Bethels s30 weight loss


2016.01.09 15:27 Beef_Enchilada loseit_test

A place for people of all sizes to discuss healthy and sustainable methods of weight loss. Whether you need to lose 2 lbs or 200 lbs, you are welcome here!

2017.06.01 20:43 bugs_bunny01 The Fabulous Wonder Woman


2024.05.21 11:23 S_o_c_k_a Normal Test Results

Hi everyone,
I’ve been experiencing symptoms of hypothyroidism for a few years but I am aware a lot of them are very general and could be a number of things. The main ones are really bad fatigue and brain fog, tiredness, constipation, depression, slow movements & thoughts, loss of libido and the skin on my face has become more dry recently (has previously been very oily) and my hair has thinned a lot and become dry (it used to be SO thick that my hairdresser would get sore arms when I went in for a haircut). I have bleached my hair, but it began thinning before that and was brittle.
I also have gained weight and find it hard to lose, but I think the weight gain is from my own eating habits rather than a medical problem!
I have been tested but they told me the results came back fine (I didn’t get exact numbers or anything). I have also been tested for anemia before but that would usually come back normal except for once when my ferritin was slightly below normal levels. I don’t think my doctors test for Vitamin D as it’s an expensive test so they only do it in extreme cases.
Also, my Dad and both of his parents have hypothyroidism.
I’m just a bit stuck. Did anyone else suspect hypothyroidism but it ended up being something else?? I’m so fed up of this brain fog and fatigue I can’t work properly!
submitted by S_o_c_k_a to Hypothyroidism [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:20 Time-Negotiation4616 The best peptide for reducing belly fat

Peptides are short chain amino acids that regulate various physiological processes, including metabolism and fat metabolism. In this paper, the most effective abdominal fat burning peptide, its mechanism of action and the current research status in this field were discussed.

Candidate peptides for reducing belly fat:

  1. Melanotan II (MT-II):
MT-II was originally developed as a synthetic analogue of the melanocortin peptide hormone alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH) and has received attention for its potential role in weight loss. It works by activating melanocortin receptors in the brain, which regulate appetite and energy expenditure. Studies have shown that MT-II may induce lipolysis, the breakdown of fat stores, thereby reducing abdominal fat accumulation.

  1. GHK-Cu (Copper peptide) :
GHK-Cu is a natural peptide found in human plasma that has demonstrated a variety of biological activities, including wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects. Recent studies have shown its potential in fat metabolism and redistribution. GHK-Cu can promote adipose tissue remodeling and promote the breakdown of stubborn abdominal fat deposits.

  1. Tesamoline:
Tesamorelin, a synthetic peptide analogue of growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH), has been studied for its efficacy in reducing visceral obesity, including abdominal fat. It works by stimulating the release of endogenous growth hormone, which promotes lipolysis and reduces visceral fat mass. Clinical trials have shown promising results in individuals with HIV-associated abdominal fat accumulation.

  1. Iparerelin:
Iparerelin is a selective growth hormone secretagogue that stimulates the pituitary gland to produce and release growth hormone. Its potential to promote fat loss lies in its ability to increase growth hormone levels without significantly affecting cortisol or prolactin levels. While more research specifically looking at its effects on belly fat is needed, iparerelin holds promise as a peptide that improves body composition.

Mechanism of action:
These peptides work to reduce belly fat through a variety of mechanisms, including:

- Activation of melanocortin receptors to regulate appetite and energy expenditure (MT-II).
- Stimulates the release of growth hormone, promotes lipolysis and fat metabolism (Tesamorelin, Ipamorelin).
Adipose tissue remodeling and regulation of inflammation (GHK-Cu).

Research status:
While pre-clinical and clinical studies have provided insight into the potential efficacy of peptides in reducing belly fat, further research is needed to clarify their safety, efficacy, and long-term effects. Clinical trials with larger sample sizes and longer durations are needed to determine the optimal dosing regimen and potential side effects of these peptides. In addition, comparative studies evaluating the effectiveness of different peptides alone or in combination with lifestyle interventions are essential for full understanding and application in clinical Settings.

Peptides offer a promising avenue for reducing belly fat, offering new treatment options for individuals struggling to achieve lean body mass. While research in this area is still evolving, peptides such as Melanotan II, GHK-Cu, Tesamorelin, and Ipamorelin have shown potential to regulate fat metabolism and promote abdominal fat loss through various mechanisms.
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submitted by Time-Negotiation4616 to AskPhysics [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:10 thegirlwithglasses_ weight loss on wellbutrin

I had been struggling with my weight ever since i was on lexapro 2 years ago. i’m not on it anymore but i gained 50 lbs. it felt like it would never come off and i was only getting worse until wellbutrin. i have had a lot of bad side effects thus far but this is the one excellent effect it’s had on me. i’m no longer binge eating. i feel as though wellbutrin has made me more intentional with my eating. i’m regularly excercising now. i have been going through a major change in my life recently, and being able to control my eating habits has really been beneficial for me. Does that feeling of not wanting to constantly eat go away with time? i’m worried i will go back to old habits if it does.
submitted by thegirlwithglasses_ to bupropion [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:09 clumsyygoose how many steps a day for weight loss?

i take victoza daily on top of dieting and go on walks at night that land me at 10k steps a day more or less. i stay away from carbs/gluten/sugar as much as possible. my weight is plateaued now though, how many steps should i really be taking a day to lose that weight and push me out of the plateau? 10k does not feel like enough steps
submitted by clumsyygoose to PCOSloseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:09 zeldaschewtoy i fucking hate my extended family

tw: mentions of weight
i've struggled with bulimia for the past decade and because of this i've been 120-140 pounds my entire life (for context i'm 5'3) since my weight would fluctuate a lot. some years i'd be 120, some 140. and sometimes both within the same year. every time i saw my extended family, i'd get a comment about my weight. every. fucking. time. and they were very fucking blunt too. my grandmother would just straight up say how fat i was, my aunts/uncles would look me up and down and say how "different" i looked, my cousins would make jokes if i was getting something to eat, etc. and it doesn't help that my two sisters have always been really skinny and stayed the same size. fast forward, i lost 25 pounds in the fall due to losing my appetite from stress (i'm a college student). i reached down to 95 pounds. it was actually really unhealthy because i ended up staying overnight at the hospital due to low blood sugar and dehydration. while i hadn't seen a lot of my extended family in years (covid, they're mostly in brazil or different states in the U.S.), they had seen me in pictures posted on facebook. and of fucking course they all made comments or texted my parents or even texted me congratulating me on my weight loss or showing concern. that shit pissed me off so fucking much i wanted to say the nastiest things to these people. the years of shame and ridicule hit me like a fucking truck. and now i'm terrified of seeing these people again. i've gained about 10 pounds since (which i feel good about), and am now at 105 pounds but my grandmother is coming to visit this weekend and i have so much anxiety. i don't know if she'll compliment me or point out that i'm 10 pounds heavier than november but either response makes me sick. i have woken up everyday from nightmares having to do with her and my weight and i can't fucking do this anymore. i feel like i'm going crazy. i just wanna get this over with already. i don't know how i allowed her to have this much power over me. i'm fucking pathetic.
submitted by zeldaschewtoy to EDAnonymous [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:06 No-Inside6118 Henry vs Zappy Health

I’m curious to know about HenryMeds and Zappy Health. They both offer prescriptions for weight loss and other health issues. Can anyone tell me which one was better if you have tried them both? I want to make the right choice before I join one.
submitted by No-Inside6118 to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]


In the liposuction procedure, stubborn fat deposits are removed from the body, leaving the shape slimmer, contoured, and more emphasized. Liposuction, however, should not be considered a weight-loss alternative. It can only support the end result of the weight loss journey to correct any imperfections one wishes to change.
The tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, tightens and reshapes the abdominal area by removing extra fat and skin. This procedure can also repair damaged and weakened abdominal muscles and provide long-term results. Tummy tuck is a common procedure for men and women, particularly those whose bodies have experienced dramatic changes like weight loss or pregnancy.
Tummy Tuck and liposuction are different surgical procedures which are both performed by plastic surgeons.
Liposuction removes small fat deposits in the body found on the hips, thighs, bottom, or stomach. As a result, liposuction limits possible improvement if loose skin is present. The best candidates for liposuction are individuals with little to no skin laxity.
But, a tummy tuck removes excess fat and skin, which cannot be fixed with diet and exercise. Therefore, patients who experience a loss of shape and contour in the abdomen due to redundant skin or stretched muscles may be the best candidate for tummy tuck surgery.
Also, It is possible to benefit from having both liposuction and a tummy tuck with having both procedures done at the same time.
submitted by Vanity_Aesthetics to SurgeryTalks [link] [comments]


In the liposuction procedure, stubborn fat deposits are removed from the body, leaving the shape slimmer, contoured, and more emphasized. Liposuction, however, should not be considered a weight-loss alternative. It can only support the end result of the weight loss journey to correct any imperfections one wishes to change.
The tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, tightens and reshapes the abdominal area by removing extra fat and skin. This procedure can also repair damaged and weakened abdominal muscles and provide long-term results. Tummy tuck is a common procedure for men and women, particularly those whose bodies have experienced dramatic changes like weight loss or pregnancy.
Tummy Tuck and liposuction are different surgical procedures which are both performed by plastic surgeons.
Liposuction removes small fat deposits in the body found on the hips, thighs, bottom, or stomach. As a result, liposuction limits possible improvement if loose skin is present. The best candidates for liposuction are individuals with little to no skin laxity.
But, a tummy tuck removes excess fat and skin, which cannot be fixed with diet and exercise. Therefore, patients who experience a loss of shape and contour in the abdomen due to redundant skin or stretched muscles may be the best candidate for tummy tuck surgery.
Also, It is possible to benefit from having both liposuction and a tummy tuck with having both procedures done at the same time.
submitted by Vanity_Aesthetics to CosmeticSurgeryBA [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:53 Dancelifeaway- AITAH for expecting my boyfriend to put his opinion on my body aside and support me instead?

I (27y) struggle with an illness called lipodemia. It basically makes your legs, arms and sometimes other areas grow bigger and there is nothing much you can do by changing the diet or exercising as it is caused mainly by hormones. During a very stressful time three years ago I had gotten quite big due to this sickness and was first diagnosed with it. Back then my boyfriend (26y) already claimed that I could lose weight if I just tried harder not taking my illness into account. He might be right that it would have been possible to some extent but obviously not in the sick areas... I had surgery on the arms and legs two years ago to handle the sickness with a focus on reducing the pain that comes with it and have kept my weight and size every since. I obviously still don't have size zero but I was ok with the way I looked and the pain is almost gone. However every time I feared that the sickness might come back (for example if I feel bloated and stuff) my bf tells me that I just have to workout more and that it is just "normal" weight gain. Due to a recent change in jobs I am happier which allows me to be more active which also led to some weight loss. This morning however I noticed that even though I lost a lot of weight (3-4kg, sorry I am from Europe 😅) my waist is still bigger than it was last summer. This made me upset as it is a typical symptom of lipodemia. He asked why I was upset and I told him that I would rather not talk to him as I don't feel supported by him in this subject. He accepted it but it still made me sad and him as well. He later asked what I expect him to do. I told him to keep his opinion to himself (according to him the hips are just the last spot I will lose weight if I just keep going long and hard enough) and support me instead by listening to my fears and worries. He told me he cannot put his opinion aside. AITAH for expecting that of him?
submitted by Dancelifeaway- to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:49 Annual-Ad-3061 My Experience with Zotrim Weight Loss: A Real User Review

Hey everyone,
I'm just here to share my experience with Zotrim weight loss pills. I've been seeing them advertised everywhere lately, so I figured I'd give them a shot and let you all know what I think.
Click here to access Zotrim (10% Off!)
Why I Tried Zotrim
Look, I'll be honest. I wanted to lose a few kilos. Not a crazy amount, but enough to feel more comfortable in my own skin. I've tried some diet changes in the past, but let's just say my willpower isn't exactly ironclad. Zotrim seemed easy - pop a pill, curb your appetite, shed some weight. Seemed too good to be true, but I was willing to try.
What Zotrim Does
The whole thing with Zotrim is that it's supposed to suppress your appetite with some natural ingredients. They say it boosts your metabolism too, which would be great.
Click here to access Zotrim (10% Off!)
My Experience
Alright, so I followed the directions and took the Zotrim pills for a month. Here's what I noticed:
Overall Thoughts
Honestly, I'm a little excited. Zotrim definitely lived up to the hype for me.
Based on my experience, I would recommend Zotrim. However, I would pair it with healthy eating and exercise for better results.
Click here to access Zotrim (10% Off!)
submitted by Annual-Ad-3061 to LifeCapsule [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:46 Shadode Please help me understand why I gained weight this weekend

Hi guys, let me explain my question. For context, I am male, 24 years old, and weigh 151 kg/332 lbs. Usually doing OMAD with a 48 hour fast once a week. Over the weekend, I was on vacation and did a lot of walking. Normally, I barely have to walk and work is very sedentary. My GF is very supportive in my weight loss journey and we decided to have a short over-the-weekend vacation where we'd walk way more than I would do in my normal life. And I loved it! On the first day, I walked 10.71 km, and on the second day, it was 8.19 km. For me, this is a big contrast compared to my usual workday or weekend and it felt amazing.
As for eating, I wasn't too hungry so quantity-wise I ate very little. On Saturday, I ate a currywurst with fries and a cone of ice cream. On Sunday, I had a pizza and another cone of ice cream. As for drinks, I had a single glass of Pepsi Max over the course of the weekend, everything else was water. I fasted at least 16 hours.
On the first day, I burned over 1000 calories through walking, and on the second day, it was over 800. Now I know that the food I ate isn't healthy at all and I didn't mind too much because a) we were on vacation and b) I was moving a lot, sweating a lot and burning calories so I thought there was no way I'd gain weight from this. Nevertheless, I gained 200 grams. How can this be? Admittedly, I didn't drink a great amount really. Could this just be water holding on to my body? I normally drink around 4 liters a day whereas over the weekend, it was probably more like 1 - 1.5 liters a day.
Thank you in advance!
submitted by Shadode to fasting [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:34 Ok_Bowl_3417 WeightLoss prescription providers in VA

I have a BMI of 34. My prescription plan will cover Wegovy after receiving PA but my PCP won’t prescribe it because she said she doesn’t provide weight loss services. She referred me to INOVA’s WL program but they’re booked until August. Does anyone have a prescriber in NOVA that they can recommend? TIA
submitted by Ok_Bowl_3417 to WegovyWeightLoss [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:27 Annual-Ad-3061 What is Zotrim and Does it Actually Curb Appetite?

Hey everyone,
I've been on the weight loss journey for a while now, and like many of us, I've been bombarded with all sorts of diet pills and supplements. Zotrim kept popping up, advertised as this amazing appetite suppressant. I figured, "why not?" and gave it a shot for a month.
Click here to access Zotrim (10% Off!)
Here's my honest experience:
What it is: Zotrim is an appetite suppressant supplement that comes in capsules. You take them before meals with water.
My experience:
The first week, I felt a slight difference. I wasn't magically ravenous all the time, but I wouldn't say my appetite was completely curbed either. Around the second week, I started noticing I wasn't reaching for seconds as much, and snacking between meals definitely decreased. Here's the thing though: I also made a conscious effort to drink more water throughout the day, which I know can help with feeling full.
Click here to access Zotrim (10% Off!)
Here's the deal. Zotrim is a helpful tool, but it's not a replacement for a healthy lifestyle. If you're looking for a quick fix, this ain't it. But, if you're already on the right track and want a little extra help managing cravings, it is worth trying.
submitted by Annual-Ad-3061 to LifeCapsule [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:24 Formal-Accountant-86 Why do I keep loosing to germany as ussr???

Why do I keep loosing to germany as ussr???
Ok so a bit of background - i started playing a few weeks ago and basically set a goal to consistently beat germany with ussr

in those 83 years i have beeten germany 1 time :<


idk what im doing wrong in this game (stats) ->
primary division template (yes thats the only one i used for my 200divs)

the 220 divs (excluding 20 bc i tried to make tanks but failed cas i dont hve supplies for them) are all infs with template above

I set everything up according to things that ppl said here - backup army (50+ divs), main army, template, turkey and romania strat... AND I STILL LOOSE
the germans jst push through like they dont care for my like 5 divs on a tile and IDK WHAT IM DOING WRONG!
for context, the stalin line was fortified with t4 forts+ when war began and they jst didnt care like WTF
the supply was also fine since everything was blue (around the line)

so WTF AM I DOING WRONG????? like this seems like a perfect game in terms of equipment storage, troops, etc. but yet im still loosing
submitted by Formal-Accountant-86 to hoi4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:24 haweatips من جربت حبوب الشاي الاخضر للتخسيس

من جربت حبوب الشاي الاخضر للتخسيس
تجربات الأشخاص مع حبوب الشاي الأخضر للتخسيس: هل تستحق التجربة؟
حبوب الشاي الأخضر أصبحت منتجًا شهيرًا في عالم التخسيس، حيث يُزعم أنها تقدم فوائد كبيرة في فقدان الوزن وتعزيز الصحة بشكل عام. لكن ما هي تجارب الأشخاص الذين جربوا استخدام حبوب الشاي الأخضر؟ هل حققوا النتائج المرجوة أم أنها مجرد وعود فارغة؟ دعونا نلقي نظرة على من جربت حبوب الشاي الاخضر للتخسيس:
  1. سارة (30 عامًا):
"لقد قررت جرب حبوب الشاي الأخضر بعد أن قرأت الكثير عن فوائده في خسارة الوزن. بدأت أشعر بزيادة في معدل الأيض وتحسن في الهضم بعد استخدامها لمدة أسبوعين. وبالفعل، فقدت بعض الوزن أيضًا، لكن النتائج لم تكن بالشكل الذي توقعته. يبدو أن النظام الغذائي الصحي وممارسة الرياضة كانا العاملين الرئيسيين في تحقيق النتائج."
  1. أحمد (35 عامًا):
"استخدمت حبوب الشاي الأخضر لمدة شهرين كجزء من برنامجي لخسارة الوزن. كنت أمارس التمارين الرياضية بانتظام وأتبع نظامًا غذائيًا صحيًا. رأيت تحسنًا ملحوظًا في معدل الحرق وكان للشاي الأخضر دور في تقليل شهيتي. فقدت بعض الكيلوغرامات أيضًا، لكنني لم أشعر بأن الشاي هو العامل الرئيسي، بل كانت الجهود الشخصية الأخرى الأكثر تأثيرًا."
  1. مريم (25 عامًا):
"جربت حبوب الشاي الأخضر بعد أن رأيت الكثير من التسويق لها على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي. لم تكن لدي أي تجارب سابقة مع منتجات التخسيس. بدأت أرى بعض النتائج في فقدان الوزن بعد استخدامها لمدة شهر، لكنني كنت أعاني من الآثار الجانبية مثل القلق والأرق. اضطررت إلى التوقف عن استخدامها بسبب هذه الآثار السلبية."
بالنظر إلى تجارب هؤلاء الأشخاص، يمكن القول بأن حبوب الشاي الأخضر قد تقدم بعض الفوائد في تسهيل عملية خسارة الوزن، ولكنها ليست الحل الوحيد أو الأساسي. يجب استخدامها بجانب نظام غذائي صحي وممارسة الرياضة لتحقيق أفضل النتائج. كما أنه من المهم الانتباه للآثار الجانبية والتحدث مع الطبيب قبل بدء استخدام أي منتج لخسارة الوزن.
submitted by haweatips to u/haweatips [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:20 Live-Economist-1221 Extremely painful gout

Hello friends, I'm in my third week of keto and I've developed extremely painful gout. I can't walk anymore and I've already taken 800mg of Ibuprofen. Could this be due to the rapid weight loss or because I'm eating too many eggs and red meat? I drink a lot of water, about 3 liters a day, and take electrolytes. Has anyone experienced this? Can you give me some advice on what to do? Best regards.
submitted by Live-Economist-1221 to keto [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:17 thesmaya The trick to keeping fresh lemons for up to a month 🍋 #Lemons are high in vitamin C and antioxidants and can promote hydration, weight loss, skin quality, digestion and prevent kidney stones

The trick to keeping fresh lemons for up to a month 🍋 #Lemons are high in vitamin C and antioxidants and can promote hydration, weight loss, skin quality, digestion and prevent kidney stones submitted by thesmaya to HealthyLifeForYou [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:13 Annual-Ad-3061 Zotrim vs. PhenQ: My Experience with Both Fat Burners

Hey everyone,
I've been on a weight loss journey for a while now, and I've tried a bunch of different supplements to help me along the way. Two that I've been particularly curious about are Zotrim and PhenQ. So, I decided to give them both a go and wanted to share my experiences with you all in case you're considering either one.
Click here to access Zotrim (10% Off)
I started with Zotrim because it seemed like the more natural option. It's made with a bunch of herbal ingredients like guarana and yerba mate, which are supposed to suppress your appetite and boost your metabolism.
Here's what I noticed:
Overall, Zotrim was a great option. It helped with cravings and didn't have any negative side effects for me.
Click here to access Zotrim (10% Off)
Next, I moved on to PhenQ. This one has a wider range of ingredients, including some for burning fat and blocking fat production.
Here's what I found with PhenQ:
PhenQ had a bit more impact on my body. I experienced some mild headaches in the first week or so, and I definitely noticed some trouble sleeping if I took it too late in the day.
Click here to access Zotrim (10% Off)
In Conclusion:
Both Zotrim and PhenQ can be helpful for weight loss, but they work in different ways. Zotrim is a more natural option that curbs cravings, while PhenQ is a more potent fat burner. Personally, I prefer Zotrim but that's just me!
submitted by Annual-Ad-3061 to LifeCapsule [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:54 Annual-Ad-3061 Where to Buy Zotrim

Hey everyone,
I've been trying Zotrim for the past month to help manage my appetite and cravings while I'm on a weight loss journey.
Overall, it's been a positive experience, but I know that finding a legit place to buy it can be a bit tricky.
So, here's the official website where you can buy Zotrim.
Hope this helps!
submitted by Annual-Ad-3061 to LifeCapsule [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:53 CloudyLushies Weight loss subliminals

I’ve noticed that every time i try to look for a weight loss subliminal or playlist they’re mostly ug and unhealthy or have no safety affs (tw: some of them even have ed affs) i’ve noticed this mostly with weight loss subliminals im not saying there isn’t any healthy ones ofc there is but like what’s up with these?
submitted by CloudyLushies to Subliminal [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:50 HeccMeOk How do I get past France? I've lost over 1 million, with the Americans joining against me, though Britain is neutral, and I don't think this is possible to win.

How do I get past France? I've lost over 1 million, with the Americans joining against me, though Britain is neutral, and I don't think this is possible to win. submitted by HeccMeOk to hoi4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:46 ladylukx Looking for people who’ve taken an eca stack?

I’ve taken it before and didn’t track my weight loss, but I really liked it and I definitely lost weight. Starting it again after I’ve gained from letting my diet slip up a bit. Was wondering what your results were ie; how much weight did you lose in what period of time. Thanks!
submitted by ladylukx to Supplements [link] [comments]