Paid vacation for preschool letter


2010.09.20 06:45 darthcaldwell r/CarTalk

The place to talk about your car

2020.05.15 03:01 beggarschoosingthings

Did an evil Karen threaten to steal your insulin and your firstborn child at a Cinnabon in Indianapolis? Does your witchy sister in law want you to take her wretched crotch goblins on an all-expense paid vacation to Bora-Bora? Then this subreddit is for you!

2010.07.23 03:41 children's books

books kids books childrens books vintage books

2024.05.18 23:36 clone-trooper- Speeding ticket out of state

I got a speeding ticket in New York State. I live in PA. I did everything. Pled guilty, ect. They gave me a fine of $260 and the NY DMV added an additional $300. Okay whatever.
I paid my ticket via mail and my debit card using certified with receipt. It is due May 20th by 330 pm. However, it's been sitting at their post office since May 10th. I can't get a hold of anyone (tried calling a few times a few days ago as well).
The real problem now lays in the card info one thr letter to pay it. Card got canceled due to no fault of my own. Card switched to master card instead of Visa and I just never got a replacement. So now the card won't work for a fine due in a few days. I sent an additional letter with over night shipping so its there Monday with the correct info. But, if something happens, I can't afford my license suspended or a warrant for my arrest.
You would think that I could just drive up there (it's four hours) but I can't because of some chance of lucky that I have jury duty at noon.
What should I do?
submitted by clone-trooper- to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:29 Infamous_Bench6576 CREDIT HACK: 560- 780 CREDIT SCORE IN 60 DAYS. DID IT MYSELF.

Hey all, I've been reading this group for the last couple of months. I had a terrible credit score (560) and have been trying to improve it. I tried many tips from here to improve my credit and saw marginal increases (+50ish points), but I found a better solution I'd like to share. My credit score jumped an average of 210 points in two months (I am a 770 between all three bureaus) and I didn't pay a dime to have anyone do it. Late payments have been removed, and collections have been dropped. All I've done is sent letters to collection agencies and the credit bureaus threatening a lawsuit if they fail to drop collections against my credit / late payments that I deem inaccurate or insufficient to report. How did I do it? I literally go into Chat GPT and write prompts like this "Write me a demand letter to \****** [collection agency] demanding that they immediately remove a collection for xxx from my credit report." I add "Be aggressive in the letter and note that I will move forward with a lawsuit if not corrected." Sometimes, I will add details too, like "Note that I recently closed ****** account and was in good standing" or "I have not been provided sufficient evidence, I do not recall this debt, or the evidence provided is insufficient under federal law." I also told the chatgpt, "Tell them that I refuse to receive any contact attempting to collect the debt and will view it as a violation of federal law."* I add "Say I'm only willing to accept written communication regarding the [collection agency] confirming they have removed this from my credit report." I also tell chatgpt to say, "if I do not receive a response by \***** confirming this has been removed from my credit, I will move forward with a lawsuit." *What happens:** ChatGPT spits out a legally intimidating letter that says to provide me with concrete proof, or I will sue if they fail to remove me from my credit report. It also demands a response in writing within 30 days. I also Cc various federal agencies at the bottom, and it works. What I do after I get the ChatGPT letter: Once I get the response from Chatgpt, I take the demand letter it spits out, read it (make adjustments if I need to), put it in word or pages, change the text to courier font (the legal lettering), and send it off. I also use my printer to print the creditors name on the envelope (in courier legal font) so it looks more intimidating. I add "Time-Sensitive" in bold on the top left the envelope too. Here are the results after 60 days: (I started in February and wanted to wait a little before posting everything). All amounts are in estimates just to keep it as anonymous as possible. - $6,000 (estimate) debt with a debt buyer---- 5 years old---Removed, and provided a letter letting it go. - $1,000 (estimate) debt from another debt buyer -- 15 months old-- Removed (no letter provided, just off my credit). I have sent another demanding letter giving them 15 days to confirm in writing they are removing it (will update when I get a response). - $1,700 (estimate) from a collection agency -- Sent me a letter with "verification." I sent a letter saying it wasn't sufficient; they sent a letter back with a contract signed by me and said the creditor adjusted the collection to $450. From that point, I called and said I found the debt wrong, but I settled it for $300 as a pay-to-delete. - $640 (estimate) debt from a collection agency -- Removed and provided a letter letting it go. - $1,300 (estimate) debt collection agency-- Removed and provided a letter letting it go - Six late car payments to USAA Financial were updated to paid on time (payments were late from November 2023 to some in 2022). I had a 90-day late payment taken off. For these, I sent my disputes directly to Experian, Equifax, and Transunion ( I did not send a letter to USAA Financial because they would have concrete records of when payments were made). Some important notes: - Make sure your prompt is aggressive. You might need to tweak it a couple times by telling chatgpt to be more mean (ha ha). - Make sure you tell ChatGPT to demand responses in writing that it's off your credit report. I didn't want them to try to re-add it later or sell it to another agency. By demanding it in writing, I put them at risk if they sell it off because my letters note that I will sue them if they try to offload it to another credit company because it's a wrongful debt. - You also need to read what it writes; it will make small mistakes here and there (sometimes it will put things in plural) My situation: I was an idiot until recently and could care less about my credit. This method cleared my credit and approved me for a new car lease (I needed a $1,500-$2,000 car lease payment to write off because of tax reasons). I recently got a new 2024 S 580 hybrid (Mercedes) and the Mercedes dealer didn't flinch about my credit on a $148,000 car (was approved by Mercedes Benz financial). I'm in my early 30s and self-employed. I make roughly $230,000 a year. Some may ask why I don't just pay it off based on income -- Owe roughly $85k and take care of my parents. A piece of advice: DO NOT PAY ANYONE TO HELP YOU. YOU CAN DO THIS YOURSELF. YOU JUST NEED TO PUT SOME TIME INTO IT. Good luck.
submitted by Infamous_Bench6576 to CRedit [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:20 eyedontknow0 AITAH (38F) for wanting money back from my cousin (40F) ASAP when I got Anna Delvey'd by her on a trip?

My cousin and I just got back from a 2 week trip to another country. The very first day her debit card was declined. She doesn't have any credit cards. She said she would get paid in a few days so I agreed to cover until then and she'd pay me back. Then the paycheck came and went. Autopay bills supposedly took most of the money. She then asked for $400 from her mom and $500 from her dad. Other bills came out. She was able to get some cash out, but lots of this money went to fill the negative checking balance.
We're back now, but she wants to pay half on 6/1 and half on 7/1. AITAH for wanting the money back ASAP? I have a trip planned for June I may need to cancel since I don't have that extra $1200+. Also who goes on vacation with no money saved? I could have been given a heads up at the very least. I feel used and scammed.
submitted by eyedontknow0 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:20 No_Resolve6877 Pregnant GF [20/F] won’t contribute and [20/M] having to take everything on. What should I do?

Sorry if this is long but plz read the full story⭐️
I’ve been seeing this girl for 9 months, and she’s 4 months pregnant (but we knew eachother for 4 years but didn’t know her all to well before) I have my own place, go to school full time, in a coding boot camp, and taking certificates to get better experience for ML(Machine learning) while also providing all the income for us.
⭐️Before pregnancy⭐️
Flashback to 12 months ago I was in the marine corp for 2 years and had to cut my time short due to adhd/ptsd after losing my dream job that I graudated highscool early for I went through a month of extreme depression. After 3 counselors I got better . I was still actively working right after the military for planning ahead and then lost my tech after 4 months job due to the whole company going under. The next day I found out she was pregnant. I believe she should have the choice since it’s her body /and she choose to keep the baby.
⭐️The problem⭐️
The 1st problem was she didn’t want to work and doesn’t have her license that I pushed her to do but can’t do it herself. I have been nice about it I’ve made whole google docs and videos of motivation, applied for jobs for her, let her use my car to learn to drive, been with her to do it, but still doesn’t want to do anything so I gave up after months and months on trying. A counselor would help but her mom doesn’t believe in that so brings in her mind there no point of getting better. She very shy and has anxiety about it and I do feel very bad but I do to still have anxiety to we’re my legs tremble and hands and feet sweat 24/7 near anyone. She adores her mom more than anyone in the world but her mom is a pill popper who hasn’t worked for over 20 years and even refused to work when they were all on the streets. I took her brother and my girlfriend to Disneyland and mind you spent over of all of the money I earned from the military from the gifts, vacations places, and food because she has never seen any of this before. I knew they would never have the opportunity see it and deserved to because her dad was not on the picture so they were just living off the government. So what I did was work to make enough money and do my college and extra certificates and experience on top networking to land a good job)
after one month of this her uncle turned homeless and started living with them REMIND YOU her uncle . ( he attempted to s/a her as a kid) but didn’t succeed. He’s says he all Jesus and all that but u can see right through him that’s just words no action. I believe to respect ur adults and the elderly my manners are how I was raised by……………. But this flipped a switch that never was there. Her mom not doing anything and me knowing things she could do to get rid of him ( I even paid her 2,000 dollars) to get rid of him and nobody did anything and that was when she was pregnant) my girlfriend said she was fine about it and she not much afraid of him and started resenting me because how I felt about her mom and I kept dropping it but I couldn’t stand knowing he was there alone with her some days) So I went to online college and then saved up money to get an apartment to be away from him and did it mind you during this whole thing my main focus was that and getting all my certificates and more experience to be a software engineer but she was still getting mad at me because how I felt about her mother.That I was getting in college that I was also actively going to everyday but started to doing online classes because I didn’t feel safe with her being alone her uncle being there. A month goes by and the uncle TALKS ABOUT HER BOOBS INFRONT OF HER MOM. And I just… idk… the forgiving person that I was trying to see is gone forever after that for her mom….. and yes he is still living there and yes we got the aprartment right after that. But after that she still rensentined me because of how I felt about her mom and now I’m losing feelings for her because of the asking for things knowing I have to take out time for studying to make the money we don’t have but I think I do well doing it tho i like getting her things. I am trying just the money a little tight because I know how much cloud computing can make and all the 3 certificates, and all projects and college im doing but having to pay for the certs. But the way I feel about her mom now ( and I really did try to be so nice I promise and even talked to my counclears about it but that’s just not gonna happen anymore). I loved her so much but the more I think about it , if anything goes bad with money WHICH IS GOING TO HAPPEN she would not even be able to be there for me. (Also I want to say it has never slipped my mind that I would not provide for this child that’s the whole point of doing the college and all that I would rather not but I know what I need to do).
⭐️My day⭐️
I workout two hours a day 6 days a week, study mostly all day and then work when I need to for all the bills and whatever she wants or needs is starting to get to me also I I’m doing some meditation so I can sleep. I’ve tried to spend as much time with her but usually I’m done late and I’m jsut so worn out and then she gets sad becasue I’m tired but I try to take her places every week for the most part and get her food she likes. I feel alone most days and now i would rather watch YouTube or video by myself than with her. And the one time we did take a break which was 2 days she cried all day and her mom said she never left her room, and that’s not right for the baby so I went back to get her. I don’t think she would commit sucicde if we broke up but she says it as a joke but most of the time I can’t take it as a joke( my dad attempted and succeeded when I was 10). But if she did I don’t know how I would live with myself or if her feelings hurt the baby).I’ve read so many books on love and just helpful books but nothing helps much.
My question is what should I do?
(Also yes I’m talking to a councilor about this but today was just a little hard.)
(Thank you for all responses have a great rest of your day)❤️.
submitted by No_Resolve6877 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:59 eyedontknow0 WIBTA (38F) for requesting money back from my cousin (40F) ASAP when I got Anna Delvey’d by her on a trip?

My cousin and I just got back from a 2 week trip to another country. The very first day her debit card was declined. She doesn’t have any credit cards. She said she would get paid in a few days so I agreed to cover until then and she’d pay me back. Then the paycheck came and went. Autopay bills supposedly took most of the money. She then asked for $400 from her mom and $500 from her dad. Other bills came out. She was able to get some cash out, but lots of this money went to fill the negative checking balance.
We’re back now, but she wants to pay half on 6/1 and half on 7/1. AITAH for wanting the money back ASAP? I have a trip planned for June I may need to cancel since I don’t have that extra $1200+. Also who goes on vacation with no money saved? I could have been given a heads up at the very least. I feel used and scammed.
submitted by eyedontknow0 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:42 brgainbinburglr Charged-off debt recalled by Capital One from Collections Agency

Hi all--For the last year or so, I've been in a payment plan with a CA for a few thousand dollars of charged-off cc debt from Capital One. I've been making the payments on time, and according to the play were supposed to continue for another 1.5ish years.
This week, I got a letter from the CA telling me that the debt has been recalled and returned to Capital One. I have not heard anything from Capital One yet, and the debt is still being showed as charged off on my account and unable to be paid directly via the website.
Should I contact Capital One directly to see what the deal is? I assume I am supposed to keep making payments on the debt, but am wondering if there's now an opportunity to do a lump sum settlement, or maybe something else?
submitted by brgainbinburglr to CRedit [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:37 Unlucky_Shallot_4111 Have insurance companies got this cheap/invasive?

Blue cross sends a subrogation letter anytime my wife and I use insurance. The latest was for a whole one hour visit to an emergency medical clinic. Are they serious?
This is what insurance has come to, wanting and trying to blame everything on someone else to get paid? They make a ton of money as is and I couldnt hate them more. Guess they need even more money for bonuses at the top/
\ This makes me want to run up bills more than ever and cost them even more. Piss me off and I will bite right back. I hate greed.
If it were someone elses fault I would tell you,, they dont need to send personal questionnaires every time I use it.
submitted by Unlucky_Shallot_4111 to Insurance [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:37 para_blox For the sake of all unholy…bring back the old solo challenge tile pool balance!!

I don’t check this sub often, but if this a common refrain, absolutely no apologies from me—because Zynga needs to listen at least once!
Contrary to their marketing and explaining away, no fools “popularly demanded” multiple K, C, V, U to help us make it to 200. It’s asinine to consider we’d believe this ploy to make us waste power-ups, coins, time, and I guess they’re hoping actual cash on these minigames, because the new tipsy balance of letters is so skewed and confining.
PSA, it’s not flashy news: Higher scoring letters don’t make higher scoring words!! Most English words contain vowels—or they did, last I checked in on the legitimate composing features of the Roman alphabet. (“QGP” can SCK DCK.)
I paid a couple bucks for the complete game over a decade ago and haven’t given them a dime since. I have 99+ in all the power ups except hindsight because that’s the only one I use, costs 5 coin and I’m typically approaching 1500 of them.
Far from boastful here, that’s just the nature of mobile fake-scrabble addiction. Well, my player stats are decent, too, which is what we should mainly do within a game. Ya know, play it. With live opponents / no cheats.
But solo challenge used to be fun and relaxing. Now it’s frustrating—and accosting AF. Like I can’t breeze through my normal games without accidentally clicking King Clown Bozo and his un-punny one-liner.
Stop with this. Please. I beseech the Zynga gods lurking on Reddit. Your mildly-infuriated loyalist begs you. I can offer no threats nor incentives for it to change…but as the legacy Simpsons did preach—venting prevents (some) explosion.
submitted by para_blox to WordsWithFriends [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:27 orca872 Boomer Harasses and Blocks Me While I'm Delivering Mail

I (30M) have been a carrier for about a year and a half. Most of the time I carry the same route, especially if the regular on the route is sick or on vacation. I love that route. Almost every interaction I have is positive, and I just ride around slangin' mail, listening to podcasts, and smiling and waving at everyone I see.
My route is almost entirely regular mailboxes, with only one cluster box for the entire route. While at this cluster box as I'm finishing up, I see a car pull up and an old woman in the passenger seat. I smile and wave, and she does the same. Then I look up again and the driver is walking up to me. She is aggressive from the outset, asking if I'm the one that's been delivering mail lately. I say "yes ma'am." She launches into a tirade about how she's been getting all kinds of other people's mail (there's no way she's gotten more than one or two other people's letters), to which I immediately apologize. Not good enough. Then she tells me she's waiting on a very important letter, and that it better NOT end up in someone else's box.
By now I'm done, and I start to leave. I'm sitting in my truck, engine going. She's parked behind me, blocking the entire complex (it's one small parking lot with only one row). She starts lazily opening and reading her mail, still standing at the cluster box. I wait about a minute and politely ask her if she could park so I could get out. She says "I'm almost finished!" as if I had just broken some terrible rule of etiquette and she couldn't believe how impatient I was. After another minute or two, she finally leaves.
I'm absolutely fuming, and kind of caught off guard because I've never had anyone be so rude to me while carrying mail. Usually people are nice and look out for carriers. Unfortunately, I had an open can of soda that I had removed from it's secure area to grab something, and I was so frazzled it spilled as I pulled out of the complex, which led to me shouting "you fucking bitch!" as I'm delivering mail on the most dangerous road of my route with cars zooming past me.
I know I shouldn't let situations like that affect me so much, but I just have a hard time dealing with rude people. I'm nice to you, why can't you be nice to me? Couldn't stop thinking about it for the rest of the day. On a side note, I feel sorry for the old woman in the passenger seat. She seemed nice. Probably gets abused by that bully.
submitted by orca872 to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:18 figgedy1 WIBTA if I moved to 13 hours away from home so soon after my mothers husband passed away

About a month and half ago my step-father suffered from a catastrophic accident and unfortunately past away. I was actively in the middle of finishing my last semester of college along with searching for jobs and my Mother had already known that I had been applying to pretty much any position that fit my major regardless of its location. A few days after my step-father’s death, my mom broke down and told me that she doesn’t want me to move out any time soon and that she needs me to live with her. To appease her in the moment, I told her I wouldn’t be leaving anytime soon and I would stop applying to places out of state. While this was true, a position I had applied to and already interviewed for, ended up emailing me recently with an offer. The pay is above average for a starting salary in my major, and it offers excellent benefits. The main issue is that it’s extremely far from home.
I plan on eventually coming back. The town it’s based in is not one in which I’d enjoy setting up a life in long term. I don’t want to stay home because I personally struggle with initiative and ambition. If I were to stay home, I’m afraid that I’d eventually forget about the job search and settle for something out of my major. I plan on coming back yearly for holidays (the job offers 2 weeks paid vacation a year). I’m not certain how my mom would take this however. She’s been extremely melancholy for a while and although she’s back at work she repeatedly tells me how important I am to her and how much she needs me to be around. It’s a little suffocating but I’m honestly afraid of what may happen to her if I leave. WIBTA if I took the job offer and moved?
submitted by figgedy1 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:16 lefecious Help! Tesla is going to kill my home sale.

Went through the entire process of selling my house, escrow is set to close in 2 days. But despite multiple attempts to contact someone to request a letter that states I paid off my loan, they still haven't sent me anything.
The buyer's lender won't fund their loan unless I get that letter.
But Tesla finance never answers the phone. Ever. You can leave a message and then few weeks later they'll send you an email. But I can't wait weeks. They're literally going to ruin my home sale and I'll have to start over with putting it back on the market which will delay my move for months.
It's such a simple thing. Just email me a page!
submitted by lefecious to TeslaSolar [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:53 marrap23 Starting a new job at a preschool

Hi! I interviewed for a teacher's aide job at a preschool on Monday, and they offered the job to me immediately. And want me to start this coming Monday. This is my first job in ECE and so this week has been busy with pre-hire forms, background check, live scan and TB test. They also sent me a child abuse mandated reporter training (4 hours), which I'm supposed to take before I start. I also received an onboarding training yesterday (Friday). I sent an email to clarify, but I'm not sure if I need to complete this before I start working. Is this normal for a person new at this job? Do I need to complete the mandated reporter training before I start?
They're really rushing me into this job and it seems like a lot to do in a week when I'm not getting paid yet! 😅
I'm in California, and got the job at KinderCare.
Thank you!
submitted by marrap23 to ECEProfessionals [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:52 BackgammonChessPoker Talk me out of what is usually a stupid idea (401k cash out).

My dad is terminally ill and my parents own a vacation rental condo, as well as 7 other rental properties, mostly town houses, all paid off in full. They need to sell a property so my mom will have a downpayment on her new downsized home (they want to move in together and have both homes so my mom feels like the new home is both of theirs, but my dad can choose to die at his forever home, the family cabin, or at the new home) and my mom will have some cash to update their existing home before selling after he passes.
The vacation rental is in a rural area but is a room inside a lodge/hotel that offers ski in and ski out downhill and cross country skiing in the winter and a walk on golf course in the summer. A practically identical unit sold last month for $105k, my parents bought theirs for $50k a few years ago outright and it after all expenses and some updates, it brought them $6000 in profit in 2023 as well as 8 nights of free personal use. To keep it in the family and kind as a forward inheritance, they are willing to sell it me for $75k Additionally, a local government economic stimulus to help diversify the economy in the area from a tax on the area’s single economic industry is going to be spending a few million dollars to help update the ski lodge interior and the surrounding amenities.
I just spent all my cash reserves on a new high efficiency furnace, heat pump, and solar panels and I have a tesla with a $900/month payment and 47k left at 6.6%.
My old 401k is at 223k, my new 401k is only at 14k and my rIRA is at 75k. My new job pays 120k/year and my new 401k allows for a mega backdoor roth..
Im wondering if it makes sense to do a 401k cash out with my old 401k and eat about 40% in fees and taxes, pay cash for the rental condo with a free 30k equity gift, pay off my tesla in full and save on the interest, and then my monthly bills will be very low and i will have about $500/rent from the vacation rental (that I also love to use to ski)… and i will also comfortably be able to do a mega back door roth and quickly rebuild my retirement savings while having no debt other than my primary residence.. whereas if i get a mortgage for the vacation rental, the origination fees will be like 4k and the interest rate at 7% and it will actually be cashflow negative the first few years. My parents (who have been really good and/or lucky with real estate investing) think the unit is going to appreciate significantly because its a government subsidized investment with the government funds paying to facelift the ski resort and lodge, also increasing nightly rental rates.. and i will still be able to max my 401k and roth ira, but i will be stuck paying a high interest mortgage and my car for few years before i can consider a mega back door roth.
I dont know why i wrote this up as me/I, i am actually married, my wife also drives a tesla for $750/month (44k at ~6%) and also maxes 401k and rIRA and her income 173k is how we can afford our primary residence (owe 365k at 2.65% with 30 year mortgage, $2400/month with tax/ins), etc, etc… she took out a 401k loan to help pay for furnace, heat pump, and solar ($60k expenses, 25k 401k loan balance).. we also pay $1500/month for a condo for my MIL.
So with that…
  1. 401k cash out, pay off my tesla and pay cash for the rental condo that comes with a 30k equity gift and is expected to appreciate better than most similar real estate and then immediately start mega back door roth, as well as rebuild our USFR emergency fund back up to $50k
  2. Pay $4k in mortgage origination fees, and about 6k in interest the first year but keep my 401k alone, focus on rebuilding USFR emergency fund back up to 50k and then murder the debt so our cashflow comfortably allows for me to do a mega backdoor roth (delays this 1-7 years, depending upons wife’s bonuses).
Our base HHI is 300k, bonus can be 0-100k (fiest year in this role for wife) current networth at 35 is 975k with all our hsa, iras, 401ks, MIL condo, and the equity in our house.
We normally keep 50k in USFR, but we had some unforeseen expenses and and have been vacationing alot more than usual to spend extra time with my father, then our furnace broke and our AC was old… we spent a bunch extra to be ultra efficient to be kind to the environment and to ultimately lower our monthly expenses so we could save more… plan to focus on paying off our debt and then cranking up the savings.
My parents just happen to want to sell me a condo worth $105k for $75k that would bring in 6k/year in cashflowmif purchased outright.
50k emergency fund: first emergency was father’s illness. I have been on 1 vacation with him a month, split expenses. Not enough pto, so mostly unpaid. Then second emergency hit, furnace went out… we reached for high upfront expense, longterm very cheap monthly expenses… then my parents offered us condo and i recently found out that my new job allows for mega backdoor roth.
submitted by BackgammonChessPoker to ChubbyFIRE [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:49 Eleganza504 Is this trade-in shady?

Is this trade-in shady?
I Leased an I5 w/ trade-in on 4/12. The dealer agreed to pay $16k for the Mazda3 I traded in. At the time of the deal I pulled looked at Capital One's app and told them I could provide them a payoff letter that showed I owed around $13,300. They however said they would pay CO the $13,690 that showed on my credit report. I found this strange since I could provide a playoff letter, but figured I would just get a refund from CO like have for previous trades. Fast forward 2 weeks and I get a notice from CO that my loan was paid off with no overpayment. I called them and they said someone contacted them to check the payoff balance on 4/19 and they received a payoff of $13,285.99 on 4/21. I then called & emailed the dealers finance team twice and received no response. Today (5/18) I received a check from the dealer for $374.02. Which, to my math is still short $29.99(but whatever).
Does this whole situation sound shady to y'all? I thought the dealer had to pay the finance company exactly what is listed on the contract. Maybe I'm just being conspiratorial, but it seems like if I hadent said anything they would have just kept the difference.
submitted by Eleganza504 to Ioniq5 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:30 SourPrivacy 🔥 Unbelievable The Best Hopper Code Summer Getaway Deal: Win an All-Inclusive Family Vacation! Limited Time Offer, Act Now! 🌴 $25 & Chance at a Free Vacation ! ✈️

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submitted by SourPrivacy to Referrallinks [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:18 stailor942 IRS Processed My Amendment Incorrectly?

I had a typo on my initial return of $2 so I submitted an amendment to update and paid the $2 difference (now I know I should not have amended so quickly). I got a letter acknowledging the acceptance of my amended CY2023 tax return. The only amendment made, as reflected on the on the 2023 Form 1040X, was to line 13 which was adjusted by $2. Per the letter, the IRS adjusted my account as requested, and this adjustment did not alter my tax or credits, indicating no further action was required on my part.
However, I subsequently received a CP22A notice, stating that the "requested" changes were made to my total tax, total federal tax withheld, and qualified business deduction, resulting in tax owed. This is incorrect. I did not request such changes, and they are not reflected in my original or amended return. The 2023 Form 1040X corrected my line 13 estimated tax payments by only $2, but the IRS assessed an increase in tax and a decrease in credit for tax withheld totaling like $10k.
Over the phone (which the CP22A letter said to call) they said they couldn't help me and I need to write a letter. I sent a response to the letter from the IRS accepting the amendment to explain that this is wrong but I have no clue what is going on or why.
submitted by stailor942 to IRS [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:04 pewtermug Thought y'all would enjoy this - kicked out two bridesmaidzillas 11 days before my wedding

(my post originally from CharlotteDobreYoutube)
I will try to keep as many relevant details in here as possible without going too far off track, since the history with us and with her is utterly a novel. This is long, but worth it, so here goes.
11 days before my wedding I kicked out two bridesmaids (A and M.) This meant I had two left (E and L.) It started with bridesmaid A who asked if her boyfriend could wear a cowboy hat to my wedding. Mind you, my wedding venues were a church for the ceremony and a beach front venue for the reception. I told her that I did not want a cowboy hat in my photos or in my wedding, that that was not the vibe my husband and I were going for, and it just didn’t fit either venue’s décor or environment.
A bit of a backstory – A is not in the best position financially. She was dating her boyfriend for like 2 months before she got pregnant. He promised her a better life closer to his family, she believed it, got fired from her $50k/year job, left her first child w/ her ex-husband (Child 1 was supposed to be my flower girl, whose dress we also bought,) they moved from State A to state B, they don’t make much money. They now have the newborn that they can barely afford while living in a camper.
Before A asked about the cowboy hat, she asked about jeans. I did not want denim at my wedding. Denim is not formal. She said he was going to wear the same outfit to the wedding as his grandmother’s funeral. Fine, not a big deal. I told her if they are black jeans that is fine since from a distance they will look like slacks. (I gave her an inch and she was definitely looking for that mile.) She kept going with it and I eventually said, “I did not want denim, but I made the exception for you two.” And she said “Yeah, it’s not like we could have afforded anything else anyway.” I felt the tension and left it alone for the night.
The next morning, she texted me that she was hurt, that I had an attitude basically and I’ve been acting some type of way, she again brought up the money situation. I tried to be understanding and that I know they are not in the best position financially, but a lot of my family is not, and I know a lot of people are spending quite a bit to get where we are for the wedding (about half our guests were coming from out of state.) I also said I wanted everyone to have a great time and I was sorry if I came off any type of way or insensitive. This was not good enough for her. She decided to say that a wedding was about celebrating our love and if I was focused so much on a cowboy hat my priorities were in the wrong place. I asked her what was going on because this was clearly not about a cowboy hat and she avoided answering. Also did not tell me anything else it might have been about.
She said ever since planning the wedding I have been micromanaging, acting proud, and some other accusations that made no sense. I had no idea what she was talking about because a lot of the decisions my husband and I needed to make were taken care of with both venues – food, DJ, set up, breakdown, clean up, etc. A also said she had been talking to M about the way I was behaving, and that the cowboy hat was the final straw. (What’s that even mean? If I was bothering you with things, why didn’t you tell me so I could fix it or change the way I was approaching things?)
Somewhere in the midst of this whole thing, she said her daughter (Child 1) would just be uncomfortable in her dress and wouldn’t sit still for more than 30 mins (A lie, I have been around her and she is well behaved,) and also said her boyfriend does not like to eat in front of people (Arms must be tired from all that reaching) and all around is just making excuses, trying to call my bluff about this; if the boyfriend can’t even wear the cowboy hat to the reception, then they probably just go fishing after the ceremony, and not even come to the reception. She also said we could have helped with her shoes. In many other words, I told her just because we make more than her does not mean we owe her anything and told her almost everything we were paying for. Then told me to chill and that I was probably emotional from the planning and everything going on. Basically, gaslit me when she was the one that literally threatened not to come because of a cowboy hat. She brought up money again like five more times and how they’re broke – so clearly this is about money.
Husband and I bought the dresses, fronted the Airbnb we needed to get ready in, we fronted hair & makeup without asking for anyone to pay for their portion, bought gifts, A’s plane ticket (she paid us back the next day,) and many other things for our wedding for the bride and grooms party so everyone had a good time, knew they were appreciated, and felt like the event was worth the traveling and time.
Throughout my wedding planning, I pretty much planned everything with my husband, and we asked for hardly any input from anyone since no one was really available, no one was close, and it was just easier. So the whole micromanaging comment made no sense to me. I was doing my best to be flexible and understanding of finances for A, not as much for bridesmaid 2, M, but a little. She was also in a state 3 time zones away from me, so her plane ticket was not cheap.
I have known this girl A for six years. I am crying at this point. It’s the afternoon, I have to get final headcount to the reception venue for catering THE NEXT MORNING. I am texting my mother, bridesmaid E, friend D, a group chat on messenger, and I have not told Husband yet. Every single one of them was on my side. E said, “If she is this way now before your wedding, imagine what she is going to be like on your wedding day.” And being the desperate person I was, I said to friend D “I know this is shitty and a horrible circumstance but if I needed you to be a bridesmaid, would you? The dress color and material are still available on [Vendor’s site.]” She said absolutely. I felt terrible for asking but I trusted her.
M now comes in. She was busy at work so she could not respond to the chat as much, but I was keeping a lot of the chat between A and I because I did not think M needed to be involved. A kept bringing the chat back to the group chat. She brought enough back to the group chat that M picked up on some stuff and basically agreed with A, she said I was being insensitive, and “At least she asked you before she did it.” I’m sorry, what?
Backstory for M – A few months earlier she said she was upset I did not officially ask her to be a bridesmaid and did not think it was worth it to come to my state for the wedding because it would be the second time she is here with her boyfriend but not for them; like not for their own reasons such as a vacation. We had a conversation when I started planning and I asked if she would be comfortable ordering a dress for me to see what it looked like. She said “Aww you want me to be a bridesmaid?” I said “I thought that was obvious!” So maybe it’s a thin line, but she went shopping with A and I, went to try on dresses with her, and LET US BUY HER DRESS. She could have said something beforehand that she did not want to, rather than just thinking she had to. She also was not going to be there for the rehearsal since there was a concert in her state rescheduled for two days before my wedding and she was not going to miss it. Understandable since she would have had to get up at 5 am or earlier the night after the concert to get to my state sometime Thursday evening or Friday afternoon. I did not like this, but I accepted it because she also said “I think I’ve been part of enough weddings to figure it out, -insert laughing crying emoji-
By this point husband also called me for something, I don’t remember what, but I eventually said to him “I don’t think I want either A or M to come.” He said “Okay, whatever you need to do. I’m fine at this point.” I summarized the events and he said “If you want to burn everything to the ground I don’t care, that’s fine with me.” I stewed on everything for a few hours but I knew what I had to do.
I let it sit, I said nothing else, I went to run an errand, I was on the way home, told D when the rehearsal and dinner was, asked if she could make it, she said yes. I told her to order her dress, called the florist, I told them I needed one less bouquet, and got home about 30 mins later. A few hours later I said to both A and M, basically, “You know what? Never mind. I don’t want either of you to come. This is my wedding, we are paying for everything, and I was not wrong. I do not deserve this treatment. It is not my fault A you made shitty decisions and can’t afford anything and M you planned a wedding before, how can you agree with her?” and quite a few other things. (Told them both to send back the dresses but ultimately did not end up caring and said they could do whatever they wanted with them later.) A then said I was attacking because I was frustrated. No, A. You made shit decisions and you’re taking it out on me now. M called me and I didn’t answer. (She was married before, divorced now. Whole other fucking story.)
The other kicker? A kept her flight to STILL COME SEE HER DAUGHTER and was going to need a CAR RENTAL ANYWAY, and A HOTEL ROOM with her boyfriend. So wait, was it NOT actually about money? I don’t even know anymore.
Anyway, D got her dress by Thursday or Friday the same week, we went shoe shopping a few days later, and she bought her own shoes, too.
My wedding party on my wedding day had three girls that were super supportive, loving, and made my day a whole lot easier. They were by my side, made me smile and laugh, and made the day so much more special. I have screenshots, by the way. If anyone wants them, I can attach them to a google doc and have you see them, haha. Just PM me!
submitted by pewtermug to bridezillas [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:04 windkirby Animal Crossing Pocket Camp v5.6.0b Update

Animal Crossing Pocket Camp v5.6.0b Update
Howdy, messy roommates. If you felt a bit tickled-pink-to-death by April’s roseate flurry of events, this year’s May just may have the cure with a foray into the airborne, outdoorsy, and adventurous. Thanks as always to Miranda, Bassieeee, and Ray for help datamining. We’ve got our airships, our kites, and our handheld birds, so let’s get our flight gear in check and take off our Zipper constumes (please I’m begging you guys)!
Twitter preview image for May 2024 in Pocket Camp

  • Version Codes
    • v5.6.0 was 61b5c, v5.6.0b is 45822.
    • This is a client-side update that should not require downloading a new version of the app.
  • May Seasonal Event – Village-Green Lazy Day
    • It’s with great embarrassment that Pete regretfully admits why there was no Valentine’s Day this year… Some troublemaking slingshotter hit clean through his mailbag, scattering all this year’s love letters in the snow! With Wilbur and Orville taking over, Pete is taking a little spring break sabbatical from all the stress… These breezy days are perfect for daydreaming about his longtime love, Phyllis. “Do you know what she said to me the other day? ‘What are you looking at?! Wipe that dopey look off your mug!’ Oh, my heart… Her billed lips are so beautiful when they speak such harsh words!” But while Pete relaxes, there’s still work to be done! This May, we’ll be participating in Harvey’s Colorful Picnic gardening event, the Kite Flying Fishing Tourney, and the Hide-and-Seek Scavenger Hunt to collect 30 wildflower bouquets from each for a total of 90 wildflower bouquets available from events this month. The more bouquets you gather, the more outdoorsy prizes you’ll receive through the planner including handheld foxtail and wildflowers, grassy napping spots, and the grand prize, the wildflower rest spot! We’ll need to forage deep in the woods to gather all the love letters scattered months ago… and hopefully even Pete’s treasured missives to his beloved would-be missus! (Not that she would ever agree…) May’s amazing, not-so-lazy days begin with Harvey’s Colorful Picnic a little early on April 30th GMT!
  • May Terrain – Village Green
    • May’s new terrain set ushers a civic springtime atmosphere into your campsite with a verdant park square replete with striking fountains, blue flowerbeds, weirdly cubic trees, and a rustic clocktower standing watch. What’s more, this terrain’s middle ground will be given to all players—a little awkward without the foreground to complete the water path, but you can get a little creative and hide the rift with other water features or large-scale decorations. The background includes a homey albeit bustling, old-fashioned town and a blimp roving the airways while the sky adds fresh greenish, teal, and gold hues to your vista you might not often see. Your visitors might not exactly be green with envy considering everyone’s getting this terrain, but they can still park their rears to enjoy your campsite’s outdoor amenities when this terrain set of middle ground, foreground, background, and sky becomes available April 30th GMT.
Tip screen for the village green terrain; auto-designer images using the village green terrain and items from May's main three events; event preview image for Harvey's Colorful Picnic gardening event
  • May Gardening Event – Harvey’s Colorful Picnic
    • Harvey’s not sure why his beloved Harriet never responded to his thoughtful love letter a couple months ago… But he’s totally not gonna let it get him down! With the breezy, clear weather, it’s the perfect time for this free-spirited nomadic dog to have a picnic with his favorite pals… and put his aspiring photography skills to good use to document the event with a panoply of pics to post on social media. Harriet is bound to see it and know for sure that he’s not pining for her day and night! But for the picnic to work, we’ll need to plant daisy seeds to attract sandwichbees… The prospect of eating these creatures is a bit disturbing to stomach, but just think of them as lively kebabs! More importantly, sticking enough of bite-sized buzzers will earn fixings for a festive picnic including flag garlands, take-out drinks and sandwiches, and shaded picnic blankets! Completing this event in full will also yield 30 wildflower bouquets as part of May’s Village-Green Lazy Day campaign, so be sure to replant and exchange bugs with friends often! With outdoor hors-d’oeuvres and sportive knickknacks, it’s the almost-perfect respite between RV outings… Now if he could only get them to call him “Harv” like she used to… Stuff down your doggone feelings with a refreshmental health break when the groovy gardening begins April 30th GMT.
  • Rudy’s Airship Cookie
    • Maybe it’s a resemblance to a certain reindeer, but Rudy’s always taken as much pride in delivering goodies as he does in his favorite pastime of taking to the skies with inflatable aircraft… He’s not especially careful aboard these dirigibles or hot-air balloons… but if he finds himself freefalling from these feline-friendly floats (and it’s happened many times before), he always manages to land on his feet. So when he spied a love letter addressed to Harriet lost in the brush on one of his airborne outings, Rudy saw it as his civic duty to trustily tend to its safe delivery… And to make sure his noble act of inspiration inspires as many as it should, he’s taken the opportunity to hire a bountiful brigade of blimps and balloons to celebrate the letter’s airborne journey, no expenses spared! For no other particular reason, it’s a raucous, helium-fueled festival starring an airship helmed by Boomer (who has no time for such foolishness but takes his piloting task with utter seriousness), and animals have come from miles around to watch the airshow as Rudy suddenly realizes how hard it is to make out Harriet’s address from the frankly indecipherable scribbles on the envelope. And what is “Harv”? Is that even a word? With refreshments from the balloon-fest food cart, viewers watch the proceedings through their handheld opera glasses as Rudy makes his grand pronouncements over the intercom of his 5-star balloon-fest airship. “Thanks everybody for all your support in completing our big mission. We were gonna hand-deliver this letter originally, but we figure there’s a pretty good chance this ‘Harriet’ is in the crowd somewhere, so we’ve made the decision to helpfully read it out loud for her own convenience, and also to, uh, save fuel and the environment. Ahem: ‘TO MY DEAR SWEET HATTIE. YOUR PRECIOUS PINK FUR IS MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN THE FRESHEST MORNING PEONY. BUT THIS AIN’T NO PUPPY LOVE. YOU’VE TRIMMED THE UNTAMED HAIR OF MY HEART INTO A PERFECTLY COIFFED COAT THAT KEEPS IT WARM, AND NO OTHER GAL WILL ’DO! SORRY, I NEED TO WRAP THIS UP—THIS ANNOYING BIRD ON MY HEAD KEEPS TUGGING AT MY HEADBAND. FUREVER YOURS, HARV. PS: THIS LETTER IS FOR HARRIET’S EYES ONLY.’ Wow, well, that definitely wasn’t worth this big party... Uh, let’s go find some more lost mail to rescue, Boomer—mush, mush! Launch into the catmosphere to jubilantly help out animals in need with a spy-high view of all their business when this read-nosy cookie launches May 1st GMT!
  • Airy Picnic Outfit Collection
    • You can carry your merry little derrière a little airier with this crisp attire featuring the colors of blooming spring flowers, comfortable blue skies and ponds, and even your favorite manilla folder. And even if you live in a pollution-ravaged landfill, you can still see the striking, verdant greenery of spring through the keen lenses of the green picnic sunglasses! Make sure life’s a picnic with this cookout-ready clothing collection served hot off the grill May 5th GMT.
  • Blue-Sky Wall & Floor Collection
    • This expansive wall and floor collection might come in handy if you want to transform your cabin or RV into a well-kept city park or attempt an interior design that takes place entirely midair! We’ve had a couple sky and cloud wallpapers before but none before that featured a swarm of balloons like in that disturbing number from the Brave Little Toaster Mars movie. The vintage-style illustrations of the plentiful-picnic wall will also harken back to simpler days of rustled-up breakfasts on rustic vacations at the family cabin or on the open road. Look for these vagrant and free-floating designs when they release May 10th GMT.
  • Grasshopper Goals
    • You have much work to do, young grasshopper. But it’ll probably be pretty easy. This misleadingly named rerun of an April 2022 goals event will see the return of Animal Crossing mainstay and Pocket Camp common insect long locust to Sunburst Isle, where you can find it hopping about the tropical grass—make sure not to step on one! They only sell for 10 Bells, so you might find them to be more of a nuisance than an asset after you finish catching enough for your standard Leaf Tickets and Rudy's airship cookie. But they’re sure to hop along when this goals event concludes after May 11th – 14th GMT.
  • May Fishing Tourney - Kite Flying
    • For May’s fishing tourney, we’ll be gliding over to Saltwater Shores to catch an ironically grim assortment of monochrome fish from tourneys past. String enough of these sable sea fish together to unfurl prizes you can let sail into the wild blue yonder like colorful stacked kites and a birdy parachute toy—perfect for May’s spring breezes. Handheld pinwheel toys and even colorful wind socks make appearances as well, likely as loving references to the Gamecube days where wind socks could be spotted in May and players could carry pinwheels around as rare handheld decor. Completing this event in full will yield 30 wildflower bouquets as part of May’s monthlong Village-Green Lazy Day campaign, so be sure to set up your rod, reel and string every 3-hour rotation you can. You might get a few bites… or a few kites to catch a gale of a tale! Turn your attention upward and decorate your campsite skies with this colorful assortment of draft-ready aircraft… And while we don’t have any stormy or windy terrain still (tragedy of tragedies), you can still pair this with items from last June’s Drizzly Daydream Scavenger Hunt with its windblown grass and trees to complete the picture of a windswept, fun day. And if there’s any animals bothering you, tell ’em to go fly a kite when this winding race to the skies kicks off May 12th GMT, ending May 18th GMT.
  • Special Visitor Furniture – Pete's Petite Post Office
    • With collected letters fluttering back in, it’s not too late for Pete to roll up his sleeves and start sorting the retrieved mail in his simple post-and-beam treehouse… as long as Twiggy’s pet birds quit harassing him. With this special visitor furniture, you can install Pete’s rustic postbox in your cabin or at your campsite and listen to him regale you with lofty thoughts on the lost arts of mail and romance… You can even do some matchmaking by combining it with Pelly’s postal counter to see if Pete will be too busy mooning over Phyllis to notice the admiration of her sister down below… Clear up a mess of messages with mailman whose treetop cubby is as well-billed as its drama when this pillary, pelicanny post goes on sale May 15th GMT!
  • Twiggy's Chirpy Cookie
    • With the muddy trail of Curly gone cold, Detective Beardo has had to return to field the mountain of requests on his desk for his P.I. services, but one lonesome plea stood out from a Java sparrow by thname of Peck… “You’ve gotta help me, crunch. I finally achieved my dream of a solitary bird sanctuary all of my own. Then the next thing I know, I’m getting kicked out by Lyle with a whole series of lawsuits, and this birdbrain named Twiggy moves in! I don’t like the way she’s looking at me, Beardo! She keeps calling me her super-cute pet and won’t let me leave—she says it’s too dangerous for a bird like me. Is anybody home in that hollow noggin of hers, crunch? These wings of steel can beat up anybody! Holy moly, and the racket around here! She moved in with eighteen flocks of the loudest birds alive. I’m lucky if I get two winks of sleep! Peck’s Peaceful Paradise is a thing of the past—now it’s Twiggy’s Tweedledeelightful Chirpatorium, and she says she’s opening a new branch of Flora’s bird and breakfast retreat! When I tell her how hard I’ve worked these muscles to get here, she says that’s ‘just the way things are’ and the ‘fortune cookie powers that be’ have this stuff all hammered out! I’m not afraid to say it, Detective—I really need your help! I’m starting to think there’s something a little sexist here about who gets to have what fortune cookies, but I don’t wanna ruffle any feathers.” With a sparrow in harrowing straits, and never one to turn away from fowl play, Beardo and his trusty sidekick Merengue book the first flight out to Twiggy’s brand-new bird haven… only to find that Peck is nowhere to be seen! They check every nook in the bird-haven birdhouse, try to interview bird-lovers lounging on the redundantly named bird-haven birdy sofa… but with all the colorful bird-calling and caterwauling going on around them, they can scarcely hear any potential leads! They meet with Twiggy at the 5-star bird-haven tree, but it leads to more chicanery than answers… “ISN’T THIS PLACE THE TOTAL BEST? IT WAS SUCH A SNOOZEFEST BEFORE I GOT HERE, AND NOW IT’S, LIKE, A CHIRPY CHOIR CACOPHONY DELIVERED STRAIGHT IN MY EARDRUMS! WHAT’S THAT? WHERE? PECK? UH—I GUESS ON THE CHEEK, BUT ARE YOU SERIOUS? I JUST MET YOU! TALK ABOUT CHEAPERS CREEPERS! OH, YOU MEAN THAT HIGHTAILED HOTTIE WHO WAS HERE A COUPLE MONTHS AGO? I HAVE, LIKE, NO CLUE WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM, BUT I CALLED DIBS, SO IF YOU SEE HIM, HANDS OFF!” There’s no trace of Peck to be seen, but just then, that’s when Beardo and Merengue spot it—a handheld java sparrow perching on Twiggy’s forewing! This seems a dark coincidence… Did Peck make a brave avian escape, or did this burly boy-chick meet a perilous fate as a pet?! Beardo and Merengue keep watch on every bird and bird-watcher in this pet-filled paradise, but mum’s the bird among the patrons and no one’s making a peep… Just a cuckoo commotion that they can’t help consider would drown out a Java sparrow’s cry for help… Try to reach the bottom of a cheep trick of bye-bye birdie when this birdcagey cookie makes some noise May 17th GMT!​
Tip screens for Twiggy's chirpy cookie, the Bright Bird Outfit Collection, and the Birdy Wall & Floor Collection
  • Bright Bird Outfit Collection
    • May’s second clothing collection works as a companion to Twiggy’s fortune cookie. It’s bright, it’s birdiful, and it’s very LOUD with bird-emblem tunics and long cardigans in, ahem, very strong colors that will certainly make a statement flapping in your viewer’s face. We reached out to Robin for her thoughts on this collection’s bird bags… “So undignified. I can’t imagine people would be too pleased if I started wearing plastic people bouncing around my derriere, carrying my loose change, hm?” Being a crazy cat lady is so 8 months ago… Become a crazy bird lady (or a crazy bird lord!) when this collection flits in on May 18th GMT.​
  • Birdy Wall & Floor Collection
    • This set of ravin’-avian designs will set the heart aflutter of anyone who has birds on the brain… (for anyone else… they’re not bad). You can capture the visages of birds forever in the bird-photo wall or cavalierly set them free with the bird-window wall. If you enjoyed last June’s lily pond wall but feel like it was just a little too beautiful, the park-pond wall here will do you nicely. Get a little cocky with these bold patterns for your cabin or camper when this flock of refurbishments alights May 18th GMT.
  • Threadfin Trevally Goals
    • This oddly timed rerun of a November 2021 goals event will see the return of the threadfin trevally to Saltwater Shores in the form of tiny-size shadows (size 1 of 6). They sell for 400 Bells each at base price and are uncommon-tier when gifted to animal campers, so not a bad catch, but if your interest in this wispy fellow is dangling by a thread, or a fin, you can still nab some Leaf Tickets and an Rudy’s airship cookie for your trouble during this limited-time event from May 19th through 22nd GMT.
  • May Scavenger Hunt – Hide-and-Seek
    • For May’s scavenger hunt, we’ll be searching the very best hiding places around the various recreation spots to spy hide-and-seek gyroidites. And watch out for their extra foliage as camouflage… even their bushes might be hiding behind bushes! Ferret out enough of these stealthy sneaks to earn prizes for a recess-ridden recreational park, crammed with nooks where animals can hide for classic games of hide and seek… some of them more effective than others. (I’m looking at you, Al.) Judging by the Happy Homeroom classes, the most likely Leaf Ticket items are the hide-and-seek slide and jungle gym, and then either the hide-and-seek lightpost, pipes, or drinking fountain—just some speculation, though. Completing this event in full will yield the final 30 wildflower bouquets to complete May’s monthlong Village-Green Lazy Day campaign, so be sure to keep the hunt on even past sundown (and check out the quarry and your campsite animals too!) to finish off the month in sneaky style! This outdoor décor makes for a calmingly mellow ode to nostalgic days from childhood (and from Animal Crossing: City Folk and New Leaf!) that will make finding your campers for your daily chats more ~~frustrating~~ I mean fun than ever! Hunt for gyroidite and animals when this oxenfree-for-all begins May 20th GMT (ending the 30th GMT)!
  • Curlos and Pals
    • While there isn’t technically much datamined here, this update did add an animal batch under the name of “Curlos and Pals” to the date of May 25th GMT. It seems this will be after the next update as map assets haven’t actually been added yet for this batch, but we do know that “Gwen and Pals’ Island” will be joining Curlos’s island, likely as part of this batch. With only 8 animals left— Benjamin, Biff, Curlos, Gwen, Sydney, Velma, Freckles and Mott—it seems likely this means they will be finished releasing all the animals at the end of this month, but as of now, this is unconfirmed.
  • Happy Homeroom
    • This update included the typical 3 classes each for Harvey’s Colorful Picnic gardening event, Rudy’s airship cookie, the Kite Flying Fishing Tourney, Twiggy’s chirpy cookie, and the Hide-and-Seek Scavenger Hunt, as well as 8 classes each for new normal Courses 53 and 54.

And that’s all of May’s merriments! Our fellow dataminer Koopavocelot has also spotted a noteworthy notice that may be coming this month but no info yet on its contents… Hopefully it’s not some sort of end-of-times apocalyptic alert with the last of the villagers likely coming out this month. Er… right? As for June, we’ll probably get the Twitter preview in only a week’s time. June is often themed around seasonal rain or weddings as they’re what the month is known for in Japan, and given that we just had a windy-themed event this month, I’d expect more of the latter matrimania for next month’s events. But who knows? We might get some of both in a dewy bridal shower! (Or maybe something completely different.) I’ll aim to have that datamine posted for you fine folks when the update drops ASAP. Until then, thanks for reading, and remember, even if a bird is super-hunkalicious, that doesn’t make it okay to keep him as a pet!
submitted by windkirby to ACPocketCamp [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:30 roseohseven Long first time trip report 5/13-5/18!

LOOOONG first time trip report! 5/13-5/18, stayed at Beach Club, visited all four parks, bought Genie+ every day, had the standard DDP. Family of 4, two girls 5 and 9. I learned so much from this group over the past year and especially loved trip reports, so hopefully this post will be helpful to someone!
-- I booked the trip a year out so I could break it up into 12 manageable payments. I opened the no fee Disney VISA, which gives you several months of no interest on charges made towards Disney travel packages, rewards dollars to use at Disney, and a couple other perks like character meet and greets and discounts.
-- I signed up for Disney Movie Insiders. This is what you're supposed to do with all those little codes that come in Disney DVDs/Blurays. You enter the codes in exchange for points, and at 1000 points, you can redeem for a $10 Disney gift card. You also get points for being subscribed to Disney+, seeing Disney movies in the theater, their social media accounts, and a whole bunch of other things. I got $50 in gift cards from this alone.
-- If you want Disney-themed luggage, try thinking outside the box to save money! I got plain luggage in Mickey colors--red and black--and Mickey luggage tags to make them Disney themed.
-- I tried to budget for souvenirs via gift cards... but I failed, lol. Everything is so expensive, $100 is gone in a second. Plushes are like $40, coffee cups are $20, etc. Whatever you're planning to spend, double it! I get what people say about most shops having the same stuff, but it's definitely not all of them, most of the ones post-ride have unique stuff. And honestly it's kind of nice most of them have the same stuff, if you want to get whatever your kid was asking for earlier, you don't have to walk all the way back to the one shop you saw it at.
-- We paid for Memory Maker and I'm on the fence about it. On the one hand, it's really nice to get all the ride photos and meet and greet photos and magic shots. It's also really nice for the whole family to be in a lot of pictures and not have to swap with the other adult or find someone willing to take your picture. On the other, we definitely didn't utilize it as much as I wanted to because a lot of the photographers had pretty long lines and I just didn't want to spend time waiting for a picture I could take myself. If we came across someone with a shortish or no line, we made sure to get it, but for anyone with a long line, we just stood around the same spot and took our own.
-- If you have kids and live within easy driving distance of another amusement park, highly recommend making a visit BEFORE going to Disney to get an idea of how they handle that kind of day/environment, especially if they have never been. I quickly discovered we would absolutely need a stroller and I would need to be militant with the kids about staying hydrated. Also to avoid face paint, as heat + tears + paint + eyes = bad day! I felt so much better making these discoveries beforehand and being able to prepare accordingly, rather than making them at Disney.
-- USE AN AGENT! An agent is free to you, so why not have the help? Ours was amazing, she gave us quotes, booked the package, rebooked as needed later when a better deal came out, made all the payments, dining and extra reservations, and was just all-around awesome to work with. It was such a load off to know I wasn't on my own with all this stuff.
-- Watch everything Ear Scouts. No one explains Genie+ better, and Rob and Erick's videos are just so positive and beautiful and well done.
-- I also enjoyed reading Disney Tourist Blog--lovingly snarky but super informative!--and Disney Food Blog for fun tips and news.
-- I didn't find any park to be a half day park, we filled our whole day in every one and still didn't see everything!
-- My kids did really well, whenever they were on the verge of cranky, we had one ride in the stroller for a while, bought a snack (usually ice cream or popcorn), and used the bubble wand, and/or gave them some ibuprofen, and everyone felt better pretty quick. We never tried to do fireworks, we were all done by 8 so always left after dinner. The only park we closed down was EPCOT because we didn't get out of dinner until after close, and that was a really cool experience, the park was so quiet and empty and beautiful!
-- You don't NEED a Magic Band... but man, was it convenient. We just had 1.0 Magic Bands though, we didn't bother with the 2.0s.
-- I guess moving through security fast is important to people rope dropping... but as someone who didn't, it added like maybe 30 seconds to a minute to the experience the couple times my bag got flagged, it's really not a big deal.
-- I'm not saying anyone's lying about bad experiences or exaggerating or anything, but try to remember that far more people go on the Internet to complain than they do to praise. I got so stressed about all the things that could go wrong, and we had a pretty much perfect trip. The only attraction that broke down on us was Muppetvision, of all things. The only "bad behavior" we witnessed was the morning we were leaving, we could hear a dad across the hall yelling at his family, I think they overslept and were going to miss their flight or something? We just turned the TV on so we didn't have to hear him. A couple times we forgot to take our stuff with us when we parked our stroller or forgot some food in it, and neither people nor animals bothered it. The only dicey thing that happened to us was me dropping my phone into the Dumbo moat, the cast members fished it out and it still worked, I sent them a cast compliment for all their help! All the cast members were great, I'm not really sure what people expect but IMO they all do amazing for having to be peppy and helpful all day in absolutely blazing heat, walking a ride conveyer belt nonstop, repeating the same spiels over and over, meeting person after person, etc. I wouldn't last a 2 hour shift let alone 8. Cast members, you rock!!!
-- We flew Delta, flight there was flawless, flight home was delayed by an hour waiting for crew and was a little bumpy (which is not great for a nervous flyer like me) but otherwise fine.
-- Get TSA PreCheck! Good for a few years, if the adults have it the kids have it too. It made the whole experience so much easier. That said, even PreCheck still moves kind of slow at MCO, so definitely get there at least 2 hours early for your flight. Use curbside check-in for bags, way faster than the long line inside!
-- On our agent's recommendation, we used Away We Go for ground transport in Orlando. They communicate really well, both ways were flawless, no complaints!
-- We used Minnie Vans to get to Animal Kingdom + Sanaa and Magic Kingdom, what a wonderful service! Definitely pricey, but they had cartoons on in the car, booster seats they set up for you, and the drivers were so nice and friendly and had fun trivia to share. I never had any problem requesting one when I needed it.
-- We knew we wanted an onsite hotel where you could walk to at least one park. This pretty much limits you to a handful of Deluxe hotels or the Swan and Dolphin. Beach Club won for us because it's "in the Disney bubble" and you can walk to 2/4 parks. Note that while you can technically walk to Hollywood Studios, it is a LOOOONG walk. The boat is a nice not crowded alternative! We did not make use of Early Entry or Extended Hours, we're just not built for either. Beach Club was lovely, we booked a resort view but I think we ended up with a water view, we were right by the quiet pool and could see the water beyond from our room. Stormalong Bay was a little crazy for us but we loved the quiet pool. Best thing about Beach Club though is the location, EPCOT is literally steps away!
-- We had read that there's really no bad day to do AK, so we started there. We rode: Navi River Journey, Flight of Passage, Kali River Rapids, Everest, Kilimanjaro Safaris, Triceratops Spin, and Dinosaur--so pretty much everything! With Genie+ we walked onto all of them. We also met Moana, Pocahontas, and Russell! The only thing we didn't do here that we wanted to was the Gorilla Falls trail, but we just ran out of time before the park closed.
-- We had read to avoid EPCOT on Fridays and Saturdays, so we went on Wednesday. We rode: Grand Fiesta Tour, Living with the Land, Nemo, Spaceship Earth, Imagination with Figment, Frozen, Remy, Journey of Water, and Guardians--everything we wanted! Again, with Genie+, we walked right onto everything! We also met Anna and Elsa! Tried a couple of Flower and Garden snacks: chicken and waffles, fruit and cheese strudel, and potato pancakes, all were delicious! Everyone had a different favorite day, but EPCOT was personally my favorite day, it felt like we were firing on all cylinders and the day just went really smoothly!
-- We had read that Wednesdays were the quietest days at MK, so we were originally going to try to do it that day, but we could only get a reservation for Cinderella's Royal Table on Thursday, so we switched it up. Definitely the most crowded of all the parks we visited, but I think that's just the norm for MK, everyone wants to go to the castle park with the most rides. We rode: Regal Carousel, Tomorrowland Speedway, Barnstormer, Magic Carpets, Mad Tea Party, People Mover, Dumbo, Small World, Little Mermaid, Pirates, Space Ranger Spin, Jungle Cruise, TRON, and Peter Pan. Again, with Genie+, we walked right onto everything! The only ride we missed at this park that we wanted to do was Pooh, I couldn't manage to get a return time that was earlier than we planned on leaving. Outside of our character meals (more on those in the dining section!) we also met Mirabel, Tiana, and Rapunzel! We had both the Rapunzel and Aurora ice creams, both so good and cute!
-- We had read that, like MK, it's better to do HS later in the week, so we went Friday. We rode: Slinky, Alien Saucers, Toy Story Mania, Rise, Smuggler's Run, Runaway Railway. Again, with Genie+, we walked right onto everything! The only ride we missed was Tower of Terror, again I couldn't manage to get a return time that was earlier than we planned on leaving. We also met Olaf, be aware Olaf doesn't sign stuff, they just give you a signature card. This park needs more shade IMO, especially Toy Story Land, I know it's supposed to be Andy's backyard, but I don't see why that means we can't have some shade from trees or something. 🤪 Blue milk from Galaxy's Edge was really good, the family was all fighting over it!
-- We almost certainly lost some money on the DDP, but I'm still glad we got it because it allowed us to do more table service meals and have less stress overall about expenses. We easily used up everything but child quick service credits, we had a few of those left over near the end.
Here's where we ate!
BOARDWALK DELI/PIZZA WINDOW: Pizza for the kids, sandwiches for the adults. Tasty and satisfying after our day of travel!
BEACHES AND CREAM: Got the kitchen sink for the experience, but honestly it's not great, all the ice cream and toppings melt together quick and you just end up with weird ice cream soup.
SAT'ULI CANTEEN: LOVED this place, everything was so yummy! Best quick service we had!
SANAA: Since Animal Kingdom closes so early, we thought we'd try to extend the experience by eating at Sanaa. What a great idea, we got seated right by a window and saw so many animals! The food was great too.
AKERSHUS: Our favorite princess meal! We met Aurora, Tiana, Snow White, Ariel, and Belle. They were all lovely, and the breakfast was really good too. Only 1 credit on the DDP!
GARDEN GRILL: Our kids really enjoyed getting to look down over Living with the Land and the fact that the restaurant spins. We met Farmer Mickey, Pluto, and Chip and Dale. They were fun and even came to our table more than once. Food was good!
SPACE 220: Not on the DDP, but wow, what a cool restaurant! Almost like a ride with the theming and the elevator up. Food was really good.
CINDERELLA'S ROYAL TABLE: You gotta eat in the castle! We paid for it OOP because we didn't want to use up 2 DDP credits here. You're really going for the location and the princesses, the food is kinda meh, not bad but not as good as other places. The restaurant is small and they have to turn tables quick, so it's very understandable to me that the princesses have to move fast. It's not that they rush you, they'll take all the pictures you ask for and sign whatever and answer your questions, but if you don't have much you need, they try to keep moving. Akershus is much bigger so they are able to be more relaxed there. The only small bummer is that we didn't see Merida (maybe she was on vacation too!) We did meet Cinderella, Ariel, Jasmine, and Aurora though!
CRYSTAL PALACE: We are not big on buffets but we enjoyed meeting Pooh, Piglet, Eeyore and Tigger!
TOPOLINO'S: Maybe the best food of the trip, steak and eggs were so good! The character artist costumes are so cute too. It was fun to have an excuse to ride the Skyliner to get here from Beach Club too.
DOCKING BAY 7: The theming is great, but the food wasn't as good as Satuli Canteen IMO.
THE MARKET AT ALE & COMPASS: We had quick service credits we wanted to use up on the last day and we didn't want to leave the resort again, otherwise I would have gone somewhere else, food was meh.
-- I originally wanted to book Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique for my kids, but it's so expensive/competitive that I decided to didn't want the stress. Instead I booked Have Wand, Will Travel to come to our room and bought dresses from Presley Couture and Only Little Once. I chose Have Wand, Will Travel because they keep character throughout. Fairy Godmother Elyse was amazing and so much fun, my kids loved it and kept talking about it all day!
-- That same morning I ordered a Sammicakes breakfast box with beignets for us to eat. I also ordered a pretend letter from Tiana on Etsy to make it seem like the breakfast came from Tiana. My kids also loved this and had fun telling Tiana about it both times we met her. Sammicakes was good but a LOT of food, sadly we didn't end up eating half of it. It can last you at least 3 days!
-- Matching shirts and ear hats, all from Etsy! So many cool designs there, hardest part is choosing!
-- Got my kids a pin trading lanyard with some pins, they loooooved pin trading! It was like free souvenirs.
-- Things the Internet Told Me to Pack That I Needed: Scissors, ziploc bags, ibuprofen (kids and adults), garbage bags.
-- Things the Internet Told Me to Pack that I Didn't Need: stainless steel straws (the paper straws are more like cardboard, they really don't break down unless your kid is gnawing on them or something), ponchos (it did rain some most days, but wearing a poncho was almost more miserable than not wearing one, it's so hot and humid to be walking around in a plastic bag! We did better taking shelter and using umbrellas.), wipes (obv you need them if your kid is younger, but mine were older and just never got messy enough to need them.), glow sticks (we never stayed anywhere long enough to use them.) Basically, the less you can get away carrying in the parks, the better. It's annoying to lug stuff around you don't end up needing or using!
-- I know it seems insane that your 5 year old and 9 year old will need a stroller, but mine definitely did. Once I accepted that I was going to have to get one, I tried to make the best of it, and actually got really into decorating it so we could always easily spot it in the sea (the decorations also later made nice wall decor for a gallery of our trip!) The Magic Spotter flag was the best investment, hardly anyone had them so it was easy to instantly spot our stroller anywhere we left it, even if it got moved. That said, I definitely didn't want to spend a lot on a stroller we were really only buying for this one trip, so I got a used Joovy Caboose on Facebook Marketplace for $50. It was very hard to handle with two older kids in it, and even with one it was hard to handle unless the kid was in the back seat. So we basically used it like a single stroller, glad I didn't spend a lot on it since it was so hard to drive!
-- We had mostly great weather, it rained some every day except Magic Kingdom day but it passed within an hour each time. We wore socks with Crocs so that if/when it rained, we could just take our wet socks off and walk in our Crocs, this worked great! Don't trust the weather reports though, two days it wasn't supposed to rain. One day it actually didn't, the other day it did and we had to walk in wet shoes because we didn't wear the Crocs that day. Just figure it might rain any day and be prepared! See above note RE: ponchos being not great and shelter + umbrellas being better. When it didn't rain, It. Was. Hot. 🥵 In the 90s but definitely felt hotter with the humidity making it so sticky. We felt there was plenty of shade at Animal Kingdom and EPCOT, but hardly any at Magic Kingdom and Hollywood Studios, which I would say slightly affected how much fun we had on those days comparatively.
Phew! That's about it, let me know if you have any questions!
submitted by roseohseven to WaltDisneyWorld [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:26 Violet_K89 Starting Kindergarten

My son will be 6 in July and will start kindergarten. And I couldn’t be more nervous! We’re going to move but unsure of which school district yet because it has been impossible to find a home, so I think that doesn’t help me either. The schools seems to be all good, each has its pros and cons (northeast PA). And to help my case -or not- I didn’t grow up in the US so it’s all new to me.
My son is a shy kid but can make friends on a normal range I’d say. Academically he knows some letters, numbers and knows how to write his name. His preschool teacher has no worries.
What can we do, more specifically me to prepare myself and my kiddo to this new era? What skills are teachers expecting or think it’s good for the kids to have? And what do you expect from the parents? What I should be aware of looking for a school district… Any tip, advice is more than appreciated… 😊
submitted by Violet_K89 to AskTeachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:23 Cant_sleep_since She cheated 1 month after our wedding….

I never thought I’d be participating in these kind of reddits myself. I’ve spent countless hours listening to this stories but I thought I was exempt from tragedies like these, thought I knew her. I’m gonna give the most important details, since it would be impossible to resume our whole story. She was a friend from college, we knew each other from clases and school trips. We lost contact for a few years but reunited in 2017 for the new year party. Since then we were inseparable, we started dating immediately and connected as hard as one can connect with another human being. We fell in love, laughed for hours on end. It was like playing ping pong, I said something silly and she hit me back with something even sillier. Besides she was beautiful and had a really nice body, everyone complemented me for being with her and I was so proud to have her in my life. It was beautiful. We were together for 3 years as BF/GF but I knew that she was the one, so we got engaged during the pandemic, on Christmas of 2020. My parents absolutely loved her, and her folks loved me. We were an amazing couple all along. We’re both medics and I got graduated on 2022 so I started making good money and started paying for everything around the house, our vacations, trips abroad, basic needs, healthcare… You know, everything. She got to plan the wedding of her dreams, and I just couldn’t say no to anything because I thought she deserved everything and more, since she was with me through thick and thin while I was a resident. We didn’t had a lot at the time and I wanted her to feel like a star. We got married a 4th of November 2023 at the most expensive venue in town, everything was beautiful, the most beautiful wedding you could imagine. Of course, I paid for 99% of the expenses, since I was making money and she didn’t. It costed me around 60 k US dollars. We went on the honey moon of my dreams that November. Spent 2 wonderful weeks on a euro trip through Paris, Venice, Florence, Rome and back. I. On lifelong dream of mine was to take the love of my life to Paris and kiss under the Eiffel Tower. We did. We came back from our trip. She still a resident, and so she has clinical rotations on a lot of hospital services. At this point she had already taken a rotation on October 2023 through a surgical hall, where she knew some dude for like a month. An oncology surgeon who she immediately befriended hard. She started acting weird around her phone, encoding messages, passwords in her WhatsApp, etc. For months I thought nothing of it, but thank god my curiosity got the best of me, and I finally decided to check her phone on mid may 2024. What I found was horrible. Her conversation on WhatsApp with him was erased, but she had phone calls to his number, called him often for 20 -30 mins, got together for drinks and food all the way back through December 2023. I started digging through the conversations with her best friends, and through that i discovered all that I’m gonna say next. She had been making a fool out of me for 5 of the 6 months we were married. This started not even 2 months after our wedding. The dude’s father died on January 2024, and at this point, they were going out on a date and she was there for him and she was really hurt that she couldn’t be there with him in his most difficult time. This is one of the most painful parts of the story cos on the texts I found she was clearly worried for him, she had developed feelings for another man 1 month after our wedding, after 6 years of being together. She knew him for 2 months and she started dating him exactly 45 days after walking through the aisle in a wedding dress and swearing to god and man to be only mine and with me for the rest of her life. I didn’t exploded immediately, I waited for a little while and gathered all the evidence i could. The last conversations through WhatsApp was erased 4 days before i checked her phone, so she was still in contact with him until i caught her. The last thing he sent was a little monkey emoji covering his eyes, and sadly, we all kind of know what they were talking about just for that. Went through her phone a couple more times to be met with the fact that she was aware i was checking her phone after 2 days of me doing it. She had deleted all the messages on her friend’s chats that involved him, from 5 months ago. She took the time and care to selectively erase messages that involved him, even tho thank god i’ve already read them. And her **** best friends were encouraging her to keep seeing each other. They treated my marriage like it was some stupid high school crush. I confronted her 3 days after checking her phone. Those were the worst. 3 days of my life,, i had to keep everything inside, all the pain, all the rage, all the doubts, all the sorrow…. We sat at the table right after she had minor surgery to remove a breast benign tumor (wich i paid for as a last consideration to the memory of the woman i married). At first she denied it and even got angry cos i went through her phone, but when confronted with all the evidence, dates, phone calls and screenshots she. Had nowhere to go. When i asked her if she had slept with him, the answer was “yes”. Those 3 letters absolutely shattered my whole world. In a n instant i’ve lost my wife, my home, my family project, my plans, i wanted to have children. With her next year, buy a home and spent the rest of my life with her. The money doesn’t hurt, it’s the time that burns my soul, six years thrown to the garbage for a dude that she knew for 2 months. My family was devastated, my mother in tears, my father was furious and i was. Absolutely destroyed. It’s been 2 weeks since and my mind is still confused and dazed. I’ve been wanting so hard to see her, to hug her, to go back to what we were, but then i. Remember the. Treason, and all the effort she went through. To hid it for months and. and its like I don’t know this person anymore, she can’t be the woman that i. Fell in love with… She can’t be the woman i married. Sorry for the long post, hope i can get some feedback. I really love her and could still forgive her,, but I don’t think this would be the same ever again. Why did. She marry. Me? This hurts so bad… Thank you all for your time.
submitted by Cant_sleep_since to Infidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:17 Marmite20 Do terms of exit letter override terms of employment contract if employment contract has been terminated?

NOTE: Exit letter has not yet been signed by me and only by my employer as I am still reviewing terms of the letter.
My contract was terminated by my employer at the end of April. I was still owed a salary by them for the month of May as they gave me a one month notice and salary to be paid in lieu of notice. We are usually paid at the end of each month but they decided to pay me my final salary for the month of May around the start of the month of May. I had already been paid my salary for April at the end of the month of April. HMRC has charged me a higher tax rate as their system has taken into consideration two salary payments that were made in the same month and assumed I am receiving a higher salary threshold.
I checked my payslips for the month of April and May and both were submitted as in the same exact period whereas May payslip should have been submitted as a separate payslip for the month of May. I raised this issue with my employer and asked they to resubmit to HMRC the correct payslips and rectify the issue so tax can be adjusted and I can be paid the difference. I was charged nearly £1,500 in overdue tax. I have bills and rent to pay and I can't afford to lose that kind of money especially as I was let go from my job.
I asked my employer why they decided to pay me early and not at the end of the month as they usually do and per our payroll schedule. The exit letter states that I would be paid my salary in the normal way via payroll. One would therefore assume that this would mean that it would follow the same schedule. They said that the exit letter does not specify a date as to when they would pay.
I checked my employment contract and it specifies that I am to be paid around the end of the month. However, given that my employment contract was terminated in April and the payment of my final salary was paid out for May in lieu of notice, does that provision in my contract still stand or does the wording in my exit letter prevail over the term of my employment contract?
submitted by Marmite20 to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]