Family feud dream home walkthrough


2014.12.27 17:34 zen_mutiny Dreamstate

Welcome home Trance Family! Primary source of info for the DreamState music festival

2015.10.28 05:11 Zodiacd Quantic Dream's Detroit: Become Human

This is a subreddit for Quantic Dream's 2018 game Detroit: Become Human.

2021.03.01 21:38 paulwombo womboai

The unofficial home of and Dream. Wombo is a fun app where you can create deepfake videos involving you and your favorite friends, family, animals, celebrities, politicians and more! Wombo Dream makes art with the help of AI. Get both apps on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store today.

2024.05.19 05:30 punkrockbipolar First time telling others this.

Hi everyone. I won’t say how I know this person because of privacy & I know this person would get annoyed or bothered by this post. Ok well this person is an operator. I’m extremely proud of her for what he has accomplished for himself. She was raised wonderfully with loving parents. Her family wasn’t rich and would often struggle. She’s the reason why I chose that as my first job. I worked along side her for about two and a half years. I eventually decided to mess my own life up, but while she saw her family struggling she decided to make it her career. She knew she didn’t want to struggle or be poor for her future. After leaving her first operator’s store(The owner was envious of her) to work at another Chik-Fil-A under a different operator. This person saw that She had what it takes. Fast forward to two years She now graduated university and even applied to corporate and successfully got his position. I don’t remember the exact time frame but let’s just two years? This person was traveling from city to city all over America helping new operators open up their first store. Unfortunately had to live away from her family and could rarely see them only on special occasions since the parents didn’t have enough money to be flying all over. Fast forward, he finally achieved his dream in becoming an operator. I’m leaving so much out but the cfa world is small in the way that operators know of each other. She’s an intelligent person. Well versatile. She’s one of my heroes and an inspiration. I had no clue how much money is involved, and it completely blew my ears off my head when I found out. If you plan on becoming a millionaire within years I highly recommend giving chikfila a go. If you’re a stand out person trust and believe me that you will go far. If you’re lazy don’t even bother though. Only hard workers and over achievers will make it to the top. Now She’s able to buy her family a home. Relocate if necessary. For all of you working in this field I would tighten up my belt if I were you. You’re in for a long run but it’ll be fun and worth it when you get to the end. I’ve seen dreams come true with my own eyes. I strive to do better with my life now a days. Thank you for reading
submitted by punkrockbipolar to ChickFilA [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:29 Dizzy_Initiative1158 Would I be the ahole if I don’t go to my great Nieces first birthday?

This is a long one. I (f37) am thinking about not going to my great nieces first birthday.
My niece (19) and I have always been quite close. I have always been there for her growing up and was heavily involved since the day she was born. I actually watched her be born. I always held my nieces and nephews as babies, changed their nappies, bathed them, looked after them, took them places, bought them things etc. Now my niece has had a baby and it’s the total opposite of how things were when my niece was a baby. She never wants people to hold baby, do things for baby,look after her or do ANY of the things I did when she was little. Every time I tried to hold her or be involved in any way it was as if I was a stranger trying to hold her baby. I always felt like I was a nobody and my niece didn’t want me to acknowledge her daughter at all. I began to feel guilty for even looking at her. It all came to a head when I asked what kind of baby seat she used as I wanted to get one just incase me or my parents ever needed to have or pick up my great niece for any reason. I got shut down and was told that there was no point as she would never be in anyone else’s car so there was no need to buy a baby seat. I was over trying at that point. I had put so much energy and effort into trying to be the best great aunt I could be just as I had been the best aunt I could be for my niece but I was getting rejected left right and centre. I made a generic post on Facebook saying that I was giving up trying which she obviously knew was about this situation. She wouldn’t answer any of my texts or phone calls. I should mention that I suffer from depression and mental illness and was on the verge of a breakdown. I was at a very low point and decided I needed to get away. I spontaneously bought a ticket to Germany for the next day for four weeks. (My sister lives in Germany) I then get a text from my niece saying the following.
Hey (name removed) Look i’m not mad at you i’m just disappointed that something as simple as telling you not to buy a car seat for baby as it’s not necessary caused you to posted things on facebook and etc. It’s disappointing you haven’t respected husband and I’s boundaries, privacy and personal choice for us and our family. On my multiple occasions you haven’t taken no for an answer and I feel like i’m walking on egg shells quite frankly trying not to upset you. I feel as though I can’t say “no don’t buy a car seat” or no to a cuddle with baby without offending you. It’s really draining constantly feeling like husband and my decisions for our baby are not being respected or understood by you at family gatherings, which doesn’t bring joy and happiness into my life and my family. I understand you might mean well but at the end of the day it’s not your decision on anything to do with baby it’s up to husband and I and unfortunately if you can’t respect that then we aren’t going to want to see you, and want to catch up with you and ect. We are a private family and like to have our space we also do not have time for drama and etc in our lives. I’m sorry if this upsets you but husband and I only want the best for our baby and that includes the people around her. And it is so negative and upsetting to see that one of our family members have posted about us on her facebook and is not the type of energy we want in are daughters life. We are currently in the middle of moving house so I don’t have time for long conversations like this, and that’s why I haven’t answered you yet but when we have settled down in our new house and everything we can catch up and talk in person. Hope you understand where we are coming from and think and process what I have said Thank you. love you 🫶🫶
It was like a gut punch. I totally broke down after that. The time away was good but it was super awkward when I returned home. I didn’t want to engage at all. Over time things slowly improved and I felt like things were getting better. Then one day a weeks back we were having a family bbq and she had put baby on the ground while holding her hands. I put my arms out to pick her up and my niece held babies hands tighter and said something along the lines of why do you always have to pick her up when I put her down. I was taken aback and left the room for a while. I kept my distance the rest of the day and haven’t reached out since. I should also add that my sister and niece are very similar in the sense that if I don’t reach out to them (eg call or text) I NEVER hear from them. I am so drained and tired of trying and have become distant. I don’t want to socialise with them or talk. My great nieces first birthday is next week and I don’t want to go. I don’t t have the energy to pretend everything is ok. I don’t see the point in me being there. So would I be the asshole if I didn’t attend.
submitted by Dizzy_Initiative1158 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:28 Extreme_Ad2395 Got the dreaded “victim mindset” comment from my therapist

Ruh roh!! M17. Yes i got labelled BPD as a child yes i too think i need to be careful with accepting that label very young yes i think its accurate. This is labeled vent but if u have advice or support that is so so welcome too.
So i had a rough year. Went thru my first breakup in october where i got cheated on and whatnot. im still not fully over it bc i lost a lot of trust in people as a whole. I already had childhood trauma and stuff so i have always had a pretty negative view of the world.
Started seeing my current therapist and doing ACT therapy because i thought i had progressed enough in DBT to try to forge my own path. That was so wrong! I have no idea how to keep it together without strict structure and maybe thats ok.
Anyway. 3 days ago i was in therapy complaining about my parents fighting all the time but that i have accepted theres nothing i can do about it (we tried family therapy, i tried communicating, ignoring it, etc) and my therapist said it seemed i had fallen into a victim mindset where i think the whole world is against me, and that i should try to find something i do have control over to feel empowerment in. I know what he means and that he is correct but i cant help but not trust him anymore. It feels too close to blaming me for my situation when two sessions ago he was telling me how i wont stop ruminating over my breakup until i relinquish control over the situation. Am i supposed to want control or not?????
The shit he says just never makes sense anymore and it sucks because i trusted him and now i dont. I simply don’t think the world is a safe place. Why would i think that? I have no reason to think that. I dont think im special like the world is against me specifically, to be clear. I think most people have to harden up and find ways to avoid danger. But here he is wanting me to open my heart to the fuckin world when i have literally no reason to feel like the world isnt against me.
This is what i hate about getting help and having BPD. What do i do if my “paranoia” seems reasonable to me? I feel like its just a way to chicken-or-the-egg my life. Did i always make shitty decisions and act helpless, or did my life just suck during my formative years?
Basically anything good that has ever fucking happened to me i have clawed my way out of my pit of circumstances to obtain. It’s not like im sitting at home waiting for my life to get better. I graduated high school early, im applying to jobs, getting my license, going out, eating, working out, in community college, trying to socialize. Yes i also pity myself. I’m chronically ill which makes me feel cursed, and people take advantage of me when i decide to let my guard down so i dont do that anymore. I just don’t see how to fix that until i have a plan on how to avoid getting hurt or close friends i can trust so i can go to them if i think a situation is getting bad.
Need to just go back to fucking DBT i crave the structure. Most things my therapist says just confuse me and i spend the whole week trying to figure it out and then he doesnt even fucking remember what he said and i get triggered bc i feel like hes trying to fuck with me. So far i know i’m supposed to let go of control, but also have a healthy amount of control, and be kind to myself? It’s like hes trying to reason with the craziest part of me. As much as i want to develop a way of being that doesnt rely on religiously fact checking myself i think thats what i need.
submitted by Extreme_Ad2395 to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:28 sweet_lemonn Ponderosa: Do they get to talk to family back home?

So curious if the jury members get to be in contact with their families when they are voted out and at ponderosa? Does anyone know??? It would be sooo hard if not!!
submitted by sweet_lemonn to survivor [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:28 nikyee_ Can someone help me interpret this dream?

I dreamt about being forced to pratice black magic
I'm 19F . Last night, I had this crazy dream where my mom was forcing me to get into black magic. She took me to this odd place that looked like a big family lived there. On the way to the house, I saw one of my college teachers. In the dream, he was writing something but never looked at me.
My mom spoke to the odd people in the house and set a date for when I would publicly perform the black magic in disguise. On that day, I did it. My mom was signaling from below, telling me what to do and when. After that, I went to my classes normally, but the news of the black magic was all around, and the cops were looking for me. In class, I told my friend (whom I know but don't talk to much anymore) that I was the one who did the black magic and that my mom had asked me to do it.
After that, I had to do it constantly. When it came time to perform for the second time, I was scared. On the way to the shady house, I kept telling my mom I didn't want to do it, and I was scared. Eventually, she agreed to not do it that day. On the way to the odd house, I saw the same teacher again, but this time he looked at me, and I had fear in my eyes.
My mom told the guy, and he was pissed off. He was holding a knife to my face and telling me it was very important, that I had to do it. If I didn't, the body we used for sacrifice would get up and haunt everyone. I still didn't want to do it and decided to run. My mom tried to get a hold of me, but to my relief, a cop walked in front of me. I confessed everything to him, and I got arrested. Everyone at the shady house also got arrested, and a few of the people gave nasty looks to me and my mom. The cops were very nice to me, telling me it wasn't my fault and that everything was under control.
I know it's a pretty big dream, but it's the first time I was scared of whatever happened, and it's making me feel uneasy.
submitted by nikyee_ to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:28 maximummest Say Hi to Jasper!

Say Hi to Jasper!
He’s our new big timing ball of love. We’ve never had or even heard of his breed so any and all tips help!!
We believe he was abused in his past and we’re doing our best to make our home a welcoming space for him to feel comfortable in.
He’s been apart of the family for a little over a month now , but we noticed one major thing. He doesnt like to play with toys or us very much but he loves people and other dogs. Is this normal? And how can we help him come out of his shell and make him feel like part of the pack?
Long walks? training/bonding methods? Please help us help our very good boi be the absolute most bestest good boi we know he can be
submitted by maximummest to Blackmouthcur [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:26 Alternative_Wait_554 am I the one in the wrong here?

So, i’m 21 and have been with my girlfriend for over four years now — we started dating when we were 17. our relationship always has been, and is still super healthy. It probably sounds cheesy to most, but i really think i’ve found MY person. we’ve grown so much together, we just get each other. idk, it’s really hard to explain something so … perfect.
but ANYWAY, i’ve been hinting at her about proposing & all of that silly stuff (yes, we are two girls dating, that is beside the point) and she’s also acknowledged the idea of proposing to me sometime this year. Here’s the twist; we aren’t having a wedding. yes, you heard me right — no wedding sadly. as much as i’ve dreamt of having a big, beautiful wedding from a super young age, half of my family hates the other half of my family but i get along with everyone. so it would be a tough game of me “picking and choosing” who to invite and who to not invite, and i honestly couldn’t do that for the simple reason of i’m close with all of my family and have nothing to do with the beef that they have with each other. not only that, but we are 21 and broke, we definitely don’t have 40k to just fork out for a wedding.
so as much as i’ve always dreamt of a beautiful wedding, reality is that it would be a better option for us to elope. i’ve expressed to my gf that when she proposes, i want her to make it “magical” and to fulfill all of my dreams since the little girl in me will never truly get her own wedding. the proposal is basically our “wedding”, so to speak. and i want everything to go nicely and to be beautiful.
The issue? she’s the one proposing, so she’s the one planning everything. in two months, i’m joining her and her family to a vacation somewhere on the east coast and it’s suppose to be really nice and all that good stuff, BUT there’s someone at that said vacation that i just can’t like no matter how hard i try — long story short, she’s done a lot of breaking boundaries and has intentionally tried sabotaging my relationship w my girlfriend many times because she has some sort of obsession with her or something — and she tends to ruin a lot of things because she always feels the need to be the center of attention. always. and on top of that, this trip was originally planned to be a FAMILY vacation; so it isn’t going to be centered around my gf and i, it’ll be centered around everyone and what everyone wants, etc…
I don’t know for certain, but i have a weird feeling that my gf is planning to propose to me on this vacation, so earlier today i mentioned to her that i wouldn’t really want to be proposed on said vacation for the main reason being — if we are going to travel to a beautiful state for the proposal, i would want everything to be about us. not about the family — about US. because it’s our proposal and the closest thing we’ll get to a wedding. if she does it on the trip, it won’t be the same. she didn’t get mad at me for bringing this up, but i could tell a piece of her felt defeated because (i’m pretty certain) she had everything planned out to propose to me on this trip. i don’t mean to sound bratty or selfish — in fact, everything i do is for everyone else — but i want to be selfish for this one thing. it’s so important to me and i know that doing it on this vacation would not be the right time. if people are going to travel out for us, it’s because they are there to celebrate our proposal. The reason they’re traveling to the east coast is for a vacation, not for my gf and i, so of course they wouldn’t center EVERYTHING around us.
am i in the wrong for this?
submitted by Alternative_Wait_554 to rant [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:25 Sorry-Humor1637 HELP NEEDED!! Is it okay for me to talk to people my age?

I (17yr almost 18F) was at dinner with my family and our server who is around my age had his friend stop my mom on our way out. He handed her a napkin which she tried to decline by saying “no, we are on a trip” but his friend insisted. The napkin has a little note and his instagram. She made jokes about him giving me a napkin. I didn’t think much of it and stored it away in my purse but later she told me “throw it away, you can’t seriously be thinking of adding him” I didn’t respond since I didn’t want to start anything. When I got home I decided to add him and we chatted a bit. The next day I felt bad not telling her so I mentioned it and she was furious. Saying things like “why would you do that?, I told you not to, you can’t just respond to anyone. I didn’t think it was a big deal since I barely go out and I’ve always been honest and open with her. I’m feeling conflicted, is it okay for me to talk to people my age? Or is she right?
submitted by Sorry-Humor1637 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:25 Effective-Duck5076 I don't think my dad cares about me.

I'm 18f and I'm the eldest daughter and middle child, probably a nasty mix but regardless.
I have 6 siblings but only really interact with 4 of them because we live together along with our parents 0
every since I was younger I've always felt like I was a second priority.
Since I was the child that wasn't trouble and obedient I guess I just was given as much attention as my siblings.
My dad isn't to consistent with being around us but me more, he acted like he was annoyed or didn't care or he did care but didn't bother.
When I was born I guess he was happy, he and my mom and grandma named me after a chick who was allegedly murdered.
When I was 2 he sat me down infront of horror movies and by the time my younger sister Emily was born(i was 4), he was already having me watch things like snapped or talking about a case were children like me were murdered. I was practically desensitized to horror and gore by 8 years old.
My sister and other siblings occupied his attention.
Even my 2 eldest brother who aren't his occupied his attention more than I did.
As tike went on I grew distant and I went through thing I refused to mention. When my sister started dating he was protective, but when I was being stalked he simply couldn't care less, actually none of my family cared.
Apparently being the ugly child means I can't have that stuff happen to me, that's what I got from there lack of concern.
Graduation came and he came and I was happy but quickly left and hung out with my sister after while I went out and ate with my mom and her now ex, and then went home, teared up and went to sleep, because while I was home and sad that I wasn't the center of attention at my graduation my dad and sister were hanging out, my brothers were gone and my mom also left.
As time continued to go on I just gave up on life, lacked hygiene, any substance of importance and just wasted away. He didn't notice and all my mom did was complain I have no life.
When ever he got home and wanted to go somewhere he would let my sister tag along but I was a second though, even when I was next to her, he would only ask her, and they would go.
When my mom confronted this behavior my dad was shocked and stuttered by I could tell he was annoyed.
The behavior continued.
When ever I was around my dad he would do the bare minimum to pay attention to me and more so pay attention to my sister.
Meanwhile on the other hand my sister would give me attitude, probably because she didn't wanna lose dad's attention but regardless, it wasn't a excuse to treat me like that.
Today something happened, I was decluttering, My dad force me to come out Into the kitchen while I was already stress and mad over decluttering things, to strip corn, he already knew I had been trying to get rid and clean. then while helping my sister with the corn I said "instead of lathering thw corn in butter, just put a glob on and roll it up in the tin foil, because wee gonna put more on anyway"
We started to debate on it which let to her says she was right and was gonna be the bigger person since I wanted to argue like a brat.
I told her "no your not the bigger person and I'm not angry I'm just say this way is more efficient, and quick, and this is the way I did it with dad last time"
She keep say she was the bigger person and better than me, I couldn't even respond and then my dad came into the kitchen, I asked him about it and he said the same thing i did to my sister about the way I mention being the quicker way and ther being no wrong way nessacarily.
But my sister continued to spout that she was right and alway gonna be better than me. I turned to him and looked him dead in the eye while my sister was still spouting bs about being better and bigger person. And said "she makes me wanna hang my self" I said it so it would end the now, because I say it jokingly when I start to get annoyance wanna move topics. And then from behind me I hear her say " I hope you do"
And I kinda froze, me and my dad were still making eye contact, I knew he saw my eyes start to water, but he ignored it, walked away and started to cut potatoes. I stayed calm, trying not to cry in front of them, I was also in shock, like my body just froze and I started to tear up more, so I calmly spoke as I held in my tears and ask if I could go to my room. He Asked me if I want to I said yes and got up but he ask for a hug so I walk up to him, hugged him and then went to my room.
I got into my room turn off my lights and rolled up into a blanket and cried, I cried so hard I couldn't breathe
The worst part is that my thought process was "I hope my dad comes to comfort me like he dose my sister"
But already knew that wouldn't happen.
He just stay in the kitchen and continues what he was doing with my sister.
So I'm laying on my bed angry and crying, because of them and crying harder because I'm thinking of the most grotesque ways die, and even more angry because I lost the keys To my safe which my knife was in.
I never was able to get the knife out of my safe, I fell asleep crying and then when I woke up I just layed there, thinking "I don't understand why dad didn't come to comfort me, but I already knew he wouldnt"
When I got up for dinner I decide I wasn't going to speak, so I tired to eat and thye left soon after.
And so while eating i kept thinking about the situation and I spat up for back on to my plate. I couldn't eat. So I threw away the food away and left back to my room and now I'm here.
I haven't spoken a word to my sister in 5 hours and haven't spoken a word to my dad either.
The situation dosnt feel real, I cant believe she would say for me to do it over corn.
Maybe It's a bad joke to make when I wanna change topic, but that coldness and anger in her voice.
It's surreal, I feel fuzzy and hungry, I still haven't eaten. And have a headache.
My body feels restless and I feel tired.
Urge for death has left me now and I've only every wanted to die passively, but regardless.
I thank my cats for playing with those keys and losing them, because my head wasn't in the right state.
It is now but I'm still recovering, I'm gonna go to bed, sleep it off. Maybe things will be back to normal.
Even now, I can help but feel remorse for my sister, our mom excuses her behavior as being a Teenager and out mom might wanna move out of our childhood home, meanwhile my dad is still acting like it's fine. She feels like our parents coddle her, and I feel bad, more than I should considering what's she's said and how she's treated me.
I don't know what to do.
submitted by Effective-Duck5076 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:25 MushroomStand9 (USA)Do realtors only help with buying?

TL;DR: needing to move myself, fiancé and his father all with sketch credit to CO and I would like to talk to someone about it. Who would that be? A realtor?
I really want to speak to someone about renting. I have been trying to relocate to Colorado (either Denvesurrounding area or Colorado Springs area) due to family needing more help (before you ask why i dont live with them, it is very complicated). Either city would afford the opportunity to see them and help more. I am on the East Coast currently and feel like I am hitting walls. I generally need to talk to people to understand how to get things done. I don't do well with research and honestly having to try to look online for a home to rent has been hair pulling.
I would be moving with my fiancé and his father. His father would only really be "living with us" when he isn't on the road for his job. He is barely home as is and probably would be here a total of 3 months out of the year and that is mainly around the holiday times when his work slows down. He has had some credit issues but as far as I am aware once he resolved them he just decided to stick to using cash for everything in life. No idea about his credit score.
I work currently and plan to take some time to earn a certificate to boost my earnings after we get settled, but currently I am the one who pays for most of everything. My fiance is unemployed currently.
I might have credit? I had a car loan when I was 19 (paid by 23) and haven't done much since for my credit at 28. I tried experian to try to get my score but it says no history, however credit karma likes to think i have 650. When I was applying through Zillow the background check thing said I had 630. I have no idea what the fuck i have.
My fiance hasn't ever had a car loan or credit card. He pays his cellphone bill but idk if that accumulates credit? We both pay for car insurance together which I know doesn't do dick all for your credit but it is a way to show we pay for things I guess. While he may be unemployed now, it has been a miniature blessing in our personal lives and he plans to go back to work as soon as we are moved. He wants to make sure we can be unpacked before having to spend most of his time at whatever job he might find.
My fiance and I could technically buy a house, but with the sketchy credit history between us, I'd want us to sort that out first so we could get our best mortgage rate.
I am really hoping you made it to the end. Thank you if you did. I really just need to know if this is something a realtor can help me with or if this is some I'm shit outta luck with or maybe someone has any advice idk. Anything would be great.
submitted by MushroomStand9 to RealEstate [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:24 BarcodeIsHere I have faced a hard decision right now and I can't choose, I need your help.

I have stopped living with Themy mom for the last 7 months to finish 10th grade, staying with my sister's father. But him and my mother aren't together and she has let the house in which she is staying in with all my other siblings except 1, the 1 that I'm staying with and her father. She hasn't put an effort to clean the house at all, I know this because I have came over for the weekend for the past 3 weeks.
Since it's starting to near the end of the year they are asking me what I am going to do. Live back with my mother or stay, but it's not really simple for me to choose.
If I stay (Pros): -keep the PC he bought me since he let me stay. -I earn 50 bucks every week. -He spoils me with buying me new clothes every weekend and new shoes every month and snacks I can get when he gets groceries. (Cons): -I have to clean the bathroom 3 times every month on Sunday. [For example 7, 14, 21.] -I need to wash the dishes every other day. -Take the trash out every Thursday. -Get 90s on my grades or above. -Do whatever he wants me to do whenever he asks. -Everyday I have to sweep and mop. -The only time I am free or can actually use my PC at 9-11:00PM And I have to wake up at 5:00AM everyday for school. For my shower and everything else. So I can either stay up all night to actually enjoy the games I got on my PC or not.
(Basically be the manservant around the house and all he has to do is lay around in his room and work, work at home person.)
If I go: (Pros) -Car trips every month. -Actually relax at home and stay with my siblings and enjoy a PS5 and every streaming app. -Posible early pick ups from my mom. -I can come back to my old friends. -And a house in Yonkers, New York.
(Cons) -All of the "Pros" for me staying is gone. -Way more stressful situations. -No way of seeing my current friends again for awhile. -My mother will not clean the house at all so I will still have to clean every day. -My moms in a relationship with a man she still doesn't love as she used to 5 years ago and loves they love to get me and siblings involved.
Before the end of the school year I need answers, should I go back home with my family or stay?
I will read every response and try to respond back.
submitted by BarcodeIsHere to DecideThisForMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:23 DiamondHandle Jan 2021 Ape here, how’s everyone hodling?? The recent sneeze (again) is an indication that this is not over.

Jan 2021 Ape here, how’s everyone hodling?? The recent sneeze (again) is an indication that this is not over.
Hi fellow SG apes. Jan 2021 hodler and I’m one happy ape who feels vindicated by the recent price action of our beloved stock.
Firstly, I’ve held through ups and downs, endured doubts from family and friends during the 3+ years. It’s been a tough time for sure for the past 3 years.. Meanwhile, I do what Superstonk has been preaching: buy the dip.
For 3 years, I’ve been putting in every single paycheck (and bonus) into this stock, from the highs of $200+ pre split to the recent $10 post split. Also diligently DRS into computer share and currently hodl XXXX in CS.
I have enough shares DRS incase this goes to the Moon and the rest is split into different brokers ; XXXX in IBKR, XXX in OCBC, XX in TD.
Over the years, I think superstonk is compromised and there feels like an echo chamber where you are a shill if you don’t do anything else but DRS.. No room for healthy discussion..
For this recent price action, I did something that goes against the holy grail of Superstonk: I sold. Yes, I sold XXXX shares from IBKR at a range of $63-$79 during this week (see picture I posted showing some trades I did).
I entered this play with just 1 main reason: to get rich. To FIRE and do things I enjoy. While I think RC and crew will turn things around eventually and make GME great again, I have to think on my own what’s in my best interest and not just let opportunities fly by.
I made 6 digits profit during this week by swing trading. I’m lucky that I have built up XXXXX shares (CS + brokers) over 3 years plus, and this allows me to play around without touching my CS shares.
I’m rebuilding back my position and happy to say that I’m back to XXXXX with some extra moola now to buy the Dip..
I think we should be cognisant that GME is special, it has its own way of price action that no TA can explain well. Not financial advice, but I think SG apes should take a look at your own objectives on why you enter this play, how to take advantage of the volatile price action and at the same time, ensure you have enough shares DRSed when MOASS eventually happens.
Happy Sunday to all and here’s hoping that our perseverance will ultimately prevail and we can FIRE in this expensive place we call home..
Huat ah!
submitted by DiamondHandle to SG_GME [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:23 GeneralBathroom6 Family Room & Kitchen

Family Room & Kitchen
I have so much baby stuff and I have no idea how to make everything flow in the family room. Cluttered and overwhelmed. Kitchen & bar area is overwhelming as well.
I also need to baby proof these areas. This feels just as bad as the home office.
submitted by GeneralBathroom6 to Homeorganization [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:20 NoobyImpulse China Trip Report: March 2024 [Suzhou Amusement Land Forest World, Joyland, China Dinosaurs Park, Happy Valley, Etc.]

China Trip Report: March 2024 [Suzhou Amusement Land Forest World, Joyland, China Dinosaurs Park, Happy Valley, Etc.]
During the end of March/ early April my gf and I went on a 3 week coaster trip throughout China, Japan, and South Korea. I wanted to make this report about China since it's pretty difficult to plan a trip to China with the lack of information available.
Planning started last year in September and we used coast2coaster to map out our trip, then we tried to find any information about the parks we picked which ended up not being much. The Coaster Kings had some great blog posts, and we found a couple YouTube videos from ATLsloan which ended up being super helpful.
I also digged through reddit and reached out to some very helpful Redditors that gave me advice! Thanks u/MrBrightside711 and u/Noxegon
We visited:
  • Hong Kong Disneyland
  • Ocean Park
  • Shanghai Haichang Ocean Park
  • Oriental Pearl Tower
  • Suzhou Amusement Land Forest World
  • Joyland
  • China Dinosaurs Park
  • Shanghai Disneyland
  • Happy Valley Shanghai
  • Universal Beijing
  • Happy Valley Beijing
The Hong Kong portion of our China trip was super simple. Uber existed and there are no internet complications. I do recommend getting an octopus card and loading it with money, you are able to put it directly on your iphone and you will use it for trains, taxis, checking out of stores, it was even accepted in Disney!

Hong Kong Disneyland:

We flew into Hong Kong from Osaka and landed about 2am. We got a hotel right in the airport, and woke up at 8am to uber over to Disneyland, check into our hotel at the explorers lodge, and rope drop at 10:30am. After getting to the park we realized rope drop wasn't needed.. this park was DEAD. We went right to Mystic Manor and was one of 6 people in the pre-show section. (amazing ride but not a coaster)
Then we went over to Big Grizzly Mountain Runaway Mine Cars. This instantly became my favorite Disney rollercoaster. (at this point we had been to all Disney parks except Shanghai, which only has clones) The fakeout lift, and the launch section were great.
The new Frozen area of the park really was beautiful, and made the visit that much more worth it. Their version of Frozen ever after is a bit more modern, but much the same of the Orlando version. Wandering Oaken's Sliding Sleighs is great to look at, but not that great to ride. It's very short and probably great as a child's first coaster.
Not much to say about RC & Hyperspace Mountain. If you have ridden any of their counter parts, you have already experienced these as well.
Wandering Oakens Sliding Sleighs
Big Grizzly

Ocean Park

This park has 2 areas, the lower entrance area which has a ton of shops, smaller rides, and a aquarium. The upper area on top of the mountain which required a chairlift ride up is home to the larger thrill rides. While the bottom portion still seems fine, the upper portion has about half of it closed including the 2 SBNO coasters still sitting there.
However, their 2 operating coasters were both open. Hair Raiser was a great B&M, and the setting and usage of the terrain only amplifies it. Arctic Blast isn't much to write home about, but it was enjoyable and they sent us around the track multiple times.
Hair raiser from the loading area
SBNO mine train

Mainland China

Once you hit mainland China everything becomes so much more difficult. Thankfully we did plenty of research in advance and downloaded DiDi (taxi app) WeChat, and Alipay (Payment apps) You also need to verify yourself with your passport in these apps DO IT BEFORE you get to China unless you want problems. The language barrier exists much more here than any other country I have visited, Google Translate was needed for EVERY conversation. If you are planning a trip here make sure you download the Chinese Simplified translations in google translate incase your internet gets spotty (it will.)
Call your cell provider to ensure you will have working service in China, it prevents the need for a VPN while out and about.. however still download a VPN for when you are on wifi as the great chinese firewall blocks EVERYTHING. We used LetsVPN and it worked amazingly the whole time in the mainland.
Most places will not want to take your cash. Before you leave make sure that you have a credit card added to both alipay and wechat. There is still a chance your apps wont work! Your hotel can take cash and send you the money on either alipay or wechat. When taking a taxi if your DiDi app isnt working, there is a mini DiDi app in alipay that works as well!

Shanghai Haichang Ocean Park

This park is where all my fears about my trip came true immediately. When you go to parks in China there is absolutely no way to know if coasters will be open or closed, even if you can find a website with posting they are probably not accurate.
We landed in Shanghai at 10:30 am and immediately got a taxi to drop our bags off at the hotel, and they waited for us to take us to Shanghai Haichang Ocean Park. As we arrived we saw Steel Dolphin cycling and I thought to myself how great it was that we would be starting this portion off strong. As we got to the steel dolphin entrance it was blocked off with an employee explaining via google translate that the ride failed a inspection earlier in the month and they were only testing to regain its certification. I asked if there would open anytime in the next week, they said no. We then went over to Family Coaster which was CLOSED. We then decided we would try to salvage the day and ride a couple other rides.. we couldn't find a single one that was open.
Our taxi driver was still outside when we left 30 minutes after he dropped us off and he asked why we were leaving so early. We explained the situation and he took us to guest services and complained for us without us asking for that. They offered us the ability to view a sea lion show which took place in 2 hours which we declined. I highly recommend skipping this park, it was a MESS.
An empty Steel Dolphin train RIP

Oriental Pearl Tower

Immediately upon the horrors of the last park, our taxi driver took us over to The Bund. While we were exploring there we figured out there was a coaster in the Pearl Tower so we headed on over. To get to the coaster you have to go to the top of the tower first, which is similar to every other observation tower experience in the world. Very nice views of the city though.
VR Rollercoaster is a junior coaster which probably isn't worth going out of your way for, but it may of been my favorite VR coaster I have done as it didn't make me sick!
Loading platform for VR Rollercoaster

Suzhou Amusement Land Forest World

On this day we attempted (and succeeded) to visit 3 theme parks in one day. There were too many parks in the Shanghai area I didn't want to miss so we had to hustle all day. For this to work I hired a private Taxi Driver to follow us all day and wait on us at the parks so we didn't have to figure out how to maneuver from park to park.
When we arrived at Suzhou Amusement Land Forest World we were met with another DISASTER.. the sign in front of the park showed that my #1 bucket list China coaster Beyond The Cloud would be closed. Hopeful we still bought tickets and entered the park because we saw the tilt coaster testing.
We ran immediately over to Broken Rail Roller Coaster and got front row on the first train of the day. This was my first Tilt Coaster and man was it awesome! Jinma rides while they may be a copycat company they did a great job on this. It was smooth, thrilling, and could compare to any other big coaster company creation.
While walking over to Beyond the Cloud, we found Roller Coaster a coaster which wasn't on coaster count or RCDB! It was a kids ride but we had to ride it since it was undocumented! Its a Jinma kiddie coaster and could compare to the junior Vekomas you can find in many places in the USA. We also got the ride published on RCDB! We skipped the spinning mouse because we couldn't find it and we were in a rush to get to our next park.
When we did arrive at Beyond the Cloud we were met with another heartbreak as it has a sign explaining it was closed for the day. I was pissed and desperate to ride this coaster so I didn't give up. The day we flew out we woke up at 7 am and risked missing our flight for another shot at riding. When we got there it was drizzling and every ride was closed.. except Beyond the Cloud! I believe we were the only 2 people in the park this 2nd go around and were able to ride 5 times by ourselves before we moved on and headed to the airport. They made us wait 5 mins each ride to see if other riders would show up (they didn't.) It was 100% worth the effort, this was my favorite coaster in China, and my #2 Mack overall behind RtH.
Beyond The Cloud just for us! They never opened any of the back restraints so we had to sit in the front every ride.
Big boi
The Jinma Tilt Coaster


After about a hour 1/2 in Suzhou Forest we got back to our taxi and darted for Joyland! Upon arrival we went through the knockoff Dr Seuss area on our way to Starry Sky Ripper my #1 bucket list flyer behind flying dino which we rode a few days prior. I think Sky Ripper edges out my top B&M flyer just over Flying dino. Its smooth, thrilling and most importantly it doesn't have the immense pain pretzel loops bring me.
To our surprise all of the coasters here were open! We ended up going to Dragon Roaring Heaven next. There was a school trip and they all seemed to be waiting to just ride this ride, so it took about 30 minutes to get on. This mine train coaster was decent, and is comparable to some of the great mine trains in the USA, but the theming here makes it a slight step above the rest.
Next was Clouds of Fairyland which seemed to be in a state of despair. The front car of the train was closed, and they had these makeshift restraints behind your head that they made you hold for the duration of the ride which was uncomfortable. The ride itself was okay, I'd like to ride another one that doesn't have the weird behind the head nonsense.
Flying Loop
Mine Train Theming

China Dinosaurs Park

We got to China Dinosaurs Park around 3pm the park closed at 5pm, and stopped letting guests in at 4. We jogged straight to Dinoconda to ensure we got a ride in, and to our surprise it was a WALK ON! As with the other 4d coasters it was very intense, but it was the smoothest by far. I would put it behind Eej as you can't beat that intensity.
Next we went in circles trying to find Dinosaur Mountain it took us about 20-30 mins to actually find it hidden in the mountain side but it was a cool indoor Zamperla motocoaster. The theming was cheesy but it was all still great fun.
Super Roller Coaster went down and stayed closed until park closure.

Shanghai Disneyland

This is a great Disney park! Pirates and Zootopia made this visit worth it alone. The Pirates here is the best version of the ride, and I'm glad i went in blind. I wasn't expecting what I experienced at all. The zootopia area was really well done and I hope we get some version of it in the US.
All 3 coasters here are clones of coasters I've ridden at other Disney Parks so I'm not going to go into detail about them. They are great, ride them if you get the chance.
Zootopia Ride
Tron but the not Florida one

Happy Valley Shanghai

Unfortunately when we woke up we realized the forecast was rainy and had high winds but we decided to attempt to go get some credits anyway. We knew that it would probably not work out but yolo.
We were greeted with 4 out of 7 coasters closed including Diving Coaster, Mine Train, Wooden Coaster, and Coastal Ant.
We headed straight for Mega-Lite which was good fun, we had ridden its clone Piraten in Denmark back in June of 2023 so we knew what to expect. Still a enjoyable small coaster that packs a punch. Truly is a mini I-305
Next was Crazy Elves which is your basic spinning mouse. Then we got a ride on Family Inverted Coaster which wasn't anything crazy but was fun and will be perfect in BGT as a step-up coaster.
Mega-Lite loading platform
Family inverted coaster

Universal Studios Beijing

After a hectic morning in Shanghai trying to get a ride on Beyond the Cloud we flew to Beijing! We got there late at night and checked into our hotel right outside Universal.
We bought the "Set of all Express Passes" which was good for all the major rides. This ended up being worth it is the park got more and more crowded as the day went on. Upon entering the park we heard an announcement that all rides are open but there is inclement weather which may close outdoor attractions so we headed right to Decepticoaster. Decepticoaster is everything the Hulk retracking should of been. The coaster is glass smooth, the jank is gone, and made for a much better ride experience. Personally, I love Hulk as its at one of my home parks here in Orlando but I find myself riding it less and less due to how I feel after riding.. I didn't have this issue here.
Next we took a wrong turn trying to get to the Jurassic area and ended up going through Kung Fu Panda's area which was really cool, and its boat ride was worth riding once. This path put us in a circle which had us ending up in Harry Potter land so the next coaster was Flight of Hippogriff. This was the same as all its counter parts, nothing special here. We skipped the other rides in this land as we have been to every other universal park (other than Singapore) and didn't need to experience them again.
We finally found the Jurassic area and got on Jurassic Flyers which was not what I expected. I was assuming it would be interactive similar to Arthur at Europa Park, it wasn't. Just did a loop around the mountain and got some great views. While in the area we did arguably the best dark ride in the world Jurassic World Adventure. That ride is INSANE.. nothing we have in the US compares to it.
On our way out we hit Loop-Dee-Doop-Dee which I believe is the only Jinma at a major park? It's a basic family coaster, and worth the credit if you can get on with no line.
Better Hulk
Jurassic Flyers

Happy Valley Beijing

The last park of our trip before we spent our last few days sightseeing! We arrived at opening to a very large crowd (the biggest of the trip.) All of coasters had staggered openings so we tried to strategically plan it out to be at the opening of each one.. which didn't work out at all. Extreme Rusher was closed all day and has been closed for a while due to its sister coaster rolling back and crashing into another train in the station.
We headed to Crystal Wing first for its 10:30 opening. We weren't the only ones with this idea as there was already a decent line formed. We waited bout 30 mins to get on missing the 11am opening for our next coaster. This is a clone of Superman but with some really cool terrain and theming. Worth the ride.
Golden Wings over the Snowfield was stop #2. I'm not a fan of SLC's but this didn't ride like one. It wasn't smooth, but it wasn't painful either. It also has a different layout from the SLC's all over the US which was cool.
Next we went over to Flight of the Himalayan Eagle Music Roller Coaster which had a 11:30am scheduled opening which we missed by 30 mins. The line took about a hour, and we noticed there was a fastpass system that we couldn't figure out because of the language barrier. I used google translate on the signs at the entrance to no luck. The ride is a great mini hyper coaster that blasts music as you ride. Easily the best coaster in the park.
We walked past Family Inverted Coaster which has a hour + wait which we didn't want to wait for as we just rode the clone the other day with no line. So we headed over to Jungle Racing which had a 45 min wait but we noticed a QR code next to the line which we scanned and ended up being the fast pass system! We bought a fast pass and walked right on. It was a great Mine Train that was very similar to the one in Joyland.
We then bought 2 fastpasses to Family Inverted Coaster just to get the credit.
This park felt a lot more taken care of than its counterpart in Shanghai, and is definitely worth a visit.

The end

We took a couple days to visit all the big sites like the great wall of china, the forbidden city, the temple of heaven, etc. which is a must-do.
Then we flew over to South Korea for our next portion of our mega coaster trip!
submitted by NoobyImpulse to rollercoasters [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:20 Obvious-Pin-3927 How many pounds of beans do you have on hand stored?

My family always had 100# of beans on hand, 100# wheat, and powdered milk on hand.
The reason was to not to have to go in debt if their was no money for food.
My parents never had a loan, they built their own home on minimum wage. There were times when they were dumpster diving. Scavenged clothes at the dump.
submitted by Obvious-Pin-3927 to SelfSufficiency [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:19 phoenixbegay I think my cat is pregnant?

I think my cat is pregnant?
I don't live at my house most of the time (complicated family situation) and I came home to her looking a lot like she did last time she was pregnant. I've been saving money to get her fixed because my parents have refused to but I just lost my job so I probably won't be able to for a while and it's looking like I wouldn't be able to even if I could. No one in my house is admitting to letting her out and they're saying she hasn't been out in the last month but I'm absolutely convinced they're lying. Also in case anyone asks her ears are not cropped she lost them to a frostbite injury. She is an indoor cat and I never let her out.
submitted by phoenixbegay to catcare [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:19 Letsgetsoakinwet In-Law Intimidation

My father in law threatened me and put his hands on me in front of my children in the marital home today. Mother in law joined in, screaming and namecalling in my face. Lawyers out of office for the weekend but responded to my email, could be seeking and immediate OP on Monday. This is hell, I am certain of it, and I hate that my stbx and her family are dragging my kids into it. Never so disgusted in my life.
submitted by Letsgetsoakinwet to Divorce_Men [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:18 Western-Platform1755 Dating a creepy liar

My boyfriend D.C. copied my condo’s keys without my knowledge.
Last September when I went back to another country to see my grandma (for last time, she passed away because of cancer two months later), DC told me he’s returning to Oakland for work (he rent a space in a living room there) but in reality he had my keys and stayed in my place. He does not have a place in Vancouver. When he comes to Vancouver, it’s to visit me only so he stays with me. But I never gave him my keys!
I only just found out about this. He lied on Reddit saying that he is a married man. He also did not mention it’s not his home. He asked strangers, including couples (he wants to be third), to come to my apartment to play with him. He posted so much on Reddit’s related community to a point that he got two Reddit accounts banned.
As a single lady who’s constantly feeling insecure, after dating DC for almost four years and been engaged for a while, I saw him as my family and best friend I can count on. I always appreciated him crossing the border a few times a month to come to Canada to see me.
He has never told me anything about his sexy kinks. He clearly knows I would not be part of any of those given my personality so he did not even mention it whatsoever. When I asked him if he has a special sex kink needs to be fulfilled, he denied, sayings it’s just a dark side of him.
I’ve been going to therapy with this and also dealing with trauma of losing my grandma who raised me. You might judge me but I’m still struggling to move on from this pathological liar.
Financially I’m doing much better than him so there was some pressure on him about starting a family. Therefore he also guilt-trip me for what he did.
Let me know your thoughts or advice. #cheaters #liar #fallapart
TLDR Boyfriend copied my keys without my consent and used my home for threesome, hook-ups and whatever while I’m struggling with my sick family
submitted by Western-Platform1755 to vancouverdating [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:18 jaxazz1515 Is there really no hope?

19 M, first year of college. I self-diagnosed myself with CFS a year ago and it hasn't gotten better, I came into my university with high hopes and dignity to pass with good marks, despite all my studying effort and good daily routine like exercise and breathing exercises... I barely passed the first semester due to CFS, even after always 8-9 hours of sleep I can barely get out of bed, I can barely focus and remember my studying. It's even tiring to just hold up a conversation. When I looked up the causes it made sense to me that I was suffering from CFS, you see I was bullied in high school, I had a learning disability as a kid so I was a bit slow compared to others, transitioning to high school from elementary really took its toll on me. It gave me severe depression and suicidal thoughts at age 13. I thought I had gotten past that since then and nothing more was gonna come off of it. I had friends, I became more social and started to become religious again and was working towards a bright future. Turns out, built up stress and depression over years without medication and therapy would lead to a life of hell, because I was stupid... I didn't tell my family I was being bullied and going through something, because I was ashamed of myself for showing weakness, I know it's stupid but that's what I thought at the time. Now it's lead to this, even after being able to get by just fine for a few months due to my online freelancing it's gotten severely harder everyday and now I'm fearing that I won't be able to work enough to pay this month's rent. I live in a poor country and city and we don't have therapists around, I tried the betterhelp program and i've met a lot of good doctors who talked to me and gave me advice, in the end nothing helped. Some advised just convincing yourself CFS isn't real and that you are just fine and it's all in your head, but that's the thing, no matter if I remove the idea of CFS from my head I'm still beyond exhausted as if i hadn't gotten sleep in days. I've fallen into depression again, if i can't even hold up an online job anymore then what hope is there left for me? I could go back home to my family but even they are barely getting by with how hard it has been for their work too, i don't want to inconvenience them. I think death's just the better option at this point, at least so it gives me peace instead of a life of hell. Sorry for the long read
TL:DR I have had CFS for a year, no medicine, no therapy works, it's getting worse everyday is there really no cure? does it ever go away?
submitted by jaxazz1515 to cfs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:17 Messy_Heart_97 AITAH for wanting my dad to cease to exist?

I (26F) when I was 4 years old my parents legally divorced and for my whole life I lived with shared custody. Until I was 16 years old my mom was my biggest enemy because she abused me verbally and physically while my dad was my best friend, going to his house was what I expected all week long because I went on weekends, we played board games, we went to the movies or to different places, he did let me have a pet, everything was a dream until I turned 16 years old. Something curious about this time is that my dad used to talk to me about how my mom cheated on him and she told me not to believe him, but since he was the enemy I didn't listen to him.
12 years ago my mom started attending a Christian church along with my whole family and I, curious, started attending with her... that's when everything took a turn. You see, my father is an extremist Catholic and from then on he started to attack me in every way possible: against my new belief, he discovered that I had Facebook and forced me to give him my password to h*rass me and read absolutely everything; he told me that if I took the entrance exam for the university I wanted, he would find out because he hired a friend to stand near the door and take photos of me if he saw me arriving, which made me scared; when I decided that I was going to be a teacher my dad exploded in fury, although I was already a legal adult he told me that I had no right to choose my career and only my mother and he could do it, he tried to force my mother to pay me to study medicine but he didn't succeed and now I am studying education; Oh and it is worth mentioning that he generated in me an irrational phobia of buses because he told me that if I got on a bus, my parents would never see me or my body again.
My father over time has tried to manipulate me more and more and I increasingly move away, he pressures me every year to marry someone rich, to get pregnant even by accident because he doesn't want to “die without knowing his grandchildren” (my father is macho), that I stay in his house when he no longer lives alone and lives with a family that I don't like, he wants me to call his partner's children "my siblings" and treat them the same as my biological siblings, that I become Catholic again so I don't go to hell, that I convince my sister to stop therapy because her bipolar "is a lie", that I don't relate to minorities or people of other races (my father is r*cist since we are not white), that I don't relate to anyone in the LGBT community (my father is “proudly homophobic”).
My father lives by appearances, he lives in an expensive house but my grandparents pay his rent, he wears pilot suits when he used to repair airplanes and he doesn't know how to fly a plane, he tells everyone that I studied “educational administration and future founder of a school” because he is ashamed that I am a teacher, he bought very big cars when he didn't even have enough to pay for gas and finally he presumes he is a good father... when he has caused me such strong psychological abuse that I'm afraid to do things because he might find out.
4 years ago I started to progressively cut communication with him to the point that I don't talk to him and I don't go to his house anymore, only once a month and it hurts me because in this dispute my paternal grandparents and my younger sister got caught in the crossfire, but my dad is so harassing that if I call them or her just to say hello, he will find out and come here to complain because I talk to them and not to him. Sometimes I think my life will be easier and I will rest the day he dies, AITAH for wanting or thinking that?
submitted by Messy_Heart_97 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:16 RomThePoppadom Lost both my grandparents within a month :(

My entire life has been turned upside down.
On the 23rd April I suddenly lost my grandmother. She was completely well, went for a blood test and a walk and then when she got home she passed away sitting in her favourite seat. She was alone but it seemed peaceful. It was a shock because she was 69 and did not have.any health complications. We all got called and I think most of us had mentally prepared ourselves to try and handle losing my grandfather as he has dementia, and we were told he was at end of life. When I saw my nani laying there I was in deep shock. I'm still trying to deal with the trauma, and help my mother get through this loss.
Today, on the 18th May, my grandfather has passed away at the age of 81. Even though he has dementia, he could sense my nani was no longer with us. He was missing her a lot (the were extremely close and in love). I think they were real soulmates as he couldn't live without her. I think she too would have struggled if she lost him first.
Having lost both of them, suddenly and also back to back has been emotional exhausting. Every Friday I would go to see them and so have been blessed to have spent 26 years with them. I miss them so much and feel so depressed, demotivated and keep on disassociating.
How will my family and I get through this without the glue?
submitted by RomThePoppadom to GriefSupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:16 Iceprincess1988 Father of family kills everyone then himself after home foreclosed

The dad of the family had apparently went into crazy debt, and their home got foreclosed on but he didn't tell anyone. He waited acting like everything was normal then the day that it's time to leave the house, he kills his whole family(wife+kids) then himself. He shot everyone. I hope this sounds familiar to someone.
submitted by Iceprincess1988 to tipofmycrime [link] [comments]