Award bullets for ets

NEW OR NEED HELP? Ask here! - ScA Daily Help Thread May 19, 2024

2024.05.19 06:01 AutoModerator NEW OR NEED HELP? Ask here! - ScA Daily Help Thread May 19, 2024

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submitted by AutoModerator to SkincareAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:17 BuckmanBuddy 1:1

1:1 submitted by BuckmanBuddy to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:49 weevilyweevil Kitty Tweets - Put it in Reverse

I had commented this on another post but I think it’s not a bad theory:
The correct order is from last to first. It begins with the ET meme, kitty going dark. From there, it chronicles the fallout. The memes follow kitty through the congressional hearing (A Few Good Men meme), show him watching the awards pile up on his last yolo post, him losing sight of himself. Then he returns to his original thesis (avocado-in-my-anus) and it steeled his resolve. He begins making memes, preparing. (The Shining, 500 Days of Summer). He feels hesitation about his impending return (Alice) and then has his moment of clarity (Matrix) and understands what he needs to do. Then we start seeing the plan take shape, he's waiting, watching for the signs that the time is right. And then all hell breaks loose. Watch them from last to first, and it tells a different story.
submitted by weevilyweevil to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:07 bryfry28 I got a 0 on AW….

I took the GRE twice. My first score was VR: 149, QR: 152, AW: 4.0. My second score was VR:153, QR: 154, AW: 0. I wanted to apply to PA school by the end of June but idk if this will force me to apply later. Is the score review worth it? Should I just bite the bullet and retake it or wait for the review and potentially waste more time if they decide to give me a 0 in the end? I am a native english speaker and I have a bachelors so I doubt I wrote something so shit that it got me a 0. The only thing I could think of is I restated the prompt in my thesis and the grader could have associated this with plagiarism. I feel like I did this the first time and ended up with a 4. I am extremely frustrated and desperate for any advice. ETS is not very helpful with their vague responses. I emailed them that my score hasn’t been released and they said it has… I really don’t want to retake it….
submitted by bryfry28 to GRE [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:30 NoMoTubes 1:1 to finish set - LF Own The Stage

1:1 to finish set - LF Own The Stage submitted by NoMoTubes to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:52 Icy-Wrap-870 Have: Smash Hit

Have: Smash Hit submitted by Icy-Wrap-870 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:50 saltyblueberry25 Tinfoil master thesis on DFV meme-story

This is my in-depth notes while watching the full length dfv meme video compilation by roaring pika this morning.
It’s an hour long and way easier to understand all together like this.
These notes come from watching every ppshow this week and taking my favorite bits of tinfoil from the community into one fairly simple look into the story dfv is telling us without getting too deep on possible tinfoil, it’s just laid out plain and simple here.
Tldr; this is a very long post. I think it starts with dfv’s final yolo update (fine I’ll do it myself) and what’s been going on since then, how he’s been feeling, and all the battles over the last couple years for the first 30 minutes of the memes.
Then in the last half it switches to: I’ll fuckin do it again and full of straight confirmation foil that we’ve been right about the bear trap, bbby, Teddy, and baby all along. Then he says we’re all good, be zen and says goodbye for now.
Here goes:
Fine I’ll do it myself, Cat heartbeat, Wolverine mad. (I think this marks his Final yolo update and of course doubled as the hype to start this week off with a bang.)
I think the first half of the movies are all about the first squeeze and how he was both dfv and kitty, how they were talking trash about him, how we found out about the baskets “you move I move” the battle scenes were all about price action up and down, everything was green and red, and the running memes are about the stock running up and sad memes are when the stock goes down.
About 30 minutes in someone asks, “where you been”, he says “waiting”, what about getting caught? “All part of the plan.”
Then there’s usual suspects movie with the goofy meme “I’ll fuckin do it again”.
Jake texting Keith, hilarious (is this about our Jake2b and the story PP had about accidentally going to a gay bar around the first pulte event? So funny with the guy with 600 memes and basically joking that he became a full blown psycho with the memes.
Tell me where the freaks at - epic pump up music. (Psyched on us? Finding other freaks to vibe with.)
Guy looks out the window, then the Teddy in a chair (might have just been a response to Cramer being a smartass). Then Hank (Jim Carrey) starts to lose it as the stock price keeps going down, his alter ego comes out.
Truman show, he’s trying to escape, they say “he’ll turn back he’s too afraid”. They hit him with everything they’ve got but he knows it’s all fake. He says, “is that the best you can do??” (I think this is clearly about fake price movement, trying to keep us trapped in the illusion)
“Fury is a game where every boss fight feels like the final boss. They taunt you, they demand you get back in your prison cell, they pound you into a pulp and they even make you doubt the righteousness of your own quest towards freedom. But the soundtrack man, it keeps egging you on. To whoop some ass!” PP theme music drops. Holy shit.
(This one is obviously talking about us, I cried because I was so happy when I heard this one)
The Bullet one talking about time, cause and effect, “don’t try to understand it, just feel it”. “Instinct, got it.”
Morpheus teaching neo it’s all fake. Just before that scene he says, “you think that’s air you’re breathing?” … “Again!”
Alice says “But I don’t want to go among mad people.” The cat replies, “Most everyone’s mad here. You may have noticed I’m not all there myself.” Neo waking up again in the 4th movie.
Alice going down a rabbit hole into wonderland.. psychedelic music and dancing. (That’s us going down the rabbit hole thinking we’ve gone mad but loving every minute of it.)
Next scene guy running and falls over, music says “I lost myself.”
Shawshank, they find the tunnel he made. In 2021 Kitty escaped prison. All they found of him was some Reddit posts, tweets, and an old live stream. Investing is the study of pressure and time. That’s all it takes really, pressure and time. That and a keen goddamn activist.
A man will do anything to keep his mind busy in prison. Turns out kittys favorite activity was handing out memes, a handful at a time (the dirt for the tunnel and the tinfoil that’s helped us dig our way to freedom). Kitty did as he was told, buffed that financial education to a high mirror shine. (I think he’s been getting ready for something big and these memes are just a countdown.)
Bruce Willis. “No, THIS is the Kansas City shuffle.” (An advanced form of confidence trick where the mark is aware of being involved in a swindle and believes that he or she can outsmart the swindler; however, this is all part of the trick, and by attempting to retaliate, the mark unwittingly assists the con artist.) Hedge funds are the mark and dfv/rc are playing a con, the bear trap?
Pay attention to what I say, I choose my words carefully and I never repeat myself. The cat looks at the camera.
Michael from the office - It’s Britney bitch. And I am back. Cut to Britney Spears - I must confess I still believe. When I’m not with you I lose my mind. Give me a sign (like how we’re always asking for a sign?? (with the alien g from signs all red like a gme logo giving birth). Hit me BABY one more time!
Goosebumps all the papers fly out of the briefcase right when we get like 200 new dockets clawing back money from 90 days before bbby bk. Bear beware… you’re in for a scare…
Then it’s Abbi from Broad city dancing all over the place and she’s obsessed with bed bath and beyond in the show. There’s also the scene where the other girl is dancing behind a colored blanket with the same logo as HBC and then the next scene she’s tied up. Then they’re dancing again.. and naked then then only in shorts. Naked shorts?
We’ll never survive unless we’re a little crazy. The modern investor unleashes the animal within to take on the big city - that’s gotta be us apes?
What kind of person are you? The kind that sees signs, sees miracles? Or do you believe that people just get lucky? Is it possible that there are no coincidences? The kid holds up a baby monitor. They find a crop circle and it’s two GameStop logos turned in different directions (maybe rc turned GameStop around) and then another one with a long line and a baby gme logo (is gme about to have a baby?!)
Why make something disposable like an investment thesis when you can make something that lasts forever, like a GameStop meme? (It says “Reality” at the bottom of this clip, lol)
Jack Nicholson in the shining (music playing it’s just a matter of time before I lose my mind it’s also a place in ready player one where they have to take the leap not taken, the leap of faith, a kiss). “Make a lot of memes today?” Lol
Can’t stop what’s coming. Kicks some ass.
I got both hands off the wheel, the cops are coming. I listen to the music with no fear, you can hear it too if you’re sincere. Cuz I’m a punk rocker yes I am. (song: punkrocker by the teddybears)
Rock ain’t about doing things prefect! Who can tell me what it’s really about? Sticking it to the man! If you wanna rock, you gotta break the rules.
Two cars racing, one plays chicken with a truck and then cut to bojack horseman talking on stage right before they almost crash (stalking horse? Looks just like he horse from 1, 2 switch that GameStop tweeted the minute the stalking horse deadline was up.)
Now you may only see a pile of boring forms and numbers, but I see a story (us going through the dd and maybe holly etlin talking about there’s a story here but it’s not mine to tell)
Listen to this song, it’ll change your life.
(Song is don’t fear the reaper - so don’t be afraid of death, funny because of the cowbell, maybe cowbell is involved in the tinfoil but at the end of the song lyrics not shown in the clip they say: don't be afraid, Come on, baby (and she had no fear) And she ran to him (then they started to fly) They looked backward and said goodbye)
Big Lebowski dude is investigating and finds the drawing of Jackie tree horn and it’s just a guy with a raging erection with the name cohen at the top of the paper. (I think this means rc is ready to fuck)
Jason borne is telling the run Lola run chick he can’t run with her, he has to be careful because people are after him. He says I gotta figure it out. She says well then figure it out. They drive into a parking garage through the wrong way (where it should say exit it says exit strategy and he enters through the exit, parks and walks away, as in “what’s an exit strategy”)
Then it looks like maybe him and rc just waiting and dealing with some bs.
Then there’s the Backstage roaring cat perhaps. The girl says ima stick beside him.
Not sure about everyone shooting each other but someone said maybe because he wrote it and manifested it?
Then the dress one “this is art, get it?” Was apparently two minutes after hey Ross and some others were talking about that dress on a space call.
I’m a United States gamestop memer. Aren’t those the guys that go crazy and come back with an arsenal of memes and blast everybody? Sometimes. Price action keeps coming and coming… and then it’s GameStop earnings week! (6/5 aftermarket)
Always sunny scene maybe like a peek into how crazy he’s been feeling not being able to talk to anyone for three years?
He can’t speak or he’ll get in trouble.
Alladin scene (alladin name of trading algo. He also says next time I’ll use a nom de plume - pen name) all I gotta do is jump! (The theme of taking a leap of faith again)
Dreyfus billionaire family (no idea but she’s dancing having a great time)
You can’t handle the truth (code red has to do with a worm/virus, maybe they’re about to unleash something that destroys several companies that are short? And it’s pretty funny)
Beavis and butthead sex for dummies (to me it says rc and dfv are ready to fuck but also cex means centralized exchanges which are also for dummies)
Oceans 11, (theme is a heist. We’re all looking at each other like what’s about to happen and then the last guy is just looking at boobs, seems to describe a group like us lol)
Bernard from westworld can’t see the bear thesis (because in the movie he’s programmed not to but irl it’s because there isn’t a thesis!)
“That’s not a thesis,” pulls out huge knife, “that’s a thesis.”
The gme galaxy on the cat collar says deepfuckingvalue so I think he’s saying it’s still deep value and we often made memes about the black hole of gme absorbing the rest of the market into it so maybe that’s it.
Whats in the box? What’s in the box??? (What’s the plan??? RC not telegraphing his plans)
Guy looks at all the memes - she asks “is it not good?” “It is miraculous.” (That’s us loving every second of this. Thank you dfv.)
And so.. you just RAN. Forest gump runnin’ (gme gonna just keep runnin’)
you go backwards but then you go forwards again… you go backwards… then he walks out of the woods.. (are we out of the woods now? Done going backwards?)
We’ll see. The Zen philosophy story - kid breaks leg, oh that’s bad, can’t go to war, oh now it’s good etc - (I think he’s saying to be zen, we’re gonna win, but this message goes deeper:
We don’t always know what is good or bad. Breaking your leg isn’t good or bad, those are just judgements in our mind. We don’t know what the future holds. Almost anything can be a good thing or a bad thing, all we can do is accept life and how things play out without judgement.)
We’ll see.
Then the boy is saying bye to ET, the music says I’ve really enjoyed my stay, but I must be movin on. (DFV going silent again until this all plays out.)
He’s saying “we fuckin won fellas! Be zen, and we’ll see this all play out soon enough.”
I think the heavy use of good movies and music and video games may also be hinting at gamestops nft marketplace May reopen to sell those 3 things as NFTs by partnering with blockbuster and some musicians.
LFG 🚀 I’ll see you regards on the moon.
submitted by saltyblueberry25 to Teddy [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:32 kvpop Ebay seller (Please Rewind) $12 off $60+

This seller has a lot of 4K steelbooks (and non 4K movies) in stock (
Links courtesy of psychobabbler27 from previous post:
Please Rewind Store
Some Highlights (Prices before discount)
$15.50 sale:
The Muppets Take Manhattan 4K
Adaptation 4K
Bad Boys For Life 4K
Labyrinth 4K
Dark Crystal 4K
I Still Know What You Did Last Summer 4K
Once Upon A Time in Hollywood 4K
Hook 4K
The Way We Were 4K
Bullet Train 4K
65 4K
The Woman King 4K
Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile 4K
Groundhog Day 4K Steelbook - $17.55
Fright Night 4K Steelbook- $19.49
Black Hawk Down 4K Steelbook - $22.99 (new w/ Dolby Vision)
The Guns of the Navarone 4K Steelbook - $22.99
Godzilla (1998) 25th Anniversary 4K Steelbook - $22.99
Spider-Man No Way Home 4K Steelbook - $22.99
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse 4K Steelbook - $30.79 (former BB Exclusive / Out of Print)
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 4K Steelbook - $19.49
Air Force One 4K Steelbook - $19.49
Insidious 4K Steelbook - $22.99
Sicario: Day of the Soldado 4K Steelbook - $21.44
Matilda 4K Steelbook - $22.99
The Last Dragon 4K Steelbook - $25.29
Ghostbusters 2-Film 4K Collection - $33.00
Zombieland 4K Steelbook - $19.49
Zombieland: Double Tap 4K Steelbook - $19.49
Bram Stoker's Dracula 4K Steelbook - $23.39
Gattaca 4K Steelbook - $21.44
The Raid: Redemption 4K Steelbook - $27.59
Paprika 4K Steelbook - $27.59
You can also use this coupon multiple times; just limit each order to around $60 (so around 3 or 4 items). Was able to pick up 4K steelbooks for around $16 + tax each
submitted by kvpop to 4KBlurayDeals [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:18 ryley_robinsonnn What I have and what I need.

What I have and what I need. submitted by ryley_robinsonnn to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:46 C0smicoccurence The Bullet Swallower review (for my ‘Published in 2024’ Bingo Card)

The Bullet Swallower review (for my ‘Published in 2024’ Bingo Card)
After feeling very out of the loop for the last few years on most of the books that got nominated for awards, I have decided that 2024 is my year of reading stuff being currently published. While I will no doubt get sidetracked by shiny baubles from the past, I am going to be completing a bingo card with books solely written in 2024.
The Bullet Swallower caught my eye because I’ve been looking to get more into Fantasy Westerns (American Hippo and Make Me No Grave have both caught my eye), and this book not only dovetailed nicely with my plans to read new releases, but also looked like just the type of story I’d enjoy.
This book is good for readers who like morally grey characters, family sagas, characters across decades, heaps of bravado, magical realism
Elevator Pitch: The Bullet Swallower primarily follows the bandit Antonio Sonoro, the descendent of a long line of tyrants and despots. He’s chasing after the score to end all scores, but quickly ends up trapped in a cycle of survival, hunting, and being hunted. Seventy years later, Jaime Sonoro, a movie star, is gifted a book chronicling his family’s cruel history. And lingering it all is Remedio, a being who knows the men are damned, and can do nothing to escape the twisted fate of the Sonoros.
What Worked for Me
I thought that this book was extraordinarily successful in blending elements of Magical Realism with Westerns. It definitely leans more into the Western side of things, with big swaths of the story having almost no fantastic events at all. But it never vanishes entirely, and Remedio’s presence lingers over the story like a shadow. Even the focus on telling the story of a family over generations calls back to books like One Hundred Years of Solitude.
It helps that the writing in this book is a tremendous plus. It finds a nice balance between brutally readable and waxing poetic. It was simple enough prose for me to follow along with the audiobook (the narrator did an excellent job) but had enough skill to build a really engaging portrait of two fascinating men. The Sonoro family really captured my attention. The author didn’t shy away from the brutality of life on the run. While there were moments of what one might expect following a bandit, there were also many that involved days of trudging through the drought-stricken countryside of Mexico and Texas, or grappling with the life left behind.
I also really appreciated that this book centered the dynamics between Mexican citizens and Americans (especially law enforcement), including how that line gets blurrier and blurrier the more often Texas territory changed hands. It really succeeded as a historical fantasy novel in that respect as well, and isn’t something I’ve seen from my (admittedly quite limited) exposure to westerns.
What Didn’t Work for Me
This was less a downside for me, but more an acknowledgement that for some, the lead bandit of the story is not going to be a fun character to read. He’s not particularly nice. And even if he is often acting out of a desire for revenge, or due to being framed for crimes he doesn’t actually commit, he’s not particularly ‘likable’ and isn’t someone you’d likely want to spend much time with in real life. He is still a bandit after all.
TL:DR: The Bullet Swallower is a great read for those who think a magical realism book about a bandit sounds like a good time.
Bingo Squares: Criminals (HM), Bards, Multi-POV, Author of Color, Set in a Small Town (HM). I’ll be honest it’s been a few days and I can’t recall if the book featured dreams.
I plan on using this for Criminals, I think.
Previous Reviews for this Card
Welcome to Forever - a psychedelic roller coaster of edited and fragmented memories of a dead ex-husband
Infinity Alchemist - a dark academia/romantasy hybrid with refreshing depictions of various queer identities
Someone You Can Build a Nest In - a cozy/horroromantasy mashup about a shapeshifting monster surviving being hunted and navigating first love
Cascade Failure - a firefly-esque space adventure with a focus on character relationships and found family
The Fox Wife - a quiet and reflective historical fantasy involving a fox trickster and an investigator in early-1900s China
Indian Burial Ground - a horror book focusing on Native American folklore and social issues
submitted by C0smicoccurence to Fantasy [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:13 Guilty_Intention1 1:1 Trade

1:1 Trade submitted by Guilty_Intention1 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:07 Dependent_Oil_4805 Eurovision 2023 and 2024 was rigged by the juries. The jury voting proves it.

Eurovision 2023 and 2024 was rigged by the juries. The jury voting proves it.
Were the 2023 and 2024 Eurovision Song Contest competitions fixed? I know that question is going to immediately cause people to think that I’m saying there was something illegal going on, and that is not what I’m saying. I’m not accusing anyone of anything illegal. The competitions in 2023 and 2024 were fixed in a way that was completely legal, and maybe not even in violation of Eurovision Song Contest rules. And that’s the problem. I’m going to explain how it was fixed, using a data-driven analysis, and I’m confident that after you finish reading this, you will be convinced as well.
Here, in a nutshell, is what happened. Several of the individual juries representing the different countries colluded with each other to award their 12 points to an agreed-upon performer. In 2023, it was Loreen, representing Sweden, and in 2024, it was Nemo, representing Switzerland. By doing so, the juries ensured that no matter what happened with the fans’ vote, it would be the juries’ votes that determined the winner of Eurovision. In order to know why the juries would have done this, it’s necessary to understand the changes to Eurovision voting rules that were implemented starting in 2016.
The voting rules have always been in a state of flux, but in 2016, there was a major change to the rules that completely altered the balance of power between the voting fans and the international juries. Prior to 2016, the points allocated by a country (From 12, to 10, and then down to 1) were based 50-50 on the juries’ votes, and that country’s popular votes.
That changed in 2016. Instead of each country getting one set of votes, they now got two. A country’s jury got to award its set of points (12, 10, 9, 8, etc) and the country’s fans go to award their own set using the same point formula.
Fan votes, across the different nations, tended to be more uniform than that of the judges. As a result, the fan vote had the effect of all but nullifying the votes of the juries. The fans had more voting power than they ever did in the history of Eurovision, and it very much affected the outcomes of these contests. The popular vote became much more important than the jury vote.. This can be seen in the results from 2016-2022.
Table 1
In four of the six contests between 2016 and 2022, the winner of the popular vote was the winner of the contest. Even in 2019, where the popular vote winner (Netherlands) didn’t win the contest, the contest winner owed its victory to scoring high in the popular vote rather than scoring high in the jury vote. And beginning in 2021, the gap between the choices of the fans and the juries began to widen. The voting power had shifted to the fans.
Table 2
In short, the juries had lost control. Not only did they no longer have the power to select the Eurovision winner, but their power to influence the outcome was waning. The 2022 contest was a particularly watershed moment. Many people believed that the fan vote for Ukraine, which resulted in Ukraine’s victory, was a “gesture of support” for Ukraine, which had recently been invaded by Russia, and not necessarily based on the quality of the performance by Ukraine’s entry that year. The juries saw this outcome and felt that this was a perfect example of how the fans should not be given so much power to determine the winner of the contest.
But how could the juries re-establish their power without a major change to Eurovision voting rules? By doing, consciously, what the fans were doing unconsciously: voting in a block. The reason why the fans vote was affecting the outcome more than the jury vote was because the fans’ votes tended to be more concentrated than the jury’s votes, which was more widely dispersed among the participating countries. When this kind of voting pattern occurs, the voting block that concentrates their votes has more voting power. This can be illustrated in the following example.
Suppose you have a group of 16 people composed of 8 men, and 8 women, and the task is to vote on what to order for lunch. Suppose further than each of the 8 men votes for a different thing to order for lunch (burger, hot dog, pizza, chicken, salad, sandwich). Suppose the 8 women, before voting, caucus amongst themselves and decide as a group what to order (pasta) and then vote accordingly. The result is that the womens’ choice wins.
This, on a larger scale, was what was happening from 2016-2022. The juries were like the men, individually voting for what they each wanted, while the fan vote was more like the women, voting in a block. We can see this pattern starting to emerge in the voting results in 2016, when we look at the point totals of the top 5 vote-getters of both the jury vote, and the fan vote. Notice the high delta between the point totals of the top five fan vote-getters, and the top five jury vote getters
Table 3
In other words, the fans’ votes tended to be much more concentrated in their top five than were the votes of the juries. The result was that the top fan choices were receiving more votes than the top jury choices.
And this trend continued, (with the exception of one outlier year, 2017, in which Portugal was the top vote-getter of both the fan vote and the jury vote) in favor of the fan votes, particularly with regard to the top vote-getters, hitting a crescendo in 2022, when Ukraine, the fan vote winner, received 156 more fan votes than jury points received by U.K, the top jury-vote winner.
Table 4
If 2016-2021 revealed that the power of the juries was waning, 2022 showed that it was possible for the jury votes to become completely irrelevant.
For the juries to re-assert their power, they were going to have to start voting in blocks that were equal or larger than the naturally occurring voting blocks seen in fan votes.
Here, I must point out that I have no direct personal knowledge of any collusion by the Eurovision juries in 2023 and 2024. But just like a forensic medical examiner doesn’t need to have witnessed a shooting to know that the bullet-riddled corpse on his examination table was shot to death, a forensic examination of the voting results of 2023 and 2024 leaves little room for doubt that there was collusion amongst the juries.
The forensic analysis begins with a look at the following statistic for the years 2016-2022: What was the top number of “12 point jury votes” that a team received in each of the contest years. The significance of this statistic will become evident once we compare these statistics to 2023 and 2024.
Table 5
It should be noted that 2017 was very much an outlier year. Portugal easily won both the fan and the jury vote. Most years do not feature a contestant that is so overwhelmingly the top choice of both the juries and the fans. Taking 2017 as an outlier year, the typical top jury vote getter received between 8 and 11 sets of “12 point votes” from the juries.
Now let’s compare that with 2023 and 2024
Table 6
Throwing out the anomalous results of 2017 in which there was a “consensus contestant”, the comparison between before and after 2022 (When Ukraine won the contest by winning the popular vote by a margin that made jury votes completely irrelevant) is stark.
This contrast can be seen in another statistic, the jury point totals by the top jury vote-getters. Compare the number for 2016-2022, with those of 2023 and 2024
Table 7
As these point totals demonstrate, in 2022 and 2023, the voting by the juries for the top spot was much more homogeneous than in past years. But does this prove collusion by the juries? The obvious rejoinder is that musical and aesthetic preferences are highly subjective, and the fact that the individual juries ended up voting more uniformly in 2023 and 2024 than they have in the past is not proof of collusion. But it is the more likely explanation given that neither 2023 nor 2024 featured a contestant like Salvador Sobral of Portugal in 2017 who was recognized overwhelmingly by jury members and fans alike as the best contestant. If Loreen in 2023 and Nemo in 2024 were such superior contestants, one would have expected them to fare better with the fan vote. Instead, both Loreen and Nemo placed a distant fourth with the fans. Moreover, the subjectivity of musical and aesthetic preferences suggests that there should be more disparity among top choices by the juries, not less.
So we are left with two explanations for the jury voting in 2023 and 2024. The first explanation is that there was no collusion, and that 15 of the 37 juries in 2023 (40.5%) and 22 of the 37 juries in 2024 (59.5%) just happened to settle on Loreen and Nemo, respectively, as the best contestants of those years, while the greatness of these contestants, at least in 2024, was completely lost on the fans, who found four contestants who they believed were better. The number of fan juries who selected Loreen as the top contestant in 2023 was zero. The number of fan juries who selected Nemo as the top contestant in 2024 was 1.
The second explanation is that several juries decided to collude with each other to award victory to a pre-selected contestant. The juries had been seeing their influence over Eurovision wane to the point where, in 2022, the jury votes were completely irrelevant. They juries also saw fans appearing to cast their votes in 2022 as a statement of support for recently invaded Ukraine, rather than voting based on the contestants’ performances. Accordingly, several of the juries decided that voting as a block was the only way to continue to have a voice in the selection of the Eurovision winner, and thus preserve Eurovision as a singing competition rather than as a forum for making geopolitical statements.
Obviously, I see the second explanation as the much more likely explanation, or else I would not be bothering to write this article. I would be inclined to think differently if the voting patterns of the juries in 2023 and 2024 had been more consistent with prior voting patterns by the judges. I would have been inclined to think differently if the jury votes in 2023 and 2024 had gone to a contestant who had similarly broad appeal with the fans, as Portugal’s Salvador Sobral in 2017. I would be inclined to think differently if there wasn’t such an obvious motivation for the judges to collude, based on years of diminishing jury influence that culminated in 2022 with the widest ever disparity between the popular vote point total and the jury’s point total. All of these factors point to collusion.
As I acknowledged at the beginning of this article, I am not certain that the collusion I am describing herein violates Eurovision rules. I am not familiar with how Eurovision rules address the conduct of members of juries, and frankly, it doesn’t matter to me. I don’t think such collusion should be permitted, and if the rules allow it, the rules should be changed. The voting should not be manipulated the way I believe it was in 2023 and 2024. If such manipulation continues, it is reasonable to believe that fans will lose interest in the Eurovision Song Contest. If the results of the 2022 contest revealed a flaw in the voting system that allowed fan votes to effectively marginalize the votes of the juries, the voting in 2023 and 2024 revealed a flaw in the opposite direction, allowing the jury votes to marginalize the fans. Clearly, Eurovisions voting rules need to be revamped not just to prevent collusion, but to strike a greater balance between the weighting of the fans’ votes with that of the juries.
submitted by Dependent_Oil_4805 to eurovisionMusic [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:58 FabulousAd5984 Redditors have no sense of humor apparently

Redditors have no sense of humor apparently submitted by FabulousAd5984 to dndmemes [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:14 BuckmanBuddy 1:1

1:1 submitted by BuckmanBuddy to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 13:34 DallasORL Own The Stage for The Fame

Own The Stage for The Fame submitted by DallasORL to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 11:36 Nickr2609 1:1

1:1 submitted by Nickr2609 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 11:08 Wrong-Study9775 Looking for 5⭐️ trades

Looking for 5⭐️ trades submitted by Wrong-Study9775 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 08:50 44faced Maria Rago's "Images_" featuring Laura Gómez is a compelling piece of classical contemporary music, characterized by its melancholic mood and intense emotional depth

Maria Rago - Images_ with Laura Gómez, soprano
Maria Rago's "Images_" featuring Laura Gómez is a compelling piece of classical contemporary music, characterized by its melancholic mood and intense emotional depth. The Italian pianist and composer, now residing in Illinois, USA, skillfully weaves her rich cultural influences and profound emotional experiences into every note. Rago's evocative compositions have earned her international acclaim, including numerous awards and performances at prestigious festivals and theaters worldwide.
About the Composer, Maria Rago: A curious and compassionate listener is what best describes Italian pianist and composer Maria Rago. Born in Sicily, though now residing in Illinois, USA, she has used her new environment to build her music career. Despite her late coming to the music world, she has utilized how to express her emotions through her music, which has led to her works being performed worldwide. She began playing the piano at the age of 24 and studied with Lea Cumbo at the Istituto Superiore di Studi Musicali V. Bellini di Caltanissetta (Italy), where she graduated and continued with her studies with Eliodoro Sollima. She studied her composition at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et Danse in Lyon, France with Philippe Schoeller. Her love for arts is limited to music composing and photography, travel, black and white movies. Alongside her studies, she rapaciously soaked up influences from across the arts: not just musically from J.S. Bach, Igor Stravinsky, Arvö Part and Frank Zappa, but paintings of Caravaggio and Picasso and the literary works of Dostoyevsky, Strindberg and Beckett.
She continues to write and perform music that seeks to challenge, soothe, and stimulate her audience's senses, which has granted her the opportunity to perform in festivals and theaters throughout Europe and the USA. Her works have earned various nominations and won numerous awards, including the Global Music Awards Honors (bronze medal) Recently she won, with the American-Brazilian director Rafael Fernanz, the award for Best video “Voice surrounding the city” and Best music at Christian Film Festival 2018 (Newport News USA) and the award for Best Music at The American Tracks Music Award International Contest 2018 (Los Angeles, USA). Additionally, she won Best Music at Aphrodite Film Festival (New York, USA) and the Best Music Award at Lady Filmmakers Festival (Beverly Hills, USA) 2nd place at Paris Play International Film Festival (Paris,France). Award for Best Music at X World Short Film Festival (Las Vegas, USA) and Anabelle Munro’s Most Important Films ( Las Vegas, USA). Honorable Mention, Tokyo International Film Festival. 2nd place at The Artists Forum International Music Competition (New York, USA).
Stream Maria Rago - "Images_" with Laura Gómez, soprano on SoundCloud:
Follow Maria Rago:
submitted by 44faced to shareyourmusic [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 08:20 theconstellinguist Envy and Help Giving
Crossposting audience: The bad news is there does not seem to be a cure for envy. This is congruent with the recidivism statistics of maladapted/antisocial behavior in narcissists, without which narcissism and those with NPD would not be so socially undesirable. However, there are clear signs that the circuitry of envy is noticeably different than the circuitry of admiration, and that jealousy pathways are similar to addiction and expectation of reward pathways. A neuroeconomic analysis of "I won't win this one without illegal/unethical leveling" may be occurring in the envious, showing there may be insight that could resolve what has been until this point and unresolvable emotion full of frustration and pain at the perceived inferiority these individuals suffer. It is important to study and resolve this to help protect their victims from violence, psychological, and economic abuse, theft, hostage-taking of what is critical to the envied person, and unreasonable dislike that turns into hate crime on a whim. Victims deserve protection (the envious say the opposite) and so we research. Follow this subreddit for the first research-backed subreddit on envy.
Red alert: Just yesterday, Google Scholar posted the pdf link of this paper. In just 24 hours, it was removed and a $17.95 pay wall was established. This fits exactly the pattern of pretending to be on someone’s side (free and accessible research to increase general intelligence and comprehension) only to subtly undermine when envy grows too large and they are not on their side. It is a clear case and point and a disturbing sign that many of the envious are out of awareness of this or rather, out of control of their not doing it. You can see the pdf link on the part 1, and now, if you click it redirects to a paywall. That was in one day. That is extremely disturbing. That shows an intersection of inability to control, low self awareness, and envy. It shows the exact same undermining behavior discussed in the research. We are providing a ResearchGate link instead, kindly provided in its draft form to evade just this kind of behavior, and suggests that all researchers do this as a back up if this kind of horrifying behavior continues.
Envious individuals prefer to give people help that keeps them dependent; doesn’t really explain what was required to get somewhere where they need to go, or requires giving their power away completely and consistently often with a feature of humiliation.
Other work by Fischer, Kastenmüller, Frey, and Peus (2009) also implies that upward (vs. downward) social comparisons are associated with envy and with lower transmission rates of high-quality information, that is, information that stems from an expert. Extending this notion, we propose that to the extent that the superior envied peer instigates malicious motivations, envious individuals are likely to prefer providing the superior peer with dependent rather than autonomous help.
Rancor and hatred are associated with the experience of envy
component of envy – namely, the feeling envy and additional negative feelings (e.g.,
“Rancor,” “Hatred”), and as such somewhat relates to the malicious form of envy
An example of Terry was given, where Terry was struggling to see how something was done. He had the option to see how it was solved, or to simply solve it without showing him.
“Then participants read their agreement with six items which measured the type of help they were willing to provide to their peer (Based on Bamgerber, Geller & Doveh, 2017). Three items measured their willingness to provide autonomous help (a = .930) (“When helping Terry with a work-related problem, I will solve it for him and try to show how I solved it so that he will be able to learn from my experience”) and three items measured their willingness to provide dependent help (a = .92, e.g. “When helping Terry with a work-related problem, that I am more knowledgeable about than him, I will solve it for him, without showing how I solved it.”)
Envy induction triggered malicious rather than benign motivation
This suggests that our envy induction primarily triggered malicious, rather than benign motivation.
An odd situation is found where when someone is good they don’t get help. Envy is the way to explain this, in the malicious instantiation.
Envy triggers malicious motivations, reduces individuals’ general willingness to helping their outdoing peers
The envious empirically showed malicious motivation towards those that outperformed them.
Moreover, we found that people are less willing to provide superior others with autonomous help, and that this effect also derives from relatively greater malicious motivations toward the superior other.
Spending less time with someone who requests an explanation can be a way to discreetly harm
Note that this can serve as an additional measure of covert harming because individuals may explicitly agree to help their maliciously envied peers, but discreetly harm them by spending relatively less time on providing them with the required help.
People are less likely to help and provide autonomous help to superior envied peers
In study 2, we find further support for the notion that people are less willing to help, and provide autonomous help, to their superior envied peers, and that malicious motivations underlie these effects. Moreover, we extend our previous findings by also showing that when people have the opportunity to help multiple peers, they choose to allocate less relative time to helping envied peers, but only when these induce malicious motivations.
What looks like the untrained eye to be less neediness, when examined, shows they are actively trying to create a dependency out of malicious envy for the envied other.
This suggests that malicious motivations towards envied (vs. non-envied) peer, rather than their assumed less neediness, is indeed what is driving the observed effects.
Undermining tactics towards their outperforming peer was seen
Thus, participants seem to be opting to use implicit forms of undermining tactics towards their envied outperforming peers who trigger malicious motivations.
Feeling inferior showed that fear of loss of self-esteem was behind the malicious envy. Basically the envied person was felt to have more of a right to their self-esteem than they did (false comparison). If finances are tied up with feelings of self-esteem, this can easily be seen as an aggressive threat to them receiving the money they receive and triggering stereotypical greed protections.
Self-esteem concerns; in line with working suggesting that feelings of inferiority are related to painful envy emotion (Lange et. al, 2018, Leach 2008, Smith, Parrot, Ozer & Moniz, 1994) we measured self-esteem concerns by asking participants to rate their agreement with five items that we adopted from Heatherton & Policy’s (1991) state self-esteem scale (e.g. ‘I feel inferior to him/her at this moment’), I feel like I’m not doing well, a = .72
Benign envy still did not result in autonomous help. Literally no envy had to be present for autonomous help to be meted out.
Feelings of envy were associated with benign motivations however these benign motivations were not associating with providing autonomous help…strengthening our confidence that malicious, rather than benign motivations, underlie the decreased provision of autonomous (versus dependent) help, to envied versus non-envied peers in the present experiment.
Bluntly refusing to provide envied peers with help was an identified hurting behavior towards the envied
This is in line with our argument that people who have malicious motivations towards their envied peers, may not engage in overt hurting behaviors, such as bluntly refusing to provide these peers with help.
Dispositional envy is when someone feels envy in almost any scenario
Dispositional envy measures the general predisposition for someone to experience envy, such as such cognitions as, “No matter what I do, envy always plagues me.”
The more dependency was created, the less threatening competence was experienced in the envier, and the less they envied them. Essentially, trying to make them dependent was an attempt at relief from envy. This was done without regard to repercussions to other people when this dependency was created, all that was sought was individual relief from envy.
Furthermore, there was a negative association between the a-priori tendency to experience malicious envy and the likelihood of helping the peer, such that the greater the tendency to experience maliciou envy, the lower was the likelihood that participants would help the peer, (B = -0.22, Wald = 4.27, p = .039, OR = 0.80).
People who are more likely to experience malicious envy are less likely to help their peers.
In addition, the finding that people who are more prone to experience malicious envy are less likely to help their peers and to provide them with autonomous help, provides additional indication for the role of malicious motivations resulting from envy in the process (partially supported by H3).
When experience of envy evokes less malicious motivations, undermining behaviors are less likely to occur
Moreover, our findings suggest that when the experience of envy evokes less malicious motivations (e.g. when the envied advantage is deserved, or when the envious person is low in proneness to malicious envy), undermining behaviors are less likely to occur.
Malicious envy is extremely destructive. It is imperative to not underestimate the damage the maliciously envious can do when involved with high performers
Managers who design competitive award systems and teammates who outperform their peers may fail to anticipate envy and its malicious consequences.
Keeping high performing peers needy and reliant and then mocking them on that to feel better about themselves is a key sign of malicious envy.
“In general, we demonstrate that feelings of envy that prompt malicious motivation undermine the extent to which people provide their envied peers with help, especially with autonomous help. To conclude, people seem to sometimes fancy keeping their peers needy and reliant, specifically, when they maliciously envy them.”
submitted by theconstellinguist to envystudies [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 06:01 AutoModerator NEW OR NEED HELP? Ask here! - ScA Daily Help Thread May 18, 2024

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submitted by AutoModerator to SkincareAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 04:38 SubstantialNail6268 Lf the fame

Lf the fame submitted by SubstantialNail6268 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 04:20 Icy-Wrap-870 Have: Clean Win

Have: Clean Win submitted by Icy-Wrap-870 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]