Slave cleaning toilets

A cool guide My girlfriend created a helpful infographic for her brother, who struggles with housekeeping.

2024.05.18 22:52 StellaFieldsl A cool guide My girlfriend created a helpful infographic for her brother, who struggles with housekeeping.

A cool guide My girlfriend created a helpful infographic for her brother, who struggles with housekeeping. submitted by StellaFieldsl to coolguides [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:34 R2-DMode Washing in hotel sinks - Sanitary?

A common strategy to reduce the amount of clothes to pack is to wash in hotel sinks, but is that a sanitary practice? I think of the thousands of people who have spit, bled, vomited, or washed fecal-laden hands in those sinks, and can’t imagine they are clean at all. I’ve read that the average kitchen sink has way more nasty stuff in it than the average toilet.
So, am I just being paranoid, or do I have a legitimate concern here?
submitted by R2-DMode to onebag [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:12 wewepepe505 Near daily water enemas--Am I doing harm to my body?

23F, 5'6", 300 lbs, mixed race (white european/indigenous). no diagnoses, no medications. suspected autism, undiagnosed eating disorder. non-smoker, habitual vaper, non-drinker, no drug use.
This one is kind of gross, so sorry for that lol.
At the beginning of this year my roommate bought a bidet for our bathroom, it's nothing fancy, just a hose attached to the main water line of the toilet and a little trigger to shoot water. To make a long story short, I've been giving myself water enemas nearly daily since we got this thing.
Usually it will be at the end of a bowel movement while cleaning up, however I have done it to trigger a bowel movement when I can't make myself go in the morning (this specifically does play into my ED as I feel like I need to be completely empty before I can weigh myself). I will maneuver in such a way that allows the water to enter my rectum without having to press the nozzle against the anus. Sometimes this doesn't work, and that will be a day where I don't do it (but I always try). I typically don't feel like I'm "done" until only water is coming out, no feces. I don't feel any pain or severe discomfort when I do it, just a sense of fullness and urgency you'd associate with having to go to the bathroom.
The behavior might be associated with undiagnosed autism (i fit much of the criteria for a diagnosis but no $$ to pay for screening or tests) or an underlying mental health issue as I associate this practice with cleanliness and the feashame of being dirty. I absolutely refuse to use toilet paper because it's sensory hell for me, and wet wipes are too much of an inconvenience.
I am mostly concerned about potential long-term effects from doing this, so I guess my main question is whether or not I'm harming my body in some way from doing this? Again, I don't feel any pain and I don't experience any new or differing responses from my body concerning bowel movements. Is it harmless or am I taking a huge risk?
submitted by wewepepe505 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:55 AllCatsAreFluffy Blood loss four days after positive test

TW: positive test, possible miscarriage, long post Disclaimer: I'm in the Netherlands, so our embryo's aren't tested and they don't do HCG blood tests in the hospital we go to. Question: has anybody else had this and how did it end?
On May 1st my boyfriend and I had our 6th transfer. So far, I've had one chemical pregnancy, four embryo's that didn't stick after their transfer and we lost two embryo's in thaw. Our 6th transfer (a FET) was a lovely 5B embryo.
I didn't have a lot of pregnancy symptoms during the two week wait and I always test 13 days post transfer, because this is when the hospital says to test and I know I'll drive myself insane if I do it earlier. So last Tuesday testday was finally here and to our huge surprise the test was positive within a second. My boyfriend was over the moon. I was mostly in some sort of shock and disbelieve. After all, last year we had multiple positive tests and at the 7 week ultrasound my uterus turned out to be empty: my body had already "cleaned up" the embryo. So I had a hard time trusting this test.
But after a nice call with one of the nurses I started to feel somewhat happy and hopeful. I was still super scared, but I also started to dream about a life with this baby. But this morning when I went to the bathroom, there was blood on my toilet paper. It started with some light pink/greyish blood, but when I went back to check 15 minutes later, it was bright red. I also had some very light cramping, but less than during a period. I called the hospital, where a doctor asked some questions and told me that it probably wasn't good news. She also said that there's no use in doing another test or HCG test now, because my body is still producing HCG so it will be positive anyway. We have to wait a full week before we test again. If it's negative we'll know it was definitely a miscarriage/biochemical.
The cramping stopped right after I called the hospital. The red bleeding turned into old blood that lasted rest of the day (it's 9PM here and there's still some old blood). I just don't know what to feel or do, my mind is all over the place and I'm so angry with my body. I'm terrified of losing our little embryo but at the same time I'm still somewhat hopeful that maybe it isn't over just yet. Has anybody else experienced this and how did it end for you?
submitted by AllCatsAreFluffy to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:50 ximdotcad Mystery smell

I am a renter. Want to ask before I involve landlord.
I live in a 1st floor unit w 4 above. My bedroom wall is abbitted to the next unit.
The room is clean and smells like a wet toilet. It is emanating from the wall. I suspect there is a leaking pipe.
Is there any way for a plumber to discover if the smell is coming from the wall without opening it up?
Please don’t make fun, I just don’t want to have to move.
submitted by ximdotcad to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:30 Nearby-Ad-4463 AITA for this? (Its less aita and more was i overreacting?)

Sorry if this doesnt make much sense, im typing this quickly and over short periods because im not meant to have reddit.
This happened a few weeks ago and im still kind of stressed.
Some backstory on me, my mum left my dad when i was 3 and he died when i was 5, and that kinda caused me to be really anxious and i had to go to therapy because of my anxiety. Okay that was kinda off topic but i needed to say. But the main point id my mum has been raising me as a signle mother since then (I have been more raised by my grandparents than her but oh well.)
So i wanna know if im overreacting. I (13 F) had just gotten home from a sleepover, i was tired, i just wanted to get home, go to my room and have a nap. I got a lift from my bsf's parents so i was happy enough. i walk in the door, turn to my room and my mum has moved most of my stuff to one corner. So i said to her that i didnt like she did that, especially when i didnt know, and i was overwhelmed. She told methat it was supposed to make me tidy my room already (okay i know this part isnt great om my part but ive been busy with school, my social life and work so i didnt have time to, but she'd been telling me to tidy my room for a year.) but i had been tidying, just in small bits at a time and i told her that and that her doing that had messed it up. she just kept defending herself and not stopping to listen. i dont remember much after that other than it escalated to the point i was having a panic attack and couldnt breath, and all she said when i was coughing out and not breathing in was "If youre gonna be sick be sick in the toilet." and like 10 minutes later she left me home alone, mid panic attack so she could go on a walk for an hour.
Oh and she also said i had a month to completely clean my room which im still struggling at finding time to do and struggling to do.
Other than that ive kinda repressed it but what do you think? was i overreacting?
submitted by Nearby-Ad-4463 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:28 -Stevo Do Americans need another civil war?

Long overdue. Half the delusional people in America would either have to wake up or shut up. Everybody feels their freedoms slowly slipping away in the states. I say this as I am traveling through the middle eastern countries.
All the awful politics, picking between two terrible candidates in their 80s. It’s a sick joke and Americans still think they don’t have a choice to go outside of red or blue. Stop signing up for people who tell you what you want to hear for a living just so they can let you down every election. Especially black folks. Jesus Christ….
Feminism….. So we are just going to act like the state of our women in America is sustainable? Screw it…let’s be Frank. Our women are too smart to have children and take instruction from their men, but still too dumb to recognize they are working twice as hard now for less pay as they say, as well as not knowing the dark side of what will happen when the men who put this civilization together decide “F it. Not worth the squeeze”
Is it a curse or gift to be a fool? I don’t blame females for going completely insane when left to their own devices. That’s what females will do if there is lack of guidance and instruction. Men learn about what LINES to cross early. Men all have a mutual respect for each other because they know better. We learn quick what is acceptable. Any form of disrespect or habitual line crossing will be met with severe consequences. Natural order. What we failed to factor into the equation was WOMEN and CHILDREN. Honestly, it was stupid to give rights to either from a logical standpoint. What wise men deemed it smart to grant full autonomy to two creatures who are not built for battle? Once again natural order.
….. of course all the propaganda and programming will now try to shame anyone with this clear view. It’s easier to take advantage of a whole village of single mother homes. How do you feel safe as a woman with children in a home by yourself? This is how you can tell Americans have never left the United States and visited other countries. Should honestly be mandatory study abroad at 18 or get recruited for the services.
Each year it becomes harder to afford living cost in America. Making 6 figures to survive as a single person is ridiculous. If I were the government, I would be laughing at this point on how people have that much faith and dependency on a system that has been royally ****** them raw since the 70s. Nope. These sheep get up everyday to sell their soul to a machine that doesn’t even know their name. Why do you think the highest rated film is The Godfather or Shawshank redemption? Easy…. Because they know the human psyche craves that kind of freedom, but would never take ANY risk for a better outcome.
These other countries have no guns, so when they revolt, they usually get what they were demanding. I get that a revolt in America would cause massive deaths because of the amount of firepower we have, but have you noticed how not one small militia of people have even attempted in modern day America? That’s some pretty impressive programming. I am not inciting violence. I’m just very surprised it has not happened once. 50 civilian men with rifles rolling through any major city raiding? Who would stop that? The police? National guard? Military? Prisoners in our own home….
Mental illness is mental illness… Don’t call homosexuality or body dysmorphia a psychological issue and then have children getting sex changes allowing them to gay parades as well as telling every girl with a big nose and small assets to start chopping/adding. Just like weed, when it became lucrative for the system, it wasn’t seen as negative anymore. I hear folks saying now “Well, that’s just how it is. It’s all business” … Oh yea? Was it business when all the major pharmaceutical companies orchestrated a complete shutdown of the world to administer a new vaccine they made record profits on because it was subsidized by the government? The people fought over mask and toilet paper. The virus only defeated .001 of the world population. I couldn’t even walk the stage my final semester of university 2020! I’m not too upset. These kids can’t even read getting promoted to the 6 grade. Missed proms.
Just say you lack the intestinal fortitude to fight back against this obvious oppressive system that your dumb enough to think is free or admit you don’t know who’s head exactly we should be coming for first. THE POLITICIANS….HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE
Make the rule that 90% of what they promised must be delivered or they literally get guillotined on live tv. GUARANTEE you won’t have too many career politicians anymore. The fact that they treat politics like a game show or sports team in the states is very telling about its people. It’s shameful to say the least. They know their average citizen is weak, stupid, and broken to pull what they do.
I’m not finished. Boomers have to go as well. That greedy generation is clogging up the center. F your grandpa. They were hoping Covid would gobble up your granny.
I’m not finished. They better bring those gas prices down before folks get to “politely” asking the gas attendant to press the button and I don’t mean for aiwater.
I’m not finished. Paying illegal immigrants less because you refuse to pay US citizens more is not an excuse to say Americans refuse to do this line of work. What do you think crackheads and college students were doing in the 80s? If they pay actual livable wages, the US citizens wouldn’t be in a state of desperation. They would have to be treated like actual humans and not wage slaves.
I’m not finished. No amount of time will pass on that American Slavery thing. The amount of trauma on black communities that came with that dark time will be repaid. If it is not repaid, then it will be known that the system was designed for them to fail(poor education, housing, medical, mental health) or transferring that level of wealth over would make America lose its advantage it created off free labor.
I’ll think of more to rant about later but I’m enjoying another country right now, so I have to go before the sun goes down
submitted by -Stevo to BidenIsNotMyPresident [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:13 muffinslinger My neighbor who got into bidets during the pandemic.

My neighbor who got into bidets during the pandemic. submitted by muffinslinger to pics [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:47 Jamesbarros better bucket for a sawdust toilet?

Hi everyone,
I'm currently at the bucket toilet ala "humanure handbook" stage of my little offgrid project, and I find that the 5g buckets, especially if you use a bag, are small enough that parts often touch and I just don't like that at all.
Does anyone have suggestions for slightly larger buckets, especially front to back, that will still take the compostable bags for easier clean up and transfer?
Thank you.
submitted by Jamesbarros to OffGrid [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:23 tunafishmahifish toxoplasmosis

I recently had dinner at a friend’s place and was unaware of how they cleaned up after their cat. I had to use the guest bathroom and was shocked to see the cat litter all over the toilet. They put the cat litter box next to the toilet and didnt really clean it up after it.
At that time, i didnt know about toxoplasmosis affecting babies and used the toilet. I made sure to wash my hands.
I’m not sure how to navigate this. My doctor office is closed till Monday.
Trying to figure out when i can take the test. Saw 10 days then 3 weeks.
Freaking out cause i’m in my first trimester and am worried i messed things up for the baby.
submitted by tunafishmahifish to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:01 fleetingNate Guys it's getting worse

not only has the brainrot got to flandre in the SDM but it has also gotten to I have to hear "what the sigma" from both remilia and flandre every day while trying to clean..I been hearing flandre and remilia watching skibidi toilet on repeat 24/7 non stop..PLS MY 2HUJERK BROS HELP ME
submitted by fleetingNate to 2hujerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:55 Traditional-Claim546 Not sure if I have vasovagal syncope

Im a 19f and started passing out when i was 16. The first time it happened i was walking to the store with my sister but it was a particularly hot day so once we finally got in the store the cold air hit me and i immediately felt lightheaded and started hearing ocean like sounds in my ears. I had to lay my head on her shoulder and open the drink before paying for it because i was so scared i was going to pass out. She ended up paying for our stuff but we still had to walk back so she was trying to get me to pull through and luckily i did. Soon as we got home she poured me a cup of ice water and i felt better.
The 2nd time it happened was last year, i was smoking a blunt with my other sister and her friend when suddenly i started to feel super sleepy. I took a seat at the dining room table and put my head down then i started to feel the same symptoms come on again. I was getting lightheaded, couldnt hear anything but i could still see. I tried drinking some juice but it didnt work so i got up and started walking towards the kitchen where they were at but soon as i got there everything went black and i woke up to my sister checking my pulse. I was able to get up after that and walk to the car but i still felt super sleepy and groggy.
Third time was last year during the summer time. So this happened a month or two after the second incident. I was hotboxing in a car with my boyfriend but it was really hot outside that day so once we finished the blunt i broke out in sweats and once i got out the car and started walking towards the house i started having tunnel vision and my hearing went away. All of a sudden it felt like i was sleep, dreaming almost. Then I felt my boyfriend tapping me on my face so i could wake up and he got me up but once i got in the house i passed out again trying to walk upstairs to our bedroom. He picked me up & took me upstairs then rubbed ice on my shoulders and neck so i could wake up which i did end up doing.
Last time it happened was a couple days ago. I had a small cut on my forearm that I didnt get a chance to put alcohol on so it kept bleeding and once i saw the blood i started having hot flashes and had to sit down on the toilet. My boyfriend was helping me clean it while this was happening so i got up and went to the other room to lay down and he followed me. I still felt super dizzy and weird even while i was laying there so I started to get even more scared but thats when my boyfriend accidentally poured water on my pants and i had to get up bc it was so cold. I was mad at him but realized it helped me because soon as i made my way upstairs and sat in front of our fan i felt alot better. One thing I’ve noticed though is that i always have to sleep after i have these episodes. Does anyone who has vasovagal syncope deal with these issues ?? Im scared this will just keep happening to me. I will set up an appointment with my doctor to see if something is wrong.
submitted by Traditional-Claim546 to VasovagalSyncope [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:42 UnknownPrecense First and hopefully last time experiencing an involuntary bowel movement out of nowhere

Today I pulled an all nighter, nothing much. Halfway through the day out of NOWHERE a sudden urge to urinate hit me, I went to a local cafe and on the way back a HUGE urge to defecate out of nowhere on the way home the need to defecate again was becoming more and more intense within 5 minutes time I was trying my best, which was really unpleasant and I ended up defecating in my pants.
I’ve never had this happen to me, after cleaning myself up I’ve had to use the toilet multiple times in under an hour (both) and it’s really getting on my nerves.
Here’s a reminder that this has never happened to me before, like never. So I’m stuck on what to do, I’ve been making multiple trips back and fourth now all day.
I’m an eighteen year old male getting ready for college, I really hope this doesn’t stick with me. Im thinking of going into a walk in/booking an appointment tomorrow.
submitted by UnknownPrecense to Incontinence [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:41 Livshaka Replacing a whole toilet.

So I have a toilet with a Tushy attachment. I love having a bidet. But I dont like that it has added extra places that are hard to clean.
Id like to simplify this and get a toilet that is straight up and down on the bottom so its easier to clean. And I was initially thinking that I should get one that has a built in bidet. But upon reading many posts here, it seems like people favor just getting a bidet seat.
Should I just get a nice simple toilet that has less nooks and crannies to clean and then add a bidet seat?
Or is here a bidet toilet that already fits the bill? I don't really have more than $600
Edited to add: I do not want a heated bidet nor a heated seat. I just want cold water that can aim for the front or back.
submitted by Livshaka to bidets [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:15 ThrowRA_catC137 I think I’m depressed, but it’s different from usual.

I have bpd, major depressive disorder n an ed. So usually my depressive ep’s r super strong n sudden like getting hit by a truck but recently idk what im feeling but its like a lighter more persistent low feeling. Iv had long depressive ep’s before, sometimes they last a couple hours n sometimes like half a year but it’s always been super intense to the point I can’t bring myself to get up, i have no strength or will to live i just rot in bed for days without eating or going toilet until someone carries me to it. I usually also get extreme brain fog so I can’t really remember like half my life. But recently iv been kinda fine I go to college n shower before leaving the house I kinda enjoy scrolling through my phone n I have a normal appetite but when im alone I just feel so tired n empty n idc bout anything n I can’t really bring myself to do anything unless im forced or it’s necessary, like going to colly but other than that I never go out anymore not even for walks(i used to walk around alone at night every day). I think im falling college but Idec n im gunna drop out in 2 weeks. Iv also been thinking n fantasising bout suicide a lot recently but i think its just passive ideation. I just feel weird idk if it’s depression or what..? Also I think my mum is concerned cuz I just lay in bed all day n can’t really bring myself to clean like usual(I usually love to tidy n organise) n I’m not txt anyone n no longer have friends or anything n don’t go out n she keeps asking me to go on holiday wiv her but i just don’t want to. (Ik I might sound entitled but I don’t like burdening her by going wiv her cuz we’re kinda poor n I don’t wanna waist her money especially since I’m so not in the mood I’ll just be a bummer. I always feel guilty for waiting money so I never usually go anyways.) Anyways sorry for the rant.
Edit: I also recently broke up wiv my gf n now have no friends but I don’t mention it cuz I was the one that left so I’m not sad or angry about it, nun like that.
submitted by ThrowRA_catC137 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:59 xtremexavier15 TMA 8

The episode faded back in to a shot of the Gaffers' platform being raised up to the roof by Scott, Ripper, and Chase as MK watched and Izzy walked over, wiping slime off herself.
"Uh, not to sound lazy," Scott said as he left the chain, "but I'm not feeling so good."
"You probably just have a cold," Izzy told him.
"Since when do colds have sores like this?" Scott followed up as he lifted his right arm and pointed to a round, reddish-brown spot on his elbow.
Izzy looked at him attentively and put her hand on his forehead. "Your body temperature is high, but it's possible that-" she was interrupted by a sudden burp from her teammate that caused her to cringe and take a step back. "Why does your breath smell like lemons?"
"Are you trashing my burps?" Scott asked in confusion.
"Hold on," Justin interrupted as the camera cut to him. "Red sores, fever, lemony burps? Aren't those symptoms of one of the diseases in the book?"
"Page 753," Millie exclaimed. "Mortatistical Crumples Disease!" She gasped. "And it's fatal!"
Everyone gasped. "Mortatistical Crumples is also highly contagious!" MK added, eliciting another gasp from most of the cast.
"Okay, looks like it's quarantine time!" Chris said, backing towards the door with barely-hidden panic. "See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya!" He gave them a quick wave, then dashed out the double door between the two vats. Both teams went over to it with shock on their faces as the sounds of power tools were heard on the other side.
The camera cut to Chris as he pounded a nail in with a hammer. It was one of many holding up a red banner with an orange skull-and-crossbones on it, set over several long pieces of wood that had been nailed up to bar the exit. "There's more to this disease than either team knows," he told the camera with an impish grin before walking away with a dark chuckle.
Another shot of the numbered studios was shown. "Hold on," Anne Maria spoke up as the shot cut back to the ten castmates in the challenge set. "How did Dirt Boy catch a fatal disease?"
“I'm sure it's just a twenty-four hour kind of fatal,” Scott hoped.
"We have to quarantine Scott! Stat!" Izzy said in a panic.
The camera showed Ripper furiously inflating a plastic bubble with a bicycle pump; the bubble had a yellow-and-black biohazard symbol on it. "Get inside now!" the bully shouted before Scott threw himself head-first into the bubble.
"Oh no!" Jasmine cried. "Brick has a sore too!" She pointed at the soldier boy's upper left arm, who took one look at the sore and began to wave his arm in a panic.
"It has to be a mistake!" Brick exclaimed.
"Hey!" Scott exclaimed from inside his bubble, another one getting inflated nearby. "Is there an exit to this thing?"
"There isn't one!" Ripper shouted as he continued to pump and Brick got into his bubble.
"Why didn't anyone tell me that before I jumped in?!" Scott griped.
“Okay, everyone just calm down!" Chase said.
"Agreed," Jasmine spoke up sternly. "We should make sure no one else is infected. Symptoms of Mortotistico Crumple's Disease include explosive diarrhea..."
"Oh no!" The camera cut to Chase as his bowels began to groan and he ran into a nearby portable toilet with a panicked look on his face.
"Itchy lips," Jasmine continued as the shot cut to Justin, who suddenly bit his lip.
"My… my lips," he moaned. "They're on fire!" He began to frantically rub and scratch at them, leaving them swollen and red.
"Sudden hot flashes," Jasmine listed off as MK began to sweat profusely and tug at her jacket. "Sea sickness," Ripper turned green and vomited. "Speaking in tongues," Izzy was the next to be affected as she babbled incoherently and indistinguishably with her eyes rolling upwards, which continued even as Jasmine listed the final symptom, "and temporary blindness."
"Everyone can see, right?" Jasmine asked as she checked over the castmates’ current states. "That's good to know," she said in relief before walking forward and bumping straight into Brick's bubble. "Oh no," she said in newfound panic. "I'm the one who's blind!"
Confessional: Anne Maria
"I know this is a reality show," Anne Maria told the confessional camera in a serious tone, "but I doubt that Chris would allow us to actually die on national television!"
Confessional Ends
The scene cut to Chris himself watching from his control room, leaning back in his chair with his legs propped up on the desk in front of him. "You'd think we wouldn't," he told the camera, "but, just imagine the ratings!"
Back in the quarantined set, the camera panned across the room to show that everyone except for Anne Maria, Millie, and the bubbled Brick and Scott were now laying on top of stretchers, groaning and moaning.
“This is super bad,” Millie said. “We have to do something.”
“Do you mean taking their temperatures, because we only have rectal thermometers, and I'm not in the mood to joke around with them,” Anne Maria responded.
“I wasn't even thinking about that at all,” Millie stated. “Joking with diseases is not funny at all.”
“Obviously, but have you noticed we're the only ones who didn't take part in the studying all-nighter, and we're the only ones who haven't been infected?” Anne Maria asked while looking over everybody.
“I'm not so sure about this supposed disease,” Millie mused. “We need to get our hands on one of those textbooks. There has to be something they missed.”
“I’d do it if Chris didn’t seal off the only exit,” Anne Maria argued.
"There’s another exit over there," Millie pointed to the Grips' platform, which was now sitting on the floor empty of body parts. The chain still led up to a hole in the ceiling where the reel was situated.
"Oh yeah. How in the world did I not notice that?" Anne Maria droned sarcastically before the two made a dash for the platform.
"I still haven’t forgotten you pushing me off the diving board a few days ago, so don’t think I’m scared of pulling the platform as high as possible," Millie informed as they stepped onto the platform and pulled down on the chain, making them ascend.
The footage flashed forward to the outside of the studio as the two girls jumped down from a ladder on the wall of the building. “You grab a textbook, I'll look in the kitchen,” Millie instructed before they split off in opposite directions.
Confessional: Millie
"I really hope that the disease is fake," Millie explained in the make-up trailer. "There were some diagnoses and symptoms in the textbook that I've never heard of before, but I've studied a lot about diseases to be familiar with a selective few."
Confessional Ends
Back inside, Scott was shown to be rolling around in his bubble. "How long has it been since I got in this bubble?" he groaned.
"I don't want to hold onto my bladder for more than an hour!" Brick cried while covering his groin with both hands.
"My lips," Justin groaned on his stretcher. "Of all places, why my lips?"
"I'd kiss them to make you feel better, but I'm not a princess and you are not a frog," MK said, sitting up on the stretcher next to him; Jasmine and Chase were visible in a row behind them. "And even then, I am not an animal kisser."
Ripper was sitting against one of the walls, writing something on a piece of paper with a bucket of vomit next to him. “To my parents; don't let my brothers keep the money I've taken from weaklings in the past.” He paused to throw up into his bucket before writing again. “To my brothers; don't even think about stealing my stash from me, especially you, Wolfgang! From your best son, Richard Kennedy.”
The double doors between the vats were thrown open by Millie and Anne Maria. The camera pulled out as the other cast members moaned, and the two young women stepped into the room – the Jersey girl holding a textbook, and the author with some kind of canister.
"Who's there?" Jasmine asked.
"Simmer down, everyone," Anne Maria said. "We're just here to expose the truth about these textbooks, which are actually bogus." She held the book she'd brought up, and easily tore the cover off it. "The book covers are just cereal boxes." Her bowels started to growl, and with a panicked look, she dropped the book and ran towards the portable toilet. "I'll be right back!"
"It can be a crock," Jasmine sat up on her stretcher. "Nobody's faking the sickness!"
“No, but it's still untrue,” Millie interjected. “I just went to Chef's kitchen, and I found this "cheese". The camera focused in on the canister in her hand as she held it up, showing that it had an image of a cheese wedge on the label.
"Uh, what is in that parmesan?" Brick wondered innocently.
"It is not cheese, but it is," Millie tore off the label to reveal a second beneath it with an image of scratching hands on it, "itching powder and laxatives!"
"Chef!" Brick muttered under his breath. "Why did he not inform me?"
It was then that Anne Maria burst back out of the portable toilet followed by a cloud of foul odor. "That explains the diarrhea and itchy lips."
"And I didn't get sick since I'm the only one who didn't eat the pizza," Millie added.
"What about the sores on Brick and Scott?" Chase asked.
"As for those," Millie laughed lightly, walking over to her quarantined teammate. "They're just pepperoni pieces that got stuck on you when you likely fell asleep."
Brick reached over to touch his sore, and it peeled off easily. "She's right!"
Scott also touched his own sore and it also peeled off quickly. "I was suckered! Now can somebody let me out of here now?"
"So wait," MK spoke up, "the disease is fake?"
Jasmine was the first to react, sitting up and blinking. "By golly. I'm not blind anymore!"
"And I can talk normally!" Izzy cheered.
"And I'm not gonna throw up anymore!" Ripper added. "We've been cured!"
"Could I be let out now?!" Brick pleaded. "I have some urgent business to take care of!"
"I'm comin’," Anne Maria rushed over to the bubble and simply popped it with her fingernail. Both of them winced as the bubble burst, and Brick immediately rushed over to the portable toilet.
"And don't forget about me as well!" Scott spoke up, rolling his bubble into the middle of the room.
Izzy took out a pin, popping her teammate's bubble. “This was all first year med school syndrome!” she said. “Too much studying and too little sleep can make you think you've got every disease in the book!”
"Congratulations, Killer Grips!" the voice of Chris McLean came suddenly, the camera pulling out to show the host descending from the ceiling on another chain. "You just won the challenge!"
The five Grips began to cheer and celebrate. "Brilliant diagnostic skills, Anne Maria and Millie. Way to suss it out. And, for your reward," Chris continued, frowning and looking down at his empty hands. "Knew I forgot something. Just a sec!" he said before stepping back onto the chain's foothold and raising back out of the room.
Confessional: Anne Maria
"This challenge was certainly… something," Anne Maria confessed. "I can't believe that I had to play the role of doctor just to tell everybody about the so-called disease being a lie. Who knew tainted pizza could make you have hot flashes and sea sickness?”
Confessional Ends
"One thing's for sure. I'm double checking my food from now on if I want to prevent temporary blindness or having to speak in tongues," Jasmine told the Grips as the footage cut back to them.
“Once again, the pizza was too good to be true,” Brick commented. “You made a good call not eating any slices, Millie.”
“I had no idea that there were laxatives put onto it,” Millie claimed. “If I wasn't so invested with the book, I'd probably eat the pizza and fall victim to the sickness just like you guys.”
It was then that Chris returned, descending down on the same chain as before but now carrying a covered platter. "As I was saying," he said as he walked towards the Grips, "for your reward!"
He removed the cover and the camera zoomed in on what lay beneath – five picture frames, three in back and two in front, each containing a photograph of a different person. The first on the left was a light purple cat. The second was a confident-looking Hawaiian woman with black long hair wearing a yellow tracksuit and red hoop earrings. In the middle was a teenage girl, pale with brown hair tied in a bun and a beige tank top. Fourth was a smiling white man; he had no hair, had golden dog tags around his neck, and was dressed in a dark green military outfit. And on the right end was an elderly black man with white curly hair, a white mustache covering his mouth, and a dark orange collared long-sleeved shirt.
"That's my cat Whiskers!" Jasmine said excitedly as the shot panned across the photos.
"And that's one of my girlfriends Vanessa," Anne Maria declared.
"Yup!" Chris told them. "One of you gets a whole spa night away from this cruddy studio lot, with your very best friend! So, who's the lucky stiff?"
“I'd kill for a spa day, even if it's with my mom, so how about letting me have it?” Justin smiled widely at his team.
“I have some things I want to talk about with my father,” Brick suggested.
“Now wait just a minute…” Jasmine interrupted as she, Brick, and Justin started to argue over who should get the prize.
“Can all of you shut up!!” Anne Maria ceased the fight, causing everyone to look at her. “As much as I would love to be away from this trashy film lot, I say we should let Millie have the reward.”
"Wait, me?" Millie asked in astonishment. “How come?”
"Clearly, you did the most research out of all of us, and you won the challenge for us," Anne Maria answered.
“You did say that the person who contributes the most should claim the reward,” Brick brought up.
“And with you also not eating that pizza, you've certainly earned that spa night,” Jasmine smiled.
“I don't want to be left out, so okay then,” Justin agreed with a shrug.
"Chris, the Killer Grips came to a decision," Anne Maria said before giving Millie a light shove forward.
"W-wow," Millie said softly as she began to tear up. "This is really generous!"
“Just accept the offer before I trade places with you,” Justin said.
"Eeeuuughh," Chris said in disgust. "Clean up on aisle two!" he called, and moments later, a pair of young white men in white work outfits walked through the open door, one of which carried a push broom. They disappeared off-screen for a moment, then reappeared with one pushing Millie towards the door and the other sweeping up after.
"Thank you for allowing me to take the reward!" Millie said as she allowed herself to be escorted out, wiping away her tears with her hands.
The scene cut outside as Millie walked up to the beaten-down Lame-o-sine. The door opened, and she smiled and stepped inside.
"Granddad!" the writer said happily as the shot moved inside to show her hugging the white haired old man who had been seen in one of the pictures. "I've really missed you!"
"I missed you too, Millie," the man said as he hugged his daughter. "Don't get my favorite shirt wet now. I got it dry cleaned."
"Sorry," Millie said as they broke their hug. "I have a lot to talk to you about ever since I competed in the first season."
Her grandfather smiled proudly. "Spill the details. I can tell you had a ball, but don't blame me if I start to doze off more than I do while writing best selling books."
"I'm not that boring!" Millie laughed cutely. "So it all started when I was dropped off on the dock..."
"Sheesh," Chris cringed as the scene cut to him in his control room. "Talk about a loving family! Hopefully they'll get their dullness smoothed while they're at the spa." He pulled a lever on the desk, cutting the monitor feeds to static, and stood up. "So, will the Grips' winning streak last? Or will they fall apart and lose their teamwork? Find out next time, on Total! Drama! Action!"
(Roll the Credits)
(Bonus Clip)
“That spa night was amazing!” Millie told the camera while in the trailer. “The manicures and pedicures were to die for, and the facials and mud bath really smoothened the rough parts of my skin. Granted, this spa night wasn't as fun as the two-day resort back in Camp Wawanakwa, but thankfully, I didn't have to eat any disgusting food this time, so that's an upside. Want to know something interesting? Granddad was more into the spa treatments than me, but don't tell him that I said that to you,” she added with a giggle.
Eva - 14th
Geoff - 14th
Trent - 12th
Sky - 11th
Killer Grips: Anne Maria, Brick, Jasmine, Justin, Millie
Screaming Gaffers: Chase, Izzy, MK, Ripper, Scott
submitted by xtremexavier15 to u/xtremexavier15 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:50 ftp67 Lykens Property Management. Holy shit.

I moved here a few months ago near downtown. Friends had warned me about Lykens but we were already in negotiations when we found out.
Now we're in the process three months later of finding a new place and carefully breaking the lease.
-Nothing was cleaned or repaired as discussed before moving in. Maintenance had to come in to fix light bulbs, fans, the sink, and replace a hot water heater and we had NO HOT WATER for three days
-Trash had piled several feet high behind the property, had to make a week of calls, and then had to call the City who issued a citation before they cleared it. What was their next solution? They removed our trash cans and asked us to use ones from another one of their properties several buildings down
-They "accidentally" failed to disclose a fucking AirBnB beneath us with a rotation of some of the loudest human beings imaginable including ones that almost got into a physical altercation with us, and had the cops called on both sides. They also don't place a sign on our parking lot so AirBnB folks illegally take residents spots.
-Broken toilet for weeks. We've done everything to fix it but it backs up every other day. We called maintenance in, they 'declogged it', broken the next day. Now I can't get ahold of anyone
-Half of the oven doesn't work. Like the whole top half of coils
Every time we call the guy there is bored, bitter, and disrespectful. Shockingly not so much when you go there in person. We had to get the contact info of the people who run the AirBnB and contact them for help direct since they won't do shit.
Fuck these people. Such a disgusting situation landlord/rental relations have become in this country, but Ohio seems to be even worse. Fortunately their rep is so bad other property management companies understand when I say 'Hey, full disclosure, I have a rental but I'm trying to bail'.
My attorney friend basically said yea they can be terrible and you can have essentially no option other than leave.
Just a heads up to those who didn't heed the warnings I was given.
Edit: Also upon reviewing the contract I see nothing about a fine for breaking a lease, but a passage about if a tenant defaults, they have to pay until they find a new tenant??? What the fuck is this? I've had to leave early before and I just let them take another months rent. How is this even enforceable?
submitted by ftp67 to Columbus [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:31 Huzaifa_69420 Am I better off finding my own accommodation?

submitted by Huzaifa_69420 to GriffithUni [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:23 DeliveryBig1799 mistress looking for a real submissive slave to dominate

mistress looking for a real submissive slave to dominate! Must be ready to carry out my task and do the needful thing! Kinks:humiliation,pegging,chastity,ass worship,rope play,toilet play,feet worship,CBT,anal, face sitting, bondage,joi,cei,cum, edging,sissy ,training ,sounds ,tease ,rape,Leather,Latex, Vintage, Business suits,Nurse’s uniform, Stockings, Boots (kik@Mistressjudy30 (Telegram@mistressjudy330oking for a real submissive slave to domi mistress looking for a real submissive slave to dominate! Must be ready to carry out my task and do the needful thing! Kinks:humiliation,pegging,chastity,ass worship,rope play,toilet play,feet worship,CBT,anal, face sitting, bondage,joi,cei,cum, edging,sissy ,training ,sounds ,tease ,rape,Leather,Latex, Vintage, Business suits,Nurse’s uniform, Stockings, Boots (kik@Mistressjudy30 (Telegram@mistressjudy330
submitted by DeliveryBig1799 to kik [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:18 Accomplished-Yak1957 Possible IBS-D and need some wiping help

For years every so often I'll wipe and be clean and hours later wipe again and there will be poop. I've heard it's common. I have to basically shove toilet paper in my asshole to get it as clean as I'd like. So is the goal of wiping 100% squeaky clean? I know its silly to ask as I'm a grown man. I used to get bad skid marks in my underwear but once I cut down fast food it happens every once in a while. I still feel embarrassed by it.
As a kid I used to have fully formed stool as an adult it's always loose and watery. When I take psyllium husk it causes cramping and gas. Do I just need to deal with it for a while? What other forms of fiber supplements could I take? What foods are best for bulking up my stool?
submitted by Accomplished-Yak1957 to ibs [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:24 cherryxnut Nurse is a catch all

Honestly don't know how I feel about this. Im feeling a lot of resentment towards my job today.
Physio came to find me to tell me patient had been incontinent and needed cleaned. They proceeded to sit at the desk while I provided personal care.
With my other patient, when they came back in the afternoon I said "Oh, Im glad youre here. I wanted some help to get him up and thought I'd wait for you". They proceeded to laugh and roll their eyes saying "you dont need to wait for us to get people up".
Everything is my responsibility. Drugs, personal care, home situation, SLT assessment, mobility assessment, booking transport. Every specialty just hyper focuses and refuses to do anything else.
Physio come first thing in the morning. Breakfast isnt out, menus arent done, even washes. And they want someone up. I hate washing someone in a chair, it kills my back. So i tell them to wait. Then they fuck off and Im let to complete physio. They also interrupt drug rounds to ask how patient is. Sorry. I havent even spoken to them properly, how would i know?
Worst yet, the patient walks with them to the toilet and they decide they are ready to discharge. But then I come to get the patient off the toilet and they are too fatigued to manage and so are hoisted.
Im losing patience with everything being my job. Broken computer, my job. Physio, my job. Cleaning, my job.
I know everyone is short staffed. Please dont take it personally. But dietitian comes, recommends NG. So another job on my list. It just feels never ending.
Edit Everyone is short staffed. And I would happily listen to physio telling me about their issues that frankly I wouldnt understand because I am not a physio. I should've labelled this as venting. Im tired. Work is hard at the moment and my little to do list grows by the minute.
The specialist stuff I could maybe handle. But its relaying their messages to family because they work mon-fri 9-5. Its answering the phone because everyone else (doctors, domestics, specialists) ignore it when the receptionist isnt there. Its fixing tech. Where at uni do we get taught all these aspects? Also we do mobilse patients without physio assessments because we'd be waiting all weekend for them. Or emergency feed regimes. Or diabetes regimes. Nurses do not get support overnight or weekends by these specialists. Someone commented that we cant fit a zimmer to someone, but the alternative is leaving a patient in bed all weekend and maybe over the bank Holiday so we do. We take on their responsibility and when they (some do, this shouldn't be considered a generalised attack) dont return the favour its maddening.
Uni doesnt prepare nurses for half of their bloody jobs. I swear essays on community nursing are shit when really it should be how to be a receptionist, an IT specialist, a physio, dietitian etc etc. Im angry at the system.
submitted by cherryxnut to NursingUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:15 CDfm Henriette von Schirach - NAZI PRINCESS & Millionaire who Changed her Castle for Cleaning Toilets

Henriette von Schirach - NAZI PRINCESS & Millionaire who Changed her Castle for Cleaning Toilets submitted by CDfm to WOMENEUROPEANHISTORY [link] [comments]