How to hack wifi passwords on windows mobile

hacking: security in practice

2008.04.26 05:53 hacking: security in practice

A subreddit dedicated to hacking and hackers. Constructive collaboration and learning about exploits, industry standards, grey and white hat hacking, new hardware and software hacking technology, sharing ideas and suggestions for small business and personal security.

2011.05.17 22:03 Bulls729 The Un-official subreddit of the Un-carrier: T-Mobile

Welcome to the subreddit of the best wireless carrier in the industry! T-Mobile is the second largest wireless carrier in the U.S. offering affordable plans, the fastest network in America, no contract, and no overages. This is the place to discuss everything magenta!

2008.03.10 22:36 wireless networking and security


2024.05.21 19:27 DeskDayAI End-users expect more from their MSPs

End-users expect more from their MSPs
End-users expect more from their MSPs—and you must be ready to deliver it!!
Beyond offering users a choice of communication channels, as we discussed earlier, they also expect a seamless service experience that transitions smoothly across those channels.
This demands a next-gen PSA with a built-in customer ticketing platform that equips techs with all necessary customer information and conversation history at the Service Desk, irrespective of the channel the user reaches out.
Thus, techs won't waste time searching for context, and users won't need to tediously repeat the details of their issue every time they switch channels—a common frustration that delays resolution.
With DeskDay's CSA, customer interactions and ticket history are instantly accessible in respective ticket windows within the Service Desk. Techs are empowered with context at their fingertips as soon as they receive a ticket, turning every support chat into faster resolutions.
Our built-in multichannel customer ticketing platform, IT-Connect within the CSA, guarantees that every conversation is seamlessly retained across all channels, ensuring continuity and context even if users switch platforms.
Whether they respond to your tech's chat on the mobile app and continue it on Microsoft Teams, all the interactions stay intact, allowing for a smooth and uninterrupted support experience. No more lost context!
Here's a representation of how DeskDay CSA and IT-Connect work together to provide an end-to-end conversational service desk experience for your tech and users.
Explore more about our conversational support experience at
submitted by DeskDayAI to DeskDay [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:11 NewLexican Engineering gameplay doesn't make me feel like an engineer

Since backing SC in 2013, I've advocated that profession-based gameplay should be the cornerstone of building the player experience.
After playing the 3.23 experimental mode and watching (for the first time) the CitCon 2023 segment, I can say engineering gameplay doesn't do a thing to make me feel like an engineer.
  1. Engineering gameplay is mostly devoid of engineering principles.
  2. What seems to be the intended source of "fun" won't work at all scales.
Addressing the second point first, even watching the devs play, it seems the design is leaning into the idea of frenetic action, bouncing from crisis to crisis, being a driver of "fun." On a larger, multi-deck ship like a Hercules, this design can deliver. But what happens to the frenetic feeling on smaller ships like a Connie or Freelancer where moving from crisis to crisis means walking a few meters or simply turning your body a little?
Returning to the first point, with repairing ship components - Resource Management would be a topic for another discussion - CIG has delivered Barotrauma's gameplay in a spaceship. Instead of using a magic wrench to fight flooding and repair equipment in a submarine, we have a magic pistol to fight fires and repair equipment in a spaceship.
Back in 2021, I authored a post on the importance of authentic-feeling profession-based gameplay in which I deconstructed and rebuilt mining as an example. If the mining gameplay mechanic had instead been introduced as part of hacking gameplay - siphoning data off a network while keeping the data flow rate high enough to finish in time but low enough to not alert intrusion detection systems - nobody would have questioned it. Nothing about mining gameplay makes it feel specific to working on large rocks.
Now, like rocks, ship components are non-descript containers filled with numbers, and repairing them entails no more than pointing a magic beam that improves the health number. Where's the engineering?
Instead, imagine if ship components had two, three, or four printed circuit boards (like your computer's motherboard) in them. Conductive lines, called traces, connect bobs and doodads that combine to fulfill some function.
The repair process would entail using the cutting tool to remove the damaged area of a board. The board is scanned, and a mobile 3D printer - maybe a couple of levitating dinner plate-sized discs - prints a replacement patch and inserts the bobs and doodads. The engineer affixes the patch, which fuses into place. They then use an extruder attachment on the multitool - think a plumber's caulking gun - to fill conductive RMC in groves that indicate the trace locations.
Simple enough that doing routine maintenance doesn't become drudgery while being involved enough that performing it in a stressful situation is non-trivial.
Simple additions like a curing time for the 3D-printed patch material could add more engineering flavor to a mission's story.
"Captain, engines are functional again, but I'll need to refurbish the whole thing when we get back to port if we put too much stress on them now."
Imagine now if each quadrant of a board fulfilled some function. This cluster of bobs and doodads together perform power regulation. Another cluster does signal focusing, etc. With this design, an engineer could restore partial functionality in time-sensitive situations.
"Captain, the shields are back online, but someone will have to babysit the power triangle if we run them at more than 50%."
Further, imagine if the actual layout of traces, bobs, and doodads on the board mattered in the context of simple principles: coherence and interference.
Coherence - E.g., to perform the function of power regulation, these seven bobs and doodads must be physically located near enough to one another.
Interference - Bobs, doodads, and traces all generate fields of "interference" in both electrical (current) and thermal domains. Too close proximity impacts wear and tear and can result in failures.
So, we have a tug-of-war between competing objectives on a surface with limited real estate. Factors like total trace length could impact performance, power efficiency, or whatever.
How does this design impact the player experience?
While mining a lucrative field of rocks in the upper atmosphere of a gas giant, an Orion's sensors go down. The engineer finds two traces showing overcurrent damage in adjacent locations on board #3. Repairs are made, but forty minutes later, another failure. More precisely, the same failure. The engineer suspects something about the environment is causing an electrical arc between the two traces.
Knowing there's a lot more wealth to be mined at the planet, the captain contracts a Reliant Sen to survey the upper atmosphere of the giant. The Sen captain delivers a computer simulation of the atmosphere to the Orion's engineer who plugs it into their workbench. Testing reveals that, in this environment, the interference in the "current domain" for traces is exaggerated. So, the board layout needs to be adjusted to move the closest traces further apart; time to play tug-of-war.
Engineering gameplay that makes you feel like an engineer...
For me, too much of too many profession-based systems is being abstracted at too high a level to deliver engaging gameplay. Moreover, abstraction at a high level means the universe lacks fundamental structures that can tie different professions, and players, together.
Imagine in our gas giant example, if the failure wasn't caused by forty minutes of accumulated electrical damage, but by waves of high-energy particles arriving in 40-minute intervals. The Sen pilot may want to investigate the source of the particles, but she'll need an engineer's solution for her ship first. Furthermore, an Orion crew member may think to ask, "If these particles are wrecking our equipment, what are they doing to our bodies?"
Miners, engineers, scientists, and doctors all writing their personal chapters in a larger, authentic, and connected story.
Crossposted to Spectrum.
submitted by NewLexican to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:07 riesenarethebest ISP latency comparisons

Hi All. I'm choosing an ISP in Reading.
Verizon and Xfinity publish their latencies, but Earthlink doesn't. Can I ask you for your latency numbers?
Who is your high-speed ISP, what's your bandwidth, and if you ping (a google dns server endpoint), what's your average latency, and are you wifi or ethernet connected? Details on how to do this below.
Xfinity, 1GB, 23ms, on wifi = mine.
  1. windows search bar -> type "command prompt" and click the application
  2. In the new black window with text, type "ping" and hit enter, then copy the data and feel free to close the terminal window. Here's a link) to show that ping is an okay command to run.
This is what I got:
Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=29ms TTL=55 Reply from bytes=32 time=22ms TTL=55 Reply from bytes=32 time=21ms TTL=55 Reply from bytes=32 time=21ms TTL=55 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 21ms, Maximum = 29ms, Average = 23ms 
I have 1G w/ Xfinity right now. 23ms makes sense to me.
submitted by riesenarethebest to massachusetts [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:06 MacTavishFR /run/udev/data/+drm:card0-eDP-1 doesn't exist

Hello everyone.
I'm not a complete Linux newbie, however I'm willing to learn. I will explain all my issue to avoid XY problem
I'm use Arch with Hyprland, and I'm trying to make Hyprland starting directly at boot without any greeter, following fellow user csdvrx idea
Howerver I'm running into issue. So here's the thing.
I have a getty@tty1.service that seems to work
[Unit] Description=Start hyprland After=initrd-switch-root.service Wants=systemd-udev-trigger.service After=systemd-udev-trigger.service Wants=seatd.service After=seatd.service Wants=systemd-logind.service After=systemd-logind.service ConditionPathExists=/home/mactavish [Service] Type=simple ExecStartPre=+/ussbin/rm -f /run/nologin ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty -o '-p -f -- \\u' --noclear --autologin mactavish %I $TERM StandardOutput=null StandardError=journal [Install] WantedBy=initrd-switch-root.service 
At this point, everything seems to work.
In my ~/.profile file, I start, wich is another script in /home that should start Hyprland
sh && echo "goodbye, now logging out" && exit 0 \ echo "$? failed" && tty grep tty1 \ && echo "refusing autologin without hyprland on tty1" && exit 0 \ echo "not on tt1, letting in" 
And here is this script
#!/bin/sh [ ! -f /run/udev/data/+drm:card0-eDP-1 ] \ && sudo systemctl restart systemd-udev-trigger > /dev/null sudo systemctl status iwdgrep \ sudo systemctl start iwd & while [ ! -f /run/udev/data/+drm:card0-eDP-1 ] ; do echo "waiting for drm" && sleep 0.2 ; done export USER=mactavish [ -z $TERM ] && export TERM=linux [ -z $LOGNAME ] && export LOGNAME=$USER [ -z $HOME ] && export HOME=/home/$USER [ -z $LANG ] && export LANG=C.UTF-8 [ -z $PATH ] && export PATH=/uslocal/sbin:/uslocal/bin:/usbin:/usbin/site_perl:/usbin/vendor_perl:/usbin/core_perl [ -z $XDG_SEAT ] && export XDG_SEAT=seat0 [ -z $XDG_SESSION_TYPE ] && export XDG_SESSION_TYPE=tty [ -z $XDG_SESSION_CLASS ] && export XDG_SESSION_CLASS=user [ -z $XDG_VTNR ] && export XDG_VTNR=1 [ -z $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR ] && export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/use1000 [ -z $DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS ] && export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/use1000/bus [ ! -f /run/udev/data/+drm:card0-eDP-1 ] \ && echo "Hyprland needs drm, bailing out" && exit -1 exec Hyprland > .hyprland.log.txt 2> .hyprland.err.txt 
But it doesn't work
The problem here is during startup, well, first it doesn't want to autologin and asks me for my password (with username autofilled) but anyway I'll keep things as it is (if you have any idea why it doesn't fill in the password and autologin, please feel free to help).
But the real problem is once I'm logged, I get the message waiting for drm every 0.2s, because the while [ ! -f /run/udev/data/+drm:card0-eDP-1 ] at line 8 of is true.
So if I understand correctly, this +drm:card0-eDP-1 file doesnt exist
I'm not an absolute beginner in Linux, but at the moment I have no knowledge of how video cards and drivers work, nor of how Windows Manager and DE handle all this.
Hyprland needs this DRM file, but I can't work out which of these scripts is wrong, because I've made virtually no changes, apart from the username, to the original script in the reddit link up there. And the guy seems to get it working
What could be the problem? Thank you in advance for your help.
submitted by MacTavishFR to archlinux [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:05 Fireheart251 Windows 10 Home is asking for a Bitlocker recovery key

Hp envy x360 laptop.
Well last night I think I checked my Pc Health Manager app or whatever it's called and saw there was a pending update to the system bios. I clicked on it so it would update, but it didn't do it immediately and I didn't know why (maybe i had to restart the computer?) Either way, I ignore it and later fall asleep. I wake up this morning, turn my laptop on, and there's a screen saying it's updating and verifying the bios files, I'm like, ok, and wait for it to finish. I thought this was because of me choosing to update the system bios yesterday. But after the update it just went to a screen asking for a Bitlocker recovery key. Now I have no idea what to do. As stated this is Windows 10 Home, but the screen clearly says Bitlocker recovery key. This is an Hp envy x360. I didn't remember being prompted for somewhere to save any key. I didn't have a Microsoft account until literally a few days ago when I had to make one for an online class I'm taking. There is no key saved in my microsoft account. I've never logged into a microsoft account on this windows pc. I don't use Office, I prefer Google.
Updating the system bios is the only thing I remember doing yesterday that could have something to do with it. I just thought it was a normal update, like a windows update, never expected to be locked out of my pc... And as I said I'm supposed to be taking an online course right now, I absolutely need my laptop and can't afford a new one. It is much too difficult to try to do my classwork from my phone.
I've googled so much and people keep saying windows 10 home doesn't have bitlocker, yet it's apparently a "well known problem" (which one forum member stated) that Dell and HP laptops will install it automatically, even on windows Home? I have no idea what to do. I can't disable bitlocker with command prompt, system restore is saying i have no backups likely because it cant access the C: since it's locked. Does anybody have ANY last tips or tricks at all before I have to suck it up and just delete all my data and reinstall windows (which i dont even know how to do)?
There is one thing though. During a brief stint in college I was given a school ID to be used to login to Outlook. I wonder if a recovery key could be associated with that email address but i dont go to that school anymore and school accounts and passwords expire after a certain amount of time. Trying to use it on says the email account doesn't exist.
submitted by Fireheart251 to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:03 Fireheart251 Windows 10 Home is asking for Bitlocker recovery key

Hp Envy x360 laptop.
Well last night I think I checked my Pc Health Manager app or whatever it's called and saw there was a pending update to the system bios. I clicked on it so it would update, but it didn't do it immediately and I didn't know why (maybe i had to restart the computer?) Either way, I ignore it and later fall asleep. I wake up this morning, turn my laptop on, and there's a screen saying it's updating and verifying the bios files, I'm like, ok, and wait for it to finish. I thought this was because of me choosing to update the system bios yesterday. But after the update it just went to a screen asking for a Bitlocker recovery key. Now I have no idea what to do. As stated this is Windows 10 Home, but the screen clearly says Bitlocker recovery key. This is an Hp envy x360. I didn't remember being prompted for somewhere to save any key. I didn't have a Microsoft account until literally a few days ago when I had to make one for an online class I'm taking. There is no key saved in my microsoft account. I've never logged into a microsoft account on this windows pc. I don't use Office, I prefer Google.
Updating the system bios is the only thing I remember doing yesterday that could have something to do with it. I just thought it was a normal update, like a windows update, never expected to be locked out of my pc... And as I said I'm supposed to be taking an online course right now, I absolutely need my laptop and can't afford a new one. It is much too difficult to try to do my classwork from my phone.
I've googled so much and people keep saying windows 10 home doesn't have bitlocker, yet it's apparently a "well known problem" (which one forum member stated) that Dell and HP laptops will install it automatically, even on windows Home? I have no idea what to do. I can't disable bitlocker with command prompt, system restore is saying i have no backups likely because it cant access the C: since it's locked. Does anybody have ANY last tips or tricks at all before I have to suck it up and just delete all my data and reinstall windows (which i dont even know how to do)?
There is one thing though. During a brief stint in college I was given a school ID to be used to login to Outlook. I wonder if a recovery key could be associated with that email address but i dont go to that school anymore and school accounts and passwords expire after a certain amount of time. Trying to use it on says the email account doesn't exist.
submitted by Fireheart251 to WindowsHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:51 Northern_Silverbird Getting a Laptop Soon and Considering LinuxMint, but I'll Need Windows for College: I have Questions...

Word of warning: I don't know what I'm doing, but I've had it with Windows. Many dumb questions ahead.
1). What are my options?
I've heard some people use "virtual machines" to emulate Windows while using a different operating system, but I doubt my ability to get that tech-savvy in such a short period of time. (I don't have the money for two computers.)
For context, I'm planning on starting university classes in less than a year. I'll be studying landscape architecture, and I plan on buying a 2-in-1 convertible laptop.
Here's a list of the computer requirements:
- Operating System: Windows 10.
- Processor: 2+ GHz processor with 64-bit support.
- RAM: 8GB [16GB highly recommended].
- Graphics Card: GPU with DirectX 12 and OpenGL 3.1 or higher support, and 2GB dedicated GPU memory [may be an ‘on board’ graphics card typical in laptops].
- Monitor Resolution: 1920 x 1080 display.
- Hard Disk Space: 200+ GB.
- Mouse: 3-button, scroll-wheel.
- Network: WiFi capability.
My current HP laptop is nearly 7 years old and still kicking (albeit slowly), but it doesn't meet these requirements.
Here's a list of some of the software I may be using:
- Adobe Suite
- Sketchup
- Rhino
If any/most/all of these aren't compatible with LinuxMint, does this mean I must learn how to set-up and use a virtual machine?
2.) When buying a laptop...
Is it possible to buy a laptop without an OS, then install one during set-up? This doesn't sound possible, but if it is, is this preferable to switching from one to another?
Are operating systems built into computers? They're software rather than hardware, no? Why are computers sold with an OS installed? I ask because I hear people talk about "switching to" Linux from another OS, but how does that work? Wouldn't it be better for the buyer, hypothetically, if one could choose an OS instead of needing to switch?
Also, after switching, does the old OS simply cease to exist? Say I buy a laptop that comes with Windows 11; does this mean said laptop will forever have a lingering Windows 11 "ghost" of sorts in the background—even if I switch to Linux? + What's the fate of the Windows key?
Also x2, I'm learning German. Windows 10 allows you to switch your keyboard layout/"mapping" without buying a physical, German QWERTZ keyboard. I've gotten used to this layout now. Is something similar possible with LinuxMint?
I've never used anything but Windows before, so this is new territory for me. Any advice is appreciated.
submitted by Northern_Silverbird to linuxmint [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:50 oldaccountdoesntwork Consistent BSOD Caused by ntoskrnl.exe that I have been unable to fix

Hi, since about a year ago my computer has suffered from completely random BSODs, usually with memory/driver related BSODs like SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXEMPTION or PAGE_FAULT_NONPAGED_AREA - the actual message is inconsistent. The issue itself isn't caused by any specific task, it's completely random and often happens during web browsing or while the computer is idle. When I pull Blue Screen Viewer, all of the errors point to ntoskrnl.exe.
Since it started I've basically swapped or reconfigured every relevant piece of hardware I can. So far I have:
At this point all I have left to swap would be CPU, MOBO and PSU, all of which are difficult swaps since I don't readily have replacements available. I'm leaning towards the issue either being CPU-related or MOBO related, but I'm not quite sure how to prove that so I can start an RMA process.
Specs below:
Ryzen 5600
32gb Kingston Fury ram (2x16)
1tb Crucial P5 SSD
Seagate Barracuda HDD (D:/ Drive)
Phanteks AMP 750 PSU (A-Tier)
submitted by oldaccountdoesntwork to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:50 DogeLuck Fully in depth report of 5 days without power in Texas Heat

At the time of this post 145 thousand people are still without power going on almost 6 days without power. Tornado wiped out our power grid in select areas throughout Texas. Here's some things I learned and a situation report of my experience living with a very large family of mixed ages.
Context: We had been getting hit with some pretty gnarly weather however business as usual in Texas. I didn't think much of it usually when our grids down they're pretty quick to respond minus the snow storm years back. So when I heard there was a storm brewing I didn't even flinch I always keep some very very basics, battery's, lights, water, 2 weeks minimum of non perishable foods, self defense protection, and ammo, etc. But I hardly consider myself a prepper anymore, but I know some people don't even have that.
I use to be really on top of my preps overtime, however my stockpile had dwindled, as did my thirst for knowledge and hands on experience/training. I just honestly wasn't on top of my game anymore, and quit taking this as serious years ago. This tornado really brought me back to reality, so this post is mostly for entry level preppers looking at some practical advice from a 5 day experience, I fully regret the fact I quit taking this serious years ago.
First Day: Around 6pm, emergency alert on phone stating tornado in your area, seek shelter immediately. Thought ok let's shelter in the master bedroom closet. Wind rocked the house pretty good, could hear limbs from tree's falling, within about 10 minutes the power shuts off, and glancing outside within a hour the streets flooded. The storm had died down, as did the flooding, and it was time to asses the damage in the immediate area. Got in the car, power had blown out pretty much every store/house within a several mile zone. Found one square zone with a few places that had power, got some fast food but waited about 30 minutes because everyone went there.
What I wish I had on day one/ and general notes:
Rain boots: The streets had not only flooded but was blocked by limbs in the roadway. Luckily our flooding wasn't too severe but had it been I wish I did have rainboots so normal shoes didn't get soaked, or some type of beach sandals, etc.
Chainsaw, electric saw, axes, regular saw: Would of come in handy if the limbs in our area blocking the road were any bigger.
Higher up vehicles: Some vehicles couldn't make it through the flood due to being so low to the ground, so take into account your vehicles.
More variety of quality flashlights: Electric Lanterns came in clutch, but wish I had more handhelds, head mounted, and higher end lanterns.
Battery Inventory checks: Wish I had not only more batteries cause you really do burn through these quick, but wish I had checked all my lights battery condition, and stored new batteries in waterproof containers.
Alternative sources to battery's: Not a huge fan of candles due to fire risk, but some not scented beeswax or soy based candles would of came in handy to help ration battery supply. Maybe glass lanterns as well for safety and ease of transport. Glowsticks would of been great option too.
Car chargers: Believe it or not some of us didn't have car chargers for our cell phones cause we mostly charge our phones at home, although we were able to share, wish we had this on day one for all our phones.
Fully charged portable battery bank, or portable phone chargers: If we had this we wouldn't of been out in our cars late at night charging stuff putting us at more risk for being possible victims to crime.
Quality of cell phone, and cellphone provider: Have a POS phone but keep putting off upgrading it? Don't. Luckily mine was good but some of our cellphone providers carriers had better signal then others, some of are phones were in bad shape and it was noted we wish we didn't put off upgrading it sooner. You can't predict how well your provider will do but maybe do your research, unsure how this works but now I can do my research and learn from it. I had 0 issues with boost mobile but other family members weren't so lucky.
Cash: This is obvious but due to us moving towards a cashless society its pretty uncommon, but this would of came in handy due to how many places didn't have power. You can do so much with cash.
Battery powered or rechargeable camping fans: I did have one of these, it even had a light but wish I had more.
Larger ice chest: Now we had a few, but they were smaller. We lost everything in our fridge/freezer besides canned drinks, I mean everything. We had just bought grocery's too, lesson learned.
OTC sleeping medication: We had melatonin, and Tylenol pm, but it was so quiet you could hear a mouse sneeze a block over, until the generators turned on. First two are OK options but given its only going to be cool at night, and we knew tomorrow would be hot, we took kratom to sleep. Check your area some states it's illegal, not recommending it but it's what we used. I wish I had stockpiled more kratom, I took it when I got the flu on top of C word to relieve body aches and found out it really helped me sleep and ease pain/stress. Usually cycle this 3 days on max, one day off to prevent habit forming.
This is really for day two + but ill post this here cause I noticed it on day one:
Backup supply of my personal vices or quitting personal vices: I know this may sound stupid but I am fully addicted to caffeine, and nicotine. I picked my poison and know what I signed up for. Caffeine really? yeah really not sure if you know this but for some people caffeine withdrawal can make you really suffer, and I mean really suffer check out decaf. I was in the process of lowering my caff intake to 1 cup of tea a day, and quit soda. Was one month off soda before the storm came in, but had to relapse due to us not carrying high caff tea on supply.
But yeah stock up on your vices so you aren't going through withdrawals during an emergency. Was on 3mg per ml of nicotine and had to dish out 30$ for a disposable vape thats 50mg per ml at a gas station on day two to prevent withdrawals. So I was on way higher dose of nic then usual due to only being able to purchase what I could find, for reference 50mg per ml if you use that in 10 days thats about a pack of ciggs worth of nic per day. So yeah either quit your vice or stock up, I don't advocate hard drugs at all so this isn't for that but this is mainly aimed at coffee/caff use, etc. Instant coffee packs may be great for some people.
Battery powered radio: Can't stress enough how mentally taxing silence can be long term. We had one, but the battery port crapped out. Lesson learned, test your preps.
Backup food for your pet friends: Luckily I was pretty good on pet food but imagine if I wasn't, and this was more severe.
Water situation: Had a decent amount of drinking water, we had running water. If we didn't I would say I wish I had filled up the giant jugs I bought for flushing the toilet/doing dishes or running through a berkey water filter if we ran out of drinking water. I had bought 5 gallon blue jugs specifically for this years back. However I cleaned them out, and didn't refill, Lesson learned.
2nd Day: We were able to cook some stuff on a gas stove, luckily. People at gas stations were stocking up on ice, filling their gas cans up for their generators, and shelves were getting empty at stores with power only on some things though wasn't too bad cause the power outage was scattered some had power, others didn't. Mostly a waiting game at this point, most of the preps I wish I had on this day were the same as day one, but ill toss in some stuff I wish I had. Obtained a portable battery powered radio, the morale boost was real for everyone, even the dogs.
What I wish I had on day two/ and general notes:
BBQ style lighters to light gas stove: We had two but recently tossed em out due to being empty. Realized I had no bics, and only had one box of matches, feels bad man.
Entertainment: Board games like checkers, board games for kids, chess, basic poker set, etc. These would of been awesome and a great way to keep the kids entertained and the adults, the boredom was real. We hit local goodwill's that had power to look for radios, and cheap prep supplies and games, but no luck.
Third day: By then reality set in for most people, neighbors who could afford to do so booked hotels or bugged out to places with power. The generators really started up by day three, everyone was buying gas for them and you could hear them in almost every direction. Pretty sure some people had it from the start but noticed them more by day three. A lot of people were sitting outside the front of their homes trying to escape the heat. Ice from most places were completely sold out, so you had to really shop around to find any.
Finding news about the power outage day 1-3 was kind of hit and miss, KHOU news updates were pretty short and it took us some time to know how severe the storms damage actually was, cause we were focused on trying to get stuff done around the house and conserving battery. I believe at one point CenterPoint's actual website went down. Mostly resulted to local news channels, and nextdoor app. We couldn't watch live news and had to rely on when KHOU posted youtube videos.
Private security company's hired guards and they started patrolling certain stores that could afford the security, obviously to deter looters. Traffic everywhere was insane in every which direction during peak hours more then usual, PD presence was pretty high, more then usual.
What I wish I had on day three/ and general notes:
Generator: Pretty obvious why, had no experience with them but wish I did, and wish I bought one pre-blackout when I was more into prepping and took time to learn about them and how to use and maintain them properly.
Ham radio: Or something to pick up on local freqs to monitor radio comms for information regarding the storm and local activity if any. I think this may of been better then waiting on local news to post videos.
Day Four: Buddy had power so he dropped off his generator and gave me quick instructions on how to run it, how far away to place them, etc. By day four the temps really ramped up, and this thing definitely kept us cool. When you think of bartering you think of some post apocalypse stuff, but no. In reality you can barter during any emergency, buddy dropped it off free of charge but was able to offer some booze as a thank you. So even if you don't drink stock up on booze/ciggs to barter, never know what you might trade it for. Times are tough in this economy and I honestly didn't have much money to spare, family had to pool our funds together to get last minute preps to survive this, cause we didn't know how long this would really last. In certain areas they said it could be weeks. However the alcohol was a small thank you that I could afford and he was happy so all worked out.
Gas cans were sold out, and extension cord supply's were looking extremely low at local hardware store. From what I overheard they also completely sold out of generators. Honestly wish I knew more about electrical stuff but my buddy gave me a small crash course in wiring everything. You can't just plug it in and pray for the best. Bought the best gauge extensions cords I could afford for our needs, and the distance and hooked it up.
We ran one bedroom AC unit, fans for the dogs, wired a light, and a charging station. Also don't cheap out on gas cans it's not worth blowing your face off or starting a fire, or having it leak. If you get a generator do your research on how to properly run it, and safely fill it. Crime in this area can be fairly high we've had a few drive by shootings and other not so good police involved things. Read this book along time ago about post collapse security, so I blacked out our windows so when we turned lights on no one knew we had power. You may hear the generator, but from the street we look like we don't have anything going for us. My biggest fear was looters from people who were less fortunate or really down bad. We near a common site for homeless people as well so they foot traffic the area.
Generators are very loud, between that and listening to the radio 12 hours a day, I was beginning to audio hallucinate lyrics that weren't there with the radio off, and suffered from heat exhaustion. That and the fact we had homeless in our area and tweekers who might loot I was running off adrenaline a bit. 24 hours almost that night without sleep, and didn't even feel tired. Slept near my firearm until my family woke up at daylight and when daylight hit I knew we were in the clear and I passed out.
What I wish I had on day fou and general notes:
Knowledge of generators.
Knowledge about electricity/wiring them safely.
Security: Some type of physical alarm bell to put on the door like metal door knob alarm bells so it jingles if anyone enters to alert the dogs, had to keep the door slightly cracked so the wires hooked up to the generator would fit. So we couldn't lock the door, which is probably where my anxiety of tweekers coming in came from.
Day Five: Same shit different day, power came on that evening.
Conclusion: Just cause it doesn't look like societal collapse or WW3 prep your shit for emergency's native to your area or go beyond, idc but prep. They ain't coming to help for awhile, or at all if it's very it's up to you and your community to pull through. This was a wake up call, thanks for coming to my prep talk.
submitted by DogeLuck to preppers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:48 040502702142621 A small proof of concept to stop cigarette smoke from your neighbours

A small proof of concept to stop cigarette smoke from your neighbours
If you stay in an apartment and your neighbour smokes, some of that cigarette smoke may find its way into your house. This is not ideal. To fight this problem, I propose an automatic window closing system triggered by cigarette smoke. In particular, it is triggered by a spike in particulate matter concentration. This works because cigarette smoke is known to contain a large amount of particulate matter and volatile organic compounds. (See:,µm%20sized%20particles%20%5B57%5D.))

You can see the Arduino, sensor, and motor driver hanging haphazardly on the left side of the video.

Does it really work?

Yes somewhat. Currently, if you smell cigarette smoke in your apartment, it would be too late to close your windows. If you close your windows, the cigarette smoke would be trapped in the house with you. If you don't, the cigarette smoke gets stronger and stronger. With this new set-up, the window completely closes within 30-45 seconds of the start of the event. This protects your apartment from the bulk of the wave that follows.
The 30-45 seconds is not a hard limit. It's due to:
  • Poor sensor placement due to the a limit on how long the data cables could be
  • Insufficiently sensitive algorithm to differentiate between noise and an actual smoke event
  • Unoptimal speed of actuator (running at 60-70% of maximum currently) to close the windows due to an inefficient motor driver. With the entire setup optimised, the response time should be as short as 12-15 seconds (from start of event to complete window closure). Nonetheless, at the moment, the proof of concept demonstrates that it should work.
The rest of this post would be dedicated to a technical description.

High Level idea
  1. The particulate sensor continuously monitors particulate concentrations and feeds it to a microcontroller.
  2. The microcontroller receives the data and uses an algorithm to determine when there is a spike. When a spike is detected, the microcontroller sends a signal to the motor driver.
  3. The motor driver selects the speed and the direction of the motor in the actuator.
  4. The actuator closes the window.

Low level implementation

An overview of the physical setup is as follows:

Particulate Sensor

The particulate sensor is an Adafruit PMSA0003I sensor, mounted on an Adafruit breakout board, that detects particulate matter using an in-built laser. The particles are measured according to binned particulate sizes. For our case, we considered the smallest bin (0.3-1.0μm) because we observed the biggest spike in this interval. The sensor was programmed to take readings every 3 seconds. This is acceptable because the single-response time for the sensor is ≤1 second and it is not too unreasonably slow to detect spikes in readings. These readings were then sent to an Arduino MKR Wifi 1010 Microcontroller.
We remark that the particulate sensor requires 5V to be powered. For power and data communications, we connected the breakout board to an Arduino MKR Wifi 1010 via a Stemma QT cable (see: The connection details are detailed here


The Arduino MKR Wifi 1010 microcontroller receives sensor data and translates that to signal data. If we take a look at the incoming data, it is extremely noisy. To smooth out the noise, we applied a Kalman filter. See for more details. Within a short interval, we expect the sensor data to be roughly constant. The Kalman filter was designed under this assumption. Upon applying the Kalman filter, we shall take it as the 'ground truth'.
When we observed the data over time, we observe sharp spikes. These spikes correspond to two different pollution sources: incense and cigarette smoke. Incense burns slowly over time so the spike lasts for a few hours. On the other hand, cigarette smoke is characterised by a sharp spike of about 10-15 minutes in duration.
Regardless of the source, we want to close the window whenever a spike is detected. To do this, a lagging baseline is taken. We define the baseline at a point in time as the median value of the 'ground truth' values in a five minute window. This corresponds to data that is 5-10 minutes old. If at any moment the positive difference between the 'ground truth' and the baseline is larger than the 98.5th percentile of the distribution, we trigger the actuator. The trigger works by sending a LOW/HIGH signal to the Motor Driver.
Why 98.5th percentile? It just seems to work. Choosing a smaller percentile like 97th percentile leads to more false positive window closures (maybe not a bad thing) whereas choosing a larger percentile leads to much slower response times.

Actuator and Motor Driver

The inexpensive L298N bridge serves as a motor driver. The bridge helps us to control the speed (but it is not important here since we just want it go to at maximum speed) and the direction. The direction is controlled by a LOW/HIGH signal from the Arduino. To swap the direction, we simply flip the signals and send a HIGH/LOW signal instead.
The Hakiwo 12V Linear Actuator was purchased off Aliexpress and has a power rating of 20W and a rated speed speed of 100mm/s. This sounds pretty good on paper as the sliding window would close in 7 seconds. However, in practice, the speed when:
  1. directly connecting the actuator to a 12V DC Power Supply is about ±85-90mm/s.
  2. connected to a 12V DC Power Supply via the L298N bridge is about ±58mm/s. The significant difference in speed could be attributed to the voltage drop incurred by the L298N bridge. It was stated that when 12V is supplied to L298N bridge, only 10V actually reaches the motor. Hence, the massive heatsink to dissipate the heat. See


We want to log the data and be able to have convenient access to the data. To do so, we connected the Arduino MKR Wifi 1010 to AWS IoT Core service. Subsequently, we routed messages sent from AWS IoT Core to AWS Timestream which is basically a database. To visualise the data, we sent it to AWS-managed Grafana.
See on how to set it up.

Algorithm Design

After logging the data into AWS Timestream, we would like to load the data on my personal computer to design the algorithm. We unloaded it to AWS S3 and downloaded the archive file. We used Julia on an .ipynb instance. Julia because it's faster than Python. Upon designing and verifying the algorithm on past data, it is then translated into C++ for uploading to the Arduino.
Algorithm Subplots Check The plot generated above is used for us to visually inspect the effectiveness of the algorithm. Visually, the spikes are all protected (actuators are activated throughout the duration of a cigarette smoke event). Although it's not that effective with the incense pollution but that's not a problem for us at the moment.

To take note

  • The Arduino MKR Wifi 1010 Wifi chip is really weak. My empirical observations was if the Wifi signal is less than -60dBm, you would not be able to reliably connect to your router.
  • When the Ardunio is powered by a USB connection and the Adafruit PMSA0003I particulate sensor is powered from the Arduino, there would not be enough power to boot both the Arduino and the sensor when first connected to the power supply. To fix this, the 5V wire of the stemma qt cable is disconnected when the Arduino is powered. Once the CHRG light on the Arduino has stopped blinking, we reconnect the wire.
  • If the Arduino and sensor are powered separately, it does not work either. I don't know why.

Total Cost

  • SGD65 - Sensor (Mouser)
  • SGD50 - Arduino (Mouser)
  • SGD70 - Actuator (Aliexpress)
  • SGD2 - L298N bridge (Shopee)
  • SGD10 - Mounting tapes (Hardware shops)
  • SGD1/mth - AWS

Future improvements

  1. Lower Cost - The current cost is about SGD200. However it can be reduced further by switching to ESP32s. If there is sufficient demand for mass production, unit prices for the electronics would be 5-20% lower and custom PCBs would allow us to avoid the premium associated with breakout boards.
  2. Better Motor Driver - The current L298N bridge is too inefficient and too bulky. It retards the actuator too much. Additionally, if the actuator were to upgraded to a higher speed actuator which requires 5A of current, the L298N would be unsuitable.
  3. Better spike trigger algorithm - The current algorithm still takes about 10-30 seconds from start of smoking to full window closure. If the algorithm is too sensitive, then it is prone to triggering sometimes by noise. If the algorithm is too insensitive, then too much cigarette smoke would enter the apartment before getting triggered.
  4. Cheaper microcontroller - The Arduino MKR Wifi 1010 microcontroller is fairly expensive at about 39 USD. Since ESP32s are inexpensive and they have an efficient protocol (ESP-NOW) for communication between ESP32s, we can assign each device a microcontroller -- one for the sensor, one for each actuator, and one for control. We would no longer be limited by the length of the data cables. We would then be able to have more optimal placement of the sensors and the actuators.
  5. Faster actuator - If we need to get more mileage out of this entire setup, a faster actuator that goes at 150mm/s can be considered.
submitted by 040502702142621 to singapore [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:47 Lancelot1503 Did I really get hacked

So have I really been hacked? The password (crossed out) was only ever connected to evernote which was left unused for years and another account I haven't used since 2-3 years. I am a bit confused because my mail account has a totally different password and has been changed every now and then plus the weird NSFW stuff that is claimed is not correct at all. Is this a real hack or not?
mail found in junk folder is shown below. I did change passwords again and force logged out on all devices
Hi there!

I am a professional hacker and have successfully managed to hack your operating system.
Currently I have gained full access to your account.

When I hacked into your mail_account, your password was: xxxxx

In addition, I was secretly monitoring all your activities and watching you for several months.
The thing is your computer was infected with harmful spyware due to the fact that you had visited a website with porn content previously. ╭ ᑎ ╮

Let me explain to you what that entails. Thanks to Trojan viruses, I can gain complete access to your computer or any other device that you own.
It means that I can see absolutely everything in your screen and switch on the camera as well as microphone at any point of time without your permission.
In addition, I can also access and see your confidential information as well as your emails and chat messages.

You may be wondering why your antivirus cannot detect my malicious software.
Let me break it down for you: I am using harmful software that is driver-based,
which refreshes its signatures on 4-hourly basis, hence your antivirus is unable to detect it presence.

I have made a video compilation, which shows on the left side the scenes of you happily masturbating,
while on the right side it demonstrates the video you were watching at that moment..ᵔ.ᵔ

All I need is just to share this video to all email addresses and messenger contacts of people you are in communication with on your device or PC.
Furthermore, I can also make public all your emails and chat history.

I believe you would definitely want to avoid this from happening.
Here is what you need to do - transfer the Bitcoin equivalent of 1290 USD to my Bitcoin account
(that is rather a simple process, which you can check out online in case if you don't know how to do that).

Below is my bitcoin account information (Bitcoin wallet): 1KZnEyumPFBVNK7jdedYL5XwaCLNW3G5Ty

Once the required amount is transferred to my account, I will proceed with deleting all those videos and disappear from your life once and for all.
Kindly ensure you complete the abovementioned transfer within 50 hours (2 days +).
I will receive a notification right after you open this email, hence the countdown will start.

Trust me, I am very careful, calculative and never make mistakes.
If I discover that you shared this message with others, I will straight away proceed with making your private videos public.

Good luck!
submitted by Lancelot1503 to cybersecurity_help [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:15 _smellie Need career advice from y’all

Apologies for the long-ass post and any formatting issues as I’m on mobile.
Backstory: I graduated college 2019 and got a graphic design position at a small publishing company shortly after. All around, no complaints. They weathered covid well and ended up going full-remote in March of 2020 so I was working from home the majority of my career thus far. Early 2021 was promoted to Senior Designer. Mid 2023 I started getting antsy. Wanted more money, more career growth, etc. It’s a small company that operates on cash so they’re not the most competitive with salary but I was always happy with the people I worked with and bragged about company culture/politics and how they handled themselves during covid and with political shit all throughout. Fast forward to earlier this year, after applying to places here and there and never hearing back, I finally got an interview which turned into an offer. Before accepting I told the company I was at how much I appreciated them and loved working there and asked if they could be competitive. They offered an Assistant Art Director position to me that would be ready in a few months but the new place heard the offer and upped the salary to where my old place couldn’t compete (only a 2k difference but still).
Fast forward: I’m at my new gig and it’s….fine. I’m in office 9-5 with two other ladies (they are not designers). I’m working in the restaurant industry now trying to get some bars open and doing everything from logos to neon signs to window vinyls, etc. It’s all over the board and definitely exercises parts of my brain that went somewhat dormant while working in editorial for almost five years but I’ve had issues with the business itself. One of the ladies I work with is apart of the family that owns the company so she’s a partial owner and always has the news on, constantly talks about politics, trump, anti-trans, etc. It’s hard to bite my tongue but there’s no real HR to go to and if I did I know she’d just have a vendetta against me. On top of that she has snapped at me and talked to me in ways I’ve never been talked to in a professional environment and it was all because she misunderstood what I said. She apologized after but I couldn’t help but feel she had it locked and loaded and jumped at the slightest hint towards a reason to go off. Outside of dealing with people I don’t jive with, I hate the way they conduct business. The timelines feel made up and nothing is planned out, everything is “needed like yesterday” and so when we go to print stuff we push our printers and make them rearrange their workflow and their planned out schedule to get our stuff in and printed fast and it’s not uncommon that once it’s done it’ll just sit there for weeks, maybe even months before we use it. I’ve already had a printer come to me and tell me he’s no longer doing rush orders for us and the way we treat him is disrespectful and all I could say is “fair”.
Now onto where I need advice: when leaving my old place they told me to reach back out if in a few months i’m not happy and still interested in the asst. art director position. It’d be a 2k pay cut but my work/life balance would improve and I’d be around people I like and working with a like-minded company who respects our vendors and people we rely on. When talking to my dad he chalked up my complaints to “that’s just work”. I don’t want to jump ship if it’s because I have unrealistic expectations but I’m still early in my career and everything feels scary. I’m sure I could muscle through here for a year or two and find something else but the idea of going back is getting more and more enticing.
As design professionals what do y’all think of this situation? is it worth it to stick it out and beef up my portfolio with big names? (all the restaurants I work on are celebrity-affiliated) or would it be more beneficial to have the assistant art director on my resume and really just hone in on editorial design?
submitted by _smellie to graphic_design [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:10 Azakura16 GMAT FE 805

I took my first official GMAT last Wednesday (so no score improvement) and managed to get a perfect score. Also, I've been studying for the GMAT since July of last year, and it's taken up a lot of my free time and energy, which I suddenly have available again, so I might as well lay out my experience in case it's helpful for anyone else.
I pretty exclusively used Target Test Prep, aside from the question review mentioned above. I started mid-July. I didn't really know how long I would need to prepare, as I work a lot and I have limited free time. As any good citizen of the internet does when searching for product reviews, I went to Reddit to find what programs people recommended, and TTP came up a lot. Positive (and less positive) reviews mostly talked about how thorough TTP's program is. I'm anxious and I like to overprepare for things, so that sounded great to me. I had a vague notion of preparing for a couple of months left over from my erstwhile undergrad days. That's clearly not what happened. I ended up spending about 9 months prepping, and I logged about 500 official prep hours.
Here's what I liked about TTP: 1. It is crazy thorough - Every chapter has review tests in three difficulty levels, and many have multiple review tests in each level. 2. Difficulty - There were lots of very challenging questions. I often felt I understood concepts well, but when asked to apply them to harder questions, it was a whole other deal. This was one of the most helpful things for my prep. A lot of the concepts that I was tested over aren't necessarily difficult, but seeing how to get from the question to the answer (in the allotted time) will absolutely make or break the experience. 3. The lesson structure- This turned out to be a much bigger plus than I expected. If I had a minute while waiting at the doctor's office, or in between customers, or before my partner got home, I could tackle a lesson or two. They're broken down, bite-sized concepts, followed by specific questions to apply the concepts. Being able to make a little progress when I had time, instead of having to carve out whole blocks of time every day, fit into the life I live a lot better. 4. I liked their vibe- This will be personal preference to a degree, but I liked the TTP team's overall vibe. They give off the impression that they know what they're doing and they want to be doing it. I just wanted a slightly dry, no nonsense, coven of math wizards to run me back through a review course of most of high school, and these people answered the call. Even when I had questions that weren't about the course exactly (applying for accommodation), it was TTP's Scott (on Reddit) that answered those questions as well. I appreciate dealing with people who are dedicated to their craft. A note on my accommodation, and a quick note about the TTP study plan layout (which I recommend following): TTP recommends not stressing early on about the time that you take to answer questions, but instead focusing on building a strong foundation of the knowledge and knowing that you'll get faster with practice. That was true. At the end of the study plan, they have you take the 6 official GMAT tests that are available to purchase on, and I took one per weekend for 6 weeks. TTP's website is nice, well laid out, decent on mobile, overall pretty user friendly. The GMAT Focus is very Windows 95. It's not nearly as user-friendly. It also does this fun thing where, after every question, it pops up a box that makes you confirm that you are ready to submit your answer and move to the next question. The TTP tests aren't clunky in that way, and the first time I took a practice test, it threw me all the way off. I wasn't doing super bad on my time up until that point, but the extra seconds dealing with that popup every time takes, and the way it felt generally disruptive to me added a lot of stress. I ended up applying for an accommodation for time and a half pretty quickly after my first practice test, because it's recommended that you give the GMAC 30ish days to get a decision back to you, and you can't schedule your test until you're approved for the accommodation or it doesn't count. I got my decision back in like 5 days, so I was lucky. I pushed my time and a half to the limit on quant in every. single. practice exam. In the actual exam, I ended up having about 2 minutes left on DI, 5 minutes left on Verbal, and like 15+ minutes left on Quant. My actual test score was higher than any practice test and less stressful than any practice test (even though the kid in the testing cubical next to mine sounded like they were coming down with consumption, and I would recommend earplugs).
TTP does mention to take care of yourself while you're studying, get enough sleep, get enough exercise, anything that makes you feel your best. They especially recommend to take it easy the last week before the test, eat a good breakfast the morning of, get there early. I made myself do 10 minute meditations before bed every night for the last two weeks before my exam, because even though they can be frustrating in the moment, they do force me to calm down. The day of, I woke up 15 minutes earlier than I usually do so I would have time to do a bit of yoga and a quick meditation before I went to the test center, and I do think that helped. Also, some of it was luck, because there were almost zero questions that covered the topics I have the most trouble with, and even with infinity preparation, the topics covered are still incredibly broad and some will be easier for you than others. Good luck!
submitted by Azakura16 to GMAT [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:03 Overall_Teaching_434 Stop duckduckgo from asking to save passwords?

For the web browser on Windows 10, I'd like to do this but only for specific sites. For example, I have a few sites which I would never store passwords for. Each time I go to those sites, DDG pops up a window. How do I stop just those specific popups?
submitted by Overall_Teaching_434 to duckduckgo [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:59 softtechhubus Clone Yourself Into An AI: Boost Sales and Engagement with Personalized AI Clones Using AIDuals


In our technologically advanced era, businesses strive to stay ahead of the curve by adopting cutting-edge solutions that enhance efficiency and engagement. AIDuals emerges as a game-changing tool that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to create personalized digital assistants or "clones" tailored to your unique communication style. By combining AI with 3D animation, AIDuals delivers an interactive and engaging experience for your website visitors, customers, and prospects.

Features and Content of AIDuals

AIDuals is a comprehensive platform that empowers you to create AI-powered clones that can handle a wide range of tasks, from customer support and content creation to lead generation and social media management. Here are some of the key features that make AIDuals stand out:

Personalized AI Clones

The core feature of AIDuals is its ability to create personalized AI clones that mimic your communication style, tone, and mannerisms. By analyzing your existing data, such as emails, social media posts, and even voice recordings, AIDuals can train an AI model to generate responses that sound like they're coming directly from you.

3D Animated Characters

AIDuals takes the user experience to the next level by offering 3D animated characters that represent your AI clones. These visually appealing and dynamic characters enhance the interactivity of your website, making the experience more engaging and memorable for your visitors.

Multilingual Support

In today's global marketplace, it's essential to cater to a diverse audience. AIDuals recognizes this need and allows your AI clones to communicate in multiple languages, including English, Hindi, Spanish, French, and German, ensuring that your services are accessible to a broader audience.

Customization Options

AIDuals provides extensive customization options that enable you to tailor your AI clones to fit your specific business needs. You can adjust the clone's behavior, set operational parameters, and even customize the 3D avatar's appearance by incorporating your brand logo.

Integration Capabilities

AIDuals seamlessly integrates with your existing digital platforms, such as websites, e-commerce stores, and mobile apps. Additionally, it supports integration with popular messaging apps like WhatsApp, Telegram, and Slack, ensuring that your AI clones can interact with your customers across multiple channels.

Advanced Training

To ensure your AI clones are as knowledgeable and accurate as possible, AIDuals allows you to train them using various data sources, including websites, social media platforms, documents, PDFs, and even multimedia files like images, videos, and audio recordings.

Benefits and Who Can Benefit from AIDuals

AIDuals offers a wide range of benefits that can be leveraged across various industries and business types. Here are some of the key advantages and potential beneficiaries:

Improved Customer Engagement

By providing 24/7 interactive support through AI clones, businesses can significantly enhance customer engagement and satisfaction. This feature is particularly beneficial for e-commerce businesses, service providers, and companies with a global customer base.

Increased Productivity

AIDuals empowers businesses to automate a wide range of tasks, from content creation and social media management to lead generation and customer support. By offloading these responsibilities to AI clones, businesses can free up valuable time and resources, allowing their human workforce to focus on more strategic and creative endeavors.

Personalized Marketing and Sales

The ability to create personalized AI clones opens up new opportunities for businesses to deliver tailored marketing and sales experiences. AI clones can engage with prospects and customers on a more personal level, providing customized recommendations and addressing specific needs or concerns.

Language Barrier Reduction

With multilingual support, AIDuals enables businesses to break down language barriers and cater to a global audience. This feature is particularly valuable for companies expanding into international markets or serving customers from diverse linguistic backgrounds.

Cost-Effective Solution

Compared to hiring and training human resources, AIDuals offers a cost-effective solution for businesses looking to automate various tasks and processes. By leveraging AI clones, businesses can save on salaries, benefits, and training costs while maintaining a high level of performance and efficiency.

How to Profit from the Use of AIDuals

AIDuals presents numerous opportunities for businesses to generate revenue and increase profits. Here are some potential strategies:

AI-Powered Digital Marketing Agency

With AIDuals, you can establish and operate a fully automated digital marketing agency. Your AI clones can handle client interactions, generate leads, create content, manage social media campaigns, and more, enabling you to scale your services effectively.

Monetize Your AI Clones

AIDuals provides the ability to monetize your AI clones by offering personalized AI services to clients under your own brand. You can charge clients for access to your AI clones, which can handle tasks like customer support, content creation, or virtual assistance.

Increased Sales and Conversions

By leveraging AI clones for personalized product recommendations, targeted marketing campaigns, and real-time customer support, businesses can potentially increase sales and conversions, resulting in higher revenue and profitability.

Reduced Operational Costs

By automating various tasks and processes with AI clones, businesses can significantly reduce operational costs associated with hiring and training human resources. This cost savings can contribute directly to increased profits.

How to Use AIDuals

Using AIDuals is a straightforward process that can be divided into three main steps:
  1. Data Collection and Analysis: The first step involves gathering your communication data, such as emails, social media posts, and voice recordings. AIDuals then analyzes this data to understand your unique communication style and patterns.
  2. AI Model Training and 3D Character Creation: Based on the analyzed data, AIDuals trains an AI model to mimic your communication style and generates a 3D animated character that represents your AI clone.
  3. Integration and Customization: Once the AI model and character are ready, you can integrate your AI clone into your desired platforms, such as websites, mobile apps, or digital marketing channels. During this phase, you can customize various settings, including the clone's behavior, operational parameters, and visual appearance.

My Used Case Study for AIDuals

As a marketing consultant, I have firsthand experience using AIDuals to streamline my operations and enhance client engagement. I created an AI clone based on my communication style and integrated it into my website and client portals.
The AI clone has been instrumental in handling initial client inquiries, providing personalized recommendations, and managing ongoing client communication. This has allowed me to focus more on strategic planning and high-level tasks while ensuring that my clients receive prompt and personalized support.
Additionally, I have leveraged the AI clone for content creation, including blog posts, social media updates, and email campaigns. The clone's ability to understand and mimic my writing style has been a game-changer, saving me significant time and effort.
Overall, AIDuals has helped me improve operational efficiency, enhance client satisfaction, and scale my business more effectively.

AIDuals Funnel and OTOs

AIDuals offers a comprehensive funnel with various upsell opportunities (OTOs) to cater to different business needs and requirements:
  1. Front-End Offer (AIDuals Premium): The front-end offer includes the core AIDuals platform, allowing you to create personalized AI clones, embed them on your website, and customize various aspects like behavior, goals, and visual appearance.
  2. OTO 1 (AIDuals Agency): This upgrade provides additional features and resources for running a full-fledged AI-powered digital marketing agency. It includes advanced tools for lead generation, campaign management, and client onboarding.
  3. OTO 2 (AIDuals Mastery): The Mastery package offers in-depth training and resources to help you master AIDuals and maximize its potential. It includes video tutorials, case studies, and expert guidance.
  4. OTO 3 (AIDuals Unlimited): This upsell removes the monthly credit limitations, allowing you to create and deploy unlimited AI clones without restrictions.
  5. OTO 4 (AIDuals White Label): With the White Label option, you can rebrand AIDuals as your own product and resell it to your customers or clients, creating an additional revenue stream.

AIDuals Pros and Cons

Like any product, AIDuals has its strengths and weaknesses. Here are some notable pros and cons:

AIDuals Money-Back Policy

AIDuals offers a 30-day money-back guarantee, providing customers with the opportunity to try the platform risk-free. If you're not satisfied with the product or its performance, you can request a full refund within the 30-day window, ensuring that your investment is protected.

AIDuals Price

The pricing structure for AIDuals is as follows:
It's worth noting that the pricing may be subject to change, and special discounts or bundle deals may be offered during promotional periods.

AIDuals Bundle Deal

AIDuals often provides a bundled package that includes the front-end offer and various OTOs at a discounted price. This bundle deal offers excellent value for those looking to unlock the full potential of AIDuals and take advantage of all its features and upgrades.

Who Created AIDuals?

AIDuals is the brainchild of Abhi Dwivedi, a seasoned entrepreneur, software developer, and online marketer. With over 18 years of experience in the industry, Abhi has been instrumental in launching multiple successful software products and online ventures.
Abhi's team comprises skilled developers, marketers, and AI experts who have collaborated to create AIDuals, a cutting-edge solution that harnesses the power of AI to revolutionize the way businesses operate and engage with their audience.

When AIDuals is Launched

AIDuals is set to launch on May 28th, 2024, at 11:00 AM EST. This highly anticipated launch promises to introduce a game-changing product that will empower businesses to leverage AI technology effectively and efficiently.

Platform or Website for Accessing AIDuals

AIDuals can be accessed through its official website, This website serves as the central hub for purchasing the product, accessing resources, and connecting with the AIDuals community.

Platform or Website for Launching AIDuals

AIDuals is being launched on the JVZoo platform, a well-established and reputable marketplace for digital products and services. JVZoo provides a secure and reliable platform for product launches, affiliate marketing, and customer support.

AIDuals Bonuses

To sweeten the deal and provide added value, AIDuals often offers a range of bonuses to its customers. These bonuses may include:
The specific bonuses may vary from launch to launch, so it's essential to check the official AIDuals website or promotional materials for the latest information.

Should You Use AIDuals or Not?

The decision to use AIDuals ultimately depends on your specific business needs, goals, and resources. Here are a few considerations to help you determine if AIDuals is the right fit for you:
Reasons to Use AIDuals:
Reasons Not to Use AIDuals:
Ultimately, it's essential to carefully evaluate your specific needs, resources, and goals to determine if AIDuals aligns with your business objectives and ethical standards.
Click Here to Get Access to AIDuals When It Launches On 28th May; 2024 @ 11AM EST


AIDuals is a groundbreaking product that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to create personalized digital assistants or "clones" that can revolutionize the way businesses operate and engage with their audience. By combining AI technology with 3D animation, AIDuals delivers an interactive and engaging experience that enhances customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.
With its ability to automate a wide range of tasks, from customer support and content creation to lead generation and social media management, AIDuals offers a cost-effective solution for businesses looking to streamline their operations and stay ahead of the competition.
Whether you're an e-commerce business, a service provider, or a digital marketing agency, AIDuals can be a game-changer, allowing you to focus on strategic growth while your AI clones handle the day-to-day tasks seamlessly.
However, it's crucial to carefully consider the potential implications and ethical concerns associated with AI technology, ensuring that its implementation aligns with your business values and principles.
Overall, AIDuals presents an exciting opportunity for businesses to embrace the future of work and leverage the power of AI to drive success and growth in an increasingly competitive digital landscape.
Click Here to Get Access to AIDuals When It Launches On 28th May; 2024 @ 11AM EST

AIDuals FAQs

1. Is AIDuals easy to use and set up? Yes, AIDuals is designed to be user-friendly and accessible. The setup process is straightforward, and the platform provides step-by-step guidance to help you create and customize your AI clones.
2. How long does it take to train an AI clone? The time required to train an AI clone depends on the amount of data you provide and the complexity of your communication style. Generally, the more data you can provide, the more accurate and personalized the AI clone will be.
3. Can I use AIDuals for multiple languages? Absolutely! AIDuals supports multiple languages, allowing your AI clones to communicate with your customers or clients in their preferred language.
4. Is my data secure with AIDuals? Yes, AIDuals takes data security and privacy very seriously. They employ robust security measures and encryption protocols to protect your data and ensure compliance with relevant regulations.
5. Can I integrate my AI clone with third-party platforms? Yes, AIDuals offers integration capabilities with various third-party platforms, including websites, e-commerce stores, mobile apps, and messaging apps like WhatsApp and Telegram.
6. How often do I need to update or retrain my AI clone? It's recommended to periodically update and retrain your AI clone to ensure it stays up-to-date with any changes in your communication style or business operations. The frequency will depend on your specific needs and the rate of change in your industry or business.
7. Can I monetize my AI clone using AIDuals? Yes, AIDuals provides the option to monetize your AI clones by offering personalized AI services to clients under your own brand. You can charge clients for access to your AI clones and their capabilities.
Click Here to Get Access to AIDuals When It Launches On 28th May; 2024 @ 11AM EST

FTC Affiliate Commission Disclaimer

Please note that as an affiliate, I may earn a commission from qualifying purchases made through the links provided in this article. However, this does not influence my opinion or evaluation of the product. My goal is to provide an honest and unbiased review to assist readers in making informed decisions.
Click Here to Get Access to AIDuals When It Launches On 28th May; 2024 @ 11AM EST

submitted by softtechhubus to u/softtechhubus [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:37 RestaurantHot1172 Does my motherboard have WIFI?

Hi!! I just upgraded my pc, and I’m unsure if my motherboard has on board wifi. My motherboard is the “Asrock z690 phantom gaming”. I started up windows but the only thing I can connect to is Ethernet and not wifi. On the motherboard there’s a little thing on there that says “M.2 WIFI” so that makes me think I have on board wifi. I also have a wifi chip that I can install onto my motherboard but the part that connects to the motherboard (not the chip part) does not go anywhere on the motherboard. So I’m unsure how to turn on my wifi and how to conclude this problem.
submitted by RestaurantHot1172 to computerhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:10 oldaccountdoesntwork Consistent BSOD Caused by ntoskrnl.exe that I have been unable to fix

Hi, since about a year ago my computer has suffered from completely random BSODs, usually with memory/driver related BSODs like SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXEMPTION or PAGE_FAULT_NONPAGED_AREA - the actual message is inconsistent. The issue itself isn't caused by any specific task, it's completely random and often happens during web browsing or while the computer is idle. When I pull Blue Screen Viewer, all of the errors point to ntoskrnl.exe.
Since it started I've basically swapped or reconfigured every relevant piece of hardware I can. So far I have:
At this point all I have left to swap would be CPU, MOBO and PSU, all of which are difficult swaps since I don't readily have replacements available. I'm leaning towards the issue either being CPU-related or MOBO related, but I'm not quite sure how to prove that so I can start an RMA process.
Specs below:
Ryzen 5600
32gb Kingston Fury ram (2x16)
1tb Crucial P5 SSD
Seagate Barracuda HDD (D:/ Drive)
Phanteks AMP 750 PSU (A-Tier)
submitted by oldaccountdoesntwork to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:10 Jumpman707 Warning: Scammers Have Your BDO Information!

Scammers now have the personal details of potentially all BDO account holders, including your:
*Account Name
*Account Number
*Card Numbers/Credit Limit
*Mobile/Telephone Number
*Online Banking Username
They don't have your password, but with this information, they can easily pose as bank representatives, disarm you with the information they claim to have and trick you. Their goal? To get your OTP and hijack your online banking app, draining your funds in minutes.
BDO is not blameless in this mess. It’s clear their database was hacked or someone inside sold your information. BDO won't admit this, fearing damage to their reputation.
NEVER share your OTP with anyone. Official representatives will NEVER ask for it.
(Based on my wife’s experience last week. She was drained of 35k before she managed to get her account suspended. Never got the money back)
Protect yourself. Be alert. Spread the word.
submitted by Jumpman707 to Philippines [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:01 charonme ffmpeg slower in ubuntu than on win11

i7-14700K, MSI pro z790-p wifi ddr4, KF436C18BBK2/64, kingston fury renegade 2TB NVMe, completely new clean Ubuntu 24.04 desktop install, performance power mode, installed ffmpeg 6.1.1-3ubuntu5, installed s-tui for power monitoring.
Testing video recompression with -c:v libx265 -preset ultrafast -crf 25 takes 6m37s while s-tui reporting around 190W.
In Windows the same recompression takes 6m4s while using 207W on average. Resulting file size is the same.
Mprime small FFTs in Ubuntu fully loads the CPU up to the set power limits (230W/210W).
How do I make ffmpeg perform better in Ubuntu? What could be preventing it from utilizing the full available power?
The -threads option doesn't seem to affect much, I tried with values 0, 14, 11, 8 with the same results.
submitted by charonme to ffmpeg [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:53 OkAbalone241 Games freeze instantly after launch

 Games freeze instantly after launch
Computer Type: Desktop
GPU: AMD Radeon RX 7800 XT
CPU: RYZEN 7 7700x 8-Core Processor
Motherboard: MSI PRO B650-P WIFI
BIOS Version:
Case: Corsair Airflow
Operating System & Version: Windows 11 Core (64 Bit) VERSION: 23H2
GPU Drivers:
Chipset Drivers: Little confused on how this works Ill attach an image of what I see inside of Adrenaline.
Description of Original Problem: Games freeze instantly after I try and launch them. I originally thought this was something that was happening from each individual game but I have ruled that out after having the same problem in many different games. For example, Diablo 4, Civilization 6, Overwatch, and Hades 2. Strangely, some games do work on my computer. Monster Hunter World, World of Warcraft, and Valorant all work. That said, Valorant had the same issue until I fixed it by turning on compatibility mode. When these games freeze I can not close them normally and the only way to get them to close is by rebooting my computer. Even when I try to close them through Task Manager they remain open. Aside from that my CPU runs hot and my computer takes a long time to reboot. I'm very new to computers and this computer has been my first project.
Troubleshooting: I have tried just about everything that I could find online and I am open to any suggestions. If my computer still does not work I will either take it to a technician or I will just sell it lol.
submitted by OkAbalone241 to AMDHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:41 cloudycrocodile11 Anyone else seeing what i’m seeing

Anyone else seeing what i’m seeing
Hello i’m reposting since i am not great with reddit and im unsure on how to edit the post
here is my original text -
Anyone else seeing what i’m seeing
My last post got taken down so i’m adding more details (i will be cross posting this) took a trip to central pennsylvania, i was in an old building walking around these hallways. When i found this weird garage like thing in the middle, i thought it looked creepy so i snapped a photo with my camera to send to friends later.( I was the only one in the room.) the vibe in the room suddenly felt very off like i was being watched so i turned around and continued down the hallway. Later i was looking back on the photo and i saw it i felt crazy i knew no one else was there and that it wasn’t there in person. It filled me with this amount that was almost papable. Is anyone else seeing this to? i feel crazy
i realized this was very poorly written, english is not my first language and being on mobile isn’t helping. i wrote this semi rushed as well but since it’s been a few hours i would like to explain it better. and i realized i first didn’t say that i’m an referring to the black figure in the center window
I recently took a trip to central Pennsylvania and found myself exploring an old, school building. As I wandered through the hallways, I stumbled upon a strange, garage-like room in the center. The atmosphere felt unsettling, and the place had a creepy vibe, so I decided to take a photo with my camera to show my friends later.
Being alone in the room, I suddenly felt an intense sensation, like I was being watched. Trying to shake off the feeling, I turned around and continued down the hallway.
Later, when I reviewed the photo, I was stunned. There was something in the picture that hadn't been there when I took it. The presence in the photo filled me with a palpable sense of dread. I knew i was alone in the room and then when the photo was taken the figure was not there. Was anyone else seeing this? I felt like I was losing my mind.
submitted by cloudycrocodile11 to Humanoidencounters [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:34 HEYitsBOO- I have some sort of phobia of getting hacked

I have a really weird phobia of getting hacked, ever since i had a couple bad experiences of losing some really important accounts on a video game, something really strange happens
Worst thing that happens: if i can’t log into an account, or I suddenly get logged out of anything, i begin to cry, breathe extremely quickly, feel dizzy, my ears begin to feel tingly (idk why), and i begin to yell irrational solutions, shaking, and then prolonged paranoia after that. all those are happening at once
Bad: if i see the log in screen on the gane that I lost those accounts, I feel like crying, i feel dizzy, weird ear tingling, stomach gets tight, short breathing, and i fell my fight, flight and freeze response begining to act up
Least bad: if i see a password reset button, i feel my stomach getting tight, i begin to feel dizzy, and i get shivers down my spine and also the weird tingly ear thing
I don’t want to sound like ‘oH oNE Of tHOsE cRoNiCaLLY oNLiNE GeN Zs’ but I really want to know what this phobia is and how to fix it
submitted by HEYitsBOO- to Phobia [link] [comments]