Onesource mens vitamin

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity

2015.06.03 06:16 Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity is an officially recognized disability in Sweden (this is not recognized as an illness because no diagnosis exists for this condition).” Professor Johansson gave the example of a head ache “ how can one measure the pain or prove the existence of a head ache?” Sweden ranks in the top 10 in the world for healthcare. Magnetic Flux poses the largest threat to individuals with EMHS.

2024.06.02 07:55 ryizer How'd you handle MPB/Hair thinning/balding?

Hi guys, I have had thinning hair for quite a while now though I don't remember ever having thick hair but still, it's lost a lot of it's density in the last 5 years. Was Iron & Vitamin D deficient(was extremely deficient in this case) & tried getting them in the normal range & I think they are kinda there now or atleast borderline but haven't really seen much improvement in hair. Have also been prescribed Min & Fin & am aware about sides. Also got dandruff that never seems to go though on medication for it too.
I know there are some other stuff like Rosemary Oil,Caffeine,Castor Oil,microneedling,etc that people recommend but would like to know your personal experience regarding these.
Also would prefer if men or people who have seen how other men in their lives handled this & managed to reduce hairloss to comment since the average male & female hairloss is vastly different due to differing physiology & hormones & stuff & wouldn't want suggestions to get mixed up.
submitted by ryizer to AskIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:55 ryizer How'd you handle MPB/Hair thinning/balding?

Hi guys, I have had thinning hair for quite a while now though I don't remember ever having thick hair but still, it's lost a lot of it's density in the last 5 years. Was Iron & Vitamin D deficient(was extremely deficient in this case) & tried getting them in the normal range & I think they are kinda there now or atleast borderline but haven't really seen much improvement in hair. Have also been prescribed Min & Fin & am aware about sides. Also got dandruff that never seems to go though on medication for it too.
I know there are some other stuff like Rosemary Oil,Caffeine,Castor Oil,microneedling,etc that people recommend but would like to know your personal experience regarding these.
Also would prefer if men or people who have seen how other men in their lives handled this & managed to reduce hairloss to comment since the average male & female hairloss is vastly different due to differing physiology & hormones & stuff & wouldn't want suggestions to get mixed up.
submitted by ryizer to AskIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:35 Minute_Fix9918 SAS mini haul

SAS mini haul
bought some shower gels for my family and tutti frutti candy for myself ! i was hoping for more tutti frutti items but i was glad to even get my hands on the shower gel. i also got two christmas items. the bright christmas morning sanitizer and i bought a tis the season candle (not pictured) for my bf and it smelled amazing. spent around $24
submitted by Minute_Fix9918 to bathandbodyworks [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:01 cisdaleraven My SAS haul.

My SAS haul.
My SAS haul. Clean Slate was in stores, which is interesting because I am used to it being an online exclusive. Mahogany Woods has become one of my favorites. Coastal Cliffs and Gingham Unstoppable are good ones too. My mom got Bourbon Strawberry & Vanilla, and I got my dad Coffee & Whiskey cologne and a body wash (the other one is mine) because the thought of him not being able to buy more of the fragrance because of its retirement was there.
submitted by cisdaleraven to bathandbodyworks [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:29 WittyEvaluator Does Masturbation Decrease Testosterone Levels?

Diving into the topic of masturbation can lead us into a sea of myths and misunderstandings. One major myth is that it reduces testosterone levels in the body. However, studies have shown that this is not true. For both men and women, masturbation does not decrease testosterone levels in the long run.

Testosterone is key for sexual health and desire. Yet, its levels are not affected in the long term by masturbation. So, feel free to enjoy your own company without fearing for your hormone health.
It's crucial to dispel the myth that masturbation lowers testosterone. Instead, we should look into what really does affect these hormone levels. This way, we get a more precise understanding of how masturbation relates to our health.

Key Takeaways:

Debunking Masturbation Myths: The Testosterone Myth

Many myths surround masturbation. One frequent myth is it lowers testosterone levels, affecting health. Yet, studies have shown the truth about this myth.
Research tells us masturbation doesn't change testosterone levels long-term. There are wrong ideas about how sex and ejaculation impact us. It's time to share the real story about masturbation and testosterone.
Studies find no proof that masturbation drops testosterone. Testosterone usually stays the same, even after you masturbate. Any rise in testosterone during the activity goes back down.
Testosterone is key for sex health and desire. It helps keep your libido, manage sperm making, and maintain good erectile function. It's key to know the true effects of masturbation on this hormone.
By sharing the truth, we help people understand the facts. It's vital to clear up worries about masturbation hurting testosterone. Remember, masturbating is normal and good for sexual health, without affecting testosterone in bad ways.

Understanding Testosterone: Functions and Fluctuations

Testosterone is key for both sexual health and desire in men and women. It maintains libido, regulates sperm production, and helps with healthy erections. In the game of sexual desire, it's like the main player, making sure our sex lives are satisfying.

Testosterone's Role in Sexual Health and Desire

In men, testosterone is the major sex hormone, but women make it too in smaller amounts. It's important for men growing facial hair, having a deep voice, and building muscle. Testosterone also keeps the male reproductive system in good shape.
For both genders, it's crucial for wanting sex and getting turned on. The right amount means a strong sex drive and the ability to perform in bed. Too little, and you might not feel like doing it or have trouble getting ready.

Short-Term Hormonal Responses to Sexual Activities

Any sexual activity, even solo play, can briefly boost testosterone. Testosterone spikes during arousal and sexual action. This boost makes you want sex more, enjoy it better, and perform well.
Once you reach orgasm, testosterone drops back to normal levels. These ups and downs are just part of how our bodies handle sex. They aren't the same as long-term changes in testosterone.

The Impact of External Factors on Testosterone Levels

Things outside of sex, like stress, can mess with your testosterone. Stress can lower testosterone levels, affecting your desire and performance in bed.
Not getting enough sleep is also bad for testosterone. Sleep is super important for keeping your hormones in check and staying healthy. Issues like obesity and diabetes can also mess with your testosterone levels.
It's important to know what testosterone does and what affects it. Misinformation about testosterone and masturbation is common. By learning the facts, people can better take care of their sexual health and happiness.

Does Masturbation Decrease Testosterone?

Many think that masturbation lowers testosterone levels, but research says otherwise. This myth is false. Engaging in solo pleasure does not significantly affect testosterone production long-term. It's important to share the truth about this topic.
Masturbation is common and good for you. It might briefly change your testosterone levels because of arousal and release. But these effects are short and do not influence long-term testosterone levels.
The idea that too much ejaculation drops testosterone has circulated. Yet, studies show otherwise. The body balances testosterone levels well, regardless of how often you masturbate.
Sharing accurate facts on masturbation and testosterone is key. Knowing the reality helps everyone make better choices for their sexual health. It also fights against spreading harmful myths.
Keep in mind, testosterone can be affected by age, lifestyle, and health. Taking care of yourself with exercise, a balanced diet, enough sleep, and stress relief is important. This helps keep your testosterone levels healthy.
In conclusion, the claim that masturbation lowers testosterone is false. Masturbation is normal and does not hurt testosterone levels in the long run. It's essential to spread true information and clear up misunderstandings about masturbation and testosterone.

Managing Testosterone Levels: Beyond Sexual Activities

Masturbation doesn't lower testosterone levels, but there are key factors in play. Lifestyle choices are crucial in controlling testosterone levels. It's not just about sex.
Simple lifestyle changes can positively affect testosterone. Regular workouts boost testosterone. Strength training, like weightlifting, is great for this. Also, a diet rich in zinc and vitamin D helps.
Getting enough sleep is vital for testosterone. Bad sleep lowers testosterone. Try to get 7-9 hours of sleep each night to stay healthy.
If low testosterone is a serious issue, consider therapy. This includes testosterone injections under a doctor’s care. This can boost energy, increase desire, and prevent muscle loss.
Optimizing testosterone involves more than just sex. Healthy habits like exercise, good food, and sleep are key. They help keep your testosterone at a healthy level.


Does masturbation decrease testosterone levels?

No, masturbation doesn't lower your testosterone for good. Studies show this isn't true. While it might change a bit in the short term, it doesn't last or matter much.
So, it's fine to do what feels good without worrying about your testosterone levels being affected much.

What are some myths about masturbation and testosterone levels?

One big myth is that masturbating makes your testosterone drop. But, science has proven this wrong. It's important to share the right info and stop these false ideas.

What is the role of testosterone in sexual health and desire?

Testosterone is key for both men and women's sexual health and desire. It keeps your interest in sex, makes sperm, and helps you get erections well. So, it's pretty important for a healthy sex life.

Do sexual activities cause short-term fluctuations in testosterone levels?

Yes, having sex or getting turned on can bump up your testosterone quickly. After you reach orgasm, these levels generally go back to normal.

What factors can impact testosterone levels?

A lot of things can affect how much testosterone you have. Stress, not sleeping enough, and some health problems can lower it. But, lifestyle choices like working out, eating right, and getting enough sleep can keep your levels in check.

How does masturbation affect testosterone levels?

Frequent masturbation doesn't seem to lower your testosterone over time. There's little to no proof that it does. It's key to share accurate info and put this myth to rest.

What strategies are available for managing testosterone levels?

To keep your testosterone in a good range, you can do more than just have sex. Things like staying active, eating healthy, and sleeping enough are important. Sometimes, someone with very low testosterone might need extra help from their doctor.

Source Links

submitted by WittyEvaluator to RedditRealTalk [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:05 WittyEvaluator TestoPrime Review: My Honest Take on Results (2024)

When I first heard about TestoPrime, I didn't know what to think. As a guy in my thirties, I was aware of the need to keep my testosterone levels up. I was feeling the effects of lower testosterone, like losing muscle, being tired, having less interest in things, and feeling off. I wanted something that could help. TestoPrime seemed promising, claiming to help with muscle, energy, libido, mood, and brain function. This review will tell you how it went after a few months of trying TestoPrime.
Right from the start, I felt better. My energy and mood improved a lot. The formula with things like vitamin D3, B vitamins, and zinc made me hopeful. After starting, I saw my muscles get bigger and felt stronger when exercising. It was clear the supplement was raising my testosterone1. I was also much less tired and more productive every day.
As time went by, my sex life got better, too. TestoPrime is made to boost libido and sex performance. It does this by keeping testosterone in a healthy range without making it too high. This kept me balanced and healthy sexually1.
But something I didn't expect was better thinking. More testosterone made me clearer in the head. It helped my mood and well-being a lot1. TestoPrime wasn't just about muscles; it was about improving my life in many ways. It really tackled the low testosterone symptoms I was feeling.

Key Takeaways

Introduction to TestoPrime and Its Claims

TestoPrime is getting a lot of interest as a natural way to boost testosterone for men. Its goal is to enhance overall health and well-being. It is made from natural ingredients to help older men deal with low testosterone signs and feel more energized.

What is TestoPrime?

TestoPrime is a special product for men, boosting testosterone with 12 natural ingredients. It's seen as the top choice in a market full of testosterone boosters2. This formula helps with gaining muscle, a strong metabolism, better sex, and clear thinking, showing its all-round health value2.

Why Testosterone Levels Are Important

Testosterone is key for men's physical and mental health. After age 40, men start losing about 1% of their testosterone yearly2. Recognizing low testosterone signs early is crucial for a good life quality. It's important for keeping muscle, energy, stable moods, and sexual health, all making a difference to well-being3. Between 2001 and 2011, there was more use of testosterone replacement therapy in the U.S., showing growing awareness of its benefits3.

How TestoPrime Works

TestoPrime shows its strength through selected natural ingredients. These work together to raise testosterone safely and effectively. They fight low testosterone symptoms by improving how the body absorbs and creates testosterone. Over 75 studies were used to create this powerful mix2. It contains vital things like zinc and vitamins B6 and B12 for optimal health and testosterone boost4. TestoPrime is serious about health and well-being, backed by science. It aims for real changes like more muscle, better metabolism, stronger sex life, and improved thinking4.

TestoPrime Review: User Experiences and Ratings

Learning how users feel about TestoPrime gives us a close look at its effects. Their stories, scores, and tips shed light on this supplement's results.

Positive User Reviews

People using TestoPrime often feel better in many ways. They say they gain more muscle and strength. Some see their strength jump by 92.2%5.
Others talk about higher energy and sharper focus. Many notice they're losing weight, turning fat into energy better. They drop their body fat by up to 16%5.
Improvements in sex drive are also common. This boost is thanks to Pomegranate Extract in the formula. Half of all reviews rate TestoPrime 5 stars6.

Mixed Feedback and Criticisms

But, not everyone highlights only good things. About 11% give it 3 out of 5 stars, mentioning ways it could be better6. 7% felt the results were only okay6.
Then, 24% rate it the lowest, sharing their disappointments6. Some talk about product misjudgments and expectations not being met. Issues regarding refunds and time to see effects are main concerns.

Customer Service Experience

Opinions on TestoPrime's customer service are diverse. Many praise the quick and helpful support. They value easy and fast solutions6.
But, some feel the service isn't as good, mentioning slow responses and refund troubles. Understanding these comments helps future customers know what to expect6.

My Honest Take on TestoPrime Results

After using TestoPrime for several months, I've learned a lot. I saw a big jump in my energy levels quickly after I started7. This helped a lot in the gym and with my daily tasks.
I noticed my strength increase just like Darrell Dubbya and Scott Grygo6. They said they felt stronger and had more stamina by the time they were halfway through their second bottle. Also, my body started looking better over time. This shows TestoPrime helps with muscle and getting into shape7.
But, TestoPrime doesn't work the same for everyone. Andreas and Michael didn't see much change even with a healthy lifestyle and using TestoPrime for a long time6. My experience was better, but I did notice some downsides. Although I liked the energy and improved gym results, I did hit a point where I stopped seeing progress. This made me wonder about the long-term impact.
In the end, my review shows both the good and the not-so-good parts of TestoPrime. It does boost your energy and helps in the gym quite quickly. However, its effects on testosterone levels and muscle gains might not be the same for everyone over time7. Anyone thinking about trying it should know the pros and cons to make an informed decision.


What is TestoPrime?

TestoPrime is a natural supplement that boosts testosterone. It's made for men over thirty to enhance health. It improves muscle, energy, libido, mood, and brain functions.

Why are testosterone levels important?

In men, testosterone is crucial for both physical and mental health. It's needed for strong muscles, a speedy metabolism, good sexual performance, and clear thinking. Keeping testosterone at the right levels helps men lead healthy lives as they age.

How does TestoPrime work?

TestoPrime uses natural ingredients to kickstart testosterone production. This fights signs of low testosterone like weak muscles, extra weight, low sex drive, and poor memory. It helps build muscles, raises energy, and makes men healthier overall.

What are the benefits of TestoPrime?

TestoPrime boosts muscle, cuts fat, ups energy, makes libido stronger, balances mood, and sharpens mind. It battles the drop in testosterone that comes with getting older.

What have users said about TestoPrime?

Reviews on TestoPrime are mixed. Good ones talk about gains in strength, losing weight, quick recovery, and improved sex. Others found the effects less noticeable and mentioned issues with refunds and service.

How is TestoPrime different from other testosterone boosters?

TestoPrime is unique for its natural ingredients and broad focus on male health. It improves physical, mental, and sexual well-being. And it does it without synthetic chemicals.

What has been my personal experience using TestoPrime?

Using TestoPrime, I saw better results in my workouts, more energy, improved body, mood, and daily performance. While it affects everyone differently, the gains I saw matched the promises, giving a fair view for others considering it.

Are there any side effects associated with TestoPrime?

Since TestoPrime is all-natural, side effects are low. Still, people respond differently to supplements. Talking to a doctor before trying it is wise.

How long does it take to see results with TestoPrime?

How fast TestoPrime works varies person to person. Age, lifestyle, and initial testosterone play a role. Some feel better in weeks, others need more time. But, sticking to the dose is important for results.

Source Links:

submitted by WittyEvaluator to RedditRealTalk [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:34 ryizer How'd you handle MPB/Hair thinning/balding?

Hi guys, I have had thinning hair for quite a while now though I don't remember ever having thick hair but still, it's lost a lot of it's density in the last 5 years. Was Iron & Vitamin D deficient(was extremely deficient in this case) & tried getting them in the normal range & I think they are kinda there now or atleast borderline but haven't really seen much improvement in hair. Have also been prescribed Min & Fin & am aware about sides. Also got dandruff that never seems to go though on medication for it too.
I know there are some other stuff like Rosemary Oil,Caffeine,Castor Oil,microneedling,etc that people recommend but would like to know your personal experience regarding these.
Also would prefer if men or people who have seen how other men in their lives handled this & managed to reduce hairloss to comment since the average male & female hairloss is vastly different due to differing physiology & hormones & stuff & wouldn't want suggestions to get mixed up.
submitted by ryizer to skincareaddictsindia [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:43 June1Quitter Day 1. How it started, why I do it, and why I want to quit.

33F. No one knows about my problem except the cashiers at the grocery store. I’ve recently found this subreddit, read probably a hundred stories, some things just started clicking in my brain and I realized I’m one of you and I need to quit completely. I’ve had hundreds of attempts at moderation. My longest streak in the past few years was 40 days last year when I got scared after getting lightheaded every time I got up or lay down (alcohol can deplete your B vitamins and make you anemic). But then I got better and was back to drinking. I want this one to stick. I’ll be documenting my journey here for accountability.
No one in my life thinks I should quit alcohol completely because from the outside they think they see a healthy, young-looking, fit girl who has studied abroad on scholarships, likes to exercise and is well put together in general. But they don’t see what goes on behind closed doors — I’ve lived alone most of my adult life. I figured I should leave my confessionals here, with people most likely to understand.
Men on both sides of my family are known for having alcohol problems. I started drinking at around 20 with a long distance boyfriend who was a lot older than me and (as I learned later) had an alcohol problem. I would visit him on occasional weekends and he would always stock up on wine for me and vodka for him, beer for both of us in the mornings. The buzzed weekends were fun at first, but overtime would sometimes escalate into arguments over stupid things. Seeing him completely out of control and aggressive started eroding my attraction to him. I later learned that he was in a drunk driving accident that his friends died in years ago. He would get drunk and get into fist fights with acquaintances and strangers, ending up in a hospital once. He kept drinking even though doctors were telling him his health was in danger. At some point I realized my respect for him was gone and we parted ways.
I have fun memories of drinking in my 20s. In fact, the first vacation my sister and I had together was also the first time we were drinking and partying together. We got so close on that booze fueled, crazy vacation, we’ve been best friends ever since.
I also started drinking alone. As a girl and an introvert it was so attractive to me. A way to ‘let my hair down,’ completely relax and let go, enjoy some food and entertainment by myself, without the risk of attracting unwanted attention from strangers or embarrassing myself in public. It felt great.
The reasons I want to quit:
submitted by June1Quitter to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:08 cbsbeautysupply Johnny B Hair Care Products

Johnny B Hair Care Products

Johnny B Hair Care Products

Johnny B Hair Care Products , it’s a model of high-quality, artistic, and cheap males’s grooming merchandise that was based in 1994. The model was intentionally created, emphasizing styling items as a direct results of researching client preferences, and it continues to increase its gives with hair and pores and skin merchandise.
They launch a vigorous public relations effort geared toward each trade and client media, leading to improved model publicity and recognition throughout all media, together with print, digital, tv, and radio.

Johnny B Hair Care Products

With the products , enterprise, and philanthropic tales, Johnny B. has been featured extensively in quite a few nationwide media. One other strategy to contact their goal customers is thru social media, they usually’ve found that participating them frequently is a fast and environment friendly technique to unfold model information. Their most important aim is to start out a dialog with their followers, which they applaud!
Nonetheless, extremely skilled staff and Johnny B educators are in the end chargeable for our success. Their training employees visits salons and wholesalers round North America frequently. As a consequence, companions have a radical understanding of their items and model idea, permitting them to ship the best service, high quality, and experience to their customers.
This high-shine gel is alcohol-free and water-soluble, making it ultimate for creating moist appears or kinds that demand a variety of grip. It will not flake in your hair, it may be revived with water, and it is easy to make use of. Those that are aware of the model will acknowledge the distinctive scent. This gentle styling cream dries rapidly and is good for positive to medium hair that requires a variety of grips. This lotion is gentler on the hair and will not trigger it to separate. It is ultimate for health club baggage and energetic individuals. The whole lot it is advisable to wash and elegance is included within the Extra Than Sufficient boxed package. The bundle features a two-in-one shampoo/physique wash in addition to a matte styling gel at a reduced worth.


Hair upkeep is extraordinarily essential for each women and men. To look well-groomed and trendy, you should utilize hair care merchandise which might be applicable in your hair sort. Males’s hair care merchandise can be found in a variety of products, from shampoo to conditioner, type to colours, so you might choose those that finest suit your wants. You may make the most of objects which might be applicable in your hair sort for males’s hair care. Shedding is a frequent subject amongst males. Hair loss could be attributable to environmental and life-style causes, in addition to hereditary causes. You may test to see whether or not the shampoo and conditioner you are utilizing have components that assist with hair loss.
This gel gives you the power it is advisable to tame robust hair. Mode creates flawlessly tamed hair that seems thick and luscious because of an alcohol-free recipe with a better viscosity than different type gels. Very best for hair that’s medium to thick. Apply a tiny amount of product to your hair and elegance it as you want. Restyle or rejuvenate your hair all through the day by including a bit amount of water to your hair after it has dried, styling as desired, and letting it dry once more.


Many males’s hair care merchandise can be found with Johnny B hair care merchandise which may be used to fight hair loss. Hair construction differs from individual to individual. Some individuals have skinny hair, whereas others have thicker hair. Use hair care merchandise designed particularly for various hair sorts to safeguard the construction of your hair. Graying of hair strands is a standard incidence as individuals turn out to be older. You should utilize colours designed particularly for guys in case you do not just like the whites in your hair. Quick-acting and long-lasting paints can assist you obtain a pure and dynamic look. Stylers are additionally out there amongst males’s hair care merchandise.
Once you go to work, faculty, or a gathering with pals, you might get hold of the trendy look you need by getting dressed rapidly. Stylers can be used to make your hair appear thicker. You may additionally look after hair strands with these merchandise, which include components supplemented with numerous vitamin and mineral additions. One of the vital prevalent hair points amongst males is dandruff. Particular shampoos for dandruff hair may show you how to tackle this downside to a big extent. Johhny B merchandise permit you to assess hair care objects corresponding to shampoo, conditioner, and elegance which might be applicable in your hair sort.


Each hair sort requires distinctive consideration. Males’s and girls’s hair constructions are extraordinarily distinct from each other. Consequently, by using the merchandise which might be best for you, you possibly can maintain your hair wholesome and well-groomed. Many shampoos, lotions, masks, dyes, and conditioners with numerous substances could also be discovered amongst males’s hair care merchandise. For skinny males’s hair upkeep, you possibly can give attention to just a few little particulars. Use shampoos and conditioners that do not make your hair really feel heavy or sticky to make your hair appear extra voluminous. Heat water can be utilized as a substitute of extraordinarily scorching water within the bathe.
Shampoos containing keratin strengthen hair strands and make the hair seem thicker. From Johnny B’s keratin-added males’s hair care merchandise, you might choose those that finest suit your calls for. You should utilize Kerastase males’s hair care merchandise or different manufacturers’ shampoos, conditioners, and conditioners. Curly hair, like positive hair, requires particular consideration. Curly hair may turn out to be unstable in case you do not use the right issues to look after it. You may make the most of curly males’s hair care merchandise in case you do not need to address electrified and unformed hair. Making use of type merchandise like gel or spray to curly hair will not be the perfect thought.
On curly hair, these merchandise haven’t any long-term impression. Chances are you’ll discover that your hair appears smoother with out the necessity for type if you use shampoos and conditioners with the appropriate elements. To make combing your curly hair simpler, apply a hair care lotion after every wash. After you’ve got had a bathe, use non-rinsing curly hair care merchandise to dry your hair.
submitted by cbsbeautysupply to u/cbsbeautysupply [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:24 moonlightxo29 What supplements should I take?

So my husband and I have been trying to conceive from November to mid-April with no luck. He recently left for deployment and I want to prepare my body for when he returns in a few months. Currently I'm taking prenatal vitamins and vitamin D and he's taking multivitamins for men. Are there any additional vitamins or supplements I should take to optimize my fertility and increase our chances of conceiving when he gets back? never know when we might get lucky so i don’t want to get my hopes up if it's unlikely to happen immediately when he returns but I want to be prepared and ensure my body is in optimal shape for conception.
submitted by moonlightxo29 to tryingtoconceive [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:41 TerryMtheGoAT UIUC selling some second hand items

hi I'm a UIUC graduate this year and I want to get rid of some stuff before leaving here. plz pick up @ county market,if u purchase more than $30 and r not too far away, I can deliever the items to u.
tiny speaker $30
UIUC diploma cover $5
electric hair trimmer+various attachments+gown $10
brand new mechanical music box toy $10
iclicker for in class participation $5
compass $5
headphone $5
two bottles of brand new vitamin c pills $10
2nd gen airpod case $25
ECON 302 Prof DiIanni workbook $10
breadboard+multimeter $10
Wilson NCAA men basketball $15
1TB external hard drive $40
chem105 lab coat+goggle $30
TI-30 XIIS calculator $5
Little bargain is welcomed, plz leave a comment or dm me if u r interested!
submitted by TerryMtheGoAT to UIUC [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:45 4990 Preventative Cardiology (Part 7)

Preventative Cardiology Part 7: Assorted Topics and Wrap Up
  1. Homocysteine: Homocysteine levels are an established cardiac risk factor. It is most related to an enzyme deficiency called MTHFR deficiency. In some populations, up to 20% have this deficiency. I screen for MTHFR deficiency and homocysteine levels because these can easily be corrected with (methyl) B vitamins. See paper.
  2. Uric acid is also thought to be a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, although it's less clear cut. I test for serum urate levels because this can be effectively managed including with some blood pressure lowering medications
  3. Certain exercise metrics like heart rate recovery and resting heart rate are associated with ASCVD. We will discuss this at length later. I also measure HRV (heart rate variability), which is associated with lower lifetime risk of ASCVD. Discussion of HRV to follow in a later post.
  4. Risk enhancers should guide decision making. For example, I am much more aggressive in my treatment of South Asians given their dismal ASCVD outcomes. The same is true for women who have early menopause or hypogonadal men.
In conclusion, ASCVD remains the main cause of death in America and the world. The majority of people reading this will die from a heart attack or stroke. It is also the most preventable of the causes of mortality. Aggressive screening, knowing your numbers, and early management can bottom out this risk.
submitted by 4990 to healthylongevity [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:12 deniss_1996 4-Oz Bevel Moisturizing Shaving Cream for Men (Aloe Vera and Vitamin E) $7.49 + Free Shipping w/ Prime or on $35+

submitted by deniss_1996 to amzndeals [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:47 Gold-VaNz1209 Problemi s napuhanim stomakom

Vec sam 50 dana u programu kojeg sam sam sklopia upijajuci razne informacije koje bi pronalazia i istraziva po internetu i vecinom gledajuci pouzdane youtubere tipa Noel Deyzel, Dr. Mike, Ian Barseagle, i taj dir ljudi...e sad ono sta mene zanima je unatoc sta vodim ●Zdravu prehranu, ●Zdravo i pametno treniram 5-6 dana u tjednu, ●Ne pijem ni alkohol ni gazirano, ●Ne drogiram se, ●Kavu pijem minimalno, ●Nazalost pusim cigare cca kutija dnevno, ●Mlijeko pijem 3 dcl dnevno zbog mass gainera, ●Koristim Mass Gainer dnevno (marka: Optimum Nutrition) vec 30 dana ● Pijem vitamine od GymBeam-a (Men's Essentials)
svaki dan imam napuhan stomak. Ima tu ponesto masnoce, ali sudeci po svojoj tjelesnoj proslosti i po trenutnim kalorijama i svim mikronutrijentima koje unosim na dnevnoj razini i uz svu fizicku aktivnost ne razumin zasto mi je stomak toliko napuhan/debeo, sta je u usporedbi sa ostalim djelovima tjela i misicnim grupama koje stalno treniram previse ne proporcijonalno...
Malo podataka o meni;
Musko 25 godina 74kg, zadnje vaganje prije 50 dana Prebolia rak testisa, operacija/vadenje ljevog testisa i kemoterapija (pocetak 2021g.) 2 godine taekwondo (osnovna skola) 2 godine kickbox (srednja skola) Sam si spreman i kuvan obroke Cca 2000 kalorija dnevno Cca 160g proteina dnevno Cca 350g ugljikohidrata dnevno Cca 4g kreatina dnevno Cca 2l vode dnevno Trening Calisthenics, ne teretana
◇Budenje u 7, trening u 8, dorucak u 10◇ Dorucak mi je uvik isti, a sastoji se od: ●5 domacih malo vecih jaja kuhanih na maslu ●1 cijeli zrnati sir ● 100g kukuruznog kruha ● banana/borovnice/jagode ovisi sta imam ● Jezgre oraha ● Indijski orascic
Nakon treninga mass gainer
Oko 2 popodne rucak svaki dan skoro drukciji, a to je ili neki komad mesa sa krumpirima i juhom ili piletina, riza i povrce ili riba, krumpiri i juha i tome slicno
Da ne duzim imam jos 2 laganija obroka kroz dan, pa 2 sata prije spavanja lagano joggiranje oko kvarta nekih 1 do 2 kilometra, a spavanje je u 23/24 sata...
Trenutno sam na birou mjesec ipo, cisto da ne mislite da mi novac pada sa neba😅
Prvi put sam odlucia raspitat se o ovom problemu i evo me na Hredditu da vidin moze li mi ko pomoc od vamo dok ne dode ponediljak pa odem u doktorice.
Hvala vam unaprijed!
submitted by Gold-VaNz1209 to askcroatia [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:10 BroMandi [Amazon] 4-Oz Bevel Moisturizing Shaving Cream for Men (Aloe Vera and Vitamin E) $7.49 + Free Shipping w/ Prime or on $35+ [Deal: $7.49, Actual: $14.95]

[Amazon] 4-Oz Bevel Moisturizing Shaving Cream for Men (Aloe Vera and Vitamin E) $7.49 + Free Shipping w/ Prime or on $35+ [Deal: $7.49, Actual: $14.95] submitted by BroMandi to RedditShoppingDeals [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:56 ponteaggere I went overboard and need help!

I went overboard and need help!
I have been using inkey list retinol for the past 18 months. My skin has been acting up the last 8 weeks, and I ordered a lot of products to try out.
But I don't know how I should program the routine so that I don't accidentally burn my skin off or something.
Please help an amateur out ❤️
submitted by ponteaggere to Skincare_Addiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:24 ponteaggere I went overboard and need help

I went overboard and need help
I have been using inkey list retinol for the last 18 months, by itself with moisturizer. But my skin has taken a turn for the worse the last eight week, and I had enough.
How should I integrate these new products to my routine AM/PM?
submitted by ponteaggere to 30PlusSkinCare [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 11:24 KingSulley Is my stack missing anything?

Fairly new to supplements, im 3 months into a keto cut and have some gaps in my diet.
This is my current stack, am I missing anything, or should I be cycling anything?
I'm avoiding caffeine because it ruins my sleep, and I'm hoping to upgrade to a higher quality multivitamin eventually. I bike/cycle daily & do one strength workout a week.
Morning Stack: Kirkland Mens multivitamin, Magnesium Bis-glycinate (200mg), Boron (3mg), Vitamin D3 (1000IU), CoQ10 (100mg), Omega 3-6-9 (1200mg), Marine Collagen (2500mg), Creatine (2500mg),
Workout Stack: L-Citrulline (4000mg), Beta Alanine (1500mg), Glycerol Monostearate (1000mg), Hydrolized Protein including EAAs & some BCAAs
submitted by KingSulley to Supplements [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 08:54 NeonMidas [Routine Help] Help me move away from Kiehl's.

Hi SkincareAddiction! I come seeking guidance on replacing my entire routine and pretty much starting from scratch! I've been using Kiehl's products for about 3 years now, after sitting in front of the mirror and applying my nightly stuff I've come to realize that it really hasn't don't much for me and I'm just not okay with spending Kiehl's money for stuff that I really don't see working for me. I also just want to condense, I feel like I have 2-3 products that do the same and it's just getting super overwhelming at this point having to apply 5 products on.
About me, I am 30, male, my Skin is about as normal as every site describes it. Not super oily, not super dry, slight oil where you would expect to find it. I do have some areas of concern that I do want addressed, starting with dark circles. I can not for the life of me get rid of them! Second, pigmentation and even tone, would like to do away with spots and just even out my skin tone for the most part. Third, firmness!
Current routine: All from Kiehl's.
Cleanser: Facial Fuel Energizing Face Wash
Scrub: Facial Fuel Scrub
Toner: Calendula Herbal-Extract Alcohol-Free Toner
Moisturizers: Facial Fuel Men’s SPF 20 (AM) / Facial Fuel Daily Energizing Moisturizer (PM)
Eye Cream: Powerful-Strength Dark Circle Reducing Vitamin C Eye Serum
Retinol: Micro-Dose Anti-Aging Retinol Serum with Ceramides and Peptide
Serums: Clearly Corrective Dark Spot Serum & Nightly Refining Micro-Peel Concentrate Serum
Acne Spot Treatments: Truly Targeted Acne-Clearing Pimple Patch with Salicylic Acid
Thank you!
submitted by NeonMidas to SkincareAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 01:08 Bee_Bop1212 Round Cells and Low Morph

Just wondering if anyone might have thoughts on our situation. We’re going on 13 months TTC. My husband had a semen analysis done in January, a couple weeks after we had a bad viral infection that caused fevers. He had a good total motile count and motility, but 2.5% morphology and 3 million round cells/ml. We didn’t receive the results until over a month later. He started on supplements and lifestyle changes and saw a urologist who was not much help. Basically didn’t think anything was wrong with the analysis but suggested IUI, no other advice other than to continue intermittent fasting to lose weight and raise his testosterone which was low. My husband also had low vitamin D but the urologist didn’t think it was an issue, he started supplementing anyway.
Nothing was ever said about the round cells. However, I’ve read that round cells over 1 million could indicate a problem like an infection. Six months ago, before that SA, I got a UTI for the first time. I’m now on my third UTI. I’ve been trying to figure out why this keeps happening. It’s crossed my mind that perhaps my husband has been having a UTI as well but hasn’t known it. I’ve read that men can have one and not experience symptoms. Is it possible the round cells are being caused by a bacterial infection and that could also cause the low morphology?
He’ll be visiting a different urologist that will actually run a semen culture and also check for a varicocele. As well as see if the morphology has changed with supplements and lifestyle changes.
submitted by Bee_Bop1212 to maleinfertility [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 15:23 CoachHD23 Fasting Journey, down almost 50 pounds so far with another at least 70 to go.

I am a 45 year old 6'3" male. My highest weight was 342 lbs, which to write is just crazy. I played college basketball for a year and was at 220, and I weighed 225 when I got married. That is my goal weight, although I could see going lower than that.
I read Eat, Fast, Feast to start this journey, and then The Obesity Code really got me jumpstarted. I cut sugars to start, and then really lowered my carb intake, which I think helped when I started fasting. Initially I started intermittent fasting, then OMAD. I decided to try a 48 hour fast and wasn't hungry at the end of it, so it turned into a 5 day fast. I ate normally, which is now no sugar and low carbs over that weekend and then did another five day fast. The weight started to fall off and I felt great. With some travel and family events, longer fasts have been a struggle since then, but OMAD or short window for feeding has been what has worked during that time. The biggest relief for me has been that even when I've gone back to intermittent or OMAD, I haven't gained the weight back. Seems logical, but every time I've lost weight in the past I have gained it back, and then some.
I truly feel like I have a way to lose the weight, and keep it off. More importantly to be healthier for my wife and kids. I weighed 293.3 this morning, almost 50 lbs! I'm on day 4 of a fast that started with me thinking I'd go 7 days, but now I'm thinking 10 if I feel good. At day 12 we have a family birthday party and that will be part of the feasting of the Eat, Fast, Feast. I'll still eat healthy, but don't want to miss out on family memories. I'm very thankful for this community to learn from and be supported by. FYI I'm taking a men's liquid multivitamin, the other vitamins I'd taken in the past were hard on my stomach, and salt. If you've gotten this far, thanks for reading.
submitted by CoachHD23 to fasting [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 06:38 shivasriforu Top 10 Best Vitamin C Rich Foods for Healthy Skin

Top 10 Best Vitamin C Rich Foods for Healthy Skin
Vitamin C is a powerhouse nutrient that plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy skin. Not only does it boost collagen production, which helps keep the skin firm and youthful, but it also acts as a potent antioxidant, protecting the skin from damage caused by free radicals and environmental stressors. While vitamin C supplements and skincare products are widely available, incorporating vitamin C-rich foods into your diet can provide additional benefits for your skin. Here are the top 10 best vitamin C-rich foods to nourish your skin from the inside out:
  1. Citrus Fruits: Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruits are renowned for their high vitamin C content. These fruits not only provide a refreshing burst of flavor but also deliver a hefty dose of vitamin C to support healthy skin.
  2. Strawberries: These juicy berries are not only delicious but also packed with vitamin C. Incorporating strawberries into your diet can help improve skin texture and promote a radiant complexion.
  3. Bell Peppers: Whether red, yellow, or green, bell peppers are excellent sources of vitamin C. They add vibrant color and crunch to salads, stir-fries, and other dishes while providing essential nutrients for skin health.
  4. Broccoli: This cruciferous vegetable is not only rich in vitamin C but also contains antioxidants and other nutrients that support overall skin health. Steamed, roasted, or sautéed, broccoli is a versatile addition to any meal.
  5. Kiwis: Despite their small size, kiwis pack a powerful punch of vitamin C. These fuzzy fruits are not only delicious but also contribute to collagen production and skin repair.
  6. Guavas: Guavas may not be as common as some other fruits, but they are certainly worth seeking out for their impressive vitamin C content. Enjoy them fresh or blended into smoothies for a refreshing treat that benefits your skin.
  7. Papayas: Bursting with tropical flavor, papayas are loaded with vitamin C and other skin-loving nutrients like vitamin A and enzymes that promote healthy digestion and glowing skin.
  8. Kale: This leafy green vegetable has earned its reputation as a superfood, thanks to its rich nutrient profile, including vitamin C. Add kale to salads, soups, or smoothies for a nutritional boost that supports radiant skin.
  9. Tomatoes: Tomatoes are not only a kitchen staple but also a valuable source of vitamin C. Whether eaten fresh in salads or cooked into sauces and soups, tomatoes contribute to overall skin health.
  10. Acerola Cherries: These small, tart cherries may not be as widely available as other fruits, but they are one of the richest natural sources of vitamin C. Incorporating acerola cherries or their juice into your diet can provide a potent dose of vitamin C to support healthy, glowing skin.
In addition to incorporating these vitamin C-rich foods into your diet, consider complementing your skincare routine with products that contain vitamin C. ForMen Vitamin C Skin Brightening Serum is specifically formulated to address the skincare needs of men. This lightweight serum is enriched with vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, and other nourishing ingredients to brighten dull skin, reduce the appearance of dark spots and fine lines, and promote a more youthful complexion. With regular use, ForMen Vitamin C Skin Brightening Serum can help you achieve smoother, healthier-looking skin that radiates vitality and confidence.
In conclusion, maintaining healthy skin requires a holistic approach that includes nourishing your body from the inside out. By incorporating vitamin C-rich foods into your diet you can support your skin's natural vitality and achieve a complexion that looks and feels its best.
submitted by shivasriforu to u/shivasriforu [link] [comments]