Beer allergy facial rash

Allergies bad!

2024.05.28 03:29 kflyyy4 Allergies bad!

Allergies bad!
My dog was outside yesterday and now his tummy is broken out in a rash bad today! This is his 1st summer as an adult dog (just turned one) and I think he has allergies. He wasn’t in the grass as a puppy. What can I do all summer to help him
submitted by kflyyy4 to Frenchbulldogs [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 02:17 Migraine_Brain_123 Lots of strange symptoms spanning multiple specialties Neurology, ENT, GI, ...

I suspect that all of my symptoms are connected, but they span lots of different specialties and it's impossible to get all my doctors together to go over things. So I'd like to know what you think and in particular answers to any of these questions:
I have a hard science background, a graduate degree in physics, and some undergrad chemistry and biology, so I'm interested in more detail than I'm getting from my doctors here. I'm hopeful that understanding can lead to some better treatments, but I am also just interested academically.
Everything listed here I have had since I was an early teenager, all starting around that time. None have had any particular identifiable trigger.
Sorry this is a bit long, I'm trying to be comprehensive.
39M, 160 lbs, 5'11", white, in okay shape. Don't drink, smoke, or do drugs. I eat fine, don't eat out, and drink plenty of water. Drink a few cups of green tea per day, occasionally a coffee in the morning. Rarely drink soda. Generally take care of myself.
It's about 50/50 constipation/diarrhea. I have symptoms from it every day. I'd say about 1/3 of the time its not that bad, 1/3 moderately bad, and 1/3 severe.
I have significant pain and bloating when it's acting up. Pencil-thin stools. Sometimes diarrhea and constipation at the same time, like I have to strain to get very liquidy diarrhea out.
There is also very significant distention. When it's not bothering me, my stomach looks flat, and when it is I can look fairly overweight, like a beer belly. I've never found anything that helps with this.
I've tried every elimination diet known to man, and nothing has helped. I haven't found any food triggers or other specific triggers. But just eating or drinking can trigger it. Sometimes I'll feel fine and take a sip of water, and a minute later I feel awful.
The IBS symptoms feel significantly different than "normal" GI problems, I can't describe how, but it feels more "wrong" than regular constipation, bloating, diarrhea, etc.
50mg of CBD 2x/day, and it's the only thing that's ever helped with the IBS pain.
Pepcid 1x/day from acid reflux, presumably from the IBS.
Imodium, few times a week.
In the past I've tried tricyclic antidepressants, Bentyl, and some other stuff I don't remember, which weren't helpful.
IBS aura
Sometimes in the morning I will have a strange dream-like experience. It's not a dream per se, but I'm asleep, and it feels like one, but with no imagery or anything. There's an intense feeling of unreality and dissociation that comes along with it. I'd describe it as kind of similar to the strange feeling that comes with a migraine aura, but much more intense and much much weirder.
When I wake up, I feel extremely sleepy and confused for a few moments, but physically completely fine. Then after about a minute, I'm overwhelmed with sudden, immediate, incapacitating IBS pain. The pain will last all day, and is by far the worse IBS pain I get. It happens once or twice a year. And always exactly like this (e.g., never when I'm awake, or after a nap.)
I don't get anything like that "aura" preceding normal IBS symptoms.
Migraine with aura
The aura is a dark spot starting on the lower-right of my field of vision which increases to fill about 1/3 of the lower right-hand side. Random smaller dark spots appear across my field of vision, and sometimes small point-like scintillating spots.
Pain is also localized on the right-hand side just behind my eye, extending backwards for a bit, and I'd typically describe as throbbing.
The migraines come and go. I might have them every day for weeks, then none for months or years. But typically it's several a month.
I also have frequent regular headaches, several a week.
Neurological workup is fine otherwise.
Cymbalta 60mg 1/day, as a preventative. It works okay.
Sumatriptan, when needed. Also works okay, both together make a migraine tolerable but still bothersome.
Eustachian tube dysfunction / objective tinnitus
In both ears, but primarily the right ear, I have Eustachian tube dysfunction. The tubes are closed most of the time, like I have a cold. I do the Valsalva maneuver several times a day to help. There's no fluid buildup though.
Often I hear a rumbling sound in my ears that is nearly identical to what you hear when you yawn. When this happens, by placing my finger just in front of my ear I can clearly feel something twitching, there's significant movement. Pressing with moderate force typically stops it.
It's extremely irritating and distracting, but doesn't seem to hurt my hearing. AFAIK nothing triggers the rumbling, and the only thing that stops it is pressure. It's mostly bothersome at night. I've been tested for allergies, and didn't find any serious ones.
Very occasionally, my ears ring for a few seconds or minutes. Sometimes the background "tone" changes, like when a bad movie cuts from one person's dialogue to someone else's and it feels like it doesn't match.
Deviated septum
A year ago I had a septoplasty and inferior turbinate reduction to correct a deviated septum I'd had since I was a kid, making it increasingly hard to breathe out of my right nostril. Covering the left nostril and breathing out of the right would make me feel like I was suffocating. AFAIK there was no trauma that caused this.
CT scans didn't show any sinusitis or inflammation and septal deviation was "moderate."
Surgery went great and it's much better, but the right-hand side still feels like there's less throughput. I can feel this clearly if I block one nostril and exhale out the other. The ENT says that there're no obstructions or other reasons he can see for this and doesn't know why it's happening. I'd say the right nostril has like 75% of the throughput of the left one.
I've also been diagnosed with ADHD, the inattentive type.
Also anxiety and depression. As a teenager they were more severe, now they're more manageable. Saw psychologists for years but don't anymore.
I've tried several SSRI/SNRIs, and none of them have helped at all. But they have had sexual side effects of significantly decreased libido and difficulty maintaining erections. I still get erections in the mornings fine. Without the drugs I've never had these problems. They also made me pretty anhedonic in the long-run.
I take Vyvanse 40 mg, a few times a week for the ADHD symptoms. I'd take it more frequently, but it causes the same sexual side-effects as the SSRI/SNRIs. For some reason the Vyvanse almost completely eliminates my anxiety within about an hour of taking it.
Cialis 5mg, for sexual side-effects, but it's only a little helpful.
Weird symptoms
I haven't had a diagnosis associated with any of these. I've had these all since I was a kid/teenager.
Minor weird things
Probably not related to anything, but for completeness. I've also had all of these since I was a kid/teenager.
Family history
I've had so many tests I can't think of them all. They always come back normal, with the exception of low vitamin D (19).
I had lots of tests for IBS as a teenager, including uppelower GIs, and a bunch other I don't remember.
Recently had comprehensive metabolic panel, thyroid tests, testosterone test, estradiol test, and a bunch of STD tests. All normal, but Glucose is in the high 90s (but it's always been < 99) and cholesterol is a little high.
Blood pressure is on the high end of normal, resting heart rate is in the 80s.
My Apple watch says my EEG is fine, SpO2 is fine, and sleep is fine with no interruptions and no drops in SpO2 or respiration rate.
Other daily medications
Fexofenadine, multivitamin
submitted by Migraine_Brain_123 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 02:13 mm112211223344 Itchy all over only at night for the last couple of weeks with no rash

27F, 130lbs. For the last maybe 2-3 weeks I have been itchy all over my body, but only at night time, with no obvious rash. I scratch so much that I get little petechiae all over my body. It’s mostly the tops of my feet (more so my right foot than my left), the palms of my hands, my chest, my shoulders and my neck.
I haven’t done anything different, I use the same laundry detergent and soap I’ve been using forever, I don’t have bed bugs, and I also don’t have hives or any rashes so it doesn’t necessarily seem like an allergy to me?
Also, I’ve questioned if it could be because the weather is getting warmer, but im not itchy when I’m exercising and sweaty or during the day when I’m out in the sun, only at night, and I have my AC on every night so I’m not hot when I’m sleeping either. I’ve also been running my AC nightly for the last 2 months even before I was itchy so I don’t think it’s because the air is dry or because of the cold either. My skin doesn’t look dry at all either.
Another thing I thought of was I’ve been tapering off of my Symbicort inhaler for the last three weeks because I was on it for well over a year after I was having breathing issues (which I think can be attributed to living in a potentially moldy home that I have since moved out of), and I doubt it because I’ve been on and off steroid inhalers my entire life but I wondered if getting off of them could cause skin issues? The reason why I even thought of this as a possibility is because I know people can get steroid withdrawal skin rashes from topical steroids so I wondered if it’s possible from steroid inhalers too? (I was tapering down from my usual 4 puffs a day to 3 puffs a day for one week, 2 puffs a day for another week and now 1 puff a day for another week.)
As a side note, earlier this week I was having a sharp pain in my upper right abdomen all day long, which eventually went away the next day. I have had this pain happen for years but not too often, maybe once every few weeks. Also, early April I went to the ER for breathing issues and they did a metabolic panel which showed my GFR was in the 90s and my creatinine was slightly higher than usual (in the 0.80s instead of 0.60-0.70s), whereas in January and throughout all of last year anytime I had blood work done, it was always >120. I know a GFR in the 90s is still normal but my GFR has never been that low in the past. I’m not sure if these things matter at all I just know that full body itching can be a sign of kidney and liver issues so that makes me nervous. I had liver panels done maybe 6 months ago and all was normal besides elevated bilirubin, which I have had elevated bilirubin for a long time but I’m not sure why.
submitted by mm112211223344 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:54 catqueen1274 nonitchy rash?

nonitchy rash?
Hi! This weird rash popped up on my thighs (primarily my left thigh and a few on my stomach) about 2 weeks ago and hasn’t changed. It doesn’t itch and I haven’t noticed any flakes; I moisturize with squalene oil in the morning and that’s it. They are more red when I get out of the shower, but otherwise it’s nearly the same color as my skin if not slightly darker. I haven’t tried treating it with anything since it isn’t physically bothersome (just visually annoying) and I don’t want to potentially aggravate it.
30, female, diagnosed celiac disease, hypothyroid, psoriasis, depression and anxiety. I am eating strictly gluten free and taking thyroid meds as well as antidepressants, haven’t had any medication changes.
I was on Humira for psoriasis years ago but went off and shockingly haven’t had any major flair ups (other than one tiny spot on my hand that came and went after six months). I do have allergies and have had contact dermatitis and eczema before, although it’s been a while.
Just recently got a physical (right before this popped up of course) and everything looked good there except for slightly lowered mch and mchc.
I have also noticed more pronounced varicose veins on the leg that has the worst of it, unsure if it’s related at all but thought I’d mention it.
submitted by catqueen1274 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 22:22 aneternalgolden Worried I have some sort of autoimmune condition?

Age 25
Sex F
Height 5”9
Weight 9 st
Duration of complaint 6+ years
Location UK
Any existing relevant medical issues Asthma, allergies, low iron, anxiety
What’s going on with me? I was diagnosed with hyper mobility when i was younger due to my joints dislocating frequently. I have asthma. Non smoker. Dust allergy, hay fever, latex allergy & OAS. In my adult life i’ve noticed some weird symptoms that every time i check online are said to be related to autoimmune conditions. Haven’t brought this up to my GP yet.
I get a bright red rash whenever I’m stressed/ emotional/ temperature change/ angry that goes from my face to my neck and chest. It’s not itchy but I can feel when it’s creeping up my neck and calms down if I go into cool air or splash it with cold water.
When I get out of the shower I have blood pooling(?) i think it’s called, when my legs/feet are a bit purpley.
I get mottling on my hands randomly.
Experience occasional dizziness/ light headedness. Had blood works & was diagnosed with low iron stores so I’ve been taking over the counter iron supplements for a few months. Dizziness still comes & goes especially on my period. If I have a shower that’s too hot I almost pass out every time.
My knees still dislocate but a lot less frequently maybe once or twice a year.
My hands/ feet get randomly boiling hot, red and uncomfortable or freezing cold and white. The hotness happens the most when I’m eating/ holding a knife and fork.
I have constant floaters in my eyes that I notice every now and again if I focus.
Sometimes my arms/hands go really heavy.
When I get in from walking for long periods of time I get this pulsating feeling in my legs all over that lasts around 5-10 minutes.
There’s quite a few other things but I have no idea if they are related or not.
Sorry if my explanations aren’t perfect, I struggle to articulate these types of things. If you have any idea what this could be please let me know :)
submitted by aneternalgolden to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 22:17 -screamingtoad- tons of spitting stitches

Currently 3w+6dpo. My next appointment is on Friday when I'll be 4w+3dpo and I will talk to my surgeon about it again then, but I am hoping for some community wisdom as well.
Since 12dpo I have been getting non-stop spitting stitches. I lost track at about a dozen. Just my FNGs spat 5-6 each. I have spat them along every incision I have, including my composite nipple grafts where they were stitched to the areola. Just over 2wpo I had an tiny, pinhead-sized opening start where my left FNG met the vertical incision. It grew till now it's about 1/3" (1cm) and gaping. Another started the same way on my left side on my horizontal incision but has since grown to meet the t-junction.
I have sent photos and am following my surgeon's instructions (scrub in shower, apply polysporin, xeroform over that, cover it all with gauze, change once a day), and the wounds seem to be doing fine. However almost every day they itch horribly for a few hours, then when I am changing the bandages I see they are spitting a stitch. The big one spit an internal multi-strand stitch that, as I understand it, shouldn't have dissolved till 3mpo or so. After that, the big one spat 3-4 single-strand stitches, one day after another. Then one poked out of the lower opening. I pulled it out, it felt better, then yesterday there were 3 freaking ends sticking out of the lower one and when I pulled out the two I could reach with sterilized tweezers, they were separate little bits.
Most of the spitting stitches have just itched a bit along a scar, an end pokes out in a few days, I sterilize some tweezers and tug gently then a short bit of suture comes out easily, and it closes right away and the wound heals up in a few days. My surgeon said I could do that, and trim them if they didn't come easily. But I am so tired of them constantly poking out and I'm really tired of the two openings growing and spitting a seemingly-infinite number of suture-bits.
Have you experienced anything like this? Heard of anything like this? My only known medical allergies are: I frequently get a rash when I wear a bandaid or medical tape, even hy-tape; allergy to hydrocodone. That's it. This did not happen at all with my hysterectomy a few years ago, but the laparoscopic incisions were closed at the surface with glue.
Lifestyle-wise I walk 1-2 miles every few days, only as much as feels good and easy. I have stayed within my medical restrictions with very few, accidental moments (woke up stretching, reached for my toothbrush because I forgot to move it to a lower shelf pre-op). I am eating and hydrating healthily. Took all my meds and antibiotics as prescribed. I do not smoke cigarettes (quit 9/22). I did not have any cannabis for 2w pre-op and have only smoked twice post-op, felt anxious, have not been using any more. I have had one beer since surgery, last week. I am hardly taking anything but a muscle relaxant 1-2 times a day for muscle spasms, and an occasional 400mg ibuprofen or 125mg acetaminophen.
Just wtf is going on?
submitted by -screamingtoad- to Reduction [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 22:09 S3lad0n Finding cause of deficiency and getting tests?

Hi all, 32/F, new here, neuropathic and self-treating with IM SI, any advice gratefully received🙏

tl;dr better with years of SI but not totally bc other symptoms persist + can't afford to SI indefinitely however doctors won't investigate or even validate so what do?

(full story ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ )
So I’ve come to a point after years where B12 SI IM every other day is keeping my worst symptoms at bay—including crippling nerve pain that leaves me bedridden, breathlessness and wheezing, panic attacks, paresthesia, GERD, posture hypotension, bleeding gums, tinnitus, palpitations, ataxia, impaired vision, brittle broken nails, memory loss and brain fog, itching and rashes, mood problems and ‘checking out’ mentally. It’s interesting that since taking B12, my family & friends have remarked that I seem ‘a lot less autistic’…
However, I feel like I want to clear up the core issue, not just relieve my symptoms.
Also, frankly although B12 is relatively cheap to supplement, at present I’m low/no income due to autism, and starting to run out of funds to SI (since 2021 I have been treating myself at home at my own expense, my doctors won’t cover it or do it for me), and also realising that SI somewhat limits my life (I.e. can’t travel at certain times/to certain places, or stay with people), so I want to get to the root of it and heal so I don’t have to base half my existence around it anymore.
Looking at the symptoms that persist for me even when I SI, such as constant itching (that histamine doesn’t help), rosacea, hair loss/fall, bloating/‘skinnyfat’ belly, gastro/motility issues, joint pain, light and sound sensitivity, allergies, heavy periods, constipation and/or inability to hold water for long, low drive/motivation, no muscle tone, petechiae, etc. my suspicion is that I have some kind of chronic dysbiosis, SIBO, H.pylori, gastritis, coeliac, Crohn’s or the like. Wondering alternatively if it could be adrenal/thyroid problems, or a warning sign of Type II diabetes.
If it helps to know or with the guesswork, I had pyloric stenosis surgery as a baby, in my teens I had my gut absolutely messed up by too much tetracycline and Accutane, and in my 20s I was working in a rundown awful building filled with black mould unbeknownst to me until I left, so my formative years were horrible in terms of gut health and general physical well-being. There is medical history in my family of B12 deficiency, gut issues, severe allergies/food intolerances, arthritis, asthma, eczema, diabetes, thyroidism, leukemia, blood pressure problems, and other things.
Issue is, I’ve brought all this up to my doctors (in both England and in Wales where I now live) a few times, and they always refuse to test or treat me, saying that I shouldn’t SI (when I can’t even physically function without it) and they can’t sign off on that, plus there’s too much ground to cover (costs them too much to run all the tests), and they think all this is in my head anyway (classic Hysterical Woman brush off). Going private is not an option as I don’t have the money rn and won’t go into debt. Have looked up online panel tests (the sort where you send stools for analysis) and they seem prohibitively expensive too. Have considered naturopaths too, but worried about getting scammed, as I've been to sketchy therapists before.
So I’m not sure what to do now? Or which tests I’d likely need first/most, or who to ask for them? It’s frustrating and has me feeling hopelessly stuck and overwhelmed. Thank you all again for any guidance🫶🏻🤝
submitted by S3lad0n to B12_Deficiency [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 21:59 Mwahaha_790 Full-body itching + bone pain. Allergist or dermatologist as next steps?

Hi. I'm a 50-y-o woman with no current health issues who is prone to SBO after a Whipple procedure 25 years ago. I was diagnosed with fibroids two years ago and they make my periods very challenging, with slight anemia. Since about mid-March, I have been itching all over. There is no associated rash or bruising. I have no known allergies. I've also noticed pain in my right thigh, wrists and right collarbone. I've had the wrist pain for a couple of years; it was considered to be carpal tunnels or arthritis. The thigh and collarbone pain are relatively new.
I saw my PCP (who is awesome) for the itching and bone pain. She did bloods that showed slightly elevated proteins. (I've had these elevated proteins for about six or seven years now. Sometimes they're moderately elevated, sometimes they're slightly elevated, but the elevation has been consistent.) She referred me to a hematologist who was less than interested. He thought I should be seeing a dermatologist instead of a hematologist but ordered a UPEP and bloods just to be thorough. That was three weeks ago and he hasn't called with the results. He had said he would, and I know they've been available for a while, since I was pinged through the patient portal. I haven't looked at the results cause I don't know what I'm looking for.
I'd rather not follow up with him and am wondering what my next steps should be. Should I consult a dermatologist or allergist? Or both? My PCP prescribed hydroxizine for the itching, and I take it at night, which helps me sleep, but I can't take it during the day because it makes me super drowsy, so daytime is very difficult because of the itching. It's very distracting at work, and I have lots of scratch marks and cuts on my body (I keep my nails super short to try and mitigate that). I feel self-conscious for scratching and marking myself at work and in public. I take extra strength Tylenol for the bone pain and period pain.
I hate to go back to my PCP for the same complaint – she's done what she could – and would appreciate your advice. Thanks.
submitted by Mwahaha_790 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 21:37 disco-dingus I have received anonymous movie spoilers for years. I finally found out who was responsible

There will be spoilers for several movies due to the nature of my experience.
The first instance I remember is on the day I watched “Scream” in ‘96. I was driving home from work and passed a billboard on the highway. Just a plain white background with bold black lettering:
At the time I was confused, but it didn’t take long to connect it once I sat down in the theater with my then girlfriend.
“A fucking billboard ruined that for me,” I said to her as we left. She didn’t believe me which was further cemented after I insisted we drive past that billboard. And just to make me look crazy it had been replaced with an ad for motor insurance.
“I swear this morning it said 'Billy and Stu are the killers'."
“Sure it did, Marty,” she said sarcastically. “Can you take me home now?”
Over the subsequent years various major spoilers were revealed to me in different ways. Another example is upon learning I had never seen “Psycho”, my wife Anna insisted we watch it after we put our daughter Penny to bed.
“Oh Mart, you’re in for a treat,” she said as we sat down with a bowl of warm popcorn. “It’s one of the best twists in cinema.”
We paused it after the infamous shower scene, so I could grab us some beers. I noticed Penny’s alphabet fridge magnets were arranged in a way that read:
I called Anna into the kitchen. She was baffled. “What, you think I did that?”
“Well I doubt it was Penny,” I snapped.
She gave me daggers. “I don’t know what you want me to say, Marty.”
It was then that we had a little conversation about my strange history with spoilers.
“One time I was preparing dinner, just chopping veg or something, and it was the request hour on the radio. The DJ was like ‘This one goes out to Marty in Seattle. Shutter Island hits theaters this weekend and Leonardo Dicaprio’s U.S. Marshal actually turns out to be an inmate in the asylum.’ I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. But he was fucking right.”
Anna didn’t believe me. She went to bed, and I ended up watching the rest of Psycho on my own, with the inevitable Norman/Mrs Bates reveal already spoiled.
I love movies, but when every little detail is spoiled for you, it kinda puts you off. Even if there were no significant twists, there would be notes in my pocket like “Dave gets lung cancer” or “She’s having an affair with the real estate agent.”
So now we come to “The Sixth Sense.” Another movie my wife said I had to watch for the twist. I think we all know as far as twists go, it’s a big one. She’d gone out for the night, Penny was in bed. I had avoided everything like the plague that day. I didn’t leave the house, I didn’t turn on the radio or TV, I didn’t check my phone, I didn’t read a book. You get it. I was bored shitless, but there were no spoilers.
I put the DVD in the drive and started the movie. I had snacks and beer at the ready. I didn’t need to leave the couch. If I needed to use the bathroom, I’d hold it.
So I’m sitting there, in the dark, slightly on edge. Cole has his little “I see dead people” scene and I get a little shiver. It’s good, that kid was a great actor. Then I heard a voice from behind me.
“Psst. Bruce Willis is a ghost.”
I jumped out of my skin, and turned just to see the outline of someone scutter into the hallway. It couldn’t have been Penny, because this figure was definitely an adult. And that voice. It was spooky, kind of like the Cryptkeeper or something.
“Who’s there?” I shouted. “Anna, is that you?” I wondered if she’d come home to play a prank on me. It took me some time to pluck up the courage to stand up, switching on a table lamp to give more light. The TV was paused on little Cole’s terrified face. I rolled up a magazine I grabbed from the coffee table. Upon realizing how ridiculous that was I threw it down and picked up a fire poker instead. Then I crept out of the living room into the hallway.
“Anna, this isn’t funny. I have a weapon, and if anyone jumps out on me I’m using it. Do you hear me Anna? I’ve got the fire poker in my hands and I will use it.”
“I’m not Anna,” I heard from further down the hall, followed by a disturbing chuckle. "I'm the eater of worlds, and of children." There was a roughly humanoid outline standing in the kitchen.
“Fuck me!” I yelled out, running upstairs to Penny’s room. I burst in, but she wasn’t there. Her bed was empty, neatly made. “Penny!” I screamed. I screamed her name over and over. I checked the bathroom, she wasn’t there. My legs gave way. I dropped the fire poker and used my cell to call Anna.
“I see dead people,” said Anna with a chuckle when she answered. I could hear music in the background.
“Anna… Penny’s gone!”
“What do you mean?” she said.
“I heard someone in the house. Someone spoiled the movie, they said Bruce Willis is a ghost. Then I went to get Penny, but she’s not in her room!”
“Mart, this isn’t funny.”
“Anna, please. I’m serious. She’s not here! And there’s someone in the house. I’ve gotta go. I’m gonna smash their fucking head in!”
“Mart, wait…” I hung up and picked up the fire poker, creeping back downstairs. I could feel my cell vibrating in my pocket but I ignored it.
“Where’s my daughter?” I yelled out. “Where’s Penny?”
I could hear something slouching around, like it was made of liquid. There were glistening footprints on the hallway tiles, which I followed to the kitchen. My hands were trembling.
“Unless you want this fire poker to meet your head, you’ll tell me where my daughter is.”
“What’s in the box?” that weird spooky voice said. “His wife’s head!” it cackled.
As I entered the kitchen I saw it. It was like some kind of goblin, hunched over and dripping with a green, algae like slime. It had long black hair and large facial features, pointed ears, a wide nose, bulbous eyes.
“What the fuck are you?” I stuttered.
It held up a bony hand with pointed nails. “Keyser Söze,” it laughed.
“Where’s Penny?” I yelled, swinging the fire poker. It grabbed it and forced it out of my hands, throwing it to the floor. Then it pushed me against the fridge, its foul breath in my face.
“Do you know what she did?” it said. “Your cunting daughter.”
“Fuck you!” I screamed, pushing it off me. “Penny! Penny!”
The thing continued to laugh. “She’s not here.”
“Where is she?” I cried. “Please, where is she?”
A deep chuckle came from its throat. “Perhaps you’ve suffered enough.”
“Marty!” yelled Anna, appearing in the kitchen. She clocked the goblin thing and screamed, falling to the floor with me. We held on to each other. “What the fuck is that?”
“I’m Juniper,” it said. “Like the berry. I’m kind of a movie demon, that’s probably the best way to describe me. I have been summoned to taunt Marty since 1995.”
“What? Why?”
“How’s your old friend Larry these days?” it asked.
“Larry? Jesus, I haven’t seen Larry for at least 15 years. I wouldn’t know.”
“Do you remember the day you watched Star Wars with him? Well, specifically The Empire Strikes Back?”
“I mean, vaguely. Why?”
“You remember spoiling the big reveal, right? You remember how funny you found it to reveal that Darth Vader was Luke’s father?”
“I… Well, yeah. But it’s just what we did when we were young, we were dicks.”
“Well, Larry didn’t find it very funny. When he got home that night, he made a wish. He didn’t really intend to, but he did regardless, because I was listening.”
“So, what. He wished for every movie I see to be spoiled?”
It was so outrageous that I couldn’t help but laugh. “I’ve heard it all now. Okay, so where’s my daughter?”
“Oh, this is awkward,” it said. “I think I’m going to hand this one over to you.” It pointed to Anna.
“Honey?” I said. “I don’t understand.”
“Mart,” said Anna, grabbing my hands. She had tears in her eyes. “Penny died three years ago. She drowned in Pine Lake, when we were on vacation.”
I shook my head. “No, that’s not true. I saw her this morning. I put her to fucking bed this evening.”
“Spoiler alert,” said Juniper. “You see what you want to see. Hey, it’s just like that movie.”
submitted by disco-dingus to TheCrypticCompendium [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 21:30 PunkSolaris Thank you! Whoever you Are For Recommending Nipple Cream For Chapped Dry Lips💕😂 Total Lifesaver [review]

I suffer from eczema, and right now is allergy season and my lips are just destroyed from sneezing and wiping my nose. I'm also currently on antibiotics overcoming perioral dermatitis rash around nose from nasal steroid spray use.
Nothing was working, straight up Vaseline and aquaphor were just easily being wiped off and I was literally reapplying them 10 to 12 times a day, with little relief.
Somebody out of the blue recommended nipple cream! Which is basically just lanolin ointment which comes from sheep's wool, more specifically they're glands.
Now there has been a lot of controversy with lanolin as it was recently declared "allergin of the year"... But I was so desperate so I slathered the stuff all over my lips and I have been for the past week! And it has been a lifesaver!
This stuff is thick! I'm talking like dried sap from a tree. It does tug a little bit on my lips when applying it but not so badly once it warms up to your body temperature. It's also very difficult to squeeze from the tube, you definitely have to use some elbow grease and warm up the tube.
But once this stuff is on there it isn't going anywhere! I now only need to apply it three times a day; once in the morning once in the afternoon and once before bed. I've even been using it around my nostrils where it is super sore and the skin is compromised from perioral dermititis and tissue use.
So what is lanolin?
Lanolin is the wool grease secreted by the sheep sebaceous glands, and represents a complex mixture of high molecular mass lipids, including fatty acids and alcohols, sterols, hydroxyacids, diols, and aliphatic and steryl esters
Now let's get to the controversy. Is this really a common allergen? Well I looked at the studies. And they are all inconclusive. And they just state that more studies need to be conducted.
And what's more, is the fact that famous scientist, creator of retin A and triluma, Dr. Albert Kligman doesn't believe that it's an allergen at all!
"Lanolin has the reputation of being an important contact sensitizer. The market place abounds with products that are labeled “lanolin free”. In fact, lanolin is at most a weak contact allergen. The supposed hazards of sensitization to lanolin products are a resultant of faulty science and failure to appreciate the limitations of patch testing. Lanolin allergy is a myth created mainly by overzealous professional patch testers. No one has succeeded in sensitizing animals or humans to lanolin or wool wax alcohols. Most of the case reports are false positives, in association with the angry back syndrome."
Abstract Lanolin has the reputation of being an important contact sensitizer. The market place abounds with products that are labeled “lanolin free”. In fact, lanolin is at most a weak contact allergen. The supposed hazards of sensitization to lanolin products are a resultant of faulty science and failure to appreciate the limitations of patch testing. Lanolin allergy is a myth created mainly by overzealous professional patch testers. No one has succeeded in sensitizing animals or humans to lanolin or wool wax alcohols. Most of the case reports are false positives, in association with the angry back syndrome.
ALWAYS patch test ANY skincare product.
submitted by PunkSolaris to SkincareAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 21:02 OkQuote7584 Help. Weird rash after a facial.

Help. Weird rash after a facial.
I went out of down for a wedding and decided to spoil myself with a hydration facial, never got one before and it sounded really nice! Well…. Now I have this weird itchy breakout that is around my cheeks that I have never dealt with and it has been there for months. My dermatologist can’t see me till November😵‍💫 any recommendations or any clue what is going on? I really appreciate any advice. My skincare is pretty much just sunscreen and washing my face morning/night. Again I’ve never really had anything like this or dealt with acne before… thank you again!
submitted by OkQuote7584 to skin [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 20:34 Piefed22 Peanut butter allergy?

Peanut butter allergy?
We cooked food in peanut oil for our 8 month old last week and she was fine, but today we gave her actual peanut butter on a banana and her skin broke out in this rash. Is this what a nut allergy can look like on skin?
submitted by Piefed22 to BabyLedWeaning [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 19:38 disco-dingus I've received anonymous movie spoilers for years. I finally found out who was responsible

There will be spoilers for several movies due to the nature of my experience.
The first instance I remember is on the day I watched “Scream” in ‘96. I was driving home from work and passed a billboard on the highway. Just a plain white background with bold black lettering:
At the time I was confused, but it didn’t take long to connect it once I sat down in the theater with my then girlfriend.
“A fucking billboard ruined that for me,” I said to her as we left. She didn’t believe me which was further cemented after I insisted we drive past that billboard. And just to make me look crazy it had been replaced with an ad for motor insurance.
“I swear this morning it said 'Billy and Stu are the killers'."
“Sure it did, Marty,” she said sarcastically. “Can you take me home now?”
Over the subsequent years various major spoilers were revealed to me in different ways. Another example is upon learning I had never seen “Psycho”, my wife Anna insisted we watch it after we put our daughter Penny to bed.
“Oh Mart, you’re in for a treat,” she said as we sat down with a bowl of warm popcorn. “It’s one of the best twists in cinema.”
We paused it after the infamous shower scene, so I could grab us some beers. I noticed Penny’s alphabet fridge magnets were arranged in a way that read:
I called Anna into the kitchen. She was baffled. “What, you think I did that?”
“Well I doubt it was Penny,” I snapped.
She gave me daggers. “I don’t know what you want me to say, Marty.”
It was then that we had a little conversation about my strange history with spoilers.
“One time I was preparing dinner, just chopping veg or something, and it was the request hour on the radio. The DJ was like ‘This one goes out to Marty in Seattle. Shutter Island hits theaters this weekend and Leonardo Dicaprio’s U.S. Marshal actually turns out to be an inmate in the asylum.’ I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. But he was fucking right.”
Anna didn’t believe me. She went to bed, and I ended up watching the rest of Psycho on my own, with the inevitable Norman/Mrs Bates reveal already spoiled.
I love movies, but when every little detail is spoiled for you, it kinda puts you off. Even if there were no significant twists, there would be notes in my pocket like “Dave gets lung cancer” or “She’s having an affair with the real estate agent.”
So now we come to “The Sixth Sense.” Another movie my wife said I had to watch for the twist. I think we all know as far as twists go, it’s a big one. She’d gone out for the night, Penny was in bed. I had avoided everything like the plague that day. I didn’t leave the house, I didn’t turn on the radio or TV, I didn’t check my phone, I didn’t read a book. You get it. I was bored shitless, but there were no spoilers.
I put the DVD in the drive and started the movie. I had snacks and beer at the ready. I didn’t need to leave the couch. If I needed to use the bathroom, I’d hold it.
So I’m sitting there, in the dark, slightly on edge. Cole has his little “I see dead people” scene and I get a little shiver. It’s good, that kid was a great actor. Then I heard a voice from behind me.
“Psst. Bruce Willis is a ghost.”
I jumped out of my skin, and turned just to see the outline of someone scutter into the hallway. It couldn’t have been Penny, because this figure was definitely an adult. And that voice. It was spooky, kind of like the Cryptkeeper or something.
“Who’s there?” I shouted. “Anna, is that you?” I wondered if she’d come home to play a prank on me. It took me some time to pluck up the courage to stand up, switching on a table lamp to give more light. The TV was paused on little Cole’s terrified face. I rolled up a magazine I grabbed from the coffee table. Upon realizing how ridiculous that was I threw it down and picked up a fire poker instead. Then I crept out of the living room into the hallway.
“Anna, this isn’t funny. I have a weapon, and if anyone jumps out on me I’m using it. Do you hear me Anna? I’ve got the fire poker in my hands and I will use it.”
“I’m not Anna,” I heard from further down the hall, followed by a disturbing chuckle. "I'm the eater of worlds, and of children." There was a roughly humanoid outline standing in the kitchen.
“Fuck me!” I yelled out, running upstairs to Penny’s room. I burst in, but she wasn’t there. Her bed was empty, neatly made. “Penny!” I screamed. I screamed her name over and over. I checked the bathroom, she wasn’t there. My legs gave way. I dropped the fire poker and used my cell to call Anna.
“I see dead people,” said Anna with a chuckle when she answered. I could hear music in the background.
“Anna… Penny’s gone!”
“What do you mean?” she said.
“I heard someone in the house. Someone spoiled the movie, they said Bruce Willis is a ghost. Then I went to get Penny, but she’s not in her room!”
“Mart, this isn’t funny.”
“Anna, please. I’m serious. She’s not here! And there’s someone in the house. I’ve gotta go. I’m gonna smash their fucking head in!”
“Mart, wait…” I hung up and picked up the fire poker, creeping back downstairs. I could feel my cell vibrating in my pocket but I ignored it.
“Where’s my daughter?” I yelled out. “Where’s Penny?”
I could hear something slouching around, like it was made of liquid. There were glistening footprints on the hallway tiles, which I followed to the kitchen. My hands were trembling.
“Unless you want this fire poker to meet your head, you’ll tell me where my daughter is.”
“What’s in the box?” that weird spooky voice said. “His wife’s head!” it cackled.
As I entered the kitchen I saw it. It was like some kind of goblin, hunched over and dripping with a green, algae like slime. It had long black hair and large facial features, pointed ears, a wide nose, bulbous eyes.
“What the fuck are you?” I stuttered.
It held up a bony hand with pointed nails. “Keyser Söze,” it laughed.
“Where’s Penny?” I yelled, swinging the fire poker. It grabbed it and forced it out of my hands, throwing it to the floor. Then it pushed me against the fridge, its foul breath in my face.
“Do you know what she did?” it said. “Your cunting daughter.”
“Fuck you!” I screamed, pushing it off me. “Penny! Penny!”
The thing continued to laugh. “She’s not here.”
“Where is she?” I cried. “Please, where is she?”
A deep chuckle came from its throat. “Perhaps you’ve suffered enough.”
“Marty!” yelled Anna, appearing in the kitchen. She clocked the goblin thing and screamed, falling to the floor with me. We held on to each other. “What the fuck is that?”
“I’m Juniper,” it said. “Like the berry. I’m kind of a movie demon, that’s probably the best way to describe me. I have been summoned to taunt Marty since 1995.”
“What? Why?”
“How’s your old friend Larry these days?” it asked.
“Larry? Jesus, I haven’t seen Larry for at least 15 years. I wouldn’t know.”
“Do you remember the day you watched Star Wars with him? Well, specifically The Empire Strikes Back?”
“I mean, vaguely. Why?”
“You remember spoiling the big reveal, right? You remember how funny you found it to reveal that Darth Vader was Luke’s father?”
“I… Well, yeah. But it’s just what we did when we were young, we were dicks.”
“Well, Larry didn’t find it very funny. When he got home that night, he made a wish. He didn’t really intend to, but he did regardless, because I was listening.”
“So, what. He wished for every movie I see to be spoiled?”
It was so outrageous that I couldn’t help but laugh. “I’ve heard it all now. Okay, so where’s my daughter?”
“Oh, this is awkward,” it said. “I think I’m going to hand this one over to you.” It pointed to Anna.
“Honey?” I said. “I don’t understand.”
“Mart,” said Anna, grabbing my hands. She had tears in her eyes. “Penny died three years ago. She drowned in Pine Lake, when we were on vacation.”
I shook my head. “No, that’s not true. I saw her this morning. I put her to fucking bed this evening.”
“Spoiler alert,” said Juniper. “You see what you want to see. Hey, it’s just like that movie.”
submitted by disco-dingus to DiscoBloodbath [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 19:35 disco-dingus I’ve received anonymous movie spoilers for years. I finally found out who was responsible

There will be spoilers for several movies due to the nature of my experience.
The first instance I remember is on the day I watched “Scream” in ‘96. I was driving home from work and passed a billboard on the highway. Just a plain white background with bold black lettering:
At the time I was confused, but it didn’t take long to connect it once I sat down in the theater with my then girlfriend.
“A fucking billboard ruined that for me,” I said to her as we left. She didn’t believe me which was further cemented after I insisted we drive past that billboard. And just to make me look crazy it had been replaced with an ad for motor insurance.
“I swear this morning it said 'Billy and Stu are the killers'."
“Sure it did, Marty,” she said sarcastically. “Can you take me home now?”
Over the subsequent years various major spoilers were revealed to me in different ways. Another example is upon learning I had never seen “Psycho”, my wife Anna insisted we watch it after we put our daughter Penny to bed.
“Oh Mart, you’re in for a treat,” she said as we sat down with a bowl of warm popcorn. “It’s one of the best twists in cinema.”
We paused it after the infamous shower scene, so I could grab us some beers. I noticed Penny’s alphabet fridge magnets were arranged in a way that read:
I called Anna into the kitchen. She was baffled. “What, you think I did that?”
“Well I doubt it was Penny,” I snapped.
She gave me daggers. “I don’t know what you want me to say, Marty.”
It was then that we had a little conversation about my strange history with spoilers.
“One time I was preparing dinner, just chopping veg or something, and it was the request hour on the radio. The DJ was like ‘This one goes out to Marty in Seattle. Shutter Island hits theaters this weekend and Leonardo Dicaprio’s U.S. Marshal actually turns out to be an inmate in the asylum.’ I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. But he was fucking right.”
Anna didn’t believe me. She went to bed, and I ended up watching the rest of Psycho on my own, with the inevitable Norman/Mrs Bates reveal already spoiled.
I love movies, but when every little detail is spoiled for you, it kinda puts you off. Even if there were no significant twists, there would be notes in my pocket like “Dave gets lung cancer” or “She’s having an affair with the real estate agent.”
So now we come to “The Sixth Sense.” Another movie my wife said I had to watch for the twist. I think we all know as far as twists go, it’s a big one. She’d gone out for the night, Penny was in bed. I had avoided everything like the plague that day. I didn’t leave the house, I didn’t turn on the radio or TV, I didn’t check my phone, I didn’t read a book. You get it. I was bored shitless, but there were no spoilers.
I put the DVD in the drive and started the movie. I had snacks and beer at the ready. I didn’t need to leave the couch. If I needed to use the bathroom, I’d hold it.
So I’m sitting there, in the dark, slightly on edge. Cole has his little “I see dead people” scene and I get a little shiver. It’s good, that kid was a great actor. Then I heard a voice from behind me.
“Psst. Bruce Willis is a ghost.”
I jumped out of my skin, and turned just to see the outline of someone scutter into the hallway. It couldn’t have been Penny, because this figure was definitely an adult. And that voice. It was spooky, kind of like the Cryptkeeper or something.
“Who’s there?” I shouted. “Anna, is that you?” I wondered if she’d come home to play a prank on me. It took me some time to pluck up the courage to stand up, switching on a table lamp to give more light. The TV was paused on little Cole’s terrified face. I rolled up a magazine I grabbed from the coffee table. Upon realizing how ridiculous that was I threw it down and picked up a fire poker instead. Then I crept out of the living room into the hallway.
“Anna, this isn’t funny. I have a weapon, and if anyone jumps out on me I’m using it. Do you hear me Anna? I’ve got the fire poker in my hands and I will use it.”
“I’m not Anna,” I heard from further down the hall, followed by a disturbing chuckle. "I'm the eater of worlds, and of children." There was a roughly humanoid outline standing in the kitchen.
“Fuck me!” I yelled out, running upstairs to Penny’s room. I burst in, but she wasn’t there. Her bed was empty, neatly made. “Penny!” I screamed. I screamed her name over and over. I checked the bathroom, she wasn’t there. My legs gave way. I dropped the fire poker and used my cell to call Anna.
“I see dead people,” said Anna with a chuckle when she answered. I could hear music in the background.
“Anna… Penny’s gone!”
“What do you mean?” she said.
“I heard someone in the house. Someone spoiled the movie, they said Bruce Willis is a ghost. Then I went to get Penny, but she’s not in her room!”
“Mart, this isn’t funny.”
“Anna, please. I’m serious. She’s not here! And there’s someone in the house. I’ve gotta go. I’m gonna smash their fucking head in!”
“Mart, wait…” I hung up and picked up the fire poker, creeping back downstairs. I could feel my cell vibrating in my pocket but I ignored it.
“Where’s my daughter?” I yelled out. “Where’s Penny?”
I could hear something slouching around, like it was made of liquid. There were glistening footprints on the hallway tiles, which I followed to the kitchen. My hands were trembling.
“Unless you want this fire poker to meet your head, you’ll tell me where my daughter is.”
“What’s in the box?” that weird spooky voice said. “His wife’s head!” it cackled.
As I entered the kitchen I saw it. It was like some kind of goblin, hunched over and dripping with a green, algae like slime. It had long black hair and large facial features, pointed ears, a wide nose, bulbous eyes.
“What the fuck are you?” I stuttered.
It held up a bony hand with pointed nails. “Keyser Söze,” it laughed.
“Where’s Penny?” I yelled, swinging the fire poker. It grabbed it and forced it out of my hands, throwing it to the floor. Then it pushed me against the fridge, its foul breath in my face.
“Do you know what she did?” it said. “Your cunting daughter.”
“Fuck you!” I screamed, pushing it off me. “Penny! Penny!”
The thing continued to laugh. “She’s not here.”
“Where is she?” I cried. “Please, where is she?”
A deep chuckle came from its throat. “Perhaps you’ve suffered enough.”
“Marty!” yelled Anna, appearing in the kitchen. She clocked the goblin thing and screamed, falling to the floor with me. We held on to each other. “What the fuck is that?”
“I’m Juniper,” it said. “Like the berry. I’m kind of a movie demon, that’s probably the best way to describe me. I have been summoned to taunt Marty since 1995.”
“What? Why?”
“How’s your old friend Larry these days?” it asked.
“Larry? Jesus, I haven’t seen Larry for at least 15 years. I wouldn’t know.”
“Do you remember the day you watched Star Wars with him? Well, specifically The Empire Strikes Back?”
“I mean, vaguely. Why?”
“You remember spoiling the big reveal, right? You remember how funny you found it to reveal that Darth Vader was Luke’s father?”
“I… Well, yeah. But it’s just what we did when we were young, we were dicks.”
“Well, Larry didn’t find it very funny. When he got home that night, he made a wish. He didn’t really intend to, but he did regardless, because I was listening.”
“So, what. He wished for every movie I see to be spoiled?”
It was so outrageous that I couldn’t help but laugh. “I’ve heard it all now. Okay, so where’s my daughter?”
“Oh, this is awkward,” it said. “I think I’m going to hand this one over to you.” It pointed to Anna.
“Honey?” I said. “I don’t understand.”
“Mart,” said Anna, grabbing my hands. She had tears in her eyes. “Penny died three years ago. She drowned in Pine Lake, when we were on vacation.”
I shook my head. “No, that’s not true. I saw her this morning. I put her to fucking bed this evening.”
“Spoiler alert,” said Juniper. “You see what you want to see. Hey, it’s just like that movie.”
submitted by disco-dingus to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 19:26 thrownoutdildo I am almost positive I have Behçet’s and I need help getting diagnosed

For 3 straight years, I’ve had a myriad of strange symptoms. I’ve been to all kinds of doctors, none of them have really found anything.
My symptoms are; diarrhea about 50% of the time, severe appetite loss, red eyes, painful eyes (they are constantly sore and hurt when they adjust to bright light),
hollow-sickly looking face (less facial fat than I used to have and large eye bags and loss of facial fat under my eyes),
excessive sweating and heat intolerance (sometimes I get night sweats where my whole body is sweating, but in general my body sweats a lot now and more readily than it used to). Also if I do work out, my body continues to sweat long after the workout is done.
Severe fatigue and very out of breath + rapid heartbeat when playing sports. It’s to the point to where I don’t even exercise that much anymore.
Heart palpitations. My heart skips beats often. Some months it’s more common, other months my heartbeat is more regular.
Strange skin manifestations: my skin is very sensitive to pressure and it leaves weird red blotches that last a long time. Secondly, I get small red bumps on my skin that itch, almost like one singular hive. They usually bleed after I scratch them.
Mouth sores: when my symptoms first started in April of 2021, I got this really painful mouth ulcer in the top right corner of my mouth where my jaw pivots. It made it very hard to eat food and lasted for about 3 days. Nowadays, I have mouth ulcers on my tongue that are patchy and white and they hurt when I eat sour foods or acidic foods. I can’t even drink lemonade or have ketchup anymore. They tend to come and go. Some weeks they’re worse than others, but I’ve had them for about 2 years now.
Weird tingling feeling on my head/scalp. Sometimes I get this tingly feeling on my head, usually on the front portions of my temples.
I sometimes have blood in my stool. I usually can feel when there’s going to be blood before going because there’s a sharp pain in my lower abdomen, probably an open ulcer or something. Blood in my stool is usually pretty uncommon though. I’ve only had it 5 times in the three years I’ve felt like this, but it was never something I had before feeling this way. Secondly, my digestive systems is sore and painful most days. If I’m bloated, it feels super painful. Before this, I never had pain when I was bloated. Lastly, if I eat too much in a day, I feel super sick and have diarrhea. This never used to be the case.
I’ve also noticed that I have a lot of fatigue. I have a really hard time rising out of bed in the morning, and sometimes I sleep for 12 hours and still feel tired when I awake.
I also have brain fog. A lot of the time I get dreams and recent memories mixed up, and I have a hard time remembering who I had conversations with.
So I’ve gone to a great GI doc who ordered a colonoscopy and endoscopy, which both revealed nothing wrong. No Crohns or IBD, HOWEVER; there was “nonspecific cellular inflammation” in my colon biopsy, but the doctor said that can happen from the colonoscopy prep solution.
I’ve also have CT scans, tons of blood tests to rule out infections, hormone issues, etc. I do not have a thyroid problem.
I’ve also seen an endocrinologist, allergist, dietician, rheumatologist (once) who have all found nothing to be wrong. The only positive test I had was ANA which doesn’t say much.
I do not have genital rashes or sores. I’m a male and I’m white, 23 years old.
I’m seeing my rheumatologist on Wednesday to discuss Behçet’s. It’s an appointment I’ve wait 4 months for.
What can I show him or say to diagnose or rule out Behçet’s? How did you guys get diagnosed?
submitted by thrownoutdildo to Behcets [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 19:08 LindzwithaphOG Azathioprine vs Cellcept

I'm looking for any personal experiences from people who have been on both Azathioprine and Cellcept to help me compare them.
I've been on Azathioprine for the last 7 years (along with plaquenil for over a decade) and my symptoms have mostly been well managed with lifestyle modifications. Starting in December, I had a massive flare up that required a couple of rounds of steroids and an increase in Azathioprine. (I had lowered my azathioprine at the start of the school year to try to give my body a chance to fight the school germs at the advice of my rheumatologist.) The flare up triggered new symptoms which has included significant facial rashes.
At my last rheumatologist visit, we discussed Cellcept vs. Azathioprine. He said usually Cellcept works better for rashes, fevers, and joint swelling whereas Azathioprine works best for, fatigue, muscle and joint pain, which is what I usually struggle with. He said we might want to consider Cellcept since it's the only medication available at the moment that I haven't tried. He said he'd give about 2 weeks of overlap (taking both Azathioprine and Cellcept) before I would need to come off of Azathioprine.
I have a lot of concerns about coming off of a medication that has made such a difference in quality of life for one that may or may not work. And to commit to it for 12 weeks. There was absolutely no pressure from my rheumatologist, but he's a fantastic doctor, so I don't take his suggestions lightly. I felt like he was even slightly hesitant to suggest the change as well, but wanted to at least offer something.
I would love to hear any personal experiences who has been on both Azathioprine and Cellcept - any preferences one way or another? Side effects with either? Did they seem to help certain symptoms and not help others? Any information would be appreciated!
submitted by LindzwithaphOG to Sjogrens [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 18:01 Inner_Roll_1338 👇 Side Effects of Pills for Penile Girth Enhancement

Digestive Issues:
🗽 Increasing Length and Girth Naturally.
Our top priority is your safety we do recommend natural way of growth to increase length and girth without getting injured we suggest you watch this natural technique to increase permanently in a short period of time. The Tutorial Video
submitted by Inner_Roll_1338 to growthmatrixUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 16:25 Subject37 Clarithromycin

I started this antibiotic last week, I'm about halfway through. It's 500 MG twice daily for a week. Have an ear infection that traveled from my lip piercing.
I've read all the articles on it, and nothing mentioned this specific side effect I'm having, and I was wondering if anyone had experienced it too. My skin is getting extremely dry and tight, like my hands look withered and like that of someone twice my age. I've been hydrating like a mofo and lotion doesn't do anything. Is this normal?
Is this an allergic reaction? The allergic reactions I've read about include skin rashes, blisters, peeling and skin getting looser. None of which I have, it's the opposite, really.
Other than that, the medication is working, which is a relief. I have a penicillin allergy, so I'm always very hesitant to take antibiotics.
submitted by Subject37 to Antibiotics [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 15:57 Sayhellotoyourmudda Autoimmune Progesterone Dermatitis

Hello, 41 yo F. I’ve always had horrible periods with debilitating pain since the age of 12. When I was 25 I broke out in this horrendous rash from head to toe and saw every doctor I could think of at the time. Their answer was that I had hives. That was obvious. Around 5 years ago the rash started to come back but only on one side of my body and around the time of my period. The day I turned 40 my entire body exploded. The rash came out the worse it has ever been with swelling and oozing. My periods have only gotten worse too, usually I have vomiting for 12 hours straight on day 3. I’ve been to so many doctors and specialists and discovered I have food allergies and intolerances to dairy, soy and potato. My doctor also thinks I have Pemphigus (another type of skin rash that affects the subcutaneous layer of the skin and mucous membranes) and possibly Hoshimotos. I stress the word “thinks” since no one can give me a straight answer. Since the beginning of May I’ve had extraordinary pain in my pelvic area, lower back, bones and nerves. Also, this godforsaken rash started to come out on my fingers and has now spread up my entire right arm. The pain and discomfort is enough to make anyone want to throw the towel in. My obgyn has prescribed Myfembree but I’m hesitant to take anything that says to stop taking it after two years. Plus, I’ve looked on Reddit to see the consensus on this drug and it doesn’t look good. I’m now thinking maybe I should try birth control, but don’t love the idea of anything synthetic that could cause more problems down the road. I do think there is possibly a GABA link to the brain, or some other neurotransmitter that is being overlooked in the medical community. Maybe whatever neurotransmitter is involved is not producing or overproducing progesterone/estrogen to the ovaries? It’s beyond frustrating that the first diagnosis for APD was in 1964 and women are STILL suffering! Who else is dealing with this and the mental toll it takes? What have you found to help if anything?
submitted by Sayhellotoyourmudda to Autoimmune [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 15:14 vardamirus It changed EVERYTHING

Hello community
M / 30 years / e-commerce manager / doing fitness, strenght training
Excuse my english :-)
I used to drink a lot of caffeine... sometimes 8-13 coffees a day, sometimes 2-3 + energy drinks... sometimes a booster. The minimum per day was about 2-3 coffees and this was my starting point (or ending point before i went decaf).
I stopped drinking caffeine at the beginning of January. I don't know exactly when, but as I don't want to take any more caffeine anyway, the date I stopped doesn't matter to me.
I haven't noticed any drastic or miraculous changes overnight. I find that quite deceptive, because the truth is that a lot has changed. It's also nice that I was able to convince my girlfriend, my sister and my father and they also quit almost at the same time . A few examples of their stories follow below.
My strategy:
My strategy is always to read as much as possible until I really want something. For me it was 0 problem to go threw withdrawal and i was never thinking about a cup of coffee because i read so much articles here on reddit and in the www that it was never an option to quit.
What I have noticed about myself:
General body feeling:
My girlfriend told me quite early on that my conflict behavior had changed drastically. I am much calmer and practically no longer feel attacked. It is really pleasant to discuss even difficult topics. I also laugh at myself a lot more instead of taking it as criticism. I feel much more connected to her as a person and act much more considerately than if I just “do my thing”.
My energy is as steady as a train... I don't have the highs and lows that I used to experience constantly from coffee and boosters. No shaky feeling, no weak legs, just focus and energy. I also don't have to constantly deal with myself and ask myself whether I should take another booster or a coffee. And my training results are reliable and my progress is measurable. As I changed my training system during this time, I can't say anything about my effective training performance. Subjectively, however, I would say that I have been able to improve my training.
Body awareness in training:
I have a good and well-paid job, but I will soon be quitting my job and starting my own business. Today I see opportunities where I used to only see dangers. I've never felt as ready as I do now.
I could wright a lot more but feel free to ask... ;)
What my family told me about their journey
It was one of the best steps to quit this poison. My sleep is better, my mood is better, i feel way less stressed, my gym sessions are great, my relationships are better than ever, my body and mind feel rested and ready through the day and I have dreams and goals for my future.
Stay clean and don't think too much - just do it ;)
submitted by vardamirus to decaf [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 14:56 Ok_Illustrator_4970 Mysterious Rash on Right Abdomen

I'm a 24-year-old female and I've been dealing with a frustrating rash for the past 10 days. It's a light red rash on my right abdomen with millimeter-sized dots that sometimes seem to merge together.
I've been to see my family doctor, and they prescribed a betamethasone cream, which helped a little bit initially, but then new spots started appearing. I was then referred to a dermatologist who did a dermatoscopy and ruled out an infection or herpes zoster, but couldn't identify what it is. She prescribed a cream with betamethasone and gentamicin, but after 5 days of using it, the rash hasn't improved and might have even gotten a bit worse.
I also have allergies, especially to grass pollen and dust mites, and I'm wondering if this could be related? The dermatologist wouldn't do a nutritional allergens panel for some reason.
I'm feeling really frustrated and uncomfortable, and I'm not sure what to do next. I was at my GP, then an initial dermatology exam, then another dermatoscopy exam, and I even went again they told me they couldn't do allergen testing and to keep applying the cream. I want to receive a diagnosis! I am supposed to go back for another control exam in two days but they don't seem to know what they're doing. I'd appreciate any advice or insights you can offer!
I am new to Reddit and you have to excuse me for my lack of skill, but I posted a photo of the rash as a comment.
submitted by Ok_Illustrator_4970 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 12:56 Sweet-Count2557 Best Pizza in Midland Tx

Best Pizza in Midland Tx
Best Pizza in Midland Tx Are you craving a slice of pizza that will transport you to food paradise?Well, look no further! We've scoured the streets of Midland, Texas, and have discovered the best pizza joints in town.With their authentic Italian cuisine and mouthwatering flavors, these places are guaranteed to satisfy your taste buds.From classic Margherita to unique sweet and spicy creations, we've got you covered.Join us as we take you on a cheesy and delicious journey through the top pizza places in Midland.Key TakeawaysMidland, TX offers a variety of top-notch pizza joints, including Cane Doro Pizza, Pi Social, Palios Pizza Cafe, and Torinos Pizza Bar.These pizza places are known for their authentic Italian cuisine, charming ambiance, extensive menus, and positive customer reviews.Some recommended pizza options include the Margherita pizza at Luigis Italian Restaurant, the White Pizza at Cane Doro Pizza, the Sweet & Spicy Pie at Pi Social, and the Italiano Supreme at Palios Pizza Cafe.In addition to the pizza joints, Midland College Cowden Dining Hall is also recommended for its delicious and affordable classic comfort foods, constantly changing menu, and vast and comfortable space.Top Pizza Places in MidlandWe have been discussing the top pizza places in Midland, and we highly recommend trying out Cane Doro Pizza for their delicious wood-fired artisan pizzas. Cane Doro Pizza is a local food truck that specializes in authentic, wood-fired pizzas. Their pizzas are cooked in a traditional wood-fired oven, which gives them a unique and delicious flavor. The ingredients used are fresh and high-quality, ensuring that each bite is bursting with flavor.One of the things that sets Cane Doro Pizza apart from other pizza places in Midland is their focus on authenticity. They strive to create pizzas that stay true to the traditional Italian style, using traditional techniques and ingredients. This attention to detail is evident in every bite, and it's what makes their pizzas truly exceptional.In addition to their authentic pizzas, Cane Doro Pizza also offers a variety of fusion options for those looking to try something different. They blend traditional Italian flavors with unique ingredients to create innovative and exciting pizza combinations. Whether you prefer classic flavors or want to try something new and exciting, Cane Doro Pizza has something for everyone.When it comes to safety and convenience, Cane Doro Pizza offers pizza delivery options. You can enjoy their delicious pizzas from the comfort of your own home, without having to worry about going out. Their delivery service ensures that you can satisfy your pizza cravings while staying safe and comfortable.Authentic Italian Cuisine in MidlandWhen it comes to authentic Italian cuisine in Midland, food enthusiasts have plenty of options to choose from. From traditional pizza joints to upscale Italian restaurants, the city offers a range of dining experiences for those craving the flavors of Italy.Whether it's the classic Margherita pizza with its thin and crispy crust or the rich and indulgent Italian sausage and onion pizza, Midland has something to satisfy every Italian food lover's palate.Italian Vs American StylesAlthough Italian cuisine is known for its authentic flavors, American-style pizzas have gained popularity in Midland with their unique toppings and thicker crusts. The art of pizza making has evolved, and Midlanders have embraced the variety and creativity that American-style pizzas offer.These pizzas often feature unconventional toppings like barbecue chicken, bacon, or even pineapple, adding a burst of flavor to each bite. The thicker crust provides a satisfying chewiness and can hold up well to the generous toppings. While some may argue that American-style pizzas deviate from the traditional Italian style, they've carved a niche in the pizza scene in Midland, appealing to those seeking a different pizza experience.Now, let's shift our focus to another important aspect of pizza making: local ingredients or imports?Local Ingredients or Imports?In our search for authentic Italian cuisine in Midland, we must consider whether to prioritize local ingredients or imports. When it comes to pizza, the choice of ingredients can greatly impact the overall flavor and quality of the crust. Some pizza enthusiasts argue that using local ingredients can enhance the authenticity and freshness of the pizza, while others believe that imported ingredients can bring unique flavors and textures to the table. Ultimately, it boils down to personal preference and the desired taste profile.Whether you prefer a thin and crispy crust made with locally sourced ingredients or a chewy and flavorful crust with imported ingredients, Midland offers a variety of pizza joints that cater to all preferences. Now, let's dive into the must-try pizza joints in Midland.Must-Try Pizza Joints in MidlandWe highly recommend trying out the must-try pizza joints in Midland for a delicious and satisfying dining experience. When it comes to pizza delivery options, these places have got you covered. Whether you're craving a classic pepperoni or looking for gluten-free pizza alternatives, these pizza joints offer a variety of options to cater to different dietary needs.One of the top recommendations is Cane Doro Pizza, a local food truck specializing in wood-fired artisan pizzas. They not only provide delicious pizzas but also offer gluten-free crust options for those with dietary restrictions. Their creative plating makes even simple ingredients look vibrant, and the street dining experience with a fancy restaurant feel adds to the overall charm.Another must-try is Luigi's Italian Restaurant, known for their authentic Italian cuisine. They offer a cozy dining experience and have excellent customer reviews. Their specialty Margherita pizza with thin and crispy crust, tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, and Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese is a definite crowd-pleaser.For those looking for a fun and lively setting, Torino's Pizza Bar is the place to be. They consistently deliver the best pizza in Midland, and their loaded pizzas and exquisite wings are a treat for the taste buds. Plus, they offer gluten-free pizza alternatives for those with gluten sensitivities.Delicious Pizza Options in MidlandLet's explore five delicious pizza options in Midland that are sure to satisfy your cravings. When it comes to top-notch pizza places in Midland, there are several options that stand out. We have done the research for you and compiled a list of the best pizza joints in town. Whether you prefer a thin and crispy crust or a deep-dish delight, these pizza places have got you covered.Pizza JointCrust PreferenceRecommended PizzaCane Doro PizzaWood-FiredSpecialty White Pizza with garlic and herb-infused saucePi SocialThin and CrispySignature Sweet & Spicy Pie with creamy garlic saucePalios Pizza CafeClassicItaliano Supreme with Italian sausage and pepperoniMega Meat Pizza JointThin and CrispyMega Meat pizza loaded with pepperoni, sausage, and baconTorinos Pizza BarTraditionalItalian Sausage and Onion Pizza with a special blend of cheesesAt Cane Doro Pizza, you can indulge in their wood-fired pizzas with a unique twist. Pi Social offers thin and crispy crust pizzas with a delightful combination of flavors. If you're a fan of classic pizzas, Palios Pizza Cafe is the place to go. For meat lovers, Mega Meat Pizza Joint serves up mouthwatering pizzas loaded with all your favorite toppings. And if you prefer a traditional pizza experience, Torinos Pizza Bar is the perfect spot.Now that we've explored the delicious pizza options in Midland, let's move on to our best pizza recommendations in Midland section.Best Pizza Recommendations in MidlandWhen it comes to finding the best pizza in Midland, there are a few recommendations that stand out.Not only do these pizzerias offer delicious and satisfying pizzas, but they also have unique toppings and outdoor seating options.Whether you're in the mood for authentic Italian cuisine, a fun and lively bar setting, or a cozy dining experience, these pizza joints have something for everyone.Let's explore the unique pizza toppings and pizzerias with outdoor seating in Midland.Unique Pizza ToppingsOne interesting twist on traditional pizza toppings is the option to 'load up' your pie with unique ingredients like pineapple, bacon, and jalapenos. These unconventional pizza toppings can add a burst of flavor and excitement to your pizza experience. While some may argue that these combinations may be unusual, they offer a delightful fusion of sweet, savory, and spicy flavors. Here is a table showcasing some unique pizza combinations:Unique Pizza CombinationsDescriptionPineapple and HamThe classic Hawaiian pizza combination, combining the sweetness of pineapple with the saltiness of ham.Bacon and Goat CheeseThe smoky and crispy bacon pairs perfectly with the creamy and tangy goat cheese.Jalapenos and Cream CheeseThe spicy kick of jalapenos is balanced by the cool and smooth cream cheese.BBQ Chicken and Red OnionThe tangy and smoky BBQ sauce complements the tender and juicy chicken, topped with the sharpness of red onions.These unique pizza combinations offer a delightful departure from the traditional toppings, allowing you to explore new flavors and combinations. However, it's important to keep in mind any dietary restrictions or allergies when experimenting with unconventional toppings. Safety should always be a priority when trying new and exciting flavors.Pizzerias With Outdoor SeatingWe love exploring pizzerias with outdoor seating because it provides a perfect atmosphere to enjoy our favorite pizza while soaking up the sunshine. Outdoor dining during the summer months offers several benefits that enhance the overall dining experience at pizzerias:Fresh air and natural light create a refreshing and inviting ambiance.The spacious outdoor seating allows for comfortable and safe dining, especially during these times when social distancing is crucial.Enjoying pizza outdoors adds a sense of adventure and relaxation, making the experience even more enjoyable.Not only does outdoor seating provide a safer dining option, but it also allows us to savor our pizza while basking in the summer warmth. Whether it's the sound of birds chirping or the gentle breeze brushing against our faces, outdoor dining amplifies the sensory experience, making every bite of pizza even more memorable.Explore Midland's Pizza SceneHaving explored Midland's pizza scene, we can confidently recommend the best pizza places in town. Midland has a rich pizza history, with various pizza making techniques showcased by the local establishments. From traditional wood-fired artisan pizzas to classic pepperoni pies, there's something for everyone's taste.Cane Doro Pizza is a local food truck that specializes in wood-fired artisan pizzas. Their simple food truck setup focuses on the food itself, and their creative plating makes even simple ingredients look vibrant. The pizzas are beautiful and delicious, providing a street dining experience with a fancy restaurant feel.Another noteworthy place is Luigis Italian Restaurant, which offers authentic Italian cuisine and is known for their delicious pizza. The cozy dining experience and excellent customer reviews make it a popular choice among locals and visitors.When exploring Midland's pizza scene, it's essential to consider the history and techniques behind pizza making. The best pizza places in town have mastered these techniques, ensuring a safe and enjoyable dining experience for all.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Are the Opening Hours of the Top Pizza Places in Midland?When it comes to the top pizza places in Midland for families, we recommend checking out places like Cane Doro Pizza, Pi Social, and Palios Pizza Cafe. These spots offer delicious pizzas with a variety of toppings and crust options that are sure to satisfy everyone's cravings.As for delivery options, many of these pizza joints provide convenient delivery services, so you can enjoy their tasty pies in the comfort of your own home.Are Any of the Recommended Pizza Joints in Midland Suitable for Large Groups or Parties?When it comes to finding a pizza joint that's suitable for large groups or parties, it's important to consider the ambiance and whether or not it's kid-friendly.Some of the recommended pizza places in Midland have a charming and lively atmosphere, making them great options for gatherings. Additionally, these establishments often offer spacious seating areas that can accommodate larger groups.Do Any of the Pizza Places in Midland Offer Gluten-Free or Vegan Pizza Options?When it comes to pizza places in Midland, we know that finding gluten-free or vegan options is important. Luckily, some of the recommended pizza joints do offer these alternatives.Cane Doro Pizza has gluten-free crust options, while Luigis Italian Restaurant offers vegan pizza options. These establishments understand the need for dietary accommodations and strive to provide delicious options for everyone.Are Reservations Required at Any of the Recommended Pizza Joints in Midland?Reservations policy and wait times at the recommended pizza joints in Midland vary. Some places, like Torinos Pizza Bar, accept reservations for larger groups to ensure prompt seating.Others, such as Cane Doro Pizza and Luigis Italian Restaurant, operate on a first-come, first-served basis. It's always a good idea to call ahead or check their websites for more information.During peak hours, there might be a short wait, but the delicious pizzas and cozy dining experiences are definitely worth it.Are Any of the Pizza Places in Midland BYOB (Bring Your Own Beer) or Do They Serve Alcohol On-Site?The pros and cons of BYOB policies at restaurants in Midland depend on personal preferences.While bringing your own beer can save money, it may limit the variety of drinks available.On the other hand, having alcohol sales on-site can enhance the overall dining experience, offering a curated selection of beverages that complement the pizza.It's important to note that responsible alcohol consumption is crucial for safety.Ultimately, the impact of alcohol sales on the dining experience varies and should be considered based on individual preferences.ConclusionIn conclusion, Midland, Texas is home to some truly incredible pizza places that will leave your taste buds craving for more.Did you know that the average American consumes around 46 slices of pizza each year? That's a lot of cheesy goodness!Whether you're a local resident or just passing through, make sure to explore the pizza scene in Midland and indulge in the mouthwatering pizzas that this city has to offer. You won't be disappointed!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]