, but the reg t extension is the usual cushion as always and we all know when the light and hadow cross itā€™s more the customer are given roughly a max of three or four days after the trade to give their broker the cash amount or else! Maybe an extension could applyā€¦anyways please share any comments opinions and suggestions on how or if this will change the series 7 exam in anyway. We all are in this together !
submitted by Eastern_Yellow_1407 to Series7 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:05 eucalyptusisawesome yes bob, ofc you can kill all 8 enemies by creating an earthquake with a lvl 1 char by jumping.

Hey everyone, i hope this is the right sub for this. I apologize if its not, otherwise i need your advise.
Iam a pretty new when it comes to dnd and joined a group that wanted to start a new campaign that sounded interesting. So i thought, new people, new campaign, lots of dnd, why not, could be fun!
Now my problem, there is a person in the group that i will name bob for now. Bob seems overall nice but is very different in many ways. I know we all are different because we all are just humans with different personalities but he is, just wow.
Session0: We all came together in Discord, talked about the campaign, discussed details and created our characters how we thought would be good. I know that everyone in this group expects something different from this adventure but when it comes to bob it feels like his character IS the adventure. Every chance he gets he loudly, and with the most enthusiasm tells you how cool and nice and awesome his char is. He almost talks in a way if his char is actually alive, its pretty wild. I mean i get it, its my first campaign, iam excited af!!!! And i love my char to the death but i dont have to scream at someone if he says something about my char.
After session 0 (first time meeting all of the group members) i thought ok, i love everything about how the dm thinks, how the campaign is themed. Bob was a bit too much but whatever, he is probably just excited and will calm down eventually.
2 hours before we even start the first real session, 1 person that also created a char and was hyped af, said he will leave the group because bob is too much and he cant handle people like that. I thought, well, i get it but iam way too invested by now and i actually just want to play and have fun, how could 1 person ruin all my fun if iam the one controlling my char?
Session 1-2: The dm is doing some great work, he does alot of rp and in general the campaign is very roleplay based, i love it! The others also do some nice rp and then theres bob he always has to do rp in a way that the spotlight shines on him. If the group wants to rp we always have to look at him and all the attention is drawn to him because he has to do somethung extra, EVERY time. Its exhausting. Also, decisions that would be made by dice he just chooses to do anyways. The dm always has to correct him and say roll this roll that. He then gets a little silent, rolls and when he doesnt succeed, oh boy.
But i thought to myself, maybe its his char, his personality and thats ok until he just started speaking over the dm while the dm is roleplaying for others or describing a spooky scene or is talking as an npc. Bob is not able to not talk for 30 seconds!
Since its my first real campaign and i like the other group members + the dm and i think very similar about rp and setting and about everything i dont want to leave. The story is also very nice. I had to say something.
After a session i said to the group that i thought it would be good if we just let others talk until they are finished and said that i noticed some interrupt the dm for no reason at all and it would kill the mood, the setting. Everyone agreed and the dm started answering to my request and while doing so bob interrupted again, drawing again all attention to him. I just know that he wont change and there is not a word i can say that will do something against that behavior. All party members are above 18 except 1 guy, hes 16 and he has better behavior than bob, its crazy.
What can i do now? I dont want to leave the group and want to play the campaign but its hard, really really hard. Any suggestions?
note: bob is a "experienced" dnd player and this is not his first campaign. Also for the guy that left because of him we had a new person join the group and you can tell he also wants to play but is visibly annoyed by bob.
what should i do, what can i do about this?
EDIT: yes, the title is real and he tried.
submitted by eucalyptusisawesome to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:58 lucasgloege I asked for rent after I told my roommates they could move out.

I (22M) moved out of my parents house last October. I found a beautiful 3 bedroom that Iā€™m sharing with 3 other people. Sal (20M), Alex (19M), and Frank (22M).
After about 7 months of of living together, I was having a conversation with another friend about how we were splitting the rent, and he pointed out that I had been effectively paying rent for Alex and Frank, based on the way we had calculated the split.
As a result of this, I came to them with a proposal, looking to start a conversation towards maybe finding a more fair and equitable split. It ended with both Alex and Frank requesting to move out, before the end of our 12-month lease. This is fine with both myself and the landlord, as long as we found a replacement.
Now, at some point I messed up, and told them that I had a friend, Bill (23M), ready to move in the next month.
They proceeded to sign a new lease at a new place, and Bill told me he needed another month. The issue is that Bill never signed anything taking over responsibility for the lease.
Today, Alex and Frank are angry at me for ā€œscrewing them overā€, when in my opinion they jumped the gun and moved too quickly. Now, I understand that I communicated something verbally, but is it my responsibility to also remind them that the paperwork needs to be completed here before they sign anything new?
What should I do? AITAH in this situation? Should we split it evenly, go 50/50, or have one side pay all of it?
Thanks for any advice
Edited for context and clarity
Update : I had a conversation with them tonight, not an hour after I posted this, and it turns out they actually never signed anything for the new place, theyā€™re only offering to pay rent there as well because they wanted to hold on to their word.
submitted by lucasgloege to roommateproblems [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:57 jenajiejing All Those Who Follow the Way of the Greatest Creator Will Have a Wonderful Future

All Those Who Follow the Way of the Greatest Creator Will Have a Wonderful Future
Xue Feng
Feb. 12, 2011
As the messenger of the Greatest Creator, I can offer you the most reliable guarantee that all those who follow the Way of the Greatest Creator will secure a wonderful future and will enjoy the infinite pleasure of life in the kingdom of the Greatest Creatorā€”the long-enduring Lifechanyuan era, Thousand-year World, Ten-thousand-year World, the Elysium World and its Celestial Island Continent.
This is the unchangeable law. The combination of sperms and eggs gives birth to the carrier of LIFE. The combination of seeds with suitable soil will make the seeds germinate, grow, flower, and bear fruits. The south pole and north pole of magnets are attracted to each other. The simultaneous intake of vitamin C and shrimps will cause the formation of arsenic in the body and make a person die of bleeding. Velocity multiplied by time is the distance covered. If an object reaches a speed of 11.2 kilometers per second, it can escape the gravitation force of the earth, and if it reaches a speed of 16.7 kilometers per second, it can fly out of the solar system. The still water without the infusion of running water will stink from putridity and eventually dries up. The reaction between copper oxide and dilute sulphuric acid will result in copper sulphate and water. In Euclidean geometry the angles of a triangle adds up to 180 degrees. On the earth one will return to the starting point if he keeps going forward by following a certain longitude or latitude. Water will turn into ice at zero degree Celsius. These and many other laws are necessary rules to be obeyed.
We will reach any place that our footsteps guide us to. If we break laws, we may end up in prison. In autumn we will harvest what we have sowed in the fertile soil in spring. According to the principle of gravity and attraction, kind actions and kind ideas will beget good results, while evil actions and evil intentions will incur evil consequences. If you chase the sun, you can escape from darkness, if you chase darkness, you can hardly see light. ā€œA man is known by his friendsā€. ā€œHe who is unjust is doomed to destructionā€. One will get intoxicated if he drinks too much, and will have a bulging stomach if he eats too much. ā€œA mountain dweller knows well the twittering of birds and a fisherman has a good knowledge of fishesā€. Worship Buddha and you will acquire the Buddhahood, seek the way of immortality and you will attain the spiritual state of a celestial being. The buildup of quantitative changes will result in qualitative changes once the critical point is surpassed. For anything, emergence and disappearance and life and death exist in unity of opposites. Each flower is a bodhi, and each grain of sand reflects a world. The universe is holographic. The two poles are communicable and convertible. Things will develop in the opposite direction if they become extreme. Gazing for long impairs blood, lying for long impairs qi, sitting for long impairs muscles, standing for long impairs bone, and walking for long impairs tendons. A benevolent person is kind in words, actions and look. If a person performs three deeds of kindness every day, he will be granted blessing by the heaven in three years. A ferocious and evil person is wicked in words, actions and look. If a person performs three deeds of unkindness every day, he will be dealt disaster by the heaven in three years. All these and many others are necessary rules not to be violated.
It is an inevitable and necessary law and principle that those who follow the Way of the Greatest Creator will all enjoy a beautiful future.
The Greatest Creator reigns supreme in the universe. The Greatest Creator is the omnipotent boss of the universe. People who comply to the will of the Greatest Creator and do things in accordance with the will of the Greatest Creator will surely win the blessing and favor of the Greatest Creator. If the son ask for steamed bun, the father will not give him the stone. If we obey the Greatest Creator, the Greatest Creator will grant us special rewards. The Greatest Creator is eternal. If we follow the way of the Greatest Creator, we will also become eternal. The Greatest Creator is the source of wisdom and the birthplace of LIFE. If we follow the way of the Greatest Creator, we can obtain wisdom and new LIFE. The Greatest Creator is love and truth, so if we follow the way of the Greatest Creator we can win love and find truth. In the universe, there are 36-dimensional space, 20 parallel worlds, and heaven and hell. If we obey the Greatest Creator and follow the way of the Greatest Creator, the Greatest Creator will certainly arrange us in the most beautiful space and world. The Greatest Creator will absolutely not assign good thing to rebels and bad things to obedient people. If good things are assigned to rebels and bad things to the obedient people, then where are justice and laws in the world? As a result, there would be no relations between cause and effect, and everything will be put upside down. Actually everything is in good order. Therefore, we will surely have a wonderful future if we hold the Greatest Creator in awe and respect, conform to the Greatest Creator, believe in the Greatest Creator and follow the way of the Greatest Creator.
ā€œTathagata just tells us truth, and does not tell liesā€. Jesus Christ, Buddha Sakyamuni, and celesial being Lao Tze are all Tathagata. They will not cheat us, and they can see no need to cheat us. Put in a nutshell, their teachings and instructions just tell us to follow the way of the Greatest Creator. Follow the way of the Greatest Creator, and we can enter the kingdom of the Greatest Creator, the Elysium world, and we can attain immortality. According to the values of Lifechanyuan, those who follow the way of the Greatest Creator will have their future in Thousand-year World, Ten-thousand-year World, Elysium World, and its Celestial Island Continent.
All are inevitable. You can become what you believe in. You will achieve corresponding results from the way you take. The brightest, the easiest, the most direct, and the most beneficial way in the world is the way of the Greatest Creator. The most nutritious thing in the world is motherā€™s milk, the best way in the world to obtain the most beautiful future is the way of the Greatest Creator.
submitted by jenajiejing to u/jenajiejing [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:56 JadeSpeedster1718 Medicine Cats Idea

Medicine Cats
((Donā€™t mind me, I donā€™t have the patience for a full fanfic. So just hereā€™s an excerpt that wonā€™t leave my head))
Leafpaw looked at the half moon in the sky, feeling a sense of excitement and apprehension. Paws took her next to her mentor, Cinderpelt, trembling a bit under her.
ā€œExcited?ā€ Cinderpelt purred softly to her apprentice as they walked together. Taking it slow so not to cause any agitation to her mentorā€™s leg.
Gazing down at the forest floor, Leafpaw took a shaky breath. ā€œMaybe? Iā€™m also a little.. scared?ā€ Her ears flicked slightly. She heard a deep purring hum next to her.
ā€œI was too when I first made their journey.ā€ Cinderpelt said softly to her with a bright look to her eyes. ā€œYellowfang spoke of many things Iā€™d learn. She was sure Starclan would accept me. And I know they will you too.ā€
Leafpaw tries to believe that, but the more they walked, the more she felt so far away. It was like with each step she grew farther from what she knew and into something she didnā€™t know yet.
The journey to the Moonstone was silent, as the sounds of the night grew. Cinderpelt said it was a surprise what sheā€™d see. And the nervous butterflies were back.
Approaching the mouth of the cave and other medicine cats seemed eerie. While Cinderpelt spoke to them, Leafpaw could only gaze into the darkness. Yet despite the crickets, Leafpawā€™s ears flicked to sounds. Voices, hushed cats talking, but not a word could be made out. It sounded like so many of them.
Leafpaw tried to strain her ears, but was jolted but a nudge from her mentor. ā€œCome along. And stay close.ā€ Cinderpelt said softly to her, her steady voice calmed the anxiety that gathered in the apprenticeā€™s chest.
Taking a breath, they walked together with the others into the darkness. It was like passing a threshold of some kind. The only way Leafpaw could describe it was akin to entering another Clanā€™s territory. The tingling feeling of being watched by sharp eyes. Of being in an area that didnā€™t smell nor look like home. Strange tenseness that had her fur wanting to prickle on end.
Yet, unlike cats of flesh and blood, this felt stronger. Ancient. And powerful. Like gazing into the eyes of a predator. With heavy paws and a dry mouth, Leafpaw made her way forward. Until light entered her vision of the large glowing rock formation.
Her mouth gapped open at it as her mentor stood a few paw steps in front. Cinderpelt looked back at her ā€œjust touch your nose to it, and Starclan will come.ā€ Her voice still steady and soft.
Leafpaw took a shaky breath, eyes of many other cats. Some she could see as the other medicine cats, others in the shadows of the low light casted by the Moonstone. Taking steps forward, she pressed her nose to the cold stone.
For a moment the cold spiked through, down her spine and tail, making it bristle. Thenā€¦ darkness covered her vision.
That however only lasted a brief moment. Before she opened her eyes to a clearing. And the sunlight dappling down through the leaves. Casting warm amber glow on the large tree, the gathering tree. Leafpaw gazed up at the sunlight through the tree leaves. She was sure this was more than a dream, she could feel the warmth of the sunlight. The faint breeze that carried the scent of grass.
Then movement caught her eye, her amber eyes flicked to it. As there stood another cat, but one she didnā€™t recognize at all. But the unmistakable scent of Thunderclan was on her pelt. Smooth and silk grey fur and a tail that was rather bushy.
Amber eyes bored back into her own. ā€œYou wish to walk with your ancestors?ā€ Her voice was soft, yet carried weight. Leafpaw stared at her. ā€œThen walk, follow, for a Medicine Cat canā€™t longer long in one place.ā€
The plummed tail vanished into the bushes. Leafpaw hesitated only for a moment, yet the words echoed into her mind. Determination sparked and she bounced after the other cat.
She weaves through the thick leaves and bushes. Gliding over roots and rocks. Eyes ahead catching the faint hint of silver fur ahead of her.
ā€œWe walk and run down the path of many spirits.ā€ The voice ahead told her. ā€œWe do not linger for long on one spot, flowing forward like the rising and setting sun and moon.ā€
Leafpaw twisted and turned through the thick undergrowth. Then she skidded to a stop in a clearing. Looking around, and seeing no one but herself in the clearing. Then she felt like someone was behind her.
Whirling around she saw another cat, speckled Tom cat. Bright blue eyes looked at her with mischief, ā€œWe are always aware of everything.ā€ He meowed to her leading her onward down another path. Leafpaw followed after him, rushing through the leaves that smacked at her whiskers.
ā€œThe wind as it blows and brings with it omens of fortune and faith. The bones as they speak of destiny and strength.ā€ He told her looking at her as he lead her to the river side.
Leafpaw oddly didnā€™t feel tired looking at the water that divided Thunderclan from Riverclan. A pure white cat leaned down drinking from the crystal clear waters. Yellow eyes glowed with starlight, ā€œWe see signs in the flow of the water, the taste of rain, and faces of many other cats.ā€
His voice was steady, as Leafpaw felt names start to come to mind. Featherwhisker, Goosefeather, Cloudberry. Names that she did not know physically, but on a much deeper level.
A pure black cat brushed against her and motioned to follow with her tail. This time at a quiet walk through the forest again down path that Leafpaw didnā€™t know but felt old and familiar. ā€œWe learn not only medicine, but of the very soul and spirit. The names of the stars,ā€ a leaf fell in front of them. ā€œOf the coming of season in the very fall of leaves.ā€
Blue eyes regarded her with approval, Ravenwing purred to her. ā€œFor lives we canā€™t give we instead provide a way for the spirits to come a way into the world.ā€
They broke through the clearing, Leafpawā€™s eyes widen in awe at she was being told. ā€œBut how can I be sure I am the right own for this?ā€ She asked in a trembling voice as Ravenwing paded into the camp of Thunderclan. A distorted mix of what it looked through time.
ā€œYou wonā€™t, until you take that first step.ā€ A new voice said as a cat with back fur and a white tuff approached her. Leafpawā€™s ears flicked down at how this felt. Powerful. Old. Ancient. Green eyes glowed brighter than any car she had seen.
ā€œThe path is long, it is not for many. And some do not make it to the end.ā€ Cloud Spot looked at her calmly ā€œbut the rewards are great young Kit, someday you will be able to sense the smallest of changes just from the passing of sunlight.ā€
Leafpaw looked around at many cats, many faces, and names in the mind she felt connections to despite never meeting them until now. Then back to the old medicine cat in front of her.
ā€œIt starts with herbs and moves on, as you hone into a set of skills all your own. There is no pressure to learn it all, but to pace at the start and following your spirit.ā€ Cloud Spot purred to her and pressed his nose to her head.
ā€œOnly if you accept it.ā€
Leafpaw swallowed hard and took a shaky breath. Yet the determination was back, firm and steady with her own heartbeat. Somehow her very soul wanted to leap out of her fur. She met the gazes of medicine cats past, those who would walk with her and teacher her along side Cinderpelt.
And she found the eyes of her mentor, watching her with encouragement and strength.
ā€œI accept it.ā€ Leafpawā€™s voice did not quiver once. Setting it in place as she warmth from the muzzle on her head. A tongue licked her ears.
ā€œThen weā€™ll walk with you and welcome you to do the same.ā€ A tail brushed her flank gently as Leafpaw sat there with the others. ā€œWe welcome you Leafpaw, to the start of your journey.ā€
Warmth surged through her as the course of cats voices welcomed her among them. Despite being far from her clan, Leafpaw felt closer to them than ever before.
submitted by JadeSpeedster1718 to WarriorCats [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:55 Stupidladysadlady How can I help my husband with depression and not be so offensive while he is?

Hi people, first I thank everyone who read this all <3 I know itā€™s long but still like 1% of all. I need advice how to make my husband want to comunicate with me. Weā€™re often arguing, bcz Iā€™m slow and not skilled like him and not very clever, he has way better decision making etc. He taught me many things my parents didnā€™t. In some ways he was my parent more like my real parents, if you know what I mean. I know that Iā€™m like this and now itā€™s way better when I realized it. But some things I canā€™t change even if I try. But weā€™re together since our 14years (now 12years, 1 married) so he knew me for long time before. Last argue he said that we should do some things separately, like go to gym etc, bcz I slow him and he donā€™t know how to live slow. There were many things, I can write whole book about this, but this is main problem - my stupidity and clumsiness. I drop things every day more than once. Iā€™m learning to drive many months and Iā€™m not very good after months (I have license, but didnā€™t drive bcz my fatherdidnā€™t want to teach me) and this os what made the whole thing worse and every drive ended in yelling and me making mistakes. We end yelling at each other and than we talk after hours in silence like nothing happened everytime. I thought that he was wrong, he thought I was wrong, but we love each other so we talked and many times I was apologizing. And than it is one big vicious circle. Because in 99% of cases he is in rush to spend more free time together. And he feels that I donā€™t give a ** about our time, but many times it is that I donā€™t realize my slowness, itā€™s not disinterest. We were always only me and him, families didnā€™t want us to be together. We couldnā€™t watch movie together bcz we could see each other only outside. Everytime we did all things together. And now (or it was always but I was blind, idkā€¦.) itā€™s more important where he is (or circumstances) than with who he is.
I give you example: Yesterday was our first wedding anniversary, we were in town and on the way home we went to buy food. He took one box of meat, I asked why only one (I wanted to do more food so that it would be ready for work the next day, as sometimes I am criticized for not caring enough) and he said that I should rather do more than speak. So I went back for the second one, he for something else, in the meantime he sent me to the cashier. We missed the bus by about 20-30 seconds, which I think would have happened anyway, since there were many people at the cashier. We arrived home about 20 minutes later than with 1. bus. Of course, he was nervous right away. We had a plan to go to the woods with the dog and then play a game at home. But the day ended for him because I slowed things, he is looking forward to when he will be at work and basically we had a fight and we haven't even talked since. In this case, it seems completely exaggerated to me. We could watch something on my mobile during that time, I had headphones, so we could also listen to something and have fun on the anniversary...he does mind a few extra minutes, but he doesn't mind hours and days of arguments and silence.
When I tell him my feelings, heā€™s like he doesnā€™t care because I donā€™t care. I begged him many times, that we should talk and not yell. So he talks but the same words that are killing me. And I want him to realize that itā€™s not all ONLY my fault. He sometimes make mistakes like everyone, but Iā€™m not like this, I rather look for another solution and donā€™t make argument from this. But many times he didnā€™t do things he say, for example shopping, wash dish, do laundry (last time was my mistake I didnā€™t remind him while I was at work) etcā€¦it was not important for him, but for me it was. Or he does things but than I listen for a week what he did. I donā€™t have cleanest home, bcz I rather spend time in other ways, but basics I try to do every day.
Many times after arguments he told me that he had depression or anxiety, because he want to be nice to me. But he says he donā€™t want to yell at me and than after few hours/days itā€™s the same. So he donā€™t want or want? In basic life heā€™s the best and cutest person I know.
He told me last argument, that he donā€™t know how to live different and that his father was rushing his mooooore than me. In past he wanted from me to slow him. And itā€™s my mistake I didnā€™t put more emphasis in it. But itā€™s rare that he do what I say, so Iā€™m a bit used to not tell things. Now I realize, it can be result of me not keeping my word many times, bcz I thought that I can change myself, but some things I canā€™t or donā€™t know how yet. And Iā€™m not very confident person and heā€™s like alfa, so I often think itā€™s pointless to say something, but I feel I need to change it.
I want to help him not to be so anxious and angry. And not in such rush. I want us to know how to enjoy life not only live. How can I start? Heā€™s ignoring me completely.
tl;dr We are blaming each other for our mistakes, heā€™s angry because Iā€™m not very smart and clumsy, so I slow him in life. But paradox is, that heā€™s in rush for spend time together, but than he donā€™t talk to me for hours. I think some things heā€™s blaming me for he should just accept like I accepted many his imperfections and accepted many similar situations. And need advice how to enjoy our life not only survive and make him talk to me.
submitted by Stupidladysadlady to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:54 MechaManga What to do when weā€™re both splitting

Me and my bf of almost 2 years recently moved in together. We currently live in a single room in his parentā€™s already crowded house, so we are constantly in the same room as each other apart from when heā€™s working. I was just recently diagnosed with bpd (allthough iā€™ve had my suspicions for 6+ months). I suspect that my bf may also have bpd, but he isnā€™t diagnosed nor has he brought it up in therapy that heā€™s told me. Weā€™ve been arguing a bit more recently now that summer has started. The thing is, he can be really hurtful. Throughout our entire relationship he has had a very unstable pattern of saying he loves me more than anything, or telling me that Iā€™m the reason for all of his bad feelings and behavior and he would be better off without me in his life. this definitely contributes to a lot of my insecurities in this relationship. Our relationship as of right now is not healthy, but breaking up isnā€™t on the table yet. I love this man fully ever since i met him in 6th effin grade! I donā€™t think either of us are willing to throw this otherwise wonderful relationship away because of issues we are just now trying to improve on. I told him we have 1 year to get our shit together and if by then we still have unhealthy cycles, it would be best to split. This is a man who has proven time and time again that he is devoted to only me, and who I can confidently say is as much my world as I am his. The way he looks at me says everything. He just has issues that weā€™re trying to cope with more healthily. In the meantime, I have an issue that needs addressing. Criticism is a huge trigger for him, and I accidentally trigger him all the time. Since iā€™ve been actively trying to pull our relationship back together, every time i try to make points about our relationship and how I would like to be treated, he takes it as criticism. I sent him a few relationship advice videos, and he got upset and told me that it makes him really upset and feel like heā€™s doing everything wrong. That was not the intention. Im not perfect either, but I have more quiet type bpd so when Iā€™m triggered I just feel like Iā€™m drowning in negative emotions and just want to be comforted or assured that he still loves and cares about me even though hes mad and that he isnā€™t going to leave me. Or i just need to take a while to sulk. I often cry. I can say shame is a huge trigger for him as well, because he also hates whenever he sees that his words and actions have a negative effect on me. Which begins a spiral of him becoming more loud along with blame shifting to avoid shame(ā€œits your fault i took it out on you why would you bother me if i was in a bad mood?ā€) And me just sinking further and further into my mind while also melting down. A terrible cycle that leads to nothing but hurt for both of us.
I understand itā€™s destructive, and i understand that itā€™s unhealthy. But im not giving up yet. Please just give me advice on how to remove myself from situations like that without triggering him more by abandoning him or something. I donā€™t want to throw away the life Iā€™ve dreamt of with this man. The thought of it tears my heart out. And recently heā€™s been a little more receptive to my criticisms on his treatment of me. I hope im able to help him in the right direction along with myself when it comes to healing both our minds and relationship
submitted by MechaManga to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:53 AKaneAaa Newish player. Getting abuse for raising, is this normal?

Hey all.
I am a 22 y/o who has just recently started playing poker in the last 5 months. I play at a pub league in the UK called Redtooth. The players from my POV are pretty good, few been to Vegas and Malta etc etc.
I've been studying alot and trying to pick up a good game to try get to regionals and one of the main things I learned was to stop limping and start raising.
I start doing this at my local league and suddenly I am getting berated alot more now for ruining the games.
The players are mostly old farts 50+. There is one guy in particular who calls me very very strong words every time I do it and says "I don't recpect the game of Poker" and how "Students, learn to be aggressive before they learn how to play". I've never ever seen him raise and always limps. He expects every pot to be a family pot. It gets to a point where he's calling me a cunt and an idiot which isn't very fun
Is this normal?? I want to win obviously but don't want folk actively disliking me, it's a fun night out socially and don't want to end up isolated. Can't afford casino games as it's 50 buy in for 1/1 and that's alot for a student lol.
Any tips? Do I just tell the old farts to f off lol
Thank you!
submitted by AKaneAaa to poker [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:53 JetLife1337 The story behind $ZACK and why it will become huge

Back in 2020 during the Covid days, day trading stocks hit its peak with retail investors who were out of work with nothing else to do and fresh stimulus checks hitting their bank accounts. During this time a few dudes came together and created an amazing community called Atlas Trading where many of the best traders today learned the skills from some of the best of the best. One of those guys was @MrZackMorris on Twitter who became a legend for picking stocks such as AMC or CEI and many others to make many people a lot of money by creating short squeezes in these stocks similar to what Roaring Kitty was able to do with GME. Retail traders were winning big on play after play. This pissed off the establishment and big banks who held these short positions and something had to be done. Well, a few months later the SEC charged Zack and several others from Atlas Trading with stock manipulation and ā€œcreating pump and dumpsā€ to scam people out of millions of dollars. This caused the downfall of Atlas as well as the rest of fintwit as the community was never really the same again after this and these men were all arrested and had their lives ruined for several years. Fast forward to 2024, their case went to trial and the judge threw it out for lack of evidence as the SECā€™s case was based on hearsay and no real facts. These guys are all really good dudes and they were not trying to scam anyone. Now that they are free, some legit devs created the $ZACK coin and brought @MrZackMorris in to lead the community. Check out his twitter and you will see how dedicated he is to this project. And what that means is he is also bringing in the retail trader market over into meme coins. These guys have a ton of money to play with. Much more money to invest then the 17 year olds who are telling you to buy $KENDU or whatever other lame coins like $HONK or $FLOYD or whatever crap these kids are buying today. These are real whales and many are just getting started with the meme coin market for their first time with $ZACK coin. Also, this coin is the biggest f*ck you to the government for what they did by ruining these menā€™s lives because the SEC and short sellers have no control over the the meme coin market so Zack wants to take this coin to the moon. He has even stated that he wants to take it to $5 and will not sell any before that. If you know anything about his old stock calls, they almost always hit their targets. This really shouldnā€™t be very difficult once people understand what this community is all about. The rumors are already starting that the $ZACK team is working on getting listed on both Binance and Coinbase. Once this happens, this thing is going mainstream and will skyrocket higher than all of these other retarded meme coins that have $1 billion dollar market caps. So, with that all said, I suggest you really take a good look at $ZACK and try to understand what this community is now and will become once people catch word of this story as I am sure it will be in the news soon enough. Right now itā€™s only about .05 cents so we are still in the very early phases of this all but word is already catching on fast amongst the retail stock trading community who is stepping in with big money.
Anyways, TLDR: Buy $ZACK
submitted by JetLife1337 to Memecoinhub [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:52 JetLife1337 The story behind $ZACK and why it will become huge

Back in 2020 during the Covid days, day trading stocks hit its peak with retail investors who were out of work with nothing else to do and fresh stimulus checks hitting their bank accounts. During this time a few dudes came together and created an amazing community called Atlas Trading where many of the best traders today learned the skills from some of the best of the best. One of those guys was @MrZackMorris on Twitter who became a legend for picking stocks such as AMC or CEI and many others to make many people a lot of money by creating short squeezes in these stocks similar to what Roaring Kitty was able to do with GME. Retail traders were winning big on play after play. This pissed off the establishment and big banks who held these short positions and something had to be done. Well, a few months later the SEC charged Zack and several others from Atlas Trading with stock manipulation and ā€œcreating pump and dumpsā€ to scam people out of millions of dollars. This caused the downfall of Atlas as well as the rest of fintwit as the community was never really the same again after this and these men were all arrested and had their lives ruined for several years. Fast forward to 2024, their case went to trial and the judge threw it out for lack of evidence as the SECā€™s case was based on hearsay and no real facts. These guys are all really good dudes and they were not trying to scam anyone. Now that they are free, some legit devs created the $ZACK coin and brought @MrZackMorris in to lead the community. Check out his twitter and you will see how dedicated he is to this project. And what that means is he is also bringing in the retail trader market over into meme coins. These guys have a ton of money to play with. Much more money to invest then the 17 year olds who are telling you to buy $KENDU or whatever other lame coins like $HONK or $FLOYD or whatever crap these kids are buying today. These are real whales and many are just getting started with the meme coin market for their first time with $ZACK coin. Also, this coin is the biggest f*ck you to the government for what they did by ruining these menā€™s lives because the SEC and short sellers have no control over the the meme coin market so Zack wants to take this coin to the moon. He has even stated that he wants to take it to $5 and will not sell any before that. If you know anything about his old stock calls, they almost always hit their targets. This really shouldnā€™t be very difficult once people understand what this community is all about. The rumors are already starting that the $ZACK team is working on getting listed on both Binance and Coinbase. Once this happens, this thing is going mainstream and will skyrocket higher than all of these other retarded meme coins that have $1 billion dollar market caps. So, with that all said, I suggest you really take a good look at $ZACK and try to understand what this community is now and will become once people catch word of this story as I am sure it will be in the news soon enough. Right now itā€™s only about .05 cents so we are still in the very early phases of this all but word is already catching on fast amongst the retail stock trading community who is stepping in with big money.
Anyways, TLDR: Buy $ZACK
submitted by JetLife1337 to memecoins [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:46 SharowPUBG A friend is mentally suffering from sexual abuse, how can I help her?

tldr: She (21f moroccan) is very shy, met a man, texted with him, went to him to say goodbye, blacked out kind of overwhelmed with everything in a state where she would easily be taken advantage of, he forced her to blow, no penetration, yelled at her, got her out of the house. She blamed herself, said she's gonna kill herself if she got aids (she had a wound from an OP in her mouth so it's technically possible I guess), now realizes she's been abused and can't stop turning her head of, bad sleep, no apetite. Now she wants to report it to the police and writes everything down
She trusts my advice, so I feel very overwhelmed with my responsibility, my advice could help or destroy her (maybe not, idk)
About her
Over a year ago I met her on an App called "HelloTalk", it's for learning languages and she reached out to me to help her with german. Yes, Im german and we've never seen each other in real life. We've been chatting regularly since and talked about all kinds of stuff. From what I can tell she has a big heart, would help people even though it might not give her anything. Her life in that time had some difficulties with studying, but it seemed manageable to me until everything fell apart.
She discovered that she has breast cancer. It made going through day to day life difficult, she was strong and tried her best to continue, continue to study. She sometimes would fall behind, because she wasnt allowed to stress herself or had Operations done to her during lessons.
The abuser
It was that time when she met J. They met on a dating app "hinge". They had good conversations it seemed and so met up in real life. She told me about it and it made me happy, I was hoping maybe she found a nice person. She liked him. She even got a little jealous when he talked to the receptionist, since she is not a social butterfly. I tried encouraging her at the time, that she's great and if he's any good he'll see. I remember her sending me a voice note crying, she wanted to make him a christmas present and spend the whole day trying to get like a small wooden surf-board with some words imprinted. But the people she asked for the service did a poor job, but promised to fix it and didn't so she went somewhere else and something there failed too. It was just supposed to me a small gift, she wouldn't even write her name on it, she just thought, maybe it will make the person happy.
What happened
J was gonna leave the country and so she wanted to say goodbye, in person. She took a taxi and was very nervous. It was far out of her comfort zone to do this, but she pushed herself. Her plan was to say goodbye, maybe give him a hug and leave. He had different plans though. In retrospect I should have read the signs, he wanted to meet up earlier times, but it was very far for her and she didn't feel safe. That's why she's also a little nervous, she's far from home (maybe 1-2 hours). He never pushed it, but always wanted her to come to him.
I dont know exactly what happened at this point. He must have said that he has something for her and she should come in. They went upstairs and then he hugged her, her giving no signs that she is comfortable happy or any consent, he started kissing her, and that's when she must have been so overwhelmed that she was kind of in a shock. You know after all she's also a muslim. She couldn't process what happened fast enough and that's when he pulled out his dick and made her blow it, yelling at her, that was the thing she remembered most, is him yelling, she told me crying "he yelled at me".
She started blaming herself, why would she be so stupid, why did she trust him, why couldn't she say anything
She fell out of uni, because she couldn't focus on anything other than this. It gave her sleepless nights
She worried that she would get HIV and made a test, telling me she'd kill herself if it was positive. I tried my best calling her, telling her it's not her fault... I had a long list of reasons not to, prepared when she tells me the result and luckily it was negative. That's when I first started this draft and actually it went up hill.
She chatted with him even after it and he is the most disgusting thing I've seen. He doesn't feel any guilt, instead kicks her when she's on the floor. When she tells him that he destroyed her, he sends pictures of him having fun, telling her he misses her mouth.
She finally blocked him and it reliefed her, she realized she's been abused. Even though she cant stop thinking about it every day, crying, she got out of that self-blaming attitude. Instead she wants to report it to the police now. All she has is the chat between him and her, which is very vivid and she translates it to arabic... Im not a police officer, not a lawyer, and I dont know morocco, but I have doubts that this is going to lead to anything. She's full tunnel visions into it wanting to finish this. Nobody is on her side, they say she's 18, so she should have taken care of herself. Not only her parents but also institutions that should help people in this situation
I hope when she's done gathering up every detail, she gets it out of her head. I just want her to find peace.
I already told her that she shouldn't expect too much coming out, so that it wont hurt as much if nothing happens. But I have to support her with it, it seems, she has nobody else who would help her
She looks up to me, so what advice can I give her?
submitted by SharowPUBG to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:46 NegotiationPitiful55 my(19F) friends(18 F) family has been making vacation miserable and aggressive

TL;DR at the bottom.
This trip hasnā€™t been any fun at all and I want to go home already but unfortunately I am here for another 2-3 days. I wanted to go on vacay to get away from MY mom bc she's such a narcissist and i wanted to relax.Iā€™ve tried to make light of the situation until it got worse yesterday.
I Yesterday, we went to a resort in Mexico because the family had a one day pass. At the end of it, Dalia (my friend's 30 yr old half sister) was too drunk and she took a taxi with her 6 year old daughter and Shayla (the sister's friend). We were originally supposed to go shopping at the mall after the resort and eat at an Italian restaurant within the resort but that did not go to plan which was okay at the time. After those 3 leave, it was just me, my friend May and her parents. I thought we were going to go shopping like they said we would because that is something everyone, especially me lol also wanted to do. We didn't even do that and the only reason they even took us to the shopping strip in the first place was because they wanted to buy weed. They didn't even say that initially and I only found that out because they kept getting agitated bc they couldn't find the McDonald's they were trying to use as a land marker. But I knew where the McDonalds was and I was very confused as to why they weren't listening to me when I was telling them where it was. I just assumed they wanted McDonald's since the food at the resort wasn't the best.
My friend told me that they wouldn't directly say they were getting weed because "they still need to be somewhat of a good influence" or something like that, like what?? They haven't been that this WHOLE trip and nobody is fucking dumb. They've been smoking and talking about weed this whole time in front of us/me. So why does THAT matter now ? Why tf would I care you're adults?? I literally have wanted weed this whole time anyway and already bought alcohol.
This is the worst part. After we come back from the whole McDonalds shit, the four of us get into a taxi to go back to the Airbnb. When we arrive in front of our residence, the dad pulls out his card but the driver says he only takes cash. The dad flips his shit, says he's scamming him or whatever. The ride was 200 pesos, which is 10 USD. He says the driver is scamming him because he has been paying with his card the whole time in other taxis. Fhe mom thinks they're being scammed too. The dad was about to punch the driver in the face over ten fucking dollars??? The mom and my friend had to convince him to fucking stop and he kept getting mad at the daughter telling her to get tf inside. I had to end up paying (again) the ten dollars because I had cash. I say again because at the start of the trip, I had to pay 80 dollars for the cab to the Airbnb bc the dad didn't have service to pay so I used the cash I had. I did get the money back but still. wtf. Also they were not being scammed and if they were it wasn't even THAT bad because all of the taxis are 10 to 17 dollars from the mall to where we live. Theiithink it's a scam because he wanted cash. I had a taxi driver when I snuck out once because there wasn't any food and I was STARVING, I asked him if he takes cash or card and he said cash, but it was still all the same price. They don't know I snuck out and I'm glad I didn't tell my friend that I did because she would have told them. probably.
The next day, which is today, I wake up and everybody is just fucking gone besides my friend and her sisters daughter. This pisses me off because they have left us, to baby sit the little girl AGAIN for idek how many times they've done that. It's extremely fucking annoying I haven't even been able to enjoy the trip and my friend damn sure has not either. she said she was really embarrassed yesterday to the dad and wouldn't have invited me if the parents were gonna act like they do at home with/around me. The dad "apologizes" today saying "Im sorry for being so embarrassing" like what?
They told us to go shop and have fun. To not let any of the shit that happened ruin the fun. Idk how that's possible but whatever I might as well. My friend didn't want to go shopping because she was crying and upset today. I was getting dressed because I said I am just going then because I was so sick of not being able to do ONE thing I wanted to. She then ended up coming with but then her phone not charging ruined her mood again and she wasn't going anymore. I was given money to use from home and was determined to just use it.I just wanted to do something fun for fucking once. I told my narc mom I was going to go out with or without my friend because it would have been BAD at home for me had I not enforced that. She kept pleading me not to go alone but I was persisting and wasn't asking. She just ended up telling me she's worried and to just be safe. Wasn't mad.
I walked out and paid for the taxi. I only went because it was only a 3-5 minute taxi ride to the public mall to shop. My friend then calls me asking if I left and why'd I go without her?? She literally didn't even want to go anymore and I said that. She tells me she insists I come back and she said it wasn't smart to leave and that "I'll get snatched up". Her parents and everyone were angry with me she said. First of all, her parents and everyone else kept fucking walking away from us without saying a word as to where they were heading. could have been fucking kidnapped multiple times because of them since that's the damn problem. I didn't even want to go alone initially, but it was bright as day outside, I am sick of this family and I'd rather be alone and do what I want to do, since that's clearly never gonna happen with them. Plus I shouldn't have to rely on company or anyone to have fun, especially at this point. Her mom gets on the phone and just tells me to come back bc she's responsible for me but then is like "because if you don't come back Im going to have to call your mom". I can never get a break away from my mom no matter the damn situation it seems. That was literally not needed at all. She called her anyway regardless of me saying I was coming back.
Also now im being accused of stealing their fucking weed they leave out on the counter. I don't need ur fucking weed if I WANTED weed (which I have this whole time but that was only between me and my friend) I can BUY my own weed with the money I have. The first time my friend asked me I didn't care because it was just a question out of concern. Today she asked me a second time and now I am feeling accused. She said her dad thinks I took it because my laptop was there. EVERYBODYS STUFF HAS BEEN DOWNSTAIRS. How is that even a good accusation and you're asking me the second time. There was no way it was not Shayla because she kept walking away to ask strangers for fucking cigarettes day 1 of the trip. then walked away AGAIN that day to try and buy some. She was also downstairs at like 5am one time bc I went downstairs to go outside rq and I saw her doing god knows what in the dark. I don't even think they even tried to question her about it, since she's been smoking with them but instead have only been accusing me.
I have tried to be very respectful to my friend's family because I don't want to be rude or say anything bad since that's her family. I don't know how long I'm going to be able to deal with it though and if I'm accused a third time I am going to fucking snap and probably cuss someone out. I am also trying not to get into any trouble at home because whether it's reasonable or not my mom is going to say I was being disrespectful and take their side on that regard.
TL;DR: I am on vacation in Mexico with my friends family and my patience has been tested this whole entire time. i've been accused of stealing weed twice which I have NOT done at all and it doesn't seem like they've asked anyone else. The dad threatened to punch the taxi driver over ten dollars bc he thought the taxi driver was scamming him when he wasn't. I had to pay for the ten dollars in cash and I also paid 80 initially at the start of trip for the taxi because the dad didn't have service on his phone.
submitted by NegotiationPitiful55 to offmychest [link] [comments]