Baby jumpers clearance

Dislike is an understatement, i actually despise my SIL. Tldr

2024.05.21 13:59 seeuneve Dislike is an understatement, i actually despise my SIL. Tldr

My younger SIL (lets call her B) just gave birth last year and I helped out a lot sebab dia ni takde suami. When she couldnt calm her newborn baby, i took over and said to her, “i understand how challenging this is, dont worry im here to help you. Dulu i pun ‘koyak’ juga lah masa jaga newborn sbb penat sgt and first time mom kan”. Then B with a straight face replied, “oh i takdelah koyak sebab anak kan. Kenapa i nak koyak dgn anak sendiri”. Well u should’ve said that to your face B bcs i always saw you lose it when your baby is cranky. How dare you guilt tripping me for not coming over to see u n your baby when i actually only went back to my parents house. Mcm aku ni tkde keje lain je nak mengadap kau.
I wont be like this if you were grateful enough for your family for accepting and helping and supporting you through your journey even though what you did was really really bad. You gave birth at a private hosp, your baby gets her monthly checkup at that same private hosp, your mom tanggung both of you 100% from your car loan to your baby’s diapers and milk. Your brother (my husband) took one for all by saying to our relatives that the baby is our adopted child even though its ridiculous bcs the baby looks exactly like you.
But you are still like your old self. Arrogant, entitled, spoiled and tak reti jaga mulut. You scolded me for breastfeeding your baby even though ive asked permission and its for the baby’s own good. You shamelessly go out and about bringing your baby everywhere. I said this bcs it invites question from people around us and my husband has to lie. Sometimes, when my husband’s friends came over and B happens to be there with her baby, she would suddenly come near to my husband while holding her baby over to my husb and said, “hi daddy”. Of course member husb aku pelik and tanya eh ni anak siapa? You even had the audacity to marah everyone including me sebab lambat uruskan your placenta. My BIL snapped and scolded you and then you went ahead and cried to your mom. So what did your mom do? Of course she called all of your siblings and gave them a scolding for making you cry. Except my husband sbb aku awal2 dah message dkt MIL explaining that we genuinely forgot about the placenta and we kept it safe, and you B dont need to marah2 everyone bcs we also have our plates full. FYI, the siblings tak kesian dkt B’s situation sbb ni bukan first time dia buat benda tu. Cumanya this time terpregnant.
B lives with my MIL. She dont have a job and her income is from my MIL. I dont give a damn about all those special treatment and privilege that she has. But when it comes to my baby, i would give a whole lot of damn ye. My 2yo baby dah tak rapat dgn my MIL ever since B gave birth. Im sad to see they no longer have the bond that they used to have but i decided to distance myself from B for the sake of my mental peace. Distancing from B means distancing from my MIL as well.
But B has crossed the line so so many times that i have to do this. One time, my husb asked B to watch our baby while we both were working. All of us were outside at the time. MIL was holding B’s baby so B was free to watch over my baby. About 10mins or so we suddenly couldnt hear our baby’s voice. Rupanya B tak jaga pun anak aku and she lost my baby. My mind went blank at the time. I just followed where my feet goes and thank god i immediately found my baby. Not a single apology came out of her mouth. Aku jaga anak kau mcm anak sendiri ye tapi kau buat anak aku mcm ni. My baby fell ill later that night sbb i think she was traumatised when she got lost. The next day B accidentally spilled my husb’s drink and she politely said, sorry sebab tertumpahkan air abg. Wah kau hilangkan ank aku tak pandai pulak nk mintak maaf.
There was one time B was so proud of her 5months baby at the time sebab kaki baby dia kuat, boleh tegakkan kaki. She said, “kaki my baby kuat betul lah kuat sgt utk umur dia. Tak macam your baby kan masa 5 bulan your baby lembik2 lagi kan?” Ughh aku lah kan masa tu rasa nak tumbuk je muka kau. Then i said, eh takdelah. Anak i 5 bulan dah pandai lompat2 dah dlm jumper tu”. Then later that evening i posted a story from my archive from when my baby was 5months old and she was jumping cheerfully in the jumperoo. Hahah puas hati aku. Aku tak pernah kisah kau nak bangga2 kan anak kau tapi tak perlu lah nak downkan or comparekan dgn anak org lain. Byk lagi lah kejadian2 compare ni berlaku. Mcm makcik bawang dah perangai kau.
Recently, we stayed at a hotel in a family room. Anak aku tak suka sgt dkt baby si B ni. If the baby cry, my daughter will cry too. If the baby scream, my daughter will scream too. Shes just uncomfortable around the baby. Imagine lah the chaos when both of them are in the same room. Tapi last2 anak aku jugak yg kena marah sbb tantrum padahal ank dia yg punca. My baby, husband and MIL went out first so B and i and her baby checked out later. I jokingly said haa senang sikit nak kemas kalau tak ada dua2 baby serentak. Then B said, “oh my baby takde masalah, senang je nak jaga, tak kuat nangis, baik and dengar kata”. Eh ank kau tu baru 10bulan mana pandai nk tantrum lagi tapi susah jugak nk buat kerja sbb nak kena pegang je. Well, lets see when your daughter turns 2 agak2 anak kau ok ke tak. Later that day when my baby was napping in her stroller, B suddenly said, “anak u tido baru nampak dia baik”, then she laughed. Erghh kau nk mengata anak aku pulak.
She used to bodyshame my baby saying my baby is kurus sangat lah and my MIL pun ckp ank aku kurus lah kesian lah tak makan lah. EXCUSE ME, anak aku ni tinggi mcm bapak dia and kurus mcm mak dia. Her weight is normal, tak pernah turun pun berat dia since lahir. And she didnt seem kurus to me and everyone else pun. Aku dah tak tahan aku post an angry stroy dkt ig abt ppl yg suka mengata badan ank org. Since then dia slow down psal badan ank aku. Last2 MIL bgtahu aku yg berat badan anak B turun 400gram. Thats a lot ye for an infant. Puncanya easy je, B didnt cook real food for her baby. Her main meal is cerelac and biscuits. Sometimes i prepare food for her baby and B mcm tak suka bila MIL puji baby suka makanan aku bagi tu. B rasa mcm tercabar. She was like, “sempat eh u masak. Oh lupa u kan mmg duduk rumah tak kerja”. Like i care? Dah anak kau lapar pstu kau pulak kata busy lah tak sempat lah.
Actually byk je lagi benda menyakitkan hati jadi but cukup lah ni je. My MIL got so upset that my daughter taknak dekat dia lagi dah. Im not responsible for that. Kalau dulu u always come over to my house to see your grandchild why now tak boleh dah? Im not gonna put myself through the emotional torture by being around B a lot. It comes with a price but thats what best for me.
submitted by seeuneve to malaysians [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:50 Heyitsme_yourBro Baby and toddler clothing - why are jackets/ jumpers so expensive for so little material

We've just had our second recently and finding it so much more expensive/ time consuming to buy new clothes. Unfortunately, we didn't keep clothing from our first and we're really feeling it now.
I can't seem to find a middle ground between buying quality clothes and something cheap enough for us. I've compromised on the former but feel like I'm wasting a lot of material and its such a time consuming process. ugh
Any advice? Do you guys buy second hand clothes? I'm a little worried about safety/ health
submitted by Heyitsme_yourBro to NewParents [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:36 LeonardoSire The only show I’m going to miss is the Adam and Wack show.

I am pretty sure that show is profitable and Adam doesn’t want to end it.
However, I assume that’s the price he has to pay in order to be fair towards all the other hosts so he ended the biggest and most entertaining show No Jumper ever had.
It would be hilarious if that show continued and we could watch Wack run victory laps around Bricc baby, Compa, Spider Loc and Sharp 😂😂😂
submitted by LeonardoSire to NoJumper [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:07 Medium_Discipline223 Who’s ready for these panels again😭😭😭I’m not

submitted by Medium_Discipline223 to NoJumper [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:05 javiarthepoolboy Last post, hopefully this catches adams attention

Adam, there is enough news in the culture weekly where you can have 3 “No jumper shows” every week
One should be the regular show with Adam, Lush, & Bricc Baby & possibly a fourth
The second one should be rotating from Flakko, to Bricc, (sharp I guess since Adam seems to wanna keep him & suspect I guess) Compa, Lush etc
The third one should be Adam, Lush, & one of the various guest they interview that week as a kick it and talk about the culture pod
Then, you aren’t over saturating your platform with an bunch of filler host who don’t respect you / bring anything to the table.
submitted by javiarthepoolboy to NoJumper [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:51 stinkylinzar Lyssomanes viridis?

Lyssomanes viridis?
I’m in japan for deployment, keep finding these little babies! Wanna know if they’re green magnolia jumpers?
submitted by stinkylinzar to jumpingspiders [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 00:00 Low-Amphibian-5767 before brick baby came to no jumper the views were down bad sharp couldnt even carry himself let alone no jumper stop it 😂😂😂

submitted by Low-Amphibian-5767 to BackonFigg_2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 17:37 bookgranny Wolf Spider egg sack

Got a wolf spider named Princess. I wasn’t originally planning to keep her but she’s adapted perfectly to her enclosure and it’s been nice having her around. This morning she laid an egg sack and I do not want to keep the babies. There are more than enough wolf spiders around my house and yard, and I hate dealing with fruit flies. I have breed jumping spiders in the past and have no interest in doing that again until I move, especially not with wolf spiders. Is there a way to remove Princess’s egg sack? With jumpers removing egg sacks is quite easy but Princess doesn’t seem to want to give these up.
submitted by bookgranny to spiders [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 15:18 mcskim46 Game 6 look back by the numbers. We were down 10+ at least 6 times, each time cutting the lead to 4 or under. Absolute Insanity.

Still reeling from that game. Truly unbelievable and a TEAM WIN! Looking at the numbers and times we were down 10+ points and then cutting the lead back to like 4 only for it to balloon back up. Total gritty, gutty, win. On to the conference finals baby!
8:49 - Lu Dort 3 puts them up 16-6
5:59 - Josh Green jumper cuts the lead to 2 - 18-16
8:43 - SGA jumper puts them up 38-27
5:48 - Josh Green 3 cuts the lead to 1 - 38-37
4:52 - Luka 3 gives us first lead at 40-42
1:14 - Chet floater makes it 58-47
0:01.2 - Joe makes a 3 to put them up 64-48 at Half
Mavs score just 6 points in the final 4:52 of Second Quarter
10:15 - DJJ 3 cuts the lead to 10 - 68-58
8:25 - Chet jumper pushes lead to 17 - 77-60
7:09 - Luka 3 cuts the lead to 77-69
6:44 - Luka FTs cuts the lead further to 77-71
6:00 - Kyrie pull up gets us to within 4 - 77-73
1:47 - SGA 3 puts OKC back up 10 - 86-76
1:20 - SGA jumper puts OKC back up 10 - 88-78
0:40.2 - Luka FT’s bring us back to within 10 - 90-80
4:11 - PJ 3 ties it at 105-105
3:39 - Luka step back jumper gives us first lead since 4:52 in the Second Quarter- 105-107
Final 3:30 - 4 lead changes, 3 tie scores
4th Quarter stats:
Both teams only had 1 TO
Mavs shot 12-25 - 48%
OKC shot 11-23 - 47.8%
PJ & Lively only ones to shoot FT’s in the quarter (Combined 5-8)
Only 1 FT for OKC - SGA Tech on PJ dead ball foul
6 Offensive Rebounds by the Mavs
0 Offensive Rebounds by OKC
16 Total Rebounds by the Mavs
7 Total Rebounds by OKC
Kidd Recognized that Lively was ‘THE GUY” and only played Gafford 5:34 in second half
THJ played 0:13 in the Second Half (Thank God)
PJ played the entire 2nd half after picking up 3 quick fouls in the 1st half
Luka / Kai - played all but 0:13 of the second half
Love that Hardy was getting THJ’s minutes these last two games
Lu Dort had 9 points in the 1st quarter and 0 for the rest of the game and only took 5 more shots in the final 3 quarters
SGA is really really good in quarters 1-3 but didn’t take over really and put his team on his back in any of the 4th quarters.
Mavs shot 52.4% from behind the arc in the 2nd half
Gaff / Lively combined for 22/22/4/1/2
THJ’s Dad said he was the best shooter on the Mavs. Period. He was 15-36 in 6 games vs OKC. He hit the side of the backboard 3 times on a shot from the corner in this series and airmailed 3 shots. Sounds about right Sr.
OKC not only facilitated us getting Lively but also in acquiring Gaff / PJ. Their big move was to get Gordon Hayward who played maybe a total of 1 minute in this series.
submitted by mcskim46 to Mavericks [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 15:01 HotMouse25 6 month old constantly whining

Hey guys!
My 6 month almost 7 month old( next week) has been on the same soundtrack for what seems like forever. But realistically the last 4 months. He’s literally been teething since 2.5 3 months with the excessive drooling, gnawing and just crummy moods.
All he does is whine. Other than the normal whining for needing something. He’s fed, changed, safe and healthy. He’ll be independently playing and whine the entire time. Turns over on his tummy ( which he mastered at 4-5 months) and the whining starts to turn him over- if he tries hard enough he can get it on his own. He’ll whine sitting with me, while in holding him. During/ after feedings. As soon as he wakes up for the day, starts with whining and escalates to a full blown cry. He’ll whine if my husbands holding him. Just over all, ALL DAMN DAY! I’m literally at my wits end because gosh I cannot figure out what the constant whining is about. It’s discouraging for me when I am literally killing myself to entertain him and he’ll only be content for a few minutes. I love the kid but I don’t love the whining. It’s making our wake windows stressful that we need to provide the HIGHEST level of energy and entertainment for him to be content for just a few minutes. He will be jumping in a very busy jumper with all these little toys and things that light up and even while in that he will still require us to sit there and play with him and the whining doesn’t stop.
I thought it was a phase but it’s not letting up. It’s someday so bad I cannot leave the house because I don’t want to be shushing him in public and potentially risking a meltdown. My husband and I can’t go to dinner alone because he will exhaust the both of us so we end up just packing it up and heading home and as soon as we get in the car or home he is okay and the whining has slowed down. I’ve gone out for dinner with my family ( Mother’s Day) and there was always 1 person missing from the table because he was just upset. I know that comes with the territory of being a parent and know not to compare children but my sisters baby who’s 4 months is a completely calm baby at dinner. Just sits there and observes while my LO is absolutely freaking out over nothing. He’d fed before, he’d fed during and will eat more than me. I have done everything I could possibly do for him and none of us can figure out why he doesn’t stop. Doctors don’t seem to really care( we’re in the process of a new paediatrician) and just reminds us how 1) lucky we are and 2) some baby’s are just high need babies. Hence why we’re getting different care. I’d be willing to try anything and everything except doing what I’m doing now because I have disconnected from reality lately I feel lost!
submitted by HotMouse25 to Mommit [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 13:45 dfaraday Small SUV for street parking, infant car seat, and camping

Hi all,
I’m looking for a car that has some mix of the following:
Preferences - Fits an infant car seat in the back. We are pretty short (around 5’6) so don’t need a ton of leg room in the front but it would be great to have some space. Also does anyone know if the car seat tests apply also to fitting the car seat in the middle seat? - Short enough to make street parking easy. We live in the city and need to parallel park daily. I’m used to parking a GTI and have been wary of driving anything over 180 inches, but I may be flexible. - AWD and ground clearance over 7 inches. We go camping and backpacking and don’t want to be deterred for going on some trails that require high clearance. Ideally over 8.5 inches but flexible. Also I’m not sure if all AWD cars with ground clearance are equally OK on bumpy roads? Mostly concerned about damaging the car. - Some acceleration. I’m used to the GTI but am willing to settle for something that can go 0-60 in less than 9 seconds, something that can merge on the highway in a reasonable amount of time. - Hybrid or gas: don’t have access to home charging for EV.
Nice to Have - Low maintenance cost - Responsive handling - Cargo space for baby and camping stuff. - Safety features like adaptive cruise control and blind spot monitoring. - Fun to drive but hey I’m a dad now.
Cars I’ve considered - Subaru Crosstrek 2.5 liter. This might be the frontrunner because it can handle offroad, is short enough, and can fit a car seat (A rating on I might be nitpicking but it is not a fast car even with the larger engine and my test drive was not the most inspiring for that. Cargo space with seats up might not be great either. - Volvo XC40. Nice interior, ground clearance, good enough acceleration, short enough, but got a D rating for car seat on - Toyota Corolla Cross Hybrid. Decent acceleration, short enough, better fuel economy and ground clearance but D rating on car seat. - Mazda CX-30 Turbo. Most fun to drive, short enough, fast enough, but D rating on car seat.
I have not test driven: - BMW X1. Maintenance costs might be high but definitely feels like it would be fun to drive and has a B grade for car seat. Not sure if this is really capable of bumpy roads since it’s only 7 inches of ground clearance. - Mazda CX-5 Turbo. There’s a shortage of these in the area and C rating on car seat. Also a bit long. - Toyota RAV4 Hybrid: A rating on car seat, reliable but kind of long.
Should I just cave and get a longer car? Anyone with experience with an infant car seat on any of these cars? Any other suggestions?
submitted by dfaraday to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:34 GuiltlessMaple Best Cheap Chunky Yarns

Best Cheap Chunky Yarns
Are you a knitting enthusiast always on the hunt for affordable and high-quality yarns? Look no further! Our roundup of cheap chunky yarns will leave your wallet happy and your knitting projects stylish. Discover a range of budget-friendly options that don't compromise on quality. Join us as we explore the best in affordable knitting materials for your creative projects.
Get ready to expand your knitting repertoire with our guide to cheap chunky yarns. We've curated a list of the most affordable and attractive options on the market, perfect for knitters of all experience levels. From vibrant hues to soft textures, our selection will cater to your unique taste and style. Dive in and see how easy it can be to create stunning knitting projects without breaking the bank.

The Top 5 Best Cheap Chunky Yarns

  1. Handcrafted Warm Autumn-Winter Knitting Yarn - YarnArt Pacific Chunky is a high-quality, multicolor knitting yarn, perfect for creating stylish autumn-winter garments and accessories, offering a 3D effect with its slightly hairy texture and harmonious colors.
  2. Super Velvet Chunky Cotton Arm Knitting Yarn - Aloiyue Chunky Blanket Yarn Leopard Print combines super bulky, velvet thick cotton yarn with easy DIY throw blanket knitting, creating a cozy, stylish, and affordable home accessory perfect for warming yourself and your loved ones.
  3. Teal Waves Bernat Softee Chunky Yarn - Bernat Softee Chunky Yarn in Teal Waves delivers exceptional stitch definition, a thick and high-quality texture, and durability, making it perfect for knit and crochet projects for warm, cozy garments.
  4. Arm Knitting Chunky Bulky Yarn - Get the Clearance deal on our High-quality, Washable Roving for Arm Knitting! Perfect for extreme knitting projects with this soft and bulky acrylic yarn!
  5. James C Brett Flutterby Chunky Yarn - Bulky, 100% Supersoft Polyester, Various Colors - Introducing the super soft James C Brett Flutterby Chunky 100% Supersoft Polyester yarn, perfect for sweaters, blankets, toys, and more, available in 100g balls with a variety of vibrant colors for all your knitting projects!
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🔗Handcrafted Warm Autumn-Winter Knitting Yarn
I recently picked up YarnArt's Pacific Chunky to try my hand at knitting some cozy scarves for the upcoming winter. I must say, I'm quite pleased with this product. The multicolor variegated pattern is stunning and its thick, wooly texture is perfect for keeping me warm on those chilly nights. Plus, despite being a blend of wool and acrylic, it doesn't shed too much, which is a major plus.
One feature that particularly stood out was how versatile this yarn is. I used it to make a sweater, a cardigan, and even a pair of mittens! And each piece turned out beautifully. The recommended needles (4.5 mm) and hooks (5 mm) worked perfectly with the yarn, providing just the right tension for even stitches.
However, one downside I did experience was that the yarn tended to split when working on tighter stitches. But this wasn't a deal-breaker for me, as I still managed to achieve a nice finished look. Overall, YarnArt Pacific Chunky is a great option for those looking to add some color and warmth to their knit projects without breaking the bank.

🔗Super Velvet Chunky Cotton Arm Knitting Yarn
Aloiyue's Chunky Blanket Yarn is a thick, warm, and stylish addition to your collection. I recently started knitting again after a long hiatus, and I'm absolutely loving this leopard print yarn. It's not only great for knitting crochet pillow throws, but it's also super easy to work with due to its bulkiness.
One of the things I genuinely appreciate about this yarn is how soft and warm it feels in my hands. I've had some past experiences with Velvet yarns that lacked this softness, making them somewhat unappealing to work with. Additionally, the leopard print design adds a touch of sophisticated style that I find truly captivating.
However, one drawback I've noticed is that it tends to shed a bit while I work with it. I also find the colors to be slightly more subdued than I would like. Not a complete deal-breaker, but it's definitely something to be aware of.
All in all, Aloiyue's Chunky Blanket Yarn is a fantastic option for knitting crochet pillow throws, particularly if you're a fan of soft and warm materials. Just be prepared to deal with a little extra shedding and slightly muted colors.

🔗Teal Waves Bernat Softee Chunky Yarn
When I first laid hands on Bernat Softee Chunky Yarn, I was immediately drawn to its thickness and softness, which I knew would be perfect for knitting warm, cozy blankets and cardigans. The stitch definition is top-notch, giving my projects a professional look that's sure to impress. I did notice a difference in texture between some skeins, but overall, I found it to be a reliable and economical choice for my knit and crochet projects.
One feature that really stood out for me is the large ball size, making it easy to complete projects quickly without having to constantly change skeins. I also appreciated the broad range of rich colors that Bernat offers, giving me plenty of options for my designs. However, I was a bit disappointed with the limited color selection in some shades.
As for the cons, the varying texture between different skeins can be a bit annoying, and I wish the yarn didn't have such a strong chemical smell when I first opened the package. Overall, Bernat Softee Chunky Yarn offers a satisfying blend of style, functionality, and comfort, making it a great choice for both beginners and experienced knitters alike.

🔗Arm Knitting Chunky Bulky Yarn
I recently tried the "Bulky Yarn" for a DIY project, and it was quite an experience. The super chunky yarn is washable and made from roving, which adds a nice touch to the overall feel of the project.
However, the one thing that caught me off guard was the length. It only measures 45M, which is much less than I expected. This could be a problem for those looking to create larger items, so keep that in mind.
Overall, the yarn is soft and easy to work with, but the short length may be a drawback for some.

🔗James C Brett Flutterby Chunky Yarn - Bulky, 100% Supersoft Polyester, Various Colors

I recently got my hands on the James C Brett Flutterby Chunky, and I have to say, it's been a game-changer for my knitting projects. This luxurious 100% supersoft polyester yarn comes in a range of beautiful shades, making it perfect for warm cardigans, cozy blankets, or cute baby toys.
From the moment I started knitting with this yarn, I noticed how incredibly soft and fluffy it is. It's a joy to work with, and the drape it gives to my knitted items is simply stunning. The recommended needle size (6mm) works perfectly, helping me achieve a beautiful stitch texture that stands out from other chunky yarns.
One standout feature of this yarn is its impressive yardage of approximately 175 meters per 100g ball. This means I can knit up larger projects without worrying about running out of yarn too soon. And if that's not enough, the yarn is machine washable at 30°C, making it easy to keep my creations looking fresh and clean.
However, like any product, there are some cons to consider. Some users have reported issues with yarn quality, noting that it can develop bald spots after washing. Additionally, the yarn's softness can make it a bit challenging to work with on certain needle types, such as plastic ones.
But despite these minor drawbacks, the overall experience with the James C Brett Flutterby Chunky has been exceptional. Its high-quality texture, variety of colors, and reasonable price point make it a top choice for knitters and crocheters looking to create beautiful, snuggly projects.

Buyer's Guide

If you are looking to get started in knitting or crochet, or simply want to diversify your yarn collection, cheap chunky yarns can be an excellent choice. These types of yarns are generally thicker in size, which makes them easier and quicker to work with, especially for beginners. Moreover, they tend to be more affordable than thinner yarns, allowing you to make beautiful projects on a budget. In this buyer's guide, we will discuss important features to consider when selecting cheap chunky yarns as well as some general advice to ensure you get the best quality for your money.

Consider Fiber Content
One of the most important factors to consider when choosing cheap chunky yarns is the type of fiber they are made from. Common fibers used in yarns include acrylic, cotton, wool, and blended fibers. Each type of fiber has its own unique properties, such as softness, durability, and ease of care, that can impact the final quality of your finished project.
Acrylic yarns are typically the most affordable option and are ideal for beginners due to their stain resistance and minimal pilling. Cotton yarns are great for warm weather projects, as they are highly breathable and moisture-absorbent. Wool yarns provide excellent insulation and are ideal for cold weather projects, but may require special care to prevent felting or shrinking.
Blended fibers offer a combination of properties from different fibers, such as the softness of acrylic and the warmth of wool. However, they may also be more susceptible to pilling, so it's essential to choose a high-quality blend that will stand up to wear and tear.

Check Yarn Weight

Cheap chunky yarns come in various weights, typically classified as either "bulky" or "super bulky. " These weights are determined by the number of plies or strands that make up the yarn. Bulky yarns are generally denser and thicker, while super bulky yarns are even thicker and often have a larger stitch size. In general, the thicker the yarn, the faster and easier it is to knit or crochet projects.
Be sure to choose a yarn weight that aligns with your knitting or crochet skill level and the specific pattern you will be following. Patterns designed for chunky yarns will often specify which weight to use for optimal results.

Inspect Yarn Quality

The quality of cheap chunky yarns can vary widely among different brands and price points. To ensure you are getting the best value for your money, inspect the yarn closely before purchasing. Look for any inconsistencies in thickness, uneven dye jobs, or noticeable flaws in the fibers. A high-quality yarn will have a consistent texture and uniform color throughout, making it easier to work with and resulting in a more professional-looking finished project.

Consider Yarn Care

While cheap chunky yarns may be more affordable, they may not always be as durable or easy to care for as more expensive options. Be sure to check the care instructions on the yarn label to determine whether it can be machine washed or requires hand washing, as well as any special drying or ironing requirements.
Choose a yarn that aligns with your intended use and level of care you are willing to provide. For example, if you plan to create a cozy throw blanket for your couch, a stain-resistant acrylic yarn that can be easily machine washed may be a great choice. On the other hand, if you are knitting a delicate baby hat, you may want to opt for a softer, high-quality wool or cotton yarn that can be hand-washed.

Experiment with Different Brands

With so many options available on the market, it can be helpful to try out different cheap chunky yarn brands to find the one that best suits your needs and preferences. Some brands may offer unique texture, color, or performance features that set them apart from their competitors. Don't be afraid to experiment with different yarns and stitch patterns to find your ideal combination.
By considering factors such as fiber content, yarn weight, quality, care, and brand variety, you can make informed decisions when selecting cheap chunky yarns for your knitting or crochet projects. With careful consideration and a little experimentation, you can create beautiful, durable, and affordable projects that you will be proud to show off and wear.
Remember, this guide is meant to provide general advice and recommendations for choosing cheap chunky yarns. Always consult the specific pattern or project requirements to ensure the best possible outcome for your finished project.


What type of yarn is cheap and chunky?

The most affordable option for chunky yarn would be acrylic, which is a synthetic fiber that is easy to work with and has great stitch definition. Other popular options include cotton, wool, and blends.

How much yarn do I need for a chunky knit blanket?

For a standard throw-sized chunky knit blanket, you will need around 8-10 balls of yarn, depending on your desired size and pattern. Always refer to the specific yarn requirements on the pattern you are using.

Are there any budget-friendly chunky yarns available online?

Yes! There are various places online where you can find affordable chunky yarns, like Amazon, Etsy, and craft stores' websites. These platforms often offer competitive prices and discounts on bulk purchases.

What is the recommended gauge for chunky yarn?

Typically, chunky yarn is knitted or crocheted with a 4-6mm hook or needle. This will yield a gauge between 3-4 stitches per inch and 5-6 rows per inch.

Can I use cheap chunky yarn for crochet projects?

Absolutely! Cheap chunky yarn is suitable for various crochet projects like blankets, hats, scarves, and amigurumi. Ensure you have the right hook size for your chosen yarn to get the best results.

How can I care for my cheap chunky yarn creations?

To prolong the life of your projects made from cheap chunky yarn, wash them gently by hand and air-dry them away from direct sunlight. If the yarn is labeled "machine-washable, " use a cold, gentle cycle in your washing machine and lay flat to dry.

What are some popular chunky yarn patterns?

  • Blankets (granny squares, moss stitch, garter stitch)
  • Hats (simple beanie, cuffed beanie, slouchy beanie)
  • Scarves (garter stitch, seed stitch, infinity scarf)
  • Pillows (crochet pillow, knitted pillow)

How can I store my cheap chunky yarn to prevent tangling?

To keep your yarn tangle-free, store it in airtight containers or plastic bins with tight-fitting lids. You can also use a yarn organizer or wind your yarn onto cardboard tubes for easier access and less hassle.

Can I wash cheap chunky yarn with fabric softener?

It is not recommended to use fabric softeners on chunky yarn projects, as they can leave residue on the fibers, affecting their texture and appearance. Instead, use a mild detergent and hand wash your creations carefully.
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submitted by GuiltlessMaple to u/GuiltlessMaple [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:07 Brickgenius Hoopty worth it at this price?

submitted by Brickgenius to LegoMarvel [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:54 MysticWolf1994 Found baby jumper on my ceiling 2 months after my last baby died

Found baby jumper on my ceiling 2 months after my last baby died
This baby is super tiny, I found it on my pantry ceiling and decided that it was my sign to get another one after my previous baby Hiskoka passed away 2 months ago.
I've never had one this small and it's missing a front arm. Can anyone tell me what instar it may be and if it can still be healthy/ok without an arm? And potentially what kind it may be?
submitted by MysticWolf1994 to jumpingspiders [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:35 GuitarFather101 Where can I find phidippus audax this time of year?

I live in a small town in Mille Lacs, MN if anyone is familiar with that area. Though I start seeing babies and young ones on the walls of buildings mid summer I can't find any adult phidippus audax during what would be breeding season for them. The only jumping spiders I see around are zebra jumpers and asiatic wall jumpers all over. Would anyone happen to have any knowledge where they'd be hiding this time of year? I want to find an adult to mate with my female jumper Astrid. Where should I look?
submitted by GuitarFather101 to jumpingspiders [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:43 Cool2s Missing Pedipalp!

Help! What are the odds of survival for a Jumper missing pedipalps.Does anyone have any experience with minorly disabled Jumpers? I found a very small (probably i2) Jumper who seems to be missing their front right pedipalp. It is incredibly responsive and doesnt seem to be in distress. Do they regenerate limbs like Mantids? I don't know the type of Jumper (it has visible detail on its abdomen but it's too small and dark brown to tell) but I have a lot of experience with baby Jumpers but I want to know it's chances and anything I can do to help make things easier. Thank you for reading!
submitted by Cool2s to jumpingspiders [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:10 Molehill_Mountains Shot 13 Update (5mg)

Shot 13 Update (5mg)
UK based.
Thirteenth post in my accountability series. Using this as a progress diary since startihg my weight loss journey on 12th Feb 2024.
Started the week at 154.2 (down 1.6lbs from) 155.8 the week before.
Now this has been an interesting week to say the least. With 3 weeks left on MJ (I can’t afford to do any longer) I wanted to push the boundaries a little. I wanted to see what wiggle room I have.
I’ve made some real changes with walking, drinking water and portion size, to the point that my body water % is up 3% since making my health a priority, and my average daily steps has doubled. Now this isn’t to say I’m not going to continue with these great habits, but I wanted to see how affected I’d be if I didn’t do these things consistently.
This week I switched out some of my water for lightly flavoured sparkling water on occasion (think appletiser) and had a glass or two of Prosecco a few weeks after work with my husband (had a few days of work and was feeling a lot more chilled than usual).
Brother in law stayed over from Wednesday to Friday. Even though he’s very health conscious, I think his presence threw things off food wise in the house. Husband was more keen to get takeaway and snacks. It’s not necessarily because bro in law wants them, but I think husband feels happy and at peace when he’s around and fully relaxes. I love that, but not necessarily the food effect. I stayed eating the way I have but I had a KFC drum stick and some small chips (very delicious treat, but definitely more than enough).
Husband has been very congratulatory about my weight loss. I wanted us to go through this together as we were both unhealthy, overweight and have been through the rigmaroles of weight loss countless times, but he wasn’t ready. After bro in law left on Friday, and seeing my progress husband spoke to me about being interested in MJ. I’m excited for him if it’s a step he chooses to take.
We had Mexican for dinner on Friday after dropping our little one off at my parents house. I stuck to two appetisers which were protein and salad heavy and seasoned with lime for extra flavour. Delicious. What a relief it is to eat with my stomach instead of my eyes. I’m no longer exhausted thinking about food, I know how much will satisfy me and I don’t go beyond that, because why would I?
Saturday morning rolled round. Husband and I were busy and some friends very kindly offered to look after our dog overnight. We dropped him off and they were very surprised and congratulatory about my weight loss. We see them every few weeks but now the weather is changing, I’m not bundled in jumpers like usual and I guess my weight loss really showed. I didn’t really know what to say! I think I’m almost getting a little embarrassed now. I think I need to work on saying thank you, and knowing that that’s a full and complete sentence. Baby steps with that I guess.
On Saturday afternoon I had a big brunch that was booked from a few months ago and lovely fried rice dish and unlimited Prosecco / woo woo drinks for a few hours. I happily ate my portion of food, taking my time to chew eat and enjoy, rather than wolfing it down like I used to. The flavour was delicious and I really enjoyed it and had time to think about how much I was enjoying it. It’s wild that I didn’t do this before.
Now the drinks… I read a lot on Reddit and otherwise about the averse side effects people have even after a couple of light alcoholic drinks, so I’ve always been cautious about have 0-1 drinks if I do have a drink with MJ. Hand on heart, I lost count after 6 Proseccos, and had a few more in the pub afterwards. I had a small glass of water between drinks when I could remember. I was fully expecting to throw up or have a terrible tummy, but I write this now at 6:47am on a Sunday morning, waking up happy and well rested without even a whiff of a hangover, ready to resume my regular schedule (MJ shot, walk, healthy eating). I think I had a lucky escape, but it definitely isn’t something I’m in a rush to repeat. But a part of me wonders if I’m ok because of all the changes I’ve made. This is now a little blip rather than the norm.
I’m not really sure what my update is about today other than surprise. My son is with his grandparents for the weekend, and I guess I had a big relax. But I’m ready to get back to normal. It’s so interesting how aware I am of how my diet has changed. This would be something I could mindlessly do on a Friday and Saturday without thinking before. It wouldn’t have been an active choice.
Looking in the mirror, I like what I see and how I feel. I’ve readjusted my goal weight again since I feel I look good now (and looking good on the inside according to my stats), so would be happy with the top of the range. I’m really focussed on body recomposition and have started a home programme of 20 minutes of exercise after the little one has gone to bed.
As I expected, there’s nothing interesting to report stat wise, but I enjoyed the week.
SW: 184.4 lbs CW: 153.2 lbs WoW Loss: 1.6 lbs GW: 145-150 with tone/muscle 💪🏾
SW fat percentage: 36% why Last Week fat percentage: 31.4% CW fat percentage: 30.8%
SW visceral fat: 11 Last week visceral fat: 7 CW visceral fat: 7
SW metabolic age: 38 Last week metabolic age: 34 CW metabolic age: 34
Ready for next week ✨
submitted by Molehill_Mountains to Mounjaro [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:39 Molehill_Mountains Week 13 update (currently on 5mg)

UK based.
Thirteenth post in my accountability series. Using this as a progress diary since startihg my weight loss journey on 12th Feb 2024.
Started the week at 154.2 (down 1.6lbs from) 155.8 the week before.
Now this has been an interesting week to say the least. With 3 weeks left on MJ (I can’t afford to do any longer) I wanted to push the boundaries a little. I wanted to see what wiggle room I have.
I’ve made some real changes with walking, drinking water and portion size, to the point that my body water % is up 3% since making my health a priority, and my average daily steps has doubled. Now this isn’t to say I’m not going to continue with these great habits, but I wanted to see how affected I’d be if I didn’t do these things consistently.
This week I switched out some of my water for lightly flavoured sparkling water on occasion (think appletiser) and had a glass or two of Prosecco a few weeks after work with my husband (had a few days of work and was feeling a lot more chilled than usual).
Brother in law stayed over from Wednesday to Friday. Even though he’s very health conscious, I think his presence threw things off food wise in the house. Husband was more keen to get takeaway and snacks. It’s not necessarily because bro in law wants them, but I think husband feels happy and at peace when he’s around and fully relaxes. I love that, but not necessarily the food effect. I stayed eating the way I have but I had a KFC drum stick and some small chips (very delicious treat, but definitely more than enough).
Husband has been very congratulatory about my weight loss. I wanted us to go through this together as we were both unhealthy, overweight and have been through the rigmaroles of weight loss countless times, but he wasn’t ready. After bro in law left on Friday, and seeing my progress husband spoke to me about being interested in MJ. I’m excited for him if it’s a step he chooses to take.
We had Mexican for dinner on Friday after dropping our little one off at my parents house. I stuck to two appetisers which were protein and salad heavy and seasoned with lime for extra flavour. Delicious. What a relief it is to eat with my stomach instead of my eyes. I’m no longer exhausted thinking about food, I know how much will satisfy me and I don’t go beyond that, because why would I?
Saturday morning rolled round. Husband and I were busy and some friends very kindly offered to look after our dog overnight. We dropped him off and they were very surprised and congratulatory about my weight loss. We see them every few weeks but now the weather is changing, I’m not bundled in jumpers like usual and I guess my weight loss really showed. I didn’t really know what to say! I think I’m almost getting a little embarrassed now. I think I need to work on saying thank you, and knowing that that’s a full and complete sentence. Baby steps with that I guess.
On Saturday afternoon I had a big brunch that was booked from a few months ago and lovely fried rice dish and unlimited Prosecco / woo woo drinks for a few hours. I happily ate my portion of food, taking my time to chew eat and enjoy, rather than wolfing it down like I used to. The flavour was delicious and I really enjoyed it and had time to think about how much I was enjoying it. It’s wild that I didn’t do this before.
Now the drinks… I read a lot on Reddit and otherwise about the averse side effects people have even after a couple of light alcoholic drinks, so I’ve always been cautious about have 0-1 drinks if I do have a drink with MJ. Hand on heart, I lost count after 6 Proseccos, and had a few more in the pub afterwards. I had a small glass of water between drinks when I could remember. I was fully expecting to throw up or have a terrible tummy, but I write this now at 6:47am on a Sunday morning, waking up happy and well rested without even a whiff of a hangover, ready to resume my regular schedule (MJ shot, walk, healthy eating). I think I had a lucky escape, but it definitely isn’t something I’m in a rush to repeat. But a part of me wonders if I’m ok because of all the changes I’ve made. This is now a little blip rather than the norm.
I’m not really sure what my update is about today other than surprise. My son is with his grandparents for the weekend, and I guess I had a big relax. But I’m ready to get back to normal. It’s so interesting how aware I am of how my diet has changed. This would be something I could mindlessly do on a Friday and Saturday without thinking before. It wouldn’t have been an active choice.
Looking in the mirror, I like what I see and how I feel. I’ve readjusted my goal weight again since I feel I look good now (and looking good on the inside according to my stats), so would be happy with the top of the range. I’m really focussed on body recomposition and have started a home programme of 20 minutes of exercise after the little one has gone to bed.
As I expected, there’s nothing interesting to report stat wise, but I enjoyed the week.
SW: 184.4 lbs CW: 153.1 lbs WoW Loss: 1.1 lbs GW: 145-150 with tone/muscle 💪🏾
SW fat percentage: 36% why Last Week fat percentage: 31.4% CW fat percentage: 30.8%
SW visceral fat: 11 Last week visceral fat: 7 CW visceral fat: 7
SW metabolic age: 38 Last week metabolic age: 34 CW metabolic age: 34
Ready for next week ✨
submitted by Molehill_Mountains to mounjarouk [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:31 annual-enrollment Love song

Why is your silence so loud. Its like a weight on my chest it holds me down I know you're tired of the love songs Baby I've been tried of being loved wrong How could you move on so easy? it don't sit right with my spirt. We had conversations and I never got no clearance Everything you said to me repetitive, you parrot This is another love song I can't wait for you to hear it
Tell me that you want me keep it real Am I the only one in my feels? I know you're tired of the love songs love songs Baby I've been tired of being loved wrong
submitted by annual-enrollment to Poems [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:14 UnderstandingNext408 Reduced Again, Moving Sale!

Can offer more pictures of any item. Pick up is in Mueller. Pet and smoke free home and everything is in very good condition.
submitted by UnderstandingNext408 to AustinClassifieds [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:00 GwenLury AITAH for Helping my "room mates" dog thrive?

A year and half ago one of my sons childhood friends was in a very difficult situation. She had two teenage children, a dog, two cats and had no where to go. I'll refer to her has Sheila. I'm “retired” while my husband says he's retired ( but never stopped) and we have grandkids; when my son was complaining about how he wished he had space for this friend ...I volunteered. We had the extra rooms for her and the kids, we also had the acreage for additional animals except for the cats. My husband is deathly allergic to cats. Regardless, I talked to my husband, and we then offered her the extra rooms for free. So long as Sheila finds someplace else for the cats. She agreed and she was very appreciative while also being honest with us. She has an autoimmune disease (JRA) and the youngest is autistic while her oldest is trans; she’s a chef at heart and we're retired so she'll take care of the meals. As she already had a job to work from home, those checks would go into savings.
We had a few weeks of near daily talks hashing out how this would work. I'll give the highpoints but these were the general rules:
Her rent is paid via meals. Her children do chores as they’re capable of doing them (cleaning their bathroom, vacuuming, dishes, keeping their room clean, and helping my husband to maintain the main lawn [which is maybe 1000sf] and help as requested with the farm.) She had 1 year to save up for a place of her own. To be rediscussed every 6 months.
We’ve had 3 discussions since, and no she doesn't have the money to move out in this economy. Most of this is due to the 3 hospitalizations through no fault of her own (and the way the economy keeps raw dogging everyone who doesn't have a 6 digit bank account)...we are fine with her and her kids being here. I managed to help the autistic one get into general Ed and he's on his way to graduating. I'm so extremely proud of him, he entered my house as creature who did everything he could to make himself small and acceptable to everyone else. Today, me and him can argue about moral ideologies in an heated manner and after the cool down still wants to sit with me while I watch my brain watch TV. Just the fact that he’s willing to be vocal is my pride in him; he's worked hard to get here and I'm so happy for him. I'll answer questions about that relationship if needed as I'm rambling.
After 3 months of Sheila being here I cook all the meals. She in effort at the start but now after a year and half, I'm do all the meals myself. In the times where I just can't my husband does. I think the last meal she put into this house was for the day after new years which was warming up left overs. Which is what's contributing to my attrition and may make the asshole.
My AITA is about her damn dog. I told Sheila not to give her dog a specific food. Bunny is now older and I just burried my baby boy at 20 years; 7 years after the vet said he'd live a month, I went psycho on his diet and kept him going happy and energetic for 7 years. Sheila has been fine in letting me control the animals diets. And I have become a but of a Nazi; there are some foods that a dog can have young that they can't have when they're older. Garlic is one of them. Bunny is now 7 years, I nevere let her have garlic. Sheila dropped some garlic pita chips into the flow tonight and called Bunny to eat them to clean it up. I screamed
It's a great Dane and Belgium Malinos mix and was 5 years old when I first met it. It's father was a Great Dane and the mother a Malnous-(I'm not spelling it right but I cannot get autocorrect to make it correct)-a bug lazy giant mixed with a hyper working dog. It's friggin neurotic. The first day I met it it jumped up into my face and broke my nose. To be honest she warned me it was a jumper and I didn't respect that warning.
I don't want to be disrespectful but...I broke that dog of jumping in a month of it being in my house. Not because I'd make it negative, but because I’d say no and crowd her her immediately and when she greeted people without jumping I'd get excited and give treats. As my son says, “It's the smartest dumb dog I've ever met.” It is extremely intelligent but...I feel bad for saying this-Sheila has only ever had cats. She doesn't give it direction or jobs beyond sleeping with her. When it doesn't have a job it is loud and destructive, giving itself guidance that it wants from Sheila.
In the first 6 months it destroyed our back yard fence every time Sheila left the property. I feel the behavior is because she's trained it to be by her side at all times. When she wasn't near, the Dog (named Bunny) didn't know what to do with herself and attacked the fence to try to find her. I've managed to get the dog contained, compliant, and sweet.....when Sheila is not around. If she wasn't so big I'd make her my own.
I know there are two sides of a story and I will try to account for Sheila’s but I am going to advocate for my side.
This dog entered my house barking, jumping, chewing, and spazzing as a puppy would but was actually 5 years old. Shiela just told me Bunny is now 8 years old. As long as Sheila is not around Bunny is calm, response, nondestructive, she has jobs in the house (specifically to chase squirrels out of the garden) until Sheila returns and then no matter what is going on Bunny will scream and cry to get close to Sheila.
Sheila works from home and it's generally fine except for the times when Sheila chooses that Bunny should be outside (arbitrarily). I have to deal with Bunny crying and screaming: Sheila is inside, Bunny is out, I think Bunny is neurotic because she knows Sheila is home and that her job is to be BY Sheila. Sheila’s response to this is to either ignore, scream at her, or give treats-but leave bunny outside while Sheila returns to work. Sheila is very talented at focusing on work regardless of what's going on out side. While Bunny is loosing her mind to get close to Sheila, Sheila doesn't doesn't notice unless I interrupt.
The whole goal of Sheila working is for her to save enough to get a house. I'm committed to this, so I've taken over Bunny during work hours which means two of three meals I feed Bunny. I've been feeding bunny for past year while Sheila works.
Today is apart of a two week vacation Sheila has taken for her oldest graduation. Sheila made food for bunny with Garlic in it. I saw it, and I told Sheila that Bunny is too old to have anything with garlic in it as Bunny is now 7 years old (70 years old in human years, they don't deal with toxins like they used to). Sheila got very upset with me and was very verbal that Bunny was not my dog and I had no voice it what bunny ate.
I feel that Sheila has only said this because I have spent so much time in the last year working with her dog, correcting Bunny to get positive behaviors. This summer Bunny has become very nervous about the new automatic sprinklera we have and I've been the one working Bunny through the fear she has darn near sun up to sun down.
Let me be clear, I'm only doing this now because Sheila simply removes bunny from the yard when the sprinklers start, while I have been sitting in the patio (that the sprinklers don't touch) and been trying to get her comfortable with them. They are new and scary for a dog-Sheila is too busy on the computer to work Bunny through her fears so I'm doing it.
When I work through the day with Bunny, by the afternoon timer that sets the sprinklers off Bunny is having a blast chasing and jumping through the sprinklers.
I'm a bit PO’d at Sheila's outrage and need to assert control over Bunny when I said the dog couldn't have garlic any more. I've shared my house for a year an half with 3 people and dog who all seem to have some sort of behavioral issues. I've exterted control where I can with Bunny to have nice days with own my home with her, her children, and her animals. But Bunny is Sheila's dog so....I don't have a voice.
Please don't placate or disparage; AITA and how do I move through this? It's not my dog, they’re not “famil”y, but I honestly want to continue to help all of them. Including Bunny. I need to find a way to get Sheila on board; she doesn't seem to have the time or patience for Bunny beyond bedtime.
P.S. knowing how reddit commentors can go: I don't argue structure or consequences in regards to her children and I've adapted as Sheila has requested. She simply doesn't have any structure for Bunny, while she enjoys the consequences my structure on Bunny.....she now seems to resent that. As it's only resently she's been putting her foot down about Bunny.
While I'm of the mindset: Bunny is her very first dog, her words, she had only had cats before hand. Sheila did pick a mixed breed god did she pick an unpredictable mix. I've adapted as much as I can to help this dog find calm and connectedness. I love Bunny and I've spent so long working on her poor behaviors, editing her diet, giving her a job and a space that belongs to her inside and outside the house. I just want Bunny to live as long and happy as possible but feel if I put my foot down, I'm the asshole.
Mind the Autocorrect. I've re-read 3 times now and still find crappy misspelling and worse grammar as I've only used Reddit on mobile and make a mash of it every time I do. My apologies.
Edit: I'm sorry, I wrote this while having an argument with Sheila. Bunny is 7-8 years old per Sheila just a it ago; she's unsure of the digs age and has only guessed when talking about Bunny. Sheila said she thinks Bunny was 1 to 2 years old when she got her. My jumping in ages of 7 to 8 to 7 is just me being inaccurate as me and Sheila yell at each other and me typing In here in the lulls.
This is a very active argument. That does NOT end in be evicting them.
submitted by GwenLury to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:22 FunPlatform5638 50% off Birkin rescue

50% off Birkin rescue
I’m not usually one to save clearance plants… but! They had this poor thing in a nursery pot inside of a decorative cover pot SOAKING wet (there was about 3 inches of water in the bottom when I took it out and I was able to squeeze water out of the root ball like a sponge). They also had that weird fake moss on top of the soil. Was able to separate the baby and put them in new soil. Now I have 2 perfectly good plants. No root rot or pests either!
submitted by FunPlatform5638 to houseplants [link] [comments]