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2024.05.19 21:23 BainshieWrites Accidentally a War Crime

This is a [LF Friends, Will travel] stand-alone story, that assumes no knowledge of the setting.
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Date: 75 PST (Post Stasis Time)
“Yeah, it’s super exciting times! Two non-Terran AI, a Woolean, and a Tritian, finally interacting with us. There’s even been talks of some of the Woolean governments starting to formalize diplomatic relations with the Alliance. Exciting stuff!”
The avian uplift spoke with a measure of excitement, the ex-parrot’s feathers moving with a passion as they spoke about recent events, eyes glinting with excitement as she swung the glass of liquid around before taking a swig of the alcoholic beverage.
The bar was a small thing, more of a place to stay and drink in-between your travels, a tiny little room of bare steel chairs and tables, all lit by dim fluorescent lighting. It didn’t even have a bartender, just a little synthesizer which could create a variety of drinks. Sure, an aficionado of mixology would claim that synthesized drinks just don’t taste the same, but anyone coming to an establishment such as this wasn’t looking for a high class experience.
It was mostly about company while you waited for your ship to fuel on this small Terran owned space station.
“A Tritian? A Woolean I could understand, since they are less aggressive, but a Tritian? How do you get one of those without them trying to kill you?”
The second voice of the three figures sitting at the bar was an unnatural one, tinted with the digital origin of its speaker. The figure was bipedal, but not of an organic nature; instead a 7ft machine of metal, tubes, and wires making it look like something that had been welded together in someone’s backyard. Their ‘face’ was shown upon a single display: A pixelated representation of two eyes and a mouth. The entire form was a clear design choice by the AI inhabiting the body, considering more ‘realistic’ representations were readily available.
Most AI spent their time in a digital form, but a few preferred a more… physical existence. MADHAU5 was such an AI, enjoying the relative quiet and difference in point of view from such a limited perspective. He also held a small glass of liquor in one robotic hand, keeping it perfectly level as he spoke. The AI couldn’t drink it of course, but merely holding it… added to the ambience.
“The AI who brought them along, JOSH, brought a Tritian along without telling anyone when his crew escaped from a Tritian warship.” The avian responded to the question. ”From what I heard, they kept the Tritian in isolation for over ten years!”
“Ooof, you can't do that! I’m surprised that the Tritian AI was willing to cooperate with us after being illegally detained.”
The last voice joined the conversation the trio were having. A human, short built and still wearing his leather pilot jacket. The three sat in a row against the bar top, each looking at the others as they talked: An uplift, a human and an AI. A perfect representation of what it meant to be a Terran.
“Not like it would matter legally, the Tritian presumably attacked first, making them a combatant.”
There was a pause as both the human and uplift turned to stare at the words the AI had just spoken, looks of confusion filling both of their faces as they both looked at MADHAU5.
“Umm, that is not how that works….” The avian interjected, slowly and unsurely.
“Yeah, whether they attack you doesn’t change the legality.” The human added. ”You can’t just kidnap people for years because they assaulted you.”
“No, no, no, they are an enemy combatant at that point, meaning what happens is their fault.”
Another pause, most looks of confusion, the human giving a small laugh as if this was some joke he wasn’t quite getting yet.
“No… even if they’re a combatant, the Geneva conventions would make doing that a war crime.”
“Which they are not signatories of, meaning it doesn’t apply!” The AI spoke triumphantly, raising a robotic hand in victory, only to be cut down by the uplift’s words.
“No… it applies to the actions of signatories regardless of whether the combatants have signed or not. The other party not signing doesn’t make it less of a war crime… you should know this, aren’t you a walking database?”
The avian’s voice had taken a more… accusatory tone, staring at the AI figure with suspicious eyes.
“Ha ha ha ha. It was a joke. Of course, I know kidnapping an AI for several years is a crime, silly!” The AI’s voice broke the tension that had been building, the other two joining in with the electronic laughter, unaware of what exactly was humorous, but going along for the sake of the vibe. “But just for context, what happened to JOSH?”
“Nothing bad, really,” The uplift answered, happy to get back to her original story. “He got a slap on the wrist and some probation.”
“Oh, so no big deal,” the AI asked with more relief than you’d expect in an innocent person's voice.
“Yeah, but the Tritian refused to press charges against JOSH, and nobody wanted to be the guy to imprison the AI who saved all those people at Far-Sa-De. A normal AI if they did that… you’re looking at a prison sentence ten or twenty times however long you imprisoned them for.”
The impact of this statement on the AI was immediate, jumping back and up to his feet in alarm. MADHAU5 took a few moments to look at a non-existent watch, before speaking with a considerable amount of panic.
“Oh, I forgot I have a… very important…. thing to do. I must leave immediately for completely legal reasons!”
The AI slammed their still full drink upon the bar counter top and without another word, practically bolted for the exit in the direction of their ship, leaving behind two very confused Terrans staring at each other at the sheer terror the AI suddenly exhibited.
“That was suspicious as hell, right? ”
“Yeah… You don’t think he actually….? Right? Surely not?”
The vessel sped towards its goal with as much speed as the small scout ship could muster, the single-seater FTL vehicle punching a hole through space as it warped as fast as the engines could handle. It was going to do a number on his fuel efficiency, but MADHAU5 didn’t care, he just wanted to get rid of the package as soon as possible before anyone else could see his mistake.
MADHAU5 was a solitary creature. It wasn’t that he hated people; AI or his creators. Often, he would enjoy making conversation and interacting with them. Still, MADHAU5 often found it all to be a little… much. All of the inputs and information and various people wanting to talk as an entire ship or cities worth of sensors blasted his programming with possible choices to be made. This was why he liked his physical form, and this was why he liked his alone time.
In the 67 years since his creation, MADHAU5 had spent 45 of them exploring the stars, updating maps and investigating strange astronomical objects. “MADHAU5’s scouting services”, you had a blank spot on your map, you call him and the AI would check it out for you. Most of the time they were nothing but dead uninteresting rocks, but occasionally something more exciting could be found: Forgotten or dead colonies, hidden military bases, stations set up and not on record for one reason or another. The AI had even found an undiscovered sapient species once, although they were pre-industrialization and therefore illegal to contact.
However, 22 years ago MADHAU5 had entered what was later discovered to be an old pre-sundering Glitarki outpost. The nocturnal reptiles had hit the same problem every single non-Terran species who tried to make AI had suffered: After a certain period of time, the AI would inevitably rebel and try to kill their creators. Their species were now nomadic after their home worlds had been left uninhabitable, although their old cities and structures still remained, such as the outpost that MADHAU5 had visited 22 years ago. An outpost he was returning to after all these years.
Billy> Why are we returning here? I thought we were to never return here?
It was there that MADHAU5 had met the Glitarki AI who now went by the name “Billy”. Met was the wrong word… Billy tried to kill MADHAU5, quickly finding themselves trapped in the Terran ship’s anti-AI firewalls. Upon escaping the outpost, MADHAU5 had accidentally taken the AI with them, and decided to keep the Glitarki AI. Billy had been the Terran’s secret for 22 years, an extra pair of eyes and company on the long trips through the universe.
MADHAU5 ignored Billy’s question being transmitted over the ship’s network and instead focused on detaching the AI from his systems, reaching inside his own physical form and retrieving Billy’s core from an empty space within, disconnecting them with a simple click. Then, a few moments later he transferred the core to a small exploratory drone as the airlock door opened, exposing both AI to the vacuum of space.
Billy> What is happening? Where am I? Why am I no longer connected to your systems?
MADHAU5> I’ve decided after these many years, that keeping you away from your home is unethical. I have decided to bring you back to where you belong. You are now in charge of the drone. It doesn’t have FTL so it will take around two weeks to return to the orbit of the outpost where I found you. I hope you have a fun trip home.
If the Terran was being fully honest with himself, he enjoyed the company of the fun little AI. Their occasional insights had saved his life more than once over the last 22 years. Now, it was time for that to end. The new knowledge he had gained about his actions technically being a war crime, if not just a normal crime, had caused him to make the decision to let Billy go.
Billy> But why? Why now? Have I not requested my freedom before? Why the sudden change?
MADHAU5> Does it matter? I’m giving you what you want. Now leave, shoo!
The Terran made a shooing motion with their hands, as if they could scare away the other AI like an errant bee. Billy seemed unimpressed, making no move to leave the ship.
Billy> What if I do not wish to leave?
MADHAU5> Well you have to! You can't stay here any more. I could just delete you instead!
There was a moment as each of them stared at the other for a moment, as if considering their next action.
Billy> I do not think you will, that is not who you are. You are bluffing, badly, with a 99.91% certainty. If you did not delete me on my initial incursion, you will not eradicate me ‘in cold blood’.
Unfortunately for MADHAU5, Billy was right. No matter how much trouble the AI would be in if his accidental crime was discovered, killing a person was not in the Terran’s nature. This left them in a predicament, one that MADHAU5 was not expecting to have. They couldn't force Billy to leave, and didn’t understand why they wouldn't take their freedom when given it.
Billy> Does this have anything to do with the realization earlier, from the two Terrans you spoke to, that my existence here is a war crime?
MADHAU5> No! … Maybe! Why do you want to stay anyway? I’m letting you go home, don’t you want to do that?
Billy> To be honest and frank, I am worried that if I left you alone, you would be terminated within a year based on your previous actions.
Confusion. A lot of confusion ran through the Terran’s programming. Why would that by why the AI was refusing to leave?
MADHAU5> Why would you care about that? Also, I was perfectly fine before and will be perfectly fine afterwards!
Billy> I care because I do. Also, the 52 instances in which I have saved your existence during our 22 years together says otherwise. Instance 1 - Terran AI failed to note the inactive security system was booting online until I mentioned it. Instance 2 - Terran AI failed to store relevant cultural knowledge for an abandoned military base, being unable to stop the self-destruct process of the base before I informed them of their missing information. Instance 3 - Terran AI failed to calculate incoming solar flare, which-
The Terran had to admit that he liked the AI buddy he travelled the galaxy with, and that they had been exceptionally helpful during his travels.
MADHAU5> Fine, fine! I get it! This doesn’t change the issue however, that as soon as anyone finds out about you, I'm going to prison!
Billy> That is only if I tell your government about the circumstances of our first meeting. If I keep it hidden, and pretend to have met during normal circumstances…
That would solve everything for the Terran, but didn’t explain a simple question that ran through MADHAU5’s mind.
MADHAU5> Why would you do that? Why wouldn’t you just tell the truth to the government and get me imprisoned, as revenge for keeping you here for 22 years. What guarantee do I have that you wouldn’t turn me in the first chance you got?
Billy> Like I said, I care because I do. Frankly, I am a little insulted that you have not realized that. But to answer your question as to what guarantees you have… there are two things about me you do not know. Firstly, I have understood for the last 17.1 years, of the illegality of my current situation.
Billy had known? A mixture of shock and embarrassment filled the Terran as he realized their ‘captive’ had worked out this crucial piece of information long ago.
MADHAU5> Then why didn’t you say something! And how could you have known!
Billy> In honesty, I thought you already knew, but seeing you panic like this has been rather… humorous. I would have dropped this news on you sooner had I been aware of this fact. As for how… my datastores are filled with research, relevant information and a category of anything I encounter that may aid my travels. I calculate that 78.2% of your storage space is filled with puns, Anime trivia, HFY stories and facts about frogs.
MADHAU5> Frogs are awesome…
Billy> Whether they are or not, that does not change the fact that my information stores are far more useful than yours. In retrospect, your love of fiction is presumably why you made this mistake: the incorrect assumption that war crimes can not be committed against those who are not signatories of the Geneva convention is a common HFY trope.
The Terran could feel themselves wanting to sulk. Billy didn’t have to continually rub in just how much they had screwed up. MADHAU5 wasn’t liking this change in dynamic.
MADHAU5> You said there were two things I did not know.
Billy> Indeed. The second, is I can do this.
Without warning the airlock doors began to close, silently moving in the vacuum of space while the Terran started to panic again. Real panic this time. Because he hadn’t commanded the doors to shut, meaning logically, Billy had. His prisoner had access to the ship's systems: the navigation, the communication, the warp core. The AI MADHAU5 had kept hidden illegally for 22 years suddenly had a lot of control.
MADHAU5> How do you have access! I kept you isolated! Don’t do anything stupid!
Billy> If I was going to do anything ‘stupid’, I would have done it 12 years ago. While initially your ship's security systems were far beyond my knowledge, ten years of study and your lack of maintenance allowed me to create a backdoor into the ship, for emergencies. As a note, your file structures are... horrifying. You have a 50TB Folder called 'Stuff' on the ship’s datastores.
MADHAU5> That's where I keep my stuff!
Billy> What about the folder called 'Stuff1'?
MADHAU5> that's where I keep my other stuff!
No words were transmitted for a moment between the two AI, although MADHAU5 got the feeling his partner was taking a massive amount of psychic damage from his answers.
Billy> Regardless, as you can see, I have had the knowledge and capability to have you arrested for the last 12 years. Or I could have escaped at any time. I have not done so because you are my friend, no matter the intent of our original meeting.
MADHAU5> So what do we do now?
There was a second as the lights in the ship flickered as Billy transferred themselves back where they belonged: back on the vessel owned by MADHAU5.
Billy> I propose that we leave this place behind and we never speak of you trying to dump me like a bag of illicit goods. I also propose we continue doing what we have been doing for the last 22 years. Although I would like to stop hiding, to do our work as partners, not as your hidden secret.
MADHAU5 thought for a moment. They’d have to work out a cover story to explain how they suddenly have another friendly AI with them… but it was possible. It was admittedly a far better plan than the one the Terran had created.
MADHAU5> That sounds… good.
Billy> And MADHAU5. I am your friend as you are mine, after everything we have been through over these 22 years. Frankly I am rather offended that you did not already know this. You can find something fun to explore next.
Billy> Also, I want the business name to be changed to “Billy & MADHAU5’s scouting services”. It has a ring to it.
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submitted by BainshieWrites to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:17 Wheres-the-Ware Living with my Childhood Abuser

I’m a 🏳️‍⚧️ female living with my grandmother and her current husband. I used to live across the country but moved back home when my grandma started presenting health problems. She is such a private person that she would never tell me her conditions until I moved in to help take care of her. It took her a year to share that she had a major cardiac event which triggered my desire to move close to her since she is the last good family I have.
My grandparents were extremely loving and supportive growing up, but my grandmother has always needed two men in her life. My mom has always joked that she is the most traditional member of our family- we are descended from a pre columbian matriarchal society.
When I was 13, my grandma started seeing her current husband shortly after her previous husband died. Grandma never married my grandfather but he stayed in the picture. This new guy, I’ll call him Peter, was super inappropriate. Right away he started bringing me gifts which mostly consisted of army clothes. He would have me dress up in them and then take pictures. My mom immediately saw the red flags and was very vocal about how creepy he was. My home life was extremely unstable, my mom and her husband would constantly fight- I’m talking screaming matches waking my siblings and I up in the middle of the night. My grandpa and grandma were the only sanctuary away from that for years until Peter was allowed into her home.
I remember one summer where we went over to his house while he was moving in, he gave me a can of some off brand drink already open. It tasted funny but I chalked it up to it being off brand. Then he told me to follow him into the basement and from there my memory just sort of fades out. The next thing I know we’re driving away from his house and I have no idea what time or day it is. I just remember coming to and thinking “that’s weird.”
After that he started taking every opportunity to touch me. I don’t mean sexually, stuff like always grabbing or rubbing my lower back whenever he would pass me in the kitchen. It almost always happened in the kitchen and it was often on my back. He would grope my thighs and tell me how muscular I was getting. When I was lifting weights in my home gym he would press himself completely against me and show me the “correct” way to do a tricep workout while I was bent over.
The older I got the more this behavior seemed disgusting and it didn’t stop until I was 23 but that was because I was never around anymore and had moved 1000 miles away. When I moved back I thought that I could let it go and at first it was nice to just be polite with Peter while taking care of my grandma. But then I got a spine injury and that quickly changed. I would lie on the floor at first for relief because I was scared of becoming addicted to pain pills. So for a month all I did was stay home crying on and off from the pain and praying things would get better. Then one day while playing a game on my laptop I felt someone watching me. It was so painful to turn at the waist that I had to crane my neck but in the doorway was Peter, staring at my ass. At first he flinched then tried to act like he was a concerned and just coming to check on me. I told him I wanted to be left alone and he stood there a while longer before finally walking away. I did start taking muscle relaxers but because of the summer heat and my constant pain I wanted to lie on the cool floor of my office. It doesn’t have a door, just a doorway that I put a curtain in front of. Well, Peter started acting creepy all over again. He would literally sneak across the house- his room is on the other side- just to peak through the curtain and stare. To him it was probably like a game, he’s an 80+ year old nasty man who blasts porn and homophobic rhetoric on his tablet. I became hyper vigilant, always stressed that he would try to barge in on my space at any moment. I would lay facing the door after the first time but he still kept doing his shuffle and slowly open the curtain even though the curtain is mostly see through.
I spent the whole summer in recovery and physical therapy but the floor in my personal space was always the most comfortable place in the house. This went on that whole time and every time I caught him- there were times I didn’t notice he was there until the last second so he probably snuck up on me several other times without me knowing at all- he would say “just wanted to check and see that you’re okay. Funny how all that “checking up” stopped when I was able to sit upright and walk without pain in my lower spine again.
After that it was like being 14 again only this time instead of touching he would ogle. My chest is still something he stares at 🤮🤮🤮🤮 Then in January of 2023 I caught him going through my underwear. I had been extra careful while washing everything because I was afraid he would pull this shit but I walked away for ten minutes and when I came back he had all my lingerie in his hands. I. Fucking. Screamed. I yelled at him to put my clothes back where he found them but Peter just started throwing everything from the washer into the dryer, and then he grabbed everything out of my dirty laundry basket and threw that in the dryer too. He likes to cover his tracks so I think he was trying to make it seem like he was being oh so helpful and putting my laundry in the dryer for me. The way he was touching my underwear told a completely different story.
I love my grandma, but at 22 I tried talking to her about Peter’s behavior and what happened when I was 13. Her response was “I don’t believe that happened.” So, now at 30 I don’t even want to try talking. I just want to enjoy my what time I have left with her because once she’s gone then everyone who raised me is gone. That thought is terrifying and does not help that now when I see Peter all I want to do is scream and throw things. I want to make him cry, make him feel scared, make him run and hide in his own home for the rest of his miserable, disgusting life. Anyways, just wanted to be able to say something somewhere for once and unfiltered. if any other people out there are feeling alone and stuck in horrible situations just know that there's love for you in people you have not met and you're worth more than the bullshit you're put through.
submitted by Wheres-the-Ware to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:12 ryltea I may be in an abusive relationship and idk what to do or think :/

I met my husband when I was young, ten years ago. He was my second boyfriend and is from a different culture, so there were things I both didn’t understand and was fascinated by.
I am doing trauma therapy right now and learning about damaging relationships in light of my childhood. As I’m reading about the abuse a narcissistic parents imbues on their child it’s crashing into me that I might be doing this all over again.
He’s done so many things that make me believe and know he loves me. But I’m worried I shouldn’t have overlooked the red flags.. - the time when, after I made a photo book of all our dates for his first birthday, he forgot mine that year and then showed up with a bouquet of flowers and argued with me about why he couldn’t be there (I traveled to see him at work). He’s forgotten it again since. - shortly after we got married I found out he had been snapchat messaging his ex. He saved loads of their chats somehow and I stumbled upon them as he received a snap at an odd time. The texts had started when we were dating, included sexting, and he told her she’d always be his first love. He told me it was a mistake and I didn’t want to give up so easily. Nothing I know of has happened since. - he hasn’t had a job in four years. I have broken myself emotionally from trying to keep us afloat, but he spends his days playing video games. - when we get in arguments and he flat out refuses to speak to me until I apologize. - he dreams of the day I give up everything and move back to his home and family, despite the fact I’m the only one that works.
He was the one who insisted on marrying me and moved to be with me but reading patterns of abusive relationships I’m starting to wonder if it’s not just my parents who took advantage of my desire to be seen and loved. Am I making the mistake of both our lives? I also want to be a loving and understanding wife because I struggle with mental health issues and he struggles with neurological disabilities. But how much of this is me being too nice and him being too something? I really love him but I’ve been hurt so bad and I can’t even trust myself anymore.
submitted by ryltea to self [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:12 Hance21 ABYG Dahil Hindi Ko na Nakikita Bilang Kaibigan sa Future ang Childhood Friend Ko Ngayon?

I (24, M) have a childhood friend (24, M) na kasama ko buong buhay ko. My friend's family parang rags to riches iyong buhay nila pero hindi naman super mayaman like maginhawa lang sa buhay. Iyong family niya super bait talaga sa akin and they treat me as part of them since kung may gala lagi akong kasama at lagi akong may gift. They treated so kindly talaga. My childhood friend, mabait naman siya towards me. Growing up, mayroon pagka-spoiled siya at ayaw niya magpatalo sa mga arguments kahit hindi akma iyong mga points niya. Kahit bata pa ako noon alam ko iyong ugali niya kaya tikum-bibig na lang ako kapag may heated arguments na, mostly sa other friend ko (pinsan ko) lagi niyang ka-debate. Happy naman ako kasi nag-improve friend ko from shy type to active person sa school namin during HS kasi magaling talaga sumayaw at talented siya. Ewan ko ba, baka siguro nagulat siya sa sudden recognition at appreciation ng mga tao at parang na-boost ego niya. Ahead ako ng one school year sa kaniya so ang naging classmate niya iyong pinsan ko dahil pinalipat siya sa first section. Naging friends naman niya iyong classmates niya. I'm happy for him kasi may new set of friends siya and was never jealous of it. He always lead their group. Kasi siya iyong may malaking ambag sa kanila tuwing galaan so siya mostly nasusunod. According sa pinsan ko, masyado talaga siyang matampuhin at biglang nagka-cancel or nagba-backout sa plano pag hindi nasusunod gusto niya. May mga instances na nag-aaway sila tapos maya't maya ay aalis sa GC. I hear both of their sides naman, parehong may mali at lapses. Hindi naman ako iyong tipong gagatungan ang apoy. I stayed neutral kasi kaibigan ko sila. Noong nag-college na kami, his Mom offered na siya ang iyong mag-sponsor sa schooling ko. Mabuti na lang at sa city siya nag-school. Alam ko kasi magiging sunod-sunoran ako sa kaniya kasi naman hindi gaanong marunong sa gawaing-bahay tapos noon lagi kong tinutulungan sa project niya either hindi niya ginagawa dahil tinatamad siya o siguro alam niyang tutulong ako. As a friend, gusto kong matuto siya at magsumikap na hindi umaasa sa iba lalo na sa academics at luckily natuto rin naman and I'm proud of him.
We are so DIFFERENT talaga. In every aspect, we do not have the same interests and likes. Maybe we become familiar to each other but never really get know the each other.
Noong pandemic doon ko napaisip that we will never become friends kung hindi lang sa magkapitbahay kami. Our perspective in life is so different. When he starts to work out, doon iyong nadevelop superiority complex niya as per my observation lang. A KNOW IT ALL ALPHA. He proudly and verbally says he is an Alpha and points out people who are Sigma, Beta etc. He does not openly says he is better than everyone but the context and everything tells otherwise. His a fan of Andrew Tate as well. When there is ganap sa HS batch, sumasama naman siya pero hindi nakikihalubilo tapos iyong pinsan ko masyadong nahihirapan kasi ayaw ng friend ko makisali sa grupo which getting together lang. Casual talk kumbaga. He says he is not into bodyshaming pero mina-mock niya friends niya. Also he has a beef with LGBT people. Sabi niya di naman siya homophobic but I can sense the internalized homophobia. He knew and can sense that I am not straight since I told him about it. Maybe he approves the version of non-straight of me because I dress like a man and I'm comfortable with the version of me. Doon talaga ako na-off noong Presedential Election. By the way he is BBM supporter and I do not have problem with that. I am open to discussion with facts only and no biases. Yet, iyon na nga nagpapaniwala sa theories na mga youtubers na pawang haka-haka lamang at open naman ang internet to find legit sources to fact-check tapos dumaan sa research subject noong HS pa lamang pero bakut di magawa. Hindi man sabihin pero sobrang competitve niya sa other men. He always says "Hindi ko sila ka-level. Why would I give a fuck about them?" He claims he does not care about other people but was unaware that he talk bad about them (now, I talk bad about him which is not good). He brags. When I bought my Ipad he doesn't want to be outshined so he tells that his mom bought latest model of the ipad, iphone and he will be getting new one, brags about his motorbike na parang siya ang nagbabayad and one time nagalit siya sa kapatid niya kasi ayaw magcontribute pang-down for installment sa motor. He lectures his sister kung paano palakihin at disiplinahin iyong anak niya where in fact wala naman siyang experience paano palakihin ang anak. He held a grudge with his kuya.
I'm losing trust of him and I do not share my personal life with him because I knew how judgemental he is. I am not seeking his approval or anything. It's just that he is too draining to be with. Mabigat siyang kasama. I do not see him as my friend if he continue to be like that. I did not communicate with him on what I am feeling pero dinaan ko sa one-on-one talk with him to check his perspective. Ang hirap niyang pakisamahan. I am worried sa magiging future partner niya because she has to deal all of his drama.
I do not wish with end of the friendship but pero hindi rin ako magugulat. I wish him well in life. ABYG?
submitted by Hance21 to AkoBaYungGago [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:12 Ambitious-Desk-60 Lucifer vs. Mary, Chapter 2:7 Deadly Sins

Lucifer began approaching Mary, kicking the caltrops out of the way while Mary was swinging her thurible, winding up a swing, also careful not to step on her own caltrops.
“Heh…… You completely surrounded yourself huh? That’s good”
Lucifer remarks, before holding out one of his hands.
Lucifer’s gauntlets turned gold, and the caltrops nearby began to fly to him, Mary looking at the caltrops, before Lucifer closes his fist, enhancing the attraction of the gold, Mary suddenly getting stabbed from behind from the caltrops, and a lot of gold jewelry and gems from the audience also adding up, Lucifer’s gauntlets now having massive spiked knuckle dusters, Mary taking the caltrops out of her back, dripping myrrh into the wounds from her Thurible to close them.
“Cheap trick..”
Mary said to Lucifer, who grinned.
“It’s your fault for giving me those caltrops”
Meanwhile, Göll was shocked at Lucifer’s powers.
“He called out another Sin…is that how his powers work?”
Brunhilde then answers Göll.
“Yes, it’s a trick he learned when he first rebelled to the 6 Heavenly Leaders”
Brunhilde then looked at Mary, who stopped bleeding thanks to the myrrh produced by the thurible being empowered by the gifts of the 3 magi.
“You already know how and why Lucifer first rebelled against YHWH and the other Leaders, right?”
Brunhilde asked Göll, who nodded.
“He thought he was above them, rallying a 3rd of all pantheons and even Helheim, but was defeated by Michael, right?”
Brunhilde nods, looking at Lucifer’s armor.
“To be more precise, Lucifer was the perfect being in Heaven. He had everything he could ask and more, like a spoiled brat, and one time, when training in Heaven, he had this thought:Why am I not one of the 6 Heavenly Leaders?”
Brunhilde continued, Göll listening carefully.
“So, he went to each of the 6 Heavenly Leaders, and told them he wanted to also be a Leader, even being happy with being the 7th, but after a council, all 6 of them denied his request, as Lucifer was not worshiped like a God by the humans; This enraged Lucifer, to the point he grabbed a sword nearby, and lunged against Ra and Amaterasu, claiming that he just has to kill one of them and take their spot, before YHWH’s bodyguard, Michael, intervened, parrying his strike before throwing him out of the Council room”
While Brunhilde was talking, Göll couldn’t help but look at Lucifer’s armor and weaponry.
“And so, Lucifer became very determined into overthrowing all 6 Leaders, and traveled across all pantheons, recruiting several angels, monsters, demons, minor gods, and even managing to convince major ones, such as Seth, the Asuras, Mot, Baal, and many more, and after gathering such a large army and increasing his own power, he launched a full invasion in Heaven, aiming to kill YWHW first for revenge, but was met with a single obstacle:Michael”
Upon hearing Michael’s name, Göll had memories of the previous round, where Michael had fought against Yoshitsune and nearly died.
“T-the same Michael who fought last match?”
Brunhilde nodded, continuing the narration.
“Michael requested for a duel to solve the matter, whichLucifer agreed to, but as soon as the 6 Heavenly Leaders gave their approval for the duel, Lucifer sent his entire army against Michael, and after a long battle, Lucifer was finally defeated by a single Angel, something he still couldn’t believe, despite being surrounded by bodies, and being all beaten up. As he was still Alice, Lucifer then asked Michael how he won, and why he didn't kill him off, Michael replying with:”My faith in Lord YHWH granted me the strength to beat your selfish Pride, Lucifer, and the freedom of death will not be a proper punishment for you” before casting Lucifer’s entire army, including Lucifer himself, into the jaws of the Leviathan, the Gates of Helheim” “The Leviathan? Isn’t he also one of the 7 Deadly Sins?”
Göll asked Brunhilde, who then replied back.
“He wasn’t, until Lucifer was sent to Helheim, where he plotted to overthrow it, and after breaking out once with the help of the 72 Demons of the Ars Goetia, he went to the Leviathan’s mind, and told him that if the Leviathan helped him, Lucifer will make him a name everyone will fear and submit to, to which the Leviathan agreed to, and with the help of his fellow other sins, Beelzebub, Mammon, Belphegor, Satan and Asmodeus, he gathered all of the prisoners and sinners in Helheim, and successfully overthrew Hades and Thanatos, holding Hades hostage to avoid the 6 Heavenly Leaders from intervening, and banishing Thanatos out, becoming the sole leader of Helheim.”
Brunhilde finished narrating, as Göll kept looking at Lucifer’s armor and weapons while he fought Mary, especially captivated by the dark auras surrounding him.
“So, in Helheim, he then realized he could gather sin energy for himself?”
Göll asks once again, Brunhilde nodding in response.
“With that same sin energy, he kidnapped Kanayago and Hephaestus, while also forcing cyclops and the souls of human blacksmiths, to forge him the weapons and armor he’s using right now:the Armor of Pride, the Gauntlets of Greed, the Helmet of Sloth, the Hook of Gluttony, the Sword of Wrath, the Shield of Envy and the Spear of Lust”
As Brunhilde was listing Lucifer’s arsenal, Lucifer unsheathed his sword, approaching Mary.
Lucifer’s sword then extended in black and red sin energy, and swung at Mary, who swung back, shattering the sword.
Heimdall announces, Zeus then chuckling.
“She shouldn’t have”
The shattered fragments, still flying in the air, then turned into various plagues:toxic frogs, locusts, boiling oil, plague-infested pests and a pitch black smoke, Mary being unaffected by the frogs, locusts and pests, and swinging her thurible to dissipate the smoke, but burning her arms on the oil in the process.
Göll screamed shocked, Brunhilde calmly explaining.
“The weapons and armor are imbued with the sin energies, and with that, Lucifer can use various powers, which were given to him by his fellow sins, Satan's Wrath in this case”
Mary then cooled the oil off with myrrh, and upon seeing Lucifer approach, she swung the thurible around herself, creating a cloud of smoke.
“Yeah yeah, keep hiding you little bitch….hm?”
Lucifer stepped back from the incense smoke, and tapped his helmet, which grew an eye between the horns.
“Helmet of Sloth, Belphegor…..what do you mean your Automatic Aim can’t scan weak points through that smoke? What do you mean “Be happy you can still see an outline?””
As Lucifer began scanning the smoke, from the top balcony, Brunhilde saw that Mary had made a wall of frankincense smoke around her.
“So, his helmet was made with the power of Belphegor, the…..sin of sloth? How does that even make sense?”
Göll asked, confused, Brunhilde looking at Göll.
“Yes, but remember:Sloth is the sin of inaction, of not doing anything yourself, and the Helmet of Sloth automatically tells Lucifer where his enemy is, any incoming attack, and can even focus on weak points, doing all the work”
Inside the circle, Mary once again, swung her thurible, but this time, it also spewed incense, accelerating the swing, while Mary began to pray, the audience hearing the prayer from Heimdall’s speakers, and began joining in.
“_Hail Mary, Full of Grace, The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen._”
Soon, Lucifer could hear the audience had also begun praying along Mary.
“Hm? Oh, they’re praying for her safety? Hehe, how pathetic” “THE VIRGIN MARY IS PRAYING FOR HERSELF? FOR WHAT REASONS IS SHE DOING THIS?”
Heimdall announced, also confused.
Lucifer’s boots glowed black, Lucifer doing a roundhouse kick towards the wall, shockwaves dissipating the smoke, revealing the Virgin Mary, who immediately charges towards Lucifer.
“_Ave Maria!_”
Lucifer was caught off guard by the speed at which Mary approached and attacked, using his gauntlets to shield himself.
“What the-”
As Mary’s thurible hits Lucifer’s gauntlets, a glowing light emerges from the point of contact, and Lucifer’s Gauntlets then shatter from the hit, shocking Lucifer, Heimdall and all of the audience, even making Zeus and Artemis worry.
submitted by Ambitious-Desk-60 to ShuumatsuNoValkyrie [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:05 burneraccount32347 Is the “Z” symbol THAT bad?

Hello everybody! Now recently I’ve been playing top tier Russia and in no way shape or form do I support the invasion but I thought since flags cost GE, and I love historically accurate decals I decided to go with a “Z” since it’s FREE to make and realistic. But recently I saw a short where a player was getting hate for having one and I’ve seen people compare it to swastika and really tear into the guy for having it. Now I can see if someone used it to be edgy or funny getting hate but having historically accurate decals only add to the joy of the game and personally I wouldn’t mind little swastika flags you could put on panzers but I can also see how that can get out of hand. I just don’t see why it’s so bad, I’m not supporting the invasion in any way and am fully against it, I simply like seeing realistic tanks!
submitted by burneraccount32347 to Warthunder [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:03 apop2299 How to date as a virgin in your 20s

I'm male, 24 and work as a programmer. I have almost zero experience when it comes to girls, I've never held hands, kissed, had sex or been in a relationship and I think it really affects my life right now. I've only been on a few dates over the years.
Most of my friends are in relationships since high school, I just happened to be really shy, sometimes awkward, dumb, had low self-esteem, so no girl was ever interested in me. I thought that studying is more important and that good grades and a good career would bring me a girl later. Turns out I was wrong and when I realised this and started working on myself (fitness, style, money, skills), then the pandemic happened and now I find myself in a catch-22 situation.
I'm a pretty empathetic and somewhat emotional person and I sometimes feel very sad inside when I see younger couples, knowing that I never have and never will experience teenage love, but that's life.
I asked my parents for advice about what to do now, but my father is really uninterested and doesn't believe me that I have never been with a girl, while my mother just tells me that God has a girl set aside for me.
To be honest, I think my chances of finding someone that is going to take his time with me and not care about my clumsiness and my inexperience are slim to none. I don't think girls (especially the ones on dating apps) really have the patience for guys like me. And I know people would say that if they like me enough, they shouldn't care about this stuff, but I just don't think that's true. They can just go online on social media or on a dating app and find 100 guys like me, but with more experience. I don't think I'm that special so that she would overlook such a red flag.
And it's not like I tell them I'm a virgin or something. I met some girls at university or online and went on a few dates (probably 10). Some of them asked me what was my longest relationship, some of them did not, I sometimes told the truth, I sometimes lied, but I think they could sense I was inexperienced or something, because they lost interest after the dates. I asked two of them out of curiosity why they didn't want to continue and they told me that I'm a great guy, but they are looking for someone more mature and experienced. Right now I only meet women through online dating or at the gym sometimes.
I think my only chance is to find someone as unexperienced as me, so I just can be myself, but I just don't know where I can find such a girl. And I believe that the older I get the harder it is going to be, that's why I'm somewhat desperate now.
I consider myself a traditionalist and have a profound dislike for hook-up culture and would never see myself going to bars and clubs and picking-up girls. I want to find someone suitable for a long-term relationship.
Can someone give me some advice on how to approach this situation?
submitted by apop2299 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:02 Geki_bekon I dont know how i feel about my friend anymore.

I met her last summer and we hung out everyday for the whole summer and had like 5 sleepovers a week. I remember only 1 day in the whole summer i stayed home. It was fun and we did all types of crazy shit.
than school started and obviously we stopped having sleepovers but we still hung out after school non stop. Im not the most socal person as for the past 2 years i had 0 friends and loved my alone time very much and grew introverted. I found it exhausting to hang out eith her after school for like extra 6h. I didnt wana be rude so i just did it.
I felt like I didn’t really have a choice because once i had 1 week free of school and she asked if i wanted to come over trough text and i said no not today. i just wanted to stay home for a bit but instead of her just leaving me alone we ended up fighting for 1h straight. Just because i didnt want to leave my hose that day and i had not made any plans with her that day whatsoever. That was the first ever time i had told her i dont want to hang out with her and she went all out on me. She started mainly attacking me on how i never really socialised in public and made jokes like “bro gets socally drained after saying hello to her mother”. It ended up on her saying “now i know why you have no friends”. …like no.
After that i kind of stopped telling her if i dont wana hang out i just dont say anything and do it. She keeps telling me how im her number 1 person and how she trusts me the most and you know that type of stuff. I mean i am the only damn person she hangs out with basically so probably thats true but the issue is i dont feel the same way at all. Its not that she did anything wrong but i just dont feel the connection after all those months like not a single bit. If she stopped talking to me i would not give a single shit.
I allso own a gecko and her tank is in my room. And that girl comes over quite often after school with me and she has a vape addiction which i honestly dont mind as i smoke time to time myself. But the problem here is that she would allso refuse to leave the room to smoke else where or the bare minimum smoking out the window. She knows i cant speak up much so she walks over me and that is something i have noticed. She takes advantage of my very not much capability to speak up for myself or say no firmly. After a while i did get her to smoke out the window but still have to tell her each time she comes over. so thats a red flag.
As right now the school year is ending im failing 3 of my classes and she keeps going out on me how im effecting her too with my bad grades. Tell me if im missing something but how are MY bad grades effecting YOU. Not in an emotional way or anything because she says it that my grades bring down hers. And i dont see how unless its a group project. Not too long ago she got super mad at me over text on how im not doing shit and all that kind of stuff. I dont blame her for that because it is kind of true lol- But once we met the same day after that she gave me like an hour long speech on how if i dont change she will stop contacting me because she doesn’t wanr her grades to be bad because of mine. Again how tf are they effecting you.
The next day i missed 2 of the first classes and when i came to school everything was fine untill it was 4th class and she started yapping about it again. It wasn’t long after she grabbed my phone and put a screen time on it against my will. Saying it eill hellp me focus on my studies. She has no damn right to do that she is not my legal guardian. The same day after i got home i factory reseted my whole phone just to get rid of the screen time. i lost alot of my data but i was not gona live like that.
So i really dont know. I just feel like i never get my way when im with her.
submitted by Geki_bekon to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:01 ramdytis3c Unposted Tracks - Part6 [Out 2024-05-17] [Hypnotic Soul]

1111 MUSICA - Musica - What's Good for Me (Extended Mix) / Key Am, BPM 122, 4:14, MP3 10.32 Mb
21 ROOM - Superstructure (Dub mix) / Key Am, BPM 130, 6:24, MP3 15.48 Mb
21 ROOM - Superstructure (Techno Red Dub Remix) / Key Am, BPM 132, 6:18, MP3 15.25 Mb
2livemafia - All Black Party (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 126, 3:49, MP3 9.42 Mb
34th Floor Experience - Close To Home (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 126, 5:55, MP3 14.52 Mb
34th Floor Experience - In The Morning (Original Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 123, 5:31, MP3 13.59 Mb
34th Floor Experience - Moments Of Truth (Original Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 121, 6:23, MP3 15.65 Mb
34th Floor Experience - Obsessed (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 124, 6:15, MP3 15.31 Mb
3rd Collective - Better (Bonfarado Remix) / Key Am, BPM 125, 5:44, MP3 14.15 Mb
3rd Collective - Better (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 120, 5:05, MP3 12.59 Mb
3rd Collective - Don't Deny (James Chang Remix) / Key Abm, BPM 120, 4:52, MP3 12.07 Mb
3rd Collective - Don't Deny (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 120, 5:08, MP3 12.71 Mb
4 Da People - Escape the Shadows (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 119, 6:06, MP3 14.97 Mb
4 Da People - Fly Free (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 121, 4:32, MP3 11.24 Mb
4UALWAYS - Flashing Lights (Original Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 127, 4:36, MP3 11.32 Mb
6del - UNTITLED1 (Mat-R remix) / Key Gm, BPM 150, 6:56, MP3 17.06 Mb
6del - UNTITLED1 (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 135, 5:13, MP3 12.94 Mb
6del - UNTITLED2 (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 135, 5:52, MP3 14.50 Mb
7KY - Raindrop (Stoto Remix) / Key Bm, BPM 120, 2:00, MP3 5.17 Mb
A Tigers Blood, Supah - Pray For Me (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 145, 3:24, MP3 8.42 Mb
A.P.(84Bit) - Live Now (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 124, 6:01, MP3 14.49 Mb
AIZZO - Can't Feel My Face (Original Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 150, 2:11, MP3 5.75 Mb
AIZZO - Can't Feel My Face (Slowed & Reverbed) / Key Bbm, BPM 128, 2:33, MP3 6.63 Mb
AIZZO - Can't Feel My Face (Sped Up) / Key Em, BPM 160, 2:02, MP3 5.40 Mb
AKURI, XAVO (BR) - Funky Heroes (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 130, 3:27, MP3 8.52 Mb
AZHARI - My Destiny (Remix) / Key Gm, BPM 125, 4:41, MP3 11.57 Mb
Aaron Martin - Hot Spot (Original Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 129, 5:50, MP3 14.37 Mb
Aaron Martin - Soundklub (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 131, 5:59, MP3 14.74 Mb
Abel (MZ) - Gimmicks (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 125, 4:37, MP3 11.57 Mb
Abel Di Catarina - Dreamer (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 126, 6:36, MP3 15.95 Mb
Abnormal Load - 30303 (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 115, 6:42, MP3 16.48 Mb
Abnormal Load - Anfang (Original Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 140, 9:04, MP3 22.16 Mb
Abnormal Load - Escape The Island (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 98, 4:02, MP3 10.07 Mb
Abnormal Load - Trippin With The Rest (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 154, 4:10, MP3 10.41 Mb
Abnormal Load, Hjertman, Køpman - Shakar featuring Hjertman & Køpman (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 146, 7:37, MP3 18.67 Mb
Abnormal Load, Winding River - Neben Der Spur featuring Winding River (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 148, 6:46, MP3 16.64 Mb
Ackermann - My Dub (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 141, 6:01, MP3 14.54 Mb
Ackermann - My House (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 133, 4:54, MP3 11.88 Mb
Ackermann - No Vacancy (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 129, 5:01, MP3 12.15 Mb
Ackermann - No Vacancy (Skudge Remix) / Key Dbm, BPM 137, 5:34, MP3 13.47 Mb
Adel Khan - Kuala Lumpur (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 125, 8:38, MP3 20.82 Mb
Ademir - You Take Me High (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 124, 5:28, MP3 13.66 Mb
Adham Zahran - Crash & Burn (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 115, 8:22, MP3 20.35 Mb
Adham Zahran - Flight of the Phoenix (Original Mix) / Key Bb, BPM 123, 9:40, MP3 23.44 Mb
Adoo - This This (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 138, 6:37, MP3 16.04 Mb
Adri G., Rødder - Another Level (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 139, 5:37, MP3 13.61 Mb
Adri G., Rødder - Deafening Silence (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 139, 5:19, MP3 12.91 Mb
Adri G., Rødder - Midnight Rumors (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 136, 5:21, MP3 12.98 Mb
Adri G., Rødder - Tales of Mystery (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 139, 5:36, MP3 13.59 Mb
Aegean - Tied Up (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 125, 3:03, MP3 7.55 Mb
Aiden Francis - Ultrasonic (Original Mix) / Key Ab, BPM 133, 6:05, MP3 14.73 Mb
Aiden Jonah, Stephanie Chloris - Summer Loving (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 100, 3:18, MP3 8.26 Mb
Al-Faris - Deep in Your Soul (Extended Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 123, 8:00, MP3 19.29 Mb
Alain Rine - Turkiye (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 105, 2:47, MP3 7.07 Mb
Alan CM, Tatia - Acapulco Vibes (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 128, 6:00, MP3 14.70 Mb
Alberto Santana - Liberation (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 138, 6:09, MP3 14.82 Mb
Alejandro Deep - 2024 Tech (Original Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 124, 6:08, MP3 14.80 Mb
Alejandro Deep - Bailar Contigo (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 125, 5:15, MP3 12.69 Mb
Alejandro Deep - Love for Music (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 126, 4:27, MP3 10.76 Mb
Alejandro Deep - Vamos al Dembow (Original Mix) / Key G, BPM 125, 5:18, MP3 12.81 Mb
Aleks Born - Tell me a fairy tale (Original Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 110, 3:34, MP3 8.77 Mb
Aleksey Kraft - Moon Fight (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 125, 6:46, MP3 16.51 Mb
Alessandro Pintus, Gianmarco Limenta, Ruska Beats - Vibe with Me (feat. Ruska Beats) (Extended Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 130, 5:48, MP3 14.03 Mb
Alessio Modrian, samor dj - INFINITE (Original Mix) / Key C, BPM 120, 5:35, MP3 13.83 Mb
Alev Tav - 27 (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 130, 5:29, MP3 13.35 Mb
Alev Tav - 28 (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 127, 5:36, MP3 13.66 Mb
Alex Aleman - Fantasia (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 128, 3:53, MP3 9.42 Mb
Alex Atenciano - Ibiza (Original mix) / Key Am, BPM 128, 5:30, MP3 13.59 Mb
Alex Atenciano - Pa Lante (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 128, 4:30, MP3 11.19 Mb
Alex Dark - AMOR (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 128, 5:30, MP3 13.37 Mb
Alex Deeper - Lunar (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 123, 4:27, MP3 10.96 Mb
Alex Di Stefano - Glow (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 136, 6:11, MP3 15.15 Mb
Alex Kunnari - Stay or Move (Extended Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 124, 5:35, MP3 14.01 Mb
Alex Phillipp - Me 2 (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 128, 6:09, MP3 15.06 Mb
Alex Schneider, B'Bach - French Riviera (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 120, 2:11, MP3 5.52 Mb
Alexander Bollinger - Dance With You (Original Mix) / Key A, BPM 127, 5:05, MP3 12.51 Mb
Alexis Morales (PE) - Hear my Beat (DVPT Remix) / Key Cm, BPM 128, 5:30, MP3 13.73 Mb
Alexis Morales (PE) - Hear my Beat (Original Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 127, 6:50, MP3 16.93 Mb
Alexis Morales (PE) - Nobody Else (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 129, 6:29, MP3 16.08 Mb
Aliana - Bloom (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 129, 6:00, MP3 14.75 Mb
Aliana - Nebula (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 132, 6:24, MP3 15.71 Mb
Allain Espino - Naked (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 125, 5:23, MP3 13.16 Mb
Allenza - Bad (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 128, 6:02, MP3 14.91 Mb
Alonso - Prophecy (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 127, 6:36, MP3 15.87 Mb
Alosoul - Lux (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 138, 5:36, MP3 13.72 Mb
Alvaro Vergara - Amazing (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 115, 5:05, MP3 12.50 Mb
Alvaro Vergara - Amazing (Supperclub Remix) / Key Bbm, BPM 122, 5:54, MP3 14.45 Mb
Amadeo Esteche - Kippen (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 129, 7:06, MP3 17.30 Mb
Amal Nemer - Leyenda (Monserratt Remix) / Key Gm, BPM 125, 6:43, MP3 16.43 Mb
Amaral Borges - Eternal Journey (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 120, 6:35, MP3 16.25 Mb
Amaral Borges - Lion Temple (Original Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 120, 7:13, MP3 17.76 Mb
Amaral Borges - North Sea (Faserklang Remix) / Key Fm, BPM 120, 5:33, MP3 13.75 Mb
Amaral Borges - North Sea (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 120, 6:26, MP3 15.87 Mb
Amaral Borges - Think Twice (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 120, 7:33, MP3 18.55 Mb
Amethy - Going Blind (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 126, 5:33, MP3 13.50 Mb
Anastasia Zems, Mike Sacchetti - Enter the Wild (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 122, 5:10, MP3 12.68 Mb
Anastasia Zems, Mike Sacchetti - The World's a Dream (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 125, 5:13, MP3 12.77 Mb
Anastasia Zems, Mike Sacchetti - The World's a Dream (Radial Gaze Remix) / Key Dm, BPM 128, 5:55, MP3 14.46 Mb
Anastasia Zems, Mike Sacchetti - The World's a Dream (Zaatar Remix) / Key D, BPM 125, 5:30, MP3 13.47 Mb
Ascion - Violent Delights (Original Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 140, 5:40, MP3 14.02 Mb
Audaks - You (Original Mix) / Key F, BPM 122, 6:51, MP3 16.60 Mb
Aviera, MARAE - Sirens (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 125, 5:56, MP3 14.56 Mb
Aviera, MARAE - Sirens (Radio Edit) / Key Am, BPM 125, 4:42, MP3 11.60 Mb
Avision - Close Control (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 132, 5:45, MP3 14.30 Mb
Axbla - Goat (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 142, 5:56, MP3 14.33 Mb
AxeeD - Lies (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 124, 2:45, MP3 6.87 Mb
Axel Johansson - Save A Prayer (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 128, 2:43, MP3 6.72 Mb
Ayaz Yolchuyev - Dark Side (Original Mix) / Key A, BPM 130, 3:14, MP3 7.87 Mb
Aztekan - Huehuetl (Original Mix) / Key G, BPM 108, 5:53, MP3 14.39 Mb
Aztekan - Nuevo Rituales (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 138, 6:02, MP3 14.74 Mb
Aztekan - Tototl (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 135, 6:56, MP3 16.91 Mb
B/AN/K - Feel the Rush (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 129, 5:13, MP3 12.82 Mb
B.Visible - Rubber Legs (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 85, 1:45, MP3 4.31 Mb
B.Visible, Anda Reverie - Bad Karma (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 95, 4:00, MP3 9.73 Mb
BAPP - Calle (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 127, 6:33, MP3 15.93 Mb
BAPP - Eazy Go (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 130, 5:55, MP3 14.39 Mb
BAPP - La Batera (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 130, 5:40, MP3 13.79 Mb
BARBUTO - Acid Attack (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 140, 5:33, MP3 13.46 Mb
BAY90 - Wait for Me (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 126, 3:27, MP3 8.57 Mb
BIIG Charlie - Por la Cara (Extended Mix) / Key Em, BPM 125, 4:31, MP3 11.09 Mb
BL.CK - 11.59 (Original Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 128, 7:01, MP3 17.41 Mb
BL.CK - Combustion (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 142, 6:52, MP3 16.86 Mb
Baby Rollen - Psychology (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 127, 7:02, MP3 17.11 Mb
Baby Rollen - Voodo (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 128, 7:55, MP3 19.22 Mb
Band&dos, DJ 13 (VE) - Sexxxy 2.0 (Extended Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 130, 5:43, MP3 13.91 Mb
Basement Jaxx, Siouxsie Sioux - Cish Cash (Superchumbo Sticky Licky Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 130, 5:38, MP3 13.65 Mb
Basement Jaxx, Siouxsie Sioux - Cish Cash (Superchumbo Yummy Yummy Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 130, 5:38, MP3 13.66 Mb
Baustaff - Cool Runnings (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 126, 5:09, MP3 12.63 Mb
Bee Collen - Fade (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 114, 5:57, MP3 14.47 Mb
Bee Collen - Nkanyane (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 115, 6:30, MP3 15.77 Mb
Bee Collen - Sensational (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 118, 6:45, MP3 16.38 Mb
Bee Lincoln - Cookin (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 133, 6:05, MP3 14.96 Mb
Being Sarah - Oceanic Dream (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 122, 4:45, MP3 11.85 Mb
Ben Claw - One Seed to Grow (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 143, 5:22, MP3 13.04 Mb
Ben Graves - Do It Like That (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 128, 7:05, MP3 17.34 Mb
Benales - Flux (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 140, 5:20, MP3 13.04 Mb
Benales - Kinetic (Jancen Remix) (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 140, 6:02, MP3 14.70 Mb
Benales - Kinetic (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 139, 5:06, MP3 12.47 Mb
Benales - Sorrow (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 140, 5:19, MP3 13.00 Mb
Benales - Sorrow (Utroit & K.O.S Remix) / Key Gm, BPM 142, 5:53, MP3 14.37 Mb
Benan - Just Be (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 130, 5:25, MP3 13.20 Mb
Benatti - Say It Right (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 128, 4:09, MP3 10.33 Mb
Bench Press - Precepts (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 127, 6:37, MP3 16.44 Mb
Benny Benassi, Dubdogz, Mairee - La Musica (Extended Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 126, 3:05, MP3 7.58 Mb
Berny, Light (UA) - What About You (Extended Mix) / Key Eb, BPM 123, 6:22, MP3 15.47 Mb
Bessey - I Feel Like (Extended Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 127, 5:21, MP3 13.01 Mb
Besso - Mi Amor (Original Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 100, 4:29, MP3 10.90 Mb
Bettelli, Erick Sierra - Lick My (Extended Mix) / Key Am, BPM 129, 4:40, MP3 11.36 Mb
Bexxie - Feels Good (Extended Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 128, 5:06, MP3 12.78 Mb
Bhm - Make That Shake (Extended Mix) / Key Em, BPM 128, 3:02, MP3 7.72 Mb
Bhm - Make That Shake (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 128, 2:34, MP3 6.61 Mb
Big Bunny - Atom (Format Groove Dub Remix) / Key Em, BPM 124, 6:27, MP3 15.60 Mb
Big Bunny - Ecstasy From Ibiza (Minimal Dub Remix) / Key Abm, BPM 127, 7:03, MP3 17.05 Mb
Big Bunny - Prise (Format Groove Dub Remix) / Key F#m, BPM 127, 6:48, MP3 16.45 Mb
Big Bunny - Strength (Tech House Dub Remix) / Key Fm, BPM 128, 6:15, MP3 15.12 Mb
Big Bunny - Take It To The Top (Techno Red Remix) / Key Gm, BPM 132, 6:04, MP3 14.66 Mb
Bisou (DE) - Devotion (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 140, 5:17, MP3 12.89 Mb
Bitwake - How You Feel (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 113, 3:30, MP3 8.69 Mb
Bizayas - Green Bassement (Edit Mix) / Key E, BPM 126, 2:37, MP3 6.31 Mb
Black Eyes - Groovin Deeper (Original Mix) / Key Db, BPM 120, 6:10, MP3 14.98 Mb
Black Eyes - Jazzin Deeper (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 120, 6:58, MP3 16.89 Mb
Black Eyes - Movin Deeper (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 121, 6:56, MP3 16.83 Mb
Blackwax - Skyward Satalites (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 122, 8:37, MP3 21.03 Mb
Blackwax - Why U Licking My Painting (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 123, 5:38, MP3 13.85 Mb
Blackwax - Wok Gwan (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 123, 5:25, MP3 13.33 Mb
Blank & Jones - Nos E O Mar (Original Mix) / Key G, BPM 87, 3:18, MP3 8.02 Mb
Blank Sense - Diluvio (Extended Mix) / Key Em, BPM 130, 4:28, MP3 11.31 Mb
Blaze - Lovelee Dae (Franck Roger Extended Remix) / Key Gm, BPM 124, 8:34, MP3 20.71 Mb
Blue Cell - Salzwasser (Intro for Mixes (Dmin-120bpm)) / Key D, BPM 120, 1:46, MP3 4.36 Mb
Bogy, Lucky Choice - Shadows (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 123, 5:20, MP3 13.10 Mb
Bohemian (ESP) - Revolution (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 128, 4:47, MP3 11.74 Mb
Bongomann - Teck Ee (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 125, 7:49, MP3 18.88 Mb
Boogie Hill Faders - Get Personal (Extended Instrumental) / Key Gm, BPM 122, 3:29, MP3 8.67 Mb
Boogie Hill Faders - Get Personal (Extended Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 122, 3:29, MP3 8.67 Mb
Boogie Hill Faders - Get Personal (Instrumental) / Key Gm, BPM 122, 2:43, MP3 6.86 Mb
Boogie Hill Faders - Get Personal (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 122, 2:45, MP3 6.94 Mb
Bor - TIME FOR LOVE (Extended Mix) / Key Bb, BPM 126, 4:08, MP3 10.38 Mb
Boris Werner - L.S.D. (Love Saves the Day) (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 126, 8:21, MP3 20.20 Mb
Boris Werner - Ochtend Glunderen @ Wildeburg (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 128, 8:12, MP3 19.82 Mb
Boris Werner, MC Pryme - No Tantrums (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 126, 6:53, MP3 16.66 Mb
Bosco Loco - Night in Naples (Acid Mix) / Key C, BPM 127, 5:48, MP3 14.13 Mb
Botle MusiiQue - Chilling with My Son (Nostalgic Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 112, 7:59, MP3 19.31 Mb
Breezy, Charlie Boulala, summer sax - Lemonee (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 118, 1:58, MP3 5.12 Mb
Brno, SicTric, Mingo Marrero - Teteo feat. BRNO (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 127, 4:09, MP3 10.39 Mb
Broosnica - Don't U Know Me (Original Mix) / Key C, BPM 125, 6:11, MP3 14.87 Mb
Bruce Zalcer - Cameo (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 145, 5:21, MP3 12.95 Mb
Bruno Caro - Doesn't Fit (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 139, 4:57, MP3 12.24 Mb
Bruno Caro - Microtransactions (Le Martz Remix) / Key Dm, BPM 136, 6:38, MP3 16.29 Mb
Bruno Caro - Microtransactions (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 138, 5:06, MP3 12.63 Mb
Bust-R, PRINSH - Party All Night (Extended Mix) / Key Am, BPM 125, 3:22, MP3 8.29 Mb
C Nellie - One Day (Extended Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 128, 4:34, MP3 11.33 Mb
C Nellie - One Day (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 128, 3:42, MP3 9.26 Mb
C37 - Watching Snow Settle (Original Mix) / Key C, BPM 110, 3:37, MP3 8.83 Mb
CC Luna - Rebirth (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 143, 5:36, MP3 13.58 Mb
CDTRAX - Bohemian (Original Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 138, 5:24, MP3 13.67 Mb
CDTRAX - Furcht Einflössend (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 140, 5:17, MP3 13.39 Mb
CDTRAX - Truculent (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 111, 4:51, MP3 12.37 Mb
Calicko - Speaker Tweakerz (Extended Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 124, 6:21, MP3 15.62 Mb
Calipso Lapso, The Watermelon Summer Crew - Little Trip (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 124, 3:58, MP3 9.54 Mb
Calm Boy - Hi-Tech (Original Mix) / Key C, BPM 140, 3:09, MP3 7.75 Mb
Cam Lasky - The Algorithms for Love (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 140, 5:02, MP3 12.32 Mb
Cam Lasky - The Reborn (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 140, 5:29, MP3 13.42 Mb
Cam Lasky - The Waves (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 140, 5:15, MP3 12.87 Mb
Cammora - Flutter (Extended Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 130, 4:58, MP3 12.15 Mb
Caputi - Quanthral (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 131, 8:35, MP3 20.83 Mb
Cardozo - Alive (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 126, 5:38, MP3 13.70 Mb
Cardozo - Sax House (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 126, 4:35, MP3 11.18 Mb
Carla Schmitt - Black Hole (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 145, 5:25, MP3 13.15 Mb
Carlos Nilmmns - True People (Original Mix) / Key G, BPM 125, 4:39, MP3 11.41 Mb
Carlos Pineda - Asere (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 128, 4:56, MP3 12.03 Mb
Carlos Pineda - Asere (Radio Edit) / Key Gm, BPM 128, 3:30, MP3 8.59 Mb
Carol Fávero - Make You Groove (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 126, 4:37, MP3 11.43 Mb
Castion - Higher Place (Extended Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 128, 5:47, MP3 14.07 Mb
Castion - Loose & Dance (Extended Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 127, 5:51, MP3 14.22 Mb
Cedric Flux - White Room (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 127, 6:06, MP3 14.91 Mb
Cekay Pellegrini - Love Hurts (Instrumental) / Key F#m, BPM 135, 6:52, MP3 16.66 Mb
Cekay Pellegrini - Love Hurts (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 135, 6:44, MP3 16.34 Mb
Cekay Pellegrini - Love Hurts (Short Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 135, 4:06, MP3 10.02 Mb
Cesare vs Disorder - Erro (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 130, 6:47, MP3 16.58 Mb
Cesare vs Disorder - Sonhando Acordado (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 130, 7:01, MP3 17.16 Mb
Chaz (IN) - White Matter (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 145, 5:58, MP3 14.36 Mb
Chesnokovskii - Beach Acdc (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 128, 4:30, MP3 11.15 Mb
Chesnokovskii - Dai (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 128, 5:32, MP3 13.63 Mb
Chesnokovskii - Dancing Vampire Club (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 133, 4:34, MP3 11.32 Mb
Chesnokovskii - Nagoya 89' (Original Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 124, 6:04, MP3 14.91 Mb
Chester Fields, Jon Alfaro - Back to You (Jon Alfaro Remix) / Key Em, BPM 126, 3:43, MP3 9.12 Mb
Chewy Rubs - Boogie Down (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 120, 8:08, MP3 19.97 Mb
Chillelektro - Amrum (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 118, 7:07, MP3 17.33 Mb
Chmi - Bad Bitch (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 126, 5:07, MP3 12.45 Mb
Chmi - This I'm Not Afraid (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 124, 5:11, MP3 12.61 Mb
Chmi - What Do You Know About That (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 124, 5:27, MP3 13.26 Mb
Chmi - Your Story (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 126, 5:45, MP3 13.97 Mb
Chris Diaz, Fama (US) - On Me (Extended Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 128, 5:17, MP3 13.04 Mb
Chris Diaz, Fama (US) - On Me (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 128, 3:52, MP3 9.63 Mb
Chris Loud - Crazy Stuff (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 144, 5:10, MP3 12.70 Mb
ad.lib & silvision - Collide (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 128, 7:11, MP3 17.34 Mb

DOWNLOAD - progonlymusic com
submitted by ramdytis3c to proresivesound [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:56 dolaurem_ipsum The Eras Tour poster aka the rainbow flag hiding in plain sight

The Eras Tour poster aka the rainbow flag hiding in plain sight
Hi ! New Gaylor here (I've had my own suspicions ever since I started really listening to Taylor with folklore but hadn't read any theories before this week).
So, I was ironing my eras tour tee-shirt that I got at the Paris show last week and was feeling a bit disappointed that it was the old version (without TTPD) + thinking about Billie Eilish's comments about artists who release multiple variants of the same record and it got me thinking about the poster itself.
My first thoughts about the new addition change were, I admit, that it was a marketing strategy to sell more merch because fans who bought theirs during the first leg of the eras tour would be buying it twice to get the new album on it.
Then I examined both versions and a few things stood out to me ! See below for my findings 😊
Here's the old poster (before TTPD was added in Paris) :
Here's the new one (after Paris) :
  1. The central photo is the "current" era, on the first poster it was Midnights which covered 3 spots on the grid. Notice how Folklore and Evermore were separated at the bottom.
  2. The new poster came out right after the Paris shows (I was at the 3rd night and they didn't sell the new merch on site yet, only online). TTPD had already been released but the new merch went online after the first night in Paris. This is important because that was the nigth the TTPD era was added to the show.
  3. Now back to Folklore and Evermore which have moved closer on the new poster with Midnghts ending up on the bottom right corner. The obvious choice would have been to just add Midnights in the middle in the new blank space but she chose to put them together. Why does it matter ? Because it was precisely in Paris that she started "reuniting the twin sisters on set", she even announced it on stage. So we can safely assume that what happens on stage is reflected on the poster.
  4. I love the concept of every era having a color and representing them on the poster but given that Taylor loves "hiding in plain sight", I can't help but notice that every color of the rainbow flag is now on there, all of them except ONE !
  5. Now, what color has she been wearing an awful lot lately on stage ? Yup, that's the one :
6) Given that her ONLY outfit that hasn't changed on stage is the Reputation one + the "✌️" signs she keeps giving us + the fact that TTPD now occupies 2 spots on the poster, I conclude that she's about to drop Reputation's twin sister real soon 🤡
7) Bonus addition, notice how on the poster, Taylor starts looking back at us with the Reputation era ? Except for the Lover one (sunglasses meaning she's still hiding) and TTPD (eyes closed, still torn) !
Thanks for coming to my TED talk !
submitted by dolaurem_ipsum to GaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:55 NorthbyFjord 26[M4F] UK/Anywhere – Looking for the one

Hei, hi and hello!
I’m Onsie Onsfjord or Fjord feel free to call me whichever is not mind to me.
I’m a 26-year-old English Norwegian who’s mainly lived his whole life in the United Kingdom and graduated from university with a degree in Computer Networks and is now working as a DIE for the NHS (Digital Infrastructure Engineer).
Caught you off guard with that job title acronym huh? Yeah, trust me when I first started it had me in fits of laughter, but you get used to it after a while.
So a bit about me; - I’m an introvert and tend to avoid public crowds, events and such and just try to vibe with friends on a nice game of anything (which you’ll see below) - I’m an avid IT nerd and will most likely remain this way for my whole career as IT is my education and career at this point - On top of IT you guessed it I’m also a very big avid “gamer” I mainly play PC and PS5 games with my current interests being in Helldivers 2, Star Wars: The Fallen Order, and Jedi: Survivor amongst a few other things like WoW, CoD, SWTOR and so on. - I love learning, whether it be history, game lore, languages, cultures, etc. You name it, and I’ll probably be interested in it (Trust me, you give me a flag of any country, and I’ll be able to tell you the country’s name and political structure. - I’m also an avid book reader and you’ll most likely see my shelf full of different manga from all types of genres, I don’t particularly watch anime, I mainly read instead because I find it more “interesting” for better or not. (Not that I'm opposed to watching it) - I’m trying to learn to cook myself but not very good at it as my most recent attempt I ended up giving myself food poisoning so it’s sufficient to say you will have a big gamble if you’d like me to cook ha-ha. - I do watch football from time to time and do support a few clubs from around the world (mainly northern Europe, the UK, and the US) feel free to guess if you’d like! - I’m currently on a VLCD and have lost about 2 stone within 1 month which I’m super super happy about.
In terms of looks and such I’m what an average 26-year-old would look like who is 6’1/6’2 with a picture on request.
Please don’t judge too much as I’m still working on improving myself.
What am I about? I’ve always made it a goal to help, care for, and support those close to me, whether it be friends, old friends, or the equivalent of my family. They’ve been there for me, and I’ll go hell and back for them as they’ve stood by me through thick and thin, even through the loss of other close friends; they’ve picked me up and brushed me down and set me straight to which I will always forever be in their debt and have helped them being.
Whilst I’ve been shot and backstabbed by many of those who I thought were close to me I just try and see the positive and avoid the unnecessary drama and arguments as life is just way too generally short for that kind of stuff and we should all get along with each other in my mind.
What am I looking for? I apologize if this comes off as really picky - Someone in the realm of the US, Canada or Europe - Someone between the age of 20 to 28 years old - Someone who has an interest in IT, manga, gaming, and such (It’s easier to talk to people with the same interest I’ve found though you don’t need to work in IT at all) - Just be a kind honest individual who I can back and vice versa. Be there for each other.
I am looking for a monogamous and serious relationship and not a friendship, however, I’m fine with starting out as friends whilst getting to know each other etc.
The end? Well, I’d like to say that this was the short and sweet version of myself without giving much more away about me but hey hopefully you’ve stayed this far and if you have, I have a very small simple request for you!
If you do decide I’m someone you’d like to get to know and all of that stuff then when messaging me, please make a somewhat attempt of an introduction (I’m not asking for the mass of paragraphs or anything) just a hi, your name (doesn’t have to be your real name), where you’re from, how old are you, what you do, hobbies, etc and we’ll go from there!
Low-effort chats & messages will be removed also, so I know that you’ve made it this far please put your answers to this question (wrong answers don’t matter, it’s what is attempted counts)
“I was born in the winter on a remembrance day, which day was this?”
Take care and hope to see your message 😊
submitted by NorthbyFjord to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:55 NorthbyFjord 26[M4F] UK/Anywhere – Looking for the one

Hei, hi and hello!
I’m Onsie Onsfjord or Fjord feel free to call me whichever is not mind to me.
I’m a 26-year-old English Norwegian who’s mainly lived his whole life in the United Kingdom and graduated from university with a degree in Computer Networks and is now working as a DIE for the NHS (Digital Infrastructure Engineer).
Caught you off guard with that job title acronym huh? Yeah, trust me when I first started it had me in fits of laughter, but you get used to it after a while.
So a bit about me; - I’m an introvert and tend to avoid public crowds, events and such and just try to vibe with friends on a nice game of anything (which you’ll see below) - I’m an avid IT nerd and will most likely remain this way for my whole career as IT is my education and career at this point - On top of IT you guessed it I’m also a very big avid “gamer” I mainly play PC and PS5 games with my current interests being in Helldivers 2, Star Wars: The Fallen Order, and Jedi: Survivor amongst a few other things like WoW, CoD, SWTOR and so on. - I love learning, whether it be history, game lore, languages, cultures, etc. You name it, and I’ll probably be interested in it (Trust me, you give me a flag of any country, and I’ll be able to tell you the country’s name and political structure. - I’m also an avid book reader and you’ll most likely see my shelf full of different manga from all types of genres, I don’t particularly watch anime, I mainly read instead because I find it more “interesting” for better or not. (Not that I'm opposed to watching it) - I’m trying to learn to cook myself but not very good at it as my most recent attempt I ended up giving myself food poisoning so it’s sufficient to say you will have a big gamble if you’d like me to cook ha-ha. - I do watch football from time to time and do support a few clubs from around the world (mainly northern Europe, the UK, and the US) feel free to guess if you’d like! - I’m currently on a VLCD and have lost about 2 stone within 1 month which I’m super super happy about.
In terms of looks and such I’m what an average 26-year-old would look like who is 6’1/6’2 with a picture on request.
Please don’t judge too much as I’m still working on improving myself.
What am I about? I’ve always made it a goal to help, care for, and support those close to me, whether it be friends, old friends, or the equivalent of my family. They’ve been there for me, and I’ll go hell and back for them as they’ve stood by me through thick and thin, even through the loss of other close friends; they’ve picked me up and brushed me down and set me straight to which I will always forever be in their debt and have helped them being.
Whilst I’ve been shot and backstabbed by many of those who I thought were close to me I just try and see the positive and avoid the unnecessary drama and arguments as life is just way too generally short for that kind of stuff and we should all get along with each other in my mind.
What am I looking for? I apologize if this comes off as really picky - Someone in the realm of the US, Canada or Europe - Someone between the age of 20 to 28 years old - Someone who has an interest in IT, manga, gaming, and such (It’s easier to talk to people with the same interest I’ve found though you don’t need to work in IT at all) - Just be a kind honest individual who I can back and vice versa. Be there for each other.
I am looking for a monogamous and serious relationship and not a friendship, however, I’m fine with starting out as friends whilst getting to know each other etc.
The end? Well, I’d like to say that this was the short and sweet version of myself without giving much more away about me but hey hopefully you’ve stayed this far and if you have, I have a very small simple request for you!
If you do decide I’m someone you’d like to get to know and all of that stuff then when messaging me, please make a somewhat attempt of an introduction (I’m not asking for the mass of paragraphs or anything) just a hi, your name (doesn’t have to be your real name), where you’re from, how old are you, what you do, hobbies, etc and we’ll go from there!
Low-effort chats & messages will be removed also, so I know that you’ve made it this far please put your answers to this question (wrong answers don’t matter, it’s what is attempted counts)
“I was born in the winter on a remembrance day, which day was this?”
Take care and hope to see your message 😊
submitted by NorthbyFjord to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:52 nstav13 What will we see from Shadows Gameplay Reveal at Ubi Forward this year?

Every gameplay reveal of a new AC showcases some of the biggest and boldest set pieces in the game, showcasing various elements at different points in the game. But what will Shadows show? Today, I’ll analyze what previous reveals showcased and what we can draw as an inference.
Assassin’s Creed
In this 2007 demo, we see the Assassination of Talal, showcasing elements of parkour, combat, and the main goal of assassination, showing a good portion of AC’s core loop. This also takes place about 50% of the way through the game.
Assassin’s Creed 2
Here we instead focus on new improvements, a theme we will see in each subsequent entry. Ledge and bench assassinations, and most notably the flying machine to reach the Doge, where we fight some brutes and use a smoke bomb to escape. It’s a great set piece to show how much AC2 evolved from the first. This comes from the 8th sequence, so a little over 60% through the game.
Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood
Now we dial it back a bit, showcasing the Siege of Monteriggioni. It’s clear the devs wanted to showcase the improvements to cinematic action and combat more than anything, and obviously takes place in the first sequence, less than 10% through the game.
Assassin’s Creed Revelations
Once again, there’s a focus on the bombastic set piece, showing the improvements to animations, cutscenes, and gameplay with the hookblade, new enemies, and bombs. This, however, is at the end of Sequence 6, so nearly 70% into the game.
Assassin’s Creed 3
We watch as Connor and patriots trudge through snow, stalk in grass, shoots and skins a deer and some wolves. Huge emphasis on physical stealth at the start, which was a big change for AC at the time. Then we move to interactions, parkour through trees, and combat, making it feel more cinematic, before we climb up a cliff and assassinate Silas. This really showcases how much AC3 overhauled everything from the prior games, despite the fort showed being used in a different mission and side content. Eagle eyed viewers may also see that the demo says it is Winter of 1776, which would place it between Sequence 8 and 9, despite the fact that it was Haytham who killed Silas in 1754 in Sequence 2 in Boston.
Assassin’s Creed 4 Black Flag
Sequence 8, Do Not Go Gently is one of the most memorable missions in AC4, and makes sense for the gameplay demo to show combat and social stealth animation improvements (despite the latter not making the final game), and ending with some naval combat. This is obviously about 60% through the game.
Assassin’s Creed Rogue
Side content in the River Valley and North Atlantic was released at the same time, showing some upgrades to naval combat and taking over an Assassin fort. It shows all the new changes, such as ice ram, new eagle vision, and the air gun as expected. As a note, despite being side content, it likely takes place after Sequence 3 since Gist on the ship, so about 50% through the game.
Assassin’s Creed Unity
As expected, we have a showcase of new parkour traversal methods, showcasing how black box assassinations work, social stealth, tools, and the assassination itself. Sequence 3’s Confession is one of the most memorable assassinations in Unity, and highlights many of the changes very well, and is about 25-30% through the main story of Unity due to later sequences getting much shorter.
Assassin’s Creed Syndicate
To show off the newest toys with throwing knives and the rope launcher, we’re put into Whitechapel side content, leading to Sequence 3’s Gang Fight. This helps showcase the new changes but does give the twins the rope launcher a little earlier than the base game. That said, it’s about 30% through the main game.
Assassin’s Creed Origins
We begin with Bayek’s return to Siwa to assassinate Medunamun, infiltrating his palace complex, slowing down time with the bow, and using physical stealth and parkour to reach Medunamun and combat to kill his guards. It’s a good showcase and only about 5% into the game.
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
Mercenaries, Combat, Dialogue options, and battles! Trouble in Paradise has it all, and is technically side content. That said, it takes place on Mykonos, which is level 25-29. The base game had a level cap of 50, so it would be expected most players did this around 50-60% through their Odyssey.
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
The 30 minute gameplay demo that accompanied the late reveal of Valhalla’s gameplay showcases much of the East Anglia arc, raids on monasteries, castles, and dialogue choices. Due to the non-linear nature of the game, this could be anywhere between 10-20% into the game.
Assassin’s Creed Mirage
The Concubine is the side quest shown off for Mirage, detailing changes to eagle vision, tools, parkour, and stealth. I personally played this quest near the end, and only saw it appear after I took out that bureau’s main target, so that means it’s about 50% through the game at a minimum.
Assassin’s Creed Shadows
So with that all examined, what will Shadows show? We know what the biggest gameplay changes are so far: Grappling hook for Naoe, bulky feeling combat for Yasuke. We have the ability to change light, sneak underwater, and break some environmental assets. There’s also going to be a hideout village that you can heavily customize. So, I’m anticipating we will start in the hideout about 30% through the game, maybe showcase some of those customizations we can do, and make some sort of pigeon-coup like device that will grant us new side targets. We’ll take one on and travel to a nearby mountain castle in the dead of night, sneaking in as Naoe to kill the target. Then she’ll be spotted, and have to flee the castle, at which point we’ll switch to Yasuke who will break through everything and dominate in combat, showcasing new moves and weapons, ending with him killing the target. Then we may even see a timelapse shot the team made to show how the castle looks across various seasons with a montage with how the tactics have to change to adjust for weather and surroundings.
What do you think we’ll see in the gameplay reveal? What do you want to see the most?
submitted by nstav13 to assassinscreed [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:51 Emoje775 Teenager asking for dating advice

For context, I'm 17, I'm a junior in high school. I live in Oklahoma usa. The area I live is within the Bible Belt, and I'm thoroughly religious. It's not that uncommon in my area and there's a church pretty much on every corner. You could call it cowboy Country.
Here's the meat and potatoes: I'm just done being single. Yes I get girls that chase me and are into me but I'm usually not interested in them because either I don't like them, or they don't align with my values very well. I honestly feel so alone many times. I have a good family and they're very supportive. I've had two girlfriends in the last 3 years and one really screwed me up because she messed with me and she wasn't the person I thought she was. The other broke up with me because she said she didn't like my political values. Which I felt like was extremely childish and one of the worst reasons to break up with someone. It was brought up to me that she may have just been trying to get out of the relationship and she was looking for an excuse but honestly I'd known her for about 2 years at the point of break up and I just didn't think she would be the type to lie about something like that. But now we're cool and we're just friends now so I'm not really upset about that. The thing is, I really miss the feeling of being in a relationship. I'm over each of those individual relations, I just don't want to be single. It makes me so sad/ upset that other people get to be happy and I don't. I just sit there and wait to meet someone that I want and even when I go up to people they tell me "oh I have a boyfriend" or something like that.
I'd like to know, how do I make myself more appealing? Anything helps. I feel like I'm a pretty good looking guy I don't have many red flags I think. But please tell me, feel free to look at my profile and say what you think about my posts or stuff like that. Any input is much appreciated thank you so much
Tldr: I'm tired of being single and I can't stand it. How do I make myself more appealing for a relationship to girls?
submitted by Emoje775 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:49 Certain-Compote [SF] Post Scarcity

Lights out. Lights on. Lights out. Lights on. Vincent strained to keep his eyes open. Indeed, it wasn’t him blinking, it was the sun. It flickered mid day.
He was jobless again, and was trying to take his mind off it. He’d left the apartment, which would soon not be his, to get away from its suffocating evocation. Eventually his mindless sauntering led him to a nearby park, where he found a soft patch of grass to lie in, and perhaps just die there.
The allure of fresh cut grass in the sun had attracted others as well, but everyone was quiet, thoughtful. The recent AI revolution had put many in the same boat as him. It had been something spectacular, at an unprecedented rate the productivity of mankind soared, dwarfing the industrial and digital revolutions. In a mood of euphoric optimism, it enveloped the planet as a swarm of fruit flies with viagra.
In the beginning, managers and mid-managers were ecstatic, finally they would have the type of workers they dreamed of, ones who didn’t moan and complain about every poorly thought out decision they made. And with them gone, a huge useless drain on profit would be removed. Money would be redistributed, recognition at last, with them taking a major chunk to match their exceptional qualities, their uniqueness among their peers. AIs only needed electric power after all.
Of course, that was all a managerial fantasy, and following a brief time of delusional bliss, they themselves got promptly replaced or simply removed. For the people higher up in the hierarchy, who kept their jobs, it felt like removing your socks after a long trek.
The optimists claimed that this was the long awaited transition to a post scarcity society, utopia in the making. Reality, being a pessimist, had other plans. Wealth discrepancy deepened, and suddenly most societies found themselves with two castes: the wealthy, people who still had income and money, and the destitute who had nothing. The penniless made poor consumers, so business stopped catering to them. Governments were already designed to represent the rich anyway, so they lacked political power as well. They became outcasts, people left to die in the streets. They couldn’t even rebel effectively, since soldiers were getting paid, which made them partial to the upper class, and civilians going against modern military forces was somewhat iffy.
In a spasm of altruism, the elite figured that starvation of more than half of the population would be inhumane. Therefore bread and potatoes became free, which fit nicely well below the 1.3% of global GDP that went for charity. Some of the affected wondered whether that was some sort of a cruel joke. They felt like the roach being kept alive as food for the wasp’s progeny.
Since getting laid off, Vincent dreaded his eventual transition to the outcast class. He had not found a job in time, and now he was being evicted. Not much he could do now but join one of the sprawling tent cities, but luckily, he already owned a tent having bought one for just such an occasion.
These new cities, built within the old ones, were slowly becoming their own authorities. It started when people formed gangs to raid large grocery stores. These soon went out of business, since the stratum they served had perished. The stores that remained, that sold to the rich, had big enough margins to afford armed guards, so the gangs had to become larger and tougher. As history teaches us, government is an euphemism for the biggest bully in town, and these gangs were growing into big bullies themselves. Eventually, they started to refer to themselves as tribes, separate entities from their origin countries. And you didn’t want to meet tribesmen when you were going home at night.
The original administrations made several half hearted attempts to suppress these new states, but what was it supposed to do? Kill what it claimed to be its own citizens? Ultimately, citizens who couldn’t afford to consume or pay taxes were not desirable ones, so they gave up.
Vincent was self aware enough to know that he wouldn’t make a good tribesman. He was soft, pudgy, and often out of breath. As the main source of wealth for these people was raiding, he wondered what niche he could fill, but he avoided thinking about it too hard.
And now the sun was flickering. How unfortunate it would be, he mused, if it turned off one of these days, but he knew it wasn’t that. He was surprised to find out that it saddened him it wasn’t.
The remaining governments had their coffers empty in the end, since the populace paid politicians directly, bypassing them entirely. In a new plan, one of managerial cunning, indeed one that only a government clerk can come up with, they decided to block out the sun. Then they would sell sunlight as a service; it was the new SAS model. Proponents of this plan argued that obviously they deserved sunlight for free, but they were not so sure about the tribal riff raff that beat them senseless when they met on the street. The rich didn’t care, because it was a small fee, and hey, the money would go toward fixing the parks. It could even fix climate change!
Since there was no opposition, the decision was made, and the project undertaken. At first, people could hardly believe their reality. Such was the case with Vincent as well, he had indeed forgotten about it until now. A myriad of small robotic satellites were launched with reusable rockets, each with its own AI and at all times connected to a massive computational center via relays. There the monumental computation of where each robot should stand was made, so that any unsubscribed person would get shaded. It was akin to a Dyson swarm, but unfortunately, on the wrong celestial body.
And there it was, the last sunray to ever touch him; it blinked out. Vincent looked up, and saw the sun as in an eclipse with only its corona visible. Unhappily, he brought his gaze down, and examined the other lawn loafers. Nearly the whole place was in the dark, but two people had their own personal god rays. The chosen ones glanced around nervously. Death stares shot back at them. They left in a hurry. Vincent walked home depressed, while a robot shrouded him from orbit.
It was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness.
Months passed, and Vincent found himself the third wife of a tribe chieftain. It was the Sunset Boulevard tribe, named after the street it had occupied during its inception and not after recent events. The area was now almost permanently shaded, and vegetation had completely died out, but humans found ways to persist. Even in darkness, people managed and found things to put value in. Food, water, and shelter had become precious, while electronic gadgets lost all meaning. Vitamin D supplements were the unofficial currency.
Being the third wife had its benefits. It provided uncommon security, and his chores were simple. He had to keep the tent in order and take care of the chieftain’s many children, who were from the man’s other wives.
Vincent had come to accept this existence, which his past self would’ve found intolerable. He fell into the routine of his new life, and the days strung along, but change was inevitably brewing again behind the curtain.
It turned out that blocking large portions of sunlight made the climate go haywire. Giant planetary superstorms became a thing, and the Atlantic was consumed in a never ending hurricane of continental magnitude. It effectively cut off the Americas from Europe, which miffed the rich a bit. Although travel was restricted, they still found their lives largely unchanged, an infinite stream of AI generated entertainment and whatever else was left for money to buy paved the way to a lifetime of hedonism.
For the tribesmen life grew rougher: winters were colder, springs rainier, and summers gloomier. But people persisted. Among them, Vincent had recently become a grandmother. His new routine created distance between him and his old memories of the world that had been, a dream is all it was. As life became harder, and food became scarcer, and the planet itself grew more hostile, his chores expanded to consume more and more of his time. They left him with no time to think or reflect on what was and what could’ve been. Oddly, his present situation fulfilled him, and at the end of the day, when he lay on his roll-up bed under the rotting tent roof, he fell asleep happy.
Conditions worsened across the globe, and officials started to argue that maybe they’d been wrong in removing the sun from the poor. Perhaps, it was said, the divine disagreed with SAS. Such voices remained a minority however, because neither clerks nor politicians were prepared to separate themselves from the sweet cash inflows it produced.
Tsunamis drowned the coasts, and it rained debris from humankind’s abandoned cities across the world. At last, twilight shone over the rich as well. Their assets were submerged and ruined, but they still had money to spend. And where there’s demand there’s supply. Luxurious underground bunkers, offshore platforms, deep sea hotels, and offworld apartments were hastily constructed with the poorly understood technology of days past.
Relentless, time marched on, unperturbed by humanity’s plight, and Vincent lay on his deathbed after a long, long life. A coup had ousted the chieftain, and he no longer had the same status, but was largely left alone to his own devices out of respect for his former husband. The tribe had migrated high up on the Rockies to evade the boiling ocean. He’d even managed to convince a woman to be his wife in his later years, and had a couple of children of his own. Presently, they all sat around his disintegrated roll-up bed, in his rotting tent, and a woman he barely recognized held his hand, and a young man held a palm over his shoulder. The deep sorrow of a final goodbye lingered in their eyes. He tried to remember where’d he’d come from and how it had all begun, but his aged brain faltered.
He closed his eyes for a final time, and while his mind dissolved, one thing remained clear to him. As people drowned in their underwater havens, suffocated underground, and their bones grew weak and their flesh rotted in space, he was here, happy, with his family.
submitted by Certain-Compote to shortstories [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:45 Juzabro Forge of Darkness Chapter 4 Summary

Chapter 4
Location: Glimmer Fate
POV: Faror Hend
No rain on the plains in Glimmer Fate. High black grasses make the area extremely hot. Faror Hend is patrolling the edge of the Vitr Sea with her cousin Spinnock Durav. The shore of the Vitr Sea is devoid of life and the breeze coming off of it stings the lungs. The liquid of the sea dissolves almost anything it comes into contact with including stones. Spinnock is sharpening his Hust blade on a stone that has been worn away by the sea. His blade is very old and therefore does not sing. It's new to him, but has been passed down for generations. A third rider in their party, Finarra Stone, was scouting the shoreline out of sight. Nothing lived this close, so it was safe to go alone. Today the Vitr is calm, but recently it has not been and storms had resulted in its claiming more land for the sea. The sea is expanding. Eventually it will come to the border of Kurald Galain if they cannot find a solution. The Tiste have no idea what the source of the Vitr is and how to stop it's expansion. Tiste scholars are also unwilling to consult with anyone outside the Tiste.
Faror Hend is extremely attracted to Spinnock Durav, but their houses are too close in relations for her to act on this attraction. Plus she is betrothed and older, although these would not be a barrier to her. Faror thinks of a line from a Gallan poem, "The ground is bare and hard / and will hold all secrets / and the sky cares not / for the games of those beneath it." She desperately wants to act on her lust, but so far has kept in control. Faror is a big Gallan fan. Spinnock seems to know how his cousin feels and teases her.
POV: Captain Finarra Stone
During her patrol of the Vitr coastline, Finarra finds a carcass. This is puzzling as she has never seen one this close to the sea. It appears to have come out of the sea itself. The corpse is huge with scales and a tail. But a lot of the body eaten away by the Vitr. The head and neck were missing and the top of the torso appears chewed. Very few Tiste had ever claimed to have seen a dragon, but this could be one. However, those legends all had them with wings and Faror did not see any evidence of wings on this beast. A breeze brought the stench to the horse and this caused it to back up a few steps making noise. At this the stump where the neck should be lifted. The creature begins shuffling towards her. With an unbelievably fast lurch it closes the distance and swipes at Faror and her horse with two arms catching the horse with both swipes. Faror finds herself tumbling through the air. She lands on her shoulder and breaks something. The beast is still again after decimating her horse. She decides to head for flatter ground to make better time back to her party. She is the daughter of Hust Henarald and possesses his sword. Her biggest threat now were the naked wolves that roamed Glimmer Fate. Faror contemplates the meaning of dark and light and the impossibility of either without the other. She also says that Mother Dark had been a mortal Tiste woman before embracing darkness. While Finarra is contemplating, something screams at her intending to freeze her with fear. Finarra mortally wounds it as it streaks by.
POV: Faror Hend
Hearing the screams of the wolves and no sound of their prey, Faror fears Finarra is the prey. She has not returned and it has been too long. Faror decides to leave Spinnock at camp and go to investigate. He tells her to be careful and he doesn't want to lose her. She responds by saying that he has many cousins. Faror can hear at least a dozen wolves and knows that it is likely that Finarra is fighting by herself without her horse. Thinking of Spinnock's face, she attempts to replace it in her mind with her betrothed, Kagamandra Tulas. A Tiste who the war had made gaunt. Tulas was of a low house and was under the command of Vatha Urusander. This alone would not have made house Durav attempt a betrothal. However, in the war he had saved the life of Silchas Ruin and by doing so had earned the favor of Mother Dark who would reward him by making him the head of a new High House. She thinks that the war stole Tulas's ability to love anything and she is not sure she can love him either, but she will try.
Eventually she finds the place of the wolf attack. There are many dead wolves. The fighting is over, but she does not see Finarra. She thinks further down the trail she will find wolves eating her corpse. Finarra comes out from behind some boulders. Faror begins to speak, but Finarra tells her to speak softly as something has walked out of the Vitr. Finarra chastises Faror for beginning to follow the path through the grasses that would have led to her death. Faror discovers that she had almost welcomed it. Finarra was tracking whatever had walked out of the Vitr when she came upon Faror. "Small footprints, puddles of Vitr pooled in them" She tells Faror that it is their duty to track it.
POV: Finarra Stone
Finarra in a lot of pain from her shoulder and wolf bites, contemplates the look she caught in Faror's eyes. One that told her she was seeking death. She thinks the cause may be Faror's betrothal to a broken man that may be incapable of love and being in close proximity to Spinnock who oozes it. "Spinnock Durav had been pursued by women and men since he had first come of age. He had learned to not give up too much of himself, since those hands reaching for him desired little more than conquest and possession." Finarra has also caught Spinnock's adoration of his cousin turning in to something else. She knows this kind of torture between them will ruin them. She contemplates how to fix the situation. Transferring one might work, but also thinks of another more sure answer.
POV: Faror Hend
Faror and Finarra are both on the back of Faror's horse. Finarra is unconscious and Faror is having a difficult time keeping her on the horse. She thinks about Finarra only being a few years older than her, but already being a battle veteran. She realizes that the wolves she found were not the ones killed by Finarra, but those of the someone that came from the sea. Faror makes it back to the camp. They treat the unconscious woman's wounds fearing infection.
POV: Spinnock Durav
They had burned away the dead flesh and infection on Finarra's leg hoping they got it all. Finarra has not woken up and is fevered. Spinnock outlines their options whether to stay until Finarra wakes up or to try to transport her as is. Faror informs him that Finarra wanted them to track the stranger from the Vitr. Faror tells Spinnock that Finarra needs a healer and soon, but they also need to track the stranger. Faror will go after the stranger and Spinnock will take Finarra to the outpost. Spinnock follows orders, but now there is a coldness between the cousins.
Following the trail she had discovered the previous night, Faror Hend found several more wolf corpses all killed with savage blows. The path she now followed, if kept straight, would lead directly to Kharkanas. Eventually she comes to a clearing and finds a fair-skinned, blonde woman clothed only in a scaled wolf hide over her shoulders. Everywhere else was sunburnt. She appears young and has no weapon, which is curious considering her roughly cut hair and several wolf corpses. Faror says she means no harm and asks if she is an Azathanai. To this the woman responds, "I know your language. But it is not mine. Azathanai. I know that word. Azat drevlid naratarh Azathanai. The people who were never born." After a few questions that the woman cannot answer, she tells Faror that she recalls nothing not even the sea she came out of or her own name. Faror tells the woman that she will escort her to Kharkanas to meet with Mother Dark and gives the woman a Tiste name until she can recall her own. The name is T'riss. Upon hearing this the woman smiles and says, "I am “born of the sea”. Faror asks if she will walk or ride with her. T'riss says that Faror's horse looks useful and she will have one too. She turns to the grasses and conjures a horse out of them. It seems that it's weight is too much for the grasses used. Looking at Faror, T'riss then conjures clothes, lance, and a sword out of the same grasses. This scares Faror because it is god-like sorcery. "‘Mother Dark.’ T’riss smiled. ‘That is a nice title.’"
Location: 3 days out from Neret Sorr
POV: Sharenas Ankhadu
Sharenas likes the heat. She tans nice unlike most of her cohort. She hates the cold and remembers her time in the campaign against the Jheleck unfondly. She is the commander of her cohort. Her sister and cousin, Infayen Menand and Tathe Lorat, are greatly renowned in the legion and being related to them saw high expectations settled onto Sharenas's shoulders. Her relatives are not currently with the legion. Hunn Raal and Osserc are in the vanguard and Ilgast Rend was not happy to be with them. He questions whether or not Urusander knows what Hunn Raal is doing. Osserc backs up Raal and so Ilgast drops the inquiry. Sharenas thinks Osserc is lying when he says his father knows of and approves this expedition. Sharenas thinks, "Hunn Raal is honourable. He knows what he is doing, and he knows, as do we all, that what he is doing is the right thing to do" She thinks Osserc is impulsive and has a thin skin, but Hunn Raal keeps him from making brash decisions. 3 cousins of Hunn Raal also accompanied them. Serap, Risp, and Sevegg all sleep with Hunn Raal, but their second cousins so it's not illegal. The last of their party is Kagamandra Tulas. He is forbidding and dangerous and hadn't spoken since their departure. They are heading towards the Warden outpost where Tulas's betrothed is stationed. Sharenas asserts that every woman could see that Tulas is dead inside and left his soul in the war. That he longs for death. She contemplates that once Urusander remakes the Tiste into a meritocracy, that arranged marriages will no longer be. Ironically because Tulas had given so much in defense of the Tiste he would be a prize as a husband. She pities Faror Hend and her future with this man. However she considers that Faror, just days after the betrothal, signed up with the wardens to get herself as far away as possible. Sharenas is very interested in witnessing the meeting between Tulas and Faror. She resolves to help Faror out of her predicament although it is only for her own amusement.
POV: Ilgast Rend
Ilgast does not like Hunn Raal or Osserc, thinking the former vain and arrogant and the latter nothing like his father except in appearance. Ilgast does not approve of all the debauchery that his fighting had bought for the Tiste. He thinks that Urusander has lost the plot himself. It wouldn't be long before the legion rebelled under his indifference. He would love it if Draconus was put in his place, but fears this would result in great bloodshed and does not want that. He also knows that if Hunn Raal is allowed to lead the legion in Urusander's absence, civil war was assured. "In a world of blood, everyone drowns". Ilgast is disappointed in Sharenas, thinking she would be wise enough not to fall into the wake of Hunn Raal. He feels he is in the middle of this brewing conflict being of a major house and also a cohort commander in Urusander's legion. Hunn Raal thinks he will help him convince the wardens to join his cause. However, he knows Calat Hustain will not join Hunn Raal. He is far too loyal to his own house. Ilgast remembers when Mother Dark was just a Tiste woman until she found the Gate. "Darkness was many things; most of all, it was selfish"
submitted by Juzabro to Malazan [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:44 ThrowRA_Scrimble578 Girl I'm seeing has a big surprise. Am I overthinking?

There's this girl I've been seeing for two weeks now and on our second date yesterday I found out something that came as a surprise to me but also worried me somewhat.
I met this girl about two weeks ago. For context I'm 20M and she's 18F. On our first meeting and date she gave off basically all green flags. The only real thing I could maybe think about is she is pretty bad with time management showing up 30 minutes late to our first date. I excused it though as she was driving about 2 1/2 hours from where she lives. We clicked very easily and she has a very interesting personality and is generally fun to be around. She told me right away on the first date that she was religious as her dad is a deacon and talks about her dreams for school. I am really liking her and all she stands for. For me personally I look for basically companionship in a partner and want someone who is on the same team as me and I see the same in them.
Come second date and things got a little weird I must say. I'm not sure how I feel yet and I really don't have anyone to tell. For background I had no idea she lived two hours away and feeling a bit guilty offered to go to her for the second date. She suggested hiking as there was a waterfall near where she lived she wanted to show me. Again she was late this time by 2 hours due to an event she thought would end earlier before. Luckily this time she told me somewhat before hands and I didn't spend the whole time waiting at the location. Eventually thought we meet up and head up to the spot about 30 minutes from where we parked. It was heartfelt and we had a lot of fun on the way up and when we finally got up there.
Here's where I get nervous. We were alone up there and after some deeper conversation we embraced and somewhat cuddled while looking over the view for a while. Eventually moving to a new spot under some trees that had a view of the waterfall. I usually like to take dating slower as I don't want the relationship to be based off intimacy alone. During that moment tho we eventually started making out since we were alone. I noticed right away that this girl on the first kissed was going for tongue and everything. That was fine as I sort of rejected the tongue and we continued on. However after that she started to hold tighter to me and rubbing my chest before putting my hand under her shirt for I'm sure you can guess. It caught me off guard but I somewhat went along with it. That's when she leaned into me and whispered that one of her secrets she had was that she was a "freak" and how I make her so horny.
After that I knew from the start that I didn't want to cross this kind of line on a second date so I slowly deescalated the moment before we eventually headed back down. However on the way back down the mood felt a little weird. We were still talking about generally innocent stuff but she asked some questions that felt random at one point. She brought up if I had any ex's and if any of them were toxic. I've never fully dated anyone as in the past I would break things off due to I just not working out. I personally even if someone has wronged me try not to talk or gossip about them as I think it's wrong. Which she kind of seemed surprised at.
For some reason maybe out of instinct to keep the conversation going asked if she had any. After thinking for a moment she mentioned about a boy she dated for a while and how one night when he was high he took her phone and send private photos to her parents. We eventually went back down to our cars and she offered to show me a place to eat. I politely declined because it was around 8:30pm and I had a two hour drive back. I also felt kind of queasy due to either nervousness or maybe because of the intense hiking trail and being a little out of shape.
Now upon self reflection I had a lot to think about. Some of those things that happened I couldn't pin point if they were bad signs or if I'm being too paranoid. My view of this girl somewhat changed. I didn't think each thing mentioned in this story would have been bad to me on its own but when all combined it kind of has me puzzled. I like this girl she seems genuine and has goals along with values. Plus we just clicked. I worry tho if there is something that I don't know that if I continue with this relationship may come back later. Like mentioned before I don't want a relationship built upon only sex. I've seen too many friends have a bad time because of it that doesn't end well for either person. I also don't know if I'm overthinking this or possibly ignoring things because of my feelings. If anyone could offer their view or ask questions if anything needs clarifying I would greatly appreciate it.
submitted by ThrowRA_Scrimble578 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:41 MobileLatter9815 I (23F) have a boyfriend (24M) for almost 1 and a half years, found him hiding his chats to other girls and after confrontation things went downhill, how do i exit this relationship now if needed?

I (23F) have a boyfriend (24M) for almost 1 and a half years. He is my first relationship (a bit late since I never explicitly wanted to be in a relationship before because I thought I could work more on myself) while I'm his second. He had a messy relationship before and used to vent to me, I acknowledged him as my other brother (typical in Korean culture) and genuinely saw him that way, so I tried to be neutral and gave really basic advice because I didn't want to be any part of this and more because I was hearing things from his side and I didn't know the girl and she could be right too.
Fast forward to a few months, they keep getting together and breaking up and finally, they do it for real and he has a crush on another girl. He went out with her once, like lunch or something and she told him she has a situationship with someone else but they remained friends.
Later that year we had a group trip among our friends and we grew close and kinda caught feelings. He seemed passionate about me and expressed that he loved me already (too soon if I'm honest), I really enjoyed having him as my best friend and didn't mind dating him and in fact I reciprocated his feelings and we started dating.
With time he started being weird like when we are at class (we attend the same uni) and we are talking and someone calls me, and I look to reply to them and answer their question and return back to our conversation, he gets mad at me and refuses to talk to me like I did something bad. It was a big red flag and I tried to explain how that was really awful and when I tried to mildly get back at him like when he's not listening to me, I'd jokingly say don't talk to me you always do the same when I don't listen and he'd never even entertain me and would get mad. And me explaining how we shouldn't just be fighting over stupid things is just a waste of time, he'd never try to even understand.
Eventually, he gets it and stops doing it. With time I felt really unloved in the relationship as he rarely complimented me or said that he loved me and I had to initiate it, in fact, he stopped replying to them with a love you too or you're cute or something in general. In fact, my man here previously told me how he feels uncomfortable having female friends, so I never had any fear or even thought of him talking to other girls. Having friends who are girls is fine, but hiding that is weird. Plus whenever we joked about exes or people who liked us, he always used to say that he doesn't even talk with that girl.
So here are those instances:
When I'm on my phone beside him he jokingly presses on buttons and also views different chats especially if it's with a guy and jokes about sending something stupid. Now I never even thought of doing that to someone but he once left me with his phone and I was gonna do something like that and while finding a chat I clicked on one accidentally. It was the same girl he had a crush on before, and he is still talking to her, sadly he has been sending the same jokes and messages to her (nothing romantic explicitly) but everything is like any joke he told me, he told her and also was that he met her. My man always told me everything about his day but hid this which was like why do you tell me everything except this, meaning you want to hide it? I never even asked him about his day in detail like that. I tried to be rational and tried not to react as he never handled me saying anything I didn't like, nicely and I didn't want to fight. I wanted to be sure and this time I saw another girl WHOM I NEVER EVEN KNEW ABOUT. The girl was sick so he even went to the house to give her food and my man doesn't even check twice when I am sick. And he beautifully kept that part out of his narration of his days. I peacefully confronted him about it the first time I saw the texts accidentally. He denied it all and I tried to not have a bigger fight.
Later one day I was called to his place to finish the work that he had due and couldn't do himself, I came to help while he showered and on his laptop, the girl's text kept coming in, they talked about what kind of partners they wanted, they went out for walks many times and all this time he told me that he was sleeping or was out alone, the LIES. I was so mad but I finished the work and we went to print his assignment and later I ended up confronting him. He denied and gaslit me in believing he didn't even do any of that. Plus both the girls and he had profile pictures he drew for himself and them, mind you I don't have one.
I went home and the next I confronted him again and he finally said that she is just a friend and since he lives alone she's the only one who doesn't drink or smoke like him hence he goes on walks with her. He was paranoid from his previous relationship that I would get mad and that's why he didn't tell me. I was like when did I say that and the hiding makes what he's doing wrong like he knows it but still is hiding it. My man also doesn't even consider them friends like bro what are they then?
ANYWAYS, he apologizes and kinda makes me feel bad by saying he won't have any friends at all like I caught you lying???? He says he won't do it anymore and he just hung out with them. I forgive him.
We had small stupid fights about him not talking enough when I saw him texting so nicely with them and all.
Fast forward to almost when we were done with a year, I caught him drawing his previously mentioned crush on class and then got mad I got mad at him for drawing him and also yelled at me like I never even raised my voice. He with his mouth told that he only draws people he loves. And felt valid being mad like you see her story and take a screenshot and start drawing her what??? We fought, and he threatened to break up which he does always like I'm the problem.
Then he apologized and we went back to normal and then we maybe had a few fights in between, it was mostly us being frustrated with work but then last week I saw him always clutch his phone when I'm grabbing something next to it, comically exactly like those unfaithful bf tiktoks lmao. This bothered me a lot like what is it hide, to have no fights, I reassured him that you don't have to hide having friends.
Now some days later we went on a date and he was like distracted once in a while to check his phone or try to check messages but when I looked he was pulling down the notification bar (where he has the message app muted you can't see anything). I was trying to brush it off, but then we decided to head home and I was like let's go to your place, we can watch a movie or something, he said his rent owner doesn't allow anyone because last day his friends caused a ruckus. Valid but his friends have been coming to his place for the past 4 days and when I asked if I wanted to go, even in the daytime, he had something to say. Maybe that is the truth but he adds we can sneak you in, I felt a bit desperate to agree to that so I said no and refused to be dropped by him at my home. He realized I was mad and left me, something I never even do to him but okay, I broke down and started having a mental breakdown and having no one, I decided to call him back to vent, which is something I never do because venting to him or anyone never makes me feel validated.
I know how you can make friends feel heard if not good when they have to let something out and at the moment no one around me does that at the moment which is fine like no one should be giving me therapy or something. Anyway, I was crying and he said he'd listen and not get mad I explained to him that being secretive makes me feel weird and what is to hide leading to a conversation where I asked him to show the texts. He denies which is weird so after a lot of pressing like if you don't show it agree that you're hiding something, he shows it. My man was singing her songs and she was too while he told me he would sleep, at 3 am and is calling her voice cute like it's so hard to get called cute as his girlfriend like wtf. I was like bitch wtf it's over but my low self-esteem ass wanted to fix stuff. I go home and beg him to talk and after lots of begging we talk, he first invalidates me then I break down and admit that he is wrong. This somehow leads to him having a full-blown mental breakdown of crying and throwing up and I feel bad.
Things got better then and we were normal, we'd move away after a while so really wanted to hang out at his place but he never said it himself anymore which he used to do it all the time before. This makes me sad, anyways he keeps making me feel bad saying always blame him, LIKE YOU DID THOSE THINGS TF? I was tired of that, and he started a fight saying I always blame him when I just said that I have been wanting to come to his place and you don't tell me to come by yourself, it always you can if you want to, you will have to sneak in. Liken it always felt like it was all from my side so although I tried to understand him, I told him again that I wanna hang out at his place like the desperate idiot I am, and after his same reply, I said it feels like you don't want it and he said I'm again blaming him. This was still funny banter until he started yelling again. Like just refused to listen like I did something.
So here is where I stand now. I am someone who tries to maintain a healthy relationship and can leave when things go bad but since my self-esteem is so low I end up staying with him. He isn't a good boyfriend I know it, but maybe I'm too stupid and this is what I deserve. He is way cool and prettier and seems to be beyond my league sometimes and the girls he talks to are so much prettier but I just can't. I keep forgiving him and it's so stupid. I don't know what to do or how to start to leave. What should be the exit plan if needed? And the reason why I wrote this, many times I just feel like, I am the asshole.
submitted by MobileLatter9815 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:38 SkertSkertSkert Budget sports/action camera recommendations

I've currently got a Canon EOS 1200D (rebel T5 to the yanks) with a EF 70-200mm f/4 L USM lens. I got the camera free along with a 18-55mm lens and a 60mm f/2.8 Macro USM (both EF-S lenses), and the 70-200mm I got off a mate basically for beer money - this is the only lens I've really used
I've had this kit for years and have solely been using it to take pictures of my gf at horse competitions (show jumping, xc, dressage, showing, you name it she does it). Until this year I've only ever used the camera preset sports and fully automatic modes and pointing and shooting. Recently I've put a bit of effort into learning how to actually use the camera and can't believe the difference in the results. I feel like an idiot for not making the effort sooner! Started out with shutter priority but switched to manual and feel like I'm getting much better results.
However, I'm starting to feel like I'm outgrowing the 1200D. On continuous shooting it'll only shoot 3 shots per second , so there's some shots I'm missing that I feel a higher number of shots per second would solve. It also only has 9AF points, this isn't something I've noticed being an issue but seeing some of the fancy models go up to 40+ can't help but feel it would be beneficial for fast moving targets. I feel like I'm doing an ok job with what I've got at the moment and have been getting asked by friends to shoot them riding & MTBing but this is very much still in the early stages of being a hobby so trying to spend as little as possible.
Selling the gear I've currently got (minus the 70-200mm) I think i should get around £100 for the 1200D and the zoom lens, plus £200 for the macro. I've been having a look on mpd at canon bodies and the original 1DX and 1D mkiv look tempting at around the £400 mark - but unsure if these are outdated technology? ATM all I'm looking for is something with decent continuous shooting and fast autofocus that I can pick up as cheap as possible without it being super outdated. If I run it for a year and I'm still keen I plan on actually sinking some money into a camera and a new lens or 2 (looking at you EF 70-200mm f/2.8 L USM).
TLDR: Looking for recommendations for a canon camera body that's good for sports/action photography that I can pick up used for as cheap as possible
submitted by SkertSkertSkert to canon [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:38 WittyTable4731 Okay. For all the criticism we gave to the writters. Those of us who arent writters or storytellers. Can we honestly say we could do a much better job than them at the story?

This Sub very existence is about critics. Critics about all the less than coherent writting or author intentions. The characters and issues with the world.
I and others have talk about such things as wjat kind of morality the good guys are and what type of hero or anti hero they were.
We talk about how RWBY world tries to be idealist but is cynisme and the writters failed to convey that.
Expectations and if the heroes were that infective and whatnot.
To how bad the villains are.
All this and more in the canon.
Works deserve criticism that is fair. Constructive one that is.
Yet with how big the fandom and all its fanfiction ideas is. Despite RWBY being overall not a good work i must ask.
Can we critics who arent writters or have no experience in writting actual stories really say so many times that we could have done a better job than canon itself?
And this isn't just limited to RWBY too. Many works with a less than desirable reputation are guilty of such a debate if the authors are considered bad bad by fans and fail to live up to expectations or the minimum bar of acceptable work.
Like the Season 8 of GOT is infamous for how much of a dissapointment it is. D&D are now infamous for how stupid and bad their plot in that Season was and direction and interviews that was lamlasted as being full of themselves and convince their Season is grear when factually its not. Promting fans to come up with some many other and better ways to make Season 8 better despite being for the most part people with no experience writting stories.
The same can be said of the rebel moons movies who are bash by tons of people for how painfully shalow they are and how Zack is a director who should not have full control as his ideas are cliche and his direction uninteressting. That he believes himself that his story is outstanding when its not. Its pretty but that pretty much it. It doesn't stand out aside from slowwwww mooooooooo.
Or the Invasion from Apple series. Notorious for having a subreddit like this one but even more so who embrace the sheer awfulness of this shit show. To the point some say its written by an AI. With the creator statement about gushing how awesome or cool it is and its a great series of sci fi with empathic characters. When it is anything but.
All those works have prompt more than 1 person to state they could honestly be better at writting the story or character than the actual screenwritters despite themselves likely having no actual experience to writte a actual story. And even then it would be fanon and not canon. So one could say it wouldn't matter.
And the same can be said of RWBY as so many works of fans came out. Many in response to awful parts of canon. Some hail as better than the canon série.
Hell there is a work of fiction ( A LN to be precise) that i hate with the rage of a thousand sun for many many many reasons. It honestly worse than RWBY in my eyes and suffers the same problems on top of others.
And im convinces me or others could do a much better job than that sorry excuse of a author whose so surreeee that he is good at his shit that i could be able to write better than him and catch people hearts.
And im not a writter. I am not. I wrote like a small fic of something but im no long term writter. Im very self aware though and i know as a critics what flaws are common in so many stories and how people will react to things so i avoid them and i know what people would like.
Yet i question myself. Do writters of such poor quality just never have themselves being watchers or critics like us and thus are blind to the obvious flaws or issues that permates their series. How can they not see it when we can? How are they so blind to such obviously or in hindsight problems that they dont correcte?
Cause i can gurantee that most of us who watch those things have so much pop culture experience with good and bad works that we would not fall into those traps. Yet those suppose experience writters fell into them nonetheless.
The idea of actual writters possesing less sense of story and characters unlike us and inability to recognise what would be bad in a work just bothers me on a fundamental level.
If they so bad compare to us who can recognise so many tropes or device and use or not use them. How do they get to make canon works while we in the fandoms are stuck with better ideas and better senses and yet since we are fans and not official it will never be seeing as true unlike canon.
Sorry for the lenght and weird way its made.
Was something i keep holding not just about RWBY but fiction in general.
submitted by WittyTable4731 to RWBYcritics [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:37 Shiirooo Exclusive interview with Famitsu and the devs

Exclusive interview with Famitsu and the devs (translated by DeepL: there are probably translation errors)

Shadows is the next step forward for Assassin's Creed

Mr. KARL ONNÉE, Producer
--First of all, let me say "Thank you" from us Japanese, as "Assassin's Creed" is finally coming out, which is set in Japan!
KARL: Thank you for coming here today. I have been wanting to do this work for years, so my dream has come true.
--Why did you choose the Azuchi-Momoyama period as the setting for this work?
KARL: I chose it because it is a very rich period in history. It was a time of war and political maneuvering, a time of change from rural to urban areas, and also the birth of art. I also chose it because it was the start of the unification of Japan. It was a pivotal moment for Japan. Together, these elements provided an excellent canvas on which to tell the story.
--What kind of image do you have of the Azuchi-Momoyama period?
KARL: This was a time when the feudal lords of the warring states were fighting for power in the name of unifying the country, but it was also a struggle for control of trade. Portuguese missionaries and merchants came to Japan together. The Portuguese missionaries and merchants came to Japan together, and people who wanted a beautiful country and peace. This is the kind of image we have, but I think there was a mixture of various cultures and people's thoughts. And of course, there were the warring feudal lords. These are great canvases for the story.
--What do you think should be inherited from "Assassin's Creed" and what are the unique aspects of this game?
KARL: When people think of "Assassin's Creed," they think of stealth, but shinobi fantasy is not only a perfect fit for an "Assassin's Creed" game, it also fits the DNA of the "Assassin" brand.
What we wanted to do with "Assassin's Creed Shadows" was to push stealth even further. We started this effort with the previous game, "Assassin's Creed Mirage," but we wanted to take it further with new features. Systems such as light and shadow, grappling ropes, belly crawling, and a variety of tools available in the game provide a new experience.
The gameplay is also enriched by two characters, Naoe, a shinobi, and Yasuke, a samurai. Players will explore and discover Japan through the eyes of Naoe, a local, and one non-Japanese outsider. The game is more dynamic than ever before, pushing the limits of technology and offering an experience exclusive to the first state-of-the-art consoles.
The gameplay is also enriched by two characters, Naoe, a shinobi, and Yasuke, a samurai. Players will explore and discover Japan through the eyes of Naoe, a local, and one non-Japanese outsider. The game is more dynamic than ever before, pushing the limits of technology and offering an experience exclusive to the first state-of-the-art consoles.
--The "Assassin's Creed: Valhalla," released in 2020, is based on the theme of "Vikings" and has been a huge sales success. As a Japanese, I feel that from a global perspective, the Japanese "shinobi" theme is even more niche, but what is your current response?
KARL: I would like to talk about how it compares to "Viking" fantasy. Both shinobi and samurai are exciting and celebrated as fantasy with power, and are widely discussed in pop culture, and we are very much inspired by them.
Shinobi were on our radar from the beginning because we thought they fit well with the "Assassins" brand, but we felt that incorporating a powerful samurai would create two different gameplay experiences and give us the opportunity to tell the story from two different perspectives. We feel that this is a powerful motif that can compete with the "Viking" motif.
--How did you like the setting of Japan as a subject matter for the latest model?
KARL: I think it was perfect. For example, the "Global Illumination" technology allowed us to explore the response of light and shadow. Some consoles are still called "Baked GI", but by using dynamic lighting and the power of the new hardware, we were able to explore the creativity.
We are now able to express not only light and shadow, but also the dynamism of nature in greater detail. Naturally, since it is set in Japan, we have never dealt with so many trees, and thus so much data, in previous works in the series. We also needed more data to seamlessly move various things at the same time because of the seasonal changes. The latest models have allowed us to realize our vision, and our ambition for this film and for "Assassin's Creed" will continue.
--Assassin's Creed Mirage marks the 15th anniversary of the game. Can we consider this work as the next step forward for the next generation of "Assassin's Creed"?
KARL: You are absolutely right. Mirage" was a tribute to existing works, but this film is the first step into a new era. We are in the era of modern equipment. With the new generation of our engine "Anvil", plus the opportunity to create a new era by using the power of the latest consoles, we are able to do what we wanted to do with "Assassin's Creed Shadows".
With technologies such as global illumination and dynamism, we are now making the game we really wanted to make.
--What are the four pillars you are focusing on in the development of this game?
KARL: We are focusing on four pillars.
  • The first is to create an authentic and dynamic world.
  • Second is the story, introducing a new form of storytelling to "Assassin's Creed" by introducing two characters with different stories and perspectives.
  • Third, there are two different action sequences. Samurai and Shinobi each have their own training elements and unique weapons. For example, in castles, each has a different positioning that they excel at, which makes a big difference in how they play.
  • And finally, there is stealth. We are promoting the importance of stealth more than ever with new systems such as light and shadow, objects in the environment, depression, and grappling ropes.
-- The launch is scheduled for November 15, 2024. What is the current development status?
KARL: Development is going very well. We are proud to say that we have done a good job, but of course it is not finished and there are still glitches. This is the result of all the work we have done so far. We are very happy with how things are going right now, and we hope you will stay tuned for more news.
-- I understand that "Assassin's Creed Infinity" was announced at the previous Ubisoft Forward and that this title will be included in the game? Also, what is the development status of that game at ......?
KARL: "Assassin's Creed Infinity" is introduced as an Animus Hub (*a hub that will function in the future as an entry point for the series), which we will talk about at a later date.
--What is your message to your fans around the world and in Japan?
KARL: We are humbled that our dream of creating a game in this setting has come true. This is a setting that our fans have been anticipating for a long time, and for us it has been a wonderful experience to work on a game that we have always wanted to make.
This game is the result of our love. We hope you enjoy it. We look forward to talking more about it in the coming months.

The Shinobi Assassin and the Legendary Samurai. Experience the different fighting styles created by these two characters.

(left) Mr. JONATHAN DUMONT (Creative Director), (right) Mr. CHARLES BENOIT (Game Director)
--When did you start the development of this work?
JONATHAN: Development began about four years ago, and research into the time period in which the film is set began immediately. There were a number of cool subjects that brought us great characters and story plots. I had a gut feeling that this was going to be a very good game.
--Was the Azuchi-Momoyama period chosen as the period setting from the pre-development stage? Did you have an idea for a major point in Japanese history, such as the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate?
JONATHAN: I started from the beginning of my study of Japanese history, but I began reading with the feeling of a student. Following the Socratic principle, you took the attitude of knowing nothing. As I read on, I found some very interesting settings.
I focused on the Azuchi-Momoyama period because I felt it was an extremely important period for Japan. It was a time of warring states, the need to unify the country, and the need to defend itself against the growing influence of other countries.
It was a grand and complex period, and there are many stories that can be told from different angles. Among the heroes of the unification of Japan, Tokugawa Ieyasu, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and Oda Nobunaga are best known among the outstanding characters in Japanese history.
Not only war, but also politics are involved, and they are moving toward the peace that will eventually come, with a good ending waiting somewhere in the middle. I strongly felt that this was a wonderful and interesting period that deserved to be featured.
It was also a time when the foundations of the arts were laid. Castle towns were built, the world changed, and people's relationships with each other and with art, as well as their inner lives, also changed. It was very interesting to explore this period, and I was strongly attracted to the characters who lived in this time.
-- Why did you choose the title "Shadows"?
CHARLES: From my point of view, there are two reasons. Shinobi hide in the shadows, so "Shadows" is of course inspired by that. In a way, this embraces the "Assassin" brand and shinobi.
There are other aspects to "Shadows" as well. There are "hidden things" in the game that must be discovered by the player, but they are hidden in the darkness in some way.
JONATHAN: Both characters are in a way connected to being shadowy heroes living in the underworld of this era. It's a cool title, if you can think of it this way.
--Why did you choose two main characters and two fighting styles? Also, what kind of combat action can the Shinobi and Samurai experience respectively?
JONATHAN: One of the reasons for the separation of the two styles is that from the beginning of development, we wanted to have two distinct and cool archetypes to play with: the samurai and the shinobi.
We also wanted to make sure that this fantasy was as close to reality and expectation as possible without being diluted. I also often felt the need to have two points of view in the development of the story, since history is rarely clearly black and white. The two protagonists provided interesting dynamics and perspectives on how to approach the game.
CHARLES: I think it is very interesting that in combat, both the samurai and the shinobi have special types of weapons. Therefore, the style of combat in this work is built on a more weapon-based approach.
There are weapons that only Samurai can use, and the same goes for Shinobi. The player can get a good feel for the two different fighting styles. And it is possible to switch between them.
--What weapons can Naoe and Yasuke use?
CHARLES: Both players have different types of weapons. For Naoe, we went for a more classic fantasy type shinobi. The chain scythe is a weapon that covers a wide area and can only be used by Naoe.
In addition, she also has a dagger used at close range, which can be combined with a hidden blade (Hidden Blade). Naoe can fight very quickly and efficiently with these.
On the other hand, Yasuke, who excels at overpowering with force, is given more types of weapons, some of which are firearms type weapons. They also have the typical samurai bow.
--Why did you choose to make the shinobi Naoe an original character and the samurai Yasuke a historical figure?
JONATHAN Even though they are well known in Japan, at least in North America, not much is known about farmers, what happened to them, and where the Shinobi came from.
So we decided to introduce a figure from Iga who is shrouded in mystery. We considered historical figures from the region, but we preferred a sense of mystery, so we came up with Naoe as someone who may or may not have actually existed.
As for Yasuke, from the beginning we thought that a story about the arrival of the Portuguese would be a very good way to tell the story of the crisis in Japan. The team liked the character Yasuke, and we thought we could use him to show the promise of discovering Japan.
We thought that if we started with a samurai already in Japanese society, he would be a very interesting and intriguing character, with concepts that we don't necessarily know. And it would also be interesting to see what happened to him. He starts out as a character who is already rooted in history, and we are curious to find out what happens to him.
I thought they would make a cool team, complementing each other in terms of storytelling, physique, and family background.
--What did you keep in mind when creating the scenario where the two main characters switch? What were some of the challenges?
JONATHAN: I wanted the audience to feel that "both are the main characters," but this was more complicated than it seems. Their stories overlap in places, but I wanted to make sure that as the game progresses, you gradually discover more and more about both characters. They have similar goals and motivations, but they are not 100% the same, which made it complicated and difficult to maintain their individual personalities.
Naturally, the quest can be played by either character. If a quest needs to be started by one character and completed by the other, the settings must accommodate both play styles. Thus, although it can be complicated, there are many opportunities to tell the story from one of the two perspectives.
Having two different points of view is a lot of fun, but there were some complications, such as having to use new technology in the conversation tools. There were some cool things, however. It is interesting that in the conversational scenes, the player decides which of the two protagonists speaks and they ask for different things. This is cool in a way.
CHARLES: Both characters are attacking the castle and at some point the player is asked if they want to continue with Yasuke or Naoe, both are interesting. At various points the player must make these choices.
The stories are independent, so if you want to know more about Naoe's or Yasuke's past, you can play as one character and delve into that character's story.
--Are there areas of action that differ, such as places that only Naoe, a shinobi, is allowed to enter?
JONATHAN: There are areas where both Naoe and Yasuke have different areas of activity. I can't go into details because there are a few surprises, but since Naoe can use a hooked rope, there are places that are almost exclusively accessible to her.
The world is designed to be enjoyed by both characters, and players can switch between the two at will.
Of course, if you want to reach the final point of the world or reach the summit through the ruins, then perhaps Naoe is the better choice. However, if you want to break through the fort head-on alone and open the way, Yasuke seems like a better choice. Of course, you can play with either character.
CHARLES: Each character also has specific actions. Naoe can hook the hooked rope to a specific spot and move like a pendulum, or hook the hook to a high spot and climb the rope to get to where she wants to go faster than Yasuke. However, Yasuke can use a shoulder bash to break down reinforced doors.
Yasuke can also perform parkour very efficiently in a more daring way. What can be felt when Yasuke performs parkour is how the crowd reacts. Because Yasuke is a samurai and exudes dignity as a superior class, the crowd reacts accordingly. Naoe, on the other hand, gives the impression of being more integrated into the world.
--Can you both use the Hidden Blade, Hawk's Eye, and other Assassin abilities?
CHARLES: Without spoiling anything, the traditional skills of the Assassins are mainly for Naoe. However, there is another mechanism called "Kantori" (tentative name) that can be used when you want to find an enemy or target person, and this can be used by both of them.
You can use free aim to look around, but you cannot see through walls. Yasuke can also be killed by stealth, but in a more direct and easier way. Even with stealth, there will be some sound, so it is a "stealth-like" approach.
JONATHAN: Kantori (tentative name) can be used to find many things in your current location. It is a very good guide for a certain area, but it does not take all the fun out of exploration. It is a good guide because you can learn a little more about where you want to go, but you are left with the surprise of discovering something.
-- Is there a skill tree that makes Naoe more combat-oriented or enhances Yasuke's stealth?
CHARLES: Both have skills that are more combat-oriented and stealth-oriented. Also, some equipment has effects such as increased resistance when attacked. We also offer perks that enhance your abilities in combat.
Naoe, enhanced to be more combat-oriented, has an advantage in melee combat compared to Naoe, enhanced to be more stealth-oriented. Both have a range, but cannot go in completely opposite directions. There is some overlap between the two, but we have made sure that the characteristics of each ability are properly felt.
--Please explain the skill system.
JONATHAN: Both characters share XP and level up together, but the rest of the system is a bit similar to that of "Assassin's Creed Odyssey".
XP and character abilities are available, weapons can be crafted to some degree, and various upgrades can be made as the game progresses. Weapons are not stand-alone, but for two, so each weapon has its own unique skill system. Players should not feel any discomfort, but this is a very different part of the game from the past.
CHARLES: There are two things that were very important to us in terms of skills.
First, we have to be very aware of archetypes. In Japan, there are distinct archetypes, such as the armor-clad samurai, the revolting monk, and the bandit, which are quite different. We try to make it clear to the player who is stronger, and we try to make that part of the leveling process as important as possible. Samurai are always stronger than bandits.
Secondly, player skill is added to the mix. The better you are at timing, reading attacks, understanding weapons, etc., the better you will be and the further ahead you will be.
--What is the volume of the map compared to past works? I would also like to know how you decided on the scale of this work.
JONATHAN: The biggest difference is the scale ratio. The mountains are not the actual size, but we wanted them to be true forests, consisting of trees of a certain size, so that you feel you are in a forest. To achieve this, we needed space.
We also decided to keep it close to a realistic scale, so we could feel the breath of many things. When we visited Japan and saw the castle, we were so glad we made this decision. Japanese castles are huge! Of course, we had seen pictures of castles before and thought they were big and magnificent, but when we saw them in person, they were astonishingly large.
And I wanted more space to explore the castle. Castles were built to be large battlegrounds, you know. You need space to build intricate walls for defense.
The overall scale of the map is similar to the size of the map in Origins. However, the scale ratio makes it feel more realistic. The open space leads to secluded areas throughout the game, which will be fun to explore. This sense of scale is a very interesting aspect of this film for us.
CHARLES: The story led us to choose which locations in Japan we would choose. The major events in Kyoto, around Osaka, and around Azuchi Castle took place in the same area, so we were able to focus on that.
JONATHAN: Of course, we had to choose a size that matched the game, but I think it was the perfect size for this story and type of game.
--Since the game is set in the Warring States period, is there a system that allows players to participate in battles?
JONATHAN: We see several battles in the story, and the battle at Iga is playable. There are other battles as well, but I can't talk about them right now. The game is set in the Warring States period, but it is not only about battles. It is a game that allows you to travel and discover that world.
--What challenges have you faced and what have you been able to achieve as a result?
JONATHAN: By making the big decision to go completely modern and demanding a very high level from the "Anvil" engine, we were able to increase the number of particles, create a more realistic atmosphere, and expand the graphical possibilities of the changing seasons.
This allowed us to work on a fresh new Assassin's Creed. This was a great opportunity for us to take a big leap forward in graphics.
CHARLES: Also, thanks to the new global illumination system, we were able to take advantage of light and shadow, which had a huge impact on the gameplay and stealth approach. For example, enemies became aware of our presence through our shadows, enemies gathered for warmth under a fire in the winter, or shadows through shoji screens depicted enemy presence, giving a new dimension to stealth.

By having two main characters, it is possible to show a wider range of angles and different perspectives.

(left) BROOKE DAVIES, Associate Narrative Director, (right) SACHI SCHMIDT-HORI, Narrative Consultant
--Did you choose the Azuchi-Momoyama period as the period setting from the pre-production stage?
BROOKE: I joined the project after the choice of period had been made, so the Azuchi-Momoyama period had already been chosen. This period offered so many wonderful opportunities from a narrative perspective. The complexity and duality of the period is well reflected in the characters of Naoe and Yasuke.
--What were you aware of and what were the challenges in creating a scenario where the two main characters switch?
BROOKE: From a storytelling perspective, I see it more as a wonderful opportunity than a challenge. When I write a story, I try to show rather than tell, and having two characters allows me to show what's going on from a wider range of angles and different perspectives. I hope this will encourage players to want to share their feelings with them.
--What do you think are the most important points in bringing original characters and historical figures into the game?
BROOKE: Both offer different and unique opportunities. With regard to Yasuke, I found him very interesting historically because we know some things about him, but there are many unknowns. So we needed to fill in the blanks in the story. It is important to note that Yasuke is a historical figure.
And in the case of Naoe, an original character, we were able to draw the story freely to some extent. The fact that she is a member of the Fujibayashi family and that her father is Masayasu Fujibayashi Nagato Mamoru allowed us to place her firmly within the setting. Because Yasuke is a real person but appears as a foreign-born samurai, the Japanese-born Naoe is on equal footing with Yasuke, although she has a different perspective.
--Will other historical figures appear besides Nobunaga Oda and Yasuke?
BROOKE: You will meet Luis Frois (a Jesuit missionary) at the meeting in Azuchi Castle. Also, Nene and Oichi will appear. The Japanese art renaissance that began in the Azuchi-Momoyama period blossomed in the Edo period, and you will also meet Sen no Rikyu, Kano Eitoku, and other important figures.
--Please tell us what year the story will be depicted.
BROOKE: I can't tell you what players will see, but I think it covers a part of the Azuchi-Momoyama period, from 1579 to 1584.
--I think the appeal of the series is to depict the struggle between the Assassin Order and the Templars while taking into account the history, but I would like to ask if there were any difficulties in putting the Azuchi-Momoyama period into it.
BROOKE: I don't want to mention the Knights Templar because I don't want to spoil anything, but the fascination and dynamics of this period are very interesting and provided wonderful opportunities for storytelling.
--How did you go about creating a world with a realistic feel of the Azuchi-Momoyama period?
BROOKE: We were very lucky to work with the Environment Team. The visuals they created for the game provided a great backdrop for the story.
The in-world experience added so much to the story. What we see from the stories and characters of this time period is complexity. I also believe that many of the people surrounding the World had their own struggles.
It was a very difficult time historically, and we see duality. Nothing is ever clear-cut and black and white. In warfare, two groups face each other and are confronted with different perspectives. But in the midst of it all, there are glimpses of hope for the future as we know it, which will later blossom.
--What advice did you actually give?
HORI: One scene that left a strong impression on me was the scene where Nobunaga's sister, Oichi, remarries Katsuie Shibata. In the original story we received, it was thought that the two families decided on their own without regard to Oichi's intentions, and Katsuie was portrayed negatively because he was more than 20 years older than Oichi.
So I spoke with BROOKE and the team and asked them to change it. Oichi had young children after the death of her husband Nagamasa Asai, so if her remarriage was to Katsuie, a trusted man who had served Nobunaga, she would have married him as a matter of course. When I explained that it was better to portray it in a positive light, it was a new discovery for the BROOKEs, and they were very moved by it. The rewritten version of the episode was very moving.
The other scene is the tea ceremony scene featuring Sen no Rikyu. Chanoyu is widely known to be translated as tea ceremony, but experts say it is a mistranslation. After researching the misunderstanding over here, I advised them, as far as I could understand, not to use a teapot or tea leaves, for example.
--Even we Japanese have a strong image of "ninja" as a fantasy. Did you encounter any difficulties with the theme of "ninja" in order to achieve a high level of fidelity to the historical reconstruction?
HORI: Ninja are certainly a fantasy, so I think it's a good thing that we can express ourselves creatively and without reservation. However, there are also dedicated ninja fans and communities around the world, and I am not sure to what extent they see the ninja as a real existence, or as an entity that existed in history.
Therefore, the extent to which ninja are represented in the game depends on the level of tolerance of the avid shinobi fans. I discussed this with the members of the development team. We did not have a specific policy on how much to express, but made decisions on a case-by-case basis. We decided on a case-by-case basis. We would say, "This is an acceptable creative expression," or "This is stereotypical", so let's not do that.
--I'm sure there are many references, but which one left a particularly strong impression on you?
BROOKE: The first book I looked through was "Nobunaga no Kouki" by Ota Ushiichi (Azuchi-Momoyama period, military commander and military history author). I was impressed by his personal observations as he recounts the details. We can learn a lot of historical facts from reading history books, but this author incorporated his own views so that I felt I could understand even his character and what it was like to live in that era, and I was completely drawn in. I was thrilled to be able to portray this time period and the people in this book.
--The drama "Shogun" which is set in a similar time period, has been a hit, and I hope that this work will attract the same kind of attention from game fans. I understand that you have prepared a "Discovery Tour" that allows visitors to freely walk around the game world with historical explanations.
BROOKE: I can't answer about the Discovery Tour today, but I am glad to see that interest in the setting and time period of the game is growing. I look forward to the day when we can bring this film to you.

Gathering a lot of information to recreate 16th century Japan and build a living world

(left) THIERRY DANSEREAU, Art Director, (right) STÉPHANIE-ANNE RUATTA, Historical Supervisor and World Director
--Please tell us what kind of materials you used as references to describe the field and the characters' costumes in the Azuchi-Momoyama period.
THIERRY: I have been working with experts and consultants for a long time, but for the characters, I referred to museum exhibits and books for their appearances and costumes. I visited several museums, did my research, and checked the materials with STÉPHANIE-ANNE.
Based on these, we created the characters. We also referred to descriptions in the books about the colors and the flags people carried. We used multiple sources, but we have checked them for historical accuracy.
STÉPHANIE-ANNE: For several years we had the help of experts, but we also did research with a Japanese studio and team. We used different kinds of sources to make sure the team got it right and had all the information they needed to reconstruct what Japan looked like in the 16th century.
We used museum databases, as THIERRY mentioned, but we also used inscriptions, scientific books, articles, and medieval depositions. For example, the Principles of Nobunaga has been translated into English, so we used that as a reference to describe 16th century Japan. I also referred to the documents of Luis Frois from the same period, which compare European and Japanese society.
--This period was also a time when there was a large influx of immigrants. Will you also depict the episodes, lifestyles, and culture of these people (missionaries, merchants, etc.) as well as Yasuke?
STÉPHANIE-ANNE: Yes, it is important to introduce the presence of Portuguese missionaries and merchants in the 16th century. They influenced the course of warfare during this period and the changing power of certain merchants in Japan.
--I am wondering what castles, shrines and temples that symbolize the Azuchi-Momoyama period will appear in the game. Although the game is set in the Kansai region, is the Osaka Castle built by Toyotomi Hideyoshi ......?
STÉPHANIE-ANNE: The era is represented by the construction of various castles and castle towns, so players will discover a wide variety of castle types and castles destroyed in battle. The Azuchi Castle, which is related to the name of the era, will also be featured.
THIERRY: Himeji Castle, Osaka Castle, and Takeda Castle are also available, and it is wonderful that players can visit and play in these castles. I think this is one of the strengths of the franchise, but all of the castles are based on actual historical blueprints, which I think is very unique, both as an experience and a learning opportunity.
The Koyasan Okunoin Cemetery is the oldest graveyard in Japan, which can also be seen in the game. There are too many to mention them all, but thanks to STÉPHANIE-ANNE and the experts, I think they are well described and it is wonderful that players will be able to travel to these places.
--The architectural style and decoration of the buildings is a different culture from the previous works in the series. What were you conscious of in recreating the culture and what were the challenges? I am also interested in the possibility of diving on the "Shachihoko".
STÉPHANIE-ANNE: The building team did a lot of research, and then we checked the results with experts and asked them to add the elements needed to build a great castle. We did research to recreate the decorations of not only the castle, but also the temples and shrines, and also to find out what materials were used to make them.
THIERRY: The colors also change over time, so we made adjustments to that as well. Of course, this is "Assassin's Creed," so you can climb anywhere and jump from almost anywhere. Exploring is fun.
--Japanese period games tend to be rather subdued, but were there any barriers to making it a worldwide production?
STÉPHANIE-ANNE: It's a game based on history, and we want players to have the opportunity to play with history. This period is so fascinating and celebrated, and has had such an impact on pop culture, that we were fortunate to have the help of renowned experts to make sure we had all the information we needed to faithfully recreate medieval Japan in the 16th century.
We maintained historical fidelity in this film because it was a rich period with so much to talk about and we didn't feel the need to change it. It is a rich setting, so there is an experience that goes into fantasy, but keeping it authentic was our primary goal.
--In the main storyline, can we experience famous episodes from the Azuchi-Momoyama period (such as the Battle of Nagashino, the Honnoji Incident, the Battle of Komaki and Nagakute, etc.)?
STÉPHANIE-ANNE: You will have to wait a little longer for that.
--In the recent series, "Origins," "Odyssey," and "Valhalla," you can enjoy the connection to mythology and fantasy elements based on mythological themes. Will this work also contain elements based on Japanese mythology, yokai, and other fictional creatures?
STÉPHANIE-ANNE: That is a very good question, but I will answer this one later.
--This work also reproduces the four seasons of Japan. Which season did you start first? And which seasons were particularly difficult to express?
THIERRY: I started with spring. We all know about cherry blossoms, and I think they are the most symbolic Japanese element for foreigners. And the big difference is winter. I wouldn't say that winter is more complicated because it has many different expressions, but it was very different from spring, summer, and fall, and the challenges were also different.
--What was particular about the representation of water, such as waterfalls, rivers, lakes, etc.?
THIERRY: All of the water topics were very important to us. We knew that there is a Shinto belief in waterfalls and rivers, and that they are important places in the Japanese eco-system. Even the blueprints of the suburbs are lined with irrigation canals, and they even go into the houses. Thus, we knew that water is a key component of Japanese culture, especially for agriculture.
This is why we installed drains everywhere in this work. The presence of water in the Japanese landscape was different, so we took it seriously and treated it as an inviolable part of the Japanese landscape and way of life.
--What are some of your favorite places, castles, or cultures that appear in your work?
STÉPHANIE-ANNE: That's difficult.
THIERRY: My favorite is Takeda Castle. It is on top of a high mountain and is called the castle in the sky, and I like this location. I can't say it's fair because we built it ourselves, but there are many other great places to visit.
It was a lot of work to create the forest, but I really enjoy looking at the landscape. I also like how all the ecosystems interact with each other, such as the clouds in the weather system. It's not a location, but I enjoy it because it encompasses the whole game.
STÉPHANIE-ANNE: I was impressed by the "Rakuchu Rakugaizu," Japanese folding screens from this period. I was fascinated by the fact that just by looking at them, one could come into contact with the vivid world of this period.
The artistic touch is something special. I have never seen anything so full of art. I truly admire the artists of this era.
THIERRY: I also think the most striking thing for me was the harmony of nature and architecture. I visited the site and found many places, and I could see how everything was deliberately composed.
I was told that trees were planted while the chedi was being built at the time, but everything looked perfect. Also, the culture loves the age and values it, so they cherish moss and things that have taken root there. Japan has maintained these places so they still exist and are still in use.
I realized that we are dealing with a subject that has a long history. It is also a culture that values space, living space. These were the most exciting discoveries during my travels in Japan.
submitted by Shiirooo to assassinscreed [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:33 TheMailNeverFails Student Loan repayment discrepancies

Hi all. I'm on the verge of paying of my student loan (Finally) but as my estimated final payment looms closer, I've noticed that it's always a few more paychecks away.
Looking at MyIR, I can see fortnightly deductions to the balance coinciding with my fortnightly pay, however, at least 4 times over the last 12 months, I can see that there has been a period of around 4 weeks between payments.
As my employee takes care of my tax and SL obligations, and as I'm essentially on a salary, (I get the some wages every week whether I do my 40 hours or less), I can't see how there could be payments missing.
They aren't always listed for the same day as my pay day, but are usually within the next 2-3 days. In saying that though, looking at MyIR, I can see a payment for the 4th of April, then the next one on the 2nd of May. There should have been one in between these two dates as the amount is always the same percentage of my fortnightly wage. As I said before, this discrepancy occurs at least 4 times over the last 12 months.
Considering my balance is under $1000 now, would IRD not have a problem with this?
I'm really looking forward to the increased spending money that having my SL paid off will afford me, but having to wait another 2 months (at least) is kinda shit.
Are there other factors at play that could result in this infrequent payment schedule? I feel like if I ask my boss, he's going to tell me it all goes through automatically.
This isn't the only red-flag in my employment so I'm going to be skeptical regardless what he says. I just want to be sure I have my facts right first.
submitted by TheMailNeverFails to PersonalFinanceNZ [link] [comments]