Gn vida s.a. de c.v

Anime Brasil

2018.01.15 15:10 Anime Brasil

Um sub em português para os fãs de anime, mangás, manhwa cultura pop asiática no geral. Conversem, comentem, interajam: a casa é de vocês.

2008.08.26 03:58 Reddit Argentina - El Sub del Campeón Mundial 🇦🇷🏆

Bienvenido al sub de Argentina en reddit! En este sub posteamos todo lo relacionado a nuestro hermoso país, noticias, imágenes, información y todo lo que tenga que ver con lo que nos pasa día a día. English speakers are more than welcome!

2016.01.25 22:23 O Reddit para Desenvolvedores e Profissionais de TI

Bem-vindo à nossa comunidade! Todos os assuntos relacionados a TI, programação e afins são bem-vindos no brdev

2024.05.19 15:09 Humble-Monk-2467 Cómo se vive en tu barrio? (18+ Spanish speaker)

Hola a todos! Soy Chiara y soy una investigadora de la Universidad de Granada. Estamos llevando a cabo un estudio sobre la calidad de vida en los barrios. Qué tienes que hacer? Haz clic en el enlace, responde algunas preguntas y participa en un sorteo para ganar 50€. Cada respuesta adicional es valiosa. Gracias! :)
submitted by Humble-Monk-2467 to SampleSize [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:08 Mysterious-Factor531 Comment stopper les bêtises de son bébé ?

Bonjour à tous,
Derrière ce titre racoleur se cache une problématique que nous avons avec mon bébé de 10 mois (bientôt 11). Quand il a commencé à se déplacer il a commencé farfouiller partout. Les premiers "non" avec une grosse voix avaient l'air plutôt efficace ("non on ne joue pas avec les câbles", "non on ne mets pas les doigts dans la prise" etc ...), mais le peu de résultats obtenus maintenant avec, me fait plutôt penser que c'est l'effet de surprise qui le faisait s'arrêter et passer à autre chose.
Avez-vous eu des techniques probantes à partager? Ou simplement des conseils pour ce genre de problème ?
Je précise que nous avons bien mis des caches pour les prises, des barrières pour les escaliers etc ... On ne souhaite l'empêcher d'explorer et tout lui interdire mais jiste réussir à mettre des limites et barrières.
Merci pour vos réponses ✌️
submitted by Mysterious-Factor531 to ParentingFR [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:07 blackstaircase 6 stars each! More in next 2 pages

6 stars each! More in next 2 pages submitted by blackstaircase to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:07 omega_crimson_123 Cómo siempre demostrando quien es el fraudulento.

Cómo siempre demostrando quien es el fraudulento. submitted by omega_crimson_123 to BeelcitosMemes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:07 l0nelyg1r1 Besoin d’aide niveau religion ?

Bonjour, ça fait un moment que je me pose énormément de questions par rapport à la religion. Je suis né dans une famille musulmane et pour moi il a toujours été clair que c’était la bonne religion à suivre. En grandissant j’ai jamais été vraiment pratiquant, mais je crois en Allah et je fais de mon mieux pour être une bonne personne dans mes actions au quotidien. Mais récemment il y a un truc qui me tracasse l’esprit et j’ai besoin de savoir si quelqu’un pense comme moi. Je n’arrête pas de penser à l’enfer. Je n’arrive pas à comprendre comment une personne chrétienne, juive ou non croyante qui a fait le bien toute sa vie et qui a un coeur pur pourrait subir le châtiment éternel pour la simple raison qu’elle n’a pas suivi la bonne religion. Et le pire c’est que chaque religion pense ça pour elle-même. J’ai aussi du mal à trouver ça correct de suivre une religion avec grande rigueur tout simplement car on a peur de l’enfer, c’est un peu hypocrite. Je me sens très mal de penser ça car j’ai l’impression que c’est pas correct aux yeux de Dieu mais pourquoi Dieu aurait il crée tant de religions différentes pour qu’au final qu’une seule puisse avoir accès au paradis ? C’est trop cruel de mon point de vu. Toutes ses questions me donnent envie de devenir plus pieux mais d’un côté que se passerait-il si au final moi-même je ne suis pas dans la bonne religion ? Malgré le fait que je sois une bonne personne je mériterais de vivre l’enfer éternel ? S’il vous plaît pas de jugement si quelqu’un aurait des réponses à mes questions ça me fait vraiment peur.
submitted by l0nelyg1r1 to PasDeQuestionIdiote [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:06 smallHr Price check for rails

Price check for rails submitted by smallHr to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:04 King420fly Soon 😈

Soon 😈 submitted by King420fly to rangers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:04 x0xiarx0010 I need a dad.

I'm not a good writer and I dont normally make posts like this, but I'm at a crossroads and busy losing the battle. I'm a proud person, I dont talk about my feelings or put my shit on other people, even if I had family I would figure it out myself, not burden them with my issues, but you reach a point where you give more than you can give and it's not enough and nothing you do seems to work. And right now I need to talk to a mom or a dad to figure out something or get some advice or just vent becuase I feel broken.
3 months ago I finally got off the streets, it was insufferable hell to live there. I was repeatedly mugged, I was constantly treated like a cheap whore, everyone I met that I thought could help only treated me like a whore, I was raped, everything I tried to get (like the cheapest cellphone) was repeatedly stolen / mugged from me. Many nights I was freezing and 3 nights I almost froze to de.a@,th, waking up with an ambu.@,lance in my face because I had pas@sed out from the cold and people found me in the morning. 10 to 15 days at a time I don't e, and when I do the only issues I had was not being able to find a bathroom or nobody that would allow me to use theirs. It got to a point where eating fuck@@ed up my body worse than not eating because my body wasn't used to it. Every day I spent the whole day just trying to sur.,@vive, I wake up and search for a place to charge my phone (2km walk), I spend 6 hours trying to find a place I can get some food (10kms), I spend 4 hours trying to find a safe place to sleep where it's public and where nobody can do anything to me while I'm asleep. I spent 3 hours a day at the library (4kms) to try find a job or create a resume. I spent day after day finding a place that I can try have a shower and sometimes i couldnt shower for a week or two because nobody would allow me to shower there. I tried going for jobs but I looked so bad that the security stormed me and asked me to leave the store before I could even ask that I need a job. Everywhere I went people treatred me like I was inferior human garbage, waiting for me to just d.@i,.e so they can wi@pe me off the streets.
When I got some money and got off the street. I finally managed to pay for a place to stay. It has a broken roof and rats and the mattress has fleas that bite me at night and it's not the best but I had wifi and a shower and clean water and a roof and a door I can lock. I then tried to find any job I can, anything, I tried to create a linked in account and I got banned from it because I didn't have a government ID, it takes 8 months to get one. I got banned from upwork because I didnt have a legal ID. The wifi at my place keeps failing so I lost some jobs because for some hours I couldnt be online. I tried to go to the local banks or libraries to get wifi but when i didnt immediately respond to people they throught I wasnt serious about the job. I didnt have enough money for shampoo so I just kept showering with clean water but my hair falls out. I look so bad already. People take one look at me and refuse me the job beacuse they judge me on how I look, especially when I intervierw men they judge me like complete garbage because I'm not good looking any more. But I dont have the money to look better right now. I spent a little money I had on one pair of jeans and 3 shirts so I had at least something nice to wear, but it's not good clothes. The pair of shoes I bought is so fuck@ecd up already it's starting to create worms running up my legs, but I dont have money to buy new ones.
I have tried everything to get a job or get anything I can do. The last week I tried reddit for jobs and I contacted many people and tried posting in many places. Today I posted in some subreddits for freelance work, then I struggled with a post topic, they had strict rules for it like "make a point at the end of a title" and "show country in brackets" and other things, I kept getting it wrong 4 times then reddit ba,.@nned me entire account for spam, they deleted all my posts and chats and I wasnt able to post anythign any more. It was like the nail in the c,@.offin that the universe told me to fuck myself. But the universe never just hits one nail in the co,@.ffin, it hits them in slowly one after another till you know that final nail leaves you with nothing but de.@,th.
The past two weeks I lost hope because in 1 month I will again be put on the street. And I can't do it again. I tried everything I can think of to just pay one more month rent or anything I can do but nothing I try seems to work out. The past two weeks I keep thinking what will be the best way to d,, if I should w@alk into the ocean and just dive deep and start inhaling to di,@.e, or if I should just stop drink@ing water and d,.@e over the next 8 days (but then I'm scared my landlord finds me before I can do it and puts me on the street before I can di,@.e). There is a gu.,@n sh.@,oting range close to me, I can find out if they would let me pay to sh@,.oot and just s,@.hoot myself, with the money I have left. I keep thinkning what is the best way to g.@,o because I can not go back to the streets. And still I'm busy doing everything I can to try find anythign possible to just pay the rent of $200 so I can l.,ive another month trying something.
Please dont report my acount for suic,@.idal bullshit. I'm not intereted in some "profess@ional" psychotic and delusional advice from a privileged person with everythign perfect in their life telling me about "life", what the fuc@@k do they know. The post already got flagged for su.c,@ide and I had to struggle to get it posted, deleting it will just accelerate my de.a@,th evne more. They will not be the one to get raped and beaten, they will not be the one that slowly starves to de.a,@th and freezes to d.e,@ath over night after night. They will not live the extreme suffering they can never comprehend, I dont need their stupid "advice" when they know nothign of life. You're not helping me by doing that, you're just causing me more problems and isolating me further and contributing to my de.@@ath even more. This post is one of the last ways I'm reahching out for help or advice. If you want to help me give me real advice that would actually work.
What I need is a mom or a dad's advice, My own mom d,@.ied 6 years ago. My father 14 years ago. I would never have contacted them if I needed help or advice. I was too proud. But now I am desperate to try anything and. Right now. I keep thinking of spending the rest I had to just get really drunk and go wa, to the ocean. Or something. I feel like I have no op,.@tions left and I dont know what to do any more and I have no emotional energy left to t@ry, i have given more than I thought I could give to just keep going. I dont know what to do any more.
submitted by x0xiarx0010 to DadForAMinute [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:04 Busy_Cardiologist_74 This happened Friday

This happened Friday submitted by Busy_Cardiologist_74 to MagicCardPulls [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:03 StruggleThin3146 Actualizare pagina de plugin WordPress

Sunt un developer la inceput caruia i s-a aprobat un plugin WordPress. Folosesc Tortoise SVN iar pana acum am reusit sa adaug cateva features si am lansat o versiune noua la produs.
Totul a mers OK, in afara de continutul fisierului readme.txt si Assets. Tortoise imi detecteaza schimbarile din fisiere, continui cu Commit, se actualizeaza chiar si readme.txt insa pe sectiuni. Spre exemplu schimbarile FAQ se reflecta in pagina pluginului, insa nu si Description. Assets se schimba cand si cum, am facut un banner nou pe care l-a luat, l-am modificat dupa vreo 3 ore si i-am facut update, nu mai vrea in ruptul capului sa actualizeze.
Validatorul de readme.txt imi zice ca totul e OK, nu sunt erori. Stable tag e OK, updatul s-a vazut in WP. Doar Assets si readme.txt par sa nu se mai actualizeze momentan orice fac.
Are cineva experienta cu asa ceva? Ce as mai putea sa verific?
submitted by StruggleThin3146 to programare [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:02 lost_my_old_acc0unt good GF burger buns in Germany

Rewe Frei Von Hamburger Buns: a little bit dry, but once heated up on the grill chewy and delicious ✨ please let me know if this sub is only supposed to be for US-American products, since there is no german gluten free sub
submitted by lost_my_old_acc0unt to glutenfree [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:01 Gnaaah First Build !

First Build !
Keychron Q1 Max
With gateron reds, staebies V2 and tape mod.
For now it’s perfect. Looking for some tactile switches. Tried gateron browns but didn’t like them. Maybe I’ll order some baby kangaroos.
submitted by Gnaaah to MechanicalKeyboards [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:01 RobotDevil222x3 Reddit Strength - Week 5

Welcome to week five of the Reddit Strength program. I hope you've all been enjoying it so far. If you missed any previous weeks, this is something you can jump into any given week you don't need to have been there week one for it to work. This strength schedule is designed to help you progress from one weight to the next (if that is what you want, you are of course free to maintain the weights you use as well). There is a #RedditStrength for those interested in joining it.
This is an eight week cycle that repeats. Each time we come around again I'll be looking for a couple newer classes to replace some of the older classes previously used.
Each class will list "light" or "heavy", this is not to be confused with the Light/Medium/Heavy weights instructors ask you to use for each move. What it means is, lets say you normally use 5/10/20 but you are hoping to level up to 10/15/25. When my class says "light" you would use your 10s when the instructor calls for medium weights and when my class says "heavy" you would use your 15s for the same move. This will help us to progress to where the 15s are your new normal.
Extra Credit:
Benchmark: Every 2 weeks each body area has a Benchmark class. These are from the Pump Up the Volume collections and allow us to go through a progression of 4 classes with mostly the same class plan but different actual classes meaning different music, different stories and sometimes different instructors. These classes are all Rep based, which makes them great for benchmarking. You are encouraged to adjust the weights and reps to meet your personal goals. If Adrian tells you to do 10-12 reps with your medium weight but you want to do 6-8 reps with your heavy weight, go for it! This can be especially useful in the first classes where they keep the weights lighter, as these are intended to help you progress during the four classes.
Extra Credit: These are extra classes for those who want more work than the standard schedule. They are also good substitutions if for any reason you don't like a class or instructor on the schedule.
You can stop reading here unless you want to know why I am scheduling what I am scheduling.
The basis is a 4 week progression. In each body area we will use light weights for 2 weeks then heavy weights for two weeks per the definition of light and heavy above.
It follows this pattern, aiming for 30-60 minutes a day 3 days a week:
Each body area has the schedule staggered, so you're not trying to go all heavy in every area in the same week. This week we have A&S in round 1, C&B in round 4 and G&L in round 3.
  1. Can I start any week or do I have to begin with week 1?
    1. You can begin any week. This is a repeating cycle with no real beginning or end, a mobius strip of a program.
  2. There are too many classes for me, how should I trim it down for my schedule?
    1. I recommend trimming evenly (but keep all the core if you can). So take off 1 A&S, 1 C&B and 1 G&L each week if that suits you better. Or at minimum just do the benchmark classes.
  3. Do I have to do these on the prescribed days? I would rather take a couple classes a day for 6 days.
    1. Absolutely mix and match the classes across the week however fits best into your schedule. They are only listed this way because this is my personal schedule. As long as you are doing them all in the week you should get similar results.
I would love to hear what everyone things. Specifically; Are there any classes you would like me to rotate out (why)? Is this the right amount of strength work for you? Do you have a favorite class you are hoping I work into the mix?
submitted by RobotDevil222x3 to pelotoncycle [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:01 SSCharles Quieren certificarse como maestros de inglés (TKT, TOEFL)?

Nuestro curso te ayudará a alcanzar tus objetivos profesionales
¿Tienes pasión por enseñar inglés? ¿Quieres certificarte como profesor de inglés y mejorar tus perspectivas profesionales? Si es así, nuestro curso es perfecto para ti.
Nuestro curso te preparará para los exámenes TKT o TOEFL y te brindará las habilidades y la confianza que necesitas para enseñar inglés de manera efectiva. Aprenderás de los mejores instructores que tienen años de experiencia en la enseñanza y evaluación de inglés. También obtendrás acceso a recursos en línea, pruebas de práctica y comentarios para mejorar tu desempeño.
Nuestro curso es flexible, asequible y conveniente
Puedes estudiar desde la comodidad de tu hogar u oficina, utilizando las reuniones de Zoom. También puedes elegir tu propio horario y ritmo, según tus necesidades y preferencias.
¡No te pierdas esta oportunidad de convertirte en un profesor de inglés certificado y marcar la diferencia en el mundo!
Para demostrarte cuánto te valoramos como estudiante potencial, te ofrecemos un descuento especial del 20% sobre el precio regular del curso.
Al inscribirte en nuestro curso, estás dando un paso más hacia la consecución de tus objetivos personales y profesionales. También estás mostrando tu compromiso y constancia para aprender y enseñar inglés como lengua extranjera.
Nuestro curso ha ayudado a miles de estudiantes a aprobar los exámenes TKT o TOEFL y convertirse en profesores de inglés certificados. Ahora están trabajando en diferentes países y entornos, enseñando inglés a estudiantes de todas las edades y niveles.
Somos más que un simple proveedor de cursos. Somos una comunidad de personas apasionadas y amigables que aman enseñar y aprender inglés. Nos preocupamos por su éxito y satisfacción, y queremos que se divierta y disfrute de su experiencia de aprendizaje con nosotros.
Nuestro curso está diseñado por expertos en el campo de la enseñanza y evaluación del idioma inglés. Nuestros instructores están certificados por Cambridge Assessment English y tienen años de experiencia en la preparación de estudiantes para los exámenes TKT o TOEFL.
Nuestro curso tiene una gran demanda y tenemos cupos limitados disponibles. Si desea asegurar su lugar en nuestro próximo lote, debe actuar rápido e inscribirse ahora.
Convertirse en profesor de inglés certificado tiene muchos beneficios para su carrera y desarrollo personal. Usted será capaz de:
Enseñar inglés en cualquier parte del mundo, ya sea en línea o fuera de línea. Ganar un salario competitivo y disfrutar de la seguridad laboral. Expandir su red y conocer gente nueva de diferentes culturas. Mejorar sus habilidades comunicativas e interculturales. Marcar la diferencia en la vida de sus alumnos. Cumplir con su pasión por enseñar y aprender. ¿Qué estás esperando? ¡Inscríbase en nuestro curso hoy y comience su viaje para convertirse en un maestro de inglés certificado!
Estaremos encantados de resolver cualquier duda que puedas tener y ayudarte con el proceso de inscripción.
Para registrarse o obtener más información, haz clic en el enlace que se encuentra en los comentarios.
submitted by SSCharles to DistritoFederal [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:54 InverseFlash Respect Mui! (Undead Unluck)


Mui is the right-hand woman to Shen Xian and a vital member of the Union. While she doesn't have a Negation like the rest of them, she chooses to fight using extreme proficiency in martial arts and her plethora of artefacts. She's also a close friend to Fuuko Izumo and Andy.


  • Feats are listed in order of appearance. Hover over a link to see the chapter(s) of origin.
  • Feats from chapters up to 132 are from the 100th Loop.
  • Feats from 133 on are from the 101st Loop, with this RT leaving off at 206.
  • Character profile.









Negation: Untruth

Type: External-Targeting, Compulsory Activation
Tragedy: The death of Shen right in front of her.
Untruth is an ability that originally belonged to Shen, which allows the user to make any target in their vision do the exact opposite of what they wanted, so long as the user is fond of the target.

You're on!

submitted by InverseFlash to respectthreads [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:54 Quick_Flow5700 IF THERE'S A SCREEN AO3 WILL BE SEEN

A little backstory: My father insists on having a familyLink-like app on my devices that blocks "potentially dangerous websites" among other things. Thankfully he doesn't know that PlayStations connect to internet
submitted by Quick_Flow5700 to Archiveofourownmemes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:53 Krzyski22 [HELP!] Self Employed Gardening Work Starting Up

[HELP!] Self Employed Gardening Work Starting Up
I’m very interested in starting up local garden services for the area I live in. I’ve spent a lot of time looking into the matter online and think that this is something I would really enjoy as I’ve always enjoyed cutting grass and hedges for family and friends, it’s never occurred to me that I could actually make it into a business, it’s only after my grandfather got charged £100 for a shocking job of an easy task that I realised I could probably do that for at most £75 or so, or at least do a much better job than this fella did for that price.
The services I’m thinking about offering are as follows:
-Lawn Mowing -Weeding -Edging (Reddit behave!) -Pruning -Pressure Washing -Re-sanding driveways -Snow shovelling -Gritting/de-icing pathways/drives
I don’t want to be a landscaper or garden designer, I’m looking for light relatively “simple” jobs that people just cannot be bothered to do themselves, I’m wondering if anyone has any tips on getting started or advice for a complete beginner into this world?
I heard I can earn £1000 and don’t have to declare it? Is that just to like “test” the business? Do I have to set up my business as official on the government website soon as possible or should I get all my business plan in place and test it out on a few mates here and there to get social media pictures? Can I get a grant to start up and would I need to pay this back?
Now here is the big one…I currently don’t drive, my CBT expires in July and I’ve just sold my motorbike as it wasn’t running since November, do I go for a car license and get a van on business expenses? How does that work exactly? Do I re do my CBT and go for a motorbike again with a trailer attached to the back? This idea excited me but I haven’t been able to find any motorcycle tow hitches that attach to the motorcycle for a decent price, it’s 3/4 rods of metal welded together for like £700 no thanks.
Green waste disposal is on the bottom of my list as I’ve heard you need a waste disposal license for this? I don’t mind bagging the waste into green bags and leaving it for the client/customer to deal with but I don’t think I’d be able to remove waste using the motorbike and trailer method which I’m leaning towards but thinking it may be easier to go for the van at this point and getting some 1 Ton bags.
I know it’s a long post but I would highly appreciate ANY support what so ever from the community, little tricks you’ve learned during the years to ease the job that sorta thing, if you prefer to direct message me that’s fine also.
Thanks In Advance - K :)
submitted by Krzyski22 to GardeningUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:53 DoubtProof4509 Hello. I'm looking for a replacement for Compressa.

Hello. I'm looking for a replacement for Compressa.
Hello, I am repairing the freezer in Korea. NT2180uv model is not available in Korea. I'm looking for a replacement for NT2180UV R290 Compressa. It's a new equipment, but I can't find a replacement. The refrigerant is 1st R290 2nd R290+R170.
submitted by DoubtProof4509 to refrigeration [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:49 MedicalJello2 In South African Cricket This Weekend: 17 - 19 May 2024

In South African Cricket This Weekend: 17 - 19 May 2024

CSA reveals ‘master plan’ to find black batsmen
  • CSA wants Proteas to have at least 2 black African batsmen in the XI for the 2027 World Cup.
  • Master plan: "giving black African batsmen special coaching and mentoring to help them transition seamlessly from domestic to international cricket."
  • Allocation of R4 to R5 million for this programme.
  • 45 players, 15 each in the under-19, under-23, over-23 groups.
For further reading:

IPL trio bolster Rassie’s Proteas
  • Rassie van der Dussen to captain Proteas in the T20I series against Windies.
  • Becomes the 16th T20I captain for South Africa.
  • Coetzee, de Kock & Nortje have been added to the squad.
  • Series starts on the 23rd of May
  • Proteas squad (T20I series vs West Indies): Rassie van der Dussen (c, Lions), Ottneil Baartman (Dolphins), Gerald Coetzee (Titans), Quinton de Kock (Titans), Matthew Breetzke (Warriors), Bjorn Fortuin (Lions), Reeza Hendricks (Lions), Patrick Kruger (Warriors), Wiaan Mulder (Lions), Lungi Ngidi (Titans), Anrich Nortje (Warriors), Nqaba Peter (Lions), Ryan Rickelton (Lions), Andile Phehlukwayo (Dolphins), Tabraiz Shamsi (Titans)
For further reading:

Rassie Van Der Dussen On T20 World Cup Exclusion: Reasons Were Given
  • Rassie expressed his disappointment after being omitted from the WC squad.
  • Rassie van der Dussen: "“Obviously I’m disappointed not to be in the final 15, anyone would be. I’ve had a really good year, I gave myself every chance that I could to break into the 15." But at the end of the day the coach has to make his call and pick the 15 he thinks has the best chance. In terms of reasons given, there were reasons given – whether I agree with them or not is irrelevant. It is not a case of me standing here saying I need to be there instead of someone else – this squad is really strong and is really well balanced.”
For further reading:

Ryan Rickelton: I Don’t Worry About What Other People Think Anymore
  • Sympathises with Rassie over WC squad exclusion.
  • “Our relationship was strained. Neither of us messaged each other. It was a tough one,” said Rickelton.
  • "I was extremely gutted for him. We did actually chat about it, I did give my sympathies to him and he sent congratulations to me, but our relationship is still strong and solid as ever."
  • “I don’t worry about what other people think anymore. I’ve put in some numbers, I’ve had a few opportunities, but I’m still looking to get a hold on international cricket,” he added. “If I can find my feet early enough in international cricket, that will unburden me and give me a great opportunity to just go for it.”
For further reading:

Domestic Cricket: Matthew De Villiers Signs For Warriors
  • Batsman Matthew de Villiers joins Warriors for the 2024/25 season.
  • Signed a high-performance contract.
  • One of the most prolific run scorers in WPCA's premier league.
For further reading:

Duanne Olivier’s New Team Revealed
  • Signed to Warriors for the 2024/25 season.

Domestic Cricket: Western Province Upgrade Last Season’s Rookie To Full Contract
  • Valentine Kitime has signed a full contract with WP for the 2024/25 season.
  • Joined in 2023 from Boland on a rookie contract.
  • WP loses Gavin Kaplan to Boland.
For further reading:

Mpumalanga Add Tuskers Spinner To Pre-Season Signings
  • Kurtlyn Mannikam has been signed to Mpumalanga for the 2024/25 season.
  • Previously played for Tuskers.
  • Mpumalanga retain Gareth Dukes & Jon Hinrichsen. Releasing allrounder Alex Kok and Gregory Mahlokwana.
For further reading:
submitted by MedicalJello2 to SAcricket [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:49 WaspHater43 Tive a oportunidade de ter uma vida decente e perdi-a. Por favor, não sejam como eu.

Tive a oportunidade de herdar a empresa da minha mãe, mas agora que não posso ir para a universidade não posso herdá-la e a minha mãe vai vender a empresa a uma amiga.
Este ano letivo era a minha oportunidade de ter boas notas como tive nos dois últimos, mas não fui suficientemente bom e perdi uma oportunidade que só um em um milhão tem.
Agora não posso ir para mais lado nenhum e já apresentei a minha candidatura para trabalhar no McDonalds.
Agora o meu salário anual será o mesmo que a quantidade de dinheiro que o negócio da minha mãe faz numa semana.
Os meus amigos foram espertos e agora vão ter a vida que toda a gente quer ter: Um grande BMW novo em frente à mansão, vinho do Porto e entrecôte ao jantar, férias todos os anos nas Caraíbas e um emprego confortável numa empresa da Fortune 500 a ganhar mais dinheiro que o Champalimaud.
Agora vou ser pobre para o resto da minha vida e vou ser humilhado para sempre, vou viver uma vida aborrecida porque não vou ter dinheiro e vou trabalhar numa cozinha suja e cheia de óleo a fazer comida que provoca diabetes.
Se alguém aqui tem filhos pequenos ou conhece alguém que os tenha, por favor, por favor, por favor, fale com eles sobre isto e não arruine as suas vidas, especialmente se eles tiverem a oportunidade que muitos não têm.
Eu gostaria de ir a todas as escolas deste país só para falar sobre isto, fazer com que todos os alunos se sentassem no auditório e ouvissem do princípio ao fim sem telemóveis, mas nunca vou conseguir.
Se és um adolescente a estudar no ensino secundário, por favor, não sejas como eu, peço-te, não quero que mais ninguém estrague a sua vida como eu fiz, podes rir-te de mim mas, por favor, não sejas como eu.
submitted by WaspHater43 to CasualPT [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:49 WaspHater43 Tive a oportunidade de ter uma vida decente e perdi-a. Por favor, não sejam como eu.

Tive a oportunidade de herdar a empresa da minha mãe, mas agora que não posso ir para a universidade não posso herdá-la e a minha mãe vai vender a empresa a uma amiga.
Este ano letivo era a minha oportunidade de ter boas notas como tive nos dois últimos, mas não fui suficientemente bom e perdi uma oportunidade que só um em um milhão tem.
Agora não posso ir para mais lado nenhum e já apresentei a minha candidatura para trabalhar no McDonalds.
Agora o meu salário anual será o mesmo que a quantidade de dinheiro que o negócio da minha mãe faz numa semana.
Os meus amigos foram espertos e agora vão ter a vida que toda a gente quer ter: Um grande BMW novo em frente à mansão, vinho do Porto e entrecôte ao jantar, férias todos os anos nas Caraíbas e um emprego confortável numa empresa da Fortune 500 a ganhar mais dinheiro que o Champalimaud.
Agora vou ser pobre para o resto da minha vida e vou ser humilhado para sempre, vou viver uma vida aborrecida porque não vou ter dinheiro e vou trabalhar numa cozinha suja e cheia de óleo a fazer comida que provoca diabetes.
Se alguém aqui tem filhos pequenos ou conhece alguém que os tenha, por favor, por favor, por favor, fale com eles sobre isto e não arruine as suas vidas, especialmente se eles tiverem a oportunidade que muitos não têm.
Eu gostaria de ir a todas as escolas deste país só para falar sobre isto, fazer com que todos os alunos se sentassem no auditório e ouvissem do princípio ao fim sem telemóveis, mas nunca vou conseguir.
Se és um adolescente a estudar no ensino secundário, por favor, não sejas como eu, peço-te, não quero que mais ninguém estrague a sua vida como eu fiz, podes rir-te de mim mas, por favor, não sejas como eu.
submitted by WaspHater43 to portugal2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:49 WaspHater43 Tive a oportunidade de ter uma vida decente e perdi-a. Por favor, não sejam como eu.

Tive a oportunidade de herdar a empresa da minha mãe, mas agora que não posso ir para a universidade não posso herdá-la e a minha mãe vai vender a empresa a uma amiga.
Este ano letivo era a minha oportunidade de ter boas notas como tive nos dois últimos, mas não fui suficientemente bom e perdi uma oportunidade que só um em um milhão tem.
Agora não posso ir para mais lado nenhum e já apresentei a minha candidatura para trabalhar no McDonalds.
Agora o meu salário anual será o mesmo que a quantidade de dinheiro que o negócio da minha mãe faz numa semana.
Os meus amigos foram espertos e agora vão ter a vida que toda a gente quer ter: Um grande BMW novo em frente à mansão, vinho do Porto e entrecôte ao jantar, férias todos os anos nas Caraíbas e um emprego confortável numa empresa da Fortune 500 a ganhar mais dinheiro que o Champalimaud.
Agora vou ser pobre para o resto da minha vida e vou ser humilhado para sempre, vou viver uma vida aborrecida porque não vou ter dinheiro e vou trabalhar numa cozinha suja e cheia de óleo a fazer comida que provoca diabetes.
Se alguém aqui tem filhos pequenos ou conhece alguém que os tenha, por favor, por favor, por favor, fale com eles sobre isto e não arruine as suas vidas, especialmente se eles tiverem a oportunidade que muitos não têm.
Eu gostaria de ir a todas as escolas deste país só para falar sobre isto, fazer com que todos os alunos se sentassem no auditório e ouvissem do princípio ao fim sem telemóveis, mas nunca vou conseguir.
Se és um adolescente a estudar no ensino secundário, por favor, não sejas como eu, peço-te, não quero que mais ninguém estrague a sua vida como eu fiz, podes rir-te de mim mas, por favor, não sejas como eu.
submitted by WaspHater43 to portugueses [link] [comments]