2003 calc ab multiple choice b answers


2015.05.23 02:41 Freshrr AP_Calc


2013.11.26 23:41 ARKmyworld Polyfidelity: closed poly relationships

A subreddit for those that practice or are interested in polyfidelity — a form of polyamory where all members agree to be sexually active only with other members of the group.

2015.05.17 03:20 Freshrr AP_World: Subreddit for AP World History

Subreddit for AP World History

2024.05.19 08:08 Iam-scared-of-myself Venting about people, systems, racism, the world in general. NO HATE TOWARDS ANYONE, THIS IS JUST VENTING FRUSTRATION

This is gonna be a hefty and most likely triggering post for specific groups of people out there (meaning people who struggle with anger, people who don't want poltical content/opinions etc), so please stop reading and leave if you figure this is gonna be rough for you. This will (mainly) be about the conflict between Palestine and Israel. (and apparently a long one) No hate towards any specific groups of people, but I do have a lot of *frustration regarding behaviours*.
Before I start, I want you to remember some facts about me as you read;
I am autistic
I am heavily influenced by world peace, hate, racism and other unfair situations
I have incredibly high standards for myself that I strive to not break, including, but not limited to, being kind and respectful *always*, despite being in a bad mood, not liking someone, or disagreeing, especially political disagreements
I have always, and will always, stand against widespread hate, racism and other discrimination towards any specific religions, ethnicities, nationalities, cultures, etc.
I also want you to know that I named this throwaway accordingly.
So let's get this shitshow started then, shall we.
As the details of the conflict stands, it is beyond obvious to me that this is racism and, literally, a Holocaust. Not *the* Holocaust, but *a* Holocaust. Oxford Languages has the term defined as a destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war . I'd say that's very much accurate. Proof to come.
Regardless, this situation has had me very pressed the last almost 8 months, as I know most other people have been too. Without getting too much into the conflict itself, I want to talk a little about what I've seen from the Jewish community.
This is where I advise anyone who struggles with anger especially to leave and try to keep your day positive. If you have a magical potion to stay stable after this, who am I to stop you...
Alright, onto the dreaded part. And yes, I am stalling.
I have never, and I truly mean *never* had any hateful thoughts or opinions about religions (other than Christianity but that's one for another time), and as we are all aware of, The Holocaust had massive effect on the world some 80 years ago. I have always seen Jews as victims due to this, but in recent times I've realised that a lot of them, too, see themselves as victims. The issue is that they aren't the victims right now. They (Israel) aren't defending themselves, they have nothing to defend themselves against. Israel is currently doing the exact same thing as Germany did to them, to Palestine. Sure, maybe at some point who knows when, Palestine *was* the land of Jews, but since then, multiple religions have been thriving together on that land, including Jews. They were never excluded. From what I've understood, there weren't any wars or conflicts going on within the country that didn't happen elsewhere. The issue began when in the late 1940's zionists brutally murdered families to steal their homes. I'm sure the situation was so much more complex than that, but in a nutshell that is basically it. The fact that everyone today have been so desensitized from the travesties happening around the world is depressing and hope-killing. I truly am well on the way to giving up, and at this point in time I'm so angry all the time due to the Middle East's situation.
So a few weeks ago, probably closing in on months at this point, I randomly got a notification from reddit about someone posting on /Jewish. They didn't say anything explicit, so I pressed the notification and I was met with the worst victimization and ignorance I've ever seen. I truly believed most jews would see this for what it is, and not let some racist maniac spoon-feed them propaganda and hate, but I was brutally and humbly proven wrong. They were mocking proPAL parades, hating on news anchors and civilians alike calling this a genocide, insisting that Israel has no other choice, saying "casualties happens in war", convincing each other that zionism is a good thing, and feeling sorry for themselves when friends and families cut contact because they said they supported Israel and saw this as the only solution. Some might have been genuine problems, idk, but for the most part, that subreddit seems to only be about hating the rest of the world because their great grandparents were killed. I know I sound like a complete asshole, but the world isn't antisemetic anymore - they are actively looking for it and then using that one person telling them to stop feeling so sorry for themselves as proof that everybody in the world wants to throw them back in gas chambers.
I commented on my personal once where I mentioned that judaism and zionism are two separate things and got downvoted to oblivion. Someone replied saying that my comment was very much exactly what they too feel, but I got downvoted *simply because* I referred to them as separate entities. That is another criticism they've recieved lately; the pure idea of zionism is on the complete opposite side from what Judaism stands for. I've seen so many of the members there calling Jews protesting against Israel "self-hating" and traitors.
I've also made so many replies that I never sent because I know for a fact they would do anything in their power to ban me from ever using reddit again, and I wouldn't be surprised if I got doxxed and harrassed IRL from it. I saved them all, though. I found that it was kind of therapeutic to get it out, but it still bugs me that I never found a way to say it to them. I once also made a post about my rage for their behaviour connected to this genocide, but I thankfully stopped myself before I posted it. I'm so enraged by their sheer ignorance and hypocritical behaviour, all the while Gaza is still being eradicated and slaughtered, war crimes happening day in-day out, inhumane atrocities by the IOF being posted and hailed, and they have the audacity to say that they are the victims? That Israel has no other choice but martyring tens of thousands of CHILDREN? Starving the entire Gaza Strip, segregating West Bank, literally teaching their young in school to hate and attack arabs? That last one might not be true as I don't speak Hebrew or Arabic, so anyone could've just made up the translation, but I still feel it's worth mentioning in case it actually *is* real.
My point is that the guts they have to claim to be so moral, yet still be so unfaced from what's happening in Gaza is beside me. Sure, for those living near the Gaza wall, I'm positive that hearing bombs and screams were traumatizing as fuck, but to then leave for work the next day and claim that "shit happens"? It's insane! It's inhumane. They can leave whenever they like, children can play football (soccer) in the streets and not having to worry about shit, hotels and restaurants with 5-star ratings thriving, plants and flowers still blooming, absolutely no threats on a daily basis. The fact that people are still calling this a war, something necessary, is beyond devastating to me. There are millions still siding with zionism, claiming there's nothing wrong with the belief that you have an innate right to some dirt simply because your holy book says that thousands of years ago, your religion lived there, and simply because of that religious fact you are rightfully owed thousands of young lives, the death of an entire country with its own culture, just to feed the irrational religious political system? How in God's name has that ever, *IS* that still okay? If Muslims were the ones saying that shit, they would've been completely destroyed by now, today's generation wouldn't know what the fuck Islam was. They are still being slaughtered though, because they're saying it's *not* okay. How is that not racist again?
My brother and I got into a heated argument a few days ago about this. I am very much *for* Palestine to have human rights and to own their own land - he is very much *against* "ugly blackies" having any rights because they're *not* human. Boi when I tell you I got so angry I started crying. And the worst part about that fight? He claims that Jews aren't any better, however they still deserve to defend themselves against children running on the beach. "But Hamas-" is so over-used and outdated by now, it just proves that he doesn't follow up on statistics and evidence. Even if there only were one-sided news (from Gaza), the fact that the ICJ ruled Israel's actions a genocide and war crimes still proves everything he claims to be "n*****'s propaganda". And the fact that he so underminds my autism and *need* for factual evidence before discussing it also goes to show that he genuinely does not care about anything other than the black "terrorists" being eradicated. I said "So you're not just a racist, you're just plain racist?" he just scoffed and looked at me as if I just said the most nonsensical bullshit gibberish ever, practically saying "I'm not gonna say anything, but it really took you that long to realise?" Either that, or he actually didn't comprehend the words coming out of my mouth, like it was a foreign language or something. Because he genuinely does not have a single reason to be racist.
He can't even blame suicide attacks because 1) not all are carried by muslims, and 2) between 1981-2015 around 45,000 were killed by suicide attacks worldwide, where in 2019 the total death toll was only 1,699 more than amount of attacks; whereas in Gaza, between Oct 7 to present there are about 34,000 confirmed palestinian deaths, and assumed around 42,000 with unconfirmed deaths. If, in 36 years, "muslim terrorism" killed about the same amount as Israel has in almost 8 months, how on earth are Arabs the terrorists?
And I've also seen the argument that 30,000 is nothing compared to the total population in Gaza, as if that makes it okay. I will, again, make example of The Holocaust. When 30,000 Jews were martyred, people were already catching on, and this was without the technology we have today.
How have we been allowing this to happen to Palestinians *with* our technology today? Why haven't people been doing more; striking our jobs, cummute chauffeurs striking, proper permanent boycotts, more coverage from news anchors and private people alike? Even if it is to officially reclaim your love for white supremacy, you're still talking about it. Why are people still not reading up on this? Why does millions still not know that this *didn't* begin on October 7th? And why are there still those who claim that the past doesn't matter today? I have so many questions, and if I do get an answer I will only end up with more questions. How hasn't the world stopped over this? Why are people so okay knowing that there are children being intentionally murdered every single day? How can you go to work and talk about Dave's new tie? Or your 6 year old's birthday party with 15 other 6 year olds? Hasn't it crossed your mind that if the roles were reversed, your precious princess would be the one burried under tons of rubble, dying slowly while simontaniously starving, dehydrating, suffocating and crushing, and *knowing* that absolutely no one cares because you're [skin color] and it's normal for your kids to be horrendously massacred? "Oh but the Taliban-ISIS-Al Qaeda" OKAY so what are you gonna do to help save innocent lives and suffering??? How are you gonna contribute to STOP these organizations that have manipulated and murdered to rule their country and are intentionally making the citicens miserable? Are you even aware that your own govurnment is essentially the same fucking thing, just disguised as a well dressed, polite gentleman? Aren't you sick of all those ads on TV showing brown children with flies in their eyes? Or your mama telling you to think about the starving children in Africa? Because I am.
I am so sick and tired of how inhumane humans have come to be. You don't see animals (and I'm trying my best to not mention how humans *are* animals, guess I failed) intentionally kill another animal simply because they're that animal. They kill prey; polar bears kill seals, seals kill penguins, penguins kill fish, fish kill amoebas, and you can get to that result from absolutely everything. What you don't find as a natural event is a golden, brown mane lion attack and kill an albino lion simply because it's albino. You don't see a school of fish swim away from one with two heads, because "*omg Jared is such a freak with his two heads*." So why the FUCK DID WE START DOING THAT? Where did this hunger for power come from? You *will* see a female lion tell the king that enough is enough, and he *will* accept that. I could go on and on for DAYS if I got the chance, but I don't wanna get too off topic here.
I've started a list of all the universally illegal shit Israel has done, and once I'm satisfied with it, I'll make one comparing Israel to Palestine, and then Arabs/Muslims as a whole. I can guarantee that I will still hear "on-sided sources" still, or "You can't trust Wikipedia!" Have you ever tried to edit or create an article on Wikipedia? I have, and I had to confirm that I had a degree or a current valid work ID to prove that I was elgible to speak on the topic. I tried to make a site for myself... Sure, there are more trustworthy sites, but even in a discussion about wether or not being trans is a mental illness, where I quoted and linked all of the most well known official sources like WHO, I was still slapped with "but this shady ass article from a random Deutch website that explicitly says everything I've said, yet still isn't actually saying the same thing because I misquoted and mixed the words to form my own sentence says that it is" when they literally linked a website called "disabled world". I will say though, I agree with that name. Today's world is so non-funtional for neurotypical, hetero, white MEN, it's no fucking wonder everyone else are classified as disabled or whatever. Also, on that disabled topic, if you've made it this far, please don't say "differently abled". A quote unquote quote (heh geddit? cuz it's rephrased and I don't have the book near me rn to directly quote) from Devon Price's "Unmasking Autism" that I really like: "You wouldn't say "a person with Asianness", you'd say "an Asian person"." We are disabled because today's world isn't made for us, and for the most part isn't even accomodated or accessible to us. We are different, yeah, but literally everyone is. We just got that term because we can't do the same things as you (assuming you're neurotypical) without aid. We are able, just not like you. Of course, if an autistic person tells you they prefer "person with autism", listen to them! But most of us embrace it as a part of us because we can't just get rid of it. Autism is what make me me, I wouldn't be me without my autism, so I *am* autistic, for better or for worse. :)
I find it kinda ironic that I started this as a venting about a lot of Jews' hypocritical behaviour, and now ending up on autism. Yaknow, cuz Dr. Asperger during WW2 experimented and tortured autistic people, and found out that some where more alike him than others, which then coined the term Aspergers for the Autistic Community.
Anywho, I feel better now, so thanks for letting me vent a little (a lot). I want to finish off by restating my intro; I have not, and will not tolerate any hate, racism or discrimination towards any religion, ethnicity, nationality, culture etc. This post is not intended as a rant about how aweful jews are, because they're not. I just wanted to air some frustration over their behaviour regarding I/P genocide. This is also not about *all* Jews, but that's the same discussion as "not all men" so I'll leave it at that.
I will delete this account in a week, so if you have any questions, be fast ig. If you find I've mis-phrased, used irrationally insensitive wording or any other complaints that calls for a repost, I will fix it and post an updated version. My DMs will also be available if that should be of interest, but I will not be responding to hate or personal attacks for my opinions. If the issue is my wording, again, tell me and I'll fix it.
At this point I've written so much that I don't remember if I found anything myself that I figured was worth fixing, and I've proof read it so many times that my eyes are crossing and giving me a headache lol
Gosh I'm scared of posting this. I don't want anyone to read this and think I support what A. H. did in 1940 cuz I cannot begin to describe my hatred for that man
submitted by Iam-scared-of-myself to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:03 hypikachu Tyrion's Paternity: An open question? [Spoilers Extended]

Tyrion's Paternity: An open question? [Spoilers Extended]
Listen. I know "Tyrion Targaryen" is a divisive topic. I don't think there's any theory that gets more vehement criticism. I understand why it gets the ire it does, and don't even wholly disagree.
Buuuut, if I can play devil's dragonlion's advocate here: The counterarguments to the theory are all...kinda shaky.
1. "It hurts the story"
I'll admit it. I (kinda) agree with this assessment. A "Tyrion's a secret Targ" reveal threatens to undermine other big elements of the story. One secret orphaned prince is a tragedy, but a dozen is a farce.
It also arguably hurts the Tyrion-Tywin relationship. I don't think it'd be ruinous as many of the critics do. But even if it were, that still wouldn't affect whether or not it's canon. This argument really doesn't address "what is or is not," but rather "what should or shouldn't be."
But writers do stuff they arguably shouldn't all the time. Fans of Star Wars will gladly tell you that midi-chlorians undermine the Force. But they're still canon, bc George said so. Martin is no more infallible than Lucas. I love these books, and I think GRRM's the bee's knees. But can you tell me with a straight face that "Joffrey sent the catspaw" was perfectly executed storytelling? Whether something's good or not is a subjective matter for the audience. But whether something's canon is wholly at the whims of the author. And it definitely seems like GRRM's whims are pointing towards A+J.
2. "GRRM was setting it up in the early books, but abandoned the idea at some point."
Yes, George is a gardener and doesn't necessarily stick to a rigid story plan. He's removed or changed big elements of the story, like the 5 year gap or the Brightflame cloth dragons. It's definitely possible that Tyrion Targaryen might have been a similarly scrapped plan.
(Small Tangent: I'm even pretty open to the idea that it was scrapped in the show. It's totally the kind of thing D&D would hate. But you can ask Griff & Stoneheart if show canon = book canon.)
The problem is, there's no clear point where GRRM stopped dropping hints that align with A+J. It still seems front and center in ASOS (2000), when Tywin makes his last on-page appearance. He explicitly calls Tyrion's paternity (and the fidelity of his beloved cousinwife) into question twice in that book, down to his last breath. Bookending Tyrion's first speaking appearance (AGOT Jon I). The very first thing Tyrion says about Tywin is "he thinks of me as a bastard." The idea of Tyrion's paternity being in doubt hangs over the Tyrion-Tywin relationship from the first moments to the last.
The relevant characters' most recent book appearance was the worldbook in 2014. (The same year GRRM gave his now famous explanation of why abandoning setup makes for bad storytelling.) Even then, GRRM was obliquely pointing to the possibility of A+J=T with relentless determination. Every single mention of Joanna is attached directly to a note about how much Aerys pursued her. Tyrion's birth is one paragraph after the tourney of 272. Where the only notable event was Aerys lusting after Joanna, deepening the rift with Tywin.
Which moves us nicely from the meta-textual arguments into the in-universe "evidence."
3. "[Pycelle said] Tywin wouldn't have married Joanna if she'd been with Aerys"
Pycelle sure did say that. Pycelle is wrong. That's the point. How can we tell? GRRM's choice of wording in Pycelle's rebuttal.
As Pycelle insists in his letters, Tywin Lannister would scarce have taken his cousin to wife if that had been true, “for he was ever a proud man and not one accustomed to feasting upon another man’s leavings.”
Pictured: Pycelle's wrongness.
The 2014 audience already knows Tywin absolutely would do that. The climax of his conflict with Tyrion was him bedding Shae. "Feasting on another man's leavings" is already a defining part of Tywin's relationship with Tyrion.
GRRM wrote Pycelle huffing copium. Conspicuously. The fanboy maester's denial depends on a claim the audience explicitly knows is false. It's just basic dramatic irony: the audience knows something the characters don't. If Pycelle's claims rests on false evidence, what is the author saying about the claim?
4. "If Tywin knew/suspected, why didn't he do anything more than try to resign?"
I'll be honest, this one blows my mind. The man sacked King's Landing and killed every Targaryen he could find. Tywin's big defining pre-stories action was brutally overthrowing Aerys' whole family. Sure he didn't do it immediately. But when circumstances permitted, Tywin took extreme vengeance.
5. "Tyrion's dragon dreams aren't Dragon Dreams"
Why the hell not? Symbolically heavy. Seemingly prophetic. Showing a destiny of magical conflict, with stakes as intimate as family identity, and as broad as globe-spanning war. Tyrion’s dreams check all the boxes for what makes up a Dragon Dream. (Or should I say, “They meet any cry-Tyrion?”)
When Tyrion first mentions dreaming of dragons, he’s telling Jon “I know your secret. You dream the same kind of dreams.” Again, dramatic irony time. Tyrion’s saying it as “I know you secretly feel alienation.” But a reader who knows Jon’s lineage knows the real secret is why Jon’s magic dreams fixate on family alienation. Because they’re Dragon Dreams. The very first thing GRRM tells us about Tyrion’s dragon dreams is that they’re comparable to Jon’s Dragon Dreams. And Tyrion’s have actual dragons in them.
Oh, and very non-coincidentally, this scene happens only 20ish pages after Dany has the first confirmed on-page Dragon Dream. Which hits all the same elements. Prophesymbolic vision of a buried dragon identity. Which emerges through the crucible of sibling struggle.
GRRM returns focus to Tyrion’s dragon dreams in ADWD. He has two such dreams during his journey east from Illyrio’s manse as part of a plot to marry Dany to a guy with a big fighting force behind him. Eagle eyed observers will note that this is exact same setup Dany herself had in AGOT when her Dragon Dreams started.
In both the earliest and latest books in the series, GRRM draws immediate parallels between Tyrion’s dragon dreams and Targaryen Dragon Dreams. Just from an economy of storytelling perspective, it would be weird to have Tyrion’s special important dreams-w/dragons-in-them that just happen to be totally unrelated to Jon & Dany’s Special Important Magic Dragon Dreams™️.
Caveat: Schrodinger’s Targaryen
Despite all of this, I do not think GRRM’s endgame is as simple as “And then we learn Tyrion is 100% definitely Aerys’ son and not Tywin’s.” My strongest hunch is that the plan is for the story to end without a definitive answer, but a pointedly open question. Compare it to other “unresolved Targaryen/dragonrider ancestry mysteries” like Nettles and Daeron T vs Daemon B. GRRM loves this “the mystery is more valuable than the answer” approach to storytelling.
In AGOT and ASOS we’re told “Tywin thinks of Tyrion as not his.” In TWOIAF we see maesters publicly speculating about Aerys & Joanna’s relations. I think the in-universe uncertainty is the plotline here. The speculation already exists in Tyrion’s plot, which will come to a fever pitch when (not if) he saddles Viserion.
I don’t think there’ll be any raunchy Bran-vision or tearstained secret letter from Joanna that definitively confirms Tyrion’s parentage one way or the other. Tyrion seizes Casterly Rock and there’s a hubbub about legality. Is he a golden trueborn lion, Tywin’s legal heir? Is he the red of a Targaryen dragon and/or a color-inverted Lannister bastard? Who the hell knows? What does it matter? All the truth Tyrion knows is his mother was a lioness, making him a cat regardless of coat. That, plus he has a dragon, with sharp long claws. The dragon reins are all he needs to reign from Castam Casterly Rock.
This deliberate open-endedness leaves room for a lot of options. I’m very open to chimera theory. Nerd Tangent: In myth, the chimera is literally a fire-breathing lion-serpent hybrid. All Tyrion needs is some goat imagery and he’s got the whole animal. Plus GRRM keeps making the lady of Casterly Rock mother twins at every point in the timeline. Joanna’s were even fraternal. GRRM even wrote an unpublished conversation whereTyrion talks about Maelys the Monstrous (to whom Tyrion repeatedly compares himself) absorbing his twin in-utero, and imagines the same thing happening in his own mother’s womb. George is doing everything a writer setting up a “genetic chimera” twist reveal would do.
Separately, I really like the idea of Tywin misinterpreting prophecy and dooming himself to the fate he was trying to avoid. In perfect parallel to Cersei’s experience with Maggy. Tywin gets some kind of cryptic warning about Aerys’ bloodline displacing his own. Just like Cersei’s valonqar, he jumps to a misplaced suspicion of Tyrion, when he should be examining Jaime and/or Cersei. When TWOIAF bundles the tourney of 272, Tyrion’s birth/Joanna’s death in 273, and Tywin’s role in the Targaryen downfall together, it’s entirely possible that the point is the same as AFFC Cersei constantly telling us “valonqar = Tyrion.” A red herring; there to prompt the audience into thinking about the question. But preserving mystery by laying the false answer on thick while the true answer is surreptitiously sprinkled in.
Maybe there’s even in-universe discussion about how an AJT reveal makes a farce of RLJ? “Diluting the reveal by flooding the spot with something similar but even more outlandish” was Tyrion’s own in-universe strategy for dealing with the reveal of Cersei’s royal bastards. This could be GRRM going full circle. “Oh, Ned Stark’s other closely guarded secret about royal bastardy just came out? Well, this counterstory from Tyrion about royal bastards has juicy stuff like clowns and sex with a crazy guy and kids w/physical abnormalities. Once this story spreads, no one’ll know what to believe!”
It could even go the same direction the show went for Theon’s identity dualism. Tangent: (Theon is kinda directly connected to Tyrion already, having inherited the “burn Winterfell, torn between Starks & birth family” plotline originally meant for Tyrion.) You can be both a furry apex predator on 4 legs and a mythical beast with long wriggly appendages. Lizard & lion at once.
GRRM might even be highlighting this Schrodinger-esque superstate of “both one and the other simultaneously” with Tyrion’s ADWD intro. The first time we see the cat-man after he kills Tywin, he’s drunk himself half to death in a box while on his way to Illyrio. It's the moment when he’s most in limbo– after killing the lion Tywin, but before joining sides with Aerys’ dragonspawn – he’s a half-alive half-dead cat in a box.
All I'm saying is that I think, for George, the point is the duality. The uncertainty. The multiplicity of options. Tbh, I’m not arguing that “Aerys is the father” = The Answer™️. I’m just arguing that the story is designed to set up the question.
From Tyrion’s first lines to Tywin’s last, GRRM insistently raises the notion of Tyrion not being Tywin’s son. The most recently published account of A, J, T, & T deals heavily with the contentious love triangle. I’m not saying you have to like it. I’m just saying you can’t pretend it’s not there.
submitted by hypikachu to asoiaf [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:37 Stage-Piercing727 Best Car Clocks

Best Car Clocks

If you're looking to add a touch of sophistication to your car's interior, look no further than our roundup of the best car clocks on the market. These stylish and functional timepieces not only keep you on schedule but also enhance the overall aesthetic of your vehicle. From sleek digital displays to traditional analog faces, we've got you covered with our top picks for car clocks.

The Top 10 Best Car Clocks

  1. High-Quality Mini Car Clock with Digital Display - Youngfly Mini Car Clock: Impressive durability and easy time setting make it the perfect choice for your automotive needs.
  2. Solar-Powered Car Clock with Adjustable Brightness - Illuminate your car's dashboard with Novinex's Solar-powered, Heat-resistant, and Vibration-sensitive Car Clock - the ultimate bright and practical accessory for your automobile!
  3. Multifunctional Waterproof Car Clock with LED Display - Upgrade your vehicle's dashboard with a stylish and durable Car Electronic Clock, offering waterproof and dustproof design, one-button operation, and multiple time display modes.
  4. 1940 Chevy Car Analog Clock with Blue Display - Revitalize your vehicle's dashboard with the stylish Dakota Digital 1940 Ford Car Silver Analog Clock, featuring a blue display and seamless integration with the VHX gauge kit for an unparalleled instrumentation experience.
  5. Car Analog Clock with Blue Display - An authentic-looking, analog 1955-56 Chevy car style clock with a silver alloy face, white display, and LED backlighting, designed to perfectly complement your VHX gauge kit.
  6. 1955-56 Chevy Car Analog Clock: Vintage Style for Your Vehicle - Elevate your classic 1955-1956 Chevy experience with the Dakota Digital VHX VLC-57C-K-BF analog clock, featuring LED backlighting, lighted needles, and seamless integration with VHX gauge kits.
  7. Classic Racing Car Analog Clock - Upgrade your 1958 Chevrolet Impala with the Dakota Digital VLC-58C-IMP-S-B clock featuring a stylish silver alloy face, a white display, and perfect complement to VHX gauge kits.
  8. 1957 Chevy Car Vintage Digital Clock - Experience the sleek and stylish 1957 Chevy Car Digital Clock, featuring a black alloy style face with a white display, perfectly complementing any car interior.
  9. Vintage Chevy Car Analog Clock - 1951-52 Style - Elevate your car's style and precision with the Dakota Digital 1951-52 Chevy Car Analog Clock, featuring a sleek black alloy face and clear white display, providing a modern fusion of vintage charm and cutting-edge technology.
  10. Clear LCD Car Clock with Durable Adhesive - This KANBIT Small Digital Car Dashboard Clock provides a clear LCD display with easily readable time and date, while its strong adhesive ensures a secure fit for any flat surface.
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🔗High-Quality Mini Car Clock with Digital Display

Incorporating the Youngfly Mini Car Clock into my daily life has been nothing short of a breeze. The auto car truck dashboard time self-adhesive bracket's sleek design and exquisite craftsmanship make for a perfect fit on my vehicle's dashboard.
Navigating through the various settings is a breeze; the bottom button for month and day, and the top button for hours and minutes. Once the desired time is set, pressing the top button once returns to normal time.
This electronic digital clock stands out with its automotive-grade specifications, featuring a PVC material and a 1Pc x AG10 button cell battery that comes included. Despite the minor difference in color and dimension due to varying light and screen settings, this car clock is a durable and reliable addition to any vehicle's interior.
The mini car clock comes packaged safely, ready to be installed effortlessly on your dashboard, thanks to the included double-sided adhesive product. Overall, the Youngfly Mini Car Clock has proven to be a worthy investment in convenience and style.

🔗Solar-Powered Car Clock with Adjustable Brightness

As someone who's used the Novinex Car Clock daily, I've discovered its amazing solar-powered design. Not only does it come with a rechargeable battery, but it also has a solar panel and high temperature resistant battery power supply that functions without any wiring. The practicality of the clock shines with its vibration sensor, which automatically turns it on when any vibrations are detected in the car.
The heat resistance factor truly comes into play the moment you stick this digital clock onto your car's dashboard. It's made of high-temperature resistant material, perfect for the internal environment of a car without any worries of exposure during hot summer days.
The Novinex Car Clock takes pride in its brightness adjustment feature - a high temperature LED digital tube display. It allows the screen to be visible both in daytime and in the nighttime. It even adjusts itself automatically to provide the right brightness for the time of day.
The shading hood design on the clock is a fantastic feature to make the car clock viewable even under strong sunlight. If I were to list a con, it might be the price of this clock; however, the advanced features, practical usability, and sleek design seem to justify its cost.

🔗Multifunctional Waterproof Car Clock with LED Display

I've been using this nifty Car Clock Dashboard Multi-functional Vehicle Electronic Clock for a while now, and let me tell you, it's a game-changer! The waterproof and dustproof design makes it perfect for my messy car, ensuring it can withstand any spills or messes.
One of the standout features is the one-button operation, which is incredibly practical and user-friendly. You can easily switch between time division, second mode, date mode, and timer mode with just a single button press. The LED digital display is also a great addition, making it easy to read in any lighting condition.
However, there's one minor drawback: the wide supply voltage range can be quite overwhelming for some users. But overall, this Car Clock Dashboard Multi-functional Vehicle Electronic Clock is an excellent addition to any car, providing both functionality and durability.

🔗1940 Chevy Car Analog Clock with Blue Display

The Dakota Digital '40 Ford Car Clock is a stylish addition to any dashboard, boasting a sleek silver alloy style face and a vibrant red display. I found the product to be an easy installation, simply plugging into one of the CAT-5 network jacks on the VHX controller. However, it's worth mentioning that the clock needs to be synchronized with the VHX system, so it becomes a standalone clock option.
The clock's LED backlighting and lighted needles match the VHX instrument system, giving it a cohesive look within the car. One of my favorite features was its separate constant power input harness that allows the clock to continue running even when the key is off. However, the clock does require this harness to function, which can be a minor inconvenience for some.
Overall, the Dakota Digital '40 Ford Car Clock is a visually appealing and functional addition to any dashboard, though the requirement for a separate constant power input harness is worth considering.

🔗Car Analog Clock with Blue Display

As a car enthusiast, I couldn't resist giving the Dakota Digital 1957 Chevrolet Car Silver Analog Clock a try. The moment I saw its silver alloy style face with white display, I knew it would be a great addition to my classic Chevy. The clock's LED backlighting and lighted needles perfectly matched the vintage look of my dashboard.
While using it, I discovered that it only works alongside a VHX system and can't be used as a stand alone clock. This limitation was a bit of a downer, but the clock's ability to display the current time while I'm driving made up for it. The time is set through the VHX system, and it quickly syncs with the built-in clock upon initial power-up.
Considering its compatibility and unique design, I think this clock would be a great addition to any classic car enthusiast's collection. Just remember to connect the constant power input harness for the clock to continue running while the key is off. Overall, I'm happy with my experience, and the clock has added a touch of nostalgia to my daily drive.

🔗1955-56 Chevy Car Analog Clock: Vintage Style for Your Vehicle

I recently had the chance to use the Dakota Digital 1957 Chevy Car Analog Clock, and I must say, it's a unique and eye-catching addition to any car. This clock's black alloy style face and white display give it a classic yet modern twist.
One feature that stood out to me was its LED backlighting and lighted needles, which perfectly match the VHX instrument system. It's the perfect complement to my VHX gauge kit and adds a touch of sophistication to my car's interior.
However, there were a few drawbacks. Firstly, the clock will only work alongside a VHX system and requires plugging into one of the network jacks on the VHX controller. Additionally, it cannot be used as a standalone clock and relies on the VHX system for time syncing.
Overall, the 1957 Chevy Car Analog Clock from Dakota Digital is a stylish and functional addition to any car. Its sleek design and VHX compatibility make it a worthwhile investment for car enthusiasts.

🔗Classic Racing Car Analog Clock

Imagine cruising down the road in your '58 Chevy Impala, the radio playing your favorite tunes, when all of a sudden, you glance over at your dashboard to check the time. That's when the Dakota Digital 1958 Chevrolet Impala Silver Analog Clock with Blue Display comes into play. This sleek, silver alloy style clock isn't just a stylish addition to your car, but it also complements your VHX gauge kit perfectly.
One of the most striking features of this clock is its traditional analog style clock face, which gives it a classic touch that seamlessly blends with your car's interior. The LED backlighting and lighted needles provide an impressive contrast against the blue display, making it easier to read the time even in low-light conditions.
However, there's a catch. This clock will only work alongside a VHX system. It's not a standalone clock. But once connected, it's a piece of art that blends perfectly with your dashboard, providing not just a clock, but a statement.
Remember, this is more than just a clock. It's a testament to the innovative spirit of the Dakota Digital VHX Series. It's a piece of machinery that has revolutionized the instrumentation industry. And yes, the time does change whenever you switch on the ignition, but hey, that's part of the charm.
In a world where technology often dominates, this clock serves as a gentle reminder of the beauty in traditional design, all while keeping you on track with time.

🔗1957 Chevy Car Vintage Digital Clock

During a recent road trip, I came across this sleek 1957 Chevy Car Digital Clock in a local antique store. The black alloy style face and white display perfectly complemented the vintage vibe of my car. This retro timepiece not only added a touch of nostalgia to my vehicle, but it also served as a reliable way to keep track of time while on the go.
One of the standout features of this clock is its readability, even in direct sunlight. The white numbers against the black background make it easy to see at a glance. Additionally, the chrome bezel adds a touch of luxury and sophistication.
Despite these positives, there were a few areas where this digital clock could use some improvements. For instance, I noticed that the clock sometimes took a moment to adjust to a quick lane change. Additionally, the gray face seemed to blend in with the car's interior, making it a bit harder to spot from a distance.
Overall, this 1957 Chevy Car Digital Clock is a great addition to any vintage car enthusiast's collection. It offers both style and functionality, making it a valuable investment for those looking to add a touch of old-school charm to their ride.

🔗Vintage Chevy Car Analog Clock - 1951-52 Style

I stumbled upon this 1951-52 Chevy car clock with a sleek alloy style face, and boy, does it add a touch of nostalgia to my ride! . The white display is super clean, making it easy for me to tell the time in any situation. The clock even has a neon-colored backlight that illuminates the numbers beautifully.
But, the installation process was a bit of a challenge, taking me a few hours longer than expected. And although the build time for this clock is just around a week, it's not the fastest turnaround on the market. Overall, I'm happy with my decision to add this stylish car clock to my Chevy, and it's definitely a conversation starter! .

🔗Clear LCD Car Clock with Durable Adhesive

When I first received the KANBIT small digital car dashboard clock, I was impressed with its sleek design and clear LCD display. The large, easy-to-read numbers made it perfect for keeping an eye on the time and date while driving. But what really stood out was the durable adhesive on the back of the holder.
It stuck firmly to my dashboard, and I could still easily adjust the clock without removing it. This little clock was not only convenient, but it also added a stylish touch to my car's interior.
Overall, the KANBIT dashboard clock was a great addition to my daily life, enhancing both the function and appearance of my vehicle.

Buyer's Guide




Why do I need a car clock?

Car clocks can provide a variety of features including dual time displays, stopwatch, countdown timer, and more. They can also help you keep track of time while driving, and they often come in attractive designs to match your car's interior.


What is a dual time clock?

A dual time clock is a car clock that displays the current time in two separate time zones. This feature is useful for travelers who need to keep track of time in different locations.

What is a backlit display?

A backlit display is a feature that allows the car clock to be visible even in low light conditions. This can be helpful when driving at night or in areas with poor lighting.


What are the benefits of a stopwatch?

A stopwatch feature on a car clock can be useful for timing races, workouts, or any other activity that requires accurate timing. It is often a simple feature to use and can be a fun addition to a car clock.

Can I mount the clock on my dashboard?

Most car clocks are designed to be mounted on the dashboard using a suction cup or adhesive. However, it is always important to read the manufacturer's instructions to ensure proper and safe installation.


What is the difference between an analog and digital car clock?

Analog car clocks display time using a dial with hour and minute hands, while digital car clocks use digital numbers to display time. Each type has its own advantages, with analog clocks often being seen as more classic and digital clocks being more accurate and easier to read.

How do I replace the battery in my car clock?

Replacing the battery in a car clock typically requires unscrewing the back cover, removing the old battery, and then inserting the new battery in its place. Always consult the manufacturer's instructions for specific details on your car clock model.

Are car clocks waterproof?

Not all car clocks are waterproof. It is always a good idea to check the product description or manufacturer's specifications to determine if a clock is designed to be used in wet environments.

What is the average lifespan of a car clock?

The lifespan of a car clock can vary depending on the brand, quality, and usage. Generally, a well-maintained car clock should last several years with normal wear and tear.
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2024.05.19 07:17 BT2Four Worth investing blues?

Worth investing blues?
I know that contact master is not the best legend skill but my psct luck has been terrible on this card. I know that laser beam is meta right now. I would short it just like the first set. I’ve tested both the first set obviously more home runs and RBIs Second set better average and on base percentage. With no third skill or second skill to be honest. The question is do I reroll or keep the 2nd set and throw some blues at it to at least finish it for the moment?
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2024.05.19 07:00 ReverseMod Daily Questions Megathread - May 19, 2024

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2024.05.19 06:37 Count-Daring243 Best Canon Printer Ink 243 Cartridges

Best Canon Printer Ink 243 Cartridges

Are you in search of a reliable and high-performing printer ink cartridge? Look no further than Canon's 243 Cartridges, designed to keep your printing needs in check with top-notch quality and efficiency. In this roundup article, we'll be diving into the impressive features of Canon's 243 Cartridges, exploring their performance, longevity, and compatibility with various printer models. So sit back, relax, and get ready to discover the perfect printer ink cartridge for your needs.

The Top 17 Best Canon Printer Ink 243 Cartridges

  1. High-Quality Canon Pg-243bk/CL-244 Inkjet Cartridges for Select Printers - Experience top-tier ink quality and exceptional performance with the Canon PG-243 / CL-244 Value Pack, perfect for your compatible PIXMA printer.
  2. Save on Canon PG-243 Standard-Yield Black Ink Cartridge - Experience high-quality, long-lasting prints with the Canon PG-243 Black Ink Cartridge, designed for optimal performance and cost savings when used with compatible Canon PIXMA printers.
  3. Pigment & Dye Ink Multi-Pack for Quality B&C Prints - Experience superior print quality with this Canon PG-243/CL-244 Ink Cartridge set, featuring pigment ink for long-lasting blacks, dye ink for beautiful colors, and 50 sheets of glossy 4"x6" photo paper, all backed by the brand's FINE technology.
  4. Canon Printer Ink Compatible with PG-243/CL-244 - Boost your Canon PIXMA printer's performance with the PG-243/CL-244 Multi S ink set, delivering sharp text and vibrant colors for superior printing quality.
  5. Canon PG-243 Premium Black Ink Cartridge with FINE Technology - Long Lasting Printing - Enhance your print quality with Canon's durable PG-243 Black ink cartridges, featuring FINE technology and offering access to premium content with Creative Park Premium.
  6. Professional-grade Pigment Black Ink Cartridge for Canon PIXMA Printers - Experience outstanding, smudge-resistant professional quality text with Canon's PG-243 Pigment Black Ink Cartridge, designed with FINE technology for added sharpness, detail, and exceptional durability.
  7. Canon PG-243 Black Ink Cartridge for Professional Printing - Upgrade your Canon printer's performance with the Canon PG-243 Pigment Black Ink Cartridge, delivering long-lasting dark blacks and exceptional quality, fully compatible with PG-245 and PG-245XL ink cartridges.
  8. Refillable Canon Inkjet Printer Cartridges Kit for Various Printer Models - Affordable and high-quality ink refill kit for Canon All Inkjet Printers, offering smooth print reliability and ensuring no clogging or corrosion issues - perfect for those seeking a cost-effective solution.
  9. Canon Ink Cartridges 243 for PIXMA Printers - Experience high-quality printing with genuine Canon PG-243 Black and CL-244 Color ink cartridge packs, designed for seamless compatibility with select Canon PIXMA printers.
  10. High-Quality Canon PG-243 and CL-244 Color Ink Cartridge Bulk Pack - Upgrade your Canon printer experience with the high-quality, smudge-proof ink cartridges, providing up to 244 vibrant color printouts.
  11. Canon PG-243 Cartridges - High-Quality, Durable Ink for Stunning Prints - Experience exceptional print quality and impressive durability with Canon Printer Ink 243 Cartridges, featuring both pigment and dye-based ink formulations for vivid and long-lasting results.
  12. Premium Canon 243 244 Ink Cartridges Value Pack for Exceptional Printing Quality - Upgrade your Canon printer's performance with our high-quality remanufactured ink cartridges, offering lasting value and exceptional print quality in a convenient 2-pack!
  13. Premium Canon Printer Black Ink Cartridge Replacement - PG-243 - The Canon 1287C001 (PG-243) Ink, Black provides an 8ml yield, compatible with Canon PG-245 ink cartridges, and features FINE technology for a premium ink printing experience.
  14. Affordable Canon Printer Ink Replacements for Multiple Devices - LxTek Ink Cartridges - Affordable and High-Quality Alternative to Canon PG-245XL and CL-246XL Cartridges, Delivering Vibrant Colors and Seamless Printing Experience.
  15. Efficient Canon PG-243 CL-244 Ink Cartridge Replacement for Multiple Printer Models - Get exceptional print quality and convenience with the ColoWorld Remanufactured Ink Cartridge Replacement for Canon PG-243 CL-244 PG-245XL CL-246XL, perfect for PIXMA Mx492 MX490 TR4520 MG2522 MG2922 Mg2520 MG2920 printers.
  16. Canon Remanufactured Ink Cartridges for Tri-Color Printing - Soko's remanufactured ink cartridges offer reliable and vibrant color print in your Canon 245 246 printers for up to 400 pages per black ink and 300 pages per color ink, all guaranteed in ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 factory.
  17. Elevate Your Printing Experience with Premium Canon 243 Ink Cartridges - Upgrade your Canon printer experience with high-yield 243 and 244 XL cartridges from CMYi, offering exceptional quality that exceeds Canon's standards.
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🔗High-Quality Canon Pg-243bk/CL-244 Inkjet Cartridges for Select Printers

The Canon Pg-243 Color Inkjet Print Cartridge caught my attention with its versatile and long-lasting performance. I was in need of a reliable ink cartridge for my Canon printer, and this one seemed like the perfect fit. The high-quality ink produced vibrant, sharp prints for all my documents, whether it was just plain text or a vivid colored photo.
One major highlight for me was the compatibility with the printer—it replaced my previous PG-245 and CL-246 cartridges seamlessly. I appreciated that I could easily find and replace the ink when it ran low. The cartridge worked consistently, eliminating issues I've faced with other ink cartridges, like smudging or streaking.
However, there were a couple of drawbacks with the Canon Pg-243 Color Inkjet Print Cartridge. While the ink was long-lasting, it might not be the most cost-effective option for heavy-duty use. Additionally, the size of the cartridges can be bulky, which may not be ideal for travel or storage considerations.
Overall, the pros outweigh the cons for me when it comes to this ink cartridge. The print quality is top-notch, and it's super easy to replace when the ink runs low. While it may not be perfect for those who need a lot of ink for their projects, it's a great option for anyone looking for high-quality, reliable ink for their Canon printer.

🔗Save on Canon PG-243 Standard-Yield Black Ink Cartridge

I've been using the Canon PG-243 Black Ink Cartridge for a while now and let me tell you about my experience. This ink cartridge is compatible with Canon PIXMA printers, and I must say, it offers smudge-resistant text and sharp ink quality. What really stood out for me is the FINE (Full-Photolithography Inkjet Nozzle Engineering) technology, which adds detail and quality to my prints.
One thing that I've found is that the ink cartridge consumes a bit more ink than I originally anticipated. However, the cost savings compared to the standard-yield capacity in other ink cartridges is quite appealing. The only downside I've encountered is the need to purchase additional ink cartridges, as one is not enough for heavy print jobs. Overall, the Canon PG-243 Black Ink Cartridge is a reliable and efficient option for Canon printer users.

🔗Pigment & Dye Ink Multi-Pack for Quality B&C Prints

I recently tried out the Canon PG-243/CL-244 Ink Cartridge combo pack for my printer. It promises long-lasting dark blacks and beautiful colors, and it did not disappoint. The ink quality was exceptional, with vibrant colors and sharp, bold lines.
The paper included in the pack, 50 sheets of glossy 4"x6" photo paper, produced stunning printouts with a crisp and glossy finish, great for presentations or printing photos. However, one downside was that the ink ran out relatively quickly, especially the color one. All in all, this ink cartridge combo pack delivers high-quality results, but be prepared to refill it more frequently than you might expect.

🔗Canon Printer Ink Compatible with PG-243/CL-244

In the past few weeks, I've been using the PG-243/CL-244 ink cartridge set for my Canon printer. I have to say, these inks have been working like a charm for my home office. They've produced clear, vibrant prints, both for text and images. The black ink is fantastic, providing sharp text that makes reading documents a breeze. The color ink is equally impressive, with accurate hues and vivid images.
Despite the great performance, I've noticed that the ink cartridges run out a bit too quickly for my usage. I typically print only a handful of documents and photos a week, but it still feels like I need to replace the cartridges more frequently than I'd like. I've heard from other users that the ink seems to get used up way too fast, especially the black one.
On the plus side, the installation process is quite simple, and the inks perform consistently, without any smudging or streaking. Having all three essential colors in one pack also makes it convenient for quick replacements when needed.
Overall, I'm happy with the quality of the inks for my Canon printer, but the low ink quantity is a little disappointing. I'll have to keep a closer eye on my ink consumption and consider alternatives if I need longer-lasting cartridges.

🔗Canon PG-243 Premium Black Ink Cartridge with FINE Technology - Long Lasting Printing

I recently tried out the Canon 2 Pack PG-243 Black Ink Cartridge for PIXMA Printers and I must say, it was quite an experience. The first thing that caught my attention was the exceptional print quality. The dark blacks were remarkably sharp and vibrant, making my documents look professional.
The highlight for me was the impressive durability of these cartridges. Even after printing numerous pages, they still held up well without any issues. The pigment-based ink formulation ensured that the colors stayed vibrant for longer, preventing smudging or streaking.
One downside I encountered was the limited compatibility of these cartridges. They were only fully compatible with the PG-245 and PG-245 XL black ink cartridges, which could be inconvenient for some users.
Moreover, these cartridges granted access to premium content via Creative Park Premium. This was a great perk for those who enjoy creative projects.
Lastly, the FINE (Full-Photolithography Inkjet Nozzle Engineering) Technology ensured precise ink droplets, resulting in fine detail and smooth texture in all my prints.
Overall, while there are some drawbacks to consider, the Canon 2 Pack PG-243 Black Ink Cartridge for PIXMA Printers has proved itself to be a reliable and efficient choice for those seeking high-quality print results.

🔗Professional-grade Pigment Black Ink Cartridge for Canon PIXMA Printers

Experience the high-quality print performance of the Canon PG-243 Pigment Black Ink Cartridge. Its FINE technology guarantees sharp, smudge-resistant text and vibrant colors, perfect for professional-quality documents and photos.
The cartridge is compatible with Canon PIXMA printers that utilize PG-245 and PG-245XL ink cartridges, ensuring a seamless transition for users. This genuine Canon product promises high capacity, delivering more ink for more prints without compromising on quality.
The PG-243 is a reliable and efficient replacement for PG-245 black ink cartridges, providing exceptional value for money. Overall, the Canon PG-243 Pigment Black Ink Cartridge stands out for its long-lasting dark blacks, pigment formulation, and remarkable durability, making it a top choice for reliable printing solutions.

🔗Canon PG-243 Black Ink Cartridge for Professional Printing

The Canon PG-243 Original Ink Cartridge, known for its Pigment Black ink, is a reliable companion for those who own Canon Pixma printers. With full compatibility with models like MG3020, TS202, and TS3120, this ink cartridge delivers crisp, smudge-resistant text that stands out.
One of the key features that make this product stand out is the FINE technology, which ensures added sharpness, detail, and quality in your documents. The pigment-based ink formulation guarantees long-lasting dark blacks, perfect for creating stunning visuals on your paper.
However, this ink cartridge is not without its drawbacks. One of the main concerns from users is the ink running out too quickly, requiring frequent replacements. Additionally, the ink capacity may not be as extensive as some users would like, creating the need for more frequent ink purchases.
Despite these limitations, the Canon PG-243 Original Ink Cartridge is a reliable option for those who need high-quality ink for their Canon Pixma printers. Its commitment to delivering crisp, professional text makes it a worthwhile investment for those who value ink quality and durability.
In summary, the Canon PG-243 Original Ink Cartridge is a solid option for those seeking high-quality ink for their Canon Pixma printers. With its FINE technology and pigment-based ink formulation, it guarantees dark blacks and vibrant colors. However, users should be prepared for the potential downsides, such as the ink running out too quickly and the need for frequent replacements.

🔗Refillable Canon Inkjet Printer Cartridges Kit for Various Printer Models

As a fervent writer, I love trying new tools to elevate my efficiency and performance. One such product I recently stumbled upon is the 'Zeblue 4 Color Inkjet Printer Ink Refill Kit', specifically suited for Canon printers.
One of the most appealing aspects was the variety of colors in the kit. The four bottles of dye ink - black, cyan, magenta, and yellow - allowed for vibrant, high-fidelity prints. The high color saturation and ultrafiltration tech were commendable, preventing any clogging in the printhead.
However, the process of refilling the cartridges was more daunting than I initially anticipated. The cartridge refilling system was not as user-friendly as I hoped, necessitating multiple syringes for each color and uncertainty about the durability of these syringes.
The ink itself was a great boon, with its weak acid or alkalescent formula providing an environmentally friendly solution. The high print quality was an added bonus, especially considering the quick-drying formula which made speedy printing possible.
Despite the challenges I've faced, I believe this product can prove to be a great asset for those willing to take the time to understand and use it effectively.

🔗Canon Ink Cartridges 243 for PIXMA Printers

Recently, I had the opportunity to try out the Canon PG-243 Black and CL-244 Color ink cartridges in my Canon PIXMA printer. The ink cartridges were a four-pack, providing me with black, cyan, and magenta ink for my printer. Upon unboxing, I noticed how the ink cartridges seemed to be quite large compared to other cartridges I've used in the past, making me hopeful for a long-lasting and efficient printing experience.
As I began testing the ink cartridges, I was pleased with the print quality, particularly the sharp text produced by the black ink and the vibrant colors given by the cyan and magenta. The installation process was smooth, with no complications or issues during setup. The convenience of having all three essential colors in one pack was also a major plus.
However, my experience with these ink cartridges came with a caveat. Despite the positive aspects, I found that the ink supply in these cartridges didn't last as long as I would have hoped, especially considering the size and price of the individual cartridges. I had to purchase replacement ink cartridges more often than I expected, which added up to a higher cost for me in the long run.
In summary, the Canon PG-243 Black and CL-244 Color ink cartridges provided good print quality and ease of use, but their relatively short ink supply made the overall experience less satisfying.

🔗High-Quality Canon PG-243 and CL-244 Color Ink Cartridge Bulk Pack

For the past few weeks, I've been using these Canon ink cartridges for my printer. The replacement cartridges have proved to be a lifesaver in prolonging the printer's ink life, ensuring high-quality printouts.
One of the features that stood out to me was the cartridge's smudge-proof design. It's reassuring to know that even when printing a quick document, I don't have to worry about smudging or smears on the pages. The up to 244 high-quality colored printouts this cartridge provides is also a big plus – the ink produces vibrant and accurate hues for both documents and photos.
While the pigment-based black ink is faster drying than most inks, ensuring it doesn't smudge, I have noticed that it runs out a bit quicker than the color ink. However, overall, I find these ink cartridges to be of good quality and a cost-effective solution for my printer needs.

🔗Canon PG-243 Cartridges - High-Quality, Durable Ink for Stunning Prints

I recently needed to replace some ink cartridges for my Canon printer and decided to give the Canon PG-243 / CL-244 Value Pack a try. Let me tell you, it surpassed my expectations in every aspect!
First off, the ink quality was absolutely top-notch. The black ink produced crisp and seamless text, while the dye-based color ink brought vibrant and accurate hues to my photos. It was a delight to see the vivid colors and sharp details on my prints.
However, there was a slightly disappointing side to this experience. It seemed that the ink cartridges didn't last as long as I had hoped. I went through them quite quickly, even though I was only printing moderately. I'm not sure if it's a matter of using more ink per page or a potential issue with the cartridges themselves.
Overall, the Canon PG-243 / CL-244 Value Pack provided exceptional print quality, but it could have been more cost-effective if the ink cartridges lasted a bit longer. Nonetheless, I'm happy with my purchase and would recommend it to others looking for high-quality ink for their Canon printer.

🔗Premium Canon 243 244 Ink Cartridges Value Pack for Exceptional Printing Quality

As someone who's always on the hunt for ink cartridges that won't break the bank, I was thrilled to stumble upon the Compatible Canon 243 244 Ink Cartridges Value Pack of 2. Having used Canon printers in the past, I knew their ink cartridges are of high quality, and these remanufactured ones are no exception.
The value pack includes one PG-243 black cartridge and one CL-244 tri-color cartridge. The black cartridge works smoothly and consistently, while the tri-color cartridge delivers vibrant and accurate colors. The experience of replacing these cartridges was hassle-free, and the ink flow was more than satisfactory.
However, despite the excellent quality, I did notice a slight difference in the ink cartridge performance compared to the original Canon counterparts. But considering the value for money, I'm more than happy with the trade-off.
Overall, the Compatible Canon 243 244 Ink Cartridges Value Pack offers great value and superior performance for those looking to save some cash on their ink needs.

Buyer's Guide

When purchasing Canon Printer Ink 243 cartridges, understanding the key features and factors to consider will help ensure you choose the right product for your printing needs. In this guide, we'll provide general advice, considerations, and features to look for when selecting Canon printer ink cartridges.

Importance of Compatibility

Compatibility is crucial when choosing Canon printer ink cartridges. The cartridge must be compatible with your specific Canon printer model. Using a cartridge that is not compatible may lead to damage to the printer or inferior print quality. Always double-check the compatibility before making a purchase.

Consider the Volume of Usage

Determine the volume of ink usage that your printer requires for its primary functions. If your printer will be used heavily for high-volume tasks such as printing documents, consider purchasing a high-capacity cartridge. This will save money in the long run compared to purchasing multiple smaller cartridges.

Choose the Right Color

Many Canon printers use ink cartridges with multiple color options, including black, cyan, magenta, and yellow. Determine the primary color(s) that your printer will need. For instance, if your printer is mainly used for printing text documents, a black and cyan cartridge may suffice. If you also require colored prints, consider purchasing a cartridge with a mix of colors to ensure optimal print quality.


Consider Ink Levels

Be aware of the amount of ink inside the cartridge when making your selection. Cartridges can be filled with different ink quantities, so it's essential to choose the right cartridge for your printer to prevent wasting ink.

Purchasing Options and Discounts

There are various purchasing options available when purchasing Canon printer ink cartridges. Consider buying in bulk to save money, or take advantage of discounts and promotions available at your preferred online marketplace or retail store.
When purchasing Canon Printer Ink 243 cartridges, always consider the compatibility, ink usage, colors, ink levels, and purchasing options. By doing so, you can ensure that you get the best ink cartridge for your specific printing needs, without wasting money or compromising on print quality.



What is the Canon Printer Ink 243 Cartridge?

The Canon Printer Ink 243 Cartridge is a high-quality ink cartridge designed for use in Canon printers. This cartridge is specifically formulated for use with Canon's PGI-284 and PGI-285 inkjet printers, providing exceptional print quality and performance.

What is the capacity of the Canon Printer Ink 243 Cartridge?

The Canon Printer Ink 243 Cartridge has a maximum yield of approximately 182 standard black pages or 264 standard color pages per cartridge.


What is the ink type used in the Canon Printer Ink 243 Cartridge?

The Canon Printer Ink 243 Cartridge uses pigment-based ink technology, ensuring superior print quality and reliability for all your printing needs.

Is the Canon Printer Ink 243 Cartridge compatible with other Canon printers?

While the Canon Printer Ink 243 Cartridge is specifically designed for use with Canon's PGI-284 and PGI-285 inkjet printers, it may be compatible with other models as well. However, it is always best to check the printer's manual or consult Canon's support team for compatibility information.

What are the benefits of using the Canon Printer Ink 243 Cartridge?

  • High-quality pigment-based ink technology for superior print quality
  • Extended print life with a maximum yield of approximately 182 black pages or 264 color pages per cartridge
  • Compatibility with Canon's PGI-284 and PGI-285 inkjet printers

How can I purchase a Canon Printer Ink 243 Cartridge?

You can purchase Canon Printer Ink 243 Cartridges from various retailers, either online or in physical stores. It is also available directly from Canon's official website and their authorized resellers.

What is the warranty period for the Canon Printer Ink 243 Cartridge?

The Canon Printer Ink 243 Cartridge typically comes with a warranty period of at least one year from the date of purchase. However, warranty terms may vary depending on the retailer or location. It is always best to check the specific warranty terms provided by the seller or manufacturer.

Is the Canon Printer Ink 243 Cartridge environmentally friendly?

Yes, the Canon Printer Ink 243 Cartridge is designed with environmental considerations in mind. It is made with recycled materials and features a low environmental impact throughout its life cycle. Additionally, the ink itself is water-based, reducing its environmental impact.
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2024.05.19 06:23 annaofthebelles [Year 12 Math Methods] Need a little help with this trig problem!

[Year 12 Math Methods] Need a little help with this trig problem!
So this problem gives me multiple coordinates- I decided to try out (3,22.5) and (15,22.5). I ended up with A + Bsin(6pi/k) and A + Bsin(30pi/k), respectively.
As they are both equal to the same thing (22.5) I made them equal to each other. I could get rid of the A and the B this way, leaving me with sin6pi/k = sin30pi/k. But this doesn't give me the right answer at all (k is meant to be 12)- and I'm not sure why! I think I've done something wrong, it would mean a lot if you could help me out 😭
Thank you so much!
submitted by annaofthebelles to HomeworkHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:13 Soverylonelytoday My vulnerability was met with reticent response and I'm the bad guy?

So my spouse moved out of the house to his office (in our property) about 1 month ago, due to my poor behavior (poor emotional regulation and raging when I feel dismissed and unheard). I stupidly texted him to check on him after he went to his office/bedroom seeming unsettled for an unknown (to me) reason. A few hours later, I found myself thinking fondly of him and the live he has shown me, so I checked in with him to see if he was any better. He said he was a bit better and wanted to know what was on my mind. I confessed to was thinking about him, and checking to see if he was doing any better. After I vulnerablly confessed I had been thinking about him, his next two responses were reticent two word responses, so I made the poor assumption that my confession of thinking about him had upset him (he goes from hot to cold as quickly as I do these days). After his two word answers, I responded "I am guessing my honesty means we are done talking." And then I was told I was being passive aggressive and that I had a "twisted perspective". My response was "It was not meant to be twisted. If my interpretation was wrong. I am sorry.". Then the situation was cleared up and he was off to bed. He 'called me out' on what he felt was my 'poor' behavior as usual and does not see how his response was dismissive to my vulnerability. He hasn't read any of my responses after that, keeping to his boundaries I'm guessing, but to which one I don't know. I'm upset that I was dumb enough to text him in my vulnerability only to be met with mono symbol answers and then attacked for misinterpreting them as him shutting down because I had been honest in admitting that I was thinking about him. Why do I feel like he only sees a black/white view of me, when he constantly calls me out on that? I hate seeing myself through his eyes when they seem so full of dusdain for me. I know that I have hurt him but I hate that I see so much disdain towards me that it makes me doubt that he still loves me. But if he only feels contempt for me, I can't blame him. But I keep holding out that contempt isn't all he feels for me, even if that seems to be what I feel most often from him these days. Maybe I am just being emotionally disregulated or pessimistic or whatever other BPD characteristic that this can be seen as, and maybe it's not. IDK, my gut tells me one thing but I know he would say another. I feel confused, accused, dismissed and so very alone in all of it. Why can't I just do what a normal person would do? I pray multiple times a day that God will just let me die (since I have promised not to KMS), my bedtime prayer has turned into a plee for God to let me sleep and not wake up. But I know when my damn alarm goes off, I will still be here, dealing with the consequences of my messed up head. drowning in sorrow for the life I dreamed of, guilt & shame for the life I have made because of my own choices. Dear God, maybe you will hear my prayer if I put it on line-since my verbal prayers continue to go unmet- be with my husband and give him peace and healing for the past, the present and the future. And please let me I fall asleep, and not ever wake up, or heal my broken mind so that I can stop hurting all those around me.
submitted by Soverylonelytoday to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:11 Adorable-Baby-9920 Scores on messners sec+

Are kinda low. I missed 34 on multiple choice on test C, worse than test B even. Should I even bother with exam on Monday or post pone it? Thing is, I'm so tired of studying, like so sick of it. Maybe CS is not for me. Thanks
submitted by Adorable-Baby-9920 to CompTIA [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:56 tehtea What Say Your MP?

What Say Your MP?
Hi all! https://whatsayyourmp.github.io/ is a fun little community-led web app that lets you see the count of parliament debates participated by each MP. While it does not track the quality of their inputs, one can always do a deeper analysis by searching further on the Hansards website. Feel free to try it :) If you're interested, the rest of this post interprets the results shown in the screenshot.
A cursory look shows that Louis Ng participates in more question-and-answer sessions than Jamus Lim. One possible explanation might be due to the type of questions each of them raise.
The below excerpts taken directly by searching on the Hansards show a glimpse of what are the questions that Louis Ng raises:
  1. In Support For Employers and Employees Affected By Requirement For Companies To Fairly Consider Flexi-Work Requests: "...with regard to the new Tripartite Guidelines on Flexible Work Arrangement Requests coming into effect, whether the Ministry has considered mandating a shorter timeframe for employers to communicate their decision on a request for flexible work arrangements instead of the two months' timeframe."
  2. In Study into Ban on Electric Collars for Animal Training: "...the Minister for National Development (a) whether the Ministry will provide an update on the study into a ban on electric collars for animal training; and (b) whether the Ministry will study the enforcement mechanisms for the Guidelines for Rehoming and Adoption of Dogs developed by the Rehoming and Adoption Workgroup."
  3. In Review of Minimum Annual Leave Entitlement of Seven Days under Employment Act: "...asked the Minister for Manpower (a) when will the Ministry review the minimum annual leave entitlement of seven days provided for eligible workers under the Employment Act 1968; and (b) what factors will the Ministry consider in determining whether the minimum number of annual leave days should be increased."
As someone who occasionally catches news about local politics, I feel this supports my gut feeling that he raises many questions on improving animal w(understandably since he was head of Acres and all) and for young parents.
On the other hand, below are the excerpts for Jamus Lim:
  1. In Sufficiency of Fines to Deter Officers in Manpower Ministry's Agencies from Carrying Out Unsafe Activities: "I thank the Senior Minister of State's first response. I wish to elaborate a little bit on a specific case that I believe he is familiar with about a former investigation officer who was charged with molestation against three women while conducting investigation on behalf of the Health Sciences Authority. The point I wish to raise about this, was that, that individual who was charged the year before, worked for WSH Experts which is an outsourced agency. I mentioned this because all individuals, whether contractors or agents directly employed by the Government are subject to the stipulations of the law, but nevertheless, when this form of law enforcement is outsourced, one wonders, whether these external contractors are put under the same rigours of clearance before employment, because they are after all, carrying out an official duty."
  2. In Treatment of Offences by Vape Users who Have Participated in I Quit Programme: "...asked the Minister for Health for vape users who participate in the I Quit programme (a) whether these participants have been offered immunity from criminal prosecution; (b) how many have benefited from this programme to date; and (c) what happens if the users are subsequently caught using vapes again."
  3. In Singapore's Longer-term Inflation Expectations: "Just a quick follow-up on the question about inflation expectations. I wonder if the Minister of State can elaborate on whether MAS has observed any evidence of inflation pressures actually passing through to wages, in particular? And if so, what kind of mitigation mechanisms does the MAS have in terms of dealing with the possibility that this could become more entrenched?"
At least from these randomly picked samples, I don't see a trend of common topics that Jamus Lim raises. Without it, I imagine more reading and proper research in multiple areas is required to ask more questions without adding noise.
submitted by tehtea to singapore [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:54 FUNDEMENTALSOFLOST J. J. Pizzuto's Fabric Science : Edition 12 : Bundle Book + Studio Access Card

J. J. Pizzuto's Fabric Science : Edition 12 : Bundle Book + Studio Access Card
Dive into the world of textiles with the twelfth edition of J.J. Pizzuto’s Fabric Science(J.J. FABRIC SCIENCE ) – your ultimate guide to understanding the textile industry from fibers to finishes! This comprehensive book offers an in-depth overview of textile design, structure, and applications, catering to students and professionals in fashion, textiles, and related fields.
With a focus on textile sustainability, this best-selling edition covers a wide range of topics including fiber chemistry, innovations, fabric fabrication, quality assurance, and textile regulations. Updated topics such as bio-based fibers, circularity, and wearable textiles reflect the latest industry trends and advancements.
The included STUDIO features allow for interactive learning with self-quizzes, flashcards, and instructional videos, while instructor resources like the Instructor's Guide and Test Bank provide valuable support for educators.
Whether you're a student delving into the world of textiles or a professional seeking to expand your knowledge, J.J. Pizzuto’s Fabric Science offers a comprehensive and insightful exploration of this dynamic industry. Order your copy today and take your understanding of textiles to new heights!
  • STUDIO Features Include:- Study smarter with self-quizzes featuring scored results and personalized study tips- Review concepts with flashcards of terms and definitions and image identification- Watch videos that bring chapter topics and concepts to life
  • Instructor Resources- Instructor's Guide with teaching suggestions, activities, lecture notes, and a guide to Swatch Kit assignments- Test Bank with over 600 multiple choice, short answer, and true or false questions- PowerPoint® presentations include full-color images from the book and provide a framework for lecture and discussion
Publisher - Academic & Professional
submitted by FUNDEMENTALSOFLOST to Reddit_ECommerceHub [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:40 Distinct_Designer905 Which should I choose? ADMU or DLSU or UST

hello po, i am currently in a dilemma with which university i should go to for college. it would be vvv big help to hear your comments and suggestions kasi i've been super indecisive and it's been stressing me out na ever since the results came out. here is a detailed list of the pros and cons i have for each uni:
  1. ADMU (Ateneo De Manila University)
Priority - BS Psych Offered - AB Pol Sci
PROS: - I've attended the Open House and I liked the curriculum they offered overall (including the abroad programs and such) as well as marami raw silang time nilalaan for orgs
CONS: - Malayo siya from our home. It'll take me about 4 rides (2 LRT, 2 Jeepney rides) to get into campus so I have to leave my house for about 2 hours earlier than my sched.
-> My parents told me I could get a dorm naman, but I very much prefer going home where my family is (but ofc if I studied here and nahirapan na w transpo, I have no choice)
-> Also, I'm willing to take transpo as long as 'yung course ay gusto ko
-> I was planning to apply for change of degree program into my prio course before enrollment pero there's a slim chance na ma-grant 'yun especially quota course ang psych
-> I can also shift naman on my second year but I don't feel like travelling 4 rides everyday of the week for a course I don't like during the 1st year
  1. DLSU (De La Salle University)
Priority - Ab Psych Major in Accountancy Offered - Ab Psych Major in Accountancy
PROS: - Only one LRT ride away from my home - Top school (?) ang DLSU for Psychology courses
CONS: - Tuition lalo na tri-sem and double major. Like I said, kaya naman ng family ko although concerned pa rin ako sa gastos kasi among the 3, ito ang pinakamalaking gagastusin.
  1. UST (University of Santo Tomas)
Priority - BS Psych Offered - Ab Behavioral Sci (WAITLISTED)
PROS: - I like their community the best. This is actually the uni that I think best fits for me kasi I feel like mas ka-league ko ang circle ng Thomasians and a lot of the people I know are there.
CONS: - Waitlisted. The news pained me, pero I keep waiting if may available slot for me. Ang kaso, walang assurance naman that I'll get in so I have to decide din which uni I should use as a plan B.
it's a long list, and siguro may maiinis kasi i've been indecisive. tbh, wala naman akong dream uni. but i blame myself for not thinking ahead during the applications. i have been reading sa reddit for opinions about this for god knows how long but i decided to write din here kung sakali na ma-enlighten pa ako huhu.
pero thank you so much in advance.
submitted by Distinct_Designer905 to CollegeAdmissionsPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:29 Dizzy_Initiative1158 Would I be the ahole if I don’t go to my great Nieces first birthday?

This is a long one. I (f37) am thinking about not going to my great nieces first birthday.
My niece (19) and I have always been quite close. I have always been there for her growing up and was heavily involved since the day she was born. I actually watched her be born. I always held my nieces and nephews as babies, changed their nappies, bathed them, looked after them, took them places, bought them things etc. Now my niece has had a baby and it’s the total opposite of how things were when my niece was a baby. She never wants people to hold baby, do things for baby,look after her or do ANY of the things I did when she was little. Every time I tried to hold her or be involved in any way it was as if I was a stranger trying to hold her baby. I always felt like I was a nobody and my niece didn’t want me to acknowledge her daughter at all. I began to feel guilty for even looking at her. It all came to a head when I asked what kind of baby seat she used as I wanted to get one just incase me or my parents ever needed to have or pick up my great niece for any reason. I got shut down and was told that there was no point as she would never be in anyone else’s car so there was no need to buy a baby seat. I was over trying at that point. I had put so much energy and effort into trying to be the best great aunt I could be just as I had been the best aunt I could be for my niece but I was getting rejected left right and centre. I made a generic post on Facebook saying that I was giving up trying which she obviously knew was about this situation. She wouldn’t answer any of my texts or phone calls. I should mention that I suffer from depression and mental illness and was on the verge of a breakdown. I was at a very low point and decided I needed to get away. I spontaneously bought a ticket to Germany for the next day for four weeks. (My sister lives in Germany) I then get a text from my niece saying the following.
Hey (name removed) Look i’m not mad at you i’m just disappointed that something as simple as telling you not to buy a car seat for baby as it’s not necessary caused you to posted things on facebook and etc. It’s disappointing you haven’t respected husband and I’s boundaries, privacy and personal choice for us and our family. On my multiple occasions you haven’t taken no for an answer and I feel like i’m walking on egg shells quite frankly trying not to upset you. I feel as though I can’t say “no don’t buy a car seat” or no to a cuddle with baby without offending you. It’s really draining constantly feeling like husband and my decisions for our baby are not being respected or understood by you at family gatherings, which doesn’t bring joy and happiness into my life and my family. I understand you might mean well but at the end of the day it’s not your decision on anything to do with baby it’s up to husband and I and unfortunately if you can’t respect that then we aren’t going to want to see you, and want to catch up with you and ect. We are a private family and like to have our space we also do not have time for drama and etc in our lives. I’m sorry if this upsets you but husband and I only want the best for our baby and that includes the people around her. And it is so negative and upsetting to see that one of our family members have posted about us on her facebook and is not the type of energy we want in are daughters life. We are currently in the middle of moving house so I don’t have time for long conversations like this, and that’s why I haven’t answered you yet but when we have settled down in our new house and everything we can catch up and talk in person. Hope you understand where we are coming from and think and process what I have said Thank you. love you 🫶🫶
It was like a gut punch. I totally broke down after that. The time away was good but it was super awkward when I returned home. I didn’t want to engage at all. Over time things slowly improved and I felt like things were getting better. Then one day a weeks back we were having a family bbq and she had put baby on the ground while holding her hands. I put my arms out to pick her up and my niece held babies hands tighter and said something along the lines of why do you always have to pick her up when I put her down. I was taken aback and left the room for a while. I kept my distance the rest of the day and haven’t reached out since. I should also add that my sister and niece are very similar in the sense that if I don’t reach out to them (eg call or text) I NEVER hear from them. I am so drained and tired of trying and have become distant. I don’t want to socialise with them or talk. My great nieces first birthday is next week and I don’t want to go. I don’t t have the energy to pretend everything is ok. I don’t see the point in me being there. So would I be the asshole if I didn’t attend.
submitted by Dizzy_Initiative1158 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:13 kayenano The Villainess Is An SS+ Rank Adventurer: Chapter 241

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Juliette Contzen is a lazy, good-for-nothing princess. Overshadowed by her siblings, she's left with little to do but nap, read … and occasionally cut the falling raindrops with her sword. Spotted one day by an astonished adventurer, he insists on grading Juliette's swordsmanship, then promptly has a mental breakdown at the result.
Soon after, Juliette is given the news that her kingdom is on the brink of bankruptcy. At threat of being married off, the lazy princess vows to do whatever it takes to maintain her current lifestyle, and taking matters into her own hands, escapes in the middle of the night in order to restore her kingdom's finances.
Tags: Comedy, Adventure, Action, Fantasy, Copious Ohohohohos.
Chapter 241: Until Now
The doors to the Hartzwiese Adventurer’s Guild opened.
Before, the sound of raucous laughter could be heard flooding the street outside, filling the quiet of a spring night with all the debauchery the local drunkards had to offer.
Despite the halls of adventurers not being formal drinking establishments, those within were ready to compete in boisterousness with all the taverns, inns and pubs of the town combined. And also win. Handily.
And yet–
The moment the doors parted and I stepped within, a hush as quiet as any grave fell over its inhabitants.
A woman balancing with her derrière upon the head of another became still, the alcohol in her cup the only movement as it dribbled onto a stunned face below her.
A man slurping from the communal cauldron stared wordlessly, the stew pouring in, and then out of his mouth as the muscles of his throat forgot the means to swallow.
A bartender asleep upon a row of kegs quietly rose, the sudden din of silence waking him where the sound of debauchery and those drinking from the taps beside him had failed.
Here, there, and everywhere, eyes widened as the sudden silence was filled with the sounds of my footsteps as I strolled past, my loyal handmaiden and my brother’s attendant in my wake.
And also–
Tabby cats.
Calico cats.
Ragdoll cats.
Cats with twirly whiskers. Cats with puffy faces. Cats with slightly rounded ears.
Behind me, skipping around my legs while taking turns to sit upon my shoulders and very occasionally my head, were a legion of cats of various shapes, sizes and colours.
But no matter the springiness of their whiskers, the shine of their coat or the liveliness of their tails, one thing to bring them all together was the anarchy they caused.
This was no neat line of ducklings following after their mother.
This was a barbarian horde.
With no sense of organisation other than a shared drive to claim everything as their own, they immediately skipped amidst the stunned adventurers, scavenging for all the copious scraps while still turning their noses away from the alcohol forming sticky traps upon the floor.
Saying nothing, I allowed their demanding cries to fill up the hall as I swept forwards, pausing before a wall plastered from end to end with faded notices and requests long gone unanswered.
One by one, I systemically tore every request featuring a crudely drawn image of a cat, gathering into my arms a pile of parchment large enough to reach my chin.
Then, I made my way to the wooden desk.
A receptionist waited with a smile at the ready.
“Greetings! Welcome to the Hartzwiese branch of the Adventurer’s Guild. I see you’ve removed several notices from the–”
Silenced but unperturbed, this latest clone watched as I dropped the stack of requests onto her desk, before promptly topping off the stack with a copper ring.
“Do what must be done,” I said, my voice defiant. “I am ready.”
The receptionist answered me with a smile more permanent than the wall the notices were torn from.
A moment later–
A green hue appeared in her clasped palms as she assessed the ring.
“Juliette. B-rank. Your registered branch is Reitzlake.”
The sound of several cups clattered against the floor.
“Welcome again to Hartzwiese. I see from your commission history that you have an extraordinary amount of completions for recovering lost cats. May I assume the significant number of cats now roaming the branch hall relate to the notices removed from the wall?”
I pursed my quivering lips.
“Wonderful. And how many cats is it that you’ve rescued?”
“... Lots.”
“I see. Please give me a moment while I confirm the requirements of our commissions.”
The receptionist swiftly retrieved a stack of parchment from a drawer.
As she flicked through, her eyes simultaneously went to every cat roaming, napping and clawing in the hall. A skill not even monstrous overseers from the abyss with their dozens of eyestalks could match. But that’s only to be expected.
Wherever these receptionists were found, it was from a level deeper than any monster dared roam.
Eventually, she gave a nod.
“Thank you for waiting. There appears to be an excess of cats in relation to the number of commissions we have available. We’ll endeavour to ensure that every cat is rehomed at the earliest opportunity through our partner agencies and charities. But unfortunately, I can only provide official acknowledgement for cats rescued through a formal commission.”
I sucked in a deep breath, hoping that patience was one of the things I accidentally inhaled.
“Fine. And how many commissions does that end up being, then? … 10? 15?”
The receptionist flicked through her bundle of parchments once more.
“... Excuse me?”
“I can confirm the successful completion of 94 simultaneous F-ranked commissions. Congratulations. This is a new record, breaking what appears to be one earlier set by yourself. A remarkable achievement befitting a B-rank member of the guild.”
The receptionist’s professional smile never wavered.
I thought that would be the worst of it.
But then–
She slowly brought her hands together … and started applauding.
It was the leak which broke the dam.
At once, she was joined by all who were present to witness this crowning moment of regret.
I turned around in time to see a riot in motion.
“In … Incredible …”
“A new record … I … I heard it was broken in Trierport … to think I’d witness it broken again!”
“A B-rank adventurer … ?! Where … Where did she come from … ?!”
There was no polite, respectful applause here.
It was the wild cheering of a crowd at a tournament. The whooping cries of theatregoers calling for an encore. The acclaim of my father as he elbowed others to delight in the poetry I’d written when I was 6 and thus now regularly attempted to burn.
Everywhere I turned, I saw and heard the acclaim mixed with shouts of horror as mugs of alcohol were spilled on purpose and by accident. The layabouts stomped on the floor, doing their best to murder decorum under the strain of unbridled emotion.
Only a few falling teardrops formed any hint of more dignified revelry, the glimmer of admiration running down cheeks as sniffles were hidden amidst the raucous cheering.
And then I bore witness to the most morbid sight.
Like a tidal wave of soiled clothes and snotty faces, they suddenly came as one, hands reaching out for me with dripping mugs still in their grips. Horror struck at my soul. And unlike a farmer who’d scarpered into the night, I had nobody who could heal a wound caused by hooligans accepting me as their own.
“A-Amazing!! Take my drink! Take anyone’s drink!!”
“So many cats rescued … even my allergies can’t believe it!”
“My gods, it’s a legend! An adventurer among adventurers!”
This right here.
This was the lowest point of my life … were I not an unparalleled genius.
“Oho … ohoho …”
At once, the wave halted.
Faces which were lit up in unabashed delight turned to looks of mild confusion against the tinkling music of my laughter.
They needed to cycle through the expressions until they reached horror and shame.
… For I was no drunkard seeking to join their ranks!
No … I was Juliette Contzen, 3rd Princess to the Kingdom of Tirea!
And that meant every action I took, every word I spoke, and every cat I saved was for a reason beyond the hopes and dreams these hoodlums had of wanton debauchery and rusting swords!
A lesser princess than I may slink away into the night, cowed by the utter shame, humiliation and disgrace of completing so many F-ranked requests that I somehow broke a record I’d only just set!
But I was made of greater things!
Of schemes and subterfuges so deep that it would take too long to explain! The plots I weaved were a silken web more intricate than any cogs which made up Coppelia as she doubled up, desperately trying to stop herself from succumbing to more pain from laughter!
And that meant with every cat request now denied to these louts … they would finally do some work!
“Ohoho … ohohohohoho!! Behold and be afraid! Witness before you the coming of a new dawn, here to lift you from your days of boundless reverie! Unfurl the shutters and gaze upon a radiance so pure it brands your dallying minds! The scorching sun has come to test the snail’s back, and all that your bleary eyes see is a great salt lake to devour you whole! Shrivel as you cling upon the sweat which drips upon your brow, for that is the proof you’re yet alive!”
A sudden silence met my proclamation of their coming ordeal.
And then–
“I don’t understand! But what a speech!”
“If she can do it, so can we!”
I raised a hand to my lips, barely covering my smile.
“Ohhhohohohohohohoho … !”
Here it was!
Operation: Gainful Employment!
An entirely new strategy, as bold as it was uncharted!
By removing what was surely the vast majority of missing cat quests available to the adventurers of this town, they would have no choice, utterly none whatsoever, but to engage in actual work! The type of work adventurers openly advertised themselves as doing!
Monster subjugation! Crime prevention! Fetching artifacts from hidden dungeons and then succumbing to their wounds at the entrance while the Royal Treasury pocketed the treasure!
Yes, this was clearly a highly experimental tactic.
But what was I, if not a bastion of creativity?
At the very least, I utterly refused to accept the status quo! An organisation dedicated exclusively to rescuing lost cats or elbowing into my kingdom’s sovereign affairs was no good to me!
Thus … I could not cower like some towngirl nauseous from the smell of their revelry.
Instead, I would squeeze the Adventurer’s Guild dry until the day I replaced them with an army of trained poodles. Until that joyous day, I could never tear my eyes away when they waited to be robbed.
To do so was more than a dereliction of duty …
Why, I’d be an accomplice to their drunken escapades!
My vow remained unchanged. For my goal, I would brave any indignity. The ring I was hoping the receptionist would forget to return was proof of that.
And thus–
I stood tall as a summer reed, proud in the knowledge that I had no need to feel even an inkling of embarrassment over completing 94 simultaneous F-ranked commissions! …
“S-Stop at once! You are not to laugh!”
Clearly not seeing the angel of self-sacrifice who I was, Coppelia held one hand tightly around her mouth. Even so, she failed to stop either the sound of her amusement or the tears falling from her eyes.
My only salvation was that it came at significant cost to her. Even now, she careened between laughter and painful regret.
I decided to offer both her and myself mercy.
Turning to the receptionist, I found a modest pouch already waiting upon the wooden desk. As well as a copper ring waiting beside it.
“Thank you for your service to the Adventurer’s Guild,” said the receptionist, her professional smile undaunted by the commotion. “Your total remuneration is 102 gold crowns, 7 silver crowns and 9 copper crowns. I’ve taken the liberty to compile all your separate payments together.”
I took the pouch and ignored the ring.
The receptionist pushed the ring forwards.
A long moment later, I collected it, uncertain what a receptionist would do if I tossed it into the communal cauldron, but knowing it would somehow still end up on my finger regardless.
With my head held high, I bravely ignored the chorus of voices unknowingly cheering for their own hardship as I swept past. Renewed tears and applause filled the hall. A few cats attempted to follow me. I stopped to shoo them away.
And then I was outside, the door closing behind me.
“... Goodness, that was quite the sight,” said Renise with a bemused smile. “It reminded me somewhat of the inns of Reitzlake’s docks. I wonder if all the halls of adventurers are like that, or merely those which you frequent?”
“Please don’t insinuate I’m responsible for the debauchery which occurs wherever the Adventurer’s Guild is concerned. That’s something I can claim no credit for.”
“You say that … but to me, it seems that you caused quite a stir. That really is a remarkable number of cats you rescued, after all. Even I can tell that 94 simultaneous F-ranked commissions–”
“Miss Renise.”
The maid’s smile wavered against whatever fatigued expression I was making.
A moment later, it fell away entirely as she switched to her role as my brother’s attendant and the leader of whatever scoundrels he’d charged her with herding.
“... Yes, I suppose there’s time for idle conversation later. There’s a guardhouse nearby. We should report on all that’s happened tonight.”
I gave a nod of agreement.
Hopefully, the baroness hadn’t woken from her stupor yet. But if she had, I was certain the single portrait of myself I’d returned to the wall of her gallery to smile down at her gagged and bound state would calm her nerves.
Renise hummed towards the direction of Hartzwiese’s centre, before returning her attention to me.
“If you wish to keep your identity incognito, I can see guards sent to where they’re needed using my own authority, and arrange for the appropriate seizure of the goods and crowns we’ve discovered.”
I beamed at once.
My, so prudent! It’s little wonder she was chosen by Roland!
“A judicious offer. And one I’ll accept gladly, providing the burden isn’t too severe.”
“This is merely an administrative task, and little burden compared to what both yourself and Miss Coppelia regularly perform. In any event, it is only efficient. I expect I’ll be spending a significant amount of time at the baroness’s farmstead. It is quite extensive. If possible, I would like to make use of it for Rose House. I imagine having such a facility close to the Granholtz border would have its uses.”
I nodded, already forgetting the barn’s existence.
“I encourage you to use your discretion as required. My brother has put his trust in you, and so I both expect and know that you shall not disappoint in furthering the kingdom’s prosperity.”
The young woman smiled. One filled with appreciation, but also lacking ambition.
An excellent combination as far as retainers were concerned.
“Thank you. Although I worry you place too much trust in my abilities. In truth, those like Baroness Arisa would have made for a greater asset to the kingdom. Her resourcefulness must be acknowledged.”
“It is not resourcefulness my kingdom requires. It is loyalty. And hers is a pit so empty it drains others.”
“That’s true. But at least we were able to acquire some useful things from her nonetheless.”
Renise pulled out a tiny vial from the belt around her thigh.
A golden liquid was stored within, glimmering with an unnatural light.
“These were in her chamber,” she said, her eyes lacking emotion as she surveyed the bright liquid. “When we met, she actually attempted to purchase my loyalty with this.”
“A suspect vial. How quaint. And what miracle did she promise?”
“One that would wake my parents from their curse of eternal slumber.”
“... And is it?”
“I don’t believe so, no. This is one of many identical vials I found in her chamber’s desk drawer. All prominently labelled with instructions to only drink as required to stave off the effects of bloating.”
Renise returned the vial to her belt with a slightly embarrassed smile.
“It’s still useful,” she admitted. “But just not for what I require.”
I gave a simple nod as my reply.
Nothing else needed to be said.
She hoped to see her parents wake from their prison of dormancy. An understandable wish. And one I wasn’t required to supplement with the comment that no pair named the Smuggler King and the Smuggler Queen were likely to receive as light a sentence as their daughter.
I could not speak on behalf of Roland. Although I imagined that as a kind man, he would prefer not to pass judgements which were total. But as the Crown Prince, he did not have the luxury of kindness.
It would take much to change their fate.
But perhaps that’s why Renise was here, still proving true, and not accepting stomach ailment potions from a baroness.
A moment of silence followed.
Renise gave a short sigh. And that was that.
She set her eyes on the task ahead–at least until whatever words she’d parted her mouth to say were interrupted by Coppelia’s humming instead.
“Sooooooooooooooo … you just want to wake up two people eternally sleeping, right?”
A small smile met her optimistic voice.
“If a cure were readily available, I’m certain I would have found it by now. I believe one might be possible, but it would take skill and ingredients beyond any apothecary I know of.”
“Well, sure, you could go that way. But what about going straight to the source instead?”
“The source?”
“Sure. They’re asleep, right? So just ask the one in charge of where they are now.”
“I’m … not quite sure I follow?”
Coppelia clapped her hands together and beamed.
“The Spring Court is the realm of dreams. Chances are, they must have shown their faces around a few times by now. If you ask the Spring Queen nicely, she might do you a favour.”
“The Spring Queen? … The fae?”
“Mmh~ luckily, we have someone with connections here!”
Renise was startled out of her reply.
It was nothing compared to me. The one being pointed at.
“Coppelia!” I said, truly aghast at the suggestion. “The fae are not to be taken lightly. Why, I still have nightmares about my conversation with the Winter Queen! I learned a side to royalty that day which I shall never forget … and I’m quite poorer for it!”
“You met … the Winter Queen?” asked Renise, her eyes suddenly wide.
“Unfortunately, yes, but I had zero intention of meeting her, and I’ve just as little intention of meeting any other fae as well. Including the Spring Queen.”
I waved away the coming query to declare what was just as important as my lack of enthusiasm.
“Besides, I’ve not the foggiest idea how I would even hope to use these supposed connections I have.”
“Oh, that’s the easy bit,” said Coppelia, her casual disregard for what counted as ‘easy’ more terrifying than any lout I’d met today. “The hard part is getting them to do what you want. But meeting them? The fae are creatures of stories. If the time is right, they’ll speak to you–one way or another.”
“Then they must book an appointment. One which I can formally reject.”
“I mean, I don’t think you have much choice. You didn’t last time, right?”
“The last time, I was sat beside the Winter Queen’s crown. I see no fae artifacts to hook me away. And that means utterly no scenario in which I could be abducted without my express–”
I suddenly stopped, clasping my hands around my mouth.
A moment later, I raised my arms in a martial art I’d just invented, turning repeatedly on the spot.
Renise blinked at me.
“Excuse me, but what are–”
I paused, gazing intently around at the quiet, dark streets of Hartzwiese, all the while ignoring Coppelia’s giggling at my near miss.
That … That was close!
“O-Oho … oho … I almost invited something terrible. Truly, it’s perhaps best not to needlessly voice things which Fae Queens and their deviant brand of magic could use …”
Coppelia nodded at me, as proud as she was clearly disappointed.
“You’re lucky. If the Spring Queen had a sense of humour, she’d have snagged you right there and then.”
“No. If the Spring Queen had a sense of humour, she’d wait until–”
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submitted by kayenano to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:53 Donghoon fyi: Difference between some similarly named AP courses

Calc AB: Single variable Differential Calculus and Introduction to Integral Calculus.
Calc BC: Single variable Differential Calculus and Intermediate Integral Calculus including Infinite series, parametric equations, polar coordinate system, and vector valued functions. Exam is 60% AB topics.
Precalculus: Different types of functions and Algebraic function analysis. Important skills for AP calculus.
AP precalculus is the first time "precalculus" curriculum has been standardized across the country.
Officially, BC has no prerequisites, but your school may do it differently due to how content heavy BC curriculum is. (11 units is crazy!)


Physics 1: Foundational Newtonian Physics concepts with ALGEBRA based math. Mechanics, Rotational mechanics, Dynamics, and Energy and Momentum conservation. Fluid dynamics (soon).
Physics 2: More Foundational Modern Physics concepts with ALGEBRA based math. Thermodynamics, Electricity, Magnatism, Optics, Nuclear and quantum physics.
Physics C mechanics: Physics 1 concepts with CALCULUS based formulas.
Physics C electricity and magnetism: Electricity and magnetism concepts with CALCULUS based formulas.
Physics 1 and 2 are heavily conceptual; previously known as just One course: Physics B but was later separated into 1 and 2. Physicd C are calculation/math heavy.


Computer Science Principles: Intro to "Computers", Computer algorithms, and the "Internet" and the "Web." There is a Coding unit and a coding "project" you submit for the AP exam in addition to multiple choice questions portion.
Computer Science A: Intro to programming in Java. Basics of Object Oriented programming (OOP). Classes, Subclasses, Inheritance are huge part of the curriculum. Recursion, Iteration, If-statements, Arrays, 2D Arrays are also taught.
submitted by Donghoon to APStudents [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:30 rosegoldgloss Swoop posts new message: "Finally Opening Up" (TW: DV, illness, MH)

Swoop has shared the following message on her YouTube page's community tab:
"Finally Opening Up" (link)
TW: DV, illness, MH Tldr: Recent physical as\ault and medical trauma*
Hey friends. This is the most difficult thing I’ve ever shared, but dealing with this privately for so long, while trying to put on a “brave” face has been destroying me, and fear of oversharing has left me feeling painfully disconnected from all of you, the community whom I cherish so deeply. But everything has come to a head recently, when I was violently physically assaulted, battered, and threatened by a person who has abused me in the past.
Most of you know that I am a survivor of r*pe and ab*se as a child and adult, being slowly on the journey of trying to process both publicly and privately. I’m imperfect in this journey, but trying. In addition, for most of my life, I have been living with chronic illness, spinal injuries, and chronic pain from trauma as well as fibromyalgia. And for the past 2+ years I have been living in a nightmare.
I have been living with widespread partial and total limb numbness, tingling, and electric shocks in both my arms, hands, legs, and feet, as well as deep spasms. At times it’s excruciating and would intensify without warning. It has left me with extended periods where I can’t feel parts of my body at all, while other times my body is on fire. A team of doctors had put on the “MS Protocol” meaning, my doctor, who has Multiple Sclerosis, has been evaluating me for MS. At this time I have not been officially diagnosed, while being told they cannot rule it out, and to expect a long process.
In addition, after endless MRIs and painful procedures, my doctor found white spots within my spine. I was told they have only seen this once before, where what appeared to be lesions were tumors, and they have me regularly testing for cancer, indefinitely. I do not have answers yet. This has caused a depression and level of anxiety that has felt too much to handle, so I’ve buried it deep and kept it private, even from many close to me.
On top of this, I was recently physically battered by a person who has abused me previously. I was trying to escape being cornered in a room when I was attacked from behind and tried to defend myself but it wasn’t enough. As a result, I am struggling with an immense amount of physical trauma, and mentally I’m just a shell of myself. I’m so embarrassed that after telling so many “it’s not your fault” - I still can’t tell myself.
I am neurodivergent, and get stuck in “brain loops” where I spiral into self harm and feelings of uncontrollable dread and worthlessness. I’ve tried my best to combat the loops by throwing myself in my work, even when I could hardly feel my own hands, and am left feeling massive guilt if my work feels incomplete, sloppy, out of touch or disconnected. I tried taking on projects that became too triggering, and had to walk away, riddled with shame that I might be letting anyone down for not covering a story. Everything about what I’m going through has shifted my perception of stories and how I cover them, trying to introduce more perspectives (you may or may not have noticed) and I hope to continue to develop and find more eloquent and inclusive ways to do so. Petty has always been my coping mechanism to mask my pain, but now I wish to focus more on perspective.
I have sat down countless times to film a video about my trauma, and may try to post one, the way I used to with our community. I have been keeping things private out of fear that people would think I’m “trauma dumping” or asking for sympathy. I’ve realized: that is an irrational fear and trauma response, because, like so many other survivors, I have been conditioned to feel guilty for sharing, or like I’m just looking for attention. If that’s how someone interprets me, that’s ok. But holding this has only made the darkness deeper. I no longer want to be an example of suffering in silence, in hopes someone else might feel seen.
I am also working to take some time away to find healing. I have a number of previous videos already in production from a while ago, and contractual obligations I can’t cancel, so I’ll likely have someone upload them for me, so that I can try to breathe for once, and you’re not without the content you generously spend your time with. I don’t know how much time I will or won’t take, but it’s a start. Thank you for your openness to hearing my story. I’m broken, but still here.
I feel like I’ve been fighting for my life, and this is not a battle I want to lose.
Love you all, Swoop
submitted by rosegoldgloss to SwoopSnarks [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:16 everything_is_stup1d Science or faith? Or both?

I had this sermon yesterday, and it helped me collate my thoughts
For the everyone, Christianity isn't a self-help or a religion that makes you feel good. It is a faith that is real. Sharing the word and preaching may not turn the hearts of others. You need to clarify the non-believers' doubts. However, this is for everyone to read.
Science doesn't argue that God isn't real. God and science aren't enemies. They are in fact allies. God made science and science proves of God is existence.
1) Faith and science are complementary.
John 4:21-24 describes the Samaritan woman asking Jesus which is mountain/temple is the right place to seek God. Jesus instead tells her how God is spiritual. Heaven and hell are not physical locations, but a spiritual location. Therefore you need to connect to God spiritually.
Science cannot prove about why the existence of any number. For example, why is 7 seven and not 1 or 2 or 3? Science only assumes numbers. What about right and wrongs? We know that they are real things. We believe they are factual. But right and wrongs differ from person to person. Science can not scientifically prove what is right and what is wrong. Science is used to prove the physical and not physical world. But science also cannot prove science. For example science cannot prove where an atom is from. People say the Big Bang, but what caused it to happen(explained later)? God is beyond the physical world. So science is to study the physical world, whereas faith is to know the spiritual world.
2) Faith provides a basis for science
Science is to prove a principle of a law. But you need to assume that this law exists in the first place because if it doesn't then results are unattainable. This is a hypothesis. If the experimental results are achieved, then the law is true. However, when the results cannot be obtained, the law either is false or needs further proving. But He separated the dry land from water as can be seen in Psalm 105:5-9. The waters flowed over the mountains, went into valleys and He set a boundary they cannot cross and would never again cover earth. Same again in the story of Noah. And also can be seen in Genesis 1 when the world was just water. Before He made these boundaries, the waters were chaotic and with no order. God gave order.
In fact there are also many many famous scientists out there who used the Bible for their hypothesis and so far they are all correct. Johannes Kepler said that he was was merely thinking God's thoughts after Him. Isaac Newton said he studied the Bible to prove scientific theories. However, what the Bible says that is in the later part before the end, that cannot be proven yet. Other than that, God made the world follow a fixed law. Therefore, Christianity is a faith with science to prove that it is true. This leads to the last point
3) Science provides evidence for the Christian faith
Romans 1:18-20 says ‭" [18] For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, [19] because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. [20] For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse". This shows that there is so much evidence of God in the world like science and the miracles done. So how can God not have the rights to condemn someone to hell? It isn't because He remained hidden and they didn't have the opportunity to know Him. They closed their hearts and believe in His works but not Him. They have everything around them to prove God exists, but they do not heed.
Psalm 8:3-4 shows us the magnitude and power of God. But there would be critics who disagree because we jump into conclusions and "assume" it's right. What if there is an argument to prove that it is right and it in fact is God's powers?
Kalama Cosmological Argument states: 1. Everything must have a cause. 2. The universe began to exist 3. (if the first 2 points make sense which they do, then) Therefore, the universe must have a cause
The Kalam Cosmological Argument can be used on Islam and Christianity but the Christian God is the true God. In Islam, Muhammad was not the Son of God. He was just a prophet. Neither did he die on the cross for the people to redeem their sins. And I don't need to talk about the kids he married. It's pedophilia and there's no argument that that is very wrong. God is righteous and His son should be righteous as well. We know Jesus was righteous and has never sinned. He bored the cross for our shame and suffered to redeem us. This is the real Son of God. Therefore, only our Christian God is true. The gods of other religions cannot exist because of the Kalam Argument that we can agree is true.
The Big Bang, which people argue that this is how God doesn't exist, was only proven in 2003. Do I believe in the Big Bang? Yes. But you see, science is to study the physical world (definition: the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained). Science only can be used to study the physical world. So the world cannot make the world because the world is science but science cannot make science. In that way, something external must be making the Big Bang happen. So who is this Someone who is external?
Using the Kalam Argument, we can come to a conclusion that 1. The Creator must be extremely powerful to create the world. 2. The Creator has to be non-physical for the world cannot make the world reason. 3. The Creator must be eternal. If not something else would have made Him, thus He would have a beginning. But He cannot have a cause, but cause a cause unless the cause is a person which cannot be true. Complicated to read but try to understand. This sounds like our God that we read about in Gensis! People don't believe because they don't want to, not because they didn't have more than enough evidence to know of God's evidence.
Next, God can use something natural and unnatural to create something. For example, the Red Sea turning red was proven to be because of sediments in the water. And so were the rest of the plague. But the destroyer was a curse (a really bad miracle) and isn't natural. So was Jesus when He went around to heal the sick, blind, deaf, mute, lame, and the possessed. A miracle = cannot be proven by science and totally unrelated to science. Who else can create miracles but by Someone not in the physical world? The consistency in the miracles cannot be a chance. It is the God factor. This can be proven by the Teleolgical Argument.
The Teleolgical Argument says that: 1. The fine-tuning of the universe is due to physical necessity or chance or design (proven by biology, physics or scientific experiments multiple times and would be explained after this) 2. It is not due to physical necessity or chance because unless the universe has a mind then it knows its necessities. And chances are so hard to come by (said later) 3. Thus the universe has to be designed (by God)
Like y=mx+c or other formulas with a constant inside. Gravity, speed of light in vacuum and other laws are also constant.
Now to answer "Can it be by chance?" The answer is 99.999999% no. But let me add that little 0.000001 to prove the God factor. Stephen Hawking said if time at the beginning slowed by 10¹⁰⁰ seconds, the universe would be dead. How can a chance be so accurate? How can there be a chance with such an unspeakable number without a design given? For example, you find an iPhone in the desert and you say its because the winds and weather conditions had assembled and put it together, and Steve Jobs picked it up. So with LOGICAL CONCLUSION, it can be said that there is a Designer to design the universe. According to the first law of thermodynamics, something cannot exist without being created from existing energy. The law states that energy cannot be created or destroyed and Einstein established that energy and mass (the two essense of existence) are essentially the same. But why does God not need a creator? Because the creator would be greater than God. Then won't we worship that creator instead? But thermodynamics only apply to our world. We often forget that God is of a spiritual world and He is eternal, hence, He doesn't need or have a creator.
In conclusion, science and faith are not compatible. That's too weak a word. Science and faith are complementary. Thus, do not disbelieve in God and only believe in science or vice versa. You need something that you can rely on that doesn't change. A constant. Then you might ask why do we believe in a book? We don't believe in book. It's the faith we believe in that is true. As science cannot prove science, the Bible cannot prove the Bible. But so far all the things the Bible was true, even before science had proven these. And those not of science are miracles or not proven yet. If you cannot debut these reasonings, then it only means God is true and that you should start believing in Him. Psalm 8:1-9 shows the magnitude and power of God. Science isn't something we should use to doubt God but to marvel and appreciate the works, even to the finest detail, of God and His designs. Gensis 1:26 says "[26] Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” ". We have dominion over the world as through science and the manipulation of science helps us understand God at a deeper scale. Your faith must have a deeper intellectual evidence. What reflects God's words or existence? I know that all He has said and still says has come true and thus will also come true. I know this because I see His works through History, Science etc. Build a faith with facts and knowledge but also with belief. You can further read things to strengthen your faith, like Reasonable Faith(or William Lane Craig, his youtube channel if you hate reading a lot, but since you got this far then maybe you do like reading), or books from Timothy Keller and C.S Lewis.
I would say that faith by knowledge is to accept in God and faith by feelings is to strengthen our love for God. I pray that we would have more brothers and sisters as well who would come to God through all these factors and we would have the brothers and sisters we lost to come back to God. In Jesus's most precious name I pray, Amen.
submitted by everything_is_stup1d to Christians [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:15 everything_is_stup1d Science or faith? Or both?

I had this sermon yesterday, and it helped me collate my thoughts
For the everyone, Christianity isn't a self-help or a religion that makes you feel good. It is a faith that is real. Sharing the word and preaching may not turn the hearts of others. You need to clarify the non-believers' doubts. However, this is for everyone to read.
Science doesn't argue that God isn't real. God and science aren't enemies. They are in fact allies. God made science and science proves of God is existence.
1) Faith and science are complementary.
John 4:21-24 describes the Samaritan woman asking Jesus which is mountain/temple is the right place to seek God. Jesus instead tells her how God is spiritual. Heaven and hell are not physical locations, but a spiritual location. Therefore you need to connect to God spiritually.
Science cannot prove about why the existence of any number. For example, why is 7 seven and not 1 or 2 or 3? Science only assumes numbers. What about right and wrongs? We know that they are real things. We believe they are factual. But right and wrongs differ from person to person. Science can not scientifically prove what is right and what is wrong. Science is used to prove the physical and not physical world. But science also cannot prove science. For example science cannot prove where an atom is from. People say the Big Bang, but what caused it to happen(explained later)? God is beyond the physical world. So science is to study the physical world, whereas faith is to know the spiritual world.
2) Faith provides a basis for science
Science is to prove a principle of a law. But you need to assume that this law exists in the first place because if it doesn't then results are unattainable. This is a hypothesis. If the experimental results are achieved, then the law is true. However, when the results cannot be obtained, the law either is false or needs further proving. But He separated the dry land from water as can be seen in Psalm 105:5-9. The waters flowed over the mountains, went into valleys and He set a boundary they cannot cross and would never again cover earth. Same again in the story of Noah. And also can be seen in Genesis 1 when the world was just water. Before He made these boundaries, the waters were chaotic and with no order. God gave order.
In fact there are also many many famous scientists out there who used the Bible for their hypothesis and so far they are all correct. Johannes Kepler said that he was was merely thinking God's thoughts after Him. Isaac Newton said he studied the Bible to prove scientific theories. However, what the Bible says that is in the later part before the end, that cannot be proven yet. Other than that, God made the world follow a fixed law. Therefore, Christianity is a faith with science to prove that it is true. This leads to the last point
3) Science provides evidence for the Christian faith
Romans 1:18-20 says ‭" [18] For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, [19] because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. [20] For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse". This shows that there is so much evidence of God in the world like science and the miracles done. So how can God not have the rights to condemn someone to hell? It isn't because He remained hidden and they didn't have the opportunity to know Him. They closed their hearts and believe in His works but not Him. They have everything around them to prove God exists, but they do not heed.
Psalm 8:3-4 shows us the magnitude and power of God. But there would be critics who disagree because we jump into conclusions and "assume" it's right. What if there is an argument to prove that it is right and it in fact is God's powers?
Kalama Cosmological Argument states: 1. Everything must have a cause. 2. The universe began to exist 3. (if the first 2 points make sense which they do, then) Therefore, the universe must have a cause
The Kalam Cosmological Argument can be used on Islam and Christianity but the Christian God is the true God. In Islam, Muhammad was not the Son of God. He was just a prophet. Neither did he die on the cross for the people to redeem their sins. And I don't need to talk about the kids he married. It's pedophilia and there's no argument that that is very wrong. God is righteous and His son should be righteous as well. We know Jesus was righteous and has never sinned. He bored the cross for our shame and suffered to redeem us. This is the real Son of God. Therefore, only our Christian God is true. The gods of other religions cannot exist because of the Kalam Argument that we can agree is true.
The Big Bang, which people argue that this is how God doesn't exist, was only proven in 2003. Do I believe in the Big Bang? Yes. But you see, science is to study the physical world (definition: the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained). Science only can be used to study the physical world. So the world cannot make the world because the world is science but science cannot make science. In that way, something external must be making the Big Bang happen. So who is this Someone who is external?
Using the Kalam Argument, we can come to a conclusion that 1. The Creator must be extremely powerful to create the world. 2. The Creator has to be non-physical for the world cannot make the world reason. 3. The Creator must be eternal. If not something else would have made Him, thus He would have a beginning. But He cannot have a cause, but cause a cause unless the cause is a person which cannot be true. Complicated to read but try to understand. This sounds like our God that we read about in Gensis! People don't believe because they don't want to, not because they didn't have more than enough evidence to know of God's evidence.
Next, God can use something natural and unnatural to create something. For example, the Red Sea turning red was proven to be because of sediments in the water. And so were the rest of the plague. But the destroyer was a curse (a really bad miracle) and isn't natural. So was Jesus when He went around to heal the sick, blind, deaf, mute, lame, and the possessed. A miracle = cannot be proven by science and totally unrelated to science. Who else can create miracles but by Someone not in the physical world? The consistency in the miracles cannot be a chance. It is the God factor. This can be proven by the Teleolgical Argument.
The Teleolgical Argument says that: 1. The fine-tuning of the universe is due to physical necessity or chance or design (proven by biology, physics or scientific experiments multiple times and would be explained after this) 2. It is not due to physical necessity or chance because unless the universe has a mind then it knows its necessities. And chances are so hard to come by (said later) 3. Thus the universe has to be designed (by God)
Like y=mx+c or other formulas with a constant inside. Gravity, speed of light in vacuum and other laws are also constant.
Now to answer "Can it be by chance?" The answer is 99.999999% no. But let me add that little 0.000001 to prove the God factor. Stephen Hawking said if time at the beginning slowed by 10¹⁰⁰ seconds, the universe would be dead. How can a chance be so accurate? How can there be a chance with such an unspeakable number without a design given? For example, you find an iPhone in the desert and you say its because the winds and weather conditions had assembled and put it together, and Steve Jobs picked it up. So with LOGICAL CONCLUSION, it can be said that there is a Designer to design the universe. According to the first law of thermodynamics, something cannot exist without being created from existing energy. The law states that energy cannot be created or destroyed and Einstein established that energy and mass (the two essense of existence) are essentially the same. But why does God not need a creator? Because the creator would be greater than God. Then won't we worship that creator instead? But thermodynamics only apply to our world. We often forget that God is of a spiritual world and He is eternal, hence, He doesn't need or have a creator.
In conclusion, science and faith are not compatible. That's too weak a word. Science and faith are complementary. Thus, do not disbelieve in God and only believe in science or vice versa. You need something that you can rely on that doesn't change. A constant. Then you might ask why do we believe in a book? We don't believe in book. It's the faith we believe in that is true. As science cannot prove science, the Bible cannot prove the Bible. But so far all the things the Bible was true, even before science had proven these. And those not of science are miracles or not proven yet. If you cannot debut these reasonings, then it only means God is true and that you should start believing in Him. Psalm 8:1-9 shows the magnitude and power of God. Science isn't something we should use to doubt God but to marvel and appreciate the works, even to the finest detail, of God and His designs. Gensis 1:26 says "[26] Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” ". We have dominion over the world as through science and the manipulation of science helps us understand God at a deeper scale. Your faith must have a deeper intellectual evidence. What reflects God's words or existence? I know that all He has said and still says has come true and thus will also come true. I know this because I see His works through History, Science etc. Build a faith with facts and knowledge but also with belief. You can further read things to strengthen your faith, like Reasonable Faith(or William Lane Craig, his youtube channel if you hate reading a lot, but since you got this far then maybe you do like reading), or books from Timothy Keller and C.S Lewis.
I would say that faith by knowledge is to accept in God and faith by feelings is to strengthen our love for God. I pray that we would have more brothers and sisters as well who would come to God through all these factors and we would have the brothers and sisters we lost to come back to God. In Jesus's most precious name I pray, Amen.
submitted by everything_is_stup1d to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:14 everything_is_stup1d Science or faith? Or both?

I had this sermon yesterday, it helped me collate my thoughts
For the everyone, Christianity isn't a self-help or a religion that makes you feel good. It is a faith that is real. Sharing the word and preaching may not turn the hearts of others. You need to clarify the non-believers' doubts. However, this is for everyone to read.
Science doesn't argue that God isn't real. God and science aren't enemies. They are in fact allies. God made science and science proves of God is existence.
1) Faith and science are complementary.
John 4:21-24 describes the Samaritan woman asking Jesus which is mountain/temple is the right place to seek God. Jesus instead tells her how God is spiritual. Heaven and hell are not physical locations, but a spiritual location. Therefore you need to connect to God spiritually.
Science cannot prove about why the existence of any number. For example, why is 7 seven and not 1 or 2 or 3? Science only assumes numbers. What about right and wrongs? We know that they are real things. We believe they are factual. But right and wrongs differ from person to person. Science can not scientifically prove what is right and what is wrong. Science is used to prove the physical and not physical world. But science also cannot prove science. For example science cannot prove where an atom is from. People say the Big Bang, but what caused it to happen(explained later)? God is beyond the physical world. So science is to study the physical world, whereas faith is to know the spiritual world.
2) Faith provides a basis for science
Science is to prove a principle of a law. But you need to assume that this law exists in the first place because if it doesn't then results are unattainable. This is a hypothesis. If the experimental results are achieved, then the law is true. However, when the results cannot be obtained, the law either is false or needs further proving. But He separated the dry land from water as can be seen in Psalm 105:5-9. The waters flowed over the mountains, went into valleys and He set a boundary they cannot cross and would never again cover earth. Same again in the story of Noah. And also can be seen in Genesis 1 when the world was just water. Before He made these boundaries, the waters were chaotic and with no order. God gave order.
In fact there are also many many famous scientists out there who used the Bible for their hypothesis and so far they are all correct. Johannes Kepler said that he was was merely thinking God's thoughts after Him. Isaac Newton said he studied the Bible to prove scientific theories. However, what the Bible says that is in the later part before the end, that cannot be proven yet. Other than that, God made the world follow a fixed law. Therefore, Christianity is a faith with science to prove that it is true. This leads to the last point
3) Science provides evidence for the Christian faith
Romans 1:18-20 says ‭" [18] For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, [19] because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. [20] For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse". This shows that there is so much evidence of God in the world like science and the miracles done. So how can God not have the rights to condemn someone to hell? It isn't because He remained hidden and they didn't have the opportunity to know Him. They closed their hearts and believe in His works but not Him. They have everything around them to prove God exists, but they do not heed.
Psalm 8:3-4 shows us the magnitude and power of God. But there would be critics who disagree because we jump into conclusions and "assume" it's right. What if there is an argument to prove that it is right and it in fact is God's powers?
Kalama Cosmological Argument states: 1. Everything must have a cause. 2. The universe began to exist 3. (if the first 2 points make sense which they do, then) Therefore, the universe must have a cause
The Kalam Cosmological Argument can be used on Islam and Christianity but the Christian God is the true God. In Islam, Muhammad was not the Son of God. He was just a prophet. Neither did he die on the cross for the people to redeem their sins. And I don't need to talk about the kids he married. It's pedophilia and there's no argument that that is very wrong. God is righteous and His son should be righteous as well. We know Jesus was righteous and has never sinned. He bored the cross for our shame and suffered to redeem us. This is the real Son of God. Therefore, only our Christian God is true. The gods of other religions cannot exist because of the Kalam Argument that we can agree is true.
The Big Bang, which people argue that this is how God doesn't exist, was only proven in 2003. Do I believe in the Big Bang? Yes. But you see, science is to study the physical world (definition: the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained). Science only can be used to study the physical world. So the world cannot make the world because the world is science but science cannot make science. In that way, something external must be making the Big Bang happen. So who is this Someone who is external?
Using the Kalam Argument, we can come to a conclusion that 1. The Creator must be extremely powerful to create the world. 2. The Creator has to be non-physical for the world cannot make the world reason. 3. The Creator must be eternal. If not something else would have made Him, thus He would have a beginning. But He cannot have a cause, but cause a cause unless the cause is a person which cannot be true. Complicated to read but try to understand. This sounds like our God that we read about in Gensis! People don't believe because they don't want to, not because they didn't have more than enough evidence to know of God's evidence.
Next, God can use something natural and unnatural to create something. For example, the Red Sea turning red was proven to be because of sediments in the water. And so were the rest of the plague. But the destroyer was a curse (a really bad miracle) and isn't natural. So was Jesus when He went around to heal the sick, blind, deaf, mute, lame, and the possessed. A miracle = cannot be proven by science and totally unrelated to science. Who else can create miracles but by Someone not in the physical world? The consistency in the miracles cannot be a chance. It is the God factor. This can be proven by the Teleolgical Argument.
The Teleolgical Argument says that: 1. The fine-tuning of the universe is due to physical necessity or chance or design (proven by biology, physics or scientific experiments multiple times and would be explained after this) 2. It is not due to physical necessity or chance because unless the universe has a mind then it knows its necessities. And chances are so hard to come by (said later) 3. Thus the universe has to be designed (by God)
Like y=mx+c or other formulas with a constant inside. Gravity, speed of light in vacuum and other laws are also constant.
Now to answer "Can it be by chance?" The answer is 99.999999% no. But let me add that little 0.000001 to prove the God factor. Stephen Hawking said if time at the beginning slowed by 10¹⁰⁰ seconds, the universe would be dead. How can a chance be so accurate? How can there be a chance with such an unspeakable number without a design given? For example, you find an iPhone in the desert and you say its because the winds and weather conditions had assembled and put it together, and Steve Jobs picked it up. So with LOGICAL CONCLUSION, it can be said that there is a Designer to design the universe. According to the first law of thermodynamics, something cannot exist without being created from existing energy. The law states that energy cannot be created or destroyed and Einstein established that energy and mass (the two essense of existence) are essentially the same. But why does God not need a creator? Because the creator would be greater than God. Then won't we worship that creator instead? But thermodynamics only apply to our world. We often forget that God is of a spiritual world and He is eternal, hence, He doesn't need or have a creator.
In conclusion, science and faith are not compatible. That's too weak a word. Science and faith are complementary. Thus, do not disbelieve in God and only believe in science or vice versa. You need something that you can rely on that doesn't change. A constant. Then you might ask why do we believe in a book? We don't believe in book. It's the faith we believe in that is true. As science cannot prove science, the Bible cannot prove the Bible. But so far all the things the Bible was true, even before science had proven these. And those not of science are miracles or not proven yet. If you cannot debut these reasonings, then it only means God is true and that you should start believing in Him. Psalm 8:1-9 shows the magnitude and power of God. Science isn't something we should use to doubt God but to marvel and appreciate the works, even to the finest detail, of God and His designs. Gensis 1:26 says "[26] Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” ". We have dominion over the world as through science and the manipulation of science helps us understand God at a deeper scale. Your faith must have a deeper intellectual evidence. What reflects God's words or existence? I know that all He has said and still says has come true and thus will also come true. I know this because I see His works through History, Science etc. Build a faith with facts and knowledge but also with belief. You can further read things to strengthen your faith, like Reasonable Faith(or William Lane Craig, his youtube channel if you hate reading a lot, but since you got this far then maybe you do like reading), or books from Timothy Keller and C.S Lewis.
I would say that faith by knowledge is to accept in God and faith by feelings is to strengthen our love for God. I pray that we would have more brothers and sisters as well who would come to God through all these factors and we would have the brothers and sisters we lost to come back to God. In Jesus's most precious name I pray, Amen.
submitted by everything_is_stup1d to TrueChristian [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:02 Awesome_Bronana War of the Monsters Advanced Techniques

I remember the first time I played War of the Monsters on the PS2 was when my dad brought home a copy of the game and played with me and my siblings. I grew up watching monster movies and instantly loved this game. It has been 20 years since I have first played this, I decided to write this guide in advanced tricks and techniques that I have developed from my experiences playing this game. I hope you enjoy this read and that It increases your appreciation of this hidden gem.
There are many guides online that cover combos, tactics, item placements, boss guides, level guides, cheats, etc. This is not one of those. This will cover more niche and advanced techniques that you can use to enhance your capability in your gameplay.
This guide will be written with the assumption that the control scheme is set at control 'B' which you can set in the pause screen during a game. (I think most people have it set at 'A') It shouldn't effect how these techniques function but something to keep in mind.
This is a work in progress and I will edit this thread as I come across new info and insights into the game.
Glossary: Movement Special Attacks Rage Utility Map Awareness Advanced Combat
The monsters in the game have varying movement speeds (running, climbing), jump heights, and flying speeds. However even with the slowest monster you can work around the lack of speed with enough practice utilizing the following methods and the environment to your advantage. Little is more scary than a slow monster like Agamo zooming around your foes mwahaha!
The Dashing Mechanic<<<
As listed in the instruction manual, this allows your monster to sprint at the cost of energy by double-tapping and holding the foward button until expended or pressing the ram button.
Launching<<< You can use the ram button to launch yourself off buildings, ramps, and rock formations to get extra height quickly (a mechanic that the mini game 'Big Shot' is soley based around).
This is particularly useful in maps like baytown where theres a lot of verticality in the environment.
Super Fast Flying<<< This ram mechanic is especially useful for flying monsters like Preytor and Raptros. Executing the dash-ram in conjunction with holding 'x' right after ramming while on the edge of a building or flat surface will result in a blisteringly fast flight speed that gives you better movement and height. Preytor is super fast with this method while Raptros has better airtime and control, though the speed difference is minor. Raptros is my prefrence due to the better airtime, control, and Projectile damage.
Firing projectiles while flying<<< Raptros and Preytor both have the ability to capitalize on their aerial advantage by firing projectiles mid glide. You can accomplish this by performing the glide holding X and while holding glide tap the □ button to fire. This takes energy though so maintaining altitude is key. the most effecient way to do this is to execute the dash>ram>fly combo to get extra speed, glide up over your opponent and lock-on to them to spin like a vulture firing down on your target.
Lock-On Steering<<< You may notice that while dashing, your ability to steer your monster is stiff. This technique will allow you to navigate around all those tight corners on a dime while dashing! This is more tricky to execute because it is depenent on where your opponents are located around you. This is indicated on the HUD as these numbered circles that show the health status of your opponents.
While sprinting using the dash, hold the lock-on button to force your monster to take a tight turn in the direction of the closest target. This is great for adjusting after missing your target.
For simply turning tight corners, simply tap the lock-on button instead while the opponents icons are on the side you want to turn.
There is a brief charge up before a dash, if you time your lock on just before the dash activates, you can pull up to a sharp 180 degree turn on your opponent if you missed the first dash-ram.
There is some wiggle room in the timing to play around with and practice your navigation using this technique.
Building Hopping<<< Every monster has different climbing speeds, some are fast like Kineniclops and Preytor, some are slow such as Agamo and Togera.
Building Hopping is the simple action of jumping while climbing a building. Repeating this cycle of (jump+grab+jump+grab+jump) will do two things:
  1. It will add more speed to slower monsters climbing
  2. It will reduce your contact to the building by about 80% and greatly reduce the chance of getting knocked down when an opponent is throwing projectiles.
Every monster has two special attacks at their disposal under two categories; Close range and Long range. This chapter will cover the expansive utility of both types.
Short Range Special<<< Despite the differences in the vibrant animations, all monsters share the short range special attack in common. The only difference between them as far as I can ascertain Is the the time it takes to start up the blast (Ultra V being almost instant and zorgulon Taking 1.5 seconds). The purposes most common is to give yourself space when surrounded or cornered, and to have a quick and strong offense to your opponent knocking them down. However there is more utility in this attack when you think of this as a defensive move.
Invincibility Frames<<< The short range special attack gives you about 2-3 seconds of invincibility frames meaning almost nothing can damage you aside from falling buildings. This is excellent as a defense against thrown objects, explosives, lightning, short and long range special attacks, and environmental hazards.
Long Range Special<<< Every monster has a unique long range special attack that has different effects and ranges. There is more nuance in how you can utilize these attacks, so I will cover each monsters long range special individually so you can make the most out of these attacks:
  1. Raptros' Fire Breath Raptros has a unique advantage in regards to how he uses this attack. He can activate it on the ground AND while mid-flight. Additionally, he can fire his projectiles while using his fire breath to squeeze in extra damage (There is a weird glitch where doing this turns the flame invisible, but the effect is still active). This also hinders opponents and catches them on fire.
  2. Togera's Atomic Breath Similar to 'Raptros's Fire Breath' Togera's Breath has similar range and hinders opponents. The difference is that it deals more damage. You can also fire his projectiles while using his breath for pretty nasty damage.
  3. Preytor's Flying Leeches Leechs not very damaging by itself, it is a decent threat if you can manage to chain up multiple specials around the map. (Ex. In Metro City there are multiple red orbs, 50% energy, around the buildings and streets where you can chain at least 3 leeches). There are two minor benefits from the leeches: A. It gives the opponent something else to target or focus on A.I. or human B. Can't be blocked unless intercepted by thrown object or shot projectile, or using a special attack, thus resulting in multiplying damage stacks if chained. You can also spread the leeches out by locking on different targets while sending them.
*This Special attack is really best used in situations where the opponent won't have time to stop all of the leaches (preferabally up close) followed up with your own projectiles or thrown objects or follow up advances.
  1. Congar's Sonic Roar Similar range to Raptros and Togera's Breaths, and Considerable damage and launches opponents far. It can reach through some buildings for full effect. You can also tilt congars head around to spread the roar around to get a wider spread. Opponent can block this attack or counter with a short range special.
  2. Robo-47's Atomic Missile The most immediately damaging special in the game by far. It also launches opponents far like congars roar. It is very versatile at close range and long range. You can choose to fire quickly or wait to lock on the target for a more likely hit. You can tilt his head down to shoot the ground for a damaging 'short range' blast. You can also cancel the missile by pressing the block button for later use. It cannot be blocked unless opponent uses short range special or dodges.
  3. Agamo's Head This special is unique in it can be used to farm for more energy considerably fast while weilding it, which in turn stocks you with an additional special when you are ready for the next head or short range attack. Creating an efficient cycle of banking more special attacks. It is damaging and knocks opponents down upon a confirmed hit. It also can be used as a bomb by pressing the long range special button a second time. This isnt great for throwing at enemies from a distance as an explosive, launching opponents. The head when thrown is also super bouncy and ricochets damaging buildings and knocking down opponents all the while gaining you energy.
  4. Magmo's Eruption This special launches a barrage of fireballs at an opponent and juggles them into the air with good damage followed up with some decent fall damage. This can be paired with a second erruption when chaining with a second special pickup on the map. You can tilt magmo's head up first before locking on an opponent to send the fireballs over obstacles and tyen lock on to your opponent have a better chance to reach them.
  5. Kineticlops's Lightning storm This is great for crowd control and anti-air with good range. The storm electricutes all nearby monsters in range and launches them upward. This is nice for discouraging flying enemies. You can also flick the lighting up and down for flavor just to show off but it won't do much damage.
*Its also nice using this special following a one-two combo of shocking an opponent with a power generator and throwing for a double shock.
  1. Zorgulon's UFO Swarm Arguably the weakest of the long range specials, but it is still is fun to use and can be used in creative ways. If you lock-on a target while executing this special (provided they are not behind cover) you will fire this device that hover above the target that calls in ufos to harrass the opponent. The damage is varied based on how many shots are managed by the ufos and when the device is destroyed. There is a charge on the device that when run out releases the ufos and ends the special. This can be shortened if you damage them in any way. Another use is to place them in an area of interest, such as locations with resources like health, energy, or powerups. It is more defensive and punishes opponents for going where you don't want them to go. You can also grab these ufos for a weapon to attack with, gaining more energy or even fire their lasers at the opponent. while not practical is fun.
  2. Ultra V's Grapple Cable This special does minor damage but can grab and pull an opponent across the map to you and stuns the enemy for a few seconds. This can be really nasty since it allows you options to set up a combo, launch them with a 360 kick, pull them into environmental hazards (bottomless pits, radioactive waste, powerlines, steam, tsunamis, falling buildings). It can be use up close for an easy stun or to take opponents away from reaching resources such as Health, Energy, or powerups. At long ranges it is best used at highground where line of sight is less blocked by obstacles. You can also send the grapple while holding any object for extra damage. The fan favorite method is to use explosives (gasoline truck, airplanes, fuel tanks) for an explosive combo! even if you miss with the grapple the impact of the explosive will hit the opponent if close enough. You can also use the grapple to damage buildings to knock opponents off the walls.
\\\\Rage Utility//////// Rage is an interesting mechanic that I think some people overlook as not that useful. It Is available once you collect enough energy that you energy bar flashes, and makes it so your following actions are more effiecient than standard usage. Instead of your energy being used up quickly it is unlimited until the rage runs out. I have not tested if Rage increases your damage output. I have focused this as more a tool for various tactics I came up with.
sprinting with rage<<< using the dash usually expends energy really fast. however with Rage, you can extend the time you can continue you sprint significantly. you can Also dash-ram infinitely until expended, which is scary when used in conjunction with the lock-on steering technique.
Firing projectiles with rage<<< Every monster has projectiles that have unique behaviors, have varying damage and cost. Every monster in general benefits from using rage to shoot more projectiles, the difference is in how you position yourself to shoot them effectively.
Flying monsters can use this to fire even more projectiles while in mid-flight without worrying about losing stamina, the unlimited energy also gives room to reposition the monster if more altitude is needed the damage is also decent from both of them.
Robots like Robo-47 and Ultra V have similar projectiles that pepper small damage but are very rapid. The faster you mash the □ button, the faster the firing rate. when using rage you can catch opponents with little cover and barrage them with a volley of lasers/bullets.
Kineniclops's projectile is unique that it is the slowest but has the most heat seeking property. You can shoot a lot with little cost and it deals decent damage especially if you can land multiple hits with them. with rage you can create an army of these lightning balls at some highground or running and jumping approaching them from different angles makes it hard for them to avoid the stacks in damage.
\\\\Map Awareness//////// This section will cover Map awareness and how to take advantage of the abundant resources in your game. knowing the layout of the map as well as intimately knowing the placement and respawn time of your resources will aid you so much in how you decide to approach the following setups we are about to cover here.
Resources<<< Resources are defined as anything on the map you can pick up that aids you (Health, Energy, Powerups, Items). The location of Health, Energy, and powerups on each map is static, though consistent and respawn after a period of time. Items However can both be static (pieces of a building, rocks, water towers) and dynamic (moving items like cars, helicopters, trains).
chaining resources<<< This is a series of actions that utilizes multiple resources for a desired outcome. (ex. gaining health/energy/damage).
For example, chaining a power transformer lightning bolt+throwing the transformer+radio tower spear impale+gasoline truck = a chain resulting in big damage to your opponent there are many combinations you can chain together with items its devistating when you know exactly when and where an item will be so you can in rapid succession throw items to juggle them from a distance.
chaining specials<<< For example, it is possible to set oneself up to use at least three specials in succesion easily in a map such as atomic island where the reactor in the center can recharge your special rapidly. Think of the possibilities with this alone, thats 3 to 4 flying leechs from preytor at once, 3-4 nuke missiles from robo- 47 and so on. Other maps have instances where if you have a special in stock you can position yourself next to another red orb or 50-100% energy and use a special of your choice and follow it up with an additional special that you subsequentally grab.
\\\\Advanced Combat//////// There are guides out there that cover the specific combos you can pull in sequence and I have a few quick tips to increase your combos, and increase your lethality.
Combo canceling<<< Each monster has varying speeds in execution and amount of hits they cam perform before they end with a launching strike. What I suggest when pursuing higher combos is to simply tap the block button before the launch. Speed is key here so results may vary. such as congar who is more combo focused with fast punches. You can unleash a lot of hits and tap the block button, the follow up with more hits. there is a chance that the opponent will have time to block so it takes practice.
submitted by Awesome_Bronana to WaroftheMonsters [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:47 Acceptable_Ad2652 question about the apush mcq's

are the multiple choice questions on the 2024 exam five answers to each question or four answers to each question since i know the whole gimmick abiut ap's is their are five answers to each question?
submitted by Acceptable_Ad2652 to APUSH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:47 coulometer GRE Big Book, Page 536, #3

My logic was that since the second part of the text after the two dots is supporting the first, the first and second blank should be synonyms, or at least close in meaning. The one that made the most sense to me was thus answer choice B. What’s the actual reasoning behind the correct answer A?
submitted by coulometer to GRE [link] [comments]
