Letter for proof of residency

Quit Your Bullshit!

2013.08.19 10:56 Doxep Quit Your Bullshit!

QYBS is a subreddit for screenshots and images of people calling out bullshit. Possibly with proof.

2012.04.05 16:54 Wake up, Dickheads! It's time for Faust!

A fan-run subreddit for discussion of RedLetterMedia related things, but also to discuss Movies, TV shows, Video Games and basically anything RedLetterMedia discusses. Egg Salad is Here!

2011.12.20 04:32 Novelty_free Residency

The sub is currently going dark based on a vote by users. The sub will be back up tomorrow night. Welcome to the Residency subreddit, a community of interns and residents who are just trying to make it through training! This is a subreddit specifically for interns and residents to get together and discuss issues concerning their training and medicine/surgery.

2024.06.02 10:59 Comfortable-Film6799 Anybody who isn't a Bumgumi hater yet... I gotchu fam!

I am going to prove that Megumi hasn't just given up, he would rather Sukuna continue killing everyone rather than face reality after all his trauma! Yuji and Yuta executed a genius plan to a flawless degree. But Megumi actually directly aided Sukuna and rescued him from his demise.
Of course you need convincing proof. Prepare yourself.
  1. Yuta was hit by Sukunas WCS.
  2. During Yutas DE, Sukuna drops HWB and attempts to make his "enten" handsign. He actually made it. (1st condition of his BV for WCS)
  3. Rika and Yuji restrain his remaining arms immediately. Yuta rips out his stomach mouths tongue. No chanting from that one.
  4. Yuji lets go of Sukunas arm. Yuta goes in for the finish.
  5. In the same moment, Yuji shakes Megumis soul and wakes him enough to enter his Inner Soul Domain. Note the crooked lettering coming from Megumis speech bubble.
  6. Continued style of speech bubbles implies the same character speaking. Megumi speaks the chants required for WCS. (2nd condition of BV)
  7. Sukuna points at Yuta. (3rd condition of BV)
All i have to say is... BUMGUMI
submitted by Comfortable-Film6799 to Jujutsufolk [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:24 unicorn_lady_420 Fired for asking not to do four jobs at once for $12/hr, artwork stolen and sold on merch by same employer, need advice.

In early 2021, I started working for a teeny gas station in the middle-of-nowhere, Nevada, under the table. Manager said they were too new and small to be able to hire me on the up and up and could only pay me $12.50/hr, but it came with a place to live. The house is actually condemnable, but because she kept promising they’d fix things, I agreed. I am also a freelance graphic designer and illustrator. Every once in awhile, manager would show me a graphic and ask if I could do something along those lines but personalized to the store or (the town). It started slowly, but she kept giving me little tasks that she claimed she didn’t know how to do, like make barcodes and print labels. Then cutting out vinyl graphics (that I made) on a Cricut for production. Sometimes I’d do 25 a day, and these are time consuming, all while running a store six days a week. Then, before I knew it, I had designed most of the merchandise in the store, and was responsible for producing nearly everything, for no pay raise. The crescendo happened on Memorial Day. Her husband, who was hired for maintenance by the owner, began screaming at me that I had not finished stocking the cooler that evening (even though I do it in the morning). It had been a very busy day. I tried to explain to him that it is hard to complete the designs I had been asked to make that day, print out the sublimation designs I’d been asked to get ready for production, press the remaining magnets I wasn’t able to finish the day before, cut the vinyl lettering for the school bus I’m supposed to have finished already, print out the t-shirt and mug labels, take care of the customers that had been walking in every ten minutes for eight hours straight, clean the bathrooms, wipe down the glass, and mop the floors, and finally; stock the fridges.
I’m still not sure why he took it upon himself to be so angry about something he isn’t actually supposed to be involved with to begin with.
I decided to tell (manager) that it seemed my design and production work was taking up enough time during work hours that I was unable to complete the basic cashiering tasks. I suggested we halt production temporarily as I was struggling to keep up with it all.
I was promptly fired.
The employee housing is deplorable and includes the following issues; no heat, inadequate air conditioning, no washing machine, no dryer, no dishwasher, no microwave, a semi-working oven, one toilet that doesn’t flush, the remaining working toilet has two big cracks up the front of it, a severe water leak in the master bathroom (possibly due to a cracked toilet), a termite infestation, outer panels that are literally falling off, every single faucet leaks, and two corners of the living room have caved in due to water damage.
They have since cut off my internet connection (I paid for it but it was in their name) changed the locks on my mailbox, and returned all my mail to sender.
The actual owner likely knows nothing about this because they refused to give me his contact information. I found his home address on his aviation license records.
They have stolen all of my designs that I’ve worked on over the last two years, never paid licensing or royalties, and now want me out of the house, although I have signed permission from the owner to be here. I have a copy of a Property Owner Residency Affidavit that the owner signed last year so I was able to get my license. It says nothing specifically about employment. I don’t want to stay here, but I have nowhere else to go yet because it happened so fast.
What rights, if any, do I have here?
I don’t want to let them get away with bullying me because I put down a reasonable boundary and stealing my artwork.
submitted by unicorn_lady_420 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:16 Various_Grass_2118 Found Out Husband Has Been Receiving Child Support And Has Been Using It For His Alcoholism Through A Secret Account

I 33(f) have been married to my husband 39(m) for 6 years. I will call him Eric. Eric had a child (Ted) from a previous relationship and we also share another. We have been together for 12 years.
When we met I was an extreme party girl (21) who loved liquor and Eric was a daily beer drinker at home long before I came along. I did not see it for what it really was at the time.
He had his son (Ted) 50% of the time. Because of me, Eric and I essentially lived a double life for the first 6 months we were together. When Ted was at his moms I would go to parties with my friends and bring Eric every weekend and sometimes once during the week.
6 months into our relationship I was in a dnd accident which was my fault. Through that process I found AA and met amazing people and tried to get Eric to come with me. Our relationship was getting more toxic so I broke things off 2.5 months after my dnd accident. A few weeks later my step-father suddenly passed away traumatically. He was the one parent who didn't abuse me and was ever present. I almost immediately reached out to Eric.
Over the next year, we had a newborn. A couple years later, Ted's mom had overdosed on heroin but was revived and sent away to rehab. We had him full time for 3 years.
Shortly after Ted's mom was back in the picture (Eric and I were already married by this time) we found out that we were going to be stuck with a 44k debt of hers that Eric had co-signed on when they were still together. Our shared account was zeroed out on multiple occasions when we were pinching pennies to save up for a house. Eric somehow made it go away despite lawyers turning us down and Eric never gave me a real answer on what happened with it. Eventually we got a house. Our forever home.
Years later I am asked to sign documents to account for all income we receive as a couple. We were both to sign the documents. The document asked if we received child support, so I asked him knowing full well years ago he told me she stopped paying years before that. He reluctantly said yes and also reluctantly gave me the amount paid. Also saying the money almost immediately went to Ted's moms 44k debt. We were not in a position to talk deeply about it at that exact time. But noted it. I was asked to provide proof.
After a month of begging for the paperwork and offering simple solutions that were turned down. On the very last day we needed the paperwork I was given it. When I saw it, the math was not making sense. In asking probing questions and repeating them til I got a direct answer he accidentally let it slip that what money isn't going to the unpaid debt is going into his account he uses for his alcoholism and marijuana (legal in our state).
The only account I knew of was our shared account and the separate account I have in my name (that he knows of) to protect our savings from getting pulled in fear of our account getting zeroed out again due to the 44k unpaid debt. He then tried to backtrack.
I went completely catatonic. I see money go out of our shared account from his drinking and cigarettes and pulling money for what I assume is for his Marijuana. It did cross my mind sometimes the money (which was a lot) still never seemed to add up to how much drinking and smoking I saw happen which was always a problem.
I feel nothing. I'm hurt but not in the intensity I should be. I know I should be angry, I know this is a HUGE act of betreyal. I found out only 24 hrs ago. I'm terrified for my future. I pity him.
I am having him write me a letter confessing everything, what I already know and what I don't know. I'm also having him write in it why he did it and why I should stay with him because I am at a loss.
I am questioning my entire life choices now but it still feels like I'm in a dream. I have no idea if it will be enough. I'm afraid of losing my self respect, but I'm also afraid to leave, and leave Ted behind.
submitted by Various_Grass_2118 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:12 Zachm512 they’re dating someone after 2days

my ex and i dated for 2 years, we traveled the world together, did everything together. not even two weeks ago they told me how im the most perfect partner they could imagine and how much they want to be with me. we’ve had a bunch of fights through our relationship but we always made it through. about a week ago they broke up with me and i told them i would respect that and would like to still be friends and they agreed. they wrote me the kindest letter explaining how they needed to be with themselves and dropped it off at my apartment with flowers not even two days later they told me that they were dating again and said the name of the guy. and when i read the name i almost had a panic attack. it was a guy who id known about for a year or two who’s been accused by multiple women of sexual assault and my roomate knows one of them well. when i told my ex that they were in disgust and we met up and we held hands again(ik ik its like im trying to hurt myself). it felt so good and like we might figure it out but by the next day they told me they talked to him and some other people and it seems like there’s no actual proof so they’re just gonna proceed with caution talking to him. well tonight i decided i couldn’t handle being friends because i knew they were gonna start dating so i wrote a note saying that i loved them and want to be with them but need to go no contact. and when i showed up to drop it off it looks like his car is at their house. this feels like the biggest betrayal of all time and i feel like such shit.
submitted by Zachm512 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:32 Soupondaloop Anyone else struggle with an extreme insecurity of intelligence?

Sorry for the very long post but I would appreciate it if you read it all the way through.
Hey, when I was 8 years old I was diagnosed with auditory dyslexia. To my knowledge now this is considered a separate learning disability called auditory processing disorder? But I do believe if I were rediagnosed today that I would be diagnosed with both dyslexia and APD since I have symptoms of both disorders and it’s very common to have both, but the APD has been more severe and debilitating. At the time of my diagnosis I was in 2nd grade and couldn’t even read 3 letter words. I was living with my mentally ill mother who wouldn’t always take me to school and it was also an environment where academic progression was very difficult. Without trauma dumping or getting in more detail, it got to the point where CPS got involved, so I started living with my godfather, which was a better environment for me to learn. I got diagnosed, so I started speech therapy, after school tutoring and special Ed classes at my school. My school was a choice/charter K-8 school where applicants were randomly chosen to get in. This school would teach up to 3 grades in advance, focus on STEM, and used new experimental teaching methods. Overall it was expected of you to preform above average and we would always perform above average on standardized tests for our school average. I think this is what spawned my inferiority complex/intelligence insecurity. I was around all these kids that were so gifted and I was among the select few that had to attend special Ed, it was so humiliating. I even remember being bullied about it on a few occasions. Fast forward to 5th grade my tutor referred me to get reevaluated at a learning center because of my high performance. After all the testing it was revealed I had a 128 IQ and an 11th grade reading comprehension level and I scored grades above average in every subject. It was such a relief since it meant I didn’t have to do special Ed or tutoring anymore which I found so humiliating. Even after I didn’t have to do any of those programs anymore I still was offered a personalized paraprofessional or extra time on tests which I always refused because I just wanted to be treated the same as everyone else. I never was able to get good grades but I always did exceptionally well on standardized tests. Even when I was in high school. A time where I was addicted to drugs (high 90% of the time ) and failed most my classes I still scored exceptionally well on all my standardized tests besides my ACT, which I scored 1 point below average. Deep down I know I’m not stupid, but i am slow, if that makes sense. For example I loose my place when I’m reading constantly, and have to reread the same sentence up to half a dozen times to understand what it means, which takes a lot of time. Since the ACT is a timed test I think that’s why I didn’t do as well on it. I could’ve probably got extra time on it due to my disability, but do to my insecurity I didn’t want to do that. Anyways to this day I have horrible spelling/grammer, have to proof read everything I type and edit it, even simple texts because it’s always riddled with mistakes. I probably proof read this post 2 dozen times since it’s so long. The symptoms more associated with APD are: stuttering, always mishearing people so my response to them doesn’t make sense, talking very slow and having to think about every word I say, misspeaking, and overall my vocabulary is so bad unless I take the time and effort to think about everything, which is only possible when typing, so when I speak I sound stupid. Anyways all of the listed things i mentioned plus general mistakes I make, make me feel like a dumbass, and it’s hard to feel otherwise. It’s like I cognitively know I’m not stupid but deep down in my heart that’s how I feel. Anyways I’m just wondering how many other people with dyslexia have delt with this same/similar issue? Is there any advice or words that you could give me to help me get over this? Thank you for reading this very long post!❤️
submitted by Soupondaloop to Dyslexia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:49 vsauce9000 Since everyone’s posting nationality certificates, here are my three!

Since everyone’s posting nationality certificates, here are my three!
First one is a “personal certificate”; it is effectively the same thing as a birth certificate, it’s considered proof of citizenship when applying for a passport, and it has my ID number and street address. My understanding is that you can now also get a digital copy that’s has an electronic seal, which I presume means that it’s a digitally signed PDF.
These other two are copies; the originals are in a secure location The second is my original, handwritten birth certificate. Just as the other, this is also proof of Albanian citizenship. The third is a newer birth certificate (also mine) that is typed as it was issued in 2013. I find it weird that the birth certificates list your current place of residence, and that has the ability to change (as it did on mine), and not just where your birth was registered
submitted by vsauce9000 to PassportPorn [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:22 BossElectrical8931 Halbrand sauron and adar

We know that the showrunners have said that sauron will manipulate adar. The question in my opinion is in what guise will he manipulate adar. Will he present himself as sauron humbled and seeking redemption or will he still be presenting himself to adar as halbrand the mortal man.
If he presents himself as sauron then he could manipulate adar in a way that is similar to how he manipulated pharazon. He basically goes to adar admits he's sauron and admits the elves have discovered his true identity. He then basically asks for safe haven with adar and assures adar that he is too weak to challenge him and and says that the fact that adar split him open AND the fact that adar convinced all the orcs to follow him is proof that adar is now the more powerful of the two. He then basically manipulates adar to launch an attack on eregion. Maybe he does this by saying that before he was unmasked by the elves he learned that the elves were planning to attack mordor and destroy adar and his children. For good measure he then warns adar that the elves have started crafting rings of power that could make them more powerful than they already are. He then tells adar that if he successfully takes control of eregion then he can gain control of those rings of power and make himself more powerful.
The other possibility is that sauron continues to present himself as halbrand the leader of the people of the southlands. He basically makes up a bunch of horrible stories about the elves like saying they betrayed halbrand and his people by not allowing them to reside in elven realms after the destruction of the southlands. And he can claim that the elves have been crafting rings of power but refuse to give any to the survivors of the southlands therefore depriving the southlanders of having the strength and power to build up a new realm for themselves. Finally he can claim that the elves want the rings of power for themselves so that they can dominate all the other races of Middle earth. Therefore those who are not elves should unite to thwart the plans of the elves and the best way to do that is to attack eregion and take control of the rings of power.
submitted by BossElectrical8931 to LOTR_on_Prime [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:16 wannabeemefree Landlord is stupid AF

First time posing here. So I've rented my place for 10 years now. Got the first 8 it was with a couple and it was their only property (besides their own home). It had been the wife's house after she divorced her first husband. She had the downstairs and rented the upstairs. When she got married she rented both units (older house from 1890s divided into 2 apartments).
Everything wa great. Rent was reasonable, they were good with maintenance (although the husband was t the best at fixing things and sometimes was a bit of an ass). And They sold 3 years ago and a local property management company took over. At the time the new company took over the upstairs s.central air broke and water.would poor into the bedroom.
  1. The management didn't know anything about our property. They told us the upstairs.has tomtilt their AC out the window more. We explained that it's Central AC they need professional to come out. They finally got someone out but we had to beg them to fix the ceiling. Of course it's the managers special of white spray paint! Luckily there's no mold.
  2. The weird thing about our property is that the water is all connected and their is 1 hot water heater for both units which is on my gas meter. So essentially we pay for the gas to heat the water the upstairs uses (and they take showed like 4 times a day it seems like).
The previous owners would pay the utility and give is a $25 credit for the hot water and we would just pay them the amount for gas for heating the water
Now there was a lot of trouble getting this straight with the new management. They first tried to bill upstairs people for out electric. Then they had to do an inspection because they didn't believe that there was only 1 water heater. Finally after like 4 months it's figured out. For the last 2 years we got utilities in our name and they just took $25 off the rent. So instead of $825 it was $800. Well rent went up to $850 and I asked about the $25. They said that it was included in the price. I said I was confused because in the past the lease always had the higher amount $825 listed and then their was a credit given. They said no you are getting the $25. Specifically "thats the offer. You can take it or you can vacate"
So now I'm paying for the upstairs A-Holes hot water. 3. I don't actually know if the water and sewer bill is correct. They say that it's split evenly between the 2 units but they don't show the bill from the city. I have half a mind to go down to city hall and show proof of residency and see if they will show me the amount. I feel like 3- 4 hundred dollars is a bit much (i live in Wisconsin so water is not as expensive or limited like other states). Our quarterly bill is anywhere between $75 to almost $200. If it is split it would be $150-$400
submitted by wannabeemefree to LandlordLove [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:11 SadREMemployee Open House Notes

Hi everyone,
On May 27th the union held an open house and invited all REM employees and many union members to join and discuss what happened, what's next and to answer questions first hand. These are some of the topics discussed.

The Decision and What to Do Next

(Click here to view the decision)
REM had enough signed cards to auto certify for unionization. The employees of REM were denied their right to representation because the LRB accepted REM's position that supervisors and car cab workers should be part of the collective agreement. The LRB denied that shop workers, office workers, drivers etc. should be part of the agreement.
This technicality voided the application. Unfortunately cards signed and votes taken could not be counted because of this, even if they pulled out supervisor and car cab votes and added them to mechanics and apprentices.
REM supervisors testified that they work in the field upwards of 4 days a week on the tools. We are all aware this is obviously untrue.
The union lawyer stated that he fully believes this decision to throw out the application would be overturned in court, however that would be a lengthy process (months to years). Local 82 and their legal representation believe that applying again with the new terms the LRB has set out for their application is the simplest and fastest way to proceed.
So the plan is simple. Local 82 will apply again with the terms the LRB has supplied. We know we had enough votes last time, and know we can do it again. We just need you to sign a card again and discuss with your co-workers what we can accomplish together.
If you believe that you have a right to better wages, benefits, pension, safety and more, the answer is simple. Stand together with your co-workers and work together to achieve something great.
United we bargain. Divided we beg.

Former Richmond Employees

Former Richmond/current union members spoke up, each and every one explaining how they cannot recommend joining the union enough.
Some of their statements were...
"I'm much happier"
"I wish I could have gone sooner."
"I went over as a first year apprentice 6 years ago and I have never made less than 150k a year here"
"The grass is definitely greener here."
"It was one of the best decisions I've ever made."
"The union feels more like a family than Richmond ever did."
These are people many of you have worked with before. They are respectable former REM employees.


The union presidents talked about giving REM 6 months to negotiate. During this period, all contracts must first be voted on BY US before being ratified and before paying dues. The decision whether to accept an offer from REM will solely rest on us.
If we do not come to an agreement and we do not believe REM is bargaining fairly, we will likely take a strike vote. During a strike, all members' jobs are protected by the Anti-Scab Legislation and REM can not fire us and replace us.
A union's real power resides in its ability to shut down the means of production. We are not contractually bound to the contracts; REM is.
Local 82 has shown great interest in striking with us if it came to that. Their members would still need to vote but everyone present at the meeting was in favor.
The question was raised if REM would fall under the same collective agreement that L82 has set out for other companies already.
The answer is that nobody can say anything for sure until bargaining begins, however union reps stated that their plan is to present their current agreement within 10 days of certification.
There is a large difference in the company composition of a large multinational company such as KONE compared to REM. It is quite possible that the first negotiation will be under a separate agreement with the aim for us to be bridged and caught up in time for the next negotiation (current contract expires Oct 2027).
However, the last time the IUEC certified a company as large as Richmond was Fujitec and they signed the current agreement at the time.
Union reps followed this with a statement explaining how their past bargaining is proof that they do right by their members. Each time they complete a bargaining agreement the increases they earn for their members are larger and larger, proof of this being in their last incredible agreement.

Supervisors in the Collective

Since supervisors have made the choice to testify that they are active mechanics working multiple days a week in the field, they will be part of the collective agreement. Should there be a strike, they must not cross the picket line. If they chose to do so would result in fines and possible expulsion from the collective. This would bar them from working for any IUEC union affiliated company in North America.

MIT's in Mechanic Positions

MIT's in service/maintenance or other departments that have their own routes and are not certified mechanics WILL be protected by the union in the current roles until they have achieved their ticket. You will NOT be removed from your position or have any other negative effects because you do not hold a ticket. You will not be replaced by a ticketed mechanic and your position is yours to keep, as it should be. You will be flagged in the union system until you complete your education and receive your TSBC accreditation.

Contact Info

If you have questions, concerns or anything that may have not been answered here in this subreddit, please reach out to Local 82 reps to ask your questions directly to them. Their phones are always on and their door is always open. They ask that you reach out to them through the phone, text, email or in person to discuss anything you like.
Blair Macmillan - 604-329-4832 - [bmacmillan@iuec.org](mailto:bmacmillan@iuec.org)
Tyler Dunlop - 604-968-3735 - [tdunlop@iueclocal82.com](mailto:tdunlop@iueclocal82.com)
Local 82 Union Hall - 2581 Shaughnessy St, Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 3C4 - 604-293-1281
submitted by SadREMemployee to REMunion [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:59 curiosityisme11 Subsequent Entrant subclass 482 Visa Granted!

For Background:
First of all I’m from the Philippines. My de-facto partner of 3+ years went to Australia last May 4, 2023 under subclass 400 as a Fitter (323211). His subclass 482 visa was granted on October 31, 2023. An acquaintance of his uncle shared that he was able to bring his family (wife & 2 kids) to Australia by processing Subsequent Entrant Visa. With this, we decided to also take a risk and contacted the migration agency they used. I am currently working for a company where my partner and I met. We wanted to be together earlier than waiting for his processing of PR (2years from his 482 Visa grant the earliest)
My Journey Timeline (all in 2024): 135 Days
Only restriction of my Visa is 8501 - Maintain health insurance.
submitted by curiosityisme11 to AusVisa [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:22 bmch Mortgage Pre-Approval Process: Number of Financing Sources to Contact & Pros/Cons of Joint Mortgage?

First time potential home buyer. I just started looking for homes w/ my gf (just looking at open houses at this point, no rush and no agent). However, the houses in my area go under contract quickly, so I wanted to be prepared to make a strong offer in case I came across something I liked. I was hoping to get advice on the following questions
1) For a pre-approval how many sources of financing should I be contacting? Should I get multiple pre-approval letters or is one enough?
I fully plan to compare rates and terms using brokers, local and national banks once I submitted an offer to make sure I get the best deal. But just to have a piece of paper to show to a potential seller that I would likely be able to make the purchase, is a single pre-approval letter sufficient? If so, is it preferable to go to a mortgage broker first or national bank or smaller local one? And how easy is it to do the actually comparison part and switch later?
2) Given the below information, what are the pros/cons of entering into a joint mortgage with my gf vs. just having the mortgage in my name - I know the basics for both and am aware of the risk of unmarried persons having a joint mortgage, but I wanted to see if our specific situation raises any red flags? And is this something that would be worth discussing with whatever financing source I get the pre-approvals from?
My gf is a tenured W-2 employee, so guaranteed a job for the foreseeable future but only started working 2 years ago. She also is not a citizen (~10 years residency) so has a more limited credit history and ~730 FICO score.
I am a 1099 contractor, but make several times more than her and have several times more in savings. I haven't checked my FICO score in a while, but last time it was ~800 and I doubt it has moved that much. I also have a much spottier employment record - while I've worked consistently for the past 2+, I was unemployed during the pandemic, and before that founded an ill-fated start up after having worked 5+ years at a big law firm. Neither of us have any substantial debt payments.
I know that both borrowers are examined individually if they are to be on the mortgage, but I wanted to know if the consistency that her employment brings would be beneficial to include with my higher income and savings or if the lower credit score and credit history be likely to negatively impact the approval.
submitted by bmch to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:18 bmch Mortgage Pre-Approval - Number of Sources to Contact & Pros/Cons of Joint Mortgage

I just started looking for homes w/ my gf (just looking at open houses at this point, no rush and no agent). However, the houses in my area go under contract quickly, so I wanted to be prepared to make a strong offer in case I came across something I liked. I was hoping to get advice on the following questions:
  1. For a pre-approval how many sources of financing should I be contacting? Should I get multiple pre-approval letters or is one enough?
I fully plan to compare rates and terms using brokers, local and national banks once I submitted an offer to make sure I get the best deal. But just to have a piece of paper to show to a potential seller that I would likely be able to make the purchase, is a single pre-approval letter sufficient? If so, is it preferable to go to a mortgage broker first or national bank or smaller local one? And how easy is it to do the actually comparison part and switch later?
2) Given the below information, what are the pros/cons of entering into a joint mortgage with my gf vs. just having the mortgage in my name - I know the basics for both and am aware of the risk of unmarried persons having a joint mortgage, but I wanted to see if our specific situation raises any red flags? And is this something that would be worth discussing with whatever financing source I get the pre-approvals from?
My gf is a tenured W-2 employee, so guaranteed a job for the foreseeable future but only started working 2 years ago. She also is not a citizen (~10 years residency) so has a more limited credit history and ~730 FICO score.
I am a 1099 contractor, but make several times more than her and have several times more in savings. I haven't checked my FICO score in a while, but last time it was ~800 and I doubt it has moved that much. I also have a much spottier employment record - while I've worked consistently for the past 2+, I was unemployed during the pandemic, and before that founded an ill-fated start up after having worked 5+ years at a big law firm. Neither of us have any substantial debt payments.
I know that both borrowers are examined individually if they are to be on the mortgage, but I wanted to know if the consistency that her employment brings would be beneficial to include with my higher income and savings or if the lower credit score and credit history be likely to negatively impact the approval.
submitted by bmch to FirstTimeHomeBuyer [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:06 trippvibes The Mauritius Premium Visa: Our Experience and Insider Tips

The Mauritius Premium Visa: Our Experience and Insider Tips
The following information may prove to be helpful, if you're considering applying for the Mauritius Premium Visa, . We've applied for this visa twice (in 2022 and 2023) and want to share our personal experience and insider tips to help make your application journey as smooth as possible.
Here's a breakdown of what you need to know:
1. Our Premium Visa Application Over Two Years
- We initially entered Mauritius on a tourist visa and applied for the premium visa after arriving
- This post covers our experience over both applications (2022 and 2023)
2. Renewal Leeway
- Applied for renewal 1 week prior to visa expiry, but processing took 12 weeks
- Lodging renewal before current visa expiry provides continued legal residency during processing delays
3. Dealing with Local Authorities
- Mauritian civil servants are helpful and understanding despite slower processing times
- They meticulously follow procedures and guide applicants through required steps
- Persist politely through long waits – approval should come through if you meet requirements
4. Documents Required for Online Submission
- Recent digital passport photo, valid passport, scanned entry stamp page
- Travel insurance covering entire stay, confirmed flexible return flight tickets
- Signed accommodation letter from landlord or long-term lease
- Last 3 months' bank statements showing minimum $18K balance (if not working)
- Official salary certificates indicating $1500+ monthly earnings (if working)
5. Uploading Documents to the Portal
- Combine some documents into single PDF files to avoid exceeding attachment limits
- Highlight key details like names, account balances, and insurance coverage dates
6. Visa Duration and Delivery
- Granted 1-year multiple-entry visas on both occasions
- Visas delivered via email in PDF format – verify all names and details upon receipt

7. Tracking Your Application Status
- Log in to your EDB portal account and navigate back to the original application
- Status changes from "Awaiting verification" to "In Process" within 4 weeks
- Typically takes another few weeks for final approval
- Don't rely on email updates for tracking; check manually

8. Tips on Travel and Health Insurance
- For monthly subscriptions like Genki or SafetyWing, include a letter specifying 1-year coverage duration
- Otherwise, the caseworker may request further documentation

9. Booking Return Tickets
- Book fully flexible, refundable tickets for your planned duration
- Once approved, cancel tickets for a full refund and re-book at possibly lower fares
- Ensure you do not overstay your visa

10. Providing Proof of Accommodation
  • No formal rental agreement needed; provide a signed letter with rental details
  • Include your landlord's proof of address and National Identity Card (NIC)

11. Financial Documents Required
  • If not working, provide last 3 months' bank statements showing $18,000+ balance
  • If working, salary certificates/payslips and bank statements must show $1,500+ monthly earnings
  • Calculate total household income if applying with dependents

12. New Requirements (2024)
  • Open a local bank account within two months of approval and provide proof
  • Visa duration is tied to insurance validity, not necessarily return flights

13. Tips and Hacks for Smooth Application
  • Provide more information than required and combine related documents into PDFs
  • Highlight names, account numbers, and policy details on bank statements and insurance documents
  • Book flexible, refundable flight tickets
  • Explicitly specify 1-year duration in travel insurance cover letter for monthly subscriptions
  • Manually check status; don't rely on email updates
  • Contact Immigration directly for inquiries rather than Economic Development Board

14. After Approval Tips
  • Verify names and details in issued visa PDF
  • Cancel and re-book return tickets at possibly lower fares
  • Carry printed visa copies when travelling domestically and exiting Mauritius
  • Inform Immigration Office if changing local address
  • Open local bank account and email proof to Immigration Office

15. Domestic Travel
  • Carry printed visa copies when visiting other Mauritian islands like Rodrigues

16. Misdirected Efforts
  • EDB merely passes applications to Immigration Department for processing
  • Direct inquiries and follow-ups to Immigration contacts, not EDB

17. Frequently Asked Questions
  • How to apply for a renewal of the Mauritius Premium Visa
  • How to contact the Immigration Office
  • What to do if your Premium Visa application is rejected

We hope this comprehensive, real-world account gives you clarity and confidence to embark on your own Mauritius Premium Visa application journey! With our insider tips and detailed guidance, you'll be well-equipped to navigate the process smoothly 🙌✨. For a more detailed account of our experience, check out our comprehensive post (there is too much to say to post everything on here!): https://trippvibes.com/mauritius-premium-visa-application-process-our-experience-amp-insider-tips/.
Have you applied for the Mauritius Premium Visa or are you considering it? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below! 💬
submitted by trippvibes to travelblog [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:03 apgp88 Mortgage shopping

I am in contract for a house and trying to shop around for a mortgage rate.
Is it possible to get Loan Estimate (written fee disclosure ) to show other lender without hard credit pull?
Is it a good idea to actually go ahead with an application (hard pull) just to get the letter?
How do people usually give proof of better base rate to other lender?
submitted by apgp88 to BayAreaRealEstate [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:57 Yurt_lady Is nursing home neglect med mal?

My husband died quite suddenly of what appeared to be aspiration pneumonia. The state had filed a lawsuit against the facility he was at and put them into a receivership.
My question, would this be a med mal case?
I have so much documentation along with video. I did bring him home, that was slightly delayed because I almost died of septic shock in March. This is just a list of deviations from his care plan. I have much more. The numbers in parentheses refer to pictures which I haven’t included but I can.
The state is very interested in my evidence bc the facility was most likely committing Medicare/Medicaid fraud. They charged me approximately $1000/month extra for a certain care level and turned around and hired a hospice company connected to them financially. The hospice company billed Medicare for the services I was paying for.
1) He is listed as having a skin condition and that it should be monitored during bathing. In fact, he had seborrheic dermatitis on his scalp and ears/face. He was prescribed ketaconazole shampoo and ketaconazole cream. I always found him with cradle cap when I shaved his head (1). In addition, his shampoo and cream were barely used. (2) 2) He had a crush order for his meds which I had requested, but his meds were not crushed. I will find a video of him being administered his pills. 3) His meals were required to be cut up. This was not done. Finally, Lxxx texted me that he would not receive medications cut up but instead would receive finger foods. I have video and possibly photos of his food not being cut up. 4) Staff to offer fluids every 2 hours during waking hours. I supplied Ensure and bottled water. I have video that shows he was left for hours in his room sleeping during the day and was not offered fluids. 5) Staff to assist with dressing and undressing twice daily. For the most part, David was only changed twice a week by the hospice staff when he got his shower. I have video proof of this. 6) Grooming assistance - dental/mouth care. This was not provided. I brought mouth wash. It was unused. His electric toothbrush was unused. Toe/fingernail care - his nails were never clipped. (3). I took him to the nail salon and paid about $100/month for his nail care. 7) Transfer details - staff to assist with transfer to and from chair to bed. David was left sleeping in his chair at night many times. He was also left sleeping in his chair with the chair partially in the lift position. (4) 8) Fall risk mitigation - resident to use pendant to call for help. David wasn’t given a pendant in house 5 despite Lxxx texting me that she would provide one (5) 9) Safety checks listed as around the clock, every 2 hours. Staff rarely entered David’s room to check on him. They very rarely to almost never checked on him at night. Can prove both with video.
submitted by Yurt_lady to MedicalMalpractice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:54 MundanePitch Property Ownership Dispute in VA

I'm in Virginia and facing a potential property ownership dispute with a long-term ex-gf. We purchased a house in Nov 2021 with a joint title.
The issue is, that while I financially contributed significantly more, the title is joint. My partner is now claiming a 50% stake.
  1. Considering the unequal contributions, what are my rights regarding ownership percentage in Virginia (assuming the title doesn't specify "right of survivorship")?
  2. Are there any resources or recommendations for navigating this situation in Virginia?
I have documented proof of the down payment and all mortgage payments in my name. We did get a really good rate when we bought the house, so I'd prefer an arrangement where we don't have to refinance and lose that rate. I just wanted to see if there were ways to push back against claims of equal ownership so that in case there is a sale at some point in the future, I don't have to split any payment for the property 50/50 despite being the only one making the payments.
Disclaimer: I understand this doesn't constitute legal advice. I'm seeking general insights while also consulting a lawyer.
Thanks - happy to clarify any questions!
submitted by MundanePitch to legal [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:41 trippvibes The Mauritius Premium Visa: Our Experience and Insider Tips

The Mauritius Premium Visa: Our Experience and Insider Tips
The following information may prove to be helpful, if you're considering applying for the Mauritius Premium Visa, . We've applied for this visa twice (in 2022 and 2023) and want to share our personal experience and insider tips to help make your application journey as smooth as possible.
Here's a breakdown of what you need to know:
1. Our Premium Visa Application Over Two Years
- We initially entered Mauritius on a tourist visa and applied for the premium visa after arriving
- This post covers our experience over both applications (2022 and 2023)
2. Renewal Leeway
- Applied for renewal 1 week prior to visa expiry, but processing took 12 weeks
- Lodging renewal before current visa expiry provides continued legal residency during processing delays
3. Dealing with Local Authorities
- Mauritian civil servants are helpful and understanding despite slower processing times
- They meticulously follow procedures and guide applicants through required steps
- Persist politely through long waits – approval should come through if you meet requirements
4. Documents Required for Online Submission
- Recent digital passport photo, valid passport, scanned entry stamp page
- Travel insurance covering entire stay, confirmed flexible return flight tickets
- Signed accommodation letter from landlord or long-term lease
- Last 3 months' bank statements showing minimum $18K balance (if not working)
- Official salary certificates indicating $1500+ monthly earnings (if working)
5. Uploading Documents to the Portal
- Combine some documents into single PDF files to avoid exceeding attachment limits
- Highlight key details like names, account balances, and insurance coverage dates
6. Visa Duration and Delivery
- Granted 1-year multiple-entry visas on both occasions
- Visas delivered via email in PDF format – verify all names and details upon receipt

7. Tracking Your Application Status
- Log in to your EDB portal account and navigate back to the original application
- Status changes from "Awaiting verification" to "In Process" within 4 weeks
- Typically takes another few weeks for final approval
- Don't rely on email updates for tracking; check manually

8. Tips on Travel and Health Insurance
- For monthly subscriptions like Genki or SafetyWing, include a letter specifying 1-year coverage duration
- Otherwise, the caseworker may request further documentation

9. Booking Return Tickets
- Book fully flexible, refundable tickets for your planned duration
- Once approved, cancel tickets for a full refund and re-book at possibly lower fares
- Ensure you do not overstay your visa

10. Providing Proof of Accommodation
  • No formal rental agreement needed; provide a signed letter with rental details
  • Include your landlord's proof of address and National Identity Card (NIC)

11. Financial Documents Required
  • If not working, provide last 3 months' bank statements showing $18,000+ balance
  • If working, salary certificates/payslips and bank statements must show $1,500+ monthly earnings
  • Calculate total household income if applying with dependents

12. New Requirements (2024)
  • Open a local bank account within two months of approval and provide proof
  • Visa duration is tied to insurance validity, not necessarily return flights

13. Tips and Hacks for Smooth Application
  • Provide more information than required and combine related documents into PDFs
  • Highlight names, account numbers, and policy details on bank statements and insurance documents
  • Book flexible, refundable flight tickets
  • Explicitly specify 1-year duration in travel insurance cover letter for monthly subscriptions
  • Manually check status; don't rely on email updates
  • Contact Immigration directly for inquiries rather than Economic Development Board

14. After Approval Tips
  • Verify names and details in issued visa PDF
  • Cancel and re-book return tickets at possibly lower fares
  • Carry printed visa copies when travelling domestically and exiting Mauritius
  • Inform Immigration Office if changing local address
  • Open local bank account and email proof to Immigration Office

15. Domestic Travel
  • Carry printed visa copies when visiting other Mauritian islands like Rodrigues

16. Misdirected Efforts
  • EDB merely passes applications to Immigration Department for processing
  • Direct inquiries and follow-ups to Immigration contacts, not EDB

17. Frequently Asked Questions
  • How to apply for a renewal of the Mauritius Premium Visa
  • How to contact the Immigration Office
  • What to do if your Premium Visa application is rejected

We hope this comprehensive, real-world account gives you clarity and confidence to embark on your own Mauritius Premium Visa application journey! With our insider tips and detailed guidance, you'll be well-equipped to navigate the process smoothly 🙌✨. For a more detailed account of our experience, check out our comprehensive post (there is too much to say to post everything on here!): https://trippvibes.com/mauritius-premium-visa-application-process-our-experience-amp-insider-tips/.
Have you applied for the Mauritius Premium Visa or are you considering it? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below! 💬
submitted by trippvibes to u/trippvibes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:21 HotAcanthopterygii48 Carrying in Oregon

How does one go about getting a ccw in Oregon as a resident of Washington. I looked online and I keep seeing that proof of residency in Oregon is required to apply for one but I'm wondering how I can legally carry while I take a trip this summer.
submitted by HotAcanthopterygii48 to WA_guns [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:10 missxfaithc [QCrit] BENEATH THE TREES, Adult, Contemporary Fantasy, 98K (2nd Attempt)

Here is my previous attempt: Attempt 1
Here is my revised query letter:
Dear Agent,
BENEATH THE TREES, complete at just under 98,000 words, is an adult contemporary fantasy novel great for fans of Vicious by V.E. Schwab, The Magicians by Lev Grossman, and the TV show Supernatural.
Max Pryce, a man tormented by nightmares and monsters that only he can see, just wants a normal life. When his girlfriend of two years breaks up with him, he feels impossibly alone. Seeking distraction from heartbreak and disturbing dreams, Max agrees to accompany his best friend, Kit Donovan, on a vlogging excursion into the woods to help save his friend’s dying YouTube channel. As the two explore an abandoned house, they encounter an entity that plunges Max back into the world of the paranormal he has so desperately tried to escape.
Meanwhile, Kit only wants two things in life: to quit his boring day job and become a content creator full-time and find definitive proof of the supernatural.
Despite Max’s pleas for Kit to leave well enough alone, the prospect of growing his YouTube channel and uncovering the truth of the supernatural is too tempting for Kit to ignore. Max's nightmares worsen as they delve deeper into a realm of otherworldly creatures, magical daggers, and strange portals to other dimensions, and his grip on reality slips farther away.
Already feeling alone, Max struggles to confide in Kit. This self-imposed isolation ends, however, when the shadow entities he’s been seeing make physical contact with him for the first time. They promise him a new—and better—life, free of horrific nightmares and pain. All he must do is become a host for them. Max is initially wary, and Kit’s ongoing research only serves to suggest that the shadow creatures have malicious intentions.
Max can only take so much, though, and when Kit fails to find a way to get rid of the shadow entities and stop his friend’s nightmares, Max takes matters into his own hands by choosing to leave his old life behind in favor of a new one in another dimension. Leaving isn’t as easy as he’d like it to be, however, and his decision is further complicated when Kit tries to stop him from—as Max comes to believe—fulfilling his destiny. Faced with a life-altering choice, he must decide who to trust, his best friend or the shadow creatures.
submitted by missxfaithc to PubTips [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:59 BasilAdventurous1828 Applying for standard visitor visa. I have a few questions.

I'm planning to visit UK for a week this year. I will be staying at my cousin's house. I have a few questions:
  1. Since I will be staying at my cousin's house, should I only include the total estimated costs of meal and transport in my application, and no need to include accomodation cost?
  2. Is it true that the total budget should be less than my monthly disposable income (net monthly salary minus monthly living cost), even if I already have more than enough savings to support my travel and living costs?
  3. Is a letter of employment already a sufficient proof of ties to the country of origin?
submitted by BasilAdventurous1828 to ukvisa [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:34 kayenano The Villainess Is An SS+ Rank Adventurer: Chapter 247

[<< First] [< Previous] [Next >] [Patreon] [Discord]
Juliette Contzen is a lazy, good-for-nothing princess. Overshadowed by her siblings, she's left with little to do but nap, read … and occasionally cut the falling raindrops with her sword. Spotted one day by an astonished adventurer, he insists on grading Juliette's swordsmanship, then promptly has a mental breakdown at the result.
Soon after, Juliette is given the news that her kingdom is on the brink of bankruptcy. At threat of being married off, the lazy princess vows to do whatever it takes to maintain her current lifestyle, and taking matters into her own hands, escapes in the middle of the night in order to restore her kingdom's finances.
Tags: Comedy, Adventure, Action, Fantasy, Copious Ohohohohos.
Chapter 247: Subjective Mercy
Dawn was a novelty to Renise.
Not because she was a late riser. On the contrary, she readily woke up before even the alley cats of Reitzlake. And they were nothing if not prompt in securing their territory.
It’s just that any dawn was hard to admire while she was crawling beneath the streets.
That’s not to say she didn’t get to see anything just as glamorous, though. In the sewers beneath the cracked cobblestone of Pennyvale Road and Sipton Corner, she often saw enough stolen gold tucked away to form a sight brighter than any morning.
And once, she even found a die with 20 sides. She thought that was very interesting.
Thus, even as the sun peeked across the horizon, Renise barely paid any attention. Especially as doing so would remind her of exactly how many hours it’d been since she last slept.
But she had no right to complain.
After all–
The guards requisitioned to her service couldn’t.
Even now, their eyes were as wide as when she’d brought them here. And not all of it from shame that a large smuggling operation had taken place upon their doorstep.
They wiped sweat from their brows as they hauled the proceeds of crime from the depths of tunnels, the corners of barns and the hidden hatches found between them. All the while, Renise was there to assist, searching each nook and cranny to ensure that every mug rimmed with cobwebs and filled with pilfered gemstones was recovered.
The result was a sight grander than the pale light stretching across the horizon. A veritable mountain of recovered goods, stacked in semi-organised fashion in the centre of the farmstead.
No fields of wheat grew as of yet. But that didn’t mean there was no golden gleam.
The chests of crowns in Baroness Arisa’s chamber was the mainstay of the haul. A cursory examination placed the amount grand enough to purchase half a castle outright. But Renise knew it wasn’t a castle the baroness had wanted. It was a kingdom–and more.
That’s what the rest of the goods were for.
Sacks and crates unending. Enough grain and foodstuffs to last many winters and more. Had she wished to, the baroness could have sheltered in her hole and sat through whatever calamity she’d wished to trigger. Or she could have used it in lieu of gold when stomachs were empty and hearts were hard, to feed crowds of rioting commoners or the loyalty of wavering soldiers.
A scheme as audacious as it was unlikely. And thus very much devised by nobility.
Renise understood that well.
Just as she understood that nobility rarely allowed themselves to dream of an empire without guarantees in place. And she intended on querying what they were, and who had offered them.
Turning from the mound of gathered items, she made her way over to the girl huddling beside the steps of her stolen and dilapidated manor.
With her knees up, arms wrapped around them and face buried in said arms for good measure, Baroness Arisa Sandholt was less a noblewoman fallen at the final hurdle of a grand scheme and more a girl who had not been told ‘no’ enough times to understand the consequences of her actions.
And there would be many. More than her hands could hope to manage.
After all–
Renise had read Juliette’s judgement.
The former noblewoman approached the girl under guard. She nodded at the tired watchers. And when they left to join their colleagues in taxing their shoulders, she knelt down to look at the kingdom’s most recent shadow of Lady Lucina Tolent.
And what a poor one it was.
Still, Renise grimaced on the baroness’s behalf.
Despite recent events, she held little personal acrimony towards her. Neither smuggling nor treason were new concepts, after all. The scale was grander than what remained of the plots in the royal capital. But this simply meant more bureaucracy. Renise would live. And so would the baroness, should she not recklessly throw away what the princess’s mercy was willing to offer.
Mercy, of course, being subjective.
Still kneeling beside her, Renise attempted to peer past the buried face, almost akin to a teacher with a sulking child.
Then, she sighed.
“Baroness Arisa Sandholt. It is demeaning for you to remain like this. If nothing else, I invite you to sit upon the steps. There’s no need to dirty yourself upon the soil. Particularly as it’ll be some time before we’re finished here.”
Renise waited for an acknowledgement. Or more preferably a finger pointing out the hidden corners she’d doubtless missed.
She received nothing. And so she resigned herself to however many nights it’d require to fully empty out the tunnels.
This, also, was nothing new to her.
“... Uuuuh …”
All of a sudden, a weak, pitiable groan came from the baroness, still unseen behind her knees.
Renise wasn’t certain what to do other than hope for a follow-up. When it didn’t arrive, she instead brushed down her maid’s uniform of any dirt, before promptly undoing it by taking a seat beside the baroness, knees up and thoroughly uncomfortable.
“I notice the grounds are quite extensive,” she said lightly. “An impressive thing you’ve built, for one whose family lineage is pouring ales. May I ask how the career change to smuggling came about?”
No sound met her, other than the huffing of the beleaguered guards as they toiled like farmers beneath the sun.
Renise leaned in to pluck a leaf from the baroness’s hair.
She responded by slowly falling onto her side, still with her face buried around her legs. A perfect imitation of a shrivelled up caterpillar. Renise had a feeling the princess would have commented. She herself kindly chose not to.
For now.
“... Uuuuuuuuuuuhhhhh …”
Again, a weak groan of despair filled the crisp air alight with the early dawn.
Again, Renise wasn’t sure what the correct response was.
She’d known many members of the nobility to have fallen while clutching themselves in agony, most often after being rejected to a dance. And yet as emotionally damaging as those instances were, they paled in comparison to the distress of having her private gallery revealed to the same princess her portraits consisted of.
But it could have been worse.
She wasn’t sure how. But it could have been.
“Baroness Arisa,” said Renise, attempting to speak with a slightly more scolding tone. “This is far too belittling. Until you have been formally stripped of your title, you are still a member of this kingdom’s nobility–whether or not you wish it. You do yourself little favours by remaining as you are.”
At last, the baroness lifted her face away from her knees. She didn’t raise herself from the ground.
Puffy eyes unused to the unyielding dawn met her. And also cheeks still blotchy with humiliation. And then lips quivering with the strength required to form words.
“... My life is over,” she said, her voice strangled with grief.
“You do not know that, Baroness Arisa.”
The girl shook her head, golden hair flailing upon the dirt.
“My life is over,” she merely repeated, her eyes becoming distant and hollow. “The princess … she saw … all my portraits … it’s all over …”
Renise watched as what dignity remained slowly drained before her.
She decided to put a stop to it before she became a withered slug.
After all, the princess in question still had uses for her.
“Your life isn’t yours to judge,” she said, standing up before the baroness. “But it is the 3rd Princess’s. Would you care to know it?”
Renise unfurled a letter from the pockets only her uniform defied impracticality enough to possess.
The baroness uncurled herself slightly, the better to see the back of the letter. Even so, she made no effort to reach for it.
With a sigh, Renise looked over the neatly written edict and began to read.
To Baroness (Insert Name) Arisa Sandholt,
I would like to extend my gratitude for the paintings donated as badly needed furnishing for Soap Island and its inhabitants. This act of charity has not gone unnoticed.
In order to further develop your talents with a brush, I hereby command that you take up position as artist-in-residence upon Soap Island, where you shall have the freedom of its golden beaches, open air, and time enough to paint to your heart’s desire. As long as the paintings are of me.
Upon creation of a work I judge to be satisfactory, I shall deem your rehabilitation complete.
Please note this is an unpaid residency.
Princess Juliette Contzen.
Renise had filled in the bit with the missing name.
For a moment, she did nothing but wait for the baroness’s response. It was slow to come. But when it did, it was with both hands raised to her mouth, unable to hide the despair which came from it.
Indeed, it was a sentence which offered little hope of release.
The stipulation of release was both poetic and severe. For the only way the baroness could ever hope to create a sufficient painting was to first remove her pride and her malice. To be commanded to do what she previously did in twisted animosity would surely result in nothing but empty canvases from this moment on, such was the egoism of nobility.
But there was more to this than meets the eye.
Indeed … Renise had no doubt about the princess’s intentions.
The stipulation for a work to be judged as satisfactory was merely a ruse. The day the baroness realised the error of her ways and painted a single portrait, Renise had no doubt it would be accepted as proof of her atonement.
Such subtlety, doubtless woven from all her days at the royal court … Renise could only acknowledge it with envy–as could the baroness, who only now slowly sat up upon the dirt.
Except there was one problem.
“The princess … wishes for me to paint her?”
Her voice came out as barely a squeak, still covered by her hands, and yet those grey eyes were as wide as the very sun now cresting the horizon.
“She does, yes,” answered Renise, hearing the caution in her own voice.
A moment of silence passed between them.
The baroness reached up for the letter. Renise offered it, then waited as the girl’s eyes ran across the words, barely pausing at the scribbled amendment to her name at the top.
“The princess … she extends her gratitude for what I have painted.”
“So she does.”
“She wishes for them to be used as decoration.”
Renise slowly nodded.
In truth, she was still extremely unsure about the entire matter of what … Soap Island was. But the princess had been insistent that the existing paintings be sent there.
“That is correct … yes.”
Renise said nothing more.
Ordinarily, she would be wishing the girl a heartfelt plea to understand the mercy shown to her. And to hope that in time, she would come to understand the folly of her pride. Particularly as the baroness’s hands began to shake, crumpling the letter.
Because those hands were not shaking with clear resentment.
“This letter … is for me.”
Renise pursed her lips.
“Yes, it is.”
“I … I thought she would exile me … or merely forget again I existed the moment her back was turned.”
“Your crimes are not so little that she could allow you to be.”
“Indeed … she acknowledges me. My talents. She … She wishes for an even finer portrait.”
A moment later–
The baroness brought the letter close to her … and tightly held it against chest as her lips quivered into a zany smile. The puffiness upon her cheeks vanished, replaced only with a shine as radiant as the sun.
And then, her eyes grew hazy as she stared into the distance at the back of one who had long since left.
The princess had made a grave error.
This baroness … would not hesitate to paint more of her.
She would not hesitate to paint until she’d created a portrait so fine that it could match the Plafond De Dix Mille Cygnes painted upon the vestibule of the Reitzlake Cathedral. Renise knew this with as much certainty in her heart as the effort it would take to forget this conversation ever occurred.
But she could not do so yet.
Not while she still had questions to ask. And none regarding the preoccupation with the princess.
The baroness had not acted alone. There were those who helped to pry open both her purse strings and her mind to this misadventure.
Renise expected few helpful answers.
The baroness may have dreamt of an empire. But she was a pawn upon a board where another was already lined to take her place. And those who played at intrigue and lived beyond a night were not known for idle gossip.
A trying task.
Although Rose House was named in opposition to the lotuses from the east, she knew full well that she possessed no thorn which could hope to prick the shadows so heavy that they stifled all who sought to grow against them.
Until now, that is.
Renise would not allow the princess’s charity to go to waste.
There was much she had to do before the two paramount smugglers of the kingdom could be offered a stay of execution. A conversation with the Crown Prince being one of them. But it would involve no pleading tears. Only words as cold as the iron her parents were currently shackled to.
But first things first.
She could not return while any tasks lay unfinished. That would be an indictment against all of them.
“Ahem … Baroness Arisa, I’ve matters of importance to discuss with you before you are sent to perform the princess’s wishes. And should you desire her added gratitude, you would do well to answer them.”
The baroness ceased hugging her letter. Broken from her temporary stupor, the smile slowly faded from her lips as she looked up.
And then continued to look up.
Because as the light cresting Renise’s shoulders became cold, and the joy of spring which played upon the ends of her hair faded and died, all which could be seen of the baroness was her faraway eyes as she stared tellingly at the dimming horizon.
In that moment, whatever questions Renise had were all shortly replaced by a single one.
“… Why is it suddenly so dark?”
She turned around.
And then she paled … as she witnessed the dawn being ushered from the sky.
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submitted by kayenano to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:02 fvckstogive Who to contact in regard to never getting mail delivered? *this is my last resort*

Hi all,
I know this isn’t official USPS customer service and I’m not expecting that, just some advice really. I moved to a new property 8 months ago and the post office almost never delivers my mail but they’ll mark it as delivered, or they’ll return it to sender. I’m out in the country where drivers are contracted and from the looks of it only one of them will actually deliver it. I tried doing the change of address online, didn’t work since they won’t accept my debit card, so I went to the office earlier this year with proof of residency and politely explained what was going on, they had me fill out a form roughly the size of a post card (can’t remember what it’s called) and the person working said they’ll pass it on to the drivers and “see what they say”. I asked what that meant and was told that nothing was guaranteed because they’re contracted drivers, was then told to call customer service for any questions. I call customer service and they tell me to call the post office. I call the post office and if they answer (I try to be understanding since I’m sure it’s busy but still) they will hang up on me or tell me there’s nothing they can do. I have been getting the run around for the past several months and it’s now at the point where they’ll even mark it as delivered when it’s not and say they left it in the garage, except I don’t have a garage. My neighbors aren’t getting my mail either. I’m having to get mail at my parents house which is 4 hours from me and insanely inconvenient to the say the least. My questions are:
Is this a normal thing and does there being contract drivers make that significant of a difference?
Who or what am I supposed to contact about resolving this?
I’m really not trying to sink anyone’s ship but this has been absurd and I literally just want what I’m supposed to receive, that’s it, and would love to have some guidance on how to accomplish, preferably without someone getting in trouble. I’ve lived in a rural area before, bounced around a lot, even lived in a national park and still got my mail and I didn’t do any paperwork then.
Help is appreciated, thank you!!!
submitted by fvckstogive to USPS [link] [comments]
