Tetris that is not blocked by schooletris that is j

People who are not the person that did the bad thing that they did.

2017.11.14 23:46 mrrp People who are not the person that did the bad thing that they did.

"That is not who I am." is a popular statement used when making a public apology for bad behavior by people who don't understand that it is who they are.

2024.01.12 20:09 Inevitable-Cellist23 NotWhatThatSubIsFor

When someone links a subreddit but it’s not what they thought it was.

2015.05.31 18:29 Princesszelda24 To parent or to not parent. That is the question.

A safe place for those who aren't sure whether they want to have kids, or not. Post and share stories for both sides, questions you may have, and anything else you can think of (applicable to the subject at hand).

2024.05.19 04:54 RealRalphie0511 Feeling Conflicted About My Lifelong Best Friend

Hey all,
This may be a pretty lengthy post. At this point, I’m posting to get the support of others (or the pushback to know I’m in the wrong) because I’m tired of the biased answers my parents and everyone else are giving me, and I need an outside perspective.
I wanted to ask for advice regarding a topic that's really been nagging me. My old friend and I are on a call right now just talking things through, and as someone who was honestly hurt real bad I need to ask for advice about what to do. I can't really talk to anyone else in my personal life about it, as my parents would likely try to make the decision for me
I [16M] was best friends with J [16M] for over 12 years. According to my mother, we met at 2-3 years old when we were at preschool and got along very well, and he was invited to my 5th birthday party. There are so many specific memories I could bring up, which I could never stop writing about, but we grew up together. He was my only friend growing up, being born with a speech impediment that has since been corrected and the label that comes with it. We went through periods where we talked nearly every day and periods where we talked once every couple of months. But we made a lot of memories, and each time it’s as if we never stopped talking.
We created things together, spent holidays like Christmas, Thanksgiving, and New Years hanging out together, pulling all-nighters. And these are less than 0.1% of all our total memories. It was honestly the most amazing friendship I’ve ever had and will likely ever have, unfortunately.
November 2022 was the two year anniversary of a small Roblox game I created. He had been recording and making videos for the longest time, and I had just released a video to celebrate, which he seemed to be impressed by. Again, it was as if we never stopped talking, but from that period on it was every single day. We had never talked that much, spending weekends together and doing amazing stuff. We even streamed together on YouTube to raise money for charity as part of the Thanksmas event. And he’s in a lot of my videos and other creations.
We pulled each other through hard times. High school, as you can guess, is where romantic relationships begin developing. Whenever I needed advice, he was there, and vice versa. I helped him get through a toxic girlfriend he had, and he found love again.
The only thing that really bothered me was that I was the one who introduced him to ChatGPT, which is an amazing tool if I’m being honest. I’m not mad about that, I’m mad that on my 15th birthday, which I believe is a milestone if I’m not mistaken, he didn’t take the time to write just TWO words “Happy Birthday” that would have been enough, and instead used ChatGPT to generate a birthday card, just smack dab copied and pasted. I brushed it off though, as it wasn’t too big of a deal honestly and only stands out now that the events that transpired have taken place.
This new girl he had, we’ll call S. S is an extremely manipulative girl, very good at it I’ll admit, but our mutual friends at the time, L, C, and K picked up on that, as well as myself. I consistently tried to warn him, but it was no use, and he was beginning to change to the point that it was irritating me to new levels. It’s important to note he confided in me about how unhappy he was yet he stayed and acted as if everything was normal, and appeared upset when I brought up the times he told me he was upset about everything.
Eventually, it got to the point that was all we talked about. S. It was so damn annoying. We couldn’t even have normal conversations anymore. And I wasn’t the only one, as C and I talked about it occasionally.
August 23, 2023. The day my world changed forever. He told me to screenshot messages containing him confiding in me, and send it to her privately. I did so, and she posted it to a group chat containing J, herself, K, C, and myself, and just started berating him. It’s important to note I had previously let her off the hook for insulting my mom, which I never do at all. It’s important to know that I’m not forgiving at all, and when I do forgive, it’s pretty rare. Although I can’t be sure, I believe it may be tied to the fact I used to be so forgiving to the point I allowed people to walk over me in elementary and middle school, and I never will allow that again.
The stuff she said, honestly, if she were not a girl (I would never hit a woman) and she were next to me, I would have knocked out her teeth. Although my mother and I argue from time to time, one thing I cannot deny is that she went through absolute torture to keep me alive when she was pregnant with me, and now I’m a fully healthy young teenager.
So I just started releasing everything, telling her how I felt about her hurting the people I care about and trying to play victim. It’s important to note she used J as a rebound from an ex she was clearly not over (you don’t compare exes 24/7 in a new relationship, guys!) and I previously was not going to call this out at J’s request. However, after she started going after my friends, I just said I would do it. J threatened to block me as a way to deter me (which actually solidified my decision to do it) and it was at that moment I just felt the switch of brotherly love and care (he was practically my brother) turn off in my mind. I could not believe he would threaten to do that for a girl he had been dating even shorter than the amount of time since the summer started, after well over a decade.
He blocked me on Discord after I challenged him to see if he would really follow through or take back what he said, and when I say I blocked him on everything, I mean EVERYTHING. If he tried to reach out to me through even Gmail, I wouldn’t know because it would go straight to my spam folder.
I didn’t know much, but what I did know was that he tried to reach out to me twice through mutual friends, asking for forgiveness. I learned through K what the deal was, at J’s request. A week later, S’s mother found out, and although I will not say specifics, let me just say that I’m not even sure if I can legally say anything without landing myself in a courtroom to testify.
I got a video in my YouTube recommendation tab in November (one of my comments on his videos got over 50 likes or something) about him returning to YouTube and addressing “everything.” I was interested, so I watched the entire thing, and I was surprised that a good third or so of the video was about me. I learned that he was fine the week after because this girl spoke to him (which really says a lot in my opinion) and only after his life went downhill did he realize what he did. He expressed how bad he felt about it, how he missed me, and how it’s worse because he feels like he could have fixed it, as (he claims to have lost me, not the other way around) he didn’t lose me to something like a car accident, or cancer, or some killer disease, and he was essentially pleading with those watching that he lost to reach out to talk about it. I ALMOST reached out, as he said we didn’t have to be friends, but I didn’t at the time.
Now, life has gone by at its normal pace. It was very hard living with it every single day. It's been about nine months since it happened, and we finally talked about the entire thing tonight. The thing is, I really do want to forgive him, but I'm just so anxious. I haven't healed, I'll admit, from what happened and I don't think I ever will. I see a beautiful future, but I'm also really scared that something worse could possibly happen in the future.
I wanted to ask, what would you do? If you were me in this situation, would you try to fix everything, or just leave it in the past?
submitted by RealRalphie0511 to AdviceForTeens [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:47 InverseFlash UMA Spring de-poetried

Ha! Of course! Jackpot!
Luck shines upon me, indeed! Oh yes!
For nothing beats Spring!!
UMA Spring is fourth of the seasons the Union faced, who spread his domain in Tokyo.


Phase 2


Elemental Control

Phase 2: Kabuki Form


Elemental Control


Phase 3


Elemental Control


Enoh Jusshu #5
The Second Game (No Artefact Name)
Warmth and kindness have…
Helped to usher in a change…
In this set of rules…
That I shall cherish with pride.
For I am the spring itself.
submitted by InverseFlash to CasualRespectThreads [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:04 Extra_Abbreviations7 "the game crashed whilst encountered exception while building chunk meshes" on better mc v26 modpack (plus a few mods)

ive been playing on the better mc v26 modpack with friends on a server and things have been going smoothly until just today. a week or two ago i added a few mods, namely things like create, appleskin, botania, aquaculture, and ice and fire, and that all went smoothly as well for until just now. i logged on, fed my baby dragon and went out to get some more meat for dragon meal. after a few seconds of walking i got disconnected and any attempt to rejoin gets me kicked after a second or two of loading in. ive looked into it and hear a lot that its an issue of rubidium, but ive looked through the modlist and it is not there. i have xenon which i think is similar but updating xenon hasnt helped either. any help would be appreciated, please and thank you !!
---- Minecraft Crash Report ---- // My bad. Time: 2024-05-18 16:57:26 Description: Encountered exception while building chunk meshes java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation.m_135827_()" because "location" is null at org.embeddedt.modernfix.dynamicresources.DynamicBakedModelProvider.isVanillaTopLevelModel(DynamicBakedModelProvider.java:138) ~[modernfix-forge-5.13.0+mc1.20.1.jar%23619!/:5.13.0+mc1.20.1] {re:mixin,re:classloading} at org.embeddedt.modernfix.dynamicresources.DynamicBakedModelProvider.get(DynamicBakedModelProvider.java:160) ~[modernfix-forge-5.13.0+mc1.20.1.jar%23619!/:5.13.0+mc1.20.1] {re:mixin,re:classloading} at org.embeddedt.modernfix.dynamicresources.DynamicBakedModelProvider.get(DynamicBakedModelProvider.java:29) ~[modernfix-forge-5.13.0+mc1.20.1.jar%23619!/:5.13.0+mc1.20.1] {re:mixin,re:classloading} at java.util.Map.getOrDefault(Map.java:671) ~[?:?] {re:mixin} at net.minecraft.client.resources.model.ModelManager.getModel(ModelManager.java:62) ~[client-1.20.1-20230612.114412-srg.jar%23726!/:?] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:connector_pre_launch:A,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:mixin:APP:modernfix-common.mixins.json:perf.dynamic_resources.ModelManagerMixin from mod modernfix,pl:mixin:APP:botania_xplat.mixins.json:client.ModelManagerAccessor from mod botania,pl:mixin:APP:fabric-model-loading-api-v1.mixins.json:BakedModelManagerMixin from mod fabric_model_loading_api_v1,pl:mixin:APP:puzzleslib.forge.mixins.json:client.ModelManagerForgeMixin from mod puzzleslib,pl:mixin:APP:bclib.mixins.client.json:ModelManagerMixin from mod bclib,pl:mixin:APP:fabric-resource-loader-v0.client.mixins.json:KeyedResourceReloadListenerClientMixin from mod fabric_resource_loader_v0,pl:mixin:APP:quark.mixins.json:client.accessor.AccessorModelManager from mod quark,pl:mixin:A,pl:connector_pre_launch:A,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A} at net.mehvahdjukaar.moonlight.api.platform.forge.ClientHelperImpl.getModel(ClientHelperImpl.java:220) ~[moonlight-1.20-2.9.10-forge.jar%23621!/:?] {re:classloading} at net.mehvahdjukaar.moonlight.api.platform.ClientHelper.getModel(ClientHelper.java) ~[moonlight-1.20-2.9.10-forge.jar%23621!/:?] {re:classloading} at net.mehvahdjukaar.supplementaries.client.renderers.tiles.BookPileBlockTileRenderer.renderBook(BookPileBlockTileRenderer.java:133) ~[supplementaries-1.20-2.7.35.jar%23682!/:?] {re:classloading} at net.mehvahdjukaar.supplementaries.client.renderers.tiles.BookPileBlockTileRenderer.renderVertical(BookPileBlockTileRenderer.java:109) ~[supplementaries-1.20-2.7.35.jar%23682!/:?] {re:classloading} at net.mehvahdjukaar.supplementaries.client.renderers.tiles.BookPileBlockTileRenderer.renderBookPile(BookPileBlockTileRenderer.java:55) ~[supplementaries-1.20-2.7.35.jar%23682!/:?] {re:classloading} at net.mehvahdjukaar.supplementaries.client.block_models.BookPileModel.getBlockQuads(BookPileModel.java:43) ~[supplementaries-1.20-2.7.35.jar%23682!/:?] {re:classloading} at net.mehvahdjukaar.moonlight.api.client.model.CustomBakedModel.getQuads(CustomBakedModel.java:529) ~[moonlight-1.20-2.9.10-forge.jar%23621!/:?] {re:mixin,re:classloading,pl:mixin:APP:moonlight.mixins.json:SelfCustomBakedModel from mod moonlight,pl:mixin:A} at me.jellysquid.mods.sodium.client.render.chunk.compile.pipeline.BlockRenderer.getGeometry(BlockRenderer.java:167) ~[xenon-0.3.11+mc1.20.1.jar%23710!/:?] {re:mixin,re:computing_frames,re:classloading,pl:mixin:APP:snowrealmagic.mixins.json:sodium.BlockRendererAccess from mod snowrealmagic,pl:mixin:APP:snowrealmagic.mixins.json:sodium.BlockRendererMixin from mod snowrealmagic,pl:mixin:APP:indium.mixins.json:sodium.AccessBlockRenderer from mod lazurite,pl:mixin:A} at me.jellysquid.mods.sodium.client.render.chunk.compile.pipeline.BlockRenderer.renderModel(BlockRenderer.java:156) ~[xenon-0.3.11+mc1.20.1.jar%23710!/:?] {re:mixin,re:computing_frames,re:classloading,pl:mixin:APP:snowrealmagic.mixins.json:sodium.BlockRendererAccess from mod snowrealmagic,pl:mixin:APP:snowrealmagic.mixins.json:sodium.BlockRendererMixin from mod snowrealmagic,pl:mixin:APP:indium.mixins.json:sodium.AccessBlockRenderer from mod lazurite,pl:mixin:A} at me.jellysquid.mods.sodium.client.render.chunk.compile.tasks.ChunkBuilderMeshingTask.redirect$fde000$lazurite$onRenderBlock(ChunkBuilderMeshingTask.java:2046) ~[xenon-0.3.11+mc1.20.1.jar%23710!/:?] {re:mixin,re:computing_frames,re:classloading,pl:mixin:APP:mixins.oculus.compat.sodium.json:block_id.MixinChunkRenderRebuildTask from mod oculus,pl:mixin:APP:mixins.oculus.compat.sodium.json:shader_overrides.MixinChunkBuilderMeshingTask from mod oculus,pl:mixin:APP:flywheel.sodium.mixins.json:ChunkBuilderMeshingTaskMixin from mod flywheel,pl:mixin:APP:indium.mixins.json:sodium.MixinChunkBuilderMeshingTask from mod lazurite,pl:mixin:A} at me.jellysquid.mods.sodium.client.render.chunk.compile.tasks.ChunkBuilderMeshingTask.execute(ChunkBuilderMeshingTask.java:137) ~[xenon-0.3.11+mc1.20.1.jar%23710!/:?] {re:mixin,re:computing_frames,re:classloading,pl:mixin:APP:mixins.oculus.compat.sodium.json:block_id.MixinChunkRenderRebuildTask from mod oculus,pl:mixin:APP:mixins.oculus.compat.sodium.json:shader_overrides.MixinChunkBuilderMeshingTask from mod oculus,pl:mixin:APP:flywheel.sodium.mixins.json:ChunkBuilderMeshingTaskMixin from mod flywheel,pl:mixin:APP:indium.mixins.json:sodium.MixinChunkBuilderMeshingTask from mod lazurite,pl:mixin:A} at me.jellysquid.mods.sodium.client.render.chunk.compile.tasks.ChunkBuilderMeshingTask.execute(ChunkBuilderMeshingTask.java:50) ~[xenon-0.3.11+mc1.20.1.jar%23710!/:?] {re:mixin,re:computing_frames,re:classloading,pl:mixin:APP:mixins.oculus.compat.sodium.json:block_id.MixinChunkRenderRebuildTask from mod oculus,pl:mixin:APP:mixins.oculus.compat.sodium.json:shader_overrides.MixinChunkBuilderMeshingTask from mod oculus,pl:mixin:APP:flywheel.sodium.mixins.json:ChunkBuilderMeshingTaskMixin from mod flywheel,pl:mixin:APP:indium.mixins.json:sodium.MixinChunkBuilderMeshingTask from mod lazurite,pl:mixin:A} at me.jellysquid.mods.sodium.client.render.chunk.compile.executor.ChunkJobTyped.execute(ChunkJobTyped.java:44) ~[xenon-0.3.11+mc1.20.1.jar%23710!/:?] {re:computing_frames,re:classloading} at me.jellysquid.mods.sodium.client.render.chunk.compile.executor.ChunkBuilder$WorkerRunnable.run(ChunkBuilder.java:207) ~[xenon-0.3.11+mc1.20.1.jar%23710!/:?] {re:classloading} at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833) ~[?:?] {re:mixin} 
A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:
-- Head --
Thread: Render thread
Suspected Mods:
ModernFix (modernfix), Version: 5.13.0+mc1.20.1 Issue tracker URL: [https://github.com/embeddedt/ModernFix/issues](https://github.com/embeddedt/ModernFix/issues) at TRANSFORMEmodernfix@5.13.0+mc1.20.1/org.embeddedt.modernfix.dynamicresources.DynamicBakedModelProvider.isVanillaTopLevelModel(DynamicBakedModelProvider.java:138) Supplementaries (supplementaries), Version: 1.20-2.7.35 Issue tracker URL: [https://github.com/MehVahdJukaaSupplementaries/issues](https://github.com/MehVahdJukaaSupplementaries/issues) at TRANSFORMEsupplementaries@1.20-2.7.35/net.mehvahdjukaar.supplementaries.client.renderers.tiles.BookPileBlockTileRenderer.renderBook(BookPileBlockTileRenderer.java:133) Moonlight Library (moonlight), Version: 1.20-2.9.10 Issue tracker URL: [https://github.com/MehVahdJukaaMoonlight/issues](https://github.com/MehVahdJukaaMoonlight/issues) at TRANSFORMEmoonlight@1.20-2.9.10/net.mehvahdjukaar.moonlight.api.platform.forge.ClientHelperImpl.getModel(ClientHelperImpl.java:220) Lazurite (lazurite), Version: 1.0.2+mc1.20.1 Issue tracker URL: [https://github.com/Su5eD/Lazurite/issues](https://github.com/Su5eD/Lazurite/issues) Mixin class: link.infra.indium.mixin.sodium.MixinChunkBuilderMeshingTask Target: me.jellysquid.mods.sodium.client.render.chunk.compile.tasks.ChunkBuilderMeshingTask at TRANSFORMExenon@0.3.11+mc1.20.1/me.jellysquid.mods.sodium.client.render.chunk.compile.tasks.ChunkBuilderMeshingTask.redirect$fde000$lazurite$onRenderBlock(ChunkBuilderMeshingTask.java:2046) Xenon (xenon), Version: 0.3.11+mc1.20.1 at TRANSFORMExenon@0.3.11+mc1.20.1/me.jellysquid.mods.sodium.client.render.chunk.compile.pipeline.BlockRenderer.getGeometry(BlockRenderer.java:167) 
at org.embeddedt.modernfix.dynamicresources.DynamicBakedModelProvider.isVanillaTopLevelModel(DynamicBakedModelProvider.java:138) \~\[modernfix-forge-5.13.0+mc1.20.1.jar%23619!/:5.13.0+mc1.20.1\] {re:mixin,re:classloading} 
-- Block being rendered --
Block: Block{supplementaries:book\_pile}\[books=1,waterlogged=false\] Block location: World: (-1162,131,-955), Section: (at 6,3,5 in -73,8,-60; chunk contains blocks -1168,-64,-960 to -1153,319,-945), Region: (-3,-2; contains chunks -96,-64 to -65,-33, blocks -1536,-64,-1024 to -1025,319,-513) Chunk section: RenderSection at chunk (-73, 8, -60) from (-1168, 128, -960) to (-1153, 143, -945) Render context volume: BoundingBox{minX=-1170, minY=126, minZ=-962, maxX=-1151, maxY=145, maxZ=-943} 
at me.jellysquid.mods.sodium.client.render.chunk.compile.tasks.ChunkBuilderMeshingTask.execute(ChunkBuilderMeshingTask.java:137) \~\[xenon-0.3.11+mc1.20.1.jar%23710!/:?\] {re:mixin,re:computing\_frames,re:classloading,pl:mixin:APP:mixins.oculus.compat.sodium.json:block\_id.MixinChunkRenderRebuildTask from mod oculus,pl:mixin:APP:mixins.oculus.compat.sodium.json:shader\_overrides.MixinChunkBuilderMeshingTask from mod oculus,pl:mixin:APP:flywheel.sodium.mixins.json:ChunkBuilderMeshingTaskMixin from mod flywheel,pl:mixin:APP:indium.mixins.json:sodium.MixinChunkBuilderMeshingTask from mod lazurite,pl:mixin:A} at me.jellysquid.mods.sodium.client.render.chunk.compile.tasks.ChunkBuilderMeshingTask.execute(ChunkBuilderMeshingTask.java:50) \~\[xenon-0.3.11+mc1.20.1.jar%23710!/:?\] {re:mixin,re:computing\_frames,re:classloading,pl:mixin:APP:mixins.oculus.compat.sodium.json:block\_id.MixinChunkRenderRebuildTask from mod oculus,pl:mixin:APP:mixins.oculus.compat.sodium.json:shader\_overrides.MixinChunkBuilderMeshingTask from mod oculus,pl:mixin:APP:flywheel.sodium.mixins.json:ChunkBuilderMeshingTaskMixin from mod flywheel,pl:mixin:APP:indium.mixins.json:sodium.MixinChunkBuilderMeshingTask from mod lazurite,pl:mixin:A} at me.jellysquid.mods.sodium.client.render.chunk.compile.executor.ChunkJobTyped.execute(ChunkJobTyped.java:44) \~\[xenon-0.3.11+mc1.20.1.jar%23710!/:?\] {re:computing\_frames,re:classloading} at me.jellysquid.mods.sodium.client.render.chunk.compile.executor.ChunkBuilder$WorkerRunnable.run(ChunkBuilder.java:207) \~\[xenon-0.3.11+mc1.20.1.jar%23710!/:?\] {re:classloading} at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833) \~\[?:?\] {re:mixin} 
-- Affected level --
All players: 1 total; \[LocalPlayer\['LittleStinky04'/1128, l='ClientLevel', x=-1173.35, y=133.00, z=-946.85\]\] Chunk stats: 453, 453 Level dimension: minecraft:overworld Level spawn location: World: (-7,64,-1787), Section: (at 9,0,5 in -1,4,-112; chunk contains blocks -16,-64,-1792 to -1,319,-1777), Region: (-1,-4; contains chunks -32,-128 to -1,-97, blocks -512,-64,-2048 to -1,319,-1537) Level time: 38272887 game time, 366000 day time Server brand: forge Server type: Non-integrated multiplayer server 
at net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.ClientLevel.m\_6026\_(ClientLevel.java:455) \~\[client-1.20.1-20230612.114412-srg.jar%23726!/:?\] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,xf:fml:xaerominimap:xaero\_clientworldclass,xf:fml:xaeroworldmap:xaero\_wm\_clientworldclass,pl:connector\_pre\_launch:A,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,xf:fml:xaerominimap:xaero\_clientworldclass,xf:fml:xaeroworldmap:xaero\_wm\_clientworldclass,pl:mixin:APP:xenon.mixins.json:features.render.world.ClientLevelMixin from mod xenon,pl:mixin:APP:citadel.mixins.json:client.ClientLevelMixin from mod citadel,pl:mixin:APP:supplementaries-common.mixins.json:ClientLevelMixin from mod supplementaries,pl:mixin:APP:mixins.oculus.vertexformat.json:block\_rendering.MixinClientLevel from mod oculus,pl:mixin:APP:krypton.mixins.json:client.fastchunkentityaccess.ClientWorldMixin from mod krypton,pl:mixin:APP:lithium.mixins.json:chunk.entity\_class\_groups.ClientWorldMixin from mod radium,pl:mixin:APP:flywheel.mixins.json:ClientLevelMixin from mod flywheel,pl:mixin:APP:entityculling.mixins.json:ClientWorldMixin from mod entityculling,pl:mixin:APP:lambdynlights.mixins.json:ClientWorldMixin from mod ryoamiclights,pl:mixin:APP:blue\_skies.mixins.json:ClientLevelMixin from mod blue\_skies,pl:mixin:APP:bclib.mixins.client.json:ClientLevelMixin from mod bclib,pl:mixin:APP:architectury.mixins.json:MixinClientLevel from mod architectury,pl:mixin:APP:fabric-lifecycle-events-v1.client.mixins.json:ClientWorldMixin from mod fabric\_lifecycle\_events\_v1,pl:mixin:APP:farsight.mixins.json:ClientWorldMixin from mod farsight\_view,pl:mixin:APP:alexscaves.mixins.json:client.ClientLevelMixin from mod alexscaves,pl:mixin:APP:xenon.mixins.json:core.world.biome.ClientWorldMixin from mod xenon,pl:mixin:APP:xenon.mixins.json:core.world.map.ClientWorldMixin from mod xenon,pl:mixin:APP:forge-badoptimizations.mixins.json:tick.MixinClientWorldCloudColor from mod (unknown),pl:mixin:APP:forge-badoptimizations.mixins.json:tick.MixinClientWorldSkyColor from mod (unknown),pl:mixin:A,pl:connector\_pre\_launch:A,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A} at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.m\_91354\_(Minecraft.java:2319) \~\[client-1.20.1-20230612.114412-srg.jar%23726!/:?\] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,xf:fml:xaeroworldmap:xaero\_wm\_minecraft\_runtick,xf:fml:xaeroworldmap:xaero\_wm\_minecraft\_runtick\_render\_call,xf:fml:xaerominimap:xaero\_minecraftclient,xf:fml:xaeroworldmap:xaero\_wm\_minecraftclient,pl:connector\_pre\_launch:A,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,xf:fml:xaeroworldmap:xaero\_wm\_minecraft\_runtick,xf:fml:xaeroworldmap:xaero\_wm\_minecraft\_runtick\_render\_call,xf:fml:xaerominimap:xaero\_minecraftclient,xf:fml:xaeroworldmap:xaero\_wm\_minecraftclient,pl:mixin:A,pl:connector\_pre\_launch:A,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A} at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.m\_91374\_(Minecraft.java:735) \~\[client-1.20.1-20230612.114412-srg.jar%23726!/:?\] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,xf:fml:xaeroworldmap:xaero\_wm\_minecraft\_runtick,xf:fml:xaeroworldmap:xaero\_wm\_minecraft\_runtick\_render\_call,xf:fml:xaerominimap:xaero\_minecraftclient,xf:fml:xaeroworldmap:xaero\_wm\_minecraftclient,pl:connector\_pre\_launch:A,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,xf:fml:xaeroworldmap:xaero\_wm\_minecraft\_runtick,xf:fml:xaeroworldmap:xaero\_wm\_minecraft\_runtick\_render\_call,xf:fml:xaerominimap:xaero\_minecraftclient,xf:fml:xaeroworldmap:xaero\_wm\_minecraftclient,pl:mixin:A,pl:connector\_pre\_launch:A,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A} at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(Main.java:218) \~\[forge-47.2.17.jar:?\] {re:mixin,pl:connector\_pre\_launch:A,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A,re:classloading,pl:mixin:APP:flywheel.mixins.json:ClientMainMixin from mod flywheel,pl:mixin:A,pl:connector\_pre\_launch:A,pl:runtimedistcleaner:A} at jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) \~\[?:?\] {} at jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:77) \~\[?:?\] {} at jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) \~\[?:?\] {} at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:568) \~\[?:?\] {re:mixin} at net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.targets.CommonLaunchHandler.runTarget(CommonLaunchHandler.java:111) \~\[fmlloader-1.20.1-47.2.17.jar:?\] {} at net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.targets.CommonLaunchHandler.clientService(CommonLaunchHandler.java:99) \~\[fmlloader-1.20.1-47.2.17.jar:?\] {} at net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.targets.CommonClientLaunchHandler.lambda$makeService$0(CommonClientLaunchHandler.java:25) \~\[fmlloader-1.20.1-47.2.17.jar:?\] {} at cpw.mods.modlauncher.LaunchServiceHandlerDecorator.launch(LaunchServiceHandlerDecorator.java:30) \~\[modlauncher-10.0.9.jar:?\] {} at cpw.mods.modlauncher.LaunchServiceHandler.launch(LaunchServiceHandler.java:53) \~\[modlauncher-10.0.9.jar:?\] {} at cpw.mods.modlauncher.LaunchServiceHandler.launch(LaunchServiceHandler.java:71) \~\[modlauncher-10.0.9.jar:?\] {} at cpw.mods.modlauncher.Launcher.run(Launcher.java:108) \~\[modlauncher-10.0.9.jar:?\] {} at cpw.mods.modlauncher.Launcher.main(Launcher.java:78) \~\[modlauncher-10.0.9.jar:?\] {} at cpw.mods.modlauncher.BootstrapLaunchConsumer.accept(BootstrapLaunchConsumer.java:26) \~\[modlauncher-10.0.9.jar:?\] {} at cpw.mods.modlauncher.BootstrapLaunchConsumer.accept(BootstrapLaunchConsumer.java:23) \~\[modlauncher-10.0.9.jar:?\] {} at cpw.mods.bootstraplauncher.BootstrapLauncher.main(BootstrapLauncher.java:141) \~\[bootstraplauncher-1.1.2.jar:?\] {} 
-- Last reload --
Reload number: 1 Reload reason: initial Finished: Yes Packs: vanilla, mod\_resources, file/Stay\_True\_1.20.zip, file/MandalasGUI+Modded\_Dakmode\_v4.6.zip, file/Mandalas\_Legacy\_Gui\_Background.zip, overrides\_pack, file/Created Simple Storage 1.3.zip, file/Aether Regenerated v1.1.2.zip, file/waystones\_1.20.zip, file/Icon Xaero's 1.13.zip, file/Better\_Modded\_GUI.zip, file/NoBushyLeaves.zip, fabric, Moonlight Mods Dynamic Assets, builtin/DAGoldenSwetBallFixClient, diagonalblocks:default\_block\_models 
-- System Details --
Minecraft Version: 1.20.1 Minecraft Version ID: 1.20.1 Operating System: Windows 10 (amd64) version 10.0 Java Version: 17.0.8, Microsoft Java VM Version: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Microsoft Memory: 1171134000 bytes (1116 MiB) / 5049942016 bytes (4816 MiB) up to 7046430720 bytes (6720 MiB) CPUs: 4 Processor Vendor: GenuineIntel Processor Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4460 CPU @ 3.20GHz Identifier: Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3 Microarchitecture: Haswell (Client) Frequency (GHz): 3.19 Number of physical packages: 1 Number of physical CPUs: 4 Number of logical CPUs: 4 Graphics card #0 name: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600 Graphics card #0 vendor: Intel Corporation (0x8086) Graphics card #0 VRAM (MB): 1024.00 Graphics card #0 deviceId: 0x0412 Graphics card #0 versionInfo: DriverVersion= Graphics card #1 name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB Graphics card #1 vendor: NVIDIA (0x10de) Graphics card #1 VRAM (MB): 3072.00 Graphics card #1 deviceId: 0x1c02 Graphics card #1 versionInfo: DriverVersion= Memory slot #0 capacity (MB): 8192.00 Memory slot #0 clockSpeed (GHz): 1.60 Memory slot #0 type: DDR3 Memory slot #1 capacity (MB): 8192.00 Memory slot #1 clockSpeed (GHz): 1.60 Memory slot #1 type: DDR3 Virtual memory max (MB): 27052.93 Virtual memory used (MB): 21447.64 Swap memory total (MB): 10752.00 Swap memory used (MB): 732.73 JVM Flags: 4 total; -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance\_javaw.exe\_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xss1M -Xmx6720m -Xms256m Loaded Shaderpack: (off) Launched Version: forge-47.2.17 Backend library: LWJGL version 3.3.1 build 7 Backend API: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB/PCIe/SSE2 GL version 4.6.0 NVIDIA 546.65, NVIDIA Corporation Window size: 1360x768 GL Caps: Using framebuffer using OpenGL 3.2 GL debug messages: Using VBOs: Yes Is Modded: Definitely; Client brand changed to 'forge' Type: Client (map\_client.txt) Graphics mode: fancy Resource Packs: vanilla, mod\_resources, file/Stay\_True\_1.20.zip, file/MandalasGUI+Modded\_Dakmode\_v4.6.zip, file/Mandalas\_Legacy\_Gui\_Background.zip, builtin/overrides\_pack, file/Created Simple Storage 1.3.zip, file/Aether Regenerated v1.1.2.zip, file/waystones\_1.20.zip, file/Icon Xaero's 1.13.zip, file/Better\_Modded\_GUI.zip, file/NoBushyLeaves.zip, fabric, Moonlight Mods Dynamic Assets, builtin/DAGoldenSwetBallFixClient (incompatible) Current Language: en\_us CPU: 4x Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4460 CPU @ 3.20GHz Sinytra Connector: 1.0.0-beta.36+1.20.1 SINYTRA CONNECTOR IS PRESENT! Please verify issues are not caused by Connector before reporting them to mod authors. If you're unsure, file a report on Connector's issue tracker. Connector's issue tracker can be found at https://github.com/Sinytra/Connectoissues. Installed Fabric mods: ================================================== ============================== ============================== ==================== Eldritch\_End-FORGE-MC1.20.1-0.2.31\_mapped\_srg\_1.20 Eldritch End eldritch\_end 0.2.31 better-end-4.0.11\_mapped\_srg\_1.20.1.jar Better End betterend 4.0.11 bclib-3.0.14$wunderlib-1.1.5\_mapped\_srg\_1.20.1.jar WunderLib wunderlib 1.1.5 bclib-3.0.14\_mapped\_srg\_1.20.1.jar BCLib bclib 3.0.14 inventorymanagement-1.3.1+1.20\_mapped\_srg\_1.20.1.j Inventory Management inventorymanagement 1.3.1 spawnersplus-2.0.1-1.20.1\_mapped\_srg\_1.20.1.jar Spawners+ spawners\_plus 2.0.1-1.20.1 ModLauncher: 10.0.9+10.0.9+main.dcd20f30 ModLauncher launch target: forgeclient ModLauncher naming: srg ModLauncher services: mixin-0.8.5.jar mixin PLUGINSERVICE eventbus-6.0.5.jar eventbus PLUGINSERVICE fmlloader-1.20.1-47.2.17.jar slf4jfixer PLUGINSERVICE fmlloader-1.20.1-47.2.17.jar object\_holder\_definalize PLUGINSERVICE fmlloader-1.20.1-47.2.17.jar runtime\_enum\_extender PLUGINSERVICE fmlloader-1.20.1-47.2.17.jar capability\_token\_subclass PLUGINSERVICE accesstransformers-8.0.4.jar accesstransformer PLUGINSERVICE fmlloader-1.20.1-47.2.17.jar runtimedistcleaner PLUGINSERVICE modlauncher-10.0.9.jar mixin TRANSFORMATIONSERVICE modlauncher-10.0.9.jar redirector TRANSFORMATIONSERVICE modlauncher-10.0.9.jar fml TRANSFORMATIONSERVICE modlauncher-10.0.9.jar mixin-transmogrifier TRANSFORMATIONSERVICE modlauncher-10.0.9.jar connector\_loader TRANSFORMATIONSERVICE FML Language Providers: minecraft@1.0 Configured Defaults@8.0.1 javafml@null kotlinforforge@4.10.0 lowcodefml@null 
submitted by Extra_Abbreviations7 to ModdedMinecraft [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:56 CrispyNaeem One Punch Man - The Beginning of a Hero (OPM Manga/Anime Scaling Thread 1)

One Punch Man - The Beginning of a Hero (OPM Manga/Anime Scaling Thread 1)
"What you really wanted to be was a hero. You compromised and decided to be a monster." -Saitama, Webcomic: Chapter 93, pages 11-12
This will power scale the One Punch Man Manga through feats including speed, lifting strength, and attack potency/destructive capability. Hax abilities, range, IQ, equipment, and stamina feats will also be included if acknowledged within the source material.

Vaccine Man

Manga (Chapter 1)

  • Car- 14.7 feet and or 14.7 pixels
  • Diameter of the explosion - 1180.86 feet
  • The radius of the explosion- 590.43 feet or 179.963064 meters
W = R^3*((27136*P + 8649)^(1/2)/13568 - 93/13568)^2 W is the yield in tons of TNT, R is the radius in meters, and P is the pressure of the shockwave in bars, in this case, is 20 psi or 1.37895 bars.
  • 20 PSI is within the over-pressurization during a blast-related disaster that contains 1-99% fatalities. This should be justified given how the blast destroys entire city blocks.
W = 179.963064^3*((27136*1.37895 + 8649)^(1/2)/13568 - 93/13568)^2 = 468.420239112 Tons (Multi-City Block level
  • Window= 3 feet or 3 pixels
  • Crater's Depth= 58 meters
  • Crater's Diameter= 1180.86 feet or 359.926128 meters (This should remain consistent with the diameter of the explosion)
  • Crater Radius= 179.963064 meters
(1/6) × π × h × (3a² + h²)
(1/6) * π * 5810.18 * (3 * 17996.3064² + 5810.18²) = 3.0585073e+12 cm^3
  • The buildings that were destroyed were turned to vapor, however...
  • We're shown that some rubble remained meaning that 95% Vaporization and 5% Fragmentation are fine to use.
  • Vaporization: 2.9055819e+12 x 25700= 7.4673455e+16 Joules
  • Fragmentation: 1.2234029e+12 Joules
  • Total Energy= 7.4674678e+16 Joules or 17.84 Megatons (City Level)

Vaccine Man Hax Ability

  • This quote subtly references Vaccine Man receiving his powers from God.
Murata: The energy ball that Choze fired is the same as Vaccine Man. For those who read the webcomic should also notice that it is the same thing with Homeless Emperor as well.
  • Therefore, Vaccine Man should possess limitless energy via pulling spheres from God's dimension where energy is ignored.
  • This means that Vaccine Man can throw as many energy spheres as he likes without physical fatigue.


Manga (Chapter 1)

With a humanoid character, versus threads usually treat the assailant as needing an Attack Potency eight times higher than their opponent's durability to one-shot them. This gap comes from the difference between the upper bound of a Human level character's strength (106 Joules) and the energy needed to fragment an average human skull in one blow (838.5 Joules). Note that this value is only an approximation, and the actual gap can be higher or lower depending on certain factors; do not assume that a gap of 8× will lead to a one-shot in every conceivable situation.
Credits to the VSBW page (One-Shot)
  • It's unknown how powerful Vaccine Man grew from his transformation so if we scale off of his energy feats then the lowest scale for Saitama's casual punch is 142.72 Megatons/City Level at its lowest interpretation if we assume that an 8x AP gap is needed for a one-shot.
  • Saitama's Casual Punch = 142.72 Megatons/City Level at the lowest end.


Anime Episode 1

Scaling Beefcake's Size

  • Length-wise his foot is 1 pixel and a city block is 0.14 pixels.
  • This city block is similar to the small one shown in the B-City picture, and this one is 150.7 meters long, or 494.42257 long. 1 / 0.15 = 7.14285714286 x 494.42257 = 3531.58978572 feet.
  • 1 PX represents the 3531.58978572-foot long 'foot', and 7.38 PX represents his full height. 7.38 x 3531.58978572= 26,063.13 feet tall or Type 3 (Mountain-sized)

Beefcake's Foot Destruction

  • 1 pixel (Foot Length)=3531.58978572 feet
  • 0.38 PX (Foot Width)= 1341.78 feet
  • 0.17 PX (Toe Length)= 600.36 feet
  • 0.40 PX (Toes Width)= 1483.26 feet
  • In total, the area for the main foot is 1341.78 x 3531.58978572= 4,738,616.54268 feet for the main foot, and 600.36 x 1483.26 = 890,489.9736 feet for the toes. 4738616.54268 + 890489.9736= 5,629,106.51628 feet total area. The radius of the main foot is 1,553.8952 feet.
Circumference is found by dividing the area by two: 5629106.51628 / 2= 2814553.25814
  • r = 2814553.25814 / (2 × π) = 447950.063628 radius
  • Total Volume= 10,661,598,046,829,574,113,894 cm\^3
  • Pulverization can be used
Pulverization: Applied when the matter that was destroyed was turned to dust. We usually use this value when we see no remains of the matter that was destroyed in the aftermath of the attack. The value is 214 (J/cc).
  • (10,661,598,046,829,574,113,894 cm\^3)(214j/cc) = 2.28158198 × 10\^21/ = 2281581980000000000000 Joules/545.31 Gigatons/Large Island Level per step.

Beefcake's Swiping Power Calculation

  • At a bare minimum, the PSI should be 14.5, and at a max of 29.0.
  • 0.9997398 bars for 14.5 PSI, and 1.99948 bars for 29 PSI.
  • 1 pixel represents Beefcake's height or 26,063.13 feet.
  • 9.61 pixels represent the damage's length, and 3.59 pixels represent the damage's diameter.
  • 9.61 pixels= 250466.6793 feet, and 3.59 pixels= 85,747.6977 foot diameter, and 42873.84-foot radius or 13067.94 meters.
W = R\^3\*((27136\*P+8649)\^(1/2)/13568-93/13568)\^2
W is the yield in tons of TNT, R is the radius in meters, and P is the pressure of the shockwave in bars.
  • 13067.94\^3\*((27136\*0.9997398+8649)\^(1/2)/13568-93/13568)\^2 =112,071,059.504 tons of TNT/112.07 Megatons/Mountain Level (14.5 PSI)
  • 13067.94\^3\*((27136\*1.99948+8649)\^(1/2)/13568-93/13568)\^2 = 301906383.682 Tons of TNT/301.90 Megatons/Mountain Level (29 PSI)
  • He does this feat from 91.63 to 94.35, or 2.27 seconds. Because the length is 250,466.4793 feet, this would mean that the swipe is 75,230.220054 mph/Mach 98.04/High Hypersonic+.

Beefcake creating a massive crater

  • 1 pixel represents Beefcake's height of 26,063.13 feet.
  • 0.94 pixels (Crater Diameter) = 24.499.3422 feet divided by two equals 12,249.6711 feet for the radius.
  • 0.95 pixels (Visible Crater Depth), we'll double it because a heap of smoke can be seen coming out, so 1.9 pixels (Full Crater Radius)= 49,519.947 feet")
circumference = 2 × π × r
  • 2 × π × 15116.6154 = 94,980.49 feet
  • Vaporization can be used due to the visible amount of vapor pouring out of the hole (notice the difference in color between the gray smoke from Beefcake's hand swipe and the color of this lighter cloud which resembles vapor.)
Vaporization: Applied when the matter that was destroyed was vaporized during the attack. Much like for Pulverization, we usually use this value when we see no remains of the matter that was destroyed in the attack, but in addition there has to be a considerable amount of visible vapor and/or character statements that imply vaporization, usually the latter. The value is 25700 (J/cc).
  • 25700 x 1006662891386762931.08= 2.5871236e+22 Joules or 6.183 Teratons (Small Country Level+)
submitted by CrispyNaeem to PowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:09 Smallseybiggs Father and step-grandfather accused of sexual abuse and murder of Tulare County teen

By Steven Hawkins
GOSHEN, Calif. (FOX26) — The Tulare County Sheriff's Office arrested a father and step-grandfather in connection to the sexual abuse and murder of a 14-year-old girl.
Deputies were called to a home in the 30600 Block of Road 72 in Goshen on Jan. 16th by a family member reporting the girl was unresponsive.
The girl was taken to the hospital but did not survive.
Deputies and medical staff noticed signs that suggested severe neglect.
Detectives served multiple warrants, collected evidence, and conducted numerous interviews.
They determined the 14-year-old girl's father, 50-year-old Raymond Pena, and her step-grandfather, 64-year-old Brett Minkler, engaged in prolonged sexual abuse with her and another underage girl.
During the investigation, detectives determined the 14-year-old girl died as a direct result of severe neglect by her father and her step-grandfather.
Both men were arrested on March 1st and booked into the Tulare County Sheriff’s Office Adult Pre-Trail Facility on charges of Homicide and Felony Child Abuse Resulting In Death.
Detectives are working to determine if any other underage girls who visited the home are also victims of the two men.
Anyone with information about this case is asked to call Sergeant S. Olmos and Detective J. Haro with the Tulare County Sheriff’s Office at (559) 733-6218.
submitted by Smallseybiggs to whenwomenrefuse [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:04 kittykat9O Encampment FAQ

Hi! As a frequent visitor of the UCSC Gaza-Solidarity Encampment, I've noticed a LOT of misinformation being spread here so I thought I would make things more transparent Also, please visit the camp if you are willing to mask and have healthy discourse. There is a lot of food and good vibes, and you can help wherever you want :)
What is the purpose? Has the camp even done anything?
The Gaza-Solidarity Encampment was created due to a call from the National Students for Justice in Palestine and spread rapidly due to the almost immediate police escalation at Columbia University. All camps are focused on divesting from the war machine and severing ties with institutions and programs that support the military occupation of Palestine, including ties with the IDF. The camps show solidarity with the 40k+ martyrs lost in the last seven months and the 1 million+ refugees stuck in Rafah who need $10k per person to cross the border. Rafah currently has the largest concentration of people in the world right now, and as of today over thirty children have died from starvation amidst a manufactured famine. While living in tents and struggling to survive, aid trucks are currently being blocked by israeli zionists.
In terms of what the camp has done, it has raised $20k+ for families in Gaza, three individual Palestinian families in Gaza have thanked the UCSC camp directly, and negotiations for divestment have reached a state-wide level. Admin has been giving negotiations a hard time by providing toothless "compromises" that undermine the purpose of the movement, hence why the student body received that email from Cynthia and the camp still stands. The campers are a stead-fast group of students from many walks of life, and there are a considerable number of Palestinian and Jewish students engaged.
In addition to helping the people of Palestine and spreading awareness, the camp has helped the community. It established a completely free Peoples' University where individuals from all walks of life with much lived-experience give lessons on helpful and important topics. From undergrads to Faculty for Justice in Palestine to Angela Davis, there is a lot to learn from our peers and mentors. The community provides three free meals a day (and more!) for campers and community members, and the tents are a surprisingly comfortable alternative to the housing crisis we are currently facing.
Will there be a graduation disruption/I am upset about a potential graduation disruption
I dunno. Also, if it were to happen, it would be separate from the encampment. I have found a lot of people upset about graduation blaming "white, rich virtue signalers" and I can tell you first hand that you'd be hard-pressed to find someone at camp who is white, rich, and a virtue signaler. Most people here are financially/food insecure, first-gen, poc, and rely on the camp for security. Most people here are also risking suspension and graduating on time all the while working around the clock on negotiations/logistics (Redveil didn't just appear from nowhere) and keeping the camp safe/running, so maybe take that into consideration before calling people "virtue-signalers".
Why is there anti-zionist messaging?
This is because zionism is fundamentally a tool of white supremacy, oppression, and colonization. The existence of zionism ultimately opposes a safe existence for all people in occupied Palestine, and represents the extent imperialism has and will inevitably lead to. Over a third of the camp is comprised of anti-zionist Jews who say "never again in our name" and relate the struggle of Palestinians to the struggle of the Jewish identity versus using the Jewish identity to justify the ethnic cleansing of a native people. No one needs an ethnostate, as it is inherently supremacist in nature.
Moreover, zionists have engaged with the camp and have repeatedly been disrespectful and antagonizing. Dialogue is encouraged, but there has been little to no productive engagement with zionists up here. Of course, that is nothing compared to the three hour long raid the LAPD enabled LA zionists to conduct at UCLA, where counter-protestors hurled fireworks and beat protestors with 2x4s. There is genuine precedence for zionists threatening the safety of campers and pro-palestinian advocates, so that is why not engaging with zionists is a part of the camp.
I am not comfortable with protestors using "intifada" and "from the river to the sea"
Honestly, check yourself if you feel uncomfortable with the use of "intifada". It is Arabic for "revolution", and any Arab person will tell you that is simply the word for "revolution" as in the student revolution (in Arabic, the "Warsaw Uprising" is referred to as the "Intifada Ghetto Warsaw"). There is a difference between being unsafe and feeling uncomfortable, and students chanting have not and will not threaten you unless you are making yourself a threat to them. There is a lot of discourse behind "from the river to the sea", but there is no call for genocide or the murder of anyone when that phrase is said. It simply means that Palestine will return to being free, similar to how the Land Back movement operates. Liberation of land does not mean reverse-colonization, that is an imperialistic mindset.
It is hypocritical to be fearful of a theoretical genocide that would never happen while not considering the real genocide taking place as you read this.
What can I do?
You can visit the camp and talk with people! That would be a great first step, and you are under no commitment to stay a certain amount of time or whatever. Come for a teach-in, have some food, engage with your community, and you can be on your way.
If you cannot for whatever reason come to the camp in person, you can still be helpful in a few major ways:
If you read this far and are not in support of the movement, I applaud you, and encourage you to have some in-person discussion and maybe get off Reddit for a bit :)
Here’s the UCSC SJP insta
submitted by kittykat9O to UCSC [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:39 Ultramyth Why the CM-90S Corvus Stats are Wrong

Why the CM-90S Corvus Stats are Wrong
This might be a bit nerdy and uninteresting, but thought it might appeal to some people. TLDConclusions at the bottom.
While looking for deck plans of the Anesidora and considering making them, the starship designer in me got a bit flummoxed. While I have seen the plans that are out there, both those done by u/_ArthurDallas_ and the level maps from Mission 15 of Alien: Isolation are... incongruent with the limited part of the ship shown in Marlow's mission in the game.
I went down a bit of an Alien: Isolation rabbit hole and am pleased with my results, because everyone loves a bigger ship...
Let's start with the art from the Alien RPG Core Rulebook:
The art is by John R. Mullaney, and appears to be based on the final version of the Anesidora seen in the game. The concept art varies wildly, but this seems based on the following:
So far, so good. This version is pretty close to the final design, and is in fact a paint over of one of the models used in the game, but from a section of the game that was cut where the ship was being mothballed by working joes.
Here are a few more shots of this version:
If you ask my trained 3D mind, these are paint overs of 3D geometry.
So at this point, Mullaney has good reference material, and appears to have illustrated the version of the ship used in the game. I believe the illustration is perfectly accurate of how the ship is meant to look.
So when it comes to scale, I think maybe the designers might have been given the impression that the Anesidora/Corvus is a lot smaller than it actually is. The culprit is early concept art. If they are like me, they got their hands on a copy of the outstanding Art of Alien: Isolation coffee table book. In it, most of the concept art shown of the Patna, Anesidora and Torrens is quite early.
Culprit 1
Culprit 2
Both of these images are taken from Brad Wright's Artstation page on the ships of Alien: Isolation. Most notably, we have a point of reference for scale here. You can see the cargo lift with a human onboard in both shots, giving the impression of scale. I can see how getting a length of 54 metres makes sense when looking at these images.
However, draw your attention to the landing gear (unique here rather than the Nostromo style in the later concept art), the style of engines (the flaps being on the tips of the engines rather than on the housings, and the perhaps less notable, the width of the examples above. They are not seen in the later concept art and in the game files themselves.
Mild Spoilers for Alien: Isolation:
The Anesidora is seen in Mission 9, when you play through the flashback of Marlow and his crew finding the Derelict on LV-426.
Right at the start of the mission, you find yourself in a generous cargo bay, which is what sent me down this rabbit hole in the first place. Because the cargo bay... is much bigger. The platform in the concept art above (Culprits 1 and 2), shows a lift that is maybe 2-3 metres by 5-6 metres in size.
However, this is much larger...
However, the start of the level's bay is much larger, maybe 8 by 16 metres. Furthermore, the landing gear on the later version mirrors the same design as the Nostromo's.
Furthermore, the map from Mission 15 seems much larger than what could possibly fit in a 54-metre ship.
I wanted to know just how big the Anesidora/Corvus should be. So... I downloaded a software suite called OpenCAGE, which lets you peruse and export the assets from A:I, and imported them into Maya. I then painstakingly reassembled what I could. The model came in many parts, none of which lined up. There was also a model of the cargo bay shown above.
Once assembled, I realised the assets from Mission 9 were missing elements. The entire bow was missing, and those side engine thrusters were not present (although they are also missing from some of the concept art). I imported the scene at scale, scaled to a spacesuit from the game, which we know is about 2 metres tall, and then also imported image planes of the Corvus from Mullaney's illustration, made to fit 54 metres at scale.
Here is what I came up with:
Hard to see, but the 54 m version vs. the 101.5 \"screen accurate\" version
As you can see, the Anesidora here is much larger than the one in the RPG has it listed as. While this is approximate, and I am missing the front of the bow, the geometry matches up with this illustration.
Great! So it is much bigger! Let's compare it to the map!
While I could not get the complete level exported, I was able to export the meshes used for the in-game map and roughly reassemble them in a 3D space. The large block to the south is the ambulance bay (a warning that something is off in this deck plan of a "salvage ship"), whilst the rectangle in the middle of the image is the fusion core.
Something's not quite right...
So this is the correct orientation according to the map (I played it out several times, looking for semiotics, and the bridge is indicated in the square area junction as being to the centre-left and is inaccessible in-game), and what do you know... The game is not accurate to itself... But there's a good reason for that.
It seems that a year before release, Alien: Isolation got a big rewrite, and was reduced from something like 34 missions down to 18. The story happened differently. One of the missions, one of the first missions in fact, was meant to find a derelict ship called the Solace, which was iced up and full of dead people who got nixed by a xeno. The Solace was also originally known as the Patna, and it was an in-system medical ship.
Anyone playing Alien: Isolation wonder why there are three medical bays and no salvage/cargo bays on Mission 15, which is supposed to take place aboard the Anesidora? Well, that's because it is a recycled Patna/Solace map from when the game was changed.
The Anesidora was in the game, but in its own level with the aforementioned ship breaking at the docks from the concept art back at the top of the page. You can even see humanoids working on the top of the ship in one of the shots. Ripley and Marlow were going to work together to try and destroy the station by blowing it up while it was docked. There are multiple other missing levels that you can read about here.
Here is another shot with it in an environmentally sealed bay... note the power loaders... if only:
This one is by Emmanuel Shiu

What the Stats Should Be (based on):

So, if the Anesidora is wrong in two different missions in the game Alien: Isolation itself, why does it matter if the Corvus is also off in scale?
Well, let's put it this way, there is only one scene with the accurate Anesidora left in the game, and it is in Mission 9. Since Mission 15 is a recycled Solace/Patna map, it's not accurate for that reason.
That's the one we have an external model for, and it should be approximately 101.5 metres +/- 1 metre. The beam (width) should be around 66 metres excluding the antennae, and 33 metres in draught (height).
This means the Corvus should be a Class-H or Class-I (not exactly sure, but it is six steps from Class G at 54 metres to Class M at 334, so if Class G is 50+, class H = 100+, Class I = 150m+, Class J = 200m+, Class K = 250m+ and Class L = 300m+; could be something like 75/100/150/200/250 also, who knows). It should have roughly 7-8 times the displacement/internal volume, and could easily fit multiple levels and a fusion reactor the size of the one in the game.
I love bigger spaceships, do you? The community needs larger deck plans!


  • The "Screen Accurate" version of the Anesidora seen in the game is bigger, based on the scale of the ship in Mission 9. We imported the geometry into Autodesk Maya and compared and scaled to the ship art for the Corvus.
  • I think the ship length in the RPG was determined based on early concept art, which shows a human to scale, but this is from an earlier design that was not used in the final game.
  • The interior map in Mission 15 of Alien: Isolation is recycled from the Patna/Solace, which was cut from the game around a year before release, and not a Corvus/Anesidora. It would have been a larger ship. Also. If the Anesidora/Corvus is a salvage vessel, why does it have three medlabs? Yep, went through and counted them.
  • The correct size of the ship is ca. 101.5 m × 66 m × 33 m.
submitted by Ultramyth to alienrpg [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:21 Odd-Assist-5807 Part 40 of What if the Omnitrix only got aliens through scanning?

Time Heals goes the same, but the alternate version of Ben would use Dragon-fry instead of Swampfire.
The Final Battle Part 1 and 2:
Ben would have been captured by Kraab, and he would have purposefully been grabbed by Kraab, getting the key and turning into Ghostfreak. Just like the time he fought Kraab in the original story. Ben would turn into Frankenstrike to attack the meteors.
Albedo would still kidnap Kevin using Diamondhead and would use both Wildvine and Un-perceivable to kidnap Gwen. ALbedo would fail to kidnap Max, and Ben would fight Albedo with Peel-Puncher. Albedo would go ultimate and Ben would rush at him, however, Ben mentally can't bring himself to harm Albedo. Albedo would send out the tendrils that would usually be used to drink water, and stab them into Ben, stealing a lot of water, making Ben succumb to the effects of de-hydration.
Ben would give up the Omnitrix, make it self-destruct, and steal the Ultimatrix. Rather than turning into Swampfire, he would turn into Dragon-fry. Ben would shoot a laser blast, similar to Swampfire's fire blast. Dragon-fry would swipe at Vilgax with his claws, slamming him into the wall. Dragon-fry would continue to shoot a laser blast, since he does not have access to vines.
Vilgax would raise his shield, blocking the blast. He would shoot his own laser blast, countering Dragon-fry's laser. The laser hits Dragon-fry and hits the wall. Ben would activate the ultimate feature on Dragon-fry, blasting Vilgax with a blast of ice and electricity, freezing and shocking Vilgax. Ben would fire a blast of steam by combining his water and fire breath, pushing Vilgax back. Ben would fire a blast of flaming electricity, burning Vilgax. The ship would crash into the ocean. The glass would crack, and Vilgax would turn into his true form. Ultimate Dragon-fry would be dragged into the water, and would coat his wings with electricity, freeing himself. Ben would turn into Ghostfreak, getting out of the explosion.
Ultimate Alien:
Ben would turn into Peel-Puncher to scare off the reporters. They would get on the Rustbucket 3, and would save the falling solider with Dragon-fry. Everything else goes the exact same, since he has the same aliens. He would scan Bivalvan, gaining Water Hazard.
Duped is skipped, since there is no Echo-Echo. I think Ben would stick with Kevin, fighting the Forever Knights. Ben would use Upgrade to merge with the mech de-activating it.
UAF Roster:
  1. Hydro-fold (Aquarian): Has a containment suit that allows him to survive. Makes him able to survive in a vacuum. The suit is much more durable than Labrid's suit so it won't tear. If it is breached, then a fail-save will de-transform Ben into human form.
  2. Peel-Puncher (Highbreed) (Name derived from a commenter, but I can't remember who): Can fly. Shoot needles from his fingers. Immune to cold but not being frozen by ice. The Omnitrix cleaned his DNA so he isn't sick.
  3. Pick-axer (Name is WIP): Has a pickax that can be enhanced with electricity. Has a headlight to see in the dark.
  4. Dragon-fry (Dragon): Flight. Fire (Maybe laser) breath. Highly durable.
  5. Bullfrag (Incursion): Same as original. No sunglasses :(
  6. Sparklebellum (Sylonnoid) (Name from Derrick J Wyatt): Can survive in a vacuum.
  7. Frog-dodge (Gilhil's species): Same as Bullfrag. As strong as stone Kevin.
  8. Spider-Monkey: Can shoot webs out of tail. Four arms. Enhanced in all attributes.
  9. Moon-man (WIP name): No powers
  10. Tiny Big (WIP name): Stronger than Humungosaur. Can't see in the dark. Sees people with sparks in their Anodite form.
  11. Arma-mask: Has four arms. No powers
  12. Null-Slate: No powers
  13. Whisker-Word: No powers
  14. Sun-Lite: (based off the ): When in the presence of sunlight, he can heal others.
  15. Void-Ogre (WIP): Can manipulate darkness, making himself hard to see.
  16. Tele-static: Can short-circuit machines. Can teleport themselves to other places they have been or know the location of. Can teleport objects to himself
  17. Cobra-crush: Same powers as Ssserpent.
  18. Decagon Vreedle (Vreedle): Can survive in a vacuum. Expert at pyrotechnics. Will eventually be regenerated when killed
  19. War-Monger (WIP Name): No powers. is short
  20. Grem-lunch (Gremlin + Lunch): If he consumes meat before or during the transformation, Ben will turn into his primal form, allowing him to absorb electricity and become huge. The Omnitrix prevents his mind from being poisoned.
  21. Grey-skull (He-man/She-ra reference): Stonger than a human.
  22. Ghostfreak (Ectonurite): Can possess people. Flight. Intangibility. Tendrils. Invisibility.
  23. Frankenstrike (Transylian): Can shoot electricity. Can stick to metal.
  24. Blitzwolfer (Loboan): Can shoot sonic howls. Has claws and a jaw.
  25. Snare-Oh (Teph Khufan): Made of bandages, which can be used to wrap people up. Can't be hurt.
  26. Un-perceivable: Can perceive many dimensions, allowing him to perceive invisible beings. Can teleport. Is unable to be harmed due to being made out of that weird energy. Telekinesis.
  27. Marshmallow Marauder (Lewodan (Name By DJW)): Can float, and can use electromagnetism, short-circuiting technology. Can regenerate.
  28. Power snack: The more he eats, the stronger he gets. Has to be actual food.
  29. Nanomech: Very small. Can shrink. Can shoot green energy.
  30. Plas-max (Name may be used already): Can shoot solar rays. Teleportation.
  31. Water Hazard: Can shoot water. Has hard armor.
Ultimate Forms used:
  1. Ultimate Peel-Puncher: He can use his tendrils to drain the water out of living things, weakening them. (Like Cell from DBZ) Plant based life like Highbreed, methanosians, and Flouranas are unable to attack him.
  2. Ultimate Dragon-fry: (Power by Optimal_Ad6274) Elemental Breath "The ability to breathe different elemental beams like fire, water, ice, lightning, etc." Quote from him. Can surround his wings with those elements.
  3. Ultimate Spidermonkey: Same as original
Returning aliens:
  1. Returning Aliens:
  2. Ultra-Ben
  3. Chromastone
  4. Upgrade
  5. Quick-shot
  6. Diamondhead
  7. Wildvine
  8. Heatblast (Writers statement)
  9. Wildmutt (Writers statement)
Part 28, Part 29, Part 30, Part 31, Part 32, Part 33, Part 34, Part 35, Part 36, Part 37, Part 38,
Based on a this post: "What if the Omnitrix only had the scan function."
submitted by Odd-Assist-5807 to Ben10 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:47 KikiWannaKaiKaii Roscoe’s Recap AS9 Premiere 🎥📝

Roscoe’s Recap AS9 Premiere 🎥📝
  • Tonight’s Guests are Detox & Naomi
  • Roxxxy couldn’t make it to the gig cause of delta (airline not werk fucking up her shit)
  • Naomi says she’s closest with Roxxxy, Plastique & Vanjie on the season, Naysha asks about her relationship with Nina West & Naomi wishes to not comment
  • Detox says “Fuck off bitch!” to Roxxxy into the camera, when Naysha interrupts and points out that swearing is no longer permitted at Roscoes (Youtube’s monetization) /j
  • Opinions of entrance looks (Chop/Mop) CHOP: Angie & Nina MOP: The Rest
  • Detox wants All Stars seasons split up year by year cause it doesn’t feel exciting anymore, Naomi understand why girls want to go back right away
  • Someone in the audience calls Nina West a brick
  • Naysha points out the “You Can’t Read the Doll” is from Roxxxy’s rant at Miss Continental over the judging
  • Detox loves Shannel’s new face
  • Detox loves the new charity set up/ non elimination, gives all the girls a fair chance to show their stuff & win money for charity
  • Naysha drops the “paid to do the season” bomb, confirming they got $50k for participating & $25k for runways
  • Roxxxy says hi to everybody over the phone
  • Detox calls out Naysha for being annoyed they didn’t save her for All Stars 9 😭
  • Detox says she has an itch to return to the werkroom someday, especially now if there are no eliminations. Naomi also says she’s not opposed to returning.
  • Detox suggests her and Naomi go on vacation this year at the time of AS10 filming to fuck with the fandom
  • Naysha brings up that a queen (@callher6) once went on vacation during filming, came back, went along with the whole “on the show” speculation, and was accepting gigs from bars who thought they were about to be announced as a RuGirl
  • Detox has RuPaul’s choreography down since she does the same 1-2 step everytime
  • They clock RuPaul for not knowing the lyrics to her song in her new blind karaoke tiktok
  • Detox says she’s gonna do Ru’s choreography for snatch game
  • Naomi shares the battle she has with tucking her left testicle every-time she comes to Roscoes
  • It’s pointed out that the blocking is odd cause they are just cutting off each queens charity which seems a lil messed up
  • Naysha says Roxxxy is the most consistent queen of the cast, insinuating she is the biggest competition to the other girls
  • They loved Plastique’s, Gottmik’s, & Vanjie’s performance, they seemed to like everyone’s performance
  • Kara Melle says she’s been a fan of Keke Palmer ever since “Jump In!”, they all love her as a judge
  • Roxxxy & Plastique had their favourite runway / perfume with the voiceovers
  • Naomi & Naysha say Gottmik was their least favourite runway
  • Kara Melle didn’t like Vanjie’s runway, say it looked last minute & the rest of them agree
  • They are bored of the positive critiques, they want to see some of them get read
  • Naomi points out that the positive edit might have to do with Raja calling out Miselle on AS7 after she got negatives
  • They all agree Angeria ate up the lipsync, and Jorgeous was doing a little too much
  • They were confused why Nina West changed for the lipsync, and Detox dragged her reveal look to the floor
  • First episode was well received by Roscoe’s
  • At the start of the episode Naysha said they were going to be reviewing both episodes, however time went over so they didn’t have time for it (except this recap isn’t even an hour? lol)
  • Roxxxy will be at Roscoe’s May 31st
  • Detox gets upset that the 31st is her birthday and they didn’t invite her to hangout with her bestfriend
Side notes: not a whole lot of exciting moments in this Viewing Party. Detox kind held it down the entire time with Naomi just kinda sitting there and serving cunt. Wish we got to hear more from her, especially about her new youtube content rolling out, but it is what it is! hope you enjoyed this recap! i will try my best to keep up with them weekly!
submitted by KikiWannaKaiKaii to SDRUntucked [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 12:42 tristanfinn Old Genocide Joe Has Got to Go! – by Philip Giraldi – 17 May 2024

Embracing Netanyahu does not constitute a foreign policy
It is extremely difficult to discern what might be the thinking behind the clueless President Joe Biden and his Blinken-Austin-Mayorkas foreign-policy-plus national security team. Or rather, the problem is that there does not appear to be any thinking about it at all if one measures it by what benefits it brings to the American people. It all actually seems to derive from a desire to construct a narrative that will win the presidential election coming up in November, which will fortunately be run against a deeply flawed GOP candidate named Donald J. Trump. But look at what is on the Biden record: the country’s southern border with Mexico is a porous as a Swiss cheese, allowing literally millions of illegal immigrants into the USA since Biden took office; Washington is both de facto and de jure simultaneously fighting and losing two unnecessary wars involving nuclear powers which has cost a nearly bankrupt Treasury well into the hundreds of billions of dollars; and the White House is needlessly sanctioning non-hostile competitors like China while also making illegal popular social media sites like TikTok which have committed the sin of reporting and disseminating accurate narratives about good old “best friend and closest ally” Israel. Predictably, neither of the assertions about the value of the Jewish state is true, nor is it a democracy, but who cares when you’re having fun shooting people and spending someone else’s money?
Oh, and just try to exercise your first amendment free speech rights by demonstrating against Israel’s slaughter of upwards of 40,000 Palestinian civilians using US provided weapons and you will be hit on the head by a cop, possibly arrested, and even expelled from college! If you want to see where this is all going, check out reports of the recent FBI detention and interrogation of distinguished Israeli historian Ilan Pappe seeking to enter the US through the Detroit International Airport. Pappe is a critic of the Netanyahu government and of US policy so he was held, questioned in detailed about his contacts, and had his phone copied before being allowed to proceed. Meanwhile, a group of top federal judges have signed a letter stating that they will strike back against the demonstrating students by refusing to hire any graduates of Columbia University Law School as law clerks. And there even is a bill currently before Congress that would empower the government to label the foreign protesters “antisemites and terrorism supporters” and deport them, with some going to Gaza with the expectation that they would be killed, possibly by the mighty Israel Defense Forces (IDF)! It would be a startling new development to punish those whose crime consists mostly of trespass even given the rather loose ethical boundaries established by the war on terror and the Antisemitism Awareness Act! Or indeed one might follow the Senatorial route led by a chirping Lindsey Graham who recommends dropping a nuclear bomb on Gaza to kill everyone who has survived the Israeli onslaught. The area then might be developed after the radiation dies down for those splendid seaside villas for Jews only suggested by the esteemed Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner.
To be sure, Joe sometimes mumbles something that might just be viewed positively, like his recent blocking on humanitarian grounds of a consignment of bunker buster bombs on their way to Israel due to Benjamin Netanyahu’s insistence that, no matter what, he would invade Rafah to completely destroy Hamas and whoever else might happen to get in his way. Joe predictably reversed that decision last Tuesday, approving a $1 billion supply of munitions after he came under pressure from the Israelis and their many friends in the US, to include a host of Israel-loving GOP congressmen who have carried their fight on behalf of the Jewish state to The Hague, where the International Criminal Court (ICC) is being directly threatened with American wrath lest it try to punish Israeli leaders for their genocide in Gaza. As Bill Astore put it “Last week, President Biden appeared to have strapped on a temporary spine in delaying shipments of ‘offensive’ weaponry to Israel for its murderous invasion of Rafah in Gaza. That spine had a short duration as Biden announced [Tuesday] renewed shipments of tank and mortar rounds to Israel.” Congress has also gotten into the game with the GOP controlled House of Representatives having passed a bill that would compel the White House to continue all arms shipments to Israel. Joe might also be thinking of political contributions, as American Jews donate the majority of Democratic Party funding, as well guaranteeing a friendly media in his campaign as they dominate both the news and the entertainment industries. See, Joe can figure some things out all by himself every once in a while!
Here’s the problem with Joe, apart from the roughly $12 million in gift-donations from Jewish/Israeli sources that he has obtained in his political career. His tactical thinking does not extend beyond his personal interests, to include his corrupt children, a trait very much like that which is possessed by his good buddy Netanyahu who is facing corruption charges of his own in Israel. Joe believes he is much cleverer than he actually is and thinks that an occasional mild verbal criticism of the Israeli behavior will convince his target audience of voters that he really is concerned about the continuing death toll in Gaza, where the Israelis have already been taking initial steps in their attack on Rafah by using their tanks to penetrate into the targeted zone to destroy and kill.
And as for the reported completion and initial functioning of the floating pier connected to Gaza constructed by US military engineers, it will not dramatically change reality on the ground even though Biden is claiming that it will enable the entry of much needed food and medical aid. Israel will still “security” control what is allowed to enter into Gaza proper while Netanyahu is seeing the pier as a bridge to nowhere, usable primarily to export excess Palestinians to foreign lands that are either willing or unwilling to accept them. And its existence creates some interesting possibilities. As it presumably will be logistically supported on the pier itself by US-based personnel, Netanyahu might well be tempted to stage a false flag attack blamed on Hamas to kill a few Americans and lock Biden into Israel’s right-wing Gaza policies from now on. Bear in mind that, in reality, Biden could care less if all the Palestinians might be “disappeared” just as he would like to see any and all critics of Israel be subjected to the harshest punishments, including prison and denial of basic rights as well as being stripped of government benefits. He has called the protesters “lawbreakers” and spreaders of “chaos” and congress is currently investigating the alleged “subversive organizers” of the “anti-Israel terrorists.”
Biden and company, as well as Trump, who is advising the Israeli government to “finish the job” with the Palestinians, clearly have no actual red lines that must not be crossed when it comes to Israel. The war of extermination of the Gazans has been accompanied by a more hidden war being conducted by the Jewish settlers on the West Bank, which has been largely under Israeli occupation since 1967. The frequently armed settlers have been attacking unarmed Palestinians, destroying their homes and businesses, ruining their crops and vineyards, and even killing them on occasion. Israeli police and army standing by do nothing to stop the fun and even frequently participate themselves by arresting and beating Palestinians who are guilty only of being Palestinian. Hundreds of Palestinians have been arrested without charges apart from “preventive detention” since the troubles began in October and the jails are overflowing. The clear intention, verbalized without any shame by senior Israeli government officials like Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, is to produce a Greater Israel cleansed of Arabs. And Biden, who pretends to favor a two-state solution to the unrest, helps the process along by vetoing UN resolutions that would help create separate sovereignty for Palestine.
Some of the most outrageous recent developments have been the settlers’ interfering with shipments of food and medicines entering into Gaza, a point that a faux-sympathetic Biden stresses repeatedly when pontificating regarding bringing aid to the starving people who are trapped with nowhere to go inside the enclave. The Israel clampdown even includes the Mediterranean Sea being blocked off by the Israeli navy which shoots any desperate Gazans who try to go close to the water so they can fish for food. In the most recent incidents, observed by the standing-by but inert Israeli army and police, truckloads of food were blocked, the drivers and aid workers removed and beaten, and the food was destroyed and burned before the trucks were treated likewise. In another incident settlers dumped huge boulders on one of the access roads to a checkpoint leading into Gaza, rendering it impassible and blocking any aid. Journalists and aid workers are meanwhile being killed by the army to prevent any reporting of what is going on while the US State Department refuses to condemn the activity. Biden called the interference with assistance convoys “outrageous” but has done nothing whatsoever about it, nor has he followed up on pledges to sanction Israelis who attack Palestinians or their property on the West Bank.
The whole problem is that Israel is a monster, an apartheid state that somehow feels it is empowered by God and the United States to kill all its neighbors and rob the American taxpayer to pay for and equip the slaughter. Israel is backed by an all-powerful US domestic lobby that includes unlimited Jewish money and activist Zionist groups like the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) led by the hideous Jonathan Greenblatt and the venerable American Israel Political Affairs Committee (AIPAC), both of which are now busy raising money to defeat all congress critters who have ever criticized the Jewish state. ADL and AIPAC are also linked to “that old time religion” knucklehead Christian Zionists concentrated in the Republican Party who have their Scofield Bibles firmly embedded between their ears where their brains are supposed be. A partial solution would be to make the Jewish-Zionist groups register as foreign government agents directed by Israel under the the terms of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), which is exactly what they are, but that will never happen. President John F. Kennedy tried to register the predecessor group to AIPAC and many believe he paid the ultimate price for that affront as well as for his bid to stop Israel’s nuclear weapons program.
So, my fellow Americans, what should we do? Well, we should do whatever we can, which includes speaking out about how we have been sold out by our leaders and opinion makers, and we should continue to do that even knowing that they will try to silence us by destroying free speech in this country. It is all we have left and we should continue to oppose what is happening. The first step however, is to get rid of politicians like Joe and Donald, who have been completely corrupted by more than fifty years in the “system” and are totally sold out and irresponsible in their behavior. There are honest politicians and journalists out there and we just have to find them, support them and get them elected and in positions where they will be able to bring about change in how things are done in Washington! One might call it the New American Revolution to restore our rights and free us from foreign oppression!
submitted by tristanfinn to altnewz [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 12:21 Hefty-Albatross4767 I tried to scale Insomniac Spider-Men

DISCLAIMER: I am not very good to scale, every help is appreciated, thanks in case
So now let's start:
•These versions of Spider-Man are pretty strong, with many incredible feats, like [Peter was able to pulls a crane](https://m.youtube.com/watch?t=29&v=IOKqBSYX0Mg&feature=youtu.be), [which weight 400,000 pounds](https://thinkwelty.com/how-do-tower-cranes-work/#:\~:text=For%20large%20cranes%20the%20pad,much%20like%20a%20ship's%20mast.) (roughly 181 tons), [was unfazed by a big explosion](https://imgur.com/a/8jB6d7H) and during the games we can see both, him and Miles be able to stop running vehicles. [Peter can fight Electro](https://youtu.be/VgvQjCxCpm0?si=tdg\_kj-GJRpDjLye), [withstanding his attacks](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-8dfafcef42c755b954d4145eb9e1f842) and beating him, [Electro is someone who performed a Large Building level feat](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User\_blog:Mr.\_Bambu/Insomniac\_Spiderman\_Calc:\_Electro\_Has\_Anger\_Issues) by destroying a smokestack. [He can fight Mr. Negative](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=82F1sCU0XwY&t=13s) and even [knock him out of his Negative form](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uCVp8Qtuh6Q&t=1039s). For reference Mr. Negative is someone who [can create blasts so powerful](https://imgur.com/LdTYynr), which [he can withstand](https://imgur.com/KD5Ce2Y). [His ground pound is strong enough to send shockwaves across Harlem cracking the street under him](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User\_blog:Baken384/Marvel%27s\_Spider-Man,\_You\_can\_do\_the\_Harlem\_Shaker). [Peter can fight Rhino](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&t=40406&v=jXs7kyAcfzE&feature=youtu.be), [stunning him](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sh\_z1Q3O8UM&t=41s). [Rhino can takes numerous Venom punches from Miles](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0lok-YK2mvw&t=679s), [who casually dish out this level of power during the battle against Sandman in the second game](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User\_blog:Dalesean027/Marvel%27s\_Spider-Man\_2\_Feat\_compilation\_1), [Rhino was also stated to have destroyed Six City-Blocks](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-eada891534b143cb56f6637eb17b1c9d), (mere supporting statement).
•Since Rhino was unlimitedly overpowered by Miles' Venom, but still able to withstand with a good amount of Miles' Venom attacks he, (and Peter as well) should downscale from Miles' feat.
•[Also Miles in base was able to stun Rhino too](https://m.youtube.com/watch?t=645&v=18BByvJKPFU&feature=youtu.be), so his base statistics will downscale from his feat against Sandman too.
•Miles, also, in his own game performed a pretty crazy feat. He in fact [absorbed the energy from a sabotaged Nuform reactor which was threatening to vaporise all Harlem](https://www.reddit.com/RTvideos/comments/18ieegi/miles\_endgame\_absorption/), [according this video Miles absorbed 165.3 million gigajoules](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uPyGuDG2r-A&t=360s&pp=ygUXTWlsZXMgbW9yYWxlcyBudWtlIGNhbGM%3D), (credits to u/CrispyNeam for the source), that is equivalent to roughly 39.5 Megatons, or City level.
•Now this feat can't be use to scale Peter and Rhino to City level, since Miles to reach this level of power needs to absorb a huge quantity energy, something that he can't do in normal circumstances, so this feat is only exclusive to Miles at his full Charge.
•In the second game Peter received a power up, entering in contact with the symbiont. With it Peter was able to take the upper hand on Kraven, who previously practically no diff him, and fought a more powerful version of Miles, (since Blue Bioelectricity Miles>Orange Bioelectricity Miles, given by the fact that he showed better feats, like when he was able to briefly overpower Symbiont Peter strength](https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=shared&t=276&v=prP0EsmZC9A) and [capable of](https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=shared&t=250&v=prP0EsmZC9A) [dodge his attacks](https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=shared&t=265&v=prP0EsmZC9A), and no, [Martin Li didn't never amped Miles](https://imgur.com/a/HIVTQSe), but he achieved to this new power by himself), so he, and Miles too, should upscale from Miles' feat to the baseline Low 7-C AP, (1 kiloton).
•[Peter can webswing between multiple gunfire](https://imgur.com/W79zhGM), [dodged gunfire from Silver Sable](https://imgur.com/ZPa6x5v) and [from an helicopter](https://imgur.com/OYoOY0q) and [dodged a rocket as well](https://imgur.com/6rFkLhQ). [He can shoots his webs at supersonic speeds](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User\_blog:RisingIons/Spider-man\_shoots\_fast), [jumped a gun](https://m.youtube.com/watch?t=326&v=7BxTogZ\_HXs&feature=youtu.be), that was calculated to be a [Hypersonic feat](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User\_blog:RisingIons/More\_spiderman\_calcs) and can keep and [catch](https://imgur.com/yFnFBmR) Black Cat, who escaped to explosion at close range](https://imgur.com/lEwPqK8).
•In terms of speed Miles should be comparable to Peter considering he fought many people that scale to him, like Rhino, Vulture, exc..., and fought along side with Peter, keeping pace with him.
CONCLUSION: So to conclude I think that Base Peter and Miles are Multi City-Block level+, (downscaling from Miles' feat), and with Hypersonic combat speed. Symbiont/Anti-Venom Peter and Blue Bioelectricity Miles scale to Small Town level, while Miles can be reasonable scaled to City level at his max, but his feat doesn't scale to anyone in the verse except from Miles himself but only when he's at his Full Charge.
P.s.: Sorry if you have found some grammatical errors, english isn't my language
submitted by Hefty-Albatross4767 to PowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 11:39 tristanfinn Old Genocide Joe Has Got to Go! – by Philip Giraldi – 17 May 2024

Embracing Netanyahu does not constitute a foreign policy
It is extremely difficult to discern what might be the thinking behind the clueless President Joe Biden and his Blinken-Austin-Mayorkas foreign-policy-plus national security team. Or rather, the problem is that there does not appear to be any thinking about it at all if one measures it by what benefits it brings to the American people. It all actually seems to derive from a desire to construct a narrative that will win the presidential election coming up in November, which will fortunately be run against a deeply flawed GOP candidate named Donald J. Trump. But look at what is on the Biden record: the country’s southern border with Mexico is a porous as a Swiss cheese, allowing literally millions of illegal immigrants into the USA since Biden took office; Washington is both de facto and de jure simultaneously fighting and losing two unnecessary wars involving nuclear powers which has cost a nearly bankrupt Treasury well into the hundreds of billions of dollars; and the White House is needlessly sanctioning non-hostile competitors like China while also making illegal popular social media sites like TikTok which have committed the sin of reporting and disseminating accurate narratives about good old “best friend and closest ally” Israel. Predictably, neither of the assertions about the value of the Jewish state is true, nor is it a democracy, but who cares when you’re having fun shooting people and spending someone else’s money?
Oh, and just try to exercise your first amendment free speech rights by demonstrating against Israel’s slaughter of upwards of 40,000 Palestinian civilians using US provided weapons and you will be hit on the head by a cop, possibly arrested, and even expelled from college! If you want to see where this is all going, check out reports of the recent FBI detention and interrogation of distinguished Israeli historian Ilan Pappe seeking to enter the US through the Detroit International Airport. Pappe is a critic of the Netanyahu government and of US policy so he was held, questioned in detailed about his contacts, and had his phone copied before being allowed to proceed. Meanwhile, a group of top federal judges have signed a letter stating that they will strike back against the demonstrating students by refusing to hire any graduates of Columbia University Law School as law clerks. And there even is a bill currently before Congress that would empower the government to label the foreign protesters “antisemites and terrorism supporters” and deport them, with some going to Gaza with the expectation that they would be killed, possibly by the mighty Israel Defense Forces (IDF)! It would be a startling new development to punish those whose crime consists mostly of trespass even given the rather loose ethical boundaries established by the war on terror and the Antisemitism Awareness Act! Or indeed one might follow the Senatorial route led by a chirping Lindsey Graham who recommends dropping a nuclear bomb on Gaza to kill everyone who has survived the Israeli onslaught. The area then might be developed after the radiation dies down for those splendid seaside villas for Jews only suggested by the esteemed Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner.
To be sure, Joe sometimes mumbles something that might just be viewed positively, like his recent blocking on humanitarian grounds of a consignment of bunker buster bombs on their way to Israel due to Benjamin Netanyahu’s insistence that, no matter what, he would invade Rafah to completely destroy Hamas and whoever else might happen to get in his way. Joe predictably reversed that decision last Tuesday, approving a $1 billion supply of munitions after he came under pressure from the Israelis and their many friends in the US, to include a host of Israel-loving GOP congressmen who have carried their fight on behalf of the Jewish state to The Hague, where the International Criminal Court (ICC) is being directly threatened with American wrath lest it try to punish Israeli leaders for their genocide in Gaza. As Bill Astore put it “Last week, President Biden appeared to have strapped on a temporary spine in delaying shipments of ‘offensive’ weaponry to Israel for its murderous invasion of Rafah in Gaza. That spine had a short duration as Biden announced [Tuesday] renewed shipments of tank and mortar rounds to Israel.” Congress has also gotten into the game with the GOP controlled House of Representatives having passed a bill that would compel the White House to continue all arms shipments to Israel. Joe might also be thinking of political contributions, as American Jews donate the majority of Democratic Party funding, as well guaranteeing a friendly media in his campaign as they dominate both the news and the entertainment industries. See, Joe can figure some things out all by himself every once in a while!
Here’s the problem with Joe, apart from the roughly $12 million in gift-donations from Jewish/Israeli sources that he has obtained in his political career. His tactical thinking does not extend beyond his personal interests, to include his corrupt children, a trait very much like that which is possessed by his good buddy Netanyahu who is facing corruption charges of his own in Israel. Joe believes he is much cleverer than he actually is and thinks that an occasional mild verbal criticism of the Israeli behavior will convince his target audience of voters that he really is concerned about the continuing death toll in Gaza, where the Israelis have already been taking initial steps in their attack on Rafah by using their tanks to penetrate into the targeted zone to destroy and kill.
And as for the reported completion and initial functioning of the floating pier connected to Gaza constructed by US military engineers, it will not dramatically change reality on the ground even though Biden is claiming that it will enable the entry of much needed food and medical aid. Israel will still “security” control what is allowed to enter into Gaza proper while Netanyahu is seeing the pier as a bridge to nowhere, usable primarily to export excess Palestinians to foreign lands that are either willing or unwilling to accept them. And its existence creates some interesting possibilities. As it presumably will be logistically supported on the pier itself by US-based personnel, Netanyahu might well be tempted to stage a false flag attack blamed on Hamas to kill a few Americans and lock Biden into Israel’s right-wing Gaza policies from now on. Bear in mind that, in reality, Biden could care less if all the Palestinians might be “disappeared” just as he would like to see any and all critics of Israel be subjected to the harshest punishments, including prison and denial of basic rights as well as being stripped of government benefits. He has called the protesters “lawbreakers” and spreaders of “chaos” and congress is currently investigating the alleged “subversive organizers” of the “anti-Israel terrorists.”
Biden and company, as well as Trump, who is advising the Israeli government to “finish the job” with the Palestinians, clearly have no actual red lines that must not be crossed when it comes to Israel. The war of extermination of the Gazans has been accompanied by a more hidden war being conducted by the Jewish settlers on the West Bank, which has been largely under Israeli occupation since 1967. The frequently armed settlers have been attacking unarmed Palestinians, destroying their homes and businesses, ruining their crops and vineyards, and even killing them on occasion. Israeli police and army standing by do nothing to stop the fun and even frequently participate themselves by arresting and beating Palestinians who are guilty only of being Palestinian. Hundreds of Palestinians have been arrested without charges apart from “preventive detention” since the troubles began in October and the jails are overflowing. The clear intention, verbalized without any shame by senior Israeli government officials like Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, is to produce a Greater Israel cleansed of Arabs. And Biden, who pretends to favor a two-state solution to the unrest, helps the process along by vetoing UN resolutions that would help create separate sovereignty for Palestine.
Some of the most outrageous recent developments have been the settlers’ interfering with shipments of food and medicines entering into Gaza, a point that a faux-sympathetic Biden stresses repeatedly when pontificating regarding bringing aid to the starving people who are trapped with nowhere to go inside the enclave. The Israel clampdown even includes the Mediterranean Sea being blocked off by the Israeli navy which shoots any desperate Gazans who try to go close to the water so they can fish for food. In the most recent incidents, observed by the standing-by but inert Israeli army and police, truckloads of food were blocked, the drivers and aid workers removed and beaten, and the food was destroyed and burned before the trucks were treated likewise. In another incident settlers dumped huge boulders on one of the access roads to a checkpoint leading into Gaza, rendering it impassible and blocking any aid. Journalists and aid workers are meanwhile being killed by the army to prevent any reporting of what is going on while the US State Department refuses to condemn the activity. Biden called the interference with assistance convoys “outrageous” but has done nothing whatsoever about it, nor has he followed up on pledges to sanction Israelis who attack Palestinians or their property on the West Bank.
The whole problem is that Israel is a monster, an apartheid state that somehow feels it is empowered by God and the United States to kill all its neighbors and rob the American taxpayer to pay for and equip the slaughter. Israel is backed by an all-powerful US domestic lobby that includes unlimited Jewish money and activist Zionist groups like the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) led by the hideous Jonathan Greenblatt and the venerable American Israel Political Affairs Committee (AIPAC), both of which are now busy raising money to defeat all congress critters who have ever criticized the Jewish state. ADL and AIPAC are also linked to “that old time religion” knucklehead Christian Zionists concentrated in the Republican Party who have their Scofield Bibles firmly embedded between their ears where their brains are supposed be. A partial solution would be to make the Jewish-Zionist groups register as foreign government agents directed by Israel under the the terms of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), which is exactly what they are, but that will never happen. President John F. Kennedy tried to register the predecessor group to AIPAC and many believe he paid the ultimate price for that affront as well as for his bid to stop Israel’s nuclear weapons program.
So, my fellow Americans, what should we do? Well, we should do whatever we can, which includes speaking out about how we have been sold out by our leaders and opinion makers, and we should continue to do that even knowing that they will try to silence us by destroying free speech in this country. It is all we have left and we should continue to oppose what is happening. The first step however, is to get rid of politicians like Joe and Donald, who have been completely corrupted by more than fifty years in the “system” and are totally sold out and irresponsible in their behavior. There are honest politicians and journalists out there and we just have to find them, support them and get them elected and in positions where they will be able to bring about change in how things are done in Washington! One might call it the New American Revolution to restore our rights and free us from foreign oppression!
submitted by tristanfinn to conspiracytheorists [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 06:06 SkyrimIsLife420 I may have met a serial killer

So, this is my first time making a post like this where I'm sharing an experience, so sorry if my storytelling isn't that well and I wasn't sure if this was the right place to share this or if a different subreddit was better. Also, I'm high. :p This is probably going to be a long post so strap in or go below to find a summary. And before anyone says this is fake, trust me, I wish it was. This was very real and I'm still traumatized by what happened. I'm hoping finally sharing what happened with other people who can give me on advice on how to deal with it (mentally) can help.
I'm not going to be using any real names or specific locations for privacy reasons (I'm also deathly afraid he might come across this) I'll call myself L (20M) and the guy who I think could've been a serial killestalker I'll call B (26M).
For some minor backstory, I'm a twenty year old trans male and I've never had much experience in dating. I live in the bible belt, so my dating life was non-existent or was filled with creeps. I wasn't looking for a partner at this time, but I ended up meeting B who was super sweet, had an amazing voice/laugh, and was overall very attractive. The main reason why I liked him and wanted to try dating him was because he told me he had dated trans partners before and knew a lot about it and was very respectful of my boundaries. Most guys never cared how I felt and always wanted to 'see my tits' and so on, and even if they liked me, when it came to sex and my body they were all very disrespectful. To top it all off, me and B had the same interests and 'end goal' for our lives and we got along extremely well. I have a lot of mental disorders since BEFORE I met B, some being CPTSD, Agoraphobia, and Severe Panic Disorder, so meeting new people and trusting others was something very hard for me. I'm usually very awkward and have trouble keeping up conversation with others, but not with him. He was amazing and we flowed together well. All green flags. Sometimes I feel as though the guy I first met is still out there, because when I met this dude in person, he was completely different.
So, we met around fall of last year on a dating app. I was mainly looking for hookups because at that point in time I had given up on dating. Like I said earlier, we started talking and that changed for me. He told me he was poly and me and him had a long talk about it and we decided we would both keep it open and would be fine to see other people while we talked, and if things started to get more serious and it worked, then we'd be monogamous. (This is important for later) So, there were no red flags in the beginning, until a few started to pop up. He told me he was into guns, which at first was fine with me. He didn't hunt, he just liked to shoot and go to shooting ranges for fun. Hell, to me that sounded like every man's dream to shoot and blow stuff up so I was excited when he suggested to go to a shooting range together. Also, I'm in the south of the US as well, so I was used to that. Then he started talking about serial killers and darker stuff and how he was into that. Which again, was fine with me. I've been through a lot in my life and have a lot of trauma and dark humor, and dark things in general, doesn't bother me, and I love horror. We talked about how we should watch the new Jeffrey Dahmer show that has Evan Peters. I love AHS so I was down for it. It started getting a lot weirder though, and I should've known then that something was wrong, I think I was blinded by the chance to actually have a caring partner that was already educated on trans topics, so I didn't think. He told me that his former partner and him had gotten in a fight, the one before me. He told me what happened between for the fight, I'm not going to include this part as it's very specific, but by the end he had told me his partner had left in the middle of the night and got his family to pick him up (His partners family live in another state, so his ex partner ended up moving ACROSS STATES to get away from him.) He said when he woke up he was gone and wasn't answering his calls. The way he told the story in the beginning though made it seem like his ex was a really stuck-up and petty person who HE got away from. Now I know why his ex actually left and that his EX was the one who got away. Ok, so with that all out of the way, we had been talking for around three months when we decided to finally meet. We had taken some time figuring out where to meet since we both wanted to meet in public, which I thought was a really green flag. When I told him I'd just drive up to his place, he said no because he didn't want to give out his address before we met. Which again, I thought was SUPER GREEN, but apparently not. I didn't want him to drive here for the same reasons, but also because I live with my grandparents so I figured that'd be pretty awkward. We ended up deciding to meet at a park near his house to see that we weren't catfishing each other and basically to catch the vibes of the other. He lived in a different state but the drive was only two hours away, not too bad. I drove up there (I was 19 at this point in time btw...) and when I finally arrived I gave him a call and he said he'd be there. So, this 'park' ended up not being a park, but a CEMETARY. For some reason though, there was a playset on the other side of the road that was connected to it which is where I parked. After we were supposed to meet, we were going to go back to his place then I was going to drop off my car and we were going to take his and go out and eat. So, a few minutes go by and I see a car start to pull up toward me. I was still in my car as there was no where else to sit. I went to open my door and hop out when he pulled in beside me but all he did was roll down his window and said "you can follow me now." BRUH, WHAT, OK? That was it. He rolled it back up and started to drive away. Now, I know what most of you are thinking, BITCH RUN. Well, I was stupid and hate confrontation or anything like that so I went along with it. I followed him and then realized that the park wasn't 'near' his house, IT WAS RIGHT BEHIND IT. I drove not even another minute probably and we were already there. Making me think he wanted to watch me approach from his house. So, I parked and we both got out. He looked exactly as he did in the pictures and was more attractive in person, although his personality and the way things were going made it not matter. We went to head inside and he stopped me before going in and said something like, "Hey, I have a headache so we're just going to stay here. Is that ok?" I have no idea why, but practically the ENTIRE TIME I was with him that day, he had a constant expression on his face that made him look like he was constipated/confused. Think of Edward in Twilight when he is trying not to kill Bella or be weird. It was THAT face. Furrowed brows, mouth open slightly, with that weird look on his face. So, at first I felt a bit let down, that was until I realized everything else that had happened up before this point. Then it turned into anxiety. I told him that was fine and when he opened the door, all the lights were off. Like, ALL OF THEM. It was pitch black and he had black out curtains on his windows. He led me to his bedroom which creeped me out and we proceeded to sit on his bed. He told me he was sorry about not wanting to go out and that we could just watch tv and cuddle. Now, if this was the guy thought I had been talking to, then I'd would've been fine with it. But this dude seemed like a completely different person from who I had met. Keep in mind I had been talking with him for three months and we connected really fast and had hours long convos on the phone a day. I was honestly just creeped out but wasn't scared because I've been in similar situations like this before. I figured I'd just make up an excuse later so I could leave. That's when he told me to lay back and get comfortable and we'd watch, low and behold, JEFFREY DAHMER. So, that's what he put on while we made, really weird, small talk. So, he told he had a shit ton of guns and reached beside his nightstand and whipped out a pistol. He told me he had built it himself and let me hold it. But just the fact that this guy can whip out a gun like that, while acting like a creep, AND that show playing? Nah man, god I'm such an idiot. Anyway lmao, he started stroking my thigh and 'petting' me while we watched the show. I was SOOO uncomfortable and I noticed I had a texts from two of my friends and my mom who were all asking if I made it up here ok. I texted back and let them know I was fine, and this is when I started panicking a lot more on the inside. Anytime I'd get a text, or even open my phone at all, he'd lay his head on my shoulder to see what I was doing. He even ended up reading one of my texts out loud from earlier in the day. I felt that I couldn't just leave like any weird date, 1) because he had guns EVERYWHERE. 2) Because he was watching every move I made 3) Because that's when I realized he was potentially dangerous and unhinged on a physical level. A bit later after sitting in silence, 'watching the show,' he started talking about how he knew everything about Jeffrey Dahmer. What kind of poison or drug he'd use on his victims, exactly how he drilled the holes in his victim's heads, and basically everything about Dahmer's life. He even knew what steps Dahmer would do and in what order before killing his victims. Now, I knew a lot about serial killers as well because I like true crime and shit like that. I ended up agreeing with him and playing along. Looking back, I don't know how, but I found a way to still fake laugh at this man's jokes and act like I was the same as him. I even went as far to say that I felt bad for Dahmer and could be his friend. B's eyes seem to light up when I said that and then he went on a rant about how Dahmer was misunderstood and only needed somebody. It made me sick to my stomach but I continued going along with it. Later he went on to say multiple things that disgusted me and made me afraid. Like how he was into knife play, little brother play, where he makes his partners act like a younger brother. He also told me he loved taking sexual pictures of his partners while they held his guns in different poses and asked me if I would. I 'gladly' agreed and said we could do it later. NAH, FUCK THAT, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. Btw, this whole time he was still stroking me and putting his hands on me. He kept trying to push alcohol on me, and joked it was laced. I told him I wasn't a big drinker and didn't want anyway at the moment. Every time I refused he kept getting more irritated. He then made a weird comment, saying, "Isn't getting fucked up what you're here for?" UMMMM, NO????? He had a jar of moonshine and finally I told him I'd take a sip. I held it up to my lips and closed them before slightly letting the liquid hit them, then I pretended to take a small gulp and told him it tasted good. That's when he got a huge smile on his face and all the annoyance from before went away. Looking back, I think it was actually laced, and you'll see why next. Yay... So a bit after this, I started to get a slight headache and that's when I realized I left my bag in my car. I got a bit excited because I thought I could take this as a chance to leave. I asked him if I could go grab my bag from my car for my headache medicine and he said of course. Now listen, I said earlier I have dark humor and it's been a coping mechanism for me. So when I left to go to my car I made a joke to him and said, "Don't worry, Jeff. I'll be right back, I'm not leaving." DUDE. When I told my friend what I had said later she told me I memed a serial killer. BRUH, WHY AM I LIKE THIS? I COULD'VE DIED OR WORSE AND I CALLED HIM JEFF? Lord help me... Anyway, so my headache only got worse after I 'took a sip' of the moonshine and I started feeling dizzy. Now, even though I didn't actually drink it, a few drops still came in contact with my lips made it into my mouth. I went to my car and grabbed my bookbag from my floorboard. I sat in the driver's seat and looked on my phone. I was about to call my best friend, basically my sister, and then leave. My soul left my body though, because when I looked over, this dude was standing on his porch, WATCHING ME. Seeing if I was trying to leave. Knowing he had guns and we were in a small town where hearing gun shots were normal, I grabbed my bag and hopped right out of the car. When he knew I was walking back he walked to his car and opened his trunk. He pulled out a gun case that was like THREE FEET LONG. This gun was huge and he walked it into the house behind me. He told me it was some kind of sniper rifle and he said each single bullet costed 8$ or something like that. I later learned that owning something like that in the state he lived in was illegal. So, he kept making weird comments and touching/petting me while he told me all the ways he'd kill me 'if he was a serial killer.' I had been at his for almost 4 hours at this point and he FINALLY left me alone in the living room for a few moments, going back in his bedroom for something. I quickly texted my mom and told her to call me and give me an excuse. I didn't tell her what was going on as I knew she would've panicked more than me and probably would've made it worse. I just told her I didn't like him much and needed a reason to leave. I told her I was deleting the text I just sent and told her not to text me back as I knew B would read it. I told her to call me after a few minutes of seeing my text. So, luckily a few minutes later I got a call and she told me she was in the hospital and needed me to come home. Now, my mom has health problems and B knew of this before I came so it was actually the perfect excuse. I pretended like I was more annoyed than concerned since I'd told him before she was always in and out of the hospital with her health because she doesn't take care of herself. I apologized for having to leave so soon, (Before all this, if things went good I was supposed to stay the night.) And he didn't say a single word before looking at me coldly and going into his room. I waited for like ten minutes, unsure if I should just leave. I was deathly afraid of him now and didn't know if he was about to pull out a gun. I kept hearing bangs and loud noises coming from his room. When he finally came out though, he didn't have anything and still looked cold. I said my final goodbye and we hugged for a second before I left. As soon as I hopped in my car I put that bitch in drive and WENT. Now that I was out and everything started to hit me more, the adrenaline and fight or flight went away. Only leaving me with anxiety and I was completely shaken. I called my two of my best friends who are together and told them what happened. I asked if I could come to their place because I live with my grandparents (who are conservative Baptists if that says anything) and I DID NOT want to tell them about what happened. They didn't even know I went up there or that I was talking to someone. They said I could and my friend who I'll call M (21f) stayed on the phone with me basically my whole drive back home. The more I told her the more WTF she became. And honestly, there are a lot of other creepy/weird things he did that I left out because there are so many it's hard to remember every detail at once. Once I got to her place I noticed I had several missed calls and texts from him. I blocked him on everything and then M asked me something that made my stomach drop. She asked if my Snap location was on. It was. I drove the whole way back with my location on, straight to my friend's place. I turned it off immediately and started panicking a little. M and my other friend I'll call J tried to reassure me but then I got a phone call from an unknown number. M answered it for me and said hello. It was quiet because it was not on speaker but I could the voice. It was him and I felt a chill go down my spine. He asked if I was around and M told him he had the wrong number. He called back SOOO many times, each time with a different number. Even months after I kept getting calls from unknown numbers. After a few months, I wasn't sure if it was him or a scam caller and over the course of a few weeks I answered a few of them. I never said anything, just answered and never let the call time go over 10 seconds. Each time I could hear rustling noises and no voices. One time all I heard was heavy breathing. I decided to not answer anymore of them and luckily they've since stopped the last month or two. I was so scared soon after it happened though. Even though I never told him my address, he still knew where I worked and I was so afraid he'd show up with a gun and shoot up the place. Because it wasn't some random fast food chain or retail job. I work at a pretty good place to be so young and there is only ONE of these places. I'm not going to give away any details but he if wanted to he could GPS straight to where I work, anyone could because it's well known and public. I was nervous he'd scope out the place and wait until he saw me and which side of the building I enter, etc. During this time I kept a knife on me at all costs and had a necklace type sheath thing and both the knife and sheath were flat, so I'd wear it around my neck under my shirt and apron at work (even though I could've been fired if found with it.) A few days after it all happened, I woke in the middle of the night and even now I SWEAR to this day I smelt him. I know I didn't and my brain was probably making it up, but it was HIM. Him, and his whole house, had a distinct smell. Like booze and cigarettes mixed with his own scent. I was shaking and had cold sweats. I had never sat up so fast out of sleep before, especially because I hadn't been dreaming. It was like something had woken me up. His smell was everywhere and I looked to my dog who seemed undisturbed and that's when I knew no one was here. My dog is very protective and barks at anyone he doesn't know so I felt safe but still was uneasy and I couldn't sleep for the rest of the night. I ended up telling one of my bosses what had happened and asked her if we could get the gate closed at night since I work second. About two weeks after everything, I was sitting on my back porch smoking when I saw a car that looked just like his pass by. I tried to look at the driver and when I did, my stomach turned. It looked just like him. Even now, I'm not sure if it was him or not but considering nothing has happened, I assume it wasn't. Although I told my friends that I was nervous. Since I know a lot about serial killers and true crime, my initial thought was if I was him, I wouldn't come after me right away. I'd wait and let them get comfortable, thinking they are safe and then get them. Which is why I guess I've been paranoid about it again lately. It's been about 6-8 months since then. I'm still traumatized from it and still look over my shoulder when I'm walking at night, thinking I'm going to see him again on day. Even though I don't get nearly as many calls now, I still do from time to time. Although no one ever speaks when I answer nowadays, It's like I have a gut feeling it's him. Though I don't know if I'm just paranoid or not. Also, this dumbass didn't want me to get his address but I found it anyway. So if something ever happens to me or he tries to do something I can give the police his address. Because since we met at a 'park' that was RIGHT BEHIND HIS HOUSE, me and my friend went on google maps and put in the address to the 'park.' Then I moved the maps down the roads we drove on until I found his house. We went in 3rd person and zoomed in on the numbers on his house and his street name. So, B, if you find this. Fuck around and find out. Idk if you are a serial killer or not, and maybe your just really weird. But dude, if that's the case you need to WORK ON THAT. Anyway, that's my story. Sorry if some things don't make sense or if the words are too jumbled. I'm still super high and kind of just ranted a bit. So, if anyone has any advice or something similar happen to them, I'd love to hear from you! I'll try to answer any questions, but nothing too personal. If you've read this far, your a real G, thank you. I know this is a super long post, so it means a lot. I hope the rest of you are having a good night / day wherever you are!
TLDR; Met a guy on a dating app who seemed like a really great and normal guy who turned out to be very weird and controlling and LOVES Jeffrey Dahmer. Watched my every move to make sure I didn't leave until I finally got out and SPED AWAY. Kept getting calls for months after.
submitted by SkyrimIsLife420 to Stalking [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 02:51 Prudent_Bug_1350 No votes for genocide and betrayal! Volunteer for a socialist campaign that seeks to end the rule of the billionaires and corporations. This campaign is fighting for the liberation of all working class communities from Spokane to Palestine.

No votes for genocide and betrayal! Volunteer for a socialist campaign that seeks to end the rule of the billionaires and corporations. This campaign is fighting for the liberation of all working class communities from Spokane to Palestine.
Claudia & Karina are the only grassroots, working class candidates in the presidential race who want to build a democracy FOR the working class! While both the democrats and republicans continue to aid and abet genocide, Claudia and Karina are the only candidates calling for a free Palestine.
It’s time to build a system that prioritizes the people and the planet over profits!
Join us at the Riverfront Park Rotary Fountain on Saturday from 3-7PM and Sunday from 12-4PM to get involved with the campaign. We will start each day with a quick orientation and training, then jumping right into action to collect signatures to get Claudia de la Cruz and Karina Garcia on the ballot for President and Vice President!
Image Transcription:
Image 1
[Bold Uppercase] Get socialism Spokane on the ballot!
[Bold Uppercase] Volunteers needed
[Bold Uppercase] Riverfront Rotary Fountain 507 N Howard St
[Bold Uppercase] Saturday May 18 3pm-7pm
[Bold Uppercase] Sunday May 19 12pm-4pm
[Bottom left corner] Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia presidential campaign logo
[Bottom left corner: Photos of Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia and their presidential campaign logo]
Image 2
[Bold Uppercase] Donate Today Donate to the only campaign fighting for a better future—a socialist future. We can’t do it without you!
[Photo of Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia]
$Donate at votesocialist2024.com/donate
[Bottom left corner: votesocialist2024.com]
[Bottom right corner] Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia presidential campaign logo
Image Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/C7E8gR2vIs4/?igsh=MWxvNHQ1aTU0d3pvbQ%3D%3D
“We’re in a middle of a public health crisis, we’re in a middle of a climate crisis, an economic crisis, an educational crisis and all these politicians can do is fan the flames of and start a new wars and try to prepare us…psychologically for a nuclear war.” - Karina Garcia https://www.reddit.com/WorkersStrikeBack/s/tGvX51FYB2
Vote Socialist 2024 website: https://votesocialist2024.com
But what about Trump? Answering the “lesser of two evils” argument: https://votesocialist2024.com/statements/answeringlesseroftwoevils
Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia are on the ballot in Hawaii, Idaho, Utah, California and, South Carolina. If you want to get involved and help them get on more ballots, go to https://votesocialist2024.com/volunteer
Liberation News: https://www.liberationnews.org
Unlike ruling class politicians, whose allegiances are crafted by their financial backers, presidential candidates Claudia and Karina are connected by their shared commitment to the working class in all its struggles.: https://www.instagram.com/p/C20MFrtOKsU/?igsh=MWxnYWt4dG0xZzNjYg==
Socialist Reconstruction: A Better Future for the United States by the Party for Socialism and Liberation: https://www.liberationstore.org/products/socialist-reconstruction-a-better-future-for-the-united-states
Socialist Reconstruction: A Better Future for the United States by the Party for Socialism and Liberation - Audiobook: https://www.audible.com/pd/Socialist-Reconstruction-Audiobook/B0CFNBBDRQ
Why we are running in the 2024 Presidential race - Liberation School: https://www.liberationschool.org/why-we-are-running-in-the-2024-presidential-race/
“Left-wing” communism and the movement today: https://www.liberationschool.org/left-wing-communism-and-the-movement-today/
Party for Socialism and Liberation linktr.ee: https://linktr.ee/pslnational?fbclid=PAAaa6LA0JR1iqXLIiVCbm5Cue5AzGUuR6OvxnJnwPh-jLU48lgGl-nYGmwtg_aem_AebkYpswi8zp8FDbspXG32O4iszAmNZcNaz9AocdI8UPc3eQiGay0KYQyNqlZptIO_0
How Fascism Serves Capitalism FULL DOCUMENTARY: https://youtu.be/Mn_RwIcL7cg?feature=shared
Democrats Are Not "The Radical Left" Renegade Cut: https://youtu.be/H99GErf-nBI
52 countries voted at the UN AGAINST the resolution on combating the glorification of Nazism: https://www.reddit.com/GreenAndPleasant/s/9IgzSWJnVs
West votes against democracy, human rights, cultural equality at UN; promotes mercenaries, sanctions: https://youtu.be/qyl2JsTTOVs?feature=shares
USA Corporations Keep Donating to GOP Campaigns Despite Post-Trump Pledge to "Protect Democracy": https://youtu.be/9ToyB7DZLzw?feature=shared
Understanding Fascism + Right-Wing Social-Political Movements: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXUFLW8t2snuoK0BxaO1QpiYXHPTVhOIo&feature=shared
What would you do if your neighbor was starving? This is not a hypothetical. Right now the U.S. government is deliberately starving the Cuban people 90 miles to our South. We all must act now! This cannot stand. All people of conscience in the United States have to speak up and take action to let Cuba live. We’ve all been outraged to see the urgent aid for Rafah blocked at the border, while famine stalks the Palestinian people. We can’t allow the same thing to happen directly to our south. Please make a donation today — give bread to our neighbor. https://secure.givelively.org/donate/peoples-forum-inc/let-cuba-live-bread-for-our-neighbors?utm_source=brevo&utm_campaign=Bread%20For%20Our%20Neighbors%20Let%20Cuba%20Live&utm_medium=email
submitted by Prudent_Bug_1350 to InformedTankie [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 02:49 Prudent_Bug_1350 No votes for genocide and betrayal! Volunteer for a socialist campaign that seeks to end the rule of the billionaires and corporations. This campaign is fighting for the liberation of all working class communities from Spokane to Palestine.

No votes for genocide and betrayal! Volunteer for a socialist campaign that seeks to end the rule of the billionaires and corporations. This campaign is fighting for the liberation of all working class communities from Spokane to Palestine.
Claudia & Karina are the only grassroots, working class candidates in the presidential race who want to build a democracy FOR the working class! While both the democrats and republicans continue to aid and abet genocide, Claudia and Karina are the only candidates calling for a free Palestine.
It’s time to build a system that prioritizes the people and the planet over profits!
Join us at the Riverfront Park Rotary Fountain on Saturday from 3-7PM and Sunday from 12-4PM to get involved with the campaign. We will start each day with a quick orientation and training, then jumping right into action to collect signatures to get Claudia de la Cruz and Karina Garcia on the ballot for President and Vice President!
Image Transcription:
Image 1
[Bold Uppercase] Get socialism Spokane on the ballot!
[Bold Uppercase] Volunteers needed
[Bold Uppercase] Riverfront Rotary Fountain 507 N Howard St
[Bold Uppercase] Saturday May 18 3pm-7pm
[Bold Uppercase] Sunday May 19 12pm-4pm
[Bottom left corner] Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia presidential campaign logo
[Bottom left corner: Photos of Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia and their presidential campaign logo]
Image 2
[Bold Uppercase] Donate Today Donate to the only campaign fighting for a better future—a socialist future. We can’t do it without you!
[Photo of Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia]
$Donate at votesocialist2024.com/donate
[Bottom left corner: votesocialist2024.com]
[Bottom right corner] Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia presidential campaign logo
Image Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/C7E8gR2vIs4/?igsh=MWxvNHQ1aTU0d3pvbQ%3D%3D
“We’re in a middle of a public health crisis, we’re in a middle of a climate crisis, an economic crisis, an educational crisis and all these politicians can do is fan the flames of and start a new wars and try to prepare us…psychologically for a nuclear war.” - Karina Garcia https://www.reddit.com/WorkersStrikeBack/s/tGvX51FYB2
Vote Socialist 2024 website: https://votesocialist2024.com
But what about Trump? Answering the “lesser of two evils” argument: https://votesocialist2024.com/statements/answeringlesseroftwoevils
Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia are on the ballot in Hawaii, Idaho, Utah, California and, South Carolina. If you want to get involved and help them get on more ballots, go to https://votesocialist2024.com/volunteer
Liberation News: https://www.liberationnews.org
Unlike ruling class politicians, whose allegiances are crafted by their financial backers, presidential candidates Claudia and Karina are connected by their shared commitment to the working class in all its struggles.: https://www.instagram.com/p/C20MFrtOKsU/?igsh=MWxnYWt4dG0xZzNjYg==
Socialist Reconstruction: A Better Future for the United States by the Party for Socialism and Liberation: https://www.liberationstore.org/products/socialist-reconstruction-a-better-future-for-the-united-states
Socialist Reconstruction: A Better Future for the United States by the Party for Socialism and Liberation - Audiobook: https://www.audible.com/pd/Socialist-Reconstruction-Audiobook/B0CFNBBDRQ
Why we are running in the 2024 Presidential race - Liberation School: https://www.liberationschool.org/why-we-are-running-in-the-2024-presidential-race/
“Left-wing” communism and the movement today: https://www.liberationschool.org/left-wing-communism-and-the-movement-today/
Party for Socialism and Liberation linktr.ee: https://linktr.ee/pslnational?fbclid=PAAaa6LA0JR1iqXLIiVCbm5Cue5AzGUuR6OvxnJnwPh-jLU48lgGl-nYGmwtg_aem_AebkYpswi8zp8FDbspXG32O4iszAmNZcNaz9AocdI8UPc3eQiGay0KYQyNqlZptIO_0
How Fascism Serves Capitalism FULL DOCUMENTARY: https://youtu.be/Mn_RwIcL7cg?feature=shared
Democrats Are Not "The Radical Left" Renegade Cut: https://youtu.be/H99GErf-nBI
52 countries voted at the UN AGAINST the resolution on combating the glorification of Nazism: https://www.reddit.com/GreenAndPleasant/s/9IgzSWJnVs
West votes against democracy, human rights, cultural equality at UN; promotes mercenaries, sanctions: https://youtu.be/qyl2JsTTOVs?feature=shares
USA Corporations Keep Donating to GOP Campaigns Despite Post-Trump Pledge to "Protect Democracy": https://youtu.be/9ToyB7DZLzw?feature=shared
Understanding Fascism + Right-Wing Social-Political Movements: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXUFLW8t2snuoK0BxaO1QpiYXHPTVhOIo&feature=shared
What would you do if your neighbor was starving? This is not a hypothetical. Right now the U.S. government is deliberately starving the Cuban people 90 miles to our South. We all must act now! This cannot stand. All people of conscience in the United States have to speak up and take action to let Cuba live. We’ve all been outraged to see the urgent aid for Rafah blocked at the border, while famine stalks the Palestinian people. We can’t allow the same thing to happen directly to our south. Please make a donation today — give bread to our neighbor. https://secure.givelively.org/donate/peoples-forum-inc/let-cuba-live-bread-for-our-neighbors?utm_source=brevo&utm_campaign=Bread%20For%20Our%20Neighbors%20Let%20Cuba%20Live&utm_medium=email
submitted by Prudent_Bug_1350 to TheDeprogram [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 02:47 Prudent_Bug_1350 No votes for genocide and betrayal! Volunteer for a socialist campaign that seeks to end the rule of the billionaires and corporations. This campaign is fighting for the liberation of all working class communities from Spokane to Palestine.

No votes for genocide and betrayal! Volunteer for a socialist campaign that seeks to end the rule of the billionaires and corporations. This campaign is fighting for the liberation of all working class communities from Spokane to Palestine.
Claudia & Karina are the only grassroots, working class candidates in the presidential race who want to build a democracy FOR the working class! While both the democrats and republicans continue to aid and abet genocide, Claudia and Karina are the only candidates calling for a free Palestine.
It’s time to build a system that prioritizes the people and the planet over profits!
Join us at the Riverfront Park Rotary Fountain on Saturday from 3-7PM and Sunday from 12-4PM to get involved with the campaign. We will start each day with a quick orientation and training, then jumping right into action to collect signatures to get Claudia de la Cruz and Karina Garcia on the ballot for President and Vice President!
Image Transcription:
Image 1
[Bold Uppercase] Get socialism Spokane on the ballot!
[Bold Uppercase] Volunteers needed
[Bold Uppercase] Riverfront Rotary Fountain 507 N Howard St
[Bold Uppercase] Saturday May 18 3pm-7pm
[Bold Uppercase] Sunday May 19 12pm-4pm
[Bottom left corner] Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia presidential campaign logo
[Bottom left corner: Photos of Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia and their presidential campaign logo]
Image 2
[Bold Uppercase] Donate Today Donate to the only campaign fighting for a better future—a socialist future. We can’t do it without you!
[Photo of Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia]
$Donate at votesocialist2024.com/donate
[Bottom left corner: votesocialist2024.com]
[Bottom right corner] Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia presidential campaign logo
Image Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/C7E8gR2vIs4/?igsh=MWxvNHQ1aTU0d3pvbQ%3D%3D
“We’re in a middle of a public health crisis, we’re in a middle of a climate crisis, an economic crisis, an educational crisis and all these politicians can do is fan the flames of and start a new wars and try to prepare us…psychologically for a nuclear war.” - Karina Garcia https://www.reddit.com/WorkersStrikeBack/s/tGvX51FYB2
Vote Socialist 2024 website: https://votesocialist2024.com
But what about Trump? Answering the “lesser of two evils” argument: https://votesocialist2024.com/statements/answeringlesseroftwoevils
Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia are on the ballot in Hawaii, Idaho, Utah, California and, South Carolina. If you want to get involved and help them get on more ballots, go to https://votesocialist2024.com/volunteer
Liberation News: https://www.liberationnews.org
Unlike ruling class politicians, whose allegiances are crafted by their financial backers, presidential candidates Claudia and Karina are connected by their shared commitment to the working class in all its struggles.: https://www.instagram.com/p/C20MFrtOKsU/?igsh=MWxnYWt4dG0xZzNjYg==
Socialist Reconstruction: A Better Future for the United States by the Party for Socialism and Liberation: https://www.liberationstore.org/products/socialist-reconstruction-a-better-future-for-the-united-states
Socialist Reconstruction: A Better Future for the United States by the Party for Socialism and Liberation - Audiobook: https://www.audible.com/pd/Socialist-Reconstruction-Audiobook/B0CFNBBDRQ
Why we are running in the 2024 Presidential race - Liberation School: https://www.liberationschool.org/why-we-are-running-in-the-2024-presidential-race/
“Left-wing” communism and the movement today: https://www.liberationschool.org/left-wing-communism-and-the-movement-today/
Party for Socialism and Liberation linktr.ee: https://linktr.ee/pslnational?fbclid=PAAaa6LA0JR1iqXLIiVCbm5Cue5AzGUuR6OvxnJnwPh-jLU48lgGl-nYGmwtg_aem_AebkYpswi8zp8FDbspXG32O4iszAmNZcNaz9AocdI8UPc3eQiGay0KYQyNqlZptIO_0
How Fascism Serves Capitalism FULL DOCUMENTARY: https://youtu.be/Mn_RwIcL7cg?feature=shared
Democrats Are Not "The Radical Left" Renegade Cut: https://youtu.be/H99GErf-nBI
52 countries voted at the UN AGAINST the resolution on combating the glorification of Nazism: https://www.reddit.com/GreenAndPleasant/s/9IgzSWJnVs
West votes against democracy, human rights, cultural equality at UN; promotes mercenaries, sanctions: https://youtu.be/qyl2JsTTOVs?feature=shares
USA Corporations Keep Donating to GOP Campaigns Despite Post-Trump Pledge to "Protect Democracy": https://youtu.be/9ToyB7DZLzw?feature=shared
Understanding Fascism + Right-Wing Social-Political Movements: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXUFLW8t2snuoK0BxaO1QpiYXHPTVhOIo&feature=shared
What would you do if your neighbor was starving? This is not a hypothetical. Right now the U.S. government is deliberately starving the Cuban people 90 miles to our South. We all must act now! This cannot stand. All people of conscience in the United States have to speak up and take action to let Cuba live. We’ve all been outraged to see the urgent aid for Rafah blocked at the border, while famine stalks the Palestinian people. We can’t allow the same thing to happen directly to our south. Please make a donation today — give bread to our neighbor. https://secure.givelively.org/donate/peoples-forum-inc/let-cuba-live-bread-for-our-neighbors?utm_source=brevo&utm_campaign=Bread%20For%20Our%20Neighbors%20Let%20Cuba%20Live&utm_medium=email
submitted by Prudent_Bug_1350 to WorkersStrikeBack [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 02:45 Prudent_Bug_1350 No votes for genocide and betrayal! Volunteer for a socialist campaign that seeks to end the rule of the billionaires and corporations. This campaign is fighting for the liberation of all working class communities from Spokane to Palestine.

No votes for genocide and betrayal! Volunteer for a socialist campaign that seeks to end the rule of the billionaires and corporations. This campaign is fighting for the liberation of all working class communities from Spokane to Palestine.
Claudia & Karina are the only grassroots, working class candidates in the presidential race who want to build a democracy FOR the working class! While both the democrats and republicans continue to aid and abet genocide, Claudia and Karina are the only candidates calling for a free Palestine.
It’s time to build a system that prioritizes the people and the planet over profits!
Join us at the Riverfront Park Rotary Fountain on Saturday from 3-7PM and Sunday from 12-4PM to get involved with the campaign. We will start each day with a quick orientation and training, then jumping right into action to collect signatures to get Claudia de la Cruz and Karina Garcia on the ballot for President and Vice President!
Image Transcription:
Image 1
[Bold Uppercase] Get socialism Spokane on the ballot!
[Bold Uppercase] Volunteers needed
[Bold Uppercase] Riverfront Rotary Fountain 507 N Howard St
[Bold Uppercase] Saturday May 18 3pm-7pm
[Bold Uppercase] Sunday May 19 12pm-4pm
[Bottom left corner] Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia presidential campaign logo
[Bottom left corner: Photos of Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia and their presidential campaign logo]
Image 2
[Bold Uppercase] Donate Today Donate to the only campaign fighting for a better future—a socialist future. We can’t do it without you!
[Photo of Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia]
$Donate at votesocialist2024.com/donate
[Bottom left corner: votesocialist2024.com]
[Bottom right corner] Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia presidential campaign logo
Image Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/C7E8gR2vIs4/?igsh=MWxvNHQ1aTU0d3pvbQ%3D%3D
“We’re in a middle of a public health crisis, we’re in a middle of a climate crisis, an economic crisis, an educational crisis and all these politicians can do is fan the flames of and start a new wars and try to prepare us…psychologically for a nuclear war.” - Karina Garcia https://www.reddit.com/WorkersStrikeBack/s/tGvX51FYB2
Vote Socialist 2024 website: https://votesocialist2024.com
But what about Trump? Answering the “lesser of two evils” argument: https://votesocialist2024.com/statements/answeringlesseroftwoevils
Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia are on the ballot in Hawaii, Idaho, Utah, California and, South Carolina. If you want to get involved and help them get on more ballots, go to https://votesocialist2024.com/volunteer
Liberation News: https://www.liberationnews.org
Unlike ruling class politicians, whose allegiances are crafted by their financial backers, presidential candidates Claudia and Karina are connected by their shared commitment to the working class in all its struggles.: https://www.instagram.com/p/C20MFrtOKsU/?igsh=MWxnYWt4dG0xZzNjYg==
Socialist Reconstruction: A Better Future for the United States by the Party for Socialism and Liberation: https://www.liberationstore.org/products/socialist-reconstruction-a-better-future-for-the-united-states
Socialist Reconstruction: A Better Future for the United States by the Party for Socialism and Liberation - Audiobook: https://www.audible.com/pd/Socialist-Reconstruction-Audiobook/B0CFNBBDRQ
Why we are running in the 2024 Presidential race - Liberation School: https://www.liberationschool.org/why-we-are-running-in-the-2024-presidential-race/
“Left-wing” communism and the movement today: https://www.liberationschool.org/left-wing-communism-and-the-movement-today/
Party for Socialism and Liberation linktr.ee: https://linktr.ee/pslnational?fbclid=PAAaa6LA0JR1iqXLIiVCbm5Cue5AzGUuR6OvxnJnwPh-jLU48lgGl-nYGmwtg_aem_AebkYpswi8zp8FDbspXG32O4iszAmNZcNaz9AocdI8UPc3eQiGay0KYQyNqlZptIO_0
How Fascism Serves Capitalism FULL DOCUMENTARY: https://youtu.be/Mn_RwIcL7cg?feature=shared
Democrats Are Not "The Radical Left" Renegade Cut: https://youtu.be/H99GErf-nBI
52 countries voted at the UN AGAINST the resolution on combating the glorification of Nazism: https://www.reddit.com/GreenAndPleasant/s/9IgzSWJnVs
West votes against democracy, human rights, cultural equality at UN; promotes mercenaries, sanctions: https://youtu.be/qyl2JsTTOVs?feature=shares
USA Corporations Keep Donating to GOP Campaigns Despite Post-Trump Pledge to "Protect Democracy": https://youtu.be/9ToyB7DZLzw?feature=shared
Understanding Fascism + Right-Wing Social-Political Movements: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXUFLW8t2snuoK0BxaO1QpiYXHPTVhOIo&feature=shared
What would you do if your neighbor was starving? This is not a hypothetical. Right now the U.S. government is deliberately starving the Cuban people 90 miles to our South. We all must act now! This cannot stand. All people of conscience in the United States have to speak up and take action to let Cuba live. We’ve all been outraged to see the urgent aid for Rafah blocked at the border, while famine stalks the Palestinian people. We can’t allow the same thing to happen directly to our south. Please make a donation today — give bread to our neighbor. https://secure.givelively.org/donate/peoples-forum-inc/let-cuba-live-bread-for-our-neighbors?utm_source=brevo&utm_campaign=Bread%20For%20Our%20Neighbors%20Let%20Cuba%20Live&utm_medium=email
submitted by Prudent_Bug_1350 to socialism [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 01:33 Hefty-Albatross4767 I tried to scale Insomniac Spider-Man

DISCLAIMER: I am not very good to scale, every help is appreciated, thanks in case
So now let's start:
•These versions of Spider-Man are pretty strong, with many incredible feats, like Peter was able to pulls a crane, which weight 400,000 pounds (roughly 181 tons), was unfazed by a big explosion and during the games we can see both, him and Miles be able to stop running vehicles. Peter can fight Electro, withstanding his attacks and beating him, Electro is someone who performed a Large Building level feat by destroying a smokestack. He can fight Mr. Negative and even knock him out of his Negative form. For reference Mr. Negative is someone who can create blasts so powerful, which he can withstand. His ground pound is strong enough to send shockwaves across Harlem cracking the street under him.
Peter can fight Rhino, stunning him. Rhino can takes numerous Venom punches from Miles, who casually dish out this level of power during the battle against Sandman in the second game, Rhino was also stated to have destroyed Six City-Blocks, (mere supporting statement). Since Rhino was unlimitedly overpowered by Miles' Venom, but still able to withstand with a good amount of Miles' Venom attacks he, (and Peter as well) should downscale from Miles' feat. Also Miles in base was able to stun Rhino too, so his base statistics will downscale from his feat against Sandman too.
•Miles, also, in his own game performed a pretty crazy feat. He in fact absorbed the energy from a sabotaged Nuform reactor which was threatening to vaporise all Harlem, according this video Miles absorbed 165.3 million gigajoules, (credits to u/CrispyNaeem for the source), that is equivalent to roughly 39.5 Megatons, or City level.
•Now this feat can't be use to scale Peter and Rhino to City level, since Miles to reach this level of power needs to absorb a huge quantity energy, something that he can't do in normal circumstances, so this feat is only exclusive to Miles at his full Charge.
•In the second game Peter received a power up, entering in contact with the symbiont. With it Peter was able to take the upper hand on Kraven, who previously practically no diff him, and fought a more powerful version of Miles, (since Blue Bioelectricity Miles>Orange Bioelectricity Miles, given by the fact that he showed better feats, like when he was able to briefly overpower Symbiont Peter strength and capable of dodge his attacks, and no, Martin Li didn't never amped Miles, but he achieved to this new power by himself), so he, and Miles too, should upscale from Miles' feat to the baseline Low 7-C AP, (1 kiloton).
Peter can webswing between multiple gunfire, dodged gunfire from Silver Sable and from an helicopter and dodged a rocket as well. He can shoots his webs at supersonic speeds, jumped a gun, that was calculated to be a Hypersonic feat and can keep and catch Black Cat, who escaped to explosion at close range.
•In terms of speed Miles should be comparable to Peter considering he fought many people that scale to him, like Rhino, Vulture, exc..., and fought along side with Peter, keeping pace with him.
CONCLUSION: So to conclude I think that Base Peter and Miles are Multi City-Block level+, (downscaling from Miles' feat), and with Hypersonic combat speed. Symbiont/Anti-Venom Peter and Blue Bioelectricity Miles scale to Small Town level, while Miles can be reasonable scaled to City level at his max, but his feat doesn't scale to anyone in the verse except from Miles himself but only when he's at his Full Charge.
Note: I didn't use feats coming from Spider-Geddon and Spider-Man Unlimited Infinity Comic since I am not very knowledge about comic characters scaling
P.s.: Sorry if you have found some grammatical errors, english isn't my language
submitted by Hefty-Albatross4767 to powerscales [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 00:02 spartachilles Summary of President Charles Edward Merriam's First Term (May 4th, 1948 - February 10th, 1949) A House Divided Alternate Elections

Summary of President Charles Edward Merriam's First Term (May 4th, 1948 - February 10th, 1949) A House Divided Alternate Elections
Charles Edward Merriam, the 37th President of the United States, Official Presidential Portrait
The Poisoned Chalice
Upon taking the presidential oath of office after the resignation of President Alvin York, Charles Edward Merriam found himself at the helm of a rudderless ship. Civil unrest was at an all-time high due to mass protests against York’s preemptive nuclear strike and large-scale labor strikes, much of the cabinet had been left vacant by a wave of resignations following York’s controversial decision not to consult his own advisors on the decision, and an already uneasy economy had been thrown into chaos by the total obliteration of a major trading partner. Even the sky itself had visibly darkened while global temperatures dropped, bringing about cries of the end times being visited upon Earth for man’s folly. In this moment of national crisis, Merriam took to the airwaves with a radio address to the American people asking them to unite with him in a national effort for the first 100 days of his presidency to right the course of the country amidst the national crisis.
Moving with alacrity to fill the vacancies within his cabinet and bring his administration into full gear, Merriam leaned upon his network of academic contacts to appoint a ring of economic, industrial, and social science experts — Jacob Viner, Bessie Louise Pierce, George W. Taylor, and Leo Wolman — into several key cabinet positions. Similarly, rather than appoint a political operative as his Secretary of State or War, he instead chose to elevate career diplomat and acting Secretary of State Joseph Grew into his position permanently while promoting War Department General Counsel William Marbury Jr. to be Secretary of War. Finding both Secretary of the Navy James V. Forrestal and Secretary of Agriculture John Marvin Jones to be highly competent and sufficiently disentangled from the chaos of the York administration, Merriam requested that the pair remain in their positions. However, Postmaster General Thomas Perkins Henderson would not be so lucky, as Merriam distrusted his close ties to President York and felt the office was wracked by cronyism, thus requesting his immediate resignation to be replaced with former Louisiana Governor and highly regarded reformist Sam H. Jones. To round out his cabinet, Merriam appointed California Governor Earl Warren as his Attorney General due to Warren’s wealth of experience in suppressing syndicalist insurrectionists in his home state, as well as Delaware Senator and businessman J. Allen Frear to manage the Department of the Interior with an eye towards economizing a bloated department.

Secretary of State Joseph Grew, a defining member of the Merriam administration with his foreign policy expertise during the world’s darkest hour.
Calming a Roiling Sea
Believing that anxiety surrounding a national economy plagued by boundless problems was at the root of the national malaise that might yet inspire a resurgence of syndicalism, Merriam quickly moved to restore confidence for both consumers and businesses. As a first step to move past the combative relationships that President Hughes and York held with organized labor, Merriam invited newly minted American Federation of Labor President George Meany for a symbolic meeting to discuss labor issues and establish an informal political alliance to raise wages and working standards as a means to settle the persistent labor unrest. Thus, President Merriam and his Secretary of Labor George W. Taylor began applying the National Labor Arbitration Act to settle hundreds of strikes across the country resulting in a moderate nationwide increase in wage levels and the proliferation of employer-provided healthcare as a commonly provided benefit. Taylor even proved successful in earning the begrudging respect of Congress of Industrial Organizations President Walter Reuther’s respect despite the organization’s more explicitly confrontational approach to industrial relations.
Despite this success in the application of labor arbitration, Merriam’s ambition of comprehensive legislation to establish a formal system of corporatist economic structures was repeatedly frustrated by the inability to secure enough bipartisan support in the House of Representatives to pass several successive iterations of his proposals. Yet as a longtime proponent of executive power, Merriam was not entirely thwarted by this setback and notably issued an Executive Order forming the Office of National Research headed by MIT President Karl T. Compton and complemented by a number of figures in both the natural and social sciences to direct national research efforts towards answering pressing questions of the new atomic age. Perhaps the most significant of its achievements were the pioneering of new sanitation, public health, and antibiotic techniques to finally stamp out the bubonic plague epidemic that had persisted since the initial Japanese bioweapon attack. Furthermore, Speaker of the House Wright Patman was successful in passing a budget through the House substantially scaling back wartime spending and taxation in light of the transition of the United States military from a combat force to an occupation force abroad. Anticipating a corresponding decrease in inflation, Merriam worked with his Secretary of Commerce Leo Wolman to begin the process of relieving wartime price controls that had remained in place throughout the York administration while encouraging the development of private industrial codes of conduct for businesses to self-regulate prices.

A wartime propaganda poster supporting labor arbitration that continued distribution under the Merriam presidency.
Sewing A Tattered World
America was not the only country suffering in the aftermath of the Second World War. The decade-long war had wreaked havoc upon the entire world and left entire nations virtually leveled by bombs and depleted of their resources. American efforts at international reconstruction had been haphazard and largely left in the hands of private charities during the York administration, much to the consternation of its allies and the occupied peoples. Thus, out of a mixture of humanitarian reasons, a desire to restore America’s international reputation, and a calculation that such destruction could breed communist movements such as the syndicalist revolt that had embroiled the United States, Secretary of State Joseph Grew proposed a much more ambitious plan that would soon bear his name. With the strong support of President Merriam, Congress earmarked a staggering $15 billion with wide bipartisan support to be distributed to European governments for necessary imports of food and basic materials from the United States as well as for industrial investments to rebuild the European economy. An ancillary fund was likewise also established to support the reconstruction of China, which had been ravaged by brutal warfare with Imperial Japan. As a committed supporter of free trade, President Merriam also used the leverage of the Grew Plan to compel the recipients of the funding to lower trade barriers between one another and with the United States in order to stimulate international trade. The sole major holdout would be the United Kingdom, where Prime Minister Aneurin Bevan remained committed to an autarkic system of steep trade barriers outside the Imperial system since the country had suffered far less damage than its peers in the Second World War.
Another guiding principle of President Merriam’s approach to international reconstruction would be a wide-ranging program of technical assistance. With the country’s decades-long commitment to widely available public education and a sophisticated network of universities engaged in industrial research, the American economy had come to be regarded as the most technologically advanced in the entire world. Already under President Dewey, the United States had begun programs of sharing its technical expertise in production methods and industrial organization to China and the countries of Latin America. Thus, Merriam’s formalization of an Office for Technical Assistance under the Department of State was an extension of an already well-established practice. With support from personnel and agencies in the Departments of Labor and Commerce, the Office of Technical Assistance undertook a wide-ranging and sophisticated statistical analysis of European industries to identify weaknesses in productivity while arranging for large-scale observation visits by European industrial leaders as well as the collation and distribution of technical literature in order to disseminate best practices across continents. Following the initial success of the program in Europe over the first months of his term, Merriam proceeded with an extension of the program to developing nations in the Middle East and South Asia in order to modernize their economies as well.

A meeting of Grew Plan information chiefs in the American Embassy in France.
Year Without Summer
While atomic weapons had been deployed several times throughout the Second World War to destroy French, Russian, and Japanese cities, they had never been used on the scale ordered by President Alvin York to destroy the German Empire. As a result of the simultaneous destruction of dozens of German cities in fiery infernos, the atmosphere of the planet itself became choked by a layer of ash and soot that demonstrably lowered global temperatures in the following months. With the effect coined as a “nuclear winter” by British chemist Samuel Glasstone, a world food supply already challenged by the disruptions of war experienced a dramatic shortfall in agricultural production sending many war-ravaged areas teetering into famine. However, this presented a unique opportunity for the United States, which had for decades struggled with chronic overproduction of agricultural products causing dim economic prospects for the nation’s farmers. Now, there was a ready market for the surplus in the United States that persisted even through the nuclear winter.
Though European governments were already using their Grew Plan funds to import American food products in large amounts, Secretary of Agriculture John Marvin Jones was determined to employ the powers of the federal government in assistance of this shift. Backed by a series of executive orders from President Merriam, Jones vastly expanded the neglected Populist-era Sub-Treasury system to grant easy credit and storage solutions to farmers who lacked sufficient capital to take advantage of the vastly increased demand for their product while also using wartime legislation to purchase eroded land for its rehabilitation and resale for food production by government experts. Much like the rest of the executive branch, at Merriam’s direction the Department of Agriculture also leaned into partnerships with dozens of agricultural colleges spread throughout the United States to collect and publish a corpus of literature on improved farming practices and fertilizer production techniques to further stimulate production.

Electrical lines going up on a rural farm as part of a program pioneered by Secretary of Agriculture John Marvin Jones to further develop American agriculture.
New World Order
Having earned widespread popularity among the American public for his statesmanship at home and thus leaving the November elections with a decisive popular mandate, Merriam turned to the pressing issue of foreign affairs in the latter half of his term. In the chaos of the Second World War and its immediate aftermath, the powers of the Grand Alliance had failed to conclusively agree on the structures of the post-war world. Even after the destruction of the German Empire, which had been the largest obstacle in the effort to conclude new international agreements, debate raged on what form these would take as the world federalist movement took root across the globe. In order to lay the foundation of future global cooperation, Merriam began by reviving the institutions of the Hague Treaty that had been rendered inoperative by the withdrawal of participation by several countries and subsequent outbreak of the Second World War. While the Permanent Court of International Arbitration would be restored largely unchanged from its original construction, the International Monetary Fund would be greatly transformed due to President Merriam’s influential support for John Maynard Keynes’s proposal to formulate a supranational currency called “bancor” to be the unit of account for an International Clearing Union tasked with regulating international trade.
While many nationalists and isolationists decried Merriam’s move towards the internationalization of monetary policy, the circle of Atlanticists within the party led by Vice President Edward J. Meeman was urging him to go even further towards world government. Compelled by a promise made to the Atlanticist faction during his party’s National Convention, President Merriam authorized the summoning of an international conference to discuss the concept of an Atlantic Union between the western democratic countries of the world. However, where many expected that Merriam might appoint a coterie of apathetic diplomats to undermine the movement, the President instead shockingly sent a delegation filled with committed Atlanticists led by New York Senator Grenville Clark, Tennessee Senator Estes Kefauver, and the proposal’s first author Clarence Streit to Brussels for the conference, much to the outrage of opponents of world federalism within his party. After weeks spent deliberating the minutiae of the Atlantic Union, the conference emerged just before the holiday season with a proposed constitution and hundreds of pages of documentation surrounding the historical precedents and contemporary reasoning behind the proposal to electrify the debate surrounding a world government.

A Time Magazine feature of Clarence Streit, one of the leading theorists behind the Atlantic Union proposal.
God’s Instrument or War Criminal?
The most controversial question hanging over the term of President Charles Edward Merriam was the fate of former President Alvin York. To many Americans, York had committed a crime against humanity comparable to those against which they had fought against for a decade and the incident ignited a debate surrounding presidential authority to deploy nuclear weapons. Throughout the initial months of his presidency, Merriam dodged questions surrounding the President and declined to make substantial public comment aside from occasional suggestions that the President had sole command over the United States military. At Merriam’s private urging, Speaker of the House Wright Patman also squashed suggestions that a President could still be impeached after leaving office. Likewise, Merriam directed the Justice Department not to open a federal prosecution against York and thus leaving the ailing former President’s case in legal limbo. Speaking out more strongly after his successful reelection campaign, Merriam clarified that while he found the act personally abhorrent it remained a legal exercise of the President’s powers as commander-in-chief and that as the victims were nationals of another country there was no basis for either a prosecution or a pardon in the name of crimes against the United States.
Beyond just the conduct of the President himself, the atomic bombing of Germany brought with it new concern around the governance of nuclear weapons. Believing that tight-lipped military control over nuclear weapons under wartime authority was a large factor in York’s ability to unilaterally strike Germany, the Senate’s sole independent Brien McMahon led the charge to place nuclear weapons and energy development under the control of an independent civilian commission appointed by both the President and the legislative officers. Though his bill died in committee, it inspired the Federalist Reform Party to counter with their own bill introduced by Kentucky Senator Andrew J. May replacing McMahon’s proposed commission with a board to be dominated by military officers exclusively appointed by the President. While the Federalist Reform majority in the Senate quickly passed the May bill over an attempted filibuster by McMahon, the bill came to a screeching halt in the House of Representatives where the opposition parties unified to fiercely oppose its passage. With Congress at an impasse, President Merriam issued executive orders continuing the status quo of the wartime project board that had been initiated by President Howard Hughes.

Independent Connecticut Senator Brien McMahon, who took leadership of the fight for civilian control over nuclear energy

Note: Not strictly bound by Merriam’s term, the following sections are meant to summarize the state of the world after the conclusion of the Second World War.
The Red Stars of Europe
Throughout the decade-spanning Second World War, the United Kingdom had been under the leadership of Conservative Prime Minister Duff Cooper. In order to maintain control against the irascible anti-war opposition led by Labour’s Oswald Mosley, Cooper had resorted to the royal authority of King Edward VIII to unilaterally bring the country into the war and cancel elections throughout its duration. While he had been successful in prosecuting the war to victory and securing the downfall of Mosley’s control over the Labour Party, when Cooper was finally forced to call elections at the war’s end he found voters profoundly unsympathetic to his accomplishments and his Tory government was defeated in a staggering landslide by the Labour Party. Thus, King Edward was reluctantly forced to appoint the Labour Party leader, Aneurin “Nye” Bevan, as the Prime Minister of the country. As an ally to former party leader Oswald Mosley, Bevan quickly embarked on the domestic implementation of the “Mosley Memorandum” to nationalize wide stretches of the British economy while also pursuing a massive expansion of the British welfare state. Following the atomic bombing of the German Empire, Bevan forcefully attacked the wanton use of weapons of mass destruction in a surprise attack and relations remained frosty even after York’s resignation as President Merriam cut off the United Kingdom from any knowledge sharing regarding nuclear power and weaponry.
Yet even the radicalism of Nye Bevan paled in comparison to that of the Spanish Republic, where a blossoming social and economic revolution was years underway. Following the victory of the leftist Republic against Nationalist forces in the country’s civil war, thanks in no small part to the decisive support of President Frank J. Hayes, agriculture was rapidly collectivized by the Spanish government while a combination of state support and syndicalist initiative led to over 75% of the industrial economy being brought under worker control. Taking inspiration from the writings and political efforts of American President John Dewey, the Spanish also imported many of his principles of progressive child-centric education while undertaking the community construction of centers of adult learning woven into forums of political debate. However, standing in stark contrast to the system of government on the mainland would be the so-called “Spanish State” existing in Spain’s African colonies. With their heavy conservative military presence, the colonies had formed a powerbase for the Spanish Nationalists and thus served as a natural place of refuge after their defeat in the war, while the socialist Republican government held little interest in reconquering a system of colonies that it found morally repugnant. Thus, the colonies became the host of a rival government and ruthless colonial state that came under the leadership of Falangist Agustin Aznar after he successfully orchestrated the murder of his political rivals to become the Jefe Nacional.

Prime Minister Aneurin Bevan of the United Kingdom, the sole power offering a serious challenge to American hegemony over the post-war world.
Integralism Lives?
After the surrenders of the Kingdoms of France and Italy during the Second World War, the Allied powers were too pressed for manpower in their colossal struggle against Russia and Japan in the East to administer a full military occupation. Thus, instead the administration of Howard Hughes accepted the continuation of their governments so long as they cooperated with American occupation authorities. As a result, Italian Integralism and its monarchy would continue under the auspices of General Pietro Badoglio who was vested by King Victor Emmanuel III and the Grand Council of Fascism as Italy’s new prime minister after the downfall of Benito Mussolini. However, Badoglio’s position would become increasingly unstable after the large-scale effort of the German Empire to fund and arm leftist Italian insurgents and increasingly dependent upon the United States occupation forces for support to avert their overthrow. While France would likewise retain its newly crowned King Henri VI, his political strategy would be markedly different from that of the Italians. Believing that the monarchist right would have no choice but to support him, Henri appointed socialist Vincent Auriol as his Prime Minister and issued a new liberal constitution to endear the political left to him as well. Final peace treaties with both countries, forced to be renegotiated after the destruction of the German Empire, would not yet be concluded by the end of President Merriam’s first term though the recognition of separatist movements in Brittany and Corsica was viewed as an implicit precondition by the American government.
As the political and military leadership of the German Empire had been devastated by the atomic bombings, the continuance of the Kaiserreich was not only seen as undesirable by President Alvin York but also simply impractical. Although York would not be able to oversee the country past its initial occupation, President Merriam held much the same opinion and negotiated the de jure abolition of the German Empire alongside the British and divided the country into two zones of occupation. Though relying on the expertise of the limited number of German experts who were both still alive and willing to cooperate with the occupation authorities, much of the day-to-day administration of the occupation zones would be carried out by the military forces of the occupying powers. Yet while the occupying forces made great strides in repairing the utterly destroyed nations and stabilizing its food supply, the occupation faced never before seen challenges with enormous incidence rates of cancer and a newly identified “atomic bomb disease” with poorly understood symptoms and little understanding of its treatment.

King Henri and Queen Isabelle of France, wearing a more austere style in an appeal to the French working class.
Blood Tide of the East
After Russia’s humiliating defeat in the Russo-Japanese War of 1934-1935, the country slipped into a dark period of brutal dictatorship at the hands of Anastasy Vonsyatsky and Ivan Solonevich. Yet few could have imagined that the horror could grow worse. The employment of strategic bombing against its crucial oil supply, the nuclear bombing of several of its cities, and worst of all an enormous anthrax attack targeted at its food supply caused the disintegration of Russia into famine and anarchy. As the powers of the Grand Alliance had declared victory and withdrew their troops from active fighting upon the surrender of Andrew Vlasov’s warlord band to western forces, the turmoil in Russia remained raging throughout President Merriam’s term with little outside intervention. Forces ranged from the claimed Romanov regent Mikhail Drozdovsky to the classical Integralist Boris Savinkov to the bloodthirsty racialist Bronislav Kaminski and dozens more in between fighting for the desiccated scraps of the once mighty country.
Ever vigilant on the frontier of this anarchy was the Reichskommissariat Muskowien, the former German puppet state instated by the Kaiser to facilitate the colonization of occupied Russian lands by German settlers. After its Reichskommissar was killed during the nuclear attack while visiting Berlin, his secretary Erich Koch seized control alongside a junta of military officers proclaiming the Reichskommissariat as a haven for the German people and embarking on a program of ethnic cleansing of the local Slavic population. Fearing that a military response would not only require another costly and unpopular war in Europe but also embroil the United States in the Russian frontier, President Merriam opted to continue the York administration’s position of withholding recognition from the Reichskommissariat while instead extending American influence in Eastern Europe under the auspices of his newly formed Office of Strategic Services.
With the German puppet governments in the Baltics, Poland, and Ukraine deeply unpopular and dependent on German support, their governments quickly collapsed under American and British influence leading to the establishment of new governments in each of the nations. Taking inspiration from the British program to unify the three Baltic nations under a single Baltic Union, President Merriam undertook a nation-building program of his own to attempt to unify Poland, Ukraine, and Romania into a single federation. However, the project remained stalled throughout his term due to a lack of enthusiasm from the member countries. Meanwhile, in an accord with the countries of the Grand Alliance, President Merriam and Secretary of State Joseph Grew took to settling the geopolitical situation of the Balkans. With the restoration of the Tsardom of Bulgaria already settled and Greece still preoccupied by civil war, the chief question would be the status of the former Triune. Striving for a balance between the competing claims of Austria and Hungary which had spiraled the world into war ten long years before, Grew negotiated the formation of a Danubian Confederation to replace the former Triune with substantial autonomy granted to the Czech, Slovak, Slovene, Hungarian, Croatian, Triestine, and Austrian states composing it but unifying them with a common citizenship and foreign policy.

The ruins of what was once a Russian home, a testament to the country’s seemingly interminable anarchy.
Self-Determination For Whom?
Over the course of the Second World War, British and American forces had come to occupy virtually all of the vast continent of Africa and with the end of the war it fell upon them to oversee its fate. With the recent independence of the United States of the Congo under President Alvin York serving as an example, both President Charles Edward Merriam and British Prime Minister Aneurin Bevan were committed to the eventual decolonization of the African continent but they also agreed that the bulk of the diverse African peoples needed further “instruction” on democratic governance and western culture before being granted independence. Thus, the colonial system of rule remained largely unchanged on the continent, though German colonies would be transferred to the United Kingdom as trust territories and French and Italian colonies remained occupied until the settlement of a final peace treaty. The sole exception came in the German colony of Tanganyika, where former German Ambassador to the United Kingdom Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck escaped the destruction of his home in Bremen through a chance visit to his former Askari soldiers and worked with a group of veterans to proclaim a biracial Republic of Tanganyika in the aftermath of the German Empire’s destruction. Recalling Lettow-Vorbeck’s famous guerilla warfare campaign in the First World War, both the United Kingdom and the United States begrudgingly recognized this new African Republic.
Though the British were slow to release their colonies in Africa, the immense pressure building up within India could not be contained any longer as the Indian National Congress refused to tolerate the continuation of the home rule status quo. Thanks in large part to the close personal relationship of Prime Minister Bevan and Indian nationalist leader Jawaharlal Nehru, negotiations proceeded smoothly albeit without significant consultation of Muslim authorities that Nehru had clashed with previously. In the final agreement, India was granted independent Dominion status within the British Empire as a united polity and quickly forced the remaining princely states to comply. Under pressure of a possibly violent revolt in Burma, Bevan also pressed for an act to give independence to the Union of Burma soon thereafter. Even less consent from the colonizing power was required for the Indochinese Federation under the leadership of Ho Chi Minh, which had already successfully cast off both French rule and a later Japanese invasion. Though cautious of Ho Chi Minh’s socialist principles, President Merriam and Secretary Grew remained concerned about the more dangerous Marxist-Hansenist opposition in the country and decided to recognize his leadership to bolster his position against the radicals. This anti-colonialist streak would also extend itself to Indonesia, where American troops were instructed not to turn the country over to the former Dutch colonial administrators and instead support the independence movement to foster a loyal American ally in Southeast Asia.

An independence procession in the newly formed Dominion of India.
Democracy in the Far East
Ever since the fateful day in 1939 when the United States declared war upon Japan, the Tiger of the East had become entrenched in the minds of the American people as their mortal enemy. Yet even despite cries for the execution of Emperor Hirohito and the visitation of revenge upon the Japanese people among the public, cooler heads prevailed in the State Department. The initial stages of Japan’s occupation were overseen by President Alvin York, who magnanimously saw Japan as a country that ought to be reformed rather than punished. Pressing for the shattering of its culture of militarism, the installation of structures of democracy, and even the Christianization of the nation, York’s program for the occupation proved massively influential for the future state of the country. Yet it would be President Charles Edward Merriam, eager to draw down United States military commitments, who would finish the process and finalize the treaty with Japan. Among the provisions of the treaty were the independence of Hawaii as a republic under American influence, the annexation of several Pacific islands including the Ryukyu Islands to serve as American naval installations, the placement of the remaining Pacific islands into trust territories, and the total demilitarization of Japan under a democratic system.
The presidency of Tasker H. Bliss had ushered in a special relationship between the United States and China that had persisted for the next twenty years. Yet under President Charles Edward Merriam, it had begun to fray. Upon hearing reports of American aid dollars being embezzled by the Chiang Kai-Shek administration for lavish personal corruption and believing Chiang to be a fundamentally self-interested and unreliable ally, Merriam quickly soured upon the Chinese Premier. Yet with the death of Vice Premier Feng Yuxiang, the opposition to Chiang remained too scattered for there to be any viable alternative. Thus, Merriam began maneuvering to install a set of new East Asian allies to reduce the monolithic power of China in the region. Chief among these was the Republic of Manchuria, which had been declared by a multi-ethnic group of local leaders seeking to avoid Chinese domination and given patronage by both Presidents York and Merriam. A further spite to Chiang would come with President Merriam’s support of the declaration of Taiwanese independence by Lei Chen, as the island had remained occupied by United States Marines after the end of the war. Despite these affronts, tensions between China and the United States were somewhat assuaged by American support for the return of French Yunnan, British Canton, Japanese Fujian, and Japanese Shandong to the Chinese Republic.

A woman voting in Japan’s first free and fair elections in decades.
World Revolution, of Two Sorts
During the Great Depression, the Dominion of Newfoundland found itself in total collapse and was forced to surrender its independence back to its colonial overlord in the United Kingdom. Yet the war years remained hard for the Dominion and its people remained deeply unsatisfied with its governmental arrangement. As the concept of the Atlantic Union spread through the world with the impending end of the Second World War, a local movement under the leadership of Chesley Crosbie began preaching for a declaration of independence and subsequent application for United States statehood as a demonstration of support for the Atlanticist concept. Though initially dismissed as a fringe movement, a rapid growth of support led the Atlantic Union Party to carry independence to victory in a 1948 referendum. A subsequent victory in the first elections of the Dominion brought the Atlantic Union Party into power and it made its application for American statehood shortly thereafter. Once again angering the anti-Atlanticist section of the party, President Merriam urged that statehood be introduced as a joint resolution of the House and Senate, which ensured its passage even despite the opposition of a critical bloc of Senators who may have made a regular treaty ratification impossible. Yet a similar attempt at statehood for the island of Sicily would be blocked by Merriam, who argued that the referendum used for its justification was illegitimate due to an opposition boycott.
Long suffering under the neo-colonialism of their former colonial masters in France and a newer clique of German elites dominating the local economy, the nation of Haiti became a hotbed for the ideology of Marxism-Hansenism, which preached a violent and permanent world revolution to secure control of the means of production under the democratic management of the workers. After succeeding in its own revolution to overthrow the capitalist class, Haiti became a haven for Hansenists across the Americas seeking to plot their own revolutions by supporting them with revolutionary praxis, arms, and propaganda. After the outbreak of a revolution in Cuba, President Merriam recognized the threat that Haiti posed to the stability of the Americas and ordered the imposition of trade sanctions to strangle the suspected flow of funds and materiel from American Hansenists to the island. Furthermore, Secretary of State Joseph Grew orchestrated a vote in the International Association of American States to expel revolutionary Haiti from the organization due to its support for world revolution and undermining the government of other member states.

Map of the world by the end of President Charles Edward Merriam’s first term in 1949. Credit and many thanks to Some_Pole for helping create the map!
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2024.05.18 00:00 Kalell900 How I Made An Agreement with Grey Aliens to "Discover My Soul."

How I Made An Agreement with Grey Aliens to
Hi everyone. I know - a sensational and unbelievable title. Yet it happened.
If you doubt this account in any way please review this post to see that I have passed a lie detector test, and have videos of UAPs, as well as corroborative evidence.
What you will read below is a continuation of the last post I made.
You could say that is part 1, and this below is part 2.
To put below into context, I had several childhood contact events and this is the first time seeing them in ten years, but if below is confusing please see the previous post
  • I’ll tell you my story of what happens.
  • Then reflect and analyze some fascinating corroborations I’ve found about my experience and the Beings behavior.
(An excerpt from my writing)
Inside the Ship
I then found myself standing in a small hanger, with a tan, curved wall, roughly 60 feet long. There were five, small, shiny-silver, pod-like crafts on tripods, tightly packed together, on my left. Five Beings stood in front of me, with one standing out in shape from the other four. It was about four feet tall, with a large head that formed an elongated cone on the back, and wearing tight-fitting tan coveralls with a light red band down the middle of the suit and down the arms. I presumed this was the one who had approached me. The other four were smaller, roughly three and half feet tall, with large cranium heads but without the cone shape, dressed in tight pale green-grey coveralls. All were hairless, had slits for mouths, flat noses, and black, reflective, down angled eyes.
The taller Being greeted me with, "Hi Jeff," emphasizing that it knew who I was and that I had a history with them. I was apprehensive as I tried to grasp what was going on, not just in my present circumstances, but also inside myself with my feelings and memories.
They were trying to make me feel comfortable. I heard "Welcome. Thanks for coming with us, you won't regret it. We've come to help you at this time." The feeling was of incredible friendliness and kindness, but it didn't make sense to me when this Being said it was here to help me at this time. It talked like it knew me!
An incredibly awful drawing and I couldn't figure out how to shrink it, but it was roughly what I was witnessing.
The main Grey alien I dealt with.
They invited me to accompany them, abruptly turning around and walking away and as I followed, I noticed they were slim, having soft insect-like arms and legs. In my memory the entire place had an indescribable vibe: alien, advanced consciousness, and advanced technology. The entire craft felt alive.
We walked into a bright hallway and then turned left through an arched doorway. I briefly reflected to myself - That was easy. I prayed to be abducted and then it happened (in the previous post I prayed to be abducted).
The inside of the ship.
The Agreement
We entered a clean room with two curved desks molded to the floor, placed at right angles to each other, and behind one of the desks was a large black screen and a single office-like chair made for someone their size.
I was confused as the Being with the elongated cone clearly wanted to show me something, pointing for me to come to the wall where there was a computer panel, while the four smaller beings gathered behind us. It touched a button and I saw a holographic projection of abstract images protrude out from the panel. It said in my head, "This is the reason why you are here." I distinctly felt that this being had a female presence, that it was a woman. I would later feel clearly that it was an elder, stateswoman-like, a chief, or a Being with power, and refer to her from this point on as "the Elder."
I was amazed by this hologram as I had never seen anything like it before. The hologram displayed a row of images: a blue cuboid (three-dimensional rectangle), a red cuboid, a white comet, and a white dot.
She emphasized their importance, "This is what we are here to help you with. This is your future outline of things to come."
I was highly uncomfortable with the way she was speaking in my head, was on edge, and didn't trust them. They moved in a strange, controlled manner, emphasized with their insect-like physique, which I found off-putting. When she said she knew my future, I didn't believe her. Who can see the future? (Also, why the hell was it so immediately personal? Something you don’t expect from an event like this). I turned around and saw the smaller beings behind me, and they freaked me out leaving me feeling terrified and trapped on an alien ship.
I said out loud, "I want to go."
She reached her arm out compassionately, telling me it was ok. She moved her head with an intent to focus on her eyes, like she was pushing their energy out to grab my attention. When I did, it calmed me down as I actually felt I could connect with this Being behind the strange and frightening look.
She said, "We will not harm you, there is nothing to be scared of. I assure you we are friendly."
I could feel her sincerity and truthfulness when I focused on her eyes.
Feeling scared, but also curious, I decided to be brave and trust her, asking her what these holograms were, though I still couldn't believe that they could see my future.
She said, "It is your destiny to leave the place you're growing up in, and a future life will occur somewhere else." I stared into her eyes trying to understand the communication. (By the way, believe it or not, these words like destiny and soul are her words. They weren’t in my vocabulary at the time.) She continued, “These are your time periods we would like to work with you in. We are interested in here, here, and here,” referring to the first three holographic images of the four.
Me and the Elder at the holographic timeline.
Rough sketch of the holographic timeline.
She pointed to the blue cuboid and said, "This is where we help you." As a hologram, it was represented as roughly six inches of blue coloured data and strands of light, which I simply could not understand.
She then pointed at the red cuboid, represented as a hologram of red coloured data and strands of light, and said, "Then we will help you leave your home, and we would like to watch you as you grow. You will be free from your societal ideas to create what we provide for you."
Ultimately, the legend of the majority of the contact events based on the holographic timeline. Obviously, in the moment I didn't understand this, but I'll eventually learn that each cuboid represented three years.
Leave my home? As a sixteen-year-old teenager these ideas were far off from my mind.
She didn't explain the last two holograms; one a comet-type image with a long tail that fanned out, and the other a single star-like dot.
I was so perplexed at these images of my timeline as they had no meaning to me, yet all I understood was something in my future seemed important to them.
She said, "This is your destiny that we will help make happen together.
While we help you, you will help us by allowing us to watch you as you grow. What else would you like to know?"
Considering this to be real I asked how she would make me leave.
She explained, "You will discover your soul which will propel you to leave. We will help you create an identity that you will use to do this." As a teenager I believed in a soul but had no comprehension of what it was, yet, at the same time she spoke telepathically, I could "feel" her and was finding her sincere and kind.
I asked, "Why me?"
"We find this to be an opportunity to grow one of our own," she said as she opened a childhood memory of an event that occurred behind my friend's house when I was five or six years old (here is that contact event). This event was not in my mind before this night, but I could feel it did occur. In this memory one of these Beings showed me an image in my child-mind of my mother on a table, conscious and smiling. She was pregnant with me and was being injected with a giant needle going into her womb, thus indicating I had something of these Beings put into me when I was a fetus.
As I calmed down, I began to realize the extent that they had been hiding in the background of my childhood, which was why there was a familiarity with this Being. (The legend for all the childhood contact events are in the last post)
She continued, "We want to help one of our own. We have been watching you and we like you. Your personality and characteristics match what we are looking for, with what we want to accomplish." Her words "characteristics" touched recent thoughts I had been having, like she had done it on purpose.
As I mentioned previously, I was diagnosed with an auditory processing learning disability as a child, which meant I had to learn how to manage an extra energy in my psyche. As I was growing up, I realized when I applied this extra energy to my creative endeavors, I excelled at them. Yet at this time, at the age of sixteen, possibly weeks or days before this contact event, I was asking what was the existential purpose of this other part of me. So, when she said 'characteristics' it was as if she purposely connected my recent thoughts questioning this other part of me. I can tell you now that "finding my soul" would be helped by this latent tendency in my make-up, which was one of the "characteristics" the Elder was referring to.
As I stood there, with the Elder, the reality dawned on me that something was within me, and that this seemed right. Putting the pieces together, my mind raced with telling people, friends, and family, of this incredible experience.
She said, "If you agree to work together, you won't remember our experiences."
It caught me off guard that she seemed to respond to my thoughts.
"You will only remember these events when we meet with you. It will be in secret; this will benefit both of us. Do you agree to work together?" In essence these beings saw an opportunity for an exchange. They would help me with a transition they saw in my future if I agreed to be part of an experiment where they helped me discover my soul, which they would use to study and analyze me.
I had no comprehension of what they were truly asking of me, yet I could now see childhood memories of these beings, and in them I was never hurt. I felt special that they had been hiding in the background of my life without my "everyday" awareness, and so rationalized, with such ability, they were in charge anyway.
I was aware right away that this was beyond getting permission from my parents or getting permission from anyone. This seemed so big, and I was already a part of it without even knowing. I was on edge from the strangeness of all of this, but I wanted to see where it went.
I said "Ok, I want to work with you."
By opening to her, I felt her warm presence, like she was patting me on the back in psychic form.
She further explained the agreement, "Our exchange won't be for nothing. What we will give you we will provide you now, then we will slowly open you to it over time. We have been working on this plan for some time and we know you won't regret it. Our work with you will benefit our understanding of humankind."
I asked, "Is there anything I should do?" She said,
"Keep your heart and mind open to learn new things."
I asked, "Can you tell me who you are?"
She said, "We are humanity's agents of change."
She then showed me a giant cog on this holographic device.
Throughout my contact events, the Beings would use symbols and imagery by use of consciousness holograms, demonstrating their understanding of the impact on the human subconscious. When I stared at them, they connected on a deeper level in my being, giving me subconscious information which I can interpret through feeling. The best analogy for these holograms are computer avatars or programs that are read by my soul.
Presently, this giant cog hologram reminds me of the Mayan calendar.
I don't know if it was this or not, as I didn't see Mayan imagery, but I could feel it meant that a new era, or age has come upon humanity. In the depth of the image, I could feel that humans are in a stage of evolution that was spiritual in nature, and that at the center of this change was our collective planetary identity as human beings.
She continued, "You will play a part in helping us understand humans as they move into an evolution of the soul. You will also benefit by evolving your soul. Your evolution will also take place."
(here is a Humanities Agents of Change short I made of this interaction)
I distinctly felt from her words, combined with the hologram, that I would be a part of something larger, one of millions of humans with a similar mission to help evolve humanity.
She then projected an image into my mind, another form of communication I would continue to experience in my contact events, in which a detailed image is projected that I can see in my mind's eye, containing rich feelings that I can interpret.
She projected an image of the planet Earth, with images of an ape and a human silhouetted over top. I interpreted this to mean that the scale of evolution which is about to occur is comparable to ape to human, just not biological.
We began leaving the room when she turned to me and locked eyes.
She said, "We are birthing a new idea, a concept never before spoken of between our species and yours. No one will know about this, and it will only be effective when it's blocked from your mind. So, we will be blocking it, and we want you to help us with that. We want you to never look at this. If you have any questions about it, turn your mind away from it. Take care of it, we must protect it for it to work properly." I sensed the urgency of protection that the "other me" couldn't know and agreed.
When we left this room, I was filled with purpose, determination, and respect for the protection of our agreement (in 2016 they will “release” this command which is how you are reading this now).
Here is a video of this contact event.
In the next post I’ll describe what happened to me during the rest of this experience.
Reflection and Corroboration
The Grey Alien Entourage
So it was months after these memories came out that I put together that the aliens, when introducing themselves to a human, can have an entourage - the main alien surrounded by, or leading, several smaller ones. Such as in the case of Betty Andreasson.
It was while researching on a public abduction research website, that seems to have been taken down as I don’t remember the name, but it was there someone was describing it as the Grey Alien Entourage, with the taller alien surrounded by the smaller aliens, and I realized they did that with me. It stood out because it happened only once during my entire time with them. It seems like it is a societal custom of theirs, a welcoming party if you will.
Looking Into Their Eyes
When the memories came out, I was unaware in reported communication with the Beings one has to gaze into their eyes. They seem to psychically envelope the human. It wasn’t until I read Suzy Hansen’s book the Dual Soul Connection did I understand how normal or common that was.
I later read further in Dr. Jacobs book The Threat (1997) that the theory is the Beings are sending information through the human optic nerve into the brain which transmits feelings and detailed imagery. I would concur that I believe this is occurring. But its important to note that I also have experienced telepathy in contact events where I am not engaged in their eyes, such as while conducting a task on craft yet the Being is still telepathically communicating. But I do add that in those cases, there were no detailed feeling or imagery.
But it does seem consistent that you need to look into their eyes to communicate fully with these Beings.
Humans Having Grey Alien DNA
Throughout my contact events I have distinct moments I felt bonded to the Beings genetically. There is such a thing as genetic intuition as there are plenty of human cases that demonstrate this, such as mothers feeling their children pass away, or twins separated at birth having similar mannerisms and behaviours. I had this with the entities. Having Grey alien DNA isn’t an idea to make myself feel special, it’s a fact that I’m bonded to them in my genetics. I can feel it. And I now know other contactees have this experience also. The fact that this is possible is coming to light.
In this video I combine John Rameriz statements with the EBO geneticist against my own experience with the entities, that humans and aliens have a similar DNA structure allowing a merging of DNA.
When the memories came out, I knew my learning disability played apart in this experiment to "discover my soul," and was connected to me having their DNA. This was just my private experience and was already publicly talking about it when I heard Mary Rodwell at this talk had found in her research of childhood contactees that those describing themselves as having alien DNA were largely neurodivergent. She draws on fascinating research that describes how this could happen. That neurodivergence largely originates from the "dark" DNA part of our chromosome, which influences our thoughts and behaviors. The "dark" DNA is complex, still not fully understood, and is filled with switches, and the idea that aliens are putting some part of themselves into this part of humans is intriguing. The fact that there is a connection here with my own account is what stunned me.
Aliens that Make Agreements
It was here on Reddit that I discovered this John Keele document. I know most people brush this off, but for me I can check off a bunch of these points, and some I heard directly from the Beings. And the fact that it comes from 1967 is huge. That would be an incredible gamble on Keele's behalf to guess that some of these are actually accurate all these years later. They told me “We told them the plan along time ago," as in some government. From my perspective it appears as the legit plan, yet this document appears distorted from a protective military stand point of self preservation, and doesn't bring up the fact that human destruction of the planet is the main issue for their intervention, nor that they seeded us.
The point is, point 15 of said document.
15. The majority of all "contactees" run in terror to the authorities who never believe put them down as "nuts" and don't even keep records of their complaints). Most of the others commit suicide or go insane. A very small minority remain in contact for months or even years. Often these "contactees" eventually volunteer for a "trip". Some of these "trips" are of short duration... one month or SO. Before taking a "trip", the contactees are often required to a very legal form offering their minds and bodies for experimental purposes.
Grey aliens definitely make agreements with individuals to do experiments. That’s exactly what you read above - an agreement for a consciousness experiment.
It will be in my 7th contact event where I will be shown they make agreement between planets, and it constitutes something like a Federation of Planets. A quote from my book: “Also, it was clear that these Beings literally write out their agreements like lawyers or law makers would on our planet.
Humanities Agents of Change
This is right in line with the EBO scientist.
The author of the document added his reflections and interpretations as an appendix. He specified that, for them, the soul field is not a belief but an obvious truth. He also argues that the soul loses its individuality after death, but that memory and experience persist as part of the field. This fact would influence the philosophy and culture of EBOs, resulting in a society that doesn't fear death but which places no importance or reverence on individuality. This "belief" compels them to seed life, shape it, nurture it, monitor it and influence it for the ultimate purpose of creating this apotheosis.
This is what they did with me, created an apotheosis - ie. God realisation.
This is in line with the Free Research findings that looked at thousands of contactees and found they experienced spiritual growth from their contact.
The Grey aliens are involved with evolving human consciousness without a doubt.
For those who made it to the end I will definitely describe what they do in future posts. But in case your wondering what I learn about the human soul. I learn it is all about God. God is real. You are God. And I think people should go to Vedic to understand it. Fundamentally, these Sages and Gurus of India got Consciousness right, and there are plenty of cross overs with my experience on craft.
Thanks for reading.
submitted by Kalell900 to Experiencers [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 23:38 KillTheBatman2475 Rewriting Batman Arkham Knight's DLC Packs By Having Their Storylines Feel Like More Natural Continuations Of The Main Story (Part 2.5)

Part 1, Part 1.5, & Part 2 of my rewrite of the Batman Arkham games are posted. The first three parts have covered adjustments I made to the main story of Asylum, City, Origins, & Knight. Here's the first part of how I would improve the set of DLC packs for Arkham Knight that's set after the main story:
1.) A Matter Of Family #1: Ascension of Azrael (Azrael DLC Pack)
2.) A Matter Of Family #2: Harrowing Hearts (Harley Quinn DLC Pack)
3.) A Matter Of Family #3: GCPD Lockdown (Nightwing)
4.) A Matter Of Family #4: A Flip Of A Coin (Tim Drake)
5.) A Matter Of Family #5: The Brave and The Bold (Batgirl and Jason Todd)
Credit for these ideas is to Game Den. Let me know if each improves the DLC's storylines.
submitted by KillTheBatman2475 to fixingmovies [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 22:41 Prudent_Bug_1350 The Trump vs. Biden debates are simply an attempt to preserve the 2-party status quo!

The Trump vs. Biden debates are simply an attempt to preserve the 2-party status quo!
It’s an outrage that the people of the United States will be denied the opportunity to hear real alternative views in the June and September presidential debates that were just announced.
In capitalist America, the nature of democracy is a sham. We are free to choose, but only between one servant of Wall Street or the other.
Our campaign is providing a socialist alternative — one that centers the needs and well-being of the people and the planet. Learn more, get involved and help build the movement!
🔗Read our program: votesocialist2024.com
Image Transcription:
Image 1
[Bold Uppercase] Sham debates, fake democracy
Trump vs. Biden debates are an attempt to save the 2-party status quo.
[Bottom right corner: votesocialist2024.com]
[Bottom left corner] Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia presidential campaign logo
Image 2
[Bold Uppercase] Debates designed to exclude alternatives
It is an outrage that the people of the United States will be denied the opportunity to hear real alternative views in the June and September presidential debates that were just announced.
The rules for presidential debates are skewed so that only the Democrat and Republican candidates can qualify. Sometimes, this is accomplished through the arbitrary requirement that a candidate poll at least 15% in five national surveys - a steep hurdle for campaigns that are shut out of mainstream media coverage. But even still, candidates can be rejected just because they are deemed to lack a "realistic chance to win".
This is the illusion of democracy in capitalist America - we are free to choose, but only between one servant of Wall Street or the other.
[Bottom right corner: votesocialist2024.com]
[Bottom left corner] Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia presidential campaign logo
Image 3
Since 1988, presidential elections have been handled by an organization called the "Commission on Presidential Debates". Despite its official sounding name, the CPD is a private organization that was set up by the Democratic and Republican parties.
This year, the CPD was sidelined in favor of a direct agreement between the Trump and Biden campaigns. But under normal circumstances, the CPD sets the rules, picks the candidates, and manages the entire process with no accountability to the public.
[Bottom right corner: votesocialist2024.com]
[Bottom left corner] Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia presidential campaign logo
Image 4
[Bold Uppercase] Commission on presidential debates: Corporate-Sponsored “Democracy”
The CPD is funded by rich donors and major corporations. Recent debates have been sponsored by United Airlines, the electronics giant Phillips, and Southwest Airlines.
By far the most consistent corporate sponsor of the presidential debates is the beer conglomerate Anheuser-Busch.
[Bottom right corner: votesocialist2024.com]
[Bottom left corner] Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia presidential campaign logo
Image 5
[Bold Uppercase] Corporate Media: A barrier to democracy
Corporate media outlets - this year CNN and ABC - sponsor the debates. Moderators are typically corporate media anchors, and the questions asked ignore the most pressing problems - and solutions - facing working people.
It is part of a stage-managed process to give the illusion of democracy while the billionaire class makes all the decisions.
[Bottom right corner: votesocialist2024.com]
[Bottom left corner] Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia presidential campaign logo
Image 6
[Bold Uppercase] Donate Today Donate to the only campaign fighting for a better future—a socialist future. We can’t do it without you!
[Photo of Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia]
$Donate at votesocialist2024.com/donate
[Bottom left corner: votesocialist2024.com]
[Bottom right corner] Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia presidential campaign logo
Image Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/C7FC9FMuTyG/?igsh=OGtjdmRpNjdrMTVz
“We’re in a middle of a public health crisis, we’re in a middle of a climate crisis, an economic crisis, an educational crisis and all these politicians can do is fan the flames of and start a new wars and try to prepare us…psychologically for a nuclear war.” - Karina Garcia https://www.reddit.com/WorkersStrikeBack/s/tGvX51FYB2
Vote Socialist 2024 website: https://votesocialist2024.com
But what about Trump? Answering the “lesser of two evils” argument: https://votesocialist2024.com/statements/answeringlesseroftwoevils
Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia are on the ballot in Hawaii, Idaho, Utah, California and, South Carolina. If you want to get involved and help them get on more ballots, go to https://votesocialist2024.com/volunteer
Liberation News: https://www.liberationnews.org
Unlike ruling class politicians, whose allegiances are crafted by their financial backers, presidential candidates Claudia and Karina are connected by their shared commitment to the working class in all its struggles.: https://www.instagram.com/p/C20MFrtOKsU/?igsh=MWxnYWt4dG0xZzNjYg==
Socialist Reconstruction: A Better Future for the United States by the Party for Socialism and Liberation: https://www.liberationstore.org/products/socialist-reconstruction-a-better-future-for-the-united-states
Socialist Reconstruction: A Better Future for the United States by the Party for Socialism and Liberation - Audiobook: https://www.audible.com/pd/Socialist-Reconstruction-Audiobook/B0CFNBBDRQ
Why we are running in the 2024 Presidential race - Liberation School: https://www.liberationschool.org/why-we-are-running-in-the-2024-presidential-race/
“Left-wing” communism and the movement today: https://www.liberationschool.org/left-wing-communism-and-the-movement-today/
Party for Socialism and Liberation linktr.ee: https://linktr.ee/pslnational?fbclid=PAAaa6LA0JR1iqXLIiVCbm5Cue5AzGUuR6OvxnJnwPh-jLU48lgGl-nYGmwtg_aem_AebkYpswi8zp8FDbspXG32O4iszAmNZcNaz9AocdI8UPc3eQiGay0KYQyNqlZptIO_0
How Fascism Serves Capitalism FULL DOCUMENTARY: https://youtu.be/Mn_RwIcL7cg?feature=shared
Democrats Are Not "The Radical Left" Renegade Cut: https://youtu.be/H99GErf-nBI
52 countries voted at the UN AGAINST the resolution on combating the glorification of Nazism: https://www.reddit.com/GreenAndPleasant/s/9IgzSWJnVs
West votes against democracy, human rights, cultural equality at UN; promotes mercenaries, sanctions: https://youtu.be/qyl2JsTTOVs?feature=shares
USA Corporations Keep Donating to GOP Campaigns Despite Post-Trump Pledge to "Protect Democracy": https://youtu.be/9ToyB7DZLzw?feature=shared
Understanding Fascism + Right-Wing Social-Political Movements: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXUFLW8t2snuoK0BxaO1QpiYXHPTVhOIo&feature=shared
What would you do if your neighbor was starving? This is not a hypothetical. Right now the U.S. government is deliberately starving the Cuban people 90 miles to our South. We all must act now! This cannot stand. All people of conscience in the United States have to speak up and take action to let Cuba live. We’ve all been outraged to see the urgent aid for Rafah blocked at the border, while famine stalks the Palestinian people. We can’t allow the same thing to happen directly to our south. Please make a donation today — give bread to our neighbor. https://secure.givelively.org/donate/peoples-forum-inc/let-cuba-live-bread-for-our-neighbors?utm_source=brevo&utm_campaign=Bread%20For%20Our%20Neighbors%20Let%20Cuba%20Live&utm_medium=email
submitted by Prudent_Bug_1350 to InformedTankie [link] [comments]
