Script a street car named desire

A sub for all things Hot Rod Drag Week related.

2015.09.14 12:32 nickthekiwi A sub for all things Hot Rod Drag Week related.

From Hot Rod: HOT ROD Drag Week is the event where street/strip cars are driven 1,000-plus miles on public roads during a trip that includes four dragstrips and five races in five days. The winner in each of the many classes is the car that averages the quickest elapsed time over the five races, and the quickest overall is named HOT ROD's Fastest Street Car in America. Drag Week: anything else is just talk.

2016.09.09 22:51 xXxX_Scrub_xXxX Ka-chow

For all your Ka-chow related memes. No Ka-chiga please.

2024.05.19 21:23 StGauderic Today's sermon, from a Catholic church

Every Sunday, or whenever it is possible, I give a recap of the sermon I heard at church today. I am Orthodox but I visit Catholic and Protestant churches to learn about them when we don't do the Liturgy. Keep in mind that this is a recap of the sermon I heard; this does not necessarily mean I agree with it. This is to share what is actually being taught in Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant churches, which may challenge or perhaps strengthen preconceptions.
Today's readings:
Acts 2:1-11
When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. And there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men, from every nation under heaven. And when this sound occurred, the multitude came together, and were confused, because everyone heard them speak in his own language. Then they were all amazed and marveled, saying to one another, “Look, are not all these who speak Galileans? And how is it that we hear, each in our own language in which we were born? Parthians and Medes and Elamites, those dwelling in Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya adjoining Cyrene, visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, Cretans and Arabs—we hear them speaking in our own tongues the wonderful works of God.”
Galatians 5:16-25
I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.
John 15:26-27; 16:12-15
When the Helper comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me. And you also will bear witness, because you have been with Me from the beginning. I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you. All things that the Father has are Mine. Therefore I said that He will take of Mine and declare it to you.
This evening, we celebrate the feast of Pentecost. The feast raises two questions for us: first, why does the Holy Spirit come upon the disciples only then? Why fifty days after the Resurrection, and ten days after the Ascension? Upon which conditions does He come? And second, why does the Holy Spirit, when He comes upon us, not produce the same extraordinary results? When He fell upon the apostles, they could evangelize the entire world, they were on fire for God. Why does the same effect not happen for us?
To address the first question: By the time of Pentecost, Christ had already left. The apostles' time spent with Him already felt like a distant memory. They were once full of certainty when He was with them, but now they are hiding in the upper room in fear and anticipation. Why does the Holy Spirit come upon them at that time? Because He can only fill up an empty heart; it is as with a cup of water, if it is full then adding a drop of anything else would cause it to overflow, and if it is not totally empty the new drink will only mix with the old, but it must be totally empty to be filled with the new drink.
The apostles abandoned any hope for worldly glory after the Ascension; at the Ascension itself, they still expected such a thing, asking Christ when He would restore the Kingdom of Israel, but His answer made them understand that one must not hope for a worldly kingdom, but for the heavenly Kingdom of God. Now, pride is no longer an obstacle preventing them from receiving the Spirit, for pride is the enemy of everything that is good.
Today's reading began like the scene of the Tower of Babel, as many men from around the world are gathered. Then, mankind hoped to reach up to the heavens and have its name inscribed in glory; the Tower of Babel was for the glory of man. But the gift of the Holy Spirit is for the glory of God. But, let us be careful about seeking the glory of man.
Let us look at this very church: the pillars were once as tall as those of the local cathedral, but human ambition and competition led to these pillars getting renovated to be even taller, messing up the intended proportions of the building... Also, there used to be frescoes depending the scene of Pentecost between the arcades, but the latter were modified in the baroque era: it was thought that the baroque style was more fashionable, and so these were renovated, but as a result the frescoes can no longer be seen. Likewise, pride is often hidden from ourselves, yet it truly prevents us from seeing what we should see!
So, it is when the apostles were freed from pride that they could be fitting recipients for the Holy Spirit. In fact, they were not only without pride, but they were even wounded, having before their eyes their own betrayal and abandonment of Christ. Yet sometimes, such a wound is a necessary condition to receive the Spirit as well. Here is an analogy: for a long time, we had no idea why some oysters had pearls and some did not. But it was finally discovered that an oyster generates a pearl as a defense mechanism, when it is wounded, such as when small rocks get inside their shell and hurt them. So likewise, our sin can be a necessary wound to cure us from pride.
To address the second question: When they received the Holy Spirit, the disciples began to speak in tongues and to proclaim the Gospel. But as for us, when we receive the Holy Spirit in the sacrament of confirmation, no such evident signs happen. So, what of it? Here is another analogy: When we get a car restored, we love to turn it on, to hear its engine purr, we may step on the accelerator and hear the car go “vroom”... but, the car is not actually moving, it is only making noise. One must activate the transmission manually for it to actually start. And for us Christians, there is no automatic transmission! We must connect the power of the Spirit with our own will.
Evil has nothing to do whatsoever with the Spirit, as St. Paul described in his epistle. We must actively make an effort to abstain from evil, and only then will the Holy Spirit empower us. This is not easy in the slightest, but we must find the motivation to do it! Imagine if your sins were openly published in the newspaper every day, would this not suffice to motivate you to no longer sin? Imagine if your good works were displayed to the angels in the world to come as a film for them to watch, would this not suffice to motivate you to obey the commandments?
Today, the Holy Spirit still comes upon us as He did upon the apostles. But He does not do so violently, He does not force our will; we must first align our will with Him and then He will come. If we do not speak in tongues, let us at least speak with the universal tongue known as “charity.” If we begin with this, by proclaiming the Gospel in such a manner to all those around us, not necessarily to people in another country speaking a foreign tongue but rather to the people immediately around us, then the Holy Spirit will, through ourselves, transform the world around us.
Let us pray that the Holy Spirit descends upon us, that His work may be efficacious in us. Amen.
submitted by StGauderic to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:21 insert_koolusername How To Handle Car Accident Involving Elderly Pedestrian (Toronto)

Hi everyone,
I need some advice on how to handle a situation that happened recently. My girlfriend was involved in a minor car accident with an elderly pedestrian, and we are unsure of the best course of action. Here are the details:
1. Accident Details: My girlfriend was parked on a side street and was trying to reverse when an elderly woman walked between parked cars, not at a designated crosswalk. My girlfriend barely hit her, and the woman fell down. 2. Hospital Visit: The elderly woman initially didn’t even want to go to the hospital, but my girlfriend insisted. They went to the ER, and thankfully, the doctors said she was fine. 3. Interaction with the Son: At the hospital, the woman’s son initially didn’t mention anything about money when it was just my girlfriend with them. However, when he saw me and my girlfriend’s friend, he started steering the conversation towards financial compensation. From my 2-3 minute conversation with him, I got a bad feeling and don’t trust him. 4. Current Situation: We just spoke to the elderly woman, and she says she doesn’t have any intention of suing or taking this to the police. She mentioned that she’s sore and wants treatment, and asked for $100 to help with transport costs. 
We are in Ontario, Toronto, and we want to know what to do next:
• Should we give her the $100 she asked for to help with transport and treatment costs? • Should we wait to see if they file a report or call the son’s bluff? • What are the potential legal implications if we give her the money versus if we don’t? 
Any advice on how to handle this situation would be greatly appreciated. We want to do the right thing but are wary of potential legal and financial consequences.
So basically the old lady was really really nice. We really want to help her but we’re very careful because the son mentioned legal action and from my research, if we send money and they still take legal action (remember the son didn’t seem like a nice human being from my convo with him), it might be taken as an admission of guilt in court?
Thanks in advance for your help!
submitted by insert_koolusername to legaladvicecanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:21 screenboss55 Has the oil change place not been changing my filter?!?

Has the oil change place not been changing my filter?!?
I just did my own oil change after a few years of taking it to a Take 5 down the street. I went to pull my filter from the cap and it just crumbled. It was fully intact before I went to pull it out but obviously incredibly brittle. Have they not been changing my filter?? I’ve never seen anything like this before. My car recommends 10k intervals with full synthetic and I’ve never gone over. I’m just shocked to see this.
submitted by screenboss55 to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:18 mariatoyou Sending roofing companies to my house, could this be a scam?

A couple days ago a worktruck stops in my driveway, says they’re there for the estimate for the new roof I requested. I said no, I own this house and I do not need an roof. They said ok and left, polite no problem.
A couple hours later, a different company worktruck pulls in. By the time I get outside he’s walking around my house with a tape measure. I said what are you doing here? He said to provide a new roof estimate. I said absolutely not and you’re the second company to come here, I own this house and do not need a roof. He was very apologetic and said it came from a message left on their site from “contact us”, it was from a woman’s name I do not recognize. He left.
Then yesterday I came home and there’s a roofing sample display sign and folder of info from a third company. The card had an email so I wrote and said it is a mistake, I own this house and did not contact you, please come get your display. He emaiiled back and said their work cell had gotten texts from someone with a different woman’s name.
First I’m not someone who has problems with people, especially not ones that would send roofers as a prank.
Second, neither women’s name shows up in assessor records as owning anywhere near me, it’s not a simple as an address number transposed. It’s a short street, there aren’t any streets of the same name in any nearby towns, I checked, so these local companies aren’t accidentally in the wrong city. The only house on my street that sold recently is completely renovated and has a new roof, none are for sale, so it’s not a new buyer confused about the address.
It sounds scammy, but to accomplish what? It’s too convoluted to try to convince a roofing company to secretly reroof my house (which obviously does not need it) without me coming home or finding out, and for what purpose?
submitted by mariatoyou to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:18 Ready-Candidate-6371 Short Story Critiques wanted

I am basically brand new to creative writing, having not written anything since I was a teenager. I've recently felt a spark to start writing again. I'm hoping for some honest critiques so I can know what I have to improve on. Thank you!!
This is an excerpt from a short story. For some context, the MC is living in modern times, gets lost while driving home, her car dies and she ends up walking to look for help. She winds up here...
"Words escape me as I take in the woman in front of me. She is dressed in a floor length navy blue gown reminiscent of sometime in the 17th century. My eyes shift behind her… a fire is lit in a hearth. Next to a window on the far side are a table with two chairs. And seated in one of them is a man, who by this point is beginning to stand up and make his way to the door as well. The way their faces looked when they looked at me was similar to how I imagine my own face looked. Pure, undiluted confusion. I shake my head and tried to find words. “Who are you?” Demanded the man as he approached. “I… I’m lost.. I.. my car broke down a couple of miles down the road.. I just need a phone so I can call for help..I..” I spluttered. “Are you okay, miss?” The woman asked with concern in her face. “I’m not sure, to be honest.” Their gazes shift from confusion to concern to suspicion as they take in the sight of me. While they are dressed for a renaissance faire, I’m sporting a thigh length floral print dress with a denim jacket. “Who are you?” The man demands again. “My name is Millie… I work just down the road at the James River Elementary School… I’m just trying to get home. Do you have a phone I could use, please? I need to call for help.” “Phone?" He glances at his wife, motioning for her to move away from the doorway, "Miss, I haven’t a clue what you speak of…” Who on earth doesn’t know what a phone is? I can’t be so far out of town that I’m talking to people who are that out of touch. I begin to explain but think better of it. “Miss, please come with me..” He dons a long brown jacket over his off-white cotton shirt and steps out the door past me, motioning for me to follow. Something about following a strange man, wearing historical clothing, down a dark path through the woods feels very wrong at this moment, but I don’t see a way out of it. So I follow for several quiet minutes until we come upon another building, slightly larger than the house we just came from. This one also has a thatched roof, with smoke billowing out of a chimney. The man opens the door and holds it for me, motioning me forward. I go. “Good evening, constable…” He says to a man seated at a wooden table. He has a piece of old looking paper and a feather quill in front of him, along with an ancient looking mug. This is all beginning to feel like a fever dream. I’m almost too confused to feel the fear that continues to build inside me. “Who is this here, Thomas?” He says to the man, eyeing me with suspicion. “She just showed up at our doorstep. She’s been mutterin’ on about needin’ help… talkin’ all kinds of nonsense about something called a…” He turns to me and says “What did you say, miss…?” “My car broke down a few miles down the road… I walked here, I can’t find my phone, I just need some help getting home…” I say with urgency. “All I need is to make a phone call and I’ll be out of your way…” “That was it.. phone? See, speakin’ nonsense, sir. I figured it best to bring her here.” The man, Thomas, says. “I see.. I see.” The constable rubs his temples as if exasperated and stands up, the chair scraping against the wooden floor as he pushes it back. “I’ll take it from here, Thomas. I thank ya. You’ll best be on your way.” At that, Thomas turns on a heel and walks back out the door the way we came. The constable takes a firm hold of my upper arm and leads me to a barred cell. “What is this?” I demand, beginning to panic. “Miss, I will not take the chance of witchery here. It’s my job as constable to keep the citizens of Jamestown safe, and I intend to do so. You’ll stay here til the morning, when Justice Stoughton will see ya.” He had a thick accent, English I think. It was like a light bulb in my mind suddenly flashed bright. The lack of traffic, the buildings, the historical clothing and weird speech… the confusion when I told them I needed my phone. Either at some point from the time I left work until now, I traveled back in time to early Virginia… or I’m dreaming. I resolve that the only thing that makes sense is that I’m dreaming. And I’d like to wake up now. At some point in the night, I fall asleep. As I sit leaning against the cold wall of the cell, the adrenaline from the evening wears off a bit. I can’t help but feel utter exhaustion, which eventually gives way to sleep. Several hours later, I wake with a start, confused about where I am. My body aches from sleeping sitting up. I glance over to the window and notice that the dark is giving way to dawn and the birds are beginning to sing. I rub my eyes, hardly able to believe that this nightmare hasn’t ended yet. I hear footsteps approaching. The constable fumbles with a set of large keys as he searches for the one to my cell. Once he manages to unlock it, he sets a piece of bread and a metal mug on the floor near the door with a clunk. I didn’t realize until this moment that I am absolutely ravenous. A crusty piece of bread off the floor doesn’t sound appetizing but at this very moment I will take what I can get. I reach over to retrieve my fare. I quickly eat the bread and take a gulp from the mug."
submitted by Ready-Candidate-6371 to writingcritiques [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:18 vectormapper _Missouri State US PDF Vector Map Exact Roads Plan High Detailed Street Map + Counties + Zipcodes editable Adobe PDF in layers

_Missouri State US PDF Vector Map Exact Roads Plan High Detailed Street Map + Counties + Zipcodes editable Adobe PDF in layers submitted by vectormapper to CityMapDesign [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:17 Mk2day “Just anxiety”

“Just anxiety”
You’re friends with Aaryn, a girl you’ve known since she’s lived in your town. She went missing for a little less then a week, and everyone was sure she was dead. Some how she survived being lost out in the woods. You live in a very rural area that has wolves and bears.
It’s only been a few days since she came back, and she’s had very obvious anxiety about things like buses and cars breaking down. She used to walk to school, or sometimes she’d ride the bus with you. Now she only lets her parents drive her.
Well today her parents were busy. It’s the weekend so you decide you two want to should go to the arcade. You’re about to get on the bus when you see she still seems uncertain in going on the bus. You talked her into it and are now sitting there together. For some reason you two were the only ones going to the arcade, and it’s on the other side of the arcade, so it’s the last stop. You’re the only two on the bus.
This seems to make Aaryn a lot more anxious than she was, if that’s possible.
Things to know:
This is set in around the eighty’s, so there’s simple phones and things.
This POV will include gore. Please let me know if you don’t want huge detail before we start the role play, because there is a chance there will be a lot of it.
This is also set in the world of Jeepers creepers. You do not at all need to know the movie, because this POV should kind of self explain all you’ll need to know.
This POV will also have weapons, possibly fire, possibly mental illness, and death.
Human ocs are heavily preferred, but as long as the oc is alive, can pass as human, and is not a form of Deity, God, Goddess, or immortal, then it will be allowed.
You can have romance with Aaryn.
Aaryns info:
Full Name: Aaryn Riley Oak
Age: 15
Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/they
Medical records:
  • Since coming back from disappearance been diagnosed with psychosis, anxiety, and bipolar disorder.
  • Blood type is A+
  • Has known asthma
  • Possible autism
submitted by Mk2day to GachaClubPOV [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:15 bigredpancake1 Name doesn’t currently match on insurance and registration

Name currently doesnt match on insurance and registration and it’s stressing me out
So my dad and I co-registered a car in NY a little over a year ago (both names on title, and we put both our names on the registration).
We live together so we initially put the car on his policy (with me as a driver), as that turned out to be easier than getting myself a new policy. This would be the second car on his policy.
Eventually I got a policy of my own for the car so he wouldnt have to pay the heightened premium, as Im the primary driver for this 2nd car.
Anyway, all said and done and forgotten about, the time comes to renew my registration. I do it online, get the new documents in the mail, and see that it’s in my dad’s name.
I figure this is in error. I distinctly remember we both registered our names at the DMV in person. This whole time I thought the registration doc was in my name or both my and my dad’s name.
I emailed the dmv about it and they say Im not listed as a registrant or co-registrant??? Im thinking this mustn’t be true as I distinctly remember filling out the registration form and signing with both our names in person.
My current plan is to visit the dmv and sort this out, but Im wondering what the best course of action is beforehand. Because right now its insured in my name but registered in his, and Im worried we might be dealing with an insurance lapse and its stressing me out.
It’s insured with a big name-brand insurer. After researching online, I find out that its the job of the insurer to let the DMV know when the insurance for a vehicle changes, so I cant see how this could be my fault? I was genuinely positive that the car was registered to both of us, and now Im concerned Im gonna have to deal with a serious penalty
submitted by bigredpancake1 to DMV [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:15 The-Shadows-Revenge How to sell under VA home loan?

So my dad just passed away. My house is under my name. But I no longer desire to be here. Just too many bad memories.
Anyways. Does anyone here know anything about getting started with selling a house that is under a VA home loan?
Do I call the lender(is that the right word) about me wanting to sell the house?
Oh, also, does anyone know anything about how equity works?
Explain like I am 5 please. 😅😅😅
submitted by The-Shadows-Revenge to Veterans [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:14 bigredpancake1 Name currently doesnt match on insurance and registration and it’s stressing me out

So my dad and I co-registered a car in NY a little over a year ago (both names on title, and we put both our names on the registration).
We live together so we initially put the car on his policy (with me as a driver), as that turned out to be easier than getting myself a new policy. This would be the second car on his policy.
Eventually I got a policy of my own for the car so he wouldnt have to pay the heightened premium, as Im the primary driver for this 2nd car.
Anyway, all said and done and forgotten about, the time comes to renew my registration. I do it online, get the new documents in the mail, and see that it’s in my dad’s name.
I figure this is in error. I distinctly remember we both registered our names at the DMV in person. This whole time I thought the registration doc was in my name or both my and my dad’s name.
I emailed the dmv about it and they say Im not listed as a registrant or co-registrant??? Im thinking this mustn’t be true as I distinctly remember filling out the registration form and signing with both our names in person.
My current plan is to visit the dmv and sort this out, but Im wondering what the best course of action is beforehand. Because right now its insured in my name but registered in his, and Im worried we might be dealing with an insurance lapse and its stressing me out.
It’s insured with a big name-brand insurer. After researching online, I find out that its the job of the insurer to let the DMV know when the insurance for a vehicle changes, so I cant see how this could be my fault? I was genuinely positive that the car was registered to both of us, and now Im concerned Im gonna have to deal with a serious penalty
submitted by bigredpancake1 to Insurance [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:14 best_samaritan First two weeks with the A4. Here are my thoughts.

First two weeks with the A4. Here are my thoughts.
Thanks to everyone who helped me here to make it an easy decision.
I ended up taking the 2020 A4 45 Premium Plus with S-Line suspension (32k miles) for a test drive the next day. My wife and I loved it so much that we found ourselves signing the paperwork as soon as we got back. It was in such a great shape that looked and felt like a new car. Not sure how it's possible, but it even has the new car smell.
I don't know if all Audi dealerships are like that, but I personally had a great experience and would absolutely recommend buying CPO from the dealership.
I ended up paying $35k including taxes, fees, and the extended warranty until 2030!
The interior is super refined and modern-looking. It feels bigger inside than it is and overall it's a nice place to be in. I also love the grey interior.
IMO, the most impressive thing about this car is its steering and how smooth it is. After spending some time in the Audi, I drove my 2007 IS 250 and the difference was shocking. It's like comparing a car that has power steering to one that doesn't.
I haven't driven the 40 TFSI, but the 45 is surprisingly quick. Especially compared to my Lexus (about 2 sec faster 0-60 time). The only issue I have with the engine is that it's not very smooth, but that's probably because I've never owned a 4-cylinder car before. I bet the S4 doesn't vibrate when it's starting or idling.
My initial impression of the Bang & Olufsen wasn't that great. While I was impressed by the spatial surround sound, the quality was mediocre at best. After tinkering with the settings, I noticed it was the surround setting that was making it sound so bad. So I ended up turning off the surround and 3D effects, and it immediately had a significant impact. Doing some research online, it sounds like others are recommending to do the same. Bringing the fader 1 step toward the rear also got rid of the exaggerated mids, but in that case, I recommend bumping up the treble to make up for losing some of the high frequency that would be affected as well. With the right settings, the sound quality is good enough to impress a demanding audiophile. It's just not something you'd get right out of the box.
The only things I wish I had that would make a meaningful difference to my daily driving are active cruise control and top-view camera, but overall I'm very happy with the car. Haven't figured out why the Audi app is not working on my phone, but I'm planning to take it to the dealership to figure it out.
submitted by best_samaritan to Audi [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:13 smolshorks Getting married and we want to hyphenate our last names. Is this a legal name change or not?

I keep seeing mixed information on this. We live in WV and our last names are both very short. We don't want to do anything to them other than hyphenate them. The process of changing our socials, car registrations, driver's licenses and etc is a little daunting with how busy our lives are currently. Is this something we would have to worry about if we were hyphenating our last names?
submitted by smolshorks to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:13 Legitimate-Factor-53 I Feel Empty Because I Have to Restart From Nothing

So I’m an 18 year old male. I used to have a 2008 Subaru WRX and I loved it so much named it Sylphy would drive around in it when I was stressed or lonely I would never do anything stupid I only ever just kinda cruised around. The power the car had made it easy to accelerate and the turbo blowoff sound was euphoric.
I had been taking college classes and didn’t have much money at the time since I bought the car at the start of the school year. Then on the day of my final exam I get done with the test and on my way to my friends house to give him his calculator I got T-Boned.
I was at a stop sign in an area I’d never been in and someone to the right who had the right of way stopped and let the person ahead of me go then they went. So my brain went there are four stop signs here. Which there were just not facing all four directions.
So then I started crossing and saw someone barrel towards and they hit the back of my car sending me spinning off the road. So the accident was my fault. But in my head even after I had been hit. I thought why the hell did they run that stop sign. I don’t know if it was my ADD (Now know as inactive-ADHD) or what because I really did see the intersection as a four way stop. But I’m not going to use my disability as an excuse though.
Anyways the insurance didn’t cover it because the insurance is in my parents names. Mine wasn’t on there. The car took me three years to save up for working tirelessly day after day after day. Now Sylphy is gone. I also have like $1000 so it is going to take me all summer if I get full time at work to buy another WRX.
But I really am just tired and exhausted. Calculus and other college classes just drained everything out of me. My car was probably the only thing that kept me going because of how enjoyable it was and I had so many plans to mod it for reliability and maybe get a nice exhaust. Now all that is down the drain.
I feel really distraught. I’ve cried five times in the past two weeks since it happened. Sylphy meant so much to me and now that she has just been ripped away from me. Not only that I failed the class because of the final as well so maybe I just shouldn’t have gone to college that day I don’t know. I also have one highschool class that I just stopped doing work for after the accident because I’m just sick of always working.
But everything I do now just doesn’t feel like it’s really worth it anymore. Like I wake up and just want to lay in bed all day. I don’t work out anymore. And I’m not happy about my job anymore. I just feel like shutting down and letting everything play out. There is nothing I wouldn’t do just to have my car back. Because after I lost it I realized that it was the only thing making me get up every day.
submitted by Legitimate-Factor-53 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:12 PirateGolem101 I can't escape my sister's negativity

For 3 straight years, my sister had been going on downfall of negativity and toxicity. She's trying to drag me and my siblings along with her as well, and it's getting really hard to cope with her rigid and toxic behaviour
It all started ever since she finished Year 11 (which is basically the last year of high school), long story short, she faced a lot of bullying. Mostly because of her looks and her rigid lack of empathy, her brain is completely wired into thinking everything is dependant on looks and refuses to show anyone what she actually looks.
She cannot meet a guest without dressing up like a model, hell not even my grandmother. Who literally lives in a village and has nothing to do with gossip in which she fears. My sister has an incredibly self esteem issue, always trying to be a conformist and acting out everything dramatic she sees on social media. Speaking of social media, she's completely enslaved to it. She can't go one minute without her phone and even when she doesn't have her phone with her; she speaks of everything she watches with little to no filter. Her obsession with social media had become so severe that she lacks complete concentration in any task. She is quick to say it's boring or go back to procrastination.
Speaking of the things she talks about, none of it is ever positive. Hence given this heading's name. To sum it up, shes either always going on about how corrupt conservative are. Why Hitler was so justified in his killing of the Jews (this is not a joke, it's literally what she fucking talks about), shitting on Israel or Biden etc. There's so much more she rambles about, but this paragraph would take too long if I discussed everything here.
She's a complete control narcissist as well, no matter how many times I criticise her for her negativity, she will be very quick to project onto me. And will call me "aggressive" and "depressed" for trying to retaliate. She talks about her desire to micromanage her childrens' lives, remember the lack of empathy I mentioned earlier? It still carries on with her, she shames and lashes on everyone for not "sharing the same opinion as her" because apparently she thinks her opinions are the only one that can be valid. Her negativity had become so bad at one point I forced to blast music in my ears so I don't have to listen to her sick stories. It doesn't help it that she calls me a pussy for not engaging in her negativity.
I don't know how longer I take with being around her, I've tried all approaches to try to change her, but she's rigid like a rock. Her lack of empathy is a completely con for my character as well, considering I have autism, I already struggle with understanding empathy and social boundaries. I have many susceptions that she also lies on the spectrum as well, but then she burns me out with her insults when I come close to confronting her. It's like a prison.
submitted by PirateGolem101 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:12 WalmarLover Ok chat, who named a street after Doig?

Ok chat, who named a street after Doig? submitted by WalmarLover to DougDoug [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:12 Chai_Ky The Case of Kate Blackwell: The Unknown Part 1

Log book of Det. Ryan Snow
Case #2798: The Appalachian Murders
The past couple of days are events I pray no one else ever has to go through what Kate and I had. I had her and Mr. Raines cleared of all charges, having found the proof we all needed to end this case and find the true killer. Kate no longer has to go into witness protection and I had given the police a good enough lie to keep myself from looking insane in the eyes of my co-workers. I know no one will ever know the true story or believe it, but I’m writing it out here. It at least needs to be known written somewhere. Even if my and Kate’s eyes are the only ones that will ever read it written out and forever imprinted in our memories.
The morning Kate had run off to the mountains on her own, I had made my way to the Blackwell home where I was immediately met with Mr. Blackwell charging at me and wrapping his large hands around my neck. He was shaking me and blaming me for getting his daughter killed and not doing more to keep her safe. The police who had been called to examine the scene and read Kate’s letter had to sedate Mr. Blackwell to get him off of me, lying him down on the couch, his head resting on Mrs. Blackwell’s legs. Though the woman was distraught and begging the police to bring her daughter back, she still took the time to shoot that cold, death glare my way. The ice in my chest growing. I couldn’t tell these people that this thing had come after me to get to Kate. I knew it wouldn’t change anything. If anything they’d hate me even more for keeping it to myself.
The sheriff was there and he pulled me away from eye sight of the Blackwells, trying to tell me that this wasn’t my fault. But I couldn’t help but blame myself. I should have done everything I could to keep Kate as far from those mountains as possible.
There were no signs of a struggle in Kate’s room and the letter was definitely written in her hand writing. Her father’s rifle missing from the study, a backpack and some food and supplies gone as well. She had only grabbed one set of clothes from her drawers, showing she did indeed have plans on returning after only one night in the mountains to confront whoever or whatever the killer was.
I told the sheriff to keep any police from going up to the mountains without first allowing me to go up there first to find Kate. He of course argued, telling me that he couldn’t break protocol based on any hunches I may have had. However, I told him that I could get Kate back without her putting up much of a fight, whereas she may struggle with a group of cops who didn’t understand the situation she was in. I was close enough to this case to have built a trust with her after all. I was mentioned in her letter about ending this case for me.
It took a good hour to get the sheriff to eye the Blackwells, Mr. Blackwell beginning to stir from his sleep, and allow me to go to the mountains to find Kate. He didn’t bother to call off the search to the police that had already begun making their way to the mountains, but did radio to tell them to not try getting Kate home without first allowing me to speak to her. He then gave me twenty-four hours to find her to which I told him I’d only need at most ten.
Without telling him about the disturbing scratches on my car, I sped to the mountains, taking the same path Kate had that day she took her friends on their trip. The route, as the sun began to rise was scenic. A drive that may have been a sign of a bright future ahead with a beautiful week in the mountains of nothing but nature, was now a reddening sky of horror. I couldn’t understand how Kate felt, going down the same roads that led to her only friends’ fates to avenge them, but the feeling of guilt did weigh heavy on my chest as I saw the signs of the Appalachian Mountain trails grow bigger on the horizon. Guilt for not doing more to prove Kate was innocent, for allowing Mrs. Mayfield for getting killed right before my very eyes, and for Liam for not being lucky enough to save him.
When I finally arrived to the cabin, there didn’t seem to be any change since the first day I was called to the crime scene, the only thing out of place being Mr. Blackwell’s truck parked precariously near the cabin. The police tape was still up, the cars of Kate and Mr. Woolfe still left where they were, the tires still slashed, the door wide open from when Kate, Ms. Greymoore, and Mr. Woolfe ran out of the cabin upon Mr. Billings was killed by an unknown force. All the bodies had been found and were now being prepared by their families to be buried or cremated. Only one body of the five still roaming around to avenge each and every one of their deaths.
I called out for Kate as I made my way into the cabin. The Ouija board was still on the coffee table, the white line of where Mr. Billings had been found lying face first on the floor with his head bashed open remained on the spot. The planchette was still missing. I kept calling out for Kate as I made my way up to the attic, the door left unlocked, using my flashlight to shine down on the white outline where Mr. Steele had been found completely torn apart. To think Kate had done such a thing, I now realize made me look like a complete dumb ass for believing it.
When I couldn’t find Kate in the cabin, I made my way out the cabin, still calling for her. I called out to her, promising that she just needed to come back home with me and we could solve the murders together. I knew it was a lie and that the sheriff would immediately have her take away to some secluded place where the killer couldn’t find her, but it was all I could think of to try luring her out to meet me. Still, she never appeared.
The sun was soon beginning to set as I tried retracing the very steps Kate and Ms. Greymoore had taken to outrun the killer. I had passed the small shrine of flowers and the pictures of Mr. Woolfe where the boy had been found, his face permanently remaining nineteen forever in the photos of him with Kate and their friends. I kept going, trying my best to follow the same path to the cliff where Ms. Greymoore was found, calling for Kate along the way.
It wasn’t until I found the place Kate had buried her best friend that I found Kate. She was on her knees before the rock where she left her bloody handprint, sniffing as her head was lowered, her dad’s rifle in her hands.
“Ms. Blackwell-“ I began as I took a step toward her. I was immediately cut off as Kate jumped to her feet, raising her father’s rifle at my head. I jolted back, raising my hands up to show her I meant no harm to her. “Ms. Blackwell, it’s me, Det. Snow!”
“Detective…?” She gasped, slightly lowering the rifle, but keeping it on me. “P-Prove it!”
“I’m sorry?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I… I thought I saw Sonja…” Kate breathed between tears, the rifle shaking in her hands, “it… It was wearing her face… It had her voice… How… H-How do I know you’re really Det. Snow?”
“You… Saw Sonja?” I asked as gently as I could with a terrified woman pointing a gun my way. “She spoke to you?”
“Prove you’re Det. Snow!” Kate demanded as she stilled her arms, readying the rifle as she pointed straight between my eyes.
“Alright! Alright!” I kept my hands up, backing up slightly as I tried thinking of how I could prove to her I was really me. “I… I, ah… I have… Had a brother… We went to get ice cream together once and… I dropped a dime and went to grab it… I was five… I followed it out to the road and despite how trafficked it was, I didn’t get hit. I grabbed the dime just as a truck was speeding my way and it swerved just before hitting me… Seeing how close I was to death, I dropped the dime and it rolled into the sewer. My brother called me Lucky Dime since then… Saying the dime was lost to me because it did its job in protecting me… I haven’t seen my brother since I was seven and I haven’t spoken to my parents in…” I looked at my watch. “Five years… No one else calls me Lucky Dime… Not even the people at the station know that was my nickname.”
With this, Kate lowered the rifle, her eyes softening from her furious fear to a more melancholy terror. She looked to Ms. Greymoore’s grave marker, her hand print just barely visible In the approaching darkness.
“It… It looked just… Like her…” She sniffed, “it had her voice… Why did it have her voice… Why did it look like her…?”
“Ms. Blackwell,” I soothed, relaxing now that there was no weapon in my face, “we need to head back, your parents are worried about you and the police are looking for-“
“I can’t go back yet!” She snapped at me as she spun to look at me, tears in her eyes. “That thing is still out there and will kill again unless I end it!” She held up her dad’s rifle as if to show me how she meant to “end it.” “I’m not leaving until I end that… Thing that had the balls to wear Sonja’s face and have her voice!”
“Ms. Blackwell, we will catch the killer, I promise, but right now, we need to get you home before your dad ends up killing a police officer for keeping him from looking for you.”
“I told him in my letter I’d be back tomorrow! I’m twenty-years-old, he can’t force me back home if I don’t want to! I just want to stop this thing before it-“
A howling in the distance cut Kate off. Coyote from what I could hear. If I couldn’t get Kate home, I’d have to get her somewhere safe. I turned to begin talking her down and taking her to one of the other two cabins for shelter. However, when I looked back at her, her face had turned to a bone chilling terror I’d never seen on a person before. She looked like hunted prey that had been found by its predator. She gripped her dad’s rifle to her chest tightly, her hand reaching for the trigger.
“Ms. Blackwell, it’s just a pack of coyote,” I tried telling her calmly, “let’s get to one of the other cabins and-“
“No, no, no,” She stopped me as she stepped back, looking around for where the howling was coming from, “I… Heard that same howling just before I saw Sonja! I thought it was far away, but she… She was right in front of me… She… Something was off, but it looked just like her!”
“Ms. Blackwell, you didn’t see Sonja,” I assured her, “I don’t know what you think you saw, but it wasn’t-“
“Lucky… Dime…”
I froze. My blood turned to ice. The fear on Kate’s face grew as she began backing away, her back hitting the grave marker. I spun around to see a figure in the darkness limp toward us, a scratched and garbled familiar voice coming from it.
“Lucky… Dime…” It wheezed, “You brought her… Back… Give her… To me…”
I whipped out my gun, pointing it at this thing that had his voice. I stepped back to stand directly between this thing and Kate.
“Stay back!” I demanded. “Don’t come any closer!”
“Lucky… Di-“
“Shut up! Stop calling me that! Who are you? Not another step or I’ll shoot!”
The thing stopped limping toward us, its body shuddering in place as it stared us down. I took the safety off of my Glock, ready to blow this thing’s head off if it got any closer or even dared using that voice on me again.
“Kate…” It turned its attention to Kate, a completely different voice coming from it, another male’s voice. “Kate… I’m cold…”
“J-Jasper…” Kate began to sob, “Please, stop using their voices… Please stop!”
“Kate… Kate why did… Did you leave me…?” Another male voice asked. “I… I was in so much… Pain…”
“Shut up!” Kate cried out.
“I thought we… Were friends… Kate…” A female voice. “You said you… Loved me… Why won’t… You let me have… Your warmth…?”
“I said shut up!” Kate screamed as she pointed her rifle and shooting at the creature. She had missed, but the thing still let out an ear piercing shriek as it dodged out of the way of the bullets Kate was shooting. It ran off into the darkness, but Kate kept pulling the trigger of her rifle.
“Stop!” I shouted as I snatched the barrel of her rifle, shoving it to the ground before us. “It’s gone, you scared it off, get to the cabins, I’m right here with you!”
I began shoving Kate back toward where the cabins were, the sounds of that thing screaming out in a symphony of different voices ringing out throughout the woods. I shoved Kate into the first cabin we had arrived to, Cabin #1 I could only assume as I slammed the door shut behind us. It smelled God awful, like the smell of the corpse I found on my first murder case, and it was getting darker as the sun began to sink behind the trees outside.
“Detective, it smell terrible in here!” Kate cried out, covering her mouth and nose, but the tears still falling from her eyes were still visible as they rolled down her cheeks.
I pulled her close and kept her behind me as I took my gun and flashlight out. “Stay close to me,” I ordered, leading the way through the cabin, “do not run off or use that rifle without may say so, understood?”
Kate didn’t answer, but I could feel the heat from her body following after me as I made my toward the smell. It was getting worse as we inched closer to a closet door in a hallway that connected the living room to the kitchen. The door was locked, but after a couple of kicks I was able to get the door to swing open, the smell blasting us in our faces making us gag and nearly throw up on the floor. I fumbled around the sides inside the room to find a light switch that I was able to find to the side of the entryway. A yellow light flickered on, revealing the door led to a staircase. I led the way down the creaking steps, Kate close by as she kept her mouth covered with her shirt.
Once we had made our way to the bottom, Kate dropped her dad’s rifle and let out a scream as we stared at what was waiting for us at the bottom of the steps. In a large pile at the corner of this basement room were nothing but skin and bones of humans and animals covered in maggots and flies. Some of the human bodies being small and child-like in size. The missing people who were never found after vanishing when they came to Cabin #2.
I grabbed Kate’s rifle off the floor and began pushing her back up the stairs, her screaming and sobbing all the way back up to the cabin. I slammed the door shut behind us and pushed Kate to the front door.
“We need to leave,” I had told her, trying to calm her down as we made it outside, “we need to get you home and away from here as soon as possible.”
“N-No… No!” She began fighting me, trying to escape my grasp on her. “No! That… That thing is still out there! You saw it! You can’t say you don’t believe me now! It even called you Lucky Dime! It said you brought me back!”
“I’m not saying I don’t believe you!” I shot back. “I do, I saw exactly what you saw, but it’s way too dangerous for you to be out here while you’re the one it’s after!”
“I escaped it once, I can do it again!” Kate pointed out as she struggled against me while I tried getting her into my car. “I’m not running away this time, I want to kill it!”
“God damn it, Blackwell, we’ll let the police handle it! Just because you have a weapon doesn’t make you safe or ready to handle something like… Like that… That thing!”
“It killed my friends! It wants me! I’m going straight to it so I can blow its head off! It’ll come right for me!”
“I came here to bring you back home, not let you accomplish some stupid ass revenge plot! Get in the fucking car, unless you want to end up like those bodies down that-“
“D… De… Detect… Detective…”
A scratched and moaning voice cut me off. Kate and I both froze at the sound of something approaching. I turned to see a police officer stagger toward us from the tree line. I could barely tell who he was or who he used to be, his head held low and blue uniform covered in blood.
“H… Hel… Hel… Help… Help me…" It croaked as it stumbled closer.
I held up Kate's rifle. "Stay back!" I barked. "Not another step!"
The thing that stood before us wearing the cop like a full-bodied suit stopped in place. It swayed where it stood, blood water falling from its head and down to its chest.
"It… It… It's inside… Inside me…" It breathed painfully. "I… I can't… Help… Me…" Its voice then changed to that familiar voice that made my skin crawl. "Lucky… Dime… I… I'm so… Hungry… Give her… To… Me…"
I pulled the trigger of the rifle, hitting the creature in the head, the rest of it staggering backward from the blow. Still though, it remained on its feet, turning itself to look toward us once again.
"Give… Her… To… Me…" It wheeze, blood and brain pouring from where I had shot it, it beginning to stumble toward us once again. I continued shooting, hitting it in the shoulder, the arm, the leg, the head again, but it just kept coming toward us faster, demanding I give Kate to it.
I was about ready to ram it with the rifle, having run out of bullets, when a voice off in the distance made the creature freeze just an inch before us.
"I'm here! I'm here!" It called out in an almost sing-songy way, using the voice of a little girl. "I'm here! I'm here!"
"I'm… Here…" The creature repeated as it jerked its body to look to where the voice was coming from. "I'm here… I'm here… I'm here! I'm here! I'm here!" It began shrieking in a high pitch wail. It sounded like a mixture of different voices ranging from child, to woman, to man. Keeping flat on its feet, its upper body fell forward onto its hands before speedily crawling off like a spider.
We stood in shaking silence for a moment, Kate digging her fingers into my arm while I was too numb from shock to care about the pain she was unknowingly inflicting. It wasn’t until the radio from my car buzzed to life that jolted us back to whatever reality was at this point. I scrambled to the driver’s side, swinging the door open as I fell inside to grab the intercom to respond to the voice yelling for me over the receiver.
“Det. Snow, what the hell is going on up there?” The sheriff’s scratched voice called out over the receiver when I could barely get my name out of my mouth.
“Sh-Sh-Sheriff…?” Was all I could respond with, still trying to wrap my head around what I had just seen.
“Y-Y-Yeah,” he responded in mock shudder, “what the hell is going on up there? I’ve tried radioing every man I’ve got up there and am constantly being left on red! Do I need to send back-up?”
“No!” Immediately, I returned to full reality, finally understanding the severity of the moment and putting that knowledge into my tone. “Landon, do not send any more men up here, call everyone back immediately! I don’t know what this thing is, but it’s too dangerous! Call everyone back, we’re heading back to the Blackwell house now!”
“We?” The sheriff questioned, skepticism in his voice.
“I found Ms. Blackwell, she’s here with me.”
I was met with statice before the voice of Mr. Blackwell blasted over the intercom.
“Bring my daughter home, right now, you son of a bitch!” Mr. Blackwell demanded. “You bring her home this instant before I decide to kick your teeth in!”
I opened my mouth to respond, but the radio was snatched from my hand from Kate. “I’m not coming home until I kill this thing!” She snapped into the radio. “I don’t know what it is, but I at least know I’m not crazy and that it needs to die before it kills anyone else!”
I grabbed the radio from Kate’s hand, beginning to tell her off when a agonized scream erupted from the intercom. I dropped the radio to cover my ears as Kate did, the scream piercing from my car to throughout the forest around us. The voice screaming and crying for help sounded male and it seemed to echo all around us.
“GIVE HER TO ME, YOU SON OF A BITCH!” A mix of the screaming voice and Mr. Blackwell’s hissed out after a good five minutes of screaming before the radio short-circuited and puffs of smoke flowed out.
After allowing my ears to adjust to the sudden silence, I grabbed the radio once again and tried calling for the sheriff, for the cops with us in the mountains, for anyone. When I was met with more silence, I slammed the radio back down on the holder and cursed loudly, hitting the wheel as if it were the source of all my problems.
After a moment to take some deep breaths, I told Kate to get in the car as I placed her rifle in the back seat.
“Didn’t you hear me?” she shot back. “I’m not-“
“Damn it, Blackwell, we have no idea what we’re dealing with, it can mimic peoples’ voices, and it just ran off like a fucking black widow!” I snapped, stepping out of the driver’s seat to glare down at her. “The last thing I’m doing to leaving you here alone and I’m not staying here another second until I can wrap my head around what the fuck I just saw! So, you either get yourself killed out here while I try talking you down this hero complex high, or you’re going to do what I say and get in the damn car!”
We stood in heated silence, glaring each other down before Kate huffed and stormed over to the passenger side of my car and slamming the door shut as she climbed in. I jumped in after her and began driving away from this nutty nightmare I had found myself in.
We drove down the trail back to civilization in silence, Kate staring out the window and trying to keep her tearful sniffs quiet. I had finally begun calming down and was starting to feel bad for snapping at her. She had only gone there to avenge her friends by killing that thing that had most likely killed a whole bunch of cops to find her. However, I still couldn’t just let her stay to hunt it and I didn’t want to stay out in those mountains with some kind of creature that could take the form and voice of someone I knew. I still couldn’t understand what is was I had even seen.
“Wendigo,” Kate whispered, breaking the silence in the car first. She had said it as if she had just remembered something important.
“A Wendigo,” She repeated, turning to look to me with wide scared eyes, “that’s what that thing is! It’s a Wendigo!”
“Slow down, what’s a Wendigo?”
“It’s… Oh, just forget it! You wouldn’t believe me anyway.”
“Ms. Blackwell, I just saw a cop being used as a puppet and then run off at inhuman speed on all fours; I doubt I’m not going to believe a single word that comes out of your mouth now. What’s a Wendigo?”
Kate eyed me for a moment before releasing some of the tension from her face as she took a deep breath and began explaining to me. “They’re a Native American myth; it’s believed they’re the spirits of people who would lose themselves in the woods and would end up eating other people to satiate their hunger. I think that’s what that thing is. They can mimic the voices of people who died and use it to lure people to them, they can take the form of that person too.”
“Why does it want female hearts?” I asked, not realizing I had yet told her what my mysterious caller kept asking for when they called me.
“It… It wants my heart?” she asked shakily.
I cursed to myself before letting out a frustrated sigh. “I think this thing wants hearts, but it only wants female hearts. Why? I don’t know yet. But the only other person to be found after killing someone in those cabins was found with his partner’s heart missing to which he was blamed for taking out of her. Recently, I’ve been getting calls from some… Thing wanting me to bring you back here so it could take something from you. It would have taken Ms. Greymoore’s, but you hid her well enough that only the police could find her in time. Now, I’ve been getting calls asking for you and to get something from you.”
Kate looked to me in shock before a wave of guilt twisted her face in pain. “I… I’m so, so… So sorry, Detective!” She cried out. “I… I had… I had no idea you were being… Harassed by it! Had I known it wanted me back and was demanding you brought me here, I never… I didn’t… That’s why it said you brought me back! Oh, I’m such an idiot!” She pressed her hands to her face, grabbing at her hair between her fingers and tightening them around her eyes.
“No, no, no, stop, stop that!” I ordered, screeching the car to a halt, having to bring it to a crooked stop so I could stop her from hurting herself. I snatched her arms from her head and pinned them to her lap, tears flooding her face. “It’s my fault for not telling you sooner! I was too focused on trying to solve this case with the most efficient evidence I could, but that just kept me looking to you as a suspect. I should have stopped thinking you were the killer the moment I got that first call. There’s no way any of us could have seen… This coming… Except people who probably already believe in that kind of stuff or don’t stop to assume a more rational explanation like a cult… I’m… I’m sorry. But, I won’t let it take anything from you, not anymore. I’m going to get you home and then I’ll deal with this with the rest of the police department. You don’t have to deal with this thing anymore, it’ll be my burden from now on. You need time to finally get some rest and mourn your friends with your and their families. It’s already fucked your life up enough, I won’t let it go on making it worse.”
I stopped her before she could argue with me with a wave of my hand. “Your friends’ deaths shouldn’t be your burden to handle. I know you want to be the one who kills that thing and do right by them, but that’s not what they would want. They’d want you to remember them and continue living. They know you didn’t do it, so stop blaming yourself and stop acting like you’re the one who has to make it up to them. I will put an end to this die trying, but you need to go home and be with people who are happy you still get to live.”
Kate looked down at her hands that I kept down on her lap before nodding weakly and letting out a broken “okay.”
“Good, now let’s get you home before-“
My words were cut off when the honk of a car barreling toward us echoed through the woods. The headlights were fast approaching and I barely had time to grab the gear shift to put us back in drive as the other vehicle hit us, forcing us back and forth in one violent motion. It took me a moment to check myself to be sure I hadn’t hit my head on anything or got whiplash from the crash before I immediately returned my full attention to Kate who was kneeling over holding her head. I gently grabbed her shoulder and pulled her up to examine her head. It didn’t appear to have been busted and bleeding, but she was holding the front side of her forehead.
“Are you okay?” I asked her, prying her hand away from the spot on her forehead, seeing that it was beginning to bruise. “Can you hear me? Blink twice if you can understand me!”
“I… I’m f-fine…” she mumbled as she looked to her hand to check if there was blood on her palm, “I… I think I just… Hit… Hit the w-window…” She then blinked twice in my direction before looking to the car that had rammed us.
I turned my attention as well to the car to see it was a police van, it’s front crushed into the left of my front. I quickly jumped out my vehicle and stormed to the van, yelling at who ever was driving the van to come out and explain what the hell they were doing.
The driver’s side of the van swung open once I was near enough and a man in an orange jumpsuit climbed out, staring familiar daggers at me. The moment realization set in, my mixed emotions of confusion, frustration, and fear turned to fury.
It was Leighton Raines.
“Jesus, you really are a shitty detective.” Was all he said to me before reaching into the can and retrieving a rifle out from the passenger seat.
Part 6
submitted by Chai_Ky to u/Chai_Ky [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:09 Dralorica Trespassing on an Easement/Hit & run with no damages?

My parents share a driveway with their neighbor, since the houses are too close together to have separate driveways. The house in question is owned by a Chinese investor (along with most of the rest of the block) who has never stepped foot in Canada. However, one of the guys who lives a few doors down is the 'property manager' and basically acts as landlord to rent out the houses on the street. This guy has attempted to buy my parent's house on behalf of the investor many times, but has never given an amount that would be enough for them to move.
Anyways, the guy hates my parents. Probably because if they agreed to sell the house then he'd get some kinda kickback from the investor. And causes all kinds of problems. He called bylaw when my parents had my RV parked in their driveway for a bit, he complains about the state of their grass, etc. typical shitty neighbor stuff but not really crossing the line into harassment.
Our driveway is shaped like a Y, but my parents 'part' is actually straight, and the easement legally goes all the way down the entire length of the property. So my parents driveway is entirely on the easement (and so is quite a portion of the backyard and entire fence) but my neighbors have a split that goes fully onto their property.
Well a few days ago the neighbors house had a leak, and so some roofers were in the driveway fixing it up. That's all fine, except Mr. Shitty neighbor for some reason drove his truck over (it's like a 50 meter walk) so that he could watch I guess? - and in the process of that he pulled into my neighbor's section of the driveway. However when he went to leave, he managed to back into: - A 'car shelter' we have setup temporarily (on the easement) - A roof rack for my car which was leaning against our fence (on our side of the property) - Our deck and fence - Ran over a piece of siding which was laying on our side of the easement (which fell off the house and was needed to be put back) - Ran over our concrete step and moved it - Backed into our garbage bins & bikes - knocking them over
We have it on video, and my god it is a hilarious watch. He just backs into the fence, drives forward into the car shelter and backwards into the deck, and forward into the car shelter, and backwards into the garbage bins, and does that like 5 times before pulling over to the other side again and trying again. Some how failing again. This goes on for over 5 MINUTES.
If course he did not mention to my parents that he had hit anything and my parents only found out after noticing the step was moved and checking their cameras. There's probably less than $150 in damage overall but still some light damage and it's a pain in the ass you know?
Furthermore, our gas meter is on the side of the house and right next to the concrete step. We are very concerned if he can't back out without hitting our fence and deck and porch 10x that he's gonna hit the gas meter and rip it off the wall. Or hit the house. Or hit one of our cars. We want to ban him from the property.
What steps can we take to make sure he doesn't park in the driveway? Like I said he lives literally 2 houses down so I really don't know why he even drives over. But can we tresspass him or would he still be allowed to park legally because of the easement? Should we report the hit & run to the police? Is there any way to recoup the cost of damages?
Note: he is not the property owner. As far as I'm aware he's only unofficially the 'property manager'. Can we ban him from the easement?
submitted by Dralorica to legaladvicecanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:09 RockingReedRothchild Room for rent near IMD - $475

Full listing description below and linked. I have a video walkthrough of the apartment/room available if desired as well. DM with any questions!
Hello! An unfurnished room is soon to be available for rent at Polk/California in Chicago - close to Tri-TayloIMD.
Not the trendiest neighborhood (and close to a homeless shelter) so please, please take note of that. The landlord lives in another unit part-time.
Short caUbebus ride to Logan Square, Pilsen, UIC, etc.
$475 per month plus utilities, which are split with the other two roommates (electricity, gas, internet). You'd only share your floobathroom with one roommate.
Month-to-month lease. Rent may be lowered by $25 after one year of good standing. $225 move-in fee, no security deposit.
Background/credit check required. You must be employed and be able to provide pay stubs (if you are experiencing unemployment please be upfront about that and we can discuss).
Landlord references preferred, no evictions on record (will be checked).
Please reply with a basic intro, name, and a link to any social media you have if you want. We can discuss getting a quick video call/showing set up - thanks! I have a video of the unit/room that I will shoot over as well.
Near Douglas Park, East Garfield Park, Little Italy, on the cusp of Tri Taylor and close to the Illinois Medical District. UIC campus a short bus (#7) ride away.
submitted by RockingReedRothchild to chicagoapartments [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:08 MemoraNetwork Dead cat!? I don’t f*cking care!!

Sorry kinda long, but context 🤷
First time I've been first party in a real interaction vs being the observer. Wife and I keep to ourselves and try to avoid the public as much as we can for good reasons, we are respectable quiet neighbors and have lived here for 8+ years with zero problems, and have never had a negative issue with anyone… but this guy…
8 months ago, this very senior golden retriever was running around a ditch next to a busy highway, wife who is an ex-vet tech of 20 yrs, pulls over to help and realizes it's our neighbors dog per his id tag/collar, whom we've never had more than a hello and head nod from prior to this, she gets the dog wrangled and takes him back (over ½ miles from home) just to proceed to being yelled at about touching his dog and “she let him out the back fence on purpose” etc… it's crazy shit, but my wife did the right thing, said he's crazy and has moved on/forgotten. Dog saved, mission success.
I'm asleep and got this second hand until i was awakened…
Nice crisp morning this am, wife planting flowers in front garden bed, an approximately 6 months old cat gets ran over in the street basically right in front of her, on the opposite side of the street from our house. A small picket fence and sidewalk separated her from the street, she had a front row view and heard the “squish”-her tear soaked words. She's mortified and upset as any animal lover would be seeing that at 0730 in a rural quiet area, peacefully gardening with a morning coffee. She dawns some gloves and moves the cat off the street respectfully to the closest non sidewalk/road spot , as anyone living rurally understands clearing the roads from animals etc..., This side (opposite our side) has no sidewalk, but it's a gravel berm leading to said grumpy old man's unfenced front yard. She places the body basically on the berm, and there is a row of bushes, with the cat resting under the closest bush in the berm to the street, leaving the animal mostly visible but out of the way/road. Cat had a collar and tags so she knew it was a pet.
As a side note: She had her dog get ran over in front of her when she was 10 and is hyper paranoid still about our animals getting out. I respect it.
Cue Boomer…
As my wife is walking back up our longish driveway to wash her hands and go back to her flowers, she hears “FUCK YOU YA STUPID CUNT” and sees him hurl the body of the cat by the tail, at her into the street and flips her off. My wife doesn't really take shit, it's a reason I love her, she harnesses “rip the band aid right off” mentality. So she turns around, with tears in her eyes being a sensitive animal person and sees his obese bald ass flipping her the bird and laughing. She goes and grabs the cats body out of the street (again) and moves it to behind his back fence/alley and says “technically not your property, it's county’s responsibility now”. I was asleep and didn't see this interaction yet, but she said as she moved the cat he yelled all sleezy like “why don't you suck my dick bitch" So she said some basic shit talking back and stormed up the driveway
I wake up hearing our dogs flipping out cause “ALERT people amz yelling outsidez ALERT”. See her storming up the driveway, I haven't had a sip of coffee yet note you.
She tells me what happened. I look out and he's talking to his other sided neighbor, who witnessed the whole thing too pointing at our place, she's a boomer Karen too, who is 72 and they're friends.
As I hear that he asks my wife about the whole dick situation I'm seeing red and decide to go over there and confront the most "get off my lawn" asshole I've ever ran into.
I have my phone on audio recording in my pocket so I have backup/proof if anything goes amiss.
I'm halfway down my driveway, I hear "What's he gonna do punch me or shoot me or some dumbass shit", it needs to be noted I'm 6’9” ~250 lbs and in pretty fit shape with a decade of CQC and martial arts training so I am aware of power disparity in situations, I stay calm and quiet and get close enough not to yell, but say
Me: "why is your first instinct to think I'm here to instigate violence??"
Boomer: “ I didn't say tha-”
Me:”I'm not deaf I heard you say that, answer me, why do you think violence is an acceptable answer, you coward. Why do you presume I would come over and just assault someone, this shows me your mindset”
Boomer: “well your wife said-”
Me: “ let's talk about my wife, she said you asked her to come and suck your dick and called her a cunt and a bitch, you're lucky I'm not actually reacting... sir have you ever been married”
Boomer: chuckles "yeah actually a few times"
Me: chortles mean and loudly "yeah I bet, no surprises there. How would you have reacted to some old man who is more than double your age, asking your wife to suck his dick and calling her a cunt??”
Boomer: "well I'd be acting like you I suppose"
Me:" no she moved someone's dead pet from the street out of respect and trauma from witnessing a pet get ran over" * admitted dick move, Knowing he lost his goldy a few months ago I ask* "sir have you ever lost a pet?"
Boomer: reacts some nonverbally "yes I've had multiple pets die in my arms"
Me: "imagine your last pet getting ran over, and then ran over by another car and another and another, now that is how some kid is probably going to feel from that mobile home park over there, as that's their cat."
NOTE down the alley behind his fence there's a small mobile home park with some super sweet families and are great neighbors, my son goes to school with their kids, solid people I'm happy to call my neighbors...
Boomer: "I don't fucking care about those Mexican kids and it's a dead cat. Who fucking cares, keep IT OFF MY FUCKING ROSES!"
Me: "first off youre a fucking bigot to bring their ethnicity into this, that doesn't change a fucking thing old man, act your age and have some self respect. YOU think you're a man, be a man and act like one, heres the difference between men and boys, men, care about their community and I was raised properly to respect and be kind to my neighbors, it's obvious you don't care how anyone in the community sees you."
I quietly, firmly said, " you don't talk to my wife, she won't talk to you. You have any issues, you talk to me and best watch how you approach me. I have surveillance and will ensure this is handled correctly"
I saw loads of sweat rolling down the wrinkles of his face and looked into his jaundice laiden eyes. Decided to beat him at his own game, stuck out my hand and he instinctively shook it.
I vice gripped it and muttered, "and if you ever talk to me or my family like that again, I'll be going to jail..." And walked off.
I hear as I walk back up the driveway, the Karen friend say “he made good points about a lot of that Ed, probably the best resolution you could've hoped for"
Not really shocked or surprised this occurred, just disappointed
I copied and pasted most of the transcript here from the recording and watched the footage from the videos, it seems to have gone exactly like my wife said... /Facepalm end rant
Tldr: boomer berates my wife and then tells her to suck his dick, for her trying to get a dead pet out of the street, so I confronted him.
submitted by MemoraNetwork to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:07 splashofrasp I was previously harassed by two men, and now that I moved back into the same area I'm concerned that the same situation will recur.

I wanted to put if out there to get some feedback.
A few years ago my parent formed a friendship with a couple. Let's call them Coby and Carl. Eventually this couple asked if they could work on their own projects on the family farm, including keeping animals here. What resulted from the situation was their neglect of the animals (on their part, I was stuck feeding and cleaning them), leaving their projects unfinished, & borrowing tools and other equipment and damaging them. They were asked multiple times to correct their errors but refused. The situation ended chaotically.
A little backstory: At the time I was single and living at home with my parent. My parent was unable live independently due to chonic pain, and before back to back surgeries for multiple reasons i was doing the housework/cooking, working as a nurse, and in school. My parent was in and out of the hospital between these surgeries for heart problems. My parent has always been very independent and was often resentful they could not do as they wanted due to chronic pain. During this time my brother passed of cancer, and that loss significantly impacted my parent, as they ended up with a charge for a DUI that costed them their drivers license for 18 months. During this time i was also responsible for driving my parent to appointments or any outings. Work for the outside on our property was hired through another family friend.
Coby and Carl were nice at first, but eventually it became clear that they had no respect for anything. They would abandon their own projects, left our yard a mess (neighbors complained), and refused to acknowledge what was going on. This led to a disagreement, and I told them to get their stuff together and to stop coming here, as they were no longer welcome due to their behavior.
This led to chaos. To summarize shortly after i told them thay they needed to vacate our property, Coby used his partners truck to force me off the road near a bend where I almost lost control of my vehicle. I did not have a dash camera and i had 0 witnesses (I was driving alone). I was clear to both Coby and Carl afterwards that i would contact law enforcement if something else reckless and stupid was attempted like this, ever. This did deter Coby and Carl for a while.
After, Carl would blast anyone ( including my own family) who would listen that I was crazy and unstable and making up what happened. The entire situation was painful. Basically, Carl was able to cause a lack of faith from some of my own family members, and even disrupted a few of my friendships. Carl was likely on the defense for his partner, but his own lack of accountability for his actions of breaking things, telling me that I should "lighten up", and keep my nose out of his doings on my families property, and acting like his actions didn't have any consequences was too much. I'm not sure what gave him the idea that he could continue his behavior, and the entitlement was unbelievable. Eventually, Carl realized he didn't have the same grip he did before, and likely out of boredom (we stopped talking and I cut out all contact) he stopped coming around.
This entire situation exhausted me, I needed time to heal, so I made plans. My parent had recovered from their final surgery and was able to walk, and pain management was improved. I secured a better job and moved in with friends for a year.
(When I was not living with my parent, I arranged for them to have help at home, I called my parent weekly, saw them for Sunday dinners at my cousins house, and maintained a decent but removed relationship from them. This helped us to repair a lot of the things between us.)
This went on for a year until I relocated to another province for work, but due to financial reasons I have moved back home with my parent. This economy is absolutely brutal. My parent and I are on better terms, and we have reconciled. I have been and always will be very grateful for everything they have done for me despite anything that has happend, we are family.
What i want feedbacm on is what happens when Coby and Carl learn that I'm back in the area? Will there be an attempt to do something to hurt any progress I have made in my life? Specifically, I am concerned about another attempt to force me into a ditch, as well as any attacks on my credibility. I don't want to lose anymore friends or have anymore painful remarks from people I care about (who eventually came around to my side of things.)
Before the incident with Coby, he had followed my vehicle too closely in the past on a common stretch of road our driveway ajoins to, and had a terrible attitude when I asked him to stop doing this. If I spoke up about it sooner I could have prevented him from attempting what he did. I can be a bit of a doormatt and it takes me time to stand up for myself.
As a result of the experience, I have some unresolved trauma. There are cameras on our property, and I have a dash cam. I'm careful, I don't go out after dark, and I call friends and tell them where I am. Yes, my parent is aware of what happend. I don't know what else I can do to protect myself.
I currently reside in the province of Ontario, and from what I am aware of Coby and Carl still reside in a small community not far from my home. Once they learn I'm back in the area, I am convinced something may come of it. What do you advise I do in the meantime, to provide myself with a sense of security?
*names have been changed to avoid drawing attention to my situation *I avoid the area they reside in. I commute in the opposite direction for errands. I don't visit the community they live in or the people I know there. * I have been unable to recover some of the friendships I lost due to Carl's smear campaign * Coby works at a car dealership * Carl cares for large mammals * I was gaslit so bad that I question if my experiences/reasons are valid, to the point to where I did seek talk therapy for validation and support. *Carl did ask my parent for money on a few occasions. I'm not sure what is borrowed/owed. My parent likely just let it go, as she likely understands that it isn't recoverable. (I don't tend to bring it up because it is upsetting). * I have a lawyer but there isn't anything I can do about this (yet) *any feedback/advice is appreciated
submitted by splashofrasp to RedditForGrownups [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:06 Oruma_Yar How do you think these characters would react?

This is a "be careful what you wish for" / "so what now?" kind of scenario.
We all know how Tyrion's dwarfism, or Brienne's plain looks, have affected their personalities.
How do you think they will choose, what will they be willing to give up, if...
(1) Tyrion, being made tall and handsome like his brother Jamie?
(2) Brienne is made beautiful, worthy the name of "The Maid" and "Evenstar"?
(3) Sandor, his face healed, his brother gone from his life?
(4) Varys, his manhood restored?
(5) Stannis, if Shireen is restored from Grayscale?
(6) Willa's Tyrell, his leg good again?
(7) Tywin and Robert and others, if their lost loves were restored to them?
Basically, my idea is that a wizard/genie/ROB gave a selected number of people their greatest desires, in return for doing good and being kind and etc.
And while they all tried, eventually many of them failed because their personality flaws were just that much more powerful and the world of Westeros fell just that much harder.
What do you think? Or, who (else) would you suggest for such a trial?
submitted by Oruma_Yar to TheCitadel [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:05 DegenerateStoner710 39 [M4F] #NewJersey Looking for a nice SOUTHERN lady

Hello , short version, only interested in something serious and longterm. USA strongly preferred.Absolutely no : History of abuse, Addiction, mens haircuts, Colored hair ( blue, pink etc) heavy drinkers, single moms, cigarette smokers , NEW ACCOUNTS, no activists on any level, NO Black woman, im sure there is more but mind is blank at the moment. \\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_I am looking for someone who is willing to actually put 50/50 effort into this. If you have zero desire to talk, check messages, respond in a timely manner etc we have absolutely ZERO to be talking about. I am very much over these types of interactions, I honestly dont get it haha. Communication is very key.\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\_\\\Brief info about me : Enjoy all things true crime related ( podcasts, documentaries etc), I listen to all types of music to the point its just easier for me to say if I like it, ill listen to it period. If you saw me in person and then saw my Spotify it would probably shock you, not in a bad way though haha. I like to cook and BBQ when weather permits although I have been slacking on the bbq aspect lately. I use to compete with my exes father and it was a ton of fun. learned alot of things and made some amazing ribs and chicken. I love to try new foods when possible, id love to travel more, I do enjoy cruises, im pretty laid back type of person in the sense im open to whatever as long as it isnt lame.Please be 420 friendlyIts really pointless to write a lot here considering most messages are fake accounts / bots. Please send your basic info when you message instead of just "hi". Name, Location, age please thanks. Also be ready to exchange photos, if as an adult you "cant" do that, please dont message me lol.
submitted by DegenerateStoner710 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]