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Taxonomy of Monsterverse Wildlife Revised

2024.06.01 20:07 PaleoWorldExplorer Taxonomy of Monsterverse Wildlife Revised

Taxonomy of Monsterverse Wildlife Revised
This is my second post on the subject. Based on some advice from commentors and additional research I did, I present an updated version of my take on Monsterverse taxonomy that follows actual taxonomic rules. (Note that all of these classifications do not share common ancestry among their members unless stated otherwise).
Superspecies- A very vague term used to describe every species in the MV except the Shocker Squid on the basis of ancestry. Taking that into consideration, I like to think that all superspecies' evolution can be attributed to an ancient pathogen that is activated by radiation and promotes the evolution of kaiju by horizontal gene transfer, combing genes from distantly related organisms into one. Basically, all superspecies are hybrids that combine the best traits from their hybrid ancestors thanks to infection from this pathogen and are strengthened by ecologically productive habitats. This would explain why many MV kaiju, like florafauna, have chimeric traits and would be a better scientific explanation than just intense radiation. All MV kaiju would fall under this category with the possible exceptions being the Shocker Squid.
Transvertebrates- Animals with physiologies fused between vertebrates and invertebrates. Common ancestors are speculated to be primitive vertebrates akin to Haikouichthys and primitive arthropods. They have notochords, backbones and skeletons cushioned with cartilage, but also have an exoskeleton made of chitin. They also have an open respiratory system with spiracles, tracheole, and tracheae for the tissues to transfer gases. Ex- MUTO, Rockclaw, Mantleclaw, Kraken (most likely), Coralmouth
Florafauna- An informal category of superspecies with physiology derived from both plants and animals. Most florafauna in the MV are more animal than plant currently. All florafauna are motile during at least one part of their life cycle and the blastula is a universal phase in their embryonic development. All florafauna possess chlorophyll in their cells, which means they can photosynthesize and derive nutrition from sunlight, boosting their stamina and nourishment, but they are also heterotrophic, and so they must eat other organisms and cannot solely rely on photosynthesis to survive. They also all possess cell walls, which provides structural support to the cell. With many different animal and plant lineages hybridizing throughout Earth's evolutionary history, Monarch has been trying to answer the question of why florafaunal evolution is so frequent. Theories range from symbiotic relationships similar to lichens to niche partioning with competitors. Florafauna are distributed throughout the Hollow Earth, but they were most frequent on Skull Island, where they were the most common and successful organisms. Monarch evolutionary biologists theorize that this is because florafaunal organisms were better suited to the lush, radioactive, productive ecosystem of the island than base animals. They were able to grow to much larger sizes, in part due to their photosynthesis, and diversify to occupy a diverse array of niches. The greenish tinge of their skin also allowed them to easily camouflage in their environment. Ex- Sporefly, Spore Mantis, Sker Buffalo, Mother Longlegs, Sirenjaw, Leafwing, Vine Snake (most likely), Brambleboar (implied), Dream Slime, Swamp Locust, Snarehunter, Vinestrangler, Butterfly Bush, Amhuluk, Tree Mimic (most likely), Grass Hedgehog (most likely), Fern Bird, Venus Flytrap Creature
Folizoa- A subgroup of florafauna that is a more even blend between plant and animal, sometimes being more plant-like. Unlike most other florafauna, most of these organisms share a common ancestry, and are beileved to be one of the first florafauna to have evolved. They are florafaunal cnidarians that serve similar ecological roles as corals, forming their own ecosystems on land analogous to coral reefs. Like other florafauna, though, they are heterotrophic and must consume other organisms to compensate their photosynthetic diet. However, florizoans can rely on their photosynthesis providing nourishment for longer periods of time than most other florafauna. Their lives usually begin as a seed or pollen that look like odd crosses between seeds and embryonic eggs. They are all motile during at least one point in their lives and the blastula is universally shared in their embryonic development. Like normal plants, folizoans possess roots to anchor themselves to the ground and access nutrients from the soil. This means that most folizoa are sessile, with most of their movement coming from their tentacles, nematocysts, and mouths. Folizoans also possess nervous systems, muscles, and basement membranes, and a few species have sensory organs. Ex- Venus Flytrap Creature, Dream Slime, Butterfly Bush
Geofauna- Animals that incorporate stone into their anatomy, mostly as a way to form armor for protection. Most geofauna are also lithovores, consuming ores and rocks for sustenance. Ex- Rockclaw, Mantleclaw, Methuselah, Rodan, Magma Jackal, Magma Turtle, Rock Bug, Aloe Turtle
Magmafauna- A subcategory of geofauna that incorporates mantle into their anatomy, serving both as armor and a viscous, boiling hot blood that scalds the mouth of any predator dumb enough to attack them. Like most geofauna, most magmafauna are lithovores. Ex- Rodan, Magma Jackal, Magma Turtle
Psychofauna- A category of superspecies characterized by telepathic abilities. This is usually accomplished through radio signals through neural transmitters in their heads. Most psychofauna do not have any form of vocalization as it is unnecessary to use it for communication with other members of their species. Most Psychofauna are also deaf or have very weak hearing. Ex- Mothra, Iwi, Phosphera (most likely), Ghidorah
Fungafauna- Doesn't exist in the MV. But, hey, we have florafauna in the MV already. Why not have fungafauna too? They should make this a thing. Fungafauna are motile during at least one part of their life cycle and the blastula is a universal phase in their embryonic development, just like all animals and florafauna. Some species reproduce via fission or budding, like fungi. Like florafauna, fungafauna have cell walls, but it is made of a chitin-glucan complex and does not contain cellulose. Many species of fungafauna occupy parasite or decomposer niches. Matango would be a great fit as a fungafauna creature if ever makes it into the Monsterverse.
Megalopod- This was a group once used by Monarch in its early days. Its definition was very vague, being only described as giant cephalopod superspecies. Any superspecies that was a titanic cephalopod or cephalopod-like creature was lumped into this category. The Megalopod is now invalid, as its former representatives do not share ancestry or any other characteristics aside from being giant cephalopods or cephalopod-like creatures. Megalopoda is now a wastebasket group. Former Ex- Kraken, Mire Squid, Na Kika
Necroserpe- The Necroserpes are an informal category of superspecies and one of great concern to Monarch. Also known as hypervores, these kinds of superspecies are the result of an error in the chimeric virus mutation, resulting in them having hyper-accelerated metabolisms to the point where the organisms are nearly starving all of the time and must constantly eat anything and everything in order to survive. Their stomachs are some of the most acidic and hostile in the animal kingdom, a trait needed to continuously dissolve and digest food to convert it into usable nutrients immediately after consumption. Most necroserpes congregate in large numbers to either hunt or scavenge prey, but these are not tight knit packs like those seen in wolves. With some exceptions, most are like Komodo dragons, attacking in uncoordinated groups to take down much larger prey. After the prey is dead, the organisms turn on each other, each fighting for first dibs on the kill. Due to their extremely aggressive nature, fights are extremely common in these situations, and a majority of them being fatal, and the losers of these fights will be cannibalized by other members of the species. The necroserpes' behavior may give off the impression that they are mindless, ravenous savages who think of nothing but eating, but this is a misconception. Like other predators, necroserpes still calculate the risk and benefit of the prey they hunt, albiet not to the same extent as normal predators. Being close to starving all of the time, their desparation often drives them to make reckless decisions to try obtaining food if they find that they have no other choice. Necroserpes tend to target smaller prey, especially if there is a high concentration of small prey items, as they see less risk in hunting these defenseless animals. They approach more armored, larger, and dangerous prey with more caution and will first resort to scavenging giant corpses if given the chance. All necroserpes possess powerful immune systems and are unaffected by the most dangerous pathogens lurking around in the rotten flesh they consume. Their high metabolisms also make it inhospitable for most, if not all, pathogens to survive in. No known necroserpes do not possess much armor, if any, and are vulnerable to many types of blunt force and slashing injuries, but make up for this with enhanced regeneration abilities, which allows them to heal serious injuries and regrow limbs within minutes. This helps them when hunting as a serious injury does not automatically disable them from hunting as it would for most other predators. Ex- Death Jackal, Skullcrawler
Shadow Relict- Shadow relicts are an informal category of superspecies that possess a lack of chimeric virus mutations seen in most other superspecies. Shadow relicts are resistant to the chimeric virus thanks to unique enzymes, evolved independently from each other, that block the virus from infecting and performing the horizontal gene transfer that allows for chimeric evolution seen in other groups like florafauna. These organisms are still susceptible to the virus at a certain degree and evolve enough to be clearly distinct from their ancient ancestors, similarly to modern coelacanths and their prehistoric relatives. But their evolution is noticeably much slower and conservative than most other superspecies, with their anatomy in large part being recognizable when compared to their prehistoric cousins. Why certain species have evolved these enzymes to suppress the virus genes is an unanswered question that ongoing research is trying to solve. Ex- Skull Island Triceratops, Fly Guy, Hollow Earth mosquito, Iwi (most likely)
Extraterrestrials- The discovery of Monster Zero confirmed the existence of life outside of the Earth. Add to the fact that this creature was of such immense size and strength that more than qualifies his classification as a Titan also opens the door to the possibility of extraterrestrial superspecies and Titans elsewhere in the galaxy. The classification of these organisms is one of the most obscure questions Monarch is trying to answer, as Ghidorah is the only alien known so far, and there is much we do not know about this creature. Extraterrestrials can be expected to be wildly different to each other due to origins from different planets and ecosystems. They may have radically different biochemistry and anatomy beyond our comprehension. It can be confidently stated that taxonomy used for Earthlings cannot be applied to aliens like Ghidorah, making their classification completely in the dark. Monarch can only speculate as to what other aliens are like based on the only extraterrestrial known: Monster Zero. Ghidorah is a carbon-based life form (I think that is what the novel says. I have not read it yet, though I plan to, so correct me on this if I am wrong) like Earthling organisms. It shares many of the same structures as certain Earthlings possess, like four limbs and a backbone, like Earthling vertebrates. Where exactly Ghidorah came from in the universe is unknown, but his presence on Earth without any evidence showing a connection to an alien civilization indicates that he was capable of living in the voids of outer space. This means that aliens can survive in outer space without requiring a planet or some other celestial object to make themselves home. This is thanks to Ghidorah's anaerobic respiration, not requiring oxygen to breathe. Why Ghidorah evolved fully functional legs like terrestrial vertebrates despite being adapted to zero gravity environments where functional legs would not be of use is unknown, but scientists believe that it may point to the creature having first evolved on a planet with a solid surface. Space-faring extraterrestrials probably consumed meteorites for sustenance, which contain water and many critical minerals needed for life. How aliens like Ghidorah evolved into Titan-size monsters is also unknown, but the dominant hypothesis is that other planets had their own super-pathogens that performed similar horizontal gene transfer mutations as the Earthly virus does. Monarch is in constant contact with other organizations like NASA and Space Force in order to locate exoplanets with the potential to harbor alien in order to find other extraterrestrial Titans as well as uncovering Ghidorah's origins. They hypothesize that "superhabitable planets", such as Kepler-1126b, would be the most likely planets to be inhabited by extraterrestrial superspecies/Titans. Superhabitable planets are defined as planets more hospitable to life than Earth. In order to meet this threshold, planets must orbit a K dwarf star, be around 5-8 billion years old to give enough time for life to evolve, measure to be up to 10% larger and 1.5 times more massive than Earth, mean surface temperature be hotter than Earth by 5 degrees Celsius, a moist atmosphere roughly 25-50% diatomic oxygen with the rest being inert gases, possess strong tectonics or some other geological recycling system (this point will probably be just completely ignored and irrelevant since the Earth is hollow in this universe, or maybe Earth is somehow an exception and other planets actually have tectonics, mantles, and cores like they are supposed to), possess a strong magnetic field, and lots of archipelagos and shallow waters distributed across the globe. Having a healthy amount of radiation and pathogens similar to Earth's chimeric viruses are also ideal but not required characteristics. Such a planet could potentially be home to countless of extraterrestrial Titans much more powerful and resilient than any Titan or superspecies found on Earth, and if they find their way to Earth, either by traversing through the cosmos or being introduced by an extraterrestrial race, they can spell catastrophe for life on Earth, causing a mass extinction and perhaps even terraforming Earth to suit the invasive species. However, the exact definition of superhabitable planets is not set in stone, and there is no exoplanet known that is confirmed to possess all of the required qualities it must have to count as one. Superhabitable planets are not the only potential places to look for alien life, as they can come from the most unlikely places. Monarch is currently investigating whether celestial objects within our own solar system harbor or once harbored alien life. Such celestial objects in interest include Mars, Venus, Enceladus, Europa, and Titan. Other potential celestial objects that could be home to aliens include carbon planets (hypothetical planets with more carbon than oxygen. Would be characterized by methane oceans and diamond mountains), neutron stars, gas giants, meteorites, and subsurface ocean planets. Ex- Ghidorah
Sub-Titans- A broad term for creatures much larger and stronger than most superspecies. The term is also sometimes applied to juvenile Titans that occupy similar niches to other Sub-Titans, only to rise up the energy pyramid as they mature into true Titans. These animals occupy the second highest levels of the trophic level, and so they live in smaller populations than superspecies below the energy pyramid. However, Sub-Titans do not possess the size and strength of Titans and most lack energy-based attacks. Ex- Ion Dragon, Frost Vark, Endopede, Spineprowler, Wart Dog, Murderfish, Warbat, Drownviper, Skull Devil, 1973 Kong, Suko, Snarehunter Queen, Margygr, Doug, Kraken, Giant Lemur, Mire Squid
Titans- The apex of life. Titans are a category of superspecies that possess great strength and power that allows them to significantly change the entire planet and the environment within a short amount of time. This means that their behavior and activities can greatly impact the majority of species on and in the planet across all biomes, for better or for worse. They are further classified as either protectors or destroyers based on what effects they have. Titans do not share common ancestry; different lineages have independently evolved into species that eventually morphed into Titans. Why certain lineages evolved into Titans over others is unknown, but it is speculated that there have been many other Titan species that are now extinct, possibly outcompeted by other more adaptable Titans. Titans occupy the highest trophic levels and have the smallest populations of all superspecies. In fact, most Titans are represented by only one individual, with an exception being Great Apes with more than 130 members. Though, more members of other Titan species may be roaming around in unexplored regions of the Hollow Earth. Ex- Godzilla, Mothra, Rodan, Ghidorah, Methuselah, Barb, Tiamat, Scylla, Kong, Skar King, Shimo, Amhuluk, Camazotz, Quetzacoatl, Na Kika, Mokele-Mbembe, Typhon, Sekhmet, Leviathan, Baphomet, Yamata No Orochi, Abaddon, Bunyip, Behemoth, Dagon, MUTO Prime
Mega-Titans- The apex of apexes. Mega-Titans are in a completely different weight class than the rest of the Titans, with even greater strength beyond Monarch's comprehension. No living specimens have been observed, but the fossil remains of these relics indicate that the Mega-Titans died out very early in Earth's evolutionary history, and morphological analysis shows that unlike the Titans, all Mega-Titans share a common ancestry. Mega-Titans appear to share many characteristics from mammals and reptiles. Most have a complex dentition with many different kinds of teeth like mammals, and they have tympanums (a thin membrane on the rear of the head), stapes (small bone between tympanum and skull), inner ear, and an eustachian tube connecting the middle ear to the mouth cavity, much like reptiles. It is currently being debated if this is just convergent evolution or if they were relatives to the offshoots of mammals or reptiles. Monarch unanimously rejects the theory that these traits were obtained via infection of the chimeric virus, as these creatures died out long before the first mammals and reptiles and their ancestors. Some say these attributes evolved independently, but others theorize that an offshoot of smaller, more adaptable Mega-Titans survived and eventually evolved into synapsids, but opponents point to the presence of branchial arches in recovered specimens, meaning at least some Mega-Titans had developed gills, to dispute the theory (Ok, ik there is no evidence of this in the lore, but I like to imagine and there is much we do not know about the Mega-Titans). Others even speculate that Godzilla and his kind are one of the last surviving Mega-Titans, pointing to the giant skull found in the Kong Temple. This skull, accepted by some to be a Mega-Titan, also has similar characteristics to the Gojira species, such as similar dentition. However, most scientists claim that this is not enough evidence to indicate ancestry, and with the skull now destroyed by the temple's destruction and no longer able to be studied, this cannot be corroborated. It is possible that the skull's owner was just an exceptionally large individual of a known Titan species or a new species of exceptionally large Titans. It is unknown how the Mega-Titans died out, but it is theorized that they were outcompeted by conventional Titans because they were more environmentally durable and adaptable, similarly to how Edicarian life was outcompeted by conventional eukaryotes. It is also believed that the Mega-Titans died out due to environmental factors, and their extinction gave way to the evolution of conventional Titans afterwards. Ex- Kong Temple Skull?, Bridge Skeleton, Giant Lair Ribs
submitted by PaleoWorldExplorer to Monsterverse [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 18:14 Impressive_Ad_6095 What if Effie's husband the nameless guy is somehow one of the clues on how to break Sunny's predicament ?

look at this quote
Goddammit... what the hell, really?...Oh... sorry, sir! It's just that... uh... I have already told you my name, like twenty times. It's my Flaw, sir. Everyone seems to forget! ― Lucky Sleeper to Sunny,Chapter 946 Scenic Route
what if sunny goes back to the pyramid locate the Vile thieving bird, kill it and reclaim his fate, and somehow learned to weave the structure of the Nameless guy's flaw and integrate it to his true name so that everyone forgets his true name but not his fate and his memories?
heck what if that nameless guy is pretending to be weak all along and holds some kind of knowledge or power? nah I guess this is too much. I mean the nameless guy gotta help with something, they are both him and sunny are easily forgotten. i dont know how or what Effie call his husband coz when he tells her she forgots idk how does this work?
and talking about names, what is Sunless Surname? why does anyone not have full names or surnames did they loose it when the Nightmare spell arrived i forgot lol
submitted by Impressive_Ad_6095 to ShadowSlave [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:13 MagicThePuff Spell Token Daily - June 1, 2024 (GMT-4) 📖🧙‍♂️🧙🧙‍♀️🔮

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2024.06.01 15:36 Longjumping-Plant251 The oldest known life-sized Egyptian statue.

The oldest known life-sized Egyptian statue.
Djoser, also spelled Zoser, founder of the 3rd Dynasty of ancient Egypt, who undertook the construction of the earliest important stone building in Egypt, the Step Pyramid of Saqqara. His reign, which probably lasted 19 years, was marked by great technological innovation in the use of stone architecture.
The fact that Djoser was able to end a famine and build such a large monument suggests that during his reign, Egypt was politically and economically stable.
Today, at the site in Saqqara where it was found, a plaster copy of it stands in place of the original. The statue was discovered during the Antiquities Service Excavations of 1924-1925.
submitted by Longjumping-Plant251 to OutoftheTombs [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 21:42 ittybitty-mitty Truly amazed at how terrible the trainer training process is

I had no doubt it wouldn't be good..I just didn't think it would actively provide information detrimental to doing good training..or how so many students just straight up don't know how to exercise. I'm almost done the program...its just few months long.
the instructors.
I feel really bad for all the students who think they're learning something.
At least I'm getting some hands on experience i guess, and I've got Prioritization: theory and methodology + Science and Practice of Strength Training ready to order once the programs done (hoping those are good) ...I just need to vent lol
edit: fix some spelling/ grammar
submitted by ittybitty-mitty to personaltraining [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 19:14 istrasci Should I just spoil this game for myself?

I've had this game a couple months now and I've sunk about 50 hours into it, but I SUCK!! But I guess that's partially the point. I feel like I need to just "git gud", but after so many hours, I'm barely making any progress. I have a decent grasp on wand mechanics, but I can rarely get far enough to find/buy/tinker anything good. I can often get to the ice caves, but most of my runs end in the first or second biome.
I have explored a bit, and have come across some things:
I know the game has a lot of secrets and lore (I think I've ever heard something about exploding the sun?). I love games like this (Environmental Station Alpha, Tunic, etc), but Noita is so unforgiving that I feel like I'll never solve any of this stuff on my own. I've even installed the Wand Lab mod from the workshop and still can't make it to the bottom even with cheating 😄.
So what do you think? Should I just spoil the secrets for myself and then go about finding them? Or is it super satisfying to figure things out yourself? Is it even possible to do everything in one run, or does it take multiple runs?
submitted by istrasci to noita [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:07 bracabrad ATM9 Dungeon structure not around

ATM9 Dungeon structure not around
I'm looking for the Unobtainium smithing upgrade and am searching for the Dungeon Library in the other. I've used the compass to find two but they don't exist at the indicated location. Should i be searching for a different structure? like the pyramid? (edit spelling and clarification)
submitted by bracabrad to allthemods [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:20 77hi77 "This Should Be its Own Deck, but the Only Cool Parts are Ramp/Draw"

I'm curious if anyone has dealt with a situation like this.
In my case, a few years ago I was building a mono black deck, and saw that there are some really cool mana rocks and lands that use counters. Off the top of my head, [[Pyramid of the Pantheon]], [[Peat Bog]], [[Subterranean Hangar]] are a few. Probably the most powerful ramp spell in all of mono black is [[Liliana of the Dark Realms]]'s ult. So I started building a little proliferate package in that deck, then I realized it's not very good so I took it apart, and decided that it would make more sense to build a separate [[Yawgmoth, Than Physician]] deck with all those cards I like.
Now, I'm working on that Yawgmoth deck, realizing that truly the only parts I like are the ramp and draw. All the most common Proliferate wincons are boring to me, I'm not giving up on the deck yet, I have hope that I'll get creative and find an interesting wincon, but I am seriously considering scrapping the idea and going back to the original: slotting a Proliferate-based ramp and draw package into another deck (even though, without a source of Proliferate in the command zone, mono black especially would really struggle to make it work).
Has anyone run into this? You realize that the only thing drawing you to a certain deck was this one element, and the rest of the deck isn't actually that interesting to you, but you kind of need the whole deck just to properly sustain that one element?
submitted by 77hi77 to EDH [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:03 Virtual_Arborist Lore of Asaptah

Lore of Asaptah
You guys inspired me to write down my own background story for my Mortuary Cult army. I want to post it on WarhammerOldWorld at some point but I hope you can help me to improve it first. I'm not yet an expert on Khemri lore, so please correct me if things contradict existing lore. I am also sure that some of the wording is wrong, as english is not my mother tongue. Feel free to point out any mistakes. I am happy about everyone who reads it.

The Emerald Legions of Noph

The Mortis Tarn (the former ‘Vitae Tarn’) is the great lake in the Worlds Edge Mountains, from which the Mortis River originates. It represents the easternmost spur of the dominion of the old city-state of Numas. Located on its banks is the city of Noph. It was built around the great temple of the god Ptah, which was also called the 'Volcano Temple' because of its huge forges.
Ptah is the god of artisans and architects. Most of the time he is depicted as a human mummy with various craft tools in their hands. His cult is largely confined to the region of Numas. However, this circumstance did not stop his priests from developing their own theology, in which he acts as the main creator god. According to this, he is said to have created himself out of himself and then created the other gods of Nehekhara. All priests of Ptah, including the Sem priest (High priest), had to be highly skilled craftsmen. Around -2700 I.C. Sem priest Ptahshepses began to work on his own magical lore. He used elemental magic to create previously impossible works of art out of stone and metal. From this point onwards, magical talent became another prerequisite for candidates of the priesthood. Khuwyptah (Sem priest from -2607 to -2564 I.C.) expanded the teachings to include the magical illusion. He was a passionate architect and was finally able to create extremely detailed illusions of the most massive structures from his mind. This form of magic was consequentially used to envision plans for future buildings. Since his time, the magical teachings of Ptah have been refined and practiced by all his priests.
Apart from the priesthood, many talented artists have settled in Noph to pursue their work here. The small town became widely famous for its beauty and riches. Works of art were shipped from Noph across the Vitae River and traded throughout Nehekhara. Noph experienced a first golden age under the mortal reign of Pharaoh Settra. Sem priest Senewosret-Ankh designed the king's pyramid and directed its construction from -2500 I.C. onwards. An entire generation of artisans and priests from Noph worked on this project throughout their lives. The later Sem priest Chaemwaset created the legendary crown of Nehekhara for Settra during this time.
After the great ritual of Nagash (-1151 I.C.) seventeen undead Sem priests of Ptah existed at the same time. Since it was not possible to agree on a single leader, the temple was led by a council of the Sem priests. Although many of the greatest artists in Nehekhara's history now were unified, the cult experienced a phase of stagnation of its arts. The priests realized that although they had not lost any of their skill, knowledge or magical powers, they had lost access to their creative potential. They only seemed to be able to preserve or imitate old works. They
derived from this the theological doctrine that Ptah gives the gift of true creative inspiration only to the living.
When the resurrected king of Numas Tutankhamun allowed the Scythian nomads to repopulate Numas, this decision was greeted effusively by the Temple of Ptah. The Sem priests tried to offer the people optimal conditions for settlement in Noph to revive the city as quickly as possible. Since the ritual of Nagash, the water of Mortis Tarn was blood-red and poisoned, as was the river itself. They therefore dug numerous wells and built the great aqueduct that carried crystal clear water from the Per-Hathor Springs around the lake to Noph. Their efforts were rewarded. In -1012 I.C. 5,000 humans were already living in Noph again. From -997 I.C. the temple allowed the admission of magic-gifted living people into the priesthood of Ptah.
In the centuries that followed, there were increasing raids by goblins and night goblins of the Stitched Skullz and the Burning Face Tribe. -887 I.C. Sem priest Ptahmose was attacked by trolls on a journey to Numas and finally destroyed. -853, -836 and -831 I.C. there were even three short-lived sieges of Noph by the Greenskins. Those had to be dissolved by troops of king Tutankhamun each time. Under the impression of these events, the decision was made to raise a local standing army to defend Noph. But the priests of Ptah had no experience with military matters. With the king's blessing, they therefore sent one of their own to Numas to learn the art of necromancy. Chaemwaset was the most gifted metallurgist of all the high priests. Under the guidance of the legendary Hierophant of Numas Mortuary Cult, Ankh-memnet, he quickly learned the art of creating powerful necroconstructs.
From -828 I.C. to -40 I.C., Chaemwaset undertook a total of 117 punitive expeditions to the World’s Edge Mountains. In the process, he killed countless orcs, goblins and trolls to ensure the peaceful development of Noph and its surroundings. However, he never succeeded in finally eliminating the threat.
The city flourished until the return of Nagash in -40 I.C. At that time, it had grown to more than 80,000 inhabitants, which was larger than during the first golden age. In the winter of -38 I.C., the city was attacked by an undead army. These hordes were led by a total of nine vampire generals, who would soon become known as the ‘Nine Bows’ in Numas. It was believed that they were send by Nagash to destroy Numas in an act of revenge. The city state under its king Tutankhamun had recently firmly rejected Nagash's claim to rule over Nehekhara and declared its loyalty to Settra. In the Battle of the Reed Forest, almost all the priesthood's necroconstructs were destroyed by the invaders. King Tutankhamun and his Hierophant Ankh-memnet had left
Numas and had joined Settras campaign around the Sour Sea that was aiming to locate and finally destroy Nagash. But the king had left his competent vizier Eje in charge. Eje immediately sent capable generals with 18,000 skeleton warriors and two powerful priests of the Mortuary Cult to Noph. It comes to battle at the gates of Noph, later known as the ‘Catastrophe of Mortis Tarn’. When the enemy army was tactically outmaneuvered, the victory of Numas seemed certain. But then the foe unleashed an unbelievable necromantic energy. The power of the spell was so strong that it ripped the magical animus out of the skeleton warriors of Numas, immediately subjecting them to the control of the unknown necromantic source. The shocked priests watched powerlessly as the city was stormed. Nearly a third of the inhabitants were slain and turned into mindless undead. The ancient temple of Ptah was destroyed. Irreplaceable works of art were lost, and the most powerful magical artifacts were stolen. The enemy only retreated when the glazing sun broke through the dense clouds.
The surviving residents of Noph returned to the city and immediately began rebuilding it. But it was suspected that the enemy would return. A second army was sent from Numas, 32,000 warriors strong and accompanied by six of the leading priests of the Mortuary Cult in Numas. The following year, -37 I.C., there is another battle at the Per-Hathor Springs. Again, Numas Mortuary Cult wasn’t ablet to resist the necromantic power of the enemy, and again they couldn’t prevent the enemy from taking control of large parts of Numas' army. The remnants of Numas forces retreated immediately. Noph was conquered again, even though casualties among the population could be prevented by a timely evacuation this time. The population of Noph fled along the Mortis River to Numas. Since the city was thereby completely overcrowded, vizier Eje donated lands at the confluence of the Mortis and the Ash Rivers to the refugees and orders them to build a new city there, which he called Nophotep ('Noph in Peace'). The ruins of Noph remained under the control of the vampire lords, who made them their headquarters of their now massive army.
In the months that followed, a dispute broke out within the priesthood of Ptah. Two factions were formed among the Sem priests. Most were in favor of building a new temple for Ptah in Nophotep. They referred to the refusal of vizier Eje to risk any more troops to reconquest Noph. Eje had declared that he wanted to pursue a purely defensive strategy until King Tutankhamun would return. A faction around Chaemweset, on the other hand, insisted on reconquering the ruined city as quickly as possible. He thus gave a voice to the majority of human refugees who demanded revenge for their killed relatives. Meanwhile the army of the 'Nine Bows' continued
to advance along the Mortis towards Numas. They conquered more towns and villages, only slowed down by the long hot summer days, during which they did not march.
Chaemweset researched day and night to find a way to avoid repeating the debacles of the lost battles in the future. Eventually, the gifted metallurgist discovered a new alloy that he considered to be the solution to the problem. It was able to almost completely shield off necromantic energy. Only an extremely powerful mage who had mastered both necromancy and metallurgy would be able to control and master a construct coated with this material. With a small force of newly build necroconstructs, he set off on his own to test his theories. In the Skirmish at Karanis he was proven right. Although the enemy used his sorcery again, the necroconstructs remained firmly under Chaemweset's control. He was able to inflict heavy losses on the enemy army even though he eventually was forced to retreat facing vastly superior numbers.
In the meantime, the Asaph cult rapidly gained importance among the inhabitants of the tent city Nophotep. Asaph was the goddess of magic, beauty and revenge. The story of High Queen Khalida Neferher, who had been protected by the goddess from the curse of vampirism, was widespread among the people. Asaph was soon widely regarded as the main antagonist of the vampires and Nagash's impure form of necromancy. After the success of Chaemweset became known, it was generally attributed to the blessing of Asaph. The fact that he himself was a Sem priest of Ptah could not change that. This attribution was favored by the fact that his newly discovered magic alloy was based on the green metal Sokarium. Green was the holy color of Asaph, while Ptah was represented by the color red.
With the decline of its popularity donations to the priesthood of Ptah declined rapidly. Even though he received some funds from vizier Eje, Chaemweset was worried that he would not be able to build a large-scale force using his new technology. He needed large quantities of Sokarium, which was by far scarcer and more precious than gold. He was also convinced that it was only a matter of time before an Asaph temple would be founded in the city, which would possibly completely displace Ptah. He therefore tried to persuade the council of the Sem priests to make a radical and drastic decision. He called for a theological fusion of Asaph and Ptah into a new cult. In this way, he hoped to be able to obtain large amounts of Sokarium from Lybaras. This city, whose patron god had been Asaph for centuries, controlled all existing Sokarium mines. However, the proposal was rejected by the council.
In the winter of -37/-36 I.C. eleven members of the council of Sem priests were destroyed at an attack on a meeting. Shortly afterwards, the remaining priests decided to renounce the title of 'Sem Priest' and to reserve it for Chaemweset, to whom they entrusted the sole leadership of the cult. Although the official version of events insisted that the assassination was ordered by the enemy vampire lords, it is considered certain that this was instead a violent seizure of power by Chaemweset. Shortly thereafter, he publicly declared that Asaph and Ptah were the female and male aspects of one and the same creator deity. According to this 'Asaptah' created the transcendent, magical world as 'Asaph' and as 'Ptah' made the material world. Chaemweset also called for the support of the population to avenge the murdered priests. This was immediately well received by the population, who expressed their religious euphoria in a spontaneous celebration.
The High Queen Khalida Neferher did not officially recognize Chaemweset's new cult. The main temple of Asaph instead declared its rejection of the hybridized form of religious worship. Because she very much sympathized with Nophetep through their shared hatred of vampires, the High Queen nevertheless secretly sent the amount of metal that was needed.
In the spring of -36 I.C. Chaemweset and vizier Eje began a joined counteroffensive. At Šetennu, only 40 miles from the city walls of Numas it came to battle. 15,000 elite skeleton legionnaires coated with 'Asaphtarium', supported by the legendary Bronze Gate Battery, were able to achieve a major victory against the undisciplined hordes of the vampire lords, which reportedly numbered more than 70,000 undead. Two of the 'Nine Bows' were captured during the action. Eje had them brought to Nophotep and let them be publicly tortured with silver and sunlight. Two weeks later, King Tutankhamun returned with the bulk of Numas army and immediately turned the efforts into a large-scale military campaign. Only three months later, he triumphantly entered Noph. The 'Nine Bows' were hunted deep into the Worldsedge Mountains and were all captured. Despite torture, it could never be clarified how they had been able to perform such powerful spells. Chaemweset finally made a foot stool for Tutankhamun from the chopped off heads of the nine vampire lords. Hierophant Ankh-memnet had their souls magically bound to their skulls, so that they would have to endure their humiliation forever.
Chaemweset rebuilt the Volcano Temple in Noph dedicated it to Asaptah in -5 I.C. The cult was then officially recognized by King Tutankhamun by making offerings to the god. Numerous humans moved from Nophotep back to reconstructed Noph, but because of its outstanding location Nophotep remained the larger city ever since. This led to the construction of the
Asaptah ‘Temple of divine Perfection’ in Nophotep from 25 I.C. to 77 I.C. It was more than four times the size of the Volcano Temple. Noph and its temple however always remained the seat of the Sem priest and was considered an obligatory pilgrimage destination for all believers.
After the ‘War of the Nine Bows’ the Asaptah Cult remained a heavily militarized organization. Fearing an intervention by Tutankhamun or even Settra, should the true strength of its armies become known, Chaemweset ordered that at least 2/3 of its forces must be deployed outside the borders of Nehekhara at any given time. The eradication of all Vampires and Nagash's unclean necromancers remained their declared goal. Their expeditions take the ‘Emerald Legions’ to the most remote regions of the world. In addition to the bilious green Asaptahrium, which to this day completely covers all warriors and constructs, they carry the glowing red of Ptah on banners and shields. The emblem is executed in gold and shows plumb bob and set square, representing the arts, together with a venomous snake coiling around it, Asaphs holy animal.
submitted by Virtual_Arborist to tombkings [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 01:48 HiFiHawk1987 Woodwick Halloween Scents This Year??

Four Halloween themed scents should be coming soon. There are pages for them already on various sites like Walmart and Candles to my Door etc. The scents are:
Phantom Cherry..."Deep in the Black Forest, a dark and sumptuous aroma fills the air with sweetness. A spectral, haunting quality permeates through the trees with scents of dark cherry, amberwood, cashmere, and smoked vanilla."
Antiquarium..." A historic, gilded-age mansion is more than what it seems: behind a nondescript bookcase, there hides a smoking parlor where a secret society once congregated. Notes of white cardamom, tobacco leaves, and wood paneling."
Gilded Sands..."The Great Pyramids of Egypt, hidden caverns slumbering deep beneath the sand…there's a certain opulence to these arid landscapes and the unexpected treasures they may conceal. Desert air notes blend with the scents of fig and guaiacwood."
and Hypnoflora..."A rare and mystical white flower, one that only blooms under the light of a full moon, has the power to hypnotize and enchant all who smell its radiant petals. Fall under the spell of its alluring aroma with notes of night-blooming jasmine and pear."
submitted by HiFiHawk1987 to YankeeCandles [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 13:33 splinteritrax Sleepers in The tomb of Ariel

We might think our cohort had it bad being sent to the forgotten shore for their winter solstice but some sleepers definitely have had it worse.
We know that as long as there is a citadel nearby the nightmare spell will take you there for your winter solstice and the fact that Asterion tried to conquer the tomb of Ariel for the citadel (as did Ki song and the king of swords through their proxy war in Antarctica) confirms that there is citadel in the pyramid.
That means across the timeline of our story and preceding our story’s timeline every year some sleepers get sent out to the tomb of Ariel and suffer a terrible fate.
Imagine thinking you’ve survived the first nightmare and you’re gonna make it in life only to have to fight something like Daeron, or some [Great] butterflies even the drowned which are much weaker than all of that would decimate these poor sleepers.
submitted by splinteritrax to ShadowSlave [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 07:00 bURnTHaWItCH Dealing with smear campaign

Any thoughts / advice about this situation
So going by her behaviour my neighbour is obviously a narcissist.
She is diagnosed with an array of mental disorders and under care of the state where she has a case manager come to assess her at weekly visits.
She says she is keeping out of being locked in mental ward by lying and saying that I help her with day to day tasks and care and that I supervise her mental state, which I never agreed to and do not do.
She plays so many mind games and has so may delusional behaviors.
She says she is an energy vampire and ‘sucking my energy’.
She seemingly performs weird spells in front of me on paper
She annoys me on purpose banging and clattering things trying to touch me or invade my personal space
Most disturbingly she was flashing me in a sexual manner and found it funny, like lifting up her skirt at me naked underneath, also being very delusional in that she thinks that she has some sort of sexual control over me like i would be attracted to her when i am not at all. So doing this then very smug like she thinks i want to have sex with her or something which i find incredibly weird. I am also straight. Not even sexually orientated towards her at all. Lol
She then kept performing sexualised mannerisms on items in front of me. Which I wont get into but it was so weird.
She reguarly would out of nowhere stop talking to me for weeks like she would be texting me 30x a day expecting immediate replies, then just completely go silent for no reason not even being triggered by me.. just to play a game of pretending i dont exist, usually when an excess of new supply came into the picture. And she would go weeks to months like this.
For instance i would walk past her on the street and she would do things like pretend she didnt even see me or that I didnt exist like despite i was right in front of her like a game, but when i didn't care and walked past she would immediatley panic and come running after me and trying to forcibly touch me even when i am telling her to get away from me and being ‘angry that I ignored her’. When she was ignoring me. So weird.
when she last contacted me after a month of ignoring me she saw me one day coming home then immediatley force contact invades my personal space. Demands i talk to her even whistling to me like a dog to come to her! Despite she has ignored me an entire month when she is hoovering like this ( Shes even done things like stand in the pouring rain until i speak to her again.) which i find all very manipulative and unhinged.
i just went inside and emailed her and said i think shes a narcissist (i know you are not meant to) then I listed her behaviours off and said it affects me too much to be in contact with her and ignored on and off for weeks i said she plays a constant game that i have no time for and she needs to work with her mental health providers towards health outcomes for herself.
Since then she has gone on such a smear campaign against me so emailing various departments, the government the member of parliament, she has lied anonymously and put me in for tax fraud. making up all sorts of lies .
immediatley different types of letter flew in from various departments which she admittedly does to everyone else around her from ‘fake email accounts and fake reports online) so I knew it was her also given the timing of my email and all, she even became very scared and put a camera on her porch and even prepared her house before launching her campaign, ke she was making preparations first and was worried i would confront her or whatever.
My number plates mysteriously went missing on my car before and since then she has kept calling it into the council trying to get it towed. She was always annoyed i had a car and she didnt.
She has made various anonymous complaints with our real estate agent against me. Knowing that just ruining my reputation without evidence is enough to cause issues with all these places.
ive tried get in touch with her mental care providers to let them know i dont actually supervise her like she is claiming, but i cant actually get in contact with anybody through any department that will filter this back to her provider or psychologist.
i dont have specific evidence to show that she keeps doing these things to lodge a restraining order against her
its crazy she can lie without any proof saying a person is caring for her to keep her out of mental ward and there is absolutely no confirmation by these services on that, why would you take the mentally ill person at their word so to speak.?
She is so incredibly smug because she celebrates that she just gets away with this stuff to the tone of that she is some sort of ‘manipulative mastermind‘ gloating that she can ‘get away with anything’. And then basically threatning you to do what she wants or saying you will face the consequences Lol it‘s all very grandiose.
she said her psych wanted to put her on forcible injection antipsychotic medication because she evades taking her medication which makes her way worse, but she got out of that by saying that she has a script for injection administered contraception that conflicts with being able to receive the injection antipsychotics, but she says she just fills this script and chucks it in the bin Along with her medication.
basically shes just crazy and terrorising everyone around her but the state does not seek evidence from her to back her claims of independent supervision and care, so they think i am supervising her and she remains out of mental health ward because of this.
i risk loosing my car because she keeps trying to get it towed ( her car was damaged by people she lent it to and towed so its like she is trying to make this happen to me aswell).
she is so weird she will come outside and say things like im getting old and im ugly or like my cat is going to die soon or my belongings will break like she thinks she is verbally cursing me under some delusion that she is controlling reality. When i told her about karma and she probably shouldnt try cursing people because it will all just come back onto her its like she went into a narc rage over the ‘supreme authority‘ she thinks she has over everything being questioned. 🤣
she will sit and write letters in a pyramid while chanting in front of me with this smug griin liek she is putting curses and magic spells on me. (Iam going to try and tell menatl health about all these behaviors)
she has a “fake boyfriend” she just uses to look after her house when she has to go away. She abuses him so bad never has an sexual relations with him, do things like invite him over but say he is to fat to sit on chairs or her bed so makes him sit on the floor and do chores for her and she finds this so funny, but also she can just use these people to say they are supervising her mentally to get out of lockup).
Anyway i risk loosing my accomodation because she relentlessly puts in anonymous complaints about me.
she is trying to taint my reputation by lying to the government by saying I commit tax fraud and whatever else and i keep receiving letters about all these thigs as soon as i sent an email and told her i want no further contact.
she seems to think people have to live up to her constant control or instant demands or she viciously attacks them where they pay the consequences.
She has admitted to things like filming people at her work on her phone and using it as blackmail. And was laughing about it it to me saying this is how she forces people to get along with her or do what she says she will just go and keep filming them. (She doesnt seem to understand that filming them while she is on shift is her actually breeching her own employment terms aswell).
She even from what i undersand tried to or engaged in a sexual relationahip with her own uncle or just lied about that completely . Then she lodged false reports of assault against him which have never passed through the court because they are unfounded and knowing what she is like obviously lies. And this sob story she goes around telling people.
she also faked illness she used to fake multiple personalities and tourettes, now since she found out i am autistic she realised she can get away with alot of bullying and things if she fakes autism s9 she tright attacks people verbally then blames her ‘autism’ or ghosts for weeks then claims its her ‘autism’ making her non verbal. She startedvstudying the diagnostic criteria and then said she was going for diagnosis more like its an exam to lie about and take. Which really posees me off how smug she was about it then kept saying she is ‘way more autistic then me’.
how do you deal with the smugness of them getting away with absolutely everything. She seems to have absolutely jo consequences for her actions.
i think al i can do is wait until she is visited by her state case manager than ascertain what care company she is under the care of so i can write a letter direct to them to let her health provider know i am not supervising her like she is claiming. And list off her delusional behaviours, hoping that they will lock her up and then giving them the heads up that she also evades taking medication and how she does that…..
maybe being forced to take her medication will settle her down..
Ive had no luck trying to speak with state mental health services the mental health triage line is so rude its scary to even try and alk to the m, meanwhile she is constantly attacking me ‘anonymously’.
overall however i do find it less stressful to have no contact then to have to try and play her games to stop her smearing my name like i was trying to do in th epast and she is pretty pissed off that she cant manipulate me anymore.
Thanks for the vent and any advice!
submitted by bURnTHaWItCH to TrueNarcissisticAbuse [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 16:09 duddlered Grimoires & Gunsmoke: Operation Tolkien Ch. 58

“What in the hell is goin’ on!?” Shaw’s bark echoed through the stillness that had fallen over the rear guard as confusion and uncertainty gnawed at their hearts
One by one, footmen, knights, and mages clambered out of their carriages or guided their mounts to get a better venue to look at the unfolding catastrophe. "What sorcery is this!?” One grizzled veteran said as more explosions kicked up.
“Since when in the hells did highwaymen recruit skilled mages?" another voice cut through the cacophony.
"Skilled mages?!" A young mage sputtered. "You think mere bandits could entice anyone powerful enough to do this!?”
Another mage on horseback pushed through the growing crowd in worn armor that spoke of years of service. Unlike his contemporaries, there was no panic in his eyes, only a strange, burning intensity as he scanned the area for mana. "These are no mages…" he informed in a low and deliberate voice. “Not a hint of mana in the air.”
Shaw sensed a shift in the rising chaos – that sliver of clarity transformed a tense unease into a storm. "Quiet!" Shaw roared, his voice silencing the panicked discussions. "I don’t care this magic or it ain’t!”
Tremors ran through the convoy for each consecutive explosion, causing both men and animals to stir and yelp. Shaw wrestled with his own surge of fear. He was no mage or learned man, but he’d seen enough to know this kind of effect only came from older and more powerful beings. He swallowed hard, forcing his voice into a semblance of steadiness.
"Whatever it is, it has us cut off from the rest of the convoy, so we gotta fight it like any other foe!" Shaw bellowed as he jumped onto his warg. "Lieutenant Dalion, get yer men in order! Sergeants, start whippin’ those who dally! Spears forward and shields up!”
His men immediately spurred into action at their knight captain’s barked orders. Fear transformed into a frenzied, desperate energy. Footmen with pikes, knights with magic imbued weapons and shields formed a bristling wall, and mages scrambled to get into the center of the formation and began chanting spells. Meanwhile, the mounted cavalry shifted in order to find a better way to engage the enemy in such a narrow stretch of road that was flanked by trees.
Shaw and his men listened to the echoes of the mysterious weaponry as they continued to organize and prepare themselves to interdict whatever was attacking them. The squad leaders rallied their men, and the section leaders spoke amongst themselves, trying to devise a plan as the explosions kept rocking the center of the Convoy. No one truly knew what was happening or what to expect, but they all knew the explosions weren’t random. They seemed targeted, methodical even. It was as if whoever was behind this had a clear objective in mind, seeing they hit nowhere else except the center.
With a shield wall formed, the main body of footmen started to advance towards the roar of battle. The convoy had ground to a complete halt, bathed in the eerie glow cast by the setting sun and lingering fires from the attacks. As the reinforcements closed in, warriors, mages, and laborers alike huddled behind whatever cover they could or scoured the shadows. The air buzzed with a volatile mix of fear, confusion, and the screams of the wounded as they sprawled across the ground.
"Shields up! Eyes forward!" One of the sergeants thundered. His men raised their shields in unison, forming a barrier while the mages in the rear frantically cast protective wards.
Shaw maneuvered his warg through the thick ranks of mounted skirmishers until he reached their leader. "Lieutenant," The knight captain’s voice cut through the din of the advancing cavalry. "Focus on collecting the wounded! Yer boys won't be much use in a fight in these woods! Secure our fallen, then move them to the rear!”
“Yes, sir!" The Lieutenant nodded his understanding before the rough man turned to his mounted subordinates. “Ye, heard the man! Git yer arse’s movin’!” He issued orders and directed a portion of the skirmishers to the uncontested side of the convoy.
With the mounted cavalry pushing forward, Shaw pulled back on his wargs reins, causing the beast to spin violently, nearly throwing the man off. Having ridden horses his entire life, Shaw wasn’t anywhere near accustomed to the sheer aggression in which a warg moved.
Cursing under his breath, the knight captain leaned forward and tightened his thighs around the beast as it took off into an unbelievably fast sprint back toward the rear, where the lesser mages were recuperating. He needed them in the fight, and he needed them now.
As he approached, Shaw could see the weariness in their postures and the uncertainty in their eyes. There were a few young elite men and women, inexperienced in the brutal realities of war, but most of them were grizzled veterans who had seen campaign after campaign. However, both novice and veteran seemed to tremble at the sight of explosion magic.
Shaw dismounted with a fluid grace born of years on the battlefield, his presence commanding immediate attention. He stood before the mages, and his gaze swept over them, taking in every detail. He knew whatever was attacking them wielded strange and alien magic, but he needed his magic users to be more than they believed they could be.
"Mages!" Shaw's voice boomed, cutting through the air with the sharpness of a blade. "On your feet! I don’t care how tired you are or how scared you are! We need every spell, every shield you can muster. This enemy is unlike any we've faced, but we are the shield that guards the realms of men!"
He paced in front of them, his eyes locking with each of theirs in turn. "Ye trained for this, studied for this! Now is the time to show the strength of yer conviction! Chant yer incantations, weave your spells!” Shaw tried to spur them on and saw nothing but exhausted faces.

Letting out a low growl, the knight captain then turned to one of the veterans among the mages, a grizzly character known for his cantankerous nature. “Darjen! Get these miserable lots up!" Shaw barked, pointing an accusatory finger at the man.
Darjen, upon hearing his name called out in such a demanding tone, heaved yet another tired sigh, a sign of resignation rather than defiance. He knew there was no arguing with Shaw, especially not in the midst of a crisis. Despite his reputation for being a lazy curmudgeon, the mages of the count retinue still respect Darjen for his skill and expertise. Especially since he was bestowed the rank of Adept Mage by the Guild of Magus.
"All right, you heard the captain," Darjen addressed the beleaguered mages around him with an authoritative yet lethargic grumble. "Up on your feet, everyone. We're not here to be easy targets. If you can stand, you can fight. If you can breathe, you can cast."
The lesser mages began to stir with their feet from his gruff encouragement. Oddly enough, that served as a better rallying cry than their captain's more… impromptu speech. As they started to pick themselves up as dust off their light armor, the weariness in their eyes was replaced by a flicker of resolve. It was a testament to Darjen’s influence despite his often more… contentious relationship with them.
Darjen didn't waste any time. Familiar with command, he began organizing the mages into a more cohesive unit. "There ya go, you miserable pieces of shites!! I want barriers up at all times and towards the treeline–” His words abruptly stopped as several small, green ball-like objects, the size of fists, were tossed at the feet of the greatest concentrations of their group.
Without a second thought, Darjen’s instincts kicked in. He aggressively motioned his hands upwards, and in response, a great wall of earth violently jutted out of the ground. The sudden movement threw several people off balance, and a few of the lesser mages were sent flying high into the sky.
Just the cries of surprise and terror resounded from the sudden spell; numerous bone-rattling blasts erupted, each explosion sending shockwaves through the ground and threatening to shatter Darjen's hastily erected earthen wall. The air filled with the smell of scorched earth and the horrid screams of the wounded after whatever that horrid sorcery caused those dark green orbs to detonate.
With ringing in his ears and a crumbing wall, Darjen quickly assessed the situation. While a decent number of lesser mages had been saved with his quick thinking, a large majority were on the other side. However, that small bombardment wasn’t the other thing to grace the rear guard. This time, the incessant barking chatter erupted from their treeline this time and it spoke of an enemy ambush that was far from finished.
Knowing that the earthen barrier wouldn't hold against another volley of those mysterious green orbs, Darjen knew he had to act fast. With a deep breath, he concentrated, drawing upon the depths of his arcane knowledge. An advanced incantation formed on his lips, ancient words of power resonating with the energy thrummed with each syllable.
As he twisted his hands in a circular motion before spreading them outwards, he manifested a powerful barrier. Shimmering blue hexagons appeared in front of him, interlocking with each other and arching in a protective dome that covered 180 degrees in every direction. The spell pulsed with magical energy, forming a barrier far stronger and more intricate than the simple wall of earth.
Just as Darjen completed his spell, the barrier's flank lit up with an intensity that mirrored the stars of a clear night sky. Projectiles, unseen but obviously potent, slammed into the hexagonal shield with the ferocity of a horde of angry bees attacking a window. The force was as relentless as it was draining, and the Adept Mage knew he had to act fast.
Meanwhile, Shaw, having been caught off guard by the sudden erection of the earthen wall, found himself sprawled on the ground in a momentary daze. His initial reaction was one of confusion, followed quickly by a surge of unfounded paranoia. In his disoriented state, he began to shout, accusing the Wyvern Commander of setting them up, his voice a cacophony of rage and confusion amidst the chaos.
But Darjen could spare no attention for the knight captain’s delirious accusations. His focus was entirely on whatever in the infinite hells was peppering his shield. With the projectiles continuing their assault, he knew they needed a more aggressive response. His arms were still outstretched from casting the barrier, and With a booming thunderclap that seemed to shake the very air around them, Darjen slammed his hands together. The result was explosive, both literally and figuratively. The wall detonated outward like a shotgun blast, sending rocks, boulders, and massive clumps of earth hurtling toward the enemy with lethal velocity.
Yelps of pain and yelling could be heard from the treeline as a wide grin spread across Darjen face, but his smile soon faded as he witnessed the next scene unfold before his eyes. It was, without a doubt, the worst thing Darjen could possibly imagine facing. He'd rather confront a rampaging dragon than the infernal creature hovering in front of the tree line. There, floating with rapidly beating wings, was a small Pixie-like creature, except its head was crowned with fire instead of hair, and its eyes were a dreadful violet hue that seemed to pierce through one's soul with malevolent intent.
But it wasn't just the creature that chilled Darjen to the bone; it was the magic it used. An innumerable amount of strange barriers, shaped like multifaceted pyramids, continuously collapsing in on each other and simultaneously explode outwards. The damned thing looked to have more dimensions than a demonic sorcerer. These strange barriers intercepted the majority of the debris Darjen had launched forward, absorbing the earth and rock in a way that defied understanding. The projectiles seemed to vanish or disintegrate upon contact with these otherworldly shields, leaving no trace of their existence.
“THE FAE!!” Darjen screamed as he saw the monster's hand flick upwards. “POWER TO ME!!”
Just as he shouted, a section of the creature's barrier shattered, and at the same time a horrible, high-pitched laughter seemed to tear through the air. The sound was not just audible; it was a physical force, causing those nearby to clutch their ears in agony. Shaw, closest to the epicenter of the strange assault, collapsed to the ground, seemingly alight with a violet flame. The flame neither wounded nor consumed, but it caused the knight captain to writhe in pain and let out a shrill scream in the face of the fae's cruel magic.
The surviving lesser mages, witnessing the fae's devastating attack, didn't hesitate a second longer nor wait to be prompted a second time. Drawing deep from their reserves of power, they funneled every ounce of their energy into reinforcing the shield, like a dam opening its gates to release a flood. Their combined magic surged towards the barrier, strengthening it in a desperate bid to ward off further attacks from the vile monstrosity.
However, their efforts seemed almost futile when the fae, with contemptuous ease, raised its other hand, pointing a slender finger directly at Darjen. The adept mage, already bracing for impact, didn't properly hear the sound that followed; his eardrums immediately burst as the loudest crack of thunder imaginable resounded, shattering nearly every layer of the combined defenses. The force of the blast sent him flying away, tumbling through the air like a leaf caught in a hurricane.
Darjen's world became a blur of pain and disorientation as he was violently thrown through the air. He couldn't hear anything beyond the ringing in his ears. However, he saw the horrid and ancient bolt of magic. This was not just any bolt of lightning but a cascade of pure, destructive magical energy. Darjen didn’t even have the hubris to say the combined strength of 10 lesser mages and an adept warded off the spell.
No… it ricocheted…
The barrier had simply deflected the devastating bolt and sent it shooting further up the convoy. The destruction was immediate and catastrophic, with both man and beast being torn asunder in a gruesome display of power as wagons shattered into scorched fragments, showering the remainders as shrapnel.
Hitting the ground with a painful thud, Darjen acted out of pure reflex. He immediately threw up his hands, channeling the remainder of his power to conjure earthen walls around him as he started to roll his body toward the opposing treeline. In quick succession, walls rose just in time, as bolt after bolt of lightning, each one as deadly as the last, slammed into his makeshift defenses, obliterating one after another in a relentless assault. The impacts sent shockwaves through the ground as the earth below him absorbed most of the power, but Darjen's quick thinking spared him from the brunt of the attack.
Pushing himself up mid-tumble Darjen sprinted as fast as his injured form would allow into the trees. Each step was agony, but the will to survive drove him forward. He knew he was severely outmatched. Hell, the fae's power dwarfed his own and everyone he could remember COMBINED.
Behind him, the chatter of strange weapons and explosions became muffled as he pushed through the darkness of the forest. The convoy was more than certain to fall, but those were not his concern now. He had to get away from that arcane horror.
“God-fucking-damnit! I’m hit!” Silva, the Communications Sergeant, growled angrily as he pulled himself off the front line and dipped behind a tree while pulling off his gear. “Fuck!” He yelled, completely furious, ripping open his IFAK (Individual First Aid Kit) as he slid into a small depression in the earth for cover. Following closely into the depression were three operators from the Australian SASR, two of them also wounded, and the last, a medic, quickly helping everyone apply tourniquets.
The cacophony of rifle and machine gun fire merged with the crackles of strange magical energy, maintaining a constant roar that made it challenging to hear even with electronic ear protection. Explosions from grenades and mortars shook the very ground, sending dirt and debris flying everywhere, and amidst the chaos, Yana's display of power had been a turning point. The overwhelming spell she had cast cut through enemy lines like a hot knife through butter, sowing fear and confusion that only fueled the special operations force’s aggression.
It didn’t much longer for the ODA and SASR operators to push from their concealed positions and maneuver on the convoy in a bid to quickly secure their objectives. Coleman and the joint team had found their way to the last cart, and an Australian machine gunner right next to him went full cyclic, spitting out hate down the length of the convoy.
"Baron 2, this is Baron Actual! ETA!?" Coleman shouted over the din of battle as he pressed down on his push-to-talk.
Just as he finished the transmission, a massive shard of ice whistled through the air, nearly impaling the man and lodging itself deep within the carriage. Coleman and the Australian had both flinched away in a bid to duck for cover.
"OH!! FUCKIN’ DICKHEAD!!" The startled SASR operator yelled out before turning his Knight's Armament Company LAMG towards the offender and returning fire.
As the mage who cast the ice spell quickly scrambled back into cover, Coleman's radio crackled to life. "Baron Actual, this is Baron 2; we're rounding the corner now!" Kwon’s voice resounded across the net as the second phase of the ambush was about to commence.
Barreling around the bend of the dirt road came two Ground Mobility Vehicles (GMVs) and their arrival not a moment too soon. As Coleman and his team held their ground, several contingents of mounted enemies, riding large creatures that were a terrifying cross between hyenas and wolves, charged down the less contested side of the convoy.
The lead GMV immediately swung into action. The vehicle's side-mounted M240 machine guns roared to life, belching out a deadly stream of bullets while the .50 cal gunner pulled back on the charging handle of the heavy machine gun and pressed down on the paddles. Above the incessant chatter of the M240s, the distinct, deep thump of the .50 caliber machine gun barked out, immediately cutting down the vanguard before they could even get close. Bodies of both man and beast tumbled as the rest scattered in panic.
In the midst of this pandemonium, Eli, Bennett, and two Australian operators found themselves in a desperate struggle atop their writhing target. Despite their best efforts to subdue him through a flurry of punches, kicks, and stomps, the man continued to thrash violently, seemingly tossing them about like children.
“FUCKIN`!” Elijah growled as he slid across the ground before getting up into a run and kicking the armored man in the face as hard as he could.
The scene was a chaotic mess. Four highly trained operators were unable to gain control over one semi-incapacitated individual, and frustration mounted as each blow seemed to do nothing. Looking up from the melee, Eli saw Yana hovering above the fray with a tired yet jubilant look on her face.
"Can you fuckin' stop whatever it is you're doing to this dude!? We can't get him to stop moving!" Her apostle shouted as an Australian yelped, flying past him.
Yana, spinning around with a perplexed expression, "I'm burning his mana, ya idiot! Unless you wanna fight him all topped up, then just wait!" She retorted in an annoyed tone.
Elijah threw up his arms in exasperation, his patience wearing thin amidst the chaos. "Can you speed it up!? We ain't got time for this shit!" he yelled back at Yana, frustration evident in his voice as the battle raged on around them.
Yana looked back down at her insufferable apostle with an even more irritated expression that said she wanted to pull his stupid hair. "Hmph! Fine! Don't blame me if he dies then!" she replied sharply.
Before anyone could react, the violet flames that had been dancing around the armored figure suddenly intensified, turning into an inferno that startled everyone trying to subdue him. The operators threw themselves backward to avoid being caught in the blaze while Elijah watched in a mix of horror and fascination as Yana descended. He wanted to protest, to call her off, but he decided to trust his small patron and turned his attention back towards the ongoing fight.
As Elijah took shots at anyone foolish enough to pop their head out, something within the battle-damaged cart caught his attention. He noticed a strange blue gleam through a small bullet hole.
Unable to contain his curiosity, Elijah quickly glanced over his shoulder to ensure Yana and the others were still managing the situation; he made a split-second decision. His hands reached out and grabbed the cart's badly damaged tailgate, and with a powerful pull, Elijah snapped it off.
Inside, amidst the scattered supplies and remnants of the tattered contents, Elijah's eyes widened at the assortment of loot before him. The cart was laden with treasures. Expensive-looking flasks filled with liquids of every color promised any egg heads at home would lose their minds in excitement. Golden tableware, despite the dim light, gleamed with an enticing luster that Elijah was sure no one was going to miss if a few found their way into his pack. Alongside these larger treasures were hefty coin pouches that seemed ull to the brim with the promise of wealth. All of which were covered by rough furs and a random mix of personal effects.
However, amidst the riches, one item seized Elijah's attention above all else: a strange black egg-like object, the size of a chest, barely visible under a torn sack with a broken frame. Its surface was glossy, absorbing the ambient light and creating an aura of mystery and power that was impossible to ignore.
Suddenly an Australian voice shouted, "Bingo! Target secured!" through his headset.
Elijah snapped his attention back to the man he was trying to help subdue and watched as Bennett and the two Australian operators hog-tie their now limp target.
As he heard the team start to stuff the knight-like individual into the GMV, Elijah couldn’t help but smirk. “Yoink, bitch!” he called out in glee as he began to gather the valuables.
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submitted by duddlered to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 19:08 IMadeThisAccForNoita Your favourite niche wand building tricks?

There is a lot of information about spellwrapping, chainsaws removing cast delay, payloads in triggers not increasing cast delay and other generally useful tricks for wand building. However, I want to know about your favourite niche, rarely useful tricks!
Here's mine: If you add two explosive shots to a triplicate bolt, you deal massive damage per shot. However, it's pretty rare to get two explosive shot modifiers early on. But if you have one explosive shot, you can kill the pyramid boss to get a "copy random spell"/"copy random spell thrice"/"copy three random spells", and force it to copy your explosive shot by making it cast when all other spells in your wand except for explosive shot have been cast in the same block :D
submitted by IMadeThisAccForNoita to noita [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 23:01 KurioProkos Item Mod Idea: Companionship Pack

Companionship Pack: A pack of 28 items focused on ally support and giving effects to other party members
Keyword 1: selfless (+1 pip when targeting another ally)
Keyword 2: vigilant (x2 to enemy targeting another ally that is dying this turn)
-Golden Child (1): +1 pip to left side of above ally, -1 pip to left side of other allies
-Hand-Me-Downs (1): -1 max HP, +2 max HP to below ally
-Pink Ribbon (2): Add selfless to the right side
-Worker Ant (2): Add vigilant to all damage sides with exactly 1 pip
-Bauble Box (3): Replace rightmost sides on all other allies with ‘+1 mana’
-Nursing Cap (3): Add selfless and generous (cannot target myself) to all shield & heal sides
-Rosemary (3): +2 max HP this fight whenever another ally dies
-Lapis Lazuli (4): Once per turn, when using Burst to shield a hero: +2 mana
-Pom-Poms (4): +1 pip to right side of above ally and below ally
-Crutches (5): +4 max HP to other ally with least max HP (if there’s a tie, uppermost ally gets the buff)
-Railing (5): +1 pip to rightmost sides of all other allies
-Learn Offer (6): Learn the spell: Offer (Cost - 3 mana: Revive top 3 defeated allies, kill holder of Learn Offer, singlecast)
-Unicorn Horn (6): Whenever an ally is rescued, gain 1 mana
-Alms (7): Add selfless to the middle column
-Helping Hand (7): +1 pip to all sides of ally below me, -1 pip to all my sides
-Red Coral (7): Above ally and below ally get: +1 to incoming healing and shields
-Barricade (8): At start of turn, all other allies self-shield 1
-Crate (8): Above ally: +2 item slots (max 4)
-Perfume (9): Above ally and below ally are immune to debuffs from enemies
-Queen Ant (9): Add vigilant to the two left sides
-Pyramid (10): +2 pips to bottom sides of all other allies, -1 pip to top sides of all other allies
-Positive Influence (11): Add selfless to all sides on above ally and below ally
-Uniformity (12): Replace all other allies’ middle sides with your middle side
-Homunculus (13): All my sides are replaced with “target hero can use their dice again” stasis
-Burden of Atlas (14): +1 pip to sides of all other allies, all my sides become blank stasis
-Soul Tether (15): While I’m alive, ally below me can’t die
-Anthill (16): Add vigilant to all sides on all other allies
-Toy Hammer (0): Add selfless to all damage sides
submitted by KurioProkos to SliceAndDice [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 13:21 Alioliou World lore and Magic Weapons of Mass Destruction

My fantastic science fiction world is like a version of the real world but where magic exists, and although it has been studied by science, it still remains poorly understood today.
Don't get confused. There are some historical differences in my world compared to the real one; there were nations that didn't exist in the real world, nations and civilizations like Hyperborea, Hiva, Duipa, Atlantis, the Tracodian Empire, Northern Germany, the Spanish Magistracy, and the Antarctic Technate. But all of this is fuel for another post.
What many nations have had in common throughout the history of my world is that many have participated in wars and, just like in the real world, many have employed weapons of mass destruction at some point.
In the real world, there are four categories of weapons of mass destruction: nuclear, radiological, chemical, and biological. In my world, there is a fifth category: thaumic weapons, or magical weapons of mass destruction. And these, undoubtedly, have been widely employed since ancient times.

Magical Weapons vs. Thaumic Weapons

Firstly, it's important to understand that while all thaumic weapons are magical weapons, not all magical weapons are thaumic weapons.
While "magical" and "thaumic" are often synonymous in many contexts (although "thaumic" is usually associated with thaumaturgy, which etymologically means the "making of miracles or wonders," a definition that has become outdated), in this context, the term "thaumic" is used solely to designate those magical weapons with the potential to produce mass destruction, as opposed to conventional magical weapons.
A flaming sword or one that shoots lightning bolts is considered a magical weapon but not a thaumic weapon, as it's unlikely to cause mass destruction. Ammunition inscribed with arcane markings to enhance its range, accuracy, or penetration is also a magical weapon but not a thaumic one. An MD bomb (colloquially known as an antimagic bomb) is a magical weapon but not a thaumic weapon.
Thaumic weapons are those magical weapons that can cause massive destruction. They are not necessarily physical objects or weapons as such. This category also includes spells and conjurations capable of causing mass destruction.
For example, when a necromancer raises an army of undead, it's considered the use of thaumic weapons, as spells of false resurrection and armies of undead are considered weapons of mass destruction in warfare and are completely prohibited today by multiple international conventions. If an arcane demonologist summons entities from another plane or dimension for use in warfare or terrorist attacks, this is also considered a thaumic weapon, a weapon of mass destruction.
A prime example of a pure thaumic weapon would be the inadvertent release of large quantities of flux (a mutagenic and toxic form of magical energy) into the environment for wartime purposes. Flux bombs and ammunition have been banned by international war treaties for centuries; however, their ease of production makes them objects of active pursuit. Sometimes, localized flux sources are accidental in nature, resulting from industrial accidents or experiments with catastrophic outcomes.
I should also mention thaumic nuclear weapons. Those are nuclear weapons that have magical properties, such as the NPDM bomb (nuclear pulse disruptive magical bomb) and the so-called Midas bomb (a nuclear weapon capable of transmuting surrounding matter into gold), are also considered thaumic weapons. These weapons utilize part of the primary nuclear explosion as a source of energy for the thaumic processes involved in the final outcome.

The Debate

However, there is some impartiality when considering a magical weapon as a thaumic (and hence a weapon of mass destruction) or categorizing it as a conventional magical weapon. There are many disputes, with both prohibitionist and permissive stances.
For example, while the meteorite and fireball spells can cause massive explosions, exceeding those obtained from conventional bombs and missiles, their destruction range is less than that of smaller nuclear weapons and similar to thermobaric bombs and cluster bombs. There have been attempts to ban the use of such spells and categorize them as thaumic weapons, but as with thermobaric weapons and cluster bombs, this has not yet been achieved.

Examples of Historical Use of Magical Weapons of Mass Destruction

Magical Weapons of Mass Destruction have been employed many times throughout history.
__Battle of Xochimilco: The Rise of the Undead__
In the year 1521, during the era of Spanish conquest in Mesoamerica, Hernán Cortés and his army were advancing towards the city of Tenochtitlan. However, what they didn't know was that in the shadows of the Aztec temples, the priests of Huitzilopochtli had been practicing ancient and dark necromantic rituals. These rituals, passed down in secret through generations, allowed for the resurrection of the dead and their use as soldiers in the defense of the empire.
The night before Cortés reached Xochimilco, a strategic point near Tenochtitlan, the Aztec priests performed the greatest of these rituals. In the Great Pyramid of Xochimilco, under the light of the full moon, the priests, adorned in obsidian tunics and quetzal feathers, began reciting ancient incantations in Nahuatl. Around them, the bodies of warriors fallen in previous battles lay silent, awaiting their moment of reanimation.
With the sound of drums and chants, a dark energy rose from the pyramid. The eyes of the corpses began to glow with a supernatural light, and one by one, the dead warriors rose, wielding the weapons they had once used in life. These undead knew no pain or fear, and they blindly obeyed the priests.
At dawn, as the Spaniards began their march towards Xochimilco, they encountered a terrifying sight. An army of undead, composed of hundreds of reanimated Aztec warriors, stood ready for battle. Cortés and his men, initially bewildered by the appearance of these supernatural soldiers, attempted to organize for combat.
The battle was fierce and chaotic. The undead, relentless and unafraid of death, charged at the Spaniards with inhuman strength and determination. The bullets and swords of the conquistadors had little effect on these resurrected warriors, who continued fighting despite their wounds. The horses of the Spaniards, frightened by the stench of death and the grotesque appearance of the undead, bolted, creating even more chaos in the Spanish ranks.
Cortés, finding himself overwhelmed, ordered a strategic retreat. The Spaniards fell back to higher ground, from where they attempted to organize a more effective defense. However, the sight of the undead advancing relentlessly undermined the morale of his men.
In a last desperate effort, Cortés ordered his musketeers and artillerymen to concentrate fire on the priests leading the undead. After an intense and desperate struggle, they managed to bring down the necromancer leaders. With the death of the priests, the magic sustaining the undead faded, and the resurrected warriors fell lifeless to the ground.
__The Battle of the Plains of Taoyuan: The Awakening of the Jade Dragon__
During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, China faced a serious threat on its western borders. The nomadic hordes of the Xiongnu had launched a series of increasingly audacious raids into the empire's agricultural territories, threatening to plunge the region into chaos and desolation. Faced with this growing crisis, the imperial strategists turned to an ancient and fearsome weapon: the Jade Dragon.
The Jade Dragon was a mythical creature of immense power, capable of invoking the elemental energy of heaven and earth to unleash destruction upon its enemies. For centuries, the alchemists and sorcerers of the court had jealously guarded the secrets to summoning this beast, considered the very embodiment of imperial power.
In the Battle of the Plains of Taoyuan, the imperial legions clashed with the combined forces of the Xiongnu in a conflict that would decide the fate of the region. With enemy ranks stretching as far as the eye could see, the Chinese generals made the decision to deploy the Jade Dragon as a last resort.
Atop a sacred hill, surrounded by lit candles and arcane symbols, a select group of priests and alchemists began the ancient ritual to awaken the slumbering dragon. They invoked the ancient names and recited the words of power that had been passed down from generation to generation.
As the sky darkened and the winds whipped violently, a jade-green glow illuminated the battlefield. From the depths of the earth, the Jade Dragon emerged in all its majesty and ferocity. With a deafening roar, it unleashed its fury upon the enemy ranks.
The dragon spewed jade flames that consumed the Xiongnu soldiers and turned the land into a desolate landscape of ashes and despair. Its claws tore through enemy formations as its dark wings eclipsed the sun. The Xiongnu warriors, terrified by the sight of this legendary creature, scattered in disarray before its divine wrath.
The Battle of the Plains of Taoyuan marked a turning point in the conflict between China and the Xiongnu. With the power of the Jade Dragon at their disposal, the Chinese managed to inflict a decisive defeat on their enemies and secured their dominance over the western region for centuries. However, the price of summoning this legendary beast was high.
__Nox Eternis: An Epidemic of Unknown Origin__
During the turbulent years of the 17th century, a mysterious and terrifying epidemic known as Nox Eternis swept through various regions of Europe, sowing chaos and terror in its wake. This disease, whose exact nature remains an enigma to this day, had the ability to transform those affected into creatures akin to vampires from mythology, endowing them with an insatiable thirst for blood and supernatural abilities.
Between the years 1610 and 1630, Nox Eternis spread rapidly through the mountainous regions of Transylvania, in present-day Romania, and the surrounding areas of Central Europe. The cities and villages of the Carpathians were especially affected by the epidemic, where the disease spread quickly among the population.
Despite the efforts of physicians, alchemists, and wizards, the exact source of Nox Eternis was never conclusively identified. Speculation arose that it could be an artificial creation, designed by dark alchemists or sinister wizards with unknown motives, or perhaps by the infamous and notorious lich Vlad III, also known as Count Dracula. However, these theories could never be confirmed, and the origin of the disease remained shrouded in mystery.
Faced with the threat posed by the infected, groups of hunters dedicated themselves to eradicating the "night dwellers." These hunters, often composed of trained warriors, vampire hunters, and members of sacred orders, confronted the nocturnals with specialized weapons and tactics, seeking to protect the population and eliminate the threat of the epidemic. These were the origins of the cross-national organization Acheron.
Over time, by the late 1630s, Nox Eternis was finally contained and eradicated, although the scars it left on society and collective memory persisted for generations. While the epidemic itself no longer poses a threat, its mysterious origin and the horrors it unleashed continue to fascinate researchers and scholars of the supernatural in the modern era.
__The Incident of the Haunted Trenches and the Flux Ban in Warfare__
During the dark days of the First World War, a tragic event known as the Incident of the Haunted Trenches shed light on the horrors of flux usage on the battlefield, paving the way for the eventual prohibition of its use in armed conflicts and, subsequently, many other magical weapons of mass destruction.
Amidst the chaos of the trenches, where opposing forces fought in a relentless war of attrition, flux weapons became a desperate tool to break the stalemate. These weapons, consisting of volatile magic ethers with mutagenic, metamagic, and transmutative properties, wreaked indiscriminate havoc among enemy and friendly ranks alike.
A dark, toxic purple cloud rose over the battlefield, enveloping soldiers in a grim embrace, at best deadly. Those caught in the mist fell victim to grotesque and terrible mutations, transforming into deformed and monstrous creatures that spread thaumic contamination around them through tendon roots and spores. The very earth twisted under the influence of flux, opening rifts in reality that let in indescribable horrors. Monstrosities emerged from the void rifts, further sowing chaos and terror among the ranks of both sides.
The Incident of the Haunted Trenches left the area completely uninhabitable, even to this day, and shocked the world, igniting intense debate about the ethics and morality of flux usage in war. World leaders, horrified by the horrors witnessed on the battlefield, began to push for international action to regulate and eventually ban these abominable weapons.
After the conflict's end, nations of the world came together to negotiate a treaty prohibiting the future use of flux weapons. In 1925, the Geneva Protocol was signed, establishing the prohibition of chemical and biological weapons in warfare, including a special provision regarding magical weapons that employed or released flux.
__Recent Nuclear Tests by North Korea: the Midas bomb__
In 2015, Acheron's spies, an extranational organization, reported the development of a new type of thaumic and nuclear weapon in North Korea.
According to sources, the first prototype bomb of this kind tested has been cynically nicknamed "Chilseong" (칠성): The Seven Stars of Fortune, representing longevity, health, wealth, fame, virtue, fortune, and death. Chilseong is revered in Taoist and Buddhist tradition.
However, Acheron dubbed the nuclear weapon as "Midas Bomb". The Midas Bomb has a design similar to implosion atomic bombs, but with an additional stage consisting of an auralium quasi-crystal surrounded by a molybdocalco sphere with transmutation inscriptions infused with praecantatio. An intermediate taumite crystal doped with uranium-238 transforms the X-rays generated in the initial nuclear explosion into a form of magical energy that the auralium-core molybdocalco device uses to transmute matter into gold.
Midas bombs can transmute surface-exposed matter into gold within a radius of several hundred meters.
nuke boom

Exceptions Regarding the Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction

Acheron is an extranational organization that studies, contains, and eliminates supernatural threats worldwide. Acheron is authorized in many nations to use weapons of mass destruction to quickly and efficiently eradicate especially dangerous supernatural threats. However, the use of these weapons is highly controlled and is never aimed at causing mass destruction in the environment or civilian casualties.
Examples of weapons of mass destruction that Acheron can employ:
__Toxic Gases, Thermobaric Weapons, and Cluster Bombs__
Acheron is authorized to use low persistence chemical weapons to neutralize or deter large swarms of hostile supernatural creatures such as goblins, ghouls, and gremlins. These chemical weapons includes chlorine, cyanide, mustard gas and sarin.
Acheron can also employ high area-of-effect spells (fireball, meteor, etc.), thermobaric bombs, and cluster bombs to neutralize these types of targets, although their use is controversial among many nations and considered weapons of mass destruction by some nations.
__VX Bullets__
Acheron is authorized in many nations to use bullets poisoned with VX agent. VX is an extremely toxic and nearly undetectable substance used as a chemical weapon and classified as a nerve agent, with rapidly paralyzing effects on acetylcholine and cortisol in the central nervous system.
While the use of poisoned bullets is prohibited by warfare treaties, and VX is considered one of the most dangerous chemical weapons, Class I; the target of these munitions is not civilians, military personnel, or humans, but supernatural creatures of biological nature with large size and/or dangerousness.
These bullets are closely monitored and can only be used by specially trained personnel under authorization. After use, and once the threat is neutralized, special operatives are sent to decontaminate the area. The area is sealed and placed under containment for at least 6 months if necessary.
__Neutron Bombs, PDM nukes and Atomic Warheads__
Acheron is authorized worldwide to use neutron bombs and PDM nukes as a last resort to neutralize large swarms of entities or entities of enormous size.
The neutron bomb, also called an N-bomb, enhanced radiation weapon, or radiation-implosion bomb, is a nuclear weapon derived from the hydrogen bomb, with a specialized design to maximize the production of lethal neutrons and minimize physical destruction of the environment.
PDM nukes are atomic bombs containing a magic-supercharged dodecahedrite core within the plutonium sphere. When detonated, they generate a powerful magical pulse capable of removing spells and enchantments, destroying arcane artifacts, and disrupting magical shields and protections.
Acheron is committed to minimizing environmental damage and safeguarding civilian lives when employing atomic weaponry.
submitted by Alioliou to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 13:20 Alioliou Magic Weapons of Mass Destruction, and world lore

Magic Weapons of Mass Destruction, and world lore
My fantastic science fiction world is like a version of the real world but where magic exists, and although it has been studied by science, it still remains poorly understood today.
Don't get confused. There are some historical differences in my world compared to the real one; there were nations that didn't exist in the real world, nations and civilizations like Hyperborea, Hiva, Duipa, Atlantis, the Tracodian Empire, Northern Germany, the Spanish Magistracy, and the Antarctic Technate. But all of this is fuel for another post.
What many nations have had in common throughout the history of my world is that many have participated in wars and, just like in the real world, many have employed weapons of mass destruction at some point.
In the real world, there are four categories of weapons of mass destruction: nuclear, radiological, chemical, and biological. In my world, there is a fifth category: thaumic weapons, or magical weapons of mass destruction. And these, undoubtedly, have been widely employed since ancient times.

Magical Weapons vs. Thaumic Weapons

Firstly, it's important to understand that while all thaumic weapons are magical weapons, not all magical weapons are thaumic weapons.
While "magical" and "thaumic" are often synonymous in many contexts (although "thaumic" is usually associated with thaumaturgy, which etymologically means the "making of miracles or wonders," a definition that has become outdated), in this context, the term "thaumic" is used solely to designate those magical weapons with the potential to produce mass destruction, as opposed to conventional magical weapons.
A flaming sword or one that shoots lightning bolts is considered a magical weapon but not a thaumic weapon, as it's unlikely to cause mass destruction. Ammunition inscribed with arcane markings to enhance its range, accuracy, or penetration is also a magical weapon but not a thaumic one. An MD bomb (colloquially known as an antimagic bomb) is a magical weapon but not a thaumic weapon.
Thaumic weapons are those magical weapons that can cause massive destruction. They are not necessarily physical objects or weapons as such. This category also includes spells and conjurations capable of causing mass destruction.
For example, when a necromancer raises an army of undead, it's considered the use of thaumic weapons, as spells of false resurrection and armies of undead are considered weapons of mass destruction in warfare and are completely prohibited today by multiple international conventions. If an arcane demonologist summons entities from another plane or dimension for use in warfare or terrorist attacks, this is also considered a thaumic weapon, a weapon of mass destruction.
A prime example of a pure thaumic weapon would be the inadvertent release of large quantities of flux (a mutagenic and toxic form of magical energy) into the environment for wartime purposes. Flux bombs and ammunition have been banned by international war treaties for centuries; however, their ease of production makes them objects of active pursuit. Sometimes, localized flux sources are accidental in nature, resulting from industrial accidents or experiments with catastrophic outcomes.
I should also mention thaumic nuclear weapons. Those are nuclear weapons that have magical properties, such as the NPDM bomb (nuclear pulse disruptive magical bomb) and the so-called Midas bomb (a nuclear weapon capable of transmuting surrounding matter into gold), are also considered thaumic weapons. These weapons utilize part of the primary nuclear explosion as a source of energy for the thaumic processes involved in the final outcome.

The Debate

However, there is some impartiality when considering a magical weapon as a thaumic (and hence a weapon of mass destruction) or categorizing it as a conventional magical weapon. There are many disputes, with both prohibitionist and permissive stances.
For example, while the meteorite and fireball spells can cause massive explosions, exceeding those obtained from conventional bombs and missiles, their destruction range is less than that of smaller nuclear weapons and similar to thermobaric bombs and cluster bombs. There have been attempts to ban the use of such spells and categorize them as thaumic weapons, but as with thermobaric weapons and cluster bombs, this has not yet been achieved.

Examples of Historical Use of Magical Weapons of Mass Destruction

Magical Weapons of Mass Destruction have been employed many times throughout history.
__Battle of Xochimilco: The Rise of the Undead__
In the year 1521, during the era of Spanish conquest in Mesoamerica, Hernán Cortés and his army were advancing towards the city of Tenochtitlan. However, what they didn't know was that in the shadows of the Aztec temples, the priests of Huitzilopochtli had been practicing ancient and dark necromantic rituals. These rituals, passed down in secret through generations, allowed for the resurrection of the dead and their use as soldiers in the defense of the empire.
The night before Cortés reached Xochimilco, a strategic point near Tenochtitlan, the Aztec priests performed the greatest of these rituals. In the Great Pyramid of Xochimilco, under the light of the full moon, the priests, adorned in obsidian tunics and quetzal feathers, began reciting ancient incantations in Nahuatl. Around them, the bodies of warriors fallen in previous battles lay silent, awaiting their moment of reanimation.
With the sound of drums and chants, a dark energy rose from the pyramid. The eyes of the corpses began to glow with a supernatural light, and one by one, the dead warriors rose, wielding the weapons they had once used in life. These undead knew no pain or fear, and they blindly obeyed the priests.
At dawn, as the Spaniards began their march towards Xochimilco, they encountered a terrifying sight. An army of undead, composed of hundreds of reanimated Aztec warriors, stood ready for battle. Cortés and his men, initially bewildered by the appearance of these supernatural soldiers, attempted to organize for combat.
The battle was fierce and chaotic. The undead, relentless and unafraid of death, charged at the Spaniards with inhuman strength and determination. The bullets and swords of the conquistadors had little effect on these resurrected warriors, who continued fighting despite their wounds. The horses of the Spaniards, frightened by the stench of death and the grotesque appearance of the undead, bolted, creating even more chaos in the Spanish ranks.
Cortés, finding himself overwhelmed, ordered a strategic retreat. The Spaniards fell back to higher ground, from where they attempted to organize a more effective defense. However, the sight of the undead advancing relentlessly undermined the morale of his men.
In a last desperate effort, Cortés ordered his musketeers and artillerymen to concentrate fire on the priests leading the undead. After an intense and desperate struggle, they managed to bring down the necromancer leaders. With the death of the priests, the magic sustaining the undead faded, and the resurrected warriors fell lifeless to the ground.
__The Battle of the Plains of Taoyuan: The Awakening of the Jade Dragon__
During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, China faced a serious threat on its western borders. The nomadic hordes of the Xiongnu had launched a series of increasingly audacious raids into the empire's agricultural territories, threatening to plunge the region into chaos and desolation. Faced with this growing crisis, the imperial strategists turned to an ancient and fearsome weapon: the Jade Dragon.
The Jade Dragon was a mythical creature of immense power, capable of invoking the elemental energy of heaven and earth to unleash destruction upon its enemies. For centuries, the alchemists and sorcerers of the court had jealously guarded the secrets to summoning this beast, considered the very embodiment of imperial power.
In the Battle of the Plains of Taoyuan, the imperial legions clashed with the combined forces of the Xiongnu in a conflict that would decide the fate of the region. With enemy ranks stretching as far as the eye could see, the Chinese generals made the decision to deploy the Jade Dragon as a last resort.
Atop a sacred hill, surrounded by lit candles and arcane symbols, a select group of priests and alchemists began the ancient ritual to awaken the slumbering dragon. They invoked the ancient names and recited the words of power that had been passed down from generation to generation.
As the sky darkened and the winds whipped violently, a jade-green glow illuminated the battlefield. From the depths of the earth, the Jade Dragon emerged in all its majesty and ferocity. With a deafening roar, it unleashed its fury upon the enemy ranks.
The dragon spewed jade flames that consumed the Xiongnu soldiers and turned the land into a desolate landscape of ashes and despair. Its claws tore through enemy formations as its dark wings eclipsed the sun. The Xiongnu warriors, terrified by the sight of this legendary creature, scattered in disarray before its divine wrath.
The Battle of the Plains of Taoyuan marked a turning point in the conflict between China and the Xiongnu. With the power of the Jade Dragon at their disposal, the Chinese managed to inflict a decisive defeat on their enemies and secured their dominance over the western region for centuries. However, the price of summoning this legendary beast was high.
__Nox Eternis: An Epidemic of Unknown Origin__
During the turbulent years of the 17th century, a mysterious and terrifying epidemic known as Nox Eternis swept through various regions of Europe, sowing chaos and terror in its wake. This disease, whose exact nature remains an enigma to this day, had the ability to transform those affected into creatures akin to vampires from mythology, endowing them with an insatiable thirst for blood and supernatural abilities.
Between the years 1610 and 1630, Nox Eternis spread rapidly through the mountainous regions of Transylvania, in present-day Romania, and the surrounding areas of Central Europe. The cities and villages of the Carpathians were especially affected by the epidemic, where the disease spread quickly among the population.
Despite the efforts of physicians, alchemists, and wizards, the exact source of Nox Eternis was never conclusively identified. Speculation arose that it could be an artificial creation, designed by dark alchemists or sinister wizards with unknown motives, or perhaps by the infamous and notorious lich Vlad III, also known as Count Dracula. However, these theories could never be confirmed, and the origin of the disease remained shrouded in mystery.
Faced with the threat posed by the infected, groups of hunters dedicated themselves to eradicating the "night dwellers." These hunters, often composed of trained warriors, vampire hunters, and members of sacred orders, confronted the nocturnals with specialized weapons and tactics, seeking to protect the population and eliminate the threat of the epidemic. These were the origins of the cross-national organization Acheron.
Over time, by the late 1630s, Nox Eternis was finally contained and eradicated, although the scars it left on society and collective memory persisted for generations. While the epidemic itself no longer poses a threat, its mysterious origin and the horrors it unleashed continue to fascinate researchers and scholars of the supernatural in the modern era.
__The Incident of the Haunted Trenches and the Flux Ban in Warfare__
During the dark days of the First World War, a tragic event known as the Incident of the Haunted Trenches shed light on the horrors of flux usage on the battlefield, paving the way for the eventual prohibition of its use in armed conflicts and, subsequently, many other magical weapons of mass destruction.
Amidst the chaos of the trenches, where opposing forces fought in a relentless war of attrition, flux weapons became a desperate tool to break the stalemate. These weapons, consisting of volatile magic ethers with mutagenic, metamagic, and transmutative properties, wreaked indiscriminate havoc among enemy and friendly ranks alike.
A dark, toxic purple cloud rose over the battlefield, enveloping soldiers in a grim embrace, at best deadly. Those caught in the mist fell victim to grotesque and terrible mutations, transforming into deformed and monstrous creatures that spread thaumic contamination around them through tendon roots and spores. The very earth twisted under the influence of flux, opening rifts in reality that let in indescribable horrors. Monstrosities emerged from the void rifts, further sowing chaos and terror among the ranks of both sides.
The Incident of the Haunted Trenches left the area completely uninhabitable, even to this day, and shocked the world, igniting intense debate about the ethics and morality of flux usage in war. World leaders, horrified by the horrors witnessed on the battlefield, began to push for international action to regulate and eventually ban these abominable weapons.
After the conflict's end, nations of the world came together to negotiate a treaty prohibiting the future use of flux weapons. In 1925, the Geneva Protocol was signed, establishing the prohibition of chemical and biological weapons in warfare, including a special provision regarding magical weapons that employed or released flux.
__Recent Nuclear Tests by North Korea: the Midas bomb__
In 2015, Acheron's spies, an extranational organization, reported the development of a new type of thaumic and nuclear weapon in North Korea.
According to sources, the first prototype bomb of this kind tested has been cynically nicknamed "Chilseong" (칠성): The Seven Stars of Fortune, representing longevity, health, wealth, fame, virtue, fortune, and death. Chilseong is revered in Taoist and Buddhist tradition.
However, Acheron dubbed the nuclear weapon as "Midas Bomb". The Midas Bomb has a design similar to implosion atomic bombs, but with an additional stage consisting of an auralium quasi-crystal surrounded by a molybdocalco sphere with transmutation inscriptions infused with praecantatio. An intermediate taumite crystal doped with uranium-238 transforms the X-rays generated in the initial nuclear explosion into a form of magical energy that the auralium-core molybdocalco device uses to transmute matter into gold.
Midas bombs can transmute surface-exposed matter into gold within a radius of several hundred meters.
nuke boom

Exceptions Regarding the Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction

Acheron is an extranational organization that studies, contains, and eliminates supernatural threats worldwide. Acheron is authorized in many nations to use weapons of mass destruction to quickly and efficiently eradicate especially dangerous supernatural threats. However, the use of these weapons is highly controlled and is never aimed at causing mass destruction in the environment or civilian casualties.
Examples of weapons of mass destruction that Acheron can employ:
__Toxic Gases, Thermobaric Weapons, and Cluster Bombs__
Acheron is authorized to use low persistence chemical weapons to neutralize or deter large swarms of hostile supernatural creatures such as goblins, ghouls, and gremlins. These chemical weapons includes chlorine, cyanide, mustard gas and sarin.
Acheron can also employ high area-of-effect spells (fireball, meteor, etc.), thermobaric bombs, and cluster bombs to neutralize these types of targets, although their use is controversial among many nations and considered weapons of mass destruction by some nations.
__VX Bullets__
Acheron is authorized in many nations to use bullets poisoned with VX agent. VX is an extremely toxic and nearly undetectable substance used as a chemical weapon and classified as a nerve agent, with rapidly paralyzing effects on acetylcholine and cortisol in the central nervous system.
While the use of poisoned bullets is prohibited by warfare treaties, and VX is considered one of the most dangerous chemical weapons, Class I; the target of these munitions is not civilians, military personnel, or humans, but supernatural creatures of biological nature with large size and/or dangerousness.
These bullets are closely monitored and can only be used by specially trained personnel under authorization. After use, and once the threat is neutralized, special operatives are sent to decontaminate the area. The area is sealed and placed under containment for at least 6 months if necessary.
__Neutron Bombs, PDM nukes and Atomic Warheads__
Acheron is authorized worldwide to use neutron bombs and PDM nukes as a last resort to neutralize large swarms of entities or entities of enormous size.
The neutron bomb, also called an N-bomb, enhanced radiation weapon, or radiation-implosion bomb, is a nuclear weapon derived from the hydrogen bomb, with a specialized design to maximize the production of lethal neutrons and minimize physical destruction of the environment.
PDM nukes are atomic bombs containing a magic-supercharged dodecahedrite core within the plutonium sphere. When detonated, they generate a powerful magical pulse capable of removing spells and enchantments, destroying arcane artifacts, and disrupting magical shields and protections.
Acheron is committed to minimizing environmental damage and safeguarding civilian lives when employing atomic weaponry.
submitted by Alioliou to magicbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 07:35 fektofek My first "proper" run!! what should I do? should I start visiting parallel worlds?

I got the HP by doing the heart mage trick several times . I have saved 2 full health pickups and 4 spell refreshes in the Holy Mountains. + I have a heart mage in the snowy depths HM in case I want more max HP (do I need more HP?)
I was incredibly lucky with perks, I killed the alchemist and opened the coral chest for the first time, I killed the dragon and the pyramid spider, I tried to kill the meat realm floating ball guy, but it ran off somewhere.
Not sure what to do now. last time I had a promising good run, I tried to fight squid ward and was poly morphed and killed. ): can my attack wand be improved?
Should I go to a parallel world and collect more perks? (how do I do this)
since ambrosia doesn't wear off if you don't move, can I tunnel with the earth stone + evil eye, and remain unharmed as long as i move around by teleporting only?
Is there anything obvious I'm missing in the main world?
thanks! I've only killed kolmi 4 times, I don't want to mess up this opportunity to have a "god" run.
submitted by fektofek to noita [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 07:35 fektofek My first "proper" run!! what should I do? should I start visiting parallel worlds?

My first
I got the HP by doing the heart mage trick several times . I have saved 2 full health pickups and 4 spell refreshes in the Holy Mountains. + I have a heart mage in the snowy depths HM in case I want more max HP (do I need more HP?)
I was incredibly lucky with perks, I killed the alchemist and opened the coral chest for the first time, I killed the dragon and the pyramid spider, I tried to kill the meat realm floating ball guy, but it ran off somewhere.
Not sure what to do now. last time I had a promising good run, I tried to fight squid ward and was poly morphed and killed. ): can my attack wand be improved?
Should I go to a parallel world and collect more perks? (how do I do this)
since ambrosia doesn't wear off if you don't move, can I tunnel with the earth stone + evil eye, and remain unharmed as long as i move around by teleporting only?
Is there anything obvious I'm missing in the main world?
thanks! I've only killed kolmi 4 times, I don't want to mess up this opportunity to have a "god" run.
submitted by fektofek to noita [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:04 AC_the_Panther_007 Game Boy (Original): On the list, which Original Game Boy games in North America are your favorites in each year?

1989-1990 (Jul. 31, 1991-Dec. 31, 1990):
  1. Alleyway (Launch Title)
  2. Baseball (Launch Title)
  3. Super Mario Land (Launch Title)
  4. Tennis (Launch Title)
  5. Tetris (Launch Title)
  6. Castlevania: The Adventure
  7. Motocross Maniacs
  8. Wizards & Warriors X: The Fortress of Fear
  9. Boxxle
  10. Golf
  11. Hyper Lode Runner
  12. Solar Striker
  13. Kwirk
  14. Malibu Beach Volleyball
  15. Revenge of the 'Gator
  16. The Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle
  17. Boomer's Adventure in ASMIK World
  18. Fist of the North Star: 10 Big Brawls for the King of the Universe
  19. Flipull
  20. Heiankyo Alien
  21. Nemesis
  22. NFL Football
  23. QBillion
  24. World Bowling
  25. Qix
  26. Batman
  27. Shanghai
  28. Bases Loaded
  29. Daedalian Opus
  30. Dexterity
  31. Gargoyle's Quest
  32. Lock 'n' Chase
  33. Paperboy
  34. Penguin Wars
  35. The Amazing Spider-Man
  36. Double Dragon
  37. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan
  38. Catrap
  39. Cosmo Tank
  40. Heavyweight Championship Boxing
  41. Pipe Dream
  42. Skate or Die: Bad 'N Rad
  43. The Final Fantasy Legend
  44. Wheel of Fortune
  45. Balloon Kid
  46. Godzilla
  47. Mercenary Force
  48. Mr. Chin's Gourmet Paradise
  49. Snoopy's Magic Show
  50. Bubble Ghost
  51. Disney's DuckTales
  52. Ishido: The Way of Stones
  53. Ninja Boy
  54. Serpent
  55. Side Pocket
  56. Amazing Penguin
  57. Chase H.Q.
  58. Dead Heat Scramble
  59. Dr. Mario
  60. Ghostbusters II
  61. Hal Wrestling
  62. In Your Face
  63. Play Action Football
  64. Power Racer
  65. Quarth
  66. RoboCop
  67. Torpedo Range
1991 (Jan. 1, 1991-Dec. 31, 1991):
  1. Battle Bull
  2. Burai Fighter Deluxe
  3. Dragon's Lair: The Legend
  4. Gremlins 2: The New Batch
  5. Power Mission
  6. Rolan's Curse
  7. The Chessmaster (GB Version)
  8. F-1 Race
  9. Kung Fu Master
  10. NBA All-Star Challenge
  11. Operation C
  12. Radar Mission
  13. The Game of Harmony
  14. Bubble Bobble
  15. BurgerTime Deluxe
  16. Cyraid
  17. Jeopardy!
  18. Loopz
  19. Maru's Mission
  20. Nobunaga's Ambition
  21. Super Scrabble
  22. Extra Bases
  23. Fish Dude
  24. Pac-Man
  25. Solomon's Club
  26. Tasmania Story
  27. WWF Superstars
  28. Castelian
  29. Go! Go! Tank
  30. Hatris
  31. Marble Madness
  32. Mickey's Dangerous Chase
  33. R-Type
  34. The Hunt for Red October
  35. The Rescue of Princess Blobette
  36. Bo Jackson: Two Games in One
  37. Caesars Palace
  38. Nintendo World Cup
  39. Skate or Die: Tour de Thrash
  40. Sneaky Snakes
  41. Spud's Adventure
  42. Tail 'Gator
  43. The Sword of Hope
  44. Battle Unit Zeoth
  45. Klax
  46. Mysterium
  47. The Punisher: The Ultimate Payback!
  48. Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge
  49. Bill & Ted's Excellent Game Boy Adventure: A Bogus Journey!
  50. Blades of Steel
  51. Aerostar
  52. Altered Space: A 3-D Alien Adventure
  53. Choplifter II
  54. Crystal Quest
  55. Fortified Zone
  56. Gauntlet II
  57. InfoGenius Productivity Pak: Berlitz French Translator
  58. InfoGenius Productivity Pak: Berlitz Spanish Translator
  59. InfoGenius Productivity Pak: Frommer's Travel Guide
  60. InfoGenius Productivity Pak: Personal Organizer and Phone Book
  61. InfoGenius Productivity Pak: Spell Checker and Calculator
  62. Navy SEALs
  63. Spot: The Video Game
  64. Tecmo Bowl
  65. The Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle 2
  66. Trax
  67. Atomic Punk
  68. Super R.C. Pro-Am
  69. Bart Simpson's Escape from Camp Deadly
  70. Battletoads
  71. Brain Bender
  72. Final Fantasy Adventure
  73. Final Fantasy Legend II
  74. Home Alone
  75. Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters
  76. Metroid II: Return of Samus
  77. RoboCop 2
  78. Turrican
  79. Who Framed Roger Rabbit
  80. Bill Elliott's NASCAR Fast Tracks
  81. Dick Tracy
  82. Double Dragon II
  83. Double Dribble: 5 on 5
  84. Elevator Action
  85. Faceball 2000
  86. Hudson Hawk
  87. Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge
  88. Monopoly
  89. Ninja Gaiden Shadow
  90. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Back from the Sewers
  91. Super Kick Off
  92. Track Meet
  93. Aerostar
1992 (Jan. 1, 1992-Dec. 31, 1992):
  1. Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
  2. Beetlejuice
  3. Gradius: The Interstellar Assault
  4. Prince of Persia
  5. Snow Brothers Jr.
  6. Terminator 2: Judgment Day
  7. The Addams Family
  8. Adventure Island
  9. Amazing Tater
  10. Asteroids
  11. Blaster Master Boy
  12. Boggle Plus
  13. Days of Thunder
  14. Fastest Lap
  15. Jordan vs. Bird: One on One
  16. Mega Man II
  17. Q*bert
  18. Star Trek: 25th Anniversary
  19. Tiny Toon Adventures: Babs' Big Break
  20. Missile Command
  21. Soccer Mania
  22. The Adventures of Star Saver
  23. The Flash
  24. Ultra Golf
  25. World Circuit Series
  26. Fighting Simulator: 2-in-1 Flying Warriors
  27. Hook
  28. Nail 'n Scale
  29. Paperboy 2
  30. Square Deal: The Game of Two Dimensional Poker
  31. Super Hunchback
  32. Batman: Return of the Joker
  33. Jack Nicklaus Golf
  34. NBA All-Star Challenge 2
  35. Turn and Burn: The F-14 Dogfight Simulator
  36. Boxxle II
  37. High Stakes Gambling
  38. Pit-Fighter
  39. The Blues Brothers
  40. Jeep Jamboree: Off Road Adventure
  41. Knight Quest
  42. Prophecy: The Viking Child
  43. Spanky's QuestNatsume
  44. Ultima: Runes of Virtue
  45. Wave Race
  46. Yoshi
  47. Double Dragon 3: The Arcade Game
  48. Kirby's Dream Land
  49. The Amazing Spider-Man 2
  50. WWF Superstars 2
  51. 4-in-1 Funpak
  52. Dig Dug
  53. Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge
  54. George Foreman's KO Boxing
  55. Ninja Taro
  56. Roger Clemens' MVP Baseball
  57. Spy vs. Spy
  58. The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Juggernauts
  59. Toxic Crusaders
  60. Track & Field
  61. WordZap
  62. Barbie: Game Girl
  63. Bionic Commando
  64. Hit the Ice
  65. Home Alone 2: Lost in New York
  66. Lazlos' Leap
  67. Looney Tunes (GB Version)
  68. Miner 2049er
  69. Mouse Trap Hotel
  70. Out of Gas
  71. Rolan's Curse 2
  72. Speedball 2
  73. Swamp Thing
  74. The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends
  75. The Jetsons: Robot Panic
  76. Tom and Jerry
  77. Xenon 2
  78. Bionic Battler
  79. Kingdom Crusade
  80. Mr. Do!
  81. Star Wars
  82. Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins
  83. Super Off Road
  84. Terminator 2: The Arcade Game
  85. The Incredible Crash Dummies
  86. The Ren & Stimpy Show: Space Cadet Adventures
  87. Wordtris
  88. Avenging Spirit
  89. Battleship
  90. Best of the Best: Championship Karate
  91. Bonk's Adventure
  92. Centipede
  93. Darkman
  94. Dr. Franken
  95. Mega Man III
  96. Megalit
  97. Disney's TaleSpin
  98. The Humans
  99. Universal Soldier
  100. Exodus: Journey to the Promised Land
  101. Joshua & the Battle of Jericho
  102. Spiritual Warfare
1993 (Jan. 1, 1993-Dec. 31, 1993):
  1. Alien³
  2. Krusty's Fun House
  3. Race Drivin'
  4. Spot: The Cool Adventure
  5. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
  6. Top Gun: Guts and Glory
  7. Adventure Island II: Aliens in Paradise
  8. Disney's Darkwing Duck
  9. The Flintstones: King Rock Treasure Island
  10. Disney's The Little Mermaid
  11. Kid Dracula
  12. Milon's Secret Castle
  13. Sumo Fighter
  14. Tumblepop
  15. Great Greed
  16. Lethal Weapon
  17. Ninja Boy 2
  18. Pyramids of RaMatchbox
  19. The New Chessmaster
  20. Top Rank Tennis
  21. Battletoads in Ragnarok's World
  22. Cool World
  23. F-15 Strike Eagle
  24. Joe & Mac
  25. Raging Fighter
  26. Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
  27. Star Trek: The Next Generation
  28. Titus the Fox
  29. Bubble Bobble Part 2
  30. Felix the Cat
  31. Muhammad Ali: Heavyweight Boxing
  32. Speedy Gonzales
  33. Spider-Man 3: Invasion of the Spider-Slayers
  34. The Addams Family: Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt
  35. Goal!
  36. Jurassic Park
  37. Nigel Mansell's World Championship Racing
  38. Pinball Dreams
  39. Tesserae
  40. The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (GB Version)
  41. Mortal Kombat
  42. Final Fantasy Legend III
  43. Bram Stoker's Dracula
  44. WWF King of the Ring
  45. Buster Bros.
  46. Gear Works
  47. Last Action Hero
  48. Ms. Pac-Man
  49. Popeye 2
  50. Sports Illustrated: Championship Football & Baseball
  51. The Real Ghostbusters
  52. The Ren & Stimpy Show: Veediots!
  53. Tom and Jerry: Frantic Antics!
  54. We're Back!
  55. Alien vs. Predator: The Last of His Clan
  56. Batman: The Animated Series
  57. Championship Pool
  58. Disney's DuckTales 2
  59. Kirby's Pinball Land
  60. NFL Quarterback Club
  61. Panel Action Bingo
  62. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: Radical Rescue
  63. Tiny Toon Adventures 2: Montana's Movie Madness
  64. Wayne's World
  65. Battletoads & Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team
  66. Chuck Rock
  67. Cliffhanger
  68. F1 Pole Position
  69. Mega Man IV
  70. Metal Masters
  71. Spider-Man and the X-Men in Arcade's Revenge
  72. Tetris 2
  73. Rampart
  74. Yoshi's Cookie
  75. Zen: Intergalactic Ninja
  76. Zool: Ninja of the Nth Dimension
1994 (Jan. 1, 1994-Dec. 31, 1994):
  1. Black Bass: Lure Fishing
  2. Riddick Bowe Boxing
  3. Super Chase H.Q.
  4. Winter Olympic Games: Lillehammer '94
  5. Alfred Chicken
  6. Captain America and the Avengers
  7. Dennis the Menace
  8. The Simpsons: Bart & the Beanstalk
  9. Total Carnage
  10. WCW World Championship Wrestling: The Main Event
  11. Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3
  12. Ultima: Runes of Virtue II
  13. Sports Illustrated for Kids: The Ultimate Triple Dare
  14. Super Battletank
  15. Jeopardy! Sports Edition
  16. Lamborghini American Challenge
  17. Mickey's Ultimate Challenge
  18. Donkey Kong
  19. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
  20. Stop That Roach!
  21. Cool Ball
  22. Elite Soccer
  23. Disney's The Jungle Book
  24. Lemmings
  25. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
  26. RoboCop Versus The Terminator
  27. Mega Man V
  28. Mortal Kombat II
  29. Taz-Mania
  30. WildSnake
  31. Contra: The Alien Wars
  32. Cool Spot
  33. Space Invaders
  34. Sports Illustrated: Golf Classic
  35. Tarzan: Lord of the Jungle
  36. Yogi Bear's Gold Rush
  37. Bonk's Revenge
  38. Madden '95
  39. Monster Truck Wars
  40. NBA Jam
  41. Race Days
  42. Samurai Shodown
  43. seaQuest DSV
  44. Solitaire FunPak
  45. Star Trek Generations: Beyond the Nexus
  46. The Pagemaster
  47. The Simpsons: Itchy & Scratchy in Miniature Golf Madness
  48. Wario Blast: Featuring Bomberman!
  49. The Blues Brothers: Jukebox Adventure
  50. Jurassic Park Part 2: The Chaos Continues
  51. Pac-Attack
  52. Stargate
  53. The Flintstones: The Movie
  54. Tiny Toon Adventures: Wacky Sports
  55. WWF Raw
  56. King James Bible
  57. The Smurfs (GB Version)
1995-1996 (Jan. 1, 1995-Dec. 31, 1996):
  1. BreakThru!
  2. Casino FunPak
  3. Daffy Duck
  4. Micro Machines
  5. Desert Strike
  6. FIFA International Soccer
  7. Pac-In-Time
  8. Pinball Fantasies
  9. True Lies
  10. Mario's Picross
  11. NFL Quarterback Club II
  12. PGA European Tour
  13. Disney's The Lion King
  14. Kirby's Dream Land 2
  15. Donkey Kong Land
  16. Judge Dredd
  17. Jungle Strike
  18. NBA Jam: Tournament Edition
  19. NHL Hockey '95
  20. Animaniacs
  21. Arcade Classic: Asteroids / Missile Command
  22. Primal Rage
  23. Arcade Classic 2: Centipede / Milipede
  24. Batman Forever
  25. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie
  26. World Heroes 2 Jet
  27. Arcade Classic 3: Galaga / Galaxian
  28. Earthworm Jim
  29. Foreman For Real
  30. Street Fighter II
  31. Disney's Aladdin
  32. Arcade Classic 4: Defender / Joust
  33. Madden '96
  34. NFL Quarterback Club 96
  35. Shaq-Fu
  36. Zoop
  37. Killer Instinct
  38. Mortal Kombat 3
  39. PGA Tour '96
  40. Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
  41. FIFA Soccer '96
  42. Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball
  43. The Getaway: High Speed II
  44. Vegas Stakes
  45. Cutthroat Island
  46. Prehistorik Man
  47. Tetris Blast
  48. College Slam
  49. NBA Live 96
  50. Disney's Pocahontas
  51. DragonHeart
  52. Kirby's Block Ball
  53. Disney's Toy Story
  54. Olympic Summer Games: Atlanta 1996
  55. NHL '96
  56. Iron Man and X-O Manowar in Heavy Metal
  57. Tetris Attack
  58. Donkey Kong Land 2
  59. Sword of Hope II
  60. Arcade Classics: Super Breakout / Battlezone
  61. Disney's Pinocchio
  62. Road Rash
  63. Battle Arena Toshinden
  64. Casper
  65. FIFA Soccer '97
  66. Madden '97
  67. Urban Strike
  68. Jeopardy! Platinum Edition
  69. Jeopardy! Teen Tournament
  70. Street Racer
  71. NIV Bible & the 20 Lost Levels of Joshua
1997-1999 (Jan. 1, 1997-Dec. 31, 1999):
  1. Taz-Mania 2
  2. Mole Mania
  3. The King of Fighters '95
  4. Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame
  5. Kirby's Star Stacker
  6. Game & Watch Gallery
  7. Disney's Hercules
  8. Tetris Plus
  9. Donkey Kong Land III
  10. Dr. Franken II
  11. Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball
  12. Tamagotchi
  13. The Fidgetts
  14. Turok: Battle of the Bionosaurs
  15. FIFA: Road to World Cup '98
  16. Superman: The Animated Seris
  17. The Lost World: Jurassic Park
  18. James Bond 007
  19. Bust-A-Move 2: Arcade Edition
  20. Wario Land II
  21. Castlevania Legends
  22. Brain Drain
  23. Bomberman GB
  24. Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon
  25. Ring Rage
  26. All-Star Baseball 99
  27. Jimmy Connors Tennis
  28. Mickey Mouse: Magic Wands!
  29. Game Boy Camera (If counts)
  30. World Cup 98
  31. WWF War Zone
  32. Bubsy II
  33. Frogger
  34. Harvest Moon GB
  35. Legend of the River King
  36. Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow
  37. Pokémon Blue Version
  38. Pokémon Red Version
  39. International Superstar Soccer
  40. Disney's Mulan
  41. Small Soldiers
  42. Super Black Bass
  43. Oddworld Adventures
  44. The Rugrats Movie (GB Version)
  45. Beavis and Butt-Head
  46. Pokémon Yellow: Special Pikachu Edition
Plus, there are 516 Original Game Boy video games in North America.
submitted by AC_the_Panther_007 to retrogaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:42 Madma21 Can you beat DOS2 without casting spells?

Starting Info:
I will be casting as few spells as possible throughout the game. This includes learned skills, spirit vision, source vampirism, scrolls and more obscure "spells" like using face-ripper or Fane's shapeshifting mask. The game describes these actions as "cast"-able as opposed to a shovel or teleporter pyramid which are "use"-able. So I will be allowing myself the use of teleporter pyramids, shovels, lockpicks, Magic Mirror, Waypoints, telekinesis, potions, grenades, special arrows, and most importantly the glowing Idol of rebirth. Resurrection scrolls are not allowed but crafting the idols at no point requires you to cast anything, allowing a nice loophole. Basically, I played as if my characters were permanently silenced.
I will be playing on Tactician, using lone wolf rangers Fane (MC) and Ifan, for their ingenious trait. Rangers are the obvious choice for this challenge, as they deal a great amount of damage even without spells, and still have access to cc and magical damage with special arrows.
Heavy Spoilers for the entire game below
Act 1:
For the most part Act 1 was pretty simple. Some of the very early fights were rough, as we have to rely on our very weak standard attack. Once I got lone wolf on our companion and a couple of decent crossbows, things went quite smoothly. Without access to teleportation, several chests were unable to be accessed. Additionally not being able to use bless, prevented us from saving the pigs, opening the decrepit ruins (the area under where you find Gareth), opening the cursed chest in Braccus' vault containing the first piece of the devourer set, and removing the curse on the skeletal Captain's crate on the beach. I did try to use water balloons to spread blessed water (created by defeating nearby voidwoken) onto the flaming pigs but apparently you need to cast bless specifically
on the pigs. The final hurdle of the act was to defeat the shriekers and "kill" Alexander. Unable to use purging wands, I had to kill Radeka, to free Slane, so the dragon could take care of the Shriekers for me. The battle with Alexander was surprisingly easy and anticlimactic. Our first real problem arises when we meet Malady. Our supposed ally demands that we cast the bless spell to prove our godwoken status. Does a spell cast solely through dialogue count as a spell? I don’t know. We leave Fort Joy, and soon The Lady Vengeance is under attack. A few knockdown arrows later and Malady teleports us to the Hall of Echoes. This is our second problem. To move on, we need to bless our patron god. Perhaps there is a way to bypass this but I couldn’t work it out.
Act 2:
Just like bless being our nemesis in Act 1, spirit vision was the villain of Act 2. After you save Meistr Siva and perform the ritual, your god forces you to cast spirit vision to continue. Luckily you never actually need to perform the ritual, and by refusing source from all the source masters, Malady can give you the location of the Council of the seven. Armed with 2 teleporter pyramids, the respec mirror and a glowing idol of rebirth (in hindsight I should have gotten 2 of these, but I forgot that Fane needs to shapeshift in order to receive the spider’s kiss), we began our quest of refusing source knowledge. Ironically the most difficult fight involved Peeper the voidwoken chick. As we couldn’t speak to Marge’s ghost, when we brought Peeper to the magicockerel, we didn’t have the option to kill Peeper in dialogue. This started a fight with an infinite swarm of void chickens. That’s fine right? No. For some reason this caused nearby Daeyena to become aggressive, spawning her plethora of violent plants, which were 4 levels higher than Fane and Ifan at the time. The only solution (aside from not doing the quest, there wasn’t a reward for it anyway) was to trigger dialogue with Daeyena first, and as she is walking to the magister, start the fight with the chickens. Then retreat from combat, and then continue the conversation with Daeyena. We would return later to finish off the chickens and kill the elf for her armour. The only other notable fight of Act 2 was with the Black Ring in the centre of Bloodmoon Island. The undead Black Ring Destroyer has an evasion aura. Therefore we could only damage it with grenades or by taking 10% chance shots. Luckily this fight could be cheesed. Run away with your higher initiative character, the destroyer takes its turn, then your lower initiative character takes a couple of shots at the destroyer. Meanwhile sneak back into range with your other character and attack the destroyer, putting the character in front of the destroyer in turn order. This can be repeated infinitely, without letting the destroyer have a turn. I don’t think this fight was even needed to be done, but it was fun. One of the magisters guarding Meistr Siva also had the evasion aura, but they could just be bribed to leave their post. Interestingly, there is a way to get spirit vision temporarily without casting the spell. After completing Ryker’s quest, he gives your party spirit vision for 5 turns when he starts the ritual. By quickly teleporting to another location you can use this spirit vision to complete a quest. I used it to open the Surrey family tomb, to get the Anathema part for Tarquin. After denying all the source masters, and completing all the quests that required no spirit vision (I also couldn’t figure out how to do The Trial for All Seasons, but it could be possible), we set sail to the Nameless Isle without another spell being cast.
Act 3:
Act 3 was quick and painless. Using telekinesis and teleporter pyramids, we could easily navigate the entire island. The Sallow Man was the only concern, with his deflection proving a challenge for our rangers. We could have switched to daggers, but the fight was won simply through brute force and abusing the rebirth idol. As we entered the academy Fane talked to the voidwoken and became Sworn to the God King. Did I realise that to break this pact I would have to cast a spell. No I did not. Fight. Dallis. God. Lava. Sexy Times. And on to the final chapter.
Act 4:
There were a few challenges in this act. Starting with Kemm’s vault. Being unable to cast source vampirism on the vault sentinels, I had to use (for the first time ever) the sneaking civil ability to avoid them. I worried that I would have to cast spirit vision to install the missing panel of the painting, but I placed the painting nearby, and it automatically slotted into place. The next problem was Arhu himself. Sadly we had to kill the cat-man, as saving him would have required spells. Next was Kemm himself. Like the Sallow Man, he had deflecting, and unlike the Sallow Man he dealt a considerable amount of damage and couldn’t be sniped from higher ground. Luckily his Black Ring allies could be killed in 2 or 3 shots, and by carefully setting up ornate chests, Kemm was unable to get in melee range. Then using a barrage of static cloud arrows, Kemm was stunlocked and dead. The next big boss to defeat was the Doctor. I started the fight in the side room with all the desks, by attacking one of the nurses, forcing the demons to come to us. By using the bow that sets erratic wisp on its target, anytime an enemy got too close we could teleport them away. Combined with knockdown arrows, and fire resistance potions the damage the Doctor could deal to our duo was negligible. The final boss to defeat before entering the cathedral was Isbeil (without spirit vision we couldn’t fight Sadha or the Devourer). The fight itself was quite easy, Isbeil did not get a turn. The problem came from the deathfog device. Fane could not bring himself to disappoint his lover Ifan, so destroyed the device, much to the dismay of the God King. As punishment, Fane was permanently cursed. We entered the cathedral with a mercenary buddy. He successfully walked the Path of Blood, and then was promptly dismissed. Next was the pipe puzzle. How do you get blessed blood without bless? It turns out you don’t actually need blessed blood. Using teleport pyramids and telekinesis, you can bypass the forcefield and teleport down to the pipes. Ifan bled into the pipe, and Fane chucked a blessed water balloon onto the now bloody bowl. Even though the bowl did not contain any blessed blood (just blessed water and blood), the tomb opened. Next was the puppet room, and then onto Lucian. Ifan decided to forgive Lucian (I needed the achievement) and then the duo planned to give up their source to save the world. Unfortunately, the God King had other plans and turned Fane to a pile of bones and Braccus did his thing. Lucian and Ifan finished off the source king quite easily, ending the campaign. Miraculously, dead Malady revived Ifan from his life as a silent monk., though Fane’s spirit did not even make an appearance on The Lady Vengeance with the other godwoken spirits.
Overall, this challenge was surprisingly easy. By the end of the game, both our characters were dealing around 2000 damage a hit, twice that if a critical hit (Fane had around 95% crit chance, and Ifan had around 70%), twice again with huntsman bonuses from attacking from high ground. With 4 attacks per turn per character (8 AP from lone wolf and executioner), we could theoretically deal around 64,000 damage a turn. Without having to worry about spells, the campaign was very quick, taking only 35 hours.
TLDR: You only need to cast a single spell (and a spell in dialogue) to finish the game.
submitted by Madma21 to DivinityOriginalSin [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:18 k2r727 5/20/2024 Weekly Challenge Tips

Map: Jerusalem 1: Brain Surgery Modifiers: Comfort Zone, Revenge, Instadeath
General Advice:
Class Advice:
Happy Surviving!!
edit: spelling
submitted by k2r727 to WWZSurvivalGuide [link] [comments]
