Mexican cartel execution

Mexican Drug Cartels

2012.08.24 23:15 Bartonbe Mexican Drug Cartels

Mexican Drug Cartels are wreaking havoc throughout Mexico and Latin America. This subreddit is to understand, discuss, and share relevant information about the impact of these cartels, especially in the context of the War on (some) Drugs.

2021.10.18 17:19 AndersKatt Da_Brozkiez

Want to see some sick videos? Want to see some hot bitches throw down? Want to see the head of a man accused of snitching on the Mexican cartel? You’ve come to the right Sub! Here at Da_Brozkiez we share EVERYTHING a teenage boy finds amusing, hot, interesting and enjoyable!

2019.02.28 10:35 WardenclyffeTower Perpetual Grace LTD A divine plan goes to hell

Discuss the show Perpetual Grace LTD originally on Epix (now available on MGM+) created by Steve Conrad & Bruce Terris.

2024.06.02 05:36 anon1mo56 Treaty between the Mexican Empire and the Comanche Nation

1822 Treaty between the Mexican Empire and the comanche Nation.
December 13, 1822

TREATY between the Mexican Empire and the Comanche Nation.
Plenipotentiaries: for the Imperial Government, the Hon. Mr. Don Francisco Azcárate, Knight of the Order of Guadalupe, member who was of the Supreme Governmental Board of the Empire, Honorary State Councilor of His Majesty, his Extraordinary Envoy to the Court of London; for the Comanche Nation, Captain Guonique.
There will be peace and perpetual friendship between both nations; Hostilities of all kinds cease and what happened during the Spanish Government is forgotten.
The prisoners are mutually returned, except those who voluntarily want to remain in the nation in which they are found; Fathers, mothers and relatives who claim some, notifying the envoy of the Comanche Nation who will reside in Béjar, will be handed over to them if they exist.
The Comanche Nation, throughout the entire extent of its territory, will defend the border of the provinces of Tejas, Coahuila, Nuevo-Kingdom of León and Nuevo-Santander, from the invasions of barbarian nations, giving timely notice after knowing thay they are trying to do hostilities.
It will not allow any nation to penetrate its territory into that of the Mexican nation, it will resist it with arms and will notify the Emperor.
It will also resist Spain, either on its own or with the help of other nations of Europe, or any of these trying to do so; and it will warn so that the troops of the Empire, joining them, will act in agreement.
If, through the Mexican territory, the Spanish nation alone or with the help of Europeans or they make a landing, the Comanche will arrive with all its forces at the point indicated, giving it ammunition of war and munitions, reinforcing it with the troops of the Empire to prevent them from taking over even an inch of land.
It will notify the Emperor of the people who enter their territory to explore it.
The Comanche will carry out trade in Béjar only, their merchants coming along public roads and under the direction of a leader responsible for the damage they may cause, and with the Emperor's passport, which will be a medal agreed upon; the Mexicans will do the same when they enter Comanche country.
The articles of commerce by the Mexicans are all kinds of silk, wool, cotton, quinquillería, provisions, wire, instruments of the arts, all kinds of manual labor, horses, mules, bulls, rams, goats, which they will exchange as they agree to the pacts that particulars celebrate, because the Comanches lack currency.
These will wrap it with skins of cybolo, cow, deer, bear, beaver, otter, marten, tiger, tanned hides, butter, tallow, oil, dried meat, cybolo tongues, fruit, food and other natural productions from their land. The introduction and removal will be free of all rights for now.
The Mexican Nation preserves the integrity of its territory, according to the line agreed upon in the last treaty with the United States, and from now on it will agree with the Comanche to indicate the terms of which it must occupy.
The Comanche will have an envoy in Béjar with an interpreter, appointed and provided by the Emperor; The envoy will deal directly with the Hon. Mr. Secretary of State, Minister of Interior and Foreign Affairs; and in the executive that does not admit waiting, the Governor will provide what is convenient, both reporting separately to His Majesty.
The Comanche Nation to run mesteños through its envoy, will inform the Governor of Béjar so that he can appoint trusted people to accompany them; and the shod beasts that they recieve, will be return for the customary pension.
The Emperor offers to the Comanche Nation to receive twelve young people every four years so that they can be educated at this Court at the expense of the Empire in the sciences and arts to which they are most applied, and to return them, when they are educated, so that the Nation can thus be educated.
The Treaty was signed on the thirteenth of December, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-two and was ratified by His Majesty on the fourteenth of the same.
This treaty is important, because due to this treaty Iturbide recieved the offer from the Comanche Nation of 20,000 troops to help him put down the rebellion, but at that point the rebellion had grown to the extent that to put it down would have resulted in a bloodpath something Iturbide was unwilling to do. And he had the oportunities for example between the reinstauration of Congress and his abdication more than 20 days passed and when he abdicated he did out of his own free will the rebels hadn't even reached Mexico City.
submitted by anon1mo56 to monarchism [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:17 senll [EXPANSION] War on Drugs!

In the years following the Deluge, as chaos reigned across Mexico, a criminal gang known as the Yucatan Cartel would take over the Yucatan Peninsula. Claiming to champion the rights of the indigenous people of Mexico, they would make their fortune exporting drugs across Mexico.
As the Mexican Red Army arose in Oaxaca, one of their first acts was to crack down on the drug trade. Distributors of the literal opiate of the people would face harsh punishment, including and up to execution. In retaliation, the Cartel, one of the major agricultural producers in Mexico, would close the border and end food exports to Oaxaca, no doubt hoping to starve us out.
This has not come to pass. While we have secured alternative routes of food imports, it is utterly unacceptable for us to be reliant on capitalist powers for such a vital staple and to allow an organization such as the CDY to sit in our backyard. With our gains in the north consolidated, our army now turns east in a new battle - a War on Drugs! As our forces advance into the Yucatan peninsula, fields of opium and cocaine will be burned, allowing them to be replaced with crops that benefit the working class.
The meaning of permanent revolution is that the working class will refuse to compromise its own interests, taking action solely for itself. We certainly will not sacrifice them to drug lords!
Provinces YU002, YU003, YU004
submitted by senll to PostWorldPowers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:30 DAGR31 ¿Se acuerdan del rolplay donde vivíamos en un mundo post apocalíptico nuclear?...aquí está el remake de este

¿Se acuerdan del rolplay donde vivíamos en un mundo post apocalíptico nuclear?...aquí está el remake de este
Año: 2040 (10 años después de la caída de la civilización del viejo mundo y de la WW3 y 15 años después de "3ra revolución industrial")
El aumento de las tenciones entre potencias occidentales y orientales junto proxys pro occidentales y pro orientales debido al conflicto ruso-ucraniano, conflicto palestino-israeli y entre varios otros empezó una carrera armamentistica entre las potencias occidentales y orientales, iniciando una especie "2da guerra fría" en la cuál debido a los grandes avances en tecnologia, tanto inteligencia artificial como robótica junto ingeniería genética como en el uso más eficientes de energías renovables, empezó en 2025 la llamada "3ra revolución industrial"
Hasta que en 2030 con la invasión de China a Taiwan, Estados Unidos le declara la Guerra a China, cuál provocaría que los aliados de esta le declaren la guerra a Estados Unidos cuál provocó que los países unidos a la OTAN participaran también en el conflicto
La tercera fue mundial había iniciado...y tan rápido como empezó...tan rápido termino, en conflicto mundial no duró ni una semana, pese que los países con armamento nuclear no usaron todo su arsenal y solo fue el 5% la cantidad usada, fue mas que suficiente como para dejar disuelta a dichas potencias, empezando así caída de la civilización del viejo mundo y el periodo conocido de 10 años como "la pequeña edad oscura"
Cuál duro los siguientes 10 año
Hasta que en la actualidad...en el año 2040 se restablecieron las nuevas llamadas ciudades-estado, civilizaciónes y facciones que ahora compiten por la tecnologia del "viejo mundo" y por los territorios que quedan
submitted by DAGR31 to Roleplaydewattpad [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:33 Cloudharte Fallout: Georgia

Fallout: Georgia submitted by Cloudharte to Fallout2d20 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:41 djbadgerking Nancy's dumbassery in S4

I've been thinking about this on a re-watch, everybody knows she was dumb for being perfectly set up working in that maternity store getting paid bank for doing nothing but still wanting to deal not for the money but for the thrill or whatever
But she says to Guillermo: "I can unload 300 pounds" lol, no you can't, at least not within the span of YEARS, your entire customer base is in agrestic, which at the moment, is pretty much burned to the ground, you were slinging dimebags and eighths and maybe ounces to mostly bored housewives and your only fiendish return customer was Doug. Even with Sanjay/Marvin/Silas and whoever else selling for you, you aren't clearing 300 damn pounds in a reasonable amount of time by yourself without a cartel network which is why Guillermo "we have it covered, stop asking" and if you can afford to buy the almost half a million for that why you struggling
Then there's ratting on the tunnel, I get that she was overcome with a sense of guilt after she saw sex trafficking but you're fucking the boss, she asked him about it, he made it clear he was uncomfortable with it if it was happening, and then confirmed "there will be no girls in the tunnel ever again" but she still ratted in the meantime, what was it like, 2 days she had to wait? Instead basically guaranteeing her and her entire family (her entire motivation for dealing and living) would be killed because she couldn't stop thinking about some random Mexican girl in a blue dress for a day and a half
I think the only time when shit went horribly wrong that wasn't her fault was U Turn jacking them, Peter jacking them, heylia hiring the armenians for a hit, not telling her and expecting payment from her, Silas stealing the weed and then immediately being arrested all at the exact same time. That was just extremely bad luck
submitted by djbadgerking to WEEDS [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:25 captaindata1701 "New Hampshire's attorney general joins 27 other states in defending American gunmakers from Mexico." Instead, they should arm their own people so they do not have to die fighting their own people with farm implements and basic rifles vs fully automatic weapons.
submitted by captaindata1701 to NewbyData [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:10 Concrete-Professor Does Costco buy their Avocados from the Mexican Cartels?

So I’ve read that any and all avocados from Mexico are stolen from farmers and sold by the cartels. I asked Costco and they are clueless at the local level. I’m just curious, last thing I want to do is support them.
submitted by Concrete-Professor to CostcoWholesale [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:51 Legitimate_Excuse_79 ISO of a penpal

ISO of a penpal submitted by Legitimate_Excuse_79 to WriteAPrisoner [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:17 Plaztec1037 Checkout this cool art I found.

By timothy phillips I believe. Just came across it felt right to share it goes deeper more u look!
submitted by Plaztec1037 to breakingbad [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 06:37 roshomon420 wrong battles

The government and executives are fighting the wrong battles for 0 drug tolerance. They are catching pot dealers, where they are just a small cell in the whole being called drug cartels. If there is no consumers, they are bound to go down.
Majority of people in India who uses cannabis, do it for recreation. They go to the dealer and the dealer pushes something else for them to try. Weed is a gateway drug because people have to get it from dealers who have dangerous substances up to cross sell. People who use alcohol, tobacco and weed. Would prefer weed as it's a safer option comparatively and legalising it would reduce regulated consumption, significant reduce in customers for dealers hence cutting down the demand for list A drugs.
submitted by roshomon420 to legalizeweedindia [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 23:59 MugShots Two Arrested in Money Laundering Scheme Tied to Chinese Entities and \nMexican Drug Cartels

Two Arrested in Money Laundering Scheme Tied to Chinese Entities and \nMexican Drug Cartels submitted by MugShots to ArrestStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 23:04 ThatOrange_ Jewel of the Big Muddy: Louisiana Election of 1860

Jewel of the Big Muddy: Louisiana Election of 1860
The Old Order has been swept away.
The flag of a Republic Reborn.
On February 13th, 1857, the Rebel forces yielded, General Suchet surrendering a few dozen miles outside the rebel stronghold of St. Louis. It had been five years of bloody warfare, grueling and unrelenting. Many small towns and villages across the nation had been irrevocable damaged, families split along factional lines. The Anglois community, in particular, suffered in the latetr stages of the war. The capture of Austinville by Riograndese forces had been followed by what can only be described as a harsh sack, leaving bitterness endemic. In St. Louis itself, the new flag, representing the three new values of the state: Livelihood, Louisiana, and Liberty, was raised at the end of General P.G.T. Beauregard's final campaign. The rebel senate, including Longchambon, mostly managed to escape, fleeing north to British Canada, or across the Mississippi into the Confederation. From the podium in New Orleans, Archon Dupoy damned and decried them as traitors and scoundrels. Senate, now completely in his power, declared elections, putting up a huge majority for his friends and allies, helped by boycotts from and bullying against his enemies. The first colored senators took seats.

The end of slavery has come
With the victory of the Radicals, their plan for immediate abolition, indeed ongoing abolition(thousands of former slaves having fought for the Archon), was finalized. Across Louisiana, those who had waited their entire lives not dreaming of this day were greeted by the news of their freedom, sometimes acceded to willingly, at other times enforced by Écrevisse troopers. Certainly a historic event, and the nation and world alike watches with curiosity. What now? Will the future be one of equality or racial conflict? History awaits.
The guillotine. Sword of the Archon.
The executions began swiftly.
There would be plenty of victims.
Journalists who had supported the Rebels, senators who would not recant their opposition, particularly egregious enemy officers and many others would meet their final end by the blade. Senator Robillard would march proudly to his death, and Bassot, Longchambon's greatly respected Foreign Minister, would soon follow. Oscar Bernadotte would be exiled, despite his works.
For the next three years, La Petite Terreur, The Little Terror, would reign. Hundreds would be thrown beneath the merciless gaze of the tribunals, and in an echo of the past, beheaded. Thousands more were under public censure. There were other executions too of course, unsanctioned ones. General Suchet, though officially pardoned after his surrender, awoke one night to armed men storming his house. He and his family were slain. Many suspected the Écrevisse. The entire time, the Senate, packed with radicals old and new, would pass resolution after resolution. One particular incident shook the nation, the Hanging of the 12, when a dozen monks, protesting the confiscation of their monastery, were shaved, beaten, and then hung from willow trees by fervent government forces sent to collect. Though done without the Archon's direct approval, the incident led to international condemnation. More would follow. The Act of Enablement, passed on Christmas Day, 1857, would ban any cleric from speaking against the government in sermons, remove all funds from parochial schools, and gave the Archon extraordinary powers to control public speech. Those who criticized it as a revival of the late Truth and Prosperity Act were quickly silenced. The Governor System, which had been a fixture of the Republic since the days of Le Marechal, was abolished. In its place arose smaller "directorates", overseen by Directors appointed by the Senate. Archon Dupoy further established a reputation in foreign policy circles as a radical, when he officially exchanged ambassadors with the Second Haitian Empire, something deeply controversial even among some Radicals, due to the Empire's ongoing occupation of the former Dominican Republic.
The Radical victory would have effects beyond its borders however.

Charles of Prussia, the King of New England.
With British intervention in the Civil War largely a failure, partisan activity in New England picked up. Guerilla leaders like John Brown and "Bloody Bill" Anderson would strike isolated garrisons, burn supplies, and flee into either the dense pine woods of rural New England, or across the border into the Atlantic Republic. Rather than begin a direct war, Britain's ongoing commitment was called into question. As a compromise, certain factions reached out to, of all nations, Prussia. An arrangement was struck to crown Prince Charles of House Hohenzollern as Charles I, King of New England. Many are skeptical of the new regime lasting very long, though Charles is regarded as personally able. Still, the sight of redcoats on the streets of Boston, combined with the ongoing guerilla war, is an ill omen for many. Will this new kingdom be able to last?

Benito Juarez takes over from the defeated Santa Anna
Santa Anna's intervention in the Louisianan Civil War would prove ill-advised indeed. His forces were put to rout by a joint Riograndese-Radical Army first at the Battle of Laredo, and later again in the Coastal Campaign, where the Radical Navy fought a dogged contest with the Mexican fleet, and an allied push to expel Santa Anna from RRG territory. Humiliated, and facing growing discontent, Anna would be pushed out of power in late 1857. His replacement following the coup, Benito Juarez, sought a peace with Mexico's neighbors, on fair terms, although it is clear Juarez does not regard The Republic of the Rio Grande as a settled issue, merely as one that has been put on hold. Louisiana would be given compensation in the form of the largely unsettled, upper third of Nuevo Mexico, with the RRG receiving the rest; though in truth a strong Comanche presence continues to exert pressure on their flank. Victory has done a deal to help with the coalition of internal egos that form the basis of the Republic of the Rio Grande, though the sheer radicalism of the government in New Orleans has rendered the hacendero interests of that nation very uneasy. Still, in a rare show of pragmatism, Dupoy is inclined to continue the alliance. It is especially useful in that the hostility of the Confederation, the great slave-holding power across the river to our east, no longer hides its contempt following its reversal of fortune in the Civil War.

The economy, once stabilized, has been thrown into doubt.
While Radical interests prevailed in the civil war, much remains in doubt. Following the initiation of The Little Terror, Britain, once our patron, has sharply limited trade and naval cooperation. It is not yet an Embargo, and truly the markets of South America remain open and friendly, along with secret French aid, from Napoleon III, but is that truly enough? Along with ongoing Spanish harassment of our interests in the Caribbean, and the looming agricultural competition of the Confederation, the sudden shock of the tariff system being dismantled has not yet settled in. The moneyed interests of New Orleans, already skeptical of the "free trade" absolutism of Dupoy and his kin, are in open protest. Paper money, ostensibly to augment the Fleur, has begun to enter circulation in growing amounts. The National Bank, some of its board members short a head and others replaced, is in a frantic drive to correct lest the early days of PP austerity start to look like fat and heady times. Thus arranged, there are other matters to settle. The slaves are free, true, but what now? Overwhelmingly uneducated, and without professional prospects, even joining the mixed middle class of sorts that has always existed within our social hierarchy is doubtful. It is certainly an issue that must be settled, lest growing discontent between former masters, former slaves, and the very working class men who made up the bulk of the Archon's support begin to rise. Race, economy and liberty are all at stake.
Thus a spirited contest for the Archonate begins. Following his survival of two different assassination attempts, and as part of a wider intrigue, Archon Dupoy has made the surprise decision not to stand for a third term. Instead, he has "retired" to his office at the New Orleans Sun, hosting a steady stream of well-wishers, radical politicians and government officials. Despite the fears of some, he has not revived the title of Lictor, but his presence remains thick in the Senate. At first baffled by his decision, party officials were hit with the Treason Clause, requiring every candidate for public office to either hold a Radical membership, run as an independent, or at least avoid running under the Allied Republican or League banners, or their constituent parties all now being banned. Further, those who had refused to accept the sworn pardons offered at the end of the war would not be allowed to run, nor would close family of the Rebel Senate. Many cheered this on, waving flags dotted with slogans and the new, radical tricolor of Louisiana. Others flinched at the displays.
This election will be the first in the Republic's history featuring the full participation of all races, on the basis of universal manhood suffrage. The potential impact of ex-slaves is not lost on anyone.
Le Parti Radical Libre
(The Free Radical Party)
(Moderate Faction)
General P.G.T. Beauregard
General and war hero
Pierre Gustave Toutant-Beauregard is in many ways a conundrum, an oddity, a walking contradiction. Born into privilege, the son of a slave-holding family with connections to high society, he found his way to the Army. There, like Archon Dupoy, he would find his personals views emboldened. Unlike Dupoy, Beauregard studied at Big Oak, the national military academy, before pursuing a career in the engineers. An advocate for "mass soldiery", he for years advocated for the inclusion of more black soldiers in the army, and even officers, on practical grounds. It did not simply make sense, he said, to ignore half the population as potential warriors. Affiliated with a number of liberal parties, he found himself as one of Archon Longchambon's major supporter's within the Military, despite his opposition to the budget cuts. Despite these ties, when the Rebel Senate decreed Dupoy deposed, Beauregard declared for the Radicals, even organizing a black unit from his family's own estate following the issuance of abolition. Promoted to General, initial suspicion around his motives soon melted away in the desperation of the Civil War, and it was General Beauregard ho would finally secure victory in the Third St. Louis Campaign. Elevated to the status of a major hero, Beauregard stands as an advocate for national defense in the face of potential Confederation aggression, attempted de-escalation with England(though not with Spain), and a period of national domestic healing. His solution to the question of ex-slaves is unsatisfactory to many on his left, arguing against mass redistribution of land, and instead arguing that education, public works, firm civil rights, and reconciliation between all Louisiana's people is needed the most. He is also known to be something of an opponent of the Terror, if only privately.
Le Parti Radical Libre
(The Free Radical Party)
(Ultra-Jacobin Faction)
Minister of War, Gabriel O'Flanagan

Radical and grappler, a fire-breathing Celt.
Gabriel O'Flanagan is the son of immigrants. His parents, part of the earlier wave of Irish immigration, lived a humble life. But O'Flanagan was not satisified with such. Attaching himself early to the tiny Abolition movement, he in time came to be disenchanted with what he viewed as excessive moderation on behalf of the Progress Party. After a brief stint in the navy, he fell in with Dupoy, and his speeches were if anything harsher and more explosive, if perhaps lacking in the pointed scope of his friend's rhetoric. Head of the now formalized Écrevisse, he holds much sway in the radical immigrant community, especially among the Irish, and the most militant men under arms. During the war, he was posted as Minister of War, which he has held for several years. O'Flanagan is a prime supporter of the Terror, having authorized a number of death-writs himself, and his views on a post-bellum Louisiana are similarly extreme. He has lead the charge for vast quantities of land to be carved up and handed over to the freed slaves, further appropriations from administration enemies, a hard line on relations with England and other hostile powers, etc. He likewise is against revisions in the Free Radical platform meant to appease more moderate and conservative elements. Having won the war, he thunders to his allies, the peace must not be lost. He is widely believed to have the backing of Archon Dupoy, who has used his resources to ensure his election.
Le Parti Modéré
(The Moderate Party)
Ex-Senator Louis Tremblay
Booed and harassed, the pre-war order makes its last stand
Louis Tremblay is tired. One of the few senators to side with neither the Rebels or Radicals, during the Civil War he merely went home, an independent without a cause or country. After several failed attempts at brokering a peace, he simply waited it out. When the Radical victory came, he lost his two-dozen slaves, choosing to free and employ them on his own rather than wait for armed enforcement. Soon after, he lost his seat in the snap elections. Since then, he has looked in horror upon the Terror. He represents a current of thought that the new order threatens the very survival of the republican system. To him, Dupoy is just a second Le Marechal in the making. Forming the inoffensively named Moderate Party in 1858, he has so far flown under the radar, and is cynical of his chances. Still, he runs on a halt to all radical economic proscriptions, an immediate end to the terror, and a pause on dangerous social revaluations. Instead he aims to restore a "sense of sanity and balance."
Minor Parties/Independent Fusion Movements
Doctor Ernest Cazenave

Strange Times indeed
Combining the nomination of several small parties, and independent political movements including the Anti-Drinking Party, United Anglois Party, Tax League, Liberal Conservatives and Farmer Party among others, the Fusion Movement is a recent phenomenon. While some of the parties contained within are old ones, none have ever elected more than a single senator at a time, and most have not even managed that. Doctor Ernest Cazenave famed for his advancements in the fields of surgery and anesthetics, has agreed to stand for them. Not a politician, he nevertheless enjoys a popular reputation as a man of science and medicine. On the platform of "malice towards none", Dr. Cazenave has called for a variety of prescriptions, including a limited return to small tariffs, simplification of taxes, an alcohol tax, and "shared farming" among the recently liberated black community, which is regarded as a middle ground of sorts. Large scale investments in literacy and education are also expected and encouraged. Cazenave is firmly of the opinion that the route to social uplift lies in educational and community understanding, largely rejecting radicalism.
who shall be the next archon?
View Poll
submitted by ThatOrange_ to imaginaryelections [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 17:30 TheTimocraticMan The “I’m In Mexican Cartel” Mod Flex

The “I’m In Mexican Cartel” Mod Flex submitted by TheTimocraticMan to CursedGuns [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 16:40 dirtyharrison Report: Mexican Border State Official Helped Gulf Cartel Extort Businessmen

Report: Mexican Border State Official Helped Gulf Cartel Extort Businessmen submitted by dirtyharrison to NewsWhatever [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 15:09 NagiNaoe101 You don't need to wear Red, White and Blue to be Patriotic

I can't believe I have to write this, since 2016, I have seen this uptick to trends that just border on crazy. I won't salute a flag just because it's considered the norm.
For starters, you don't have to wear certain colors to be American. There is a state of mind, you can be patriotic without annoying everyone with it. You can be nice and polite, study the cultures and values of many societies without forcing Ethnocentrism which has started to control the USA.
I don't exactly blame Trump or the Republicans for this, it's an issue that has been a vice in the USA for awhile. We consider ourselves, self important and don't see that we mess up. We as a nation do screw up, we do cause damages to our own mental state because we're raised to believe being American makes us better.
Let me tell you we aren't, we have issues that border on insanity. And we can look no further than our own self destructive habits. We over consume a lot of media that make us think we are better. Look at Family Guy, The Simpsons and more, we see a mirror of our sterotypes about Europeans.
We believe Britian has poor dental hygiene, well that is false. In fact they by far have some good dental practices they wish we would practice. They also don't over indulge in sweets as you might think.
Mexicans aren't all tied to drug cartels and smuggling. There are Mexicans who come to the USA legally due to their own lack of jobs. Some jobs American don't do and many of these people come with temporary VISAs that expire when grow seasons are over. These people also want a better life for their families and do immigrate here legally. Many learn English and also obey our laws more than the ones who don't.
In many ways there are Mexicans who actually hate the cartels and the images they evoke. They also worked with FBI and other groups to prevent more crime.
The truth is we as a country build more sterotypes that don't save our views of the world. I think I will talk about shows like Axis Powers: Hetalia. This just paints every nation with a sort of silly ideal that many people see. We view Italians as pasta loving, China and Japan as being trapped in a past that they built on Imperial ideals. Russia as invaders (which currently is true), and so much more.
When you think of the damage ethnocentric ideas cause. Some people go into a sort of denial, in fact we are all guilty of it. The truth is we built ourselves into that mentality that we must parade around in colors of our nation.
If you want to salute the flag go for it, if you want to stand and listen to the National Anthem, yes do. But be aware that these are just rituals that you are part of. Not everyone has to do it to be "American".
Here is an example, I have restless leg syndrome, I can't stand in one place for as long as the National Anthem plays. This can be 5 to 10 minutes. I have to walk around, I have to move around. So if I am at a stadium I would rather remain sitting or be in a bathroom so that I am not bothering a person. It has nothing to do with honoring a fallen soldier its about my health. I have tried to get it treated for years and let me tell you, leg braces suck, medication doesn't work.
So yeah, I opted for the last several years fo avoid going to situations where I am forced to do this. I work and have to move around, nice part is that is part of my job.
So am I not patriotic? Don't care. I am just stating that you don't have to follow the herd to be patriotic. You don't need a flag for Fourth of July.
The fact is we need to remember being an individual makes us Patriotic.
Also embracing our vices and trying to fix ourselves is patriotic too. We're imperfect beings and that individuality makes us patriotic.
So to everyone this summer stop thinking your neighbor without a flag is unpatriotic. You don't know their lifestyle and what they chose to do with their lives.
So there you have it.
submitted by NagiNaoe101 to u/NagiNaoe101 [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 15:01 nomadmochilero I ended up travelling almost all of my 20’s. What’s next in life?

Finished a university degree age 21.
Got rid of all possessions and packed a backpack with £800 to my name.
Went to Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Cambodia, volunteering in a beach resort, a hostel, a guesthouse, a farm, a cinema, a hotel, and a hostel on an island for 5 months.
Returned to England with no money, looking after my elderly grandpa whilst working in a supermarket. With the aim of saving up enough to travel to South America.
Went to Barcelona to do a teacher's assistant program and a few private English classes for 9 months.
Went to travel and volunteer around Colombia, Ecuador, the Galapagos islands, Peru, Bolivia, and Chile for a total of 1 year 7 months, spending roughly £2900. Learning Spanish along the way, meeting hundreds of people, and gaining multiple life experiences, near death experiences, and memories.
Starting in Medellin, to Cartegena, and volunteered in the jungle near Parque Tayrona, on to Mompox and Bucaramanga to volunteer. A quick visa run to the border of Venezuela and on to Bogota, Cali, Quito, an acid trip in Banos and a few volcanos climbed. Cuenca, and the Galapagos islands for a month where I spent $70, Peru border to Huaraz for 5 months, where I hiked, did 3-day treks, summited a mountain, and met a girlfriend. Lima, to Paracas with a small run in with the cartel, Huacachina, Cusco, and Ollantaytambo for a month. A very long walk to and from Machu Pichuu due to farmer protests blocking roads, Bolivia border, to the Amazon to teach English in a resort to the indigenous workers, to the mountains and salt flats. Down the coast of Chile, losing a girlfriend along the way, to the start of Patagonia.
Visited family in England and Barcelona, volunteered on a husky farm in Norway.
Went to Buenos Aires and Uruguay for 9 months.
Had a great time working in a hostel in BA, then went to Uruguay to work and ended up in a toxic relationship for 7 months. Covid hit and the borders closed, found a repatriation flight to the UK a couple months later.
Returned to England aged 26 during the Covid pandemic, once again broke, and worked as a Landscape Gardener for 10 months.
Went to Mexico and Guatemala for a year volunteering in hostels, homestays, a tantra sex resort (as a builder), and a farm.
From Cancun to Cozumel, Tulum, Bacalar and Palenque. San Cristobal de las Casas to volunteer in a party hostel where I found another girlfriend and continued travelling in Guatemala where we watched volcanos erupt and lived life to the fullest by Lake Atitlan. From Guatemala we travelled slowly through 10 Mexican states – Chiapas, Oaxaca, Puebla, Veracruz, San Luis Potosi, Queretaro, Guanajuato, Jalisco, Nayarit, and Mexico City.
Returned to Peru where we lived in Lima and travelled across the north of Peru from Cajamarca to Iquitos by bus and boat. Celebrated my 28th birthday in Tarapoto, in the Upper Amazon.
Went to Australia on a WHV via Spain, France, Bulgaria, UAE, and Singapore, staying with friends and family along the way. Spent 1 year working, travelling, and housesitting along the East coast of Australia.
Working as a Landscape Gardener, a freelance gardenecarpentebuilder, and a Maintenance Assistant.
Backpacked around Bali & Lombok, Cebu region, Northern Vietnam and Thailand, and Sri Lanka for 5 months.
Relaxed and enjoyed life, snorkeling, exploring, and eating. Went on a 3-day motorbike tour of the Ha Giang Loop, down to central Vietnam and across to Chiang Mai. Celebrating NYE in Pai.
Housesat in the UK for 3 months, then travelled with girlfriends family to Morocco, Italy, and Czech - Saw the Sahara Desert, Rome, Bologna, Venice, Prague, and Cesky Krumlov
Turned 30 whilst housesitting in Switzerland, with very little money to my name, no job, profession or career, but having lived one hell of a good life so far. But now I feel uncertain about the future, about a career, money, security, and balance. Now what the hell do I do?!
submitted by nomadmochilero to travel [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 14:27 CakeKeepers Latest Updates from the Balancer Ecosystem

Hello, folks!
Today, I am diving into the latest updates from u/Balancer, a key player in the #DeFi ecosystem. Let’s explore recent developments, governance updates, and more.
First things first, What is Balancer?
Balancer is a decentralized automated market maker, so called AMM, with customizable liquidity pools, offering flexibility and efficiency unlike classical AMMs.
Balancer boasts multi-asset pools, Smart Order Routing -SOR- for optimal trade execution, and liquidity mining rewards in $BAL tokens. It’s a comprehensive platform for portfolio management, yield farming, and decentralized trading.
Now, let’s dive into the latest updates!
Stake and Earn with THX Network:
In collaboration with Techstars and PolygonEco Village, users can earn weekly rewards by staking and locking tokens through Balancer Grants.
More Details.
Social Capital in Web3:
Josey Beetx, a social scientist, published insights on social capital in Web3 and its relevance to Balancer, providing a unique perspective on digital culture and trust.
More Details
Fjords vAMMs and Zero Collateral LBPs:
Fjords’ vAMMs eliminate the need for upfront capital, enabling seamless fundraising through Zero Collateral LBPs. This innovation makes fundraising more accessible for DeFi landscape.
More Details.
Innovative AMM Solution:
CowSwap’s CoWAMM:
Loss Versus Rebalancing -LVR- is a major issue in DeFi, causing significant losses for liquidity providers. CoWAMM, developed with u/CoWSwap, addresses this by granting CoW Protocol solvers privileged access to liquidity pools, protecting LPs from MEV bots and boosting returns.
Check the detailed review thread.
Balancer as the Yield Bearing Hub:
Balancer’s Liquid Staked Token pools host $574.41M in liquidity and have facilitated over $20.3B in trading volume, solidifying its position as a leading yield-bearing hub in DeFi.
Detailed dashboard on Dune.
Now let’s check, detailed developments.
New Blog Series: Mastering Balancer and Aura:
A new series launched to help users understand how to effectively use Balancer and Aura together, addressing frequently asked questions and diving deep into their functionalities.
Check u/AuraFinance’s great explanation on it.
Gyroscope Expands Liquidity Hub:
The launch of a new wstETH/WETH E-CLP on zkEVM, with incentives from Polygon and SPIN, highlights Gyroscope’s role in enhancing Polygon’s liquidity strategy.
New $USDC Pools on Balancer:
In collaboration with Polygon and Circle, new $USDC LPs are now live.
The $USDC $DAI $USDT Tri-Stable,
$wETH $wBTC $USDC Tri-Crypto pools offer attractive $MATIC rewards for the next 12 weeks.
HiddenHand Incentives by RedactedCartel:
Current incentives and voting statistics show active community engagement and substantial rewards on the Balancer ecosystem.
Let’s check governance and proposals!
Total Value Locked -TVL- and Protocol Metrics:
Balancer’s TVL across all networks is $1.15B, with a mainnet TVL of $901.32M.
Protocol volume reached $600.37M, and cumulative fees totaled $268.60K.
Check dashboard.
Active Proposals on Snapshot:
Thanks for reading the latest updates from Balancer, folks!
These updates highlight Balancer’s commitment to innovation and growth in the DeFi ecosystem.
That’s why I like Balancer, Aura, and all key parts of the Balancer Ecosystem, which provide a solid foundation!
You can find the full report in Balancer’s latest update.
submitted by CakeKeepers to u/CakeKeepers [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 12:02 Cloudharte Fallout: Georgia

Fallout: Georgia submitted by Cloudharte to ImaginaryFallout [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 11:37 Stage-Piercing727 Best 308 Hollow Point

Best 308 Hollow Point
Get ready for an in-depth exploration of one of the most popular ammo types on the market - the 308 Hollow Point. This article will delve into the unique features and benefits of this versatile round, giving you the information you need to make an informed decision when it comes to your next hunting or shooting experience.

The Top 6 Best 308 Hollow Point

  1. Versatile Labor-Saving Arm Jack for Efficient Lifting and Leveling - Lift heavy objects with ease and save time with the Pemsem Labor Saving Arm Jack 2 Pack, a versatile and durable tool designed for various lifting tasks!
  2. BLITZ Hollow Point Intonation System for Double Locking Guitar Tremolos - 7-String Black - The Floyd Rose Hollow Point Intonation System offers a precise, systematic approach to setting the intonation on your double locking guitar tremolo, with solid brass construction and a sleek, stout design for increased performance and appearance.
  3. Hollow Point: Blood-Soaked Shootout Blu-ray Release Date and Exclusive Features - Experience the intense action of The Hollow Point (Blu-ray) as retired and new sheriffs team up to protect their town from a ruthless cartel hitman, featuring a star-studded cast and region-free playback.
  4. Von Duprin 9857 Satin Stainless Steel 3-Point Exit Device - Upgrade your security with the Von Duprin Satin Stainless Steel RX9857TP-BE 3 32D Three-Point Locking Exit Device, featuring a smooth mechanism case and compatibility with panic exit hardware.
  5. Graco RAC X Fine Finish Low Pressure Reversible Spray Tip - Graco RAC X Fine Finish Reversible Spray Tip offers superior atomization and control, with up to 50% lower pressure and less overspray, for a consistent and easy-to-apply finish.
  6. Unprimed .308 Winchester Rifle Brass for Custom Loading - JMC Unprimed Rifle Brass offers high-quality .308 Wincheste7.62mm brass casings in bulk, perfect for your next load and saving you money.
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🔗Versatile Labor-Saving Arm Jack for Efficient Lifting and Leveling
Imagine the joy of effortlessly lifting heavy objects without straining your back or arms - that's exactly what the Pemsem Labor Saving Arm Jack 2 pack offers. As someone who's tried this tool on various heavy-duty tasks, I can confidently say it's more than just a labor-saving tool.
The handheld jack can lift an impressive 80 kg up to a height of 12 cm, which really comes in handy when you're all by yourself. I found myself needing it for tasks like installing and leveling wall tiles, washing machines, doors, and even cleaning hard-to-reach areas like under beds and sofas.
What sets this tool apart is its solid construction. The base plate, arms, and slide are made of thickened solid steel, while the body and handle are solid aluminum alloy. It's a far cry from flimsy plastic or hollow metal products that you often see in the market.
However, there's one minor yet significant convenience feature that I appreciated - the arm's length can be adjusted to fit into smaller gaps, which I found to be quite useful in varying workplaces. Plus, despite its heft, it weighs less than 0.6 kg, making it effortless to carry around, whether you're using it at home or outside.
The only downside? Maybe the instruction manual could have been a bit clearer for first-timers navigating the release handle. But once you get the hang of it, this hand tool arm jack becomes an indispensable labor-saving tool in the hands of any DIY enthusiast.
So, if you're someone who's tired of putting in extra effort or dealing with frustratingly ill-fitting tools, the Pemsem Labor Saving Arm Jack 2 pack is your answer - a reliable, strong, and truly effort-saving tool for your daily tasks.

🔗BLITZ Hollow Point Intonation System for Double Locking Guitar Tremolos - 7-String Black
Last week, I tried out the Floyd Rose Hollow Point Intonation System for my 7-string guitar. It was a breeze compared to the usual hassle of intonating strings. The installation process was straightforward, and the black finish looked sleek on my instrument. The system's design made it easy to access and adjust the saddle position for accurate intonation.
One feature that stood out to me was the stout, meaner look the system gave to the bridge. It gave my guitar a whole new aesthetic without compromising its sound. However, I would have liked to see some instructions included, as I had to search for the BLITZ method online to get the most out of this product. Nonetheless, it's a solid choice for anyone looking to make their intonation process smoother and quicker.

🔗Hollow Point: Blood-Soaked Shootout Blu-ray Release Date and Exclusive Features
The Hollow Point is a thrilling action film that keeps you on the edge of your seat. I recently watched it and was immediately drawn into the world of the Mexican cartels and their sinister dealings. The performances from the talented cast, including Ian McShane, Patrick Wilson, and John Leguizamo, were outstanding and added depth to their characters.
One of the highlights of the movie was the stunning visuals - the film's cinematography captured the rugged beauty of the border town, making it feel like a living, breathing character in the story. Additionally, the film's pacing was perfect, with just the right balance of suspense and action throughout.
However, there were a few drawbacks as well. The plot did feel a bit predictable at times, and some of the character motivations were rather questionable. But overall, the pros outweighed the cons in my experience, and I found myself thoroughly engaged in the story until the very end.
If you're looking for a gritty, action-packed film with a solid cast and gorgeous visuals, The Hollow Point is definitely worth a watch.

🔗Von Duprin 9857 Satin Stainless Steel 3-Point Exit Device
As someone who has dabbled in DIY home improvement, I was intrigued by the Von Duprin RX9857TP-BE Satin Stainless Steel Three-Point Locking Exit Device. This 3-point latching device caters to single and double doors, making it a versatile addition to any space. It's UL listed for panic exit hardware and adheres to ANSI A156.3 - 2008 Grade 1 standards.
One of the standout features of this device is its satin stainless steel finish, which lends a sleek and elegant touch to any door. Its smooth mechanism case is another highlight, ensuring a seamless and hassle-free experience. However, I did find that it's not particularly hand-friendly, which could be a minor inconvenience for some users.
In terms of functionality, this exit device is designed to cover stock hollow metal doors with 86 or 161 cutouts. It also comes with vertical rod and latch guards to protect the device from potential impacts. The RX9857TP-BE is a solid choice for anyone seeking a reliable and stylish exit device for their doors.

🔗Graco RAC X Fine Finish Low Pressure Reversible Spray Tip
In my pursuit of the perfect paint job, I stumbled upon the magnificent Graco FFLP308 Rac x Fine Finish Reversible Spray Tip. This low-pressure marvel transformed my spray painting experience, making the once dreaded task a breeze. The tip's patented SmartTip technology is not just an ingenious name, but a true game-changer.
The Fine Finish Tips allowed me to spray at much lower pressure, which not only promised better control but also resulted in less overspray - a boon for cleanup. Say hello to a tighter, more consistent fan pattern that gives superior atomization, ensuring the best finish possible.
Not only did it provide a more controlled spray but also simplified the pattern overlap, reducing the time spent on prep work. The Graco FFLP308 even made a tedious chore like cleanup a joy, as it offered up to twice the life of a typical tip.
I'm not going to say there were no cons but this product felt like a breath of fresh air in the sea of mediocre paint spray tips I had used before. Yes, it can be a bit finicky to fit it into non-Graco sprayers but once you've managed that, it proves its worth time and again.
Remember, there's no perfect product, but the Graco FFLP308 Rac x Fine Finish Reversible Spray Tip sure came close. With its fine details and impressive capabilities, it truly feels like a paint job connoisseur's dream tool.

🔗Unprimed .308 Winchester Rifle Brass for Custom Loading
I recently tried using the JMC Unprimed Rifle Brass in my 308 rifle. To be honest, I was not expecting much from such an affordable option. However, I must say I was quite impressed with the results.
The casings were well-maintained and the accuracy of my shots improved significantly. I found that using these unprimed. 308 brass casings saved me both time and money. The fact that I could get them in bulk was a huge bonus.
However, there was one major negative aspect to my experience. Upon receiving the product, I realized it was not the high-quality JMC brass I was expecting. Instead, it was some unknown brand from the Philippines, which was not what was advertised. This resulted in a lot of frustration and disappointment.
In summary, if you're looking for an affordable option for your. 308 rifle, these casings could be worth considering. But beware of the possible bait-and-switch tactics and make sure to double-check the product before purchasing to avoid any unwanted surprises.

Buyer's Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on 308 hollow point bullets. This guide will help you understand the essential features of this type of ammunition, the considerations you need to make when purchasing it, and provide you with valuable advice to ensure you make an informed choice. We will cover factors such as performance, accuracy, and suitability for different scenarios.

Performance and Purpose
The 308 hollow point bullet is designed for hunting and self-defense purposes. It offers improved terminal ballistics, with its hollow point design expanding upon impact, creating a larger and more effective stopping power. This bullet is particularly suitable for deer-sized game and can effectively stop an intruder or attacker.

Caliber and Velocity

The 308 hollow point bullet comes in various calibers and velocities, allowing you to choose one that best suits your needs. Velocity is an important factor to consider, as it can affect the bullet's trajectory and stopping power. Higher velocity bullets provide faster projectile speeds, while those with lower velocities have a flatter trajectory and are more forgiving for inexperienced shooters.

Material and Coating

The materials used in manufacturing the 308 hollow point bullet can significantly impact its performance. Copper and brass are commonly used for their durability and reliability. Some manufacturers also incorporate a lead coating onto the bullet, improving its accuracy and reducing air resistance. Make sure to look for non-lead bullet options for an eco-friendly choice.


Reliability is a crucial factor when choosing any type of ammunition. The 308 hollow point bullet is known for its robustness, especially when used with high-quality firearms. To maximize reliability, always ensure your firearm is well-maintained and in proper working order.

Conclusion and Advice

When purchasing 308 hollow point bullets, research the manufacturer and the specific bullet you are interested in. Be sure to consider factors such as performance, caliber, velocity, material, coating, and reliability. We recommend reading reviews from other users and engaging in discussions with experienced hunters or firearms enthusiasts to get a better understanding of the various options available and their benefits.

Thank You and Happy Hunting
Thank you for reading our comprehensive guide on 308 hollow point bullets. We hope that the information provided will help you make an informed decision when purchasing these rounds. Happy hunting!


What is a 308 Hollow Point bullet?

A 308 Hollow Point is a specific type of bullet used in firearms. It is designed with a hollow tip that expands upon impact, which can enhance its stopping power. The 308 is a popular and versatile cartridge used in a variety of applications, such as hunting and self-defense.

What are the benefits of a 308 Hollow Point bullet?

The benefits of using a 308 Hollow Point bullet include increased stopping power due to the expanding hollow tip, greater accuracy, increased penetration, and reduced over-penetration risk compared to solid bullets. They are a popular choice for hunting and self-defense situations, where their stopping power and accuracy are crucial.

What are some types of 308 Hollow Point bullets?

  • Bonded Hollow Points: These bullets are designed to bond the lead core to the copper jacket, which minimizes jacket separation and fragmentation upon impact.
  • Frangible Hollow Points: These bullets are made of soft lead that fragiles upon impact to penetrate barriers and stop the target more effectively.
  • Solid Copper Hollow Points: These bullets are designed for maximum penetration and are preferred by many shooters for hunting larger game.
  • Boat Tail Hollow Points: These bullets have a tapered base to ensure optimal stability and accuracy in flight.

What are some popular firearms that use 308 Hollow Point ammunition?

Popular firearms that utilize 308 Hollow Point ammunition include the AR-10, Remington 700, and Springfield M1A.

Are 308 Hollow Point bullets legal for self-defense?

The legal status of 308 Hollow Point bullets for self-defense purposes varies by jurisdiction. It is essential to check local, state, and federal laws to determine their legality in your area.

What is the best 308 Hollow Point bullet for self-defense?

The best 308 Hollow Point bullet for self-defense varies depending on personal preferences, intended use, and situation. Factors to consider when choosing a self-defense bullet include stopping power, accuracy, and over-penetration risk. Popular choices for self-defense include bonded hollow points, frangible hollow points, and solid copper hollow points.

How should 308 Hollow Point ammo be stored?

Like all ammunition, 308 Hollow Point ammunition should be stored in a cool, dry, secure location, away from direct sunlight and excessive humidity. The storage area should also be free from dust and other contaminants to prevent corrosion or damage to the cartridges.
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submitted by Stage-Piercing727 to u/Stage-Piercing727 [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 03:36 ShadowDancer11 The “I’m In Mexican Cartel” Mod Flex

The “I’m In Mexican Cartel” Mod Flex submitted by ShadowDancer11 to Shitty_Car_Mods [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 02:44 MezcalCC Puerto Morelos…

submitted by MezcalCC to cartels [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 13:44 AutoNewspaperAdmin [World] - Bullets before ballots: Dozens of Mexican candidates have been killed as cartels seek more control LA Times

[World] - Bullets before ballots: Dozens of Mexican candidates have been killed as cartels seek more control LA Times submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]