Example of thesis dedication


2008.01.25 08:48 philosophy

/philosophy: the portal for public philosophy

2011.07.21 14:25 pconwell Discuss and debate religion

A place to discuss and debate religion

2014.10.01 12:22 Hawkeye117 How would unwary know the joy of fighting a war in vigor?

The other reason is that the central focus of the story (perhaps I should have left in the 200 word summary) was how a seemingly insignificant event that occurs during the EU4 timeframe, i.e. the British landing in Quiberon (compared to say, the fall of Constantinople, discovery of the new world, reformation, enlightenment, Waterloo, etc) could have drastic differences on Europe as we know it today.

2024.05.19 16:09 adulting4kids Literary Devices Thesis Topics

  1. Thesis: The Power of Epistrophe in Shakespearean Tragedy
  1. Thesis: Anadiplosis as a Tool for Moral Reflection in Victorian Literature
  1. Thesis: Aposiopesis in Gothic Fiction: Unveiling the Unspeakable
  1. Thesis: The Rhetorical Force of Epizeuxis in Lincoln's Gettysburg Address
  1. Thesis: Chiasmus in F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby": Symmetry and Disillusionment
  1. Thesis: Enjambment and Modernist Experimentation in T.S. Eliot's Poetry
  1. Thesis: Paraprosdokian in Oscar Wilde's Satirical Wit
  1. Thesis: Anaphora in Langston Hughes' Poetry: Giving Voice to the Harlem Renaissance
  1. Thesis: Hendiadys in Jane Austen's Social Commentary
  1. Thesis: Litotes in George Orwell's "1984": The Art of Understatement in Dystopian Discourse
Note: These examples are for illustrative purposes and provide a starting point for further exploration in literary analysis. It's essential to consult the actual texts and relevant scholarly articles for in-depth research.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:01 TodaysCompliment Illuminating the World with Your Dedication to Honesty

šŸŒŸ Your unwavering dedication to honesty does more than shape your character; it brightens the path for all who interact with you. But have you ever thought about what your commitment to truthfulness reveals about your deeper values?
Choosing to be honest in all aspects of life isnā€™t just a moral choice; it's a reflection of your integrity and respect for others. Your honesty indicates a strong inner compass and a belief in the importance of trust and transparency in relationships.
Your commitment to being truthful shows that you are reliable and considerate, valuing authenticity over convenience. People likely see you as a trusted confidant and a principled individual, someone who inspires others to be their best selves through your example.
Does this resonate with you? How has your dedication to honesty impacted your relationships and personal growth?
To celebrate your profound commitment to honesty, weā€™ve composed a special compliment for individuals like you on our website. Itā€™s a tribute to the clarity and light you bring into the world through your honesty. Visit our Dedication to Honesty compliment page to discover a message that honors your integrity and the positive influence you have.
submitted by TodaysCompliment to todayscompliment [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:59 Emotional-Brief-1775 'The Dahmer Case - A Critical Analysis' Continues To Gain Traction

'The Dahmer Case - A Critical Analysis' Continues To Gain Traction
As we continue to gain traction, it's encouraging to see other creators sharing our findings. However, we must caution against the proliferation of parodies and imposters that could dilute the important message we're trying to convey (inevitable but something to be aware of).
It's crucial that we approach the subject matter with a critical eye and an understanding of the complexities involved.
Our in-depth examination of this case has struck a chord with those who are eager to better understand the truth. As more people engage with this content, it's crucial that the information being shared is accurate, well-researched, and presented with the gravity the topic deserves.
While we welcome the increased awareness and discussion, we urge creators to be mindful of the sensitive nature of this subject matter. Let's continue to approach this analysis with the utmost care and respect.
If you come across information that hasn't already been found here, feel free to check with us. As experienced researchers and writers, we are dedicated to providing the most accurate and up-to-date analysis on this case.
With a show, a published book and now more creators sharing our work, we are pleased to welcome those who want to share our work and preferably cite us as the source.
By citing "The Dahmer Case" as the source, these new projects and initiatives will help to ensure that the information being disseminated is reliable and grounded in thorough research. This is a testament to the importance of the authors' work and their commitment to providing a critical analysis that can inform and educate the public on this complex and disturbing story.
Our mission is one of spreading awareness and knowledge on this crucial subject matter, so its great to see word spreading. As long as it stays accurate.
And remember -
Our free 300+ page dossier is packed with thoroughly researched insights and a comprehensive list of sources to back it all up.
So don't just take our word for it - dive into the data yourself:
Free Dossier

Please feel free to share our Welcome Newsletter as it's a good place to start navigating the wealth of information we have accumulated (there's a lot).

Example of a creator sharing and referencing our work (there's others). Spanish channel agrees with our findings:

It was good to see the positive reaction in this example. Viewers expressed that they are not surprised by the revelations of church and judicial corruption that have emerged throughout the story.
Remember, if you come across information that does not cite its sources, or that you cannot independently verify, it's wise to proceed with caution.
We prioritize accuracy and transparency, always citing our sources to ensure the reliability of the information we present.
Through a balanced and well-researched approach, this ongoing analysis aims to shed light on the nuances and broader implications of this story, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding that goes beyond sensationalism. By critically examining the facts and drawing upon credible sources, we strive to deliver a compelling and insightful exploration of this complex and disturbing topic.

submitted by Emotional-Brief-1775 to TheDahmerCase [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:40 ASPEROV_67-76 What makes a good fan base ?

I was wondering it today, katy perry was a big artist at one point but today I hardly hear of her. I didnt know she had an album after witness, even that project felt like a lost memory at this point. She was one of the biggest in 2010s but she disapeared from around me completely, I dont hear people talking about her.
Miley was in a similar spot according to me, but when she dropped plastic hearts, there were people who talked about it. Artists like Carley Rae jepsen and lorde also had some massive hits and are not "trendy" but do have dedicated fanbases. Katy perry was much bigger than them, what happened ?
The reason I am posting this here, is because I wanna know if somewhere it came down to innovation in musicality, choice of themes, being unique, having a different style etc. Wanna know from a complete songwriting perspective, if it was that.
PS: If someone can analyze a bit or has a link to some blog or video that does, I would love to know how all these factors end up making or breaking careers. I mean examples of artists which went from bad to great or the artists who were really big but then vanished.
submitted by ASPEROV_67-76 to Songwriting [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:25 Rauffenburg Breaking the Chains: Reddit's role in helping victims of the INC...

Breaking the Chains: Reddit's role in helping victims of the INC... submitted by Rauffenburg to exIglesiaNiCristo [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:25 TheGangstaGandalf Discussion of the Diamond Handbook (Part 1)

Hey everyone, this will be my first attempt at a serious post on this sub. Iā€™m not exactly practiced in articulating my thoughts (Iā€™m more of a fiction writer) so please bear bull with any mistakes and please correct me if Iā€™m wrong. The last thing I want to do is spread misinformation, Iā€™m not an expert (or a financial advisor) on any of this. I'm here to learn, not to teach.
This post will be the first in a series of me reading through the entire Diamond Handbook (2nd) and just commentating on points I find interesting or discussion worthy. I will be asking questions as well as giving my own personal thoughts based on my understanding of the events that have transpired. I became an ape right after the sneeze, and followed a lot of the discussions back then, but have been zen for a while so I haven't fully kept up with a lot of the new developments.
I haven't actually sat down and read DD in a long time, so I decided to give myself a refresher and actually look at the Diamond Handbook (2nd) for the first time. I had read a lot of these posts as they had come out, so I had never felt the need to look at the full PDF before. For the apes that havenā€™t read it either, I recommend giving it a read. You can find the full DD library in the pinned post of this sub, and the Diamond Handbook is the first one there.
As I have been reading it, Iā€™ve quickly realized that some of the stuff is a little outdated. That canā€™t really be helped since so much DD has been done between then and now, but this brings me to the two reasons for this post. The Diamond Handbook is likely the first piece of DD a new ape will be recommended; I want to spark discussion to clear up some things that are misguided or outdated in this handbook. The second reason is more of a personal challenge. Whenever someone denies the legitimacy of the DD, an ape usually responds by saying something like ā€œWell, read the DD and prove it wrongā€. The average MOASS denier wonā€™t do this though, in my experience they just think itā€™s ridiculous on a conceptual level, and wonā€™t take the time to actually look through all the DD available and construct a proper debate. I canā€™t really blame them for this though, spending so much time on something you have no interest in doesnā€™t sound like a fun time.
But I have a lot of interest in this, and I am an aspiring author who writes 400K word fanfictions for fun. Iā€™ve got the time and the writing willpower. I am very big into trying to understand how a reader will interpret a piece of my writing, so Iā€™ll be looking through that lens and will be writing this with the assumption that you have already read the Diamond Handbook (2nd). Please take the time to respond/correct what I say here, I want to learn.
With all that out of the way, letā€™s get started.

The Mother of All Short Squeezes (MOASS) Thesis, Published on May 26, 2021, by u(slash)HCMF_MACEFACE
Before we even get into the meat of this section I already see a bit of an issue. A lot of the language implies that MOASS is imminent, take this section for example:
*ā€œIf you don't believe me, just look at the chart of GME which our DD (Due Diligence/research/analysis) has been forecasting for a while now. The below pattern has only preceded massive spikes in price, but this time, those on the other side of the trade are going to have a much harder time suppressing the price like they did in January and March. Thanks to the activity on 5/25, we have entered the end-game. The MOASS is beginning.ā€* 
I think most new apes will look at this, then look at the date of posting (three years ago), and think this is delusional thinking. They will say that MOASS did not ā€˜beginā€™ because it hasnā€™t happened yet. This would be pretty short sighted though, GME has always been a Deep Value investment, long positions are called long for a reason. ā€˜Buy and HODLā€™ is such a repeated mantra because that is the investment strategy most apes employ. Like most investments, it takes a long time to realize gains. Your retirement account will be growing for 40+ years before you cash that thing out, GME is my retirement plan so I donā€™t expect it to be much different.
Just because the sneeze happened in a week doesnā€™t mean MOASS will, in theory it should be a very long event as both the shorts and longs have a test of wills to see who caves first. However, the sneeze was the ā€˜beginningā€™ because it was exposed a lot of the fuckery that is going on in the market right now, I think that is the message that should be taken from this section.
*ā€œThese terms are key to understanding the theory and speculated value of a GME investment. Hyperlinks to Investopedia, "the world's leading source of financial content on the web", have been included for most market terms and concepts and it is recommended to check them out if they are not clear. We will be breaking down some of the more complex terms and concepts within the post and framing them within the context of GME.ā€* 
After the introduction, this post does a great job of explaining all the concepts of the stock market that are relevant to the MOASS thesis. However, I do wish it mentioned some other stock terms for the sake of new investors. Since none of the DD is supposed to be financial advice, I canā€™t really blame them for these omissions, but at the beginning the OP does say they wanted the post to be good for newer investors, so I think some more pointing in the right direction shouldā€™ve been provided. I do appreciate the link to Investopedia, but this DD is already a novel, and the average reader might forget about that link by the time they finish it. So an additional link shouldā€™ve been provided at the end.
The two big concepts I see missing are Options and Wash Sales/Stop-Losses.
Options are interesting because they create a different type of buying/selling pressure compared to just buying/selling stocks regularly. There are concepts like gamma ramps and stuff that can be relevant when discussing catalysts for price movement. However, options are pretty scary for most investors, Iā€™ve only ever bought one, and forgot about it so it auto-exercised for me (lol), so itā€™s not a concept I would call essential. I just think itā€™s better to be educated than not.
The much more egregious omission is that of Wash Sales and Stop-Losses. Wash Sales are extremely dangerous to new investors who still make decisions based on emotions and are not used to the volatility that comes with GME.
If you are unfamiliar, a Wash Sale is when a person sells a stock at a loss, then buys the stock again within a short period of time. As an example, letā€™s say you bought a stock at $50, then the stock goes down to $40.00 and you no longer feel comfortable with your investment. You sell the stock at a loss. You lost $10.00 on this transaction, but itā€™s not all bad. When you go to do your taxes, you can report this $10.00 loss to the IRS. This is good because if you make a $10.00 profit off another trade, you now donā€™t have to take taxes out of that profit, since the IRS will see this as you breaking even in the grand scheme of your portfolio. You didnā€™t actually make any money, so they arenā€™t going to tax you for it.
A Wash Sale is triggered when you buy back the stock you sold in a short period of time, this can even apply if you buy a stock in the same sector. So if you buy a stock at $50.00, sell it at $40.00 then buy it again. That $10.00 loss you took can no longer be reported to the IRS as an actual loss. So when you make $10.00 on some other trade, the IRS wonā€™t see you as breaking even, they will tax you on that $10.00.
For a stock as volatile as GME this can be very dangerous, I know people who brought in the peak, then as the price went back down they triggered a Stop-Loss (auto-sale you can program to trigger when a price falls), only to then buy back in when the stock dropped even lower, creating a wash sale that fucked their taxes.
We say ā€œBuy and HODLā€ a lot, but I think the ā€˜whyā€™ of it has been lost in the meme. I personally buy and HODL because averaging down is a lot better for me than accidently triggering a Wash Sale. I fucking hate the IRS and donā€™t want any of that smoke.
*ā€œSPOILER: GME and \[Popcorn\] have tons of FTDs reported.ā€* 
I just kinda donā€™t like the mention of the Popcorn stock here, it has never been a deep value investment. If you are unfamiliar with the Deep Value investment strategy, please take a look at the old Roaring Kitty livestreams. In summary, Deep Value investing is defined by looking for stocks that are extremely undervalued and unpopular due to no fault of the company. These external factors that are making the stock undervalued can be anything, shorting, COVID, stuff like that. But what makes it a Deep Value investment is always strong management within the company. If the company is not mismanaged in any way, then it is very unlikely to go bankrupt, and will have opportunities to make a comeback. GME has Ryan Cohen leading, a proven successful businessman that has already taken precautions to ensure GameStop never goes bankrupt. Popcorn just doesnā€™t have that. It is very short-squeezable, but itā€™s not deep fucking value.
*ā€œShort sellers must eventually close, or cover, their short position.ā€* 
Ok, but why ā€˜mustā€™ they? This is another point I think has been lost in the memes. There are two problems with just saying ā€˜shorts must closeā€™ without providing context. The first is the simple fact that there isnā€™t a due date. Unlike a common car loan or mortgage, a short position doesnā€™t operate on a time table. They can wait forever to close, unless they get margin called.
This next part Iā€™m a little shaky on, Iā€™m probably getting some things wrong here:
Ok, well how are they going to get margin called? The problem I see is that these Short Hedge Funds (SHF) are making a lot of money by selling naked shorts. Itā€™s really hard to get margin called when they are literally printing money, and since they donā€™t have to report these their books just look to be filled with an infinite amount of cash.
So, there are a couple solutions to this:
1, Government regulation. If the SEC puts a stop to naked shorting, these SHF canā€™t print money anymore. Eventually the interest from their positions will eat them alive, and they will get margin called. Unfortunately, MOASS has the potential to destroy the economy like in 2008, so they probably arenā€™t too keen on just doing this without creating some kind of safety net. So I canā€™t really count on them to help, because the government has a vested interest in keeping MOASS from happening. Itā€™s just not something I believe will be the catalyst. Although they might just do it on purpose given the right reason, like pinning the economic collapse on a scapegoat, or by GameStop forcing their hand by exposing the fraud somehow. Iā€™ve seen a lot of apes hoping for one of these reasons to come to pass, but for me, I donā€™t see enough motivation from the participating parties.
2, A price run-up. If the price of the stock can unbalance the books of the SHF enough then they could also get margin called. Iā€™m not counting on this either, since the price is manipulated by the process of naked shorting. Sure, they are digging a bigger grave when they suppress the price like this, but it can also help smaller SHFs with exiting their positions with OTC stuff. Over-The-Counter trades are trades made off the lit exchanges, historically it was intended to kind of simulate a transaction between two individuals, like buying a video game from a buddy off the books, no taxes, no regulation. Unfortunately, this is abused by institutions and canā€™t even be used by individuals, making dark pools of trades full of fraud and undermines the free market. Smaller SHFs that are more at risk of getting Margin Called due to their lack of collateral, can make OTC trades with the big naked-shorting market makers to ā€˜closeā€™ their positions using fake shares. Of course, this only passes the buck so to speak, but itā€™s a viable strategy for them since the big SHFs that take on these ā€˜bucksā€™ are less likely to get margin called. A lot of historic short squeezes happen because a small SHF gets margin called, then drives the price up and causes a bigger SHF to get called, and so on until theyā€™re all in the grave. This is why I donā€™t really give a shit if the price goes up to $80 in a week, itā€™s not enough, the buck has been passed. (To be clear, I donā€™t have proof that this is the reason for the uptick in OTC transactions, itā€™s just a theory. If a smarter ape than I can get on this that would be great.) But, even if a price run-up itself doesnā€™t cause MOASS, it may give motivation for the true trigger:
3, Interest Rates. Here is the big one that I look at, that I believe will be the true cause of MOASS. Now please, correct me if Iā€™m wrong again, I am just an ape who dropped out of college. So, from what I understand a Short institution has to pay a certain amount of interest to the people they borrow the stocks from. This is the cost of borrowing and is how these Lenders make money. For a long time, the interest rate was at like 1%, this means that selling one naked short could cover the cost of the interest 100 times over. However, letā€™s say that the interest rate becomes 110%, sounds crazy, but this would mean that borrowing the share would cost more than the share. This would destroy the balances of the SHFs and ensure they get margin called. Why would this ever happen though? Because these lenders want to make money. These lenders are the real winners of MOASS, and they arenā€™t talked about enough in my opinion. Lenders canā€™t sell the shares theyā€™ve lent out, their income is in the interest rates, there has to be a balance here between it being more profitable to lend the shares or to sell them. If Lenders start to think that lending their shares arenā€™t making them more money than the alternative, they will raise interest rates to make these profits until SHFs canā€™t pay them, then the SHFs have to return the shares, causing MOASS with the massive buyback, then lenders can just sell the shares on the way down. Lenders have a monetary business interest in causing MOASS, so they are the most likely cause of it in my opinion.
*ā€œThis is the GME MOASS thesis. GME is a stock that stands to hit an unprecedented price point due to the fact that manipulators of the market have failed to bankrupt GameStop thanks in huge part to the Legendary Keith Gill AKA* u(slash)DeepFuckingValue*, Ryan Cohen, and all of the GME investors who took part in this saga. It may not be today, this week, or even this month, but one day soon, these toxic participants have no choice but to buy the stock to close out their short positions.ā€* 
I donā€™t think this is necessarily inaccurate, but I think itā€™s misguided, and the language here is a bit to emotive for my taste. I think the reason the company didnā€™t go bankrupt is because of the strategic share offering made by Ryan Cohen to build up more cash than the companyā€™s valuation (at the time). All the other stuff was just dressing, DFV and retail did not make RC do this, this move by RC is what ensured the company literally canā€™t go bankrupt, until then (and at the time this was posted) it was still a risk in my opinion. So this huge thanks feels kinda like a pre-cum celebration, and I've never really liked putting Keith on a pedestal, he's just an individual investor, just like the rest of us.

FAQ, Published April 12, 2021, by u(slash)BYE_TRIANGLE
*ā€œWhy does Holding do anything?ā€* *ā€œThey need your shares to cover their short positions! They got greedy. Thinking GameStop would fail, the short sellers started Naked Shorting the stock. Long story short they created synthetic stocks with their special privileges as Market Makers. But they canā€™t cover a short with a synthetic share. So because of the Naked Shorting, the Short Sellers, multiple large greedy money managers, and Hedge Funds need a total number of shares greater than the number available to purchase. THEY NEED EVERY SHARE, EVEN YOURS CONAN!ā€* *ā€œaRe YoU GuYs MaNipuLatIng THe MaRKeT?!ā€* 
Holding does something else that I think is really important. It proves that retail is not responsible for the manipulation of the price. You see it in the mainstream media every time the price fluctuates, they say that retail and Roaring Kitty is driving the price up for the memes, and that the ā€˜meme stock craze is deadā€™ whenever the price falls, claiming that retail is selling. However, it quickly becomes clear to anyone with the willingness to research that retail holds. Holding doesnā€™t move the price at all, so they literally canā€™t blame this sub for the fuckery that happens.
Now, on the flip side, I know people on the old sub to buy and sell with these fluctuations, they did it during the sneeze and Iā€™ve seen comments claiming to do it last week. I think this is why Roaring Kitty really had to speak to congress about this, because a legitimate-seeming argument could be made that retail was buying and selling at high volumes. The loss and gain porn on the old sub could be presented as evidence. Here though, apes hold, we glaze purple doughnuts.
So when MOASS does happen, the massive price increase will be only due to buying pressure from SHFs, so they are the only ones that can take the blame for what happens next.
*ā€œNo one knows how high the squeeze could take the stock price. The best rational reasoning says that these numbers \[500k per share\] are possible through the laws of supply and demand. Furthermore, it is likely that the Short Percentage is a lot higher than reported, with many suggesting that the short-sellers, cumulatively, need more than 100% of the float to cover.ā€* 
A lot of naysayers will claim people are insane for thinking that phone number prices are possible. They will cite that it would make the companyā€™s valuation higher than the amount of money in the world, which is true. However, with the nature of fraudulent naked shorts being fake, the price is fake too, and the valuation of the company doesnā€™t necessarily mean that the whole float will be sold at those prices. Yes, it shouldnā€™t be possible, by all accounts it wouldnā€™t make sense, but it is possible due to the naked shorting. Also, institutions that own shares likely wonā€™t HODL out for the phone number prices, they will sell when they think itā€™s safe, and when they wonā€™t get in trouble with the SEC for destroying the economy. The infinity pool (the shares that will be sold at these prices) will be a small fraction of the total amount even among retail investors. So the argument that I see against the possibility of this doesnā€™t hold a lot of weight.
Keep in mind that even though ā€˜buying pressureā€™ moves the price up, someone has to be willing to sell in order for someone to buy. So as the price creeps up from $100 to $1000 to $100000 to $8675309 someone will be selling on the way up to get there.
*ā€œSynthetic long positions could be used to disguise their short positions as well, the mechanisms behind this practice utilize the options markets and could explain some of the crazy options activity that we have seen in GameStop the last few months.ā€* 
So uhmā€¦ I donā€™t understand ā€˜Synthetic Longsā€™ at all. Could an ape with more wrinkles elaborate on this? From what I can extrapolate, this may refer to an institution purchasing a naked shorted share from someone else?
*ā€œWhile at the same time they employed the use of social engineering to slowly depress the positive sentiment for the stock on Reddit and elsewhere.ā€* *ā€œYou may have been called a Shill for one of a number of reasons. This community is very inclusive and open to everyone, but because of the blatant attacks this forum has suffered a lot of people are understandably paranoid. (Myself included). Please, unless you really are a shill, donā€™t take it personally.ā€* 
I want to address this, because there is a lot of misconception about SuperStonk. A lot of people will claim that this sub is just an echo chamber cult that canā€™t handle anyone questioning the narrative. This may seem true on the surface, but I think the reality is just that weā€™ve become hyper sensitive to the social engineering the old sub fell victim to, and I remember this sub being attacked with that as well. So whenever we see a post that has extremely emotive language, we become skeptical and down vote it. Emotions have no place in investing, that is a common rule touted in even the oldest investing books, so posts that try to incite an emotional response are shot down. Apes arenā€™t about to be manipulated again. That being said there are emotive posts that still get upvoted, ones with positive hype-filled narratives. Since these get upvoted and the negative ones donā€™t that sometimes gives the impression of an echo chamber. This is because the facts do support the MOASS thesis, so a hype title and opening paragraph is just more agreeable with the facts-based narrative. Some people are just scrolling on their phone and donā€™t have time to read the whole post.
However, if you go into the comments of these posts, there are apes investigating the profile history to determine if posters are bots, regardless of the pushed narrative. If you look past the upvote counter, apes are very skeptical of any post that isnā€™t based in fact or harmless memes. The comments rule the post, and I have to say Iā€™ve very proud of this sub for staying vigilant in the wake of Reddit restricting moderation tools.
*ā€œRyan Cohen clearly believes in Gamestop, to the point of announcing that he will be taking equity as compensation. In fact, as of writing this all of the new Gamestop board members are going to be taking equity as compensation. This is seen as an incredibly bullish sign of the company's future success.ā€* 
This is one of the principles of Deep Value investing, I wish this was elaborated on more of why this is bullish. This means that the board, and more importantly Ryan Cohen, is tying their individual self-worth to the company. Due to this tie, they will essentially ā€˜go down with the shipā€™ if the company goes down. This means that the board and Ryan actually have an interest in the company doing well, instead of having an interest in making money off the company. You may think this sounds like the same thing, but itā€™s not. If RC cared more about money than the company, then he could destroy the company to make money (this is whatā€™s happening to popcorn), but by tying his worth to the shares, the only way for him to become richer is for the company to flourish.
I donā€™t really like the language being used here, stuff like ā€˜clearly believesā€™ ā€˜seen as incredibly bullishā€™ are all pretty emotive and doesnā€™t actually explain why these are positive growth signs for the company, they are just saying it is ā€˜bullishā€™, the average new investor isnā€™t even going to know what that really means. Even though GME is extremely manipulated, causing Technical Analysis to become increasingly difficult to depend on, the investment is still rooted in fundamentals of deep value.
*ā€œBelow is a shortlist of some of the potential catalysts people are speculating about:* 
-A Stock Split, or some similar move from Gamestop that recalls shares
-Gamma Squeeze
-Gamestopā€™s Q1 Earnings Call
-Some speculate Gary Gensler (Newly appointed head of the SEC), may make some move that sets things in motion
-DTCC rule changes taking effect
-Appointment of a new CEOā€
Yeahā€¦ this feels bad man. Iā€™ve talked about this already, but we can rapid fire down this list.
The stock split didnā€™t work out, since those in charge of distributing the splits did it fraudulently. Gamma Squeeze is the kind of thing that could trigger a smaller hedge fund to get margin called and cause a domino effect, but Iā€™ve shared my theory of the OTC action. Earnings are nice, but public sentiment has always been more tied to the media manipulation than actual facts. Fucking Gary.
On the subject of bringing in new talent, I do feel like a big move will happen soon. Weā€™ve already seen a lot of job offerings from the Corporate side of GameStop so this could be the next phase of the plan. I really think that RC has spent these last few years taking precautions to make sure the company canā€™t go bankrupt, the last thing he wants is to turn out like Toys-R-Us. A lot of downsizing happened, so now he can start thinking about upsizing again.
Iā€™m not necessarily saying that these things canā€™t trigger the squeeze, but I am saying that depending on something to start it is just inviting disappointment. I think the ā€˜no datesā€™ rule has been sorely forgotten lately with all the hype and speculation around Roaring Kittyā€™s tweets and stuff. I am a zen ape, it happens when it happens.
*ā€œFirst of all, it is incredibly important to note your potential biases when determining if someone is just a shill trying to spread FUD. Not all FUD is invalid, someone may bring up a solid point against an otherwise great DD, and that could scare you. Remember that just because you do not like what someone is saying, doesnā€™t make it invalid. It is important users here work with constructive criticism to refine their theories.ā€* 
Damn, wasnā€™t I just talking about this? This critique isnā€™t going to just be wagging fingers, this is really good stuff that still applies today, and from what Iā€™ve seen apes are doing a great job of distinguishing between FUD and legitimate criticism. I also want to take a second to thank the mod team, especially after their tools were restricted, theyā€™ve been a great help.
*ā€œā€¦but since then retail investors have been buying on every single dip in the priceā€¦ That's more than two whole months of buying-the-dip. Now, I will not speculate on numbers here, if you want to know more you will have to read the DDs on that.ā€* 
This is pretty outdated now. Apes have been buying for three years now, and with the advent of Direct Registering we have a much better idea of how much apes hold. I can say with confidence now that retail owns a floats worth of shares. Since there is so much naked shorting, a lot of institutions probably own their own floats too.
I glaze those purple doughnuts, yum.

Citadel Has No Clothes, Published March 14, 2021, by u(slash)ATOBITT
Ohhhh, this one is special to me, I read it when it first came out, first time I was there on release night. Letā€™s see how it hodls up.
*ā€œTL;DR - Citadel Securities has been fined 58 times for violating FINRA, REGSHO & SEC regulations. Several instances are documented as 'willful' naked shorting. In Dec 2020 they reported an increase in their short position of 127.57% YOY, and I'm calling bullsh\*t on their shenanigans.ā€* 
58 times. I donā€™t actually know how much that number has gone up, but Iā€™m sure it has. I am reminded of an old saying, that if the punishment for a crime is a fine, then it only a crime for the poor. The crime being done to GME is class warfare, itā€™s nothing less.
*ā€œ$295,347,948,000 of that is split into options (calls & puts), while $78,979,887,238 (20.52%) is allocated to actual, physical, shares (or so they say). The rest is convertible debt securities.ā€* 
This is why Iā€™m skeptical that itā€™s even possible for Citadel to get margin called by a normal price run-up. Letā€™s do some math here. GMEā€™s float is at 232 million-ish shares, letā€™s say they shorted 300% of that, just to be conservative (lmao), so thatā€™s 696 million. To take what the first post said, Margins donā€™t get called unless an entitiesā€™ collateral becomes less than 80% of what theyā€™ve borrowed. If they use their entire $384,926,232,238 portfolio as collateral, then GME would have to soar to a price ofā€¦ divide by 4, multiply by 5ā€¦ $691.32 per share. That may sound relatively reasonable, but I donā€™t think a normal catalyst would be enough for that. I really think interest rates are the key, think about it, if they have to pay like 30% interest on all of those shares, their portfolio will be reduced by that much (kinda) and we can find a much more reasonable midpoint. Now brace yourselves, Iā€™m about to spend an unreasonable amount of effort on something that is probably wrong because I donā€™t know shit about fuck about margins or getting called (I have a cash account and I lack rizz).
In order to calculate that we gotta do one of those double equation variable bullshit things we all hated in school, I forgot what they were called but I remember how to do them.
So, we have a few variables:
C = Citadelā€™s Portfolio = $384,926,232,238
S = Shorted Shares = 696,000,000
I = Intrest = 0.30
X = Price Per Share
Y = Citadelā€™s new portfolio amount after paying interest
So, X and Y are undetermined, but we have two equations to work with
C ā€“ I(X*S) = Y
This one calculates how much money is going to be in citadels new portfolio after paying interest, we calculate the interest by multiplying the cost per share, by the amount of shorted shares, and multiplying that by the interest rate, then subtracting it from their total portfolio.
Y * 1.25 = X * S
This one calculates the total amount those shorted shares have to be in order for Citadel to get margin called, by multiplying their new portfolio by 5/4 and calculating the total cost of the shares.
X * S has a direct value; we can plug the left side of the second equation into the first to get
C ā€“ I(Y*1.25) = Y
Now we just gotta isolate Y on one side of the equation.
C = Y + 0.3(Y*1.25)
C = 1.3Y * 0.375
C= 0.4875Y
C * 0.4875 = Y
Y = $187,651,538,216.03
Now we gotta find X, we can just plug in the other stuff.
(Y* 1.25)/ 696,000,000 = X
X = $337.02 per share for shitadel to get margin called on 30% interest.
Holy shit, now thatā€™s what I call reasonable. See how much interest can completely fuck a portfolio? They lost almost half of their portfolio value to a 30% interest to this. This is why the whole market will bleed red on the run up to MOASS, they will have to sell half of their portfolio just to pay the interest.
Citadel is probably not a good example of this, since they print the naked shorts themselves... so they would be paying interest to... themselves... when they borrow them? Citadel is so fucked up, I don't have enough wrinkles for this.
But hey, I think the concept of what I said is fine. High interest rates can reduce collateral and cause margin calls. Hey, just out of curiosity, how much is the borrowing interest rate looking now?
SHF are fucked.

Anyway, Iā€™m writing this on a Wordpad document so Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™ve come up on the character limit, but I think Iā€™m getting close so Iā€™ll end this part here. Please let me know what Iā€™ve got wrong or any insights you want to share, Iā€™ll be sure to talk about any interesting comments when I do a part 2!
TLDR: I am reviewing the Diamond Handbook (2nd) and seeing what has changed in the three years since itā€™s been compiled. I have a bias in thinking that high borrowing interest rates are what will cause MOASS, and that is shown here. This is not meant to be an impartial analysis, just my thoughts. Not financial advice.
submitted by TheGangstaGandalf to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:59 agileideation Discovering Your Ideal Coach: An In-depth Guide for Leaders

As we wrap up International Coaching Week, I wanted to dive deep into one of the most crucial decisions you'll face in your professional development journey: selecting the right coach. This decision is more nuanced than it appears at first glance. It's not just about finding an expert; it's about finding a partner in your growth. Hereā€™s an extensive guide to help you navigate this decision.
Understanding Coaching Styles The effectiveness of a coaching relationship heavily relies on the compatibility of coaching styles with your learning preferences. Do you thrive in environments where you're gently guided towards insights, or do you need a coach who challenges your perceptions and pushes you out of your comfort zone? This distinction is fundamental because the right approach can significantly amplify your growth, while a mismatch might hinder it.
Evaluating Background and Accreditation Credentials and accreditations are often seen as indicators of a coach's dedication and expertise. However, they are just part of the picture. It's essential to look at a coach's background in relation to your specific goals and challenges. For example, a coach with extensive experience in leadership positions might be better suited for an executive looking to enhance their leadership skills. Additionally, consider whether a coachā€™s areas of specialization, such as positive psychology or agile methodologies, align with the direction you want to take.
The Significance of the Initial Consultation The initial consultation is more than a formal introduction; itā€™s a critical touchpoint to assess compatibility and set expectations. This meeting gives you a glimpse into the coaching process and allows you to evaluate whether thereā€™s a natural rapport and understanding between you and the coach. Feeling understood and valued from the outset can significantly impact the success of the coaching relationship.
Tip: Use the initial consultation to discuss a real challenge youā€™re facing. This will give you insight into the coachā€™s problem-solving approach and whether it resonates with you. Action Step: Before meeting with a potential coach, clearly define what you hope to achieve through coaching. This clarity will help you assess whether the coachā€™s approach and expertise are aligned with your needs. Making the Decision After your consultations, reflect on each conversation. Which coach made you feel the most understood? Who offered insights or asked questions that sparked a new perspective for you? These reflections are often more telling than any credential or endorsement.
The Journey Ahead Selecting a coach is the first step in a transformative journey. A great coach can unlock your potential in ways you might not have imagined, challenging you to grow and achieve your goals.
Starting your search for the perfect coach can feel daunting, but armed with the right information and a clear understanding of your own needs, you can find a coaching relationship that brings out your best. If youā€™re curious about how coaching can impact your leadership journey or have questions about the process, feel free to reach out. Letā€™s explore how we can work together to achieve your goals.
This guide aims to start a conversation about the importance of finding the right coach. Whether you're at the beginning of your search or have experiences to share, I'd love to hear from you. What has been your experience in selecting a coach? What tips can you offer to those just starting out on this path?
Letā€™s build a community of growth, learning, and transformation. Share your stories, questions, and insights below. #LeadershipDevelopment #Coaching #ProfessionalGrowth
submitted by agileideation to agileideation [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:58 Viral-conclusionz8 how to lead by example and credibility than playing favorites

Leading by example and maintaining credibility are essential qualities for effective leadership. They foster trust, respect, and loyalty within a team or organization. Playing favorites, on the other hand, can undermine these qualities and lead to division and resentment. Hereā€™s how to lead by example and build credibility without favoritism:

1. Demonstrate Integrity and Honesty

2. Exhibit Professionalism

3. Accountability and Responsibility

4. Fair and Equal Treatment

5. Effective Communication

6. Empathy and Support

7. Lead by Example

8. Encourage and Recognize Contributions

9. Develop and Mentor Equitably

10. Build a Culture of Trust


Leading by example and maintaining credibility involves a commitment to fairness, integrity, and professionalism. By treating everyone equally and fostering a culture of trust and accountability, you can inspire your team to follow your lead and contribute to a positive, productive, and cohesive work environment. Avoiding favoritism ensures that all team members feel valued and motivated, enhancing overall team performance and morale.
submitted by Viral-conclusionz8 to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:42 pacifier0007 Solar NetMetering End - Explanation of how it works

While this isn't final yet, but it's pretty much final according to several sources. The final implementation will be decided by end of the month. https://propakistani.pk/2024/05/19/govt-is-ending-solar-net-metering-next-month/
Solar net-metering will end soon and it will be shifted to gross metering with new meters.

How Net Metering currently works: (Most people don't know this!)

There's currently a bidirectional meter installed for netmetering.
Off-peak hours: 6-10pm, 7-11pm, 5-9pm (varies by season and by DISCO)
Our Example Household:
Your solar produced 1000 units in a month. 400 units were used by your appliances at sun / solar production time, and rest of the 600 got exported to grid. At night-time (after 10 or 11pm), since there was no sun, you imported 500 units.
For off-peak: You imported 500 units from grid, and exported 600 units. DISCO has to pay you for 100 units at 19-22rs.
In the 4-hours per day peak: You likely imported 200 units. They're billed separately.
Billing: The DISCO will pay you for 100 excess off-peak units and charge you for the 200 peak units.
200 x 42 - 100 x 22.x = ~6,200
Note that this is just the electricity bill, there are several taxes but let's not discuss them as they matter less.

How it will likely work in the future with gross metering

There will be two meters. One meter will be dedicated to export. All the energy your solar panels produce will have to go back to this grid. This means hybrid inverters will be useless and it would only make sense to use an on-grid inverter.
In the example household above, now that we export all units, 1000 units will be exported. You imported 900 units in total (400 + 500 from above).
New Billing: The DISCO will pay you for the 1000 exported units and charge you for the 900 off-peak units + 200 peak units.
900 x 35.5 + 200 x 42 - 1000 x 22.x = ~18,350
So your bill for this example household will more than triple. But practically, it's likely to be 5-6 times more due to taxes.
But it gets worse, there will be more taxes (GST + QTR) and more fuel adjustment costs (+ FC surcharge) since you're going to be importing 1100 from grid now compared to just 300 previously.
And likely there will be a GST on exported units, so now that units aren't exchanged, you will be taxed on 1000 exported units.

About the ROI

For those planning to get solar now, your ROI will massively change.
Let's assume a 10kw setup at 1.2 million with the example above:
A simplistic current ROI would be 28-33 months in current net metering, but this will change to 54-60 months when the new billing is introduced.

Off-grid looks better for future (with or without batteries)

It would be better to go for off-grid setup in future then. Since you have to do installation via companies to get net metering approval and the setup ends up costing 3-4 lakh more than what it should.
I am mainly talking the non-battery system as that's simpler. Pros:
submitted by pacifier0007 to pakistan [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:58 Working-Custard-1047 Give host system (linux) access to gpu after closing windows VM with GPU passthrough.

I am very sorry if this has been asked thousands of times already. I just can't find an answer to my question. Maybe I am using the wrong words. Anyway, so I'd like to know if it's possible to passthrough my GPU to a windows VM so I can play games or other stuff I may would like to run on windows and then when I am done close the VM and then "give" my gpu I used for passthrough again to the host system. For example, I want to play a game so I start the VM and play the game with passthrough, the host uses integrated graphics then. Then after I am done gaming and want to do something graphics intensive on linux, I kill the VM and the host switches from integrated graphics to dedicated. Is this possible? I wouldn't spending hours on getting it working.
Sorry if my post is a little confusing. I do not know which specific terms I should be using for this.
Edit: without rebooting or too much of a delay or blackscreen.
submitted by Working-Custard-1047 to VFIO [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:21 BGodInspired Running with Purpose: What Does Hebrews 12:1-2 Teach Us About Life's Race?


Running the Race of Faith: Embracing the Journey with Hebrews 12:1-2

Are you ready for an uplifting deep-dive into one of the most energizing passages in the Bible? Letā€™s uncover the treasures hidden within Hebrews 12:1-2, and understand how these verses can act as your spiritual compass navigating the ups and downs of lifeā€™s journey. Grab your running shoes, and letā€™s embark on this race of faith together!

Discovering the Essence of Hebrews 12:1-2

The book of Hebrews stands as a magnificent literary bridge between the Old and New Testaments, and Hebrews 12:1-2 shines brightly as a cornerstone of encouragement and inspiration. This passage urges us to visualize our spiritual journey as a race marked out for us, encouraging us to run with perseverance, shedding any weights or sins that hold us back, all while keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, the pioneer, and perfecter of faith.

Unpacking the Power of Perseverance and Faith

Understanding Hebrews 12:1-2 in our daily lives requires us to break down its components and discover how each element can nourish our spiritual journey:

Incorporating Hebrews 12:1-2 Into Your Daily Life

How can we apply the powerful message of Hebrews 12:1-2 in our everyday lives? It starts with intentionality:
  1. Begin each day by reflecting on the ā€˜cloud of witnesses,ā€™ drawing inspiration from their faith and resilience.
  2. Identify and address anything that may be hindering your spiritual growth.
  3. Embrace lifeā€™s challenges with a determined heart, knowing that you are running a race designed for you by God.
  4. Keep your focus on Jesus, allowing His example to guide your thoughts, decisions, and actions.

Join the Race of Faith

Hebrews 12:1-2 is not just a passage; itā€™s a rallying call to each of us, inviting us to join the race of faith with enthusiasm and dedication. By shedding what holds us back and fixing our eyes on Jesus, we are empowered to run this race with perseverance, surrounded by a great ā€˜cloud of witnesses.ā€™
Are you ready to take up the challenge? Let the words of Hebrews 12:1-2 be your guide as you navigate the intricacies of faith, inspiring you to run with endurance the race marked out for you. Letā€™s keep moving forward, always aiming for that finish line, with our eyes locked on the prizeā€”Jesus, our Savior, and Champion.
Letā€™s embrace this journey together! Dive deep into the Word, let it shape your heart and actions. And remember, when the race feels long or the path seems daunting, look up to Jesus, draw on His strength, and keep pressing forward. The reward is worth every step.
If you want to want to research more Bible Answers on your own, please try our Bible Answers GPT. Itā€™s easy to get lost in the interesting responses youā€™ll findā€¦ every search is like a new treasure hunt šŸ™‚
Source =
submitted by BGodInspired to BGodInspired [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:18 Team_asset Hadith are contradictory to the Quran, and violate God's teachings.

Peace be upon you.
All contemptible examples of Islam are found outside the Quran and generally are found in Hadith. Modern Islam doesn't follow the Quran and has idolized Muhammad instead of upholding the main tenet of their religion: "There is NO god except GOD."
It's ridiculous to think the prophet was so vain that he would say his name in literally every religious ceremony, whether it be a call to prayer (adhan), during prayer, or during the proclamation of devotion to God alone (shahada). All of these examples are in direct violation of many verses of the Quran:
The Hadith has become the new scripture, and Muhammad has become their idol.
If the religion is to dedicate/submit to God alone, then it is our duty to uphold and defend God's word instead of allowing abrogation of His teachings. (6:115): "The word of your Lord is complete, in truth and justice. Nothing shall abrogate His words. He is the Hearer, the Omniscient."
I would like to remind you that this is an Abrahamic religion. As God states in (2:135): "They said, 'You have to be Jewish or Christian, to be guided.' Say, 'We follow the religion of Abrahamā€”monotheismā€”he never was an idol worshiper.'"
It would be ridiculous to suggest Abraham followed the Hadith.
It's ridiculous to suggest it is anything more than a fabricated script that is attributed to God's messenger.
submitted by Team_asset to submission [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:10 AutoModerator Physics questions weekly thread! - (May 19, 2024-May 25, 2024)

This weekly thread is dedicated for questions about physics and physical mathematics.
Some questions do not require advanced knowledge in physics to be answered. Please, before asking a question, try askscience and AskPhysics instead. Homework problems or specific calculations may be removed by the moderators if it is not related to theoretical physics, try HomeworkHelp instead.
If your question does not break any rules, yet it does not get any replies, you may try your luck again during next week's thread. The moderators are under no obligation to answer any of the questions. Wait for a volunteer from the community to answer your question.
LaTeX rendering for equations is allowed through u/LaTeX4Reddit. Write a comment with your LaTeX equation enclosed with backticks (`) (you may write it using inline code feature instead), followed by the name of the bot in the comment. For more informations and examples check our guide: how to write math in this sub.
This thread should not be used to bypass the avoid self-theories rule. If you want to discuss hypothetical scenarios try HypotheticalPhysics.
submitted by AutoModerator to TheoreticalPhysics [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:01 londontradingcompany The Inevitability of Short Seller Losses and Squeezes in SoundHound Inc. Stock

Thesis: The Inevitability of Short Seller Losses and Squeezes in SoundHound Inc. Stock
This thesis explores the factors that could lead to significant losses and potential squeezes for short sellers of SoundHound Inc. stock. By examining the company's competitive advantages, market position, technological innovations, and financial metrics, the study aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of why short sellers might face unfavorable outcomes over time. The analysis will include case studies, historical precedents, and theoretical frameworks relevant to short-selling dynamics and stock market behavior.


SoundHound Inc., a prominent player in the voice recognition and artificial intelligence industry, has garnered substantial attention from investors and analysts alike. While some market participants are bullish on the company's prospects, short sellers have targeted the stock, betting on its decline. This thesis posits that short sellers of SoundHound Inc. will likely incur losses or be forced to cover their positions due to several key factors including the company's technological leadership, strategic partnerships, growing market demand, and positive financial trajectory.

Technological Leadership and Innovation

SoundHound's cutting-edge technology in speech recognition and natural language processing sets it apart from competitors. The company's continuous investment in research and development has resulted in robust and sophisticated voice AI solutions. Innovations such as advanced voice query processing, intelligent voice assistants, and comprehensive voice-enabled platforms provide a strong foundation for future growth. These technological advancements not only enhance the company's product offerings but also create high barriers to entry for new competitors, solidifying SoundHound's market position.

Strategic Partnerships and Market Position

SoundHound has established strategic partnerships with major industry players, integrating its technology into a wide array of applications and devices. Collaborations with automotive manufacturers, smart device producers, and software companies extend the reach of SoundHound's solutions and foster widespread adoption. These partnerships are crucial for driving revenue growth and expanding market presence. As the adoption of voice-enabled technologies increases, SoundHound is well-positioned to capture a significant share of the market, thereby boosting investor confidence and stock value.

Growing Market Demand

The global market for voice recognition and AI-driven solutions is experiencing rapid growth. With the increasing popularity of smart devices, virtual assistants, and hands-free interfaces, the demand for advanced voice recognition technology is set to rise. SoundHound, with its innovative solutions and established market presence, is poised to benefit from this trend. The company's ability to meet and exceed market expectations will likely lead to sustained revenue growth, positively impacting its stock price and making it a less attractive target for short sellers.

Financial Trajectory and Performance

SoundHound's financial performance, characterized by consistent revenue growth, improving margins, and prudent cost management, further supports the thesis that short sellers will face challenges. Strong financial health, demonstrated by positive earnings reports and forward-looking guidance, will attract long-term investors and discourage short selling. Additionally, any positive earnings surprise or favorable financial forecast could trigger a short squeeze, forcing short sellers to cover their positions at a loss.

Historical Precedents and Theoretical Frameworks

Historical precedents indicate that innovative companies with strong market positions and growing demand often experience stock price appreciation, contrary to short sellers' expectations. The theoretical framework of short squeezes, where short sellers rush to cover their positions due to rising stock prices, further reinforces the potential for losses. Market psychology, investor sentiment, and momentum trading can amplify these dynamics, exacerbating the impact on short sellers.

Case Studies

Several case studies of companies in similar positions to SoundHound will be examined to illustrate the potential outcomes for short sellers. Notable examples include Tesla, Netflix, and Amazon, where short sellers faced significant losses due to the companies' strong fundamentals, market dominance, and investor optimism. These case studies provide valuable insights into the mechanisms and outcomes of short squeezes and long-term stock appreciation.


In conclusion, the combination of SoundHound's technological innovation, strategic partnerships, growing market demand, and strong financial performance creates a challenging environment for short sellers. The likelihood of sustained stock price appreciation and the potential for short squeezes suggest that short sellers will face significant risks and potential losses over time. This thesis underscores the importance of understanding market dynamics and company fundamentals when engaging in short selling and highlights the potential pitfalls of betting against innovative, high-growth companies like SoundHound Inc.


(Note: The references listed are examples. For an actual thesis, proper academic sources and up-to-date company reports should be cited.)
submitted by londontradingcompany to Soundhound [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:25 PornoPichu Trying to pick out first grillā€¦

Hey all. To start, I know Iā€™m in the Weber subreddit, so Iā€™m only really expecting Weber advice. Maybe thatā€™s good, maybe thatā€™s bad. Anyway, Iā€™m trying to pick out a first grill. We just moved into our first home back in October, and my mom is going to gift a grill to us as a housewarming gift; she told me to look around and pick something out. Iā€™ve seen a lot of people outside of this sub suggesting Weber grills as being go-to, so thatā€™s why Iā€™m here. I donā€™t know what info is relevant, butā€¦
Very new to grilling - Iā€™ve done it once before and massively over cooked some burgers. One other person in the household would also be grilling, and I think he is new, too. We both cook fairly often otherwise, though. Thereā€™s 3 of us now, and we do plan to use this as an excuse to invite people over to entertain; something that is a little bigger would probably be ideal. I donā€™t necessarily think thereā€™s a preference between propane, charcoal, or pellets. Our house is part of an HOA and our neighbor (who is on the board) told me we can get whatever we want, just make sure we get a cover for it. I would like to be able to try smoking things eventually - seeing as I am a newbie, Iā€™m thinking itā€™s best to focus on just learning to grill first. I saw that a lot of folks say itā€™s best to avoid a grill/smoker combo and get dedicated things for each instead - I assume this is pretty good advice, too, yes?
Iā€™ll close this out with Iā€™m not exactly sure of the budget. I see people really like the Weber Summit Kamado, for example, but I doubt thatā€™s in our price range. Though Iā€™m pretty sure that something thatā€™s $500-$600 is fine (Iā€™m in the US). I also donā€™t know if itā€™s necessarily wise for complete novices to look to drop ~$1250+ on a grill. Any help would be appreciated!
submitted by PornoPichu to webergrills [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:11 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Carhartt Work Boots Mens

Best Carhartt Work Boots Mens

Welcome to our roundup of the best Carhartt Work Boots Mens for the hardworking and dedicated individual. From rugged terrain to long work hours, our selection of Carhartt Work Boots Mens caters to all your needs. Get ready to experience the ultimate combination of durability, comfort, and style that Carhartt Work Boots Mens has to offer.

The Top 19 Best Carhartt Work Boots Mens

  1. Carhartt Ground Force Waterproof Work Boots: Comfort, Protection, and Style - Carhartt Ground Force work boots for men provide superior comfort and protection with composite safety toe, FastDry technology, maximum arch support, and a waterproof design to stand up to tough jobs.
  2. Stylish Carhartt Work Boots with Wheat-tanned Leather and Rubber Outsoles - Experience ultimate comfort and durability with the Carhartt 6" Moc Soft Toe Wedge Boot, featuring a cushioned insole, fast-dry lining, and a slip-resistant outsole, making it the ultimate work-to-weekend companion for men.
  3. Carhartt Men's 6-inch Waterproof Moc Toe Wedge Work Boots Black 10.5M - Carhartt's 6-inch waterproof moc toe wedge work boots are the ultimate choice for men seeking comfortable, durable, and long-lasting workwear, featuring Storm Defender technology, moisture-wicking FastDry linings, and Goodyear welt construction.
  4. High-Performance Carhartt Waterproof Work Boot for Men - Experience ultimate comfort and traction with Carhartt Men's 6" Waterproof Soft Toe Hiker Boots, featuring Vibram Arctic Grip outsole and Insite technology footbed for maximum arch support on rugged terrains.
  5. Carhartt Men's Brown Waterproof Work Boot with Steel Toe Protection - The Carhartt Men's 6" Brown Waterproof Work Boot is a reliable, durable option for any job, offering breathable Storm Defender technology, fast-wicking FastDry lining, and ASTM F2892-18 EH-rated protection against electrical hazards.
  6. Carhartt Work Boot - Rugged Design, Durable Protection, ASTM Certified - Experience durability, comfort, and protection with the Carhartt Men's Rugged Flex 6-Inch Steel Toe Work Boot, featuring FastDry Technology lining, Composite toe, and a rugged rubber outsole.
  7. Carhartt Men's 6-inch Work Boots: Oil-tanned Leather and Rubber Outsole - Carhartt's 6-inch brown leather work boots: rugged, durable, and stylish - perfect for your next project.
  8. Carhartt Force Sneaker Boot: Lightweight, Comfortable, and Abrasion Resistant Men's Boot - Experience ultimate comfort and safety with the Carhartt Force 5" Lightweight Sneaker Boot - the perfect work companion that combines style and superior functionality.
  9. Carhartt Men's Work Boot: Rugged, Waterproof, and Protective - Carhartt's Rugged Flex Waterproof Steel Toe Work Boot, offering unbeatable durability and protection for men in any tough work environment.
  10. Carhartt Ground Force Waterproof Work Boot for Maximum Comfort - Experience ultimate comfort and durability with the Carhartt Ground Force Men's Waterproof Composite Toe Work Boot, featuring lightweight, non-metallic safety toe caps, oiled leather upper, and insulate Technology for all-day support.
  11. Carhartt Men's Oil Tanned Welt Work Boots: Durable, Comfortable, and Versatile - Carhartt Men's 10in Pull-on Work Nano Toe Boot: Oil Tanned Leather, High Abrasion PU Coating, and FastDry Technology for Comfort and Durability
  12. Comfortable Work Boots for All-Day Comfort - Experience ultimate comfort and durability with the Carhartt Force Romeo Nano boot, featuring advanced technology for maximum protection and support, even in harsh work environments.
  13. Carhartt Met Guard Work Boot: Durable, Comfortable Protection for Men - Experience ultimate protection and superior comfort with Carhartt 6inch Internal Met Guard Composite Toe Work Boots - the perfect choice for any challenging work environment.
  14. Carhartt Men's Waterproof Work Boots with Insulated Comfort - Experience top-quality protection and unmatched comfort in challenging environments with Carhartt Men's Ground Force Waterproof Work Boots.
  15. Insulated Work Boot by Carhartt: Rugged Comfort and Protection - Stay warm and comfortable in the harsh work environment with the Carhartt Men's Rugged Flex 8-Inch Insulated Composite Toe Work Boot, offering exceptional quality and craftsmanship.
  16. Men's Carhartt Rugged Flex Work Boots - Full Grain Leather, Cushioning, and Slip-Resistant - Experience the ultimate combination of work safety, durability, and ultra-cushioned comfort with the Men's Carhartt Rugged Flex 6" Soft Toe Work Boots.
  17. Carhartt Work Boots: Rugged Flex Waterproof with Breathable Protection - Unmatched durability and comfort, the Carhartt 6" Rugged Flex WP Work Boot offers a breathable waterproof design and unbeatable traction, making it the ultimate choice for demanding work environments.
  18. Carhartt 6" Moc Toe Work Boot for Men - Enhanced Comfort and Durability - Durable Carhartt work boot for men, offering fast sweat wicking, cushioned insole for support and all-day comfort, and meeting safety standards for electrical circuits.
  19. Carhartt Men's Work Boot: Waterproof, Comfortable, and Slip-Resistant - Carhartt's men's 11.5" Brown Wellington offers exceptional durability, waterproof protection, and added comfort in a versatile, oil and chemical-resistant work boot.
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šŸ”—Carhartt Ground Force Waterproof Work Boots: Comfort, Protection, and Style

I had the chance to try out the Carhartt 6" Ground Force Composite Toe Waterproof Boots in Men's Brown, and I must say, they have been quite an experience. These boots are designed for those working in tough environments, and they definitely live up to that expectation.
The first thing I noticed was how comfortable the Insite technology footbed is. I was able to wear these boots for long hours without any foot fatigue. It was great to be able to focus on my job without being bothered by my feet.
However, there were a couple of drawbacks that I couldn't quite shake off. The boots felt a bit heavy, and the ankle support could be more effective. Additionally, some reviewers mentioned they had problems with the boots not being waterproof, which is a major concern for those working in wet conditions.
Despite the cons, I must say that the Ground Force boots are a game-changer for those looking for comfort and durability in their work boots. They are well-designed, and the features like the FastDry lining and EVA midsole really make a difference.
Overall, the Carhartt Ground Force Composite Toe Waterproof Boots are a solid choice for anyone looking for a reliable, comfortable work boot. Just be prepared for a bit of adjustment time as you get used to the fit and feel of these boots.

šŸ”—Stylish Carhartt Work Boots with Wheat-tanned Leather and Rubber Outsoles

When I wore the Carhartt Wedge Boots for the first time, I immediately noticed the soft, unlined casual upper that felt comfortable from the start. The stylish wheat oil-tanned leather uppers were perfect for both work and casual settings.
However, the lack of arch support made my heels feel like they were on fire by the end of the day. Despite the cushioned foam footbed and good-looking design, the footbed didn't offer the best fit for my wide feet. Overall, the slip-resistant Goodyear welt construction and wicking lining made it a suitable choice for construction and landscaping situations, but the comfort level left something to be desired.

šŸ”—Carhartt Men's 6-inch Waterproof Moc Toe Wedge Work Boots Black 10.5M

I've been wearing these Carhartt work boots for about a month now, and I must say, they've really made an impact on my daily work routine. The leather is top-notch, and I appreciate the Storm Defender membrane that keeps my feet nice and dry even on those damp workdays.
One of the features that stood out to me is the dual-density rubber sole - it's incredibly comfortable, and I find myself walking more confidently on uneven surfaces. The Goodyear welt construction is another highlight, ensuring that these boots will last for a long time, even with the occasional accidental bump.
That being said, there were a couple of downsides to these work boots. The break-in period was a bit longer than expected, but once they fit comfortably, it was all worth it. Another minor issue was the size - I usually wear a 10, but I found that these boots ran a bit big, so I had to go for a smaller size.
Overall, I'm quite pleased with my Carhartt work boots. They're a durable and comfortable choice for long hours on the job, and I feel more confident wearing them on the construction site. I hope more people can experience the benefits of these boots, just like I have.

šŸ”—High-Performance Carhartt Waterproof Work Boot for Men

I recently got these Carhartt Waterproof Soft Toe Hiker Boots, also known as the FP5070-M ones, and they've been a game-changer in my outdoor activities. One of the features that stood out to me was the Vibram Arctic Grip outsole for superior traction in wet and on ice. As someone who spends a lot of time in slippery environments, this came in handy on a recent hike where I had to cross a narrow bridge over a fast-moving river.
The olive nubuck leather and high abrasion resistant 1260D material was also impressive. I couldn't help but notice how resistant these boots have been to scratches and wear, especially after a particularly rough day at work. The waterproof and breathable membrane worked exceptionally well too, keeping my feet dry even when I had to wade through knee-deep water in a swamp.
However, there were a couple of cons that I noticed. Firstly, they fit a bit snugly, so it was a bit of a struggle getting them on and off. But overall, the benefits outweighed the minor inconvenience. Secondly, I found them to be a little warm during the summer days. But considering they're waterproof and offer great support, it's a trade-off I'm willing to make.
All in all, these boots are a solid investment if you're looking for reliable, comfortable footwear to take on rugged terrains or challenging outdoor activities. The combination of style, durability, and comfort makes these boots perfect for both work and play.

šŸ”—Carhartt Men's Brown Waterproof Work Boot with Steel Toe Protection

I recently started using the Carhartt Men's 6" Brown Waterproof Work Boots, and I'm quite impressed by their performance so far. The first thing that stood out to me was the leather upper ā€“ it seems durable and looks sleek. But the true test came when I encountered wet and damp conditions at work. The Storm Defender waterproof and breathable membrane really kept my feet cozy and dry, which was a huge relief. I also appreciated the FastDry lining, as it wicked away sweat and moisture, keeping me fresh throughout the day. The cushioned insole was a game-changer, providing support, comfort, and reducing foot fatigue.
However, there was a downside to the break-in period. The boot initially felt a bit stiff, which made it uncomfortable to wear for long periods. But that's a common issue with work boots, and I expected it. Another thing I noticed was the potential for stitching issues, as one customer had mentioned. I'll keep an eye on that, but so far, so good. Overall, I'm happy with my purchase, and I'm looking forward to putting these boots through their paces in various work conditions.

šŸ”—Carhartt Work Boot - Rugged Design, Durable Protection, ASTM Certified

For years, I've been on the hunt for a rugged and comfortable pair of work boots that can withstand the test of time, both on and off the job site. After trying out several pairs, I finally stumbled upon a winner: the Carhartt Men's Rugged Flex Steel Toe Work Boot. The first thing that caught my attention was the brown leather, paired with the Carstrong durable reinforced fabric that protects against wear and tear without being excessively heavy. The boots' FastDry technology lining is a game-changer for me, as I tend to sweat quite a bit in the heels of my footwear.
One of the standout features of this pair of boots is the composite toe that protects against both impact and compression hazards, ensuring I am always safe on the job site. The rubber heel bumper provides extra stability and protection, while the EVA midsole with cushioned polyurethane insole offers great support and shock absorbance - something my feet appreciate after long hours on my feet.
The Rugged Flex rubber outsole not only offers durable traction but also keeps me feeling flexible, enhancing my overall comfort while I'm at work. However, there have been a couple of cons worth mentioning. For instance, the boots took a bit more time than I would've liked to break in properly, which disrupted my workflow for a few days. Additionally, the FastDry lining didn't seem to work as effectively as it should have, leaving me with sweaty feet at the end of the day.
Despite these minor setbacks, I have found the Carhartt Men's Rugged Flex Steel Toe Work Boot to be a reliable and comfortable choice for those seeking top-notch work boots. The pros undeniably outweigh the cons, making these boots a worthy investment for anyone looking for durability, protection, and comfort in their footwear.

šŸ”—Carhartt Men's 6-inch Work Boots: Oil-tanned Leather and Rubber Outsole

These Carhartt work boots have become a staple in my daily life. The leather upper and rubber outsole make for a durable and reliable footwear option. I was a bit skeptical about the removable insole, but it provides great cushioning and support. The fit is true to size, and the boots have a nice, snug feel around the foot.
One issue I did encounter is the tongue stitching. It gets in the way of putting my foot in the boot, which is a bit inconvenient. Also, I've noticed the FastDry lining doesn't do much to control odor, so I have to clean them more often than I'd like.
Despite those minor drawbacks, the boots have held up well during my day-to-day activities. The removable insole is a great feature and adds to the overall comfort of the boots. I would recommend these Carhartt work boots for anyone in need of a tough and reliable pair of boots for work or play.

šŸ”—Carhartt Force Sneaker Boot: Lightweight, Comfortable, and Abrasion Resistant Men's Boot

As someone who loves the convenience of sneakers when it comes to working hard, but also needs the support and durability of proper boots, I was excited to try the Carhartt Force Lightweight Sneaker Boot in Men's Coyote.
From the moment I first wore them, I was impressed by the lightweight knit upper and the protective, abrasion-resistant heel and toe counter. The fact that it has a slip and oil-resistant Carhartt Force rubber sole made me feel confident that even though I spend a lot of time working outdoors and being exposed to various weather conditions, these boots would hold up well.
Another notable feature for me was the FastDry technology lining, which kept my feet comfortable and dry during my long, tiring days at work. The light and high rebound EVA midsole, along with the Insite technology comfort footbed, provided the cushioning and support I needed, even after countless hours on my feet.
However, there was one drawback to this otherwise great pair of boots. As mentioned in the title, the boots had a slightly oversized heel and were not as snug or comfortable as I would have preferred. Additionally, while I appreciated the soft toe design, it did make the boots feel looser than I had hoped.
Despite these minor issues, my overall experience with the Carhartt Force Lightweight Sneaker Boot has been positive. It's a versatile and functional boot, perfect for those who want the comfort and flexibility of sneakers, combined with the support and durability you'd expect from a top-notch work boot.

šŸ”—Carhartt Men's Work Boot: Rugged, Waterproof, and Protective

Recently, I had the chance to try out a pair of Carhartt Men's Rugged Flex 6-Inch Waterproof Steel Toe Work Boots in brown. In terms of durability, these boots truly lived up to their promise. The oil-tanned leather and reinforced fabric provided a long-lasting wear that I appreciated as I went about my daily work tasks. The lace closure was a great feature, giving me a more secure and custom fit, which was important to me as I was often on my feet for long periods of time.
One of the standout features for me was the FastDry lining, which helped wick away sweat and fight odors. It kept me feeling fresh and dry even on the warmest days, which was a welcome relief. The composite toe offered excellent protection against impact and compression hazards, and it met ASTM 2413-18 standards. This gave me the peace of mind I needed when working in potentially dangerous environments.
The rubber toe and heel bumpers added stability and protection, while the EVA midsole with cushioned polyurethane insole provided support and shock absorbance. The Rugged Flex rubber outsole offered durable traction and flexibility, making it a great choice for tough outdoor work environments. I also appreciated the secondary protection against incidental contact with electrical circuits of 18,000 volts or less under dry conditions and the ASTM 2413-18 EH standards.
Though the boots were generally comfortable and supportive, there were a few minor drawbacks. One was that the insole was not as cushioned as I would have liked, which made long periods of wear less comfortable. Additionally, I found that they ran slightly big in size, which took some time to adjust to.
Overall, I was very impressed by the Carhartt Men's Rugged Flex Boots. They provided the comfort, support, and protection I needed for my demanding work environments, and I have no qualms about recommending them to others.

šŸ”—Carhartt Ground Force Waterproof Work Boot for Maximum Comfort

Imagine a day in the life of a Carhartt Ground Force Men's 6" Waterproof Composite Toe Work Boot wearer. He wakes up to the comfortable, supportive cushioning that reduces fatigue, all thanks to the Carhartt footbed with Insite Technology. He laces up his boots, feeling the durable oiled leather upper and the Storm Defender waterproof, breathable protection keeping feet dry and comfortable. As he starts his day, he heads out into his construction project, walking on earthy and rocky surfaces, his boots standing up to the test.
However, after some time, he notices his soles are starting to crack and peel - a clear sign that these boots aren't as sturdy or durable as he thought they were. The boots he bought 18 months ago should be in good shape by now, but they're not. He wonders about the boot's durability and if it's worth the investment.
He also expresses his dissatisfaction with the customer service. He reached out to the company multiple times but received no response. It seems like the brand isn't as committed to its customers as it claims to be with its products.
Overall, he appreciates the comfortable features of the Carhartt Ground Force Men's 6" Waterproof Composite Toe Work Boot. However, the concerns about the boots' durability and the lack of customer support cast a long shadow over his experience with the product. Would he buy these boots again? It's a difficult question, but the current quality and support issues make it a challenging decision.

šŸ”—Carhartt Men's Oil Tanned Welt Work Boots: Durable, Comfortable, and Versatile

I recently tried on the Carhartt 10" Traditional Welt Comp Toe WP Boot, specifically the 15 Men's Brown variant. Right off the bat, I was impressed by the oil-tanned leather and suede upper coated with high abrasion PU. It gave the boot a rugged yet premium feel. One feature that I found quite appealing was the molded rubber toe bumper and the Carhartt Heel Guard. It provided great support and protection to my feet while on the job without compromising on flexibility.
The Storm Defender waterproof protection was another aspect of the boot that stood out to me. Working in a rainy environment, I could feel the water resisting capabilities of the boot. It did a great job protecting my feet from getting soaked.
However, one downside I encountered with these boots was the removable foam cushion insole with TPU arch support. While it offered some comfort, it felt a bit off after some time, giving me unnecessary pressure on my arches.
Another thing I was a bit disappointed with was the rubber lug outsole, which while offering excellent traction and slip resistance, wore out much faster than I expected for a boots in this price range.
In conclusion, overall my experience with the Carhartt 10" Traditional Welt Comp Toe WP Boot was satisfactory. The boots have shown good support and protection for my feet, but they could use some improvements in the comfort and durability departments.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to working boots, you'll want to consider several factors before purchasing a pair. In this section, we'll outline important features, considerations, and advice to help you find the best Carhartt work boots for men.

Quality and Durability

Carhartt is known for its high-quality and long-lasting workwear. When selecting a pair of Carhartt work boots for men, look for materials that can withstand wear and tear, such as leather or nylon. Additionally, check the stitching and construction quality to ensure the boots are built to last.


Comfort and Fit

Comfort is crucial when choosing work boots. Look for boots with a cushioned footbed, adequate toe room, and a secure heel. A good fit will also help prevent blisters and reduce fatigue throughout the day. Carhartt offers various widths and sizes to accommodate different foot shapes and sizes.

Safety Features

Working in hazardous conditions requires specific safety features in your boots. Consider boots with slip-resistant soles, steel toes, and electrical hazard protection. These features can help protect you from accidents and injuries in the workplace.

Waterproofing and Breathability

If you work in wet or damp environments, look for work boots that are waterproof and offer good breathability. This will help keep your feet dry and comfortable, even in challenging conditions.


Maintenance and Care

To ensure the longevity of your Carhartt work boots, proper maintenance and care are essential. Regularly clean and condition the leather or nylon materials, and apply waterproofing treatments as needed. Additionally, store your boots in a cool, dry place when not in use to prevent damage and extend their lifespan.

Consider Your Work Environment

Different work environments require specific boot features. For example, if you work in construction, you'll need boots with steel toes and slip-resistant soles. On the other hand, if you work in a warehouse, a pair of waterproof boots may be more suitable. Consider the demands of your workplace when selecting a pair of Carhartt work boots.


Carhartt work boots can range in price based on the features and materials they offer. Determine your budget before shopping to find the best value option that meets your needs.


Read Reviews and Check Warranty Information

Before making a purchase, read reviews from other buyers to get an idea of the boot's performance and durability. Additionally, check the warranty information to understand the manufacturer's commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.


Are Carhartt work boots men's boots comfortable to wear?

Yes, Carhartt work boots are designed to provide comfort and support for long hours on the job. They feature padded collars, cushioned soles, and breathable materials that allow for comfortable wear. Some models even have protective inserts to absorb shock and reduce fatigue.


What materials are Carhartt work boots made of?

Carhartt work boots are made from high-quality materials such as leather, nylon, and synthetic rubber. The materials used depend on the specific boot model and its intended use. Leather is commonly used for durability and resistance to wear, while nylon and synthetic materials offer lightweight and breathable options.

Do Carhartt work boots provide protection against hazards?

Yes, Carhartt work boots prioritize safety by offering protective features such as steel toes, metatarsal guards, and electrical hazard protection. These features help protect your feet from injuries caused by heavy objects, falling debris, and electrical hazards.

What are the different styles and colors available for Carhartt work boots?

Carhartt offers a variety of work boot styles catering to different jobs and preferences. Some popular styles include hiking boots, safety boots, and work boots with a lace-up or slip-on design. As for colors, you can find Carhartt work boots in black, brown, and grey, among others.

Are Carhartt work boots waterproof?

Some Carhartt work boots are waterproof, while others are not. Waterproof work boots feature a membrane that prevents water from entering the boot but still allows moisture vapor to escape, keeping your feet dry and comfortable. Non-waterproof work boots may be suitable for dry or mild weather conditions.

What is the warranty on Carhartt work boots?

Carhartt offers a limited lifetime warranty on their work boots, which covers any manufacturing defects. The warranty does not cover wear and tear, misuse, or damage caused by normal wear and tear. For a warranty claim, you must provide proof of purchase and register the footwear within 60 days of purchase.

How do I care for and clean my Carhartt work boots?

To maintain the quality and durability of your Carhartt work boots, it is essential to clean and care for them properly. After removing any debris, use a soft-bristle brush to gently scrub the boots with a mild soap and warm water. Allow the boots to air dry naturally and avoid using heat or a dryer. For leather boots, apply a leather conditioner or polish to help maintain their appearance and prevent cracking.
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2024.05.19 12:06 Empty_Ad5360 Busy Dad, Husband juggling 9to5 proud of his work!

Hey Reddit! Super excited to share ShipThatApp V2 with you all! I'm Mateusz, your friendly indie dev, and Iā€™ve got something awesome in store. ShipThatApp V2 isnā€™t just an upgrade; it's a total game-changer for developers. Whether you're just starting out or a seasoned pro, setting up your appā€™s core components has never been easier. Hereā€™s whatā€™s new:
Plus, HealthKit support is coming soon! If you want to develop for the Apple ecosystem and save up to 50 hours of mundane development, this is the product for you. Start from a great boilerplate and make your work easier.
Balancing life as a dad, husband, and a 9-to-5 job, Iā€™m dedicated to making developersā€™ lives easier. Your support and feedback are what keep ShipThatApp going strong. Jump in, explore, and letā€™s build something amazing together!
I'm launching today on PH have a look PH Launch Page and more details about the launch on X https://x.com/msiatrak/status/1792088587493949561?s=46
submitted by Empty_Ad5360 to IMadeThis [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:00 magictcgmods Daily Questions Thread - Ask All Your Magic Related Questions Here!

This is a place for asking simple questions that might not deserve their own thread. For example, if you have a question about a rules interaction, want sleeve and accessory recommendations, or suggestions for your new deck, then this is the place for you.
We encourage that you post any questions that you may have concerning Magic the Gathering here rather than make a separate thread for each question, though for now we won't require that you do so.
Rules Questions
Rules questions and interactions are allowed to be posted here, but if you need an answer quickly it may be best to use a dedicated resource like the 24/7 Magic the Gathering Rules Chat.
Deckbuilding Questions
If you're trying to get help with a deck, it is recommended that you post your decklist to a deckbuilding website so that it is easier to view. Some popular sites are Aetherhub, Archidekt, Deckbox, Deckstats, Moxfield, MtgGoldfish, and TappedOut.
Additionally, please include some description of what you are trying to accomplish. Don't just give us a decklist with no explanation, and don't ask extremely vague questions such as "what cards should I add to my deck to make it better?", because it's hard to give good advice in those cases. Let us know details, the more the better. Are you building with a particular strategy or theme in mind? Are there any non-obvious combo lines or synergies that people should be aware of? Are you struggling with a particular matchup, or are you finding yourself missing consistency in an important area, and need some help specifically for it? Let us know.
Commonly Asked Questions
I opened a card from a different set in my booster pack, is this unusual?
Don't worry, this is completely normal. If you opened a set booster, you have a small chance of obtaining a bonus card from a previous set. This is an extra card that does not replace any of the other cards in your pack, and is from a curated set of past hits that Wizards of the Coast has selected, which they call "The List".
You can view the contents of The List on Wizards of the Coast's official website. For example, the contents of The List for Streets of New Capenna boosters can be found here.
My foil card has a shooting start symbol over the bottom left. I can't find anything about it online.
All old-bordered foils have the shooting star symbol. Most sites that display card images just overlay a generic foil graphic over all foil cards, which doesn't include the shooting star. Your card is normal.
submitted by magictcgmods to magicTCG [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:57 Lopsided_Internet_56 [Draft] Pitch Deck Feedback Request

Hey guys,
So my partner and I have been working on a Pitch Deck for our feature length film and would like some feedback before we go into Photoshop and more-or-less finalize every slide. The design is very much a WIP but the content is basically all here (for example, you may notice red boxes around certain text snapshots, this is to track the words that'll end up being colored red in Photoshop). Since this film is based on actual historical events, the 1944 Hartford Circus Fire, we've dedicated the first 9-10 pages so they quickly summarize the history before delving into the story components. Fair warning, the images are pretty high in quality, so you may experience some delayed load-in times here and there. Especially if you're on your phone.
The purpose of this pitch deck is for if/when we pitch to execs, studios, other writers, etc. We also have a short film, a film treatment, a mood board and a script that will act as accompanying material.
Thanks and would appreciate any feedback whatsoever!!
Here's the logline: Based on true events, a young arsonist must piece together memories from his harrowing past as authorities unravel conflicting accounts of his involvement leading up to the 1944 Hartford Circus Fire
Here's the link to the pitch deck: https://drive.google.com/file/d/177ITWJMVvbw6fy8D2npUrKZFcOVV5Vyb/view?usp=sharing
And here's the first 30 pages if you're curious: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dKc6WdTySVsBt_cOj0-mZyAft-jktFVL/view?usp=drivesdk
submitted by Lopsided_Internet_56 to Screenwriting [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:42 Empty_Ad5360 Busy dad, husband, balancing a 9-to-5 job launching apps in days

Hey Reddit! Super excited to share ShipThatApp V2 with you all! I'm Mateusz, your friendly indie dev, and Iā€™ve got something awesome in store. ShipThatApp V2 isnā€™t just an upgrade; it's a total game-changer for developers. Whether you're just starting out or a seasoned pro, setting up your appā€™s core components has never been easier. Hereā€™s whatā€™s new:
Plus, HealthKit support is coming soon! If you want to develop for the Apple ecosystem and save up to 50 hours of mundane development, this is the product for you. Start from a great boilerplate and make your work easier.
Balancing life as a dad, husband, and a 9-to-5 job, Iā€™m dedicated to making developersā€™ lives easier. Your support and feedback are what keep ShipThatApp going strong. Jump in, explore, and letā€™s build something amazing together!
I'm launching today on PH have a look PH Launch Page
submitted by Empty_Ad5360 to SideProject [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:17 roger61962 Living Hell - masoism 101

As someone who has to study psychology - even i never opted to do this in real life like i have to now - after some years aside my young upwbd i just feel i need to warn, the need to get help, the impulse to help those ill cursed cluster Bs and the necessasity to feel again, especially to feel this stupid happy childish curiosity about meeting people (not gender related) without seeing them as black and evil and being overall negative.
I tried everything, materially, non materially, educating myself, healing myself, trying everything. I have dedicated fulltime to this illness, did build future arround it, still want it to work.
But at the end of every cycle you are the one takimg the toll and pay.
There are thousands of paintable pictures about the situation between my own mental illness and hers.
Same on the other side.
They have - if at all - a weak but in general negative self from my hpov, playing tough outside.
Every even small negative experience reenforces their self so they accept cruelty as normal. You can tell worst dehumanizing things to them that will not make them question your love.
You will even only give a nice look to a woman walking by without even thinking sexually about that one- it will trigger a tantrum. If not now it will be on their list for the later tantrum. This what you do is a existiential thread to them. They know tjis the, feel it, so it must be true end the panik must be extetnalized onto you.
Actually they build their own living hell in a cage. They cling onto you as they need someone in their cage not to be alone. But you may not be positive in that cage it would bring light into it, as this would expose them and aniliate them.
So they try to drag you down into that cage and keep you there
Any sane person would have keft long ago.
Your exploited codependency abd ppl pleasefixer weak core illness keeps you on the freeze effect with a arroused ANS only partionally using the fight response when you can't swallow it any more.
Problem is the trauma bond. This hell inflicted on you has two neural damage paths.
One is the ANS arrousal if shes there (walking on eggshells) of insecurity. But The second is the withdraws arrousal that happens if you try to break the bo nd. (The learned especially emotional helplessness).
Detachement is a hell of a process- the longer you tolerated it, the more mental healing you have to do.
I just feel that a open discussion in this helps me to feel if i am sane or paranoid.
At the moment i feel disgusted even at small disrespects.
As a example i wanted to do something nice at a restaurant at a fixed time which led to her rearranging the time against plan and when i arrived she already had ordered a cake and coffee and was eating with the lame "there was only one piece of that cawke left, you understand that i had to order it before you came" later ordering a secomd piece of that cake.
I feel disgusted and repelled
submitted by roger61962 to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:11 Sweet-Count2557 Amf Babylon Lanes

Amf Babylon Lanes
Amf Babylon Lanes As we step into the world of Amf Babylon Lanes, we are greeted by a symphony of crashing pins and infectious laughter. It's a place where families come together, forming lasting memories and strengthening their bonds.But there's more to Amf Babylon Lanes than meets the eye. Behind the vibrant atmosphere lies a rich history, state-of-the-art facilities, and a plethora of exciting events.So, join us as we unravel the secrets of Amf Babylon Lanes and uncover why it has become a beacon of fun and entertainment for families everywhere.Key TakeawaysAMF Babylon Lanes has a rich history and has undergone renovations to enhance the experience.The facilities include upgraded equipment, improved lanes, and a modernized scoring system.Joining a bowling league provides community and skill development through consistent practice.AMF Babylon Lanes regularly hosts a variety of special events and promotions.History of AMF Babylon LanesAMF Babylon Lanes has a rich history in the world of bowling, making it a notable destination for families and enthusiasts alike. Over the years, this iconic bowling alley has undergone several renovation plans to enhance the experience for its visitors. These renovations have included upgrading the facilities, improving the lanes, and adding modern technology to the scoring system. As a result, AMF Babylon Lanes continues to attract a wide range of bowlers, from casual players to professional athletes.Throughout its history, AMF Babylon Lanes has also been host to several famous bowlers who've graced its lanes. One such notable bowler is Earl Anthony, a legendary figure in the world of bowling. Anthony, a multiple-time Professional Bowlers Association (PBA) Player of the Year, has competed at AMF Babylon Lanes and left a lasting impression on both the staff and spectators.Another famous bowler who's played at AMF Babylon Lanes is Walter Ray Williams Jr. Williams, considered one of the greatest bowlers of all time, has achieved numerous accolades throughout his career, including multiple PBA Player of the Year titles and a record-breaking number of PBA Tour titles. His presence at AMF Babylon Lanes has brought excitement and inspiration to aspiring bowlers who've had the opportunity to witness his skill and expertise firsthand.Location and FacilitiesAfter exploring the rich history and notable bowlers of AMF Babylon Lanes, it's now time to shift our focus to the location and facilities of this iconic bowling alley.Located in the heart of Babylon, New York, AMF Babylon Lanes is easily accessible and conveniently situated for both locals and visitors alike. The alley offers ample parking space, making it hassle-free for bowlers to arrive and enjoy a fun-filled day of bowling.In terms of facilities, AMF Babylon Lanes boasts state-of-the-art equipment, ensuring that bowlers have a top-notch experience. The lanes are well-maintained and regularly serviced to provide smooth and consistent gameplay. Additionally, the alley features a variety of ball sizes to cater to bowlers of all ages and skill levels. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a beginner, AMF Babylon Lanes has you covered.Looking towards the future, AMF Babylon Lanes has exciting plans for upcoming renovations. The management is committed to enhancing the overall atmosphere and comfort of the alley, with improvements that will elevate the bowling experience. From updated seating areas and modernized scoring systems to vibrant lighting and refreshed decor, these renovations aim to create a more enjoyable and engaging environment for bowlers.Furthermore, AMF Babylon Lanes understands the importance of accessibility options. The alley is wheelchair-friendly, with ramps and accessible lanes available for bowlers with mobility challenges. This commitment to inclusivity ensures that everyone can participate and enjoy the sport of bowling.Bowling Leagues and TournamentsBowling leagues and tournaments at AMF Babylon Lanes offer a competitive and exciting experience for bowlers of all skill levels. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, participating in a bowling league can bring a sense of camaraderie and friendly competition to your bowling journey. Here are three reasons why joining a bowling league at AMF Babylon Lanes can be a rewarding experience:Community and Connection: Bowling leagues provide an opportunity to meet new people who share your passion for the sport. You'll have the chance to form new friendships, build a support network, and be part of a close-knit community. Whether you're cheering on your teammates or engaging in friendly banter with opposing teams, the social aspect of bowling leagues can enhance your overall bowling experience.Skill Development: Joining a bowling league allows you to consistently practice and improve your skills. Regularly bowling with others who are equally dedicated to the sport can push you to strive for higher scores and refine your technique. Additionally, you can learn from experienced bowlers and receive valuable tips and advice to enhance your game.Competition and Achievement: Bowling leagues provide a platform for friendly competition and the opportunity to challenge yourself. As you participate in league matches and tournaments, you can set personal goals and work towards achieving them. Whether it's improving your average score or winning a league championship, the sense of achievement and accomplishment can be immensely gratifying.In order to make the most of your bowling league experience, it's important to familiarize yourself with bowling etiquette. Be respectful of your fellow bowlers, observe lane courtesy, and follow the rules and guidelines set by the league. By doing so, you can ensure a positive and enjoyable experience for yourself and others.Joining a bowling league at AMF Babylon Lanes not only allows you to indulge in your passion for bowling but also offers a range of benefits, from building connections to enhancing your skills. So, lace up your bowling shoes, grab your favorite ball, and get ready to enjoy the thrill of bowling in a competitive and supportive environment.Special Events and PromotionsSpecial events and promotions at AMF Babylon Lanes offer exciting opportunities for bowlers and enthusiasts alike. We understand the importance of providing a unique and enjoyable experience for our customers, which is why we regularly host a variety of events and offer exclusive discounts and deals.Upcoming Events:Event NameDate and TimeCosmic Bowling NightFriday, 7 PM - 12 AMFamily Fun DaySaturday, 10 AM - 5 PMCollege NightWednesday, 6 PM - 10 PMDiscounts and Deals:PromotionDetailsMonday Madness$2 games and $2 shoe rental all dayLadies NightHalf-price games for ladies on ThursdaysStudent Discount10% off games with valid student IDAt AMF Babylon Lanes, we believe in offering a diverse range of events to cater to different interests and preferences. Our Cosmic Bowling Night is perfect for those looking for a vibrant and energetic atmosphere, with neon lights and music. Families can enjoy a fun-filled day together on our Family Fun Day, complete with discounted prices and special activities for kids. College Night provides a great opportunity for students to unwind and socialize while enjoying discounted games.In addition to our events, we also offer various discounts and deals throughout the week. Monday Madness is a popular promotion, offering affordable games and shoe rentals for everyone. Ladies Night is a great way for women to enjoy a night out with friends and take advantage of discounted games. Students can also benefit from a 10% discount on games with a valid student ID.At AMF Babylon Lanes, we strive to create an inclusive and exciting environment for bowlers of all ages and skill levels. Stay tuned for our upcoming events and take advantage of our discounts and deals for a memorable bowling experience.Food and Beverage OptionsWhen it comes to the food and beverage options at AMF Babylon Lanes, customers can expect a diverse selection that caters to all tastes and preferences. Our goal is to provide a satisfying dining experience that complements the excitement of bowling.Here are three reasons why our food and beverage options are sure to please:Extensive Food Options: Whether you're in the mood for a classic burger and fries or something a bit more adventurous like our signature chicken quesadilla, we've you covered. Our menu features a wide range of appetizers, entrees, and desserts that are made with high-quality ingredients to ensure a delicious meal every time.Customizable Beverages: We understand that everyone has different preferences when it comes to their drinks. That's why we offer a variety of beverage choices, including soft drinks, juices, and a selection of alcoholic beverages for those who are of legal drinking age. Our fully stocked bar ensures that you can enjoy your favorite drink while you bowl.Special Dietary Accommodations: We believe that everyone should be able to enjoy our food options, regardless of their dietary restrictions. That's why we offer vegetarian and gluten-free choices on our menu. Our staff is also knowledgeable about food allergies and can help guide you in choosing a meal that fits your specific needs.At AMF Babylon Lanes, we want you to have the freedom to enjoy a delicious meal and refreshing beverages while you bowl. Our diverse food options and customizable beverage choices ensure that there's something for everyone. So, come hungry and thirsty, and let's take care of your dining needs while you have a great time bowling.Pricing and Membership OptionsCustomers at AMF Babylon Lanes have a variety of pricing and membership options to choose from. When it comes to pricing options, AMF Babylon Lanes offers competitive rates for their bowling lanes. They've hourly rates for groups, as well as special rates for certain times of the day or week. This allows customers to choose the option that best fits their budget and schedule.In addition to their pricing options, AMF Babylon Lanes also offers membership options that come with a range of benefits. One of the main benefits of becoming a member is the ability to save money. Members receive discounted rates on bowling games, shoe rentals, and food and beverages. This can add up to significant savings, especially for frequent bowlers.Another benefit of membership is the convenience it provides. Members have access to exclusive lanes and priority lane reservations, which means they can avoid long wait times during peak hours. This allows them to enjoy their bowling experience without any hassle or stress.Furthermore, AMF Babylon Lanes offers special perks for members, such as free game credits, birthday discounts, and access to member-only events and tournaments. These additional benefits enhance the overall bowling experience and provide members with even more value for their membership.Amenities and EntertainmentAMF Babylon Lanes offers a range of amenities and entertainment options to enhance the bowling experience for our customers. Whether you're looking to host a party or celebrate a special occasion, or if you're planning a fun day out with the kids, we've got you covered.Here are three options that will surely evoke excitement and create lasting memories:Party Packages and Event Hosting: We understand the importance of celebrating milestones and creating unforgettable experiences. That's why we offer a variety of party packages and event hosting options. From birthdays to corporate events, our dedicated team will work with you to customize the perfect package that suits your needs. With our spacious party rooms, delicious food options, and state-of-the-art audio-visual equipment, your event is guaranteed to be a hit.Kids' Birthday Party Options: Planning a birthday party for your little one? Look no further! We've a range of options specifically designed for kids' birthday parties. Our party packages include bowling, shoe rentals, arcade play, and food options that will satisfy even the pickiest eaters. Our friendly staff will ensure that every detail is taken care of, so you can sit back, relax, and enjoy the celebration.Entertainment Galore: At AMF Babylon Lanes, we believe in providing entertainment beyond just bowling. Our arcade is packed with exciting games that will keep both kids and adults entertained for hours. From classic arcade games to cutting-edge virtual reality experiences, there's something for everyone to enjoy. Plus, our fully stocked bar and lounge area offer a perfect place to unwind and socialize with friends and family.With our extensive amenities and entertainment options, AMF Babylon Lanes is the ultimate destination for freedom seekers who crave a bowling experience like no other. Join us for a day of fun, laughter, and unforgettable memories.Customer Reviews and TestimonialsBased on the feedback from our valued patrons, AMF Babylon Lanes consistently receives rave reviews and glowing testimonials for its exceptional customer service and unforgettable bowling experience. Our commitment to customer satisfaction is evident in every aspect of our operations, from the moment you step foot in our facility until the time you leave with a smile on your face.At AMF Babylon Lanes, we understand that bowling isn't just a game, but a passion for many. That's why we strive to provide the best bowling experience possible, catering to both casual bowlers and seasoned professionals. Our state-of-the-art lanes and equipment are meticulously maintained to ensure optimal performance, allowing you to showcase your bowling techniques with ease.But it's not just about the game itself; it's about the entire experience. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff is always on hand to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have. They're well-versed in the intricacies of bowling techniques and are happy to offer guidance and tips to help you improve your game.In addition to our top-notch customer service, our amenities further contribute to the overall satisfaction of our patrons. From our comfortable seating areas to our fully stocked snack bar, we strive to create an environment that's both enjoyable and relaxing.Don't just take our word for it, though. Our customer reviews and testimonials speak for themselves. Time and time again, our patrons express their delight with the quality of our service, the cleanliness of our facility, and the overall experience they've at AMF Babylon Lanes.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Is the Average Wait Time for a Lane at AMF Babylon Lanes?Factors influencing wait time at Amf Babylon Lanes can vary depending on various factors such as the day of the week, time of day, and overall popularity of the bowling alley. To minimize wait time, it's advisable to plan your visit during off-peak hours or consider making a reservation in advance.Additionally, arriving early or utilizing online booking options can help reduce wait times. Taking these tips into consideration can ensure a smoother and more efficient experience at Amf Babylon Lanes.Are There Any Age Restrictions for Participating in Bowling Leagues at AMF Babylon Lanes?There are age restrictions for participating in bowling leagues at AMF Babylon Lanes. While specific age requirements may vary depending on the league, it's common for leagues to have minimum age limits.For example, some leagues may require participants to be at least 18 years old, while others may have age restrictions of 21 or older. These age restrictions ensure that participants have the necessary skills and maturity to compete in a league setting.Can I Bring My Own Bowling Shoes or Do I Have to Rent Them?When it comes to bowling, many people wonder if they can bring their own shoes or if they've to rent them. The decision ultimately depends on the specific bowling alley and their policies. Some places may allow you to bring your own shoes, while others may require you to rent them.It's always a good idea to check with the bowling alley beforehand to see what their rules are regarding shoe rentals.Is There a Dress Code for Bowling at AMF Babylon Lanes?When it comes to bowling at Amf Babylon Lanes, there's indeed a dress code. But don't worry, it's nothing too restrictive. The dress code ensures a pleasant and comfortable experience for everyone.So, put on your favorite casual attire and get ready to bowl!As for the benefits of bowling at Amf Babylon Lanes, you can expect a fun-filled time with friends and family, a chance to improve your bowling skills, and the opportunity to create lasting memories.Are There Any Discounts or Promotions Available for Large Groups or Parties at AMF Babylon Lanes?Large group discounts and party promotions are often available at various bowling alleys. These deals can help save money and make the experience more enjoyable for everyone involved.It's always a good idea to check with the specific bowling alley, like AMF Babylon Lanes, to see what discounts or promotions they offer for large groups or parties. They may have special packages or rates that cater to these types of events, providing an affordable and fun option for gathering with friends or celebrating special occasions.ConclusionIn conclusion, Amf Babylon Lanes is like a striking melody, bringing families together with its state-of-the-art facilities and friendly atmosphere.With options for all skill levels, exciting events, and delicious food and beverage options, it's a must-visit destination for families looking to create lasting memories.So grab your bowling shoes and join us on this unforgettable journey of fun and bonding.Let the pins fall and the good times roll at Amf Babylon Lanes!
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