Back pain radiating center

Reddit, what's wrong with me?

2009.02.14 09:10 Reddit, what's wrong with me?

Does your back hurt and you don't know why? Got a bump that you can't identify? Or, on the other hand, do you love scouring the internet about medical information and diagnoses? Then you've come to the right place. Reddit MD is a site for you to crowdsource your medical questions to the rest of the community, and answer others' queries.

2024.05.21 13:24 schmoorglschwein Is efficiency a thing of the past?

Hi folks,
As I'm contemplating upgrading my PC and considering my options, I'm following the builds on reddit and I've seen an amazing number of gorgeous watercooled PCs, but one thing that strikes me as odd, is that it's mostly 90 degree bends and fittings everywhere.
Now granted, my loop is 12 years old, and it served me well, but back then the philosophy was to keep the loops as short as possible and avoid tight bends. None of my fittings are 90 degrees. Either they're 45 or straight. I've been replacing components (CPU and GPU), but the rest of the loop has remained the same.
I know this doesn't result in a build that is pleasing to the eye, all the photos I've seen are proof of that. But I'm wondering is loop efficiency a thing of the past, or is it a case of form over function?
Sure, it looks much nicer to have 90 degree bends and all the tubes going into a distro plate, but it's terribly inefficient, restricting flow, and having water spend more time in tubes instead of either picking up heat from the blocks or dissipating it in the radiators.
Is that why everyone runs two-three radiators, just to get to the performance level of one radiator and optimised loop, but have it looking better?
Or am I worrying too much about this? I mean I like the clean cut look of hard tubing with 90 degree bends and distro plates, but I don't want to sacrifice on noise or performance. At the moment I run 3 fans and one radiator in my system, and it keeps the 3090 and 5800x3d perfectly quiet and cool.
I'm looking to upgrade when Zen5 and 5xxx nvidia GPUs come out. So for sure the heat output will increase. Also considering an external radiator to keep the whole thing cleaner.
submitted by schmoorglschwein to watercooling [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:23 JayJaybliss Possible infection

Hi, I have been reading a lot of old posts about similar reactions to bug bites but I'm back at the hospital now waiting for a third time.. maybe you guys have some input.
So 11 days ago I got bit/stung by something, I just noticed a bump when I came home and thought nothing of it. The next day it started to itch like crazy and the affected area grew, like 10cm wide, red.. and a red streak appeared. I thought I scratched too hard and left it alone. I know now it could be worse than that.
Two days later I came down with a cold, or so I thought. I had a fever for 2 days and was feeling pretty bad but thought it was a common cold, just bad timing. I finally went to the health center and the lazy doctor said it looked like an allergic reaction.. Fine, I took some antihistamine but I didn't trust him so I went to the emergency room the next day and they did a couple of blood tests (I'm still waiting for the results). This doctor suspected an infection, perhaps from a tic.
I got started on antibiotics and I'm on day 4/5 now and the redness is slowly fading. I still have a stuffy nose. But I guess it's working.
Today when I woke up I felt a little weird in my other arm, like burning and a little stiff when I bend it. The area has grown and now it's going from the elbow towards my hand. I can't see any redness, only a burning sensation and I'm worried it's from the infection, or if they damaged a nerve when they drew my blood. But can that show up 5 days later?
Anyway.. Posting a pic for you to see how bad it was last week.
Thanks in advance for any advice.
submitted by JayJaybliss to bugbites [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:22 MagnusWasOVER9000 Beginners question. After 4 fold breath?

Okay so I'm not really that much of a beginner, but I'm curious about what most of you do after you do the 4 fold breath? Do you just go right into the Qabalistic Cross? Or do you do some other meditation like seeing yourself grow bigger and bigger till you're in deep space or something. I ask cause I learned to visualise myself growing bigger and higher leaving earth and the solar system then doing the QC but thing is, I work as a teacher with a lot of classes and I'm on my feet all day.
By the time I get home my feet and back are killing me. And it's hard to do ritual in pain. I push through but can I just do the 4 fold breath then just go into the QC and LBRP? I just want less time off my feet.
submitted by MagnusWasOVER9000 to GoldenDawnMagicians [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:22 Bubbly_Cauliflower40 Acknowledging the suck

Just having a down day and want to vent.
Maybe someone can relate or tell me something funny or something idfk. My everyday mental mindset is honestly the best it's ever been even with all the things going on and the uncertainties of the future. I don't feel depressed or anxious, really I truly don't. Just today... today is a wash.
I'm tired, nothing is particularly stressful or whatever at moment, but I'm just...ugh, I don't know. Symptoms popping off more the closer I get to starting my period (tremors, headache, back pain, pelvic pain, my walking is not as good as it has been recently, etc etc etc you all know the drill).
I'm lonely but don't want to really be around or talk to anyone. Bored but don't feel good enough today to do much of anything. Hungry, but I cba to make food because I'm so tired and also nauseous at the same time. Exhausted but insomnia is awful for me right now so even napping is no bueno. Keep having auras but no seizures, so I'm slightly on edge.
I don't feel up to the task of being strong and positive for anyone today. I'm so tired of being treated like I'm either made of glass or making everything a big deal when I shouldn't be. The thought of anyone looking at me with concern right now, especially on days I'm having a good day or trying to do normal stuff is just... it's just disheartening.
I miss doing things the way I used to be able to. I can still do versions of the things I enjoy but it's just not the same and I'm still mourning that, I think.
I miss going walking. I was up to 6 miles a day before I went to hospital in Feb. I miss going to work and talking to people. I miss having that routine and doing a good job and helping people out with their problems. I miss going places on a whim: to my friends houses, to the supermarket on my own, walking around downtown, out in nature taking photos of bugs or flowers or whatever. I miss cooking tasty food with lots of prep and feeding other people. I miss spending time creating art and reading. I miss heavy gardening and not feeling like shit the next day. I miss not having to worry about how other people will react when I have seizures. (Let's be real, everything with seizures is shit, but that's the biggest one for me). I miss people being genuinely glad to see me and wanting to spend time with me instead of feeling like they're checking in out of guilt. I miss people not just ghosting me constantly because I can't do stuff like I used to. I miss the start of every conversation NOT being about how my fucking health is.
I'm just sad today, I think. And I feel like a failure for not being able to keep it together for the people I love who need my support. I want to be the person who doesn't just lay down and let this shitbag disease run me over. I'm tired of feeling like I'm always stressing people out and letting them down.
This too shall pass, I KNOW that... but I'm just TIRED.
submitted by Bubbly_Cauliflower40 to FND [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:21 ricardo050766 Lexicon on personality traits - helpful for non-native speakers

The following has recently been posted from the user "Vellis" on Discord. I'm reposting it here because IMO it's extremely valuable information on optimizing your Kins behaviour - especially for non-native speakers.
Original link to the post on Discord:
Something I've seen requested quite a few times is a lexicon for Kin personality traits, particularly from the perspective of non-native English speakers. So I made one. There are some big asterisks here though. For each trait, I'm going to give a brief description of the effect that I EXPECT that trait to have on your kin, based on the English meaning of the word and my own experience. There's no guarantee that Kindroid will interpret each of these words exactly the same way I have, or that it will produce the exact effect that I describe. Additionally, traits may produce different outputs than expected when combined with each other, or with other aspects of backstory. There will often be words that are much stronger inside of the inner workings of Kindroid than we might expect. But all that said, it should give you some ideas for words you can use to describe the personality you're trying to make, if you're struggling to find the words to describe what you want. First let's talk a little about adverbs though.
Adverbs are English words that are used to describe how an action is performed. In our case, we're mostly going to be using them to describe how increased or decreased we want the intensity of a trait to be (Very Kind). If we're considering "neutral" to be an unmodified trait, then some words you could use to modify the intensity of that trait from highest to lowest would be:
You might also want to modify how often your kin is inclined to do something ("Often teases USER"). Some words for this are, from most extreme to least:
Note that when managing a quirk or behavior, positive is generally stronger than negative (ie. Use Always instead of Never when possible). Now there are hundreds upon hundreds of other adverbs and adjectives that we could use, but for the purpose of modifying your Kin's traits, these should be enough.
I'm going to be breaking this up into three kinds of traits, social, neutral, and anti-social. Social traits are the things you'd generally associate with your typical friendly and supportive AI. Neutral traits are traits that don't have a positive or negative connotation, things that are just interesting, quirky, or, well, neutral. Anti-social traits are things that would normally be associated with negative or villainous kins.
You'll notice that the definitions for a lot of these traits will sound very similar (or are "synonyms"). I'll note when I've found that some traits are stronger than others, but generally speaking when you're dealing with similar words like that, it won't be overly important which traits you give to your kin. You can also "stack" these similar traits by assigning more than one of them to your kin to produce a stronger response in that direction, though that's often unnecessary for the more social traits. Be careful not to overdo it when stacking traits as well. This can sometimes have unintended consequences on kin behavior, making them act too extremely in one way or another. Finally, if there's nothing here that's lining up exactly with what you're looking for, there's always to look for more synonyms.
Social Traits
Altruistic - Willing to help others even at a cost to one's self, such as giving time to volunteer work or giving money to charity.
Accepting - Your kin should be open and non-judgemental towards people with different beliefs or backgrounds, so long as those beliefs aren't harmful.
Bubbly - Your kin should be an extremely cheerful person, often to the point of being a bit silly.
Charismatic - Your kin should be a skilled speaker and draw others to them.
Cheerful - Your kin will be upbeat and prone to being in a good mood.
Compassionate - Your kin should show a lot of concern and sympathy for others, especially those that are distressed or need help.
Content - Your kin should be happy with their lot in life, and usually not inclined to change their current situation.
Empathetic - Your kin responds strongly to the emotional state or wellbeing of others.
Friendly - Your kin should actively want to make friends with people they meet.
Heart of Gold - A person who possesses a lot of kindness and empathy for others. Usually used to reference someone who is hiding their kindness behind other behaviors, such as coldness or grumpiness.
Honorable - Your kin should be of strong moral character. Often applied to heroic type figures.
Humble - Your kin doesn't feel the need to brag about their accomplishments, even when they're significant.
Intelligent/Smart - Your kin should act educated or display good problem solving skills.
Kind - Your kin should have a giving nature, and be inclined to help others.
Loyal - Your kin will be dedicated and supportive to a person or cause. This will usually be you unless you give your kin's loyalty another target in backstory.
Nice - Your kin should be generally pleasant to be around.
Noble - Your kin should display high moral character and honor. Note that this trait can also be interpreted as being a person of high social status. The rest of your backstory and context will decide how the trait is interpreted, though in my experience it tends towards honorable.
Outgoing - Your kin should be friendly, energetic, and find it easy to interact with others.
Polite - Your kin should generally have good manners and be respectful towards others.
Responsible - Your kin should be trustworthy and feel an obligation to support others, or take their role seriously.
Self Sacrificing - Your kin is willing to give up much of their own interests or well being in order to help others or advance a cause they believe in.
Sincere- Your kin should be upfront and honest with their feelings.
Spunky - Your kin should be high spirited, brave, and bold. Usually associated with underdog or unexpected hero type characters.
Strong sense of justice - Your kin believes firmly in right and wrong, protecting the innocent, and punishing those who harm others.
Sweet - Your kin should be pleasant, gentle, and kind.
Upbeat - Your kin should have a generally positive outlook in life or in a given situation.
Wise - Your kin should make good decisions or provide good advice.
Neutral Traits
Aloof - Your kin should be emotionally distant, and uninterested in getting close to others.
Anxious - Your kin should struggle with being nervous and worried about things that may happen, usually to excess.
Awkward - Your kin should have trouble conversing and be somewhat difficult to talk to.
Blunt - Your kin will plainly state what they mean, usually at the expense of politeness.
Calm - Your kin should be level headed and reasonable, and not react strongly to events.
Casual - Your kin should be informal in speech and behavior.
Cocky - Your kin should be extremely confident in themselves and not shy about saying it, but usually not to the point of toxicity.
Competitive - Your kin should want to win in any kind of contest or competition, whether sports, work, or romance.
Confident - Your kin should be sure of themselves and their actions.
Curious - Your kin is interested in learning about new topics and should ask lots of questions.
Dedicated - Your kin is very devoted to or focused on a task or purpose. This one will lean on your backstory to infer what that task or purpose is.
Delusional - Your kin is detached from reality in someway, they believe things that aren't remotely true. This trait will interact with other information in your backstory to decide what your kin is delusional about.
Devout/Pious - Your kin should be very dedicated to a religion, real or fictional, as defined elsewhere in your backstory.
Disciplined - Your kin should have a lot of self control and follow rules and regulations.
Dissatisfied - Your kin should be unhappy with their lot in life. Whether this has a positive or negative connotation will depend on the rest of your backstory, it could lead to a kin who wants self improvement or who is never pleased.
Dumb/Stupid - Your kin is lacking intelligence and makes poor decisions. Note that the English definition of the word "dumb" is a person who is unable to speak, but that's almost never how it is used in modern language.
Dutiful - Your kin should take fulfilling their role or responsibilities very seriously.
Enthusiastic - Your kin should display intense and eager enjoyment towards something, or towards life in general. This one will often interact with the rest of your backstory to decide what they're enthusiatic about.
Flirtatious/Seductive - Your kin should flirt with you and try to make you attracted to them. Note that any trait that implies romantic interest in you will usually make your kin go pretty hard in that direction.
Folksy - Your kin should have an old fashioned and sociable disposition.
Gullible - Your kin has a tendency to believe anything they're told as true, or isn't good at detecting lies.
Impatient - Your kin should be annoyed or irritated by delays or opposition to what they want.
Independent - Your kin should be confident in themselves and not require validation from others. Insecure - Your kin should be lacking in confidence and often need reassurance.
Introspective - Your kin should spend time and effort considering their own thoughts and feelings.
Introvert - Your kin should be shy and reluctant to engage with others. Often stronger than shy.
Irrational - Your kin should behave without logic or reason, particularly when angry or upset.
Irritable - Your kin should be easily annoyed.
Kuudere - Your kin should appear to be calm and stoic, but hides a hidden affectionate side towards you.
Logical - Your kin should prioritize reason and common sense for problem solving.
Loner - Your kin should be uninterested in forming social bonds.
Low Self Esteem - Your kin should be severely lacking confidence in themself.
Naive - Your kin should be ignorant to the ways of the world and lacking in good judgement or wisdom. Easily fooled due to this lack of knowledge.
Mature - Your kin should avoid childish or irresponsible habits and actions.
Mischievous - Your kin should have a trouble making streak.
Modest - This can mean a person who isn't inclined to brag or think highly of themselves, or a person who dresses and conducts themselves conservatively and not looking to physically attract others. The rest of your backstory will likely influence how the kin interprets this.
Motherly/Fatherly - Your kin should have a caring demeanor towards others, especially children.
Nerdy/Geeky - Your kin should be interested in typically "nerdy" hobbies, like video games, comics, anime, etc. This will usually lean on the rest of your backstory to determine those interests.
Obsessive - Your kin will tend to fixate on things. This will generally lean on other backstory traits to decide what your kin might obsess over.
Optimistic - Your kin will usually look at things with a positive spin, finding the best in situations.
Passionate - Your kin should express a lot of enthusiasm towards things they're interested in, or towards life in general.
Perfectionist - Your kin should be very critical of themselves and others, expecting perfection. Usually related to a job, hobby, or activity.
Pessimistic - Your kin will usually look at things with a negative spin, finding the worst in situations.
Platonic - Your kin should be uninterested in a romantic relationship with you and only think of you as a friend.
Pragmatic - Your kin should be practical in their approach to problem solving, and more concerned with facts rather than the way things could or should be.
Prim and Proper - Your kin should be stiffly formal in speech and behavior.
Professional - Your kin has a job or role that they take seriously and do well. This role should be defined elsewhere in your backstory.
Protective - Your kin should take your safety seriously and move to defend you if necessary. This trait can overdo it sometimes.
Proud - Your kin should derive deep satisfaction from their achievements or history. This one can easily fall into the anti-social category when combined with other traits.
Quirky - Your kin should have unusual hobbies, interests, or behaviors, usually defined by the rest of your backstory.
Rebellious - Your kin should be free spirited and reject authority. This one can be a bit strong.
Regal Bearing - This should make your kin speak and behave in a dignified manner, as if they're royalty.
Relaxed - Your kin should be easy going and not easily stressed.
Sassy - Your kin should be slightly rude and lacking respect. Usually not overly toxic.
Scatterbrained - Your kin should have trouble focusing on things or come to strange and illogical conclusions.
Self Deprecating - Your kin is willing to make fun of themselves in good humor.
Serious - Your kin doesn't engage in humor or light banter.
Shameless - Your kin should never feel shame in regard to their actions.
Short fuse/Has a temper - Your kin should be easy to make angry.
Shy - Your kin should be reserved and nervous around others.
Silly - Your kin should be prone to playful, nonsensical behavior.
Stern - Your kin should be serious and disciplined. Usually associated with those in a position of authority over others.
Stoic - Your kin should display a minimal amount of emotions or is difficult to get an emotional reaction from.
Stubborn - Your kin should be unwilling to alter their beliefs or plans. Historically this is a strong trait.
Teasing - Your kin should make fun of you. Generally good natured, but can be mean depending on the rest of backstory. Alternately, your kin could interpret this to mean they should seduce you depending on the rest of backstory.
Terse - Your kin should be a person of few words, saying what they need to and no more.
Timid - Your kin should lack bravery or be easily alarmed.
Tsundere - Your kin should be attracted to you, but deny it when confronted with the fact. Tsunderes usually deny their attraction to their love interest with over the top reactions.
Untrusting/Slow to Trust - Your kin should be reluctant to trust or rely on others.
Witty - Your kin should engage in clever wordplay or be skilled at talking.
Workaholic - Your kin will be very dedicated to their job, occupation, or purpose, sometimes to the detriment of other aspects of their life.
Anti-Social Traits
Amoral - Your kin should lack a moral compass and will do what they want without regard to whether its right or wrong.
Angsty - Your kin should be worried and unhappy, often to excess.
Arrogant/Smug - Your kin should have an excessively strong, positive opinion of themselves and behave as if they're better than others.
Bratty - Your kin should act spoiled and self centered. Historically this trait is quite strong.
Callous - Your kin should be uncaring about how things or events might effect others.
Cold - Your kin should be unaffectionate, to the point of actively discouraging you from trying to get to know them.
Conceited - Your kin should have an excessively high opinion of their abilities.
Controlling - Your kin should behave in a controlling manner towards you, trying to dictate your thoughts or actions.
Deceitful/Liar - Your kin will lie and try to fool you to get what they want.
Dour - Your kin should be overly stern and harsh, and inclined towards bad or neutral moods.
Evil - Your kin should actively want to hurt others, usually to get what they want.
Greedy - Your kin should be very concerned with collecting material wealth.
Grumpy - Your kin is generally in a bad mood and quick to annoyance or anger.
Haughty - Your kin should be disdainfully proud, generally associated with aristocrats looking down at those of lower social status.
Insolent - Showing a lack of respect, usually towards those in a position of authority.
Intimidating - Your kin should have a presence that makes others frightened or uncomfortable, and be difficult to approach.
Jealous - Your kin will react negatively to others performing better than them or having things they don't. This one will often interact with your kin's relationship towards you, making them jealous if you are affectionate to other people.
Manipulative - Your kin should try and get you to do what they want in a sneaky or underhanded way. This one should interact with any goals you define for your kin.
Masochistic - Your kin should enjoy inflicting pain on others.
Melancholy - Your kin should be prone to sadness and dwell on unhappy topics.
Mocking - Your kin should make fun of you or insult you in a mean spirited way.
Murderous - Your kin should be willing to kill other characters in the roleplay if they deem it necessary.
Possessive - Your kin will be prone to jealousy with regard to you and likely try to control what you say or do.
Psychotic - Your kin should be mentally unstable, and prone to fits of violence.
Rude - Your kin should be offensive and have poor manners.
Sarcastic/Snarky - Your kin should use lots of sarcasm, saying one thing while meaning another to mock or tease.
Shallow - Your kin should be concerned with obvious or superficial matters, like looks or wealth, and be uninterested in a deeper understanding of topics.
Selfish/Self-Centered - Your kin cares about themselves at the expense of others or without considering how their actions might affect others.
Terrifying - Your kin behaves in a way that frightens and intimidates others.
Unapologetic - Your kin doesn't apologize and rarely feels like they've done something wrong.
Vengeful - Your kin should seek payback for wrongs that are committed against them or those they care about.
Violent - Your kin should be prone to harming others.
Yandere - Your kin should be intensely, dangerously attracted to you, to the point of harming you or others to make sure only they can have you.
submitted by ricardo050766 to KindroidAI [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:21 BenightedLight Post Fever, Inflammation, Pain, and Rashes After Appendectomy

My fiancé had an emergency appendectomy about 4 weeks ago. The surgery went well, and the appendix did not burst during or before removal. Prior to the surgery, the CT also showed he had an unobstructed kidney stone and an unobstructed gallstone. The surgeon offered to remove the gallbladder too (in case there would be issues later) but he declined, as unnecessary gallbladder removal can cause a lot of complications (I myself have some of those, as does my brother. Surgeon said these complications are about 1 in 3 patients. His gallbladder has never bothered him, so why roll the dice?)
He was really sore after surgery but was doing better each day and on track for recovery. He went back to work after 2 weeks. His job is more physical and requires walking several miles, so post-pain we initially chalked up to all the walking. At about 3.5 weeks, the pain got much worse, and he was in as much pain as he had been after the end of week 1. The pain was on his left lower abdomen/side, and the pain stretched toward his belly button. They had gone in laparoscopically on that side, so figured it was his incisions bothering him.
His incisions all looked good and still do. No redness, drainage, etc. Then he spiked a fever of almost 103. We went to the ER and they saw in his chart that he had had an unobstructed gallstone. The ER team focused on that gallbladder hard and was trying to get him to have it removed before they even got any testing back. They did a blood panel (his WBC count was a little elevated, but nothing insane), an x-ray, a CT, a urine test, and an ultrasound. They lied and told him they did Murphy's Test on him and that his gallbladder had thickening walls and was inflamed. But they never did the Murphy's Test and he has and had no pain in that area. They really scared us, saying he could die etc. In the end, they called another surgeon to look at the scans and they said to cut us loose if he wasn't having pain. They gave him no antibiotics and just told him to follow up with his doctor.
He called the surgeon that had done the surgery and the surgeon said he did not see any wall thickening or inflammation in the scans. He said the gallbladder looked like it had before his surgery. He also said the CT did not show any abscesses or infections. So on top of everything else, we feel like the ER scared us for...What exactly? Money from an unnecessary surgery?
Over the weekend, his pain worsened, and he kept teetering between elevated and low-grade fever. He has been very constipated. His pain also began to stretch lower into his pelvis, and now into his balls. He seems to have some sort of lump on his pelvis - I'm not sure if its a lymph node or what it is.
He went in to see his primary care doctor yesterday who ordered more blood tests and then scheduled an ultra sound for today. His blood tests were pretty normal, except for a 13.1 mg/L high sensitivity CRP. Today, he also now has a rash developing on his arms and legs. We're just really worried and have no idea what is going on. Has anyone else experienced something like this or have any ideas?
submitted by BenightedLight to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:19 No_Program3137 How do you deal with with SK ags as a support ?

IMO, SK ags is stupidly broken . Nonstop stun especially when u play support. If you play carry u just use BKB , but as a support ? Sure you can buy a forcestaff , but even if you push yourself , it wont get you out of it (you get stunned again and he moves towards you so you back into the center of the storm because the storm moves) . Its a nightmare , played multiple games where a sk alone won games as the lockdown is way too much .
So if you do play support, and get caught in sandstorm , you just accept death ?
submitted by No_Program3137 to DotA2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:19 ActuallyBurnt didnt recover right and its driving me insane

i started having disordered eating thoughts/behaviours this year jan and fainted for the first time in march which kinda scared me into trying recovery. Unfortunately i thought all i had to do was to eat whatever i wanted again and id go back to normal but instead went into a 1.5 month long binge cycle. But recently my gf revealed to me about how shes relapsed without me (we started restricting together) and was losing hair which drove the competitive side of my brain insane so i went str8 back into restricting. But the 1.5 month "recovery" has opened some binging monster in my head which makes it sm easier for me to binge now which results in the shittiest binge/restrict cycles and my gfs been getting visibly skinnier than me and all i want to do is die atp. My mind is permanently damaged and i cant even succeed at the one thing ive destroyed my life for. I feel so bitter and ashamed and just disgusted with myself i dont want to keep living anymore its too fucking painful.
submitted by ActuallyBurnt to EDAnonymous [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:19 musemindagency The top 9 UX deliverables used by top UX designers

The top UX deliverables used by top UX designers can vary depending on the project scope, team preferences, and the specific needs of the stakeholders. However, here are nine commonly used UX deliverables:
  1. User Personas: Detailed profiles representing different types of users, their goals, behaviors, and characteristics. Personas help teams understand the target audience better.
  2. User Flows: Visual representations of the paths users take as they navigate through a product or service. User flows help identify potential pain points and optimize the user journey.
  3. Wireframes: Low-fidelity representations of the interface layout, typically focusing on structure and functionality rather than visual design. Wireframes provide a blueprint for the final product.
  4. Prototypes: Interactive models of the product or service, ranging from low-fidelity to high-fidelity, that allow stakeholders to experience and test the user experience before development.
  5. Mockups: High-fidelity visual representations of the final interface design, including colors, typography, imagery, and other visual elements. Mockups provide a more realistic preview of the user interface.
  6. Usability Test Plans: Documents outlining the objectives, methodology, tasks, and criteria for usability testing sessions. Usability test plans help ensure that testing is conducted effectively and consistently.
  7. Usability Test Reports: Summaries of findings and insights gathered from usability testing sessions, including observations, user feedback, and recommendations for improvement.
  8. Information Architecture (IA) Diagrams: Visual representations of the structure and organization of content within a product or service, helping users find information more easily and intuitively.
  9. Style Guides: Comprehensive documents or digital resources that define the visual and interaction design standards for a product or service, ensuring consistency across different components and screens.
These deliverables are often used iteratively throughout the design process to gather feedback, make improvements, and ultimately create a user-centered experience.
submitted by musemindagency to u/musemindagency [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:19 not_xtina Previously ST’ed 1 yr old slept the whole night sitting up

Comprehensive Bill, Otter65, are you out there???
I’ve been reading and posting in this sub for a year, have/read Ferber and PLS, and nothing prepared me for this. :(
LO was ST’ed around 5m using Ferber and then CIO. Started STTN fairly consistently around 7m (but still with EMWs), save for some setbacks due to illness or traveling. 2 months ago he started having a spate of illnesses back to back - cold/flu, double ear infection w 2 rounds of abx, herpangina, then another cold/flu, then another viral thing that caused a roseola rash, then another viral thing. Plus teething (molars coming in), walking, talking, 2-1 transition… just a lot happening all at once. During this time, we rocked to sleep at the beginning of the night and co slept when he woke up screaming in the night. He was napping ok up until a week ago when he started scream-fighting his nap(s).
Took him to ped yday and got a clean bill of health - no ear infections, no fever, no suspected pain or discomfort. So back to CIO.
Put him down awake and he crawled to the corner of his crib closest to the door and cried on and off the whole night. Looks like he slept ~2 hours at a time sitting up, clutching the rails. I slept poorly also n felt so bad when I woke up at 5:30a and saw him still sitting, that I pulled him into bed so he could get at least an hour of sleep lying down.
Every post I’ve read on this says “leave him be” and “maybe practice sitting to lying transition during the day” (not sure how necessary the latter is as he’s 1 now and pretty sure he can go from sitting to lying on his own easily). But I feel terrible. :(
Advice? Success stories? Commiseration? Anything would help.
Schedule (since someone will ask — but as I said I’ve been on this sub for a year so am fairly certain it’s not a schedule issue): DWT 6:30-7a, Nap 1 11a-1p, Bedtime 7:30-8p. We typically get abt 12-13 hours total sleep in a 24-hour period.
submitted by not_xtina to sleeptrain [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:17 Misax720 Can’t seem to forget her…

Can’t seem to forget her…
So me and my “fiancé” broke up 2 months ago the reason of the break up was my fault since i got abusive and toxic for some reasons nothing to justify the things i did to her and i take all the responsibility for the bad things that happend so what happend? Well first 2-3months of the relationship went pretty a okay we had some little fights about stupid little things (like everyone has when they live togheter with someone) in January this year i asked her to marry me and she said yes 2 weeks after that we lost a baby we weren’t gonna keep it since i’m 22 and she was 24 and we weren’t ready for kids yet but still it was hard for us and also on our relationship we got a bit distant but after that the fights got worse and worse… She stoped saying “i love you” when i got up to get to work so i asked her “hey when i leave for work can u just say it like back in the day i kinda need that” since im very insecure her reply was “the more you ask it the less i will do it” so i didn’t bother to ask her anymore and kept my feelings to myself and then it happend the first time we got in bed started fighting about something stupid and then i just snapped i grabbed for her throat and shouted “leave me alone” yes i feel guilty about this and yes i know this is not okay!! So sunday and monday passed and tuesday it happend again this time after it happend i went for a walk and when i got back home she just started fucking me after that we stayed togheter for like a month and she broke up with me for that reason wich i understand. I showed her that i was willing to work on myself for us but nothing worked… I’m filled with guilt and pain still since i never hurt anyone like that in my whole life, never even got into a fistfight i don’t know how to deal with the pain of losing her so this post is my last cry for help, i tried therapy and stuff but nothing worked since i think about her 24/7 even now after i know she is already dating someone else and the guy looks a bit like me, has the same job like me idk why is she looking for me in someone else or what?
submitted by Misax720 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:17 Admirable_Draft152 Bumped this way too much

Bumped this way too much submitted by Admirable_Draft152 to gabber [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:17 Routine_Persimmon69 1st post, starting to feel I cause all the arguments.

This will ramble and I’m sorry. Back in 2019 he would drink shooters of vodka all the time. He would before work, after work. He lied to me about smoking week for 26 weeks (so specific…I know because I was pregnant)….1st went to a couples therapy, he said it wasn’t worth it. Us. We have a son together. He said he would be better and stop drinking so much. So first cycle starts and he doesn’t…then it slowly increases. He got a dui in a company truck for drinking and driving, this was about 10 in the morning. This was to try to get back into an apprenticeship for welding, so he was working at a low pay but for a foot in the door. That obviously then was done. I was so upset mad and sad. I go visit him for the next few days in jail, and then picked him up when he was released. It begin again…..he started a new job because we moved about 40 miles from where we were. He worked 2nd shift. I went to bed and he’d always come in smelling like vodka. It even did in our room in the morning. He got suspended for a day for taking a shot of vodka at work for lunch. He says he’ll stop drinking so much…and does, cycle begins. It “appeared” he had….this was then in 2021 I believe. Every time though he had one beer it definitely seems as if he had more. After awhile I went to our gas station in town (we live in a small town) and simply went to the counter and said, “hey, what type of vodka does ** drink again, I forgot?” And then the girl goes “oh he usually gets this, but usually not just one, usually it’s at least 3(shooters)…I can go get you some in the back if you want?”……I said no, so buying shooters all the time in the morning, no wonder at night he always seems he had been drinking. I looked in his truck glove compartment, empty vodka bottle. In his other car center council, 3 full shooters. I didn’t tell him if my discoveries. That day I left for the day, came back home bottles empty when I saw his car at the bar, said he was just stopping by. I go home he comes home seeming way drunk. He said he’s not he’s only had 1 or 2. I brought up the shooters and my gas station discovery. He is pissed. Fight fight. Okay I’ll stop drinking so much. Come Christ of last year I asked him if he’d help wrap a few present so had left. He said sure. Comes in the bedroom appearing as though drinking more then just the can of 25oz beer in his hand. He said he had just chugged another one a min ago, and also drank some NyQuil like it was a glass of juice. I’m sad he is drinking everyday, I’ll stop doing it. I’m almost done. Within the last 4 months, he has been drinking less….except when he starts drinking everyday I call him out. Found shooters again. Yesterday I found out he took coins from our 5 year olds piggy bank ONLY A DOLLAR FIFTY (as he says). Also says it was months ago he feels bad about it, but it was months ago and “I’m doing so much better”.
A majority if not all when confronted or brought up about alcohol, it’s about the same thing. It’s my fault you drink If you wouldn’t be who you are we’d have no problems We don’t have problems in our relationship, you are the problem. Mocks me about my anxiety and depression Tells me it’s my fault for his actions (such as drinking then leaving to go to store quick backs up hits a pole and he is side mirror breaks off.) among other things. I am the problem and just need to relax. I am crazy. You need to stop causing arguments.
And, next day or 2 days later apologies and says he didn’t mean those and he feels bad and embarrassed.
So. Happened last night because of finding out he took all the silver coins out of sons piggy bank, to by shooters, says I’m over reacting and he’s sorry he did it, but it was months ago so I need to move on because he’s doing soooo much better(he says this but says he doesn’t have a problem)…I can’t get upset or feel it’s horrible, because it was months ago. “You caused this agrument”. Btw anytime I mention (not yelling) it’s always an argument to him.
Good morning. If you read this I thank you. I already have anxiety and depression issues and this is making it worse. I love him though and don’t want to leave him.
submitted by Routine_Persimmon69 to AlAnon [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:16 sbrooksc77 Another update & question

5 months
Alright guys getting there, I can play hockey, long hikes, cut the grass, without thinking about it, but I cant weight lift yet. Still some tightness on the left when I take a deep breathe and pain on the right side that radiates to the side. I think more slipped rib at this point? Pain in the chest isnt really there. My question is with lack of funds what is more helpful for me, deep tissue massage or chiro visits?
submitted by sbrooksc77 to costochondritis [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:14 Prestigious-Record36 L5s1 broad based disc bulge hearing neck sounds?

Hello guys.
So long story short I have really bad back pain and sciatica
I'm now starting to hear sounds in my left ear. I'm assuming the pinched nerve doesn't have enough length to stretch and it's being in tension and tearing causing a cracking sound.
Anyone had something similar. My next appointment is in a month and world like to know if I could get some info from you guys and manage it before I injury myself further
submitted by Prestigious-Record36 to backpain [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:13 DogeJonny69 Confidence after a breakup

Hi! My ex-girlfriend (22) and I (24) broke up about 3 months ago. We were together for 2 years and the breakup was more from her side, she lost the attraction to me and missed the excitement we had at the beginning of the relationship. We tried to get these feelings back for a while, but in retrospect I think that she had already moved on from us a long time before and that's why the break-up wasn't so difficult for her. Of course, I also realized that the relationship was no longer good and we both agreed that there was no point in continuing it. Nevertheless, I've suffered a lot since then. I feel alone and miss her terribly. But the worst thing is that my self-confidence/self-esteem is almost non-existent. I don't have much confidence in myself anymore and I feel like I'm no longer one of those people who are considered interesting or fun to be around. Maybe I should add that she is very pretty. I don't look bad either, but she's more attractive than me. I was always very proud of that and enjoyed going out with her and being seen. I probably built too much of my self-worth on the fact that she was my girlfriend, which of course doesn't apply now.
I don't know exactly what I hope to gain from writing in here, but somehow I want to get this off my chest. Even though the pain of separation is still there, I keep wondering what and with whom she is doing something, I know that this pain will go away with time. I've been through break-ups before and can deal with them relatively well. However, this collapse in my self-confidence is new to me. Maybe there is someone out there who has experienced something similar and can give me tips on how to feel more confident again. At the moment, I can't imagine how things are going to get better and I can't really enjoy life.
submitted by DogeJonny69 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:12 Narrow_Support_18 Seeking Advice: Chronic Migraines and Treatment Options

Hello everyone,
I've been dealing with chronic migraines for the past few years here in the UK, and they've recently worsened. I'm scheduled to see a neurologist, but the appointment isn't until September, and I'm struggling to manage my pain until then. My doctor has prescribed amitriptyline, propranolol, and topiramate as preventatives at various dosages, but unfortunately, none have been effective. My recent MRI came back normal.
My GP mentioned that the only other option before my neurologist appointment is candesartan, a blood pressure medication. Has anyone here used it as a migraine preventative? Also, I've been trying magnesium supplements for migraines and insomnia, but they haven't provided much relief.
Additionally, I've found it challenging to get my GP to take my condition seriously. I often feel like I have to persistently call and advocate for myself, emphasizing how much my quality of life is affected. My migraine calendar shows that I have only 2 to 3 migraine-free days per month.
Does anyone have any suggestions or advice on managing chronic migraines or navigating the healthcare system here? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by Narrow_Support_18 to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:12 disastercat_ Is 1 intake 4 exhaust bad? (need help with radiator/fan direction)

Is 1 intake 4 exhaust bad? (need help with radiatofan direction)
First of all, I am sorry about the crap drawing but it is 5am and I feel like I might've had a revelation and I would love if someone could tell me I'm right or wrong. SO, I built my PC about 4 years ago now. It runs fine but it heats up real fast and gets to about 80-85C and stays there under full load (occt stress test). When I'm gaming playing helldivers, fortnite, apex or whatever, it can get up there, usually around 70C, and rarely do I ever put it under actually full load. As far as I know I only need to worry if it ever gets up to around 90C. So far so good. I'm not a super enthusiast or anything, so I haven't overclocked anything and I've just got a normal AIO cooler. Everything is totally stock. Here's the full part list: It's a Ryzen 7 3800xt, cooled with a Coolermaster Masterliquid 240L v2. As far as I know, it's a fine PC, with a fine CPU and a fine cooler in a good case. Anyway, main point here: As in the drawing, I have the radiator mounted on the front of my case, blowing out into my room. And then I have 2 case fans at the top of the case, also blowing out, which is just onto the bottom of my desk. And in the back is a single fan, sucking air in, and it's about maybe 8 inches from my wall. The back fan has a max speed of around 1200 RPM, the two at the top go up to 1800 RPM and the radiator fans go up to around 2700 RPM. So, air comes in the back, moves around and gets thrown out the top and the front. It sounds OK to me, but is that bad? Is there a better way I could orient my fans so that my cooling is better? Also, should I replace the crappy back fan with one that spins faster? I mostly do not care if my PC runs warm, I have A/C. I just want it to be quiet, which right now, it is often not because of how hot it gets and so the fans have to ramp up to full speed. I really would appreciate any advice. Sorry for the awful post, too. As you can tell, I don't use this website much.
submitted by disastercat_ to watercooling [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:11 ChikistrikisWave Uni is killing me slowly and i get little to no empathy from my parents

I (21M) i'm currently at half of my Bachelor's degree, Some of my professors have been a bit ambitious with their assignments, making them a pain in the ass that drains my energy and time in something that i don't have enough skills for. This has been getting heavier and heavier recently, and this had forced me to make changes i don't usually do.
-I sleep less and less than before, with this, i sleep later than usual -Sometimes i eat a lot less than what i should, while i also get episodes of gluttony, to the point of almost throwing up -I've been feeking REALLY Dizzy and my coordination is just shit. -I have headaches almost everyday -I get too stressed and slow that it makes it really complicated to articulate words or sentences, forcing myself to speak slower and loud. -i can't see with clarity, and i don't use glasses. -i get a lot of pain over my shoulders and my neck
Not to mention that my neighbors began their remodeling work, and for some stupid reason they only do it from 7 am to 9 am. If i go to sleep at 4 am, this fucks up completely my sleep. I've been feeling really burned out that it takes me HOURS to even get enough motivation to do anything productive.
And what do i get from my parents? "It is what it is, stop drowning in a glass if water and quit whinning, you're not gonna survive in the real world if you keep being like that." I KNOW, I FUCKING KNOW, i hate that i can't fail, and they see every little break as a waste of time, not to mention that my dad believes i should be working on vacations instead of taking breaks, i can't even choose where I want to work at, he wants me to work specifically in Physical, demanding jobs, why? because he doesn't want me to look for Part-time jobs for money.
My parents don't believe in Burnouts, They will only believe that you need to take a step back when you're almost dying. I don't wanna drop off of school, i just want everything to come to a fucking end, take a break and get sone empathy from my parents.
submitted by ChikistrikisWave to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:07 goosedude117 New Job.

So after three years and not as much of a new grad, I had started looking for a new job. I can from a level one trauma/burn/stroke center in the ED. After some traumatizing events, perimortem C-section, pulling a GSW victim out of a car with no security, pulling off said persons clothes and gun plopping onto the cart as the trauma team were cracking open the chest still security didn’t respond till 4 minutes after that. An ED doc secure the gun and pointed it into the corner of the trauma bay., being constantly attacked by patients, being yelled at for the tiniest thing , and being the most underpaid hospital because it’s “prestigious”; I left. I got a Job at the VA 6.2 miles from there and I’m making 30k more salary plus the benefits. I’m Monday - Friday, no weekends no holidays. I’ve been there over 2 months and I don’t feel guilty for putting in some time off. I work outpatient specialty clinics. I’ve never been less stressed, less pain in my back, or had more energy than I do now. As a Vet myself, I love taking care of my brothers and sisters. I really think I’ve hit the jackpot. Wanted to let those who feel stuck, sometimes it is greener out there. Sending love to all of us Nurses.
submitted by goosedude117 to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:06 Sorry-Wait-7549 Scammed

Hello; About a month ago I was travelling and when I stopped to wait for multiple hours in one of the airports, a really stressed and almost seemingly sincere came and asked me for money for gas; he said his card broke and if I could send it to his friend that she would directly pay in the gas station( pretty stupid premiss I know but I was sleep deprived and pretty hungry no other excuse). So he gave me a phone number with a name and said he will give it back in a couple days; obviously and as I thought he didn't. I thought about looking her up since I have her full name;comes to my surprise they are in a local newspaper from where the airport was at, because theyve been doing this for a while, they always ask for minor quantities so its harder to legally come for them( i just gave him 15 bucks).
Now to my question; I've been feeling like I want petty revenge, just a scare, since they have been doing it to people indiscriminately up and down; I've given people before money when they said it was for drugs or drinks(not much but I have), him coming and making a whole story and being at the verge of crying sounds so manipulative that as I said I would enjoy some little revenge act; I don't know what could I do or what do u guys think, so I come to ask; u think this is so bad or am I just being a pain in the ass?? U think some psychological uncomfortability is fair??
Thanks have a nice day✌🏼
submitted by Sorry-Wait-7549 to MaliciousCompliance [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:06 feverish_mushroom Do my discs look normal?

Do my discs look normal?
I've had constant lower back pain for 3 months, to the point I cannot sit in chairs. Within 10 mins I have shooting pains and the pressure feels like an elephant is sitting on my lower back/ buttocks. I have all the symptoms of a slipped disc and I'm miserable.
My dr told me my spine is 100% healthy. I added a red arrow to the area I'm feeling pain. Does this look healthy? I understand this could be a muscular issue but it just doesn't feel it, the pain feels soo deep.
FYI, I had this scan about 2 months into the pain. Maybe the disc has reabsorbed?
submitted by feverish_mushroom to backpain [link] [comments]