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JavaScript coding challenges for absolute beginners

2022.08.18 03:48 codeobserver JavaScript coding challenges for absolute beginners

JavaScript Coding Challenges for beginners

Mastering these coding challenges may not get you a job at google... but you'll be one step closer to understanding JavaScript.
These coding challenges are intended for beginners, therefore the solutions are implemented using only simple / classical programming elements. Each solution is acompanied by an online link that helps you quickly run it in a code playground at
Note: The code is making use of the codeguppy specific function println() to print the results. If you want to run these solutions outside, just replace println() with console.log() then run them using your browser console tool or node.js.

Coding challenge #1: Print numbers from 1 to 10
for(var i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { println(i); }

Coding challenge #2: Print the odd numbers less than 100
for(var i = 1; i <= 100; i += 2) { println(i); }

Coding challenge #3: Print the multiplication table with 7
for(var i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { var row = "7 * " + i + " = " + 7 * i; println(row); }

Coding challenge #4: Print all the multiplication tables with numbers from 1 to 10
``` for(var i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { printTable(i); println(""); }
function printTable(n) { for(var i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { var row = n + " * " + i + " = " + n * i; println(row); } } ```

Coding challenge #5: Calculate the sum of numbers from 1 to 10
``` var sum = 0;
for(var i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { sum += i; }
println(sum); ```

Coding challenge #6: Calculate 10!
``` var prod = 1;
for(var i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { prod *= i; }
println(prod); ```

Coding challenge #7: Calculate the sum of odd numbers greater than 10 and less than 30
``` var sum = 0;
for(var i = 11; i <= 30; i += 2) { sum += i; }
println(sum); ```

Coding challenge #8: Create a function that will convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit
``` function celsiusToFahrenheit(n) { return n * 1.8 + 32; }
var r = celsiusToFahrenheit(20); println(r); ```

Coding challenge #9: Create a function that will convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius
``` function fahrenheitToCelsius(n) { return (n - 32) / 1.8; }
var r = fahrenheitToCelsius(68); println(r); ```

Coding challenge #10: Calculate the sum of numbers in an array of numbers
``` function sumArray(ar) { var sum = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < ar.length; i++) { sum += ar[i]; } return sum; 
var ar = [2, 3, -1, 5, 7, 9, 10, 15, 95]; var sum = sumArray(ar); println(sum); ```

Coding challenge #11: Calculate the average of the numbers in an array of numbers
``` function averageArray(ar) { var n = ar.length; var sum = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < n; i++) { sum += ar[i]; } return sum / n; 
var ar = [1, 3, 9, 15, 90]; var avg = averageArray(ar);
println("Average: ", avg); ```

Coding challenge #12: Create a function that receives an array of numbers and returns an array containing only the positive numbers

Solution 1:
``` function getPositives(ar) { var ar2 = [];
for(var i = 0; i < ar.length; i++) { var el = ar[i]; if (el >= 0) { ar2.push(el); } } return ar2; 
var ar = [-5, 10, -3, 12, -9, 5, 90, 0, 1]; var ar2 = getPositives(ar);
println(ar2); ```

Coding challenge #12: Create a function that receives an array of numbers and returns an array containing only the positive numbers

Solution 2
``` function getPositives(ar) { var ar2 = [];
for(var el of ar) { if (el >= 0) { ar2.push(el); } } return ar2; 
var ar = [-5, 10, -3, 12, -9, 5, 90, 0, 1]; var ar2 = getPositives(ar);
println(ar2); ```

Coding challenge #12: Create a function that receives an array of numbers and returns an array containing only the positive numbers

Solution 3
``` function getPositives(ar) { return ar.filter(el => el >= 0); }
var ar = [-5, 10, -3, 12, -9, 5, 90, 0, 1]; var ar2 = getPositives(ar); println(ar2); ```

Coding challenge #13: Find the maximum number in an array of numbers
``` function findMax(ar) { var max = ar[0];
for(var i = 0; i < ar.length; i++) { if (ar[i] > max) { max = ar[i]; } } return max; 
var ar = [-5, 10, -3, 12, -9, 5, 90, 0, 1]; var max = findMax(ar); println("Max: ", max); ```

Coding challenge #14: Print the first 10 Fibonacci numbers without recursion
``` var f0 = 0; println(f0);
var f1 = 1; println(f1);
for(var i = 2; i < 10; i++) { var fi = f1 + f0; println(fi);
f0 = f1; f1 = fi; 
} ```

Coding challenge #15: Create a function that will find the nth Fibonacci number using recursion
``` function findFibonacci(n) { if (n == 0) return 0;
if (n == 1) return 1; return findFibonacci(n - 1) + findFibonacci(n - 2); 
var n = findFibonacci(10); println(n); ```

Coding challenge #16: Create a function that will return a Boolean specifying if a number is prime
``` function isPrime(n) { if (n < 2) return false;
if (n == 2) return true; var maxDiv = Math.sqrt(n); for(var i = 2; i <= maxDiv; i++) { if (n % i == 0) { return false; } } return true; 
println(2, " is prime? ", isPrime(2)); println(3, " is prime? ", isPrime(3)); println(4, " is prime? ", isPrime(4)); println(5, " is prime? ", isPrime(5)); println(9, " is prime? ", isPrime(9)); ```

Coding challenge #17: Calculate the sum of digits of a positive integer number
``` function sumDigits(n) { var s = n.toString(); var sum = 0;
for(var char of s) { var digit = parseInt(char); sum += digit; } return sum; 
var sum = sumDigits(1235231); println("Sum: ", sum); ```

Coding challenge #18: Print the first 100 prime numbers
``` printPrimes(100);
// Function prints the first nPrimes numbers function printPrimes(nPrimes) { var n = 0; var i = 2;
while(n < nPrimes) { if (isPrime(i)) { println(n, " ", i); n++; } i++; } 
// Returns true if a number is prime function isPrime(n) { if (n < 2) return false;
if (n == 2) return true; var maxDiv = Math.sqrt(n); for(var i = 2; i <= maxDiv; i++) { if (n % i == 0) { return false; } } return true; 
} ```

Coding challenge #19: Create a function that will return in an array the first "nPrimes" prime numbers greater than a particular number "startAt"
``` println(getPrimes(10, 100));
function getPrimes(nPrimes, startAt) { var ar = [];
var i = startAt; while(ar.length < nPrimes) { if (isPrime(i)) { ar.push(i); } i++; } return ar; 
// Returns true if a number is prime function isPrime(n) { if (n < 2) return false;
if (n == 2) return true; var maxDiv = Math.sqrt(n); for(var i = 2; i <= maxDiv; i++) { if (n % i == 0) { return false; } } return true; 
} ```

Coding challenge #20: Rotate an array to the left 1 position
``` var ar = [1, 2, 3]; rotateLeft(ar); println(ar);
function rotateLeft(ar) { var first = ar.shift(); ar.push(first); } ```

Coding challenge #21: Rotate an array to the right 1 position
``` var ar = [1, 2, 3]; rotateRight(ar); println(ar);
function rotateRight(ar) { var last = ar.pop(); ar.unshift(last); } ```

Coding challenge #22: Reverse an array
``` var ar = [1, 2, 3]; var ar2 = reverseArray(ar); println(ar2);
function reverseArray(ar) { var ar2 = [];
for(var i = ar.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ar2.push(ar[i]); } return ar2; 
} ```

Coding challenge #23: Reverse a string
``` var s = reverseString("JavaScript"); println(s);
function reverseString(s) { var s2 = "";
for(var i = s.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var char = s[i]; s2 += char; } return s2; 
} ```
## Coding challenge #24: Create a function that will merge two arrays and return the result as a new array
``` var ar1 = [1, 2, 3]; var ar2 = [4, 5, 6];
var ar = mergeArrays(ar1, ar2); println(ar);
function mergeArrays(ar1, ar2) { var ar = [];
for(let el of ar1) { ar.push(el); } for(let el of ar2) { ar.push(el); } return ar; 
} ```

Coding challenge #25: Create a function that will receive two arrays of numbers as arguments and return an array composed of all the numbers that are either in the first array or second array but not in both
``` var ar1 = [1, 2, 3, 10, 5, 3, 14]; var ar2 = [1, 4, 5, 6, 14];
var ar = mergeExclusive(ar1, ar2); println(ar);
function mergeExclusive(ar1, ar2) { var ar = [];
for(let el of ar1) { if (!ar2.includes(el)) { ar.push(el); } } for(let el of ar2) { if (!ar1.includes(el)) { ar.push(el); } } return ar; 
} ```

Coding challenge #26: Create a function that will receive two arrays and will return an array with elements that are in the first array but not in the second
``` var ar1 = [1, 2, 3, 10, 5, 3, 14]; var ar2 = [-1, 4, 5, 6, 14];
var ar = mergeLeft(ar1, ar2); println(ar);
function mergeLeft(ar1, ar2) { var ar = [];
for(let el of ar1) { if (!ar2.includes(el)) { ar.push(el); } } return ar; 
} ```

Coding challenge #27: Create a function that will receive an array of numbers as argument and will return a new array with distinct elements

Solution 1
``` var ar = getDistinctElements([1, 2, 3, 6, -1, 2, 9, 7, 10, -1, 100]); println(ar);
function getDistinctElements(ar) { var ar2 = [];
for(let i = 0; i < ar.length; i++) { if (!isInArray(ar[i], ar2)) { ar2.push(ar[i]); } } return ar2; 
function isInArray(n, ar) { for(let i = 0; i < ar.length; i++) { if (ar[i] === n) return true; }
return false; 
} ```

Coding challenge #27: Create a function that will receive an array of numbers as argument and will return a new array with distinct elements

Solution 2
``` var ar = getDistinctElements([1, 2, 3, 6, -1, 2, 9, 7, 10, -1, 100]); println(ar);
function getDistinctElements(ar) { var ar2 = [];
var lastIndex = ar.length - 1; for(let i = 0; i <= lastIndex; i++) { if (!isInArray(ar[i], ar, i + 1, lastIndex)) { ar2.push(ar[i]); } } return ar2; 
function isInArray(n, ar, fromIndex, toIndex) { for(var i = fromIndex; i <= toIndex; i++) { if (ar[i] === n) return true; }
return false; 
} ```

Coding challenge #28: Calculate the sum of first 100 prime numbers
``` var n = 10; println("Sum of first ", n, " primes is ", sumPrimes(10));
function sumPrimes(n) { var foundPrimes = 0; var i = 2; var sum = 0;
while(foundPrimes < n) { if (isPrime(i)) { foundPrimes++; sum += i; } i++; } return sum; 
// Returns true if number n is prime function isPrime(n) { if (n < 2) return false;
if (n == 2) return true; var maxDiv = Math.sqrt(n); for(var i = 2; i <= maxDiv; i++) { if (n % i === 0) { return false; } } return true; 
} ```

Coding challenge #29: Print the distance between the first 100 prime numbers
``` printDistances(100);
// Print distances between the first n prime numbers function printDistances(n) { var lastPrime = 2; var i = lastPrime + 1; var foundPrimes = 1;
while(foundPrimes < n) { if (isPrime(i)) { println(i - lastPrime, "\t", i, " - ", lastPrime); foundPrimes++; lastPrime = i; } i++; } 
// Returns true if number n is prime function isPrime(n) { if (n < 2) return false;
if (n == 2) return true; var maxDiv = Math.sqrt(n); for(var i = 2; i <= maxDiv; i++) { if (n % i === 0) { return false; } } return true; 
} ```

Coding challenge #30-a: Create a function that will add two positive numbers of indefinite size. The numbers are received as strings and the result should be also provided as string.

Solution 1
``` var n1 = "2909034221912398942349"; var n2 = "1290923909029309499"; var sum = add(n1, n2);
println(n1, "\n", n2, "\n", sum);
function add(sNumber1, sNumber2) { var s = ""; var carry = 0;
var maxSize = Math.max(sNumber1.length, sNumber2.length); for(var i = 0; i < maxSize; i++) { var digit1 = digitFromRight(sNumber1, i); var digit2 = digitFromRight(sNumber2, i); var sum = digit1 + digit2 + carry; var digitSum = sum % 10; carry = sum >= 10 ? 1 : 0; s = digitSum.toString() + s; } if (carry > 0) s = carry + s; return s; 
function digitFromRight(s, digitNo) { if (digitNo >= s.length) return 0;
var char = s[ s.length - 1 - digitNo ]; return parseInt(char); 
} ```

Coding challenge #30-b: Create a function that will add two positive numbers of indefinite size. The numbers are received as strings and the result should be also provided as string.

Solution 2
``` var n1 = "2909034221912398942349"; var n2 = "1290923909029309499"; var sum = add(n1, n2);
println(n1); println(n2); println(sum);
function add(sNumber1, sNumber2) { var maxSize = Math.max(sNumber1.length, sNumber2.length);
var s1 = sNumber1.padStart(maxSize, "0"); var s2 = sNumber2.padStart(maxSize, "0"); var s = ""; var carry = 0; for(var i = maxSize - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var digit1 = parseInt(s1[i]); var digit2 = parseInt(s2[i]); var sum = digit1 + digit2 + carry; var digitSum = sum % 10; carry = sum >= 10 ? 1 : 0; s = digitSum.toString() + s; } if (carry > 0) s = carry + s; return s; 
} ```

Coding challenge #31a. Create a function that will return the number of words in a text
``` // Solution 1
function countWords(text) { var wasSeparator = true; var words = 0;
for(var c of text) { // if current character is separator then advance and // set that the previous character was separator if (isSeparator(c)) { wasSeparator = true; continue; } // if current character is not separator // ... but if previous was separator... if (wasSeparator) { words++; wasSeparator = false; } } return words; 
function isSeparator(c) { var separators = [" ", "\t", "\n", "\r", ",", ";", ".", "!", "?"]; return separators.includes(c); }
println(countWords("")); println(countWords(" ")); println(countWords("JavaScript!!! ")); println(countWords(" JavaScript")); println(countWords(" JavaScript is cool ")); println(countWords("I like to learn JavaScript with codeguppy")); ```

Coding challenge #31b. Create a function that will return the number of words in a text
``` // Solution 2
function countWords(text) { var words = 0;
if (text.length > 0 && !isSeparator(text[0])) words++; for(var i = 1; i < text.length; i++) { var currChr = text[i]; var prevChr = text[i - 1]; if (!isSeparator(currChr) && isSeparator(prevChr)) { words++; } } return words; 
function isSeparator(c) { var separators = [" ", "\t", "\n", "\r", ",", ";", ".", "!", "?"]; return separators.includes(c); }
println(countWords("")); println(countWords(" ")); println(countWords("JavaScript!!! ")); println(countWords(" JavaScript")); println(countWords(" JavaScript is cool ")); println(countWords("I like to learn JavaScript with codeguppy")); ```

Coding challenge #32. Create a function that will capitalize the first letter of each word in a text
``` println(captializeWords("Create a function that will capitalize the first letter of each word in a text"));
function captializeWords(text) { var text2 = "";
for(var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) { var currChr = text[i]; var prevChr = i > 0 ? text[i - 1] : " "; if (!isSeparator(currChr) && isSeparator(prevChr)) { currChr = currChr.toUpperCase(); } text2 += currChr; } return text2; 
function isSeparator(c) { var separators = [" ", "\t", "\n", "\r", ",", ";", ".", "!", "?"]; return separators.includes(c); } ```

Coding challenge #33. Calculate the sum of numbers received in a comma delimited string
``` println(sumCSV("1.5, 2.3, 3.1, 4, 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.9"));
function sumCSV(s) { var ar = s.split(",");
var sum = 0; for(var n of ar) { sum += parseFloat(n); } return sum; 
} ```

Coding challenge #34. Create a function that will return an array with words inside a text
``` var text = "Create a function, that will return an array (of string), with the words inside the text";
function getWords(text) { let startWord = -1; let ar = [];
for(let i = 0; i <= text.length; i++) { let c = i < text.length ? text[i] : " "; if (!isSeparator(c) && startWord < 0) { startWord = i; } if (isSeparator(c) && startWord >= 0) { let word = text.substring(startWord, i); ar.push(word); startWord = -1; } } return ar; 
function isSeparator(c) { var separators = [" ", "\t", "\n", "\r", ",", ";", ".", "!", "?", "(", ")"]; return separators.includes(c); } ```

Coding challenge #35. Create a function to convert a CSV text to a “bi-dimensional” array
``` var data = "John;Smith;954-000-0000\nMich;Tiger;305-000-0000\nMonique;Vasquez;103-000-0000";
var ar = csvToArray(data); println(JSON.stringify(ar));
function csvToArray(data) { var arLines = data.split("\n");
for(var i = 0; i < arLines.length; i++) { var arLine = arLines[i].split(";"); arLines[i] = arLine; } return arLines; 
} ```

Coding challenge #36. Create a function that converts a string to an array of characters
``` println(getChars("I like JavaScript"));
function getChars(s) { return Array.from(s); } ```

Coding challenge #37. Create a function that will convert a string in an array containing the ASCII codes of each character
``` println(getCharCodes("I like JavaScript"));
function getCharCodes(s) { var ar = [];
for(var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { var code = s.charCodeAt(i); ar.push(code); } return ar; 
} ```

Coding challenge #38. Create a function that will convert an array containing ASCII codes in a string
``` println(codesToString([73,32,108,105,107,101,32,74,97,118,97,83,99,114,105,112,116]));
function codesToString(ar) { return String.fromCharCode(; } ```

Coding challenge #39. Implement the Caesar cypher
``` var text = "I LOVE JAVASCRIPT"; var textEnc = encrypt(text, 13); var textDec = decrypt(textEnc, 13);
println(text); println(textEnc); println(textDec);
// Decrypt a message by using the same encrypt function // ... but using the inverse of the key (e.g. rotate in the other direction) function decrypt(msg, key) { return encrypt(msg, key * -1); }
// Function will implement Caesar Cipher to // encrypt / decrypt the msg by shifting the letters // of the message acording to the key function encrypt(msg, key) { var encMsg = "";
for(var i = 0; i < msg.length; i++) { var code = msg.charCodeAt(i); // Encrypt only letters in 'A' ... 'Z' interval if (code >= 65 && code <= 65 + 26 - 1) { code -= 65; code = mod(code + key, 26); code += 65; } encMsg += String.fromCharCode(code); } return encMsg; 
// Modulo function: n mod p function mod(n, p) { if ( n < 0 ) n = p - Math.abs(n) % p;
return n % p; 
} ```

Coding challenge #40. Implement the bubble sort algorithm for an array of numbers
``` var ar = [23, 1000, 1, -1, 8, 3]; println(ar); bubbleSort(ar); println(ar);
function bubbleSort(ar) { var shouldSort = true; var length = ar.length;
while(shouldSort) { shouldSort = false; length--; for(var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var a = ar[i]; if ( a > ar[i+1] ) { ar[i] = ar[i+1]; ar[i+1] = a; shouldSort = true; } } } 
} ```

Coding challenge #41. Create a function to calculate the distance between two points defined by their x, y coordinates
``` println(getDistance(100, 100, 400, 300));
function getDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2) { var l1 = x2 - x1; var l2 = y2 - y1;
return Math.sqrt(l1 * l1 + l2 * l2); 
} ```

Coding challenge #42. Create a function that will return a Boolean value indicating if two circles defined by center coordinates and radius are intersecting
``` println(collisionCircleCircle(200, 200, 100, 300, 300, 50));
function collisionCircleCircle(circle1X, circle1Y, circle1R, circle2X, circle2Y, circle2R) { return getDistance(circle1X, circle1Y, circle2X, circle2Y) <= circle1R + circle2R; }
// Calculate the distance between the two specified points function getDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2) { var l1 = x2 - x1; var l2 = y2 - y1;
return Math.sqrt(l1 * l1 + l2 * l2); 
} ```

Coding challenge 43. Create a function that will receive a bi-dimensional array as argument and a number and will extract as a unidimensional array the column specified by the number
``` var ar = [ ["John", 120], ["Jane", 115], ["Thomas", 123], ["Mel", 112], ["Charley", 122] ];
var numbers = extractCol(ar, 1); println(numbers);
function extractCol(ar, colNo) { var arCol = [];
for(var i = 0; i < ar.length; i++) { arCol.push(ar[i][colNo]); } return arCol; 
} ```

Coding challenge #44. Create a function that will convert a string containing a binary number into a number
``` println(binaryToNumber("11111111"));
function binaryToNumber(sBinary) { return parseInt(sBinary, 2); } ```

Coding challenge #45. Create a function to calculate the sum of all the numbers in a jagged array (array contains numbers or other arrays of numbers on an unlimited number of levels)
``` var ar = [1, 2, [15, [23], [5, 12]], [100]];
function sumArray(ar) { var sum = 0;
for(var el of ar) { if (Array.isArray(el)) { el = sumArray(el); } sum += el; } return sum; 
} ```

Coding challenge #46-a. Find the maximum number in a jagged array of numbers or array of numbers
``` // Solution 1
var ar = [2, 4, 10, [12, 4, [100, 99], 4], [3, 2, 99], 0];
var max = findMax(ar); println("Max = ", max);
// Use recursion to find the maximum numeric value in an array of arrays function findMax(ar) { var max = -Infinity;
// Cycle through all the elements of the array for(var i = 0; i < ar.length; i++) { var el = ar[i]; // If an element is of type array then invoke the same function // to find out the maximum element of that subarray if ( Array.isArray(el) ) { el = findMax( el ); } if ( el > max ) { max = el; } } return max; 
} ```

Coding challenge #46-b. Find the maximum number in a jagged array of numbers or array of numbers
``` // Solution 2
var ar = [2, 4, 10, [12, 4, [100, 99], 4], [3, 2, 99], 0];
var max = findMax(ar); println("Max = ", max);
// Use a stack to find the maximum numeric value in an array of arrays function findMax(arElements) { var max = -Infinity;
// This is the stack on which will put the first array and then // all the other sub-arrays that we find as we traverse an array var arrays = []; arrays.push(arElements); // Loop as long as are arrays added to the stack for processing while(arrays.length > 0) { // Extract an array from the stack ar = arrays.pop(); // ... and loop through its elements for(var i = 0; i < ar.length; i++) { var el = ar[i]; // If an element is of type array, we'll add it to stack // to be processed later if ( Array.isArray(el) ) { arrays.push(el); continue; } if ( el > max ) { max = el; } } } return max; 
} ```

Coding challenge #47. Deep copy a jagged array with numbers or other arrays in a new array
``` var ar1 = [2, 4, 10, [12, 4, [100, 99], 4], [3, 2, 99], 0]; var ar2 = copyArray(ar1);
function copyArray(ar) { var ar2 = [];
for(var el of ar) { if (Array.isArray(el)) { el = copyArray(el); } ar2.push(el); } return ar2; 
} ```

Coding challenge #48. Create a function to return the longest word(s) in a string
``` var text = "Create a function to return the longest word(s) in a sentance.";
function getLongestWords(text) { var words = getWords(text);
var maxSize = 0; var maxPositions = []; for(var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) { var currWordSize = words[i].length; if (currWordSize > maxSize) { maxSize = currWordSize; maxPositions = [ i ]; } else if (currWordSize === maxSize) { maxPositions.push(i); } } return getElements(words, maxPositions); 
// Get only the elements from specified positions from the array function getElements(ar, arPositions) { var arNew = [];
for(var pos of arPositions) { arNew.push(ar[pos]); } return arNew; 
// Returns an array with the words from specified text function getWords(text) { let startWord = -1; let ar = [];
for(let i = 0; i <= text.length; i++) { let c = i < text.length ? text[i] : " "; if (!isSeparator(c) && startWord < 0) { startWord = i; } if (isSeparator(c) && startWord >= 0) { let word = text.substring(startWord, i); ar.push(word); startWord = -1; } } return ar; 
function isSeparator(c) { var separators = [" ", "\t", "\n", "\r", ",", ";", ".", "!", "?", "(", ")"]; return separators.includes(c); } ```

Coding challenge #49. Shuffle an array of strings
``` var ar = ["Shuffle", "an", "array", "of", "strings"];
// Shuffle array implemented using Fisher–Yates shuffle algorithm function shuffleArray(ar) { for(var i = ar.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { var j = randomInt(0, i - 1);
 var t = ar[i]; ar[i] = ar[j]; ar[j] = t; } return ar; 
// Get a random int between min and max (both included) function randomInt(min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) ) + min; } ```

Coding challenge #50. Create a function that will receive n as argument and return an array of n unique random numbers from 1 to n.
``` println(getRandomNumbers(10));
function getRandomNumbers(n) { var ar = [];
for(var i = 1; i <= n; i++) { ar.push(i); } shuffleArray(ar); return ar; 
// Shuffle array implemented using Fisher–Yates shuffle algorithm function shuffleArray(ar) { for(var i = ar.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { var j = randomInt(0, i - 1);
 var t = ar[i]; ar[i] = ar[j]; ar[j] = t; } return ar; 
// Get a random int between min and max (both included) function randomInt(min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) ) + min; } ```

Coding challenge #51. Find the frequency of characters inside a string. Return the result as an array of objects. Each object has 2 fields: character and number of occurrences.
``` var ar = getCharFrequency("Find the frequency of characters inside a string"); println(JSON.stringify(ar));
function getCharFrequency(text) { var ar = [];
for(var chr of text) { updateFrequency(ar, chr); } return ar; 
function updateFrequency(ar, chr) { for(var el of ar) { if (el.chr === chr) { el.count++; } }
ar.push({ chr : chr, count : 1 }); 
} ```

Coding challenge #52. Calculate Fibonacci(500) with high precision (all decimals)
``` println(fibonacci(500));
function fibonacci(n) { if (n === 0) return "0";
if (n === 1) return "1"; var n1 = "0"; var n2 = "1"; for(var i = 2; i <= n; i++) { var sum = add(n1, n2); n1 = n2; n2 = sum; } return n2; 
function add(sNumber1, sNumber2) { var maxSize = Math.max(sNumber1.length, sNumber2.length);
var s1 = sNumber1.padStart(maxSize, "0"); var s2 = sNumber2.padStart(maxSize, "0"); var s = ""; var carry = 0; for(var i = maxSize - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var digit1 = parseInt(s1[i]); var digit2 = parseInt(s2[i]); var sum = digit1 + digit2 + carry; var digitSum = sum % 10; carry = sum >= 10 ? 1 : 0; s = digitSum.toString() + s; } if (carry > 0) s = carry + s; return s; 
} ```

Coding challenge #53. Calculate 70! with high precision (all digits)
``` println(factorial(70));
// Calculate factorial(n) ... using big number calculations function factorial(n) { var prod = "1";
for(var i = 2; i <= n; i++) { prod = mult(prod, i.toString()); } return prod; 
// Multiplies sNumber1 * sNumber2 // Each number is provided as string function mult(sNumber1, sNumber2) { // Calculate partial results according to multiplication algorithm var partialResults = [];
for(var i = sNumber2.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var digit = parseInt(sNumber2[i]); var partialResult = multDigit(sNumber1, digit); partialResult += "0".repeat(partialResults.length); partialResults.push(partialResult); } // Sum partial results to obtain the product var sum = ""; for(var r of partialResults) { sum = add(sum, r); } return sum; 
// Multiplies number sNumber (as string) with a single digit number function multDigit(sNumber, digit) { var p = ""; var carry = 0;
for(var i = sNumber.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var numberDigit = parseInt(sNumber[i]); var prod = digit * numberDigit + carry; var prodDigit = prod % 10; carry = Math.floor(prod / 10); p = prodDigit.toString() + p; } if (carry > 0) p = carry + p; return p; 
function add(sNumber1, sNumber2) { var maxSize = Math.max(sNumber1.length, sNumber2.length);
var s1 = sNumber1.padStart(maxSize, "0"); var s2 = sNumber2.padStart(maxSize, "0"); var s = ""; var carry = 0; for(var i = maxSize - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var digit1 = parseInt(s1[i]); var digit2 = parseInt(s2[i]); var sum = digit1 + digit2 + carry; var digitSum = sum % 10; carry = sum >= 10 ? 1 : 0; s = digitSum.toString() + s; } if (carry > 0) s = carry + s; return s; 
} ```
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submitted by SpendEqual6527 to u/SpendEqual6527 [link] [comments]

2021.09.12 17:17 THE-AWSOME-CHARA another smash charcter idea (punchout) + skins!

another smash charcter idea (punchout) + skins!

bob charley from super punchout


this character is most likely broken. but im makin this guy lore>balance and he's based on the singer bob marley. so if this is brokken you know



his gimmick is based on the music style thats playing

if a mario song is on. bob charley gets x1,3 speed and x1,1 power (+DMG done and knockback power) but also has x0,6 weight,

if its a mario kart song then bob charley gets: x1,9 movement speed and x1,2 jump height but x0,7 power

if its a donkey kong song is playing then bob charley gets: x1,7 power and weight and 1,3x grab range but x0,5 jump height and movement speed

if its a yoshi song is playing then charley gets: then he gets x1,8 grab range but x0,8 shield DMG and launch power

if its an wario song is playing then charley gets: x1,3 power and x1,3 weight but x0,8 speed and grab range

if zelda music is playing then charley gets: while charley has no DMG taken. when this attacks. a little fire ball (shaped like a fist) that does halve of the dmg and launch power. but while damaged. every attack that charfley uses does x0,6 DMG

if metroid music is playing then charley gets: every charge move charges 0,7x charge speed but all charging moves have x1,5 power

if kirby music is playing then charley gets: x0,5 weight and x1,5 jump height

if star fox music is playing then charley gets: 2x speed and charge moves charge 1,7x faster but have x0,4 power

if pokemon music is playing. then charley gets: the ability to recover staling (remove 1 "layer" of stale per 5 seconds) but moves stale 1,3x faster

if F-zero music is playing then charley gets: 3x speed but also 2x falling speed

if earthbound music is playing then charley gets: an 1,5x power boost to all his speacial attacks but his normal attacks (not airials or grabs throws and pummels) do 0,6x power

if fire emblem music is playing then charley gets: 1,4x speed and power but also he is stunned for +1 second everytime he is stuned

if game and watch music is laying then charley gets: +2 frame start up but -3 frame end lag

if kid icarus music is playing then charley gets: +1 jump but 0,8x wheight

if a pikim song is playing then charley gets: an poision effect on all his punches (after the hit the poision does 10% total doing 1% per 1 second) that stacs but all his attacks do 0,6x power

if animal crossing music is playing then charley gets: every time you down smash. you place a pit fall trap there (only one at a time) but you have 0,5x speed

if wii fit music is laying then charley gets: 1,1x to everything exept wheight and you get 0,5x wheight

if punchout music is playing then charley gets: 1,5x everything exept jump height while on the ground but you have a 0,4x jump and 2x falling speed

if xeno blade music is playing then charley gets: 1,5x power on forward smash but 0,5x power on up smash and down smash

if splatoon music is playing then charley gets: on every hit the opponent gets inked (acts like inklings ink) but every hit does 0,5x DMG

if metalgear music is playing. then every time you walk (not run) or crawl. you get transparent (not completely) but you take 1,7x DMG

if sonic music is playing then charley gets: 3x speed and 2x charge attack speed but he takes 2x DMG and does 0,9x DMG

if megaman music is playing then charley gets: the abbility to not stale his moves but all his moves do 0,8x power

if pacman music is playing then charley gets: ann attack while running (active while running doing 5% and doing a little knockback and flinches the target) but the he cant do a dash attack anymore

if street fightefatal fury music is playing then charley gets: the street fighter gimmick. but all charge attacks take 1,3x time to charge

if final fantasy music is playing then charley gets: +1 stock but also is 0,6X less wheigt and has x1,5 falling speed

if bayonetta music is playing then charley gets: 0,1x power but every time he hits a move that move gets +0,1x power per time it lands (caps at 2x) but that power drains every 3 seconds

if castlevania or arms music is playing then charley gets: 1,3x range but also 0,7x attack speed

if persona music is playing then charley gets: 1,5x power whenever he attacks in the back but does 0,6x DMG in front

if dragon quest music is playing then charley gets: a 30% chanse to crit (doing 1,6x power and ignoring the downside) but all non crit attacks have 0,6x power

when banjo and kazooi music is playing then charley gets: the abbility when he does his down taunt he will switch these stats: 1,3x power and haveing 0,7 speed or having 0,7x power and having 1,3x speed

when minecraft music is playing then charley gets: the ability to take 0,8x DMG less but he moves 0,8x speed

if any other music is played. then it chooses a random one of these effects

and now a little thing

when this missis an attack. then the attack has +3 endlag
hitting an shield counts as an miss

the basics

he is right in the middle of the wheight. (same as mario)
his speed value is: 2,116
his jump height is: 25,255

A attacks

the jab is just a simple jab doing 5% DMG and has 2 frame start up and end frames (kills at 200%)

the f-tilt is a hair smack doing 7% and does 14% if you hit whith the end of your hair. having 2 frame start up and 4 frame end lag (normal hit kills 175% and sweet spot kills at 150%)

up tilt is a weak uppercut doing 6,5% DMG if this hits infront (180*) or on the arm. if it hits whith the fist then it does 13% having 3 frame start and end lag. (normal hitbox kills at 170% and the sweetspot kills at 140%)

down tilt is a crouching punch doing an flat 3% but it will always trip having an 1 frame start up and an 3 frame end lag. (kills at 300%)

your f smash is an hook that cann be tilted down. the normal hook does 17% DMG and does alot of shield DMG.
the downward aiming hook does 23% but does alot less shield DMG. it has a 3 frame startup. it takes 60 frames to fully charge and it has an 9 frame endlag. (normal hook kils at 120% and the tilted hook kills at 97%)

the up smash is an windmill like upercut doing 19% and cant be shielded and has a 1 frame start from charging but it takes 12 frames when unleached (kills at 110%)

downsmash is the same as down smash but more extreme. it does 30% has no trip chanse and has a 10 frame start lag and 13 frame end lag. (kills at 164%)

air attacks

neutral air is an windmil like spin doing 9% DMG and does fixed knockback of 5% and flinches. having 3 frame start up and 2 frame end lag (the entire move lass 30 frames)

fair is an punch that swings from high to lo (a smaller non spike version of mario's fair) doing 4,5% and doing 9% if it hits whith the fist. having 2 frame start up and 1 frame end lag

dair is an 2 fist strike down wards doing 12% andhas a very strong spike if it hits the middle of the 2 punches and when its the start of the move. gaving an 4 frame start up and 3 frame end lag killing of stage at 80% whith the sweetspot.

up air is the same as dair just more DMG (19%) but having less kill power (kills at 130%) having 3 frame start up and 4 frame end lag

bair is same s fair jus backwards. doing 13% and has 3 start frames and 5 frame endlag (kills at 120%)


having a grab range a bit further then little mac.

for his pummel he will clinch the opponent doing 2,1%

forward throw he throws the opponent infront of it then hooks the opponent doing 12% dmg and kills at 140%

backthrow is holding the oponent then going in a windmil way then throws the opponent back kills a 120%

up throw is same as backtrow bu aimed up (kills at 130%)

down throw is a throw in the ground burrying the opponent

B attacks

ok first of.

up b is based (again) on the music

if a mario song is on. bob charley gets mario's up B

if its a mario kart song then bob charley gets: luigi's up B

if its a donkey kong song is playing then bob charley gets: DK's up B

if its a yoshi song is playing then charley gets: yoshi's up but it brings you 1,6x higher than yoshi's

if its an wario song is playing then charley gets: wario's up B

if zelda music is playing then charley gets: link's up B

if metroid music is playing then charley gets: samus up B

if kirby music is playing then charley gets: kirby's up B but it goes 1,5x higher

if star fox music is playing then charley gets: foxs up B

if pokemon music is playing. then charley gets: charzards up B

if F-zero music is playing then charley gets: cap falcons up B

if earthbound music is playing then charley gets: nes up B (but instead of an elctro sphere itl be a fiame fist)

if fire emblem music is playing then charley gets: roy's up B

if game and watch music is laying then charley gets: mr game and watch up B

if kid icarus music is playing then charley gets: pits up B

if a pikim song is playing then charley gets: olimars up B

if animal crossing music is playing then charley gets: isabells up B

if wii fit music is laying then charley gets: wii fits up B

if punchout music is playing then charley gets: little macs up B but its the grounded version no matter where you are

if xeno blade music is playing then charley gets: shulcks up B

if splatoon music is playing then charley gets: inklings up B

if metalgear music is playing. then charley gets: snakes up B

if sonic music is playing then charley gets: sonic's up B

if megaman music is playing then charley gets: megaman's up B

if pacman music is playing then charley gets: pac man's up B

if street fightefatal fury music is playing then charley gets: ryu's/terries up B

if final fantasy music is playing then charley gets: clouds up B

if bayonetta music is playing then charley gets: bayonetta's up B

if castlevania or arms music is playing then charley gets: belmonts up B

if persona music is playing then charley gets: jiokers up B

if dragon quest music is playing then charley gets: hero's up B but it recharges like villegers and issabels up B

when banjo and kazooi music is playing then charley gets: banjo's up B

when minecraft music is playing then charley gets: steves up B

if any other music is played. then: youl get a random up B

side b is his signature WINDMILL PUNCH

when you use it. he wil bop 3 times then slide to the left then bops 3 times again (this counts as charging and it takes 65 frames to charge)
then he wil spin 3 times. when you get hit by the spin every spin does 11% and flinches and caries you to the final hit. that hit kills at 80%
everytime you click B during the spin he'l do another spin

the ending frames is 14 but it has +2 end frames per spin

you can control where you spin

for his down B his couch shouts "bob its time to shuck and jive" giving him an 1,2x charge and movement speed boost
. and while charging you can do a spot dodge and those dodges have +3 invis frames and this buff lasts 30 second and has a recharge time of 60.
when you respawn the cooldown and effect are removed

neutral speacial is music bangin: the user heals 15% (30 frame start up and 10 frame end lag) and gets an additional effect then all ennemies around him get stunned for 0,7 seconds then does his music acorded effect

if a mario song is on. bob charley does: docter mario's up B

if its a mario kart song then bob charley does: a quick jab and downward angeld hook

if its a donkey kong song is playing then bob charley does: an forward smash

if its a yoshi song is playing then charley does: and commandgrab and then backthrows

if its an wario song is playing then charley does: 2 quick uppercuts doing 12% per uppercut and the second uppercut kills at 100%

if zelda music is playing then charley does: the 3 spins of the windmill punch whithout the killing blow

if metroid music is playing then charley does: 2 quick hooks one normal and one downward angled

if kirby music is playing then charley does: a quick rapid sjab doing a max of 15% then does an windmill uppercut doing 10% and killing at 110%

if star fox music is playing then charley does: an rapid jab doing 1,2% no flinching nor knockback rapid jab that aslong as you hold the B button will continue

if pokemon music is playing. then charley does: an hairsmack then an crouch punch then an weak uppercut (fdup tilt basicly)

if F-zero music is playing then charley does: an jab and an d-smash

if earthbound music is playing then charley does: an up tilt and an down tilt

if fire emblem music is playing then charley does: 3 jabs and an down angled hook

if game and watch music is laying then charley does: 5 jabs and an f-tilt

if kid icarus music is playing then charley does: an up smash and f tilt

if a pikim song is playing then charley does: 2 jabs and 2 down tilits

if animal crossing music is playing then charley does: an down smash and then a down tilt

if wii fit music is laying then charley does: 2 jabs and 2 down tilts

if punchout music is playing then charley does: 3 jabs and 2 d-tilts and does 1 hook

if xeno blade music is playing then charley does: an up tilt and then an up smash

if splatoon music is playing then charley does: 4 jabs and then an grab

if metalgear music is playing. then charley does: an grab then an d throw then an d tilt

if sonic music is playing then charley does: 8 jabs

if megaman music is playing then charley does: 2 jabs then an f-tilt then an other jab

if pacman music is playing then charley does: a f-tilt then an d tilt then an up tilt

if street fightefatal fury music is playing then charley does: an jab jab d tilt

if final fantasy music is playing then charley does: 1 jab and 1 hook then an up tilt

if bayonetta music is playing then charley does: 5 jabs and an up tilt

if castlevania or arms music is playing then charley does: 1 jabs and an f smash

if persona music is playing then charley does: 3 random A attacks

if dragon quest music is playing then charley does: 2 up tilts and 2 down tilts

when banjo and kazooi music is playing then charley does: 1 up smash and 1 down smash

when minecraft music is playing then charley does: 2 down tilts and an down smash

if any other music is played. then: it does one of these combination of attacks


when entering the stage he will look in the camera and go "who who"
when you win the first win screen is him going 'whoo whoo you don't have the rithim"
the second win animation would him just shrug 3 times then upercut


these are all own ideas and il explain the idea

the normal one

swapping the pants and glove/boots colour and some random look for his band

incorperationg all 4 leuge colours (light blue light green gold yellow pink)

based on his sprite swap. gabby jay

let me know what yhall think!
submitted by THE-AWSOME-CHARA to supersmashbros [link] [comments]

2021.01.07 20:26 sublingualwart [For Sale] Almost 500 records for sale! (60s, 70s Latin rock, bossa nova, progressive rock, and more)

SOLD: 112 EDIT: For 1-3 records the shipping is about US$30 for most of the US cities. Just checked with the local postal service. I can up to 4lbs with this service and this price.
Sup /VinylCollectors, me and my family are looking to sell some of our records. I'm located in Latin America and can ship worldwide.
The shipping method is DHL express or our national postal service (cheaper) but I need to check the shipping price for each individual order considering the location and the weight.
Any questions about the records feel free to pm so I can provide pictures or anything needed. Open to any negotiations or proposes, let's talk!
Anyway, here's the list with grading and price:
1 Artist and Record Sleeve / Media Condition Price in US$
2 A Turma Da Pilantragem,O Som Da Pilantragem (1968) VG++/VG++ $6.99
3 A Vision Shared Tribute To Woody Guthrie&Leadbelly VG++/VG++ $7.23
4 Abilio Manoel América Morena VG++/VG++ $6.03
5 Adriana Calcanhoto Enguiço VG++/VG++ $7.23
6 Afghans Doggy-Doggy (1976) VG+/VG++ $8.44
7 Afonso Nigro Afonso Nigro VG++/VG++ $3.62
8 Agepê,Tipo Exportação (1978) VG++/VG++ $3.86
9 Albano Marques &Batalhões De Estranhos(Autografado) VG++/VG++ $10.85
10 Aldy Carvalho Redemoinho (Com Encarte) VG+/EX $9.64
11 Alfred Deller O Ravishing Delight(Imp.Musica Medieval) VG++/VG++ $9.64
12 Al Stewart Modern Times VG++/VG++ $6.99
13 Alzira Espíndola Alzira Espíndola VG++/VG++ $5.79
14 Amadeu Cavalcante Estrela Do Cabo Norte(Autografado) VG++/VG++ $12.05
15 Amelinha Flor Da Paisagem (Com Encarte) VG++/EX $16.39
16 Amelinha Frevo Mulher (Com Encarte) VG+/VG++ $7.23
17 Amelinha Caminho Do Sol (Autografado) VG++/VG++ $9.64
18 American Graffiti American Graffiti More(Duplo) VG++/EX $9.64
19 Amilson Godoy Amilson Godoy VG++/VG++ $6.03
20 Anacleto De Medeiros Evocação Iv(Com Rogério Duprat) EX/EX $9.64
21 André Christovam Mandinga VG++/VG++ $8.44
22 Angela Ro Ro Angela Ro Ro (1979, Com Encarte) VG++/VG++ $11.33
23 Angela Ro Ro Simples Carinho (Com Encarte) VG++/EX $7.23
24 Annie Lennox Diva (Exemplar De Divulgação C/ Folder Gravadora) EX/EX $15.67
25 Annie Lennox Diva (Com Encarte) VG/VG++ $8.44
26 Ant Corpus Ant Corpus EX/EX $13.26
27 Antonio Cardoso Teimosia VG++VG++ $4.10
28 Antonio Carlos Jobim Antônio Carlos Jobim(1967-Mono Selo Elenco -Branco) VG++/VG++ $23.87
29 Antonio Carlos Jobim Love,Strings And Jobim (Importado-Usa) VG+/VG++ $16.63
30 Antonio Carlos Jobim Love,Strings And Jobim, VG+/VG++ $10.85
31 Antonio Carlos Jobim Urubu (Original) EX/EX $16.63
32 Antonio Carlos Jobim Tom Jobim E Convidados VG++/VG++ $8.44
33 Antonio Gringo E Conj.Quatro Ventos O Canto Da Terra (Com Encarte) VG++/VG++ $8.44
34 Antorcha Sodo Maquina (Importado) EX/EX $38.57
35 Aracy De Almeida O Samba Em Pessoa(Original) VG+/VG++ $10.85
36 Aretha Franklin Soul Sister (Mono, 1970) VG++/VG++ $21.70
37 Argent All Together Now (1972) VG++/VG++ $12.05
38 A.R.M.A.G.E.D.O.N A.R.M.A.G.E.D.O.N (Rap) VG++/VG++ $9.64
39 Arnaud Rodrigues Arnaud Rodrigues (1989) VG++/EX $9.40
40 Astor Piazzolla Y Su Orquesta Tangos VG++/VG++ $4.82
41 Astulio Nunes Astulio Nunes (Autografado) VG++/VG++ $4.82
42 Ataulfo Alves Meu Samba...Minha Vida(Mono, Original) VG++/VG++ $11.57
43 Ayrton Mugnaini Jr A Coragem De, VG++/EX $10.85
44 Baby Consuelo P'Ra Enlouquecer (1979) VG++/VG++ $9.64
45 Baker Army Gurvitz Hearts On Fire VG+/VG++ $6.99
46 Banda De Pau E Corda Redenção (1974) EX/EX $10.85
47 Banda De Pífanos De Caruaru A Bandinha Vai Tocar (1980) VG++/EX $13.26
48 Banda De Pífanos De Caruaru Raízes Dos Pífanos VG++/EX $10.85
49 B.B. King Take It Home (Com Encarte) VG++/VG++ $13.26
50 B.B. King The Incredible Soul Of B.B. King EX/EX $10.85
51 B.B. King King Of The Blues 1989 VG++/EX $9.64
52 B.B. King Love Me Tender VG++/EX $9.16
53 Beat Boys Beat Boys (Groovie Records - Importado) EX/EX $31.34
54 Beatles Rubber Soul (Mono, 1966- Capa Sanduiche) VG++/VG++ $21.70
55 Beatles Sgt. Peppers Lonely..(Mono-Capa Sanduiche-C/Encarte) VG++/VG++ $36.16
56 Beatles Hey Jude! VG++/VG++ $18.80
57 Beatles Rarities (Com Encarte) VG++/VG++ $13.26
58 Beatles Rarities (Capa Azul) VG++/VG++ $13.26
59 Beatles Rock'N'Roll Music (Duplo) VG++/VG++ $16.88
60 Bebeto Malícia VG++/EX $8.44
61 Beijo De Lingua Vampire VG++/EX $10.85
62 Belchior Alucinação (1976, Original) EX/VG+ $21.70
63 Belchior Medo De Avião VG++/VG++ $13.26
64 Bendegó Bendegó (1979) VG+/VG++ $6.27
65 Betty Blue Trilha Sonora Do Filme VG++/VG++ $3.13
66 Billy Bond E Quem São Eles ? (Vinil Verde, Com Encarte) VG++/VG++ $11.81
67 Bill Haley E Seus Cometas Rockin' The Oldies! (Original) VG+/VG+ $9.64
68 Black Sabbath Sabbath Bloody Sabbath (1974) VG++/VG++ $28.93
69 Black Crucifixion Satanic Zeitgeist(Importado) EX/EX $16.88
70 Blood,Sweat&Tears B,S&T 4 (Importado) VG++/VG++ $10.85
71 Blow-Up Blow-Up (Edição Original Importada-Argentina) VG++/VG++ $38.57
72 Blues Anytime An Anthology Of British Blues Vol. 1&2 (Duplo) VG++/VG++ $12.05
73 Blues Etílicos San-Ho-Zay (Com Encarte) VG++/EX $11.57
74 Bob Dylan Blonde On Blonde (Importado, Reedição Mono- Duplo) EX/EX $69.91
75 Bob Dylan Bob Dylan/The Band- Before The Flood (Duplo,Importado) VG++/VG++ $36.16
76 Bob Dylan At Budokan (Duplo, Importado) VG++/VG++ $21.70
77 Bob Dylan Hard Rain (1976) VG+/EX $8.68
78 Bob Fleming Bob Fleming (Original) VG++/VG++ $10.85
79 Bolão E Seu Conjunto Dance O Hully Gully (Original) VG+/VG++ $10.85
80 Boca Livre Bicicleta VG/VG+ $3.62
81 Brazilian Boys A Caminho (Autografado) VG++/VG++ $15.67
82 Bread Guitar Man (Com Encarte,1972) VG++/VG++ $9.64
83 Bruce Springsteen Special Edition "Born In The Usa" VG++/VG++ $7.23
84 Bruce Willis If It Don'T Kill You, It Just Makes You Stronger VG+/VG++ $4.34
85 Buenos Aires 8 Buenos Aires 8 (Mono, Importado) VG++/VG++ $8.44
86 Butuca Lance Livre VG++/VG++ $6.75
87 Cabaret Voltaire Code (Com Encarte) VG++/VG++ $6.03
88 Cacá Moraes Luz Azul (Autografado) VG++/EX $8.44
89 Caetano,Gal Costa, Gilberto Gil Temporada De Verão Ao Vivo Na Bahia (1974) VG++/VG++ $10.85
90 Caetano Veloso Caetano E Chico Juntos Ao Vivo VG++/VG+ $4.82
91 Caetano Veloso A Arte De Caetano Veloso(Duplo) VG++/VG++ $10.85
92 Caetano Veloso Prêmio Shell Para Musica Pop. Brasileira 1989 VG++/EX $6.99
93 Caetano Veloso Fasciculo Musica Popular Brasileira EX/EX $3.13
94 Caipira Raízes E Frutos Caipira Raízes E Frutos(Duplo, Com Encartes) EX/EX $12.05
95 Câmbio Negro Alô. Alô, São Paulo VG++/VG++ $7.23
96 Candeia&Elton Medeiros Fasciculo Musica Popular Brasileira VG++/VG++ $5.79
97 Canhoto Da Paraiba O Violão Brasileiro Tocado Pelo Avesso(Autografado) VG++/VG++ $15.67
98 Canto Novo Canto Novo VG++/VG++ $3.38
99 Capinam O Viramundo 21 Anos De Tropicalismo EX/EX $9.64
100 Carlos Lyra Depois Do Carnaval O Sambalanço De Carlos Lyra(Orig.) VG+/VG++ $28.93
101 Carlos Papel Liberado! (Autografado) VG++/VG++ $9.64
102 Carlos Poyares E Seu Conjunto Revendo Com A Flauta Os Bons Tempos...(Autografado) VG++/VG++ $9.64
103 Carmen Miranda A Nossa Carmen Miranda(Original) VG++/VG++ $10.85
104 Carpenters Close To You (1970, Original) VG++/VG++ $6.99
105 Casseta E Planeta Preto Com Um Buraco No Meio EX/MINT $8.44
106 Cat Stevens Buddha And The Chocolate Box (1974) VG++/VG++ $8.44
107 Célio Balona E Seu Conjunto Um Homem E Uma Mulher VG++/VG++ $6.03
108 Cesar Costa Filho De Silêncio Em Silêncio VG++/VG++ $6.75
109 César Leitão Retrato Seis (1993) VG++/VG++ $4.82
110 Céu Da Boca Céu Da Boca (Autografado, Com Encarte) VG++/EX $15.67
111 Cheiro Da Terra Devoção VG++/VG++ $7.23
112 C̶h̶i̶c̶o̶ ̶B̶u̶a̶r̶q̶u̶e̶ ̶C̶o̶n̶s̶t̶r̶u̶ç̶ã̶o̶ ̶(̶1̶9̶7̶1̶)̶ VG/VG++ $9.16
113 Chico Buarque Chico Buarque&Maria Bethania - Ao Vivo(Com Compacto) VG++/EX $9.40
114 Chico Buarque Ópera Do Malandro (Duplo, C/ Encartes) VG+/VG++ $10.85
115 Chico Maranhão Quando As Palavras Vêm (Autografado) EX/EX $9.64
116 Chitãozinho E Xororó Chitãozinho E Xororó (1976, Original) EX/EX $8.44
117 Clara Nunes Clara Clarice Clara (1972) VG++/VG++ $9.64
118 Clara Sandroni Clara Sandroni VG++/EX $6.03
119 Claudia Savaget Impacto (1974) VG+/VG++ $9.64
120 Claudio Cartier Claudio Cartier (1982 - Com Encarte) VG+/EX $6.75
121 Claudio Cavalcanti Claudio Cavalcanti(1ºlp, Original) EX/VG++ $9.40
122 Claudio E Os Goldfingers Claudio E Os Goldfingers (1967) VG+/VG++ $10.85
123 Claudio Zoli Claudio Zoli (1988, Autografado) VG++/EX $9.40
124 Comunidade S8 Apelo A Terra (Com Encarte) VG++/VG++ $28.93
125 Conjunto Dos Anjos Dançando Com Os "Anjos" VG++/VG++ $12.05
126 Corinthians Campeão Brasileiro De 1990 VG+/VG+ $9.64
127 Crabby Appleton Crabby Appleton (1970, Original) VG++/VG++ $14.46
128 Creedence Clearwater Revival Mardi Gras(Defeito 2ªfaixa Aldo A - Com Compacto Orig.) VG++/VG+ $12.05
129 Creedence Clearwater Revival Willy And The Poor Boys (1970) VG/VG $7.96
130 Cream Goodbye (1969, Importado) VG++/EX $24.11
131 Cristina Azuma Violão VG++/EX $10.85
132 Cyndi Lauper Cyndi Lauper&Friends VG++/VG++ $7.23
133 Cyro Aguiar Cyro Aguiar (1975) VG++/VG++ $6.03
134 Cyro Monteiro&Dilermando Pinheiro Show Teleco Teco Opus Nº1 Gravado Aoa Vivo VG++/VG++ $6.03
135 Dalva De Oliveira Dalva (Com Encarte De 8 Páginas) VG++/VG++ $7.23
136 Dani Turcheto Madeira Torta MINT/MINT $12.05
137 Dave Mason Headkeeper (1972) VG++/VG++ $9.40
138 David Bowie Pinups (1974 - Original) VG++/EX $27.72
139 David Crosby If I Could Only Remember My Name VG++/VG+ $9.40
140 David Wagner D/B/A Crow (1973) VG++/VG++ $9.16
141 Deacon Blue When The World Knows Your Name VG++/VG++ $3.13
142 De Aquino Asfalto (1980, Original) VG+/VG++ $26.52
143 Deep Purple Made In Europe VG++/EX $14.22
144 Del-O-Max Too Hard EX/EX $13.26
145 Demonios Da Garôa Os Demonios Da Garôa (1969) VG++/VG++ $8.44
146 Denise Emmer Canto Lunar (Original, Com Encarte) VG++/EX $13.98
147 Denise Emmer Pelos Caminhos Da América VG/VG++ $18.80
148 Déo Rian E Seu Bandolim Chôros De Sempre (1974) VG+/VG++ $7.23
149 Desaster Brazilian Blitzkrieg...(Vinil Picture/Apenas 1 Vinil ) EX/EX $13.26
150 Dhaal Estrela Do Amanhã VG++/VG++ $3.62
151 Dire Straits Brothers In Arms (Com Encarte) VG++/VG $6.99
152 Dire Straits Alchemy Dire Strais Live (Duplo) VG++/VG++ $15.67
153 Djalma Pires Greve De Amor(Autografado) VG++/VG++ $4.82
154 Djavan Faltando Um Pedaço VG++/VG++ $7.23
155 Donovan Mellow Yellow (Original, 1967) VG+/VG++ $10.85
156 Donovan Open Road (1970) VG++/VG++ $7.23
157 Doris Monteiro Doris&Miltinho E Charme (1970, Capa Sanduiche) VG++/VG++ $10.85
158 Doris Monteiro Doris Monteiro (1981, Autografado) VG+/VG++ $8.44
159 Dorival Caymmi Eu Não Tenho Onde Morar(Mono, Capa Sanduiche) VG++/VG++ $9.64
160 Doroty Marques Criança Faz Arte (Com Encartes) VG++/VG++ $14.46
161 Dr. Hook Dr. Hook And The Medicine Show(Importado-Usa) VG++/VG++ $18.80
162 Dr. John In A Sentimental Mood EX/EX $9.64
163 Duane Eddy Twangy Guitar Silky Strings(Importado) VG++/VG++ $10.85
164 Duo Ouro Negro Blackground (1974) VG+/VG++ $24.11
165 Earl Gaines Lovin' Blues(Original, Importado) VG++/VG++ $11.57
166 Ed Motta,Um Contrato Com Deus VG++/VG++ $13.26
167 Edgar Froese Aqua (1975) VG+VG++ $9.64
168 Ednardo Romance Do Pavão Mysteriozo(1974, Com Compacto) VG++/VG++ $43.39
169 Ednardo Azul E Encarnado (Autografado) EX/EX $24.11
170 Edú Da Gaita Edú O Mago Da Gaita(Original Selo Long Play Radio) VG+/VG+ $7.23
171 Edú Da Gaita Edú Da Gaita(1979) VG++/EX $4.82
172 Eduardo Costa&Os Hit Makers Festa De Brotos(Mono) VG+/VG++ $16.63
173 Egberto Gismonti Carmo (1977 Com Encarte) VG++/EX $12.05
174 Egberto Gismonti Em Familia(Vinil Branco , Com Encarte+Jornal Caipira) VG+/VG++ $10.85
175 Elcy Monlevar Forasteiro (1991, Autografado, Com Encarte) EX/EX $8.44
176 Eliana Estevão Bailarina (1981, Autografado) VG++/EX $21.70
177 Eliete Negreiros Eliete Negreiros (1986) VG++/VG++ $4.34
178 Elis Regina Elis Regina (1º Lp, 1961, Reedição) VG+/VG++ $7.23
179 Elvis Presley Having Fun With Elvis On Stage(1974, Importado) VG+/VG++ $21.46
180 Ely Arcoverde O Orgão Que Canta Sambas Vol. 2 VG/VG++ $4.82
181 Enigma Mcmxc A. D. VG++/EX $7.23
182 Em Ruínas ...From The Speed Metal Graves(Limited Edition 327/500) EX/EX $18.08
183 Eric Clapton Another Ticket (Com Encarte) VG++/VG++ $11.57
184 Eric Clapton Just One Night (Duplo) VG++/VG++ $22.90
185 Eugênio Leandro Eugênio Leandro (Autografado, Com Encarte) VG++/VG++ $8.44
186 Eugênio , Osias E Danilo Arraial Na Voz De Titane (Com Encarte) VG++/EX $21.46
187 Eustaquio Sena Cauromi VG++/VG++ $9.64
188 Evil Pagan Fury(Limited Edition Of 300 Copies- 176/300) EX/EX $18.08
189 Expresso Continental Geração Dos Girassóis (Original, Autografado) VG++/EX $28.93
190 Exuma Exuma (Original, 1970) VG++/EX $20.49
191 Fagner Ave Noturna (Com Encarte) VG++/EX $8.44
192 Fagner Ave Noturna VG++/VG $3.38
193 Fairport Convention Full House (1970, Importado, Original) VG++/VG++ $20.49
194 Faith No More Live At The Brixton Acadamey VG++/VG++ $9.16
195 Fátima Guedes Lápis De Cor (Autografado) VG++/VG++ $12.05
196 Fernando Mendes Fernando Mendes (1975) VG+/VG++ $8.44
197 Fernando Muzzi Corpos (Autografado, Com Encarte) VG++/EX $8.44
198 Fernando Rodrigues Tocar E Ser Livre (Com Encarte) VG++/EX $8.44
199 Fibra De Vida Fibra De Vida VG++/EX $6.03
200 Fine Young Cannibals Raw&The Cooker VG++/VG++ $4.82
201 Fine Young Cannibals Fine Young Cannibals VG++/VG++ $4.82
202 Flamengo Campeão Dos Campeões (1981) VG++/VG++ $11.81
203 Flavio Y Spirito Santo Menestrel Eletronico(Autografado) VG++/VG++ $11.57
204 Foghat Foghat (1972, Original Importado- Usa) EX/EX $24.11
205 Fogo Fátuo Fogo Fátuo (1981) VG++/VG++ $15.67
206 Formula V Busca Um Amor(1970, Original) VG+/VG++ $21.70
207 Franco Franco (1978) VG+/VG++ $19.29
208 Franco Os Grandes Sucessos De Franco VG++/VG++ $15.67
209 Françoise Hardy Françoise Hardy (1968) VG+/EX $8.44
210 Françoise Hardy Françoise Hardy (1973) VG++/VG++ $7.71
211 Françoise Hardy Françoise Hardy (Selo Mocambo) VG+/VG++ $9.64
212 Fred Astaire Starring Fred Astaire(Duplo,Importado) EX/EX $12.05
213 Free Free Live! (Original, Importado- Usa) VG++/VG++ $31.34
214 Gabriel O Pensador Ainda É Só O Começo(Duplo, Com Encarte) VG++/EX $21.70
215 Gal Costa Le Gal (1970 - Original) VG++/VG++ $45.80
216 Gal Costa Série Autógrafos De Sucesso (1973) VG++/VG++ $6.03
217 Genesis A Trick Of The Tail (1976, Com Encarte) VG++/VG++ $9.64
218 Genesis Wind&Wuthering (1977, Com Encarte) VG++/VG++ $8.44
219 Geraldo Azevedo Geraldo Azevedo (1977, Original) VG++/VG++ $21.70
220 Geraldo Vandré Geraldo Vandré (Mono, Original) VG+/VG++ $9.40
221 Geraldo Vandré Das Terras De Benvirá VG++/VG++ $7.23
222 Gilberto Gil Gilberto Gil&Germano Mathias- Antologia Do Sambachoro EX/EX $11.81
223 Gilberto Gil Ao Vivo Montreux Int. Jazz Festival (Duplo) VG++/VG++ $21.70
224 Gilberto Gil O Eterno Deus Da Mudança VG++/VG++ $4.82
225 Gilberto Gil Fasciculo Musica Popular Brasileira EX/EX $3.13
226 Gilson Peranzzetta Cantos Da Vida (Autografado) EX/EX $10.85
227 Glenn Miller The Glenn Miller Story(Original) VG++/VG++ $1.93
228 Gordon Lightfoot Sundown (1974, Importado- Usa) VG++/VG++ $13.98
229 Grupo Água Transparencia VG++/VG++ $19.29
230 Grupo Ciranda Ciranda VG/VG++ $4.34
231 Grupo Corda&Voz Grupo Corda&Voz VG++/VG++ $6.03
232 Guga Domenico Guga Domenico EX/EX $9.64
233 Guilherme Arantes Coração Paulista VG++/VG++ $10.85
234 Guilherme De Brito Guilherme De Brito VG++/VG++ $4.58
235 Gun'S Roses Gn'R Lies (Com Encarte) VG++/VG++ $12.05
236 Hair Trilha Peça Brasileira (1969) VG++/VG++ $8.44
237 Hard&York The World'S Smallest Big Band(Importado- Germany) VG++/VG++ $21.70
238 Harry Fairy Tales (Com Encarte) EX/EX $21.70
239 Hélio Delmiro Emotiva (Com Encarte) EX/EX $10.85
240 Herbie Mann&João Gilberto Recorded In Rio De Janeiro(Importado,1966 - Original) VG+/VG++ $60.27
241 Herman Torres Herman Torres (1980) EX/EX $7.23
242 Hermes De Aquino Desencontro De Primavera (1977, Com Compacto) VG++/VG++ $11.57
243 Hermeto Pascoal Hermeto Pascoal&Grupo EX/EX $15.67
244 Inimigos Do Rei Inimigos Do Rei (1989) VG++/VG++ $3.62
245 Inxs Inxs (Com Encarte) VG++/VG++ $6.75
246 Ira Psicoacustica (Original) VG++/VG++ $13.26
247 Iron Butterfly Ball (Original, 1969 - Importado Usa) VG++/VG++ $24.11
248 Isaac Hayes Live At The Sahara Tahoe (Duplo, 1973) VG+/VG++ $14.46
249 Ivan Lins Ivan Lins 20 Anos VG++/VG++ $3.62
250 Ivinho Ivinho Ao Vivo Montreux Int. Jazz Festival(1978) VG++/VG++ $36.16
251 Jackson Five Skywriter (1973) VG++/VG+ $9.40
252 Jackson Do Pandeiro Sua Majestade O Rei Do Ritmo EX/EX $14.46
253 Jacques Brell Jacques Brel VG++/VG++ $3.38
254 Jair Rodrigues O Sorriso Do Jair(Mono, 1966) VG+/VG++ $9.64
255 Jair Rodrigues Jair (1967, Selo Branco Promocional) VG+/VG $7.23
256 Jair Rodrigues Estou Lhe Devendo Um Sorriso VG+/VG+ $2.41
257 James Brown Pop History Vol. 3 (1972) EX/EX $14.46
258 James Taylor James Taylor And The Flying Machine(Original) VG++/VG++ $15.67
259 James Taylor Never Die Young (Com Encarte) VG-/EX $3.62
260 Jane Duboc Languidez (Com Encarte) VG+/VG++ $6.99
261 Janis Joplin Pearl VG+/VG++ $13.26
262 Jards Macalé,Sem Tom/Blue Suede Shoes (Mix) VG++/EX $10.85
263 Jatari Canción Ecuatoriana VG++/EX $6.99
264 Jerônimo Jardim Jerônimo Jardim (1984) VG++/EX $8.44
265 Jerry Wallace Greatest Hits(Importado) MINT/MINT $7.23
266 Jethro Tull Broadsword EX/EX $12.05
267 Joan Baez Joan Baez (1966, Importado) VG++/VG++ $14.46
268 Joan Baez David'S Album (1969, Importado) VG++/VG++ $10.85
269 Joan Baez Bléssed Are... (Original, Duplo) VG+/VG++ $12.05
270 Joan Baez Come From The Shadows (1972) VG++/VG++ $7.23
271 Joanna Estrela Guia VG++/VG++ $1.93
272 João Bosco Bandalhismo VG++/VG++ $8.44
273 João Bosco Aiaiai De Mim VG++/VG++ $3.86
274 João Bosco Bosco VG++/VG++ $3.86
275 João Gilberto Gilberto&Jobim Y Walter Wanderley(1972, Importado) VG++/VG++ $21.46
276 John Denver Poems,Prayers&Promises EX/EX $7.23
277 John Fogerty Centerfield VG++/VG++ $8.44
278 John Lee Hooker Get Back Home In The U.S.A. VG++/VG++ $14.46
279 John Lennon Rock'N'Roll (1975) VG++/VG++ $9.16
280 John Mayall Back To The Roots(Duplo, Importado Usa C/Enc. 24Pág.) EX/EX $60.27
281 John Mclaughlin Mahavishnu VG++/VG++ $6.03
282 Johnny Johnson&Bandwag. Soul Survivor(1971) VG++/VG++ $7.23
283 Johnny Winter The First Album VG++/VG++ $18.08
284 Jorge Ben Ben (1972- Com Compacto Original) VG++/VG++ $53.04
285 Jorge Ben "23" Jorge Bem Jor (Com Encarte) VG++/VG++ $9.40
286 Jorge Ben Bem Jorge Sonsual VG/VG++ $6.99
287 Jorge Ben Salve Simpatia VG+/VG++ $10.85
288 Jorge Ben Ao Vivo No Rio VG++/VG++ $8.44
289 Jorge Ben A Música De Jorge Bem (1977) VG+/VG++ $6.99
290 Jorge Ben Jorge Bem Jor Ao Vivo VG++/VG++ $6.99
291 Jorge Mello Integral (1977) VG++/EX $10.85
292 José Feliciano Compartments (Importado Usa) VG++/VG++ $11.81
293 Jovelina Pérola Negra Pérola Negra VG++/VG++ $7.23
294 Junia Horta Não Me Lembre Demais,Nem Me Esqueça(Autografado) EX/EX $10.85
295 Katrina&The Waves Break Of Hearts VG++/VG++ $9.40
296 Kgb Motion (1976) VG++/VG++ $11.81
297 Kiki Dee Perfect Timing VG++/EX $3.13
298 Kokomo Rise And Shine! VG++/VG++ $6.99
299 Kim Carnes Voyeur(Importado) VG++/VG++ $4.34
300 King Curtis Everybody'S Talkin' (1972) VG+/VG++ $8.44
301 King Curtis Sweet Soul (1968, Original) VG++/VG++ $12.05
302 Kleiton&Kledir Kleiton&Kledir (1980) VG++/VG++ $6.27
303 Lado B Lado B VG++/VG++ $6.03
304 Lady Zu Louco Amor VG++/VG++ $7.23
305 Lalo Schifrin Tributeto The Memory Of The Marquis De Sade VG++/VG++ $8.44
306 Larry Coryell&Philip Catherine Guitar Duos Twin-House VG++/VG++ $6.75
307 Laurie Anderson Home Of The Brave(Importado - Usa) EX/EX $8.44
308 Lé Dantas E Cordeiro Brincadeira Manhã (Autografado) VG++/VG++ $7.23
309 GONE Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin Ii VG+/VG++ $18.80
310 Leo Gandelman Leo (Autografado) VG++/VG++ $7.23
311 Lighthouse Sunny Days VG++/VG++ $10.85
312 Lincoln Lincoln (1975) VG++/VG+ $8.44
313 Lloyd Cole And The Commotions Rattlesnakes EX/EX $6.99
314 Lobão Vida Bandida VG/VG++ $3.38
315 Lobão Sob O Sol De Parador VG++/VG++ $3.62
316 Lula Côrtes O Gosto Novo Da Vida VG++/VG++ $38.57
317 Lourival Oliveira Os Cabras De Lampião No Frevo EX/EX $19.29
318 Lourenço Baêta Lourenço Baêta (1979 Com Encarte) VG++/VG++ $9.40
319 Lou Reed Lou Reed Live EX/EX $15.67
320 Luis Vagner Fusão Das Raças (1979) VG++/VG++ $32.55
321 Luiz Ayrão Luiz Ayrão (1974) VG++/VG++ $7.23
322 Luiz Claudio Minas Sempre-Viva(Duplo+Enc.60Pág.) VG++/EX $43.39
323 Luiz Claudio Viola De Bolso VG++/VG++ $8.44
324 Luiz Guedes&Thomas Roth Extra VG++/VG++ $6.03
325 Malú Moraes Malú Moraes (1980) VG++/VG++ $6.03
326 Manfredo Fest Trio Manfredo Fest Trio (Xrlp - 5.272 - Original) VG/VG++ $14.46
327 Manfred Mann Mighty Garvey! (1968- Original) VG/VG++ $14.46
328 Mané Do Cavaco Martinho Da Vila Apresenta(1973) VG++/VG++ $7.23
329 Mara Do Nascimento Instrumental, VG/EX $9.40
330 Marcio Greyck Marcio Greyck (1967) VG+/VG+ $13.74
331 Marcio Montarroyos Piston Internacional VG++/VG++ $6.03
332 Marcos Antonio Alves A Barca Dos Rumos VG++/VG++ $3.62
333 Marcos Lucena A Profecia (Autografado) VG++/VG++ $32.55
334 Maria Bethânia Recital Na Boite Barroco (1968) VG++/VG+ $6.99
335 Maria Bethânia Drama 3º Ato (1973) VG++/VG+ $6.03
336 Maria Bethânia Pássaro Proibido VG++/VG++ $5.79
337 Maria Creuza Sessão Nostalgia (1974) EX/EX $6.03
338 Maria Creuza Maria Creuza(1972) VG++/VG++ $3.62
339 Marianne Faithfull A Childs Adventure (Importado) EX/EX $13.98
340 Marilia Batista História Musical Noel Rosa(Duplo,Autog.) VG++/VG++ $18.08
341 Marilia Medalha Bóias De Luz VG++/VG++ $4.82
342 Marlui Miranda Rio Acima EX/EX $11.81
343 Marina Simples Como Fogo VG++/VG++ $8.44
344 Marina Certos Acordes VG++/VG++ $8.44
345 Marina Todas Ao Vivo (Autografado) VG++/VG++ $10.85
346 Mark Radice Mark Radice (1972) VG++/VG++ $9.16
347 Marlene Dietrich The Best Of (Importado) VG++/VG++ $10.85
348 Marlene Pastro Divisor De Águas (Autografado) VG++/VG++ $4.82
349 Martinha Martinha (1968- Autografado) VG++/VG+ $9.16
350 Martinha Eu Te Amo Mesmo Assim(1967) VG++/VG++ $9.64
351 Martinho Da Vila Presente(1977) VG++/VG++ $3.62
352 Martinho Da Vila Maravilha De Cenario (Com Encartes) VG++/VG++ $6.03
353 Martinho Da Vila 20 Anos De Samba(Caixa Com 4 Lp'S) VG+/VG++ $7.23
354 Mary Hopkin Post Card (Original, Capa Sanduiche) VG++/VG++ $10.85
355 Maurice Jarre Grand Prix (Trilha Sonora Do Filme, 1967) VG++/VG++ $8.44
356 Mauricio Janpi Mauricio Janpi VG++/VG++ $3.62
357 Maysa Maysa (10" Polegadas - Rlp-0015) VG++/VG++ $10.85
358 Maysa Bossa Com Maysa (Mono- Original-Selo Okeh) VG++/VG++ $40.98
359 Mercedes Sosa Vengo A Ofrecer Mi Corazón VG++/VG++ $5.54
360 Mercedes Sosa A Arte De Mercedes Sosa (Duplo) VG+/VG+ $6.03
361 Michael Jakson Thriller (1982, Importado, Com Encarte) VG++/VG++ $28.93
362 Miltinho Um Novo Astro-Miltinho Com Sexteto Sideral(Original) VG++/VG+ $15.67
363 Miltinho Quanto Mais Samba Melhor (1967, Mono) VG+/VG++ $9.64
364 Milton Banana Trio Ao Meu Amigo Vinicius-Samba É Isso Vol.5 VG+/VG++ $6.03
365 Milton Nascimento Geraes (Com Encarte) VG++/EX $8.44
366 Milton Nascimento Caçador De Mim (Com Encarte) VG++/VG++ $7.23
367 Milton Nascimento Nova História Da Musica Popular Brasileira VG++/VG++ $3.13
368 Miss You I Wanna Fuck You(Mix, Imp.) VG+/VG+ $2.17
369 Mpb 4,Mpb4 (1968, Original) EX/EX $19.29
370 Mpb 4,Tempo Tempo (Autografado) VG++/VG++ $12.05
371 Mpb 4,Tempo Tempo (Com Encarte) VG++/EX $4.58
372 Mpb 4,Ao Vivo, VG++/VG++ $3.38
373 Moacir Luz,Moacyr Luz VG++/EX $15.67
374 Moreira Da Silva Cheguei E Vou Dar Trabalho VG++/VG++ $6.03
375 Morris Albert Morris Albert (1976) VG++/VG++ $4.82
376 Morte E Vida Severina Musica De Chico Buarque De Hollanda(Original, 1966) VG++/VG++ $20.49
377 Mr. Samba E Seus Skindôs Ritmicos Mr. Samba'S Authentic Brazilian Bossa Nova(Original) VG/VG++ $18.80
378 Muraro Casinha Pequenina...(Original) VG++/VG++ $8.44
379 Murillo Serpa&Luiz Leme Murillo Serpa&Luiz Leme (Com Pôster) VG++/EX $43.39
380 Mussum Mussum (1983 , Com Encarte) VG++/EX $19.04
381 Mussum Mussum (1986) VG+/VG++ $9.64
382 Mutantes Mutantes (1969, Original) VG+/VG $45.80
383 Muzak Muzak (1986 ,Com Encarte) VG+/EX $9.64
384 Nana Caymmi Nana Caymmi (1975) EX/EX $8.44
385 Nana Caymmi Atrás Da Porta, VG++/EX $4.82
386 Nana Vasconcelos Codona (1983) EX/EX $16.88
387 Nancy Wilson&Cannonball Adderley Nancy Wilson&Cannonball Adderley(Orignal) EX/EX $12.05
388 Nara Leão Liberdade,Liberdade (Mono, 1966) VG++/VG++ $22.90
389 Nara Leão Meus Sonhos Dourados VG++/VG++ $6.03
390 Nara Leão My Foolish Heart VG++/VG++ $6.03
391 Nara Leão Nara&Menescal Um Cantinho,Um Violão VG++/VG++ $7.23
392 Natalie Cole Unforgettable (Duplo Com Encartes) VG++/EX $9.64
393 Nazaré Pereira Nazaré Pereira (1981) VG+/VG++ $6.75
394 Nelson Gonçalves Ele&Elas Vol. Ii VG++/VG++ $3.13
395 New Order Technique (Com Encarte) VG++/EX $10.85
396 Nico Rezende Nico Rezende (Autografado) VG++/EX $6.03
397 Nina Hagen Ekstasy (Com Encarte) VG++/VG++ $7.23
398 Noel Rosa No Tempo De Noel Rosa VG++/VG++ $8.44
399 Nos Requebros Do Samba Nos Requebros Do Samba(Original - Clp -11156) VG++/VG++ $11.81
400 O Banquete Dos Mendigos O Banquete Dos Mendigos (Duplo, Com Encarte 12Pág.) EX/EX $33.75
401 O Mundo De Pelé O Mundo De Pelé (1969) VG+/VG++ $10.85
402 O Primeiro Amor Trilha Sonora Da Novela (1972) VG++/VG++ $7.23
403 O Quarteto Antologia Da Bossa Nova-20 Anos Depois VG++/VG++ $8.44
404 Olivia Anjo Vadio (Com Encarte) VG++/EX $9.64
405 Olivia Anjo Vadio (Com Encarte) VG+/VG++ $7.23
406 Olmir Stocker Perto Do Coração Longe Dos Olhos(Com Encarte) VG++/EX $7.23
407 Olodum Filhos Do Sol (Com Encarte) VG++/VG++ $6.75
408 Omen Escape To Nowhere (Importado) EX/EX $30.13
409 Oregon Roots In The Sky (Importado - Usa) VG++/VG++ $12.05
410 Orquestra De Cordas Dedilhadas... Cordas Mágicas (Selo Som Da Gente) VG++/EX $5.54
411 Oswaldo Montenegro Poeta Maldito... Moleque Vadio VG/VG $2.41
412 Os Anjos Dançando Com Os "Anjos" (Original) VG+/VG++ $12.05
413 Os Berimbois Violentíssimo VG+/VG++ $9.64
414 Os 3 Morais Os 3 Morais Volume 2 (1968)) VG+/VG++ $11.57
415 Os 3 Morais Os 3 Morais (1973) VG+/VG++ $10.85
416 Os Brasas Os Brasas (1968) VG/VG++ $45.80
417 Os Cariocas A Bossa Dos Cariocas(Mono-Com Compacto Original) VG++/VG++ $16.88
418 Os Cariocas O Melhor De Os Cariocas VG++/VG++ $4.58
419 Os Incriveis Dançando Com The Clevers Vol. 3 VG+/VG++ $7.23
420 Os Incriveis Nêste Mundo Louco (Original, 1967) VG++/VG++ $19.29
421 Os Incriveis Para Os Jovens Que Amam Beatles,Rolling Stones(1967) VG++/VG++ $10.85
422 Os Novos Reis Do Iê-Iê-Iê Vol. Iii Os Primitivos/Ronnie Von/Brazilian Bitles...(1967) VG++/VG++ $19.29
423 Os Originais Do Samba Os Originais Do Samba (1969- Original) EX/EX $22.90
424 Os Santos Xii Maravilhas Em Iê,Iê,Iê(Selo Equipe) VG++/VG++ $22.90
425 Os Tápes Canto Da Gente VG++/VG++ $10.85
426 Otis Redding The Immortal Otis Redding (1968) VG++/VG+ $10.85
427 Out Of The Blue Live At Mt. Fuji VG++/VG++ $3.62
428 Painel De Controle Painel De Controle (1973, Original) VG+/VG++ $24.11
429 Palimpsesto A Vida Total VG++/VG++ $9.16
430 Papa Winnie One Blood One Love VG++/VG++ $4.34
431 Papagaio Paparock(1986) VG++/EX $9.64
432 Papavento Aurora Dórica (Autografado) VG/VG++ $18.80
433 Patativa Do Assaré Patativa Do Assaré (1979) VG++/EX $15.67
434 Patrulha 666 Rock And Roll (Com Encarte) VG++/vG++ $9.64
435 Paul Hallstein&Ricardo Movits Ponte Para O Invisível, VG++/EX $120.54
436 Paulinho Da Viola O Talento De Paulinho Da Viola (Duplo) VG++/VG++ $7.23
437 Paulinho Nogueira Antologia Do Violão (1976 - Autografado) VG++/EX $12.05
438 Paulinho Pedra Azul Sonho De Menino (Autografado) VG++/VG++ $13.26
439 Paulinho Pedra Azul Uma Janela Dentro Dos Meus Olhos(Autografado) VG++/EX $15.67
440 Paulinho Pedra Azul Sonho De Menino VG++/VG++ $6.75
441 Paulinho Tapajós Amigos E Parceiros VG++/VG++ $4.58
442 Paulo Bellinati Garoto-Violão VG++/VG++ $7.23
443 Paulo Vanzolini Inéditos De Paulo Vanzolini VG++/VG++ $6.03
444 Paul Bryan Listen Of Paul Bryan(1973, Original) VG+/VG+ $16.88
445 Paul Mccartney Mccartney (Mono - 1970 Original) VG++/EX $18.08
446 Paul Simon Concert In The Park(Duplo) VG++/VG++ $3.13
447 Pedrinho Rodrigues Pedrinho Rodrigues (Original) VG/VG $3.62
448 Pena Branca E Xavantinho Cantadô De Mundo Afora VG+/EX $8.44
449 Pena Branca E Xavantinho Cio Da Terra (Com Encarte) EX/EX $8.44
450 Pepeu Gomes Na Terra A Mais De Mil (Original) EX/EX $11.81
451 Péricles Cavalcanti Canções VG++/VG++ $10.85
452 Peter,Paul&Mary Peter,Paul&Mary(Original, Mono) VG++/EX $6.03
453 Peter,Paul&Mary Late Again (1968) VG++/VG++ $6.03
454 Peter Tosh Wanted Dread&Alive (1981) VG++/EX $13.98
455 Petrúcio Maia Melhor Que Mato Verde VG++/EX $10.85
456 GONE Pholhas Pholhas (1975) VG++/VG++ $7.23
457 Pingo De Fortaleza Lendas&Contendas (Autografado C/ Encarte 12Páginas) EX/EX $34.96
458 Pink Floyd Ummagumma(1973, Duplo, Original) VG++/VG++ $31.34
459 Pink Floyd Relics (1974) VG++/EX $19.29
460 Pink Floyd A Momentary Lapse Of Reason (Com Encarte) VG++/EX $13.26
461 Porno Sponges Going Places,Eating Things (Importado) EX/EX $12.05
462 Quarteto Em Cy Em Cy Maior (1968, Selo Elenco) VG++/VG++ $22.90
463 Que Fim Levou Robin? Aqui Não Tem Chanel (Com Encarte) VG++/EX $10.85
464 Quinteto Violado Berra-Boi (1973) VG++/VG++ $7.23
465 Quinteto Violado A Feira (1974) VG+/VG++ $6.03
466 Quinteto Violado Kuiré VG++/VG++ $5.79
467 Quinteto Violado Noticias Do Brasil VG++/VG++ $5.79
468 Raul De Barros Um Trombone Na Gafieira VG++/VG++ $7.23
469 Raul De Souza Viva Volta (Autografado) VG++/EX $14.46
470 Raul Seixas Gita VG+/VG++ $13.74
471 Raul Seixas Há 10 Mil Anos Atrás (1983) VG++/EX $18.80
472 Raul Seixas Caroço De Manga (1987, Original) EX/EX $30.13
473 Raul Seixas Raul Rock Seixas VG++/VG++ $27.72
474 Raul Seixas Raul Seixas (Carimbador Maluco) VG++/VG++ $9.64
475 Raul Seixas O Baú Do Raul (C/ Encarte) VG++/VG++ $16.88
476 Raul Seixas Caminhos VG++/VG++ $10.85
477 Raul Seixas 30 Anos De Rock VG++/VG++ $10.85
478 Raul Seixas Ao Vivo Único E Exclusivo VG++/EX $12.05
479 Renato E Seus Blue Caps Renato E Seus Blue Caps (Mono, 1967) VG++/VG++ $11.81
480 Renato Teixeira Terra Tão Querida VG++/VG++ $4.34
481 Ringo Starr Ringo (1974, Com Encarte De 20 Páginas) VG++/VG++ $13.26
482 Robert Palmer Don'T Explain (Duplo) EX/EX $8.44
483 Robertinho De Recife E Agora Prá Vocês...(Autografado) VG++/VG++ $11.81
484 Robertinho De Recife E Agora Prá Vocês... VG++/VG++ $7.23
485 Robertinho De Recife No Passo VG+/VG++ $6.03
486 Roberto Carlos Splish Splash (Reedição) EX/EX $12.05
487 Roberto Carlos É Proibido Fumar(Mono, Original) VG++/VG+ $12.05
488 Roberto Carlos Jovem Guarda (Mono, Original) VG+/VG++ $11.81
489 Roberto Leal Roberto Leal(1977) VG++/VG++ $4.34
490 Roberto Menescal A Bossa Nova De Roberto Menescal(Selo Elenco) VG+/VG+ $20.49
491 Roberto Sion Roberto Sion (1981, Autografado) EX/EX $9.16
492 Rock Grande Do Sul Os Replicantes/Defalla/Tnt/Garotos Da Rua... VG++/VG++ $14.22
493 Rogério Duprat Casatchok VG++/VG++ $14.46
submitted by sublingualwart to VinylCollectors [link] [comments]

2019.04.24 00:53 Anysnackwilldo [Let's Build] d100 recent events and happenings

The adventurers decide to engage in small talk with the locals.
As conversation starter, they ask "So, what's going on around here?"
What does the local say?

D100 Event/happening
1 The local lord's son fell in love with a common girl and refuses to merry anybody but her.
2 There are rumors going on about some goblin warband rampaging through the country. Nobody saw them around here yet, though.
3 Old Brassbottle's hens turned blue about a month ago and stayed that way ever since. Nobody is sure what happened to them, and least of all Brassbottle himself. The hens seem healthy, though.
4 A lightning bolt hit the roof of the temple last night. The priest denies doing anything that could anger the godess.
5 The word is the kings tax collector is on route to this location, he is said to be a ruthless man. Most of the common folk speculate he takes more than the king has asked from them to line his own pockets.
6 The renowned tavern (the Golden Ram) that sits about an hours ride outside of town is hosting its annual hunters contest. They release large, captured, dangerous beast and the hunting parties that take them down receive prizes.
7 A party of knights rode into town two nights ago and are trying to recruit a few squires. The only odd part is they only seems to want small children around the age of 7.
8 There is a farmer about five miles outside the walls who has a chicken that can tell lies from truth. People swear by it: many a spouse or merchant or judge has dragged their spouse or client or defendant on a long walk into the country to find out whether what they said was true. The farmer charges 5 GP per statement; his daughter is now engaged to the count's second son.
9 "Nothing. Just nothing, ever since the mine closed and the mill stream ran dry. I keep the inn open for travellers, but even they don't come as often as they used to."
10 Merchant caravan was supposed to visit the settlement, but they never did. Some looked for them, but all that was found were empty, broken wagons. The merchants, the horses, the goods..everything gone without a trace. Rather peculiar indeed.
11 The Wild Goose inn apparently hired new cook. One of his specialities is a meat pie that is so good, the Lord himself has it brought on his table. Nobody is sure who the cook is, though, or where they get the meat from.
12 Nothing much. But you should see the smith. Master of his craft, though his works tend to have odd properties. He himself is quite odd sight. An elf, all right, but with bright blue skin.
13 "Folks say if you touch the pointy rock, that is on east of the north gate, you turn into a animal. My cousin went there, never came back. "
14 The Local Gardens have this strange new plant growing around a specific lake. Problem is, the plant is extremely poisonous, and there are strange creatures coming out of the water to eat it. They seem docile, though.
15 " Annual shrine fest is coming up! The priests say if we don’t sanctify ‘em yearly, the dead’ll come back to haunt us, but I think they’re just tryna get our copper. Still, the festivities’re a good time! "
16 " I hear they finally caught three of them highwaymen! Gunna have a trail, and a hanging soon! "
17 All of the socks have been getting stolen from clotheslines around town. As citizens begin to go barefoot out of convenience, the local cobbler has been actively searching for help catching the thief.
18 The mayor hasn’t been seen in 5 days. He was last spotted absconding from a party with a beautiful half elf
19 The summer festival has begun and today is the day of the melee tournament, the winner receiving the favor of the queen. A shadowy figure approaches one of the PCs offering a ridiculous sum of gold to throw the competition
20 " Lumbermills our greatest blessing i tell ya, them trees seem to be cutting themselves almost..... "
21 " Well traveller, if you are looking for a way to get rid of your worries just visit lady Brianne, she is so good at singing you forget you ever had any . I tell you its great "
22 Fish been streaming down the river lately... But not the usual kind.... usually they are alive
23 "I hear someone ate one of Sallie's meat pies and started smoking out of their ears."
24 "When I was a younger man, that mansion over yonder was in better shape. Family used to live in it, but a few of them died and I'm not sure what became of their oldest. Still not been sold though, so somebody in that family owns it yet. Wish they'd do something about the broken windows."
25 "Not sure what happened to old Bill. Used to come in damn near every night. Word has it his wife won't even talk about him no more, says she never married."
26 "I hear tale some goblins have been trying to open up a shop here in town. Most folk round here think the only good goblin's a dead one so they've had a heap of trouble."
27 A Local Noble's Boy is engaged, but his parents are none too keen about it, considering she's half-serpent. "
28 "This town has become infested with the tattered robe-wearing, barefeet monks who call themselves the Birds of the Whispering Saint. You've probably met one or two already. Despite the winter's cold and snow, they seem unaffected by it. Some walk the streets preaching and admonishing villagers for their sinful lives. Others are squatting in people's sheds, barns, and outhouses. Why isn't the local lord doing anything about it? It's no fun having these zealots in your backyard."
29 " Tell you one thing, if you want to have a nice time while you're here. Don't trust anyone. Yup, that includes me. And don't ask anyone for any kind of meat. I mean it. You'll be dead."
30 "Why would you come here? This village is as dead as they come. Are you here for the well?"
31 "Hello there. You are bold ones, coming here during harvest. Always someone churning up bones from that battle, and everytime we end up locking our doors and praying to the gods we live through the night."
32 Acording to local rumors a goblin has been adopted by the local mill workers, the mill workers have been extremly protective of the goblin
33 “I heard Deyni found a hidden supply of love potions his wife had been feeding him, and now they’re getting a divorce.”
34 Elyana, that nobleman’s wife, finally gave birth to a male just like her husband wanted. Only problem is, the kid is a water genasi.
35 Little Timmy found a hexblade and now he’s been causing a ruckus at school with his new warlock powers.
36 There’s been a cave in at the old Mithril Mines, and six dwarves are trapped in there.
37 “A bunch of wood elves chained themself to a tree to stop a local company from cutting it down. I'm not sure what they will do when the axes will cut through them, though..”
38 Leldrin died and came back as an undead being, and now there’s a controversial legal battle going on about if he still has to pay off his worldly debts.
39 " I saw a wyvern circle the old hill, thrice widdershins, and then out of the blue.. lightning struck! The wyvern was gone before I could rub the spots out of my eyes... "
40 “The local inn just burned down. I heard the firemen couldn’t put it out because they were so hammered.”

Contributors: felagund, Rumtide, hexapodium, Masonthemasonmason, tandera, Stormynimbus, anthropobscene,
AOtaxman, Flutterwander, Destriant_of_Perish, forgoten_mad_man, grannysmithpears, MaxSizeIs, grannysmithpears
submitted by Anysnackwilldo to d100 [link] [comments]