Red t zone

The Red Zone

2016.03.19 04:48 AtomikZero The Red Zone

This is the official subreddit for TehJamJar's DayZ roleplay server: The Red Zone. Here you will find content made from all the survivors across Chernarus.

2015.05.06 02:27 DJ_Hamster DBZ: Dokkan Battle

Everything about Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle! This subreddit is for both the Global and Japanese versions of the game. Please feel free to share information, guides, tips, news, questions and everything else related to Dokkan Battle.

2017.05.18 06:29 GrieverXVII Dokkan Community

Welcome to the Dokkan Battle Community! This subreddit is for both the Japanese and Global versions of the mobile game. Find Information, guides, news, fan art, meme's and everything else you love about Dokkan Battle all in one awesome community!

2024.05.28 00:42 Acceptable-Tea-6937 H: Gear & Plans List, W: Junk/Leaders/BWM6 Offers

WEAPONS: AA/E/15R Fixer, AA/E/15V Fixer, B/25/15V Fixer, TS/E/15R Fixer, B/E/90 Fixer, EXE/E/15R Fixer (2), JUG/25/25 Fixer, V/E/90 Fixer, TS/50/15R Fixer (2), TS/25/90 Fixer, B25/15R Fixer, B/E/250 Fixer, AA/HIT/15R Fixer, JUG/50H/25 Fixer, Q/HIT/15R Fixer, V/25/AGI Fixer, V/25/50DR Fixer, TS/25/PER Fixer, Q/50H/PER Fixer, V/E/25 Railway, TS/25/15R Railway, EXE/E/25 Railway, EXE/25/25 Railway, TS/50/25 Railway, Q/50L/15R Railway, Q/50B/15V Railway, Q/50L/90 Railway, AA/25/Dur Railway, I/25/25 Railway, J/25/15R Railway, GOUE/25 Railway, F/50/25 Railway, ARI/50/25 Railway, A/50/25 Railway, TS/E/50DR Handmade, EXE/25/25 Assault, TS/E/90 Assault, F/25/25 Plasma, B/E/90 Lever, JUG/E/25 Lever, Q/E/15R Pipe, AA/25/15V Minigun, B/E/50DR Minigun, V/25/AGI Gatlaser, AA/50/15R Lmg, B/HIT/250 50cal, JUG/E/90 Gatling, V/STE/15B Chainsaw, JUG/40P/S Drill, V/SS/90 Deathclaw, AA/SS/15B Deathclaw.
ARMOR: Hellcat Power Armor Chassis (tradable), Father Winter Helmet (tradable), BOL/END/WWR Ultracite Left Leg, BOL/1STWWR Ultracite Left Leg, BOL/RAD/SENT T-60 Right Arm, UNY/RAD/SENT Combat Left Leg.
NEW PLANS (alphabetical order): Alien Head Lamp, Alien Table (2), Assault Rifle Wraith's Wrath Paint (4), Bloody Rug (6), Chainsaw Ghostly Grinder Paint, Chainsaw Skeptikill Paint (9), Cultist Adept Hood (5), Cultist Adept Robes (4), Cultist Enlightened Hood (7), Cultist Enlightened Robes (6), Cultist Eventide Hood (9), Cultist Eventide Robes, Cultist Incarnate Helmet (3), Cultist Neophyte Hood (3), Cultist Neophyte Robes (5), Dried Wildflower Bouquet (3), Enlightened Lantern (8), Executioner Mask (2), Fluttering Moths (6), Fossilized Megalonyx Right Arm, Fossilized Megalonyx Torso, Fuzzy Enlightened Plushie (3), Fuzzy Mothman Plushie (8), Giant Red Dinosaur (2), Glowing Flatwoods Monster Lamp, Ground Meat Plushie (2), Hazmat Suit - Teal (3), Herdsman’s Bell, Honeycomb Paper Blue Mothman (8), Honeycomb Paper Brown Mothman (6), Honeycomb Paper Ghost Lantern A (4), Honeycomb Paper Ghost Lantern B (2), Honeycomb Paper Green Mothman (9), Honeycomb Paper Holiday Tree A (2), Honeycomb Paper Holiday Tree B (3), Honeycomb Paper Icy Snowflake (6), Honeycomb Paper Jack-o'Lantern A (5), Honeycomb Paper Jack-o'Lantern B (3), Honeycomb Paper Jolly Target, Honeycomb Paper Mothman Globe (8), Honeycomb Paper Red Mothman (6), Honeycomb Paper Ribbon Bell, Honeycomb Paper Snowman (2), Honeycomb Paper Spider Lantern (6), Peppino Pig Plushie, Plastiform Gingerbread (5), Plastiform Nutcracker (4), Plastiform Santa, Punty Pig Plushie (2), Rad Skull Rider Helmet (3), Rotted Rib Plushie, Sacred Mothman Tome (8), Scorchbeast Queen Beer Stein (7), Star Light (3), Steak Plushie, Super Mutant Diagram (3), Taxidermy Mutant Hound, Weenie Wagon.
OLDER PLANS (alphabetical order): Alien Blaster (2), Alien Blaster Cryo Mag (3), Alien Blaster Poison Mag (3), Alien Corpse Operating Bed (3), Alien Disintegrator (2), Alien Disintegrator Automatic Receiver (2), Alien Disintegrator Cryo Receiver (2), Alien Jack O’Lantern (3), Alien Stash Box (3), Alien Tube (5), Antique Globe of Mars (3), Asteroid (3), Bos Officer Uniform (4), Boss Soldier Uniform (2), Barbed Walking Cane (2), Barbed Wire Fences (2), Bear Arm, Bear Arm Heavy Mod (3), Bear Arm Puncturing Mod (2), Bed of Nails (2), Behemoth Boss Plushie (2), Blue Devil Curtain Door (3), Blue Devil Outfit (3), Blue Devil Pelt Hood (3), Blue Devil Statue (2), Blue Ridge Rug, Blue Ridge Scout Outfit, Bos Medallion, Bottle Bot (4), Bottle and Cappy Balloon Statue, Bottle and Cappy Hoop Jump Statue, Bottle and Cappy Painting Statue (5), Bottle and Cappy Walking Globle Statue (3), Bottle Plush, Brahmin Backpack (3), Brahmin Grill, Brahmin Plushie (2), Brahmin Skin Rug (2), Burning Sheepsquatch Club, Canopy Tent (3), Cappy & Bottle Cowboy Cutouts (2), Cappy Clapper (3), Cappy Smashed Super Sledge Pain (4), Cartography Table, Chally the Moo-Moo Backpack (2), Circus Bench (2), Circus Cage Trailer, Circus Cube (2), Circus Seesaw, Circus Stilts (3), Circus Walking Globe (5), Civil War Era Suit (2), Civil War Era Top Hat (2), Classic Jack O’Lantern (2), Condemned Notification Sign (2), Confederate Hat, Costume Witch Hat (2), Crowd Bench Seats, Cryogenic Bed (5), Cryptid Hunter Boonie Hat (3), Cryptid Mobile, Cuckoo Clock, Cultist Backpack (4), Cupid Cappy Sign (6), Deathclaw Gauntlet Extra Claw (2), Decoy Ducks, Deputy’s Hat (3), Electrified Assaultron Blade, Evil Jack O’Lantern (2), Electrified Sheepsquatch Club, Electrified Shepherd’s Crook, Electro Enforcer (2), Flamethrower Trap, Freezing Electro Enforcer (2), Full Pumpkin Rack (2), Getaway Wagon, Glass Covered Sheperd's Crook, Gorilla Chair, Grim Reaper Vault-Boy Cutout (4), Grocery Cart Grill, Gulper Head (5), Gulper Rug (3), Half Empty Pumpkin Rack (2), Half Full Pumpkin Rack (3), Halloween Skull Mask, Happy Jack O’Lantern (3), Hula Hoop, Human Tube 1 (5), Human Tube 2 (5), Insurgent Hat, Insurgent Outfit (3), Kids Brahmin Clock (3), Large Ultracite Shard (3), Marine Armor Helmet, Marine Tactical Helmet, Marine Wetsuit (2), Meat Cleaver, Milkman Hat (3), Milkman Outfit (2), Mirelurk King tube, Mobster Jack O’Lantern (3), Molerat Wind Chime (2), Mounted Blue Devil Head (2), Mounted Ogua Head (2), Musket Stack Monument (6), Nuka Cola Bottle Kiosk (3), Nuka Girl Area Rug (5), Nuka Launcher Model (3), Nuka Launcher Posters (2), Nuka Launcher Snow Globe (2), Nuka-Cade Poster (4), Nuka-Cola Ad Barrier (3), Nuka-Cola Balloons, Nuka-Cola Clock (4), Nuka-Cola Crate Stalls (3), Nuka-Stool, Nuka-World Cowboy Duster, Nuka-World Cowboy Hat (3), Ogua Curtain Door (3), Ogua Egg (3), Ogua Hunter Hood (2), Ogua Hunter Outfit (2), Ogua Plushie (2), Ogua Shell Backpack (3), Overcharged Electro Enforcer (4), Paddock Gate (3), Pepper Shaker, Pink Brahmin Plushie, Pioneer Scout Bowie knife Paint (3), Plasma Gun True Flamer Barrel, Plastic Fruit Bowl, Poisoned Electro Enforcer (2), Practice Jack O’Lantern, Princess Castle Pink Sleeping Bag (2), Protective Lining Raider Underarmor, Pumpkin Rack, Radioactive Barrel (3), Red Rocket Gas Pump Wall Light (3), Red Rocket Gas Station Lamp (5), Red Truck Ceiling Light (4), Replica Gronak’s Axe, Rust Eagle Banner (6), Safari Crocolossus Backpack, Safari Gorilla Backpack (2), Salty Tenderizer Mod, Sheepsquatch Staff, Shielded Lining BoS Underarmor (5), Shielded Lining Marine Underarmor, Shielded Lining Raider Underarmor (2), Sitting Gorilla (5), Skeleton Costume (2), Skiing Outfit, Small Vault Girl Statue, Spear, Spicy Tenderizer Mod (2), Spiked Electro Enforcer, Spiked Shepherd’s Crook (3), Spin the Wheel Ornament, Spin the Wheel Snow Globe, Standing Gorilla (4), Strongman’s Super Sledge Paint, Surprised Jack O’Lantern (3), Tattered Curtains (5), The Fixer (5), Titan Plushie (2), Tomb Stones, Toothed Shepherd's Crook, Treasure Hunter Outfit Hat, Truckbed Trailer with Junk (2), Tunnel of Love Poster (3), Tunnel of Love Snow Globe (6), Ultracite Emergency Protocols, Ultracite Overdrive Servos, Vault Boy Jack O’Lantern (3), Vault Door Jack O’Lantern (3), Vault-Tec Jack O’Lantern (3), Vintage Water Cooler, Wall Mounted Fan (5), Wild West, Show Posters (3), Witch Costume (2).
RECIPES (alphabetical order): Caramel Mutfruit, Cranberry Moonshine, Cutting Fluid (3), Disease Cure (Savage Divide), Fasnacht Donut, Fasnacht Sausage, Formula P, Gulper Stuffed Foot (2), Healing Salve (Mire), Lead Champagne Bellini, Nuka-Cola Dark, Pickaxe Pilsner, Stimpak Diffuser (3), White Russian.
WANT: Adhesive, Aluminum, Asbestos, Ballistic fiber, Ceramic, Coal, Concrete, Copper, Cork, Crystal, Fiber optics, Flux: Cobalt/Fluro/Yellow/Violet/Crimson, Gold, Gears, Nuclear waste, Oil, Silver, Springs, Ultracite, Leader Bobbleheads, Backwoodsman 6, Rare Apparel, Enclave Forceful Stock Mods.
CAPS VALUE PER EACH (for reference): Adhesive 5, Aluminum 3, Asbestos 2, Ballistic fiber 7, Ceramic 2, Coal 1, Concrete 1, Copper 4, Cork 1, Circuits 3, Crystal 3, Fiber optics 7, Fiberglass 1, Flux: Cobalt/Fluro/Yellow/Violet/Crimson 100, Gold 4, Gears 4, Screws 3, Nuclear waste 1, Oil 5, Silver 4, Springs 5, Anticeptic 2, Ultracite 7, Leaders 500, Backwoodsman6 500. Shoot me an offer :)

submitted by Acceptable-Tea-6937 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:42 vivaldispaghetti Oregon- species?

Oregon- species?
The dark right one looks like a western pond but the others I can’t tell if they’re invasive- red eared sliders or native- western painted
The top right one away from the group looks red underneath?
submitted by vivaldispaghetti to turtle [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:42 Grey-Colour A4A - A witch and a hero in ye olde times!

Hi Everyone! I am looking to RP with someone and was hoping I could find someone here!I haven't RP’d in about 3-4 years so I’m quite rusty, but figured I’d shake the dust off with this new story/plot/prompt I have in mind!
The setting is late medieval times, where dragons, fairies, ogres, and more importantly, prophecies exist. There are two roles: The Old Witch and The Hero. The Old Witch had been alive for centuries, no one knows when they showed up, but they sure knew about their great power. They live out in the middle of a dead black sea, conjuring all sorts of spells for who knows what purpose. Legend has it that they turn ships into beasts, sailors into birds and anyone who dares get close into stone. Very few have ever come back to tell tales about what happens at The Witch’s island, their tower, let alone The Old Witch themselves..
Out of those few, one talked of a prophecy of sorts. They said a Hero will rise, one that will defeat the old witch and turn all of The Witch’s victims, along with the dead black sea, back to what it was.
A Hero did rise. A humble knight that tamed dragons, brought ogres to their knees and brought peace to kingdoms beyond their own. People across all lands knew their name and of their power. Praying that this will be the one the prophecy foretold and the one that brought The Old Witch to justice. The Hero was never deaf to praise and expectations, it just made them worry. Every single victory of theirs had happened with a sword in one hand, magic in the other and no reason to hesitate. With The Witch, however, hesitation was all they felt. Not because of the Witch’s power, but because of their words. The prophecy said nothing about the words in the wind. Nothing about how, with every salty breath they took, all they could hear was a loud and clear “ I do not belong in this world, please just let me go home”.
Couple of other details about the plot:
I do not have any gender or species in mind for either The Witch or The Hero, nor do I have a preference for playing either, so feel free to choose whichever works best for you. I’d like this to be a more long term RP as I don't really have an ‘end’ for this story in mind and I’d like to see how it rolls out.
I typically go write around a paragraph per reply, but can go further than that if given time! I write in third person and would appreciate it if you do the same. I live in the northeast of the US, work a 9-5, so I’d prefer you live within that time zone and not expect immediate replies from me. I am NOT comfortable AT ALL with roleplaying with people under the age of 18, so please be 18y.o. Or older (I myself I’m 24). I don’t really know which site I want to RP in, so whatever you prefer works for me!
Also, this is my first time posting in reddit so please be kind <3
submitted by Grey-Colour to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:41 Krazyhye SOS.. red zone

I am at the end of my rope with everything.. God has turned away. Turned his back on me. I know I’m not alone, I know my Christian brothers and sisters feel this way too. Right now I need reasons not to give up. I pray, I tell Him what I’m grateful for and there are things of course. But the constant beating down is exhausting. What am I supposed to be learning? I am the brave one. The strong one. The one who never shows weakness to hold everyone else up… does everyone else collapse if I do? Am I allowed to collapse? I can’t really speak with anyone around me about this as I truly think it would be of no use because they won’t take it seriously as I’m the “strong one” and I’m “just having a bad day” I’ll “get over it” Maybe someone in this group can tell me why I shouldn’t give up. How long can one fight? At what point is it not worth it anymore?
submitted by Krazyhye to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:40 TemporaryBiscotti797 Minor question about marlon’s cloak color

Do the colors of adventurers’ cloaks signify something? I always assumed that the colors signified where the adventurer hauled from with red being marlon’s adventurer’s guild, blue being first slash and brown being castle village. But then why is Marlon’s cloak brown? Shouldn’t it be red then, unless I missed something and he originally hailed from castle village?
submitted by TemporaryBiscotti797 to StardewValleyExpanded [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:40 zanman50 Tons for sale, prices marked. Looking to move in lots. Free pwe.

Tons for sale, prices marked. Looking to move in lots. Free pwe.
if blank Orange is $5, yellow is $3, pink is $2
submitted by zanman50 to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:39 VarkingRunesong V2: All Leaks / Rumors / Confirmed News about LANTERNS - Spoiler Warning - Click at your own risk!

V2: All Leaks / Rumors / Confirmed News about LANTERNS - Spoiler Warning - Click at your own risk!
Hello Ringslingers and Poozers alike!
I didn't see any comprehensive list or wiki on the sub throwing all of the available information together anywhere so I decided to try my best at compiling everything. I will do my best to keep this list up to date over time as more things get added or things get debunked and try to keep them properly labeled. Reddit also seems to not let you edit your posts a few months after they go live so I may have to remake this thread from time to time.


-- SOURCE is the official DCOfficial account on TwitteX on January 31, 2023.
-- SOURCE is the official DC YouTube Channel with James Gunn announcing Chapter 1 - Gods and Monsters.

Showrunner / Producer / Writer

  • Chris Mundy, Showrunner of Ozark (82% / 85% Critic / Audience) and long-time Writer and Producer for Criminal Minds (85% Audience), will be the Showrunner for Lanterns.-- SOURCE is the VERIFIED section of the SAITMQ on October 28, 2023. NexusPointNews put out an article supporting this info off of WGA profiles on May 25, 2024. James Gunn confirmed the news officially later that day.
  • Damon Lindelof, Producer and Writer known for Lost (86% / 90% Critic / Audience), The Leftovers (91% / 90% Critic / Audience) and Watchmen (96% / 56% Critic / Audience), will be an Executive Producer.-- SOURCE is the VERIFIED section of the SAITMQ on May 20, 2023. NexusPointNews put out an article supporting this info off of WGA profiles on May 25, 2024. James Gunn confirmed the news officially later that day.
  • Tom King will be one of the Writers.-- SOURCE is the VERIFIED section of the SAITMQ on May 20, 2023. NexusPointNews put out an article supporting this info off of WGA profiles on May 25, 2024. James Gunn confirmed the news officially later that day.
"Tom is an integral part of the DCU, not just WoT," Gunn explained. "He's one of the first people I showed the Superman script, asking for notes. He's included in various ways in numerous other projects, including WoT. And, yes."
  • "Justin Britt-Gibson, known for writing Counterpart and Into The Badlands, is likely to be a writer for Lanterns as well." SOURCE is NexusPointNews putting out an article supporting this info off of WGA profiles on May 25, 2024.
  • "Breannah Gibson, one of the story writers on DC's The Penguin, is likely to take on a similar role in Lanterns." SOURCE is NexusPointNews putting out an article supporting this info off of WGA profiles on May 25, 2024.
  • "Vanessa Baden Kelly, executive story editor of Max's The Sex Lives Of The College Girls, is another addition to the Lanterns series. Kelly is likely another writestory editor for the series given her past credentials." SOURCE is NexusPointNews putting out an article supporting this info off of WGA profiles on May 25, 2024.


  • Hal Jordan will be a veteran Lantern and is older while John Stewart will be closer to his 20s.-- SOURCE is the VERIFIED section of the SAITMQ on October 28, 2023.
  • Hal Jordan will be late 30s-40s.-- SOURCE is from the AMA on TwitteX on December 10, 2023.
  • Hal Jordan has not been cast yet.-- SOURCE is the AMA on TwitteX on December 10, 2023.
  • Guy Gardner will appear in the Lanterns series.-- SOURCE is the AMA on TwitteX on December 10, 2023.
  • Jeff Sneider says DC wants a "big name" to star in Lanterns. SOURCE is The Hot Mic with John Rocha and Jeff Sneider on March 21, 2024.

Unverified Rumors

Now time for some fun, but strange posts caught in the mod queue from users
This post comes from :
-- SOURCE is the UNVERIFIED section of SAITMQ on November 22, 2023.
submitted by VarkingRunesong to LanternsTVSeries [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:38 ninthstargod Thrift store haul

Thrift store haul submitted by ninthstargod to VHS [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:37 BericaWarrior Sometimes a good deal is too good to pass up.

Sometimes a good deal is too good to pass up.
My wife bought me a 56” red roller a little over a month ago during the $100 off the US general series 3 56” sale.
When I went to pick it up the manager told me they had an orange 56” hutch that he would sell to me 50% off.
I was torn because the lower that had just came in was red and the great deal of a hutch was orange.
I thought about vinyl wrapping it red to match the lower but I turned my big brain on for a minute and asked the manager if he would return the red lower and order me an orange to match the top and I also had a 25% coupon if they could honor that instead of the $100 off the lower which totaled $200 savings. He agreed but the difference of the extra $100 went on a gift card, no big deal I’ll spend that quickly enough. I took the hutch home that day.
Came back this weekend and picked up the lower and got it set up.
Ended up being just over $1,000 with the top hutch after taxes. My buddy has a 55” classic snap on that he paid over $5,500 for. He is big mad about it. I had to throw salt in the wound and ordered some “strap on” insignia to toss on this just to rub it in.
He is impressed with the quality of the series 3.
While orange wasn’t my first choice. I am happy with the smoking deal I got and being a SF giants fan, the colors are starting to rub off on me.
submitted by BericaWarrior to harborfreight [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:36 Ultra709 H: B2590 ult Gatling laser + B5025 Epr W: apparel offers

H: B2590 ult Gatling laser + B5025 Epr W: apparel offers submitted by Ultra709 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:36 XXX-NAUT [FANFICTION] “It’s the Man that Makes the Dress” (Rikishi x Vito)

Rikishi was in his locker room watching the matches that took place after his was finished. He was sitting in his couch, invested until he heard a knock on his door.
“Come in!” he said. Through the door came Vito, dressed in a long white dress with black boots and black wristbands. He also wore black knee pads and a white thong but those were hidden under his dress. He also brought a black gift box with a red bow.
“Hey Rikishi, how’s it going?” Vito asked friendly.
“Oh hey! You’re Vito! I was watching your match earlier. You did great. Sit down,” Rikishi said as he made room on the couch. Vito walked over and sat next to Rikishi.
“Thanks, I appreciate it. So glad I caught you at a good time. I wanted to ask you something,” Vito said.
“What is it?” Rikishi asked.
“Well, I heard about your club and…I was thinking about joining…”
“Oh really? I assume you know what you have to do to join…” Rikishi said slyly.
“Well yeah but I’m straight, you know,” Vito replied. Rikishi looked at him confused.
“Oh, don’t let the dress fool you. I love the ladies, you know. It’s just that…there’s something special about your ass…” Vito explained.
“I…seem to have that effect on a lot of people…” Rikishi replied.
“Which is why I brought this,” Vito said as he handed the gift box to Rikishi. Rikishi opened it and stared confusedly at the contents. He pulled out what was a brown medium length wig and after that, a large, long black dress.
“What is this for?” Rikishi asked.
“Well…I thought that…If I was going to do…you know…I felt like…you wearing this will help me…get used to you. You know what I’m saying?” Vito explained.
“You want me to dress up like a woman so that you can kiss my ass!?” Rikishi asked.
“Well when you put it that way…”
Rikishi stood up in frustration but Vito stopped him.
“Hey, it’s not like you haven’t dressed like a woman before,” Vito said.
“Yeah but that time, I did it…for Stephanie…” Rikishi explained.
“Come on, it’s just a dress and wig. It’s not like I’m making you put on makeup and heels. Please, I want to join this club,” Vito pleaded.
Rikishi sighed before answering.
“Alright I’ll do it. You want anything else?” Rikishi asked.
“Thank you! Now that you mention it, I’d like a lap dance if you please,” Vito suggested.
“Sit on the couch. Close your eyes. I’m going to get ready…” Rikishi teased.
Vito did what was told and waited. He was there for a few minutes until he heard music playing. It was one of Rikishi’s theme songs, ‘You Look Fly Today”. Vito opened his eyes and saw Rikishi standing in front of him wearing the tight black dress, brown wig and black boots. A boombox was on the floor playing his theme song.
Rikishi began to dance, grind and twerk sensually. Vito is left mesmerized. Rikishi then sat in Vito’s lap, grinding against him. He turned around and started grinding his ass against Vito’s crotch. Once he felt Vito’s cock getting stiff, he stood up and hiked up his dress to reveal his black thong-clad ass. Rikishi plays with his thong, teasing Vito, wedging and lowering his thong with Vito catching glimpses of his crack.
He eventually puts his legs together, bends over and pulls his thong down to his ankles, revealing his bare beautiful ass. He turns to pick up his thong and flings it at Vito’s face. Vito catches it and gets a good whiff. Rikishi is now standing there, hands on his hips. He is getting excited, thick cock twitching slightly and bulging from his dress. He smiles down at Vito and is ready to give him more.
He lifts his leg and puts one foot on the top of the couch, next to Vito’s head. He gives Vito the chance to put his face against Rikishi’s thigh. Vito feels up his thigh with his face and hands, giving it some kisses. The kisses arouse Rikishi, his cock gets harder and is inches from Vito’s face. Rikishi lets him do the same for his other thigh. This makes Vito harder as well, cock bulging through his white dress. Rikishi rewards this by turning back around and bending over, pulling his black dress up and spreading his cheeks.
Vito's face is an inch away from Rikishi’s brown winking asshole. Vito uses his hands to feel up Rikishi’s warm, thick cheeks. He grips them tightly to brace himself and keep them spread. Then, he finally buries his face into Rikishi’s ass, reveling in it. The taste, the musk. It's as sweet as Vito imagined. Rikishi puts his hands on his knees when he feels Vito’s tongue touch his asshole. Ever the tease, Rikishi gyrates, twerking his ass in a circular motion. Vito’s face is so buried into Rikishi’s ass, his head moves in tandem with the ass. Vito eventually ends up with his nose on Rikishi’s crack, tongue in his asshole, and chin pressing against his ballsack. After a few minutes of ass-eating, Rikishi pulls away, leaving a saliva trail from Vito’s lips to his ass.
Vito is so hard and eager to take his thong off but Rikishi stops him. Rikishi then strokes his semi-erect cock, precum leaking out the tip.
“If you want your cock in my ass, then I need to put my cock in your mouth first,” Rikishi said seductively.
Vito stared at Rikishi’s thick cock and back at him, nodding in agreement. Rikishi then grabs Vito’s head and presses Vito’s face against his stomach. Vito kisses Rikishi’s stomach as he moves Vito’s head lower and lower. Rikishi pulls his black dress over Vito’s head. Vito’s lips end up at the base of Rikishi’s cock. He licks the base up to the leaking tip and engulfs his mouth onto Rikishi’s cock.
Rikishi holds Vito’s head in place as he thrusts his cock in and out of Vito’s mouth. Vito has some trouble getting used to the taste of Rikishi’s cock but he just pretends that it’s not attached to a man right now so he just vigorously sucks. Rikishi didn’t expect to reach his climax so soon and he accidentally shoots a load of cum down Vito’s thoat. Vito is surprised as he, by reflex, swallows his salty semen. Vito pulls his mouth off Rikishi’s cock to speak, leaving a trail of cum from his mouth.
“Hey! What the fuck was that about!?” Vito complained.
“Oh shit. Sorry about that,” Rikishi replied. Vito stood up and wiped the cum off his mouth before speaking again.
“Just for that, you're getting put in the Dress Code!” Vito declared as he put Rikishi on his knees and lifted his white dress to show his white thong-clad erection. Vito then pulled off his white thong and tossed it aside. He began to flap his dress, giving Rikishi brief glimpses of his erect cock. It was then that Rikishi realized that the Dress Code (also known the Code of Silence) was Vito’s signature move, one that he used to humiliate several men and make them submit. Before Rikishi could react, Vito had pulled his dress over Rikishi’s head and held Rikishi’s arms to his back to restrain him. Vito’s cock and balls were now being smeared all over Rikishi’s face, leaving some precum around it. Vito’s cock kept poking Rikishi’s cheeks so Rikishi kept moving his head to avoid catching Vito’s cock with his mouth.
Eventually, Vito’s tip found Rikishi’s lips and he was able to slide his cock into Rikishi’s mouth, surprising him. Rikishi was now trapped in the Dress Code with Vito thrusting his cock in his mouth. Seeing no way to break free, Rikishi begins to suck him off in the hopes that it will give him an opening to escape. Vito is surprised at how good Rikishi is at this. Rikishi is on his knees giving him an amazing blowjob and he couldn’t help but put his hands on Rikishi’s head, releasing Rikishi’s arms. Rikishi sucks him off and uses this opportunity to pull his mouth off Vito’s cock, leaving him fully erect and lubricated.
Rikishi crawls away on all fours and wipes off the precum off his face. However, Rikishi had his ass raised up presenting himself to Vito. Vito finally sees the chance to take what you have dreamed, takes off his white dress, and crawls on all fours towards Rikishi. One behind him, Vito lifts up Rikishi’s black dress to see his beautiful ass again. He places one hand on the ass and uses the other to adjust his cock. He slowly inserts it till he is balls deep into his ass. Rikishi gasped, almost forgetting that this was part of the deal. Vito thrusts in and out, building up a rhythm. Once settled, he picks up his pace, resting his hands on Rikishi’s hips.
Vito was now truly fucking Rikishi. His ass is tight, squeezing Vito’s cock. It feels warm, it feels great. Both men get into it, thighs and balls smacking against each other. Vito bends over, resting his chest against Rikishi’s strong back. Vito holds onto Rikishi’s chest and stomach as he feels his climax building up. After a few strong thrusts, Vito finally cums in Rikishi’s ass. He reaches around and starts stroking Rikishi’s cock, making him cum as well. Vito and Rikishi let out some satisfying moans and both fall to the side to bask in the afterglow.
A few minutes pass and Vito and Rikishi are getting dressed again. Rikishi takes off his brown wig but keeps the black dress on. Instead, he gives Vito his black thong.
“Welcome to the club Vito. Here’s something to remember me by,” Rikishi said.
“Thanks for helping me get used to you. I’m looking forward to putting you in the Dress Code again,” Vito joked.
“Maybe you’ll be the one in the Dress Code next time,” Rikishi laughed as he flapped his black dress to show his cock and balls. Rikishi also turned around to lift the back of his dress and slap his bare ass cheeks a few times. Vito laughed as he walked out. He took a whiff of Rikishi’s thong, fantasizing about the next time they meet.
submitted by XXX-NAUT to VincesVixens [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:36 XonetwothreefourX [B&A] From December 2023 to May 2024!

[B&A] From December 2023 to May 2024!
19m - I never really had a routine beforehand except for washing my face with a clean and clear cleanser and not using any moisturizer. I decided to do something after my acne hit its worst in December. I was going to go on Accutane, however my doctor said something was wrong with my liver - something about an elevated ALT level that didn’t go away after multiple tests. So eventually I decided to develop a routine.
I know my routine can seem kinda caustic but I don’t have sensitive skin
• Cleanse face with Peach Slices Snail Rescue Purifying Cleaner
• Rub face with Stridex salicylic acid pad (red box)
• Moisturize with La Roche Posay Double Repair Matte Moisturizer
• Apply La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo (5.5% benzoyl peroxide) over the moisturizer to reduce irritation
The exact same as AM however I moisturize with Peach Slices Snail Rescue Moisturizer instead of the La Roche Posay.
I completely cut out dairy in December. And lately, I’ve been getting some sun so that seems to even out my skin tone.
submitted by XonetwothreefourX to SkincareAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:33 Decent_Setting6779 [unknown] [Maybe late 90s Early 2000s] Sc-Fi/ Alien/mutant shooter Video game with time travel/time warp or alternate dimension travel element

Hi All,
trying to find (remember) a video game I played when I was a kid. Unfortunately I don’t remember a whole lot about it not even what platform it was on. I want to say I played it in the late nineties early 2000s. what I do remember is listed below.
-It was an alien/maybe mutant /sci-fi shooter video game where you traveled through time or maybe it was traveling to different dimensions/universe . I want to say it was first person. I vaguely remember a (mad?) scientist being involve. Either you played as one or they were just part of the game. He was old and had glasses. Classic white lab coat, partially bald. Bald on top with hair around the head.
-Every time you beat a level (or completed a challenge?) you earned a trophy. Either platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze. I want to say there were some time challenges. Like you had to kill so many enemies in a certain amount of time.
-I vaguely remember one alien character which I did my best to draw and have attached in the comments (no judging my art skills lol. ) I want to say it’s skin was a grey pale color and its mouth/dangly thing was like a purplish/red color maybe.
any and all help appreciated.
submitted by Decent_Setting6779 to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:33 Signal_Leading_1038 GFCI not working??

I was on my computer doing work and the power goes out and The GFCI in the laundry and on the porch starts blinking red and making a sound I reset the laundry one and it turned on a orange light.The one on the porch doesn’t reset and power isn’t working except the light in my room and it’s barely powering it? Any help?
submitted by Signal_Leading_1038 to fixit [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:32 Swimming_Principle41 [PC] [Early 2000s] educational game for kids with strange characters and minigames

I've been searching for this for years so if anyone has any ideas, I'd be very grateful!
As a child in the early 2000s, I vividly remember playing an educational kids game on my family PC. It was the same time period as when Desktop Destroyer was pretty popular.
It was set in a woodland/field type area with different zones for different minigames. One I remember was moving pipes around to allow water to flow from a start point to an end point.
It had two main characters - one was all red (like Elmo) and had a huge moustache (like the lorax), and the other was similar but taller and without the moustache. I remember they had English accents I think and when you'd go to switch activity, one of them would ask "what do you wanna do now?".
I'd love to find this game again but the pc is long gone and I've no idea where to look. Does this ring a bell for anyone else?
Edit: I've heard that it might be Zoombinis before but sadly this isn't it!
submitted by Swimming_Principle41 to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:32 Consistent-Relief464 This job is making me racist and I don’t like it

DISCLAIMER: I do not promote hate and I just want to throw in my experience working at home depo. I have worked at home depo in the lumber department since last august. I’ve had many run ins with bad customers but from my experience the worst type of people to deal with is Caucasian people. I’m not saying other customers of different races arnt rude. I’ve had bad experiences with Latin/African/Asian Americans but they just get upset and deal with whatever the situation is.
At first, I would always just see everyone as customers and know that some customers get upset when things arnt what they want to be. But over time I started to notice a pattern with the type of person I’m dealing with as they approach me. And it never clicked in my head until my coworker mentioned it during the holiday. From almost getting run over for telling someone to pull their car into the loading bay to not discounting 70% a piece of wood w a chip at the end. These people truly are entitled, if they have to wait more then 5 min they start getting upset and saying they’ve waited for “30 min”. Or they are the only ones to be upset at ME for the prices of wood and materials???? And constantly ask my why I’m charging so much. It’s worse when they get raged bc I can’t load 7 bags of concrete with a forklift into their van, like lady I can put it on a cart for you and a lot loader can help you put it in the car. Or when they buy 50 pieces of different wood and hand me the receipt and tell me to pick it out for them but turn full Karen mode when I tell them i can’t pick orders unless it’s a deliveries form and if I were to pick their order I need a 3 hour notice and I can’t guarantee I’ll pick the highest quality items(to their standards) THE NAIL IN THE COFFIN happened yesterday, I had a man who seemed nice and would only ask me to price check stuff for him but he would soon start opening gates and going into isles where my coworkers would be dropping down pallets to pack out. He did this 2 times until I confronted him to which he replied ,”so what, are we not allowed to shop anymore”. I tried to keep my cool and understand some people weren’t raised right or at all but that was when I knew they saw themselves above everyone else and the rules. I told him to just leave if he’s not able to follow policy and safety guidelines, and mentioned that lowes is down the street. He threatened to leave his stuff and not buy it to which put a smile on my face and I told him that I’m closing and will have to put it back regardless and him leaving would make my job much simpler. He cried to management but failed to mention that the forklifts were being used in the aisle and he claimed the gates were never there…… both supervisors were present during this on the forklifts and told them that he barged in. He left the store with his face red as a tomato. Just my experience with entitled people, if your something like this please be more aware of your social interactions and understand we are not trying to be rude we have a job with policy’s and if we break those policy’s for your satisfaction then we get the punishments for you (total strangers)
submitted by Consistent-Relief464 to HomeDepot [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:31 bardiglio1 Rash in my T zone

Rash in my T zone
I’ve been getting this rash on my T zone for years now and have tried topical ketokenizole 2% and metronidazole 0.75% with no luck. Anybody had anything work for them?
submitted by bardiglio1 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:30 Iamnotarabicfunfact Does anyone know what happened to Bank Tycoon and Criminal tycoon?

I always remembered seeing those two games around. Suddenly they’re gone.
The bank tycoon games always used the same exact picture: conveyor belt printing money. I barely remember the game. Just a simple game where you print out money to make a beige colored bank.
I don’t remember the picture for criminal tycoon but I remember playing it a lot. The base was red and white. You would basically make guns and when you had enough money, you could hire criminals (and maybe make machines) to produce more guns and make more money. Gameplay wise, it was really similar to other 2016-2019 tycoons. Morphs, Weapons, etc.
Since 2021 I haven’t seen any of the games since and I want to find out where they went. (Also be able to play it if a version of it is still available)
submitted by Iamnotarabicfunfact to LostRobloxMedia [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:29 BookofBobaFett Could this be folliculitis or something more?

Little red spots.
After multiple googles and Reddit photos I have yet to find a image that looks like my leg with a solid answer. Could anyone help me identify what this might be? Doesn’t itch but noticed it occurring on one leg more than the other.
submitted by BookofBobaFett to Folliculitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:29 NEHUENpro U6 (plus Kid Buu) against Red Zone Kid Buu

U6 (plus Kid Buu) against Red Zone Kid Buu submitted by NEHUENpro to DBZDokkanBattle [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:29 Johannesburg3 The second American Civil war my first alternative history scenario

The second American Civil war my first alternative history scenario
I made this on a random website. I haven’t decided much on this I just started making it but I do know that red in the south is communist the dark blue is the original United States government, and that’s what I decided so far anyways this is the map
submitted by Johannesburg3 to AlternateHistory [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:28 shot_dunyun1987 Silent Hill 2 Maria

Silent Hill 2 Maria
Done by Jaime Castañón at Burial Art Gallery in Mexico City. Couldn’t be happier with it. I told Jaime that wanted the character using his style and he delivered. One thing that was spontaneous was adding the color red, was at the last moment as he thought it would make a great contrast and because the rest of my tattoos also have a lot of red in them.
All in all, I feel like he did an awesome job
submitted by shot_dunyun1987 to TattooDesigns [link] [comments]