Smugmug css

A reddit client for Windows

2010.01.07 17:26 medevilbob A reddit client for Windows

Baconit is not defunct and is no longer supported. This subreddit remains to capture the memories of the past. The highest-rated Reddit client for Windows Phone has been rewritten from the ground up and is now available for all Windows 10 devices (windows mobile, desktop, tablet, Xbox, and HoloLens (soon!)). Now with a dynamic new UI, faster speeds, and the features you have been asking for. Welcome to the new open-sourced Baconit. We know you’re going to love it.

2024.02.01 23:52 BlurpleG embeds and using iframes

I have been looking for solutions that aren't super expensive, like using Pictflow or Smugmug. You can still use Squarespace with Smugmug out of the box if you have version 7.0 but not 7.1 because there are NO GALLERY PAGES!!!! How did they think that was a GREAT IDEA?! And no, you can't revert to 7.0. You'd have to start a whole new website; that's unfair.
I am not interested in using CSS; many will say it's easy! Sorry, for me, it's not! I have MY reasons, and I know many will shy away from iframes because they're not very responsive, hence the need for CSS. I have been wanting to create a margin or padding INSIDE the iframe.
This is the page I'm trying to do it on (current gallery) and yeah I know nobody likes my site, its fine; I'm not here for likes. I need a simple, easy solution to embedding; I don't get why Squarespace doesn't give the tools to do it within its UI rather than forcing us to rely on CSS for it.
I'm open to other embedding/image gallery ideas; I really like squarespace's integration with images as it is but it needs more and they aren't offering that right now.
submitted by BlurpleG to squarespace [link] [comments]

2017.01.26 17:54 Sir_Hapstance How is this photography portfolio site looking?

Hey all, first time posting and grateful that such a community exists. Here's a website I've been working on for the past week or so to launch a photography business with. This is pretty much just a Smugmug template I tweaked a bit, but I'd love to hear if things are working as well as they ought to or not.
Particular questions I have are "is the logo working?" and "are there way too many photos in the various galleries?" but I'd love to hear any criticisms that come to mind. I haven't delved into it much but Smugmug does provide the ability to do custom CSS, so there is room to mess with things a bit.
submitted by Sir_Hapstance to design_critiques [link] [comments]

2016.09.07 11:47 lennox_mcdough How and where to host for a portfolio/ travel-blog?

Hi. I've been using flickr now for several years now (since 2006 I think) and I was paying PRO user for some time. I've tried to use it as a blog, but that did not work out. I used blogger as a platform but I was unhappy with that - looking back it was looking as good as geocities. Then I moved to 500px, and I was happy for some time, but something was missing. Then I looked into smugmug but I got the feeling that I would have to now some webdesign/css knowledge to get a nice looking portfolio webpage.
I have been looking into squarespace some time ago and it looked - very promising. So basically I am looking for:
Now, that would be want I am looking for. All packaged in a nice, minimalistic theme. My main questions are: **
Thank you.
submitted by lennox_mcdough to squarespace [link] [comments]

2016.03.25 01:48 S0upMaster Where to get a simple and nice portfolio website?

Sorry for my English, its not my first language.
I have been using Wordpress for the last years to display some of the best images I took.
It does look like this at the moment.
Since I have this thing for quite some time, I am no longer happy with it. Although the basic usability and look is really nice, it grew old and now needs to be replaced or refreshed.
I started looking around for simple HTML5/CSS+JS Templates to buy and found something I really liked: this template (ThemeForest Link). But there is no information available on how to use it and I might need quite a long time to get my workflow working with this solution.
The concept I like best usability-wise is something like this: Zack Arias Portfolio. But this is a hosted template at PhotoShelter (which would be 8$/mon). Another hosted solution would be SmugMug (which would be 5$/mon) which features a photo backup, but the lack of JavaScript is an outdated approach to online portfolios in my eyes.
I do photography as a side business and I am happy to pay for a good service but as I am already own a server a self-hosted portfolio would be preferred.
submitted by S0upMaster to AskPhotography [link] [comments]

2015.07.19 01:14 JollyRoger61 Advice on making a personal web-site to feature my photography.

I'm interested in making a personal web-site to serve as a portfolio for my photography. I know there are a lot of options to easily create a photo blog (like smugmug) but I'm interested in learning more about programming in general, so I think a project like this would be a fun way to learn.
I have some experience creating basic web-pages using HTML and CSS, but I don't have experience with javascript or any "frameworks" that I keep hearing about. Ultimately I would like to create a simple web-page that displays photos in albums, with thumnails that link to full size images.
My question is what tools would I need to create a site like this? Or at least where should I start to learn how to create more sophisticated web-sites? I already have a host and domain. I'm guessing I would need more than HTML and CSS. Would I need to look into javascript, or other languages?
submitted by JollyRoger61 to webdev [link] [comments]

2015.06.24 11:48 FoamToaster Tearing my hair out, can someone help with this Wordpress related CSS?

I'm in the process of setting up a photography blog here: Edinburgh Photography Blog and can't figure out the whole wordpress featured images thing. As you can see, the images look OK on a PC when a full screen window is used. They also look OK on mobile.
However, the problem is if using a desktop and reducing the window size. First the images get super small and then suddenly ridiculously big when the window size passes a certain threshold. Is there any CSS to prevent them from getting so ridiculously big when the window is shrunk?
Also this Wordpress website is meant to look like my Smugmug website at Edinburgh Photography, any other tips to reduce discrepancies) between the two?
Thanks for any help though, the featured images is what's really bugging me! :)
submitted by FoamToaster to css [link] [comments]

2014.10.26 14:34 FoamToaster Sharing a Smugmug site on Facebook...?

Often if you share a website link on Facebook you will get an image/thumbnail to go along with it. This doesn't seem to be the case for me with my (or other) Smugmug sites however. Wondering if anyone knows a way around this? Any custom HTML/CSS to let Facebook know where an appropriate image is? I'm asking because I'm sure Facebook engagement would be better with an image preview rather than purely text.
Edit: Just to update, fixed it! Thought I'd explain how so if others see this I can save them some time. Added a profile picture on Smugmug (button on the top right), made it 486x255 pixels so it shows up as a nice rectangle above the text when shared on facebook (rather than as a square image on the left).
submitted by FoamToaster to photography [link] [comments]

2012.12.27 16:53 djcp Pigal - a ruby / html / js fullscreen photoframe app for the Raspberry Pi

Please see the git repo.
So I'm building this on raspbian but it should work on anything that can run ruby and a modern-ish browser. The idea is to create a full screen photoframe cycling gallery app that uses public APIs. It currently supports smugmug and flickr but other "strategies" can easily be added for more image sources.
The ruby part uses around 25 meg of RAM (sinatra and thin), and it relies on a fullscreen midori browser for the actual gallery.
This may seem weird, but I'm trying to keep most of the interesting parts in javascript by getting image lists in ruby via a pi-side json proxy - my thinking being that more people will be able to hack CSS/javascript than ruby. Also having multiple server-side "strategies" means we can get images from pretty much anywhere - json, xml, atom, rss, etc. The json proxy just returns a list of URLs that can be displayed in a browser. This whole thing assumes a live connection to the internet, but a new strategy could be made to show local images very easily.
I'm going to play with this a bit more today (build in a few configuration options, documentation, a refactor), please watch the readme for updates.
submitted by djcp to raspberry_pi [link] [comments]

2012.09.25 15:10 SGToliver Trying to put a banner and nav bar on my photography website. I'm so lost, can someone help me?

Here is the link to my site:
here is a link to an example of what I am looking to do on my site:
Here is my logo (referenced below)!i=2105431203&k=5Fd9nGm&lb=1&s=A
I know absolutely nothing about CSS, html or javascript. Everything I do have on my site (custom fullsize slideshow on my front page, custom contact page etc) have all been shared with me on the dgrin forums. I have searched and searched for help with this but I am completely lost.
I want my bannenav bar to have my logo on the left with the links on the right. I need the color to be grayish so the text and logo show up.
I am just a hobbyist and I don't have the money to hire someone to do my site customization. Is there anyone kind enough to help me out?
submitted by SGToliver to csshelp [link] [comments]

2012.08.17 17:25 abouthillier What else does it need?

I am a Portrait and Wedding Photographer and a aspiring web designer. I thought it would be a good idea to practice what I learn and experiment on my own website. It's based on a SmugMug Pro Platform but I have almost no limits to what I can do.
So I ask the /web_design community, any thoughts? Be critical too, I want to "wow" visitors. I already believe my site stands out compared to my direct competitors but I want it to be AWESOME. I'm not asking anyone to do this for me, but rather tell me what you think as a potential client (or web designer), what you would want to see instead.
I know HTML and a decent amount of CSS. The slideshow code I got from someone else and I adapted to my own uses.
Here's the link:
Feel free to scope out my Facebook Page at the same time and criticize that as well.
submitted by abouthillier to web_design [link] [comments]

2011.12.18 00:27 mzinz I made a SmugMug page. Any suggestions?

I spent a few hours last night getting familiar with CSS and customized a page for myself on SmugMug. Looking for any suggestions on how I can improvement, or what looks good/doesn't look good.
submitted by mzinz to photography [link] [comments]

2010.09.23 01:34 integralconsciousnes Contacted CC Press for Photo/Video Coordination - Single Resource underway - Seeking Planning Committee

Hi Friends, I'm a semi-pro photog working to organize photogs/videogs for this event. I've reached out to ComedyCentral's media division and exec prod of The Daily Show regarding media credentials for a Reddit Media Army for the upcoming Rally/March (official Reddit support pending??). Oprah's endorsement this early on is a good sign. If you are a photographevideographer please PM or email me your thoughts. We have the talent and organizational ability to facilitate the media success of these 2 events. Please let me know if interested. If anyone has contacts at ComCentral, please advise.
Overview: Single website or 2 (1 video, 1 photo) hosted by Smugmug where photos and videos are centrally located for press and global distribution post-event. I have a couple of sites reserved which would serve as home-base, and similar (name not confirmed..still thinking). This would give Reddit the ability to centrally control and coordinate with integration into say cafepress or similar and payout to select organizations/charities.
Details: Smugmug is the ideal venue for this as I've been personally involved in the exact same structure for the online photo archives of the NYC Halloween Parade which draws 1-2mm viewers/participants annually. Hundreds of amateurs and pros document and post online in a central location; all profits support the parade - Our site would look similar with an individual category/sub-page for each photog/videog to post and take credit for his/her work. All video can be posted under Creative Commons license. All photogs/videogs will have the ability to privately login and post their work. I will coordinate with SmugMug for added function/support. Lots of additional stuff can be done. Photos will be offered for print, purchase of swag (mugs, etc), and editorial download at a standard cost. If this takes off, a 501(c)(3) will be formed and all profits will be donated to Reddit-elected or driven charities. By uploading photos, photographers will grant limited licensure and retain original ownership. SmugMug is a brilliant site run by crazy, wonderful people who will support us. Site is CSS, will need programmer support.
If you are a talented, creative photographer or videographer, please let me know if you would back this. This would be a collective effort. A couple people have submitted similar ideas - we could bring everything together under 1 umbrella. If Reddit organizes a few thousand attendees (my hope), this would be a huge way for us to give back to the world, to document and distribute the message that will emerge from this event. Future events for which Reddit participates or directs in the avenues of creative arts and so forth could add to the websites over future years. I am simply seeking to be a part of this and to share my here's me:
Examples of my performance/candid work: How NYC Halloween Org sets up photog galleries:
Every Redditor whose posted a similar idea...let's get together!
submitted by integralconsciousnes to ColbertRally [link] [comments]

2010.09.19 21:23 integralconsciousnes Project - Photo/Video teams for broadcasting independent media globally - interviews, moments, life happening, love.

Hi Friends, I'd like to be a part of a Reddit Media Team (highly equipped mobilized white opps force of truthiness upholders/waterboarders).
I have some experience with Smugmug as an engine to host photo/video. It's back-end fulfillment operation is very savvy, automated, effortless mostly. I think we should unite all of our energies in terms of documenting - creating a single place where blogging/video/photo resides for the world to view what Reddit creates. Profits from swag/photos would be donated to charity ala DonorsChoose. Open to it? If this gets some traction, I'll share my photosite - it needs a good once over..but the idea is there. My work is posted on NYCHalloween Parade which uses smugmug and hosts many photographer's works all's all coded in CSS - smugmug would probably sponsor us in this endeavor - they are really cool. We could control the global media beat via a single engine that publishes crowd content...what do you think? my other post...could launch a new dialogue...ideas still brewing in my head...but wanted to put it out there.
submitted by integralconsciousnes to WelcomeToDC [link] [comments]