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Cyber Briefing: 2023.06.06

2023.06.06 18:13 CyberMaterial Cyber Briefing: 2023.06.06

Cyber Briefing: 2023.06.06

👉 What's the latest in the cyber world today? ********************************************************************
🚨 #CyberAlerts
******************************************************************** CISA Adds Two Critical Vulnerabilities to Exploited Vulnerabilities Catalog - Urgent Action Required
Source: CISA
Critical Linux Kernel Vulnerabilities Patched in Multiple Ubuntu Versions
Source: Ubuntu
Cybercrime Threat Actor Targets Spanish and Portuguese Speakers in Banking Compromise Campaign
Source: BlackBerry
CVE-2023-32784 Bug Addressed in KeePass Password Manager
Source: KeePass
Cybersecurity Alert: SpinOk Malware Infects Popular Android Apps on Google Play, Affecting Millions
Source: CloudSEK
GIGABYTE Motherboards Patched to Fix Critical Security Flaws Exploitable for Malware Installation
Source: GIGABYTE ********************************************************************
💥 #CyberIncidents
Atomic Wallet Investigates Massive $35 Million Cryptocurrency Theft, Urges Users to Secure Funds
Source: Atomic
Severe Data Exposure: Scrubs & Beyond Customers' Personal and Financial Information at Risk
Source: CloudDefense
Spanish Bank Hit by Play Ransomware Attack, Confidential Data Compromised
Source: Globalcaja
Martinique Struggles with Prolonged Cyberattack, Disrupting Island's Internet and Infrastructure
Source: Martinique
Government BBC and British Airways Hit by Data Breach at Payroll Firm Zellis
Source: Mirror
University of Rochester Investigates Cybersecurity Attack Impacting 2,500 Organizations Worldwide
Source: University of Rochester ********************************************************************
📢 #CyberNews
Kaspersky Releases Triangulation Malware Scanner for iOS Devices, Detects Espionage Campaign
Source: Kaspersky
ShinyHunters Resurrects BreachedForums in a Cybercrime Comeback
Source: vx-underground (@vxunderground)
Clop Ransomware Unveiled: Masterminds Behind MOVEit Extortion Attacks Revealed
Source: Microsoft
Find the full stories at Or click here 👇 to read the summaries.
submitted by CyberMaterial to cybermaterial [link] [comments]

2022.12.03 12:21 Slawarth Rakı içerken yapılmaması gereken 100 şey

  1. Sarhoş olunmaz.
  2. Masada konuşulan masada kalır. Kayıt, not tutulmaz.
  3. Fotoğraf çekilmez. Dışarıdan çekene kızılmaz.
  4. Telefonla konuşulmaz. Çalarsa açılır, “Rakı içiyorum” denir, kapatılır.
  5. GSM’le oynanmaz: Sofra iPhone, Blackberry tanımaz.
  6. Muhabbet esnasında biçem, izlek, imgelem gibi kelimeler kullanılmaz.
  7. Kadınlar silip oturur: Rakı bardağında ruj izi olmaz.
  8. Düzgün konuşulur, lüzumsuz şirin olunmaz.
  9. Rakıda hızlı gidene karışılır, yavaş düşene karışılmaz.
  10. Argo konuşulur, küfür edilmez.
  11. “Hey!”, “hişt!”, “pişt!” gibi ünlemler kullanılmaz.
  12. Memleketi herkes meşrebine göre kurtarır, karışılmaz.
  13. Yemek yenilmez.
  14. Meze tırtıklanır, karın doyurulmaz.
  15. Şalgam suyu, soda, ayran, çay yanına konabilir, içine konmaz.
  16. Kafaya vurup “lölölö!” demek gibi zevzek şakalar yapılmaz.
  17. Masada kitap, dergi, hele laptop asla bulunmaz.
  18. Zeki Müren de Giuseppe Verdi de dinlenir; Kayahan, Bryan Adams dinlenmez.
  19. Varsa müzik duyulacak kadar açılır, bağırtılmaz.
  20. Hüzün de neşe de eksik olmaz.
  21. Masada ağlanmaz.
  22. Ağlayan çıkarsa konu değiştirilir, avutulmaz.
  23. Yüksek sesle şarkı söylenmez.
  24. Şarkı mırıldanırken el kol hareketleriyle desteklenmez.
  25. El kol fazla hareket etmez.
  26. Tartışılır, kalp kırılmaz.
  27. Herkes konuşur, monolog olmaz.
  28. Aynı anda konuşulmaz, söz kesilmez.
  29. Masaya sigara dumanı üflenmez.
  30. Bir rakı içilirken başka marka övülmez.
  31. Rakı masasında sessizlik olmaz.
  32. Zırt pırt tuvalete gidilmez.
  33. Masada yellenilmez.
  34. Masada geğirilmez.
  35. Masaya müzisyen alınmaz.
  36. Azıcık uçulabilir ama yalan dolan olmaz.
  37. Yüksek sesle konuşulmaz.
  38. Kazak pantolonun içine sokulmaz.
  39. Çıplak / yarı çıplak durulmaz.
  40. Şiir konuşulur, şiir okunmaz.
  41. Rakı içilirken başka içki içilmez.
  42. Yolluk bir teki aşmaz.
  43. Yolluk alınmışsa cila çekilmez.
  44. Biradan başka cila olmaz.
  45. Cila birası bir küçüğü geçmez.
  46. Rakı sonrası kahve, şekerli içilmez.
  47. Kahve içilirken höpürdetilmez.
  48. Rakı yalnız içilmez.
  49. Rakı masası 4-5 kişiyi geçmez.
  50. Garsona adı dışında bir şeyle seslenilmez.
  51. Garsona rakı doldurtulmaz.
  52. Balkon sofrasında içmeyen çalıştırılmaz.
  53. Sıcaksa buz konabilir, buz erimeden içilmez.
  54. Rakıdan önce su, sudan önce buz konmaz.
  55. Rakı sek içilmez.
  56. Rakıcı ota çöpe öpüşmez, habire takdir etmez.
  57. İçerken serçe parmak havaya kaldırılmaz.
  58. Rakı hızlı içilmez.
  59. Rakı fondip yapılmaz.
  60. Kerahet vaktinden önce rakı içilmez.
  61. Büyük konuşanla rakı içilmez.
  62. Çok konuşanla rakı içilmez.
  63. Sessiz duranla rakı içilmez.
  64. Şakadan anlamayanla rakı içilmez.
  65. Büyük yudumlarla rakı içilmez.
  66. Rakı sofrasında iş dedikodusu yapılır, iş konuşulmaz.
  67. Küllüğe limon kabuğu, zeytin çekirdeği konmaz.
  68. Tabağa, kâseye sigara söndürülmez.
  69. Zırt pırt kadeh tokuşturulmaz.
  70. Konuşurken rakı masasına vurulmaz.
  71. Bardak boş bekletilmez.
  72. Masanın her bir köşesi meze ile doldurulmaz.
  73. Ağız şapırdatılmaz.
  74. Çatal kaşık dişe değdirilmez.
  75. Burun karıştırılmaz.
  76. İzinsiz masadan tuvalete dahi kalkılmaz.
  77. Şerefe vb. yeterlidir, kadeh tokuştururken yaratıcı olunmaz.
  78. Garsona balık ayıklatılmaz.
  79. Garsonun sırtına vurulmaz.
  80. Personele hatır sormadan meyhanede oturulmaz.
  81. Sofraya erken ya da geç gelinmez.
  82. Rakı buzdolabının en alt rafından yukarı çıkarılmaz.
  83. İçi görünmeyen kadehte rakı içilmez.
  84. Masada farklı kadehler olmaz.
  85. Masada farklı markalar olmaz.
  86. Yerken ağız doldurulmaz.
  87. Ağızda lokma varken konuşulmaz.
  88. Boğaza, yeleğe peçete takılmaz, dize peçete konmaz.
  89. Konuşurken çatal bıçak sallanmaz.
  90. Hiçbir durumda ve fikirde ısrar edilmez.
  91. Racon kesilmez.
  92. Ukalalık, kıskançlık kaldırmaz.
  93. Rakı sofrası süslenmez.
  94. Loş meyhanede içilmez.
  95. Yan masanın muhabbeti dinlenmez.
  96. Başka masaya uzun bakılmaz.
  97. Masadan kopuk muhabbet edilmez.
  98. Çiftler el ele tutuşmaz, oynaşmaz.
  99. Sallanan masada içilir, sallanan insanla içilmez.
  100. Bunlar kendiliğinden olur, kasarak yapılmaz.
submitted by Slawarth to KGBTR [link] [comments]

2022.11.20 19:37 MotherCantaloupe Rakı içerken yapılmaması gereken 100 şey.

  1. Sarhoş olunmaz.
  2. Masada konuşulan masada kalır. Kayıt, not tutulmaz.
  3. Fotoğraf çekilmez. Dışarıdan çekene kızılmaz.
  4. Telefonla konuşulmaz. Çalarsa açılır, “Rakı içiyorum” denir, kapatılır.
  5. GSM’le oynanmaz: Sofra iPhone, Blackberry tanımaz.
  6. Muhabbet esnasında biçem, izlek, imgelem gibi kelimeler kullanılmaz.
  7. Kadınlar silip oturur: Rakı bardağında ruj izi olmaz.
  8. Düzgün konuşulur, lüzumsuz şirin olunmaz.
  9. Rakıda hızlı gidene karışılır, yavaş düşene karışılmaz.
  10. Argo konuşulur, küfür edilmez.
  11. “Hey!”, “hişt!”, “pişt!” gibi ünlemler kullanılmaz.
  12. Memleketi herkes meşrebine göre kurtarır, karışılmaz.
  13. Yemek yenilmez.
  14. Meze tırtıklanır, karın doyurulmaz.
  15. Şalgam suyu, soda, ayran, çay yanına konabilir, içine konmaz.
  16. Kafaya vurup “lölölö!” demek gibi zevzek şakalar yapılmaz.
  17. Masada kitap, dergi, hele laptop asla bulunmaz.
  18. Zeki Müren de Giuseppe Verdi de dinlenir; Kayahan, Bryan Adams dinlenmez.
  19. Varsa müzik duyulacak kadar açılır, bağırtılmaz.
  20. Hüzün de neşe de eksik olmaz.
  21. Masada ağlanmaz.
  22. Ağlayan çıkarsa konu değiştirilir, avutulmaz.
  23. Yüksek sesle şarkı söylenmez.
  24. Şarkı mırıldanırken el kol hareketleriyle desteklenmez.
  25. El kol fazla hareket etmez.
  26. Tartışılır, kalp kırılmaz.
  27. Herkes konuşur, monolog olmaz.
  28. Aynı anda konuşulmaz, söz kesilmez.
  29. Masaya sigara dumanı üflenmez.
  30. Bir rakı içilirken başka marka övülmez.
  31. Çekilmez.
  32. Zırt pırt tuvalete gidilmez.
  33. Masada yellenilmez.
  34. Masada geğirilmez.
  35. Masaya müzisyen alınmaz.
  36. Azıcık uçulabilir ama yalan dolan olmaz.
  37. Yüksek sesle konuşulmaz.
  38. Kazak pantolonun içine sokulmaz.
  39. Çıplak / yarı çıplak durulmaz.
  40. Şiir konuşulur, şiir okunmaz.
  41. Rakı içilirken başka içki içilmez.
  42. Yolluk bir teki aşmaz.
  43. Yolluk alınmışsa cila çekilmez.
  44. Biradan başka cila olmaz.
  45. Cila birası bir küçüğü geçmez.
  46. Rakı sonrası kahve, şekerli içilmez.
  47. Kahve içilirken höpürdetilmez.
  48. Rakı yalnız içilmez.
  49. Rakı masası 4-5 kişiyi geçmez.
  50. Garsona adı dışında bir şeyle seslenilmez.
  51. Garsona rakı doldurtulmaz.
  52. Balkon sofrasında içmeyen çalıştırılmaz.
  53. Sıcaksa buz konabilir, buz erimeden içilmez.
  54. Rakıdan önce su, sudan önce buz konmaz.
  55. Rakı sek içilmez.
  56. Rakıcı ota çöpe öpüşmez, habire takdir etmez.
  57. İçerken serçe parmak havaya kaldırılmaz.
  58. Rakı hızlı içilmez.
  59. Rakı fondip yapılmaz.
  60. Kerahet vaktinden önce rakı içilmez.
  61. Büyük konuşanla rakı içilmez.
  62. Çok konuşanla rakı içilmez.
  63. Sessiz duranla rakı içilmez.
  64. Şakadan anlamayanla rakı içilmez.
  65. Büyük yudumlarla rakı içilmez.
  66. Rakı sofrasında iş dedikodusu yapılır, iş konuşulmaz.
  67. Küllüğe limon kabuğu, zeytin çekirdeği konmaz.
  68. Tabağa, kâseye sigara söndürülmez.
  69. Zırt pırt kadeh tokuşturulmaz.
  70. Konuşurken rakı masasına vurulmaz.
  71. Bardak boş bekletilmez.
  72. Masanın her bir köşesi meze ile doldurulmaz.
  73. Ağız şapırdatılmaz.
  74. Çatal kaşık dişe değdirilmez.
  75. Burun karıştırılmaz.
  76. İzinsiz masadan tuvalete dahi kalkılmaz.
  77. Şerefe vb. yeterlidir, kadeh tokuştururken yaratıcı olunmaz.
  78. Garsona balık ayıklatılmaz.
  79. Garsonun sırtına vurulmaz.
  80. Personele hatır sormadan meyhanede oturulmaz.
  81. Sofraya erken ya da geç gelinmez.
  82. Rakı buzdolabının en alt rafından yukarı çıkarılmaz.
  83. İçi görünmeyen kadehte rakı içilmez.
  84. Masada farklı kadehler olmaz.
  85. Masada farklı markalar olmaz.
  86. Yerken ağız doldurulmaz.
  87. Ağızda lokma varken konuşulmaz.
  88. Boğaza, yeleğe peçete takılmaz, dize peçete konmaz.
  89. Konuşurken çatal bıçak sallanmaz.
  90. Hiçbir durumda ve fikirde ısrar edilmez.
  91. Racon kesilmez.
  92. Ukalalık, kıskançlık kaldırmaz.
  93. Rakı sofrası süslenmez.
  94. Loş meyhanede içilmez.
  95. Yan masanın muhabbeti dinlenmez.
  96. Başka masaya uzun bakılmaz.
  97. Masadan kopuk muhabbet edilmez.
  98. Çiftler el ele tutuşmaz, oynaşmaz.
  99. Sallanan masada içilir, sallanan insanla içilmez.
  100. Bunlar kendiliğinden olur, kasarak yapılmaz.
submitted by MotherCantaloupe to kopyamakarna [link] [comments]

2022.11.06 09:05 ssbgoku69 Memories Tier List

Memories Tier List submitted by ssbgoku69 to GenZ [link] [comments]

2021.09.11 16:27 KonekoBot Sun Sep 12 00:27:16 2021

Be me. Starting my partly day trade as we speak. My work allows for frequent and scheduled weeks off. In those weeks I am and will be day trading. So very much still in the early phase of learning. Made some fucking horrendous decisions thus far, my history charts on stocks sell/buy notations screams retardation. But so much I have learned. In brief I am working full time with a steady and decent salary, but will aim to extend the dollars(SEKs in this case, am swedish) by day trade. I genuinely think it's fun to do and am more than happy to spend time learning. One man told me that "just don't do it for the money, do it because you love it"... Well fuck him. I obviously do it to earn & maximize, but luckily I love it as well. Biggest thing for me was to start with actual money that matter, that way I need to know what I am doing. I have no goal of becoming financially independent "and retire at 35" but just want to make as much as I possibly can. My wife is a painter and to just get her a real studio one day gives me full focus. Since we are 2 living together I am not using all our resources, but lord knows had I been living alone I would be balls deep into CLOV with everything I got by now (half joking, half serious) . With a steady income I can take risks thou. Long term investing just does not do it for me. I want the thrill and I want to focus on something. Need to learn the currency tradings though and other volatile day trades. Just don't know where to start.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Thu Sep 9 15:57:12 2021 SUBREDDIT : Daytrading
Anyone going to buy CLOV dip?
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 01:38:47 2021 SUBREDDIT : pennystocks
Looks like you fell for the CLOV bots on WSB
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 19:59:17 2021 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
Is this your way to shit on CLOV or are you seriously disappointed and discourage because your second trade you lost to house.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 22:20:13 2021 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
Its was on CLOV.... wtf.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 22:54:44 2021 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
CLOV has only been above $18.92 for an 8 hour pump and dump since its IPO. You should probably just cut your losses
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 15:56:53 2021 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
Fuck the haters and CLOV will moon haters will be watching on the sidelines regretting the miss out😘
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 02:03:27 2021 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
Just took 40% gains on an apple put I opened yesterday. But I’m down 45% on a CLOV call (doesn’t expire until mid November though). Good luck!!
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Wed Sep 8 15:19:05 2021 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
Short term yeah, didn‘t work out. But i do think that CLOV has longterm potential. It‘s definitely gonna be interesting.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Wed Sep 8 17:21:46 2021 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
Hah, so not well. You’ll probably learn about time decay this time around unless CLOV pulls off a miracle. Remember, no shame in selling for a loss. Better to recoup some money then lose it all hoping and praying for something the week of the expiration when it is at 10 cents.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Wed Sep 8 18:09:09 2021 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
Yea my expiration isn’t until November 19 so I’m gonna ride it out awhile. On a good note I took almost 40% gains on a Apple put that I bought yesterday. Bad thing is I didn’t bull up on the contract size so it doesn’t cover CLOV losses
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Wed Sep 8 18:11:41 2021 SUBREDDIT : StockMarket
CLOV wow I can’t believe people actually invested their live savings
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 20:46:04 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
I was also told to buy CLOV and CLNE. It's all luck buddy
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 15:50:36 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
I’ve been here since December 2020 lots of up and downs I must say but most of these shares were made from securing some profits and just reinvesting for the long term. CLOV has a lot of potential.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Sat Sep 11 14:14:17 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Whos going to break it to the CLOV crowd?
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Thu Sep 9 22:27:44 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
CLOV pump and dump was so blatantly obvious. If you fell for this shit you are truly retarded.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 00:41:43 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
So how many people got into CLOV and is now holding bags? !(emotefree_emotes_packfacepalm)
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 00:49:20 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Someone had to say it, and it wasn’t gonna be the CLOV guys
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Thu Sep 9 22:50:28 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
I’m in CLOV ALL THE WAY IM ALREADY NEGATIVE TO 🤣🤣 but fuck it’s not wallstreetbets if your not losing CLOV to the fucking moon. ( i don’t down vote AMC or GME let’s all eat together) ape strong 🦍🦍🦍🚀🚀
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 01:11:37 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
I think the people getting overly offended by the CLOV posts/comments think that all of us that bought CLOV stock this week mortgaged our homes and families to buy a sub-$10 stock to 'stick it to the hedgies.' In truth, many of us saw a stock that had some good news set to happen this week (The WFC Virtual Healthcare Conference and the Athenahealth partnership). It was relatively cheap and even after the initial pump and dump was still consolidating higher than it was consolidating before. Where things started looking real fucky was when resistance started happening right around specific strike prices right at the time that option volume started spiking. This starts to look like a lot of people had a vested interest to keep calls from going ITM. This either happens because: a) someone wrote a CC and just really has sentimental attachment to keeping cheap stock or b) someone borrowed stock they didn't have to write naked calls and they don't want to lose money if those options get exercised. We'll see how it shakes out when the 9/10 weeklies expire. At the end of the day, I put all of the play money that I had in my brokerage account into CLOV because I intentionally keep less than $200 in there and with all the craziness with the sell-offs at the end of the day today, I am still only down $15. Over 2 days, the amount of enjoyment I have received is worth way more than $15. I work in IT, I have been married over a decade, and I have 3 kids. I am already dead inside, so why not see if I can cheerlead a bit and try to push CLOV when I am not stuck in pointless meetings?
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 04:01:38 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
CLOV bagholder here, TO DA FUCKING MOON, short will cover, will they... 😂
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 05:47:22 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
I know we are all retards here but I’m starting to the the CLOV people are actually retarded.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 02:32:00 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Hey, CLOV isn't a complete dumpster fire. I made $50 off of it.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 03:17:51 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
... why the fuck is there even a new CLOV crowd that this has to be broken to?!
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Thu Sep 9 23:57:26 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
You mean the CLOV bag holders*
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 02:57:34 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Pump n Dump or CLOV Sucks?
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 01:27:32 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Yes just GME, not the other pump and dumps, CLOV isnt going to moon, MVIS,etc,etc. Maybe they will see increase in their stock value but not near the levels of GME
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Thu Sep 9 22:48:23 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Meanwhile OSCR has several multiples their customer base, is in the same field and is leagues ahead in terms of revenue. But everyone is all in on CLOV. Idk why
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Thu Sep 9 23:40:34 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
CLOV is the definition of a pump and dump. Not a short squeeze.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 11:18:12 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
This. AMC/GME retards are no better than CLOV cult members, both groups are irrational and losing money.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 06:44:35 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
NASDAQ bimonthly short interest reports are fake! You have to listen to Ortex! It's totally not a guess! NASDAQ SI on CLOV - 7%. ORTEX - 141245102%. DO THE MATH SHEEPLE! (Unless the math requires basic division such as calculating short interest) Apes man, what are you gonna do?
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 02:51:43 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
You didnt understand me, I am not saying that CLOV,MVIS,PLTR,NOK and many other companies that have been posted here are bad, they have a potential but they are far from going +5000% and mooning like many ppl post here all the time on this subreddit. Because they are not shorted as much and they cannot squeeze. And if you are making fun of my proficiency, I learned english by watching Cartoon Network 🥲
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 00:09:02 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Just make sure you don’t buy any CLOV calls 📉
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 04:16:38 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Yeah for real. I don’t mind the downvotes. At least CLOV is a company with a plan. GME doesn’t even have that.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 03:41:26 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
CLOV pump discord prob still lookin at us
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 22:28:28 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Buy shares my friend. Calls don't last forever... Keep up the buying of the shares my so called CLOV Pals!!! 🚀
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 19:56:47 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Fuck it ill buy 100 9$ 9/17 calls. CLOV started my journey into meme stocks. It built my portfolio! To the moon
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 18:03:15 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
If I knew what the hell calls were or how they worked I might do those. For now my humble 500 stocks of CLOV will have to do. If you retards get the price up to $100 I can move out of my mom's house!
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 20:46:58 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Buy and hold CLOV shares
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 19:46:47 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
I’m with you in CLOV but damn 10k in otm weeklies… good luck
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 19:25:01 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Everything I've read about CLOV makes me think there is nothing about the company that particularly stands out. With that said, I'm in on these weeklies with you king.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 19:46:21 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Yep me and CLOV go way back. Goodluck friend
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 17:20:39 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Most of the CLOV DD is confirmation bias. A lot of you guys have bags in the $12-$16 range and will upvote anything positive about this stonk you're so emotionally invested in.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 17:32:11 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
CLOV is exactly the same as the other pump and dump stocks. Don't kid yourself.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 23:17:31 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
If CLOV isn't a volatile meme stock, what is? It's the literal definition of a meme stock. Never mind that I think their whole business model is unsustainable and they keep losing money. But sure, maybe you're right, we will see in the near future.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Sat Sep 11 09:38:59 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
So basically you want CLOV pumped so you can dump your bags lmao.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 21:01:12 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
If CLOV doesn't reach $15 by month end, I will bang your girl and give her a ring-pop.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 22:34:55 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Just tell your GF you have CLOV. She’ll dump you and then your problem is solved.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 23:36:06 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
With CLOV as manipulated as it is by hedgefucks I'm more likely to be selling my engagement ring.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 19:24:28 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
10 sept17 $12 calls and 10 sept24 $12 calls. Was up 1.2k when I bought my sept17 calls but didn’t sell like a retard. Holding because I believe CLOV can hit higher next week!
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 23:00:11 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Why does everyone think clove is gonna make any move besides sideways? Lots of CLOV bagholders around these parts. To be fair i was to, but sold that shit in disgust at a loss because opportunity costs.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 19:47:48 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
I hate to tell you this, but if you're banking on CLOV for your engagement ring, your wife already has another boyfriend even though you're not married yet.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 21:18:42 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Quite miserable. If you dumped all your money in CLOV hoping for it to moon and now you are holding the bag, you could just say so. You could also say that in fact that was no YOLOing money for you. It was probably all of your savings or something. You could at least try to do some dd to convince some retards here to buy it too. P.S. i have also some 2k CLOV shares bought at average price of $16, so no hating here. It’s just pretty obvious that you are desperate and what you are aiming for
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 22:49:53 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Does she have to have a diamond? Don’t let your engagement hinge on CLOV. Ladder attacks at all memes coming heavy.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Sat Sep 11 08:58:38 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
If CLOV hits your target, promote yourself to your girlfriend's boyfriend ! Not husband... Retard
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Sat Sep 11 12:26:56 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Congrats! My sister's fiancé is in CLOV. Need the CLOV tendies so she can have that dream wedding. Once the tendies come in he will wear a green tux. 🍀🍀🍀
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Sat Sep 11 13:46:12 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
That is all he can afford even with CLOV at $15. Why are you poor shaming him??!?!
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 20:31:26 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Blackberry was my first bag that I got to hold since I started creeping on WSB. I've held many bags since, including GME, CLOV, CRSR, and MVIS, but BB will always be special because it was my very first bag. Here's hoping we can birth a new generation of BB bagholders.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 19:30:49 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Where my CLOV apes at baby
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 13:34:19 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Where my CLOV bag holders at 😎
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 18:28:41 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
CLOV will have 101 new counties that the enrollment start in Oct. That almost doubles the number of markets they are serving today.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 16:40:59 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
100% portfolio in CLOV, is this how i make money?
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 15:52:08 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
CLOV! We're going to the core! 🌋
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 14:48:22 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
I think CLOV might be the most popular and heaviest of the bagholders club. It's still one of my biggest wins this year, but I really thought a continuation was gonna take CLOVtards to the moon.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 14:10:04 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Cowen dropped his price target for CLOV, AFTER buying 35,000 puts? I don't have CLOV personally. But I hope people fuck this guy. That's shady AF.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 12:36:49 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Me: Doubles down on CLOV at $9.45 CLOV: Casually pulls my pants down and slips it in. Me: Oooooooweeeeeeeee
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 16:26:48 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Everything green but CLOV. Big sad
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 13:22:27 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
CLOV nation is geared up tonight for the launch, buy discounted
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 12:17:03 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Everything pumps today. It’s the best day ever for everyone. AMC goes to 115 GME goes to 400 CLOV goes to 35. We all go nuts. Hug. Laugh. It’s a great day to be alive.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 12:21:56 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
I hope CLOV comes back with a vengeance today. FUCK COWEN AND HIS MANIPULATIVE TARGET
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 12:33:47 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Held CLOV from $7.80 to $10.40. Sold. Just bought back in at $8.90. Can’t go tits up!
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 14:25:06 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Damn CLOV, why you doing my account like that
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 14:17:05 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Cowen downgraded CLOV yesterday, but they have 35k put options expiring today $9 p
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 12:29:29 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
No work over here so i get to join the CLOV watch party with my fellow investors!
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 12:13:50 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Pray for CLOV or we will lose half of our ape brothers
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 12:16:28 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
CLOV seems like the only meme stock with limited downside. It's at $9 right now and before the big squeeze, it was in the $7 to $8 range. Even if it falls, you won't lose much, which is not true of anything else.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 16:35:52 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
So another Friday another day hedgies will manipulate CLOV down to wipe out options holders.Cowen & Co starts coverage with $7 price target while not disclosing they have 35,500 put options on (https://CLOV.It) is on Fintel you can check it out.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 12:24:34 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Why do I listen to u idiots about CLOV 🤦‍♂️
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 14:21:13 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
CLOV dailies $9.50 FD’s for a nickel
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 13:47:17 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
CLOV - my rectum is full after this week -- but hodling Angus also violated by PLTR, COIN, HOOD and 10+ others Fuggn Sep/Oct correction hasn't even happened yet either
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 20:14:20 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
CLOV 🍀🦍💎🍀🦍💎🍀🦍💎
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 13:37:04 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Could take little profits in CLOV but i believe in this stock
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 14:58:32 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Manipulation on CLOV. Just like every other short report
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 13:02:10 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Does anyone have an idea of what is going on with the large block volume in CLOV?
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 22:38:53 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
CLOV digging a tunnel to China
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 14:37:50 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Okay, CLOVtards, here's the deal. Shut the fuck up, and then because AMC is doing well today, it'll get rotated into this thread and CLOV will get rotated out. Then it goes back up on Monday. Pretty sure that's how the stock market works.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 14:56:49 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Keep pushing CLOV up my autistic boys, we can still be proud of be the enemy of the corrupt system
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 12:42:33 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Guys CLOV is just fueling up for the 100th time don’t worry it will moon tomorrow most likely!
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 20:00:12 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
CLOV is a long term hold for me, just being popular on wsb doesn’t make a it a meme stock you fuck monkeys. it’s a good company that’s put its money into growth and is seeing huge jumps in revenue
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 15:48:38 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
It shouldn't matter if you like or dislike CLOV these assholes at Cowen are basically spitting in our face like Melvin was doing with GME before we hit back.Either buy a few CLOV to help fuck them or post on Cowen Twitter calling them crooks..everyone has a part to play.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 13:11:56 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
CLOV is the only ticker with so many flaming retard haters lol
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 16:29:32 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 12:48:20 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
CLOV manipulation is real
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 19:04:14 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Personally I’m giving CLOV like 3 or 4 months before I exit to see if my theory is right. It took AMC 6 months after the little squeeze in January to explode. I held on for that and made like $30K in profits. Pretty much the same trend lines too. With that, I will see my retarded self to the nearest cliff.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 21:47:46 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Here is the truth....COwen starts coverage on CLOV at $7 with underperform rating while not disclosing they have 35,500 put options on CLOV.....right in our face clear manipulation.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 12:39:09 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Rip to my life thanks CLOV lol
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 14:21:33 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Well ... at least AMC is doing good. Ganna keep holding these CLOV bags 🤡
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 19:20:00 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Shoutout to the new CLOV bagholders
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 17:59:24 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 17:27:21 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Every week, 🍀 gets manipulated down to max pain on Friday. Here’s what I’m thinking: 1. Buy CLOV on Friday 2. Sell CLOV on Wed before they manipulate it 3. ?? 4. Profit
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 18:55:59 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 13:00:06 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
What if i were to tell you that CLOV would hit $14 today
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 12:05:19 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Time to sell my CLOV puts and pick up 9/17 $11 Calls! See you on the other side!
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 14:10:23 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Seems like the HFs are winning today on CLOV. Cowen is just managing to keep it under $9 to cash out on their 35k $9 puts expiring today. GG we got destroyed. And they will pop a bottle of moet tonight,
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 18:47:24 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
CLOV is a long term hold 💪
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 17:58:15 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Hey CLOV tards... The whole fucking market is way down.. Just hold your shit together. Next week we'll be back up again.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 19:50:53 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
CLOV borrow fee plummeted
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 16:45:21 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 13:15:00 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
If people would buy CLOV shares and hold instead of options they would stop manipulating the price every single Friday to wipe out options.They have done this every Friday but 1 time since the end of June.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 19:11:32 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
CLOV is a long term hold
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 15:17:12 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
CLOV manipulation
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 13:57:31 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
CLOV will be very controlled today, probably going to sit around $9 all day might break a little under or over.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 13:49:04 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
A damn idiot for listening to CLOV retards, just hoping to sell on Monday or Tuesday and cut my losses
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 17:31:05 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Selling covered calls on CLOV = free money. Made about 10k in the last 5/6 weeks
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 19:56:14 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Reminder than this popular thread kills stocks. Excluding CLOV, that stock has been dead since early summer.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 19:56:10 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Just keep swinging CLOV. Look for it around $8.25-8.50, sell it around $9-9.25 Made a mistake not selling at $11 this week, oh well. Sold Sept. 17 puts for 8.50 & 8 with cash on the sideline for a price in between.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 22:28:06 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
This is why I fucking hate CLOV holders. Pumping this garbage ticker and luring in beginners to hold their bags after dumping. We've seen CLOV pump and dump 4 times since IPO. The 5th round will probably happen in a few weeks but I hope no1 falls for this garbage stock again. It's a pump and dump and will never be anything else. To everyone who has lost money on this garbage stock, I feel for you, let this be a lesson. Edit: To the beginners, your closest support line is $8.82, it has broken 3 times already so I wouldn't count on it to hold much longer. Your second closest support line is at $8.42 I'd recommend realizing losses at that line. If you wanna hold then hold, just don't become scumbags like these $25 buyers luring in new people just to get rid of their bags. None of these people actually likes the company for it's fundamentals. The company has not made 1 penny in over a decade. There is a reason why experts with decades of experience is shorting this stock, it's because it's garbage and overvalued. Don't let them sell you a fairy tale dream of "CLOV to $500". Shorts won't cover. They didnt cover at $6 months ago and won't cover at these levels, they'll wait for 3-4 because that's what it's worth. I repeat, shorts won't cover at these levels.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 17:42:58 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 15:49:53 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Who deleted my post about CLOV sitting at or around $9 all day?
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 15:00:30 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
I really hope I didn’t make a stupid decision purchasing CLOV 9.5c’s exp next Friday
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 13:38:31 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
remember when GME was in teens and AMC below 10? CLOV is in the same stage and time will come for mooning.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 15:43:40 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
CLOV is stronger than the hedge funds' manipulation
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 14:07:38 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Looks like CLOV is controlled by its options chain, and therefore MMs. Just gonna make my bags less heavy and sell covered calls above my cost.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 19:49:11 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
I’m sitting here during a nice wake and bake sesh trying to figure out the rationale for some of the moves people here make. For instance, the gentleman who yolo’d 17k on short dated CLOV calls. May as well have got it in cash and put it in a blender. Oh well. I’ll never understand.
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 13:21:49 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Going to reposition my shorts for CLOV next week if AMC really pops next week meme stocks could see some serious volume
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 15:59:46 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Sold GME for CLOV pls dont hurt me 🤦
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 14:18:11 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
Called this tinfoil hat theory out the other day. Super sus that the day of GME earnings, the sub is FLOODED with CLOV posts
KEYWORD : CLOV DATE : Fri Sep 10 17:41:40 2021 SUBREDDIT : wallstreetbets
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2016.04.13 03:42 gazhere Pre-CC Discography

This is a list of his entire discography that is available prior to his work under CC.

Hannah Lou Clark - Bang On (2016)


Hollow Hand - (2015-)

= LPs =

-01 - Talisman
-02 - Chariot
-03 - Later You'll Know
-04 - Love And Games
-05 - Saturnalia
-06 - City Of Gold
-07 - Farewell
-08 - Phantasmagoria
-01 - Ancestral Lands
-02 - One Good Turn
-03 - Blackberry Wine
-04 - A World Outside
-05 - Milestone
-06 - It's You
-07 - Two of Us
-08 - End of Everything
-09 - Made Up My Mind
-10 - Avalon
-11 - Land of the Free

= EPs =

= Singles =


Love Among The Mannequins - (2014)

= EPs =

  • Love Among the Mannequins EP
-01 - Alfred Garyevich Schnittke
-02 - The Does
-03 - The Twentieth Century (Alan Watts & Edward Bernays)
  • My Uncle's Ball of Lightning Will Put an End to Your Warped Psychology EP
-01 - America
-02 - Dr. Domino Dominorum et Rex Rexarum Simplus Christianus Puer Mentalis Doktor Jesus Christ of Nazereth (re-incarnation of)
-03 - My Name's Clyde Benson; That's My Name Straight
-04 - Joseph Cassel or John Michael Ernahue or God, D-16
-05 - Madame Yeti Woman

CeCe - (2013)

= EPs =

-01 - Little Bit Longer
-02 - These Four Walls
-03 - Poison
-04 - Glamorous Decay

Wildeflower - (2012-2013)

= EPs =

  • Harbour & Good Company EP
-01 - Everything Forever
-02 - Nothing Happens
-03 - All Year Round
-04 - Circle Expands

= Singles =


FOE w/ Hannah Shark - (2009-2013)

= LPs =

  • Bad Dream Hotline
-01 - Ballad For The Brainkeepers
-02 - Mother May I?
-03 - Jailhouse
-04 - Tyrant Song
-05 - A Handsome Stranger Called Death
-06 - Get Money
-07 - The Black Lodge
-08 - Genie In A Coke Can
-09 - Ode To Janey Lou
-10 - Dance & Weep
-11 - Cold Hard Rock
-12 - Bad Dream Hotline
-13 - One Man Down
-14 - Show Me The Sars

= EPs =

  • Hot New Trash EP
-01 - Ape Song
-02 - Tyrant Song
-03 - Genie In A Coke Can
-04 - Merry Go Down
  • Demos
-01 - Tyrant Song
-02 - Mother May I?
-03 - Merry Go Down
-04 - Ode To Janey Lou
-05 - Genie In A Coke Can
-06 - Dance & Weep
-07 - Jailhouse (Acoustic)
-08 - Bad Dream Hotline

= Singles =


The Premarital Sect - (2008-2010)

= Mixtapes =

  • Demos
  • The Premarital Sect
-01 - Snuff Scene
-02 - Intersection
-03 - The Get-Out Clause
  • Live @ The Rooms Studio
-01 - One Note & One Note Only
-02 - Snuff Scene
-03 - Intersection
-04 - Evil Believer
-05 - Jazz Interlude
-06 - Most Trusted Fiends
-07 - The Get-Out Clause
-08 - Trapped In A Theme Park
  • Live At The Oakford Social Club
-01 - One Note & One Note Only
-02 - 50 Car Pile-Up
-03 - Angels (Robbie Williams)
-04 - Jazz Interlude
-[05 - Snuff Scene](Snuff Scene (Oakford Social Club)&t=6m1s)
-06 - Intersection
-07 - Most Trusted Fiends
-08 - Evil Believer
-09 - The Get-Out Clause
-10 - Trapped In A Theme Park
-11 - Dutch Rudder
  • Simulated Beaver-Skin Cloak
-01 - 50 Car Pile-Up
-02 - Angels (By Robbie Williams)
-03 - Dutch Rudder

Hannah Shark - (2008)

= EPs =

  • Monster EP
-01 - Gravediggers
-02 - Knives For Fingers
-03 - Unrequited Love
-04 - Postman Ghostman

= Other Tracks =

  • Knives For Fingers (South Live)
  • Prayers Together Are Stayers Together
  • Red Carpet
  • The Buffalo Lullaby
  • This Will Kill Us

Entrepreneurs - (2007-2011)

= EPs =

  • I Love You But I Want You To Fail EP
-01 - Offensive Coordinator
-02 - Pretty Power
-03 - Soundtrack To The Party I Was Never Invited To
-04 - Aah-She-Vah-Rag-Aah
  • Sketches EP
-01 - Play-Doh Face
-02 - The Lakehouse
-03 - Infinity
-04 - Gare du Nord
-05 - Asleep
  • Demos EP
-01 - In Breach (Wet Fish Handshake)
-02 - Wasted
-03 - Infinity
-04 - Gare du Nord
-05 - A Zillion Million Ameros
-06 - The Lakehouse
  • Uv Been Robbed (Joking, But Not) EP
-01 - Revenge Platter
-02 - Hunting Roger Rabbit
-03 - [Du Juste Milieu]
-04 - Six Severed Hates
-05 - YV BN RBBD
  • Florida Root Canal EP
-01 - Me Theme
-02 - Steamin' Broz'd Slutz
-03 - New World Gagging Order
-04 - Saliva Suck Pipe
-05 - Mel's Diner, Orlando
-06 - Late Nite at Cavary
-07 - Street Fighting Dwarves
-08 - Cocktailin'
-09 - Turing's Apple Mac
-10 - I Am 3!

= Mixtapes =

  • Slumpity Slump: An Untimely Unfolding Of Unfortunate Events By
  • The Super-Ego presents: Dustbugs
-01 - Tittie Café
-02 - Super-Ego Must Be Destroyed
-03 - Bloodsucking (Lapdancing) Julie
-04 - Brooklands
-05 - Jazz Dungeon
-06 - Skyraper
-07 - Bubbleworks
-08 - Good Thing 2
-09 - Waiting Up
-10 - Filthy Godforsaken Pooch
-11 - Secret Of The Ooze
  • NeveEnding/Beat/Tape
-01 - Deceased/BoyGeorge/HellBeat
-02 - Moon/Canal/Nausea
-03 - XXXanadu/Mimi/Melt
-04 - Isotropic/Tantra/Splash
-05 - Soulquarian/Methodist/Church
-06 - Crunk/Missy/Apocalypse
-07 - Hip Hop/Beyonce/Antichrist

= Singles =


= Remixes =

  • Afrika Bambaataa & The Soulsonic Force - Go Go Pop (Entrepreneurs Remix)
  • Hannah Shark - This Will Kill Us (Entrepreneurs Remix)
  • LoveLikeFire - Signs (Entrepreneurs Remix)
  • Clock Opera - White Noise (Entrepreneurs Back-Seat Slasher Remix)
  • Spektrum - I've Done It Now (Entrepreneurs Remix)
  • Everything Everything - Photoshop Handsome (Entrepreneurs Socratic-Suplex Remix)
  • Marina & The Diamonds - Mowgli's Road (Entrepreneurs Space-Hopper Remix)
  • Feldberg - Dreamin (Entrepreneurs Saxual Eruption Remix)
  • Radiant Dragon - Preseli (Entrepreneurs Neuromancer Remix)
  • Penguin Prison - Something I'm Not (Entrepreneurs Candy Humper Remix)
  • Laurel Halo - Supersymmetry (Entrepreneurs Venus Fly Splat Remix)
  • Al Cool & The Stranger Wines - Céline (Entrepreneurs Cocktail Remix)
  • Turzi - Baltimore (Entrepreneurs Boom-Fucking-Bap Remix)
  • MASKS - Forever Dancing (Entrepreneurs Saahf Bronx Remix)
  • FOE - Tyrant Song (Entrepreneurs Remix)
  • Oh Minnows - Another Volunteer (Entrepreneurs Guilty Pleasures Remix)
  • Feldberg - Dreamin' (Entrepreneurs Saxual Eruption Remix)
  • DELS - Capsize (Entrepreneurs Remix)
  • Michael Jackson - Who Is It (Entrepreneurs Remix)

Arthur - (2005-2009)

= EPs =

  • The Blue EP
-01 - Heart Stopping Specialist
-02 - These Days
-03 - Mirror
-04 - Pretty Girls
  • Floating On Clouds EP
-01 - Catching Trains
-02 - Taxi To A&E
-03 - Me And The Minister
-04 - Floating On Clouds
  • Cinderella Story EP
-01 - Cinderella Story
-02 - Comatose
-03 - Flora Tristan

= Singles =

  • Complications
  • Late Night Honey
  • Come To Church With Me
  • Me And The Minister
  • On Top Of The World
  • Serial Killer Sunday
  • Shakespeare Song
  • Five Little Tadpoles
  • Wonder Weapon
  • Russian Rouletters

= Other Tracks =

  • 20,000 Fairytales
  • Cold Hearts (Xmas Surprise 2008)
  • Organ Song
  • Tortured Artist
  • Tortured Artist (Demo)
  • Why Can't I Write Like William Shakespeare (Shakespeare Song Demo)

Hikikomori Broadcast - (2005-2008)

= EPs =

  • Demo-age EP
-01 - Casio Romero
-02 - When Armageddon Comes Parking Is Going to Be a Major Problem
-03 - Houses Represented by Squares
  • Live at Unit 22
  • 01 - Like Fireworks (Live)
  • 02 - Three Cheers for Other People's Poems (Live)
  • 03 - One More Beautiful Friendship Is Kicked to Sleep (Live)
  • 04 - New One (Live)
  • 05 - A Bright Light So Bitter & A Boyhood Smile Wrecking Up Sleeping Patterns (Live)

Elle Milano - (2004-2008)

= LPs =

  • Acres of Dead Art Students (Demos)
-01 - Swearing's For Art Students (Demo)
-02 - Men Are Bastards (Demo)
-03 - Amphetamine Skyrocket (Demo)
-04 - Believe Your Own Hype Always (Demo)
-05 - Good People Go To Heaven (Demo)
-06 - The Choreographer (Demo)
-07 - Ringtone Advertising Director (Demo)
-08 - Showroom Furniture (Demo)
-09 - Chess Tragedy (Demo)
-10 - Laughing All The Way To The Plank (Demo)
-11 - Stepkids In Love (Demo)
-12 - Carousel (Demo)
-13 - Wonderfully Wonderful (All the Time) (Demo)
-14 - Oh Society, Look What You've Done (Demo)
  • Believe Your Own Hype. Always
-01 - Believe Your Own Hype. Always. (2007 Mix)
-02 - Sunshine In Happyland
-03 - Private Thoughts
-04 - Girl Scout Up Late Doing Her Homework
-05 - Alas Alas
-06 - Ooo Beyoncé Baby
-07 - The Great Gulf
-08 - All-American
-09 - All-American Part 2
-10 - B-B-B-Burn The Bigger Picture
-11 - La Presidente
-12 - Think Pink Lipstick
-13 - Melanie, You're Melting
-14 - Bunny Gun
-15 - Terribly Bored
-16 - Modern Man
-17 - Oh What A Tragedy!
-18 - Catch The Magic
  • Acres of Dead Space Cadets
-01 - Laughing All the Way To The Plank
-02 - Meanwhile In Hollywood...
-03 - My Brother, the Astronaut
-04 - Stepkids In Love
-05 - Carousels
-06 - Curiosity Killed the Popstar
-07 - Katsuki & The Stilettoed Stranger
-08 - I Know It's Good But I'm Playing It Down
-09 - The Nightclub Is Over.
-10 - Wonderfully Wonderful (All the Time)
-11 - This Is How It Ends
  • Elle Milano
-01 - Poet and a Man of the People
-02 - Busy Busy Busy
-03 - Swearing's For Art Students (The Craig Remix)
-04 - Infinity I Love You
-05 - Juliette's Dead
-06 - This Is My Story
-07 - Ooo Beyoncé Baby (Remix)
-08 - December 2007
-09 - Appreciating Lichtenstein
-10 - Oh Society, What Have You Done?
-11 - Katsuki & The Stilettoed Stranger (Demo Remix)

= EPs =

  • Music Is My Radar EP
  • Lamacq Live EP
  • Acoustic Set Live on LSRfm EP
  • Demos EP
-01 - Snake Charmer (with snakes)
-02 - The Forecast
-03 - Theme for Coco Loco
-04 - Concrete Kerb
-05 - shit scene song
-06 - Rev 2014-15
-07 - Showroom Furniture (Acoustic Demo)
  • Pan Pipe Melodies in G Major EP
-01 - Addict to Class A (as Jé and the Juggernauts)
-02 - Rock Operatic (as Jé and the Juggernauts)
-03 - Giving Myself a Hard Time (as Jé and the Juggernauts)
-04 - Death of a Demographic (as Kobe and the Konsoles)
-05 - The Car Behind (as Kobe and the Konsoles)
  • Swearing's for Art Students EP
-01 - Swearing's for Art Students
-02 - Men Are Bastards
-03 - Amphetamine Skyrocket
-04 - Believe Your Own Hype, Always.
  • 6music Rock Science EP
  • My Brother The Astronaut EP
-01 - My Brother, The Astronaut
-02 - Good People Go To Heaven
-03 - The Choreographer
  • Laughing All The Way To The Plank EP
-01 - Laughing All The Way To The Plank
-02 - Killin' Time
-03 - Chess Tragedy
  • Meanwhile In Hollywood... EP
-01 - Meanwhile In Hollywood...
-02 - Ringtone Advertising Director
-03 - Showroom Furniture
  • Schwanengesang EP
-01 - (Our Lives Are a Constant) In-Joke
-02 - HappyCopper
-03 - Cut Up the Middle Man
-04 - Schwanengesang
  • The Last Songs EP

= Singles =

  • DJ Funky Balls & MC Big Balls - Smoke Me A Kipper
  • My Brother, The Astronaut
  • Laughing All the Way to the Plank
  • Meanwhile in Hollywood ...

the robot vs - (2004)

= LPs =

  • the robot vs
-01 - haircutseminarandonenotebuzzsaw
-02 - out is in is out
-03 - throwing opinions at walls
-05 - no muse like bad news
-06 - city gent conspiracy
-07 - memoirs of an ex chimp
-08 - ills pills pills p
-09 - ...and it was around that point that the mood turned sour
-10 - cut/price/rabid
-11 - look! we've caught ourselves an artie

Psirens - (2002-2004)

= EPs =

  • Psirens EP
-01 - Oh! My Mistake
-02 - This Is Why You Met Me
-03 - Breathe Out...
  • This Can't Be My 21st Century EP
-01 - Oh! My Mistake
-02 - If Looks Could Kill
-03 - Spun (A Pop Song)
-04 - A Kiss
  • Psirens EP
-01 - Company! Fix Bayonets
-02 - Trust Network
-03 - PVC On Skin

= Other Tracks =

  • A Kiss (Live)
  • After Effect
  • Ascending
  • Don't Stay, Don't Walk
  • Every Curve Cuts
  • Father of the Machine
  • For Hours (Preview)
  • Halo's Burn The Air
  • Halo's Burn The Air (Acoustic)
  • Intro (Live)
  • Iowa City
  • Semi-Automatic
  • Sleep Before Light
  • Spaced (Full Track)
  • That Moment You Let Me Go
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