Jin shen ci bas

Pourquoi selon moi les Kanaks ont raison dans leurs revendications.

2024.05.21 20:39 Titiplex Pourquoi selon moi les Kanaks ont raison dans leurs revendications.

Avec les récents évènements sur le Caillou (île principale) j'entends beaucoup de choses dans tous les sens et j'aimerais exprimer mon propre avis.
La loi qui a mis le feu aux poudres est une loi qui propose d'élargir le corps électoral à toute personne vivant en Calédonie depuis 10 ans, jusque là on est bon. Cette réforme est louable dans le sens où elle cherche à imposer une démocratie plus juste pour tous.
Toutefois, il apparaît que cette loi est tout sauf démocratique. En effet, la Calédonie est une colonie, on y a envoyé des colons et on continue d'en envoyer dans un certain sens. Cela pose dans un premier temps un problème éthique car il s'agit de remplacer ou de supprimer une population sur un territoire par une autre. Et c'est aussi à l'encontre des accords de 88 et 98 qui mettaient en avant une volonté de décolonisation. Le peuple originel de l'île est le peuple Kanak, arrivé il y a plus de 3000 ans contre moins de 300 pour les Caldoches (présents sur l'île depuis plusieurs générations) et Zoreilles (métropolitains). Au cours du dernier siècle nous avons décolonisé un paquet de pays dans l'optique de laisser les peuples disposer d'eux mêmes, parce que occuper un pays et oppresser un ou plusieurs peuples pose un problème moral.
Non, la France n'apporte pas la civilisation, la France apporte ses propres intérêts au détriment des peuples locaux. Déjà dans un premier temps c'est dommage que l'on détruise des cultures, des langues. La plupart d'entre vous n'en aurons rien à faire mais supprimer une histoire et un peuple dans les faits c'est une perte dramatique. Certains diront qu'ils ne sont pas adaptés au monde moderne ou au monde français mais à cela voici une réponse : si on ne les laisse pas se développer ils ne risquent pas de s'adapter, de plus pourquoi devraient ils s'adapter à notre mode de vie quand il s'agit d'un territoire à l'autre bout du monde avec une perspective sur les choses radicalement différente de la nôtre ?
Tout cela conduit à un fait cette fois ci incontestablement problématique, à savoir que les Kanaks (ce ne sont pas les seuls en France mais concentrons nous sur eux) sont un peuple extrêmement défavorisé. Seul 4% d'entre eux font des études, un cinquième de la population de l'archipel vis sous le seuil de pauvreté et les inégalités économiques sont en faveur des blancs. Parce que de fait, ce sont les blancs qui tiennent une majorité des commerces, ce sont les Zoreilles qui viennent sur le Caillou pour prendre les emplois dans les mines, ce ne sont pas eux qui vivent dans des pseudo bidonvilles ou bâtiments très insalubres.
Les révoltes d'il y a quelques jours ont été tenues par des jeunes en majorité (même les partis indépendantistes l'ont reconnu), des jeunes qui sont désespérés d'avoir un accès à l'emploi plus difficile que les autres, qui doivent débourser des sommes pas possibles pour étudier en métropole et souvent avoir le mal du pays, ce sont ces jeunes qui voudraient avoir le même niveau de vis que les autres mais qui sont désespérée de voir qu'il n'y ont pas accès et qu'ils n'ont pas non plus les même chances et opportunités que les autres. Enfin, ce sont ces jeunes qui ont le cul entre deux chaises, entre la culture de leurs ancêtres, la culture de l'île qui leur est chère et la culture qu'on veut leur imposer à travers l'école, à travers des lois visant les Kanaks, etc.
Donc quelle solution ? Doit on dégager tous les non Kanaks de l'île ? Je rappelle qu'en Algérie, qui a vu une situation très similaire, tous les blancs ont été exclus. Mais dans l'absolu on aimerait ne pas en arriver là, la guerre c'est pas terrible. Selon moi, une île indépendante sera problématique pour deux raisons : la première étant la menace d'une prise de contrôle par la Chine ou la Russie ou l'Australie ou la Nouvelle Zélande, ce qui arrangerait tout le monde tant pour le nickel (qui deviendrait alors plus rentable car il y aurait possibilité de faire pression à la baisse sur le coût de la main d'oeuvre) que pour les intérêts stratégiques militaires. La seconde raison c'est que, si indépendance il y a, alors la France n'aura pas de remords à partir en laissant tout en plan comme elle l'a fait avec tant de pays en Afrique qui ont ensuite manqué de savoir pour avancer et qui n'étaient visiblement pas tous préparés à la démocratie. La situation serait donc catastrophique.
La solution qui paraît la plus optimale serait un accord d'association entre une Kanaky souveraine dans tous les domaines sauf ceux qu'elle concède à savoir l'armée et potentiellement d'autres, et ce qui pourrait aussi impliquer des avantages pour la France au niveau des usines de nickel. Dès lors, les Kanaks pourront élever leur culture au rang de culture reconnue, enseignée et utilisée, ils pourront concilier la façon dont le pays fonctionne avec la façon dont le peuple fonctionne. C'est de plus une situation connue dans la région avec les îles Cook et Niue, on pourrait même rajouter les Tokelau qui ont un statut similaire leur laissant la même liberté.
Mais maintenant, quid des "étrangers" sur le sol Kanak ? La loi d'extension du corps électoral pose une condition essentielle à savoir la présence depuis dix ans mais en oublie une essentielle, et c'est là que l'on tombe dans la polémique. En France métropolitaine, lorsqu'on veut devenir Français, il faut être présent depuis un certain temps, payer des impôts ici, etc, mais surtout avoir une connaissance historique, culturelle de son nouveau pays et parler le français. Qu'en est il en Calédonie ? Les étrangers sont venu, ont parqué les Kanaks dans des réserves, les ont ségrégés et le font toujours d'une certaine manière (on rappelle que les Caldoches sont très armés et se forment des milices en n'hésitant pas à abattre à vue, à l'heure actuelle trois jeunes Kanaks ont été tués et un gendarme suspecté de s'être fait abattre par un tir allié), n'ont jamais pris le temps pour la majorité d'apprendre une langue Kanak et d'adopter la culture locale. Alors oui, ils sont là depuis très longtemps pour certains, oui ils considèrent ça comme chez eux mais je pense que d'un point de vue éthique ils ont tort. Tant qu'ils refuseront de se mélanger et de se comporter de manière respectueuse rien ne pourra être fait pour eux. S'ils restent dans leur coin tout en s'accaparant le pouvoir alors je trouve normal que les choses pètent et anormale qu'ils aient plus de droits de rester que les pieds noirs en Algérie ou que l'immense majorité des colons dans les ex colonies françaises, car ils ne se comportent pas mieux.
Certain(e)s diront que ce discours s'approche très près du discours d'un fameux Z mais je vous ferait remarquer que il y a une différence fondamentale qui est cette nationalité en Calédonie. N'importe quel Français pourrait aller la bas et relativement rapidement avoir des pouvoirs décisionnels au détriment de la population autochtone et légitime, en France même un citoyen UE qui vit là depuis 10 ans ne peut pas faire grand chose tant qu'il n'acquière pas la nationalité, ce qui implique tout ce que j'ai énoncé avant. Et c'est là la grosse différence entre ces deux entités politiques et ce pourquoi il s'agit d'une politique de colonisation. Si la Kanaky était plus souveraine que ça elle pourrait réguler ce flot venant de métropole, mieux former sa propre population et commencer à tendre vers un modèle de vie plus respectueux de sa propre culture jusqu'alors discriminée et plus riche dans tous les sens du terme. Et c'est là aussi l'autre différence, en France on est pas discriminés pour notre culture (tant qu'elle est nationale et pas régionale). Enfin, la transition est possible comme le font plusieurs industries en Afrique qui remplacent progressivement leur corps actif par des locaux, ce qui élève le niveau de vie local et encourage la formation et l'éducation, ou encore la Bolivie qui a progressivement reconnue et protégé les cultures et langues non hispaniques.
Pour conclure, les Kanaks ont raison dans leur revendications, tout est fait pour faire taire leur histoire, leur culture, leurs langues, pour les mettre à l'écart de la prospérité, des études et de la vie bonne. Il est mal de discriminer une population comme ça et l'autonomie + libre association de ce territoire préserverait les intérêts à la fois de la France et de la Kanaky tout en garantissant aux non-Kanaks d'y rester si tant est qu'ils acceptent de s'accoutumer à ce pays sans imposer leur propre culture, histoire, langue et sans s'accaparer le pouvoir.
Quelques liens :
submitted by Titiplex to france [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:43 adelinadrandeva 2-Hour Foundation Flash Sale

2-Hour Foundation Flash Sale submitted by adelinadrandeva to cigardealhunters [link] [comments]


POURQOI PAS UNE PRIME PUR SE LEVER TANT QUON Y AI ? MICHELDU34 (BISOU 0 GHISLAINE) submitted by Tryphon_Al_West to Dinosaure [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:15 JOWQH The Blending of Luo Shen Fu with Modern Design: Exploring the Art and Craftsmanship of the Varmilo Goddess Luo Keyboard

The Blending of Luo Shen Fu with Modern Design: Exploring the Art and Craftsmanship of the Varmilo Goddess Luo Keyboard
The Goddess Luo keyboard is a unique masterpiece that blends classical Chinese literature with cutting-edge keyboard technology. Drawing inspiration from "Luo Shen Fu(Ode to the Goddess of the Luo River)," a poem composed over 1,800 years ago during China’s turbulent Three Kingdoms era by the poet Cao Zhi(Cao Cao's third son), this keyboard pays homage to Goddess Luo—identified as Zhen Ji, celebrated for her beauty and enigmatic presence. To aid Western consumers in appreciating this deep historical and cultural context, we've integrated symbols and text from the poem, reinterpreted through contemporary technology.

Goddess Luo
Excerpt from Ode to the Goddess of the Luo River
Historical Context and Intrigue
Zhen Ji was historically the daughter-in-law of Yuan Shao, an adversary of Cao Cao(the King of Wei Kingdom), and married Cao Pi(Cao Cao's eldest son), Cao Zhi's brother, after Yuan Shao's defeat. Goddess Luo is one of the most beautiful goddesses in ancient Chinese mythology. Cao Zhi compared Zhen Ji to her to praise Zhen Ji’s beauty and purity. Though "Ode to the Goddess of the Luo River" is Cao Zhi's lyrical tribute to Zhen Ji's beauty, the poet and Zhen Ji were never united, weaving a tale of unrequited love into the poem’s narrative
Keycap Design and Scroll-Style
· Overall Color and Material: Inspired by Jin Dynasty aesthetics of "purity" and "simplicity," the Goddess Luo Keyboard employs a pale aqua reminiscent of light bamboo leaves, symbolizing tranquility and depth, in line with the serene and mystical aura of the Goddess Luo. The keycaps are made from durable PBT material to ensure the longevity of text and designs.
Jin Dynasty: Han Fu
· Scroll-Style: The keyboard is crafted to emulate the form of ancient Chinese scrolls, unfolding from right to left, linearly presenting the story and poetic imagery of "Ode to the Goddess of the Luo River." This layout aligns with traditional Chinese writing and reading directions and allows users to progressively engage with the poem's narrative and aesthetics.
Scroll-style communication, unfolding from right to left
Keycap Details:
· Right Enter Key: Features a mounted scholar symbolizing Cao Zhi's journey and return, linked to the line "Leaving the capital, to return to my fief in the east" expressing the poet's departure from the bustling city back to his roots.
· 2U '0' Key: Depicts distant mountains and rivers, representing the hardships of travel and longing for the distant, associated with "The sun sets in the west, the journey tires the horses," reflecting the weariness of travel and the solitude of dusk.
Keycap Detail 1
· Directional Keys: Embody various natural and poetic themes from the poem.
Keycap Detail 2
· Up Key (Morning Glow): Represents the dawn of a new day and hope, symbolizing Goddess Luo's beauty and vitality akin to the morning sun.
· Down Key (Lotus): The lotus emerging from the water, commonly symbolizing the purity and beauty of women in China, resonates with the noble image of Goddess Luo.
· Left Key (Spring Pine): The pine tree in spring, symbolizing resilience and vitality, reflects the youthful vigor of Goddess Luo.
· Right Key (Autumn Chrysanthemum): The chrysanthemum in autumn, representing noble and solitary beauty, aligns with Goddess Luo's independent and pure character.
· Enter and Shift with Enamel Piece: Correspond to the iconic lines "As elegant like a swan, as graceful as a swimming loong" Here, "loong" refers to the mythical Chinese dragon, distinct from the Western dragon archetype. In Chinese culture, the loong is revered as a symbol of power, strength, and good luck, embodying regality and grace—attributes perfectly mirroring Goddess Luo's portrayed beauty.
Enamel Piece 1
Enamel Piece 2
Integration of Chinese and English Characters
The letter area combines Chinese and English characters, where each Chinese character originates from "Ode to the Goddess of the Luo River," and their initials correspond to the respective English letters, such as "其" (qí) for "Q". Additionally, these characters are styled in semi-cursive and regular script, popular during the Wei and Jin dynasties. Regular script was the preferred choice for official documents and scholarly works due to its orderly appearance, while semi-cursive was favored in personal correspondence and informal documents for its speed and artistic flair.

Font details 1
Font details 2
Top Artistic Illustration and Rear Design
· Top Artistic Illustration: The keyboard's top features an illustration of Cao Zhi gazing toward Goddess Luo, conveyed through modern illustration techniques to express the love and unreachable sorrow within "Ode to the Goddess of the Luo River."
Goddess Luo
Poet Cao Zhi
· Rear Grille Glass and Calligraphy: The rear adjustable grille glass features interactive elements like the opening and closing of lotuses and the shining sun, capturing moments such as "Radiant as the rising morning glow" and "Blazing like the lotus emerging from the water," symbolizing Goddess Luo's sublime beauty at moments when her eyes open.

The moment Goddess Luo opened her eyes
Technological Innovations
· Multi-mode Connectivity and Low Latency: The keyboard supports wired, Bluetooth, and 2.4G wireless connections, equipped with advanced chip technology to ensure response times as low as 1ms, catering to high-end users and gaming enthusiasts.
ST+Nordic Chip
Physical Mode Switch
· Gasket Mount: Incorporates a gasket structure and various layers of sound insulation materials, enhancing key feedback and sound quality for an optimal typing experience. The structure uses silicone pieces to isolate the keycaps from the keyboard base, effectively reducing vibrations and improving the sound of keystrokes.

Internal Structure
The Goddess Luo keyboard is Varmilo's pinnacle product for 2024, blending our reflections on classical culture and art with modern expression and showcasing the best of our current hardware and software technology. After a year of development, we are proud to present this product and hope it will garner the interest and support of our community.
Desktop Matching Picture 1
Desktop Matching Picture 2
Desktop Matching Picture 3
submitted by JOWQH to MechanicalKeyboards [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:56 Lotus_swimmer My other favourite relationship in The Legend of Shen Li - Miss Jin & Xing Zhi - for the bitchy, petty, frenemy vibes ;D

submitted by Lotus_swimmer to CDrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:40 Early_Intention203 Heh

Heh submitted by Early_Intention203 to OldWorldBlues [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 15:23 Past_Elderberry2070 HYBE vs MHJ

Here's my understanding based on the timeliness. Please let me know if there's anything wrong.
A. MHJ, acting as the representative of NJS members' parents, expressed concerns to HYBE about similarities between NJS and ILLIT, alleging neglect of NJS members by BSH and lack of support. They also accused HYBE of favoring LE SSERAFIM over NJS for debut. (MHJ provided evidence to support her claims)
: I wouldn't call it a crime, but I simply wanted to understand what occurred. I felt it was significant because the issues MHJ discussed in the interview had already been communicated to HYBE via letter. MHJ actually disclosed a series of Kakao Talk conversations with HYBE CEO Park Jiwon as evidence. Additionally, parents of NJS members were interviewed about their meeting with HYBE. https://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/news/2024-04-25/business/industry/HYBE-pushed-NewJeans-aside-for-Le-Sserafim-says-Min-Heejin/2033888 https://www.mk.co.ken/society/11015349
B. HYBE countered by accusing MHJ of embezzlement, citing private messages where MHJ seemed to condone the act. However, there's no concrete evidence of guilt according to the law. HYBE also criticized MHJ's reliance on superstition and mistreatment of staff.
: I see MHJ talked about usurpation of management rights. :However, Korean Supreme Court accepted the rationale of the court of appeals which explained the embezzlement crime as the crime provoking specific danger, not the abstract one." - https://www.kci.go.kkciportal/ci/sereArticleSearch/ciSereArtiView.kci?sereArticleSearchBean.artiId=ART001865639 and "Embezzlement involves acts that damage the company's value, but no intent.. There is something called an attempt crime in law. Embezzlement doesn't have an attempt crime, but even if it did, preparations for execution would need to be in place to qualify, and it does not even meet that level." - https://www.hankooki.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=154282 So far HYBE haven't presented any concrete evidence of guilt if I am not wrong.
C. MHJ gave an interview regarding the situation.
D. Recent developments reveal HYBE's low Q2 net income(2m dollars) compared to revenue(265m dollars), efforts to settle plagiarism cases, and past use of improper promotion tactics.
: Embezzlement typically involves the misuse of funds, making net income a significant aspect, particularly when MHJ accuses HYBE of using company funds for personal expenses such as drivers, drinking, and golf while she was ordering delivery food working late. The court ruling also highlighted expedient marketing tactics, with MHJ alleging that HYBE proposed similar strategies for ADORE, which she refused. - https://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/news/2024-05-05/national/socialAffairs/BTSs-ARMY-protests-against-govt-move-to-investigate-HYBE-for-chart-rigging/2040081
E. The court asked HYBE to provide evidence for their embezzlement accusations rather than focusing on MHJ's belief in superstitions, which isn't relevant legally. HYBE responded by stating that MHJ must prove her innocence.
: Sorry, it didn' came up from my mind. Judge Orders HYBE To “Stick To Legal Facts” when HYBE made allegations that Min Hee Jin had allegedly badmouthed NewJeans and that Min Hee Jin was using a shaman to make decisions. Also HYBE answered yes when the judge asked "Are you saying that (Min Hee Jin) has to prove that she didn’t do anything wrong?" - https://www.koreaboo.com/news/min-hee-jin-newjeans-ador-hybe-stick-legal-facts-trial/
submitted by Past_Elderberry2070 to kpop_uncensored [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 12:02 Genie-civil Guide complet des termes de construction : Comprendre les termes techniques

Guide complet des termes de construction : Comprendre les termes techniques
Dans le domaine de la construction et du bâtiment, une bonne compréhension des termes techniques est essentielle. Ces termes ne sont pas seulement des mots, mais des clés pour comprendre les processus, les techniques et les matériaux utilisés dans ce secteur. Dans cet article, nous vous proposons une explication détaillée de certains termes courants en construction pour vous aider à améliorer votre connaissance de ce domaine.
Termes de base
1. Acrotère
Un acrotère est un petit mur formant une élévation en périphérie des terrasses. Il est utilisé dans de nombreuses applications d'ingénierie pour offrir une protection supplémentaire ou pour des conceptions esthétiques spécifiques.
2. Adduction d'eau
Il s'agit de canalisations permettant le branchement au réseau public de distribution d'eau potable. Ce système assure l'approvisionnement en eau potable dans les maisons et les bâtiments.
3. Adoucisseur d'eau
Un appareil permettant de réduire la teneur en calcaire de l'eau, rendant l'eau moins dure et plus adaptée à diverses utilisations telles que la lessive et le nettoyage.
4. Air frais
Désigne l'air neuf en provenance de l'extérieur, destiné à renouveler l'air vicié à l'intérieur du bâtiment, améliorant ainsi la qualité de l'air intérieur.
5. Allège
Partie du mur située entre le sol et le bas d'une fenêtre, elle joue un rôle dans le soutien supplémentaire et parfois dans l'isolation thermique.
Termes avancés
6. Aérothermes
Appareils de chauffage diffusant de l'air chaud dans la pièce à chauffer. Ils sont couramment utilisés dans les grands espaces pour une distribution efficace de la chaleur.
7. Agrégats
Éléments minéraux entrant dans la composition des bétons ou des mortiers (sable, gravillons, cailloux). Ils constituent la base du béton et influencent ses propriétés physiques.
8. Appui
Pièce basse du dormant d'une menuiserie venant s'appuyer sur la maçonnerie. Elle assure la stabilité de la fenêtre et contribue à l'isolation de l'ouverture.
9. Arbalétrier
Élément rampant support des pannes, il fait partie de la ferme qui structure la charpente d'une toiture. Il est essentiel pour la solidité et la durabilité de la toiture.
10. Ardoises
Feuilles de schiste minces et légères employées en couverture. Utilisables pour des toits dont la pente peut varier de 20 % à la verticale. Les ardoises sont appréciées pour leur longévité et leur esthétique.
Pour plus de détails et pour accéder à une liste complète des termes, nous vous invitons à télécharger notre fichier complet en cliquant sur le lien ci-dessous.
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submitted by Genie-civil to Civil_engineering_pdf [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:40 Weirdguy149 The fates of each villain on Analyzing Evil as of 5/19/24

Now that there is another tier list, here is my sixth installment on the subject where I determine how each of these villains meet their fates. Here is the first post, the second, the third, the fourth, and the fifth. As always, I'll keep everyone from the previous post where they are but I'll get rid of their explanations unless I had to change something between now and then. Without further ado, let's begin. I am not doing Mr. Orange since he's not evil by his criteria but he would count as dead by being killed.
Alive and redeemed: Derek Vineyard, Gordon Gekko, Jules Winnfield, and William Munny
Their story is unfinished: Agent Smith, Azula, Davy Jones, Euron Greyjoy (is currently still alive), Frieza (is currently at large and still a key player in the conflict), Griffith, the Joker (Joker), the Machines, Ramsay Bolton (A Song of Ice and Fire, is currently still alive), SHODAN, and Tommy Shelby (a Peaky Blinders movie set after the series is being made)
Alive, free, and uninjured: Alex DeLarge (book), Amy Dunne, Blondie, Christof, Clay Puppington, Green Goblin (MCU), Hannibal Lecter (book series), Henry Potter, Honey Bunny, Jobu Tupaki, Jonas Engstrom, Judge Holden, Keyser Soze, the Li Tolqa, the Lighthouse, Lord Summerisle and his society, Louis Bloom, Mary (Precious), Ozymandias (original comics), Patrick Bateman, Ringo, Roman Castevet, Terence Fletcher, Tetsuo Shima, Tommy Shelby, Travis Bickle, Tuco, Vic Mackey, Viktor Bout/Yuri Orlov, and the Wolf
Alive, free, yet injured: Alex DeLarge (movie), Anton Chigurrh, Butch Coolidge, Cameron Alexander, English Bob, Hannibal Lecter (Silence of the Lambs/Hannibal Movie), Hans Landa, Johan Liebert, Marcellus Wallace, Marlo Stanfield, Michael Myers (Thorn Trilogy/H20 Timelines), Mildred Ratched, and Noah Cross
Alive, captive, and uninjured: Antonio Salieri, Baby Jane Hudson, Daniel Plainview, Gaear Grimsrude (is arrested without incident by Marge Gunderson for multiple murders), Jerry Lundegaard (is arrested pitifully while trying and failing to escape through the roof), Nathan Jessup, Norman Bates (first movie), O-Dog, Ozai, Ozymandias (Doomsday Clock/HBO Series), the Riddler, Rumi, Saul Goodman, and Sy Parrish
Alive, captive, and injured: The Joker (The Dark Knight), Melkor, Mr. Pink (gets injured in a shootout and arrested offscreen), and Thomas Howard
Unclear: Bill Cipher, Blanche Dubois (may or may not be dead by the end depending on interpretation), Citra, Gendo Ikari, Jack Delroy (may or may not be arrested for his actions), Robert House (can either stay alive throughout the campaign or die in any number of ways by the Courier's machinations), Stu Macher, Tony Soprano, and Tyler Durden
Will keep coming back regardless of how many times they die: Candyman, Freddy Krueger, Ganon, the Ghostface identity, Jason Voorhees, Li'l Slugger (as a representation of Japan's refusal to own up to their World War II atrocities), Mr. Wriggles (is the Devil), Pazuzu, Pinhead, and Yu Yevon
Is not a living being: The Cordyceps, INGSOC, Norsefire, and the Weyland-Yutani Corporation
Dead (natural causes): The Anti-Osage Conspiracy (all of them are dead or on the way to dying by now), Ernest Burkhart (dies of old age in a rat-infested mobile home), Jack Torrance (movie), the Joker (Arkham, succumbs to Titan poisoning at the end of Arkham City), Logan Roy, Max Cady, Michael Corleone, Roy Batty, Vito Corleone (dies of a heart attack while playing with his grandson), and William Hale (dies in a nursing home of old age)
Dead (accidental): Claude Frollo, Green Goblin (Raimi Trilogy), Jack (The House That Jack Built), Jon Holt, Roland Bishop, Syndrome, Talia al Ghul, and Walter White
Dead (suicide): Andrew Ryan, the Cult of Abraxas (engage in ritual suicide), Dutch Van Der Linde, Imhotep, Jack Torrance (book duology), Julian Slowik, Lee Woo-Jin, Lord Shen (lets himself get crushed by his cannon), Mr. White (commits suicide by cop), Samuel Norton, and William Foster
Dead (killed by someone): Albert Wesker, Alex Forrest, Alonzo Harris, Amon Goeth, Anakin Skywalker, Angel Eyes, Annie Wilkes, the Armitage Family, Asami Yamazaki, Bane, Barry Berkman, Bill (Kill Bill), Bill the Butcher, Billy Chapman, Bob Barnes, Buffalo Bill, Calvin Candie, Carl Showalter (is chopped to pieces and fed to a wood chipper by Gaear Grimsrude), Carmine Falcone, Castor Troy, Commodus, Count Dooku, Damien Thorn, Darth Maul, David (The Last of Us), Dexter Morgan, El Indio (loses a showdown at high noon against Douglas Mortimer), Elijah Glass, Elliot Spencer, Eren Yeager (is decapitated after an extensive fight with the rest of humanity), Erik Killmonger, Euron Greyjoy (Game of Thrones, dies from a duel with Jaime Lannister), FEDRA, Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen (is stabbed through the brain by Paul Atreides in a duel), the Fireflies, Frances Dolarhyde, Frank Booth, Frank Costello, General Grievous (is shot in his organic parts by Obi-Wan Kenobi), the Ghostface killers, Glossu Rabhan (is slain and beheaded by the Freemen of Arakeen), Gus Fring, HAL 9000, Hans Gruber, Howard Stambler, Hoyt Volker, humanity pre-The Matrix, the Hunters, Immortan Joe, Iosef Tarasov (is ambushed and unceremoniously shot in the head by John Wick), Jack Horner, Jeremiah Sand, Jigsaw, Joe Cabot (dies trying to kill the rat in his organization), Joel Miller, Joffrey Baratheon, John Doe, Judge Doom, Kefka Palazzo, Koba, Lalo Salamanca, Leatherface (original duology), the LeDomas Family, Light Yagami, Lilly (is killed by a hallucinating Jack Delroy), Little Bill Daggett, Lorne Malvo (gets caught in a bear trap and then put down by Gus Grimly), Makima (is cut into pieces and eaten by Denji over the course of a week or so), Margaret White, Michael Myers (most versions), Mr. Blonde (gets pumped full of lead by Mr. Orange), Mr. Blue (is murdered offscreen by unknown methods), Mr. Brown (eventually succumbs to a gunshot wound to the head), Ned Logan, Nice Guy Eddie (dies trying to avenge Joe), Norman Stansfield, the Overlook Hotel, Pamela Voorhees, Pennywise, Perkins (is executed by the Continental staff for killing on their premises), President Snow (is trampled by an angry mob), Ramsay Bolton (Game of Thrones, is torn apart by his own dogs), Raoul Silva, Ra's al Ghul, Raymond Cocteau, Richmond Valentine, Sauron, Scar, Sheev Palpatine, Silco (is shot by Jinx), Simon Phoenix, SKYNET, Stephen (Django Unchained), Stringer Bell, Thanos, Thomas Wake, Todd Alquist (is strangled to death by Jesse Pinkman), Tommy DeSimone/Devito, Tony Montana, Tywin Lannister, V (gets killed in a shootout in the movie and gets impaled by a thrown blade in the comics), Vaas Montenegro, Vidal, Viggo Tarasov (succumbs to his injuries from fighting John Wick), Vincent (Collateral), Vincent Vega, Vladimir Harkonnen, Voldemort, Walter Finch, Walter Kurtz, Will Dormer, and Zed
submitted by Weirdguy149 to TheVileEye [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:33 Ok_Independent_1230 RHINOCEROS 8

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2024.05.19 17:59 dreadwhitegazebo Nie Huaisang is criminally underrated

the more i think about Nie Huaisang, the more i am mesmerized with this character.
since Niccolo Machiavelli wrote the Prince, we in the west got used to imagine a perfect politician to be embodiment of dark triad traits akin to Jin Guangyao (i.e. Game of Thrones, House of Cards...). Chinese political tradition never valued such an approach. in contrast, a perfect ruler was supposed to be someone entireley different. someone like Nie Huaisang.
he follows the principle of wu wei - strategic inaction/spontaneous action.
Shen Buhai, one of founders of legalism, wrote: "If the ruler's intelligence is displayed, men will prepare against it; if his lack of intelligence is displayed, they will delude him. If his wisdom is displayed, men will gloss over (their faults); if his lack of wisdom is displayed, they will hide from him. If his lack of desires is displayed, men will spy out his true desires; if his desires are displayed, they will tempt him. Therefore (the intelligent ruler) says 'I cannot know them; it is only by means of non-action that I control them.'"
in regards to the story of MDZS it means that Nie Huaisang did not "plan" his actions. he was doing what he was doing on a whim - like the dexterous Cook Ding from Zhuangzi.
if someone is curious to learn Nie Huaisang's way, there is actually a "guidebook" on this subject: Guiguzi.
submitted by dreadwhitegazebo to MoDaoZuShi [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:42 verenkotka Inquiet pour ma santé après que les urgences m'aient laissé partir

Si il s'avère que c'est urgent, je m'en excuse, je n'en sais vraiment rien,
Je précise que je suis sous 75mg de Venlafaxine par jour pour une dépression, dose (homéopathique, d'après mon généraliste) que je vais progressivement diminuer à cause de ce qui suit .
Il y a 3 jours, j'ai fait une overdose d'Alprazolam, le samu est arrivé quand j'avais ingéré 4mg en moins de 15 minutes,
Là-bas évidemment, je suis en observation, mais globalement rien n'est fait, je demande si on ne peut pas essayer d'autres traitements que la Venlafaxine pour la dépression, celle-ci n'étant visiblement pas efficace, le psychiatre me dit "Aucun traitement ne fonctionnera", et me laisse partir.
En allant au boulot le lendemain, mon pouls est faible et mon coeur me fait mal, je crois bien avoir faillit m'évanouir, je ne suis pas très efficace vu que ma tête est encore dans le pâté,
Aujourd'hui je vais relativement bien mais je suis bien sûr fatigué, mon pouls est toujours faible, je suis sorti 5 minutes pour aller faire 2/3 courses, et en revenant j'ai commencé à avoir la nausée,
Mon souci vient du fait que j'ai l'impression que mon cas a été pris un peu à la légère, je veux juste éviter des complications, est-ce que je devrais éviter quoique ce soit de particulier ?
submitted by verenkotka to questionsante [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:42 Euphoric-Cat1600 Jst a babeyy😭

Jst a babeyy😭
Awww why's he soo adorablee
He's complaining for not letting him cheat while playing kitty cards😂😂
Such a cutiee patootieee❤️😭
submitted by Euphoric-Cat1600 to LoveAndDeepspace [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:56 kenUdigitt Novel Chapter 415

Disclaimer: I do not speak Korean. This is purely translated by machine with a lot of cleanup afterward. With that in mind, I am open to criticism to improve these translations. Enjoy!

Chapter 415

The battle commenced with alarming rapidity.

As a thick fog cascaded across the wilderness like a tidal wave, tens of thousands of monsters amassed before him. Hovering above the ground, the dark-skinned Grand Mage, Magic Johnson, declared the start of the conflict with a single, potent command:

「Fire Cannon.」


Mana surged around him, conjuring five flames from the ether. They swelled, taking on the form and fury of cannonballs, before hurtling forward.

Whoosh, Boom!

The black tide of monsters was cleaved in two. The searing heat charred flesh and bone, liquefying the very earth beneath them.

This devastating spell incinerated a thousand creatures in an instant.

Yet the relentless tide of monsters pressed on, undeterred, as did Magic Johnson.

「Water Blaster.」

The air, once dry as sand from the Fire Cannon, now held a damp moisture.

Spreading his arms, Magic Johnson summoned a colossal wave that towered behind him.

It was a defiance of the laws of nature.

It was pure magic, a display of unparalleled might from the preeminent War Mage among his peers.

「Cover them.」

Gone was the jovial, smiling visage of Magic Johnson. In its place was a look of deep, intense determination.

With a sweeping gesture, he cast a vast, dark shadow over the advancing monsters.


Powered by mana, the wave crashed down, its immense pressure exploding the bodies of the monsters.

As the flames dwindled and the ground soaked, Magic Johnson was already prepared for his next maneuver.

「Strike down. Lightning Rain.」

In an instant, dark clouds swarmed above the monsters, unleashing a barrage of lightning bolts.

Crack! Fizz!

- Roar!

- Aaaargh!

Lightning ravaged the sky and earth alike.

Blackened gargoyles and griffins toppled from the sky, while the wet earth conducted electricity.

Living monsters cringed and keeled over, screaming in agony, as the undead disintegrated into ash.

Amidst this awe-inspiring chaos, a groan of disbelief was heard.

「This is the power of a Grand Mage...」

The impact of merely three spells was staggering.

Countless monsters lay dead or incapacitated, a significant portion of their legion shattered.

Yet, even the Grand Mage, the sole architect of this devastation, could not escape the overwhelming exhaustion that followed.

「Fuck. If I'd known this would happen, I would've saved a few more spells.」

Magic is a complex art, and for Magic Johnson, a master of wide-area spells, the toll is as profound on his mind and mana as the devastation he wreaks.

Considering the mana he had already expended at the front lines before this, he had reached his limit.

「Mrs. Chen. I guess I'm getting old too.」

「Step back. We old folks need to stick together and help each other out. And...」

Fei Chen, discarding her whiskey bottle, quickly snatched the bow at her side.

An arrow made of mana materialized on the empty bowstring.

「It's Ms. Chen, not Mrs. Who decided I was married?」

With a huff, Fei Chen released the string. The arrow, blazing with light, tore through the air and the dense fog with a sharp twang. Then:


A colossal explosion ensued.

Fei Chen observed as a Death Knight, hidden among the throng, was annihilated without a chance to utter its final cries. She drew her bowstring once more.

Twang, twang, twang!

Arrows transformed into beams of light streaking across the wilderness, each one obliterating scores of monsters.

If Magic Johnson ranks among the top three Grand Mages and is the foremost War Mage globally, then Fei Chen is the unrivaled archer of her time.


- Roar!

- Screech!

The legion, numbering in the tens of thousands, surged forward, undeterred.

For every ten monsters felled, another ten emerged. For every hundred slain, another hundred rose.

These beasts, veiled in thick fog, were more formidable and ferocious than ordinary monsters. Now, only a direct confrontation remained.

As the monstrous legion advanced, both veterans stepped forward to meet them.

"Ares Guild. Formation B. Break through them."


Under the composed direction of Lee Jeong-Ryong, the elite guild members, who had remained unscathed thus far, moved in unison.

Jin Tae-Kyung, having observed them from a distance, turned to the suicide squad he had assembled from the western front.

"Everyone, Formation J."


「Formation J! Assume the formation!」

With resolute voices echoing in unison, the suicide squad sprang into action.

Behind Jin Tae-Kyung, Wu Hei-Xing, who had been rallying a small contingent of Red Guard Gang Hunters, grabbed a member of the suicide squad and asked,

「Hey, kid. What exactly is Formation J?」

Recognizing Wu Hei-Xing, Shao Shen frowned and replied,

「It's a combat formation decided by my Hyung.」

「So, what does it mean?」

「Jonna. He said it means to fight with everything we have.」 [Note: "Jonna" is a Korean slang for "fuck it".]


Momentarily speechless, Wu Hei-Xing watched as Lee Jeong-Ryong and Jin Tae-Kyung charged forward.

Prince Felix and an army of ten thousand Hunters were not far behind.


- Roaaar!

Humans clashed with monsters.

Monsters clashed with humans.

The battlefield erupted into a cacophony of roars and murderous intent, as both sides hurtled across the wilderness, weapons and claws in deadly encounter.

Squeal, crack!

The brutal battle had commenced.

* * *

I leaned back, tensing my shoulders. With a swift motion, I hurled my arms forward, channeling all my strength.

Swoosh, flub-flub-flub!

White Flames shot from my hand, carving a path through dozens of monsters.

Seizing the fleeting opening, I plunged into the melee, my limbs a blur as I struck at any foe within reach.


My fist connected with the skull of an onrushing Lycanthrope, smashing it like a grape.

Before the beast’s cranial fluid could splatter the earth, I was already airborne.

Click, whoosh!

I landed, locking eyes with a towering undead troll, its dim gaze meeting mine at four meters high.

Before the undead troll could wield its club, my palm slammed into its chest with crushing force.


Intense heat burst forth, sending smoke billowing from the creature’s seven facial orifices. Struck by this lethal blow, the troll was obliterated instantly, its regenerative abilities rendered useless.

- Wicked human, behind you!

I know, I know. Who asked you anyway?

I muttered under my breath, whirling around just in time. A lance, dark with malevolent magic, whistled perilously close to my neck before soaring off into the distance.

The lance had been aimed to catch me mid-leap — a clever attempt, but they had underestimated me.

"Damn it. Why are there so many Death Knights? This isn't a chicken restaurant." [Note: I'm not sure what this is referencing. The best guess I can offer is that he's commenting on how crowded the battlefield was, similar to how crowded a chicken restaurant can get in Korea.]

Dodging the lance, I landed smoothly and immediately found myself facing a Death Knight barreling toward me on a skeletal steed.

- This is the end!


The Knight shouted as he swung his sword, which glowed with a dark magic. Though his power didn't match an S-rank Hunter, it was certainly comparable to a top A-rank.


'This Death Knight was once a Hunter too.'

That thought crossed my mind as the specter of Lei Fei flashed before me, instilling a sudden pang of bitterness. Meanwhile, the Skeleton Warlord issued a shrill cry.

- Avoid it, human!


As if dissolved by an unseen force, the magic on the sword faded into nothing.

The Death Knight, looking dully at the mystical spear blade protruding through its chest, gasped feebly.

- How...

"This is the end."

Echoing the Knight’s earlier proclamation, I drove my spear downward.

"Whoever you were, you fought hard."

Screech, thud!

The skeletal horse and its rider split apart, vanishing into the ether. As before, I conjured White Flames to carve through the encroaching monsters, then asked aloud.

"Why aren't you begging for food now?"

- Ahem. What do you take this commander for?


"Lazy bum. You say you don't want to fight but you drool over situations like this."

- What!

"Why, aren't I exactly right?"

- You agreed, you cunning human, that I wouldn't participate in the battle! And when was it that you said we mustn't let other humans find out that I exist?

"Excuses. So, do you want to eat this magic or not?"

- ...


"Hey. Can't you hear?"

- Hmm. I don't really want to eat.



Caught off guard, I narrowly dodged an incoming attack.

After dispatching about ten monsters with a sweeping strike of my spear, I posed a serious question,

"Why's that? Do you want to wither away to nothing?"

- Umm... I don't know. I just have a feeling.

"A feeling?"

- Yes. I'm undead, but sometimes even undead get moody. Just let me be.

"...Since when do the undead get moody?"

Normally, this one would have pounced like a starving dog. Why the sudden change?

'Do undead go through puberty?'

As much as the Skeleton Warlord is an odd monster, this was nonsensical.

I stopped pondering over it and resumed slicing through monsters when suddenly,


An area about ten meters in diameter was engulfed by an aura, or rather, Sword Qi.

In an instant, the frontline was cleared, and a figure gently descended.

"There are too many monsters. It's impossible for the entire suicide squad to break out."

I understood exactly what Lee Jeong-Ryong meant.

"You mean, we should go with a select few elites?"

"That's right. Get ready."

As Lee Jeong-Ryong spoke, I ducked as a crescent of Sword Qi whistled past, slicing through several large monsters as if they were mere cheesecake.

What if that Sword Qi had been aimed at me? If Lee Jeong-Ryong and I were to face off...

"You, me, and Wu Hei-Xing. The three of us should be enough."

Licking my parched lips, I responded,

"That's quite strange."

"What is?"

"You never know until you fight. We won't know how strong the Arch Lich is until we face it."

"There are three of us who are S-rank Hunters. No matter how strong the Arch Lich might be, it's no match for us."


It's a comforting word, yet why does it leave such a sour taste?

Perhaps it's due to the individuals included in this 'us.'

Nevertheless, I had committed to the suicide squad tactic since I had proposed it. From that perspective, Lee Jeong-Ryong's proposal was optimal.

"Let's do that. Where is Wu Hei-Xing?"


No sooner had I spoken than Wu Hei-Xing burst through the horde, slashing his way through.

In stark contrast to the pristine Lee Jeong-Ryong, Wu Hei-Xing appeared battered, yet his eyes sparkled with unabated vigor.

"Luckily, you arrived in time."

「Hmph. As if monsters like these could stop me.」

Hadn’t he nearly succumbed to these very 'monsters like these' just an hour ago?

I was internally chiding Wu Hei-Xing's unimproved mental state when it occurred.

"Mr. Jin Tae-Kyung!"

The call came from Mr. Choi, sounding across the battlefield.

Between the swarms of monsters, I caught a fleeting glimpse of Mr. Choi’s face before it vanished.

Then, something gleaming arced through the air and embedded itself in the earth near me.

'This is...'

It was unmistakable — the [Hero's Soul]. From his obscured position, Mr. Choi called out,

"I won’t join you, but take this sword. And... be careful!"

His words were heavy with implication. Without a word, I grasped the [Hero's Soul].

Beyond the throng of monsters, the darkened cityscape loomed.

"Let's go."

Lee Jeong-Ryong offered a gentle smile.

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submitted by kenUdigitt to u/kenUdigitt [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:56 kenUdigitt Novel Chapter 414

Disclaimer: I do not speak Korean. This is purely translated by machine with a lot of cleanup afterward. With that in mind, I am open to criticism to improve these translations. Enjoy!

Chapter 414

Some faces are unwelcome no matter how often they appear. For me, Lee Jeong-Ryong and Wu Hei-Xing belonged squarely in that category.

Nevertheless, I initiated the conversation today because Wu Hei-Xing, against all odds, looked somewhat respectable.

"Look who's here. I thought I'd never see you again."

My lively greeting earned a venomous glare from the disheveled Wu Hei-Xing.

「Shut up.」


「One more word, and I swear on my grandfather's honor, I'll tear you to pieces.」

Is he Kim Jong-Il or something? I'll never understand why these guys treat their deceased ancestors' honor like a credit card. [Note: Kim Jong-Il was the previous lead of North Korea from 1997 to 2011.]

Keeping a straight face, I questioned him.

"Did you have a bad relationship with your grandfather?"


"I mean... Why stake his honor on something so impossible? It would make more sense if you were the one getting torn to pieces..."

「You bastard!」

As Wu Hei-Xing exploded with rage and rose to his feet, Lee Jeong-Ryong intervened with a raised hand.


「But Mr. Lee, this bastard...」

"Fighting amongst ourselves before a decisive battle is completely pointless. Calm down."


Wu Hei-Xing gritted his teeth, fixing me with a hostile stare.

「Understood. Since you say so, Mr. Lee, I'll stop here.」

"Good thinking."

Was he always this susceptible to persuasion? I glanced sideways at Lee Jeong-Ryong, noting the subtle smile playing on his lips.

Mr. Choi, who had accompanied me, seemed lost in thought.

"What about you, Jin Tae-Kyung?"

Turning away from Mr. Choi, I shrugged nonchalantly.

"I should listen to what my elders say."

"I didn't think you were one to care about such things."

"Shouldn't all young people respect their elders?"

Lee Jeong-Ryong laughed softly at my casual remark, while Wu Hei-Xing looked at me as though he wished me dead.

「Respecting your elders. Bullshit. What about me then, seven years your elder?」

"If you don’t want to write a will, try opening your mouth kindly first."

「This damn brat...」

"Don't be a dick."

Wu Hei-Xing, reignited with anger, fell silent.

I stared him down with icy eyes and continued.

"If you still have the energy to fuss over such pettiness, you should check on the friends you brought here."


"These are people who risked their lives to come this far. They aren't disposable tools to be discarded after one use."

My disdain was palpable.

Around Wu Hei-Xing, the remaining Hunters were barely fifty in number.

According to what I’d learned from headquarters, they had started with five hundred. The majority had either perished or fallen behind.

"It's entirely possible that they were all casualties, especially in combat. But…"

Despite the bloodshed around him, his armor remained almost immaculate, suggesting he had engaged minimally, preserving himself while his comrades fell.

"Got anything to say, idiot?"

I remembered a line from a classic superhero movie I watched as a child.

With great power comes great responsibility. And that's not just for those bitten by radioactive spiders.

If you're someone who can conjure Aura Blades instead of spider webs, amassing wealth and honor while shielding your misdeeds, then at least acknowledge your basic duties.

"You might qualify as an S-rank, but you're no Hunter. So from now on, when introducing yourself, don't say 'Hunter.' Just go with 'the lucky S-rank, Wu Hei-Xing.' Got it?"


Wu Hei-Xing stood trembling, his fists clenched, as Lee Jeong-Ryong intervened.

"He did his best."

"Seeing his armor, I doubt that. It looks so clean, you could wipe it down and bring it to a thrift store."

"Wearing strong armor isn't grounds for criticism."

"I've noticed this before... You always seem to take his side. Does this bastard have something on you?"

"Everyone has something. I just happen to be good at hiding mine."

"You might want to run a check on your computer. Who knows, maybe the Chinese hackers are sharing images of the Vice Guild Leader watching porn in their group chats."

"I’ll be cautious."

A formidable opponent indeed.

Unfazed, Lee Jeong-Ryong offered a slight smile, but the man behind him told a different story.

I gestured dismissively at the man radiating a subtle, murderous intent.

"Look who it is, Team Leader Seok. Isn't that our Go-Jun?"

Lee Jeong-Ryong’s head of security and a devoted disciple.

I recalled thrashing him soundly before his departure to China, yet now, he appeared not only unmarked but even more formidable.

His gaze alone, deeper and more intense, was a testament to his vastly improved skills.

'He's also grown more patient.'

Seok Go-Jun ranks among Lee Jeong-Ryong's most loyal followers.

Previously, he would have lunged at me without a second thought. Now, even brimming with murderous intent, he opted for restraint over drawing his weapon.

Lee Jeong-Ryong seemed proud of his disciple and announced,

"We've now reached just 20 kilometers from the Arch Lich, according to the coordinates."

I ran my hands through my sticky, blood-smeared hair.

"It’s going to be the longest and most intense 20 kilometers on Earth."

"That's right. The Arch Lich has kept a substantial force in reserve."

"How many?"

"An estimated fifty thousand."

At that, a wave of despair swept through the suicide squad listening intently to our conversation.

Combined, the forces under myself, Lee Jeong-Ryong, and Wu Hei-Xing numbered barely five hundred.

Even a rough estimate made the prospect of breaching an army a hundred times our size to reach the Arch Lich seem daunting, filling them with a profound dread.

It was likely this overwhelming fear that prompted someone to cry out,

「We need to retreat, now!」

Soon, the dam of restraint broke and other Hunters joined in.


「There are too many monsters!」

「We’ll be annihilated if it continues like this.」

「I came here to defeat the Arch Lich, not to die a dog’s death!」

The two hundred or so members of the Western Front's suicide squad, who had suffered minimal losses thus far, were not immune to the spreading panic.

Yet amidst the rising fear, two figures remained composed.

Shao Shen, looking at me with unwavering trust, and then...

"There might be a possibility."

Going beyond mere trust in me, Mr. Choi, having analyzed the situation independently, spoke with measured calm.

"An estimated fifty thousand exceeds the General Headquarter's predictions by a significant margin."

「So naturally, we should retreat, shouldn’t we?」

At a member of the suicide squad's cry, Mr. Choi immediately shook his head.

"And the number of monsters we've faced so far is also fewer than expected."


"While there were many, the forces we encountered on the front weren't as overwhelming as anticipated."


"Maybe the Arch Lich anticipated such a scenario. Instead of committing all its forces to the front, it might have held back fifty thousand troops as a final reserve to prepare for any situation."

The expressions of the Hunters hardened as they listened to Mr. Choi, not from understanding his point, but from the increasingly intense vibrations underfoot.

Creak, creak, creak.

The tremors, felt even tens of kilometers away, shook everyone to their core.

Destroyed roads stretched beside vast plains. Through the thick fog enveloping us, the combined roars and footsteps of tens of thousands of monsters echoed as a distant, unified clamor.

- Roarrrrrr!

「This is insane...」

「Run. We have to run. This is a fight we can't win.」

Feet shuffled and retreated in panic.

Yet standing resolute amid this chaos were the members of the Ares Guild, and Lee Jeong-Ryong, who, facing Mr. Choi, wore an intrigued expression.


Their gazes met in the charged air. Mr. Choi's grip on the [Hero's Soul] tightened.

"Even though the General Headquarter's predictions were off, the fact that the Arch Lich hasn't launched a full offensive means that his reserve strength is still on the fronts."

"Yet, our forces are still outnumbered by the enemy."

"But aren’t there people assigned to this mission with this already in mind?"

Creak, creak, creak.

The roaring and ground-shaking grew more intense. Amid the anxious murmurs of the crowd, Mr. Choi's mana-imbued voice resonated with everyone.

"People capable of turning the tide in an instant. People known as S-rank Hunters, each one a one-man army."

At that moment.


A dazzling burst of light erupted overhead.

With the brilliant illumination, the air itself seemed to cleave, as if cut by an immense blade. Three figures appeared, descending as though they were walking down invisible steps.

「My great-grandmother often sat me on her knee and told me. Royalty must fulfill the duties befitting their status. Commoners like you wouldn't understand.」

I chuckled and bowed slightly. Normally, he’s the last person I’d choose to align with, but this time, I couldn’t resist.

"Your Highness, Prince Felix."

「Hearing it from your lips is indeed pleasant, Jin. Hunter of the East.」

Prince Felix's haughty demeanor prompted the beauty next to him to click her tongue.

「Can't you do something about him? Maybe gag him?」

"It seems I might have to let it slide today, sister."

「Oh my.」

Fei Chen’s eyes widened at my reply and soon, she sported a bashful smile.

「That's good to hear. It feels right, doesn’t it?」

At Fei Chen’s remark, the last person in the group laughed heartily.

「Does this mean I can also expect something? What do you think, Jin?」

"Why, would you like me to kiss you?"

「Oh, not bad. But I must politely decline. I'm already married to my beloved Fred, and I have five adopted children.」

Swoosh. Thud.

Gliding through the air, Magic Johnson patted my shoulder with his enormous hand.

「Jin, you brave little guy. How on Earth did you do such a dangerous teleport? I nearly gave up several times this go around.」

"But you did it in the end, Johnson."

「The odds were different. This time, the chance of failure was only 10%. You're at least 80% braver than me.」

Courage isn’t measured by size. By simply daring to come here, risking death, they had proven themselves as some of the world’s finest Hunters.

And as they received unexpected reinforcements, the crowd’s eyes widened in disbelief.

「Fei Chen?」

「Prince Felix and Magic Johnson are here too!」

「S-rank Hunters! The S-rank Hunters have come to help us!」

「I love you, Johnson! Fucking nice gay!」 [Note: this is not a typo. This whole line is in English in the raw.]

But the excitement didn’t stop there.

Thump, thump, thump.

An unfamiliar type of vibration began, unlike anything previously felt.

It signaled the arrival of a vast army, now visible as a speck on the horizon.

「You thought we came here unprepared?」

Fei Chen continued with a sly grin, fueling the ongoing conversation.

「Combined, the Western and Eastern forces number ten thousand. That should buy you enough time to escape.」

A voice, filled with wonder, murmured aloud.

「Now we can live...」

In response, another voice cut through the air with firm resolve.


Mr. Choi raised the [Hero's Soul].

Even through the dense fog, the blade gleamed with a brilliant light.

"Now we can win."

I believe so too.

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submitted by kenUdigitt to u/kenUdigitt [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:55 kenUdigitt Novel Chapter 412

Disclaimer: I do not speak Korean. This is purely translated by machine with a lot of cleanup afterward. With that in mind, I am open to criticism to improve these translations. Enjoy!

Chapter 412


A crow perched on an ancient tree in the midst of the battlefield, its eyes glinting with a malevolent intelligence.

The Arch Lich, having placed his familiar at an advantageous vantage point, observed the scene with palpable satisfaction.

'What will you do now, human?'

The crow's black, ever-shifting pupils reflected the image of a lone figure.

Jin Tae-Kyung stood with his mouth agape, his hands trembling subtly. Witnessing this, the Arch Lich was struck by an unexpected doubt.

'Was the Death Knight Lord defeated by such a fearful human?'

Despite his imperfections, the Death Knight Lord was an unparalleled creation, an immortal masterpiece.

The Arch Lich harbored an insatiable greed for Lei Fei, who possessed both a noble spirit and formidable power.

Thus, he had personally imbued Lei Fei with a portion of his own magic, allowing him to transcend the ordinary limits of a Death Knight.

The notion that such a being could be felled by this quivering figure seemed unfathomable.

'What exactly happened?'

On that fateful day, the Arch Lich had not bothered to watch the battle between Jin Tae-Kyung and Lei Fei to its conclusion. There seemed no need.

By the time the young human had arrived, the human army lay in ruins, and the Arch Lich's attention was required elsewhere on the battlefield.

He had only dispatched his familiar upon realizing, belatedly, the annihilation of his kin. By then, the conflict was over.

All the Arch Lich had seen was Jin Tae-Kyung amidst thousands of newly arrived humans, and the utterly decimated monster legion.

'Surely, it wasn't just this human's doing. Was it just good luck?'

But luck, he knew, could only take one so far. Ten Death Knights and Liches possessed the might of entire legions, if not more.

'And unlike last time, there aren't enough to help him either.'

Now, only one path remained for this man.

He would watch helplessly as his comrades fell and collapsed. This was the inevitable end. This was the punishment decreed by the Arch Lich.


At that precise moment, the crow, resonating with its master’s sentiments, let out a harsh, grating cry.

Thud, thud.

Fearlessly, the human advanced towards the Arch Lich's subordinates, only to halt suddenly.

He raised his trembling hands towards the Death Knights and Liches, who radiated powerful magic.

'Planning to surrender?'

The Arch Lich had deemed him a mere coward, but he didn't expect Jin Tae-Kyung to be so foolish. It was a grave miscalculation to believe that surrender might save him.

"One, two, three, four..."

- ...?

The Arch Lich was genuinely flustered for the first time in ages.

First, because fluent demonic language flowed from Jin Tae-Kyung's mouth. Second, because he couldn't comprehend what Jin was doing.

'What on earth is he up to?'

The answer came swiftly.

"... nine, ten."

As Jin Tae-Kyung finished counting, a single drop of saliva fell from his chin.

A satisfied smile spread across his face as he wiped it away with his sleeve.

"This is a true art of plating. I grant it three Michelin stars."

- ...?

- ...?

The Arch Lich and his loyal kin were baffled by the terms "plating" and "Michelin."

But they understood Jin Tae-Kyung's next actions all too well.


In an instant, a terrifying energy gathered at the tip of his spear, now dramatically poised.

At this sight, the Arch Lich felt his usually frozen heart sink with a thud.

A bone-chilling realization struck him.

- Dodge...!

But the spear moved faster than the thought could be conveyed.


The air ripped apart.


The very fabric of space split open.

In a blink, a massive vortex, ablaze with blue flames, engulfed everything in its path. Countless monsters, Death Knights, Liches, and even the flock of crows perched on the ancient tree were consumed.


A dazzling flash blinded everyone’s eyes.

* * *


A wind from somewhere permeated through me. It was a wind that only I could feel - a newfound strength.

'Yes, this is it.'

I gazed at the fading light beyond, smiling at the now empty space where Death Knights, Liches, and countless other monsters had once stood.

That place, now thoroughly erased of monsters, was filled with system notifications.

Ding. Ding. Ding...

- You have defeated [Lv.115 Shadow Death Knight]!

- You have defeated [Lv.120 Shadow Lich]!

- You have defeated [Lv.122 Shadow Death Knight]!


- The number of monsters you have killed is too many to count!

- You have gained a massive amount of experience and fame!

- Level up!

- Level up!

- Level up!

- You have achieved an extraordinarily outstanding feat!

- As a reward for your achievement, you have earned the title, [Matchless Warrior]! [Note: direct translation: One Soldier Equal to a Thousand]

- With the title, [Matchless Warrior], when facing multiple enemies, all stats increase by a certain amount, and fatigue is greatly reduced! Enemies will be intimidated, and allies' morale will greatly rise!

- Due to achieving such an outstanding feat, a large amount of experience and additional rewards are granted!

- Level up!

- A new stat, [Intimidation], has been created!

- With the title, [Matchless Warrior], your [Intimidation] greatly increases!

- Enemies you face will feel fear and terror!

I closed my eyes, savoring the aftermath provided by the system.

The incessant ringing of system notifications spread like a symphony. It made me wonder if this is what the bells of heaven sound like.

Four levels up from a single sweep, a title effective in large battles, and the addition of a new stat called [Intimidation].

'Awesome. I love new things. The system is the best.'

If it were always like today, I would die without regrets.

- Is that really true? Hmm, hmmmm...

That son of a bitch.

With the grating voice of the Skeleton Warlord, I opened my eyes. The first things I saw were countless humans and monsters, frozen like statues.

"…Mr. Jin Tae-Kyung."


Mr. Choi and Shao Shen stared at me, their expressions dazed and incredulous.

It wasn't just the two of them; all two hundred members of the suicide squad shared the same look.

Their eyes and voices were filled with unmistakable awe.

「My God.」

「W-what just happened?」

「There were ten Death Knights and Liches right there! I saw it clearly!」

Yes, they were there.

But now they are not.

「Goddamn! Holy shit! What the fuck is this! Fucking! Fucking kimchi! Jesus kimchi!」 [Note: this line was mostly in English. Apparently this is how the author thinks that English speakers talk.]

「Eh, eh?」


Given that some are mercenaries or hunters dispatched by the UN, reactions vary by nationality.

I turned to Mr. Choi, who was still at a loss for words.

"Why are you so surprised? It's not the first time you've seen this."

"Was that just now, the same as when you defeated the Black Wyvern last time...?" [Note: Mr. Choi is referencing One-Eyed Carus, the Named Monster that had previously killed all of the MC's team mates. The manhwa does not have the MC explicitly using One Strike against One-Eyed Carus, but maybe this is something that exists in the novel but not the manhwa.]

"That's right."

Mr. Choi, who had seen One Strike once or twice before, swallowed his saliva.

"...I don't remember it being this powerful."

"I controlled my strength back then."

Of course, that was a lie. Honestly, I was so bewildered that I didn't even know what to say.

The first and last time I used One Strike after reaching the Transcendent Realm was during the battle with the Western Heavenly Demon Lord, and because I was at my limit with fatigue, I lost consciousness immediately after.

'I didn't know I could do this much.'

Each of those Death Knights and Liches was nearly of Named Monster caliber, and I thought even if I only killed about seven or eight of them, it would be considered a success.

Since from level 100 onward, you gain significant experience, and with other minor mobs added, I thought that would be enough for leveling up, so I wouldn’t disgracefully collapse from exhaustion or anything like that.

'...But it turned out to be more than I thought.'

A double-edged sword. Well, it’s actually a double-edged spear, but it definitely was a tremendous blow.

It not only blew away hundreds of elite monsters but also all ten of the Death Knights and Liches.

Thanks to that, a huge gap was created in the monster legion that had surrounded me and the suicide squad, and they too were thrown into confusion.

'Missing such a golden opportunity would be foolish.'

I raised my spear without hesitation.

Though the unexpected turn of events had caused a temporary lull in the battle, it wouldn't last. If the monster legion regrouped and surrounded the severely outnumbered suicide squad again, the outcome could be disastrous.

"What are you doing, you bastards!"



「Eh, what?」

My voice, filled with authority and urgency, cut through the confusion.

There was no time for decorum; we had one objective.

"Sweep them all away!"



- Due to the effect of the title [Matchless Warrior], the morale of your allies greatly increases! Those who follow your command will demonstrate tight unity and perform exceptionally well!

- Due to the effect of the title [Matchless Warrior], your enemies are greatly intimidated!

- The effect of [Intimidation] from the title [Matchless Warrior] is enhanced!

- Influenced by [Intimidation], your enemies feel fear and begin to retreat!

The system messages were spot on.

The remaining monsters began a slow retreat, and the undead, already losing their vigor, visibly flinched and recoiled.

As for us?


Screech! Crunch!

I plunged into the gap created by One Strike, my spear a blur of deadly precision. The two hundred members of the suicide squad, now a unified force, roared with determination.


「Follow Mr. Jin! Sweep them all away!」

「Fucking! Fucking Genghis Khan! Jesus Kimchi Man!」


Crack! Splash!

Green blood sprayed, and undead bones shattered into fragments.


As I cleaved the upper body of a fleeing troll in two, the Skeleton Warlord’s enraged shout pierced the cacophony.

- You treacherous human! There! Kill that one!

"What? Who?"

- Kill that weird human who keeps making those 'eh' noises!


- Otherwise, I'll kill him myself! If it happens one more time, I will definitely kill him!

Yeah, right.

This has been going on for a while, and it's really annoying.

* * *

- Ugh!

The Arch Lich groaned.

As if the forced severance of the link with his familiar wasn't enough, his elite guard of ten had been obliterated in an instant.

These weren't ordinary monsters; they were his kin, imbued with his own power. The Arch Lich couldn't avoid the repercussions.

- Damn it. How could such a lowly human...

As the Arch Lich gathered his scattered magic, he faltered, unable to finish his sentence.

Such a lowly human? That phrase was incorrect. Indeed, humans are insignificant beings, but one must never be careless.

He had a painful past to prove it.

'C-could it be him?'

The Arch Lich's eyes burned brightly as a chilling thought crossed his mind.

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submitted by kenUdigitt to u/kenUdigitt [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:54 kenUdigitt Novel Chapter 411

Disclaimer: I do not speak Korean. This is purely translated by machine with a lot of cleanup afterward. With that in mind, I am open to criticism to improve these translations. Enjoy!

Chapter 411

For a moment, it felt as if the world had stopped.

Instincts kicked in faster than my brain could process the situation.

The breaths of people and the roars of monsters seemed miles away, and my heightened senses absorbed every detail.


Blood droplets, soil, and dust hung in the air. The mist was so thick it felt like I could carve through it.

And suddenly...


I felt it. The massive surge of Qi enveloped the area for hundreds of meters. As my survival instincts screamed at me, I launched myself upwards.

“Take cover—!”


A blinding flash was followed by a deafening explosion that shook the earth. I scanned the battlefield from about ten meters above.

Just seconds earlier, the spot where I had been standing was now a scorched wasteland, stretching for hundreds of meters.

Through the lingering mist and rising dust clouds, I saw the ground covered in green blood and the shattered remains of monsters.

'Magic Trap.'

Facing an unseen enemy means having to be prepared for every possible scenario.

'There's no room for mercy in war.'

The countless wars recorded in human history serve as witnesses, prosecutors, and judges.

Even humans commit horrific atrocities in wartime; expecting mercy from monsters is absurd.

Thus, vigilance is essential in war. It reduces the risk of falling into enemy traps and minimizes sacrifices.

Just like now.


I landed lightly and extended my hand. Bang! Compressed air burst forth, scattering the dust cloud.

Amidst the blood and corpses that littered the area, familiar faces emerged.

“Mr. Choi.”

Mr. Choi nodded after taking a deep breath. Behind him stood about two hundred members of the suicide squad, their faces pale with fright.

“There are a few injuries, but... everyone is safe.”

“That's a relief.”

“It was an incredibly powerful trap. If it weren't for this, most of us, including myself, would probably be dead.”

Swoosh, humm.

Mr. Choi reached out and touched the transparent barrier that appeared before him.

The barrier that enveloped him and the entire suicide squad was a spell inscribed on a scroll by a Grand Mage, one of the greatest mages among billions.

“When the battle is over, we must find Mr. Johnson first. We owe our lives to his magic.”

“Are you going to give him a kiss of gratitude?”

“Based on how I'm feeling now, I might do anything.”

Shao Shen, exhaling a breath he had been holding, responded to Mr. Choi’s words.

「I can do even more than that. This is really...」

He couldn't finish his sentence and looked around.

The explosion had been immense. At least a thousand monsters had been killed or incapacitated.

An indiscriminate trap. The Arch Lich had sacrificed countless minions to trap me and the suicide squad.

‘Look at this bastard...’

I had anticipated some of this, but the Arch Lich’s cunning and boldness exceeded my expectations.

If my signal had been even a moment late, and if we hadn't pushed through the monsters that were serving as bait, the entire suicide squad would have perished here.

‘Just like that day.’

An unforgettable memory. Such a tragedy must never happen again.

I turned and said,

“Keep your distance and follow me. Our goal is not to fight the monsters but to break through them.”

The suicide squad responded with a resounding roar. The monster army, which had lost many members in the explosion and was in disarray, hesitated and retreated.

When crisis turns into opportunity, we must not miss this chance.


With a dragon's roar imbued with Qi, I launched myself at the incoming monsters. Swish, the neck of a retreating monster flew into the air.

Toward the monster army, now with gaps created by the explosion, the two hundred members of the suicide squad charged like a spear, while the main force at the rear followed like a crashing wave.


A deafening roar echoed across the battlefield. Green blood spread through the mist.

Far above, a flock of crows circled, overlooking the battlefield.

* * *

Upon a throne made of white bones, a being who had been sitting as if asleep suddenly opened its eyes.

From the empty sockets of the skull, a fierce light erupted, and a low murmur flowed out.

- Impressive.

The Arch Lich has hundreds of eyes and ears.

Even now, the familiars deployed across the battlefield were capturing every detail without missing a single moment.

Humans and monsters clashed fiercely, and the group of humans was making swift progress.

‘Suicide squad. That’s what they were called, wasn’t it?’

The Arch Lich recalled an old, dusty memory. A memory that, even after what felt like an eternity submerged in the river of death, he could not forget.

‘The Adversary.’

How could he forget? The human who had been at the center of everything and the suicide squad of humans who had risked death and charged alongside him.

‘It was him who drove the sword into my body.’

The Arch Lich looked at his own body, made of jet-black bones.

In the past, he had not been a lowly undead. He had been a noble and mighty being, trusted by the King, commanding countless monsters.

But on the day of the final battle, he too had fallen, along with the King. And it had been at the hands of a mere human.

- But… where is the Adversary? [Note: speculation time. The switch from the MC's point of view to the Arch Lich's made it seem like the Arch Lich is talking about the MC, but this seems unlikely since the MC hasn't faced any "King" monster before. By the same logic, it probably couldn't be Mr. Choi either, because the Arch Lich would have recognized him when he saw Mr. Choi with the MC. This makes me think that the most likely candidate for this "Adversary" is Lee Jeong-Ryong. If this is true, then the "King" that the Arch Lich used to serve could be Asmodeus, and the Arch Lich was one of the monsters fighting in the Great Cataclysm.]

The Arch Lich's voice was filled with curiosity.

He had surveyed all the fronts using his familiars, but the Adversary, who should have appeared, was nowhere to be seen. He recognized a few humans from his memory, but that was all.

‘Could it be?’

For a moment, the Arch Lich's eyes blazed intensely as he considered the possibility.

It was hard to believe, but if - just if - the Adversary had died... If he had met the fate of a mortal...

- Kha, khahaha!

His statue-like body trembled. The ground shook and the air quivered with his magic-laden laughter.

The guards, realizing their master's mood had changed, prostrated themselves.

- My lord.

- What troubles you?

The appearance of the guards was impressive. Each one rivaled a Named Monster, and there were twenty Death Knights and Liches in total, each cloaked in deeply blackened robes.

Creations made to face the Adversary. But now his thoughts had changed.

The Arch Lich, who had been laughing with joy, finally spoke.

- Listen, my loyal servants.

- At your command.

The Arch Lich stood and looked down at his subordinates. His eerie voice echoed through the space.

- Go to the battlefield. Crush and sweep away those insignificant humans.

The twenty Death Knights and Liches bowed without hesitation.

The Arch Lich was the lord of all undead present. There could be no doubt in following his command.

- We obey the Lord’s command.

With a unified response, they each went their separate ways.

The space became empty again. The Arch Lich, who had been laughing alone, sat on the skull throne and focused his mind.

As he observed the battlefield through the eyes and ears of numerous familiars, he suddenly paused.

- But... who is that human?

In the black eyes of the crows flying across the sky, he saw a young human cutting down monsters amidst a bloodbath.

A face that didn’t exist in his past memories. But it was a face he had seen through a familiar just a few days ago.

- The human who defeated the Death Knight Lord.

The Death Knight Lord, created using Lei Fei, was the Arch Lich’s greatest masterpiece among all his creations.

Though the transformation was incomplete due to Lei Fei's strong soul, the Arch Lich had imbued some of his own power into the Death Knight Lord, leaving no doubt about his strength.

All of his effort was for naught, as the best of his forces and precious magic power had been washed down the drain. All because of that insignificant human.

- Annoying. I’ll take care of him for sure this time.

Having decided to eliminate him, the Arch Lich sent out a thought.

Half of the guards heading to the fronts changed direction according to their Lord’s command.

* * *


Wind, weapons, and the incredibly tough bodies of monsters.

Everything caught in the path of the spear blade was sliced apart.

Heads flew, and thick limbs soared through the air.

The troll, still barely alive, didn’t have time to regenerate before its body was shredded, and the ogre, half-decayed and undead, staggered before its upper body was severed by the sword.

Slash! Slash! Slash!

Wielding [Hero’s Soul], Mr. Choi cut down three or four monsters in an instant and shouted.

“Mr. Jin Tae-Kyung! The monsters' assault is too strong!”

His words were true. After breaking through the front line, the number of monsters decreased, but the quality of the troops increased significantly.

‘I expected this.’

The monsters at the front, used to overwhelm us long enough for the magic trap to catch us, were mostly mid to low-tier.

The Arch Lich had placed elites in the rear and used the other monsters as bait and meat shields.

‘To drain our strength.’

In addition, the thickening mist made the battle even more difficult.

The mist not only strengthened the monsters, but it also hindered visibility and hearing.

Conditions that were inevitably advantageous for monsters with superior senses compared to humans.

Of course......

'I'm an exception.'

Ssssss, Phwack!

The spear I flung with all my might skewered seven monsters.

Shao Shen and the rest of the Hunters in the suicide squad nodded their gratitude.

"Everyone, group up towards me!"

「But there are only a few magic scrolls left. If another magic trap activates......」

"No time to explain! To me! Now!"

At my shout, Mr. Choi and Shao Shen nodded and moved forward with the suicide squad.

I know what they are thinking, but we have already passed through three magic traps, and this is where the Arch Lich has gathered his elite forces. The chance of a trap activating is slim.

"Focus on defense rather than attack. Move forward!"

The battle itself has become more difficult, but with the chances of triggering a trap reduced, my heart feels lighter.

It's trivial if I have to deal with the traps by myself, but for the rest of the squad members, they pose a fatal threat.

'The last destination is just ahead. We will minimize casualties and join up with Lee Jeong-Ryong and Wu Hei-Xing.'

Screech! Crunch, crunch!

At that moment, as I led the vanguard and began to feel the accumulating fatigue...

- Everyone, come out!

- Human, by the command of our Monarch, I will take your life.

Like the parting of the Red Sea, the curtain of monsters split left and right. The beings that appeared made me stare in shock.

[Lv.120 Shadow Lich]

[Lv.115 Shadow Death Knight]

There were ten creatures over level 120. Suddenly, I couldn't breathe, and my hands and feet trembled.

Mr. Choi, seeing me shaking like a leaf, shouted in a voice filled with despair.

"We must retreat immediately!"

"Mr. Choi... Mr. Choi."

"Snap out of it, Mr. Jin Tae-Kyung!"

"Lunch is here."

"If this continues, it will be a complete wipeout... Huh?"

I looked at the ten monsters, no, the lunchboxes with trembling eyes.

"The lunch delivery is here."


- ……?

- ……?

Put the question marks away, you bastards.

It's One Strike time.

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submitted by kenUdigitt to u/kenUdigitt [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 22:24 GeneralChicken4Life A Zheng gu shui

Found this from golden flower herbs.
Bone & Sinew Formula (Zheng Gu Xu Jin Fang) is a combination of Duhuo and Loranthus Formula (Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang) and Course & Quicken Formula (Shu Jing Huo Xue Tang) with herbs added to supplement the kid neys and knit bones and sinews. It is intended to treat the second and third stages of trauma where initial swelling and inflammation have dissipated and what remains is blood stasis and invasion of wind and dampness. The herbs in this formula center on moving and supplementing blood to dispel blood sta sis, supplementing the kidneys to heal bones and sinews, and dispelling wind and dampness to drive out bi and prevent its return. It is ideal for speeding the healing of torn ligaments or tendons, broken bones, or damaged cartilage.
Taxilli Herba (Loranthus, Chinese Mistletoe / Sang Ji Sheng) 10%
Angelicae Sinensis Radix (Dong Quai Root, Tang Kuei / Dang Gui) 8%
Lycopodii Herba (Clubmoss, Lycopodium / Shen Jin Cao) 8%
Acanthopanacis Giraldii Cortex (Acanthopanax Stem Bark / Hong Mao Wu Jia Pi) 8%
Spatholobi Caulis (Spatholobus / Ji Xue Teng) 8%
Eucommiae Cortex (Eucommia Bark / Du Zhong) 8%
Angelicae Pubescentis Radix (Pubescent Angelica Root / Du Huo) 8%
Drynariae Rhizoma (Drynaria Rhizome / Gu Sui Bu) 7%
Psoraleae Fructus (Psoralea Fruit / Bu Gu Zhi) 7%
Dipsaci Radix (Japanese Teasel Root, Japanese Dipsacus / Xu Duan) 7%
Olibanum (Frankincense / Ru Xiang) 6% Myrrha (Myrrh / Mo Yao) 6%
Notopterygii Rhizoma seu Radix (Notopterygium / Qiang Huo) 5%
Jujubae Fructus (Jujube Date, red / Hong Zao, Da Zao) 3%
Pyritum (Pyrite / Zi Ran Tong) 1%
Chinese Medical Actions Dispels wind and dampness, knits bones and sinews, supplements and moves blood, relieves pain. Indications Fractures or broken bones Bone weakness or degeneration Cartilage damage Ligaments or tendons, torn Sprains
submitted by GeneralChicken4Life to ditdajow [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 18:19 morinl J'ai (enfin) terminé Les Russkofs de Cavanna

Bonjour à tous,
Hier soir, j'ai enfin terminé le livre Les Russkofs de Cavanna. J'avais laissé traîner un peu la lecture pour lire d'autre choses et je me suis décidé à terminer cette semaine.
J'avais déjà lu d'autres livres de Cavanna : Les Ritals (sur son enfance), Bête et Méchants (sur la création d'Hara Kiri / Charlie Hebdo), Les Yeux plus Grands que le Ventre (sur sa vie sentimentale) et Maria (sur son amoureuse Maria, j'y reviendra plus tard).
Et j'ai trouvé ça, à la fois très prenant, très bien écrit (Cavanna est capable de mélanger des registres de langue très différents et de passer de l'argot de parigot, au verbiage mal prononcé par son père, au langage parfois très soutenu). Il a le sens de la formule, c'est souvent poétique et assez catchy. Pour les plus vieux, Cavanna est une figure assez connue. Pour les moins vieux, c'est quelqu'un qu'on a souvent vu dans les replays où il dit à Bukowski qu'il va lui casser la gueule lors d'une émission chez Pivot. Pour les jeunes c'est une figure pas très connue voire totalement inconnue.
Mais que raconte ce livre ? Dans Les Ritals, Cavanna raconte son enfance dans un quartier remplis d'immigrés et de descendants d'immigrés italiens (son père en est un). Il y a raconte son enfance de façon imagée, souvent drôle, sa fugue en vélo, ses premiers boulots en tant que maçon.
Les Russkofs prends la suite du premier récit. Le tout début du récit est consacré à l'exode de 40. Cavanna est alors embauché par la poste et lorsque la guerre éclate, le mot d'ordre est donné d'aller se donner rendez-vous à Bordeaux. Aucun train ou bus n'est disponible alors il raconte son trajet en vélo pendant lequel il croise d'autres français qui errent sur les routes pour fuir l'arrivée des allemands. Finalement, il ne rejoindra jamais Bordeaux, les allemands ayant atteint Paris en un temps record. Il continue de travailler et un jour, il se fait rafler et se retrouve prisonnier pour aller au STO. C'est là que le livre commence vraiment.
Dans la partie centrale du livre, Cavanna va raconter son quotidien dans le camp de travail. Son rapport avec les autres (ceux qui se font choper comme lui ou les volontaires du STO qu'il ne peut pas pifrer). Il y a raconte sa volonté de tirer au flanc, moins par patriotisme que par refus d'obéir à des ordres débiles. Il y a raconte la faim, le froid, l'hygiène rudimentaire. Il y parle surtout de sa rencontre avec Maria. Maria est une prisonnière ukrainienne qui se retrouve à travailler dans la même usine que lui (dans la hiérarchie du camp de prisonnier, les ukrainiens sont vraiment les plus bas). Ils tombent très vite amoureux l'un de l'autre. Cavanna décide d'apprendre le russe pour communiquer avec elle. Dans ce camp, Cavanna vit une vraie histoire d'amour dans des conditions de vie absolument merdiques. Une des choses qui va revenir tout au long du livre c'est la faim. Cavanna et ses comparses ont faim. Tout le temps. Ils font ce qu'ils peuvent pour trouver de la nourriture où ils peuvent. Lui, il essaye en plus de trouver à manger pour Maria.
Le dernier tiers du livre est consacré à la fin de la guerre. Cavanna voit les alliés bombarder les villes. Il a peur pour lui mais aussi pour Maria. Il se retrouve à bosser dans une sorte de commando chargé de récupérer les corps dans les maisons écroulées et d'éteindre les incendies. Il essaye d'en profiter pour piquer un peu de bouffe quand c'est possible au risque d'être fusillé. Au bout d'un moment, les prisonniers sont envoyés dans l'Est pour creuser des tranchées afin de ralentir l'Armée Rouge. C'est un moment où Cavanna et Maria vivent à la fois une sorte de printemps heureux (ils sont ensembles, ils fauchent des patates dans les granges et dorment dans la paille) et où le chaos règne. Les Russes arrivent, personne ne sait à quelle sauce il va être mangé, les allemands sont tendus, les SS sont prêts à flinguer les prisonniers qui tenteraient de s'échapper alors même qu'ils savent que la guerre est pliée pour eux. C'est le grand bazar. Les russes arrivent. Cavanna assiste à des exécutions sommaires, à des viols collectifs. Maria disparaît emmenée par les russes. Il la cherche pendant plusieurs semaine en Allemagne, en allant de camps de prisonniers en camps de prisonniers. Puis, une fois rentré en France, il la cherche pendant plusieurs années. Il ne la retrouvera pas.
Le plus intéressant dans ce livre c'est que le parti pris de Cavanna est assez clair. Ce livre c'est surtout une déploration de la guerre en elle-même. Il n'a pas de détestation spéciale envers ses geoliers allemands. Il a déjà en lui une sorte de colère envers les nationalismes et est réfractaire à l'autorité imbécile. Il déteste la guerre et ses malheurs. Il déteste les tueurs. Il plaint les français qui fuient pendant l'exode, il plaint les civils allemands qui se font bombarder. Il plaint ses compagnons d'infortune. Il plaint la situation de merde dans laquelle tout le monde se trouve. Il plaint aussi les civils allemands qui subissent les crimes de guerre à la fin de la guerre. Et au milieu de tout ce merdier, il raconte son exaltation amoureuse. Il raconte sa jeunesse de gamin qui apprends le russe et choure à manger pour sa douce. Et en fait, c'est très émouvant. On aurait aimé que l'histoire se termine bien.
Ce qui est chouette avec ce livre c'est qu'il a été beaucoup vendu du coup, on le trouve facilement dans les vide-greniers et les boites à livres. C'est une lecture très touchante, très intime en fait. Et si je ne fais évidemment pas de poteau sur airfrance à chaque fois que je termine un livre, je me permets d'en faire un pour celui-ci parce que je l'ai trouvé particulièrement impressionnant.
Bonne soirée à tous.
submitted by morinl to france [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:35 SquishiestFrog AeroPress vs. Cometeer for "espresso"

Couldn't find anything comparing the two. I've been making "espresso" for my lattes with Cometeer and have been fairly happy with how they turn out. I already have an electric kettle but wanted to know if this setup would be an upgrade before I pull the trigger. I only drink decaf too—no clue if that makes any difference. Thanks!
AeroPress Original Espresso Attachment Timemore C2 grinderBasic Coffee Scale
submitted by SquishiestFrog to AeroPress [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:59 La_Mandra Un 'Va' qui attend son 'Vient'

Un 'Va' qui attend son 'Vient'
Bonjour, bricoleuses et bricoleurs. :)
Je voudrais installer un va-et-vient entre deux interrupteurs (A et B) qui commandent l'éclairage de l'escalier. Il y a un interrupteur au RdC, et un autre au 1er étage. Si je veux éclairer les marches quand je descends au RdC, je ne peux pas éteindre une fois arrivée en bas (il faudrait que je remonte, c'est ballot). :/
Un copain m'avait gribouillé un schéma ("Mais si, tu vas voir, c'est simple"). Mais c'était vraiment gribouillé et j'ai oublié ses explications, alors j'ai refait ci-dessous un schéma. Mes questions : Quel est le fil qui manque là-dedans, est-ce un phase ou un neutre, et où le placer ?
Un grand merci à vous, et bonne journée. :)
submitted by La_Mandra to brico [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:36 Count_me_in79 Here we go!

Here we go!
I’m impatient so will be ripping these immediately. Marvel Annual 22/23 hobby boxes and blasters from Dave & Adam’s
submitted by Count_me_in79 to marveltradingcards [link] [comments]
