Proof of us employmentroof of us employment


2021.08.22 04:52 ChanceSink761 TheLastOfUsHBO

A community for HBO's new hit TV series ‘The Last of Us’ starring Pedro Pascal as Joel and Bella Ramsey as Ellie. This community discusses casting, theories, and other TLOU-related topics!

2024.01.05 00:25 anilla02 AllOfUsStrangers

A space for fans of the most brilliant film of 2023. Andrew Haigh's All Of Us Strangers.

2021.10.04 19:54 CastAway4367 AllOfUsAreDead

All of Us Are Dead is a South Korean series based on the Naver webtoon Now at Our School by Joo Dong-geun, which was published between 2009 and 2011,

2024.06.02 09:40 Staff_Anti_Serena I'm worried

How long will this movement last? Will we achieve something with this? Will Riot listen to us? and if it doesn't work? How much Banrate do you have left? I just want this June 14th for Riot to realize the nonsense they are doing, because because of them many main Ahri have had to replace her and I am afraid if it doesn't work because it seems that our movement is not calling as loudly. give me hope
submitted by Staff_Anti_Serena to AhriMains [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:39 throw-away-262627363 AITAH for genuinely hating my sister for the way she treats our mother?

this is a long one so strap in
For years now, my older sister has always put herself as a victim for everything. My sister comes from a different dad than I do and we both now have the same step dad. Growing up was hard for both of us, my sisters biological dad being an addict and mine being a deadbeat.
My mom had a ridiculously hard life as well, but turned her life around as soon as she found out she was pregnant with my sister. She got clean, got a job, etc. During this time of my mother getting clean, my sister stayed with our aunt, my mom's sister, for around three months. I was staying with my biological father. I'd like to mention as well that my biological father did not treat my mother right at all. He would often try to seem like the better parent by buying me expensive gifts and taking me out to places, trying to win the title of the favorite parent while talking about how bad my mom was for coloring her hair and having tattoos.
When I was still little, I had something disgusting happen to me by someone in my family, so the attention was on me for a little while. My mom still went out of her way to make sure my sister was still being given attention too, fearing that she would feel alone and confused.
After the mess of this stuff finally settled down and my mom won custody over me, my mom met my stepdad and we all moved out of the city and into a nice house. My parents tried to give us everything we never got to experience, nice family vacations to places we'd never been, renaissance fairs, bigger birthday parties, all that stuff. I've always been incredibly grateful, mostly for my mother. This woman had been abused and mistreated a majority of her life and she still somehow finds a way to be the most supportive and kindest parent out there. I respect her for everything that she did for me and my sister. My sister, on the other hand, treats her like garbage. My mom has tried everything to get through to her, tried to communicate with her, relate with her, take her out to places, and my sister literally does not care. Once, my mom tried talking to her about her past and she literally said "no one cares about what happened to you, mom."
She makes up these scenarios where my mom and step dad apparently abused her, when really they were standard punishments like taking her phone away when she did something she wasn't supposed to when she was a teenager. I need to clarify here that she is 29 years old now and still acting like this. Even when she dropped out of college and asked to go to beauty school, my parents understood and paid for her to go. She then told everyone thay they "forced her to go" when she decided that she didn't like it.
My sister never cared about anyone truly. She posts online about how caring and compassionate she is, how much she loves her husband and our mom and dad, but when it came to reality, she basically turned the other way. No matter how upset or angry I got about this, she would either laugh at me or completely shut me down and walk away.
She even posted a status on Facebook on mother's day wishing our aunt a happy mother's day instead of our mother. My aunt, just to mention, despises me because I was a frustrating child, I think around 11 or 12, and holds it against me, a now 25 year old. My mother no longer has a relationship with her due to that.
My step dad ended up getting a really good job and had to move across the country with my mom, so they had decided to let my sister and I continue living in this house while paying them a small amount of rent. We weren't prepared enough to move out on our own at the time yet, so this was a very kind offer that the both of us and her husband took up. The house is big and we wouldn't be paying for utilities, so it was an incredibly generous thing for them to do. All my sister would do is talk about how my parents "forced" her to stay in this house with me and how gross and disgusting the house was. There was nothing wrong with the house and no one forced her to stay in the house at all. It was completely her choice, I was there when she accepted the option.
Our parents gave us a whole house. An entire house to live in with rent lower than anywhere else. And she was ungrateful. Angry, even.
My mother had surgery two weeks ago and everyone messaged her, wishing her a speedy recovery, even my friends, and my sister didn't message her about it at all. Instead, she messaged my mom about finances. On the day of her surgery. My stepdad, who usually stays out of drama stuff, was so angry that he messaged my sister calling her out on how hurtful this was. Her excuse was that she "had a lot on her mind and forgot." My mom was so hurt that she hasn't been responding to my sister's messages as of late.
Now my sister is posting on Facebook about how no one understands her and how she's tired of having to explain herself? My mom has felt heartbroken and dejected about this and doesn't understand why my sister is acting like this. She's scared that if she were to ask about this and make her own reddit story, everyone would call her the asshole because she likely failed as a parent. I genuinely don't think that my mother failed, I can't understand why my sister is like this and I actually hate her for it. Am I the asshole?
submitted by throw-away-262627363 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:39 kremlafterdark The second Bombing of Serbia has commenced according to US presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy.

The second Bombing of Serbia has commenced according to US presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy. submitted by kremlafterdark to balkans_irl [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:39 babalon1312 Death Valley from L.A.

Hey guys we are visiting L.A. this June and we wanted to visit Death Valley. Any chances you know a rental there that will allow us to take a car to DV? Even Sixt, that has an entire article on renting 4wds for trips there does not have any of these vehicles available in L.A. branches. We have looked for tours there but the dates don't match and they are super pricey.
submitted by babalon1312 to DeathValleyNP [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:39 HopefulBrave1916 Asking for Multiyear Spanish Visa

Hello - I obtained a 1 yr Schengen multiple entry from Spain in 2017. I used the visa 2x, first time to go thru Spain but the 2nd time in 2018 was used to go through other parts of Europe with no Spain pass through.
I have multiple entries across other parts of the globe prior Spain and since - US, Japan, Europe and Asia. I have a stable high paying job in my local country. I plan to state no intention to migrate abroad - I have local properties already. Am in my 40s and with no family to support.
If I request for a 5 yr multiple entry visa in Spain this year, do you think I’ll get granted? Any tips? BLS is processing our Visa apps.
submitted by HopefulBrave1916 to SchengenVisa [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:39 ruffymcruffruff3000 Long distance situation ship advice needed

I (M23) matched with a girl (F22) on bumble while on a trip abroad. We met up a few days later, things went well, so we decided to head back to her place where we later had sex. During this date I realized that she was better than me in many ways (academically, professionally, probably also comes from a rich family, etc.) but she still seemed to like me, so I decided to brush this feeling off. We spent a good time together, but I avoided asking her the question “what does this make us?” for obvious reasons. The next day I headed back to my hotel to take my flight back home. In the past days we actively texted pretty much every day, and even set a date where we would see each other again in 1,5 months.
But now I’m wondering are we exclusive already? Can I meet up with another girl that I planned to meet before going on the trip (also from Bumble)? I really like the girl I met on the trip but also promised to meet up with the other girl back at home, so now I’m kind of indecisive what I should do. Especially if it goes further with the girl home, would that be cheating on the girl I met on the trip? I don’t think the first girl is meeting up with other guys, but I cannot prove it, it’s just a feeling and being informed pretty much daily of what she’s up to that day.
TL;DR: Met a nice girl on bumble while on a trip, got back home and am wondering if I can meet up with other girls, considering I really like the first girl and will be seeing her again in 1,5 months, but we never had the talk.
submitted by ruffymcruffruff3000 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:38 Zealousideal_Use_881 AITAH for distancing myself from my best friend?

Me and best friend have been in each other’s lives since we were 12 years old. We’re both 27 now. I’ve lived an hour and 20 mins away from her since I’ve been 13 years old. There’s always been that distance but no matter what we always kept in contact. I’ve always made the drive to see her and spend time with her. Fast forward to 2023, she becomes pregnant. I’m so happy for her. Excited and buying stuff for the baby already. She gives birth in June and I’ve never been so happy and proud of her. Legit cried when i saw him. It’s October now. She’s invited me to her baby’s baptism. There were 2 times stated on the invitation, one for the church and one for the venue. So the week of I reached out to find out if we’re meeting at her house or the church. She tells me to just go to the venue instead. I get there with my boyfriend. You know when you feel a certain vibe? Like an uncomfortable/ awkward vibe? I felt it in my stomach but I ignored it and start to say hi to her and her whole family. We sit at our designated table. I start to hear conversation from her friends about how the church was. I look at my boyfriend confused because I assumed it was only family. That made me questioned why were these people there? Friends that I was just introduced to 2 months ago, but I wasn’t? I’ve been feeling very weird with our relationship. As if we’re outgrowing each other. So i posted to my finsta just expressing how I felt. She saw it and she called me. She said what is this about? I said “ it’s just been how I’ve been feeling about us. i find out that everyone was at the church, but me? “ she said “ well where were you during my pregnancy? I barely saw you.” Now at this moment I’m thinking of all the times I’ve seen her thought out the year which was normal amount of times we seen each other. So i said “you never called or texted me about anything during your pregnancy. Never said anything that you needed me.” She said “i shouldn’t have to. You stopped prioritizing me. I thought it would be different when i gave birth but no.” (A little background on me. I have a full time job working overnights in a hospital. Started going back to school full-time in September of 2023 for nursing school. I have my own relationship and dog-ter. My own apartment which went up 50% this year too. A lot has been going on with me as well) I told her I just started school again, and the times i have off i spend it studying or relaxing at home. She said “well you could’ve made at effort, we couldn’t deal with him as a newborn.” I said “well again you never said anything” she said “you didn’t think my instagram posts meant anything ?” To be honest, saying stuff on instagram is completely different from actually reaching out to people. I told her “i figured you wanted to be alone since you’re figuring out how to be new parents” she said “how dare you make decisions for me. Do you know how it was not to make you a Godmother?” I start to bawl my eyes out. The way you get when you’re trying to catch your breath type of cry. Because we’ve always talked about that since we were kids. Making each other the Godmother to each other’s kid. I said “yes that hurt me” through my sobs. Trying to hold it together so i can speak. She said since i wasn’t there for her that I deserve that title. I’ve always been there for her for anything. She calls and I come. No matter what. I make arrangements. I’ll try to be there. She said that I couldn’t even make it to her baby shower. Which she’s right i couldn’t. Back in May of 2023, she was telling me when she was planning the baby shower. I told her that weekend is my little brother’s graduation in the of Florida. So i wouldn’t even be in NY. I begged her to make it for the following weekend so I can attend because i really wanted to be there. I was buying stuff every week till the baby shower to make her a baby shower basket. With diapers of every size. Wipes. Even hair clips for her too. So she knew i wouldn’t be there and still chose to plan it that day anyways. So i didn’t push anymore it’s her day, but i made sure my boyfriend was there. He helped set up and get the cake. He bought the gifts i bought them even the high chair. Now back to our conversation, i told her it was my little brother’s high school graduation. You knew this. She said okay? You could’ve came for a little bit and left that night. I said no. I was with my family. That’s why i asked for the following weekend. She said “well no why would i change it for ONE person?” I said “okay so why are you mad ?” I’m sorry but i wasn’t not missing my only little brother’s high school graduation. So she didn’t make me a godmother meanwhile her child has 5 Godmothers. I wasn’t 1. There’s other situations that have happened as well throughout the years. But this was the icing on the cake. Something I cannot forgive in my heart. It hurts so much. She’s MY ONLY best friend. She has an army behind her. I would’ve done anything for her. I’ve always showed up for her when she called me. I’ve always made her a priority. But now that I’m trying to better myself and the one time I’m finally thinking of me. I’m the fucked up friend ? So Am I the asshole?
submitted by Zealousideal_Use_881 to woman_ [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:38 sims4eva2410 Drug use

Hello my sister in law lives with us and has a 4 week old baby. Since before bub was born she has been injecting herself with drugs. She went to stay at her mums whole she was 5 months pregnant and got clean. When bub was 2 weeks old they came back to ours as her mum is very controlling. Now my sister in law is back on drugs is there anything I can do about it's as the baby is suffering because of it. We are based in Australia
submitted by sims4eva2410 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:38 coolbeansleens Am I crazy or are my parents just being entitled Boomers?

My (38F) parents (late 60s M&F) are having a bit of a crisis right now because of my brother (36M) and SIL (32F). My SIL just had their baby and she wanted to have it in her home country so she could be close to her parents and have their support. None of us were overly thrilled with the idea, mostly because we all care about my brother and felt like he was being robbed of an important life experience.
He was only able to get a week off work, and because the date babies are actually born is fairly unpredictable, he had to wait until the baby was already born before he could visit. He wasn't there for the birth of his first child. Furthermore, she then had to remain in her home country, with the baby, for months until they could get a passport, so my brother didn't see his child again for the first 3 months of it's life.
Regardless, we supported her decision, as she was the one giving birth. I recently had a baby myself so I understand how vulnerable you can feel during that time, and how important it is to stand up for yourself and set boundaries for you and your child. That's why, when they SIL made plans to return to our country, I wasn't surprised when we were informed she wouldn't be up for visitors the first week after traveling.
I completely understood and even encouraged it - I couldn't imagine taking a 10-hour flight with a 3 month old, the stress of it and the jet lag, and my husband working full time from the moment I get back, only to have to entertain visitors who just want to hold the baby. I let them know to just get settled (and for my bro to get some quality time with his baby he hasn't seen) and let us know when they're ready for visitors.
My parents, however, took this as a personal attack. As soon as they found out they weren't allowed to bombard my brother's family at the airport they've been on a tear about how this is extremely disrespectful to them. How in "their day" (ie when my brother and I were babies) they had to entertain all sorts of visitors all the time because it was expected, they weren't 'allowed' to say no. When I point out that that's a hazing mentality ("I had to suffer so you should too") and an extremely ill way to think, they'll say something like "we want them to do what's best for them.... But I guess now we know where we stand". They've also mentioned that they "were good enough to help them buy their house but not good enough to visit their own grandchild" and that they're being treated like "second-class citizens".
My SIL finally made a concession that they could come over for 2 hours this weekend (literally 2 days after she's gotten home) and this has only served to anger then even more. Apparently my brother isn't "standing up" for them, and what "really" bothers them is that it's clear SIL just "doesn't want them around".
I've tried to explain to them SIL's perspective, that she's dealing with sleep deprivation and wacky hormones, not to mention the travelling and finally getting to be a family again with my brother I've explained that ultimately she's just setting boundaries, and they should respect them since she is trying to respect their wants. I've explained they're not "owed" anything, regardless of how much they helped out with the house purchase. It wasn't a transaction, it was a gift. They can't trade financial help for dedicated baby time.
My mum hasn't responded to my latest text, though, which outlines all that, despite having read it. So now I'm wondering if I'm wrong, if I too am being disrespectful. Do they deserve to see their grandchild within hours of its arrival in our country, without having a time limit set on their visit?
submitted by coolbeansleens to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:37 SergiusBulgakov We must do what the truth tells us to do

What good is it for us to learn the teachings of the Christian faith if we don’t put them into action?
submitted by SergiusBulgakov to EasternCatholicism [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:37 SergiusBulgakov We must do what the truth tells us to do

What good is it for us to learn the teachings of the Christian faith if we don’t put them into action?
submitted by SergiusBulgakov to OpenCatholic [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:37 Big_Essay_9746 guys i think i’m living in a wattpad and idk what to do

long story everyone. me and this straight guy started out as friends, but there have been so many circumstances between us that have made me question whether he wants to be more than friends or just remain friends. like our entire dynamic seems too good to be true and i've been looking for red flags and the only thing that i can find is he's straight. everyone i already know what you're thinking because trust me i have thought the same exact thoughts but you just have to hear this. we've texted every single day for six months now, hung out every week of the semester, multiple days per week, we go out places together, he pays for things, we have really personal conversations with each other about our feelings and our trauma, etc. we are also very open about our emotions and have conversations about how we're feeling whenever something seems off. i've told several people ab him and they've all had the same "huh?" reaction because our dynamic is confusing. and also, our interactions both in-person and irl do not seem like a typical straight-gay friendship. whenever i'll mention something i find interesting we'll always end up doing it, or if there's a place i point out we'll always end up going to it. there's way more to this story but that's all for rn. and ik this seems fabricated but living it is as crazy as it sounds reading it. what do you all think.
submitted by Big_Essay_9746 to ainbow [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:37 SergiusBulgakov What must do what the truth tells us to do

What good is it for us to learn the teachings of the Christian faith if we don’t put them into action?
submitted by SergiusBulgakov to Catholic [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:37 Ordinary-Account3974 什么全国山河一片红

什么全国山河一片红 submitted by Ordinary-Account3974 to NEWTo_Cave [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:36 SergiusBulgakov We must do what the truth tells us to do

What good is it for us to learn the teachings of the Christian faith if we don’t put them into action?
submitted by SergiusBulgakov to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:36 Mayankt2t Does whistle-blower thing always end up against the blower?

Context: I work in Private limited MNC , parent company in Japan. They claim to follow policys of Human rights and data protection. Case: I work here for like 12 years now I got diagnosed with ADHD last year My Department head is difficult to talk to insensitive,rude and all never give feedback of performance and kept me in silence and self doubt. I didn't complaint about it as 99% of us do let it be and focus on other thing . But my condition did went to normal to worst because of silence about my performance. I was worried about ADHD meds and Therapy bills so I try to find if medical insurance covers for it but it didn't. So I become naive and sent my diagnosis and accomodation request to HR head . HR try to avoid it but as it was on EMAIL he forwarded my diagnosis to my Manager ( I did told him last month about ADHD because I thought he might understand and stop treating me like this) so HR asked for discussion and said that I already told him about diagnosis and let's discuss what can done if I am even fit or not to work. So now the problem started as my manager got email he called me to meeting room and also included his junior (Chamcha) and let him read My diagnosis Email read a loud to sort of shaming on me and what have you done , It will be difficult for you in future and all.
Now to present day I escalated this to Top management under whistle _blower policy and callout my Manager in it on Human rights and Data protection ground. I did face extreme mental stress and my condition got even worst. Apart from they deny my claim and make me to quit are general thinking of everyone.
But what can I do to get justice if they throw me out ?
I know I don't write properly and my ADHD is not madeup and I have history OCD anxiety. Just need some Objective points here. I know fighting for rights is western phenomena and didn't work in India but I also believe if there are rules some do try to follow.
I don't want to read lecture that I am stupid for doing all this . I know this and I am tired of this . Thanks peace to everyone:)
submitted by Mayankt2t to LegalAdviceIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:36 tukutukunepal Baby Boy Winter Collection

Conquer the Chill in Style
Winter comes and goes, but your little prince’s adventure never stops. We understand the unease of parents when he goes along with his relentless exploration.
Thus, winter clothes must have the same endurance as our young ones. The fibers must be strong enough so that the cold wind doesn’t slip in. And the clothes should survive to see all his journeys without withering their designs.
TukuTuku Nepal strives towards these specific needs. We use the best organic cotton fabrics, handpicked and woven by our skilled artisans. Every outfit of ours—from cotton shirts and pants to cotton jackets & cotton jumpsuits—is highly durable and easy to maintain.
Furthermore, we have unique designs inspired by our traditions and threaded using years of experimentation. We offer royal designs with gold and silver threads on velvet or simple fleece jackets that boast of their elegance. Whether it is for Maghe Sankranti, Losar, or Yomari Punhi, we have one for every occasion. So now, your baby boy can create stories without stopping.
Buy Baby Boy Winter Clothes in Nepal
Winter can be one heck of an opponent if your baby boy has not prepared for it. Luckily, we carry every set of baby winter clothes for him to continue his adventure. Our cotton clothes will give us warmth, style, and comfort while bringing us closer to our tradition.
submitted by tukutukunepal to u/tukutukunepal [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:36 WeirdElk7841 A defense of Under the Dome's ending [spoilers, obv]

For the last few weeks, I've been doing a read-through of King's oeuvre for the first time in well over a decade, both re-reading a lot of my favorite books from my initial middle school King-obsession phase and even reading a few I never got around to the first time around (The Outsider wasn't even a twinkle in SK's eye at the time; I thought it was pretty good).
Right after finishing It (it holds up!), I started in on Under the Dome, only really intending to hit those gripping early high points; while I can tear through King's extremely-readable books pretty fast these days, it's still quite long, so I kept telling myself I'd only keep reading until the next chapter break (especially since I remembered being rather cool on the denouement when I read it upon release in 2009).
Long story short, pun intended, I was back at the end within a couple days. Ending spoilers, ofc, after this:
I think knowing what was gonna happen the second time around probably prepared me to be more understanding. Certainly it's not a perfect book, and I couldn't object to anyone saying that it feels like he took the easy way out with the deus ex machina route.
Yet, I think the entire thing being attributable to bored extraterrestrial juveniles fucking with them for kicks is thematically sensible, because, well... we, the audience, are essentially the leatherheads. We are the ones who are getting our kicks by witnessing these characters' squalid misadventures, by way of King's imagination creating this obstacle for them to struggle against.
Granted, it's not a perfect allegory. For instance, King chooses what happens to them, not us (as evinced by the fact that most people would have chosen a different ending). Still: the people of Chester's Mill really and truly do only exist for the reader's amusement, and if aliens were watching me and you, they might clinically take note of something a little sadistic about the satisfaction Constant Readers derive from devouring this and all of King's other, beautifully grisly tales.
Now, if I perceived this parallel as an attempt by King to admonish the audience for our enjoyment of the fucked-up story, as some writers do (Scorsese and The Wolf of Wall Street comes to mind), I would find it cheaply deployed here. You've made a half-billion dollars from our love of reading horrorbooks, you can't get on your high horse here, SK!
But I don't think that's the most parsimonious reading of the allegory. King doesn't think there's anything immoral about his putting fictional characters through the wringer, or our enjoying reading about it. Fictional characters are basically a class of beings who exist to be acted upon in any fashion without triggering moral sanction. The one leatherhead girl who saves the day at the end puts a very fine point on it when she asks Julia, at said climax: "How can you have lives if you aren't real?"
And, of course, within the text of the novel, we see the leatherheads are not the only characters who view other characters as merely fodder to be acted upon. Hackermeyer views the Iraqis this way; the bullies view Julia this way; Big Jim seems to view everyone else this way. Even Junior and his "girlfriends" can be viewed as an extension of the heartless style.
Indeed, the leatherheads' actions are arguably amongst the most defensible in the story: we are naturally prone to see the leatherheads' treatment of the earthlings as cruel, but from their perspective, surely even the one leatherhead girl who takes pity and picks up the dome doesn't actually appear to feel they've done anything wrong by fucking with these little creatures whose sentience she's only beginning to perceive. Yet she still takes that "step in the right direction" and gives them back their "little lives."
What does this mean, metatextually? It can't mean Stephen King thinks he should stop writing books where characters get put through the ringer, or that we should stop reading them. Nor can it mean that stories are only moral if they have some semblance of a happy ending (certainly almost every character had already lost their "little life" before the dome is lifted, and some of his later books end even more bleakly).
What I take away from it is that we are encouraged to be radically open to the possibility that at all times, even if we think our actions are in a vacuum and can't impact any other sentience with a claim to fair treatment, we are being confronted with the opportunity to act in a way that confers either respect or contempt on some other's "little life."
We aren't always even cognizant of this -- but whenever we do recognize that we have the chance to choose respect over contempt, and choose the former, we are moving, even if infinitesimally, in the right direction. The struggle will always continue, and never end: "Sooner or later, the blood always hits the wall." But we ought to keep on fighting the good fight regardless.
[I will also say that if I perceived "the book is about the audience watching the characters" as a thematic well that King went back to many times, that would make this ending much cheaper in my estimation. But I don't really think that's the case: the particular framing device of the Dome as keeping the Chester's Mill folk in a science experiment, where even the other earthlings outside the dome become a proxy for the audience, I think makes this a rather unique audience-allegory in King's bibliography. And I think i works. Even if you agree with my reading and still think it cheap, of course, that's perfectly fine, too.]
submitted by WeirdElk7841 to stephenking [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:36 chaturacks F-1 non-immigrant status requirement in i-94 for the I-9

I was previously on a US work visa and transferred to a student visa (F-1) to attend graduate school.
I recently secured an internship with a company in the US for this summer. As a part of the I-9 process, one of the required documents is stated as "Form I-94 indicating F-1 nonimmigrant status" on the USCIS website.
The issue is that my most recent i-94 shows my work visa status and not the student visa status because I did a visa transfer of status (to the student visa) while in the US.
Therefore, I was wondering whether I could still use the I-94 or if I would have to provide another alternative document to proceed with the I-9.
submitted by chaturacks to f1visa [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:36 JoshAsdvgi The Foundling who was befriend by Wolves

The Foundling Who Was Befriended by Wolves
The elder of two brothers was very expert at catching eagles.
He would cover a hole with leaves and brush, place on top the carcass of some animal, and hide underneath until an eagle settled on the brush to eat the meat.
Then he would seize the bird’s legs, draw it inside, and kill it.
Once he caught a big red eagle, but not wishing to kill such a bird he let it fly away.
The younger boy now begged permission to catch eagles also.
The elder refused him three times. The fourth time he consented, but warned the lad not to touch a big red eagle.
So the boy concealed himself in the trap.
One of the smaller eagles soared down and began to eat the meat.
The boy caught and killed it without difficulty.
Another settled on the trap, then a third. Those also he killed.
Then came a big red eagle. Forgetting his brother’s warning and tempted by its bright feathers, he seized its wing and tried to drag it down.
The eagle, however, was too strong. It pulled him out of the trap and carried him far away.
His brother looked for him that evening, saw the gaping hole in the trap, and knowing what had happened sat down and wept.
He wept and wept, until he shriveled up and became a tiny baby again.
An old woman who was traveling to one side of a party happened to hear the baby cry.
She picked it up, wrapped it in her blanket, gathered some of the feathers that were strewn about, and hurried on to rejoin her people.
In the party were her ten sons.
As the eldest was pitching his tent that evening, she said to him, “Back yonder on the hill I found a little baby and brought it along with me.
May we sleep in your tent tonight?”
“No”, he answered gruffly. “The child will disturb us too much.”
She approached the second son, the third, the fourth; each rejected her in almost the same words.
Last of all, she approached the tenth and youngest.
“Yes, mother, come in and bring your baby with you.
He will be a little brother to me.”
So the old woman lodged with her youngest son, to whom she gave her eagle feathers.
The years passed by, and her baby grew into a sturdy youth.
One winter the Indians set up their tents beside a large pond and began to scour the countryside for buffalo. Not an animal could they find anywhere.
Before long their supply of food ran low, yet they would not move away, for they still hoped that one or more herds would appear in their neighbourhood.
While they were idly waiting, the chief of the band tried to capture two foxes that had made their dens in the vicinity, but the animals were too cunning for him.
Annoyed at the failure, he sent a crier round the camp to proclaim that the man who brought him their skins might marry one of his daughters.
All the best hunters went out to try their skill but failed — the foxes outwitted every one.
One day the boy brought some sticks into his foster-grandmother’s tent and began to make a bow and arrows.
She said to him, “What are you going to shoot, my grandson?”
“I am going to try for the foxes.”
“Foolish boy. If the best hunters in the camp can’t catch them, you certainly will not succeed.”
“I can at least try. It may be that I can shoot them with my arrows.”
The grandmother only laughed; she said no more.
Unnoticed by anyone in the camp, the boy slipped away the next morning and hid near one of the dens.
A fox emerged and wandered away.
As soon as it disappeared, he planted a circle of pointed sticks around the hole, then hid again and waited.
Not long afterwards the fox returned, spied the watching lad, and darted for its hole.
The sharp sticks pierced its neck and killed it. The boy killed the other fox in exactly the same manner and, concealing the furs under his coat, he started for home.
As he trudged along, snow fell and obliterated his tracks so that no one discovered where he had been.
Outside his tent he stopped, glanced quickly round, and concealed his furs in a heap of firewood.
Then he went inside and sat down without saying a word.
His grandmother looked up and asked:
“Where have you been?”
“Oh, I just went out and caught the foxes.”
She laughed again.
“Oh, but I will prove it,” he said.
And going outside he plucked a few hairs from the furs and brought them in to her.
“You shouldn’t pull the hair out of our dogs,” she said. “The weather is very cold, and they need all their fur.”
Three times he brought in scraps of the fox fur, and each time she declared that he had pulled them out of the dogs.
The fourth time he brought in the furs themselves.
The old woman gazed at them in amazement.
At last she said, “My grandchild, you have been very lucky.
But you are too young to marry one of the chief’s daughters.
You had better give the furs to one of your brothers.”
The boy did not answer.
In the evening she told her younger son what had happened.
Loudly he voiced his praise and said to the boy:
“Don’t give the furs to anyone else.
Take them to the chief yourself.”
At dawn the people discovered that the foxes were missing and informed the chief, who walked through the camp crying before every tent, “Who killed the foxes?”
No one answered him. None of the hunters could produce the furs, and no one thought of the poor orphan lad.
Greatly perplexed, the chief retired to his tent again.
The sun had reached noon when the old woman, concealing the furs under her robe, stole inside the tent and sat down humbly at the right of the door.
The chief looked up and said to his family, “This old woman has never visited me before.
Feed her well, and then let her tell us what she wants.”
They fed her, but instead of announcing why she had come, she quietly slipped through the door and returned home.
“I brought the furs back,” she said to the boy.
“You are such a poor wretched orphan that I was ashamed to tell him.”
Before he could reply, her own son spoke up, “You did wrong, mother.
You should have told the chief.
Go back now and give him the furs.”
The old woman went out slowly.
Presently she returned with her message again undelivered.
He sent her a third time but shame still sealed her lips.
Driven back for the fourth time, she sat with bowed head inside the doorway vainly trying to muster up her courage.
At last she rose to steal outside again but as she stooped to pass through the door, the fox’s tail slipped down into view below her robe.
With one bound the chief pulled it away from her, seized the other fox fur also, and cried, “Now — which of your sons was it that killed them?”
“It was my foster-grandson”, she murmured.
“I was too ashamed to give you the furs before.”
The chief sat down in silence, and his elder daughter turned her face away in disgust. But the younger girl cried out, “If her grandson has killed the foxes, I will marry him.”
So the younger girl returned with the old woman and married the youth, while her sister remained with her father.
Three days passed without incident.
On the fourth, the youth said to his bride, “Tell your father to build the pound higher and to keep a sharp watch, for tomorrow I am going to drive in some buffalo”.
The girl carried his message to her father, who issued the necessary orders to his people.
He was a wise old man and realized that the orphan possessed great medicine-power.
Most of the hunters, however, ridiculed the youth, and the boys in the camp pelted him with clods when he started out at dawn for the hunting grounds.
All that morning the camp waited expectantly.
A party that left before the orphan had returned empty-handed and reported that there was no sign of game. The sun was already low when a watchman excitedly signaled that a large herd of buffalo was approaching the pound, driven by someone he could not distinguish.
It was the orphan, who, having changed himself into a wolf as soon as the camp was out of sight, had rounded up the animals and now in his proper form was herding them toward the corral.
Glowing with pride, the old chief shouted to his followers, “Come and watch my son-in-law drive in the buffalo.”
As the last of the buffalo stampeded into the pound, the Indians closed the barrier, mounted the ramparts, and shot them down.
Not one escaped.
Then they butchered them and divided the meat and hides among all the families in the camp.
Next day the youth drove in more buffalo, and still more on the third day.
At daybreak on the fourth he said to his wife, “Tell your father to strengthen the pound, because in today’s herd will come the biggest animal he has ever seen.
That animal he must reserve for me to kill.”
The herd he drove in that day was even larger than the three earlier ones.
He did not stay to watch the massacre, but retired to his tent, where he ordered his wife to comb and dress her hair.
Then from behind his sleeping place he mysteriously produced two beautiful costumes, one for her and one for himself.
Arraying themselves in these garments, they proceeded to the pound, where the hunters had killed all the buffalo except the giant animal he had specially reserved for his own arrows.
He shot this last buffalo, and his wife carried the meat in a precious otter skin to his tent.
There she disdained to wash the skin, but scornfully threw it away, for now she and her husband were so prosperous that even an otter skin possessed little value in their eyes.
Henceforth the camp recognized the orphan youth as its leader and promptly obeyed whatever commands he issued through the old chief, his father-in-law.
Yet there was one person who hated him — his wife’s older sister, the girl who had scorned him in the days of his poverty.
If her parents offered her meat from any buffalo he had driven into the pound, she flung it to the ground in contempt.
Constantly did she spy on his movements in the hope that her “medicine”, which was a mole, might be able to work him some injury.
Now the youth frequently visited a hilltop above the camp and often slept there.
One day the girl discovered him asleep and sent her mole-spirit to tunnel the ground under his body.
The mole did its work so well that the earth collapsed and precipitated him into a deep pit, from which he could not get out.
Then day after day his sister-in-law climbed the hill and mockingly threw dirt in his face.
In vain he cried for mercy and begged her to help him out, or a t least to tell his people.
She merely derided his misery. Not knowing what had become of him, his people concluded that he had perished.
Even his own wife gave up all hope and went into mourning for him.
Now that they had no one to drive the buffalo into their pound the Indians moved away.
Then a wolf that was prowling for food round the deserted campsite discovered the youth, and howled.
Soon a whole pack gathered about the pit.
The mother wolf said to them:
“Whoever succeeds in extricating this man may take him for her son.”
The animals scratched vigorously, but no sooner had they loosened the earth all around than the old wolf herself caught hold of him and pulled him out.
She adopted him as her son and allowed him to join the wanderings of her pack.
At night, because he no longer owned a blanket, the wolves made a soft mattress for him by spreading their tails together on the ground; but within two or three days they killed a buffalo, whose hide provided him with a warm robe.
This pack of wolves roaming in the vicinity spoiled the hunting of the youth’s people, who set traps to catch them.
But the youth protected his companions by breaking the traps.
The old chief awakened one night and listened to their howling.
“Hark,” he said. “I seem to hear a man calling to those wolves.”
He roused the hunters, who intercepted the pack and seized the youth as he ran in front of it.
The prisoner tried to bite them, but they said, “Don’t bite. You haven’t yet changed to a wolf.”
They then led him quietly home, where he settled down again with his wife and people.
Every night thereafter he lay awake in his tent, listening for the howl of his foster-mother.
For several nights he could not hear it.
Then one day he saw her skin drying outside a hunter’s tent for she had wandered away from the pack and had been caught in a trap.
The youth sent his grandmother to ask for the skin.
When she handed it to him, he grunted over it four times, at the fourth grunt it became a live wolf again.
He set the animal free and it returned to the prairies.
Thus he repaid his debt to his foster-mother.
He now resumed his hunting and rounded up a large herd of buffalo.
As the animals trotted over the plain, he called to a young heifer, “When my arrow strikes you, leap over the rampart of the pound and flee to that tall poplar beyond the hill.
Then lie down and die.”
The Indians slaughtered all the buffalo he drove into the pound except the young heifer, which leaped the rampart and fled over the hill.
The youth shouted to his wife, “Come with me.
We will follow it”.
“Let me go too”, cried his sister-in-law.
“Yes, you may come”, he answered.
So the two women accompanied him to the dead heifer and watched him butcher it.
“There is your load,” he said to his wife. “Carry it to our tent.”
“Give me a load also”, his sister-in-law demanded.
“Yes here is a load for you too.
You can use the intestine of the heifer for your pack-strap.”
The two women started back with their loads but had traveled only a very short distance when the intestine broke and the elder woman’s pack fell to the ground.
While she was retying it, her sister walked on and disappeared over the top of the hill.
Then the youth, who had lingered behind, began to howl like a wolf.
“Why do you howl like that?” his sister-in-law asked anxiously.
Without answering he turned his back to her and howled three times again.
Suddenly a pack of wolves appeared –his foster family.
They pounced on the woman and devoured her.
submitted by JoshAsdvgi to Native_Stories [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:36 Azazel_FA How do boss rewards work?

Me and my friend teamed up to defeat the Kalphite Queen. We killed her 3 times, and I was the only one who got the drops (sharks, rune arrows and fire talismans). My combat is slightly higher and I have better weapons. Does this mean the person who dealt the max damage gets all drops? and everybody after the 1st guy get nothing? Isn't this ridiculous? How can I fight bosses together with people if only one of us is going to get the reward?
I thought the rewards will be split according to the damage dealt by each player dealt. When I say split, I mean, I get a drop and he can't pick it up and he gets his drop and I can't pick it up... and we can't take each other's drop... similar to how, when you kill some monster, the bones can only be picked up by you since only can see it...for some mins.
Croesus, Rasial, KBD, QBD, GWD - are all bosses like this? If not, what all bosses share the reward according to damage dealt.. so that I can fight them by teaming up with people?
submitted by Azazel_FA to runescape [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:36 Darthhorusidous Cant sleep / Nuclear war

I know there have been so many posts about nuclear war but i need some advice.
So i have been worried about this for a while now and seems like every time something comes up on the news or internet or what ever like this
Putin's right-hand man issues terrifying nuke warning to NATO - 'fatal mistake' (
I get super super worried and even yes scared . i have tried my best to ignore it and not even look at the stuff but its everywhere it seems and its hard to try to let it go cause my anxiety and stress and even disability get to me and just cause me to worry more and more . a bunch of people have said dont worry about it they wont really do it cause leaders like putin and such want to rule and make alot of money and so forth and they cant if they use nukes but it doesnt really help especially when so many people seem to be threating it now not just putin. it has got so bad that honestly i barely sleep any more and sometimes not at all.
Im just wondering what should i do . How can i stop worrying about this
does anyone here and i know there are probably no experts or people in the military or such who would honestly know but does everyone here honestly think nuclear war will happen or am i just worrying for no reason and blowing it out of proportion.
what does everyone do to let this stuff not affect them so much
submitted by Darthhorusidous to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]