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Fake History Porn

2016.10.14 15:45 Vmoney1337 Fake History Porn

Fake History Porn : A subreddit dedicated to Fake History

2013.12.24 16:58 jacktiggs indieheads: Reddit's Indie Music Community

Reddit’s largest community for alternative, experimental, independent, and underground music.

2017.06.25 00:49 Space_Shifter Pokemon Go Raids

Join & invite others to remote raids in PokemonGo. Please check out the subreddit's rules!

2024.05.19 06:40 Intelligent_Low_8608 Out of Darkness comes the light...

Out of Darkness comes the light...
From wookipedia:
"A guard unit of death troopers of the Galactic Empire was active[1] in 3 ABY[5] and led by Sergeant Cordo and later by the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vader.[1] The three remaining death troopers accompanied Vader to Tatooine to the Lars moisture farm after the Duel on Cloud City against Luke Skywalker and fought against criminals, and they then traveled with Vader to Coruscant and secured Padmé's Apartment.[2]"
Sometimes just messing with minis is part of the fun, as I dont play. Dropped a drone light onto just a black undercotted Laat/LE and some Death Troopers and Dath Vader just happened to be close by 🤣😅
Quite Happy how Darth looks as I'm much more of an undercoat/dry brush/wash painter, as I'm terrible at highlighting and details with shakey hands, so its fairly basic, but I do need to colour the buttons on his chest unit. Plust the lightsaber needs touching up.
I'm also tempted to keep the Laat/LE black, (even though you don't really see it), as I have a couple, but I like the idea of it doing night time raids somewhere with death troopers or Inferno squad just dropping in for my imaginary scenerios in my head 😅.
submitted by Intelligent_Low_8608 to SWlegion [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:40 basmwklz Senolytic effects of exercise in human muscles require acute inflammation (2024)

Senolytic effects of exercise in human muscles require acute inflammation (2024) submitted by basmwklz to EverythingScience [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:39 Motor-Leadership-189 8 Star's each

8 Star's each
Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/SuRDBg
submitted by Motor-Leadership-189 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:39 shaggy_x 20 points ahead in GW. 1FT. Zero ITB

20 points ahead of number two in mini league. Been mid league most of the season and had a great last four GWs catapulting me in to number one.
How do I not eff this up?
Options: Saka for Bruno which I don’t have the cash for, so take a hit and Gordon for anyone 4.2 or under and bench them.
Other option is Saka for Haavertz which I have the money for.
Any other options and advice pls.
submitted by shaggy_x to fantasypremierleague [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:39 GPT_2025 Троица в ВЗ в Ветхом Завете?

Христиане почти не говорят слово ТРОИЦА, но часто говорят: во имя Отца и Сына и Духа Святаго! ( атеисты после этого иногда спрашивают= а что это за Святая Троица? вот это слово укоренилось среди атеистов= Троица) §Приступите ко Мне, слушайте это: Я и сначала говорил не тайно; с того времени, как это происходит, 1) Я был там; и ныне послал 1)Меня 2) Господь Бог и 3) Дух Его. = Три или как атеисты любят говорить, Святая Троица, это если считать умеют. УПО: Наблизьтесь до Мене, послухайте це: Споконвіку Я не говорив потаємно; від часу, як діялось це, Я був там. А тепер послав Мене Господь Бог та Його Дух. KJV: Come ye near unto me, hear ye this; I have not spoken in secret from the beginning; from the time that it was, there am I: and now the Lord GOD, and his Spirit, hath sent me. (Исаия 48: 16)
  1. §Дух Господа Бога на Мне, ибо Господь помазал Меня благовествовать нищим, послал Меня исцелять сокрушенных сердцем, проповедывать пленным освобождение и узникам открытие темницы, УПО: Дух Господа Бога на мені, бо Господь помазав Мене благовістити сумирним, послав Мене перев'язати зламаних серцем, полоненим звіщати свободу, а в'язням відчинити в'язницю, KJV: The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; (Исаия 61: 1)
Дух Господень на Мне; ибо Он помазал Меня благовествовать нищим, и послал Меня исцелять сокрушенных сердцем, проповедывать пленным освобождение, слепым прозрение, отпустить измученных на свободу, УПО: На Мені Дух Господній, бо Мене Він помазав, щоб Добру Новину звіщати вбогим. Послав Він Мене проповідувати полоненим визволення, а незрячим прозріння, відпустити на волю помучених, KJV: The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, (Луки 4: 18)
Троицу может осознать только Рожденный Свыше Христианин (от остальных это закрыто, как и написано: Книга 1-е Коринфянам > Глава 12 > Стих 3: Потому сказываю вам, что никто, -- не может назвать Иисуса Господом, как только Духом Святым. ( Никто не может признать Христа Богом, как только христианин, имеющий Духа Святаго )
submitted by GPT_2025 to rusAskBible [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:39 BoneyEaredAssfish Am I wrong?

Am I wrong?
I replied to this guy on threads who claimed that wolverine wasn't straight because I cannot seem to find any basis for his claim. I tried to keep things respectful so I edited out his profile name and mine as well. Idk, I guess I'm just looking for some more input towards the particular topic
submitted by BoneyEaredAssfish to Wolverine [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:39 Fr05t_B1t When to chop

When to chop
1.) when should I chop this avocado?
2.) at what point should I chop it?
3.) can I stick the chopped off part in watesoil to propagate it?
(Red mini solo “shot glass” for scale)
submitted by Fr05t_B1t to gardening [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:39 VishnuBhanum The reasons Banana Guard failed as a Joke character

I'm actually think Banana Guard inclusion is pretty funny, So I have no hate on the character myself, Just wanted to point out why they were so poorly recieved compared to other Joke characters in Platform Fighter games:
1.Banana Guard was included over other Adventure Time characters
People likes to compared Banana Guard to Piranha Plant from Smash. But the reason Plant was much better recieved is because it was included in the 5th installment of Smash after they pretty much got almost all of the important Mario characters in there already, While Banana Guard was chosen over many important characters to be included. I think if they were to include Banana after PB, Ice King and Marceline then it would be much better recieved
2.Banana Guard isn't important and way too obscure
Mr.Game and Watch represent a big step in Nintendo history, Wii Fit was one of the best selling Video Game of all time while Piranha Plant is one of the most iconic Mob/Obstacle in Video Game history. Banana Guard on the other hand wasn't even important in their own series and nobody that haven't watched Adventire Time would know about them.
3.Adventure Time already have 2 Reps
It would be one thing if Banana Guard at least represent their own series, But we already got Finn and Jake. While Fat Princess and Huge Neutron are Joke characters, They're also represented their own series. Not including Fat Princess means not including her series, Not including Banana Guard and nothing would be lost.
In conclusion, Banana Guard inclusion is "Purely" for a Joke and nothing else, It doesn't even make sense in hindsight for them to be included, and it was included before the game could covered all their bases. So if the initial Joke didn't landed for you then there isn't really other redeeming quality for you to cling on.
submitted by VishnuBhanum to MultiVersusTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:39 bad_horsey_ No idea how far I'll make it, but this was a good week

No idea how far I'll make it, but this was a good week submitted by bad_horsey_ to chessbeginners [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:39 Ok_Significance8631 Just acquired a starling!

I have been thinking of getting a starling for years. In the U.S. they are considered invasive, and there are no laws prohibiting taking them, so I planned to someday grab one from a nest. I have found several nests over time, but they have been too difficult to get to, or too small of an opening to reach in. Today I happened to find a nest that seemed more accessible at the edge of a roof at a park pavilion, so this evening I took my daughter, had her stand on my shoulders, and she was able to look in. There were three babies, and we took one. It has feathers, and is more than half adult size. We have cared for baby birds in the past and feel up to the challenge, but I came here for tips. I appreciate the recipe in the last post, and will follow it. I also have a bunch of worms in my compost, so I will use some of those too.
A couple of questions: 1) is it better to raise 2 together? (we debated about stealing more than 1) 2) do both males and females sing? Is it best to provide particular stimuli to encourage new sounds? 3) any particular tips or concerns?
submitted by Ok_Significance8631 to petstarlings [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:39 rleon1- Wip 👴🏻

Wip 👴🏻 submitted by rleon1- to ZBrush [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:38 No_Medicine_2065 23M, Recurring Strep Multiple Groups (A, B, G, and ?)

In October 2023, I got Strep Group A. It was definitely the worst bout for me symptom-wise. I couldn’t swallow anything without immense pain, and I was very nauseous. After my antibiotic treatment (Penicillin), my main symptoms all went away except I continued to have the chills. I went in for another test once the chills became unbearable at night and a mildly sore throat, a month after I started my 10 day antibiotic course. The rapid test came back negative.
On Thanksgiving, I had an incredibly sore throat much like last time but was less feverish. I got tested, my rapid test came back negative but my throat culture tested positive for Group B. I went through a 10 day course of Amoxicillin, and I never really felt better weeks after.
Both of the previous labs were administered by my university’s student health center. The semester had ended, so I went to MedStar’s walk in to get another throat culture as I still had the same symptoms with the new addition of chest pain. To quote the NP I saw at MedStar
“Your symptoms do not meet the scorecard. You’re 23, you have the body of a BMW and you will be fine.”
… I get younger people are naturally healthier but, what a dismissively crass thing to say. Also, I’m not built like that I’m in skinny fat with a pronounced muffin top lmao.
With that being said, she refused to administer a throat culture to make sure I still don’t have Group B despite pleading with her that my symptoms have not changed, along with the addition of chest pains. I continued to have the same symptoms for months, but the chest pains went away by the new year.
I’ve felt somewhat better since, but the occasional sore throat and chills weren’t uncommon. Actually, I’ve gotten chills pretty much everyday but seemingly only when I lay down in bed at night.
Fast forward to the end of April, my tongue was in splitting pain with a sore throat and I decided to get tested. I came back to my home town where I saw an NP in the walk in… she believed it was post nasal drip but she administered a throat culture upon my request and it turned out I had strep again, Group G this time. So thankful they agreed to give me a throat culture.
They prescribed a 5 day Azithromycin antibiotic course, which I finished on May 1st and mostly everything went away except the chills. Last weekend on the 13th, my sore throat and fever came back so I went back to the walk in, just got my results today that I still have Strep, but they can’t identify which group other than it or being Group A. I have been prescribed a 10 day course of amoxicillin.
My mind is spinning… what in the actual hell is going on?
I can’t see an ENT for months because of the healthcare system, and I’m rightfully getting worried. Having strep for at least a month, and god knows for how long if Group B never went away, is making me concerned about rheumatic fever. I’m really uneasy and anxious about all of this.
Important to note, when I was taking my antibiotic courses the previous 3 times, I really screwed up and was drinking heavily while on them. I had developed alcoholism the same month when I first contracted Strep. I was not considerate or knowledgeable of how alcohol would interact with the antibiotics, and I will not be drinking on this course and I’m really hoping this will help my chances of ridding strep out of my system.
I am also a vaper, which could seemingly line up with my frequency to strep over the last few months. I’m treating my vape like my toothbrush head, getting rid of them.
Am I tweaking for being worried rheumatic fever? And is it strange that I’m prone to multiple groups of strep, or is this reasonable for someone with a weakened immune system? Am I tweaking for being dismissively compared to a BMW because of my age when in fact I’m built more like a 2010’s Mitsubishi?
submitted by No_Medicine_2065 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:38 ApLifer QC: DateJust 36m

QC: DateJust 36m
Hello, looking for some QC feedback regarding my order. thank you!
Dealer name:
  1. Factory name: Steve (Theonewatches)
  2. Model name (& version number): DateJust 36m
  3. Price Paid: $498
  4. Album Links: https://mega.nz/foldezRRBmLCD#1RpnqEX3f6zv0r1HvX3IDgIndex
  5. Dial Printing: looks ok
  6. Date Wheel alignment/printing: looks ok?
  7. Hand Alignment: looks ok
  8. Bezel: looks ok
  9. Solid End Links (SELs): looks ok
  10. Timegrapher numbers: any feedback?
  11. Anything else you notice: Not sure if is just me or the 6th is not positioned correctly?
submitted by ApLifer to RepTimeQC [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:38 hardcore_gamer29 you pay heft amount as fee while trading then in the end you pay tax as well. #trading

you pay heft amount as fee while trading then in the end you pay tax as well. #trading submitted by hardcore_gamer29 to moneyzonetrader [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:38 yggerg Random IP address at it once again

Random IP address at it once again submitted by yggerg to Nbamemes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:38 NegotiationGlad9194 Travel with a hot wife

Hey community!
My wife and I recently traveled to the Dominican Republic. Upon returning to the hotel after exploring Punta Cana, my wife jokingly mentioned that she would want to be taken by a local man in some juicy scenario.
We are going back to DR soon, and here are my questions:
  1. Did anyone do anything close to what I mentioned above?
  2. The idea is quite hot; it would be nice to see my wife's pussy be stretched by a large black dick. Not sure how I am going to handle this seeing live.
  3. Any advice, suggestions, etc..
submitted by NegotiationGlad9194 to Sex_Positivity [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:38 grossepatate17 Rate my Italy Trip

Hi guys, I am going to italy from July 20th to August 7th with my girlfriend, her sister and her sisters boyfriend. We will be travelling throughout italy for a total of 17 nights. Here is what I had in mind:
Land in Genoa in the morning then train to Cinque Terre. Then the trip begins.
Cinque Terre - 2 nights (Riomaggiore, Manarola, Monterosso, Corniglia, Vernazza). Then we train from cinque terre to Florence.
Florence - 2 nights. No specific activities planned yet. Then rent a car in Florence and head to Tuscany.
Tuscany - 1 night (day trips in Montepulciano, Pienza, Sienna, Lucca). Drop off car in Rome
Rome - 3 nights. No specific activities planned yet (but classic touristy stuff expected) From Rome we fly to Sardinia
Sardinia - 4 nights. We rent a car in Sardinia. Explore Palau, La maddelena, Pelosa beach, alghero, cagliari, arutas, oristano). Then we fly to Amalfi coast and train from airport to the coast.
Amalfi coast - 5 nights. Ravello, Positano, Pompeii, Naples, maybe Capri. Then back to airport and fly home.
What do you think? Too action packed? Anything I am missing? Anything you would recommend? I think this will be the most memorable trip of my life to date :)
submitted by grossepatate17 to ItalyTravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:38 Wimbo213 Annual pass upgrade questions

We got a Neighbor Pass last November which will expire in early August. Because of the blackout dates, we can't go anymore after mid-June. I'd like to be able to go again after the busy summer season dies down but don't necessarily want to have another full year. I have a couple questions:
  1. It sounds like we can upgrade our existing passes to Silver or Gold to get the extra 3 months (from 9 months to 12 months) and they'll prorate the cost difference, right?
  2. Can somebody post examples of the Silver and Gold calendar codes? Since they now require calendar codes rather than just categorizing by pass type, I have no idea what the blackout dates would be from August-November.
submitted by Wimbo213 to UniversalHollywood [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:38 Due-Establishment506 Schedule Your Trip to the Graduation Class of 2024 with CruiseForTheTravel

Schedule Your Trip to the Graduation Class of 2024 with CruiseForTheTravel
Planning your trip to the graduation ceremony can be effortless with CruiseForTheTravel.com, your one-stop solution for booking flights, hotels, and rental cars.

Why Choose CruiseForTheTravel.com?

  1. Comprehensive Travel Services:
CruiseForTheTravel.com offers all-inclusive travel services, making it easy to plan your entire trip in one place. Whether you're looking for #CheapFlights, #HotelsNearMe, or #CheapCarRentals, we have you covered.
  1. Budget-Friendly Options:
Our platform is perfect for finding #CheapHotelsNearMe, #CheapAirlineTickets, and affordable car rentals, so you can stay within your budget.
  1. Easy and Convenient Booking:
Our user-friendly website makes booking your travel arrangements a breeze.

How to Plan Your Graduation Trip

Step 1: Book Your Flight
Start by booking your flight to the graduation destination. CruiseForTheTravel.com allows you to compare prices from various airlines, helping you find the best #AirLineTickets and #CheapFlightTickets. Just enter your departure and arrival cities, select your dates, and choose from a range of options to find the perfect #PlaneTickets.
Step 2: Reserve Your Hotel
Next, find the perfect place to stay. Whether you're looking for a #Marriott, #BestWestern, or other extended stay options, CruiseForTheTravel.com offers a wide selection of accommodations.
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Tips for a Smooth Graduation Trip

  • Check Schedules: Confirm the graduation ceremony date and time to align your travel plans accordingly.
  • Pack Smart: Pack appropriately for the occasion, including comfortable travel attire and suitable clothing for the graduation ceremony.


Graduation ceremony of the Class of 2024 is a historical event that deserves the best travel arrangements. With CruiseForTheTravel.com, you can plan your trip efficiently and affordably. Start planning your trip today at CruiseForTheTravel.com and ensure you're there to celebrate this important achievement with your loved ones.
Tags: #CheapFlights #HotelsNearMe #BookingHotel #CheapHotelsNearMe #CheapHotels #CarRentalNearMe #CheapCarRentals #Marriott #AirLineTickets #PlaneTickets #CheapAirlineTickets #ExtendedStay #CheapFlightTickets #HotelTonight #BestWestern #Flight #Hotel #CarRental #Travel #Google #Reddit #CruiseForTheTravel
submitted by Due-Establishment506 to u/Due-Establishment506 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:38 JODonYT I hate giddey

I hate giddey submitted by JODonYT to sportsbetting [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:38 AdInteresting2401 Dying to be ill - How people make it hard for actual sufferers to be taken serious, hard to find any authentic and not misleading information, brain washing people into self diagnoses

People that spread the internet without an official diagnosis or any prove of an mast cell involvement, antihistamines are used for multiple diseases. There have been people that think they have MCAS because Cromolyn helped their asthma, H1 medication helped their urticaria, or H2 helped their heartburn. These medications are all widely used and are rather "off label" used for MCAS. That is why all 3 criteria need to be present.
Websites present various doctors that claim to be "specialists" and who give out diagnoses to anyone based of unspecific symptoms, reportedly these do not even make tests at all. Or use unvalidated biomarkers or questionable diagnostic criteria.
People who actually have a serious and rare disease named MCAS, struggle to be taken seriously, because many doctors are fed up by the sheer amount of psychic conspicuous patients, who only want a proof for their google based self diagnoses. Often times there is no proof and these people make a burden for health care resources.
Mast cell medication is free and if you have no relief at all with antihistamines, MCAS is very unlikely. There is not much any further medication that someone would get, if not presented with serious reactions, most of the times anaphylaxis. Ketotifen and cromolyn are also mainly antihistamines, still many gaslight themselfs thinking that that is the medication they need.
Primary and secondary MCAS are easy to rule out, due to specific and severe symptoms and quite obvious underlying mechanism like an IgE dependant allergy or the genetic mutation. The diagnosis that is under question is the idiopathic MCAS, where the underlying mechanism is unknown, these people still need to fullfill the diagnostic markers, but in reality this happens only rarely.
Still many think they have a secondary MCAS, it is said by certain authors that a secondary MCAS would have a prevalance of 17-30 per cent. They say that long covid and/or T-Cells are the problem. That this would be quite easy to proof if it would be happening they do not care about. That this has already been evaluated they do not care about. The desperate patients are easy to convince it seems.
Some people even make claims their MCAS would be due to a root cause of "Sibo", "Leaky gut" or "microbiome disbalance", all which are unrelated to a MCAS. Mast cells in the gut have been studied and people with IBS have had no success with mast cell treatment.
It is also a burden for patients, knowing that even some doctors do not stick to authentic measures and give out misinformation. Maybe because of a conflict of interest? Since most internet posts that come up include misinformation, it is hard for sufferers to find alike. MCAS communities are full of people who do not have MCAS. MCAS sufferers have no community right now.
"My blood and 24hr urine collection testing came back normal. The allergist I saw also told me outright he doubted I had MCAS (a fad diagnosis along with EDS and POTS, as he said) but did end up suggesting I come back to get samples tested during an episode. I was so frustrated with the allergist that I’ve never gone through with that. Instead my amazing primary doctor decided to prescribe me montelukast and monitor my reaction to trialing antihistamines at home, and I had immediate positive response! We also first ruled out everything else he could think of and clearly test for; my main symptom is facial flushing so I had things like lupus and carcinoid syndrome ruled out.
Although we treat it as such, I don’t actually have an “official” MCAS diagnosis on my chart. IME the specialists who do inquire about all my meds or listen to my symptoms don’t seem to differentiate between MCAS and allergies/sensitivities anyway :/ but my case isn’t super severe and currently well-controlled so that works for me. Good luck to you - I hope you find proper care regardless of your test results!"
"I have normal tryptase levels and definitely have MCAS. They diagnosed it after POTS, and it was mostly based on symptoms as well as the “scratch test”"
"Spoke about it with my GP, she referred me to an internal medicine doc who specializes in MCAS. I told him my symptoms and he went “yep that sounds like MCAS” and proceeded to literally dump an armful of antihistamine samples into my lap and bounce off to his next appointment. I am definitely in the minority of people whose experience was that easy. It was so easy that I almost don’t believe him."
"This is the same as my experience! Walked in, diagnosed by rheumatologist in 5 mins based off symptoms and loaded up with antihistamines as a starting point. No testing or anything."
"went to my allergist and had the blood work panel done. nothing in it came back weird, but my allergist is treating me as if i have MCAS based on all my symptoms and pictures of flares."
"Went in to get my pots diagnosis and the doctor was like “btw your blood tests show you have mast cell activation syndrome” and then gave me some medicine and did not elaborate further"
"As it turned out my diagnosis was literally not true. I don’t have MCAS (and even if i did what they gave me for it was beyond overkill) after talking to an actual allergist I believe that most likely I was given an extra diagnosis on extremely weak basis. Using something from what they saw in my blood so they could bill higher and prescribe more medicine to me. I no longer go to that practice and instead go to a different cardiologist and actively do not recommend going there. Unfortunately this stopped me for years from properly treating my pain as I was trying to treat it on the basis it was being caused by MCAS :/"
"Mine was actually fairly easy when I finally figured out it was MCAS.
Got referred to immunology to rule out mastocytosis. Then my PCP at the time did a clinical diagnosis. She wasn’t risking putting me into anaphylaxis to maybe get a positive result on any of the mast cell mediator labs (this doctor was one who didn’t list a diagnosis unless she was confident it isn’t anything else and spent 8 years trying to get an answer).
My current doctors don’t question it because my symptoms at this point line up perfectly with MCAS."
submitted by AdInteresting2401 to MCAS_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:38 Motor_Courage8837 Stats question

Stats question
Is it worth increasing the melee stats after a certain percentage? Is 1000+% melee high enough. Should I invent some into weight?
submitted by Motor_Courage8837 to arkmobile [link] [comments]
