Turabian essay format

Build decks. As a challenge.

2012.11.25 07:06 PurpleSharkShit Build decks. As a challenge.

/deckbuildingchallenge is a subreddit for competitively building decks. There will be a weekly challenge, and the best submitted deck will win. Pretty simple

2013.06.12 20:36 smfucksdmgetsfucked Smart Money Fucks, Dumb Money Gets Fucked

Honestly, you probably don't belong here.

2016.07.31 20:22 Triggered Memes

Memes with the triggered format.

2024.05.19 12:29 Affectionate-Tip1745 RoyalWriter Review: My Personal Experience

RoyalWriter Review: My Personal Experience
Brief overview:
Quick turnaround time, double checking for plagiarism and generated content, a 24/7 support team available through numerous communication channels, free unlimited revisions, a host of fresh service reviews and PayPal payment seemed to be the most appealing features of this writing service. Most users stated in their reviews that the platform is legit and can be trusted. The pricing here is adequate, starting at £10.83 per page. The turnaround is fast and timely, which is ideal for students short on time.
✅ Quick turnaround — minimum deadline is 3 hours
✅ Very reasonable prices
✅ Plagiarism and AI-generated content check by QA team
✅ Feedback on the website is regularly updated
✅ Links to additional resources with reviews are available
✅ 24/7 support
✅ Free unlimited revisions
✅ You can pay with PayPal
❌You cannot call your writer at the phone
My experience:
During the initial scroll through RoyalWriter, I noticed tonnes of fresh reviews, which made it crystal clear that this website is actively used by students and covers various types of papers, from assignments to research papers and other types of work.
I also noticed that the website contains a lot of useful information regarding the services offered, and their spectrum is rather broad (e.g. they even offer help with programming tasks). This was especially important for me because I needed assistance with a complex Business Assignment with calculations and some other websites couldn't find relevant experts for the task, which made my deadline even more looming. Here, everything was explained in detail and even visualised for clarity.
Just check this out:
The other feature that caught my eye was an individual approach to dissertation writing. I could'nt even imagine that a service can provide a personal manager to oversee all the dissertation writing stages and deadlines. This sounds like a real deal. Maybe I'll try it in three years when I'm asssigned one. Haha =)
And damn, YES — they are one of a few services that accept PayPal. This payment gateway is a serious one, and if PayPal partners with this website, then it's 100% trustworthy.
Another important point that made me choose this website in anonymity. Here, they not only promise that all communications are confidential from when you place an order until you get the completed paper back, but they deliver on their promises. When you send a direct message to the writer, they only see your user id, and you also see their id. No real names available, and asking for real names is prohibited by the website's policies. Cool, isn't it?
Btw, you can't call the writer at the phone for this very reason. However, you can chat through live chat, which is also okay. Of course, this may not be super convenient because sometimes it's easier to explain details over the phone, but I personally respect this firm for their focus on anonymity.
The last point for this firm was that they don't lie on their website. They directly state that all photos used on the website are stock photos, not real ones, used only for aesthetic appeal.
The result:
I received my assignment a few hours before the deadline, which turned out to be a great advantage. When I opened the file, I was shocked in a good way! Structure, formatting, correct grammar and punctuation were all there. The assignment was done professionally and contained UK spelling throughout. I even had to make a few mistakes here and there for my prof to believe it was my own work. It also passed numerous checks with contentdetector ai and zerogpt, and I was praised by the prof =)
What about you, Redditors? Has anyone used this website for essays and research papers? Have some coming my way next week and would like to understand if the quality will be the same. Please share your feedback only if you've tried the service. Not interested in alternatives.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Affectionate-Tip1745 to CollegeIntrovert [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:16 xdadrunkx Besoin d'avis sur reconversion dans le domaine de la Data/IA et choix de carrière

Hello, j'aurais besoin de votre avis sur ma situation actuelle et la choix que je m'apprête à faire.
Déja je préviens, Pavé césar.
Pour résumer ma situation : j'ai bientôt 35 piges, BTS info dev, je bosse depuis l'obtention de mon diplôme dans l'IT secteur région Toulousaine mais rien d'extraordinaire niveau métier. Depuis 2 ans je suis dans une boite où je suis technicien/admin système et réseau ( je précise tech/admin parce qu'en vrai on fait un peu plus qu'un tech d'exploitation mais moins qu'un admin => on gère pas tout ce qui est développement de l'architecture l'infra etc ) J'aime ce métier et ce que je fais, et jusqu'à présent je me posais pas trop la question sur ma carrière.
Sauf que, joie de l'infogérance, on perd cet été le contrat sur lequel je suis. Mon rythme de boulot étant très particulier ( une sorte de contrat VSD ) , mon employeur veut donc me repositionner sur un contrat qui n'a plus rien à voir niveau emploi du temps. Pour résumer, je vais gagner moins pour travailler plus.
Et cerise sur le gateau, mon rythme de vie changeant drastiquement, je vais donc perdre des jours de garde de mon enfant .... Subir les bouchons à nouveau ( comme le commun des mortels je vous l'accorde)
Y'a donc rien qui va sur le papier.
Y'a un domaine par lequel j'ai toujours été fasciné : la data. ça fait plusieurs années que ça me titille mais j'ai jamais franchi le pas de quoi que ce soit pour la simple et bonne raison que j'ai toujours eu, jusqu'à présent, ce que j'appelle, un CDI prison ( avant celui où je suis donc). Le bon vieux CDI où tu gagnes pas assez pour mettre de l'argent de coté, mais tu peux pas te barrer comme ça parce que tu toucheras pas le chomage dérrière et ton employeur lachera jamais une rupture conventionnelle ... ... J'ai sur mon temps libre durant les dernières années quand même un peu taté le terrain avec des formations udemy, coursera et autres sur la data, python etc. Mais la data étant un sujet tellement complexe et vaste, j'ai vite perdu confiance car je sais très bien que c'est pas avec des formations coursera que j'obtiendrais un poste junior. Cependant avec l'arrivée massive de l'IA ces dernières années, le monde de la data n'est jamais loin dans ma tête, c'est même pire, l'IA et le machine learning me fascine niveau application et possibilité.
Avec la perte de notre contrat, je pense cependant que mon employeur si je lui demande acceptera la rupture conventionelle. Cela m'ouvrirait donc des droits au chomage, et j'ai regardé mon cpf qui est à 5k ( + 4 points pénibilité donc si je comprend bien 7k en tout )
Et c'est là où je me suis fait la réflexion : attend mais est ce que ce n'est pas le bon moment ?
J'ai trouvé par la suite après mes recherches une formation pour les métiers de la Data. Je sais que c'est pas la voie royale, je vais pas sortir du MIT avec ça en poche, mais niveau porte d'entrée je pense que c'est un bon choix. L'école en question c'est Jedha.
Le gros point positif c'est que c'est une formation reconnue par l'Etat, avec un titre RNCP bac +5 : Architecte en Intelligence Artificielle Là encore, attention, j'ai bien conscience que ce n'est "qu'un" titre RNCP et qu'il faudra que je me vende beaucoup plus qu'un diplômé master traditionnel. En plus de ça, la formation est accessible à distance en temps partiel, cela veut dire que vis à vis de mon enfant, je n'ai pas à modifier mon planning et mes jours de garde en semaine actuels. c'est un gros plus. Je peux aussi aller en présentiel sur le campus qu'ils ont à Toulouse si j'en ai envie de temps en temps.
Ils proposent de suivre un package Data Science sur 3 étapes :
Data Essentials Data Scientist Full-stack Data Engineering
Si je suis les trois modules à la suite ( c'est le dernier qui récompense d'un certificat ), ils estiment la durée totale à 11 mois avec 2h par jour minimum et un samedi sur deux complet en classe. En vrai je serais à bien plus par jour, mais c'est pas pour autant que j'irais plus vite, j'aurais juste plus de temps pour pratiquer à coté et digérer ce que j'apprend. C'est en partie ça que j'aime pas avec les formats bootcamp, j'ai l'impression que tu apprends tellement de chose sur un court laps de temps qu'à la sortie tu oublies déjà ce que tu as fait à l'entrée.
En parallèle du cursus, il y'a la possibilité également des passer des certifs éditeurs.
Niveau cout : 11k oui c'est pas rien, mais je relativise en me disant qu'avec mon cpf jamais touché, et si j'ai bien compris le fonctionnement des points pénibilité, il me resterait 4k à financer. Il y'a peut être moyen de faire passer ça via Pole Emploi ou Transitions Pro, et dans le pire des cas j'ai de l'argent de coté pour me le payer.
J'ai l'impression que ce cursus aborde à peut près tout les points que j'attendrais d'une telle formation, la spécialisation Data Engineering étant je pense celle qui pourrait vraiment peaufiner ce parcours en abordant clairement l'IA et le machine learning.
Mon parcours actuel m'ayant fait touché le monde de l'administration, de l'infra, du stockage ( pas vraiment du cloud pour le moment ) + la formation jedha qui couvre l'IA et le machine learning, je me dis que je pourrais cibler une spécialisation MLOPS : un hybride Devops / Data Engineering. Je pense pas décrocher ce genre de boulot dés la fin de ma formation cependant, enfin du moins, c'est pas ce que j'espère, j'ai consicence que ça sera plus dur que ça sur le papier à convaincre un employeur. Mais dans le "pire des cas", je pense que mon cv pourrait convaincre pour un poste junior dans la data.
Le truc ultime qui finit de me convaincre c'est que je me dis que dans le pire des scénarios, aka je trouve pas de boulot dans le domaine parce qu'on me prend pour un clown, et bah j'irais postuler pour faire admin système .... C'est à dire ce que je vais devoir faire quoi qu'il arrive bientôt.
Donc j'arrive pas trop à analyser si je suis en train d'avoir la poussée d'optimisme la plus forte de ma vie en perdant la raison et la réalité du marché de l'emploi, ou si au contraire, c'est le bon moment et tout les astres s'alignent pour essayer de push ma carrière vers le haut.
Merci en tout cas de m'avoir lu en buvant votre café.
Je vais finir par 3/4 questions randoms :
Encore merci
submitted by xdadrunkx to programmation [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:01 adulting4kids December 2nd Prompts and Character Profile Template

This post will repeat weekly through the month of December. Please repost or cross post as a way to promote this subreddit. Or ignore this one and check out our others! I apologize if it's cramping your style, but when I work hard on certain posts I want to be sure they are useful! I also am working on making these shorter so they don't get lost in the madness....
Scroll down for the Character Questions and create a thoughtful and empathetic profile of your main characters for your projects!
As always please use these as sparks to create and feel free to post your responses and ideas in comments or separate post! This is YOUR subreddit so go ahead and post away!
Prompt: Imagine a dystopian world where an oppressive government has successfully erased all forms of personal identity and history. In this society, individuals are assigned generic roles and are forbidden from expressing their unique thoughts, emotions, or experiences. Write a short story or reflective essay exploring the life of a character who discovers a hidden underground community that encourages self-expression and reignites the importance of personal narratives.
In your response, consider the following:
  1. Character and World Building:
    • Describe the protagonist's background, their assigned role, and their initial perception of the oppressive world they inhabit.
    • Develop the hidden underground community, including its purpose, structure, and the means through which it safeguards personal stories.
    • Create a contrast between the protagonist's initial world and the underground community, highlighting the impact of personal narratives on shaping identity and resisting oppression.
  2. Plot Analysis:
    • Outline the protagonist's journey of discovery, including their initial skepticism, the influential encounters they have within the underground community, and the personal sacrifices they make to preserve their identity.
    • Explore the challenges and conflicts faced by the protagonist, both externally (e.g., encounters with government authorities) and internally (e.g., the struggle to confront their identity).
  3. Deep Introspection:
    • Prompt the protagonist to reflect deeply on the uncomfortable subjects that the government's erasure of personal narratives seeks to suppress. These could include topics such as individuality, memory, trauma, and the power of storytelling as a tool for empathy and resistance.
    • Encourage the protagonist to evolve their thoughts and perceptions throughout the narrative, considering the consequences of silence and the potential for personal growth through self-expression and sharing.
  4. Requirements for Responses:
    • Conduct research to explore real-world examples of societies that suppress personal narratives or attempt to erase collective memory.
  5. Prompt: In a post-apocalyptic world, a devastating pandemic has wiped out most of humanity. The survivors are forced to live in isolated communities, each with its own set of strict rules and customs. Write a short story or reflective essay exploring the life of a character who questions the existing order and embarks on a journey to unite these fragmented communities. Consider the role of unity, diversity, and collaboration in rebuilding a shattered world.
  6. Prompt: Set in a future where advanced AI technology has permeated every aspect of society, write a story or reflective essay following a protagonist who begins to question the boundaries between human and machine. Delve into the ethical implications of human-AI relationships, the erosion of human emotions, and the potential consequences of blurring the line between artificial and genuine experiences.
  7. Prompt: Imagine a world where climate change and environmental degradation have irreversibly altered the planet. Write a story or reflective essay from the perspective of a character who is part of a group striving to restore balance and heal the damaged Earth. Explore the connections between personal responsibility, collective action, and the intersections of social and environmental justice.
  8. Prompt: Transport yourself to a society where strict social hierarchies are based on a person's genetic makeup. Write a short story or reflective essay following a character who challenges this system and advocates for equality and inclusivity. Examine the role of genetic determinism, discrimination, and the power of individual agency in reshaping social structures.
  9. Prompt: Imagine a world where art and creativity are considered illegal, seen as tools of subversion and chaos. Write a story or reflective essay from the perspective of an artist who risks everything to defy this oppressive regime and reclaim the power of artistic expression. Analyze the significance of art as a form of resistance, its ability to inspire change, and its impact on personal and societal transformation.
Remember to consider the following for each of the prompts to insure a well rounded and thought out premise that will engage the audience and allow room for growth in the plot.
Prompt 1 - Post-Apocalyptic Community Building:
Prompt 2 - Ethical Implications of AI Technology:
Prompt 3 - Environmental Restoration and Social Justice:
Prompt 4 - Genetic Hierarchy and Social Change:
Prompt 5 - Artistic Expression as Resistance:
  1. Chick Lit: Write a chick lit novel or short story following a relatable protagonist navigating the challenges of love, career, and self-discovery. Explore themes of friendship, personal growth, and finding balance in a fast-paced, modern world.
  2. Young Readers' Adventure: Imagine a group of young friends who stumble upon a hidden portal to another realm. Write an adventure novel or short story as they embark on a quest to save a magical world from darkness. Delve into themes of friendship, bravery, and the power of imagination.
  3. Historical Fiction: Set in a time of significant historical events, write a novel or short story highlighting a lesser-known figure or group of people. Research the historical context meticulously and emphasize the character's resilience, struggles, and contributions during that tumultuous period.
  4. Fantasy: Create a fantastical world filled with mythical creatures, magic, and ancient prophecies. Write a novel or short story following a young protagonist who discovers their extraordinary abilities and must navigate a treacherous journey to fulfill their destiny. Explore themes of self-discovery, heroism, and the blurred lines between good and evil.
  5. Mystery/Thriller: Write a gripping mystery or thriller novel following a seasoned detective or amateur sleuth investigating a perplexing crime. Develop complex characters, suspenseful plot twists, and an intricate web of clues and red herrings that keep readers guessing until the very end.
  6. Science Fiction: Set in a future where technological advancements have transformed society, write a novel or short story exploring the ethical and societal implications of groundbreaking inventions. Examine themes such as artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, or virtual reality and their impact on humanity's future.
  7. Romance: Craft a heartwarming romance novel or short story centered around two individuals from different backgrounds or opposing sides. Explore themes of love, forgiveness, and the triumph of the human spirit in the face of adversity.
  8. Coming-of-Age: Write a coming-of-age novel or short story following a young protagonist's journey of self-discovery, identity formation, and navigating the complexities of adolescence. Explore themes of friendship, personal growth, and the challenges of transitioning into adulthood.
  9. Psychological Thriller: Create a psychological thriller novel or short story that delves into the intricacies of the human mind. Focus on a protagonist who becomes entangled in a web of deception, manipulation, and paranoia. Explore themes of trust, perception, and the blurred lines between reality and illusion.
  10. Family Drama: Write a novel or short story exploring the dynamics and complexities within a multi-generational family. Include themes of love, secrets, and conflicts that arise as family members navigate their relationships, face past traumas, and strive for reconciliation.
Considerations for each prompt:
  1. Historical Romance: Write a one-page historical romance set in a lavish ballroom during the Victorian era. Focus on the forbidden love between a spirited debutante and a mysterious gentleman from a different social class.
  2. Science Fiction Comedy: Craft a one-page comedic story set in a futuristic space station. Follow the misadventures of a clumsy maintenance technician who unwittingly saves the day against all odds.
  3. Paranormal Mystery: Pen a one-page mystery story set in a haunted mansion. Introduce a skeptical paranormal investigator who must solve the mystery of a ghostly apparition that has been terrorizing the inhabitants.
  4. Literary Fiction: Write a one-page literary fiction piece centered around a character's contemplation of the fleeting nature of life and the importance of cherishing the present moment.
  5. Action Adventure: Craft a one-page action-packed adventure story set in the jungles of an unexplored island. Follow a daring archaeologist's quest for a hidden treasure while battling against treacherous obstacles and rival adventurers.
  6. Psychological Drama: Create a one-page psychological drama following the internal struggles of a troubled artist as they grapple with their inner demons and seek redemption.
  7. Magical Realism: Write a one-page magical realism story set in a sleepy coastal town. Explore the extraordinary occurrences that happen when an enigmatic mermaid washes ashore and disrupts the mundane lives of the townsfolk.
  8. Thriller: Craft a one-page thriller story involving a race against time. Follow a determined protagonist as they try to decipher cryptic clues and prevent a citywide disaster.
  9. Fantasy Adventure: Pen a one-page fantasy adventure story set in a whimsical realm. Follow a young hero's quest to retrieve a stolen artifact and restore balance to the land, encountering fantastical creatures and overcoming obstacles along the way.
  10. Historical Fiction Mystery: Write a one-page historical fiction mystery set during the Roaring Twenties. Follow a quick-witted detective as they unravel a web of deceit and intrigue surrounding a glamorous underground speakeasy in the heart of the city.
Considerations for each prompt:
Protagonist Character Profile:
  1. Name:
  2. Age:
  3. Gender:
  4. Physical appearance:
  5. Background:
  6. Personality traits (list at least five):
  7. Core values and beliefs:
  8. Motivations and goals:
  9. Biggest fear:
  10. Internal conflicts:
  11. External conflicts:
  12. Strengths:
  13. Weaknesses:
  14. Childhood experiences and their impact:
  15. Education and professional background:
  16. Relationship status and dynamics:
  17. Quirks or peculiar habits:
  18. Psychological disorders, if any:
  19. Familial relationships and dynamics:
  20. Support system (friends, mentors, etc.):
  21. Traumatic experiences and their effects:
  22. Coping mechanisms:
  23. Emotional vulnerabilities:
  24. Resilience and determination:
  25. Personal growth throughout the story:
Protagonist Character Questions:
  1. What drives the protagonist to take action and pursue their goals?
  2. How does the protagonist's childhood shape their behaviors and choices?
  3. What values does the protagonist hold dear, and how do they influence their decision-making process?
  4. What inner conflicts does the protagonist face, and how do they attempt to reconcile them?
  5. How does the protagonist's education and professional background contribute to their strengths and weaknesses?
  6. What traumatic experiences has the protagonist overcome, and how have these experiences shaped their worldview?
  7. How does the protagonist cope with stress or adversity?
  8. What relationships and dynamics are most significant to the protagonist, and how do these relationships evolve throughout the story?
  9. In what ways does the protagonist exhibit resilience and determination in the face of challenges?
  10. How does the protagonist approach personal growth and self-improvement?
  11. What psychological disorders, if any, does the protagonist struggle with, and how do these disorders impact their thoughts and actions?
  12. How does the protagonist's physical appearance contribute to their self-perception and interactions with others?
  13. What unique quirks or habits does the protagonist possess that make them stand out?
  14. What are the protagonist's primary desires and aspirations?
  15. How does the protagonist's internalized fear drive or hinder their actions?
  16. How does the protagonist navigate and resolve external conflicts?
  17. What coping mechanisms does the protagonist rely on during times of stress or emotional turmoil?
  18. How do familial relationships and dynamics influence the protagonist's actions and decisions?
  19. What significant life choices or dilemmas does the protagonist face throughout the story, and how do they respond?
  20. In what ways does the protagonist's support system impact their growth and resilience?
  21. How does the protagonist's personal development and self-discovery contribute to the overall narrative arc?
  22. How does the protagonist's background and experiences shape their perception of the world?
  23. What are the protagonist's core beliefs and values, and how do these impact their interactions with others?
  24. How does the protagonist handle setbacks or failures, and what lessons do they learn from these experiences?
  25. What external influences or societal pressures affect the protagonist's decision-making process?
Antagonist Character Profile:
  1. Name:
  2. Age:
  3. Gender:
  4. Physical appearance:
  5. Background:
  6. Personality traits (list at least five):
  7. Core values and beliefs:
  8. Motivations and goals:
  9. Biggest fear:
  10. Internal conflicts:
  11. External conflicts:
  12. Strengths:
  13. Weaknesses:
  14. Childhood experiences and their impact $ Go on
  1. Education and professional background: 16. Relationship status and dynamics: 17. Quirks or peculiar habits: 18. Psychological disorders, if any: 19. Familial relationships and dynamics: 20. Support system (friends, mentors, etc.): 21. Traumatic experiences and their effects: 22. Coping mechanisms: 23. Emotional vulnerabilities: 24. Strategies for achieving their goals: 25. Methods they employ to antagonize the protagonist:
Antagonist Character Questions:
  1. What drives the antagonist to oppose the protagonist and act as an obstacle in their journey?
  2. How does the antagonist's background and upbringing contribute to their negative behaviors and motivations?
  3. What core values and beliefs does the antagonist hold that align with their antagonistic actions?
  4. What personal goals or desires does the antagonist seek to fulfill?
  5. What is the biggest fear or insecurity that drives the antagonist's actions?
  6. How does the antagonist's internal conflicts manifest and impact their decisions?
  7. What external conflicts arise as a result of the antagonist's actions, and how do they handle these conflicts?
  8. In what ways does the antagonist exhibit strength and power, and how do these traits affect their interactions with others?
  9. What are the antagonist's weaknesses or vulnerabilities that can be exploited by the protagonist?
  10. How have childhood experiences shaped the antagonist's worldview and motivations?
  11. How does the antagonist's education and professional background contribute to their methods and strategies?
  12. What familial relationships or dynamics influence the antagonist's actions and choices?
  13. What unique quirks or habits does the antagonist possess that make them distinct or memorable?
  14. Are there any psychological disorders or conditions that contribute to the antagonist's behavior?
  15. How does the antagonist cope with stress or emotional turmoil?
  16. What strategies or tactics does the antagonist employ to achieve their goals and antagonize the protagonist?
  17. How do the antagonist's actions impact their relationships and interactions with other characters in the story?
18.How does the antagonist perceive and justify their actions, even if they are considered morally or ethically wrong?
  1. What external influences or societal pressures contribute to the antagonist's motivations or actions?
  2. How does the antagonist's physical appearance contribute to their demeanor and portrayal in the story?
  3. What significant life choices or dilemmas has the antagonist faced, and how have these shaped their character?
  4. What is the antagonist's reaction to setbacks or failures, and how do they adapt their strategies?
  5. How does the antagonist's support system or lack thereof impact their actions and decisions?
  6. What past traumatic experiences or events have influenced the antagonist's worldview and behaviors?
  7. How does the antagonist's emotional state or emotional vulnerabilities influence their actions and interactions with others?
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:00 MindMaps254 Make Essay Writing Easier

Welcome to the "Essay Help by Pros" community group! Writing a great essay can be challenging, but with the right approach, anyone can produce a high-quality piece. Here are some points to follow to write a great essay:
  1. Understand the assignment: Before you start writing, make sure you understand the requirements of the essay. Read the instructions carefully, and take note of the topic, format, word count, and any specific guidelines that are provided.
  2. Choose a topic: Select a topic that interests you (if this is an option given) and that you have some knowledge about. You'll be more motivated to write, and you'll be able to draw on your existing knowledge to develop your ideas.
  3. Research your topic: Conduct thorough research on your topic, using a range of sources. Take notes on your findings and make sure you keep track of your sources so you can properly cite them later.
  4. Develop a thesis statement: Your thesis statement is the central idea of your essay. It should be a clear and concise statement that summarizes the main point you want to make in your essay.
  5. Create an outline: An outline is a roadmap that helps you organize your thoughts and ideas. It should include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion, and each section should have a clear focus.
  6. Write your essay: Use your outline to guide your writing. Make sure each paragraph has a clear topic sentence, and that all your ideas are well-supported with evidence.
  7. Edit and proofread: Once you've completed your essay, take the time to edit and proofread it. Check for spelling and grammar errors, and make sure your writing is clear and concise.
By following these points, you'll be well on your way to writing a great essay. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to the community for help!
submitted by MindMaps254 to essayhelpbypros [link] [comments]

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Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
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WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
Accounting Exam Help Reddit, Best Online Test Takers Reddit, Best Ways to Cheat on a Test Reddit, Best Website to Pay for Homework Reddit, Bypass Respondus Lockdown Browser Reddit, Calculus Test Taker Reddit, Canvas Cheating Reddit, Cheating in Online Exam Reddit, Cheating on Pearson Mymathlab Reddit, Cheating on Proctortrack Reddit, Cheating on Zoom Proctored Exams Reddit, Cheating on a Test Reddit, College Algebra Mymathlab Reddit, Do Homework for Money Reddit, Do My Assignment Reddit, Do My Exam for Me Reddit, Do My Homework for Me Reddit, Do My Math Homework Reddit, Do My Math Homework for Me Reddit, Do My Test for Me Reddit, Doing Homework Reddit, Domyhomework Reddit, Exam Cheating Reddit, Exam Help Online Reddit, Examity Reddit, Finance Homework Help Reddit, Fiverr Exam Cheating Reddit, Gradeseekers Reddit, Hire Someone to Take My Online Exam Reddit, Hire Test Taker Reddit, Homework Help Reddit, Homework Sites Reddit, Reddit, Homeworkhelp Reddit, Honorlock Reddit, How Much Should I Pay Someone to Take My Exam Reddit, How to Beat Honorlock Reddit, How to Beat Lockdown Browser Reddit, How to Cheat Examity Reddit 2022, How to Cheat Honorlock Reddit, How to Cheat and Not Get Caught Reddit, How to Cheat in School Reddit, How to Cheat on Canvas Tests Reddit, How to Cheat on Examity Reddit, How to Cheat on Honorlock Reddit, How to Cheat on Math Test Reddit, How to Cheat on Mymathlab Reddit, How to Cheat on Online Exams Reddit, How to Cheat on Online Proctored Exams Reddit, How to Cheat on Zoom Exam Reddit, How to Cheat on Zoom Exams Reddit, How to Cheat on a Proctored Exam Reddit, How to Cheat with Proctorio 2020 Reddit, How to Cheat with Proctorio Reddit, How to Cheat with Respondus Monitor Reddit, How to Get Past Lockdown Browser Reddit, Hwforcash Discord, I Paid Someone to Write My Essay Reddit, Is Hwforcash Legit, Lockdown Browser Hack Reddit, Lockdown Browser How to Cheat Reddit, Math Homework Reddit, Monitoredu Reddit, Mymathlab Answer Key Reddit, Mymathlab Answers Reddit, Mymathlab Cheat Reddit, Mymathlab Proctored Test Reddit, Online Exam Help Reddit, Online Exam Proctor Reddit, Online Proctored Exam Reddit, Organic Chemistry Exam Help Reddit, Organic Chemistry Test Taker Reddit, Paper Writers Reddit, Pay Me to Do Your Homework Reddit, Pay Me to Do Your Homework Reviews Reddit, Pay Someone to Do Homework Reddit, Pay Someone to Do My Assignment Reddit, Pay Someone to Do My College Homework Reddit, Pay Someone to Do My Homework Reddit, Pay Someone to Do My Math Homework Reddit, Pay Someone to Do My Online Class Reddit, Pay Someone to Do My Online Math Class Reddit, Pay Someone to Do My Programming Homework Reddit, Pay Someone to Do Statistics Homework Reddit, Pay Someone to Take Exam Reddit, Pay Someone to Take Exam for Me Reddit, Pay Someone to Take My Calculus Exam Reddit, Pay Someone to Take My Chemistry Exam Reddit, Pay Someone to Take My Exam Reddit, Pay Someone to Take My Online Class Reddit, Pay Someone to Take My Online Exam Reddit, Pay Someone to Take My Proctored Exam Reddit, Pay Someone to Take My Test in Person Reddit, Pay Someone to Take Online Class for Me Reddit, Pay Someone to Take Online Test Reddit, Pay Someone to Take Your Online Class Reddit, Pay Someone to Write My Paper Reddit, Pay for Homework Reddit, Pay to Do Homework Reddit, Paying Someone to Do Your Homework Reddit, Paying Someone to Take My Online Class Reddit, Paying Someone to Take Online Class Reddit, Paysomeonetodo Reddit, Physics Test Taker Reddit, Proctored Exam Reddit, Reddit Do My Homework for Me, Reddit Domyhomework, Reddit Homework Cheat, Reddit Homework Help, Reddit Homework for Money, Reddit Honorlock Cheating, Reddit Mymathlab Hack, Reddit Mymathlab Homework Answers, Reddit Paid Homework, Reddit Pay Someone to Do Your Homework, Reddit Pay Someone to Take Online Test, Reddit Pay for Homework, Reddit Pay to Do Homework, Reddit Test Takers for Hire, Reddit Tutors, Should I Pay Someone to Take My Exam Reddit, Statistics Test Taker Reddit, Take My Calculus Exam Reddit, Take My Class Pro Reddit, Take My Class Pro Reviews Reddit, Take My Exam for Me Reddit, Take My Math Test for Me Reddit, Take My Online Class Reddit, Take My Online Class for Me Reddit, Take My Online Exam for Me Reddit, Take My Online Exams Reddit, Take My Online Exams Review Reddit, Take My Online Exams Reviews Reddit, Take My Online Test Reddit, Take My Online Test for Me Reddit, Take My Physics Exam for Me Reddit, Take My Proctored Exam for Me Reddit, Take My Statistics Exam for Me Reddit, Take My Test for Me Reddit, Takemyonlineexams Reddit, Test Taker Reddit, We Take Classes Reddit, Write My Exam for Me Reddit
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submitted by ryanmark234 to nursinghelp2024 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:34 John_Smith_4724 Online Nursing Exam Help Reddit Nursing Exam Taker Reddit Nursing Class Help Reddit do my nursing Class Reddit Nursing Assignment Help Reddit Nursing Homework Helper Reddit Nursing course Help Reddit Take my Nursing Course Reddit Nursing Test Quiz Help Reddit Hire Expert Reddit

If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
I am very knowledgeable and proficient in assisting students in a wide range of mathematics classes. I can help students complete their homework assignments and other projects get an A on quizzes, tests, and exams (including proctored assessments) answer online discussion posts write essays & papers in MLA APA Chicago format and provide general overall academic help in each math course listed below:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
As of 2021, I have tutored and helped students enrolled at the following U.S. universities community colleges county & city colleges schools for-profit institutions listed below in alphabetical order:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
My contact details:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
Accounting Exam Help Reddit, Best Online Test Takers Reddit, Best Ways to Cheat on a Test Reddit, Best Website to Pay for Homework Reddit, Bypass Respondus Lockdown Browser Reddit, Calculus Test Taker Reddit, Canvas Cheating Reddit, Cheating in Online Exam Reddit, Cheating on Pearson Mymathlab Reddit, Cheating on Proctortrack Reddit, Cheating on Zoom Proctored Exams Reddit, Cheating on a Test Reddit, College Algebra Mymathlab Reddit, Do Homework for Money Reddit, Do My Assignment Reddit, Do My Exam for Me Reddit, Do My Homework for Me Reddit, Do My Math Homework Reddit, Do My Math Homework for Me Reddit, Do My Test for Me Reddit, Doing Homework Reddit, Domyhomework Reddit, Exam Cheating Reddit, Exam Help Online Reddit, Examity Reddit, Finance Homework Help Reddit, Fiverr Exam Cheating Reddit, Gradeseekers Reddit, Hire Someone to Take My Online Exam Reddit, Hire Test Taker Reddit, Homework Help Reddit, Homework Sites Reddit, Reddit, Homeworkhelp Reddit, Honorlock Reddit, How Much Should I Pay Someone to Take My Exam Reddit, How to Beat Honorlock Reddit, How to Beat Lockdown Browser Reddit, How to Cheat Examity Reddit 2022, How to Cheat Honorlock Reddit, How to Cheat and Not Get Caught Reddit, How to Cheat in School Reddit, How to Cheat on Canvas Tests Reddit, How to Cheat on Examity Reddit, How to Cheat on Honorlock Reddit, How to Cheat on Math Test Reddit, How to Cheat on Mymathlab Reddit, How to Cheat on Online Exams Reddit, How to Cheat on Online Proctored Exams Reddit, How to Cheat on Zoom Exam Reddit, How to Cheat on Zoom Exams Reddit, How to Cheat on a Proctored Exam Reddit, How to Cheat with Proctorio 2020 Reddit, How to Cheat with Proctorio Reddit, How to Cheat with Respondus Monitor Reddit, How to Get Past Lockdown Browser Reddit, Hwforcash Discord, I Paid Someone to Write My Essay Reddit, Is Hwforcash Legit, Lockdown Browser Hack Reddit, Lockdown Browser How to Cheat Reddit, Math Homework Reddit, Monitoredu Reddit, Mymathlab Answer Key Reddit, Mymathlab Answers Reddit, Mymathlab Cheat Reddit, Mymathlab Proctored Test Reddit, Online Exam Help Reddit, Online Exam Proctor Reddit, Online Proctored Exam Reddit, Organic Chemistry Exam Help Reddit, Organic Chemistry Test Taker Reddit, Paper Writers Reddit, Pay Me to Do Your Homework Reddit, Pay Me to Do Your Homework Reviews Reddit, Pay Someone to Do Homework Reddit, Pay Someone to Do My Assignment Reddit, Pay Someone to Do My College Homework Reddit, Pay Someone to Do My Homework Reddit, Pay Someone to Do My Math Homework Reddit, Pay Someone to Do My Online Class Reddit, Pay Someone to Do My Online Math Class Reddit, Pay Someone to Do My Programming Homework Reddit, Pay Someone to Do Statistics Homework Reddit, Pay Someone to Take Exam Reddit, Pay Someone to Take Exam for Me Reddit, Pay Someone to Take My Calculus Exam Reddit, Pay Someone to Take My Chemistry Exam Reddit, Pay Someone to Take My Exam Reddit, Pay Someone to Take My Online Class Reddit, Pay Someone to Take My Online Exam Reddit, Pay Someone to Take My Proctored Exam Reddit, Pay Someone to Take My Test in Person Reddit, Pay Someone to Take Online Class for Me Reddit, Pay Someone to Take Online Test Reddit, Pay Someone to Take Your Online Class Reddit, Pay Someone to Write My Paper Reddit, Pay for Homework Reddit, Pay to Do Homework Reddit, Paying Someone to Do Your Homework Reddit, Paying Someone to Take My Online Class Reddit, Paying Someone to Take Online Class Reddit, Paysomeonetodo Reddit, Physics Test Taker Reddit, Proctored Exam Reddit, Reddit Do My Homework for Me, Reddit Domyhomework, Reddit Homework Cheat, Reddit Homework Help, Reddit Homework for Money, Reddit Honorlock Cheating, Reddit Mymathlab Hack, Reddit Mymathlab Homework Answers, Reddit Paid Homework, Reddit Pay Someone to Do Your Homework, Reddit Pay Someone to Take Online Test, Reddit Pay for Homework, Reddit Pay to Do Homework, Reddit Test Takers for Hire, Reddit Tutors, Should I Pay Someone to Take My Exam Reddit, Statistics Test Taker Reddit, Take My Calculus Exam Reddit, Take My Class Pro Reddit, Take My Class Pro Reviews Reddit, Take My Exam for Me Reddit, Take My Math Test for Me Reddit, Take My Online Class Reddit, Take My Online Class for Me Reddit, Take My Online Exam for Me Reddit, Take My Online Exams Reddit, Take My Online Exams Review Reddit, Take My Online Exams Reviews Reddit, Take My Online Test Reddit, Take My Online Test for Me Reddit, Take My Physics Exam for Me Reddit, Take My Proctored Exam for Me Reddit, Take My Statistics Exam for Me Reddit, Take My Test for Me Reddit, Takemyonlineexams Reddit, Test Taker Reddit, We Take Classes Reddit, Write My Exam for Me Reddit
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submitted by John_Smith_4724 to nursinghelp2024 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:04 InJoshWeTrust Is It Good To Have Multiple Video Formats on One Channel?

For a little context, I have been seeking to change the content on my channel. I started off doing a little "Let's Play!" style content and it never really caught on, which is fine, I'm not complaining. But I switched it up and recently did a long form "video essay" style video. Where before I was getting between 10-50 views on a Let's Play" and maybe 100 on a more provocatively titled episode, this video essay got roughly 8k in views before it started slowing down. And over 230k impressions. It was a great boost to my motivation and I have begun working on another video essay.
But since I want to just make content for gaming in all it's forms, I wanted to team up with a friend of mine and play some games together, back to my Let's Play Format. I have a name and theme for the videos. But it is good to put it on my current channel or should I start another channel separately for that?
I have organized my video types into different "Shows" and playlists so people can find the specific content they want, but does multiple formats hurt the performance of other videos or the channel as a whole?
submitted by InJoshWeTrust to NewTubers [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:36 purple_acorn Genuine Advice for Passing the Bar

This is advice I would have given myself before I started studying, had I known everything I do now, to make my bar prep easier. I passed in July 2023. A lot of the "advice" posts on here I feel aren't very accurate, helpful, or are extremely generic.
  1. Don't over extend yourself and focus your efforts on committing what you've learned to long-term memory.
    • It's better to focus on the heavily tested topics than it is to try and learn EVERYTHING. The scope of "possible" topics on the bar is so large that if you spend your time stressing or trying to learn literally everything that *could* be tested, you will ruin your mental health and miss out on review time, which is when the rules actually *click* and stick for you.
    • I tried so hard to watch both the Barbri lectures AND read the conciser outlines AND read JDadvising outlines, etc, because I was so afraid I would miss some obscure rule or example. This ended up working against me, as I barely had any time left for review by the end of it. I should have just stuck with one, focused on the heavily tested topics, and given myself plenty of time for review to commit it all to longterm memory.
  2. Reserve time for practice. Dont spent all your time just on reading/learning. Do LOTS of MBE practice questions. Buy Adaptibar. Don't waste time writing essays, but try to read and do issue spotting outlines for as many essays as possible so you learn what your pitfalls are.
    • At the end of the day, knowing the black letter rule is absolutely no help if you've never seen the format of the MBE, or applied that knowledge to a prompt.
    • When I first bought Adaptibar, I got so many questions wrong, even though i could recall the rule, because I didn't understand the questions and didn't have practice applying the rule to facts.
    • The black letter rules are ultimately abstract concepts. You NEED to have practice applying it in order to pass the bar. For example, only after doing several evidence essay questions did I realize I was consistently missing easy points because I would forget to talk about relevance. Don't waste time writing full essay answers, do outlines.
  3. Quit your bar prep program early if it isnt working for you, and come up with your own schedule.
    • I stuck with Barbri's program until late June because I felt I had to, when I should have quit much sooner.
    • Everyone's study habits are different. Don't stick to your program if you know it isnt working. I eventually completely stopped watching the lectures and focused solely on reading outlines and making flashcards, because I knew my problem was recall. I understood the rules just fine, so watching lecture after lecture of someone explaining the rules to me wasn't actually helping me.
  4. Be okay with not passing.
    • Anxiety, stress, etc., will not help you with retention and will affect your sleep. You need to come to terms with potentially not passing. Internalize it.
submitted by purple_acorn to barexam [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:04 MortgageRich3613 Pay Someone to take my Stat Class Reddit Pay Someone to do my statistics class reddit Pay Someoene to take my Stat Course Online Reddit Pay Someone to do my statistics course Reddit Someone to do my stat Class Reddit Do my statistics class reddit take my stat exam Reddit Reddit Helper

If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
I am very knowledgeable and proficient in assisting students in a wide range of mathematics classes. I can help students complete their homework assignments and other projects get an A on quizzes, tests, and exams (including proctored assessments) answer online discussion posts write essays & papers in MLA APA Chicago format and provide general overall academic help in each math course listed below:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
As of 2021, I have tutored and helped students enrolled at the following U.S. universities community colleges county & city colleges schools for-profit institutions listed below in alphabetical order:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
My contact details:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
Accounting Exam Help Reddit, Best Online Test Takers Reddit, Best Ways to Cheat on a Test Reddit, Best Website to Pay for Homework Reddit, Bypass Respondus Lockdown Browser Reddit, Calculus Test Taker Reddit, Canvas Cheating Reddit, Cheating in Online Exam Reddit, Cheating on Pearson Mymathlab Reddit, Cheating on Proctortrack Reddit, Cheating on Zoom Proctored Exams Reddit, Cheating on a Test Reddit, College Algebra Mymathlab Reddit, Do Homework for Money Reddit, Do My Assignment Reddit, Do My Exam for Me Reddit, Do My Homework for Me Reddit, Do My Math Homework Reddit, Do My Math Homework for Me Reddit, Do My Test for Me Reddit, Doing Homework Reddit, Domyhomework Reddit, Exam Cheating Reddit, Exam Help Online Reddit, Examity Reddit, Finance Homework Help Reddit, Fiverr Exam Cheating Reddit, Gradeseekers Reddit, Hire Someone to Take My Online Exam Reddit, Hire Test Taker Reddit, Homework Help Reddit, Homework Sites Reddit, Reddit, Homeworkhelp Reddit, Honorlock Reddit, How Much Should I Pay Someone to Take My Exam Reddit, How to Beat Honorlock Reddit, How to Beat Lockdown Browser Reddit, How to Cheat Examity Reddit 2022, How to Cheat Honorlock Reddit, How to Cheat and Not Get Caught Reddit, How to Cheat in School Reddit, How to Cheat on Canvas Tests Reddit, How to Cheat on Examity Reddit, How to Cheat on Honorlock Reddit, How to Cheat on Math Test Reddit, How to Cheat on Mymathlab Reddit, How to Cheat on Online Exams Reddit, How to Cheat on Online Proctored Exams Reddit, How to Cheat on Zoom Exam Reddit, How to Cheat on Zoom Exams Reddit, How to Cheat on a Proctored Exam Reddit, How to Cheat with Proctorio 2020 Reddit, How to Cheat with Proctorio Reddit, How to Cheat with Respondus Monitor Reddit, How to Get Past Lockdown Browser Reddit, Hwforcash Discord, I Paid Someone to Write My Essay Reddit, Is Hwforcash Legit, Lockdown Browser Hack Reddit, Lockdown Browser How to Cheat Reddit, Math Homework Reddit, Monitoredu Reddit, Mymathlab Answer Key Reddit, Mymathlab Answers Reddit, Mymathlab Cheat Reddit, Mymathlab Proctored Test Reddit, Online Exam Help Reddit, Online Exam Proctor Reddit, Online Proctored Exam Reddit, Organic Chemistry Exam Help Reddit, Organic Chemistry Test Taker Reddit, Paper Writers Reddit, Pay Me to Do Your Homework Reddit, Pay Me to Do Your Homework Reviews Reddit, Pay Someone to Do Homework Reddit, Pay Someone to Do My Assignment Reddit, Pay Someone to Do My College Homework Reddit, Pay Someone to Do My Homework Reddit, Pay Someone to Do My Math Homework Reddit, Pay Someone to Do My Online Class Reddit, Pay Someone to Do My Online Math Class Reddit, Pay Someone to Do My Programming Homework Reddit, Pay Someone to Do Statistics Homework Reddit, Pay Someone to Take Exam Reddit, Pay Someone to Take Exam for Me Reddit, Pay Someone to Take My Calculus Exam Reddit, Pay Someone to Take My Chemistry Exam Reddit, Pay Someone to Take My Exam Reddit, Pay Someone to Take My Online Class Reddit, Pay Someone to Take My Online Exam Reddit, Pay Someone to Take My Proctored Exam Reddit, Pay Someone to Take My Test in Person Reddit, Pay Someone to Take Online Class for Me Reddit, Pay Someone to Take Online Test Reddit, Pay Someone to Take Your Online Class Reddit, Pay Someone to Write My Paper Reddit, Pay for Homework Reddit, Pay to Do Homework Reddit, Paying Someone to Do Your Homework Reddit, Paying Someone to Take My Online Class Reddit, Paying Someone to Take Online Class Reddit, Paysomeonetodo Reddit, Physics Test Taker Reddit, Proctored Exam Reddit, Reddit Do My Homework for Me, Reddit Domyhomework, Reddit Homework Cheat, Reddit Homework Help, Reddit Homework for Money, Reddit Honorlock Cheating, Reddit Mymathlab Hack, Reddit Mymathlab Homework Answers, Reddit Paid Homework, Reddit Pay Someone to Do Your Homework, Reddit Pay Someone to Take Online Test, Reddit Pay for Homework, Reddit Pay to Do Homework, Reddit Test Takers for Hire, Reddit Tutors, Should I Pay Someone to Take My Exam Reddit, Statistics Test Taker Reddit, Take My Calculus Exam Reddit, Take My Class Pro Reddit, Take My Class Pro Reviews Reddit, Take My Exam for Me Reddit, Take My Math Test for Me Reddit, Take My Online Class Reddit, Take My Online Class for Me Reddit, Take My Online Exam for Me Reddit, Take My Online Exams Reddit, Take My Online Exams Review Reddit, Take My Online Exams Reviews Reddit, Take My Online Test Reddit, Take My Online Test for Me Reddit, Take My Physics Exam for Me Reddit, Take My Proctored Exam for Me Reddit, Take My Statistics Exam for Me Reddit, Take My Test for Me Reddit, Takemyonlineexams Reddit, Test Taker Reddit, We Take Classes Reddit, Write My Exam for Me Reddit
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submitted by MortgageRich3613 to Statisticshelpers_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:32 Azurecertificates Best online statistics class help Reddit

Mastering Statistics: Top Online Resources for Success
If you are unable to Pass your Stat Exams, Quizzes, Tests or Unable to Handle Homework Assignments or full course online, Get paid help from Online Helpers at Hiraedu!
Contact Details for Hiraedu Helper:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: info@hiraedu. com
Statistics can be a tough subject, but with the right resources, you can conquer it! Whether you're a student or a professional, online statistics classes offer flexibility and convenience. In this blog, we'll explore the best online statistics class help, covering resources, courses, and tips for success.Resources:
  1. Khan Academy (khanacademy.org): Free statistics courses, video lectures, and practice exercises.
  2. Coursera (coursera.org): Offers statistics courses from top universities like Stanford and Duke.
  3. edX (edx.org): Provides statistics courses and certifications from leading institutions.
  4. Statisticshelp.com: Offers online tutoring, homework help, and study resources.
  5. DataCamp (datacamp.com): Interactive statistics and data science courses.
  1. "Introduction to Statistics" by Khan Academy
  2. "Statistics in Medicine" by University of London on Coursera
  3. "Data Analysis" by Microsoft on edX
  4. "Statistical Inference" by Stanford University on Coursera
  5. "Data Visualization" by DataCamp
Tips for Success:
  1. Practice regularly with online resources and exercises.
  2. Join online communities and forums for support and discussion.
  3. Use visual aids like graphs and charts to understand complex concepts.
  4. Apply statistical concepts to real-world problems.
  5. Seek help from instructors or tutors when needed.
Mastering statistics requires effort, but with the right online resources and support, you can achieve success. Utilize these top online statistics class helps, courses, and tips to improve your understanding and application of statistical concepts. Embrace the power of statistics and unlock new possibilities in your academic and professional journey!
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your comptia or any other WGU Exam or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
  1. Team of U.S. Academic Experts: I and my team of dedicated academic experts complete all types of academic coursework for students in most math, English, science, business, humanities, social Sciences, computer programming, and foreign language classes on a 24/7/365 full-time round-the-clock basis. This is not some part-time gig for me. It’s literally my primary source of income. I can regularly make myself available to help students with last-minute & same-day academic requests.
  2. Essay Writing Skills: I can write essays & research papers in native U.S. American English and fluent Canadian English using APA MLA Harvard Chicago Vancouver OSCOLA IEEE formatting & citations.
  3. 75+ Types of Academic Software: I am highly skilled & experienced in using over 75+ types of academic software and educational platforms including the following: ALEKS, Blackboard, Brightspace, Canvas, Cengage, WebAssign, ConnectMath, Crowdmark, D2L, Moodle, Pearson MyLab and Mastering, MyMathLab, MyStatLab, MyOpenMath, StraighterLine, WebWork, and Wiley.
  4. Can Change IP Address: I have multiple reliable VPN software including: NordVPN, SurfShark & ExpressVPN that allows me to successfully change my computer’s original New Jersey IP address to any major city in the U.S. & Canada to avoid raising red flags with students’ online class software.
  5. Proctored Exam Help: I have developed multiple highly effective methods of helping students with exams, tests, and quizzes that are proctored by software like: Respondus Lockdown Browser with Webcam, Honorlock, Examity, Proctorio, Proctor360, Proctortrack, and ProProctor using 3 highly effective proven methods. Option 1 - WhatsApp: I use WhatsApp to have the student discreetly text me photos of the exam questions outside of the webcam’s view and I text them the correct solutions to the exam questions. Option 2 - Screen Share: Using screen share software like Zoom to see the student’s screen displaying the exam questions and I text the correct solutions. Option 3 - Remote PC Access & Control: Using remote computer access software like to control the student’s mouse and keyboard from my own computer.
  6. Study Help Apps: I have over 15+ paid subscriptions to a wide range of study help apps, software, websites, and programs to help me solve exam & homework questions faster and more efficiently. Some of these resources include: Brainly, Chegg, CourseHero, Quizlet, SymboLab & WolframAlpha.
  7. Calculators & Math Software: I have access to a very sophisticated graphing calculator and various mathematical software that provides step-by-step solutions to complex mathematical problems within seconds, allowing me to provide exact solutions to the student in a timely manner.
  8. Test Taking Techniques: I have developed highly effective methods to determine the correct answers to questions that I’m not already familiar with including process of elimination, working backwards, quickly searching for similar questions online, and utilizing standardized test taking techniques taught only in elite standardized test prep tutoring programs.
  9. Handwriting & Scanning Apps: I have impeccable handwriting and a high-quality mobile scanner app that allows me to scan written solutions in very legible high-definition JPG, PNG, and PDF formats.
  10. Live Exam Help Videos: I am the only verified U.S.-based online exam hw online class help tutor with a highly successful YouTube Channel where I regularly upload live unedited videos of me actually completing exams, quizzes & homework assignments for other students and clearly explain my entire thought process and display on-screen all the steps, apps, websites, and software I use to compute the correct answers.
  11. Flexible Payment Methods: I offer negotiable rates, multiple payment methods (PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, Zelle, anonymous credit & debit card payments via online invoice), and flexible payment plans: weekly (most expensive), monthly, half-now / half-later, and all-up-front (least expensive).
  12. Money Back Guarantee: I have won multiple academic awards for my exceptional skills & expertise in math. I guarantee overall A & B grades for all coursework completed. Plus. I also offer a 50% refund for C+, C, and C- scores, and a full 100% refund for D+, D, D-, and F scores.
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your comptia or any other WGU Exam or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your comptia or any other WGU Exam or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
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submitted by Azurecertificates to Statisticshelpers_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:02 ccna_cisco pay someone to do my homework Online Reddit

If you are unable to pas your Online Exam, Assignment and couldn't handle online courses workload, get paid help from Online Helpers at Hiraedu!
Contact Details for Hiraedu Helper:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
  1. Team of U.S. Academic Experts: I and my team of dedicated academic experts complete all types of academic coursework for students in most math, English, science, business, humanities, social Sciences, computer programming, and foreign language classes on a 24/7/365 full-time round-the-clock basis. This is not some part-time gig for me. It’s literally my primary source of income. I can regularly make myself available to help students with last-minute & same-day academic requests.
  2. Essay Writing Skills: I can write essays & research papers in native U.S. American English and fluent Canadian English using APA MLA Harvard Chicago Vancouver OSCOLA IEEE formatting & citations.
  3. 75+ Types of Academic Software: I am highly skilled & experienced in using over 75+ types of academic software and educational platforms including the following: ALEKS, Blackboard, Brightspace, Canvas, Cengage, WebAssign, ConnectMath, Crowdmark, D2L, Moodle, Pearson MyLab and Mastering, MyMathLab, MyStatLab, MyOpenMath, StraighterLine, WebWork, and Wiley.
  4. Can Change IP Address: I have multiple reliable VPN software including: NordVPN, SurfShark & ExpressVPN that allows me to successfully change my computer’s original New Jersey IP address to any major city in the U.S. & Canada to avoid raising red flags with students’ online class software.
  5. Proctored Exam Help: I have developed multiple highly effective methods of helping students with exams, tests, and quizzes that are proctored by software like: Respondus Lockdown Browser with Webcam, Honorlock, Examity, Proctorio, Proctor360, Proctortrack, and ProProctor using 3 highly effective proven methods.
  6. Option 1 - WhatsApp: I use WhatsApp to have the student discreetly text me photos of the exam questions outside of the webcam’s view and I text them the correct solutions to the exam questions.
  7. Option 2 - Screen Share: Using screen share software like Zoom to see the student’s screen displaying the exam questions and I text the correct solutions.
  8. Option 3 - Remote PC Access & Control: Using remote computer access software like to control the student’s mouse and keyboard from my own computer.
  9. Study Help Apps: I have over 15+ paid subscriptions to a wide range of study help apps, software, websites, and programs to help me solve exam & homework questions faster and more efficiently. Some of these resources include: Brainly, Chegg, CourseHero, Quizlet, SymboLab & WolframAlpha.
  10. Calculators & Math Software: I have access to a very sophisticated graphing calculator and various mathematical software that provides step-by-step solutions to complex mathematical problems within seconds, allowing me to provide exact solutions to the student in a timely manner.
  11. Test Taking Techniques: I have developed highly effective methods to determine the correct answers to questions that I’m not already familiar with including process of elimination, working backwards, quickly searching for similar questions online, and utilizing standardized test taking techniques taught only in elite standardized test prep tutoring programs.
  12. Handwriting & Scanning Apps: I have impeccable handwriting and a high-quality mobile scanner app that allows me to scan written solutions in very legible high-definition JPG, PNG, and PDF formats.
  13. Flexible Payment Methods: I offer negotiable rates, multiple payment methods (PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, Zelle, anonymous credit & debit card payments via online invoice), and flexible payment plans: weekly (most expensive), monthly, half-now / half-later, and all-up-front (least expensive).
  14. Money Back Guarantee: I have won multiple academic awards for my exceptional skills & expertise in math. I guarantee overall A & B grades for all coursework completed. Plus. I also offer a 50% refund for C+, C, and C- scores, and a full 100% refund for D+, D, D-, and F scores.
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
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submitted by ccna_cisco to Statisticshelpers_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:55 Meydeey Améliorez votre écriture avec Charstar AI : rapide et efficace

```html Tu cherches un moyen d'améliorer ton écriture sans y passer des heures ? Découvre Charstar AI, ton nouvel assistant d'écriture basé sur l'intelligence artificielle. Cet outil te permet de rédiger plus rapidement et efficacement, que ce soit pour des mails professionnels, des articles de blog ou même des romans.

Qu'est-ce que Charstar AI ?

Charstar AI est une plateforme d'écriture assistée par intelligence artificielle. Elle agit comme un copilote d'écriture, toujours prêt à te guider et à t'inspirer. Grâce à ses algorithmes performants et sa vaste base de données, Charstar AI comprend tes intentions et te propose des améliorations pertinentes pour tes textes.

Comment ça marche ?

Utiliser Charstar AI est très simple. Tu commences à écrire dans l'interface de la plateforme, et l'IA analyse ton texte en temps réel. Elle te fait des suggestions pour améliorer ton écriture, que ce soit pour trouver le mot juste, reformuler une phrase ou développer une idée. Tu gardes le contrôle total et peux accepter ou rejeter les suggestions selon tes préférences.

Les avantages de Charstar AI

  • Gain de temps : Charstar AI te permet d'écrire plus rapidement en te proposant des idées et des formulations pertinentes.
  • Amélioration de la qualité : Tes textes deviennent plus clairs, cohérents et agréables à lire.
  • Polyvalence : Que ce soit pour des mails, des articles de blog ou des romans, Charstar AI s'adapte à tous les types d'écriture.
  • Inspiration : Plus de panne d'inspiration grâce aux suggestions de l'IA.

Pour qui est fait Charstar AI ?

Charstar AI est idéal pour les rédacteurs, blogueurs, marketeurs, écrivains, étudiants et toute personne souhaitant améliorer son écriture. Cet outil est parfait pour ceux qui veulent libérer leur créativité et gagner en efficacité dans leur communication écrite.

Comment commencer avec Charstar AI ?

Pour commencer, il te suffit de t'inscrire sur la plateforme Charstar AI. Une fois inscrit, tu peux immédiatement commencer à écrire et recevoir des suggestions en temps réel. L'interface est intuitive et facile à utiliser, même pour les débutants.

Exemples d'utilisation de Charstar AI

Voici quelques exemples concrets de ce que tu peux faire avec Charstar AI :
  • Rédiger des mails professionnels plus rapidement et efficacement.
  • Écrire des articles de blog captivants et bien structurés.
  • Développer des idées pour des romans ou des nouvelles.
  • Améliorer tes devoirs et travaux scolaires.

Les limites de Charstar AI

Bien que Charstar AI soit un outil puissant, il a aussi ses limites. L'IA peut parfois proposer des suggestions qui ne sont pas toujours pertinentes. Il est donc important de toujours relire et ajuster les textes selon ton propre jugement.


En résumé, Charstar AI est un outil précieux pour quiconque souhaite améliorer son écriture. Il te permet de gagner du temps, d'améliorer la qualité de tes textes et de libérer ta créativité. Alors, pourquoi ne pas essayer Charstar AI dès maintenant et voir comment il peut transformer ta façon d'écrire ?
➤ Découvre nos Formations IA, Automatisation et Growth
Tu souhaites maîtriser les technologies de demain ? Rejoins nos formations spécialisées en Intelligence Artificielle, Automatisation Nocode et Growth Hacking. Chaque cours est conçu pour vous fournir des compétences pratiques et immédiatement applicables.
➤ Inscris-toi Maintenant
Ne rate pas l'opportunité de propulser ton business, même si tu es débutant. Les places sont limitées, assure ta place dès aujourd'hui !
👉 Rendez-vous sur https://furybiz.com/ pour commencer !
submitted by Meydeey to iaautomatisation [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:49 writerproEE Quality content writer

Hello beautiful people! I'm here to help you with high-quality English SEO content writing. I will create blogs, articles, and essays to provide content for your website and increase visitor traffic. You will receive expert SEO content that will improve your search metrics. What you will find in my content is:. • Informative and educational articles • keyword-rich and captivating format. • No plagiarism •Human-written content. •No grammatical mistakes •Delivery on time.
I look forward to providing my services and fulfilling your demands. Thank you.
submitted by writerproEE to Writer [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:44 Meydeey 5 Raisons d'Améliorer Vos Photos avec Remini AI : Simple et Efficace

Tu cherches à améliorer la qualité de tes photos sans te compliquer la vie ? Remini AI est l'outil qu'il te faut. Grâce à l'intelligence artificielle, il transforme tes clichés flous ou pixelisés en images nettes et claires en quelques clics.

Qu'est-ce que Remini AI ?

Remini AI est une plateforme en ligne qui utilise des algorithmes d'intelligence artificielle pour restaurer et améliorer tes photos. Que ce soit des portraits, des paysages ou des photos anciennes, Remini AI corrige les imperfections et augmente la résolution.

Comment fonctionne Remini AI ?

Le processus est simple : tu télécharges ta photo sur la plateforme, et en quelques secondes, Remini AI analyse l'image et applique ses algorithmes pour la restaurer. Le résultat est une photo nette, claire et de haute qualité.

Les fonctionnalités de Remini AI

  • Amélioration de la netteté et de la clarté
  • Suppression du bruit et des artefacts
  • Augmentation de la résolution jusqu'à 4K
  • Restauration des photos anciennes ou endommagées
  • Correction des couleurs et du contraste

Les avantages de Remini AI

  • Simple et rapide à utiliser
  • Accessible depuis n'importe quel appareil (ordinateur, smartphone, tablette)
  • Résultats professionnels sans compétences en retouche photo
  • Économique par rapport à l'achat de logiciels de retouche coûteux
  • Préserve tes souvenirs en restaurant tes photos anciennes

Pourquoi choisir Remini AI ?

Remini AI est l'outil idéal pour tous ceux qui souhaitent obtenir des photos de qualité professionnelle sans effort. Grâce à sa technologie d'intelligence artificielle avancée, Remini AI redonne vie à tes photos et te permet de préserver tes précieux souvenirs.

Utilisation de Remini AI

Pour utiliser Remini AI, il te suffit de suivre ces étapes simples :
  • Accède à la plateforme Remini AI.
  • Télécharge la photo que tu souhaites améliorer.
  • Laisse l'algorithme analyser et restaurer l'image.
  • Télécharge la photo améliorée.

Accessibilité et compatibilité

Remini AI est accessible depuis n'importe quel appareil connecté à Internet. Que tu utilises un ordinateur, un smartphone ou une tablette, tu peux facilement améliorer tes photos où que tu sois.

Économique et efficace

Contrairement à d'autres logiciels de retouche photo coûteux, Remini AI offre une solution économique pour améliorer la qualité de tes photos. Tu n'as pas besoin de compétences en retouche photo pour obtenir des résultats professionnels.

Préservation des souvenirs

Remini AI est particulièrement utile pour restaurer des photos anciennes ou endommagées. Grâce à ses algorithmes avancés, il redonne vie à tes souvenirs et te permet de les préserver pour les générations futures.


En résumé, Remini AI est un outil puissant et facile à utiliser pour améliorer la qualité de tes photos. Que tu souhaites restaurer des photos anciennes ou simplement améliorer la netteté de tes clichés, Remini AI est la solution idéale. N'attends plus, essaye Remini AI dès maintenant et découvre la différence !

➤ Découvre nos Formations IA, Automatisation et Growth
Tu souhaites maîtriser les technologies de demain ? Rejoins nos formations spécialisées en Intelligence Artificielle, Automatisation Nocode et Growth Hacking. Chaque cours est conçu pour vous fournir des compétences pratiques et immédiatement applicables.
➤ Inscris-toi Maintenant
Ne rate pas l'opportunité de propulser ton business, même si tu es débutant. Les places sont limitées, assure ta place dès aujourd'hui !
👉 Rendez-vous sur https://furybiz.com/ pour commencer !
submitted by Meydeey to iaautomatisation [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:04 Key_Constant4544 pay someone to do my homework

If you are unable to pas your Online Exam, Assignment and couldn't handle online courses workload, get paid help from Online Helpers at Hiraedu!
Contact Details for Hiraedu Helper:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
  1. Team of U.S. Academic Experts: I and my team of dedicated academic experts complete all types of academic coursework for students in most math, English, science, business, humanities, social Sciences, computer programming, and foreign language classes on a 24/7/365 full-time round-the-clock basis. This is not some part-time gig for me. It’s literally my primary source of income. I can regularly make myself available to help students with last-minute & same-day academic requests.
  2. Essay Writing Skills: I can write essays & research papers in native U.S. American English and fluent Canadian English using APA MLA Harvard Chicago Vancouver OSCOLA IEEE formatting & citations.
  3. 75+ Types of Academic Software: I am highly skilled & experienced in using over 75+ types of academic software and educational platforms including the following: ALEKS, Blackboard, Brightspace, Canvas, Cengage, WebAssign, ConnectMath, Crowdmark, D2L, Moodle, Pearson MyLab and Mastering, MyMathLab, MyStatLab, MyOpenMath, StraighterLine, WebWork, and Wiley.
  4. Can Change IP Address: I have multiple reliable VPN software including: NordVPN, SurfShark & ExpressVPN that allows me to successfully change my computer’s original New Jersey IP address to any major city in the U.S. & Canada to avoid raising red flags with students’ online class software.
  5. Proctored Exam Help: I have developed multiple highly effective methods of helping students with exams, tests, and quizzes that are proctored by software like: Respondus Lockdown Browser with Webcam, Honorlock, Examity, Proctorio, Proctor360, Proctortrack, and ProProctor using 3 highly effective proven methods.
  6. Option 1 - WhatsApp: I use WhatsApp to have the student discreetly text me photos of the exam questions outside of the webcam’s view and I text them the correct solutions to the exam questions.
  7. Option 2 - Screen Share: Using screen share software like Zoom to see the student’s screen displaying the exam questions and I text the correct solutions.
  8. Option 3 - Remote PC Access & Control: Using remote computer access software like to control the student’s mouse and keyboard from my own computer.
  9. Study Help Apps: I have over 15+ paid subscriptions to a wide range of study help apps, software, websites, and programs to help me solve exam & homework questions faster and more efficiently. Some of these resources include: Brainly, Chegg, CourseHero, Quizlet, SymboLab & WolframAlpha.
  10. Calculators & Math Software: I have access to a very sophisticated graphing calculator and various mathematical software that provides step-by-step solutions to complex mathematical problems within seconds, allowing me to provide exact solutions to the student in a timely manner.
  11. Test Taking Techniques: I have developed highly effective methods to determine the correct answers to questions that I’m not already familiar with including process of elimination, working backwards, quickly searching for similar questions online, and utilizing standardized test taking techniques taught only in elite standardized test prep tutoring programs.
  12. Handwriting & Scanning Apps: I have impeccable handwriting and a high-quality mobile scanner app that allows me to scan written solutions in very legible high-definition JPG, PNG, and PDF formats.
  13. Flexible Payment Methods: I offer negotiable rates, multiple payment methods (PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, Zelle, anonymous credit & debit card payments via online invoice), and flexible payment plans: weekly (most expensive), monthly, half-now / half-later, and all-up-front (least expensive).
  14. Money Back Guarantee: I have won multiple academic awards for my exceptional skills & expertise in math. I guarantee overall A & B grades for all coursework completed. Plus. I also offer a 50% refund for C+, C, and C- scores, and a full 100% refund for D+, D, D-, and F scores.
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
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submitted by Key_Constant4544 to Statisticshelpers_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:45 MassClassSuicide Schematic of Frantz Fanon's On National Culture

Below I summarize and paraphrase Fanon's essay into a schematic fashion. Hopefully this will be useful to some.
Original: https://proletarian-library.neocities.org/en/on-national-culture

The three phases of the colonized intellectual

Phase 1: Racial and regional culture.

Colonialism asserts that the colonized are barbarians without nations or culture, who need colonialism in order to be saved from themselves. It does not bother with making a special case against the existence of any individual nationalism, but for the sake of efficiency, instead chooses to deny the existence of culture on regional or racial grounds. This also has a reciprocal effect on the colonizing Europeans nations, forming them into an international mass of whiteness.
In an attempt to negate the Europeans' claims, the colonized intellectuals assert an international or interregional culture, such as Pan-Africanism, or Pan-Arabism. The colonized intellectual first finds the qualities that define white culture: dull reason, stifling logic, rigidity, ceremony, protocol, skepticism - qualities of the capitalist colonialist venture and the cold calculation of surplus value. Within these limits, the intellectual then defines the regional culture by finding the opposite of those qualities: poetry, exuberant nature, naivete, petulance, freedom, luxuriance - portraying the colonized as irresponsible. Although it emphasizes international solidarity against colonialism, the simple negation of racial capitalist culture does not culminate in an overall antagonistic contradiction to colonialism. The intellectual who forwards it desires most of all to be seen as equals to the Europeans. They attempt to combat the colonizer on their own terms, resorting to racialized claims to match the concept of whiteness and the vision of a universal Europe. Equal footing in this case then could only mean that the colonized intellectuals meet the European intellectuals as the exploited to their exploiter.
However, soon objective problems undo this attempt at regional culture. The intellectual finds that the fight against colonialism differs in progression amongst the nations of the region. They abandon their asserted regional/racial culture once these objective problems make it clear that the decisive unit of struggle against colonialism is the nation, not the region or race. As culture is a reflection of struggle, it too differs amongst the nations, revealing that culture is first and foremost national. To be connected to reality, productive, and substantive, culture must be a national culture, not a pseudo-continental culture. The problem with the racialized cultures, is that they are a negation without transcendence of the colonialist's whiteness, whereas national culture is the progressive negation of the colonialist claims of barbarity. In order to really find a regional culture and cultural unity of a region, first there must be national liberation for all nations in that region. Specifically national problems expose racial universalization as immaterial, returning the intellectual back to the nation.

Phase 2: Stuck between the colonizer and the masses.

Phase 2A: Persuading the colonizer with defensive shallow national culture.

As the intellectual returns to the nation, their approach to the national culture has been altered. In the period preceding colonialism, the intellectual has a dynamic attitude towards the people’s culture, but after colonialism, this is replaced by a static attitude full of concrete particularism. The intellectual claims that national culture is the folklore of 'the people', turning it into simple self-discovery and at attempt at defining an abstract people through historical appeals. National culture becomes defined by narrow terms and limits, a rigid structure. Particulars of the nation are elevated to mystical proportions to signify the nation's historical roots. The intellectual brings forth cultural items in a mechanical way, finding the most surface level cultural items to display the existence of a national culture. It is loud, it is bold, and it is cliche.
This aesthetic of particularism is a defense mechanism to preserve what remains of the old culture and life before colonialism. It is also an attempt to assert the nation to the colonizer. The intellectual hopes they can stop the colonial occupation by putting the shallow culture under the occupier's nose. But to do this, they must necessarily make the culture comprehensible to the occupier, translating the culture into a language they will understand. This locks the intellectual into the style and aesthetic of the colonialist, dooming the culture to shallowness, and especially making it alien to the national masses.
The national masses have their own relationship to the national customs. Following conquest, they continue to practice the customs of pre-conquest culture. They do this as a means of asserting their nationhood, in the only way they know how. In doing so, they prove by themselves that their nation does exist, despite the colonizers' claims to the contrary. This demonstration of nationhood upsets the racial (nation denial) justification of colonialism and is subsequently prohibited by the colonizers. When, in spite of prohibition, the masses go on practicing the customs, the colonizer responds with repression, calling forth a correspondingly violent reaction by the colonized. Such violence unites and emboldens the national masses, furthering their claim to nationhood.
But this practice and defense of customs is not in itself a struggle for national liberation. Rather, the violence is too only a defensive reaction to prevent losing what little remains of material life before domination. Customs are built by, and reflect the needs of, struggles that existed before the fight for national liberation. In their practice, the masses parade out something that is dead and try to pretend it is alive. Culture, on the other hand, reflects the living, always adapting needs of the present. Culture becomes solidified into custom through changes in the economic structure. Thus, asserting that customs are the primary symbol of the nation deteriorates the culture, making it lifeless, highlighting the past while ignoring the issues of the present. However, there is a positive side to the masses continual practice of customs under colonialism. By experiencing the masses’ demonstration of nationhood, the intellectual sees that the nation is being created through the masses' struggle against colonialism.

Phase 2B: Moving towards the masses, recreating their struggle.

The intellectual starts to identify with the masses through their movements and their development of national consciousness, moving the primacy of the contradiction within themselves towards the masses. The longer any open battle and combat for national liberation persists, more intellectuals will be moved from phase 2A, through 2B. The national masses' staying power, their ability to persist in their struggle despite repression, setbacks, and any other attempts to stop their struggle, impresses the intellectual and impels them to stop whatever else they were doing.
The intellectual begins to openly criticize colonialism, rather than attempting to persuade it. When the intellectual first attempts to prove the existence of the nation, they, in a kind of clumsy way, raise above all else the particulars of custom. But now, the masses have displayed their fresh vibrant quality of creation in the struggle. By counterposing this quality of the masses to the qualities of the colonial administrator, the opposition between the colonialist and the intellectual are brought to an antagonistic contradiction, progressing past the racial and regional culture of phase 1.
The intellectual’s work now changes forms, from poetry to novels, short stories or essays. The work becomes more direct. The abstract indirectness of poetry fades away as the intellectual becomes involved in the masses' struggle. The content of the work changes as well. Gone are the intellectual’s emotional cathartic outbursts towards the colonizer, which were always acceptable to the colonizer anyway. As long as violence is left to the domain of art, and doesn’t make its way to the masses, these outbursts will always be applauded.
But now the audience is shifted. In phase 2A, the audience is still the colonizer, while in phase 2B the masses become the audience. The intellectual now insists on describing the sacrifices of the national masses. They attempt to capture the masses in their moment of national creation. The intellectual analyzes and describes the moment of revolt with unnerving precision, creating a careful rendition of truth. But Fanon asks if this version of truth is real, or if it is outmoded, irrelevant, called into question by the actual reality being created by the masses.
Despite their rationality and commitment, the intellectual still fails to live up to the rationality and irreversible commitment displayed by the masses actually in motion. The intellectual is not capable of showing the reality of the nation this way, because culture is the continual never-ending struggle of the nation. As soon as the artist sets down to catalog the moment, it has passed. The intellectual that attempts to create culture and a work of national significance by simple replication of motion is chasing a dead end.
The intellectual who is intent on describing the national culture must make a full break with their colonial side. The intellectual is still caught in a contradiction that makes the creation of culture impossible. They must decisively define the masses as their subject. This objective choice must first begin within the intellectual, through recognizing their division between their colonialist education, and the colonized nation. Fanon calls this the intellectual’s alienation. This alienation is a result of what the intellectual has taken from colonialism. The transaction has been one-sided; the colonizer did not actually give what the intellectual took. Everything ‘given’ has been in the interest of colonialism, making the intellectual the one who was really taken. In an attempt to reverse what they gave, the intellectual proclaims against the colonizer, proclaims for the nation, proclaims against being divided, attempts to reunite with the nation through old dead customs. But to really reverse what was taken, the intellectual must give instead to the masses. The intellectual must reunite with the masses and the living culture of the present struggle. This will suddenly call the alienation into question.
The intellectual of 2B begins with simply highlighting the contradictions between the nation and the colonizer. But culture is authentic when it reflects the reality of the nation, and the reality and culture of the colonized nation is not just its life under domination, but actually its liberation. The culture describes where the nation is going, not just where it is at or where it has been, calling upon the whole people to join in the struggle for the existence of the nation. They must move to rousing the masses to liberation.

Phase 3: Revolutionary national culture

The intellectual transitions into their role of delivering marching orders for the liberation struggle, becomes more direct and calculated. It is only by calling the national masses to combat that the intellectual can assist in proving the existence of the nation. All other attempts at proving the nation's existence are for the colonizer only. The present colonial situation is no longer a matter simply for the intellectual, for their personal anguish, which they only communicate to the oppressor, but instead is channeled out to the national masses in every direction. The intellectual is called to the masses in their struggle for national liberation, but just the same, the intellectual calls the masses to rise for national liberation. Fanon’s word choices: rouse, galvanize, combat, signal that this is not a portrayal for artistic sake but for the purpose of revolution.
Only the intellectuals who are rousing the masses for the current national struggle at hand, speaking directly to the masses, are creating works of national culture. In all other roles, they fall short. Until they reach this point, the culture of the nation does not exist for the intellectual. They cannot create national culture, nor proclaim the nation by extension, until they rouse the people to combat. Then the intellectual can finally create, and finally becomes creative. To fight for national culture means fighting for the liberation of the nation. The intellectual who wants to fight for culture, must take part in the action by spurring the people into further action, fostering hope and using the past to open up the future.
Phase 3 creation does not 'trifle with the reality' of the nation, a characteristic of phase 2 creation, but rather reinterprets the images of the country for revolutionary purposes. It also finds the exact moment of the struggle, place of action, and ideas around which culture will form. The word 'will' is the main difference between phase 2 and 3. Phase 2B describes where the moment of struggle took place, rather than where it will take place. Phase 2B tells us about the struggle after it has passed, while phase 3 leads and amplifies the wave of the struggle.
Phase 3 literature is pedagogical. It presents things in a clear manner, and its account is meticulous and develops progressively. The most esteemed praise Fanon places upon the intellectual is to say that, through understanding their creation of national culture, the masses have performed an intellectual and political act:
To understand this poem is to understand the role we have to play, to identify our approach and prepare to fight.
This is the outline to any combat. The colonized national masses understand their position within the chain of command, the battle plan, and are ready to deploy at any moment. Fanon says that all colonized subjects will perform these acts when they receive the message of the national culture.
The intellectual and the masses' real movement against the colonial world is the determining factor for the culture. National liberation defines the national culture in explicit terms, determining the shape the intellectual’s work takes. Customs in all art forms will be upset during the revolutionary upsurge, updated to be relevant to the current struggle. The rough skeletons of customs are kept while the content and form are changed, transforming customs into living dynamic culture. New amateurs join in the creation of national culture, pushing old intellectuals to adapt to the new forms. Comedy and farce as artistic forms become less important, and drama is no longer simply for the intellectual only, but becomes part of the national masses regular experience, part of the struggle. Characters are portrayed in action or in combat, or instead of depicting single subjects, multiple people.
The degree to which the new culture reflects the old customs, is only determined by the capacity for the old customs to be appropriated to the new ends of advancing the national struggle. In practice, appeals to custom are not excluded by a set of rules, but rather the awakening to the real national culture, which is always in the moment changing, naturally excludes custom by definition. Custom is stagnant and in contradiction to the radical reality grasping required by revolution. National culture deteriorates and erodes all customs obsolete to the present. Involving or carrying through the customs is not the critical part of the formation of the new national culture, but rather the nation adapting and struggling against their colonialist, neocolonialist, or imperialist reality, creating national culture along the way. The intellectual’s appropriation of the nation's history is progressive only in the context that it is used for national liberation.


We began with the intellectuals' attempt to negate the European colonialists' claim that the colonized have no culture. And this attempt has gone through three phases, where only the final phase has not been a dead end. In the first phase, the intellectual is insignificant to the national masses. This is a historically transient phase, upset by national realities. In the second phase, the artist is producing for the nation and for the colonizer. It is probably the most prevalent and common phase, and the one most commodified. In the third phase, the intellectual is a revolutionary, intertwined with the masses and the creation of culture.
submitted by MassClassSuicide to communism [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:36 Alive_Fix_489 Bro Get Cooked by Colleges, heads to Flagship State School for BioE

(Reposting from a chance me earlier this year, format is off cuz of that) HOLY SHIT I MESSED UP THE TITLE
Demographics: Male, White (Turkish), Maryland, Large Competitive Public School, First Gen American but not First Gen College attendant (Parents both have PhDs).
Intended Major(s): Bioengineering/BioE, Chemical/Biomolecular Engineering
ACT/SAT/SAT II: 1530, 1540 superscore (750R 790M)
GPA and Rank: 3.9 UW, 4.79 W. No rank
Coursework: AP Chem, AP Phys 1, AP Calc AB, AP USH, AP Psych, AP Gov, AP CSP, AP Bio, AP Lang, AP Phys C, and MV Calc. Honors Spanish Up to Spanish 4
Only took the Phys 1 AP test and got a 4. Took/Taking Other APs This Year + Calc CLEP
Awards: EC Award, NIH IRTA, Honor Roll, PSAT Thing Commended Scholar
NIH AIP (Under a postdoc at NINDS)
Varsity Wrestling Team (Placed Counties and Regional)
WTCI Albrecht Fellow
Interning at UMB School of Medicine
ATA DC YCAP (Some Turkish Cultural Leadership thing)
Sustainability Club Pres/Founder
EconClub Secretary
LORS: LORs are meh (APUSH, Calc, UMSOM Prof, Postdoc I'm menteeing under at the NIH who went to Cornell and Princeton). I've also struggled with Social Anxiety (on da Zoloft for it now) through most of my high school life so my LORs were probably cooked ash! meh
Calc: 6/10
APSUH 5/10
UMSOM Prof: 8/10
Postdoc: 9/10
Counselor: I have no clue, counselor switched for me.
I'm not the best writer, but I am confident I didn't fuck these up this bad. My topics were niche but not over-the-top batshit crazy. I have strict parents and honestly stay in the house WAY too much so my worldview is kind of fucked and cynical in a way. I honestly have no clue what I did right or wrong here. My VERY early EA CA essay was dogshit for sure and I edited it a good amount for RD and Stanford REA.
Stanford was BAD we both were super awkward and just didn't click.
MIT was great. Old Dude on board of trustees. Basically flexed how he was one of the people who first kickstarted the Qualcomm IPO and shit. Was super nice and we chatted a lot.
Harv was alright. Dude was def in the CIA and was super vague about what he did. I was a bit awkward but it was cool.
Stanford REA
WashU RD
Harv RD
UC Berk RD
Cornell, Haven't Heard Back from them, Probably Rejected
University of Maryland College Park EA + Scholars (Attending)
Pitt + Honors
Loyola Uni Maryland (Mom's College where she's Associate Dean)
I fucked up hard. Fucked up my essays, my relationships with my teachers, and I probably should've retook my SAT. Does it matter? Yes. My mental health is currently dogshit and I now have an AWESOME drinking habit. I'm planning on attending Med School anyway so my current goal is just to make the best of what I'm given, grind out these next couple of years, and go to my dream med school (Harv 🥺). Us Turks have a simple saying: Bu da Gecer (this too shall pass), and yeah. Better to stay positive than negative about it because I can't change shit now. (Too lazy to transfer lol)
Roll Terps!
submitted by Alive_Fix_489 to collegeresults [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:16 polly-adler Dette de la caf non remboursable

Bonjour à toutes et tous,
Je vais essayer d'expliquer de façon concise. Désolée, c'est un peu long.
Il y a un peu plus de 3 ans, j'ai déménagé à l'étranger (dans l'UE). Avant de partir, je travaillais et j'avais la prime d'activité. Je suis partie avec des économies sur mon compte français.
Ensuite j'ai ouvert un compte dans le pays et n'ai plus touché au compte français pendant des mois, dans le but d'avoir le reste de mes économies au cas où.
Pendant ce temps, j'ai continué à toucher la prime d'activité pendant 3 mois. Je ne m'en suis pas rendue compte. Puis quand j'ai dû utiliser mes économies, je ne savais plus ce que j'avais, ou ce que j'étais censée avoir. Donc j'ai utilisé cet argent.
Je n'avais pas déclaré mes ressources trimestrielles à la caf après être partie car je n'avais plus de droit à cette aide. Mais j'avais déclaré mon changement d'adresse à l'étranger.
En février 2022, la caf m'a contactée pour me dire de les rembourser. Le salaire là où je vivais est très bas, et les charges élevées. Je ne pouvais pas rembourser, donc j'ai contacté la caf pour demander une remise de dette. J'ai précisé dans mon courrier qu'il n'y avait eu aucune fraude, mais une erreur.
Suite à cette demande en février 2022, rien. Juste un mail par mois me demandant de rembourser. J'ai réitéré la demande de remise 4 fois.
Puis en février 2023, je reçois un courrier, que je n'ai pas vu à temps, car à force de ne pas recevoir de réponse, je ne regardais pas s'ils me répondaient, je n'avais pas que ça à foutre. Dans le courrier de février 2023, ils ont le culot de me dire "nous avons bien reçu votre demande de février 2022. Vous avez 15 jours pour nous transmettre tel et tel document." Sans prévenir par email qu'il y a un courrier dans mon espace et sans courrier papier puisque sur le courrier numérisé, il y a le code postal "00000" et le pays "Belgique" (je rappelle qu'ils avaient mon adresse correcte, et ce n'est pas en Belgique). Bref, non seulement ils ont mis un an à répondre, ils se sont aussi bien foutus de moi à me donner 15 jours pour réagir.
Je suis revenue en France il y a 3 mois. Après un mois et demi de recherche d'emploi, toujours rien, donc j'ai dû demander le RSA pendant que j'attends le début d'une formation. Ma dette apparaît toujours sur mon compte Caf. S'ils me font rembourser, ça va me faire un mois et demi voire 2 mois de RSA en moins. Ça fait déjà 3 mois sans aucun revenu donc c'est pas possible.
J'ai déjà envoyé un message demandant de retirer la dette car elle est prescrite. On m'a répondu que le message avait été envoyé à un "expert". C'était le 21 mars, toujours rien.
Mes questions sont : est-ce que la caf peut toujours me demander le remboursement, sachant que la dette est prescrite (2 ans après "découverte) ? Et s'ils refusent de la retirer, voyant comment ils se sont foutus de moi à mettre des plombes à me répondre, puis-je utiliser cela pour les y obliger ?
Désolée pour le pavé et merci aux personnes qui ont eu le courage de le lire.
submitted by polly-adler to conseiljuridique [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:14 WriteWiseSolutions Write Wise Solutions business (based in NYC)

Write Wise Solutions business (based in NYC) submitted by WriteWiseSolutions to NYCBusiness [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:16 shrimp__sandwich Video editor looking for long term partenrship

I specialize in Video Essay/Documentary/ExplaineInterview/Presentation/Talk type content. Meaning i can make a real nice looking video out of just an audio. I have examples of work in all those genres, both long and short format, if you have something more specific in mind, feel free to reach out and ask about it. I have also worked for myself as i am a content creator. I have years of experience video editing for youtubers.
DM for Portfolio.
Rate $40/day, Or you can ask for a pirce per project type thing.
You can ask for a preview of what you want if in doubt, as long as you're serious about the prospect of hiring me.
DM me here on reddit.
Discord: heytheredelilah0
Have a good day!
submitted by shrimp__sandwich to NewTubers [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:15 shrimp__sandwich [For Hire]Video Editor offering his Skills

I specialize in Video Essay/Documentary/ExplaineInterview/Presentation/Talk type content. Meaning i can make a real nice looking video out of just an audio. I have examples of work in all those genres, both long and short format, if you have something more specific in mind, feel free to reach out and ask about it. I have also worked for myself as i am a content creator. I have years of experience editing/writing/creating, mostly on youtube but also on other platforms.
Portfolio: https://youtube.com/@B.S.CREATIONS?si=OiLPkfXgGvJDTyN_
Rate $40/day, Or you can ask for a pirce per project type thing.
You can ask for a preview of what you want if in doubt, as long as you're serious about the prospect of hiring me.
DM me here on reddit.
Email: [Sosobs@outlook.fr](mailto:Sosobs@outlook.fr)
Discord: heytheredelilah0
Have a good day!
submitted by shrimp__sandwich to CreatorServices [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:49 24KaratMemer360 What are your thoughts on Sami Ameri's arguments about the corruption of the Bible and the preservation of the Quran in "Hunting for the Word of God"? (Part 1)

While debating against a Muslim skeptic about the reliability and authenticity of the Gospels, he used the textual criticism angle to prove the "corruption" of the New Testament during its early transmissions. He gave me a book titled "Hunting for the Word of God" by Sami Ameri which discusses extensively the corruption of the Bible and the preservation of the Quran through a primarily textual-critical viewpoint. He cites a bunch of textual critics to demonstrate that we cannot trust the Bible but we can trust the Quran. It's a long book, unfortunately, so this post would be the first part in a I-don't-know-how-many-parts series of my hyper-focused dive into textual criticism of a potentially biased Muslim author. Please share your thoughts or any refutations or something. Thanks.
Key Points for the Corruption of the Bible (pp. 9-36)
TL;DR: Christian textual criticism is stoopid af that's why the Bible is not reliable
submitted by 24KaratMemer360 to Catholicism [link] [comments]
