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2024.06.02 05:41 Savvy_Biscuits I don’t know how to talk about being gay with my mom.

My mommy is a great woman. She loves me and says that she likes gay people... at least when I asked her directly. But she's also in her 60s and was raised in Jamaica, which is where pretty much the most homophobic country in North America. Anyway, just now a news anchor talked about the start of Pride Month, I got pretty excited. My older brother got excited too. But Mom... I dunno. I know that she's just a Boomer and I kinda have to manage my expectations, but...
I'm a firm supporter of the LGBTQ+ community, but... I don't think she feels the same? From my perspective, it feels like she's a bit indifferent about the whole thing. And I dunno. It kinda... makes me anxious. Am I being too forceful? Maybe I'm being too impatient. I think she might be a exasperated from being, like... pressured to show support for the LGBTQ+ community? I know both my parents feel a bit rushed about adjusting too the whole thing (they are immigrants), and might need a bit of space. What do you think?
Am I expecting too much "progress" too quick? Am I being meddlesome? I feel conflicted. I think I just privately want her to be as hyped about Pride and supporting the community as I am, but that might be a tad unrealistic.
submitted by Savvy_Biscuits to lgbt [link] [comments]


Human rights: Food for a vanishing thought ‘HR and the dying of democracy’

HRR 726

[TLDR (too long didn’t read): If you are reading this, chances are you care about HR. This Reader is about what neither the Left nor the Right are even close to solve when it comes to democracy. For a quick overview, just read the bolded text]. Traducitraduire los/les Readers; usautiliser deepl.com

--Times of war are the supreme test of democracy. When civilians and soldiers are killed and others are made captive, when millions of people live in terror and dread, when emotions run high and the blood boils --it is precisely at these times that democracy is tested. (Haaretz)
--As my occasionally quoted reader Alberto Portugheis facetiously said: “Democracy has never existed. Religions made sure of that”.

Only by reinterpreting the past can the present be explained

--Let us start here with Voltaire (1694-1778): "A well-organized country is one in which the minority makes the majority work, is fed by it, and governs it".
--The political Right in Europe and in Latin America (and elsewhere) share a common historical background: their contempt for democracy. (Marcos Roitman)

  1. The common thread between what was-the-Left and what continues-to-be-the-Right is that both bow to the infallibility of the market; undoubtedly, this only increases the apathy of citizens to participate in elections. It should not be a surprise to you that, ultimately, elections select members of the pre-existing (market-beneficiary) elites. Is, then, the slogan of ‘participatory democracy’ a pleonasm (use of more words than are necessary to convey meaning, either as a fault of style or for misguided emphasis), or an oxymoron (contradictio in terminis)? May well be the case. On the other end, there are those who, therefore, push the rationale for the practice of ‘direct democracy’.* These two versions of democracy leave us with the question: Is electoral abstention becoming the predominant form of expression of the majorities? It seems clear that, for many, the question is not ~who to vote-for, but why to vote.~
*: Many, in France, in Chile, in Tunisia, in Egypt, and in numerous other countries, advocated for the call of a bottom-up Constituent Assembly as the only way to (re)install the people, the citizens, at the center of power and of the decisions which concern them. (Louis Casado) This highlights the fact that, for an active democracy to work, claim holders must be the ones to formulate social strategies that are acceptable to them, as well as put forward strengthened policies that will effectively protect human rights (HR). These policies will further mandate defending ecological limits, as well as securing fairness and well-being for all --most critically giving a stronger role for women, minorities and trade unions.

Let us not confuse 'politics' with 'the political'; they are notions whose graphological proximity hides an enormous conceptual difference (Roberto Bruna Henríquez)

  1. Sovereignty, as an element of true democracy, no longer rests with the people but, as said, with the markets. It is the market that dictates political decisions and has managed to impose itself as a decision-maker over governments, parliaments and magistrates, all elected by supposedly popular vote. The technicalities of elections have been perfected over the centuries to ensure that the results of 'free elections' always correspond to the interests of those who organized them. [...the first duty of the prince is to remain a prince, Machiavelli said five hundred years ago. In other words: the first duty of power is to remain in power]. When it happens that, by an oversight or an unfortunate involuntary mistake, the results do not coincide with what was predisposed... there remains what Alejo Carpentier (Cuban novelist, 1904-1980) called ‘the recourse to the method: the coup d'état, the ~dictatorship, the military intervention…~**
**: Already in 1549, Étienne de la Boétie (French magistrate 1530-1563) wrote: "There are three kinds of tyrants. Some rule by election of the people, others by force of arms, the last by hereditary succession". Three centuries later Karl Marx decreed that bourgeois democracy is but a form of dictatorship. (L. Casado)

“The importance of electoral democracy is better appreciated when you have suffered a dictatorship...” OK, but:
· Who said that voting was an expression of democracy?
· What interest can be aroused by participation in elections whose objectives are so limited and so far removed from the issues of concern to the majority?
· If the right to vote was extended little by little over decades, was it not mainly because those who hold the handle of power realized that the miserable are easily influenced and their votes bought?

  1. Even if democracy is far more attractive than authoritarian/dictatorial regimes***, if the rules of the economy and of geopolitical power relations do not change, countries and peoples will continue to be oppressed and kept poor. No wonder that in many cases, people will try and seek refuge in right-wing populist parties that now promise order, stability and some sort of welfare. ~(Francine Mestrum)~
***: Beware: Many 'bourgeois democracies' of the North today consider a series of criminal regimes in the South as valid and legitimate. (Juan Pablo Cardenas)

Bottom line: Democracies are dying

  1. For democracy to work, let organized difference of opinion be expressed! But for that, one needs common points of references. It seems as if now, we are slowly entering a period in which words are totally dissociated from true intentions and that means, our democracies are dying. This reflects the fact that we have no common references anymore on which to have differences of opinion. However difficult to define, ‘truth’ and ‘facts’ in the-information-we-are-fed, are at the heart of democracy and our possibility of having different opinions, discussing them, and living together in peace has been too often shattered. Obviously, opinions are closely linked to power relations… (F. Mestrum)

Claudio Schuftan, Ho Chi Minh City
Your comments are welcome at [schuftan@gmail.com](mailto:schuftan@gmail.com)
All Readers are available at www.claudioschuftan.com

If you do not want to receive these Readers anymore, do send me a message with ‘unsubscribe’ in the subject line.

--Talking about the information we are being fed, it would probably be good to take another look at the failed idea of the 1970s and check what was said in 1980 about a New International Information Order, one that treats information as a key resource for building truths and trying to reach a new equilibrium with, as the Sean McBride (1904-1988) Report talked about “Many Voices, One World” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MacBride_report. Because of the controversy that surrounded the Report --and the withdrawal of support to it by the UNESCO leadership in the 1980s for the ideas it ventilated-- the Report went out of print and was difficult to obtain. A book on the history of the United States and UNESCO was even threatened with legal action and forced to include a disclaimer that UNESCO was in no way involved with it. The MacBride report was eventually reprinted in the US, and is now also freely available online. The report had strong international support. However, it was condemned by the US and the UK as an attack on the freedom of the press. (Federico Mayor Zaragoza)

submitted by cschuftan to HumanRightsDiscourse [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:11 SadREMemployee Open House Notes

Hi everyone,
On May 27th the union held an open house and invited all REM employees and many union members to join and discuss what happened, what's next and to answer questions first hand. These are some of the topics discussed.

The Decision and What to Do Next

(Click here to view the decision)
REM had enough signed cards to auto certify for unionization. The employees of REM were denied their right to representation because the LRB accepted REM's position that supervisors and car cab workers should be part of the collective agreement. The LRB denied that shop workers, office workers, drivers etc. should be part of the agreement.
This technicality voided the application. Unfortunately cards signed and votes taken could not be counted because of this, even if they pulled out supervisor and car cab votes and added them to mechanics and apprentices.
REM supervisors testified that they work in the field upwards of 4 days a week on the tools. We are all aware this is obviously untrue.
The union lawyer stated that he fully believes this decision to throw out the application would be overturned in court, however that would be a lengthy process (months to years). Local 82 and their legal representation believe that applying again with the new terms the LRB has set out for their application is the simplest and fastest way to proceed.
So the plan is simple. Local 82 will apply again with the terms the LRB has supplied. We know we had enough votes last time, and know we can do it again. We just need you to sign a card again and discuss with your co-workers what we can accomplish together.
If you believe that you have a right to better wages, benefits, pension, safety and more, the answer is simple. Stand together with your co-workers and work together to achieve something great.
United we bargain. Divided we beg.

Former Richmond Employees

Former Richmond/current union members spoke up, each and every one explaining how they cannot recommend joining the union enough.
Some of their statements were...
"I'm much happier"
"I wish I could have gone sooner."
"I went over as a first year apprentice 6 years ago and I have never made less than 150k a year here"
"The grass is definitely greener here."
"It was one of the best decisions I've ever made."
"The union feels more like a family than Richmond ever did."
These are people many of you have worked with before. They are respectable former REM employees.


The union presidents talked about giving REM 6 months to negotiate. During this period, all contracts must first be voted on BY US before being ratified and before paying dues. The decision whether to accept an offer from REM will solely rest on us.
If we do not come to an agreement and we do not believe REM is bargaining fairly, we will likely take a strike vote. During a strike, all members' jobs are protected by the Anti-Scab Legislation and REM can not fire us and replace us.
A union's real power resides in its ability to shut down the means of production. We are not contractually bound to the contracts; REM is.
Local 82 has shown great interest in striking with us if it came to that. Their members would still need to vote but everyone present at the meeting was in favor.
The question was raised if REM would fall under the same collective agreement that L82 has set out for other companies already.
The answer is that nobody can say anything for sure until bargaining begins, however union reps stated that their plan is to present their current agreement within 10 days of certification.
There is a large difference in the company composition of a large multinational company such as KONE compared to REM. It is quite possible that the first negotiation will be under a separate agreement with the aim for us to be bridged and caught up in time for the next negotiation (current contract expires Oct 2027).
However, the last time the IUEC certified a company as large as Richmond was Fujitec and they signed the current agreement at the time.
Union reps followed this with a statement explaining how their past bargaining is proof that they do right by their members. Each time they complete a bargaining agreement the increases they earn for their members are larger and larger, proof of this being in their last incredible agreement.

Supervisors in the Collective

Since supervisors have made the choice to testify that they are active mechanics working multiple days a week in the field, they will be part of the collective agreement. Should there be a strike, they must not cross the picket line. If they chose to do so would result in fines and possible expulsion from the collective. This would bar them from working for any IUEC union affiliated company in North America.

MIT's in Mechanic Positions

MIT's in service/maintenance or other departments that have their own routes and are not certified mechanics WILL be protected by the union in the current roles until they have achieved their ticket. You will NOT be removed from your position or have any other negative effects because you do not hold a ticket. You will not be replaced by a ticketed mechanic and your position is yours to keep, as it should be. You will be flagged in the union system until you complete your education and receive your TSBC accreditation.

Contact Info

If you have questions, concerns or anything that may have not been answered here in this subreddit, please reach out to Local 82 reps to ask your questions directly to them. Their phones are always on and their door is always open. They ask that you reach out to them through the phone, text, email or in person to discuss anything you like.
Blair Macmillan - 604-329-4832 - [bmacmillan@iuec.org](mailto:bmacmillan@iuec.org)
Tyler Dunlop - 604-968-3735 - [tdunlop@iueclocal82.com](mailto:tdunlop@iueclocal82.com)
Local 82 Union Hall - 2581 Shaughnessy St, Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 3C4 - 604-293-1281
submitted by SadREMemployee to REMunion [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:46 Pay_Greedy Please help me permanently and properly yet professionally sift between fact and Filipino Philippines island country located call center representative gaslighting attempts that I unfortunately all too used to in general before Verizon at all!, regarding my newly approved financing allowance & accnt

The personal postpaid wireless sales representative yesterday from the Philippines was trying to tell me that the black paneled special edition Spiderman 2 disc Version is completely out of stock and "that literally everyone but than I told was already checking the officially already checking the official Verizon website and that I immediately discovered that it's very much available and in stock and challenged her in general by asking that if it's out of stock than why is the Verizon website clearly indicating that it's more than adequately and plentifully in stock and a available and just like regarding the immediately previous conversation about special edition bundles of the Nintendo switch oled I received similar suspicious responses because she immediately started to repetitively respond by trying to justify her claim about the Spiderman special edition Playstation 5 by saying that "it's because it's no available in any Verizon related storefront throughout your native country that is the United States of America so something really isn't adding up and I am extremely suspicious of being gaslit by these offshore island country call center community people just to scam me and fuck me over in order to very dishonestly make quick cash and I never respond well to gaslighters because gaslighting people usually end up being nightmarishly punished each time I'm done dealing with them even after I not communicating with them they still then end up suffering for their dishonest gaslighting attempts because my private network of global connections ever growingly vast, wide and heavily laden with massive clout possessing influential people.
Than the lady rep from 3rd world island pacific coast land tried to claim that I am not allowed to use my newly approved financing allowance for any gaming hardware, gaming titles excetera because Verizon so she claims categories gaming home and mobile game consoles and related products as accessories!
Please help me gain permanently accurate clarity because this transition away from t-mobile is already starting to smell and seem extremely dishonestly fishy!
submitted by Pay_Greedy to verizon [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:46 im_the_biggest_brain You won a gift card to Rizz Café!

Congratulations! You won a $10 e-gift card to Rizz Café!!! This gift card is only redeemable if the recipient agrees to have their rights abdicated and their limbs sold for profit, which shall be transferred directly to the proprietors of Rizz Café, LLC. Rizz Café is a subsidary of Skibidi Gyatt Companies Inc. and is not a physical location but rather a business franchise front under Mewing-Streak Industries, a not-for-profit company conglomerate which specializes in the sale, trade, and purchase of physical human organs or, if extremities (i.e. hands, feet), photographic xeroxes of such for profit. All recipients of electronic gift certificates have been selected due to location in tandem with physically appealing feet or hands. Geographic location may be a limiting factor to recipients who reside in countries outside of the United States, Canada, or Mexico, as Mewing-Streak Industries is based in North America. To unsubscribe from this mailing list, and THEREBY MISSING OUT ON A $10 E-GIFT CARD TO RIZZ CAFÉ, text "STOP DADDY" to this number.
Mobile fees or data charges may occur.
submitted by im_the_biggest_brain to copypasta [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:38 Sudden-Campaign-7688 Questions about Kleinanzeigan - for anyone who has sent message through the website on a desktop.

I noticed that the site requires SMS verification when using the write-a-message feature on the website to contact a seller. Is SMS verification required each time a seller is contacted, or is it a one-and-done verification for sending messages through the site? I'm using it on a desktop browser.
I'm asking because I have a temporary SMS inbox and wanted to send a message to a seller about potentially shipping to America. He gives the option to buy directly through the site. Has anyone ever bought directly from Kleinanzeigan without contacting a seller first and had them ship to a country outside Europe? (I'm registered on the site and was wondering if anyone has ever done that without contacting a seller. Lol.)
If he agrees to the sale, will Kleinanzeigan allow me to purchase the item from him given that I have an American address? Would it invalidate the buyer protection through the website?
Thanks for taking the time to read my questions. :)
submitted by Sudden-Campaign-7688 to germany [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:35 Lonely_Examination92 Bagorah/Korghan Retold oc

Bagorah/Korghan Retold oc
Family: Titanus Chiroptera
Name: Bagorah and Korghan, Lord of Bats (Bagorah) and Lady of Night (Korghan)
Species: Super Fauna
Height: 239.6 feet/73 meters (Bagorah), 200.2 feet/61 meters (Korghan)
Length: 918.8 feet/280 meters (Bagorah), 459.4 feet/140 meters (Korghan)
Wingspan: 1377.11 feet/420 meters (Bagorah), 1148.4 feet/350 meters (Korghan)
Weight: 49,000 tons (Bagorah), 34,000 tons (Korghan)
Class: Alpha-Omega (Bagorah), Alpha (Korghan)
Aggression: Very high (Bagorah), Medium (Korghan)
Territory: mainly mountainous region of Skull Island Minor’s interior, but will occasionally roost in the mountains of Skull Island Major during the harsh dry seasons that hit the island chain from time to time
Rivals: Showa Godzilla, Millennium Godzilla, Gorgo, Anguirus, Mothra, Rodan, Gamera and Leora
Allies: each other, most amoeba-mutated Titans, Battra, Sasori, Yog and Hitodah
Main weapon: concentrated blasts of sonic waves capable of rendering concrete to dust and flesh to paste if strong enough
•though much attention and research has been devoted to the Titans and their sometimes climactic appearances and struggles with one another, the creatures that followed them into the limelight, nicknamed Mega Fauna, were just as important due to their crucial impact on the global ecosystem. Many have feared that the introduction of so many new species could irreversibly damage the stability of the environment and send it into a downward spiral if left alone, and have so called for a systematic extermination of the Mega Fauna on the surface. Just as many have decried such notions as fear mongering, however, and instead suggest introducing measures to naturally curb and control the population growth of the newly discovered creatures; the bats that would become Bagorah and Korghan were to be one such attempted measure of control. Created by the biologist Zaphen Crumwell, these new bats were to act as a sort of microbat for regions dominated by the Mega Fauna and the plants and fruits that have followed in their wake. In particular, they were to feed on the invertebrates and fruit that were growing in abundance in tropical regions of the world; as such, they were spliced with hammerhead bat, common and white-winged vampire bat, little brown bat, and large flying fox to give them both a sufficient size and a wide range of diet that was to ensure that they wouldn’t starve during early lean years. A mating pair was thus created to study their affects in a controlled environment and see how well they adapt to their environment and how they would cope with the pressures they might face. Unfortunately, the secure research facility that they were contained in was attacked and destroyed by an unknown party, releasing the one entity most feared by the staff: the Yog. When the Yog searched for a suitable host, it found the pair instead. With no other option, the Yog infected the two despite their screeches playing havoc on him. As they mutated and grew in stature, Yog mutated and grew a certain immunity to sonic waves up to a point. After they finished growing, the two new Titans were ravenous, so Yog commanded them to devour nine entire costal villages before raiding a nuclear plant in the dead of night so that they had enough energy for the long voyage. After roosting in an isolated cavern nearby, Bagorah and Korghan then proceeded to make a journey across the North Atlantic Ocean, attacking and sinking ships of all sizes along the way. As the US Navy scrambled to search for the cause of so many sinking vessels, Bagorah and Korghan land in Miami, Florida and go on a devastating rampage that levels multiple areas of the city and kill many people. Under the directions of Yog, Bagorah and Korghan move towards the largest concentration of animal life that was closest to their position: Greater Miami Zoo. Once there, they proceed to infect as many animals as they could, creating an army of Super Fauna under the control of the Space Amoeba. Once this was completed, they then went on the march, following the coast and moving towards South America and the amazon rainforest, on of the largest and richest ecosystems in the world. Fortunately for mankind, this doomsday army was halted at the city of Galveston by a coalition of Titans led by Showa Godzilla and Gorgo. While the other amoeba-controlled mutants were bogged down by the other Titans, Bagorah and Korghan fought the Gojiras and Gorgo directly. The fight was long and brutal, both sides dealing harsh blows that knocked any unwary mutant that strayed too close unconscious. When Gorgo was isolated and pinned down, Bagorah and Korghan feasted on his blood, unable to resist their primal instincts anymore. The intake of DNA caused Yog to experience a sudden, uncontrollable series of mutations that left both mutant Titans paralyzed. All the sudden, every piece of the Space Amoeba left the bodies of every single mutant Titan present and converged upon the two pieces that were formerly within Bagorah and Korghan, taking the form that Yog keeps to this day. Resuming his own battle, Yog viciously fought with the trio while the two bat Titans watched on from their perches on a couple of skyscrapers. Though now free from Yog’s direct influence, they still felt a kinship with him and were conflicted over whether or not they should flee the scene to lick their wounds. By the time Yog had been defeated and sent scurrying into the hollow earth, however, Bagorah and Korghan had long since fled back across the ocean and further east, never truly stopping until they reached their current location. Bagorah and his mate rarely leave their location, only doing so when summoned by either Battra or Yog or when they seek larger prey beyond their island.
•of the two, Bagorah is by far more aggressive and hotheaded than Korghan, preferring to get into the thick of it and crack some skulls open and use brute force to solve any issues. Korghan, on the other hand, is more level headed and prefers to either outthink her opponent or use diplomacy to avoid conflict outright; caution should still be taken, however, for she’s just as dangerous as her mate, with faster attacks and movements due to her smaller size and lighter build. Amongst their allies in Battra’s alliance, some would be shocked to learn that they are the most consistent and reliable heavy hitters of them all when it has the likes of Kumonga, Tlanusi and Sasori. In practice, however, things are much different: Kumonga is usually too indifferent to the plight of nature, Tlanusi is usually deep asleep and unable to be roused by anyone, and Sasori is too much of a wild card to be relied upon for any period of time. Once Bagorah and Korghan are committed to a task or goal, however, they will stick to it to the bitter end, no matter how long it takes. This, combined with their desire to actually support and sustain the world’s ecosystem, makes them consistent and reliable allies for Battra to call upon any time he needs to. The only thing that somewhat sours their relationship with each other is Bagorah and Korghan’s ravenous appetite that repeatedly see them get into conflict with Titans on the other islands when chasing down larger prey. This, combined with their habit to periodically deplete their island of large prey, has caused them to be a lesser thorn in the sides of Battra and Monarch, who seek to maintain a stable population of Mega Fauna on the Skull Island chain.
•of the two, Bagorah is the most likely of the two to leave the island and wonder around the world to explore, his sense of curiosity driving him to seek new things to discover and map out. Such curiosity has often led him to get into all sorts of trouble, which usually involves him brawling with other Titans when he unintentionally enters their territory. He’s seen the most fights with Venria, Zeus and Tiamat, since Bagorah has an undying hatred for those who have such an insufferable and arrogant personality and abrasive attitude. It has gotten to the point that Bagorah seems to go out of his way to goad them into a fight, using his ear-piercing, sonic screeches to taunt and harass them until they either attack or retreat into a spot out of his range. Korghan, on the other hand, seems to mostly stick to the island entirely, patrolling its shores and keeping any wondering Titans away with her piercing shrieks when they get too close. The only times she ever leaves the island for extended periods of time are when Battra calls upon her for help or Bagorah manages to successfully coax her into joining him on one of his exploration journeys into the hollow earth and usually ends with both of them brawling with an enraged Titan that Bagorah had unwisely taunted and goaded until they snapped. Despite her very apparent anger towards her mate whenever this happens, Korghan seems to be willing to forgive Bagorah every single time. Despite their clashing personalities, differences and demeanors, however, the two are very loyal towards one another and have rebuffed multiple attempts by other bat Titans to court them. In fact, it’s Korghan who seems to act more aggressively towards other female bat Titans that try to court Bagorah than he does towards male Titans. This interesting quirk is still under study, but it has been theorized by the more conspiracist researchers that Bagorah secretly enjoys the attention he gets and is ashamed of it, which drives Korghan into a frenzy to protect her mate and save him from such uncomfortable situations.
•despite two of the bats that went into their genetic makeup being fruit eaters, the vampire bat and little brown bat within their makeup was amplified and further enhanced by Yog have caused them to become obligate carnivores, ingesting fruit, seeds and other plant matter in order to supplement their diet. Their main source of prey are Megapedes, Water-Vipers, Lesser Goliath Krakens and Skull Crawlers, with sauropods and other creatures of similar mass sometimes being preyed upon if there are no other sources of nutrients available. Megapedes, in particular, are amongst their favorites because they can use the creature’s naturally occurring toxins as a deterrent for skin parasites by rubbing it in their fur, wings, tail and face. Their most preferred prey, however, is the Lesser Goliath Kraken due its sheer bulk and the ease of preserving it in one of the salt-filled caves that they like to frequent. In fact, when researchers explored one of these caverns whilst Bagorah and Korghan were away on one of their explorations of the hollow earth, they discovered dozens of well preserved Lesser Goliath Krakens that showed signs of being casually nibbled upon and consumed; when taking samples to see how long they were preserved, they were startled to discover that the oldest carcass dated back to late 1999, just over ten years ago. This has led to Monarch researching into the preservation properties of the salt caverns of Skull Island Minor to see what could preserve dead matter so perfectly that they look like they were just killed a few days ago. Recently, however, such potentially groundbreaking research has been halted due to drastic changes in the two Titans.
•behavior of the two bat Titans has completely changed, leaving Monarch both confused and suspicious. It has been noted that Korghan has been sticking to the valley that she and Bagorah roost in the mountain range exclusively, picking up trees and other such shrubbery with a delicateness unseen before and taking them back to their main cavern. The only documentation that they could get before they were chased off by Bagorah was that it appears that she’s building a nest of some sort, using the tree trunks to build a crude wall and using the leaves and branches to create a soft (for them) bedding. The last sighting Monarch has received from the outpost station has noted that Korghan has put on not insignificant amount of weight, and seems to have grown to prefer skulking along the ground in a loping gate instead of flying, which may tie in to her weight gain. Bagorah seems to have done a 180 on some of his behavior, becoming much more reclusive and reluctant to leave the island unless it’s to chase sufficiently large prey; he now spends his days aggressively patrolling the shores of the island, the entrances to the mountainous region and the island’s single entrance to the hollow earth when he’s not excessively hunting prey of any sufficiently large size down and taking it to their roost, only to do it again immediately after. It has gone on for long enough that he’s been spotted boldly raiding territories that he once avoided in order to hunt their plentiful stocks of Mega Fauna and take them back to their caverns. More alarming about the change in Bagorah’s behavior in that he has become increasingly aggressive and suspicious towards any Titans or human craft of any kind that shows even a hint towards going to the island. A few much lesser Titans have even been found to have been ruthlessly attacked and killed by Bagorah, their bodies missing chunks of themselves that were taken by Bagorah himself as food. Things escalated slightly when a few freighters were found in ruins near the island’s coast, everything of even the remotest value was destroyed, though the crews were lucky to escape with only moderate injuries. Though the companies that owned those freighters had lobbied heavily for military action against Bagorah for the economic loss sustained by his attacks, Monarch was able to get it vetoed by pointing out the recent collapse of his paths of patrolling to only the mountainous region of the island. This has also allowed Monarch to regain communications with their outposts, who have reported that Bagorah himself now rarely leaves the surrounding valleys that connect to their roost and has blocked off the other entrances to the main cavern besides one that is easily defendable. Though some more aggressive personnel have suggested that they crack open the cavern and see what is going on, Ishirō Serizawa, now head of Monarch after the arrest of the previously head after their arrest due to their part in the attempted recreation of the Oxygen Destroyer, vetoed it on the grounds of just how a bad idea it was to do so and ordered that they be monitored for any changes to their behavior and movements. Time will only tell if his hunch is correct or not…
submitted by Lonely_Examination92 to GODZILLA [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:21 ExplodingPoptarts All of these 2024 movies interest me, and I wanna binge 3 tomorrow, which should I pick?

All of these have promising concepts. If I were to watch just 3, what should I watch?
Players 2024: Comedy, Romance: New York sportswriter Mack has spent years devising successful hook-up "plays" with her friends, but when she unexpectedly falls for one of her targets, she must learn what it takes to go from simply scoring to playing for keeps.
Miller's Girl 2024: Drama, Comedy: A creative writing assignment yields complex results between a teacher and his talented student.
Red Right Hand 2024: Action, Thriller: Cash is trying to live an honest and quiet life, but when Big Cat forces him back into her services, he proves capable of anything to protect the town and the only family he has left.
Civil War 2024: 2024 , Adventure, Action, Thriller: A journey across a dystopian future America, following a team of military-embedded journalists as they race against time to reach DC before rebel factions descend upon the White House.
Damsel 2024: Adventure, Fantasy, Action A dutiful damsel agrees to marry a handsome prince, only to find the royal family has recruited her as a sacrifice to repay an ancient debt.
5lbs of Pressure 2024: Thriller, Crime, Romance: Trying to start over, Adam (Evans) searches for redemption as he returns to his old neighborhood to put to rest his demons while the brother of the man he killed seeks revenge.
Lonely Crime Fanatic 2024: Thriller Romance sparks when a lonely true crime fan meets her favorite podcast host, but things soon turn strange as his fascination with her becomes obsession and his newest run of episodes appear to revolve around her eventual murder.
Drive-Away Dolls 2024: Action, Comedy, Thriller: Jamie regrets her breakup with her girlfriend, while Marian needs to relax. In search of a fresh start, they embark on an unexpected road trip to Tallahassee. Things quickly go awry when they cross paths with a group of inept criminals.
My Name Is Loh Kiwan 2024: Drama, Romance: After defecting from North Korea, Loh Kiwan struggles to obtain refugee status in Belgium, where he encounters a dejected woman who has lost all hope.
Little Wing 2024: Drama: Follows a 13-year-old girl who is dragged into the world of pigeon racing as she deals with her parents' divorce and the impending loss of her home.
Stormy 2024: Documentary: Behind the curtain with Stormy Daniels as she shares her story. The film follows her reinventing herself while grappling with events from 5 years earlier that made her an unlikely American icon.
Killing All My Sisters 2024: Thriller: A college student uncovers an elite sorority's dark secrets when her best friend mysteriously disappears during rush week.
Road House 2024: Action, Thriller: Ex-UFC fighter Dalton takes a job as a bouncer at a Florida Keys roadhouse, only to discover that this paradise is not all it seems.
Hov1 4-ever 2024: Documentary, Music: Follows the popular Swedish band Hov1 performing in their sold-out summer tour.
Ordinary Angels 2024: Drama: Inspired by the incredible true story of a hairdresser who single-handedly rallies an entire community to help a widowed father save the life of his critically ill young daughter.
submitted by ExplodingPoptarts to Letterboxd [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:09 Style_Specialist 24th “Raider” Battalion 126th “Siege” Corps [Noob-Friendly][NA/EU][Recruiting][Serious][A3][Server]

24th “Raider” Battalion 126th “Siege” Corps [Noob-Friendly][NA/EU][Recruiting][Serious][A3][Server]
24th “Raider” Battalion 126th "Siege" Corps [Noob-Friendly][NA/EU][Recruiting][Serious][A3][Server]
!! General Information!!
The 24th “Raider” Battalion , under the 126th “Siege” Corps strives in battles to conquer planets and defend their positions to push back the Droid Army. We have several paths you can take, whether you take to skies to get our brothers to and from the battlefield and take out those pesky Vultures and Hyena bombers or fight on the frontlines alongside your brothers in full scale battles with Z6 rotary cannon for those FOR THE REPUBLIC moments, the RPS 6 and PLX for those Tanks and Droidekas. So no matter the play style we will have something you can do. We are serious in the way we conduct ourselves and the orders we are given. We do have moments here and there.
Qualifications Include!!
Clone Pilots Clone Sharp Shooter Clone Heavy Gunner Clone Heavy Trooper Clone Grenadier Combat Medical Combat Engineer
1st Squad North America Timezone 2nd Squad European Timezone
Unit Schedule!!
[EU] Scouting Op (8:00PM GMT) [EU] Main Op (9:00PM GMT) [NA] Main Op (7:00PM EST) Other Operations will be held thought out the week.
• MUST OWN A LEGAL COPY OF ARMA 3. • Able to play the game with additional mods loaded. • Are able to communicate clearly through writing/speaking in English.
Other Information!!
Please be patient when you join as we do have jobs and school. However, we will get you squared away as soon as possible
Link: https://discord.gg/EeDRnXTtm5
submitted by Style_Specialist to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:06 burnabybc He was born in the Soviet Union and launched an armoured vehicle company in Canada. Now he's shipping vehicles to Ukraine for the war

Excerpt: "Soon after opening a manufacturing facility in Mississauga in 2016 to produce a new 'smart armoured vehicle' Shimonov’s company, Roshel, became one of the largest private producer of armoured vehicles in North America.
Since that time Roshel has produced smart armoured vehicles for the U.S. State Department, the Department of Homeland Security, the Ukrainian military, NASA, and is among four finalists for a major contract with the Canadian Armed Forces.
Roshel recently moved into its new, $50-million production plant in Brampton, which employs 400 staff — including 200 Ukrainian refugees — and utilizes the latest in smart manufacturing technology. The company now produces thousands of armoured vehicles for customers in North America, Europe, Latin America, and South Korea, after first being tested on the streets of Brampton..."
submitted by burnabybc to RoshelArmor [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:06 Radiant_Housing_3104 Tomorrow is the day I start composting!

I've finally talked my SO into letting me start composting. We have large plastic trash bin with a lid that was left in the garage by the previous owners when we move in, so I'll be using that. I was quite intimidated reading web pages about compost until I found this sub and the positivity in the comments taught me so much! I do still have some questions, though.
In the simplest way possible, what's the difference between green and brown material?
I'll be keeping the bin outside. Should I add drainage holes?
What are some no-go things that I should never put in there? And oppositely, what should I absolutely be sure to add?
I live in the mid-west (north america). Will everything survive through our unpredictable winters and continue working or do I need to winterize/pause additions?
If you've gotten this far, thanks for being here. I appreciate the insight in advance and looking forward to growing with you all!
submitted by Radiant_Housing_3104 to composting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:02 Lumpy_Figure_6692 The main players of the Tribulation

The Bible tells us all we need to know about the soon approaching Tribulation period, who the main players are, and what they do.
Starting with the main one:
Trump is the King of Babylon. Trump is the Antichrist. Trump is the rider of the white horse. Trump is the Beast from the sea. Trump is the little horn.
Daniel 7: 21 I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them;
Revelation 6: 2 And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.
Revelation 13: 1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
Revelation 17: 7 And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.
Seeing that Trump is the King of Babylon aka the President of the United States, how does he end up becoming the world leader? This is how, America is burned and the ten horns, who are ten kings, cede their kingdom to him.
Revelation 17: 16 And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. 17 For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.
If America is burned, where does Trump rule from? He will rule from Jerusalem.
Daniel 11: 45 And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him.
Besides the antichrist being the king of Babylon, he must also be a billionare. Only Trump meets both criteria.
Netanyahu is the second beast or the beast from the earth. Netanyahu is the false prophet.
Revelation 13: 11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. 12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
The first beast rules from Jerusalem and the second beast is also there. This means that the second beast will be from Jerusalem. Other clues that the second beast will be from Israel are the fact that he is called a false prophet. Prophets are from Israel. And the false prophet has two horns like a lamb. "Like a lamb" is a reference to Jesus who was from Israel.
Revelation 13: 14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
Notice that the image of the beast is made by the people. The false prophet doesn't make the image, he tells people to make it. This image, what is it and what does it do? It does two things, speaks and causes us to be put to death. Knowing that it is the people who doesn't take the mark of the beast the ones who are going to be put to death, the image will most likely be an AI app that tells people how to take the mark to be able to buy or sell after the fall of Babylon.
Revelation 13: 15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Putin is the last King of the North. Putin is Gog. Putin is the rider of the red horse. He leads the destruction of Babylon and the attack on Israel. It won't be Putin by himself, also Iran and many nations with him.
Daniel 11: 40 And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.
Jeremiah 50: 9 For, lo, I will raise and cause to come up against Babylon an assembly of great nations from the north country: and they shall set themselves in array against her; from thence she shall be taken: their arrows shall be as of a mighty expert man; none shall return in vain.
Isaiah 13: 17 Behold, I will stir up the Medes against them, which shall not regard silver; and as for gold, they shall not delight in it. 18 Their bows also shall dash the young men to pieces; and they shall have no pity on the fruit of the womb; their eyes shall not spare children. 19 And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldees' excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah.
Ezekiel 38: 17 Thus saith the Lord God; Art thou he of whom I have spoken in old time by my servants the prophets of Israel, which prophesied in those days many years that I would bring thee against them? 18 And it shall come to pass at the same time when Gog shall come against the land of Israel, saith the Lord God, that my fury shall come up in my face.
Ezekiel 39: 1 Therefore, thou son of man, prophesy against Gog, and say, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal: 2 And I will turn thee back, and leave but the sixth part of thee, and will cause thee to come up from the north parts, and will bring thee upon the mountains of Israel: 3 And I will smite thy bow out of thy left hand, and will cause thine arrows to fall out of thy right hand.
Revelation 6: 4 And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.
There are a lot of opinions on who the main players are. Some believe that the antichrist is the Pope. There is no biblical evidence of that. Some believe Elon Musk is the false prophet. I don't see any biblical evidence of that either. Some believe the antichrist is the king of the North. The bible clearly says that the king of the North attacks the antichrist. That makes it impossible for the antichrist to be the last King of the North. Many people don't care about prophecy, but I believe that understanding bible prophecy is the most important thing that we can do after loving God and neighbor. I am pretty sure that God wants us to understand and that we should listen to the prophets who gave us the word of God.
Revelation 19: 10 And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
submitted by Lumpy_Figure_6692 to BabylonExit [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:42 devilmaycare_ Alucard Plush Update (and reminder)

Since it's been a month I wanted to update you guys on how the Alucard Plush has been doing and also inform anybody who didn't see my post about it.
At the time of writing this, it is on page 6 out of 27 in bestselling. For reference, most plushes need to make it to at least page 1 to get made. We still have about 2 months left to reach the goal so I think it would be a good time to contact Plush Wonderland to add Integra and Seras as well. Let me know what you guys think!
To anybody who missed my last post, Plush Wonderland works by having $5 USD deposits for the doll and the clothes separately to see if enough people are going to purchase it. At the presale period, each of your $5 deposits turns into a $10 coupon that you can use to preorder it. Without coupons they cost $37 USD for both the doll and the clothes together. If the plush doesn't get enough sales, you get a full refund. From my experience (North American), Plush Wonderland is great but please do research on them because you might get a different experience in your country.
View Poll
submitted by devilmaycare_ to Hellsing [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:21 darkangel1736 Anybody else have an idea about a new Checkpoint this August?

I just left Trek store. Apparently you cannot order the 12 speed Checkpoint SL5 that is not on site.
The dealer’s site says there will be a new bike this August which is a bit odd since the 12 speed was just recently released for North America.
submitted by darkangel1736 to TrekBikes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:57 Hot-Childhood8342 Living the condo family life

Hi everyone! First time poster from Toronto. I’m posting here because we live in one of North America’s densest neighbourhoods, not unlike Manhattan. We have our first on the way and currently live in a 600 sq ft condo with no intention of moving in the short term. We’re finding that a lot of baby items/furniture on the market are designed for supersized suburban life in mind, which we are not interested in. Let’s start with stroller. We need something that was designed to be collapsed easily and efficiently on a daily basis and that can expand to two children. Does such a thing even exist? If not, what do parents in compact-living cities like Tokyo do? Bonus points if the stroller is PFAS-free. :)
submitted by Hot-Childhood8342 to nycparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:49 Hungry-Algae-6748 Free candy

Free candy
Wow look at this
submitted by Hungry-Algae-6748 to GTA [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:47 O1Balto Talk me out of (or into) a Lennar home! (Portland / Smith Creek)

Hello friends,
We went under contract with Lennar last week and they're submitting my ernest money on Monday (the sales rep was kind enough to hold it for me- to give me some time to decide if I wanted to move forward or not). Since we've gone under contract, we've found a plethora of horror stories and reviews on Lennar homes. I did notice some of the same reviews copied and pasted onto multiple websites- which I don't doubt their legitimacy or pain and suffering, but that does seem to inflate the negative reviews
We understand the the work is subcontracted out to the lowest bidder and the quality of workmanship will vary depending on the Construction Manager (CM) and the skill of the labor pool in that area (Florida seeming to have it the worst). We also understand that many of the complaints stem from utilizing their own mortgage company. It seems as though most of these issues are based on location, as here in the Pacific North West- we haven't seen nearly as many issues from what I've read when compared to the east coast. The Lennar reviews even have somewhat decent reviews here.
Here's my situation:
I'm currently using the VA home loan locked in at 6.5%, so I shouldn't need to deal with Lennars mortgage company or the whole circus attached to it. We haven't gotten any static for wanting to have a 3rd party home inspection done, in fact they seem to already know one would be ordered. We love the location and layout of the house.
This would be our first home purchase and we're not looking for anything fancy. Many of the complaints about Lennar homes on Youtube- show extravagant (IMO) homes that look like they should be in magazines.
I'm perfectly fine with the "American cookie cutter, 2-story, 3-bedroom, attached 2 car garage house w/ driveway." But after reading all the horror stories- I'm questioning if that's even a possibility anymore in todays world. I don't care for options (I can add that later), I just want a quality home to live in that won't quickly disintegrate. Something that isn't going to be the largest regret of my life and cause me to file for bankruptcy.
I would be purchasing the home with my better half and we plan on splitting all the bills- the mortgage between us would be around 1650. We found that purchasing a normally built house (ie. not a track home), the prices tend to increase significantly inverse to the sq. footage.
The home we want is also a single detached... which means we're on the hook for everything exterior, where as if we were in a townhome, the entire envelope of the building is taken care of by the HOA. Although we WANT the detached, the benefits of not having to pay for envelope repair does sound nice, but that shouldn't be the only reason we'd want it.
The entire neighborhood looks amazing. I tried looking for older Lennar home locations, just to see how the neighborhoods faired with time, but the ones I saw (still only 3-4 years old) looked in great shape.
From what I can see- my only other options are really:
-Rent an apartment (which will cost just as much, we'd have less space (we have 2 kids and 3 dogs), rent would increase each year, and we're paying on something we do not own. Even getting an single bedroom apartment for just myself would be 1500+
-Rent out someone's house (Costs about just as much, paying on something we don't own, they too usually adopt the same pet policies as the apartments)
Any guidance or reviews from people living in the Smith Creek homes would be GREATLY appreciated. It's supposed to rain the next few days (surprise) so we plan on stopping by to walk through the house to see if we can't catch any leaks (The dry wall is up but the interior is completely unfinished)
submitted by O1Balto to Homebuilding [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:35 somethingfunny1883 I did the unthinkable this week…

And flew on United domestic for the first time in years.
My round trip in United First non stop was less then Delta wanted for main cabin non stop.
Overall it was a nice experience. I think they have a much better boarding process that flows generally nice, the seats were fine, everyone on the ground and in the air I encountered was quite nice and wonderful.
This is coming from a long time diamond million miler who always said Delta was the best flying within North America and defended most of their terrible changes over the years. To be able to book the same flight type (non stop) and pay less for United F then Delta Y I really am struggling to see what Ed and all the execs think is the big differentiator to command these prices.
Also I will say I forgot how nice United’s app actually is compared to Delta.
submitted by somethingfunny1883 to delta [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:22 neopronoun_dropper The Size of Djibouti and the Top 90 Most Populated Countries Missing From BitLife

There are are lot of countries missing from BitLife. Here are some of those.
Africa (1)
Tanzania is the most populated country missing from BitLife. It’s bigger than South Africa, Kenya, Uganda, Algeria, Morocco, Angola, Zimbabwe, Tunisia, Libya, and Djibouti. Sudan is the 3rd most populated country missing from BitLife. It’s bigger than Algeria, Morocco, Angola, Zimbabwe, Tunisia, Libya, and Djibouti. Ghana, Mozambique, Madagascar, Cote D’Ivoire, Cameroon, and Niger are the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th most populated countries missing from BitLife. Mali and Burkina Faso are the 13th and 14th most populated country missing from BitLife. Malawi, Zambia, Chad, Somalia, and Senegal are the 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th most populated countries missing from BitLife. They’re bigger than Zimbabwe, Tunisia, Libya, and Djibouti. Guinea, Rwanda, Benin, and Burundi, are the 22nd, 23rd, 24th, and 25th most populated countries missing from BitLife. They’re bigger than Tunisia, Libya & Djibouti. South Sudan is the 26th most populated country missing from BitLife. Togo and Sierra Leone are the 31st and 32nd most populated countries missing from BitLife. They’re bigger than Libya & Djibouti. Congo, the Central African Republic, Liberia, and Mauritania are the 37th, 38th, 39th, and 40th most populated countries missing from BitLife. Eritrea is the 43rd most populated country missing from BitLife. Gambia, Botswana, Namibia, Gabon, Lesotho, and Guinea-Bissau are the 48th, 49th, 50th, 51st, 52nd and 53rd most populated countries missing from BitLife. Equatorial Guinea is the 57th most populated country missing from BitLife. Mauritius is the 61st most populated country missing from BitLife. Eswatini is the 63rd most populated country missing from BitLife. They’re bigger than Djibouti.
East Asia (2)
Myanmar is the 2nd most populated country missing from BitLife. It’s bigger than South Korea and Mongolia. North Korea is the 12th most populated country missing from BitLife. Cambodia is the 21st most populated country missing from BitLife. Laos is the 33rd most populated country missing from BitLife. They’re bigger than Mongolia.
Central Asia (4)
Uzbekistan is the 4th most populated country missing from BitLife. It’s bigger than Kazakhstan.
West Asia (5)
Yemen is the 5th most populated country missing from BitLife. It’s bigger than Syria, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, Israel, Lebanon, Kuwait, and Qatar. Oman is the 41st most populated country missing from BitLife. It’s bigger than Qatar.
The Americas (27)
Honduras is the 27th most populated country missing from BitLife. It’s bigger than Nicaragua, Paraguay, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama, Uruguay, Jamaica, Guyana, the Bahamas, and Belize. Trinidad & Tobago is the 58th most populated country missing from BitLife. It’s bigger than Guyana, the Bahamas, and Belize. Suriname is the 70th most populated country missing from BitLife. It’s bigger in the Bahamas and Belize.
Europe (28)
Azerbaijan is the 28th most populated country missing from BitLife. It’s bigger than Greece, Portugal, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland, Serbia, Denmark, Slovakia, Norway, Finland, Ireland, Croatia, Georgia, Estonia, Andorra, and Monaco. Belarus is the 30th most populated country missing from BitLife. It’s bigger than Austria, Switzerland, Serbia, Denmark, Slovakia, Norway, Finland, Ireland, Croatia, Georgia, Estonia, Andorra, and Monaco. Bulgaria is the 35th most populated country missing from BitLife. It’s bigger than Denmark, Slovakia, Norway, Finland, Ireland, Croatia, Georgia, Estonia, Andorra, and Monaco. Moldova is the 42nd most populated country missing from BitLife. It’s bigger than Georgia, Estonia, Andorra and Monaco. Bosnia & Herzegovina, Albania, Armenia, and Lithuania are the 44th, 45th, 46th, and 47th most populated countries missing from BitLife. Slovenia, Macedonia, and Latvia are the 54th, 55th, and 56th most populated countries missing from BitLife. They’re bigger than Estonia, Andorra, and Monaco. Cyprus is the 62nd most populated country missing from BitLife. Luxembourg & Montenegro are the 68th and 69th most populated countries missing from BitLife. Malta is the 72nd most populated country missing from BitLife. Iceland is the 75th most populated country missing from BitLife. They’re bigger than Andorra and Monaco. Liechtenstein is the 90th most populated country missing from BitLife. It’s bigger than Monaco.
Austronesia (60)
Timor-Leste is the 60th most populated country missing from BitLife. Fiji is the 64th most populated country missing from BitLife. The Solomon Islands is the 67th most populated country missing from BitLife. Brunei is the 74th most populated country missing from BitLife. Vanuatu is the 76th most populated country missing from BitLife. They’re bigger than Samoa.
Some countries in the top 90 missing from BitLife are missing from this list. This is because they are still smaller than all the included countries in their region. These include, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Bahrain, Comoros, Bhutan; Cabo Verde, the Maldives, Barbados, Sao Tome & Principe, Saint Lucia, Kiribati, Grenada, the Federated States of Micronesia, Antigua & Barbuda, Tonga, Saint Vincent & the Grenadines, Seychelles, Dominica, Saint Kitts & Nevis & the Marshall Islands. These account for the 15th, 29th, 34th, 36th, 59th, 65th, 66th, 71st, 73rd, and 77th through 89th countries.
I do not want any comments about which countries I did or did not include. I have a certain list that was taken from a certain website.
I also don't want any criticism for how I decided to categorize the countries based on continent or for using the term Austronesia. I tried to make Europe as large as possible and Asia as small as possible.
I'm also sorry for any lack of paragraphs in this post. There is an issue with breaks in posts disappearing when you attempt to post from an iPhone. At least for me.
submitted by neopronoun_dropper to BitLifeApp [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:18 TheBlanconator57 FIA Canada’s iRacing Promotion

Hey Everyone!
This promotion is actually for both Canadian & American citizens.
I know this isn’t F1 series related, but I’ve just had a lot of people come to me and urge me to share this promotion with drivers from the F1 series community as we have had a LOT of them eager to get in to iRacing for cheap alongside their F1 series hobbies.
FIA’s Canadian division (www.asncanada.ca) is offering an entire year of new iRacing accounts PLUS a bonus car (FIA Formula 4) for just a 10$ donation to help get their Esports program off the ground.
You can get info on the promotion here: www.fia.com/iracing
If you are not from North America, you can search for your closest ASN (National Sporting Authority) to see if they are participating. If they are not, we’ve been given the green light to help you from the Canadian division.
The promotion has been doing well, and a lot of people from the F1 gaming series have been showing interest in finally jumping over cause of the low cost commitment. It also gives you the opportunity to compete in their newly announced International F4 Championship! https://www.fia.com/news/iracing-and-fia-launch-inaugural-fia-f4-esports-global-championship
So if you’re interested in receiving a code, shoot me an email! Esport@asncanada.ca
Just label the title “FIA promotion” or something like that.
The promotion is running for at least the rest of the year and of course is just for new accounts only. Which is a bummer but it has really helped some people just get an opportunity.
It’s been an incredibly positive promotion so far and is really helping us connect with people. So I hope this continues to find the right people :)
submitted by TheBlanconator57 to F1Game [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:14 buttajames D.R. Horton

I bid $10k on a 2,100 sq/ft floor plan with deako switches. Dude got back and asked how much I could work with them (small business vs “America’s Builder” lol). They said I was over double what they are paying now. Just wanna say, if you’re bidding this low on electrical work you are doing yourself and every other fellow electrician a disservice.
Please don’t give me the “do industrial because it pays better” response because I’ll be lifelong residential/light commercial guy (ideally service/sales). It just blows my mind where new construction has gone and what these big corporate companies expect and really demand of these small companies. I’ve said many times: pay the electrician $6000, sell home for $450,000. It’s a fucked world that we live in.
End of the day, D.R. Horton will not be receiving my services.
submitted by buttajames to electricians [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:07 TheBlanconator57 FIA Canada has iRacing membership promotion!

Hey Everyone!
This promotion is actually for both Canadian & American citizens.
FIA’s Canadian division (www.asncanada.ca) is offering an entire year of new iRacing accounts PLUS a bonus car (FIA Formula 4) for just a 10$ donation to help get their Esports program off the ground.
You can get info on the promotion here: www.fia.com/iracing
If you are not from North America, you can search for your closest ASN (National Sporting Authority) to see if they are participating. If they are not, we’ve been given the green light to help you from the Canadian division.
The promotion has been doing well, and a lot of people from the F1 gaming series have been showing interest in finally jumping over cause of the low cost commitment. It also gives you the opportunity to compete in their newly announced International F4 Championship! https://www.fia.com/news/iracing-and-fia-launch-inaugural-fia-f4-esports-global-championship
So if you’re interested in receiving a code, shoot me an email! Esport@asncanada.ca
The promotion is running for at least the rest of the year and of course is just for new accounts only. Which is a bummer but it has really helped some people just get an opportunity.
It’s been an incredibly positive promotion so far and is really helping us connect with people. So I hope this continues to find the right people :)
submitted by TheBlanconator57 to VideoGameDealsCanada [link] [comments]
