How to build tantra chair


2011.10.13 01:15 Ooer Ooer


2012.04.16 05:12 tabasquito Entrepreneur Ride Along

A community of like minded individuals that are looking to solve issues, network without spamming, talk about the growth of your business (Ride Along), challenges and high points and collab on projects together. Stay classy, no racism, humble and work hard. Catch Localcasestudy at

2010.04.11 06:24 LieutenantClone /r/buildapc - Planning on building a computer but need some advice? This is the place to ask!

Planning on building a computer but need some advice? This is the place to ask! /buildapc is a community-driven subreddit dedicated to custom PC assembly. Anyone is welcome to seek the input of our helpful community as they piece together their desktop.

2024.06.02 13:05 SlankSlankster RALP Day 5

Another full sleep through the night. I only take a half of the Norco pill once a day at night to sleep better. Got me through the night again. Pain is subsiding (was really not in pain that much during this whole ordeal). Getting out of bed, out of a chair etc.mild abdominal pain. Catheter bag still the most annoying thing I have ever experienced. Count down to three more days before removal. Any suggestions in comments for tips to prepare in removing it myself would be much appreciated as well as any insights as to urinary continence right after catheter removal. Surgeon said to start Kegels again three days after removal of catheter.
Yesterday, I walked 2.5 miles. Today, will do same. Building up to over 3 miles after catheter is removed. No irritation on the penis because I learned to lubricate it frequently. My long term recovery goal is trying to get back onto the tennis court end of July (strict orders nothing but walking until July 1). Not sure how realistic this is.
submitted by SlankSlankster to ProstateCancer [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:30 RequiringThoughts AITAH for taking a friend’s phone and fighting him over a video?

For some background, I’m 17[M] and a junior in highschool. Me and 4 others were in a building alone on school property vibing during lunch. It was then that me and another (I’ll call him Monty) got into a little back and forth, calling each other fat and saying all the things one would say when trying to insult the other whilst not crossing the line. We do this all the time, and we both do it because it’s funny. But then it went a bit too far, and he began seriously berating me along with another (will call him Tony). To provide a little more context, me, Monty, and Tony are all linemen for the football team, so it’s natural to call each other fat. But they were straight-up berating me for subjects far beyond simple fat-shaming. Monty got up and started joking about throwing a chair, and I—still trying to keep things a joke—said to try it and see what happens. Mind you, I never actually believed he would throw a chair in a building that’s not his. He promptly threw it right past me, barely missing as it hit the printer behind me. Monty then grabbed a bean bag and also threatened to hit me with it, even though there were a monitor in front of me. After I reminded him of this fact, he sat down and continued his banter. Knowing I was the strongest guy in the room, I got up and started attacking him—playfully—after a few remarks that I found ironic. This was the point where another guy (we’ll call him King) was taking video. This is not the first time he’s taken a video of me in a position anyone would want themselves seen, nor is it the first time I’ve asked him to delete video. This one was bad in specific because I asked Monty to call me his daddy. For obvious reasons, I didn’t want this seen anywhere outside of our little group. When I confront him about it, he refuses to delete it, and instead laughs it off, so I jump on him and restrict his movement as I forced it out of his hands. Mind you, we were all laughing and nobody was taking anything too serious. It was at this point that I’d imagined he would’ve deleted it, considering I had his phone, but he instead continued to disagree and not delete it, no matter how much I pleaded he does. This has occurred a number of times, like when he’s sent a video I didn’t like to a separate friend group or when he took two other videos of me attacking Monty and sent them to a different group. After we’d talked all throughout lunch, the period was over, and it was time to exit. It was at this point that agitation was present in his demeanor, and he began to be forceful in his approach. He came onto me and first tried to grab it out of my hands, before Monty and Tony grabbed my phone as if to back him up. I was pretty frustrated at this point, and I reiterated to delete the video. He refused again, and I swore to him I wasn’t giving his phone back until he deleted it, at which King said he wasn’t ever deleting it. We were both standing up, and there was a significant increase in his force as he pushed and grabbed at my shirt, gashing me at my chest and bruising my arm as I pushed him away. I was furious at this point, saying ‘so you want to fight’ as we’d both stood our ground. This time, I went towards him as he’d continued gnawing at my shirt, prying me to use much more force than I’d used before. Although I very much wanted to, I made sure that I didn’t do any real damage, pulling him to the ground through his shirt instead of hitting him with full force. I was twice his size, so it was fairly clear that he was outmatched in regards to physicality alone. Between Tony and Monty asking I was being so weird and King insulting me, they just walked off as I stayed in the room, eventually going back home with no motivation to complete the day. While he was walking off, King threatened to talk to the office as he made no effort to retrieve the phone. I’m now here, wondering if I should’ve approached things differently.
As a quick note, I will add that I do not think I was in the wrong in regards to fighting back. While I’m aware that the constitution protects your right to videotape in a public space, he’d been performing of mix of gathering defaming audios of me and condescending me through rather rude nicknames for upwards of two years now. It was either I be complicit in his demeaning behavior or I defend myself now.
submitted by RequiringThoughts to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:40 TheOneWithDoggo Let the Old Dreams Die Retold Concepts: Boys Night Out

Adam and D-Sides Boyfriend, or DS for short, were deep into a game of Super Mario Bros Wonder on the Nintendo Switch."Yeah, this game is pretty good!" Adam agreed, just as the doorbell rang. He paused the game and got up. "Hang on, I gotta see who's at the door." Boyfriend nodded, and Adam walked to the front door. Opening it, he found Owen and Oskar standing there. "I often forget you know where I live," Adam remarked. Oskar darted inside, eager to escape Owen’s company. "Hi," Owen said, following more slowly. Owen took one couch, and Oskar took another, each eyeing the other warily.

Adam broke the silence. "So, where are your girlfriends tonight?" "Busy," they both replied in unison. "Well, okay then," Adam said. "I’m playing Mario Wonder with Boyfriend. Want to join?"
"You have a boyfriend?" Oskar asked incredulously. "No, his name is Boyfriend," Adam clarified. "You’re joking," Owen said, skeptical. "Nope. Hey BF, come out here!" Adam called. DS stepped out and waved. "Beep!" "Huh, you’re right," Oskar admitted.

Just then, someone knocked on the side door. "Hold on," Adam said, heading over. He opened it to find Isaiah and Eleanor. "Hi, Adam!" Eleanor greeted cheerfully. "Hi, guys!" Adam responded. Isaiah walked in, stopping when he saw Owen and Oskar. "Oh...who are you guys?" Isaiah asked. "I’m Oskar," Oskar replied. "I’m Owen," Owen added. Eleanor followed Adam, who closed the door behind them. "So, since there are more people here than usual, any ideas on what to do tonight?" Adam asked. "Beep Bo Bap!" DS beeped. "Boys' Night Out?" Adam suggested. "Boys' Night Out?" Owen repeated, confused. "It’s basically when just the guys go out for the night and have fun!" Adam explained.

"So, basically anything?" Oskar asked. "Yeah, as long as it’s legal," Adam said. "Are you okay with it, Eleanor?" Isaiah asked. Eleanor smiled and nodded. "Yeah, don’t worry. I’ll be fine. Your sister is home, right, Adam?" "Yeah, but she was a bit snappy earlier. I wouldn’t bother her," Adam warned. "Where would we go, anyway?" Owen asked. "Beep bap!" DS suggested. "Yeah, we can go to Applebee's," Adam said. "I’m okay with that," Isaiah agreed. "Can we go to the casino afterward?" Owen asked. Everyone stared at him in confusion. "Dude, we’re all 12-14 except for BF," Adam said. "Oh right," Owen realized. "We can go to the arcade next," Isaiah suggested. "That works," Adam said. "What about after that?" Oskar asked. "We'll figure it out. Ready to go?" Adam asked. "Yeah, I’m ready," Isaiah said. Owen got up. "Let’s go." Adam, DS, and Oskar followed. "Bye, Eleanor! We'll be back in a bit!" Isaiah said. Eleanor waved as the boys left.
After a bit, they finally arrived at Applebee's. "Alright boys, welcome to Applebee's. You know what I love about this place? The culture. I usually have a burger, but sometimes I switch it up. First meal, you’re in Asia; next meal, you’re in Greece!" Adam said.

"Beep bap bo!" DS chimed in. "Exactly, I feel like I need a passport to eat here!" Adam laughed. "So what do you recommend?" Isaiah asked. "What do I recommend? Isaiah, this is Applebee's. I recommend all of it! Wait, you're from New York, right?" Adam asked. "Yeah. Why?" Isaiah asked. "Brooklyn or Queens?" Adam asked. "Manhattan," Isaiah said. "Did you not go to Applebee's before?" Adam asked. "No, not really," Isaiah said. "Well, that's fine. You’re gonna love it," Adam assured him.

After a bit, the waitress came over. Adam’s heart sank. It was Mary Lou Maloney, a familiar face to him but not to the others. "Hello, welcome to Applebee's. My name is Mary, and I'll be your server tonight," Mary Lou said.

"Beep!" DS said."Y-Yeah..." Adam stammered, clearly unsettled. Mary Lou focused on Adam. "How about we start with you, handsome?" she asked, getting close and rubbing his hair. "What would you like to drink?" "Uh, I would like a..." Adam began to say. "You want a lemonade, right?" Mary Lou suggested. "Y-Yeah, that works," Adam said, visibly uneasy. Oskar looked at Adam, puzzled by his behavior. "I’ll have water," Oskar said. "I’ll have a Pepsi," Isaiah added. "Beep bo bap!" DS said. "He said he’ll have a Coke," Adam translated. "I'll take a water too," Owen said.

Mary Lou smiled and walked away. Adam faced the ground, holding his head. "Adam, are you okay? You acted strange when the waitress came," Oskar observed. "No, no, I’m fine. Just a bit hungry, that’s all," Adam lied, unconvincingly. "Who was that? You acted like she was your mom. Oh my god, was that your mom?" Owen asked. "What? No, that's not my mom. Look at me," Adam said. "Beep bap bo, skidoo bap?" DS asked. "No, not my ex or girlfriend..." Adam said. "Then who is it?" Isaiah asked. "Well, she's... a friend of mine. Yeah, a friend. I forgot she worked here," Adam said.

Mary Lou returned with their drinks, still grinning. "I have your drinks, boys. Now, may I take your orders?" "Yeah, that would be nice," Isaiah said. Mary Lou turned towards Adam. "Hey!" she said. "...Yeah?" Adam replied. "You want a classic bacon burger, right? Well done, fries seasoned?" Mary Lou asked. Adam’s heart dropped. "Y-Yeah..." "I’ll have a chicken sandwich," Isaiah said. "How do you want that cooked?" Mary Lou asked. "Crispy," Isaiah replied. "I’m not hungry, thanks," Oskar said. "I’m not hungry either," Owen added. Owen and Oskar exchanged glances, both thinking, "What's your excuse?" "Beep bo bap do bop!" DS said. "Alright, I’ll be back in a bit!" Mary Lou said, leaving with a tune. "Not your girlfriend, eh?" DS teased. "Why are you speaking English now?" Isaiah asked.
Meanwhile, Eleanor knocked on Esther’s door, but there was no answer. "Hello?" Eleanor called, knocking again. "Go away, Adam, or I’ll stab you," Esther threatened from inside. "But... I’m not Adam," Eleanor said. Esther opened the door and looked up at Eleanor. "Who are you?" "My name is Eleanor. You’re Adam’s little sister, right?" Eleanor asked. Esther groaned and tried to close the door, but Eleanor held it open. "Hey, what are you—" Esther began to say, but Eleanor's grip was strong. The door cracked as Eleanor instinctively burst it open, then sprinted off. "What the fu—"

Back at Applebee's, Mary Lou brought the food over, still grinning. "Enjoy your food!" she said, passing it around before leaving. "Damn BF, those nachos look tasty," Adam said. BF nodded, taking a bite and giving a thumbs up. Owen and Oskar’s stomachs growled. "You sure you aren't hungry? It’s not too late to order something," Adam offered. "I'm fine," Oskar said. "Yeah, me too," Owen agreed.

After around 20 minutes of eating, the food was done. "Wow, that burger was delicious," Adam said. "Beep…." DS said. "Yeah, it was," Isaiah said. Mary Lou came back. "I hope you enjoyed your food, now who's paying?" Mary Lou asked. Everyone looked at each other. "Uh, can you give us a second?" Adam asked. She nodded and left.

"Alright, I'm fine with paying if I need to but are there any takers?" Adam asked.
"...This might work," Oskar said. He pulled out Swedish cash from his pocket. "...Oskar, that's Swedish currency. I don't think that's gonna work." Adam said. "Oh…" Oskar said. "Wait, Oskar, are you Swedish?" Isaiah asked. "Yeah, Eli too," Oskar said. "Huh, I mean I can kind of hear it in your voice," Adam said.

Mary Lou came back and leaned close behind Adam. "You know, if you can't pay, if you come in the back with me Handsome, I'll let you off free…." Mary Lou said. Adam turned red as everyone turned towards him, dazed, surprised, and confused. “Uh..Uh..” Adam begins to say, dazed and confused. “Think about it handsome. I'll be back in a bit..” Mary Lou said, kissing him on the cheek. She walked away, humming to herself. Everyone just stared at Adam. “Did…Did she just…?” Oskar began to say. “I think…?” Owen began to say. Isaiah just stared at the ground.
“Bro, I think the waitress just offered to let us go free if-” DS-Boyfriend began to say, but Adam cut him off. “Boyfriend for everyone's safety DON'T finish that sentence,” Adam said. “...Are…Are you going to say something about what just happened….?” Isaiah asked. “I would rather not…” Adam said. Everyone just stared at each other. “You know what? I'll pay. That way we can simply move on.” DS said. “Really?” Owen asked. “Dude, when a waitress offers to bang your best friend to get out of a restaurant without paying, that's when you know you gotta get the f**k out of dodge,” DS said. “Hey, nice reference,” Isaiah said. “Thanks,” replied. “How can you afford to pay?” Owen asked.

“My parents are CEOS of big companies, that's how,” DS-Boyfriend said.
“Hey Adam, can you get the waitress?” DS-Boyfriend asked. “...Why me?” Adam asked. DS-Boyfriend gave a sh*t-eating grin. “Oh you gotta be kidding me,” Adam said agitated. “Hey, don’t look at me, she’s the one into you,” DS said. Adam rolled his eyes and got up, but when he turned around, he bumped into Mary Lou, who was walking back to the table. “Oh hey! Taking my offer?” Mary Lou asked. Before anything could happen DS stepped in. “Actually he was going to get you so we can get the hell outta here,” DS said. Mary Lou looked down before nodding her head. “Alright, we can have some fun another time then.” Mary Lou suggested. Adam turned red again as DS got up from his seat and handed Adam the Money. “Here you go,” Adam said. Mary took it and smiled. “Alright, you can go! Have fun boys!” Mary Lou said with a creepy smile. The others got up from their chairs and quickly left through the door. But before Adam could Leave, Mary Lou grabbed his arm. “...This was nice. Can we do this again sometime?” She asked. Adam shrugged. “I guess so,” Adam said. Mary Lou smiled. She took off Adam’s hat and rubbed his hair. “... It's a date then, see you later…alligator.” Mary Lou said. “YO ADAM, WHAT’S THE HOLD-UP, COME ON!” DS yelled. Adam turned and left through the door.

Eleanor was sitting outside on the steps in the backyard, thinking to herself about what transpired. She didn’t know what came over herself, she didn’t even mean to get so aggressive. She was about to just get up and go take a walk down the road when she noticed a toy Rabbit sitting near the gate. It wasn’t there before. It was grey, and one of its eyelids was drooped down. It had a red vest and a blue bowtie and its eyes were purple. “Where did you come from?” Eleanor asked. The toy roared to life. “R-R-R-Ready to Rocket!” the toy belted. Eleanor gasped out of surprise and dropped the toy, causing it to stutter on one line. “Bon is here- Bon is here- Bon is here- Bon is here- Bon is-” But then the rabbit stopped, its eye slowly turning to look at something in front of it. “H-H-Hi Bon!” Eleanor looked up and saw him. A large 7 ft rabbit animatronic stood in front of the gate, but he looked…damaged. The rabbit had a white latex mask, with a cigar in his mouth and its eyes glowed a bit white as it stood there.He wore a red bowtie connected to a dickie. The torso had a large hole in it, and it was…slightly lined with blood. His vest was tattered and damaged. It had a bunch of holes in it. He had a name tag on his vest “HELLO! MY NAME IS BON.” But it was slightly ripped. His lower arms were exposed with an endoskeleton, but the fingers looked like claws. His lower legs were exposed with an endoskeleton as well. Bon wasn’t looking at her at first before his eyes slowly tilted towards her. The rabbit slowly moved its head, a creaking sound coming from it. The mouth opened, and at first, nothing came out, but then it spoke. “M-My. Name. Is. BON.” The rabbit went to walk towards Eleanor when Esther opened the side door. “Hey. Knew I’d find you out here.” Esther mentioned. Eleanor looked back, but Bon was gone. It was as were an illusion. She looked down and the toy rabbit was gone as well. “Oh, hey,” Eleanor said, trying to sound as normal as she could, albeit possibly hallucinating. Esther sat next to her. “Listen, I don’t know what that was back there, but I’m not going to lie, it was kind of cool,” Esther admitted. Eleanor smiled. “My name is Eleanor, what’s yours?” Eleanor asked. “Esther,” Esther replied. It seemed like she would continue the sentence, but she left it hanging. Eleanor smiled before she asked something, following up on something she heard earlier. “...Hey, can I ask you something?” Eleanor asked. Esther nodded. “...Why do you hate your brother?” Eleanor asked. Esther frowned a bit. “It’s…not that hate him. I’ve been in other homes before this one and most of the time my brothers were…assholes.” Esther explained. “And…is Adam one?” Eleanor asked. Esther sighed. “No...Not really, he’s been nothing but nice but..I just don’t believe it. Like how could someone just be so nice? I haven’t even seen him snap in anger yet. I know it's bound to happen eventually but still.” Esther admitted. Eleanor shrugged. “Guess I understand,” Eleanor whispered. Esther got up. “Well, it was nice meeting you, I’m going to go back into my room ok?” Esther asked. Eleanor gave a thumbs-up as Esther left.

“Right so, where is the arcade?” Oskar asked. DS looked at his phone. “Uh, somewhere around…Here!” DS shouted, pointing at a building. The Building was red, with white glowing neon lights. The arcade was called “THE NEON ARCADE!” “Dude this place looks awesome,” Adam stated. “Where did you find this place?” Owen asked. “I came here with my girlfriend once, gots a sick amount of arcade machines,” DS stated. “Well what are we waiting for, Let's go have some fun!” Isaiah shouted.

The gentlemen walked into the arcade, it was literally what you expected, mostly just an arcade, but there was a play zone, food court, and…a bowling rink! Yeah, that should be about it. “Dude this looks straight out of the 80s!” Oskar shouted. “How would you know? It’s not like you were FROM the 80s!” Adam replied jokingly. Oskar just stared at him, his face serious. “...Calm down! It was a joke!” Adam said, putting his hands up. Oskar made a sigh of relief. “Good, I thought I’d need to kill ya,” Oskar said, joking back. Owen stared at Oskar, his eyes wide with fear. Oskar looked at Owen, seeing the fear in his eyes. “...What?” Oskar asked. Owen didn’t respond, as if remembering…bad times. “Owen…Owen!” Adam shouted. Owen snapped out of his trance. “Oh, sorry...Just thinking of something.” Owen admitted. “Your girlfriend?” DS chuckled. "Something like that," Owen muttered, wanting to change the subject. Adam glanced at him, concerned but deciding to let it go."Alright, let's split up and see who can get the highest score on any game!" Adam suggested, trying to lighten the mood. "Winner gets bragging rights for the rest of the night." DS chuckled. “Bet I can get the highest score,” DS spoke cockily. “You sure about that?” Owen asked. DS looked up at Owen Smugly. “Wanna bet?” DS asked. “No, I just don’t wanna see you lose it.” Owen replied. “BET.” DS stated.

The boys went to different games as the hunt was On. Adam saw this cool game called “Death by AI”, while Oskar played a game called “Ring Out”, while DS and Isaiah played Air Hockey. Owen on the other hand, didn’t exactly know what he should play. Sure, there was Miss Pacman, but he didn’t feel like playing that without Abby. That’s when he noticed a game just..sitting there in the corner. It was an arcade game from King of the Jungle Cafe. But that closed a long time ago. How did it make its way here? The game was called “ZOO ESCAPE”. It was about King Louie and his animal friends being sent to a zoo and they needed to escape. Owen looked around. No one was watching him. Why not give the old game a go? Owen walked over and placed a token in. The game rocketed to life, the familiar jingle playing out. It put a smile on his face. And so, he began to play. Despite how old the game was, it was still fun to play. He was playing for a while when he sensed someone was watching him. He at first thought it was Adam, but he realized it wasn’t. It felt off. He paused the game and saw someone leaning against the arcade machine. It was a boy. He was wearing a black teeshirt with white stripes. It had the earth on it. He had a purple and blue bracelet on one of his arms. He wore tan pants with white shoes. His brown hair went slightly over his eyes. From his face, Owen could tell he had braces and freckles. “Enjoying the game, huh?” The boy asked. Owen nodded. “Yeah, it's fun, I used to play this all the time,” Owen admitted. The boy chuckled. “I used to love playing this thing.” The boy agreed. “..I’m Owen, what's your name?” Owen asked. “Ronny, nice to meet you. ..Though, I swear we met before.” Ronny pondered. “What do you mean?” Owen asked, tilting his head. Ronny shrugged. “Nevermind, it's nothing,” Ronny said. Owen wa about to respond when he heard Adam shouting from the other end of the room. “OWEN, WE’RE ABOUT TO HEAD OUT, YOU READY TO GO?” Adam cried. “Yeah, Coming!” Owen shouted back. Owen looked back, but Ronny was gone. He looked around, but couldn’t see any trace of him.

Adam and the others gathered near the entrance, their faces glowing with excitement from the night's activities. "So, who got the highest score?" Isaiah asked, smirking as he pointed at the air hockey table, where he had just narrowly defeated DS. “AI had nothing on me,” Adam replied. Oskar chuckled, shaking his head. "Ring Out was a blast. I reached level 15, but I think you might've beaten me, Adam." "Did anyone check the scores for Owen?" Isaiah asked, looking around.
Owen shrugged, a small smile on his face. "I was just playing an old favorite, 'Zoo Escape'. Didn't check my score." "Old games for old souls," DS joked, giving Owen a friendly nudge. Owen glared at him but shook it off. "Alright, boys, let's tally up and declare a winner."

The group walked to the main score screen near the entrance. After some friendly banter and a quick check, Adam emerged as the victor with his impressive score on "Death by AI". "Bragging rights secured," Adam announced, striking a triumphant pose. "Now, what's next on the agenda?" DS pulled out his phone to check the time. "It's getting late. Maybe we should start heading back." Adam yawned. “Yeah, I agree, come on gentlemen,” Adam commanded.

The group began their walk back to Adam's house. The air was cool and refreshing, a welcome change from the bustling, neon-lit arcade.
"So, what was up with that waitress at Applebee's?" Isaiah asked, breaking the silence. "She seemed...intense." Adam stopped walking and rubbed the back of his neck, clearly still embarrassed. "Yeah, Mary Lou's...interesting. I guess she likes to mess with me." "Mess with you? Dude, she was all over you," Oskar pointed out, raising an eyebrow. "You sure there's nothing more to that story?" Adam sighed. “Look, I don’t really know, I guess she’s just…like that. I have no idea what’s going on in her head. I guess she just has a unique way of interacting with people she likes.” Adam suggested. Owen looked around. “My house is nearby here, I’m gonna head out,” Owen said. “Right, see ya man.” DS waved. Owen waved goodbye as he separated from the group. “Actually, looking around now, I think my place is around here too. I’ll see you guys later ok?” Oskar said. “Alright, see you later man,” Isaiah replied. Oskar walked away, now it was just DS, Isaiah, and Adam here. “You know what? This was fun.” DS Remarked. “Yeah, it was,” Adam responded, a bit tired. “Just a question, why did you start speaking English out of nowhere?” Isaiah asked. “...Eh, I just felt like it.”

It took them a bit, but the trio got back to Adam’s house. “Welp, that was fun boys but I’m gonna head home, see yall later!” DS shouted. Adam waved goodbye as DS walked away. “Don’t know about you, but I’m tired,” Adam said. “Same, goodnight Adam!” Isaiah replied. Adam waved as they walked into the house, Adam walked into his room, as Isaiah walked downstairs.

Isaiah got back into the apartment downstairs and closed the door behind him. He breathed a sigh of relief. Unsure why he did that. “Isaiah.” A voice called “S**t!” Isaiah yelled out of fear. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.” The voice responded. Isaiah focused his eyes and noticed two eyes staring at him from the darkness, but he recognized the voice. “It's ok Mom,” Isaiah replied. “Where did you go?” Naiomi asked. “I went with Adam and some of his friends on a boy's night out. Where’s Eleanor?” Isaiah asked. “In her room waiting for you,” Naiomi responded. “Thanks,” Isaiah replied. He was about to walk into the room when his mother stopped him. “...That Adam…is he any good?” Naiomi asked. “What do you mean?” Isaiah asked. “Is he treating you right?” Naiomi asked. “Yeah, if anything he’s like a brother,” Isaiah stated. Naiomi stared before nodding. “Alright, good. Goodnight Isaiah.” Naiomi said, with a deadpan voice. “Good Night Mom,” Isaiah responded. He entered the room as Naiomi looked at the door upstairs. But she decided against going up there, she’d need an invitation after all.
submitted by TheOneWithDoggo to LetTheRightOneIn [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:24 Tokinruski I want to build a platform on the side of my bed to create more space and to put storage on top. How do my plans look? How would you go about it?

I want to build a platform on the side of my bed to create more space and to put storage on top. How do my plans look? How would you go about it?
I want to build a platform off the side of the bed to the wall to create more space for storage. Please help with design.
I’m very handy and have intermediate/advanced woodworking skills(shop classes, woodworker stepdad, and a bunch of my own smaller projects). I’ve built tables and chairs amongst a few other things. I’m assuming I’d just build this as a large table… although I’m assuming I’d need more support than a table would if I want it to support 500lbs.
My plan was to get a sheet of plywood, rip to size obviously, then use 4x4 fence posts for the “legs”.
Obviously I need some sort of frame, I was thinking a box of 2x4 around the edge with some vertical support going across. Then maybe a cross member going diagonal from one post to another on the sides that touch the wall. Really want to avoid a center post at all costs, but it’s not the worst thing in the world.
I’m sure my plans would work but I don’t know how strong or materially efficient/cost effective it would be. Should I be using more than just wood? Please advise! Thanks in advance!
submitted by Tokinruski to Carpentry [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:41 tuku747 Who, what, when, where, and why?

Write a story based on the following 5 parameters. Who: You. What: This. When: Now. Where: Here. Why: ???
ChatGPT: I sat at my desk, staring at the blank screen in front of me. The cursor blinked, taunting me with its rhythmic, unyielding patience. Here I was, now, in this very moment, tasked with creating something out of nothing. But why? That was the question. Why did I need to write this story? Why did I feel this compulsion to turn thoughts into words, words into sentences, and sentences into something meaningful?
The office around me was silent, save for the occasional creak of the building settling and the distant hum of traffic outside. It was now. Not yesterday, not tomorrow, but now. And I was here, right here, in this chair, in this room, with the weight of expectation heavy on my shoulders. But whose expectation? My own? The world's?
I began to type, the clacking of keys a comforting, familiar sound. I wrote about myself, about this moment, about the curious nature of existence and the strange, sometimes inexplicable urges that drive us forward. Why did I choose to write? Why did any of us choose to do anything?
My fingers moved faster, the words flowing more freely now. I wrote about the mysteries of life, about the endless search for purpose and meaning. About how sometimes, the answers aren't clear, and perhaps, they never will be. Maybe it wasn't about finding a definitive answer, but about the journey, the process of seeking and questioning.
I glanced at the clock. Time was passing, as it always did, indifferent to my musings. Yet here I was, still typing, still creating. Maybe that was the answer, or at least part of it. The act of creation itself, the pursuit of understanding, even in the face of uncertainty.
The story took shape, evolving from a mere exercise into something more profound. It became a reflection of my own thoughts and feelings, a snapshot of a moment in time, captured here, now. The 'why' still eluded me, but perhaps that was the point. Perhaps the 'why' wasn't as important as the act of doing, of being present in this moment and embracing the unknown.
As I finished the last sentence, I leaned back in my chair, a sense of contentment washing over me. The cursor still blinked, but now it seemed more like an ally than a foe. I had written this story, here, now, because I could. Because in this fleeting moment of existence, it was enough to simply be and to create.
And maybe, just maybe, that was all the answer I needed.
submitted by tuku747 to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:06 manywombats Finally hung up those pictures

I grew up in an environment where if you didn't know how to build a wooden chair, do electrical work, and change a car's oil before the age of 10, you were considered less of a man. This fed into self-esteem issues that only surmounted with age, growing into me faking my way through college and developing severe imposter syndrome that still occasionally makes me want to abandon my friends since I'm not as successful as they are.
I've collected various pictures over the last few years, but found ways to cheat hanging them up. Sometimes I'll tape them to the wall, sometimes I'll lean them against the wall on a platform. I've tried to hang them up properly, but the moment I visualize the act of swinging that hammer I remember that one bad swing means a hole in the wall, a broken finger, or a lost security deposit.
I decided on January 1st this year that I, now a 30 year old man, will hang up my pictures.
I motivated myself recently by buying more pictures and picture frames and asking my roommates where the tools were, but nothing quite motivated me as much as my best friend jokingly(?) telling me I was "useless" for not knowing how to hang up pictures and implied that it was a huge red flag that I didn't decorate my room.
So earlier today, I watched a how-to video, got some nails, gave the hammer a few swings, and after about ten minutes, my inner child was glowing. They're a little crooked and a little ugly, but dang it, they're up. I did that. And I'm proud of myself.
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2024.06.02 04:55 GhoulGriin Best 1911 Paddle Holster

Best 1911 Paddle Holster
Dive into the world of 1911 Paddle Holsters as we unveil the top options available in the market. From sleek designs to secure fits, these holsters offer the perfect blend of style and functionality for your daily carry. Hold onto your chairs as we introduce you to the ultimate 1911 Paddle Holster lineup.

The Top 12 Best 1911 Paddle Holster

  1. Carry Comfortably with Versacarry's Quality 1911 Holster - Embrace confident, safe concealment with Versacarry's premium water buffalo leather Compound Series OWB Holster, designed for right-handed use and extra rigidity to protect your 1911.
  2. Bravo Concealment Torsion 1911 IWB Holster with Adjustable Retention - Experience ultimate concealment with the Bravo Concealment Torsion 1911 IWB Holster, boasting BCA's patented Torsion technology, adjustable retention, and a secure, comfortable fit for your 1911 gun.
  3. Kydex Paddle Holster for 1911 Officer Model: Lightweight, Durable, and Adjustable - Experience ultimate comfort and easy draw with this 1911 Paddle Holster, featuring adjustable cant, 'Posi-Click' retention, and a minimalist design for all-day OWB carry.
  4. Springfield 1911 Right Hand Paddle Holster - Black - Securely carry your 1911 in style with Springfield's GE51PH1 one-piece paddle holster, designed exclusively for right-handed users.
  5. Premium ALS 1911 Paddle Holster with Open-Top Design - Secure and fast 1911 holster with ALS and open-top design, made from temperature-resistant SafariSeven nylon for scratch-free storage.
  6. Adjustable 1911 Paddle Holster for Everyday Carry - Experience ultimate security and comfort with our 1911 4.25" Commander Model OWB Kydex Paddle Holster, featuring adjustable cant, posi-click retention, and more. Perfect for everyday OWB carry in all situations.
  7. Premium 1911 Paddle Holster for Quick Release and Lightning-Fast Draws - Transform your carry experience with the sleek 1911 3.5'' OWB Quick Release Paddle Holster, featuring premium Kydex construction, lightning-fast draws, and the perfect blend of versatility and comfort.
  8. Orpaz C-Series Paddle Holster for 1911 Pistols - Experience superior security, comfort, and fast access with the Orpaz C-Series, Level I OWB Holster, designed for 1911 pistols, featuring the Paddle GEN I for effortless attachment.
  9. 1911 Paddle Holster for Outdoor Gear - Enhance your daily carry with the versatile Black Scorpion 1911 OWB Paddle Holster, designed for unmatched speed and concealability for right-handed shooters.
  10. Paddle Holster for 1911 Style Pistols - The Fobus 1911CHLH CH Series Paddle LH All 1911 Style Pistols Without Rail offers a trigger guard locking mechanism for secure active retention in a sleek, sporting-goods design.
  11. Minimalist Kydex Paddle Holster for 1911 Platform - Experience ultimate security and comfort with our premium Rounded OWB Kydex Paddle Holster, designed specifically for 1911 guns, featuring adjustable cant, 'Posi-Click' retention, and lightweight, durable construction.
  12. Galco Speed Master 2.0 Paddle Holster - Perfect for 1911 Gov Left Hand Tan - The versatile Galco Speed Master 2.0 Paddle Holster for 1911 Gov Left Hand Tan offers fast and safe on/off access, premium steerhide construction, and adjustable tension and carry options that cater to specific needs.
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🔗Carry Comfortably with Versacarry's Quality 1911 Holster
Last week, I had an interesting experience with the Versacarry Compound holster. I was at the range, trying to practice with my 1911, when I realized my holster wasn't the greatest for my needs. So, I swapped it for this one, and let me tell you - it's been a game changer.
First off, the material is premium water buffalo leather. It's softer than most plastic holsters but holds up better against wear and tear. Plus, it has a raised protective backing and metal inlay for extra rigidity. It's like having a little bodyguard for your gun.
I also appreciate the fit. This right-handed holster fits my 1911 perfectly, and it's comfortable to wear. It hugs my waist just right, without digging into my side. Now, practicing at the range is a breeze, as I can focus on my aim, instead of fidgeting with my holster.
The stitching is industrial-grade bonded nylon thread, so you know it's made to last. But don't just take my word for it - Versacarry even made sure it's made in the USA.
However, there are a few things I'd like to point out. The holster is only compatible with certain handguns, and I had to return my first one because it didn't fit my pistol correctly. Also, if you're using it for open carry, it might be a bit too conspicuous for my liking. Lastly, there were a couple of minor issues with the holster's design, but it didn't affect the overall experience.
In conclusion, the Versacarry Compound holster has become my daily sidekick at the range. Its quality, comfort, and ease of use make it a versatile and reliable partner for my 1911. And with a rating of 3.9, it seems other users have also had similar experiences.

🔗Bravo Concealment Torsion 1911 IWB Holster with Adjustable Retention
I recently became a fan of the Bravo Concealment Adaptive IWB concealed carry holster for my trusty 1911. This holster has been a game-changer in my daily carry routine, thanks to its adjustable retention, which feels secure yet accessible at the same time.
The polymer injection mold is absolutely impressive—it ensures a perfect fit for my 1911 without adding any unnecessary bulk. The torsion technology also helps conceal the gun by twisting it slightly inward, making it effortlessly blend with my wardrobe.
One of my favorite features of this holster is the comfortable fit; it feels like a second skin without any discomfort or irritation. Plus, the holster retains its shape for smooth one-handed re-holstering. The tuckable clip is another added convenience, allowing me to effortlessly tuck it under my clothing when needed.
However, there's one aspect I wish could've been improved—the audible clicking sound when re-holstering. It's a bit too loud for my liking, especially if I'm in quieter surroundings. Overall, I'm satisfied with the performance of the Bravo Concealment IWB holster for my 1911. It's a reliable and comfortable option for everyday concealed carry.

🔗Kydex Paddle Holster for 1911 Officer Model: Lightweight, Durable, and Adjustable
I've been using this Rounded OWB Kydex Paddle Holster for my trusty 1911 3.5in Officer Non-Rail for a few weeks now, and I must say, it's been a game-changer for my daily carry. The Adjustable Cant feature allows me to customize the holster to my preference, while the Posi-Click Retention ensures my firearm stays securely in place.
The paddle design is not only comfortable but also practical, as it makes taking my holster on and off effortless. However, a slight downside is that the paddle may not be the best choice for those who prefer a more discreet carry, as it can't be easily hidden under a shirt.
One of the most impressive features is the undercut trigger guard, which makes drawing the firearm a breeze without any snagging. The holster's over-cut open-face is a great plus, as it accommodates threaded barrels, which can be a pain to fit in some holsters.
But the best part? This holster is designed to fit suppressor height sights, which is a must-have for those who use suppressors on their 1911s. The full-length sweat guard with a rear sight shield adds a layer of protection against sweat and moisture, keeping my holster dry and comfortable to wear.
The holster comes with a fiber-reinforced stealth belt clip, which keeps my holster hidden from the naked eye, making it a perfect choice for everyday carry. Additionally, all the hardware is made of black oxide steel and comes with threadlocks, ensuring durability and preventing loosening over time.
In conclusion, this Rounded OWB Kydex Paddle Holster for my 1911 3.5in Officer Non-Rail has proven to be a reliable and comfortable choice for my daily carry needs. With its numerous features and customizable options, I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a well-crafted, high-quality holster.

🔗Springfield 1911 Right Hand Paddle Holster - Black
I was pretty excited to get my hands on the Springfield Paddle Holster. As a gun enthusiast, I've always been on the lookout for reliable holsters that cater to the needs of my trusty 1911 handgun. The moment I slipped this one onto my belt, I knew I hit the jackpot. It's crafted to perfection, fitting snugly and securely on my right side. I really appreciated the paddle design, which kept the holster in place even during my most active days.
One of the features that stood out for me was the adjustable retention system. It allowed me to have a quick draw while still ensuring a secure grip on my handgun. This was particularly useful when I was on the move or needed to react quickly. The sleek black finish perfectly complemented the overall look of the holster.
However, there was one small issue I faced. The holster sat a bit higher than my expectations, making it slightly inconvenient to conceal the handgun if I needed to. Despite this hiccup, I would still recommend this holster to anyone looking for a reliable Paddle Holster for their 1911. It's comfortable, secure, and a great value for its price.

🔗Premium ALS 1911 Paddle Holster with Open-Top Design
The Safariland 7378 ALS Paddle Holster is my go-to for carrying my 1911 Commander. The open-top design allows for quick and easy access to my weapon, while the Automatic Locking System ensures that my firearm stays securely holstered. Made from SafariSeven, a non-abrasive nylon blend, this holster has an impressive temperature tolerance and does not scratch my firearm's finish.
One thing I love about this holster is how easy it is to adjust the cant for optimal comfort. Additionally, the injection-molded belt loop provides extra security, although I did notice that it can be a bit bulky when worn with a thicker belt.
As for the draw, it's a breeze thanks to the ALS release system, which allows me to quickly and easily retrieve my firearm without any hassle. However, the straight up draw may not be ideal for some users, and I wish there was a more discreet option.
Overall, the Safariland 7378 Paddle Holster has been a reliable and effective choice for my 1911 Commander. While it's not perfect, the pros definitely outweigh the cons for me, making it a solid choice for any firearm enthusiast.

🔗Adjustable 1911 Paddle Holster for Everyday Carry
Looking for a reliable, durable, and comfortable OWB Kydex Paddle holster for your 1911? Look no further than this top-of-the-line option. As someone who's tried it out in my daily life, let me share my experience with you.
From the moment I put it on, I appreciated the lightweight yet strong build of the holster. Its precise fit and secure retention made me confident that my 1911 was safely tucked away while I went about my day. The undercut trigger guard also made for an easy, smooth draw.
One of the standout features was the adjustable cant angle, which allowed me to customize my carry position to my comfort. The paddle holster was easy to adjust, and the paddle's design made it comfortable for long-term wear.
However, there were a couple of areas where the holster could use some improvement. The paddle itself could benefit from a more ergonomic design, as I found it to be slightly uncomfortable over extended periods. The holster also didn't accommodate sights with suppressor height, which might be a drawback for some users.
Overall, this 1911 Paddle Holster provides an excellent balance of security, comfort, and convenience. With its top-notch craftsmanship, the perfect fit, and a satisfying click when holstered, I confidently recommend this holster to fellow 1911 owners. Give it a try, and you won't be disappointed!

🔗Premium 1911 Paddle Holster for Quick Release and Lightning-Fast Draws
I recently had the pleasure of trying out the Quick Release Paddle Holster when I was out at the range. The first thing that stood out to me was the impressive durability of the holster; it's made with premium Kydex material, which is a game-changer in terms of durability.
Additionally, the Paddle attachment made for a comfortable fit, and I appreciated not having to fumble with straps or buckles. In terms of function, the lightning-fast draw was a highlight for me, as the slide-mounted optic compatibility and competition cut made it incredibly efficient. Overall, I was really impressed with the Quick Release Paddle Holster and its ability to streamline the gun-carrying experience.
There weren't any significant downsides, but I'd recommend keeping an eye on the Kydex material to ensure it doesn't scratch your firearm.

🔗Orpaz C-Series Paddle Holster for 1911 Pistols
I've been utilizing the C-Series 1911 Level I retention holster as my go-to option in my daily life. It provides an excellent balance of security, comfort, and quick access to my sidearm, which is a must for me as a first responder.
The level of customization it allows, with fully adjustable retention and rotation using the included Allen key, has been a game-changer. While the paddle holster attachment might not be perfect for everyone's preferences, I found it to be reasonably comfortable and secure when worn during various activities.
Overall, this holster has proven to be a functional addition to my gear collection.

🔗1911 Paddle Holster for Outdoor Gear
As someone who recently started carrying their pistol regularly, I found the Black Scorpion Outdoor Gear's Paddle Holster to be a game-changer. This paddle holster, with its 1911 platform compatibility, allowed me to secure my firearm right at my hip, in a strong side hip carry position. The paddle attachment hooked to my belt, making it hassle-free and providing me peace of mind.
Now, let's talk about some standout features. The holster material is Kydex, which means it's pretty durable and designed to last. Plus, it's compatible with red dots and threaded barrels, making it ideal for those who like to have precise aim and use suppressors on their firearms. However, in my experience, the fit could have been a bit more snug, which might impact the overall confidence when wearing it. But all in all, this paddle holster made carrying a firearm much more convenient for me.

🔗Paddle Holster for 1911 Style Pistols
Fobus 1911CHLH, a versatile paddle holster, has been a reliable accessory for my daily carry. Its hard polymer construction offers sturdy protection for my 1911-style pistol and keeps it securely in place. One highlight was the trigger guard locking mechanism, which effortlessly held my pistol while allowing me to draw quickly without disturbing my grip.
Despite the ease of use and impressive build quality, the slim design did require some adjustments to accommodate various sizes more effectively. Overall, the Fobus 1911CHLH has been a consistent companion, delivering a mix of convenience and functionality without compromising on safety.

🔗Minimalist Kydex Paddle Holster for 1911 Platform
I recently stumbled upon this slick Rounded OWB Kydex Paddle Holster that's perfect for my 1911. It's a minimalist design that securely holds your weapon while keeping you light on your feet. The adjustable cant and 'Posi-Click' retention system make it super versatile and comfortable. Each time I holster up, I can't help but smile, hearing that satisfying click.
The undercut trigger guard is a game-changer, making it incredibly easy to draw. Its over-cut open-face also takes care of those threaded barrels. The holster even handles suppressor height sights with ease.
A complete sweat guard with a rear sight shield keeps everything clean and protected, while the fiber-reinforced stealth belt clip keeps things discreet. No more worried looks when you pass a group of people unsuspecting of your concealed carry.
And just when you thought it couldn't get any better, there are all black oxide steel hardware with threadlock - these babies are built to last. Overall, the holster is a dream come true for any 1911 owners.

🔗Galco Speed Master 2.0 Paddle Holster - Perfect for 1911 Gov Left Hand Tan
As a gun enthusiast, I was intrigued by the features of the Galco Speed Master 2.0 Paddle Holster for 1911. The first time I used it, I was surprised by how quickly I could attach and detach it from my belt. The open top design and covered trigger offered me both safety and speed, which is crucial when carrying a gun.
One of the standout features for me was the adjustable tension unit. It allowed me to fine-tune the grip on my 1911, ensuring a secure hold without any accidental slips. The belt slot attachment was also a game-changer, providing a stable and traditional carry method when desired.
While I was generally satisfied with the holster, there were a couple of downsides. The first was the belt drop option, which seemed more suitable for shorter-waisted individuals or those wearing body armor. As a taller individual, I found it a bit more awkward to use. Additionally, the tan color of the holster showed some signs of wear over time, which could be a concern for those looking for a more durable product.
Overall, the Galco Speed Master 2.0 Paddle Holster for 1911 proved to be a versatile and functional choice for my gun carrying needs. The premium steerhide construction and adjustable tension unit made it stand out among other holsters, while the ability to switch between a paddle and belt loop attachment provided the ultimate convenience. However, the belt drop option and potential wear issues are important factors to consider before making a purchase.

Buyer's Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive buyer's guide for the perfect 1911 Paddle Holster. This guide will cover the essential features to consider while purchasing a paddle holster, general advice, and a few tips and tricks to make your selection process effortless.

Material and Durability

One of the critical aspects of choosing a suitable 1911 Paddle Holster is considering its material and durability. The most common material used in paddle holsters is polyester, leather, or a combination of both. Leather offers a classic look and feel, while polyester is resistant to water and wear. Ensure the material matches your preferences and usage scenario.


A comfortable fit for all-day wear is essential. Look for paddle holsters that offer adjustable tension and cant. This adjustability ensures that your firearm remains secure throughout daily activities and prevents accidental discharge.

Retention and Security

A good paddle holster should have sufficient retention to hold your firearm securely without causing damage or scratches. Pay attention to the holster's closure systems, such as snap locks, Velcro, or belt loops. Make sure the retention devices work smoothly and securely.


Carrying a firearm daily requires a comfortable holster, or else it might become a significant inconvenience in the long run. Opt for a paddle holster with a cushioned paddle that minimizes contact with your body. Soft foam padding and a smooth interior are features to look out for.

Price and Value

A high-quality 1911 Paddle Holster doesn't have to break the bank. Determine your budget beforehand and look for durable, well-constructed holsters that provide excellent value for the price.
Selecting the right 1911 Paddle Holster involves researching and understanding the essential features and considerations. By following our guidelines, you'll find the perfect paddle holster to meet your requirements and ensure a safe and comfortable carrying experience.


What is a 1911 Paddle Holster?

The 1911 Paddle Holster is a type of holster designed specifically for 1911 semi-automatic pistols. This holster features a paddle attachment that securely holds the pistol in place, making it easy to access and wear comfortably.

Why should I choose a 1911 Paddle Holster?

A 1911 Paddle Holster is a great choice for those who carry a 1911 pistol on a regular basis. It provides quick and easy access to the firearm, allowing you to draw it quickly in case of an emergency. The paddle attachment is comfortable, adjustable, and secure, ensuring that your pistol stays in place while you move around.

What are the benefits of using a paddle holster?

Paddle holsters offer several benefits, such as: - Quick access to your firearm, reducing draw time when needed. - Comfortable to wear for extended periods of time. - Secure retention of your firearm, giving you peace of mind. - Adjustability, allowing you to customize the fit for your specific needs.

What is the difference between a 1911 Paddle Holster and other types of holsters?

A 1911 Paddle Holster is specifically designed for 1911 pistols, providing a more secure and comfortable fit. Other types of holsters, such as belt holsters or inside-the-waistband (IWB) holsters, can be more versatile but may not offer the same level of comfort or security for 1911 pistols.

What materials are 1911 Paddle Holsters typically made from?

1911 Paddle Holsters can be made from various materials, including leather, nylon, or kydex. The choice of material may affect the holster's durability, weight, and ease of use. Most high-quality paddle holsters are made from leather, which offers a natural grip and excellent durability.

Can I carry my 1911 pistol in any type of 1911 Paddle Holster?

While most 1911 Paddle Holsters are designed to fit a wide range of 1911 models, it is essential to ensure that the holster you choose is compatible with your specific pistol. Check the holster manufacturer's specifications or consult with an expert to ensure proper fit and function.
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2024.06.02 04:54 lakija Secret Dragon - Chapter 2: Ignite

Secret Dragon - Chapter 2: Ignite
I opened the book and skimmed through a few chapters, happy to finally see some true information, with substance. Although I had many books of my own, I had never brought any of them to class; I had no intention of being asked about them or pressing the issue.
By virtue of my existence, it and I would be scrutinized. I had neither the patience nor the desire for another microscope to be placed above me.
But Sasha had no such reservations even after I told him about the curriculum, although he relented and said he would figure out a way around that nonsense. It seemed as if he was determined to go against the grain.
We spoke deeply, about different subjects, our project, and his books. The more he talked the more at ease he became. I unknowingly got closer and closer to him as the time passed. I had to literally pull myself back a few times. I wondered if he noticed. It was confusing how I kept leaning into the heat coming off his breath.
We were both startled at the sound of chairs scraping. We looked around as our peers gathered their things.
“It seems that for the first time this class is actually worth my time. Usually I am the first to leave,” Sasha said, surprised.
“I know,” I revealed.
“Hmmm,” he vocalized deeply. I had no idea if it was “oh really” or “interesting” or any other answer. It was just a deep throat vibration. I just knew he would do that a lot. I could feel it.
As I was packing my things, I realized I was a little feverish. I put a hand to my cheek. Was it hot? Or was it that he was speaking heat in my direction? I couldn’t tell. I never ran hot.
He watched me touching my face and chuckled to himself, putting away his books. I really wanted to be annoyed—at anyone else I would have been—but his lighthearted laughter surprised me; so joyous after so many weeks of being a specter in the classroom.
I looked him in his eyes, though, and shook my head challengingly at him, as if to say “what?” That only made him laugh out loud. It was both quiet and bassy all at the same time. The kind of laugh that was bottomless, scratchy. The kind of laugh you could tell would boom and shake you if given the space.
I never thought I’d hear that coming from him, let alone directed at me. I refrained from expressing an iota of emotion beyond a small smile. I had to stay cool.
Pam walked over to our table swiftly, no doubt looking to be rid of Jonah. She smiled at Sasha, grinned really.
“So. We finally meet! Pam Swiftwater,” she chirped. Her hand shot out as fast as she walked. Sasha halted his movement. He extended his hand more slowly, gently, engulfing her delicate hands in his large ones.
“Of course. I am Sasha Emberscale,” Sasha said, pulling his hand back to pat his chest.
Pam gave me a knowing glance of drama. “Oh I know who you are,” she said.
“Likewise; you are in my open physical hour,” he reminded her. “You are on the track team.”
“That’s right! It’s nice to finally, officially, meet you.”
Sasha raised his brow at her. “My friend has spoken of you,” he said offhand.
“What friend?” Pam asked, taken aback.
“Seth Fairbreeze, dragon of the wind.”
“Oh?” Pam said, her interest piqued. I didn’t know whether she knew who that was. But it intrigued both of us nonetheless.
“I will introduce you, of course, now that we are properly acquainted.”
“I can’t wait.” I knew she couldn’t.
Pam glanced back at her table and groaned. “Let’s get out of here. If I have to talk to Jonah any longer, I swear Imma strangle him.”
Sasha laughed heartily. “Very well. Let us depart this place to avoid attempted murder,” he joked.
“Why don’t you stick with us? We’re in the same course after this,” I suggested, gathering my items. I didn’t even hesitate asking him that. I’d done enough hesitating.
Sasha’s laugh tapered off into a quiet chuckle. “Of course. I would desire nothing more.”
I couldn’t hide my elation this time. Pam snickered at me. Thankfully he didn’t notice. I assumed.
Sasha draped his jacket across his arm, opting not to put it back on. Admittedly I enjoyed the view. He gestured for us to exit the class before him.
Every once in a while he would look down at me as we walked through the halls. I noticed his eyes following me.
I would sneak a glance at him when he wasn’t looking. It was apparent just how large he was now that I was walking right next to him. He was one of the only people in school taller than me. His shoulders were broad, arms thick. I know I was staring at the way they flexed as he moved. Couldn’t help but to.
Everything in me wanted to take that arm of his for my own. The thought of it being mine just felt so natural. I had to check myself a few times walking beside him.
It would be mine in time. That I promised myself.

We entered our Dragontongue class where I took a seat on his right at a table. Pam sat at mine.
Class with Sasha was much more interesting than ever before. He spoke freely and pleasantly, a stark contrast to the silent dragon he had been before I sat at his table in Dragonology. It was like something that had weighed on him had vanished.
I wasn’t unaware that he was happier since we had talked. I was pleased that it was me that had pulled him out of whatever darkness was holding him.
Again a pang of irritation ran through me. Why had I not introduced myself before? Just hearing the depth of his voice and the eloquence of his speech had me feeling some type of way. I could have been hearing that in my ears for weeks, those words of his carried on desert sands.
As class droned on, I saw that Sasha was appraising the professor with a raised brow as if too polite to allow complete disdain across his face.
He began to tell us about different Dragontongue dialects quietly, I suppose to keep himself occupied or distracted. I had to lean all the way in to hear his voice. It reverberated in my ears.
“If you were to say that word in the southern regions of Lyfax, it would mean to place bricks or stones atop each other as if building something. If you said that in the northeastern region, it means much the same, but doubles as a slang word meaning to fu— I am sorry, to have relations with someone.”
Pam squealed and covered her mouth. I covered mine too. I had wanted to hear the word ‘fuck’ come out of his polite mouth.
“Are you serious?” I asked instead.
“Yes, I am,” he said, brow raised. “Take care in who you say it to and in what context.”
Sasha tapped another paragraph “This term here. If you were to say it in the Northernmost tip of the country, it is basically calling someone a piece of filth in the wrong context, while just a few regions down it simply means to clean something without any further colloquial use. Their origins most likely started off with the same meaning and deviated as the people left and settled elsewhere. Knowing different dialects of Dragontongue in Lyfax is important. Linguistics interests me, as you can probably surmise.”
“Do you speak a lot of languages?” Pam asked.
“I occasionally travel for my work and interact with different dignitaries. I must know many languages and dialects at least at a rudimentary level.”
“Oh wow…” I said, truly impressed. Now that I had listened to his voice, I couldn’t place his accent. Unless deep was one. It wasn’t as if I was familiar with Lyfaxians’ manner of speech or various accents anyway. “What do you speak?” I asked
“Hmmmm. Common Lyfaxian. Common Lizardtongue. Dragontongue, of course; several dialects: fire, moon and wind. Many people know these. Shelltongue. Salamandra…one other.”
“Goodness,” I said in awe. I stashed away that “one other.” I’d ask about it later. I couldn’t imagine why it would be a secret. Hypocritically.
“My speech is not perfect in Shelltongue or Salamandra yet. But I can hold a conversation. I would enjoy learning and speaking your dialect of Dragontongue, as you mentioned earlier,” he remarked to me. Of course, Pam regarded me in shock. She gave me a chiding look, rightfully so.
Sasha didn’t miss her reaction. “If it is trouble, do not worry about it,” he said, frowning.
“No, It’s okay,” I reassured him. “I don’t mind.”
He was still uncertain, looking at Pam’s concerned face. “If I am to converse with a new group of dragons, I would prefer to know their dialect,” he whispered. “But not if it is cause for alarm. For some reason.”
Pam sighed in relief upon hearing him refer to me as a dragon. “Oh okay.”
“It’s fine. Complicated. I’ll tell you later,” I said, waving it all away. Sasha nodded.
“So did you all decide on a topic for your assignment?” Pam asked.
“Of course. We spoke much of it. I look forward to working with Leila.” Sasha said. I liked the way he said my name, the way he swung the vowels upward to where they needed to go. As it should be. “It will be interesting,” he said.
Pam glanced over to me. “How so?”
I looked amused, I’m sure. “Let’s say our Dragonology topic is about to be spicy,” I hinted.
“Sasha you’re a horrible influence already,” she accused, raising her brows at him.
“Of course,” he confirmed, chuckling deeply. “One needs a little corruption in the right direction, every once in a while.”
“Corruption? Oh really?” I said, regarding him in what I intended to be mock surprise. But I was genuinely shocked that he said it. He hadn’t corrupted me yet. He could try, but only when I was through with him.
Sasha chuckled silently. Just a trembling of the shoulders. A soft billow of scalding heat wafting across my face. Mmm, maybe sooner then.
Pam’s eyes widened, but she was beyond amused. If she could manifest a snack to observe our rapidly forming dynamic, she would have in a heartbeat.
She sat back, twirling her pencil. I knew she was about to start something. The twitch in the corner of her mouth was working. She was about to instigate her heart out. I groaned quietly.
“You know, Leila speaks all the same languages you do. She’s fluent in Shelltongue even; one of her best friends is Turtlefolk. She works at a place where a lot of people from different places come through. She took it upon herself to learn their languages.”
I groaned more.
“Is that so?” Sasha inquired, angling his body toward me. He sounded impressed.
I just rubbed my brows. I did not advertise my language skills. He looked at me with interest. “That is admirable. Why do you not wish to speak of it?” he asked.
“I don’t like puffing myself up. Drawing attention. Not that you are doing that,” I clarified.
Sasha smiled. “I know what you meant,” he said, speaking Shelltongue. I grinned. “I have been somewhat successful at not drawing attention—past my appearance at least—for a few weeks now.”
“Except your grades of course,” I pointed out in Shelltongue as well. “Literally perfect grades except two, and that’s only because of inaccuracies.”
Sasha raised his brow. “Ah, right, you have been keeping tabs on my marks. Very well; I have been under the radar except for my marks.”
“See? Y’all can speak tongues to each other in every flavor,” Pam said casually.
My mouth dropped. To say my eyes widened would be an understand. I shielded the side of my face.
Sasha choked and laughed quietly, holding his chest.
Never had she been that brazen. And she had said some crazy ass things for as long as I’d know her.
She looked so proud of herself.
“Pam, you are trying to start something, are you not?” Sasha guessed—back in Lizardtongue—looking away in laughter.
“Of course not. I don’t know what you mean,” she said, smirking.
I rubbed my face. “What were we even talking about?”
Sasha spoke as quietly as he could. “Different languages. Dialects. Things of that nature. Tongues, apparently,” he said, leaning toward me.
Really Sasha? I thought. He was something else.
He leaned back again and looked ahead, his smile dimming. “Also, things your professor apparently will not teach,” he said, the scales of his brows beginning to furrow.
“Yeah. It’s frustrating,” I agreed, uncovering my face.
“This class is testing my endurance. To hear my language butchered and be told that the proper way is incorrect is vexing.”
Pam stared at the professor, then at Sasha. “I’m sorry. This class is far beneath how you—and we—speak.”Pam and the rest of the Swiftwater Clan spoke to my family in the True way, the way of Sun Dragons.
Sasha leaned back. “And yet I have no choice but to be here,” he remarked. “And, apparently, neither do you both.”
It was a painful requirement, but a mandatory one. I nodded.
Pam turned back to the front of class. “You must be bored here at this university,” she said.
Sasha rubbed his chin. “Hmmmm,” he rumbled deeply. The vibration of that inquisitive hum made my shoulders tingle. I had to close my eyes and put a hand to my chest to halt my heart’s pounding.
“I was, yes,” he said slowly, “but yesterday was my last day of boredom. Today, the season has changed.” He glanced at me as he said it.
My mouth twitched into a smile. I found his choice of words particularly appealing. Pam looked curiously at him, but said nothing.
Sasha angled his body back toward me. I don’t know if I imagined it, but it felt like his whole existence was radiating heat now. It sent rush through my body.
“Let us return to our ‘lesson’ and pretend to care,” he suggested.
“Sasha,” I laughed, nudging his arm. It was hot to the touch. I was not imagining it.
“What?” he said innocently.
I shook my head at him, incredulous. I had no idea he was so funny. Who would have thought that sullen dragon was full of humor. He relented.
“I will behave myself,” he lied through his fanged teeth, patting his chest.
“Doubtful,” I returned, amused. It was easy to talk to him. Like we were old friends. Sasha was right: Pam had started something.

Sasha continued pointing out more language dialect rules and vocabulary from Lyfax. Things we couldn’t have learned on our own.
There were so many regions to learn about. I listened intently as he described them, and asked questions about everything. It was as if he was taking me on a mental tour of those far away places…
Before that day we hadn’t said a word to each other. Hadn’t shaken hands or anything. Whenever we had met eyes, we would quickly look away. I didn’t understand why we had done that. Now here we were hunched over a text book with our heads damn near touching. The heat of his breath warmed my face. It was hotter than earlier that day. Much hotter. No one was close enough to be bothered by it but Pam, and she did not seem to react to it.
And still I kept on gravitating closer. Because of how he had angled his body toward me, my left arm eventually pressed against his right.
My breathing stuttered, being in such close proximity to him. And I knew he felt it. He had to have felt it. Because I felt him tremble.
And there it was again! That strange rumble emanating from him, from his throat, I could now tell. Now that I was touching him, it was amplified, coursing through me. I tried to pinpoint its essence. It was very much like a growl, the crackling of a fire. And a hum; it reminded me of the way he responded to things without words. Hmmm.
All of it together was a magnetic song. I couldn’t help but listen. Let it lull me into a dream.
I wandered from the lesson for a moment to imagine what it would be like to just feel all of it pressed up against my chest. To embrace him and the heat he radiated.
I wanted to feel his fire whipping around me, not just the heat off him. To embrace a cascade of his flames. washing over me, engulfing me fully.
What would kissing Sasha be like? By the Goddess, the thought of drinking his fire until the persistent ice inside me melted was too tantalizing. If only I could just taste his breath inside my mouth… I wanted to look into his throat where I knew a flickering flame lie in wait. To explore it. Mmm.
It was like some deep ancestral memory was awakening. My breathing grew heavier. I swear to the goddess I heard his breath do the same. Except his breathing was punctuated by the rumbling crackle right under it. I knew he was in the same place I was.
I had to close my eyes and turn my head away from the heat coming off the words from his mouth. Because if I didn’t I would do something about it in that classroom—
I emerged from my other world, his voice having shaken me from my daydream. I looked back to him.
“Class is over,” he rumbled into my ear quietly, the hotness washing over my neck and face. I rubbed those intense thoughts from my brows but they lingered everywhere else. I inhaled deeply and set about gathering my stuff. My hands shook.
Something hot brushed down my arm as he got up to gather his things. I looked down to see his claw drifting away from it. I thought it was an accident until he glanced at me. He smiled faintly though his brows were intense.
“Let us go,” he said gently, nodding toward the door.
“Okay,” I said, my eyebrow raising in interest. I slipped my bag over my shoulder. When he turned toward the door, I touched the trail of burning scales where he’d run his finger. When I say I could not breathe… I covered my mouth, then just rubbed my face with both hands. I didn’t know what to do. Mercy.
Looking around, my peers were also preparing to leave, so I composed myself the best I could and followed Sasha through the doorway.
Dragontongue had been our last class of the day—”wow, you want that Dragontongue real bad huh?”Pam said— and it was time for us to part ways.
She chatted with Sasha, and I examined him while he was distracted.
I followed his gestures and mannerisms, wondering how he could weave such a spell over me that day. My behavior and my carefully curated facade were usually well under my control, perfected to give nothing away but pleasantness. But this dragon…
What I thought had been a perfect program was utterly interrupted. And the funny thing was, I wasn’t even mad at it. It was a break from the rigidity and monotony of my endless time at school. A break from my own reluctance to invite unknowns to myself, even those I desired. Like him.
For the first time in my life I thought ‘this is what the Sun must feel like to everyone else.’
From the moment I knew myself, my body had been cold. It was a point of contention between me, my parents and my Clan, all the Sun Clans. My mother was literally the leader of the Sun Dragons. And we, Sunscales, were Prime. Named directly after the Goddess.
People thought I was sickly. Anemic they called me. Even worse, some thought I was cursed. Most thought I wasn’t fit to be a leader in the future.
I did not let it stop me. I aimed for absolute perfection to stave off any doubt. Even at the expense of my own happiness sometimes.
My cold scales did not bother me. Although, at times, I wondered if I would be that way forever.
But now, I had felt Sasha’s warmth. This dragon had actually apologized in our first class for giving me the heat I never felt outside of putting my whole hand in a woodfire. It lingered in my scales as if they had drank it. They had awakened from a cold slumber.
I couldn’t go back.
I touched my arm that had been pressed against his, where his claw had grazed. Still hot to the touch. In fact everywhere he had breathed on, been near or looked at blazed. He had touched other things, shook hands with peers, finally, spoken to Pam, and none reacted as if he was exuding endless fire. Just me. Just for me.
“It has been a good day. You two have been so welcoming,” he said graciously. I was broken from my musings, realizing he was leaving. “I hope we continue to be friends during my time here.”
“For sure,” I said without hesitation, a little breathlessly. I didn’t want him to leave. He smiled warmly at me, almost in relief.
Pam smiled too. “Same,” she said. She began to rummage in her bag.
“It was nice to finally meet you,” he said softly to me. He put his hand out. I took it in mine. It was even hotter than before, unless I imagined it. I again put my other hand on top of his as if taking the warmth from it, to hold till later.
I don’t know what possessed me, but I let my thumb slide over the scales on the back of his hand. I didn’t even realize at first. But then I looked up and noticed Sasha was staring at me with his brow raised.
Gods, I could have died right there. Melted right into the floor and fallen into the void.
I almost pulled my hand in embarrassment, but he did not seem startled or upset. Instead Sasha placed his other hand atop mine. His face became intense for a moment, then softened. It seemed that neither of us wanted to let go. We did, though. The moment was brief, but it held much.
Pam, who had glanced up at us, had a barely concealed grin spreading over her face. She broke the spell that had drifted over us.
“Thank you for teaching us all that extra stuff about different dialects. I especially like that ridiculous word with the bricks,” she said, breaking the tense air.
Sasha shook his head as if clearing it. “Of course. I thought you might find that one amusing,” he said. He glanced at his phone, which had vibrated.
“You can lay your bricks on me anytime,” I mumbled to myself, still feeling the heaviness of that moment in my chest. I couldn’t help myself, saying that. I knew good and well it was provocative. I knew he might hear me. My mouth simply didn’t care. It was going to get me in trouble, I just knew it. I stared at my hand in wonder. It felt like fire had spread over it. What was he doing to me? Did he even realize that he was doing something? It didn’t seem like it.
In that same vein, Sasha didn’t say anything; he hadn’t been paying attention, I thought. Probably for the best. But then I heard him say something under his breath.
“Wow,” he whispered, silently laughing. I looked up at him. He covered his eyes, his shoulders shaking.
“Oh shit,” I said, covering my eyes as well.
Pam looked up. “What?” she asked, startled.
Sasha tried his best to keep a straight face, but it was impossible. He just laughed aloud then, a laugh that shook me to the core.
“Shut up,” I said, also laughing. I shielded my face in my hand as if I could hide from the embarrassment.
“I have said nothing,” he pointed out, his hands up.
“Please, please, let’s pretend I didn’t just say that shit,” I pleaded with him.
Pam’s eyes widened. “Oh my gods, what?”
“I will not say, Pam, yet I will never forget it,” Sasha said, smiling widely.
“What?” I replied, shocked.
“I will never forget it,” he repeated.
“By the Goddess Sasha. Are you serious?”
Sasha rubbed his eyes, still chuckling occasionally. “I am. Would you, if you were in my position?”
“Oh my gods,” I said weakly, still covering the side of my face.
Sasha patted his hand on his chest. “Gods, truly I needed today, desperately. It is no trouble to me, that you have said this. Certainly not. Unfortunately, I have a meeting to attend to, but we will discuss this permanent memory later, Leila Sunscale,” he said.
“Yeah, I bet,” I groaned, my voice shakey. I covered my face more. I was out of my mind, surely.
I heard Sasha begin to walk away, but his footsteps slowed. He hesitated, I guessed.
“Leila, do you have plans today?" he asked.
I looked up. He was looking at me expectantly. I couldn’t even say anything. I was still reeling from my ridiculous blunder. Now he wanted to see me! “What? I… umm—“
“No she doesn’t have plans,” Pam spoke up. Bless her.
Sasha smiled. “Perhaps we can speak of our project. I will find you later this evening as long as you are outside. I apologize for my abrupt departure but I must go.”
“Okay, cool,” I said. I rubbed my forehead.
He walked to the exit and looked back at me. “Perhaps we can build something later; I am not a bad mason, Leila Sunscale,” he said, chin raised. My mouth dropped. This dragon…
He let out a deep laugh and left. I watched him disappear through the doors of the hall, then followed him out. I saw a flash of red turn a corner into another building, vanishing from my sight.
"No he didn’t," I said in disbelief. "Did you hear what he just said?" I asked incredulously, gesturing toward his exit.
“What the hells did you say Leila?”
“I may have said a little something about bricks under my breath but his ass heard me. My gods.”
“Are you serious? Girrrrl," Pam said, shaking her head. “The gall on you.”
"Why did I say that? I must be crazy." I placed my hand over my forehead. Hot.
"I mean, he liked it," Pam said. "He thought it was funny. See, no harm done. If anything it sounds like Sasha has some business with you Leila," she teased.
I rubbed my face. I couldn't believe that I had run my mouth like that. In the other hand, I was pleased to have been so reckless. It had led me down this path. My scales prickled despite my embarrassment. Why should I feel bad now? He took my accidental flirtations as an invitation. And wasn’t that what I wanted?
Pam’s demeanor softened.
“Hey, for weeks you’ve been talking about how attracted you are to him. He turned out to be super nice, and he has a sense of humor, too. I like him. Fate is smiling on you again.”
"You sound like my mother," I noted.
“That's 'cause she's always right, isn’t she?" Pam pointed out, brow raised.
“Fine… She is,” I conceded. She would have said those words. In truth I had heard her say them many times.
Resigned to my fate, I stepped into the quad with Pan. I walked into a shaft of sunlight and sat on the bench it spilled onto, the Sun’s rays warming me. I closed my eyes against them, basking.
“I may as well go study while I wait for him. I can’t believe this is happening,” I remarked.
“Well believe it. Your bricklayer is seeing you today,” Pam teased.
“Pam, for real?” I remarked, opening my eyes.
“What? Come on. We can both go study.” Pam hugged me. She looked puzzled though.
“Leila. You feel hot. You never run hot. You’re not having a stroke are you?” she asked, alarmed.
“No. That’s just because he sat next to me the whole day,” I revealed. And breathed on me, leaned on me… I shut my eyes, wishing I had lied.
Pam nodded, not noticing my apprehension. “Oh okay. That makes sense. We did just get out of class. I didn’t know fire dragons were like that just idly,” she mused. “Let’s get on out of here.”
I wanted to tell her what I really felt. But I was sure it would sound crazy. Maybe I would after I met him and spoke to him. Privately.

We walked together through the courtyard. I glanced through the windows of various buildings looking for red scales moving in the halls. I saw nothing, of course.
We ended up going to the library. The room was large and made of ironwood. Small nooks with tables were tucked away amongst large shelves full of tomes.
We chose a table with a window next to it.
I studied as attentively as I could, trying to occupy my mind. But I could not stop seeing Sasha in my vision. Pam gave up trying to get me to engage in conversations with her. Instead I studied for the assignment in Dragonology on my laptop, and daydreamed.

“It’s getting late. You don’t know when Sasha will be looking for you.” Pam said, shaking me from my focus.
The light from the windows had waned somewhat, giving way to the Sun readying for slumber.
“Oh, right. I was deep into this essay here. I wish I had borrowed his books and saved my eyes,” I said, rubbing them.
Pam yawned as we packed our things, hefting her bag up. “I’m going to head home. Tell me how everything goes. Tell me if y’all build a house!”
“Pam!” I gasped. “Oh my gods.”
“Love you! Bye!” Pam called, rushing off.

I strolled around the grounds reading a book, looking up at the Sun every once in a while. But I didn’t spot Sasha anywhere. I hoped that I had not missed him. I had studied a bit longer than I intended.
Eventually I sat on a bench to wait. I would wait until dusk settled. And if he didn’t show I would see him the following day. It was not as if we had exchanged our numbers.
I pulled out my notebook full of writings, poetry, doodles. It was just one volume from a collection of filled books over the duration of my life, where I pressed flowers of my heart through its pages.
Before I could put pen to paper, I paused.
I put away my old faithful journal and pulled out a new one in deep red. It was not a coincidence by any stretch. I had stared at it on the shelves of an art store until I gave in and bought it.
I hadn’t written one thing in it since. After all, I hadn’t known him, and didn’t want to write only about his appearance. I wanted to know what he was made of. Now, having met Sasha, the red book was begging for ink.
So I let myself fall into a rhythm. So many elements of Sasha had revealed themselves to me that day: this dragon’s voice, his heat, his mannerisms. The words he said, the way he said them, his sense of humor hidden under all that seriousness.
I searched my brain and gathered up all my own words, sifted through them. I wrote a few things here and there, but nothing like what I wanted.
I looked up toward the Sun for some bit of inspiration, and my breath caught. A red form flew in front of it, wings beating. Seeing Sasha framed in that circle of fire was more than I could have hoped for. I stared up at him flying until he stopped, scanning for something.
The moment of inspiration I had been searching for was right there. I spoke aloud what I had and wrote it as swiftly as my claws could move:
“A dragon in a Circle. An Inferno wrapped in the Sun A scarlet vision framed in fire A cloud of embers in the Goddess’s hands She Holds all of him out toward me The gift of a flame within a flame “
I dropped my pen and covered my mouth in embarrassment. “Oh my gods what am I writing?” I asked myself. I stared at the words.
I turned my head to read them as if a new perspective would make them less mortifying.
“Hmm,” I muttered. “Needs some work but…’A flame within a flame.’ That’s some good shit.”
I looked back up. Sasha’s gaze swept over me then away. I waved my arm up at him, bangles jangling, hoping he saw me so he wouldn’t be looking all around all day.
When Sasha looked back in my direction he stopped where he was. He descended slowly until he locked eyes with me. My heart pounded again. It was driving me up the wall, the anxiety. Or rather anticipation. I pressed my hand to my chest watching him grow closer. His wings were huge, blocking out the Sun.
I had been staring at Sasha from a distance since he had arrived, his very first day. He was imposing, the way he had entered my classes, but exceptionally polite. I had been silently competing with him since laying eyes on his grades.
Now the distance was finally closed after my nervousness had kept me away. I folded my notebook shut and stood as Sasha landed with a woosh of air.
I looked upon him not as a mysterious figure in the back of class but as a new friend. More. I couldn’t help but smile when he straightened his already straight clothes as he moved toward me.
He smiled right back at me, chin raised.
“Leila,” he said.
“Sasha. Hey,” I replied.
“So,” he said, “you spoke of bricks earlier,” he teased.
My mouth dropped again. This dragon…
“You aren’t letting that go are you?” I asked.
“Never. Even if nothing ever came of it, I would never forget.”
“By the gods,” I muttered.
“I am not complaining,” he clarified.
My eyes widened. Then it occurred to me that he had insinuated something would come of it. Goddess, I felt my own fire sweep across my cheeks. I was so flustered I covered my mouth with the heel of my palm letting my claws settle over my cheek. I couldn’t stop the motion fast enough.
Sasha laughed good naturedly. Sweetly, even. “I will stop teasing. For now,” he said.
“For now?” I repeated past my palm.
“For now.”
I lowered my hand. “You are a trip, do you know that?” I said, raising my eyebrow. Even though I had been nervous, actually talking to him made me feel like meeting all his words head on.
He gestured for me to walk beside him without answering. I did. I almost took his arm again, so I clutched my notebook to my chest to keep my hands in check. We didn’t say much as we walked along the quad together.
Some students were staring at us as we walked. I suppose we made quite the pair together.
“It appears we are a bit of a spectacle,” he muttered to himself curiously, agreeing with my thoughts.
I couldn’t help stealing glances at him every once in a while.
His posture was impecable. He held his left hand behind his back. The other lingered in front of his chest as if ready for something. I didn’t know how else to describe it. It was interesting, that pose; deliberate. I saw that he had rings on his fingers as well. I had not noticed them before. They were red like his scales, rough hewn. The overall pose made him seem so stately.
I couldn’t quite describe his expression. It was both intense and peaceful all at once.
He caught me staring one time, though. He was looking right at me when I peeked. I turned away and put a hand to my face. I hoisted up my bag.
“Here,” he said.
I turned back. “Here what?” I asked.
He put his hand out to me, gesturing toward my bag. I stopped walking.
“Oh. Okay. Such a gentleman,” I said, a smile playing on my face, impressed. He chuckled to himself, accepting my compliment.
I slipped my bag from my shoulder, and he took it to hold on his elbow. We started walking again. I didn’t care after that; I looked at him openly, a little bit enamored.
‘Ok Mr. Sasha Emberscale. I see you,’ I thought.
submitted by lakija to lakija [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:07 Ok-Raccoon1530 My experience with a 13w6d surgical in-clinic D&E at Cherry Hill Women’s Center NJ

My experience as a patient at Cherry Hill Women’s Center NJ with a D&E abortion at 13w6d pregnant.
TLDR; very very kind staff, clean environment, professional clinic setup, 4 hour process, overall great experience as a patient.
My backstory: I’m over 30, married for over 10 years and have never had a pregnancy before. I have always been told by my doctors that i would never be able to get pregnant. I’m on multiple medications that can cause severe birth defects and i was not aware that i was pregnant until i was 12w5d. I had no idea how far along i may have been because i didn’t note any pregnancy symptoms except for tender nipples and vomiting a week prior to taking a test. I have always had a very inconsistent period and had frequent spotting on a regular basis. I had an US done & measured at 13w0days & was able to schedule this procedure for 6 days later so this abortion was done at 13w6days.
Emotionally this was very hard for me. I reconciled the fact that i would never be pregnant as a very young teenager. My husband and I decided not to pursue having children at the very beginning of our relationship and he still does not want to be a father. Initially I was very afraid to tell him that i was pregnant because i was afraid that him knowing i was pregnant would change his feelings about having children and that he would hate me for taking this away from him. I’m very fortunate in that he was resolute in his decision to not have children and he’s been absolutely incredible through this whole process. He said he would support me if i wanted to keep it but my medical reasons for wanting to terminate were valid and he was in full agreement that life is hard enough and intentionally bringing a deformed/disabled child into the world when life is already so hard just wasn’t the choice for us. He has been my absolute rock through all of this.
I did a lot of research prior to my appointment and I’m not going to lie, there are a lot of bad reviews on google that had me extremely nervous, making me feel like i was going to be walking into a back alley abortion and i was terrified that i wouldn’t be able to bring my husband with me for this whole experience. There is so much anti abortion propaganda out there and there are a lot of videos designed to make you feel like you are a bad person for “murdering babies” and trying to scare you out of going forward with the procedure, but if this procedure is the right decision for you, this place is the right choice to go to. Everyone is kind and professional and understanding. Not once was i made to feel like i was a bad person or making the wrong decision. I was met with understanding and support every step of the way. It is completely normal to be scared or emotional going into this. I have been a healthcare professional for over 10 years and am very familiar with preop/post op procedures and patient care and i was still very scared going into this appointment.
Scheduling experience: I used their online appointment request tool on a Sunday and Monday afternoon i got a text with a link for a hipaa compliant chat. I chatted with a very nice lady who was able to schedule me for the following Saturday. I wasn’t given any information other than to not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before and to be at the clinic at 8am Saturday. No one called, texted, or emailed any further instructions after that chat communication.
This is where my feedback for them to improve comes in. They really need to make it clear what to expect the day of the appointment: that we will not be able to have a support person come in with us because only the patients can be in the waiting room for safety purposes. They should be highlighting the process of the day with the multiple back and forth trips from the waiting room to the back and the different steps to expect. It would have been nice to know i would do paper work then wait then US and blood and vitals then wait then nurse for the history & going over the procedure then wait then the payment then wait then come to the back for preop and talk to the doctor then wait in preop then the operative area for the procedure then what to expect for the post op experience.
Clinic experience: Upon arriving to the clinic, the protesters on the front sidewalk were SO very nice to make the driveway more visible. -___- Unfortunately nothing can be done to remove them from a public walkway. The security guard comes to the door when you pull in to ensure you arrive inside safely. Please don’t let them deter you, don’t even look at them or acknowledge them.
I was greeted by the very kind security guard who had my escort sign me in and then i entered the office by myself.
The receptionist was very kind and provided me with my paperwork to fill out. The office was clean and quiet. After about 45 minutes i was taken back by a very kind employee (sweetest kindest human being ever with such a calming energy) who did my ultrasound and vital signs and did a finger stick to check my hemoglobin level and rH factor of my blood. I was then taken back to the waiting room for the next step.
30 minutes later i was taken back to speak with the nurse to go over my health history, medications, birth control options, and the procedure. The financial planner then came in and took my payment (we paid cash $750 for the sedated D&E, $65 for the depo shot we are fortunate to have the income to cover the costs but they do offer financial assistance ask the scheduler about it if you need it)& i was escorted back to the waiting room.
20 minutes later i was taken back by the first employee (the literal angel on earth, so so kind) who did my ultrasound earlier to talk with the Dr, who was also very nice, and i was given cytotec to place between my gums and cheeks to soften my cervix and prepare me for the procedure. I was then taken to the preop/postop area to put a gown cap and booties on, they let you keep your own socks on and it’s chilly in there so i recommend doing it. They put me in a recliner chair with a blanket and then about an hour after getting the cytotec, the nurse started an iv & gave me zofran since i was feeling nauseous. At this point i was having weird stretching bloating feelings in my uterus area with moderate to strong cramps, which i assume was the cytotec softening everything & dilating my cervix. I noted the post op nurses were very kind to the patients the whole time and met the loopy antics of the other women waking up from sedation with good humor and kindness.
The operative nurses wheeled me back to the procedure room in the recliner chair I was in and I was taken in to the procedure room and met the anesthetist and operative nurses. They helped me get situated on the procedure table and then the next thing i remembered was waking up in my recliner chair in the preop/post op area. They took me back at 10:45 and i woke up in the post op area at 11:12.
The post op nurse said i stood and sat in the chair on my own from the table to in the operative area as they don’t lift anyone there but i don’t remember anything between being positioned on the procedure table before the procedure and waking up in the chair in post op. The post op nurse gave me the depo provera shot i previously decided to take with the first nurse and helped me to the bathroom to get changed back into my clothes.
I felt moderate cramping, similar to period cramps on a heavy flow day, and had a good amount of bleeding and small clots present in the toilet. I came prepared and brought female pull-ups and pads so i put those on. My husband arrived to pick me up and the post op nurse gave me a 1x dose of antibiotics to prevent infections and went over discharge education. They escorted me out to the car and i was on my way home. I took 800mg Motrin as soon as i got in the car.
They had the security guard still at the front door and then a clinic escort in the parking lot keeping the protesters off the property and on the sidewalk.
I arrived for my 8:00 appointment at 7:30 and was in the car on my way home by 11:30. By the time we got close to our home 45 minutes later the Motrin had me feeling well enough to have a meal with my husband at the local diner.
It’s now 8 hours after we got home and i feel mild cramping after taking another dose of 800 mg Motrin. I would say the discharge is similar to a heavy flow day with small clots. My lower abdomen is visibly bloated but not very tender to the touch. (Until my husband wasn’t thinking and set Wawa bags with a half gallon of milk in them on my lap/lower abdomen -_-) I have a weighted heating pad and I’ve had it laying across my abdomen since i got home and it’s been so helpful for the mild to moderate discomfort I’ve had.
Timeline of events:
0730 arrived, security very nice, receptionist very nice 0815- taken back for US, VS, finger stick. Ultrasound tech very nice. 0845- nurse - history, procedure review, birth control planning. very nice and informative 0900- financial counselor very nice 0920- brought back by first US tech to see the Dr, cytotec inserted in cheeks 0930 changed into gown put in preop recliner chair, curtain dividers 1000- preop nurses very kind, playing fun music, joking with patients during their postop grogginess 1030- iv inserted 1045- took back to the procedure room 1112- procedure done, in recovery, got depo shot, iv taken out, got dressed 1130- discharge education and went home. Moderate period like cramping.
Recommendations: - ask as many questions as you need to feel comfortable, they will take the time to answer them - It’s normal to be nervous but you don’t need to be afraid to come here. Everyone was kind, understanding, and professional there. - Your decision is the right decision. Period. No one else gets to make it for you. - It doesn’t matter if you are young or older, single or married, have no children or already have 10 children, this decision is yours and your rights - Hydrate well the night before. I made it a point to drink several liquid IV’s late the night before knowing i couldn’t have anything to eat or drink after midnight. It will be very hard for the nurses to get an IV in your vein if you are very dehydrated, the more you drink the night before, the better your veins will be. - Bring your own pads or even female pull ups whatever you prefer. They do supply you pads but they’re the big huge thick ones that most people hate. - Have Motrin ready to take as soon as you’re done. - Get a heating pad for afterwards it really is soothing. - Walk as much as you can, it helps with the pain and swelling and helps get the clots out. - Firmly massage over your uterus area it will help get the clots out and help your uterus shrink back down to size faster. - If your BMI is over 40 they won’t be able to do an asleep abortion there since they don’t have advanced airway management there. You’re a higher risk of respiratory depression during sedation when you’re overweight. I wasn’t aware of this until i talked with the history nurse. Luckily i was right at 40 and the anesthetist cleared me. - If you need to be sedated they will make you have someone sign you in and sign you out. But they can’t come inside and wait with you. You cannot drive yourself. - They’re going to tell you not to put anything in your vagina for 1 week post op- no tampons, menstrual cups, no sex, nothing internally placed. Also no swimming or sitting in a bathtub for a week. This is all to prevent infection. You want the drainage to drain and not build up bacteria inside you. - You are going to be more fertile after the procedure. It can take 4 weeks to get your period again, you can get pregnant before you have a period, use birth control! They don’t do IUD insertions there so consider getting birth control pills or the depo shot while you’re there.
submitted by Ok-Raccoon1530 to abortion [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:41 vinegarxhoney 40 Questions Typing Help

I've typed myself as an IEI for a while now, but I've been doing some soul searching and I'm not sure how well that fits me right now, and I'm curious whether it's to do with my understanding of socionics or just transient personal stuff.
I've seen some of the comments and answers on previous posts of this questionnaire, and they've been quite insightful and thorough, which I greatly appreciate, since it helps me learn better.
Any help that you could give would be greatly appreciated, and thank you!
-How do you work? Why do people go to work? Are there any parameters that determine whether you can do work or not? What are they?
My knee-jerk answer is to say “by starting, then finishing”. I do my best to be quick, efficient, to do it well, and to do extra sometimes. I get kind of competitive about it sometimes, where if I see someone else working hard it makes me want to do more. Granted they’re usually getting paid more to do more, but the urge is still there.
Depends on the person, but mostly to survive. You make money, you spend it on survival. Ideally, you’ll get to use it for more fulfilling things and to improve your life. For some people the reason could be to follow their passion, for socialization, for a cause, etc., but I do think that it’s mostly for survival.
I’m not sure I really understand this part of the question. Parameters like the working environment, the type of work, understanding/skill? I’m not sure how to answer this.

-How do you determine the quality of work? How do you determine the quality of a purchase? Do you pay any attention to it?
That’s kind of hard to quantify. I think boiled down: if it’s free of errors, if it’s organized, if it’s neat/done carefully, if it makes sense logically, and does the product/outcome show the skill that went into it.
For a purchase, I think basically are you getting a good quality for what you paid. Does it work the way it’s supposed to, and maybe even better? If it’s something for fun, does it bring joy, not just now, but for a while in the future? And in that vein, it should last for a long time and be able to be maintained.
I pay attention to both. Quality of work (from others as well, but from me especially) matters a LOT to me, and I do think that quality of purchases does hold at least some importance to me because my money used to purchase it came from my time, and I don’t want that to go to waste.

-There is a professional next to you. How do you know they are a professional? How do you evaluate their skill?
That’s actually a pretty interesting question. I would imagine the ease of which they are doing something, their ability to be creative in problem-solving/drawing conclusions, their confidence in what they are doing, and their ability and willingness to teach or at least share. I would evaluate their skill using the same criteria (but also, if I’m not a professional in that, my evaluation wouldn’t mean much).

-If you struggle to do something, how do you fix that? Do you know if your performance is better or worse than others?
Part of the time, I’ll power through the frustration until something finally clicks, or the outcome is at least “good enough” or done, even if the quality isn’t ideal. If I’m being honest, part of the time when I hit a wall in struggling with something, I will stop doing it. Sometimes because you need to figure out a different approach, sometimes it’s essentially “giving up”. I have a hard time asking for help, so it’s a last resort sort of thing.
I do keep a close eye on my performance, and compare it to others. I do wish I did it in a way where I’m using it as a kind of inspirational competitive things vs. just comparing myself to others (comparison is the thief of joy and all that). Sometimes I can, but most of the time it’s comparing and wanting to make sure I’m doing better.

-How do you measure the success of a job? What standard do you use? Do you pay attention to it? When should you deviate from this standard?
By if it worked, the result was good, and ideally also that getting to the result went smoothly. I feel like if the process to getting the result is chaotic, it usually means something needs to be done better and improve.
I use my own standards most of the time, being a perfectionist. I’ll have awareness of what the external standard is, like one set by a boss, but will have my own standards internally.
I do pay attention to both of these standards.
Sometimes you have to prioritize things, and honestly sometimes you have to “cut corners” and decide which things need to be done perfectly and which things can be done “enough” without effecting the result. Sometimes things just go sideways, and you have to say “good enough is good enough”. It depends on the situation, really. Try your best to meet the standards, but things are going to happen outside of your control sometimes and you have to adapt to the circumstances.
-What is a whole? Can you identify its parts? Are the parts equivalent to the whole?
Ngl, this is an annoying question. A whole is one unit, made up of smaller parts.
If there’s a whole, it would logically follow that it’s made up of parts, so I’d assume I’d be able to identify them?
I would say no, the parts aren’t equivalent to the whole. Take a car, for example: each parts together make up one car, but each parts are wholes in their own right and are their own working units.

-What does "logical" mean? What is your understanding? Do you think that it correlates with the common view? How do you know you are being logical?
Going from point A to point B in a way that can be replicated, I guess. This is another one I have a hard time actually getting into the details and defining. I don’t really think about this in great detail, I just do it?

-What is hierarchy? Give examples of hierarchies. Do you need to follow it? Why or why not? Explain how hierarchy is used in a system you are familiar with.
It’s an organization of people (at least in the context of this question) that operates with a person in charge, then a layer of people underneath them, and so on and so forth until you reach the lowest level (like a pyramid). Most of the ways humans are organized (government, military, schools, jobs, religions, the list goes on and on) are hierarchies, whether formally or not.
Whether or not you need to follow it is situational. To use the military example, if you’re given an order that violates laws, you don’t need to follow it (the consequences are a whole other topic). In general, I don’t mind hierarchies, so don’t mind following them, but there are limits. If someone is telling you to do something stupid or dangerous, it’s ridiculous to follow it just because you’re “following orders”. That’s how awful things happen, and you’re still a human being with a working brain and autonomy.
I feel like I’ve explained how the hierarchies work by explaining what they are, so I won’t go into it again.

-What is classification? How does classification work? Why is it needed and where is it applied? Give examples.
It’s essentially just a way of categorizing things, like phenomena, animals, plants, psychiatric disorders, etc. You’re grouping things with similarities together, whatever those similarities are. These furry things have four legs and give live birth? Mammals! These green things that get bigger in the sun? Plants!
It’s incredibly useful for understanding the world around us, and being able to connect concepts, ideas, and just tangible things together quickly. You don’t need to re-figure out what a strawberry plant is in relation to an apple tree every time, we can just say they’re fruit-bearing. It’s really just the natural way the human brain works: we scan around us, and oh! Something moved! It wouldn’t make sense for the survival of a species for us to have to figure out what a snake is and if it’s poisonous or not every time we see one, we just classify this scaly long boi as a “snake”, and put it into the “poisonous” sub-category if it’s also red.

I would say they’re logically consistent (ideally lol, I try to be aware if they’re not really logically consistent to be honest about it, and to then not take those too seriously and be open to change if they’re not), but not consistent in the sense that I’ll have the same ideas about everything for eternity. I change my mind and ideas as needed, I’m not going to just stick my head in the sand and not change my mind if more information pops up.
If I’m actually paying attention to what the other person is saying, I can usually tell inconsistencies in their ideas, though I’m thinking of logical issues in their reasoning, and I’m not sure if this question means it in another way.

This section was the strangest to answer. It was like answering the question “why does 1+1=2?”. Because that’s how it works, move on to something more interesting!
-Can you press people? What methods do you use? How does it happen?
I don’t like pressing other people honestly, I’d prefer to collaborate with them, even if I’m the one “calling the shots”. I’m not a fan of pressing people, but can if I really have to. I don’t know that it’s a method, but just flat-out telling someone what you need them to do and not leave any room for discussion is how I’ve done it.

-How do you get what you want? What do you do if you have to work to get what you want?
Hm, I guess for the most part to do it myself, and if I need to, do it with other people? You kind of just have to pick a point where you want to go, and start going there. You might have to change your goals up (like if you realize your career goals hurt you instead of help you) along the way, but you just have to go for it and put in the work to get there.
You really always have to work to get what you want (well, I guess not everyone), so you just do it and keep going. I dunno, it’s not magic really, it’s mostly boring and hard until you get there, then you get new goals and do it all again!

-How do you deal with opposition? What methods do you use to defend your interests?
I think “screw them” lol Ideally I won’t have made it so that I’ll be opposed, I try to stay friendly with people so that won’t happen.
So, in a hypothetical situation, say I’m telling someone the best way to do something at work (let’s say organizing something). If I know that’s the best way and they disagree, I’ll hear them out as to why they think that, then go over it and say why that will/won’t work. If they’re still not going to agree, I’ll push more and have them try it and see. If they’re still resistant, then I’m going to tell them to go for it, watch them, then go over at the end why a stupid thing is happening because they did it their way. The problem is the last way is basically guaranteed to cause future issues with that person, which is why I’d prefer not to use it, because it has to be done really specifically so that they won’t just become defensive and double down.

-When do you think it's ok to occupy someone's space? Do you recognize it?
Like, if they don’t want me to? Or to go in for a hug or something? If you guys are on good terms and they’re fine with it, occupy away. If it’s someone you’re not close with, I wouldn’t unless they initiate it first. I’m not being on being physically close with people I’m not close to anyway, so it’s rare I’m going to do that. If I do though, it’s because I needed to get something done quickly and they were physically where I needed to be.
I recognize when people are in my space, and unless I like the person, I’m really not a fan. Personal bubble and all that.

-Do others think you are a strong-willed person? Do you think you have a strong will?
If I’m being honest, no, not particularly. I can be extremely stubborn about certain things, and give up very easily on others. Sometimes it’s to do with being fickle, but also willpower. It comes in bursts, it’s not consistent by any means.
-How do you satisfy your physical senses? What examples can you give? What physical experiences are you drawn to?
If I’m thirsty or hungry, I drink and eat (or when I’m bored, sad, etc. etc.). If I’m tired, I’ll eventually sleep. I can’t say there’s a lot of physical experiences I’m drawn to, it’s more about interest and intrigue than physical sensations.

-How do you find harmony with your environment? How do you build a harmonious environment? What happens if this harmony is disturbed?
I’m not sure. If we’re talking like, having a nice bedroom, cut down on noises and lights and stuff for nighttime and have weather-appropriate sheets and a good pillow. Maybe some mood lighting and nice stuff to look at (I have a lot of my own art up in my room, which makes it feel more “mine” and I guess that means more harmonious?).
I can’t say I understand the feeling of being in harmony with my environment, so I also can’t say what I’d do if it’s disturbed. I’m more in tune with my internal environment and the harmony there than the external.

-What does comfort mean to you? How do you create it?
Means you’re not in pain, you feel nice. Get some good shoes and chairs and pillows and stuff.

-How do you express yourself in your hobbies? How do you engage yourself with those things?
My hobbies are a huge part of who I am, they’re what keep me sane and more fulfilled. I don’t know how people can feel like a full person without them, it’s got to be tough. I do a lot of art-based hobbies, especially crafts and tangible things, though also music and drawing. Usually it’s a one and done, then move on to another. I engage myself by just doing them?

-Tell us how you'd design any room, house or an office. Do you do it yourself, or trust someone else to do it? Why?
First thought was to just answer this question “No.” lol Design it so the furniture is laid out in a way that optimizes space and so you won’t slam into things, preferably keeping furniture on the outer edges of the room. Make it work so that you have things where they’re the most convenient, like an outlet by your bed for your phone, drawers next to your desk, etc.
I’d be fine at it, but not good. I’d trust someone else to do it for sure.
-Is it acceptable to express emotions in public? Give examples of inappropriate expression of emotions.
Certain emotions, I guess. I don’t want to be sad or angry in public at all, and I get really nervous around people who do in public. Happy is fine, as long as it’s not over the top yelling and jumping up and down, just chill. I’m personally uncomfortable expressing more than surface level emotions in public, I’d rather show genuine emotions in private.
Inappropriate expressions would be getting upset over something and then taking it out on other people. It’s not their fault you’re upset, don’t transmit your issues onto others. It’s infectious, it sucks.

-How do you express your emotions? Can you tell how your expressions affect others in a positive or negative way?
This has always been kind of a struggle, I have a hard time getting that “sweet spot” of expressing my emotions in a way that isn’t too much or too little. I don’t want to have a tantrum, but I want to express that I’m angry. At this point I’ve started just saying how it is I feel verbally, trying not to act out the emotion with it. Not everyone is equipped to deal with that, but I don’t want to just bottle it up and not express it, so I figure it’s a happy medium where I’m saying what I need to say, and I’m letting someone else decide if they want to engage or not without just holding them hostage.
I try to be upbeat and cheery at work at least, but honestly I’m normally pretty sarcastic and prefer a style of communication that can come across as combative to people (like ribbing each other type of thing, like stronger teasing that sounds malicious with the understanding that it’s not), so I feel like I can come across as negative a lot, which I can tell affects people. So, I try to be more upbeat or at least neutral. This isn’t to say I’m always making people miserable, I do cheer people up sometimes and enough people seem to like being around me that whatever I’m doing seems to work enough, but it’s not entirely natural.

-Are you able to change your demeanor in order to interact with your environment in a more or less suitable way? How do you determine what is suitable?
I would say generally, yes. I’ve worked in customer service a long time, and that’s a skill you learn and get better at the more you use it. I’ll act differently around different people, like I won’t act the same way to new people I don’t know as I will to people I’ve known for half a decade.
I’d say I determine what’s suitable based on their reactions. If they’re looking shocked or uncomfortable or darting their eyes to look for an exit, you’ve screwed up and need to adjust. If the conversation keeps flowing, you’re probably good.

-In what situations do you feel others' feelings? Can you give examples of when you wanted to improve the mood of others?
This is something I’ve worked on over the years since it’s pretty hard for me to not get “infected” by someone else’s feelings. If I’m close to the person it’s a lot stronger and I can better “feel” their feelings than just understand what they’re going through intellectually.
If someone is getting antsy and pissy about something, I try to make light of something to cheer them up so they knock it off.

-How do others' emotions affect you? How does your internal emotional state correlate or contrast with what you express?
Honestly they make me nervous most of the time, which is something I’m not always conscious of. I’m prone to depression, and I learned how to hide it and put on a mask like everything is fine. A lot of the time what I’m feeling and expressing aren’t the same. Like, I get irritable and angry pretty easily, but I’m going to try to not express it because I don’t want to put that on another person.
-How can you tell how much emotional space there is between yourself and others? How can you affect this space?
I feel like it’s usually quite a far space between me and the other person, unless they make it obvious we’re close (and I reciprocate) by like, spending time with me and talking to me and remembering things about me. I try to affect this space by doing things like spending more time, sharing more about myself, but I think if I’m being honest I usually leave it up to the other person to regulate.

-How do you determine how much you like or dislike someone else? How does this affect your relationships?
It can be super variable depending on if they’ve done something I feel “wronged” by or not, because then it flips like a switch (not something that I’m okay with, and something I’m consciously working on). I’m not sure how to quantify how much I like or dislike someone, it comes down to a physical feeling. Do I feel excited and warm fuzzies? Like! Revulsion if they’re within 20 feet? Dislike!
This essentially means that relationships are something I mostly leave up to the other person. I’ve been able to be the first to approach people before, and I can do it mostly okay, but I do prefer they come to me because I can’t tell if I’m annoying them or if they’re just being polite otherwise.

-How do you move from a distant relationship to a close one? What are the distinguishing characteristics of a close relationship?
It happens over time, as you get to know each other better. You just click with some people and you don’t with others, that’s just how it goes. Most people I don’t want to be that close to, but I put effort into people I do want to be close to. I make the effort to reach out to spend time with them, talk to them, and actually share things about myself to them instead of just being a listener.
I think the biggest characteristics of a close relationship is how little you have to explain yourself to the other person, they just get it and accept you, and you don’t have to waste time explaining why you do every single little thing, and get to talk about and focus on other things.

-How do you know that you are a moral person? Where do you draw your morality from? Do you believe others should share your beliefs on what's moral? Why?
I wouldn’t say I’m particularly moral. I’m not immoral, but I do think morals are subjective and situational, so I think by definition if I think morals are malleable, I’m not a “moral” person by popular definition.
I would say my morality comes internally, but obviously some of it is shaped by external things like culture. Like don’t steal, kill, etc.
My morals will be different from other people’s. I do think a lot of the morals I have are so general and common that it’d be messed up if people didn’t share them, but some of them are just based on me personally so I wouldn’t expect other people to uphold them, even though I want that.

-Someone you care about is acting distant to you. How do you know when this attitude is a reflection of your relationship?
I assume it is immediately, and that I did something to cause it to be distant.
-How can you tell someone has the potential to be a successful person? What qualities make a successful person and why?
This one’s a little hard because it’s such an intuitive thing that takes so many factors into account and just turns it into a “feeling” (like gut feeling). I guess broken down it comes down to their characteristics like follow through, work ethic, how they work with other people, their self confidence, their intelligence, their problem solving, their general attitude, etc. If you have all that, you have a very good foundation to bob and weave with life when it throws its punches, and you can adapt and overcome.

-Where would you start when looking for a new hobby? How do you find new opportunities and how do you choose which would be best?
I constantly have new hobbies, and I can hardly remember where I looked to find them. The internet is a beautiful thing, it exposes you to so much without you even realizing it. If it doesn’t just come to you naturally, you can literally just go online and ask people what hobbies they have and to describe them, and you can choose from those and try them.
I’m not sure I go looking for new opportunities, but I guess keep an ear out for the possibilities when they come up. It’s also hard to say how I figure out which one is the best, I think it’s whichever one gets me the most bang for my buck, whether it’s in a job and that’s financial or if it’s in a hobby and that’s with fulfillment.

-How do you interpret the following statement: "Ideas don't need to be feasible in order to be worthwhile." Do you agree or disagree, and why?
Seems reasonable. Whatever idea someone has, even if it doesn’t work itself, can spark something else that WOULD be feasible. All ideas are worthwhile for their potential, even if all they do is help another idea along the path to feasibility.

-Describe your thought process when relating the following ideas: swimming, chicken, sciences. Do you think that others would draw the same or different connections?
I just think of a chicken swimming and a dude in a labcoat with a clipboard. I don’t think other people would draw the same connections, brains are weird and different.

-How would you summarize the qualities that are essential to who you are? What kind of potential in you has yet to be actualized and why?
I would say curiosity and willingness to learn are the most essential qualities of mine. On a real level, I feel a lot of the time like a lot of my potential has yet to be actualized for fun mental reasons. I think that’s true for a lot of human beings though, most people have a lot of potential, it’s just not tapped into or channeled properly.
-How do people change? Can you describe how various events change people? Can others see those changes?
I think every little thing in life changes you as you live, like that butterfly flapping its wings causing a typhoon halfway across the world. You are in a constant state of flux, you’re always evolving. That being said, there are events that will change a person drastically and quickly. Going through something traumatic will make a dramatic, sudden change, like in evolution how there are random gene mutations instead of just slow and steady natural selection.
I guess it depends on how closely they’re paying attention, and if they’re the kind of people who believe people change. You can usually tell when a person has been through let’s say something traumatic, they just have an air about them. Now add in if you knew them before whatever happened, happened, then for sure you’d be able to see those changes.

-How do you feel and experience time? Can time be wasted? How?
Time is one constant stream that we are all always in and always riding. I feel it quite well, and I have a good sense of time. My belief is that your time is the only thing that’s truly yours, and to really value it as much as you can.
I do think you can waste time, yes. It doesn’t make it not worthwhile, but there are ways to use your time well and there are ways to run out the clock. You don’t have to fill every second of every day with something “productive” (dear please god don’t, that’s exhausting), but you do want to try and make it meaningful in some sort of way at least.

-Is there anything that cannot be described with words? What is it? If so, how can we understand what it is if language does not work?
Of course! That’s essentially intuition. It’s such a hard thing to grasp, but everyone experiences it. How do you just know and feel something is off about a situation? It’s probably about a million different things happening that your brain is taking in subconsciously and making decisions for in nanoseconds, and all you’re feeling from all that processing is “spidey senses tingling”.
Things like spirituality also can’t really be explained with words. I’ve tried to talk to people to understand their feelings behind it (I’m an atheist because I’ve never felt that or understood it, so it fascinates me and I like learning about it), but it’s such an amorphous and personal thing, it can’t really be reduced to words. It’s just a feeling, not like an emotion, but more like that gut feeling.
For those two concepts at least, they can be at least somewhat understood because it’s an almost universal experience. That being said, both are such subjective experiences that there are so many shades and nuances that can’t be explained, we can all just try our best to understand. There have been wars fought over these misunderstandings, though, so it’s not like it’s a perfect system.

-How do you anticipate events unfolding? How can you observe such unfoldments in your environment?
Hm, by understanding what’s happened in the past either with those same set of circumstances, or at least generally similar ones. Take into account the context, variables, people involved, what’s different, etc., and make your best educated guess. It’s something that occupies my mind, tying back into the question about how I feel time. I feel it all the time since I’m always in it, so I’m always trying to think about how one thing evolves into the next. Might as well think about it, since it’s going to happen anyway.
I observe them as they happen.

-In what situations is timing important? How do you know the time is right to act? How do you feel about waiting for the right moment?
Literally every single situation timing is important, I don’t know how else to say it. It’s kind of everything, honestly. It’s hard to explain how to know what the right time to act is, it ties back into the gut feeling and “spidey sense”. It just makes sense. I’d always rather wait for the right moment and have something go correctly than rush things and ruin them because I was too impatient.
This last one was the most interesting to answer, for sure!
****************************** Thank you for the read, and I'm looking forward to hearing feedback!

submitted by vinegarxhoney to Socionics [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:06 thatseriouslyoddguy [A World in the Palm of my Hands] Chapter 2: Crap

First Patreon Royal Road is up to chapter 30!
That was all he heard before Noah slipped into the dark, inky, blackness of unconsciousness.
While he was passed out, Noah dreamt of a war. A war where he, by his lonesome was standing up against a whole army numbering in the millions yet, he wasn’t losing. He cast spells repeatedly as if he had an infinite mana pool to draw form, he cast a fireball the size of a two-story house that decimated the enemy by the thousands. He cast tornadoes that wreaked havoc on the enemy formations. He cast an ice wall akin to the great wall of China that forced the enemy army to funnel in from a limited number of points where he cast massive firestorms and lightning strikes.
He felt like a God among mere mortals, invincible and yet, he felt that he was missing something. That’s right the blue marble, the pseudo-planet that popped out of nowhere and came into his hands. He summoned it and out came an army of his own, an army composed of humans and beasts of all shapes and sizes. But then he heard something “Noah!” he looked around but found no one who was calling out to him, as if on cue, he felt something shake, it started with his vision but he then felt the earth beneath his feet quake “NOAH! WAKE UP!”
Noah woke up with a start and immediately sat up to see Mark struggling on the ground with a wolf on top of him trying to bite his head off. “Mark what the fuck is happening?!” Noah said as he blinked repeatedly, his newly woken up brain still processing what was going on.
“NO TIME TO EXPLAIN, GET THIS WOLF OFF OF ME” Mark shouted back at the top of his lungs
“OKAY, OKAY. FIREBALL!” Noah hurriedly tried to cast the fireball spell but nothing happened except a small spark that petered out and disappeared as soon as it came. ”WHAT THE FUCK”
Noah hurriedly got up and kicked the wolf off of his cousin and continued kicking its head in, a moment later Mark got up and joined in on the beatdown. Blood and brains flew as they kicked and grunted, not stopping until both were entirely sure that it was dead.
[You have successfully killed [Wolf - lvl 1]
Noah and Mark both stopped mid-stomp when the notification appeared in their vision. They were breathing heavily after having beaten the poor wolf when Noah said “Mind explaining what just happ…” he didn’t get to finish what he was saying when another notification appeared in his vision.
[Congratulations on killing your first life form! You now have access to your status screen, just say or think “Status” in order to view it]
Noah and Mark looked at each other as if to confirm that they were seeing the same thing, they both nodded with a tacit agreement to discuss later after viewing their statuses. After that, they practically said at the same time “Status”
[Name: Noah Blake] [Class: Elementalist(EPIC)] Level: 1] [Subclass: N/A] [Guild: N/A] [Mana: 40] [Stamina: 14] [Strength: 8] [Dexterity: 11] [Constitution: 7] [Intelligence: 20] [Regeneration: 15]
“Okay my intelligence and regeneration are through the roof! I’m really well and truly made to be a mage, no doubt about it. But I wonder why I couldn’t conjure that fireball earlier hmmm, let’s try this then”
**Analyze(lvl 1)Analyze anything and everything in the world (results only limited by its level) Mana Manipulation(lvl 1)Manipulate the mana within and outside of your body to do your bidding (amount of mana that can be manipulated scales with level) Mana Sense(lvl 1)Sense all particles of mana in a 1 meter radius around you (scales with level) Fire Manipulation(lvl 1)Manipulate fire according to your will (unique spells can be made and discovered depending on usage and level) Water Manipulation(lvl 1)Manipulate water according to your will (unique spells can be made and discovered depending on usage and level) Earth Manipulation(lvl 1)Manipulate earth according to your will (unique spells can be made and discovered depending on usage and level) Air Manipulation(lvl 1)Manipulate air according to your will (unique spells can be made and discovered depending on usage and level)**
“I guess that answers that question, although I have the manipulation skill, I don’t have the fireball skill itself so I still need to discover how to do it myself, how hard can it possibly be?”
Noah activated the fire manipulation spell and conjured a flame on his hand the size of a flame from a small lighter, he checked his mana pool and saw that it decreased by one point. He tried imagining and projecting his will on the flame, mentally telling it to form into a ball shape, it worked and waited but no notification came. “Okay how about I increase the amount of mana going into the ball” and he did just that, he gradually increased the amount of mana, constantly checking his mana pool when finally on the tenth point of mana he finally got that oh so sweet notification.
[You have acquired the spell [Fireball] You have also unlocked the Spells window, think or say “Spells” to access]
“Cool now that I know how to do that the other basic elemental spells should be a breeze”
Noah was just about to continue tinkering with spells when he remembered that they just killed a wolf that somehow got inside of the apartment building. He looked to his cousin and started speaking “So Mark what uhh, happened back there? How did that wolf even get in here? I didn’t even know that there were wolves in this part of the world”
“Beats me” Mark said with a shrug “I was just watching over you while you were asleep because I was worried, that’s when I heard scratching at the door, I opened to check what was making all the noise when that wolf just pounced on me, the rest of the story you can pretty much fill in yourself since you were awake at the time.”
“How long was I out anyway?
“Around 3hrs total I guess? I’m just going off how long it felt because the phones stopped working after that whole ordeal earlier and I don’t have a watch”
Noah hurriedly checked his phone and sure enough it wouldn’t turn on. Then he noticed that despite the bright moonlight coming in from the window the light fixtures in the room were all off “So I’m guessing the electricity is out too?”
“Yup, pretty much anything electrical looks like. Probably because of the whole, I don’t know, the FUCKING apocalypse” Mark said with an annoyed yet tired sigh “I was supposed to be a doctor you know, well I guess I became the next best thing, I got a healer class out of all that, an uncommon version of it anyway. That’s what I was going to say when you asked before we were rudely interrupted by that blue marble that popped out of nowhere. What was that anyway?”
Noah thought about what he was going to say, could he just come out and say that he’s now the proud owner of a whole pseudo-planet. What was he going to do with a planet anyway? Throw it at people? He vaguely remembered his dream where his very own army came out of the small marble but was that even possible? Was it all just a dream, or was it something more? In a world of magic, anything was possible so maybe that really was a dream about the possible future. “Fuck it, I’ll just come clean, he’s family after all and if you can’t trust family, who can you trust?”
“Well, it’s kind of complicated but basically, I’m now the owner of a whole planet… ehem… pseudo-planet to be exact. That’s what that blue marble was anyway, still don’t know how it works or what I can even do with it. I was a bit busy absorbing the information that, we just saw the world end, expand and got classes then I passed out so I didn’t really have the time to examine it any closer.”
“True, too much has happened today” Mark said incredulously “But still, a whole planet huh… wonder what else is possible in this new world”
“Yeah, but first, let’s make sure the main entrance down stairs is closed before we discuss more so that we won’t wake up tomorrow to some random beast knocking on our doors again.”
Noah and Mark went down the stairs and made sure that all entrances whether it be doors or windows were all closed and locked before they went back up to the tenth floor and chose the room furthest from the stairs. They pulled two chairs in front of each other then sat down.
“Okay, let’s lay everything out and summarize so we can decide on our priorities. First, the apocalypse, we’ve apparently got an alien invasion from some “Old Gods” but the system or whatever it’s called contained the invasion gates and turned them into dungeons so it might be safe to say that the System is on our side or at the very least, on the opposite side of the Old Gods. Then the Earth transformed because of the mana core activation thing. Then we received classes, I got the EPIC rated class Elementalist by the way and can pretty much manipulate the 4 elements like in Avatar but I have to discover the specific spells before I can cast anything, that’s why only a spark came out when I said fireball earlier with the wolf”
“Then you got a planet” Mark said with a smirk, trying to lighten the mood
“Then I got a planet” Noah said with a smug smirk
“Anyway, an EPIC class huh? Guess I’m sticking with you because from my experience with games, a healer can’t really solo anything, especially the apocalypse.” Mark said self-deprecatingly
“Come on don’t say it like that Mark, you’re probably going to save my life one of these days. Remember that wolf had a level? I’m guessing that humans aren’t the only ones that can level up now so having our own healer is going to be MASSIVE for us and our survival.”
“Yeah, you’re right. I’m just… It’s just so hard to absorb all this…” Mark said with a sigh. He noticed that he’d been sighing a lot lately but what could he do except sigh and accept the situation? At least he has an ally, no, he had family, in this new world where society has collapsed, having someone you can trust with your back was going to be priceless. He could only imagine what kind of atrocities his fellow humans would do to each other now that the old world’s law and order has gone down the drain. “People did some fucked up shit even before the apocalypse, how much more now?”
Noah looked at his cousin sigh for the nth time today and couldn’t help but also sigh. “Come on Mark, I know the world as we knew it is over now but think on the bright side, we’ve got magic now and a new world full of…, yes, it may be filled with dangers but it’s also filled with wonders, wonders we can only imagine.” He said with a bit of hope and a twinkle in his eyes.
Mark chuckled at Noah’s expression and said “Yeah, you’re right. With how random mountains just grew out of the ground around us, we can only imagine how much the rest of the world changed”
“There are probably a new set of places in the world more beautiful than the past seven wonders of the world with how everything is so much… more… now that there’s mana. If games and novels were anything to go by, who knows, maybe there are floating islands out there, can you imagine that?” Noah excitedly said, wanderlust practically oozing from his words
“Woah there cowboy, I completely understand where you’re coming from but I’ve got blood and brains all over me. First, let’s take a bath then turn in for the night and discuss more tomorrow.” Mark said while looking at the blood and bits of brain matter with a disgusted look on his face
Noah glanced at his blood-soaked shoes and pants with distaste and said “Yeah, let’s do that. You go first, I’ll keep watch out here in case some random thing comes and tries to eat us again”
“Good idea, we should probably sleep in the same room too so we can react in a more timely manner if ever the worst happens, anyway I’ll shower first then” Mark went to the bathroom and turned on the shower but nothing happened “Crap”
“Is something the matter Mark?” Noah called out
“Yeah, there’s no running water”
submitted by thatseriouslyoddguy to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:20 thatseriouslyoddguy [A World in the Palm of my Hands] Chapter 1: Apocalypse

Patreon Royal road is up to chapter 30! Next
"Well fuck, it really is in the middle of nowhere" Noah said as he looked out upon the kilometers of nothing but forest surrounding his newly inherited apartment building "Who would even want to live out here, 10km from even the very edge of the nearest city" He really couldn't wrap his head around the idea of an apartment building 10km into dense forest and so far away from the city, seeing as how he lived all his life in the city or at the very least, in towns.
"Oh you'd be surprised Noah, lots of people want to get away from the hustle and bustle of the cities yet at the same time still live close enough so they can still work there!" A man came up the stairs to the roof deck while holding a cooler and said. Noah looked at the familiar man's face and said "Mark, is that you? Holy shit it's been too long cousin! I thought I was alone here today"
"You had me worried for a bit there you little shit, I almost thought you wouldn't remember the guy you used to wrestle with when we were kids" Mark said with a breath of relief, it had been years since they'd seen each other because Noah went to school in an Ivy league university in a different country all together, that was until he dropped out a year later stating that he just didn't feel the passion any more.
"Me? Wrestle with you? No no no my dear little cousin Mark, I think you're misremembering, those were all one sided beatings!" Noah said with a smug smile on his face
"Yeah yeah, whatever you say you little shit. Anyway, quite the view huh?"
Noah turned his head to the kilometers of forest and the setting sun and said in wonder "If you mean the magical sunset over the forest and the lights from the buildings out in the distance then yes, it really is quite the view"
While Noah was looking at the sunset, Mark sat down on one of the lounge chairs and took out a cold beer from the cooler, offered one to Noah and joined him in admiring the view. They just sat there in silence for a few minutes while the sun set when suddenly, dark red light columns erupted out of the ground in several places in the horizon. "Huh?" Noah stood up abruptly and blinked his eyes as if trying to reset his vision, he turned his head to Mark to confirm if he was seeing the same thing but all he saw was Mark staring off to the distance with wide disbelieving eyes. If the red light columns weren't enough a blue screen suddenly appeared in the middle of his vision.
Noah reached out with his hand in a bid to touch the blue window but it did nothing but pass through, he looked to Mark and asked "Are you seeing the things I'm seeing Mark?"
"You mean the red light columns and the weird blue screen you usually see in those games, manhwas and webnovels?"
"Yup, so at least I'm not going crazy"
[Scan complete... Old Gods invasion detected...]
"Old Gods? Like Cthulu or something? Noah couldn't believe his eyes, "what did all this even mean? Mark was also seeing the same things so this is either some very elaborate and high tech movie shoot or this really is THE Apocalypse happening right in front of our eyes. Why now? Just when I thought i could live a cushy life from the money I'd get as the landlord of this apartment building"
[Containing spatial gates and converting into dungeons...]
"Oh so I guess those light columns were invasion gates or something and now they're apparently dungeons. Why yes of course! It all makes sense now! Not! This is just getting better and better" Noah thought with an exasperated sigh. He'd never thought that the end of the world would ever be like this. What pandemic? What meteor to end all life? What zombie apocalypse? Nope, it came in the form of an invasion from some Old Gods he knew nothing about and dungeons, fucking dungeons. Are there gonna be classes and shit too now?! Ok, that might actually be pretty cool. Please let there be classes and magic!
[Scanning Human(Earth) Noah Blake for inherent talents and skills...]
"Talents and skills! Yes! Magic! This might turn out to be not so bad after all. I never really thought I belonged in the old world anyway" He thought as he read the words on the blue screen. Suddenly the earth quaked, no, it was as if the whole world was shaking and changing. Another blue screen came into existence in front of Noah's eyes as if to answer the budding questions in his mind.
The earth and even the air started to vibrate and he watched with wide eyes as the city gradually went farther and farther away as if the space in between his apartment and the city or maybe the ground itself was expanding. Then, as if by magic a mound of earth started to form around his building, then another, and another, until his building was completely surrounded by mountains, a forest and a small river that formed along the only path that cut through the valley without going up the mountains. In a blink of an eye the whole geography of what he assumed was the whole planet morphed and changed into something unrecognizable.
Then out of nowhere something happened, something magical, it was as if a wave of fresh air, or maybe something more washed over land. The air was fresher, the grass and leaves greener, and the moon appeared fuller.
[Inherent Talents and Skills Scan Complete... Detected Talent [Magic]... Detected Talent [Mana Affinity]... Detected Skill [Analyze]... Detected Skill [Mana Sense]... Generating Class choices...]
"HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT IT'S HAPPENING! I'M GONNA BE A FIRE BALL SLINGING BADASS" Noah thought as he did a fist pump "no wonder I never felt that i belonged, there was obviously no mana, but now that there is... the possibilities are endless" He then looked over to Mark and noticed that rather than a happy expression he only saw a confused look on Mark's face "Yeah that's definitely more of a normal reaction. I'm just weird, not the norm" He always thought that he was weird, although he was never an outcast, he just never felt like he belonged anywhere or with anyone for that matter. He only had a very small and tight knit group of friends, the same friends he's had since he was a kid.
[Due to your high talent in the Arcane arts you have been given 11 choices: Basic Mage Researcher Intermediate Mage Fire Mage Water Mage Earth Mage Air Mage Light Mage Darkness Mage Adept Mage Elementalist Choose wisely as this will affect your whole life from here on out.]
"If it wasn't game like before then it's certainly game like now, this system even follows the rarity color coding in games... Well I didn't expect to be presented with so many choices from the start, hmmm... First I need to know what I'll be getting if and when I choose a class" He tried to focus on the first choice hoping that the system would somehow understand and show him the details he needed. "Lets start with the basic mage class"
[Basic Mage(Common) Often known as the mother of all mage classes. A versatile class that starts with a basic form of the elemental ball spell of each basic element]
"Huh... Short and concise, can't really complain when its called basic mage after all" He mentally disregarded the researcher class as he didn't want to be stuck doing research while there was a literal invasion going on in the world. "Ok now on to the good part" he focused on intermediate mage, willing for a description to appear.
[Intermediate Mage(Uncommon) The next step in the generalist mage line of classes. A versatile class that starts with an adept level form of the elemental bullet spell of each basic element]
"Yeah so pretty much what I thought it would be, just a step up from the basic mage class"
[Fire Mage(Uncommon) A specialized mage class veering towards the element of fire. Starts with the fireball and fire bullet spell, also grants the Talent [Basic Fire Affinity] which boosts all fire element spells by 1% at level 1]
"Specializing is obviously more powerful when compared to being a generalist, but as much as i want to sling fireballs at enemies, I just can't bring myself to lock my path into only fire forever. I want to conjure water out of thin air, manipulate the earth to do my bidding, use wind to cut stuff up and still be able to sling fireballs at anything that's a threat, maybe I could even reach the point where I can teleport around, hehe. Besides, my Talent says [Magic] not any particular element, but [Magic] as a whole" Noah thought as he looked at the description of his class choices "Okay, now I can pretty much guess what the other descriptions will say so lets go on to the last choice"
[Elementalist(EPIC) A versatile class proficient in the manipulation of all 4 basic elements and has the potential to manipulate other elements with the granted Skill [Mana Manipulation]
"Well that settles it then" Noah didn't hesitate any further and chose Elementalist as his class.
[You have chosen Elementalist(EPIC) as your class and have received the following Talents and Skills Talents: [Fire Affinity], [Water Affinity], [Earth Affinity], [Air Affinity] Skills: [Fire Manipulation], [Water Manipulation], [Earth Manipulation], [Air Manipulation], [Mana Manipulation]
Like a torrent, information flooded his mind and forced him to sit down and hold his head in pain. The sheer amount of information forced into his mind was, for lack of a better term, mind boggling. But after a couple of minutes the pain finally subsided and he could stand up again just in time to see the red light columns dim and wink out of existence "I guess that means the system finally finished making those dungeons huh Mark" after a couple of seconds of silence from Mark, Noah looked to his cousin and noticed that he was sitting down and clutching his head obviously he just picked his own class too. After waiting a few minutes for his cousin to finish, Noah asked him "So what class did you get?"
"Oh I got an Uncommon version of the He..."
Before Mark could finish what he was saying, the space right above Noah's head started to warp and distort as if something was trying to get through. Then, something did, a blue marble the size of a lemon popped out and floated in front of Noah, he reached out to grab it and surprisingly enough the marble let him. It even flew nearer as if to make his job of grabbing it easier. When the marble finally made contact with his hand a blue screen popped up in his vision.
[Divine Artifact Detected... Pseudo-Planet has bonded with host [Noah Blake]... Congratulations! Legendary Title [Divine Pioneer] has been awarded]
"What the fuck just happened?" Noah said as all he could feel was confusion, one moment he was asking his cousin what class he got and the next, he apparently now was bonded with a pseudo-planet, whatever that was and then he was also awarded a Legendary Title
Noah suddenly felt very tired, he didn't know if it was because of the Divine artifact bonding to him or because today was the apocalypse but his joy from imagining himself slinging fireballs faded as he just wanted to lie down and sleep for an indefinite period of time. He looked to Mark and said "Let's talk about all this after we get some sleep, seeing as how there aren't any dungeons close by I'm guessing that we won't be in any immediate danger. I'm tired as hell from all that so later yeah?"
"Yeah let's do that, I'm also feeling pretty overwhelmed at the moment, a nap to clear the mind would do wonders right now."
Mark walked after Noah towards the stairs when he noticed that Noah was kind of wobbling, he couldn't quite properly put his feet under him. "Noah you okay?" he saw Noah holding on to the railing of the stairs "Yeah I'm just..." Noah replied as he slowly but surely fainted and collapsed to the ground.
submitted by thatseriouslyoddguy to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:24 StillChillTrill Men in Black and Marvel SAIC and False Claims Act Settlements

Men in Black and Marvel SAIC and False Claims Act Settlements
Hello and thanks for reading.
Recently, Rep. Anna Paulina Luna mentioned she was "men-in-blacked". I find the MIB to be fascinating as a peripheral phenomenon to UAPs. Not only do they produce absolute bangers, but they are also one of the most obscure elements of this whole thing. Everyone appears to disagree on what they are (which is by design), it's even more interesting when you consider how long MIB sightings have occurred and the fact that it's not a US centric phenomenon. Many others have done extensive (and grounded) research into the MIB phenomenon and have arrived at interesting conclusions (paraphrased):
It becomes evident that encounters with the Men in Black can be broadly categorized into two types. The first implies interest from government entities in gathering information from witnesses and ensuring silence. The second type of encounter tends to manifest promptly after a UFO sighting. Numerous documented cases substantiate this distinction, suggesting a blend of both types of encounters. Once again, the UFO phenomenon appears to highlight its connection with our consciousness.
I don't know what the MIB are, I've never met one. But I think OP of this post is probably correct in that it's many things all at once. Funny how our perception creates that conundrum in all areas of our lives huh?! A user asked an interesting question months ago:
Is it possible that these men are working for the DoE (Department of Energy)?
I thought this was a fascinating theory, especially since you have people like Jonathan Weygandt stating that DOE was present at the Peru 1997 Crash. I know some have pointed toward CIA Office of Global Access, they've also said it's ex-military members employed by private aerospace, others have said it's the US Airforce Special Operations, some say JSOC is involved, at this point, who isn't?
I don't purport to know who the MIB are, but I think we can arrive at a mutual conclusion. In reality, it could be any entity with the capability of purchasing suits and hired guns if a need arose? The boogieman already exists, why not use it if you needed to? Truthfully, it aligns with the tactic utilized most often in this topic: Hide things in plain sight by adding to the discourse.
I had no idea MIB was one of Marvel's first big successes. I find it fascinating that recent documentaries and rumblings have many parallels to Marvel's Hydra story about Nazi's running a shadow government in the US. This Netflix documentary is called the Octopus Murders. In the Marvel universe, this is the fictional evil Nazi org Hydra's logo:
Post WWII, Operation Paperclip injected Nazi scientists/military/businessman into many positions of great authority across America.
The easiest example to highlight is Werner Von Braun, one of the developers of the V-2 Rocket. He eventually got an awesome job at NASA, and helped design the Apollo Saturn V. According to his Wikipedia Page. He worked with Walt Disney on a series of films, which popularized the idea of human space travel in the U.S. and beyond from 1955 to 1957. Would it surprise you that the military and intelligence community consult on media projects from time to time?
I wonder if he ever shared any multiverse ideas that sat in Disney's idea vault until the Marvel purchase?
As I dug into the history of some institutions, there appeared to be a significant amount of overlap between individuals implicated in the UFO coverup and Nazism. I also find it interesting that some of the content creators close to the UFO/UAP/NHI topic are beginning to speak on this specific aspect: Nazism in the early days of America's Intelligence apparatus and MIC.
My first question when I began to look into this topic was, "How on earth could they fund this?" no pun intended. Then I remembered how ridiculous of a question that was. We may not know where the money is, but somebody does. And it's a lot of money. When I say "a lot," I mean literally tons and tons of money. When I began pondering the avenues for funding based on the implied economic scale, I felt that it would need to be more complex than just misappropriations of funds.
This would have to involve points in time where people knowledgeable of the program had total control over the legislation that's passed. This would enable smart people to alter the financial, legal, and tax environments over time in a way that facilitated this funding. Grusch said the Manhattan Project framework was used for the UFO reverse engineering program. The primary architects of the Manhattan Project seem to be in close proximity to UFO related incidents during that era. Read this post for more information on the tendrils the high-ranking members of the Manhattan Project had in all thing's nuclear development post WWII.
The Manhattan project is the easiest example to point to when people challenge the possibility of secrets at scale. It cost billions, employed hundreds of thousands, and was funded without the general populace knowing what was going on. Most people think of the Manhattan Project because of the bomb, but when I think about the Manhattan Project, I think about public utilities (TVA) declaring eminent domain on land that was identified as the build site for Oak Ridge National Laboratories.
It's been long said that these secrets were buried in nuclear power legislation, but from my perspective, it appears that the government has actually been picking apart this onion from many angles. Alot of the fun stuff has been going on since the early 2000's. According to the Justice Department, False Claims Acts are a serious issue. There is quite the Venn diagram of companies implicated in UFO claims over the years, and some of the companies that have FCA settlements. Just last year, the Dept of Justice busted Booz Allen Hamilton in one of the largest procurement fraud cases ever.
Defense contractors' partner on business all the time. Defense contractors sometimes cheat the system when they partner like that. It's extra serious when government employees are involved, like the ones identified in that link. According to that article that was last updated September of 2014, The Justice Department's total recoveries in False Claims Act cases since January 2009 exceeded $7.8 billion.
That particular SAIC case changed the game:
"The SAIC case also raised the issue of how to apply the False Claims Act’s scienterstandard to corporate entities. A person can be liable under the statute for making false claims only if one has knowledge of their falsity. Under the False Claims Act"
Later in that link:
The False Claims Act does not impose liability on those who make innocent mistakes or are simply negligent. However, when dealing with corporate defendants, drawing the line between “negligence” and “deliberate ignorance” of information can be difficult. As the SAIC court recognized, there may be situations where corporate managers have intentionally structured their organizations so that certain employees will not learn certain information, allowing the corporation plausible deniability against charges of fraud.
Here's SAIC settling for 5.75 million in 2013. Here's 11.75 million more in 2013. It was a busy time, they had a lot going on with the company splitting into Leidos and SAIC. Here's SAIC getting dinged another 6 million in 2020. They have been involved in quite a few of these types of settlements. It certainly makes you wonder what the DOJ is investigating SAIC for this time.
The company's first contract was to analyze nuclear weapons.
SAIC was founded in 1969 with less than half a dozen employees and a $10,000 capital injection. SAIC grew to be one of the largest employee-owned companies in America. Beyster revolutionized business by building a company based on a wild premise, it would be owned by it's employees, not it's investors. Allowing little external oversight in how funds we're being used. No earnings calls, no need to disclose what's being worked on. He even wrote the book on employee-ownership. He popularized terms like "radical transparency". Robert Beyster (SAIC's founder) was really interesting, he wasn't a traditional CEO in many ways. He didn't believe in long-term planning.
Instead of wasting time with multi-year roadmaps and PowerPoint presentations, Beyster relied on his instinct and that of his workforce. When a promising business opportunity came along, SAIC would open a temporary new office close to the clients to help a division win the business. If all went according to plan, the office would become permanent. If not, it would be dissolved, and its people would start hunting for new opportunities on fresh ground.
When Beyster left in 2004, the progressive culture went with him. Within 18 months, SAIC went for an IPO. It was transformed into public company; its entrepreneurial and ownership culture — the key driver of success for all those years — was dismantled.
Robert Beyster was a huge proponent for Nuclear Energy. The University of Michigan's Nuclear Engineering Laboratory facilities are dedicated to his legacy. It's difficult to find much online about his pre-SAIC days but maybe someone has time to visit these archives and see what's there. Here's a few paragraphs from this link.
As he prepared to graduate from high school, the United States entered World War II, and he enlisted in the Navy. He was sent by the Navy to the University of Michigan, where he was enrolled in the V12 Officer Training Program. He was commissioned as an ensign, and eventually served on a destroyer based in Norfolk, Virginia, before leaving the service six months later. He received his BSE in engineering and physics (1945), and master’s (1947) and doctorate (1950) degrees in physics, from the University of Michigan.
In the early 1950s, Dr. Beyster worked briefly for the Westinghouse Atomic Power Division on the company’s nuclear submarine program. He soon followed many of his college associates to New Mexico to work as a research physicist at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, where he met his wife to be, Betty Jean Brock. The couple were married in Austin, Texas, in September 1955. In 1957, Bob joined General Atomic in La Jolla, as chair of the Accelerator Physics Department, where his research on neutron thermalization led him to co­author the book Slow Neutron Scattering and Thermalization (with D.E. Parks, M.S. Nelkin, and N.F. Wikner; Addison Wesley Longman, 1970).
In 1969 Dr. Beyster raised money to start SAIC by investing the proceeds from selling stock he had received from General Atomic, combined with funds raised from the early employees who bought stock in the young enterprise. Initially, the company’s focus was on projects for the US government related to nuclear power and weapons effects study programs. As SAIC grew, Dr. Beyster fought to preserve the values that had made the young company successful—employee ownership, entrepreneurship, a flexible and decentralized organizational structure, technical excellence, high standards of ethical conduct, and a firm belief in customer service.
He was a member of the National Academy of Engineering, a fellow of the American Physical Society, and served the US Strategic Command Strategic Advisory Group. He also served as chair emeritus of the board of directors of the UC San Diego Foundation. The Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) designated Dr. Beyster an Honorary Program Manager for his distinguished contributions to the agency over his career.
Men in Black and Marvel
Operation Paperclip brought Nazis to America. They infiltrated high-level positions in the government, military, and intelligence apparatus, and then they used their authority to obfuscate information, consolidate power, and ultimately direct the development of technology, industry, and economy in this country. Disney and Werner Von Braun worked together to shape American understanding of space. I find it interesting that Marvel also founded the MIB franchise.
SAIC and False Claims Act Settlements
Employee-owned companies like SAIC allowed facilitation of R&D without exposing financial information that would raise eyebrows. ESOP would allow enough obfuscation to be able to hide things internally since the financials don't need to be reported, as a private company. They even admitted that design was intentional for that exact reason in court. When they went public, they started being hit with the FCA cases.
submitted by StillChillTrill to UFOs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:13 Money-Independence-3 I got a job as a security guard, something is under the warehouse.

When I first took this job, I never could have predicted what would happen. After all the years of training and the experiences that I have had throughout my life, I am pretty good at being prepared for the worst. But before I begin this story, a little bit about myself.
I was a bit of a troubled child some might say. I lost both my parents to a car accident when I was 2. After that, I bounced from foster home to foster home. I blame it on the system. Almost every foster home I was put in was terrible. The parents were only doing it for the money and barely took care of the foster children. And when Social Services came, you think they listened to the children? No. But, I took on a personality that did help throughout this time. I decided that I wouldn't take shit from anyone. When some of the foster homes' actual children tried to bully me or other foster kids, they very quickly learned not to after several broken bones. In addition, I took this attitude to the public schools. Bullies would pick on the weak, and they would suddenly have broken noses and fingers. But, since it was the public school the bullies were not punished. Only me. However when the bullies would see me or get close to their victims while I was around they would quickly go the other way. This went on for the entirety of my youth. I never had a plan for my life. All I knew was that I was unwanted anywhere, and had nowhere to go. But one day, I was passing by the living room, and I saw a commercial on the tv that changed my life's course. It was an ad to join the United States Marine Corps. After this, I found a new purpose for my life. Unfortunately I was 15 at the time. But I immediately started training myself physically and mentally for this new course. I studied at the public library since I wasn't allowed to use the foster home's computer. I started working out at the high school's gym after class. And finally at 18 I joined the Corps. The next 8 years were the best of my life. After boot camp, MCT (Marine Combat Training), and SOI (School of Infantry) I soon learned about the Raiders. Which is Marine Corps special forces. I immediately put in for it and got selected. I was able to go to several foreign countries and fight many battles. All of my fellow Marines were the greatest family I ever had. Once I was at the end of my second enlistment I decided it was time for me to enter the civilian world again. At that time, we had a bad mission and I lost my closest friends. So I did what anybody in this situation does. I found a reasonably inexpensive apartment and drank excessively for the next month. Once I felt that my liver had been well punished, I began searching for a job. Now, money was not an issue for me at this time. I had plenty in savings to last most people a couple of years. While I was in the military, I never really bought anything since I knew I would be traveling all over. I also still had money saved from the insurance when my parents passed all those years ago that I refused to spend. So I tried finding a job that I would fit into given my skill sets. After some time I found what I was looking for. It was a position within a security company that provides its services to companies in both the private sector as well as government facilities. I immediately applied and got accepted. For the next year after this, I was able to complete some training required for the job and bought my own house in Nevada. I worked as a fill in guard for multiple high ranking officials here and there within my state. But one day, I was given a position that would alter my perception of reality forever.
“John!” my boss bellowed as he entered the locker room. I had been getting my gear, body armor, and rifle ready to head to the meeting room. I look up and see this mountain of a man standing in the doorway with a large jolly smile on his face. “Got a job for you” he continued, waving a file in his hand. “What's the Job?” I asked while doing my best to give back a friendly grin. I've been told I’m not great at expressing my emotions. But I’ve been trying. “Well, good news. It's a government facility that needs a pair of guards.” My ears perked up as he said this. “Where at?” I asked with some excitement in my voice. “A warehouse in the desert just outside of the town where you live.” My shoulders drop a little with disappointment. “What sort of warehouse is it?” I ask. “It is a government funded science facility. Something about monitoring seismic activity in the area. During the evening, you and one other guard will be posted there to watch over the equipment.” I thought for a moment and I remembered the place he was talking about. About 5 miles from my home on the outskirts of town, there is a fenced off plot of land that has one large building out in the middle. I had always driven past it on the way to a rifle range and saw the no trespassing signs on the fence and didn't think much of it. “What's the uniform situation?” I ask. “Standard Polo, slacks, and duty belt.” “Body armor and weapons?” I asked, already feeling the boredom seeping in. “None required. You can wear soft armor if it makes you feel better. But there will be a locker with shotguns as a last resort. Aside from that, just your nightstick.” It is at this point I let out a disappointed sigh. After a long moment I look up and ask, “why did you pick me specifically for this position?” He looks at me with that unwavering smile and says, “well, nobody wanted to volunteer for it. So I decided to volun-tell the first person I saw this morning.” He leans over and gives me a strong pat on the back and walks out. I sigh again, take off my usual gear and just dress in the uniform he told me. I do grab my soft armor though. With my duty belt and the file in hand, I head to my SUV. Opening the file, there was the basic information about the warehouse and a padlock key labeled “Front gate”. I shake my head and begin my drive to this warehouse. Luckily, this place was in between home and our headquarters. So once I started this job, at least I wouldn't have to drive as much.
I pulled up to the gate and pulled out the key that was provided with the file. After entering and securing the gate, I look toward the building and see two vehicles parked out front. One large gray sedan and a red prius. Once I pulled up, a round looking man alongside a woman that was wearing our security uniform stepped out of the building and headed toward me. “Welcome!” the man said with a blinding smile. Man, these morning people really are something else. The woman approached me with an equally bright smile holding out her hand. “You must be my new partner. I'm Stacy. Nice to meet you.” “Likewise.” I said, shaking her hand and trying to put on my friendliest smile. Stacy, on first impressions, has a very friendly personality. She had fairly light brown hair and emerald green eyes. She stood roughly a foot shorter than myself, and her physique is slender and well toned while still being curved in a very attractive way. What caught my attention was the fact that, despite her size and stature, she carried herself with a sense of confidence while not trying to be overly imposing. The man that was there I could only describe as plump. He was about 2 inches shorter than Stacy. He had a balding head with a very poor attempt at a comb over. “Well then, Mr. Miller.” He said. “Just John is fine.” I responded. “Alright John. You can call me Bill. Now that we are acquainted, let's begin the tour.” He turned around and headed to the main entrance. Upon entering, I quickly identified the four quadcons and large mobile research vehicle parked in the center. There were dirty tire tracks leading from the large double doors to the vehicle. “Here is the research equipment you will be guarding. Every evening, once the scientists put their equipment away, you will be responsible for verifying that all of the locks are secured. The keys will be given to you and placed in a lockbox that is kept in your office.” Glancing to the right, I saw what I assumed to be our office. It was a small shack built into the side of the main building. Beckoning us toward it, Bill said, “and over here is where you will likely be spending most of your time.” In the office, there was a long desk with large windows looking out to the interior of the warehouse. At the back there was a small restroom that was surprisingly clean. And, what I was looking for, at the back corner was a locked green weapons locker that housed two Mossberg 500 pump action shotguns. Next to that was a small table with walkie talkies on charging stations. Above the charging station were two flat screen TVs with the video feed of security cameras monitoring both the inside and outside of the building. On the desk was a land line telephone, coffee pot, and a microwave. Underneath was a minifridge and a locking filing cabinet. Bill motioned to the cabinet, “This is where the keys to the storage units and truck will be kept with at least one of you having the key to it nearby. All the amenities are available to use, the AC works, and the chairs are comfy.” He grinned proudly like a child that had just finished his chores. “And if you'll follow me,” he said exiting the office door. As we followed, he went around the office shack where a side by side ATV was parked. Attached to it was a spot light on the front and an extra fuel container in the back. “This will be your steed” Bill says with exaggerated grandeur. “You will be able to use this to go around the compound if needed. Just log your driving so we know when the fuel needs to be replenished. Now, over here,” turning on his heel, he walked toward the opposite end of the warehouse. In this direction was a door labeled Janitors closet. Opening it, there were shelves of cleaning supplies, a push broom, and a wheeled bucket with a mop in it. “You can use these if you need to. There are cleaners that take care of the whole building during the day.” Well, at least we won't be doubling as janitors. Bill clapped his hands together, “do you have any questions?” He began walking back toward the office. “Do you get much disturbance out here that requires guarding?” I asked. “Well, the equipment and research is funded by the government. So they want to be sure nothing gets taken. As far as the disturbances, there are the occasional teenagers that try to sneak onto the property at night to do whatever teens do these days.” “What sort of research is being done here?” Stacy asked. We got back to the office and Bill leaned on the wall sweating and out of breath. “I don't know all the details. But it has something to do with monitoring the seismic readings in order to predict earthquakes or something. But I'm sure they can explain it better.” He pulled out a white cloth and wiped his head. I guess he used all his energy for the introduction. At that moment, we heard the crunching of graven as more vehicles pulled up outside. “Speak of the devil” Bill put the cloth away and looked at his watch. Through the window of the office the clock on the wall read nine in the morning. “If you follow me, we can meet the researchers.” For the next several minutes, we were introduced to the lead researcher Mike and his four grad students. Once introductions were finished, they loaded up the large truck and headed out to the desert. “Allright,” Bill said again, clapping. “You will be on guard during the night. Be here at six this evening. for the start of your shift. At six in the morning we will have two other guards relieve you during the day.” He headed over to the red Prius. “If you have any other questions, my cell number is in your files. Good luck” He hopped in and drove off leaving the two of us standing in front of the building. “Well,” Stacy said after a moment of silence. “I look forward to working with you, and I guess I'll see you tonight.” I nodded at this. “See you then.” We both left the site for the day. It turned out that Stacy and I both lived in the same town not too far apart. At least the company chose guards that live close to the site to save on driving.
The next four weeks were fairly uneventful. On the first night, we were able to talk with the researchers. Their explanation was the same as Bill had said. They were monitoring the seismic reading to predict earthquakes. But when the lead researcher said that, I got the sense that there was more to it. After some interrogation tips that I got from a CIA member that was stationed in Syria with me, I began to get good at knowing when someone was lying or withholding information. But, I didn't press the issue. If this was something more serious, there would be alot more security than two guards at a time with minimal equipment. After some deliberation with Stacy, we came up with a routine for our shifts. Every hour, one of us would take a walk around the inside of the warehouse. And every four hours one of us would take the ATV and do a patrol around the perimeter of the fence. The whole drive takes about twenty minutes. As far as issues during this time, not much happened. Every once in a while a camera would go down and one of us would check on it. After either jiggling the cable or just resetting it, the feed would go back to normal. There was one night that we noticed some teens outside of the fence seemingly daring each other to climb over. After revving the ATV and hitting them with the spotlight, they decided to leave. But during our shifts I did get to learn more about Stacy. She is a near polar opposite to me. She is very cheerful and chatty. From what she told me, I learned that she was mostly raised by her grandfather who was a police officer for the majority of his life. She had great respect for him before his passing. She wanted to be just like him with his sense of justice and strength. However, she decided to become private security instead of a police officer. I did notice that she seemed to avoid the topic of her parents. From the different walks of life that I encountered within the military, I decided it was best not to press the topic. She also seemed to like the horror genre of stories and films. During our shifts we were allowed to bring things to pass the time. She would bring a wireless speaker and play music and something called creepypasta. I on the other hand would put in one ear bud with music and read a book when we were not chatting. During the first week, we did have to stand guard for the entire 7 days. But after that more guards were stationed at the warehouse for the weekend to give us time off. This did come with an issue. Stacy would ask to hang out during the weekend. She would want to go to the movie theater or get lunch somewhere. But when she asked, I would say that I had plans. Which isn't a lie, but it mostly consisted of meal prep, physical training, and going to a shooting range. The problem I had was this, I never had a girlfriend. While Stacy is both kind and beautiful, I have no idea how to proceed with this. I would only feel awkward. Despite this, she didn't seem to have any intention of giving up. She would still ask every Friday, and when I told her I was busy, she would say, “maybe next weekend then.”
It was Friday of the fifth week when it happened. Me and Stacy were five hours into our shift, and I had just gotten back from a patrol on the ATV. “See any of the Graboids that they are looking for?” Stacy asked, grinning. “I'm afraid not,” I said disappointedly. “Just the usual rodents and reptiles. Although maybe they turned to shriekers and left.” I grinned as well. After logging the patrol, I entered the office and picked up “The Art Of War” and continued reading where I left off. Stacy was listening to one of those creepypastas on her phone. It was about something called a Skinwalker hunting hikers in a national park. It seemed kind of interesting. Maybe I should start looking into these stories. “So,” Stacy said, pausing the video. “You wanna catch a movie this weekend?” Her emerald eyes glistened with anticipation. “Sorry. I have plans.” I responded. She sighed and slouched sadly. “Well. Maybe next weekend then.” I know if anyone saw me in this situation, they would be screaming at me. A beautiful woman is asking me if I want to spend time together outside of work. After this exchange we continued with our activities waiting for my alarm to go off signaling a patrol. It was at this moment when we felt a strong tremor beneath the warehouse. Feeling tremors wasnt that unusual for this area. Every once in a while we might feel a light one during our shifts. But this one was stronger than any other that we've felt. But before we could get under our desk expecting it to be an earthquake, it was already over. The whole thing had lasted less than a minute. We both sat back in our chairs and looked at each other with a sigh of relief. Soon our nerves were settled and we returned to our entertainment. Fifteen minutes later the alarm on my phone sounded. Stacy stood up stretching. “I'll take this one”, she said. I nodded in agreement and looked back at the camera feeds. The camera that overlooked the corner by the janitors closet was static. “Could you look at camera three when you walk by it?” I asked, pointing at the monitor. She nodded and gave a thumbs up. “Got it.” She grabbed a walkie off the charger and clipped it to her belt. Once she left the office, I returned to my book, occasionally glancing at the monitor. After a few minutes, I heard a click on my radio and then a door slam from the other side of the warehouse. I picked up the radio, “Stacy, you good?” I asked. From the way the office was positioned, the view of that closet is blocked by the truck and quadcons. I looked at the monitor and that camera was still out. “Stacy, you good?” I repeated. No answer. I grabbed my radio and a flashlight and headed out the office to check on her. My worry was that during that tremor, some of the cleaner spilled and she might have slipped on it hitting her head. I very quickly walked over to the closet. I didn't see Stacy anywhere, but her radio was on the floor by the door. I ran over and opened the door worried. But instead of seeing Stacy laying on the floor unconscious, there was a large hole on the concrete. I stood there for a moment trying to process what I was looking at. But remembering Stacy, I pulled out my flashlight carefully looking down the hole. Instead of going straight down, it went in at an angle almost like a tunnel. It was large enough for myself to crawl into if I needed to. “Stacy!” I yelled. “Are you down there?” No response. “Shit” I muttered to myself. I then got down and headed in.
The tunnel seemed to go down for at least twenty feet before leading into another much larger tunnel. Once there, I was surprisingly able to stand up with plenty of room. “I wonder if this is what those researchers were looking into.” I thought to myself. Looking left and right, this tunnel continued further than my flashlight could reach. “Stacy! Can you hear me?” I yelled. The only response I got was my own echo. Looking down, I tried to find any indication of the direction she might have gone. At first I didn't see anything. I did notice that there were drag marks in the dirt going left. No boot marks though. I made a mark in the dirt to indicate the tunnel back to the surface, and started down the left tunnel. For the next ten minutes, I was quickly walking my way through this dark tunnel, yelling Stacy's name all throughout. The tunnel kept going down and curving every now and then. But still no sign of Stacy. Eventually I came to a fork. It was here that the drag marks stopped. After calling Stacy's name a few more times, I knew I had to get to the surface and call for backup. As much as I hated the idea, I knew it was necessary. But right as I was about to turn and head back, I heard a scream. It was very faint, but it came from the right tunnel. Now that I had a direction, I decided to continue quicker than before. I traveled deeper and deeper into these unknown depths. It was at this point that I noticed a turn off up ahead going left. I knew that if there wasn't another sound at this intersection, that I would have to return. I got to the turn off and yelled for Stacy. After a few minutes I heard what sounded like footsteps coming toward me. “Stacy?” I yelled. I carefully walked forward. There was another sound. Heavy breathing. The tunnel turned right. As soon as I rounded the corner, I saw something straight out of a horror movie. It stood on all fours with short legs and long arms, head just about touching the ceiling at roughly eight feet in height. Its skin was an ashen gray color with small tufts of fur near the shoulders. The face and large ears reminded me of a bat. Its eyes were so white, they almost seemed to glow in the darkness. I got the sense that, while it couldn't see me, it knew I was there due to my yelling. As soon as I lock eyes with this creature, before I can do anything, it inhales and lets out an ear piercing shriek. I covered my ears, but it didn't do anything as my vision started to fade to black.
“Sergeant!” There was somebody yelling. “Sergeant Miller!” I opened my eyes and I was on the ground looking at the bright sky. Then a figure appeared reaching down to help me up. Corporal Johnson grabbed my hand and pulled me up. “You good sergeant?” He asked. “Yeah, I'm good!” I yelled back grabbing my rifle and getting back to the cover of the hummvee. As bullets riddled the opposite side of the vehicle, I went to the front and returned fire over the hood taking out two of the attackers. Johnson came up behind me doing the same. “The fifty is down, and Rodriguez is hit!” He yelled while reloading. I looked at the hummvee ahead of ours. The doors were open and I saw Corporal Smith messing with the radio while being covered by Private Williams. On the ground beside them was Rodriguez being treated by the Corpsman. I looked back to Johnson, “Cover me! I'm moving up”, I yelled to him. He nodded, racking his rifle. “Moving!” I yelled as I sprinted to the next vic. A couple of bullets hit near my feet. As soon as I got to the rear, I yelled, “set!” Johnson started running while I kept him covered. Once we were both there, we checked on Rodriguez. The corpsman looked up at me, “we need a medevac now!” He yelled holding a wound near the neck. I nodded quickly and got up to Smith who was yelling on the radio. I knelt down, “what's the ETA on those birds?” I asked. He shook his head angrily. “They are at least five minutes out!” He said cursing as a bullet hit the top of the door next to him. “We won't last that long! Just get on the 240 and fire back now!” I yelled in his ear. “Aye Sergeant!” Smith climbs into the hummvee and mounts the turret with the 240 machine gun firing back. I looked back at Johnson, “we need to get to the lead vic and mount the Mark 19!” I yelled back. Johnson gave me a devilish grin, “aye sergeant!” He yelled back. The lead hummvee was two vehicles ahead. With the help of Williams’ suppressing fire, we got to the second vic. “Just one more” I thought to myself. Johnson got ready to move to the next hummvee. I nod at him and get set for suppressing fire. “Moving!” He selled. Right as he started running there was a snap and he hit the dirt as blood started pooling by his head. “Sniper!” I yelled back to the others. But as soon as I looked back to where Smiths’ 240 was roaring, the entire hummvee exploded as an RPG detonated below it. A large piece of what I assume was the door, hit me in the helmet and I was back on the ground. I looked up with blurred vision seeing an attack helicopter unloading its payload toward the enemy placements. But as I blinked, there was a large face staring at me from across the street. An inhuman face. Almost like a bat. I start to remember what this thing is, just as my vision fades to black.
“Sergeant!” There was somebody yelling. “Sergeant Miller!” I opened my eyes and I was on the ground looking at the bright sky. Then a figure appeared reaching down to help me up. Corporal Johnson grabbed my hand and pulled me up. “You good sergeant?” He asked. “Yeah, I'm good!” I yelled back grabbing my rifle and getting back to the cover of the hummvee. As bullets riddled the opposite side of the vehicle, I went to the front and returned fire over the hood taking out two of the attackers. Johnson came up behind me doing the same. “The fifty is down, and Rodriguez is hit!” He yelled while reloading. I looked at the hummvee ahead of ours. The doors were open and I saw Corporal Smith messing with the radio while being covered by Private Williams. I looked back at Johnson. “Wait.” I thought to myself. “I-I was just here.” I watched as Johnson continued to make the same moves as he did in this memory. I stand up and look around as he runs to the next hummvee. I hear the corpsman yell about evac. Smith yelling about the ETA on the birds. “This,” I said to myself. “This was the last mission.” Then I remembered. A face. An inhuman face. I looked across the street where I saw it. I close my eyes and shake my head. When I opened my eyes, I was back in the darkness of a tunnel. The monster was now looming over me reaching out with its large clawed hand. I immediately jumped back out of its arms reach. The monster seemed surprised that its trance was broken. It began to inhale, readying another shriek. But before it could let out its scream, I drew the compact Sig pistol that I keep under my uniform and put two rounds between its eyes. Now when I asked the boss about having weapons, he said they weren't required. He didn't say I couldn't conceal one just in case. The creature slumped to the ground lifeless. Despite the ringing in my ears from the shot, I knew I had to continue forward to find Stacy. I looked down and was glad to see the footprints and drag marks were clear and continued forward. As I continued down the tunnels, the walls started to change. The texture went from the dirt and stone to a black and almost rubbery plastic. If I had to compare, it looked almost like the walls in that Aliens movie. That thought also unnerved me. Soon after noticing the changes, I started to hear a voice further down the tunnel. It was Stacy's voice. Faint, but there. I quickened my pace. The tunnel then seemed to open up into a large cavern. It was so large that my flashlight couldn't reach the opposite end. The walls had that same alien-like texture. I then noticed bulb-like growths attached to the walls. Walking to the nearest one I peered in. There was the remains of a human skeleton. From the looks of it, the bones were here for many years. The clothes, or what was left of them, looked similar to those I've seen in mining pictures from the 1800s. Moving forward, each bulb, or pod I guessed, had a similar sight. A human skeleton, no flesh remaining. They were all in a pose that suggested they all died screaming. At least, those that still had a jaw attached. After looking into the fifth one, I heard Stacy’s voice again from across the cavern. I immediately started walking in that direction. At that moment I looked up toward the ceiling and saw a nightmare. There were hundreds of those creatures attached and encased in similar pods. All seemingly asleep and ready to get out at a moment's notice. Off to the side, there were several of those bods that were empty. Immediately lowering my light, I hastened my pace as quietly as possible. At the end of the cavern, I saw the pale face of Stacy peeking out of what I now assumed were feeding pods. “No daddy, no.” She was muttering to herself quietly. “Don't hurt mommy.” I lifted her head up and her eyes were open but unfocused. “She must be in that trance” I thought to myself. Reaching to my belt, I pulled out a pocket knife and began cutting away at the pod. Luckily for me, whatever this was made of had not hardened yet. As soon as there was enough give, I pulled Stacy out and placed her on the ground. “Come on. Wake up Stacy.” I said quietly into her ear. After about a minute of speaking to her and giving a light sternum rub, her eyes finally came back into focus. “John?” She asked. I put my hand over her mouth and whispered into her ear, “Shh. We need to get out of here quietly.” I pointed the light up at the creature pods. Her eyes widened. Then she looked at me and nodded slowly. I removed my hand and helped her to her feet. She was a little wobbly. “Can you walk?” I asked. She nodded again and we began our track to the surface.
I took point and followed the tracks that led me here. Seeing me with my pistol aimed ahead Stacy asked, “are there more of them in the tunnels?” “Yeah.” I said gesturing up ahead at the carcass of the creature that I shot earlier. She nodded approvingly. She then pulled out her own Sig pistol from her waistband. I think I’m in love. We continued down the tunnels with haste. When we rounded one corner, another two more of the creatures were shuffling towards us. As soon as I saw them, I took a knee and put two rounds in the first one killing it. The second one climbed over the body and sped up taking a deep breath. But before I could fire at it, Stacy put three rounds into its head. I looked back at her and she was in a perfect shooter's stance the muzzle of her pistol still smoking. With our ears still ringing, I gave her a thumbs up and we continued. After some time, we finally reached the smaller tunnel leading up to the janitor's closet in the warehouse. We got out and looked around making sure that none of the creatures were waiting above. After clearing the building, we both sighed with relief. Stacy then started toward the office. “I'm going to call for backup,” she said. I shook my head. “No. We need to collapse that cavern before those things can get up here.” She looked at me with confusion. “And how do you expect us to do that? I doubt the researchers have explosives in their truck,” she said pointing at the vehicle. “Just follow me,” I said heading to the front door. Stacy hesitated and quickly followed. I immediately ran to my SUV and opened the rear. As soon as Stacy caught up, I opened the plastic cases and her eyes widened. “Take your pick,” I said gesturing toward the case full of guns and armor. After a moment, she grabbed a suppressed Honey Badger rifle, a glock 17, and a chest rig for spare magazines. I took my own Suppressed M4 rifle, glock 19, and my plate carrier. After we strapped on the gear, I handed her a pair of noise canceling headphones to help with the gunshots underground. “So, you usually carry this much gear?” Stacy asked, turning on the headphones. “Well,” I said. “You never know when you need it.” After putting on my own headphones, I pulled out a duffel bag from a much deeper compartment of the case. I set it on the ground and opened it. Stacy's eyes went even wider than before. “Is that?” she stammered. “Yep.” I said, looking down at the large bag full of plastic bricks marked as C4. “Where did you?” she started. “Let's just say I know a guy who knows a guy.” I responded, pulling out a detonator and making sure I had enough components. “Let's move.” I said, throwing the bag over my shoulder and loading my rifle. She nodded, loading her rifle.
Once we reentered the tunnel, the mics on the headphones were able to pick up the faint sounds of the creatures footsteps and distant shrieks. I looked back at Stacy, “ready.” I asked. “Let's go,” She responded. I placed a glow stick at the entrance and began the move forward. After only a few minutes of walking one of those creatures rounded a corner. As it did, it let out one of those ear piercing screams. But, fortunately for us, those headphones worked very well at canceling out the effect that it had. I grinned and promptly put two rounds between its eyes. After stepping over the body and rounded the corner, there were two more. “Shit,” I thought. “More of those pods must have opened.” Despite this revelation, we continued. Killing every creature along the way. Stacy did surprise me though. All of her moves were smooth and calculated. She clearly had more training than what the security company provided. Maybe I should ask her about it when we get out of here. She might make a good range buddy. It took twice as long to get to the cavern the second time. A couple of those creatures almost got the jump on us. They would wait around corners or try to attack from behind. I did get hit, but somehow it only damaged the armor plate. I did note that it went through the plate like butter. Definitely didn't want to get directly hit by that. Once we finally arrived at the cavern, there were more empty pods. And even more were starting to move. I dropped the duffel bag and gave Stacy some of the bricks and detonators. “You take that side and I'll take this one,” I told her. “Got it,” she said. I quickly showed her how to arm the device and we began planting. I put some of them in the empty food pods as well as sticking them to the wall. A couple of the pods burst open. I was quickly able to dispatch them. Once we finally finished planting the C4, we met back at the entrance of the cavern. I took out a timer and attached it to the wall. “We are going to have to run,” I said, punching in fifteen minutes. She took a deep breath and nodded. I nodded back and hit start. We bolted down the tunnels. The bodies of the creatures we killed on the way in, did slow us down. But I calculated that. A couple of them did try to ambush us, but we quickly put them down. Throughout this run, I was able to place a couple of the remaining C4 at key intersections in order to collapse the tunnels. We finally reached the last turn and saw the first glow stick up ahead. I glanced down at the timer on my watch. 5 minutes. “Perfect,” I thought, grinning to myself. I helped Stacy up the tunnel. “Keep going. I'll be right up.” I said. I knelt down and planted the last C4 charge at the base of the exit. I then began crawling up the tunnel. But just before my legs entered the hole, something grabbed my right foot and yanked me back down. It held me upside down and I was able to get a good look at my assailant. It was one of those creatures, but this one seemed bigger. There were scars all over its face and torso. “And you must be the leader,” I said. It snarled. My rifle was on my back so I couldn't grab it. It reared its other arm back and readied a slash. “I don't think so,” I said, drawing my pistol and dumping half the mag into its body. It let out one last scream dropping me and falling dead. I looked at my timer. 2 minutes. Shit. I dove into the tunnel and crawled up as fast as I could. When my head popped out, Stacy was there and she helped pull me out. I looked at her and quickly motioned to the door. “We need to haul ass!” I yelled. Without hesitation, she sprinted with me to the door. She passed me and slammed into the door opening it. I guess I'll need to work on my run time. As soon as I passed the threshold, I heard the beeping of my watch indicating the 5 second mark. We bolted toward the gate. Once we got there, the timer went off. There was a rumble underground as I knew the C4 had detonated. It was a moment later that the backside of the warehouse exploded, as the rest of it caved in. I noticed that a section of the desert seemed to sink slightly. That area was where the researchers seemed to spend the most time. I knew they were hiding something. I shook my head and looked back at our vehicles. Somehow, by some miracle, no debris had hit them. We glanced at each other and both let out a big sigh of relief. We began walking back to my SUV. “So,” I said. “What’s playing in the theater?” Stacy looked up at me, smiled and began laughing. I laughed too as she leaned on my shoulder. “Don't know. As long as it's not horror.” I put my arm around her shoulders. “I agree.”
submitted by Money-Independence-3 to JordanGrupeHorror [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:05 T3V06 Suggestions for Improvements/Additions

To preface I’ve been playing the game since launch on and off, I really enjoy the game but there are a few things I feel the game desperately needs and/or minor improvements that would drastically improve the experience. I’m sure this list isn’t exhaustive of additions the community would like to see and I encourage others to share there thoughts/wishes in the replies. I appreciate BGS’ willingness to accept feedback and the latest update has me very optimistic for the long term future of the game.
submitted by T3V06 to Starfield [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:54 TheBatmanWLaughs Eureka Typhon vs Secret Lab Titan Evo

Hey Reddit!
I'm planning to buy a new gaming chair and I've narrowed it down to two options: the Eureka Typhon and the Secretlab Titan Evo. Both chairs have great reviews and seem to offer a lot in terms of comfort and support, but I can't decide which one to go for.
I'm hoping some of you who have experience with either (or both) of these chairs can chime in and help me make a decision. Here are a few things that matter to me:
Comfort: How comfortable is the chair for long gaming or work sessions?
Durability: Which chair holds up better over time?
Adjustability: Which one offers more customization options to fit my body type?
Build Quality: Does one feel more premium or sturdy than the other?
Support: How good is the lumbar and the headrest?
Value for Money: Considering the price, which chair offers the best bang for the buck?
If you've had any experiences, good or bad, with the Eureka Typhon or the Secretlab Titan Evo, please share your thoughts.
Thanks in advance for your help!
submitted by TheBatmanWLaughs to AskBattlestations [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:39 musigalglo I wrote this in 2011 and thought of it when I stumbled across this sub

He actually felt awake that morning. Unsmeared by sleep, the world sparkled as the fresh morning light shone from every surface. The road was wet with the rain that had ceased even before he woke and reflected the traffic lights more dully than it had the night before. As he opened the door of his generic silver Toyota, his shoes scraped on the grit covering the pavement. The air was still moist, and though the clouds overhead were moving quickly, some of them were still dark. John sat and closed the sedan’s door. The engine grumbled into life, and he pulled through the parking lot onto the road.
He hated hotels. The thought of other people sharing a wall with him as he slept made him uneasy. There was also the speculation of how many couples had used the bed in which he lay for something other than sleep.
Last night had been different, though. It had been the grand opening of this Motel 6, and though he had skipped the complementary continental breakfast, he had been able to request the corner room, with no one adjacent.
Traffic was easy along the highway, and the promising clouds sprinkled his windshield as he moved further northeast. High mesas rose from the plain, red rock stained darker by the rain. Windshield-wipers swished, pushing the water from before his face as he sped down the road.
At eight o’clock that evening, his stomach began to ache, so he pulled into a gas station to buy supper. The lights in the overhead above the gas pumps glared down into the night; the air smelled of gasoline, and oil spots clustered in dried-up puddles before each vacant terminal. John locked his car and walked to the convenience store. The cold felt welcome on his skin, and he could now detect a hint of cigarette smoke in the air.
A security camera warning greeted him in red on the clear glass door and a bell rang tinnily as he pulled it open. The lights mirrored the glare of those outside. The floors were white, and short shelves of ill-aligned candy and snacks filled the center of the room in evenly disheveled rows. To his right, the checkout counter stood empty.
John walked between the shelves of junk food to the row of fogged refrigerated cabinets set into the far wall. He selected a ham and croissant sandwich and a bottle of Mountain Dew and walked to the register.
The little bell rang again, and the cashier came in. He was wearing a blue vest, and the scent of tobacco hung about his hair and clothes. He monotoned a greeting and rang up the food, and John returned to his car.
The Mountain Dew tingled against the inside of his lips. He ate as he drove.
His car was a bullet of warmth that shot through the cold, dark night, the windshield clearer now than it had been all day; it brought the world before him into sharp focus, making the soft black of the night stop abruptly where the small white dots that distinguished the lanes sat huddled like little rocks in that vast, hard stream.
The next morning he pulled into a rest stop and shut down his engine. The sun was just peeking over the trees that jumbled along the side of the road. After using the restroom, John bought a granola bar from the vending machine with the quarters that had been his change the night before. He munched it as he reclined his driver’s chair as far as it would go, and tried to keep the crumbs from falling on his shirt. The bar tasted oddly of dried banana, though there was no fruit in it, and it stuck to his teeth and throat.
He awoke when another car entered the cul-de-sac of pavement and parked beside him. It was already after noon. He managed to stretch two minutes into half an hour more of imagined dream time before the children that clambered out of the new car and clamored for bathroom priority drove back the waves of sleep that lapped at the edges of his brain.
Michigan was drawing nearer. He was finally nearing the destination he had avoided for so long. But though it didn’t really matter to him when he arrived, and it wasn’t as though anyone was expecting him, he knew he could not keep driving forever. He had to get somewhere sometime.
John spent the next night at a motel – a mom-and-pop kind of place with hand-knitted blankets and carpet from the eighties. The shelf above the bed was lined with potpourri in little vases – almost a graveyard of flowers, but he appreciated the attempt at hominess. What little sleep he got was sporadic and brief.
The belt of “I” states passed in a blur; soon he was turning due north, threading his way into the mitten state like a small blood cell in the wrist of the world. Fall was in full swing here much more so than in the west. Every tree was highlighted in gold, umber, or scarlet, except for the evergreens, which clung resolutely to their stately dark firs. The warm colors threw themselves into the sky with every gust of wind, and little drifts of fallen leaves gathered protectively about the bases of chilly buildings. Wind-whipped grey coated the sky, mimicking the concrete of the freeway below.
After an interchange or two, his exit came, and he stopped at a little diner to admire the waitresses and the toast before moving on. The squeaky vinyl seat of his booth matched the teal skirt of his server. Even with a plate of hash browns and two eggs sunny-side-up to fortify his pitching stomach, he stalled, nursing his coffee until it was tepid and undrinkable. He left it and a generous tip on the table.
He pulled off the road before entering town, and parked in a small clearing behind the graveyard at the edge of the woods. He could, at least, delay his arrival a little longer. He had come here often as a teen, lured partially by the mystique and partially by the loneliness.
The sun was starting to come out as it set, sinking below the layer of cloud. John leaned against his car and looked up at the pearly patterns now gilded by the sunset. It felt good to be back, despite his ambivalence.
There was a little tower on one side of the cemetery – a bell tower. John had always supposed that it may have once been a barn, for it was made of wood, and still had a large double door in the front of it, though it had been boarded shut.
He opened his trunk and retrieved a dreadlock-fringed plaid blanket. Without difficulty, he unlatched the small door in the side of the building and began to climb the stair that wound along the interior walls of the tower. In the loft hung the bell; it was more weathered than he remembered, just as he also must be. The room was full of shifting shadows and gleaming patches of light flung there by the setting sun. Pigeons and dust filtered through the air to rest on the beams. He laid out the blanket and sat with his face to the sunset.
submitted by musigalglo to TheNightFeeling [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:30 Boobs_and_breakfast Coworker is sexiest

I have a 49 year old male coworker who’s married to a 41 year old woman they have been together for 8 years. He tells us his wife is the breadwinner and she cooks for him yet everyday he makes comments about how marriage is just a scam. He makes comments like “ it’s cheaper to keep her” and how he doesn’t help his wife. “ That she knew what she was getting” and he doesn’t do manual labor. We work at a school so it’s not too much labor. Anyways we ordered a storage unit and me and my female coworkers all started helping each other build it. Not once did we ask for his help. He proceeded to make comments about how he was relaxing while we all work. Took a picture of himself in the chair with us in the background. When we would discuss different ways of doing something he would say “ too many cooks in the kitchen” and just continued to be in the way and act like he was supervising us. All this just rubbed me the wrong way. There a lot more he’s done but this just the tip of it. I have now decided to not engage with him about conversations about marriage.
submitted by Boobs_and_breakfast to coworkerstories [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 19:59 MeetKeith Source of disturbing sounds of falling objects, scratching, knocks that haunt apartment tenant?

What's making the noise of falling items in my apartment that I cannot locate the source of? What could make such disturbing noises that include scratching sounds on ceiling, clicks and even marbles falling inside a wall?
I moved into a brand new supportive housing building in the Bronx and shortly after I started hearing a noise overhead on ceiling that sounds like a heavy rope falling to the ground. When hearing it I automatically ducked as if something was dropping on my head. I figured it was something the upstairs neighbor had dropped on floor but also found it odd that such a sound could be heard through at least 6 inch thick concrete. I dismissed it as a normal noise of dense apartment living until it started happening much more frequently. I was sitting in my bed when the same sound occurred but this time my body jerked away so hard that I became concerned it was affecting me either subconsciously and/or in my sleep much more than I thought. This was somewhat confirmed while laying awake but with eyes closed when sound was made and I imagined it was not only going to crash on me but going through my forehead and hitting the back of inside skull. Odd right? What's also concerning is the fact that I didn't even move an inch to dodge mysterious object as I had done previously. This led me to believe the sound was happening a lot while I was asleep.
Then things got even more weird when I started noticing that the sounds were being made only while I was in the bed. Maybe just a coincidence I thought. Then while in opposite end of apartment at dining table the noise happened again and this time it was heard directly overhead. This freaked me out and leading me to believe upstairs neighbor could see me in my apartment or at least knew what part of the apartment I was in. Why would they do this was my main concern as I didn't even know who they were.
So I did what most of us would do and that was to go upstairs and ask the neighbor if they were dropping anything that might cause described sounds. The neighbor came to the door half hidden with face behind half opened door and response was "I'm just living in my apartment!" and closed the door. Obviously it didn't give me any peace of mind that this disturbing noise would stop and when I returned to my unit I could hear a chair or other piece of furniture being dragged across the floor this time. I figured they were upset even at such an ordinary neighbors concern that I ignored it. Then as I was laying in bed watching videos on my cellphone the noise of falling items directly overhead happened again but this time way much louder than before. So I waited until the next day when building management arrived and when I got to the office that tenant above me was walking out a different office and said "speak of the devil" I became incensed wondering what were they discussing about me besides me inquiring about the disturbing noises. I asked the building manager if she heard that and she was already telling me to calm down. Calm down for what? Which is exactly when calm went out and I raised my voice over her telling her that I was tired of the noises and even the second night where it sounded like someone was on the next door neighbors wall which was vacant at the time but with lock removed, I'm guessing to prevent me from hearing them enter the unit. Was someone eavesdropping on me while in apartment too where she calmly said "maybe it was me" What?? And then they called the cops on me in which I was brought out in handcuffs to a hospital for psych where the doctor was confused why I was brought in for reason being irate. No psych problems and never had before. I was humiliated and stopped bringing those complaints to them and as I guessed, the noises became louder, more frequent and a variety of new ones.
I felt like a prisoner in my own home and after spending 3 years in a shelter my biggest dream was crushed. I guess I either had to put up with the noise or risk being arrested again. So I tried dealing with it until one day noises woke me at exactly 7 am making as many sounds as they could. I got out of bed being heavily assaulted with this noise and walked into bathroom where obnoxious and loud banging was made on all the pipes and adjacent walls. This confirmed that they could see or hear me in my apartment, on the crapper at that. It went on for a minute or two until I walked out into hall and new next door neighbor was leaving his apartment and he thought it was me but together we knew it was definitely coming from the apartment directly above me.
I went upstairs to the neighbors and asked if they heard any disturbing noises and a tenant two doors down says yes she heard it too and that I wasn't the only one who went to same door with problem. With this information I only assumed that building management had to do something about it and sound ceased for a few days, heard nothing from management and noises started back up again.
I called the police several times in which they cannot do much without evidence and unluckily for me I only had cellphone to record and couldn't be fast enough or even save long enough to prove. They recommended mediation with building management. Now I have new additions to the suspects list as I was never called for any mediation. So one night I couldn't take it anymore, sleepless nights, noises being made again I head upstairs and when I got to the floor that tenant had also just exited their apartment and headed to another apartment in same hallway when I stopped them and warned that if they continue I was going to resolve issue with them myself. Cops called and I was arrested.
Building management also wanted to add that it was wrong for me to approach neighbor and possibly could be kicked out. What about my complaints or how about even trying to see what sounds Im talking about? Wouldn't they want to know that at least? Nothing.
It actually gets worst. I can already confirm someone can see or hear me since the sounds are made when personal and private matters are done in my apartment. The intimacy with my partner there felt like a live peep show. They thought I was different and didn't like them because they had gained weight during covid and scars from cancer operations but I wasn't at all. The loss of privacy took a lot from me.
I haven't been able to fully change my situation by gainful employment, education and better mental clarity here because sadly I started hallucinating voices that accompany the sounds. I'm hoping that the voices are just my mind's heightened awareness of noise campaign here at the apartment but they are getting a bit worse as time passes, the closer I get to the unit the louder and meaner the voices get but I'm afraid to share this with my psychiatrist as I don't want to even come close to labeling me as some sort of crazy person which would them forfeit more freedoms and add risk to life here in 'supportive housing'
My main social support doesn't believe me and a few friends who visited me here have confirmed hearing the noise at the same time with only difference being location of source. Oh and it has gotten so loud that when recorded I concluded that the sound is emanating either from inside the apartment and maybe the vent. With videos and a try at another complaint to see if they would at least look in the vent I'm still being dismissed as crazy. So I'm looking in walls and vents myself, trying out new personal and private goals until I can get out of this poor man's voyeur show. Anyone can help find source or have experience this themselves? If so please comment. I'm in despair.
submitted by MeetKeith to AskNYC [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 18:48 NonchalantComics CPT 2

CHAPTER 2 “Hey bud? Can we talk?”
Phin jumps up and sits at the edge of his bed, trying to act like he’s not still half asleep. 
“Sure dad, but I feel like I know what this is about.”
“Listen the school called and explained what happen”
“Dad I didn’t…..”
“STOP. Just listen to me, son. It’s ok, you are not in trouble. It was an accident and now we know for sure that you do have powers! I bet Mandy will be super excited!”
“Dad hold on, I don't even know anything about them.”
“That’s ok, I already set up an appointment for you to get checked out by a professional.” Dad proclaims proudly
As he walks closer to Phin, Phin’s father reaches into his pocket fishing for something. 
“Here son, I know it’s a week late but better late than never” his Dad says as he pulls keys out of his pocket
“Go outside and see for yourself”
Phin takes off, jumping down the stairs and out the front door in what seemed like one fluid motion. Shocking even his dad with how agile and fast he was. 
“Man that kids growing faster and faster everyday” his dad states in disbelief
NO WAY! HE GOT ME A DURON! The fastest, most insane, electric dirt bike there is! I can take this bad boy everywhere!!! JASON’S GONNA BE SO JEALOUS!
Phin goes back up to his room with the biggest smile on his face still. As he gets back into his room, he fake punches at his homemade punch bag that is being held up by old dangly rope. Without realizing it he releases a strong gust of wind. This causes the rope to snap and the bag slams into the wall. 
“IS EVERYTHING OK UP THERE?” Dad shouts from downstair
Crap not again. How did I do that? Where is it coming from?What is it? I better not try anything like that inside again. Well it’s getting late, better start getting ready for bed.
The next day Phin can’t wait to see Jason’s face when he pulls up to the school on his new dirt bike. He sips in and out of traffic, feeling the wind brush his face. It's an unreal sensation he can't begin to describe. Wow, that was much faster than taking the bus. I can start leaving later than usual. 
“NO WAY! You actually got one!” Jason yells as he runs from the bus
“Yea, my dad handed me the keys last night!”
“Woah even after what happened at lunch?”
“He was surprisingly cool about it, the school explained everything to him. He basically told me to be more careful. He also set up my powers appointment.” Phin explains as they walk through the school doors
Phin can feel all eyes on him as he walks to class. He can tell everyone wants to ask him. He finds his way to his class, then his seat. It feels like all eyes are on him and only him. 
“OK class, settle down, settle down.” the teach calls out
“Mr. Davies, i understand that your powers have manifested, congratulations”
Phin smiles and avoids eye contact with everyone in the room.
Man this stinks, I already know all this stuff. School is so easy, why can't I just start training to be a hero now. Wait. I still don’t even know what my power is yet.
The rest of the school day was a drag. Phin couldn’t stop thinking about the abandoned car factory on the edge of town. He knew that would be the perfect place to practice. No one had touched that dump in years, the mess was too big for anyone to worry about cleaning.
Finally Phin could run out the doors to his school and begin his training. He zoomed through the streets like he was invincible on his new dirt bike. Only stopping as he pulls up the long dirt road to the factory. 
Woah, this place is bigger than I thought. How am I gonna get in? I bet all the doors are locked. Maybe there’s a low window i can break through. Phin circles the building looking for a large stone or heavy brick to throw through the window on the back side of the building. 
Just like that Phin was inside walking through to get his dirt bike from outside. He figured he could use it to hold open a door until he was ready to leave. As he walks around he comes to a large opening just passed the door he lodged open. On the ceiling is a large dome shaped window where he can see the bright blue sky. Or so he thought. Outta nowhere the hairs on his neck stand, and rain, lightning, and thunder start hailing down out. 
What the heck the weather didnt as anything about a storm today. I made sure to check it. Hmmm let me check again.
pulls out phone
Huh? That’s weird. I could have sworn it was gonna be sunny all day. Maybe I just dreamt that. Well I’m already here, might as well get started.
Inside smells like an old attic, it’s extremely dusty and dark. The lightning lights up the whole room every time it strikes, reminding Phin of his favorite hero. Tempest, the #1 hero, the Goddess of the Storm. Something feels off again, Phin looks up as another bolt of lightning crashes through the sky. This time there's something in the light. NO! PEOPLE! Phin sees 2 people in the storm, just before it goes dark again.
The entire skylight came falling down from the roof, throwing glass everywhere. In a state of panic, Phin swings his hands in front of his face, which blocks all of the glass but one piece. The single piece sliced Phin clean across the cheek. In all the commotion< Phin recognizes one of the voices.
“You scumbag, I will bring you to jail!” Tempest echos through the building with a prideful tone
HOLY CRAP I NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE NOW! RUN! FASTER LEGS! As Phin gets further and further from the car factory the rain begins to lighten up. Phin’s mind and heart are racing like never before. He can’t believe what he just saw, Tempest fighting a bad guy in the flesh. I need to get upstairs without being seen. I can’t let anyone find out I was there or what happened to my face. Another kickboxing accident, yea, that will work again wont it. Or maybe I tell dad I ate the curb while riding. No I can’t do that or he’ll take the keys away. 
With a lot on his mind Phin can't seem to complete a thought. Seemingly playing the evening over and over in his head. Trying to understand how he knew something was about to happen before it did, try to connect the dots in any way possible. Until he mindlessly falls asleep sitting at his computer chair with videos of Tempest playing.
submitted by NonchalantComics to FURIOUS_WINDS [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 18:35 xXOutlierXx [F4A] Life Bites P.2 [Human/Vampire Listener] [College] [Supernatural]

Hello all. So I got artistically worked up enough to write the next installment in this series. Though this isn't for the contest I mentioned in my previous post. This one is just for me. I hope you enjoy it.
Also - this script is okay for monetization
Speakers: -- Elaina -- Classmates (mutliple voices) -- Lucinda
Synopsis: It's your first day at a magical university, and before you can get started attending classes and making friends, you have to take a special course in "Vampire History and Ethics." That's right, your a "vampire," the only human one in your class-- but what that word means, and what you actually are, are two entirely different things. That is why this class exists, it's meant to teach you the truth about vampires, and make you aware of all the resources the university has prepared for you.
Elaina: Come on, sweety; don't be shy, we're all friends here.
[Brief Pause]
Elaina: Still feeling flustered? Well, how about you start by saying "Hi" to the class, and telling us your name?
[Brief Pause]
Elaina: See, that wasn't so hard! Say "Hi" back, everybody!
Classmates: Hi!
[Brief Pause]
Elaina: Ah, I think I just made it worse. I want to feel bad-- but look at those cheeks! All nice and rosey! Ooh, you are just a delight!
[Brief Pause]
Elaina: Ah-- (sigh) You're right, my dear; I shouldn't keep teasing you like this. I apologize.
[Two heeled footsteps]
Elaina: (Clearing throat) So, since we've all gotten a good look at you now, why don't you tell us all about your family?
[Brief Pause]
Elaina: "What do we want to know?" Well, like I said, since you're a human vampire, you must have incredibly strong ties to Lady Valentina; and this in turn, should make you the product of arcane nobility, since magicians of noble houses did their best to keep the bloodlines "pure." With all of that in mind, I would imagine that you have a lot you could share with us.
[Brief Pause]
Elaina: You still don't understand why you'd be nobility? Really? Okay... Let me put it another way. Those born with abnormally large amounts of magical potential, are what you and I refer to today as "high borns." And in eons past, these same individuals, in an attempt to hold onto their strong connection to the arcane, decided that they, and their children, would only marry other high borns. This in turn, led to the creation of noble magic families, and anceint magus clans, like the Parvus. Do you see where I'm going here?
[Brief Pause]
Elaina: That's right; your human vampire genes means that your predcessors were not only from the Parvus clan, but that they also married back into the Parvus clan-- after several generations, or that they married other high borns with Parvus clan blood in them. Which makes you both an arcane noble, and a vampire noble, now that I think about it (giggle)
[Brief Pause]
Elaina: Um... Sunshine... What's wrong? You look so confused.
[Brief Pause]
Elaina: As far as you know, your families' all "normal?" But, that would be... I mean, the odds are astranomical... Are you sure you're not... Ah-- you know what, I think it's best not to worry about it. Noble are not, I'm sure your family is made up of wonderful people, especially your parents; because after all-- they made you.
[Brief Pause]
Elaina: Aw, there's that blush!
[Brief Pause]
Elaina: Right, right, I promised I wouldn't tease (clearing throat). Since I've already spoken so much today, why don't we open the floor again for questions?
[Brief Pause]
Elaina: Yes, questions about you; precious. That is why I called you up here, after all, so we could learn more about you. And before you can refuse-- who wants to ask the first question?
[Brief Pause]
Elaina: Yes, Miss Mina, go ahead and ask your question!
[Brief Pause]
Elaina: Um, that's more of a vampire question than a personal one, but I'll answer it as much as I can. In short, no; being a vampire doesn't mean you'll get an otherworldly eye color. We know that, genetically, all vampires are doomed to have poor vision; but this predisposition has no bearing when it comes to the color of our eyes. So when it comes to this cutie here, their eyes are abnormally pretty because they just so happened to be born with pretty eyes... (Wistful sigh)... Must be nice. Sweet thing, tell us, did you get those eyes from someone in your family?
[Brief Pause]
Elaina: No? So that eye color is entirely unique to you. You really are one in a million.
[Brief Pause]
Elaina: You're right, sweetpea, I should focus. Um, who else has a question?
[Brief Pause]
Elaina: You, Miss Francesca; go for it!
[Brief Pause]
Elaina: Oh, that's a fair question. I'm sure that many of us are all ninth, or even tenth generation students of Amortis University, seeing as how this school was founded hundreds of years ago, as place for magical beings to gather. So with that said, are your parents alumni of this school, sweetheart?
[Brief Pause]
Elaina: They're... not?
[Brief Pause]
Elaina: You come from a small town, where there is no higher form of education, so out of everyone in your family-- you're the only one who has been to Amortis? Huh... why don't we take one last question?
[Brief Pause]
Elaina: Uhh... yes, you; Mr. Noel!
[Brief Pause]
Elaina: Huh... I don't know how well our speaker will be able to answer that question, since it's less of a question and more of a "show and tell," but... Do you have any "cool" vampire heirlooms in your family, cutie?
[Brief Pause]
Elaina: You think you do? What do you mean?
[Brief Pause] [Jingle jangle of a chain necklace]
Elaina: Oh my! That's... beautiful! May I take a closer look?
[Two heeled steps forward]
Elaina: Incredible. Where did you get this?
[Brief Pause]
Elaina: Your Grandfather gave it to you when you were little? Amazing. It almost looks like a magus family crest, but... I don't recognize it. I mean; Dragons, Flowers, and Swords, are all fairly common when it comes to family crests, but I've never seen them put together like this. A Dragon, standing over an Iris, almost like he's protecting it... and this Iris. Normally, Iris petals are white, but the tips of these petals are pink... Then there's the sword. It's not piercing the dragon through, but rather, standing beind him. And that would suggest, a call to arms...? I've never seen anything so strange.
[Brief Pause]
Elaina: Hm? Oh, sorry-- sweet thing; I bet you've had enough of me breathing your air. (Clears throat) You know, I have a friend who works in the Department of History on campus, and I bet she can tell us where that pendant comes from. She's really good like that when it comes to old relics. So... if you don't mind... could I maybe take a picture of you? It's just to show my friend the pendant, nothing else, I promise.
[Brief Pause]
Elaina: Thank you, dear. Let me just...
[Camera phone snapshot]
Elaina: There. Perfect! And with that, I think we're done for today. Thanks again to our wonderful volunteer. Another round of applause for them, please!
[Brief applause]
Elaina: (Giggling) And now-- Off to the diner!
[Hoots and hollers] [Chairs moving] [Sound of footsteps] [Fade out]
--- Transition to new scene ---
[Night-time ambience] [Owl hooting. Cicadas. Etc.]
[Series of heeled footsteps] [Sound of a creaky door opening] [Sound of door closing] [Night-time ambience ceases]
[Sound of heeled footsteps continue and echo down a hallway, briefly, but then stop]
Elaina: (With echo) Burr... It's always so cold in this building... And why is it always so dark?
[Sounds of hands rubbing together] [Heeled footsteps continue]
Elaina: (Calling out /Still echoing) Lucy...? Are you here...? It's me, Elaina...!
[Brief Pause]
Elaina: (To herself) I swear, if you fail to recognize me, and blast me with ice magic, again; I am going to wrap you up in my webs, and leave you hanging upside down for a wee--
[Fires sudden spring to life]
Elaina: (Shrieks/Gasps)
[Echo effect Ends]
Lucinda: (Chuckling softly)
Elaina: Ugh, Lucinda-- How could you!
Lucinda: My-my-my, what an itsy-bitsy spider; so jittery and jumpy, I nearly mistook it for a flea.
Elaina: Ha-ha-ha, very funny Lu. Now float your magical behind down here so I can strangle you!
Lucinda: (Chuckles)
[Magical effects] [Sound of several heeled footsteps] [Rustling sounds as the two women hug]
Elaina: (Playfully Pouting) You scared me.
Lucinda: I know. That was kind of the point.
[Sound of Elaina smacking Lucinda's arm]
Lucinda: Ow.
Elaina: That's what you get for playing tricks! And speaking of greivances, would it kill you to install some proper lighting in here? I'm half demon spider and I can barely see past my nose.
Lucinda: Meh-- not happening.
Elaina: Why? You're the head of this Department!
Lucinda: Remember how you just complained about how cold it was?
Elaina: Yes?
Lucinda: Well, imagine how much colder it would be with normal lightbulbs, instead of my arcane fire magic.
Elaina: Huh...
Lucinda: Yeah.
Elaina: But... it's still freezing in here.
Lucinda: Because it needs to be. Relics and artifacts don't hold up well in the heat. The excess moisture alone in environments like that, would cause half of the books in this building to fall apart.
Elaina: (Burr)... Okay, you win... cold is good for books... (Burr)... but not for bugs.
Lucinda: I told you to wear a jacket in here.
Elaina: I know. I just keep forgetting to bring one.
Lucinda: Hmm, I guess it can't be helped. You only have two working braincells, after all, and I know that one them is always getting distracted by all the pretty lights and colors.
Elaina: (Chuckling) Remind me why we're friends again?
Lucinda: Because my snark is endearing?
Elaina: Hmm, believe it or not, it actually is.
Lucinda: (Sarcastic) Yeah... I'm actually so endearing, that my best friend rarely comes to visit me.
Elaina: (Guilty hiss) About that... I'm sorry, Lu. You know I love you, it's just, I get so caught up with all of these board meetings and paperwork; and I just got a fresh cloud of vampires for the year. I know that's no excuse, but I need you to know that I--
Lucinda: Elaina; Elaina, It's fine... I promise I'm not mad.
Elaina: You're not...?
Lucinda: No. I have been a bit bored, recently, but that's not on you. That's just the nature of my department.
Elaina: Now that you mention it, I feel like you're the only person I ever see in here.
Lucinda: That's just how it goes. Every artifact, tome, and relic you see-- has already been studied, cataloged, and organized; in alphabetical order. So unless someone gives us a new piece of old junk-- which is rare, or unless someone wants to look at the junk we currently have in stock-- and it's way too early in the year for that, then there really isn't a need for more than one person to be here.
Elaina: That sounds lonely, Lu.
Lucinda: Boring, not lonely. Besides...
[Punch in the arm sound]
Elaina: Ow!
Lucinda: I can't be lonely, not when memories of you gushing over your students still lives in my head, rent free.
Elaina: Aww, Lucy!
[Sound of rustling as Elaina hugs Lucinda]
Lucinda: (Sarcastically) Ah, okay-- that's enough. This is too much physical touch for one day! Help! Someone! I do not consent! I do not consent!
Elaina: (Giggling) Okay, okay, I'll let go.
Lucinda: Thank you.
Elaina: Speaking of my kids, there's something I want you to look at.
[Sounds of rustling as Elaina goes through her purse]
Lucinda: Oh? Did one of your students bring something interesting to show and tell?
[Rustling stops]
Elaina: No! But also-- yes...? I think? Anyways, we didn't have show and tell!
[Rustling continues]
Lucinda: (Sarcastically and teasingly) You sure?
Elaina: (Almost in a singing voice) Stop distracting me!
Lucinda: (Almost in a singing voice) No promises.
Elaina: Just one second... Ah-ha! Found it.
[Rustling stops]
Elaina: Now let me just...
[Sound of buttons on a phone being pressed]
Elaina: Here, look at this!
Lucinda: Let's see... Wow, this one's really cute. They're a little on the young side, but I think you could make it work with the in-laws.
Elaina: Huh? Wha-- No! That's not why I showed you my phone.
Lucinda: It isn't?
Elaina: Ugh... The pendant, Lu! The pendant!
Lucinda: Okay, but; wouldn't it have made more sense to get a closeup shot of the necklace? That should be the only important thing in the picture, after all.
Elaina: Never mind all of that, just look at the screen.
Lucinda: (Chuckling/Jovial) Oh E, you never cha-- (Gasp)
Elaina: Um... Lucy...?
Lucinda: (Serious) You said this was one of your students?
Elaina: Yes...?
Lucinda: (Serious) When was this picture taken?
Elaina: I... I don't...
Lucinda: Elaina! When was this picture taken?
Elaina: Ear-Earlier today... During my afternoon class...
Lucinda: (Steadying breath) Okay, so besides you and me; how many people got a look at that pendant?
Elaina: Well... This student showed off their necklace to the entire class.
Lucinda: You're joking!
Elaina: What? What's the big deal? And why are you acting so weird?
Lucinda: (Sigh) Elaina... this is bad... this is very, very bad.
Elaina: What's bad? My student, their crest, or the fact that people saw it?
Lucinda: All of it! We need to... (Deep breath).... We need to handle this, quietly, before the powers that be start descending upon the campus.
Elaina: I still don't understand what the problem is. Do you recognize this pendant?
Lucinda: In a way, yes. I've never actually seen one these before, but I know a few things about them, thanks to the poem surrounding the Coward's Crest.
Elaina: The Coward's Crest? Is that was this is called?
Lucinda: Yes. And the poem incscibed upon the back apparently tells a story. If I recall, the poem goes something like this... "The child of dragons pines for a lonely flower; and in giving his life, he watched it bloom. Cursed petals, cast yourselves into the tempest; may you forever remain-- scattered. Shadows comes to avenge themselves for the heart of their broken caster. In keeping watch, may my fortunes remain out of sight."
Elaina: ...That's it...?
Lucinda: Yep, that should be all of it.
Elaina: Seriously? That poem tells us nothing!
Lucinda: It tells you nothing.
Elaina: You're telling me you understand it?
Lucinda: More than you do, at least.
Elaina: (Scoffs) Okay... And?
Lucinda: And I think you need to delete that picture from your phone.
Elaina: Wha-- how is that important right now?
Lucinda: I'll explain later. Now delete the picture.
Elaina: Lu, I don't--
Lucinda: Delete it!
Elaina: Okay, okay.
[Sound of buttons on a phone being pressed]
Elaina: There; done. Now what?
Lucinda: Now we need to go pay your "student" a visit.
Elaina: Lu, it's the middle of the night! And my class and I just got back from Joey's.
Lucinda: Joey's?
Elaina: Yeah.
Lucinda: Since when do you have the money to take your entire class to Joey's?
Elaina: Umm....
Luciana: You swipped Durandal's card again, didn't you?
Elaina: No...? Okay, fine-- I did. But I did it for justice!
Lucinda: (In exasperation) Elaina... there are about a thousand different ressons I should scold you right now, and there are a million different ways that I could go about it, but we don't have the time. (Sigh) When and where are you seeing the kid next?
Elaina: Well, today's monday, so... the day after tomorrow?
Lucinda: Too long, make it sooner.
Elaina: Uh-- How am I supposed to "make it sooner?"
Lucinda: Make a house call.
Elaina: A house call? I'm a teacher Lu, not a doctor!
Lucinda: Well if we don't get to this freshman fast enough, they're definitely gonna need one.
Elaina: Is the truth surrounding the pendant really that bad?
Lucinda: If I'm interpreting the poem right, then yes. And if I'm wrong, things are probably even worse. But we don't have the luxury of sitting around and doing nothing anymore. Let's go.
Elaina: Where?
Lucinda: To your place.
Elaina: What? Why?
Lucinda: So you can start pulling files on every single one of your students, and so I can make some coffee to keep us awake while you do it. Now move it.
Elaina: Lu-- Ah! Okay, okay, you don't have to shove!
[Sound of regular footsteps and heeled footsteps begin to sound, and then continue briefly, until they fade out]
submitted by xXOutlierXx to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 18:33 super-stumped-snail Could this really have been a demon?

So this is going to be long and complicated but I’ll try to explain it as best I can. There are 3 dreams and they all happened in one night and I’m trying to wrap my mind around how this even happens and what it all means.
A little bit of backstory first. Ever since I was very very young I’ve been dreaming and at a very young age I’ve been able to lucid dream. One of the first dream I remember having was the first of many recurring dreams that didn’t stop until a couple years ago (I’m 18). I’ve had dreams that tell stories, dreams that are aware they are dreams and even some that continue when I fall asleep the next night, to dreams that (in my 8 hours of sleep) span out months. So my mind usually builds these dreams with a story or some kind of path to follow. But it is that acid trip really random but loosely connected feel you would usually expect.
So back to my original thing, me and my girlfriend both had dreams or nightmares I should say all in one night. My girlfriend woke up and woke me up, she was on the brink of tears and just wanted to know I was there, I knew she had a nightmare but I was still trying to wake up from the dream I just had. So she had a nightmare while I had a dream and then when we went back to sleep I had a nightmare, and somehow they are all connected.
My girlfriends dream took place in some kind of a college I guess, but the college was really really industrial looking full of pipes that kind of tangled into nothing. They seem to not go anywhere, but it was still a school that we went to. She said that there were people who would try to kill people by drowning them and she said she never got to look at their face as though they had no face, but she doesn’t know. they said that some of them Lure her to a dock to tie off a boat when they pushed her in the water and held her under but somehow she survived, and then went looking for me. She said that there was a water source under this college I think where they all live, but she still isn’t 100% sure but in the little pool of water or pond or whatever this body of water was, she found me drowned and that’s when she woke up.
In my first dream I was also at a college that also was industrial looking like in an unnatural way that had pipes that seem to go nowhere. In my dream it was clear this college was located on a beach. (There was also a long board walk but the tide was down so it was kind of elevated, I do think there were boats or at least some wreckage around the dock) I went to go out and try and find my girlfriend she was out in the water for some reason that’s all I knew. The dream was odd. I could hear those distorted SpongeBob memes sounds in the background the sky wasn’t a certain color there weren’t many people just voices. I mean there was the occasional person but they tried to stop me from going out into the water and some of them encouraged it. It was very odd. Anyways for some more context I have pretty bad thelassophobia, so this was really uncomfortable for me. I swam out over a drop off I remember being just dead in the middle of the deep blue, But then I reached a sandbank with a reef. For a visual imagine Rayman origins/legends underwater levels for some reason. Anyways this is where I found her. I can’t really explain what she was doing or the way she looked. I knew it was her, it looked like her, but her body was like moving in a weird way not anything scary just kind of odd, and I think she was playing with three fish kinda like when a puffer fish isn’t blown up they look like that I think. I told her to come back with me. I missed her, but she said no I want to stay. You should stay too and things happen I can’t really remember, but I ended up staying I think with her.
This catches us up to the point where she had woke me up crying. Note, she didn’t want to talk about her nightmare so I had no idea what she dreamed until after my second one.
So we go back to bed and my second dream starts. It picked up at the college inside of the college where a group of people, students and teachers who had come up with the idea that some people were fake and that I had come to a conclusion that my girlfriend was fake. This doesn’t really directly correlate to my last dream but I know it’s continuation. I know it’s weird but stay with me. So basically I didn’t really see my girlfriend too much in the second part, but I wasn’t with my family. I was with some other family, but they were friendly. They weren’t like evil or anything. But anyway a bunch of stuff happened a lot of filler My dream was kinda like a one take kind of a scene in the movie it just flowed there was no cut. I remember it being one thing that’s kind of weird about the first dream because like I just swam through an ocean and it was hot but the only cut I remember in that dream is the last part I don’t remember ever seeing a sandbank I just remember cutting to it like I was just there like it was switching scenes in a movie. But my second dream was full of that at one point I’d be in school and then when someone said something or something happened and I learned something I’d cut being in my car and it wasn’t like backseat driving experience my car it was like I was first person driving and then it would cut and go to the house in the family every night. They would ask me to Tell them a story about a monster and this happened like three or four times. Every time I was in the car it was silent I could hear the radio quietly, some static, I could also hear other cars driving by. Other times I could hear the rain when it was raining but other than that it was just quiet and then it would cut to the house, so it was a weird thing to be in. But that final time I was in one of those scenes I said oh shit I miss my turn and pulled into this house to back up and turned around and it was kind of like on a hill and the road curved up it, and a lot of woods was behind it but nothing was there. There was another car going the opposite way so it wasn’t like anything weird. But when I pulled in, I heard someone talking. They seemed to be saying random words sometimes even just gibberish. But what I realize is it’s someone trying to talk to me doesn’t know how to talk like a human. When I say that I felt fear like I was in my dream dreaming and just this wave of torment captured my soul like seriously everything around me except the voice got quiet, and even though I was dreaming inside my head, I could hear me say “it’s a skin walker” (when I would type this out in texts for my friends I would usually use my microphone from my phone cause this is so long but every single time I got to this point I would type out the words skin walker, that’s how much I dont screw with supernatural stuff) and right after I figured out what it was, I figured out I was dreaming and I didn’t wake up. Usually I can just make myself wake up, but I didn’t really want to for this dream. I wanted to figure out what the hell this was about. So I back up just a little bit and then it cuts to the house and I’m sitting in a chair while the family talking to me.
This was so morbid I don’t really want to repeat it even though if you heard it, it doesn’t necessarily sound bad, but I couldn’t wake up. I didn’t wanna be there anymore. I tried to wake myself up it didn’t work. I tried to move around and felt like I was chained to the chair. This is the first time I’ve ever realized I was in a lucid dream and not able to control it, I was literally trapped in my mind. It wasn’t like one of those things where I try and scream out and yell for help because I was talking to this family. But they weren’t listening. This was different. This was completely out of the ordinary. I’ve never experienced a dream like this, but then, eventually, when the stories kept going, I said “I’ve seen all these creature I know what they are. All my stories are true”, I don’t know why I said that because I didn’t know what they were. But my dream mind did, and I was struggling to understand wether or not the family knew that and tried to get the stories out of me or if I thought the knew I was telling the truth but didn’t actually figure that out until just then. I’ve never seen anything like this, but they were like “wait really” and took me to this room. The walls turned into this virtual reality, and they could see into my memory and see into my dreams now this family wasn’t like bad or anything. I don’t think they meant anything evil. But this dream took place in the college lobby. I think is where it was. The carpet, the walls the doors it was all looking like a hotel.
Okay so at this point it became difficult for me at the time to keep telling this story to the people I was trying to tell it too.
But anyway
They turn on the dream or memory, or whatever it was. Everything looks normal. There’s a lot of people that were just walking around. This is the first time I’m seeing one of my own memories or dreams and that was weird. I really wanted to wake up. I could feel this pressure like even though I was watching my own memory it felt like something was watching me and out of the bottom left door there was this tall, almost plastic, looking completely white, figure dressed, and completely white cloth kinda looks like a robe or a Muslim Thobe, but just one flat shade of white. It even had a bright glow that surrounded it too. It had a hood on too not one of those like Grim Reaper ones, but it was kind of square. It walked, but it also hovered, but when it walked, it walked like all clunky, but it also hovered really smoothly. After that, I just watched as everyone’s flesh started rotting away. Nobody reacted to it. Everyone just kept talking like it was normal, but you could see they would wine in pain they would grunt they would feel it, but they didn’t act on it. They just kept talking to each other, and it all just became eventually one big grumble. Everyone was talking to each other, but in these moans and grumbles, because they had no voice because everything was rotting people's arms were falling off, even people's heads were falling off, but they were still standing. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see this black smoky figure that had a black cloakish kind of hood and red or orange eyes and it would be there and then disappear immediately. It was scary. It was hard to watch. I don’t remember a lot. It was kinda like a fade where a lot of things were happening at once like overlapping like I was watching that, but watching something else and watching something else and watching something else, but then I woke up screaming.
Like screaming bad so much it woke up my girlfriend. It was very odd I didn’t even know if I screamed or not or if I even woke up. It felt like if I just gave up I would have been thrusted back into the dream.
I started getting my memory back for the end of the dream because the end felt like it just happened in the blink of an eye I’m pretty sure what was happening was my memory or my dream or whatever It was stopped being just a memory or a dream, and it became real and all of the Rotted corpses came and tore me apart but they didn’t kill me because they knew it would wake me up, and that white figure was standing back there. I couldn’t see him, but I could see his clothes on his face because it was so white, but he was still behind that group of corpses. The reason that this has scared me so much is because whatever that last part was, wasn’t my mind there’s no way it could’ve been because I don’t know how or why I had to literally fight to leave my own dream when I’ve been able to just do it before. And I've done it so many times before. It was just too real. I don’t remember it but my girlfriend said that I didn’t know I was awake. I was just freaking out.
I apologize if I did a bad job explaining that last part it was a lot happening in a little amount of time. The white thing came out of a door off to the side. I said bottom right, but that really means this room was like elevated on a platform and we were standing behind some kind of railing that you would stand behind at an amusement park line waiting for a ride. We were looking down into the lobby and it looked like the room was in the bottom left. Anyways When it finally walked out after a couple of seconds of a door just being opened for no reason, my perspective shifted from just looking into the lobby not focusing on anything, to a harsh focus on the entity. It had almost a face zoom effect where my vision followed its face so it stayed at the center of my vision. Almost cliche horror movie sounds played like something scary just happened while i Could see it. Then it just walked off to the side. For more odd context the perspective up to the point of entering the room was third person viewing me and the family and when we reached the railing it looked like we were about to look through a window, then it changed to first person and it looked like a room and the walls changed into the virtual memory or dream. After my dream went first person I never really noticed the family again and they completely just weren't there anymore after the perspective change back to normal when the entity walked out of view. Then everything went downhill.
One last part of the dream before I talk about my thoughts. I do remember NOT REMEMBERING what that was, I know that it wasn't one of my memories or dreams but it was in my head for some reason. And I remember having the knowledge that it was important for some reason and maybe that someone might have needed it or wanted it. But the only way I can explain it is how in a dream you have knowledge or memories you didnt have outside of the dream.
Ok so onto my thoughts. I am pretty spiritual. I believe In spirits and specifically Demons and Angels. I am Christian and I have a passion I believe for God and his creation. So saying that I do belive that devils, or demons, appear as "Angels of Light", 'For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. ' 2 Corinthians 11:13-14 KJV. This topic alone is worthy of a whole other rant that could go on as long as this one. But this presence, the pressure I felt in my dream I could feel in the physical world as well, I mean I felt it through my body while I dreamt, And the emphasis on this White, almost angel-like entity, and my mind or my dream really pushing the narrative that it is extremely evil. And my body telling me its a force to not be reckoned with, I couldn't even escape my own head and I could feel the struggle I put my body In just by trying as hard as I could to wake up. I have been questioning what that thing was, how the three dreams connect, and what it all means.
I cant keep it to myself any more, Id love to answer questions or discuss thoughts and I would very much appretiate if anyone could help figure out what this is.
submitted by super-stumped-snail to Dreams [link] [comments]