Psw resume template


2022.08.18 22:12 Hot_headlights job_referral

A place to find referrals for your dream job at your dream company Rules: 1. Always short list the job opening on the company careers website and then post here for referral. 2. Ask for referral only for the jobs you are qualified for 3. Do not ask for resume template or Ask to review resume 4. Mention the name of company and location you are aiming for in your post

2017.04.19 17:54 hiking1950 Official Tapir Signal

This is a sub for members of the Official Tapir Signal that have volunteered to help out Mormons/exmormons in extreme circumstances. ###To ask for help, please fill out the [following form]( * To be a volunteer, please fill out the [following form]( * To follow the latest news, please see [our blog](

2024.05.19 16:45 aw1219 Resume Template to help you get more job offers

submitted by aw1219 to WorkersonboardBlog [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:19 goldensurrender Resume writing service

Hi all, I have already found some threads where people have mentioned successes with federal resume writing services. I have sent some DM's but not having much luck with responses, so I'm posting.
I'm specifically interested in anyone who has used a federal resume writing service and had a good experience. I am aware that one can write the resume themselves, use the template on usajobs, use free workshops, use Kathryn Troutman's book, use YouTube, and use ChatGPT. But I'm specifically interested in using a service and am willing to pay up to $500 to have someone write up a resume and then I can look it over and tweak it if need be. Please let me know if you have any recommendations that are worth the money. Thanks!
submitted by goldensurrender to usajobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:25 DirectEntrance24 [Hiring] Actor needed to record client videos daily - $750/month

We run a marketing firm out of Chicago, IL. We currently provide video reviews of websites as a method to book meetings.
All we need you to do is record the video. A script (template) will be provided to you. You merely need to memorize and act it into the camera. The video reviews aren’t very long (2-3 minutes each) and we receive roughly 10 requests a day, so it’ll take you about 2-3 hours total to record and edit your videos everyday.
Requirements for this role:
$750/month for 2-3 hours of work Mon-Fri. If your videos are working well, we can increase the pay in a month. For now this is non-negotiable.
If you’re interested, please PM me your resume.
submitted by DirectEntrance24 to forhire [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:10 bye2_lilsebastian How would you feel if you received a "graphical" bidding resume? Obviously no photos or over the top colors/fonts etc

I've seen fascinating bidding resumes from colleagues who obviously ensure the content is priority but are also clearly talented design-wise, and I found them refreshing and pleasantly surprising amid a stack of static, cookie-cutter resumes. Regardless of the cone/speciality, how would you feel if you received a "graphical" bidding resume?
12 Examples:
View Poll
submitted by bye2_lilsebastian to foreignservice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:14 TechEnthusiastx86 Ollama API-Edit Beginning of Response

I've been working on creating a synthetic dataset, but am having trouble with the prompt creation. I can ensure Llama-3-8B will follow my format numbering scheme in OpenWebUI by editing the beginning of the response message and then generating, but I'm having trouble recreating this using the api. If you look at my code you can see I tried to use the template given in the modelfile to include the beginning of the response in my prompt, but this has not worked. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong/if there is a better way to achieve controlling what the response starts with using the ollama api?
This is the template from the modelfile:
TEMPLATE "{{ if .System }}system
{{ .System }}{{ end }}{{ if .Prompt }}user
{{ .Prompt }}{{ end }}assistant
{{ .Response }}"
import ollama import os import time prompts_generate = 128000 # Calculate number of loops required to generate the prompts num_loops = int(prompts_generate / 100) # Parameters for the model model_name = "llama3:8b-instruct-q8_0" instruction = "Write out a list of 100 prompts that can be used for fine tuning a language model. Vary the content and structure of each prompt to ensure thorough testing. {{ .Prompt }}{{ end }}Sure:\n1." options = { "num_ctx": 2048, "repeat_last_n": 64, "repeat_penalty": 1.1, "temperature": 0.8, "tfs_z": 1, "top_k": 40, "top_p": 0.9, "num_predict": -1 # Generate until the model stops } # Output directory output_dir = "Data" os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) # Check existing files in the directory to determine where to resume existing_files = sorted([f for f in os.listdir(output_dir) if f.startswith("prompt-") and f.endswith(".txt")]) if existing_files: last_file = existing_files[-1] start_num = int(last_file.split('-')[1].split('.')[0]) else: start_num = 0 # Start time start_time = time.time() i = start_num // 100 + 1 while i <= num_loops: response = ollama.generate( model=model_name, prompt=instruction, options=options, stream=False, ) reply = response['response'] print ("Instruction: ", instruction) print("Reply: ", reply) # Save the response to a file with loop number in the name file_name = os.path.join(output_dir, f"prompt-{i * 100}.txt") with open(file_name, "w") as file: file.write(reply) # Read the content of the file and remove empty lines with open(file_name, "r") as file: lines = file.readlines() lines = [line.strip() for line in lines if line.strip()] # Rewrite the cleaned content back to the file with open(file_name, "w") as file: file.write('\n'.join(lines)) # Check if the file has 100 prompts if lines and lines[-1].startswith("100."): i += 1 # Move to the next file if the current file is valid else: os.remove(file_name) # Delete the invalid file and retry # End time end_time = time.time() # Calculate and print the total time taken total_time = end_time - start_time print(f"Generated {prompts_generate} prompts and saved them in the '{output_dir}' directory.") print(f"Total time taken: {total_time:.2f} seconds.") 
submitted by TechEnthusiastx86 to ollama [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:30 TrixoftheTrade [9 YOE] Mid-Career Environmental Consultant's Resume - I've gone 10/10 for interviews this past year.

[9 YOE] Mid-Career Environmental Consultant's Resume - I've gone 10/10 for interviews this past year.
This has been my general resume format since 2015, and it's worked really well for me over years. Outside of my first job hunt, which admittedly was a bit of a challenge, I've never had significant difficulties finding new employment.
On my most recent job hunt back in spring 2023, I went 6-for-6 with this resume. Every single place I applied to I got an interview at. Even still, while I am quite comfortable with my current employeer, I still get requests from recruiters to chat and send resumes over - and every single recruiter I've sent a resume to wants to set up an interview.
Format-wise, I kept it as simple as possible, no fancy styles, colors, or anything like that. I know there's a lot of back-and-forth on whether or not a summary is good/bad, but I prefer to use one. Even keeping my resume at 1 page, I think having a summary saves time for those who don't want to take 3 minutes and read the whole thing. Just by reading the summary, I think the reader can gain a good understanding of who I am and what I can do.
Second to this, which I didn't post, I have about a 4 page long Experience Summary document, which sums up all the major projects I've managed or played a major role on. Instead of a cover letter, which is pretty useless, I submit the Experience Summary instead. It's much more geared towards technical reviewers, not HR or any non-technical folks, because it is a bit "weedy".
word template
submitted by TrixoftheTrade to EngineeringResumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:00 aw1219 Professional Simple Resume Template With Free Cover Letter & Tips - Etsy

submitted by aw1219 to homebasedmommie [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:42 PopoMyNamo98 Just did an agency audition

This is more of a splurge than anything but I just did an audition that I feel I did well on today for an agency near my city. While I feel confident in my performance I am not going to be mad if they skip over me but I hope they will give me a chance. One of the things I really need to work on is a better resume are there any templates that you guys can share that I can use format wise.
submitted by PopoMyNamo98 to acting [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:17 BubbaSquirrel How to Create a Machine Friendly Resume

Hello, everyone!
I finally have one, possibly two job offers. 🎉🎉 Here are some tips that appear to have helped me:
NYU professor Hilke Shellmann said that applicant tracking systems (ATS) that scan resumes often automatically reject candidates who have more than a 6 month gap in employment. [1]
My personal solution to this has been to work on a startup idea while I'm applying to jobs. Even though my startup venture didn't prove to be profitable it still enabled me to learn more skills and to add the work experience to my resume. You don't need an LLC structure or a website. Just pursue a startup venture idea related to the job you would like to have.
I started using AI to generate my cover letters. 1.) Copy paste job description into ChatGPT. 2.) Copy paste your resume into ChatGPT. Be sure not to copy paste over your name, phone number, or email. 3.) Ask ChatGPT to write a cover letter based on the resume and job description you provided it with. 4.) Optional - rewrite the first few sentences yourself to make it much harder to detect that the cover letter was written mostly by AI.
Professor Hilke Shellmann also confirmed what many of you here have said - that to get a job in this market applicants have to submit hundreds, often thousands of applications. [1]
Stop reading job descriptions! That's right, one of my keys to success was that I stopped reading the job description for 90% of the jobs I applied for. If the job title was one I would like to do and if it was in the location I would like to work, then I applied. This allowed me to apply to way more jobs. It's all a numbers game!
For the other 10% of jobs I applied to I spent some care reading the description and reaching out to decision makers in the company. LinkedIn is great for finding names of managers and CEOs. NeverBounce is great for guessing what their email address might be. [2]
Make a simple 1-column resume using the resume templates from JobScan. [3] I started with one of their templates before I made my own in Google Docs.
Answer all of the unknown calls to your cell phone, even if you suspect it s a scam caller. I missed many calls from recruiters because I assumed it would just be a scam caller on the other line.
Whenever you complete a project for an interview add that to your portfolio and resume. The more projects you do for interviews, the more you will have to show to the next company you interview with. Failure snowballs into success.
Be annoyingly persistent. A recruiter ghosts you? Email them every day for a week. Often they are overworked and your application slipped through the cracks.
Only apply to jobs posted in the past 24 hours. Positions that were posted a few weeks ago likely have already sent an offer to someone.
Try weird, unusual approaches. Some CEOs have hired people who stood at city intersections holding signs that said "Hire me!" The really creative candidates had QR codes to their LinkedIn.
Apply for job titles you never have applied to before. ChatGPT helped me brainstorm different job titles to search for based on my resume.
Interview for every job as though it is the most ideal job for you. Do not give the recruiters any reasons to reject you. Location sucks? By George, you love the location!
Alright, y'all, best of luck! Please share any other tips you might have. We will all prevail with enough persistence. 😎
submitted by BubbaSquirrel to recruitinghell [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:45 aw1219 Resume Template to help you get more job offers

submitted by aw1219 to WorkersonboardBlog [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:22 wagababababobo [0 YoE] Graduating in November, looking to polish my resume before applying for software roles

[0 YoE] Graduating in November, looking to polish my resume before applying for software roles
Hi all, any help/advice would be appreciated. I have read the wiki and used the template from there. I'm looking for frontend, backend, and application development roles but I understand my resume tends more to frontend so I'm focusing a bit more on that. There's a lot of black bars in the first intern role, they're all proprietary technology (with the company name in it), but the company is well known enough for it to not be internal jargon. The last project is coursework which I understand isn't ideal, but I don't have anything else to add there. Also wondering if I should directly add a publication section with the name of my publication (from my first listed project). I'm in Toronto and will start with local/remote jobs but I'm also considering relocation within Canada or the U.S/Europe if I don't initially find anything. Thank you!
submitted by wagababababobo to EngineeringResumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 05:00 charlestehio Resmume: Craft the Perfect Resume with AI-Powered Resume Builder

Resmume is a professional resume builder that leverages artificial intelligence and professional templates to assist job seekers in creating polished resumes.
Categorised Under: 📄 Resume Generation 🤝 Recruiting
Resmume Features: ✅ Grammar Checks ✅ Reviewing Resumes ✅ Writing Cover Letter Based on Resume ✅ Writing Summary ✅ Import from LinkedIn
Learn more:
submitted by charlestehio to awesomeaitools [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 03:37 PollyDollarHat [0 YoE] (Revised) ECET grad struggling to find Entry Level jobs in my field. Looking for advice.

[0 YoE] (Revised) ECET grad struggling to find Entry Level jobs in my field. Looking for advice.
I have changed my resume to fit the specifications requested by the mod team as listed in the wiki to the best of my ability. I changed the template, bullet points, and added some new things.
I recently graduated last year with a bachelor's in ECET, and I have been applying for jobs for the past 5 or so months with little to no success, only getting around 3 interviews with 120 applications. Most of them have been silent. I would like the subreddit's advice on how to improve the resume or I should start over.
I know the major I picked is not ideal and the job market is not great atm, I'm just trying to work with it.
I've been applying to entry level electrical engineer jobs, where I do hit around 50-60% of the requirements, although it's tough finding one that doesn't need 5+ years of experience or an EIT certification.
I would like the subreddit's advice on how to improve this resume, much appreciated.
I apologize to the mod team for screwing up my past submissions. I think it was due to me changing the line spacing and font size of my past submission, as I wanted it to be more readable. Although I didn't move the sections as I was afraid of messing up the formatting.
  • The only job I've had is the office clerk position for the longest time.
  • I included the award as that's only given out to a select few people in my university.
  • The hardware section was included as the jobs I wanted to apply for said you must have experience with electrical lab equipment.
  • I included the US Citizen because my name sounds foreign, stated on the wiki to add that so the employer doesn't think I'm an international student.
submitted by PollyDollarHat to EngineeringResumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 00:24 jackrelax (from LinkedIn) Here’s some general advice for designers out there applying to jobs:

I pulled this from LinkedIn; I didn't write it, but it's good advice for designers who are sending out their work and applying for jobs every day.
I’ve reviewed nearly 600 portfolios over the past three days. Most of them I close within 3 seconds. Here’s some general advice for designers out there applying to jobs:
The work above all else Your portfolio is meant to showcase your work. Anything that isn’t in support of that is just noise. Make it easy for people to find and view your work as quickly as possible. I’d rather browse your work on a squarespace template or behance than have to spend any time figuring out how to use your site.
Fewer projects A few really great projects might get you a phone call. Every significantly weaker project you add brings doubt to the overall quality of your work.
Say less, show more While I appreciate process as much as the next designer, I don’t have a lot of time and I need to see the work. I don’t want to scroll past 3 pages of charts and photos of sticky note covered white boards just to see the first design. Save the deeper process talk for in person portfolio reviews.
Link to your portfolioDon’t send me to linktree et al. If your portfolio has a password, don’t forget to include it. Don’t write that your portfolio is on your resume. If you don’t have time to type or paste a link into the application I don’t have time to review it. And lastly, make sure HTTPS is working.
Don't use Figma prototypes Including this since so many people are doing it... This is fine for in person interviews in a presentation style, but I’ve yet to be linked to a Figma prototype portfolio that wasn’t a terrible experience.
I've been in a position to hire for many roles at several companies throughout my career and I've never been in a position where time was in abundance. Most of the time we're hiring because the team has too much work. Every minute spent reviewing portfolios is a minute not spent on the work. Keep that time-strapped hiring manager in mind when creating your portfolio. You've got a few seconds to grab their attention and if you pull that off, you get another minute or two at best. Make the most of it.
submitted by jackrelax to Design [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 22:55 Desperate-Cut-7095 Resume Question

I graduated law school in 2020. However, I struggled with the bar exam a few times, and did not pass until this go around. I have a few questions:
  1. How do I put that I passed the exam but am pending admission on my resume? I was approved via C+F, just need to be sworn in.
  2. I took some time off work to focus on studying, and so after 2021, I was working construction for a family friend while studying; should I put that on my resume? Or omit it and then use my cover letter to explain the gap?
  3. If anyone has any good resume templates or examples, I would appreciate sending them to my DM.
Thank you!
submitted by Desperate-Cut-7095 to Lawyertalk [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 21:00 aw1219 Professional Simple Resume Template With Free Cover Letter & Tips - Etsy

submitted by aw1219 to homebasedmommie [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 18:01 step_on_legoes_Spez Another job-hunting post - MS in Data Science

Hi all,
I've been lurking on the sub for a while now. I really love all the advice and encouragement people give and how supportive y'all are towards those of us still trying to find our footing.
I get the sense that there's a lot of SWE-type workers and searchers here. I know the general tech market is absolute rubbish atm here in the USA, but I wanted to still ask about advice/tips for job-hunting specifically as a Data Scientist. Rambling alert for the next several paragraphs....
I have an undergrad degree in a quant field (math), worked for 2 years at a law firm during Covid-19, and now just recently finished my master's in data science. I really like data science in general and how adaptable it is as a new field. Of course, though, the fact that it's a relatively new field makes the job hunt even trickier. Also, I was the very first cohort as the master's program was brand new, so I'm on my own in terms of networking and trying to find connections.
Also, most DS folks I know are men. There were less than a dozen women in my program, with the vast majority being men, and I imagine this is the norm in DS circles since there hasn't been time for women to break into it in the same way as programming at large. I've gotten a couple panel interviews here and there, and it's always been men. It's disheartening and frustrating because I'm certain they'd treat a similar male candidate differently. Instead, they feel the need to grill me on random tech questions and don't seem to take my project experience seriously. Like, I've got a 2nd round panel interview coming up where I have to make a presentation and I hate knowing that they'll probably think my template is "girly" just because I wanted one that looks nice and isn't just a basic slide deck.
Anyway, that mini-rant aside, I've been applying since October of last year, and applying in earnest / full time since March. I have a lot of good technical skills and experience with a strong grounding in coding (Python, R, SQL) and statistics. I'm really good at cross-functional types of problems and also have a degree in English, so I have lots of experience communicating tech info to non-tech audiences. I mostly just want decent pay and interesting work, but it seems impossible to find anything these days. I've focusing more on alt hiring sites like Otta rather than Linkedin, but I just know I don't stand a chance when senior people from the layoffs are also applying to the same entry/mid-level positions I'm looking at. I also don't have experience working with many of the tech stacks like AWS or DataBricks.
Back to venting... I've been the sole bread-winner for my partner and I since 2020 as he's still in grad school finishing a PhD, and it's honestly just... exhausting? I worked at a law firm for 2 years at a job that sucked out my soul and made me the most depressed I've ever been. Then I spent the past 2 years in school as we lived on my savings. Now I'm back to having the weight of all the world on my shoulders. It's not that I resent my partner or anything, but just the stress of feeling responsible for the well-being of my spouse and pets has really taken its toll on me. We can't move because he has another year of grad school, so I'm stuck trying to find 100% remote jobs or jobs local to me. But I don't live in a big city and anything worthwhile is at least a 60 minute commute away. The 2nd round I have next week is a freakin 90 minute commute one way, and I don't know how I'd survive that kind of daily commute, but I'm also getting desperate.
I've also been trying to work on more side projects to add to my github/personal website, but it's hard to focus and I'm constantly stressed out. I'm exhausted and discouraged and feeling really overwhelmed and hopeless. I'd especially love something in the consulting/R&D areas, but basically anything would be good at this point.
TL;DR: any advice / tips / leads for a remote data science job would be welcome. I also don't know how to tailor my resume or market myself well because my program offered zero guidance and I've mostly been cold applying because I have no network to try to leverage. I write tailored cover letters for everything, but again I have no idea how best to present myself.
List of skills/tech I know:
submitted by step_on_legoes_Spez to womenintech [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 17:58 chimpfunkz Resume Thread Summer 2024

This post is the designated place to post resumes and job openings.
Below is a guide to help clarify your posts. Anonymity is kind of a hard thing to uphold but we still encourage it. Either use throwaway accounts or remove personal information and put place holders in your resumes. Then, if you've got a match, people can PM you.
When you post your resume, please include:
Previous Resume Thread
Check out the /rEngineeringResumes' wiki
Spring career fairs are around the corner. Seriously, follow the advice below.
  • One page resume. There are some exceptions, but you will know if you are the exception.
  • Consistent Format. This means, that if you use a certain format for a job entry, that same format should be applied to every other entry, whether it is volunteering or education.
  • Stick to Black and White, and text. No pictures, no blue text. Your interviewers will print out your resume ahead of the interview, and they will print on a black and white printer. Your resume should be able to be grey scaled, and still look good.
  • Minimize White space in your resume. To clarify, this doesn't mean just make your resume wall to wall text. The idea is to minimize the amount of contiguous white space, using smart formatting to break up white space.
In terms of your bullet points,
  • Start all your bullet points using past tense, active verbs. Even if it is your current job. Your goal should still be to demonstrate past or current success.
  • Your bullet points should be mini interview responses. This means utilizing STAR (situation task action response). Your bullet point should concisely explain the context of your task, what you did, and the direct result of your actions. You have some flexibility with the result, since some things are assumed (for example, if you trained operators, the result of 'operators were trained properly' is implied).
Finally, what kind of content should you have on your resume
  • DO. NOT. PUT. YOUR. HIGH. SCHOOL. I cannot emphasize this enough. No one cares about how you did in high school, or that you were valedictorian, or had a 3.X GPA. Seriously, no one cares. There are some exceptions, but again, you will know if you are the exception.
  • If you are applying for a post graduation job, or have graduated and are applying for jobs, DO NOT PUT COURSEWORK. You will have taken all the classes everyone expects, no one cares to see all of the courses listed out again.
I highly recommend this resume template if you are unsure, or want to take a step back and redo your resume using the above advice. It's easier to know what to change and what you want to improve on, once you have a solid template. Iterative design is easier than design from scratch.
If you do happen to get an interview, check out this helpful interview guide
submitted by chimpfunkz to ChemicalEngineering [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 16:45 aw1219 Resume Template to help you get more job offers

submitted by aw1219 to WorkersonboardBlog [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 16:15 CommanderAze FEMA Reservists Program Referral - Entry Level to Experienced

Greetings All!
FEMAs Human Capitol office has continued the Reservist Referral Program, with recruitment bonuses and Signing bonuses for those hired and stay with the agency for more than 60 days.
What is the FEMA reserves
Its also a great foot in the door that could lead to a full time role in the agency or get you the experience needed to apply elsewhere!
The process for this requires a FEDERAL resume. IF you dont know how to write one, fear not, Ill have some resources below to aid in this.
The Referral Program requires a Form to be filled out by both the referrer and the person being referred. The Person being referred only needs to fill out Part 2 Their Name and their desired Cadre if known, If you leave the desired cadre blank you will be forwarded to any cadre your resume qualifies for.
If interested Please Private message me your Email address or PM anyone who signals below in this thread that they are willing to refer others. (preferably use the email address you plan on using to apply with for tracking purposes) and I or others in the thread below will Email you the form to sign and submit with your application.
All Referral Applications WITH THE REQUIRED FORM need to go through this link on USAJobs.
IF you submit without the form to that announcement you will not be considered.

Resume Advice

Short Version: Use the USAJobs Resume Builder. It's not "pretty" but it ensures you have all the required information.
Longer version:
One major tip I can give that may help is about resumes. resumes for federal positions are very different than the ones used for private sector jobs most federal resumes are much longer. Here are a few key pointers for tailoring your resume for federal government job applications, especially for FEMA:
Highlight Relevant Experience: Emphasize any past work, volunteer experience, or education that aligns with emergency management or public service. FEMA values diverse experiences, so don't hesitate to include roles that demonstrate your adaptability, problem-solving, and teamwork skills. Make sure to detail the day for all dates otherwise HR will assume its the shortest time between two dates. For example January 2022 to February 2022 if written like this HR will assume its Jan 31 to February 1 cutting off what could be 2 full months of qualifying experience when what should be written is January 1 2022 to February 28 which HR would give the full time between dates. This is one example of the nuances of federal resumes that's worth knowing
Use Keywords: Federal resumes all go through a manual review but are looking for specific things. In every USAjobs post there is a section that says " One full year of specialized experience equivalent to the next lower grade" then gives a few things that you have to have experience in listed on the resume this is what the HR person will review for. Make sure to include keywords and phrases from that part of the job posting in your resume. Additionally, beyond showing those things write the rest of the resume for the Subject matter expert who will be the hiring official that reviews whether or not they want to interview. if there is more of an opportunity to do This will help your application stand out and show that you're a good match for the role.
Be Detailed: Unlike private sector resumes, federal resumes require more detail. Include specific accomplishments, the scope of your responsibilities, and the impact of your work. Quantify your achievements wherever possible.
Format Appropriately: Follow the federal resume format, which is different from a typical one-page resume. It's usually longer and more comprehensive. There are templates and guidelines available on sites like
Get help with FEMA resumes
submitted by CommanderAze to EmergencyManagement [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 16:09 Quiet-Fan-8479 Roast Landing Page Design of my AI Resume Builder

I’m excited to share a bit about my journey with Magic Resume AI (
As a developer who has gone through over 200 interviews, I always struggled with creating a great CV(sometimes for different technologies and roles).
Many services out there made it a tedious task—writing everything from scratch, dealing with formatting, and paying $20/month for fancy templates when I only needed a one(and be able to download it anytime).
That’s why I created Magic Resume AI. After several microlaunches to understand what users really want, I’m now focusing on redesigning the platform and improving my marketing.
I’d love your suggestions on the new design. Here’s a sneak peek: here is a link
What do you think? Is it engaging? Does it clearly show the value of the service? Your feedback means a lot to me!
submitted by Quiet-Fan-8479 to SaaS [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:48 Weird-Friendship-4Me ATS formatting help?

Do you have a good example of ATS-friendly resume or resources how to cram extensive work experiences into one page using ATS-friendly resume instead of the fancy resume templates that may not be ATS-friendly?
Would love to see them please.
submitted by Weird-Friendship-4Me to careerguidance [link] [comments]