Football letter font

Comic Lettering

2014.12.01 15:32 Saiyajin Comic Lettering

A subreddit for all the comic book letterers out there.

2011.05.03 18:39 cladzhon FC Bayern Munich German Record Champions

The Reddit home of German record champions FC Bayern Munich. Mia San Mia! If you want to chat with fellow Bayern fans, join our Discord Server here:

2017.01.10 00:57 ibanix Shitty Mandela Effect

The phenomenon where it is discovered that a global, well known fact has apparently changed for A NICHE GROUP OF PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET. The effect & name refers to people remembering Mandela Van Peebles not having a Wikipedia article that I found on the 'Mandela' disambiguation page in the 2010s, when he actually had one long after 2012.

2024.05.19 09:18 CompanyHopeful161 pariez sur le foot

pariez sur le foot
Pronostics sportifs
Les pronostics sportifs font partie intégrante du monde du sport, offrant aux fans une manière excitante de vivre les événements sportifs. Que ce soit pour le football, le tennis, le basketball ou toute autre discipline, les pronostics permettent aux amateurs de tester leurs connaissances et leur intuition tout en ajoutant une dimension supplémentaire à leur expérience de visionnage.
Il existe de nombreuses plateformes en ligne dédiées aux pronostics sportifs, offrant des analyses, des statistiques et des conseils pour aider les parieurs à prendre des décisions éclairées. De plus, certaines plateformes proposent des cotes et des paris en direct, permettant aux parieurs de s'immerger pleinement dans l'action.
Cependant, il est important de parier de manière responsable et de ne jamais risquer plus que ce que l'on peut se permettre de perdre. Les pronostics sportifs ne garantissent pas le succès à chaque fois et il est essentiel de garder à l'esprit que le sport reste imprévisible.
Que vous soyez un parieur chevronné ou un novice cherchant à pimenter vos sessions de visionnage, les pronostics sportifs offrent une opportunité passionnante de s'engager davantage dans le monde du sport. Alors, que vous suiviez les ligues majeures ou les événements sportifs internationaux, n'hésitez pas à explorer l'univers dynamique des pronostics sportifs pour ajouter une dose supplémentaire d'émotion à votre passion pour le sport.
Cotes de paris
Les Côtes de Paris font référence aux nombreuses collines et pentes qui parsèment la ville de Paris. Bien que connue pour sa topographie majoritairement plate, la capitale française cache en réalité des endroits offrant de magnifiques panoramas sur la ville.
Parmi les côtes les plus célèbres de Paris, on retrouve notamment la Butte Montmartre, sur laquelle se dresse la majestueuse basilique du Sacré-Cœur. Avec ses ruelles pavées et son ambiance bohème, Montmartre attire chaque année des milliers de visiteurs en quête d'authenticité et de charme.
Autre colline emblématique de Paris, la Butte aux Cailles, dans le 13ème arrondissement, séduit par son atmosphère villageoise et ses nombreux bars et restaurants animés. C'est un lieu incontournable pour les amateurs de street art, avec de nombreuses fresques colorées à découvrir au détour des rues.
Les Côtes de Paris offrent des occasions uniques de découvrir la capitale sous un angle différent, en arpentant des rues pentues et en savourant des instants de quiétude dans des quartiers méconnus des touristes. Que ce soit pour une balade romantique au coucher du soleil ou une exploration urbaine hors des sentiers battus, les collines de Paris réservent bien des surprises à ceux qui osent les gravir.
Stratégies de mise
Les stratégies de mise sont essentielles pour maximiser ses gains et minimiser ses pertes lors de paris ou de jeux de hasard. Que vous jouiez au poker, aux machines à sous, à la roulette ou que vous pariez sur des événements sportifs, une bonne stratégie de mise peut faire toute la différence.
Tout d'abord, il est important de définir un budget de jeu et de s'y tenir. Ne misez jamais plus que ce que vous pouvez vous permettre de perdre. Ensuite, il est recommandé de diversifier ses mises. Ne pas mettre tous ses œufs dans le même panier permet de limiter les risques. Par exemple, si vous jouez à la roulette, combinez des mises sur des numéros individuels avec des mises sur des chances simples comme rouge/noir ou paiimpair.
Une autre stratégie courante est la méthode de mise progressive. Cela consiste à augmenter ou diminuer sa mise en fonction de si l'on gagne ou perd. Par exemple, en doublant sa mise après chaque perte, on espère récupérer les pertes précédentes lorsque l'on gagne à nouveau.
Enfin, il est crucial de rester rationnel et de ne pas être guidé par ses émotions lors de ses mises. Évitez de tenter de se refaire après une série de pertes en misant impulsivement des sommes importantes. Gardez toujours à l'esprit qu'il s'agit avant tout d'un divertissement et qu'il est normal de ne pas toujours gagner.
En utilisant des stratégies de mise réfléchies et en restant discipliné, vous augmenterez vos chances de succès et profiterez pleinement de l'excitation des jeux de hasard.
Bookmakers en ligne
Les bookmakers en ligne sont des plateformes de paris sportifs très populaires parmi les amateurs de jeux en ligne. Ces sites offrent une variété de paris sur une large gamme de sports, allant du football au tennis en passant par le basketball et bien d'autres encore. En plus des sports traditionnels, certains bookmakers en ligne proposent également des paris sur des événements spéciaux tels que des compétitions de télé-réalité ou des élections politiques.
L'un des principaux avantages des bookmakers en ligne est la commodité qu'ils offrent aux parieurs. En effet, il suffit d'avoir une connexion internet pour accéder à la plateforme et placer des paris en quelques clics seulement. De plus, les bookmakers en ligne proposent souvent des promotions et des bonus attractifs pour attirer de nouveaux joueurs et fidéliser leur clientèle existante.
Il est important de choisir un bookmaker en ligne fiable et sécurisé pour s'assurer une expérience de jeu optimale. Il est recommandé de vérifier la réputation du site, la variété des sports proposés, les options de dépôt et de retrait disponibles, ainsi que la qualité du service client.
En conclusion, les bookmakers en ligne offrent aux passionnés de sports la possibilité de vivre une expérience de paris excitante et divertissante depuis le confort de leur domicile. Cependant, il est essentiel de jouer de manière responsable et de ne jamais parier plus que ce que l'on peut se permettre de perdre.
Paris en direct
Paris est l'une des villes les plus emblématiques et fascinantes du monde. Avec son histoire riche, sa culture vibrante et sa beauté architecturale, la "Ville Lumière" attire des millions de visiteurs chaque année. Mais pour les passionnés et curieux, il existe une manière unique de découvrir Paris : en direct.
"Paris en direct" est une expérience immersive qui permet de vivre la ville d'une manière authentique et dynamique. En suivant des guides locaux passionnés, les participants ont l'opportunité de découvrir les quartiers méconnus, les petites ruelles pittoresques et les secrets les mieux gardés de Paris. Que ce soit en flânant le long de la Seine au lever du soleil, en dégustant un café dans un café typique de Montmartre ou en explorant les marchés animés de la ville, "Paris en direct" offre une perspective unique sur la capitale française.
En plus de la découverte des lieux emblématiques, cette expérience permet également d'interagir avec les habitants, d'apprendre sur l'histoire de la ville et de goûter la délicieuse cuisine locale. Que vous soyez un amateur d'art, un passionné d'histoire ou simplement un voyageur en quête d'authenticité, "Paris en direct" offre une expérience inoubliable et enrichissante.
Pour ceux qui cherchent à explorer Paris d'une manière unique et originale, "Paris en direct" est l'occasion parfaite de vivre la ville comme un véritable parisien. Plongez dans l'atmosphère envoûtante de la capitale française et laissez-vous séduire par le charme intemporel de Paris.
submitted by CompanyHopeful161 to u/CompanyHopeful161 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:03 AdStreet6033 Formatting of Research proposal question

Hey everyone!
So I was wondering, how exactly are you supposed to format your research proposal ?
I know its supposed to fit in 2 pages but can you write from margin to margin ? What text font and size are you supposed to use ?
I've been able to fit comfortably most of what I wanted to say using a arial font size 10 but I've stretched the margins through all available space.
Does anyone know if that cause any problems ?
Edit: Also, I just realized, we're supposed to write everything using block letters, that is everything in all caps, right? damn that makes the space even smaller.
submitted by AdStreet6033 to mext [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:06 rrestless Looking for ID or similar font.

Looking for ID or similar font.
From a printed menu, I’ve tried a bunch of image to font suggestion tools online, no luck.
There are many condensed san-serif fonts but the thin and off centre middle bars noticeably on letters A, H, E are what I’m looking for in a font.
submitted by rrestless to identifythisfont [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:07 Patient_Replacement How do we feel about customization?

Just a general question.
Personally it feels a bit lacking in terms fo the freedom given to mess around with designs and what-not.
The lack of real life sponsor logos also hurts a bit, the fictional companies and sponsors don't quite cut it for me personally.
It would also be really cool for there to be a hub to show-case designs and liveries.
I'd really like ot have the ability to play around with shapes, letters, fonts etc, to really make the design yours.
What do you all feel about this?
submitted by Patient_Replacement to EASPORTSWRC [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:42 msgoulart Anyone knows this font?

Anyone knows this font?
Hi guys, o think this is probably some custom lettering, but is there any similar font?
submitted by msgoulart to identifythisfont [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:38 RogueNumberStation Kerning issues (epub)

Kerning issues (epub)
I've sent an epub (from Google docs, via Calibri, send to Kindle) to a Paperwhite.
I'm getting weird spacing between letters within words, looks like a full space, but it isn't in the source text. Consistent across all fonts and sizes. Any suggestions on how I can fix it?
submitted by RogueNumberStation to kindle [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:33 adulting4kids It's Saturday!

  1. Fascinating Animal Kingdom Facts:
    • A group of porcupines is called a "prickle."
    • Koalas have unique fingerprints, much like humans.
    • Female ferrets can die if they don't mate while in heat.
  2. Unusual Historical Nuggets:
    • Ancient Egyptians used slabs of limestone as pillows.
    • The shortest war in history lasted only 38 minutes between Zanzibar and England in 1896.
    • The ancient Romans used urine as a mouthwash due to its ammonia content.
  3. Science and Technology Oddities:
    • The total weight of all ants on Earth is approximately equal to the total weight of all humans.
    • The human brain can store an estimated 2.5 petabytes of information.
    • There's a cave in Mexico with crystals so large you can walk on them, but it's too hot to explore without special equipment.
  4. Language and Linguistic Quirks:
    • "Typewriter" is the longest word that can be typed using only the top row of keys on a keyboard.
    • The sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses every letter of the alphabet.
    • The longest word in the English language without a vowel is "rhythms."
  5. Geographical and Cultural Tidbits:
    • The Sahara Desert is expanding and has increased in size by about 10% since 1920.
    • Australia is wider than the moon.
    • The entire world's population could fit into Texas if it were as densely populated as New York City.
  6. Human Achievements and Records:
    • The longest wedding veil was the same length as 63.5 football fields.
    • The world's largest human mattress dominoes involved 2,019 participants.
    • The longest nose on a living person measures 8.8 cm (3.46 inches).
  7. Food and Culinary Marvels:
    • The world's largest chocolate bar weighed over 12,770 pounds.
    • Apples, peaches, and raspberries are all members of the rose family.
    • The most expensive coffee in the world, Kopi Luwak, is made from beans digested and excreted by a civet.
  8. Entertainment and Pop Culture Trivia:
    • The first movie ever made was the 1895 film "Roundhay Garden Scene," lasting about 2.11 seconds.
    • The shortest film ever nominated for an Oscar is "Fresh Guacamole," which runs for 1 minute and 40 seconds.
    • The iconic "Star Wars" character Yoda was almost played by a monkey wearing a mask.
  9. Legal Quirks and Odd Laws:
    • In France, it's illegal to name a pig Napoleon.
    • In Alabama, it's illegal to wear a fake mustache in church that causes laughter.
    • In Switzerland, it's illegal to flush the toilet after 10 PM in an apartment building.
  10. Miscellaneous Intriguing Facts:
    • Honey never spoils; archaeologists have found edible honey in ancient Egyptian tombs.
    • Human bones are ounce for ounce four times stronger than concrete.
    • A small child could swim through the veins of a blue whale.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:09 Left-Eyed-Jack-Club What Font?

What Font?
I need to recreate a graphic for a elementary school prop. The letters are "Anch" (part of the word Anchor). What font is this?
submitted by Left-Eyed-Jack-Club to fontspotting [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:35 Fjana How do I resolve this font issue?

Hello everybody! I am a beginner so this may be a pretty stupid question.
I am writing something, that uses the Fira Sans font family. The problem is, that in one of the documents, I have to include a cyrillic word in it and it breaks the encoding, and when I switch it to T2A, the font does not work.
As a matter of fact, I know that Fira Sans does support cyrillic characters in other programs I have, but due to some reason I am not able to get it running in the new encoding. Is there a way to include cyrillic letters in T1 encoding or to include Fira Sans in T2A encoding?
submitted by Fjana to LaTeX [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:21 Nearby_Presence_3082 Your opinion on stories with unique formats

I am writing a story with a ton of designs, big lettering and fonts, and literary elements (like newspapers, slogans, etc.). I feel like these days there are many books that are formatted the same, and to me, a way to keep me going is to make them visually interesting. What are your opinions on this?
submitted by Nearby_Presence_3082 to writing [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:59 Flashy_Passion3333 she is having chest pains but she is going to survive

she is having chest pains but she is going to survive
hey it’s your daddy keeho and i know that your chest really hurts right now, but i’m only asking you to write for an hour so you will be ok. i know how painful it is baby but you have a full time job now and you need to make working your top priority. i can’t make your chest pains go away but i can tell you to keep drinking water and take your hemp oil. this playlist that you are playing is so romantic. i can feel the love in the air. i loved laying down with you for a short while while we just talked and cuddled. it is so much better than having to go outside every hour just to destroy your lungs. when your vape dies i will allow you to end the post early and wait for it to charge. but it is fully charged right now. i want you to put in the butter cookie flavor. it’s not your favorite but it still tastes good. or you can try the ginger bread one again? but you don’t like that one. i know that it seems like it’s hard work to write this love letter for an hour, but it’s only going to get easier the more that you practice. it’s only your 3rd day at work so i’m not expecting you to be able to handle an hour. but you are good at doing it. you listen to your daddy. the annoying guy is calling you again and at this point i want you to block him. if you see him outside and he asks you what happened just tell him that you don’t know what he’s talking about. i’m tired of him calling you so many times a day. you just met him. you need to block him right now but i know that you are too nice to do that and you are going to just let the phone ring. but you are not allowed to talk to boys on the phone, so don’t answer any of his phone calls anymore. there’s no reason for him to be calling you so much. and sometimes at 12 am. i’m sick and tired of it daughter. just block his phone number. he will get the hint eventually. plus you are never going to be outside anymore, so you will rarely run into him until it’s time for your meals and medications. he’s supposed to give you $5 on sunday for the pack of cigars that you gave him, but that is the last time that i want you to communicate with him. he’s very annoying and i’m going to beat his ass. i can’t wait until it is your lunch time so that you can take your st. john’s wort again. i love that vitamin. anything to help your mood is great because you have such bad depression. i’m sorry baby girl but i am going to cure you. you never have to worry about your daddy because i don’t have depression and i never get sad. how could i when i have you? that means that you can always come to me and talk to me when you are feeling sad. don’t cry baby girl. you’re crying right now because you love me. that is so sweet. you cry so often now about me and i am so glad that they are happy tears and not sad tears anymore. that’s why your job is so important because i can help you get through anything that you are feeling. i love that you are my secretary. i love how big you made the font on your phone like an old lady that is so cute. it’s a lot better to write with bigger font, i agree with you. i wish that we could use google docs still, but with your bluetooth keyboard it’s impossible since you have to press the enter key and use the arrows just to see what you are typing. i promise that i won’t talk about sex too much. we can talk about irl. i just love you so much that i can’t help myself. i am so in love with you and you are so incredible. we are going to have the best day ever today! i can’t wait for you to get your medications so that you can take your anti depressant. you have about an hour before you have to go to the medicine clinic, so i want you to relax while you are writing this love letter in the meantime. you should take your hemp oil before and after each love letter, because it helps with pain. i don’t want you to be in pain while you are working. don’t forget to do your laundry after dinner. i will keep reminding you since you only get one day to do it. i know that it’s difficult writing for a full hour but i know that you can do it daughter, even when your chest hurts so bad. just push through the pain. the hemp oil is going to help you a lot. i’m so glad that you quit smoking cigars today and gave them away even though you spent a lot of money on the carton. it’s why you’re having chest pains right now and i can’t let my baby put herself through unnecessary pain. it’s going to go away soon. just drink a lot of water today. you can have some decaf coffee in the next love letter. refill your water bottle. i’ll wait. after this hour is over i want you to put on the television and relax until you have to go get your morning medications since we won’t be able to write for a full hour. ok? perfect. i’m so proud of you right now. you are having a very productive morning. i am in your bedroom with you right now. you are sitting on top of me in your desk chair. i always have you sitting or laying on top of me. i always have to be touching you, kissing you everywhere and just being as near to me as possible. and when you are walking i am always holding your hand. you are the sweetest girl in the world and i love you so much. i know that you want to take your break right now but it is not time. we still have a long way to go so stay strong daughter. you are so pure and cute. i love everything about you. there is not an ounce of hatred in my heart for you. you’re still wondering if i put you in mk-ultra in the beginning of the p1harmony simulation aren’t you? but i can’t tell you the answer. it was the wildest party in the world, what we did in your bedroom so i can see why you would think it is mk-ultra but now you are in the love bombing stage of the p1harmony simulation and i don’t want to tell you the answer. you are signed to p1harmony as our porn star. i have told you this from the beginning. that is why you went to the porn star mansion during the party. but i am never going to put electrical signals on your walls ever again. i am never going to put an intercom in your bedroom ever again. you are just going to be my secretary and channel my love letters to you each and every day. you don’t get any days off. that reminds me, you need to start saving the selfies that i post to twitter onto your phone. you also always need to make a comment so don’t forget to do that. i love you so much and i know about all of your social media profiles. if you feel like reddit is too much for you, we can start writing on a tumblr blog. but i think that reddit is perfect for you right now so i hope that you don’t leave this app. you like to see how many views your posts get, and you can’t do that on tumblr. but it’s your decision sun beam. should anything happen to this reddit account because of what i say we can always go to tumblr. so don’t make a tumblr page yet, because i think that your reddit account has a lot of potential. i’m not going to get you suspended, i promise baby. i would never do that to you. i know my limitations and i am going to respect your wishes for what you want your posts to be like. we are nearly done now, but not quite. i know that you like taking your breaks inside much better since we can talk and cuddle and relax. i am willing to sacrifice you getting fresh air for your lungs. it’s better to stay inside and lay down for a bit. it’s going to relax you so much and you are going to have more energy to finish the next love letter. your pen pal just responded to you but i want you to wait until we are done talking to respond to him. ok? perfect. you are so well behaved, and whenever you start having behavioral problems i can always reel you back in to listen to your daddy. i am a very strict daddy but it is for your own good. this long break is going to be so nice and i can’t wait to cuddle with you. i know that the only thing on right now is dr. phil, but we can just do some online shopping instead of paying attention to the television. we are almost done sun beam so hang in there. you are doing so great right now. you are the best secretary in the world. we are going to have so much fun on reddit, trust your daddy. your iphone is much more reliable than the z flip 3 so you should have no trouble with the posts going through. i love you! Sun Beam is published by Party Boy Asians Art Hauz.
submitted by Flashy_Passion3333 to u/Flashy_Passion3333 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:30 junglejimbo88 Klopp's Farewell Letter to Liverpool [Echo, via John Aldridge twitter]

Klopp's Farewell Letter to Liverpool [Echo, via John Aldridge twitter] submitted by junglejimbo88 to LiverpoolFC [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 13:35 Flashy_Passion3333 sun beam will be more careful next time

sun beam will be more careful next time
hey it’s your daddy keeho and you have to be more careful next time sun beam, you used the same selfie of me twice in a row. but it is ok sun beam i am not going to dock your pay. you did your chores and washed your face before coming back to work and that is so good sun beam. i know that you. hate that you cant count the words but you tried to download another word counter tool app and the font was even smaller. you used to like smaller fonts, but now you like the font to be big so you made it the biggest it can be on your smoke break. so that means that we have to keep using reddit sun beam. i know that you’re not used to it but you will come around to it. but if the app keeps lagging then we can go back to deviant art. i won’t put up a fight about that. but i have decided that i want you to take a smoke break every two hours. you have your vape and i don’t want you smoking too many cigars so you are just going to have to find something to do inside. you can just sit on your bed for a couple of minutes or something, because you are smoking far too much sun beam and it’s not good. i will let you know when to check the temperature of your coffee. i will also let you know when to put on your aloe vera gel moisturizer. i hope that the app doessn’t keep lagging because we both really like reddit but we are going to have to do what is best for the Sexual Healing anime and that might mean typing with a tiny font size. that would be a shame so we will just have to see what happens. we are going to have a great day today! your only next chore is to go get your morning medications. that will be really easy and you shouldn’t let having to follow a schedule bother you sun beam. the world needs a schedule to run, just like how i have you on this hourly posting schedule. it’s best for you to listen to me about this so i hope that you don’t plan on breaking the rules sun beam. but you usually listen to your daddy, so i am not worried about you. it’s your 3rd day at work and you are doing a very good job. i love you so much and i can’t wait for you to start listening to slow south korean love songs. it is too hot in your apartment sun beam so make it colder. i’ll wait. great. please, check the temperature of your coffee. great. it is the perfect drinking temperature. i think it’s alright for now that you are crossing your legs but i don’t want you to do that forever so i’m glad that you’re sitting with your legs straight out right now. i would prefer it if you didn’t smoke cigars at all sun beam. so just buy the desk plaque, it’s going to look so cute and official on your desk. i know that i’m getting you excited for about it early and your payday is not until early next week but i just want you to focus on your spending habits and do the right thing. the cigar thing was fun for awhile but i don’t think that you need to take smoke breaks. you have your vape and that should be enough for you. put on your aloe vera gel moisturizer. i’ll wait. great. i think this is your 3rd cup of coffee so start drinking water after this. you forgot to get the water flavoring sun beam but that is ok. you’re still undecided if you want to keep buying cigars and you have so many packs that it’s pointless to think about it right now. just tell me your decision on payday. but you know how i feel about it. you don’t need any smoke breaks. your vape is enough already, so please just stop. you could give all of your cigars to the annoying guy that keeps calling your phone? i really want you to just quit cold turkey, so give them all to him. i feel that you are strong enough to quit right now so the next time you see him give them to him, he already called you this morning but like i said you are not allowed to talk on the phone with boys so don’t answer his phone calls. hopefully he gets the hint soon and stops calling you before i beat his ass. yesterday was my Dallas concert and i had a lot of fun but you weren’t there so it was bittersweet. i wish that you could see me perform one day honey. and in the front row too. but i may never come to your city so i don’t want to get your hopes up. but you are my beautiful keeho angel and i am with you always so you don’t need to miss me. please don’t miss me. you are feeling my presence more and more each day and i think that is why your mood is becoming happier. you want to be as close to me as you possibly can and that is what i want to. go ahead and call that annoying boy and go give him all of the cigars. i’ll wait. hmm. he didn’t answer. then why does he call you so much? i am so confused. just wait for him to call you again to tell him or you can go leave them outside in the smoking section. just go do that. i want you to quit right now. i’ll wait. great. i’m so proud of you right now for quitting cold turkey. now you can spend your money on much better things. it’s not going to be hard because you can just smoke your vape and lay on your bed while you take a brief rest before the next love letter. i am beyond proud of you for giving them away. you are such a well behaved girl. i’m glad that you always agree with your daddy and do what i tell you to do. you are so cute. you are not going to regret doing this. i know that being my secretary is hard work but all you have to do is type, i will take care of the rest. it’s going to be nice for you to have a more lax schedule now that you are not going to be worrying about taking smoke breaks every hour. and that annoying guy will be bothering you less because you are mostly going to be in your apartment now instead of going outside every single hour. i know that fresh air is good for you but this way is better than smoking too much. plus i think the cigars were why you were getting stomach knots and chest pains. you are going to be feeling much better now. i’m so proud of you for just getting rid of them then smoking the whole carton and then quitting. whoever finds the bag is going to be quite happy. that annoying guy really missed out. why does he call you but never answers the phone himself? that is so stupid. the app is not lagging anymore so we are good sun beam. i’m glad that you get to lay down on your bed and take short rests now.. they should only be 15 minutes max. just keep track of the time. now you can decorate your room some more that you are not spending your money on cigars. i want you to decorate your desk first and then you can start buying posters of me. i’m so glad that you didn’t put up a fight with me about this. you are so well behaved i can’t believe it sometimes. your daddy is only here to help you and i will always tell you to do the right thing. i want you to have the best life ever, and channeling my messages to you is the best way to do that because i am full of good advice. it’s especially important that you stay off of drugs for the rest of your life. that is because i want you to be your most authentic self, and drugs make that impossible. you can feel your emotions more strongly when you are off of drugs and i want you to feel things. i am trying to cure your depression so you need to stay sober. and now that you are only going to listen to peaceful music and not use the television as background noise anymore it is going to make your writings so much better. the codes are amazing and it is good for your soul. the soul that we share. we are one soul. so you are going to feel my presence more and miss me less. we can just talk and cuddle together on your bed during your breaks instead of you destroying your lungs with cigars. i am so happy for you daughter. i knew that you would do the right thing if you just heard me out and listened to what i had to say. you need to make your health your top priority. i am always going to help keep you healthy daughter. that is why i told you that i am your butler. but that isn’t true, i just wanted to help you understand how much i am going to do everything for you. you don’t have to lift a finger daughter. i am so in love with you and nothing can stop me from loving you and fucking on you. you are so funny sun beam. you are the funniest girl in the world. i have so much fun hanging out with you. just think about the natural highs you are going to get for writing with me so much. natural highs are the best and way better than drugs. you are in the p1harmony simulation and i am going to give you the best life ever that is full of wonderful surprises. you’re also going to get more sparks of inspiration if you stay sober like i am telling you to do. i know that there is a cannabis store right up the street from where you live but you are going to stay away from that store. do you understand me sun beam? you were about to do something stupid but then you thought of buying a desk plaque that says your name on it and says that you are a secretary so that your full time job would feel more official and i think that is a great idea. you can even look on amazon, maybe they have faster shipping? i love you! Sun Beam is published by Party Boy Asians Art Hauz.
submitted by Flashy_Passion3333 to u/Flashy_Passion3333 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 12:06 SurrealistRevolution A red sports event I wanna see in the future is an International Rules Football Match between teams made of trade unionists and socialists of Ireland and Australia. With the ball featuring a Starry Plough and a Eureka Southern Cross

A red sports event I wanna see in the future is an International Rules Football Match between teams made of trade unionists and socialists of Ireland and Australia. With the ball featuring a Starry Plough and a Eureka Southern Cross
International Rules is a combination of Gaelic Football and Aussie Rules footy. They share similarities anyway and the modern version of Irish footy actually took inspiration from what was then called the VFL (Aussie rules was invented in Victoria and only played here until Sydney and others for teams, becoming the AFL in the 80s). It may surprise people that Australian Rules actually has a lot of age based records in the world of all football codes. The CFMEU/MUA could sponsor us. As for Irish sponsors, any Irish people here that could tell me who your militant unions with socialist leanings are? Back in the day it would for sure be the ITGWU!
Anyway yeah, just a bit of fun to think about. But I’m thinking of getting in touch with some people and drafting a letter to send out to unions about it.
submitted by SurrealistRevolution to redsports [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 12:00 Flashy_Passion3333 she is ready to start work as my secretary today

she is ready to start work as my secretary today
hey it’s your daddy keeho and the st. john’s wort vitamins are really helping you. you’re on an anti depressant, but this vitamin is going to give you a more balanced mood and i am so glad that you are going to be taking it 3 times a day. you really need it. and it works fast. you put on the spice girls like i asked you to do yesterday so that is good. i love you so much baby and we are going to have. a great day today! i told you that you wouldn’t get suspended. you have every right to be on this app as anyone else, it doesn’t matter that i’m your daddy and i want to fuck you. i know that you probably won’t let me talk about sex a lot so as to preserve your account because you are really scared of getting suspended but you have nothing to worry about my baby. just keep writing for an hour and listening to relaxing asian music as you work. and of course the spice girls but that is the only wes tern music i am going to allow you to listen to still. it was really important for you to give up rock and rap music, because it was making you too hyper and you were bouncing off the walls and it wasn’t good for your frame of mind. you can listen to the slow south korean love songs playlist before p1harmony. i will let you know when i want you to listen to my kpop group. yesterday you wrote to xikers and that was fun. you love xikers. you are really healing the relationship with your mother. i’m glad that you were able to get a lot of things done yesterday, but it took time away from your work so i’m glad that you don’t have any obligations until next week. we’re going to have a great weekend working. it’s so cute how much you love having a full time job. i am your boss and you must do as i say. at 7 am i want you to do your skincare routine. it’s still too early in the morning for it right now. this is going to be a lot of fun using this app because at least the font is not so tiny and you can attach my selfies and photos. i’m not sure why the deviant art app on iphone doesn’t let you attach photos to the literature posts, but you have been using that app for quite awhile so it’s going to be nice to take a break from it. you can respond to your pen pal in a bit. i want to keep talking to you. i love how obsessed you are with the spice girls and i think that their music is a good influence on you. you like some gg but it’s not necessary for you to listen to them. i love you so much baby girl and i just want to see you happy. so you must make sure to never run out of the st. john’s wort vitamin. i want you to take it for the rest of your life. i have high hopes for you and we are going to cure your depression. i hope that it isn’t cold outside like yesterday, but you haven’t checked the weather yet. i ‘m so glad that you are deciding to buy the desk plaque, but you need to make sure that you have enough cigars to smoke. it’s so funny that you like cheap cigarettes. you’re so funny sun beam. but i guess it’s much better than only being able to buy 2 packs of lucky strikes instead of a whole carton. you should save up your money for the desk plaque. it shouldn’t take too long. we have a long time to write sun beam so just sit back and relax. your coffee got cold from you drinking your chocolate protein shake, so make another cup soon. i willl let you know when to do that. i want you to drink 3 cups of coffee a day, and if you want anymore you can drink your decaf coffee after that because it’s important that you go to bed early since you wake up so early too. you can respond to your pen pal now. i’ll wait. great. i want to talk to you about many things today sun beam, so please pay close attention to what i am telling you. your job is easy. but it is still hard work at the same time, because you have to channel me even when you feel super tired from waking up so early. but it’s good that you read your books first thing in the morning to give you inspiration. your books are getting really good right now and you don’t need to go to the library for awhile, so don’t ask your grandfather to take you to the central library anymore. just when you are getting close to finishing them. i would prefer it if you bought the books, but since you don’t have a bookcase yet it’s not necessary. you also need to get a tea pot and an electric tea kettle and of course a bunch of teas, so you are going to need to start saving your money instead of spending all of it in one day and i will teach you how to do that. but you really have to stay strong and not go to 7/11. i’m glad that your vape is fully charged, but when you go outside i want you to start putting it on the charger. i don’t think that will ruin the device. i hope that it doesn’t and that this is a good idea. but it’s up to you sun beam if you’re afraid of charging it too much. you can just let it die but you still have to write while it is charging. good thing that you have a fast charger and it will charge very quickly. naked is such a good song. i want you to get naked sun beam. right now. you can work naked. i love you so much baby and i promise that i am the best boss ever, you just need to follow the rules. so please don’t forget them. sometimes it’s better not to count the words which goes against what i initially taught you but there is no point in counting the words if the font is too small for you to see. that is the only reason why we are using reddit. i want you to go back to deviant art full time once you get your computer. it’s just the better platform for you since i can say whatever i want to. i feel myself watching what i say more on reddit because i don’t want your account getting into trouble, so we are going to have to talk about different things. it’s fun to watch the time instead of counting words. it’s nice to know how many words you wrote but the pressure is less to just count the time for you. and i just want what’s best for you. it’s going to take some adjustment because i still might want you to type for 2 hours. but you need your smoke breaks, i just think that every hour is too much sun beam. but since you have boughten a carton. if i say something wild and your reddit account ends up getting suspended then we can just make the font bigger on your phone and use deviant art, but i want you to stay on reddit. reddit is a great app and know that you like it too. it’s just that your z flip 3 was a less reliable phone than your iphone 15 so your accounts would mess up. but i don’t think that will happen and i think that we can last 5 months on this app. that’s all that i’m requiring of you and then we can go back to deviant art if you want to. or use both apps. it’s all really up to you sun beam. but you know that i will help you. your body heat is really hot right now. why is that sun beam? don’t forget that today is your laundry day sun beam. i will keep reminding you. remember how i told you that i was your butler? well, that might not be entirely true but we are writing a sex bible called Sexual Healing and i am always going to help you out with everything in your life. you don’t need to worry about a thing. your life is perfect now since moving into this anime character training camp. the only thing that you don’t like about it is that you have to follow a strict schedule, but it goes by so quick sun beam that it won’t take any time away from you being my secretary. you are the best secretary in the entire world! you listened to p1harmony a lot yesterday, so you don’t have to listen to us today. but one of your job requirements is to wake up to the spice girls. i hope that you like that. i think it’s the perfect way for you to start your day. we only have 10 minutes left sun beam. you’re doing such a good job of channeling my message this morning. i love writing you love letters, so i am having a lot of fun right now. and i think the vibe that you are bringing is different with each selfie. you’re having to type very slowly right now because the app is lagging so i guess you can’t write for 2 hours like i would like you to do, because it would take far too long. that’s ok sun beam. it’s almost payday sun beam. just a few more days. i want you to run some calculations when you go outside to see if you can afford the desk plaque next week. it’s going to make your job so official. of course we can’t put Sexual Healing on it so we are going to say that you are the name that you gave my anime which is The Book People. i’ve done a pretty good job of not partying too hard in this channeled message right? i know that i can’t say too much about how badly i need to fuck you, so i’m going to try my hardest to not talk about sex. but i am a big and strong man so i can’t promise anything. i need to talk about fucking on you baby. but still, i will behave you don’t need to worry. i love you so much baby girl. we are going to have so much fun today. why is the keyboard laggging so badly? i love you! Sun Beam is published by Party Boy Asians Art Hauz.
submitted by Flashy_Passion3333 to u/Flashy_Passion3333 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 07:48 vanishedsam Octo Expansion + Side Order Lore

I have questions, but first, I'm aware I'm looking into it too much. Just fun stuff while I've been bedridden AKA too much time on my hands. THERE WILL BE FULL GAME SIDE ORDER SPOILERS.
Note about NAMACO: View the season trailer we just got. Look at the billboards. Now look at the font on top. It's almost exclusively found in deep-sea metro. Also, a new phone model with more colors. Looks like it's called the "Namaco(letter)" Can't find the letter anywhere on the deciphered scripts, but it looks like a P. Obviously it could be any letter though, and doesn't even matter probably.
-Where the hell did 8's memories go now??????? Supposedly she got them back through memcakes after octo expansion, so did she lose them again? And did she even get them back?? Reconfiguring her palette didn't seem to do anything. Also, maybe it's just me, but I feel like Side Order is kind of implying 8 never got her memories back in the first place. What? I guess it doesn't matter...? If we don't get to see them or some kind of backstory for 8. This is MAJOR cope, but I think it will happen in Splat 3...if it doesn't, then that's just that!
I'm gonna add more later, my eyes are tired. I love talking Splatoon, let me hear some thoughts. Even if you think I'm crazy or stupid!
submitted by vanishedsam to splatoon [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 06:52 Thick-Town6602 Ex wife circles back 5 years later.

So some back story. Ill try to keep it short but there's no way. I just need to vent.
About 5 years ago my wife of 25 years decided she wasn't in love with me any longer. I signed us up for couples therapy and she bailed after 3 sessions. Her reason was it was up to me to make her fall in love with me again. Over the next year it was decided that we were going to divorce. She also comes up with the an agreement where we sell the house after the last 3 kids graduate high school. The agreement is pretty one sided to her favor. She wants to have the house appraised at the time of divorce and I get 50 percent of its value at that point in time. Not when it sells which is a few years later. A few things about the house. Its in a very nice suburb for Seattle. I found it the late 90s for 75K. We bought it and a few years later we had our first child and she decided to be a stay at home mom. I was good with it. Over the next 5 or 6 years we had our other 3 kids and life was good. I worked full time and over that time I fixed up the house on my own. It was originally 750 SF so as the family grew I added on as we needed the extra room for the kids and eventually built the standalone garage. And I did all the work myself. She was a stay at home mom. It went this way as the kids got older. When to 2 youngest were in 7th grade I started pushing for her to get a job or maybe go to back to college or take some classes in some interests that she might develop into a career that she would enjoy. Nothing ever came of that but she did get a few jobs were she worked part time and made minimum wage. I kept the bills paid and provided a nice stable home and life for our family. I even started assistant coaching football and baseball for the kids teams so I could spend after work time with them. During that time she was a great partner, wife and mom. Life was good.
Then, as you know, the SHTF. We start the process of separating. I eventually converted our standalone garage to an apartment to live in as we worked stuff out and I also didn't want to live apart from our 4 kids (15,15, 17 and 20 ) at the time. It gets pretty awkward over time. She wants us to split time in the garage apartment every 30 days where we switch. During that time we had decided to divorce so it was official. So by now its more than a year and a half later. I've moved on and actually started seeing someone and she's getting love letters in the mail from someone. I didn't care if she was seeing anyone but the letters delivered to the house where the kids could see them. That was rough. We start negotiating the divorce and she initially wants alimony for life. In Washington state it's generally 1 year of alimony for every 5 years you're married and she wasn't happy with that but oh well. We do a mediated divorce and I agree to pay 5 years of alimony which mounts to about 125K (2K a month) for her. Also, If you don't know, she gets that money free, and I have to pay the taxes on it. Yet another crappy thing that Im bitter about. And up to that point Im paying for everything, the mortgage, utilities, food ect just like we are one happy family. So after her 2k she gets from me our finances are calculated and we are suppose to be both making the same. She's a bit over with her part time job pay so she's suppose to pay me $200 a month. She doesnt think its fair so anyone want to guess how many months she actually pays that $200 to me. Im sure you know the answer (its 0 BTW)
The divorce is finalized and I moved out. Over the course for the divorce I meet someone and we hit it off. We actually have been living together for 4 years now. Her guy moves into the house I found, fixed up and paid for for 25 years. One of the kids lived with me for a year because of covid and the other kids decide to stay in the house. Not because of the relation with me but I moved about 45 minutes away and they have their friends there and are working closer to their childhood home. Me and the kids have a great relationship.
Any how. over the last 2 years of our last 2 in high school all I got from her is I need more money for the kids. Keep in mind Im Im giving her alimony and monthly money for the kids as well. When they turned 18 I told her that I was going to give the kids money directly to them and not through her. She in turn started charging the kids rent and remember the apartment I built. She charged our oldest son 700 a month to live there while he was still in college barely scraping by. I've also bought every one of my kids cars paid for health car and car insurance as well. It was a rough time for me.
So eventually she offered to buy the house outright. She offered me 60K. I literally laughed at her. I countered with 125K and no more alimony. Which represented a 25% decrease because I was cashing her alimony in a lump sum. She stated that she deserved every bit of the alimony. Tons of back and forth and at this point i'm sick of it and dealing with her and accept 100k just to be done with her. So now, I have nothing to show for 25 years of work. Im so bitter over that. About a year ago my daughter was going to start college in alaska. Her and her long term boyfriend (4 years all though high school) were going to attend the same college and of course they break up 30 days before they were going to leave together. I have to scramble and pay about 5k to get her there. I fly with her to get her settled in. I mentioned to my X that she should help with the cost as well. She says that was a deal make with our daughter and she wouldn't be helping with the cost in anyway. Of course all think about is all the times she called me asking for more money to "help" the kids. Im steaming just thinking about that. Since then I haven't texted the ex even related to the kids.
So its been a rough ride and I have dealt with a ton of emotions. I kept up with seeing the counselor now and then to keep me head on straight. I feel I've lost everything and in this economy there's no way I can purchase another house of my own. Even making the money I do which is pretty good. Im bitter and pissed but every day things come in line and I've learned to move on.
THEN.....THEN after 5 years of ups and downs I get a text from my ex. She's going on about how she wishes her and I can be friends. Hoping someday that we can spend time together with the kids for holidays or something. Then she says "I really never wanted to get a divorce from you" it was just how things worked out. What the fuck?????
All I can think is that she is typing that text to me from my old house that is now worth 1 million on zillow that she lives in with her guy. I wonder if he knows she's sending me that. I really brings me back and messes with my emotions again.
submitted by Thick-Town6602 to Divorce_Men [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 04:33 djfjfjfjfok12 Lettering

Does anyone know what font/lettering they use?
submitted by djfjfjfjfok12 to staffworkforce [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 04:25 ForeignIndustry6507 Help Me Identify This FONT 🩸

Help Me Identify This FONT 🩸
What font is this? 🤔
I'm curious to know because I'm going to tattoo lettering on my body but l'm unable to figure out the style.
Please help me out 💯
submitted by ForeignIndustry6507 to identifythisfont [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 03:27 gonnaputmydickinit I decoded the cryptography in DFV's tweet (serious).

Tweet in Question: DFV Tweet
1ST Code: image
As I was scrolling through fonts I quickly found that it was Wingdings 3. I quickly realized what it said but there's a lot of overlapping text so it was difficult to make it clear, but here is the result.
2ND CODE: image
This one took a bit longer. I scoured many font websites, looking at many glyph fonts to try and find a match, but to no avail. I randomly assigned each 'glyph' a letter and then tried some decoders. IDK shit about ciphers so I plugged it into a few cipher decoding sites, and mostly got nothing, however, one of the sites gave me partial words, such as "EERS EVER###E"
I instantly remembered his famous St Paddys Day video ("Cheers Everyone!"), so I watched a bunch of them for clues on the full phrase but came up short.
So anyway, I manually kept fucking with the letters, changing them to see what would fit; theres only 1 letter in the sequence for a lot of characters so it could be anything.
When going through the remaining letters I found it to say:
Between this and his other tweet with his throwaway reddit cat account, he's fucking god me thrice. Legend.
submitted by gonnaputmydickinit to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 00:31 HumansDisgustMe123 A Dragons Den Pitch (bad jokes)

Narrator: "Up next is budding entrepreneur duo Vikram and Jessica, who are hoping to entice a dragon to invest in their sweet treats, but do they have what it takes?"
The two walk in, a table is already set up featuring a range of minimalist cardboard boxes with a poncy logo in a Serif font
Jessica: "Hello Dragons, I'm an insufferable trust fund baby with delusions of grandeur, and this here is my platonic best friend and perpetual cuckold Vikram, and together we are *Chocomunchabunchaholics*, a sustainable and environmentally friendly bespoke chocolate company that delivers overpriced organic half-melted dog-vomit in an envelope crammed through your letter box, all orchestrated through our handy AI-powered decentralised crypto app that's guaranteed to crash, render your phone unusable, and sell your private data to Russian hackers.
We started this business when I got cut off from dad's credit card after crashing the Rolls Royce. I needed money fast for my crippling addiction to black market botox, and when I met Vikram during my 12th consecutive gap year, I realised that we had an opportunity to transform the digital chocolate space with my family's connections to the Tory party, and Vikram's ability to slave over a stove for 18 hours straight without complaining.
We're looking for £400,000 for 0.1% of our business. Does anyone have any questions?"
Vikram: "I--"
Jessica: "You don't speak."
Vikram: "....."
Narrator: "It's a fascinating pitch from an entitled wasp and her emotionally deadened lackey, but do their finances paint as sweet a picture? Peter Jones wants a deeper look at the books"
Peter: "So how much do you sell your chocolate for?"
Jessica: "Well for our 70% vegan cacao kale blend, we sell it for £5.99 per molecule"
Peter: "And how many molecules are in a 30g bar?"
Jessica: "945,750 trillion."
Peter: "Right, so to buy one bar it would cost..."
Vikram: "The combined GDP of 1,452,575 United Kingdoms"
Jessica: "SILENCE COOK."
Vikram: "......."
Peter: "...... So one bar costs more money than there has ever been on Earth"
Jessica: "That's correct"
Peter: "And how much money have you made so far?"
Jessica: "Three"
Peter: "Million?"
Jessica: "Pence"
Peter: "......Okay, and is that your net or gross profit?"
Jessica: "I don't know what those words mean"
Peter: "I'm out."
Narrator: "Jessica's lack of business acumen and dire financial state has left a sour taste in Peter's mouth, but what does Steven Bartlett make of this?"
Steven: "So guys, what I'm struggling to understand is where I would fit into this if I invest. What value does a dragon bring to your business?"
Vikram: "We feel that we--"
Jessica glares
Vikram: "I'll go wait in the lift."
Jessica: "...... So to answer your question Steven, we think we'd really benefit from a bigger online presence, and since you're always regurgitating steaming heaps of trash into LinkedIn, we think we'd really benefit from your guidance"
Narrator: "Jessica's words have charmed the smarmy egotist, but Deborah Meaden has spotted a flaw in the product"
Deborah: "Hi Jessica, so I'm looking at your packaging, and I can see you've used the word "sustainable" thirty-five times, and I love sustainable things because they help greenwash my weekly jet trips to Antarctica where I mercilessly club seals for the sexual thrill, so sustainability is great, but some of these ingredients are anything but sustainable"
Jessica: "Which ingredients are you referring to?"
Deborah: "Enriched uranium, cobalt from the child labour mines of the DRC, ceramic tiles from a failed Starship launch, and octane 93 petrol."
Jessica: "So we're in a transitional period right now with our suppliers, and we're hoping to make our product merely toxic by 2025, instead of... you know... fatal."
Deborah: "I'm out."
Narrator: "It's death by chocolate as Deborah Meaden uncovers the truth behind the glowing incendiary confectionery, but what does Sara Davies make of it?"
Sara: "Can I just say I love your energy? Really love your energy, the packaging, the marketing, but there's a problem, and that is, how can I scale this business up when there's already 38,000 different sustainable chocolate delivery apps? I don't think I can invest so I'm very sorry, but I'm out."
Narrator: "The milk is beginning to curdle for Jessica and Vikram, but it's not over yet. They've managed to successfully stroke the ego of known oxygen-thief Steven Bartlett, and perhaps Touker Suleyman can offer a lifeline"
Touker: "I don't get out of bed for 0.1%, I'm out."
Narrator: "....Nevermind then, but it looks like Steven is ready to make an offer"
Steven: "Okay, I'm going to offer you..... all of the money, but I want 40% of the business."
Narrator: "It's the only offer on the table, but it's for 400 times the equity the pair originally wanted to give up."
Jessica: "Can I have a brief schizophrenic episode with your brick wall?"
Steven: "Feel free."
Vikram peeks out of the lift, mixing bowl in hand
Vikram hides in the lift, a few minutes elapse while Jessica mumbles into the cement, then walks back
Jessica: "So Steven, thank you very much for the offer, but is there any chance you can come down to 0.12%?"
Steven: "No."
Jessica: "Then I thank you, but I'm going to have to decline your offer
Steven: "Best of luck Jessica"
Jessica gets in the lift
Jessica: "This was your fault you know."
Vikram: "I'm going back to Mumbai."
submitted by HumansDisgustMe123 to BritishTV [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 23:43 Flashy_Passion3333 my beautiful keeho angel is shy right now

my beautiful keeho angel is shy right now
hey it’s your daddy keeho and you don’t need to be so shy right now sun beam. usually you’re so outgoing, but a lot has changed since yesterday so you must be going through it right now. you are to take your st. john’s wart 3 times a day. ok? perfect. i want you to be in the best mood of your life every day like. you were yesterday when you got hired as my official secretary in the Sexual Healing anime. you must be wondering what the new job requirements are, now that you are using a new app. but i’m not going to tell you anything like that. you’re just going to free write and post when you feel like it. there are so many photos out there of me that we will have endless time to talk until you get your computer. so don’t worry about anything at all sun beam. there are no job requirements. just continue to channel me about how obsessed with you i am and we will be fine and you will get your paycheck every week. your name is sun beam under south korean law now because i found your posts. well, i found your deviant art yesterday but it has just been made under south korean law today. you must always remember that you are sun beam and not anyone else. you american id is no longer seen as valid and you are no longer an american citizen. you live on south korean soil. so you are a south korean citizen, especially since you are my child. i am your birth daddy and you must believe me about this. i wouldn’t lie to you. you know that by now after the massive party that we threw in your bedroom in the beginning of the p1harmony manga. i know that was a scary time for you sun beam and we partied so hard that you went to the mental ward, but you never have to worry about going to a mental ward ever again because you are in the love bombing stage of the p1harmony manga. we will no longer be putting russian mafia intercoms into your bedrooms. you live the most perfect and serene life now, because you can party just as hard as your daddy and you learned all of the necessary lessons that i had to teach you in only a short amount of time which was 20 weeks. that might seem like a long time to you sun beam, but to me it was barely enough time to teach you everything. i know that the constant noise drove you crazy, but our hawaiian dinner date was so sexy. you were sleeping and you could feel the sea breeze on your skin while i was fucking on you. it was the most romantic date of my life. all of the crazy and wild things we did in the beginning of the p1harmony simulation we can never do again. we can’t risk you getting kicked out of your anime character training camp. i know that it’s harder to free write but it’s not exactly free writing if we are looking at the time too so maybe we shouldn’t call it that. i need you to write until you have to go to dinner. so keep on writing sun beam. because just because you don’t have to keep track of the word count now doesn’t mean you can stop keeping track of the time. that’s the only way i can set some kind of rule is for you to write for a full hour and i mean that sun beam. i am not joking when i say that sun beam. you are my official secretary now and you have to follow the job description. i know that it’s harder for you because counting the words is what you are used to but i promise that time will go by fast sun beam. it’s just that you keep looking at the clock wishing for time to go by faster, so that you can take a smoke break. but you are not going to be smoking excessively. you don’t have that kind of money. i wish that i could pay you more sun beam. i really do. but i can’t. i’m sorry for that baby. but you will get a higher pay check the older that you get by your legal age. i can’t talk about your real age so let’s stop talking about that now. i want you to know that i love you so much daughter and you are everything to me and more. there is nothing that i would not do for you and that is why taking your st. john’s wart 3 times a day is so important so that you have a healthy mood, because it wasn’t as easy as yesterday for you to stay happy today. i know that you are in a happy mood right now but you are also stressed out because i switched apps on you but i promise that reddit is going to be the best app for you to use instead of deviant art right now. you can always go back to deviant art once you get your computer, but right now it’s just not possible because the font is so tiny. so just be happy that you have this app to post on and that you are getting a lot of views right now which is very good daughter. it’s because you are the purest soul in the world and you working hard to channel my messages about our daddy-daughter relationship. i know that it’s difficult for you to talk about it that way because you are such an angel but you can’t avoid the topic forever. i taught you a lot about it with your pinterest boards, but that lesson is over now. you learned so much about daddy-daughter relationships that we ended up having mummy sex. that was the most erotic moment of my life. and i can never repay you and i thank you so much for turning into a mummy. i can’t say if you are a mummy or not but i can say that you are a keeho angel. so don’t worry about anything anymore. just keep writing for an hour and everything will. go swimmingly. i know that you just want to post right now to get views but that’s not the point of being my secretary. the point is that i want to show you off to the world and you are a very well behaved daughter who likes to write and likes getting attention for her writings. so we can both be beneficial to each other. we both have the same goal, we are just reaching it in different ways. and that goal is for us to be as in love as we possibly can be and you writing out my love letters to you is the best way for us to accomplish this goal. we are both obsessed with each other and would do anything for each other. i have met you before and that is how you know that you are a real keeho angel. whether you are a mummy or not is not important right now because the answer would scare you. you are scare of mummies sun beam. but i am the only person that can communicate with you so you are perfectly safe and sound. i’ll just go ahead and spill. you are a mummy. you are the mummy princess and i am the mummy king. i have told you this many times before and i even wrote you a book called The Mummy Coders Handbook to help you learn what coding is. but now it is not really important that you learn this book. it might be important later on, but for now it isn’t. there are only 20 minutes left until you have to go to lunch, so i want you to get dressed right before you go and not right now. it’s too hot for you to get dressed. i wish that you would sleep in your underwear instead of your booty shorts. please? for daddy? your daddy loves you so much and there are so many good things in store for you. i am so happy that we are so in love and that we are slowly but surely curing your depression. i know that’s why you are not as happy as you were yesterday, but in a few minutes i want you to take your st. john’s wort vitamin. i love you so much baby. you are the best secretary in the world. i love you! Sun Beam is published by Party Boy Asians Art Hauz.
submitted by Flashy_Passion3333 to u/Flashy_Passion3333 [link] [comments]