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Burning Miles & Points

2015.01.07 22:08 araaara Burning Miles & Points

A place to discuss anything related to redeeming airline miles & hotel points.

2015.08.25 22:58 mathewryan funkoswap

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2011.08.09 23:07 attacksquid Bleach Shirts

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2024.05.19 15:23 tr4nner IPL Before Electrolysis?

Hello folks. Long time lurker, first time poster, yadda yadda. For years, I’ve only shaved my body for temporary hair removal. No depilatory creams, wax, or epilation, since I’m honestly just a bit preferential to shaving, and I’ve heard these can interfere with electrolysis results. I wasn’t clear on the mechanism; I’m guessing these unpopulated follicles are just not spotted and consequently targeted by the technician, and later the hair can still grow back? In any case, I’ve just been offered an amazing deal on a new, top-of-the-line IPL device. The idea of no more body shaving, only doing one treatment a month, and potentially being able to treat areas like my armpits that I may not get electrolysis on, at least for a long time, is very tempting. My preliminary research suggests that actual clinics seem okay with you having done IPL, so long as 2 weeks-1 month have elapsed since the last treatment. Is there any more to it than that? If I were to IPL my whole body, for how long could I expect to see hair coming back? Would that actually be on a longer timeline than electrolysis normally takes?
I’m sure jumping straight into full-body electrolysis is the “best” option, free of ambiguity and “wasted” money. Right now though, with this device costing me a fraction of a single session, I can’t afford not to consider it. Even just a year of smoothness at the cost of less than a fancy razor seems worth it to me. I am not sure when I can afford comprehensive electrolysis right now. As this doesn’t affect my face, I’m willing to accept this making only my electrolysis timeline trickier, so long as results are the same.
Oh, and before anyone asks: I have very pale skin and very dark brown, “black” hair; IPL should be very effective for me.
submitted by tr4nner to DrWillPowers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:23 ComfortableTheme2816 Vote so vegan can win Ms hers health and fitness competition!

Vote so vegan can win Ms hers health and fitness competition!
Hi! This competition is for hers magazine and I’ll get to be featured on the cover and talk about my diet and fitness if I win I made it to round 2!
I think this could be a great opportunity to reach/inspire others to go vegan! I’ve been vegan for 8 years and an avid runner for 11 and going vegan has been the best decision I’ve made not just for myself but for our environment and for animal welfare!
At the least this could help counter the misinformation about the diet not being a stainable source of protein or energy!
If you like to vote for me please click the link it’s free to vote once every 24 hours thank you so much!
submitted by ComfortableTheme2816 to VeganActivism [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:21 Burnbabyburnt My marriage was already on the rocks, and now I'm trans...

I am 32 years old, married for 6.5 years, and I just had my trans awakening in March 2024 (MtF). I went through my whole life generally apathetic and just following society's guidelines for what life is supposed to look like: finish high school, go to college, get a good job, find a girlfriend, marry her, have kids, retire comfortably, die.
I thought I was acing life because I was naturally good with academia, and that was all my life had to be for 13-14 years. As for relationships, I had a fairly strong sex drive, and my desire for a partner was strictly governed by that expectation. My first relationship in high school was all sex. It ended with her cheating on me right before college.
Well there goes one of my checkboxes on the life list. Let me just focus on college so I can do the next thing: get a good job. But oh no, it's already senior year and I never even tried meeting a potential partner. How will I have time once I'm a working adult? I better create an online dating profile and stick with the first girl I match with.
Good enough was good enough, and 4 years later my parents pry and ask me what my intentions are. Guess it's time to get married. Things felt good; weddings are fun. I was doing all the right things. 2 years in and it's time for the next checkbox: children.
But there was a problem. We still never figured out exactly what, but it was likely a combination of poor sperm quality and my wife's migraine medication that constricts blood flow, making it impossible for an egg to implant. We tried 3 rounds of IUI and one IVF. Nothing. Looking back I thank the universe that we got stopped here, but at the time I was having an existential crisis. The plan was ruined. What do I do now?
I started going to therapy. I talked about all this, and eventually another secret that had been eating at me for decades: I had a fetish for gender transformation. It was always in the background. My shameful kink. But it started coming out more now that the life plan was broken. After a while I started to wonder if it was really just a fetish, and then on 17Mar24 I posted that question to reddit...and my egg shattered.
Now my therapist tells me how happy and alive I seem when I talk about my progress. She says I'm finally experiencing what it's like to choose my destiny. I didn't even realize I had a "life plan" before. All that I wrote previously in this post is with hindsight. I've never actually "chosen" to do anything. Not with my heart or any passion anyway.
And now that shatters another big part of my life: my marriage. It was based on a lie, one that I had told myself my entire life. I feel like it's finally time to face divorce, but I'm still scared. How do I throw away 11 years of history with this person? Sure it wasn't all good, but it wasn't all bad either. We have inside jokes, we make each other laugh, but there was always this underlying tension that something wasn't right. I don't think I ever loved her. The highs are mid and the lows are deep dark trenches.
I post this after a huge fight we had last night. I have my own girl clothes, but I wanted to try on some of my wife's. She gave me permission. I even tried some on in front of her to get feedback. Everything seems OK. Later she gets drunk and starts getting agitated at me. Turns out she didn't like seeing me in her clothes because she's jealous; she has put on a bit of weight, which I really don't mind but it's a huge deal for her with a history of anorexia, and seeing me look skinny in her old clothes was too much. I told her that wasn't fair and she should have just been up front with me.
This has also been a consistent issue. She claims to be supportive, and often is...when sober. She tends to drink her problems away, which I also find extremely unattractive. But the truth comes out of the bottle. I don't think she can handle this, and I also don't think it's fair to her that I am starting to realize that I don't even love her. She claims to love me, but I think she's scared of being alone. She has no friends and almost no family; both parents dead, grandma's on her way out, and she doesn't even like the rest of her family. She doesn't even like my family or friends that much. She hates people. Everyone but the current relationship. She's actually said so herself. Big red flag that I missed for years.
tldr: I married a person I didn't love because of societal expectations, and now that I'm trans I realize I don't have to conform to those expectations, and it seems to be the end of this marriage
submitted by Burnbabyburnt to TransLater [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:21 Woodstovia [Day of Ascension] The beginning of an uprising

For some context, a tech-priest has discovered a Genestealer Cult on a Mechanicus world and has decided to use them for his own ends. He tells them that he will wipe them out unless they perform an uprising during the national "Ascension Day" celebrations, where he will use the chaos they create to seize power for himself.
The Magus of the cult Claress is old and decrepit, she feels that they missed the time they were actually meant to rise up decades ago and the cult has atrophied since then. Worse, after a series of failed raids their best fighters were killed or imprisoned. She knows they have no chance against the crack Mechanicus troops who have pressed the world for generations but facing no other option the Cult begins its preparations and sends messages to the uncorrupted workers unions and factories that have pledged their support if an uprising against the Mechanicus happens (not knowing that they're dealing with a cult).
I like this section as while it falls into the modern 40k novel habit of listing a bunch of codex units and describing how they fight, I think that it does a good job of portraying the awkward beginnings of an uprising, where nobody actually knows what will happen that spirals into the Genestealer Cult suddenly realising that if they work together they might have a chance.
‘This is the end of us,’ she hissed. ‘The priest will use us, and then he will destroy us. Or imprison us in his jars and make us his experiments. All our ways, our traditions, our faith. He will melt it out of us. There will be nothing left but his science.’
‘Child…’ Claress repeated.
‘We should flee,’ Davien almost shouted at her. ‘All of us, each to a different hole. We should abandon this city. We should carry our words and our blood to other places. We’re finished here! I’m sorry, magus, I’m sorry.’ And she was simultaneously weeping and incandescent with rage. At herself, at Triskellian, at Claress. ‘I have ruined us! I’m a traitor. Punish me, magus. Destroy me.’
‘You have listened to the lies of the enemy, it is true,’ Claress said softly. Her hand fell on Davien’s shoulder, a husk of a thing, no weight to it. ‘And you may be punished in time, that is also true. But for now, you are one of us, and you must play your part in what is to come.’
‘But it’s a sham!’ Davien exclaimed. ‘It’s some Taskmaster plan, some infighting between them. It isn’t the time!’ Struck by a sudden hope, she searched the old woman’s face. ‘Is it? Is all this… the Emperor’s plan for us? Can it be?’ And before she could hear any empty comforts, she rushed on. ‘Tell me truly, magus. Please tell me.’
The sad calm on Claress’ face was heartbreaking. ‘I don’t know, child. I wish I could give you all the grand certainties in the world. I wish I could give you the words of fire and faith I’d speak in the chapel, of the Many-Handed Emperor and His angels. But that is what faith is for, Davien.’ She sagged, sinking in on herself a little more. ‘Take me to my chamber. I must rest before tomorrow.’
‘You can’t take to the streets, magus. Not you.’
‘I must. We all shall play our part. We shall triumph together, or we shall fall. I do not want to be left alone if my kin are taken from me.’
Davien led her deeper into the maze of cellars. All around, the Congregation were in a frenzy of preparation. The building was haemorrhaging the faithful as they rushed out to carry the magus’ words across all the poor districts of the city. Out there, all Davien’s distant kin would be arming themselves. And the others, all those who weren’t blood but who had suffered beneath the crushing iron boot of the tech-priests, they’d be gathering too. All of them cast against the iron walls of the Hollow Men.
When she had Claress back to the old woman’s bed, she helped her lie down, hearing joints click and crack. The magus lay there, staring at the low ceiling, then shifted her head to look at the painting of the Emperor on the far wall. It was flaking now, half-obscured with grime. A depiction from the time of the Great-Aunts and Uncles, when the blood of the Emperor was stronger in them, so that none of the Congregation could show their faces for fear of being known for what they were. A figure with four arms: two human hands and two with radiant claws like crescent moons. An elliptical head split by a great benevolent smile that was all teeth. The eyes were beatific, murderous, inhuman. Davien had stared at the image often, feeling out its contradictions, letting them speak to the human and the inhuman within her. It frightened her; it inspired her.
‘I hear them singing to me.’ Claress’ dry voice rose to her. ‘The angels. They throng the cold void. And I sing back. I tell them, We are here. We are faithful. We’re waiting for you. And their great wings carry them across the freezing spaces, through the perilous labyrinth of the warp. They are coming, Davien. They tell me, We hear you. We come for you. Only have faith, and you shall become part of us. The Blessed Union, child. Our destiny.’ She laughed softly, coughed, shuddering with each dry convulsion. ‘They came from the stars, our ancestors. The first on Morod to bear our blood was an angel’s child, and so we are children of angels. But weaker, each generation. I lack the strength of the Aunts, the might of the Great-Aunts. I am too human to be truly strong. But I hear them, Davien. They are so beautiful. There is nothing on this ugly world to compare to them. I need to see them with my own eyes, before I grow too old.’
And Davien, one of the diminished survivors of a younger generation still, thought about how thin her own blood was, how little of the angel remained. ‘Do you think the priests’ Ascension Day will be our ascension too? Or will all our blood just end up on the streets and in that priest’s laboratory?’
Claress’ yellow gaze switched to her. ‘Faith is all that we have, when the machinery of this world comes to crush us. I hear the angels. They come to us, but space is vast and the warp is a trickster. All we can do is believe that the Many-Handed Emperor will not abandon His faithful in their time of need. That He is a true divinity, beyond the enthroned corpse the machine-priests worship. Our god lives, Davien. Our god is life, life in all its many forms and guises. Theirs is dust and ancient mechanisms. We must prevail, or we give the universe over to entropy and death. Only by our truths can life eternal survive and spread throughout the cosmos. Do you understand me, child? Do you have faith?’
And Davien thought, We are going to die tomorrow, on the streets and in their arena. This is not the true uprising we were promised, it is some priest’s gambit. But she couldn’t hold to those thoughts against the old woman’s rustle of a voice. It got under her skin. It spoke to all those services in the buried chapel. It spoke to her blood.
Easy to have faith when you were strong, after all. And what was the value of it, then? But they stood under the steel hammer of the tech-priests, and they would rise up nonetheless. Let Triskellian think it was all to his plan. The Congregation would rise because it was their time. Who said that he was using them? And even though, intellectually, she knew the truth, she still felt that fire in her, that burned away all doubt.
‘I believe, magus,’ she said fiercely. ‘Tell me what I must do.’
The next dawn, even as the tech-priests were attending their early Ascension Day devotions, the streets of the South Chasm districts erupted into armed uprising.
Davien saw it from the rooftops, crossing from building to building by the gantries, bridges and ropes that the skitarii periodically brought down but the locals always strung up again. All night the Congregation’s messengers had been running like sparks through the poorer districts of the city, seeing which claves would catch their fires. All of the true faithful rose up without question, of course. Right now she could only see the more inarguably human of them, those marked only by a pallidity of skin, patches of chitinous scales, unblinking yellow eyes perhaps. No unusual traits on as poisonous a world as this. Behind and within the walls of the tenements, though, the older generations of the god-touched would be stirring; would be eager. They had waited all their long lives, after all. They had hidden away as their younger offspring had busied themselves in the world, unable to show their distorted faces. They had known only the burning fire of their faith, and now that faith told them, Rise!
The streets were thronging with people, just ordinary people. And yet, not ordinary, for in many of those bodies a few drops of divine blood ran. But they were not the superhuman figures of Imperial myth. Not the Adeptus Astartes that had been made into little gods; not the tech-priests, elevated by machinery until they had forgotten what it was like to have two living feet on the ground. People, with nothing but their faith, and what tools and weapons they could scavenge or make themselves. And today they would attempt to wrest control of their destiny from those who had ordered and limited their whole lives.
And they would die, she knew. Heavy-hearted she watched them muster, factorum workers clapping each other on the shoulder, hard greetings called across the crowd. There were banners there, and some were of the Many-Handed Emperor Scattering His Angels Upon the Faithful, but there were others, too. Crude standards celebrating this ward or that factorum, this mining crew, even one for the staff of a workers’ refectory. There was an air of festival, just as if they were celebrating the damned Ascension Day after all.
And then the first skitarii came into sight. Davien knew she should be away by now, off on the errand that Claress had given her, but she couldn’t. She had to see if the whole venture would collapse into tragedy.
A wedge of red-clad cybernetic soldiers ordered itself precisely across the street ahead of the gathering mob. Behind them, a pair of dragoons stalked in, towering over the soldiers’ heads. Their riders couched forked lances snapping with sparks, even as the servitor beneath them, merged with the workings of the machine, directed the Ironstrider’s jerky motions. The crowd stilled, seeing all those carbines levelled at them, knowing more would be on the way.
The skitarii alpha called out, voice amplified until it rattled Davien’s skull like thunder. ‘By the order of the Fabricator General, you are required to disperse. There will be no second warning.’
And Claress stepped forwards from the ranks of the crowd, standing ahead of them, raising her staff. Somehow her high, clear voice carried even to Davien. ‘Faith and freedom! Faith for the true Emperor’s blood! Freedom from the yoke!’
The skitarii opened fire.
Davien screamed when they did it, curled away from the blaze and heat of it, knowing this was surely the end even as the uprising began. But in the echo of the shots she dared look, and saw Claress somehow untouched, standing with bodies to her left and right, the faithful who had put themselves in harm’s way. And not so many bodies, even, not compared to the vast mass of humanity that was packing the street. Angry humanity, crammed with grievances.
Claress’ voice called out again, and now she was sounding the charge. Davien saw members of the Congregation break into a run on either side of her, funnelling through the streets in a great rush, wielding hammers and prybars and power-cutters, emptying their shotguns and automatics into the skitarii wedge. The dragoons were in motion instantly, striding over the heads of their human-sized allies, accelerating into a counter-charge with lances lowered. Davien saw the first connect, its huge iron feet sending insurgents flying even as the lance swept an arc through the crowd, charring and burning. Then an eye-rending beam of light seared into it. One of the mining crews had a rock laser set up on the rooftop across from Davien and they drew lines of molten steel across the dragoon’s chassis before striking something vital.
In an instant the walking machine flashed incandescently and exploded, laying waste to the nearest fighters in a horrible toll of shrapnel and shredded flesh. For everyone left standing, though, that was the signal to rush forwards. Moments later the skitarii were giving ground, shooting and falling back. Or just falling, dragged down by the crowd who saw them as nothing more than the tools of their oppressors.
And then Davien was off, roof to roof, eyes open for when the tech-priests’ more subtle instruments decided the higher reaches were their territory. There would be rangers up here sniping down at the crowd soon enough. There would be the murderous rust-stalkers trying to flank the Congregation to bring down its leaders with their blades and claws. She had to be ahead of all of that. She had work to do, a task entrusted to her by the magus herself.
She shadowed the forerunners of the mob until they exploded out before Nilhetum Square, where the rail depot was. More of the Palatium’s troops were disembarking even as everyone arrived, hurriedly evacuating the train and taking up position to defend it. And if the Congregation wished to reach the Palatium, they needed to control the train line, and they needed to take it swiftly before the tech-priests began destroying their own infrastructure to deny it to the rebels.
There were more than just skitarii out there. She saw the low, trundling shapes of Kataphron servitors grinding down ramps from flatbed carriages, armoured human head, torso and arms set into a mechanised assault vehicle that was also their lower body. Davien felt a flare of rage at the tech-priests and their meddling. They took the divine flesh and carved it and pared it down, merged it with their devices. Nothing could be left alone. Nothing had any value until it was incorporated into their machines. And, on a grander scale, no individual lives had worth unless they were components of the wider priestly engine that spanned the human universe and enslaved everything it touched to their cold metal vision.
The Kataphron were terrors, nigh invulnerable to the weapons the foot-soldiers of the Congregation had brought, but by now the rioters had been given the chance to bring in their own big guns. With a choking roar and a belch of smoke one of the big quarry trucks raced out of a side street, already up to its lumbering top speed. It was a heavily armoured Goliath model, its entire front given over to rock-grinding blades that would chew hungrily on skitarii machine-flesh or the armour of the Kataphron. And, in its wake, a flurry of robed figures bearing a banner showing that familiar many-armed figure. The Aunts and the Uncles had come out from their cellars and holes, from their forgotten wall-spaces where they had waited for generations. Even as the Goliath powered forwards, meeting the lead Kataphron head-on and making a jagged mess of its armour, the elders were leaping around and over it, brandishing knives, pistols, or just their own hooked talons. And there was more. Davien felt a voice in her head, then. A singing so pure and beautiful that she thought it must be the angels, come at last. All the Congregation must have heard it, from the way they redoubled their pace and closed joyously with the skitarii and the machines.
A great figure, head and shoulders over the rank and file, had come into the square – a Great-Aunt, one of the true elders, shrouded in streamers and rags of cloth that could not hide the divinity of her form. She sang, and the Congregation echoed her, voices upraised in prayer and praise. In one of her three hands was a banner, not the crude handmade things the crowd had spent last night creating but something ancient, preserved for this day over generations. It showed not the expected Imperial visage, but an emblem with that same long-jawed head and a trailing cog-backed body; a serpentine shape curled in upon itself, one end a hooked claw, the other hungering jaws ready to devour the tech-priests and all their works.
The skitarii turned their weapons on her, blasting away, but the banner had electrified the Congregation so that they were swarming the lines, clambering over the Kataphron, braving the massed fire of their foes. Davien saw explosives go off, mining charges devastating bodies on both sides. She saw brutal knots of knife-work and bayonets and the bludgeoning butts of carbines, no quarter given.
submitted by Woodstovia to 40kLore [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:19 ItsssYaBoiiiShawdyy Theories on Theories: Assessing the Potential Magnitude of the May 17th Prospectus Filings, Part 1

Theories on Theories: Assessing the Potential Magnitude of the May 17th Prospectus Filings, Part 1
TL;DR: After 3+ years of working in near silence, Gamestop has dropped a reverse uno time-bomb nuke on shorts, and I don't believe we have fully comprehended just how big and effective of a nuke it will be. They finally released their plans to end the abusive short-selling once and for all... I believe the details in the filings have the answers. Need more eyes. We just need to HODL and let RC & Team work their magic. This was precisely timed and will be executed precisley. I believe they are about to throw the whole kitchen sink at em. Shorts r truly fuk. To be continued.
This is my first attempt at DD or a Possible DD. I don't really know what it is cuz I'm almost smoother than hedgefund CEO that's short GME. I'm long GME since before the sneeze of 2021, so I am at least marginally smarter. At the end of the day, I'm speculating while offering evidence in support of my speculation. And I remain open to constructive criticism and further insight from others. I really hope this gets more apes digging and in the think tank with me. There's plenty of foil to go around!
Nothing of which I discuss is financial advice and not indicative of what you should do with your money or investments. Make your own decisions. I have no idea what I am talking about.
Anyways! I am jacked af. And if it was not already obvious to you, I'll try and explain why.
Credit to U / Cataclysmic98 and U / Thump4 for their posts that inspired me to go down this little rabbit hole...these posts have probably not received the prase they deserve as of yet...
These fantastic, informational posts (and in light of all other prominent DD) got me thinking...there is SO much tit-jacking juiciness packed into the these filings, its not even fair (to Kenny & Co)...What could it all mean? And don't get me wrong, whatever causes shorts to get fukd is fine by me...But I felt all analysis so far is missing the true HUZZAHHH, the spicy MEAT-A-BALL, the true WOMBO COMBO of this saga...and I am willing to bet, what is about to go down is gonna absolutely obliterate all of our minds.
So, tonight, I knew I was gonna be up a while...I decided to dive in and actually read these in DEPTH. I read EVERYTHING...many sections multiple times over. These filings, all the possibilities... are a company's product of the last umpteen years of manipulation, fraud, and deceit... And I think I've got some fucking cool stuff to point you towards...and of course, it wouldn't be Superstonk without gluing some tinfoil to my head and trying to derive meaning from it all.
Links to filings:
So, since the Friday morning I read those posts, and others who have gained popularity...most speculated and mused on what could they possibly do? Wow. They could issue 7 different types of shit and friggn combinations of those types of shit from here on during the next 3 years, at any time, in any amounts they deem necessary... blah blah...So all of us are rightfully like...well which ones will they choose to execute on? If they pull the trigger on any of this, when and how? What will they spend the money on? When will they sell the 45M? Yada yada.
We cannot even remotely accurately speculate as to when/how soon because they have 3 years to do optionally do any of this, obviously we hope soon af...but we can speculate as to how they do it and how fast they start pulling the trigger(s) if and once they do. What if they do it ALL?

Book-Entry Securities Section of S-3 Form

First, to clear something up, many apes have (understandably so) confused this use of "book-entry securities" with "book entry as it relates to Computershare". But when I asked Chat GPT 4 to analyze this whole section and break it down, it spat out the following:
"Sure, let’s break this down into simpler terms:
  1. Book-entry form: This is like a big ledger (or book) where they write down who owns what. Instead of giving you a paper that says you own something, they write it down in this book. It’s like when you have a library card, and they write down which books you borrowed instead of giving you a receipt"
So, this just means Gamestop intends to issue new stock via the NYSE on the DTC's book/ledger, just like they always have. This is just them saying, you won't get physical shares mailed to you cuz that shit is obsolete. We know this.
Fine, but also notice toward the bottom, they can be issued in "registered or bearer form" and they may be "permanent or temporary". The word "temporary" really caught my eye there. Maybe they intend to eventually suck them back up for some reason? Hmm.
So Chat GPT came to the rescue again, assuring that everyone who has a stock, gets the benefits of owning that stock, whether its in your own name or not.
In summary, the main difference is about record-keeping. Registered stocks have a clear record of ownership with the company, while bearer stocks do not. They are owned by whoever holds them. However, bearer stocks are not commonly used today due to concerns about money laundering and tax evasion14.
So, that clears that up more or less.

It Takes Money to Buy Whiskey: The Warning Shots

When you dig deep into these filings, you see patterns, subtleties, specific phrasing, potential omissions, etc...and I am not going to breakdown each filing in its entirety...but I want to highlight and get more eyes on some (what I believe might be) key pieces of info in them and what they might mean.
Background/Perspective: In the last THREE YEARS...In addition to turning the company profitable, cutting fat, raising and sitting on $1B, near silence from the company itself as to what its grand plans will be/are... I think Gamestop spent a significant portion of the last 3 years developing a grand plan for shareholders too...
They needed a plan that: (in no particular order)
  1. Is good for EVERYONE actively involved (the company, worldwide shareholders, the employees, the executives, etc.) and bad for EVERYONE in their way of accomplishing their goals.
  2. Raises BIG money so they can make BIG money moves (acquisitions, mergers, investments)...$1B is a lot, but not really at the scale we are dealing takes money to buy takes MONEY to buy something that ages and gets better as it ages (a company that not only survives in today's age but THRIVES) takes MONEY to make that happen. And more is certainly better than less!
  3. Drives insane shareholder value, makes investors want to stay, and isn't dilutive in the long term.
  4. Ends the short-selling schemes once and for all without (illegally) breaking the entire financial world in half in the process.
    And once they had a plan, they knew they had to put it into grade A, air-tight, sealed tighter than Kenny's butthole wrapped around his favorite bedpost, impeccable, immaculate legalese. (I don't normally read legalese so my interpretations below could be way off, idk a lawyer ape might jump in to clarify).
Anyways, once it was in pristine legalese, they could then share it with, well, everyone...which they just did. I am not sure every ape understands the potential magnitude of these filings...Gamestop could have literally just laid out their ENTIRE plan to LEGALLY end the abusive short selling and to finally expose their stocks true value (which they technically have the duty to do to protect the interests of their shareholders) and they laid it out for everyone to FINALLY see.
(End of Background/Perspective)

The Filings (The Sirens)

From what I have seen, most of the speculation offered up by most Apes these last two days usually only included mentioning a combination of 2-3 of the types of securities mentioned in the filings. Or speculation on the impact a single one of them could have...Most seem to view the 45M common stock sale (Filing 424B5) as separate from the S-3ASR filing simply because they are separate filings. But 424B5 is indeed a "supplement" to S-3ASR (in case that isn't known).
424B5 is a supplemental filing to S-3ASR
I speculate that it all ties together. And by "all", I mean everything...everything all at once. Musical chairs played to a beautiful symphony of Kenny & Co's worst nightmares (legend has it that the music briefly stops every time the stock halts). Who will have the last chair and win the game? (Hint: It's Gamestop)
WHAT IF... Gamestop is telling everyone..."It's been long enough...this is what we are doing...but not just some of these things...ALL OF IT...ALL AT ONCE"...?
Let's dig in...

The Un(known) Wingman

So let's talk about the Depositary Shares section and the "Preferred Stock Depositary" (PSD) that they plan to use to distribute up to 5M shares of "preferred" stock (more on that after)
Why no name?
Notice how they don't name their "bank or trust company". They say refer to them as their "PSD". There's probably a legal reason fo this but I'll come back to this later too.
To me, this is Gamestop saying "by the way, these fractional shares won't be able to be fucked with or shorted because ________(I'm thinking Computershare, of course) is going to handle them, manage them, and store them for us)...
Trust services? Check!
BUT no one gets to officially know who they are until Gamestop has already pulled the trigger with the related SEC filing :D muhahaha.
Also, see that there will be a "deposit agreement" that shareholders will have to agree to in order to exercise their ownership rights and privileges of the preferred stock through the PSD. Cut out the middle get to take direct ownership of this shit just like DRS Book and receive all the rights and privileges of ownership, even if you only own a fraction of one preferred share.
Side Note on The Book-Entry Securities Section:
Now, I don't know if this is unique/important or not...but NOTICE HOW Gamestop doesn't name their PSD, but straight-up names who the depository is, the muthafuckin DTC. Unfortunately, they have to issue to these bastards first. The DTC is then expected to distribute those stocks to DTC "participants" (market makers, hedge funds, brokers, etc.) who are then expected to distribute those securities to the holder of record (you and I)...once you have those securities distributed to you, you can choose what you do with them (DRS anyone?)
They also state, in writing now, how they EXPECT the DTC to act (in a lawful manner through and through). Perhaps this wasn't made crystal clear to them before the splividend, so RC made sure they knew what is expected of them from here on out with the issuance of new shares. Anyways, I thought this was a call out in light of the omission of their PSD counterpart.

The Kill Shot Machine Gun: Evidence from the Filings

Okay let's keep this party going...
Preferred Stock: In the filings, Gamestop reserves the right to issue up to 5M preferred stocks that can be issued as fractions of a whole. (They're essentially gonna take 5,000,000 whole stocks and break them up into teeny tiny pieces so there is enough to go around.) Here is chat-gpt's ELI5 breakdown of the passage in the filing:
"Sure, let’s break this down into simpler terms. Imagine you have a big chocolate bar (this is like the preferred stock). Now, instead of giving away the whole bar, you decide to break it into smaller pieces and give those pieces away. These smaller pieces are like the depositary shares, and each piece represents a part of the whole chocolate bar.
The wrapper around each piece of chocolate is like the depositary receipt. It shows that you own that piece of the chocolate bar. The company that helps you break the chocolate bar and wrap the pieces is the Preferred Stock Depositary.
Just like how you can enjoy the taste of the chocolate by owning a piece, the owner of a depositary share gets to enjoy the benefits of the preferred stock (like dividends, voting rights, etc.) in proportion to the size of their piece.
The rules about how the chocolate bar is broken, how the pieces are wrapped, and how you can enjoy them are all written in a special agreement (the deposit agreement). And all these details are explained in a document called the prospectus supplement when you buy the pieces of chocolate.
So, in short, instead of buying a whole share of preferred stock (the whole chocolate bar), you’re buying a part of it (a piece of chocolate), and you still get to enjoy all the benefits! 😊"
This is great. But what I think is important to pay attention to here is the number 5,000,000...sounds like a lot...but in the grand scheme of things its not at all...our float is ~71M, total DRS shares reported to be ~75.3M, total issued shares is just over 300M (Sixty times 5,000,000), and the company just authorized to issue up to 1,000,000,000 of class A common stock !!! Right? 5M is a tiny, tiny, number in comparison. Whether you realize it or not, 5,000,000 is only 0.005% (1/200th..!!!) of 1 Billion. Tiny. And its not even guaranteed they'll choose to issue all 5,000,000 or to what degree it will be fractionalized. Only 5,000,000 issued through a company-chosen PSD that can't rehypothecate them, short them, fuck with them...ladies and gentleman, a commodity with true scarcity paired with high demand has entered the chat. $$$.
The preferred stocks come with perks (I will speculate on perks later). So something tells me these preferred stocks are gonna go to apes/holders of record for first dibs, they will be in high-demand, carry exclusive rights and privileges, and you will be able to purchase a given amount of them relative to how many shares of the Class A Common stock you own at the time of the offering... Notice how I said purchase them (this is where "Ape Options" (subscriptions and warrants) might come into play allowing each of us (and maybe even GME employees) to pick up a shit load of common/preferred stock on the cheap yo!)
Here’s how it might work,
Gamestop senses volatility, we've seen $80 and I don't think that's all we will see. So Gamestop first issues (sells) more common shares on the way up any given run, simultaneously they give currently shareholders subscription rights to load up on common stock all they want on the cheap during a specified time window.....then, once that window closes, they give us MORE subscription rights (first dibs!) that allow us to purchase preferred stock in an amount based upon how many shares of common stock we currently own at the time of that offering. Talk about insane value!
Gamestop knows their loyal retail investor base has poured so much of our hard-earned money the last 3+ years...we've invested so much time and money into this. I believe RC is looking out for us and will offer these subscriptions rights at an INSANE value to us, it won't make logical sense not to exercise them (look how cheap bookstore just offered up their subscription rights shares ($0.05/share) (\_backwards\_then\_forwards/) Credit to user N4hu1)
GPT4 on Subscription Rights.
So, subscription rights are like a “first dibs” or “early bird special” for current shareholders when a company is selling more stocks12. It’s a way to reward loyal shareholders and help them maintain their ownership stake in the company12. However, if shareholders do not exercise their subscription rights, their ownership will be diluted12.
Opionion: RC won't (and frankly, we won't) allow for much dilution, if any at all. The subscription rights might just be too good to be true and certainly too good to pass up.
And everyone who purchases preferred stock receives a "receipt" or receipts for their transaction(s) (i.e. a ledger) There's a record for it all.
So, Its past 6am, I've been digging and writing for 7+ hours... and so I am going to call this the end of Part 1...but more tinfoil to come! I look forward to the potential discussion.
What comes next is the discussion of Subscription Rights, Warrants, and Units :D...and I believe it all beautifully comes together with the plan for the preferred stock and the PSD...and that Gamestop plans to obliterate the shorts from left, right, above, and below with some type of unfuckwithable mass scale share/security offering that is going absolutely blow the world away.
Here's a sneak peak of other juicy bits I want to discuss next:
Until we have another plan...we plan to invest...hmm invest where? In what?
In the even of a distribution other than in cash...a public or private sale of such...\"property\".
Would love to hear your thoughts thus far. More to come and thanks for reading if you made it all the way here!
submitted by ItsssYaBoiiiShawdyy to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:18 microwaved_ice_cream [REVIEW] Back from Ban Island!! Loewe Flamenco Mini in Burgundy + Gold from Hyper Peter

Hello Ladies and Gents, it’s been a while since I’ve been active in Rep-land but I am happy to be putting words back on print with a mini review for a mini bag! I have a few weddings to attend to this coming summer so I knew I would need a handy sidekick to spruce up my looks. Naturally, the purse closet had nothing to wear (y’all know what I mean) so I turned to social media to look for inspiration and found this mini beauty from Loewe! My sister was in the market for a Loewe Puzzle and she wanted to get one from Hyper Peter, so I tacked on asking about my Flamenco. Thank goodness for my handy rolodex of rep resources, HP had both bags we wanted in stock!! A little bit of a wait due to HP being on much needed vacation, but in the end, he delivered and happy to report both bags are stunning!
About the author: I am a Loewe Lover through and though. The Puzzle has my heart and I’ve convinced my sister to get one for herself. We frequent the Loewe store often and it’s been a bad habit of mine trying on their bags. I always wanted this mini Lambskin baby so when the situation presented itself, I decided to go for it and buy at the same time as my sister! Been a replady since OG RL days but stepped a way from Reddit for a bit to put a cap on my spending habits (it was going a bit overboard especially when I started buying 18K reps…)
My photos ❤️
HP does not usually disclose factory or factory pics and I didn’t ask but I know he has amazing Loewe Puzzles. Example 1 / Example 2
NO PSPs Opted out because I am an old time buyer of his.
~Authentic on Loewe website~ And this review was helpful too for details and mod shots! Also Purseblog’s 60 second review.
Disclosure: I didn’t receive a discount or anything in exchange for this review
Seller: Hyper Peter
Whatsapp: +44-774-303-8638
Instagram: Hyperpeter7
Product: Loewe Flamenco Mini in Nappa Lambskin
Price: 1300 yuan plus 480 yuan (for shipping 2 bags) Fedex shipping no branded Loewe box total 1540 yuan or $213 usd
Paid by: Wise
⏳ Messaged Peter and paid on April 3
⏳ Confirmed with Peter that the bags are available April 3-4
⏳ Opted out of the PSPs because of the additional charge, Peter showed me pictures of the actual bag he sells and I figured it would be similar enough to it.
⏳ May 14 received the bags, worth the wait in my opinion!!
1. THIS LEATHER IS BUTTERY!!! I can’t express how supple and luscious this lambskin is in words! It is incredibly soft, zero hint of dryness, thick yet malleable. It actually looks and feels very very close to the auth Loewe Flamenco I fondled at the store, buttery AF!
2. The pouch shape is correct, with correct stitching on the base of the bag and the top section that bunches up randomly in buttery folds (hence the name of the bag because the ruffles mimic a Flamenco dancer’s dress!) that look both elegant and casual at the same time. The opening of the pouch is cinched at the top with two leather knotted drawstring straps which can be used as the handles for this bag (as a low key clutch), but as a security feature, there’s also a magnetic closure that seals the opening of the bag, perfect for keeping your goodies in the bag!
3. This bag has not 1 but 2 straps! A beautiful “donut” ring strap with interwoven leather in alternate lacing and the second strap is an adjustable leather cinch strap that slides long and short depending on whether you want to use it as a shoulder bag or cross body!
4. The only other hardware of the bag is in the snap clasps which are nicely weighted and match the yellow gold tone of the donut chain. All function as needed.
1. Here are the dimensions of the auth Mini Flamenco: – Weight: 0.18 kg , Height : 17 cm ,Width : 23 cm , Depth : 5.5 cm. Admitedly I don’t have a scale so can’t weigh this bag myself but obviously for it’s size it’s very light. Here’s what I got for my measurements: Height : 17 cm, Width : 24 cm, Depth : 5 cm. I’d say this is a good match for the dimensions.
2. The first strap, the leather knotted version is removable and adjustable with a minimum length of 82 cm and max of 142 cm. The donut chain strap is 36 cm for mine.
3. The Donut strap gold tone is yellow, perhaps a touch more yellow than auth, but the luster and gloss is correct, it also is very dependent on lighting so I am not docking points off this because it’s verry hard to judge if you don’t have the auth next to it.
4. The shape, engravings and weight of the hardware are a good likeness for the auth. The snap hooks on the strap are the correct shape, have good functionality and are correctly branded with the Loewe logo.
5. Everything about the leather is just delicious. I can’t complain because I remember the auth being very similar in feel to the softness and density of this nappa lambskin. The burgundy shade is pretty much an exact match to the auth. The knotted drawstrings do not feel flimsy, the thickness and density are appreciated and even for a small bag, I don’t need to baby it.
6. The make/craftmanship of the bag is top notch. The suede lining is well lined, stitched well and no loose or faulty craftmanship anywhere. The pouch opening leather is well folded and stitched over.
7. I will deduct points for the thread being a shade too light compared to the auth. I am not too fussed about it but I did want to call that out for those who are concerned with the minute details. Taking one point off here.
8. Interior suede is thick, has good dense feeling and has a very nice texture. The interior datecode and logo match the auth well.
Well this bag is teensy weensy, so other than my phone, a pack of issues, a cardholder, a compact and lipstick I am not really adding anything to it….I mean, what do you REALLY need at a wedding except for these few items?! A pack of gum or tictacs? Easy peasy, done deal. At any rate, whatever essentials you’d need for dressing up, this baby can handle it and that’s all you need in here anyways!
I honestly didn’t expect to love this bag so much, but now I see any ladies love it and say it’s a good part of their collection. I was on the hunt for a small but practical bag, and with all the different ways this bag can be carried it’s quickly becoming a standout for any time I need a small elegant but functional bag for parties or nights out.
It’s my first burgundy colored bag (I was initially going to get the black) but I am glad I went for this pop of color. The burgundy is very deep, classy and understated in color but still pleasant to the eyes. I am not considering getting a puzzle in the dark burgundy as well just because this color is growing on me.
Peter has always been one of my go to sellers. I know there have been many members who feel jilted that his communication has been few and far in between but I took the patient route and just waited for my bag to arrive (my order took over a month from start to finish, by the way). Perhaps it’s because I am a seasoned rep buyer and also a long time client of Peter’s so I was sure I would get my bag in the end. I find the best way to enjoy repping is to not stress over the small stuff and trust the process (and your gut of course). The mods here do an awesome job of guiding and advising when it comes to reviews and sellers so I knew that if I needed help, they’d have my back. But in all honesty, my bag arrived to me safely, my payment and ordering process were smooth sailing and the bag itself was certainly within my budget. For all these reasons and more, Peter will always have a top spot in my rep rolodex for reliable bags and service.
This bag is divine and being quite nonchalant about what others think or say, I would proudly wear this to any party or date night I go to. I would likely not flaunt it around my usual Loewe store (those SAs all recognize me) but I wouldn’t mind wearing it into a high end department store. My sister’s puzzle is absolutely accurate to the authentic though, I will help her write up a review for that one when I get a chance. I’d give Peter’s Loewe gold stars for the incredible value for the price!

submitted by microwaved_ice_cream to WagoonLadies [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:18 fickle_fuck84 Ribble CGR ti

Hello, I’m looking at buying a titanium bike for year round commuting about 30km/day. Ribble have a decent deal at the moment on the CGR ti with Ultegra di2 tyre clearance for 45mm. Anyone some experience with Ribble?? Are the frames good quality?
submitted by fickle_fuck84 to cycling [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:17 Abject-Throat-2298 Downgrading a friendship

I've been fairly active on this sub for the past month and a half as I deal with a friend fallout. While there are other subs where your posts might get more traction, I feel like "lost a friend" still sums up best how I feel, and so this is the sub I keep returning to to collect my thoughts. I just want to thank everyone here for giving me, and others like me, a place to vent and figure out how to move on. It's been so long since I've lost a friend I cared this much about that I forgot how painful it is.
In my situation, though, I'm beginning to feel like I didn't so much lose a friend as I lost the idea of a friend. Looking back at our relationship, I was much more invested in keeping the friendship/conversations going than she was. In fact, I realize now that she usually only messaged me when she was at work. Presumably, when she was bored at work. I just didn't notice at the time, because we lived in different timezones.
The thing is, we used to work together on the same remote team. It's how we met. And we were great work buddies and stayed friends long after we both left that company. Well, I thought we were being friends. I think in her eyes, I am still just a work buddy. Someone you message when you're bored at work or need reassurance with your new job.
I know I'm needy, and anyone who acts like a friend is going to be my friend, if that makes sense. So maybe it's my own fault for getting hurt, like a Pokemon who "hurt itself in its confusion." This friend has since grown quite distant, and I haven't heard from her in over a month now, despite me expressing to her that I was hoping we could catch up on a video call. It's always tempting to write an angry or self-pitying message to her, but we work in a niche industry where we might need to be references/referrals for each other, so I know I should keep it professional. I just need to accept that we aren't friends anymore (if we ever were). We are only colleagues now.
submitted by Abject-Throat-2298 to lostafriend [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:16 Bence978_ I went searching for my missing friend in the woods, I finally got revenge, but at what cost?

January 2nd. 2024.
It's been about a year since the incident happened. I've been in therapy for as long as I can remember after that horrible night. I got a prosthetic for my left leg, and was able to walk somewhat normally again shortly after. I haven't told anyone about that horrible night, not even my family. My friends, who were there at the start of all of this visited me every day while I was in the hospital, begging me to tell them what happened, but I lied, and told them I didn't remember anything. Little did they know, I not only crystal clearly remember what happend, I also knew what I was going to do as soon as I could walk normally again.
February 27th. 2024.
I could finally walk on my own again, and when I got released from the hospital, I immediately knew what I had to do. I rushed home and started planning. This time, I would plan it out, not just run in there and take my chance. I began planning the following day.
March 9th. 2024.
I've collected all my ideas, and decided that the hunt would be on March 15th. However, I knew I couldn't do this alone, seeing as what happend last time, so I decided to call my uncle, who is an ex-marine, and knows all the camoflauge techniques that a civilian does not. Lucky for my, he belives in all kinds of folklore, mainly native american ones, so he was down to help me. Hes the only person I told this story to, since I know I could trust him with my life. In the following days, he tought me all differnet kinds of techniques like camouflage in "plain sight" and the hand signals used in the marine corps. Only one thing remained, the weapons. Since the police confiscated all of my weapons after the last incident, I had nothing, but my uncle told me not to worry about it.
March 15th. 2024.
The day was here. The meetup was schedueld to 11pm, but I was already at the place where we said we'd meet up, even though it was 10 minutes earlier. When all of a sudden I heard that scream... That same blood curdling scream I heard way back. But I wasn't scared anymore. Shortly after my uncle shows up with full marine corps camouflage uniforms and plate carriers, along with two M4 Carbines loaded up with holographic sights, lasers, flashlights and all the above. He also brought an old winchester Model 1873, which he told me only to use if I'm certain that I'm about to shoot at the entity in question. He said because it was loaded with white ash tree rubbed bullets. He started saying something else too, but was cut off by that same horrible scream, so we quickly dressed up, and made our way into the woods.
March 15th. 2024. 11:10pm
We entered the forest with adrenalyn pumping in our bodies and quickly took position in an abandoned cabin a few hundred feet into the woods. we quickly shut the door behind us and began discussing the next hours.
We were still discussing when we heard a knocking sound coming from the door. I shouted out "Who the hell is it?! What do you want?!" But it just kept knocking. My uncle knows morse code, and he translated that it said, "Your Blood" over and over again. Then it just stopped. Like the source of the noise just simply dissapeared. And after a few moments of eerie silence, a window broke in the room next to the on we were in, and something was running towards the door. My uncle instantly yelled, "Take cover!", so that's what I did. I ducked and heard his M4 go off on fully automatic. He popped off 20 rounds at the door and very likely hit something, since the anomaly let out a huge scream. My uncle grabbed me by my arm and pulled me up. Then we jumped out the window and took off running.
We ran for about a mile when we deemed it safe to stop for a drink. When I sudenly noticed that the old Winchester my uncle gave me was missing, so I informed him immediately. He turned to me with a huge smile on his face. Then it hit me... I didn't have an uncle... The damn thing implanted itself in my memory.. A moment of sheer panic later it pulled out the gun and shot my prosthetic and I fell to the ground. I quickly reached for my M4 and let out a burst of fire towards it. I scored a hit to its thigh, and so it ran away.
I collected my thoughts, and somehow managed to get up. I realized I needed to get out of there as soon as possible. Only one problem, I had no idea of where the way out was. So I just started walking in a random direction. I lost track of time after this, since my watch had been ruined. After what felt like forever, I saw a light in the distance. As I got closer to it, I realized it was a huge bonfire, surrounded by a ton of theese entities. They were just standing there, it was almost mesmerizing in a way, how they stood perfectly still around the fire, but I knew I had to focus. I realized that I had a flare gun in my pocket, so I pulled it out and shot it up. This caused all of them to look at me, then dissapear. The fire went out and the flare was the only source of light in the entire forest. Then I heard something running towards me from the back.
I turned and saw one of theese things in all it's "glory" sprinting towards me on all fours. I shot all my bullets at it, which somehow caused it to drop dead. As I went closer to examine it, I was disgusted by the smell of it, it was like rotten flesh. I looked at the carcass and saw a huge pentagram on its back. So I backed off and started praying. I may be crazy, but I heard a voice say to me, "Go 88 steps forward, then 6 left". So I did just that, and saw a white ash tree, and I instantly knew what to do. I grabbed 30 bullets and rubbed every single one of them on the tree. Then something snapped inside me, I yelled up "Come and get me!" at the top of my lungs. And right away, several creatures started rushing towards me. 5 shots, 5 dead entities. But then I saw IT... The thing that started all of this. It wanted me dead. Then suddenly the flare died out. I quickly turned on my laser and flashlight, and the final battle had begun.
About 12:30am.
The entity took the form of my so called "uncle", and quickly ran in a bush. But I wasn't ready to let it slip away again. So I shot about 10 rounds into the bush, and it ran out of it. I took my chance, and with my remaining bullets, I shot it. It dropped and screamed in agony. I went up to it, and realized it had dropped that old Winchester, so I picked it up, and put a bullet in it's skull. And with that it was all over. At least I thought.
March 16th. 2024.
After I got home, I dropped, and fell asleep. When I woke up I decided that the best thing to do was go to church, since those things were most likely demonic. As soon as I entered the church the priest saw me, and fainted. I had to call an abulance for him. I heard he died later that day. The same day, I found out my entire family was killed in a horrible car accident. And so I realzed I had been cursed for life. Anyone who was considered my loved one had died in the following weeks, only I had remained. So in the end, I got revenge for my friend, but was it worth it?
submitted by Bence978_ to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:15 Key_Establishment595 How to be my own dad without being a nuisance for others son development and such

I'm trying to be dumb sometimes just to solve my problems with life and dealing with people like a father figure seems like the best option for everyone but then you crash and forget something yourself son, it's always a pain in the ass to be alive on your own at different times, it sucks son it sucks, simply suck to learn and give people advice through constant experience, people's advice simply suck for and individual guy like mine, haha oh mine oh mine my guilt of mine...
submitted by Key_Establishment595 to Jung [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:14 Common-Ad-580 how to wipe

hello. i can admit to being someone that didn’t know how to wipe the very best possible way. when I learned, literally my eyes were opened. and so i violently need to chime in on this now locked post.
wiping front to back does not equal approaching from the back. spread your legs a lil bit✌🏾
if you have a fat cat, put your non wiping hand on the mons pubis area and gently pull up so the area is even mooore within your reach.
wipe firmly from top to bottom, towards the butthole. make sure you are ~truly~ getting the urethra. go until you pass the vagina and discard.
grab another piece of toilet paper!! NOW you may wipe from the back, only needing to worry about your booty.
!!!!! try to use wipes as well if you can. especially during periods and after BM. use toilet paper for the last wipe after you’re clean to get rid of extra moisture. 🧡
submitted by Common-Ad-580 to hygiene [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:08 DoGsPaWsLoVe Saturday 05/18/24: 11 Posts

Here is the recap of the 11 monetized posts from Kylea G Weight loss Journey on 05/18/24.
"Greed is a never-ending hunger, that drives people to sacrifice morals and values for personal gain." -Unknown
⚠️ Compulsive Buying Disorder (CBD), aka shopping addiction, Disordered Eating, Gaslighting, Grief, Illness, Infertility, TTC (trying to conceive) Community, and Religion will be discussed.
Disclaimers: I am not a physician, influencer, or paid content creator. I am not affiliated with WW. I am semi-retired from the healthcare field with multiple college degrees. These opinions are my own based on social media content. I wish no harm to Kylea or Joseph "Joe" Gomez.
☎️ If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, please call or text 988 for assistance.
Behind the Scenes Family Update: Kylea Gomez has been exploiting a life-changing medical diagnosis of a close relative (without their permission and against their wishes) to internet strangers in social media messages. She has claimed that she is supporting this relative (which is a lie) to justify her work ethic, productivity, and even basic hygiene issues. Let that sink in for a moment...
To this relative: You, your family, and your medical team are in my prayers. ✝️
To Kylea's Biological Parents: Your daughter disparages your name and relationship for personal and financial gain frequently. No concert, trip, or gift provided to you with money obtained under (allegedly) false and deceptive pretenses justifies Kylea's disturbing behaviors. Stop enabling her.
California Clarification: Kylea was rejected by a Cavapoo breeder from adopting the Original Birdie (OB) during her California trip. I am thankful to the breeders of OB for making a tough decision in the best interest of the puppy. For me, this seals the deal that Kylea falsified details of this California trip and rushed home to find Backup Birdie (BB), who is the focus of today's content.
The tagline of Kylea G Weight loss Journey is, "I changed my entire life with prayer and a playlist of songs. No surgery, no meds. Just Jesus."
DAILY STATS: 05/18/24
0/11 posts discussed prayer
0/11 posts discussed music
0/11 posts discussed exercise
3/11 posts discussed a recipe
1/11 posts was about takeout "coffee" at 5 am
7/11 posts were about Birdie Mae 🐶
📢 For our friends at Meta, that means 63% of Kylea's monetized content had nothing to do with weight loss, which is the tagline and purpose of her page. Her weight loss journey ended July 2023 per her content. Why do you continue to pay her for non-weight loss content?
⚠️ Disordered Eating- Daily WW Points Used (Data compiled from monetized content):
1 WW Point: Crazy Llama "coffee" with almond milk, sugar-free vanilla, sugar-free peppermint, and sugar-free white chocolate
3 WW Points: Taco Soup with 12 Trader Joe's Rolled Corn Chili & Lime flavored Tortilla Chips
📢 For our friends at Meta, Kylea consumed 4 WW points out of (up to) 30 daily WW points= SEVERE disordered eating. This messaging is deadly for those on a weight loss journey. Follow your policies and take action.
Recipes Shared: 1. Taco Soup: 🚨 This recipe has dangerous sodium levels. Please know your daily sodium recommendations before making this recipe. 🚨
  1. Taco Rice Bowls: The soup is drained and added to 1 minute jalapeño rice with cheese. 🚨 The sodium alert is the same as above. 🚨
☎️ Please speak with a medical professional about any questions or concerns you have about your health.
Comments: To the animal lovers, I am sending you good vibes to get through this nonsense. Here we go...
  1. Coffee at 5am: Kylea and Joe are pictured in their vehicle outside Crazy Llama Coffee with the sun shining bright. Kylea claims she was home at 5 am, and Joe took her right away to get her "favorite coffee."
⏸️ The sun rises in Joplin after 6 am. Why lie? ⏸️ Her facial sunburn that disappeared yesterday is back today. How did that happen? ⏸️ Kylea claims she does not have cravings or temptations. However, she is addicted to sweet. Her "coffee" is beige colored at best, and she needed it right away...
  1. Backup Birdie Part 1: Her airline approved pet travel accessory backpack is shown in the vehicle. "All my dog mom dreams are coming true today 💖 🐶"
  2. Backup Birdie Part 2: "My heart is so full!!! 💖 🐶 I got the cuddliest, cutest, sweetest girl. 😭 I cried when I met my puppy for the first time because I love her so much already!!"
⏸️ Kylea's followers immediately started asking to see pictures and were told they needed to wait until after Kylea's family met her first. HoWeVeR, some influencers (bestie Drue Basham, Drue's SIL Sierra, Brittany Bryant, etc.) got to see her first and comment from their influencer accounts about Birdie. I'm sorry, loyal top fans and followers, possible cross-engagement from "trusted" influencers is more important than respecting your loyalty. Welcome inside the mind of a 🐈 🐟 er. Always trying to boost engagement, the algorithm, and gain new followers...
  1. Taco Soup Recipe: 🚨 This sodium monstrosity has canned beans, jarred salsa, enchilada sauce, rotel, roasted corn, a ranch seasoning packet, a taco seasoning packet, fresh chicken, and water. 😲
  2. Backup Birdie Part 3: "Welcome home 🏠 to our forever girl 🎀 Birdie Mae 🐶 She's already following Joseph and I around and has brought us so much joy. 🌈 🎀"
⏸️ The puppy shown does not appear to be a Cavapoo, and Kylea refuses to answer follower questions about her breed. Remember, Birdie was not supposed to come home until May 20th, then May 19th.
To all individuals in the TTC Community, I know the 🌈 is a powerful symbol for you. I have experienced pregnancy loss and fertility care. My heart hurts for anyone triggered by the language Kylea uses and humanizing pets in reference to pregnancy loss. 🙏
  1. Backup Birdie Part 4: "The moment I held her, I just knew she was meant for me.🎀 🐶 She loves all of the cuddles which is good because I do too. 💖"
⏸️ Not one reference of her "sweet boy" Oliver or Alice. Where are the cats? BB is asleep on Kylea.
  1. Taco Soup Part 2: 🚨 Since it wasn't salty enough, why not put some chili & lime tortilla chips on top? Chef's 💋. Kylea held the bowl, showing her barefoot on the floor. I did NOT miss her feet content. 🤢
  2. Backup Birdie Part 5: "We already love her so much 🎀 💖" BB is asleep in a fuzzy blanket on her puppy bed.
  3. Backup Birdie Part 6: Within 30 minutes of this writer posting info in Reddit chat of how to file an animal complaint in Joplin, MO as a PSA (not a threat) encouraging Kylea & Joe to be crystal clear about Alice's whereabouts, a picture of Joe cuddling BB with Alice behind him on the couch is posted. "Joseph loves Birdie Mae too 💖 🐶 So far she loves to sleep 😴"
⏸️ 3 animals are now housed in a small apartment. Two cats with behavioral issues and a young puppy. Kylea can claim she will have no issues because "it will be fine," but she is ignorant, immature, and selfish. Wise followers will remove their rose-colored glasses and see the truth. There is a theory Alice was edited into the photo again...
  1. Taco Soup Part 3: 🚨 No more takeout for Joe! He gets to eat Taco Soup Rice Bowls for work lunches this week.
⏸️ On the recent McDonalds post, a smart follower asked what Joe eating McDonalds had to do with WW. Kylea replied it was a "balanced lifestyle." Remember, Kylea & Joe want you to believe Joe has not gained weight no matter what he eats, with photo evidence (even modified) proving differently. Kylea's chains were broken 07/05/21. No cravings, temptations, plateaus, weight gain...a perfect journey to this day (and forever). 😇 Please disregard her obvious eating disorder and mental illnesses. Seek medical care, Kylea Gomez. ☮️
  1. Backup Birdie Part 7: A 12-second video is shared of BB playing with a squeaky toy on the carpet.
⏸️ No Oliver, Grams, or Gibson content today. Kylea told her followers (in a comment) that Oliver had not met the puppy. It's good to see your "sweet boy" and subject of a ridiculous amount of monetized content is already booted engagement wise.
Final thoughts: Money reveals people's true colors. 👀 Buckle in for a nauseating amount of BB nontent.
Takeout: Crazy Llama takeout for 2: $16 est + tip;
All info from Reddit. ✌️
submitted by DoGsPaWsLoVe to KyleaGomezsnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:08 GoroTerror 30 [M4F] Rochester/Online- engineer, looking for someone connect to!

Hey there! I am a 30 year old guy from Upstate New York looking for someone that wants to make an emotional connection, and would like to put efforts into conversations.
A bit about me: I'm 6’1". I get height can be a big deal for some women so I think it's best to just put it out there first 😅 I've got black hair, brownish black eyes. Average body, I'm muscular and wanting to start exercising both for health and a little bit for better shape. I like to think I'm fairly attractive but then most of us grew up with a relative always telling us we were not handsome or cute, etc. we can share pictures once we establish some comfort zone. If education is important, I am a college graduate with post-graduation degree as well. Now working as an engineer.
I have to lead with the fact that I can be pretty sarcastic at times. I also joke and (playfully) tease. I'm pretty easy going/chill and I like to keep things light and fun, but also enjoy getting into the really deep conversations as well. I'm a sucker for the whole good morning and goodnight text thing as well as checking in on those busier days. That doesn’t mean we have to just message good morning and good night for the whole week. Haha. I think most important part of knowing someone via online platform is initial conversations and if you don’t have enough time let me know otherwise that conversation is dead in no time.
I love animals. I've always felt very connected and attached to them and just enjoy interacting with them. While I am more of a dog person pet-wise, cats are still pretty cool in my book. Cats are more complex though I love the mysterious nature.
Anything outdoors is great in my opinion. Just feel like going for a walk? Let's do it. I do kayaking a bit in the summers, fish, hike, go for drives. I have the habit of occasionally stopping and taking pictures of plants and flowers I see around (I'm always down to share!). While sending me message write code - “I3U” so that I know it’s someone who actually read my post. Didn’t write in the end cuz some people might just skip to end. This doesn’t mean that you just send me the code. I am strictly gonna monitor now. I have skimmed through soo many texts and my innocent heart always gives chances, I am gonna try to be little strict this time.
It's not just the outdoors I love. I can also get down with chill days at home binging something on Netflix or playing something on my PC. Let's face it, I'm a bit if a nerd (everyone has something nerd about themselves) and if you like Jurassic park, board games, Any Mafia movies, gaming, etc we will get along great. I'm a sucker for horror movies as well and am always looking for recommendations. I listen to a lot of music. I shouldn’t brag but I listen to english ,german, Spanish, french and Hindi songs. Born and brought up in India. Hence, hindi songs.
A bit about (possibly) you: I'd prefer if you were in some sort of professional environment and ambitious. I'm not extremely picky about things like hair and eye color. Height is also not a big deal. If you're alot smaller than me and worried that it's something you’ll be insecure about, it's not. The big thing for me is personality. I think personality can make us a lot more or a lot less attractive. I want someone that is genuinely kind and sweet, someone that likes to laugh, someone that's not afraid to be goofy.
A final note: I'm a single guy and looking for someone dynamic. Sometimes I can respond immediately and sometimes it takes a minute due to the obvious circumstances. I also don't expect you to respond immediately to every message, I get that we all have lives and can be busy at times. It would be awesome if you are up for a voice chat. And please please when responding write something about yourself.
If any if this sounds remotely interesting to you, feel free to reach out via reddit dm or chat!
submitted by GoroTerror to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:08 GoroTerror [30/M] - Searching for the one.

Hey there! I am a 30 year old guy from Upstate New York looking for someone that wants to make an emotional connection.
A bit about me: I'm 6’1". I get height can be a big deal for some women so I think it's best to just put it out there first 😅 I've got black hair, brownish black eyes. Average body, I'm muscular and wanting to start exercising both for health and a little bit for better shape. I like to think I'm fairly attractive but then most of us grew up with a relative always telling us we were not handsome or cute, etc. we can share pictures once we establish some comfort zone. If education is important, I am a college graduate with post-graduation degree as well. Now working as an engineer.
I have to lead with the fact that I can be pretty sarcastic at times. I also joke and (playfully) tease. I'm pretty easy going/chill and I like to keep things light and fun, but also enjoy getting into the really deep conversations as well. I'm a sucker for the whole good morning and goodnight text thing as well as checking in on those busier days. That doesn’t mean we have to just message good morning and good night for the whole week. Haha. I think most important part of knowing someone via online platform is initial conversations and if you don’t have enough time let me know otherwise that conversation is dead in no time.
I love animals. I've always felt very connected and attached to them and just enjoy interacting with them. While I am more of a dog person pet-wise, cats are still pretty cool in my book. Cats are more complex though I love the mysterious nature.
Anything outdoors is great in my opinion. Just feel like going for a walk? Let's do it. I do kayaking a bit in the summers, fish, hike, go for drives. I have the habit of occasionally stopping and taking pictures of plants and flowers I see around (I'm always down to share!). While sending me message write code - “I2U” so that I know it’s someone who actually read my post. Didn’t write in the end cuz some people might just skip to end. This doesn’t mean that you just send me the code. I am strictly gonna monitor now. I have skimmed through soo many texts and my innocent heart always gives chances, I am gonna try to be little strict this time.
It's not just the outdoors I love. I can also get down with chill days at home binging something on Netflix or playing something on my PC. Let's face it, I'm a bit if a nerd (everyone has something nerd about themselves) and if you like Jurassic park, board games, Any Mafia movies, gaming, etc we will get along great. I'm a sucker for horror movies as well and am always looking for recommendations. I listen to a lot of music. I shouldn’t brag but I listen to english ,german, Spanish, french and Hindi songs. Born and brought up in India. Hence, hindi songs.
A bit about (possibly) you: I'd prefer if you were in some sort of professional environment and ambitious. I'm not extremely picky about things like hair and eye color. Height is also not a big deal. If you're alot smaller than me and worried that it's something you’ll be insecure about, it's not. The big thing for me is personality. I think personality can make us a lot more or a lot less attractive. I want someone that is genuinely kind and sweet, someone that likes to laugh, someone that's not afraid to be goofy.
A final note: I'm a single guy and looking for someone dynamic. Sometimes I can respond immediately and sometimes it takes a minute due to the obvious circumstances. I also don't expect you to respond immediately to every message, I get that we all have lives and can be busy at times. It would be awesome if you are up for a voice chat. And please when responding write something about yourself.
If any if this sounds remotely interesting to you, feel free to reach out via reddit dm or chat!
submitted by GoroTerror to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:07 GoroTerror 30 [M4F] New York - engineer, looking for someone!

Hey there! I am a 30 year old guy from Upstate New York looking for someone that wants to make an emotional connection.
A bit about me: I'm 6’1". I get height can be a big deal for some women so I think it's best to just put it out there first 😅 I've got black hair, brownish black eyes. Average body, I'm muscular and wanting to start exercising both for health and a little bit for better shape. I like to think I'm fairly attractive but then most of us grew up with a relative always telling us we were not handsome or cute, etc. we can share pictures once we establish some comfort zone. If education is important, I am a college graduate with post-graduation degree as well. Now working as an engineer.
I have to lead with the fact that I can be pretty sarcastic at times. I also joke and (playfully) tease. I'm pretty easy going/chill and I like to keep things light and fun, but also enjoy getting into the really deep conversations as well. I'm a sucker for the whole good morning and goodnight text thing as well as checking in on those busier days. That doesn’t mean we have to just message good morning and good night for the whole week. Haha. I think most important part of knowing someone via online platform is initial conversations and if you don’t have enough time let me know otherwise that conversation is dead in no time.
I love animals. I've always felt very connected and attached to them and just enjoy interacting with them. While I am more of a dog person pet-wise, cats are still pretty cool in my book. Cats are more complex though I love the mysterious nature.
Anything outdoors is great in my opinion. Just feel like going for a walk? Let's do it. I do kayaking a bit in the summers, fish, hike, go for drives. I have the habit of occasionally stopping and taking pictures of plants and flowers I see around (I'm always down to share!). While sending me message write code - “I4U” so that I know it’s someone who actually read my post. Didn’t write in the end cuz some people might just skip to end. This doesn’t mean that you just send me the code. I am strictly gonna monitor now. I have skimmed through soo many texts and my innocent heart always gives chances, I am gonna try to be little strict this time.
It's not just the outdoors I love. I can also get down with chill days at home binging something on Netflix or playing something on my PC. Let's face it, I'm a bit if a nerd (everyone has something nerd about themselves) and if you like Jurassic park, board games, Any Mafia movies, gaming, etc we will get along great. I'm a sucker for horror movies as well and am always looking for recommendations. I listen to a lot of music. I shouldn’t brag but I listen to english ,german, Spanish, french and Hindi songs. Born and brought up in India. Hence, hindi songs.
A bit about (possibly) you: I'd prefer if you were in some sort of professional environment and ambitious. I'm not extremely picky about things like hair and eye color. Height is also not a big deal. If you're alot smaller than me and worried that it's something you’ll be insecure about, it's not. The big thing for me is personality. I think personality can make us a lot more or a lot less attractive. I want someone that is genuinely kind and sweet, someone that likes to laugh, someone that's not afraid to be goofy.
A final note: I'm a single guy and looking for someone dynamic. Sometimes I can respond immediately and sometimes it takes a minute due to the obvious circumstances. I also don't expect you to respond immediately to every message, I get that we all have lives and can be busy at times. It would be awesome if you are up for a voice chat. And please when responding write something about yourself.
If any if this sounds remotely interesting to you, feel free to reach out via reddit dm or chat!
submitted by GoroTerror to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:06 Goteamtom1 Can't seem to upgrade despite getting email confirmation twice

Long story short..
I've been a virgin media customer for a few years. And steadily have been increasing my broadband speeds every few months when I log in and they offer me a deal
I've currently got the m500 package
On the 25th of April I logged on to my account and was offered to upgrade to 1gb download speed on a new 12 month contract for less than £1 more on top of what I currently pay a month. I clicked yes and was sent contract information
On the 2nd of may my speeds still hadn't changed and and my account online still showed I spoke to someone on their chat who apologised and guaranteed my account would be upgraded the following day
On the 4th of May still no change, so again I messaged them. And basically they said the previous rep made an error, and I could not have the advertised price. They instead offered me the 1gb for twice the price I'm currently paying. I said no, and she transferred me to another team. Who then said I could have it...but it wouldn't be active until the 11th of May. And they'd credit my account with difference in price (no idea what he meant, he couldn't articulate it either, just kept repeating it)
Then on the 12th of may there was still no increase in speeds, and my account still showed the m500
BUT, I noticed online it was still offering me to upgrade to the I tried again. And this time it said I'd be sent a new router to accommodate the new speeds (didn't say this last time). Again I was sent contract details
Anyway, as of just now my online account still shows the m500. It's still offering me the promotional price to upgrade to 1gb whenever I log on
I can't be bothered to wrestle through Virgin's telephone service. You go round in circles and I haven't got the patience
But has anyone else experienced this? I've upgraded online loads of times in the past and always been effortless
Anyone got any advice that isn't sitting on the phone talking to a computer?
submitted by Goteamtom1 to VirginMedia [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:04 Sufficient_Sun_5070 A daughter who has to be strong for herself....

I'm a daughter (only child) who is on the verge of being disowned for choosing a partner that isn't according to the social standards my parents think the world of. I have spent 2-3 years trying to convince my parents, calmly explaining my relationship and choice. Nothing new, I know, but when you're facing this yourself, it can be so gut-wrenching and can really make you feel ill mentally and physically. I'm keen to know what people have to say about this experience....
In return for being the 'best daughter' all these years, never questioning their choices, all I have received is a whole load of blackmailing and pseudo-medical problems that they're facing because of me especially the relationship choice I have made, "I will go suicide because this is shameful and not acceptable".
I knew it would be tough for them as he is 14 years older than me and has a past, but this relationship hasn't occurred overnight, nor have I been irrational in my choice. This relationship has stood strong over 6 years, 3 years of long distance, while I moved to a different country and he did too. We broke up in the first 6 months to make peace, knowing my parents would never accept this, but in all honestly, he is the best guy that I could love and be loved by. He has stood strong through all odds and difficulties that I have faced, being my bestest friend which is how it all started.
When I tried to make my parents meet my partner a few years ago, they downright refused, saying if he arrived at their doorstep, we can't say no; we don't have the heart to age shame someone or say anything callous, so DO NOT let him come home. With this, I left with a heavy heart and returned to my home (another country). My partner had to cancel his flights. The drama hasn't shut down; they keep sending me biodatas of boys who are better suited for their image. Aside from the passive aggressive messages, emails and calls, they have made distant relatives and family friends call me to say what a bad daughter I am to put my parents retirement and image in the society in lingo. However, despite all this background drama, my partner tried to visit them few months ago to make his intentions clear, but unfortunately, they were not home. Meanwhile, he has met a few of my best friends who give us their best wishes.
To add context, my parents moved overseas despite a lot of resistance from their families; my mum in particular was desperate to get away from her nasty in-laws. Like many NRIs leaving the country, mine received statements such as haha your daughter will marry a foreigner, and you'll regret it after many years. I guess by me marrying according to their societal standards, it would've been a perfect image cleaning exercise for them. My parents created a few blown drama last year that my mum ended up in hospital after having cpr in the office, turns out they were partying with friends the whole weekend while I worried myself sick. All this to get me to agree to their choices and get out of my relationship.
While it is so reasonable and practical to just get on with your life and get married, how do you deal with the mental abuse from your parents day in, day out and especially suicidal threats. How do you heal yourself? I would highly appreciate your thoughts. Thank you in advance...
submitted by Sufficient_Sun_5070 to u/Sufficient_Sun_5070 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:01 ibid-11962 Writing and Publishing Eragon [Post Murtagh Christopher Paolini Q&A Wrap Up #6]

As discussed in the first post, this is my ongoing compilation of the remaining questions Christopher has answered online between August 1st 2023 and April 30th 2024 which I've not already covered in other compilations.
As always, questions are sorted by topic, and each Q&A is annotated with a bracketed source number. Links to every source used and to the other parts of this compilation will be provided in a comment below.
The previous post focused on details about the writing of Murtagh. This installment will focus on The Writing and Publication of Eragon, including the early abandoned starts and drafts the preceded the self-published version and Christopher's journey towards getting traditionally published. In this post the topics are arranged in almost a chronological order. The next post will focus on the writing of the Fractalverse, and so will be posted on /Fractalverse.

Writing and Publishing Eragon

The Original Idea
[When I start to write a new book] I have an image. There’s always a strong emotional component to the image, and it’s that emotion that I want to convey to readers. Everything I do after that, all of the worldbuilding, plotting, characterization, writing, and editing—all of it—is done with the goal of evoking the desired reaction from readers. In the case of the Inheritance Cycle, the image was that of a young man finding a dragon egg (and later having the dragon as a friend). [10]
Who's your favorite character to write? Well, for me, it's the dragon Saphira. She's the reason I got into writing a dragon. She came first? She came before Eragon? Like she was the catalyst? The relationship came first, her and Eragon. [33]
I was specifically inspired by a YA book called Jeremy Thatcher Dragon Hatcher by Bruce Coville, which is a delightful book. I just loved that idea so much of finding a dragon egg, I was like, "Well, what sort of a world would a dragon come from?" And I knew I wanted the sort of bond between rider and dragon that Anne McCaffrey had, but I wanted the intelligence of the dragons that you find elsewhere, and the language and the magic. And I wanted sparkly scales because it just seemed like dragons are fabulous creatures and they ought to have sparkly scales. That's the fun thing about writing your own books. You can make them exactly the way you want to make them, and hopefully then that appeals to the audience as well. [30]
All of that kind of was swirling around in my head, and I wanted to write about dragons in a way that kind of combined a lot of elements in a way that, "I like this", and "I like this piece", and "I like this piece", but I kind of wanted to have all these different pieces in one type of dragon, and no one had quite done it exactly the way I wanted. [30]
I live in Montana, and our library is an old Carnegie or Rockefeller library, and especially back in the 90s, it didn't have that many books. So once I read all the fantasy in the library, I thought I had read all the fantasy there was to read. Because I was not the smartest kid in the world sometimes. And I kind of thought, "Well, it's the library. They have all the books that exist, right? All the books that matter are in the library." And I really had no idea what to read after that. So I decided to start writing myself and to try and write the sort of story that I would enjoy reading. And of course, what I enjoyed reading was books about flying on dragons and fighting monsters and having adventures. [35]
Reading and literature was always important in our family. My father's mother was a professor of comparative literature and wrote books on Dante and all sorts of stuff like that. Was the myths and folklore part of your life at this time? Yes, but I should clarify that it wasn't formally introduced to me. It was in the house. People weren't wandering around talking about. It was just like the Aeneid is sitting on the shelf. I would go read things. I have a great uncle. He's 90 now, my mother's uncle. Guy is still sharp as a tack. It's amazing. But he gave me a set of cassette tapes of Joseph Campbell, who did Hero of a Thousand Faces. So that was my exposure to his theories of the monomyth and the eternal hero and all sorts of things like that. That got me very much interested in and thinking about the origins of the fantasy that I was reading because I was reading Tolkien and David Eddings and Anne McCaffrey and Raymond Feist and Jane Yolan and Andre Norton and Brian Jaques, and all of these you know authors who were popular at the time. I was very curious where does this come from. Tolkien, of course, felt like sort of the origin in a lot of cases but then I was discovering that, there are earlier stories that even Tolkien was drawing from. That was really a revelation to me. I really sort of got enamored with it. A lot of fantasy is nostalgic and that appealed to me because I was homeschooled and my family didn't really have a lot of relatives in the area, so I felt very unmoored from the rest of society. I think I was looking for a sense of tradition or continuity with the past and fantasy helped provide that. That's an incredibly articulate thought for a 15-year-old author. Or has that come with age? No, it was something I was feeling at the time. You were conscious of it at the time? Well, listening to the Joseph Campbell stuff, I was looking: Where are our coming of age traditions? Where is the great quest to go on to prove yourself as a young adult, as a man? Where's the great adventure? What do I do in life? Those are all things that are part of the adolescent experience and always have been which is why so many mythic stories about coming of age deal with those questions. I think it's a universal thing. That's why Harry Potter, Eragon, Twilight, all of these have appealed so much because they deal with adolescence. They deal with finding your place in the world as an adult when you're starting as a young adult or a child. [28]
What games have taught you to be a better writer either in creating characters or worldbuilding or plotting even? All of my gaming experience was computer games, video games. One that had a huge influence on me was the old Myst series. Personally I love solving puzzles, so that's the first thing. And also the concept of the series, especially with the second game, Riven, it's all based around people writing books that create new worlds. And you get to go in them and solve puzzles and understand how that world works. And that just tickled every single part of my brain back in the day. Now, I'm going to be slightly unkind here, and I apologize if the author [David Wingrove] is listening to this, but there were a couple of novels based off of Myst. And I was such a fan of the series that I got the books, and I started reading them. And my first thought was, "I could do better than this." And so I decided to rewrite the first Myst novel. And I created a document in MS Word, and I got exactly three sentences into my rewrite. And I thought to myself, "okay, I think I can do this, but I could never sell it. So I better go write something of my own." And the next thing I did was Eragon. So video games kind of had a direct influence on me writing. But actually reading something that I felt was not particularly successful was such an inspiration. Because it was like, "this got published, I know I can at least get to this level." And it was published. And then maybe I can shoot for a little bit higher. [pause] I think some people have had that experience with Eragon. [26]

Early Abandoned Starts

I had the original idea, the concept of boy finding dragon egg, and I tried writing a couple of very short versions of Eragon when I was fourteen, and none of them panned out so I stopped writing for a while. [28]
Real World Version
What do you remember about the early days of writing “Eragon?” Originally, Eragon was named Kevin and the story was set in the real world. But I only finished around 10 pages. [16]
I wrote three versions of Eragon before I wrote the version that had the unicorn, which was the first major draft. The first version was set in the real world, and that's why he's named Kevin. And the reason it was set in the real world is I was inspired by Jeremy Thatcher Dragon Hatcher, which is set in the real world. [32]
I was specifically inspired by a book called Jeremy Thatcher Dragon Hatcher by Bruce Coville. By the way, Bruce knows this. If you haven't read it, it's a great book about this young man in the real world who, spoiler, goes into an antique shop and buys a stone that ends up turning out to be a dragon egg. And I really loved that idea of a stone that was actually a dragon egg and the young man becoming joined with the dragon. And so I tried writing the story. And I got exactly five pages or six pages into it and I ran into a brick wall, because a boy finding a dragon egg is a good event, but it is not a good story. And I needed to figure out what was going to happen after that. I didn't know that at first. [36]
Arya Opening Fantasy Version
But then I was going down the rabbit hole of, "Well, if there's a dragon, where did the dragon come from? What if it were an actual fantasy world where the dragons were native?" And then that led me to then write a second beginning--I didn't get very far with this--that was more of a traditional fantasy story, and it opened with Arya and a couple other elves escaping a dungeon with a big battle, and at the very end of the battle, they send the dragon egg away, and Kevin finds it. But I didn't have the rest of the story, so I stopped writing it in that format. [32]
So I tried writing a second version of the story. So the first version of that story I wrote was set in the real world. Second version was more of like a fantasy world. [36]
I had the original idea when I was fourteen. I even wrote an early version of the story where it was set in the real world. But I soon realized that it was a lot more interesting to have a dragon in a fantastical setting. [8]
Research Break
I tried writing before and I always failed because I would only get like four to six pages into a story and then I didn't know what to do next. And that was because I didn't actually have my story. All I really had were the inciting incidents, like a boy finds a dragon egg in the middle of a forest. Great. But that's not a story, that's just one event. What happens as a result? So before starting Eragon, I was very methodical about this. I read a whole bunch of books on how to write, how to plot stories. [35]
I realized I wasn't getting anywhere. And I didn't know how to do what I was trying to do. Now, fortunately for me, my parents had noticed that I was getting interested in writing. And all of a sudden, books appeared in the house. There was no comment, no one forced it, these just magically appeared, and I read them. Some of the books that were incredibly helpful to me were these books that were called The Writer's Handbook, which was a collection of essays published each year by The Writer's Digest magazine. I had one from 1998, and I had one from, I think, 1993, or something like that. And there were essays from Stephen King and John Grisham and I think Ursula Le Guin and all sorts of other authors about what it was like to be an author both professionally and creatively. And that was incredibly helpful to me because again, the internet was not a resource. But the book that really made the difference for me was a book called Story by Robert McKee. It's a book for screenwriters and it's all about the structure of story. And up until that moment, I had never really consciously thought about the fact that stories have structure and that you can control that structure for the effect on the readers. So I devoured that book and I said, okay, I'm going to try this again. [36]
Did you very much sit down and study structure and character development and etc? I did. It wasn't a formal course or anything, it's just that my parents started buying these books and they started showing up. In fact, I still have them here on my shelf. This bookcase to my right is full of research books, technical books, language books. I read a book called Story by Robert McKee, which is a screenwriting book, that was and often has been very popular in Hollywood. It's a fairly technical look at story structure. I would never say do everything he says because of course you shouldn't necessarily follow any one formula, but that book really got me thinking about the fact that stories do have structure, which I hadn't really thought about before that. And that one can control that structure, and that this gives you something to work with. Before Eragon, I tried writing a number of stories and I never got past the first four to six pages, ten pages, because I never had the plot. All I would ever have was the inciting incident which, in the case of Eragon, is a young man finds a dragon egg. Ok, fine, but that's not a story. So when I read that book, then I was like wow, so I can control the structure of this. [28]
The problem with all of my early writing was that I’d get an idea and just start — I didn’t actually have a plot. But I was a pretty methodical kid, so I started reading about how to write. Fortunately, my parents are observant, and these kinds of books magically began appearing in the house. And I read all of them. [16]
Unused Arya Outline
So at this point, I was 15, that's when I graduated from high school and I was very methodical about it because I hate failing. So I said, okay, I'm going to create a fantasy world. And I did that. And then I said, I'm gonna plot out an entire book in this fantasy world. And I did that too. And then I said, but I'm not gonna write this. This is just a thought exercise. I'm gonna do this and I'm gonna stick it in a drawer. And I still have that to this day, that world and that story, I still have it sitting in a drawer somewhere. [36]
Then I spent some time and I created an entire fantasy world and I plotted out an entire fantasy novel in that world and I did not write it. I just stuck it in a drawer and that's where it's been sitting for 25 years now. And then I just did that to prove to myself that I could plot out an entire book. [35]
Before writing Eragon, again I was very methodical even as a teenager, I created an entire fantasy world. Wrote pages and pages about the worldbuilding, and then I plotted out an entire story in that world just to prove to myself that I could plot a story, create a world, and then I didn't write it. I put it aside. I still have it all saved. Put it in a drawer. [28]


Writing The First Full Draft
And then I decided okay now I'm going to plot out a trilogy, because all great fantasy stories are trilogies. I'm going to do it as the heroic monomyth, because that is, at least my understanding back then, is this is one of the oldest forms of stories. I know it works on a general sense. It's going to give me a safety net, and then I'm going to write the first book as a practice book just to see if I'm capable of producing something that's three, four, five hundred pages long. And that's what I did. That was about two and a half months of worldbuilding, plotting, creating this. Then I wrote the first book and that was Eragon. That was my practice book. I never actually planned on publishing Eragon. It was only after I'd put so much work into it and my parents read it that then we proceeded with it. I was aware of story structure. I continue to read lots of books on it. [28]
And then version three is the version that everyone generally knows. And that's where I spent the time to plot out the whole series before writing, because having a idea of where you're going seems to help with the writing, at least for me. Usually. [32]
I originally saw Eragon as a practice novel, which is part of why it’s a very typical hero’s story. I knew that structure worked and it gave me the safety net I needed. [16]
The first draft went super fast. It went really fast because I had no idea what I was doing. And I just wrote that sucker. I wrote the first 60 pages by hand with ballpoint pen, cause I didn't know how to type on a computer. And then by the time I typed all that into the computer, I knew how to type. I did the rest in the computer. But this was back in the day when computers were fairly new. We had a Mac classic, which only had two megabytes of RAM. And the problem is that the operating system chewed up some of that memory. And my book file was around two megabytes large. So I actually had to split the book into two because I couldn't open the whole file on the computer or the computer would crash. So I had to open half the book and then close that and then open the other half. [35]
The First Draft
Once I finished the first draft, I was super excited and I thought, "well all of these things on how to write say that you should read your own book and see if there's any tweaks you wanna make." But I was really excited because I was getting to read my own book for the first time, and I thought this is gonna be awesome. And it didn't take very long while reading it to realize that it was awful. It was horrible. And just to give you an idea of just how bad that first draft was, in the very first draft of Eragon, Eragon wasn't named Eragon, Eragon was named Kevin. And there was also a unicorn in that first draft at one point, so you know it wasn't very good. [35]
If I heard correctly as I was reading, Eragon wasn't originally called Eragon? No, in the first draft of the book he was called Kevin. There's a reason! Look I have an explanation for it, okay. The explanation is that my original inspiration was Jeremy Thatcher Dragon Hatcher which is set in the real world. The original version of Eragon that I was developing was set in the real world and when I decided that it would make more sense to have a world where the dragons were native to and switched it over to this fantasy world and began to develop that, I just kept the name that I'd been working with, which was Kevin. Naming a main character is hard, especially when you get used to a certain name. I don't want to say I was lazy. I want to focus on the world building and writing the first draft and I'll worry about the name later. [28]
There is an early version of Eragon that no one's seen, that even my editor at Random House never saw. And that was my first draft. And in that first draft, Eragon encountered a unicorn in the Beor Mountains on the way to the Varden. And the unicorn touches him and essentially affects the transformation that he goes under during the blood oath ceremony with the elves in the second book, in Eldest. And his whole storyline with the Varden once he gets to Farthen Dûr is completely different because now he has these abilities and he and a team of people ends up getting sent on a scouting mission in the dwarven tunnels to go find the Urgal army and then they have to flee back through the tunnels to warn everyone of this huge army and I had a underground cave full of lava, and multiple shades, and a huge Urgal army. There was there was a lot of dramatic stuff. Finding the Ra'zac in Dras-Leona was completely different. This is the draft where Eragon was named Kevin. [32]
I haven't thought about that version in ages. I think Arya was awake all the way from Gil'ead to Farthen Dûr in that version. That's right, I had to completely rewrite that. It's an unpleasant ride for her. No, no, no, she was awake and healed. She was awake. That's right, God, I had to rewrite most of the last chunk of the book now that I think back, it's been a long time. [32]
The worst thing is, I think Kevin would actually take a larger budget [to adapt to film]. No, stop. Why would Kevin take a larger budget? Because the battles were bigger, there was more stuff going on. Seriously, there were more creatures, more travel. Yeah, I think Kevin would actually take more money than Eragon. [32]
You said that Eragon's name was originally Kevin. Was Eragon's name originally Kevin? It was. And I really regret I didn't stick with it because I think that as many books as I've sold, the series would have been at least twice as successful if it had been about the adventures of the great dragon writer Kevin. Especially just seeing Kevin on the front cover. Imagine the appeal to the modern youth. Kevin the dragon writer. I mean Eragon, it's confusing with Aragorn. Oregano. Oregon. But Kevin, Kevin stands out, Kevin's original. That's why I had to move away from it. [31]
Releasing the Kevin Cut
So do you wanna share some of those drafts with us, Christopher? Just kidding. Well, I actually had a fan reach out to me. He's one of the big members of the online fan community on Reddit and elsewhere. And he's kind of interested in some of these early versions from almost an archivist point of view, a scholarly point of view. Which is certainly an interesting idea. I mean, there is an early version of Eragon that no one's seen, that even my editor at Random House never saw. ... I cannot describe how much the Internet absolutely needs for you to put out an edition of Eragon that just says Kevin. Should this be like Mistborn or Way of Kings Prime? This is the Kevin edition of Eragon. The Kevin cut. Oh my god. It's "Eragon: Kevin's Version". ... We absolutely need Kevin's Version of Eragon. That's something we need. It's bad. It's bad. Look, there are certainly people who can look at Eragon, the version we have now, and say, "we can tell this was a younger writer." I look at it and I can tell. I could do so much more now with the material than I could then. But if you think that about the published version of Eragon, man, if you saw the unpublished version, the early version, it really is the raw writing of a homeschooled 15-year-old, who wrote a 500 page book about Kevin. I don't know, the internet is very unhinged these days. They would love this. It needs to exist somewhere on the internet. [32]


So I wrote Eragon, and then I read the first draft and it wasn't particularly good, so I spent a good chunk of a year rewriting it as best as I could. I didn't know what I was doing but I was trying. I've heard it said that being displeased with your own work is actually a good thing because it means you know what is good work, and if you're not happy with your work because it's not good, it means you could at least have a goal to shoot for. If you read your work and you're like this is the best thing that's ever been written, you're never going to get any better. [28]
But I could see that the book needed work, so I decided to try to fix it as best I could, and I spent the better part of that year revising, rewriting, changing Kevin to Eragon. And then I gave the book to my parents and fortunately for me, they actually enjoyed what I had done. And they said, we think you have something, let's try to take it out into the world and see if anyone else wants to read it. [35]
[We] decided to self-publish the book as a joint venture since we didn't know anyone in the publishing world. That was again a good chunk of a year where we were editing the book as best the three of us could. Preparing it for publication, formatting, I drew the cover. [28]
Now you have to understand, my parents were always self-employed, have always been self-employed and we were always looking for things we could work on together as a family business. And Eragon was like the perfect opportunity for that. They'd had some experience self-publishing a couple of small educational books my mom had worked on. Because she was a trained Montessori teacher, and so she was trying to use that expertise to write some material herself. But I don't even think we sold 100 copies of those. So we spent another good chunk of a year preparing the book for publication with doing more editing, doing the layout, designing the cover. [35]
The first set of 50 books showed up while we were watching Roman Polanski's Macbeth, which seemed fitting because those first 50 books were all miscut from the printer. And as a result, we had to rip the covers off, send them back for credit from the printer, and then burn the insides of the books. So we had a proper book burning in our yard, and I actually saved some of those burnt pages just as a memory of that event. [35]
Self publishing wasn’t as viable then as a pathway to a career as an author as it is today. Why did it work for you? Everything completely changed because of e-readers. If you wanted to read an e-book, you had to have a PDF on your computer. There were no distribution systems like Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Back then, the lowest amount you could print and not have the book be too expensive was probably about 10,000 copies. But we were fortunate because print-on-demand had just become a thing, so books were just printed as needed. Self publishing is a lot easier these days. Of course, today’s marketplace is a lot more crowded as a result. [16]
My family and I were going around the western half of the United States with the self-published edition of Eragon. I was cold calling schools, libraries, and bookstores to set up events. I was doing two to three one-hour long presentations every single day for months on end at various times. You have to understand that because my parents were self-employed, the time they took to help prepare Eragon for publication was time they weren't working on other freelance projects that would have been bringing in money. So by the time we actually had Eragon printed and in hand, if it had taken another two to three months to start turning a profit, we were going to have to sell our house, move to a city, and get any jobs we could. Because of that financial pressure I was willing to do things I probably would have been too uncomfortable to do otherwise. Like doing all those presentations. [28]
We were doing a lot of self-promotion. I was cold calling schools and libraries and talking them into letting me do presentations. And that worked pretty well because the librarians could take pre-orders for us. If we went into a bookstore, by hand selling, I could maybe sell anywhere between 13 to 40 books in a day. 42 was like the best I ever did, but usually it was around 15 or so books, which just didn't cover printing costs and travel and food and all of that. But going into the schools, we were doing about 300 books a day, which was excellent. [34]
Can you tell me a little bit about how you and your family self-published the first Eragon book and what marketing strategies you did? Oh, it was all nepotism, you know. I wouldn't have gotten published without my parents. There's nothing as powerful as a publishing company that's four people sitting around a kitchen table in the middle of rural Montana. So yeah, without Nepotism, I wouldn't have gotten published. You have to embrace something like Nepotism if you really wanna succeed in today's world. In fact, people don't realize that you actually get a Nepotism card. There's a secret club. You go to New York and there's huge network opportunities. There's branches of the club everywhere, especially strong in Hollywood, of course, in music. Taylor Swift is an example. So if you can get into the nepotism club, I won't say you're guaranteed success, but you got about 80% chance of actually making it that you wouldn't have otherwise. Do you think your mom and dad would be willing to be my mom and dad? No, absolutely not. No, no. You don't have brown hair, so it doesn't work. You have to have brown hair to be a Paolini. Okay, I'll try to find a different way in, I guess. [31]
Getting traditionally published
So you were very much looking for that partnership? Well we were wary. But the thing is is we were selling enough copies of Eragon that to scale it up we were going to have to start duplicating all the things that a regular publisher does. We were actually looking at partnering with a book packager or a book distributor just to get more copies out. To do everything a traditional publisher could do for me was a huge amount of work so it made sense to pair with Random House or someone else at that point. But it was still nerve-wracking because the book was being a success and then handing it off to another company, we didn't know if it was just going to end up in the remainder bin two weeks after it came out. [28]
People in the book world were starting to take notice because of course, if you've been to public school, you may remember the Scholastic Book Fairs and all of the Scholastic reps in the different schools were seeing me come to the schools and selling these books and hearing the kids talk about it. And it was getting attention. So we would have gotten a publisher, I would have gotten a publisher eventually. [34]
The book sold enough copies and bounced around enough that we'd heard that Scholastic—because Scholastic does all the Book Fairs in schools in the US—was interested and that we might get an offer from them. Before that happened though... [34]
Eventually another author by the name of Carl Hiaasen ended up buying a copy of the self-published edition of Eragon in a local bookstore. Which now that I'm older, I'm rather shocked at because it takes a lot to get me to buy a self-published book. It's got to look really good. [35]
Carl Hiaasen wrote the young adult book Hoot as well as many adult books. He comes up to Montana, I think he's got a vacation home here in the valley, but he was up here fly fishing and he bought a copy of Eragon for his then 12 year old son, Ryan. And fortunately for me, Ryan liked the book and Carl recommended it to Random House and it sort of bounced around among the editors for a couple of months before my editor-to-be grabbed it and said, "Yes, we will. I want to take a chance on this teenage author and we're going to offer him money for a trilogy that only exists in his head and see what happens." [34]
How did you find an agent? We had the offer from Random House, and like two days later, we had the offer from Scholastic. And so we knew we didn't know what we didn't know. My dad participated in some online self-publishing forum sort of thing. So he posted up a question and said, look, this is the situation we're in. Does anyone have any advice? And another one of the members said, "well, I was just at this publishing writing conference and there was this young agent there and I was really impressed with his presentation, or him talking about the industry." So my dad got his information online and did what you're never supposed to do, which is he called the agent directly and left this long rambling voicemail message because it was lunchtime in New York and you take your lunch breaks in New York. And only at the end of the message did he say, "oh, yes, and by the way, we have two competing offers from two publishing houses." And when I asked him, I said, "why did you do that?" He said, "well, because if he's any good as an agent, he's going to listen to the whole message before he deletes it." And we found out later that he nearly deleted the message. Because my dad started off like, "I got this teenage son, and he's written this book", and yeah, that, OK. So it was like two hours later we got a call from Simon. And Simon said overnight me a copy of Eragon and if I like it I'll represent you. And Simon has been my agent for 21 years now. [34]
It was a big risk for Random House. And it was a big risk for me because the book was successful, self-published, and we knew that giving it to a publisher, you lose the rights to a degree, and most books don't turn a profit, and it could have just ended up in the remainder bin. So what really worked in my favor is that Random House, and specifically Random House Children's Books, and specifically the imprint of Knopf, which is where I'm at were looking for their own Harry Potter, essentially. Scholastic was publishing Harry Potter. And Scholastic also gave me an offer for Eragon, but I could tell that Random House was the one that really loved the book and Scholastic was doing it because they thought it was a good business opportunity. Scholastic actually offered more money than Random House. But I went with Random House and it was the right choice. And I found out after the fact that Chip Gibson who was the head of the children's department at the time basically chose to use Eragon as sort of something to rally the troops and put the entire children's division behind it, and I was the very fortunate recipient of that love and attention. Which of course would only get you so far if people didn't enjoy reading the book. But fortunately for me, they did a great job marketing it and then people actually enjoyed the book. Which is why when people ask me how to get published, it's like, what am I supposed to say? The answer ultimately is you write a book that people want to read, and that's a facile answer, but it is true. If people want to read it, it makes everything else easier. The agent wants you, the publishers want you, and ultimately the public wants you. [34]
And I didn't realize how much was behind that email, because large publishers do not just casually say, "hey, we want to publish your book". There was a whole plan there, and they had a plan. And so they did. Eragon came out and then I had to figure out how to write a book with everyone expecting the sequel. [36]
So you kind of went and peddled your books at schools, as I understand, right? It seems to have paid off though, because it eventually landed in the hands of bestselling author Carl Hiaasen, but not right away. First, your book got in the hands of his stepson, and the kid liked it so much that he told Hiaasen about it, who then got Eragon fast-tracked with Penguin Random House. I really admire the way that you went for the weakest links, manipulating the minds of our youth and using them to shill your book for you. It's a tried and true marketing strategy from Girl Scout Cookies to coupon books, and I applaud you for your ingenuity. My biggest question here is, do you pay Carl Hiaasen's stepson the agent royalties he so rightfully deserves? He tried to collect one time, but I had to hire a couple of guys to drive him off. But, no, you always go for the weakest link. Back when I was self-published and all that I even tried to get Eragon reviewed by Entertainment Weekly, so I called up the subscription number on the back of the magazine and told them I'd made a mistake and asked them to transfer me over to corporate, and managed to get right to their book reviewer and tried to talk him into reviewing Eragon. So you always go for, as you said, the weakest link. Which is corporate. Ryan, Carl's son, though, yeah, I probably owe him a ridiculous amount of royalties. I'd say so. He made you. Oh, he did, absolutely. Without him, I'd be nothing. I guess the lesson here for aspiring authors is that it's not really about finding your target audience, necessarily. You just have to find your target prolific author's stepson and let the kid take it from there. Yeah, absolutely. As I said, that's part of the nepotism package. The sort of networking inside the industry. This is the stuff that you can never access otherwise, and you'll never get published otherwise. So it's not like you can just grow up in the middle of nowhere in Montana, self-publish a book, and then just become a success, by promoting it. You have to have connections. That's genius. I think you could have had an incredible career in designing loot boxes for mobile games based on how good you are at manipulating the world. Absolutely, microtransactions are God's work. [31]
Gaining Confidence
Was anxiety something you felt moving to this deal with Random House? Was that quite pressuring? Yes, it was a big change to go from writing for yourself as a teenager, homeschooled, living in the middle of nowhere, to knowing that there was a large audience for your next book and that they had expectations. I got criticized quite a bit, critiqued quite a bit when Eragon came out for, shall we say, my lack of experience on the technical side of things with the writing. I'd say some of those were certainly fair critiques. The great advantage of youth is that you don't know how difficult things are and you have a lot of energy. The great disadvantage of youth is you don't have experience, and there's no fixing that aside from time and effort. All of that was definitely in my head when I really started work on Eldest and it was pretty nerve-wracking quite honestly. [28]
When you finished the book, I mean your parents believed in it obviously. Did you too? Or were you like, "You know what, maybe the second book, maybe go all in on the second one?" I didn't feel like I was actually an author until my third book was published. Because the first one, well, that could be a fluke. Well, the second one, yeah, but you know. But once the third book came out, then I was like, okay, maybe I'm actually a writer. But even then, even after I finished the series, I still felt like, okay, now I have to write something that's not Eragon, just to prove that I can. So every book has been its own challenge and has been a way for me to keep feeling like I'm growing as an artist and learning to become a better and better writer. [2]
It took me, I wanna say almost 10 years to feel like I wasn't an imposter and that it wasn't just gonna get yanked away. You know what my dream was when Eragon was was going to get published by Random House? Like this was my pie in the sky because I didn't think it was going to happen. But this was my dream. I did all the math and I was like, man, if I could somehow someday sell 100,000 books, which is impossible. But man, if I could sell 100,000 books, that's a darn good living. Man, I could really make a living off that. I could support a family and 100,000 books. Man, that'd be amazing. And then it kind of took off from there. [33]
submitted by ibid-11962 to Eragon [link] [comments]

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submitted by SourPrivacy to HopperCodes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:01 RobotDevil222x3 Reddit Strength - Week 5

Welcome to week five of the Reddit Strength program. I hope you've all been enjoying it so far. If you missed any previous weeks, this is something you can jump into any given week you don't need to have been there week one for it to work. This strength schedule is designed to help you progress from one weight to the next (if that is what you want, you are of course free to maintain the weights you use as well). There is a #RedditStrength for those interested in joining it.
This is an eight week cycle that repeats. Each time we come around again I'll be looking for a couple newer classes to replace some of the older classes previously used.
Each class will list "light" or "heavy", this is not to be confused with the Light/Medium/Heavy weights instructors ask you to use for each move. What it means is, lets say you normally use 5/10/20 but you are hoping to level up to 10/15/25. When my class says "light" you would use your 10s when the instructor calls for medium weights and when my class says "heavy" you would use your 15s for the same move. This will help us to progress to where the 15s are your new normal.
Extra Credit:
Benchmark: Every 2 weeks each body area has a Benchmark class. These are from the Pump Up the Volume collections and allow us to go through a progression of 4 classes with mostly the same class plan but different actual classes meaning different music, different stories and sometimes different instructors. These classes are all Rep based, which makes them great for benchmarking. You are encouraged to adjust the weights and reps to meet your personal goals. If Adrian tells you to do 10-12 reps with your medium weight but you want to do 6-8 reps with your heavy weight, go for it! This can be especially useful in the first classes where they keep the weights lighter, as these are intended to help you progress during the four classes.
Extra Credit: These are extra classes for those who want more work than the standard schedule. They are also good substitutions if for any reason you don't like a class or instructor on the schedule.
You can stop reading here unless you want to know why I am scheduling what I am scheduling.
The basis is a 4 week progression. In each body area we will use light weights for 2 weeks then heavy weights for two weeks per the definition of light and heavy above.
It follows this pattern, aiming for 30-60 minutes a day 3 days a week:
Each body area has the schedule staggered, so you're not trying to go all heavy in every area in the same week. This week we have A&S in round 1, C&B in round 4 and G&L in round 3.
  1. Can I start any week or do I have to begin with week 1?
    1. You can begin any week. This is a repeating cycle with no real beginning or end, a mobius strip of a program.
  2. There are too many classes for me, how should I trim it down for my schedule?
    1. I recommend trimming evenly (but keep all the core if you can). So take off 1 A&S, 1 C&B and 1 G&L each week if that suits you better. Or at minimum just do the benchmark classes.
  3. Do I have to do these on the prescribed days? I would rather take a couple classes a day for 6 days.
    1. Absolutely mix and match the classes across the week however fits best into your schedule. They are only listed this way because this is my personal schedule. As long as you are doing them all in the week you should get similar results.
I would love to hear what everyone things. Specifically; Are there any classes you would like me to rotate out (why)? Is this the right amount of strength work for you? Do you have a favorite class you are hoping I work into the mix?
submitted by RobotDevil222x3 to pelotoncycle [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:00 user012191 AITAH - wanting to be included in bf’s grad celebrations

My bf and I recently graduated from law school. Over these past three years, he’s ended the relationship three different times, and dated other girls at the school during these breaks. We do not live together, as he lives at home with his mother. She has never liked me (I’ve met her twice) and he hasn’t helped the situation by telling her every detail of our arguments. He will usually split his time 50/50 between his mom’s house and my place. However, we’ve been perfectly fine (minimal disagreements) for the past month. This past Wednesday, his brother (who does not live in the same state) came to visit for graduation. This is when he stopped coming oveanswering my texts. Two text back total ok Thursday, and none on Friday. I wanted to meet up with him Friday night (the night before graduation) to get drinks/celebrate our accomplishment as he was going out with his brothecousin/best friend. However, he refused to allow this because “we need to be more stable” before he can “mix” me with his family and that he “is very strict” about who he brings around his family. I tried to push back because I didn’t want to be hidden, and he called me delusional and manipulative. I’ve met the people he went out with multiple times. Saturday comes around and he hosts a large graduation lunch post grad which I was not invited to. I had my own as well so it wasn’t a big deal. Also, he invited his best friend’s girlfriend’s cousin to the events, and this is a girl he had a thing with before me. He told me he invited only a few guys from school, but turns out he also invited a few girls who are his friends as well (he lied about this.) I received maybe a total of 5 texts back yesterday. He claims he wants to talk later today but I’m not sure if I want to give him the time of day anymore because bar prep starts this week and I cannot be distracted any longer. There has been zero love/affection/attention since Wednesday, and I believe his excuses to prevent me from celebrating with him are baseless. AITAH for “not respecting his boundaries” or do we agree that it’s bs?
submitted by user012191 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:56 Ashthewind Rin might not score

In the current BM vs PXG match there’s this whole theme that a chemical reaction is what’s required to score in the game, according to isagi’s analysis every player so far has been giving it their all and yet no one has been able to score using their individual abilities, Kaiser tried and got stopped by rin, rin tried and got stopped by hiori, the only goals we have are shidou x charles and isagi x hiori x kunigami. It stands to reason that unless u sync up with another player 1 person isn’t gonna be enough to score, and that’s why I think rin won’t be scoring this match. He has a system built around him to score with nanase and tokimitsu, but that isn’t enough he needs someone else that sees his vision and goal the way he does and understands his thought process, but he doesn’t and the person that could help him Charles is currently uninterested in him and only wants to pass to shidou as the person who can react to his passes, and i genuinely don’t see that changing the rest of the game. And that’s why I think loki will be scoring the 2nd goal for pxg, he said himself he only joined the NEL to develop Charles to assist him and now that its happening, it’s the perfect opportunity for him to test out his and Charles chemical reaction, loki for one should be able to react to charles passes due to his speed and he’s very adamant on charles being his passer, but more than that I think if he does score a goal for pxg it serves narratively well for him to be the next striker for isagi to overtake. Isagi’s goal to be the best striker is when he surpasses noa but that’s still a long way to go first he has to deal with the u20 players worldwide, and loki is currently at the top of that, being the only master striker who’s u20. What do you guys think?
submitted by Ashthewind to BlueLock [link] [comments]