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2024.06.02 10:49 IndependentMindedGal Employment law, MA/IL question

Hi, I was employed by an MA contracting house to work 50% on-site 50% WFH in IL. Verbally told the contract was for 12 weeks; terminated after 4 in accordance with the “any time/any reason” clause. Was doing solid work / getting on with everyone at a job I loved when the contracting house contact called “calling you from my home line” to tell me I was being cut while on a WFH day. > to date I’ve never rec’d any written communication from either the job site or the contracting house telling me I was terminated. About 20 minutes after the call, the Slack wire went down followed by other accesses. > I wrote 3 people saying I’d come to return company equipment and transition off my work, nobody responded. Came into the office (hey, they buzzed me in) and bumped into a manager who tells me Surprise, he’s chief legal counsel for this little cargo cult of a company. He sequestered me and tried to intimidate me while I sought to understand who had cut me, and why. He got the contracting house on the phone for the discussion, some suit I’d never heard of let’s call him “Gil”. Gil is basically xhitting bricks thru the phone the whole meeting. He is absolutely panicking about my being there. Legal counsel is not upset w me and begins being mildly cooperative. We have our discussion and I turn in the assets, get my personal items, leave. Gil has stated he will email me his contact info, says he’ll do it after “lunchtime in Boston!,” but he never does.
I was one of 3 cut like this, we’re all “protected class”.
Question: why would a company go to such extremes to terminate someone so immediately and so harshly? In all 3 cases there’s no indication of theft or other serious malfeasance on the part of the cut worker. I do believe my contract house contact broke instructions to give me the 20 minute lead time. 2nd question, less important, is this failure to notify in writing intentional/part of some scam (if so what/why) or just indicative of their general incompetence? 3rd question, what if anything can I do to compel/encourage the contracting house to stop this cruel and destructive behavior? I say destructive because the on-site lost the value of 90% of the work that I did when they cut me the way they did, with no allowed transition, and for me it’s reputationally distructive. Found out thru discussion with colleagues that they were explicitly told not to talk w/ me, but many of them are, regardless.
What a little xhit show. IL’s finest, they’re not. Good thing all they “make” are chunks of inert plastic, eh? Ah where would the world be if we couldn’t eat plastic.
submitted by IndependentMindedGal to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:48 LieutenantPatang Sarkar Reimagined

I am back after a break with another reimagining, and I thought this time I would tackle another movie that fell disappointingly short of expectations... Sarkar. Sarkar released to huge expectations after the success of both Thuppakki and Kaththi, but the film failed to deliver on its promise of a Mudhalvan-like political fantasy; I have to admit though, the movie is a guilty pleasure of mine which I do often revisit. That being said:
WARNING: I am not claiming to be a better writer than any of the people involved in the film and this is not a criticism of their ability.
The movie begins with a boarding meeting at one of the companies in Canada that GL (Sundar's company) is about to acquire. The members of the board nervously waiting for the arrival of their new boss, the media is waiting outside and we get the hype up for Sundar's eventual mass intro. After a build a of tension, a Rolls Royce pulls up and the camera follows as a man wearing pair of Tom Ford shoes exits the vehicle and walks into the elevator in the building as the media tries to snap some pics of him. The members of the board continue to wait impatiently, as the elevator doors open to reveal Sundar Ramaswamy (Vijay). He basically walks in doesn't say a word and sits at the head of the table. Sundar's lawyer drops the paperwork on the table, each member of the board takes their turn signing the document. Finally the document comes back to Sundar who flicks his signature onto it and gets up to leave, but one of the board members stops him to ask, "How do you feel after ruining the livelihood of 3,000 employees?". Sundar turns around and smiles at the board before doing the signature 'Vijay gum flick' and walking away in slow motion, queue the 'CEO in the House' song as Sundar heads out to celebrate acquiring the company. The scene is to establish Sundar as a proper overconfident and cocky 'corporate monster' instead of just telling us that he is a 'corporate monster'.
From there the movie continues pretty similarly with Sundar coming back to India to cast his vote, even though he takes his job very seriously he is still a patriot at heart and has a soft corner for his people. Same as the movie, someone else casts his vote and he begins organising lawyers meetings and press conference to get his vote back. All goes pretty much the same until the point Sundar's driver tells him about the atrocities done by the government and the family that set themselves on fire, Sundar is genuinely quite unaware of all this. Similar to the movie, he directs his convoy to go to the colony where the little girl is. Unlike the movie, we have one long take where the camera follows Sundar from behind as he gets out his car and walks through the local area, through the alleys and slums, observing the common folk; this is to show how out-of-touch he really is with reality. He finally comes to the little girl's house, and the camera finally pans to reveal Sundar's somber face; this scene is crucial as this paints his actions for the rest of the movie, it is important that we spend time showing how this incident impacts him. Unable to look at the girl's burnt face Sundar turns around and walks away, he signals his PA to sort the family out with treatment for the little girl.
From here, we go to the scene with Rendu (Radha Ravi) at the hotel; this will go pretty much exactly how it did in the movie. The only difference here is, going into the hotel Sundar is slightly solemn, but his expression slowly changes with Rendu's speech and we get the scene with the 'Topu Tuckeru' BGM as Sundar smokes. The following events also unravel similar to the film with the action block and the 'Simtaangaran song'; these are commercial filler compromises that must be made, its also a staple of the ARM-Vijay combo movies. The following scene is also similar with Sundar instigating the court case to stop Masilamani's inauguration, the key difference though is that Sundar doesn't speak in the court he silently watches from the stands as his lawyer does the arguing. Once the ceremony is stopped, he gets up, does the 'Vijay gum flick' and walks away in slow motion with the 'CEO in the House' BGM; this mirrors the opening scene where Sundar finesses the board room, but this time he's finessed the government. The election is postponed by 10 days.
Meanwhile, Masilamani is furious by what Sundar started, he encourages his party members to start rioting and to find where Sundar is. The riots go on for 2 days, but there is no sign of Sundar anywhere. Masilamani grows impatient and starts seeking advice from Pappa (Varalaxmi), who says that they shouldn't have tried instigated or started beef with him in the first place, saying that she will be back in Chennai within the next day or so. While this is happening, media crews have gathered outside Masilamani's house which confuses him. Rendu goes outside and asks them why they are here, for which they respond: 'Sundar told us to meet him here'. Both Rendu and Masilamani are shocked. Suddenly a convoy of youngsters on bikes arrive with a Rolls Royce travelling at the centre of the party. Sundar gets out of the Rolls Royce and he is followed by his lawyers. Sundar asks for permission to enter, for which Masilamani obliges. The two sit down and face each other, with Masilamani asking what Sundar wants. Sundar responds with this:
  1. "I've got 750 youngsters who are ready to work for this party."
  2. "I've got 40 crores in hard cash."
  3. "I've got the tag of GL CEO."
  4. "Will you let me join your party?"
Masilamani and his partymen are shocked, he asks Sundar 'Why should I let you?". Sundar basically responds by saying:
"Your party's image is in shambles, even if you pay people to vote for you, they won't do it. You're guaranteed to lose this election and there's nothing you can do about it. I'm here to offer you the winning card, I will do everything to ensure your party retains. All I ask for is 70cr in campaigning funds and that you give me 2 MLA seats and take in the 750 youngsters that I have brought as party members. If your party loses, I will pay you twice what you paid me as a penalty but regardless of the outcome you can't raise this to the media or I will sue your ass. If you agree, sign the contract. You can let your lawyers read over it, but you have nothing to lose."
Masilamani is shocked by this offer and looks over the contract, he doesn't know how to read so he passes it to his lawyer who verifies it and says that it's legit. Rendu proposes that they wait for Pappa before signing, but Sundar says "if you don't accept this within the next 1 hour, I will take it to the opposition party". Masilamani is properly checkmated now, but what could he possible have to lose? He smiles and signs it, Sundar smiles and shakes his hand. Sundar walks out with a cigarette in-hand, the 'Oru Viral Puratchi' guitar rift rolls in the background.
Going into the second half, we have a few questions:
NOTE: I completely ignored Keerthi Suresh's character as it added nothing to my story.
With 8 days left till the election Sundar sits in his office, he calls his team and GL and tells them to run the ads of him giving the post press conference speech after getting back his vote (as he does in the movie). This creates waves in the media and makes him the poster boy for the coming election. He tells his PA not to organise any press conferences until he says so. Sundar has booked out a small venue where he will be speaking to the 750 youngsters that he has inaugurated into the party, this is where he finally reveals what happened in the last 2 days. We get a flashback and it is revealed that he ultimately did the same as what happened in the movie; to run an internet scan on all the most suitable candidates of each constituency and run interviews like a corporate company (I really like the idea of this), he positions the people he selected as independant candidates in their respective constituency. Sundar has been planning this since the scene with Rendu at the hotel; this all plays as a montage over the first half of 'Oru Viral Puratchi'. After the song we cut back to this speech with Sundar and the youth, where he basically says we are going to infiltrate this party from the inside and then he says the 'branding' dialogue from the movie (which I like the idea of, the mannerism was kinda cringe though).
Following the speech, Sundar enacts his next plan. He identifies Masilamani's candidates who are most likely to win in their respective area and launches a smear campaign through his influence over GL. This forces Masilamani to identify alternate party members to take their place, but Sundar presents Masilamani with the constituency polling data which shows that the independant candidates (that he selected based on the internet scan) are in the lead. Sundar suggests to Masilamani that they buy them out with a salary (also like corporate company), however Masilamani doesn't know that these individuals were planted by Sundar. Masilamani is beginning to get suspicious about Sundar's plan but he still hasn't fully sniffed it out yet given his lack of understanding about technology.
Pappa finally arrives in Chennai from Canada and confronts her dad about everything that has happened, she is shocked to find out that he has basically sold the party to Sundar. She is quickly able to deduce Sundar's plan based on the information given by her dad and Rendu. Pappa also reveals here that her husband was one of the board members from the start of the movie, which explains why she knows so much about Sundar.
Given that Sundar now controls most of the seats in the party, he begins his campaign from the background with candidates doing most of the work ; this plays over the second half of the 'Oru Viral Puratchi' song. As soon as this montage finishes, we find out that Masilamani has died. A confusion has now arisen as to who controls the party, with only 3 days left until the election. Pappa gives an angry press conference saying that Sundar had cheated her dad and stole the party, revealing the contract to the public. She also announces that she and her father's loyal supporters will be joining the opposition party. Based on the sympathy votes gained from her father's death the opposition offers Pappa a significant number of seats. Sundar is shocked to see what has happened, he won't be able to sue Pappa as Masilamani was the one that signed the contract (not sure about legal terms, but lets just go with it), suing her will also only get him more negative press.
Sundar gets a call from the GL board questioning him about his extensive involvement in politics given the bad press around his contract stunt. Cut to the next scene, Sundar is in a press conference and publicly announces his resignation from GL as he is about to leave the stage, he is heckled by one of the reporters on his way down. Sundar has to give up his company assets such as his PA and bodyguards, if he loses this election he still owes Masilamani's family 140crs as per the contract that he signed. For the first time in Sundar's life, overconfidence has led to his downfall. With two days left till the election and no internet influence and power, how is Sundar going to win?
The next day he posts a Facebook live and addresses his plan transparently with the party, this can be the same as the 'Idhu Namma Sarkar' scene from the movie. Sundar explains how he chose his candidates and compares it to the millions of college graduates who get a corporate job, highlighting the need for the government to be qualified. This gets some positive buzz for Sundar but not enough to win the election. As Sundar sits in his office, hopelessly, one of his candidates tells him about 'Saatai' Muthukumar (this plotline will be the same as the movie); this could be the ideal trump card to win the election. This ticks of an idea, given that all Masilamani's loyalists have moved to the opposition along with Pappa all the party assets now reside with Sundar. He hires a corporate auditing team to unpack all the party records and finds all the holes in there records this allows him to unpack the 'Saatai' Muthukumar conspiracy and he has all the evidence ready to go public... but he waits. Sundar contacts Pappa for a meeting and the two sit down, with lawyers present. Sundar reveals everything that he has found from his audit of the party and threatens to go public with it unless she voids their contract where he owes her family 140cr, he also agrees to sign an NDA. Pappa obliges and asks him to burn the evidence in front of her, which Sundar does. On the car ride home, Pappa orders for Sundar to be murdered as she doesn't trust him.
The next morning is the day of the election, similar to the actual movie Sundar begins tweeting from a fake twitter handle about the evidence pulled from the audit, leading the media on a wild easter egg hunt to put the evidence together themselves, this removes any paper trails that lead back to Sundar. Pappa and the opposition party struggle to manage the storm that has been caused by the tweeting, she knows this was done by Sundar but has no evidence to prove it; the only way for her save face is if Sundar confesses to his manipulation for which he needs to be alive, so she cancels the hit on him. It is soon revealed, similar to the movie that the fake twitter handle is associated with that of a dead man, begging the question of who is tweeting? Sundar and his team re-route the IP address of the tweets to the leader of the opposition party and spin the narrative that he did this to tarnish Masilamani's reputation as a leader, which leads to in-fighting. Pappa is furious, as although she knows the truth about Sundar's access to the evidence, she can't speak about it due to the NDA (which would open her up to being sued). With no other option, she plots to have Sundar killed, as it looks like he is going to win. We can insert an obligatory climax fight here, where Sundar overcomes the odds but realising an opportunity, he fakes his own death which increases the votes to his party, leading to a victory in the election.
The following day is the swearing-in ceremony as all the candidates take up their positions. Pappa is also present and she along with everyone else believes Sundar is dead. Just as the first candidate is swearing-in, Sundar arrives and sits right next to Pappa, there is a media frenzy happening outside. There is a small bit of dialog between the two and he explains why he did all this (i.e. reference back to the girl who was burnt outside the collecter's office, etc). He finally tells her that the contract he signed with her father was only for 8 days, so his time has expired and he is no longer part of the party. Sundar gets up and walks away in slow motion as the credit roll.
This is my reimagining of Sarkar, what are your thoughts and what would you do differently? And what movie should I do next?
submitted by LieutenantPatang to kollywood [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:45 just429t I want a future WITHOUT kids and have made it known since day 1, how can I make sure I'm not wasting my time? 27/F with 25/M

A little background information on me, you can skip this paragraph: I (27/F) have never wanted kids. Ever since I was young, I admired my mother and said I wanted to be like her, a stay at home mom. My mother laughed and said something about me having kids. I paused and replied back to her: "I want to be a stay at home wife" and my feelings have never changed (except about the stay-at-home part, I enjoy having a job too much lawl). I've been around babies and children my whole life as well as have taken care of my parents for over a decade (though it has been messy). Whenever I date someone, I always make sure to be upfront about not wanting kids. Mainly because I know it's an important issue and I don't wish to waste anyone's time nor my own.
My partner on the other hand, is more on the fence. He said at the start of dating he didn't care if he had kids or not. Slowly but surely I learned as we dated he is more on the fence. He would enjoy being a dad but could see himself enjoying being childfree. We did almost break up around 6 months because he admitted he has thought about having children. We continued dating and he seems pretty happy at just the idea of us for our future with pets (which I'm alright with). However part of us continuing dating is because he is unfamiliar with babies and children outside of seeing them 'in the wild.' He did admit he'll get a better idea as to whether he wants one when his siblings/friends have kids. (That's part of why I strongly believe men should work in daycare or babysit at some point of their lives before trying to have a child. I have too much of a rant about that, I won't get into it.)
He does not sound comfortable with being around any babies or children under the age of six, even though I've offered to have him over or bring him along when I see my family's/friend's kids but I really would prefer it so I could get an answehint instead of waiting. Any idea how I can actually get him near a baby or hold it or something?? Or do I really have to wait it out? My guess on his friends/family having kids would be 3-5 years from now at the EARLIEST. I don't want to waste that much time on a guy that's unsure, I do love him though.
submitted by just429t to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:33 TopPomegranate4432 Octopus Energy – free £50 bonus when you switch to Octopus

Octopus Energy is offering a free £50 credit to anyone that switches their energy provider to them via referral. If you’re a business, you would get £100 for switching. You can switch no matter what type of meter you have (smart, standard or economy 7) but you’d need to switch both your gas and electricity. Another plus: no fees if you decide to switch out elsewhere at any time!
How to get your free £50 bonus with Octopus Energy:
1. Sign up using my referral link here
2. Enter your post code and answer questions about your current energy use to receive a price quote. Click "Sign me up" to see the details about the proposed tariff, then confirm the switch once you’re happy.
TIP: When getting the quote, enter your “actual” energy usage using an old bill instead of choosing the “low, medium, high” options – although, you can easily reduce your monthly direct debit payments online once your account is created. I was able to manually lower my monthly direct debit by about 70% - it’s brilliant that Octopus allows this flexibility.
3. Enter your gas and electricity meter ID numbers, so have an old bill ready as they will be on there. Octopus is brilliant at updating you via email on the whole process with what you need to do at each step.
4. Your £50 reward will be credited to your account after your first direct debit has been taken - I received mine 2 weeks after the direct debit.
My experience: I switched from Shell Energy to Octopus as Octopus worked out cheaper across the board for both gas and electricity, so the £50 switch reward was a total bonus. I initially chose the Flexible Octopus tariff, then later changed it to their even cheaper Octopus Tracker – so I would highly recommend one of these two tariffs if you’re looking to undercut other suppliers. Another plus: no fees if you decide to switch out elsewhere at any time!
Timeline: The £50 reward was applied to my account less than 2 weeks after my first direct debit was taken and the switch process was probably the smoothest I’ve ever experienced. Really impressed.
submitted by TopPomegranate4432 to beermoneyuk [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:31 Ouidgal420420 I think I ruined my partners work computer

I had off work and was drinking a beer next to my boyfriend while he was working (he works from home). I moved my arm and knocked the beer over onto his laptop and it immediately shut off. He got really stressed and I tried to make the situation better any way I could by trying to think positively. We immediately turned the laptop with the keys facing down and haven’t attempted to power it back on since this happened yesterday. He’s very well liked at his company and in a senior position so I don’t think he’ll get reprimanded and he wasn’t the one drinking. He’s worried if the IT department smells beer he’ll get reprimanded but I told him to just be honest and say that I was the one drinking & also that the IT guys probably don’t care. He’s also nervous he might have lost files if the motherboard is fried which I understand but correct me if I’m wrong the cloud backs things up like every second? Isn’t that its job? What is the worst that would happen if the files didn’t back up? How would he retrieve them again? To be clear: I feel very bad but I offered to pay for it if they make him, apologized profusely and it really was an accident. Can anyone offer any advice to assist in alleviating stress
submitted by Ouidgal420420 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:29 Sorry_Landscape_9675 Implementation of currency system for more realism. Good or bad?

Implementation of currency system for more realism. Good or bad?
Some history reference:
Currency in 13th-century French villages in relied on a mix of coins and a barter system. Silver pennies were the most common coin, used for everyday purchases like bread or tools.
Larger transactions might involve shillings (worth 12 pence) or even rarer gold coins. Taxes in the 13th century were often levied on land ownership or agricultural output.
Peasants might pay a portion of their crops or a fixed amount of money to the lord or king.
Villagers earned money through various means:
  • Selling surplus produce: Farmers could sell extra crops or livestock at markets.
  • Crafts and trades: Skilled craftspeople like blacksmiths or weavers could sell their wares.
  • Wage labor: Some villagers might work for wages on the lord's manor or for wealthier villagers.
  • Bartering: Goods and services were commonly bartered, especially within villages.
My take:
Just for the purpose of discussion (I hope some may not get offended as I will use example of other game but lets focus on the positive side and improvement).
What do you guys think about an implementation of a more realistic economy.
Before this, I have never seen any city-building game that incorporate citizen's earning (even to the last penny) as part of the bigger economy.
Not until I found Ostriv. (Please correct me, if you know any other game that did). After hundred hours in Ostriv, all I can say is the dev took a brave step to use a pretty in-depth economy in the game.
It feels like the closest to the actual world economy. After being the 'mayor' of Ostriv, I understand the actual world economy better than ever. Tax, saving currency, economy and trade.
  1. Wages and savings
The reason being is we can set wages for the citizen. The money earned will be saved by the citizen's in their house.
If for some reason the family get poor (unemployed for so long / didnt provide value), they will leave the village for a better opportunity because they cant buy food from the market. (Yes, it is that realistic)
Every citizen have their own amount of savings and you pay their salary and tax them based on that amount of money circulating in your city.
  1. Taxes
So in early stage, your citizen will be poor and will work any job if there is any vacancy. No matter how low the salary offered.
However, in late game, they will get richer and no matter how big your population is, you will have to tax them higher so that there is a tension and struggle for them to keep paying the tax and in return go outside, and work.
This is why in a developed country, the tax is high and the economy is high, the income disparity is low. So they will work their ass off to pay your implemented tax.
Trivial: After all, numbers on the currency is only arbitrary, it doesnt reflect anything. Which is why there are currencies with 1000 or 10000 that only values as 1 dollar or 2 for examply yen, yuan and rupiah.
  1. Products and inter-regional trade
The game taught me that a person needs to create value in order to prosper, the town needs to produce something and sell it to other region for it to prosper and get extra money to circulate into the system.
Or else, it will only be the same amount of money circling the local economy and that means there is no growth.
  1. Local trade
Another thing is your citizen can sell things to you, and you can buy them and tax them.
For example, there is a big ol land (same house garden in Manor Lords), First, you can charge them house rents like in Tropico.
Second, you can tax their land size, and how do you think they gonna pay the rent? Yes, by selling produce that they grow on the land back to you.
And you sell the produce like cucumber, pumpkins, and etc back to the other citizens thru the market.
Isnt that fun. It is a living economy system and its organic.
All in all, I think Manor Lords just successfully beat every city building game in the city building part, animation and graphic, not to mention that have combat system as well.
However there are more opportunities to look at in term of the economy. Perhaps this is a hit or miss for some, but I think it is an interesting subject for the devs to look, for the purpose realism. What do you think?
submitted by Sorry_Landscape_9675 to ManorLords [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:27 Oiru Tala - May 2024

Tala - May 2024
Last week, I had the pleasure of trying Tala the other night after seeing some recommendations from Logical-Pie-798 in that "Las Vegas foodie tourist" thread a few months ago.
I have kept it in mind for a while and since I made a foodie friend who was visiting Auckland from her hometown in Utah (who I have now learnt has a large Samoan population). I suggested trying Tala because I have no other friends that would want to pay so much for a meal lol.
We both had the $215 The Chef’s Journey menu. I have never had Samoan food before, and my foodie friend stated she has had only some Samoan food before.
Anyway, similarly to my previous Paris Butter post, I will give a brief rating on the food purely based on the flavours I enjoyed (or not) given my palate, and the comments are purely on taste alone unless stated otherwise, but I might provide some extra commentary which plays into my overall experience.
I'm going to be honest based on my experience. If I haven't commented on something, it's because it was forgettable, and I didn't bother writing notes about it.
If you went to Pasture when it previously operated, you'll recognise the location. Tala is located in the rear part of the old Pasture that you move to for the second stage of that dinner.
  • Welcome drink: fermented dragonfruit, pineapple, and hibiscus tea. Excellent start to the meal. This was basically a mocktail. The bartender, Mangesh, definitely knows how to start off a meal.
  • Seasonal fruits served with coconut foam
  1. Cucumber with powdered plum: I'm not sure what this was about. The cucumber was slightly pickled, I think. Gonna be a no from me.
  2. Apple and sumac: Same comment as above.
  3. Pineapple steeped in vanilla syrup: Perfect sweetness and flavour combination that complimented the unsweetened coconut foam (which I wish was slightly sweetened). Simple flavours, but so beautifully well done, I asked for more. 7.5-8/10. What can I say? I like both pineapple and vanilla, and both components were quality
  • Snacks
  1. Banana chip
  2. Taro chip
  3. Raw ramen: really salty sauce on it
  • Kaleve: Prawn head stuffed with daikon and chives with prawn head gravy. The flavour of the prawn itself was quite nice from the flame/charcoal grill-like flavour, probably from the hearth. However, this made it a bit rubbery. Interestingly, the prawn is deshelled for you but not deveined. I liked the inclusion of eating/sucking the inside of the prawn head, which many Western cultures don't follow.
  • Oka: Raw salmon, yoghurt, and cucumber on a fried rice paper cracker.
  • Palusami: Deep-fried palusami ball with spinach and coconut cream. This dish was really simple, and I believe this version had no meat in it(?), yet it was still surprisingly delicious. 6.5-7/10
  • Kale I’a: Fish curry with chickpea, white sesame sauce, paprika oil, and snapper. My fish was overcooked and tough, but my friend's was apparently cooked to her liking. It's memorable and funny because we both had snapper and tarakihi (no chips) for lunch that day from Marsic Fish Shop, and I said the snapper was cooked better at the fish and chip shop, while she said it was cooked worse than at Tala.
  • Vaipala mocktail(?): fermented dragonfruit, pineapple. This was comped due to Logical-Pie-798 letting Chef Henry know I was coming that night. It's the first time ever something was comped for me, and I really appreciated it as I didn't think I'd actually be offered anything nor did I expect it! Excellent flavour profile and is honestly really up there in quality. I was a bit confused though, as Mangesh explained that it was kind of like a mix of Tala's alcoholic Fala cocktail (tequila, umu pineapple, dragonfruit, lime) and their non-alcoholic Vaipala mocktail (dragonfruit, angel berries(?) and nectarine). I'm not sure what it was exactly, but it was very similar to the welcome drink (as both featured fermented dragonfruit). Solid 7-7.5/10
  • Paua: Pomelo and paua. An interesting and unique combination. The pomelo pulp was perfect, but the creamed (?) paua was really salty. I thought the paua had taro mixed in due to the taro-like texture, but apparently not.
  • Lamb Sapasui: Although the flavour wasn't amazing to me, the quality of that lamb and how it was cooked was near perfection. Fantastic job keeping it tender and fall off the bone. If I were to just rate the grilling of the lamb, it would be an 8.5/10
  • Sticky Pork: True to the name, the pork was a solid chunk of pork (belly?). Glistening as it was scooped out of the pot. Similarly to the lamb, although the flavour wasn't for me, the execution was beautiful, and I'd rate the cooking of the pork itself a 7.5-8/10.
  • Umu Chicken and Fa’alifu Taro: I had my eye on this chicken the whole night when I saw Chef Henry place burning charcoal into the cavity. The chicken is wrapped with banana leaves and cooked over the hearth, or in this case, what Henry refers to as the umu (earth oven). God damn, we were all waiting in anticipation and praying it was cooked (including Chef Henry). Lo and behold, this thing was just done perfectly 9-9.5/10 for the cooking and the timing of it. The umu chicken ... how can I explain it? Imagine a perfectly cooked chicken, a la steamed Hainenese-style. It was like that, but smokey. I wish this came with some sort of sauce instead of the Fa’alifu Taro because that was some seriously impressive cooked chicken.
  • Desserts:
  1. Fa’apapa (black plate): Super dense but quite delicious. Kind of like a reaaaaaalllllllly dense banana bread with some caramel sauce on top. Yum! 7/10
  2. Koko Samoa: Burnt/heavily roasted drinking cocoa with dark notes reminiscent of espresso. Served by itself and/or poured over the fa’apapa. Preferred the fa’apapa without the koko samoa as it was very strong and it overwhelmed the flavours of the fa’apapa.
  3. Masi Samoa: Excellent and super soft, buttery shortbread biscuit with very little crunch (in a good way because it was buttery and melted in your mouth). Had some sort of passionfruit & lemon curd sort of topping. Fantastic 7.5/10
  4. Banana: Meringue overripe banana and chocolate cake. There was too much meringue, and the chocolate cake and syrup were too sweet; thus, it kind of overpowered the overripe banana.
  • Extras: Mangesh was showing off his experiments, which I greatly appreciated as that's my sort of thing.
  1. Watermelon skin cider. Interesting flavour as the watermelon flavour is notoriously hard to achieve.
  2. Melon liqueur: rockmelon, whiskey, coconut and Manuka tea. Sort of a weaker tasting, but more complex Midori liqueur.
The service and ambience were both quite nice. We two, an American tourist, a Samoan gentleman (Leitu?) and his wife, were all chatting with each other and with Chef Henry, bartender Mangesh, and another chef throughout the night. Chef Henry was briefly telling us about his background in American Samoa, and the rest of us could kind of relate in some way due to the American, Samoan, or American Samoa (Utah) sort of relationships (ok, except for me and a small group of 3 in the corner that kept to themselves cos they were facing a different way to the rest of us).
Great experience because we all sort of chimed in and listened to each other and felt connected that way. Throughout the meal, Leitu was saying how most of the food reminded him of his childhood, how his grandma used to make food like that, and how it was the best Samoan food (and the only one to not make him feel stuffed, lol) he ever had. He and his wife also had quite a few different cocktails/mocktails as well and seemed to enjoy them. At the end of the night, as we were about to finish and leave, Leitu wanted a photo of him, his wife, and the staff. He then said a formal thank you in Samoan to Chef Henry. Even though I didn't understand the Samoan language, I could really feel the emotions and impact of how high of praise Leitu was giving Chef Henry. What an end to the night!
Although I would personally rate the food maybe overall a 5.5-6/10 and drinks a 7/10 for my heavily Asian-influenced palate, we've established that it could be some of the best Samoan food you could experience right now if that suits you.
We did not get any drinks as they were a bit pricey for my budget, but I'll have to hit Mangesh up. Luckily, I got to at least try some of his stuff (including the comped drink) since his creations were solid.
Although $215 per person isn't cheap, given good company and the intimate interaction between the guests and staff, it was worth the experience (8.5/10) to me. In fact, I felt so moved by the hospitality that I went to the car and ran back inside Tala to give Mangesh a block of chocolate I made as a token of my appreciation back to them.
What a long post. I hope you enjoy the read as much as I remember that night!
submitted by Oiru to aucklandeats [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:17 sexual_gourds bpd astrology hoes be crazy

Went out last night for my friend's birthday. She hosted an event at a bar and most of the attendees were her friends that she met through raving. I meet one of her acquaintances/casual friends outside and start chatting with her. She was really nice and sweet initially and my regarded ass tried my best to mirror her vibes. Self-preservation instinct. With these rave girls who are super nice when you meet them, it's a coin flip as to whether they are genuinely nice and PLUR and shit (love those girlies) or putting on an act.
After just a bit of talking she tells me how ~sweet~ she thinks I am and that I give off ~good vibes~ so I kinda just did the same to her. You know how it is. Then she asks me what sign I am. First red flag. I answer truthfully, but also remark that I don't know much about astrology but I've seen a lot of slander about my sign online. She says "omg no don't worry, male suck though" to which I agreed because I didn't know or want to talk about it any further. Shifting the conversation, I notice she's there with her boyfriend and ask how long they've been together. She says they've known each other for 11 years, were on and off, but "definitely back on this time". Second red flag.
I get whisked away inside by my friend to help her with something. Maybe she got offended because I did leave without saying anything. Eventually I come back out and find myself in conversation with crazy again. Her boyfriend pops out and we introduce ourselves to each other. I tell them how cute they are together. He offers to bring us some water from inside, and I smiled and thanked him when he handed it to me which I eventually realize is what triggered her.
Then I introduce her to my friend who recently arrived because he was on the sidelines as we were talking, saying we went to college together. She asks where we went, I said "oh we went to together". She asks what we studied, he answers, I say I double majored in English and . She then goes on a spiel about how she went to community college and would love to go back to get her degree but haven't because of the pandemic, and she took "advanced classes" while she was in CC, she'd love to go into STEM because she "wants a real challenge". She goes on to say how she's interested in both computer science and environmental sciences but she just can't pick because it's such a hard decision. She's just soo passionate about both. The fact that she was trying to one-up was not lost on me, but I was so stunned that a woman this dumb would be so bold to spew shit like this. I should've asked her her favorite pieces or authors or even the course titles of classes she took because she was clearly bullshitting and insecure, but I just said "oh cool I went to CC too then I transferred". The conversation winds down and she goes home.
As she walks away my friend and I talk about how crazy she is. Even my normally oblivious guy friend noticed she was being weird and chalked it up to being insecure about her education. He's not wrong but there's more to it than that. These types of weird interactions only seem to ever happen when I put in the effort to look good, you know, makeup and a cute outfit. Definitely hard to be pretty as an autist because people will expect you to act like how a normie should (which I'm incapable of) and other women will try to put you down because they're able to sniff out that you're different and think you're oblivious to their blows. I can identify when women sneak diss me but I've never been able to respond to them in the same sly manner they do.
We exchanged Instagrams earlier in the night, I go look and yep, she has 'empath' and some astrology shit in her bio and 95% of her pics are selfies with the snapchat devil filter. She doesn't even need them because she was actually a pretty cute mousey short white girl. I feel bad for her BF because he actually seemed quite kind, as those prone to fall victim usually are. How do people live like this? I mean I have BPD too but at least I'm hot and smart and try to hide it.
submitted by sexual_gourds to rspod [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:57 DrippyWaffler Upcoming Events in Auckland courtesy of TMA

Sunday 2 June, 2pm-4pm

Auckland - Rafah is Burning! Te Komititanga - Britomart

Israel drives Palestinians in Gaza into what Israel calls a Safe zone in Rafah. Then Deliberately Bombs it, setting it alight. Any sense of moral decency and respect for International Law has gone. Israel spurns them all. Come rally to call on the New Zealand government to take serious action. Not just mouth platitudes. This is Genocide. Send the Israeli Ambassador home. Link:
Monday 3 June, 2-5.30pm

Tāmaki Makaurau For A Free Kanaky, 372 Massey Road, Māngere East

Come along to Māngere East Community Centre to listen and talanoa with guest speakers in solidarity with the Kanak struggle for independence. No alcohol & no violence is permitted on premises. Link:
Tuesday 4 June - Friday 5 June, 9am-1pm

Online Te Tiriti O Waitangi workshops (over two mornings), online via Zoom

An online workshop for those needing an up-to-date overview of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. The programme is split over two mornings. Click here to register via Eventbrite: Your registration is for BOTH dates.
PART 1: Tuesday 4 June 2024 9.00 am - 1:00 pm via Zoom (with beaks!) How we connect to Te Tiriti as people from many backgrounds. The political context leading to a declaration in 1835 and a treaty in 1840. What the signatories agreed to.
PART 2: Wednesday 5 June 2024 9.00 am - 1:00 pm via Zoom (with breaks!) A history of colonisation: Crown actions and Māori resistance
The Treaty Principles Bill & current political context Matike Mai: a future vision for Aotearoa
This is an interactive workshop, not a webinar, so spaces are limited. Run by Tauiwi facilitators from Tangata Tiriti - Treaty People If cost is a barrier to your being able to attend, please feel free to drop us an email: If you can't make this one but would like to find out about the next opportunity, follow our Facebook page to hear about future dates or sign up here: Payment required. Link:
Tuesday 4 June, 6.30-8.30pm

Timebank Gathering: What’s been happening and what’s next, Gribblehirst Community Hub

The evening will be focused on reconnecting and sharing food. Timebank Auckland Central will also update on projects happening and a chance to hear about some exchanges. Newcomers welcome but it is a social evening rather than the usual offers and requests discovery session. Bring a dish if it’s easy. Timebank Auckland Central will sort out food closer to the time as they might like to set a meal theme. What is timebanking? Timebanking is a way to connect to your community while sharing and exchanging skills, goods and resources using time instead of money as the currency. All time is equally valued and this idea builds community and supports people in creative and interesting ways. Link:
Wednesday 5 June, 4-6pm

Speaking truth to power & keeping your job, online via Zoom

This webinar by Stop Institutional Racism is for kaimahi who want to get an expert steer on speaking up about Te Tiriti and racism in the workplace at this time. Link:
Saturday 8 June, 1-3pm

March for Nature, Aotea Square

On Saturday, June 8, at 1 pm, environmentalists will March for Nature in a peaceful protest against this Government’s reckless attacks on environmental protection. Either RSVP and just show up on the day, or if you want updates and/or you're keen to get involved in promotion or help on the day, head over to Environmentalists will march against mining on conservation land, against new oil and gas exploration, seabed mining and they'll march against the Luxon Government's War on Nature and against the one-stop shop for environmental destruction that is the fast-track approvals bill. They'll march because the fast-track bill undermines our democracy and Te Tiriti o Waitangi. The march organisers are a broad coalition of environmental groups, led by Greenpeace, Forest & Bird, Coromandel Watchdog, Kiwis Against Seabed Mining, Coal Action Network Aotearoa, WWF New Zealand, Ours Not Mines - and they expect many more will join as they go. Link:
Friday 14 June, 3.30-8pm

June Cook Up, Gribblehirst Community Hub

Food Not Bombs Tāmaki Makaurau have been blessed with some wonderful food donations so this month's cook up is looking at being their most delicious yet!!!! Their next Cook up will be Friday 14 June. Food Not Bombs was started with the premise that food is a basic right. They rescue food that would otherwise be wasted and make vegan meals for the community. All are welcome to attend their cook ups of vegan food that has been rescued from landfill and donated by members of the community, as well as businesses who support our kaupapa of feeding the community through love, mutual aid and non-violence. Attendance is always free and open to everyone, and human kids and furkidsmore than welcome as long as they're okay in large groups and you can keep an eye on them. If you are attending please click going on this event and/or e-mail them at so they can plan for the number of volunteers that are attending. They will start food prep at 3.30 pm and we will be serving dinner around 6pm. Any leftover food will be frozen and served to those in need when they request it through our page. Volunteers are also encouraged to bring their own containers to take home meals as koha for their hard work. Yhry appreciate you! If you know anybody that is having a tough time at the moment please let them know about this event. Any leftovers will be packaged and stored for distribution to those who need food. Link:
Monday 17 June, 7.30-9pm

Practical strategies for effective Palestinian solidarity in the era of the IHRA, online via Zoom

The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Working Definition of Antisemitism calls anti-Zionism antisemitic. Its use distracts from the message of protest, and punishes expressions of Palestinian identity. This workshop aims to give activists practical strategies to communicate effectively. Alternative Jewish Voices-Dayenu, and Justice for Palestine, with support from ActionStation, are hosting a workshop for organisers and activists on undertaking Palestinian solidarity in the context of the IHRA definition of anti-semitism and responding to the threat the IHRA campaign poses to our movement. This session will involve a facilitated discussion, they will then workshop with participants anti-racist responses to common IHRA challenges, followed by Q&A. Who: Kate Stone, tangata Tiriti, co-convenor of Justice for Palestine, will facilitate the conversation between: Marilyn Garson is a co-founder of Alternative Jewish Voices (AJV). She has also lived and worked in Gaza. She has co-produced AJV's briefs for government and others on the IHRA definition of antisemitism, and in June she will be attending an international conference on this and related issues. Rand Hazou is a Palestinian theatre practitioner and scholar. His research explores arts engaging with rights and social justice. In Aotearoa, he has led teaching and creative projects engaging with prison, aged-care, and street communities All Palestinian solidarity and anti-racist organisers and activists are welcome. RSVP required. Link:
Sunday 23 June, 7-8pm

Tina Ngata: Speaking Truth to Power, online via Facebook

Join Mana Wahine Aotearoa on Sunday 23rd of June on the Mana Wahine Aotearoa Facebook Page: as they engage in a korero with indigenous, environmental, human rights advocate Tina Ngata. They will be diving into the impact proliferation and misinformation has on wāhine Māori. Join the Mana Wahine Aotearoa Facebook Group via:, see you there 🪴 Link:
submitted by DrippyWaffler to Aotearoa_Anarchism [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:55 Lavender_Embers My 22f boyfriend 23m is being financially controlled by his parents, how can we stay afloat and survive until we move out/escape

TLDR: my boyfriend parents are forcing him to pay them all of his wages and more every months to repay them from when they offered to pay off his mortgage for him. They are now using that blackmail him into staying at home since he is now basically financially dependent on them and threaten him to take him to court if he pays them any less then 2 grand (£2000) a month. It's clear they won't budge or even see how wrong this is since he cant even save money as all of it goes to them. We are having to run away when they go on holiday.
(I posted this in abusiverelationships but I've been told to check out here instead)
My boyfriend (23 M) is being forced to be financially dependent on his parents.
His mother pushed and pushed for him to save money to buy a house (shes a landlord and very pushy, he could never spend any money on himself growing up). Then a few months later he left his job and mortgage rates went up. His mother said to let her give him money to pay it off and just pay her back. Nothing is written in writing and its was a casual verbal agreement. The house and all the paperwork is in his name. He is living with his parents now and has someone in the house who pays rent.
So he tried to pay it off as fast as he could, lead to believe it was his decision, he paid her 2 grand a month, with all his wages and some of the other rent money. Repeat he gives to ALL his wages and only has like £600 from the tenants rent for himself.This has been going on for a year. Prior to this his mother used to make him show her his bank accounts to see what he was spending his money on. He has very little money and cannot save, he has no safety net if things go wrong.she is very critical and disapproving of any thing he does, she now doesn't like me as he is moving out with me soon.
Flash forward a year or so later and we are ready to move out, into the house he owns. His mother has been strongly against this saying all sorts of excuses, e.g who will look after the house when i go on holiday. She's found out we are planning to move out and shes blackmailed him, saying that if he moves out she will put a charge on the house since he hasn't paid her back the money yet. this will be very unlikely due to lack of evidence and nothing in writing but the threat is still there. She basically told him that she has no pension and that she needs this 2 grand a week because she wants to go on on 3 month cruises and very expensive parties and gigs most weekends.she is a very rich lady and has lots of money hence why she could afford this.But then give him a hard time for enjoying life, going out with his friends etc and shouting at him when he comes home. The amount of awkward toxic dinners after we have had a lovely day out is awful, trying to shame him for leaving her. She treats his money as if it is her money. If she could have his way he wouldn't leave the house and would be fully dependent on her.
His car failed his MOT this week, really really badly. He cannot afford to get a new one right now as he has no savings despite that fact he technically has two incomes as he gives it all to his parents. they wont accept any less money a month and the threat looms over our heads. they said he could scrap his car and go on their insurance for a year but then he has no lack of freedom and how can we even move out if he cannot have a car? Because then he will have to depend on them for transport so even more control. When he confronted them for how much they take from him and them threatening him if he moves out, they are blaming me for "putting ideas" in his head and saying he doesn't mean all this, failing to see that they are taking too much and making him financially dependent on them. They act as if they are doing him a favour but really he is in more debt now than the mortgage e.g use to pay 600 for mortgage but now pays 2000 every month. He is being strong at the moment and really not budging after being brainwashing into thinking this is normal all these years.
They are going on a months holiday in a few months so as soon as they go he is leaving, going, gone to the house he owns. i just don't know how to cope in these last few months before we are finically free of them. They want him to be financially dependent on them so they can control him and tell him what to do.
I've suggested to him to stay strong, not give them two grand but instead an amount of money that is suitable for him current needs of buying a car and not budging on the boundaries of "no, i will not give you my entire wage". I know people have said "are you sure you want to be with him" etc but yes, I love him and with not not his parents, they don't define him.
submitted by Lavender_Embers to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:54 magraoel7 Trying to understad the body language of my sister's friend

A few weeks ago my middle sister came to visit me with her friend, I live with my mother and my younger sister
Her friend is really pretty and extroverted, according to my sister, she only dated one guy and got quite traumatized with the relationship, with made her not want to date anyone else anymore.
Later at that night, while we were having dinner, my mother started saying she was beautiful and asking her some personal questions, like if she planned to have kids in the near future, she said she never wants kids, but could change her mind after 35 (she is 25 now btw).
But let's talk about her body language, which made me a bit confused...
They stayed for 7 days, and one thing I noticed is that she constantly avoided eye contact with me when we were talking with each other, she would either look somewhere else or look at my sister, but for a few moments when I was paying attention to my sister or my mother talking, I could noticed that she quickly looked at me. She also never said my name, always asking my sister like "does he want a gum?", instead of offering me directly, but that's ok I guess since we don't have any intimacy.
In one moment though, I was right at her side and instead of asking directly to me, she looked at my sister asking her to ask to me, even my sister said: "Why don't you ask to him? He is just at your side"
I was wondering if I made something to make her feel uncomfortable or she just didn't like me, anyway, my younger sister heard mother talking with the girl saying how me and her would be a great couple and that I never had a girlfriend (yes, my mother actually thought this was a great thing to say...), and the girl said she wasn't looking for a relationship right now, but could change her mind later.
According to my sister, she only had this one boyfriend (who traumatized her, treating her badly), and that a lot of guys give her gifts but she doesn't want anyone
Another thing is that every time my sister came to talk to me in my room, she would come together, sometimes just to stay there, then she started showing me her own pictures in her cellphone, comparing and asking in which one she looked better, showing her with different hair and showing her family
In another moment, while she was talking with my younger sister about relationships, she started talking about age gaps, she said she would date someone up to 29 years old, but said 32 would be too old for her (I am 30 btw, and I was right at her side, don't know if it meant anything)
Anyway, she gave me 2 hugs before they left and a few days later I followed her in Instagram, she followed me back but didn't show much interest when I messaged her, I asked what she thought about the city and other stuff, she didn't respond for 2 days and I deleted the message thinking I was bothering her, but she noticed it and apologized saying she was busy, I then just said some more stuff, gave a goodbye and stopped talking with her.
Based on all that, what can be said about her body language? Did she show any interest on me, or was just avoiding me to not give the wrong impression?
Despite her being very attractive, can't say I am really interested in her, we have a few things in common but I am introverted and she is very extroverted, my younger sister says we matched each other, but I don't think so.
Anyway, I am just asking because her behavior was quite weird sometimes, also think it's an opportunity to understand women's body language better, I admit I am terrible at it, in the past I had girls who were interested in me, but I couldn't notice until it was too late, and girls I thought were interested, but were not.
submitted by magraoel7 to bodylanguage [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:44 SteamDaBroccoli WIBTA if I asked my GF to start pitching in for rent and doing more around the house (despite her not technically living there)?

For about 2 years already I (M20) and my GF (F20) of 3 years have followed about the following routine:
I wake up, go to work. She wakes up and leaves for classes (could be as early as 8 am and as late as 2 pm, depending on her schedule). Then after her classes she goes home (her home, to her parent's house), has dinner there and comes back around 6-7 pm. On the weekends she is at my place 24/7.
For these entire 2 years I have paid all of the rent, done all the cleaning, bought all the groceries and everything else that is needed to be done around the house (now remembering, I even paid for her parking pass that's needed for the apartment). I never really asked her to do any of that, though she hasn't offered either.
I am right now out of the state for a trip (during which she usually stays at my place, she has a spare and comes and goes into the apt as she wants) and got hit with a rent increase notice via email. I had some time to reconsider everything and thought that after coming back I'd like to ask her to do the following:
Though I feel like it is "the right" or "an okay" thing to ask I also feel a bit conflicted because it is technically "my apartment" and she has "her own house" at her parent's place. So in a sense I feel like I'd be asking her to contribute to the apartment that's not hers. I feel a bit asshole'ish about it, but at the same time I got a bit tired of doing the work for 2 people.
Please don't take anything I said here as a jab against my GF, she is a wonderful person, I just never talked this out with her before.
EDIT: Realized it could be important. She has no job and no expenses. She receives a decent allowance from her parents and all of her expenses (gas/school tuition/food/medical/etc) are all covered
submitted by SteamDaBroccoli to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:39 throw-away-262627363 AITAH for genuinely hating my sister for the way she treats our mother?

this is a long one so strap in
For years now, my older sister has always put herself as a victim for everything. My sister comes from a different dad than I do and we both now have the same step dad. Growing up was hard for both of us, my sisters biological dad being an addict and mine being a deadbeat.
My mom had a ridiculously hard life as well, but turned her life around as soon as she found out she was pregnant with my sister. She got clean, got a job, etc. During this time of my mother getting clean, my sister stayed with our aunt, my mom's sister, for around three months. I was staying with my biological father. I'd like to mention as well that my biological father did not treat my mother right at all. He would often try to seem like the better parent by buying me expensive gifts and taking me out to places, trying to win the title of the favorite parent while talking about how bad my mom was for coloring her hair and having tattoos.
When I was still little, I had something disgusting happen to me by someone in my family, so the attention was on me for a little while. My mom still went out of her way to make sure my sister was still being given attention too, fearing that she would feel alone and confused.
After the mess of this stuff finally settled down and my mom won custody over me, my mom met my stepdad and we all moved out of the city and into a nice house. My parents tried to give us everything we never got to experience, nice family vacations to places we'd never been, renaissance fairs, bigger birthday parties, all that stuff. I've always been incredibly grateful, mostly for my mother. This woman had been abused and mistreated a majority of her life and she still somehow finds a way to be the most supportive and kindest parent out there. I respect her for everything that she did for me and my sister. My sister, on the other hand, treats her like garbage. My mom has tried everything to get through to her, tried to communicate with her, relate with her, take her out to places, and my sister literally does not care. Once, my mom tried talking to her about her past and she literally said "no one cares about what happened to you, mom."
She makes up these scenarios where my mom and step dad apparently abused her, when really they were standard punishments like taking her phone away when she did something she wasn't supposed to when she was a teenager. I need to clarify here that she is 29 years old now and still acting like this. Even when she dropped out of college and asked to go to beauty school, my parents understood and paid for her to go. She then told everyone thay they "forced her to go" when she decided that she didn't like it.
My sister never cared about anyone truly. She posts online about how caring and compassionate she is, how much she loves her husband and our mom and dad, but when it came to reality, she basically turned the other way. No matter how upset or angry I got about this, she would either laugh at me or completely shut me down and walk away.
She even posted a status on Facebook on mother's day wishing our aunt a happy mother's day instead of our mother. My aunt, just to mention, despises me because I was a frustrating child, I think around 11 or 12, and holds it against me, a now 25 year old. My mother no longer has a relationship with her due to that.
My step dad ended up getting a really good job and had to move across the country with my mom, so they had decided to let my sister and I continue living in this house while paying them a small amount of rent. We weren't prepared enough to move out on our own at the time yet, so this was a very kind offer that the both of us and her husband took up. The house is big and we wouldn't be paying for utilities, so it was an incredibly generous thing for them to do. All my sister would do is talk about how my parents "forced" her to stay in this house with me and how gross and disgusting the house was. There was nothing wrong with the house and no one forced her to stay in the house at all. It was completely her choice, I was there when she accepted the option.
Our parents gave us a whole house. An entire house to live in with rent lower than anywhere else. And she was ungrateful. Angry, even.
My mother had surgery two weeks ago and everyone messaged her, wishing her a speedy recovery, even my friends, and my sister didn't message her about it at all. Instead, she messaged my mom about finances. On the day of her surgery. My stepdad, who usually stays out of drama stuff, was so angry that he messaged my sister calling her out on how hurtful this was. Her excuse was that she "had a lot on her mind and forgot." My mom was so hurt that she hasn't been responding to my sister's messages as of late.
Now my sister is posting on Facebook about how no one understands her and how she's tired of having to explain herself? My mom has felt heartbroken and dejected about this and doesn't understand why my sister is acting like this. She's scared that if she were to ask about this and make her own reddit story, everyone would call her the asshole because she likely failed as a parent. I genuinely don't think that my mother failed, I can't understand why my sister is like this and I actually hate her for it. Am I the asshole?
submitted by throw-away-262627363 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:24 Ill-Improvement-8248 [NY] How do I deal with a tough co-worker without getting our boss involved?

I work at a small publication with 3 other writers, including another senior staff member (SSM), who does the editing. I do the writing. There's no HR.
For context, I was hired by the editorial director (ED) about six months ago, with the intention of broadening the appeal of the magazine (which is very niche). ED hired me, because I have 10+ years of experience as an editowriter at big name pubs (think Vogue, the Atlantic, the New Yorker, etc.). I only mention this, because SSM has been the most difficult, nitpicky editor I've had by MILES. It's honestly baffling that I'm currently working on a seventh edit for SSM when I've never gotten more than three rounds of edits for literal cover stories.
The strange thing is that we're genuinely friendly! However, other people have noticed that he's overly critical with me, and they've told me they're confused by his behavior, because he's usually a pretty lax editor. I had to loop in the ED once, because SSM keeps trying to nuke my pieces. He gets hung up on the smallest details, but, in his mind, they're big enough to undermine the entire piece and have it shelved altogether. Every round of edits, he'll invent a new micro-problem. At this point, it feels like he just doesn't want any of my work to ever see the light of day.
I've published very little in the past several months, and it's really taken a toll on my mental health. I'm stressed, self-conscious about my work, and feel like I'm just not good at my job. The only reason I haven't quit is because this job is a stable source of monthly income, and there are pretty much zero other places with a similar position. I'm at my wits end though and even recently mentioned this to ED.
ED offered to speak with SSM, though I doubt it would be effective. ED actually relies on SSM a lot and 99% of the time trusts his judgment, since SSM has been here the longest. I guess he's probably a little territorial, but I know from our coworkers that SSM also takes critique very poorly and has a vindictive streak, especially if he thinks you've gone over his head. So it seems like getting ED to talk to him would definitely make our working relationship even worse. I'm also concerned, because I'm unsure of how this situation can be fixed, given that he's the only one senior enough to edit me. Given his tenure, logically, I'd be the more likely one to get fired, right? Is there any other way to go about this? Especially knowing that he'd just deny everything if I talked to him about it?
submitted by Ill-Improvement-8248 to AskHR [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:22 FL4W3D369 AITA for not telling my mother why I was going No Contact?

I (39f) sent my mother (Rita) a FB message telling her I needed to go No Contact for a month with very little detail.
The dynamic with Rita went awry several years ago after dealing with her opioid addiction, the roles kind of reversed and I felt more like the parent.
Rita got clean shortly after dating an old co-worker (while still married); after separating from her husband, she told me that she couldn't afford an apartment; I offered to move with her, to split the rent and even bought her a bed, living room furniture and a kitchenette. I had high hopes we'd start getting along more.
Rita insisted I meet her new guy (Clint) again, but this time as an adult. Let me preface this by saying, 10 year old me was in the right to "accidentally" spit chocolate milk at this guys face while he told me a joke.
He was creepy and tried too hard then and still does now.
I visited her new at Clint's place and while there he would (jokingly) make comments about wanting to see me in a bikini or me seeing him in a speedo. He would tell me he loves me 10-20 times within 5 minutes and joke about leaving Rita for me when she was within ear shot; she never said anything to him about these.
During quick polite goodbye hugs he would hold it for too long and try to kiss my neck, I continuously pulled my shoulders up to cover my neck and try to get away but he'd kiss my neck or ear. I told both of them numerous times I was not comfortable with it and after 4 visits and numerous complaints to my mom, it finally stopped but he labelled me as an ice queen.
Rita was making my nephew a birthday dinner and Clint came over to our house. He slapped my ass and cupped his hand before removing it; my nephew was outraged (so was I) and Rita laughed when she heard about it.
Before I moved back to my home town, I went to visit my mom and Clint with my dog, Buddy. Clint's son (Wes) was over and I felt safe coming back over for dinner because his son is a good guy; big mistake.
While I was sitting there listening to music with Rita and Wes, Clint comes back into the living room and sits on my lap and starts 'wiggling' around inappropriately- I told him to stop but he keeps doing it, I demand he stops and try to shove him off of me and he laughed; but he wasn't the only one laughing, Rita was too. I stared at her for 3 seconds and she dragged him off of me. I stood up, he sat down and I rudely said "you're lucky I didn't kick you in the balls, I should have", his response was "oh really?!" then I replied that I should have and his response is that he was only joking around and how I need to take a joke. I had told him numerous times to stop and he flat out refused to and only wiggled more. Rita reached for his hand, still laughing and said how "silly' he was and how that's one thing she likes about him. I sat closer to Wes and was going to stay until I hear him address Buddy (my dog) and say "Hey Buddy, tell your mommy she needs to grow a sense of humor"; with that, I grabbed Buddy's leash, my purse and started to leave when he shouts out "Did I OFFEND you?!", I screamed back at him and slammed the door behind us.
I've told Rita that I don't feel comfortable with him around, especially while he's drinking; she tried to assure me that he'd never do anything to me but said she'd talk to him. I moved to another town and made it abundantly clear that I do not want anything to do with him. I will be civil for her benefit but he gives me the creeps and is incredibly inappropriate with everyone - his daughter has lost friends because of his actions before.
Rita came down a couple weeks ago and took Clint to her friends place then we went out for mother's day; she asked if I would mind if she picked him up to cut time off her trip home - I understood and said sure. TLDR, he forced his way into my new home after I said I was not inviting them both inside and she was informed that he is NOT welcome here.
Rita recently went to a friends, had a few drinks and drove home, I was incredibly worried and told her so, to which she responded aggressively saying that she isn't stupid.
She sent numerous aggressive voice messages on Facebook, I decided to stop responding then Clint texted me, strongly suggested that I reach out to her because she's upset. I responded by saying 'Friends don't let friends drink and drive' and ignored him too. His unread response was that "she only had 2, if she drank more, trust me, I would have cabbed it." The math wasn't mathing, she said that they stayed there for 3 hours; I had called 2 hours after they got home and she was smashed, she definitely had more than what they let on and I do not trust him or his judgement because he lost his license because of a DUI. The morning I went No Contact she sent me messages assuring me that she was fine and that she wouldn't drink and drive; I refrained from responding.
Three days of no contact , I call her and we are civilized but both on edge, our conversation was very brief but I wanted to reach out - she is my mother after all and I would ideally like to have a relationship with her.
I messaged Rita and told her I need to go No Contact for 30 days to work things out professionally and mentally. She facetimed me 3 times, called twice, messaged me on FB and left voice messages on both my answering machine and Facebook. Comments ranging from "No contact from me or everyone?", "I'm really worried about you" and "please call me back". I responded and said "This is not about you, this is about me, please respect my wishes".
Am I the asshole for not telling her exactly why, being upset that she's going to my inner circle to try and find out what's going on and not being able to let go of her past and current short comings?
I'm on a waitlist for a therapist because I would like to build a better relationship with her and let the resentment go. I don't expect her to change but I need resources and need to learn how to set effective boundaries to act as stepping stones for future healthier conversations and interactions and hope that this break will help release the tension.
submitted by FL4W3D369 to okopshow [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:16 Significant-Tower146 Best Agm Rattler Battery Pack

Best Agm Rattler Battery Pack
Get ready to explore the innovative world of AGM Rattler Battery Pack! This roundup article will take you on a thrilling adventure of discovering the latest and greatest features of the AGM Rattler Battery Pack. From its cutting-edge technologies to its seamless performance, we'll dive deep into what sets this battery apart from the competition. So buckle up, and get ready for a journey that will leave you energized and excited about the future of battery technology.

The Top 19 Best Agm Rattler Battery Pack

  1. High-Capacity 75Ah AGM Sealed Lead Acid Battery with Easy Carry Handles - Experience reliable power delivery and peace of mind with the WSB1275 75Ah Agm Sealed Lead Acid Battery from Wayne Water Systems, designed for optimal performance and safety.
  2. High-Performance 12V 160 CCA Thunderbolt Magnum AGM Battery - Reliable, rugged, and versatile, the Thunderbolt Magnum 12V 160 CCA AGM Battery is perfect for constant voltage input and electric start generators, making it a top choice for outdoor enthusiasts and professionals alike.
  3. Extreme Heavy-Duty 12V 22AH SLA Battery for Demanding Jump Starter Applications - Experience exceptional performance, reliability, and longevity with the Mighty Max Battery 12V 22Ah Replacement Battery – the ultimate companion for your Die-Hard Portable Jump Starter 1150.
  4. 12V 9Ah Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) Battery with 2.56" Depth and 3.94" Height - The Mighty Max ML9-12NB 12V 9Ah NB Terminal Rechargeable Seal is a high-performance 12V 9AH Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) battery, perfect for any position, resisting shocks and vibrations while providing long-lasting performance in high and low temperatures.
  5. Schumacher DSR114 DSR ProSeries Jump Starter: High-Performance AGM Battery Pack with Easy Charging and Reverse Hook-up Protection - The Schumacher DSR114 DSR ProSeries Jump Starter, boasting a high-output AGM battery, offers powerful performance with multiple charging options and safety features, making it a reliable and easy-to-use jump starter for all your starting needs.
  6. Long-lasting AGM Voyager Battery for Enhanced Deep Cycle Performance - The ACDelco M24AGM Professional AGM Voyager Battery offers top-tier performance with maintenance-free design and innovative technologies, ensuring safety and durability in your vehicle.
  7. High Output 12V AGM Car Battery for Superior Audio Performance - Experience unbeatable power and superior quality performance with the Xs Power D3400 12V AGM Battery, featuring maximum 3300A output and an unmatched combination of durability, reliability, and modern design.
  8. Maintenance-Free Powersport AGM Battery for ATV, Motorcycle, and Outdoor Use - Experience hassle-free powersport adventures with the Power Sonic Battery PTX20LBS-FS, featuring 12V 18Ah, 290 CCA, spill-proof AGM construction, and factory activation for immediate, maintenance-free use with ATVs, motorcycles, and more.
  9. Victron 12V/25Ah AGM Super Cycle Battery: Long-Lasting, High-Performance Solution - Upgrade to the advanced AGM Super Cycle Battery from Victron Energy, offering superior performance and longer lifespan, while maintaining a compact and lightweight design.
  10. Interstate 12V 26Ah AGM Battery with Nut and Bolt Terminal for Universal Fit - Experience ultimate performance with the Interstate Batteries SLA1146, a maintenance-free and spill-proof 12V 26Ah battery featuring AGM & VRLA technology, perfect for a wide range of applications.
  11. Schumacher Electric DSR ProPSJ-2212 12V 18Ah Maintenance-Free AGM Replacement Battery - The Schumacher Electric DSR ProPSJ-2212 12V 18Ah Jump Starter Replacement Battery offers maintenance-free AGM technology, ensuring optimal performance and durability, with a quick charging speed and long cord length for flexibility.
  12. Victron 12V/25Ah AGM Super Cycle Battery - Upgrade your energy storage with the Victron Energy BAT412025081 12V/25Ah AGM Super Cycle Batt. (M5), featuring excellent recharge performance, high discharge efficiency, and reliable absorption, making it a versatile and efficient choice for your needs.
  13. Affordable, Portable Sealed Lead-Acid Battery - Energize your devices with the Mighty Max 12V 100Ah SLA Battery (ML100-12) - a rechargeable, maintenance-free, and durable option for all your power needs.
  14. Mighty Max ML15-12 12V 15AH SLA Battery for Rechargeable Devices - The Mighty Max Battery ML15-12 is a long-lasting, rechargeable 12V 15Ah Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) battery designed for a variety of applications, offering wide operating temperatures, high discharge rate, and deep discharge recovery.
  15. High-Quality Sealed Battery for Rattler 110 and More Models - Keep your Rattler 110, Kymco People 50, Honda Elite, and other compatible bikes charged and efficient this winter with the high-quality, off-branded Prima Battery 12V TX5L-BS, featuring sealed construction and easy-to-use acid cartridges.
  16. AGM G50 External Battery Pack Kit for NVG Night Vision Goggles - Extend operational time of night vision goggles and securely attach to helmets with the AGM G50 External Battery Pack Kit, perfect for those who demand reliability and convenience.
  17. Expert-Tested Deep-Cycle AGM Marine Battery for Durability and Performance - Experience enhanced durability and reliable performance with the Bass Pro Shops Power Series Deep-Cycle AGM Marine Battery, perfect for both cranking/starting and deep-cycle usage in any marine environment.
  18. Factory-activated spill-proof battery with 12 volts and 6 amp-hours - Experience the power of Power-Sonic PTX7LBS-FS, a fully sealed, spill-proof battery offering advanced technology for unparalleled performance and protection in any harsh weather condition.
  19. Portable Powerful 2000 Peak Amp Agm Battery Jump Starter - Schumacher DSR157 ProSeries Jump Starter - Powerful 2000 peak amps for large engines, reverse hook-up warning, and portable charging options for all your devices.
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🔗High-Capacity 75Ah AGM Sealed Lead Acid Battery with Easy Carry Handles
Over the past few weeks, I've been using the Wayne Water Systems WSB1275 battery in my basement sump pump. This maintenance-free, sealed lead-acid battery pack has made my life easier and more worry-free, thanks to its 75Ah capacity and 12V voltage. With its handles making it easy to move around, I am now free from the hassle of constantly monitoring and maintaining the battery levels.
One of the most impressive features of this battery is the consistent power supply it provides, ensuring that my backup sump pump remains ready to kick in at a moment's notice. This reliable performance has given me peace of mind, especially during the recent storms that have brought about power outages in my area. The battery also charges quickly, so I'm always prepared for any situation.
However, there is one drawback I've encountered. While the battery works reliably, the instructions provided for installation are quite complicated and could have been simplified. Additionally, I did notice that the battery's capacity can sometimes be slightly less than advertised, which might require an adjustment in your expectations.
In summary, the Wayne Water Systems WSB1275 battery offers a top-quality, reliable solution for my basement sump pump needs. With its impressive charging capabilities and consistent power supply, I highly recommend this product for anyone looking for a reliable and easy-to-use battery pack for their sump pump system.

🔗High-Performance 12V 160 CCA Thunderbolt Magnum AGM Battery
I recently tried the Thunderbolt Magnum 12V 160 CCA AGM Battery, and I must say, it has some impressive features. What stood out to me is the rugged design and the versatile top-mounted terminals that make it a suitable choice for various generators, including those made by Predator.
While using this battery, I found it to be quite efficient in providing constant voltage input, which is crucial for an electric start generator. It successfully powered both my generator and an ATV without any issues. The battery's compact size made it convenient to install and mount on the generator.
However, one downside I encountered was the reversed polarity terminals. It took me a bit of time to figure out the issue during installation. Additionally, some customers mentioned facing difficulty in finding replacements for this battery, as most other units do not fit the same specifications.
Overall, the Thunderbolt Magnum 12V 160 CCA AGM Battery has proven to be a reliable and functional option for powering electric start generators. But be aware of the possible reversed polarity terminals and the difficulty in finding compatible replacements.

🔗Extreme Heavy-Duty 12V 22AH SLA Battery for Demanding Jump Starter Applications
Imagine a situation where you're stuck on the side of the road, and your car isn't starting. You pull out a small device, no bigger than a pencil box, and within minutes, your car roars to life. That's the magic of a portable jump starter.
The Mighty Max Battery 12V 22Ah is a versatile device that serves as a replacement for your Die Hard Portable Jump Starter. It's a maintenance-free 12V 22AH Sealed Lead Acid battery, known for its spill-proof nature and high discharge rate. This battery is designed to handle a wide range of temperatures, making it suitable for use in both high and low temperatures.
One of the most impressive things about this battery is its ability to resist shocks and vibration. It can be mounted in any position, making it a convenient option for those who are always on the move. And let's not forget the bonus of having a long service life and the ability to recover from deep discharge situations, which is particularly useful in emergency situations.
Now, let's talk about my personal experience with the Mighty Max Battery. I've used it to jump-start my car during a surprise power outage, and it worked like a charm. It's compact, which made it easy to store in my glove compartment, and it fits perfectly into the port on my Die Hard jump starter.
However, there were a few drawbacks. The product doesn't come with a wire harness or mounting accessories, which means you'll have to purchase those separately if you don't already have them. Additionally, the battery's weight might be a concern for some, but for me, it wasn't a deal-breaker.
Overall, the Mighty Max Battery 12V 22Ah is a powerful and reliable option for anyone in need of a portable jump starter. It's easy to use, long-lasting, and has a compact design that makes it a convenient option for those always on the go. Despite the minor inconvenience of not having all necessary accessories included, the Mighty Max Battery more than makes up for it with its performance and durability.

🔗12V 9Ah Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) Battery with 2.56" Depth and 3.94" Height
In my quest for a reliable battery, I stumbled upon the Mighty Max Battery ML9-12NB. At first glance, the size may seem smaller than expected, but don't let that hold you back. This little guy is a force to be reckoned with!
Powered by a 12V 9AH Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) rechargeable maintenance-free battery, it effortlessly outperforms its counterparts in various conditions. UL certified and ready to take on any position, it resists shocks and vibrations with ease while maintaining its long-lasting high performance.
The best part? It's spill-proof and boasts a high discharge rate, wide operating temperatures, and an extended service life. And the deep discharge recover? A true game-changer when it comes to battery efficiency.
Despite its small stature, the ML9-12NB holds its own in the big leagues, proving that good things often come in unexpected packages.

🔗Schumacher DSR114 DSR ProSeries Jump Starter: High-Performance AGM Battery Pack with Easy Charging and Reverse Hook-up Protection
I've been using the Schumacher DSR ProSeries Jump Starter in my daily life for a few months now, and I must say it's been quite the reliable companion. When I needed to jumpstart my car the other day, it took me just a few minutes to get everything connected and running smoothly. The 525 cranking amps and 350 cold cranking amps really make a difference in those crucial moments.
One thing that really stood out to me was the easy-to-read digital display and ON/OFF switch. They made it easy for me to keep track of the battery life and to ensure I wasn't draining it unnecessarily. However, I did notice that the 60-inch cable length wasn't quite long enough to reach my car when it was parked in the driveway, so I had to make a few adjustments.
I particularly appreciate Schumacher's safety features like the reverse hook-up safeguard alarm, which makes sure that the clamps are connected to the battery correctly. Having this safety feature has given me peace of mind when jumpstarting my car or helping friends in need.
This jump starter is well-built and seems to be quite durable. It's a little bit heavy to carry around, but it's certainly sturdy enough to handle the job. The 2.1-amp USB port and 12V DC outlet added bonus features that I've come to appreciate during my camping trips and other outdoor activities.
In conclusion, I highly recommend the Schumacher DSR ProSeries Jump Starter. It has proven to be an invaluable addition to my daily life, and I know I can always count on it when I need to get my car back up and running.

🔗Long-lasting AGM Voyager Battery for Enhanced Deep Cycle Performance

The ACDelco Professional AGM Voyager battery has been a game-changer in my daily life. With its maintenance-free Absorbed Glass Mat (AGM) technology, I no longer have to worry about water spills or leaks. The deep cycle performance has been outstanding, and the leak-proof pressurized valve system ensures safety and longevity.
However, there's one minor downside: the battery warning in California can be concerning. Overall, this premium aftermarket battery has exceeded my expectations in terms of fit, form, and functionality.

🔗High Output 12V AGM Car Battery for Superior Audio Performance
I've always been a fan of the XS Power D3400 12V AGM Battery. It's been my go-to power source for my car's audio system. I could definitely feel the difference in the quality once I switched to this battery. The absorption glass mat technology really works wonders!
One of the best things about this battery is its high output. With a max of 3,300 amps, it really powers my speakers. The M6 terminal hardware which comes alongside also adds to the convenience. The battery is classified for OE fit and runs on a wide range of watts, making it versatile for different audio setups.
However, the packaging of the battery wasn't as satisfactory. The battery box came damaged and there were instances where the label peeled off. As far as the terminal hardware, it seems some customers found it missing from their package.
Despite those minor issues, I'm still impressed with this battery's performance. It's durable, reliable, and has definitely elevated the audio quality of my ride. Overall, I would say it's a great power source for any serious audio setup.

🔗Maintenance-Free Powersport AGM Battery for ATV, Motorcycle, and Outdoor Use
I had the chance to test out the Power Sonic Battery PTX20LBS-FS in my motorcycle, and I must say, it made quite an impression. This 12-volt battery with 18 ampere hours and an impressive cold cranking amperage of 200 proved to be extremely convenient to use. The best part? It's spill-proof and completely sealed, ensuring maximum safety.
The maintenance-free aspect of this battery was a game-changer for me. With no need for acid handling during activation, I could worry less and focus on my riding adventure. Just like the product description stated, all it took was to pop it into my motorcycle and I was good to go!
However, I noticed that it wasn't the most durable battery I've ever used. The lifespan of this battery wasn't as long as I hoped for. Despite this, the Power Sonic Battery still worked perfectly for its intended purpose and provided plenty of energy for my powersport vehicle.

🔗Victron 12V/25Ah AGM Super Cycle Battery: Long-Lasting, High-Performance Solution

The Victron Energy BAT412025081, also known as the 12V/25Ah AGM Super Cycle Batt. (M5), has been a game-changer in my daily life. I've had the opportunity to use this battery in numerous scenarios and I must say, I can't help but share my experience.
Firstly, the AGM Super Cycle technology is truly remarkable. Unlike traditional batteries, these super cycle batteries can handle occasional or frequent partial discharges without any issues. Their smaller size and reduced weight make them an attractive choice for those who are particular about the battery size.
However, there are a few drawbacks that I noticed too. While the battery is designed to prevent sulfation during deep discharge, one has to be careful with frequent deep discharges, as it could reduce the battery's life span. Also, the slightly higher voltage during recharge can strain some battery connections.
Overall, I am quite impressed with this battery's performance. It has proven to be reliable, easy to use, and quite efficient, even with the occasional drawbacks.

🔗Interstate 12V 26Ah AGM Battery with Nut and Bolt Terminal for Universal Fit
I've been using this Interstate Batteries 12V 26Ah SLA/AGM battery in my daily life for quite some time now, and I must say, it's been a game-changer! . Not only does it fit perfectly in my vehicle, but it's also incredibly reliable and long-lasting. The AGM technology ensures it's maintenance-free and spill-proof, making my life so much easier.
However, it's worth mentioning that the battery is quite heavy, which can be a bit of a hassle when transporting it. Overall, I highly recommend this product to anyone looking for a reliable and efficient battery replacement.

🔗Schumacher Electric DSR ProPSJ-2212 12V 18Ah Maintenance-Free AGM Replacement Battery
I recently had the opportunity to try out the Schumacher Electric DSR ProPSJ-2212 12V 18Ah Jump Starter Replacement Battery. As someone who relies on jump starters frequently, I was excited to see if this one would live up to the hype.
The battery itself is a maintenance-free AGM technology, which means I no longer have to worry about adding acid or water. I found this to be a huge time-saver, especially when I was in a rush. Additionally, it was important to note that this is a replacement battery and not a complete starter pack, so I had to use my existing cables and hardware.
One standout feature of this battery is the charging speed. It quickly charges and then switches to maintain mode, protecting the battery from overcharging. This was particularly helpful when I was using it on a daily basis.
The sturdiness of the battery was also impressive. It had a nice heavy case that gave me confidence in the battery's durability. The cords were long and easy to manage, which was a nice bonus when I needed to reach the back of my vehicle.
Overall, the Schumacher Electric DSR ProPSJ-2212 12V 18Ah Jump Starter Replacement Battery performed well and I was very pleased with my purchase. Its sturdiness, charging speed, and convenient maintenance-free technology make it a great addition to anyone's tool kit.

🔗Victron 12V/25Ah AGM Super Cycle Battery
I have been using the Victron Energy BAT412025081 12V/25Ah AGM Super Cycle Batt. (M5) for quite some time now, and I must say, it's been a game-changer. One of the main highlights I've experienced is the ability to handle repeated 100% discharge without any worries. The Super Cycle battery's new paste in the positive plates allows for slightly less sensitivity to softening.
Another aspect I appreciate is the significant reduction in sulfation during deep discharge, thanks to new additives in the electrolyte. However, I have noticed that the weight of this battery seems to be fractionally more compared to its standard Victron counterparts.
In terms of downsides, the battery's dimensions and weight are slightly larger and heavier than the standard Deep Cycle AGM batteries, which might be a concern for those with limited storage space or weight restrictions. Overall, the Victron Energy BAT412025081 has proven to be a reliable and efficient solution for my needs, and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it.

🔗Affordable, Portable Sealed Lead-Acid Battery
The Mighty Max battery has been a game changer in my experience. I switched to this sealed lead-acid battery when my old one started causing issues, and I have not looked back since. I use this 12V, 100Ah SLA battery to power my outdoor devices, and the consistent power supply it provides is quite impressive. The rechargeable feature is definitely a plus, allowing me to use the same battery multiple times without worrying about constantly having to replace it.
One of the aspects that I appreciate the most about this product is its durability. Despite being subjected to various outdoor conditions, the Mighty Max battery has been quite rugged and held up well. The spill-proof feature is a welcomed addition as well, ensuring that my device never gets damaged due to accidents.
That being said, there are a couple of minor downsides to this product. One of them is the weight; it is a bit on the heavier side, which may pose inconvenience when transporting it. Additionally, while the battery offers a decent amount of capacity, the performance under heavy load conditions can be somewhat inconsistent at times.
In summary, the Mighty Max battery, despite its minor flaws, has been a reliable and long-lasting addition to my device setup. Its portability could be improved slightly, but overall, I am quite pleased with my purchase.

🔗Mighty Max ML15-12 12V 15AH SLA Battery for Rechargeable Devices
I've been enjoying using the Mighty Max Battery Ml15-12 in my daily life. With a voltage of 12V and a capacity of 15Ah, it's been a reliable power source for my various needs. I especially love how it's compatible with many devices, like the Goal Zero Escape 150 Power Pack and the Razor Dirt Rocket SX500.
One of the highlights is the battery's spill-proof design, which ensures that it can be used in any position without worrying about leaks. It's also rechargeable, which makes it an eco-friendly option for those looking to reduce their carbon footprint.
However, one downside I've noticed is the battery's weight, at 8.78 pounds, which can make it a bit cumbersome to handle. Additionally, it can be challenging to locate all the necessary mounting accessories as they are not included in the package.
Overall, the Mighty Max Battery Ml15-12 has been a trusty companion for my power needs. With its various compatibility options and spill-proof design, it's a reliable choice for those in the market for a high-performance battery with a long service life.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to selecting the right AGM Rattler Battery Pack for your needs, there are a few important factors to consider. This guide will help you understand these factors and make an informed decision.

Important Features

  1. Capacity: The capacity of the battery pack is measured in ampere-hours (Ah). A higher capacity battery will need longer to charge and provide power for a longer period, but it will also be heavier.
  2. Voltage: AGM Rattler Battery Packs are typically rated at 12 volts. Ensure the device you intend to use with the battery pack is compatible with the pack's voltage.
  3. Lifespan: Lithium batteries generally have a longer lifespan compared to other types of batteries. Check the manufacturer's specifications for the expected lifespan of the battery pack.
  4. Size and Weight: Consider the size and weight of the battery pack, as well as the space and weight limitations of your device. A lighter, smaller battery might be more convenient for specific applications.


  1. Intended Use: Determine the primary use for the AGM Rattler Battery Pack. For example, if you need a reliable battery for powering outdoor equipment, you may require a different type of battery than if you were using it for indoor electronics.
  2. Charging Requirements: Check the charging requirements for the battery pack, such as the charging time and the type of charger required.
  3. Environment: If you plan to use the battery pack in extreme temperatures or harsh environments, make sure it can handle those conditions.

General Advice

  1. Read the User Manual: It's essential to read and understand the user manual for your AGM Rattler Battery Pack before using it. This will help you avoid any potential issues and maximize the battery's lifespan.
  2. Keep the Battery Pack Clean: Keeping the battery pack clean and free of debris will help ensure its proper performance and prolong its lifespan.
  3. Store the Battery Pack Properly: Store the battery pack in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to maintain its optimal performance and prolong its lifespan.


What is the Agm Rattler Battery Pack?

The Agm Rattler Battery Pack is a set of premium automotive AGM (Absorbed Glass Mat) batteries designed to provide reliable and long-lasting power to a wide range of vehicles, including trucks, cars, motorcycles, and RVs. These batteries are known for their durability, maintenance-free operation, and exceptional performance in extreme temperatures.

What makes the Agm Rattler Battery Pack different from other automotive battery packs?

The primary difference between the Agm Rattler Battery Pack and other automotive battery packs is the type of technology used in the battery cells. The Rattler utilizes absorbent glass mat (AGM) technology, which offers several advantages over traditional flooded lead-acid batteries. These advantages include: * Increased power output and reliability
  • Longer service life and fewer replacements needed
  • Lower internal resistance for faster charging
  • Higher safety levels due to improved venting and sealing systems
  • Better performance in extreme temperatures and higher humidity environments

What is the warranty on the Agm Rattler Battery Pack?

The Agm Rattler Battery Pack typically comes with a warranty of at least 24 months, depending on the manufacturer. This warranty covers defects in materials and workmanship, ensuring that the customer receives a high-quality product and peace of mind when making the purchase.

What is the size of the Agm Rattler Battery Pack?

The size of the Agm Rattler Battery Pack can vary depending on the specific product and the type of vehicle it is designed for. However, most Rattler battery packs have dimensions ranging from 9.5 inches to 10.75 inches in length, 6.9 inches to 7.5 inches in width, and 7.7 inches to 8.3 inches in height. It is essential to consult the product specifications or manufacturer's website to determine the exact size for a specific battery pack.

What are the maintenance requirements for the Agm Rattler Battery Pack?

The Agm Rattler Battery Pack is designed to be maintenance-free, eliminating the need for regular checking of the water level and acid levels. You should still periodically check the battery terminals and cables for any corrosion, as well as the overall condition of the battery. Proper charging and handling of the battery are also essential to maintain its optimal performance over time.

Can the Agm Rattler Battery Pack be used as a secondary power source for various electronic devices?

The Agm Rattler Battery Pack is primarily designed for automotive use, supplying power to vehicles' electrical systems. However, it can also be used as a secondary power source for various electronic devices, especially in emergency situations. It is essential to ensure that the battery pack's capacity and voltage output meet the requirements of the device to prevent damage to either the battery or the device.

Are there any environmental concerns when using the Agm Rattler Battery Pack?

The Agm Rattler Battery Pack is made of lead, which can pose environmental concerns when the battery is disposed of improperly. To minimize environmental impact, make sure to recycle the battery at an appropriate location or facility. Check with your local recycling center for more information on proper battery disposal.
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2024.06.02 09:15 curlyfries1229 30 and clueless. How do I begin? Have I already begun?

Hey yall. 30F here who has been feeling listless and directionless for a long period of my life.
I work a job that I like enough as a finance person at a non-profit, but it may as well be data entry. I am rarely very busy, but my position is crucial enough when the work does pick up and the environment is really great. I’m in office two days a week which I usually save most of my work for, to use as my “busy” days.
Otherwise, I went to college later in life (started when I was 22 i think) and I always wanted to go to school for media and editing. For my whole life, I wanted to work with audio and video in some way. But because I was an “adult learner” and was working a fulltime job to put myself through college, I only had the options to take night courses that were “adult learner” focused (this was all before online classes). I got my degree in economics and have worked various client relations/account executive/data and finance jobs. I have no idea how I got here or how to pivot out of it at this point.
Since I now kind of have the time with my current workload not being overwhelming, I am realizing how little I do with my free time and how little motivation I have to strive for a more fulfilling life. I do have major depressive disorder and will likely soon find out what relief medication may offer to this mindset.
But I am always stuck wondering: how can I fill my time with something meaningful? I have always desired a more creative outlet. My partner and I explore food and wine and enjoy the culinary scene, that is just about the only “creative” hobby I can think of. I want so badly to figure out how to develop skills in audio editing/engineering and video editing but because I didn’t go to school for it, I get so nervous to be 100 steps behind everyone else in an already saturated field. I am also scared I just don’t actually care for any of it as much as I tell myself I do. I don’t think I actually know what I want to do or how to take any steps forward at all. I have ruminated on this for so long and always come up empty.
Looking for any advice on how to fill my days with more meaningful moments and begin to work towards a more fulfilling and satisfying career. Thank you for reading!
submitted by curlyfries1229 to findapath [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:13 treeh9m5 How can I go about sending an immediate resignation letter? I feel really bad about it.

Hi all. I have been working at a library for 6 months under my city. Unfortunately I need to quit immediately because I don’t feel safe there anymore after a male library patron has taken it upon himself to make me his target. Long story short, he has a criminal record for being violent, found my social medias and phone number and harassed me via text despite me politely rejecting him but for some reason he didn’t believe me when I said I have a boyfriend. This has been going on since January, but I tried to let it go since I couldn’t afford to quit my job. My breaking point with him was this Friday when he was using a computer (the section of the library where I work) and was getting upset when something wasn’t working and he decided to point directly at me and tell me repeatedly that “its my fault” his computer wasn’t working and that I was doing this to him. I didn’t include every single detail (which I can if anyone cares) but ultimately I was like yeah… this man isn’t okay and I don’t feel safe. I called out on Saturday and planned to send in a letter Monday morning as soon as the library director comes in. Luckily, I had an interview for a different city department that week and they actually called me back the same day all this occurred and offered me the position. Obviously I’m going to take it, but now I need advice on how to go about leaving my current job. My issue is that both jobs are under the city system and I would basically just be transferring, but I can’t stick out the two weeks here before transferring there. I plan on mentioning the new role in the letter, but I’m worried that if I quit immediately they’ll remove my name from the employee list even though I would just be starting somewhere else soon after. I’m not sure how to go about asking to keep me in the system when I’m not staying for two weeks. Also, I’ve never sent an immediate notice before and I feel bad because in my section of the library, it’s only me, my supervisor and another coworker but she just went on a month long vacation last week so I would be basically abandoning my supervisor to work alone. My coworkers here have been fairly good people and I have no issues with them so it sucks to do this. And please I would like no judgement on the reason why I am deciding to quit. I mentioned that I didn’t include every single detail but I’m glad to elaborate if anyone wants to know. Anyways, thanks for any advice you may have!
submitted by treeh9m5 to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:12 GhoulGriin Best Agm Airsoft

Best Agm Airsoft
Welcome to our product review roundup for Agm Airsoft. Get ready to delve into the world of airsoft! We've carefully curated this collection of reviews to provide you with an engaging and informative read that covers everything from the features and benefits of each product to how it compared to other options in the market. By the end of this article, you'll be well-equipped to make an informed decision on which Agm Airsoft product is the perfect fit for you.

The Top 5 Best Agm Airsoft

  1. Safe and Stylish Airsoft Full Face Mask - Stay protected and stylish with the NINAT Airsoft Mask, featuring full face protection, breathable durability, and a versatile design for Airsoft, CS, Survival games, outdoor parties, and cosplay events.
  2. Airsoft Tactical Paintball Helmet with Dual-Mode Mask - Experience ultimate protection and comfort with our Airsoft Tactical Helmet, designed with a full face mask and goggles, perfect for CS games and paintball shooting.
  3. Upgraded 8.4V NiMH 1600mAh Airsoft Battery for CQB SMG Guns - Experience enhanced power and prolonged runtime with the MIGHTY MAX BATTERY Stick Pack Mini, the perfect replacement for your 8.4V NiMH 1600mAh battery in HK Licensed Airsoft UMP45 Gearbox SMGs.
  4. High-Performance AGM Airsoft Battery for Enhanced Gameplay - Upgrade your Airsoft game with the MIGHTY MAX 9.6V 1600mAh NiMH Battery, providing powerful and long-lasting performance without the hassle of memory effects or needing a full discharge for charging.
  5. High-Performance Gens Ace 1200mAh 2S1P 7.4V 25C Airsoft Battery with Tamiya Plug - Experience exceptional performance and reliability with the Gens Ace 2S1P 7.4V 1200mAh Airsoft Battery, featuring a high-quality Tamiya Plug for seamless connectivity.
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🔗Safe and Stylish Airsoft Full Face Mask
I recently got the NINAT Airsoft Mask and it's been a game-changer for my Airsoft and survival games. One of the biggest pros of this mask is that it's made of high-quality, safe materials like polycarbonate and TPU plastic, which makes it incredibly durable and breathable. I appreciate how the elastic head strap can be easily adjusted to fit my head perfectly, and the foam around the eyes and ears adds a comforting touch.
I also love the security and stability this mask provides - the visor shading is excellent, and the gray single lens works just fine. Plus, the louvered vents help draw warm air out of the mask interior. I've heard some people complain that it's not the most aesthetically pleasing mask out there, but for me, it's all about performance, and this mask truly delivers. It looks cool on the field, protects my face during intense games, and it's ideal for a variety of activities like Airsoft/competition, survival games, outdoor parties, or cosplay.
However, there's one thing to note - I wasn't able to use this mask for shooting high-speed bb's at close range (310FPS within 5 meters) since it doesn't have the ANSI Z87.1 impact rating. So, if you're planning on engaging in activities with bbs shooting, make sure to protect your eyes with another, more suitable mask. All in all, the NINAT Airsoft Mask is a great product that's ideal for many different scenarios - just be sure to use it responsibly!

🔗Airsoft Tactical Paintball Helmet with Dual-Mode Mask
Trying out the Airsoft Tactical Helmet was like stepping into a game of camouflage. With its full face tactical mask and goggles, it felt like a superhero cape wrapped around my head. The soft TPU vent mask design made everything a breeze, as it protected my face while also comfortably fitting.
My favorite feature? The mini fan system! It effortlessly helped to reduce fog and maintain crystal-clear vision while I was darting around playing Airsoft. Even better, the unique dual-mode mask wearing design made it versatile, allowing me to switch between the elastic headband and connecting it to my tactical helmet for full-on protection.
Now, let's talk about the challenges. While the helmet covers a lot of ground, it can be on the heavier side. And sometimes, depending on the game's intensity, you might feel a bit limited in hearing people around you – so, keep an ear out!
Overall, the Airsoft Tactical Helmet proved to be an excellent companion for those living life on an action-packed battlefield. It's a true game-changer, hiding in plain sight, waiting to gear up for the next mission.

🔗Upgraded 8.4V NiMH 1600mAh Airsoft Battery for CQB SMG Guns
In my quest to find the perfect battery for my HK Licensed Airsoft Ump45 Gearbox CQB SMG, I stumbled upon the Mighty Max Battery. This convenient little stick pack was an instant game-changer for my airsoft gun, providing power and longevity beyond my expectations. The ease of use and no need to fully discharge before charging simply added more minutes of action to my playtime.
One notable feature of the Mighty Max Battery is its versatility, easily fitting into most 8.4 volt 1600 mAh NiMH Flat battery packs. The high-performing Specialty cell type ensures that I can enjoy consistent power without burning out. However, the 12-volt size does require a bit of consideration, as not all devices may be compatible. Nevertheless, the benefits of this battery far outweigh any minor inconveniences.
While there were no pre-existing reviews on this product, the Mighty Max Battery remains a hidden gem among airsoft enthusiasts, offering a powerful and reliable solution at an affordable price, providing long-lasting intensity for all your Airsoft Gearbox CQB SMG needs.

🔗High-Performance AGM Airsoft Battery for Enhanced Gameplay
I recently had the chance to try out the Mighty Max 9.6V 1600mAh NiMH Battery for my airsoft gun, and I must say, it exceeded my expectations! The compatibility with various guns on the market was impressive, and it even fits my budget without breaking the bank. I loved how easy it was to operate with no fuss, and no need to fully discharge before charging.
One thing that stood out to me is the advanced NiMH battery technology, which eliminates battery memory effects. I noticed that the battery could be charged anytime, without any hassle. The special design for airsoft guns enabled me to gain power intensity and a longer running time, which was a massive plus.
However, there were a couple of downsides. Despite its easy operation, I found that charging the battery at random times wasn't always the best idea. Another minor issue was the lack of instructions on how to care for the battery properly.
Overall, I highly recommend this battery for airsoft enthusiasts looking for a reliable and long-lasting option. Its superior technology and ease of use make it a top choice compared to NiCd battery packs.

🔗High-Performance Gens Ace 1200mAh 2S1P 7.4V 25C Airsoft Battery with Tamiya Plug
When I first received the Gens Ace 1200mAh 2S1P 7.4V 25C Airsoft Battery with Tamiya Plug, I was excited to see the high quality and attention to detail in the product. This battery boasts excellent performance and durability, making it the perfect addition to any airsoft enthusiast's arsenal.
One of my favorite features of this battery is its efficient and long-lasting performance, thanks to its low internal resistance and high cycle life. The Gens Ace battery pack is designed for various scales of RC models, ensuring it can handle even the most intense airsoft situations.
However, there were a few drawbacks I encountered. Although the battery pack is advertised as suitable for FedEx Ground ONLY with no P. O. Boxes, I found that notifying customers of this limitation upfront would have been helpful to avoid any confusion. Additionally, the Gens Ace C ratings being 20-90% lower than other brands may lead some users to doubt its effectiveness.
In the end, I would recommend the Gens Ace 1200mAh 2S1P 7.4V 25C Airsoft Battery with Tamiya Plug to anyone looking for a high-quality, reliable airsoft battery with a distinct edge in performance and value.

Buyer's Guide

AGM Airsoft is a brand that offers a variety of airsoft products, including guns, pistols, and accessories. Before diving into the purchasing process, consider the following aspects to ensure you make the best-informed decision for your needs.

A crucial factor when deciding on a pistol is its power source. AGM Airsoft offers both electric and gas-powered airsoft pistols. Gas-powered pistols deliver a more realistic recoil, but they require more maintenance. Electric airsoft pistols are generally easier to use and maintain.


AGM Airsoft offers a plethora of accessories that can enhance your overall airsoft experience. Some of these accessories include high-capacity magazines, red dot sights for improved accuracy, and comfortable carrying cases for easier storage and transportation.


When purchasing a gun from AGM Airsoft, you have a few categories to choose from, including shotguns, submachine guns (SMGs), rifles, and light machine guns (LMGs). Each category has its own advantages and disadvantages, so pick the one that best fits your needs. For example, shotguns and SMGs excel in close range combat and are easy to maneuver, while rifles and LMGs have a longer range and a higher rate of fire but may require more skill to use effectively.


  • Budget: AGM Airsoft offers products at various price points, so ensure your chosen items fit within your budget constraints.
  • Performance expectations: Assess the expected performance of your desired product. For example, if you're interested in a high-capacitive magazine, make sure the chosen gun can accommodate it properly.
  • Frequency of use: If you're planning to use your airsoft gear frequently, invest in higher-end, durable products that can withstand wear and tear.
  • Maintenance requirements: Different airsoft products require varying levels of maintenance. Gas-powered pistols, for instance, may need more attention than their electric counterparts.
When purchasing AGM Airsoft products, take into account the power source, accessories available, and the specific gun category that suits your preferences. Consider factors such as budget, performance expectations, frequency of use, and maintenance requirements to make an informed decision. With the right products, you'll be able to enjoy a top-notch airsoft experience.


What is AGM Airsoft?
AGM Airsoft is a well-known brand in the airsoft industry, specializing in the manufacturing of high-quality airsoft guns and accessories. They offer a variety of products suitable for both beginners and seasoned players, ensuring a thrilling and immersive experience.

What makes AGM Airsoft products stand out?

AGM Airsoft is renowned for its commitment to innovation, design, and quality. The brand focuses on building products that provide a balance between performance, durability, and affordability. Additionally, their customer-oriented approach ensures that each customer's needs are catered to.

What types of airsoft products does AGM Airsoft offer?

  • A wide range of airsoft guns, including AEGs (Automatic Electric Guns), GBB (Gas Blowback) guns, and pistols
  • Accessories such as batteries, flashlights, tactical gear, and spare parts

Are AGM Airsoft products suitable for beginners?

Yes, AGM Airsoft offers products suitable for beginners. They have a dedicated collection designed to introduce newcomers to airsoft with easy-to-use equipment that is both affordable and functional.

Where can I buy AGM Airsoft products?

AGM Airsoft products are widely available at both local and online airsoft retailers. However, it is always recommended to research and compare prices and features before making a purchase. You can also check the AGM Airsoft website for authorized dealers in your region.

Does AGM Airsoft offer customer support?

Yes, AGM Airsoft provides customer support to address any inquiries, concerns, or issues related to their products. You can reach their customer support team via email or phone for assistance.

How do I maintain my AGM Airsoft products?

To ensure optimal performance and longevity, it is essential to properly maintain your AGM Airsoft products. Follow the manufacturer's instructions, use high-quality airsoft BBs, and store your equipment in a dry, cool space when not in use. Regular cleaning and lubrication are also important, especially for guns and accessories that experience frequent use.

Does AGM Airsoft have any warranties or return policies?

AGM Airsoft does offer warranties and return policies for their products. Check with the retailer or directly with AGM Airsoft for more information on their specific policies and procedures.

What are some common issues faced with AGM Airsoft products?

  • occasional malfunctions or breakdowns, particularly with more complex gas-powered products
  • minor issues with durability on some parts or accessories

How can I resolve a problem with my AGM Airsoft product?

If you encounter any issues with your AGM Airsoft product, contact their customer support team for assistance. They may be able to assist you with troubleshooting, offer advice on repairs, or provide a suitable solution.
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submitted by GhoulGriin to u/GhoulGriin [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:12 Jashon24 FanDuel Casino vs BetMGM Online Casino - How do the casinos compare?

FanDuel Casino vs BetMGM Online Casino - How do the casinos compare?

Which online casino is better?

  • In this post I've taken an up-close view on these two popular online casinos for US players.
  • I've provided my referral link to visit each site below.

FanDuel Casino Overview

Games and Software Providers: FanDuel Casino boasts a rich library of over 500 games, including more than 400 slots from top developers like NetEnt, Microgaming, NextGen, and IGT. The platform also offers a comprehensive selection of live dealer games, video poker, and classic table games such as roulette, blackjack, and baccarat (​.
Bonuses and Promotions: FanDuel Casino provides an attractive welcome bonus where new players can get up to $1,000 back in their first 24 hours, along with 200 bonus spins for specific states. Regular promotions include game-specific bonuses, weekly risk-free bets, and referral bonuses, which keep the gaming experience fresh and rewarding. T&C's Apply.
User Experience: The FanDuel Casino interface is user-friendly, with a clean, dark-blue theme that is easy on the eyes. The mobile app mirrors the desktop experience, offering full functionality and seamless gameplay on both iOS and Android devices. The site’s security is top-notch, employing SSL encryption to safeguard player data and transactions​.
Licensing and Availability: FanDuel Casino is licensed and operates legally in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and West Virginia, ensuring a regulated and secure gambling environment.
  • Extensive game library from top developers.
  • Excellent mobile app experience.
  • Frequent and varied promotions.
  • Available in fewer states compared to some competitors.
  • Limited game variety in certain states.

BetMGM Online Casino Overview

Games and Software Providers: BetMGM Casino: MI, NJ, BetMGM PA, WV offers an impressive collection of over 700 games, including slots, table games, and a notable array of live dealer games. They partner with leading software providers like IGT, NetEnt, and Evolution Gaming, ensuring a high-quality gaming experience ​ (OnlineGambling)​​​.
Bonuses and Promotions: New players at BetMGM can benefit from a 100% deposit match bonus up to $1,000 plus $25 on the house. BetMGM is known for its ongoing promotions such as free spins, cashback offers, and loyalty rewards, providing continuous incentives for both new and existing players​. T&C's Apply.
User Experience: BetMGM’s platform is designed for ease of use, with intuitive navigation and a sleek interface. The mobile app is well-regarded for its stability and performance, allowing players to enjoy their favorite games on the go. Security measures include advanced encryption technologies, ensuring a safe gaming environment​​.
Licensing and Availability: BetMGM operates in more states than FanDuel, including New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Michigan, West Virginia, and several others. This broader availability makes it accessible to a larger audience of US players​.
  • Larger game selection.
  • Broader state availability.
  • Robust loyalty program.
  • Some users report slower withdrawal times.
  • App performance can occasionally be unstable during peak times.
  • Not yet available in most states.


Both FanDuel Casino and BetMGM Online Casino offer US gamblers excellent online gambling experiences, each with its own set of advantages depending on what state a bettor is in.
  • FanDuel excels with its user-friendly interface, stellar mobile app, and frequent promotions, making it a great choice for players seeking a streamlined and rewarding experience.
  • On the other hand, BetMGM’s extensive game library, broader state availability, and strong loyalty rewards program make it an attractive option for players looking for variety and wider accessibility.


1. Which casino has more games, FanDuel or BetMGM?
  • BetMGM offers a larger selection with over 700 games compared to FanDuel’s 500+ games.
2. Are there welcome bonuses available at both casinos?
  • Yes, both casinos offer attractive welcome bonuses. FanDuel offers up to $1,000 back in the first 24 hours plus 200 bonus spins, while BetMGM offers a 100% deposit match up to $1,000 plus $25 on the house.
3. Which casino operates in more states?
  • BetMGM operates in more states compared to FanDuel.
4. Can I play live dealer games at both casinos?
  • Yes, both FanDuel and BetMGM offer live dealer games.
5. Which casino has better mobile app performance?
  • Both casinos have highly rated mobile apps, but FanDuel is often praised for its seamless performance.
6. Are the games from top developers at both casinos?
  • Yes, both casinos feature games from leading developers like NetEnt and IGT.
7. What banking options are available at FanDuel and BetMGM?
  • Both casinos offer multiple banking options including Visa, MasterCard, PayPal, ACH, and more.
8. Are there loyalty programs at both casinos?
  • Yes, both FanDuel and BetMGM have loyalty programs offering various rewards.
9. How secure are these casinos?
  • Both casinos use SSL encryption and other advanced security measures to protect player information and transactions.
10. Can I contact customer support easily at both casinos?
  • Yes, both casinos offer multiple support options including live chat, email, and phone support.
11. Do these casinos offer game-specific bonuses?
  • Yes, both FanDuel and BetMGM offer game-specific bonuses and promotions.
12. Which casino is better for high rollers?
  • BetMGM might be more suitable for high rollers due to its larger game selection and extensive promotional offers.
submitted by Jashon24 to USACasinosOnline [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:05 Temporary_House4852 Meeting a Congregation

Hail you all, and hail myself.
I recently made the jump to join TST, and all signs pointed to meeting my local congregation. I finally got the chance today and it was certainly a good time. I was impressed with the genuineness of the people, bordering crass and offensive! Truly cool group. It was nice to feel welcomed, but also "checked at the door". I respect it because I'm pretty forward myself.
But the chance to meet them came from their efforts in hosting a booth at the local Pride event, and I didnt feel it was proper to take up too much of their time with questions during a fun celebration. Our congregation's website doesn't have further info on group activities or meet ups, and only leads to an email to contact our leadership. It seems like it really just consists of merch promotion and sparse events spread out by months at a time.
I'm eager to learn more, and connect with like-minded individuals who can challenge my personal philosophies for mutual growth.
I've seen a lot of online meetings for groups, but I've gotta say, it's a messy start with no clear path on how to become more involved.
Would the group mind sharing their stories of how they undertook the pursuit of knowledge in history and traditions? I could use some hype and direction because I really am eager to grow alongside this group.
If it helps, I actively pursue my own philanthropy through music and Recovery. These people tend to be my tribe, and I am 3 years into a project that I really hope becomes it's own, unaffiliated creative way of giving back to communities that could use the love and support that connecting through music brings to our lives.
I don't want to push my stuff onto others, and would only offer facilitating fun meet ups based on interest from others. How would you guys go about getting to know the members on an individual basis? And where can I begin in truly educating myself on practices and beliefs that go beyond reading the tenets and easily available website information?
Feels like I could have saved myself some headaches if I found this group sooner. You all inspire me to be better every day just by seeing the rational discussions and noble pursuits you undertake in your individual lives. Especially seeing the current strife with the many departures, as a new member. That would have put me off to the church if it weren't for the sheer level of empathy this group practices under stress.
submitted by Temporary_House4852 to SatanicTemple_Reddit [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:04 Stage-Piercing727 Best Adidas Military Boots

Best Adidas Military Boots
Get ready to dive into the world of Adidas Military Boots as we bring you the ultimate guide to these versatile, rugged footwear! Explore a variety of styles, materials, and features that make these boots stand out in the market. Discover the perfect pair for your outdoor adventures or everyday wear.

The Top 15 Best Adidas Military Boots

  1. Under Armour Stellar G2 Tactical Boots: Breathable, Waterproof, and Comfortable for Long Shifts - For tactical professionals needing traction, waterproof protection, and superior breathability, the Upgraded UA Tactical Stellar with a slip-resistant outsole is the ultimate choice.
  2. Under Armour Men's Stellar G2 6" Tactical Boots - Breathable & Odor-Resistant - Experience unparalleled comfort and performance with the Under Armour Men's Stellar G2 6" Tactical Boots, featuring lightweight leather and advanced features designed for durability and enhanced grip on all surfaces.
  3. Salomon Forces 4D GTX Tactical Hiking Boots for Men - Salomon Forces Men Quest 4D GTX 2 EN Tactical Shoes offer superior cushioning, shock attenuation, moisture-wicking comfort, and exceptional grip for unparalleled performance on tactical terrain.
  4. Authentic U.S. G.I. Mickey Mouse Winter Boots for Men and Kids - Unused and Affordable - Brace your feet for freezing temperatures with the genuine U.S. G.I. Mickey Mouse boots, sourced from Coleman's Military Surplus, offering unbeatable warmth and insulation at unrivaled affordable prices!
  5. Comfortable Lightweight Adidas Military Boots - Rugged & Stylish Outdoor Footwear - Experience ultimate comfort and support with the Under Armour Men's Stellar G2 Tactical Boots, featuring durable construction and a lightweight design for optimal performance in various terrains.
  6. Adidas Terrex Snowpitch COLD.RDY Hiking Boots - Lightweight, Insulated, and Weather-Resistant - Experience a secure and comfortable fit along with outstanding durability, weather resistance, and traction for unbeatable performance in the Adidas Terrex Snowpitch COLD.RDY Hiking Boots.
  7. Adidas Terrex Heron Mid Hiking Boot with PrimaLoft Insulation - Waterproof and Climaproof Shoes - Step out in style with the Adidas Terrex Heron Mid CW CP PrimaLoft hiking boots, featuring waterproof protection, PrimaLoft insulation, and Stealth rubber outsole for ultimate comfort, weather resistance, durability, and traction.
  8. Ultra-Comfortable Military Boots by Under Armour - Experience ultimate durability and unmatched comfort with the Under Armour Tac Loadout Boots in Coyote Brown, designed for athletes who face the toughest challenges.
  9. Adidas Terrex Unity Leather Mid Hiking Shoes - Water-Repellent and Durable - Experience the perfect blend of durability, comfort, and visual appeal with the Adidas Terrex Unity Leather Mid RAIN.RDY Hiking Shoes - Unisex, designed to conquer every challenging trail you encounter.
  10. Adidas Tactical ADV: Cushioned Snowboarding Boots with Responsive Boost Midsole - Experience unmatched comfort and performance with the Adidas Tactical ADV Snowboard Boot - Core Black/Core Black/White, featuring a revolutionary Responsive Boost midsole design that ensures ultimate cushioning and energy return.
  11. High-Performance Oakley Field Assault Boots: Comfort, Durability, and Style - Introducing the Oakley Field Assault Boot, a perfect blend of durability and comfort, offering unrivaled traction and performance for those who require exceptional footwear in any terrain or environment.
  12. Adidas Eastrail 2.0 Mid RAIN.RDY Black Waterproof Hiking Shoes with Enhanced Durability - The Adidas Eastrail 2.0 Mid RAIN.RDY Black - 48 offers a classic last, lace-up fastening, waterproof mesh upper, and recycled content, providing all-day comfort and wear resistance for outdoor adventures.
  13. Under Armour Men's Coyote Micro G Valsetz Mid Tactical Boots - Lightweight & Breathable - Experience ultimate comfort and durability with the Under Armour Men's Coyote Micro G Valsetz Mid Tactical Boots - the perfect choice for all-day support on any mission.
  14. Under Armour Military Boots: Lightweight Tactical Footwear with Enhanced Comfort and Traction - Experience unmatched comfort and durability in the Under Armour Men's Micro G Valsetz Tactical Boots with a lightweight, breathable upper and responsive cushioning.
  15. Adidas Terrex Free Hiker 2: Warm and Waterproof Cold Weather Hiking Boots - Embrace the cold in ultimate comfort with the Adidas Men's Terrex Free Hiker 2.0 COLD.RDY - featuring a warm insulation, durable construction, and advanced traction for year-round hiking adventures.
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🔗Under Armour Stellar G2 Tactical Boots: Breathable, Waterproof, and Comfortable for Long Shifts
Imagine slogging through a muddy construction site or trekking through a wet forest without feeling a single drop of water on your feet. That's the promise of the Under Armour Stellar G2 Waterproof Tactical Boots. I've tried these babies myself and let me tell you, they've been a game-changer.
First things first, the outer material is 100% leather, giving these boots a rugged, durable feel that can withstand any challenge I throw at them. But the real standout feature? The waterproofing. I'll admit, I was skeptical at first, but these boots kept my feet dry in the dampest conditions, making them a reliable companion on any outdoor excursion.
Now, I did notice a little issue with the traction on these bad boys. They tend to slip on some surfaces, which can be a bit of a hazard in certain situations. But that's a small price to pay for the overall comfort and protection these boots provide. Speaking of comfort, the die-cut EVA footbed and molded EVA, TPU shank make for a cushioned, supportive experience, even during long shifts.
As for the aesthetics, these boots are no slouch. The sleek, black design exudes an air of professionalism, which is always a bonus when you're working on a job site. But remember, always prioritize function over form.
In conclusion, the Under Armour Stellar G2 Waterproof Tactical Boots are a solid choice for anyone looking for reliable, waterproof footwear. Just remember to keep an eye on the traction and you're good to go.

🔗Under Armour Men's Stellar G2 6" Tactical Boots - Breathable & Odor-Resistant
I recently got a pair of Under Armour Men's Stellar G2 6" Tactical Boots and they exceeded my expectations in terms of comfort and design. The light and breathable textile upper with full-grain polishable leather forefoot provided a great balance of durability and flexibility. I loved the molded Contoura Support anti-odor footbed with shock-absorbing foam as it made long walks a breeze, even without insoles. The molded EVA midsole cushioning with reinforced TPU shank gave me excellent protection and support, keeping my feet comfortable all day. Moreover, the oil- and slip-resistant high-traction rubber lug outsole offered a solid grip on various surfaces.
However, there were a few aspects that I found disappointing. Firstly, the front and back pull loops made the on/off process a bit difficult for me. Secondly, my previous pair of tactical boots felt more comfortable due to their thickness and weather resistance. Lastly, the size of the boots was somewhat small, so I had to go up one size.
Despite the minor drawbacks, I'd definitely recommend these boots to anyone looking for a comfortable and stylish pair of tactical boots.

🔗Salomon Forces 4D GTX Tactical Hiking Boots for Men
The quest for the perfect tactical shoe has led me to the Salomon Forces Men Quest 4D GTX 2 EN. With a sleek design and plenty of features to make my treks more comfortable, I've been putting these boots through the paces.
One of the most noticeable features in this shoe is its dual-density midsole, which provides superior cushioning, stability, and motion control. The EVA foam in these boots is high-performance, offering excellent shock attenuation as I hike through various terrains. The nonreflective materials make these shoes perfect for tactical use, as they're always discrete and blended in with the environment.
The soft, breathable lining of this shoe has been a game-changer in terms of moisture-wicking foot comfort. The gusseted tongue design prevented debris from entering the shoe, keeping the tongue centered and eliminating the need for constant adjustments. It's a great feature to have, especially when I'm trudging through mud or over uneven ground.
In terms of fit, the molded OrthoLite sockliner matched the contours of my foot, providing a snug and comfortable fit. The ISO 20344:2011 puncture-resistant sole also made me feel more secure when navigating through rough terrain.
While I love the ventilation, ankle support, water resistance, and other features of these boots, there are some minor downsides. The traction, although solid, could be better in some situations. Also, the regular lacing system can be a bit tedious, especially when I need to quickly tie and untie the boots.
Overall, the Salomon Forces Men Quest 4D GTX 2 EN has been a great addition to my outdoor gear collection. It provides comfort and support during my hikes and tactical missions, making it a reliable tool for the job. While there are some minor issues, the benefits of these boots far outweigh the drawbacks.

🔗Authentic U.S. G.I. Mickey Mouse Winter Boots for Men and Kids - Unused and Affordable
When I first heard about these Mickey Mouse boots, I was intrigued by their distinctive design paired with their military origins. So, I decided to give them a shot while embarking on a snowmobiling adventure. As I strapped them on, I was initially surprised by how heavy they were.
But once I stepped into the deep snow, I immediately comprehended the weight's significance - it signified the durability and robustness of these boots. The wool and waterproof exterior managed to keep my feet warm and dry even in the harsh subzero temperatures.
However, their unique design did catch quite a few stares, but hey, it's not every day someone's feet are decked out like a set of Mickey Mouse ears. Overall, these boots delivered the expected functionality, even though they made me look like a walking Disney attraction.

🔗Comfortable Lightweight Adidas Military Boots - Rugged & Stylish Outdoor Footwear
When I first tried on the Men's Stellar G2 Tactical Boots from Under Armour, I was impressed by the lightweight feel and the durable leather forefoot. The high traction rubber lug outsole definitely came in handy during my daily walks in different surfaces, providing me with a firm grip.
However, after a few weeks of regular use, I noticed that the zipper started to malfunction, making it difficult to take the boots off or put them on. Despite this inconvenience, the style of the boots and their overall comfort were definitely attractive features.

🔗Adidas Terrex Snowpitch COLD.RDY Hiking Boots - Lightweight, Insulated, and Weather-Resistant
Recently, I had the chance to try out the Adidas Terrex Snowpitch COLD. RDY hiking boots, and I must say, I was impressed. The leather upper has a stylish and long-lasting appeal, while the insulated and water-repellent COLD. RDY technology kept my feet warm and dry in any weather.
One feature I particularly enjoyed was the textile innersole that added extra comfort to my feet. The hiking boots also offered great support and traction, making them perfect for my outdoor adventures. However, I did notice that the rubber outsole was a bit tricky to clean. Overall, I highly recommend these boots for fellow outdoor enthusiasts who are looking for a reliable and comfortable pair.

🔗Adidas Terrex Heron Mid Hiking Boot with PrimaLoft Insulation - Waterproof and Climaproof Shoes
Over the past few weeks, I've been using the Adidas Terrex Heron Mid CW CP PrimaLoft Hiking Boots in my daily life. These boots have been a reliable companion on my hikes, providing both comfort and protection from the elements. One of the standout features is the waterproof and climaproof construction, keeping my feet dry even in the wettest conditions. The PrimaLoft insulation material is another highlight, providing extra warmth in colder temperatures.
One aspect that I found impressive is the Stealth rubber outsole, which offers unbeatable grip on slippery or icy ground. This feature, combined with the mid-height cuff, ensures that I'm always stable on any trail I encounter.
However, there were also some downsides to my experience. The boots seem to run a bit large, which may cause some unwanted bulk for people with narrow or standard-width feet. Additionally, the lacing system can be a bit finicky, requiring a bit more effort to get the fit just right.
In conclusion, the Adidas Terrex Heron Mid CW CP PrimaLoft Hiking Boots have been a reliable companion on my hikes, providing both comfort and protection. The waterproof and insulated features are especially noteworthy, but potential buyers should be aware of the sizing issues and the need for a snug fit.

🔗Ultra-Comfortable Military Boots by Under Armour
Experience the ultimate blend of comfort and durability with the Under Armour Tac Loadout Boots. These boots are crafted with 100% synthetic materials, boasting a rubber sole that provides unbeatable traction on any surface. Under Armour's mission to innovate extends to these boots, as they feature ultralight Micro G EVA inner midsoles for all-day comfort and quick-dry materials to keep your feet dry throughout the day.
Designed for various environments and challenges, the Tac Loadout Boots are equipped with durable uppers made from roughout leather and Cordura nylon, ensuring they withstand rough use day after day. The Vibram outsole with MegaGrip rubber provides excellent grip, while the heel tabs make it easy to slide in and out of the boots.
I had the chance to test these boots, and I couldn't be more impressed. The lightweight and supportive design is perfect for long marches, and the breathable material keeps my feet from getting overheated. Although the soles may take time to break in, their comfort and durability make them well worth the effort. One small concern is that the boots could use better toe protection, especially for those in demanding environments.
Overall, the Under Armour Tac Loadout Boots are an excellent choice for anyone seeking a reliable, comfortable, and versatile pair of boots. With their innovative design and superior performance, these boots are perfect for tackling any challenge that comes your way.

🔗Adidas Terrex Unity Leather Mid Hiking Shoes - Water-Repellent and Durable
I recently had the opportunity to try out the Adidas Terrex Unity Leather Mid RAIN. RDY hiking shoes, and I must say, I was impressed. The nubuck leather upper felt sturdy and durable, while the lugged outsole provided excellent grip on various surfaces.
Despite being marketed as water-repellent, the shoes didn't seem to get wet easily during my outdoor adventures. The EVA midsole was comfortable, especially for those long hikes. However, I did find the lace closure a bit fiddly at times.
Overall, the Adidas Terrex hiking shoes were a solid choice for those looking for a reliable, durable, and comfortable pair of shoes for their outdoor excursions.

🔗Adidas Tactical ADV: Cushioned Snowboarding Boots with Responsive Boost Midsole
Over the past few weeks, I've been putting the Adidas Tactical ADV 2021 Snowboard Boots through their paces in the slopes near my home. Let me tell you, these boots have been a game-changer in my snowboarding adventures. They're incredibly comfortable, and I appreciate how the textile upper and heat-moldable Ultralon foam liner work together to make these boots feel like an extension of my feet.
One of my favorite features is the boot lacing system; it's so user-friendly that I can easily adjust the fit on the go. The rubber outsole provides great traction on those icy slopes, while the responsive Boost midsole ensures a cushioned ride that keeps my feet feeling fresh even after a long day on the mountain.
That being said, there are a few minor drawbacks. While I love the boot's versatility, I found the sizing to be a bit on the larger side. I'd recommend going down a half-size for a better fit. Additionally, the boots tend to wear out faster than I'd like, but I suppose that's the price we pay for such comfortable and responsive footwear.
Overall, the Adidas Tactical ADV 2021 Snowboard Boots are a worthy investment for snowboarding enthusiasts. They offer a perfect balance of comfort, performance, and style that's hard to beat in the world of snowboarding footwear.

🔗High-Performance Oakley Field Assault Boots: Comfort, Durability, and Style

My experience with the Oakley Field Assault Boot (Coyote) has been a positive one. The durability of this boot is top-notch, thanks to the 1000-denier Cordura and suede upper. This lightweight and breathable material also adds to the overall comfort of the boot. The Vibram rubber lug outsole is a standout feature, providing impressive traction and stability, even in the harshest conditions. The molded EVA insert and injection polyurethane midsole ensure comfort for long periods and even absorb shock effectively. The braided nylon laces are sturdy and provide a secure fit, but they could use some reinforcement to last longer.
In terms of pros, the Oakley Field Assault Boot offers unparalleled durability, comfort, and traction. Cons include the thinness of the laces and the stiffness around the ankle. Overall, this military-style boot stands out for its performance and sleek design.

🔗Adidas Eastrail 2.0 Mid RAIN.RDY Black Waterproof Hiking Shoes with Enhanced Durability
I have been using the Adidas Eastrail 2.0 Mid RAIN. RDY shoes in my daily adventures, and I must say it has been quite an experience up until now. When it comes to the aesthetics, the shoes have a unique and edgy design, especially in the green color I ordered. The size 48 fits me perfectly, and I'm glad Adidas gave me the option to select the right size for myself.
One thing that stood out to me right off the bat is the lace-up fastening. It wasn't difficult at all to tie the shoes, and they stayed securely on my feet throughout the day. The mesh upper and synthetic reinforcements made by recycled material have proven to be quite durable, even during rainy days.
On the negative side, the EVA midsole felt a little bit uncomfortable after prolonged usage. It seemed to me like my feet wouldn't dry quickly during the rainy seasons, which I guess could be due to the material they're made from.
Overall, I would say the Adidas Eastrail 2.0 Mid RAIN. RDY shoes are a decent choice for those looking for waterproof hiking boots with a modern edge. While there are a couple of cons that I've personally experienced, I'm willing to give them another shot and see if they hold up in various weather conditions.

🔗Under Armour Men's Coyote Micro G Valsetz Mid Tactical Boots - Lightweight & Breathable
The Under Armour Coyote Micro G Valsetz Mid Tactical Boots have been a game-changer for me. The first thing I noticed was how lightweight they were – a real plus when you're on your feet for long periods. The synthetic leather and nylon upper felt not only soft but also breathable, which was a major plus during those sweltering summer days.
One of the key features that stood out for me was the oil- and slip-resistant rubber lug outsole. I work in an environment where there's a lot of dirt and wet surfaces, and these boots really helped me stay grounded, literally. The full-length Micro G foam midsole added a level of cushioning that made my long hours on the job much more comfortable.
However, there was one downside – one that I couldn't help but notice after a while. The boots wore down more quickly than I expected, given their price point. But that's a minor issue when you consider the overall level of comfort and support these boots offer.
In the end, the Under Armour Coyote Micro G Valsetz Mid Tactical Boots earned a spot in my everyday rotation. They're like a reliable companion on those long, challenging days at work. Highly recommended for anyone who spends a lot of time on their feet.

🔗Under Armour Military Boots: Lightweight Tactical Footwear with Enhanced Comfort and Traction
The Under Armour Men's Micro G Valsetz Tactical Boots are an excellent addition to any tactical gear collection. With their lightweight synthetic leather and textile upper, these boots are both durable and breathable, making them the perfect choice for those long days on the job. The welded forefoot overlay and molded TPU toe cap provide added protection, ensuring your feet are secure and well-protected at all times.
The easy on/off features of these boots, with pull loops on the heel and tongue, make them a breeze to slip on and off, even after a long day on your feet. The anti-fatigue and anti-microbial molded Contoura Support footbed provides all-day comfort, absorbing shock and keeping your feet feeling great even after hours of use.
The upgraded outsole, with its durable oil and slip-resistant rubber compound, ensures that you have the traction you need to stay on your feet, even in the most challenging of environments. The full-length Micro G foam midsole provides the ultimate in responsive cushioning, making these boots a standout choice for those who spend their days on their feet.
While the Under Armour Men's Micro G Valsetz Tactical Boots have many positives, there are a few drawbacks to consider. Some users have experienced issues with the laces, which can loosen and come untied easily, requiring frequent adjustments. Additionally, the boots are not waterproof, so they may not be the best choice for those working in wet environments.
Overall, the Under Armour Men's Micro G Valsetz Tactical Boots are a strong choice for anyone looking for a lightweight, comfortable, and protective work boot. With their durable construction, breathable materials, and excellent traction, these boots are well worth considering as part of your tactical gear collection.

Buyer's Guide

Adidas military boots are designed to provide comfort, durability, and style in various outdoor conditions. This guide will help you understand the essential features and considerations before purchasing a pair of Adidas military boots.

Material and Construction

Adidas military boots come in various materials such as leather, synthetic materials, and canvas. The choice of material depends on the level of water resistance, breathability, and strength required for the intended use.

Water Resistance

Water resistance is essential for military boots, especially if they are meant for outdoor activities in wet or muddy conditions. Look for boots with a water-resistant coating or membrane that will keep your feet dry.

Comfort and Fit

Adidas military boots should provide adequate support and comfort, especially for prolonged use. Check the boot's interior for cushioning, arch support, and breathability. The fit should be snug, but not too tight, allowing for some wiggle room in the toe area and enough room around the ankle.

Traction and Grip

Traction and grip are essential for outdoor activities, such as hiking or camping. Look for Adidas military boots with a non-slip sole and good grip, especially if you plan to use them on wet or uneven terrains.

Ease of Cleaning and Maintenance

Military boots need to be durable and easy to clean, especially when used in muddy or dirty conditions. Look for Adidas boots with features like a removable footbed for easy cleaning and waterproof materials that can quickly dry after getting wet.

Brand Reputation

Adidas is a well-renowned brand known for its durable and high-quality products. When considering purchasing Adidas military boots, always choose a reputable dealer to ensure you get an authentic and high-quality product.
Adidas military boots are a great option for those seeking comfort, durability, and style in their outdoor gear. To ensure you're getting the best fit and features for your intended use, always consider the material, water resistance, comfort, traction, ease of cleaning, and brand reputation before making a purchase.


Are Adidas Military Boots suitable for outdoor activities?

Yes, Adidas Military Boots are designed for outdoor activities. They feature water-resistant materials, reinforced stitching, and a durable sole that provides excellent grip on various terrains. Their design allows for comfortable wear during long walks and hikes.

What are the primary features of Adidas Military Boots?

The primary features of Adidas Military Boots include:
  • Water-resistant materials for protection against wet conditions
  • Reinforced stitching for added durability
  • High-grip sole for traction on various surfaces
  • Padded ankle support for comfort and stability
  • Adjustable lacing system for a customized fit

What sizes do Adidas Military Boots come in?

Adidas Military Boots are available in various sizes, from men's and women's EU sizes 36-48, to ensure a proper fit for a wide range of customers.

How do I care for Adidas Military Boots to prolong their lifespan?

To prolong the lifespan of Adidas Military Boots, follow these care instructions:
  • Clean the boots regularly using a soft brush or cloth to remove dirt and debris.
  • Apply a waterproofing treatment to the leather or synthetic materials to protect against moisture.
  • Avoid exposure to extreme heat or cold, as this can damage the materials and reduce the boots' water resistance.
  • Store the boots in a cool, dry place when not in use to prevent mold growth and maintain the quality of the materials.

Can I wear Adidas Military Boots for more than just outdoor activities?

Yes, Adidas Military Boots can also be worn as fashion statement footwear. They make a great addition to casual outfits, offering both durability and style.
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