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Awesome Car Mods

2013.04.28 18:55 Jdibs77 Awesome Car Mods

A subreddit devoted to car modifications that are awesome. This subreddit is pretty simple, the title says it all.

2012.06.27 18:55 Threedawg /r/Carscirclejerk - For Mazda Enthusiasts

A place to make fun of anything and everything that /cars loves.

2009.04.19 06:12 hax0r /r/Honda - for the love of all things Honda & Acura

Home for Honda & Acura enthusiasts.

2024.05.19 17:41 Present-Process-2898 What do you guys think of this situation? Do you think I was wrong?

Sorry this is long. T and I (18f). S (18mtf).
So I have these two “friends”. Or Had or whatever. I met one back in middle school and the other 1-2 years ago my junior year of high school after I had switched to an alternative school from my regular school. Things were pretty good. I didn’t talk much to the girl I knew since middle school (let’s call her S) because we were in different classes and we havent really spoken since middle school but we were friendly. Whenever we saw each other in the hall or at lunch we would say hi or whatever. The other girl (lets call her T) I talked to the most out of everyone. I was with her pretty much every day during school. I am not the type of person to answer text messages or phone calls or hang out outside of school/work which I guess has always been a problem. For her not for me. Maybe it’s the aquarius in me that wants to be left alone 90% of the time lol. I would hang out with her outside of school sometimes because I wasn’t working much other than a part time job a couple hours after school so I had a little time.
On to the story:
I graduated back in September. T and S got a lot closer after I graduated. I started working full time and didn’t have time or desire to go out whenever anymore. I also really didn’t want to hang out with her either for lots of reasons but mostly because she just was worried about different things. I wanted to graduate as quickly as possible so I can start working full time until I could start EMT school. She was worried about whatever girl she was fighting that week and her ex boyfriends or whatever. And a bunch of other things that annoyed me about her. I didn’t care and I wasn’t worried about those kinds of things anymore. So we didn’t really talk much anymore. She would text me A LOT. I would answer once in a while. It went on like that for months. Last week I had texted her that maybe we could got out to an 18+ club on Friday since she had been wanting to go out. Club’s don’t seem like my type of seem but she likes parties so I figured i’d go and try it out since we just turned 18. S was going to come along as well. Then last Thursday was when things blew up I guess. It was about 11 PM and a show I watch every Thursday at 10 just ended and I was taking a shower to go to sleep because I was tired. Then T and S start blowing me up i’m talking 3-4 phone calls from each of them. I didn’t answer at first because I was going to sleep. Then S texted me talking about she and T got into an argument and T sped off and she heard a crash from her house and thinks she got into a car accident. So I called T. She didn’t answer the first two times. I figured she was talking to an officer or something. The third time she answered and I heard sirens in the background and she told me she got into an accident. I asked if she was okay told her to drop her location and told her I was coming to pick her up and take her home because it was 11:30 at night and the part of town where they stay isn’t exactly the safest. When I got there I didn’t see her and started to call her. She wasn’t answering. I didn’t see any police cars or any crashed cars and I called her maybe 4 times and she wasn’t answering and she had turned off her location and I was just driving around aimlessly and stupidly. So at this point I was thinking this was a set up and I was annoyed and started heading back to my house. Right as I was leaving she finally called me back and said the police cars and tow truck already left and she was waiting for me at their neighborhood park. I told her I just drove past there and I didn’t see her and she said she was walking around looking for me. I was annoyed still and just told her to go back to the park and meet me there. So I finally get to the park and call her. She says she’s sitting on the baby swing and her leg is stuck and wants me to go get her. (I didn’t think this was weird because T is like insanely skinny so she usually fits in baby swings no problem.) I told her no because I was already annoyed and really didn’t want to get out of the car in the part of town we were in and said just pull your leg out and get in the car. She said she can’t and insisted she really was stuck so I got out of the car to help her. As I walked into the park all of a sudden both T and S jumped out the corner at me. Obviously it scared me since it was already at this point midnight and again the part of town we were in. At this point I was mad and just walked away from them got into my car and drove off. They tried to ask me to take S home but I just left. The next morning (the day we were supposed to go to the club) T texted me and asked if we were still going to the club that night. I told her no I didn’t want to go anywhere with them anymore. She said I was “green” (I don’t really know what that means honestly Im assuming it means wrong?? Damn am i getting old? lol) for not coming since it was my idea. I was still mad and didn’t answer. A little later she texted me again and said “alright bet bro im done ✌️ “ again dont know what this meant and honestly didnt care I didn’t answer that text either. S then texted me a while after that and was basically begging me to come with them. I told her no I needed some space from them after last night what you guys did was crazy. Who lies about being in a car accident that’s some crazy shit and wasting my gas and time like that. She went on about how it was just a joke and they didn’t mean to upset me and apologized. I accepted and told her she knows I love her and is just upset right now. She then apologized again and said she hopes I change my mind about that night I liked the message and just left it at that. Throughout the day S kept calling me and I didn’t answer not because of what happened but because I was going pet store to pet store with my sister because we were looking for a puppy. She then texted me again around 6 pm and said she really needed to know if i was coming that night so she could send an uber to my house of not. I told her “no I already told T i’m not coming but you have fun 💙” she replied thank you and that was that. I then got a message from S saying “ T wants to know if you want us to wait for you or meet us there” I was confused because I had JUST told her I wasn’t coming so I just replied to my own message where I said I wasn’t coming with the point fingers emoji at the message. That was the last I talked to them. Im pretty sure T and I aren’t friends anymore which i’m fine with honestly. I am a little sad about S. We haven’t been close since middle school but she’s always been so sweet and adorable but it is what it is I guess.
What do you guys think? Was I wrong?
submitted by Present-Process-2898 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:39 Lick_meh_ballz Can't go wrong with the utility single speed.

Can't go wrong with the utility single speed.
Seriously, I absolutely adore this little machine. Well, large bike frame so not really THAT little, but super lightweight. This bike has been a great utility bicycle, and the fact I never have to think about shifting gears is awesome. It takes away any real thought, and it just feels way more raw when you are peddling. I live in a very flat place (Phoenix) so that helps the single speed stay nice to rid when going to work / running errands. Not going to lie though, I don't own a car and am relying on this thing to get me to work. Luckily everything I need is less than 2 miles away, so I can generally get places pretty quick. But the summer sun is going to be a beast to handle. I really don't want to own a car because of the costs associated so I'm going to try to stick it out. Hopefully I can get an ebike in the close to near future. But still, I love riding my bike. I always have a grin on my face and I feel so free just peddling, riding along the roads. It's amazingly fun!
submitted by Lick_meh_ballz to bikecommuting [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:35 Lick_meh_ballz I adore my single speed bicycle

I adore my single speed bicycle
Seriously, I absolutely adore this little machine. Well, large bike frame so not really THAT little, but super lightweight. This bike has been a great utility bicycle, and the fact I never have to think about shifting gears is awesome. It takes away any real thought, and it just feels way more raw when you are peddling. I live in a very flat place (Phoenix) so that helps the single speed stay nice to ride. Not going to lie though, I don't own a car and am relying on this thing to get me to work. Luckily everything I need is less than 2 miles away, so I can generally get places pretty quick. But the summer sun is going to be a beast to handle. I really don't want to own a car because of the costs associated so I'm going to try to stick it out. Hopefully I can get an ebike in the close to near future. But still, I love riding my bike. I always have a grin on my face and I feel so free just peddling, riding along the roads. It's amazingly fun!
submitted by Lick_meh_ballz to singlespeedcycling [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:28 heartless_o1 Where to go? First family travel. From south luzon.

Over the years, we spent summer and christmas breaks at home; we have never travelled for vacation or so. That's because my parents prioritized private education for the three of us (kahit bdays wala😔). Now, my eldest brother is graduating college this June and I suggested that we travel. It's gonna be costly, but I convinced them since we won't be together often once Kuya starts working.
Now where to go? Still on a budget. We are five in the family and has a car. I think somewhere Quezon or farther north like Tagaytay? Or Albay or Sorsogon. Also, if you could suggest an activity that my 50's parents will enjoy.
As the inititior of this first travel, i feel like its my responsibility to make this fun and memorable. Tyyt!
submitted by heartless_o1 to phtravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:20 elo2x I think vitamin D cured my brain fog

As the title says, this might be placebo or whatever I've already gone through everything but I swear I just feel so smarter now that I'm taking 7500 IU of vitamin D a day. I'm a pretty introverted guy so i like to talk to myself in the car / before I go to bed to get my thoughts out and ruminate. & recently I feel like my brain is just firing on all cylinders and I'm having more deep thoughts and understanding of things in my life. It just feels FUN to think again. My brain straight up went from a scooter to a Bugatti Chiron
I'm wondering if anyone else has been very deficient in vitamin D and has it helped anyone else the way it helped me?
submitted by elo2x to Supplements [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:18 Hour-Sweet2445 Won't make it to Red Rocks, I'm heartbroken

I made it 6 of the 8 hour drive before my car broke down and I had to get towed. I'll be stuck here until I get it fixed. Even if I somehow got it fixed in time to get there, I really don't have the funds for another night at a hotel there as well as all the $$$$ my dang car is costing me.
Have fun y'all, give me a nice thought or two if you can spare it during the show.
submitted by Hour-Sweet2445 to bleachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:11 KittyandPuppyMama How do I say “no” to hoarder who keeps giving me her trash?

My friend Lucy is a hoarder. She used to have a big house, so her basement and spare rooms were stuffed to the gills with things, but the main living areas were very clean because Lucy’s partner set a boundary.
Well, Lucy’s partner became sick and they downsized to a much smaller place. Now there’s no basement or closet space to hoard her treasures. But she can’t help herself. When she’s out shopping, she texts all her friends and family with pics of things SHE wants but knows she can’t bring home, so she tries to convince us that WE want it. That way at least the item is somewhere in her world. That, or she’ll buy new stuff and then be forced to give old stuff away to make room, and she tries to guilt us into taking it. She really doesn’t hear the word “no.” It just flies in one ear and out the other.
For example, I just had a baby. Anyone who has been through the newborn stage knows that your time is 100% spoken for. When my daughter is awake, I’m caring for her. When she’s asleep, it’s a mad dash to clean, get some work done, maybe get lucky and actually have time to wash my hair. Therefore I am not interested in projects of any kind. I’ve told Lucy I don’t want any new things at all, and I especially don’t want things I have to DO, like coloring books or puzzles, etc. I don’t care if they’re related to things I like, I have no room.
Last week, I visited Lucy, and she offered me a giant poster to do a family tree for my baby. The exchange went something like this:
Lucy: I found this while I was cleaning and I thought it would be perfect for you to put in the baby’s room
Me: no thanks! (Said nicely)
Lucy: oh, but it would be good for her to know all about her great great relatives
Me: I don’t know anyone beyond my grandparents, and I don’t know anything about her dad’s side at all.
Lucy: you can look it up! It’ll be fun!
I barely have time to vacuum. I’m not looking for a genealogy project. Plus, the nursery is nicely decorated. I’m not looking for a poster, and don’t want to spend $50+ to frame it. I doubt my daughter will care about great great great ancestors. I know I sure don’t.
I changed the subject and we had a nice time. She helped me load my purse into the car as I buckled the baby into her car seat. A few days later, I opened my trunk and found the freaking family tree poster that I said no to three times. I commiserated with Lucy’s sister, who rolled her eyes and told me to just throw it out because she likely forgot she even gave it to me. This is its own gamble, because sometimes she does forget, and other times she asks for it back a year later. She spent years bugging me to check my basement for something she gave my dad and wants back (my dad has been gone for nearly 20 years, and I have some of his things in a tub in my basement that I’ve never opened).
At this point it’s really become a burden to deal with her hoarding. She gave me a few nice things when she sold her house, but hints that she wants them back. We’re talking furniture that wouldn’t be easy to move and that I use. And the things I don’t want, she sneaks into my home or otherwise guilts me into taking. Another example is that she offered me a toilet paper holder. I said sure I could use one as I’d just bought a house. She said it comes with a towel rack. I said I don’t need the towel rack, and she texted back, “but they go together and will be sad if they’re separated :(“ so now I have the stupid towel rack in a drawer. It’s basically trash, but I’m afraid she’ll ask for it back one day and be upset if I trash it.
I really enjoy Lucy. She’s a caring person who would definitely answer the phone at 3 am. She is a great friend and has been with me through some big moments in my life. She brought me food and came to visit while I was in the hospital, and gave me rides to my follow up care. Honestly she’s great, but the hoarding is a big problem, especially now that I’ve downsized so much to prepare for my daughter.
I need advice. I don’t want to be rude, but is this a situation where assertiveness is the only way to get the point across?
submitted by KittyandPuppyMama to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:06 ongoldenwaves Interesting

According to this, all drivers in Colorado are either broke and boring Subaru owners or rich, insufferable Tesla owners (which automatically implies they are living in Boulder virtue signaling and living apart from their husband in Cherry Creek who is economically signaling)
The Nissan drivers are apprently really rich and exciting but we don’t know where they are from because of the paper plates.
submitted by ongoldenwaves to DenverCirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:06 Atherial Looking for game like Monster Hunter Now that I can play on my couch

I have been playing Monster Hunter Now and it's fun when it let's me actually do something. But I don't get to play much since the game doesn't want anyone to play in a car, even as a passenger.
So is there something like this with similar combat and armor upgrades that doesn't limit the game play?
submitted by Atherial to AndroidGaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:01 xdfreshx Help Choosing Deal: 2023 A4 Prestige vs 2024 330i Premium vs 2024 430i Premium

I can't decide what to go after. The Audi has cooling seats which I really enjoy but the BMWs have more power. Looking for a comfortable fun commuter for work (3days a week 40min each way) with the rare occasion of needing a car seat in the backseat. We have an SUV so it won't be the family drive car so it will rarely have the carseat. I test drove the A4 and 330i but have not driven the 430i but I like the look of the 430i.
2024 BMW 330i xdrive Premium 19,500 miles $37k Premium package
2024 BMW 430i xdrive Premium 18k miles $37k
2023 Audi A4 40 Prestige 16,200 miles $36k
submitted by xdfreshx to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:48 SolidCommission1 G30 520d M-Sport or an F32 430d for commuting in 2024?

Hey folks,
I'm at a bit of a crossroads and would love to hear your opinions. I start a new job in town this July, which means I'll be driving approximately 90 minutes round trip each day, five days a week. On top of that, I'll be doing some mileage on the weekends, so choosing my next car is a significant decision.
I've narrowed my options down to a 2015 BMW 430d and a 2018 BMW 520d. Both cars have less than 100,000 miles and come with a full service history. Given that they're at the same price point, I'm torn between the two. I'm concerned that the 430d might not be comfortable enough for long(ish) commute, whereas the 520d might not be as fun to drive.
I'd love to hear your thoughts. Which would you choose and why? Or do you have any recommendations for a different car altogether?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by SolidCommission1 to BMW [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:43 ningliuliu EXPLAIN: Why FFIE has a potential high value

As a Chinese, I will explain FFIE/FF and its creator Yueting Jia in Chinese view. Yueting Jia is a celebrity and the former richest man in China. Almost everyone in China knows him. Yes, almost everyone among the 1.4 billion people know him. Recently, he has been active on Chinese Tiktok to promote Faraday Future. He currently has 1.56 million fans in Chinese Tiktok. In 2014, Yueting Jia went to the US to found FF. Within the first few years of its establishment, he quickly finalized his high-end car models and started the mass production process. In 2021, FF cooperated with Foxconn (the manufacturer of Apple equipment) and Geely (the parent company of Volvo) for mass production. This is why the market value of FFIE was very high and hit the crazy highest point $4142 in the first years.
However, the mass production of vehicles in the US has encountered difficulties in the past few years, which is why Faraday Future's stock price began to fall. At the end of 2021, FFIE began to be shorted by J Capital Research, and was quickly shorted by various institutions in Wall Steeet in the following period, making FF's mass production process more difficult. In recent times, the short-selling ratio of FFIE has reached 95% - 100%. Its share price also quickly fell below 0.05.
But things began to change. In the past two months, Jia Yueting became active on Chinese Tiktok(you can search 贾跃亭 in Chinese version Tiktok), where he interacted with Chinese car manufacturing giants, tried to promote his company in China, and promoted some cooperation. Yueting Jia clearly stated on Chinese Tiktok, he will use his fame in China to promote cooperation and try to save his company. Some people may think that FF does encounter difficulties in mass production, but don't forget that FF is a company with complete automotive products and has produced high-end electric vehicles. Another important point is that, last weekend, Biden announced that Chinese car which exported to the US will be taxed by 100%. Interestingly, FF still hold 1 of 5 electric car production permition across the US. If Chinese car companies want to prevent the US car tax, its best way is to invest FF and help it manufacture cars in US. Recently, FF has frequently interacted with Chinese financial giants. Information shows that this weekend, FF's team in Dubai has traveled to Shenzhen, China to discuss the cooperation.
Fun fact, the company is created by using $4 billion in cash, but the market value is only around $0.05 billion now, it is still in extremely low position versus its real value.
This time FFIE has skyrocketed in a short time. In addition to the push from Americans, a large number of Chinese have begun to firmly hold this stock. If you are a meme stock player, please remember that this stock is not just to fight short sellers. Although Q1 sales of FF will most likely not meet expectations, it still has potentially huge value, even if you think investing money to buy shares will brings risks, market value of FF is still in low position. Simply hold on to the stock, holding this stock long-term can bring huge benefits.
For short: HOLD.
submitted by ningliuliu to FFIE [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:37 Hey_86thatnow Story-what one dBPD father is like and how I survive

Story-what one dBPD father is like and how I survive
Thank goodness for this community. Reading such common experiences helps me immensely, so I wanted to share mine and see if it resonates with you all.
Dad was diagnosed about 20 years ago by a marriage counselor. She then “fired” him from her practice, saying his marriage was beyond help because of it. Apparently, this rejection is common among BPD patients…implying it's unfixable, Since then, the ICD-11 has added a category called “difficult personalities disorder” probably to umbrella in the people who don’t fit neatly into the “5 of 9 traits” required for complete BPD diagnosis. Interestingly, he’s not unfaithful or suicidal, he kept the same job for decades, he can be fun and loving. But he rants, he overeats, he splits and denies, he isolates, he ruminates and fears, he blames and attacks and projects his self-esteem issues onto others...mostly me.
First, he was a very loving father when we were kids, attentive and supportive. And then a fantastic grandfather to my sons-loving, etc.. keeping his worst traits in check most of the time with all of us when we were young. (Not with Mom, however.) It’s as if because his childhood was tough, he sees all children as underdogs who need special care. I will always be thankful for my childhood, for it laid the ground work for my self-esteem. However, he was rougher on my brother as a kid than on me, pushing, verbally abusing, etc.. This swapped as we both reached puberty. I realize this has something to do with his view of women, his wife and his own mother.
As I became a woman, I became threatening, which appears common among BPD fathers. He then let my brother off the hook, where I got the laser focused judgment and anger. This is not to say he never loses his temper with my brother, he just tends to wait until the situation is severe (like brother getting arrested for DUI.) whereas I got attacked because I had 4 framed pictures of one son and 5 of our other son displayed in my den. Dad went on a level ten verbal attack. “What kind of a mother…rantrantrant” jamming the extra picture in my face. Walking around counting them sounds irrational doesn’t it? I met a visiting high school friend at Chili’s for dinner, and asked Mom to babysit, and I hear, “What kind of a mother goes to a bar and leaves her kids, rantrantrant.” Chili’s? Meanwhile, my brother can brag about sexual conquests, even when married. I have three college degrees—Dad never says a word. My brother flunked out of college, but Dad lies to everyone bro won a free ride to a prestigious university in our state. He paints my brother with all the best traits of my mother, but projects all his worst traits onto me. The irony is, I am very like my mother; my brother is not. But I am the scapegoat now, and brother is the golden child.
This behavior and thinking is called splitting, or black and white thinking. It is so bad, that my father bought my brother a house when bro struggled financially. He has not had rent or a mortgage or land tax for over ten years. Me? Different story; everything I have, I earned and paid for. Mom kept a list of money they gave my brother over the years for cars or lawyers, etc. Not counting the free house, his column equals $64k. My column? Zero. (And I’m the “good” kid, responsible, there for my parents.) It’s taken a very long time for me to grasp that no matter how illogical or unfair it is, it won’t change—it is part of the disorder. I tell myself to be proud that I can make my own way without help.
Dad’s impulsive, hair trigger temper over things that wouldn’t bother anyone else is profound. I’m exhausted from walking on eggshells, though avoiding conflict is so much better than entering it. He never hit us, but throws things, breaks our valuables (like Mom’s great-great grandmother’s rocker), curses, yells, screams. As a kid, I watched him fracture his wrist punching the wall when angry at Mom. He has had security remove him 3 times from my hospital room (two surgeries, one illness.) once because I told my mother about Christmas present ideas for my brother (and apparently should have been discussing my niece instead.) Who cares I had just had an 8 level spinal surgery the day before; Dad jumped out of his chair, livid, “You are forgetting someone aren’t you! Aren’t you.” He lost his cool the time I’d had surgery after a bike wreck, screaming he’d never let me see my mother again, and he’d write me out of the will. All I had done was interrupt him while he was talking. Security escorted him out. It was so ugly, one son refused to talk to him for months, shocked after witnessing it. My father told him that it was no big deal—that was just how he and I related, it was just our dynamic. My son said, "My mother never behaves that way and did nothing wrong," and hung up on him.
Dad begged me to call my son and take some of the blame. IOW Dad cannot see his part in things. He sees reactions as proof that his anger is justified. Who cares how he causes these reactions. (Who cares that I was lying disabled in a hospital bed.) He is angered by the oddest things, the most innocuous things.
He once followed a woman around at a party and purposefully interrupted her everytime she opened her mouth, then bragged later that he did this. He felt she was always cutting him off at past functions. Being interrupted is his hottest button. He wants everyone to listen to every last detail of whatever he has to say. And if you listen, but look like you aren’t, that’s as bad as interrupting him. But does he interrupt you? Of course he does, all the time, bored with what you want to say.
He loves to get people’s goats, saying or doing very calculated things that he knows will annoy Mom or me or whomever. He has never physically hurt anyone, but mock something embarrassing from your past? He’s all over that. You can watch his face when he says provocative things on purpose—he’s just hoping you will ignite. When I wrecked my bike, instead of helping me up, he literally took pictures of me on the ground. Then showed the pictures to my brother, saying “What kind of an idiot rides a bike when she’s had spinal surgery” (8 years before). BPDs triangulate, and often lack compassion.
When it comes to me and Mom, his favorite hostile line is “What kind of a___________does__________”
When I went to take my mother to see my aunt and uncle, Dad tried to tag along, and my relatives said, "Please, if he wants to come, we'll have to disinvite you. We can't take anymore." he had been so hostile the last time they say him and made my aunt cry. He has no idea his behavior has this effect on people.
He talks all about himself, and if he asks you a rare question about you, it is so he can then talk about himself. It’s like he thinks the type of lunch the kid ate (whom he sat next to in the third grade) is talk-show-worthy chitchat. But will cut you off in a second if you have something more pressing or recent to discuss. He’s very emotional and affectionate verbally and physically, but if you try to share your deeper thoughts or concerns, he gets very awkward and uncomfortable, and dismissive. BPDs struggle with intimacy and bonds.
His narcissism is so bad, that when Mom died last year, he wrote her obituary, but 60% of it was about himself. When the newspaper edited out all the stuff about Dad, Dad called me fuming, accusing me of calling the paper to edit it. He still believes that. He also refused to let anyone have a memorial service/funeral-her ashes are still in the box from the crematory-- but later that summer, he started telling me what he wants me to do for his funeral. (We did a small family dinner in honor of Mom without him.)
He is mistrustful and suspicious. He tends to take the other person’s side in regards to me, never trusting my perspective. If someone is offensive to me (like a boss who was angry when I refused to work from home while I was taking FMLA/disability pay after childbirth, or my ex who wasn’t paying child support) Dad took their side. I had to be the problem. When my husband was sent to a job site out of town, Dad thinks he asked to be assigned there to get away from me. (But says, “I just worry, and want you to be happy.”) When I get a text sent by a male friend to both me and my hubby’s phone inviting us both to dinner, he thinks there’s something fishy going on there with me and the man (and funny enough, I am certain Dad never cheated on Mom.)
He throws cash around as presents, especially to the grandchildren, but even to people the rest of us wouldn’t include (ie. my husband’s brother-in-law’s niece-whom we barely know, my mother’s distant relatives whom no one has met, or my ex who hasn’t talked to him in decades, etc) It seems like a way to get their admiration or attention. He is always writing me in and out of the will, as if he’s the czar of millions. People with personality disorders are very manipulative or odd with gifts.
He has zero friends, but talks all the time about people he knew as a kid. Where are they now? I’ve never met anyone from his childhood other than family- no cards, no messages, nothing. And no one from his life as an adult is close to him. My parents’ friendships came through Mom. I can sadly say, in a crisis, if Dad really needed to call someone and talk, only family is there (and that is only because we are compassionate, forgiving people). But funny enough, when he is in a social setting, he is not shy but wants to talk and entertain and be the center of the party.
He loves to take people to task, often loudly and cruelly. Waitresses, nurses, cashiers all get dressed down and confronted for any perceived mistake. More than one doctor or service provider has hung up on him or yelled back at him. I witnessed this again in just the past two weeks, for Dad had a minor heart procedure. He wanted to tell each doctor and nurse the most irrelevant stuff, starting from the beginning of time…and would get mad if they didn’t let him. His cardiologist snapped at one point, “I need you to just give me quick answers!” so Dad yelled, and the guy walked out.
Interestingly, I found an article, advice for doctors and nurses on how to handle illnesses when the patient also suffers from BPD. The descriptions were my father, to a T. One of piece of advice said something like beware of compliments and ignore criticism. Dad has been tossing the compliments around like confetti, “OH, Nurse, so and so, YOU are my number one.” But when his demands are not met immediately, he acts like a baby. And he keeps insulting me infront of doctors or nurses, applying his faults to me; “She’s stubborn, she has nasty temper.” I can be just standing there silently, and he says this.
He said, to one doctor, “Don’t mind her, she’s very overbearing and headstrong…but in a good way.” I’d had enough, so I said, “There’s no reason to insult me, Dad.” He argued, “Oh, you didn’t hear my compliment. That was a compliment!” The doctor said, “If that was a compliment, it was a backhanded compliment." I could have hugged her.
The worst part of being raised by a BPD? If I report any of this back to him, he will swear none of it is true. Gaslighting is their favorite manipulation, suggesting my perceptions are wrong. Either that, or he is in some sort of fugue when he acts so badly.
How do I deal with all this? Often I don’t. Mom used to be a good buffer, til she developed ALZ and then Dad forced me to go through him, never allowing me to be alone with her. This hurt. Mom and I were very close, and before she lost her mind, we had many discussions about whether she should live with me instead. But BPD men get fixated on their mates, and he saw her as only his, not important to me or my brother or her grandchildren. (He even resented their dogs, because Mom "loved them more.")
Even much younger, if I called to talk to Mom, Dad would rush the phone so I would have to talk to him first. So often I’d wait til she called me first. And now that he is all alone and his son mostly ignores him, My husband and our sons are the only ones really watching out for him. I use as much compassionate thinking as I can and remember that he got this way because he had a rough childhood (and I think the disorder runs in families—I really do.) His father died when Dad was 7. His immigrant mother could not read or write and she was raising 4 young kids by herself. Neglect, food insecurity and possible social rejection made a deep scar. I know that at the bottom of all this, Dad cannot, because of BPS, really ever trust that anyone loves him. So I do what I can, take long breaks, bite my tongue as much as possible, set boundaries, and leave when need to. To help, I come here and read very similar experiences in order to remember, IT’s NOT ME.
But still, with this hospitalizing where he's milking the attention for all it's worth, I want to explode. I'm going to have a stroke if I have to spend this much time with him for much longer. During his surgery I was totally torn, hoping he would die, but very sad that he might. That’s some sucky head space. It was easier when Mom was alive and sane...
Right now, I’m finding him assisted living, but he keeps threatening to rip out his IVs and go home. He can’t. He used to say, whoever took him in when he was old, would get all the money, and I’d say, “Have fun living with my brother.” But of course, none of that is true. I’m so resentful that I’m the one solving his health crisis. But also, in honor of Mom and my childhood, I love him and won’t dump him. I won't let him live with me, but I won't dump him.
Thank you all, for totally understanding this dichotomy. Can you relate? What would you do?
submitted by Hey_86thatnow to raisedbyborderlines [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:34 MuddyBoots287 Ran the OneWorld Canine Obstacle Race yesterday!

Ran the OneWorld Canine Obstacle Race yesterday!
Was anybody else there yesterday? I saw a few other Brittany’s running around!
If you’ve never been, the race is essentially a Tough MuddeSpartan race but all the obstacles are designed for dogs. A lot of the course seems similar to obstacles that are used for training LEO/military K9s. It was 4(ish) miles of running through creeks, and up/down steep hills, crawling through culverts, over the top of cars, tire walls, etc. Insane, but super super fun.
I highly recommend it and am planning on going again for their fall race! Tess had a ball of a time. She ran with my husband (and placed in their division!), and then did a second (much, much, slower) round with me later in the day. She did Brittany’s proud, beating several military & LEO pairs with Malinois/Shepherds. Crackhead that she is, she’s bright and perky today and ready to go again.
submitted by MuddyBoots287 to BrittanySpaniel [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:31 StuckInJumanji Just some car meet fun

Just some car meet fun submitted by StuckInJumanji to gtaonline [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:30 Yourbfguidetotravel The Highly Sensitive Person: 8 Tips for Planning a Great Trip!

The highly sensitive person's traits often make travel a struggle if not downright misery sometimes. As a highly sensitive person myself I've learned a lot of things over the years to keep me a happy traveler. In fact it is my favorite thing to do! Here are 8 tips to make travel less stressful and dare I say it, great fun!

1. Get a Great Guidebook

One highly sensitive person trait is the propensity towards overwhelm. This is where planning is crucial to having a great trip. The more you know and can prepare for a trip the better. Knowing what to expect and having a good plan always decreases the overwhelm and anxiety I feel.
Having a guidebook also gives me all the information I need to know about a location in one place. It reduces overwhelm because I don't have to figure out all the different sources I need to research. Airport, Hotel, Transportation and Site Information are all in one place.
Check out a few guidebooks and find one that speaks to your interests. My favorite travel guide for Europe is Rick Steves. I like how he focuses on authentic cultural experiences which speaks to the Highly Sensitive Person's soul.
Highlight sites you want to make sure you don't miss and other sites that would be fun if you have time. Make time to familiarize yourself with all the practicalities of visiting a new place such as the language, money and local customs.
  1. Pick the Right Flights
Another highly sensitive person trait is feeling stressed with time pressure. If I book a flight that is later in the morning I have more time to get the rest I need the night before. This is also imperative because another highly sensitive person trait is we get more tired than other people.
I want to make sure that I start my day on a full tank. Plus, if my flight is a little later I don't feel that I have to rush as much in the morning to get to the airport. Highly sensitive people hate to feel rushed.
I also make sure my flight doesn't get in too late. I like to have time to check into my hotel and get my belongings situated. Getting to a grocery store is also important to me, so I can stock up on drinks, snacks and possibly some breakfast items.
Especially when I'm on vacation I like to take my time in the morning, savor a cup of coffee and perhaps a pastry. That way I don't have to rush out of the hotel in the morning to go find food. The highly sensitive person is more prone to getting hangry than other people.

How to Find the Right Flights

I always start my trip planning by choosing my flights as the cost can change drastically by adjusting my schedule by even just one day. Hotels are not as volatile in their pricing. I do check out the hotel rates before booking my flights though just to be sure.
I use Orbitz to research all my flights because I can easily search all airlines and filter by time blocks (morning, afternoon or evening).
Plus I can filter my options to include seat choice and carry on bag requirements, so I get a true cost of a flight without any surprises. Not to mention I can also filter by number of stops.
Direct flights are less stressful and have less room for unexpected delays. The simpler I can make travel the more overstimulation I can avoid.
Also, there is no rule that you have to use the same carrier to and from your destination. Orbitz is great for finding just the right timing of flights to meet your schedule.
I often do this by booking two different carriers. I can purchase both tickets on the same website and add in my frequent flyer numbers, so I don't miss out on miles, as well as manage all my flights from one app. It's perfect!
One word of caution though. If you are not taking a direct flight to or from your destination try not to mix carriers. If the flight is delayed for some reason the second airline will not get you on another flight if you miss it the way they would if you booked both flights on the same reservation.

3. Choose a Central Hotel

I always choose a hotel that is central to the things I want to do. Sometimes this can be in a busier or more chaotic area. However, what I love about a central hotel is that I have a convenient home base to come back and take a break if needed. This helps with the highly sensitive person trait of getting tired more easily due to our depth of processing.
If my hotel is convenient I can do an activity and come back to take a nap or get in some quiet time afterward. This recharges me, so I have the energy to go do something else later. It's especially important if I'm visiting a big city which is full over overstimulation, another highly sensitive person trait.
Pick a hotel recommended in your guidebook. This will cut down on the number of hotels to research. I pick the area where I want to stay and review the recommended hotels in my guidebook. Then I pick the hotel with the vibe I like.
My favorite hotels when traveling abroad are boutique hotels that remind me I'm some place new. However, if this is too overstimulating then choose a chain hotel. This will provide a familiar and comfortable atmosphere when you return from a long day.
  1. Assess Transportation
Personally I love taking vacations where I can take a break from driving. My trips to big cities or to Europe are perfect for this. They have such efficient and low cost public transportation. Sometimes it's nice to have someone else take care of getting me where I need to go for a change.
Renting my own car can be nice too. This can be essential if I'm traveling within the United States. I like being able to leave a place when I've had too much stimulation, am hungry or tired.
  1. Plan Only One Thing per Day
Don't try to do too much in a day, running around ragged to see everything. As Rick Steve's says, "Assume you will return". I usually pick one big thing to do per day and maybe one smaller, low key thing for later after I've taken a break.
If I am going to a museum where there will be lot of crowds and I will be walking around for hours then I plan a break for lunch afterwards and then maybe a walk through a park or to sit by some water. Water is very calming for me. Time is nature, water in particular is restorative and soothing for the highly sensitive person.

6. Timing of Activities

Crowds can cause a lot of overstimulation for the highly sensitive person, so plan and book your activities for early or late in the day when crowds are lighter.
Now that I'm a little older I've become more of a morning person. Anything that I need or want to get done needs to get done in the morning or it just doesn't happen. It's great because I can get into museums and other attractions when they first open before the throngs of people rush in.
More of a night person? That works too! As the crowds are heading out to prepare for their dinner reservations, stroll in and see everything when things are more relaxed and less busy. Make sure you take some water and snacks with you, so you don't get cranky. Another highly sensitive person trait is to be more sensitive to hunger.

7. Plan in Buffer Days

Don't plan to do too much the first day in a new place. Take time to get acclimated to your new surroundings. There will be a lot of new information to take in which may cause some overstimulation. I am also usually tired from the entire travel process as well.
Get oriented to the new destination. Go for a walk around your new area or a take a bus tour of the city to get the lay of the land. I always feel much more relaxed when I know where things are and how to easily get to what I need (rest, food, nature, etc.).
Plan a buffer day when you get home too. There is nothing worse than getting home and then having to head to work the very next day.
The highly sensitive person is very attuned to their physical needs. Travel is wonderful and exciting, but since we take in so much information due to our depth of processing it can also be very overstimulating. Overstimulation can lead to exhaustion.
Make time to go to bed early and take care of other practical concerns like getting groceries and doing laundry before heading back to work.

8. Pack Right

I suggest only taking one carry on bag when traveling and resisting the urge to overpack. Another highly sensitive person trait is attention to detail. It may be tempting to prepare for every eventuality, but it's not really necessary. If you forget something it's usually easy enough to purchase it.
Having too many things to keep track of can be overwhelming and it can make the difference between everything going as planned or disaster if you need to change flights or if your bags don't make it to your destination.

submitted by Yourbfguidetotravel to hsp [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:29 GoodnYou62 Options analysis paralysis

Hi all - I’m new to the group but have had my eye on the new Bronco since it came out. I went to the Ford website and started building one and was quickly overwhelmed by the various options available.
This will be my daily driver and weekend adventure vehicle. Nothing too crazy, just beach runs along Cape Cod and forest trails throughout New England.
I do want a four door, and as fun as a manual transmission sounds, as a daily commuter I know I’d quickly tire of it.
I’m leaning towards the Badlands or the Wildtrak as they have some of the creature comforts I’m used to having in my F-150, namely CarPlay, heated seats/steering wheel, garage door opener, etc.
I’m really lost as far as which roof to get. I do plan on taking it off in the weekends, but I don’t want a ton of noise when I’m driving to work in the winter. Any help is greatly appreciated!
submitted by GoodnYou62 to FordBronco [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:26 ExpertSun422 2020 Camaro, 2020 dodge charger or 2016 Toyota 86?

2020 Camaro, 2020 dodge charger or 2016 Toyota 86?
Thank you guys for helping with my last post. I was able to find these cars that feel I’d like. I will test drive both of them but i have a feeling I’ll like all of them.
If it comes to that, which one would you recommend i go with?
I don’t drive a lot. Just looking for a weekend car that is fun to drive and doesn’t give a lot of headaches. Looking for something that is reliable.
Is there something i should look out for when test driving these cars? This is the first time I’m going to buy a used car. Can you guys guide me on what i should be doing and looking for? Inspection, test drive, anything else?
submitted by ExpertSun422 to DubaiPetrolHeads [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:25 cotard_corpse If you ever see a pitch black semi rolling down the highway, consider flagging it down. You might get just the kinda ride you've been dying to take.

That’s what got me, well, out of my funk. In a sense, at least. I was in a rut. Knew it. She did too. Guess we were in a rut, really. Ran its course. Doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt like hell, but, well, sometimes stories end, you know?
So I did my piece. Curled up into the fetal position and fucking bawled. Days went by. Go to work. Go home. A zombie. Drank a lot more. But time wore down the edges eventually. And one day, I said “fuck it.” Packed my car, quit my job, and fucked off across the country. That was the plan anyway. Heading home. Maybe with my tail between my legs. I wasn’t sure.
It was a long drive. From the West Coast to the depths of the Midwest. From the shimmering, golden shores to undulating, aureate waves of grain. Radio stations fading in and out. Long stretches of static. Data dropping fucking everywhere. Sometimes I twisted through the AM band. Hellfire and brimstone. Vast conspiracies that always lacked imagination. What happened the fun stuff? Lizard people. Time travelers. Area 51. Not anymore. Everything’s a fucking angle. Propaganda. Switch it off.
I took a long way. Choosing county routes over the interstate. I had time to kill, so why not? Might as well see some of this country. The back parts. Dark parts. Quiet parts. Flyover parts. The “you don’t see anyone other than the locals and lost” and kinda parts. And I guess I was lost, right? In a sense. Though, I was hoping I wouldn’t become physically so. God knows I didn’t need to slip through the cracks of the Earth somewhere out near Kearney, Nebraska.
But things did get strange–shouldn’t that be expected out in these less-traveled places, though?--somewhere around Sheldon, South Dakota. I was at a rest stop, pulled over for a break, trying to get the last Clif bar to break free of the piece of shit vending machine, when I saw a black semi roll up.
Now, when I saw black, I mean completely. Utterly. Entirely. A pitch black cab with tinted black windows pulling a matching black trailer. Even the rims were black. It stood out like a oozing sludge against the golden, baked landscape. I stood there, by the vending machine, waiting for a while to see who would emerge. Of course I was curious. BUt…no one did. It just sat there–this beast of a vehicle–idling. I figured the driver must have been pulling over to take a nap or to call it quits from his shift–they can only drive so long, right? But you’d think they’d want to step out and stretch their legs.
Eventually, I managed to hit the plastic of the machine just right to free my Clif bar. I tore it open, took a bite, and returned to my car. Back on the road. I had places to be.
It was strange, though. I kept seeing the black truck after that. It passed me–somehow–on the highway a few dozen miles from the rest stop. But I caught up, a few miles outside of Sioux City. I passed right alongside it, my eyes straining to see who was driving. Naturally, the windows were tinted too and I couldn’t see a damn thing. I just couldn’t put it out of my mind. Such an odd sight. This big, beastly, pitch black truck barreling across the dull Midwest. It didn’t even have any markings. No company logo. No indication of what it was delivering, who it belonged to, or where it might be going. Well, it did have plates. Washington. But there was no way to know where it originated from.
After passing by it and getting through Blue Earth, I saw it again at a rundown motel. The Cozy Inn. I had pulled off a few hours earlier, deciding to spend the night. I was exhausted, had pulled a 10 hour day and could barely keep my eyes open. The clerk put me up in some grimy room that looked like the set of more than one true crime series. Stained sheets. Peeling wallpaper. A bathroom sink more inclined to spit out brown gunk than drinkable water.
My window faced the parking lot. I sat up for a while, curtains drawn, vaguely watching the television–playing one of those trashy true crime shows I feared I might end up on–and the parking lot. Cars occasionally came and went. I saw some of my neighbors, who looked mostly like travelers or perhaps vagrants. While a police officer was detailing a particularly gruesome scene on Murder Comes Home, I saw the black semi roll into the parking lot.
Once again, it sat there idling, headlights blazing through my window. I grew irritated. I almost got up to go outside. As I was contemplating the possible dangers of such a decision, a woman approached the monstrous truck. She looked beautiful in a miserable way, with a short fluorescent pink skirt and heels too high for the pock-marked parking lot.
She opened the passenger side door and climbed in, disappearing into the tinted darkness. The headlights went off and for a while I watched, silence save for the exploitative program murmuring in the background:
Her limbs were buried in separate spots along the roadside ditch…
My heart–broken though it was–thumped in my throat.
Her head was never recovered…
I walked outside, suddenly very concerned. I stood on the pavement in my shorts and t-shirt, facing the truck, no idea what I might do.
The door opened.
The woman stepped out.
Blood was running down her neck.
I ran up to her, “Miss, hey, Miss, are you okay?! You’re bleeding. Should I call an ambulance?” I was frantic, my eyes darting between the blood on her neck, trying to ascertain the source and the thumping truck.
“Oh, I’m fine. Just swell. Fucking grand.” Her voice was dreamy. Her eyes were glazed over as though she was in a daze.
I grabbed her arm, “I really don’t think you’re–”
She suddenly became more cogent, grasping my hand, “You don’t wanna get fucking involve in this, kid.”
I thought that was an odd thing to say–she was younger than me.
“I’m just trying to–” The headlights went on, illuminating us like a spotlight on a stage. The woman darted off, swaying as she did.
I stood there–stupid–not moving. All the lights in the parking lot went out and all I could hear was the engine idling. The driver’s side window rolled down. For a while–what seemed like an eternity, really–nothing happened. But then a hand emerged, casually, finger curling backwards, calling me over. And so I walked. What was I going to do? Be rude?
I couldn’t see inside the cab, but a voice emerged. It was deep, bone-shaking. It didn’t feel like it traveled through the air. More like it vibrated my eardrums, bouncing around my skull.
“You’re hurt.”
It took me a moment to gather myself, “Hurt?”
“Deeply. Wounded. Lost. Like a stray dog.”
I squeezed my hands together and could feel tears welling up in my eyes, “I’m just–”
“I can help.” The voice pushed inside me.
“You can?”
“Get in. Come take a little ride. You’ll feel better. Free. Happy. Complete.”
I stood in hesitation, my eyes on the hand, which was a deathly pale. It was almost translucent, but seemed so soft, gentle. I wanted to feel it on my cheek.
I walked to the other side of the cab, pulled open the heavy metal door, and climbed into the plush, black seat. As soon as I pulled it shut I felt hands all over me. In my hair. On my neck. Roaming along my collarbones. Grasping my shoulders. I couldn’tj tell how many. Four? Six? Eight? Soft and gentle and cold.
I closed my eyes. I sank into the darkness. The headlights went out as the cab rumbled, pulling back onto the deserted county route.
And I felt good. So good.
Now, I don’t feel anything at all. Not scared or sad or hurt or lost. I’m found. Just like you could be found. So if you ever see a pitch black semi rolling along the highway, think about flagging it down.
And then, like me, you’ll never have to die
submitted by cotard_corpse to scarystories [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:18 MasterReis10 The Messenger.

It was a Monday morning. I had just gotten out of bed and was brushing my teeth, so far nothing out of the norm had gone on. After, I went back to my room and put on my shirt and trousers, ‘hm,’ I said to myself. My shirt felt heavier than usual, I went through my pockets to find what was off-putting. After searching 3 pockets, I could feel a note in the lower left pocket. ‘What does it say?’ I questioned. There was black print, just one sentence, ‘The milk is expired.’ What could it mean, what I wondered more though was how it got there. I realised that I had already worn this shirt the other day and I assumed that someone had slipped it in there on my walk home from work last night. I didn’t think much of it and went down to eat breakfast before leaving the house. I got myself a bowl and poured in some cereal. When I went to get the milk I remembered the note and decided to check the date of the milk purely for the fun of it, of course I didn’t think that the note was correct. When I turned the milk bottle around I spotted the date in blue bold print. ‘November 23rd,’ I read allowed. I checked my phone, it was November 24th.
‘Must be a coincidence,’ I thought to myself, after all, most milk goes off after a few days of buying it, right? I ignored the situation and made myself a toast instead. I proceeded to the living room to watch some T.V before leaving, ‘just want to check the weather,’ I told myself. I picked up the remote and opened the T.V, scrolled to the weather channel and turned the sound up. ‘It is going to be a 2024 record of 39 degrees celsius!’ Said the man on the screen. ‘Thats great!’ I told myself excitedly. I shut the T.V and went to put on my shoes and coat. I had left the house and approached my car, still a normal day. Nothing strange going on yet. Neighbour was walking the dog, joggers jogging by. As I said, nothing unusual. I put my hand in my pocket, expecting to grab my car keys, instead, I feel another note. ‘Another one?’ I thought to myself, I opened it up and read, ‘Ignore the weatherman, bring an umbrella.’ Stupid notes, I thought, probably just some annoying person with nothing better to do with his life but bother me. I threw the note away and got my car keys. I had wondered how the note had got there though, I hadn’t taken worn my coat at all yesterday. Once again, I ignored it and went into the car. On the passenger seat laid a note. ‘W-what?!’ I was now panicking. Nervously, I grabbed the note and opened it up: ‘I bet you it will rain today!’ It said, I was on the verge of calling the police but I had no evidence of anyone breaking in or anyone writing these notes so I decided to leave it. I turned on the engine, wondering what will happen next.
Part 1. Upvote for Part 2. Comment suggestions.
submitted by MasterReis10 to stories [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:17 Rusted-1 ARK 8 Chapter 20-Old gods, new hope

ARK 8 Chapter 20-Old gods, new hope
\"What's a cult? It just means not enough people to make a minority.\"- Robert Altman
HELLO EVERYONE! I'M BAAAACCKKKKK! Sorry, it's been a while, college and all. Now that I'm Back from college, I should post more regularly. The story shall continue! I might be a bit rusty, but I'm definitely getting back into the swing of things. Hope you all enjoy it.
This fanfic is based on the fanfic The Isolationists, by Seeyouon_otherside, and a continuation of the stronger_together series. Constructive criticism is appreciated.
Time Since First Contact: Y:0 M:1 W:0 D:0
Memory transcript: Commander Fango Feral, Tiwond of the Enforcers.
“Again,” I told Sunclick. He nodded as the security feed from the incident at the mall played once more in front of us. My niece Canilia Lieutenant Feral, Sunclick, along with the commander lieutenants of each district, all observed what was happening on the screen in front of us, from the human known as Sixer interacting peacefully with a couple, then that brat, who came out of nowhere, who was chasing some poor Zeyzell, then Ashina, who came out of the bathroom and slammed the brat on the ground. Then he and his friends left only for the brat, who disappeared before he left the door. “And his friends have no idea where he went?” I asked one of the commander lieutenants.
“No, sir. My husband was one of the people on that recovery team, and after heavy interrogation of the kids' friends, he simply disappeared. He left his friends completely abandoned and confused. They don’t know where he went. It was like he just vanished.” One of the commander lieutenants spoke up.
“Thank you for the confirmation,” I told him. He swished his tail in acknowledgment and then started talking to the others as they bounced theories and questions off one another. Leaving me and my niece to ourselves, my niece stepped forward.
“Sir, I understand this is personal for you, especially since it involved Ashina.” my niece told me.
“Thank you for understanding that. You don’t have to call me sir. You are my niece.”
“I know, it's just a professional courtesy.” She responded flatly.
I nodded. “Thank you. I know you and her didn’t always get along, especially after her parents died, but I’m glad you, too, have become such close friends after we let her in under our roof,” I whispered to my niece. Looking at my niece's face, I wished I could take off that gas mask to see her smile. However, I knew what was under it, and any real chance of her being truly happy was most likely long, long gone. Ever since she lost her gift, she has been bitter and angry, focusing solely on protecting others from the same fate that befell her. Wait a minute, isn’t the staying human Dominic staying with her? “Canilia, how are things with that human? You don’t talk about him much.”
She was silent. Then I heard a weird, cracking sound. It was very faint, but I could hear it as she was right next to me. It was coming from her mouth. I know that cracking sound. It’s what’s left of her cheek, curling into a smile. A Small one, but a smile nonetheless. “He is very kind to me. He likes hugs, he likes to talk, and he likes to listen. I like that he likes to help me, although I have yet to show him this.” She gestured to her stomach, where her gift once was. I nodded. She was...happy...
I nodded to Sunclick, who then took over the conversation so I could talk to my niece. He drew the attention away from us, allowing us to speak. “Do you think the aliens will be able to help you reclaim your gift?” I asked.
She shrugged. “I sure hope so, another thing, however.” She spoke much more quietly. “ I’ve been staring at the neighbors' kids again. I don’t know how long I’ve been doing it, but Dominic’s caught me doing it twice. He knows something, and he will think less of me when he finds out.” She hung her head with despair. With all my heart, I wish I could reach out, grab her by the head, and yell at her that losing your gift isn’t a sign of dishonor. She was wounded in combat. None of it was her fault, and that she should forgive herself. But I know that wouldn’t work, she’s too stubborn like me, one of the few traits. I wish she had never gotten it from me. If my sister was here now, she would kill me.
“What has he done about it?” I asked. “When he saw you looking at the little ones.”
She moved a little bit, causing her power armor to creek, then looked back up at me with the sort of, well, I don’t know, I've never seen that look in her eyes. It was like Hope and joy, but more. “He knows something is wrong. It’s his medical training that tells him it and his instincts, he’s actually baked a few meats for me, and sometimes when I snap out of it, there’s a blanket over me and a hot cup of…coco, I believe he calls it next to me. He is an excellent caretaker.”
I couldn’t help but smile. She finally found someone who isn’t intimidated by her, who is willing to care for her that isn’t me. I felt an odd pride at that, but I’ll take that pride.
“Is the great Canilia Feral Smiling? Oh, I never thought I would see the da-.”
My niece and I turned at the same exact time. Our combined staring rivals that of any sun's power, with how intense our staring was at the damned soul who dared make a comment like that at her. The moment our eyes landed on the poor soul, he shriveled faster than a drumling that was absorbed into a flesh pit. He quickly hung his head and scurried out of the room to the laughter of the other lieutenant commanders. I turned back to Sunclick, who was having a bit of a chuckle of his own, he looked up at me and gave him the thumbs up, and I returned the gesture. “Have the scanners picked anything up? The cameras, have they picked anything up about this person?” I asked him, the laughter quickly leaving the room as we returned to full seriousness mode.
“Sorry, commander, nothing, we’ve picked up absolutely nothing about this guy. We’ve run background checks, and we believe a few leads and we have some units out there checking out all the leads, however, will take some time as there are quite a few, and we don’t really know much about this kid. There are almost no files on him. The only thing we have turned up is a birth certificate and seventeen residences, which cannot be right. However, we did find something rather interesting. After talking to some of the people on the scene, we were able to discern a possible motive, which gave us a very good lead. Then, looking into that motive, we found a few of these.” Sunclick pointed to a stack of extremely old newspapers, the ones the type that came right after the third unification war, when hyperpaper was very rare, and the plants that needed to be used in hyperpaper production were almost all wiped out during the war, and these are made on type of cloth to save hyper paper. I walked over and picked one up, looking at the article that was circled. It read, “Boy's mother, abducted by aliens? Fact? Or postwar terrorist?” I looked at Sunclick.
“I remember the post-war terrorist, and I put a few down myself.” My niece spoke out loud as she looked over my shoulder. One of the lieutenant commanders came up, picked up the newspaper stacks, and started handing them out to the others.
“Sunclick, I trust your judgment, but can you explain…this?” I asked him. His eyes lit up like a Titan bug after it had ingested a bunch of parasites that were making their way out of its body.
“I would love to! You see, this kid, for whatever reason, believes that aliens abducted his mother. Now, post-war terrorists were common, and they are running around, and it might even be true that a post-war terrorist kidnapper killed his mother. However, the body was never actually found like most terrorist killings. After the war, there was so much confusion because people didn’t know what to do, and many were still bitter that we had won. For whatever reason, this kid got this idea into his head that aliens had kidnapped his mother, which everyone was kind of obsessed about, even more so that there are some literally living among us. Much to everyone’s delight, I must say. However, with that single statement, that single line, and what witnesses told us at the scene. We have a much more narrow view of who this kid is, the only problem is, that the kid was never properly documented. He’s a ghost in the system. The good news is his friends have been more than helpful, as they didn’t realize he would go that far. They've been telling us everything about him, but after some digging, it turns out they know just as much as we do, next to nothing. Either this kid is extremely paranoid or…” Sunclick went silent.
“Please, Sunclick, tell us.” my niece asked.
He took a deep breath. He shifted nervously in his seat. “He’s a part of the cult of the old God.”
The emotion and general vibe of the room immediately shifted when the cult of the old god was mentioned: those rat bastards. “Do you think they moved up this far north?” I asked him.
“Honestly, I think so, I’ve been working with some of the lesser district managers since all of you guys have been busy with the aliens, which I don’t blame you for. They’re pretty freaking awesome. However, since their arrival, the cult of the old God activity has practically tripled twenty-fold. It’s insane what they’ve been pulling off, from stealing military equipment to assassinating low-level political members-"
"WHY IN THE OLD VOID WAS I NOT MADE AWARE OF THIS!?!" I screamed. Everyone in the room winced except my neice. Sunclick, who had received the full force of my explosive outbursts, had his ears pinned on his head and looked somewhat afraid of me now. I sighed and motioned him to continue. "Please continue."
"....uh sorry...I was going to tell you eventually, as things are out of hand, which is probably about right now. However, you were busy with the aliens and...never mind, it's not important now. If this kid is a part of the cult of the old God, they’ve gotten extremely bold, and they will become a major problem for the aliens. Their whole goal is to purify the planet and kill the great protector so that their own God, the old God, the one who came before the great protector, can reign again, and we can expand past the red lightning veil and enter the greater galaxy. These aliens represent a massive threat to that ideology. Now they know there’s another life out there, other empires, they will see the aliens as a huge threat. This means they’ll be number one on their bucket list to take out, and if they do that, the aliens could turn against us, seeing us as all hostile, which is not happening at all, considering just how nice they’ve been, they’re also extremely cuddly, I mean, have you seen the way they-.”
“Sunclick, I understand you enjoy discussing advanced science with humans, but we need you to focus.” One of the commander lieutenants said. Sunclick stopped and nodded.
“Right, right, sorry. As I was saying, the aliens represent a massive threat to their organization. However, this attack could’ve been a totally one-off situation where some random member decided to prove themselves. However, it also could have been something to test the alien's reaction to one of their own getting attacked. The aliens were mad, sure, but they trusted us to keep them safe. The aliens themselves didn’t do much other than send down more equipment for us and some of their own people to monitor the situation.” Sunclick finished.
I nodded my head. “Thank you, good work as always.” he smiled and nodded as his ears returned to normal, then returned to his computer. I looked back at the lieutenant command, who had the Zeyzell and citizen who were assaulted under her watch. “How are the two that were assaulted?”
She grimaced. “Not great, I'm afraid. The Zeyzell has been having regular panic attacks, and the citizen has refused to come out of their house in the past two days. They’re too scared for their Zeyzell counterpart. The two have become great friends, which is good for AR, though.” She said,
“AR?” I asked.
“Sorry. Many of the grunts have been using it, and it’s very catchy. It’s called alien relations, AR.”
I nodded and turned back to the screen as the scene played again. It was the kid, limping off out of the door, who would then disappear from his friend's arms. I glanced up at the screen a little higher, and that’s when I noticed it. A camera is not connected to the system, barely a pixel on the screen. It’s a private camera. How did we not see that? “Sunclick, look up top of the ceiling on the screen,” I told him. He looked up, and his eyes went wide.
“It's a private camera! How could we miss that?” he said out loud.
“Not important right now. Can you get access to it?” I asked him. This is the chance I've been waiting for to get this person who would dare assault the alien who's making my daughter so happy.
“Yes, sir, I can do that!” he proudly exclaimed. After a few quick taps on his computer, multiple connections, errors, and unknown errors, he punched the computer and got a connection. The tape played this time from the front. The angle was a bit weird, so we couldn’t get a good look at the kid's face, But it was what was around his neck that mattered.
“I’ll be damned, a pendant of the cult of the old God.” my niece said as we all looked at it in surprised silence. “ I’m gonna have fun tearing that kid apart.” She said as she flexed her power armor claws. I looked at the pendent in silent anger. "Bold of the kid to wear it around in the open like that." She said aloud, and we all agreed.
I turned around to the face of other lieutenant commanders. “This is what we’ve been preparing for. You know the drill: get your districts, alert every enforcement office if possible, and get the enforcers on the streets. Get everyone on higher alert. I want more patrols, and I want everything more. Not enough to alert the population that something is happening yet, just more than usual.” They all nodded and streamed out of the room. I turned to leave. However, an open door caught my eye. I turned and walked through it to see my niece standing on the balcony overlooking the city. I wandered out myself, power armor slightly clanking the entire time, the metal hitting the cold, polished concrete of the floor. I also looked at the sprawling metropolis we had built from this hell hole of a planet, its towering walls lined with guns and cannons to keep out the beasties. I walked up beside her and saw that something was in her hands. “What do you have there?” I asked her.
I looked at it closely, and it seemed to be some sort of scarf. I didn’t recognize the design or patterns. “Dominic made this for me. I don’t exactly know why. He just kind of did. He didn’t ask for anything in return. He just gave it to me. He said he didn’t want me to get a cold.” She brought the scarf to her neck, which was a perfect fit. She tied it around just underneath her mask, and when she was finished, she let out a puff of steam from her mask.
“It's a perfect fit,” I replied, smiled, and looked back out over the city. Looking over it, I thought about our history, the feral's bloodline, and how we have served as the world’s protectors for so long. Now, it was threatened because only two ferals were left: me and my niece. Now, we have aliens to deal with. They seemed nice so far…
I leaned a little farther over the railing. A glint of metal in the sky caught my eye and I looked up to see one of the Zeyzell transports coming down, most likely More Humans. I tracked it with my eyes as it landed in one of the newer landing pads with a loud clang, the landing gear hissing as it landed, and saw a large number of my people standing around there waving signs that said “Welcome!” and “Hello new friends!” and other signs that said similar welcoming messages. I smiled and looked over at my niece. “How has the city’s morale been since the aliens have come here?”
She quickly opened her wrist computer and typed minor keys on the tiny keypad. I still don't understand how she can use that, the screen is so tiny. “From last time, when it was already an eighty percent increase, an additional twenty-three point four percent.”
I smiled even brighter and looked back down. The Zeyzell transport landed, and everybody cheered, and then the door opened as the Humans and a few Zeyzell came off the transport. My people began shouting names. Most likely for exchange partners. Immediately, the aliens again answered the calls and ran to their new friends. Many embraced in tight hugs and made what I assumed were happy noises based on how their mouths moved, as I could hear very little from up here. A few of the humans even started crying as soon as they embraced the larger frames of my species, practically melting into the "floofy fur" as the humans called it, of our fur. I even saw a pup leap from its mom and “run,” although it was more of a quick waddle over to a human and embrace them, making happy beeping sounds the entire time. The human held them so gently as if they were afraid to break. Then, he immediately started to cry uncontrollably.
However, with all of the joy and happiness down there that I so loved, I was a bit disturbed by the crying. What in the world could they have gone through that would make something like a simple hug so unique? No, it wasn't the hug itself. I thought about my time on board the ARK ship and what I had seen. I have seen many humans embracing each other and hugs, giving each other kisses or their equivalent of it, I've also seen them embracing and hugging Zeyzell. I was also aware of a lot of inter-species couples and marriages on board the ARK ship. I thought about it very hard, deciphering everything that I had learned on board the ARK ship, in addition to the information that was sent to us very early on, and-... then it clicked. “They aren't crying because they're being shown love…”
“What?” My niece asked.
I turned fully to her. “They are not crying because they're being shown love. They are crying because another species is showing them love. They're being shown that someone cares about them other than their own species and the Zeyzell.” I turned back to the landing pad and the ship was leaving as all the aliens had found the people they were looking for and were being carried back to cars, walking alongside them, or simply sitting and talking and sharing a meal. As I stood there, it was as if I could feel the emotions coming from the humans: the joy, the happiness, and the sheer love of being accepted. I couldn't explain it, but I felt as though we shared a deeper connection with humans than we initially thought.
“Do you feel it?” my niece asked. I looked at her and nodded. “I can feel the joy, happiness, and love they are feeling right now from all the way over here.” I nodded my head.
“I think whoever or whatever they were running from was another alien species, based on the information I gathered from the ark ship, the reactions and emotions of the humans down there, and the information I sent to us early on. I had theories before that it was another species they were running from; I know many other people thought that, too, But I think this almost confirms it: they are definitely running from someone. Or were, but now they feel safe here.” I told her as I gestured to all the people below us.
My niece nodded. “When I get home, I'm going to give Dominic a big hug.” We remained silent for a time. Just watching the beautiful scene before us as the snow fell slowly and lightly, the trees swayed in the breeze, ever so slightly bending. The wind made a howling noise as it whipped through the tight streets and architecture of our building. I breathed in and let it out, letting my breath turn to steam. I reached out and let the snow fall onto my hand. I brought my hand close, but the snowflake had already melted. My gaze returned to the Humans and Zeyzell, enjoying the snow alongside my people.
I turned to my niece. “Our planet may be trying to kill us in over a thousand different ways, but it’s beautiful, huh?”
My niece sighed and looked at me. “Yeah, and it’s going to get a lot better now that we have friends, or lovers for some, from beyond the veil.” I nodded and looked back at the snow that now danced in my vision as the Humans and Zeyzell departed with my people. I sighed, and we both returned inside to see Sunclick waiting for us.
“You can go nerd out with the humans now,” I told him.
‘“Thank you, sir!” He shot out of the room and down the hall. I smiled and turned back to my niece.
“Do you want to grab something to eat? The snow is great right now.” I asked
“Sure. However, before that, we should warn the aliens about the cult, huh?”
“Oh, definitely,” I told her. I smiled and we walked over to the communication system connecting us to the Aliens.
submitted by Rusted-1 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:17 Tiemujin Want a fun to drive car...Miata or....Accord?

I want a manual transmissions vehicle. I really want the Miata, but have a 10 year old son who I would occasionally need to pick up from school and cart him around. School is like a 12 minute round trip. I'm looking at the newer NC or ND Miatas for safety reasons. This is my dream car (I've had one before when I was younger). I am worried about safety though.
Or...what about an Accord 6 speed? Not really in the same league, but they are solid vehicles that are fun-ish to drive. I've had 2 Accords (both auto) and were surprisingly fun to drive. To be fair the Accord would be a compromise for sure. Anyone owned both? How disappointed will I be in a manual Accord?
My budget is up to around $15k since I work from wife get's the nice car.
submitted by Tiemujin to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]