Private text messages verizon

SMAPI: Stardew Valley modding

2020.01.05 19:30 Pathoschild SMAPI: Stardew Valley modding

The community for using and creating Stardew Valley mods. Ask questions, get help, and discuss SMAPI and mods here!

2009.01.21 11:34 /r/Scams

Welcome to scams. This is an educational subreddit focused on scams. It is our hope to be a wealth of knowledge for people wanting to educate themselves, find support, and discover ways to help a friend or loved one who may be a victim of a scam. Please read the rules: and our wiki BEFORE posting. Please give posts appropriate, descriptive titles. Joking comments on serious posts will be removed. Be civil.

2018.07.26 01:42 Gaenya Brand New Sentence

For sentences never before written, found in the wild.

2024.05.21 20:43 Supermath101 Fidelity is considering adding support for YubiKeys! Please make our voices heard via the feedback button on their website.

I recently sent a message via Fidelity Investments' "secure email" section of their website:
I have this device called a YubiKey. Among other multi–factor authentication protocols, it supports FIDO U2F*. I'm looking for the button to add my YubiKey as a 2nd factor for when I login. Can you help me locate it? Attached are some screenshots of your website. Thank you in advance. *Some information on FIDO U2F:
and I recived this response:
``` From: Fidelity To: REDACTED Topic: Technical support Subject: RE: I can't find the button to add my YubiKey as a multi–factor authentication method for my account. Date: REDACTED
You reached me in the Electronic Channel Support group (Technical Support), your satisfaction with our website, online tools, and applications is important to us!
I received your email about security login processes using multi-factor authentication. I appreciate the screenshots and link provided and the opportunity to assist you.
To answer your question/concerns about security and using alternative authentication methods, such as devices like YubiKeys, that supports FIDO U2F*, as alternative for a login authentication with Fidelity, currently we do only support SMS text authentication and Symantec VIP Access.
• Fidelity uses SMS authentication for login and high risk transactions. This in addition of other security controls and options. You can learn more here: • Fidelity does not support at this time any other third party hardware authenticator devices like YubiKeys. Except for Symantec VIP Access.
You can learn more about VIP Access by Symantec here: And here:
Understanding your security concerns, I took this as an opportunity and submitted feedback on your behalf. I requested that support for alternative authentication devices like YubiKeys is added to our login authentication processes is considered as a future enhancement to login security.
Fidelity listens to all customers’ feedback. This feedback is what drives changes to our website, online tools, and applications.
We welcome all your ideas and suggestions to improve our services. You can submit feedback at any time using the Feedback tab located on the right side of most pages at, of course we are always glad to receive your feedback via email, chat or over a phone call.
Thank you for selecting Fidelity as your financial institution, please be safe and have a great Tuesday!
REDACTED Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC ```
So I urge all YubiKey and Fidelity customers to go to the multi-factor authentication settings page, which can be found by logging in, clicking on Profile, then Security center under the Security section, and clicking on the feedback button as explained above.
submitted by Supermath101 to yubikey [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:42 lol_fennec I need advice or something

Hi I have kinda had a really bizarre dating experience that’s left me kinda mentally all over the place I’ll explain.
So I met this girl online (judge me if you want) She’s from American I’m from the uk we started of as friends talking for a while until I began to like her and I got really drunk on Christmas last year and asked her out she said yes yada yada.
After that we then dated for around a 2 months we were going perfectly fine no arguments nothing we told each other personal stuff our traumas and other personal shit.
Then all of a sudden she blocks me on everything even stuff I couldn’t text her on I had a few breakdowns got back into some self harm wasn’t very fun but after like 3 weeks she messages explaining that she tried to end her own life and went to a mental hospital and she blocked me because it would be embarrassing if I knew and she’d rather I think she hates me then I knew she tried that.
After that we continued to talk as friends she told me she doesn’t think she is stable enough for a relationship which I thought was a good thing to say and mature I told her I would wait because I genuinely care for her but everytime we talk I feel drained and get sad feel like I’m about to cry after it I don’t know why.
I know it may be idiotic to wait but I feel different with her that sounds stupid I know. I also know that just because I’m waiting for her to get batter doesn’t mean she will take me back I tend to overthink a lot so that doesn’t help. I genuinely care about her and love her maybe she told me to much personal stuff to soon idk.
Sorry if this is long I just want some advice about all of it also sorry if this ain’t the right Reddit for this I barely use Reddit and this seems right.
submitted by lol_fennec to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:42 Fun_Performer8462 Twitch streamer leaks private information about me

hello i don't know if I'm in the right place here. But a friend of mine is a twitch streamer with an audience of 20-30 people. Yesterday i found out that he regularly leaks private stories about me (doesn't say my name, but when someone in the chat says it he just nods). i asked him to stop but he insists that he does not say my name specifically and i cant do nothing about it. I feel bullied and harassed and get many messages because of this. Is there a way i can report him?
submitted by Fun_Performer8462 to Twitch [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:40 HKane10 Where are my shares Fidelity?? Why can’t I DRS them?

Where are my shares Fidelity?? Why can’t I DRS them?
Put in a request to DRS my shares, have done this many times from fidelity to CS with no issues, always used chat.
Not I am being told I have to call, is this new?
Where are my shares fidelity? Don’t tell me you don’t have them……
submitted by HKane10 to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:40 PsychologyAfraid2800 AITA for not wishing my friend happy birthday

The main events take place in the summer of 2023, but before that there’s some pretty crucial information you need to know.
Many moons ago, three or four years before I was forced to live with the burden of knowing my dear friend, some shit went down.
Sophomore year of high school, Heather and my now boyfriend Tony were besties with another girl, that I will call Jane (the sweetest person I’ve ever met, by the way). At some point, Jane and her boyfriend went on a break, and Heather decided, for some reason to this day unknown, to try and sext her best friend’s ex boyfriend. I say “try” because he never really indulged her, which made the whole situation all the more embarrassing. Heather, however, lacking self-awareness and critical thinking skills, decided to keep this up for over five months, after which Jane and her ex got back together, and he told her everything. Contrary to Heather, Jane decided to be a good friend and wait for Heather to come clean about her actions without revealing she already knew everything.
And so she waited. But Heather never said anything.
Keep this in mind, it’ll be important later.
Fast forward to February 2022, yours truly is introduced on the scene by becoming Heather’s roommate during our first year of college. Surprisingly we got along pretty well, we became really close friends in a very short time. She was also the extroverted one (also important) of the two and really helped me come out of my shell, so for a while I was really grateful to her. Anyway, throughout the three months we lived together she was constantly talking about her friends Tony and Jane from back home, but especially referring to Jane as her best friend, the only one that really knew her and that she really trusted.
Her friend Tony was also a very popular topic in conversations, and the reason she convinced me to visit her home country that summer, which resulted in us dating but I will spare you the details of that because it’s a different story (although a good one too).
The summer ends. She moves back to her country, I go back to mine, now pursuing two long distance relationships, the one with my boyfriend and the one with my only friend. So, in January 2023 plan a trip there with Tony but I decide not to tell Heather, and to let it be a surprise instead.
This is where the thing I told you to remember comes back for the first time, and I get front row seats for this years-long conflict finally unraveling.
Jane decided she had enough of waiting for her friend to become decent and slowly started growing apart from Heather, who had actually started the fight by accusing Jane of ignoring her.
When asked about the reasons for her behavior, some of Heather’s responses were, and I kid you not, “BRO I HAD A PLAN” and “IT’S LITERALLY NOT MY PROUDEST MOMENT”.
So. Yeah. Needless to say, they stopped being friends.
Now, for some reason, Heather decided to start this fight on the groupchat with my boyfriend, which meant I had access to everything, and after learning about everything I started to question my friend’s actions for the first time. Like, yes I knew she was a bit stubborn, and annoying, but who isn’t. Betraying someone you have talked about multiple times as your best friend and then lying about it for years, however?
But I decided to put my worries aside for the moment and just be more careful around her before I actually formed an opinion. I also had never met Jane before so at that point it probably wouldn’t have been my place to intervene.
During my trip, I get the idea to plan a surprise party for Tony in the summer and I share it with Heather who seems on board and ready to help.
That aside, the rest of my visit was pretty uneventful up until my last day there.
It being my last day, I wanted to spend it with all my friends, so me, Tony, and Heather met up at a mall to hang out. After a while, I noticed Heather looking pretty down so I asked her if she was alright. She told me she was feeling a bit worried because she got the impression that Tony was growing more distant from her. She revealed to me that this actually already happened before, during Tony’s last relationship, and she was scared it was going to happen again. “And I’m so sorry for involving you like this but do you think you could talk to him for me?”
Now, you have to know Tony and her were never the best of friends; he’s always been closer to Jane than he was with her, simply because they don’t have many things in common. Heather also had the habit of constantly bringing up his ex in my presence, by making weird comparisons with me about literally anything. “Oh, you’re dyeing your hair red? Tony’s ex also dyed her hair red for a while. Omg your eyeliner is so good, you know Tony’s ex actually—”
No. I do, in fact, not know and I would like to keep it that way.
So when she mentioned his ex, being the idiot that I am, I felt so bad because I somehow assumed it was my fault, that I distracted him from his friends with my psychic evil girlfriend powers and therefore it was my responsibility to fix it.
So in May, I start planning Tony’s birthday party and Heather decided that for some reason it was her job to invite people and plan activities and literally plan the whole fucking party actually. She kept making suggestions I knew he would hate and inviting people he outright said he couldn’t stand, until I had enough and was forced to put my foot down. I let her invite her boyfriend and a friend of hers and handled the rest myself. In the meantime, I contacted Jane. Because unlike Heather, I know my boyfriend well enough to understand who his friends are so I always knew Jane was going to make the list, which I anticipated to Heather back in February. Her response was something along the lines of, “It’s okay for me if it’s okay for her”, which I thought was good enough. After all, I wasn’t expecting them to chat like nothing had happened but I assumed they would both be mature enough to put their differences aside for their friend’s sake.
The day of the party comes and Heather and I get there early to set things up, and when we’re in the bathroom doing our makeup she goes, “Hey, this might be a weird question but did Jane mention if she was bringing anyone?”.
This is where I might have been a bit of a bitch. Because Jane did actually ask me if she could bring her boyfriend, the same guy from the story that keeps coming back, and she even apologized for that, but knowing there were going to be three couples at the party already, including Heather and her own boyfriend, I didn’t even think twice before saying yes. However, I also failed to mention that to Heather until the day of the party.
When she found out, she was gone. Completely lost the plot, would not hear reason. She spent the whole evening sitting on the couch next to her boyfriend, with her back to the rest of the party, ignoring everyone else unless they asked her a question directly or forced her into conversation. After the umpteenth failed attempt of including her I felt so guilty I went to cry in the bathroom thinking I had ruined my boyfriend’s party because Heather was not having fun.
Days later, when all of this turned into a paragraph fight via text, instead of apologizing she kept attacking Tony for being rude to her and not understanding that she is very introverted and has “major anxiety”, and that was the reason why she didn’t even try to celebrate his birthday with him once throughout the night. Something I found hard to believe as I had been in that position before, while she was the one to help me out of it, introducing me to new people. So I am well aware of what it means to feel out of place, which is why I tried my best that night, and I also know that if she really wanted to do more, she would’ve.
During the fight, I finally had the opportunity to really talk to Jane for the first time and finding out about some things Heather did to her while they were friends reminded me of something else she did to me.

Back in November 2022, I got on birth control. Naturally I texted my friend, telling her about it.
Her response was, and I quote: “I have a theory. I’ve noticed a pattern where all of Tony’s girlfriends (ex and you) have started taking birth control since dating him soooo he either forced the girls or the girls don't care about STDs and accidental pregnancies. And the side effects obv.”
So I brought this back up during our fight. She tried to deny and to claim she was simply in “shock” because of my sudden interest in birth control, but I sent her back the proof of how she ignored everything I was trying to tell her only to keep trying to prove her hypotheses. My message said: “I was excited because I had done my research, I found a gyno and I went on my own and I texted you knowing that I couldn't share that excitement with my mother so I thought my friend would understand but instead you just came up with conspiracy theories about Tony forcing his girlfriends to get on BC or his girlfriends not caring about accidental pregnancies which was extremely insulting and I still don't know what your intention was because if you were joking it wasn't funny. I was being really vulnerable and you just basically chastised me. I can understand not agreeing but there's ways and ways to say that, you can still be happy and supportive while disagreeing, which was not what you did at all.”
She apologized but also said “I’m sorry you felt that way”. I decided to leave it at that and forget about it.
A couple of weeks later she angrily texted me wondering why I didn’t wish her a happy birthday.
submitted by PsychologyAfraid2800 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:39 MikeyPearce How to aggregate two things at once.

Hi folks,
I'm really struggling here - what I want to do is read 5 items from an RSS feed, then use those items to populate both the text and buttons for a telegram message. I can do one, or the other, but I'm at a loss to know how to create an aggregated text string and also an aggregate JSON for the reply_markup in the Telegram module.
I can make the strings, or the buttons, but I don't know how to do both.
Please help, I've been at this for hours!
submitted by MikeyPearce to Integromat [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:39 Createdinheaven2222 Is it considered cheating or am just overacting

Well am a f (21yo) and my bf is (25) we r together for more than 10 months .we were cool and loving till one day he texted me that an account on instagram messaged him And asked me should i reply or not, this ast got me confused and i was like why is he asking me an obvious question after that we got into an argument like any argument after that he went replied on that account asked if it was a fake account and also asked if he can see her face After she sent him her pic he called her gorgeous And how he's flattered that she likes but he replied "unfortunately i have a gf " When i saw these msgs i was numb i felt stupid cause we agreed on not replying to dms on instagram but still he did and called a girl gorgeous and all . And he didnt even bother himself to tell me It is actually a big deal to me cause we agreed on telling each other if we get any dms or anything So am so confused on what to do idk if i can trust him no more and am only thinking of breaking up with him.
submitted by Createdinheaven2222 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:38 jaybhum I made my first Flutter app to solve loneliness. 14,000 minutes of voice messages later:

I hope you are doing better today than yesterday. (TLDR at the end; or enjoy my story :) )


About 11 months ago, I launched my app for the first time on lonely because I had previously experienced loneliness myself during grad school. I wanted to reach out to people going through similar experiences by providing them with what would’ve helped me in the past.
I felt this was an important mission for me and a much more rewarding one than my day job that I quit my job to work on the app full-time.
It was necessary because I did not come from a programming background. I knew how to program in the sense of running scientific simulations on MATLAB, but creating the front-end and back-end for a consumer app was totally new to me, so I had to learn from scratch.
I enjoyed everyday going to a cafe to learn from programming crash courses on YouTube, developing the app little by little, and eventually launching the app! The initial response was actually pretty great: 220 upvotes for the app launch post, which I proudly pinned in my bio :)


I made the app to be based on voice, and nothing else: no profiles, no profile photos, and even no texts. The reason for that was I felt a lot of people felt lonely and had trouble finding meaningful online connections because of the modern communication medium which actually promotes superficial and viral contents over authentic and long-form contents. It is easy to see from examples: TikTok’s 30 second videos, Instagram’s eye-popping photos by beautiful people from the globe, and Twitter(X)’s 140-char spicy takes. Sure, these platforms offer us information about DIYs, trends, and news that can enrich our lives and entertain us, but they don’t by all means help us feel more connected to individuals. Even on Reddit, the contents tend to be more wholesome and there are hilarious comments that build on top of each other, but the actual sense of connection you feel with the users is tenuous.
Focusing on voice worked! It was incredible listening to the heartfelt messages from strangers from all over the world who opened up about their loneliness and didn’t mind being vulnerable to other strangers. I have personally spoke with everyone that came by. The 14k minutes of voice messages do not include my own voice messages; they are all messages that people left for their own posts, to each other, or as replies to me.


There were some incredible moments, which would be too long to share in this post (leave a comment if you want to hear more!), but some of the highlights were (note: these are all from public conversations):
What was also incredible was that there were not only people experiencing loneliness here, but also people who did not feel lonely but were on the app to support others going through loneliness. They would share stories and studies related to loneliness in their posts, and also try to talk to some lonely folks on the app who seemed very hardened by their experience of loneliness which made them cynical and pessimistic. The concept of compassionate listening by Thich Nhat Hanh and Polyvagal theory that explains 3 levels of our nervous system are a few things they mentioned that come to my mind. Unfortunately, these efforts by supporters were often, so to speak, ineffective in solving people’s loneliness.

What I learned:

And that was part of what made it so hard to have a sustainable ecosystem on my app: many people who have been lonely for a long period of time had their personalities and social skills hardened to the point that they either:
My hope for the app was to help people who experience loneliness find and support each other. By providing the platform for them to voice out their stories, have them be heard by others, and find others who resonate and reply, I thought they would finally find friends whom they can relate to, share their lives with, and would no longer have to feel lonely again.
However, the reality was that many were hardened by loneliness and it was hard for such connections to materialize. Plus, one of the main ways for an app like this to grow is by word of mouth. Unfortunately, most people experiencing loneliness did not have anyone to share the app with, which stunted the app’s growth and mostly depended on me manually bringing users onto the platform.
With fewer chances of having good interactions, even the people who really resonated with the app and shared stories slowly stopped coming back. Some just suddenly ghosted, which made the experience on the app painful for other engaged people on the app.

My hope for the future:

I still believe that there are more people out there experiencing loneliness who have the deep desire to share their stories and find the long-term friends across the globe who understand each other and can share slices of their lives with.
So, if you are someone that can benefit from sharing stories and solve your loneliness this way, feel free to check out my app at
Also, if you know of any way I can improve the app to better help people experiencing loneliness, please leave a comment.
Lastly, word of mouth would really help. If you like the app, or if you know someone who would benefit from the app, please share it with others!


I created an app focused on voice communication to help lonely people connect, inspired by my own experiences. Despite an encouraging start and meaningful interactions, many users struggled to form lasting connections due to the deep impact of their loneliness. Growth has been slow, mainly reliant on my efforts. If you know someone who might benefit, please share my app: Feedback is also welcome! Tech stack used:
submitted by jaybhum to FlutterDev [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:37 whoisthismahn As a parent, is it ever normal to bring one child on a trip but not the other?

I feel like a little kid posting this but I just want to hear input from other parents because I just don’t understand.
I am the oldest daughter (25 now) and have a sister (21) and brother (24). My dad has always been really close with my sister and they’re very similar, and I understand that, but it feels like they have so many things they do between just the two of them and I’m never apart of it.
The one big thing they do every year that I’m never a part of is an annual fun trip out west. This started when I was in 8th grade and was originally the 3 of us (my dad does fun stuff with my brother as well, but this was something for us as sisters), except for the last 6+ years it’s always just the two of them. I understand I’m now an adult that works full time so I guess it’s harder for me to call off work to come with, but I would gladly call off to spend time with them if my dad ever made a genuine effort to invite me. It’s always a comment made in passing several months before the trip, like “hey I think we might go here the weekend of _____” and then it’s never brought up to me again until I hear that they’re leaving. He gets annoyed that I don’t seize on the single comment he makes months in advance, as if that’s a genuine attempt at inviting me, but I know he’s discussing everything with my sister as they’re buying flights, booking hotels, and making plans for weeks leading up to the trip and I never hear a word of it.
It just happened again this year but this time my dad truly didn’t say a word of it to me. He mentioned he couldn’t help me fix my car because he would be out of town, I said oh thanks for the invite, and he said he told me of the dates in January. I scrolled back through 4 months of texts and sent him pictures to show that he hadn’t ever mentioned it, and he said he was sorry and mentioned how there was one year I bailed out anyways (I can’t remember why but there was a genuine reason I couldn’t go). It’s always felt hurtful when it comes around each year but this time I just feel absolutely broken. I just don’t get it. As a parent to two daughters why wouldn’t you want them both with you? If one wasn’t able to go the previous year, wouldn’t that just make you want them to come with even more the following year? I understand doing special one on one things but there’s not really any one on one moments I share with my dad anymore between just the two of us now that I’m an adult.
Deep down I know he loves the bond between the two of them and I know he views this as their special trip every year. I finally told him how hurtful it was to go through the same argument every year and still have nothing change and out of anger I said I didn’t want him to reply to my message, but it’s been several days now and he really hasn’t said a word. They left for their trip today
submitted by whoisthismahn to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:36 RudeRoof4819 I'm being punished for reporting sexual harassment and racism at my job

Hey everyone o/
As you saw by the title, I'm dealing with some stuff at work. I work for a company that is franchised, and my franchise owner is cutting my hours. My Owner, M, has cut my hours due to me being a 'problem starter' in the work place.
For the past week, I have been being sexually harassed by an older coworker during our shifts together. I'm 20M, and he's 22M. We're both gay, but I have been in a committed relationship for the past 2 years and have made this fact known. He is constantly touching my on my waist, hips, lower back, and even intentionally grazed his butt against mine. Every time he has touched me, I asked him to stop, but he continues to do so anyways. He has even been touching my coworkers, who are MINORS in this way.
Needless to say, I went to management about this, and my manager, A, said she would deal with the situation. During a shift with my touchy coworker, my friend had come into the store and witnessed this man touching me and heard me telling him to stop. I did not encourage her to take action in any way, however she asked to speak with him after his shift, and ended up telling him to leave me tf alone and to stop touching me or there will be problems. I told A about this, because her and I are close and frequently text outside of work, and she said she was glad someone stood up for me, and told me there would be no issues.
On the day that I had told A about the situation, 2 days before my friend confronted my coworker, I was with my coworkers her were both minors (17F), and we told A how he was touching us, how we told him to stop, and how he wouldn't.
Well I found out yesterday that those coworkers were spreading word to everyone in the store (it's pretty small, only 14 people including the manager), and some new hires who were around the age of 16-17 were going to A and telling her they did not want to be scheduled with him because they heard what he was doing to me and my friends.
A obviously went to the owner, M about this since it was bigger than her, and he told her to cut my hours since I was starting problems. When in the meeting with A yesterday, I asked if this decision was solely based on what had happened with the sexual harassment, and she said it ALSO had to do with a prior situation that I was involved with.
In this situation, there was a coworker (S, 18F) who was going around referring to my black coworkers as the Nword, and saying they only had a job at the store because A was married to a black man and she felt pity for them. I, alongside 4 other employees went to the manager tor report what we heard, and how she was being discriminatory to the POC working at the store. The manager took this to M, the owner, and he had a private meeting with S and A and ended the situation by claiming it was a 'he said she said'.
And here we are, getting my hours cut by 75% because of reporting racism, discrimination, and sexual harrassment. Is there anything I can do to fight this, or am I screwed?
submitted by RudeRoof4819 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:36 joshm4191 Increased social skills but still struggle to make lasting connections

Hey to give a little background on myself, I've come a very long way from being basically socially paralyzed to now being very good at striking up conversations with complete strangers and getting just about anyone to like me. It has helped me mentally immensely and brought a lot of happiness to my life, but I still feel so alone.
I often hit it off with people extremely well, and me being me I want to pursue a friendship farther but it never seems to work out that way. I've had absolutely amazing conversations for hours with people I've met, but it's like people aren't willing to connect with others after they are out of sight. It's like I no longer exist for them, I was entertainment for a moment then they move on. I try to reach out and text or message but they will just ignore it.
Do other socially successful people feel this way? Is it something wrong with me or is it pretty normal to almost never find people who want to be friends with you even if you are likeable?
submitted by joshm4191 to socialskills [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:35 Stexe Reminder: *ALWAYS* SAVE and RECORD conversations with Verizon! They won't release transcripts without a literal subpoena! Even then they still might "lose" the transcripts...

It is really scary and frightening to me that Verizon won't send you transcripts of conversations you personally have with them (without a subpoena) and sometimes even "lose" the transcripts, such that they are supposedly completely unrecoverable. You also can't easily select the text and "copy/paste" it into another program after changes to the website -- you essentially have to take screenshots constantly to record interactions with them.
Be aware and be concerned!
tl;dr: Multiple Verizon customer support agents tried to secretly add services multiple times, lied directly to me, and then an executive PR person tried to smooth it over by still refusing to give transcripts after thinking I would send the transcript to news media or something.
Long story version:
The story in my case was I talked with some customer service reps and was trying to cancel my TV (since I hadn't used it in like ~7+ months and the previous times I tried to cancel it I gave up after being frustrated due to not being able to find a way to cancel it without talking to someone) and went down a dark pattern rabbit hole both on the Verizon website and through customer service / PR actions. Luckily, I took screenshots of a lot of the conversations. Just writing this all down here for my records and to vent my frustrations.
After spending some time with a customer service rep explaining my issue (trying to cancel TV and the website continually re-adding the TV plan and other things in checkout), I was immediately transferred to another agent without warning -- not a big deal, but was odd since I didn't get a chance to confirm that was okay. The next agent I walked through everything again, saying how it kept re-adding TV and/or changing other parts of the plan. Eventually, after about an hour and multiple weird typos ("As you mentioned, you want to remove remote and check the bill?" / "I am really sorry I am Tv." / "I am getting Type sorry 😬"), the agent finally understood my request and went to cancel the TV. However, in asking for confirmation to cancel it, they had randomly added 1 Gig-streaming and a few other things ( ) without my consent and tried to pass it off as being the new plan -- they did this a second time after I first spotted it ( ). Then, on the third time around, they still tried to change my phone service to "Home 3.0" ($5 more a month than our current plan) without consent directly after literally saying they wouldn't make changes without approval ( ).
When confronted on this, the agent said that was already my plan ( ) when it most certainly wasn't ( ). When they checked for the 5th time, they finally did confirm that my plan was the $20 one but they couldn't select it because it wasn't an option anymore, but I had just found the buried option to cancel the TV itself without changing the rest of my plans and explained to them how they were wrong ( / ). Extremely frustrated that the agent kept adding things and lying to me, I asked for a transcript of the chat -- which they said they couldn't do and could only give me a chat ID which would only be usable on Verizon's end. Whatever, I figured, I'll just try escalating the issue to get the transcript and/or stuff dealt with after getting the message ID ( ). I was transferred, at least this time with my approval, to a "loyalty specialist agent" who basically said they could do nothing, couldn't help me, couldn't escalate the issue, but could read the message from the chat ID but couldn't send it to me or quote anything from it to me either. After trying to get them to cancel the TV and hearing the same lies and randomly added services from before, I just canceled it manually myself and ended the chat in anger.
While talking to the "loyalty specialist agent" I was also talking to a Verizon support agent on X/Twitter. They said they couldn't access messages on other platforms, but corporate Verizon could and if I wanted to escalate the message I could try contacting corporate leadership ( ) and suggested contacting "Sowmyanarayan Sampath (Sampath) - Executive Vice President and CEO Verizon Consumer Group" out of everyone on that list. That Verizon support agent was actually helpful -- a shocking change of pace from the past 3-4 agents I've dealt with!
And so I sent a short version of this story to Sampath on that website detailing my issues and frustrations and what they should do to improve these issues, remove the dark patterns, and create a better experience for their customers ( ). About 30 minutes later a PR agent from executive called me, she said she read my complaint, got the messages from that chat ID, and wanted to make sure my concerns were taken care of. I told her the main thing I wanted was a transcript of my messages, my complaint and issues with dark patterns to be taken seriously, and maybe some account credit for all the time and hassle (going on nearly 4 hours at this point). She asked why I wanted the transcript -- was it just for my own records or to send to some news media or something. I told her I already had multiple screenshots (which she agreed, strangely enough, was good practice) and just wanted them for my records, but I might consider sending them to others. She said she would look into doing what she could, both with sending me the transcript and getting compensation, without mentioning any of the dark patterns or other issues I raised, and would get back to me in a day or two.
After dealing with all that I figured I'd also go through and update some of my account info and verify some new phone numbers. But nothing on the website was working properly and clicking on multiple confirmation links (both sent to email and two different text messages) weren't doing anything. How foolish of me to try customer support again... who this time tried to help me by sending me a confirmation link only for that not to work. After debugging some stuff, I found it was a mobile link, and even when opened on mobile it wouldn't work. The agent said I needed the Verizon app and to just download and install it. I told them I didn't want to and shouldn't have to because that is silly -- I should be able to verify an updated phone number without having to download an entire app. They insisted it was the only way and nothing else would verify me ( ). This again made no sense and due to all the constant frustrations I was facing I asked for another chat ID (just in case they were lying again and it wasn't the only way to verify) and I ended the chat, called it for the day, and poured myself a large glass of whiskey.
I kept waiting and waiting for this executive PR agent to call me back and figured they were just going to ignore me and never call back. However, she finally called me back just a few hours ago, 8 days later, with some bad news. For the frustration of dealing with all this (4+ hours and being transferred around, secret product upgrades / services pushed on me, and being lied to), they would give me half off for a single month (whoopee), and couldn't do anything else. As for the transcripts? The original conversation she said not only couldn't be sent to me, but couldn't be viewed anymore and was apparently completely lost. She explained that sometimes they use third party companies to handle support and they must have deleted it or lost it or something -- which again seems odd to me since I asked them specifically to save and send me the transcript so you'd think they would keep it, but I guess not ("C.Y,A. Policy" anyone?). I mentioned I did have some screenshots, and again she agreed that was good practice. But what about the other conversations? She said that Verizon couldn't and wouldn't send it to me unless they had a subpoena for it, as that was corporate policy.
So, since Verizon clearly doesn't care about these systemic issues, hidden upgrades, lying support agents, website dark patterns, lack of transparency, and refusal to send transcripts ... remember to protect yourself by *ALWAYS* saving and recording all your conversations with this borderline monopolistic evil mega corp.
submitted by Stexe to verizon [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:33 Bubbly-Staff-9452 Selling 2019 Mazda CX-5 Touring AWD

Hello, I am trying to sell my Mazda CX-5 through Autotrader private seller exchange but I have gotten zero interest aside from scammers either trying to steal the title or get me to buy fake reports. I still hold a loan on the vehicle and with the way that private seller exchange buys the vehicle from me and sells it to the buyer and also offers the buyer financing, I assumed this was the best option. I know that a private buyer could take a few weeks to get the title after payoff but if there is a better way to do this and you are interested let me know. I can sell you the car immediately, although I am really looking to sell between the end of this month and middle-end of next. I am located in Nashville, specifically 37203, and I would be willing to meet anywhere in Davidson county provided it is a mutual public area. Here is the link to my ad on Autotrader and you can message me here on Reddit or on Autotrader and I will respond as soon as possible!
submitted by Bubbly-Staff-9452 to sellmycar [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:33 Vendi_Ventura Would appreciate advice about my realtionship with my ex

I'm not sure if this is the right subreddit, but here we go. I [14GF] have been dating this girl [14F] for a few months. We've been good friends for about 7 years before getting together and our relationship was relatively smooth sailing. That is, until she recently showed up at my house unannounced, sent me a photo of my window with a smiley face and stood there in the rain trying to get me to open the door. I didn't, as I'm terrified of her [she's bigger and more athletic than me, not to mention she does musado], and broke it off over the phone, because it seemed awfully stalker-y. That day, she sent me about 20 more messages, most of them trauma dumping or suicide threats.
She's still texting me to this day, trying to get me to respond and convince me how much she loves me and stuff. She even made a fake Insta and WhatsApp account impersonating a scammer to get me to respond.
I'm conflicted on what to do in this situation, as I don't really wanna leave her. But at the same time, I'm pretty sure dating someone that unstable isn't good for me, especially since I'm not doing well mentally myself.
Thank you for anyone that took the time out of their day to read this, and I'll appreciate any sort of advice.
submitted by Vendi_Ventura to realtionship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:32 Createdinheaven2222 Is it considered cheating or not

Well am a f (21yo) and my bf is (25) we r together for more than 10 months .we were cool and loving till one day he texted me that an account on instagram messaged him And asked me should i reply or not , this qst got me confused and i was like why is he asking me an obvious question after that we got into an argument like any argument after that he went replied on that account asked if it was a fake account and also asked if he can see her face After she sent him her pic he called her gorgeous And how he’s flattered that she likes but he replied “unfortunately i have a gf “ When i saw these msgs i was numb i felt stupid cause we agreed on not replying to dms on instagram but still he did and called a girl gorgeous and all . And he didnt even bother himself to tell me It is actually a big deal to me cause we agreed on telling each other if we get any dms or anything So am so confused on what to do idk if i can trust him no more and am only thinking of breaking up with him .
submitted by Createdinheaven2222 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:30 MilPasosForever Am I (31F) overreacting about the lie my boyfriend (31M) told me?

My boyfriend had been working to rebuild my trust (history posted below). It seems things were getting better. He lately told me that the outings he had with friends were all men. On Saturday he went to his friend’s birthday at the baclub. He came back around 4am when he said he’d come back a lot earlier. I wasn’t thinking too much of it and had recently woken up. He was texting me as he was coming home and so I made him a hot cup of tea and toast since it was cold out. When he came in I felt like something was weird about him. My gut reaction hit and my anxiety started going up. I asked if there was anyone else but the guys and he said no. I asked if I could see his phone to help me feel better and he said sure (side note: he promised me I could see his phone whenever I needed to feel better when he broke my trust before).
He wouldn’t let me touch his phone, showed just the front page of Instagram, and then started complaining he doesn’t like this treatment and he feels like I’m the police. I didn’t really say much, just listen and he then went to the bathroom. I looked at his account on my phone and I watched the followers # drop by 4. So he was deleted accounts while in the bathroom.
He came out and continued to say I make him feel bad and I’m like the police. Then I asked if he was hiding anything. He said no. We’re religious/spiritual so I asked if he could something like “God I promise I’m not hiding something” he struggled to say the whole sentence with God in it. I finally confronted him and had screenshots of one girl I knew was new before he deleted. He said he didn’t know who she is and probably someone from the past.
Eventually it came out that he met her that very night and he thought it was ok to add her because she’s the girl his friend is trying to date? She apparently arrived at the end of the night. The conversations with that male friend were also all deleted. (His reason: because I’m friends with the ex of that male friend and might mention the new girl to the ex. I barely speak to her btw…).
Anyways later I found out he also went to this tourist hostel/bar the day prior and met two other girls at the bar there and added them on Instagram. He said he was talking to the guy they were with and that’s how he met them but the guy doesn’t have Instagram so he doesn’t have proof of the guy’s existence. He forgot to delete these girls.
He then said he has other situations adds girls to be nice but deleted them because he’s worried I’ll find out since we decided just while we’re rebuilding trust to not be chatting with girls and getting their Instagram. He says he’s not cheating but was worried of causing problems and so that’s why he lied.
I almost broke up with his over this lie. It’s all very bad right now and I feel I have zero trust in him. Did I overreact?
History: When he was traveling for work in another country he found out this girl was in a beach party town nearby. This girl is very provocative on her Instagram and he had a date with before he met me. He asked her to share a hotel (he said to save money and it’s what friends do?) and she’s didn’t respond to that so they never met up. He deleted those messages. I found out because this girl thought it was weird and sent me screenshots. Hence he promised I could see his phone whenever I needed.
Also he added a waitress on Instagram from the hotel he stayed at while traveling from work. For my that seems like a very weird thing to do.
submitted by MilPasosForever to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:30 Bubbly-Staff-9452 Selling 2019 Mazda CX-5 Touring AWD

Hello, I am trying to sell my Mazda CX-5 through Autotrader private seller exchange but I have gotten zero interest aside from scammers either trying to steal the title or get me to buy fake reports. I still hold a loan on the vehicle and with the way that private seller exchange buys the vehicle from me and sells it to the buyer and also offers the buyer financing, I assumed this was the best option. I know that a private buyer could take a few weeks to get the title after payoff but if there is a better way to do this and you are interested let me know. I can sell you the car immediately, although I am really looking to sell between the end of this month and middle-end of next. I am located in Nashville, specifically 37203, and I would be willing to meet anywhere in Davidson county provided it is a mutual public area. Here is the link to my ad on Autotrader and you can message me here on Reddit or on Autotrader and I will respond as soon as possible!
submitted by Bubbly-Staff-9452 to UsedCars [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:29 yazansparda I have been banned

I have been banned
I only have couple of channel that I follow and I can count the number of times I chatted and I mostly watch vods I noticed channel that I didn't follow get to me and removed them last week but now I don't know what to do Ps: I applied an waiting
submitted by yazansparda to Twitch [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:28 IntricateBiscuit Advice - would anyone recommend an apology letter

I (57M) opened up to a (34F - subordinate) co-worker concerning some marital problems and how it had affected certain feelings for her, in the past at that point, and how I delt with them. I opened up to her to process the guilt and shame and how my wife and I were taking steps to fix our marriage. This colleague was always very open to me, sharing very intimate and private aspect of her life, and I felt safe to make these statements to her. I thought we were friends. I was wrong. She reported me to Human Resources. I am on suspension while being investigated for sexual harassment. I provided Human Resources a statement, a timeline, examples of personal text messages, to prove that no sexual advances were ever intended or made. But I this point, I'm wondering if writing a carefully worded apology letter would give me more leverage. I think it might be a way to also document that while no advances, either verbal or physical were made, that the intention in communicating my feelings was to assure her that the relationship would continue be professional and respectful and there was no intent to make her feel uncomfortable in any way. The letter would be communicated through Human Resources.
Thank you for your consideration.
submitted by IntricateBiscuit to SexualHarassment [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:28 Bullseye_Bailey [22/05/2024] Boardgames @ The Calthorpe Arms, Holborn

Preface We're a casual boardgame meetup group that has been running in various venues over London for over 5 years, we meet up every Wednesday and have games to suit every kind of player, from large casual party games to competitive 4 player strategy games.
10 minute walk from Russell Square (Piccadilly)
10 minute walk from Chancery Lane (Central)
10 minute walk from Kings Cross (Circle, Hammersmith & City, Metropolitan, Piccadilly, Victoria, Great Northern, Thameslink, LNER, Grand Central, Hull, Edinburgh)
but then, you're all using Citymapper anyway, who cares
The tables are booked from 6:00pm, most people tend to show up between 6:30 & 7:30, we average about 25-40 people. We'll be upstairs - if not, just hunt around for people playing boardgames - we're a friendly bunch, feel free to pester anyone or text Adam if you're shy and we'll sort you out!
Summary Where: 252 Grays Inn Rd, London WC1X 8JR
When: Wednesday May 22nd from 6:00pm
What: Play board games, have a chat and drink in a pub.
Contacts Adam: Oh7Eight9Five DoubleZero7DoubleZero1
Text if you get lost. No RSVP is required, you can just show up on the day if you want, there's a WhatsApp group if you'd like to be invited (please text, it's easier to invite that way)
FAQ Do I need to know any games? No, we'll be more than happy to teach some.
Should I bring any game with me? Not mandatory, but if you have some games you want to play then bring them! We will supply some.
What games do you have? We have 7 Wonders Duel, Anomia, Arkham Horror Articulate, Azul, Bang!, Brass Birmingham, Bus, Carcassonne, Castles of Burgundy, Catan, Caylus 1303, Chameleon, Champions of Midgard, Cockroach Poker, Codenames + variants, Coup, Decrypto, Dixit!, Dog Park, Exploding Kittens, Food Chain Magnate, Great Game of Britain, Great Western Trail, High Society, John Company, Just One, Keyflower, Kingsport Festival, Lords of Waterdeep + Skullport/Undermountain, Love Letter, Maloney's Inheritance, Modern Art, Mystic Vale, One Night a Werewolf, Pandemic, Quacks of Quedlinburg, Res Arcana, Root + Expansions + Fan-addons, Ryu, Saboteurs, Salem, Scrabble, Scythe, Sidereal Confluence + Bifurcation, Skull King, Skull, Spirit Island, Splendor, Sushi Go, Taluva, Tammany Hall, Teotihuacan, Terraforming Mars Ares Expedition, Terraforming Mars + expansions, Therapy, Ticket to Ride Europe/Germany/London/US, Unstable Unicorns, Village Green, Viticulture and many more, if you're interested in anything; post or message.
Will there be drinking involved? Completely optional, there's no pressure to drink.
submitted by Bullseye_Bailey to LondonSocialClub [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:27 Admirable-Freedom979 Trying to live my design and not in transference. Looking for some guidance

Hi! I am a 6/3 ego projector with innocence motivation. I am 21 years old and in nursing school, however I’ve always had a passion for reading/writing and correcting grammatical errors in text.
So, I want to dive into the proofreading world and the first thing I thought to do was message proofreaders on LinkedIn. The next thing I thought to do was enroll in a course. However, I feel like that’s me living in transference (desire). I want to plan. How can I get into this field, where I have absolutely zero experience, without putting myself out there? It’s very uncomfortable for me. Thank you in advance.
submitted by Admirable-Freedom979 to humandesign [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:25 Infamous-Stress5311 [XBX][M24] Selling Coins From $20/M 1,000s Of Deals 100% No Bans Legend & Moderator 917-697-6254 24/7 Available EXPERIENCED

Available 24/7. ✅ Moderator & Legend Tier ✅ One of the most experienced and trusted sellers here. 1000s of completed deals over 10 years. When you buy from me you never have to worry about bans or getting scammed.
XBOX Series S/X Coins = 1M = $25/M, 3M+ = $20/M
iMessage/Text me at 917-697-6254 24/7 for instant response. Happy to answer any questions or walk you through the process.
Delivery Method: There will be no bans, as I use the most efficient & safe coin trading process available.
1. Special Card -- This Madden is the easiest ever to buy coins. This is the fastest way to receive coins. No account details are needed. Simply, post a specific card to auction based on the amount of coins purchased, I buy it, done. Takes 1 minute or Less. I'll let you know who to post once we chat & work out a deal.
\Please note that this special card is created by myself and the other mods here and we watch it over. Unfortunately many people copy our method and typically mess it up which is why we have to constantly change it.*
Call/Text: +1-917-697-6254
Payment Methods: Accepts practically every payment option
Rep Threads:
submitted by Infamous-Stress5311 to MCSXbox [link] [comments]