Lamisil for ringworm

Surviving Ringworm

2021.09.26 22:23 xcityfolk Surviving Ringworm

Fans of the youtube channel Surviving Ringworm. If you have itchy, round sores on your body, gross, go away.

2012.08.28 12:49 Higher Alex! Oh boy! Imswinging

This is just a subreddit for a bunch of good guys who enjoy a chat about ringworm

2008.06.07 18:41 Go to a fuckin show

Because touching grass is for herbs

2024.06.01 05:11 wiincy small rash, itchyness, inflammed, red, dry and cracking on top of lip under nose

Has anyone had a experiance of having really dry flaky and inflammed skin ontop of the lip right under the nose? I’ve had this problem for a while now ( 1 year and a half ) and its gone away for only a week just for it to come back. I even went to the doctor and they said I had ringworm apparently? But I dont believe that fully because I am a very eczema and dry skin prone girl and it dosent even look like ringworm, Ive tried to do a lot of reasearch on what ringworm looks like and it looks nothing like it! I have been using the cream that the doctor prescribed me ( Lamisil I think ) and it got better for 1 day and the next day it started to burn and flake and crack again. I also have to mention that I did have very bad nose problems back in covid and I still do now, I’m not sure if this is the reason but sometimes I think it is because of how much I rub a tissue against this part of my skin. I really need a solution because my confidence has been going away bit by bit and I barely even wanna see people anymore because of how bad it’s been getting.
submitted by wiincy to eczema [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 03:43 KikiGigi22 Psoriasis or Scabies? Confused!!

Psoriasis or Scabies? Confused!!
Psoriasis or Scabies? Newly diagnosed at 47yo, but confused if these are psoriasis or scabies. I've had this big purple patch (I'm Asian, it could be darker because of it) since Oct. And I believed it was ringworm. So I kept putting all different cream but it never went away. And I put Lamisil Once (Terbinafine Hydrochloride 11.25mg/g) on the open weeping patch. Hindsight, perhaps it triggered (apparently it's one of the triggers) and it started to spread. That made me seek Dr's advice and immediately he diagnosed me with psoriasis. It was 2 weeks ago. Today, I went back to see the dr to show guttate psoriasis which are still popping up and itchy. And he said these are scabies and not related to psoriasis! WHAT!? I actually don't believe him for that. Because none in my family has them, and I have spots on my neck, a little bit on my face and I feel some on my ears too. (Scabies are not supposed to be on face up) At this stage, I'm too scared and worried to apply scabie cream all over my body. I might wait to see if any other family member gets it or not. What do you think they are? And any good management method for guttate psoriasis?
Since it's onset and triggered by something (likely to be terbinafine or alcohol), would it settle down? Or is it something I have to live with forever? I think I had this condition for pretty much my whole life but it has never been this bad. So I thought I had contact dermatitis, eczema, ringworm etc never thought of psoriasis.
I'm still learning how to live with it. Please be kind. Any help is appreciated!!
submitted by KikiGigi22 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.04.03 22:11 KikiGigi22 Newly diagnosed at 47yrs old (F). Any help with guttate psoriasis?

I've had this big purple patch (I'm Asian, it could be darker because of it) since Oct. And I believed it was ringworm. So I kept putting all different cream but it never went away. And I put Lamisil Once (Terbinafine Hydrochloride 11.25mg/g) on the open weeping patch. Hindsight, perhaps it triggered and it started to spread. That made me seek Dr's advice and immediately he diagnosed me with psoriasis. My back one is being plaque psoriasis and the spreading ones are guttate psoriasis I guess.
Got Daivobet but guttate psoriasis spots are still coming up everywhere and it's super itchy, driving me crazy. Any good management method for guttate psoriasis? Since it's onset and triggered by something (likely to be terbinafine or alcohol), would it settle down? Or is it something I have to live with forever? I think I had this condition for pretty much my whole life but it has never been this bad. So I thought I had contact dermatitis, eczema, ringworm etc never thought of psoriasis.
I'm still learning how to live with it. Please be kind. Any help is appreciated!!

submitted by KikiGigi22 to Psoriasis [link] [comments]

2024.03.13 04:08 Catcatcatowner We just want to know that it will all work out… (ringworms)

My 9yo cat has ringworms since Sep2023, however she also has chronic liver problems, which is why we never tried oral antifungal treatments. We are currently only giving her a weekly shower with Malaseb shampoo. While vet suggested to use Lamisil cream, there are too many spots that we cannot cover.
Not asking for medical advice, just wanted to hear success stories so my husband and I can have hope again!
submitted by Catcatcatowner to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.02.25 15:17 ebsos Jock Itch.

In the first week of February, I began experiencing itchiness in the inner thigh region. I visited the pharmacy where the pharmacist examined the area and diagnosed the issue as ringworms. Following his recommendation, I started using Gentacort cream (Gentamicin, Clotrimazole, and Fluocinolone) twice daily.
The ringworms disappeared after two weeks, only for a new ringworm to reappear on the left side during the week of February 19. I decided to see a dermatologist, and I had my appointment with him on Wednesday (February 21). He conducted a KOH test, confirming the presence of tinea cruris. I learned that the corticosteroid in the cream I had been using, makes the fungus go into "hiding mode" rather than treating it effectively. I discontinued its use and was prescribed Lamisil (Terbinafine, 250mg) tablets to be taken once daily for a month.
Today marks my fifth day on the Lamisil treatment, yet new ringworms have emerged since Wednesday, including one adjacent to last week's appearance and a new one forming on the right side. I've also been experiencing itchiness and a mild stinging sensation. To alleviate discomfort, I've been applying a small amount of Sudocrem (zinc oxide) after my night-time shower, aiming to create a barrier and soothe the affected area, as I am cautious about using corticosteroids or other creams with active ingredients (as per the dermatologist's advice).
I am feeling anxious, and I would appreciate your advice. Could it be possible that the Lamisil tablets are prompting a "purging" effect, forcing the fungus out of hiding before eventually eliminating them? And is it safe to use Sudocrem while taking Lamisil ?
submitted by ebsos to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.02.11 12:15 UnclePontus Has my ringworm healed?

Has my ringworm healed?
Noticed ringworm on my leg in december, started treating it with lamisil. I have applied lamisil everyday for 2 months, I also had ringworm on my face but its completely gone now. Ive been prescribed terbinafine pills and I have taken them for almost 2 weeks along with the lamisil cream, but the redness remains. I cant tell if that red spot is just post inflammation redness or not. The spot has not been itchy in forever. Its also completely flat and dry.
I also think the prescription terbinafine is also causing me to lose my appetite and making me even more anxious, because i am unfortunately under some stress thanks to life.
2nd pic is from december
Thanks in advance
submitted by UnclePontus to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.01.22 14:51 makcity83 Treatment of Ringworm rash

Treatment of Ringworm rash
I’ve seen some posts on here about managing ringworm, so I thought I’d share a little document I put together for my gym. We had a recurrent outbreak last year and since I’m a doctor, I was asked to share some advise for treating ringworm and preventing spread and re-infection with the group. Since we put this up as a poster in the gym, we haven’t had any more outbreaks.
Hope this helps everyone stay safe on the mats!
submitted by makcity83 to bjj [link] [comments]

2024.01.19 20:43 Incubus85 Treatment resistant ringworm

I'm 3 weeks into a 4 week course of 250mg of oral terbafine after using creams for 6 months and its spread more than all the time before taking the tablets. I've been referred to the hospitals dermatology department and been encouraged to do the last week but I don't don't see how that's gonna help as it's been getting rapidly worse.
Anyone else been lumped with this? Havnt trained for ages cause of my neck and I have no idea where I got this from. 9 months and I havnt passed it on to anyone... just ridiculous. Hoping a different oral antifungal is going to cut the mustard, or its something other than ringworm because daily life is becoming a misery. Again I'll stress, I havnt trained with ringworm due to multiple disc issues in my neck.
Been through daktarin, clotrimazol, lamisill, oral terbafine, changing towels bedding and washing and drying in the dryer so it gets over the required temp to kill it. Obviously showering daily. I'm at my wits end with this.
submitted by Incubus85 to bjj [link] [comments]

2024.01.08 09:10 mmconopio Ringworm vs Eczema

Anyone had ringworm here before?
I was on cyclosporine for my eczema, hence im kinda immunocompromised. Had ringworm the very 1st time because of it.
I treated it first with steroids because i didnt know it was ringworm and that backfired horribly.
I now been treated with lamisil then itraconazole tablets. I did lamisil for a month and it worked but it came back after 2 weeks so i was put on the itraconazole 200mg a day for a week.
Its been a month now after itraconazole and im hoping im good. The problem is that it left scars and it is still kinda red. My derm said not to worry about it much but given it already came back before, im now paranoid.
Just wanna ask if anyone experience having ringworm while having eczema. How do you distinguish ringworm with eczema? Because right now thats my biggest problem. i have some red patches that i normally will think is eczema but now i also need to think if its a new ringworm infection.
submitted by mmconopio to eczema [link] [comments]

2024.01.05 17:15 mmconopio Ringworm scars

Hey, I am on cyclosporine for my eczema and because of this I had rignworm for the very 1st time.
Initially I thought it was just an eczema patch so I used steroid cream on it which it didnt do anything. Then after some searching I figured out it might be ringworm. Got tested and it was.
I did a month on lamisil cream, 2x a day. It worked but after 3 weeks it came back. I was then put on Itraconazole pills, 100mg 2x a day for a week. My derm said I dont need to use lamisil anymore but I finsihed a week of application since I already started it. It did work and I like to say Im cured.
The problem is that it left some scars/hypopigmentation on my skin. The areas where the ringworm were is still kinda pinkish red but not flaky at all. My dermatologist says it ok since its flat and doesnt seemed to be spreading but I still paranoid about it since thats how it all started. I hate having ringworm more than eczema because it is contagious and its actually taking a toll on my mental health worrying if its ringworm or eczema.
Has anyone experience something similar after their ringworm has been cured? Also just a follow up question, my ringworm is not itchy at all as opposed to the common symptoms of ringworm. Is that normal for some?
Some additional info, recently I did try to just treat it again with lamisil to see if it will go away. But after a week of 2x a day application, nothing is happening as supposed to when I first got it, the ringworm is already starting to dry up after 3 days of lamisil. So I just stopped.
Appreciate if anyone can share there experience. My next follow up with my derm is next month so hoping I can hear some experiences or insights from you guys so I can prepare.
submitted by mmconopio to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.01.05 17:02 mmconopio Ring worm scars

Hey, I am on cyclosporine for my eczeme and because of this I had rignworm for the very 1st time.
Initially I thought it was just an eczema patch so I used steroid cream on it which it didnt do anything. Then after some searching I figured out it might be ringworm. Got tested and it was.
I did a month on lamisil cream, 2x a day. It worked but after 2 weeks it came back. I was then put on Itraconazone pills, 100mg 2x a day for a week. It did work and I like to say Im cured.
The problem is that it left some scars/hypopigmentation on my skin. The areas where the ringworm were is still kinda pinkish red but not flaky at all. My dermatologist says it ok since its flat and doesnt seemed to be spreading but I still paranoid on it since thats how it all started. I hate having ringworm more than eczema because it is contagious and its actually taking a toll on my mental health worrying if its ringworm or eczema.
Has anyone experience something similar?
Some additional info, recently I did try to just treat it again with lamisil to see if it will go away. But after a week of 2x a day application, nothing is happening as supposed to when I first got it, the ringworm is already starting to dry up after 3 days of lamisil. So I just stopped.
Appreciate if anyone can share there experience.
submitted by mmconopio to Candida [link] [comments]

2023.12.23 23:26 KangarooJoe105 Scalp folliculitus please help..

Reddit post:
So I used to have ringworm in 2020/2021-2023. That healed. I was using nizoral daily (shampoo) and terbinafine etc to kill it.
However I was shaving my head with clippers daily to apply lamisil cream when I used to have ringworm. What happened was I ended up with folliculitus bumps. The bumps healed but now what I’m left with is sparse itchy patches where the bumps once were. PICS BELOW what could the reason be? Could my scalp defendes be down from using nizoral daily for like 1.5years?
I tried applying acv onto my scalp to sooth it, didn’t do shit.
Why do I have itchy bald patches on skin..?
I’ve been given dermol500 by GP and I use Hibiscrub (hibiclens) twice daily. It’s helping and defo helping the hair regrow but the bald spots are still there and they itch.
Losing my self to this. What can I do to kill the itching for good? Please I don’t want to use any benzoyl peroxide or any of that..or hydrocortisone or anything I’ll be dependant on. Just something that will cure.
Age 25
Sex male
Height 6’1
Weight 92kg
Race black
Duration of complaint 8 months
Location England
Any existing relevant medical issues
Current medications terbinafine, doxycycline
Include a photo if relevant
submitted by KangarooJoe105 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2023.12.23 17:54 KangarooJoe105 SCALP FOLLICULITIS PLEASE READ

So I used to have ringworm in 2020/2021-2023. That healed. I was using nizoral daily (shampoo) and terbinafine etc to kill it.
However I was shaving my head with clippers daily to apply lamisil cream when I used to have ringworm. What happened was I ended up with folliculitus bumps. The bumps healed but now what I’m left with is sparse itchy patches where the bumps once were. PICS BELOW what could the reason be? Could my scalp defendes be down from using nizoral daily for like 1.5years?
I tried applying acv onto my scalp to sooth it, didn’t do shit.
Why do I have itchy bald patches on skin..?
I’ve been given dermol500 by GP and I use Hibiscrub (hibiclens) twice daily. It’s helping and defo helping the hair regrow but the bald spots are still there and they itch.
Losing my self to this. What can I do to kill the itching for good? Please I don’t want to use any benzoyl peroxide or any of that..or hydrocortisone or anything I’ll be dependant on. Just something that will cure.
submitted by KangarooJoe105 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2023.12.23 17:20 KangarooJoe105 Scalp folliculitus, losing the will to live

Scalp folliculitus, losing the will to live
So I used to have ringworm in 2020/2021-2023. That healed. I was using nizoral daily (shampoo) and terbinafine etc to kill it.
However I was shaving my head with clippers daily to apply lamisil cream when I used to have ringworm. What happened was I ended up with folliculitus bumps. The bumps healed but now what I’m left with is sparse itchy patches where the bumps once were. PICS BELOW what could the reason be? Could my scalp defendes be down from using nizoral daily for like 1.5years?
I tried applying acv onto my scalp to sooth it, didn’t do shit.
Why do I have itchy bald patches on skin..?
I’ve been given dermol500 by GP and I use Hibiscrub (hibiclens) twice daily. It’s helping and defo helping the hair regrow but the bald spots are still there and they itch.
Losing my self to this. What can I do to kill the itching for good? Please I don’t want to use any benzoyl peroxide or any of that..or hydrocortisone or anything I’ll be dependant on. Just something that will cure.
submitted by KangarooJoe105 to Blackskincare [link] [comments]

2023.12.23 17:14 KangarooJoe105 Scalp folliculitus. Please read

So I used to have ringworm in 2020/2021-2023. That healed. I was using nizoral daily (shampoo) and terbinafine etc to kill it.
However I was shaving my head with clippers daily to apply lamisil cream when I used to have ringworm. What happened was I ended up with folliculitus bumps. The bumps healed but now what I’m left with is sparse itchy patches where the bumps once were. PICS BELOW what could the reason be? Could my scalp defendes be down from using nizoral daily for like 1.5years?
I tried applying acv onto my scalp to sooth it, didn’t do shit.
Why do I have itchy bald patches on skin..?
I’ve been given dermol500 by GP and I use Hibiscrub (hibiclens) twice daily. It’s helping and defo helping the hair regrow but the bald spots are still there and they itch.
Losing my self to this. What can I do to kill the itching for good? Please I don’t want to use any benzoyl peroxide or any of that..or hydrocortisone or anything I’ll be dependant on. Just something that will cure.
submitted by KangarooJoe105 to Folliculitis [link] [comments]

2023.11.29 14:32 Gannickk Is terbinafine safe for cats/dogs?

Quick question regarding antifungal creams for pets: can I use terbinafine cream (Lamisil) on my pets?
My sister in law brought home a sick kitten a while back and now everyone has ringworm including all the family members in the house, our two "outdoor cats" (stays that we feed and made beds for) along with our GSD and indoor cat.
My boyfriend and I are just getting over our ringoworm infections, our GSD as well (after 2 vet visits and a hefty bill) and now our indoor cat is getting a skin irritation on her ear.
Financially I'm unable to take all the cats to the vet atm, can we treat the infected areas at home with topical creams that we already have?
I have a feeling we're going to be stuck in a vicious cycle of re-infecting eachother for a while. Any advice it greatly appeciated.
submitted by Gannickk to AskVet [link] [comments]

2023.11.08 16:44 mmconopio Fungal Infection while on Immunosuppresants

Had my worst flareup last year that my dermatologist put me on immunosuppresants (Cyclosporin).
It worked well and now tapering off it. While being on it, for the first time ever I had ringworm.
Since i never had it, i thought it was just a minor eczema flareup so I used steroid cream on it, which ended up making it worse and it spread. I used lamisil for a month as prescribed by my dermatologist.
It did work, the ringworm patches are gone and whats left are some discolorations.
After about 2 weeks of stopping, I noticed that one of the patches are starting to get red again, which is similar to how it started. Started using lamisil again because I didnt want it to spread again and I am going back to my dermatologist for this.
Just wanna ask if anyone on immunosuppresant are experiencing this, like on and off fungal infections.
submitted by mmconopio to eczema [link] [comments]

2023.10.15 00:21 blasthawk420 I need help! Please! It has been 2 months and nothing is working. Is this ringworm? What should I do?

So this started around two months ago with my puppy. She’s a chihuahua and she developed those pimples that appeared suddenly on too of her head. They seemed like zits but with no yellow heads, just small bumps. They kept on getting bigger even though I bathed her and cleaned those bumps and tried putting antibiotic cream on them. The bumps kept getting bigger and then they became kind of like patchy and red. They lost hair, and they kept growing and growing until now it’s covered, her whole head, her outside of her eyes, and the outside of her ears. I took her to the vet multiple times, he figured it would be mange and gave her an antibiotic shot and a cortizone shot, later after 2 weeks he said it might be ringworm, and they were also consulted a vet dermatologist and the dermatologist was happy with the treatment which was seven days on 15 ML of a itrafungol (itraconazole) and then seven days off and repeat that set of 14 days, two more times , so the total number of days that she had taken the medicine is 21 days split into three with 7 days in the middle between every 7 days of oral medication consumption. As instructed by the vet, I bathe her once a week with a ketoconazole shampoo I also use chlorohexadine and ketoconazole wipes to wipe all these areas twice a day, and I put Lamisil cream twice a day on these areas as well. I have been giving her the medicine and I have not skipped a single day. I clean the house all the time and the robot vacuum is always vacuuming the first floor where she’s at. I mop up with Clorox and everything and I cleaned all her bowls and toys and wash all of her bedding and everything regularly and sanitize it. I massage her to de stress her and stimulate the lymphatic circulation and I try to boost your mood. I give her a multivitamin. I feed her royal Canin for chihuahuas. I don’t know what else to do. Nothing is working and it seems like its getting reinfected and still spreading. The way it started was just her head, and then suddenly the outside of her ears, and the outside of your eyes flared up in the middle of the oral treatment. Now I also found it under her jaw towards her throat. I have been doing literally everything I have been asked and instructed and more. Nothing is working. Nothing new in the house or her diet. Vet also took a look under a microscope after scraping her scalp, and didn’t see any mites or eggs so not mange, she has been on Symparica for 2 months now, in case its mange and to prevent anything too.
Here are the pics in the order of how they developed from start first, then to finish which is the last pic.
Please I need help.
Edit: The top of her head got better then now its starting to become scaly and dry again and seems to be getting re-infected.
submitted by blasthawk420 to DogAdvice [link] [comments]

2023.10.13 14:44 throwaway8483968 My doctor misdiagnosed my eczema as ringworm and i’m finding out after 2 years

I was diagnosed with tinea (ringworm) after a really bad flare up on my face, and I was prescribed Ketoconazole, Lamisil and Micanozole nitrate for two weeks. It helped a lot in reducing my swelling and inflammation but it always appeared again once I stopped.
It all started when I moved back home for vacation when i was studying abroad, so the weather change from humid to extreme dry (middle east) must have really affected my skin. I also started using the CeraVe Salicylic Acid Cleanser during that time, which is pretty stripping so i’m wondering if that would have played any factor.
It’s been two long, mentally and physically exhausting years and I’m so tired. I have combination, acne prone skin so I would really appreciate some advice on what to do to control my eczema. I’ve seen recommendations for Bioderma, CeraVe and Aveeno. Unfortunately, there’s no Aveeno where I live so i’d love some suggestions on how to tackle this.
Right now, I am using the CeraVe hydrating cleanser and Neutrogena moisturizer which i find very soothing. But i’m looking to find a thicker moisturizer. And also, I really don’t want to go on steroids so anything other than that is also welcome.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by throwaway8483968 to eczema [link] [comments]

2023.10.01 16:46 mmconopio Ringworm on eczema

For context, i had a bad flare up last year that affected my whole body. I am on cyclosporine and tapering down on it and doing relatively good with a few minor flareups here and there.
For the past 2 months, i have been having this weird flareups on my thigh and arms. I just thought they were flareup and did 2 weeks of steroid. After two weeks, they arent getting better, in fact they are getting worst. They were also not the usual flare up as this were circular and appeared to be burned marks. During the 1st time this happened, after two weeks of steroid and it not doing anything, I stopped it and I did wet wrapping in the hopes of it getting better. It did get better only for it to come back weeks after in which i also put steroids for two weeks.
Since the steroids were not working, i began to panic and searched up what could this be. Im pretty responsible in my research and will not believe in everything I read. I came accross ringworm and then immediately realized that my "eczema flareup" was that. Then found out the using steroids on it will make the infection worse. Then all the pieces came together, before all of this started, i noticed a wound on my foot that was weeping. I treated it with and cleaned it but that was when this whole thing started. I may have had atheletes foot then spread it to other parts of my body. And given that I am on cyclosporine, Im immunocompromised so I am prone to getting infected.
I immediatelly booked an appoitment with my derm where she also agreed it was ringworm. She put me on lamisil, an OTC antifungal, for two weeks.
I used the cream for 3 days and nothing is changing and made me panic as I see that the infection is spreading. I was afraid that it was something else. To help with my paranoia, I booked an online consultation with another derm just to get a second opinion. The other derm at first didnt think it was ringworm but mainly because she only saw pictures. She then advised for me to get tested for it, KOH test, to really confirm then follow up with my regular derm if it wasnt ringworm.
I did the KOH test, was super embrassed for the personel who had to scrap my infected skin, and it returned positive for fungal infection. I continued with the Lamisil and saw an improvement after a week which I am so grateful for. I did noticed that it spread to other parts and will ask for my regular derm if I should do oral antifungals instead to truly eliminate the infection.
Now I have to be very careful if I am having a minor flareup or fungal infection which sucks so bad. But it goes to show that always consult with your dermatologist if something is happening.

Has anyone experience something similar?
TLDR:Having weird eczema that didnt go away after two weeks of steroid, turns out to be ringworm and got bad because using steroids on it will make it worse. Currently on Lamisil and may ask for oral antifungal.

submitted by mmconopio to eczema [link] [comments]

2023.05.22 12:47 MomoiroYuki Slightly Yellow Toenails that Glow Under Blacklight

Hello! I posted in AskDocs but wanted to try here too. I apologize for the ugly state of my nails - I started over-cutting them as a kid and never managed to stop.
Could you please help me? I would appreciate the response and can provide more information if needed.
Thank you!
submitted by MomoiroYuki to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2023.05.21 22:32 MomoiroYuki Light Yellow Toenails that Glow Under Blacklight

Could you please help me? I would appreciate the response and can provide more information if needed.
Thank you!
submitted by MomoiroYuki to AskDocs [link] [comments]