Constant thirst and frequent urination pituitary


2018.12.24 13:51 thetimeisnow Cholecalciferol

Cholecalciferol / Vitamin D3 / is the active ingredient in rat poison.

2014.06.11 11:58 Vailhem AltDiabetes

A place for alternative approaches to dealing with both the symptoms *and* causes of diabetes *** This reddit is educational in nature and makes no claims to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease. You should verify this information through your own research. If you have any health condition, seek the advice of doctors or healthcare practitioners of your choice, and always remember, their advice is just that, advice, and the decisions rest with you.

2024.05.21 16:51 Silverhairbutterfox FTM and having lingering anxiety about co-parenting with husband

33F and pregnant in my first trimester with our first, very wanted baby. 34M husband and I have been together for 8 years, married for 5. I don’t know if it’s just the hormones, but I’m having these anxieties about co-parenting with him. We have a very fun, stable relationship where we communicate well and enjoy each other a lot. However, I am worried about some of our lifestyle differences and how it will impact child rearing.
I married him for all the reasons you fall in love with a person: he’s kind, funny, family-oriented, honest, loyal, good natured, responsible, etc. He really is a great person. But he’s much more of a homebody than me. He has a small set of hobbies, and most of them include a screen of some kind. Outside of spending time with our friends, he likes watching sports and movies, playing video games, and making digital art. I have a larger variety of things that I like to do, and while I enjoy watching movies and sports with him, I also like to do a lot of non-screen hobbies (exercising, reading, playing music, gardening, cooking, swimming, hiking, etc). He will do some of these activities with me, but they’re not his favorite, and I’ve always thought it was healthy to have different things that we like to do. (For more context, he grew up poor, and screens were just a frequent part of his upbringing; I grew up lowemiddle class and was exposed to a lot of activities).
Now that I’m growing a child, all I can think about is how much I don’t want my child to have such screen-heavy hobbies. I’m not anti-screen, but I think there are way more negatives than positives to having a lot of screen time in your life, especially at an early age. But of course, one whole parent is going to be modeling that screens are their main hobby, so it feels like there’s not much I can do. I spiraled in the middle of the night on this and had the thought “I don’t want my child to be like their dad” but even THAT’S not really true. He has so many good qualities, it’s just that he’s more introverted and happy to be at home watching movies or playing games than going for hikes.
I also feel like part of the anxiety is coming from the fact that I know it’s going to be a major transition for both of us, but especially for him because he’s had a cushy corporate job for the last 7 years that’s been remote/hybrid, and so he doesn’t have a lot of practice being stretched thin all the time. He gets his work done, but it rarely takes 40 full hours a week, whereas I spent 8 years (up until the last 2 where I transitioned to a desk job) working in public schools where it was 10-12 hours a day without a ton of rest. I know having a child won’t be the same, but I worry less about my transition to no sleep and constant baby care than him who is used to having a lot of idle time.
I don’t even really know what my question is, but I barely slept last night and I know this anxiety spiral isn’t good for the baby. I know we should just talk about these things (and we have gone to marriage counseling both to prepare for getting married as well as a few times since then — we are both on the same page about marriage counseling being beneficial). If someone has a similar story to share or any perspective, I would be grateful and willing to hear.
submitted by Silverhairbutterfox to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:49 Rare_University_5939 Why can't I do anything but study

I used to be that person who had no motivation and was a constant procrastinator, But for the past few days I don't know what alarm has been going off in my brain, but it's causing me to study literally ALL THE TIME . Now I am really happy for myself for this but it has come with costs, My hygiene went downhill, I don't even take a bath anymore, I wake up in the morning, go to my room and start studying and continue doing so all day, the slightest disturbance makes me go bonkers, even my parents calling me to do very small chores just irritates me, now my mother can't manage all the housework herself, so I gotta help her out but if I help her out I end up focusing on housework for 3-5 hours which is a waste of time , my schedule completely disrupts and I procrastinate the whole day. but if I don't help out, I feel bad looking at the dirty house and my poor mother sitting in the messy hall and watching TV so to cope I clean JUST my room and close the door, and stay in it the whole day studying and going outside for only minor tasks,(like going to the bathroom, eating, drinking water also which I sometimes forget).This has got my parents concerned,But I can't do anything its either 100 or 0 for me .I am never able to maintain my studying routine in a healthy way, I sometimes pull unhealthy all-nighters to study and my sleep schedule frequently goes WACK, but I comfort myself and say "Only today, tomorrow I will wake up and do some exercise and sleep well" but I never do it, and I know that someday I will wake up with the same excuse yesterday and end up in the hospital bed, unhealthy and sick, wondering about my past decisions. I LOVE my parent but nowadays I rarely spend time or talk to them at all. I am really worried that one day my parents will die and it will be too late to spend time with them. But I completely detached myself from them.I feel like a very selfish person.
It's either that or I wake up one day when I am 30 with no job or family,as a disappointment to my parents and society (that is when I procrastinate the whole day forever).
RECAP: the smallest distraction or disturbances make me angry and I procastinate the whole day or I end up studying the whole day paying no need to my bodily functions.
CONTEXT: It's currently my summer vacation, I am currently in 10th grade my school starts in June and I think I am going a little too crazy for my JEE and board exam preparation.
Also when typing out long advice please make it english as reading long sentences in hindi is hard for me (hindi is not my mother tongue)
submitted by Rare_University_5939 to CBSE [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:30 Puzzleheaded-Jump-96 Once it’s over, things get better.

3 months ago, my relationship with a borderline ended. The relationship was a constant rollercoaster ride.
I knew she had BPD, she told me about her diagnosis about a month or two into the relationship and we only lasted about 6 months.
I tried so hard to understand the disorder, to not let it define her or our relationship, I wanted to help her with it too, I researched it, spoke about what I can do for her when she is splitting or feelings her emotions. I tried to give her all the support I could.
Now that time has passed and I am no longer blinded by her beauty or what I thought was an intense, genuine connection I see things clearly.
Once the relationship ended I began researching BPD, I spent hours every day trying to understand her and what happened between us. This became an obsession for me, something that distracted me from the chaotic breakup and my thoughts about her.
I lost a lot due to her, I gave up countless opportunities, missed out on experiences which I won’t have again due to the circumstances of our relationship and location. I compromised my mental health for hers, I lost friends and distanced myself from my family and I lost what was a significant amount of money for me.
The relationship was abusive like many here, I was gaslit, blackmailed, controlled, called names, devalued, and continuously punished for past mistakes.
We would spend hours fighting about something stupid, this mostly consisted of her being withdrawn from me, listing everything that was wrong with me, asking me to leave and then when I go to leave punishing me for that. I would miss meals due to these fights which complimented the stress I felt and often times the fight would end with me being pushed to my limit and breaking down.
I noticed that when we would fight that it would end if I started crying, I started allowing myself to cry in front of her during these times to try and put an end to the fights and this made me feel like a terrible person or narcissistic for deploying my emotions to stop her attacks and now as I look back I find that so devastating that I did that and thought those things.
Once the fights ended things would magically reset like nothing at all happened, we’d usually reconnect with sex which was always intense and frequent. Then the clock started again until the cycle repeated.
I had been pushed to my limit mentally, she had taken so much energy from me so my only option was to remove myself from her which meant leaving where I was and moving somewhere far away from her, this was partly due to other circumstances but mainly because of her.
She begged me to stay with her and go long distance, we had broken up multiple times before I made this decision in the space of a month and I was so exhausted and under pressure from her mother who was now involved with us that I gave in.
I left her, gave long distance a try for two weeks and then we had a massive fight, it was like a nuclear bomb detonating. She tried to overdose and I was made responsible for getting her help, I spent hours trying to find out where she was over the phone in a different time zone so the emergency services could get to her, thankfully they did.
She was brought to hospital and the relationship was put to an end by me, I explained what had happened was too much, wished her well and blocked her on everything (apart from one thing which she then sent me the most horrible message I’ve ever received on the next day, but I didn’t reply, I blocked that account too).
There has been no direct attempt to hoover ever since, I have not tried to contact her either and have no intention or desire of ever speaking to her again.
Immediately after what had happened I was relieved, I felt a massive weight lift from my shoulders and I wasn’t drowning with her anymore.
I went through every stage of grief, I went to counselling, had a massive break down to my parents, I felt so guilty for what had happened, I was depressed too. The anxiety I felt was unmatched to anything before, I was terrified of the smear campaign she promised to deliver, I accepted that she would ruin my life but it never came directly to me, I have no idea what she has told her friends but no harm has came my way (something I am so grateful for as I know some here have gone through some very difficult circumstances following a breakup with a borderline and you have my absolute sympathy if that is you).
After three months to the day, things are getting easier. I do not think about her as much as I did, I recognise her for who she is and how she treated me and I have accepted that I didn’t deserve that.
I don’t hate her, hate can help but it does not heal and holding resentment gives the borderline more power over you, it is important to acknowledge what happened, educate yourself on the disorder and forgive the circumstances, forgive the person as they do not know what they do, but never go back.
A borderline is not like you and I, their brain structure and chemistry is different to a regular person, they are an emotional child trapped in an adults body who has developed unhealthy coping mechanisms and strategies to get what they want which take years to unlearn.
The life of a borderline is internally and externally destructive, the chaos they feel in their mind is projected onto those around them and the clock only stops with them. They do not care about you, they can’t. A borderline cannot recognise what they do to others and whilst I used this as a justification for her treatment towards me, it is never a justification for abuse and makes things extraordinarily difficult to leave them.
I had accepted when I was with her that this is my life now, maybe one day in some years she will get better and her symptoms will go into remission. This is not the case, yes a borderline after years of therapy can manage their symptoms better and life might get easier for them and those around them but it is never your responsibility to wait for them.
A borderline mirrors you, they use you to regulate their emotions, they are an empty vassal that latches on to you and it is your job to provide them with stability in their minds. They are parasites for your energy and emotional stability.
Before I met her I was a confident, easy going, happy young man. Now I am damaged, emotionally drained and my mental health is starting to get better but it was the worst it has ever been.
Things do get better though, it is normal to miss them, to think that things could be different, they make promises to work on themselves, they tell you things will be different but things will never change. They make you think you are a perfect person, they boost your ego by putting you on a pedestal and we become addicted to that treatment.
I imagine what my days would be like if she was still in my life and we continued long distance, I see myself spending hours on the phone with her, worrying about when the next outburst will be, spending hours getting her to come to her senses and stop splitting on me. Feeling on edge constantly.
I am much happier trading those feelings for the feelings of peace and freedom, I would much rather feel lonely and sad sometimes than have her in my life.
Yes, my relationship was short, we did not have children, we weren’t married and I got out quickly. I am lucky to be in that position. But for those who may be coming out of a relationship with a borderline, you have your life back now no matter how long it was, reality for what it is will return to you and you do not need to live in their chaotic fantasy world any more.
Educate yourself on the disorder, look after yourself and take your time to recover because you need it. Things do get easier and it will get better, remain in no contact and let time heal your wounds.
submitted by Puzzleheaded-Jump-96 to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:21 ztylerdurden River City Girls (RCG) 1 & 2 - Best coop beat 'em up series in years

The RCG games are quest-based beat em ups with a pretty deep combo system. The music, skill system and humor are all great assets to the series.
Beginning with music, they recruited an artist (Megan McDuffee) to crush the vocals on several of their tracks. While beating the crap out of baddies, chill synth pop guides your rhythm and pacing. Side opinion: Would love to see more vocals in video game soundtracks.
The skill upgrade system is pretty deep compared to others. It'll initially feel stiff compared to arcade-like beat 'em ups but you'll learn it's because of carefully implemented combos. RCG requires practicing a 3 button-attack input system, and, once you understand the input timing, you'll eventually juggle enemies in a super satisfying manner.
Nothing beats a coop sesh that carries a good sense of humor. RCG pretty frequently breaks the 4th wall in fun ways connecting to us as players. High quality games acting goofy reminds us it's about having fun.
The art design rotates constantly between gameplay sprites, hand drawn anime still-frames, and full motion cut-scenes. It's a great way to keep players satisfied with new, visually appealing content.
submitted by ztylerdurden to patientgamers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:21 Warden_Dresden87 Thinking I might have MS

I have doc appointment soon, but I was wondering if my symptoms line with some of your’s so I’m not too surprised by a diagnosis.
I have sharp pain and tingling in random places on my face that come and go. Particularly around my eye, in the cheek or forehead. Along with regular headaches.
My eyesight went from 20/20 to not being able to see without glasses in a matter of months. Without glasses I see double of anything I’m not looking at directly. Like if I have to look to the side, down, or up everything is double.
I have this squeezing type pain in my chest that isn’t heart related.
I get electrical type pain shooting down the back of shoulder and arm.
Numbness and tingling in my legs and they have also gotten significantly weaker. So weak, if I try to bend down to get something, my legs shake like crazy.
I get random muscle spasms everywhere it seems.
I have an aching pain in my joints at times where it feels like I’ve got a fever but no temp
Brain fog is very bad at times
Fatigue is one of my biggest issues. There’s days I can’t get myself to do anything and I hate to feel lazy
I have a terrible gait, almost like I drag my left hip along, and I have been known to lose balance easily.
Always feel like I need to urinate but I can’t fully empty so I have to go again an hour later.
If I’m really tired, my speech does slur.
My hands constantly shake to where I can no longer draw like I used to.
Thats the gist of it. Theres more specific things but in general this is what I’ve been dealing with for the past year or so. Some symptoms I’ve had for several years. Just seems to be getting worse. Does this line up with any of your experiences? Thanks in advance.
submitted by Warden_Dresden87 to MultipleSclerosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:51 dlrowrevo Intermittent feeling of needing to urinate often 2 weeks after MA

Hey lovely ladies, I am a bit concerned about a possible infection. I’ve called my clinic aftercare line and I’m waiting for them to call me back but I thought I’d ask here too.
Basically, I had my MA on 9th May (12 days ago) and yesterday I suspected I may possibly have a UTI. I had the frequent urge to urinate HOWEVER I had absolutely no pain when peeing. I’ve had UTIs before and always experienced the pain while peeing but this time it’s the same sensation of needing a wee but without any pain.
I woke up today and had my first wee of the day, finished peeing and felt as though I hadn’t fully emptied my bladder. 10 mins later I went back to the toilet and it was like a dribble. About 20 mins later I peed again, still just a dribble but slightly more than before. Decided I was going to ignore the feeling of needing to urinate and it slowly went away after about 2 hours of being awake. I have no pain ANYWHERE, no other symptoms except I was slightly dizzy when I woke up this morning for about an hour, and had quite strong smelling discharge for about a day after I’d stopped bleeding but it’s fine now.
For extra context I have stopped bleeding now since roughly 18th May (3 days ago) and have been having sex with my boyfriend (about 3 times since bleeding stopped).
submitted by dlrowrevo to abortion [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:25 Ghost-Quartet Happy 120th Birthday to Fats Waller - A look at the music and legacy of one of pop's greatest entertainers
This is a subreddit primarily focused on modern pop music, but for his 120th birthday I want to take a moment to remember one of the most iconic pop acts in American history:

Thomas Wright "Fats" Waller

A jazz pianist, a singer, and a prolific songwriter famous for his ability to jump onstage and "lift up the band," Fats Waller was a regular fixture of the nightlife scene in New York (an important figure of the legendary Harlem Renaissance) and toured his act all around the country in addition to working as a recording artist in the budding record industry.
In a way, he was one of America's first pop stars- a musical prodigy who dropped out of high school, broke into the music industry when he was a teen, sold tons of records, and developed a huge onstage persona and lived a hard partying lifestyle. We've heard that story a million times, but Fats did it first.
An often repeated story about him recounts a shocking incident where gangster Al Capone kidnapped him off the street to force him to play at a birthday party, because everybody wanted to party with Fats Waller! A less repeated story is this one I found in an NPR article that describes him selling eight of his original songs in exchange for eight hamburgers, which he then consumed in a single sitting.
So certainly, a larger than life figure.

The Records

His legacy as a founding figure of America's pop scene extends to a place you might not expect: back in 1926, he signed a recording contract with the Victor Talking Machine Company, one of the earliest manufacturers and distributors of phonographs and records, which would be bought out by the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) in 1929. Then in 1968, the company would be renamed... RCA Records!
RCA is still a powerful record label today and it's partially thanks to Fats, who was a big moneymaker for them in the early days of the record industry when they were literally selling records.
Over the course of his twenty five year career, he copyrighted around five hundred recordings- supposedly, the label would send him into a recording booth with bunches of sheet music bought from Tin Pan Alley composers and he would rearrange them on the spot to give them that special Fats Waller touch!
But he's best remembered for his skills as a pianist and, most importantly, his songwriting skills. I want to take a moment to highlight that because I firmly believe he's one of the greatest songwriters in history- many of his hits have been accepted as standards and are still in rotation with jazz singers today.

The Music

You might have heard his song "Ain't Misbehavin'," which became something of his signature song after he performed it in the landmark film Stormy Weather (1943), and it's the perfect encapsulation of his style. A clever piano line, a catchy melody, a touch of humor, and a lot of heart. It's just timeless music.
I know for certain / The one I love
I'm through with flirtin' / It's just you I'm thinkin' of
Ain't misbehavin' / Saving my love for you (for you)
(And you) (And you)
There's a tongue-in-cheek sense of humor to the song that's signature Fats- in addition to the lyrics he wrote, he was known to improv and throw new jokes in on the fly during live performances.
We're lucky enough to have footage of him performing "Your Feets Too Big" (another one of his signature numbers where he chastises a woman for, you guessed it, her foot size) and you can just see the charisma oozing off of him as he banters with the band and makes eyes at the camera. All while playing the piano too!
And he was no innocent either, often lacing his songs with innuendo that will shatter any illusions you have about old music being overly conservative. Take, for example, Hattie Noel's recording of "Find Out What They Like," which begins with a disclaimer that the song is "strictly about home cooking" before she sings this:
Find out what he likes / And how he likes it
Go on and give it to him just that way
Give it to him when he wants it / And any time he wants it
And don't you have a single word to say!
He was often performing in nightclubs and bars, which meant he knew how to get the crowd going- "The Joint Is Jumpin'" is the quintessential 1920s party anthem, with the title referring to a secret code phrase that bootleggers would use during the prohibition era to let people know that a party had illegal alcohol. The jaunty music he wrote did a lot to get people on the dance floors as well!
But though he's associated with lively entertainment, there was some grit beneath all that as well. Despite his success, Waller was still a black man living in early 20th century America, and he channelled that into legendary "Black and Blue" (a hit for Louis Armstrong) which is considered by some to be one of the first jazz protest songs:
I'm white inside, but that don't help my case / 'Cause I can't hide what is in my face
How would it end? Ain't got a friend / My only sin is in my skin
What did I do to be so black and blue?
Whatever the occasion, Fats had a song for it.

The End

But like a lot of great artists, Fats had his troubles. He was known for his hard partying lifestyle and frequent money problems that pushed him to be constantly working, and he would tragically pass away in 1943 from pneumonia while on tour.
The man was only 39 years old at the time, but as of today his legacy officially stretches 120 years! So spin a record today for Fats Waller, and get the joint jumpin' in his memory.
If you'd like to hear more of his music, I'd strongly recommend setting aside ninety minutes to watch the Broadway musical Ain't Misbehavin' because it's an incredible piece of theatre that showcases his music spectacularly. Diana Ross & The Supremes did an adorable tribute to him on The Ed Sullivan Show that's worth a watch too.
Any other Fats Waller fans in the sub? What are some of your favorite recordings of his songs?
submitted by Ghost-Quartet to popheads [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:52 Zealousideal_Owl_105 Is this IC, infection, or cyst?

Hello, I am 21F and I have had weird symptoms for a little over a week. I have had frequent urination on and off, this feeling like there’s always pressure on my bladder. I used to have this sometimes for the past maybe 5 years after i have a big meal and i feel pressure on my bladder, but it was rare and certainly not enough to cause concern. But for the past week, when I completely empty my bladder, there is this weird pulsing pain/discomfort. It’s not crazy painful just seriously uncomfortable, and it feels like there is never a way to fully empty my bladder. I got a dipstick test the day after my symptoms started, but the day I got the test the symptoms weren’t present, the test was all clear. My gyno prescribed phenazopyridine and I took it, it helped completely. 2 days after I took the last pill, the symptoms came back, I called the gyno and went in for another checkup. This time they said my dipstick had nitrites in it, and they prescribed me UTI antibiotics, but put my urine in for a culture. I believe the nitrites could be a result of the AZO? My last period was slightly early, only by less than a week, and I had slight cramps on one side of my ovaries for one day during the symptoms. It seems to get worse when I stress, and about one day after I stopped AZO I had drank and also had sex with my boyfriend. I started dating him about a month ago and I had gone about 6 months without sex before then. We both were clean when we met. We also used lube for the first time in my life about 3 weeks ago and it was silicon based lube, which I know may trap bacteria. I had a slight yeast infection after this and I haven’t used it since, it seemed like the infection went away but could this be a result of bacteria moving up to my bladder? I am still waiting for the culture but I have the feeling there will be no bacteria present. I am so worried that this is a chronic bladder disorder, please your thoughts!
submitted by Zealousideal_Owl_105 to Interstitialcystitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:45 Herbal_Mind Battling Dehydration: The Importance of Drinking Enough During Summer Heat Waves

As temperatures soar during the summer heat wave, the risk of dehydration increases significantly. Dehydration, a condition that occurs when the body loses more fluids than it takes in, can have serious health consequences. It’s crucial to understand the dangers of dehydration and the importance of staying hydrated, especially in extreme heat.

Symptoms of Dehydration

The symptoms of dehydration can vary depending on the severity of the condition. Mild to moderate dehydration may cause:
Severe dehydration can lead to more serious symptoms, such as:

The Dangers of Dehydration

  1. Kidney Problems: Chronic dehydration can lead to kidney stones and urinary tract infections. In severe cases, it can cause kidney failure.
  2. Cognitive Impairment: Dehydration affects brain function, leading to problems with concentration, alertness, and short-term memory.
  3. Heat Injury: Lack of adequate fluids can result in heat-related illnesses, such as heat cramps, heat exhaustion, or heat stroke.
  4. Seizures: Electrolytes like potassium and sodium help carry electrical signals between cells. When electrolytes are out of balance due to dehydration, involuntary muscle contractions and loss of consciousness can occur.
  5. Hypovolemic Shock: This is a severe condition resulting from low blood volume, causing a drop in blood pressure and reduced oxygen supply to organs. It can be life-threatening if not treated promptly.

Preventing Dehydration

The best way to prevent dehydration is to drink plenty of fluids each day. Water is the best choice, but other beverages and foods can contribute to overall fluid intake. Aim to drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day, and more if you are physically active, pregnant, or nursing.

Herbal Formula to Support Hydration

To support hydration and provide additional health benefits, consider incorporating a herbal tea blend into your daily routine. This blend includes herbs known for their hydrating and restorative properties.
Hydration Herbal Tea Blend


Dehydration is a serious risk during summer heat waves, but it is preventable. By staying mindful of your fluid intake and taking steps to keep cool, you can protect yourself from the dangers of dehydration. Remember to drink regularly, choose hydrating foods, and avoid activities that increase fluid loss. Stay safe and stay hydrated this summer!
submitted by Herbal_Mind to HerbalBloom [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:45 bttruman The reason we lost Vernen Wells wasn't because of Bots vs Bugs, it was because of the game modes available on the Defend Campaigns

As you probably know, you only get credit towards the Defense Campaign progress if you complete all three of the missions in the set (Or if the original lobby leader leaves and you end the mission on someone else's ship, but that's another story).
The mission types that are available are for the Defense Campaign are either simply not that fun, or are impossible to complete, causing people to either bounce around constantly and not actually complete the full set of missions.
These issues with the missions either make the full set virtually impossible to complete, since almost all of them have the 15 Minute Retrieval variant on it, or simply not that fun to play because of having to run the entire width of the map using a secondary (or having to stop frequently to fight) or poor spawn design. Because of that, players bounce around and never actually complete the set, which doesn't contribute to the defense progress.
So all that to say, and even simpler solution to fixing the Bots vs. Bugs issue is to mix up the mission types; at least for the Defense Campaigns. ICBM can't be the only fun 40 minute mission.
submitted by bttruman to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:36 nomadicclown Updosing when performing?

Hey all,
After having a chest CT when I had pneumonia earlier this year it was determined that I had atrophic adrenals. After failing an ACTH stim test I was put on 5mg prednisone and after more labs my doctor determined that something else caused the adrenals to atrophy. I had no history of long term steroid use so a pituitary MRI was ordered. I’m awaiting results. I have frequent changes in body temp, often feeling feverish sometime in the day and my temperature will be low grade (100.2-100.8) and it will resolve after an hour or so. I am fatigued often, mostly midday. Other symptoms come and go mostly accompanied by the fever.
I’m a professional musician and I had asked my doctor whether or not I should updose prednisone on especially significant or stressful performances. She was somewhat apprehensive to suggest it but advised that I could take an additional 2.5mg of prednisone only in extreme cases. I’ve done this twice for major performances but for everyday performing I haven’t felt the need.
Are there any other performers or athletes that need to updose under similar high stress conditions? To be clear, major performances that stress me out are rare. It would probably be a few times per year. I would feel this is more likely to be a stressor than say traveling.
I’m a little unsure how to navigate this especially considering steroid use contributes to this condition.
ETA: I just got my MRI results back which were unremarkable.
submitted by nomadicclown to AdrenalInsufficiency [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:30 Mundane_Wealth_1135 Which ISP should I go for?

Hello all, Phase 2 DHA resident here. I currently have Stormfiber but it's become slower and less reliable over the past year. The customer service is terrible and I constantly have issues with it, streaming sites frequently buffer, whatsapp calls are in low quality and I constantly get disconnected when I game online on PS4 and on PC. Does anyone have any recommendations? Especially about what would work well in my area. Thank you.
submitted by Mundane_Wealth_1135 to karachi [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:19 retronaco Overactive bladder

On may 9th I started to have to go to the washroom more frequently I noticed that I had to go roughly every hour… I started feeling back pain on my right side more of a pressure pain. I initially thought I may be getting a kidney stone and boy was I wrong! I’m going to tell you guys my experience and how crazy this has been… here’s a little context. I am currently going through a divorce (which was my own doing), financially I am tight as I have to uphold two mortgages one being my own and other being portion of a rental property I own. However the rental property is not a positive cash flow atm due to high interest rates. A lot has happened in May. I had to buy a new dryer as my drying machine just went, also a new microwave (over stove). I work in sales and with high interest everyone is so tight with money and people aren’t spending nearly as much as they were a year ago. I could go on about more but no need. So may 9th it began, all day that day I had to constantly go to washroom almost every hour, I smoked some weed and went to bed. That night I ended up wetting myself a little overnight (this was a first) I panicked and snapped out of it however the next few days I would continue to have back pain and constantly peeing, unfortunately I started doing some google reading on this and I had pre determined myself that maybe I had a kidney stone and just needed to drink more fluids and try to get better. It went on until Wednesday may 15th at this stage my lower back pain had increased and I started noticing pain in my abdomen area also. I went to doctors and did some sampling. They found microscopic blood in my urine but weren’t sure what it could be and sent it in for further testing on top of that in Canada the long weekend was coming which typically means you won’t get lab results until mid next week (this week). Now this continued as I was freaking out about blood in my urine and more googling which made things worse… Friday May 17th comes around. At this stage I was extremely worried and was going to washroom every 30 mins until night time. Night time was horrible (I don’t wish this on my worst enemy) at night time while trying to go to sleep I started to go to washroom every 5-10mins and shortly after around 1AM Saturday I couldn’t get off toilet the back pain had increased and abdomen pain had increased. It left like my bladder was just squeezing everything out! I panicked further! I spiralled and broke down, I went to the hospital. Once I got to hospital and told them my symptoms they believed I was passing a kidney stone but they wanted to confirm and do a CT scan, blood work, and a urine sample. Few hours later my results were in… everything was fine. The doctor said he was not sure exactly what was happening but thinks I have something called “interstitial cystitis” however said I should speak to my family doctor and see a urologist. This is where I started doing more research as I couldn’t take going to washroom so much… I came across urinary frequency and one of the causes was anxiety and stress… I’ve always told my self that I have never had anxiety and never have experienced it. On google I came across a Reddit and it was someone who has experienced similar things and it turned out to be just anxiety. Currently as I am typing this I am improving quite a bit I no longer have to go every 5-10 mins. I go roughly every 2 hours. I am still in recovery as I do have moments where I need to go within 20 mins of just going to the washroom. However I have not taken any medicine I have slowly learned to accept things and get better and this has helped a lot with my anxiety. I have learned that somethings I cannot control but everything will be ok. I started to keep busy (deep clean the house, do all laundry, cooking, lawn work) and that really helped grounding me. Also one thing that helped me is start to relieving some weight. I’ve had weight on my shoulders about leaving my wife so I apologized to her last night saying that I am sorry for making her feel like her world is getting destroyed as we have a child which we will have to share custody. I also am writing this to get better. Please know guys if you are going through this it will all be ok! You have to overcome what is bothering you and accept it. The mind is very powerful, we can make ourselves sick even when we aren’t. I’m sure this isn’t my last time with this but I hope my experience helps you! And know you will be ok.
submitted by retronaco to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:11 onlinepaperwriting Delta Airlines SWOT Analysis (2024): Navigating Challenges and Opportunities in the Airline Industry

Delta Airlines, one of the major players in the global airline industry, operates a vast network of domestic and international flights, serving millions of passengers each year. As of 2024, Delta faces a dynamic landscape characterized by both challenges and opportunities. A SWOT analysis provides insights into the airline's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, guiding strategic decision-making and adaptation in a constantly evolving market.
  1. Strong Brand Recognition: Delta Airlines boasts a strong brand image and reputation, recognized for its high-quality service, reliability, and safety standards. This brand strength contributes to customer loyalty and trust.
  2. Extensive Route Network: With a comprehensive route network covering numerous destinations worldwide, Delta has a competitive advantage in terms of reach and connectivity, appealing to both business and leisure travelers.
  3. Operational Efficiency: Delta has made significant investments in operational efficiency, including fleet modernization, advanced technology integration, and streamlined processes, resulting in cost savings and improved customer experience.
  4. Customer Loyalty Programs: Delta's loyalty programs, such as SkyMiles, incentivize frequent flyers and enhance customer retention, offering benefits like upgrades, lounge access, and exclusive perks.
  1. Vulnerability to Economic Factors: Like many airlines, Delta is susceptible to economic fluctuations, fuel price volatility, geopolitical tensions, and regulatory changes, which can impact profitability and financial stability.
  2. Dependence on Hub-and-Spoke Model: While Delta's hub-and-spoke system provides efficient connections, it also poses challenges during disruptions or capacity constraints, potentially affecting on-time performance and customer satisfaction.
  3. Competitive Pricing Pressure: Intense competition in the airline industry often leads to pricing pressure, especially on popular routes, impacting revenue margins and profitability for Delta.
  1. Global Market Expansion: Continued expansion into emerging markets and strategic partnerships with international carriers can open up new revenue streams and strengthen Delta's position in key regions.
  2. Digital Innovation: Embracing digital technologies, such as AI-driven analytics, mobile apps for seamless travel experiences, and personalized services, can enhance customer engagement and operational efficiency.
  3. Sustainability Initiatives: Investing in sustainable aviation practices, renewable energy sources, and carbon offset programs aligns with growing environmental awareness and regulatory trends, enhancing Delta's corporate social responsibility (CSR) profile.
  4. Diversification of Services: Beyond traditional flight services, Delta can explore opportunities in ancillary services like cargo logistics, premium lounges, and partnerships with travel-related businesses, diversifying revenue streams.
  1. Market Volatility: Ongoing market volatility, including economic uncertainty, geopolitical risks, and public health crises (e.g., pandemics), poses significant threats to the airline industry, impacting demand, travel restrictions, and operational continuity.
  2. Competitive Landscape: Delta faces fierce competition from domestic rivals like American Airlines and United Airlines, as well as international carriers expanding their presence in key markets, leading to pricing wars and market share challenges.
  3. Regulatory Compliance: Compliance with evolving aviation regulations, safety standards, environmental mandates, and labor requirements adds complexity and cost pressures to Delta's operations.
In conclusion, Delta Airlines' SWOT analysis highlights the company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in the dynamic aviation landscape of 2024. By leveraging its brand strength, expanding strategically, embracing digital innovation, and addressing market challenges proactively, Delta can navigate uncertainties and capitalize on growth opportunities, ensuring resilience and competitiveness in the airline industry.
submitted by onlinepaperwriting to CollegeAdmissionGuide [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:05 BalerieKekanova PSA for Spotify Free users on iOS: I made a simple app that allows you to import all your Spotify playlists and play them without annoying ads and with unlimited skips. Would love to know your feedback!

Hello, ​Spotify 👋
I am a 24-year-old student from Czechia and an indie app developer. A few weeks ago I released a simple called Demus: Easy Music Streaming that allows you to import your Spotify playlists and then listen to them without ads and with unlimited skips simply by playing the songs from YouTube. It's so easy that you can start listening just 3 seconds after installing it!
Demus requires no Spotify account, contains no subscription, works completely on your phone, and collects no personal data.

Key Features

Create Your Music Library
Add your favorite songs & music videos to your collection with a single tap. All songs in your library will be automatically sorted by album and artist allowing easy searching and navigation.
Create playlists and fill them with your favorite songs. Demus also supports importing playlists directly from YouTube and Musi!
iCloud Sync
Whenever you add a song to your music library, it will be automatically added to all devices connected to your Apple ID, allowing for a seamless experience on your iPhone, iPad, Mac, and even Apple Vision Pro. Your music library follows you wherever you go!
Listening Statistics
Demus locally stores information about which songs and artists you listen to the most. At the end of the year, you can view a summary reflecting on your musical journey similar to Spotify Wrapped or YouTube Recap. scrobbling is also supported!
Lyrics & Artist Bio
Demus supports real-time synced lyrics and also allows you to view artist bios on Wikipedia. Dive deep into the world of your favorite musicians with a single tap!
AirPlay Support
Stream content effortlessly to any device supporting AirPlay. Demus will connect to your Bluetooth speaker, stereo, TV, or even computer.
Control playback through your car or stereo. Demus supports all important controls such as skipping, seeking, and rewinding. Apple CarPlay support is planned in will come soon!
Get Demus for Free on the App Store now and join us on this musical journey like never before.

Frequently Asked Question

Is it legal?
Demus works within the strict limitations of the YouTube API. Playing requires a constant internet connection. No media content is stored on your device and therefore neither downloading nor offline playback is supported. All playback is done through an integrated Safari-like view.
Do music artists still get paid?
Yes! Listening to any song in my app counts as a view on the YouTube website and will therefore generate per-stream revenue to the artist.
How do you make money from your app when it's free with no ads?
There is an optional one-time in-app purchase which gives you access to some cool features such as color themes, app icons, and more advanced listening statistics.
Can it support iOS 16 and lower?
Demus uses the latest and most up-to-date frameworks which are sadly not supported on older versions of iOS. But fear not, my app will be waiting for you when you upgrade!
How about an Android version?
I am actively working on porting Demus to Android. It should be available later this year!

Other Useful Links

I have created a subreddit demus where I regularly post sneak peeks on new upcoming features. Make sure to join so you don't miss any ;)
I have also created a Crowdin project for people who would like to help me translate Demus into different languages. Your help is very appreciated!
I would also like to say a big thank you to those who participated in the TestFlight.
Feel free to drop your thoughts, feedback, and questions below. Happy listening! 🎶
submitted by BalerieKekanova to spotify [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:49 SacredBigFish Do I have a UTI? (Male, 20s)

3 days ago in the late evening I suddenly had an urge to constantly urinate, and during that night I developed a fever. The morning after, that urge was gone, and the fever is mostly gone as well. However I can now notice that the tip of my gland around the urethra is a bit red and itchy.
I do not feel any pain or burning anywhere, which confuses me since that is the main symptom male UTIs seem to carry. Did I just get off lucky?
submitted by SacredBigFish to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:48 Remote_Environment_0 Misdiagnosed or normal symptoms?

Hi all,
In March of last year I was referred to Orthopaedics for swelling and stiffness in a finger on my right hand. Blood test showed nothing but X-ray and ultrasound showed intense swelling and inflammation in the tissues.
I was asked if I have Psoriasis, which I do, and was diagnosed with Psoriatic arthritis, though blood test showed no markers and my psoriasis is pretty much under control.
Fast forward to now, I now have pain in my left shoulder, buttocks, lower back, left leg, shoulder blades etc.
I also have frequent, If not constant lung and rib pain. Burning pain to be specific.
I’m just seeing if anyone else gets pains/burning in these places, specifically the shoulder blades and chest? I have been doing some reading and these places do not suggest psoriatic arthritis, but more fibromyalgia. Just looking for others people experience?
submitted by Remote_Environment_0 to PsoriaticArthritis [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:45 RollinNowhere Is anything meant to happen, narratively, in this game?

I've played for 50 hours now. And I've spent my time slowly working up through the various ships, floating around in the rings mining and having a lovely chill time. I've enjoyed the simple gameplay loop and it's been nice just sinking some hours into ore collection to unwind.
But, well, nothing has happened. Or at least, not much.
The things that my crewmembers have requested are: time off to pursue a music career, but it doesn't seem that that leads to anything. They haven't resigned to go pro, it hasn't unlocked any new music, we haven't encountered any fans. Another couple of my crew want me to find people, there was one who was lost on a ship somewhere in space and another who just seems to have a dialogue option to ask about this person to everyone we meet. But the answer is always no. But nothing seems to be happening with them.
I'm frequently threatened by other ships for being in their territory, sometimes I use my crewmembers who knows them and nothing happens, other times I ignore them, and nothing happens, sometimes I respond aggressively, and nothing happens. Nothing ever happens. A couple of times I've just attacked someone to see if anything happens - they fight back for a second, then try to run away. If I let them escape nothing happens, if I chase them, destroy them, capture and sell their life pod... guess what? Nothing happens.
In my 50 hours here's what has happened other than mining and selling:
That last one gave me hope, but in the 10 hours since nothing else has happened and I have no leads to follow.
Just... what am I meant to be doing? I talk to most people I come across, none of it leads to anything. I've flown around deep into the rings and nothing changes.
I still like the game for it's relaxed mining gameplay, but it feels like there's meant to be other stuff going on. Stories and encounters. There's lots of warning about space combat. There's talk on here of people having "mining configurations" contrasted against other ship layouts to do other things... but what are these other things? I have found none of them.
submitted by RollinNowhere to deltavringsofsaturn [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:16 Low-Lemon-9805 Pudendal nerve block this Friday, have I made the right choice?

Symptoms since last August have been.
Intermittent Sharp pain perennial when sitting Electric tingling senstions in ponis and perrenium. Constipation that eventually led to levator ani problems. Tightness in lower abs. Constantly tight pelvic floor muscles Urine hesitency that has now gone mostly. Pain in the penis underside particularly. Some hard flsccid.. About 10% of the time
Diagnosed as PFD and pudendal neuralgia.
I have PN booked this Friday but some have said hypogastric nerve blocks are better.
Then some have said the penis feels even more numb after the blocks.. I don't went to make anything worse.
submitted by Low-Lemon-9805 to PelvicFloor [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:15 Abhishek_unmetered Exploring Student Life in Canada

Education in Canada
Canada has long been a preferred destination for international students seeking a world-class education and a diverse, multicultural environment. With its stunning natural landscapes, welcoming communities, and high-quality educational institutions. Year after year, numerous global scholars opt for Canada as their study destination of choice. In this guide, we'll delve into the various aspects of students’ life in Canada, encompassing not only academics but also the vibrant lifestyle that accompanies it.
Quality Education
One of the primary reasons students flock to Canada is the exceptional quality of education offered by its universities and colleges. Canadian institutions are renowned for their academic excellence and rigorous standards. Whether you're pursuing a degree in engineering, business, or the arts, you'll find top-notch programs tailored to your interests.
Multicultural Environment
Canada's commitment to diversity is reflected in its educational institutions. Students from different cultural backgrounds and nationalities coexist harmoniously on campuses across the country. This multicultural environment not only enriches your academic experience but also broadens your horizons by exposing you to a wide range of perspectives.
Research Opportunities
Canada is a research powerhouse, and its universities are at the forefront of various fields. As a student, you'll have access to cutting-edge research opportunities and state-of-the-art facilities. Whether you're passionate about science, technology, or social sciences, Canada offers a platform for your academic growth.
Canadian Lifestyle
Safety and Security
Canada frequently ranks as one of the world's safest countries. This sense of security is particularly important for international students, as it allows you to focus on your studies and enjoy your time in Canada without unnecessary worries.
Natural Beauty
Canaa's beautiful landscapes are a constant source of wonder. From the Rocky Mountains in the west to the vibrant foliage of the east, the country offers a myriad of outdoor activities. Hiking, skiing, and exploring national parks become an integral part of your Canadian experience.
Cultural Diversity
Canada's cities are vibrant hubs of culture and entertainment. Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, and many other urban centers host a wide array of cultural festivals, events, and culinary experiences. You'll find international cuisine, art galleries, theaters, and live music venues to cater to your interests.
Work Opportunities
Co-op Programs
Canada boasts abundant employment opportunities for students. Canadian universities offer co-op programs that allow students to gain hands-on work experience related to their field of study. This not only enhances your resume but also helps cover your living expenses. These co-op programs are a valuable aspect of the Canadian student experience, blending academic learning with real-world application. By participating in these programs, students can lay the foundation for a successful future career while minimizing financial burdens.
Post-Graduation Work Permits
Canada offers generous post-graduation work permits to international students. These permits allow you to work in Canada for up to three years after completing your studies, providing a valuable transition into the Canadian workforce. This period not only facilitates a smooth transition into the Canadian job market but also serves as a significant step towards permanent residency.
Cost of Living
Affordable Education
In terms of educational expenses, Canada presents a competitive advantage. International tuition fees in Canada are competitive, and the cost of education is often more affordable than in many other English-speaking countries. Additionally, there are numerous scholarships in Canada for Indian Students and financial aid options available to help ease the financial burden. This affordability is one of the key reasons why Canada has emerged as a prime destination for international education, attracting students from around the world seeking quality education without excessive costs.
Living Costs
The cost of living varies depending on your location in Canada. Generally, smaller cities and towns have a lower cost of living compared to major metropolitan areas like Toronto and Vancouver. Proper budgeting and financial planning are essential for a comfortable student life in Canada.
In conclusion, studying in Canada offers a unique blend of academic excellence, cultural diversity, and a high quality of life. If you're considering pursuing your education in a welcoming, safe, and dynamic environment, Canada should be at the top of your list. Explore the adventure of studying in Canada and seize a world of opportunities that will shape your future.
Remember that assistance and guidance will be vital as you begin on this wonderful path. Eduland Immigration can help with this. We're with you every step of the way, from visa applications to settling into your new life. We will assist you in making your aspirations a reality by providing individual assistance and an in-depth understanding of Canadian immigration. Join the thousands of outstanding students who have made Eduland Immigration, the best Immigration Consultant in Chandigarh, their trusted partner in achieving academic achievement and a bright future in Canada.
submitted by Abhishek_unmetered to u/Abhishek_unmetered [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:54 drdeepeshkalra What are the common symptoms of kidney stones?

What are the common symptoms of kidney stones?
Kidney stones are a common urological illness that can cause substantial pain and problems if not treated immediately. As a healthcare provider, I feel it is critical to promote awareness about the signs of kidney stones in order to assist early diagnosis and treatment. In this section, we’ll look at some of the most prevalent indications and symptoms of kidney stones.

1. Severe Pain

One of the most defining signs of kidney stones is tremendous pain, which is frequently considered as one of the most severe forms of agony a person may feel. This pain, known as renal colic, usually starts suddenly and varies in intensity. It often begins in the back or side, behind the ribs, and can spread to the lower abdomen and groin. The discomfort might fluctuate as the stone progresses through the urinary system, so it’s important to keep track of any changes in position and intensity.

2. Hematuria (Blood in the Urine)

Another typical sign of kidney stones is the presence of blood in the urine (hematuria). The blood may be apparent to the human eye, making the urine pink, crimson, or brown, or it may be minuscule and only detectable by a urine test. Hematuria develops when a stone irritates or destroys the lining of the urinary system while moving.

3. Frequent Urination and Urgency

Kidney stones can cause alterations in urine patterns. You may feel the need to urinate more frequently than normal, with a strong and persistent desire. This symptom happens when a stone irritates the bladder or obstructs the passage of urine, causing the body to attempt to remove it.

4. Painful Urination

Another typical symptom is painful urination, often known as dysuria. This burning feeling can develop when the stone reaches the junction of the bladder and the ureter, or if it causes inflammation and irritation in the urinary system. It is critical to identify this discomfort from other types of dysuria, such as urinary tract infections.

5. Nausea and Vomiting

The extreme discomfort from kidney stones can cause nausea and vomiting. This response is the result of the body’s reaction to the extreme pain, as well as the strong relationship between the kidneys and the gastrointestinal system. If you are experiencing inexplicable nausea and vomiting, as well as acute stomach or flank discomfort, you may have a kidney stone.

6. Cloudy or Foul-Smelling Urine

Changes in the look or smell of your urine may potentially indicate kidney stones. Cloudy urine or pee with a strong, unpleasant odor might suggest an illness or the presence of stones. These changes occur when germs accumulate in the urinary system or a stone obstructs the flow of urine, resulting in stagnation and infection.

7. Fever and Chills

Fever and chills are less common but can accompany kidney stones, especially if there is an underlying urinary tract infection. This combination of symptoms need rapid medical care since it may suggest a more serious disease requiring quick treatment.

When to Seek Medical Help

If you have any of the symptoms listed above, especially severe pain, blood in your urine, or evidence of infection (fever and chills), get medical assistance right once. Early detection and treatment can reduce problems and suffering.


Understanding the signs of kidney stones is critical for quick diagnosis and successful therapy. If you believe you have kidney stones, contact a healthcare expert for a full assessment and proper treatment.
As usual, living a healthy lifestyle, staying hydrated, and following medical advice will help lower your chances of getting kidney stones. Please book an appointment if you want more tailored advice and treatment alternatives.
submitted by drdeepeshkalra to u/drdeepeshkalra [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:46 Bobelle What are your suggestion for structured breaks?

What is your suggestion for how long I should be productive, how long I should have breaks for, and how frequent they should be? I don’t want to constantly have to pay attention to my energy levels, mood levels, etc. The lack of structure from taking breaks that way is too overwhelming. I just want to stick to a routine without getting burnout.
submitted by Bobelle to ADHD [link] [comments]