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2024.05.07 21:00 BigEdsHairMayo Asdf

Even before he really knew what it meant, Allen Wong wanted to be rich. As a kid, he didn’t yet equate the word with “luxury” or “status” or “expensive things.” He didn’t think wealth would bring him 85-inch televisions and Jacuzzis, a one-of-a-kind rose-gold Lamborghini in the garage, a wearable Iron Man suit that shoots lasers — though he does, actually, have all of that now. What “rich” seemed to dangle was something simpler, more elementary, more a feeling than anything else: freedom from pain.
Wong’s parents had fled poverty — at one point, his father used tennis balls as flotation devices to illicitly cross waters from Guangzhou into Hong Kong — in order to raise a family in a more opportune land. But growing up in New York City, Wong watched one parent peddle medicinal herbs all day long while the other toiled away in a Chinatown sweatshop. They barely had time to slough off one workday before trudging into the next.
“I didn’t want my life to end up like that,” he told me. “I didn’t want to be absent from my family and only show up a few hours each day after work. I didn’t want my life to be monotonous and stuck in a repeating loop until I die.”
Then, in 2008, right as he was graduating from college, the family convulsed. Wong’s father was ousted from his business, sank into a depression and committed suicide; his mother tripped down a spiral of mental illness. Suddenly, Wong’s entry-level computer programming job was the household’s only source of income, and there was a world financial crisis going on. He had always dreamed about digging out of the middle-class quagmire — striking gold, pulling in enough money from a one-off idea that he would never have to work the way his parents did. But it was now, as anxiety and medical bills piled up, that those idle daydreams began to feel urgent and necessary. So he turbocharged his ambitions. He started coding around the clock, tinkering on D.I.Y. software ideas whenever he wasn’t at work, barely sleeping. He doggedly pushed one project after another to the App Store, praying for something to take off.
Eventually, one did: an app that let users tune in to police scanners around the world. Then another. Their runaway success took even him by surprise. By the time his peers were splurging on their first West Elm sofas, he was a self-made multimillionaire.
Wong found his day job interesting enough, and he liked his colleagues. But submitting himself to a boss’s whims, spending his days trapped like a houseplant under corporate fluorescence, grated at him; it reminded him too much of his parents’ suffering. What, he wondered, could a so-called career really offer him if he had already secured enough money for a good life? The whole point of working was to get what he had just gotten. So, at 25, he bought a $250,000 sports car painted a shimmery lime green — it wasn’t so crazy a purchase, he reasoned, because his police-scanner app was by then generating that amount of revenue in a single month — and announced that he was retiring forever.
It was only after he bought a second exotic car, a five-bedroom house in Celebration, Fla., a dog and a Disney World annual pass for his mother that Wong learned that there was an entire online community of people seeking to do what he had just done. Wong had heard of the Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE) movement before, but he didn’t think it really applied to him because of its focus on frugality. FIRE got its start in the early 2000s with a mantra of extreme saving — you may remember hearing about stoic ultraminimalists living off beans and friends’ couches — but it has since come to include all the people who would like to exit the work force on their own terms, at an age of their own choosing, rather than hustling for a paycheck all the way into their 60s. After Wong made a Reddit post sharing his story, it attracted such a flurry from FIRE adherents that he quickly became the quasi president of one of the group’s biggest online enclaves.
Some FIRE aspirants still get to early retirement by the traditional route of simply saving madly. Others, though, truffle-hunt for high-paying W-2s, tax loopholes, bold and risky market bets or big entrepreneurial ploys like Wong’s. The overarching credo of FIRE is that in today’s unpredictable financial landscape, 9-to-5s and decades-long careers have become bad investments: Old-school benefits like pensions and job security are a thing of the past, and wages aren’t even keeping up with the galloping pace of inflation. According to a 2023 survey, one-quarter of Americans would like to retire before age 50. After decades of tolerating workaholic culture as the norm, employees are tired, unafraid to show it and yearning to yank back control of their lives. To fed-up workers willing to do a little bit of math, FIRE offers a straightforward antidote: You can just leave it all behind.
Like Wong, and like so many other people who chase financial independence, I didn’t grow up with a lot of money — which might be why I became obsessed with it.
Long before “side hustle” became Merriam-Webster lingo, I was working Costco snack arbitrage on the elementary-school playground and hawking homemade bookmarks to my teachers. In adulthood, I moved on to online surveys, research studies, plasma donation, vintage resale, parts modeling and dog-sitting in other people’s homes in lieu of paying rent. I have left no income source unturned. I’ve trawled every page of NerdWallet and The Points Guy. I have made questionable margin calls. I have woken up at the crack of dawn to day-trade $NVDA, $TSLA, $TSM. I have “flipped”; I have “churned.” When I feel sad, I open my phone to check on the interest rates in the five-pronged CD ladder I’ve lovingly assembled in my Marcus account, like a tic, to feel better.
Come on, Kids. Let’s Grab Drinks. ImageWong in his Ironman suit standing next to the bathtub. Wong created a police-scanner app that was so popular that it allowed him to retire at 25.Credit...Maggie Shannon for The New York Times Is this all embarrassing to confess? Incredibly so. Would I characterize my relationship to money as “unhealthy”? Also yes. But I often wonder if anybody in this economy, in this country — where more than 60 percent of the work force lives paycheck to paycheck, where the average American is in five- to six-figure debt and often has only cursory knowledge of how he or she got there — has a healthy relationship to money. Simply learning to understand your own finances can feel, several FIRErs said to me, like acquiring a “secret weapon.”
The original FIRE doctrine revolves around delay of gratification. Save your money — ideally as much as 50 to 75 percent of each paycheck — instead of spending it immediately, and when you’ve amassed enough of a nest egg, quit your job and take the rest of your life for yourself. “It’s simple, because the main principles fit on a Post-it note,” Jacob Lund Fisker, a Danish former astrophysicist who is often thought of as the father of the FIRE movement, told me. “However, it is not easy, because everything the typical middle-class consumer has been raised and trained to believe goes against these principles. People have grown up associating success with money and spending money with happiness. They’ve been trained to sit still and perform repetitive work, first by a teacher, then by a manager. They’ve been educated to be specialists in a narrow field and never think outside that box.”
Fisker’s 2010 book, “Early Retirement Extreme” — written mostly while he lived out of an R.V. on $7,000 a year — is one seminal text for early retirees. Two others are “Your Money or Your Life,” a 1992 personal-finance bible written by Joseph R. Dominguez and Vicki Robin, and the blog Mr. Money Mustache, started in 2011 by Peter Adeney, who retired from his software-engineering job in 2005 at age 30 and figured out how to shrink his family’s expenses down to just $24,000 a year. The tao of all three tomes is that minimalist spending and anti-consumption can offer the keys to better living. (Adeney has professed to be “really just trying to get rich people to stop destroying the planet,” but his tens of thousands of monthly visitors tend to be more fixated on his other mantra: “Make you rich so you can retire early.”)
Conventional FIRE adherents are not necessarily big earners or genius mathematicians with incredible impulse control. Their superpower is their expert planning; it’s the ability to see the finish line from miles away that has allowed even some minimum-wage workers to achieve early retirement. One simple FIRE rule of thumb is to first calculate your target “FI number” by multiplying anticipated annual retirement expenses by at least 25, and then squirrel away as much as possible into interest-accruing or tax-advantaged buckets like 401(k)s, low-fee index funds, certificates of deposit, HSAs and Roth IRAs until you hit that number. As an example, if you bring home $150,000 a year, can save half of that and plan to spend $50,000 per year in retirement, then it will take only 16.5 years before you can kiss your job goodbye. For those who earn less or spend more, it will take longer — but for still others who can endure greater sacrifices, FIRE can be possible as early as their 30s.
From these plain origins, many offshoots of FIRE have sprouted up — some much more brazen than others. It’s rare to find anyone these days who actually wants to get to early retirement by living off beans; those people, with their stringent penny-pinching, are largely known in the community as LeanFIRE. A lot more people aim for CoastFIRE (a more measured approach that involves front-loading your retirement savings and “coasting” on compound interest and working lightly until you’re ready to quit) or BaristaFIRE (quitting your job but buttressing your retirement with a side gig, such as that of a part-time barista, to receive health-insurance benefits) or FatFIRE (a luxurious, no-sacrifice approach to retirement, the polar opposite of LeanFIRE — and the subset to which Wong belongs).
You might be tempted to regard early retirees as layabouts, soaking up sunshine while everyone else toils. But why not see them as brave maniacs, daring to build an entirely new vision of the world? Retirement has long been framed as a reward for a job well done — social reformers started pushing for mandatory post-work benefits in the early 20th century, and policies like Social Security later codified the tipping point between labor and leisure — but if FIRE’s incredible popularity of late (the Fire subreddit alone boasts nearly half a million members) is a defiant reaction to economic hardship, then it’s also a plea to re-evaluate the centrality of work to modern living. Maybe, the movement suggests, we should have always been in it for ourselves, and nobody else, from the start.
To my left was a woman who runs a phone-sex hotline; to my right, a cruise operator, a disaster-response volunteer, a kitchen-appliance entrepreneur, a public-school teacher and a former Off Broadway actor who now lives out of the back of an 18-wheeler and puts 70 percent of her weekly paycheck into index funds. It was a chilly spring weekend, and we had all flown to Cincinnati for EconoMe, an annual all-flavors-of-FIRE conference in which hundreds of people of all ages, from all over, bandy about tips on financial independence from dawn to dusk. The point of FIRE meetups — EconoMe is the largest, but others take place all over the world, some of them at a monthly clip — is only partly to give fiscal advice. Every person’s retirement plan is a highly individualized choreography, after all, so the manifold workshops and breakout groups are meant to offer only high-level ideas. The broader purpose of these get-togethers is more a sort of group therapy, geared to help people achieve their common goals and forge through their common struggles.
Much of the crowd was timid but curious — like Laura Rojo-Eddy, who decided on a whim to fly out from Texas. “My family doesn’t know anything about FIRE,” she told me. “I’ve been really shy talking about it. It’s hard to talk about finances with strangers, but in a way it’s even harder with people you love.” She chanced upon the movement in 2021 via a former colleague’s LinkedIn post, which made her consider for the first time that she may not have to work until the standard age of 65. The friend “posted she was retiring thanks to FIRE, and I was like: That’s really cool! But what the hell is she talking about? And, holy crap, this person’s my age — 40 — and what if I could do that? Should I do that?”
At EconoMe, bank-account totals were traded more freely than phone numbers. The conference’s organizer, Diania Merriam (retired at 33), introduced speakers like Jeremy Schneider (retired at 36), who spoke about how to pick a good financial adviser; the retired divorce lawyer Aaron Thomas, who evangelized the importance of prenups; the real estate tax strategist Natalie Kolodij, who discussed real estate investing and recommended employing your children starting from the age they are able to do household chores, which offers a double benefit of reducing a parent’s taxable income while building an investment-accruing tax shelter for the 7-year-old. Stephanie Zito’s two-hour seminar on the nitty-gritty of “travel hacking,” a.k.a. traversing the world through strategic deployment of credit-card points, had the crowd on the edge of their seats.
In one morning session, a brave volunteer named Krista put her life’s “balance sheet” up on a big screen so that 500 strangers could critique it for blind spots. She is 35, with four kids ages 16, 15, 9 and 7, and makes $32,000 working in a library in Wisconsin. Over the last seven years, since discovering FIRE, she and her husband had slowly paid off $200,000 in credit-card and home- and auto-loan debt. But she knew, she said, humbly dipping her head a bit, that she still had a long way to go, especially when compared with all the younger, already-retired millionaires in the room.
“Wait a second,” Frank Vasquez, one of the conference’s speakers, interrupted. “No. Do you all see this? Krista was a teenage mom who grew up in poverty. We are looking, right now, at a map of a hero’s journey.”
Jackie Cummings Koski of Dayton, Ohio, grew up on food stamps, learned about FIRE in her early 40s and retired at 49 with $1.3 million in savings.Credit...Brian Kaiser for The New York Times During a break, Jackie Cummings Koski, an Ohio local, shared her story with me: She grew up on food stamps and had a “wake-up call” with money after an acrimonious divorce left her a single mother. She learned about FIRE in her early 40s. Newly enlightened, she started saving 40 percent of the salary from her five-figure job, reached financial independence at 47 and pulled the trigger on retirement at 49, with $1.3 million in savings. “My corporate job had nothing to do with what I want to do,” Koski told me. “I didn’t hate it, but I didn’t love it.” She added: “While most FIRE people brag about having an old car with 200,000 miles or whatever, I drive a luxury car. But nobody’s going to chastise me, because I still retired early, even with that car, even with having made some mistakes!” Koski spends her time nowadays creating financial content and advocating for personal-finance classes to be added to high schools, and she recently wrote a “FIRE for Dummies” manual.
To my surprise, a sizable portion of the FIRE crowd at EconoMe was older. This wasn’t so surprising to Bill Yount, a 58-year-old retired physician who recently started up a podcast with Koski and another friend, Becky Heptig, that speaks to older demographics. “The average American is a late starter,” Yount told me. “That’s just who we are, living in this consumption society and not having the mentality of saving often or early.” And things are no longer “9-to-5, 40 years and a gold watch” the way they were for his parents’ generation: “I’m not in the gold-watch generation. Gen X got lost, got forgotten.”
Heptig, who is 68, found herself in dire financial straits in her 50s, when her husband’s small business faltered. “I got really scared, thinking we will never get out of this debt and we will never retire,” she says. They took a course from the financial-advice radio host Dave Ramsey, and her husband signed up for a W-2 job. After that, they started saving madly. “We were net-worth zero at 50 years old, and he retired at 63 — so for us, where we started from, we consider ourselves retiring early,” Heptig says. She had made the same wild discovery that everyone in FIRE does: that it can really take as little as a decade to hit early retirement, from the moment you learn about it and start planning. But as Yount put it to me: “You don’t know what you don’t know. You don’t even know to go looking for it.”
Maybe it’s because I know too much about looking for money that I found myself, while reporting this article, especially drawn to the subculture of FatFIRE — and to the lavish, unapologetic, in-your-face money philosophy that Allen Wong and others of his ilk prefer. FatFIRE flies in the face of all the other variants of FIRE. It is anti-anticonsumption. Its typical benchmark is to accumulate enough wealth that you can comfortably spend at least $100,000 a year in retirement, but some highfliers aim for much, much bigger sums. It espouses an unbridled maximalism, a have-it-all abundance.
While most other FIRE communities steer toward the friendly and pragmatic, FatFIRE’s adherents tend to be jaded, brusque, laser-focused. They hunt for the “exit,” in the tech-world manner of speaking: a fast, lucrative way out. On the FatFIRE subreddit, aspirants ogle severance packages, geo-arbitrage, REIT, tax loopholes, high-risk options straddles and potential business moonshots. Successful FatFIRErs applaud one another for hitting double-digit-millions net worth, debate the merits of private jets versus second homes and agonize over how large a trust fund is ethical to set up for their kids. And just as Fisker and Adeney were beacons to early-era FIRE devotees, Allen Wong is FatFIRE’s mythic hero.
Wong is quiet and unassuming in person. When I finally met him this spring — three years after we first began chatting online — near his childhood home in Queens, he wore jeans, Asics and a wary self-consciousness. Now in his mid-30s, he has comfortably enjoyed nearly a decade of leisure; he spends the bulk of his days playing pickleball and counseling strangers online on how to follow in his footsteps. He’s not particularly interested in fame, so he posts, as the senior moderator of FatFIRE, under his app company’s name. For someone who is a living talisman against the tenets of conventional living, he speaks with a surprising calm — though his eyes flashed with a certain pride whenever we talked about his childhood or his father. Even though it sprouted up only seven years ago, FatFIRE is on the verge of overtaking FIRE in size, Wong told me. Membership doubled during the pandemic despite moderators’ intentionally hiding the forum from Reddit’s homepage, he said, showing me a graph, and he added that most of its members seem to be “early-career American men.”
This makes sense. Millennials may have been ushered into the work force with the encouragement to hustle, but we soon found ourselves jerked around by utterly unaffordable housing, pandemic layoffs, salaries that flopped flat while costs went stratosphere-high. Nearly half of young adults have “money dysphoria,” according to a recent survey from the personal-finance company Credit Karma. Online, trends like “quiet luxury” and “dupe culture” glorify totems of wealth while making it clear how depressingly inaccessible that echelon is for the average Joe. If the recent “antiwork” movement laid bare the disillusionment of the young work force, then FatFIRE represents those feelings put into action.
Some FatFIRE success stories are like Wong’s: a result of obsessive entrepreneurism. Just as many are a byproduct of grinding away at a regular, albeit high-earning, job for enough years. (Fisker, for one, argues that FatFIRE is just an aesthetic rebranding of the work-smart-not-hard ethos that has been woven throughout American history.) In San Francisco, Sam Dogen faithfully saved his finance-job paychecks for 13 years before retiring in 2012 to live off passive investment income. He initially budgeted $100,000 for him and his wife to spend per year, but they upped the target to $200,000 after having their first child, then to $300,000 after a second child — and recently again to $350,000 to account for the recent bout of unchecked inflation. “We choose to live in an expensive coastal city and choose to have two children,” Dogen told me. “But you look at the $300,000 budget I made for a family of four, and you’re like, This is a pretty middle-class lifestyle. FatFIRE is almost a necessity if you want to live in San Francisco.”
“I think more people should aim for FatFIRE, because even if you don’t hit it, you’ll be at regular FIRE,” Jeff Underwood, a San Diego-based FatFIRE aspirant who started chasing financial independence after he lost his house and sank $10,000 into debt, told me. “The idea of LeanFIRE makes me super nervous. Health care costs are going up. There are all these unknowns. You could really find yourself in trouble.” Through smart tips he picked up on financial-planning forums, Underwood’s net worth steadily climbed from $0 in 2011 to $1 million in 2023. He is drawn to FatFIRE’s cheeky energy and its emphasis on securing a big safety net: “I had spent so long in the survival mind-set,” he says. “My default position is to plan for the worst, because I’ve already been through the worst.”
Wong now splits most of his time between houses in Celebration, Fla., and in New York City. He wakes up early to play pickleball and can keep at it for hours if the weather is nice. Because he has so much free time to practice, he has gotten good enough to compete against elite players and coach novices. (He offered to teach me how to play, but it was a wind-whipped 35 degrees when we met up in early April, so we went to have soup dumplings instead.) Otherwise, he reads up on tech and cybersecurity news, plays video games and undertakes home-renovation projects. His houses have been burglarized three times, although he managed to halt the latest attempt with a self-programmed alarm system. He used to make videos about his exotic car collection on YouTube, a few of which went viral, but he grew tired of being a “content creator” because it felt too much like having a job. Plus, he had already done the whole rack-up-a-huge-number thing before — with money.
“It was as if I fast-forwarded through an entire movie, and the end credits are slowly rolling,” Wong told me recently, recalling his first, restless years in retirement. “There was nothing more to watch, and all my peers were still busy watching the movie that I already finished. After I traveled the world and had done just about every possible fun thing I could possibly do, I often found myself wondering, What now?”
Life after early retirement: the elephant in the room. What to do after the cruises, the skydiving, the teetering stack of books on the night stand? The main danger of FIRE is that you might be running hard away from something rather than toward it — that you’re propelled only by the too-nebulous idea of escape. And then, even for those who lay out a clear road map for decades of nirvana, the loneliness can eat at you.
That’s why some, like Merriam, EconoMe’s organizer, host regular social events in their local cities. The online community ChooseFI maintains a sprawling network of hundreds of local FIRE groups in cities around the world. Amy Minkley, who retired by working in Asia as a teacher and saving up to $90,000 of her salary each year, organizes an annual FIRE meetup in Bali as a way of keeping up the community that saved her from depression: “It just felt like someone had thrown me a life raft, and I could see the light at the end of the tunnel,” she told me.
A lot of other people go the Mr. Money Mustache route: They blog. Their posts about income spreadsheets and VTSAX returns then attract the like-minded, as potential friends or even lovers. Koski has heard of romances blossoming among fellow FIRErs — though many of them prefer the company of a FIRE Luddite. “A good chunk of my friends are on my phone,” Gwen Merz, who began saving up for FIRE when she discovered the Mustache blog at age 22 and reached CoastFIRE at age 32 with $400,000 in savings, told me.
A common worry is when to stop. How much is enough? Why not make more? Since there is an upper limit to money’s effect on joy — studies have shown that global happiness tops out at income levels of about $75,000 a year — chasing infinite wealth may be psychologically futile.
“I think people can accumulate money to the detriment of their health and happiness,” says Alan Donegan, who with his wife, Katie, lives a nomadic lifestyle and coaches FIRE newbies toward their resignation letters by “trying to show money is a tool to create your version of an extraordinary life.” There are also those like Oliver Truong, a 27-year-old who cares less about the dollars and cents of it all than about fulfilling a self-imposed challenge: “I think FIRE people are some of the most creative people I’ve ever met,” he told me at EconoMe. “At least for me, it was never about the money, honestly. It was more about just doing something I wanted on my own.”
For those who succeed at early retirement, especially at the FatFIRE level, a surprise depression can set in. “It’s quite alarming and sad to see how many people are lost after they do this,” Wong’s FatFIRE co-moderator, Mike Doehla, told me. Doehla himself thought he was prepared for the social segregation when he FatFIREd at 40 in 2022 through his nutrition-coaching business. He wasn’t. “It has been pretty isolating, and almost awkward at times,” he confessed. Based in a small town in upstate New York, Doehla doesn’t know anyone in real life who has retired early, and all his friends are still working. But, he told me, “I think I’m psychologically broken from ever working someone else’s schedule again,” and he is keen to discover who he is, as a person, outside of work. If the quest for happiness were a tangible metric, Doehla reckons he is about 60 percent of the way there: “I have this FOMO, this empty cup, regarding what is going around me that so many people have experienced, that I just want to taste a bit.”
At EconoMe, I met a 52-year-old architect who considers himself “FattishFIRE”; he and his wife spend about $8,000 a month in Boston and would like to keep up that lifestyle in retirement. But, he told me, “I pretend I have a lot less than I do.” He lives in a building where many of his neighbors “have very little money, live off government assistance and are critical of wealthy people. They don’t know we’re like ‘stealth wealth.’ Would they not like me anymore?” (For this reason, he asked not to be identified.) He has saved enough money to retire within two or three years if he wants to, but he worries about how he’ll be perceived within a field that takes pride in its workhorse culture: “I’d always thought ‘architect’ was my personality and was going to be until I died,” he said. “Am I being too nervous? Am I crazy? I’m still a little ashamed.”
Sam Dogen budgets $350,000 a year in expenses for his family of four: “FatFIRE is almost a necessity if you want to live in San Francisco,” he says.Credit...Maggie Shannon for The New York Times After a decade in retirement, Dogen, the San Francisco FatFIREr, recently did the unimaginable: He decided to go back to work. He doesn’t really need the money, but the endless leisure has begun to wear on him. “I can’t do pickleball all day,” Dogen told me. “So what’s the responsible thing to do? And the responsible thing to do is to find a job that has good purpose, good meaning, where you can work with some smart people and have a lot of camaraderie.” He added: “It just feels good to be part of something. I think it’s really important that we all feel like we’re part of something, contributing.” He took one gig but quit because it ate up too much time, and he is now looking for a less demanding part-time position.
Wong, these days, loves to volunteer. He donates to charities, serves on neighborhood boards and of course plays both chairman and soothsayer to the fraternity (for it is largely male) of FatFIRE. Wong doesn’t so much mind being solitary in real life — he considers himself a lone wolf and is often wary of making new friends for fear they will try to take financial advantage of him. He has been duped in the past by family members or acquaintances, including a friend who falsely claimed to need support for lifesaving heart surgeries. It’s not uncommon for him to get Venmo requests from strangers. (Many of his pickleball acquaintances learned about his wealth when a photographer showed up on the court to shoot him for this article.)
I asked him what he plans to do in his second decade of retirement — or his third or fourth or beyond. He doesn’t know yet. He told me he has been intrigued by the rise of A.I. and has flirted with the idea of a D.I.Y. project in that space. Ultimately, though, he hasn’t pursued it. He fears even self-employment would bring back the manic stresses he fought so hard to leave behind. “When I FatFIREd, I freed myself,” Wong told me. Inner peace, then, is the precious goal. He treasures all the time he has been able to spend with his mother and may one day share his wealth with children of his own. “Should I have worked more and made even more money? I’ve definitely left many millions of dollars on the table by stepping away from it all,” he told me. “But I always end up coming to the same conclusion: There’s no point in making so much money if you’re not going to be happy. I’d rather be free.”
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2024.05.07 19:24 ChubbyCattle FAQ for Chubby Cattle NFT Memberships

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How do I join?
Is the price listed a one-time fee or annual charge?
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How often can I redeem my benefits?
(a) Priority reservation - Lifetime
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(a) All of the above
(b) UNLIMITED lifetime tasting menu - Once per visit
(c) 20% DISCOUNT on entire bill for group - Once per day
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**If you got hacked and had your membership stolen, please follow these steps:
  1. Notify us immediately through support ticket on Discord. We will have to manually deactivate the benefits of the stolen asset.
  2. Keep an eye on the stolen asset, if they are listed on OpenSea, promptly contact their support and notify them that the listing contains stolen property; it will be frozen from sale.
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Ready to become a lifetime member?
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submitted by ChubbyCattle to ChubbyGroup [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 19:07 konradgad Today I launched Neudesk - Free website builder on Product Hunt

Hey ProductHunters,
Today, I'm super excited to share our launch on Product Hunt!
Neudesk is a free website builder, designed specifically for small business owners who are looking to go online without the complexity and technical barriers usually involved. Here’s what makes Neudesk unique:
Build Fast: Launch your business website in just 10 minutes.
It's Free: Creating and hosting your website is completely free. We only charge a small commission on sales.
AI-Generated Content: Get a head start with AI that crafts initial content tailored to your business.
E-commerce Ready: Integrate seamlessly with Stripe to start selling your products and services online.
Custom Domains: Use a free Neudesk subdomain or connect your own domain at no extra cost.
Why Neudesk? Because we believe every small business deserves a website that works for them—not the other way around. Our platform helps you reach more customers, sell around the clock, and boost your business's credibility.
I would really appreciate your support and feedback. Please check us out on Product Hunt, drop a vote if you like what we’re doing, and share your thoughts!
Thanks for helping us make online business easier for everyone!
submitted by konradgad to ProductHunters [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 18:57 onerub39 Top 3 cheats to get free Daddy Bucks and Golden Packs in Daddy Long Legs

Are you a fan of Daddy Long Legs and wondering how to score some free Daddy Bucks and Golden Packs? You're in luck! This guide is all about navigating through the game Daddy Long Legs on both Android and iOS devices to help you maximize your gameplay without spending a dime.
Whether you're just starting out or looking to enhance your gaming experience, this post will provide you with the latest tips and tricks to earn these valuable resources.
Let's dive into the exciting world of Daddy Long Legs and start collecting those freebies!

Online Generators - Unlimited Daddy Bucks and Golden Packs Hack for Android & iOS

When it comes to getting free Daddy Bucks and Golden Packs, online generators can be a gold mine! Although it's easy to be wary of using such tools, there are a few that are both effective and secure, earning praise from many gamers.
For instance, check out this popular hack tool that works perfectly on both Android and iOS.
This tool allows you to quickly increase your Daddy Bucks and Golden Packs without compromising your game's progress or safety.
Why consider online generators? Here’s why they might just be worth a look:
Whether you're looking to give your gameplay a boost or just want to enjoy more of what Daddy Long Legs has to offer without the grind, these online generators can be a practical choice. Just be sure to choose wisely and enjoy your gaming safely!

Using Gift Card Apps

Another fantastic way to get free Daddy Bucks and Golden Packs is through gift card apps. These apps allow you to earn points by completing simple tasks like taking surveys, watching videos, or trying out new apps. You can then exchange these points for gift cards, which can be used to make in-app purchases in Daddy Long Legs. Here are a few real apps that you can check out:

Contacting the Game Developers

Sometimes, reaching out directly to the developers of Daddy Long Legs can lead to some freebies. Game developers often appreciate feedback and might send you Daddy Bucks or Golden Packs as a token of appreciation for your support or feedback. Here’s how you can go about it:
  1. Find the official Daddy Long Legs support or contact page.
  2. Send them a polite message explaining how much you enjoy the game and provide constructive feedback or suggestions.
  3. Politely ask if they offer any free Daddy Bucks or Golden Packs for dedicated players or testers.
While this isn’t a guaranteed method, it's worth a try, especially if you genuinely love the game and interact positively with the community.
Getting free Daddy Bucks and Golden Packs is definitely possible with a bit of effort and knowledge. Whether you decide to use online generators, take advantage of gift card apps, or contact the game developers directly, there are options out there for every type of player.
Just remember to stay safe and choose reputable sources when looking for ways to enhance your Daddy Long Legs gaming experience. Happy gaming!
submitted by onerub39 to techmastering [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 18:57 Joep913 How do y’all estimate calories?

I’m a college student eating mostly campus food because it’s free. The thing is, I can’t trust the calorie counts they give because even when I order the same item of food it can wildly vary in size and ingredients from day to day, and there are different calorie listings on the online and in person menus.
I figure it would be easiest to just calculate the calories on my own but it’s proving difficult to pinpoint how much of each food I have without a scale.
What’s been successful for y’all?
submitted by Joep913 to intermittentfasting [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 18:47 enoumen A Daily chronicle of AI Innovations May 07 2024: 🤖Apple is developing its own AI chip for data center servers 🤝Stack Overflow and OpenAI have announced an API partnership 🌟Microsoft is developing a new AI language model 📚Study: Teachers can’t detect AI writing + 📊New AI Jobs & Tools❗

A Daily chronicle of AI Innovations May 07 2024: 🤖Apple is developing its own AI chip for data center servers 🤝Stack Overflow and OpenAI have announced an API partnership 🌟Microsoft is developing a new AI language model 📚Study: Teachers can’t detect AI writing + 📊New AI Jobs & Tools❗
A Daily chronicle of AI Innovations May 07th 2024: 🤖 Apple is developing its own AI chip for data center servers 🤝 Stack Overflow and OpenAI have announced an API partnership 🌟 Microsoft is developing a new AI language model to rival GPT-4 and Google Gemini 📚 Study: Teachers can’t detect AI writing 🔮 Apple’s new M4 chip is focused on AI 🤖 Hugging Face has launched LeRobot, an open-source robotics toolkit 🔮 Apple is testing a new "Clean Up" feature in its Photos app 🛡️ Google has launched Google Threat Intelligence 🇺🇸 US invests $285M in AI 'Digital Twin' technology 📡 Anduril Industries introduces Pulsar: AI modular electromagnetic warfare (EW) systems AI TRAINING May 07th 2024: 🎙️ Studio-quality audio in seconds with AI AI RESEARCH on May 07th 2024 📚 Study: Teachers can’t detect AI writing Trending AI Tools May 07th 2024: 📊 Osum - Perform deep market research in seconds: Try now (Use checkout code RUNDOWN for 25% off)* 💫 Coachvox - The ultimate AI marketing tool for coaches with content ✍️ Pressmaster - All-in-one platform simplifies press planning and distribution 🧰 Lamini - Enterprises LLM platform that you can own 🚀 Postman v11 - Supercharging development with AI and APIs 🤖 Adobe Acrobat AI Assistant - Get quick answers and one-click summaries from PDFs 🎨 Leonardo AI Content Reference - Enhance creative control for image generations New AI Job Opportunities May 07th 2024: 🤝 The Rundown - Community Manager 📈 Scale AI - Senior Analytics Engineer ⚖ Anthropic - Risk Manager, Responsible Scaling Team 💻 OpenAI - Tech Lead Manager - Supercomputing Scheduling 
Enjoying these updates? Support us by visiting our App and subscribing at Read Aloud For Me - AI Dashboard - AI Hub - AI Tools Catalog - Top GPTs - Best LLMs - All AI Tools in One Place for Daily AI News, Tools, Games and Bedtime stories

🔮 Apple’s new M4 chip is focused on AI

  • Apple's new M4 chip, designed for the latest OLED iPad Pro models, focuses on enhancing AI performance with capabilities like handling 38 trillion operations per second, which is significantly higher than its predecessors but still behind Qualcomm's Snapdragon X Elite.
  • The M4 chip utilizes advanced second-generation 3nm technology, featuring a 10-core CPU with a mix of performance and efficiency cores, and supports technologies like mesh shading and ray tracing for improved graphical rendering.
  • Apple's announcement of the M4 chip sets the stage for a comparison with Microsoft's upcoming Arm-powered hardware and Windows on Arm enhancements, scheduled for release later this month, which aim to surpass Apple’s MacBook Air M3 in terms of CPU and AI performance.

🤖Apple is developing its own AI chip for data center servers

Apple is developing its own AI chip for data center servers, known internally as Project ACDC (Apple Chips in Data Center). The chip will likely focus on running AI models (inference) rather than training them, which is where Nvidia currently dominates.
The company is working closely with TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co) to design and produce these chips, although the timeline for launch is uncertain. With this move, the company aims to keep up with rivals like Microsoft and Meta, who have made significant investments in generative AI.
Why does it matter?
Apple has a long history of designing custom chips for its devices like iPhones, iPads, and Macs, which is probably what makes them stand out. Having custom AI chips could allow the tech giant more control over its "AI destiny" versus relying on suppliers like Nvidia.

🤝Stack Overflow and OpenAI have announced an API partnership

OpenAI will use OverflowAPI to improve model performance and provide attribution to the Stack Overflow community within ChatGPT. Stack Overflow will use OpenAI models to develop OverflowAI and to maximize model performance.
The partnership aims to improve the user and developer experience on both platforms. The first set of integrations and capabilities will be available in the first half of 2024, and the partnership will enable Stack Overflow to reinvest in community-driven features.
Why does this matter?
Stack Overflow partnered with Google Cloud to develop Overflow API and to give Google’s Gemini models access to its knowledge communities. Now it is forming a similar partnership with OpenAI. Despite concerns about copyright breaches, such partnerships seem to be trending where both the parties have much to gain, but it just reaffirms that the big AI players remain hungry for data.

🌟Microsoft is developing a new AI language model

Microsoft is developing a new, large-scale AI language model called MAI-1 to compete with Google and OpenAI. The model is overseen by Mustafa Suleyman, recently hired co-founder of Google DeepMind.
MAI-1 will be larger and more expensive than Microsoft's previous smaller, open-source models, with roughly 500 billion parameters. Microsoft could preview the new model as soon as its Build developer conference later this month.
Why does this matter?
Microsoft's development of MAI-1 shows that it is not entirely relying on it's OpenAI investment to go big in AI. Now, it has entered the AI race truly, competing with state-of-the-art models from Google, Anthropic, even Meta's Llama 400B which is in training, and OpenAI itself.

What Else Is Happening in AI on May 07th 2024❗

🤖 Hugging Face has launched LeRobot, an open-source robotics toolkit
It is a comprehensive platform for developers, researchers, and hobbyists to train AI models, share data, and simulate environments, all while seamlessly integrating with various robotic hardware. The toolkit offers pre-trained models and integrates with physics simulators for testing without physical robots. Hugging Face is also collaborating with diverse partners to build the largest crowdsourced robotics dataset. (Link)
📷 Apple is testing a new "Clean Up" feature in its Photos app
By using gen AI for advanced image editing, this feature will allow you to effortlessly remove unwanted objects from your photos using a simple brush. Apple may preview this new feature during its upcoming "Let Loose" iPad event or at WWDC in June. (Link)
🛡️ Google has launched Google Threat Intelligence
It is a combination of Mandiant's expertise, VirusTotal's community insights, and Google's vast threat visibility. Google Threat Intelligence assists with external threat monitoring, attack surface management, digital risk protection, IoC analysis, and expertise. With Gemini, organizations can now quickly search through vast amounts of threat data to protect against cyber threats. (Link)
🇺🇸 US invests $285M in AI 'Digital Twin' technology
The Biden administration is investing $285 million for a new “CHIPS Manufacturing USA institute” focused on digital twins for the semiconductor industry. This approach uses AI to create virtual chip replicas, accelerating the production of next-gen processors. Intel and Micron are also set to receive funding to boost the development of new processors. (Link)
📡 Anduril Industries introduces Pulsar: AI modular electromagnetic warfare (EW) systems
Pulsar uses AI to quickly identify and counter current and future threats across the electromagnetic spectrum, including small and medium-size drones. With its integration of software-defined radio, GPUs, and diverse compute capabilities, Pulsar is changing how we defend against rapidly evolving threats in an increasingly complex battlefield. (Link)

AI TRAINING May 07th 2024

🎙️ Studio-quality audio in seconds with AI
Adobe's AI-powered ‘Enhance Speech’ tool dramatically improves the quality of audio voice recordings with just a few clicks.
  1. Access Adobe’s Enhance Speech website. Sign in or sign up for free.
  2. Upload your audio by selecting “Choose file” or simply drag and drop the file.
  3. Wait a few seconds while Adobe’s AI analyzes and removes unwanted noises from your file.
  4. Download your studio-quality audio and hear the difference!
Pro tip: If you have a video file, you can extract the audio using free websites that extract audio from video and add the enhanced audio back to your video using free video editors like CapCut

AI RESEARCH on May 07th 2024

📚 Study: Teachers can’t detect AI writing
A series of studies from several German universities found that both novice and experienced teachers struggled to accurately distinguish between student-written and AI-generated texts.
The details:
  • The first study trialed pre-service teachers on AI and student text, correctly ID’ing only 45.1% of AI-generated submissions.
  • The second study tested experienced teachers, who correctly identified just 37.8% of AI-generated submissions.
  • The study revealed that teachers were overconfident in their ability to spot AI-generated text.
  • AI detection software also often falsely flags student-written texts as potentially AI-generated, which further complicates the issue.
Why it matters: AI’s writing capabilities are only getting better — and relying on teacher intuition or unreliable tools may be no more effective than guessing. Unless better tools become available, it may be time to pivot to enabling students to work with AI instead of penalizing them for it.

Trending AI Tools May 07th 2024

  • Osum - Perform deep market research in seconds: Try now (Use checkout code RUNDOWN for 25% off)*
  • Coachvox - The ultimate AI marketing tool for coaches with content
  • Pressmaster - All-in-one platform simplifies press planning and distribution
  • Lamini - Enterprises LLM platform that you can own
  • Postman v11 - Supercharging development with AI and APIs
  • Adobe Acrobat AI Assistant - Get quick answers and one-click summaries from PDFs
  • Leonardo AI Content Reference - Enhance creative control for image generations

New AI Job Opportunities May 07th 2024

  • The Rundown - Community Manager
  • Scale AI - Senior Analytics Engineer
  • Anthropic - Risk Manager, Responsible Scaling Team
  • OpenAI - Tech Lead Manager - Supercomputing Scheduling
Enjoying these updates? Support us by visiting our App and subscribing at Read Aloud For Me - AI Dashboard - AI Hub - AI Tools Catalog - Top GPTs - Best LLMs - All AI Tools in One Place for Daily AI News, Tools, Games and Bedtime stories
submitted by enoumen to u/enoumen [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 18:06 Zachattack0630 [College Physics for AP® Courses 2e] Simplification of Units Question

This question arises from a free online Physics Textbook: Free AP Physics Collection Available for Download - OpenStax
The problem is at the bottom section 2.6
Suppose a car merges into freeway traffic on a 200m long ramp. If its initial velocity is 10.0 m/s and it accelerates at 2.00 m/s2 , how long does it take to travel the 200 m up the ramp?
To solve this equation is not super difficult. Using this equation of motion: X-X₀ = V₀t + 1/5at2 , I get this equation (when I plug in the variables):
200m - 0m = (10m/s)t + 1/2(2.00m/s2)t2
We can simplify this equation down to:
200m = 10t + t2
My question arises with the simplification of the units. How do we simplify (m/s)t to t? Or how do we simplify (m/s2)t2? Could someone explain this? Thanks
submitted by Zachattack0630 to PhysicsStudents [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 18:01 Mr_Football Every day this entire month I am interviewing members of the Fantasy Football industry about Mental Health. Tonight: Dave Kluge (7pm ET)

Hey guys,
A bit of a different post today but an important one: It's mental health awareness month, and in an effort to help the fantasy football industry embrace this, I am interviewing one member of the industry every day for 30 days straight.

Tonight's episode is with Dave Kluge!
7pm ET:
Selfishly, these have been fantastic to be a part of so far. I've been able to learn more about autism, ptsd, counseling, depression, anxiety and even habits that help someone maintain a healthy relationship to gambling and fantasy sports.
I hope someone out there can find these stories and lessons fruitful, and remember:
You are not alone.
A quick summary of the previous episodes:

Episode 1 - Nick Whalen

In this inaugural episode of the Judgement Seesaw podcast, I had the pleasure of speaking with Nick Whalen, a counselor and prominent figure in the fantasy football community, about the often-overlooked topic of mental health within our industry. Our conversation explored the potential downsides of social media reliance, the importance of setting boundaries, and the power of active listening in fostering genuine connections. Nick shared practical tips for maintaining mental well-being, such as practicing gratitude, prioritizing exercise, and focusing on personal goals. He also emphasized the importance of remembering our individual purposes within the fantasy sports world and prioritizing self-care. This episode provided valuable insights and resources for navigating the mental health landscape of fantasy sports, aiming to create a healthier and more supportive community for all. I encourage everyone to tune in and join us on this journey towards greater awareness and understanding.

Episode 2 - Jeff Sanders

This episode of the Judgement Seesaw brought me face-to-face with Jeff Sanders, a Marine Corps veteran with a truly inspiring story. Our conversation delved into the intersection of mental health and veteran affairs, exploring the unique challenges faced by service members upon returning home. Jeff's personal journey, from battling depression as a young adult to finding strength and purpose in the military, resonated deeply with me. His experience with a life-altering injury and subsequent recovery highlighted the importance of resilience, faith, and a strong support system. We discussed the dangers of succumbing to a victim mentality and the power of taking proactive steps towards healing. Jeff's candidness about his struggles with alcohol and his reliance on therapy and faith provided valuable insights for anyone facing similar challenges. His story is a testament to the human spirit's ability to overcome adversity and find hope, even in the darkest of times. I am grateful for Jeff's willingness to share his experiences and inspire others on their own paths to recovery.

Episode 3 - Brendon Booth

In this installment of the Judgement Seesaw, I had the pleasure of speaking with Brendon Booth, a fellow content creator and a shining example of embracing one's creativity to forge a unique path in life. Brendon's journey resonated with me deeply, as he shared his experiences with Oppositional Defiant Disorder, anxiety, and ADD, and how these challenges shaped his early years. His willingness to be open and vulnerable about his struggles with self-medication and the importance of finding a supportive network provided valuable insights for anyone facing similar obstacles. We discussed the challenges and joys of being a creative soul, the constant pursuit of new ideas and projects, and the importance of finding that one thing that truly ignites passion and focus. Brendon's story, from his unconventional path through high school to his fulfilling career in substance abuse counseling and his current endeavors in comedy and fantasy football content creation, is an inspiration to anyone who dares to chase their dreams. His message of self-acceptance, perseverance, and embracing one's unique talents is a powerful reminder that we all have the potential to create a life filled with joy and purpose.

Episode 4 - Brian Ford

On this episode, Brian Ford and I delved into a deeper conversation about societal structures and their impact on mental health. Brian's openness about his experiences with anxiety, depression, cyclothymia, ADHD, and autism shed light on the unique challenges faced by neurodivergent individuals in a world that often overlooks their needs. We discussed the concept of "masking" and the invisibility of many neurodivergent struggles, highlighting the importance of creating inclusive spaces and advocating for greater understanding and support. Our conversation ventured beyond the realm of fantasy football, exploring the limitations of the education system, the complexities of late-stage capitalism, and the need for systemic change to address the root causes of mental health issues. Brian's perspective as a former history teacher and his passionate advocacy for social justice offered valuable insights into the interconnectedness of societal structures and individual well-being. While the fantasy football industry provides a sense of community and escape for many, it is crucial to acknowledge the broader context in which mental health struggles exist and to advocate for a more equitable and just society that supports the needs of all individuals.

Episode 5 - Leo McNeely

In this episode of the Judgement Seesaw, Leo McNeely, a rising star in the fantasy football industry and most accurate IDP expert in the business, joined me for a thought-provoking discussion on managing the mental health challenges associated with playing fantasy sports. Leo's perspective as a relative newcomer to the industry, coupled with his impressive success in fantasy competitions, offered valuable insights into finding balance and prioritizing well-being. We explored the potential pitfalls of overextending oneself, the importance of setting realistic goals, and the benefits of maintaining a positive and supportive mindset. Our conversation highlighted the need for self-awareness and self-regulation in navigating the competitive and often stressful world of fantasy football. Leo shared practical strategies for managing multiple leagues, including setting boundaries, creating schedules, and prioritizing tasks to avoid feeling overwhelmed. We also touched on the potential dangers of gambling and the importance of responsible play. Leo's insights and advice serve as a reminder that while fantasy sports can be an enjoyable and rewarding hobby, it's essential to prioritize our mental health and well-being by setting boundaries, managing expectations, and fostering a supportive community within the industry.
As for me? I'm Ronnie Evans. I'm gearing up to launch goodguyai, where I will be showcasing AI advancements and that relate to the world of fantasy sports and gambling, demoing products made by my peers in the industry, and offering guides and resources on how to integrate AI into your fantasy football shenanigans. Behind all of that, I am a long time Mental Health sufferer who still -- after three decades -- am recovering from childhood trauma and working through managing chronic depression and anxiety.
As such, I am launching the goodguyai youtube channel with a Mental Health Awareness Takeover for May, and will do this again every year. The other 11 months will be beep-boop central though.
Been around on this site for almost 15 years. Accounts have come and gone. Reddit has changed. But one thing has remained constant:
Gaining exposure, expanding conversations, and embracing/being embraced by communities of hundreds of thousands -- if not millions -- of strangers is my favorite aspect of the internet, and Reddit is the leader.
The first step to recovery is owning your struggle and reaching out. Here are some resources:
1. 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
  • Provides 24/7 free, confidential support for people in distress. You can call or text 988, or chat online at
2. Crisis Text Line
  • Another free, 24/7 confidential support service. Text HOME to 741741 to connect with a crisis counselor.
3. NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness)
  • Offers a wealth of resources, including educational materials, support groups, and a helpline.
  • NAMI Helpline: 1-800-950-NAMI (6264) or text "HelpLine" to 62640pen_spark
  • Website:
  • A government website providing information about different mental health conditions, where to find treatment, and how to navigate getting help.pen_spark
  • Website:
5. Psychology Today
  • Features a comprehensive directory of therapists and mental health providers across the United States. You can search by location, specialty, insurance accepted, and other criteria.pen_spark
  • Website:
Stay happy, stay healthy, and believe in yourself.
I appreciate you guys and the mods for giving this the thumbs up. I'll be back next week with the more reviews, notes and links about the previous and next batch of episodes.
submitted by Mr_Football to fantasyfootball [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 17:37 KingofFractions Lofty AI, new way to invest in Real Estate in the United States, I am very impressed, daily dividends

Check out Lofty AI, invest in fractional real estate, in the last 6 months their offerings have been very impressive, Florida, New York, even a resort in Mexico. New properties are listed every week or so and tokens start at $50 per property. I am making very good dividends and you can too. Dividends are paid into your account on a DAILY BASIS! Thats right, daily! Please check it out and use my code WE BOTH GET $50! Get your first token for free and calculate your dividend on just that one property alone to see how it works.

submitted by KingofFractions to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 17:37 alexjeron12 #@Simcity Buildit Cheats 2024 - How To Get 22k Simcash & Simoleons Fast May Update[HYUP]

SimCity BuildIt invites players into a complex and captivating world of city management and development. In this game, success depends on your ability to balance resources like Simcash and Simoleons, which are crucial for rapid growth and development. What if there was a way to accelerate your city's growth without the usual wait times? Enter the SimCity Simcash & Simoleons Generator—your key to unlocking a world of unlimited possibilities.
What is the SimCity Simcash & Simoleons Generator?

Understanding the Basics

SimCity Simcash & Simoleons Generator is an online tool designed to provide players with the essential in-game currency without the usual grind. This generator can be a game-changer, especially for those who wish to expand their cities swiftly and efficiently.

Features and Benefits

How Does the SimCity Simcash & Simoleons Generator Work?

A Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Visit the Generator Website: Navigate to the official generator page.
  2. Enter Your Game Details: Provide your SimCity BuildIt username and the platform you play on.
  3. Choose Your Resources: Select how much Simcash and Simoleons you need.
  4. Generate and Transfer: Hit the generate button and watch the magic happen!

Behind the Scenes

The generator uses a secure connection to interact with the game servers. Through a series of complex algorithms, it simulates in-game purchases to credit the resources directly to your account, ensuring that the process remains undetectable and safe.

Maximizing Your Gameplay with Unlimited Resources

Strategies for Effective Use

Real Player Experiences

Many users have transformed their gameplay experience with the help of the SimCity Simcash & Simoleons Generator, citing quicker city development and a more enjoyable game dynamic.
The SimCity Simcash & Simoleons Generator is more than just a tool—it's a gateway to maximizing your gaming potential. Whether you're looking to speed up your city's development, enhance your gameplay, or simply enjoy the game without limitations, this generator provides a safe, secure, and free solution.
Embrace the possibilities today and transform your SimCity BuildIt experience. Why wait for resources when you can have them instantly? Try the SimCity Simcash & Simoleons Generator now and build the city of your dreams!
submitted by alexjeron12 to gamestap [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 17:35 thepennyhoarder What are some ways to make extra cash without getting a second job?

If you needed extra money, like, yesterday, you’ve come to the right spot.
Our team has compiled a list of creative ways you can fatten your bank account this month. Certainly, there’s something here that fits your needs.
Without further delay, here are four ways to pocket some extra cash:

1. Earn $500/Month by Reviewing Games and Products You Love

This is the new normal. Everything just costs more now, so that means we have to find ways to earn more.
But there’s a way you can mix work with play and earn an extra $500 a month while doing it.
All you need to do is register on a website called Kashkick with your phone or computer. Kashkick will then show you all sorts of money-making tasks you can do to pad your bank account.
You’ll earn various dollar amounts for answering survey questions, playing games, watching videos and reviewing things — you pick which opportunities you want.
You can get your money quickly and securely, and you don’t need to earn a lot before you can collect it. You can cash out via PayPal with as little as $10 in earnings.
Ready to give yourself a raise? Sign up for Kashkick and start earning money whenever you have a little free time.

2. You Can Become a Real Estate Investor for as Little as $10

Take a look at some of the world’s wealthiest people. What do they have in common? Many invest in large private real estate deals. And here’s the thing: There’s no reason you can’t, too — for as little as $10.
An investment called the Fundrise Flagship Fund lets you get started in the world of real estate by giving you access to a low-cost, diversified portfolio of private real estate. The best part? You don’t have to be the landlord. The Flagship Fund does all the heavy lifting.
With an initial investment as low as $10, your money will be invested in the Fund, which already owns more than $1 billion worth of real estate around the country, from apartment complexes to the thriving housing rental market to larger last-mile e-commerce logistics centers.
Want to invest more? Many investors choose to invest $1,000 or more. This is a Fund that can fit any type of investor’s needs. Once invested, you can track your performance from your phone and watch as properties are acquired, improved, and operated. As properties generate cash flow, you could earn money through quarterly dividend payments. And over time, you could earn money off the potential appreciation of the properties.
So if you want to get started in the world of real-estate investing, it takes just a few minutes to sign up and create an account with the Fundrise Flagship Fund.

3. Killing Time? Earn up to $107 Per Win Playing Solitaire on Your Phone

There’s nothing wrong with killing a little free time on your phone. A lot of us pull up a mobile game on our break, on the couch or on long drives. But we found a game that will actually pay you to do it.
A free iPhone app called Solitaire Smash will pay you up to $107 per win just for playing Solitaire online.
It works just like the card game you already know, but it adds a timer to mix, and you’ll play against other players at your same skill level. The top three players win a prize. You can play casually for gems or compete for real money prize pools — up to $107 per win. Plus, they have a 4.9 star rating on the App Store.
Ready to earn some money in your free time? Just download Solitaire Smash to get start playing and see how much money you can win.

4. Get Paid up to $225 to Watch Movie Previews

If we told you that you could get paid to watch videos on your computer, you’d probably laugh.
It’s too good to be true, right?
But we’re serious. A website called InboxDollars will pay you to watch short video clips online. One minute you might watch someone bake brownies and the next you might get the latest updates on Kardashian drama.
All you have to do is choose which videos you want to watch and answer a few quick questions about them afterward.
No, InboxDollars won’t replace your full-time job, but it’s something easy you can do while you’re already on the couch tonight wasting time on your phone.
Unlike other sites, InboxDollars pays you in cash — no points or gift cards. It’s already paid its users more than $56 million.
It takes about one minute to sign up, and you’ll immediately get a $5 bonus to get you started.

5. Get up to $50,000 From This Company

Every month, you make payments toward your credit card debt. But you never seem to make a dent. It’s because of those sky-high interest rates — as much as 24% interest. It can feel impossible to get ahead.
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2024.05.07 17:26 SpiralSour Booking Bo Dallas Returning - Part One: The More Things Change...

Bray Wyatt was a truly brilliant man, a mastermind of creativity that brought to life characters, the likes of which we never dreamed we'd see in WWE.
From a cult leader to a funhouse to a fiend and many more iterations, Wyatt left an impact with his career and with his passing.
Many would say his career was cut too short and he had so much more to give, so much unrealized potential.
I'm sure by now we've all heard the rumors of Bo Dallas's return and the shoes of Bray's he looks to fill. I aim to write the best possible run for Bo to make for a respectable, iconic tribute run that would hopefully be a worthy successor to the legend that was Bray Wyatt.
NXT, 4/9/24:
It's the NXT after WrestleMania and the wrestling world is buzzing, especially given the fallout from Stand & Deliver.
Everyone is anxiously awaiting the tag team championship bout, however, right before introductions begin, a video airs.
[The scene opens with a dimly lit room, filled with eerie masks and props reminiscent of Bray Wyatt's countless ominous personas. Bo Dallas stands in the center, dressed in a black tuxedo, a ruby red rose tucked into the pocket. His expression is solemn as he gazes at the array of memorabilia.]
"My brother Bray... he was more than just a man. He was an enigma, a mastermind of both darkness and light. He taught me, not just about wrestling, but about life. About embracing the darkness within us and finding strength in it."
[Bo picks up a white sheep mask, running his fingers along its intricate details.]
"These masks... they're more than just fabric and paint. They're symbols of his creativity, his imagination. Each one tells a story, a story of the man who wore it. And now, it's up to me to carry on that legacy, to keep his memory alive."
[He pauses, a somber look crossing his face as memories flood his mind.]
"Bray and I... we shared a bond that went beyond blood. We were kindred spirits, wandering in the darkness together. And even though he's gone, I can still feel his presence, guiding me, urging me to continue the journey."
[Bo walks around the room, touching various items, each one invoking memories of Bray. He runs his fingers along the mask of Uncle Howdy, and bits of Bray's feud with LA Knight flicker across the screen. He passes by the sheep mask, and images of The Wyatt Family fill the picture, scenes of their destruction on full display. Bo dares to grip The Fiend mask last, and the monstrous reign of terror Bray went on is summarized with flashes of his darkest showings.]
"I may not be Bray Wyatt, but I am my brother's keeper. I am Bo Dallas. And I promise to honor his memory in everything I do. To carry on his legacy, to spread his message. Because that's what he would have wanted."
[As the camera fades to black, a single candle flickers in the darkness, illuminating Bo's determined expression, a symbol of hope in the face of loss.]
NXT, 4/16/24:
[The scene this week finds Bo Dallas in a ring, not the NXT ring, but at an undisclosed location, surrounded by eerie lighting and haunting music. His demeanor has shifted slightly, displaying hints of the madness that once defined his brother, Bray Wyatt.]
"Welcome, my friends, to the theater of the mind. Tonight, we embark on a journey into the dark limelight. For too long, I have walked in the shadows of greatness, but now, it's time for me to step into the spotlight."
[Bo's eyes gleam with an unsettling intensity as he speaks, his voice carrying a hint of the manicness that consumed Bray.]
"You see, I've spent my time wandering in the wilderness, searching for answers, seeking the truth that lies beneath the surface. And what I've found... it's both beautiful and terrifying."
[He paces around the ring, his movements fluid yet erratic, mirroring the unpredictability of his brother.]
"But fear not, for I am not alone in this journey. No, I carry with me the spirit of Bray Wyatt, my brother, my mentor, my lantern in the darkness. Together, we shall unleash chaos upon the world, for it is in chaos that true enlightenment is found."
[As he speaks, cryptic images flash across the screen, hinting at the impending madness that awaits. Two stand out, a smiley face with blood splattered on the bright yellow exterior, and an uber-realistic heart still beating, decorated with disturbing facial features, the eyes gouged out and grey bruises left in the sunken holes.]
"So to those who dare to stand in our way, know this: the reckoning is coming. The shadows will consume you, and you will be left to live in fear. For the madness of the mind knows no bounds, and soon, you will understand the true meaning of terror, the true face of fear."
[The camera zooms in on Bo's face, a wicked grin spreading across his lips as he stares into the abyss, indescribable intentions lining his tortured mind.]
NXT 4/23/24:
Bo Dallas vs Scrypts
[Bo Dallas finally makes his in ring return, to the brand he once called home, the brand he was once champion of. He enters to Feared, seemingly confirming his past role. Across the ring from him is the highly acrobatic Scrypts, eager to get an upset victory over the, presumably rusty, Bo Dallas.
In the closing moments of the match, Bo Dallas delivers a new finishing maneuver. He locks Scrypts in position for a Sister Abigail, kiss and all, before securing the head and falling back into a devastating DDT laying out Scrypts for the three-count. As the referee raises Dallas' hand in victory, the arena is left with a mixture of awe and fear, witnessing the emergence of a new force on the white and gold brand.]
NXT, 4/30/24:
Bo Dallas vs Davey Vega (Local Competitor)
[In the heart of the performance center, Bo Dallas stands ready, his gaze fixed on his opponent, Davey Vega, a local competitor stepping into the lion's den. From the opening bell, Dallas unleashes a relentless assault, showcasing the brutal side of his newfound madness.
As the match progresses, the referee is forced to intervene, calling for the bell and awarding the match to Bo Dallas via referee stoppage, signaling the end of Vega's valiant effort.
However, Dallas shows no signs of mercy, launching a vicious post-match assault on the defenseless Vega, driving home the message that he is not to be trifled with.
Suddenly, the arena erupts with the arrival of Axiom, charging down the ramp to confront Dallas and put an end to his rampage. Bo Dallas, unfazed by the interruption, simply smiles in response, leaving a chilling sense of uncertainty in his wake as he retreats from the ring.]
NXT, 5/7/24:
The week after Bo Dallas bludgeoned a local competitor who was thankfully rescued by Axiom, a video airs detailing Bo's thoughts on this 'heroic' act.
[The scene opens with eerie music playing in the background as the screen flickers to life, revealing a dimly lit room. In the center of the frame, Bo Dallas sits, his expression veiled in shadows, radiating an aura of malevolence.]
"Axiom, my dear adversary, I have a message for you. A message that carries with it the weight of inevitability.
You see, Axiom, you and I... we exist on opposite ends of the spectrum. Where you seek light, I revel in darkness. Where you find solace, I find chaos. And in that chaos, there lies a power that few ever get to feel."
[As he speaks, the camera zooms in on Bo's face, revealing a sinister grin that twists his features into an unsettling visage.]
"But fear not, for I am not here to harm you... yet. No, I am here to offer you a choice. A choice that will define your destiny, a choice that will determine what kind of man you're going to be left as."
[His words hang in the air, heavy with implication and menace.]
"So heed my warning, Axiom, because I'm not a bad person. I don't wish to harm you. Believe me, it will hurt me more than it will hurt you, and that's truly, truly saying something. The choice is yours... choose wisely."
[With a flicker, the screen fades to black, leaving behind an ominous silence that lingers long after Bo's message has ended.]
Later that night, we cut to a scene of Axiom & Nathan Frazer in the locker room with Nathan Frazer anxiously pacing back and forth, his expression wrought with concern. Axiom, his tag team partner, stands nearby.
"Axiom, listen to me... I've got a bad feeling about this. You can't take this match with Bo Dallas. It's like... like there's something dark hovering over him, something... unnatural."
Axiom furrows his brow, puzzled by Nathan's urgency.
"Nathan, what are you talking about? We've faced tough opponents before. Hell, we just won the NXT Tag Team Championships last month. Bo Dallas is just another challenge for us to overcome."
"No, this is...this is different. I can't explain it, but, I know, somehow, that this guy is bad news."
The lights flicker, as Nathan's eyes begin to dart, wary of... something.
"Axiom, please, I'm begging you... don't do this."
Axiom shakes his head, his determination unwavering despite Nathan's pleas.
"I appreciate your concern, I really do. But I can't back down from this. Bo may be...troubled, but I refuse to let fear dictate my actions. We've trained hard for moments just like this, and, just imagine what it'll do for us if I beat a former NXT champion."
Nathan's shoulders slump in defeat, realizing that his words have fallen on deaf ears.
"Just... promise me you'll be careful. Promise me you'll watch your back. There's something... something sinister about him. I'm afraid that if you face Bo Dallas, you won't come out of it the same."
Axiom nods solemnly, trying to show Frazer that he takes his concerns seriously. He reassures Nathan that he's got this, and by this time next week, they will be on the road to bigger and better things. He goes to get the match made official, leaving Nathan alone with his dark premonitions.
NXT, 5/14/24:
In the backstage area, dimly lit and filled with an air of anticipation, Bo Dallas prepares for his upcoming match against Axiom. Dressed in his ominous attire, reminiscent of his brothers, but with a touch of his own style. He methodically wraps his hands with tape, his mind focused on the task at hand. Suddenly, Joe Gacy appears, his smile warm and inviting as he approaches Dallas.
"Bo, my friend! I just wanted to say, I've been admiring your work lately. Your commitment to embracing your darker side is truly inspiring. For example, what you're going to do to Axiom tonight. If a guy like that doesn't want to listen to guys like us when we're warning him, begging him not to oppose us. Well, they get what they deserve."
Bo Dallas, though polite, eyes Gacy warily, sensing an underlying tension beneath his seemingly friendly demeanor.
"Thanks, Joe. I appreciate the... kind words. But let me ask you something...I hear your gospel, and you preach a lot about redemption. Do you truly believe in redemption? Or are you just using it as an excuse to justify your own actions?"
Gacy's smile wavers slightly at the question, but he quickly regains his composure.
"Of course, Bo. Redemption is a core belief of mine. I believe that everyone, no matter how lost they may seem, deserves a chance at redemption. Even those who have embraced their darker nature."
Bo Dallas nods, though the skepticism still lingers.
"Because you know, guys like us, of course. We don't make apologies, we don't make excuses, we don't need redemption. If you feel that you do, well, maybe you're nothing like me at all."
Before either can dive deeper into the conversation, a stagehand interrupts, signaling that it's time for Bo's match.
"We'll continue this conversation later, Joe. Right now, I have a match to focus on."
With a curt nod, Dallas strides off towards the ring, leaving Gacy standing alone in the dimly lit hallway, his smile masking the darkness that lurks beneath the surface. As Dallas's theme music echoes through the arena, Gacy watches with a knowing glint in his eyes, hinting at the turbulent confrontation yet to come.
Axiom vs Bo Dallas
[The arena buzzes as Axiom makes his entrance, his determination palpable in the air as he clutches his Tag Title strap. Across the ring, Bo Dallas stands, a sinister grin etched on his face as he eagerly awaits his opponent.
As the bell rings, Axiom explodes into action, showcasing his high-flying prowess with dazzling maneuvers, but Bo Dallas is unfazed, meeting Axiom's athleticism with a ruthless onslaught of dirty tactics and underhanded tricks.
Bo sinks to new depths of depravity, resorting to underhanded tactics such as eye rakes and choking Axiom with the ring ropes when the referee's back is turned. He strategically targets Axiom's limbs, ruthlessly wrenching at joints and ligaments with painful submission holds, eliciting agonized screams from his opponent. At one point, Bo viciously slams Axiom's knee into the ring post, causing a sickening crunch that echoes throughout the arena, leaving Axiom writhing in pain on the mat.
He repeatedly drives his knee into Axiom's ribs with malicious intent, ignoring the referee's warnings and relishing in the damage he deals.
Despite the odds stacked against him, Axiom refuses to back down, channeling his inner resilience to mount a comeback against his twisted adversary. With every leap and flip, he defies gravity, inciting faint Axiom chants that become even fainter as the finish nears.
Axiom attempts a shooting star from the top rope and gets caught in Sister Abigail positioning, kiss, DDT. Commentary dubs it Grim Affection. A dominant victory for Bo Dallas over a game Axiom.
"I told you, Axiom, that you had a choice to make. A choice to define your destiny, to decide what kind of man was going to be left. You... you didn't believe me."
Bo drops the mic and drags Axiom out of the ring. He nears the announce desk and begins slamming Axiom's head into the table. Again, and again, and again. Repeatedly. After several sickening collisions with the desk, medical personnel back Bo up and wring his grip off of Axiom's neck.
Perhaps, people should be asking what drove Bo to do this, how he could do this, but then again, he did warn us. Rather, one question seems to linger.
Where was Nathan Frazer?]
NXT, 5/21/24:
Bo Dallas vs Riley Osborne
The following week, Bo Dallas is paired up with the impressive up and comer, Riley Osborne. Osborne, a dynamic highflyer known for his breath-taking maneuvers, brings an energy to the match that contrasts sharply with Dallas's dark and brooding presence.
With Dallas in the driver's seat, Joe Gacy emerges from the shadows, making his way to ringside with his trademark smile firmly in place. His presence unnerves Dallas, who becomes increasingly distracted by Gacy's watchful gaze.
Sensing an opportunity, Osborne seizes the moment, launching a series of high-flying attacks that leave Dallas reeling. With the crowd firmly behind him, Osborne delivers a flurry of strikes and aerial maneuvers, building momentum and gaining the advantage.
However, just as it seems that Osborne may secure the victory, Gacy interjects himself into the match, distracting the referee and creating an opening for Dallas to strike. Seizing the opportunity, Dallas delivers a devastating blow to the back of Osborne's head, knocking him to the mat and leaving him vulnerable to Grim Affection.
Dallas quickly executes the DDT, driving Osborne's head into the canvas with brutal force. Dallas covers Osborne for the pinfall victory, all the while, keeping a weary eye on Joe Gacy. His victory tainted by the interference.
As Dallas stands victorious in the ring, Gacy watches from ringside, his smile wider than ever as he silently applauds Dallas's triumph, his motivations indeterminable.
Backstage, Bo strides purposefully towards Gacy, his expression a mix of frustration and curiosity. Gacy stands nearby, his back turned to the approaching Dallas.
"Joe, we need to talk. What the hell made you think you could get involved in my match?"
Joe turns to face Dallas, his smile unwavering despite the tension in the air.
"Bo, it's simple. I got involved because that's what friends do. We look out for each other, we support each other, no matter what."
Dallas narrows his eyes, unpleased with the explanation.
"Friends, huh? Joe, let me make something clear to you. You and me are not friends. You talk about 'guys like us.' but if you were really anything like me, you'd know, guys like us don't get the luxury of friendship. Stay out of my way."
Dallas walks off, leaving Gacy alone in the dimly lit hallway, feeling confident his warning will be the last he hears from Gacy. As Gacy watches Dallas's retreating figure, his smile fades slightly, a hint of the darkness leaking out behind his facade of friendliness.
NXT, 5/28/24:
In the aftermath of Dallas's confrontation with Joe backstage, tensions between the two competitors continue to simmer beneath the surface. As Dallas prepares for his next match, Gacy lurks in the shadows, his smile masking the intentions that lie beneath.
Bo Dallas vs Je'Von Evans
As Dallas steps into the ring to face off with the spry Evans, Gacy watches from ringside, his presence a constant reminder of the brewing conflict between them. Throughout the match, Dallas's focus is split between Je'Von and Gacy, the unsettling feeling of being watched lingering on his mind.
As the match reaches its climax, Gacy's interference once again comes into play, this time in the form of distraction tactics that allow Evans to gain the upper hand, ending his dominant sequence with a huracanrana to send Dallas out of the ring. Frustrated by Gacy's meddling, Dallas lashes out, confronting Gacy at ringside.
"What are you doing?! I told you to stay out of my business."
"I'm just trying to help, Bo. Can't you see that? We're in this together, whether you like it or not."
The confrontation between Dallas and Gacy escalates, drawing the attention of the referee and the audience alike. Sensing an opportunity, Je'Von seizes the moment, delivering a springboard crossbody that leaves Dallas smashed against the barricade.
As the match comes to a close, Dallas finds himself on the receiving end of a corkscrew frogsplash, pinned to the mat as the referee issues the three-count. Gacy watches from ringside, his smile wider than ever as he revels in Dallas's defeat.
As Dallas staggers to his feet, his anger evident, Gacy offers a mocking clap of applause, his smile taunting Dallas from across the ring.
NXT, 6/4/24:
The following week, Bo is obviously beside himself, given his first loss since returning due to the meddling nature of Joe Gacy. He wants answers, and he gets them, but they are perhaps...not what he expected
The video opens with a dimly lit room, casting eerie shadows across the walls. In the center of the frame, in an old rocking chair, sits Joe Gacy. He's surrounded by a cluttered array of photos, newspaper clippings, and pins connected by lengths of yarn. His expression is intense, bordering on obsessive, as he addresses the camera.
"Greetings, my friends. I wanted to take a moment to share something with you. Something that has been weighing heavily on my mind as of late."
He gestures to the wall behind him, where a complex web of connections links various images together.
"You see, I've been doing some... research. Trying to understand the connections between us all, the threads that bind us together."
He points to individual photos, each depicting familiar figures, including Alexa Bliss, Bo Dallas, Braun Strowman, Bray Wyatt, Erick Rowan, Luke Harper, and even the iconic sheep mask.
"Bo Dallas... Bray Wyatt... They're more than just competitors to me. They're kindred spirits, souls bound by a shared vision of darkness and redemption. And now, with their guidance, I seek to create something truly special."
His voice takes on a fervent tone, his eyes gleaming with manic intensity.
"You may call me a fan, a devotee of their work. But I see myself as something more. I am a disciple, a vessel through which their legacy will live on. Together, Bo and me will forge a new path, a new family built on the foundations of their greatness."
As the camera zooms in on Gacy's face, his smile widens, revealing a hint of madness lurking beneath the surface.
"So to Bo, my dear friend and partner in crime, I say this: embrace the chaos, embrace the darkness, and together, we will create something truly extraordinary."
With a final unsettling chuckle, Gacy reaches forward to turn off the camera, a squeak echoing from the rocking chair and cascading across the disturbed audience.
NXT, Battleground:
Bo Dallas vs Joe Gacy
As the lights dim in the UFC Apex arena, anticipation hangs heavy in the air as Bo Dallas and Joe Gacy make their way to the ring, their paths on a collision course fueled by obsession.
From the opening bell, Gacy wastes no time in asserting his dominance, launching a relentless assault on Dallas with a combination of technical prowess and psychological warfare. Gacy taunts Dallas, insisting that he needs Gacy to unlock his true potential, but Dallas remains defiant, refusing to give in to Gacy's grand delusion.
Despite Gacy's mind games, Dallas fights back with a fierce determination, fueled by a desire for revenge against the man who has cost him victories and sought to manipulate him. The two competitors trade blows in a brutal back-and-forth, each refusing to back down in their quest for supremacy.
As the match reaches its climax, Gacy's desperation becomes apparent as he resorts to underhanded tactics to gain the upper hand. He attempts to lure Dallas into his twisted worldview, promising power and redemption through submission to his will, both literally and figuratively as he traps Dallas in Hell's Gate. Dallas sees through Gacy's deception, though, refusing to be swayed by his false promises and makes it to the ropes.
In a dramatic turn of events, Dallas mounts a ferocious comeback, unleashing a barrage of strikes that leave Gacy reeling. With the crowd rallying behind him, Dallas summons every ounce of strength to overcome Gacy.
In the final moments of the match, Gacy attempts his handspring lariat, but Dallas catches him! Dallas has him in position and connects with Grim Affection, Gacy's delusion shattered in the face of Dallas's unwavering resolve. With a triumphant roar, Dallas secures the victory, standing tall.
As Dallas celebrates his hard-fought victory, Gacy slinks away into the shadows, his facade of superiority crumbling under the weight of his defeat.
NXT, 6/11/24:
On the NXT following Battleground, Bo Dallas makes his way to the ring. He details how Gacy was one of the hardest fights of his career and he has a newfound respect for him. Gacy is clearly...confused about any potential connection he may have to Dallas, but Dallas has been a man of much confusion in the past and he can sympathize.
He asks Gacy to come out to the ring so Dallas can shake his hand after their war at Battleground. Instead, Gallus's music hits, the trio of bruisers signaling their arrival. The Coffey Brothers & Wolfgang have been on a Shield-esque run recently, terrorizing anyone they deem a threat to their success and dissecting them via the numbers game.
As Gallus surround the ring, preventing Dallas from making an escape, they bore their eyes into a trepidatious Bo.
Just as the wolfpack is about to swarm, Love Is Blind hits and Joe Gacy runs down wielding a steel chair. He jabs Wolfgang in the gut, and levels Mark Coffey with chair shots as well. This leaves Joe vulnerable to Dallas's attack, laying out Coffey. Coffey flees from the right side of the ring as Gacy enters from the left. Gacy and Dallas end up bumping, back to back, into each other.
They stare each other down cautiously, before Dallas sticks out his hand, Gacy shakes it and the two unlikely bedmates stand united against Gallus.
NXT, 6/18/24:
Bo Dallas & Joe Gacy vs Gallus (The Coffey Brothers)
[With Dallas & Gacy seemingly aligning for the moment, with the numbers game of Gallus being too great for either to overcome alone, this match is made.
Joe & Mark Coffey showcase their brawling ways and take the fight to Dallas, wearing him down throughout the match. It's not until Bo makes a hot tag to Joe Gacy that tides start to turn.
Gacy matches the brutality of Coffey and battles back as the freshest competitor in the match. As Gacy closes in on a victory, Dallas clears out Wolfgang at ringside who was attempting to get involved.
A moment later, Gacy is pinning Mark to secure the win for him and Bo.]
Later that night, Bo and Gacy run into Gacy's old running mate and NXT General Manager, Ava. She says that she was impressed with their performance and if they're interested in accepting it, would like to offer a Tag Team Title opportunity to them next week.
Joe looks to Dallas for his answer, and Bo agrees to the match. It seems Joe is finally getting his wish, to team with a man who's work he's admired for some time in Bo Dallas.
NXT, 6/25/24:
Axiom & Nathan Frazer (c) vs Bo Dallas & Joe Gacy: NXT Tag Team Championship Match
[Ever since Bo's encounter with Axiom, there's been tensions between Axiom & Frazer. Frazer has been somewhat absent, slacking in comparison to Axiom's extreme efforts. Not to mention, Nathan's choice to let Dallas brutally beat on him last month.
Earlier in the night, it's made clear that Frazer's most egregious example of this recent behavior is taking place at the most inopportune time. Axiom first gives an interview early in the show, Nathan isn't here yet but Axiom stays confident in their defense tonight. Axiom later voices concern to Ava over Nathan not being here yet. Finally, Axiom finds a note in his locker, clearly informing Axiom that Nathan isn't coming.
Axiom is asked pre match about these developments, the champion states he's going to go out there and vigorously defend his title, and if he fails...well he's no longer got a tag team partner, maybe he shouldn't be a tag team champion.
It's a big fight feel with the tag team titles up for grabs, but once Dallas and Gacy finish making their entrance, Axiom enters alone. The handicap is evident as despite Axiom's valiant efforts, the revolving door of tags from his opponents keeps him weak.
Axiom unleashes a series of big maneuvers on both men, fighting his heart out until his last breath. Axiom dives onto Dallas at ringside and attempts to on Gacy as well, but gets tossed into the ring apron. Gacy sends him back in and flattens him with a handspring lariat. He feeds Axiom to Dallas who lands Grim Affection.
With that, the Tag Team Championships now belong to Bo Dallas & Joe Gacy. A defeated Axiom writhes on the canvas, a harrowing loss noticably affecting him.]
NXT, 7/2/24:
It's the week after the big Tag Title victory, and Dallas & Gacy make their entrance, eager to celebrate Gacy's first WWE Title and Dallas's first in over a decade.
They seem very giddy to be Champions, Dallas compliments Gacy's vision and states that Joe knew they would make a great team even when Bo didn't want to accept it.
Dallas states that when he first came back, he was nervous, nervous he wouldn't live up to that legacy, fill those boots. Thanks to Gacy though, it was easier than Bo expected and know that he's got gold, he can finally relax. He feels that weight off of his shoulders.
This seems to unsettle Gacy who states that the hard part has just begun though and it's time to put in their best work. The tag titles are just phase one of the plan. Dallas says that, eventually sure, maybe they'll go after other titles and bigger things, but for now, this feels comfortable for Bo.
Gacy simply stares at him for a moment until Edris Enofé and Malik Blade arrive. Gacy turns away from Dallas to spot the young, hungry tag team. Enofé and Blade state that they are one of the longest tenured teams in NXT right now and they deserve a tag team title shot.
Dallas tries to tell them they'll need to earn it, not seeing the irony of how easy his road to the titles has been, Gacy however accepts on Bo's behalf and schedules the match for later tonight.
Joe tries to talk some sense into Bo backstage, letting Bo know that Gacy helped him capture gold as a way to inspire Bo to work harder, to fulfill his destiny and truly become great with Gacy. Dallas shouldn't become comfortable right now, now is when you double down on that effort and become undeniable. Dallas seems disinterested.
Bo Dallas & Joe Gacy (c) vs Edris Enofé & Malik Blade: Tag Team Championship Match
[The enthusiastic team of Enofé and Blade have the biggest opportunity of their young careers, as they take on two established foes with NXT tag gold on the line. The very different styles contrast throughout, the aggressive, smash-mouth style of Bo and Gacy opposite the adrenaline fueled, fast paced Edris and Blade.
It begins to look unlikely that the challengers will have a chance to fulfill their long awaited dream as Dallas and Gacy continuously cut off their momentum.
In a last gasp effort, Blade is able to turn the tides and neutralize Gacy at ringside, this leaves Dallas vulnerable to Enofé who closes the gap by standing on the back of Dallas and dropping into a DDT. Bo somehow gets the shoulder up, and Edris directs Malik to the top rope. Swanton Bomb by Blade, cover by Edris. New Tag Team Champions.]
After the bout, Gacy hugs a distraught Dallas. Bo is facing away from the camera, Gacy is facing towards it. Gacy whispers something in Bo's ear before planting a kiss on the side of his head. Dallas turns around just as Gacy connects with a handspring lariat. Joe stands over the flattened Dallas, and in disappointment, leaves the ring.
NXT Heatwave:
Bo Dallas vs Joe Gacy, Love & War:
[The stage is set for a hazardous clash as Bo Dallas and Joe Gacy step into the ring for their Love & War Match, a twisted variation of an Extreme Rules bout. The atmosphere is personal, the hurt of betrayal evident on the face of Bo, as the two rivals lock eyes, each determined to emerge victorious.
As the bell rings, Bo Dallas wastes no time in unleashing his pent-up frustration on Joe Gacy, launching a relentless assault with a steel chair in hand. Gacy, however, remains cool and composed, dodging Dallas's swings with ease before retaliating with a series of calculated strikes ending in a bodyslam on the open chair.
The match quickly spills to the outside, where Dallas sends Gacy crashing into the steel steps with a vicious Irish whip. The impact reverberates through the arena as Gacy writhes in pain on the cold concrete floor. Gacy eye pokes Dallas and tries for a sit-out piledriver on the bottom set of stairs, the top set tipped over beside it.
Dallas connects with a back body drop, though, sending Gacy cascading into the top half of the stairs. Back inside the ring, Dallas sets up a table in the corner, his eyes burning with determination as he prepares to put an end to Gacy's deception once and for all. Following a Sunset Flip, Dallas shows his strength, carrying Gacy across the ring and sending him crashing through the table with a devastating powerbomb, the wood splintering beneath the force of the impact.
But Gacy refuses to stay down, rallying back with a barbed wire bat in hand. With a sadistic grin, Gacy swings the bat at Dallas, striking him across the back with brutal force. The barbed wire tears at Dallas's flesh, leaving behind a trail of blood as he staggers back in agony.
Gacy introduces a ladder, propping it up in the corner, he slingshots Dallas into the hard steel. The ladder is set on Bo's neck, trapping his head in the middle of it, Gacy connects with a german suplex while Bo's head is trapped.
Joe fishes out a barbed wire wrapped table, setting it up outside the ring. Gacy re-enters and spots a vulnerable Dallas. He attempts a handspring lariat, but as soon as he goes upside down into the ropes, Bo spears Gacy, driving both men out of the ring.
Dallas and Gacy brawl on the apron, footsteps away from the barbed wire table. Gacy gets Dallas sat against the steel post and attempts a cannonball, Dallas pulls himself into the ring last second and Gacy crashes into the steel post.
Dallas runs the ropes and connects with a suicide spear through the barbed wire table. With Gacy reeling from the impact, Dallas seizes the opportunity to end the match once and for all. He sets a table ablaze in ring, the flames licking at the sky as he hoists Gacy into the squared circle.
Dallas sets up the ladder and begins to climb, he's thinking an elbow drop on the downed Gacy, but Joe climbs and gets Dallas in a fireman's carry position. Bo frees himself and gets Gacy in electric chair position.
The crowd waits in baited breath, as with a primal roar, Dallas falls backwards with Gacy on his shoulders, from fifteen feet in the air, into the table, the fire consuming them both in a blaze of glory. The crowd erupts into cheers as the referee counts the three-count, declaring Bo Dallas the winner of the Love & War Match.
As Dallas stands tall amidst the smoldering wreckage, a sense of catharsis washes over him, his victory a symbol of triumph over betrayal. As he gazes down at Gacy's body though, one thought runs through his head, a thought that scares him to his core, it's implications undeniable.
"That was fun."
WWE uploads an exclusive backstage video showing Gacy approach Bo. Dallas is on edge and stiffens up, Gacy grabs him by his face.
"Good. Now go fulfill your destiny."
Gacy claps Dallas on the chest and leaves, leaving Bo in a mix of emotions as he is forced to consider Gacy's betrayal may have been a selfless action.]
RAW, 7/15/24:
SummerSlam is just over two weeks away and things are heating up. Shortly before the respective parties make their entrance for the main event of the evening, a video airs.
[The camera flickers to life revealing the familiar face of one Bo Dallas, coming off arguably the most brutal match of his career and an enigmatic piece of advice from Joe Gacy.]
"It's been said that those who are baptized in the darkness, cannot handle the light, for it will surely blind them. As I stand here today, I feel the weight of those words.
I've spent so long living in fear, fear of not living up to those who came before me..."
[Flashes of The US Express and Bray Wyatt shoot across the screen.]
"Fear of failing."
[This time, flashes of Bo's initial run with WWE, losing his winning streak to R-Truth and then beginning his losing streak.]
"Fear...of judgement."
[Bo, previously staring at the ground, gazes up.]
"I thought I'd be able to feel him, but not like this. He's... he's everywhere. In everyone he's ever stood across the ring from. One man, he stands out in particular, not for no rhyme or reason, see my brother...he knew this man very well.
SummerSlam is fast approaching and I just wouldn't miss it for the world. And as for my opponent? Well, discretion is the better part of válor.
I can't tell you that part just yet, one thing I can tell you though? I am not afraid...anymore."
[The gaze of Bo stagnates on screen prior to the feed cutting off.]
RAW, 7/22/24:
Towards the end of the show, a big match occurs, harkening back to their days in NXT fighting over the top title, Finn Bálor collides with Pete Dunne in singles action.
It's a hard hitting affair, with McDonagh & Bate getting involved as well. Bálor scores the triumphant victory off his patented Coup De Grace. McDonagh has long disappeared, fighting with Bate to the backstage area.
Suddenly the lights go out, dimming section by section. Chills coat Bálor's body as deja vu swarms him. He's been here before.
Suddenly, Bo Dallas appears behind Finn Bálor, a single swinging spotlight allowing him to be seen. Bálor turns around and gets caught with a forearm to the face. Dallas drags him up and connects with Grim Affection.
Bo sits in the corner of the ring, murmuring to himself. The message is clear, Bo Dallas has set his sights on Finn Bálor.
RAW, 7/29/24:
The go home episode of RAW before SummerSlam, another video from Bo airs.
"My brother was a troubled man with a troubled mind. He loved this business more than anything else, and he gave his life to it. Bray was always...erratic, different and he was judged for it, believe me. I remember, five years ago, Bray called me in the middle of the night and just started to ramble about this thing. This thing that was going to finally make him. He was obsessed with the prospect of fear, fear is power, and Bray is a man who often had his power stripped from him. Fear was his way of getting it back.
In Toronto, maybe for the first time, Bray was a truly fearsome man, and with that, he became truly, truly powerful. Five years ago, Finn, you were the example. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
I have a question for you, Finn, when you are at the center of all of the judgement that you cast, will you survive? I suppose I'll get my answer, on August 3rd."
[Bo settles back into his chair, contemplating before continuing.]
"You were supposed to be someone, Finn, there's a reason my brother targeted you in the first place, he saw that same darkness that he never could resist. That darkness though, is gone now. You've spent so much time...chasing rabbits. You've lost sight of who you were meant to be.
I fear, now, it's too late. There's nothing left of you to salvage, which is bad news for you, but very good news for me. Feeble as you are, you will be a perfect example, a sign of things to come, a canvas for which I will paint with my demons. Finn, I will ensure you do not die in vain, your sacrifice will be very, very worthy.
In five days, I become, for the first time, truly powerful. And in five days, Finn, you will find, we're all mad here."
[Bo exits the room as a small white rabbit skitters on to the desk in front of the camera.]
submitted by SpiralSour to fantasybooking [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 17:10 Immediate-Hat662 Unlocking Success: The Power of CRM for Every Business and Individual

In the bustling realm of commerce, where competition is fierce and consumer expectations are ever-evolving, the ability to forge meaningful connections with customers is not just desirable—it's essential. Enter Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, the digital backbone of modern businesses and individuals seeking to thrive in today's dynamic marketplace. From small startups to multinational conglomerates, and from freelancers to seasoned professionals, the advantages of CRM are profound and far-reaching. In this article, we delve into the transformative potential of CRM, exploring how its implementation can revolutionize operations, elevate customer experiences, and drive sustainable growth for businesses and individuals alike.

The Essence of CRM: Building Bridges, Fostering Relationships

At its core, CRM is more than just a software solution—it's a philosophy centered around cultivating and nurturing relationships. Whether you're managing a burgeoning enterprise or steering your freelance career towards success, CRM empowers you to establish stronger connections with customers, prospects, and stakeholders. By capturing, organizing, and analyzing crucial data points—from contact information and purchase history to communication preferences and behavioral patterns—CRM enables businesses and individuals to gain invaluable insights into their audience.

Streamlining Operations: Efficiency at its Finest

Efficiency is the lifeblood of any successful venture, and CRM serves as a catalyst for operational excellence. With streamlined processes for managing leads, automating tasks, and tracking interactions, businesses can optimize their workflows and eliminate bottlenecks that hinder productivity. Similarly, individuals can leverage CRM to streamline administrative tasks, freeing up valuable time to focus on core competencies and strategic endeavors. Whether it's scheduling appointments, sending personalized messages, or generating insightful reports, CRM simplifies the complexities of day-to-day operations, allowing for smoother sailing in the turbulent seas of business.

Elevating Customer Experiences: From Transactional to Transformational

In an era where customer experience reigns supreme, CRM empowers businesses and individuals to transcend mere transactions and deliver memorable interactions that resonate with audiences. By centralizing customer data and harnessing the power of analytics, CRM enables personalized engagement strategies tailored to the unique preferences and needs of each individual. Whether it's anticipating future needs, resolving issues proactively, or delivering targeted marketing campaigns, CRM empowers organizations and individuals to foster loyalty, satisfaction, and advocacy among their clientele.

Driving Growth: From Ambition to Achievement

Growth is the ultimate barometer of success, and CRM serves as a potent catalyst for driving sustainable expansion. By providing a comprehensive view of the sales pipeline, identifying lucrative opportunities, and optimizing conversion rates, CRM empowers businesses to capitalize on untapped potential and maximize revenue generation. Moreover, by nurturing existing relationships and uncovering new avenues for growth, CRM lays the foundation for long-term success and profitability. For individuals, CRM offers a pathway to professional advancement, enabling them to build robust networks, showcase their expertise, and seize lucrative opportunities in an increasingly competitive landscape.

Case Studies in Success: Real-World Applications of CRM

To illustrate the tangible impact of CRM, let's explore a few real-world examples of businesses and individuals who have leveraged CRM to unlock their full potential:

Business Case Study: XYZ Corporation

XYZ Corporation, a mid-sized manufacturing company, faced challenges in managing its sprawling customer base and coordinating sales efforts across multiple departments. By implementing a CRM system, XYZ Corporation was able to consolidate customer data, streamline communication between teams, and identify cross-selling opportunities. As a result, sales productivity soared, customer satisfaction levels reached new heights, and XYZ Corporation experienced a significant uptick in revenue growth.

Individual Case Study: Jane Doe, Freelance Consultant

Jane Doe, a freelance consultant specializing in digital marketing, struggled to keep track of her diverse client portfolio and prioritize her workload effectively. With the adoption of a CRM platform tailored for solo professionals, Jane gained a comprehensive overview of her clients' needs, preferences, and project timelines. Armed with this invaluable insight, Jane was able to deliver exceptional service, exceed client expectations, and expand her client base through referrals and word-of-mouth recommendations.

Embracing the Future: The Evolution of CRM

As technology continues to evolve at a breakneck pace, the future of CRM holds boundless possibilities for innovation and growth. From artificial intelligence and machine learning to augmented reality and predictive analytics, emerging technologies are reshaping the landscape of CRM, offering unprecedented opportunities for businesses and individuals to connect with their audiences in meaningful and impactful ways. By staying abreast of the latest developments and embracing a culture of continuous learning and adaptation, organizations and individuals can position themselves at the forefront of the CRM revolution, poised to unlock new levels of success in the years to come.

Conclusion: Empowering Success, One Relationship at a Time

In conclusion, the transformative power of CRM extends far beyond mere software—it's a catalyst for success, a gateway to opportunity, and a beacon of innovation in an ever-changing world. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur leading a multinational corporation or an ambitious individual charting your own course towards success, CRM offers a pathway to prosperity, enabling you to forge stronger connections, streamline operations, elevate customer experiences, and drive sustainable growth. So, seize the moment, embrace the possibilities, and unlock your full potential with CRM—the ultimate key to unlocking success in today's interconnected marketplace.
n the bustling realm of commerce, where competition is fierce and consumer expectations are ever-evolving, the ability to forge meaningful connections with customers is not just desirable—it's essential. Enter Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, the digital backbone of modern businesses and individuals seeking to thrive in today's dynamic marketplace. From small startups to multinational conglomerates, and from freelancers to seasoned professionals, the advantages of CRM are profound and far-reaching. In this article, we delve into the transformative potential of CRM, exploring how its implementation can revolutionize operations, elevate customer experiences, and drive sustainable growth for businesses and individuals alike.

The Essence of CRM: Building Bridges, Fostering Relationships

At its core, CRM is more than just a software solution—it's a philosophy centered around cultivating and nurturing relationships. Whether you're managing a burgeoning enterprise or steering your freelance career towards success, CRM empowers you to establish stronger connections with customers, prospects, and stakeholders. By capturing, organizing, and analyzing crucial data points—from contact information and purchase history to communication preferences and behavioral patterns—CRM enables businesses and individuals to gain invaluable insights into their audience.

Streamlining Operations: Efficiency at its Finest

Efficiency is the lifeblood of any successful venture, and CRM serves as a catalyst for operational excellence. With streamlined processes for managing leads, automating tasks, and tracking interactions, businesses can optimize their workflows and eliminate bottlenecks that hinder productivity. Similarly, individuals can leverage CRM to streamline administrative tasks, freeing up valuable time to focus on core competencies and strategic endeavors. Whether it's scheduling appointments, sending personalized messages, or generating insightful reports, CRM simplifies the complexities of day-to-day operations, allowing for smoother sailing in the turbulent seas of business.

Elevating Customer Experiences: From Transactional to Transformational

In an era where customer experience reigns supreme, CRM empowers businesses and individuals to transcend mere transactions and deliver memorable interactions that resonate with audiences. By centralizing customer data and harnessing the power of analytics, CRM enables personalized engagement strategies tailored to the unique preferences and needs of each individual. Whether it's anticipating future needs, resolving issues proactively, or delivering targeted marketing campaigns, CRM empowers organizations and individuals to foster loyalty, satisfaction, and advocacy among their clientele.

Driving Growth: From Ambition to Achievement

Growth is the ultimate barometer of success, and CRM serves as a potent catalyst for driving sustainable expansion. By providing a comprehensive view of the sales pipeline, identifying lucrative opportunities, and optimizing conversion rates, CRM empowers businesses to capitalize on untapped potential and maximize revenue generation. Moreover, by nurturing existing relationships and uncovering new avenues for growth, CRM lays the foundation for long-term success and profitability. For individuals, CRM offers a pathway to professional advancement, enabling them to build robust networks, showcase their expertise, and seize lucrative opportunities in an increasingly competitive landscape.

Case Studies in Success: Real-World Applications of CRM

To illustrate the tangible impact of CRM, let's explore a few real-world examples of businesses and individuals who have leveraged CRM to unlock their full potential:

Business Case Study: XYZ Corporation

XYZ Corporation, a mid-sized manufacturing company, faced challenges in managing its sprawling customer base and coordinating sales efforts across multiple departments. By implementing a CRM system, XYZ Corporation was able to consolidate customer data, streamline communication between teams, and identify cross-selling opportunities. As a result, sales productivity soared, customer satisfaction levels reached new heights, and XYZ Corporation experienced a significant uptick in revenue growth.

Individual Case Study: Jane Doe, Freelance Consultant

Jane Doe, a freelance consultant specializing in digital marketing, struggled to keep track of her diverse client portfolio and prioritize her workload effectively. With the adoption of a CRM platform tailored for solo professionals, Jane gained a comprehensive overview of her clients' needs, preferences, and project timelines. Armed with this invaluable insight, Jane was able to deliver exceptional service, exceed client expectations, and expand her client base through referrals and word-of-mouth recommendations.

Embracing the Future: The Evolution of CRM

As technology continues to evolve at a breakneck pace, the future of CRM holds boundless possibilities for innovation and growth. From artificial intelligence and machine learning to augmented reality and predictive analytics, emerging technologies are reshaping the landscape of CRM, offering unprecedented opportunities for businesses and individuals to connect with their audiences in meaningful and impactful ways. By staying abreast of the latest developments and embracing a culture of continuous learning and adaptation, organizations and individuals can position themselves at the forefront of the CRM revolution, poised to unlock new levels of success in the years to come.

Conclusion: Empowering Success, One Relationship at a Time

In conclusion, the transformative power of CRM extends far beyond mere software—it's a catalyst for success, a gateway to opportunity, and a beacon of innovation in an ever-changing world. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur leading a multinational corporation or an ambitious individual charting your own course towards success, CRM offers a pathway to prosperity, enabling you to forge stronger connections, streamline operations, elevate customer experiences, and drive sustainable growth. So, seize the moment, embrace the possibilities, and unlock your full potential with CRM—the ultimate key to unlocking success in today's interconnected marketplace.
submitted by Immediate-Hat662 to u/Immediate-Hat662 [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 17:07 BCScalingScout1 DEX223: A Tale of Triumphs and Trials in Decentralized Trading!

DEX223: A Tale of Triumphs and Trials in Decentralized Trading!
In the ever-spinning world of decentralized exchanges, where every platform attempts to outshine the others, DEX223 emerges as the clear ringmaster. Picture a place where trading is as easy as ordering your favourite cup of coffee—this is DEX223, turning the often bewildering world of crypto trading into a walk in the park. Even those who might feel overwhelmed by technology find that navigating DEX223 is a breeze.
Imagine trading at the speed of thought. While users on other platforms might find themselves staring at the spinning wheel of delay, DEX223 trades zip and zoom like a cheetah on a caffeine spree. This incredible speed ensures that opportunities are never missed, and the thrill of trading remains uninterrupted by sluggish transaction times.
But DEX223 isn’t just fast; it’s secure. In a digital environment where security often feels more like hope than a guarantee, DEX223 stands as a fortress. Think of it as the digital equivalent of Fort Knox, where your digital gold is guarded against the dragons of the internet age—hackers lurking in the shadows. Here, traders sleep soundly, knowing their assets are under the vigilant watch of the most advanced security protocols.
Beyond the mechanics of trading, DEX223 thrives on its vibrant community. It's like stepping into a bustling marketplace, not a stark financial exchange. Here, newbies and seasoned traders exchange ideas, strategies, and sometimes, just plain old camaraderie. It's this lively community spirit that transforms trading from a solitary activity into a collective endeavor where everyone can thrive.
DEX223 isn't afraid to innovate, either. While other exchanges might tread cautiously, sticking to the beaten path, DEX223 dances on the cutting edge. It introduces features that are not just enhancements but revolutions in how decentralized trading operates. With multi-EVM-chain support, fair token distribution, and inclusive governance, DEX223 isn’t just participating in the market—it’s leading it.
The engine under the hood of this sleek machine is as sophisticated as they come. With smart contracts that make trades as trustless as a cat burglar in a diamond store and off-chain order books that bring the speed and scalability needed for modern trading, DEX223 ensures that every transaction is smooth and swift.
What truly sets DEX223 apart, though, is its commitment to its users. Here, traders are more than just account numbers; they’re vital members of the platform’s ecosystem. With fee shares and governance rights, users wield real power and share in the platform’s success. They’re stakeholders in a burgeoning digital economy, where every voice can be heard, and every idea has the potential to spark change.
In a world where transparency in crypto can be as rare as a straightforward Terms of Service agreement, DEX223 shines brightly. Every transaction and decision is open, transparent, and honest for the community to see. It’s like reality TV but with blockchain—less drama, more substance.
DEX223 welcomes everyone, from trading novices looking for a friendly entry point to seasoned market sharks seeking robust features and lightning-fast execution. It’s an invitation to join not just a platform but a movement, where trading is as thrilling as rewarding.
So why settle for the mundane when you can trade with the best? Choose DEX223 and step into a trading adventure as exciting as a blockbuster movie—with all the profits and none of the popcorn.
So, you want to know what DEX223 does? In this article, we'll show you just that. DEX223 isn't just another decentralized exchange (DEX); it's a game-changer in the world of decentralized finance (DeFi). It's designed to revolutionize the way we trade cryptocurrencies. At its core, DEX223 allows users to trade cryptocurrencies directly from their wallets, without the need for a central intermediary. This means that you remain in control of your funds at all times, eliminating the risks associated with centralized exchanges.DEX223 achieves this by leveraging the superior token standard ERC-223 and battle-proven Solidity smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. Here's a simplified explanation of how it works:
  1. Smart Contract Deployment: DEX223 deploys smart contracts that act as decentralized exchanges on the Ethereum blockchain. These smart contracts contain the logic for trading tokens.
  2. User Interaction: Users interact KYC-free with DEX223's smart contracts directly from their wallets, connecting seamlessly to access exchange features. They choose whether to trade with ERC-223 or ERC-20 token standards, empowering them with flexibility and autonomy in their trading experience.
  3. Encapsulated Margin Trading: On DEX223, users can create lending orders with custom terms. Lenders set interest rates, deadlines, permitted markets, required collateral, and deposit funds. Borrowers access funds by providing collateral, and trading within defined markets. Liquidation mechanisms maintain balance integrity, while lenders manage risk through competitive interest rates.
  4. Transparent Auto-Listing: Here, users control listings, selecting from default,, or auto-listing contracts. This user-centric approach allows token devs to list without centralized control, catering to beginners and seasoned traders seeking high-risk, high-reward options.
  5. Order Placement: Users can buy or sell orders directly through the smart contract. These orders are recorded on the blockchain and are publicly visible.
  6. Order Matching: When a buy and sell order match, the smart contract automatically executes the trade. This process is trustless, as the smart contract ensures that both parties receive their tokens per the agreed-upon terms.
  7. Trade Settlement: Once the trade is executed, the tokens are swapped directly between the users' wallets via the smart contract. The smart contract also handles the exchange of funds, ensuring a secure and transparent process.
  8. Withdrawal: After the trade is completed, users can withdraw their tokens from the smart contract back to their wallets. This ensures that users have full control over their funds at all times.
In the bustling realm of decentralized exchanges, DEX223 stands as a beacon of reliability and innovation. Imagine it as a well-coordinated orchestra, where every instrument plays its part harmoniously, ensuring seamless trading for all.
Navigating DEX223 is akin to sailing on tranquil seas—you're effortlessly guided by intuitive tools and interfaces, making each trade a breeze and opening doors to new financial opportunities. Supported by a vibrant community and multi-language assistance, you're never alone on your journey to decentralized prosperity.
Moreover, security is paramount here, akin to a sturdy fortress shielding your assets from the turbulent waters of online threats, ensuring your peace of mind as you engage in decentralized trading.
So, seize the opportunity to be part of the revolution with DEX223. Don't miss your chance to influence the future of finance. Dive into our ongoing ICO token sale on, and embark on your journey toward decentralized prosperity.
submitted by BCScalingScout1 to CryptoMars [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 16:43 VictorLyon001 1-Stream’s Take on HLS and MPEG-TS 📡📺

1-Stream’s Take on HLS and MPEG-TS 📡📺
[info] Greetings Redditors,
In today's world of on-demand content and live events, IPTV providers need reliable, efficient ways to deliver high-quality video to audiences globally. The core technologies behind this delivery are HLS and MPEG-TS, each with specific strengths and applications within modern broadcasting.
HLS (HTTP Live Streaming)
🌐 The Adaptive Streaming Protocol: HLS breaks down a video stream into small, downloadable MP4 segments, typically around 10 seconds long. The video player can request different quality versions of these segments based on the viewer's internet connection. This ensures a smooth, buffer-free experience even if their bandwidth fluctuates.
🍏 Apple's Standard, Now Universal: Developed by Apple, HLS enjoys near-universal support across devices–smartphones, tablets, TVs, and more. This makes it ideal for providers aiming for the widest possible device compatibility.
🔄 Tradeoffs: The downside of HLS is inherent latency (delay) of around 10-30 seconds, introduced by the segmentation process. This makes it less suitable for real-time applications like interactive live events where instant reactions are critical.
👍 Best Suited For HLS Streaming: Nearly every application is suited for HLS streaming based on the wide support for the protocol. It is especially useful for applications that demand a high-quality video stream. While latency is still a consideration when choosing HLS, new updates to the protocol are making latency lower every year.
📉 To receive the widest video distribution possible, you should also consider delivering content in formats other than HLS to ensure all users can access the content. However, this is generally limited to Internet Explorer 10 and earlier, as all other major devices and web browsers support HLS natively.
MPEG-TS (MPEG Transport Stream)
📡 The Broadcast Workhorse: MPEG-TS is the traditional format of choice for broadcast television, and much IPTV distribution still relies on it. It combines audio, video, and metadata (subtitles, program information, etc.) into a single stream optimized for reliable transmission.
🔧 Error Correction: MPEG-TS offers built-in error correction, ensuring that minor signal disruptions don't significantly degrade the viewer's experience. This resilience is crucial in large-scale distribution networks.
⚖️ Considerations : MPEG-TS doesn't offer the adaptive bitrate flexibility of HLS, meaning viewers may experience buffering if their connection can't handle the stream's full quality. With the widespread adoption of HLS and its superior adaptive streaming capabilities, the usage of MPEG-TS is diminishing over time.
📚 History: MPEG stands for Moving Picture Experts Group which was a company founded in 1988 that specialized in video streaming stuff and later joined with Adobe. TS, on the other hand, stands for Transport Stream. This format can provide audio, video, and metadata like subtitles, EPG, or a different form of data to lock the stream. MPEG has an error correction feature to keep the integrity of the video whenever the signal is low.
Choosing the Right Technology for Your IPTV Service
The optimal choice between HLS and MPEG-TS depends on your priorities and audience needs :
  • 👥 Maximum Compatibility & Buffer-Free Viewing: HLS excels here, particularly when viewers are likely to have varying internet speeds.
  • ⏱️ Low-Latency/Real-Time Applications: MPEG-TS is the way to go for services like live sports or interactive events, where immediate feedback is essential.
  • 📺 Traditional Broadcast Distribution: Many legacy TV systems are built on MPEG-TS infrastructure, making it a necessary format to work with for many providers.
Adaptive Transcoding with 1-Stream for Live Channels
1-Stream offers powerful adaptive transcoding capabilities specifically designed for live channel streaming. With our solution, you can broadcast a single live source stream, and our platform transcodes it in real time into various versions at different resolutions and bitrates.
This approach provides several benefits:
  • 💻 Optimized Bandwidth Usage: Utilize your network resources efficiently by dynamically adjusting stream quality based on individual viewer connection speeds. Prevent unnecessary consumption of bandwidth.
  • 🔄 Flexibility and Efficiency: Cater to a wider audience with varying internet capabilities by delivering the optimal stream quality for each viewer, ensuring a smooth experience.
  • 🎬 Simplified Workflow: Focus on broadcasting your live channels, and let 1-stream handle the technical complexities of multi-bitrate delivery.
Choosing the Right Delivery Format:
  • 🌐 HLS (.m3u8 extension): This format is ideal for live channels where adaptive delivery is crucial to prevent buffering for viewers with different internet speeds. 1-stream automatically generates the HLS playlist with references to the appropriate adaptive bitrate versions.
  • 📡 MPEG-TS (.ts extension): If the content is requested with a .ts extension, 1-stream delivers the first generated stream (typically the highest quality) from the live transcoding pipeline. This ensures compatibility with existing systems that may only support MPEG-TS.
While both HLS and MPEG-TS serve the purpose of streaming media content, they differ in their approach to delivery. HLS employs adaptive streaming, dynamically adjusting the bitrate and quality of the media stream based on network conditions. In contrast, MPEG-TS delivers data at a standard rate, irrespective of the viewer's network environment. This results in a more consistent user experience with HLS, especially in scenarios with varying bandwidth.
1-Stream: Your All-in-One Solution
1-stream provides a powerful and flexible solution for IPTV providers. With support for both HLS and MPEG-TS output, real-time adaptive transcoding for live feeds, and easy content management, you can:
  • 📈 Offer an exceptional viewing experience: Deliver high-quality live video with minimal buffering for all your viewers, regardless of their internet connection.
  • 🌐 Optimize your network resources: Ensure smooth streaming for everyone without wasting bandwidth with unnecessarily high-bitrate feeds.
  • 🔮 Future-proof your platform: Stay adaptable as streaming technologies evolve and cater to diverse broadcast requirements.
Contact us to learn more about how 1-stream can empower your IPTV service! 🚀📺🌐
submitted by VictorLyon001 to 1_stream [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 16:34 squarecircle44 Top 3 cheats to get free Coins in Wall Kickers

Are you an avid player of Wall Kickers on Android and iOS, constantly on the lookout for ways to boost your coin stash without dipping into your wallet? Well, you're in luck! In this post, we're diving into some clever and entirely free methods to help you accumulate coins in Wall Kickers, ensuring you can keep enjoying the game with all the extra perks these coins can unlock.
Whether you're a seasoned jumper or just starting out, these tips are tailored to help you maximize your gameplay without spending a dime.

Online Generators - Unlimited Coins Hack for Android & iOS

One intriguing way to get free coins in Wall Kickers is through online coin generators. These tools are designed to provide players with a quick boost in coins, and while some might be wary, there are indeed a few reputable ones out there that do the job safely and efficiently.
For example, consider this online coin generator for Wall Kickers, compatible with both Android and iOS devices. It's garnered positive feedback from many players who have successfully enhanced their gaming experience without any security issues.
You can check it out here
Let's break down the benefits of using such a generator:
Using these tools can be a straightforward and effective way to enhance your gaming experience, giving you a leg up in Wall Kickers without the hassle of extensive playtime or financial investment. Just remember to always use such services wisely and choose verified generators to ensure your gaming account remains secure.

Utilize Gift Card Apps

Another great strategy for earning free coins in Wall Kickers is through gift card apps. These apps reward you with gift cards for completing various tasks, such as answering surveys, watching videos, or shopping. You can then use these gift cards to purchase coins in the game. Here are a few legitimate gift card apps that you might want to check out:
These apps not only help you earn free coins but also make your daily routine a bit more rewarding!

Contact the Game Developers

Sometimes, directly engaging with the developers of Wall Kickers can lead to free coins. Game developers often appreciate feedback on their games and may reward helpful and constructive feedback with in-game currency. Here’s how you can go about it:
  1. Provide valuable feedback: Reach out via the game’s official social media channels or through their support email with insightful feedback or suggestions. Make sure your feedback is constructive and useful.
  2. Participate in community events: Keep an eye on Wall Kickers’ social media pages for community events or contests. Developers often host these events with the chance to win free coins and other rewards.
  3. Beta testing: Occasionally, developers need beta testers for new updates or features. Volunteering as a beta tester can not only give you early access to cool new content but also reward you with coins.
Engaging with the developers not only helps improve the game but can also be personally rewarding.
To sum it up, getting free coins in Wall Kickers is totally possible if you know where to look! From using online coin generators and taking advantage of gift card apps to engaging directly with the game developers, these strategies can help you enhance your gaming experience without breaking the bank.
Give these tips a try, and see how much more enjoyable your gameplay can be with a few extra coins in your pocket. Happy gaming!
submitted by squarecircle44 to technologywizard [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 16:27 A5H442 Review of heart pt. 6 and it’s context and future in the beef

Sorry but this is going to be a long ass essay post ☠️☠️☠️ I haven’t slept and am yapping
Overall, a weak defence and weak diss track but maybe not 100% trash as ppl make it out to be. It has some gd qualities but it is ultimately damage control, poorly executed and an attempt to get the last word in when the battle is already likely lost. Or at least seems lost for Drake, judging by what he said in the end monologue and just overall public perception of Kendrick being on top and poor reception of the heart pt.6.
Before we move on, yes, I do have a kendrick bias. The man is my goat 🐐 Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong about anything on the track.
Good things about the track first,
I didn’t like it being brought up due to intentional lack of context but it was good for drake to mention this and paint Kendrick as a hypocrite I guess. Correct me if I’m wrong I don’t think it was kdot himself but Punch who did this although I think XXXtentacion may have thanked kdot in a similar situation. (I don’t remember properly tbh)
The bad things… Summarised - the entire approach was terrible and the majority of the angles used were either bad and/or poorly executed, especially how he tries to dismiss PDF allegations.
He does this by saying that the 11yr old daughter thing was intentionally leaked misinformation. But there’s reasons this isn’t really working for Drake. Before I say more, I want to say that I don’t think Drake actually has an 11yr old daughter but I don’t think Drake intentionally leaked this info. I think kendrick was just misinformed by a bad source - nothing more. Regardless, the idea of an intentional leak isn’t a good look for Drake. It’s not the chess move he makes it out to be. reason is that if it was true, it proves Kendrick’s claim of him being fake, an actor and master manipulator and why is he focusing on this as a chess move instead of the Drizzler accusations??!! A major reason why it doesn’t work is that why would he spread a lie about himself that reminds people about him being a deadbeat and furthers his deadbeat reputation. Why not lie about something else (and make it more believable)? Why give that lie to a talented writer like Kendrick and let him run with that lie and use it for two whole days in a story of Adidon sequel that shatters the whole public perception of him winning the rap beef. Why would he let that track marinate for two days, instead of saying he had intentionally leaked the daughter info right after Meet the Grahams? He wouldn’t even have had to drop a whole response track to say it. He could have just posted an IG story saying that he did that. Instead he just straight denied it via his IG story with no evidence and waited two days to reveal he intentionally leaked with no evidence to back up the leak. To the public, due to the time taken, it either seems Drake is lying about intentional leaks (and is crowdsourcing inspiration from his own fans on social media because they were making theories about leaks) or either he looks incompetent if he is telling the truth. Bcos why would he have no evidence about a planned leak especially if he is asking kendrick to pull up with receipts and why would he take two whole days to reveal the planned leak like it was some master war general move.
We all know Drake is capable of releasing tracks quickly and Heart part 6 seems to be written after Not Like Us. So why would he respond so late especially after Kendrick dropped a club bop that hammered Drake down (no drizzy). Overall, this rebuttal is either a bad lie or a bad truth but it’s shitty damage control either way
The domestic violence seems to also be a desperate claim and is covered by the breakfast club interview where kdot addresses it. Also, I think the initial story remains unverified (Correct me if I’m wrong). Why talk about Kendrick and the mother of his children being potentially distant/ legally separated as if it’s a bad thing? Lots of couples are separated and it’s very normalised. If it is a bad thing, what does that say about Drakes own parents? Why mock Kendrick for not being close to his partner and mother of his children, especially considering the situation with Adonis m? I feel like Drake uses very shallow things to jump to conclusion which makes it seem like he’s lying, why does Dave free liking a post and leaving a comment, mean he is fathering a child and why does a non-follow mean a couple is split? Drake just seems too chronically online if this is his thought process but hey idk
He shouldn’t have intentionally lied about Kendrick being touched instead of his mother and should’ve approached it with a different calm tone, (almost like a therapist exactly like kendrick occasionally does in his songs), pointing out Kendricks failing to his mother in using pedophilia as a serious smear against him with little evidence. A commercial rapper kicking knowledge to a conscious rapper and flipping the script like that in a calm tone would probably be pretty disrespectful and well received due to valid criticism. That being said, Drake just doesn’t know how to use his range to accomplish that and probably doesn’t care - he just went for what he thought would be most disrespectful and didn’t think that the subject matter would blow up in his face like it did. Also, I think he underestimated how strong the PDF label on him was and how sinister normal people find PDF allegations on celebs and how intense the shock factor of Meet the Grahams 2nd verse was to the listener.
The fame shield was pretty funny because it honestly shows how some peoples minds become so far removed from reality and how they think other ppl perceive society as opposed to themselves when they get some fame and live a certain lifestyle. What do you mean you’re too famous to be a pedophile Drake??? Why did he think that would be well received? I’ll try not to say too much about this because its so obvious and you all would understand if you heard what he said and have common knowledge about MJ going to a trial (when he was probs the most famous man in the world) and the decades of freedom, fame and acclaim certified PDF celebs have had (R Kelly, Saville, Polanski, Epstein, etc.). Also talking about himself and how much he isn’t a pdf just makes him look like a pdf. Did no one in the OVO sweatshop say anything? Or were they worried that if anyone said anything wrong, they’d be banished to the studio basement and chained to a workbench eternally cooking up hits like Jesse was in the last episodes of breaking bad?
In Drake’s defense, I would kinda somewhat understand this idea if Drake, being as big as he is, was absolutely 100% squeaky clean in terms of rep and had no “smoke/fire” in terms of speculation/rumours about being a dodgy ped. But that isn’t the case. There have been rumours/speculation about Drake for years about him being dodgy with minors. Is there any solid evidence of him being a PDF? No, no smoking gun so it’s hard to say he is a PDF but there are a lot of rumours and speculation nonetheless. We’ve seen him in relationships with questionable age gaps and we’ve seen him kiss teenagers on stage and make weird comments about their body when finding out they’re a teenager. He also think it’s normal to be an adult and go out of his way to slide into the dms of a teenage girl and start being weirdly friendly and giving them advice about boys and relationships. He chose the wrong angle to defend against the claim. Since the claim was thrown with little evidence from Kendrick himself, Drake should’ve been able to better defend against it, but man did he fumble.
Right now, Kendrick is still up but he might still respond for the sake of a wider victory and letting the stock (5+5 or whatever) off, just to finish Drake and make sure he doesn’t maintain commercial success, like he did after story of Adidon. Alternatively, Drake could drop again and a lot harder, forcing Kendrick to reply. Also, narratives can easily change on social media, forcing another drop from anybody. But I haven’t slept so maybe I’m just rambling and overthinking stuff. Let me know what you think
submitted by A5H442 to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 16:23 CardLego Do not transfer your UR to Southwest

TL;DR: Transferring UR to Southwest is very poor value unless there is a promotion for point redemption. If you fly Southwest, buy their gift card from wholesale clubs instead.
I recently earned the companion pass and had to book some Southwest flights. Made the mistake of transferring 30k+ points to Southwest and found out it is not a good way to get value out of the points. Sharing my mistake so you don't have to make them.
Let's get some assumption out of the way because people will point them out:
  • Costco / Sam's Club membership is not free. I am not going to factor in a $60 membership fee into the calculation because many people have other use for the membership. But if you do not then the math will be different.
Taking non-stop flights from DEN to MDW as an example:
  • ( 241 - 5.6 ) ÷ 17740 = 1.33 cpp
  • ( 180 - 5.6 ) ÷ 12731 = 1.37 cpp
On paper, the points are worth ~1.35 cents per point, which is higher than the CSP redemption rate on the portal (1.25 cpp).
But a recent gift card sale on Costco/Sam's Club made me reconsider. The clubs sold $500 Southwest gift card for $420. That is 16% off for cash prices. (Normal price is $450, and the sale price of $430 happens a few times a year)
  • ( 241 - 5.6 ) × 0.84 ÷ 17740 = 1.11 cpp
  • ( 180 - 5.6 ) × 0.84 ÷ 12731 = 1.15 cpp
Now what people forget is you earn points on cash fare but not point redemption. $241 buys you the flight plus 1261 points. Those points should be added as the cost to point redemption because you lose the opportunity to earn them.
  • ( 241 - 5.6 ) × 0.84 ÷ ( 17740 + 1261 ) = 1.04 cpp
  • ( 180 - 5.6 ) × 0.84 ÷ ( 12731 + 921 ) = 1.07 cpp
At last, a good cashback setup like the BoA CCR with Plat Honors will land you 5.25% on Costco online purchases. If you don't have a BoA setup, Chase Freedom/Flex may also have 1 quarter of 5% wholesale club per year when you can buy Costco gift cards. If we factor in 5% earning on cash purchase (if you're Costco Executive you get another 2%, but that cost extra $$).
  • ( 241 - 5.6 ) × 0.84 × 0.95 ÷ ( 17740 + 1261 ) = 0.99 cpp
  • ( 180 - 5.6 ) × 0.84 × 0.95 ÷ ( 12731 + 921 ) = 1.02 cpp
In short, redeeming your UR for Southwest points would have been 1 cent per point value if you bought the gift cards at $420 with a 5% cashback card. Even if you didn't catch the $420 sale and can only buy it at the more common $430 price, it would only be another 0.02 cpp higher. It is so close to 1 cpp that it should be considered poor value compared to other redemption options such as Hyatt.
submitted by CardLego to CreditCards [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 16:03 Alternative-Cell1564 How Can a Cab Service Make Your Day Easy?

How Can a Cab Service Make Your Day Easy?
In today's fast-paced world, convenience is key, and finding efficient solutions to everyday tasks can make a significant difference in our lives. Whether you're commuting to work, running errands, or exploring a new city, transportation plays a crucial role in shaping your daily routine. This is where a reliable cab service can come to the rescue, offering convenience, comfort, and peace of mind as you navigate your day. In this blog, we'll explore how a cab service can make your life easier in a variety of ways, from saving time and reducing stress to enhancing flexibility and accessibility.

1. Saving Time

One of the most significant advantages of using a cab service is the time-saving convenience it offers. Instead of waiting for public transportation or dealing with the hassle of driving and parking, you can simply book a cab with the tap of a button and have it arrive at your doorstep within minutes. This means no more wasted time waiting at bus stops or circling the block in search of parking spots – with a cab service, you can maximize your productivity and make the most of every minute of your day.

2. Reducing Stress

Navigating through traffic and dealing with road congestion can be a major source of stress for many people. By opting for a cab service, you can leave the driving to the professionals and relax in the comfort of a spacious and well-maintained vehicle. Whether you're heading to a crucial meeting, catching a flight, or simply trying to get home after a long day, knowing that you have a reliable driver at the wheel can help alleviate stress and anxiety, allowing you to arrive at your destination feeling calm and collected.

3. Enhancing Safety

Safety is paramount when it comes to transportation, and a reputable cab service prioritizes the well-being of its passengers above all else. Professional cab drivers undergo rigorous training and background checks to ensure that they are skilled, knowledgeable, and trustworthy behind the wheel. Additionally, cab companies adhere to strict safety protocols and vehicle maintenance standards to minimize the risk of accidents and ensure the safety of their passengers at all times. When you choose a cab service, you can rest assured that you're in good hands and that your safety is their top priority.

4. Offering Flexibility

Life is unpredictable, and plans can change at a moment's notice. Whether you need to make a last-minute trip across town or adjust your travel itinerary on the fly, a cab service offers the flexibility you need to adapt to changing circumstances with ease. With round-the-clock availability and on-demand service, you can book a cab whenever and wherever you need it, allowing you to maintain control over your schedule and make spontaneous decisions without any hassle or inconvenience.

5. Providing Accessibility

For individuals with mobility challenges or special transportation needs, finding accessible and reliable transportation options can be a major concern. Fortunately, many cab services offer accessible vehicles equipped with features such as wheelchair ramps, spacious interiors, and assistance devices to accommodate passengers with disabilities and ensure their comfort and safety during transit. With accessible cab services readily available, individuals with mobility limitations can enjoy greater independence and freedom to travel wherever their heart desires.

6. Facilitating Convenience

In today's digital age, convenience is key, and cab services leverage technology to streamline the booking process and enhance the overall customer experience. With user-friendly mobile apps and online booking platforms, you can book a cab with just a few taps on your smartphone or computer, eliminating the need to make phone calls or visit physical locations. Additionally, cab apps often allow you to track your ride in real-time, view estimated arrival times, and pay for your fare electronically, providing added convenience and peace of mind throughout your journey.

7. Supporting Sustainability

In an era of growing environmental awareness, sustainable transportation options are becoming increasingly important. By choosing a cab service, you can contribute to sustainability efforts by reducing your carbon footprint and minimizing the environmental impact of your travels. Many cab companies are investing in eco-friendly vehicles and adopting green practices such as vehicle sharing, route optimization, and fuel-efficient driving techniques to promote sustainability and protect the planet for future generations.

8. Offering Affordability

Contrary to popular belief, cab services can be an affordable transportation option, especially when compared to the costs associated with owning and maintaining a personal vehicle. With competitive pricing, transparent fare structures, and no hidden fees, cab services offer cost-effective solutions for individuals and families looking to save money on transportation expenses. Additionally, by pooling resources with others through ride-sharing services, you can further reduce costs and split the fare, making cab services a budget-friendly choice for travelers of all budgets.

9. Providing Local Knowledge

Whether you're a visitor exploring a new city or a local resident navigating unfamiliar neighborhoods, having access to local knowledge can enhance your travel experience and help you discover hidden gems and off-the-beaten-path attractions. Cab drivers are often well-versed in the local area and can provide valuable insights, recommendations, and insider tips to help you make the most of your journey. From the best restaurants and entertainment venues to shortcuts and scenic routes, cab drivers can serve as invaluable guides, enriching your travel experience and creating memorable moments along the way.

10. Offering 24/7 Availability

Life doesn't adhere to a 9-to-5 schedule, and neither should your transportation options. Whether it's an early morning flight, a late-night party, or an emergeHow Can a Cab Service Make Your Day Easy?ncy situation, a cab service offers 24/7 availability to accommodate your transportation needs anytime, anywhere. With round-the-clock service and quick response times, you can book a cab whenever the need arises, providing peace of mind and assurance that you'll always have reliable transportation at your fingertips, day or night.

Conclusion: Simplify Your Day with a Cab Service

In conclusion, a reliable taxi service in Jodhpur can be a game-changer in simplifying your daily routine and enhancing your overall quality of life. With time-saving convenience, stress reduction, enhanced safety, flexibility, accessibility, and sustainability, taxi services offer a comprehensive solution to your transportation needs. Whether you're commuting to work, running errands, or exploring the city, a trusted Taxi service in Jodhpur provides a hassle-free and reliable mode of transportation that allows you to navigate your day with ease and confidence. So, the next time you need to get around town, consider the convenience and peace of mind offered by a taxi service in Jodhpur, and make your day a little bit easier.
submitted by Alternative-Cell1564 to u/Alternative-Cell1564 [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 15:33 EARTHB-24 Economics, Economies & The Issues

Economics is a dynamic field that seeks to understand and analyze the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services in society. Economists utilize theories and models as essential tools to explore and explain complex economic issues. This article delves into the role of theories and models in economics and how they contribute to our understanding of economic phenomena.
The Role of Economic Theories:
Economic theories provide frameworks for interpreting and explaining real-world economic phenomena. These theories are based on assumptions about human behavior, market dynamics, and institutional arrangements. Key economic theories include:
  1. Classical Economics: Originating in the 18th century, classical economics focuses on principles such as free markets, supply and demand, and the role of self-interest in driving economic activity. Classical economists like Adam Smith and David Ricardo laid the foundation for modern economic thought.
  2. Keynesian Economics: Developed in the 20th century by John Maynard Keynes, Keynesian economics emphasizes the role of government intervention in stabilizing the economy through fiscal and monetary policies. Keynesian theory advocates for counter-cyclical policies to mitigate economic fluctuations and promote full employment.
  3. Neoclassical Economics: Neoclassical economics builds upon classical principles but introduces new concepts such as utility maximization, marginal analysis, and market efficiency. Neoclassical economists focus on the behavior of individuals and firms in optimizing their choices given constraints and incentives.
  4. Behavioral Economics: Behavioral economics integrates insights from psychology and sociology to understand how cognitive biases and social influences affect economic decision-making. Behavioral economists like Daniel Kahneman and Richard Thaler challenge traditional assumptions of rationality and perfect information.
The Role of Economic Models:
Economic models are simplified representations of reality that capture the essential features of economic relationships and interactions. These models use mathematical equations, graphs, and diagrams to illustrate economic concepts and analyze the implications of different scenarios. Key economic models include:
  1. Supply and Demand Model: The supply and demand model is a fundamental tool in economics for analyzing market equilibrium, price determination, and the effects of changes in supply, demand, and other factors. This model illustrates how prices adjust to balance supply and demand in competitive markets.
  2. Production Possibility Frontier (PPF): The PPF model illustrates the trade-offs between producing two goods given limited resources and technology. It demonstrates the concept of opportunity cost and efficiency in resource allocation.
  3. Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply Model: The AD-AS model is used in macroeconomics to analyze the determinants of aggregate demand and aggregate supply in the economy and their effects on output, employment, and inflation. This model helps policymakers understand the business cycle and formulate macroeconomic policies.
  4. IS-LM Model: The IS-LM model, developed by John Hicks and Alvin Hansen, analyzes the interaction between investment-savings (IS) and liquidity-money (LM) markets to determine equilibrium interest rates and output levels in the economy. It provides insights into the effectiveness of monetary and fiscal policies in stabilizing the economy.
Economic theories and models serve as essential tools for economists to understand, analyze, and predict economic phenomena. By providing frameworks for interpretation and simplifying complex relationships, theories and models help economists identify patterns, test hypotheses, and inform policy decisions. While no theory or model can fully capture the intricacies of the real world, their application enables economists to make meaningful contributions to our understanding of economic issues and guide policymakers in addressing challenges and promoting economic well-being.
submitted by EARTHB-24 to growthman [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 15:25 deannews-net Lova Crypto: Don't engage with this Forex broker

Lova Crypto: Don't engage with this Forex broker
Lova Crypto scam Forex trader
There are more and more unscrupulous brokers every day, and Forex broker Lova Crypto is one of them. This company is not suitable for cooperation, as here they simply cheat clients, swindle money and transfer data to third parties. There are no documents, plus there are a number of signs indicating fraud. According to the reviews about Lova Crypto, no compensation is provided. Their site has a meager set of tools, calls from hidden numbers are practiced, training is paid. Apart from empty promises there is nothing interesting.

What indicates that Forex broker Lova Crypto is a scam?

The company has no documents, and the reviews are negative. Training is paid, there are additional services, limit on payouts and use of strategies. Lova Crypto is a scam who charges arbitrary commissions, transfers data to third parties, promises instant profits. There is no information about risks on their site, and the website is made on a standard template. Plus, there are advertisements, third-party links. The company does not fulfill its obligations, does not follow the user agreement, and is not controlled by financial authorities. Forex broker Lova Crypto calls from hidden numbers, makes up false success stories, blocks access to accounts, automatically closes trades. There are no normal payment systems, which also indicates that Lova Crypto is a fraud. The support service does not work, the interests of clients are not protected in any way.

Basic information about Forex broker Lova Crypto

The company only pretends to be reliable, but in reality it is not. There are no licenses, no documents indicating the legality of its activities. Lova Crypto is a fraud and it does not pass audits, does not publish financial statements. There is no regulatory oversight. Website is made on a standard template, technical errors constantly occur, and pages load slowly. The domain name is registered relatively recently, although the broker says that it has been providing services for several years. Lova Crypto is a scam, so it is better not to open an account here, otherwise you will just waste money, time and nerves.

Registration and review of the personal cabinet of Forex broker Lova Crypto

The functionality is limited, the free number of instruments too. If you want to have access to fundamental analysis, then you have to pay. In reviews about Lova Crypto they wrote that the broker’s personal cabinet is inconvenient, ill-conceived, not logical. Plus, it does not display the history of trading operations. Registration is simplified. Clients are required to provide a minimal set of information to open an account. Verification is also insufficient, which contributes to data leakage. Forex broker Lova Crypto does not ask to create complex passwords, which only increases the probability of unauthorized access to the account. The company does not use encryption and resells data to third parties.

Lova Crypto website

Terms of work with Forex broker Lova Crypto

You can’t get familiar with the user agreement, and commissions are not spelled out anywhere. All fees are charged arbitrarily. There are too many false promises, third-party links on the website Leverage is provided on unfavorable terms. Lova Crypto is a fraud who is limiting clients in strategies, payouts, as well as in the use of tools. This is what the broker lures you with:
  • profit from the first trade (for Forex broker Lova Crypto this is a normal practice, and this is how you start to get acquainted with the company);
  • unbelievable commissions;
  • risk-free trading (on the website there is no information anywhere that traders can suffer potential losses);
  • expert advice;
  • courses.
Lova Crypto is scam, preventing you from getting what you earn. There is no compliance with standards and regulations and no regulatory oversight here.

Types of Forex broker Lova Crypto trading accounts

It is impossible to get acquainted with the detailed list of tariffs, as it is not presented anywhere, as well as information about commissions, fees, refund methods. The website has a lot of advertisements and third-party links, so you need to spend a lot of time to find clear data about the types of accounts. Thus, the broker can open standard, professional, ECN and VIP accounts. In reviews about Lova Crypto it was written that they differ only in the size of the initial deposit.

Trading platforms at Forex broker Lova Crypto

No one will suggest you using normal terminals, as the company has its own vision of the trading process. Lova Crypto website has links for downloading MetaTrader 4 and 5, but these are copies that lead to losses. The tools and functionality are limited, quotes do not correspond to reality.

How is the process of account replenishment and refund at Forex broker Lova Crypto?

The company offers to use unknown payment systems, as well as to make transfers via employee cards. Forex broker Lova Crypto does not protect traders’ data during transactions, as it does not use special encryption, which means that anyone can get hold of it. Plus, there are additional commissions and fees, which, of course, no one informs you about. As for the return, everything is complicated and confusing. The process is organized in such a way that the client eventually refuses, because time and nerves are more expensive. In reviews about you can read that money does not come to anyone, as the broker simply does not provide payouts.

Verification of Forex broker Lova Crypto

The procedure is as simplified as possible, there are no strict requirements for documents. The company does not ask you to confirm your identity by uploading a passport photo or driver’s license. Lova Crypto is a scam, so it does not offer to set two-factor authentication for access to accounts. Transactions are not verified in any way, and in some cases, re-verification is performed to “clarify” some details. Such a simplified procedure facilitates data theft, as fraudsters can easily create multiple accounts using customer information.

Additional services of Forex broker Lova Crypto

In addition to promises of instant earnings from the first trade, the company imposes automated trading, as well as various tools that can only be used to earn a negative balance. Additional services of Forex broker Lova Crypto include:
  • trading signals designed for “selected users”;
  • personal consulting with financial analysts or “experienced” traders;
  • paid courses, after which you can earn several thousand dollars at once;
  • protection against negative balance (of course, Forex broker Lova Crypto requires a certain fee for using the function).
Also, the company offers a subscription to a “unique” newsletter and access to economic news.

Reviews about Forex broker Lova Crypto

There are a lot of negative comments on the Internet, indicating that the company should not be trusted. There are complaints about non-return of funds, manipulation of trading operations, unprofessional behavior. Lova Crypto is a fraud, and the presence of negative reviews is proof of that.

Conclusions about Forex broker Lova Crypto

Given the available information, low rating, and negative reviews, this company cannot be recommended as a reliable partner. The company operates without licenses, charges additional commissions, and is not controlled by the regulator.
Lova Crypto is a fraud, which is silent about risks, calls from hidden numbers, runs aggressive advertising in the network. You won’t be able to make money with it, as the broker prevents it in every possible way.


Question: How does the broker protect clients’ data? Answer: It doesn’t. The company actively transfers personal information to third parties.
Question: What should I do if trades are constantly closed automatically? Answer: Open an account with a normal, licensed company where you can really make money.
Question: What to do if the broker does not provide payouts? Answer: Ideally, you should contact the support service to solve the problem. But the broker does not have a working one, and since he is a scammer, it is impossible to get money.
Question: How can I check the broker’s license? Answer: They should be on the website of the company or regulator. But, in this case, such documents are simply absent.
submitted by deannews-net to u/deannews-net [link] [comments]