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2024.05.21 16:51 AdhesivenessTrue1971 Help, my daughter's cat is driving us insane...

Lovely little creature she is, about two and a half years old and has had one litter of kittens. three living and one stillborn. The little sloot got pregnant on her second heat so I'm not too sure what her normal was like to begin with but now the poor thing literally screams for hours on end while she's in heat and her heats last about 3 weeks on 1 week off.. it sounds like she's in pain? My gosh I just don't know what to do with her. I'm working on getting her to the vet to get her fixed but it's taking some time to save. I just had to pay for my college course, I'm also a single mom and the local vets will not do payment plans of any sort. Any advice on what I can do to help her and shut her up a bit in the meantime?! Nothing I have tried has worked so far and I feel so bad for the poor little thing šŸ˜­
submitted by AdhesivenessTrue1971 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:50 NewspaperNegative874 McDonaldā€™s App Question

So the breakfast burritos are buy 1 get one for $1. I have a free breakfast burrito on the app and $2.50 to my name. Was wondering if the more expensive burrito would be free or if theyā€™d only take off the $1 burrito in which case I canā€™t get two because the more expensive one is like $2.99. Seeing if anyone else has dealt with this and knows the answer. Thanks in advance.
submitted by NewspaperNegative874 to poverty [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:50 brianna_michelle69 One of my favorite skirts. This one has gotten the most compliments from the locals, and today I was even called "sweetheart" by a guy at the store.

One of my favorite skirts. This one has gotten the most compliments from the locals, and today I was even called submitted by brianna_michelle69 to Crossdresser_Fashion [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:50 Dizzy-Panda4367 Open Mic comedy night!

Open Mic comedy night!
Tonight starting around 7:20 at Oyster City Mobile, is our open mic comedy night!
Tuesdayā€™s have grown to be one of the best comedy nights in Mobile! Help continue that by coming in and supporting the scene, and an awesome brewery!
OCBC has delicious beer, and they recently acquired some awesome snacks if you get hungry. Those two combined with some laughs, what more could you want out of a Tuesday night??
Hope to see ya there!
submitted by Dizzy-Panda4367 to MobileAL [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:49 BarracudaQueasy7158 (F21) created trauma to my boyfriend (M2

Hello. So I (F21) went to Italy for 10 days in February and there was this guy who told me he likes me. I have a bf (M21) back home for 6 months now so I told him "sorry I am in a relationship". After the trip we kept texting, and he was always sending me sweet messages like "you re cute" and "I will ask for your hand" I was answering to his texts, but without flirting him back, but sometimes I used emojis and stuff. I told my bf that this happened in Italy and he got worried, so I promised him that nothing happened back then. Indeed, the guy asked for a kiss or to hold hands but I refused. Two days ago, my bf opened my phone as I was sleeping and saw all the texts from him from two months ago. There were texts where he told me he misses me and he wants to come and see me, and idk what i was thinking but I was answering back. My bf is an extreme overthinker, and he is been crying all day, begging me to reassure him that nothing happened. I am constantly reassuring him and telling him how much I love him, but I have destroyed him. I cannot see him cry.I know that he loves me .He wanted to break up with me, but we end up not to. Instead he told me that he has no trust and I have to regain it, I apologised. The past 3 days have been hell, we are not the same anymore, he is devastated. He is telling me to stop having future plans with him and that he needs some time to call me "love" and "baby" again. Beforw that it was like paradise, we had everything. I did not cheat, but i know that what I did was not right.I love him so much, so I wont leave smth like this end our relationship. What can I do? I feel awful.
submitted by BarracudaQueasy7158 to AdviceForTeens [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:49 caught_red_wheeled Found this photo of when my two Shihtzus were puppies! I remember one day they just randomly decided they were kings of the dishwasher!

Found this photo of when my two Shihtzus were puppies! I remember one day they just randomly decided they were kings of the dishwasher! submitted by caught_red_wheeled to Shihtzu [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:49 Heartbr0ken40 GS-15 timeline experiences

I applied for a GS-15 role with the USDA and within two weeks got the referral notice email. From your experiences applying- how much time was elapsed between the referral notice and an interview request? One of my previous applications never got me an interview and one of my friendā€™s GS-14 application from a few years ago had a 4 week lag between being referred and interview call
submitted by Heartbr0ken40 to usajobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:49 zjdz98 He deleted his account.

He deleted his account.
Do you think Electric Daddy would be proud of me?
submitted by zjdz98 to UNSUBSCRIBEpodcast [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:49 xXSpookyBlookyxX Hardest cup?

I've been wondering what everyone thinks the hardest cup is, and while there isn't many that are too bad, I would have to say the hardest ones for me are Mario Kart Wii's 150CC Special Cup and SNES 150CC Special Cup. If I had to choose between the hardest time I had with one of them, it would be Wii because of Bowser's Castle. Just so many things to avoid at once, I was terrified of that section with the Bowser robot thing, not because I was scared of getting hit by it, but because of the half-pipes. There was a 90%% chance I would fall into the lava, and it was so painful having to start over and over and over again. Surprisingly though, although Rainbow Road was really hard too, I actually did pretty good most of the race, stayed in 1st, and despite the fact that I fell off, I couldn't be bothered to restart so I just went 'screw it', continued the race and when I was finally done, I got a gold trophy and two stars. SNES Special Cup was pretty hard for me too, specifically with Donut Plains 3 and Rainbow Road. I mean, with Donut Plains 3, you literally have to do tiny jumps to pray you don't fall into water, while the CPUs have no issue going over the broken bridge. And Rainbow Road has no barriers whatsoever so you're almost always going to fall off. Anyway, those are the two cups which I think are the hardest! What are your opinions on the hardest cup?
submitted by xXSpookyBlookyxX to mariokart [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:49 Aleyla What would you use in a school gym?

We are building a new basketball gym. It'll look like your normal highschool gym with bleachers on one side, then two locker room areas on the other. There will be a second floor (mainly storage) just above the locker rooms.
I plan on connecting this gym to the main building via the Building Bridge XG (or similar). The main building has a UDM Pro Max.
In the gym we'll have around 8 cameras (inside and out) plus door access control. Those are already determined.
The main thing I need help with is how to handle wifi access. Do I put a dream wall on one side and then maybe a U7 Pro up stairs? Will that be enough or would I need something like a U6 Enterprise on the other side of the gym as well?
submitted by Aleyla to Ubiquiti [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:49 jamcajansunprincess Desperate!!

Need one of these two so I can get dice to complete the partner event! Please please please help!!
Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here:
submitted by jamcajansunprincess to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:49 pebbles0410 Fake skin question

Hi! Iā€™m not a tattoo artist but I would love to pick your brain, hope itā€™s not against the rules.
I come from a medical background and weā€™re about to start a program which requires a peripheral cannula: basically a piece of flexible tubing that stays in your vein while delivering fluids. Weā€™re having trouble with the adhesive plasters which go over these cannulas: they are either so well stuck on that it provides a complimentary peel, or so flimsy that the ca nnula moves freely, which is not okay.
I know you guys use synthetic skin. I would like to ideally make some, so that I can put cannulas in and test the plasters under normal skin movement, so I can see which oneā€™s a better choice. Do you have any recommendation on a recipe/skin that would allow for this kind of testing? Thank you so much
submitted by pebbles0410 to TattooBeginners [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:49 Theguywhoplayskerbal What does an entp 5w4 really look like compared to an intp 5w4? How does one differentiate between these two as they are so similar in this specific combination?

submitted by Theguywhoplayskerbal to Enneagram [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:48 hudashick Regarding current version of Windtrace

NGL I was expecting it to be bad especially reading the negative reviews on this post.
But surprisingly I have to be honest, this could be my most favourite version of the wintrace event. Tbf I wasn't too keen on the previous ones as u do find it boring and repetitive in a way?
'Cause all you do is run and hide as Rebels.
But this one is run, hide and fix. It makes me have a purpose than simply hiding from the Hunter.
Usually for the previous versions, I will simply play till I maxed the coin and stopped. But for this, I even played after getting all the requirements.
Maybe I'm in Asia server thus it's a different experience?
All players were doing their best to fix the devices hence maybe why that's rebels was actually easier at least on my end even if Hunter has the most advantage as people say.
Really hate being a Hunter though since I suck at it.I won more times as a rebel and none for the Hunter. For those who played it, what skill did you use for the Hunter?
Hopefully the devs will bring this version back. They could alternate it or even let us choose between the two versions so both sides of players can enjoy the event.
submitted by hudashick to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:48 Glittering-Owl-3421 I think I'm being catfished

I met this guy online and we started talking but Iā€™ve discovered heā€™s lied about a lot of things, like his location
I canā€™t figure out if the photos heā€™s sent me are real. He did this to a girl before (who I spoke to yesterday) and he admitted to her he catfished and then sent a ā€œrealā€ photo of someone completely different, but I called him out on it yesterday and he got defensive and sent another photo of the original guy. Our situations with him line up identically- he love bombed instantly, lied about things, manipulated us both in similar ways.
He refuses to turn on his camera or send more photos.
He has faked nudes as well, he has sent at least 3 different penises. When called out on it he ā€œadmittedā€ to some of them being fake. Whenever heā€™s called out he ā€œadmitsā€ to half truths.
I found his Instagram where there is videos of a larger persons thighs (the original person he claims to be is super skinny) along with a voice that is exactly like the one Iā€™ve called with.
I think he is a Reddit user so I feel like someone may recognise the fake photo of him here.
submitted by Glittering-Owl-3421 to RBI [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:48 Last-Ingenuity-6239 I'm done throwing my kids birthday parties, but my husband, who never helps, wants to just because his mom wants to attend.

I have been married for 6 years now and we have a 1 year old and I am pregnant with our second and last baby. Before we had our 1 year old, I was always in charge of throwing, paying, and setting up any party. Including my own birthday parties. My husband is hard to get to help with the labor that is involved with throwing a party. He grew up in a house where it was acceptable for men to not help with anything around the house. I usually just give up and do everything by myself because it's easier and just bug him with tasks I can't do myself. We usually only invite our immediate family too and their families.. but since we are hispanic, that is well up to 50 ish people. So HUGE party everytime. Anyways, the last party I threw was my 1 year olds 1st birthday and just as always I was doing everything my self, except this time I was tired. I was also chasing around a toddler who was learning to walk while setting up EVERYTHING. I was so fed up I fought with my husband and demanded he helped. He eventually did, but it was like pulling teeth. So we had our party, it was great, lots of memories, but I told him I will NEVER throw another party again! We are simply taking our kids somewhere fun on their birthday just the 4 of us moving forward. He panicked and said he will help next time..... yea right. I said no, I'm done and our kids are too little to care, so we will take them somewhere fun and do our own mini bday.
My husband pleaded with me and said he wants to have these parties because his mom wants to attend our kids bday parties. To which I said she is more than welcome to throw one at her apartment and we can go for two hours, blow out candles, then go home. He said no, that is not enough, and that he will help moving forward.
I am absolutely done planning, prepping, and paying for a party that is seemingly to make other people( not our kids) happy.
I'm expecting his family to take this as I'm some mean daughter in law.. but I'm just too tired to care.
What is the right thing to do here? I could care less about what will make his mom happy, because frankly our kids birthdays are not about her. But I am not sure if I will regret not having those little parties and the pictures/memories.
Anyone have an experience that is similar or can give me advice?
submitted by Last-Ingenuity-6239 to Mom [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:48 Disastrous-Willow514 When did realize you were in a toxic/narcissistic relationship?

After my x ended the relationship in a very abrupt, immature way, I have been doing a lot of self-reflection. Venting and chatting to others who have been in a similar situation has also helped.
I initially ended the relationship last yr, after 5yrs together. I still loved him, but I realized that he could not be the 1 I spend the rest of my life with. Living together, having many good moments, were overshadowed by his disrespect, lack of consideration, and intentions of cheating many times while we were together. Ever since I ended it, we tried to work through it, I allowed my feelings to be stronger than my self-respect. there was constant arguing and manipulation. I tried from my side, took him for breakfast a day before his birthday, since he was spending it with family, went to visit him again after they left. i got sick the next week but made plans for the weekend to make up for his birthday, so had to postpone but said we could chill instead. He refused to see me the entire week. I decided to visit some family who i haven't seen in years and see him after. He was livid, ignored me the entire day. He ended it the next day over the phone after a series of verbally abusive voice notes. he cut the call before i could say anything. I overlooked many red flags for the sake of 'working through things' and being naively in love. I realized he was a nice guy not a good guy
Just to name some of the issues I did not take seriously enough to end it earlier, I realized how easy it is to be emotionally abused and not be aware of it especially when its conflict mixed with affection & looking at just the good+chemistry. For months I had anxiety around him, cognitive dissonance even during the good times. He never took accountability, had no integrity. His image to others is so important. I was initially sad & heartbroken, had so much self-doubt from all the gaslighting and believing i was the one that destroyed a 'good' relationship, but came to the conclusion that he only wanted me for how I made him feel & filled his voids/needs because when I was ill/down it was when his mask came off. I have so much to offer as a person compared to him, and yet I allowed his insecurities and my feelings for him, to make me feel like I'm not worthy. had so much regret and resentment, now I hold pride in me being a genuine person, staying loyal, being kind and having integrity despite everything he put me through
I'm finally closing this chapter and glad for all the lessons I needed to learn and finally learning about boundaries. And to also come back to this if ever he has to reach out lol.
submitted by Disastrous-Willow514 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:48 Top_Resource4257 Mapping a D4D 3.0 Fortuner

Mapping a D4D 3.0 Fortuner
A company thatā€™s coming into the country is offering this on a D4D fortuner. I previously had a race chip plug and play but it was giving me fuel rail issues. Since going back to stock I can tell the difference in power, especially the initial gears. What I want to know is are the numbers being promised safe or should I stay away. Iā€™m thinking of getting a stage one, the numbers above are stage two. Itā€™s done 114000 km.
submitted by Top_Resource4257 to Toyota [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:48 South_Persimmon1750 I need advice(please)

I am a 20 year old student and I was driving from my college to home and while I was driving home and I was on nagarguna Sagar road all the cars were going in 60 speed and I was also going on same speed on my car then the car in front of me did a sudden brake cus the bus in front of him did the same in spite of there being no u turn then the i applied brake on my car as much as possible and it slowed down to almost 0 and touched the car in front of me with a speed of 5 I think and then 3 guys got out of the car in front of me saying i damaged their bumper and for perspective I was driving an i20 based model and they were driving a fortuner and one of the 3 guys were cursing a lot saying all sorts of obscenities and grabbed my key and told me to get out and got in the driver seat and were about to dive off i got in the back seat then he drove my car for 3km and stopped and were demanding 25k saying they need to do bumper dent paint and at the same time i got a call saying I needed to go to hospital as my grandpa was admitted and I was in a hurry now so I paid them the 25k as they were refusing to give me my key and then they left this is what they were claiming happened cus of me bumping their car a bit
This is what happened to the fortuner
submitted by South_Persimmon1750 to LegalAdviceIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:48 TheWineOfTheAndes Dropped by home insurer, cautious of a new good deal

Long story short, my California condo has pretty horrible piping and I had two big water claims ($4K and $15K) within one year. USAA sent notification that I was getting dropped about a week ago. Since then, I've found this subreddit and learned here (and from brokers) that I should have paid the $4K out of pocket, but that wasn't consumer knowledge to me until it was too late. The broker I spoke with said I'd be lucky to find anything less than $5K/yr with a $5k deductible.
Anyway, I just completed a bundled quote last night with Progressive and they are offering me ~$750 for 12 months. Sure, the deductible is $1,000 instead of $500, and some of the coverages (e.g., personal property) are lower, but this price is actually lower than I was paying with USAA before they dropped me.
Since I thought I'd be "blacklisted" for sure, I am suspicious of this quote. Is this just something that'll get rejected in a later step of the purchasing process (e.g., when a human looks at it and not just the Progressive website), or did I perhaps not select the correct insurance? ......or could this deal actually be real?
submitted by TheWineOfTheAndes to Insurance [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:48 Throwra12312345678 Not sure sometimes if he really wants to make it work or is terrified of what divorce will actually do to him financially.

Iā€™ll just preface this by saying we are actively trying to reconcile at the moment but it has been rocky to say the least. I (36f) and my husband (38m) have been together 20 years together, married 16, high school sweethearts, two teenagers and last year he had an affair with a woman at work over the course of 6+months. Couldnā€™t quite let her go after I found out and had me in an awful limbo about whether he wanted to stay together.
He kept talking about wanting to legally separate rather than divorce ā€˜out of the kindness of his heartā€™ā€¦ so i could stay on his really good insuranceā€¦ I said no fucking way weā€™re getting divorced if you want to stay with her and leave me.
After two months of him stringing me along about it and but not cutting her off and committing to our marriage I had to do something. I was sick with depression, I lost 40lbs in 2 months and I was not well. I did the horrific pick me things just trying to get him to see what heā€™s losing and just choose me, Choose us. Toward the end of January this year he still continued to say he thinks he just need to separate. To ā€œwork on ourselvesā€ even though he was actually in contact with his AP. I signed a lease on an apartment and moved out.
He cried that next day, he said this wasnā€™t what he wanted.. I said are you fucking joking.. maybe he didnā€™t think Iā€™d actually do it, and that Iā€™d stay in our guest room while he dates another woman for a whileā€¦ either way I moved out that weekend and tried to get the ball rolling for separation and ultimately Divorce. Told him I was going light contact and to only talk to me about kids from here on out. By Monday he was out of his mind, now suddenly he wants to give it his best try to make our marriage work, and heā€™s willing to cut off his AP and work on us..after I signed a year leaseā€¦ so I said okay we can get to date and reconnect and rebuild.
Fast forward to mid April. Things had been going pretty well. A couple tough emotional days here and there on my end. We talked about them and kept going along. We had an amazing date night and I stayed over in our home. The next morning while he was sleeping a nagging feeling told me to go through his phone. Iā€™m sure you know where this is heading.
Found evidence heā€™s still having his affair. This time around he was instantly begging me to stay. He knew at this point how fucking done I was. I had been frequently checking the phone records to make sure they werenā€™t still in contact but She had made a fake instagram profile under the name frank and they had been solely communicating there.
Skipping past a lot of details to save time the next day I reached out to his AP, she actually responded. It surprised me because I tried to back In December and instead of responding she made her account private and changed her profile picture to the most menacing evil smile. She said she was so sorry and didnā€™t know we were working on things. That he didnā€™t her off in February like he also but It started back up in early march and he had been going to her apartment 2-3 time a weekā€¦
So, things are really rough now to say the least. I know Iā€™ll be judged here for this but this time was different after finding out. This time he sent her a message cutting her off right in front of me, turned on his location, begged me to do marriage counseling, swore he would fix this and fix him. That he didnā€™t want to lose me and just didnā€™t know how to stop.
Crocodile tears I know but it was definitely different than the first time around.
Anyway. I have enough screenshots to write a book of all this and in between. Last week things were not great between us and no he suddenly doesnā€™t want to do marriage counseling I still he gets individual help and was being generally shitty to me for someone who has betrayed me So much. I probably shouldnā€™t has said anything and just done it told him I was going to seek a divorce lawyer for a consultation in case we couldnā€™t make this work.
He freaked out and when things get close to this step he always does. Since this all started, He keeps trying to say he wants me to go to one together and not separate. He never says he doesnā€™t want to divorce because he loves me itā€™s always well what do you want out of the divorce. That it will get nasty if we do separate layers and he doesnā€™t want it to get nasty. Iā€™m not sure why he thinks it will get nasty. I made it clear to him I donā€™t want the house, he lives next to his parentsā€¦. No way.
Saturday we made up from this argument and arenā€™t really talking divorce currently but I stoped over to see my son later that day, yes I know this is insane, but he wasnā€™t home so i check his browser history on his pc.
Of course divorce lawyers searched but so was ā€œ[state] law wife moved of house does she have rights to itā€
Like I donā€™t want the house I donā€™t want a his truck but does he seriously think Iā€™m going to walk from 20 years, my entire adult life, of building with someone I love and was loyal to with nothing??? I spent my time raising our family and supporting him while he built his career and his first thought is can she take the house?? It makes me feel like he doesnā€™t want us to work hes just terrified of the financial repercussions of divorce.
submitted by Throwra12312345678 to Divorce [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:48 zak-bagans-stan-acct The Lantern Game

When I was 16 (in 2004), my family visited my Aunt and Uncle with their kids in Buffalo, NY. After a few days, we headed to Eden, NY, where my grandfather had a cottage. Even though he passed away when I was young, we always called it Grandpa's cottage because he built it with his own hands. My Aunt inherited it because she lived close by, while we were from New Jersey. My grandma had died from lung cancer before I was born, and both of my grandparents had their ashes spread on the cottage property. The cottage was nestled on about 80 acres of woods, dotted with small fish ponds and open fields. It was a place filled with memories of swimming in Eighteenmile Creek, exploring the woods, bbq'n, having bonfires, and fishing.
At night, my three cousins and my sisters would camp in tents outside the cottage in one of the open fields. We played a game called the Lantern Game, invented by my cousin, let's call him Timmy. We used a battery-powered lantern that we kept outside our tents for bathroom trips. The game was simple: 1 person would take the lantern into the deep woods, place it on the ground, and then return. The next person would go into the woods, find the lantern, and carry it further before returning. The last one brave enough to fetch the lantern and bring it back won the game. We had a few flashlights at the treeline, and the distant sound of voices was our guide back.
Being one of the younger cousins, I usually quit after my 1st or 2nd turn, but that year, at 16, I was determined to prove myself, especially to my two older sisters. Timmy and his older brother, Jimmy, were legends at the Lantern Game. They would disappear into the woods for 15 or 20 minutes before returning, and Timmy or Jimmy always won.
One night, it came down to me, my oldest sister, and Timmy and Jimmy. Just before my turn, Jimmy warned me to watch out for Grandma and Grandpa. I brushed it off, trying to act cool, but once I was in the woods, fear gripped me. My heart pounded as I thought of my grandpa, who I remembered as a kind man, but now as a dead rotting body lurching behind me. My grandma was just a name and a face in an old photograph to me.
I was about 3 football fields deep into the woods, struggling to find the lantern. I kept hearing noises, my mind racing. Suddenly, goosebumps covered my body, and I felt an electric charge. I couldn't hear my family anymore. Instead, I saw a small shack with a dim light inside about 30 feet away, something I had never seen before. I froze, thinking I might have wandered onto someone else's property, but it didn't make sense since this was my Grandpa's property. The shack looked run-down, like something from a horror story. Time seemed to stop. I saw a wooden chair in front of the door. I told myself not to move. I didnā€™t see or hear any movement from inside, but the light being on told me someone was there.
After what felt like a long time, I gathered the courage to run. I bolted back to the treeline, my senses heightened. I ran as fast as I could, dodging trees until I saw the flashlights of my cousins and sisters. I told them about the shack. We decided to go back together to find it, but it wasn't there. Even in the daylight, with my Uncle leading the search, we found nothing. To this day, I have no idea what happened. We've walk this way to get to Eighteen Mile Creek so we know the land pretty well. I saw the shack, clear as day, with that dim light on. My best guess is that my mind conjured it up, a memory born of panic of my dead grandfather while playing that stupid game. Though, I have no idea why it was a shack.
I've only shared this story in intimate settings. It still unsettles me (Iā€™m in my 30ā€™s) because I know I saw that shack. Now, it's part of our family's folklore about Grandpa's cottage.
submitted by zak-bagans-stan-acct to Glitch_in_the_Matrix [link] [comments]