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2024.05.01 00:38 Alone-Sandwich-2303 Issues with identity?

Do any of you have issues with your identity??? I have no idea who I am, what my path in this life is, or if I have any importance. I’m in my mid-20s, but I feel like nothing proves that besides my birth certificate. When people ask my age I sometimes stammer because I am that disconnected from myself. Nmom and enabler-dad both refer to me as a child. I am old enough to have my own children and they still refer to me as a little girl. Nmom refuses and I mean REFUSES to refer to me as an adult. I got a haircut about a month ago just to try something new. A lot of people have complimented my new look and I like it too. I just wanted to try something new. Nmom told me that she didn’t like my haircut and she can’t believe I “destroyed my appearance”. I told her that I liked my hair and even if I didn’t it can’t grow back overnight so it’s just what it is. She just kept dragging it on. Finally when she was nearly in tears over this, she says “you just do whatever you want and never think about how I feel!” Why would I, a grown tax paying adult consider my mom’s thoughts and feelings when I am doing something for myself? Especially something as simple as a haircut?! I still live at home because this economy sucks and my jobs sucks, (please do not comment anything about me needing to save or get a better paying job, I have tried all of that. I have two jobs but it’s just not enough for the area I live in.) and she often says that I am not allowed to do what I want because I still live here. So here I am, an adult, and she is saying I cannot cut my hair when I please because I live at home. She has convinced the family that I am this lazy spoiled brat that does nothing but bum around the house. She refers to me as a 12 year old, as says that I act twelve and haven’t changed since I was twelve. Despite working two jobs and working on my degree, she says none of that matters, and I am not a real adult. When I ask her what a real adult is, she just says “something you’re not!” I respond by saying I’m not a child, and that I wasn’t even a child when I was a child. She was always putting me in adult business, and I was always taking care of my siblings. (she claims none of this is true) I seriously have no idea who I am because of all of this. I’ve started to believe it. Maybe I am immature, maybe I am a loser with no friends. Maybe I am evil/bitter and going to die alone. Everything she’s said about me seems true, so I’ve slightly given up. I don’t hangout with my friends, I don’t date anymore. I feel like I can’t relate to anyone because I’m immature and weird. My sense of self just isn’t there anymore. Do any of you struggle with this?
submitted by Alone-Sandwich-2303 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:38 Serve-Justice-5542 Bully revenge I didn't realize was revenge until 8 years later

Queen of the potats, this is for you. 👑🥔
I've been bullied by 98% of adults and authority figures in my life, but only 2 kids and this is about one of them. I was in 4th grade and at this point, bullying didn't really bother me because I was already hated by the entire school for being disabled and apparently that made me a "bad kid". In my class there was a girl we'll call AV (those are her real initials) and she would initiate conversations with me through email on our Chromebooks given to us by the school (so they could see everything on there) about things like wanting to escape school and a bunch of shit like that. I also had an extra help teacher in another class that would help me catch up on school work and work on other things I needed help with. I sometimes had lunch in this classroom and I was told I could bring a friend if I chose to. AV would be really normal and a friend to me and then would switch moments later when I went to talk to her again saying something like "bella told me you called me a bitch, so Im not going to hang out with you" and then ignore me and give me the stink eye, but one day she was being a decent human that day and I thought it would stay that way. I invited her to lunch in the other classroom and that was the first of many more that would end with me being in trouble. First off, she used those emails to incriminate me. Made this teacher (who also taught my older sister years prior) yell at me and inform my teacher. She copied some of my assignments too. Shed make things funny when she'd say it, but not what I did and say a bunch of things that weren't true. One time she got her own payback when she told me she wanted to sit with me on the bus for a field trip, but she was on medication that made her forget and I had to remind her. Well next day was the day before the trip and when I asked to confirm she said "zella said you called me an ahole and a bitch so I'm sitting with Sara" zella was sitting right next to AV, she turned around and said "nobody said that, stop lying to people and trying to cause drama" yet she still continued on with her ways. I tried to tell my teachers some of the worse things (that haven't been listed cuz I'm afraid this might get taken down if I do) of what this girl would do to me and they would always tell me we're just "bickering back and forth" and "girls are just full of drama" So they wouldn't help and she would tell the teachers things to pin them against me anyway. THIS IS WHERE THE REVENGE COMES IN. We were reading in class (we had a sub) and I was scrolling through my Chromebook looking for something to read since I was bored of my paperback. I chose a book that looked the most educational, it was about obesity. I have a fat cat (he knows chonk is the new honk) and so i just said "why not!" And started reading. Before I can make it through the first page / slide of the book she walks by, looks at my screen, and says "why are you reading THAT book" I just without hesitation or even thinking said "to learn more about You!" As if it were muscle memory. AV is on the bigger side, but not huge. I didn't even have a single after thought, but she of course told the sub who told me it wasn't nice, I tried to defend myself saying I didn't like how she was criticizing what books I was reading, and the sub said the teacher left a note and was told all about our bickering and to sit down. AV still hated me in 5th grade (middle school in my town) and I didn't see her around much in 6th. I left after that to start my college education, and am doing far better than she is now. Turns out, she became besties with someone who also hated me and her and her family lied to me and mine multiple times and was even my friend until she spread rumors about me and even made people block me after I left school. I didn't even realize how good the comeback was until a couple months ago when it randomly hit me like a brick over the head. Needless to say, those two girls deserve each other!🩷 and that, along with my little comeback are some of the things that happily keep me up at night! I have some funnier stories like one where I shit on a paper towel and asked two girls if they wanted to hold their "trophy" for not letting me use the bathroom (one of them was Zellas older sister), and a BUNCH of liar stories about AVs little bestie along with the abusive authority figures. So just lmk! ALSO, my apologies if if this was too long, boring, or seemed like a story about nothing. I thought It was kinda funny looking back at it and just thought I'd share. And communication is hard with my autism, so I hope I made this a good read. If not, my apologies again!
submitted by Serve-Justice-5542 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:35 ConfusedAdult1234 AITA for telling my very homophobe family to stop helping my sister?

This is going to be a long one, but I would really use your help. Also Charlotte, big fan <3
I (28F) have a sister (20F) who came out as transsexual last year. For the sake of understanding I'll paint a quick picture of our family, our parents are divorced for several years but are amicable and everyone on the family talks with each other. So the Mom's side of the family accepted my sister, part of them got a little confused with the whole situation, but everyone respected it. My Dad's part of the family is a whole different story, my father is really that type of person that thinks women are less than men, and any member of the LGB+ community is a confused individual and something is very wrong with them, his mother, our grandmother, it's exactly the same and pretty much always follows my dad's opinion regardless of if it's correct or not.
So my sister before she came out was the golden child of the family, a very shy boy but with great grades, very caring and respectful with everyone, never caused any problem and was always ready to help everyone, while I was always the black sheep, I'm also a very caring person, but I won't shut up when I see something wrong and that always came out as being rude to the Father side of the family. We live in Europe, and we are not poor, but we live with some difficulties, money needs to be well thought through in order for us to be able to pay everything and have a little to expend outside bills, and it was always like this.
When I finished school at 18yo I wanted to go to college, however that was not an option for me, my Dad's side of the family wouldn't help to pay for it and my Mom who earned minimum wage couldn't afford it, so I started working and never got that opportunity. My Sister however, since my Mother felt so guilty I didn't have that opportunity asked for a loan in order to send my Sister to the best college for the course she wanted to pursuit with the condition that my sister would work and help pay the load, like 30% each month until she finished and could pay it herself after finishing school.
Everything was well during the first 2 years of college, however on the 3rd and last year my sister came out and all hell broke loose. My sister came out to the side of my Mom's family first, which we all supported, but we asked her to do things correctly, to search for medical assistance with the transition and to wait before she changed her name because of the loan and the fact she was unemployed at the time.
My sister came out to my Dad the WORST WAY POSSIBLE. Basically me, my mother and my sister were at my Dad's house so that my sister could speak with him, and she just stared out with "I'm transgender, its confirmed by the doctors I have gender dysphorbia and I already started taking estrogen and bla bla"... Like the whole hormone difficult names for a very confused man who heard this for the first time in the span of 3 seconds. My mother was mortified, I just facepalmed, and my sister just thought this was the correct way and showed an arrogance on her face I've never seen before, like the world was hers and hers alone, and everyone needed to respect it no matter what, and if they didn't, she just didn't cared.
My Father got very angry and very confused, which in my opinion was completely normal based on the way the whole conversation went through, to the point that I order my mother and sister to leave the house in order for me to try to calm down my Father and just try to explain the situation calmly. It backfired on me of course, my Father cursed, yelled, everything to take the anger out on me which was the only person present and we got in a huge argument, where he told me something is wrong and my sister must have been influenced by someone, which I told him no, that's not the case, and although he didn't accepted he needed to respect it. Which he refused and thats about it.
For better understanding - My parents divorced due to domestic violance, my father is an agressive man specially when he's angry, although he never touched me or my sister, it traumatized me enough to order them to leave the house when my sister came out because I was honestly afraid. She just blurred out the information without letting him think and thats where I think she was wrong on. And thats also the reason why me and my mom were present, we knew the conversation would turn sour somehow and we didnt let my sister have that conversation alone with him.
Fast forward a few months, my father cannot look my sister in the eyes, and whenever he speaks with her is always with anger and hurt in his voice, and my sister personality changed completely. She started being rude with everyone, she would get mad if we talked with her with "He/His" pronouns, which I understand but we spent 20 years calling "him" by that name, speaking with "him" like that and that's not something we just change in a day, it's a process the same as it is for her. She stopped caring, she became hostile with everyone for no reason like a mad teenager girl and the only person who she respected and was "normal" was with me, because in no hell on earth would I allow it otherwise and she knew. She's the person I love most in the world and she knows, and she understands that her attitude towards me would not work as I would pull her back to earth and call her out every time if necessary.
So with this new hellish personality she gained, she did exactly what we asked her to NOT DO, which was change her name. Now my sister changed her name for a very "stripper" name common in our country, which is her choice, and I'm not discriminating, but that did not help with the whole family and unemployment situation. I do agree that I can be judgemental on this topic, I won't say the name but it's something in the likes of "Sugarhoney" for exemple, which for me it's not a normal name but I can accept judment as well. And, besides the fact that she identifies as a female, she's not one "yet"... She still has all the features of a male young adult with 20 years, very deep voice, very male way to dress up, to speak, to eat, to sit, to talk, which is the part that confuses me, she wanted everyone to look at her as a female but the only female thing about her is not having facial hair, she doesn't try to change anything else, but that's a whole other problem I guess.
This caused a lot of problems, by this time she's unemployed for an entire year and its 20yo, my mother is struggling still with her minimum wage job, working part-time in a restaurant on the weekends to pay for the loan that my sister should have been able to help pay or at least help, she's exhausted, she fears that if she stops playing the loan on the college the bank will take her house, and my sister couldn't be less bothered. She didn't care. Which is when I started being more involved.
I live close to my mother on my apartment with my boyfriend, but I cannot help financially, so my mother comes to me just asking for advice and to cry a little basically, I called my sister out, asked if she thought it was ok the whole situation she's putting our mother through, the fact that she shows like she doesn't care, that she doesn't look at all like someone who's trying to find a job to help and is spending money on useless things like pokemon plushies and expensive backpacks and whatever more she buys and not giving a cent to our mother to help with her loan.
For that conversation she was back to the sister I knew, she was humble and told me she's trying but it's difficult, she showed me scars on her that she did by self hurting and it broke my heart because I didn't know. However, I explained to her that we all have problems, and like I didn't know what she was going through, she didn't know what the other people were going through, and it's important to respect everyone and to recognize our problems and search for help, myself for example a year before that thought of suicide and just called my mom to be honest with her and ask for help, ask for medical assistance, and I'm fine now, and she knew about it, it was just a very bad period of my life and I told her I knew what it felt like, but she was not alone, she never was and I saw it on her eyes that she knew it as well. After that conversation, I asked my mother to try to understand her better and to give her time, and that everything would be all right.
Oh was I wrong. It somehow got worse, like the whole conversation never happened, my sister just started leaving the house without saying where she was going, returning in the middle of the night or just the day after without a word to my very concerned mother, and when she arrived home she just yelled back and forward with my mother like she hold all reasoning in the world. Truly like a spoiled little bitch. My Mother got tired of this attitude and told her that she was in her house, and she needed to respect her, which didn't work.
A month after this, my mother received a text message from my sister saying she left home, just that, and when my mother arrived home, everything on my sister room was missing, as well as some kitchen stuff, like the microwave cover and dish for exemple. My mother was shocked and she called me telling me the story: So my sister arrived home and put the bags in front of my grandmothers house (my mother's mom, who lives in the same building but on the first floor, who has Alzheimer and it's a very fragile woman with some age with a heart of gold). My grandmother hear the noise in the building and went to see what happened, just to see my sister with all the bags leaving home. This sent my dear grandmother to a panic attack, she cried so much and was so confused and nervous about the whole situation especially since my dumbass sister just told her "I'm leaving" and disappeared.
When my mother told me I absolutely lost it, I called my sister yelling from the top of my lungs asking how could she be so selfish, so heartless to make this decision like this, not considering anyone besides herself and making our grandmother cry, she mostly didn't reply I believe because of guilt, at this point I'm so angry and hurt I'm crying on the phone, I told her how can she expect me to protect her and to defend her when she does this, and that I will never forgive her for making our grandmother cry and I just hung up.
The next day she was at my door step, wanting to speak with me, and I accepted it, we spoke and she just said she didn't mean to do that to our grandmother, but she needed to leave, she said she couldn't stay at the house and that she went to live with her girlfriend and her parents. That she didnt feel good in our mothers house and thats why she didnt accept many of the job offers she received, because she wanted some place to work where she felt good, since she wasnt feeling good at home. I told her that the problems she had at home were because she was not working, because she wouldn't help pay the loan, and asked her how could she be living with another family with no way to help with the bills. She replied that at this point she will accept any job and will pay the loan and help the family she lives with. And that some friends gave her money.
The family she lives with is pooer than us, they don't have the basic needs for a "normal" life, they didn't have a microwave for exemple, which my sister bought for them and thats why she stole the things from our mom's house. At the time I'm writing this they dont have heated water, it's very concerning. I just told her I was disappointed and she needed to apologise to our mother and grandmother, and that if she chose to go through this path I would still be there, but that she needed to be humble. She left after that. This is were things changed for me.
My sister now only speaks with family to ask for money, she goes home when my mother is not there to steal things, she goes dinner to my grandmothers houses to get money and as soon as they give her money she leaves. She had the keys to my Fathers and Grandmother (Father side) house and went there when they were not home to steal more things of low value like kitchen utensils and stuff, all things that everyone on the family would gadly give away to her if she asked. On one ocasion she went to my Grandmother's (Father side) house when they were on vacation to sleep without telling anyone and my Grandmother arrived to the house turned upside down, kitchen dirty, bedrooms with the bed's undone. She probably went there with someone since she asked my other grandmother for money to buy condoms. When my grandparents realized that they just took the keys from her but never spoke about the situation, only with me.
I've always defended my sister, but I feel like I can't anymore, I hear all this situations from the family and I feel embaressed, the last time she spoke to me was to ask me for 200€ to buy a new phone, while i see her on instagram stories how she spends like 60€ on a damn razor, like what the hell? I refused to help her saying that I also have bills to pay and told everyone on the family to stop giving her money, as I feel she needs to learn that if she wants something she needs to work for it as everyone else and take responsability, shes 20 years old damn it, almost 21 since her birthday is literally this month. Theres still 4 years left on the loan, and my mother is still crying over the whole situation, with no perpective of how it will be paid, and my sister showing no remorse or concern.
So AITA for telling my family to stop helping my Sister? Also, any opinions on what I should do in this situation?

submitted by ConfusedAdult1234 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:35 debela_barbika fed up with my graduation thesis mentor

i’m finishing final year of my ME undergraduate program and i’m required to write a graduation thesis under the supervision of a mentor to get my degree. i thought i picked well but oh boy i was so wrong. when i first reached out to him he seemed glad to have me and approved of my theme. next thing i know, we’re having a meeting (i suggested) and he tells me “ok so i approve of ur theme, now write the whole thing and send it to me when ur done” i was quite taken aback by it bc u thought he would be more involved in the process but okay i started writing and i have 30 pages of pure text by now (already surpassed the minimum of 20 required pages) and i have done extended research etc. i am supposed to do a computational fluid dynamics simulation on a wind turbines rotor blades in ANSYS now but i expressed numerous times i would definitely need help since it’s too difficult to figure it out on my own. i sent him the whole thing in a detailed email with explanations, commenary written, pointing out where i could do improvement and in general asking for advice on how to approach the simulation etc. he never replied so i asked his secretary to hit him up and she did, next day he replied to my original email with “come see me before you continue…” and my heart sank bc i thought i did a bad job. i prepared myself before coming into his office only to be greeted by him not even knowing who i was even though we had meetings before and i had to remind him that he is my mentor (i was already shocked by this point and i know he probably is very busy but at the very least he could’ve at least remembered my face especially bc im a girl and there are only about 10 girls in our whole ME department). Next i had to inform him i sent him an email and he opened it up in front of me, scrolled up and down a little bit and told me that he’s not reading it and why i came at all. at that point i wanted to scream BC U TOLD ME SO?! i told him about the simulation and he then proceeded to gaslight me that it isn’t necessary since no one cares about graduation thesis anyways. i told him i have interest in it and will do it either way because i want to have a well put-together thesis, he just shrugged and said nothing.
so that was pretty much all i got from him and i’m continuing writing the thesis completely on my own with no feedback or guidance. i’m so mad bc i’m trying to get and understand all the literature i need for the simulation but it’s very overwhelming not to mention i also have a couple of exams to take in the coming month so i’m short on time. i also asked my mentor if i could get help in another lab bc i know an assistant there that is skilled with this simulation environment and he was reluctant even about that. i’m so jealous us of my colleagues, one of them keep saying to me how their mentor created a whole work timeline for them and is constantly supervising them and giving them advice and i just want to smack them in the face😭 i’m super scared my mentor will just let me have my oral thesis defence without checking my paper even once and i will make a fool out of myself with presenting a thesis which could contain mistakes. i’m just disappointed:(
submitted by debela_barbika to EngineeringStudents [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:34 SternOak78 Was I The Second Option/Rebound for My Girlfriend?

Me (21M) and my now ex-girlfriend (19F) recently broke up, and this feeling of me being her second option was definitely one of the many factors that contributed to it. I am curious to see what people other than my friend's circle think of this situation because I don't know if my expectations are probably just too high or something. Sorry but this is gonna be a long one because I want to provide all the context as to not seem biased by leaving out details. TL;DR at the bottom.
We met at a mutual friend's (let's call him E) Bible study gathering in December of 2022. At first, we didn't really talk to each other but we slowly got to be close and flirty with each other. We eventually went on a date in April of 2023 and confessed our feelings for one another, and we hugged & held hands for the rest of the date. I kind of messed up because as we were about to part ways that night, I tried to kiss her in my car and she backed away. The next morning she sent a long text about how she's not the type of person to rush things physically and I admitted that in most of my dates things would escalate pretty quickly and I got used to that. She accepted my apology.
The next day I flew out to Europe for a 2 week long trip with my family and we texted a few times daily, giving each other updates on our lives and sending cute selfies or nice scenery. I did upset her again however during that time away because she overheard my mom over the phone teasing me by saying her name; she was upset because she felt that I was already rushing to tell my parents that I have a girlfriend when we weren't even at that stage yet. I definitely didn't do that; the only reason my mom knew her name and her romantic involvement with me was because my brother overheard one of our other calls while I was in the bathroom and started teasing me as well. I apologized for both of these incidents and she said she forgave me but I don't think she truly did; keep this in mind for the rest of the story.
I come back late night from Europe and she facetimes me the next morning saying how she's not sure if we should be talking anymore. I was devastated because she really seemed like a trustworthy, morally sound Christian woman (which is rare these days in the dating scene). I asked if we could meet up and talk about it, and she told me to come over to her place. The talk went great because she told me that she just didn't know me very much and just said what she said over the phone was a defense mechanism due to her trauma of being used by other guys (remember this for later). We went on a date to the mall and it went very well, we had a lot of fun. From then on, I hung out at her place a bunch over the next two weeks (nothing sexual though, I did respect her physical boundaries) because after that period she was going back to her hometown for the summer to grind out the good-paying job she had there and then come back. This was already planned before I even met her. In the last couple days before she left, we escalated to sensually making out, so I took it as a good sign of her attraction toward me. Definitely a good thing to have before going long distance for 3 months.
3 weeks into long distance I asked her to be my girlfriend, and she happily obliged. She even showed me screenshots announcing it to her friends and family. Things were going swell until she opened up to me about something a month and a half later that truly hurt me: she admitted to one of my close friends (let's call him J) that she liked him while I was away in Europe. I felt so betrayed because I thought I was the only guy she had feelings for when we went on our first date. I felt like a rebound because J turned her down and that's probably the reason she entertained me again when I came back (and why she seemed unsure at first about talking to me anymore from that morning I was back). I told her that it feels like she cheated, and she defended herself by saying that we weren't together yet at the time and it's okay for her to like two people at the same time; her saying this really made my heart sink because I definitely disagree with that. I then asked her to tell me the real reasons about why she was unsure about talking to me anymore after I got back from Europe, and a big reason she stated was because J warned her that I might be using her for her body. He definitely based this false assumption on the phase I had in the summer of 2022 chasing casual sex online (my suspicion which he did confirm, more on it in the next paragraph). I felt dirty for doing all that which was the whole reason I started going to E’s Bible study in the first place. Anyways, she felt that stacked with the two things I did that made her upset previously (things I didn't mean to do) and led to her feeling more comfortable talking to J in comparison. But she was adamant that they didn't have flirty conversations, just friendly ones, which I believe because J was already talking to another girl and his type is way different from hers.
Obviously I had to confront J after this to get his side of the story. E also happened to be in the room with us. J did admit that he spoke bad about me because he really disliked what I was doing during that 2022 summer. I was upset because I considered him a best friend and I thought he would back me up and wingman me, but in response he told me about how he was also concerned for my ex because she opened up to him as well about her trauma of being used, so he just saw it as looking out for her. I was mad at first, but the betrayal I felt from her confessing her feelings to another guy while talking to me overcame that anger so I forgave him. E then chimed in with something even more intriguing. E said that my ex told him at first she was going to confess to J, and he said it was a bad idea, but she did it anyway and it actually caused him to cut her off as a friend because of it. E wanted to tell me all about this earlier, but he saw how infatuated I was with my ex and he didn't want to get in the way of that. He also told others in our friends circle about our situation to get their opinion and all of them agreed that I was a second option for her.
After this whole revelation, my ex gave me space so I could think about whether I wanted to continue our relationship or not. I decided to continue with it because I still felt that someone with her traits was rare; I feel so stupid thinking back to that decision now. From that point on, we had an increased amount of arguments, and honestly my insecurity of feeling like the second option provoked/propagated most of them. Many more things happened that led to us breaking up eventually, but I'm specifically asking if you guys think I was a rebound or not because this was the root to our eventual downfall almost a year after officially getting together. I need clarity, so I will greatly appreciate your input. If you need more information to make your opinion feel free to ask me.
TL;DR: Became insecure and started feeling like the second option because my now ex-girlfriend admitted that she confessed feelings to one of my close friends while we were in the talking stage (after confessing feelings to each other first), but he turned her down. It is one of the main reasons why we eventually broke up. Am I right to think this was messed up or is there really nothing wrong with admitting feelings to someone, second guessing that person, admitting feelings to someone else, getting turned down by that other person, and then going back to the other one? BTW my entire friend's circle thinks she was in the wrong but I need opinions from people with no inherent bias.
submitted by SternOak78 to BreakUp [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:32 wisecrackNmouse 24 [m4f] New Hampshire - I just want someone to love me

Hey, my name is Tim. I’m 24 and from New Hampshire. I’m a gamer in my free time and I work as a light designer. I consider myself fairly nerdy and more artsy than like scientific I guess. Idk if that even makes any sense. lol. I guess I just mean I’m not as into sciences as a hobby.
I’m a college dropout. I was going to school for tech theatre to be a light designer. lol. I may have dropped out but still doing what I want to do for work, just in music instead of theatre which has provided me with a lot of learning opportunities.
Physically I’m 6’1 with brown hair and blue eyes. I’m chubby and wear glasses.
I think I’m funnier than I actually am. I’m a dork and goofball at heart! So that probably is why I find myself funny lol. I find really dumb things funny, obviously other stuff too but yaknow just gives you an idea.
Politically I’m left leaning but please don’t ask me about politics that is the absolute last thing I want to talk about
I’m not religious. Although I’m a huge fan of mythology in general. I find polytheistic religions to make more sense to me than monotheistic ones
I’m looking for a cute girl who wants to know me inside and out. Somebody who will fall in love with who I am and who I will become as time goes on. I know I’m not perfect and I don’t expect you to be either. I want to grow with someone and become our best selves side by side! I don’t mind if all our hobby’s don’t line up, that doesn’t really matter to me. We both have things we find fun, but ideally we have something we can do together at some point even if we don’t know what it is rn! Learning something new together could be fun! Physically I don’t care too much. If I don’t feel anything when I see you at some point then I’ll let you know. But even if I don’t that doesn’t mean you aren’t attractive to somebody else! Everybody is beautiful in their own way and everybody will have someone that finds beauty in them! I try to believe that at least
I think I’ll leave it there and hope I got someone’s attention! Cannot wait to chat with you!
submitted by wisecrackNmouse to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:32 BestInteraction4692 Unpopular Opinion: Jennifer Winget is overhyped, and still not over KSG?

So, I wanted to delve into Jennifer Winget a bit today - and for one, I do like her - she is gorgeous and has an amazing sense of style. However, I can’t help but feel she gets too much hype and it’s almost like she can do no wrong.
Just to state - I am a DMG fan and have tried to keep up with the DMG actors, including KSG and JW throughout the years. Also to note, not at all condoning KSG’s behavior but this post is completely putting KSG’s actions aside and only focusing on JW. People have already given their opinions on KSG leaving JW countless times, I do not want to focus on that here.
This post is for people who can see JW in a different light than how she is painted. This is no hate to her, just a couple things I’ve noticed over the years:
I have watched a few interviews of hers in the last few months and there seems to constantly be indirect mentions of her ex, KSG, in interviews despite it being 10 years since their divorce. She seems to bring up and taunt her marriage/divorce and even KSG at timepoints where it’s unnecessary and irrelevant.
And why does everyone seem to forget that she played a part in KSG's first marriage mess? I mean, she was dropping hints about liking him way back in their DMG days.
Takes two to tango, right? Or three in KSG’s case, I guess. Anyway, I find it pretty weird how she waited until post-DMG to get with him considering he attended the DMG wrap party with his then-girlfriend Nicole Alvares. So, was she just waiting for the next girl to be out of the picture…again? It’s giving… pick-me girl. Sure, KSG messed up big time, but I've heard from friends who were in the loop during his marriage to JW, that he was unhappy with their marriage which resulted in him resorting to drinking a lot and experiencing depression and health problems. It's weird that JW gets all the sympathy while KSG gets painted as the villain nearly a decade later. Even Bipasha mentioned that she’d met KSG at a time where he would self-sabotage a lot.
So just goes to show, there's always more to the story than meets the eye. I also found KSG & JW’s divorce papers online (a simple Google search) - it stated that Karan had moved out of their place in January 2014 but JW had tweeted in September 2014 stating things are fine between them…why did she lie? Sure KSG is no saint but neither is JW! Anyways, I searched it up a bit and found KSG’s never spoken about the divorce further than calling it “a mistake” and has not taunted his past the way she has.
Lastly, Jennifer Winget's PR game. This reel went viral a while ago:
Her PR team allegedly deleted articles regarding this topic shortly after. Furthermore, her comments are flooded with only positive ones and always egging her on for the shade she throws at KSG/her marriage. If it were KSG doing the same, it definitely would be a different story. And again, not defending KSG, but I just find it so odd that JW gets a clean chit every single time. I also noticed the articles about JW slapping KSG on the sets of DMG after finding out about his stint with Nicole (on the sets of Jhalak Dikhlaa Jaa 3) are nowhere to be found.
Back in the day, there used to be physical magazine copies with articles about her and Karan Wahi’s mistreatment towards Shilpa Anand. My friends (who were also in touch with SA) said she confirmed some truth behind it all. But she's stayed mum about it publicly. It’s just messed up how JW/KW treated her. JW further proves she’s not really a girl’s girl? Seeing Shilpa now, it's like, was DMG just cursed or what? Except for maybe JW since she still seems to be reaching heights of success and clearly has a huge fan-following! And just adding on to her not being a girl’s girl, it might stem from insecurity for some reason? Her booting SA off the show due to her track with KSG screams insecurity. I even remember in this same interview:
This is another interview of KSG’s (while he was married to JW) when fans sent him a mug with a picture of KSG and SA to which he said he didn’t know if he could take it home:
It seemed like she was insecure of SA and her popularity with Karan since their jodi was extremely popular during the peak of DMG.
All in all, she’s a gorgeous and successful woman - there’s no reason why she should still be taunting this phase of her life, especially when he’s happily moved on! It’s not a good look for her.. I understand being able to talk about your past, but the way in which she speaks about her past with KSG makes her appear bitter. She could have any guy she wants, and I 100% understand it takes time to move on and she doesn’t need a relationship if she doesn’t want one… but 10 years is a damn long time to still be shading a relationship that was messy from the start, and more importantly, short-lived.
submitted by BestInteraction4692 to IndianTellyTalk [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:32 xXbaconhairforlifeXx I need help

Okay so a bit long probably but I had a large group of friends, and we all sat together at one table during lunch. At first all the girls there were very sweet to me but now they’re distant. I haven’t done anything I can think of that would be rude or insulting to them. They refuse to talk to me mostly now and I’m alone a lot of time. Recently they kicked me out of the table and didn’t give an exact reason as to why, only that the table was crowded. Fast forward to awhile later and it’s now at today, I realized one of my friends had blocked me on a social media app, (she was apart of the group of girls) and I asked her why. She said that 2 people, she didn’t want to name who, has said I touched them on the thigh and in other places, and that they said to block me, I don’t like being touched/touching people at all so I don’t know why or when this started. I was very upset at this and I was crying later on in the day since it was just a big mix of things and not one of my “friends” came over to check on me. I honestly want to drop them but since it’s such a big group I don’t want rumors about me to spread even more. Advice?
submitted by xXbaconhairforlifeXx to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:32 wisecrackNmouse 24 [m4f] New Hampshire - I just want someone to love me

Hey, my name is Tim. I’m 24 and from New Hampshire. I’m a gamer in my free time and I work as a light designer. I consider myself fairly nerdy and more artsy than like scientific I guess. Idk if that even makes any sense. lol. I guess I just mean I’m not as into sciences as a hobby.
I’m a college dropout. I was going to school for tech theatre to be a light designer. lol. I may have dropped out but still doing what I want to do for work, just in music instead of theatre which has provided me with a lot of learning opportunities.
Physically I’m 6’1 with brown hair and blue eyes. I’m chubby and wear glasses.
I think I’m funnier than I actually am. I’m a dork and goofball at heart! So that probably is why I find myself funny lol. I find really dumb things funny, obviously other stuff too but yaknow just gives you an idea.
Politically I’m left leaning but please don’t ask me about politics that is the absolute last thing I want to talk about
I’m not religious. Although I’m a huge fan of mythology in general. I find polytheistic religions to make more sense to me than monotheistic ones
I’m looking for a cute girl who wants to know me inside and out. Somebody who will fall in love with who I am and who I will become as time goes on. I know I’m not perfect and I don’t expect you to be either. I want to grow with someone and become our best selves side by side! I don’t mind if all our hobby’s don’t line up, that doesn’t really matter to me. We both have things we find fun, but ideally we have something we can do together at some point even if we don’t know what it is rn! Learning something new together could be fun! Physically I don’t care too much. If I don’t feel anything when I see you at some point then I’ll let you know. But even if I don’t that doesn’t mean you aren’t attractive to somebody else! Everybody is beautiful in their own way and everybody will have someone that finds beauty in them! I try to believe that at least
I think I’ll leave it there and hope I got someone’s attention! Cannot wait to chat with you!
submitted by wisecrackNmouse to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:30 sunny-valley-2004 How can I improve my self-confidence in acting?

Alright, so, this is quite the long story. Around 2022, I auditioned for the role of Catherine Howard in the musical Six. I received a callback, but ironically enough not for Howard, but for Catherine Parr and Catherine of Aragon, which I eventually ended up being casted as. I was completely overjoyed, because as a girl who last time she acted was in a middle school play and was extremely shy and anxious, I somehow felt seen and thought I had talent. The experience I had was so good, that months after finishing I got into a course that would make Mamma Mia, with the intentions of auditioning for Sophie. Here's when it all started going downhill; I originally wanted to audition for Donna, which I thought (and still think) was a character much more interesting, yet they told me that due to my age (at the moment, 18 going on 19) they wanted to see me try for Sophie. It made sense honestly, so I went ahead with it. And then, I ended up casted as Ali, one of Sophie's friends. I wasn't precisely happy, but at least had a role and sang, so that was good. The problem started when the four girls who were casted as Sophie started a receive a very clear favoritism, both from teachers and rest of the cast. And I swear it was favoritism, it wasn't just a "we work more with them because their role is the main one". No, it was favoritism in all its sense, to the point both me and one of my friends I made there (also casted as Ali) left, because it made us feel uncomfortable. Yet I wanted to keep trying and ended up going somewhere where they'd make, in my opinion, THE musical: Hamilton. That one musical which introduced me into that world of acting and singing and dancing and for a long while was my favorite, by far. The people were amazing, the teachers were sweet and I had faith in myself. When asked who did I want to act as and what were my other options (we had to chose at least three), I said Eliza or maybe Burr, Angelica and Jefferson. We had to wait around a month for them to announce the characters. And when they did, needless to say I didn't pass. I was, literally, "ensemble full-show number 3". So, of course, this absolutely broke me (and yes, I cried, although I admit now it makes me feel embarrassed). Not getting a "relevant" role in my favorite musical ever crashed me in all possible senses; I even felt somehow sabotaged for not getting at least one of the four roles I wanted, ESPECIALLY when finding out Eliza was given to a girl who has been with them since forever and Angelica to (and this is seriously something I think unfair) the director of the course. I swear, getting at least ONE line (characters who work as an example would be Charles Lee, Seabury, James Reynolds, fuck even the goddamn bullet) would've made me jump in joy. But no: in my favorite musical ever, I was a random number 3. This affected me so much to the point that even nowadays I feel uncomfortable listening to Hamilton songs. Later on I also auditioned for Zoey or Heidi in DEH, and this time I didn't pass as any. Point is: since the Hamilton thing, I feel I don't have talent acting. And even though I wasn't much affected for the rejection in DEH, I do critize my singing a bit too much ever since the audition. I started going to singing classes and taking a theatre course (this time, no musical, just acting), yet I keep feeling I'm not good at either. It's as if my confidence went down ever since. Which I seriously don't want, because I genuinely enjoy this and, as a used-to-be shy girl, I don't want to hide inside my own shell again.
submitted by sunny-valley-2004 to Theatre [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:30 Aggressive_Delay_202 No response

DMed chick, she was super interested, gave me her number.
Texted for an hour non stop. She randomly stopped replying.
Was going to use that night to let her get more comfortable with me over text and then FT the next night to ask her out.
Roast the process, but I feel like girls need atleast a few texts to get comfortable before asking out. If an hour of texts at night gets them uninterested then idk.
Obviously something happened she went from replying instantly for an hour straight to just a ghost.
Any thoughts? Not caught up about it bc I’ve had a lot of girls interested in me recently not trying to be a douche but I do realize my game could use work
submitted by Aggressive_Delay_202 to CoreyWayne [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:30 ObsessiveImpulse Ballot Banter #58 Recap

Sorry it’s late. My laptop broke and took a week to get fixed.
Kharn the Betrayer VS Cosmic Ghost Rider (Warhammer 40k VS Marvel)- Sam has a baseline understanding of Cosmic Ghost Rider, but doesn’t know anything about Kharn. Billy says 40k is pretty crazy, and Sam assumes Kharn would have to be insane to “share a thumbnail with Cosmic Ghost Rider”. Billy thinks it’d be great to bring in Warhammer.
Motoko Kusanagi VS JC Denton (Ghost in the Shell VS Deus Ex)- Sam mentions how much he loves Motoko VS Adam Jensen, but doesn’t know anything about JC. Luis says it seems like a more simple MU without too much in terms of crazy stuff, but Billy says they’d have to incorporate a lot of “weird hacker things”.
Noel VS Aigis (BlazBlue VS Persona)- “They’re both blue. They’re both blonde”. None of them know the characters, but Sam acknowledges that there’s passion for the MU, based on the fact that there was a commissioned Therewolf track.
Yuma Tsukumo VS Gao Mikado (Yu-Gi-Oh VS Future Card Buddyfight)- They’ve never heard of Buddyfight. Luis thinks it sounds “pretty gnarly”. Sam calls it a “Dollar General version of Ash VS Yugi”.
Agent J VS Eggsy (Men in Black VS Kingsman)- Sam thinks the Men in Black have way better equipment than Kingsman, specifically arguing that Eggsy has no counter to the Neuralyzer. Erin guesses Kingsman has specialized glasses or something along those lines, but Sam still thinks that J wins. Erin says it’s a very fun MU conceptually. Sam suggests J VS Karasuma.
Phoenix & Maya VS Makoto & Kyoko (Ace Attorney VS Danganronpa)- Erin likes the idea of a legal battle that escalates over time, which the others agree with. Billy says the legal system in Ace Attorney is pretty messed up and could easily lead its way to something like this, and Luis says Danganronpa isn’t too far behind.
Seto Kaiba VS Kuroto Dan (Yu-Gi-Oh VS Kamen Rider)- After some discussion about how Dan’s powers work, Sam says that they’d take any excuse to bring in Kaiba, and Luis says that Kamen Rider would be great to bring in as well.
Pegasus Seiya VS Daisuke & V-Mon (Saint Seiya VS Digimon)- Luis calls Digimon a fun series that Death Battle hasn’t delved into much. Sam admits to “not having much love” for Digimon. Billy notes that Saint Seiya has a very vocal fanbase.
Courier Six VS The Mandalorian (Fallout VS Star Wars)- Sam says that “one of them has to walk through the desert, and the other has a spaceship”. When Billy says that you’d take Mando’s ship out of the fight, Sam argues that Mando’s tech is still far superior to the Courier’s. He still thinks the MU is thematically strong, and he thinks the Courier is the best Fallout protagonist. Billy thinks Grogu would need to be incorporated, and wonders how they’d balance that out on the Courier’s side, to which Erin suggests the fight starts because the Courier kills Grogu.
Reimu VS Kirby (Touhou VS Kirby)- They don’t have much to say about it, besides loving a joke thumbnail that was submitted that utilizes plushes of the characters.
Emil VS Velvet Crowe (NieR Replicant VS Tales of Berseria)- Billy thins Emil would be a great character to have on the show. The OP submitted a chart of the MU’s pros and cons, which includes great music potential. The crew agrees with this, with Luis saying that a banger track is enough justification to do the episode.
Shirou VS Touma (Fate VS A Certain Magical Index)- They don’t know the characters too well, but Sam says it seems “well thought out”, and Luis assumes it’s good because it got a lot of hearts.
Old Man Logan VS The Last Ronin (Marvel VS Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)- Sam calls it cool and fun, and would like to do it as a black and white fight (which the others also think is a cool idea). Billy likes how it’s a way to bring back Wolverine and one of the Turtles without it being the main versions of them.
Destoroyah VS Iris (Godzilla VS Gamera)- Luis would love to have Destoroyah in a battle. Sam says the two should have a spot in “the Kaiju Battle Royale that’ll be slated in, I don’t know, 2029”.
Kurumi Tokisaki VS Homura Akemi (Date A Live VS Puella Magi Madoka Magica)- Billy says that Homura is a good “second candidate” for a Madoka Magica character with how uniquely her powers could be incorporated, and Erin thinks she’d actually be more interesting than Madoka. Sam sums it up as “magical girls with guns”, to which Erin says “what more could you want?”
Ragna the Bloodedge VS Velvet Crowe (BlazBlue VS Tales of Berseria)- Sam notes that there’s “a lot of Velvet Crowe enjoyers in the Discord”. He notes how much of a meme BlazBlue is in the community due to how confusing its story is, and says they’d get a lot of attention if they bring back Ragna because of that.
King Kong VS Mothra- Sam says “In most contexts, if you asked me ‘gorilla vs. moth’, I would know which I’m picking, and I don’t think this one’s any different. I think I’m picking gorilla”. The others strongly disagree with this, particularly noting that Mother can fly and Kong can’t. Sam argues that Kong can climb a building, but it’s then noted that Kong died falling off of a building, a point which Sam concedes.
Dexter VS Jimmy Neutron (Dexter’s Laboratory VS Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius)- They all think that it’s a solid fight.
Alm VS Lief (Fire Emblem VS Deltora Quest)- None of them have heard of Deltora Quest (Luis says it sounds like “a very cool, niche show that I don’t know anything about).
Sinestro VS Terumi (DC VS BlazBlue)- Billy says “it’s hard to go wrong with Sinestro”. Sam assumes that Sinestro is “full of bullshit” since he’s a Lantern. Sam jokes that, since Terumi can turn green, he wins since he’s “seen green beat yellow in the comics”.
Penny Polendina VS Mack Hartford (RWBY VS Power Rangers Operation Overdrive)- Billy thinks it’d be great to bring in a Ranger from outside of the Mighty Morphin’ era. Sam has never thought of RWBY VS Power Rangers fight, but thinks it makes sense, and Erin says Penny is a good choice for a RWBY character to go against a Power Rangers MU.
Tommy Oliver VS Sephiroth (Power Rangers VS Final Fantasy)- OP admits they came up with it as a joke about how Power Rangers and Final Fantasy only have one part of their series represented, and Sam notes this MU would just be adding to that. Billy asks “how many nanoseconds would it take for Sephiroth to win?”
BLU Heavy VS Abobo (Pootis Engage VS Abobo’s Big Adventure)- Sam says “that’s a cute meme” and then scrolls past it.
Scott Pilgrim VS Travis Touchdown (Scott Pilgrim VS No More Heroes)- Sam gets why people want it, but says it’s not for him because he thinks No More Heroes has aged poorly. Erin wants to use Scott Pilgrim.
Gohan VS Ultraman Zero (Dragon Ball VS Ultraman)- Sam says it makes a lot of sense and he likes it. Luis says it’s crazy that they haven’t done Gohan yet.
Hulk VS Godzilla (Marvel VS Toho)- Sam calls it “an absolute heater”, and says they’ve talked about it a lot. Billy says the challenge of pulling it off is super enticing. Sam has wanted it ever since he first saw it just for the possibility of the Hulk throwing Godzilla by the tail, and Billy suggests that Godzilla slides back on his tail.
Shiki VS Gojo (Fate VS Jujutsu Kaisen)- They don’t know who Shiki is. When Billy asks if Shiki’s knife could hit Gojo, Erin jokes that Gojo would just have to “cover his midsection”.
Yu Narukami VS Takumi Aiba (Persona VS Digimon)- Sam gets it, given how absurdly powerful certain Personas and Digimon can get.
Sans VS Korosensei (Undertale VS Assassination Classroom)- Sam calls it weird, but understands the way that their personalities go together. Billy gets how their powers clash, but notes that it’s not the most popular for either character. Sam says it’s interesting and could be cool.
Mii VS Yu Narukami (Nintendo VS Persona)- Once Billy points out that it’s a meme MU based on the pun of “me vs. you”, Sam scrolls past it.
Arcueid Brunestud VS Shinobu Oshino (Tsukihime VS Monogatari)- They don’t know the characters, but note that there are a lot of similarities based on the connections.
Deku VS Leonardo (My Hero Academia VS Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)- Sam couldn’t imagine a Ninja Turtle being able to take on a MHA character under normal circumstances, but guesses that Rise might be closer in stats.
Marcy Wu VS 2003 Donatello (Amphibia VS Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)- They don’t have much to say about it, besides Erin enjoying Amphibia. However, they do like how unique it is.
Zagreus VS Pit (Hades VS Kid Icarus)- Sam doesn’t think it’s bad, but drastically prefers Zagreus VS Percy Jackson, partially because he doesn’t care for Pit as a character. Erin says she gets the vibes of the MU, and would be happy to have Zagreus in the show at all.
Soldier Boy VS Peacemaker (The Boys VS DC)- It’s fun and they like it a lot.
Sailor Moon VS Madoka- Billy still loves this MU a lot, though they bring up how the MU is likely going to get Toei on their ass once again. They still love it as a MU, and bring up the potential to incorporate the bizarre art styles into the fight.
Alex Russo VS Sabrina Spellman (Wizards of Waverly Place VS Sabrina the Teenage Witch)- Erin really likes it. Sam thinks it’s strange since the characters are teenagers (though Erin points out that Alex does grow into an adult by the end), but thinks “there’s something here”.
Homura Akemi VS Asriel Dreemurr (Puella Magi Madoka Magica VS Undertale)- After some confusion about the exact details of the MU, they say it’s fun and has good vibes.
Garfield VS Snoopy- Luis says it depends on whether or not the fight takes place on a Monday. Erin would like to do the fight entirely using comic strips.
Raiden VS A2 (Metal Gear VS NieR: Automata)- Billy says he doesn’t see A2 requested a lot. Sam really loves the idea of a Metal Gear Rising VS NieR: Automata MU.
Andrias VS Kuma (Amphibia VS One Piece)- Luis says it’s a big stomp in Kuma’s favor. There’s some further discussion of the connections, after which Sam says it “might kick ass”. Luis questions if Kuma is by himself or has his entire army, and Erin says they’d then have to give Andrias his army too.
Maximillian Pegasus VS Hawk Moth (Yu-Gi-Oh VS Miraculous)- Sam has little knowledge of Miraculous, but assumes Hawk Moth is a campy villain like Pegasus. Luis says the fight would be over once the card game comes into play, since Hawk Moth wouldn’t know how to play.
Delsin Rowe VS Miles Morales (inFAMOUS VS Marvel)- Sam has never seen Delsin requested before, and says it’s cool to see him. However, he doesn’t think Delsin stands a chance against Miles unless you specifically use Insomniac Miles, which Erin agrees with.
Nemesis VS The Magician (Resident Evil VS House of the Dead)- Sam says “you’ve only seen the Magician rendered in two polygons”. There’s also some discussion about how both characters get killed by ordinary people.
Hellboy VS Nero (Dark Horse VS Devil May Cry)- They think it’s pretty cool and makes sense.
Astolfo VS Venti (Fate VS Genshin Impact)- Sam notes that Venti is a lot stronger than most other Genshin characters, but “so is literally every character in Fate”.
Eren Yeager VS Ken Kaneki (Attack on Titan VS Tokyo Ghoul)- Sam calls Tokyo Ghoul a “blind spot” for him. Luis wonders what Ken would do against the Rumbling, which then raises the question of whether or not Eren would get the Rumbling in the first place.
Mao Mao VS Puss in Boots- They say that it’s great and kicks ass. Billy once again says that Mao Mao deserved better, and they talk about how good Puss in Boots: The Last Wish is.
Lucy VS Alear (Fairy Tail VS Fire Emblem)- Despite making fun of their appearance, Erin says she actually likes Alear. Sam thinks this is a fun MU.
Lyn VS Yasuo (Fire Emblem VS League of Legends)- Sam assumes FE is more powerful than LoL, but also notes how complicated LoL lore is. Poppy is Sam’s most wanted LoL character in DB.
Lucci VS Grimmjow (One Piece VS Bleach)- Speedy joins in at this point to explain that the theme is “tiger vs. panther”, which makes the others say it’s a cool MU.
Demoman VS Junkrat (Team Fortress 2 VS Overwatch)- Billy likes it a lot. Luis loves Team Fortress 2 and wants to bring it back, wanting to bring in either the Demoman or the Soldier.
Milo Murphy VS Nagito Komaeda (Milo Murphy’s Law VS Danganronpa)- Speedy notes how they have similar luck-based abilities, but neither of them are really fighters.
John Constantine VS Rick Sanchez (DC VS Rick and Morty)- They briefly mistake Constantine for Jonesy somehow. Billy suggests that it would start with Rick shit-talking Constantine, only to proceed to get stomped. Sam says a lot of people underestimate Constantine, and thinks this is more fun than Rick VS Jonesy.
(Skipped MUs: Clementine VS Ellie, Composite Goku VS Composite Ryu, Travis Touchdown VS Gintoki, Nostalgia Critic VS Angry Video Game Nerd, Shulk VS Lightning, Monokuma VS Korosensei)
submitted by ObsessiveImpulse to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:29 Long_Concentrate_9 Ldr argument/overthinking

I 22M and My girlfriend 21F we both live in the US but we are really far from each other. Sorry for the grammar mistake because I'm full of thoughts and can't really put everything together.
The thing is we argue almost every other day, we've been together for couple of months now and it happens at least 3 to 4 times a week one of us gets upset (mostly her). I love her a lot and she does too But we've been In this horrible cycle. And another issue I have with her is that she doesn't do what I do for her mostly personal sacrifices. For example I've completely cut off my female friends blockrd them every here and when I go to work or class I dont talk to them, and she doesn't do that for me, she tells me almost every other day she's hanging out with some off them basically a mix group like 3 girls and 3 guys and so on..and I really don't want to ask her to do because I thought if she really cares she would've done it already.. I haven't been in a serious relationship before I met her and I honestly don't know what's right or wrong. She doesn't respond to my texts even though I reply to hers as soon as she sends them.
For example we're having a conversation and I'm typing and she leaves and few minutes after she replies.
I just feel like she's just saying she loves me and taking advantage of me being there for her emotionally, I think I've fallen in love with her, i think i love her more than she loves me.. and she's just playing with my feelings.. even though she says she loves me a lot.
I'd appreciate if I could get any advice, doesn't have to be about this specific issue just general ldr advice.
submitted by Long_Concentrate_9 to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:29 tinypancakeeater This is really long but I really need help with BPD clouding my view from red flags.

I'm not really sure how to begin or where to post this but I need some advice.
I've been with my boyfriend for almost a year (which is a big deal for me) but I'm honestly not sure what to do anymore.
About a month after we started dating, while I was on vacation in a different time zone, he cheated on me with another girl (we'll call her lola). Embarrassingly enough, I ended up begging for him to come back and we worked on things and I started feeling better. Fast forward to December, I caught him cheating a second time, but this time it was only flirting with other girls on snapchat. We went on a break for a week and I felt abandoned and heartbroken so I ended up apologizing.
Now it's been over 11 months of being together and when he was showing me something on his phone I saw that he texted "lola" again saying hey. After I confronted him he told me his coworker asked about the girl he cheated on me with and if she had him blocked... so he texted her to see...? (He tried to prove it by saying the day and time he texted her... but why even text her in the first place)
Anyway, later that same day we were hanging out and he asks if I was hungry. I said ya and he suggested my favorite food so naturally I was excited about it. He said "we're gonna pick it up from this restaurant" (which is the one where lola works). After he saw me looking at him sideways like " bichwtf" he was like "actually i guess we can get it from the place down the road" I didn't respond because I was still shocked from him even suggesting it and like five minutes later he goes "actually it's cheaper at "restaurant" (the place lola works...)
This caused me to get really depressed so I tried my best to hide it while we were waiting to leave to go pick up the food from where lola works. I drove there and he goes inside because I don't wanna go in there and see her so I just waited in the car. He comes out with the food and said she was there but he "didn't talk to her" We drive back not talking much and I was trying my best to hide the fact I was upset.
I was still depressed when we got back and he kept asking what was wrong. I didn't want to start an argument so I kept trying to say nothing and just ignore how I felt. After he kept saying "why are you mad?" I finally told him I wasn't mad I was sad. He asked why and I made sure to calmly tell him that it hurt my feelings that he even suggested going to where she works after I saw him text her hey, that same day. He got upset and started saying "you can go through my phone I'm not hiding anything" when that wasn't even what I was talking about. Then he turned it on me and said "oh that's why you were upset all day because of earlier. I told you my coworker... blah blah blah"
I started crying and said that I wanted him to tell me everything's gonna be ok or at the very least some kind of reassurance. He realized I was really hurt and started hugging me and telling me it was gonna be ok.
I really want to save this relationship and work on things, as long as he's willing to also work on things and actually follow through with working on himself. I want to talk to him without getting into an argument and I want to be able to talk about it maturely to actually get somewhere.
I don't want to lose him but I can't keep being a pushover. Letting go of relationships is near impossible for me when it feels like my entire world.
If we even were to break up, I have no support system because they all judge me for being with him or get annoyed with me. I just feel alone in all of this.
Am I being overdramatic? Some advice would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by tinypancakeeater to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:28 ObsessiveImpulse Ballot Banter #58 Recap

Sorry it’s late. My laptop broke and took a week to get fixed.
Kharn the Betrayer VS Cosmic Ghost Rider (Warhammer 40k VS Marvel)- Sam has a baseline understanding of Cosmic Ghost Rider, but doesn’t know anything about Kharn. Billy says 40k is pretty crazy, and Sam assumes Kharn would have to be insane to “share a thumbnail with Cosmic Ghost Rider”. Billy thinks it’d be great to bring in Warhammer.
Motoko Kusanagi VS JC Denton (Ghost in the Shell VS Deus Ex)- Sam mentions how much he loves Motoko VS Adam Jensen, but doesn’t know anything about JC. Luis says it seems like a more simple MU without too much in terms of crazy stuff, but Billy says they’d have to incorporate a lot of “weird hacker things”.
Noel VS Aigis (BlazBlue VS Persona)- “They’re both blue. They’re both blonde”. None of them know the characters, but Sam acknowledges that there’s passion for the MU, based on the fact that there was a commissioned Therewolf track.
Yuma Tsukumo VS Gao Mikado (Yu-Gi-Oh VS Future Card Buddyfight)- They’ve never heard of Buddyfight. Luis thinks it sounds “pretty gnarly”. Sam calls it a “Dollar General version of Ash VS Yugi”.
Agent J VS Eggsy (Men in Black VS Kingsman)- Sam thinks the Men in Black have way better equipment than Kingsman, specifically arguing that Eggsy has no counter to the Neuralyzer. Erin guesses Kingsman has specialized glasses or something along those lines, but Sam still thinks that J wins. Erin says it’s a very fun MU conceptually. Sam suggests J VS Karasuma.
Phoenix & Maya VS Makoto & Kyoko (Ace Attorney VS Danganronpa)- Erin likes the idea of a legal battle that escalates over time, which the others agree with. Billy says the legal system in Ace Attorney is pretty messed up and could easily lead its way to something like this, and Luis says Danganronpa isn’t too far behind.
Seto Kaiba VS Kuroto Dan (Yu-Gi-Oh VS Kamen Rider)- After some discussion about how Dan’s powers work, Sam says that they’d take any excuse to bring in Kaiba, and Luis says that Kamen Rider would be great to bring in as well.
Pegasus Seiya VS Daisuke & V-Mon (Saint Seiya VS Digimon)- Luis calls Digimon a fun series that Death Battle hasn’t delved into much. Sam admits to “not having much love” for Digimon. Billy notes that Saint Seiya has a very vocal fanbase.
Courier Six VS The Mandalorian (Fallout VS Star Wars)- Sam says that “one of them has to walk through the desert, and the other has a spaceship”. When Billy says that you’d take Mando’s ship out of the fight, Sam argues that Mando’s tech is still far superior to the Courier’s. He still thinks the MU is thematically strong, and he thinks the Courier is the best Fallout protagonist. Billy thinks Grogu would need to be incorporated, and wonders how they’d balance that out on the Courier’s side, to which Erin suggests the fight starts because the Courier kills Grogu.
Reimu VS Kirby (Touhou VS Kirby)- They don’t have much to say about it, besides loving a joke thumbnail that was submitted that utilizes plushes of the characters.
Emil VS Velvet Crowe (NieR Replicant VS Tales of Berseria)- Billy thins Emil would be a great character to have on the show. The OP submitted a chart of the MU’s pros and cons, which includes great music potential. The crew agrees with this, with Luis saying that a banger track is enough justification to do the episode.
Shirou VS Touma (Fate VS A Certain Magical Index)- They don’t know the characters too well, but Sam says it seems “well thought out”, and Luis assumes it’s good because it got a lot of hearts.
Old Man Logan VS The Last Ronin (Marvel VS Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)- Sam calls it cool and fun, and would like to do it as a black and white fight (which the others also think is a cool idea). Billy likes how it’s a way to bring back Wolverine and one of the Turtles without it being the main versions of them.
Destoroyah VS Iris (Godzilla VS Gamera)- Luis would love to have Destoroyah in a battle. Sam says the two should have a spot in “the Kaiju Battle Royale that’ll be slated in, I don’t know, 2029”.
Kurumi Tokisaki VS Homura Akemi (Date A Live VS Puella Magi Madoka Magica)- Billy says that Homura is a good “second candidate” for a Madoka Magica character with how uniquely her powers could be incorporated, and Erin thinks she’d actually be more interesting than Madoka. Sam sums it up as “magical girls with guns”, to which Erin says “what more could you want?”
Ragna the Bloodedge VS Velvet Crowe (BlazBlue VS Tales of Berseria)- Sam notes that there’s “a lot of Velvet Crowe enjoyers in the Discord”. He notes how much of a meme BlazBlue is in the community due to how confusing its story is, and says they’d get a lot of attention if they bring back Ragna because of that.
King Kong VS Mothra- Sam says “In most contexts, if you asked me ‘gorilla vs. moth’, I would know which I’m picking, and I don’t think this one’s any different. I think I’m picking gorilla”. The others strongly disagree with this, particularly noting that Mother can fly and Kong can’t. Sam argues that Kong can climb a building, but it’s then noted that Kong died falling off of a building, a point which Sam concedes.
Dexter VS Jimmy Neutron (Dexter’s Laboratory VS Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius)- They all think that it’s a solid fight.
Alm VS Lief (Fire Emblem VS Deltora Quest)- None of them have heard of Deltora Quest (Luis says it sounds like “a very cool, niche show that I don’t know anything about).
Sinestro VS Terumi (DC VS BlazBlue)- Billy says “it’s hard to go wrong with Sinestro”. Sam assumes that Sinestro is “full of bullshit” since he’s a Lantern. Sam jokes that, since Terumi can turn green, he wins since he’s “seen green beat yellow in the comics”.
Penny Polendina VS Mack Hartford (RWBY VS Power Rangers Operation Overdrive)- Billy thinks it’d be great to bring in a Ranger from outside of the Mighty Morphin’ era. Sam has never thought of RWBY VS Power Rangers fight, but thinks it makes sense, and Erin says Penny is a good choice for a RWBY character to go against a Power Rangers MU.
Tommy Oliver VS Sephiroth (Power Rangers VS Final Fantasy)- OP admits they came up with it as a joke about how Power Rangers and Final Fantasy only have one part of their series represented, and Sam notes this MU would just be adding to that. Billy asks “how many nanoseconds would it take for Sephiroth to win?”
BLU Heavy VS Abobo (Pootis Engage VS Abobo’s Big Adventure)- Sam says “that’s a cute meme” and then scrolls past it.
Scott Pilgrim VS Travis Touchdown (Scott Pilgrim VS No More Heroes)- Sam gets why people want it, but says it’s not for him because he thinks No More Heroes has aged poorly. Erin wants to use Scott Pilgrim.
Gohan VS Ultraman Zero (Dragon Ball VS Ultraman)- Sam says it makes a lot of sense and he likes it. Luis says it’s crazy that they haven’t done Gohan yet.
Hulk VS Godzilla (Marvel VS Toho)- Sam calls it “an absolute heater”, and says they’ve talked about it a lot. Billy says the challenge of pulling it off is super enticing. Sam has wanted it ever since he first saw it just for the possibility of the Hulk throwing Godzilla by the tail, and Billy suggests that Godzilla slides back on his tail.
Shiki VS Gojo (Fate VS Jujutsu Kaisen)- They don’t know who Shiki is. When Billy asks if Shiki’s knife could hit Gojo, Erin jokes that Gojo would just have to “cover his midsection”.
Yu Narukami VS Takumi Aiba (Persona VS Digimon)- Sam gets it, given how absurdly powerful certain Personas and Digimon can get.
Sans VS Korosensei (Undertale VS Assassination Classroom)- Sam calls it weird, but understands the way that their personalities go together. Billy gets how their powers clash, but notes that it’s not the most popular for either character. Sam says it’s interesting and could be cool.
Mii VS Yu Narukami (Nintendo VS Persona)- Once Billy points out that it’s a meme MU based on the pun of “me vs. you”, Sam scrolls past it.
Arcueid Brunestud VS Shinobu Oshino (Tsukihime VS Monogatari)- They don’t know the characters, but note that there are a lot of similarities based on the connections.
Deku VS Leonardo (My Hero Academia VS Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)- Sam couldn’t imagine a Ninja Turtle being able to take on a MHA character under normal circumstances, but guesses that Rise might be closer in stats.
Marcy Wu VS 2003 Donatello (Amphibia VS Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)- They don’t have much to say about it, besides Erin enjoying Amphibia. However, they do like how unique it is.
Zagreus VS Pit (Hades VS Kid Icarus)- Sam doesn’t think it’s bad, but drastically prefers Zagreus VS Percy Jackson, partially because he doesn’t care for Pit as a character. Erin says she gets the vibes of the MU, and would be happy to have Zagreus in the show at all.
Soldier Boy VS Peacemaker (The Boys VS DC)- It’s fun and they like it a lot.
Sailor Moon VS Madoka- Billy still loves this MU a lot, though they bring up how the MU is likely going to get Toei on their ass once again. They still love it as a MU, and bring up the potential to incorporate the bizarre art styles into the fight.
Alex Russo VS Sabrina Spellman (Wizards of Waverly Place VS Sabrina the Teenage Witch)- Erin really likes it. Sam thinks it’s strange since the characters are teenagers (though Erin points out that Alex does grow into an adult by the end), but thinks “there’s something here”.
Homura Akemi VS Asriel Dreemurr (Puella Magi Madoka Magica VS Undertale)- After some confusion about the exact details of the MU, they say it’s fun and has good vibes.
Garfield VS Snoopy- Luis says it depends on whether or not the fight takes place on a Monday. Erin would like to do the fight entirely using comic strips.
Raiden VS A2 (Metal Gear VS NieR: Automata)- Billy says he doesn’t see A2 requested a lot. Sam really loves the idea of a Metal Gear Rising VS NieR: Automata MU.
Andrias VS Kuma (Amphibia VS One Piece)- Luis says it’s a big stomp in Kuma’s favor. There’s some further discussion of the connections, after which Sam says it “might kick ass”. Luis questions if Kuma is by himself or has his entire army, and Erin says they’d then have to give Andrias his army too.
Maximillian Pegasus VS Hawk Moth (Yu-Gi-Oh VS Miraculous)- Sam has little knowledge of Miraculous, but assumes Hawk Moth is a campy villain like Pegasus. Luis says the fight would be over once the card game comes into play, since Hawk Moth wouldn’t know how to play.
Delsin Rowe VS Miles Morales (inFAMOUS VS Marvel)- Sam has never seen Delsin requested before, and says it’s cool to see him. However, he doesn’t think Delsin stands a chance against Miles unless you specifically use Insomniac Miles, which Erin agrees with.
Nemesis VS The Magician (Resident Evil VS House of the Dead)- Sam says “you’ve only seen the Magician rendered in two polygons”. There’s also some discussion about how both characters get killed by ordinary people.
Hellboy VS Nero (Dark Horse VS Devil May Cry)- They think it’s pretty cool and makes sense.
Astolfo VS Venti (Fate VS Genshin Impact)- Sam notes that Venti is a lot stronger than most other Genshin characters, but “so is literally every character in Fate”.
Eren Yeager VS Ken Kaneki (Attack on Titan VS Tokyo Ghoul)- Sam calls Tokyo Ghoul a “blind spot” for him. Luis wonders what Ken would do against the Rumbling, which then raises the question of whether or not Eren would get the Rumbling in the first place.
Mao Mao VS Puss in Boots- They say that it’s great and kicks ass. Billy once again says that Mao Mao deserved better, and they talk about how good Puss in Boots: The Last Wish is.
Lucy VS Alear (Fairy Tail VS Fire Emblem)- Despite making fun of their appearance, Erin says she actually likes Alear. Sam thinks this is a fun MU.
Lyn VS Yasuo (Fire Emblem VS League of Legends)- Sam assumes FE is more powerful than LoL, but also notes how complicated LoL lore is. Poppy is Sam’s most wanted LoL character in DB.
Lucci VS Grimmjow (One Piece VS Bleach)- Speedy joins in at this point to explain that the theme is “tiger vs. panther”, which makes the others say it’s a cool MU.
Demoman VS Junkrat (Team Fortress 2 VS Overwatch)- Billy likes it a lot. Luis loves Team Fortress 2 and wants to bring it back, wanting to bring in either the Demoman or the Soldier.
Milo Murphy VS Nagito Komaeda (Milo Murphy’s Law VS Danganronpa)- Speedy notes how they have similar luck-based abilities, but neither of them are really fighters.
John Constantine VS Rick Sanchez (DC VS Rick and Morty)- They briefly mistake Constantine for Jonesy somehow. Billy suggests that it would start with Rick shit-talking Constantine, only to proceed to get stomped. Sam says a lot of people underestimate Constantine, and thinks this is more fun than Rick VS Jonesy.
(Skipped MUs: Clementine VS Ellie, Composite Goku VS Composite Ryu, Travis Touchdown VS Gintoki, Nostalgia Critic VS Angry Video Game Nerd, Shulk VS Lightning, Monokuma VS Korosensei)
submitted by ObsessiveImpulse to deathbattle [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:28 throwawayno1trillion Trauma's impacts on betrayal TW

TW - Child abuse
I can't believe I'm here. And with a throwaway account, too. I just don't know where else to turn as I await couple's therapy and my own therapy. I'm processing a lot. DD was seven months ago. My boyfriend has a messy past of cheating in prior relationships. I knew this going into my current relationship with him. He had flirted and sexted with strangers online for years. He was also in a LDR for a few years and cheated physically while she was away. I didn't know the extent going into the relationship, just that he had cheated on past girlfriends before.
What he did to me was much more tame than his past relationships but I'm still mad. I checked his phone thoroughly and saw messages of him flirting with two other girls (one message was from April 2023 and one was from July or so). And some selfie exchanges (nothing sexual). I looked in September. So basically only two instances I can prove from when we started dating.
He's been in individual therapy since December 2022. He was starting to go through a divorce a bit before then with the girl he was cheating on. He also cheated on me in some senses during this time because he asked for his ex back behind my back while we were dating. He ended up taking it back. I understand the divorce was a lot on him so I understand but I'm not sure if I forgive yet. It hurt me a lot.
He didn't really start unpacking why he cheated so much until a few months ago. He had always said he had a difficult childhood (he immigrated from a South American country to the US at a young age). His first sexual experience was when he was 15-16 back when he was visiting his home country. His dad's friend took him to a brothel there. It's a slippery slope I'm about to dive into. The age of consent in that country is lower than in the US. Sex work is also legal there. He states his trauma is because his dad's friend took him to a brothel. He visited the brothel a second time on his own and a third time with his dad waiting outside and his dad's friend with him in the same room. I've asked him if he was afraid to go to the brothel or what his feelings were around it. He told me the details of the events but not how he felt about it. I know he feels a lot of guilt for what he has done but for some reason I can't accept the situation yet.
I find myself wanting more details. It's very wrong of me. Because this is a traumatic event for him, though I am struggling to understand how it is traumatic. I feel like a major a-hole not understanding but I think I am also having issues because this trauma impacted his future decisions to hurt me and others. I know I still feel resentment. I feel like I need more information or something to process this. Am I insane to ask for more details? Why do I even want details? I feel like I can't move forward without them. I'm struggling to understand what is happening. I'm not sure why I am so stuck.
Has anyone cheated solely because of unresolved sexual trauma?
submitted by throwawayno1trillion to AsOneAfterInfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:27 Anonymousblogger- Creep at my school

I've been going to community college for a few months now. The class is extremely small, just four people and one never bothers to show up. Two guys, two girls.
I was sick of being bored at lunch so I strung up a conversation with one of the guys because we sat in the same area. We just talked about basic things like video games and what not.
One day the conversation died down a little. At this point I'd only gone to class for three weeks, which was only two days a week. I said something about not being able to see a door sign and I thought I was going blind. When this guy out of nowhere asked. "Do you want to go on a date with me?"
I froze, my brain didn't know what to say or how to react. I've gotta stop being so nice to guys. In a panic I quickly explained I was Aro/Ace. Because of how awkward it was I stayed home the next day hoping it'd have blown over by next Monday.
The next Monday he tried to get me to explain asexuality and I basically said I'm not physically or romantically attracted to anyone. He laughed it off and left.
The worst part? This guy had told me a week before he asked me our that he graduated in 2013. In 2013 I was 8 years old. I had said that outloud. He's the same age as my aunt! When I was that age I was getting mistaken as her daughter. 19 and 29 that's a huge fucking problem.
Yet he still continues to harass me after I explained I wasn't interested in relationships period.
submitted by Anonymousblogger- to Asexual [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:26 Ok_Fig_1227 Lost a friend

‏I have just known that my friend of several years died yesterday. I haven’t talked to her much during the past year so I didn’t know she was struggling with a serious illness. I feel so bad about not talking too much to her maybe If I did I would have known about her illness, spent more time with her, and had the chance to say goodbye. At least I would have asked her to forgive me for whatever I might have done. ‏I feel angry and sad about it. ‏I am looking at our picture and can’t believe it’s real. She was so young had many dreams like any other girl her age. But she never had the chance to live any of them. ‏It feels cold.
‏Please pray for her. الله يرحمها ويغفر لها ويسكنها فسيح جناته.
submitted by Ok_Fig_1227 to jordan [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:25 Sweeni105 WIBTAH if I break up with my bf because of his past.

Before starting, sorry for my English. So my(21) bf(23) let's call him Liam used to have a girl best friend sarah, whom he adored and liked very much, as a friend according to him. He was really heartbroken when their friendship ended, like really heartbroken and I used to find it weird. This all happened before we two met so I've just seen him talk about sarah and used to get jealous of her. I have asked him in the past that did you at any point were in love with Sarah, he denied say not at all. But I do always felt some kind of tension I don't know why, maybe instincts. Oh by the way, sarah is now married to Liam's cousin. She started msging my bf again in later half of 2023 but I wasn't comfortable and made Liam ignore her msgs. So Tomorrow is our anniversary so I asked Liam for his Instagram account to get some photos of us he had saved over there. While searching for our photos, I saw he has sarah's selfies and videos saved. I found that reallly odd. Why will he be saving Sarah's pics. ( This all was of one year before me like the photo save date was of 2022) So after wishing him happy 1st year anniversary, which he totally forgot about, I confronted him about this all. So here's a little twist. He said that he only has one gf before me, lets call her Lily. So according to him, Lily was very toxic and they were in relationship for about 2-3 months. And she betrayed him and left. Whenever I asked for lily's photo he'll say he deleted all and can't find her social media now etc (i do thought his excuses were odd but i trusted him). So when I asked him why he has sarah's old pictures save, she was just a friend so there wasn't need to specifically save her photos like you do to mine. At first he said that she sent this on our friends group and a few photos she sent me to choose one for her profile pic. I wasn't buying it and asked again that even if she sent on group and to you separately why do you've them saved in your saved chats. On this he revealed that there was no Lily. The girl he dated was Sarah, like Sarah was his Ex. That all was about sarah. I'm not sure how i feel about this. I was shocked but not surprised idky. I feel like a fool, like my heart shattered and I feel like i can't trust him anymore. I am so confused, he is my first bf , my first relationship and I do love him but I feel so hurt and scared to get more hurt. Will I be doing right by breaking up with him? Or what should I do?
submitted by Sweeni105 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:24 h3llothere3132 idk what to do from here

the guy i am talking to/hooked up with took another girl to his formal event. the formal event was announced all the way in february and basically it’s where you should bring a date. it’s like prom and an awards ceremony basically.
me and him hooked up two weeks in a row a week before the event. like it was just one day out of the week. it seemed like he had some feelings for me as well, like trying to get closer to me by asking questions, excessive physical touch and lingering goodbyes.
but then i saw a pic of him and another girl at the formal. i asked if that was his date and he said yes. i was really hurt but i pretended that i wasn’t. the same day he was trying to get closer to me which annoyed me a bit.
he does have a history of bringing girls that he isn’t romantically involved with to events like that though. plus i’m pretty sure she has a bf. it still hurts and all of the girls that were brought as “dates” were from the same school.
i know that he’s still trying to get emotionally closer to me. but i don’t know if i should keep talking to him, since i don’t want to make myself look stupid. he hasn’t been acting weird with me lately too
submitted by h3llothere3132 to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:23 Professional_Sky6478 How do you deal with the insecurity that comes with the knowledge of your(25f) boyfriend (25m) being attracted to your bestfriend (25f)?

Throwaway account bc I get anxious.
Ok, so just forewarning this might be a bit of a rant. I'm usually a scroller & don't really post on here. When it comes to advice I can't ask anyone irl about, I usually like to read up on certain situations that feel relevant to my life- but obviously that doesn't always help. I should preface this- I've been dealing with insecurity since I've hit puberty, probably. It’s something I've been working on for years, and while I know I've made significant progress, there are also situations like that feel like a huge regression back into my old headspace. I should also mention, I'm extremely fortunate to have the boyfriend and friend that do, I know they would never ever ever do anything behind my back, and if we were in a timeline where one person were to come on to the other, they wouldn't even hesitate to tell me & I'm very fortunate to have those kinds of people in my life.
Anyways, like the title says- my boyfriend is attracted to my best friend, as in he’s admitted it to me. I've never been insecure when it comes to my friend until recently- we met when we were freshman in highschool and ever since it's just been history, like we just clicked. She is extremely beautiful, like the kind that always has people approaching/complimenting her whenever out in public, and rightfully so as she's an extremely beautiful person, both inside and out. That's why even posting about this is making me feel icky inside.
I've been with my boyfriend for 4 years now. I'm very fortunate to say that we didn't have many issues until Halloween in 2022, and even those issues just stemmed from my own insecurity. I'll just run through the end of this night in particular as that's where this issue stems from. My friend lives out of town, while my boyfriend and I live in a pretty decent-sized city in the same state. We had planned for weeks to go out for Halloween that year, and when it came down to it we were all hyped. My friend brought one of her friends over, and it was a really good night honestly. it wasn't until we were leaving that I could pinpoint this as my first moment of noticeable insecurity in my relationship.
I fell down the wooden steps in the club we were in (I drank way more than I needed to). I was in a skirt & ended up hurting myself kinda bad (just a deep ass purple bruise on my ass for 2 months lmao) so my boyfriend brought me outside for a breather. It was already nearing 2 AM at this point, so we just sat outside and eventually my friend came to find me. We ordered an uber and as we were waiting, she took off her heels and asked my boyfriend to carry her since her feet hurt. I really didn't think anything of it, I was so drunk, but then I remember sobering up when I looked up at them both with their faces pressed together, her riding piggyback on my boyfriend & yeah. It sobered me up, and still kinda stings thinking back on, I won't lie.
I felt horrible for feeling insecure over this, the logical part of my brain knows that it was just a drunk piggyback ride, that her feet hurt, etc., but I can't get the feeling away of looking up at both of them like that. I feel like such a bitch, like I know I need self work, but that's always something easier said than done.
Anyways, I talked to my boyfriend about this afterwards and he informed me that he too, would be uncomfortable if the rolls were reversed. He then went on to explain that in the moment he didn't know what to say as he's “never been put in that position before”, but he wouldn't do anything like that with anyone again.
It was all fine and well for a little bit, until maybe 7-8 months later. We were all hanging out, drinking again on a random evening in our livingroom while she was in town. We were sitting at the kitchen table and I just remember getting soooo tired, I told them both I was going to lay down and ended up drifting off I guess. I slept on and off throughout the whole night, and the entire time my door was open- I wasn't eavesdropping, I could definitely hear what was going on while laying there. I didn't really become that aware until I heard my best friend drunkenly tell my boyfriend “you've never met my parents?! You need to meet my parents!” like, very enthusiastically. I just remember thinking “that's kinda weird” like as I was laying there, but whatever. It was that comment that woke me up a bit. I heard them going in & out all night, to smoke i assumed. I was still trying to sleep, but I remember hearing them talk about watching videos and shutting off the lights, that's when my head snapped over & eyes shot up. I was half asleep and half drunk still, so I just waited wondering if they were being serious or if I dreamed that up or something.
After they migrated to the couch, i noticed my boyfriend getting up to attend to/retrieve whatever random task/object she asked of him as the video went on, and I noticed him sitting closer each time he sat down. I don't know if I was hallucinating or anything, but I noticed his voice going deeper and for some reason it just made me so super uncomfortable. At this point, I made my presence noticeable. I came out, and had to immediately move outside as I was extremely overwhelmed with emotions.
I thought my boyfriend would be good at picking up on my mood as he usually is, but it's like I wasn't even there. I went back into our room and he came in, probably near blacked-out as they had been drinking literally the entire night. I was upset, with him specifically. At this point it's like 4 in the morning, and he could now tell I was upset. I told him what it was about, explained that while yes, I trusted them both, I was extremely uncomfortable with what I had witnessed all night. I begged him not to tell my friend as this is our relationship, our problem, and also just the fact I knew he'd half ass explain it all mad or defensive or something and well, he just simply cannot articulate MY feelings like I can. Anyways, he told her I thought they were sleeping together.
I was so mad, so angry I cannot describe it. And I left. And he let me. One thing you need to understand about my boyfriend, he is so (or was until this situation and I started calling him out on his hypocrisy) about safety, like to the point where it's annoying. It could be sunset in an hour, for example, and he wouldn't let you walk down the road to the cornerstone if you were alone, or anything like that. Granted, we do live in not-the-best neighborhood, and it's always been a green flag for my dad so I always rolled with it until after this.
I waited for him outside for 10 minutes. Literally 10 minutes. I waited to talk to him in private, I thought he would've came since he has before. He didn't. I ended up leaving (extremely early) for work, walked in the dark at 4/5 in the morning with not a peep from him. I think that's one thing I can't really get over. I feel like he really showed me where I ranked that night. I was not the priority.
We argued a bunch over text later on in the day, by the time I got home he was passed out and I was forced to have an extremely awkward conversation with my best friend about how no, I don't think its in her character to sleep with my boyfriend. Yes, I am a bit uncomfortable but that's just due to my insecurity in my own relationship. It was so awkward and gave the impression that I have a total different idea on my literal BEST FRIENDS character due to my boyfriends dumbass drunk rants he told just bc he didn't want to be in the wrong alone. It was an awkward conversation, but a necessary one.
Throughout our relationship since this, I've since emphasized how big of an issue this is to me, how deep this truly goes. He always gives the impression of being understanding, AND THEN WE FUCKING DRINK.
It's not like we're alcoholics or anything, I could see how anyone reading this post would get that impression. We're honestly major stoners, that's why we drink whenever my friend is in town. Common interests, things to do together, and plus we never do it so why not when the time comes? (I don't think we're going to anymore lmao)
We were doing great, honestly. I still had my insecure moments, but I kept them to myself. From the outside, everything looked great. Mentally, I was still spinning. I realize I'm not completely blameless here, it's my responsibility to articulate my feelings in my relationship- and I didn't. These are simply the repercussions of those actions, and motivation to speak my mind next time I'm in a similar situation.
About 2 weeks ago we all went out again. Like every other time, it went fine. There weren't any major moments, it's all just me. I went to the bathroom and came out looking for them and oh, there they are sitting at the bar together laughing without a care in the world. I looked at our drunk pictures the next day like oh, there he is helping her stand straight. Oh, there they are standing next to each other when we all drank from the same drink. I realized I had to have a serious, sit-down conversation with him about my concerns as I am at a point where I feel like the third wheel whenever we go out, and I'm soooo beyond over LOOKING like their 3rd wheel too.
The conversation turned into like a multi-day thing. He had moments, moments where he was understanding, other moments where he tried to deflect blame. I told him when he drinks, I can see where I stand in his eyes. I begged and begged for the truth, it was literally causing my mind to run in circles and I had the worst headache in the world. I just, I needed to know it wasn't just me making all this up, bc if it is then it's super serious me problem.
This is when he had the decency to be honest with me, and he confirmed my then-suspicions that he is, in fact, attracted to my best friend. He had to clarify, not in the “oh I would leave my girl for you” way. Like that helps.
He told me he’d stop drinking, I told him I wish it didn't take for you to stop drinking to actually treat me like your girlfriend on a night out. Also, I know there's going to be a time in the future where we do end up drinking, and I don't want to be consumed with thoughts of “ oh is he too drunk to care about me again?” when that time comes. I told him the only way I can see this getting better, is if we all go out again and he just simply acts different. Shows me through his actions.
So that's where we are now. We’re currently looking into couples therapy, but I don't know what to do in the meantime. I feel horrible, like a horrible friend most of all. This is just something I'm simply too mortified to discuss with her, it has nothing to do with her. She's just simply existing, and I hate myself for feeling this way. I understand why he would feel this way towards her, like I said earlier she's both an amazing and beautiful person. I just hate myself for feeling like this, it's so ugly.
Idk. I don't know what to do ◡̈
Thank you to anyone who read, and sorry if it reads a little messy. If anyone out there has ever been in a similar situation, id really appreciate the feedback.
submitted by Professional_Sky6478 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:20 OkNefariousness3101 Open trades

  1. Tranzania (rampa remix )
  2. Más que nada amed speed)
  3. Caught in a wave (&me remix)
  4. Abra - feeel &me remix )
  5. Ti Milo (rampa remix ) rip 🪦
  6. Salalina
  7. Super flu belief
  8. Beach house - marten Lou
  9. Vámonos más que nada (Jonni Gil )
  10. Tokyo - bun xapa
  11. Travesía (Sam be touch )
  12. Everybody get up sam be
  13. Big jet plane ( Raphael remix
  14. Together (rampa remix )
  15. Madan (marco Genari remix )
  16. Sugar - notwithoutfriends
  17. África rampa remix
  18. Relax my eyes mr moudz remix
  19. Nothing on me x baby keinemusic
  20. Soso - colle
  21. Ella Ella rampa
  22. Only you &me
  23. Ride (mind against remix )
  24. Tog4 - rampa
  25. Víctor Alc - Sudamérica
  26. Talibans (Afro house remix )
  27. Anchor point (ámeme remix )
  28. Nterini (Kyle
  29. Good energy - moblack
  30. Mash - ilanga (&me edit )
  31. Amana - maz
  32. Magic - circus - rip
  33. Austin Hal - rampa rip 🪦
  34. Muye (enno Napa remix )
  35. Mamakusa - black coffieee
  36. Quema - moon
  37. It goes like nana (alex wann )
  38. No one - Caiiro
  39. Gardens of Eden (enno Napa )
  40. One dance (peace control )
  41. Good morning - Virgil x rampa
  42. Virgil forever - rampa and drake
  43. Makumba - Ulysses
  44. Troy - samm
  45. Secundo - sam be ajna be
  46. The place
  47. Plenty (Joni Gil & brun
  48. Let it happen (imad remix )
  49. She ask to dance - arodes
  50. Yebbas heart break (dregs remix )
  51. Peperuke - alex wann rip 🪦
  52. Poison sete (barco edit )
  53. Miracle &me remix ) rip 🪦
  54. Sawa sawa - rampa rip 🪦
  55. Ópera - marasi
  56. Kongo samin remix
  57. Love song - super flu
  58. Soso (16bl remix )
  59. All I got Adam port
  60. Corpo e cancao - maz
  61. Pontos exclamacao vxision remix
  62. Sound of secret id (Mekki edit )
  63. Rise (keinemusic )
  64. Ina - bun xapa
  65. Thibang thibang - bun xapa
  66. Vertigo (Carlita remix )
  67. Rapture iii (Afro vocals ) rip 🪦
  68. Full tank - bun xapa
  69. Giant - moojo
  70. Here we are - moojo Cairo
  71. Home (Sam
  72. Circle - neverseen remix )
  73. Papaoutai (Francis mercier remix )
  74. Sweet disposition (keinemusic remix )
  75. Run - maz
  76. Ndaciii - maz
  77. Troy - samm be
  78. Collateral damage
  79. By myself - Adam port
  80. Nyali - Shimza
  81. Kimotion- sara per te amo
  82. - carnival brave (David mackay remix )
  83. Touch me (peace control remix )
  84. What u desire - moojo
  85. Black magic woman (peace control remix )
  86. Famax (jerak remix. )
  87. Cascade - Jaquet
  88. dana (bun xapa remix )
  89. It’s love (yesterday lovers edit )
  90. Desire (bask remix )
  91. Shik Shak shock
  92. Freed from desire (chouaja and Sassoon remix
  93. Humans (&me
  94. Ojitos así (siniego & laguna )
  95. Ezizweni - nitefreak
  96. Ride it ( from Paris remix )
  97. Provenza (sistek remix )
  98. Satya ( a tribe called kot
  99. Feel (Rafa guido remix
  100. Neddle (David McKay remix
  101. Father stretch cs remix )
  102. Downstream (lazare remix )
  103. Masari - sirens
  104. Officially lost
  105. Vxsion - walking on a dream
  106. Bakka- a hora el agora
  107. Vxsion - ouakam
  108. Moojo - attitude
  109. Classy 101 (antdot & vxsion remix )
  110. Here we are - Cairo
  111. Slaves - &me
  112. Samm - paradise
  113. Back to life - vxsion
  114. Hey now - Joel
  115. Hey now ( fnx Omar remix )
  116. Ivory - acid
  117. Notre dame - frankenstein
  118. Vanco - bun xapa
  119. Chan Chan (pablo fierro versión )
  120. Víctor alc - forma de querer
  121. Víctor alc - I know you know
  122. Zaz - je veux
  123. Legaré - ceu caí
  124. Salif keita - mosslulou (wilson kentura remix )
  125. Truth or dare (videojean x Olivier loenn remix )
  126. Jump - Levi
  127. Brocode (mont rouge’s interpretation)
  128. Hallelujah anyway (larse 2024 edit )
  129. Touch - rockin moroccin
  130. Danger - mita gami
  131. Comfortably numb (mita gami sunrise edit )
  132. Ras in France club version - tripolism
  133. Water (vanco remix )
  134. Alright- kashovski
  135. Girl - james Ortega
  136. Yet another day (8kays remix )
  137. Mind against - hydra
  138. Nafe - malho
  139. Pull out on fire - kashovski
  140. Moojo - hot n fun
  141. Moojo - deep in love
  142. Ajna - move
  143. Famax ( jerak remix )
  144. It’s it love - lío (yesterdays lovers edit )
  145. Desire (bask remix )
  146. Dana - digolo
  147. Cascade
  148. Black magic woman - peace control
  149. Yawanawa (maz remix )
  150. Zulumke da capo Afro dub
  151. Xxxxx - nitefreak
  152. Sexyback (axnt remix )
  153. Muye (enno napa remix )
  154. Mathame - brothers
  155. Hide u - marten Lou
submitted by OkNefariousness3101 to unreleasedIDdeephouse [link] [comments]