Is lamictal a type of narcotic


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2024.05.19 00:46 Rotini_Rizz Overstimulation from an increase of an additional prescription?

TLRD; Recently jumped from 25mg to 50mg of Lamictal (taken with other medications) after two weeks and wondering if my painfully unstoppable energy is a side effect.
Hey all. I currently started taking Concerta 36mg generic a few months ago and restarted Lexapro 10mg generic at the beginning of the year. Because of my gene type my psychiatrist suggested I take Lamictal generic to help boost the effects of another medications. This isn’t new to me, I had a different doctor do the same with Abilify years ago. I read that it can cause withdrawal and I suffered that from Effexor last year, but she assured me that the risk is low up until a certain point.
I started on 25mg and was taking that for a couple weeks consistently, then moved up to 50mg a couple days ago as we planned. But I just realized that I’ve been getting pretty overstimulated and wired since my increase. I’m super hyper-focused and fixated and energetic. It’s EXHAUSTING me. I’m not sure if it’s because of the medication or some other factor, but it’s been a lot. For reference, I have a general intake of caffeine because I work at a coffee shop, but no more than I’m used to >! a couple days after starting the Concerta I had a triple shot of espresso compared to my 1-2 and it made me WIRED— I spent four hours in a Target !<
Has anyone else experienced this? Is it just a side effect of changing doses? I’m scheduled to jump to 75mg in two weeks so I just want to know what to expect or look out for.
[Edit to add: I’m not taking this for bipolar disorder or epilepsy, though it was prescribed in part because I did have a seizure during my childhood.]
submitted by Rotini_Rizz to Concerta [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:42 Rotini_Rizz Overstimulation from recent increase?

TLRD; Recently jumped from 25mg to 50mg of Lamictal (taken with other medications) after two weeks and wondering if my painfully unstoppable energy is a side effect.
Hey all. I currently started taking Concerta 36mg generic a few months ago and restarted Lexapro 10mg generic at the beginning of the year. Because of my gene type my psychiatrist suggested I take Lamictal generic to help boost the effects of another medications. This isn’t new to me, I had a different doctor do the same with Abilify years ago. I read that it can cause withdrawal and I suffered that from Effexor last year, but she assured me that the risk is low up until a certain point.
I started on 25mg and was taking that for a couple weeks consistently, then moved up to 50mg a couple days ago as we planned. But I just realized that I’ve been getting pretty overstimulated and wired since my increase. I’m super hyper-focused and fixated and energetic. It’s EXHAUSTING me. I’m not sure if it’s because of the medication or some other factor, but it’s been a lot. For reference, I have a general intake of caffeine because I work at a coffee shop, but no more than I’m used to >! a couple days after starting the Concerta I had a triple shot of espresso compared to my 1-2 and it made me WIRED— I spent four hours in a Target !<
Has anyone else experienced this? Is it just a side effect of changing doses? I’m scheduled to jump to 75mg in two weeks so I just want to know what to expect or look out for.
[Edit to add: I’m not taking this for bipolar disorder or epilepsy, though it was prescribed in part because I did have a seizure during my childhood.]
submitted by Rotini_Rizz to lamictal [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:52 Nearby-Background159 D this is for you & the Dr's in your chat

D this is for you & the Dr's in your chat submitted by Nearby-Background159 to scissorsistersdrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:31 No_Blackberry7009 secretly taking lamictal, mother is unsupportive

Hi, so I was recently diagnosed with bipolar 2 and borderline personality disorder. I wasn't able to access mental healthcare as a minor or as an adult 18-20, because I was mostly stuck at home and don't have the finances to drive. Back then I didn't have many friends around the area.
So, finally, I seen a psychiatrist at my college. That's where I got my diagnosis from her and my therapist. And she started me on lamictal, 25 mg of course.
The thing is, this is all behind my mother's back. She's super unsupportive, says things like anyone mentally ill should be put away in a hospital and not able to live life normally. That's why I'm afraid. I'm very aware of SJS and other side effects and if they do happen to me, I don't know how I'd explain. She has no friends, is completely dependent on me, abusive and controlling. She also lacks empathy for anyone but herself.
This is more of a vent. But I'd like to hear some thoughts... I'm 22 now, and I plan to move out with my partner eventually, but it feels wrong not telling my mom about my mental illnesses or medication. I'm just kind of sad I never had the support I needed. I heard "you're fine" my whole life just to be diagnosed by multiple professionals with bipolar and BPD, possibly more since we're still talking. She thinks she's always right and is the type to argue with a professional.
I got off of lamictal for a bit, and then, I started it up again, got past the fear and feel calmer. It's the same 25mg. Yes, I took it for one day, got scared and stopped but here I am again. I don't want to live like this anymore. In fear and depressed, hypomanic and ruining relationships by impulsivity.
submitted by No_Blackberry7009 to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:35 cool_rocks25 What would you do?

So I don’t know if I’m overthinking/conservative or a chicken lol. I started working at this cosmetic spa for over year now and I come from critical care experience. Throughout the year I noticed things that made me uncomfortable and honestly been highly reconsidering leaving since it’s not my full time and I just wanted to try it out. Anyways the manager make us feel bad because we refuse to do things that I’m not trained in or even SEEN them. I expected to be sent to trainings to be able to do these procedures safely and properly however I was trained by a nurse who only received one week of training. I’ve even offered to go to one or just send one nurse to then come back and train us all. They don’t care. To add it’s all money hungry environment I enjoy helping others feel confident and they just lie and scam people. Idk if I’m being naive but I it’s messed my moral compass and have refused to do treatments. Lastly, there’s this one procedure where we offer lidocaine injections without epi in it to the neck because it is very painful. I refused to do it because the neck is high risk area and I’m not properly trained to inject that in that area. The manager that’s not even a nurse makes comments making me feel incompetent because I refuse it to do it because a nurse who just got her license a month ago with no bedside experience does it. Maybe it’s because I come from ICU that I’m extra cautious. I feel silly since in ICU we do crazier things and more invasive however we are trained and I know it’s just cosmetics but I’ve seen horror stories of things happening to patients at these cosmetic spas. And YES I’ve voiced that if I’m trained properly I have no issues doing these extra steps for procedures. I fought to even have a basic BP machine since we do give narcotics or anti anxiety medications prior to procedures and some nurse where even giving both!! For example, the manager said “oh she usually gets the toradol shot, the Valium, and Tylenol #3 and lido injections.” I’m like that’s too much for these type of procedures where at other clinics they don’t even offer Tylenol. Anyways am I overthinking? Also is this common at other med spas? Thanks
submitted by cool_rocks25 to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:49 The12thparsec racing thoughts and insomnia

What have you found helps you stay asleep?
My main issue, off and on for over a decade now, has been that I can't stay asleep. I'll wake up at 3 or 4 am after I go to be around 11 or 12 at night and am just WIRED. My brain is racing with a million thoughts and I can't go back to sleep.
I took Remeron for years and added some medical marijuana. That worked for a good while, but I quite weed for good about six months ago.
So far, I've tried Ambien and Seroquel. Ambien, even at the highest dosage and with the controlled release, doesn't keep me asleep.
Seroquel does seem to keep me asleep better than Ambien, but I feel like shit the next day. Poor mood, exhausted and lethargic...
What have people found that helps with this particular type of insomnia (waking up with racing thoughts)?
I just started lamictal, so it's early days. My NP also mentioned Abilify.
submitted by The12thparsec to cyclothymia [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:21 magefont1 [Story] [MIL drama] Mothers Day ruined

TLDR: Narcissistic mother-in-law is going no-contact until she can apologize for ruining mother's day and learn some fucking empathy to her first-time-mom daughter.
Ok daddit, thought I'd share my ongoing story with you all because we all love a good drama bomb.
Context: me & wife = late 30s, married 2 years (together 6) with a 10 month old baby (first child to both families). MIL (mother in law) = late 60s, divorced twice
~a month before Mother's Day~ My wife and I had been renovating the house. Nothing major, but we hired some contractors to extend the length of the living room by removing some walls and making the space bigger. The wife's and Is intentions are to get new furniture for the space and we already have a layout in mind.
Here comes the MIL, who IMMEDAITELY makes opinions on how the space should be decorated AND that we should hire an interior decorator to redesign the space (note, it's just a living room and not THAT big). Would also like to note, she didn't pay for our house and she certainly didn't pay for our renovations.
~the day before mother's day~ Wife and I purchased a couch and have picked out the decor of the living room via our own research, requirements, and the in-store interior designer consultant.
~Mother's Day~ Baby has a 101 fever, but is acting pretty normal all things considered. MIL and extended family are invited over for dinner and exchanging gifts. I shared our couch purchase with one of the family members and MIL IMMEDIATELY makes snide comments such as "the couch is ugly" and "I can't believe you bought that couch". Mind you, she's the one who suggested we get an interior designer, and per the store's consultant the style and color perfectly match what we're looking to do in the room. Wife begins crying and hides herself away from the family because of how her mother made her feel.
At this point, the kiddo is stable so I sit at the table and eat some dinner without the wife (she's in the other room crying). Some small talk among the family. Eventually the baby gets hungry so I move to the living room to feed her (more comfortable than sitting at the dining room table).
No sooner than ~10 minutes later the family begins coming over to tell me goodbye and that they're leaving after being over no more than an hour. Hyper confused, I learned that the MIL was upset that her daughter (my wife) RUINED HER mother's day by being upset at her disrespect and told the family to go home, which they did (probably to avoid drama). Now, I don't know what this "disrespect" was, but I can guarantee it was probably some misplaced motion in her head that we didn't behave the way she was expecting us to and got mad (imagine being rude to your daughter and pretending to be upset she got sad). That night, the MIL ends up texting my wife a storm about how ugly the couch is, how she can't believe we spent renovating the room, and every vitriol under the sun about our decisions over the last month. Surely some form of gaslight targeting my wife's uncertainty with making big decisions.
I also learned later that the MIL was upset that the gift I got my wife for mother's day wasn't sufficient enough and she was CONVINCED I would have forgotten (without any prior history of me forgetting gifts). Not to toot my own horn, but I like to think I've been an amazing dad taking care of my child, AND I asked the wife ahead of time what type of Mother's Day gift she'd want and got her something based on her suggestions. The MIL has this mindset that the more money you spend the more sincere the gift is and that's just not something the wife and I adhere to. We talk to each other, listen to what the other person wants/ needs, and go off of that.
Now, my MIL has a history of narcotism and belittling others by talking down to them, especially to her daughter. I won't bore you all with examples over the years, but lets just say I was absolutely livid. This was my wife's first official mother's day and it was ruined by her mom because she didn't like the couch we bought and somehow our behavior offended her despite her knowing we were going to purchase furniture on our own.
At this point we've told the MIL we aren't talking to her anymore until we're ready to have a sit-down chat (work, sick baby has been keeping us busy). Upon which, I plan on laying it out to her that her behavior about what the wife and I do is none of her business (especially since we're financing everything) and that her unsolicited opinions are grossly inappropriate and not needed. Unfortunately, given the MIL age I don't expect this to have any effect and given how long I've known her, I don't think it's going to make any meaningful progress to her being a better person. I've heard phrases from her saying "well opinions can be given freely" and I have some absolute bombs I am ready to drop on her if I feel the conversation warrants it, but I don't want to go down that road unless no other options are available.
We plan on having a sit down with her soon to talk about her behavior. Though I am convinced she's going to be pretending to be angry to justify her actions. But honestly, I might just tell her to sit on the floor since I know she doesn't like the new couch.
For all the years I've known my wife, I have seen this woman make her cry several times and I've kept my mouth shut. But watching my wife cry on my shoulder in front of our baby on Mother's Day was the final straw. I am absolutely willing to go no-contact and am willing to pay any sitter's cost to avoid relying on the help of my narcissistic MIL. But we need to have that talk and see how things go from there.
submitted by magefont1 to daddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:51 REDLINE-007 [WTS] Designer & niche fragrance brand names decants/samples (decant)

For sale fragrance decants/samples, prices listed below in US dollars. All atomizers come in black plastic spray bottles with a lid & individually marked with labels. Shipping orders by Canada Post first class airmail with tracking, rates: to Canada $10 USD and USA $7 USD NEW DISCOUNTED RATE. I accept PayPal G&S (please pay any associated fees to PayPal) or Interac (Canada Only, no fees), local Pickup in Vancouver, BC, Canada is also possible. Please pm/chat me if you are interested.
Feedback, Photos & Fragrantica Page:
Fragrantica Page
\**JUST ARRIVED and ready for summer**\* >>> Parfums De Marly SEDLEY, GREENLEY, ALTHAIR>MANCERA CEDRAT BOISE, CEDRAT BOISE INTENSE, HINDU KUSH, RED TOBACCO, AOUD LEMON MINT> ARMANI Acqua Di Gio EDP, Acqua Di Gio PARFUM >INITIO Narcotic Delight>TOM FORD Grey Vetiver Parfum and more...*
The Price list is in USD and updated on 05.15.2024
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO Eau de Parfum 2022 - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO PARFUM 2023 - 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - 11, 10 ML - $20
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO ABSOLU 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Profondo 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Profondo Lights 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Profumo 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Stronger with You 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Stronger Intensely 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Stronger Absolutely 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI City Glam 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10
ARMANI Si Fiori 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10
ARMANI Si Passione 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10
ARMANI Code Feme 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8.50
AZZARO Wanted By Night 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8.50
AZZARO The Most Wanted EDP 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8.50
AZZARO The Most Wanted PARFUM 2022 - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Atelier Cologne Ambre Nue 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $11.25
Atelier Cologne Oud Saphir 2 ML - $5.50, 5 ML - $13.50
Atelier Cologne Clementine California 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10.50
Atelier Cologne Rose Anonyme 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10.50
Atelier Cologne Bois Blonds 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10.50
Amouage Interlude Black Iris 2 ML - $6.50, 5 ML - $16
Amouage Interlude Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Meander 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Enclave 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Lyric Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Boundless 2 ML - $6.50, 5 ML - $16
Amouage Memoir Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Dia Man 2 ML - $6.50, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Jubilation XXV 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Beach Hut Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Epic Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Reflection Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Beloved Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Aedes De Venustas Grenadille d’Afrique 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Atelier des Ors Rose Omeyyade 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Intenza 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Bergamotto Di Calabria 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Chinotto Di Liguria 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA OUD EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Leather 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia MIRRA 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
ACQUA Di PARMA FICO di AMALFI 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua di Parma Arancia di Capri 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Colonia Club 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Quercia 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Mandorlo Di Sicilia 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Mirto Di Panarea 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Essenza 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ABERCOMBIE & FITCH FIERCE 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $14
ARIANA GRANDE Cloud 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Anna Sui Flight of Fancy 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Al Haramain L’Aventure 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
Al Harmain L’Aventure Blanche 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF CDNIM 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF CDNIM Parfum Version 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF CDNIM Milestone 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $16
ARMAF Tres Nuit 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF Derby Club House 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
BURBERRY Mr. Burberry 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $14
BURBERRY Mr. Burberry EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $14
BURBERRY LONDON For Her EDP 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $14
Bond 9 New York Nights 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15, 10 ML - $24
BVLGARI Goldea The Roman Night 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $16
BVLGARI Mon Jasmin Noir 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $15
BENTLEY INTENSE Eau de Parfum 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
BERDOUES Collection Perfumes GRAND CRU Eau de parfum made in FRANCE:
MILLÉSIME OUD WA VANILLIA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
MAASAÏ MARA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
SOMEI YOSHINO - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
PÉNG LÁI - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
AZUR RIVERA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
Banana Republic ICON COLLECTION Eau de Parfum:
Tobacco & Tonka Bean - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Gardenia & Cardamom - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
83 Leather Reserve - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Dark Cherry & Amber - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Neroli Woods - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
17 Oud Mosaic - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
78 Vintage Green - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Peony & Peppercorn - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Linen Vetiver - 2 ML - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
90 Pure White - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
06 Black Platinum - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Cypress Cedar - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
CARNER BARCELONA Botafumeiro - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10ML - $15
CARNER BARCELONA Ambar Del Sur - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10ML - $15
CHANEL Gabrielle Essence 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport Cologne 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport Eau Extreme 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Egoiste Platinum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Pour Monsieur EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Creed Aventus 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
Creed Aventus 10th Anniversary 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Aventus Cologne 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Aventus For Her 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Viking 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Viking Cologne 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed EROLFA 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Neroli Sauvage 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Millesime Imperial 2 ML - $8, 5 ML -$20
Creed Original Vetiver 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Original Santal 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Green Irish Tweed 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Oud 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $29
Creed Himalaya 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Tabarome 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Bois du Portugal 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Virgin Island Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Silver Mountain Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Maifair 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Princess Oud 2 ML - $11, 5 ML - $27
Creed Pure White Cologne 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Creed Jardin d’Amalfi 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Creed White Amber 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Carolina Herrera Saffron Lazuli 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $24, 10 ML - $45
Carolina Herrera Bad Boy 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
CARTIER Pasha Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
CHOPARD Amber Malaki 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
COACH New York Eau De Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
COSTUME NATIONAL Soul 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $10
Calvin Klein ETERNITY 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
Calvin Klein Truth 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
Calvin Klein Truth for Her 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
COTY ASPEN 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
DIOR Fahrenheit EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
DIOR Fahrenheit Le Parfum 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR Homme 2020 EDT 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR Homme Le Parfum 2020 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
DIOR Homme ORIGINAL 2021 EDT - 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
DIOR Homme Cologne 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR SAUVAGE EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
DIOR SAUVAGE Parfum 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
DIOR Jadore EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
DIOR Addict Shine 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $16
Dolce & Gabbana The One EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
D & G The One INTENSE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
D & G Velvet Amber Sun EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Dolce & Gabbana K (KING) 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $12
Dolce & Gabbana K (KING) EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
Dolce & Gabbana INTENSO EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $16
Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue For Her 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
D & G Light Blue Eau Intense 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
D & G Light Blue Intense For Her 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
DIESEL Spirit of The Brave 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $12
Demeter Pineapple 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Elizabeth & James White Nirvana 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17.50
Etat Libre d’Orange You or Someone Else 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
English Laundry Windsor 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
English Laundry Notting Hill 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Frederic Malle Portrait of a Lady 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25, 10 ML - $50
Francis Kurkdjian L’Homme A la Rose 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Francis Kurkdjian Grand Soir 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
Francis Kurkdjian Baccarat Rouge 540 - 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Francis Kurkdjian Baccarat Rouge 540 Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Satin Mood EDP 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Silk Mood Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Petit Matin EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Universalis 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Vitae 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Guerlain Oud Essentiel 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Guerlain Shalimar Eau de Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Guerlain Mon Guerlain EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
GUCCI Guilty EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
GUCCI Guilty Pour Homme EDP 2020 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8
GUCCI Guilty OUD 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $14
GUCCI Guilty Love Edition 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
GUCCI Made To Measure 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
GUCCI Bloom Profumo 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $13
Geoffrey Beene Grey Flannel 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Giorgio Beverly Hills Wings 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
HERMES Terre EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
HERMES Terre Parfum 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
HERMES H24 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
HERMES TWILLY Eau De Parfum - 2 ML - $4
HERMES Rhubarbe Ecarlate - 2 ML - $4
HERMES D'Orange Verte - 2 ML - $4
HERMES Un Jardin Sur Le Toit 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10.
HUGO BOSS Bottled 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
HUGO BOSS Bottled EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Intense 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Elixir Parfum 2023 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
HUGO BOSS Bottled Infinite 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Night 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Hugo Reversed 2 ML - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS FEME 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HOLLISTER SoCal 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5 10 ML - $10
IMAGINERY AUTHORS Saint Julep 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Narcotic Delight 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Oud For Greatness 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Side Effect 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Atomic Rose 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Musk Therapy 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Rehab 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
ISSEY MIYAKE Pulse Of The Night 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6
ISSEY MIYAKE L'Eau d'Issey Noir Ambre 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
ISSEY MIYAKE L'Eau d'Issey For Man 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML -$9
Jo Malone Wood Sage & Sea Salt 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jo Malone Oud & Bergamot 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jo Malone Myrrh & Tonka 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male Parfum ELIXIR 2023 ML - $5.25, 5 ML - $13
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
Jean Paul Gaultier Ultra Male 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male SnowGlobe 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
KILIAN Let's Settle in the Bedroom like Adults 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $10
KILIAN Angel's Share 2 ML - $12
LACOSTE L.12.12 EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE L.12.12 EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE Inspiration 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE Touch of Pink 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
Lattafa Oud For Glory Bade Al Oud (Initio Oud for Greatness Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Alhambra Fabulo Intense (Tom Ford Fxxing Fabulous Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Khamrah (Killian Angels Share Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Kismet Magic (Killian Angels Share Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Velvet Oud EDP (Tom Ford Ombre Leather Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Woody Oud (Tom Ford Oud Wood Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Alhambra Rose Petals EDP (Tom Ford Rose Prick Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
L'Aventure Al Haramain EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
L'Aventure Blanche Al Haramain EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
Lalique Encre Noire 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
Lalique Encre Noire A L'extreme 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LANCOME Hypnose 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LANCOME La Vie Est Belle 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Mancera Cedrat Boise 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Cedrat Boise INTENSE Edition 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11.50, 10 ML - $21
Mancera Red Tobacco 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Hindu Kush 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Aoud Lemon Mint 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Instant Crush 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Black Intensitive Aoud 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Maison Martin Margiela By the fireplace 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Maison Martin Margiela Sailing Day 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Maison Martin Margiela By the Lemon Trees 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
MONTBLANC Explorer 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
MONTBLANC Legend EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5
MONTBLANC Legend Night 2 ML - $2 5 ML - $5
MONTBLANC Individuel 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5
MOSCHINO Toy Boy EDP 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
MUGLER A*Men Pure Havane 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
MUGLER Cologne 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10ML - $17
Mercedes Benz Club Black 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Mercedes Benz SELECT 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Marc Jacobs DECADENCE 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Miu Miu Miu Miu 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
NISHANE ANI Extrait De Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Nasomatto Duro 2 ML - $9.50, 5 ML - $23
NAUTICA Voyage 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Narcisco Rodrigues For Her EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $11
Ormonde Jayne Tolu 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
PACO RABANNE XS 2018 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Penhaligon - The Favourite Eau De Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Althair 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Greenley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Kuhuyan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Akaster 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Percival 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Kalan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Darley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Nisean 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Habdan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Pegasus 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Pegasus Exclusif 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Layton 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Layton Exclusif 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Oajan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Sedley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Shagya 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Godolphin 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Galloway 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Carlisle 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Herod 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada Marienbad 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada Day for Night 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada L’Homme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Prada L’Homme INTENSE 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
Prada Luna Rossa Carbon 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
Prada Luna Rossa OCEAN 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
PINO Selvestre Original 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
ROCHAS Moustache EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Reyane Tradition Insurrection II Pure Extreme 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Ralph Lauren POLO BLUE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML-$15
Ralph Lauren POLO RED 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $12
Ralph Lauren Blue 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Ralph Lauren Pure Turquoise 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Revlon Charlie Red 5 ML - $2, 10 ML - $5
Revlon Charlie Gold 5 ML - $2, 10 ML - $5
Serge Lutens Ambre Sultan 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
Serge Lutens Clair de Musc 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Serge Lutens La Couche du Diable 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11
SHISEIDO Relaxing Fragrance 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Swiss Arabian Royal Mystery EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
SEAN JOHN Unforgivable 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $15
Sarah Jessica Parker Lovely 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
TAUER Parfums, Andy Tauer No.2 L'Air Du Desert Marocain 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Teo Cabanel Barkhane 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11
Tiziana Terenzi Ursa 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Tiziana Terenzi Chimaera Extrait De Parfum 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
TOM FORD Ombre Leather EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Grey Vetiver 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Grey Vetiver Parfum Edition 2023 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD Beau De Jour EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Black Orchid Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD NOIR EDP 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD NOIR EXTREME EDP 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD OUD WOOD EDP Private Blend 2 ML - $11, 5 ML - $26
TOM FORD Tuscan Leather EDP Private Blend 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
TOM FORD Venetian Bergamot Private Blend Discntd. 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD COSTA AZZURRA 2021 EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD COSTA AZZURRA EDP Private Blend Discntd. 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
STERLING JUST JACK COLLECTION by ARMAF Eau De Parfum (Clones of Tom Ford fragrances):
TOBACCO LEAF (TOBACCO VANILLE Clone) 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
NEROLI (NEROLI PORTOFINO Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
HOMME NOIR (NOIR Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
NOIR ENDURANCE (NOIR EXTREME Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
BLACK IS BLACK (NOIR DE NOIR Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
OMBRE SUEDE (OMBRE LEATHER Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
FANTA FAB (THE Fuckxxing FABULOUS Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
ITALIAN LEATHER (TUSCAN LEATHER Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
Tommy Bahama Set Sail St. Barts 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Torry Burch Torry Burch 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Usher UR 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb Extreme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb Infrared 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf FlowerBomb 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
VERSACE Man Eau Fraiche 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
VERSACE DYLAN Blue 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8
VERSACE Pour Homme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE EROS EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
VERSACE EROS EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE EROS FLAME 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE Pour Homme OUD NOIR EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE Bright Crystal 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Ambre Impérial Van Cleef & Arpels 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Erba Pura 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Naxos 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Lira 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL MYSLF EDP 2023 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
YSL Y EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL L’Homme EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $9
YSL La Nuit de L’Homme EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $9
YSL L’Homme Le Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL La Nuit de L’Homme Le Parfum 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
YSL LIBRE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL Tuxedo 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL Caban 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL Trench 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL 37 rue de Bellechasse 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
ZARA Denim Couture 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Cuba Royal Cuba Paris (Clone of 1 Million Paco Rabanne) 2 ML- $2, 5 ML- $4, 10 ML- $8
Cuba Red Cuba Paris 2 ML - $2, 5 ML-$4, 10 ML-$8
4711 Original Eau de Cologne 4711 - 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
submitted by REDLINE-007 to fragranceswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:41 REDLINE-007 [WTS] Designer & niche fragrance brand names decants/samples (decant)

For sale fragrance decants/samples, prices listed below in US dollars. All atomizers come in black plastic spray bottles with a lid & individually marked with labels. Shipping orders by Canada Post first class airmail with tracking, rates: to Canada $10 USD and USA $7 USD NEW DISCOUNTED RATE. I accept PayPal G&S (please pay any associated fees to PayPal) or Interac (Canada Only, no fees), local Pickup in Vancouver, BC, Canada is also possible. Please pm/chat me if you are interested.
Feedback, Photos & Fragrantica Page:
Fragrantica Page
\**JUST ARRIVED and ready for summer**\* >>> Parfums De Marly SEDLEY, GREENLEY, ALTHAIR>MANCERA CEDRAT BOISE, CEDRAT BOISE INTENSE, HINDU KUSH, RED TOBACCO, AOUD LEMON MINT> ARMANI Acqua Di Gio EDP, Acqua Di Gio PARFUM >INITIO Narcotic Delight>TOM FORD Grey Vetiver Parfum and more...*
The Price list is in USD and updated on 05.15.2024
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO Eau de Parfum 2022 - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO PARFUM 2023 - 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - 11, 10 ML - $20
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO ABSOLU 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Profondo 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Profondo Lights 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Profumo 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Stronger with You 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Stronger Intensely 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Stronger Absolutely 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI City Glam 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10
ARMANI Si Fiori 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10
ARMANI Si Passione 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10
ARMANI Code Feme 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8.50
AZZARO Wanted By Night 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8.50
AZZARO The Most Wanted EDP 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8.50
AZZARO The Most Wanted PARFUM 2022 - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Atelier Cologne Ambre Nue 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $11.25
Atelier Cologne Oud Saphir 2 ML - $5.50, 5 ML - $13.50
Atelier Cologne Clementine California 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10.50
Atelier Cologne Rose Anonyme 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10.50
Atelier Cologne Bois Blonds 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10.50
Amouage Interlude Black Iris 2 ML - $6.50, 5 ML - $16
Amouage Interlude Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Meander 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Enclave 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Lyric Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Boundless 2 ML - $6.50, 5 ML - $16
Amouage Memoir Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Dia Man 2 ML - $6.50, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Jubilation XXV 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Beach Hut Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Epic Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Reflection Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Beloved Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Aedes De Venustas Grenadille d’Afrique 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Atelier des Ors Rose Omeyyade 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Intenza 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Bergamotto Di Calabria 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Chinotto Di Liguria 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA OUD EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Leather 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia MIRRA 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
ACQUA Di PARMA FICO di AMALFI 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua di Parma Arancia di Capri 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Colonia Club 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Quercia 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Mandorlo Di Sicilia 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Mirto Di Panarea 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Essenza 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ABERCOMBIE & FITCH FIERCE 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $14
ARIANA GRANDE Cloud 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Anna Sui Flight of Fancy 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Al Haramain L’Aventure 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
Al Harmain L’Aventure Blanche 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF CDNIM 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF CDNIM Parfum Version 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF CDNIM Milestone 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $16
ARMAF Tres Nuit 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF Derby Club House 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
BURBERRY Mr. Burberry 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $14
BURBERRY Mr. Burberry EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $14
BURBERRY LONDON For Her EDP 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $14
Bond 9 New York Nights 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15, 10 ML - $24
BVLGARI Goldea The Roman Night 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $16
BVLGARI Mon Jasmin Noir 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $15
BENTLEY INTENSE Eau de Parfum 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
BERDOUES Collection Perfumes GRAND CRU Eau de parfum made in FRANCE:
MILLÉSIME OUD WA VANILLIA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
MAASAÏ MARA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
SOMEI YOSHINO - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
PÉNG LÁI - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
AZUR RIVERA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
Banana Republic ICON COLLECTION Eau de Parfum:
Tobacco & Tonka Bean - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Gardenia & Cardamom - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
83 Leather Reserve - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Dark Cherry & Amber - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Neroli Woods - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
17 Oud Mosaic - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
78 Vintage Green - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Peony & Peppercorn - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Linen Vetiver - 2 ML - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
90 Pure White - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
06 Black Platinum - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Cypress Cedar - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
CARNER BARCELONA Botafumeiro - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10ML - $15
CARNER BARCELONA Ambar Del Sur - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10ML - $15
CHANEL Gabrielle Essence 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport Cologne 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport Eau Extreme 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Egoiste Platinum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Pour Monsieur EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Creed Aventus 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
Creed Aventus 10th Anniversary 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Aventus Cologne 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Aventus For Her 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Viking 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Viking Cologne 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed EROLFA 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Neroli Sauvage 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Millesime Imperial 2 ML - $8, 5 ML -$20
Creed Original Vetiver 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Original Santal 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Green Irish Tweed 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Oud 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $29
Creed Himalaya 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Tabarome 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Bois du Portugal 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Virgin Island Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Silver Mountain Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Maifair 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Princess Oud 2 ML - $11, 5 ML - $27
Creed Pure White Cologne 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Creed Jardin d’Amalfi 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Creed White Amber 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Carolina Herrera Saffron Lazuli 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $24, 10 ML - $45
Carolina Herrera Bad Boy 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
CARTIER Pasha Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
CHOPARD Amber Malaki 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
COACH New York Eau De Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
COSTUME NATIONAL Soul 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $10
Calvin Klein ETERNITY 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
Calvin Klein Truth 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
Calvin Klein Truth for Her 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
COTY ASPEN 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
DIOR Fahrenheit EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
DIOR Fahrenheit Le Parfum 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR Homme 2020 EDT 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR Homme Le Parfum 2020 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
DIOR Homme ORIGINAL 2021 EDT - 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
DIOR Homme Cologne 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR SAUVAGE EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
DIOR SAUVAGE Parfum 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
DIOR Jadore EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
DIOR Addict Shine 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $16
Dolce & Gabbana The One EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
D & G The One INTENSE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
D & G Velvet Amber Sun EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Dolce & Gabbana K (KING) 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $12
Dolce & Gabbana K (KING) EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
Dolce & Gabbana INTENSO EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $16
Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue For Her 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
D & G Light Blue Eau Intense 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
D & G Light Blue Intense For Her 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
DIESEL Spirit of The Brave 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $12
Demeter Pineapple 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Elizabeth & James White Nirvana 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17.50
Etat Libre d’Orange You or Someone Else 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
English Laundry Windsor 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
English Laundry Notting Hill 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Frederic Malle Portrait of a Lady 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25, 10 ML - $50
Francis Kurkdjian L’Homme A la Rose 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Francis Kurkdjian Grand Soir 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
Francis Kurkdjian Baccarat Rouge 540 - 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Francis Kurkdjian Baccarat Rouge 540 Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Satin Mood EDP 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Silk Mood Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Petit Matin EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Universalis 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Vitae 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Guerlain Oud Essentiel 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Guerlain Shalimar Eau de Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Guerlain Mon Guerlain EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
GUCCI Guilty EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
GUCCI Guilty Pour Homme EDP 2020 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8
GUCCI Guilty OUD 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $14
GUCCI Guilty Love Edition 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
GUCCI Made To Measure 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
GUCCI Bloom Profumo 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $13
Geoffrey Beene Grey Flannel 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Giorgio Beverly Hills Wings 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
HERMES Terre EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
HERMES Terre Parfum 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
HERMES H24 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
HERMES TWILLY Eau De Parfum - 2 ML - $4
HERMES Rhubarbe Ecarlate - 2 ML - $4
HERMES D'Orange Verte - 2 ML - $4
HERMES Un Jardin Sur Le Toit 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10.
HUGO BOSS Bottled 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
HUGO BOSS Bottled EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Intense 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Elixir Parfum 2023 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
HUGO BOSS Bottled Infinite 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Night 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Hugo Reversed 2 ML - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS FEME 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HOLLISTER SoCal 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5 10 ML - $10
IMAGINERY AUTHORS Saint Julep 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Narcotic Delight 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Oud For Greatness 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Side Effect 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Atomic Rose 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Musk Therapy 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Rehab 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
ISSEY MIYAKE Pulse Of The Night 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6
ISSEY MIYAKE L'Eau d'Issey Noir Ambre 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
ISSEY MIYAKE L'Eau d'Issey For Man 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML -$9
Jo Malone Wood Sage & Sea Salt 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jo Malone Oud & Bergamot 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jo Malone Myrrh & Tonka 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male Parfum ELIXIR 2023 ML - $5.25, 5 ML - $13
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
Jean Paul Gaultier Ultra Male 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male SnowGlobe 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
KILIAN Let's Settle in the Bedroom like Adults 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $10
KILIAN Angel's Share 2 ML - $12
LACOSTE L.12.12 EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE L.12.12 EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE Inspiration 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE Touch of Pink 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
Lattafa Oud For Glory Bade Al Oud (Initio Oud for Greatness Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Alhambra Fabulo Intense (Tom Ford Fxxing Fabulous Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Khamrah (Killian Angels Share Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Kismet Magic (Killian Angels Share Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Velvet Oud EDP (Tom Ford Ombre Leather Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Woody Oud (Tom Ford Oud Wood Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Alhambra Rose Petals EDP (Tom Ford Rose Prick Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
L'Aventure Al Haramain EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
L'Aventure Blanche Al Haramain EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
Lalique Encre Noire 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
Lalique Encre Noire A L'extreme 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LANCOME Hypnose 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LANCOME La Vie Est Belle 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Mancera Cedrat Boise 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Cedrat Boise INTENSE Edition 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11.50, 10 ML - $21
Mancera Red Tobacco 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Hindu Kush 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Aoud Lemon Mint 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Instant Crush 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Black Intensitive Aoud 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Maison Martin Margiela By the fireplace 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Maison Martin Margiela Sailing Day 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Maison Martin Margiela By the Lemon Trees 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
MONTBLANC Explorer 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
MONTBLANC Legend EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5
MONTBLANC Legend Night 2 ML - $2 5 ML - $5
MONTBLANC Individuel 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5
MOSCHINO Toy Boy EDP 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
MUGLER A*Men Pure Havane 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
MUGLER Cologne 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10ML - $17
Mercedes Benz Club Black 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Mercedes Benz SELECT 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Marc Jacobs DECADENCE 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Miu Miu Miu Miu 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
NISHANE ANI Extrait De Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Nasomatto Duro 2 ML - $9.50, 5 ML - $23
NAUTICA Voyage 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Narcisco Rodrigues For Her EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $11
Ormonde Jayne Tolu 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
PACO RABANNE XS 2018 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Penhaligon - The Favourite Eau De Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Althair 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Greenley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Kuhuyan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Akaster 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Percival 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Kalan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Darley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Nisean 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Habdan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Pegasus 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Pegasus Exclusif 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Layton 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Layton Exclusif 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Oajan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Sedley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Shagya 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Godolphin 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Galloway 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Carlisle 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Herod 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada Marienbad 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada Day for Night 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada L’Homme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Prada L’Homme INTENSE 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
Prada Luna Rossa Carbon 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
Prada Luna Rossa OCEAN 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
PINO Selvestre Original 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
ROCHAS Moustache EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Reyane Tradition Insurrection II Pure Extreme 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Ralph Lauren POLO BLUE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML-$15
Ralph Lauren POLO RED 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $12
Ralph Lauren Blue 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Ralph Lauren Pure Turquoise 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Revlon Charlie Red 5 ML - $2, 10 ML - $5
Revlon Charlie Gold 5 ML - $2, 10 ML - $5
Serge Lutens Ambre Sultan 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
Serge Lutens Clair de Musc 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Serge Lutens La Couche du Diable 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11
SHISEIDO Relaxing Fragrance 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Swiss Arabian Royal Mystery EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
SEAN JOHN Unforgivable 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $15
Sarah Jessica Parker Lovely 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
TAUER Parfums, Andy Tauer No.2 L'Air Du Desert Marocain 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Teo Cabanel Barkhane 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11
Tiziana Terenzi Ursa 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Tiziana Terenzi Chimaera Extrait De Parfum 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
TOM FORD Ombre Leather EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Grey Vetiver 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Grey Vetiver Parfum Edition 2023 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD Beau De Jour EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Black Orchid Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD NOIR EDP 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD NOIR EXTREME EDP 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD OUD WOOD EDP Private Blend 2 ML - $11, 5 ML - $26
TOM FORD Tuscan Leather EDP Private Blend 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
TOM FORD Venetian Bergamot Private Blend Discntd. 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD COSTA AZZURRA 2021 EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD COSTA AZZURRA EDP Private Blend Discntd. 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
STERLING JUST JACK COLLECTION by ARMAF Eau De Parfum (Clones of Tom Ford fragrances):
TOBACCO LEAF (TOBACCO VANILLE Clone) 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
NEROLI (NEROLI PORTOFINO Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
HOMME NOIR (NOIR Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
NOIR ENDURANCE (NOIR EXTREME Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
BLACK IS BLACK (NOIR DE NOIR Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
OMBRE SUEDE (OMBRE LEATHER Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
FANTA FAB (THE Fuckxxing FABULOUS Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
ITALIAN LEATHER (TUSCAN LEATHER Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
Tommy Bahama Set Sail St. Barts 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Torry Burch Torry Burch 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Usher UR 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb Extreme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb Infrared 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf FlowerBomb 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
VERSACE Man Eau Fraiche 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
VERSACE DYLAN Blue 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8
VERSACE Pour Homme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE EROS EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
VERSACE EROS EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE EROS FLAME 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE Pour Homme OUD NOIR EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE Bright Crystal 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Ambre Impérial Van Cleef & Arpels 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Erba Pura 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Naxos 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Lira 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL MYSLF EDP 2023 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
YSL Y EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL L’Homme EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $9
YSL La Nuit de L’Homme EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $9
YSL L’Homme Le Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL La Nuit de L’Homme Le Parfum 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
YSL LIBRE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL Tuxedo 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL Caban 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL Trench 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL 37 rue de Bellechasse 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
ZARA Denim Couture 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Cuba Royal Cuba Paris (Clone of 1 Million Paco Rabanne) 2 ML- $2, 5 ML- $4, 10 ML- $8
Cuba Red Cuba Paris 2 ML - $2, 5 ML-$4, 10 ML-$8
4711 Original Eau de Cologne 4711 - 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
submitted by REDLINE-007 to CanadianFragranceSwap [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:11 PrincessPancreatitus Pain management after hysterectomy.

55F /150 pounds 5'3". I have a very complicated medical health history and I'm not sure how much this will pertain to my question, so in the interest of brevity, I'll leave it out but I'm happy to answer follow up questions.
I am scheduled to get a robotic assisted, laproscopic hysterectomy on Friday. I will likely stay in the hospital 1 night as I am high risk for clots/bleeding. 3 months ago, I had a tummy tuck with muscle repair and I am still experiencing muscle soreness and a lot of abdominal swelling. My abdomen is rock hard. I am unsure of how much this prior surgery will contribute to post operative pain.
My question- after this type of surgery is it common to prescribe just 3 days of narcotic pain meds? Even the pharmacy seemed very surprised that I'd get so few doses for a hysterectomy.
I don't have any problems with addiction, in fact I don't tolerate narcotics well at all and I have always weaned off of them for prior surgeries as soon as possible.
I realize that there is an opiod epidemic in the US, but I'm honestly terrified that I won't have the relief that I need. I tried discussing this with my doctor after he told me he'd prescribe just 2 days worth and he relented and gave me 3 days.
I have several family members who have had this surgery and a girl friend who recently recovered and they got weeks of pain relief. 3 days seems overly conservative to me and the thought that I may be in agony afterward with no relief is giving me terrible anxiety.
For the record, I have had open, abdominal surgery and several other surgeries and I have never been offered so little for pain relief.
I know that we all heal differently and pain tolerance differs from person to person, but I don't know if I should cancel the surgery so that I can find another surgeon.
I have called the nurses line to discuss this a few times and also met with my doctor yesterday. I feel like I am just a pain in the ass at this point and they are going to stop taking my concerns seriously, if they haven't already.
Am I out of line to expect better pain control? I will get 12 doses total. Is that realistically going to be enough? I may be able to spread those doses out to cover another day, but I feel like I shouldn't have to fight so hard to have my pain controlled?
Edited to add: I meant to say that I don't expect the same pain control as I'd get for an open, abdominal surgery, but thought that I'd at least be covered for a week or so.
Also, I am unable to take NSAIDs as I am on blood thinners.
submitted by PrincessPancreatitus to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:48 JRuck504 My Startup Journal for Anyone Interested

I will make daily updates in here. It's been quite a journey for me. Will post my history prior to effexor below.. So far am on day 3.
Day 1 - 5/13/2024
Took at 10:00
Anxiety was sky high when I took but settled some 45 minutes after taking.
12:00 feeling jittery and kinda spaced out?
14:00 extreme anxiety
17:00 nausea / dry heave
18:00 headache
Stomach rumbling at night which was kinda funny listening too tbh.
Day 2 - 5/14/2024
Took at 10:10
Really bad anxiety after taking.
Felt really weird before noon
At noon stated reading a book called Hope and Hell for your Nerves by Dr. Claire Weeks.
From 12:30 - 13:45 I felt an overwhelming calmness that freaked me out kinda. I felt at peace, really strange.
16:00 nausea when I yawn
Increased jitters and burning chest (anxiety) at night while settling down for bed.
My story and history :
since December I have been suffering with anxiety which has progressively gotten worse to the point where it has made me depressed as well. As of this post I am at an all time low and am in desperate need of relief. If you make it to the end I will explain what I am going through.
I am a male in my late 30s and have had two bouts of anxiety / depression in my life both of which lasted 3 months (2015 and 2020), and were cured with therapy. This time seems different..
I have a very stressful job which requires me to work 7 days a week with the only break being when I take vacation or slow times in the industry. It pays really well and helps me provide my wife and two young kids a good life so I put up with it in the hopes I can manage the stress better in time. I mention the above because I truly believe it has alot to do with the state I am in now.
I have always been caring, outgoing, light natured, and humerous throughout my life and also pretty sensative. I really want to go back to that and hope treatment will help.
I also realize I am my own worst enemy in getting treatment as you will see in the paragraphs below.
When I was a teenager into my early twenties I was carefree and would try most drugs to fit in. Extacy, lsd, mushrooms, pills, etc.. Never touched the extremely hard stuff. Marijuana was my best friend and I smoked a ton of it. Hello panic attack! I remember the first time I got one after smoking Marijuana in my early twenties. It was horrible! I couldn't smoke Marijuana anymore afterwards because it would induce a panic attack. I told myself it was God's sign telling me to stop so I did. I haven't smoke Marijuana since.
Fast forward a few years from then I was introduced to a medical condition called gout. It is very painful and the first time I was treated for it I was given narcotic pain medication and an anti inflammatory. I took both when I got home and it provided relief. Being this was my first experience, I wanted to research gout a little more and I did just that on the internet. Here comes the part where my life changed for the worse..
For some reason, I also asked google if you could overdose on the pain medication I was currently taking. No clue why I wanted to know but as soon as I read you could, I instantly had the worst panic attack I ever experienced.
Ever since that point in my life I have refused to take medication in fear of another panic attack. From that point forward, my mind associated taking medication with panic. For the years afterwards I always had a panic attack when I tried to take anything including something as simple as advil.
Anytime I would be prescribed something I would obsessively research it, watch videos on it, read reviews, etc.. I would psych myself out and not take it.
Fast forward to 2015 when I finally moved out of my parents house. I won't go too much into it but I had my first bout of extreme anxiety and depression from it. It was a big change for me and it took a few months to pull myself out of it with the help of a therapist.
Life was absolutely WONDERFUL after that. I was on my own, found the love of my life, got married in 2018, and was the happiest I had ever been.
2020 was my second episode of anxiety and depression. In a matter of 6 months I lost my grandmother, godmother, my one year old boxer puppy, and my father in law. I also had my first child. Not to mention it was covid time...After everything settled down from the chaos it hit me like a ton of bricks. Bam!..anxiety and depression. It was awful and I knew I needed help. I started therapy and it helped tremendously. It was suggested that I also see a pyschiatrist. I did and he prescribed me prozac to take along with therapy. I was not going to take it. We all know how I am with my phobia of medication.
One day I said screw it and out of nowhere threw it in my mouth and swallowed. I expected the worse. Nothing happened...I continued to take it for 4 days and didn't notice anything bad happening to me. I was happy about that.
The 5th day I had a panic attack because I started to feel really strange. I don't remember exactly how I felt but I remember calling my sister and telling her I feel really weird. She assured me it is normal and to keep on which I did.
The 6th day I took my pill in the AM and all was well. I was tired so I stayed in bed. Out of nowhere I felt a rush of bad bad bad energy take over my body. It is hard to explain. It was like a rush of anxiety but with it was a sense of hopelessness and dread. I had experienced in my first bout back in 2015 but not this severe. I was scared and called my psychiatrist and left a message. I immediately went to my mother's and cried cried cried. The feeling subsided. My psychiatrist called me back very quickly and when I explained what I felt he told me to stop taking it and to take the ativan he prescribed if needed.
I stopped the medication and never took an ativan. I got better over the next couple months through therapy and all was well.
I did have a tiny breakthrough and convinced myself to take a medication to stop my reoccurring gout attacks. It is called allopurinol and is regarded as one of the safest medications out there. It took alot of courage and of coarse I read every review there is on it but I eventually just threw it in my mouth and fell asleep. Have been taking it daily for two years now.
Fast forward to December of last year 2023. The stress from work and medical issues throughout 2023 must have built up and I had a breakdown. I started to get anxiety and small feelings of the hopelessness I mentioned above. December into January into February I dealt with it and kept telling myself it will pass like the other times. It didn't and kept getting worse. I finally sought help from a psychologist in late February / early March. After the first few sessions I would immediately get a high from the previous hours talk. It was fantastic but eventually wore off a few hours later.
The anxiety I was experiencing / am experiencing is absolutely horrible. Non stop jaw clenching, chest pains, tension, blurred vision, lack of good sleep, extremely heightened senses, etc. I am good at telling myself it is anxiety and will go away. I don't freak out over it into full blown panic but I feel like I am always borderline panic while also being exhausted. It's very uncomfortable. I have had multiple health checkups and all is fine.
I decided to call my old psychiatrist because it had been 3 months with minimal relief. I was told he was retiring and he referred me to someone else who I am now seeing.
He prescribed me Paxil and klonopin in marxh and of coarse my phobia stopped me from taking it. We did a gene test to see which medicine would work for me and paxil was a good fit. I just couldn't do it. For the next few weeks I seemed to be getting better by getting out and doing things. I even started fishing again which was a huge passion of mine. Things were looking up!
Anxiety was going from an all day thing to maybe a couple hours type of thing! I was hopeful...
Let me introduce you to my buddy kidney stones...
Middle of April I woke up to EXCRUCIATING pain. I eventually went to the ER that day after hours of suffering and they told me I had 2 kidney stones. They sent me home with the same narcotic pain medication that started my panic attack journey when I was younger and also some other medication. From that Tuesday to Thursday I was in crippling pain and refused the pain medication. It got to a point where I almost blacked out from the pain so I had no choice but to take it. I popped it and finally got some sleep. I think I didn't freak out after taking it because my body was in shock from the pain. I woke up 30 minutes later to the excruciating pain again and said enough was enough. I went back to the ER and they did an emergency surgery and put a Stent in me to stop the pain. It worked and was a huge relief.
After catching up on sleep and recovering, I started to get my anxiety back. The next two weeks while waiting on my second surgery my anxiety, which was on the right path prior to this stone, came back to it's previous 10/10 levels. Jaw clenching, blurred vision, etc..
I toughened it out AND not to mention, completed a full 14 day coarse of a strong antibiotic due to a kidney infection! I was so proud of myself. With my newfound proudness, I called my Pyschiatrist and set up an appointment for the following week after my second surgery to discuss some things.
I had my second surgery last Friday the 3rd and they removed both stones. I went home Friday night with another stent in me which I was told to remove from home on Monday by pulling a string that was hanging out of my penis head (sorry for TMI) which in turn pulls the stent from my kidney down and out through my penis. I did that on Monday and it wasn't bad at all.
The Saturday after my surgery went fine. I'm sure I felt good because I was still coming off anesthesia but boy o boy that Sunday I woke up after sleeping 12 hours to a horrible panic attack. Imagine waking up from a dead sleep to the biggest adrenaline dump you could imagine. It was awful and lasted ALL day! I experienced derealization and every symptom you can think off. I should have taken a klonopin but my phobia told me it would make it worse so I didn't. It settled down into the evening and I was absolutely exhausted.
Monday I woke up to another panic attack but not as severe and Tuesday another panic attach which was even less severe. Wednesday the same and this morning has been the first morning I haven't woken up to an adrenalin dump. With that being said, this whole week has been absolutely horrible with 10/10 anxiety. I rarely get breaks from it. At night it calms down and I feel normal. Because of that, I chase that normal feeling and stay up way too late lol.
Anyway, leading up to my psychiatry appointment today, the last few weeks I have been obsessively looking up the 2 ssris and 1 snri my gene test said I was compatible with. Prozac (go figure), paxil, and effexor. I was also compatible with welbutrin.
Paxil I am terrified of because it is supposedly the dirtiest and worst for weight gain (I am a 240lb male).
Prozac I tried previously and I think I didn't give it enough time. I am not 100% sure that dread / hopeless feeling was suicide ideation but the feeling is in a class of its own compared to my normal anxiety.
Effexor I am scared of because of the withdrawel and alot of YouTube reviewers said it made them feel high and wired for the beginning. The horror stories of coming off it scares me too.
Welbutrin I hear great things about but heard it is bad for anxiety which is my main concern.
My overall fear is that any of these will make me lose control and make me not myself. I am also scared that I don't remember what normal feels like and feeling normal will scare me. Crazy to say that. Ultimately he prescribed me Effexor 37.5 for 2 weeks and then upping it to 75mg. He said to take the klonopin if I need it starting up. I have 15 of them.
I know I need to do something because I can't live like this. My wife, my 4 yr old, and my 2 yr old need their father and husband back. It's not fair to them. I'm tired of staying in bed all day. I'm tired of not caring if I wake up. I'm tired of not being the best employee I can be, I'm tired of not being in contact with my friends anymore, I'm tired of not caring about my hobbies, Im tired of being tired, and most importantly I'm tired of feeling like this.
I will start the effexor and update this thread with my progress.
submitted by JRuck504 to EffexorSuccess [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:57 moderatorseatjism Pts Farms - Full Metal B ⛽️

Pts Farms - Full Metal B ⛽️
Out of everything I’ve gotten from pts this is my least favorite but do not get me wrong for a sale price of $67 w tax I am not complaining or disappointed in the least and it’s still ⛽️ as far as I’m concerned it’s just not as good as the c berries, alien pebbles or rainbow Runtz I’ve tried. I was hoping to grab the Apple fritter but this is all they had. Which is annoying because they have everything in stock pre sale but during the sale g leaf in warren (shit hole) doesn’t have much in stock. I bet dollars to donuts that they have everything in stock again post sale on Thursday.
On to the review upon cracking the bag smacked with a fruity gas and Kush notes. The buds are dark green with reddish orange hairs. Buds are on the small side but dense with fairly hood trichome coverage and gland heads. Pistils and calyx are of good size. The smoke expands nicely in the lung and longs to a nice smoking experience. Barely 24% and it hits exactly like it should, strong and medicinal effect. I’d say for sure euphoric but not a narcotic pain reliever type. Still overall a good smoke and I’m pleased. Hard 7.3 for me in this one… u know the rules one joint… one whole 1.5g jay…I’d get this again if I was in the same sitch but given choices I’d go w the others mentioned but you won’t be disappointed w this one
submitted by moderatorseatjism to OhioMedicalMarijuana [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:15 FrequentKing1353 Better to take at night/ day for social anxiety?

I am bipolar type 2. My anxiety and especially social anxiety is very debilitating and a little more crippling than the depression which is also severe. I take lamictal at night and it seems to help me sleep. However I was wondering if taking it in the morning instead of at night would be better for the social anxiety? Does anyone have experience comparing how night/day time use affects anxiety? I have titrated up to 100mg over the last 4 weeks. I appreciate this community. ❤️
submitted by FrequentKing1353 to Lamotrigine [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 12:31 EmyrsPhil [Online][5E][Ravenloft-Gothic Horror][Looking for 2 players][17:00 EST] [Weekly]

[Online] [1-20 Ravenloft campaign][Looking for 2 players]
5E Ravenloft campaign 12-20 possibly to 30.
Date & time: Thursday’s at 17:00 (EST) Frequency: Weekly Online: Fantasy Grounds Unity (Only need demo I have the master license) Voice: Discord (push to talk) Have: 2 players Looking for 2 players Current level: 12
This campaign will has a lot of dark elements in the official module. It is very similar to the Witcher series in tone as noted below.
Potential triggers/Content warning child abuse & neglect, emotional & physical abuse towards vulnerable adults, murder & attempted murder, including that of children, kidnapping, stalking, gaslighting, abuse of power, racism, sexism, cruelty, torture, references to colonialism & genocide, mutilation, mind control, the desecration of the dead & of places of worship, cannibalism, including involuntary cannibalism, mercy killing, situations paralleling sexual assault, parental death, child death, reference to stillbirth/miscarriage, partner death, mental illness & the mistreatment of the mentally ill, possible exploitation of physical disability, maladaptive grieving behaviors, starvation & food horror, cruelty to animals, prolonged & painful deaths, body horror, transformation against ones will, insects & infestation horror, abandonment, including child abandonment, decay, betrayal; including partner, family & parental betrayal, consumption of alcohol including portrayals of alcoholism, consumption of narcotics including portrayals of addiction, portrayal of hoarding behavior, potential incest, involuntary homicide, graphic depictions of death & violence, implied necrophilia, self harm, suicide, victim blaming, corruption, xenophobia, non-Human species discrimination, & cursing others & being cursed.
Free level 1 feat to expand on background can't be combat related. Human variant gains 2 feats at level 1. One of which can not be combat related. -feats don't grant ASI's & at ASI levels one gains both a feat & stat increases.
-Stats: point buy (30), Array (add an 11) -Max starting stat after bonuses = 16. -Outcast scores per character based on species. Ravenloft is isolated & superstitious, they treat demihumans poorly in most domains. Some aren't allowed in towns. Providing a negative to persuasion, deception, & performance. Same number is a bonus to intimidation. -Starting gear = just clothes at arrival to Ravenloft if playing a local -Languages = standard languages only. [Common=Domain language.] (Many domains have their own unique human dialect.) -Some NPC dialogue will be done through Syrinscape.
-facing for PCs, adds a reaction to turn on a move, grants ADV to attacks, & stacks with flanking. -+2 flanking -bonus action potion drinking self action for others -3 inspiration slots (crit failure = +1 inspiration) -hitting 1/2 HP while flying causes one to fall, a reaction can be used to fall safety -optional actions from the DMG -Remove curse allows for a saving throw to be rolled -Dark powers checks (the Dark Powers "reward" those who fight evil with evil with twisted powers. At 7 to 10 failures one becomes a Darklord themselves. ) -Expanded skills -Added tools: ie tattoo tools (scrolls copied onto bodies) -Added weapon & armor properties & types -languages will have some importance (Locals get 1 starting language for non nobles, & 2 for nobles) -Healing kit dependancy -Empowered necromancy (always a dark powers check to cast 1%×spell level cast at. +1 spell level, +1 Attack, +1 DMG per die, cantrips are half damage saves) -horror, sanity, & fear checks -Encumbrance & ammunition tracking -Converted rules & features from 2E/3E that adjust class ability mechanics, some spell mechanics (ie, banishment teleports one randomly in Ravenloft it does not provide a means to escape).
-Animal companions & familiars are always evil, though share the ethical alignment. They gain +3d6 INT resist non magical physical damage, double HD, & two attacks. This is due to fact that there is no extra dimensional space for familiars to be sent to.
-Mechanical Alterations to magic: Ie "Wish: This spell functions only if the Dark Powers allow it to. The Dark Powers usually grant the wish, but they always try to pervert its intent. Thus, this spell rarely performs as desired when cast in Ravenloft. When evil characters wish for something dark and twisted, they have a 50% chance of receiving their wish exactly as requested, indicating that the Dark Powers deemed the wish's intent to be already corrupted.
A wish intended to allow you to escape from Ravenloft, destroy a darklord, or otherwise violate one of the basic tenets of the land simply fails. Any wish used for evil requires a powers check." -Banishment doesn't allow escape from Ravenloft -Summoning outsiders, & elementals trap them in Ravenloft, & they know it. -Raised dead get a save to retain their individuality
submitted by EmyrsPhil to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 12:30 No_Camp_7 Lamotragine losing effectiveness and catamenial epilepsy

Has anyone experienced Lamictal not working so well after a few months?
I read that catamenial epilepsy (I have catamenial TLE) is a dominant type of drug resistant epilepsy (30% of those with drug resistant epilepsy have this type of epilepsy), and that focal temporal lobe seizures are risk factors too.
I also read that adjusting very quickly to side effects is a sign that you will build a tolerance over time. This happened to me and I was extremely pleased with how quickly my body adjusted, though it seems like it may be a case of “you can’t have your cake and eat it”.
I’m a month into having seizures again and my mood has tanked, affecting relationships and work again.
submitted by No_Camp_7 to Epilepsy [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 07:10 ComManDerBG When should I go to the hospital for a headache? With a twist.

Age 28
Sex Male
Height 6
Weight 165 lbs
Race Caucasian
Duration of complaint 12 hours to several weeks
Location Head
Any existing relevant medical issues Lots
Current medications Lyrica, Oxycodone
When should I go to the hospital for a headache?
Ive had a headache for about 12 hours straight now and its literally the worst I've ever had in my life. I know that gets said a lot, but its genuinely true in this case.
The thing is for the last few weeks I've been getting headaches here and there, each one maybe slightly worst thet the last. Me and my dr both assumed its been some kind of sinus issue but the pain is moving away from my sinus, and for this one my sinuses dont hurt at all plus my nose is clear, my ears aren't clogged, there is no pressure on the usual areas for sinus pain even up high behind the eyes or nose.
Each headache has been worse then the last and even when there isn't a headache I also have this persistent slight pressure/pain going on as well.
This one in particular just exploded out of no where, nothing to max pain and its just stayed.
Ive been vomiting to for a bit, but thats stopped for a while though,
Ive taken Advil, Tylenol, Aleve, Lyrica, Ocycodone and none have helped (even the last one, and I took a larger dose).
The parts that hurt are visibly slightly redder if that means anything.
There is a complicating issue, otherwise I would have just gone by now. I have some kind of long standing mystery illness, I know that sounds like hypochondriacatic bullshit but its legit. I get these "flare ups" that are accompanied by various symptoms that will, without fail, get me admitted to the hospital, fever, low blood pressure, high heart rate, my while body goes a deep crimson red, and I experience just the worst burning pain imaginable all over in my skin, its horrible. Ive been dealing with those plus a bunch of other things for about 10 years now and have be very sick I nthe past, including numerous ICU admissions and codes etc.
I knows this might come off as some kind of illnessfaker fan fiction, but please just stick with me.
The issue is thanks to the "mystery" nature of this illness and the pain combination ive been frequently accused of drug seeking, usually right before I pass out because my BP is around the 50s. It's gotten so bad that one ER has just straight up blacklisted me after an incident where they accidentally gave me a medication I was allergic to by IV that caused an explosive amount of pain, for which they mistook as a tantrum to get more drugs. The drug allergy is very well documented but unfortunately its also the first go to for a situation (its Gravol).
Anyways, there a bunch if hospitals that are still fine with me, as the issue is documented and known enough that even though they are weary they still treat is as an actual issue. Honestlyits usually just the hospitalists and internalists that have issues since they only ever see the early stages, not the later stages. I'll start with pain, then other symptoms will filter though, after about a day I go from "he just wants dilaudid" to "better call a code".
But still, i have this "on thin ice" feeling. So now I absolutely do not want to go unless its absolutely for a tangible reason. If I just show up with untraceable head pain that isn't anything else they'll just take it as evidence that km seeking narcotics or something.
So when I say its the worst I've ever had i mean it. And im clutching and groaning all that (typing this out was actually hell), but im worried that instead dog being seen as a sign of actual pain it'll just be seen as histrionics or something. I genuinely feel like I'm om a rock and a hard place. Specifically the rock and hard place of slamming against my skull.
I really hate this.
submitted by ComManDerBG to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 00:23 No_Frosting_1021 Advice Needed - appt tomorrow

Okay I’m going to try and make this as concise as possible.
I have an appt tomorrow morning with my OBGYN. I have never had confirmed endo through laparoscopy but my doctor did put an endo dx on my chart due to symptoms, my pelvic exam, having a tilted uterus, and me advocating for myself (it’s obvious I have endo).
I scheduled an appt with her tomorrow truly because I can’t exist in this amount of pain and discomfort any longer. All of my symptoms seem to be worsening, my pelvic floor refuses to relax, bowel movements hurt more than ever…etc. I just am not sure what to say to hethink I need some encouragement to ask for a lap procedure?
I’m on oral birth control and it does nothing for the pain but somewhat regulates my cycle so it’s honestly just mentally helpful to know when the worst of it will happen. I prefer (strongly) to not be on narcotic/pain meds because of my addictive history with substance use. I think, at the very least for my mental, I would like a laparoscopic procedure done so I know how much the tissue has spread/how severe it is. Does this make sense?
This has been very difficult to navigate alone and becomes mentally taxing to think about treatment options. Also get anxious when seeing any type of doctor because gaslighting women of color is so normal, and often prevents me from advocating for myself because I just get angry and exhausted.
Open to any advice 🥹
submitted by No_Frosting_1021 to Endo [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 22:19 ASTRIDYA0 bipolar with eating disorder

Hey, are there any of you who have ED together with bipolar? I'am suffering from an ED since my childhood. About 20 years now. For a long time I had bulimia and I still have body dysmorphia. Three weeks ago, at the age of 26, I was diagnosed with bipolar type 2. Lamictal and Xanax are now part of my everyday life, but since I started taking the tablets I have lost a lot of appetite, which has a positive effect on me as someone who suffers from ED. But I am also aware that eating so little is not entirely healthy. And because of hypomania, I move around a lot and do more sport than normal. I burn a lot of calories... How do you guys cope with it? Would be happy about recommendations.
submitted by ASTRIDYA0 to bipolar [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 21:13 chubbymonstersoup Stomach issues - need help!

Hi Reddit fam! I've been to two different doctors who have dismissed my concerns. So turning to you for help! I'm still going to keep seeking help with my doctors in person but hoping the internet has some ideas that I could maybe explore with my doctors.
Anyway. About a year ago, I injured my wrist and during the recovery process, I was on Celebrex, a type of NSAID. At the same time, I was also taking Lamictal, which I've been taking for years now without issue. For supplements, I take Derma Klear Akne-Zyme (half the recommended dose cause the regular dose causes me some stomach upset) and Life Extension Tear Support, usually shortly after food.
One night, I decided to take all of these medicines and supplements together, which I had never done before, and some time had already passed since I last had anything to eat.
** WARNING: Very graphic and disgusting description of my stomach's reaction! **
Very quickly after that, I began to feel unwell, overall discomfort and nausea. I then had diarrhoea that was watery (as in actually like water) and uncontrollable. And simultaneously, vomiting too that was uncontrollable and thick and bitter and towards the end, just bitter foam. I also had an intense sharp pain right at my solar plexus, below the sternum (so in my stomach?) and severe stomach cramps. This went on for a good 4+ hours.
Months after that, whenever I ate too quickly or ate >50% full, I would experience pain in the same spot, sometimes intense and sharp and other times, dull ache.
Regularly too I would go through the same ordeal of vomiting, diarrhoea and stomach pains and cramps. And seemingly without any specific trigger so there's no knowing when it'll strike, much less how to prevent it. It's happened about once a month since.. and I've never had any issues like this before. I mean sure I've had food poisoning and gastric flu and the sorts before but nothing like this and nothing that's ever made me consider going to the hospital for, this has on several occasions - the severity of the pain, the intensity and frequency of the simultaneous vomiting and diarrhoea.
I was wondering if the all the medicines I had taken that night had damaged my stomach, caused an ulcer? Or messed up something somewhere and triggering some bile issues?
Anyone with any ideas, please do share. I'm pretty desperate as the doctors I've seen so far had dismissed my concerns but it's happened often enough and the pain and discomfort is so bad each time I really wanna find out what's wrong and hopefully fix it.
I know this is a disgusting one so I really appreciate those of you who have read to the end and are helping me out. Thank you!!
submitted by chubbymonstersoup to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 11:42 OrderInner7199 Can't take antipsychotics

Hey guys, so I'm Schizoaffective Bipolar type (my great grandmother was schizophrenic so it runs in the family) and last year was a lot of hell with trial and error for med changes. I wanted to go on injection antipsychotics because I get poisoning paranoia with my medications as well as dissociative episodes where I could overdose. The dose of my other medications taken at a very very high dose won't be as dangerous so we chose the injection to minimize that specific risk). I was on quetiapine (Seroquel) in pill form and coped really well. Because I'd been on it for so long though it was time to change up.
So we switched to Flupentixol (Fluanxol) as pill form and I had some trouble with repetitive blinking, minor tics, and my fingers getting "cramps" (like I'd bend my finger and even though my brain was saying to return it to a straight position it wouldn't respond, but there was no muscle spasm or pain, and wouldn't move freely unless I physically moved it with my other hand). After I was then put on Aripirazol (Abilify) and it made me absolute insane, worsened all of my symptoms and I was in hospitals and care facilities a lot while I was on it. So we immediately stopped that and went back to Flupentixol as an injection. The blinking came back and was worse, like I couldn't open my eyes, I was so sleepy, and the tics came back too. Eventually one day it started bad in the morning and got worse and worse I ended up in A&E with SEVERE tardive dyskinesia (ALL my muscles were contracting by their own accord, pushing my back all the way backwards trying to snap me in half, twisting my torso, twisting my neck so I had to talk to the nurses while facing a completely different direction, it was excruciating) I ended needing an emergency Procyclidine (Kemadrin) shot driven in from a different hospital to stop it. After than my psychiatrist said that I couldn't go on antipsychotics again because now that tardive dyskinesia has developed and is a risk, we can't chance it because long term Procyclidine use will affect my heart but if the tardive dyskenisia is permanent we will have to use it. (We're trying to minimise cardiovascular issues from medications as much as possible.) I've got another month on Procyclidine before stopping to find out whether my tardive dyskinesia is permanent and I'm now on the mood stabiliser Lamotrigine (Lamictal) and no antipsychotics.
Do any of you function well without antipsychotics? I really struggle. Is there any advice that would be useful? What are my options now? I hallucinate minimum once or twice a day when I'm on antipsychotics, way more frequently without. My delusions and paranoia is almost constant without antipsychotics. My tactile hallucinations are also constant. Any input would be super appreciated.
TLDR: I can't take antipsychotics due to health reasons, is anyone else in the same boat? Any advice?
submitted by OrderInner7199 to schizoaffective [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 07:46 TheBlackMorals Assisted suicide - questions about bail

I have two questions in regards to this topic that I really hope you can help me with:
  1. If someone is accused of "encouraging or assisting suicide" and is subsequently charged with manslaughter, is it likely that they would be granted bail?
  2. What degree/type of manslaughter would they be accused of? (see the circumstances below)
The accused is charged with procuring the illegal narcotics used to carry out the suicide/crime.
Extenuating circumstances:
submitted by TheBlackMorals to legaladviceofftopic [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 07:09 Comprehensive-Gur469 Success?

Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of things in a new light and reflecting and growing and basically feeling (if you’ve seen it on tiktok) the whole “omg my pre frontal cortex has developed” type feeling. Then I realized holy shit it’s just the meds actually working. Like this is how it feels to have a clear head and think rationally even though I still get anxious and emotional and hurt or overthink a little. But it’s not all consuming anymore. I also realized I have the mental space to start reading, pushing myself to journal, etc and I again thought that was just me bettering myself, but I could have never kept this consistency three months ago and I never have when I’ve tried these things in the past. Looking forward to the future!!
I knew this but it honestly shocks me how subtle this change is. Just a few days ago I was feeling down because I was having an anxious day, but then I realized that was one out of a good week overall. Normally every day is an anxious day. So I think it’s also good to kind of have a reminder that emotions are normal? And not panick if you feel any strong emotion at all because that’s okay, but the reasons you or I started this medication were probably because they were much more severe than a single bad day. I just say that because I know I have a lot of health anxiety surrounding whether or not these work and what I’m doing to my body, etc etc. Hope that was helpful?
Context: I started around January? And am on lemictal and Wellbutrin as well. 50mg Zoloft, 25 lamictal, 300 Wellbutrin. That will probably change though as I taper off the other two because they were primarily to deal with the bad side effects of Zoloft and I want to see if maybe my body has adjusted enough to not need those excess drugs (not that it’s a problem just would rather not take a billion pills a day unless absolutely necessary)
submitted by Comprehensive-Gur469 to zoloft [link] [comments]