Keflex std treatment

Molluscum Contagiosum: miserable little buggers. Share tips, methods, and success for treatment.

2021.12.17 20:41 Acceptable_Humans Molluscum Contagiosum: miserable little buggers. Share tips, methods, and success for treatment.

Ask Molluscum Contagiosum questions, share tips/methods/success stories, and kill those suckers! (This subreddit is run by a former Molluscum Contagiosum patient who wants to help other sufferers šŸ˜‡)* *This page is not a substitute for medical advice. #MolluscumContagiosum #Molluscum #MC #Virus #Contagious #Spread #STI #STD #Pop #Cure #Heal #Hell #Pain #Sex #Help #Doctor #Disease #Skin #Core #Indentation #Treatment

2024.05.18 23:46 Ehh_priori Confusing recurrent infection

Confusing recurrent infection
Hey yā€™all,
Got an interesting one. Currently waiting to see a derm in Ontario.
Starts as some bumps that are itchy, will progress to large swollen circles with raised edges.
Antibiotics are effective (amoxicillin, keflex) however it will reappear a few weeks after antibiotic course.
Antifungals were tried earlier and dont seem to have an effect.
Had it a few years ago - was suspected to be a staph infection from jiujitsu. Resolved with antibiotics. Randomly reoccured a few months back and itā€™s been incredibly resilient to treatment.
Had good response with 2% fucidin in the past but it seems to be less effective now.
Also maybe important: always occurs on left forearm
submitted by Ehh_priori to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:10 ActiveDepth Advice for a frightende newcommer - is my symptoms normal? Why did I sudently get sore and ichy?

I'm (25 f) new here, and i have known of the existence of lichen sclerosus for about two months, after I went to my doctor because of frequently getting small tears after sex.
I have never had any problems before, then I got into a relationship, and had sex for the first time for about 15 months ago. My boyfriend i well endowed, above averange in length and girth. Having sex have only hurt or been uncomfortalbe a few times, in specific positions or because we went too fast, other than that, there have been no issues with his size. But ever since we began having sex, afterwards I would notice small tears, when I went to wash myself or pee and it would sting badly for 1-5 days. A few times I have had more of a burning sensation after sex. It seemed to slowly get worse, to the point where every single time I had sex, I would get small painful teas, even when I waited weeks in between to let the skin heal, even when we used tons of lube, had loong foreplay, went slow etc.
So I went to the doctor, who after rulling out std's, suspected lichen sclerosus and sent me to a gynocologist to confirm as well as recomend that I apply almond oil everyday. So I applied allmond oil two times a day, for about a month, hoping it would solve it. It didn't and I went to see a gynocologist. She also suspected lichen sclerosus after examining me, even though there is no visible symptoms (basically, the only symptom there is, is that I tear from sex, and that I easily get a yeast infection if I don't clean myself after sex which then itch a lot and can make my skin feel sore/inflamed/fragile) she didn't make any tests, and then she presribed me Dermovat.
I'm SO scared about all of it, will it ever get better, will it get worse, will sex always be like this and I'll lose my sex drive because of it, will I be able to have children without completely wrecking my body, and will this treatment make it worse or better? Also, why didn't they make any test? And should they have tested me for hidden BV or yeast infections? Is it actually just my bf's big size that make me tear and there is nothing wrong with me other than I might accidentaly tense up? But if it's just his size, shouldn't my body be capable of handling that, if it can handle a baby?
I started the treatment of aplying a small drop of Dermovat once every day, and I'm now on my 4th week. Three days ago I wore too thight underwear on a hot day, and I could feel how it iritated my skin to a point where it hurt a lot and it felt like sandpaper, so I have been carefull and been putting extra almond oil on, and it still feels just as raw and itchy and sore as it did three days ago! I have hadly worn underwear for three days, no sex, and still! I noticed I'm also very red. Could it be the Dermovat and is that a sign that it's the wrong treatment? Whatever is wrong with me, I don't want to make it worse or permanent!
submitted by ActiveDepth to lichensclerosus [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:14 Express_Intern_1223 šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†

šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜† submitted by Express_Intern_1223 to ProTradingTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 03:22 Ghost_Rider_YT Medical question

So forgive me for sounding uniformed but I am woefullyā€¦. Uniformed.
Had a pretty bad run of issues stemming from an infection that acquired from my last deployment (non std type tyvm). Itā€™s bad enough that when it is triggered, I physically can not get up and walk, much less work. The problem is I have sort of learned to deal with this on my own time and manage the pain properly at home. It has a lot to do with when I eat, how much water I drink, and randomly how my body reacts to the above circumstances.
Iā€™ve been to the ER roughly 10 times, had a colonoscopy (fuck me dead), an endoscopy, polyps removed, pretty much everything you can have checked for your insides checked and as far as Iā€™m aware the doctors have not given me a definitive ā€œthis is what is wrongā€ nor have they given me any sort of treatment. Iā€™m back to dealing with this issue on my own and managing pain (which honestly is like an 9 / 10 when itā€™s happening, like I said I canā€™t even get off the floor for hours at a time). What do I do? Keep going to the ER when it happens? Go to my PA to refer me to someone else again? This all happened after my last deployment and my surgeon even referenced the quality of drinking water where I was at as a source of infection.
I plan on getting out of the army and donā€™t really know how I should approach this specific situation. Any help is appreciated.
submitted by Ghost_Rider_YT to army [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 20:59 No_Satisfaction1284 Starting IOP on Monday

Hey guys, I'm biting the bullet. I'm very apprehensive about inpatient, had a terrible inpatient mental health experience a decade ago, but I'm willing to do IOP. I'm also going to try and take leave from work for a couple months to focus on this, applying for STD and FMLA today (on hold for dates of treatment confirmation currently).
I've tried so many things... IOP, therapy, naltrexone, antabuse. I've drank on antabuse many, many times (after stopping for several days or longer, but it takes a long time for it to stop having an effect on your system) and I know now that I'm at much elevated risk for head and neck cancer now due to the antabuse reaction (it causes levels of a potent carcinogen, acetaldehyde, to build up on your body when you drink).
I'm also agnostic at best, so I'm apprehensive about navigating all the god talk in 12 steps, but Ive endured it before.
Wish me well guys, here's hoping I finally kick this and don't get cancer and die, heh.
Edit: clarification about antabuse
submitted by No_Satisfaction1284 to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 16:43 inoahsark456 HIV Diagnosis

Edit: Iā€™ve been checking my notifications all day at work today and Iā€™m immensely grateful for all the supportive comments and people sharing their personal stories. Iā€™m going to save this post for myself in times where I get in my head.
My (26M) health has been on a decline the past month which ultimately led to me getting blood work done.
Yesterday, I got the call all gay men fears. My lab results came back positive for HIV. This is the first time Iā€™ve ever contracted an STD, but Iā€™ve been bracing for this possibility given I havenā€™t been making the safest decisions when came to sex. Iā€™ve done a lot of research already and I took the news pretty well yesterday, but going to bed last night it was all starting to set in. Iā€™m glad that Iā€™m able to receive treatment to feel healthy again but the thought of having this disease for the rest of my life and itā€™s potential effect it will have on my relationships is really getting to me now. I feel like Iā€™m going to be back in the closet but except Iā€™ll be hiding this diagnosis because I donā€™t want that stigma to be the thing that people only focus on.
For anyone who has been diagnosed and living with HIV, how did it affect your interactions with friends, family, and potential partners?
I live on the West Coast and my entire family leaves in South so Iā€™m missing that support system. I so far only told my mom and she took it alot harder than I did. What did yall do to help cope with your diagnosis?
Also, any recommendations on good practice to maintain good health while living with the disease? Iā€™m going to be having my follow up appointments for further blood work and to talk about future treatment in this upcoming week but it would be nice to hear some supportive advice to help ease my mind.
submitted by inoahsark456 to gaybros [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 15:25 BlackMountainEbony Am I Wrong for Wanting to Cut Ties With My Psychopath Daughter?

I'm at my wits' end with my daughter "Jane" who was diagnosed as a psychopath a few years ago. My wife doesn't want to cut her off, but I'm seriously considering it for my own mental health and peace of mind.
Jane has put our family through constant chaos, drama and turmoil with her manipulative lies, lack of empathy and impulse control issues.
Some major examples of Jane's destructive behavior:
Last year, Jane lied to the police that a classmate had assaulted her. She made up an elaborate story with fake bruises and everything. The classmate was arrested before the truth came out that Jane had fabricated the whole thing. She ended up having to do 200 hours of community service at a local soup kitchen which turned to disaster after she lied to everyone about each other and caused an uproar.
Jane has slept with at least 4 different boyfriends of her closest friends that we know of. She gets a thrill out of the deception and betrayal, and doesn't care about hurting her "friends" at all. These incidents have caused irreparable damage to her friendships and she has contracted STD after STD....
Jane has been kicked out of 3 different high schools for everything from cheating, stealing, bullying, drug use and making phony bomb threats.
She's constantly running away, destroying the house when she gets angry, doing drugs, fighting, and saying the worst things imaginable.
I'm just sick and tired of the constant lying, manipulation and complete lack of remorse or ability to empathize with others.
My wife still wants to hold onto hope that Jane can get better with more therapy and treatment but I feel like I'm going crazy living with this level of chaos and toxicity.
Am I wrong for wanting to cut ties with my own daughter for my own mental health?
submitted by BlackMountainEbony to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:56 Unfair_Solution_2317 How can I help myself? (BPD)

First I want to apologize for the long post that you're about to read but I'm really losing my sanity at this point.
I (f 21) was dating a guy (20) for about two months, he was a virgin and I was his first ever , everything was going so so well , we are very compatible and I really liked him a lot and still do like him , he also liked me a lot , until..
Before we had sex for the first and last time ever he had talked to me about STDs and I told him that he has nothing to worry about because I have never had an STD , so two weeks later we have unprotected sex , and it was really really good , ten days later he started experiencing some symptoms like a burning sensation when he pees , white or clear discharge, his penis was red and swollen, and he was going crazy and he was very very anxious and scared (rightfully so) he went to a doctor and the doctor told him that it's probably gonorrhea and he told him to start with the medication that he prescribed to him after he got a test , the test came back negative, and I also did all the STDs tests and all of them came back negative as well . (For the record we are syrians and we live in syria , so we are very tight on money and the whole process of going to doctors and taking all the std tests was very dangerous because any kind of sexual activity before marriage is not okay here) .
This guy is now convinced that I gave him something and he doesn't want anything to do with me anymore, and he keeps calling me reckless (which I know I am I was diagnosed with BPD 5 years ago but my parents refused to believe it and didn't get me medication or treatment) .
My problem is that I was also too ignorant to believe it (because mental health is not really a thing in Syria) and now I feel like I desperately want him to stay in my life because I didn't do anything wrong, and I feel like my world is collapsing, and I know that I need to go to therapy and get treatment but I don't have any money, therapy is very expensive here and I don't know how to cope anymore, I truly saw something in him , and I feel like shit for losing him as a friend and as a lover , I didn't want things to go that way at all , and I don't know what to do.
submitted by Unfair_Solution_2317 to askatherapist [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:56 Unfair_Solution_2317 How can I help myself?

First I want to apologize for the long post that you're about to read but I'm really losing my sanity at this point.
I (f 21) was dating a guy (20) for about two months, he was a virgin and I was his first ever , everything was going so so well , we are very compatible and I really liked him a lot and still do like him , he also liked me a lot , until..
Before we had sex for the first and last time ever he had talked to me about STDs and I told him that he has nothing to worry about because I have never had an STD , so two weeks later we have unprotected sex , and it was really really good , ten days later he started experiencing some symptoms like a burning sensation when he pees , white or clear discharge, his penis was red and swollen, and he was going crazy and he was very very anxious and scared (rightfully so) he went to a doctor and the doctor told him that it's probably gonorrhea and he told him to start with the medication that he prescribed to him after he got a test , the test came back negative, and I also did all the STDs tests and all of them came back negative as well . (For the record we are syrians and we live in syria , so we are very tight on money and the whole process of going to doctors and taking all the std tests was very dangerous because any kind of sexual activity before marriage is not okay here) .
This guy is now convinced that I gave him something and he doesn't want anything to do with me anymore, and he keeps calling me reckless (which I know I am I was diagnosed with BPD 5 years ago but my parents refused to believe it and didn't get me medication or treatment) .
My problem is that I was also too ignorant to believe it (because mental health is not really a thing in Syria) and now I feel like I desperately want him to stay in my life because I didn't do anything wrong, and I feel like my world is collapsing, and I know that I need to go to therapy and get treatment but I don't have any money, therapy is very expensive here and I don't know how to cope anymore, I truly saw something in him , and I feel like shit for losing him as a friend and as a lover , I didn't want things to go that way at all , and I don't know what to do.
submitted by Unfair_Solution_2317 to BPDsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:52 Unfair_Solution_2317 How can I help myself?

First I want to apologize for the long post that you're about to read but I'm really losing my sanity at this point.
I (f 21) was dating a guy (20) for about two months, he was a virgin and I was his first ever , everything was going so so well , we are very compatible and I really liked him a lot and still do like him , he also liked me a lot , until..
Before we had sex for the first and last time ever he had talked to me about STDs and I told him that he has nothing to worry about because I have never had an STD , so two weeks later we have unprotected sex , and it was really really good , ten days later he started experiencing some symptoms like a burning sensation when he pees , white or clear discharge, his penis was red and swollen, and he was going crazy and he was very very anxious and scared (rightfully so) he went to a doctor and the doctor told him that it's probably gonorrhea and he told him to start with the medication that he prescribed to him after he got a test , the test came back negative, and I also did all the STDs tests and all of them came back negative as well . (For the record we are syrians and we live in syria , so we are very tight on money and the whole process of going to doctors and taking all the std tests was very dangerous and expensive because any kind of sexual activity before marriage is not okay here) .
This guy is now convinced that I gave him something and he doesn't want anything to do with me anymore, and he keeps calling me reckless (which I know I am I was diagnosed with BPD 5 years ago but my parents refused to believe it and didn't get me medication or treatment) .
My problem is that I was also too ignorant to believe it (because mental health is not really a thing in Syria) and now I feel like I desperately want him to stay in my life because I didn't do anything wrong, and I feel like my world is collapsing, and I know that I need to go to therapy and get treatment but I don't have any money, therapy is very expensive here and I don't know how to cope anymore, I truly saw something in him , and I feel like shit for losing him as a friend and as a lover , I didn't want things to go that way at all , and I don't know what to do.
submitted by Unfair_Solution_2317 to mentalillness [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:37 sweatpants_on_my_bed 9 months with molluscum, 22F

hey everyone! i have really mentally struggled the last 9 months since i was initially infected. i wonā€™t be holding back at all in the post, because even though this is gross, i really hope it might help someone and even help me to share my story. upon my first outbreak in august 2023, i had to visit 3 different doctors before i actually received a proper diagnosis. first doctor thought it was herpes, second thought it was bad razor burn, and finally the third took me seriously and confirmed that it was neither. 3 full STD panels that all tested urine, blood, and direct swabs were completely negative, which is what finally resulted in my diagnosis of molluscum contagiosum (MC). additionally, i developed and tested positive for awful bacterial vaginosis (BV) upon the time of my infection as well.
my first outbreak was mainly all in the same area, clustered in the fold of my bikini line on my right side. because the area rubbed so much as i walked around, the bumps were basically rubbed raw, which is what i believe caused them to spread. i donā€™t have any bumps in that area now, but i do now have 3 right by my vulva and one on my anus, all of which have been there pretty much this whole time. i also have one at the bottom of my right butt cheek that is pretty newā€”appeared maybe a month and a half ago.
my first doctor prescribed me valacyclovir pills, but only 2 weeks worth, and they did not affect the appearance of the bumps at all. he also prescribed me metrinidazole vaginal gel for the BV, which seemed to work initially in at least flushing out the BV infection. however, since my MC infection, i have on and off had BV virtually the entire time, with very strange discharge. the discharge ranges from grayish to neon yellow, is extremely thick, sticky, and clumpy, and it smells not necessarily awful but not healthy if that makes sense. the potency of the smell fluctuates, where some days it has no scent, and other days i can smell it through my pants (canā€™t believe iā€™m admitting this onlinešŸ˜­). for the BV, i have also tried honeypot brand boric acid capsules that are inserted into the vagina and left overnight. the capsules work to clear the BV temporarily, but it still returns, likely going hand in hand with my molluscum infection. my third doctor that actually diagnosed me provided me with mupirocin ointment to apply to the bumps daily. i was extremely diligent with applying the ointment multiple times daily with clean hands and everything. however, after it did nothing to help for 3 months, i have become more lax with the application, only applying it once a day to no avail.
i will also admit, i have not taken the best care of myself since the initial infection. this last year was my senior year of college, and i have also been working full time and just trying to scrape by. my sleep schedule is non existent especially with some of my shifts only having a 6 hour gap between them, lol. i have felt so ashamed of myself and just hoping the bumps will go away, even though i know that isnā€™t logical. i have hardly had time to devote to treatment anyway, with my most recent doctors appointment being in november. i definitely entered a state of denial for a while as well where i almost forgot i had the bumps.
now that i have graduated college, i know that i canā€™t allow myself to live like this anymore. i have read many of the posts in this thread and am so inspired by everyoneā€™s patience and risillience with dealing with this. as a first step, i have started womenā€™s multivitamin supplements to ensure that i am getting 100% of my daily value of vitamin C, zinc, and etc to hopefully help my immune system. i also now have a gynecologist appointment scheduled for this monday, may 17th, to final face my fears and address this again. i plan to update following the appointment, of course.
in addition to just wanting to share my story, i would also like to ask if anyone reading this has advice for treatment strategies and for talking to my doctor. i want to be as thorough as possible with my appointment, because as someone with a bit of āœØ trauma āœØ, it is really mentally taxing for me to keep having to show doctor after doctor my vagina. if anyone knows of specific treatment options i should ask about, i would love to hear it. also, if anyone knows about a correlation between MC and BV, i would be really interested to hear about that as well.
thank you so much you guys. to anyone who is struggling with this, you are not alone. you deserve to get better and you WILL get betteršŸ’›
submitted by sweatpants_on_my_bed to molluscum [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:16 Iminpain697 It never ends

Iā€™m 19(m) and I got diagnosed with chlamydia at the end of the summer. Went through treatment and then like an idiot had sex with another person with chlamydia. Went thru treatment and now Iā€™m negative for all my chlamydia and gonorrhoea tests. I still had some symptoms and went for an mgen test a month ago that came back positive. Then I went on antibiotics for 12 days (doxy-7 days twice a day az-4 times on the 8th day and twice a day for 3 days after that) and that finished 2 weeks ago yesterday. I still have some symptoms though I am feeling better. Im going for my toc tmr morning because I was told 2 weeks was enough time after treatment but Iā€™m reading it might be longer. I also am scared I have trich as I have not been tested for it yet and Iā€™m scared I have every std I havenā€™t tested for because I was an idiot throughout highschool and didnā€™t use condoms.
Symptoms now after treatment: - small amount of clear discharge (like tiny amounts unless Iā€™ve recently masturbated) - urethra opening seems a little red and off at the bottom (usually after ejaculating also, if I donā€™t ejaculate it looks a lot better) - my penis dribbles urine for a good bit after Iā€™m done peeing - and thereā€™s some discomfort when peeing only sometimes usually more prevalent if Iā€™m sitting down and some stinging after - Symptoms are forsure better than before treatment but am unsure if treatment worked
A note is I have been very stressed past bit about this so I donā€™t know what symptoms are real anymore or just me tripping myself out. Hopefully Iā€™m good just want any type of similar experience or encouragement.
submitted by Iminpain697 to MycoplasmaGenitalium [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:14 EntrepreneurHead7841 Constant feeling of needing to pee

Hello Iā€™m 22 (M) I randomly developed the feeling like I had to pee right after peeing one night in February and have been dealing with it since now for the past 2-3 months. I have been to the doctors and urologist where I have done multiple uti, std tests and everything came back negative. I had cts and ultrasounds and everything looked normal. Basically every doctor has told me there is nothing visibly wrong with me. I do not wake up in the middle of the night, and it seems to follow a pattern as I have relief in the beginning of the day but around closer to night time it usually hits me. Itā€™s just the constant feeling of needing to pee usually in the tip of the penis. The urgency has decreased dramatically from when it first started but it is still noticeably there. I have tried Doxycycline, Bactrim, Keflex, and none of those seem to have done anything. I tried cipro and got immediate relief but because of the symptoms of cipro I was put on bactrim where they came back 2 days later.
submitted by EntrepreneurHead7841 to CUTI [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:13 EntrepreneurHead7841 Please Desperate. Constant feeling of needing to pee

Hello Iā€™m 22 (M) I randomly developed the feeling like I had to pee right after peeing one night in February and have been dealing with it since now for the past 2-3 months. I have been to the doctors and urologist where I have done multiple uti, std tests and everything came back negative. I had cts and ultrasounds and everything looked normal. Basically every doctor has told me there is nothing visibly wrong with me. I do not wake up in the middle of the night, and it seems to follow a pattern as I have relief in the beginning of the day but around closer to night time it usually hits me. Itā€™s just the constant feeling of needing to pee usually in the tip of the penis. The urgency has decreased dramatically from when it first started but it is still noticeably there. I have tried Doxycycline, Bactrim, Keflex, and none of those seem to have done anything. I tried cipro and got immediate relief but because of the symptoms of cipro I was put on bactrim where they came back 2 days later.
Can anyone give me any answers or opinions please I am desperate as I have tried to just relax and wait and see if time would help which it has but I havenā€™t seen any improvement really in the past 3 weeks atleast.
I was starting to think maybe it was an inflamed urethra but I donā€™t think it does not feel like it is healing as I havenā€™t felt a difference really in quite some time . Also maybe pelvic floor? But as a healthy young athletic male I donā€™t know why my pelvic floor would be an issue.
submitted by EntrepreneurHead7841 to OveractiveBladder [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:20 No_Name_6819 Am I losing the love of my life? My sweet and loving bf 28M has told me so many lies and I 24F question my reality and if Iā€™m in the wrong here please help me

Me (24F) and my boyfriend (28M) met 17 months ago on a dating app. At the time we were both in different countries and had set our location to a place we were both planning to visit. He asked me on a date for new years eve and even bought an event ticket for that night when we were both supposed to be there . Unfortunately a few days before my flight I got sick and never got to visit that country or see him there. I was expecting us to stop talking and I was talking/dating afew other people since I thought him and I would never meet in real life but to my surprise we started talking every single day and he was the sweetest guy I had ever met . We got to know each other pretty good to the point that he kept asking me to move to his country. After around 4 months of talking online he told me heā€™s getting a ticket and coming to see me for a week . And thatā€™s when we had our first phone call , over that phone call he said he needs to tell me something because it might be a red flag for me and he just wants to be honest about it , he said he has dated a stripper before me (around 2 years before me) but they were never official and it was something casual just because he was lonely and she was pushy. To be honest I didnā€™t like hearing that but I was still okay with it. Fast forward to our first week together, we went on date every single day , we went to really nice restaurants and bars and he was putting in so much effort into our dates, we eventually spent the weekend together and thatā€™s when he gave me a gift along with a letter telling me how much he loves me and then we were intimate for the first time and spent the entire weekend in his hotel room .
He went back to his country for work and came back to see me after 5 weeks and we had another amazing week together and thatā€™s when I told him that I love him too so we got alot closer and talked about our past, about how he used to be a party boy and into drugs but heā€™s changed now and people we have dated and exes , and in a funny conversation the topic of body count came up and I told him mine is 3 and he said he has been with 6 people in total which was shockingly good in my opinion. He also told me that the last time he slept with someone was a year before me because heā€™s not into one night stands or casual sex because he is emotional and canā€™t just have that with anyone and that was very respectable and admirable in my opinion and made me fall in love even more . I was honest with and told him the last time I had slept with someone was a month or two into us talking but there was no emotion connection with that person, he was upset but he said he understood that we werenā€™t that serious back then .
He came back for the 3rd time after 2 weeks and thatā€™s when we got an Airbnb and spent the whole week together cooking and talking like a married couple in love , on the same week we ran into a girl in our airbnb building and she was so happy to see my bf , she jumped to hug him and gave him a kiss on the cheek but my bf seemed kinda uncomfortable. After the interaction I was curious to know how does he know someone in my country so I asked him who she was and he said she is his high school classmate that lives in the same city as him now and she just got married so it must be a coincidence that sheā€™s visiting too.
He was back to see me for another week after 2 weeks and at that point we both knew we are offical and that neither of us has even talked to anyone else for the past 4-5 months but we still didnā€™t put a label on it because I was so afraid of doing long distance and the fact that I was going to move to a country even further away from him in a month. On that week we went and got an STD test together and I even got an IUD so we donā€™t have to worry about using protection anymore. He knew that I had this unreasonable fear of contracting HIV and this was him being supportive and calming my nerves.
Afew weeks later I moved to a different country around 17000 miles away and when I was looking for a place there we decided to lease an apartment together and furnish our home together because he was planning on moving there to live with me . He came to visit me for a month and we had more amazing days together and became officially girlfriend and boyfriend .he was the sweetest most loving and understanding guy ever.
We did 3 month of long distance and I missed him so bad that I decided to leave everything behind and sell my stuff to go travel with him for 3 months and also go and visit his family and his hometown , it was hard but we made it work and we were both on cloud 9 for the first 2 weeks together. And after meeting his family things were even more serious , they all loved me and keep asking him when heā€™s going to propose and end the long distance and I even got invited to his brotherā€™s wedding.
One night my trust issues got the best of me and decided to check his phone ( I know itā€™s bad) I didnā€™t see anything too bad as his chats were mostly deleted but I came across a chat with that high-school classmate I mentioned earlier and I found out that they had been on a few dates and that he had sent her the same sweet questions as he sent to me word for word. I also saw that they spent the night together and he had a hickey on his neck from her . I also saw that before meeting me he was sliding into girls dms calling them hot and being sexual and I was sooo shocked just because the image he showed me of himself was so so different. I gave him a chance to come clean in the morning but he kept on lying to my face till I showed him the chats , even then he denied ever sleeping with her . I was so hurt that so early in our relationship he could lie to my face for no reason .
I was upset so I left our villa to stay at a hotel, he kept texting and calling and begging me to give him another chance and go to dinner with him and I did, he was so apologetic he was so upset and he kept saying all he wants is to go back and never lie to me so I asked him to come clean about anything else he has lied about . I went over everything with him and asked if they were lies too? he said no . I decided to stay and give us another chance .
Just 3 days after that night I asked him if I can delete his exes number that is a stripper off his phone in front of him he said yes and when I went to delete it I saw their messages , it wasnā€™t from 2 years before me ! The last message was 15 days before meeting me and turns out she was actually his friendā€™s girlfriend and they were secretly seeing each otherā€¦ I was so heartbroken I couldnā€™t believe he is a person like that and that he has lied to my face again! He used to always say he hates cheater and that he has been cheated on before so he would never do anything like that but in the chats they were making fun of that girlā€™s bf which was his friend.
He started apologising again and told me there is more, there is someone else he has slept with shortly before me and that whole not sleeping with anyone for a year and no one nights stands was lie to make me fall in love with him . I forgave him again and decided to help him not feel ashamed about his past .
4 days later I asked him to send me our STD test results from months ago to me again because I lost it and my doctor wanted see it he started looking at his emails and said he canā€™t find it so I offered to help him look and I found it in his trash folder, but again I wanted to give him a chance so I asked if he has deleted it? He said no ! Turns out he was tested positive for a very minor and not dangerous STD and because he felt ashamed he edited the results when he sent it to months earlier. And deleted it afew days prior. His excuse was that Iā€™m very anxious and fearful about STDs so he didnā€™t want to worry me because the doctor said it doesnā€™t need a treatment , And again I was convinced .
A few weeks passed and we were arguing a-lot because of trust issues but we were trying to get help and work on the relationship, he even confessed that there were more small lies he has told me , like saying some of the girls he was following were his friends or friends of friends when in fact they were girls he had met on tinder before meeting me . I struggled to understand why he would lie to me about stuff like this when I had never showed to be a jealous or not understanding GF .
A few weeks later we were doing better and travelling different countries together and I thought weā€™re done with lies so one night I was overthinking and asked him about a blocked number I saw on his phone that first time I looked through it , I asked whoā€™s number that was because It had the country code of the country I lived in when we first started dating. He reassured me that itā€™s probably a scam number and that I was overthinking but I wasnā€™t convinced so I put it into google and it brought up so many escort websites from that country. For a whole week I begged and cried for him to tell me the truth to tell me Iā€™m not crazy and what Iā€™m seeing is right but he denied it every time for a whole week and even cried because I couldnā€™t believe him till one morning when I promised him I wonā€™t leave if he just tells me , he confessed that on that first week after or first or second date when he went back to his hotel room he looked at escort sites and texted them but kept swearing that he never saw one and to him it just like watching porn . Once again I was in disbelief because he used to always say people that pay for sex are evil and are using girls that might have been trafficked for sex , I was also heartbroken and disgusted that he could do that in my city , somewhere that was my home and he was supposed to be there just for me and the fact that Iā€™d have been on the same bed we had sex for the first time and the same room he told me he loved me in only 2 days later ā€¦
He blamed it all on porn and his porn addiction, I was shocked because I never had a problem with him watching porn I had even asked him if he wants to watch it together but he always seemed not that interested. He said that he has had trust issues and the reason why he went on an escort site in the first place was to make sure I wasnā€™t one ā€¦ Honestly I didnā€™t know what to do with that informations ! How could he even possibly think that but it doesnā€™t bother me what bothers me is thinking that he got on 5 hour flight and took me on all those nice dates thinking I might be an escort?? And when he realised I wasnā€™t he looked for a real one ? Like he was disappointed that I wasnā€™t an escort? After 5-6 months of talking to me all day and night . I couldnā€™t not understand and will never understand .
Because of my promise I stayed and went to therapy ever since then he keeps saying I know all of his dark side and secrets and there is nothing else he would lie to me about. Heā€™s been super apologetic and putting up with my anxiety and hearing out my hurt and looking for ways to fix our relationship and trust.
Our trip ended and we are doing long distance again and I told him I wonā€™t be like before because it takes time to rebuild trust he understood and said itā€™s fair for me to look for things or have doubts . The other night i was looking at his email to make sure there are no more escort or things like that and I saw an email from a almost a year before me , it was from a flowegift shop that he has bought me flowers from which was very meaningful to me .
I saw that he had sent the same flower to that stripper girl that he claimed he was never in a relationship with only difference is hers was way more expensive and it had a note saying she is his world and there was another flower order worth 500$ sent to the same girl and the note was he is sorry for not keeping his promises and that he is in love with her more than he could have ever imagined.word for word of how he has apologised to me.
He has been telling me for over a year now that he never told that girl he loved her without me ever asking him . So I asked him if he has ever bought her flowers? But I also sent him a text saying he doesnā€™t owe me anything from his past and he shouldnā€™t worry about hurting my feelings and just tell me truth because I love him . He said no . Afew hours later he said he remembered that it was one time and it was from the same shop but what he got me was better and once again without me even asking he said no but I never loved her and never told her I lover her . I gave him the benefit of the doubt and asked if there is a chance he doesnā€™t remember ? Maybe because it was over text ? He said no there is no way he wouldnā€™t remember saying something like that .
I sent him the email and all he had to say was that he wasnā€™t lying he just didnā€™t rememberā€¦ And he kept saying but thatā€™s all , I never got her anything else (like thatā€™s the point) but I also saw another email in his trash folder and it was another gift order to the same girl and he deleted that email the same day so there is no way he wouldnā€™t remember those gifts ā€¦
Iā€™m so done and over the lies but Iā€™m starting to blame myself for asking things for caring about the past , my mind keep telling me at least he didnā€™t cheat on you . But then I remember he lied to me about things I never even asked for cared about. I remember that he might have been interested in me because he thought I might be an escort not because of who I am .
He has been the kindest and nicest person to me and has done everything to make sure Iā€™m okay during our relationship . Am I doing something wrong? What to do ? Iā€™m so confused
submitted by No_Name_6819 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:39 degrace2thehumanrace Worried about potential STD - Need Guidance

35 (M)
Obviously a throwaway because I am feeling so much guilt, regret, shame etc, to the point that I can't keep my food down, and couldn't sleep last night. I am running on fumes.
I hope that you're all doing well though. I wanted to reach out to this community because I'm feeling a bit anxious and could really use some advice. Last night, I've found myself in a situation where I'm concerned about the possibility of having contracted STD.
To provide a bit of context, I visited a AMP last night for the first time, and it somehow went further than I imagined. I understand the importance of practicing safe sex and obviously the masseuse did too, as she put a condom on me when she gave me a BJ, she did use her tongue on my balls though. In the heat of the moment, one thing lead to another, and we ended up having sex standing up (me behind her) for only a moment, then she made me lay down again, took off the condom, got some oil and finished me off with a HJ.... in the heat of the moment, things didn't go as planned, and now I'm dealing with the repercussions. As I only went in for a HJ....
I obviously haven't felt any symptoms that seem indicative of an STD. Needless to say, this has been causing me a lot of stress and worry. I know that the responsible thing to do is to get tested, and I plan on doing so soon. However, in the meantime, I can't help but feel overwhelmed with anxiety.
I guess what I'm looking for is some guidance on how to navigate this situation. Has anyone here ever been in a similar position? How did you cope with the uncertainty? And if it turns out that I do have an STD, what steps should I take next in terms of treatment and informing my partner?
Any advice or insights would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all in advance for taking the time to read this and offer your support.
submitted by degrace2thehumanrace to STD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:05 Mobile_Pattern_7214 Ureaplasma & Reactive Arthritis

Hi everyone, new in the grup ( srrry for the writting mistakes.. not an ENG native )
My story began with an STD named ureaplasma. My symtoms started very early after i got the bacteria, like 10 days after i start having mild articular pain, eye, some night sweats, even some rash. Now, one month after i can feel back pain, knees, but also other parts of the body. The pain is light, comes and goes... in many parts of the body even tendons. Even do i m allready one month into this, but i can walk, i can run , do normal activities yet. Already started the doxy treatment for ureaplasma, and also a gluten free diet. Today is the first day i feel more back pain also because i lifted some tools.
My question is, did your pain and problems increased weeekly or did you had strong pain from the very beginning.
I ve done a lot of research about this ReA, and i think it s important to be optimistic, and stay mentally strong. i guess all the people who did have it and passed it in few weeks or months they are not here on the groups looking for advices. So even do we read all the hard stuff, i guess there is plenty of good as well.
You can search, the story of some profesional football players like Daamsgard, who had it, and in 6 months is back on the field playing profesional football for his team.
So let s stay strong !
submitted by Mobile_Pattern_7214 to Thritis [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:31 Routine-Ad-7326 Feeling and need to pee more often

Hello Iā€™m a 23yr male, Iā€™ve been having this feeling to pee more often like every 2 hours and a little uncomfortable feeling when I do go. I had a std panel done which was negative but I still got a treatment of doxycycline and cerfixime, which didnā€™t seem to help, itā€™s not as bad as before but idk if it did anything. I did take a uti test strip and it was positive. Could it only be that ? Itā€™s be about 3 weeks so far. Anyone got some ideas or suggestions on what I should do ? Thanks
submitted by Routine-Ad-7326 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:55 lilsnailhasnofriends Uncertain about tuberculosis diagnosis

My father got diagnosed with tuberculosis a few months ago. He had been coughing for god knows how many years now (maybe 3). Recently my mom noticed blood so she finally got to convince him to see a doctor. He was very reluctant so that's why it took so long (where I live there's a public health care system so it's not about money).
When he went to the doctor, from the first x-ray of his lungs the doctor got really worried. They sent him to another hospital that had the equipment to make a tomography, sputum examination and even an STD test. He spent the day there waiting for the results.
The sputum test was negative for TB (that's where it starts to get weird in my opinion), also for the STD, so they scheduled a doctor appointment with an in specialist in lung infection.
This doctor just looked at his x-ray and concluded it was tuberculosis and started a treatment that my father followed for a few months before returning. In the next appointment with a new x-ray the doctor said nothing changed and he didn't get better (only lost weight) so he would have to try a new treatment for the following month and if that didn't work they'd send him to a better hospital (wtf?!). My father wanted to give up but my mom convinced him to continue with the new treatment. And he's currently on it - can't tell if it's working.
But there's more: my whole family did the PPD test (since we all live in the same house) and it was negative. Also an x-ray and coincidentally my siblings and I were sick with the flu that day. Just by looking at the x-ray this doctor said the whole family was infected (when none of us have any symptoms). Shouldn't we need more exams? The doctor can tell just by looking?
I'm concerned it might not be a correct diagnosis for my father. Wouldn't the sputum exam show this? Wouldn't other exams like bronchoscopy be needed? And there's one more thing: my father's family has a history of cancer (his father died from lung cancer), the doctor asked about it but my father tried to hide it - my mom didn't let him.
There's no doubt it's something serious, I'm just concerned. Doctors make mistakes and there's millions of stories of misdiagnosis, taking meds you don't need is not good. what do you think?
I wanted my father to look for a second opinion (in the amazing hospital from his health insurance that is a lot better than the public hospital in my city), but he wants to wait ...wait and see. I don't think when it comes to diesieses you should wait, you should take action right away to prevent it from getting worse. He's retired so he has plenty of time.
submitted by lilsnailhasnofriends to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:45 lilsnailhasnofriends Uncertain about TB diagnosis

My father got diagnosed with tuberculosis a few months ago. He had been coughing for god knows how many years now (maybe 3). Recently my mom noticed blood so she finally got to convince him to see a doctor. He was very reluctant so that's why it took so long (where I live there's a public health care system so it's not about money).
When he went to the doctor, from the first x-ray of his lungs the doctor got really worried. They sent him to another hospital that had the equipment to make a tomography, sputum examination and even an STD test. He spent the day there waiting for the results.
The sputum test was negative for TB (that's where it starts to get weird in my opinion), also for the STD, so they scheduled a doctor appointment with an in specialist in lung infection.
This doctor just looked at his x-ray and concluded it was tuberculosis and started a treatment that my father followed for a few months before returning. In the next appointment with a new x-ray the doctor said nothing changed and he didn't get better (only lost weight) so he would have to try a new treatment for the following month and if that didn't work they'd send him to a better hospital (wtf?!). My father wanted to give up but my mom convinced him to continue with the new treatment. And he's currently on it - can't tell if it's working.
But there's more: my whole family did the PPD test (since we all live in the same house) and it was negative. Also an x-ray and coincidentally my siblings and I were sick with the flu that day. Just by looking at the x-ray this doctor said the whole family was infected (when none of us have any symptoms). Shouldn't we need more exams? The doctor can tell just by looking?
I'm concerned it might not be a correct diagnosis for my father. Wouldn't the sputum exam show this? Wouldn't other exams like bronchoscopy be needed? And there's one more thing: my father's family has a history of cancer (his father died from lung cancer), the doctor asked about it but my father tried to hide it - my mom didn't let him.
There's no doubt it's something serious, I'm just concerned. Doctors make mistakes and there's millions of stories of misdiagnosis, taking meds you don't need is not good. what do you think?
I wanted my father to look for a second opinion (in the amazing hospital from his health insurance that is a lot better than the public hospital in my city), but he wants to wait ...wait and see. I don't think when it comes to diesieses you should wait, you should take action right away to prevent it from getting worse. He's retired so he has plenty of time.
submitted by lilsnailhasnofriends to Tuberculosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:53 Squigglii Sharing everything Iā€™ve learned over the past 7 years in case it could help someone else .

Iā€™m on year 7 of my IC journey that started at 15 years old. Iā€™ve had pretty much everything under the sun with multiple specialists, so I thought I would share for people in the same positions I was in during the beggining.
Regular gyno or urologists are oftentimes clueless about IC. Please see a urogyno asap.
Hydroxozine and Benadryl can help with the bladder sensitivity and burning a bit as well as help you sleep.
If youā€™re looking for something non drowsy Zyrtec may work for you and one of my friends has really good luck with Xyzal (both are otc).
There are some studies about the long term effects of too much Benadryl so Iā€™d be cautious about that.
Some supplements that many people with IC take consistently are D-mannose, aloe tablets, magnesium (for the muscles and sleep), and marshmallow root. Iā€™ve noticed improvement from D-mannose and aloe for the burning but not as much marshmallow root.
The aloe tablets are also great for those with vaginal dryness from their inflammation.
Desert harvest also has an AMAZING cream called relevium you can order over the counter with 4% lidocaine in it as well as aloe and vitamin e that helps repair skin and reduce inflammation. Itā€™s so good for the burning. Do not use it inside (but a little wonā€™t hurt if it gets in there). Itā€™s mainly for urethra irritation and burning.
IC is not simply a bladder disorder originating from inside your bladder. It HEAVILY affects your muscles. Feel inside your vagina and if itā€™s very tight, banding, or causing painful intercourse you likely have hypertonic pelvic floor issues either causing or exacerbating your IC. There are many stretches you can do to help this as well as pelvic floor therapy. Itā€™s a godsend for many, but donā€™t get discouraged if it gets a little worse before it gets better with that. Itā€™s part of the process with the lactic acid build up in your muscles.
There are two common kinds of PFT one of which you should be very wary of. The first time I went through this process I saw a team who focused on electrostimulation therapy. This is where a probe is inserted vaginallty and anally and contracts the muscles more and more with each visit. That method also focuses on kegals. Not only does it make most people much worse while theyā€™re in treatment, itā€™s proven to not be very effective at all and make some people worse. The goal of this method is to essentially wear out your muscles to the point they finally give up and relax. Itā€™s effective for very few people and I would suggest only doing it as a last resort.
I would recommend pelvic floor therapy involving muscle relaxers, stretches, and vaginal massage before that. The way that works is that they essentially cut off blood flow to those tense muscles through massage, hoping that the fresh oxygenated blood flowing in helps the muscles to heal and relax. Once again this may feel worse before it feels better due to the lactic acid buildup.
Do not give up on Pelvic Floor Therapy until youā€™ve given it 6-12 weeks.
If those muscles are stubborn there are options for pelvic floor Botox injections as well as bladder injections. These can also be done under anasthesia during other procedures like cystoscopy and hydro hydrodistention. I honestly recommend doing that because it is very painful without it and may stress the fuck out of your muscles if youā€™re awake.
hydrodistention is when they fill your bladder to max capacity. This is done routinely to stretch your bladder and to measure bladder capacity.
There is also the bacterial side of things. Some people with IC have overgrowths of bacteria in their urine. There is a 24 hour urine test you can do to look at how your urine is comprised and how much youā€™re peeing. There is also a culture where they culture all the bacteriaā€™s in your bladder in one inviroment as they would grow inside you. This is to replicate the environment of your bladder to see if you have any antibiotic resistances, overgrowths, or other things.
Ureaplasma and mycoplasma are another theory thatā€™s kinda controversial and expensive to test for. But some consider it an std. itā€™s a type of bacteria that can overgrow in your bladder, but also itā€™s kinda a part of the natural microbiome so I donā€™t know how much credit I give that.
You may notice that you have other conditions such as PCOS, endometriosis, adenomyosis, and or IBS. These conditions are also inflaming your pelvis and can make your bladder more angry if not under check. However, I DONT suggest going crazy trying to cure other pelvic conditions in order to fix your bladder. Thatā€™s what I did and it didnā€™t work as Iā€™d have hoped. Iā€™d try to find multiple doctors or people recommended by ur urogynocologist to help you manage everything together if that sounds like you.
Hope this helps!
submitted by Squigglii to Interstitialcystitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 13:20 Sad_Detective_1009 Abusive mother in law, abusive church, abusive husband: need help.

I feel like the wind has been kicked out of me. Iā€™m not sure what I believe anymore, I wonder if Iā€™m toxic, and the Lord feels so silent. I used to be the girl that led worship, couldnā€™t wait to open my Bible in the morning, and spent so much time encouraging other people. Now I feel like the toxic narcissist who doesnā€™t even know if God is real. I donā€™t understand the church (I know it isnā€™t perfect) and I donā€™t know what is real or even good anymore.
Sorry, this may be a long story.
So, in January of 2023 I got married. Iā€™m now getting a divorce based upon abuse, abandonment, and neglect. You can go read my other posts to see the nightmare, but here are some reasons. I told my husband I would rip up papers if he changed, and his response was ā€œI know I need to change but I donā€™t want to for you.ā€ Iā€™d take him back even now (I know I have an issue with this).
My husband has an STD and says itā€™s better for me to get the std then for him to take medicine. His family has defamed my name all because we bought a house and his mother didnā€™t like it. Iā€™ve had death threats, theyā€™ve harassed me, his mother hit me, etc. my husband could never stand up to his family for me and didnā€™t even see the issue. My husband repeatedly walks out on me, turns to substances, and looks at porn. He began looking at porn a month into marriage. He lied about major parts of his identity. And he would have no consensual sex with me. His family has also taken money from us, humiliated me, etc. my husband re-established a relationship with them again, and said it was a deal breaker if I wouldnā€™t. But I literally couldnā€™t. They said they didnā€™t know what they did wrong yet they said they wanted my dead, called me horrible names, said I was a demon, and took money from us. They said theyā€™d never respect us and they didnā€™t want to see me. They would call in the middle of the night and be heading to our house.
The messed up thing is his family helped start a mega church in the south. Theyā€™re so influential and people adore them.
The church started screwing up even before we got married. Our premarital counselors were counseled for their own premarital work by my husbandā€™s parents. I didnā€™t know this at the time, but learned it later on. When issues with his family arose, I was spoken down to and given bad advice.
A month into marriage, I went to them because of the porn. My husband blamed me for the porn usage. They told me on a group zoom call with all of us that I needed to extend more grace and it wasnā€™t any form of adultery. I didnā€™t think it was as bad as ā€œcheatingā€ but a month into marriage was a tough pill to swallowā€¦and my husband didnā€™t even confess it to me. I found out.
When my MIL started getting my bad, I went to the woman or the couple who counseled us and she said ā€œthat doesnā€™t sound like the woman I know. Iā€™ll pray for you from a distant but itā€™s best I donā€™t get involved.ā€ Yet the couple still checked on my husband.
I went to the church again after my MIL hit me and lied about me. I actually went to them confessing my horrible reactions to this (never to my in laws face but always fighting with my husband). They told me I was probably being sensitive but they began counseling us. Our premarital couple wouldnā€™t check on me but checked on Andrew. I felt like they would just correct me and support my husband. I felt silenced.
As the nightmare continued, I found out about the issues with the STD and the lies surrounding his identity before we got married. I knew he had an STD, but we had rules going into marriage and consulted a doctor. He said he would do anything to protect me and we had a plan. He did none of it and actually had outbreaks that he never told me about. I realized at this point that my husband was a chronic liar and couldnā€™t tell the truth about anything. I also found out about his past with prostitutes. Didnā€™t know about this before marriage. When I found out, he told me it was just in 2018. Then after I asked enough questions, I realized it was 2019 and 2020 and 2021 and 2022. I had to ask the questions thoughā€¦he never could confess.
I started getting abused by my husband with the stonewalling. The church said I needed to be more gracious. The issue was, I never got angry when I found out about his sin. I got angry at my husbands treatment of me after. I never snapped about the porn. I never got angry about the sins. I was always calm. The problem is my husband never confessed it. I somehow always found out about it and he had excuses when I calmly confronted him.
The issues continued and then one day in October, I found all of this porn. After the February fiasco, my husband told me all of these stories about how God healed him. Well, he lied. There was so much porn and he was looking up exes on Facebook. I thought there was an affair going on. I called the counselors again for help because my husband refused to talk about it. They said it was inappropriate for me to bring up. They asked my husband if he was having an affair, my husband said no, and I was reprimanded. They did assign us a couple to mentor us. The couple saw me and saw a woman getting abused. I thought I had support.
My husband kept walking out on me. I called the girl and said I felt like I was losing my dignity. My husband would walk out in the middle of a conversation if he wasnā€™t happy. She told me ā€œJesus didnā€™t have any dignity in the Cross. You need to be patient with your husband.ā€ I told her I didnā€™t agree with her at all and that it was horrible to say that. She had another woman in the church call me and say her feelings were hurt. Then the couple broke up with us so to speak. Yet the husband kept keeping up with my husband. They just pushed me out.
We continued counseling at the church and I was told I had a forgiveness problem, a bitterness problem, and I was weaponizing my husbands sin. They gave me so many books I had to read. So many journal prompts. I always felt like the problem. My husband wasnā€™t acting repentant but would say the right things in counseling. They would tell me I didnā€™t have the grace to see Godā€™s work in my husbands life. But Iā€™m the girl that was telling my husband it could be his greatest comeback, was doing all of the homework, was fasting for my husband. I didnā€™t bring the issues into our marriage. I wasnā€™t lying. I was getting abused by his family. The therapy homework my husband had, he never did. And then it was like heā€™d get his hand slapped after that, and then he would be fine. After ten months of therapy, his behavior was worse. I would clearly communicate things that would Help me trust and feel loved. He never did those things. I felt like I was putting in all of the work.
He kept looking at porn snd getting dip, yet he had accountability. My husband would say he didnā€™t want to be a husband and leave for the weekend, yet I never knew if his accountability knew these things. I asked if I could be included or informed about his ā€œgrowthā€ and my husband got angry at me, saying that I was too concerned about what others thought. I was kept in the dark. I did find out he would tell partial truth to his sin. He wouldnā€™t say he lied about porn and got found out: heā€™d say ā€˜just slipped up and told wife about it.ā€™ I was silenced and my husband was getting all of the help. He would also walk out on me and check other women out and tell me about it.
In January, my husbands uncle asked for our wedding gift back. He called it a loan. He then called me a demon. My husband gave the money back. I went to my husband and said this needs to stop. Please go talk to your parents. He came back saying ā€œgod was in that conversation. We need to go back to my family. Theyā€™ve forgiven us.ā€ I never did a thing to his family. I didnā€™t feel safe going.
I went to our elder and he and I met. He had spoke to our counselor at a church who said ā€œshe is just struggling with forgiveness.ā€ My elder told me that and I broke down. Iā€™d read the books. Iā€™d tried to work on forgiveness. I really didnā€™t think I had an issue. The sins were just continuing and getting worse. He understood this and we sat down with a pastor and my husband. They told me he needed to shape up. I told them everything. About the marital rape, his family, etc. they were shocked and said to us ā€œwe are going to talk with the church this week and see if you have biblical grounds for divorce. We will let you know in the next week but we feel you have it.ā€ They never got back to me about that.
A pastor called me two weeks later and said my husband walks out on me because of my reactions. They also told me my behavior was toxic because I only focused on my husbands sin in that meeting. That just isnā€™t true. I did focus on my sin as well.
Our last counseling happened in February. They said they were going to give my husband intense accountability and come up with a plan. They said they were going to honor my need to know about the accountability. The plan was for them to meet with my husband and then they would meet with me and tell me the plan. That way, moving forward they could see if he was actually repentant.
They also told me I was a pessimist and my husband was an optimist and I didnā€™t have the ability to see God at work. Ex: when they ask at the beginning of therapy how things were going, my husband said ā€œour communication was better and we had a good week.ā€ It was actually the worst week. I got cursed out in a date, he told me it was a deal breaker if I didnā€™t go back to his family, he was lying about taking std medication, and he was walking out on me or ignoring me. The only difference was I wasnā€™t getting angry. I just stayed quiet. I explained my side. I pleaded with the counselor and said I didnā€™t feel safe. He acknowledged that my safety was important, but it just stopped there.
So my husband had this meeting, but when he was at the meeting, he told me beforehand he was going to tell them he was done with me. I was actually crying and packing my bags. He came home and said ā€œI am free in Christ and I want to be married.ā€ Then he went to bed. Two days later, he ā€œconfessedā€ r rated thoughts (went into detail) about two women he had sex in his mind with all day. I felt like a confessional box. It was so mean and hurtful.
No one ever contacted me about this meeting. My husbandā€™s behavior was getting worse and I felt silenced. My husband could never deny something I said in counseling yet the church told me that I was self deceiving myself.
I kept begging the my husband to love me. He said he didnā€™t know how to. He was going to church without me. I didnā€™t feel comfortable going to church because it felt like everyone on leadership knew great detail about what was going on. Finally, I told him at had contacted lawyers. I said ā€œI donā€™t want a divorce and I want to be married. But we have been in counseling for ten months and itā€™s worse. Can you please change.ā€ His behavior got worse.
We did an out of house separation and one day we had an awesome conversation. I felt hopeful. At the end of the conversation he said ā€œIā€™m done I donā€™t want to be married to youā€ and he hung up the phone. I tried calling. I tried texting. No answer.
I went ahead and got the papers. I told the church what I did. I told the church ā€œwerenā€™t yall supposed to contact me? I would have but you all told me I couldnā€™t reach out until you guys spoke to me. Iā€™ve been waiting.ā€ They apologized for forgetting about it. They then threatened my membership if I went forward with a divorce because they didnā€™t think I had biblical grounds. I told them every other pastor outside of this church that I went to said I had grounds.
I gave my husband the papers and said I would rip them up if he showed change. He said ā€œIā€™ll sign wherever and write you a check.ā€ He spoke with the pastors and they were in support of him. Theyā€™re offering him counseling. My husband has no emotion towards me. He put the house up on the market and wonā€™t even speak to me.
I called the church and asked them to not publish my name in the members meeting. Theyā€™d explain in this big packet that i am resigning from the church with concern. They also publicly explain the issue. We got to a reformed church that is borderline mega church now. I didnā€™t know they were doing that. They told me I went over their leadership and got a divorce. I explained how I didnā€™t do that. He said ā€œitā€™s not personal and we care about you.ā€ Excuse my language, but he was an A-hole on the phone to me.
Now, Iā€™m sitting here broken. None of this is fair. My house shouldnā€™t be up for sale. I shouldnā€™t be living in a box. My husband doesnā€™t care and abused me. I wonder if there is a God. I wonder if Iā€™m at fault. I wonder if Iā€™m just a narcissistic sinner who is so evil. I wonder if Iā€™m the issue. I canā€™t even open my bible. I wonder if because of that Iā€™m the evil one. I canā€™t hear from God. I wonder if itā€™s because of unconfessed sin that I donā€™t even know about. I feel like Hagar in the Bible. Everything I thought I knew to be true is a lie. I just wish I could rewind time. Maybe the situation was different. This may be a rant. But it also is my last ditched effort to figure out if I even think about church again.
submitted by Sad_Detective_1009 to motherinlawsfromhell [link] [comments]