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2024.05.19 11:47 cuBLea "Dark" MR: Memory Reconsolidation for Fun, Profit, and Psychosocial Manipulation (partial essay)

NOTE: I drafted this before reddit slashed its allowable post size and decided it was unpublishable at that point. A friend strongly recommended I post whatever reddit will allow and if people wanted to see more, I could post more of it. So here's the first segment of it.
Therapeutic memory reconsolidation has a dark side. It's not something typically discussed outside of the coffee rooms of the lab-rat and clinical-practices sets, where the tedium of the current work occasionally gives rise to darkly humorous dystopian speculations.
This dark side is not simply the stuff of mad-science speculation and dark fantasy. In fact, its existence predates even the discovery of the MR process itself. And it has already resulted in mild-to-catastrophic negative consequences for hundreds of thousands of people. (Depending on your perspective, it's conceivable that the current victim count could be in the tens or even hundreds of millions ... we're notorious for undercounting casualties of previously-unrecognized catastrophes. Fair disclosure: I'm one of those casualties.) It's an aspect of MR that I believe is worth knowing about for anyone seeking to exploit MR in therapy either as a practitioner or as a client.
For almost as long as the transformation (i.e. MR) phenomenon has been recognized, there have been tales of sordid applications of this effect. Religious sects, particularly the charismatic ones, have been exploiting the MR phenomenon for thousands of years, typically labeling it as either divine healing or proof of faith. Not that the results aren't beneficial for the individual. In most cases they are. But reconsolidation is only a part of the whole process of restoring health to old psychic wounds. The inducement of therapeutic MR in an individual not ready for the experience can be among the most brutal tortures imaginable, but most of the harm that comes from misapplication of the MR phenomenon can be traced to opportunistic exploitation of the setup for, and aftermath of, the transformational experience, and it's my belief that most of this harm is done by individuals and/or groups with little or no sense of the risks involved in
Keith Raniere's NXIVM organization is probably the most widely-known example of a cult founded largely on a MR-consistent methodology bent to less-than-humane ends. It made national news for years in Canada based on allegations of financial wrongdoing and sexual scandals, its leader was indicted in the US in 2018 and was sentenced to 120 years, and in 2020, not one but *two* major exposé miniseries/docuseries aired on streaming services.
"The Vow" (Mark Vicente's story)
Vicente's series orients around his involvement in the growth and promotion of NXIVM, and isn't afraid to get into the weeds around how Raniere strategized and developed the organization's techniques and tactics.
"Seduced: Inside the NXIVM Cult" (India Oxenberg's story)
This series centers more around IO's personal journey with the cult, and the people who were caught up in its darkest aspects.
"The Vow", first to be released, was not a fun watch for me. Thirty years prior to this, I had been ensnared by another cult, closely affiliated with the Unity Church of Today in Warren, MI at that time. Both of these cults exploited phenomena surrounding therapeutic memory consolidation as their primary lures years before we even knew that MR had a scientific footing.
The two organizations had shockingly similar modi operandi. So similar, in fact, that I still suspect that NXIVM's founder might have gotten much of his basic training from CoT's Pavillon resort in Quebec, whose month-long "therapeutic retreat" programs were a clever and completely unabashed cult indoctrination program. Ok ... well ... nearly completely unabashed ... during the month that I attended, we were only told that we were being groomed for the cult on the third-to-last day, by which time they surely knew who was ripe for the picking and who wouldn't be swayed, and were pretty confident of no open objection to such an announcement.
I want to make clear that this is not a word of exaggeration. The head of the "clinic" literally told us that if it felt to any of us like we were being recruited for a cult, he assured us that yes, we were. Nobody gasped, nobody even giggled. And as if to prove that this wasn't just dark humor, the director assured us that it was all fair play on their part since his was "the only cult that matters". That is exactly how confident Pavillon were of their methods. (Or at least they were in mid-1989 ... Pavillon appears to have vanished in the mists of history. Not every great cult idea grows up to make it to the big leagues.)
Neither "Seduced" or "The Vow" actually get under the hood and explain the psychology underlying the cult's success, let alone in context of therapeutic memory reconsolidation. In fact, I'm pretty sure that MR was never mentioned in either series. But right from the introductory/demo sessions presented in the first episode of "The Vow", most readers of this sub will instantly recognize that NXIVM leveraged the benefits and relative simplicity of MR-consistent transformational therapies to capture the attention, loyalty, and ultimately the wealth of prospective cult members.
But that's not nearly enough to lead us to a real understanding of how this happens. If either of these series' had been able to achieve that, this post could effctively end here. It's my belief that those of us who are consumers of MR-consistent services, or who work with consumers, do need this understanding. When the mechanics of the seduction are understood, it doesn't just help us to identify how malignant influences were brought to bear on potential victims, or provide us with a degree of immunity from those influences. It can also help us to better identify and relate to individuals who may be particularly vulnerable to these influences, and not just in therapy cults, but in all cult-like cultural groups, and get a better sense of how we can best communicate with people living under less-than-virtuous influence.
Fortunately, it doesn't appear to be all that difficult to acquire this understanding. Simply knowing basic MR theory and therapeutic application takes you halfway to mastery in a world still largely ignorant of how transformative change works. And the successes of Pavillon and NXIVM, coming as they did well before the general public even knew that MR was a "thing", pretty much proves it. But solving the remainder of the problem appears to involve first understanding how the application of MR-consistent methods could lead to cult exploitation in the first place.
MR-consistent transformational phenomena were relatively common knowledge back as far as the early 1980s in new-age/psychotherapy circles, and were even well-understood by certain inner-circle dwellers. And it was clear at least a decade earlier that certain disciplines practiced in a certain way were capable of producing remarkable therapeutic effects, even if no one could quite explain how or why. All Raniere and Pavillon needed to do was to refine techniques already known to be highly effective and they could reproduce those results. Which is exactly what happened, and this gave these two groups a powerful enticement, or a free sample product if you prefer, for people interested in living better, happier lives. Whatever else they did that we would likely view as objectionable or even evil, they both figured out how to get people to transformational moments in ways which were a lot easier than Erhard Seminars Training (EST), more efficient than religious or mystical practices (Transcendental Meditation, kundalini yoga, visionquesting, etc.), and less exclusive/expensive than a stay at Esalen or a year or two of the "talking cure".
So whatever we may think/feel about their methods, credit where due: they knew a good thing when they saw it and they got the transformational part right. So how did techniques which we rely upon to free us from exploitation by our own nervous systems become tools for THEIR exploitation? On the surface it seems like using MR to coerce and enslave people makes about as silly as trying to poison someone with multivitamins. But there's a clever logic to it, and to understand this we need to look beyond the bounds of MR and the transformational phenomenon, and at how the entire transformation process is managed. (And there's the operative word: managed, not facilitated.
We know MR as the process that underlies transformation. But transformation isn't healing, but only a subprocess within a greater restoration process. Healing doesn't usually even end the process, either. Following transformation, stress must be managed until the subject's next full sleep cycle or treatment efficacy is substantially impaired. Even beyond that, the structure of post-traumatic adaptation leaves the individual vulnerable to retraumatization in the wake of treatment, meaning that in perhaps a majority of cases, the triggers which activate PTS symptoms need to be kept to a
submitted by cuBLea to MemoryReconsolidation [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:46 tinkxskywalker [Sun care] Sunscreen with makeup & what’s best for pale girlies?

i’ve become obsessed with wanting to prolong wrinkles, and not get skin cancer (good obsession to have if you ask me) so i apply sunscreen every day of the year. i do wear makeup though sometimes and i’m looking for a good sunscreen that doesn’t mess with skincare/makeup and is good for oily skin, and i’m also wondering how it’s supposed to be applied throughout the day after i’ve put makeup on?
also, i don’t burn or tan, i usually stay the same unless i haven’t put sunscreen on and have been outside for a long time then i will burn but i’ve never had mega bad sunburn tbh. i THINK i have the capability to tan the tiniest bit (if i’ve been in the sun for weeks and obviously wear sunscreen lol) as i have come home from holidays with the tiniest bit or colour sometimes, so i don’t want to prevent the tiniest bit of tan i get, so what’s a good sunscreen for me, both for body and face? one that actually absorbs and doesn’t feel too sticky because that drives my crazy when my clothes and hair cling to me! i’ve been using SPF15 and just applying regularly but wondering if i should go up? the only reason i’m using 15 is that’s all that’s in my house currently.
side note, it’s crazy how many people aren’t educated on this in terms of aging and cancer. my friends that tan easily and remain somewhat tanned year round swear they don’t need sunscreen because they hardly burn, so they think that means they won’t get skin cancer and won’t get wrinkles?! i try inform them but they don’t listen so, guess I’ll just look after myself haha
submitted by tinkxskywalker to SkincareAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:42 Asleep_Magazine_5528 I (25M) made a huge mistake with (24F) - was it the mistake or was she not even interested before this?

I (25M) matched with a girl (24F) on hinge. We were texting each other once every day or so for just over a week then organised to go on a date. The date went great - she did mention that she has accounting exams coming up soon with her job so she was going to be busy the next couple of months. But we both had a great time and I had no doubts we wanted to see eachother again after the date - she even gave me her umbrella to take home as it was raining and she got a taxi home.
We continued texting once a day - finding out more in common and I mentioned that I’m a fan of Mexican food and she said she is too and she said that could be our next date idea. She then asked when I was free and I booked a restaurant (2 weeks after the first date as she was busy due to a family wedding the weekend after the first date). She also mentioned that as it’s September now, it’s go time in terms of revision.
We met up at the restaurant and the date went fine, again no doubts and lots in common. She mentioned that due to a health condition she doesn’t like to drink alcohol when it’s super hot so she ordered a mocktail instead with her food.
We then went to a rooftop bar afterwards which I’d booked as the weather was really warm. When we got to the rooftop, the girl said it feels hotter up here than it does downstairs (which it did) and she asked me to push a button on my side of the table (I think she assumed it may have been connected to a fan). But when I pushed the button the outdoor heaters turned on which was quite embarrassing and the people in the bar started laughing. I laughed too but it did throw me off and make me feel awkward. The girl did apologise to me and them and was laughing too.
But we sat down and continued chatting - I felt the conversation wasn’t flowing as well due to the awkwardness but there were no awkward silences. I ordered a cocktail but the menu was a little limited for mocktails - I did ask her if she wanted to go somewhere else but she said don’t worry it’s ok. She ended up just having water.
Once i finished my drink, she said she’s going to head off so we walked to the train station together - we didn’t stay at the rooftop for very long. I was still feeling awkward as the last part of the date didn’t go how I’d hoped but I asked if she wanted to go out again and she said yeah definitely so I gave her a quick kiss and said bye.
I messaged her on instagram while I was on my way home and just gave her my phone number and said let me know when you’re home.
She texted me that evening and said ‘hey thanks for dinner tonight - honestly next time you have to let me get the bill! It was v good to see you again. Hope you got home okay x’.
I replied that Thursday evening and said ‘hey no worries it’s all good, but you’re organising the next one’. She then reacted to that message with a little heart on Saturday and said ‘how’s your Saturday been, sorry for the late reply been super busy my sister is visiting😂’ - she did mention that her sister was visiting before we went on the second date. I replied on the Sunday with general convo. She replied on the Monday as usual, being communicative, telling me about her weekend and all the things she did and also asking me more about what I was doing. She also said ‘so not a productive weekend in terms of revision😭’
I replied on the Tuesday, making general conversation again. I didn’t hear back from her on Wednesday, Thursday (which was when I started to get anxious) or Friday. I assumed she had a busy week with work and revision so I’d hear back Friday evening. I also noticed that at some point after the second date she changed one of her prompts on her hinge dating profile - a small change from ‘give me travel tips to Thailand’ to ‘give me travel tips to Miami’. She didn’t update any pictures or anything else and as we’d only been out twice I’m guessing this is normal? She also mentioned on the second date that she’d booked her Miami holiday.
I still didn’t hear back from her and then made a massive mistake Saturday morning and sent her another message which said ‘if you weren’t interested why not just say. You’re a bit of an arsehole to say you wanna go out again, pay and all that then just ignore me’. She responded an hour and a half later and said ‘I wasn’t trying to ignore you - I was genuinely busy this week. But you calling me an arsehole is so uncalled for and tbh I don’t want to see someone who’s going to call me names so I’d rather just call it a day’. I called to try and apologise but she didn’t pick up so I messaged ‘I get you’re busy with exams. Like I fully understand that but it takes 2 seconds to say hey I’m busy right now I’ll get back to you. Tbh it comes across like you’re not interested and a bit rude. So I’m sorry I called you an arsehole but I called you as I wanted to chat to you quickly’. She replied and said ‘sorry missed your call - I’m out. Yeah fairs I get that but the exams are my priority. I feel like I’ve said what I need to say and think it’s just best if we leave it here’. I messaged again trying to sort it out but she didn’t reply. I gave it three weeks and apologised more sincerely and she said it’s all good no hard feelings but she’s got a lot on right now so she doesn’t think it would be best to give it a second chance. I said if it’s the exams I don’t mind if you wanna speak again after they’re all done, but she didn’t reply to that message.
I reached out again after a couple months as I saw her on the same dating app and her profile was updated with new pictures and she said she just doesn’t see this going anywhere and good luck with everything - she then blocked me. I’m assuming she was finished with her exams by this point.
I fully understand that I was completely in the wrong with the way I reacted and I’ve learnt the lesson and won’t ever speak to anyone like that again - I regret it so much because I could see myself liking her and she honestly seemed like the most perfect girl, although we only went on 2 dates and spoke for a month. But do you think it was me calling her an arsehole that caused her to end it (completely valid if so) or if she just wasn’t feeling it before this and I gave her an easy way out?
submitted by Asleep_Magazine_5528 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:41 Count-Daring243 Best Carhartt Gym Bags

Best Carhartt Gym Bags
Carhartt gym bags are perfect for any fitness enthusiast, offering durability and style to help you carry your gym essentials with ease. From boxing to general fitness, there's a Carhartt bag to suit every need. In this comprehensive guide, we'll showcase the best Carhartt gym bags to help you find the perfect match for your workout routine.
Whether you're in search of a spacious duffel bag for your daily gym visits or a compact gym bag for weekend fitness excursions, our Carhartt gym bag roundup has got you covered. Delve into the world of Carhartt and discover the perfect gym bag for your active lifestyle. Get ready to gear up and hit the gym with confidence and style!

The Top 8 Best Carhartt Gym Bags

  1. Carhartt Packable Water-Resistant Duffel Bag with Utility Pouch - Durable and versatile, the Carhartt Canvas Packable Duffel with Pouch keeps your belongings water-resistant, organized, and easily accessible, making it perfect for both jobsite and travel use.
  2. Water Repellent Carhartt Duffel Bag with Utility Stash Pouch - Carhartt's 40L Lightweight Duffel Bag, with its polyester material, removable & adjustable shoulder strap, and main compartment with zipper, serves as an exceptional gym bag or travel companion, boasting 5.0 stars from 4 reviews.
  3. Carhartt Classic Durable Water-Resistant Duffel Bag (Gray) - Experience versatile and reliable storage with Carhartt's 55L Classic Duffel in Gray, boasting a 1200-Denier polyester construction with Rain Defender water repellency for enduring durability and moisture resistance.
  4. Carhartt Classic Laptop Backpack - Experience unparalleled durability, style, and functionality with Carhartt's Classic 21L Laptop Backpack, designed to carry your day's essentials and withstand any adventure.
  5. Sleek and Durable Black Essentials Duffel Bag by Carhartt WIP - The Carhartt WIP Essentials Bag features a water-repellent, fully lined design with various storage compartments, making it an excellent choice for those seeking a stylish and practical bag for daily use.
  6. Carhartt Black Legacy Cross Body Gear Organizer for Men - The Carhartt Black Legacy Cross Body Gear Organizer is a durable and practical crossbody bag for men, featuring exceptional storage options, water-repellent technology, and adjustable shoulder strap.
  7. Carhartt Heavy Duty Water-Resistant Gear Bag - 23 - Carhartt Legacy 23" Gear Bag, Black" - A highly durable, versatile gym bag featuring a water-repellent coating and abrasion-resistant base, perfect for travel, tools, sports gear, and day-to-day use.
  8. Carhartt Medium Duffel and Utility Pouch - Experience durability and functionality in every adventure with Carhartt's Black Trade Series Medium Duffel & Utility Pouch, offering ample storage, a reusable tool pouch, and a rain defender finish for optimal protection.
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Carhartt Packable Water-Resistant Duffel Bag with Utility Pouch
I recently got the chance to own and use this Carhartt Canvas Packable Duffel with Pouch for my daily commutes and weekend trips. It's a game-changer! The bag is made of 500D polyester, which has been treated with Rain Defender, a durable water repellent (DWR). This means I don't have to worry about my stuff getting ruined in case of rain. One of the things I love about this duffel is its spacious main compartment. I can fit all my work clothes and shoes easily. The dual webbing haul handles also make it really comfortable to carry around.
However, there's a catch - the exterior slash pocket. It's a bit too tight for my liking and it tends to get stuck when trying to put something bigger inside. Another thing that caught my attention was the adjustable shoulder strap. While it's a great feature, I found it a bit too long, even when adjusted to its shortest length.
Despite these minor setbacks, I still believe this duffel is worth every penny. Its water-resistant feature is a real lifesaver during gloomy days, and its sturdy construction ensures that it'll last for a long time. Plus, the bonus utility pouch is really handy for keeping smaller items organized!

Water Repellent Carhartt Duffel Bag with Utility Stash Pouch
I recently purchased the Carhartt Lightweight Duffel and Utility Stash Pouch in black, and I must say, it's been a game-changer for my daily commute. The polyester material not only feels durable but also looks sleek and stylish. One of my favorite features is the removable and adjustable shoulder strap that comes with a comfortable pad, making it effortless to carry around.
The main interior compartment with a zipper ensures all my essentials are securely stored, while the exterior zippered pocket provides easy access to my smaller items like keys and wallet. What truly sets this duffel apart from others is the foldable utility pouch inside, perfect for keeping my gym wear separate from my work belongings.
The water-repellent coating gives me peace of mind knowing my belongings will stay dry even in unexpected rain. Plus, the iconic "Carhartt" logo adds a touch of class to this versatile bag.
However, one minor drawback is the limited color options available. I was hoping for a wider range of choices to match my personal style more accurately. So, if you're looking for a high-quality, durable duffel bag with an integrated utility pouch, the Carhartt Lightweight Duffel is definitely worth considering.

Carhartt Classic Durable Water-Resistant Duffel Bag (Gray)
As a reviewer who's been using the Carhartt 55L Classic Duffel in my daily life, I can attest to its durability and flexibility. The Rain Defender water-repellent finish on this heavy-duty 1200-Denier polyester bag has kept all my belongings safe in even the toughest of weather conditions. One of my favorite features is the large main compartment that allows me to carry everything from my camping gear to tools on the job. The top and side haul handles, along with the removable, adjustable shoulder strap, make it incredibly easy to carry around wherever I go.
One downside I noticed is that the bag's interior seems slightly smaller than expected. It does manage to store plenty of items but with less organization than some other duffels I've used due to the lack of additional pockets other than a single zippered one.
However, the overall design comfort and visual appeal make up for this minor inconvenience. The grey color adds a touch of sophistication while still maintaining that rugged look characteristic of Carhartt products. Plus, the lifetime warranty provided gives me peace of mind knowing my investment will last for years to come.
So, whether you're an avid camper or just need a reliable bag for daily use, the Carhartt 55L Classic Duffel is definitely worth considering. Its blend of style, functionality, and durability won't disappoint.

Carhartt Classic Laptop Backpack
I've been using the Carhartt Classic 21L Laptop Backpack for a few months now, and I must say, it has become an essential part of my daily routine. This backpack is not only stylish but also incredibly functional, with features that make it a must-have for anyone on the go.
The main compartment is large enough to hold everything I need for a day out, including my 15-inch laptop, textbooks, and even a small lunch box. The padded shoulder straps provide comfort, making it easy to carry around without any strain.
One thing that really stands out about this backpack is its durability. The 600-denier polyester fabric, combined with the Rain Defender Water Repellent coating, ensures that my belongings stay safe and dry, even in the toughest weather conditions.
However, there are a few minor drawbacks that I've noticed. The lack of additional compartments can make it difficult to organize smaller items like pens and pencils. Additionally, the backpack tends to be on the heavier side, which may not be ideal for those who prefer lighter options.
In conclusion, the Carhartt Classic 21L Laptop Backpack is a solid choice for anyone in need of a functional and stylish backpack. Its large capacity, comfortable design, and impressive weather resistance make it a worthwhile investment. While it may not be perfect, the pros far outweigh the cons, making this an excellent choice for daily use.

Sleek and Durable Black Essentials Duffel Bag by Carhartt WIP
Carhartt WIP's Black Essentials Bag has been a game-changer in my daily life. As a guy who loves to travel light, this versatile bag offers so much more than just space for my essentials. The recycled polyester canvas is not only eco-friendly but also water-repellent, which is a must-have feature for someone living in a city with unpredictable weather like me.
You know how it is when you need to quickly grab your keys, wallet, phone, and other daily necessities on your way out - well, this bag has two main openings that fasten with a two-way zipper, making access easy as pie. Plus, the adjustable shoulder strap makes it comfortable to carry around and adds an extra layer of convenience.
The Carhartt Essentials Bag also comes with a smaller velcro pocket on the front and another small zipped pocket, perfect for storing smaller items like business cards or headphones. At 17 x 16.5 x 6 cm, it's the perfect size for carrying essentials conveniently and comfortably.
One thing that really impresses me about this bag is its durability. Despite its compact size, it can withstand daily wear and tear without showing any signs of damage. It's a quality product made in China, combining style and functionality to meet the needs of every modern man.
The only downside to this bag, in my opinion, is the price tag. It's not exactly cheap, but considering the high quality and longevity of the material, I think it's worth the investment. All in all, the Carhartt WIP Essentials Bag gets a solid thumbs-up from me.

Carhartt Black Legacy Cross Body Gear Organizer for Men
In my quest for the ultimate organization solution, I stumbled upon Carhartt's Black Legacy Cross Body Gear Organizer. As an avid user of different types of gear, I can confidently say that this crossbody bag has been a game-changer in my daily life. One of the standout features for me is the adjustable shoulder strap - offering both convenience and versatility without compromising on comfort.
The main compartment houses two slash pockets and five elastic loops, which are perfect for storing and accessing essential tools effortlessly. However, one minor drawback is the single zipper, making it difficult to open the bag without causing the sides to open as well. Another highlight worth mentioning is the front compartment, featuring a slash pocket and an ingenious key fob that prevents me from losing those elusive keys.
While the Carhartt Gear Organizer doesn't boast a large capacity, its compact design and robust construction make it reliable for carrying your vital tools and devices. Over the past few weeks, I've relied heavily on this organizer for work and leisure, and it has shown no signs of wear and tear - a testament to its impeccable craftsmanship.
In conclusion, the Carhartt Black Legacy Cross Body Gear Organizer provides a convenient storage solution for anyone who needs a reliable and compact tool for organizing their gear. Despite a few minor drawbacks, such as the single zipper in the main compartment, this lightweight and durable bag has become an indispensable part of my daily life.

Carhartt Heavy Duty Water-Resistant Gear Bag - 23
I recently received the Carhartt Legacy 23" Gear Bag in black, and I must say, I've been thoroughly impressed with its performance. At first glance, this bag might seem like your average gear bag, but once you start using it, you'll realize that it's so much more.
Firstly, the durability of this bag is outstanding. Constructed from 1200D poly, it's designed to withstand even the toughest of conditions. The Rain Defender Durable Water Repellent and Duraux abrasion-resistant base mean that my stuff stays safe and dry no matter what the weather throws at me.
The main compartment is deceptively spacious. I initially thought this would be a standard tool bag, but it turns out to be a versatile gear bag, perfect for travelling or organizing everyday items. The top and side haul handles, combined with the removable/adjustable padded shoulder strap, make it incredibly comfortable to carry, even when full.
However, there are some minor downsides to this bag. For starters, the storage options inside the bag are a little inconvenient. There's only one small interior pocket, which isn't very useful for organizing smaller items. Additionally, some users might find the size of the bag a bit too small for their needs.
But overall, I'm extremely happy with my purchase. The Carhartt Legacy 23" Gear Bag is a well-made, high-capacity bag that's as tough as they come. If you're in the market for a reliable gear bag, I'd definitely recommend giving this one a try.

Carhartt Medium Duffel and Utility Pouch
I recently got my hands on the Carhartt Black Trade Series Medium Duffel and Utility Pouch, and I must say, it has been an absolute game-changer. The large zippered opening into the main compartment has made packing and accessing my stuff super easy. The exterior slash pocket is perfect for keeping my essentials within quick reach.
One of my favorite features is the included reusable tool pouch, which I use to store various small hand tools. It's a nice touch that adds extra utility to an already versatile bag. The removable adjustable shoulder strap with pad provides comfort and convenience during those long hauls.
However, there are some downsides. While the bag is spacious, it could stand to be a bit more organized with some internal compartments. Additionally, it may not be the best option for those looking for a lightweight, minimalistic bag.
All in all, the Carhartt Black Trade Series Medium Duffel and Utility Pouch is a reliable and durable choice for anyone in need of a versatile bag for work, travel, or sports. Just remember to pack light and keep an eye on the size if you're planning on using it as a carry-on for flights.

Buyer's Guide

Important Features to Consider

When shopping for aCarhartt gym bag, there are several features you should look for:
  • Durability: Choose a bag made from high-quality materials that can withstand wear and tear from regular use.
  • Size & Compartments: Consider the number of items you usually bring to the gym and select a bag that can accommodate them comfortably. Look for multiple compartments to keep your belongings organized and easy to access.
  • Comfort & Straps: Ensure the bag has comfortable shoulder straps and handles for easy carrying, especially if you plan on using it for commuting.
  • Wet Pocket or Slot: This is a helpful feature to keep wet or sweaty clothes separate from your dry belongings. A water-resistant lining in this compartment is a bonus.

Considerations for Your Specific Needs

Before making a purchase, think about how you will use the bag. Will you be carrying heavy items like shoes or protein shakers? Do you need space for a laptop or tablet? These factors can help you narrow down your choices and find the perfect Carhartt gym bag for your needs.

General Advice for Maintaining Your Gym Bag

To prolong the life of your Carhartt gym bag and keep it smelling fresh, follow these tips:
  • Air it out between uses: Hang your bag in a well-ventilated area after each workout to allow any moisture to evaporate.
  • Clean it regularly: Use mild soap and water to clean the exterior and interior of your bag. Be sure to air dry it completely before storing or using again.
  • Don't overload it: Stuffing your bag with too many items can cause unnecessary strain on the material and reduce its lifespan.

In Conclusion

Investing in a quality Carhartt gym bag will not only make your workouts more convenient but also help keep your belongings organized and protected. By considering important features, addressing your specific needs, and following general maintenance advice, you can ensure that your new gym bag will serve you well for years to come.


What are Carhartt gym bags best suited for?

Carhartt gym bags are best suited for activities that require carrying personal items, clothing, shoes, and sometimes even gear. These are perfect for gym goers, fitness enthusiasts, and even boxing or other sports practitioners.

In what ways are Carhartt gym bags durable?

Carhartt gym bags are designed with durability in mind. They are made from heavy-duty materials, such as cotton duck, sandstone canvas, or polyester, that can withstand harsh conditions and rough use. The quality of craftsmanship, strong stitching, and robust zippers make them reliable companions for daily use.

What sizes do Carhartt gym bags come in?

Carhartt gym bags come in various sizes to cater to different needs. There are smaller options like the Drawstring Backpack for carrying basic essentials, medium-sized options like the Classic Sport Duffle Bag, and larger ones like the Carhartt Gym Bag for those who need more storage space.

Do Carhartt gym bags have compartments?

Yes, many Carhartt gym bags have multiple compartments and pouches to help organize your belongings. These compartments often include a main storage area, a separate shoe compartment, and smaller pockets for items like keys or wallets.

How do Carhartt gym bags perform in terms of water resistance?

Some Carhartt gym bags offer water-resistant features to protect your belongings from light rain or spills. Make sure to check the product description for specific water resistance capabilities when shopping for a gym bag.

Are Carhartt gym bags available in different colors or designs?

Yes, Carhartt gym bags come in a variety of colors and designs to suit different tastes. From timeless neutral tones to more vibrant options, there is a gym bag available that will fit your style preferences.

Are Carhartt gym bags suitable for professionals who need to carry work-related items as well as gym gear?

Yes, many Carhartt gym bags can easily accommodate work-related items such as laptops, documents, and stationery along with your workout gear, making them a versatile choice for busy professionals who need a convenient way to carry everything they need for both work and the gym.

Do Carhartt gym bags have a warranty or guarantee?

While specific warranty information may vary by product, Carhartt is known for manufacturing high-quality, durable products. Many gym bags may come with a limited warranty that addresses manufacturing defects. It's essential to check the product description or contact the merchant for details on warranty and return policies.

How can I clean and maintain my Carhartt gym bag?

  • Wipe the exterior with a damp cloth to remove dirt and grime.
  • Apply a mild detergent, such as dish soap, to the cloth for tougher spots or stains.
  • Spot clean the interior using a damp cloth and mild detergent as needed.
  • Allow the bag to air dry completely before storing or using it again.

How do I choose the best Carhartt gym bag for my needs?

To choose the best Carhartt gym bag for your needs, consider factors such as the size or capacity required, your preferred style, and any special features or compartments that would suit your specific requirements. It can also be helpful to read reviews from other customers to get a better understanding of how the bag performs in real-world situations.

What is the price range for Carhartt gym bags?

Carhartt gym bags are available in a wide range of prices, starting from around $20 for smaller, more basic models and extending up to around $100 or more for premium, larger, or more feature-rich options. This variety in pricing allows you to find a bag that accommodates your budget and fulfill your needs.

Are Carhartt gym bags suitable for travel?

While Carhartt gym bags are designed primarily for everyday use at the gym or during workouts, their durability and size options make them suitable for some types of travel, like short trips or gym-centric vacations. However, for extended or more demanding travel, it may be worth considering a traditional travel bag or another type of luggage designed specifically for longer trips.
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submitted by Count-Daring243 to u/Count-Daring243 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:38 spyr0technic Singapore VGC Nationals

Singapore VGC Nationals
Today (19 May) was the Singapore VGC Nationals tournament. 64 players were invited, vying for Top 8 to get a Worlds Invite, or top 2 for an Invite and Travel Award.
Having played in Limitless tours, PCs, MSS and Regionals overseas, I can say that this was the absolute worst VGC tournament I have ever participated in.
The tournament was held with the Regulation F ruleset, with invites sent to the top 64 Singapore players in the Global Challenge III.
Before the event, the emails and forms for registration & sign ups kept having mistakes. TPC sent 4 different emails to correct a mistake in the previous mail (Picture 1). There was even a mistake on the team registration date. It was changed from 7 to 15th May, to 7 to 17th May - on the night of 15th May.
Now comes the worst parts in my opinion, the actual event. The event was for 64 players, and only 43 checked in on the day. Because it was single elimination, 21 players got first round byes (Picture 2 for a snippet of the bracket).
These players could see who they were up against next, and had over an hour to prepare for their round 2 matches. This also allowed detailed information gathering on opponents if you had friends playing in the tournament.
How much of an advantage was a round 1 bye? see picture 3! They posted every participant's OTS on a board for everyone to see. People were taking pictures of their future opponents OTS and doing calcs and discussing strats even before round 1 began. I didnt stay long after I got eliminated, but in picture 2, every person (less table 8) who had the round 1 bye made it to top 32.
The judges said during player briefings that everyone had to stay at their assigned tables throughout the tournament (and that we had to seek their permission if we wanted a toilet break). However this rule seemed to be completely ignored during the tournament, as the 21 players with round 1 byes were walking around freely to watch matches or discuss strats etc.
And the OTS. When were natures part of OTS?? (pic 4 for reference) I dont think I need to elaborate how this detail is such a huge change in OTS. Imagine if this was done in Worlds Hawaii??
As a participant, I was hugely disappointed in how this was run and so angry with the organisers when I got knocked out in round 2. (My round 2 opponent was discussing strats and calcs with my round 1 opponent after my first match)
I dont mind being eliminated if I was outplayed or outmatched by my opponent. But the way this tournament was run felt like my round 2 opponent had such a huge advantage against me and I was helpless against it.
I just wanted to gather opinions on this, especially for players who have been playing in US/EU/AU. Does this tournament just give you the feeling that something is off?
submitted by spyr0technic to VGC [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:38 Illustrious_Fan9974 Balance changelogs that i wish to be applied ( VO: 2 )

  1. Charging time : 3s-2.5s
  2. Added tank trait
  3. Its GONNA Blow (Sp ) : 10%-15% efficiency
  4. Hp value 10800-11200
( Despite this SHRIMP got huge BUFFS yet still staying on the bottom of the tiers ,is really unideal For that being. This should make him put more pressure and be a little defensive on close range scenario's . Also his sp where he gets his speed buff should be increased as it is only a 10% increaseal )
  1. HP value: 4800-5000
  2. Reload speed increased by 5%
( I tried not to give everyone a DMG change since DMG inflation is continuously rising over time.... Soo tried some alternative options tbh. )
  1. Rebuild ( Gadget ) area coverage: 3x3 -4x4
  1. Both of her spawnables hp from SP increased ---( 2400-3200)---( 3000-3800)---
( Nobody's Talkin about how she fell off in the last few months.
BTY tried a different buff for her. What I've seen is what her spawnables hp from both of her SP is still the same even aftrr the universal stat buff. No wondy why her spawnables are soo fragile RN. )
  1. Attk range: 8.33-9 blocks/tiles
( Hot take but the only thing that i suffer when playing janet is how low her range is.... As a marksman, she just..... Doesn't seem too have enough range, AKA underwhelming ..... Havin that low of attk distance also makes her more fragile, TBH i think this single buff is enough to give her a substantial improvement. )
1.Steel hoops SP : Effect duration 2s-3s
  1. Projectile amount : 5-4 DMG Distribution ==> 480--600 per projectile
  2. Rolling reload: now also grants CC immunity for 1s
( Darrls viability is slowly descending due to better picks and HCS ( OFC ) but instead giving a basic Hp Buff, i thought what about buffing his steel hoops, as now he can be more aggro with his playstyle as he will be alot tankier . Also with the second change, he can do more consistent chip DMG even at max/mid range)
  1. Projectiles amount 5-4 ( Main ATTK DMG distribution: 880-1100)
  2. Super dash speed increased by 25%
  3. Hp value : 10000-10400
( As i knew it, as more characters getting HCS including tanks, those ones whos viability is mostly bcuz of HC are getting heavily powercrept... Also dont forget the uni: HC nerf. I tried to make his super just a little less dodgable by making the dash speed higher , aand as same as darrl, reduced his projectile amount soo he can deal more consistent chip DMG at maximum range )
  1. Base healing: 1200-1600
  2. Added tank trait.
  1. FULL Rage gained from receiving DMG : ==>125%- 100% of his base hp
  2. Rage bar now decays 15% slower
( He is also powercrept due to not having a HC as tanks get the most benefit from it and get the most sufferings without it...BUT, recently i am seeing that, as more characters are getting HCs, tanks HCs are also getting powercrept. Those HCS are still Strong tho ...... But i dont think a single HC will make him alot better. This change should let him be more AGGRO tbh )
HIEST SAFE: Base HP increased by 25% Upto ==>(80000-100000 hp)
 2. Now has a Damage cap of 5000 per second 
( Do i need to say somtin?.... HIEST recently has been INSANELY powercrept due to more high DMG dealing characters as well as balance changelogs, this sure is a necessary change RN, also keep in mind that the DMG cap is set to per SEC, not like single 5k burst DMG.... That means any higher DMG than 5k on that specific sec will be cancelled )
  1. movement speed reduced to fast when charging attks ( from very fast)
  2. SCR : 2-2.5 shots
  3. Main attk DMG : 4400-4000
( Absolute insane marksman RN... The HIGH DMG combined with his insane speed is ridiculous )
  1. Dash range reduced by 25%
  2. Base SCR : 4-5
  3. SCR from notes cut in HALF.
  4. notes no longer charges form special targets including heist safe.
Misc: 1. After hitting a main shot, notes will no longer Dmg target's on the middle of the attacker ( Nerf )
( INSANELY high mobility and Very fast SCR... Considering how easy to hit shots TBH.... Also nobody's giving a Fuck about it... But for some reason, when applying her basic attk, the notes appear literally from her a-- inside..... , Dealing 2760 per attks... Even if all 3 of your notes are charged, u still do insane Dmg with that goffy ahh gimmick. [ 920 from basic attks+ 1840 from the notes ] this substantially increases her Burst DMG value... also once she gets her super... its pretty easy to cycle it with her notes as the notes charge rate is the same as the base SCR, aka 4 hits......Allowing her to do absurd teamwipes . Also the inability to charge notes from special targets will make her an insane Victim of spawners like Nita and Jessie )
  1. DMG value: ==>3400-3200
  2. Autoaimer (gadget) : knockback removed, and increased slowness by 300% ( 0.5-2.0s slow ) and DMG increased to 800 from 160
( Having two jail free cards as a marksman are already insane, soo one of them should be tuned down, this gadget change will let her intruder's aproch slower but will not cancel their attks . Mainly the intention is , there should be a way to counter her Greatly in close scenarios.
And talk about her DMG, IMO way overtuned, way too much rewarding when shot hits , needs a balance between like what happened to Nani. )
  1. HCR : 60%-40% ( 1.66-2.5 supers )
( His HC is incredibly strong AF, As if it wasn't enough..... )
  1. HCR : 60%-50% ( 1.66-2 Supers )
( got overtuned TBH, getting that much 10k hp turrets are just too overwhelming )
  1. Base healing/DMG: 760-720
( Ok i am sorry, but IMO his Dmg/heal got way overtuned.... I already Kinda doubted that after this change he might need a small Nerf... But at the same time... I think he will still be really Good )
  1. Spiders hp decay increased ( 10%-20%) Upto 10-5s spiders endurance .
  2. Super : victim can now breakthrough the super with its ammo ( each ammo cuts one of five decays from the super , thats means upto -60% super duration if the victim has all the ammo. 5s-2s upto )
• Victims can now reload and heal up with 30% less efficiency
  1. Attk unload delay: 500ms-750ms
( IDK how to balance her super TBH. She has to be one of the most unserious character supers I've seen. A fast paced multiplayer game where u always have to be active, Havin a character who literally makes u being idle for a decent period of time.... Like even if the super were 3s, she still will be good... Bcuz of how her super works. her Allie's including herself, gets a huge advantage in many scenarios, because 5s is still enough to do the impossible in ongoin matches, atleast in competitive. Soo increasing the decay again will let her and her allies do less amount of crazy plays and other shit. But if u have any ideas, just let me know how to balance her super properly
but what can i see for now which needs a deserved change is that the spooders gadget Imo is still pretty braindead and strong at the same time.... 10s of endurance if doesn't get damaged helps her soo much for control , this especially helps with single non pierce attkers . This should do the damn job
  1. first star power is now baseline. it is replaced with THE new SP ( In my sight's)..... Which increases the upper and lower view point by 15% in focused mode...
( IMO her 1st SP is a must for her kit..... So i tried making her 1st sp baseline as I think, she is quiet unviable without it....)
  1. Main Attk DMG: ==( 1280-1400)
  2. SCR : 7-- 6 bells
  3. Poprocks super now have a throwing range similar to other spawners like Nita.
  1. 2 nd sp now reveals enemy's ammo bar and charge rate ( CHARGE RATE bar amplifies like lous freeze bar)
  2. 1 st SP now removes one cap bell attack and cycles between 2-3 bells
(Although OUR Mighty JESTER dosent have any good competitive purposes, he still feels awfull in Ladder as well.... bumping the DMG will make his long range shots more rewarding and reworking his 1st SP will reduce his Burst DMG buuuut, this SP will indeed increase his Consistency over DMG even more...)
  1. after leeching out from an allie, he will gain 33% of his super back
  2. Super duration when leeched on allies 10s-12s
  1. MAIN attk DMG : 2000-1600 ( revert)
--changes ( Reworks )--
1.Power hungry ( SP) : renamed to " Enter context ". When leeched to an allie, his allie will passively Charge its super similar to kit himself, but it will be 20% less effective.
  1. Cardboard box ( gadget) : renamed to "Enter context" will increase leached allies movement speed by 25% for 5s
  2. Overly attached ( SP) : renamed to " Enter context" . Will get 40% DMG when super is applied to opponents and targeted victim will receive 20% more DMG from all source's. The Dmg buff also Includes kits super DMG.
  3. Cheeseburger ( Gadget) : will now heal kit even if he isn't leeched to any allies. But it will be 30% of his max HP. And now has a maximum healing cap of 4000 . ( small Nerf) so no more Kit + Big tank combo.
  4. After leeching out of an Allie, he will gain 25% DMG reduction for 5s
( Tried to make him actually decently supportive rather assassin type. Hot take but kits whole system is just messed up. From gadgets being not supportive enough to SPs being very situational. One thing i also noticed that, supportive characters who has shorter range generally suffers more than the other supports. And not to mention, his super is not that consistent. After leeching out of an Allie, he literally losts his whole damn super and considering he has no other way to fastly charge his super except attacking others opponents, which he suffers again cuz he has short range , low burst and low Hp. So He has to passively charge it most of the time. Which takes a while where 20s to be exact. So i tried to make his super just a little more cyclable and tried making his whole gadget, SP reworked . To make him supportively better. Soo lastly, WDYT? Did i overdo it, or like overbuffed him? Let me know tho. For any improvements)
  1. he can now attank while walking. ( very slow when Attacking , doesn't apply to super )
  2. Main attk Range increased by 0.33 block/ tile . ( 6-6.33 blocks
  3. Super attk range increased by 0.66 block/tile ( 7-7.66 blocks )
--MYTHIC gear--
  1. Will gain 66% of the super back if the previous super gets interrupted
  1. Hp value : 14000-12000
( I .... Genuinely don't know how to make uim viable, where almost EVERY SINGLE damn characters somehow counter him ... But what can i see about this change is that he can now have some sort of mobility when proceeding attks )
  1. Ammo amount increased to 2 ( Same delay as Fang )
  1. Vanish ( gadget ) : now has a 1s delay uppn Activation
( Really gets Carried over this gadget, yet soo fragile without it. )
  1. Cant place polls in a HIEST safe ( in a radious of 4 tiles )
  1. Reload speed 2000ms-1800ms
  2. projectile speed 1750-1860
--CHANGES ( small reworks) --
1 .autoaiming outside the polls will no longer place one , instead all poles now need to be placed manually.
  1. Reroute gadget will pick up the nearest pole instead of last placed pole. The gadget Will Still pick up poles even if the super is Charged
( Outside heist and few hotzone maps.... He recently started to become outshined by other controllers. His kit is really weird as it only works decently on specific modes and maps. Soo kinda tried to rework some of his base stats .
And this change to his super will let him do more good pole placements soo he can do more controlling attribution for his team.. although WDYT?.
  1. 1st SP is now baseline. it is replaced with ( insert name ) which upon deploying his super, he will be immune to all CC for 1.5s
  2. 2nd SP is now reworked, after launching his super, after 10s, he will instantly charge his super. (Doesn't passively charge bty )
  3. 2nd gadget is now reworked as well to ( insert name ) . It is like sprouts one, when knuckle Busters are on the ground , using this gadget will automatically home in to himself and will deal 1800 DMG
( He is completely dependent on his 1st SP ... IMO making it baseline is important, second of all... Both of his 2nd gadget and SP is Dogshit.... It really need some love... Soo tried this Rework to remove some of Sam's weaknesses. Also. Is the first SP rework good or just made it too strong ?, let me know)
OR, ( Quickfix)
  1. knuckle Busters pickup timing reduced by half .
  2. Hp Value: 10800-11200
  1. Base SCR : 4-3
  1. Disengage gadget will be disabled when proceeding super
  2. Tremors ( SP ) duration : 2s-1s
( A SINGLE CHANGE, singular, not plural .... Just made her literally fall from a skyscraper to below average, and i kinda knew it, a character whos equally consistently dependent on its super and attk , having a same SCR ans SSR is a must have..... Which Maisie had.... Which also maded her consistent. But IMO reverting jt will be a stupid ass idea, soo i tried some other good ways to tone it down. Like the tremors SP, which Imo is one of the biggest reason she was able to cycle supers that much... Like the slow was soo much that she could even even Autoaim most of the time and EZLY get her super back.... And dont get me started when it is combined with that stupid disengage gadget combo, she literally gets like twice the range of her Normal super.... And people barely gets any time to react. )
  1. SRR : 45hits
  2. Super DMG: 2400-2200
  1. Main attk DMG : 2720-2800
  2. Super dash speed: 4000-4500
  1. HCR : 20%-30% -- ( 5-3.33 supers)
(fresh kicks SP has been always a must pick for his kit, and now because of his buffed SCR , this SP just straight makes him to be able to destroy low-mid ladder player matchmakings . Although he is counterable in competitive matches. But knowing the fact that 70% of the whole player base are casuals, i think he actually needs a super Debuff, cuz NOBODY likes to get teamwiped in a matter of seconds. He was already pretty solid IF U PLAYED HIM well enough which most of the people weren't. After his SRR buff, he already became STUPIDITY braindead as it is pretty EZ TO cycle supers.
Now i just wanna make him skill based as how he was before sep 2023. The main thing that i noticed was his SRR change is what made him less skill
Tried to revert it. But also giving him some buffs to balance thing's out.
GUS ( Rework to supportive gimmicks )
  1. spirit heal: 1600-2000
  1. Hitting a Spirit Charged attk on a wall will now spawn a Ghost as well
  2. 2nd gadget: removed HP sacrificial ( 5%-0% ) And next attk upon Activation will spawn 2 spirits
( Really hoping this will make him shine again, tried to make him supportively viable by making the spirits actually useful for healing his Allie's. Keep in mind that the sprits healing buff is an indirect buff to his 1st SP as well. Allowing his allie to heal upto 4000 which is pretty substantial. And adding some kind of CC to him soo he can atleast retreat with THIS but added additional nerf to it for a compensation. )
  1. Hypothermia SP : Max DMG reduction. 50%-35%
  1. Projectile speed : 4000- 4200
  2. SCR : 8-7 shots ( without SCR gear )
  1. Hypercharged super insta freeze -70% of the freeze bar will be filled
( Same is COLGATE, not any big problems on his main kit, except his HYPERCHARGE.... Buuut supercell really likes to kill a character whos main issue isn't his base kit. also his hypothermia SP is kinda getting slept on as how secretly STRONG AF it is. You can still almost insta freeze any enemy with HCed super combined with Cyro Shyrup )
submitted by Illustrious_Fan9974 to BrawlStarsCompetitive [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:37 United_Concentrate63 29 year single momma about to go to federal prison.......

i have never even been arrested before this and i am kind of freaking out...
long story short does anyone know anything about the federal system and how they operate.. could really use some guidance !! please any advice helps because i have not a clue how much my life is about to change ;(
submitted by United_Concentrate63 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:37 _SYMR_ Pale blue cotton velvet for sofa: crazy?
I'm looking at getting a sofa in this specific pale blue velvet. It's a high quality Italian short pile velvet (so doesn't brush easily), 93% cotton 7% modal, martindale rating of 50,000. Is this going to be a total nightmare to keep clean? I'm okay with a mild headache, but not complete nightmare. It's not a cheap sofa so I want to get a decade out of it.
It won't be in direct sun. No pets. Two teenage sons who mostly hide out in their rooms on their phones. One perfect, but pretty vague girlfriend prone to snacking everywhere possible. Happy to throw something over it if we're going to eat on it.
The manufacuter's cleaning recommendation is dry clean only. Not sure how one dry cleans a sofa! Would wine/food spills be fatal? Would buying a cheap, portable steam cleaner be the best bet to making this work?
It's a reasonable chunk of money so I want it to stay looking good for as long as possible. It doesn't seem wildly practical, but then neither do any pale fabrics unless you're going polyester.
Thanks in advance for advice.
submitted by _SYMR_ to upholstery [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:36 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Carhartt Beanies

Best Carhartt Beanies
Discover the perfect headgear for the chilly season with our roundup of Carhartt Beanies! As the temperature drops, having a cozy beanie is essential to stay warm and stylish. In this article, we'll delve into some of the best options in the Carhartt lineup, ensuring you find the perfect beanie to keep your head warm and stylish this season. Stay tuned as we explore the world of Carhartt Beanies in this comprehensive product guide.

The Top 5 Best Carhartt Beanies

  1. John Deere Knit Beanie with Leather Patch - Warm and stylish Carhartt Brown Beanie featuring a John Deere Leather Patch and knit material for comfort and durability.
  2. Carhartt Classically Durable Winter Beanie - Carhartt Glass Blue Mono Patch Beanie - A stylish and comfortable knit beanie made from soft acrylic rib material and adorned with a Carhartt patch, perfect for casual or on-the-job wear in the colder winter months.
  3. Carhartt 2nd Quality Rib Knit Beanie - The Carhartt Factory 2nd Acrylic Knit Cuffed Beanie 2.0 in Gray offers a cozy, stretchable fit, featuring 100% acrylic rib knit fabric and the iconic Carhartt label sewn on the left side.
  4. Men's Carhartt Skills Graphic Beanie in Coal Heather - Stay cozy and show off your support for the trades with Carhartt's 100% acrylic cuffed beanie, featuring the classic Skills graphic.
  5. Customizable Carhartt Heather Grey Watch Cap 2.0 - The Carhartt Heather Grey Watch Cap 2.0 is a sturdy, functional, and attractive beanie featuring a logo embroidery, perfect for both work and play, ensuring warmth and comfort in any cold-weather environment.
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🔗John Deere Knit Beanie with Leather Patch
I recently got the chance to try out the John Deere Leather Patch beanie, and I must say, it has been an essential part of my wardrobe in these chilly months. The first thing I noticed was the quality of the knit material, it's so soft and warm. The Carhartt Brown color pairs perfectly with my casual outfits, making it my go-to beanie for most days. The John Deere leather patch on the front adds a unique touch that sets it apart from other beanies.
One downside is that it can be a bit tight-fitting around my ears, but that could vary depending on individual head size. Despite this, the beanie has proved itself to be a reliable companion during my daily activities and I appreciate the American craftsmanship that John Deere stands for. Overall, I would highly recommend this beanie for anyone looking for a stylish and warm accessory.

🔗Carhartt Classically Durable Winter Beanie
I recently decided to give the Carhartt Glass Blue Knit Beanie a try during these chilly winter months. As a product reviewer, I was excited to see how well this beanie would perform in both comfort and style. The 100% acrylic rib knit fabric is a pleasant surprise as it feels incredibly soft against my skin while doing an excellent job at keeping the cold out. I also appreciate the thick cuff, which ensures that my ears stay toasty and the beanie stays firmly in place even during blustery winds.
One of the highlights of this beanie is the Carhartt label sewn on the front. It adds a touch of sophistication to an otherwise casual look, making it suitable for both work and play. I love how the leather patch complements the beanie's color while adding a subtle edgy vibe.
However, there is one minor cons. I've noticed that during extremely windy days, the wind may make the Carhartt patch flutter a bit, which can be slightly annoying. Nevertheless, the overall quality and design more than make up for this minor inconvenience.
Overall, I'm thoroughly impressed with the Carhartt Glass Blue Knit Beanie. Its superior comfort, stylish appearance, and sturdy construction make it an excellent choice for anyone seeking a reliable and fashionable beanie during these cold months.

🔗Carhartt 2nd Quality Rib Knit Beanie
I recently got my hands on the Carhartt Factory 2nd Acrylic Knit Cuffed Beanie 2.0 in Gray, and I must say, it's been a reliable companion in keeping my head warm during chilly mornings. This beanie is made of 100% acrylic, stretchable rib knit fabric, which ensures a snug fit without feeling tight. The Carhartt label sewn on the left side adds a touch of branding that I absolutely love.
Although it's imported, the quality is top-notch, and I can feel the durability in every stitch. However, the material can be slightly on the warmer side, so it might not be the best choice for those who prefer more breathable headwear. Overall, if you're looking for a cozy and well-built headwarmer that'll stand up to the elements, this Carhartt Factory Acrylic Knit Cuffed Beanie 2.0 is definitely worth a try.

🔗Men's Carhartt Skills Graphic Beanie in Coal Heather
I remember when I first got my Carhartt Skills Graphic Beanie, I was skeptical about how much it would enhance my outdoor outfits. But boy, was I in for a treat! . This beanie not only kept me warm, but also added a touch of rugged charm to my winter wardrobe.
Its acrylic, stretchable rib-knit fabric is a dream to wear, and the sewn-on Carhartt label on the front only adds to its distinctive look. Plus, being made in the USA is always a plus point for me.
However, one downside is that it doesn't have any reviews yet, which makes it a bit hard to gauge its popularity. Overall, though, it's a fantastic beanie for any guy who loves the outdoors and wants to support the trades.

🔗Customizable Carhartt Heather Grey Watch Cap 2.0
I recently purchased the Carhartt Watch Cap 2.0 to stay cozy during my morning runs in the freezing temperatures. I've always been a fan of Carhartt's high-quality standards, and this hat didn't disappoint! It's super comfortable, stretchy enough to always have a snug fit, and flexible enough to go over balaclavas, gaiters, and ball caps for even more warmth. But its best feature has got to be the bright lime color that seems to glow in the dark, making me super visible during my night runs. On the downside, it can be a little itchy initially, so remember to wash it before you wear it. Overall, I highly recommend the Carhartt Watch Cap 2.0 for anyone looking for a warm, comfortable, and stylish beanie that keeps your head toasty, even in the harshest of climates.
Now let me tell you about another aspect of this beanie that made me appreciate Carhartt even more. I bought three of these for the men in my family when we were heading to the mountains for Christmas. And guess what? They loved them! The guys felt so protected and warm that they didn't want to take them off, even when it started snowing on us. When it comes to keeping your head warm and comfortable, the Carhartt Watch Cap 2.0 truly delivers.
However, I did come across one issue with sizing in my research. The size seems to vary depending on the country where it's made, which can be a bit frustrating. It's a good idea to keep an eye on that if you're a stickler for consistency in your hats.
All in all, the Carhartt Watch Cap 2.0 is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a high-quality and cozy winter beanie.

Buyer's Guide

Carhartt beanies are a winter essential that provide both style and functionality. As you begin your search for the perfect beanie, there are several important features and considerations you should keep in mind. Here's a detailed guide to help you make the right choice.


One of the most critical aspects of a Carhartt beanie is the material it's made from. Look for options that feature 100% acrylic knit or fleece linings to ensure maximum warmth and durability throughout the cold months.

Fit and Comfort
The right fit is crucial when choosing a Carhartt beanie. Make sure to pick a size that comfortably rests on your ears without being too tight or loose. Additionally, consider models with adjustable cuffs to help customize your fit further.

Style Variations

  • Cuffed Beanies: Classic choice with an adjustable cuff for a tight or loose fit.
  • Slouch Beanies: Offer a relaxed, laid-back look and can be worn cuffed or pulled down to create a slouchy effect.
  • Earflap Beanies: Keep ears warm with extra flaps designed to provide even more coverage and insulation from the cold.

Washing and Care

Proper cleaning and maintenance are essential for extending the life of your Carhartt beanie. Wash your beanie inside out using cold water to keep colors vibrant and remove dirt. Air dry your beanie to prevent shrinking or excessive wear on the fabric.

Additional Features

  • Double Layer Construction: Reinforced stitching adds extra warmth and durability to your beanie.
  • Multiple Colors and Patterns: Choose from a wide range of solid colors, stripes, or camo prints to match your personal style.

General Advice

When shopping for Carhartt beanies, always prioritize quality and comfort over price. Investing in a well-made beanie will save you money in the long run as it lasts through multiple winters without losing its appearance or functionality.
Carhartt beanies are an excellent addition to any winter wardrobe, offering style and warmth while protecting you from harsh weather conditions. By considering the factors outlined in this guide, you'll be well-equipped to find the perfect Carhartt beanie that suits your needs and preferences.


What materials are Carhartt beanies made from?

Carhartt beanies are primarily made from acrylic, a synthetic fiber known for its durability and warmth. Some beanies also include blends of other materials such as polyester or spandex for added stretch and comfort.

Do Carhartt beanies come in various styles?
Yes, Carhartt beanies come in a variety of styles to suit different preferences. Options include classic and cuffed styles, as well as visors and ear flaps for added warmth.

How can I tell if a Carhartt beanie will fit well?

Carhartt beanies are designed to fit head sizes varying from small to large. To ensure the right fit, measure the circumference of your head just above your eyebrows and consult the sizing chart provided on the Carhartt website or on the product page.

How do I wash my Carhartt beanie?

It is recommended to wash your Carhartt beanie in cold water on a gentle cycle. Avoid using fabric softeners, and air dry the beanie to maintain its shape and quality.

Where can I buy Carhartt beanies?

Carhartt beanies can be purchased from the official Carhartt website, as well as various online retailers such as Amazon, Zappos, and Dick's Sporting Goods. Some brick-and-mortar stores also carry Carhartt beanies, including sports outfitters and major department stores.

Do Carhartt beanies come with a warranty?

Yes, Carhartt beanies come with a one-year limited warranty that covers any defects in materials or workmanship. If you experience any issues with your beanie within this timeframe, you can contact Carhartt's customer service for assistance.

How much do Carhartt beanies typically cost?

The cost of Carhartt beanies can vary depending on the style and material. Classic acrylic beanies generally retail between $15 and $25, while more premium options (such as those made from wool or featuring detailed embroidery) may be priced up to $50 or more.

Are Carhartt beanies suitable for cold weather?

Yes, Carhartt beanies are designed to provide warmth and protection from the cold. Many beanies also have features such as adjustable cuffs or ear flaps for added insulation and comfort in colder climates.

Do Carhartt beanies run true to size?

Carhartt beanies are designed to run true to size. However, it is helpful to consult the sizing chart provided on the Carhartt website or on the individual product page to ensure the best fit for your head size.

Does Carhartt offer customized beanies?

While Carhartt does not offer customized beanies, they do have a variety of different styles and colors available, allowing customers to choose a beanie that best suits their personal preferences and needs.

How can I care for my Carhartt beanie to extend its longevity?

To care for your Carhartt beanie and extend its longevity, it is recommended to wash it in cold water on a gentle cycle and to avoid using fabric softeners. Additionally, air drying your beanie can help maintain its shape and quality, rather than using a dryer.

Do Carhartt beanies have reflective aspects for safety?

Some Carhartt beanies, such as their reflective strap beanie, include reflective elements to enhance visibility in low-light environments, promoting safety for those who work or engage in outdoor activities during early mornings, late afternoons, or at night.
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2024.05.19 11:31 Significant-Tower146 Best Carhartt Balaclava

Best Carhartt Balaclava
Welcome to our roundup of the best Carhartt Balaclava options available in the market. It's time to get warm and cozy with this versatile piece of outdoor gear. In this roundup, we'll be exploring the top choices for balaclavas to help you find the perfect fit for your needs.

The Top 14 Best Carhartt Balaclava

  1. Carhartt WIP Storm Chunky-Knit Balaclava - Black - Stay warm and stylish in Carhartt WIP's jet black Storm chunky-knit Balaclava, featuring a signature box logo and perfect for outdoor activities.
  2. Carhartt Black Cotton Face Gaiter with Filter Pocket - Experience ultimate breathability and comfort with the Carhartt Black Cotton Gaiter with Filter Pocket, an ideal face-protection solution for extreme weather conditions.
  3. Carhartt Force Mask: Fast-Dry Winter Balaclava - The Carhartt Men's Force Helmet Liner Mask offers ultimate protection against harsh weather, providing a fast-dry, comfortable, and anti-odor solution for your next outdoor adventure.
  4. Carhartt WIP Black Mission Balaclava - Stay warm and stylish with the Carhartt Balaclava, featuring a military-inspired label and coverage for your head, face, and neck amidst the elements.
  5. Carhartt Flame-Resistant Force Balaclava for Comfort and Protection - Carhartt's Flame-Resistant Force Balaclava offers full facial protection and moisture-wicking comfort with its built-in FastDry technology and NFPA 70E compliance.
  6. Stay Warm in Extreme Conditions with Carhartt's Fast-Dry Helmet Liner Mask - Say goodbye to the harsh winter elements with the Carhartt Men's Force Helmet Liner Mask, providing ultimate comfort and protection from cold winds and dust, all while looking stylish.
  7. Cozy Carhartt Balaclava for Outdoor Adventures - Experience the ultimate warmth and style with Carhartt WIP's Remi Hood Balaclava, featuring 100% Acrylic for insulation, minimalistic design, and a distinct script logo.
  8. Carhartt Balaclava: Durable Rib-Knit Insulated Face Mask - Stay cozy and protected with Carhartt's Black Knit Insulated Face Mask - perfect for winter sports or outdoor activities.
  9. Carhartt WIP Brown Balaclava for All Seasons - Stay cozy and stylish this winter with the Carhartt WIP Storm Mask, featuring a comfortable fit and a charming logo for the perfect blend of warmth and fashion.
  10. Off-White Remi Balaclava by Carhartt WIP - Rib Knit, 100% Acrylic, 5 Gauge - Warm up and stand out with the Carhartt Work in Progress Off-White Remi Balaclava, featuring a 5-gauge acrylic knit and a stylish script logo, perfect for the colder months.
  11. Carhartt WIP Storm Mask: Winter Gear for Full-Face Protection - Experience the ultimate warmth and protection with Carhartt WIP Storm Mask's 100% acrylic, 4-gauge rib-knit fabric in black, perfect for harsh winter conditions.
  12. Carhartt Men's Washed Duck Insulated Hood: Adjustable Balaclava with Quilted Nylon Lining - Stay warm and stylish with the Carhartt Men's Washed Duck Insulated Hood, featuring quilted-nylon lining, a weather-resistant design, and an adjustable drawcord for the perfect fit.
  13. Carhartt Camo Balaclava with FastDry Technology - Experience the perfect blend of style and functionality with the Carhartt Camo Fleece 2-in-1 Headwear, designed for ultimate warmth and protection with its versatile pull-down face mask and premium FastDry technology.
  14. Carhartt Fleece 2-in-1 Winter Protection Balaclava - Keep your head warm and dry in cold conditions with Carhartt's 2-in-1 Fleece Headwear, featuring a moisture-wicking front mask and one size fits all.
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🔗Carhartt WIP Storm Chunky-Knit Balaclava - Black
Wearing the Carhartt WIP Storm chunky-knit balaclava in black made me feel like a cool-weather, street-smart daredevil. I'd step out into the frost, ready to conquer the biting cold with this stylish companion on my face.
The chunky knit felt soft, keeping me cozy as I braved the winter's icy winds. But what made this balaclava really stand out was the signature box logo on the front. It added a touch of edginess to my everyday look, turning heads wherever I went.
But, there was one minor downside - the face opening was slightly more generous than I would have liked. When the wind picked up, or I took a sharp turn, some cold air still found its way in.
Overall, though, this balaclava kept me toasty while adding a bit of panache to my style, making it worth the investment.

🔗Carhartt Black Cotton Face Gaiter with Filter Pocket
I've been using the Carhartt Black Cotton Gaiter with Filter Pocket for a few weeks now, and I must say, it has been a lifesaver during these pandemic times. As someone who needs to wear a mask at work, I was initially apprehensive about how comfortable the gaiter would be, but boy, was I pleasantly surprised!
First off, the fit is just right. It's adjustable, so it's easy to pull it tighter or looser depending on how you want to wear it. The one size fits most, so it's a great option for those who want a gaiter that can adapt to different head sizes without sacrificing comfort.
But what really stood out to me is the filter pocket. It's designed to accommodate a filter, and I found that it actually works quite well. With just a small piece of filter, the gaiter provides a great level of protection without feeling too claustrophobic or uncomfortable.
However, there were a couple of things that I wasn't particularly fond of. First, the stitching seemed a bit flimsy at times. I had to be extra careful when washing it to avoid any unraveling, which was a bit of a bummer. Overall, though, it held up pretty well despite its slightly weak stitching.
The other downside was that it wasn't as easy to get on and off as some other gaiters I've tried. It took a bit of fumbling around to get the elastic cord to secure itself properly, which was a bit of a hassle.
Despite these minor issues, I still highly recommend the Carhartt Black Cotton Gaiter with Filter Pocket. It's comfortable, effective, and a great option for anyone looking for a reliable mask alternative during these challenging times.

🔗Carhartt Force Mask: Fast-Dry Winter Balaclava
I've been using the Carhartt Men's Force Helmet Liner Mask for a while now, and it has been a game-changer during my outdoor adventures. The full-face protection that extends below the neckline is a fantastic feature, as it shields me from the biting cold and howling winds. I particularly love the face mask, which can be tucked under the chin when not in use.
One of the highlights is the Carhartt Force fabric with Fast Dry technology, which wicks away sweat for added comfort, even during heavy activity. This is perfect for someone like me who tends to sweat a lot during my adventures. The interior of the mask feels incredibly soft and cozy, thanks to the fleeced material.
However, there are a few cons to this product as well. First, the mask can get a bit rank due to my persistent breathing through it. I've ended up washing it a hundred times or more and it still shows very little wear.
Another feature that could be improved is the neckline. If it were two inches longer, it would provide better coverage and feel even more comfortable.
Overall, the Carhartt Men's Force Helmet Liner Mask has been a crucial addition to my wardrobe for those cold outdoor days. It strikes a perfect balance between comfort and functionality, although there is always room for improvement.

🔗Carhartt WIP Black Mission Balaclava
Ever find yourself shivering in the chilly outdoors, needing something to keep your face warm without blocking your view of the world? That's where the Carhartt WIP Mission Mask comes in. Made of 100% polyester with a thickness of 220g/m², this mask effortlessly covers your head, face, and neck. The best part? It lets you see the world around you without obstruction.
Now, let's talk about the pros. The polyester material is durable and comfortable, perfect for a range of activities from hiking to city exploration. The mask itself is a solid black, giving it a sleek and modern look, which can blend in most outdoor settings. The military label adds an element of ruggedness, perfect for those outdoor enthusiasts.
However, there are a few cons to mention. While the mask effectively keeps the chill at bay, the 39 cm height might not be enough for those with a taller stature. Also, some users might find it slightly heavy on the face over extended periods.
Overall, the Carhartt WIP Mission Mask is a reliable and fashionable solution for those looking to withstand the cold without compromising their view. Just remember, it's primarily designed for cooler weather, so you might want to opt for another solution in extreme-cold situations.

🔗Carhartt Flame-Resistant Force Balaclava for Comfort and Protection
The Carhartt Flame-Resistant Balaclava proved to be a reliable companion on chilly days at work. I loved the full face coverage that extended below the neck. The FastDry technology kept me comfortable throughout the day as the sweat was wicked away, and I felt cool despite the heavy tasks on hand.
I appreciated the force technology that pulled the mask down below my chin when needed. However, the drawback of this balaclava was its thickness - it was not as ample warmth on my face as my expectations.
Despite this, I would recommend it for those who prioritize comfort and functionality while working in risky environments.

🔗Stay Warm in Extreme Conditions with Carhartt's Fast-Dry Helmet Liner Mask
The Carhartt Men's Force Helmet Liner Mask is a reliable companion for those harsh, freezing days. Just like the name suggests, it really does force out the chill. It's a bit like a superhero cape for your neck - you can tuck it into your clothing or wear it loose, and it's always ready to deploy when the winds come howling.
The face mask has a nice feature that pulls down under the chin when not in use. It's a little bit like a superhero who can change shapes - it turns from a full-facial protection into a handy scarf for your winter stroll. When it comes to comfort, it uses technology that's akin to a superhero's invisibility cloak. The material wicks away sweat, keeping you dry and cozy.
The mask is made from a blend of fabric that's more like a superhero's suit than a simple piece of cloth. It's made from 88% polyester and 12% spandex. This strong blend ensures the mask fits snugly without feeling too tight, and it makes it durable enough to last through many winters.
There's a thing about this mask which reminds me of Batman's utility belt - it's full of surprises. It has a full-facial protection that extends below the neckline, which ensures that no icy wind will catch you off guard. And for those times when a little extra chin protection is needed, it has a nifty feature that can pull the front end up, but it still allows enough breathing room.
The material is quite breathable but remember, it’s not designed or medically certified to stop airborne disease or protect from viruses. However, it does a commendable job of keeping out dust during winter, which is a relief when you're working in an environment that's full of dusty snow drifts.
The design of the mask is simple yet effective. Its quick-dry technology, the antimicrobial finish, and its flat-seam construction all make it an excellent choice in a pinch. Just like a trusty sidekick or a sleek racecar, its one size fits most, and it can be easily washed. The face mask will fit perfectly snug under a helmet, providing extra warmth.
The material is quite breathable, but it can get a bit rank from your own breathing, especially after a long workday. But, it shows very little wear after many washes.
However, one thing to note is that you won't be stopping an actual criminal with this mask, it’s not designed or medically rated to provide protection from viruses or airborne disease. So, while it may not be a James Bond-style gadget, it's still a pretty decent investment for a warmer, comfier winter experience.
This Carhartt Balaclava isn’t just a protective gear; it’s like a superhero's secret weapon that you can tuck under your shirt during those cold and harsh winter days. It’s like wearing a little bit of warmth right under your nose while you go about your day.

🔗Cozy Carhartt Balaclava for Outdoor Adventures
I recently had the opportunity to test out the Carhartt WIP Remi Hood Balaclava, and I'm excited to share my experience with all of you. I decided to give it a try as a versatile piece of clothing to keep me warm during those chilly outdoor activities.
The very first thing I noticed when I opened the package was the high-quality materials used to create this hood. At 100% acrylic and 5-gauge, it certainly felt luxurious to the touch. It's a great choice for those cold days and nights out.
In terms of its design, the Remi Hood delivers a minimalist, yet sleek look. I particularly loved the script logo on the hood, which added a touch of elegance without being too overpowering. The soft acrylic backdrop made it incredibly comfortable to wear, and it fit perfectly despite only having one size.
Despite being so comfortable, I couldn't help but notice the occasional itchiness from the acrylic material. However, this trade-off was well worth the overall warmth and comfort the Remi Hood provided.
Overall, I highly recommend the Carhartt WIP Remi Hood Balaclava for anyone looking for a practical, stylish, and comfortable way to stay warm during those chilly outdoor adventures.

🔗Carhartt Balaclava: Durable Rib-Knit Insulated Face Mask
I recently had the chance to try out the Carhartt Black Knit Insulated Face Mask, and let me tell you, it's a game-changer when it comes to staying warm in cold weather. The highlight of this face mask is its long neck, which provides not only enhanced protection from chilly winds but also a greater sense of comfort and security.
One of the things I appreciated most about this face mask is its acrylic rib-knit fabric. It offers just the right amount of insulation, keeping you cozy during those frigid winter days. The softness of the material also ensures that it's comfortable to wear, even for extended periods.
However, there were a couple of drawbacks I noticed while using the mask. Firstly, the overlock stitching, which is designed to resist abrasion, can sometimes be a bit annoying as it tends to catch on clothing and other surfaces. Secondly, the mask can become quite wrinkled after washing, which may affect its overall appearance and effectiveness.
Overall, the Carhartt Black Knit Insulated Face Mask is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a reliable, warm, and comfortable winter accessory. Its unique features and high-quality materials make it a standout option in the market, even if there are a few minor drawbacks to consider.

🔗Carhartt WIP Brown Balaclava for All Seasons
I recently gave the Carhartt WIP Storm Mask a try, and I must say, it's been a game-changer for me during these chilly months. Made of a cozy, warm acrylic fabric, its comfort is unparalleled. The stretchy rib knit construction makes it fit like a glove, and the Carhartt WIP logo on the cuff gives it that classic touch.
One downside I noticed was the color of the mask appearing more reddish-brown in the picture than what I received, but that didn't affect my overall experience. Overall, it's a great tool to protect against the winter's harshness and make my commutes more enjoyable.

🔗Off-White Remi Balaclava by Carhartt WIP - Rib Knit, 100% Acrylic, 5 Gauge
The Carhartt Work in Progress Off-White Remi Balaclava was a game-changer for my daily routine. As someone who's always on the go, the height of 36.5 cm was a perfect fit, allowing me to stay comfortable and protected. The 100% acrylic and 5-gauge material proved to be both durable and cozy.
The label with the script logo added a touch of class to the overall design. However, the one downside was the balaclava's trim, which felt somewhat too tight and constricting. Despite that minor hiccup, the Remi Balaclava has undoubtedly become a staple in my wardrobe.

🔗Carhartt WIP Storm Mask: Winter Gear for Full-Face Protection
I recently tried the Carhartt WIP Storm Mask in black - a snug little warm-up you might want to explore this winter. Made of a stretchy, four-gauge rib-knit acrylic fabric, it feels soft and cozy against your skin. The one-size-fits-all approach means it's perfect for all genders and head sizes. Although it covers the entire face, it still has a subtle see-through pattern over the eyes.
If you live in a chilly area, this might be the right piece for you. It's perfect for keeping your face warm, shielding you from the harsh winter cold. However, be aware that it may get a bit itchy after a long time of use. Overall, it's a pretty handy, comfortable and stylish bit of winter attire. So far, so good!

🔗Carhartt Men's Washed Duck Insulated Hood: Adjustable Balaclava with Quilted Nylon Lining
I recently purchased the Carhartt Men's Washed Duck Insulated Hood for my coat, and I must say I am quite impressed. The quilted-nylon lining provides warmth and comfort, while the three-piece hood construction and draw cord adjustable with cord lock allow for a perfect fit. Although I have faced some difficulty with the triple-stitched main seams coming undone after a few months, overall, I am satisfied with my purchase.
The hood has come in handy during those windy days, providing adequate coverage on the sides and top. However, the snaps on the hood may not align perfectly with the coat, causing a minor inconvenience.
In summary, the Carhartt Men's Washed Duck Insulated Hood offers a decent fit and warmth, but the snaps may require a little tweaking to work correctly.

🔗Carhartt Camo Balaclava with FastDry Technology
As a seasoned outdoor enthusiast, I recently tried the Carhartt Camo Fleece 2 in 1 Headwear, and I was thoroughly impressed. The headwear not only provides adequate warmth but also offers excellent protection from the elements. The 2 in 1 design, with a pull-down face mask, truly makes this product stand out.
One of the most noteworthy aspects of the Carhartt Camo Fleece Headwear is its FastDry technology. This feature really comes in handy when I'm out in the cold for extended periods, as it ensures my face mask dries promptly after use, maintaining its effectiveness. The fact that the mask can be tucked up into the hat when not in use is a simple yet effective design that adds convenience.
The Carhartt leatherette label sewn on the front is a thoughtful touch that adds a certain elegance and authenticity to the headwear. It makes the product stand out from others in the market, giving it a unique identity.
However, there are a couple of minor drawbacks with this product. While I appreciated the face mask, it could have been slightly longer to ensure better coverage and tuck-in capabilities. Additionally, I found that the fit around the ears could be slightly better, as I experienced some slippage with my current headwear size.
Overall, the Carhartt Camo Fleece 2 in 1 Headwear combines comfort and protection in one convenient package. It's perfect for those who spend time outdoors, hunting, or simply need to keep their face and ears warm in cold weather. With its unique 2 in 1 design and FastDry technology, this headwear is definitely a worthwhile investment.

🔗Carhartt Fleece 2-in-1 Winter Protection Balaclava
When I was using the Carhartt Fleece 2-in-1 Headwear, I noticed how versatile it was. With the ear flaps and pull-down face mask, I felt like I had complete control over my level of warmth. As one reviewer mentioned, the hat really delivers warmth during the coldest of winter days, and it's perfect for when you need that extra protection.
However, there were a couple of cons that I came across during my experience. Firstly, the size seemed to be a bit small, especially for those with larger heads or those who wear glasses, as mentioned by some users. While it was a small issue for some, others reported having cold necks when using the headwear.
Lastly, the face mask was not detachable, even though it's very useful in cold weather. This made it a bit inconvenient for wearing while engaged in lighter activities, like working around the house.
Overall, I found this product to be a really useful tool for the unpredictable winter weather. It offers both warmth and comfort, and the moisture-wicking backing helps keep any moisture away from your skin. Despite the minor cons, I would definitely recommend the Carhartt Fleece 2-in-1 Headwear to others looking for all-weather protection.

Buyer's Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive buyer's guide for Carhartt Balaclavas. In this section, we'll provide you with essential information to help you make an informed decision when purchasing one of these versatile headwear pieces. The Carhartt brand is renowned for its durable and high-quality products, and their Balaclavas are no exception. Without further ado, let's dive into the details.

What is a Carhartt Balaclava?

A Carhartt Balaclava is a multi-functional head covering that's designed to protect the wearer from cold weather and harsh conditions. Balaclavas are typically made of a warm insulated material, and their unique design allows the wearer to expose only the face or mouth while covering the entire head and neck. Due to their adaptability and versatility, they are a popular choice among outdoor enthusiasts, athletes, and workers.

Material and Insulation

The quality of the material and insulation is a crucial factor when considering a Carhartt Balaclava. Make sure to choose a model that made of a durable, moisture-wicking, and insulated material. Common materials used in Carhartt Balaclavas include polyester, fleece, and acrylic knits. Look for proper insulation in the form of fillers or lining to help maintain body heat and prevent cold temperatures from affecting your comfort.

Fit and Comfort

When shopping for a Carhartt Balaclava, ensure that it fits well and is comfortable. A snug, yet not too tight, fit will provide optimal heat retention and protection from wind and snow. The Balaclava should be easy to adjust and wear, with minimal bulkiness around the face.


While styling may not be the first priority when choosing a Carhartt Balaclava, it's still worth considering. Look for designs that match your personal style or the needs of a specific activity or occasion. Some Carhartt Balaclavas come with adjustable necklines and face openings, allowing you to customize the look to your preference.

Brand Reliability and Reputation

Carhartt is a reputable brand known for their high-quality, durable, and practical designs. By choosing a Carhartt Balaclava, you can rest assured that you're investing in a product that's built to last and will provide you with excellent protection from harsh weather conditions.

Customer Reviews and Ratings

Before making a purchase, take a look at customer reviews and ratings for the Carhartt Balaclava you're considering. This will help you gain insight into the product's performance, durability, and fit from real-world users.
A Carhartt Balaclava is an essential item for those who love spending time outdoors in cold and windy conditions. By considering the features, materials, fit, and style, you can find the perfect Balaclava to meet your specific needs. Remember to always read product descriptions, reviews, and ratings before making a purchase to ensure satisfaction.


What is a Carhartt Balaclava?

A Carhartt Balaclava is a type of face mask designed to provide both warmth and protection from harsh cold weather conditions. It is typically made of durable materials, like Carhartt's signature rugged fabric, making it suitable for outdoor activities.

Why should I choose a Carhartt Balaclava over other brands?

Carhartt is known for its high-quality products that are built to withstand the toughest conditions. When you choose a Carhartt Balaclava, you can expect it to be both comfortable to wear and resistant to wear and tear. Additionally, the brand has a long-standing reputation for crafting reliable and durable workwear, making it a trusted choice for many consumers.

How do I choose the right Carhartt Balaclava for me?

  • Consider the climate you'll be wearing the balaclava in and choose a material that is suitable for the conditions. For extreme cold, a thicker material may be more suitable, while for slightly colder temperatures, a thinner material could be more comfortable.
  • Take note of the balaclava's coverage, some offer full face and neck coverage while others only cover the face, nose, and mouth. Choose one that best suits your needs.
  • Consider the balaclava's features, such as adjustable straps or ventilation ports, which can enhance your comfort while wearing the mask.

Are Carhartt Balaclavas suitable for various activities?

Yes, Carhartt Balaclavas are versatile and suitable for a variety of activities, including outdoor sports, winter hiking, skiing, and snowboarding. The choice of balaclava will depend on the specific activity and weather conditions you expect to encounter.

How do I care for and store my Carhartt Balaclava?

  • Do not wash your Carhartt Balaclava in a washing machine, instead hand wash it using mild detergent and lukewarm water.
  • Air dry your balaclava away from direct sunlight to prevent damage to the material.
  • Store your balaclava in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and heat sources.
  • To maintain its shape, consider folding it and storing it in a protective pouch or cloth.
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2024.05.19 11:31 AntiAmericanismBrit Restored comments on Ivanna Sakhno

17 days ago, a member of this sub posted about Ivanna Sakhno joining M3GAN 2.0, we got some comments on the post, and then 3 days ago the OP deleted the post, thereby also removing everyone else's comments from visibility.
I believe that OP is in the habit of automatically deleting their posts after 2 weeks. Since I haven't been given a reason for this, I'm here restoring the comments (which were deleted without consulting their authors), but not the original post (whose author wanted it deleted).
I could restore the comments because I commented myself: by accessing your comments on your own Reddit profile, you can see threads to which you contributed even if the original post has been deleted, including other people's comments on that thread. You just can't get the original post back.
Should any of these comment authors wish their comment to be removed, please say and I will edit it out. Also, if there really is a good reason to delete this entire thread, please contact me or a mod and we'll do it. But my default assumption is we probably want this discussion to be preserved, and the OP's deletion of the entire discussion was a mistake, so here it is.

‘Ahsoka’s Ivanna Sakhno To Co-Star Opposite Allison Williams In Atomic Monster & Blumhouse’s ‘M3GAN 2.0’

Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it.
Top-level comment from Jazzlike-Movie-930•17d ago•Edited 17d ago: 4 upvotes:
Here are my theories on which character she will play in M3gan 2.0:
  1. She will play Gemma’s rival toy company engineeroboticist.
  2. She will play an intern at the Funki Toy company or rival toy company.
  3. She will be the voice of Am3lia (the rumored antagonist) of M3gan 2.0.
  4. The last theory I have is unlikely but possible. She plays an adult version of M3gan and M3gan looks human. That said, M3gan will probably have that child doll face again in M3gan 2.0 so that makes this theory unlikely.
It should be a big role she landed though and I look forward to seeing her in M3gan 2.0.
Reply Budd96•17d ago•Edited 17d ago: 3 upvotes:
The both 1 and 3 would be a high possibilities for her role in Sequel.
But I still believe she's going to be AM3LIA's Roboticist.
Reply from Jazzlike-Movie-930•17d ago: 1 upvote:
I agree that #1 is probably the most likely option but I would not be surprised if she voices Am3lia. If she is the voice of Am3lia, then Amelia needs to look like a teenage or young adult robot doll or look like an older sister to M3gan.
Reply from Budd96•17d ago•Edited 17d ago: 1 upvote:
Well, M3GAN and AM3LIA are both going to be older in Sequel, both of them will not have relations to each other.
Reply from AntiAmericanismBrit•17d ago: 3 upvotes:
Congratulations to Ivanna for landing the role and congratulations to the M3GAN team for getting her.
We have absolutely no idea who she'll play, but if theories are fun, I don't think they'll mind a bit of wild mass guessing going on.
I agree "adult M3GAN" is unlikely for this actress, because we're told her part is major. It's possible the film might end with an "in the future all grown up" scene, but we have no reason to think that will be the main part of the film (I mean Violet McGraw is 13 now, not 23), and therefore any actor involved in the "all grown up" scene (if it happens) won't count as a major part. (Well it might become a major part in the THIRD film if they go that way, but not in the second.)
Voice of a robot is possible, but would they really hire Ivanna just for her voice? Unlike Jenna Davis, Ivanna doesn't seem to have much of a history of doing voice work. She's very much an actress who gets seen on the screen. So I think the odds of this one are quite low (but I might be proven wrong).
but Shin Hati is a villain in the Star Wars franchise, and if an actress plays a villain in one film, she's more likely to be a villain in another. (But not necessarily!)
I'm not sure if rival roboticists and bosses etc count as "major" parts if all they do is set a robot going and then get off the set. A colleague might if they're hands-on enough. It depends how major you mean by major.
Right now I think the simplest explanation is the Amelia rumour is wrong and the plot will be completely different from what we were expecting. But let's see what they tell us later.
Reply from Budd96•6d ago•Edited 6d ago: 1 upvote:
I don't think AM3LIA plot rumor is wrong at all, there's some truth to it, if the AM3LIA is rumor is wrong, who took the Schematic Files than rival roboticist, it can't be Gemma it wouldn't make sense taking the Schematic Files when she was the original creator of M3GAN, it could be M3GAN herself, but she has some limitations to control any robotic systems that don't have AI integrated, she's probably need human help to create her a new body, that's where Ivanna Sakhno's Character comes in to help.
Reply from AntiAmericanismBrit•3d ago: 1 upvote:
well a lot of options were left open with the files Kurt stole. The main Doylist (real-world) reason for having that in the original film was so M3GAN could call him out on it in the elevator as part of her gaslighting setup.
It might also suggest a history of Kurt leaking Funki secrets to the competitor that made Furzees from Purrpetual Petz and thereby making Funki management feel the competitors are too good at getting stuff quickly, which means M3GAN needs to be launched fast, hence pressure to cut corners. But I think in the case of Furzees that clone could be done quickly from the off-the-shelf product anyway without needing the files (the files might actually slow them down, because they'd get Gemma's listening model tech and the point was to take that out to make the toy cheaper).
Anyway, as of end of M3GAN:
  1. We don't know whether or not Kurt managed to leak those files before he was killed,
  2. If Kurt did not manage to leak the files, we still don't know whether or not they might still be found by his relatives or by investigators going through his things after his death,
  3. Even if Kurt didn't leak them and nobody looked at his docs, it might still be possible for someone else to get hold of the same files off of Funki's system,
  4. If somebody does get hold of the files, how easy would it be to use them? When I write code for internal use only, I sometimes fail to explain it properly, meaning I'm probably the only one who can actually use that code without considerable effort. Films depicting stolen code as instantly usable are not actually realistic. I think it would be a great sub-plot if whoever gets the files can't make sense of them until M3GAN-online pops up to help them out with the job. Either that or they have to work for a very long time which explains the delay between the films. Or they have to work for a very long time and then M3GAN-online helps them finish.
  5. We also don't know if the files are needed at all. Maybe M3GAN-online can tell whoever she likes how to build a robot designed by M3GAN herself that is better than the one described in those files. Or something drastic happens to totally change the attitude of Funki or Gemma or Cady and they're the ones who rebuild M3GAN. Or something else.
The only thing we do know is, Shakno's character will be "major". I'm not sure what counts as "major" in this case but normally it's things like: appearing in many scenes throughout the film, heavy effect on the plot, and perhaps some character development along the way. I'm not entirely sure that just rebuilding a robot in a couple of scenes is enough to make the character "major". But that doesn't rule out the possibility of Shakno's character rebuilding the robot plus also playing some other role that makes her major, like babysitting Cady for an extended period or something. We don't know; could be anything.
Reply from leytonk_tx•10d ago: 3 upvotes:
Wouldn’t make sense to cast Ivanna who doesn’t do voiceover work at all and is purely an actress for a voice role. I’m going on a hunch just by her previous roles and what she’s good at that she will be the primary antagonist of some kind. Makes the most sense. Uncertain about this Amelia plot, idk if that is even true or if Ivanna’s looks will play a part in her role (porcelain skin, very wide eyes look that could play well into any type of doll/robot) so who knows. Anyways theatomicmonster on instagram reposted Adam Hendricks story from a couple days ago. Peep the directors laptop screen.
Top-level comment from Budd96•17d ago•Edited 17d ago: 2 upvotes:
I believe she's going to be Gemma's Rival/New Doll's Roboticist.
Top-level comment from Ok-Effective4500•6d ago: 1 upvote:
But as who?
Reply from Budd96•6d ago: 1 upvote:
The plot is not revealed yet, her role is currently unknown, but seeing her Play as Antagonist in other films, her character most likely going to help M3GAN to creating a new body and hunting down Gemma and Cady.
She coud be either rival roboticist or she's working from secret military government who worked on building Super-Integelligient Machines.
That's my guess for what she's going to be.
submitted by AntiAmericanismBrit to M3GAN [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:29 AContinuumSpade Taking NFS 141 Over the Summer to Keep Financial Aid, how is it?

I got a bit screwed from the way credits transfer from study abroad (essentially UK credits are worth about 3.5-3.75 standard US credits so most CUNYs round up to 4 - as only 4 classes are standard there - while Hunter rounds down to 3). Long story short, I’m ending this semester with 12 credits and as many of you are probably aware, for things like Excelsior you need 15. So, I’m taking a summer class to make up for it and the only class that will work with my work schedule (which is hourly and changes week to week) was an asynchronous one and it seems NFS 141: Introduction to Nutrition is one of the only ones still with space.
I’m just curious if anyone here has taken it before what the workload is like. I’m trying to plan how to manage it with work and decide if it’s worth it to reduce my hours or if it might be manageable to stay full time and do it. It is asynchronous but the course description says assignments will be due weekly.
submitted by AContinuumSpade to HunterCollege [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:27 3arthchan Google play store app problem

So I'm using the Crunchyroll app on the Play Store and when I skip to the next episode using the skip button it won't work correctly, frames will stay a bit too long, or just put different frames in during the episode. if this makes no sense I'm sorry I'm unsure how to explain it.
submitted by 3arthchan to Crunchyroll [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:23 FullPop5032 Struggling to navigate things

Hi, I've been trying to figure out where I can express this post because my head and my heart feels like its in different places. I dated someone for a few months and it was a really wholesome couple of months. I think we have great chemistry, compatibility, and she has shown up me in ways that really made feel loved/appreciated/seen. For the first time in a very very long time, I felt like i met someone I feel compatible with long term. I've been in the dating for a while and I can say I have pretty good expectations with a potential mate and she has shown in many ways more than one what a great partner she is. I think she is a beautiful human inside and out, romantic feelings aside. It felt really easy with her until things had gotten more intimate.
When it did, she deactivated and withdrew for the first time. She met my friends, long story short -- she deactivated and instantly regretted the decision the next day. It turned my whole world upside down. I've seen very few glimpse of her fears and she did expressed them very early on in dating but told me she was addressing them. We talked about the importance of communicating and even did check ins but it never came up. I trusted her words because I felt like I was doing the same. I was working out my own wounding/healing outside of us. We tried working things out but she deactivated again a few days after and withdrew. After two weeks, i don't remember, she messaged me again and telling me things that she had missed me and she wants to be part of my life again but does not wanna continuously cause me pain. Which confused me. She acknowledges how much she has hurt me, has taken full accountability (which she has done since the beginning) and has not blamed me once, and recognizes she has a lot of healing to do and confront her traumas. We have not once been abrasive with words, yelled at each other, and there's no ill intentions/malicious intent involved. I have done a lot of healing myself and have done a lot of attachment healing as well. I'm finally at a point in my life where I feel secure, I can regulate myself, able to sit in discomfort, have a good head on my shoulders, show up, and soothe. I can tell that she is showing signs of an FA and she is recognizing for the first time that there are still a lot of wounds she needs to face that she thought she had healed from her last relationship (and from what i gather, probably her childhood as well, just an inkling).
What im really struggling with is, after that messaged I addressed with her that I cannot be in a cycle/pattern with her. I just know this is gonna keep happening over and over again unless there's work done. That right now, I don't wanna to be fully in her life and she had agreed to do only biweekly check ins and no contact in between, as i requested. I don't want to be in the same pattern over and over again and I had addressed that there needs to be changed that happens if we decided to ever try again. I did tell her that if she isn't at a point in her life that actively working on herself is a priority, I will respect that (i dont think there is anything wrong with that, our own journey is within our own time) but I dont want to be part of it because that would be a self betrayal to my healing. She told me she is starting to slowly address things, although therapy has not been started yet which worries me. But i know this is mainly because of her job that has her working 6 days out of the week which sometimes would lessen in some weeks but i know her capacity is probably not as much as a normal person.
I'm having a hard time because I really want to be supportive and be there while she figures things out but i also worry that I might be abandoning myself or spreading myself thin. I also lost my trust and feel like I can't rely on her right now but Im willing to work on that with her. Anyone had similar experience? Any partners that have worked things out with someone who have deep unhealed wounds? How did you manage it? I have also observed she struggles with stating her needs, boundaries, and not recognizing she is deactivating (im not even entirely sure if she knows that happening with her.) -- i think this is my main worry -- her not being able to tell me/communicate it when that happens. I only want to be in this situation if I can be a good support system for her and can show up that would be safe space for her and im trying to weigh if I can do that for her. I like her a lot and really want us to navigate things more healthily. Please be kind and respectful <3
submitted by FullPop5032 to ptsd [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:22 koyangiiz AITA for saying i'd be upset if my bf went to paris

My bf and i (both 18) were talking about studying abroad and there's one for paris that goes from June 5 - July 3 which goes over our 1 year anniversary on June 22. The applications are closed so it was only a hypothetical but he said imagine if I went? and i said that i would be mad at him if he did bc it's on our one year anniversary. He told me i was messed up and that it was wrong for me to be mad at him for going and exploring the world and this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, especially since he loves traveling and it's one of the main things he wants to do in life. I told him I didn't have anything against him traveling, he's going to Japan next year with his friends and I am happy for him. He said that it's different because there's nothing going on during the time that he's going and I said exactly. It's the fact that it's our first anniversary together and both of our first relationships so it was something I really looked forward to. Not to mention I've been in another state since January helping my sister and her husband with their baby and I was already disappointed about not being able to celebrate our monthly anniversaries for the first year (ik that monthly anniversaries are kind of childish but i think it's kinda cute and i like to celebrate them). Missing our 1 year would be so much worse. I've even made it a priority to get a flight back the week of our anniversary and made it clear to my sister and her husband months before even though I'm supposed to stay with them until the end of July. I told him it wasn't really a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity since there's programs for studying abroad every year, plus we are only 18 and i think there will be more opportunities for travel. We've even talked before about wanting to go to paris together. He told me he would be happy for me if i went and that our anniversary is just a date and we would be able to cerebrate it when he came back cause it's not about the actual day but the fact that we've been together for so long. I mean he has a point and it's true but i just feel like there are still more chances to go to france but we're never gonna get our 1 year anniversary back. and i always talk about it so he knows how excited i am for it :/
submitted by koyangiiz to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:22 downton_adderall Help me get my BFs house more eczema-friendly :)

Hi everyone, I need some help with this old house my BF lives in. I'm pretty sure I flare everytime I stay over there, which 1) makes me super sad since I love being in his place and 2) is quite problematic as I'll be moving out of my flat end of June and I was planning on staying at his until September, which is when I will be moving to a new, super eczema-friendly flat.
I'm most allergic to dust mites and I think his house is full of dust, I'm talking old dust thats been collecting in the cracks of wood for decades. They also smoke in the house and even though I open all windows and air out the place 24/7 when I'm there, the air still feels weird on my face. They use wood for heating, which makes the air quite dry, but this probably won't be a problem over the summer. There's also a lot of couches, fabrics and decorative pieces that have been collecting everything for who knows how long. My BF usually does a grande cleaning when I come over, which makes it a bit better, but it's not totally perfect.
So I wanted to ask for any house-cleaning advice you might have to potentially make his place more suitable for me? So far, my plan (mostly for him to do) is: - Vacuum everything, every corner, every crack, everything - Clean/disinfect everything; the entire floor, all heating rails, pipes, window frames, tables etc - Wash all carpets, curtains, pillows, blankets, at 90, inspect couches for mold - Completely air out the place for 1-2 weeks - What to do with decorative pieces, ie. sculptures? I hate dusting these since all the dust just flies out in the air anyways and eventually lands in the same spots.
Is there anything I could ask him to buy? (He would do everything to make me more comfortable at his. He plans on renovating the entire place, which is obviously the best solution, but that's a few years down the line).
TL;DR My BFs old house makes me flare, tips on how to clean, what to do/buy to make me stop flaring over there.
submitted by downton_adderall to eczema [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:18 Slayr155 AITAH - I told my wife that there's nothing wrong with being a SAHM, and that many working women would probably be much happier staying home with the kids.

To add context, I made it clear to her that in no way was I saying women shouldn't work or weren't capable. To the contrary, there's very many hard working successfull talented women out there doing great things. I just said that raising kids and simultaneously having a career is a recipe for exhaustion, and most women would be happier doing one or the other, not both (my opinion only, which she doesn't share and doesn't care to hear). To the contrary, men have to work for their entire adult lives whether they want to or not. There really isn't a work-free option for men the way there is for women IMO. When I talk about this with my wife, she hears "a woman's place is in the home" even though that's no where remotely close to what I was saying, and then she goes off the rails and calls me a misogynist. Which is mean. My whole point to my wife has been that she should enjoy being a SAHM until the kids are old enough to be in school all day, and then she can work as much as she wants as long as she can figure out how to get the kids to/from school (my job involves a significant amount of travel). I didn't want her to work just to hand over her paycheck to a daycare. To me, that would just be a huge waste of time and resources, and why pay someone else to raise our kids? She seemed to think she'd keep her paycheck for discretionary spending and that I'd just cover datcare so she could do that. I have a good salary, but I can't aford daycare and maintain our current standard of living. Besides, there are plenty of single and divorced parents out there who need daycare, and it seems wasteful for us to take up a slot. I even offered to be a SAHD if she could find a job that would pay her what I currently earn. She threw a "just be thankful that I am raising your kids" at me, which I resented, because they're hers too, and just as much her responsibility. More context - when I'm home from business trips, I do the school dropoffs/pickups, sports events, I cook, I do chores around the house, and I watch the kids so she can do things with her girlfriends. I'm not a dick. I just think women have been sold a story about "having it all" that really isn't true. There's plenty of time for work/careers after the kids are in school all day. Take advantage of a few years and stay with your kids if your husband earns enough to cover all the bills. Apparently that opinion makes me a misogynistic AH.
submitted by Slayr155 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:18 PowerMinute1922 The Man who screams at Daybreak

My last flat was unbearable.
I mean, you try having a family of 11 live above you, when half of them are under the age of 8. Also try having a pair of raging alcoholic neighbours on either side of you. A pair who were once married to each other. My eyes rivalled that of pigeons’ due to no sleep.
I lasted a total of 21 days. I know, new record huh? I just about shoved the keys back in the grubby hands of my landlord when I finally saw the lunacy inscribed on his face. No wonder the rent was dirt cheap.
So I was back on the road, not on the streets though. Luckily enough I started questioning the flat by day 8, looked around for another place by day 15, and made a decision to get the hell out on day 18. 3 days of packing and it was bye-bye.
My new place seemed all the better too: yes, the rent was more expensive, and yes, it only has 2 bedrooms. But at least it was a house, one where pesky neighbours were at least 5 metres away. On my right, at least. On my left? Their house - thankfully - couldn’t even be seen where I stood.
Parking my car, I skipped up towards my new house with my fresh set of keys. And on entering? Silence. Perfect still silence. Thank the Lord. I basked in it for a while before returning to my car, unloading some of my baggage. It took 3-4 hauls, but I managed to fit it into one of the bedrooms. Thankfully, the rest of my things were to be brought by moving vans in about an hour.
I envisioned what the house could look like with a few finishing touches.
“But first…”
I eyed the 2 rooms. “Mine!”
The room I had chosen to be mine gave a bright view of my own smaller garden, as well as a portion of my right neighbour’s house, but that didn’t matter much. The view in the other room would suck: just my car and some reeds.
I was just about done heaving some of my baggage into my newly-chosen room when the doorbell gave an obnoxious ring. I stood, fighting the urge to just run away into one of my rooms when it beeped again.
Reaching the door, I eyed out of the peephole to see nothing but an opaque whiteness. I guess the downside in this house is that the last tenant was a slob. I eyed some of the yellowing walls. Sighing, I opened the door.
“Hello! We’re your neighbours, Jack and Sally, and we live just there,” She motioned towards my right, “We came to introduce ourselves, and to let you know that if you ever need anything, we’re right here.”
She then shoved a basket full of biscuits at my chest, a motherly-smile stretched around her lips. She turned to leave, husband - clearly forced to follow her - in tow, when she turned around.
“Your name, dear?”
“Leen!” I shouted after her.
And perfect it was, I thought. Neighbours that respect their distance from you, and give you food? I eyed the delicious snacks in front of me. Definitely an upgrade.
Though it was at dawn the very next day that I woke up, shook.
See, I was just sleeping in my newly delivered bed when I heard it. Something that sounded like a bird, a huge caw, before it alternated into different pitches. Disoriented, I tried to wipe the sleep from my eyes in order to focus better. But it just made me more confused.
It sounded like a chicken.
As far as I know, this new place was not the countryside, nor farmland. So what? And why?
I stepped up to my window to take a good look outside. I wouldn’t keep a rooster in my home that’s for sure. Whatever it was, it was coming from…
My jaw dropped.
I closed my eyes and scrubbed at them harshly.
Please tell me why I opened my eyes and saw the exact same thing.
A man, on his haunches, face pointed towards the sky, was making rooster noises.
And he was on my neighbours’ garden. The ones I met earlier.
He looked absolutely demented. I wasn’t even scared then, just flabbergasted. I wasted no time calling the police at this disturbing nuisance.
When they arrived though, I saw my neighbours’ shoot straight from their house, speaking or…was it pleading? With the officers. What on Earth..?
Anyway, it was their problem now, so I went back to bed. I had a whole bunch of chores the next day, and had to get it all sorted before I returned to work.
Shutting my eyes, I wished for peace. And quiet, thank you very much.
At last, I woke up at 10 AM. By 1 PM, I had sorted my clothing into its respective drawers, and had decorated my bedroom walls, including a new golden addition. And now? I had food cooking on the stove. It felt satisfying, having cleaned up and now awaiting the prize of food.
I scrolled on my phone as I waited for the pasta to cook, before another ding turned my attention towards the door.
“Huh, what now?”
Unfortunately I hadn’t cleaned the peephole yet, so I had to open the door. There stood Jack and Sally. Or Sally and Jack. Jack looked lost. Sally stared deep into my eyes.
“Was it you?”
“Me? What do you mean?”
“That called the police last night?”
I recalled the past night, and gave her a thumbs up, hoping my smile was reassuring. “Yep, don’t worry, that lunatic will not be coming back ever again. He can go to the zoo if he wants to squawk.”
I should’ve taken the cue from Jack’s paling face, but Sally grabbed hold of me. “Listen here, okay? That man, the one you called the police on...” She trembled, “He’s my son! You can’t do that! He was not even on your property!”
My eyes widened. “He’s…your son?”
“Of course! How can you not see that?”
Nodding at her, I relinquished myself from the hold she had on my arms. “Okay then, sorry for the call. But I do have to mention something,” Jack started to shake his head behind his wife, but I ignored the little-to-say man, “Is there any way you can keep the noise down to a minimum? Honestly, your son has vocal cords of steel! It would wake the entire neighbourhood at this rate.”
Sally stared pointedly at me, then took a look around my house. “Very well.”
She grabbed her husband’s arm as she turned to leave, and I caught the slightest look of fear in his eyes before he was abruptly pulled away.
I dismissed it - and the sinking feeling - on discovering my very soft, overcooked pasta when I came back into my home though.
I managed to also do one thing before wrapping up: I cleaned out my door's peephole. Now I wouldn't have to open the door to know it's them. I'd just speak at them from the inside if they were to come back.
I woke, jolting out of my bed the very next morning, or night. I checked my bedside clock to see it was 3:50 AM. The cock-a-doodle-doo was breaking into my head. I grasped my hair in frustration, knowing that I didn’t have the madman’s parents phone numbers’ to call, or maybe scream at them. It was the exact same thing as the day before! Except…maybe…
I strained my ear.
It sounded a lot closer.
My hands, for some reason, became clammy instantly, and the urgent thumping of my own heart - the fragility of my own life - became all the more prominent.
I tiptoed to my window and peeked outside. Nothing.
I then slowly treaded to my spare bedroom, and pulled the curtains apart. Zilch. Nada. Though…
Almost as if under a spell, my head turned towards my main door. I…I could somehow feel it. Just to confirm though, I peeked out of the door-hole.
And with a slam, I collapsed in my new, dream home.
When I came to, I was lying on white sheets, and a bright white light hung over me.
A hospital.
I was in my own room, which I found odd. It was not like I needed it. But then a doctor walked in, followed by 3 other people, and it all made sense. Everything - blurs and sureness - melted into a perfect picture.
Sally, Jack, and their son.
He couldn’t be more than 17 really. Though he looked 37 a few hours ago. Face pressed against the glass of my peephole, mouth wide open towards it, eyes pointing in different directions as his face reddened and contorted.
I was deaf in one moment. Then came the COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO.
Of course I fainted. Who could blame me?
“Good afternoon, I’m Dr Lam. You’re in A&E right now. Are you able to tell me your full name and date of birth?
My voice answered the Doctor’s questions, but my eyes stared dazed at the youngster’s abdomen, not daring to reach his its eyes.
“Well, nothing seems to be wrong with you. You may have just been dehydrated. Did you have any headache or pain before you fainted?”
I replied in the negative.
“Luckily, your friends’ son had found you passed out, and ensured your speedy arrival to hospital, so I wouldn’t be worried about any damage.”
My eyes finally strayed, looking towards the ground. I held the nauseousness of bile down my throat. Following a brief check-up, I was allowed to leave.
And 2 people and a demon followed me out.
“Well, Leen, that should give you a lesson,”
I turned towards the family, who stood in a 3 person arc. Only 1 managed to look away, equal parts shame and guilt. I don’t need to mention who that was.
“Don’t worry. You can look at me, I don’t bite: not now and not at dawn,” a strained voice whispered at me. “I promise, it’s only at dawn when I…when I…”
“Hush Dean, don’t work your voice that much. You’ll need to save it for later.”
I was still dizzy. That didn’t stop me from running half-hobbled to the taxi stand, where I begged and claimed to many that I would provide double payment if they were to take me to my house.
It took a while, but I managed to pack some of my clothes. There was no way in hell I was sleeping at that damned house again, not now, not ever. I called and booked at a nearby hotel in the meantime.
I was done packing necessities by the evening. Walking out of my house, I saw no sign of those three. I would have been relieved, had I not come face to face with than one thing: standing in my garden, leaning against my car. My breathing picked up instantly.
It stood with its back resting against my car. And It noticed me immediately. Seems like it was just waiting for me to notice it.
“Are you leaving?” It sounded almost sad, but I needed it to move away, or my only way out of there would be in jeopardy.
“For the night.” My answer? Almost smooth, but even I could hear the first shake in my voice.
It nodded though. “Okay.” And he moved from my car. I counted the distance. 1 metre. 2. 2.5-
It made a sudden dash at me as I - in flight response - ran frantically to the driver’s seat, locking the door. I came in half-squashed, my backpack still on my back. But I didn’t care.
Its face was pressed against the window.
“Mum is waiting for a person that will like me for me, not run away. You’re supposed to like me.” It said, matter-of-factly. It then wailed, and sunk beneath the car window.
I did not dare to sit up and see what it was doing.
I didn’t even need to though. The sound came a split-second later.
Tears spilled from my eyes. My limbs felt weak. I couldn’t even breathe. It suddenly sprang up to the window. Eyes enlarged: looking at me and everywhere at once.
“I can actually tur-COCK- in the day too, but M-DOODLE- said it would be too much for you,” wheezing, it exclaimed again before adding, “but this is ME. Do you-do you, do you like me?”
With dead limbs I weighed my foot on the pedal, and jump-started the car to speed off. My head shook left-and-right in response, stomach heaving with nausea.
Human preservation kicked me into taking proper control of the car when I saw, out of the rear view mirror, Sally. This time with a rope, which locked around the creature’s neck before she tugged, drawing it into her house. At one point we locked eyes. And what do I mean by we?
Answer: the 2 of them and me.
It was honestly a miracle that I did not get into a road traffic accident.
I spent 3 days living in the hotel after that, my job long-forgotten in the aftermath.
By day 4 I broke down and called my older sister, asking to stay at her place for a while. Her house and area seemed fine the times I’d stopped over. I guess I clearly did not seem right though, as she many-a-time asked me what was wrong. My answer? Stress. She persisted, years of living together as kids helping her figure out my lies, though she ultimately gave up after a week. She knew it was something I didn’t want to share, and that I was safe now. That was enough for her.
For me? I guess at the time I so badly wanted to tell someone. Though it couldn’t be my sister. I didn’t want to cause any trouble. Nor see if she’d even believe me, or instead rank me at the same IQ level as her two 5-year-olds.
For a few weeks, I stayed with my sister and her family, reassuring both her and myself that I was fine. Thankfully, we worked together to find a small apartment. Next to a kids school too - bonus points. I now craved safety above all else. After moving out though, I realised I needed my belongings back.
So, who picked up my stuff from that cursed residence, you ask? The moving people. I called the police from a random phone booth first to head over to that area, emphasising on seeing some suspicious looking men, whilst I got them to collect everything. I did not dare to call the police on that family though. I would prefer if the link between me and them got cut, drawn and quartered.
So now I’m here, in an apartment which thankfully hasn’t shown any sign of insanity. Inspecting my belongings, I noticed that there was one thing missing.
My gold frame, used to encase my make-shift certificate - made by yours truly after her 21-day record from the previous apartment - was gone.
I felt somewhat miffed, but then I realised something.
Something which can maybe bring the light out in this whole situation.
I counted carefully. I broke my record.
With a grand stay of 2 days. Now that - that I don’t think I’d ever be able to beat.

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2024.05.19 11:17 GuiltlessMaple Best Cardioid Microphones

Best Cardioid Microphones
Welcome to our comprehensive guide to cardioid microphones! Perfect for capturing clear and accurate audio, these microphones have become a go-to choice for many professionals and hobbyists alike. In this article, we'll be exploring the unique features and applications of cardioid microphones, as well as presenting our top product picks to help you make an informed choice. Stay tuned for all the details you need to know about these essential tools!
So, whether you're a musician, podcaster, or just an audiophile looking to enhance your listening experience, our roundup of the best cardioid microphones on the market has you covered. Dive in to learn more about these reliable, versatile microphones, and discover the perfect option to suit your needs.

The Top 7 Best Cardioid Microphones

  1. Insignia Wired Cardioid Omnidirectional USB Microphone with LED Indicator - The Insignia NS-LCBM22 Wired Cardioid & Omnidirectional USB Microphone offers an eye-catching design with a desk stand and headphone jack, providing easy-to-use, cardioid/omnidirectional sound options and a comfortable recording experience.
  2. Nady CM 90: High-Sensitivity Cardioid Condenser Mic with Shockmount - The Nady CM 90 Cardioid Condenser Mic delivers outstanding performance for demanding digital recording and live sound applications, with its versatile design, rugged construction, and exceptional audio quality.
  3. FDUCE SL40X XLR Dynamic Microphone for Vocal Recording - FDUCE SL40X XLR Dynamic Microphone delivers crisp sound with advanced voice isolation technology and solid, reliable performance for vocal recordings, podcasting, gaming, live streaming, and broadcasting.
  4. Unidirectional Condenser Microphone Bundles for Studio Recording and Podcasting - Experience crystal-clear sound with Zingyou's BM-800 Studios Condenser Microphone Bundle, complete with a professional bundle for any recording enthusiast.
  5. AKG C414 XLII/ST Stereo Matched Pair Microphones - The AKG C414 XLII/ST Stereo Matched Pair delivers exceptional sound quality, high-fidelity audio, and versatile polar patterns, making it the perfect choice for professional recording and live sound applications.
  6. PreSonus PM-2 Matched Pair Cardioid Condenser Microphones - Capture crystal-clear audio with the versatile, affordable, and high-quality PreSonus PM-2 small diaphragm cardioid condenser microphones, perfect for a variety of applications from acoustic instruments to ensembles.
  7. Top-Ranking Karaoke Dynamic Mic with Shielded Cable - The 5 Core Dynamic Cardiod Karaoke Singing Wired Mic, with a premium-quality ferrite magnet and noise-shielding cable, lets you capture pristine vocals for live performances and recordings while boasting durability with its rugged steel build.
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🔗Insignia Wired Cardioid Omnidirectional USB Microphone with LED Indicator
The Insignia NS-LCBM22 Wired Cardioid & Omnidirectional USB Microphone is perfect for recording that vlog or podcast you've always wanted to start. With the user-friendly LED lights indicating power and muting, setting up is a breeze. The adjustable desk stand and knob make finding your perfect recording angle hassle-free.
Featuring a cardioid and omnidirectional mode, this microphone captures your sound accurately and minimizes background noise. The included headphone jack lets you monitor your recordings in real-time for top-notch results.
Although there have been some issues reported by users about the microphone suddenly stopping to work, overall, it's a highly recommended product within a reasonable price range. For those looking for a reliable and budget-friendly device, the Insignia NS-LCBM22 Wired Cardioid & Omnidirectional USB Microphone is an excellent choice!

🔗Nady CM 90: High-Sensitivity Cardioid Condenser Mic with Shockmount
The Nady CM 90 Cardioid Condenser Mic has been a game-changer in my recording studio. I've been using it for capturing the nuances of my acoustic guitar, snare drum, and piano, and it never fails to impress me with its high sensitivity and extended smooth response. The microphone's sturdy turned-brass housing and internal shockmount ensure that it can withstand even the toughest recording sessions. I also appreciate the fact that it comes with a microphone clip, foam windscreen, and a zipper pouch, making it easy to transport safely.
One of the standout features of this microphone is its transformerless design, which minimizes self-noise. This has allowed me to capture even the subtlest details of my performances without any unwanted background noise. Additionally, the microphone requires 48V phantom power, so it's compatible with most professional mixing boards.
However, there have been a few downsides to using this microphone. For instance, I found that it can sometimes be overly sensitive to certain sound sources, making it difficult to achieve the perfect balance in my recordings. Additionally, the microphone's construction, while sturdy, may not be able to withstand the rigors of constant touring or frequent use in a live environment.
Overall, I would highly recommend the Nady CM 90 Cardioid Condenser Mic to anyone looking to capture high-quality audio recordings. Its versatile design, rugged construction, and impressive performance make it a great addition to any recording studio or live sound setup. While it may have a few shortcomings, the benefits far outweigh any drawbacks, making it a top choice for any serious musician or audio enthusiast.

🔗FDUCE SL40X XLR Dynamic Microphone for Vocal Recording
The FDUCE Sl40x XLR Dynamic Microphone has been a game-changer in my daily life. As a podcast enthusiast, I was on the hunt for a quality microphone that wouldn't break the bank. This microphone has exceeded my expectations by far! The voice isolation technology is the standout feature for me - it makes my voice sound so clear and pure, perfect for my podcasting needs.
Setting it up was a breeze thanks to the plug and play compatibility, working seamlessly with my audio interface and mixer. The build quality is premium, giving me confidence that this microphone will last me for a long time. However, I would've liked if it included some free lessons or software, but that's a minor inconvenience.
All in all, this microphone has enhanced my voice and has given my podcasting career a much-needed boost. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a reliable XLR dynamic microphone.

🔗Unidirectional Condenser Microphone Bundles for Studio Recording and Podcasting
I recently purchased the Zingyou Condenser Microphone Bundle for my home studio setup, and I must say it has truly exceeded my expectations. I was initially drawn to its user-friendly design, which includes an informative assembly video and easy-to-follow instructions. In terms of performance, this microphone delivers excellent sound quality, capturing even the most subtle nuances of my vocals. The build quality is impressive as well, with a sturdy body that feels like it can withstand daily use without issue.
One of the standout features of this microphone is its ease of use. Within minutes of unboxing, I had the entire bundle assembled and ready to go. Furthermore, the size and flexibility of the stand make it easy to position the microphone wherever needed, making it perfect for various recording scenarios. Overall, I believe the Zingyou Condenser Microphone Bundle offers exceptional value for its price, providing professional-grade sound quality and durability without breaking the bank.
However, there are a few minor drawbacks worth mentioning. Firstly, some users have reported issues with the sound card not working properly, though I personally have not experienced this issue. Additionally, the microphone requires phantom power to function, which may not be ideal for those who prefer USB-powered options.
In conclusion, the Zingyou Condenser Microphone Bundle is a fantastic choice for amateur and professional recording enthusiasts alike. With its affordable price point, top-notch sound quality, and user-friendly design, this product offers incredible value for its cost. So why not give it a shot and see how it can elevate your recording projects?

🔗AKG C414 XLII/ST Stereo Matched Pair Microphones
I've been using the AKG C414 XLII/ST Stereo Matched Pair for a while now, and I must say, it's a game-changer in my home studio. This pair of condenser microphones has a knack for capturing high-fidelity audio, making my recordings sound much more dynamic.
One of the standout features of these microphones is their ability to switch between nine polar patterns. This flexibility allows me to tailor the sound capture for different applications, ranging from vocals to acoustic instruments like guitars or even percussion. The peak hold LED display is also incredibly useful, helping me avoid nasty overload peaks during live performances.
The C414 XLII version stands out from its sibling, the C414 XLS, mainly because of its unique capsule design. This design gives the mic a slightly brighter sound compared to the XLS, while also offering impressive spatial reproduction that's reminiscent of the legendary AKG C12 microphone from 1953.
On the downside, I've noticed that the C414 XLII can be quite sensitive to noise from surrounding sources, such as air conditioning systems. However, the built-in filter helps mitigate this issue, ensuring that my recordings remain clean and free of unwanted interference.
Overall, I've been extremely impressed with the AKG C414 XLII/ST Stereo Matched Pair. It's a versatile, high-quality microphone that has made a significant difference in the quality of my recordings. While it may be a bit pricey, I believe it's a worthwhile investment for anyone serious about capturing professional-sounding audio.

🔗PreSonus PM-2 Matched Pair Cardioid Condenser Microphones

As a reviewer who's been using the PreSonus PM-2 microphones in my little home studio, I can't help but rave about them. These cardioid condenser mics are a gem, offering a surprising level of clarity and versatility for a budget-friendly price.
One of the things that stood out to me was their ability to capture even the most subtle nuances of the acoustic guitar. The cardioid pattern helps deliver an amplified input audio, making it perfect for recording a range of instruments and ensembles.
The golden touch doesn't stop there. The gold-sputtered capsule ensures enhanced conductivity, enabling efficient signal transmission. And did I mention how light they are? The ultra-light chassis makes them incredibly easy to handle and convenient to use.
However, as with any product, there are some cons. Some users have reported issues of durability, with one microphone stopping working after just six hours of use. While this is a concern, it's important to note that these are budget-friendly mics and may not withstand the same level of abuse as higher-priced models.
Overall, I'd say the PreSonus PM-2 microphones are a fantastic choice for anyone looking to create detailed recordings in a studio setting. They offer great sound quality, especially when used in stereo mode. The build quality might not be top-notch, but the value they provide more than makes up for it. So, if you're on the hunt for affordable, high-quality mics, give these a try.

🔗Top-Ranking Karaoke Dynamic Mic with Shielded Cable
I recently purchased the 5 Core Karaoke Singing Wired Mic, and I must say, I am thoroughly impressed! As a frequent performer at weddings and conferences, I needed a reliable microphone that captured my voice perfectly without any background noise interference. The unidirectional Cardioid Pickup Pattern on this microphone did just that, enhancing my performances and keeping the focus on my voice.
One of the highlights of this microphone is its sturdy build. The steel mesh windscreen and anti-dent ring make it incredibly durable, while its professional XLR connector ensures seamless compatibility with all PA systems. I also appreciated the brilliant and transparent sound quality it delivers, thanks to its ultra-wide frequency response and built-in Pop filter & windscreen.
On the flip side, the 5 Core Karaoke Singing Wired Mic might not be the best option for those who prefer a wireless microphone. Additionally, the lack of an on/off switch may be inconvenient for some users.
Overall, I am extremely satisfied with the 5 Core Karaoke Singing Wired Mic. Its combination of performance, durability, and versatility make it an excellent choice for any singer or performer looking to enhance their live performances. If you're in the market for a reliable microphone that won't let you down, I highly recommend giving this one a try!

Buyer's Guide

Important Features of Cardioid Microphones

Cardioid microphones are an essential tool for any recording setup, both in professional and home-studio environments. These microphones offer a directional pickup pattern, primarily capturing sound waves originating directly in front of the microphone while minimizing off-axis sound. This feature makes cardioid microphones particularly useful for reducing unwanted noise and echoes. Here are some important features to consider when looking for a cardioid microphone:
  • Polar Pattern: Ensure that the microphone has a cardioid (also known as unidirectional) polar pattern. This ensures that it primarily picks up sound waves coming directly from the front and minimizes sound from the rear and sides, helping minimize background noise.
  • Sensitivity: Look for a microphone with a high sensitivity rating, as this indicates that it can reproduce quieter sounds more accurately, making it ideal for capturing subtle musical nuances or spoken words.
  • Frequency Response: A wide frequency response range will ensure that the microphone can accurately record a variety of instruments and vocal ranges, providing a balanced sound across different frequencies.
  • Self-Noise: The lower the self-noise rating, the less noise the microphone will introduce during recording, contributing to a cleaner overall sound quality.

Considerations for Choosing a Cardioid Microphone

When selecting a cardioid microphone, there are several factors you should consider to ensure that you get a microphone that meets your needs. These include:
  • Application: Determine the specific application you'll be using the microphone for. This could be voice-over work, live performances, studio recording, or podcasting. Different microphones may be better suited for specific applications, so choosing one that aligns with your intended use is crucial.
  • Budget: Set a budget for your microphone purchase, as prices can vary greatly. Make sure to prioritize features that are more essential to your needs while staying within your budget constraints.
  • Brand Reputation: Research the brand and choose a company with a history of manufacturing high-quality microphones. This will help ensure that you invest in a reliable product that holds up well over time.
  • Accessories: Consider whether any additional accessories like stands, mounts, or pop filters are necessary for your setup. Some microphones may include these accessories while others require separate purchases.

General Advice for Using Cardioid Microphones

To make the most of your cardioid microphone, consider the following advice:
  • Proper Placement: Position yourself at an appropriate distance from the microphone, typically between 6 and 12 inches away. This ensures that the microphone effectively captures the desired sound waves while minimizing background noise or plosives.
  • Avoid Sibilance: Proper microphone technique is essential to prevent sibilance, which can become evident during recording. Make sure to angle the microphone away from the direct line of the spoken word, and use a pop filter if necessary to further minimize sibilance.
  • Reduce Handling Noise: Invest in a high-quality shockmount or boom arm to reduce handling noise while recording in a home studio setup, or implement good microphone handling techniques when using a handheld microphone during live performances.


  1. What is a cardioid microphone?
A cardioid microphone is a type of directional microphone that primarily captures sound from its front while minimizing noise from the sides and rear. Its name "cardioid" refers to the heart-shaped audio pickup pattern. These microphones are commonly used in stages, radio stations, and video recordings to capture voices or musical instruments accurately and with minimal background noise.
  1. How do cardioid microphones work?
Cardioid microphones work by having a diaphragm designed to respond more sensitively to sound waves coming from directly in front and less to those coming from the sides or back. This design enables these microphones to isolate the desired sound source and minimize the collection of unwanted noise, thus improving the overall audio quality.
  1. What are some common applications of cardioid microphones?
Cardioid microphones are commonly used in live performances, interviews, podcasts, and video recordings. They are ideal for capturing voices and musical instruments with high precision and minimum background noise. Examples of their applications include on-stage performances, radio interviews, and YouTube vlogs.
  1. How do cardioid microphones compare with other polar patterns?
Cardioid microphones have a heart-shaped pickup pattern that focuses on capturing sound from the front and minimizes noise from the sides and rear. Other polar patterns include omnidirectional (picking up sound from all directions), figure-eight (equal sensitivity to sound from front and back, less from sides), and supercardioid/hypercardioid (narrow frontal pickup and high rejection of side noise).
  1. Which are some popular manufacturers of cardioid microphones?
Some popular manufacturers of cardioid microphones include Rode, Shure, Sennheiser, Audio-Technica, and Blue Microphones. Each brand offers a variety of cardioid microphones, with different features and price points, to cater to various user requirements and budgets.
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2024.05.19 11:17 Either_Instance9869 why won't he understand

i never thought i'd be in this situation, but here i am. there's this guy, let's call him T, who just doesn't get the hint. we met through mutual friends a few months ago and at first, he seemed nice. we had a couple of conversations and hung out in group settings. but then he started to get more persistent, asking me out on dates. at first, i was polite and declined, saying i wasn't interested. but T kept pushing. he started showing up at places he knew i'd be, sending me messages constantly, even after i made it clear i wasn't interested.
it started getting really uncomfortable. he’d show up at my work, pretending it was a coincidence. my friends noticed and tried to intervene, telling him to back off, but nothing seemed to work. i started feeling anxious all the time, dreading that he'd appear out of nowhere.
things took a turn for the worse when i found him waiting outside my apartment one evening. i was scared but tried to stay calm. i told him to leave and that this was not okay. he left but the next day, i got a long message from him saying how much he liked me and that he thought we had a connection.
i feel trapped. i've blocked him on social media and my phone, but i'm constantly looking over my shoulder. my friends are supportive, but they can only do so much. i've considered going to the police, but i'm worried they won't take me seriously since he hasn't done anything violent. i'm scared it might escalate though.
it's exhausting having to deal with this every day. i just want him to understand that no means no and to leave me alone. i don't know what else to do and i’m starting to feel really helpless. any advice or support would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Either_Instance9869 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:16 IrNinjaBob A (too lengthy) account from a (pretty lame) Ashen Vault Hunter.

I love the Devil’s Roar. I had an… experience the other day. I’d like to waste some of your time by relating it to you in a fashion far more time consuming than it should be.
I have three other friends I often play with. None of them were on. I like vaults. I like ashen vaults most as an early-game min-maxer. Usually ashen captain vaults are quiet and treat me great when solo.
So I did a Gold Hoarder’s Medley the other day. Of course it ended at Fetcher’s Rest. The island I frequent the most as an Ashen Vault Hunter. I approach it as it’s erupting which is great. I get the best cooldown possible. After securing all the treasure, I even stay in as the vault closes so I can grab more gold piles. I can get all treasure out usually before the door closes, but you can’t get most of the gold before then while solo. I also have a harpoon boat, which will speed up the aftermath.
All is fine. But wait. It’s rumbling while I’m in there. No worries. It’s only been like eight minutes since the last eruption.
As I get back to my boat after drowning, my boat is on fire from the obvious ball of magma that has inevitably hit it. Great. Fuck this luck. Fuck this timing. I should sail off and wait for it to stop, right? I even try to cannon back to the island after getting out of range of the falling balls of fire, but I only make it half way to the island so Mermaid back to my ship. Ten minutes later the blasts stop and it is faster to just sail back. Let’s get back to the island. Now obviously based on the length of this story, the outer vault door is closed. That’s okay. I’m four Chests of Ancient Tributes away from the commendation. The same amount for the keys placed commendation (which has better sails tbh). It may be 1 am and I need to work tomorrow, but I can throw another ancient captain’s vault voyage up and double stack the loot currently sitting between the two vault doors.
Believe it or not, my next Ashen Captain’s vault voyage’s fist compass gave me an X on Flintlock Peninsula. 15 minutes later I’m in my solo sloop and I was approaching Fetcher’s NW cove again. And you wouldn’t believe how lucky I was. It was erupting, so I could approach right after it finished.
Fast forward to me finishing the puzzle for the Chest of Ancient Tributes and placing it outside in the hallway. I still have quite a few more pieces of treasure to move out, and the third obvious part of this story came to fruition. There was an earthquake, and that earthquake lead to a second eruption within eight minutes of the last. And it being 2am meant I couldn’t justify three stacking what would have been a huge solo payout. And something that would have gotten me that much closer to level 100 Gold Hoarders and some cool sails that would indicate exactly what sort of weird PvE player I am, and I found myself sailing away from the island just to find that for the second time, what was now a double stack including two Chests of Ancient Tributes was stuck between two closed vault doors.
I probably should have just let my ship burn down and lost my Emissary flags for the double stacked ashen vault I could have moved to my rowboat, then sailed back to Fetchers to collect. But for some (noobish) reason, I though I could sail to safety, keep my level 5 emissary flag, and get a huge-ass payout.
That was a long way to tell a pretty pointless story, but I hope some other Ashen Vault voyagers were able to appreciate it, and provide some PvP players the opportunity to roll their eyes and wish they could have ruined my two hours worth of effort on the high seas.
Everybody has experienced that early game struggle, so I guess there is something for all to enjoy.
-A PS5 player who likes run on sentences a bit too much.
submitted by IrNinjaBob to Seaofthieves [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:16 anxendoveins I hate being harassed

Writing this because yesterday I was just spending a nice day with my sister in a city close to where we live (we're both away from home for study reasons, so we decided to meet halfway) when this guy, who was sitting near a bar, started to shout things at me. He first went like: "Ah, take off that sunglasses and let me see your eyes baby." We both just proceeded to walk and ignore him, but then he started to shout extremely vulgar things, the most terrible one was: "With that hair (my hair are pretty long and I was wearing them in a ponytail) you should see how I could grab you and destroy you (I guess in a sexual way)." I felt both disgusted, scared and angry, but the best we could do was just ignoring him and walking away as fast as we could. We were not even in a lonely street, there were a bunch of other people around us but that dickhead proceeded to say those things to me anyways, while another guy close to him was chuckling as if he was watching a comedy show.
I'm so tired of being harassed and having to go around with the constant fear of someone following/harassing me for whatever is going on in their shitty head. It was not the first time, and as I was on the traain to go back to the city where I'm staying for my studies I was thinking about the disturbing amount of times during the last year where something like this happened to me (and one of those was also physical, sadly), also considering the fact that I don't travel that much. I hate the fact that whenever this happens, I feel guilty for how I look like or I start to wonder if I was wearing too much make-up or too much revealing clothes (which I was not since I don't like revealing clothes that much and so I usually never wear them; this time I was wearing baggy jeans and a simple white t-shirt). The thing which hurts me the most is hearing from people (such as my parents or family members) to be more careful and to "hide" myself more when I go around... but what the hell? I should be free to wear whatever the hell I want.
I feel both mad and disgusted. I perfectly know that things like this might happen to men too (but let's be honest: numbers are way higher for women) and I don't wanna sound like a victim at all, but sometimes existing as a woman just feels like a curse to me.
submitted by anxendoveins to offmychest [link] [comments]