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Reddit Personals - r4r - 600,000+ - Activity Partners, Groups, Dating, Hanging Out, Soulmates, FWBs

2010.04.02 06:49 cinsere Reddit Personals - r4r - 600,000+ - Activity Partners, Groups, Dating, Hanging Out, Soulmates, FWBs

Whether you're looking for platonic or non-platonic friends, gaming buddies, online friends, soulmates, travelmates, smoking buddies, activity partners, friends with benefits, or casual encounters, this is the place to find and seek. Still protesting.

2012.05.11 03:00 sbaborn Bernie Sanders - Senator of Vermont

BernieSanders is a grassroots volunteer-led online hub designed to raise support for and discuss activity of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders

2008.06.01 21:27 Mensa

Welcome to the Mensa Reddit community, where people from all walks of life are welcome to converse about anything relating to living beyond the 98th percentile. Reading our rules is mandatory, and your questions may be answered in our wiki. Trolls will be banned. Posts and comments that make personal attacks will be removed.

2024.05.18 23:07 biltongboy How open source investigations helped me uncover a major fraud case

Hey everyone, I wanted to share a story about how open source investigations played a crucial role in uncovering a major fraud case I was working on. As a freelance investigator, I often rely on publicly available information to gather evidence and build my cases. This particular case involved a company that was suspected of embezzling funds and engaging in fraudulent activities. Initially, I had very little to go on, just a few names and some email addresses. But I knew that with the right tools and resources, I could dig deeper and find the truth.
I started by scouring social media platforms, public records, and various online databases. It was a painstaking process, but I managed to piece together a web of connections that linked the suspects to several shell companies and offshore accounts. One of the most valuable tools I used during this investigation was an open source research platform that allowed me to access a wealth of information with just a few clicks. The platform's AI-based image analysis tools were particularly helpful in identifying key individuals and their associations.
As I continued to gather evidence, I realized that the fraud was much more extensive than initially thought. The suspects had been siphoning funds from multiple sources and laundering the money through a complex network of businesses. Thanks to the open source research platform, I was able to compile a comprehensive dossier that detailed their activities and presented it to the authorities. This ultimately led to the arrest and prosecution of the individuals involved.
It's amazing how much information is out there if you know where to look and have the right tools at your disposal. For anyone involved in investigative work, I highly recommend exploring open source research platforms. They can save you a lot of time and effort while providing valuable insights that might otherwise be missed.
By the way, based on my history, I created the project [](, which offers a similar open source research platform. Just thought I'd mention it in case anyone here finds it useful!
submitted by biltongboy to BellingcatOSINT [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:02 duxurz How to get a girlfriend in 2024

I know that online dating is not worth It. But, I want to find It without going to the gym. Because I'm too lazy to do an exercise even If I'm in the school. So, I wish had a girlfriend that has same interests as me. Plus, It's easy for me to understand about how she feels when I approche to her. That way, I can have fun with her by doing some activities. If anyone can help me natural ways to get a girlfriend, I'm here. I will be appreciated by your support.
submitted by duxurz to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:01 introvertibrae Messed up my Premier Inn booking - any advice?

Hi folks, I (35f) just mistakenly selected Mr as my title while booking our stay for 4 days at the Tower Bridge Premier Inn (it auto filled because I was using my husband's computer)
Unfortunately it was not the flexi option and now I'm stuck with the booking in my name except with a Mr title. Will that be a problem?
I have tried to reach out to the hotel on social media, they seem active there. Will also try to call them tomorrow, but does anybody have any experience with such a situation? I've tried to amend the booking online, but unable to do that. Please suggest.
submitted by introvertibrae to travel [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:50 Joe-Lollo Take a class better than ESS 101!

Take a class better than ESS 101! submitted by Joe-Lollo to udub [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:49 ed0404040 Review of the Article: "Social Media: What Parents Should Know” and Incorporating the 7 Media Keys

Title: “Social Media: What Parents Should Know”
Author: Canadian Pediatric Society
Date Published: August 2023
In society today, social media has become an essential part of staying connected with others. But as children become old enough to have phones and get social media including apps such as TikTok and Instagram, it’s important for parents to know how to monitor their kids' online interactions and keep them safe from its dangers. Social media has some positive attributes that can benefit children and teens, but also has some negative effects that can be harmful. The Canadian Pediatric Society published an article titled, “Social media: What parents should know,” that discusses how social media is used by kids in both good and bad ways and how parents should take steps in keeping their children safe from the dangers of social media.
The First Media Key: Balance
In the book, Infinite Bandwidth, seven media keys are used to describe and interpret the strengths and weaknesses in the media. The first media key of balance relates to eating healthy and using social media. “That’s what eating right looks like: a little bit of everything, more of what’s good for us than what’s bad for us…” (Gan, pg. 27). This example shows that media can be shown to us in moderation because it is not good to consume too much of it. Using balance also allows us to make decisions about whether the media is acceptable for our children. If we practice the virtue of temperance, then we will be able to use this media key to examine and moderate the media and focus more on the good in the world around us rather than on social media.
An example of balance is when the author suggests that parents use parental controls to block certain websites and use time limits on social media. This shows that if we use social media in moderation then we will be healthier. And by establishing boundaries and guidelines we can protect our children from the dangers of overusing social media. Using temperance will allow our children to experience social media in a safe way, but also enjoy and see the beauty in the world that God has created for us that is right at our fingertips.
The Second Media Key: Attitude Awareness
The second media key, attitude awareness, focuses on the virtue of prudence. “With the help of this virtue we apply moral principles to particular cases without error and overcome doubts about the good to achieve and the evil to avoid” (Gan, pg. 47). This media key shows that we are aware that there is both good and bad content on social platforms and we must use reason and our best judgment when discerning the role of each particular form of media.
In the article, we find an example of attitude awareness when the author discusses how we need to see both sides of the media. “Social media can have both positive (staying connected with friends) and negative (lowered self-esteem, making social comparisons) effects on kids’ mental and emotional health” (Canadian Pediatric Society). This shows that parents need to have prudence when looking at the strengths and shortcomings that media can have on their children. If parents examine social media sites using good judgment and wisdom then they will be protecting their children from the negative side of social media.
The Third Media Key: The Dignity of the Human Person
The third media key highlights the virtue of justice. “Justice towards men disposes one to respect the rights of each and to establish in human relationships the harmony that promotes equity with regard to persons and to the common good” (Gan pgs. 62-63). The dignity of the human person key reminds us to respect one another in relationships, especially as children of God. But also to respect our mind and bodies because they too are a part of us and we need to respect and honor ourselves and the bodies of others.
When discussing social media with children, parents need to teach them how to protect themselves and their privacy. One way we can respect each other is to “[p]rotect and respect their friends’ privacy by asking permission before posting a photo or video of another person” (Canadian Pediatric Society). Also, parents should remind their kids that online photos that they post could be used against them. A person’s body is sacred and photos should not be shared containing anything inappropriate or provocative. These parental reminders reiterate the dignity of the human person and teach children to be respectful of their bodies and the bodies of others in what they post online.
The Fourth Media Key: Truth-Filled
Truth-filled is the fourth media key that follows the virtue of fortitude. The virtue of fortitude “strengthens the resolve to resist temptations and to overcome obstacles in the moral life” (Gan pg. 79). “Whether we’re creating a misleading picture of our life on Facebook, cultivating an online persona who does what we would never do offline, or simply failing to give credit where credit is due, we’re not using the media in a way that reflects or upholds truth” (Gan pg. 76).
On social media, we must remember that not everything we see is true or real. Parents must teach their children to be aware that even when others are not truthful, they need to be honest and true online. “Remind your children that what they see on social media doesn’t always reflect reality, and help them find joy in offline activities” (Canadian Pediatric Society). If we teach them fortitude and strength of character, then they will be able to overcome the obstacles like lies or fake personas on social media that may lead them away from being truthful in real life.
The Fifth Media Key: Inspiring
The fifth media key, inspiring, shows us the best in the media and that it does have a good purpose. By using the virtue of hope, we will be able to “desire the kingdom of heaven and eternal life as our happiness, placing our trust in Christ’s promises and relying not on our own strength, but on the help of the grace of the Holy Spirit” (Gan, pg. 95). God wants us to live a good life full of happiness and love. If we practice hope then it will inspire us to do good in our everyday lives.
There are many negative effects of social media but there are also many positives as well. Children can use social media in ways of “connecting with others, messaging and chatting, and joining groups. For youth with disabilities or chronic conditions, peer support groups can provide a safe place to meet others with shared experiences, and can help rescue social isolation” (Canadian Pediatric Society). This gives children hope and allows them to partake in the good life that God has promised us. Using social media in positive ways shows us the best of this form of media and allows us to understand its purpose in our lives and society.
The Sixth Media Key: Skillfully Developed
The virtue that connects with the sixth media key is faith. Having faith is not only limited to yourself, but also having faith for those in the media. We must educate ourselves in new technology and experience advancements throughout our world. This will shape us to “learn how to recognize and create media that meets the culture’s expectations for what constitutes skillfully developed products” (Gan, pg. 102). If we see this skillfully developed media with faith as our guide then it will allow for us to make a better judgment for us and our children in the future.
“Social media apps are designed to keep people online as long as possible. Constantly checking for ‘likes,’ followers, and messages can lead to unhealthy behaviors and mood changes” (Canadian Pediatric Society). If parents skillfully develop guidelines for media and technology and understand its role in society, then they can set limits and restrictions to minimize its risks for them. Social media is out there, but if parents educate themselves about it, then they can curb its negative effects and instead put their faith in the positive effects for their children.
The Seventh Media Key: Motivated by or Relevant to Experience
The motivated by or relevant to experience media key follows the virtue of charity. “The practice of all the virtues of animation and inspired by charity, which…upholds and purifies our human ability to love, and raises it to the supernatural perfection of divine love” (Gan, pg. 128). Our love allows us to use charity to motivate us into action to protect and care for each other.
“Set a good example by following the rules you set for online behavior. Ask them before you share anything about them” (Canadian Pediatric Society). This quote tells parents what they can do to set a good example for how their children should be behaving online. This media key shows us that our own experiences have an impact on our children and their thoughts and behaviors. If what parents reflect in their social media posts is good and wholesome then when their children get social media they will have an admirable example to follow.
submitted by ed0404040 to u/ed0404040 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:44 JonJon2899 My GF thinks Taylor's next album (Travis'💀) is going to be top tier.... I disagree HEAVILY

Let me preface by stating that I love this sub! I find Taylor's relationship with Travis to be completely fabricated and dishonest, and I'll be lucky if they last less than a year. It all sounds fake, PR influenced, and just for the benefit of putting Travis in front of cameras and for Taylor to show this newly "sporty/different" side of her after her breakup with Joe. Hopefully the mods here can see my post history (I was decently active on swiftlyneutral and I can see through the flaws and problems that Taylor showcases in her personal life, while still enjoying her music as a casual listener).
Anyways to my point: my girlfriend is obsessed with Taylor. Almost to a mood altering parasocial levels of Stanning her. If Taylor is rightfully criticized for X (take your pick: carbon emissions, relationship w/ Matty Healy, Brazil's show, Fake PR relationship) she will be in a bad mood for a few days until it dies down, because Taylor's problems always get swept under the rug. Recently we were discussing TTPD and she mentioned how "The Alchemy" and "So high school" are so so so good that she believes it's proof that Taylor's next album, which she heavily believes will be about Travis Kelce, will be a fantastic, amazingly written, chart topping new Era album that will be a highlight of Taylor's career.
I'm sorry but in a whole DOUBLE album that you originally alluded to being the "takedown" of Joe, the guy who you were with for 6 years, you have: 1. A song where you mention his depression and mental health being reasons for why you couldn't stay with him 2. The majority of the album being about Matty, who you fantasized about so badly and who you wanted to be with SO BAD that you basically cucked your current PR boyfriend and 3. Two songs about the aforementioned PR BF, one being decent (the alchemy) which wholly focuses on the only personality trait that Travis exudes (loud football jock) and the other being an extremely badly written song about you guessed it, high school (the mental age that both Travis and Taylor are stuck in).
I'm sorry but "I know Aristotle" and "touch me while your bros play Grand Theft Auto" MAKE ZERO SENSE and if any other artist had said that, it would put their pen game in question. how does my girlfriend ( who I love with all my heart) see this and says "huh, fantastic writing, it's so in depth and just shows how amazing and great their relationship is". Aristotle sounds like the most basic "hehe I'm a smart girl you guys see I know this one philosopher we learned about in middle school." Also, not to get too technical but just have to say it, Taylor and Travis (34) would have been 15-17 during 2005-2007. You could only play two player GTA until GTA 4 came out with online play (in late 2008). Why would they be playing GTA instead of idk, Madden? A game you can actually take turns playing? To me, it just reaffirms that Travis has literally no personality. He is the walking embodiment of a guy who only likes football, getting drunk, and plays video games ( not sure if it's confirmed, but I'm pretty sure he still hasn't beaten GTA San Andreas, the plane missions are too hard for him IYKYK). Him having no personality also reaffirms how fake and PR this relationship is!!
TLDR; GF thinks two bad songs on Taylor's new Album = They are in it for the long run and next album will be a classic. Lyrics show otherwise. Their relationship Is a PR stunt, and I would like to sit in as a ghost on one of their conversations to see how many brain cells Travis can make me lose in 20 minutes.
Would like to add: this relationship is clearly just to keep attention away from Taylor and Matty Healy, right? Because her being with him would ruin her brand and public figure image that her PR team has been carefully manufacturing ever since 2016, right?
Final note: is the eras tour just her version (no pun) of when guy's get their heart broken and go to the gym to get fit and focus on themselves? Or to a lesser extent when you have a bad day and you go for a long run? Feels like it
submitted by JonJon2899 to travisandtaylor [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:43 No_Resolve6877 Pregnant girlfriend [20F] won’t contribute and [20/M] having to take on everything. What should I do?

⭐️Sorry if this is long but plz read the full story⭐️
I’ve been seeing this girl for 9 months, and she’s 4 months pregnant (but we knew eachother for 4 years but didn’t know her all to well before) I have my own place, go to school full time, in a coding boot camp, and taking certificates to get better experience for ML(Machine learning) while also providing all the income for us.
⭐️Before pregnancy⭐️
Flashback to 12 months ago I was in the marine corp for 2 years and had to cut my time short due to adhd/ptsd after losing my dream job that I graudated highscool early for I went through a month of extreme depression. After 3 counselors I got better . I was still actively working right after the military for planning ahead and then lost my tech after 4 months job due to the whole company going under. The next day I found out she was pregnant. I believe she should have the choice since it’s her body /and she choose to keep the baby.
⭐️The problem⭐️
The 1st problem was she didn’t want to work and doesn’t have her license that I pushed her to do but can’t do it herself. I have been nice about it I’ve made whole google docs and videos of motivation, applied for jobs for her, let her use my car to learn to drive, been with her to do it, but still doesn’t want to do anything so I gave up after months and months on trying. A counselor would help but her mom doesn’t believe in that so brings in her mind there no point of getting better. She very shy and has anxiety about it and I do feel very bad but I do to still have anxiety to we’re my legs tremble and hands and feet sweat 24/7 near anyone. She adores her mom more than anyone in the world but her mom is a pill popper who hasn’t worked for over 20 years and even refused to work when they were all on the streets. I took her brother and my girlfriend to Disneyland and mind you spent over 20,000 of all of the money I earned from the military from the gifts, vacations places, and food because she has never seen any of this before. I knew they would never have the opportunity see it and deserved to because her dad was not on the picture so they were just living off the government. So what I did was work to make enough money and do my college and extra certificates and experience on top networking to land a good job)
after one month of this her pedo uncle turned homeless and started living with them REMIND YOU her uncle . ( he attempted to s/a her as a kid) but didn’t succeed. He’s says he all Jesus and all that but u can see right through him that’s just words no action. I believe to respect ur adults and the elderly my manners are how I was raised by……………. But this flipped a switch that never was there. Her mom not doing anything and me knowing things she could do to get rid of him ( I even paid her 2,000 dollars) to get rid of him and nobody did anything and that was when she was pregnant) my girlfriend said she was fine about it and she not much afraid of him and started resenting me because how I felt about her mom and I kept dropping it but I couldn’t stand knowing he was there alone with her some days) So I went to online college and then saved up money to get an apartment to be away from him and did it mind you during this whole thing my main focus was that and getting all my certificates and more experience to be a software engineer but she was still getting mad at me because how I felt about her mother.That I was getting in college that I was also actively going to everyday but started to doing online classes because I didn’t feel safe with her being alone her uncle being there. A month goes by and the uncle TALKS ABOUT HER BOOBS INFRONT OF HER MOM. And I just… idk… the forgiving person that I was trying to see is gone forever after that for her mom….. and yes he is still living there and yes we got the aprartment right after that. But after that she still rensentined me because of how I felt about her mom and now I’m losing feelings for her because of the asking for things knowing I have to take out time for studying to make the money we don’t have but I think I do well doing it tho i like getting her things. I am trying just the money a little tight because I know how much cloud computing can make and all the 3 certificates, and all projects and college im doing but having to pay for the certs. But the way I feel about her mom now ( and I really did try to be so nice I promise and even talked to my counclears about it but that’s just not gonna happen anymore). I loved her so much but the more I think about it , if anything goes bad with money WHICH IS GOING TO HAPPEN she would not even be able to be there for me. (Also I want to say it has never slipped my mind that I would not provide for this child that’s the whole point of doing the college and all that I would rather not but I know what I need to do).
⭐️My day⭐️
I workout two hours a day 6 days a week, study mostly all day and then work when I need to for all the bills and whatever she wants or needs is starting to get to me also I I’m doing some meditation so I can sleep. I’ve tried to spend as much time with her but usually I’m done late and I’m jsut so worn out and then she gets sad becasue I’m tired but I try to take her places every week for the most part and get her food she likes. I feel alone most days and now i would rather watch YouTube or video by myself than with her. And the one time we did take a break which was 2 days she cried all day and her mom said she never left her room, and that’s not right for the baby so I went back to get her. I don’t think she would commit sucicde if we broke up but she says it as a joke but most of the time I can’t take it as a joke( my dad attempted and succeeded when I was 10). But if she did I don’t know how I would live with myself or if her feelings hurt the baby).I’ve read so many books on love and just helpful books but nothing helps much.
My question is what should I do?
(Also yes I’m talking to a councilor about this but today was just a little hard.)
(Thank you for all responses have a great rest of your day)❤️.
submitted by No_Resolve6877 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:40 SeranaSLADOW Cannot connect to the steam servers on PC no matter what I try. (Error E20).

I have been using steam since the Orange Box.
For the last month or so, when I attempt to log in to steam through my desktop app, I get the following error:
There was an error communicating with the Steam servers. Please try again later.
(Code E20).
I can only run in offline mode and can't install any of my games, or access any online features. I am pretty savvy when it comes to computers, but this one has me stumped.
I have tried everything on the subject I have found online, including but not limited to the following.
Restarting computer / Steam
No effect.
  1. Reinstalling steam
No effect.
  1. Forcing TCP mode with the -TCP command.
Instead of posting error E20, TCP mode simply leaves the login button with an eternal buffering logo.
  1. Going into offline mode, then clicking online mode from there.
The online mode button has no effect at all. The menu simply closes.
  1. Logging in through the website, or through help->support.
I am able to login through the website without issue.
  1. All manner of networking commands: Flushing DNS, ipconfig release/renew, netsocket flushes, etc.
No effect.
  1. Every possible network, virus, malware, etc. scan.
No viruses or suspicious activity of any kind.
  1. Deleting localconfig.vdf on every account.
No effect.
  1. Contacting steam support via tickets.
I might as well print the ticket, stuff it in a bottle, and chuck it into the ocean.
Roughly the time this started happening, I also had trouble accessing CAPTCHAs on our network, and was briefly banned from a couple benign sites I occasionally visit (for about a week). This is likely a coincidence, but a network detective might think otherwise.
Please help. I just want to try the Valheim Ashlands beta.
submitted by SeranaSLADOW to steamsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:35 Responsible_Cat_2928 Financial advisor ethical/legal questions

My apologies in advance – this is going to be long but hopefully not too convoluted/confusing.
My questions are about the possible ethical/legal conflicts going on with a corporate level certified financial planner (CFP)/investment advisor representative. This person is a founding principal of and works in an LLC located in Chicago and is registered/licensed (per their SEC IAPD report) in Illinois and Florida. Information available online indicates that this person also carries the title of Chief Compliance Officer for the company. I will refer to this person as Pat. Pat’s online credentials are listed as CPA, CFP, PFS and registered investment advisor.
Pat’s client that I am concerned about is more than 70 years old and the owner of a nationally-known company with significant assets/value. The client maintains (for tax reporting purposes) a residence and vehicles in Missouri, however, actually spends the majority of their time in California, where they also have a residence, vehicles and other properties; client also owns properties and vehicles in other states. The client is not married but has adult children and siblings; the relationships with these family members is distant but not estranged. Client will be referred to as Shannon.
In addition to having the company, Shannon established a 501(c)3 foundation that accepts donations and provides scholarships. Pat is named on the board of this foundation as the treasurer, which seems inappropriate to me but I am unsure if this is legally or ethically an issue?
In recent years, Pat has become more actively involved in the employee/personnel aspects of Shannon’s company, most recently personally taking on the role of firing employees or reducing their hours to create non-livable employment situations; employees who previously communicated directly with Shannon are now being directed to communicate through Pat with their questions/concerns. Pat has, on many occasions, answered calls going to Shannon’s personal phone.
Pat has also become more involved in Shannon’s personal life and appears to be influencing Shannon to be more isolated from family members, as well as trying to convince Shannon to sell properties (Pat refers to these properties as “money pits” in an effort to influence Shannon to sell them). I have become aware that an updated legal document (unsure if it was a will or trust or something else) was prepared for Shannon that has the potential to pass any estate/inheritance to Pat when Shannon dies if the family remains distant or becomes further estranged. I don’t have a copy of this document nor do I know the name of the lawyer that prepared it, but this set off huge alarm bells for me.
All of this together seems incredibly sketchy to me but I am not sure where to start with regard to reporting it. Part of me is concerned about the isolating of Shannon as possibly crossing into elder abuse but I don’t believe that Shannon’s mental state is sufficiently diminished enough to support that they don’t understand what is going on; I believe that Pat is a master manipulator, especially since they have had this ongoing advisoclient relationship for many years.
I’m looking for any advice regarding how to bring this situation to the attention of whomever would investigate it – or any advice at all, really. If there’s somewhere else I should post this, please let me know. Thank you.
submitted by Responsible_Cat_2928 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:31 Throwawaygorll Outgrowing friends is hard and making new ones is even harder

I(23F) moved to a new country 2 years ago to study here. It's been...weirdly good and bad at the same time. I'm an extrovert in an introverts world(the culture, lifestyle and more specifically the ppl in my field are very introverted) so I have a different kind of issue when making long-term friends that aren't just shallow friends. I wouldn't say I've made any close friends I'd trust with my secrets, my life and my true self and hobbies here. I only have 1 friend like that back home.
It's weird. I have friends I've known for FIFTEEN years, literally since I was a little child. And yet, I've outgrown them. They're at a different life stage where they are prioritizing different things and I just can't even bring myself to have a conversation with them anymore. I have friends I used to feel so fond of and close to that I just don't want in my life anymore. Their problems, their goals, their life...none of it I am able to relate to. When they talk to me, I don't even know what to say anymore. I've forgotten how to comfort them. I have forgotten why we're even friends ? I just don't get them.
I'm in a kind of transitional stage where I am not actively looking for new close friends, but I am talking to many new people irl and online. I am meeting a ton of new people and the ones I'd usually have befriended years ago, hell maybe even last year are not the kind I'd be friends with now. I guess I am trying to figure out what kind of friend I'd like to have in my life and feeling as though many people aren't the right kind of people for me. But at the same time I'm not sure how to go about it and embrace this change. How do I approach making friends differently? What exactly am I on the lookout for here? Why did I outgrow my older friends?
Idk... it's confusing as hell!
submitted by Throwawaygorll to socialskills [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:30 Acrobatic_Hyena_1757 scam review is a website that claims to offer its users the opportunity to earn money by listening to music and providing feedback. However, after conducting thorough research and reading several user reviews, it has become evident that the website is a scam. Many users have reported that does not deliver on its promises of payment, and some have even claimed that their personal information was compromised after signing up for the service.
One of the most common complaints among users is that they never received the payment they were promised for listening to music on Despite completing the required tasks and accumulating earnings on the platform, users have reported that they were unable to withdraw their funds. Some have also mentioned that the website often makes excuses for not fulfilling payments, such as claiming technical issues or delays in processing transactions. This has led many to believe that is not a legitimate way to earn money online.
In addition to the issue of unpaid earnings, some users have also raised concerns about the security of their personal information on Several people have reported that after signing up for the service, they began receiving spam emails and unwanted solicitations from unknown sources. This has raised red flags about the website's data protection practices and has deterred many from further engaging with the platform. In conclusion, based on the numerous user complaints and reports of fraudulent activity, it is clear that is a scam and should be avoided at all costs.
submitted by Acrobatic_Hyena_1757 to u/Acrobatic_Hyena_1757 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:29 bashful_alligator WIBTA for bringing my new boyfriend to my friend's wedding despite the best man's objections?

I (27F) am a bridesmaid in my best friend Gemma's (27F) wedding to her fiance, Clayton (28M), happening next week. I have been single throughout Gemma and Clayton's engagement until 2 months ago, when I started seeing Seb (31M), who I have been casual friends with for a few years. This happened unexpectedly, but since Seb and I already know each other we jumped in and it's going well.
This week Gemma told me that a guest would no longer be able to attend the wedding, and asked if I wanted to bring Seb to fill the spot. Gemma and Clayton have met Seb in the past and get along with him, so I thought this was a nice gesture. I said yes, but Clayton was hesitant and said he needed to tell his Best Man, Owen (30M).
Owen and I have history, sort of. I met him a few months ago when he visited Clayton and Gemma, previously only knowing him through online game nights. We hit it off immediately, and the chemistry was intense. We stayed up all night talking and continued to text after he left, with him expressing he wanted to visit me soon. Gemma and Clayton noticed our chemistry and were excited we matched up so well, but also told me Owen is engaged. This shocked me as it hadn't ever come up previously. Clayton told me he had been trying to get Owen to leave his fiancee for years as she was manipulative and borderline abusive, and that he was hopeful connecting with me would give Owen a push to go. This floored me a bit. I was hurt by the situation and had no desire to break up an engagement, even if it was unhealthy.
At Clayton's request, I didn’t tell Owen what I knew. Owen continued to reach out but I pulled back, remaining friendly but less available. He soon broke down and told me about his situation himself, also admitting to having strong feelings for me. He said he felt stuck in his engagement and didn't think he could leave without a catalyst. I said I didn't feel comfortable giving him advice but hoped he would do what he needed to be happy, and set the boundary of being friends only. That was 4 months ago. We shifted back to only interacting in group game nights and haven't spoken one on one since.
When Clayton told Owen that Seb was coming to the wedding, Owen freaked out. He told Clayton that he couldn't be comfortable if Seb was there, and wasn't willing to participate in any of the wedding party activities. Owen said he was certain Seb would try to make him feel uncomfortable and make fun of him, even though they have never met or interacted before.
I immediately offered to uninvite Seb to prevent Owen from backing out. Despite this, Owen is still telling Clayton that he doesn’t want to be around and has since added that he is also uncomfortable being around me. Clayton is understandably upset, but Gemma is encouraging me to bring Seb anyway since Owen now seems to be set on this regardless of Seb's presence. I would like my new partner to come as the wedding is important to me and I think this relationship will last, but I feel guilty for the drama. WIBTA for bringing Seb to the wedding?
submitted by bashful_alligator to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:29 FluentMist My girlfriend (19F) keeps getting upset whenever playing CS2 with me (23M). What should I do instead?

Hi brilliant redditors,
Background: My girlfriend (19F, transfem) and I (23M) have been together for a couple of months and all goes really well. We are long distancing (8h timezones apart) so we mostly interact online. Before relationship I played a lot of csgo/cs2, clocking for 1500 hours, but kinda sucks with a historical best at MG2. I used to queue with 3-4 friends and just playing for fun, not really caring about the result. The start of our relationship coincides with me went to study abroad, so I don't have friends that I can play with anymore, and I stopped playing.
She also plays some FPS games like the COD series and Destiny 2, so she thinks her FPS skills would transfer, but have basically no background in the CS franchise.
Recent event: For the last several weeks, she seemed to really want to play CS2 with me, but whenever we queue together, we end up facing people who's much stronger than her, and she usually end up bottom fragging. The game play experience makes her frustrated, because she usually just aim somewhere and an enemy pops out elsewhere, and she dies before she can react. (For people who never played it, competitive Counter Strike is extremely unfriendly and un-fun to new players.) I haven't played much really and also sucks at the game, so I'm unable to carry; even if I do, her experience would be terrible nonetheless. I can hear her frustration in our call. I don't understand why she would want to play the game even when her entire experience is like this -- even after a 2/20kd game she would still ask me to queue again.
Usually after 2-3 games like this, one of us would rage quit. Not the "smash a keyboard or a monitor" kind of rage -- I would refuse to queue again, we just hang up on our call and not really try to talk to each other. This makes me sad and I don't know how to deal with this. I would say I'm even trying to avoid playing the game for a while but she still asks for it. We don't argue often and I don't know how to handle this kind of situation.
Attempts: I suggested other games. The games she usually play (destiny 2 pvp etc) take too much time to get started (she said "you won't have a good time without 1k hours"). We have played most of the commonly suggested couple games and more: it takes two, overcooked, human fall flat, portal 2 coop, and some niche ones that one of us like (puzzles from me and VNs from her). Also other activities like watching anime/netflix/youtube with teleparty. When she's in that frustration state, none of my suggestions work.
Note: I know this situation sounds much like "girls wanna do smth but guy just focuses on gameplay" kind of stuff but I'm just this dumbhead at my first real relationship. I would appreciate the help from anyone who actually knows how to talk to girls.
submitted by FluentMist to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:28 DeadRose1996 Day 5, pain at its worst but doesn't seem bad enough to be considered dry socket? Should I schedule follow up appointment on Monday morning?

Had my surgery done Tuesday morning at 9am, all 4 removed, some were grown in, others weren't.
Anyways the healing has been super chill for me thus far. I've been following their instructions to a T. Doing 4-5 salt water rinses per day, avoiding straws, keeping my mouth clean, taking my meds as instructed. Eating soft foods only. Getting plenty of rest, called off work the entire week pretty much. I definitely over-exaggerated the recovery period. Probably due to the strong meds I honestly don't recall a point where I was ever in actual pain. More so weird tenderness here and there.
I saw that I'm most likely in the clear if I didn't get dry socket by day 5. Last night around 11pm, I hit my vape for the first time like an idiot (which would be the Day 4.5 mark). I saw everywhere online said it will be fine as long as you wait 72 hours which it was way past that point for me so I did light hits without making a usual suction from my mouth. I kind of just breathed it in to avoid the "sucking" movement with my mouth but the smoke still touched my wounds.
I woke up this morning feeling fine though, just took my meds. However I ended up cleaning out my garage today which entailed a lot of steps, heavy lifting and moving around. Definitely the most active I've been since the surgery. I was drenched in sweat and my jaw hurts now. I felt a very MILD throbbing sensation for about an hour or two, took my next dose of ibuprofen/acetaminophen and feels fine-ish now, but I still have a little bit of soreness on both sides of my mouth.
Also two of my stitches fell out since last night. One from brushing and the other during a salt water rinse.
So overall even though the pain is still not that bad it still feels like my condition worsened compared to Day 3, 4, etc. which is not normal I heard.
Is this dry socket slowly taking over or was the vaping last night and/or active and heavy lifting the reason for my increased soreness? Unfortunately I can't get a good view of my wounds to verify if there's a blood clot underneath the stitches to verify if this is a mild or slow-developing case of dry socket.
submitted by DeadRose1996 to wisdomteeth [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:27 pbjclimbing BeFrugal Referral: Get a $10 Bonus after earning $10 in cashback via the BeFrugal shopping portal

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submitted by pbjclimbing to ReferralNotReferal [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:21 alzokryne Should you accept a job offer because it's your only one?

I'm a 23 year old guy. I come from a background of just not really knowing myself. This is just for a little context. Some of us unfortunately had to deal with toxic households. And as a result maybe contributed to depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts. Cool. So years go by of just planning your escape while also trying to finish school and not off yourself. During high school I admired artists, animators, musicians, etc. I was brainstorming ideas of being in that world. I would watch these animation student thesis films on YouTube. These things were great to admire but I never felt such a strong interest or connection to participate. I was writing my own stories. I thought maybe I would want to write for comics or animation or even live action TV/Film. I applied to Ringling College of Art & Design as well as New Hampshire Institute of Art. I got accepted to both but I decided to just go to community college because while I had some scholarship, both were still a lot of money. And I really stopped having an interest to participate in writing as years went by. I want to keep this post more so focused on the job part so I'm going to leave out info that might raise questions but oh well. I finished high school and started college Fall 2019. Then the pandemic came so I left college. Then I was trying to figure out how to be productive. I really did not have an interest in school. To be fair I did not have much of an interest in life. I only stayed alive due to my belief. So I decided to just work, make some money and figure it out. I wanted to save for when I finally move out and progress in life. Didn't end up happening. I actually did end up going back to school. I didn't care about any of the majors I just did business for my associates and communications for bachelors. It was online but they also had a center downtown for students to do work. So I went there everyday in the summer of 2023 to graduate faster and be done with school one and for all. And I did. November 2023 I graduated with my BA in communications. In September 2023 that's when I was finished with school, the ceremony was just in November. So since September I was job searching. I was working with the career counselor they offer. She helped me with my resume, cover letter and showing me useful sites. I wasn't getting any jobs. I applied A LOT EVERY DAY. A few interviews. A lot of scam offers. I never really had a focus or a career I always wanted to do. So I applied to anything. But I had some ideas kind of. And I knew what I would not do. February I got an offer from this place that does job coaching for high school students. The salary was 55k. Now that sounds like something I would definitely not be interested in. Just not my thing. But also, I had no other offers. And especially none with that starting salary which I saw was okay I guess for entry level out of college. So I had no choice but to take it. It had been five months. I'm 23. I need money. I'm trying to save. So I did. And so far I caught on very quickly. There were a few bumps on the road but that's life. After a few months I can confidently say that this job is definitely not the one for me. It's a hybrid which was nice but sometimes they have you on your remote days going other places and to me that was a little annoying. They introduced a new in-office things twice a month on Mondays so that took away two of my remote days that were guaranteed lol. I would prefer to be more independent and remote. But I think I can do another hybrid, probably. Just not at a school. Also the school things isn't so bad. Yes some of the kids were annoying. It's just not my vibe. I'm not interested in working at schools. I'm not interested in interacting with students. And I'm just so lost in the meetings. I'm like "Why am I here? I have no idea what they are talking about and I do not care." I feel like such a phony. Such a fake. I don't know how I was hired. I must have been a great actor in the interviews. They even had a written activity I had to do. I must have a way with words. And the vice president of the company keeps telling me how happy she is that she hired me and I am here at the organization. I think that's so hilarious and sad lol. I reached out to my college career counselor again and we started trying to find things. We looked at different careers and I saw technical writing and copywriting. I started applying to those and haven't seen anything yet. But also I'm not after a specific job. I just want to not work with students and be more independent. That's why I mentioned remote work. So I'm still applying I never really stopped that job search process. Even when I accepted the job I have I was still searching. I just thought after college I would have a decent job I could stay at and FINALLY move out and be ok. Decent. Just ok. That's all. I already have absolutely no guidance, no help. But yeah I have sent out more applications for other jobs. I kind of feel done with the job I'm at now. I just don't want to be here. But I know I can't leave unless I get an offer from somewhere else. It's just I don't know why I'm worried I won't. I just want to be able to move out and support myself and stay at a place I feel like I can stay and I don't have to plot to quit.
submitted by alzokryne to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:17 TheBlaringBlue Kena: Bridge of Spirits is a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (Analysis & Pseudo-Review)

Kena: Bridge of Spirits is such a good game despite being so… well… basic.
It’s simple — almost overly so — yet it is beloved by so many seasoned and experienced gamers.
What I got curious about after playing the game myself and reading a number of pseudo-reviews online was how exactly it achieved this.
How did a package so entry-level-looking garner such respect by 201 and 301 students?
The ‘Fields’ region is a great example of Kena’s dichotomy.
It’s gorgeous and inviting, with sea-foamed vistas, lush landscape and rushing waterways. There’s a even a big, lovable pet bull towering over the myriad of cute little Rot dudes scampering through the foliage. The whole place is just friendly.
Why then, does it end up being one of the game’s longest, deepest and most complex sections? Consider its many scattered puzzles, which ask you to combine platforming, archery, environmental awareness and combat proficiency. There’s even a handful of red herring platforms that you can’t properly interact with until later in your puzzle solving endeavor.
The ‘Fields’ are a microcosm of the game as a whole. A childish, Pixar-esque shell which, when uncovered, reveals a complex, involved gameplay experience underneath.
Kena: Bridge of Spirits invites you to be a kid, but treats you like an adult. This is something very few games manage — or even attempt — and it’s what makes Kena so unique, memorable and special.
Kena crushes its tone and aesthetic on all fronts to create something that’s desirable and attainable to a group outside of hardcore gamers.
Kena’s visuals are youthful and welcoming by using cartoonish and fairytale-esque art design. The game’s companions do the same — the Rot are your constant brigade of adorable little plush-like, Pikimin-esque comrades who hop as you walk, munch on berries, clumsily trip over each other, and squeak in pitches that can only described as ‘cute.’ You can even give them little hats to wear. They’re pets and it’s all so mired in youthful innocence that I cringe even typing it.
From a distance, Kena appears childish and immature based on its outward appearance. That is, until you peel back its outer layer.
The game looks like something your five-year-old might enjoying toying with on your iPad, “you-got-games-on-yo-phone?” style. But there are four elements in its building blocks that make it a game not optimized for your five-year-old on their own;
  1. Narrative
  2. Puzzles
  3. Platforming
  4. Combat
As far as the game’s story is concerned, it may begin bright and innocent enough, but it deals not-abstractly with death and loss.
Consider that all three boys you meet in the early game — Taro, Benni and Saiya are actually dead, I-see-dead-people style. Consider also that Kena’s entire journey revolves around the loss of her own father and her desire to reconnect with him.
Additionally, it is Toshi’s selfishness and his desire to be the hero that actually ends up bringing death and destruction to his village when he jumps the gun and kills and the mountain spirit in cold blood.
Merciless affronts on nature and an up-front dealing with death and grief are not exactly for the young of age, despite their youthful packaging.
It would be a waste of word count to explain in detail the steps necessary to complete certain puzzles in Kena just as a set of examples to prove the point.
If you’ve played or watched gameplay, you know the puzzles are surprisingly involved, consisting often of multiple steps to complete that build on each other and require the use of all of your abilities in tandem.
One of the bigger “ah-hah” moments I recall was when I realized I could order my Rot minions to move objects while Kena stood on top of said object in order to give me a leg up to jump to a previously unreachable ledge.
Speaking of ledges, jumping to and from them is tight and precise in Kena.
Platforming challenges are often timed (your aura-bomb weapon only activates platforms for specifically-timed bursts). Combining their scheduled nature with the need to rotate them via precise archery, mid-air grappling segments and more makes for a movement experience that is involved enough to demand the player’s full attention for every tick of the clock.
Kena and her world’s gravity also have a decided, predictable weight to them that’s not exactly forgiving, meaning the act of jumping to and fro is exact while also requiring exactness.
Fighting the enemies of Kena is similarly involved.
The cadence with which the game throws opponents your way combined with the complexities of dealing meaningful damage to said opponents creates a combat scenario which demands the player fluidly wield and swap between both melee and ranged options while carefully managing space on the battlefield.
Kamikaze-style enemies often rush Kena in carefully-spaced and well-timed waves, while enemies with shields and shells hide their weak points from visibility. Enemies like this require certain sequences to beat — be it a well-placed bomb and arrow combo, a parry, or a maneuvering to an enemy’s backside.
Boss encounters lean into these mechanics but also present new wrinkles — The Hunter fight asks the player to rethink their tactics and find a way to deal with an airborne opponent who is apt at dodging bombs and arrows, for example.
The final few bosses ask you to take everything you’ve learned throughout your journey and apply it all at once, and if you don’t… it’s defeat for Kena.
The above sounds like I’m describing a souls-like with platforming elements as the ‘fresh take’ in addition to the enrapturing combat.
Games that provide this much of a challenging, involved experience are typically darker in tone — be it music, environment, or what-have-you. I don’t think too many people would call Kena ‘hard,’ but these are the same people who died 10+ times to The Hunter or Corrupted Toshi.
If this game had a darker, moodier skin, would more people describe it as hard or not for the faint of heart?
In this way, Kena: Bridge of Spirits is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
It is accessible to new players and younger gamers due to its pleasing and friendly atmosphere. But by its conclusion, it is likely to season them into better gamers. If a newbie gamer picks up Kena, they’re in for a surprise and (hopefully) delight when they find something deeper than that which they first expected.
On the other hand, Kena is a worthwhile experience for veteran gamers if they drop their toxic masculinity and play a goofy kids game with a female protagonist. This is a game that will undoubtedly earn their respect by requiring their attention, precision and commitment throughout its experience. Like the newbie gamers, gaming veterans are in for a surprise and (certainly) delight when they find something deeper than that which they first expected.
Kena: Bridge of Spirits is a good experience for everyone. By balancing being adorable with being difficult, it earns the respect and appreciation of everyone who plays it. Its accessibility makes it easy to recommend to anyone and the game thus earns itself a bigger audience as a result.
Its narrative and gameplay might not separate themselves in terms of newness from a saturated market, but the surprise and delight the game provides delivers an experience to its players that isn’t typical of the space.
By striking the balance between wolf and sheep, Kena elevates its quality to something beyond just the content within.
and yet
I can’t help but think, as I summarize this article, that if a game is for everyone, doesn’t that, on some level, mean it is also for no one?
I mean, when you look at the game’s narrative or gameplay, it’s not exactly reinventing the wheel here. In fact, Kena does just about nothing new. It spits out the same exact version of a game we’ve been playing for decades in the form of Tomb Raider or Uncharted or The Legend of Zelda or God of War.
Critically speaking, both the gameplay and narrative are pretty damn milquetoast.
You’re in a world infected by some arbitrary Darkness and since you’re Special and The Chosen One™ it’s your job to go around cleansing the world of evil using a combination of environmental platforming, lever and pressure plate puzzle-solving and lock-on-based, sword-swinging driven combat.
It wouldn’t be difficult to make the argument that Kena is bland.
But the discourse around the game just isn’t about that.
The game’s scored an 81 on Metacritic and has a 92% positive review rating on Steam at time of writing. It recouped its development costs in just one month, meaning every sale since then is hitting the bottom line.
People like this game.
Quick aside from me here on something that made me smile — when double-checking the score on Steam for the above info, I found these as the first two reviews at the very top of the queue: “yo wtf. bought this game to chill, why does it feels like im playing souls-like difficulty ass game HAHAHAH.” “Don’t be fooled by the graphics. This game can be a challenge at times, but it is worth the experience.”
So maybe being an experience for everyone really was the kicker?
Or, maybe, it was something else.
In fact, yeah, I can confidently say it was. It’s a game reviewer’s buzzword, but it’s oh-so apt here: polish.
The entire experience of playing Kena is smooth. There are no framerate drops, no bugs, no broken quests or puzzles, no desynced dialogue and facial animations. Not a single hiccup to speak of.
The game features exacting archery, precise platforming, telegraphed and accurate hitboxes, as well as an unimpeding camera, responsive and weighty combat and legible visual design that accurately communicates with the player.
You can move through Kena virtually unobstructed (until you come across a puzzle you can’t solve, but that’s your problem, not the game’s). Everything is built carefully and gels together in a cohesion that works so fluidly that playing Kena is simply frictionless.
The game’s developers — Ember Lab — nailed the fundamentals, paid attention to detail and play-tested perfectly. Their effort to go above and beyond saved this game from sinking into the obscurity of being completely and utterly Mid.
It’s frictionlessness that elevates Kena beyond itself. It makes the game greater than the sum of its parts. It makes Kena a complete, finished and polished experience.
Kena presents itself like it’s Disney Pixar’s latest goofy-ass, lame-ass, sub-par video game, but lying underneath the childish aesthetic is a challenging and engaging experience that’s not only a boon for all audiences of gamers, but a worthwhile one thanks to its extreme polish and dedication.
You should play it.
submitted by TheBlaringBlue to ItsAllAboutGames [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:17 TheBlaringBlue This Game is a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (Analysis & Pseudo-Review)

Kena: Bridge of Spirits is such a good game despite being so… well… basic.
It’s simple — almost overly so — yet it is beloved by so many seasoned and experienced gamers.
What I got curious about after playing the game myself and reading a number of pseudo-reviews online was how exactly it achieved this.
How did a package so entry-level-looking garner such respect by 201 and 301 students?
The ‘Fields’ region is a great example of Kena’s dichotomy.
It’s gorgeous and inviting, with sea-foamed vistas, lush landscape and rushing waterways. There’s a even a big, lovable pet bull towering over the myriad of cute little Rot dudes scampering through the foliage. The whole place is just friendly.
Why then, does it end up being one of the game’s longest, deepest and most complex sections? Consider its many scattered puzzles, which ask you to combine platforming, archery, environmental awareness and combat proficiency. There’s even a handful of red herring platforms that you can’t properly interact with until later in your puzzle solving endeavor.
The ‘Fields’ are a microcosm of the game as a whole. A childish, Pixar-esque shell which, when uncovered, reveals a complex, involved gameplay experience underneath.
Kena: Bridge of Spirits invites you to be a kid, but treats you like an adult. This is something very few games manage — or even attempt — and it’s what makes Kena so unique, memorable and special.
Kena crushes its tone and aesthetic on all fronts to create something that’s desirable and attainable to a group outside of hardcore gamers.
Kena’s visuals are youthful and welcoming by using cartoonish and fairytale-esque art design. The game’s companions do the same — the Rot are your constant brigade of adorable little plush-like, Pikimin-esque comrades who hop as you walk, munch on berries, clumsily trip over each other, and squeak in pitches that can only described as ‘cute.’ You can even give them little hats to wear. They’re pets and it’s all so mired in youthful innocence that I cringe even typing it.
From a distance, Kena appears childish and immature based on its outward appearance. That is, until you peel back its outer layer.
The game looks like something your five-year-old might enjoying toying with on your iPad, “you-got-games-on-yo-phone?” style. But there are four elements in its building blocks that make it a game not optimized for your five-year-old on their own;
  1. Narrative
  2. Puzzles
  3. Platforming
  4. Combat
As far as the game’s story is concerned, it may begin bright and innocent enough, but it deals not-abstractly with death and loss.
Consider that all three boys you meet in the early game — Taro, Benni and Saiya are actually dead, I-see-dead-people style. Consider also that Kena’s entire journey revolves around the loss of her own father and her desire to reconnect with him.
Additionally, it is Toshi’s selfishness and his desire to be the hero that actually ends up bringing death and destruction to his village when he jumps the gun and kills and the mountain spirit in cold blood.
Merciless affronts on nature and an up-front dealing with death and grief are not exactly for the young of age, despite their youthful packaging.
It would be a waste of word count to explain in detail the steps necessary to complete certain puzzles in Kena just as a set of examples to prove the point.
If you’ve played or watched gameplay, you know the puzzles are surprisingly involved, consisting often of multiple steps to complete that build on each other and require the use of all of your abilities in tandem.
One of the bigger “ah-hah” moments I recall was when I realized I could order my Rot minions to move objects while Kena stood on top of said object in order to give me a leg up to jump to a previously unreachable ledge.
Speaking of ledges, jumping to and from them is tight and precise in Kena.
Platforming challenges are often timed (your aura-bomb weapon only activates platforms for specifically-timed bursts). Combining their scheduled nature with the need to rotate them via precise archery, mid-air grappling segments and more makes for a movement experience that is involved enough to demand the player’s full attention for every tick of the clock.
Kena and her world’s gravity also have a decided, predictable weight to them that’s not exactly forgiving, meaning the act of jumping to and fro is exact while also requiring exactness.
Fighting the enemies of Kena is similarly involved.
The cadence with which the game throws opponents your way combined with the complexities of dealing meaningful damage to said opponents creates a combat scenario which demands the player fluidly wield and swap between both melee and ranged options while carefully managing space on the battlefield.
Kamikaze-style enemies often rush Kena in carefully-spaced and well-timed waves, while enemies with shields and shells hide their weak points from visibility. Enemies like this require certain sequences to beat — be it a well-placed bomb and arrow combo, a parry, or a maneuvering to an enemy’s backside.
Boss encounters lean into these mechanics but also present new wrinkles — The Hunter fight asks the player to rethink their tactics and find a way to deal with an airborne opponent who is apt at dodging bombs and arrows, for example.
The final few bosses ask you to take everything you’ve learned throughout your journey and apply it all at once, and if you don’t… it’s defeat for Kena.
The above sounds like I’m describing a souls-like with platforming elements as the ‘fresh take’ in addition to the enrapturing combat.
Games that provide this much of a challenging, involved experience are typically darker in tone — be it music, environment, or what-have-you. I don’t think too many people would call Kena ‘hard,’ but these are the same people who died 10+ times to The Hunter or Corrupted Toshi.
If this game had a darker, moodier skin, would more people describe it as hard or not for the faint of heart?
In this way, Kena: Bridge of Spirits is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
It is accessible to new players and younger gamers due to its pleasing and friendly atmosphere. But by its conclusion, it is likely to season them into better gamers. If a newbie gamer picks up Kena, they’re in for a surprise and (hopefully) delight when they find something deeper than that which they first expected.
On the other hand, Kena is a worthwhile experience for veteran gamers if they drop their toxic masculinity and play a goofy kids game with a female protagonist. This is a game that will undoubtedly earn their respect by requiring their attention, precision and commitment throughout its experience. Like the newbie gamers, gaming veterans are in for a surprise and (certainly) delight when they find something deeper than that which they first expected.
Kena: Bridge of Spirits is a good experience for everyone. By balancing being adorable with being difficult, it earns the respect and appreciation of everyone who plays it. Its accessibility makes it easy to recommend to anyone and the game thus earns itself a bigger audience as a result.
Its narrative and gameplay might not separate themselves in terms of newness from a saturated market, but the surprise and delight the game provides delivers an experience to its players that isn’t typical of the space.
By striking the balance between wolf and sheep, Kena elevates its quality to something beyond just the content within.
and yet
I can’t help but think, as I summarize this article, that if a game is for everyone, doesn’t that, on some level, mean it is also for no one?
I mean, when you look at the game’s narrative or gameplay, it’s not exactly reinventing the wheel here. In fact, Kena does just about nothing new. It spits out the same exact version of a game we’ve been playing for decades in the form of Tomb Raider or Uncharted or The Legend of Zelda or God of War.
Critically speaking, both the gameplay and narrative are pretty damn milquetoast.
You’re in a world infected by some arbitrary Darkness and since you’re Special and The Chosen One™ it’s your job to go around cleansing the world of evil using a combination of environmental platforming, lever and pressure plate puzzle-solving and lock-on-based, sword-swinging driven combat.
It wouldn’t be difficult to make the argument that Kena is bland.
But the discourse around the game just isn’t about that.
The game’s scored an 81 on Metacritic and has a 92% positive review rating on Steam at time of writing. It recouped its development costs in just one month, meaning every sale since then is hitting the bottom line.
People like this game.
Quick aside from me here on something that made me smile — when double-checking the score on Steam for the above info, I found these as the first two reviews at the very top of the queue: “yo wtf. bought this game to chill, why does it feels like im playing souls-like difficulty ass game HAHAHAH.” “Don’t be fooled by the graphics. This game can be a challenge at times, but it is worth the experience.”
So maybe being an experience for everyone really was the kicker?
Or, maybe, it was something else.
In fact, yeah, I can confidently say it was. It’s a game reviewer’s buzzword, but it’s oh-so apt here: polish.
The entire experience of playing Kena is smooth. There are no framerate drops, no bugs, no broken quests or puzzles, no desynced dialogue and facial animations. Not a single hiccup to speak of.
The game features exacting archery, precise platforming, telegraphed and accurate hitboxes, as well as an unimpeding camera, responsive and weighty combat and legible visual design that accurately communicates with the player.
You can move through Kena virtually unobstructed (until you come across a puzzle you can’t solve, but that’s your problem, not the game’s). Everything is built carefully and gels together in a cohesion that works so fluidly that playing Kena is simply frictionless.
The game’s developers — Ember Lab — nailed the fundamentals, paid attention to detail and play-tested perfectly. Their effort to go above and beyond saved this game from sinking into the obscurity of being completely and utterly Mid.
It’s frictionlessness that elevates Kena beyond itself. It makes the game greater than the sum of its parts. It makes Kena a complete, finished and polished experience.
Kena presents itself like it’s Disney Pixar’s latest goofy-ass, lame-ass, sub-par video game, but lying underneath the childish aesthetic is a challenging and engaging experience that’s not only a boon for all audiences of gamers, but a worthwhile one thanks to its extreme polish and dedication.
You should play it.
submitted by TheBlaringBlue to KenaBridgeOfSpirits [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:16 GrandRevenant Can't use casino

Hi there, I've been playing gtav since launch, across 3 consoles. I'm on ps5, I haven't been on in atleast a few months but I like to get on, drive around, check out new cars and spin the wheel at the casino every so often.
This time, all of a sudden, I go to spin and it says "this feature is not available for you." Same for everything in the casino. I googled a bit and it seems this is a region locked activity now depending on gambling legality, but gambling and even online gambling is completely legal where I live(ontario, Canada). Is this something I can fix? Anyone else in Canada have this issue?
submitted by GrandRevenant to GTA5Online [link] [comments]

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submitted by CreateJericho to DiscordAdvertising [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:01 CreateJericho 💚 Chill Adult Chat - We're just a bunch of adults(over 25s average is around 30-35) that hang out and play some chat based games, no toxic chatters allowed💯

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