Makeup allergy eyes pictures

From scousebrows to nobrows

2014.04.13 02:47 moozie From scousebrows to nobrows

A place for embarrassing eyebrows

2024.05.19 14:33 ItTakesACTion Looking for some guidance navigating our broken medical system

Hi all. I was diagnosed with Graves about 5 years ago, took methimazole to get my levels back to normal. I'm pretty sure I also have TED but have never been diagnosed. My eyes hurt and itch every day, they get red and fatigued, it's like I can feel everything when I blink. I can see the change in my eyes and face every time I look in the mirror. Looking through old pictures and I can absolutely see my eyes bulge and uneven, but my eye doctor keeps saying my eye pressure is normal and attribute the irritation to allergies. People in my life have commented on my eyes, so I know it's not a case of vanity or hypochondria. Any suggestions on how to advocate for myself or what type of doctor to see to get the ball rolling on some help or treatment? Even getting the graves diagnosis took years of what felt like medical gaslighting until I finally broke down in front of my doctor and they finally ran more bloodwork and found it. I know this dx also impacts mental health, I'm just feeling out of sorts, irritated, and defeated by this process.
submitted by ItTakesACTion to gravesdisease [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:31 CoffeeLipglossDonuts Recommendations for a lighted, magnifying makeup mirror? Not simplehuman please.

Recommendations for a lighted, magnifying makeup mirror? I’ve had a simple human for years and I hate it. It never stays charged OR the light never stays on. This subreddit wants me to add more words or else it will be removed so if you have a mirror you recommend, especially with a magnifying feature, since my eyes are getting older, I’d appreciate it!
submitted by CoffeeLipglossDonuts to MakeupAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:28 frtnyt2 Sadly specific

Sadly specific submitted by frtnyt2 to oddlyspecific [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:25 zim3o [Acne] Acne doesn’t seem to ever get better. Any (genuine) advice/replies that aren’t insults are welcomed.

(14F — sorry that i’m not 20 or something, I just want genuine help) NOTE: I HAVE CONSULTED A DERMATOLOGIST WHO OKAYED THESE PRODUCTS
I double cleanse (CeraVe foaming cleanser, neutrogena spot controlling facial wash), use toner (neutrogena spot controlling toner, i wear makeup, yes the derm okayed the use of toner), moisturize (CeraVe am/pm moisturizer), use sunscreen in the morning (avene mineral), and sometimes use tret (PRESCRIBED)
[sorry for the long list]
Am I doing too much? I haven’t seen the derm in over a year and have just stuck to this routine. Sometimes it clears my skin up, but my forehead is always covered in blackheads (I know that sebaceous filaments can’t ever be fully removed — I’m 99% sure that these are blackheads).
I also suffer from OCD (DIAGNOSED BY LICENSED PSYCHIATRIST) which often manifests as dermatillomania (again, this label was given to me by a psychiatrist), which probably makes my acne worse. If anybody else suffers from dermatillomania, please suggest some tips, it’s impossible (I’m on meds for various disorders as well).
For the first 2 years of hitting puberty (9 years of age I hit) my skin was completely clear, and my parents and grandparents on both sides have never struggled with acne.
(Pictures are with flash on one side, edited on the other so that you can see things better because the unedited ones make my skin look amazing)
Not proof read, sorry for ranting and if I repeated myself too many times.
PLEASE give me ANY advice. I just want to be normal.
submitted by zim3o to SkincareAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:25 ConsequenceWest2080 27 and still figuring it out

Hi all -
I (27F) have entered my first dating relationship that has gone past a few dates as an adult and I’m unfortunately feeling like a fish out of water. I’m currently on week 6 of getting to know someone after being extremely content to be single for the last 5 years. I am hoping to gain some insight before I make any further decisions on what I want/am looking for.
At the beginning of April, I matched with 27M and after a couple days of chatting we met up for drinks. Since then, we have seen eachother almost everyday with the exception of a few days and a trip that 27M previously had planned with his family.
Here are the details:
•We live 30 minutes apart but he drives to see me at some point throughout the day whether after work or at some point during the weekend and I would say until 2 weeks ago it was mostly him initiating.
•We have spent time hanging out at home, going to the gym, going on a hike, eating out, getting drinks/going to happy hour
•He is very physically affectionate and sweet with his words - compliments are common.
•at the very beginning he paid for everything and now it’s a bit more equitable because I have insisted
•He took a clear nterest in learning things about my life. Whenever I randomly would mention something tough or a bit hard (not to be evasive but not to delve too much personal info too quickly) he would gently ask to know more and be very supportive in his response.
•We don’t text all day but we have communication daily
•He does mention the future often (3+ mos advance) and it is more so ideas “we can do this/we can go here/next time”. He does consistently bring up the same ideas
•He shares details about his family, his days, his friends without me having to ask
•We are intimate but not every time we see each other
•He and his family are immigrants and he has been up front about the pressure they put on him/expectations they put on him to be married/have kids m and he has openly communicated (not in a DTR convo) that he doesn’t want to think about marriage for another 2 years ish
•we have not DTR’d
•we have not met each others friends
Here is where I’m getting stumped:
I am personally not in a rush to be in a marriage-focused relationship. I am very content to continue to get to know eachother in the trajectory we’re moving and let things happen organically, especially because he has gently but consistently pulled the pace during this experience. The problem is that I am constantly inundated (without even having to look!) with the terms like “situationship” and constantly seeing all of these saying rules that people swear by that are making it hard to navigate this relationship without being fearful of all these added things people suggest/swear by etc. I want to disregard them and live my life and but i admittedly have such little relationship experience that part of me wonders if i feel resistance to these things because i am simply unaware.
Ultimately, before i decide on whether to DTR (not necessarily to be bf/gf but to just check in) I want to have a clear picture of what I’m working with with this person and be made aware of any signs that I am not aware of that I should be aware of.
Do you see any red flags? Yellow flags that I can keep an eye on? Green flags? If you’ve been in a similar experience, how would you navigate it? Do you need anymore info?
I am somewhat new to posting on Reddit so my apologies if I have done something wrong!!
*edited for formatting
submitted by ConsequenceWest2080 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:24 TarotLessTraveled Analogical Features paragraph 3: Le Mat and the Dog

Analogical Features paragraph 3: Le Mat and the Dog
Le coin de chair visible chez l’homme, et sur lequel s’appuie le chien, est la partie la plus basse de lui-même, la partie restée animale en lui. Elle est nue, parce que malgré les habits qu’il s’est créés au cours de l’évolution, il ne peut s’en détacher. Le chien signifie également un reste des erreurs du passé qui trouble l’homme dans sa marche en avant. Ce chien symbolise encore un plan de vie inférieur qui tend à s’élever et à suivre l’homme; de même que l’homme s’est élevé au-dessus du plan animal, celui-ci ne devant pas oublier qu’en marchant vers son évolution, sa chute l’a ramené au rang de l’animalité et que dans sa marche il doit faire évoluer autour de lui les créatures inférieures.

In order to understand the third paragraph of Marteau’s Particularités Analogiques, we have to place his card within the historical context of Tarot de Marseille tradition, which starts with the 1639 deck attributed to Philippe Vachier, the earliest known TdM. Vachier’s Le Fol is depicted as the quintessential wanderer, with his bindle hanging off the end of a staff balanced over his shoulder and trekking pole in his right hand. He is out in the open, journeying we-know-not-where, dressed in the motley and floppy crown of a court jester; his face and hands are white – absent of color – which matches the broad white stripe below his golden belt. His face and hands are an even whiter shade of non-color than the featureless backdrop, but interestingly, his leggings and long sleeves are flesh-colored. Behind him is an animal which some recognize as a dog, others a cat; Marteau identifies it as a dog, so that is how I will also refer to it from this point forward. It appears the dog is reaching at a rent in Le Fol’s hose: perhaps it is responsible for shredding the leggings, or perhaps the tear was already present and caught the dog’s attention; we cannot say for certain. Nor do we know what the relationship between Le Fol and the dog is: it may be the dog is a companion on the road, or it may be that, as some have suggested, the dog is chasing a stranger away. In either case, Le Fol’s expression suggests that he is either unaware or unconcerned; his eyes are raised toward some distant horizon only he can see.
What is most intriguing, however, is that beneath the flesh-colored hose is dark green under-hose; what is revealed, then, is not the man beneath the costume but more of the costume. We cannot know for certain what Vachier was thinking when he elected to portray Le Fol in this way, but we can hypothesize from more general patterns.
Typically, clothing symbolizes persona, the person as presented rather than the person as is. An individual covers himself in a persona to fit into a collective social structure and identify what role he plays in said structure, but typically also, when we tear away the constructed outer layer, we find the individual within, which would be represented by his flesh. A common dream motif for many people is discovering that they are naked, “exposed.” This not only separates them from those around them (who are all fully clothed) but makes them vulnerable to judgments. Another function of the persona is it protects us from being seen, preventing others from observing those bits of us we do not want them to see because they embarrass us or because they are the aspects of us most sensitive to criticism and other attacks.
A few years after Vachier, a cardmaker working out of Paris, Jean Noblet, marketed a deck in which the most iconic image featured a similarly clad figure also named Le Fol but whose leggings were torn to a far greater degree, revealing underneath not only fleshy buttocks but fully exposed genitalia as well. Again, unfortunately, we cannot know what message, if any, Noblet meant to convey with his ribald depiction; however, we can note another striking difference between these two cards: while the Vachier figure’s flesh is white, Noblet’s is ruddy with blood and human warmth, except for his hands, which retain the strikingly bloodless white coloring consistent with the Vachier.
Ensuing cardmakers in what became the Tarot de Marseille style mostly elected to follow the Vachier model. There were a few exceptions that did not go as far as Noblet but did show naked flesh-colored flesh under the rent hose; however, they were a decided minority until Paul Marteau released his deck in 1930 and introduced a kind of revival in this presentation.
Marteau did not break with tradition in this matter arbitrarily; his commentary makes evident that he thought deeply about the meaning of every detail, and we might have hoped that, being an expert in Tarot de Marseille symbolism, he would have compared and contrasted his deck with historical counterparts, meticulously explaining how the choices he made brought the cards into alignment with his philosophy. This, however, was never really an option, as Marteau promoted his deck as a faithful reproduction of the one published by Nicolas Conver in 1761, a master cardmaker in Marseille who, himself, “preserved the woods and colors of his remote predecessors” – a fiction that enabled Marteau to market his own work as the “Ancien Tarot de Marseille”; thus, any discussion of changes he made would only have served to undercut that claim.[[i]](#_edn1)
Marteau opens the third paragraph of his Particularités Analogiques writing that the visible region of flesh (“Le coin de chair visible”) represents man’s basest aspect, the part of him that remained animal (“est la partie la plus basse de lui-même, la partie restée animale en lui”).
Marteau’s premise is that Le Mat is on an evolutionary journey; his clothing typifies the collective aspect of that evolution, as it is the most obvious outward symbol of how man has risen from a purely instinctive and unconscious mode of being into a state of expanded awareness, not only of himself but his role within a social collective. When this is torn away, a far more primal and universal truth is revealed, one which has been increasingly concealed under layers of acculturation; it is the part of us that cannot be refined through education or social status and, thus, remains the source of our most profound shame, yet this is where the dog is able to make contact. In this paragraph, Marteau not only explains the nature of this contact but its wider significance.
My attempts at translation differ from those of Kitos Digiovanni, who writes that the dog “nips” at the “lowest part of him,” [[ii]](#_edn2) and Marius Høgnesen’s, who writes that “the dog hassles … the lowest part of man, the part representing the animal, that remains in him.” [[iii]](#_edn3) Both Digiovanni and Høgnesen characterize the nature of this contact as active, if not aggressive, and that coincides with what seems to be popular consensus. The respected tarot scholar Robert M. Place writes, “In the Tarot of Marseilles.... The seat of the Fool’s pants is being torn by a dog. This is meant to be comical, but it also signifies that the dog is treating him as a stranger, an assumption that is further supported by the fact that he is carrying a bag of belongings on his shoulder. The early Franciscans, who wandered through the countryside preaching and begging, found that they were treated with suspicion at first, and, like our Fool, they had to fend off the attacks of dogs.” [[iv]](#_edn4)
It is not my intention to argue whether this is a correct or incorrect interpretation of the image; tarot cards reflect the psychological motifs through which we view and make sense of the outer world. They help us to become more self-aware; thus, there are no right or wrong answers any more than there are correct or incorrect responses to picture interpretation or inkblot tests. My only concern is what Paul Marteau meant when he wrote, “sur lequel s’appuie le chien.”
“Le chien” is dog; “sur lequel” is the equivalent of “on which.” The key to comprehending Marteau’s interpretation of the image resides in how we translate “s’appuie,” which I understand to come from the infinitive “appuyer” and means “to press,” “to push,” or “to lean,” according to the Collins dictionary translator. This coincides with the Google, Reverso, and Bing translators as well, which also add “to support” to the list. Thus, the dog is not attacking and driving off an unwelcome stranger, nor is it tearing at Le Mat’s hose; the contact is less aggressive.
“S’appuie” is the reflexive form of the infinitive; therefore, it would mean “the dog leans itself” or “presses itself” upon the visible region of flesh; I translate it as “supports itself,” and render the first sentence, “The visible region of flesh in man, on which the dog supports itself, represents his [man’s] basest aspect, the part of him that remained animal.”
The commentary continues, “It is bare because despite the habiliments he has created for himself throughout the course of his evolution, he cannot deny it. The dog also represents a vestige of past failures that disconcert man in his forward march.” (Elle est nue, parce que malgré les habits qu’il s’est créés au cours de l’évolution, il ne peut s’en détacher. Le chien signifie également un reste des erreurs du passé qui trouble l’homme dans sa marche en avant.)
Marteau suggests Le Mat is looking forward rather than paying attention to the dog trailing him because the presence of the dog is an unwanted reminder of his failings and the fundamental nature that he would prefer to shed. In this sense, the dog is like the bindle, which contains man’s collective inheritance resulting from the Fall into carnal existence: it is attached by fixed rings to the staff he carries to prevent Le Mat from removing it and freeing himself of its weight. We may refer to ourselves as individuals and adhere to the mythology that we are singular, but this arcanum reminds us our lives are burdened by the accumulated history and transgressions of all mankind.
Finally, Marteau writes, “This dog furthermore symbolizes an inferior stage of life that tends to lift itself up and follow man; just as man raised himself above the animal plane, he must not forget while advancing toward his evolution his fall brought him back to a primeval state, and in his march he must inspire the lower creatures to evolve around him.” (Ce chien symbolise encore un plan de vie inférieur qui tend à s’élever et à suivre l’homme; de même que l’homme s’est élevé au-dessus du plan animal, celui-ci ne devant pas oublier qu’en marchant vers son évolution, sa chute l’a ramené au rang de l’animalité et que dans sa marche il doit faire évoluer autour de lui les créatures inférieures).
The dog is a less-evolved animal, yet it too feels the call to advance; it cannot accomplish this alone. Le Mat’s evolutionary march is not solely for his benefit; he has a responsibility to all living things, for he also arose from a primitive state, and just as he is inspired to become something more, he must engender this same inspiration in others.

My translation: The visible region of flesh in man, on which the dog supports itself, represents his [man’s] basest aspect, the part of him that remained animal. It is bare because despite the habiliments he has created for himself throughout the course of his evolution, he cannot deny it. The dog also represents a vestige of past failures that disconcert man in his forward march. This dog furthermore symbolizes an inferior stage of life that tends to lift itself up and follow man; just as man raised himself above the animal plane, he must not forget while advancing toward his evolution his fall brought him back to a primeval state, and in his march he must inspire the lower creatures to evolve around him.
[[i]](#_ednref1)Marteau, Paul. Le Tarot de Marseille. Arts et Métiers Graphiques, Paris, 1948. Imprimé en Suisse 1984. The quote comes from the “Introduction.”
[[ii]](#_ednref2)Kitos Digiovanni’s blog
[[iii]](#_ednref3)Paul Marteau. Tarot de Marseille. Trans. Marius Høgnesen. Published by circleandtriangle, 2021.
[[iv]](#_ednref4)Place, Robert M. Tarot: History, Symbolism, and Divination. New York: Jeremy P. TarchePenguin, 2005.
submitted by TarotLessTraveled to SeekingMarteau [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:21 freeashavacado Tumblr on media literacy

Tumblr on media literacy submitted by freeashavacado to CuratedTumblr [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:13 nepali_fanboy Can someone please tell me what's going on with my character shading/textures?

There's this weird dark splotches underneath the neck and on the body on not just my character but all of the npcs too. The mods I have that have something to do with visuals and characters are:-
KS Hairdos, Kallies Brows, Cuyi's Bosmer Antlers, Hvergelmir's Brows, Expressive Facegen morphs, Even more makeup 2k, the eyes of beauty, deuglified vampires, CBBE, Beards, Bijin skin CBBE, ELFX, Footprints, EVLAS, Skyrim is Luminous, Vibrant Weapons, Silent Horizons 2, Cabbage ENB, NAT ENB.
PLease help. It's making everyone look fugly.
submitted by nepali_fanboy to skyrimmods [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:12 FinalBaker9440 Girlfriend lied about talking and seeing her ex-boyfriend

Hi everyone,
Hope all of you are happy and fulfilled. Just to not make it very long, I'll go straight to the point.
I've (M25) been dating my girlfriend (F22) for almost 2 years now. Before dating me, she dated another guy and that relationship ended badly around 1-2 months before we started talking (I think/hope). Now fast forward to around 6 months into our relationship, I felt that she was constantly lying about small things.
One thing led to another, and one night I found myself opening her phone and going through her messages, an action that I'm not at all proud of, but which proved to open my eyes a little bit (or sort of). I found a conversation with a guy whose contact name wasn't his actual name. After reading 1 minute through the conversation, I found out that she modified that contact's name and it was actually her ex-boyfriend's name. What I read in that conversation was something that blew my mind.
  1. She wrote about stuff that wasn't real at all. She told him about a job in a completely different city that we were living in and other personal things that I just didn't recognize about her, looking like she was living a double life or something.
  2. She talked to him about seeing each other. A couple of days before I looked at her conversation, she told me that she was going to see a friend of hers who I also knew, when actually, after looking at the conversation, I found out that it was actually this person who she saw and not her friend.
After seeing all of this, I confronted her at that exact moment. I don't know how, but she managed to get out of it, and I believed her. About her "double-life" things, she told me that that person actually asked her to pretend she's another person just so that he could screenshot the conversation and send it to someone else. I don't remember the details, but I can't believe that I believed all of that. Regarding the second part, she told me that it's not actually her ex-boyfriend, but a friend of hers, and her ex-boyfriend's best friend, whose name was, you guessed it, the same as her ex-boyfriend's name. Apparently, they went out because they were really good friends before her break-up and he asked her to talk to her. Anyway, I believed everything, but still didn't like it all.
Now moving on to the present time, yesterday I was on her iPad, which I've been using regularly (she knew about this), and I found 2 screenshots. One of them was a screenshot she sent me a couple of weeks after that incident. She showed me that the guy wrote her again, asking her out, and she refused. The screenshot didn't show the guy's picture, just the name. The second screenshot was the exact same one but with the guy's picture not cropped out. And guess what, her ex-boyfriend was the one in the picture. (During that incident when I went through her phone, he had a picture with multiple people, so I believed her that it wasn't him).
This time, after a couple of hours, I started the conversation about that stuff again. I asked her who she had gone with that time, and she told me again that it was her friend (not her ex-boyfriend). I asked if she feels good about herself when she tells me this, and she told me that she does because she's not telling any lies. I told her that I always knew the actual truth and that our relationship will never really mature and evolve if she won't tell me the real truth. And we just stopped the conversation, and now we're in this state of not talking to each other. I don't really know what to do now. I don't want to show her the screenshot that I found, I just want her to tell me the truth because she wants to, not because she's obliged to.
What do you think I should do? I'd love to hear some external perspectives. Besides this conflict, I love her and I feel loved as well, we don't really have serious fights or anything, but this lie makes me wonder how many lies were there over time, and how many will be told in the future.
submitted by FinalBaker9440 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:08 JuicySegment Any product/applicFioj tips to achieve this eye makeup?

Any product/applicFioj tips to achieve this eye makeup?
Going to see Allie X in concert this weekend and would love to recreate this black, shiny eye makeup for the concert. Any product recommendations, particularly for the shimmery black shadow? Preferably a single shade. Also any tips for applying it to recreate these colours/the shape? Thank you!
submitted by JuicySegment to MakeupAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:05 s_coups_ Scary dream during afternoon nap AGAIN

Took a nap after so long but had such a creepy dream :(
It started with me sleeping in the same bed I fell asleep in real life with my mom. In my dream I was trying to sleep but something kept shaking the bed. I was too scared to open my eyes so I tried to force myself to sleep. Then my mom got up in real life and I woke up a bit then fell asleep again. And again in my dream I was alone on the weird shaking bed, like someone was jumping on it near my legs..
I heard my sister saying she wanted to eat something, and my mom made her something in a pan and left it on the dining table to cool. I got out of the bed but everything was so dim and dark? It was almost night but no one turned on the lights. Suddenly me, my sister & mom decided to make a trip to my college because results for my recent exam had been out and apparently they displayed the ranks?? We went there and it was completely different campus, infact it was the campus of my dream uni lol 😭
There too, it was dark, but there were lights everywhere like there was some estival going on.. but atleast I was able to see well. There I saw my rank, I got 16k (irl i got 28k bruh). Then we saw there was stuff being sold like keychains, pictures (that change when u see them from different angles) and stuff and to my horror it was pictures of me and my sister when we were around 6-10 years old??
Like wtf? Everything was on display but there was no one buying them? I was surprised at first in the dream but then it felt weird. We took pictures of those to show it to others then I saw some weird play going on. Apparently in this dream my sister was obsessed with some serial killer? She saw the play was about him and victims??? (She does not even watch true crime irl)
Coming to the pictures, some girl in the picture we were holding was talking? She was suddenly kinda covered in blood and was giving weird expressions and I kept telling her to keep the same expression she had in the original photo.. She then jumped out and was only visible in my camera. There was like a fox-y? girl beside the girl from the picture. I told my sister, “Ah, that's just a Japanese fox spirit!” WHAT JAPANESE FOX SPIRIT?? HUH?? GIRL WTF?. (I think I've been watching too many of those videos where the japanese waiter girls dress up as foxes and play around with the customers 😭)
Still seeing those keychains and frames with pictures of me, my sister and mom was so creepy like they resembled real life so well too...And my phone kept lagging the whole dream..It was so annoying
Then I saw my baby self??? On the floor???? Like without a shiry too.. I tried to pick her up and hug her and she smiled? 😭 She was in some plastic tub and my sister said they're probably here to be sold? And I said yeah probably..?SELLING MY BABY SELF?? She looked so cute :( Some random lady then appeared behind her and took her in her lap. I left for home as I was texting my friend telling her what was happening here.
I think this got too big, there's a bunch left I'll write it in another post sorry lol
submitted by s_coups_ to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:05 GesusTheLord How to deal with losing interest in a decent job?

Hello everyone,
I'm a soon to be graduate and have been working fulltime at my current company for 5 months. In the eyes of my coworkers and boss, I've been doing a great job and proving my potential, with my boss already confiding in me more than anyone else in the office, never micromanaging me, and painting pictures of me being a leader and decisionmaker soon.
However, in my eyes, I am falling off a cliff in terms of focus, productivity, and interest in the job. Since day 1, I've approached this job as a learning experience and to be fair, it really has been, just not through the requirements and responsibilities of the job itself. I'm learning a lot of soft skills around people, time, and project management, and just as importantly learning the things I don't resonate with such as sitting on a chair for 8 fixed hours. The nature of the work is mundane and tedious, and although I do appreciate my boss for trying to keep me challenged, there is a wider ecosystem that I feel brings me down to become 'an average employee working an average job'. I feel bad because I look at my coworkers who have been here for years with 0 career development and what seems to be 0 interest in developing their careers. I also feel bad that my boss thinks of me as examplary, when I feel I am abusing my freedom and am far from my own standards at this point.
My main distractions are that I have a few side projects with a lot of friction and earning potential (real estate + the creative industry) that consume my mind and heart, as well as a strong chance to win a paid expenses research grant to explore my genuine interests and create something out of them. I also do have two summer courses that will consume a decent chunk of my time.
Thus, I am faced with two paths:
1) Suck it out from 9-5 so I can guarantee my (modest) income and a 1 year work experience on my resume, as well as learn some more about patience and what not. I'll try to fit in my hobbies and side projects when I am energized enough to pursue them, hoping that enough structure can develop around them so that I can quit my job. In this case I must also learn how to deal with perceiving situations as bleak and dreadful in the short term without understanding how the future can hold something better for me if I continue on the same path.
2) "The grass is greener where you water it"/"don't think outside of the box, think like there is no box" approach. This is where my heart is telling me to go. Quit my job, free up 8 hours a day, put them into what I actually care about. This is not just a corporate vs entreprenurship thing, as I understand that I am blessed to be learning things, making money, and having a boss that takes care of me in an environment others wish to have. It's more about setting the tone for myself that if my heart is set on something, I can maximize my potential, resourcefulness, and responsibility to make it work.
I know it's not necessarily a unique thought process or situation to read off a reddit post, but obviously in my eyes it is my first time having to face such a dilemma. I don't really need advice on which path to go, as from my tone I assume you can see where I'm leaning with this situation. Rather, I'm looking for advice on how to process this in my head, and what I might need to brace myself for. I have always been an overthinker and obsessive analyzer, so I'm trying to balance that by keeping courage, adaptability, and dealing with ambiguous situations at the forefront of my thinking.
Thank you in advance.
submitted by GesusTheLord to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:04 No-Comedian3072 Scabs on cat's head

Scabs on cat's head
I'm really frustrated. I've been twice to the vet with this issue in two weeks but feel like I'm getting nowhere.
The history: our cat tends to suffer from allergies but we've never been able to figure out what.Sjnce being a kitten he has always been very "snotty", and a few years ago we moved to a more rural area and it got worse, so it could be pollen/trees causing it. I now only use very gentle cleaning products, hardly anything that needs to be sprayed to protect his skin, lungs and eyes. I mostly clean with soapy water. We have tried him on dozens of different foods and none seem to make a difference, just some he likes less than others. He has recently had flea & worming treatment and is an indoor cat with one other small cat. I have seen no evidence of fleas other bugs at all.
Two weeks ago I took him to the vet as he has scratched underneath his eye red and bloody. The vet had no idea what it was, I asked if she could check for ringworm just in case, as our new kitten had it previously, but it had healed/cleared up weeks ago. She said it was pointless to check for ringworm as the results take a month to come back and by then "most cases self resolve." We were given antibiotics and a cone.
After a week of antibiotics, the wound had cleared up and we removed the cone. After a day, he had once again scratched under his eye and above his eye quite badly. I took him back to the vet and saw someone different. This time I insisted on a skin sample being taken, which she did reluctantly. She had no clue what was causing the issue, but said it wasn't presenting at all like ringworm. I don't expect to be given anti fungal oral meds as I know they can be very bad for the liver, but I asked if there was anything topical I could apply and she just kept telling me to go to a website about keepingy house clean in case of ringworm, but that she didn't think it was that. As I'm already pretty fastidious this didn't seem very helpful.
Five days later and my cat is still in the cone. His scabs are falling off and the skin beneath looks pink and a bit tender. His eyes are watering quite badly today, like slightly thicker tears. I started using some Clorexyderm on a cotton bud on the sore skin as it's the only thing I can get online without a prescription. I'm really quite worried about him but feel like the vets have no clue and no real interest. Am I just being overbearing? He was trying to scratch his face a lot last night, thank goodness the cone was on. I feel so bad for him, I'm grooming him daily and wiping his face, but I think not being able to groom is making him quite depressed.
Has anyone else dealt with something similar?
submitted by No-Comedian3072 to catcare [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:04 BrightQueen96 Homeless for the 4th time.

27(trans woman) was kicked out of my house. My sister who I was co living with, lied about the landlord finding out that we had 3 adults in the place, she wanted me gone before she gave birth on June 10th. Which was 3 weeks from now, it’s to close to her due date to be true. Since we’ve been living there since November, I’ve been paying 95% of the rent, storage unit bill, and internet bill. When i getting my stuff, I was calm. No one was fighting, her husband was smirking the entire time I was leaving. I didn’t cause any issues, told her I was taking all my stuff. They called me names because I took my router, that is in my name. I told her this the day before, but yet I’m rude for walking in the bedroom to get it? Even though I wasn’t even causing issues until her son and daughter started crying because they didn’t have internet anymore. She called me numerous names, told me I wasn’t family, that she will never support me. Telling me I had a free ride for “years” even though I moved in with her back in august of 2022, because I was SAed outside of my apartment in front of my son by my stalker(cops didn’t do anything even with video evidence, he was the grandpa of the one cops) I wasn’t safe there and asked if I could stay. When I originally moved in, I was the only one who had a job and was paying rent, electric, and internet. Her husband couldn’t keep a job for shit, would stay home and get fired for pointing out. Now he finally got a job making 22$ an hour and they instantly turn to kick me out. Even though they wouldn’t have the van after it broke down last year, after my fiancé had paid 1250$ to the garage to get it fixed. My sister acts like I’m the one who’s been sucking this family dry but yet I’m not the one who’s stealing from my siblings. I’ve had over 300$, my clothes, and many more things go missing since living there. She’s stolen from me before when she and her husband were at the height of their meth addiction, and yet I found another pipe in the house. I took it and broke it that same morning on Thursday of last week. The same day I got the message about the landlord. She claims I’ve been talking shit, calling my nephew a psycho(he has schizoaffective disorder and he’s autistic) even though I’ve never said that. Claiming I’ve called my youngest niece stupid because my sister let her have a phone/tablet since she could crawl. She went from being normal sighted and is not cross eyed due to this. She’s 4 years old. They parent their kids with tv, and YouTube but then act surprised when my nephew hits his sister in the chest, the back, the head etc but yet blames his step siblings for “antagonizing him” even though all they were doing is being kids and playing with toys. My nephew is 12 years old. I’ve never said he’s anything but a child who needs help when they aren’t giving it to him. My fiancé who used to work at a mental hospital, even says he needs to get better help then they are giving. Sorry I’m just trying to paint the picture here. I’m struggling to come to grips with the fact that even my own mother and father, are taking her side. My brother blocked me. I am losing my mind. My family hates that I am trans, and actively has worked against me the entire time. My fiancé is the only reason I’m not breaking down. I wa supposed to move in with a friend but then she blocked me out of no where and now I’m trying to figure out a place to go before 11am when I gotta leave this hotel room. I haven’t been able to save any money due to the fact that I’ve been paying all the bills. I’ve been paying all the gas money. She wanted 20$ to pick me a mile from the house, so I just walked home. I’ve kept the peace, I didn’t cry or say anything to start shit. I am most likely going to the homeless shelter today if I can’t figure anything out. Oh also, in all of this. My sister was supposed to meet my sons mom so I could get him for me time but yet that wasn’t ever allowed or possible because she wouldn’t drive me. I lost my license back in may of 2022 due to my ex best friend canceling the registration on the car I had just gotten from him, I hadn’t had much time to get it into my name. We agreed he’d let the registration run out in July, which I had already been saving up for it(the taxes on it were 200$) I’ve been a single income home since I was 21. I hadn’t gotten any help because I made to much money according to the programs. My sister and BIL were starting to police when i took a shower, when I slept, when I ate and how much I ate. I didn’t tell my fiancé the extent because it’s not like I could move in with her right now, she’s living with her grandma and I don’t want to give them any harder issues than needed. I’m trying my best, but the last 2 years have imploded my entire life, over and over again.
submitted by BrightQueen96 to venting [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:01 CountryMaleficent717 how much would this be worth (money wise)

Ive been told its worth either 2$(1.58£), 15£(19$) or 8£(10.13$) Its level 15 with 6 pages of clothes (which you could see in the pictures) and you can see the makeup in the pictures. Its got a really good reputation, but its had 2 owners, since i got it off someone. Please tell me how much it would be worth since i dont play this game anymore xx
submitted by CountryMaleficent717 to MovieStarPlanet [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:53 TrifleObjective5288 quick sketch - Yesterday, my Nightwing OC (:

quick sketch - Yesterday, my Nightwing OC (:
small body sketch of Yesterday, and a colored reference picture (Wings Of Fire [Beta] )
Hes got inverted eyes, starless wings, and backwards foresight [:
submitted by TrifleObjective5288 to WingsOfFire [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:53 danmybhoy132 make your own peace of mind [PERSONAL] [POEM]

Picture this if you will, The sun going down over a majestic hill. Falling to the sea as darkness floods in. Clouds separating. The dark blue of and slightly golden twinkle of the night sky gracing the cliff. The only light being the moon to guide you to the edge. You stand and look at your world in front of you. Everything you have achieved and everything you want to achieve. The calming rush of the ocean capturing your senses. Seemingly quiet turns to natures sounds. Behind you is your home. A small but loved stone house. The walls keep in everything you don't want to escape. But you can Leave whenever you want. To find freedom. To clear your head. To live.
The sight of trees for miles around.
A forest path taken before, Never been seen through these eyes. You take a step back. Find your breath. You cry. You scream. It echos through the trees and the waves. It's a siren of anger. A lonely war siren Only You and nature can hear. If some one was to hear, You could not explain. You could not describe or begin to explain.
The water Breaks up into Rivers that you follow with your eyes. You see a Lighthouse Far in the distance. Giving boats direction to safety away from the rocks. You struggle to understand your lack of guidance. You want someone, something tall and proud to guide you through Life. This doesn't exist to you.
Hours pass as you sit on the familiar blades of grass. With familiar thought. When things get dark. Eventually The suns first light rises over your stone house. Casting a happy Light that turns everything just bright enough to see. Pressure that you had in the early hours now seems distant. It's warm on the cliff and with the sea to the front of you and trees to the back. You lie down. You close your eyes. Fall asleep, outside. There will always be ways to project negativity. You will never suffer if you embrace, release and think. You Make your own Peace of mind.
April 13, 2013
submitted by danmybhoy132 to Poems [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:49 bored___banana People on Muzz seriously need to put effort into their profiles the constant bed selfies ungroomed kill me.

People please download hinge to see what actually useful profiles look like. I’ve honestly ran into maybe two or thee well made profiles on muzz. Terrible pictures, almost zero to no text, no punctuation plus people dont seem to have actual hobbies and share 3 intrest amongst themselves.
Pictures: Use pictures to show yourself in the best light. That you are active and have intrests. That you groom and take care of your looks and your style
Text: Again important to show that you are grown up, serious and actually have a personality.
Socials; Adding your instagram can a lot of times be beneficial cos people are more comfortable talking there and following there.
submitted by bored___banana to SomaliRelationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:48 MachiattoGitzymassu The pics of my OOAK

The pics of my OOAK submitted by MachiattoGitzymassu to BJDRecastPositive [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:30 Big-Web-2003 Buying advice: older high end hardtail.

Hi, I’m considering buying what’s to me a high end MTB hardtail. The bike is from 2011 and the seller is the second owner who doesn’t know if the components are from all the way back or if they’ve been replaced at some point.
I currently own a 2015 trek xcaliber 8 with a ton of upgraded components such as a single speed sram eagle transmission (mechanical), DT swiss rims, better hubs, tires but with the stock shocks.
The bike I’m eying is Carbon, has a full Shimano XT transmission a FOX 32 Factory shock, ZTR crest rims and more.
What worries me is that, despite the bike being on paper in a different class, is if all of these components still have life left in them? If I have to replace them soon it’s not worth it. I’ve attached some pictures, can you guys give me a bit of advice?
submitted by Big-Web-2003 to mountainbiking [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:27 Defiant-Ad-4104 AITA for wanting to be complimented more?

this is honestly more of a rant than anything, but it’d be nice to see what other people think.
so I (20F) grew up as a tomboy so I never really cared about how I looked. I got some compliments just bc of my features (blonde hair and colored eyes while being half black, typical mixed kid stuff) which was always great to hear ofc, but I really paid no mind to it bc it just complimented things i put no work into, not something I really tried for. not sure if that makes sense lol but yeah.
I started college 2 years ago and like a lot of young adults had a huge makeover change. part was me trying makeup and doing my hair and the rest was honestly just puberty doing its thing lol. I do get compliments in public and i like them a lot, it makes me feel good and noticed for effort i put into how i look. it also just gives me the extra reassurance i sometimes need throughout the day. i also made a lot of friends. I love them all and they’re all very sweet and kind, but I noticed that they never really compliment me? which is fine they don’t have to but the thing is we’re ALWAYS complimenting each other. when we see each other it’s pretty normal for one person to say “wow your outfit looks great today” or “i love your makeup”. just nice things to say to a friend. but I never seem to get those. the worst part is I’ll be standing with another one of my friends and they’ll all compliment each other and leave me out of it. honestly it started to hurt my feelings and make me feel a little insecure about myself. one of my love languages is words of affirmation so i’m constantly telling them how lovely they all look just to never receive anything back. i’m confident in my looks and don’t really need them to reaffirm it for me, but it would be nice sometimes you know? i didn’t mention it though until one night with my best friend.
i just told her honestly how i felt and she said that she noticed it too. she gives me compliments often (and i her) because we’ve known each other since high school and she knows how much the little things like that mean to me. when i asked her if maybe they don’t like me or if i just don’t look good to them she told me that it’s because they think i don’t need compliments because im already confident in myself. i was kind of dumbfounded by this and feel a little confused. i’m not the only one who’s outwardly confident in themselves in the friend group but im the only one who doesn’t get any compliments. it’s not like i put them down at all either, rather i just don’t talk about my looks at all especially because they never say anything about them. the most i’ve gotten is one time we all were walking in town together and some guys in a truck catcalled us. they all just said “they must’ve been calling us because of (me)”. that’s the only time they’ve mentioned how i look really at all since the first time we’ve met.
i guess im just wondering if ITA for being a little let down by this? i dont see how me feeling confident takes away from me liking to hear something as simple as “you look nice today” from a friend because their opinion matters more to me than a strangers. any tips you might have on what i could do to fix this too would be great.
submitted by Defiant-Ad-4104 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:26 Sweet-Count2557 12 Outdoor Ice Skating Rinks Across Connecticut for Winter Family Fun

12 Outdoor Ice Skating Rinks Across Connecticut for Winter Family Fun
12 Outdoor Ice Skating Rinks Across Connecticut for Winter Family Fun Are you ready to slide into winter with some chilly family fun? Connecticut has got you covered with not one, not two, but twelve outdoor ice skating rinks just waiting to be explored.From the picturesque town of Stamford to the vibrant city of Hartford, there's a perfect spot for everyone to lace up their skates and glide across the ice.So, grab your mittens and join us as we take a journey through the frozen wonderland of Connecticut's outdoor ice skating rinks.Key TakeawaysThere are outdoor ice skating rinks available in various cities across Connecticut, including Stamford, Westport, Darien, Redding, Fairfield, New Haven, and Hartford.Each rink has its own unique features and offerings, such as the Steven & Alexandra Cohen Ice Skating Center in Stamford, which spans over 9,000 feet of ice and is open most days through February.Some rinks have specific opening dates, such as the Westport PAL Rink in Westport, which is scheduled to open on November 25, 2022, weather permitting.Certain rinks, like Gorhams Pond in Darien, offer picturesque winter scenes and invite families for ice skating. Skating seasons may start earlier in locations with colder weather.Stamford Ice Skating CenterLocated in Stamford, the Steven & Alexandra Cohen Ice Skating Center offers an expansive 9,000 feet of ice for an exhilarating outdoor skating experience. Our center is the perfect place for ice skating enthusiasts of all ages and skill levels. Whether you're a beginner looking to learn the basics or an experienced skater looking to improve your skills, we've a variety of ice skating lessons and programs to suit your needs. Our highly trained instructors are dedicated to providing a safe and supportive environment for learning and growth.At the Stamford Ice Skating Center, we also offer a range of special events and activities to enhance your skating experience. From themed skate nights to holiday celebrations, there's always something exciting happening on the ice. Bring your friends and family for a fun-filled day of skating and enjoy our festive atmosphere.In addition to our regular ice skating sessions, we host a variety of special events throughout the season. Whether it's a figure skating competition, a hockey tournament, or a charity fundraiser, there's always something happening at the Stamford Ice Skating Center. Join us for thrilling performances and support the local skating community.Westport PAL RinkAfter enjoying the exciting skating experience at the Steven & Alexandra Cohen Ice Skating Center in Stamford, it's time to venture to the Westport PAL Rink for more open-air skating near the picturesque Long Island Sound. Westport PAL Rink offers a variety of activities and events for skaters of all ages and skill levels.One of the highlights of the Westport PAL Rink is its skating schedule and events. The rink is open for public skating sessions throughout the week, providing ample opportunity for families and friends to enjoy the ice together. Additionally, the rink hosts special events such as theme nights, live music, and even ice shows. These events add an extra element of excitement and entertainment to the skating experience, making each visit to the rink a memorable one.For beginners or those looking to improve their skating skills, Westport PAL Rink also offers skating lessons. These lessons are taught by experienced instructors who are dedicated to helping skaters develop their abilities and confidence on the ice. Whether you're a complete novice or just looking to refine your technique, the skating lessons at Westport PAL Rink are designed to cater to your individual needs and goals.With its beautiful location near the Long Island Sound, the Westport PAL Rink provides a unique and invigorating outdoor skating experience. Skaters can enjoy the crisp winter air and scenic views as they glide across the ice. The rink's open-air setting adds a sense of freedom and liberation to the skating experience, allowing skaters to fully embrace the joy of gliding on the ice.Gorhams Pond in DarienGorhams Pond in Darien offers a picturesque winter scene for families and individuals to enjoy the exhilarating activity of ice skating. Here are three reasons why Gorhams Pond in Darien is the perfect destination for family-friendly ice skating activities and winter scenery:Timing of the Ice Skating Season: Gorhams Pond in Darien starts its ice skating season earlier than other rinks due to the colder weather in the area. This means that you can hit the ice sooner and make the most of the winter season. Imagine gliding across the frozen pond, surrounded by the beauty of nature, with the crisp winter air filling your lungs. It's a truly liberating experience.Family-Friendly Activities: Gorhams Pond in Darien isn't just about ice skating. It offers a range of family-friendly activities to keep everyone entertained. From ice hockey games to figure skating lessons, there's something for everyone. You can spend quality time with your loved ones, creating memories that will last a lifetime. And with the stunning winter scenery as your backdrop, every moment spent at Gorhams Pond will feel like a winter wonderland.Winter Scenery: One of the highlights of Gorhams Pond in Darien is its picturesque winter scenes. The pond is surrounded by tall trees, their branches covered in a blanket of snow. The glistening ice reflects the sunlight, creating a magical atmosphere. Whether you're a seasoned skater or a beginner, you'll be captivated by the serene beauty of the surroundings. It's a place where you can escape the hustle and bustle of daily life and immerse yourself in the freedom of the winter season.Redding Community CenterTucked away in a quiet corner of Redding, the Redding Community Center offers a convenient and inviting location for ice skating enthusiasts of all ages. This hidden gem provides a safe and enjoyable experience for families looking to have some winter fun on the ice.The Redding Community Center boasts a flexible skating schedule that caters to various preferences and schedules. From dawn to dusk, the ice rink is open every day, allowing visitors to choose a time that works best for them.One of the standout features of the Redding Community Center is its designated evening skate times. These evening sessions create a magical atmosphere, with twinkling lights illuminating the ice and creating a cozy ambiance. Skating under the night sky adds an extra touch of enchantment to the experience.In addition to its convenient schedule, the Redding Community Center offers a range of amenities to enhance the skating experience. Visitors can take advantage of the on-site skate rentals, ensuring that everyone has access to the necessary equipment. The center also provides a warming hut where skaters can take a break and warm up before heading back onto the ice.The Redding Community Center isn't just a place for skating; it's a hub of family-friendly activities. Alongside the ice rink, there are often other winter activities available, such as sledding or snowball fights. Families can make a whole day out of their visit, enjoying the various winter activities and creating cherished memories.Whether you're a seasoned skater or just starting out, the Redding Community Center is the perfect place to lace up your skates and enjoy some quality time on the ice. Its convenient schedule, amenities, and family-friendly atmosphere make it a must-visit destination for winter fun. So gather your loved ones, embrace the freedom of the ice, and make unforgettable memories at the Redding Community Center.Gould Manor Park in FairfieldNestled within the picturesque town of Fairfield, Gould Manor Park offers a delightful outdoor ice skating experience for families and skating enthusiasts alike. As you step onto the glistening ice, you can't help but feel a sense of freedom and excitement.Here are three things to know about Gould Manor Park in Fairfield:Best times to visit for a less crowded experience: If you prefer a quieter skating session, it's best to visit Gould Manor Park in the early morning or on weekdays. The park tends to be less crowded during these times, allowing you to glide across the ice with ease and enjoy the peaceful surroundings. Embrace the freedom of having the rink to yourself or with just a few fellow skaters.Tips for beginners to enjoy ice skating at the park: If you're new to ice skating, Gould Manor Park is the perfect place to learn and improve your skills. Remember to dress warmly and wear comfortable, supportive shoes. It's also a good idea to bring a helmet for added safety. Take your time and start by practicing your balance and basic strides along the edges of the rink. Don't be afraid to ask for help or take a lesson if you're feeling unsure. With a little practice and determination, you'll soon be gliding confidently across the ice.Embrace the freedom of the open space: Gould Manor Park offers a spacious outdoor rink that allows you to fully embrace the freedom and joy of ice skating. Take in the crisp winter air as you skate under the clear blue sky. Feel the wind on your face as you glide effortlessly across the ice. Whether you're twirling, spinning, or simply taking leisurely laps around the rink, Gould Manor Park provides the perfect backdrop for an unforgettable ice skating experience.Owen Fish Park in FairfieldHave you ever wondered where to find a charming outdoor ice skating rink in Fairfield, Connecticut? Look no further than Owen Fish Park, a hidden gem nestled within the town. This picturesque park offers a tree-lined pond that is perfect for ice skating activities and immersing yourself in the beautiful winter scenery.At Owen Fish Park, you can lace up your skates and glide across the smooth ice, surrounded by towering trees and a peaceful atmosphere. The park provides a serene setting for families and friends to enjoy the timeless activity of ice skating. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced skater, Owen Fish Park offers a welcoming space for everyone to embrace the joy of gliding on ice.To give you a better idea of what to expect at Owen Fish Park, here's a table that highlights some key features:Owen Fish Park in FairfieldLocationFairfield, ConnecticutSkating ActivitiesIce Skating, Ice Hockey, Skating PracticeWinter SceneryTree-lined Pond, Serene AtmosphereAmenitiesBenches, Restrooms, ParkingOpening HoursDawn to DuskAs you can see, Owen Fish Park provides more than just a place to skate. It offers a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, allowing you to reconnect with nature and enjoy the simple pleasures of winter. So grab your skates, bundle up in warm attire, and head over to Owen Fish Park for a memorable ice skating experience.Remember to always check the park's opening hours and any safety guidelines before your visit. Enjoy the freedom of gliding on ice and creating lasting memories in the enchanting winter wonderland of Owen Fish Park.Osbornedale State Park in DerbyLooking for a stunning outdoor ice skating destination in Derby, Connecticut? Look no further than Osbornedale State Park, where you can experience the thrill of gliding across the ice in a picturesque setting.Here are three reasons why Osbornedale State Park is the perfect place for your next ice skating adventure:Safety First: When enjoying outdoor ice skating, it's important to prioritize safety. Remember to wear proper attire, including warm clothing, gloves, and a helmet. Check the ice thickness before stepping onto it, and always skate in designated areas to avoid any potential hazards. By following these outdoor ice skating safety tips, you can ensure a fun and worry-free experience at Osbornedale State Park.Best Times to Visit: To make the most of your visit to Osbornedale State Park, it's helpful to know the best times to go. The park is open from sunrise to sunset, but for optimal ice skating conditions, it's recommended to go during colder months when the ice is more likely to be frozen solid. Additionally, weekdays tend to be less crowded, providing more freedom and space to enjoy the ice.An Enchanting Winter Wonderland: Osbornedale State Park offers a magical winter backdrop for your ice skating escapades. The park's designated ice skating area is surrounded by beautiful natural scenery, including towering trees and snow-covered landscapes. As you glide across the ice, you'll feel a sense of freedom and exhilaration, surrounded by the beauty of nature.Wrights Pond in OrangeWrights Pond in Orange offers a delightful winter experience, with its serene setting and abundant wildlife. As you glide across the ice, you'll be surrounded by the beauty of nature, with snow-covered trees and the sounds of birds chirping in the distance. This hidden gem is the perfect place to escape the hustle and bustle of daily life and immerse yourself in the tranquility of winter.One of the highlights of Wrights Pond is the opportunity to observe winter wildlife in their natural habitat. As you skate, keep an eye out for graceful swans gliding across the frozen surface and playful squirrels darting through the snow. The pond is teeming with life, providing a unique and enchanting experience for visitors of all ages.To ensure your safety, the city Parks and Recreation Department closely monitors the ice conditions at Wrights Pond. They regularly check the thickness of the ice and provide updates to the public. It's important to always follow their guidance and heed any warnings or restrictions they may have in place. By doing so, you can enjoy a worry-free skating experience and focus on the joy of being outdoors.To further emphasize the importance of ice safety, here's a table highlighting some key tips:Ice Safety TipsCheck ice thicknessAvoid skating aloneWear appropriate gearStay away from cracksObserve posted warningsTrust your instinctsThe Bushnell in HartfordNestled in the heart of Hartford, The Bushnell provides a winter wonderland for ice skating enthusiasts of all ages. The Bushnell, known for its stunning architecture and rich history, transforms into a magical ice skating rink during the winter months.Here are three reasons why The Bushnell is a must-visit destination for winter fun:Winterfest activities: The Bushnell hosts a variety of Winterfest activities that are sure to delight visitors. From ice sculpting demonstrations to live music performances, there's always something exciting happening at The Bushnell. Families can enjoy the festive atmosphere while gliding across the ice and creating lasting memories.Free skating lessons: For those who are new to ice skating or want to improve their skills, The Bushnell offers free skating lessons. Experienced instructors are available to teach beginners the basics of skating or help more advanced skaters refine their techniques. Whether you're a novice or an expert, The Bushnell has something to offer everyone.The perfect setting: The Bushnell's picturesque location, surrounded by the beauty of downtown Hartford, provides a stunning backdrop for a day of ice skating. Skaters can enjoy panoramic views of the city skyline as they glide across the ice. The Bushnell's outdoor rink is the perfect place to embrace the freedom of winter and experience the joy of skating.Simsbury Farms in SimsburyAfter experiencing the enchanting winter wonderland at The Bushnell, it's time to explore another captivating outdoor ice skating destination in Connecticut - Simsbury Farms in Simsbury.Simsbury Farms is a hidden gem nestled in the charming town of Simsbury, offering a range of exciting winter activities for the whole family to enjoy.One of the highlights of Simsbury Farms is its covered ice skating rink, which provides a sheltered and cozy environment for skaters of all ages and skill levels. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, the rink at Simsbury Farms has something for everyone. And if you're new to ice skating, don't worry - they offer skating lessons taught by experienced instructors who'll guide you every step of the way.Aside from ice skating, Simsbury Farms also offers other winter activities to keep the whole family entertained. You can take a leisurely stroll on the nearby walking trails, surrounded by picturesque winter scenery. Or, if you're feeling adventurous, you can try your hand at cross-country skiing on the groomed trails. And for those who prefer a more relaxed pace, there are designated areas for sledding and snowshoeing.Winter at Simsbury Farms is truly a magical experience. The crisp air, the sound of blades gliding on ice, and the laughter of families enjoying the outdoors create an atmosphere of freedom and joy. So, gather your loved ones and head over to Simsbury Farms for a day of winter fun. Whether you're a seasoned skater or just starting out, Simsbury Farms has something for everyone.Winding Trails in FarmingtonWinding Trails in Farmington offers a charming and picturesque outdoor ice skating experience for visitors of all ages. As you glide across the smooth ice, surrounded by snow-covered landscapes, you'll feel a sense of freedom and joy.Here are three reasons why Winding Trails is a must-visit destination for winter activities:Tranquil Setting: Winding Trails is nestled in the heart of Farmington, surrounded by snow-encrusted pines and breathtaking natural beauty. The peaceful atmosphere creates the perfect backdrop for a serene ice skating experience. As you skate hand-in-hand with loved ones or gracefully twirl on your own, you'll feel a sense of tranquility and escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.Family-Friendly Environment: Winding Trails welcomes visitors of all ages, making it an ideal destination for a fun-filled family outing. Whether you're a seasoned skater or a beginner, there's something for everyone to enjoy. Parents can watch their little ones take their first wobbly steps on the ice, while older siblings can challenge each other to friendly races. The laughter and smiles of families enjoying the winter wonderland will warm your heart.Old-Fashioned Charm: Winding Trails offers an authentic and nostalgic ice skating experience. The rink is reminiscent of a bygone era, where outdoor skating was a cherished winter pastime. As you glide across the ice, the crisp winter air filling your lungs, you'll feel connected to a simpler time. The sound of skates gliding and laughter echoing off the surrounding trees creates a magical ambiance that will transport you to a world of pure joy and freedom.Make sure to carve out some time this winter to visit Winding Trails in Farmington. With its tranquil setting, family-friendly environment, and old-fashioned charm, it's the perfect place to create lasting memories and embrace the beauty of the winter season.Eastbury Pond in GlastonburyWith its expansive frozen surface and thrilling skating adventure, Eastbury Pond in Glastonbury is a winter wonderland for ice skating enthusiasts of all ages. As you glide across the glistening ice, you can feel a sense of freedom and exhilaration, surrounded by the beauty of nature.To give you a glimpse of what awaits you at Eastbury Pond, let me paint a picture with words. Imagine stepping onto the ice, your blades cutting through the smooth surface with ease. The crisp winter air fills your lungs as you pick up speed, the wind rushing past your face. The pond stretches out before you, inviting you to explore its frozen expanse. And as you twirl and spin, you can't help but feel a sense of joy and liberation.But while Eastbury Pond offers thrilling winter adventures, it's important to prioritize ice safety precautions. Before heading out onto the ice, make sure to check its thickness. A minimum of four inches is generally considered safe for skating. It's also essential to wear appropriate gear, including a helmet, knee pads, and warm clothing. And remember, never skate alone. Bring a friend or family member along for added safety and enjoyment.Now, let's take a look at a table that showcases the key features of Eastbury Pond:FeatureDescriptionExpansive SurfaceThe pond offers a large area for skating, allowing for freedom of movement.Natural BeautySurrounded by picturesque landscapes, Eastbury Pond provides a visually stunning backdrop.Family-FriendlyThe pond is suitable for ice skaters of all ages and welcomes families for a fun-filled experience.With its thrilling skating adventure and emphasis on safety, Eastbury Pond in Glastonbury is the perfect destination for a winter escapade. So grab your skates, bundle up, and get ready to embark on a memorable ice skating journey.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre There Any Age Restrictions for Ice Skating at the Stamford Ice Skating Center?There are no age restrictions for ice skating at the Stamford Ice Skating Center. It's a great place for the whole family to enjoy some winter fun on the ice.The center follows strict ice skating rules and safety measures to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone.As for the best time to visit the outdoor ice skating rinks in Connecticut, it's typically during the colder months when the ice is at its best.Is There a Fee for Ice Skating at the Westport PAL Rink?Yes, there's a fee for ice skating at the Westport PAL rink. The rink offers open skate time near Long Island Sound and is mostly dedicated to recreational skating.As for the age restrictions at the Stamford Ice Skating Center, there are no specific restrictions mentioned.Visitors are allowed to bring their own ice skates to Gorhams Pond in Darien, and skate rental services are available at the Redding Community Center.It's worth noting that there's no information about a limit on the number of people allowed on the ice at Gould Manor Park in Fairfield.Can Visitors Bring Their Own Ice Skates to Gorhams Pond in Darien?Yes, visitors are allowed to bring their own ice skates to Gorhams Pond in Darien. It's a picturesque winter destination that invites families for a delightful ice skating experience.However, it's important to remember to take safety precautions while enjoying the ice. At the Steven & Alexandra Cohen Ice Skating Center in Stamford, safety measures are in place to ensure a secure skating environment.Are There Any Skate Rental Services Available at the Redding Community Center?Yes, there are skate rental services available at the Redding Community Center. They understand the importance of providing convenience to visitors and offer skate rentals for those who don't have their own skates.Additionally, many other outdoor ice skating rinks across Connecticut also offer skate rentals. It's a great option for families who want to enjoy the winter fun without the hassle of bringing their own equipment.Is There a Limit on the Number of People Allowed on the Ice at Gould Manor Park in Fairfield?There is no limit on the number of people allowed on the ice at Gould Manor Park in Fairfield. It's a charming spot with a Currier & Ives scene of children skating.As for the Stamford Ice Skating Center, there are no age restrictions for ice skating. It spans over 9,000 feet of ice and is open most days through February.Both locations offer a wonderful opportunity for families to enjoy outdoor ice skating in Connecticut.ConclusionSo lace up your skates and let the ice be your canvas as you glide across the frozen landscapes of Connecticut.Whether you choose the Steven & Alexandra Cohen Ice Skating Center in Stamford or the Westport PAL Rink near Long Island Sound, there's no shortage of outdoor ice skating rinks for winter family fun.So grab your loved ones and embark on a winter adventure that will leave you with memories as sparkling as the ice itself.
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